The Sevan Podcast - #386 - Justin Medeiros, Miranda and Julian Alcaraz

Episode Date: May 3, 2022

Joined by the 2021 Fittest Man on Earth Justin Medeiros to talk about what he's been up to and his training with Ellie Turner. Then Miranda and Julian came on to talk about their Fitness Freedom event... happening at The Ranch with Dave Castro in July.  Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:49 athletes have been in a position in for the last five years and that's wearing the leader jersey going into the final day strength technique endurance is out the window it's all coming down to guts what we just saw was incredible. Justin Medeiros trying to leave no doubt. Business in the front, party in the back, and fitness all over. Justin Medeiros is the fittest man on earth. Thank you, Rogue. Thank you, Rogue.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Thank you, Caleb. Thank you, Matsuza. That was a great show. We'll be back in 45 minutes with the founders of Street Parking, Miranda and Julian Alvarez. And that's it for us today. Goodbye, y'all. Goodbye. Just kidding y'all. Goodbye. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Just kidding. I wonder if we get a warning from YouTube for that. Do we already have a ding? Can you just go check on our YouTube channel, Caleb, and see if we already got a ding for that? Yeah. Somebody take it down. Copyright infringement, for sure. Boom. The champ is here what's up guys oh my god what's up brother i'm clicking with you i'm clicking with you i is he just taking it in
Starting point is 00:03:20 taking it in i'm just taking it in i said i said on one of the shows i didn't click with justin and uh then i text him the other day and i said hey uh i'd love it if you came on the show he goes fuck you you are me and midget wow it's a little harsh yeah that seems like something he would say oh not exactly like that that's how i took it that's how i took it he really just said i thought we didn't click but but that's how i took it he had really just said, I thought we didn't click, but, but that's how I took it. He had a micro, he had a microaggression on me. Uh, uh, Caleb, could we play that clip from Facebook?
Starting point is 00:03:56 Um, really quick. Um, I want to see if, uh, if we can get Justin to cry, just like a, like just a little bit of it. Just a tiny, tiny, tiny sm Just a tiny smoochie. It's going to be an emotional show. It's so fucking crazy how good you are. It's fucking nuts. Here we go. Let's see what happens here. Let's see who won the games last
Starting point is 00:04:16 year. Did Patrick win? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you our new male champion, Justin Madero! Hey, I love it how it's Dave's name on the screen, even though Justin won. Let's see if Justin gets his chyron.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Let's see if he gets a graphic. Nope, no graphic for the champ. At least you're still around, Justin. you're in control of your own fate around someone kicked that mexican to the curb good time oh holy cow do you have any um do you have memory of that oh yeah no for sure i mean it took me a while like i went back and watched the event but like it was so weird to like watch it because like i knew what i was thinking like at each stage throughout that event and it was just like weird to like kind of see it but yeah i remember that event very very well has anyone ever um uh sat down with you like maybe the buttery bros or someone who some
Starting point is 00:05:25 someone is making i don't know uh telling a story about that and asked you to go through every event have you ever done that sat down and gone through every event um crossfit kind of like they're doing like a documentary for um this year's game so that was a while ago i think we did a version of that just kind of talking about the games but we kind of went through every event not in detail but just kind of like broad picture is that out yet is that documentary out yet not that i know of oh what would that command done someone rang the doorbell and they're hot and topless hey i wish i could say that was caleb just doing a sound effect hey um are you are you in washington are you in uh iowa uh never been in iowa before but
Starting point is 00:06:19 where do you go to school idaho i that's what i said idaho close um you're in washington yep is school over school's over i graduated in december so no shit congratulations done okay tell me what that feels like like tell me what's the last class you were sitting in that kind of that ended and you're like oh shit it's over just like my my last like kinesiology class it was honestly weight training so that was nice yeah but yeah it was it was honestly just like it was weird my last semester i didn't really um take i only had four classes after the games but um yeah i just had those last four classes i moved back to boise after the games and then kind of finished up school god you're so young i'm so old uh this is nuts so so you sat in
Starting point is 00:07:17 that class and you finished and then you you climbed onto that rooftop illegally exactly that's awesome did anyone tell you to get down no surprisingly no it was good ladies and gentlemen what makes this show different is is that you could actually call in we're not gonna let you talk but we're gonna let you breathe let you listen to justin madero uh madaris uh uh breathe that is how i'm saying it right. Medeiros, right? Yep. And all the, everyone else in the world says Medeiros, but they're wrong. Yes. Fuck. I love that.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Love being the only one who's right. Nice flex. Nice flex. Thank you. And, um, and then, and so then you finish your last day and then, and then how long before you do the graduation, you walk, you put on all the ceremonial gear. I didn't do it. No, that was just a
Starting point is 00:08:05 show that was all bullshit right there that was just costume yep my mom sent it to me and i took those pictures to make her happy and uh yeah i was like on the way to the airport i like finished my last class grabbed that grabbed my friend to go take the picture took the pictures and then got in plane and and why and why not because you just got you have shit to do is that the real reason uh just other things that i'd rather be doing you know i mean did you and did you go back to stockton or did you go to washington um after i graduated i was still in boise i just thought like that that weekend right when i graduated i went to uh see mars and heber and them in salt Lake City.
