The Sevan Podcast - #380 - Stories from Odessa, Ukraine with Yevhenni pt. 7

Episode Date: April 26, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman and the Sea, now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea.
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Starting point is 00:00:53 Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Bam, we're live. We're live. Bam, we're live. Caleb, Evgeny, Sevan.
Starting point is 00:01:13 You're in a country that's in the middle of a war. Oh, you think it's middle already, yes? Oh, good point. Good point. So two months more we must see. I guess not. It's just nuts.
Starting point is 00:01:27 I guess it's not in relationship to time. We don't know. But it's just crazy. Once again, here I am. I'm sitting in a kitchen near the beach. And you're sitting in the kitchen in a war. Yeah, it's first time we're meeting in the daylight. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Thank you for doing this. It's 7 a.m. there. What time is it there? It's 5 p.m. Oh, good. I wonder if your mood's going to be different. You always have a good mood, by the way. You always have a good mood, but with the sun, maybe it'll even be different. Of course. In the daylight, of course, it's Sunday today. You know know we have a big holiday in Ukraine now oh what's the holiday it's the Easter days we celebrate Easter on this day people go to church to consecrate Easter bread it's like holiday bread, yes. And we gather with relatives and friends and celebrate the resurrection of Christ.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Oh yeah, I was going to say that's what Easter is, right? He died and someone saw him raised from the wherever they buried him, they saw him ascend, right? Can we get a picture of that, Caleb? Ascending Jesus, yeah. Crazy. can we get a picture of that Caleb ascending Jesus yeah crazy
Starting point is 00:02:47 nuts and will they stop the fighting today or during Easter no you still gotta fight still gotta kill people yeah that's very interesting when first they killed people and then you see the photos
Starting point is 00:03:03 of Putin in the church and he's praying for everything's good this is like this sign you know yeah and by the way the press post photos with the Putin in the church
Starting point is 00:03:20 where he say good words yes and this is the photo from the last year so Putin Putin in the church, where he says good words, yes. And this is a photo from the last year. So Putin sitting in the bunker and don't want to show us. Yeah. Hey, can you type in Putin church and see what we get, Caleb? Is that what's happening?
Starting point is 00:03:37 Is he hidden? Is Putin hiding? Is he somewhere in a bunker? It looks like that. Is he somewhere in a bunker? It looks like that. All the people who work with that, yes, who look into this say about it. He is not in Moscow, yes.
Starting point is 00:04:04 And these are the photos from another record, yes, from last year. I read the article about it. Even though it says right there, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mayor Sergei Sobonyan, attend the Orthodox Easter service at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, Russia, April 23, 2022. That would have been yesterday, and what you're saying is is now and you can uh google uh the 21st year yes and there they are the such photos how old is putin how old is putin 60 or 70 69 69 already um i saw yesterday, I saw press saying that Zelensky said that, hey, we have no control over the war. This is all in Putin's hand. All he has to do is stop and it's over.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Of course. I watched this conference, yes, also. And he said that they do whatever they can do, yes, but the main actions, it's from other side. So we just protect our land and try to do something. And all these guys is thinking about rockets and other. Yeah. Hey, did I see correctly,
Starting point is 00:05:23 did Elon write a letter to the board at Twitter asking for them to reinstate Trump? Can you check to see if that's true? Yevgeny and it was the Nelk boys they're like some comedians here in the United States and they interviewed Trump and one of them said hey if you're friends with Putin why can't you just call him and tell him to stop fighting and I forget what he said you did read about it
Starting point is 00:05:56 yeah yeah I'm interested in Trump I see what he said so it's a good time yeah I forget what he said it must it's a good time. Yeah. I forget what he said. It must've not been that profound because it didn't stick with me. Um,
Starting point is 00:06:11 what are you, what, so, so you sent me some videos this morning. Is that, uh, that's Odessa. That's just a few miles from you where buildings are on fire and bombs are
Starting point is 00:06:19 hitting. Uh, that was yesterday. So it's, it's day that a day that turned out everything. What do you mean? We have a really calm situation in Odessa last week. what I lately I told you that the half of people in Odessa sitting home when they heard air alarm yes right so the last days we was like this also when we heard their alarm we just okay it's everything fine now And we can go to the corridor, yes, and the rule of two walls.
