The Sevan Podcast - #383 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: May 1, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:49 where you can count on great offers being in stock or get a rain check. Discover more value than ever at Loblaws, in-store and online. Conditions apply. See in-store for details. She says, my fuck.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Bam, we're live. Only thing worse than not having a title is clickbait. I don't know. I kind of wish we would have had clickbait instead. My goodness. Guys, sorry we're late. Guess what I was doing. Is this clickbait?
Starting point is 00:01:13 I wish. Today I'm going to be naked on the show. So if you don't want to see me naked, tune out. Bye-bye. I was reading the YouTube comments. What's Caleb hey how's things I wanted Rob Font to win I was watching the UFC yeah man wow that guy made a fan of me though Chido Vera I think that guy Jason House that we're trying to get on the podcast um I think he is the manager of cheeto vera i think and i think like he's the the great hope for that camp i think they love the shit out of him wow i haven't been on
Starting point is 00:01:52 this computer in like two days three days that video we did that video we did with hillar and brian has uh i wonder how that thing's probably that thing says 18,000 views on YouTube and 131 comments. I bet you it's like going to go over 50 or 100,000 on Apple. That's cool. That's fun. Oh, and the Disneyland show is kicking ass, too. I'm just over there looking at the numbers. Bruce Wayne, random.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Savon is Groucho Marx's doppelganger. Travis Bellinghausen, congratulations on the T-shirt sales. Man, he's killing it. 700 sales on the Hiller bro rep shirt in 24 hours. Congratulations. Renata Novantana. We were supposed to have Alex Stein on, and he got sick. Have you seen what's happened to him since the last time we've had him on the show?
Starting point is 00:02:43 Explosion. Explosion. Crazy. Fuckingosion. Crazy. Fucking crazy, dude. He got signed with Blaze TV. He was on some, like, he did some Senate stuff and just exploded. Yeah, people love him. So you guys know what happens in the comments is there's two things happening
Starting point is 00:03:05 in the comments on youtube uh part of the team is just responding to comments to get us in the algorithm so like you'll say um sevens uh you know um so i wish i wish i wish i wish hiller and brian had their own show without seven and and like and like someone who works for the show will be like um say uh hey that's not nice so that's not me commenting my comments will always because they're just playing it safe and they're just trying to get the algorithm moving my comments will be um that's because he'll you just saying that because uh hillar and brian dump loads and your mom that's me that's why i that's what that's uh that's me who makes those comments. So if you're confused, there's someone who is confused.
Starting point is 00:03:47 It's so funny the jokes that people don't get. There was – Sevan did my e-mom 10 burpees to get some fitness in, nice little workout to have in my tool belt at the end of the day. Yeah, cool. I did – you know what I did today? I posted it too. This was actually kind of hard for me to post it could you go to my um ass account savon rinsta I did uh I uh I worked out I did a hard workout
Starting point is 00:04:12 today but then uh before the show just now I did this workout I did um I did 100 calories on the assault bike how I how I actually did it I'm just being lazy how I did it is I got on the assault bike and I revved it up to 90 rpms and then went as slow as i wanted and i did that for 10 rounds i got to like 105 calories in 10 minutes and then i did this this is the mace i ordered from um on it wow yeah on it yeah that that there's a guy um fuck i don't know but but the but but really the flowing dutchman got me into this yeah what's up what size weight mace is that uh 75 pounds holy shit no no no 10 10 i just wanted to hear you come on just go with it dude i tried to do it with one hand and i just couldn't do it i just don't have the technique
Starting point is 00:05:06 but i've been but i've been i've been fooling around with it i started taking the classes over there at the flowing dutchman he has a like a 101 series and i took like the first three classes is that is that yellow line come with like is that on the no no no no i did i put that uh stripe on there that's a great question because i'm afraid i don't want to hit the ceiling oh okay yeah how long is it is it like uh four foot three foot well i'm three feet four inches tall oh right right right and it's as tall as me i don't know how tall it is i'm five five though so you can see i don't know how long it is but it's fun i'm enjoying it wow i don't know if i'm doing it right, but I'm enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:05:46 No, that looks way better than when we demonstrated it with them, for sure. Oh, good. Oh, good. You must have learned something from them. Pull that shit down. You're embarrassing me. Pull it. We were going to do a Loveline show with Danielle Brandon, and I was so pumped to do the show.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Basically, people like Bruce Wayne could call in and be like, hey, Danielle, I have this enormous penis, and I'm embarrassed about it. How should I introduce my boyfriends to it? And then we could tell you, like give you advice. We were going to do a late-night call-in show like that. And then this time, I know you guys are going to do a late night call and show like that. And then, um, this time, I know you guys are going to think this is completely, it is complete idiocy, but this time I had to cancel on her. I think four times she's canceled on us, but this time I had to cancel on her because I was out in Colorado, uh, listening to Greg Glassman's, um, uh, talk on broken science or, or actually what is science? Holy cow. That was good.
Starting point is 00:06:44 It's his first time. It's his first time it's his first time i think speaking in um in a couple years i was incredibly surprised that he was like up in front of a bunch of people that was impressive oh man it is so good it is so good i mean i don't know if i'm supposed to let the cat out of the bag but he's actually working on some curriculum for all the world to arm the world so so people can't just say this you hey that's not science or that science it'll basically you take this course and you'll have the the understanding of what is science and you won't be able to fall for that shit anymore wow yeah i saw shit we're live oh are we wow yeah i see it on youtube and you use the picture of me and Greg that I took.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Did you do that? Might have been a Will thing. Oh, Will, you're a good dude. I don't listen to country. I'm not opposed to it. I'm still listening to the same music I listened to, like, in the 90s. You know what I mean? Like, I built a favorite list on my – and it's just like, and lately I've been listening to a lot of kiss and,
Starting point is 00:07:48 and Michael Jackson and like black Sabbath. Cause my kids listen to that and they dance to it. That's all your kids listen to. It seems like it's a lot of kiss lately. They're so into kiss. Is that just just a thing they're stuck on or what yeah i don't they they're just i don't know but we went to uh we went to newport beach and um we were hanging out there with the california hormones people uh for two weeks and maybe it's 11 days 11 days and the boy and there's a there's a bar there on the beach and and you can you can sit on outside and i would order Bloody Marys and get my swerve on, and the boys would dance.
Starting point is 00:08:28 My wife would play music on the iPhone. They would dance and leave a bucket out, and they made $68. That's like two drinks. Yeah, and Newport Beach for sure, for sure. Wasn't a course like that supposed to be through CrossFit? You know, I want to, I don't, I can't remember. I think you're on to something. I think you're, I think you're on to, uh. Is that Craig Howard's, like, best friend or twin or something?
Starting point is 00:08:58 I do like Nickelback. I don't, I couldn't tell you a single song that they sing. Oh, do they sing the, um, Kryptonite song? Who sings that song? Uh, no, that's Three Doors Down. Oh, I like them. Wait, so who's getting the free steroids? Vicky, you are.
Starting point is 00:09:14 No, I don't know yet. So we are – oh, I should wait until Suze is here. I'm going to put my foot in my mouth. But basically, it's really moving along. You guys have done a really good job. Most of you did a great job sending in burn it to the ground what are we looking at here these are all your favorite nickelback songs oh are they are they the big ones yeah photograph for sure probably one of your favorites you know do people make
Starting point is 00:09:41 fun of nickelback massively why why what happened? Why? What happened? How did they? Honestly, I don't even know. I think it's just like a new era thing. People are just like, oh, Nickelback sucks. Hey, that happened. But look at this photograph. What photograph? Oh, that's the name of the song. Right, right, right. What's funny is, I don't know if you remember this, but there was a time when Kevin Costner fell out of graces.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Like he was the man, and then he just – for 15 years, he was just – oh, he did a movie called Waterworld, and after that, he was just kind of clowned on. Well, did you ever – did you watch him in House of Cards? No. Kevin Costner was in – no, that was Kevin Spacey. Kevin Spacey. Sorry, I'm getting mixed oh yeah kevin spacey i think bang some 15 year old boy yeah for sure that's that always sets your career back yeah i don't know if he did it but that was the accusation problems problems
Starting point is 00:10:36 i met kevin spacey once in uh yeah at a at a in park city at um whatever that big film festival is there. I was a big fan of his until that whole thing came out. My mom loved him. My mom was bummed he did that because she couldn't watch the rest of House of Cards or something. Don't touch kids, man. Don't touch kids. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I watched the last episode of Oh, I think our phone is working again too, by the way. Okay, alright. I'll throw it out there. I watched the last episode of, uh, Oh, I think our phone is working again too, by the way. Okay. All right. I'll throw it out there. I watched the last episode of Yellowstone season four. Is you, did you, I've gotten through the first couple of seasons.
Starting point is 00:11:14 I haven't been able to watch the rest of it. Is it good? Uh, you know, when you, you know, when you're a kid and like some adults be like, why are you watching that?
Starting point is 00:11:24 It's so violent. Yeah. Yeah. Like what, what are you talking about? Why be like why are you watching that it's so violent yeah yeah like what what are you talking about why do you play those video games they're so violent it's just like atari fucking things yeah yeah yeah right um i've reached that stage in my life like i watched season four of yellowstone in the last episode it was it was just too violent really yeah like the sister's getting so mean that, I mean, I know she's so hot. I mean, she's basically the Khaleesi, right? She's the Game of Thrones Khaleesi. All you want to do is just see her naked, just getting it.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Well, of course, of course. But man, she's vicious. Okay. Yeah. No, I watched the first couple of seasons. I thought it was dope. It seemed very Games of Thrones-ish and then also very almost whatever those gangland shows are. Yeah, it's Sons of Anarchy on horses. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Again, Sons of Anarchy is a good example for sure. I like it. Joe says the phone isn't working. It just doesn't work for you because you make so many fucking comments comments about this guy always comments in the comments about how i interrupt people you're welcome what hey what's up devon i'm not letting you talk oh man i just had a question for you no hey man a long time listener big big supporter, dude. It's awesome. I love you. I love you.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Thanks, brother. You were talking about Greg earlier, and I've always wondered, man, I think, I don't know if they've addressed this, but why does he look like he never works out? Because the dude's 80 years old and he's crippled. Well, he's not 80, but you know he has polio, right? I didn't. No, I didn't had he had polio as a kid. So one of his legs is just like one of his legs is like crazy buff and one of them is not crazy buff.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And he has it. And I think what if you ever I have no idea. I'm just completely making this up. And I should I should be careful because he's a deer. You're his homie, dude. Say that again. You're his homie, though. because he's a deer you're his homie dude say that again you're his homie though yeah i am his homie um he he has a torso his dad is huge and he had greg has a torso of a he has a six foot five wingspan and he has the torso of a six foot five man but his legs i think because he got polio and because of all the surgeries he had and the attempts that they had to like make fix it or whatever i think what it did is it stunted his growth so he's probably like five six he's probably just like an inch taller than me but he's got because of his legs but he's got the torso so what it's done is it's made him really barrel chested like really
Starting point is 00:13:57 really barrel chested and it's crazy because sometimes i'll see in the comments that people be like he's fat and i would have just been swimming with them and like there's nothing fat about him it's just he's got this massive fucking rib cage like massive like okay yeah it does look like he kind of has a belly a little bit yeah yeah it's it's really not to be uh honest um i mean but his weight does fluctuate and he does like to drink but he quit drinking beer like six years ago seven years ago i don't know if you've ever heard me tell that story but me and him were crushing the coors lights like every day and then all of a sudden um he realized that there was something in the yeast and beer that was really really really really bad
Starting point is 00:14:35 and he stopped drinking beer immediately and he switched to and he switched to titos and soda but um yeah so so you can tell there yes you can say there with the a shirt on yeah um he's definitely thicker there than he is in the one with the hat on backwards down below but but i don't think his weight fluctuates more than by like 10 pounds i mean you can see his arms look at his forearms and his biceps whoa yeah so yeah he's he's and he's older now, too. I think he's 65 or 66. He looked the best I'd seen him look this past weekend in years. So. So what's he trying to do now?
