The Sevan Podcast - #382 - CrossFit Trainwrecks with Andrew Hiller & Brian Friend

Episode Date: April 28, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
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Starting point is 00:01:01 Bam, we're live. Semifinals are within countries or governing groups of countries with travel restrictions requiring vaccinations what does that mean eight out of ten what am i looking at here okay can you decode this for me we believe in numbers and we believe in personal choice however the narrative surrounding the atlas games and the crossfit games seating by morning chagom needs to stop crossfit is a global sport and traveling internationally for competition at the elite level is a given oh look wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there's this fallacy and argument there cross it's it's a given it's a given according to who according to fantasy according to the people who believe in fantasy all right yeah okay now i
Starting point is 00:01:42 get it because you believe in fantasy given well even you know what's given is who wrote that was born from a vagina or a c-section that's a given jackass who wrote that who wrote this is that's the pompousness of you the pompousness of you i'm all for just taking the morning chalk up and licking my hand and spanking their behind. But this is ridiculous. Make it a legitimate spanking. The majority of semifinals are being held in countries that have travel restrictions. The United States included. The majority of athletes who completed competed at last year's CrossFit Games were also from outside the U.S. and would need to be vaccinated in the CrossFit Games we're held today. Pointless, pointless.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Two wrongs, three wrongs, five wrongs don't make a right. Like, oh, everyone else has to sit next to smokers, so everyone should have to sit next to smokers. It's just… The context of this is kind of important, but basically a couple days ago… Wait a second. Sorry, sorry, sorry, Brian. I must interrupt already one minute and 42nd into the show. Cause it's what I do.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Taylor self just text me and says, YouTube says the show's at 1 30 AM. There's a lot of people watching right now. Yeah. Taylor, you jackass 470 people got it right. And I've been waiting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Okay. Sorry. Go on. I'm changing my number. So Taylor can't text me anymore. You don't have to change your number to do that. You just block him? Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I'm going to be seeing him tomorrow. Oh, my headphones aren't on. I don't even look professional. Where are you going to see him at? South Carolina. What is fantasy fitness? What do you do in South Carolina? Oh, you're competing there.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Yeah. JR Hall is putting an event on at Crash. It's teams of four. I'm partnering up with some guys I've never met before. They're members at his gym. And I'm just going to go support the event and also compete a little bit. How do you feel about partnering with some people you've never worked out with before?
Starting point is 00:03:47 I think it's, I think it'll be fun. I think it'll be, uh, you know, an, a bit of an uncomfortable situation. I haven't necessarily been in before,
Starting point is 00:03:54 but like, you know, good kind of challenge to, um, see how I can do. I think you're going to get people who, um, they just want to beat you and be like yeah i beat
Starting point is 00:04:06 that dude who's on the podcast the podcast guy the analyst guy you know the other team talking elite fitness podcast guy we beat it we whooped his ass brian frank are you the weak link i have no idea oh i think i'm definitely i'm probably the weakest when it comes to strength lifting, but that's usually the case amongst the guys that are similar to me. And, uh, but I'm probably, you know, maybe better on some other things. Uh, I did not send Hiller the link that was just clickbait to get more of you to watch. Hiller's not coming on the show till July. I told until july i told you thank you very much uh what um what were we talking about fantasy okay context can you put that in context for me by the way the premise of this show is really in part and hillar is coming on in uh 25 minutes um he just takes a little longer to get ready than brian and caleb and I. The premise is this.
Starting point is 00:05:05 We are watching – there's stuff that's being presented now, and a lot of it courtesy of Hiller's free work and people that Hiller's giving credit to. He gave – today he was giving a kid named Michael Lappin? Halpin. Halpin, sorry. A lot of credit. And it seems like a lot of people are working towards just making sure that this thing runs with integrity. But, man, the stuff that really just – Well, this is kind of what I want to talk about.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Okay, fine. See, Brian interrupted me. See? Finally. There are people that are trying to make – to do what they can to, you know, make the season run smoothly. But there's also people that are just complaining to complain. And the first part is creating an opportunity for the second part. So, you know, and it's kind of like what Hiller always says on his videos is I'm not singling out one athlete.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I'm talking about a, you know, it's like a, I don't want to use that word. It's a, you know, epidemic, right? There's like a bunch of people that are doing the same thing wrong. And we just know about this one person. And so you're going to use them as an example to talk about the, the public at large, you know, so like several people sent me this post from jump ship CrossFit in Hawaii today. There was complaining about the fact that they got sent to the Atlas games. You're in Hawaii. I mean,
Starting point is 00:06:33 it's going to be a long trip anywhere you go. And CrossFit was kind of put in a tough situation when it came to semifinals in North America this year, anyway, because of what happened in loud and live and O'Keefe leaving. And they didn't want it. You know, they didn't feel like it would be responsible to take on two semifinals so they had a pick between West Coast and Granite and they chose Granite games and then CrossFit was like okay now we're going to try to find a fourth we know what weekend we need and there weren't a lot of options but if you're in Hawaii and you're traveling to Tennessee
Starting point is 00:07:00 Minneapolis or Atlas games it's a long trip any way you slice it. And so for you to complain about that, I'm not sympathetic to it because you know that you're in Hawaii. You know that the semifinals are going to be in the continental United States. And four months ago, we knew that there were none closer to you than Tennessee. It's not that far, relatively speaking, to go a couple hours further north. I'm sympathetic to anyone who has to go out of the country, out of their own country. That's a different, so I'm sympathetic to anyone who has to go to, um, out of the country, out of their own country. That's a different topic, but this is to the point of the fantasy fitness and guys is that this zooming in on the microscopic example of dirty Geordie Gramellion and Will Bennett and what's happening to them illuminates the bigger picture conversation.
Starting point is 00:07:42 And the bigger picture conversation is that at the start of the season, CrossFit announced that they were having semifinals in certain locations. And I think that it would have been realistic and even an expectation that someone there would have had the foresight to say, you know what, there's still going to be problems with traveling to some of these countries. Let's get ahead of it. And to send out a communication, maybe as soon as you register for the Open,
Starting point is 00:08:05 you get ping and email back that says, hey, if you're an athlete who's serious about competing and advancing in the season, just be aware that the CrossFit Games are happening in the United States. And if you don't live there, there are certain requirements that are necessary to get there. You need to be responsible for knowing what those are. For the semifinal stage of competition, we have 10 live semifinals. They should only send you that, though, after they get the $20. Yeah, you register for the Open. for knowing what those are. For the semifinal stage of competition, we have 10 live semifinals. They're in these countries. They should only send you that though
Starting point is 00:08:26 after they get the 20 bucks. Yeah, you register for the open, you get this email response. Okay. But the point is that you get ahead of it and you say to people, if you're in North America, there's four semifinals.
Starting point is 00:08:37 One of them's in Canada. We're not going to tell you the seating process, but assume you have a 25% chance of being sent there. So get your stuff in order now and prepare accordingly. And all they have to do is have this 25% chance of being sent there. So get your stuff in order now and prepare accordingly. And all they have to do is have this communication prepared ahead of time. And then all of these problems are invalid. All these complaints become invalid,
Starting point is 00:08:53 but because their communication was not complete, left so many things open and they're still making changes to the rule book and decision-making is on the fly. It opens up the door for people to continuously complain about anything they want, because some people are getting a result from that. And some people are being shown the cold shoulder. Do you think that because the last two years we've had this so-called pandemic that, and it has been such a shit show, not in CrossFit, I mean, just everywhere, every single sport that people just, that the people in charge have gotten almost lazy and complacent that they're going to be able to use this as an excuse because it is a pretty good excuse.
Starting point is 00:09:31 What excuse? The excuse that, hey, like, yeah, some countries require vaccines. Some countries require vaccine passports. Some countries have certain travel restrictions. Some countries – how are we supposed to know? It's always changing it's always evolving yeah well i mean if you're if you're talking about the athletes yes that's true but i think no i'm talking about the institution of crossfit being able to use that
Starting point is 00:09:56 they've you ever every institution has used that as an excuse for the last two years right i'm sorry the play's been canceled i'm sorry the concert's been canceled i'm sorry you have to be vaccinated to go to this concert like everyone's been using that shit right for the last two years and now and now what it sounds like is you're tight okay you've had two years to figure it out the excuses run old let's get back to normal and make it so things work for the athletes again i can't believe that what's interesting to me is it feels like the script has been flipped because normally i never give a fuck about the athletes. And I still feel like I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:10:28 But these people give a fuck even less. You're talking about a CrossFit Games team? The CrossFit Games team, but also these people who are sort of like saying that the athletes should know better. Like you should have known. Like what that fantasy post said. It's like, Holy shit. Well, what like, I thought we were on the side of getting all the athletes, the best athletes in the world to the games.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Why, why would we make it difficult in any way for them other than competing against their, their peers? Which is certainly difficult. Right. Um, no, I mean, look, I, I, and you're the same, I'm sure. Actually, I know, like I've traveled, I've, and you're the same, I'm sure. Actually, I know, like I've traveled a lot and I've traveled internationally and the world was opening up and becoming this huge global place. And in the past two years, as a result of the various
Starting point is 00:11:13 decisions that were made by governments around the world and response to whatever this is, people have become much more isolated. And in the case of a lot of, you know, even someone like myself, I've pretty much resisted travel. And I used to embrace travel because it's just a pain in the ass. And I don't want to deal with all that bullshit. And when things start opening up again, I'll start traveling more again. And I'll become more, you know, more and more aware of what's going on. But in the meantime, I've just focused on the things that I have going on here that are in my control that I know the, you know, expected outcomes for.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And I've had a little bit of experience with that too. So there's a lot, I think that there are a lot of insensitivities in the way people are responding to that article that are still driven by emotional responses just to the concept of being vaccinated or not vaccinated. And that's taking away, unfortunately, from the bigger picture concepts, which is there's probably things that an international sports organization could have done at the start of the season to prevent some of these problems that are happening in the middle of the season. And it would have been better for everyone if that had happened. Right. I wonder if that would have affected participation and that's why they didn't do it. I don't think it would have.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I mean, this is the thing. And I was having a conversation with someone about this earlier today is, you know, CrossFit makes mistakes every year. And they do things that seem kind of silly every year. But every year, people keep coming back. Right. You know, like they're going to come back anyway. And maybe that's part of the problem is that there's not that level of accountability. It's that you can just keep making these mistakes.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And people keep signing up. I mean, I keep signing up for the open. If I make the quarterfinals, I'll sign up and participate in it because I believe in it, you know, but, and it's the only game in town. It's the big game.