Starting point is 00:07:07 So if the missiles land, we know that outdoor wall destroyed and we have some protection. Yeah, it's what experts recommendation. Or if it's in the night, late night, and you have good sleep, so we just ignore it. Yeah. Yeah. And yesterday was...
Starting point is 00:07:29 You just hope you don't die. Yeah, we hope that everything is fine and the theory of probability is, and we will survive after that. But yesterday we're sitting at home and that was after 40 minutes like air alarm is start yes look at sorry evgeny look in this video smoke's coming out of both sides of the building it's after 10 minutes after explosion so the guy is coming just and uh take a video shot it's crazy okay sorry so yeah yeah yes and after 40 minutes uh we heard two explosions somewhere it's far away yes and we like oh it's it's not far from us we go to the two two walls so start to thinking about our safeness and after that after two
Starting point is 00:08:28 minutes it's another two explosions but near us it's not far from us and our windows was like like shaking yes yeah and this is what a joke we We go away with our things and think what's happening. And two more explosions, I think, that we heard, but actually it was 10 explosions. And after that, we started looking in Telegram, and people say that it's Odessa and it's the building with the people just the complex with the houses and they attack
Starting point is 00:09:14 just like every time a regular building and write about in their press they write that they destroyed the military object so basically
Starting point is 00:09:33 you're living in Odessa Ukraine and yesterday there were 10 missile strikes yeah it was 10 missile strikes but most of them was destroyed but our defense of Odessa. And there were four explosions.
Starting point is 00:09:52 One of the rockets. What happens to that building that was on fire? I'm going to ask you something so stupid. I'm so sorry. Does the fire department come and put that out? What happens? Is that still burning right now if you went outside with that building? No, no.
Starting point is 00:10:07 The fire stations work already, yes. And there was, after, hour after that, there was everything fine with the building. But the people dying, two cars is fire up. And already on the one minute so there were there are people in that building who died there were people in there right damn yeah there is 10 people who died in that in that one strike that building where the black smoke's just billowing out 10 people died nuts uh and is And is that a military? Is that a government building or something? Or no, it's just some random
Starting point is 00:10:47 apartment building? No, just apartments. Just people who live in Odessa. It's not the military structure or some government building. That could have been your house. Yeah. What's it say on the side of that building there? That TNPAC. What is that?
Starting point is 00:11:04 It's the name of the complex. It's the Trump Towers? That's Trump in Ukrainian? That's Trump Towers? Like this, yes. So I have like this on my building also. So there was two men who died in their car. They just fired up from the pieces
Starting point is 00:11:25 of rockets, yes, that came to the ground. Yes, and in these 10 people was a little baby, three months child, realized. Three months and
Starting point is 00:11:40 it's enough to live for Putin. Ay, ay, ay-yi-yi. Do they tell you why they're attacking Odessa? Does anyone say why they're doing it? They write about some military objects that they attacked. It's a regular Russian write about all the the building that they destroyed so that's a military object that's some infrastructure object so uh no civilians died just military um two days ago we
Starting point is 00:12:17 had uh armen surakian on he is a ufc fighter from russia he's armenian guy and i asked him why are you training in the United States? He said, because if you're in Russia training, you might not get out. And he said, getting traveling in and out of Russia is difficult. And I said, do the people believe the story that's being told them about the war in Russia? He said, no, no one believes the TV set there. I said, so does anyone know what's going on? He said, no, we don't know. But I think he did say that they were told it's not a war. The Russian people are being told it's not a war.