Starting point is 00:15:14 Like, is he trying to do something new? He's in a, no, he's not trying to do something new. It's basically the evolution of what CrossFit is. CrossFit was sort of, he's starting to realize that it was kind of like the stepping stone. Let's say like you invented the – I don't know. The wheel. No, let's say you – I guess, yeah. I guess – thank you.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Sorry, not no, Caleb. Yes, Caleb. Let's say you invented the wheel, and now you're going to invent the car. He's basically realizing that all the stuff that was wrong with CrossFit or with fitness is all the stuff that's wrong with science. And that's why we're hearing the dumbest shit. That's why everyone had to wear masks the last two years.
Starting point is 00:15:54 That's why people didn't get Floyd 19. They didn't get how... He was right. Everyone should apologize to him. Everyone should apologize to him now. He was right. It was consensus. I remember when all that stuff happened and he replied and I'm like, why is everybody offended by the phrase Floyd 19? Like it was actually pretty on point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:15 So so the same people who were coming up with the protocol to deal with COVID were the same people who came up with the protocol with how to deal with racism in this country. And he was like, hey, you guys are fucking everything up. And look what happened. We now know. We know that the cold isn't a seasonal thing, that basically what happens is when people are put inside, that's when the cold spreads. So it happens to seem like it's seasonal because in the winter, everyone goes inside because it's cold. But it has nothing to do with the cold. It has nothing to do with the winter. It has nothing to do with the summer. It's just that those are the behaviors of the human that allow the disease to spread quicker, quicker, quicker, faster. I know some people can be like, well, there's more sun in the summer. Chill, relax. So if you don't understand what
Starting point is 00:16:58 the problem is, which we didn't, and you quarantine people, you kill people. And that's what happened. That wasn't science. And Greg talks about that. Science comes from predictive value. It doesn't come from consensus. If 1,000 people tell you to quarantine and one person says it's stupid, those 1,000 people aren't right. Look at all the people that believe in astrology. There's no science there. That's consensus.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Same with cancer, oncologyology not even a real not even a real science that's gonna that's gonna upset a lot of people i said that but it's but but but but but i'll tell you what is real science and um uh me telling you that haley's comet comes every two years and you know when however often it comes and it's going to come in 30 days six hours and four minutes and then it does come there what that is is that's a that's me understanding the way haley's comet moves and me predicting and then it actually happened happening that is science it's science is only when something has a high predictive value or whatever has the most predictive value is the leading edge of science.
Starting point is 00:18:05 So it used to be Newtonian gravity was the leading edge of the theory of gravity. Then Einstein came along and he came up with general relativity to describe the actions of gravity. And now that's the leading theory on how gravity works. And so that's sort of what he's going to try. That's what not he's going to. That's what he did explain this weekend. He broke all of that down. He talked about where it went wrong what are the consequences of of not understanding what science is and thinking that consensus has to do with science yeah it seemed like you really veered towards like the health niche in the last five years for sure across it yeah it's all yeah so i mean i mean yeah so that's i mean i don't know if you lived through it. I don't know how old you are, but there was a time when everyone was saying that fat was bad.
Starting point is 00:18:50 And now all you have to do is – and everything turned to low fat. Fat was bad, and everything should be low fat. Right, right. And we're paying dearly for that now. Yeah. We're paying dearly for that now. What they did to all the foods is they pulled out the fat and that took away the flavor. So they added sugar. And now look at our society. And if you don't know what our society looks like, go to Disneyland.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Yeah, I watched that show, dude. That was hilarious, man. Oh, man. Hey, you know what? There's a guy who contacted me who's coming on the show. I wish I could remember his name. He said he lost 120 pounds and he's had it off for four years. I said, dude, you got to come on the show. He said, I'd love to. Yeah. Cancer is just money. Yep. Yep. Yep. I appreciate it, man. Appreciate the time and been following you, dude. Keep doing the good work, brother. Thank you. Hey, why do you have that picture in your avatar of the fat kid?
Starting point is 00:19:43 Hey, why do you have that picture in your avatar of the fat kid? Oh, man, I just picked it like seven years, eight years ago, and I thought it was hilarious, and I've just kept it since. That's not me, and I'm not that fat. I am chubby, but I'm not that fat. Are you Asian? No. Is that kid Asian in that picture? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I just picked it because it was a funny fat kid eating something, which is, I'm sure, something you do not appreciate. That's fine. I'm good with it. I'm good with it i give it i i never forget who you are that's for sure because of that picture oh nice brother nice if you look up like bad agent kid you'll see it's really really sad it's like this humongous kid and totally his parents fault it's really sad oh great but um i don't know if he's still alive or what because that was a long time ago but yeah that's not cigarettes too maybe maybe so i did uh okay thank you for calling brother see you later thank you bye i did watch the fights tonight and i just that's the reason why i kept pushing the show later and later and
Starting point is 00:20:35 later man that last fight was nuts five rounds five rounds whoo and i was surprising. Oh, man. Is anyone else extremely disturbed by the Bureau of Information or whatever the name of the Orwellian government free speech control is called? It is nuts what's going on. You mean the KGB? Oh, I'm sorry. The RGB here. It is absolutely nuts. Let me see if I have a clip on that to show that lady.
Starting point is 00:21:05 You know that lady said that Hunter Biden's laptop wasn't real. What? Yeah, and now she's going to be the one to control. By the way, I'm reading that book now, Hunter Biden's Laptop. I'm almost done with it by – what's the lady's name? Margaret Devine. Can you pull that book up, Hunter Biden's Laptop? Or the Nightmare Laptop or something? Laptop from Hell. lady's name margaret divine can you pull that book up hunter biden's laptop or the or the
Starting point is 00:21:25 nightmare laptop or something laptop from hell oh yeah laptop from hell yeah i'm almost done with it holy cow man i don't know it's gonna be weird talking to yevgeny now if you want to get some really crazy insight into what's going on in this country you should you should definitely read that book it's basically what happened is hunter biden took his laptop to a store to have it repaired he didn't come back within 90 days and then the then they owned the laptop the store ends up owning the laptop and this was a couple years ago when trump was running against biden and um the uh the the new york times the media the fbi everyone's like no this is just a a russian um device to try to manipulate our election everyone's like no it's not that's hunter biden's laptop anyway flash forward to like two weeks ago and and you couldn't talk
Starting point is 00:22:22 about it on twitter instagram or facebook of course, and you couldn't talk about it on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, of course. No one was allowed to talk about it. What about now since Elon owns it? And a couple weeks ago, the New York Times said, oh shit, that laptop is real. That really is Hunter Biden's laptop. And if you want to know what's in that laptop, you should read that book. And just be ready to have a massive dose of compassion for anyone who voted for uh joe biden it is really really bad and and it explains a lot of what's going on in uh ukraine right now and it is not i mean it's it's just all the all the shit that everyone's been saying it's all it's all
Starting point is 00:22:59 money it's all money laundering and bad deals and i I mean, Joe took Hunter to China to meet Xi Jinping in 2013. And you gotta, you gotta read the book. I should have been taking notes, but I almost don't want to go down that rabbit hole with the show. Wait for tomorrow with Alex. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And I do have that in the notes. Hopefully he comes on. I, I, yeah, and I do have that in the notes. Hopefully he comes on. Have you guys seen this movie No Safe Spaces with Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager? No Safe Spaces. If you have not seen this movie, you must see this movie. No Safe Spaces by Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager. And if you haven't seen this movie and you have any liberal friends, any friends who are sitting on the fence, anyone who's remotely woke, you have to go see this movie with them. You have to try to get them to see this. No Safe Spaces.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Where did you watch it? In my living room. No, I mean like what streaming service? Oh, that's a good question. That's a great question. I want to say maybe Netflix. Netflix? It won't offend anyone.
Starting point is 00:24:14 Ryan Callen's in it. That's impressive. Okay. It won't offend anyone, but it's really eye-opening. Hey, how are you doing? Ben Shapiro. This is Alex. anyone, but it's really eye-opening. Hey, how are you doing? Ben Shapiro. This is Alex.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I've watched you guys a couple times. Alex, hi. How are you? Do you have food poisoning? No. Wrong Alex. No, it's just I've enjoyed listening. I've enjoyed the Andrew Heller content. I was actually at a CrossFit competition today out near
Starting point is 00:24:46 Kansas City. My seven-year-old got third place. Oh, congratulations. Congratulations. You sound like an abusive right-wing dad teaching your kid about fitness and movement and struggle at such a young age. It was awesome.
Starting point is 00:25:02 He was in competition at that too. He got a third at that too. He was the third place medal. Hey, what did the medal look like? It's just a generic medal, and then they put it on the back of it. It's described on the back of the third place. That's what the tournament was called. At least it's customized a little bit. Yeah, does it have some weight to it?
