The Sevan Podcast - #381 - Disney Land is the Unhealthiest Place On Earth

Episode Date: April 27, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Planning for a summer road trip? Check. Luggage? Check. Music? Check. Snacks, drinks, and everything we can win in a new game at Circle K? Check! With Circle K's Summer Road Trip Game, you can win over a million delicious instant prizes and a grand prize of $25,000. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. Play at or at participating Circle K stores. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments.
Starting point is 00:00:31 So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. Mmm, how's that spicy enchilada? Oh, very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ew. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. I hope that works. Bam, we're live. Holy cow. I might have some options here. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Of course you wouldn't say. Yo, everyone. Hi. I'm back at home. Back at home. I can't find any of my... I can't find any of my... Notes? I can't find those, either. Oh, boy. I can't find those either.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I can't find any of my, um, shirts. I can't find any of my CEO shirts. I can't find any of my seven on podcast shirts. I'm tripping. Oh, I thought you were going to say,
Starting point is 00:01:37 uh, TDC and HWPO paired up and they are now official sponsors. No, I actually, I, I was like, why would I wear that shirt? But then I just like, you official sponsors live. No, I actually, I, I was like, why would I wear that shirt? But then I just like,
Starting point is 00:01:48 you know what? Fuck it. I like, what do I care? Yeah. Okay. I'm sorry. I'm some,
Starting point is 00:01:54 some late. I'm discombobulated. I was in a car for nine, 10 hours today. Oh, it says the live calling show started Disneyland, the most unhealthiest place on earth. Wow, did you choose that picture?
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yeah. That's it. That is it. Travis, Brian, Casual Sender, Bruce, Mr. Castive, Joshua Beaton, Trina, Ken Walters, Elisa Larson. Mr. Reynolds. Alan Kestenbaum. Christy A. Christy, did you make the comment about me being vegan?
Starting point is 00:02:34 I'm a vegan at heart. I am a vegan at heart. That is true. You figured that out. I don't know if I followed your logic, but I really. Oh, God, I'm fucking a mess. My OCD is kicking in. I was like seeing stuff in the camera that i was thinking now is the time to fix it yeah just start organizing your things please that's i was late because i forgot to print up the notes because i'm not used to printing up
Starting point is 00:02:59 the notes because i was traveling next time i have to travel with a printer because i'm losing my shit what do you guys want to hear about you guys want to hear about? You guys want to hear about Disneyland? Disneyland. I'm meeting my cousin who I haven't seen in 10 years in Santa Cruz tomorrow. Where should we get breakfast? Wow. Wow. Uh,
Starting point is 00:03:15 if it was someone I hadn't met in 10 years and I wanted a little bit of space, I would go to the point market. It's owned by Hassan. I want to say it's like at the end of 32nd Street. It's called the Point Market. And I would go there and, I don't know, ask for like a bacon and egg burrito. Or there's a place called the Cool House, Cliff House?
Starting point is 00:03:41 No, what the fuck is that? Did we go there? Did we get burritos at a place on 41st Street? It's red. It's only open until like 3 o'clock. It's right next to Family Cycle. What what the fuck is that did we go there did we get burritos at a place on 41st street it's red it's only open till like three o'clock it's right next to family cycle what's the name of that i'm sure that is but i don't know the chill out it's called yeah it's called the chill out and you could there from there you could go on like a long two mile walk as long as your cousin's mobile my whole brain was blown i'm'm completely – I consider myself the greatest traveler of anyone I've known by far. But nothing compares to you.
Starting point is 00:04:15 And when I would go to these places, I would immerse myself in them, meet the people, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, all the continents. And what I saw at Disneyland this weekend, not even this weekend, I saw it yesterday. Hey, can you find out how many people Disneyland in Los Angeles holds? Not the California Dream inside, but the… The original park. The original park. You know what's funny, Haley? It said the printer was out of ink, but we haven't been home in 11 days.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Oh, it always says… I don't know. It always says, do you put a new $50 cartridges in a cartridge and it says low on ink. It's good stuff. It's good. It's good profit making. Yeah. So Jessica, thank you. So Jessica, I would go to, I would go somewhere where I could walk around if your cousin's mobile, unless, unless they're like one of those people at Disneyland. You cannot, thank you. I've been at the beach a lot. First of all, I want to say this. My kids had a lot of fun at Disneyland. My kids had a lot of fun. Cost us about a thousand dollars. They went on six rides. All the rides were tired. By tired, I mean they're done. They're so outdated.
Starting point is 00:05:22 There's nothing special about them. Capacity anywhere from 000 to 100 000 i would say let's say is that the one you're looking for yeah i think that's when i went to i would um i think it was completely sold out because it was like the only day we could get you know and we got it like a month in advance and it cost a thousand bucks more or less with parking and get all the fancy passes and shit for six of us and we went on six rides we went on it's a small we got there at 12 and stayed uh noon and guys will stay till i don't know nine or ten at night uh we did it's a small world which should just be burnt to the ground it's it's horrible it's basically it's it's it's basically just stuffed animals that move.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I will say this about Disneyland. Everything that they have, even though it's tired, it is so clean there. Everything is clean there except the people. Yeah. You know that they did a whole study on how far away somebody will walk to throw something away in a trash can and then put all the trash cans that far away from each other. So at no point in the park is there more than like 15 feet for you to have to walk for a trash can. Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. And all the trash goes that far away from each other. So at no point in the park is there more than like 15 feet for you to have to walk for a trash can. Oh,
Starting point is 00:06:27 wow. Okay. And all the trash goes under the ground, like under the park. And that's where all the cast members and the characters and employees all walk underneath as well too. Cause both Disney never wanted to see like, uh,
Starting point is 00:06:40 different characters in different lands. So he built the whole underground tunnel for it. I had heard that before. I'm typing in Disneyland Anaheim capacity. Registered reports Disneyland's park capacity hovers around the 85,000 mark. Further explains that the average day see about 51,000 visitors.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Because this person is saying that Magic Kingdom is Florida. Oh, okay, okay. Capacity and numbers. So you – I spoke to my sister who lives in Texas about this. You have to understand I was in complete shock when I went in there. I cannot believe what I saw. I still can't believe what I witnessed.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Everything makes so much more sense to me now. I, I, um, I don't know how my wife and my mother-in-law stayed so calm. I was, I was beside myself. And we'll get into that in a minute. kids had fun um the place is really tired nothing nothing cool like i remember when i was there 40 years ago but but i could see why my kids thought it was cool uh it's a small world it's just it's just i mean chucky cheese has better i someone used the term animatronics um i went on that uh the the the ride where you're on the boat and it drops and you get all splashed that was i liked it but not to wait an hour you have to understand the day i do have ptsd
Starting point is 00:08:13 from disney i have some really really unfortunately some really harsh um um oh that's a great question what was more shocking the obesity at disneyland or the botox and fake titties at arc restaurant newport here's the thing about disneyland i saw i i saw a thousand of those car i saw i've never seen so many obese people and i've never seen such mass consumption i've never seen basically my my if if you're if you're an environment if you're like one of those eco people you have to shut disneyland down immediately if you're one of those eco people you cannot believe the way the the way it's basically the whole entire place it's a cruise ship it's where it's crazier than a cruise ship the whole place is one giant
Starting point is 00:09:05 sugar factory it's it's like where heroin addicts would go like one of those parks in sweden or switzerland where they have where people just go shoot up it's just people eating all day that's all it is there's like there's seven there's kids being pushed around in carts seven eight nine year old kids by their parents who are 400 pounds each and uh and the kids have a coke in one hand in a box m&ms in the hand and that's the norm i'm telling you i've never i was thinking this is what it must be like to be at the crossfit games for rich froning like you just look around you could beat everyone's ass i'm fucking fitter than everyone here even matt got soft he's a little bitch now so it must be what it's like
Starting point is 00:09:47 because i went in there and i'm like holy shit i can whoop everyone's ass here i've never been like i go to the crossover games i'm like probably a 10 year old here i could well possess it is so bad it is so bad it was scary so bad. It was scary. So basically what I saw, it's total woke-topia. It's all the woke shit. There's carts. Everyone there has the blue hair. There's grown couples there together that you can tell. tell each of them are 400 pounds and the man has mickey mouse ears on and his in his in his he's never worked out a day in his life and his shoulders are narrower than his hips and his shirt is baggy up here and it's a quadruple x but it's tight around his gut and and and they're just eating ice cream walking around it's just all it's just what do you think you showed people from like 1920s that – you know what I mean? Like, hey, look what –
Starting point is 00:10:47 You could not show that. You could not show that. They would die. They would die. If you have not been – I would never – I will not go there again. Well, I would have to go through like – I'm going to have to forget. But I don't know if I can forget. Here's the thing too.