Starting point is 00:12:53 It's a special operation. Yeah, if I heard correctly. A missile strike on a building. I don't know. How far is Odessa from the Russian border? It's far, right border it's far right it's far yes yeah it seems
Starting point is 00:13:07 I mean at that point that's about as terrorist attack as you can be or you're at war I mean what was the special operation to attack that building it's not look like special operation of course no Russia
Starting point is 00:13:24 Russian people can't say war it's the world that they uh just to close for russian people if you say war uh you can go to the jail is crimea considered russia now yes now okay so in that respect it's close but other than that it's not close at all it's thousands of miles yeah it's only like this is all of uk respect it's close but other than that it's not close at all it's thousands of miles yeah it's only like this is all of ukraine it's on like the far western side and then russia's way the hell over there and you must know that uh not far from crimea it's the herson region and it's not it's now occupied but by russians so uh from crimea yes they go with the troops where is occupied now in ukraine show me that here's son region where the mariupol you can see
Starting point is 00:14:19 now yes her son is uh oh i saw it on the right side of the screen there. Mariupol. If you go back to that screen, I think I saw it on the right side there, Caleb. Yes. So they want to... When you say occupied, what do you mean? How many troops are there? It's the territory that's controlled by Russians. I don't know how much troops there, but they stay in there. They want to start a referendum there
Starting point is 00:14:47 to create the republic there, yes? Right. Like in Donbass and Lugansk. Wow. They really are going to try to take the Ukraine. Hey, didn't they flatten Mariupol? Pretty much, yeah. Please repeat.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Didn't the Russians flatten Mariupol? Isn't it pretty much, it's toast, right? Yes, Mariupol is destroyed totally, but now there is a plant, Azov Stal, yes, and there is 2,000 people underground and the Ukrainian troops.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And they sit in there and Russia staying and wait till these people dying from the hunger and now Zelensky tried to talk about green corridor for these people because this situation
Starting point is 00:15:59 without good decision they can do nothing but Russians staying and waiting without good decision. They can do nothing there. But Russians staying and waiting. So they attacking this Azovstal, but usually just waiting and see like people dying underground.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Yeah. So if I understand you correctly, basically Russia is trying to take Ukraine and Mariupol is going to be basically their home base. That's the first city they're taking. And from there, they're just going to spread and try to take the entire country and annex it and make it part of Russia. Five years from now, all of Ukraine might be called Russia. Probably.
Starting point is 00:16:40 Where is Zelensky? Do we know? In Kiev. He is. On yesterday's conference, he's sitting in the one of the station on the metro. Yeah, on the railway underground. Wow. Do you have any thoughts and predictions on what's going to happen? Now, every expert says that ukraine doing well and they try to hold all the east of the country yes to that position that they can and many cities on the east ukrainian troops is
Starting point is 00:17:30 cities on the east. Ukrainian troops are taken from Russians already. But it's the best situation about Mariupol because you can't just go there, kill Russians and free our people. This is a situation that must finish with diplomatic. But Russia don't want to do nothing, they just playing in their game and just wait, but you can see I saw the news about 40 kilometers
Starting point is 00:17:56 40 meters 4 kilometers cemetery near Mariupol for the graves that were done by Russians. If you remember Bucha, a thousand people were massacred. Now in Mariupol we can see 5 Buchas or 10 Buchas. It's a big city.
Starting point is 00:18:22 It's a much bigger city than Bucha. And the Russians stayed there for a long time. How are you doing? A few weeks ago we talked to you and there was a chance you were thinking about going to leave, escorting your girlfriend to leave. Do you have any plans now? Since then it seemed like you were kind of just holding tight. After yesterday's situation, we think much faster, yes. And I want to go home now to the north of Ukraine, yes, to see my parents and some friends.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And stay in there for a couple of weeks and see what what happened because because i think it's it's not the one event with the rockets in odessa so the provocations will continue and you don't know what the build what building will be next after that. So it's totally random. They don't want to hurt a military structure. They just do some terrorist stuff, and it's crazy. Do you see Ukrainian soldiers in the streets of Odessa? Yeah, not usually. But we see many policemen and
Starting point is 00:19:46 territory defense guys who stand. Militaries, it's tactical moves that they take the positions. Yes, it's bad for city in the war when troops
Starting point is 00:20:04 just look in the city. It's the provoc the city in the war when troops just look in the city. It's the provocation for Russians. You maybe don't forget about the Russian guys who just live in Odessa, yes, and give information for militaries. So it's a lot. Every day we read the news about new guys who was taken and who regularly send information and talking about the position of our military. So this is dangerous games, you know.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Why not go to Mariupol and just attack? Why not just bring the fight to them because of the citizens there? There is no way. There is not too much citizens, yes. I read about a big amount of people who go away, but they
Starting point is 00:20:57 they are talking about two hundreds of people who can be in Mariupol now. Right. Not thousands, just hundreds. No, hundreds of thousands who can be in Mariupol now. Right. Not thousands, just hundreds. No, hundreds of thousands. Oh, okay. Two hundreds of thousands. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:21:11 It's very big cities. Wow. Like Odessa. It's a city on the coast, of course, but not Black Sea. There is Azov Sea, yes. This is a big, big, strategical city also. This is a big, big, strategical city also. And what is bad is that from there, Russia can just take away passports and documents from the people and move there to Russia to work on some faraway territory.