Starting point is 00:12:54 It's the only big game in town. Yeah. But you know, everyone has their, like the end of their rope. Eventually they're always going to, you know, they're going to get sick of it after a certain amount of time.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And people's timelines are different for that. And some people step away for a little while and then come back. Maybe everybody will move to the grid league, Florida. That thing's still going. Florida is, yeah. I don't know if there are any others. That thing's still going, huh? Yeah. They just took all their teams and put them to Florida.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Have, um, have you been staying up to date on all of Hiller's videos? Not necessarily all of them, but a good majority of them, yeah. Okay. Did you see the one on Hip and Steel, the Masters champion? I have seen both of the ones on Hip and Steel. At least I believe there are two. Okay. I saw one.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Oh, yeah. I saw one. And maybe we'll obviously come back and get more into detail on this when Hiller comes on. But I saw one that critiqued his movements. And then I saw one that said – I wrote it down here in my notes. I wrote it down here in my notes. There was one today's video, 2022 no reps. At 750 in that video, he says something.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Is that easy for you to pull up, Caleb? Yeah, you said today's video? Yeah. It's called 2022 no rep. And if you start around 750, there's something in there that's really brutal that I can't wait to ask him. He basically is saying, he lets the whole thing hinge on that on hip and steel. And let
Starting point is 00:14:33 me see if we hear it the same way. Is this the right video? Yeah, this is it. I think this is it. Yeah. Do you know what it's like? No. Let's play it's like. No. Let's play it. Play it. I don't think this is the right video.
Starting point is 00:14:47 When was this one published? The one I'm talking about was published like, I don't know, eight hours ago. To be you. And you know what? I couldn't compete this year. You know why I couldn't compete? I told you I couldn't lock out the elbow. See this one?
Starting point is 00:14:59 That one's good. No, it's not. Hey, Brian, while he finds the video, let me ask you this. good let me know it's not that hey brian while he finds the video let me ask you this if you can straighten your arms in a at the top of a muscle up at the games why would you need your arms bent in overhead squat is that because you don't have the shoulder mobility theoretically to go back here and it's a pretty close grip overhead squat what i what i know about the overhead squat is i used to coach some high school football, a really good high school football team in Texas, and there were guys that could back squat 500 to
Starting point is 00:15:29 600 pounds, a lot of them. And I gave them a broomstick to overhead squat and they couldn't figure it out. They looked like a leaf in the wind. And what I tell everyone who comes to the gym to, you know, first learning how to overhead squat, I said, look, whatever happens here, don't be embarrassed by it. There's no movement that will expose a weakness and imbalance, instability, lack of mobility anywhere along the chain, as much as an overhead squat will. And when you're, you know, when you're getting to be 40, 50, 60 years old and you have who knows how many injuries and who knows how many hours of training and whatever there's, you know, there's, that is one movement that is, you know, most likely, I would say to be exposing of whatever weakness you have or instability or imbalance.
Starting point is 00:16:09 So, okay. But this isn't the video. This isn't the video. Still no? No. It's the most recent video he published, 2022. Anyway, we can get to it when he gets on here. But basically what he says in the video, and I'd like to replay it again with him here.
Starting point is 00:16:23 on here but basically what he says in the video and i'd like to replay it again with him here he basically says hey if they let hip and steel in if this video passes that that's that's a deal breaker it's like the the games is a fucking joke i'm paraphrasing but and and i kind of agree with him i mean we don't we don't have anyone from crossfit on here refuting it saying hey no it passes. But I made a list, and we'll go over it with Andrew Hiller, of all the things that Andrew points out that are wrong. And I don't understand how that video could pass, making the assumption that Hiller's correct on all those things. I mean, there was some crazy shit. Those pistols, I didn't see a single pistol that was to depth, let alone the fact whether he should be allowed to do a pistol with those shoes on if at all i mean the whole thing is bizarre
Starting point is 00:17:10 it's bizarre right yeah it's definitely bizarre but there's been there have been videos in the past that have been you know completely unsubstantiated to be accepted that have been accepted and athletes have been allowed to continue into the season. So once again, nothing like this, I don't know, not opening at the top of a deadlift for 50, for 50 reps and getting by is one thing. This is like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:17:35 I mean, this thing is just bad shit. Crazy. You certainly could say that it's, that it's more, uh, egregiously bad than some of the other ones that I might be referring to. But,
Starting point is 00:17:50 um, I'll, yeah, in the end, I agree. Like it has to be, it has to be addressed. It was a video that was seen that was known and, uh, and the, you know, some, something needs to be done about it. Uh, Jonathan, Shannon, Jonathan pervert says, uh, where is Hiller? He's probably in the bathroom throwing up because he's so nervous about coming on the show in 12 minutes. That would be my guess. What happened with Logan Collins? We had Logan Collins on last week. He lives in Texas. He was 46th in the worldwide finish in the quarterfinals this year. 40th in North America.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Okay, 40th in North America. And when we spoke to him, I think he lives 1,700 miles away from the Atlas Games. All three of the other three North American semifinals are closer to him. He is not vaccinated, and he does not want to get vaccinated. And yet so so he was protesting. What happened? Did he get to stay in North America in the United States or does he still have to go to Canada? No one knows yet. Basically, about a week ago, as far as I can tell, CrossFit stopped responding to athletes about these types of things.
Starting point is 00:19:08 And so everyone's kind of in a holding pattern. Now there are some things that, that are happening that might explain why CrossFit is, is not responding right away. And primarily being the finalization of the team rosters, because at this point, the team quarterfinals have finished up and invites for team semifinals have been sent out, and most of those teams are now populated on the leaderboard for semifinals. But there are athletes that are registered for both. There are athletes that are listed as competing for individual and also a team,
Starting point is 00:19:38 and they won't be able to do that. So eventually, some names will be removed from the semifinal roster because they're competing on teams. And then eventually later on, some more names will probably be removed once the age group quarterfinals are finalized and the invites are sent out and those athletes have to make the same decision. This is what we were talking about a week or two ago is that it's getting close to semifinals. Athletes have to start preparing to know where they're going to go, when they're going to compete, how to adjust their training accordingly to book hotels,
Starting point is 00:20:12 to book flights, to see if there's anyone who can come with them to help mud or whatever else they need to do to prepare for that. And the time to do that is dwindling. So in the case of Logan Collins, I believe that there is a potential that he will be moved from the Alice games to a semifinal in the U.S. if a spot opens up in one of the three U.S. semifinals. That hasn't happened yet. And so we're kind of waiting to see.
Starting point is 00:20:39 My understanding is if that does happen, then he'll go to wherever they move him to in the U.S. is if that does happen that then he'll go to wherever they move him to in the u.s if it doesn't happen he probably will not go to the atlas games and may have an opportunity to compete in the last chance qualifier that's speculation that is speculation the last chance qualifier part that's what i said may okay when is that kind of like the choice to use the word May in the movement descriptions. Atlas Games is week three. Atlas Games is week four. Week four. So there's four weeks.
Starting point is 00:21:15 And when does the first week start again? May? 20th. And we're April 27th. and we're April 27th. So what you're telling me is that there's people who have qualified both for the teams and the individual at this point, and they're going to have to choose. And when they choose, if the people who qualify for individual go to team, will they start backfilling?
Starting point is 00:21:37 It seems that that will happen, yeah. And so when you said that that's part of the reason that you're speculating that the correspondence between HQ and the athletes has come to a trickle over the last week, you're saying it's because they're waiting for that information or you're saying because they don't have enough manpower to do both? Or because they're having a party in Colorado. Well, that's true also. They clearly have been in Colorado fooling around. No, I think there are... I'm going to Colorado tomorrow. Did I tell you that?
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yes. Meeting with Dave and Greg. Not related to anything CrossFit. But still, I'm going to Boulder to the world headquarters of CrossFit Inc. They switched their name to
Starting point is 00:22:23 CrossFit HQ. Did you know that? Back from CrossFit home office to crossfit hq did you know that back from crossfit home office to crossfit hq i did hear that yes that's cool all right okay so sorry what were you talking or was i talking i'm not sure i was asking you whether or not what what's the hold up and the hold if i understood the hold up correctly the fact is that they're busy they're waiting for the dust to settle. Yeah, but you know, yes, I think that there's, you know, the teams had a certain amount of time to respond. Once they respond, they need to cross-check their databases and see which athletes are showing up in two places, make sure that they made the decision of which one they want to, remove them from the roster, send an invitation to someone else, wait for them to respond,
Starting point is 00:23:04 and then update the roster accordingly. But the sooner those things happen, the better for everyone involved. Competitions have to prepare. They're not even sure. Like Logan Collins is a recognizable name. Is he coming to the Atlas Games? If he's coming to the Atlas Games, they might want to promote that he's coming to the Atlas Games. If he's going to Syndicate or MAC or Granite Games,
Starting point is 00:23:21 those people might want to promote that he's coming there. They might want to make a nameplate for him so that they can put it in his lane with everyone else who's competing there, et cetera, et cetera. There's tons of things that competitions, fans, support systems, athletes, coaches have to prepare for these things. And that's why I'm saying we need to clean up the system so that that process happens sooner so that everyone can be more prepared and therefore the semifinals will just overall be a better show.