Starting point is 00:11:01 The day before I was at the beach in Newport. Hi, Ms. Perez. here's the thing too the day before i was at the beach in newport hi miss perez the day before i was um in uh newport at the uh beach and my kids were there and they were having so much fun right and i was trying to compare is this more fun than disneyland there's there's nothing about disneyland that cares about everyone it's just about hurting people that's all it's about it's about it's about feeding people drugs so i don't even know how those people afford that they allow you to like do it on like a disney credit thing and you just pay it down over the year and go when you're on that when you pay it down hey isn't there something isn't there to go you take a loan isn't there something where they
Starting point is 00:11:50 where the left is saying that you black people don't know how to use the internet if you're if you have melanated skin you don't know how to use the internet and you don't know how to register to vote and therefore if and they don't know how to go they don't know where the dmv is and they can't go get driver's license and so you require driver's license it's racist if you require internet it's racist if you require like because uh um uh melanated people aren't capable of such skills well guess what disneyland must be the most racist place on earth i if my my wife had to do all that it's completely internet it's complete you have to have an app you have to have a phone you have to have a smartphone at disneyland russ you can't ride the rides you got to put it into the machine actually they give you a ticket but but they tell
Starting point is 00:12:35 you you don't need this this is just in case i forget what they say in case you want to keep it yeah probably so you can hang it up on your wall at home yeah so it doesn't it is the sickest place on earth my sister said have you been to a walmart in texas and i said no ma'am i have not it's the same but with guns strapped to their back it's not there's people the the majority of people who are in those carts are stuffed into those carts they're not those carts aren't even big enough for them and the kids i didn't see any kids that weren't obese little kids and here's the thing that's sad here's the thing they're not obese to a point where like okay this is just a fat kid chunky kid their have been – these kids are to a point where their bodies aren't going to – they aren't coming back.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I saw eight-year-olds everywhere, and the damage done to their bodies, it's not coming back. They're going to carry the scars of that weight gain for the rest of their life, and someone fed them that. I didn't take my kids into one of those stores. I didn't take my kids into one of those stores. I fed my kids – they have popcorn there, and then they have these popcorn vendors. Well, I found one vendor where like every 50th piece of popcorn is a piece of candy. Not a candy, but caramelized popcorn. And I got them that and just as many bottles of water as they wanted. And then you could buy some really shitty mangoes, but it was cool that they had them, and I fed them that.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Let me see. mangoes but it was cool that they had them and i fed him that let me see oh for yeah i don't i don't know i don't know i don't know that stuff well i look at a 14 year old is 80 like i i'm 160 pounds now and i'm fat no but like right those are like the uh age groups there but just to like your point i mean i saw some of the a bit of disney i know what you're talking about and it's almost like double when were you there when were you there when were you there years ago um dude you you years years you cannot like more than like 15 years ago i i honestly i i honestly had this thought i was driving home
Starting point is 00:14:48 and i was like how if covid were real and i and i i guess i believe i guess i believe covid's real i mean has anyone seen covid can it can you pull a picture of it for me i guess covid's real how did none how did how how did any of those people survive covid if covid's real i i just have to know hey dude i met a guy by the way i met this really fucking cool dude i met this really cool dude by the way you guys i was in newport because there's this lady that listens to this podcast man she's so supportive and she got this dope pad on the beach in newport and she let us run the podcast out of there for two weeks i think we were there 11 days there's what it looks like
Starting point is 00:15:32 okay yeah and i read that that's not what it looks like that that's just it's all theoretical no this is this is accurate no that's not i i heard it's so small it doesn't have color whatever that means i guess that means it doesn't reflect light i did this is your trip right no that is trippy yeah there was a big there was a big sign there rod that said if you're not vaccinated that you have to wear a mask huge sign i took a picture of it of course of course hardly anyone in there was wearing a mask the employees were wearing masks masks. I'd say half the employees were wearing masks and 1%. The Asians, the Asians were wearing, you know, it's funny. Someone's going to be like, well, that's racist.
Starting point is 00:16:15 But yet, but yet if they pull you over, I'm not going to get into that. Anyway, it's really sad. It was really, I was thinking to to myself i want to double down on weight loss stories for the show i need to do i need to do one a month i need to i need to know that i'm contributing to helping it is so bad these this group of people can't possibly think straight and they're all ages and i don't know And I don't know how they're alive. If you told me half those people were dead today because of cardiac arrest, I'd be like, oh yeah, I could have told you that. They're all going to die prematurely. They have to be clogging our hospital systems. They must have all been on medication. They must have all been on medication. They must have all been on medication.
Starting point is 00:17:09 There's consequences that come with that lifestyle. There was a lady in a cart, and I go, Haley, watch out. And she turns to the lady. She goes, oh, I'm sorry. And then I told Haley. I was like, I wasn't telling. I mean, my wife's nice, and it was cool. But I was like, you weren't in the wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:28 But if this is a 400-pound person in a cart going six miles an hour if that thing hits you you're toast yeah i'm surprised you didn't get hit by at least one stroller that's usually the joke with disneyland too i i was tiny there but you could outbench them all no i cannot outbench or out squat seven on the seven seven dwarfs uh what's your shit stand for huge white pussy old man oh yes yes that is what that stands for thank you that was aggressive i did take pictures i wanted to show you this one picture i want to show you a picture uh of this man and his two daughters um i i i actually was going to go in there and i was going to take like a thousand pictures and then i just reached a point where i just didn't think it was healthy for me so i took pictures for like like, I don't know, five minutes and then I stopped.
Starting point is 00:18:25 But this this sums up Disneyland. And this is why I don't want to hear any of these people's opinion on the Ukraine, on what's right or wrong, on racism, on health, on covid. I don't want to hear I don't want to hear their opinions on anything because, first of all, I don't believe in consensus. I believe in math. i believe in science i believe in the predictive value of something not because 30 doctors said so i believe the math you are tiny you're five three no i'm not five three i don't think if you saw me you wouldn't think i was tiny yeah well i mean i'm just proportion right you think i was i'm small but i'm not like a i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not it's not weird oh i'm defending how tall i am yes i'm not doing two plus two is is five i'm trying to get i'm okay you okay you might think
Starting point is 00:19:23 i'm a little short okay well i'm gonna pull it let me see if i let me see if i can do it i'll just tell you what it is i'll tell you what i know what it's this enormously fat man was with his 13 year old daughter who has dyed blue hair and his and his nine year old daughter with um they're they're all obese and one of them has dyed blue hair and the other one's dressed as um like rapunzel or some shit or something from uh one of the disney movies and i'm just like why i would never so many people had their nose pierced here like what i i just don't understand the logic of doing all of this shit to yourself before you take care of
Starting point is 00:20:12 yourself it's like painting your car when it has a fucking huge like your car gets totaled and the first thing you do is take it to get painted before you do the body work like what are you doing you have tattoos and nose ring you've dyed your hair blue but you've you've you've been so abusive to your body that you're stuck in a cart and i i guess all of that just i guess it's all just abuse to the body i was standing outside this ride and and there and there's a tigger there do you know tigger that's the tiger from winnie the pooh and they have speakers playing everywhere you know Tigger? That's the tiger from Winnie the Pooh. And they have speakers playing everywhere,
Starting point is 00:20:49 you know, where you can hear the guys talking. So it'll be like Tigger and he's like this and a piece of him will be going like this. And then there'll be a speaker behind him that's like him talking, even though his mouth isn't moving. And he goes, hi, I'm Tigger. T-I-double-G-er. I don't think you can do that.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I think that's cultural appropriation. I don't think you can do that. I think that's cultural appropriation. I remember all the rap songs when I was a kid had double G. N-I-double-G. You can't do that. You can't do T-I-double-G-er. It's cultural appropriation. That's the strike two for racism at Disney.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I really enjoyed it, though, that he did that. T-I-double-G-er, Tigger. I was never a fan of Winnie the Pooh. I think I finally got the photo. You wouldn't get a new car and just throw shitloads of paint on it. You just don't do that. Don't worry. I don't care. I shouldn't show it anyway.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I think it's just as provocative. Yeah, Tigger Trigger. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I had Tigger Trigger. You're right. I had T show it anyway. Someone's it's just, I think it's just as provocative and, and yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I had Tigger trigger. You're right. It's just as provocative. I was trying to get them all set up,
Starting point is 00:21:55 but play number, play number one, 12, just for shits and giggles. Let's just fucking bomb them. Let's just get with it. Get with it. How about,
Starting point is 00:22:03 how about CrossFit HQ switching hq switching uh they made a post on their um instagram saying crossfit home office is gone and it's back to crossfit hq did you see that i did i'd love crossfit they do know they can do no wrong by the way hillar is tomorrow show is going to be crazy i'm going to invite Hiller on tomorrow did I tell you that? just for like a quick 15 minutes alright this is 112 this is what we're looking for here
Starting point is 00:22:34 he needs a little hand job or something he's just crushing it give him a little handy watch this this is nuts this is how they're usually pretty racist those laws are racist for sure do you think it suppresses the african definitely because they're less likely to have state ids these type of people don't live in areas with easy access to dmvs i think that's harder for black people to go online
Starting point is 00:23:00 well i feel like they don't have the knowledge of how of like how it works of people have smartphones, but you might not have data. For most of the communities, they don't really know what is out there just because they're not aware. Now I'm here in East Harlem to ask Black people their thoughts on what you just heard. You have ID? Yes. Why would they think we don't have ID? Why would they say that? Everybody that I know have ID. I heard a lot also that Black people can't figure out how to get to the DMV. I know it's that on 25th. It's on 125th Street. I also heard a lot that black people, especially poor black people, have no access to the internet. I haven't had access to the internet for years.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Who are these people talking to? Do you have a problem that if you go to vote and they say, can we please show your ID? I love showing my ID. Do you have an issue with that? No. Do you have an opinion on voter ID laws? They're usually pretty racist. Those laws are racist?
Starting point is 00:23:46 That's where I grew up. That's where I grew up. Those people. That used to be me right there. It's crazy. It's so crazy. It's so crazy. The craziest thing is that they think they're doing good with that.
Starting point is 00:24:02 It is fucking embarrassing. It is embarrassing. I agree. It's fucking embarrassing. It is embarrassing. I agree. It's fucking embarrassing. It's so embarrassing. How about people are afraid of freedom of speech, the whole Elon thing? This is nuts. Hey, what's Tim Cook going to do now?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Is he going to boot them off of – like if you invite Trump? I think he'll sit real quiet. I think he will too. And Trump already made that announcement that he wasn't coming on twitter i mean he started his own platform didn't he sorry i don't i've had the sniffles for a month every time i do that i know my mom and dad hate me for it my mom said she watched some of the water palooza footage until you pick your picked your nose oh my god that is so gross and then i
Starting point is 00:24:47 tried to defend you i was like well he was sitting on it for like seven hours you know so maybe he just forgot yeah hey picking your nose is embarrassing but not nearly as embarrassing as saying from the campus of university of california berkeley that black people don't know how to use the fucking internet because of the color of skin. How did you even think that the color of your skin relates to how you can use a computer, period, at all? Didn't you just hear me say
Starting point is 00:25:16 that I fucking couldn't figure out the Disneyland app? I'm smart as fuck. Maybe age, maybe an old black person. It's an old person in general. And I, Oh man, here we go. I listened to the James Townsend interview with,
Starting point is 00:25:34 uh, Kenya Clark. It's not all black and white. And I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Get them boys.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Get them boys. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let me hear this shit. And then at the end, they start talking about how skin color is a factor. And I got to tell you something. I love Kenya. Good dude. Love the dude. Text message with them. Homeboy. I would support him in any way I could. But the fact that every single person
Starting point is 00:25:57 that I know is afraid of cops, it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. It has to do with what's between your ears. Has nothing to do with the color of your skin. It has to do with what's between your ears. It has nothing to do with the color of your skin. Nothing. If you were truly afraid of cops based on what they do to black people, you would be afraid of black people based on what they do to black people. Maybe you are. But either way, at the end of how cops treat black people and use those factors, guys in the suits with the billy clubs and the guns and then people who biologically have melanated skin… And compared to how they treated them, you would be more afraid of black people, I bet you, than cops. It would be a no-brainer.