Starting point is 00:08:46 So like I finished my last class, took the pictures, got on a plane and went there. Instead of doing the graduation, you were making podium commercials. Yeah, that's where I went right after that. That's crazy. That looks so much more fun. Yeah, I would think you could do both. I mean, I have the same sentiment as you. Like, the graduation thing, like, doesn't interest me a lot.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Damn, you're strong. Yes. I always get nervous when someone calls in, Justin. No, this, for some reason, that's someone calling on my phone, but it came on to the show's phone. Oh, that is weird. When that happens, it doesn't happen very often. Oh, let me see.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I just got a funny thing. Justin, we are going to throw an event at the ranch in a year. And you are. Yes. And it's going to be called the california hormone games there'll be no testing there so there'll be dudes just like twice your size just like with fucking like veins like bigger than your penis like on their neck and their forehead you're all in for that huh yeah how much prize money do we have to get for you to go to that oh gosh dude that would be a lot what are the events is it like a cross-out game style
Starting point is 00:10:15 of memories see these roided out dudes just lift a bunch of weights i'm not so arrogant that i think i could program it i would probably i have a friend who lives 11 miles down the street from me at the ranch that I would probably have programmed it for me. That's funny. No strength events. Yeah, no strength events. All cars. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's all running.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Hill runs. Good. I posted a – I took my boys to the mall, two five-year-olds and a seven-year-old and and they were like tripping they'd never been in the mall and they were tripping on the smells and shit like that and uh and then they started just running laps in there to them it looked like a track right because it's like all the shit in the center and then and so they just start running laps in there and i'm laughing and people are filming them and i'm filming them and everyone's
Starting point is 00:11:03 in masks and my kids are running around barefoot anyway and your mom uh hit me up and she's like i didn't take justin to the mall until he was 12 yeah seems about right you had no idea what that place was you are country uh go ahead caller before before we find out about how little, that Justin didn't even know that the earth was round until he was 16. Go ahead. Do you have a question for the champ, Fittest Man Alive? Hey, Justin. Yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Hey, Justin, this is Alex. Know us over in the street parking across the rumor mill. Just wanted to see how everything was going with Ellie. And I can't remember who that was. being across the rumor mill. I just want to see how it's going with Ellie. And, and it's like, yeah, he said, he said, I got to keep the guy.
Starting point is 00:11:57 And he hung up. Oh, I thought you hung up on him. No, no, I should have. I should have. I'll try to examine some more,
Starting point is 00:12:04 but yeah. Alex, sorry, your connection was so bad. What, the question go ahead write it down did you hear what he said justin just said the first part okay about um how training with ellie's been at least that's what i got out of it but yeah no it's been awesome ellie came right at the week after quarterfinals she came up um kind of trained for like a week and then really liked it kind of extended her stay and then she actually just left on friday to go back because she has to compete at the torian in australia so she just she just went back to um because we're like two weeks out now it's the first week of semifinals so so same weekend as the one I'm doing, Syndicate.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Which CrossFit gym are you at? Me? I'm at CrossFit Fort Vancouver. CrossFit Fort Vancouver. Been around forever. Currently probably one of the top 50 oldest affiliates, I guess, in the world. Yeah. Home to the owner is Adam Neifer.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Neifer? Neifer. Oh, and the streak is over. The streak is over. The owner is Adam Neifer, a great guy. I love him. Uh,
Starting point is 00:13:11 been a guest on the show a couple of times. Um, not enough for me to know his name. Oh, we do click, uh, Adam, your coach and I click.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Um, and, and, and so you've been training with him for how long? Summer of 2019, I think. I think that's when we started. About May. And the reason why you went to him, he obviously has a shit ton of games experience with the teams.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yeah. Yeah, he went to 10 consecutive games. Nuts. Wow. And then you train in sort of like a silo over there there's no one else there's not like um like you don't look to your left and you're training with uh uh fukowski or or gee or there's there's no one there it's just you yeah no i mean i mean they have a lot of awesome competitors that have competed on the team like throughout the years and everything