Starting point is 00:21:45 And nobody knows where these people are. This is what they did for all the history. They take people from their place and move it to work on the territory where there are not too many people. Where the winter all the time, you know, Siberia. Siberian territory. Right. There are a lot of territory, really big territory. And they don't have money to do the good city there. Yes, good infrastructure.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Right. yes good infrastructure and historically they just move people there to say just try to live here yes and people right people move by us by theirs themselves so and zielinski yesterday say about 500 000 people who moved to russia yes and that ukrainians 500 000 ukrainians who moved to Russia. Yes. And that was... Ukrainians. 500,000 Ukrainians have moved to Russia. Yes. And that was not just people who, okay, I go to Russia. No, this is people who take away, stolen from Ukraine and go there. This is the first method. They sent people to these regions, yes, and there is a second part. They mobilized these guys, the Ukrainians, and said to them to go and kill the Ukrainians. So they mobilized their troops, yes, and. Yes, and say go and kill Ukrainians. In Russia or in Ukraine?
Starting point is 00:23:32 In Ukraine. In Ukraine. So let me see this, if I understand this correctly. 500,000 Ukrainians have been moved out of Ukraine by Russian forces and brought to, Ukraine by Russian forces and brought to and they're basically being taken to areas where that are underpopulated in Russia and saying okay this is now your new home like that and these people without documents so they grab all the all the documents and you just I don't know some contracts or something so it's it's like slavery yeah yeah yeah that's exactly you know this happened i'm sure it's happened all over the world but this happened in a dominican republic and you know they share an island over there with the country of haiti
Starting point is 00:24:20 and tons of haitians were taken and brought to Dominican Republic to work. I think a million. Man. Wow. So how do they do that? That's done with trains? How do you move that many people? With trains? I don't know. Aeroplanes maybe. Do you know anyone? Do you have any friends or relatives who've been taken to Russia?
Starting point is 00:24:46 I'm glad to say no. Good, yeah. Yeah. Wow. Holy shit. Have you, Yevgeny, have you had any breakdowns yet, you personally? Have you had just like what the fuck is going on and you start crying? Have you had any? I sit in yesterday and just like here the fuck is going on and you start crying have you had any i sit in yesterday and just like here you know yeah i don't know what to what to do next i'm literally i forget about
Starting point is 00:25:16 the that we must meet today yes and yesterday i'm sitting at five o'clock and thinking that we must start podcast that time. And then I'm just, okay, that happened. And, you know, it's one day you sit in a totally bad mood and don't want to do nothing. And next day you can have a good mood and go work. Now it's simple for me to be in good mood when i go to work because i have some schedule by classes and have some people so it's it's something that give you to fresh brief and when i talk to uh relax air yes, it's usually when I'm in classes, on outdoors, yes, or in the gym, I don't hear the air alarm just.
Starting point is 00:26:13 So I can go classes and just look on my phone, and there is a half of hour like air alarm already. So it's like a part of the life. You live in this. You live with the air alarms. You live with this news. You live with the explosions, yes, near your house. And this is so scary.
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Starting point is 00:28:28 like a man, I can't go to the border. You know? Right. So it's I can move just in country. Yeah. And not too much place now in country where you can be safe. So you're
Starting point is 00:28:43 talking to Lviv, yes, about Lviv, but Lviv now have such air alarms like in Odessa, yes. Lviv also have explosions time after time. And the reality
Starting point is 00:29:00 is that all the Ukraine now it's not very safe place but with this we have a lot of people from other countries yes diplomats and politicos who go to
Starting point is 00:29:15 Ukraine and like talking with Zelensky try to do something and to keep us motivated to don't be in in apathy and negative. Yeah, you're living in a country that another country is basically trying to take. I mean, that's the objective.
Starting point is 00:29:38 I mean, I don't know. The point... What does that even look like if Russia wins? Then it's just a bunch of Ukrainians living in Russia? I don't want to say anything about that, but what we see from the occupied territory, the troops just kill all the men, mostly of the men, yes. So it's just going to be a genocide.