Starting point is 00:26:39 And just all my friends – I'm 50 years old. We're still terrified of cops. I don't want a cop behind me. Every time I rode my motorcycle, I'm like, God damn, are they going to get me? That's boys. That we're boys. That's a boy. We're trained like that. And you know why? Because we do bad shit.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Yeah. Because I did bad shit. Because I threw eggs at fucking Matt's mom's car when she drove to work. Didn't want interactions with them. want interactions with them and the parents the jew parents and the black parents need to stop telling their kids that the world's out to get you though you think everyone needs to figure it out on their own man i was so disappointed when you guys took it there i was so disappointed so disappointed you guys sounded like victims well maybe we didn't have enough like context on how and what actually happened maybe or maybe there's more context on on their
Starting point is 00:27:31 end and there's always more context to the whole story right hey and don't be mad at me i'm telling you how it is because everyone else is a pussy i'm telling you how it is young men are terrified of cops and they should be because they fuck around you think armenian parent no armenian parents don't tell their kids that shit armenian parents just tell you could get the fuck out there and work make that money sell them carpet sell that jewelry your parents don't tell you shit because they're workaholics good morning seth good evening seth disneyland is so bad it was such a disappointment the interesting thing is is we were my i don't think my kids even noticed any of that stuff i don't think they noticed that
Starting point is 00:28:12 that i they did not look human to me the people there their faces were just enormous like everyone's like you like all the things like that take for granted, like your glasses fit your head, you fit – there was a ride there called Jungle Cruise, and it had some steep wooden stairs, and it was packed in there. And I looked back up at the top of the stairs. I was like maybe eight stairs from the bottom. There were like 30 stairs behind me, i i saw people like i was starting to like okay if one of those people slips and comes down how am i going to save my mother-in-law she weighs 110 pounds i can't ever like i don't want her to die in front of my kids right right today it was like that i mean it was like that i talked to a friend of mine i'd love to interview a medic at Disneyland. I talked to one of my friends who's a medic, and he says that people stroke out there every day.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I think there's also something like they can't disclose any of that stuff, right? Won't Disney come after him? The medical shit? Yeah, just anything in general, like certain facts and statistics about them. You know what I mean? In all of the time that Disneyland has been around, there's had to have been somebody that's like died on a Disneyland ride. Right. Like just statistically speaking with the amount of people going through the
Starting point is 00:29:33 park, but like, you don't hear about it, but then if there's like a carnival or like, you know, one of those six flags things you hear about what happened. And so, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:43 I think Disney pays a lot of money to uh keep their reputation intact at those parks they're making so much money i mean yeah look at what it said right there you said you spent a thousand dollars and i was probably conservative you didn't go to both parks you didn't do multiple days right yeah one of my friends said for the toys on the inside didn't pay for other stuff like that so it it could have been a $5,000, $10,000 trip. Easy. One of my friends said – I said – he called me, and I texted him back.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I'm at Disneyland. He said, for how many days? I said, eight hours. How many days? Yeah, I mean, so if you spent $1,000, let's say, and you went with a family that same size roughly it's like you had a place to stay too you didn't have to stay in a hotel while you were down there like there was other things that you that you had so it would have
Starting point is 00:30:36 been thousands of dollars you're right right yeah and i didn't go in the store and buy all the shit the consumption the consumption pardon me it would have been funny if you sat down with some mickey ears oh no the you know i i may have participated in the disneyland consumption but the pr the last two months has been so bad it's like i'm finally waking up to like how screwed up fucking disney is it's a bad like they're bad people they're bad people they hurt kids They hurt kids. They hurt kids. They teach kids things that kids should not be being taught.
Starting point is 00:31:14 That's my opinion. I heard – we had reported a couple weeks ago that the Torium Pro was not being sold out to full capacity, that it was being sold to 50% capacity. Then someone hit me up in the DMS and they, and the reason why that they're only selling to 50% capacity is because two of their athletes aren't vaccinated up to status that Australia requires. And those two athletes are Cara Saunders and Royce Dunn is what we heard. I don't think it's the only two athletes in Australia. Just kidding. I know to you from there just kidding and and for some reason um and for and for some reason because
Starting point is 00:31:54 two athletes aren't fully vaccinated somehow i i could for the life of me I couldn't explain to you why we would need someone from China to explain that kind of thinking. Yeah, that's me making fun of Canada. It's okay. I'm from Berkeley. I can do that. It's okay. I'm from Berkeley. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Hey, China, chill. Relax. Self-acknowledgement is the first step in the healing process so so so then someone said to me hey the torian pro is you're wrong the torian pro is sold out and i go i didn't say it wasn't sold out i agreed with you it's sold out what i'm saying is it's only sold out to 50 capacity well i heard it again today from a different source and i made sure that that source didn't get it from my source and yes so now we have two reports that the Torium Pro is not selling out. For some reason, that will help people not get COVID
Starting point is 00:32:52 if COVID's real. I'm open to it being real. Totally open to it being real. What? No, I'm just laughing. I always have this like head count of like how many things are gonna get us dinged on the YouTube algorithm and how many people this will get run down.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Yeah, yeah. So those kids, the way they're eating is for sure affecting their ability to procreate, for sure. Those people there, what they're eating is definitely affecting the way they think. I mean it has to. It looked like the fall of an empire. The cost on society that these people take, I bet you if you really figured it out and people weren't afraid, it's beyond anything else. It's beyond – the consumption is crazy. I was just thinking about the landfills when I was there full of
Starting point is 00:33:45 those carts that otherwise wouldn't be needed. The electricity that those carts use that's made from burning coal that goes into the atmosphere. I mean, whatever the woke, woke, woke, I mean, just take all that woke shit. If every person who flies in america let's say the average american is 70 pounds overweight how much extra fuel is that every year being burned on airplanes no one gives that's why i don't want to hear shit from those people i don't want to hear shit about covid i don't want to hear shit like those things where you care first let me see you care about yourself can you pull up that that um that uh thank you ken for telling me to take a deep breath i was gonna have an aneurysm you're a good dude i appreciate that could have said a
Starting point is 00:34:34 little more subtly would have been like i could have just written breathe but but either way i appreciate it i'm a humble man hey can you pull up – he said it in the comments. Where did he say it? I didn't see that comment. Can you – I just love how worked up you are about Disneyland. It's good. I'm torn between trying to figure out what the solution is i mean obama was speaking at stanford talking about misinformation and that's why people died of covid because there was misinformation on social media so people didn't get vaccinated so that people um then died of covid i'm like
Starting point is 00:35:17 there's coca-cola signs everywhere at disneyland like that's why people died it's not misinformation well the only misinformation is the the stuff you censored out we've known since day one the chubby little guys like me don't die because they could because they because they don't uh they don't uh they don't need added sugar they don't need refined carbohydrates to the best of their ability. And they exercise seven days a week. Too bad there wasn't some sort of company that could have preached that the last two years. I know.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Hey, hey, I seriously am having hope for CrossFit, like for the first time. When I saw that thing on the Instagram, can you pull that up? Who runs their Instagram now? I don't know. Who's read it from before i uh matt matt uh i was gonna say matt suza um i run their instagram mine this whole thing i've been in the boots the whole time matt bischel used to run it he's been in charge of all this how about that have you ever met matt bischel no like over the years you never saw him at hq i mean i saw a lot of people at hq but you remember i was like the stowaway that kind of didn't want to make too much noise at the ddc because then somebody would be like why are you here he ran crossfit social
Starting point is 00:36:36 media he built the fucking social media fucking empire there right he builds the fucking crossfit and then and then and then it's erased can you imagine having your whole entire body of work erased did you hear me no sorry i was highlighting this i just can't believe he had his entire body of work erased he did he built crossfit he built crossfit facebook crossfit instagram crossfit oh then when greg's when He built CrossFit. He built CrossFit Facebook, CrossFit Instagram, CrossFit. Oh, the one when Greg shut it down? Yeah, and they shut it down and all his work vanished. He should have been put on suicide watch.