Starting point is 00:14:00 like that so there's always tons of people that I can go and throw down with, which is super awesome. But no one that's been training for the games in recent years besides, I mean, Ellie's been here for the past month, and that's been like my first real dose of having a training partner that's kind of like training for the same goal that I am. And how did that happen? Do you know her? The only thing I know about her is she popped on my radar at Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 00:14:30 She crushed the first two events, right? And we tried to interview her, and we had just a horrible connection, so the interview failed. And I've heard Brian Friend talk about her as like, man, this is a really good athlete who deserves to go to the games. about her is like man this is a really good athlete who deserves to go to the games but unfortunately she's in australia and it's like it's like the worst place to try to go to the games right now out of if you're a female um it's that ellie right what's her last name is what's her last name turner okay and so she just shows up there um well i've always like i mean ever since the games this year i've really like kind of wanted a training partner but nothing that like i'm gonna super like push for like if, the right fit kind of comes along, then,
Starting point is 00:15:08 uh, like we'll make it happen. But like, I've been like doing what I've been doing and it's worked really well, but I think having like a female training partner would be super, uh, like beneficial for me. Like I, there's no way I could compete with a competitive male. Like that's just not how I function. But the opportunity kind of came along with her. She came out just to work out for the weekend. She asked if she can come drop in. And that's pretty much like all it was and kind of turned into more,
Starting point is 00:15:37 which has been pretty awesome. Have you, have you ever, was she at the game? She wasn't at the games last year. Yeah. Yeah, no, she was. She was. Did you talk to her at all there? Did you say hi to her? Did you know her there? Yeah. I asked her, I was like, ever was she at the game she wasn't at the games last year yeah yeah no she was she was did you talk to her at all there did you say hi to her did you know her there yeah i i asked was i can't
Starting point is 00:15:49 know if you remember but i saw her at like great dang crossfit like a couple days before the game she was just like working out outside so like me and like the just inside every crossfit gym that whole week was just like a maniac in there so we were like working outside she was out there too i talked to her probably for like five minutes then but like i felt super bad i didn't know who she was at the time i was like hey you can meet at the games like you can meet this weekend on a team like what are you doing individual and i got the whole story so i've known her since the games but that was kind of my first time and could you give me the details of how she ends up there does she does she um text you or dm you or or dm or text adam knifer the owner of crossfit or vancouver um like how does someone like get to can anyone
Starting point is 00:16:35 just be like hey knifer i'm seven i'm a toasting like to come up there and train with justin pretty much man i mean shoot your shot you know but uh no like yeah like we just got in touch hopped on a phone call with me and Adam and just kind of like talk to her, let her know what we're doing. You're more than welcome to come up, train, see what we're up to. And that was kind of the end of the conversation. I mean, I've traveled around. I've gone and seen like I went to Rich. I've gone across at Mayhem. I've gone and seen like i went to rich i've gone across at mayhem i've gone and seen matt like i've kind of traveled around myself and uh she was one of the people that reached out and
Starting point is 00:17:09 kind of wanted to come train so um that was kind of like the extent of what i thought she said she's headed back to uh uh australia and she was just right up north like five hours away in vancouver canada not vancouver washington and then so she kind of just popped got a flight down trained for the week and then uh ended up staying a lot longer has anyone else ever done that have you ever trained with anyone else i mean in in at crossfit fort vancouver uh no i've had anybody else uh i mean the invictus team in 2019 came out i think that was i didn't make the games or anything that year but uh like that that whole crew like lauren fisher reagan huckabee um dave came in but other than that i don't think anybody uh trina says any
Starting point is 00:18:04 flirting that's we're not there we're not there yet we're not i'll ask that in a little bit i'm I don't think anybody. Trina says any flirting. We're not there. We're not there yet. We're not. I'll ask that in a little bit. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. She's jumping.
Starting point is 00:18:12 She's jumping the gun a little bit. When you find out when you find out someone's coming and you say yes on the phone, are you are you giddy? Like, like, you know, like in the third grade when there's a new kid in the class and you're like oh shit there's a new kid here this is kind of cool i wonder how they're gonna play kickball or i wonder where they're from or you're just kind of excited there's a new kid it's a new energy to the dynamic or are you like you know there's a lot of times like i'll agree to do something like my wife be like let's go to this person's birthday party and it's two weeks out i'm like great and then the night before she goes you know we're going to that birthday party tomorrow i'm like no i don't want to go like i fucking hate you know what i mean it sounded like such a good idea when it's two weeks oh yeah so the day before she's about to show up are you like what what did i agree to
Starting point is 00:18:52 yeah oh no no for sure i'm definitely like super nervous like obviously right away she reached out like come on oh yeah heck yeah that's gonna be awesome like week after uh quarters like i had obviously had a really good showing and then then I was like, this can be super fun. And all of a sudden you start getting nervous. I'm like, Frank, well, she's just been training with Pat. Like she's going to be comparing me to him and like, just like all this stuff. And then obviously it just spirals. But it turned out to be like really, really awesome.