Starting point is 00:30:02 It won't even be to occupy. They're just going to kill all the Ukrainian people. They rape women like animals, yes. So it's just to be a genocide. It won't believe in good life, but some life was Russia. You know what the main point from the last weeks for me? I was the guy who listened to Russian music, who are following Russian coaches, yes, because of their authority, yes, and some good points that I like them, yes. I've watched Russian bloggers for years, yes, and Russian movies is very bad, yes but what what the statement so i i was like a part of this propaganda for these years and uh i think about russian products like about the brothers products and this was my mistake in this i i and now also on my trainings in Odessa, I use Russian language because it's useful for most people in Odessa, yes?
Starting point is 00:31:31 And this is how it works by the years. I'm the guy who's 27 years old. And for these times, I really good know about Russian bloggers, about all this stuff, about the culture. But I realized that I know very little about Russian bloggers, about all this stuff, about the culture. But I realized that I know very little about Ukrainian stuff, you know, how it works. So now I try to delete everything Russians from my life and to start thinking different. Because if you move deeply in this question, so this is the points, if you remember, we're talking about the historical moments when they ban Ukrainian language, ban Ukrainian poets, artists, and Ukraine like nation, yes? Right, right. And nothing changed to this period.
Starting point is 00:32:23 So I look now more Ukrainian guys who are talking about that, yes. And if we look on the famous Russian movies that we also watching, yes, that we also remember from the childhood, yes. And if we looking on the portrait a Ukrainian in this movie, so every time they work in propaganda to talk about Ukrainians, like some stupid guy who is funny, who likes to drink alcohol, and just a little brother of a Russian. And this line you can watch by all the stuff that they produced. And I'm not building the theories. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:14 This is that we can talk with some Russian guy now. And he says that Ukrainian is stupid and they Nazi and all this stuff. Yes. he says that ukrainian is stupid and they nazi and other stuff that yes that that uh work on their side and other side so we must think that we is the bad nation that we is with russian yes and this is our destiny yes like this but it's a wrong wrong way and now i try to rebuild my views on on all this yes and don't be a part of uh all this crazy stuff but this is me i'm the uh from the generation who was born in the independent ukraine right it's just a couple years of independence is a really young country without some good points, without a good love system. It was with Russia's protection all the time, yes.
Starting point is 00:34:17 But if I talk with my father, who was born inviet union yes yeah who live who live in this propaganda who was the uh pioneer i don't know how it's called it's the uh organization for children yes okay that uh that was teached by the ideology of soviet Union, that was taught by the Stalin portrait on the room, that says that you must say if your friend is talking bad about the Soviet Union, something like that, yes? must know must say fully about the life of Stalin, of Lenin you must wake up in the night
Starting point is 00:35:12 and say in what year Stalin go to school and this that kind of stuff that just destroyed you like a human. So you become a part of the system
Starting point is 00:35:32 and like in Orwell's 1984, you know? So it's look the same. So that was the kind of thoughts that i leave last weeks um you're good and you know what now i'm going on youtube and uh there is a lot of videos from the bloggers that i watched from russia and i feel like like the drug drug addict so I must look I'm interested in this and I'm just okay delay this and don't think about it so it's very crazy stuff I wonder
Starting point is 00:36:13 I know there's a huge lesson there for Americans too we live with such brainwashed people here in the States and now you're having your understanding stuff that we could only imagine it's been years of that it's just years of propaganda yeah yeah yeah and you well and even you can just do it in 10 years 10 years of i mean look what tiktok's done to this
Starting point is 00:36:40 country to the united states it's it's a joke it's a joke i you know what i did you have getting this is a this is totally off subject this morning i went i went to a uh i got up at six in the morning and i went and got a cup of coffee and i got it from a bar do you know what a bar is where you drink alcohol yeah of course okay so it's i went to the bar to get a cup of coffee no one's there it's empty and the bartender is there and in in my i live um my house is 300 miles north of here where i'm at now and in my town i never see anyone with plastic surgery never never never never in this town i i think i i'm hard i all the women look different they don't look like my wife because they've all had plastic surgery it's just normal here i know what you're talking about it's just it's just it's crazy it's just like normal and i'm like and i asked the
Starting point is 00:37:40 bartender i said hey you've seen me come in here every day i'm like do you trip on the fact that my wife doesn't look like these women? He goes, yeah, she looks normal. She's like, we don't see a lot of those. So it's crazy. And think how quickly that could happen to a culture. And so what you're saying is that the Russians have basically, through propaganda, been belittling Ukrainians forever. They're the dumb ones.