Starting point is 00:37:17 You know what's funny is I never actually thought of like the individual behind that, you know, because I'm on the outside view looking in. I was just like, holy crap, the whole lights went out in the building, you know. It's like the cool house you drive by and you can see cool stuff out in front. And then one day you go by and the whole thing's just completely dark and you're just wondering what's going on but yeah imagine you fucked 100 girls imagine when you were 18 you started having sex with girls and by the time you were 50 you'd fucked 100 girls and then on the on your 50th birthday and the day after your 50th birthday, all 100 died. You'd be devastated. Your whole entire body of work gone. That's what happened to this dude. Anyway, let me, let me, sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:55 See that, sorry. Can you pull that up again? I was too busy, lost in my story. Oh, no, dude, that's okay. I was lost in making sure I highlighted it correctly a minute ago. So someone sent me this today and i'm uh crossfit training seminar staff led lectures and breakout groups derived from the level one course today with crossfit hq that is wow virtuosity was the theme with emphasis on the fundamentals
Starting point is 00:38:19 of the crossfit methodology as the guiding light driving HQ forward. No. Not home office. Oh, thank you. It's like a CrossFit puzzle. I couldn't solve it. It's like one of those things a three-year-old can do. Hashtag not home office. It's CrossFit HQ.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Awesome. Wow. So that's your ray of hope in this. I don't know. I, um, he's still, I assume he's still in Santa Cruz and he's got, uh,
Starting point is 00:38:53 he's got, uh, I can't ban. I can't ban, um, Coca-Cola. I assume he's still in Santa Cruz unless he moved to Colorado and he's got a couple of kids now.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Um, there's like five people over there. I hope in five years when this podcast is bigger than CrossFit, I will offer them jobs. Sevan for governor of California. I don't do any of that banning stuff. I don't ban or tax or do any of that stuff. Because I believe that if you were to i believe when you tax is that james hobart yeah i was gonna say it looks like they're they're all teaching a bunch of l1s
Starting point is 00:39:30 right so the staff of the lectures in the background groups so that just means it is went through a whole company-wide acknowledgement of it which is cool because this this seems like something like nicole carroll would push for like hey i'm sure before we need to unite everybody working for this needs to know and understand and live the methodology or at least attempt to um hobart has an amazing body but in that picture he looks like he's wearing a neck brace and he's got like his shirt hanging off a roll of fat or something well i know he doesn't he's got his badge you know back behind him but that bicep vein is popping he's like yeah yeah he's he's probably on uh testosterone replacement therapy now that he's 36 um i i don't do i don't do any banning i don't do any banning banning shit i
Starting point is 00:40:14 don't do um uh taxing what taxing does is it puts the governments in business with those items so you know we're taxed soft drinks and now all of a sudden the government's in business. They basically, it's basically you stealing from the company. You're basically now part owner and the company has to succeed because you're part owner. And, um, yeah, I don't believe in any of that cigarette tax. I don't, I don't believe in any of that stuff. There's other ways to do it in the fifties and I wasn't around then, but I've heard the story. There was a huge, massive, uh, um, anti litter campaign. I don't around then, but I've heard the story, there was a huge, massive anti-litter campaign. Let's not use the word anti. Stop littering campaign.
Starting point is 00:40:51 And it worked. It worked. Not in all cultures. Not in all cultures. Some cultures still litter. Some cultures still litter. Some cultures still litter. It's not cool. Littering is lame.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I think littering is lame. I think littering is 10 times worse than not – fuck, 100 times worse than not putting your cart away at the supermarket. Yeah. I had a teacher one time say, have you that the that the littering is always on theme meaning like you're never going to go out to there and be like oh did someone leave that behind a sparkling water you know glass sparkling water and an rx bar wrapper wow you're right you're right no it's always like soda cans mostly beer bottles cigarettes you, that type of stuff. Yes. People consuming things that harm themselves and therefore they don't care.
Starting point is 00:41:50 And that's what I mean. The damage that these people who were at Disneyland do to the planet is – like if you care about that shit, and I don't know if I do. But if you do care about that shit, those people, the damage I saw them doing versus what I do, just what I witnessed. I mean I know it's only a small sample of seven hours of the day, but holy shit, they're consumers. I always wonder like what do you – how do you reach and help a lot of those people? What do you think it is? Do you think it's a lack of education around what they're eating? I mean it's not that hard to believe because there is a lot of stuff around it do you think it's because that's just not really pushing the message like obviously you don't agree with regulation so then i don't think like government
Starting point is 00:42:32 regulation of those ingredients like is that the call for it what's legal what's not like how they do the labeling like i wonder what the what the that is. Like, if you were going to just make a one sweeping, like this wouldn't help the majority of them. What do you think? You mean of obese people? Yeah. It's just pure education. I think just like the litter campaign. You have to, you have to be, you have to just, why not pick like you and a 100 people who look like you?
Starting point is 00:43:06 You can pick every shade. Oh, yeah, we take the whitest person all the way to the blackest person who's not obese. And it's from like – you know, like from all the shades. It's like a perfect from white to dark black, right? Albino to black, like your shirt. And we ask them just to make people happy and and we asked them what they eat and we fucking or what what's their lifestyle like that's what we all want to know i want to know exactly what rich froney does every day to get that body and and and we just have
Starting point is 00:43:38 that on tv and on the internet everywhere every three videos like for just a year every every five videos um on uh it's i'm oversimplifying it but every five videos you watch on instagram you gotta watch one of these do you think that would do it like a like a like in the terms of fitness as a stand the other way you can talk about hey if you eat this stuff you die you just start doing the math too for people yeah well i feel like education on what it actually how about you just be honest suza we just we just went through we just went through covid where they told us that um uh they weren't being honest of who's dying from it not a single healthy person died show me one there was no preventative measures given either than where your mask can stay inside either which was a huge missed opportunity so it may i don't know i always just
Starting point is 00:44:23 wanted no science no predictive qualities there only consensus yeah no predictive qualities there was nothing predictive what was it so that just essentially makes it a popularity contest right and then especially if we're doing this appeal to authority argument which is happening everywhere oh well you can't discuss that someone because you don't have a phd in whatever you're discussing now so that doesn't give you the right so then what does that mean like the consensus comes from a top down where if i'm an appeal to authority argument i just look to the person who's at the the highest helm of it and we just agree with that what he or she says there and don't disagree with it we can hear a hundred different views i like the view that basically like that greg used to say like hey just move
Starting point is 00:45:05 and and like he made fun of someone or he poo-pooed someone's fitness regimen one time and then afterwards he felt horrible for it and went up and apologized and said hey any moving it's just like diet any like like start start tweaking if something's if you need a cart to get around and you're not tweaking your shit and working to fix that, then anything that you're doing to fix – to mitigate that, to set yourself free from that cart is in the right direction. I mean it's almost the same as like a drug problem, right? It is. That is what it is. It is a drug problem.
Starting point is 00:45:43 No one wants to be like that. Even though they're saying that some people do, no one wants to be like that. No one is – There's probably a certain amount of pain involved in your back and knees and in your feet and hips. If a genie comes up and asks you, hey, I won't tell anyone if you have one wish, what would it be? You're 400 pounds and you should be 112 pounds. That's what you do. You get your body back.
Starting point is 00:46:12 You get your body back. It's the same thing if you ask Jeff Bezos, Hey, I'm going to make you dirt poor, but I'll make you 25 years old. He takes it. He takes it. Especially if he gets to keep the experience. He takes it. He takes it. Yeah. He takes it. Especially if he gets to keep the experience, but that's. He takes it.
Starting point is 00:46:29 He doesn't care. Like, once you get old, all you want is your youth back at any cost. Even if it means drinking the blood of little boys. I don't think people are happy. I don't think people are happy, BBB,
Starting point is 00:46:44 when you said you have a season pass. I don't think people were happy. I don't think people are happy, BBB, when you said you have a season pass. I don't think people were happy there. I will tell you this. I made it the whole entire day without fighting with my kids or my wife, which is pretty – not that I fight with them very much at all anyway, but it's pretty amazing. I mean, I had to have a really long talk with myself like, hey, no matter what, every plan is going to fail here.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Just be chill. The only plan is to take breaths and be chill and and every plan did fail and it was still a blast uh because we didn't fight but man did i see a lot of couples fighting it's interesting you manage attention everywhere people being rude and what said you just like you manage your expectation before you went in there you manage your own expectation it's a high stress environment too like super high stress yeah super high stress so many bodies and people it's almost makes you feel like it's like it's almost unnatural you know to be around that many people and consumed into that much stuff isn't it it's like an epic
Starting point is 00:47:38 center of like consumption right like it was so. It was so sad to abuse people. Well, yeah. Consumption meaning like lights and rides and food. Just everything. Yeah. Yeah. It was so sad what I saw. Did you go on the Peter Pan ride?
Starting point is 00:47:59 No. No, that's fine. Even with like the super passes we had, like the lines were still long and all that shit. Did you go on Pirates of the Caribbean? I need to invite Hiller on the show for tomorrow with Brian. I wonder if I can text him right now, if he would text me back. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:48:16 We went on Pirates of the Caribbean. What's that guy's name again? Just joking. Who? Andrew Hiller. I'm sorry. I'm all over the place I was just reminiscing on Disneyland rides basically to myself anyways
Starting point is 00:48:30 while you were talking about Pirates of the Caribbean was closed which is a bum Andrew can you come on the show tomorrow for 15 minutes he did a video Kenya Clark.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Of course, brother. I love you. You're a good dude. We've had some good chats. What was the name of Kenya's podcast? It's not all black or white? I think so. And they spell black BLK.
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Starting point is 00:49:24 That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. Whether you're practicing your morning breath work, waiting for your favorite artist to come on stage, or running errands at the perfect pace, liquid IV powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon, lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers. It's not all black and white. It's not all black and white. all black and white it's not all black and white that uh what i heard what what what i'm hearing is is that townsend by the way did an interview with kenya clark and and with the uh um it's not
Starting point is 00:50:19 all black and white podcast and he did one with um uh what mr woke topia man he would have a blast at disneyland the meme guy and uh and i and i heard that that both of those podcasts were pulled down oh yeah yeah oh let me see that guy with the shirts off let me see that wait let me see the dude. Let me see that. Yeah, man. Uh, fittest doc. And, uh, and,
Starting point is 00:50:50 and Mr. Smith, Kenya with them. Yeah. Hey, um, Kenya looks like, uh,
Starting point is 00:50:56 who's the, uh, Kenya looks, uh, um, who's the guy we had on the podcast, the white dude, who's fucking killing it with bodybuilding.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Now bodybuilding CrossFit. Oh my God. He was a games athlete he lives in no oh yeah marcus philly let me see that kenya clark looks like a black marcus philly or marcus really looks like a white kenya clark look at that does he have a ponytail shredded no that's what you need to do. Can you get on the show with Marcus Philly? Your shit will blow the fuck up. Anyway, so what I heard is they did these podcasts with James Townsend, and James talks about the issues that they had with Jordan.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Not the issues. He tells the narrative from his perspective of what happened with Mal O'Brien's career, and he says nothing, at least from what I heard. He's very complimentary of Mal, but he's disappointed with the adults in the room and the adults being, I guess, her parents and their agent, and I think her agent is Bijan. the agent their agent and i think her agent is bijan they don't even use their names they talk about matt frazier bijan and mal's parents and they don't even use their names and at least in the podcast that i heard they only use mal's name and they're in there they're very positive about her they make sure no shit lands on her none anyway james is a general in that and i respect james fucking immensely for for that many reasons yeah i mean by the way some of you some of you people are like some people have come out and
Starting point is 00:52:29 said some stuff about james that he's too hard hey man i mean if you want to be yeah leveled out there competing at yeah yeah i mean it's yeah there's not too hard you're competing to be the fittest on earth it's gonna be it's gonna be hard and you need to have a like you can't really have a coach that'll call you to that because you won't make it very far yeah you don't you don't think there's there's moments that if people would have seen the way serena's dad traded her treated her in venus that they wouldn't have called fucking child protective services let me tell you something though what you get with james townsend being your dad is, I mean, I don't know the guy. I never,
Starting point is 00:53:05 I don't know him, but, but I see how his kids are turning out and, uh, it's not easy what they're doing. That, that dude's not a pushover. They're performing to make dad happy.