Starting point is 00:23:44 so that everyone can be more prepared, and therefore the semifinals will just overall be a better show. There were two athletes that were brought to my attention. I cannot remember either of their names. I know one of them goes by the fitness wizard. The fittest wizard. The fittest wizard. What's his name? Denis Samsonov.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Denis. And another one who are both living inside the United States, who I think have both been summoned to Asia for their semifinals. Is that correct? Summoned. Hamza Terafi is the other guy you're thinking of. And Denis, yes. And that's right. They both are seated in the Asian semifinal in South Korea.
Starting point is 00:24:25 You say seated. I say summonsed. And qualified, we'll compromise with qualified. And they have both expressed concerns that if they leave to go to, and what city is it in South Korea? I think it's Busan. Busan. Great. I love that name, Busan. Let's just call it Pus. It's with a B. Oh, darn. Okay, then let's call it poos uh they both it's with a b oh darn okay let's call it let's call it busan so they they've been they've qualified and they don't want to leave the united states because they have concerns about coming back is that correct
Starting point is 00:24:56 and have you heard about this okay and are both of these athletes um can i see this guy's uh instagram this um hamzi hamzi i'd be really impressed if you get this up caleb we'll get another random guy in front of a mercedes probably i remember that still waiting on that truck on that shirt um kayla welcome uh kayla and and uh man sitting between sitting with his head between your legs. Just got here. Craig White just brought me in on his shoulders in my bikini while riding a bear from the Trump rally. But you're in the China flag.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Very nice. Very nice. Okay. What's going on there? Are both these guys represented by Snorri? I tried to get snorri on but he says he sleeps at 1 30 a.m he says he's asleep right now yeah he works with both these athletes i believe and if if he doesn't work with them directly he is working on their
Starting point is 00:25:57 behalf to try to you know to sort this out and um is it is it it's a deal breaker for these guys? Is it around the injection once again that they don't know around the injection or a visa or green card or what's the deal? Slightly different in both cases, but it's around their status in the United States where that if they leave, they won't be able to get back in or they won't be able to get back in easily or they won't be able to get back in in a timely fashion, which at the very least from the competitive point of view means that, that even if they did qualify, they probably missed the CrossFit games. Is this a subject that you're open to talk about? I can say some things about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:38 But not everything, you know, I sent some, you seem more guarded to me than normal. Usually you're guarded at about a level 8.9. Today you're guarded at about a nine, seven, not today,
Starting point is 00:26:48 but around this subject. Is that what, that's the energy I'm giving off? No, I just don't ruin my shtick. What I'm trying to get as is that what, this is a sensitive issue where we don't want to say anything that makes it sound like these guys are pissed.
Starting point is 00:27:00 So then they're punished by CrossFit HQ more. Is that like, we're, we're walking delicately here or what's the deal? You know, I think that last year, because so many of the semifinals had to go online, a lot of these problems were avoided. But, you know, some some athletes made made this situation known to CrossFit ahead of time. So, for example, Joshua Alchama, who's an athlete from the UK and lives in LA and trains at CrossFit Invictus, he is on the verge of being good enough to make it as an individual to the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:27:37 He's also competed on a team in the past, and so he knew that he could potentially pursue both options. So they reached out to CrossFit prior to the season and explained the situation surrounding his visa and his, you know, whatever, and asked if there was any way, if he competed as an individual, if he would be able to do a semifinal in the U.S. if he made it to that stage, rather than travel to back to Europe, where it might be difficult for him to get back in time for the CrossFit Games. And they said, no, that would not be possible. So he made a choice to compete on a team this year.
Starting point is 00:28:06 And he's competing on CrossFit Invictus. And I think they were second in the North America quarterfinals maybe and will likely do very well at the games. So he was proactive and reached out to them and got a communication back and made a decision about his season. I'm not sure what the timeline was for Hamza and Dennis to reach out to CrossFit relative to the rest of the things they knew about the season. But they knew that the semifinal was going to be there January, February, whenever they made those announcements. And they could have gotten ahead
Starting point is 00:28:35 of it then. I don't know if they did or not. But at this point, it seems that traveling there is not realistic for them in terms of their lives. And so, but CrossFit has made, and I believe this is true, that has made a contingency plan for them to get a buy to the last chance qualifier so they can still participate in the semifinal portion of the season because that's technically the last semifinal. Okay, so are you saying that we do know that about these two gentlemen, Hamzi and Dennis, but we don't know that about Logan Collins. I, that's what I think, yes.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Okay. And, um... But it's confusing because I'm not getting any of this directly from CrossFit. It's kind of, uh, you know... Secondhand hearsay. Yeah, they've made reference to it, but like a direct communication saying, yes, we've extended offers to these individuals to compete in last chance qualifier if they can't get there.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I haven't like I just think that that's happened. Is this true? Fikowski has a secret baby at the Froning Farm. Fikowski had a baby. We know that. We do know that what about what about sending
Starting point is 00:29:54 what I heard about asking athletes to participate in a swap in a girlfriend swap in a swap of semi-final locations where you would send some North Americans. You would you would find some people you could actually put out a calling or look and say, hey, does anyone want to go to Asia so that these guys can take your North American spots? Is that would that be even something considered or is that just completely ridiculous? I mean, it seems so fair. We're not talking about a lot of athletes right
Starting point is 00:30:25 as far as i know the the people that would absolutely not like it doesn't make any sense for them to go there because they can't come back to their homes like these guys have lived here for a long time they're paying taxes here they're doing all these things here and so to leave and not be able to come back would be like a huge upset in their life And so to leave and not be able to come back would be like a huge upset in their life. Hi, Andrew. Yo, what's up? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:30:48 You just pushed C. Beaver out. I didn't do it on purpose. That wasn't me. Hey, nice to have you, Andrew. Real quick, I don't want to let Brian off the hook here because I know he knows stuff about this situation. And feel free if you know something, too, Andrew, to jump in here. And I just feel like he's being sensitive because he doesn't want to rock the boat in any way that would hurt their ability. I'm getting to it. But we had an entrance stage left, and I wanted to acknowledge his presence.
Starting point is 00:31:12 All right. All right. Hi. Say hi. How are you doing, Siobhan? Good to finally be on the show. Do you know Brian Friend, Andrew? I know of Brian Friend, and I've spoken to Brian Friend a handful of times, but I don't know Brian Friend.
Starting point is 00:31:24 I don't know you either. I don't know you either. And you go I don't know you either I don't know you either and you're talking directly to me so how are you nice I thought you're gonna talk through him what happened to that oh I've already ruined the show I've already ruined the show about what my favorite bet is because I got an answer for everything I uh I just called the t-shirt people and I just like how the fuck is everyone got a red ceo shirt but not me? And I'm stuck wearing a WAD zombie shirt. You know I'm medium, right? Say that again?
Starting point is 00:31:50 I got a medium. Can you not hear me? Is this thing not working? No, no, it's working. You just dropped out for a second. That really is a medium. Can you stand up and go back a little bit? Let me see that body of yours. Yeah, sure. Let me judge this body of yours. Hey, do you, wow. Hey, do you, do you tan in a tanning bed? Fuck, the show is derailed. Oh, of course. You do?
Starting point is 00:32:07 Yeah, yeah. And, uh, my fiance owns a skin business and she wants to kill me for it, so. You do tan in a tanning bed. Okay. I do. I try to look like you. Thank you. Yeah. You got a very nice skin tone. I would, I changed my temperature to orange because I got more compliments when I was at the house. You got a light there. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Professional light. I'm a professional. I changed my temperature of my light because I was getting so many compliments using incandescent bulbs. Yes, go ahead. Talk about your new toy. I have a light too. That's all I was saying. I also have a light.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Who sent you that? I got a friend who got it for me she came over one day and she was I got you something off Amazon and I'm like holy shit that's awesome and so that's being beamed on the wall by like just some projector somewhere sitting over there by the dog that doesn't look cheap uh I don't know because I don't want to hurt her feel I think it was I don't know it seemed like it was 20-ish bucks but I don't know for I don't want to hurt her feelings. I think it was, I don't know. It seemed like it was 20-ish bucks, but I don't know for sure. I've looked into it. Wow, not bad.
Starting point is 00:33:07 No, it's awesome. It's like one of those Christmas lawn ornaments. It points out the garage. You ever see those? They point on the houses outside during Christmas, and it's got the cool patterns. That's what it looks like. It's got a stake to stick in the ground and everything and just sitting on the treadmill. Does it come with a light bulb?
Starting point is 00:33:24 Yes, it does. I don't know how long it'll last, so it might go out in the middle of this. All right. Okay, now, Brian, you've had plenty of time. Hiller and I have met. Now tell us. What is going on with these two guys?
Starting point is 00:33:36 Am I being out of line? Why not? Hiller, do you chime in on stuff like this, or are you just the rep guy? Or do you chime in on this stuff, too? I'll chime in on everything. What are we chiming in on? what are we chiming in on what we're talking about basically we're trying to figure out why not just make it my thing is this why not just let the athletes go where they want to go there's not a lot of them help them get basically the best guys get to choose
Starting point is 00:33:59 and we just trickle down to the ass guys and they get they get what's left why not just do that that seems what they did last year isn't it i'm sorry i'm gonna keep yes i just started yeah they did well they gave us a survey last year i got it i went to the atlas games because that was my first choice and i guess nobody else wanted to do it uh virtual and this year they're they didn't do that with everybody actually had a conversation today with jordy about how they were not they didn't send the uh choices you don't get to say which one you prefer to go to first to last one, two, three, four last year they did. And who knows what they're doing, Brian, you kind of have more insight on how they actually sent people.