Starting point is 00:25:26 Like he could swing it at you and knock out a tooth? He probably could Yeah, definitely his medal Is he super proud of it? He was stoked He got third place It was funny, he got third place in all three It was the event competition today
Starting point is 00:25:41 And got third place in all three of them So it was good He gave us all first one so he didn't quit that was the goal on the ride home did you um did you yell at him and tell him what a bitch he was for not getting first no he has a year to grow so he was at six to eight and he's like just about to turn just about to turn eight so he would have had a good one of the same age group not behind but just right on the younger side right so now and that's a huge discrepancy so next year when he's like like the oldest kid there if he doesn't you'll beat him in the car yeah he'll be he'll be good then so no it was good we've had a ton of it's
Starting point is 00:26:21 funny i've had a ton of discussions with people. I guess it's a totally different topic about quarterfinals. I'm a 94th percentile guy and believe in the quarterfinals pretty consciously. Just pushing along at the same time. I want to keep talking to you, but your connection is so bad that you have to go. Okay. Love you, bye. Bye. And he seemed like he was
Starting point is 00:26:45 I'm only going to talk to naked callers tonight Wad Zombie Bruce Wayne, Sarah Cox hey can you make it so that when someone donates money it automatically pops up on the screen and whatever they wrote like we can hear what they said
Starting point is 00:27:02 I'm not sure if it will be automatic but I can at least click it just immediately. Say, hey, wow. No, no, no, no. I was watching Grey Ghost 07. Thank you. Alex Stein 99, Primetime 99. That's his slogan. I was watching his show today, and when he gets gets money it pops up on the screen and it read
Starting point is 00:27:27 like a robot voice reads it okay that i don't know not that i'm aware of no i think it would be in youtube it would be in youtube okay uh what what is that 495 colt mertens um colt mertens decided to do almost 500 wall balls today he did four well he said he did 465 and then he recalculated and did and noted that he did 495 so i messaged him actually and i said hey did you just do five more just to say you did 500 for the day? He said, No, I didn't earn it. I didn't earn the 500. I completed 495 because that was within the training that I had. And I only completed 495. So next time I complete this, however many wall balls per EMOM, next time I will get $500,000. So that's a goal for him. Did you understand anything that you just said? I know you were just translating what he said, but I don't understand. How did he not earn it?
Starting point is 00:28:40 Well, I think he just didn't try hard enough. Oh, oh okay so there was a limited amount of time and he only got four nine yeah so he did like an emom i guess and so it only allowed he only went fast enough to get 495 he did not go fast enough to get 500 30 30 30 pound ball yeah yeah and and i think he posted it was only his only is a 30 pound ball so praise The dude's got to work. Oh, no, just kidding. It looks like a 20-pound ball there. He's got some work to do. He's got to get those 500. I don't think he's game caliber yet.
Starting point is 00:29:15 He's got to work on it. He's game caliber. Ryan doesn't think he's going. I think he's going. I think he will, too. I just like putting that little fire under his ass because he's from Iowa and I'm from Nebraska. So it's a little bit of a rivalry we got going there. No safe spaces.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Cross it off the list. Go see that movie. Can you show the picture 132? I thought this was a fascinating picture. It's a picture of what looks like a bat at a baseball game. and it looks like the guy who was on the mound swung the bat and let go of the bat, and the bat went flying into the audience, into where the fans are sitting. what's going on in there. He says in this photo, we see several, several interesting details,
Starting point is 00:30:04 a child distracted by technology. That's the part that stood out to me the most. Look at why does a young boy like that have a cell phone at a baseball game? Nine days, a long time, I guess. If you, if you want to ask me,
Starting point is 00:30:19 your kid should not touch a cell phone until he's 15. I mean, what do I know? My oldest kid's seven. Uh, number two you see feminism is hiding cowardly it's a little harsh but you see that there's a woman who's like like looking out making a couple but i guess she looks like she could get hit with the bat and take
Starting point is 00:30:36 it too she looks like she got an extra 50 60 70 on her to break the blow of that bat uh and then an alpha male protecting the child against serious injury i think that i mean i'm guessing that's his dad and you see his dad puts his arm out and basically saves that child's face that bat could have killed that kid i mean we don't know how fast it's going if the pictures are set up but let's assume it was flying through the air and then i really like this last one and two jedi masters using force to stop the bat and i like the guy the the job of the hut looking dude in the orange, orange Incredibles outfit.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Oh man, that was one of the crazy things at Disneyland. There were people wearing the Incredibles outfit who had no business wearing the Incredibles outfit. Weren't they severely large and ready to take on the world or no? I just, when I think of the Incredibles, I think of them as superheroes.
Starting point is 00:31:25 These people did not look like superheroes. They looked like – They weren't tapered bees into the – No, they were super sickly. Oh, okay. Well, maybe not then. I got on the plane flying United, flying to Colorado this week, a couple days ago. i hadn't been on a plane like in two years and they played that video in the beginning where they tell you to put on your seat belt and all that shit to behave on the plane
Starting point is 00:31:53 and they tell you all the rules and they tell you about a program that united's doing that's a 2.4 mr incredible is fat okay fine technically he's just stronger than everybody else um but they they they play a video about how they have a scholarship that says that they're going to give 2.4 million dollars to try to get people to fly the plane who would otherwise not have an opportunity to fly the plane and then they show you the class of people it is and it's all women it's all women all you know with titties and what i'm guessing have vaginas. They all look like girls. Right. And they're of all ethnicities and races, white, black, Chinese. It's the whole fucking group. And they make sure they got the black girls up front. So they know, you know, that they're being inclusive and they're showing this.
Starting point is 00:32:39 And I'm thinking to myself. I don't want anyone being forced or like or bribed or I don't want anyone being a pilot who it's not like a lifelong dream of theirs I don't want I don't want like any charity pilots I don't want any charity heart surgeons I don't want any charity dentistry I don't want any I don't want any charity preschool teachers like there's some jobs like I want the firemen to like really want the job and I'm thinking to myself wow and then I get a little, I get a little sexist and I, and I understand this is sexist. Trust me. I understand this. I'm thinking to myself, I bet you, if you were to ask a hundred people, regardless if they were man or woman, whether they would want to have a man pilot or a woman pilot that the vast majority would say they would rather have a man pilot. Just like if you were to ask people, Hey, would you rather have your mom be a woman or a man? think most people would say a woman now i know that's different i know i'm making a huge leap there but a little bit of the sexist part of me was like and i can't think of any other jobs really like that maybe i'd want the fireman who's who's dragging me out of a burning building to be a man maybe i'd want the police officer who was trying to save my life in a fight to be a man but but for some reason i just thought a pie on them
Starting point is 00:33:49 if something went wrong for some reason i thought i'd want a man what thank you i've been working out and then this fucking happened are you ready please on my flight home that was on my flight there i saw that on my flight home i that was on my flight there. I saw that. On my flight home, I was thinking about the story and how I was going to talk about that story on the show. And I'm like, man, I don't know if I want to share it. People already have a misunderstanding of me. They're going to think I'm sexist. I mean because it is sexist. But I think it's sexist within a world of norms.
Starting point is 00:34:23 And what do I mean by a world of norms? Meaning like men and women, a man has a penis, a woman has a vagina, they mate, and a baby comes out. That's just normal. There's a world of norms. And I thought maybe it's just normal to wish that your pilot was a man. But then this happened. I was flying home today, and the pilot comes on the plane, and it's this woman. And she's probably 50 years old, and she looks very strong, and she's tall, and she's probably 50 years old and she looks very strong
Starting point is 00:34:45 and she's tall and she has long black hair and she's smiling and when she comes on the plane she says hi to everyone hi hi hi hi now i've seen pilots do that not a lot not a lot i've been on let's say 2 000 flights in my life that's only a week for um i don't know 10 years let's say because there was something sometimes i just flew like every day for like five months it seems like and then she turns around and she addresses the plane i'm your pilot blah blah blah blah blah and she's really nice and i'm like holy shit this this chick's fucking this chick's dope and i'm really liking her and i'm thinking she has. She takes pride in what she's doing. She's in control.
Starting point is 00:35:27 It was kind of like she cared about her presentation. She looked good. She had all the natural wrinkles. She wasn't all fucking Botoxed up, and she's just like – maybe she's older. Maybe she's 55. She's a wrinkly, hot woman. Naturally worked. Yeah. she's like maybe she's older maybe she's 55 she's a wrinkly wrinkly hot woman naturally worked yeah and then she goes into the fucking cockpit which they call the flight deck it says on the door flight deck i call it the cockpit because i just like saying the word cock cock right thank you
Starting point is 00:35:57 and she comes out and she walks by and she says hi to all of us again and and she i hear her say and she walks by me and I kind of check her out, turn around. And then I hear her say, would you like me to take you to your seat? And there's this fucking little girl who's come onto the plane, and she's dropped to one knee. And this lady, this captain is wearing a – she's wearing a dress. And she's dropped to one knee, and she's talking to the fucking passenger who's a young girl. And she says, would you like me to take you to your seat? And she takes this fucking girl to her seat i have never ever fucking seen a captain of a fucking 757
Starting point is 00:36:31 whatever the fuck i was on escort someone to their seat it was fucking nuts and i was like this if i was a pilot that's how i would do my job i would never like when i used to be a cashier and i greeted every person like they were fucking God. Because they give you money, right? No, I didn't fucking – I got paid $4.25 an hour minimum wage at Drug Barn. I was a cashier. We didn't even have scanners then. You had to type it in.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I just do everything that I do. I bring myself to the fucking – I'm game. You should appreciate their presence right i'm here yeah everything i do i'm game i'm here i'm not doing it to a i'm some people i think do it i was thinking i was watching alex stein and i'm like i wonder if he he brings so much energy and i used to think this about gary roberts too that it's almost like they're doing it because they're afraid of their own thoughts they have this crazy facade mine's not that. I just want to fucking engage with people. I just want to be present for people.
Starting point is 00:37:27 I just want to reflect people. I want to like have our – I don't care who it is. I kind of want our souls to mingle a little bit. I want to have intimacy with every single person that gets a little uncomfortable. Okay, yeah. Thank you, Caleb. Well, and I feel the same way with my patients. I totally get it.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I get it. I get it. get it i get it okay so so yeah tell me you want to be present for them you don't want to just be like sit down how old are you you like i want to look at you and i want to ask you how old you are like no one's ever asked you let me get experienced yeah or or just like i like the doctors who are like the cashier like i go and he goes let, let me guess how old you are to me. So I just think, wow, every fucking pilot who flies a plane should do that. Just walk up and be like, ladies and gentlemen, one of the miracles of life is flight.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I would like to thank the Wright brothers and then thank the real guys in India who probably really invented the first plane. Because you know that's like that, right? Right, right. Of course. I mean, we don't know. We thought about it. Let's say it again. We thought about it. We did not create it. No, right, right.