Starting point is 00:53:18 And, uh, and, and fucking, I applaud him. I, I, I hope I'm doing everything exactly.
Starting point is 00:53:23 You know how he is a lot of discipline and the values that he's instilling yeah he's not fucking around and yeah and he's gonna have to let them go someday he's doing it for them he's not enjoying he's not enjoying being that hard on his kids no no dad want every dad wants to just he's he's he i'm sure he wants to just go over and pick his daughters up and do everything for him and he has to fight that urge every day i'm sure for him in the long run they'll be strong independent capable human beings he's all crt'd out what's that oh critical race theory doubt yeah i don't i don't know if he's critical race throughout but i definitely disagree with his uh i think seven shadow banned me no i did not shadow ban you i'll see you i'll see you at the
Starting point is 00:54:11 trump rally craig um i don't agree with uh i think that i think the evidence is mounting that everything that was done in the name of fighting racism has deeply deeply wounded this country and especially black communities across this country and especially black communities across this country i don't think there's any question and i don't care about blm like stealing money that's not even it's that's not even it it's way it's way crazier than that it's what that's like yeah it's not who cares about the corruption i'm talking about just the the misinformation and not really addressing what the real issue is and how the human brain works and i've talked about this ad nauseum on the show people who are fighting racism are really the
Starting point is 00:54:49 ones enforcing it which brings me to clip number oh yeah go ahead and then after this let's play clip 113 okay no i was just gonna say the other thing with the james situation is like that breaking up of uh the relationship between him and mal in the sense of like there's multiple dynamics there it's the coach it's the emotional side of it there's also a business element to it you know what i mean there's going to be some sort of business so um i bet you it's all emotional for james he doesn't seem like the kind of guy like he's got his own shit going on his feel but at the end of the day that all that plays a role into it because there's a lot of things that are happening at one time so it's always a tough situation to go through like i've had business partners in the past and then don't have business
Starting point is 00:55:26 partners. And even, even if both parties are in relative agreement that, Hey, this is the right decision for everything. It's still gonna, there's still going to be fumbles on the way. There's still going to be issues that need to be worked out, need to be processed. And then imagine trying to do that with like a public spotlight on it. And then all this other stuff it just adds
Starting point is 00:55:45 to that so much more so he's not ever coming on this podcast he's always welcome but he's never coming this podcast is like crossfit it's for everyone but it's not for everyone wait how one could do it but most won't yeah mine was worse i i james is awesome i think i think james townsend is uh also shit hopefully i'll have him on the air someday i think he deals in the metric of respect and i've in a lot a lot of human beings do and i think that's a tough one to deal i don't do that one i don't i i um needing respect is i don't do that one but maybe that's why i'm not an alpha i'm not a leader so maybe eating it or showing like having other people show it i don't i don't need anyone to show me respect i know but like i would be more upset like not about it happened to myself but if somebody disrespected like grace or somebody else you
Starting point is 00:56:45 know my mom in front of me or something like that that would more so well it's funny you say that we were we a coke fell off a fucking one of the lines at disneyland and hit a lady's head below like a who is it was a pan or was it like a top it was on jungle cruise it was a bottle of coke okay sounded like a fucking it fell 30 feet Jungle Cruise. It was a bottle of Coke. Okay. It sounded like a fucking – it fell 30 feet and fucking hit her in the head or 20 feet, and it sounded like a fucking gunshot, and she went down to the crouch position. Oh. And I thought to myself, oh, man. If that would have hit one of my – and no one came and said sorry.
Starting point is 00:57:22 No one took ownership. But I thought if that would have been one of my kids, I'd have had said, sorry, no one took ownership. But I thought if that would have been one of my kids, I, I'd had to go up there and something horrible might've had to happen. Like there'd be like this 160 pound five foot five dude beating up a, like a 600 pound woman who dropped her fucking Coca-Cola on my fucking kid. It'd be crazy. I'd go viral.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Yeah. So, you know, when dealing with some respect like like that it's different but yeah yeah hopefully that wasn't intentional either oh man can you imagine if i got killed by someone dropping a bottle of coke on me oh miss sarah cox hi Oh, Miss Sarah Cox. Hi. I feel so much better now that I've done this podcast.
Starting point is 00:58:10 I was jonesing. I hope you know I'd spent a massive conspiracy off of that. That it was done on purpose. I would Alex Jones myself into oblivion. Can you play number 113 since we're playing the race card so hard, how these guys can't be canceled. These guys can't be canceled. I really want to have these guys on the show. I'm fascinated by, I'd like to have them on the show. Uh, hold on a second. Uh, Clydesdale media has is chiming in here. I always love giving the, uh, James is an amazing dude. I've never met someone so genuine. We had him on our show and it didn't get pulled oh uh oh okay well can you pull that up real quick i want
Starting point is 00:58:50 to see before we go to uh island boys let's see what do you want to see it on youtuber instagram sarah thank you probably a greatest beach, everything was amazing. Absolutely amazing. Guys, listen, we have had so many people reach out who want to be a part of the program we're doing where we take your blood panel and then we make some suggestions. We have some doctors make some suggestions on what changes, lifestyle changes you need to make in order to be muy fuerte muy fuerte and uh and healthy and sleep better and all those things we we've had a few women um we've had a few women right if you're a woman and you're interested in that please reach out send your picture and like a little paragraph description on why you want to do it partake in it it, to the Seblon podcast at And if you're a man, the same thing. We have already picked out at least one man. And basically, we're going to
Starting point is 00:59:54 start. And basically, we'll follow these people's journey. All I ask from you is that once you embark on the journey, you come on the podcast once a month, and we have an honest dialogue about what the journey is like. And all I want you to do is be honest hey i got my blood work done this is what they suggested this is what i'm doing and we basically follow you for a year so other people can make the decision themselves if they want to uh partake in it me personally i'm scared to shit i'm scared shitless of that i might get my testosterone check find out that i'm really a woman and by the way all the people that have sent in emails, we have gotten your emails. There's actually been like a massive flood of
Starting point is 01:00:31 them. So we will be getting back to everybody in time as well too. So if you sent your email, we got it. Thank you. And we'll be sending you some stuff back soon. Are you choosing the hottest person? No, I think almost even the opposite. Like if you look like you got run over by a semi i think you have a better chance we get the most improvement out of you i don't know about u.s residents only apply that i don't know interesting that i don't know you're the second or third person who's asked asked this i need to uh um i need to find out uh you'll you will hang yourself okay so clydesdale podcast then we'll come back to craig's comment let me see what let me see when they interviewed
Starting point is 01:01:11 james before i recommend it i don't know if this is it because it's only like seven minutes so this was like two months ago i might have skipped the other one up here but i didn't see anything before that good go back up to oh okay all right well that's good that it's short do you remember when hillary used to make 10 minute videos and made fun of me for making two hour videos now all the videos are 20 minutes oh it's an hour okay oh click on it for a second click on i want to see i'll click on this again and an ad uh can we get audio oh oh yeah yeah stand by see if you can skip to like it um okay skipping a little bit yeah yeah thank you for having me um i want to start with kind of growing up right you grew up in jersey keep going keep going
Starting point is 01:02:01 looking for mal's name um and you And you were a really good football player. You started at the age of four, I believe. Sousa? Oh, yeah. Good job, Sousa. So what is it like growing up where you did and being a football star? Breaking records. Their hip crease on the air squat was in five minutes because of the time to care more than what they need.
Starting point is 01:02:27 I'm going above and beyond. Okay, I'll come back and check it out. Good. Awesome. Playsdale Podcast, James. Is that Catherine right there? I didn't recognize her. What's up, boys?
Starting point is 01:02:41 What did you think of my video I sent you on the hospital discontinuing our charity drive because of sanitation. Idiots. I don't know. I don't know if I saw it. My DMs are a little whack right now. I apologize. But I try to get back to everything. When is Colton Mertens coming on the show next?
Starting point is 01:03:02 I don't know. That's a good question. Best question the show's had. That's a good question. Best question the show's had. It's a great question. Okay. Can you play Island Boys 113 and then we'll go back to Craig's comment.
Starting point is 01:03:17 It's fascinating finding people like this though, Craig. Okay, let's see. Watch, watch. Here we go. Trying to show how tough he is. I'm going to show y'all industry niggas ain't on the shit. Hold your hands up real quick. Get closer, closer.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Like that. Like this, like this, like this. I love this guy. Come on. Hold it like that. Come on, man. You're just dying to know what makes them tick. Island boys are lit. What's that mean?