Starting point is 00:34:35 I know what happened when they fired Dave. They, they, they, they, he took that piece of paper with them. So they didn't have it this year. How to rank your semifinals. That was in-depth. It required somebody with lots of knowledge to do something like that. They lost that guy on their team. He took it with him. He's like, fine, I'm taking this with me.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I'm taking this with me. So, okay, Brian, so what's going on? Why is it so hard? Well, that's a complicated question. Okay, then I'll be more specific. Is there anything that I'm missing that's important to the competitive scope of these events that can't make it so we can accommodate everyone? Is there anything that would hinder the quality of the competition or the efficacy of it if we just accommodated everyone to the best of our ability because that's what we're asking i'm not asking you to accommodate everyone we're asking it's just
Starting point is 00:35:30 great it's just a lot even your questions are just a ton of gray area but the problem is that the seeding process is just unknown there's nothing known about it and i would i would go back to the same thing i said about the the you know, potential, the possibility to communicate ahead of time. If you announce these are going to be the semifinals in this continent, there are going to be more than one semifinal. This is going to be the process that we use to determine where you're going. And you should be prepared, therefore, to go to any of those wherever they happen to be. And in the case of the international ones, you know, I think that is, that as an, again, they're a company that's managing an international sport. Like you have to be aware that traveling is challenging and there
Starting point is 00:36:11 are people that will have travel restrictions and especially, and now more than ever, but these things with the visas have existed, like this, this could potentially happen. And there should be someone on their team that's saying when this happens, if this happens, what's the plan? Not that when it happens, now we're panicking to try to come up with a plan. It's interesting you say that. One of the arguments you're using, and maybe I saw this in one of Hiller's videos, one of the arguments you're using is that, hey, this is an international sport. And there have to be accommodations that acknowledge that if you want it to be at its best. I agree with you 100%. What we read from the fantasy – whatever that was.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Yeah, they were suggesting that it's an international sport, and so the athletes should be prepared. But this thing is supposed to be inclusive. I disagree with them wholeheartedly. Triggered, triggered. Yeah. Go, Hiller. What do you want to say? This thing is supposed to be inclusive. I disagree with them wholeheartedly. Triggered. Triggered. Yeah. Go, Hiller. What do you want to say?
Starting point is 00:37:10 Do you want to chime in? Chime in. I started the sport because it was very clear that the fitter you got, the higher you rose. And that was, I don't know, I like that idea of it. And it seems like that has kind of gone out the window. And I always like reference the Batman quotes. I put it in one of the videos. I think you were trying to look for it.
Starting point is 00:37:30 It was the 2022 No Rep Games, and you couldn't find it. Then I clicked over, and within it, there was a quote about the scorn and I am vengeance. I came from something, and I feel like I speak for a lot of people, where there was something that we loved, we came and we're working towards and it seems like every single corner you turn across it has done something to kind of kick you in the ass about it and a lot of those things with the athletes i did i had the conversation with jordy and he feels very much that way where they'll take into account people like mal o'brien and whatever reason she moved that's okay they'll move her and he feels as if he isn't being taken into account in the same way and that's a very that's one point and then there are so many other points that just kind of align with that exact
Starting point is 00:38:11 same train of thought on crossfit's end but all of those points are derivatives of the fact that the communication at the start of the season was not adding you're talking about the rule book i i told i put together uh a point by point thing of all the times CrossFit is fucked up. I'm up to 38 points right now. And what's the starting date on that since you mean 2003? June 9th, 2020. June 9th, 2020. So during the pandemic. Correct. Yes. And I have it going all the way up until April 21st because most of the things are finalized and I can't continue making dates on it.
Starting point is 00:38:51 But I highlighted two things have been there. And one of them is December 20 or December of 2021. They released the rule book, which stated that the affiliate was not needed to register a score in the open. And I bolded that. And I bolded one other point, which was that the CrossFit Open included March 18th of 2022. And there were scores in doubt everywhere. The top 10% was put into question. This is right around the same time that they released the CrossFit levels deal, where you're getting a level and you're getting a level based
Starting point is 00:39:20 off of something where you could essentially put in whatever your score you wanted. You saw my video, I think on the Masters athletes back in the open that were putting up whatever scores that they wanted and it just became freaking madness where you saw that they weren't even the same athletes in the same video at some points in time and now they're going to get a level for oh yeah it's going to be so cool because the competition that you put on or they're going to be able to say hey you're a level four go compete with level fours but the level fours can be a level two or it could be like your brother or sister so i bolded the two points i have the list it's up to 37 points i want to go for 50 i spent an hour or so putting it together thus far you want to go for 50 i wonder what they're going for i feel like i feel
Starting point is 00:39:59 like there's a record i feel like there's been 37 and these are all around the games right this isn't like the affiliate department or media these are all around the games, right? This isn't like the affiliate department or media. These are all points around the games, right? Well, I would say that they're a little bit of both. If you're, if you're saying the media department, I have the instance in which they put up Griffin Raleigh's lifts on the games YouTube channel, like their game central page. And you can see that they were posting no reps and it was a giant thing.
Starting point is 00:40:21 And I guess that isn't exactly CrossFit games or fault, but it's immediate team. I'd forgive that games. Okay, so yeah, I would say that they're all pretty much aligned with the games. Wow. I feel like there's been 37 just this year alone in 2020, whatever this season is, the 2022 season. I was trying to make it pretty thorough, and I guess I can click in between them quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:40:42 It would be interesting to see though you know how many pat how many there are in the 18 months leading up to 2022 relative to the last four or five months oh should i go all the way back to 2012 i got time no no no no go to 20 go to 2018 or 2020 2018 is when they fired the media team they neutered me they cut my balls off in 2020 is when they fired me. So the pre-post is about 80 BC. Yes. Yes. It's so embarrassing for the community as a whole. Well, the thing is, is no one knows outside of the community.
Starting point is 00:41:14 It's just embarrassing for all of us. No one knows. They still think we're crowning the fittest. Brian, but I do want... We have Hiller here and I really want to talk about this. I really want to talk about the Masters. But is it a letdown?
Starting point is 00:41:32 I think it's lame to send them to the last chance qualifier. Do you think it's lame? Isn't it? Aren't they – I think we talked about this before. No, no, no. Basically what they're saying, what we're speculating is, is that there's some athletes who aren't going to be able to travel to where they're being sent for whatever reason. They won't be allowed back to the country they came from. There's a war. There's vaccine issues. Whatever they are, there's speculation that they're going to be put in the last chance qualifier. And I think that's not cool for a variety of reasons. One, because it doesn't seem like it has to be two there it's a totally different competition correct yes brian keeps on saying that it wasn't in the rule book so why
Starting point is 00:42:10 would they do it correct brian it wasn't something that they laid out before so it's one of those things where they're creating the rules on the fly and that's not cool that's i mean that is happening they're they're making things up on as they go about this process, and this is another one of those examples, I think. People keep saying I look like the penguin. I wonder if I should have done that knowing you were coming on. I should have had a cane and a top hat. That would have been awesome. Well, who's Brian then?
Starting point is 00:42:40 What's Brian going to be? Riddler. You could be the Riddler, Brian. He could. Yeah, like the greeniddler, Brian. He could. Yeah, you could get like the green Jim Carrey suit. He could. That'd be sweet. And a cane, like the green cane.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Or the sparkly one from Batman Forever. That'd be sick too. Doesn't he have the hat with all the question marks on it? It's one of the versions, yeah. It's not the Jim Carrey one though. Caleb, can you pull up that video that you just had and hit play? So what we're going for is what I want you to hear here. This is the end of the conversation
Starting point is 00:43:09 then we're going to go back and start. But basically and I agree with Andrew's sentiment here 100% that the Hip and Steal video is so... Thank you. customized coverage for your business. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman in the Sea, now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel.
Starting point is 00:43:56 A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. I don't know how I'm trying to say it. I mean, be kind. It it's so out of bounds it's so not what the workout was supposed to be to to for it to be it's like showing up to him uh to see a batman movie and the ticket you give him is for the philharmonic it's like i know actually that's six blocks over and that's a live performance with um music i mean it's just the wrong it's the wrong he did the wrong thing it's not he, he did the wrong thing.
Starting point is 00:44:46 It's not, it's almost like- Exactly the wrong thing. You were supposed to be doing box step-ups. Did you catch that point in the video, Savant? I know you- Oh, I watched the whole thing. I was dying. I couldn't even ride the assault bike because I couldn't even believe what I was watching. But go ahead and let's play this because I really like what Hiller says here. Go ahead. Will you hit this? We can learn from our mistakes. Nothing is beyond saving. Everything right now, it's in a pretty bad place. CrossFit's in a bad place. We watched the David Hippensteel video.
Starting point is 00:45:09 We watched that video, and we think CrossFit has to do the right thing. If they don't do the right thing, who knows what's going to happen to the entire community this morning. But if we can make it through that, we can make it through anything. CrossFit doesn't do the right thing. If you don't have to do the workout that's assigned, then how is this? I want to go to the games why don't they just let me go to the games yes yes let me in why or just put up some crazy like some do a do
Starting point is 00:45:35 a 600 pound back squat and be like and just submit that to video and they're like wow that's impressive you you go like halfway down um how did you what's the story with the hip and steel video? How did that – he didn't post it, right? And so you had to get unlisted. How did you get that? I don't want to name my sources. There, yeah. Okay, so someone said –
Starting point is 00:45:57 I think they would cease the sources coming to me, you know? Right, yeah. You should never – but so that's what I mean. So someone says to you, hey, you should see this video and then you go to look for it. You're like, I can't. And then they're like, here's the link. And then you go to it and you're like. While I was driving and I had this thing where I mounted and I'm driving and I peek over. It's like that didn't look good. That didn't look good. And I was losing my mind. I couldn't believe it. So I first of all, I saw the overhead good. That didn't look good. And I was losing my mind. I couldn't
Starting point is 00:46:25 believe it. So I, I, first of all, I saw the overhead squat with a bent arm. Correct. And it's like, all right, I had, I had to check the rules on that. Of course, there's nothing wrong until the bar touches anything, but your hands. And that's per the rules. And you can't really see, I mentioned the black clothing. Are you guys familiar with the black clothing rule? Like you're not allowed to wear clothing or have a backdrop background that would impede the review team's ability to look at the videos. I didn't know that. So there's a, there's a talking elite fitness podcast. Please don't, please don't mention that podcast again. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:46:54 2017, 2018. Don't mention talking elite fitness again. There was another podcast. I don't remember the name of the podcast, but without it, they had, I don't remember the guys. Yeah. They had the guy's name and he was the, he was the head judge. Brian, what's his name? Head review guy. Bosner.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Dave Eubanks. Eubanks. That's it. He was on and he was talking about the fact that they're keen to it. They know that they do this thing. And I've had a lot of people reach out to me saying that you're just talking about black clothing. It's, well, it's a real thing.