Starting point is 00:38:50 And then be like, and so today, 100 years after the first plane ever took flight, we will all take flight together. And with all the love and practice and alertness, I will get you to your location. Please enjoy your flight if there's anything you need. I mean, like, that's how I would do it. I would rock that shit. Yeah, and I'd do some Denzel shit too. Blow and bang the fucking uh what are they called the flight attendants flight attendants yeah flip to a 180 you know december 17th 1903 the wright brothers made the first sustained flight by man heavier than air powered and controlled aircraft
Starting point is 00:39:21 an airplane on december 17th 1903 invented and flown by orville and wilbur wright and marked the beginning of the pioneer era of aviation wingspan 40 feet top speed 30 miles per hour weight 604 pounds length 21 feet can you believe that like probably i think it's like 60 70 years later we decided to like you know what we're gonna land on the moon uh alex stein says that's bullshit i know and i want to ask him about that hey and we will but you know what's crazy when i heard a show that he was on recently i i hate the this kind this is the kind of stupidity i see in youtube in our comments i see it all over they'll be like we don't even know alex didn't say this but the guy he was talking
Starting point is 00:40:03 to said this we don't even know we can't't say this, but the guy he was talking to said this. We don't even know. We can't even go everywhere in our oceans. How would we get to space? Like, that's not logic. That's not logic. That's all presuppositions based on your own stupidity. It's crazy. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah, it's crazy. It's like, don't talk like that. Like, say some stuff that, like, makes sense. It doesn't just work just in your logic. Oh, I just got a nice text from a friend. Great to see you guys this weekend. Same. It's good to see you too. Anyway, so fucking, I eat my words.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit if the pilot's man or woman i don't i want a fucking present pilot it transcended every she was the best pilot i fucking ever had so go fuck you savon we've had some uh i've met some pretty incredible like military like combat pilots before and they've they've been extremely hyper i don't know if it's called like hyper aggressive but they've just been they've just been had a different personality uh they're very capable and it would be a good way to put it they're very capable of what they what they're
Starting point is 00:41:17 set out to do uh they're they're they're easy to talk to but they're also like if you ever ask them like hey what about this situation? They're like, yeah, we would solve it. Like they'd have no problem being able to do the same thing that a guy would do in an objective manner. So you'll have a female pilot come in and she'll be like, Hey, I got this sort. I got this kind of like this thing on my skin here. I just wanted to get a check for skin cancer. Like, no problem.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Have a seat. And you'll be talking to her and be like, Hey, she'd be like, what? And be like, what do you do if the back engine on the helicopter goes out? And then he'd be like, exactly. She's like, what? Seriously? Do you talk to him about it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:55 No problem. I, every time I've had like either some sort of a maintainer or any sort of pilot or anything, anybody like that, they're like, Oh yeah, this is, this is how we control this. This is no problem. We can take care of it. We'll land the plane. Everybody's fine.
Starting point is 00:42:12 We've never had an issue with it. And we move about our day. Like it never even happened. It's awesome. It's really cool. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, I'd like to be flying a wall in that scene. I noticed this too, Ken. Caleb, your personality is slightly different.
Starting point is 00:42:25 He's participating more today. He's participating. He had a little – I'm guessing he had a little talk with himself. He's like, okay, I'm going to try to talk a little more today. It helps. It helps. Trying to improve myself. Number 135.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Let's get back to this disinformation czar. Enough of this me coming to terms that I need to work on myself, my understanding of what. So just so you know, that's a misunderstanding. It wasn't a sex thing. It wasn't a man or a woman thing. It's that I want someone who's present. Exactly. And there's a lot of that that goes on in the world.
Starting point is 00:42:59 You have to have cultivated awareness to make adjustments on the fly like that. Damn, I'm cool. Hello, caller. Hey, guys. How's it going? Good. I'm making progress in my personal growth with sexism. I had a question for you, Stevon.
Starting point is 00:43:16 I was just watching your Kill Me, Fat Man series. Ah, with Gary Roberts. Yes, sir. Yeah, Gary Roberts. That's right. A couple questions for you. how is that guy doing first can i tell you something first about like just do self-relate myself for a second sure i did not have to make that piece i made that in all my free time i was killing it already at CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I went out of my way to fly to that, to call that dude, talk to him, get him to participate in that. Of course, he's game because he's cool as shit. And I did that all in my own free time. I was already working fucking 50, 60 hours a week. I did that all, every single, I flew out there. I left my fucking wife, who's the coolest fucking human being alive, and did all this on my own. That was what was so cool about CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:44:12 is Patrick Bet-David would say I was an intrapreneur. And there were people there at CrossFit HQ who did not want me making this video, this series. And it's our most fucking popular non-game series in the history of the fucking company. You fucking idiots have me on the outside. God damn it. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Sorry. Cheese and crackers. Go ahead. Hey, that's the same thing with James O'Keefe. He's going to single-handedly destroy CNN. You guys better pay him $5 or $10 million and get him on the inside or else he's going to kill you from the outside. And CrossFit should take warning of that from me too. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Look at him. Look how skinny he is. Okay. I don't know how he is now. I think he's pretty good. He remarried. He had a baby. I'm not sure if they had a second baby.
Starting point is 00:44:59 But I could have him on the show. I could call him now. He's like one of those people I could actually just call now and ask. Should I send him a link right now? Sure. Put your hands together for Lady Raven. Dad, thank you. This is literally the best day of my life.
Starting point is 00:45:15 On August 2nd. What's with all the police trucks outside? You know, the butcher goes around just chopping people up. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds heard he's going to be here today. Josh Hartnett. I'm in control. And Salika as Lady Raven.
Starting point is 00:45:33 This whole concert, it's a trap. Trap, directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Only in theaters August 2nd. At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful.
Starting point is 00:45:52 Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. There was a gap, right,
Starting point is 00:46:12 between the first season and the second season where it kind of went back, right? I'm like, towards the end of the first season, so I haven't really gotten into the second yet. Yes. It's so sad that we didn't just uh keep that going but what what got him to the point where you just like hey let's just you need to work out you're fat you need to let's make this series no no no no so i am live
Starting point is 00:46:40 now would you like to answer a couple questions okay so Okay. So I sent him a link. Let's see if he comes on. So basically, um, he was, we were both in the arm wrestling space. I made a movie called pulling John. If you guys haven't seen it, you should see it. It's insane movie.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I made a movie called pulling John. He was also in the arm wrestling scene, shooting videos. And it was before YouTube basically. And he had a place where you could go watch arm wrestling videos and he charged people money. And it was a really cool gig for this really niche sport. And he loved it. And anyway, so then we stayed in contact and I went on to Cross videos and he charged people money and it was a really cool gig for this really niche sport and he loved it and anyway so then we stayed in contact and i went on to crossfit and he
Starting point is 00:47:09 stayed doing arm wrestling and then i i think i called him or something or he called me we were just catching up we probably hadn't talked in a year and i said hey and i had this idea um and i knew he'd put on a lot of weight i had this idea hey you want to do a show oh no he said to me hey i want to lose weight i'm just gonna start training for a marathon i go fuck that he goes what do you mean i'm like come do crossfit and i'll make a whole series out of it and he's like all right let's do it and that was it because it seemed like it seemed like his attitude really started to you know evolve after the first few episodes i don't know It seemed like he came in with a lot like his issues with his daughter. And I just thought it was, I just thought it was very,
Starting point is 00:47:52 I thought it was very unique to how he, how he like pretty much just gave himself completely to it because he wanted to completely change his life. I guess it didn't really seem like he was at a rock bottom or anything, but he was, he, I think he always lives really close to rock bottom. He has this personality like Alex Stein, who I'm going to have on tomorrow that I just feel like is so energetic and
Starting point is 00:48:16 so giving that it's almost a, a, a bit of a facade to protect something that's really tender just under the surface. That being said, he is highly motivated. He's one of the most highly motivated, even though his personality is totally different than Heber and Marsden. He's like them. He's like me. He's just highly motivated. He's going to get shit done, you know.
Starting point is 00:48:38 And oh, yeah, look, there is. Wow. He looks good there. And and he was in and he was also feeling the pressure of the, um, of it going up every week. Right. He knew that he had to be accountable to the entire community. And I would, and I would whisper that shit in his ear.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Don't let the world down. Motherfucker gets up. So I, I was, I really, it was been really enjoyable. Cool. Are you overweight?
Starting point is 00:49:05 No, I, I, that's one of those things I had always grown up with and I, it fits in the back of my mind and I never want to go back. You were fat as a kid. Fat as a kid. Yeah. I remember, I think the largest, I was five, six, like 240 in the sophomore year in high school. Wow. What ethnicity are you?
Starting point is 00:49:33 All kinds, white. Okay. White as white can be. So you're not like Samoan or Tongan or something? No. Okay. No. Shit, that's huge.
Starting point is 00:49:42 I love food. Yeah, so I'm 5'5", and the most i've ever weighed is 182 and i was and i was just i'd taken as much fucking creatine as i couldn't eating everything in sight because i really wanted to bench 225 i never did it i was 220 i was not i was not i was mentioning food i was not mentioning any anything else yeah what do you have to eat to be five, six and two 40? What do you got to do? You got to like do some crazy shit. Uh,
Starting point is 00:50:09 the frosting cookies, ice, a tub, the ice cream, just whatever, ever. You can get your hands on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Cause I ate so much and it just like, I ate a lot. I like it. Like, you know, think, think of Ben and Jerry's every single night. It doesn't take much, I guess when you just completely indulge yourself you're just a better eater than me hey did your body get just your body gets so fucked up that it lost like
Starting point is 00:50:34 like you got some like weird marks on your body from it oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah how old are you uh 36 now yeah it's crazy um that's the hardest thing i think about like when i was at disneyland i would see eight-year-olds and i'd be like oh fuck they already got their their like their uh the frame of their car bent like that they'll never be they the damage they've done is so gnarly there'll always be some mark of it right yeah and they're standing in line for their churros or their ice cream that's's awesome. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to fucking talk about it. Sorry. No, no, not you. Ken Walters.