Starting point is 00:38:03 They're the cute ones. They're the cute ones. The weak ones. I saw the view from your windows on the Instagram. And you're now on the coast, yes? Yeah. And Odessa also on the coast. So the women with the surgery that you're talking earlier, that's the kind of women that live in Odessa. talking earlier yeah yeah that's the kind of women that live in odessa so you can go on the streets and see this is a plastic women with a little a little doggie on their hands yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:38:32 and this is true they don't even look normal but but it is normal here but they all look like um they come from a batman movie they all look like the joker like some sort of yes they're wearing a mask it's a and and and they did it just for them not for for the men's men's don't like that so this is the culture that women like between them so no no uh no i don't think they wow that's interesting i thought that they did it because they thought it would get them more dick. I thought everyone's just trying to fuck so that they'd like do. Okay, you like women like that? No, it makes me a little uncomfortable to look at it. What do you say?
Starting point is 00:39:16 I agree. It looks uncomfortable. It just looks wrong. It makes me a little uncomfortable. Yeah. So they do this just just for for them it's like the the ticket ticket to their club you must keep it up yeah yeah yeah and so if people if people will do that i mean and it's a lot of work right you have to make an appointment you have to go somewhere
Starting point is 00:39:42 like i i don't even want like i don't even I don't even want to make an appointment to get a haircut. I don't even want to put on shoes. These people have to call someone and be like, hey, I'm coming in. Then they got to get in their car, and they got to drive down there, and then someone has to inject them. And it's literally like it's a surgery too. Some of those are like legit surgeries where you get put under and sleep, and then they cut open underneath your breasts, and then you have to like it's and it's like months of recovery and then you have to keep them in and then you can you can't do like certain things for a suspended period of time and they can there's so many complications that can come
Starting point is 00:40:15 along with it and they're just like yeah sure i just want to look that way and don't forget you can just brainwash a whole my point is that you can just brainwash a whole – my point is that you can just brainwash a whole group of people in no time at all. Did you ever watch that video with Yuri Bezmenov, like the really, really old interview? Yes. It's like an ex-KGB agent. Did you see that, Yevgeny? Mm-hmm. I'll send it to you.
Starting point is 00:40:39 But it's like a 13-minute long video talking about how – this was like back in like the 80s 20 yeah it's like 30 years he's a russian kgb agent and they're interviewing him go ahead yeah so he defected to the united states and now he's being interviewed on this news channel and they ask him like okay how do you undermine a country and it's exactly what you're talking about they start like adding propaganda they're like oh the little country to the south of us they're not really like not really that smart they're just a bunch of alcoholics like you start talking about how they just start changing the culture they're just little by little like adding to their media like inserting their views into into everybody's um media sources and then
Starting point is 00:41:20 eventually you're just undermining from from like the youngest people as they grow older they start to believe those same things over the years and continue and continue and continue and then finally like they're they're voting age people and now they're voting towards basically communism or or something like that and they just agree like oh fuck america like this is not the this isn't how it should be we need to have have universal healthcare and all this other shit. It's crazy. Yeah, Genny, in this interview that they do with him, it's from 1980. It's in the 80s, and now it's 2020. And everything – it's talking about how China and Russia have infiltrated our schools, and now everything he said is true. It happened. We can all look around and be like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:42:06 And what's crazy is that the people won't even stop. They think that this man is telling us you've been infiltrated by China. That's why you're behaving like X, Y, Z. And yet they just keep doing it. It's like what you said. You just keep going back to the blog even though you don't want to. It's crazy. Yeah. Your English is getting better.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Oh, from one of my clients, yes. It's from the Chinese, yes. And we're talking only by English. So now I have more practice maybe about that. Yeah, you spoke for like five minutes straight and I understood everything you said. only by English. So now I have more practice maybe about that. Yeah. You just, you spoke for like five minutes straight and I understood everything you said.