Starting point is 00:47:22 They wear it because they know that it will hinder their ability to see if their hip's getting below parallel on their squats in particular. And in Hip and Steel's video, he's wearing all black. A bunch of the videos I put up, they're wearing all black. And when I'm watching the overhead squats, it's very hard to tell if he's getting below parallel because he's wearing all black. And amongst the other things, you see that he's doing the pistols. And I spoke to the 55- to 59-year-old division athlete who had reached out to the CrossFit Games review team. They clarified that they are not allowed to do the pistols. They shouldn't have had to clarify that.
Starting point is 00:47:52 They shouldn't have had to clarify that. The way it was written is on them. It's confusing. And that was stated in the email response to the athlete I was speaking to. So they said, we understand that it was confusing. When you get that email from someone, instead of responding to them directly, why don't you just send out a message to all the people in that division and say, hey, it came to our attention that this was unclear.
Starting point is 00:48:13 You just want to clarify, if you're 55 and older, you have to do a box step up with a weighted dumbbell. Hey, so if I, I'm trying to think of another place on the planet that this – another example of where this would happen. So it would be like if you told – you have an example? If you were to go onto a golf course anywhere around the world and you're behind a tree and the court – it's over there and the ball is right here and there's a tree right here. You kick the ball to the side if you're a piece of shit. And you know what? Everybody knows you did it, but nobody says a word.
Starting point is 00:48:53 And they only will say something to you if you're on the tour. And if you're on the tour, what you do is you take a penalty. You take a stroke penalty. And I had this conversation again with Jordy today where I – Oh, that's actually baller then. If you do that on the tour and you know you're going to take a stroke penalty, I give you props for that. Like just look right at the camera and kick the ball. Per Brian's rules, there's a protocol. You take out your longest club, that being the driver, and you have a drop zone. So you're allowed to drop it. You take the stroke penalty. There's
Starting point is 00:49:21 a protocol in place for just about everything imaginable in golf. And that's what Brian said about the rule book is that they, there are not things in place for when this happens. And I keep on stating that in the hip and steel video, when his barbell leaves the video, that right there is calls for invalidation. When he does. Yeah, that's a DQ. I agree. That actually is in the rule book. That is in the video. The one that we just had up with hip and steel. I retook the judge's course while I was watching it so I could screen grab the pieces. I retook the judge's course. I screen grabbed it. I put it right there.
Starting point is 00:49:51 When you leave the camera, it's invalid right there. And then if you do the wrong workout, it's invalid. And if you do the majority of the reps the wrong way, not like – Hey, does it say it could be invalid or does it say it is invalid? It's cause for invalidation. Okay. This is the part I'm tripping on. Let's say you go to a girl's house and she's like, Hey, and it's getting late and you're in your, in your, she's like, Hey, um, you got to sleep on the couch.
Starting point is 00:50:20 She's going to bed and you, you, you know, and you're like, okay, I'll sleep on the couch. And then as she walks to the back room, she's like, but you may sleep in my bed with me. Oh, God. So you're like, OK. So you walk up and you get into bed with her. And then she's like, what are you doing? And you're like, I thought you said you may get into bed. And she's like, no, the rules are you stay on the couch. You're like, oh, I mean, am I understanding this pistol situation correctly
Starting point is 00:50:45 how is that in the rule book that you may do something i it's like there's not rules like um you may turn in any movements you want whatever you're drinking what was that you're drinking nothing oh if you drink a coke and said talking elite fitness both on my podcast it wasn't what you think it was okay good it was something else it's bull semen what's a monster you're a good dude god i hope they sponsor me soon they might they're sponsoring everybody that's one of my bullet points on my uh 38 point bullet list they can't sponsor you no they're gonna i don't want it no i take no sponsors then i got a freaking
Starting point is 00:51:30 answer to them okay um how um why is it disproportionately that you attack um caucasian athletes no i'm just joking okay um so you say you say in all of your videos that it's not personal. It's not. And this dude really is great, but it is personal. It is personal. They take it personally. Did you see the second video, Hip and Steel? He goes, I don't know why you're picking on me as a 65-year-old. And I made the point, I pulled myself out of competition this year because of my elbow. I could have very easily said, all right, well, let's hope they don't look at it. But when this one doesn't go overhead the same way, I don't know how this camera works.
Starting point is 00:52:12 It's literally impossible for me to do the movement. And it seems as if it's literally impossible for him to do some of these movements. Would you agree? And I'm working to get it better. And he's just saying, I'm 65. It is what it is and that's bullshit for every other 65 year old and right now that video is the most commented video i've ever had and i haven't responded so usually i try to respond to all of them so if i get 100
Starting point is 00:52:35 comments it'll say 200 i've responded to 200 people this one has almost 200 by itself because every single one of these people is now in that age group and they're like motherfucker like what's going on here hey is that his fault what um like what what like at this point well first of all let me ask you first let me go through the list just really quick so people know and then if you haven't seen this video if you haven't seen the video it's worth watching the video for sure that here's some of the things. He didn't get, when he's doing the overhead squat, the bar touches his head. You can't do that. When you're doing burpees, there were some where his chest didn't touch the ground. When he lunged, he went out of shot of the camera. So there's a moment when he's, I'd say 90% of his body, maybe the whole thing is gone.
Starting point is 00:53:20 He's out of the shot. You can't do that. And for a variety of reasons, you could do weird cuts. You could do all sorts of shit. If you do that, um, he does pistols when he's supposed to be doing box step ups. But even if we do give him a pass for that, um, he doesn't get depth on the pistols and he puts on shoes that you're not allowed to wear for doing pistols are allowed to do that. And you're allowed to change your shoes. But I have since clarified that you have to have shoes on. Per the rulebook that came out in 2021 of December,
Starting point is 00:53:50 which I think they have since updated, Brian's pretty on to that. They've changed it. They've updated them several times since then. Yes, and in 2021, when they came out with the rulebook for this season, there's a couple times stated in there that you must be wearing shoes, and he takes them off when he's doing his muscle-ups.
Starting point is 00:54:03 You're allowed to change them within the workout, but they have to be on. Hey, I don't think this is anything I, if I was him, I would be so bummed, but, but, but I, but from an outsider's perspective, I don't think any less of him. I don't think any less of the guy for the, I mean, the idea of the competition goes, you do the workouts. If they're good enough, then they ask for the video. They submit that you submit the video that you recorded and CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:54:26 It's CrossFit done to impose the penalties that they outlined in the rulebook, which are either to be valid, minor penalty, major penalty or invalid. So right there where he's halfway out of the film, there is an exact clip that I took from the judges course where it goes, is this a valid or an invalid video? And you can see that she's trying to coming in and out of the film while doing toes to bar. And if you click invalid and it says, correct, it's one of the, there it is.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Yeah. Yeah. That was it. You can see it on there. I clipped it right there. So there she's, you can see her. She comes in and out of the video.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Is she doing toes to bar or chest to bar? Sorry. It's like, yeah, you can kind of see her. You can't see your chest touching the bar. And one of these lunges you can see his burp his knee not touching the ground that causes for invalidation correct click the button yes this is crazy yeah this is i like being on this show i can talk about my videos because it seems like a lot
Starting point is 00:55:19 you'll talk about the video and then you miss some of the most important parts and this is good i don't let anyone talk on this show don't let that fucking rumor spread sorry brian go ahead this is the whole premise of of what andrew's been trying to do this season is say all that it takes is cross it to enforce the rules that they wrote right and obviously it would also be beneficial if the judges did a better job if the athletes held themselves to a higher standard but at the end of the day the videos are asked for, CrossFit receives them, and then they need to look at them and assess a penalty if
Starting point is 00:55:49 a penalty needs to be assessed and invalidate a video if a video needs to be invalidated. And he's not even a minority. How does he get in a pass? You just can't help yourself. I just can't help myself. I know, because it's just I just can't. I'm sorry. What happens when they let him go? Well, so that's what I would, let's get to that first,
Starting point is 00:56:10 because this whole thing might be mute, and I might have to fucking punch myself in the dick later. Did CrossFit accept him? Is this guy going to the games? I have it up right now. I can refresh it, and let's see. It says he's still there. There's still another stage of competition before the games.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Well, he shouldn't be allowed to get there. Right. Just to clarify. Okay. Okay. Sorry. No, yeah. But the specifics.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Okay. So what is the next level? It goes to semifinals. Semifinals. And the Masters do that also. Yes. 30 will make it, and then 10 will advance from there to the games. So yes, 30 will make it.