Starting point is 00:51:10 He wants to know how I can do so many ring muscle-ups but I can't bench. I don't know what the fuck is going on. I'm really good at lightweight bench, too. Like 135, I can just rep it out forever. Yeah, thank you, Logan. Eat a dick. I hate it when I bring up my bench press. Well, thank you. I appreciate it my bench press okay bye thanks for calling uh so so we're we're talking about twitter no we were talking about something fun we were about to talk about here i'll pull it up again it's about biden
Starting point is 00:51:40 some sort of oh the disinformations are yeah check this out this is so weird first first i want to say one thing that's really that's crazy barack obama just spoke at um uh stanford and he was saying talking about misinformation and about how millions of people died from covid or thousands i don't know how many said died from covid unnecessarily because misinformation on social media and he's ambiguous so i am going to read into it but basically what he's saying is that um i'm reading into it and he was a bit ambiguous but what i'm going to read into and saying that is that that people were saying that covid is not dangerous and so people died didn't get the vaccine like he's 100 pro pro pro pro pro pro pro injections right and so
Starting point is 00:52:22 what he's saying is there's misinformation on there that made it so people died because they didn't get it i'm pretty sure that's what he was alluding to and it's like no no the missing how could you say that when there was no information about diet and exercise how none none we never got anything either it was incredible you mean in the military you never got anything like hey guys everyone you mean in the military you never got anything like hey guys everyone stop eating shit like that's what i would tell the whole u.s military yeah i would i would have if i was in charge of that i would have taken out all the coke machines overnight and you know we have a ton of them yes it's incredible it's insane and now and i could go off on a thousand things like that right of stuff that they tell by the
Starting point is 00:53:06 way that if any of you want to start questioning those of you who believe in climate change and of course there is climate change that's why i say that there is or isn't climate change is idiocy of course there's climate change the climate is always changing what a great name to name something that you want to be propaganda but one one of the things that science does is it predicts things forward in time and backward in time. So if I'm predicting when Halley's Comet is coming and I'm successful, I should be able to use that same theory to predict the last time Halley's Comet was here. So anytime anyone starts talking to you about climate change and you want to find out if it's science, which is based on predictive value of the theory or consensus which is not science that's how jews were killed that's how
Starting point is 00:53:51 black people were hung and that's how witches were killed that's called consensus science and in climate and the climate change people the eco people their theory doesn't work forward or backward it hasn't predicted anything forward and it sure as fuck doesn't work backward. And if you want to learn about that shit, just go get some books on it. That shit will just start – the whole thing just unravels from there. And you don't have to be a climate denier. You can just be a scientist. oh yeah the masking shit some dude walked i went to a um i went to a fundraiser today for kelly clark she's going to i think the atlas games or the granite game she's going to the granite games i think brian thinks she's gonna make it to the games this year i went to her fundraiser at crossfit up so fucking it should be called woke woke fit up you should see the crazy shit they have in the bathroom but there was a guy there and he walked up to me and he said oh your kids are so
Starting point is 00:54:47 cute and i look over and his kids fucking masked so i couldn't say anything gary roberts what's up brother what's going on bro good to see you someone called into the show today and asked how you were doing uh i mean i'm crushing life bro crushing life that's what you do what that vehicle you're in looks absolutely beautiful it's all i'm prepping it for a renter i'm rent i'm renting it out on outdoorsy that's how i subsidize the costs is that work is that smart is smart? Are you glad you did it? I'm sold out for the summer. It's I forgot to book my own my own days. So it's working too well. OK, good. I'm glad to hear that. It looks really nice. Hey, Gary, I don't I don't want to take too much of your time
Starting point is 00:55:42 and I don't want to give you too much of my time. So remind me how we started killing the fat man, and are you still training these days? All right. So we knew each other through arm wrestling. And I always – you mentioned one time, hey, I got a project in China and you couldn't go film it. And you were like, hey, if you ever need a gig. And I mentioned Travis Bajan one time. Sevan said I could, you know, do some gigs for him. He goes, oh, not for CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:56:19 You can't work for CrossFit. You're too fat. And I said, oh, man. So if I want to work with seven i gotta lose some weight so my 20-year high school reunion was coming up i didn't want to see some old girlfriends so i was like i gotta lose some weight and i started running and i sent you an email and i said seven i'm losing some weight and when i do when i lose like 40 pounds, I'm going to call you up so I can make some videos. Because I said, I thought I needed to be, you said, Gary, if you want to make CrossFit
Starting point is 00:56:53 videos, you have to try CrossFit. That's crazy. And you said, be right back. Within like a few minutes, you hooked up with Laura at O at oceanside crossfit and you said uh we're gonna put you in a box and he goes the only thing is you gotta let me film it and i was like i said i mean it happened like just like that and i said of course so you put me in the box and i remember one time uh you came down the first time you filmed i was like hey i gotta go on a gig it's gonna take me out of town i'm gonna miss some uh some arm wrestling i'm gonna miss some some workouts and you're like what do you need to do to not go to this one event i was like i don't know i'd lose out a couple hundred bucks you went to the atm machine and you gave me 200 bucks so i would not miss a workout
Starting point is 00:57:49 oh you're a good dude kary roberts anyways i went in i loved it of course i fell in love with it i think about it every day the methodology uh am i still training today yes season three going to a theater near you what's the hardest part gary why aren't you working out because i know you have a kid new kid you have two new kids i have i so thank you very much seve amatosian because of you and your influence in my life i thought i would never have any more children. I want to thank you. Because of you, I met my wife and I now have a two-month-old and I have a two-year-old. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Congrats, man. That's awesome. Thank you. And I never knew I could fall in love again. You know, I had a daughter. She's awesome. Thank you. And I never knew, I never knew I could fall in love again. You know, I had a daughter, she's 25. And of course, like, I love my kid, but I thought I was done with children. I did not think there was space for love and children. And, uh, you know, when you fall in love with a woman, you know, crazy shit happens, babies are made and i am so in love with my babies awesome dude uh so what so so so why aren't you working out so there's time or what excuse what excuse have you made for yourself I I'm full of excuses always.
Starting point is 00:59:26 I did. So I was six weeks ago. I joined LA fitness. I was, I went in there and I was like, I got to get, sorry, 10 weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:59:38 I was like, I got to get into a rhythm because my baby's coming. And, uh, I, I didn't join the CrossFit because i needed someone i could bring my son to and they had a little kids class yeah so i'm like i'm gonna i'm gonna get into the rhythm and i you know i lasted until the baby came and then i help a lot with the baby at night and just i was like as soon as the baby's sleeping i won't be back uh i think today I was just on Dave Castro's Instagram watching.
Starting point is 01:00:08 I linked to like the CrossFit book. And I was like, what is CrossFit book? And I saw some stuff with Glassman. I was like getting all fired up. I'm like getting all fired up. It is so funny you sent me a message because I just spent, I just went down the rabbit hole with some Instagram posts watching. I want it bad. I want it bad. I just, you know, life always gets in
Starting point is 01:00:34 the way with me. And if I don't get into a rhythm, if I get into a bad rhythm, I stay in the bad rhythm. If I get into a good rhythm, I stay in the good rhythm and uh it's the same thing with eating so hey it's great seeing you that was a great story and uh let's catch up soon yeah i miss you i miss you too do you know who alex stein is alex stein i do prime time alex stein 99 okay that's right tomorrow he's coming on the show in the evening. You should try to watch that show live. Okay. I think he will inspire you. What time?
Starting point is 01:01:11 I think it's at 7. PM. I had him on the show and he only had like 20. I shouldn't say only he had like, let's say 10,000 followers on Instagram, 10,000 subscribers. He really is a lot like you in terms of, he's not afraid.
Starting point is 01:01:24 He really brings it and gives it um and uh and he and now like three or four months later he just signed a deal with blaze tv nice what are you is this what you're doing full-time podcasting uh what do you mean full-time like is this your like you're no longer crossfit media director correct no i'm the ceo of crossfit now and i am also yeah and i also have this podcast that's basically how i run i run pop crossfit from this room right here and caleb helps me caleb gary roberts gary roberts caleb hi gary i'm confused you are you're still employed with crossfit i'm i'm still behind not not not no no i i just identify as being the ceo i don't know where you've been the last couple years but you can just do anything
Starting point is 01:02:15 you want and and so i've identified with the i am the ceo of crossfit that's what i identify i always thought you would be that's why I was on your coattails. I thought I would be the right-hand man, bitch. All right. I love you. I got to get back to my show. Thank you for coming on. I love you so much. Let's stay in touch.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Let's circle back around the next couple days. I miss you, brother. Yeah. Congrats on your vehicle and the kids. It looks dope. Thank you. Say hi. I will.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Gary Roberts. What a stud. What a stud. What a stud. That takes balls. A lot of people I send them links, they don't just come on. No chance. All right. So whoever called and wanted to know about that shit.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Oh, Athena, darn, sorry. I will. I'll tell him tomorrow for sure. I will tell him tomorrow for sure. Get back in it yeah isn't that crazy that he was talking about he was on dave's instagram like he hadn't been there forever and then today i just the world's a crazy place and then i just fucking sent him a link to the show and he popped on okay the biden disinformations are 135 sorry caleb i know you keep trying to put that up let's let's this is just nuts this is nuts it's basically just censorship from our government
Starting point is 01:03:30 this is wait before before this is the lady that they've nominated or not even nominated i don't think she does she have to be approved she She's basically going to be – there's a new department, and I think it's within Homeland Security, and it's like the Department of Misinformation, and this lady is going to run it. This is the same lady that said Hunter Biden's laptop wasn't real, and now it is real. They knew it was real the whole time. Come on. Everybody knows it's real. Thank you for everything you do for this country caleb here we go thank you for my service yes thank you for your service it's how you hide a little lie it's how you hide a little lie
Starting point is 01:04:21 it's how you hide a little lie when rud little lie. It's how you hide a little lie, a little lie. When Rudy Giuliani shared that intel from Ukraine. Or when TikTok influencers say COVID can cause pain. They're laundering disinfo and we really should take note. And not support their lies with our wallet, voice or vote. Oh, information laundering is really quite ferocious. It's when a huckster takes some lies and makes them sound precocious. By saying them in Congress or a mainstream outlet service. Information's origin seems slightly less atrocious.
Starting point is 01:04:52 That's the lady. Wow. That's the lady. She really knows what she's talking about, huh? Ministry of Truth. Is that really what it's called, Victor? Oh, man. It's what Cuba did when the uprising was happening last year dgb disinformation governance board oh she reminds me of shut the fuck up's girlfriend from the hangover
Starting point is 01:05:19 oh stews i'm sorry stews stews stews Yeah. That lady has been appointed by Biden to be our misinformation czar in Homeland Security. First of all, the – It's like that guy who's – I don't know if he's trans or whatever, but – Oh, the health minister. The health minister lady. No, not the health minister. Yeah, it's the – Is it?