Starting point is 01:03:58 Lit on drugs. Why do they always have their pants down so low? That does not look fun fun anyway they can't say that word they're white guys cancel them do you think they do stuff like that just because they know like i think there was another video before that and like uh sports center mma or something like we posted it like i just think they're under the like in like attract as much attention as possible campaign
Starting point is 01:04:35 like it doesn't matter yeah make this look silly it doesn't like just just attack here's the part that doesn't make sense they show all of this money but then they do cameo and cameo is when you make um recordings for people right like you pay them and they make a record like i could pay them 300 bucks and they would call you and be like hey what's up suza we're the island boys and um but i don't just, if they were making tons of money, I just can't see them doing that. Yeah. I mean, we should, you think they're Hispanic? We should get a cameo and see.
Starting point is 01:05:13 I thought they were Irish. We had a very nice girlfriend reach out and, and, uh, email us about her boyfriend's birthday. Oh, but that was a past birthday past what was his name i think it was uh joe pierro pierro his girlfriend danielle wrote us in we were gonna do it before one of the interviews and then anomaly came on and then you guys got you guys got going and then why didn't you interrupt is that your fault it's definitely my fault because i could interrupt it but that was a great podcast and the calm people in the comments seem like susan why would you interrupt for that always interrupt i always try to i always try to come in and interrupt here and just get the paper street coffee banner going when i can that's
Starting point is 01:05:59 the only way you can get anything um said on this show oh yeah paper street coffee oh do you know i haven't had a paper street coffee in a few days oh chugging one now oh that's awesome hillar agreed okay so tomorrow we'll have hillar on will you can throw hillar and i'm gonna invite snorri too we're gonna get to the bottom of some of this shit i'm gonna invite him um but but for snorri it'll be like midnight where he's at and and i and i reached out to that guy the fitness wizard so basically what's happening is for tomorrow's show there's a bunch of weird shit going on unfortunately we saw mr hip and steel's video which is just nuts there's not a single it's just all screwed up and he needs to be
Starting point is 01:06:48 nuts there's not a single it's just all screwed up and he needs to be he needs to i don't i don't the cross the games you can't go to the cross the games if your video looks that bad have you seen that video it's so it's it's so bad and so that needs to be talked about tomorrow with brian but then we need to figure out what's going on i guess there's two people in north america now that can't leave the country and then come back and compete if they so they can't come back period and it's like why doesn't cross make an exception for them who cares who like i don't see why anyone cares if this exception isn't like we're um letting someone do steroids at the games i just this once i think i think it's like uh let's try let's say 7 7 p.m pacific standard time that's a good time for him yeah or i think it's scheduled at 6 30 so if you want to get him in first too you do like 6 40 or something uh can we play number um we're done with disneyland i think you know you know
Starting point is 01:07:50 when i when i see those people at disneyland i think obviously they're in so there's so much going wrong with how much they're eating right there there's so much going wrong in their life and then they do all these weird things like with the piercings and the tattoos and just all the hair color. And then they just exacerbate it. And then they've kind of poured this weird like love into Disneyland, the regular. But I almost feel like it's like if I were to go and buy like a brand new like Honda Accord for like fully loaded for 60 grand and then just take the thickest chain like like those chains that the liver king carries around his neck, and tie it to the axle with like a 200-pound anchor on it. Like the day I get it. I mean just destroy the car.
Starting point is 01:08:31 You know what I mean? Let it bounce around, hit the bottom, slow the car down. It's nuts. The disrespect for the human body, the decrepitude that I witnessed. It's not a little bit people. It was everyone. And my wife's like, do not speak in absolute. So you know what I did?
Starting point is 01:08:51 I walked around and I was like, I'm going to count people until I find someone who's not obese. And I got to 500 and I'm like, all right, that's everyone. I quit. You didn't see anybody else? Like, not even when you were walking? Dude, at the end of the night when I was in the tram, there was a guy with his baby, and he was wearing a tank top, and he had some nice arms.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I still would have whooped his ass. Okay, can we play number 111? This one. It says sex offender LOL. That means. Wait. Hold on. Do we have multiple 111s here?
Starting point is 01:09:39 Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Craig White. I appreciate you guys got to walk my pit bull. I just have to grab my MAGA hat and a pack of bug out three guns, two joints, bullproof vest while carrying my wife in a bikini.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Jeez Louise. Way to paint a picture there, Craig. Yeah. An American. a picture there. Yeah. An American. Okay. Oh, okay. Let's,
Starting point is 01:10:10 let's check this out. What is this crazy nonsense? This is what you wanted, right? Yeah. Okay. Here we go. What's going on with Johnny Depp? Craig white.
Starting point is 01:10:25 That sounds like I'm going to take a bigger risk than anyone has ever taken on television before. In just a few moments, I'm going to be handcuffed to this solid steel frame, and I'll have exactly 90 seconds to free myself before the claw on this robotic arm undoes my pants, exposing me to an audience of children. If that happens, an LAPD officer is standing by to arrest me for indecent exposure. We've all seen escape artists risk death before. But tonight, I'm going to risk something even worse, becoming a registered sex offender for life.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Why, you ask? Because tonight I'm going to... Oh my gosh. David Blaine ain't got shit on this guy. Oh my goodness. Remember when Houdini would be in a tank drowning and he had to get out to save his
Starting point is 01:11:23 life? Now it's your pants are going to fall down in front of little kids. had to get out to save his life now it's your pants are gonna fall down in front of little kids and you're gonna win you're gonna get a job at disney erin erin hat note oh look at erin's ears he got the gauges uh great job fellas i'm curious if having past games retirees like Alex Anderson, Kristen Clever, et cetera, maybe to come on and comment on the semis and games. Oh, that's not a bad idea. I wouldn't mind talking to Kristen Clever. I haven't talked to him forever. It's not a bad idea. I did a video with Kristen Clever one time and I hung out with her all day and it was, it was, it was a little awkward. She, she was pretty quiet. It was early on in her career. I hung out with her all day and I went back to my, and, and, uh, and, uh, Miranda Alcarez was, was there with me. She was hanging out. She was good friends with Kristen Clever is good friends.
Starting point is 01:12:21 And they were hanging out and Miranda was like trying to massage and Becca Voight was there. Maybe even Lindsay Valenzuela was there for part of it like like valley girls but then eventually I went to I went to Kristen Clever's house and we hung out there and so like we had to talk and I got and then I was like wow and Kristen ended up killing it and I thought I did the most amazing job ever and then I got back to my hotel room that night it was like 10 o'clock and I had a few hours with her shoot the next morning. And I'm eating a hamburger and I'm starting to load the cards into my computer. And I realized I had no sound on any of the footage.
Starting point is 01:12:59 I know it doesn't sound like a big deal to you guys, but I couldn't even eat my hamburger. I wanted to throw up. I don't think I've ever shared that story with anyone. I called my wife crying. I don't even think she's my wife at the time. It was Haley. No, she wasn't. They didn't have kids.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Haley was so sweet to me. Crazy. Do you remember what she said? Don't worry. When you get home, I'll fuck the shit out of you. You'll forget all this stuff. Oh, my God. No, I don't know what she said don't worry when you get home i'll fuck the shit out of you you forget all this oh my god no i don't know what she said i that's all i ever hear she can be like can you walk the dog and at the end i always just hear like i'll fuck you when you get back even if she doesn't say it that's just what i hear i fucked up the jesus said you wouldn't get back oh i had a problem okay we we did the sex offender magician uh what can we do 110 the um i think we did that one last night we did we did it already
Starting point is 01:13:58 yeah because we talked about me flying home too. Can you see the video? You remember? Are you certain? You put a lot of work in these. I don't want you to erase one. We'll throw it up there. Let's do it. Put a lot of work into this. Well, now you're making me second guess it. So now I don't want to say no. I'm too freaked out. I'm wrong. Put a lot of work into these, Mr. Su.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Oh, this looks familiar. Oh familiar oh yeah we did this one all right you're right point susan okay okay how about this india crossfit oh yeah this is interesting this is interesting i've already said too much nice stuff about crossfit let's bash them a little bit today india crossfit hey if if greg were around and Hiller was doing this, Greg would be so, so stoked, by the way. What Hiller is doing is what Greg wanted to be done, the community to police itself. Okay, so this place is in India, and it says, from being the only CrossFit in Punjab – Punjab. I've been to Punjab to single-handedly spreading CrossFit in North India, we have come a long way as a community. From paying $3,000 a month for consecutive years and paying thousands of dollars to get ourselves certified, today CrossFit finally gave us what it thinks we deserve, a legal notice.
Starting point is 01:15:21 And they get in trouble. What do they get the legal notice for keep going um from being hit hard by the pandemic and still pulling through with our head held high guess what crossfit gave us uh for support nothing there are many more than 20 gyms around us and more than hundreds in india that advertise being crossfit gyms and it is hard for crossfit to have a legal team and make sure that the interest of their affiliates is protected the answer is no they don't give a shit basically this gym is saying is they're a legit crossfit gym that pays money um for the name and that there's dozens of gyms around them that don't um and what started as a worldwide community to get people together and get fit has become
Starting point is 01:15:57 a business intended towards only one goal make more money ah that's not that's a little harsh well okay maybe it's not we feel sad and enraged but this is not the farewell that we would have wanted at the same time this makes us stronger in our vision to make people around us fitter both mentally and physically maybe they need a crossfit gym at disneyland hey i didn't see one playground there for kids to play on god my kids i my kids would walk by other kids and i would think how are these other kids going to compete with my kids in life other kids were just like broken makes us realize that it's not the same uh of the or the crossfit brand that gets us going
Starting point is 01:16:37 rather it is our hard work and determination so fuck you crossfit we shall continue on our endeavor to make people the best versions of – what did they get in trouble for? Proudly unaffiliated. What did they get in trouble for? They got a cease and desist for what? A legal notice. Oh, infringement of trademark. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Yeah. It breaks all my stereotypes of Indian people. I thought they would be a hello my friend i think we have got this letter uh inappropriately uh can you please uh uh uh uh be nice to us and uh stop the legal notices thank you have a nice day maybe they tried the nice route the first time do you remember when people were getting canceled and the guy who did the voice uh hank azarian or aziz for uh um simpsons got in trouble for doing the indian voice do not do not make fun of my eight armed elephant have a nice day like that was racist come on dudead Zombie, $5 super sticker. Doing accents is racist?