Starting point is 00:56:43 And then 10 will advance from there to the games. Um, that was a, that was a fascinating, by the way, that you did that Hiller, that you pulled up the judge's course that talked about the exact incident that he did. And you're supposed to click on there during the test invalid. I got, I don't have a lot of time. I find the time to find the things that need to be said. How long did it take you to make that video? That specific one, that one right there.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Uh, not as long as the 37 clips super cut, but it was like five and a half, six hours. Um, I usually started at like nine o'clock and I just go until I go to sleep. Cause you know, I,
Starting point is 00:57:20 I, I, I think that he pulls out. I don't think so. Well, let's do we have his wife's number? No, no. I think he does pull out. I don't think so. Well, do we have his wife's number? No, no. I think he does pull out. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:57:30 There's no way. I just don't know what it would be like for him. He won't even put CrossFit in that position. He won't even put CrossFit in that position. I don't know him, but I know that after – so I responded to him. He didn't respond to me, and I know that after I had sent my response, he posted something on Instagram of him deadlifting. And he goes, look at this deadlift. And I commented, I would like to see your press and your squat because it would appear as if these things are issues for you.
Starting point is 00:57:55 He didn't respond. He didn't respond to me on Instagram. And I would say you're probably on to something, thinking he should cut out. I think that would be the right thing to do, of course. I would say you're probably on to something, thinking he should cut out. I think that would be the right thing to do, of course. And I'd like to see him come – oh, hold on. I'm on a podcast.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Who's that? I can't tell you. Is it Hinton Seal? No, I'm going to see him tomorrow in Boulder. There it is. 55 likes I'm going to see him tomorrow in Boulder. There it is. 55 likes. Everyone wants to see it. And say that again.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Why did you post that? Great lift. Please post the back squat and press. Why are you saying that? Because the deadlift doesn't appear to be something that he's limited by. Clearly, he's not limited by the deadlift. It looks good. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:45 But when he puts his arms over his head, we saw that the overhead squat he has got the limitations going overhead and with the squatting depth we see that he also has limitations there so those were the and he's wearing all black again but those are the things that we want to see i i did uh 209 for 10 uh the other day, a couple of weeks ago. No, no deadlift. And that's the most I've deadlifted probably in years. I know it's sad. I know I used to warm up with two 25 when I was Hiller's age. How old are you Hiller? I'm 30. Oh no. I didn't even deadlift at 30. I started at 35, right? Yeah. 34. I got my Savant history on, on point. I point i got what else you want to know about yourself you were only off a year do i like brian you love brian we all love brian uh brian do you do is there anything else you want to say about this
Starting point is 00:59:38 what if what if we did okay let me ask you this what if we docked him a shitload of points does he still get to go to semifinals? What if we make him 200th place in that? Somebody did the math on that and said he would end up being 16th. And that's still good enough to go? It would incur a major penalty. So he's the only one in the age group that finished that workout. He had a time of 19.30.
Starting point is 01:00:01 The time cap was 20 minutes. Everybody else has a score of points, like repetitions. And I don't know if that's a muscle-up issue but again, he wasn't completely the muscle ups from what I could tell up to 10. He only had two good muscle ups. But if you were to get docked, he would be put into the range of people who were in the muscle ups as well. So he would finish 16th and then he would yes, be allowed to go to semi-finals savann you remember the danny spiegel video i do was that one invalid or was that a major penalty i have a bias i can't she in my mind she is the beacon of all morality and uh i give her a pass
Starting point is 01:00:40 all right well with that in mind i could see why they would go the route of a major penalty on that one well let's go back to what you said earlier how do you reconcile this you said earlier that you wanted to you liked crossfit because fit people you climb the ladder by being fit and clearly the guy's fit is shit now 10 components of fitness is on what are they yeah, I guess one of them is elasticity, and he doesn't got it. Is that what you're saying? Flexibility, yeah. And if he doesn't have that, then he's missing one of the 10 components of fitness. They would help him rise to the top.
Starting point is 01:01:14 And I always think about people like – I have this thought that someone like Alex Smith is as fit as he is because he can get into these awesome positions from his gymnastics history. And he almost has a leg up on everybody because he's so effortlessly does things like overhead squats like it's very easy for him and if you were to have any sort of lack of mobility if there they are look at those all right um any sort of lack of mobility it makes it harder for you to do each and every repetition so in my opinion david hippensteel is probably yes fit as shit in certain hunter mcintyre you have him on the show all the time i think that that dude might be the fittest man on earth but he doesn't have the strength to compete in crossfit he doesn't have the mobility to
Starting point is 01:01:54 compete in crossfit and he'd probably kill me for saying this stuff but if we put him on an assault bike he'd probably beat every single person at the games and you i and everybody know that the assault bike is a very clear test of how much aerobic power you can put out he just won the event over he went he set the world record for high rocks and then he went to the go ruck event this weekend and and won that also two weeks later pretty pretty impressive but per cross its rules you need the flexibility to be the fittest and so why do we spend all this time doing stuff like things i'm not going to name those freaking stretching protocols i don't want you to yell at me but this you know the the wide things with the stretching protocols where you sign up it's like 10 bucks a month it's
Starting point is 01:02:32 like you do those things because stretching leads to more fitness per crossfit's rules right okay with the program i asked if uh if if it been still didn't get any credit for muscle ups or pistols how would would it place him? And that would drop them down to somewhere in the sixties range, which would put his total score still around 80. And you need to be 200 points or less to advance the next round. So he'd still be well within side qualifying. How about the cleans?
Starting point is 01:02:58 Cause those didn't count either. Right. Yeah. We could keep going, but that was a question. Okay. Fair, fair response then.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Uh, Dick butter. We could keep going, but that was a question of death. Okay. Fair response then. Dick Butter, one of our guests that's a frequent listener. Thank you, Dick, for contributing to the conversation. Hunter doesn't have the brains to be on Savant's podcast over and over again, but he still lets him on. Send him a link. Yeah, I would send him a link. He can come on anytime. But thank you, Dick Butter, for your two cents. Brian, when you think of this, the Masters situation that we have with Mr. Hip and Steel,
Starting point is 01:03:36 do you think, oh, it's no big deal, it's in the Masters category, or it's less relevant because it's in the Masters category? Is it a smaller stain? Like if you have this white shirt that the CrossFit Games put on in 2022 and we're just seeing stains pop up on it everywhere let me say this okay the other yesterday i think it was maybe the day before i put up a message on my uh instagram story that said the erroneous decision making earlier in the season has led to problems with subsequent parts of the season for individuals now we have the opportunity to make it right for the masters and everyone's hoping that you do so
Starting point is 01:04:11 even if you made the mistakes in the past you should that doesn't mean that you should just be open to making them again now like you have new information and you have a new opportunity to do the right thing at this point it doesn't make sense to go back and change the workout three scores we're too close to semifinals They made their decision and that's done. But now you have a new competition. Yes, it's the same phase of the competition, but for a different demographic of people. And you have an opportunity to reinstill faith in the people that are starting to doubt you about whether you can run an effective online competition or not. Every single time I have a video, i like to make sure that i have something productive
Starting point is 01:04:45 towards the back end of it i want to make sure that there's like a way out because i don't want to just like bitch and moan i want to say hey this is what i think is the way out and i think that every single opportunity is one for them to go the right direction i think this is probably the biggest and baddest one that being the hip and steel one that's saying if they take out the freaking three-time former games athlete they're sending a message to the entire world that hey we're taking this seriously right now and everybody else in the future if you do this stuff you're out as well they can go the other way and they can say hey everybody in the master's divisions we don't give a shit like go and do whatever you want you'll put in whatever score you want all of a sudden they're snatching 300 pounds at 65 oh interesting uh i want to say uh make a comment comment about
Starting point is 01:05:29 what you just said andrew but going back to what brian said is there any movements in particular i know you're that's really big picture what you're saying like hey we had some hiccups along the way let's make everything perfect going forward but specifically that hiccup that was the most, the craziest hiccup was the shuttle, the shuttle run workout. And athletes are still paying the price for that. Right. Um, were you speaking of any movements in particular, when you said that we're talking about the shuttle run again for the masters? Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't know what's going on with the shuttle run workout here, but I do know that when I sort by men 35 to 39, workout three, I see guys at the top of the leaderboard that are finishing a thousandth in all the other workouts and winning this workout worldwide. Okay, I got to see that.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Caleb, can you pull that up? This is crazy. And when I sort by the guys at the top of the leaderboard, I see Sam Dancer, whose finishes are third, third, third, first, and 93rd in that workout. And so the, both the patterns are there on both sides of the spectrum. That's something is going awry with this workout once again. And I mean, it needs to be addressed. Look at this. Okay. Uh, so, so go up to the top there. I want to understand this clearly. So you've sorted by workout three that had the shuttle run, and the guy who's best in the world at it has a 700th place finish, a 1,000th place finish, a 1,000th place finish, and a 400th place finish, and on that workout he got 87th.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Oh, and the same thing is for the guy who took second in the world. And third. Oh, shit. Oh, hell yeah. Oh, and the same thing is for the guy who took second in the world and third in the world. Oh, shit. Oh, hell yeah. Oh, shit. Taylor, Michael Taylor. Have you seen this, Taylor? Yeah, I've had some people sending me these. I navigate through my
Starting point is 01:07:17 DMs and I try. I've been keeping up. All the Robins are sending me stuff and I'm trying to keep up on it. I have seen this a handful of times. Michael Taylor is going to be the new Brian Sanchez. Oh my goodness. Man, if I was just imagining you and Brian, I'm living next door to each other's kids and having like one of those
Starting point is 01:07:38 strings with cups. Dude, did you see the release of the workouts? We have walkie talkiesies actually those two mile ones he's close to me he's in illinois hillary i even love you i i love you even though you can't lock out both elbows hey all you need is one right per whatever rules crossley puts out now one elbow uh when when will that be finalized b Brian? How bad is that mess? And does that affect any of our favorites? Does that affect Hobart, Adrian Conway?