Starting point is 00:42:49 It was, sometimes I struggle, but you're learning English from a native Chinese speaker. Yes. I'm, I'm realized that if I'm want to tell something about, I don't know about not, I thinking not, I'm feeling, yes, I can talk
Starting point is 00:43:09 normally, yes, but when I have a real statement and I just go and I can't stop just. Say that again. What's the distinction when you talk about what subjects it comes out clearly versus? About that subject that I feel good and about. I have a really strong statement. So when I start speaking, I can't stopping. Yes. So I I want to talk more. I want to grab more facts about that.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And maybe this is this is the the key. Look at look at what this lady saying things like this. I can't even could this possibly be true of those ukrainians that have been taken 120 000 were children this is disaster how come where can we see video of this how can you take how can you take 120 000 people and their kids and they're not be videoed? Do you think that's true? You think there's that many kids being taken? Just realize that thousands of troops coming.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Yes. And just cut a line where the government, police, some guys, yes, can control you. You can do whatever you want. Yes. You just slash animals. Yes, rape women. Yes, kill children and men. And this is not the problem for you to pack some amount of people
Starting point is 00:44:38 and take away that. But this really hurts 120,000 children. And this is Ukrainian children that can never see Ukraine again. You know about Hitlerjugend, yes? No. This is the organization, the kid and the teen organization in Germany, fascist Germany, that prepare children and teens for the Nazi regime. So they have training, yes, have ideological subjects.
Starting point is 00:45:20 And then you see the movie The Rabbit Jojo. The Rabbit Jojo? Yes. No. By the way. The Taika Waititi movie. Give me one second. There is an article.
Starting point is 00:45:34 I just. Oh, Peter. OK. I just looked. I googled Ukraine and children. And it says Zelensky claims that 2000 Ukrainian children have been kidnapped. So not one hundred and, but 2,000. I'm not saying it's okay.
Starting point is 00:45:47 But that's a big difference between 120,000 and 2,000. Yeah, yeah. Of course, it's a hundred of children that stole is a bad point. Yeah, in this movie, there is a story about the Hitler-Jugend guy, yes, In this movie, there is a story about the Hitler-Jugend guy, yes, who lives in false propaganda and thinks that it's the best way to live. It's like me and CrossFit, yes. And then you realize that it's nothing simple in this story. So in Russia, they have the same organization,
Starting point is 00:46:28 like the army of young people. And they also do some meetings, some striking training. Yes. And I don't remember how it's called. Yeah. They have very have very interesting outfit I want you to google this it's Russian young army like that he lost me is it
Starting point is 00:46:59 so it's like it's like the boy scouts in Russia but except they teach them they like indoctrinate them to communism essentially yes it's like the Boy Scouts in Russia, but except they teach them – they like indoctrinate them to communism essentially. Yes, it's – Communism or fascism? Fascism. Fascism. Okay, okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Racism. You know, now we have the – Here's the black kids. How come there's no black kids in there? Because they don't have a DE council right i tried to uh i tried to pace that um an error occurred wait a moment while we try again i tried to uh post that video of the russian kgb agent in the comments if you guys haven't seen it you should definitely definitely uh watch that video that's a life changer.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yeah. It's getting worse for you, right? Evgeny? Uh-oh. Alright. Fine. I'm sorry. I wish I wouldn't have said that. Strike that question from the record.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Just like that. Sorry, guys. I'll just copy a link with the video and go away hey it's not it's not it's not getting um it's not things are getting worse for you you're not you're not adapting to um to a war lifestyle you're not no it's it's's like I'm adapting, but you can like this. So I'm adapting. I'm leaving. I'm going to work. I'm trying to find good food.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Yes. Try to celebrate something. I have a birthday two days after, and I don't feel emotions, good emotions. And I don't feel emotions, good emotions. You know about today big celebrate, yes, but you know about Eastern situation in Ukraine and there are 2,000 people sitting without food and the children who died from the missiles, explosions and all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:49:04 We're not talking about adapting we're talking about like humility yes when you can't do nothing you just wait you know in the
Starting point is 00:49:19 on the start of the war experts talking so this is end about a week, so Russia would take Kyiv and take all of Ukraine. After that, they were talking about Ukraine staying by the end of the month. Now, nobody is talking about the end of the war, because you don't think about, oh, this is the start of AES and we finish with that, it can come back to normal life. There is no normal life in Ukraine now. Even if war finished now, yes, this is years of rebuilding of country this is years of that pain
Starting point is 00:50:05 that you get when you ride to that place where my friend died in his car in this place where the tombs on the thousands of people
Starting point is 00:50:21 and the buildings where you walk in just in Kyiv and they destroyed now so this is the pain that all of Ukrainians now live with and even if I go in other