Starting point is 01:05:44 Yeah. The American guy who looks like a dude but dressed like a chick. Yeah, and she used to be the head of Pennsylvania's health department. She was the – what did she do in Pennsylvania? You know that? She did the exact same thing that Cuomo did in New York. She was putting old people in nursing homes and they were dying. And she would. Yeah, right here. Admiral Rachel Levine. She's the assistant
Starting point is 01:06:11 secretary of health for the United States of America. And before this, I think she was the secretary of health for the state of Pennsylvania. She pulled her 93 year old mom out of the nursing homes during covid, but was putting your mom in. Think about that. And to be honest, I don't even think she was doing it like in some nefarious way. I think she's just retarded. I mean, clearly she's retarded
Starting point is 01:06:34 or he's retarded. Whatever you want. You can go call it whatever you want. The guy that looks like a dude but dressed like a chick. Yeah, they're making fun of you, Caleb. Yeah. I'll wear fun of you, Caleb. Yeah. I'll wear different clothes this next time.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Yeah, she killed old people. Yeah, she killed old people. That's not even like a stretch. There's not even like a leap there. It's crazy because we have experienced, we've had such a massive turnover recently, just in just our leadership in general and now we have where in the u.s or in the air force not just in the in like dody so we have
Starting point is 01:07:14 this massive change and we have on uh in leadership in general where we've become like used to be part of each branch had their own leadership right and now all of a sudden we're all under the same person and this is the person we fall under and it's just none of the things that come down make any sense whatsoever and everything that that they're coming down with is stuff that they haven't experienced themselves so it just ends up fucking with every every aspect of our job and does everyone know what there is morale bad you think oh oh for sure morale is bad i mean you could be the most mentally strong person in the clinic and in the clinic or in the hospital and you're like you're looking at things that are going on you're like why does
Starting point is 01:08:01 this make sense and they're just like well it is because the way it is you're just saying no and they're like okay well we're gonna move to the next person who's gonna execute the job and they're gonna continue with it it's like hey that doesn't make sense oh i want to ask you details but i'm not going to we can talk about it later uh can you play number 134 I've talked about this a bunch. I want you to listen to the very first part of what this lady is about to say. This is really, really important what she says at the beginning here. Listen to this. You have to remember Al Gore's dad voted against the civil rights movement, civil rights legislation. It was the Democrats who were against civil rights legislation.
Starting point is 01:08:42 You have to remember Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. That's all. Talk about the party switch myth, because Democrats want to somehow appropriate the history of the Republican Party on themselves and erase their racist past. They claim that in 1964 there was a party switch because
Starting point is 01:09:00 Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat president, signed the Civil Rights Act. What they don't tell you is that Lyndon B. Johnson said he's president, signed the Civil Rights Act. What they don't tell you is that Lyndon B. Johnson said he's actually going to have these N-words voting Democrat for the next 200 years. On top of that, there was the longest filibuster in American history done by the Democrats. And guess what? Only two senators left the party. That's hardly a party switch. The rest of the senators that were against the bill and supported Jim Crow remained in the party. That's hardly a party switch. The rest of the senators that were against the bill and supported Jim Crow remained in the party for the rest of their lives. There was no party switch. They just want to cover up their racist past because they are the party of systemic racism
Starting point is 01:09:36 then and they're the party of systemic racism now. I mean, they did vote for Jim Crow, Joe Biden. Lock a brother up, Joe. You ain't black, Joe. Let's talk about the party switch. Okay, so she says that Lyndon B. Johnson said that these N-words aren't going to – are going to vote Democrat for the next 2,000 years, and she uses the word N-word. That is the place where you don't say N-word. That's the place you say the word because you're quoting someone fucking else, and you want the world to hear the impact of what a fucking douchebag that Democrat was. Understand?
Starting point is 01:10:22 For sure. You see the weight but i like what she said and i said that to her in the comments sorry say that again caleb say what'd you say i say use the weight of the statement that she has yes yeah thank you yeah the weight what caleb said yeah and i wrote that in the comments. Yo, girl, I love you, but just say it. She knows exactly what was said too. Yeah, of course. Why not just use it just to – Let them hear what Lyndon B. Johnson said. It's gross. How long ago?
Starting point is 01:10:57 Words are gross when used in – words are powerful. Words are loving. Words when used in the right context are effective. And they're not used in the right context. They're not effective. If you're scared, if you're talking from a place of fear or political correctness, your words are not effective. You're a douche. It was so long ago too. I mean you're going to use the words from the 60s into the 2020s.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Be beneficial. How cool is it going to be when Daniel Brandon's on here and people are like, Daniel, I only like Asian girls, but I think I can make an exception for you. But you know,
Starting point is 01:11:44 just not Asian girls then, huh yeah go for anybody then hey guys what's what's fine man it's cool it's cool go for everybody it doesn't matter dan danielle my girlfriend doesn't doesn't want doesn't want to get on the pill and i don't want to use a condom what should we do man i'm gonna have to have like 50 people. What if no one calls in? I'm going to have to tell Danielle Brandon, all my problems with my wife. It's like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:12:09 I really don't want a fourth or fifth and sixth and seventh and eighth kid. What do I do? Put a bong on it. Just slip a bong over your cock the most impressive thing okay i might go in there okay uh um uh what's going on with whoop what's what is going on i i i kind of want to talk about elon rich but it's so it's so dumb i like i saw this news reporter i don't know if it's joy reader someone talking about how that they're afraid there's going to be censorship now from elon i
Starting point is 01:12:51 don't even i don't it's just so dumb okay so i want to it's like where have you been do you guys have not seen the last years of censorship just go look at my instagram account okay so the crossfit games posted this whoop thing today with annie thor's daughter on her pregnancy which is i like annie thor's daughter and i like i like pregnant chicks and um uh but earlier today or yesterday i was notified of something that was on the whoop app now i don't do the whoopie i don't do the whoopie at all i'm not interested in the whoopie at all if i was going to do anything whoopie well i'm interested in taking their money if they want to like sponsor me then i'll wear a whoopie but like if i would
Starting point is 01:13:33 i have a um what apple watch somewhere i don't know where it is but i never wear that either but if i like like sometimes i like to mess with it and check my, um, use the oximeter on it. Only me and Caleb know what that is. Cause we're smart. Yeah. Make sure you don't have COVID or not. For sure. For sure.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Um, so, uh, so, so, so the whoop, do you, do you have that? The, the whoopie thing? Do you know where that's at? I do. I got a discount. Oh no, I don't mean that. Oh, you're so embarrassed. You're embarrassing me, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:14:03 I mean, do you have that thing I sent? Do you have that picture of the app where they took down – I guess on their app – well, I'll just tell you guys. I guess on their app they used to have a section CrossFit, and now it says Box Fitness. And I was tripping on that, and someone else was – well, I was tripping on it because someone said, hey, yesterday that used to say CrossFit workouts, and now it says Box Fitness. So I thought, oh, shit, something weird is going on with that used to say CrossFit workouts, and now it says box fitness. So I thought, oh, shit, something weird is going on with Whoop and CrossFit, and that is not good. Whoop is a sponsor of CrossFit, right, or they were of the CrossFit Games? Does anyone know? Yeah, I thought they were still, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:40 So something has happened, and the write-up, do you have a link to – or do you have the – can you post that write-up that I sent in our thread with Will? No, it's okay. You don't have to. I can read it to you guys. I have it here somewhere. But in this – so Whoop posted this. I don't know where. It says, Whoop support app features in coaching. And it says, there are many gyms and boxes that offer exercise similar to CrossFit gyms,
Starting point is 01:15:06 and we updated the CrossFit training activity to Box Fitness. First of all, that's just – whatever they're saying right there is horseshit. That is not – that is something being used to hide something else that happened. There's not someone in their inclusivity department who is like hey let's get rid of the word crossfit and call it box fitness so that it's a more encompassing category i don't believe that i'm not gonna i can't i don't believe that i believe that something else happened i mean i'm willing to say i'm willing i'm willing to i'm thinking that that's a lie i don't know for sure but i'm thinking that that's a lie. I don't know for sure, but I'm thinking that that's a lie and more encompassing
Starting point is 01:15:46 category for tracking these activities alongside functional fitness. Yeah, this is, this is either something has gone sideways with CrossFit or they have no integrity as a business. It's one of the, or both or both. I don't know. Members will continue to have access to all their previous track CrossFit training activities and data under the new Box Fitness label. And they have a little trademark next to CrossFit, but they don't have it next to Box Fitness label. We will continue. And first of all, you have to know this for those of you, I don't know how old most of you are or not, but there were no gyms like CrossFit gyms back in the day, 20 years ago.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Like you would never, ever see a rope or rings hanging in any fucking gym you went to. And now they're fucking everywhere. They're all CrossFit gyms like CrossFit gyms back in the day, 20 years ago. Like you would never, ever see a rope or rings hanging in any fucking gym you went to. And now they're fucking everywhere. They're all CrossFit gyms, whether they say it or not. You don't think so because you're only 17 years old. But if you were 37 years old, you'd know. Members will continue to have access to all their previous track CrossFit training activities and data under the new box fitness label. We will continue to support the CrossFit community and our members engaging in similar activities, allowing all athletes to benefit from whoop data around training,
Starting point is 01:16:50 sleep and recovery. Something's not right. Box fitness, huh? Something is not right. I smell it. I smell it. I know how money works.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Well, not really, but I smell it. Something's not right. I thought if you printed more money, it would just know how money works. Well, not really, but I smell it. Something's not right. I thought if you printed more money, it would just make more money. Yes, you just go to the ATM. Okay. So if anyone knows, hit me up in my DMs. I want to know what's going on. I want to know what's going on.