Starting point is 01:08:12 I don't think Hobart's participating. He's not? I don't think so. He is. He is? Yeah. He's not where he's usually at. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:08:23 He's a little lower. Hobart, Sam Dancer, and Conway. He might be participating just because he always participates, but I don't think he came into this season with the same approach he did last year. Yeah, he did do the workouts. He's listed as 75th right now. Mark Fuentes, he's in the hundreds. Blasphemy.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Okay, so this is going to be interesting. Hey, can we just take a peek over at the women real quick and see if the women are as dumb as the men? They're not. They're not. Obviously. It looks, it looks completely different. Yeah, it does. Does it actually?
Starting point is 01:09:00 Yeah. How do you put that back up on the screen? How do we see it Caleb let's see that and organize it by workout three and let's look at the top three
Starting point is 01:09:09 it doesn't look the same when you sort by workout three but it doesn't look oh it doesn't look as bad when you look at the top of the leaderboard
Starting point is 01:09:16 yeah just okay trying to show she's a supporter all right look at her she did well yeah interesting what's interesting She's a supporter. All right, look at her. She did well. Yeah, interesting.
Starting point is 01:09:29 What's interesting? It's just interesting that the fact that the women don't have it. Long known as the tip of the spear when it comes to rope climb workouts for females in CrossFit. And here she is with a score that's probably the best in the world. And you have three women who have scores all over the boards, hundreds of spots lower than this on every other workout that have beaten her by six, eight, and nine reps on this workout. Okay. So the women screwed it up too.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Well, that makes me feel better. Not as bad though. It's also worth noting that I believe there are less women competing. There's some huge gaps. 35 to 39 men is a very, very popular division. 35 to 35 women has less. So an 842nd, 500, and 559 finish might be equivalent to 1,700 and 1,200 finish in the other division. It just doesn't look as egregious because the numbers aren't as big because there aren't as many people participating.
Starting point is 01:10:20 other division. He just doesn't look as egregious because the numbers aren't as big because there aren't as many people participate. Are there semifinals the Masters online? Yep.
Starting point is 01:10:31 So the only people who do it live are the individuals. Semifinals. Sorry, semifinals. OK. Isn't that so silly that the semifinals are
Starting point is 01:10:40 online too? You're saying that since you're going to have a venue, you might as well bring the Masters there to do it? suppose send them all the atlas games uh has someone made eye contact yet i don't get it you're supposed to be talking to you to me through you through brian you're supposed to be talking to brian you're supposed to be talking to me through you, through Brian. You're supposed to be talking to Brian.
Starting point is 01:11:07 You're supposed to be talking to me. No, I'm not talking to the guy in the red shirt. I'm not talking to him. I'm not talking to him. Tommy Rodriguez wanted to know how to unfuck CrossFit, and he starred out the fuck part. What do you mean by that? There it is. it's back with the stars and everything whoa what do you what do you mean start with the fuck well no he uns he started so it wasn't
Starting point is 01:11:35 actually there you know it's like when he bleep out something on yeah this is well this is always i like to address like how to how to fix things not just necessarily complaining about everything because everyone I hope people have gotten the point that I'm not trying to complain no well even if you are it doesn't matter it's all valid um so so to sum up some of the things we talked about we don't know what's going on with Logan Collins we don't know what's going on with logan collins we don't know what's going on with these two guys hamzi and uh and and in the fittest wizard uh dennis um i'm sure there's other people who are in in similar boats we just don't know we we we're hoping for some validity so let me go back to that question again the um the hip and steel thing do you think it's
Starting point is 01:12:25 not as big of a deal if they let hip and steel in because he's a masters it's like oh it's just a masters it's like it's like kind of like the special olympics like i kind of made it clear that we don't we don't think there should be a pass for any division if you have the rules in place and you don't follow the rules you should receive the penalty that's written as the masters aren't like the special olympics like hey everyone throws the ball and everyone gets a gold and it's like did you see my thing from the judge that messaged me from wadapalooza this is completely different i don't know the new the game season but at wadapalooza they were briefed to take it easy on the masters athletes and i had a judge at guadalupalooza who judged hip and steel specifically reach out to me and say this and it was like a lot a lot of feedback on that one on instagram
Starting point is 01:13:11 and can you believe that that's like the epitome of what's wrong with this entire thing is that right people are expecting to take it easy on them and that's completely wrong i agree i agree it's disrespectful too so no so to answer your question there's no difference between the open division and the master's divisions no difference whatsoever like everyone should be held in the same standard because that's the crossfit standard the one they put out in the rule book uh there is a a reliable source uh coming in uh hold on this is false from Matt O'Keefe. I would believe him. Not the judge that told
Starting point is 01:13:50 you that. I would believe O'Keefe, yeah. I'll go to his profile picture. That means that it didn't come from O'Keefe. Oh. Drank water the wrong way. Alright, guys. drink water the wrong way all right guys uh i i i wish we could leave i'm trying to think of something to leave on a positive note it's just it's it's just not good it's it's like every step of the way there's something like this
Starting point is 01:14:20 and and and it's not it's not even like it's getting better it's getting worse this this thing with hip and steel is by far the the worst the worst showing i mean it makes it makes uh what was the other um miss spiegel look like she's a rock star like she did a perfect workout that's probably why i thought that one was a major penalty now in hindsight but this one is totally invalid i was doing the spiegel video and i didn't want to hardcore say that it should be invalid because i had a feeling that crossfit would not invalidate it however there's reason to believe that the verbiage per the rule book which i just went over again is that when you do a number of repetitions in excess your video is up for
Starting point is 01:15:04 invalidation because essentially you're not doing the workout. In that video, I put it up to if you were to go sign up for a marathon and you're running a marathon and all of a sudden there's a hill and you decide to run around the hill, that's the hardest part of the entire marathon. And in that workout, that would be the muscle ups. It was the hardest part of the entire workout. Essentially, every time the muscles come up, you're running around the hill. You're running around the hill. You're doing something, you're still running, but you're not going up the hill. And the effect of the entire workout is different. And like you keep saying, you're no longer doing the same workout. So you're going to let this person move on. And they did a different workout than everybody. It looks similar, just like walking or running around a hill looks similar, but and it's still possibly 26.2 miles. similar but and it's still possibly 26.2 miles but it's not the same thing and the effects of that hill resonate over your total time on that event we saw something like that happen but it was okay we saw what what's the event in the desert that we that we then dubai the dubai
Starting point is 01:16:01 fitness challenge that they were in they uh the person who was in the lead took a wrong turn. This was on the ski hill. And cut the course short by 50%. And this was before you were around, Hillary. You were still doing Orange Theory. I know. Andrew, everyone followed that person? And so they ran an inaccurate course.
Starting point is 01:16:26 So the second heat, they just had the second heat also run the same inaccurate course. No shit. So everybody in the 65 division plus should go do that same workout the same way. What are the standards? Elbows get around here. You do pistols to, I don't know, one-fifth depth. You do something that looks like a muscle-up. Make sure you leave the lunges
Starting point is 01:16:45 at that end of the room. That's the new workout. Everyone redo it. It's fair. Is that ever an option? What? That the window has closed and you let people do the workout again? It used to be.
Starting point is 01:17:01 It did? If they had asked you for a video, you would say you have up to 48 hours to provide us with a video that shows either you're doing this workout or that you have the capacity to do the score that you submitted. 2018 and pre, right? I know that that was in play at some point. I'm not sure of all the years.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Okay. And you didn't have to hold up a newspaper that had the date or anything like that like you just had to provide the video wow wow i will say that as i was going through every single video that i went through there was a lot of people who were holding up their phones with the stamp and the time date which was something that happened as a result of the yannick career situation which is so ridiculous because both of the app companies that Wadproof and WeTime have capabilities for you to just do that. You can have a timestamp and you can have a time window. It can show a certain color or whatever you want.
Starting point is 01:17:57 And they've attempted to partner with CrossFit to make this just easy to manage. And CrossFit's turned them away. Who here has the tech now? Do you know what the Xbox Connect is? No, I'm 50. Someone's going to steal this idea from me, but it's going to be for the better of the sport. I don't know. It's going to be said here first. The Xbox Connect was this thing where it looks at you and it can look at your movements and you play games on the Xbox in relation to it now why isn't there that sort of software on our cell phones you point the camera at you and they can
Starting point is 01:18:29 tell whether or not you're squatting the depth or or like pressing correctly and brian's talking about the wide proof and all those apps now why isn't there something like that at this point with this sport i think the iphone 13 has that capability it's like a vfr camera or something like that okay it basically you're you can put you can point your camera at something and you see like a creature there's just so many elements that they could like if you want to run an online competition there are you know obvious ways to hook up a rower to display what's actually happening on your screen why are you not mandating that you have the up the these things available to you other people are doing it and you're just
Starting point is 01:19:05 not doing it when you clearly should be doing it uh justin you are nothing but a conduit for uh hiller's greatness and we've always known that and we're sorry that um your tongue doesn't work and andrew has to speak for you and take all the credit but but we know it's really you buddy connect i don't remember that conversation do you even know who that is oh i know justin miller oh yeah he's out in louisiana oh yeah no one can understand what you say anyway buddy hey he just moved there though he's all good he hasn't acquired that accent yet uh what happens next or is are all the competitions done have are the kids done it can hillar take a break or is it someone else going to get torched next week are the kids are the old people are done the teams are done and the individuals are done
Starting point is 01:19:54 what about the kids have they gone yes would you torch kids hillar oh yeah i did they've been torched someone wasn't doing toaster bar i was like up this is a younger age group athlete and the toadstubar don't count um well i here here's what here's what i think crossfit's gonna do i think they're gonna implement your idea of start penalizing uh the judges too do it for a year put the fear into them like if you let this person go then you're no longer allowed to judge anybody yeah It's the only way. Do you think that girl knew, now we're getting into the speculation realm, the female judge of Hip and Steel knew and was like, oh, man, I'm really letting it slide? Speculation. I don't know because like would you like if tia claire toomey was working out
Starting point is 01:20:49 like she can't have like someone like me judging her and i'm just like yeah whatever i just count and just like stare at her the whole time she has to have someone who has the balls to tell her no rep right yeah i would assume that she also then grabbed somebody who would do that for her and it's usually Shane, right? Like, Hey, make sure you tell me if I'm not doing it the way I'm supposed to be doing it. Like if one side of the barbell is not hitting the ground at the same time, let me know. You know, like, like, like it wasn't Brian knows what I'm talking about. Hey, during those years, during those years, um, at HQ, um, during those years when I was at HQ and there was the open workouts where you had to do the handstands and your feet had to go to the tape.