Starting point is 00:50:38 countries this pain will be with me because I'm the guy who go through all this and it's not like the like the stuff that you can just forget right so yes adapting is not not uh possible in this situation. I'm looking, it says 5 million people have left the country, 5.2 million. If there's 40 million people in the country, that's more than 10% of the country.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Much more. We have 40 million in Ukraine. So 5 million people, what is that? 12%? 12%. Yeah, that's nuts. That's so many people moving. I also see this other statistic here, and I don't know how they
Starting point is 00:51:34 come up with this stuff, but it says that there's $70 billion in infrastructure damage. And to put that in perspective of what that is for people, so you know how bad Black Lives Matter is, Black Lives Matter did $760 million damage. of what that is for people so you know how bad uh and black black lives matter is black lives matter did 760 million dollars damage to ferguson a small shithole town yes i said it in the united states so just remember that these people are in a war and our own people did that to their country yes it's nuts fuck you guys who did that to fergus. Yes. It's nuts. Fuck you guys
Starting point is 00:52:06 who did that to Ferguson. But we're talking only about money, yes? If we talk about the emotional stuff, yes, about the situation that changed the population, yes, totally. So this is much, much more that changed the population.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Yes, totally. So this is much, much more than just the money. Yeah. Do you know what else the Russian guy said that we interviewed? He said people are fleeing Russia too. It's not just people leaving. The people basically there don't feel safe. And they're basically fleeing. He said specifically going to Armenia, but I've seen that.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I've seen a lot of Russians showing up in the capital of Armenia, especially wealthy ones, right. Who are in the tech industry, who they, as long as they can get in front of a computer, they can keep making money. And you know, what, what's bad that they left country and in other country where they arrived, they say that they're Ukrainians. Oh, wow. To not be bull.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Right. Because in the world now, it's not very popular to be Russian. Right, right, right. Wow. They're assuming another gender. I don't think you used that word right but who am I what do I know it's very fluid
Starting point is 00:53:29 yeah that's funny Yevgeny before we leave you today you said you have a birthday in two days you'll be 28 years old yep yeah happy birthday and do you think you'll make it to the north to see your um mom and dad in the next couple days i think two or four days we're now
Starting point is 00:53:52 looking for the tickets looking for for plans to wait wait tickets why don't you drive because i don't have car okay and this is not very uh can you do what i'm gonna ask you something crazy can't you just go steal a car no not yet yes we wait for this yeah we must have more explosions on the city to start uh go go on markets yes stole some food and cars okay and what are you eating fine? Of course, yes. Very good. I have the fish week now. So I love it. And the Easter cakes, you know what this is? I can show you, by the way.
Starting point is 00:54:37 This is what my girlfriend cooked. Can I change the camera? No, can't. So I show you like this. You can look. This is the Easter cake. Are those real tulips? Yeah, this is a lot of carbs.
Starting point is 00:54:55 No, the flowers. Are those real tulips? Of course real. Wow. Those are beautiful. I don't see a lot of tulips in the States. It's very popular in the spring in Ukraine. Yeah. So I live normal life, if we're talking about it.
Starting point is 00:55:17 I have good food. I have my work now. Mostly I sleep well. But I have a war in my country. Not in my city, 100%, because I'm happy now with that, yes. But this is how we live. All right, brother. When we talk to you next week, will you be at your parents' house, you think?
Starting point is 00:55:43 Or do you think you'll go and come back? Maybe. back maybe no no no i don't come back on this time i want to if i uh go there i sit in by two weeks i think okay like that i want to go to kiev i want to meet my friends in in some other cities so i want to have some some little travel on this time i'm in odessa from the end of january yes yeah this is a lot of times i'm regularly i like to go somewhere like to the home or to the kiu uh early i have a lot of clients in kiev yes so i i live there yes and I train a lot of people online there. And right to Kyiv, we have team trainings, yes. We are out to different gyms. So we have a good time like that.
Starting point is 00:56:36 The shirts didn't arrive, huh? I sent you shirts. They didn't arrive? I think it's like a month. I must wait in this situation so if I have it I'm just change this
Starting point is 00:56:52 and you can see will you take as you travel across the country if you can will you take pictures and send them to us of course and then we can talk about them in the next week when we have you on yeah all right brother thank you so much for coming on always good you on yeah all right brother thank you so much for coming on always good to see you you look great uh thank you for sharing your story
Starting point is 00:57:09 i think it's important for people to hear it's a good thank you guys i'm happy to see you caleb beaver thank you happy birthday again thank you caleb thank you see you

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