Starting point is 01:17:20 I can't believe – you know where my brain immediately went is I wonder how this is going to affect CrossFit's trademark. I wonder if this is going to affect CrossFit's trademark. I don't know how big Whoopi is. Like, I don't know if it's like bigger than CrossFit in terms of the sheer number of people that use it. I don't know if it's like transcended CrossFit, if it's everywhere. But if it has and they start calling CrossFit box fitness, we got a problem. Or someone, not me, I don't got a problem. Do you think that means that
Starting point is 01:17:47 Whoop doesn't have the sponsorship with CrossFit anymore? Or do you think that you're just trying to be more conclusive? Hey, you want to know what I really think? This has no zero validity what I'm about to say. This is 100% speculation. I think that they're seeing the shit show that is the CrossFit Games right now and they want to fucking tiptoe out of the room
Starting point is 01:18:09 oh you mean that just random people are just making it yeah like the whoop I think the whoopies like we're supposed to be data driven and something's oh yeah whoop the official wearable of CrossFit is that true hey type that in and see if like what pops up wow oh shit oh shit multiple year partnership was announced in may
Starting point is 01:18:32 24 2021 wow miss denise is miss dense after 40s after it denise denise what happened in camp colorado for the last you know what happened is i drank so many fucking moscow mules i think it's like the it was i can't remember i think i had so much sugar i didn't sleep for two days don't tell anyone what are you talking about no way you probably drink water the entire time moscow mules have way too much okay here we go are you gonna add that to the stream or no yeah ox fitness isn't greg and dave's new fitness empire shit if it is they didn't tell me okay well that's that okay woot becomes official uh wearable of crossfit and uh and they got catchin's david's daughter on their multi-year partnership will
Starting point is 01:19:19 help athletes uh boston march 20 okay okay just down. Let's see if like who signed it. Is it signed by like just a standard press release? Means nothing. Okay, here we go. Hold on. Go back. I want to see that thing. It says in 2020. In 2020, half of the competitors at the CrossFit Games were Whoop,
Starting point is 01:19:35 and members already include some of the top athletes in the world, such as Katrin, Noah, Brooke, Rich Froney, Carrie Peace, Christian Harris. Whoop with the 24, seven physiological monitoring couple. Hmm. I've been a member for almost a year. Join the loop CrossFit community for $30 off any membership. Go to, um,
Starting point is 01:19:56 go to their homepage. Let's see if let's just sniff around just for a second, man. You guys need Jenny as your informations are. Is that, is that dense after 40s at her is her name jenny can i see their home page yeah let me pull it up and i find it weird that right after they changed that stuff that the games page then posted the
Starting point is 01:20:19 annie thor's daughter video i'm tripping reach your goals with whoop oh can you go over the locker i just want to see i want to see anywhere for it should say crossfit and it doesn't anymore Thor's daughter video. I'm tripping. Reach your goals with whoop. Oh, can you go over the locker? I just want to see, I want to see anywhere for where it should say CrossFit and it doesn't anymore. Or do they show, do they show who their athletes are? Does it say our favorite athletes, performance platform? Oh, platform. No podcast. Oh, maybe podcast. Let's see. God, imagine if you guys had me do your podcast. God, imagine if you guys had me do your podcast. Someone would actually listen. Okay, I don't know what any of that stuff is.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Okay, go down to... Maybe that's why people don't think I'm nice, because I say shit like that. Scroll to the bottom, please. You can't scroll to the bottom. You can't scroll to the bottom? Okay, let me see in there uh our mission careers contact membership experience for athlete for athletics for business public service oh geez for public service go fuck yourself affiliates and communities so someone said to me today okay oh affiliates and communities yes let's Let's click on that. Yes. That's it. Yes. I'm impressed. They didn't have a D I button. I like the whoopie.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Let's see. Pretty yellow or green, whatever that is. Optimal fit. Oh, there it is. I saw the word CrossFit. Go back. Go back. CrossFit affiliated gyms, coaches and trainers who are looking to bring whoop to their members. Yep. Click on that that let's see all right i'm done with whoopie anyway let's get to the bottom of this we'll have uh i'm sure hillar will do a video on it hey i was thinking about oh did i tell you about the recap hillar show i was thinking about doing no please i was thinking about um okay so i whoop made a post about um changing some shit uh oh when we were in colorado um eric rosa was playing in a band in the lobby of the hotel that greg was staying at that's kind of cool okay yeah yeah beautiful beautiful um play play bass or electric i don't know what i honestly don't know what he was playing i had left and then a bunch of people said that they saw him play i greg went to his room and i went
Starting point is 01:22:36 to my room and a bunch of people said that uh rose was in the lobby when we were there but i didn't see him and i don't think greg saw him. I haven't spoke to Greg yet. Beautiful. Wow. Incredible. Yes, he can. He's doing something weird. You see that, Ken? He's like, ah, yes. Mm-hmm. Yes. I see. Very interesting. Very interesting. I see. Okay, let's play number one.
Starting point is 01:22:59 Wadzami, you're giving up the coin now. Wadzami, what are you doing? God. Let's do 136. Please. This is Twitter. That's a tweet, if you will. I haven't shown Sean G yet today.
Starting point is 01:23:21 I wish I was Sean G. Okay. This is Dr. B, Dr. Bryce. So fly. I've been a pediatrician for six years. While I don't have the experience as many others, I can say the amount of cases reports, case reports of children with heart attacks and myocarditis in the last year is like nothing I've ever seen before. Please don't be so callous with your kid's health. Scroll down a little bit bit as has been correctly pointed out many parents are not callous but have been led astray by doctors doing inadequate research or who have been coerced and manipulated by the medical academies
Starting point is 01:23:56 always question any treatment any therapy if the doctor can't answer get a new doc that's too vague you can't just you ahead. Go ahead. So my, I've noticed this since I started to work, since I've could, I mean, since I've been working in a hospital is the, the docs just can, they just will work with whatever they, they know. Right. So you just like, if you go to a doctor's office, he was hey i have x like let's say let's just say i have a cold right like a sore throat a cough stuffy nose all they're like okay well just go home drink some water do some gatorade like get some just get some fluids in you like you'll go you'll be fine in the next 24 hours right um but what some people like what some doctors will or some providers fail to understand is the fact that there is like a deeper issue that goes on with these people that just is not. They just say, OK, well, like this is what's normal.
Starting point is 01:24:56 Like, don't worry about it. You're going to be fine. And then they don't continue to address the like the issue that the issue that goes on in the next few years. Give me an example. Give me an example. Give me an example. Um, let's, let's say like,
Starting point is 01:25:15 okay, so this guy comes in with like testicular pain, right? Like this guy comes, I mean, obviously it's not a cold, right? But this guy comes in with testicular pain.
Starting point is 01:25:23 He says, okay, well I have this really bad testicular pain. I think I need to get either a urology consult or I need to get maybe a vasectomy, something of that sort, right? He needs a blood panel from California Hormones. Yeah, sure. Yeah, exactly. Maybe he needs a blood panel to see maybe I'm actually exhausted. I need to check on my my testosterone levels. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:49 So this guy. But then they come in. You're like, dude, you're 26, 27 years old. You're you're you're in the realm that you shouldn't have any testicular problems or any sort of hormone issues. Just go home. Stop watching porn. Like just be with your woman kind of thing like be a normal person um but then a couple weeks later they come back like hey man i still have testicular pain i still have um i'm still exhausted i can't like even get it up for my wife kind of thing and i can't even like get i feel up to go exercise and then you start to move into the the like later imaging and stuff and you look at them in more depth and you realize like oh this guy actually has some sort of masses on the testicles they have oh sure they're like oh maybe
Starting point is 01:26:39 this guy actually has some vestibular cancer you Aren't you? But Caleb, the doctor's seen a thousand of those and he's been right 999 times, hasn't he? So why immediately just go to the x-ray? So and that's the thing, though. It's either it's kind of a it's one or the other, right? You're either like, OK, well, I'm not really going to expect the worst. I'm going to say, OK, well, don't worry about it. Just go about your business. It's OK. You're just kind of like that's just what's going to happen the worst i'm going to say okay well don't worry about it just go about your business it's okay yeah you're just kind of like that's you that's just what's going to happen at
Starting point is 01:27:09 this age you know and uh so but when they come back you're like ah come on like there's no way you really have these issues like don't worry about it um but then eventually you're like okay well maybe i really need to start looking into these issues. Let's start adding some more imaging or adding some sort of extra testing into these issues. And then you realize like, oh, well, this guy's actually got some problems we need to address. So what should they have asked ahead of time? So let me just redirect this back to where we're going. Basically what someone was saying is like, hey, you need to ask the doctor some questions. That doctor in that post was saying don't just take what the doctor says
Starting point is 01:27:48 at face value you have to ask questions questions i'm going to tell a really quick story and then put that towards the what about regarding testicular cancer right i was in india i got bit by a fucking dog that i stepped on i was in a slum a slum bigger than any slum anyone's ever seen like fucking less like you live in mexico city it's like two million fucking people the dog bit me and i was with the doctor i've told the story before i was with the doctor who's like the local doctor for that town and he and he's like oh shit you're bleeding i said yeah i just stepped on a dog and he bit through my pants and he's like where's the dog i'm like right there and he goes okay um you know uh rabies is a big problem and i said in india i said okay and he said we need to start the protocol for you getting bit by the dog. And I'm like, what? And he goes, yeah. And I go,
Starting point is 01:28:29 how long have you been? And here it comes. I go, how long have you been a doctor in the slum and or this town? He says, 14 years. I said, okay. And you, you've been working here straight for 14 years. He said, yeah. And I go, and what's that look like? Do you live in the town in the slum? He goes, no, I live right next door to it. I said, do you come here every day? He goes every day. And I go, okay. And in those 14 years how many rabies cases um have you seen he says zero right i'm like well fuck you i ain't starting nothing go fuck yourself and your fucking rabies is a problem and fucking uh like doctor says you're gonna die covid how many fucking studs like me have you seen die of covid none none i pounded your mom's whole doctor and your sister and your aunt and your granny
Starting point is 01:29:16 i ain't dying from fucking covid and your sister probably so yeah and your sister thank you thank you i hate to leave out a family member like i'm being uh yeah you gotta make sure you so so so so what should that person in in that regard what should that person say when the doctor you're saying it's like the you go in there and your balls fucking hurting the doctor's like hey go home what do you think someone should say are you are you a ball expert well and that's the thing you put these in your mouth. Right. Right. So, so the real, the real issue is the fact that people will continue to, they'll just take whatever they say at face value. Right. They're just like, okay, well, no worries.
Starting point is 01:29:55 It's okay. Like whatever the doc says, like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, and, and which is understandable, right? You don't want to be like, oh my God, like level nine panic. I don't want to crazy, like all this shit. Right. And you're like, okay, well, whatever it is, like you don't want to yeah it is understandable like level nine panic i don't want to crazy like all this shit right you're like okay well whatever it is like you say it's cool and no worries like nine times out of ten it's cool so it's fine i'll just be cool
Starting point is 01:30:13 with it right um but like you have these people who come in and they do have issues and they do continue to have issues like over a x amount of time right and and even even uh bruce said something's like hey well uh even the doctor uh take ibuprofen and take drink some water kind of thing right and um but really what needs to happen is like hey i don't believe that this is an issue this is an issue that can be solved by ibuprofen and drinking some water i think this is an issue that needs to be solved by like i need to get an mri or any like so really oh but you can't put that on the fucking people they don't know that shit right no i agree but like you have they need practical questions caleb if they can ask like hey dude did you didn't even check my balls or can i
Starting point is 01:31:00 get a second opinion or do you know what i mean they need like has anyone else coming right i'm just trying to get out of you like what questions should they ask they get like like if you if you're trying to figure out if a doctor knows what he's talking about so so let's say let's just go straight to the vaccine issue they're like hey um you should get you should get your kids a covid vaccine well why uh um well because uh to protect them. Okay, how many kids have died? Well, one. Where? Right. In Uruguay. Well, then why should I do it?