Starting point is 01:17:46 Would it be the same if you tried an Australian one? Or a English accent? If I could do an Australian. You're right, right. Good point. I don't know. I wish I could do Australia. I wish I could do it.
Starting point is 01:17:58 If I could do a German Hitler accent, I would be doing it all the time. I should practice on that shit. Yeah, that would be great for the show. What would CDC say about Hillar if he was still around uh i i mr butter hey isn't that funny dick butter i never realized it has the word button it too butter it's a lot it's a lot to unpack butter dick mr butter uh i'm sure he's having a blast i mean it what a complete and utter shit show it is over there well i can't wait to talk about it tomorrow i feel bad because i have so many friends over there but it's but it is fun and but but we already know exactly what's
Starting point is 01:18:38 happening there's just no one in charge yeah that's true by the way they did a they did a live stream on their instagram but i was at disneyland but i so wanted to capture that live stream and play it on our youtube um and and talk about what they were showing it would have been so fun well you're in luck they have it. I might have. I think TDC is probably really happy. I mean, wouldn't you be completely happy if like, like,
Starting point is 01:19:11 you know, your, your wife dumps you in two weeks later, boyfriend gives her herpes. You're like, oops, I might have sources all over the interwebs that just send video feed. Um,
Starting point is 01:19:26 I, Oh, I took the trash out. My my wife just said don't forget to take trash out I did that already I like Dick Butter's icon I wonder if he made that graphic or just found it have you signed up for the newsletter please go to
Starting point is 01:19:40 thesevonmatosian no sorry the seven and sign up for the newsletter it's going very fast thank you i was looking at our open rates wow we're killing it okay so we did india how about this um oh look at number eight 108 save this. This one's kind of fun. IG dick cheese picture. I'm going camping. 108. Wait.
Starting point is 01:20:15 It's an article. There was another one I wanted to show. Super woke. Laugh out loud. The Mac. Oh, I want to talk about. wait, can we do number 95 first? Sorry. Can we do number 95?
Starting point is 01:20:30 So many people say stuff in the comments, and you – first of all, if you write in the comments on YouTube or anywhere and you don't make sense, you're not logical, there becomes a point where it's not even worth dealing dealing with you or if you just say like stupid shit. Ninety five. I want I know, but you could probably go to the YouTube comments and find it. I just don't know exactly where it is. But but it was it was in one of the it was in one of the posts.
Starting point is 01:21:00 You have to understand this. And I say this with all humility and love i would be hard pressed to believe that there's anyone who knows more about crossfit than me okay one person okay three people that's it no more but i also would be surprised i would i still would be surprised if there's anyone who knows more than me and what do i mean more than me i mean just about the whole thing how much money it makes affiliate history who fucked who history of the games uh history of the training department history media like all in all i mean there's people who definitely know the methodology better than me there's people who definitely i mean you know it's greg's fucking company the audacity okay
Starting point is 01:21:39 fine you like i'm not gonna argue that greg more than me, but I definitely know more about who fucked who at HQ. I just think that I know more than anyone. I know about the accounting department. I know who did what. I know. I found the Forbes article. And so for you to say, so I was saying about how CrossFit does not have a lot of money. And someone's like trying to say, no, I saw forbes reported that crossfit's worth four billion dollars and so i thought okay i'm gonna tell
Starting point is 01:22:09 you how that story started first of all crossfit is not worth four billion dollars crossfit probably is worth uh less than most of the boats that i saw this weekend in Newport. Say 200 million. I don't think crosses were 200 million. I think that's probably worth like 25 million, to be honest. I think it is a bit in tomorrow and tomorrow. It could be worth 200 million again or 500 million. I mean, who knows? Bring Dave back, do something crazy.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Try to bring Dave back and then sell it right after the game. But I think it's. It can't be good so so when someone says oh but forbes said it's worth four billion let me tell you how that happened so greg was doing an interview with forbes it was an armenian guy and they filmed the interview it was a video and um it was at a crossfit gym in new york i think it's one of those douchebag gyms that requires people to get take drugs in order to work out there now which is i don't know any crossfit gym does that and thinks that they understand greg's methodology but they for it's one of those gyms maybe it was at hell's kitchen i don't know i shouldn't say and we're doing in there doing the uh it's in manhattan
Starting point is 01:23:26 i'm sure the place is like a hundred thousand dollars a month rent no shit and uh greg's in there and he's being interviewed and the guy says something to him like hey greg what do you think the value is of crossfit and he says the ecosystem probably has a value of four billion dollars or something along those lines. I'm paraphrasing. And the guy didn't hear or didn't understand Greg's language and thought that he was saying the company was worth $4 billion. And he wasn't talking about that.
Starting point is 01:24:03 When you say the CrossFitfit ecosystem you're talking about the billion dollars that rogue is worth that's bill and katie's little fucking yeah uh business that's that's the billions that fucking whatever are hundreds of millions that would you know the 50 million that people think whoop is worth right whatever whoop is worth rx bar that's rx bar yeah he talked about the ecosystem how much the trainers are making, the people selling shoes, all of that. And he said the ecosystem was worth $4 billion. I don't know how much the parking meter, how much money people who make parking meters make off of cities. But let's say they make $100 million a year.
Starting point is 01:24:48 But the ecosystem for parking is fucking billions. Parking tickets, new meters, all the people who work to check the parking meters. It's a big difference. You can't say a parking meter company makes all the money that the ecosystem makes the drop in the bucket the pga doesn't make shit compared to the fucking golf ecosystem right nothing and so when you write that stuff on youtube and you act like like you're like you're saying like you're telling me something like you should you're better off asking a question like 99 i think i've like one person i've ever read a comment like oh actually they're right i fucked that up
Starting point is 01:25:32 i like jonathan ortega's um avatar picture hi nick i got your um i got your yeah that's a cool picture that's what i picture uh speaking of races that's what i picture hector to look like hector trinta uh um i got your um email it was it was like a paragraph and there were like four questions in there so i just went up to mark done red yeah Yeah, that's really the trick, guys. If you want to get something, make it a nice one-liner. Oh, Nick, you're a good dude. Get a nice one-liner.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Jeff, that's not a nice comment. You're not a nice dude. I do not understand their – that's the one thing I don't know. Aaron, I am intrigued by your diet seven would you ever go a little more in depth sometime about what you take supplements and eat generally yeah i'll tell you just in a nutshell what i do in a nutshell i wake up in the morning and i have a cup of coffee and then i when, when I'm done with the podcast, I go outside, I go back into the main part of the house and there's usually some leftover eggs and I eat the leftover eggs. It's probably like one or two eggs. And then there might be a piece of bacon
Starting point is 01:26:55 or some oatmeal or something. Just, it's just, it's just shit laid out. Right. And the kids are like off doing their Kumon or doing whatever they're doing. And I usually just like run through through there and eat that stuff then i'll go out with them and we'll go to let's say the skate park and there's a pete's coffee there and i'll run in and i'll get two hard boiled eggs well i'll get six but but i my kids will eat four and i'll eat or i'll eat whatever's left over sometimes i get lucky and i get all six but but rarely. Sometimes I get one, but I'd say normally two. Then I come home and I'll be hungry. Now it's like one or two o'clock and I'll start like, oh, I need to eat something.
Starting point is 01:27:35 And I'll usually start like a pound of hamburger meat and like a clamshell of greens. Then I'll probably work out, do some more stuff with the kids. And then at night I'll do something stupid.'ll have like a hat another half pound of hamburger meat a giant cup of raw milk and six pounds of cashews okay i something stupid always happens at night not like stupid like yeah not like something stupid like the stuff that people do at Disneyland. I drink the paper street. So what I do is I wake up in the morning. I have one cup of paper street coffee right when I wake up. And then as I'm getting ready for the show, and then I have another cup, but I dilute it with like 80% water for the show. dilute it with like 80% water for the show. I, I don't, I don't know if I'm just too busy. I don't, I'm not too busy. I just questions. I just, I start not knowing how to answer the questions.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Start overthinking it. Someone who, someone has invited me to Los Angeles to do a business deal. And I don't, I don't want to, I can't. Or not Los Angeles, Las Vegas. And I, and I called Matt and I'm in a panic. And he goes, why am I? Cause I know the answer shouldn't be fuck off. No, it should be like, oh, thank you for the offer. We'd love to hear you out. But, but everything that anyone ever offers me, I just panic. And so I can't, um, so many people do nice things but i just i i i just panic i can't believe i went to newport and hung out with these people and had a good time i was i was ready to never come home that's i'm like such a creature of habit i was already just like in the routine
Starting point is 01:29:20 yeah yeah i was already like i was falling into it too i was dude i hung out with anomaly it's a good life i know i saw i was jealous oh he was so he's he's so i like him on but i like him on instagram he's a thousand times cooler in person he's really tall and really attractive like really really, really attractive. He's like an angel. It was cool. Oh, can we play number 99? I have to pee. 99. Maybe I should.
Starting point is 01:29:56 When you play this, I should pee. No, no. I won't do that to you. Oh, yeah. This is good. Caleb made this, right? Yep. Oh, oh, Katie's hurting me.
Starting point is 01:30:13 Katie, Katie caught it. Oh, Nelly. With this guy, you know. If Howard Stern and Joe Rogan had a baby, you'd be looking at him. Remember, the people were live, so don't, like, start picking your nose or pull your dick out or anything crazy like that. And this is why this is the greatest show on the internet, because there's a comment here that says a lot of pre-cum, and then right after, there's a comment that says it's so sad. Let's go back. Look up the names and they...