Starting point is 01:21:29 Correct. Like when I judged, I never looked at that tape. I didn't give a fuck. You're out. You're out. Yeah, I just looked at people's arms. If you're on, oh. This is it, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:39 This is the, that one is a no rep. Oh, this is it. No rep. And that girl, this is a no rep. And that girl, that's a kid? Yeah. I don't know which age group. I've said it before. I don't know where I said it, but when I grab these videos, I don't look at the names at all.
Starting point is 01:21:58 I don't look at the age group. I don't look at anything other than I'm watching the movement. It's just a person doing movements. And I put it in relation to car crashes. Like you're driving down the road and you can see a car crash coming from a mile away because all of a sudden something's awry. So you're watching the movements go and something's out of place. And there it is. It's like, Oh, those toes didn't touch or that squat's not below parallel. When you look at enough good movement, which is the same as driving, you drive your car every single day for most of us. It's like, Oh, that's out of place. Here it
Starting point is 01:22:24 comes. You're out of the way. What do you think about this comment, Brian? Basically, what they've done is they've taken the affiliates. The affiliates used to have to approve the score, and that process has been taken out of play. Get with the programming. I'm assuming this is either Bill Grundler or Chase Ingram saying, affiliates should be responsible for approving scores
Starting point is 01:22:42 with the threat of losing their ability to register or approve athletes from their affiliate in the future if they approve bad scores. That's how it used to be. I don't know. They stopped doing it because of the pandemic, right? Apparently, it just kind of correlated with the time. Oh, right. That people couldn't gather together and judge them? All of a sudden, I could do the workout out in the middle of some field somewhere and put it up because it's safer out in the field to do a workout than it is to do it amongst people. Look at this joker.
Starting point is 01:23:14 This guy doesn't even have an L1 and he wants to be a judge. 20 burpees for you, Jeffrey. But it's all the same principle. It's just that there needs to be some accountability. Right. And there is none. even at hq yeah i wonder if that's what the problem is over there that there is no one being held accountable if there's no boss then you can't get in trouble who is the boss well we don't know we don't know we don't know well that's why that's why I think if we get enough views on the videos like the hip and steel video that it's going to change something.
Starting point is 01:23:49 And that's why I started doing this. But maybe that's another reason why they can't. Maybe it's what if there's such a power vacuum or it's so empty at the top that no one even has the authority to disqualify hip and steel. Maybe there's no one even in that position. You don't think there's somebody who can do that? Dude, there's a workout up. I don't know if you've seen it. This guy Hiller made it about a guy named Hibbensteel.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Let's try this parallel. Yeah, yeah. Remember when the leaderboard was populating with all those Ukrainian flags? Yeah. People were posting protest videos. Yeah. And that became on crossfit's radar and those videos came down within a matter of hours they obviously know about this video
Starting point is 01:24:29 more than enough time has passed for them to make it uh you know to take an action that would be reflected on the leaderboard they never announced those things publicly they just do them sometimes they release a report after the fact of the people who've received a variety of different penalties but it would have been wouldn't have taken very long for them to see that do their assessment of it as a, whatever they want to deem it as and, and inflict a penalty or invalidation that should have been happening within a couple hours,
Starting point is 01:24:56 unless for whatever reason, now their, their process might've changed. And so what I'm thinking is that maybe they're holding all the penalties, they're assessing all the penalties, and they're going to publicize them all at once instead of having them roll in. That's kind of... You're a good dude. You're a good dude. I'm serious. And they should do that because last time they said that the leaderboard was finalized and it wasn't finalized. And then I suggested, when you announce it's finalized, make sure that it's finalized.
Starting point is 01:25:24 So maybe that's what they're doing this time. we were trapped in a room with no way out and it was filling with water and we were all going to die and Brian just took a chainsaw and couldn't exit now the question is is CrossFit going to take that are they going to I don't I think Brian I think Brian yeah I agree it was nice of Brian to do that give them an out with that I don't think they're going to take it either and I agree agree with what Get With The Programming said. There's really nothing else to say after that. Like, you pulled down a country's ship because of flags. At the bare minimum, you should be reviewing every single video of every top guy.
Starting point is 01:25:58 At the bare minimum. And that's the top guy by far. Hey, they almost should have done him a favor and reviewed his videos faster so that he could have redone it. Because he is the top guy by far. Hey, they almost should have done him a favor and reviewed all of his reviewed his videos faster so that he could have redone it because he is the top guy. He's the only guy that finished that. I wonder when he submitted that, if he gave them. What was that you had to do five workouts on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and most people finished on a Saturday. So they had Sunday open. Was that kind of what we were seeing? Saturday, Sunday, and most people finished on a Saturday. So they had Sunday open. Was that kind of what we were seeing? That one would have been due that Friday. Okay. So that would have been the first set of workouts due. Okay. I put up a video of some guy, Braden, who did a workout over at what looked like CrossFit Krypton. And because I put the video up so quick, he had time to redo it. He went and redid it before the submission deadline was over wow he there was a bunch of people standing in the way of him and you couldn't
Starting point is 01:26:48 see him running a shuttle run so he got the gym completely empty and redid it uh brayden you owe hillar a hand job oh that's in the rule book that's in the rule book uh i'd also like to say to jump on top of what um uh brian was saying is and what Hiller was saying, what I've learned from this is no one is saying on this podcast that anything that anyone did is wrong based on what we think. It's based on what the rule book says. And I just keep hearing that echo through my brain, what Brian and Andrew were saying at the beginning of the show. This is just the rule book. We're just trying to follow the rule book. And, and, and, and that, I guess that's important in a competition where you're trying to find who the winner is.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Rule book need to be is the question. How what say that again? How deep does the rule book need to be deeper? Or maybe they just need to listen to the rule book. Correct. It doesn't seem like they're listening to the rule book. And it was Brian just said, they take the chainsaw. As you said, like the water's flooding into the room and get out.
Starting point is 01:27:48 So I guess they could say, Hey, the leaderboards finalized and we won't see him in seals video. And there's the way out. And all of a sudden we're moving forward. Well, when we run the California hormone games at the ranch, how's that looking?
Starting point is 01:28:01 Oh, so good, buddy. Yeah. That motion. You need a CEO for that. I'll run that yes i do i take whatever you want show up on anything you want but when you get here you follow the rules that's right you better be squatting to death how much how many steroids can you take and squat to death without with all that muscle in the way i liked your i liked your uh i'd never watched your first steroid steroid video i was so angry that you used footage
Starting point is 01:28:29 i shot in that yeah um but um i watched your second one today and uh which which one was it with the people who are giving reenactments of their time taking them yeah it was with the interview with tom okay how did you like it i did like it and i thought it was with the interview with Tom. Okay. How did you like it? I did like it. I thought it was interesting. And this is a whole nother show. We have to end this show. But I liked how you were talking about the difference between testosterone replacement therapy and then just the bag of goodies you can just get from online pharmacies. Talk a bit on here.
Starting point is 01:29:00 And there's a lot that we can talk about. But the biggest thing within what you just said is that one is healthy and one is deadly. Brian, is there anything you would like to say in closing? No, I, you know, I'm still holding out hope that the semifinals will be, we'll have a lot that's worth celebrating. Mr. Hiller, is there anything that you'd like to um say celebrating what are we celebrating the athletes performance at the at the semi-finals yeah because there's going to be judges yeah i mean i'm looking forward to well-programmed well-run
Starting point is 01:29:38 and uh hotly contested semi-finals uh how excited are you for the standardized two workouts that are coming out? That'll be interesting to see what they are, right? Oh, that's something that seems loaded. Why do you say that? Why is he saying that, Brian? Why is he so aggressive? I have some questions about those. Are you muted, Hiller?
Starting point is 01:30:00 Am I muted? Can you not hear me? I couldn't for a second. Am I back? Okay. Well, yeah, we'll see what those workouts are, and then we can talk about them. Okay. Hey, why did you say that, Hiller? Do you think we're going to have some problems with them? It's just going to be shuttle runs.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Oh. No, I got nothing wrong with them. There's going to be nothing wrong with them. Hopefully, I hope they're the best workouts ever. I hope it's the best things in sliced bread. And I think that it's a great idea that they have a couple of standardized ones, unlike the times which every freaking person could do whatever they wanted, wherever they wanted to do it.
Starting point is 01:30:34 What was that, 2020, 2019? Where they had like 30 different freaking semifinals. And last year, yeah. How many, is it hard for you, how many bats can we see in the comments can you guys just fill up that whole comment side on the right which is release yeah i just want to see it just let the bats just like a freaking superpower right there's bats and if it's too many bats maybe throw an eggplant or two yeah you're supposed to ask me how big my penis was remember uh it was that was just more clickbait like Look, Mark Fuentes gets up. He's the first one there at 8 p.m. Shows over at 8.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Just one from iPodicus. Just one bat. Oh, look, a whole farm from Jared M. Juicy Kid gave you some eagles. Some penguins from Paper Street. Hey, Gabe, eat a dick. That's you. Where's the riddler? That's Brian. Brian. Brian. Oh, Corbin Bowman with a bison. All right. All right. Caleb. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Uh, Brian, will you tell, um, the guests goodnight? Cause I don't want to talk to him any more. Wait, he's done.

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