Starting point is 01:31:31 Well, to protect the grandparents. Well, I thought the grandparents were vaccinated. Well, they are. Well, if they're vaccinated, why would my kid need to be vaccinated? The vaccine doesn't work. And just like lead. But I don't think people even have that common sense to do that. No, they don't.
Starting point is 01:31:43 And they just say, okay, well, the doc said that I need to go get the vaccine or I need to go to the ER. I need to do whatever. And they'll go like complete whatever task it is that is put upon them, right? And so these people just end up with these testing or they end up with vaccines or they end up with whatever it is that says, hey, you need to go complete these things. And they're just like, oh, yeah, sure, whatever. I'll go go about these things.
Starting point is 01:32:07 And it's not necessarily beneficial for them. It's just saying like, oh, the doc said I need to do it. And so they're going to do it. It's not like the doc has done any sort of extra research in regards to like, oh, hey, this is the COVID vaccine. And here's the real issue is the fact that some of these doctors will just go on whatever it is that they think is beneficial, right? It's not like I know that doctors have to complete CEUs and they have to complete XYZ
Starting point is 01:32:39 like things to be doctors yearly, right? Or physicians or NPs or PAs or wherever it is. But to be quite honest, they're, they're just going off of what they think is in the best interest of themselves and the best interest of the patient, right? They're going off of whatever studies are being created for them saying, Hey, this is what is, this is what is. Well, then the people got to ask the questions that's the point right exactly like i'm not gonna blame an advisory doctors i'm done everyone's got to take responsibility now they're in they're in an advisory role that's saying hey this is what
Starting point is 01:33:15 we think should happen in regards to your covid treatment or your your std's treatment and this is what we think will help you be treated better. And people just think that that's gospel. And I don't think that's necessarily true. What was the comment? What do you want to know about Annie's video? Someone was asking about Annie's whoop video. I went to the doctor and got a physical.
Starting point is 01:33:39 Now I get dozens of emails a day about my, about enlarging my Johnson. And I think my doctor ratted me out. He did read. Everyone knows you got a tiny dick. Sorry. It does not exist. Logan. I promise you. What do you guys want to know about the Annie video? It's just a video about whoop. There was nothing specifically about it.
Starting point is 01:33:56 I just, I just think it's weird that, that they, that they games, something is going on. And the fact that also then the games is, I feel like they're throwing a carrot or a ball or a cracker, whatever you want to call it, to a whoop. I feel like something's been damaged in the relationship, and CrossFit Games is trying to mitigate that damage by posting that video. That's what I think. But I don't have any proof, but I smell something. Can we play number 142? Sean G. I want to get him in every show.
Starting point is 01:34:38 I didn't get the girl in the show, the redheaded girl with the giant tits. I don't know. Sorry. But we got Sean G. One thing that I've learned in life that's real important. This is real important, man. You can take this to the bank and you can draw interest
Starting point is 01:34:55 on this. There are times in your life where you have to speak up for yourself. You can't stay quiet. You can't let that slide. You can't pass it off like it don't mean nothing. Yes, it do.
Starting point is 01:35:15 You can't say, well, I'm going to act like it don't bother me. I'm going to act like it ain't no big deal. No, it is, and you got to speak up for yourself, man. act like it ain't no big deal. No, it is. And you got to speak up for yourself, man. There are times in this life, in your life, in my life, in everybody's life where you got to speak up for yourself because it could change the direction of your life, whether you speak up or whether you don't. It has an impact. Speak up for yourself, man. Okay. So here's the thing. I love Sean G. I love the message. I think the problem with the world today is that people have it all backwards. People speak up when they should shut their pie hole, and they don't speak up when they should speak.
Starting point is 01:35:53 And so that's a very tricky – does the G stand for gas station? Great question, Sean G. That's a very, very tricky thing. Let me give you an example this is just a made-up example that sort of happened today but i'm changing the story this it didn't happen quite like this so there's a kid um that takes tennis from a private instructor that my kid takes the lesson from the mom was over at the house today we were talking and i told the mom i'm like yeah maybe they should take the class together and just for once. And she's like, are you sure that's okay? And I'm like, yeah, but if that wasn't okay, I wouldn't have
Starting point is 01:36:28 said that. I would not have said that if she, let's say, but, but, but let's say, and then later on, she's like, Hey, I just want my son to take the class by himself. It's the first time he's doing it. And I said, okay, cool. I'm like, it was, that's important that she stood up to me and said that. But on the other hand, if she wouldn't have stood up to me and said that and they would have played together, it could have been something special also. So you have to remember that. You have to remember like most people just react. It's better to take a deep breath and assess. You don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Starting point is 01:37:01 You don't want to cut your nose off. What is it? Cut your nose off to spite your face how do you know the outcome of whatever decision you're making in that sense that's the question man right that's the fucking i there's just so many times i see people today speaking up when they should just shut the fuck up i don't think it was cool what kanye did i don't know the details of it i don't watch the grammys but when he fucking grabbed that uh grabbed that award from uh what's her name swift or whatever yeah like you but it's just like an awareness that you have you're like oh hey well i you probably shouldn't do that kind of thing i just think that a lot of people should just
Starting point is 01:37:41 take take space and i'm not saying i'm right in that situation. I mean, shit, look at him. He's fucking billionaire. Fucking got a podcast. But yeah, just people need to take space before they react, I think. You need to take a couple. The perfect example is this. Someone flips you off and you go to flip them off. But if you don't, you take a deep breath.
Starting point is 01:38:03 The next one is almost you always wave to them. And've all experienced that well we're like hey i'm not flipping this dude off back i'm just gonna wave to him it's cool it's chill and so and so you get another option you don't go with the first option or maybe you don't say anything you just let them keep driving uh we're at 90 minutes okay let's finish with this one let's finish with this one go to 122 blood drinking why is blood drinking bad why are the christians on this trip that blood drinking's bad like if if i don't get it i don't i don't get like why anyone cares i don't get why that's like satanic i don't get um like like watch this like this is on all the right wing motherfuckers like christian people shit right now like why so what i don't what like let me see play
Starting point is 01:38:51 or imagining us with like goblets and we're like game of thrones drinking each other's blood it's just a few drops but yes we do consume each other's blood on occasion for ritual purposes only. Oh, okay. Just a few drops. Oh, by the way, I love this guy. Right, right, right, right. It is used for a reason and it is controlled where it's like, let's shed a few drops of blood. I need to drink it. He's much more haphazard and hectic and chaotic where he's willing to just like cut his chest open with broken glass and be like, take my soul.
Starting point is 01:39:24 Let me bleed on you so here you can pause it doesn't not happen let me tell you say well an anomaly doesn't say anything like it's satanic i should have picked another one some people are like hey some of the other people are like hey it's satanic it's a satanic ritual or i just like i just see it as just acting out, just like a nose ring or like, I mean, I mean, I've picked my finger and gone like that. Is that bad? I eat meat. I like sometimes when I have ground beef, not sometimes when I have ground beef and I open the bag, it's like full of blood. I eat that.
Starting point is 01:39:58 Definitely satanic, I would say. It is. I don't understand how they just go it's and those are the parts that start making me think that like like all that christian stuff is just a piece someone's imagination it's like what you you read too many vampire novels or does it say that somewhere in the bible that if you drink blood it's your own blood yeah but what do i care if like someone did like if i mean i've had it cut my dog lick it is my dog satanic
Starting point is 01:40:28 they're just they're just messed up people they're just they're just god he was so cool i would love to have him on the show again i tell you i hung out with him in newport i posted a picture on my instagram he's great i saw that that That's awesome. Yeah. It's crazy you guys have actually met up with each other. I know. It's the closest thing I'll ever do to Tinder.
Starting point is 01:40:52 Wow, you guys actually matched and hung out with each other? Yeah. For me, that was like internet dating. Okay, we did the doctor and the kids having heart attacks. That turned into talking about testicles good good good um no not that that's a whole show oh have you guys signed up for the newsletter? Please. Yes, you'll love it. Christianity is real. Okay, fine, Ken, fine.
Starting point is 01:41:31 Just put in your email. Damn, we did a lot of stuff tonight. Tomorrow morning, we have a guy from France, and he's at France, and he's an urban climber. Is tomorrow Sunday? Yes. Yes, it is. I DMed Yevgeny and asked him how he was doing, and I haven't heard from him. Hello?
Starting point is 01:42:00 I think Odessa got bombed pretty good. This week? Really? Yeah. I think I saw 10 missiles went into Odessa. So tomorrow we have this guy, Alex Lindot, and this guy is on a totally different level. He is an urban climber. Thank you, Bruce, for always telling people to smash the like button. You're a good dude. I always forget to do that.
Starting point is 01:42:28 And I'm excited to have alex on we can ask him like what the fuck are you thinking climbing the sides of these buildings if you haven't been to his instagram account don't worry we'll show you pictures tomorrow then tomorrow evening we have alex stein from the conspiracy castle part two we'll be talking about a lot of wild and crazy shit he's also exploded um jorge ventura called him the funniest man on the internet recently and he just signed a deal with blaze tv so he's doing it man he is doing it you know it's something i was listening to his podcast and he said one of the most exciting things about i'm signing the deal with blaze tv is he's gonna have enough money to up the uh food game for his cats. Wet food always now. What'd you say?
Starting point is 01:43:07 Wet food. Yeah. Wet food. Some are connecting it to spirit cooking, but I'm not familiar enough with it to say if they're right. Oh, the blood thing. Okay.
Starting point is 01:43:16 Here's look at this is Alex. Good job. Look at this. We're going to talk to a guy who does this. I'm so excited. Submission impossible shit right there. Look at this. We're going to talk to a guy who does this. I'm so excited. Submission impossible shit right there. Look at that. Hey, I would have such anxiety if I was the drone pilot for that.
Starting point is 01:43:37 Oh, he's got a nice body. Oh, certainly. He's like Superman. Look at these little like delt veins he's got i asked him i asked him if he spoke english he said absolutely yeah human spider-man it really is it's uh yeah wow he's even got friends you do it with him all right guys thank you so much we are at an hour and 42 minutes
Starting point is 01:44:12 saturday night show we switched from alex stein caleb jumped on with me we did it you did it love you guys and uh let's find out what's going on with the whoopee

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