Starting point is 01:30:39 No one clipped that and played that on the internet. A thumb with a mustache. Yes. Listen, a guy named Johan Lopez called you a thumb with a mustache. Wow. I'm going to shit myself. Man, that Sevan podcast is dull as shit. Okay, you guys have a great day.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Okay. You too. Thanks for calling. Mwah. No. podcast is dull as shit okay you guys have a great day okay you too thanks for calling no i was feeling oh like it was my mom dude i forgot to plug the fucking phone in i didn't plug in the live call and i wonder if anyone called in today we didn't put well good thing we didn't put the number up i don't the, I'm looking right here and the phone's not here. Like right here.
Starting point is 01:31:26 It's usually sits right there. Gone. I took it with me to Newport and I didn't put it back. Live call in phone. Oh, Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie. Not cool. Katie. Pool.
Starting point is 01:31:44 Pool. Fool. Fool. Fool. Fool. Fool. You're a fool. Katie, not cool. Pool, pool, full, full, full, full, full. You're a fool. You're a fool. You're a fool. I'm full. I'm full. I'm full.
Starting point is 01:31:54 I just use fool. Just one word to me. I just do fool. My wife's going to love that. I always make fun of the way she says shit. Cupboard, cupboard, cupboard. Yeah, I don't touch any of that shit i wouldn't i i do not eat shit like that i do not i'm too old i'm fitty oh something's wrong with your mic susan you got muted or something oh yeah i was in the mute mute from when we played youtube uh we're at 90 minutes
Starting point is 01:32:28 uh we're at 90 minutes um id dick cheese oh so i want to say something about uh should i talk about dick dick i instagram dick cheese post there's this thing that people do on their posts that i think is so fucking cheesy and so fucking insincere another thing you know what i've been trying to do um aaron to i've been trying to eat like some raw eggs and then it really bummed me out because I saw CarnivoreMD said you're not supposed to eat the whites of the eggs. So I'm like, oh, what a pain in the ass because I wanted to eat raw eggs because I just wanted to crack one, put it in a little shot glass, and throw it down. Now I have to do that and get a spoon and just get out the – did you know that? You're not supposed to eat the white? And I looked it up, and I forget the reason why, but it's pretty serious.
Starting point is 01:33:04 It's like, oh, yeah, you shouldn't eat the whites raw. If it's true. Say that again. So that creates a lot more work. Yeah. I guess still less than cooking. There's this thing that people do on their Instagram posts where they say stuff like, um, they make the post and then they say, they say today I'm going for a hike with me
Starting point is 01:33:22 today. Me and Suze are going for a hike. What do you guys like to do when you're with your bestie? That – my fight – and just so you know, What's-His-Name does not do this. Rob Orlando does not do this. But this is – if we were to do it for the barbell brush, we'd do it like this. this but this is if we do it for the barbell brush we do it like this my favorite barbell brush is the black one with the steel bristles which is your favorite barbell brush yes comment below your favorite hiking trail yeah it's like my favorite flavor of podium is the
Starting point is 01:33:58 chocolate mint what's your favorite dude it's so ins it's such insincere. It's such insincere shit. It's like one of the favorite things that the but it works. But it works. I like to wear blue booty shorts. Which ones would you like to see me in next week? The beacon
Starting point is 01:34:20 of morals. The beacon. What did I call her? The beacon of moral. Of high morals. Yeah, the beacon of high morals. Love the beacon of of morals. The beacon, what did I call her? The beacon of moral. Of high morals. Yeah, the beacon of high morals. Love the beacon of high morals. So silly. Tag your buddy who likes goofing around in the gym.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Whoopee. And it's like, what's your favorite dance move in the gym? Oh my goodness. There's some good captions you guys will see on our instagram soon yeah i just every time i see that it's just such insincere what made me think about that how i got spun up on that is i started like getting really up on my high horse like basically if you're not shadow banned you're either you're you're either a coward or you're an idiot i'm not shadow man
Starting point is 01:35:05 i know that's why i didn't want to say that but which category do i fall under hey i'm from berkeley i'm from berkeley anytime i anytime i throw some shit and it lands on you just remember i'm from berkeley i am deeply offended um i i want to say something to all the fathers out there who have daughters. All the fathers out there that have daughters. My boys are going to be with your girls. They're going to shower with them. They're going to skinny dip with them. They're going to get drunk with them.
Starting point is 01:35:44 They're going to drive across the shower with them. They're going to skinny dip with them. They're going to get drunk with them. They're going to drive across the country with them. My boys are going to have sex with your girls. They're going to kiss your girls. They're going to take your girls out on dates. They're going to experiment with your girls. Number 104, please. They're going to get your girls pregnant. They're going to make your girls cry. Your girls are going to make my boys cry. It's going to happen. All of you men out there
Starting point is 01:36:16 with daughters, it's going to happen. The only thing that you can participate in is to figure out what kind of boy do you want my boys to be? Do you want my boys to be built for battle when they're with your girls? Or do you want my boys to be the boys that I saw at Disneyland? Boys that I saw at Disneyland. Who at eight years old, their parents are pushing them around in a cart. They have half their hair dyed green. They're holding a bubble stick and a pack of fucking M&Ms. You don't, we're not, we're not going to have a choice hey they're hopefully my girls marry someone taller i know i hear you me too i hope they do too
Starting point is 01:37:12 but but but it's not gonna you're not gonna have a choice but for size in another three years my son's gonna be able to at 10 years old my son's going to be able to beat up most grown men at the rate grown men are waning in their capacity and my boys are waxing in it your daughters are going to be stuck with fucking armenian midgets jew midgets i'm telling you it's happening. I'm building my boys to be capable to be amazing partners with your daughters. No one's going to take their lunch money. That's what I think of. That's what I think of.
Starting point is 01:38:07 That's what I think of. I'm building my boys, and I think of your daughters. What would you want for your daughters? All right, 104 did it. Good. Feel good about that one? It was good. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:38:21 That was good. Mom, if you're watching the show tonight, which hopefully you are, I wanted to ask you, can you do this? Number 103. Mom, can you do this? Dylan Vowell fights on May 6th. We got to talk about that right after this. Mom, can you do this? 103.
Starting point is 01:38:41 See if my mom's watching. This is nuts, dude. This is a 90-year-old woman. Dude, no one at Disneyland can do this. A 90-year-old mom can still do this. There is nothing more important to her than her mobility and her freedom of movement. My 90-year-old mom. That's bad to the bone.
Starting point is 01:39:11 She was doing it for anyone who couldn't see it. You're just listening. That was a 90-year-old woman doing a candlestick with both legs. She started on her back. She rolled back. She swung forward, and she stood up. Yeah, that is dope. That is, that's a great great great uh and and how about that daughter who's so proud of their her mom i wonder if my mom can do that i'm gonna ask her
Starting point is 01:39:35 tomorrow i don't want to forget that uh on may 6th one of our most loyal and favorite listeners uh dylan vowel is fighting when can we schedule dylan that's coming up oh dylan we'll text you tonight we're gonna text you tonight so i was invited to go to vegas to meet with this guy he's a big shot and he wants to be a part of the um podcast and he's in vegas and um yeah i i don't know how to ask like uh can i bring my boyfriend uh suza like oh you got muted again i keep forgetting to click it off as i was trying to find dillmau's instagram but i didn't have it up here and i was i don't i just want it up here. I don't want to talk to anyone about business. Maybe later. I'm just afraid I'm going to screw it up.
Starting point is 01:40:35 No, go away. It's mine. My podcast. I'm keeping my 1,000 listeners. Don't try to help me. It's all mine. I'm an island boy. i'm an island boy i'm an island boy i think you just need a face that we did um we did um hey we had some of our biggest shows in
Starting point is 01:40:56 newport yeah it was the lighting oh uh uh we did abortion law in california let's look at um number 102 this was supposed to be part of the game republican or democrat which we just i just haven't had the balls to get off the ground yet 102 oh can we remember soon as we get off to um text dylan vow to schedule him? Yes. Oh, look, he put his... No, I have your phone number. I have your phone number, dude. I'll text your fucking phone. I'll tell you nothing about it. That was for me.
Starting point is 01:41:34 That was for me. So I was searching for his Instagram. Okay, Republican or Democrat? You tell me. Did we already look at this one? We did. Hours before I drove, eight hours to get here so i'm actually starting to feel 100 again my name is denim cox you fell right in front of me and i
Starting point is 01:41:51 i was the guy who uh i picked you up did i fall over your bike are you the motherfucker that parked your bike in my shin zone no i don't what's your stance on elbow pads and knee pads if you're from san francisco i guess. What does that mean for Nancy Pelosi? I don't even know her. I puked 10 hours before I drove. I would love Republicans more if they wore helmets. Why can't you guys wear helmets? Why can't you guys wear helmets?
Starting point is 01:42:19 The liberal in me just, I need a bike helmet. I need pesto and a bike helmet. All right, guys. rule in me just i need a bike helmet i need pesto and a bike helmet all right guys uh tomorrow 6 30 p.m uh thank you it sounds like we're gonna have andrew hiller on i'm gonna email a couple other people um tonight um dm them and try to get a couple other people on who are involved in this semi-final fucking train wreck uh yes you hear that hannah anderson why what did she say she like bombed three of our videos in a row that just said get hillar on here stat all cap don't be afraid you guys aren't gonna like it i'm we're not gonna like i'm gonna i'm not we're not you guys aren't gonna like it what is this like don't be afraid i'm scared i'm scared i'm not letting him say much
Starting point is 01:43:05 i'm gonna come on i'm gonna ask i'm gonna have the three questions already out but i'm not gonna ask him like i'm not gonna do anything like to promote him and ask him like hey how big is your penis no what's your favorite bat no i'm gonna ask killer like hey what's going on with this video of david hippensteel or something like that that or what do you think the solution is? Something to add value to the subject at hand. And I probably won't even talk to him directly. When I have questions to ask him, I'll probably ask Brian to ask
Starting point is 01:43:34 him or Matt Souza to ask him because I'm too scared. I'm an island boy. Okay, guys. Thank you so so much we'll see you tomorrow there's a chance that we might even do a podcast in the morning depends on if we don't it's Suze's fault just no

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