Starting point is 00:19:17 So as soon as she gets there, the ice is broken and you're chill. Yeah. Yeah. We're good. I felt so bad that we like picked her up from the airport. And then Henshaw was coming into town. yeah yeah we're good i felt so bad that we like picked her up from the airport and then uh henshaw was coming into town so i wanted to like do a little mile time trial so we went straight from the airport to the track with her too yeah oh you're a dick yeah how was the flight we're
Starting point is 00:19:40 running them up and or go long like we told her when she got mckay like you can do your own programming do what you want to do. Feel free to hop in, like, whatever you want to hop in at. But, like, this is what I got and this is what I'm going to do. So, like, feel free to hop in for, like, whatever you want. So, but, yeah, it was pretty funny. I'm really super anxious that she's coming. Oh, shit, oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Oh, she's here? Fucking straight to the airport to the track. We'll run a mile. Or time. And Henshaw's going to be watching us yeah holy shit wow hey i bet you i bet you if we asked her she was nervous shit i'm sure i'm sure did she do it too yeah no no she ran it it was awesome too because she's from australia so like they don't run mild time trials like that's not a thing like yes everyone here like oh yeah what's your mile time you have an answer like hers is
Starting point is 00:20:29 like a 1k and a 2k or like more like they're they're like i was like so she had no idea what she was gonna like run for it so hey she'd be hard though so wow justin madaris the fittest man alive and and and just basically just crushing everything feeling how old are you uh 23 23 years old um and and rogue had that little event where you where you peeled off another couple hundred thousand dollars huh yeah you're a savage and and you didn't do wadapalooza no and you didn't do that one in the desert where you had to run up the snow bank no the one in the desert yeah um and so so the only events you do you do the rogue event and you do the the big one the the crossfit games one
Starting point is 00:21:19 uh i mean yeah no i i this off season i wanted uh i mean this was school and training and like been trying to like just qualify for the CrossFit games over the last three years. It's just been like a year round constant grind. And I never really felt like I had like a true off season and I'm young, my body can handle it, but like, I want to be here for, for a long time. So I kind of wanted to pick one competition to kind of do, and that was Rogue this off season. So I trained for the game,
Starting point is 00:21:46 took some time off and then had a short little lead up, like to kind of train for the, for Rogue, but turned out awesome. I mean, I told myself like Guadalupe was still like kind of on the board, but after having like a really good showing at the Rogue, I was just like,
Starting point is 00:21:59 okay, like I've earned it. You know, like I'm going to take some time, rest up the body, like start training for the games next year and not just keep trying to like, you know, training for the games.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Then you train for Rogue. Then you train for Wadakluza. Then the opens there. The next thing you know, you're just sort of right back in the cycle. You never had an off season. So Justin Medeiros just said that he chose Rogue. I'm going to push back on that just a little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:28 I'm going to say that Rogue chose him. The great Bill Henninger called Justin Medeiros and said, Justin, I'd like to have you at the event. Dude, it's like an awesome event. I know it is. I know it is. I'm not saying that they twisted your arm, but I'm saying that Bill wouldn't take no for an answer. It's like you want your own T-shirt. You're going to be. Is that true? I heard I heard Bill one time offered offer. It is just a rumor.
Starting point is 00:22:55 But I heard Bill one time offered Rich Froning a pool. He would build him a fucking pool at his house if he entered the games one more year. And Rich didn't do it oh lord sure but man i don't know i mean dude rich and uh that would be very interesting hey we um uh may and someone watch the comments maybe someone will pop in and be like yeah that's true i'm pretty sure it is true i have some good sources on that but but um um but does bill do does bill or katie henninger give you your own personal call i mean you are the man and you're not just kind of the man like it wasn't like oh you kind of won like you're the guy i mean no like i i talked to them i signed up
Starting point is 00:23:39 for the competition i mean i had text i like text with like katie and bill like they're they're awesome i just went out there for the arnold and stuff too i mean that was the first time i've honestly been to the rogue facility was just like a a couple or like during the open was uh was my first time going to the rogue headquarters it was like it was nuts but they're just freaking awesome people can't say enough good things about them they are truly awesome uh tell me what it's like being at the rogue facility dude it's it's crazy honestly like they have their gift shop and everything like that that gym that's insane there but they have like in the back with the warehouse with just all the equipment in it is just like endless like it's the biggest where there's like a parking like lot inside of the
Starting point is 00:24:23 facility for like 50 forklifts like it's just like insane how big it is and they have like their employee gym and that's where like i got to work out and it's like just for their employees but it's like the nicest gym that literally has everything in there it was uh it was just super cool and then plus being there during the arnold like is that fitness fanatics from all over the world there. I mean, it was super cool. Did you... Open announcement. Say that again?
Starting point is 00:24:49 And the open announcement was at Rogue headquarters too. So it was just fun. Did you get mobbed at the Arnold? It was like, it fluctuated kind of like where I was at. I mean, I did, like, me, Matt, and at i mean i did um like me matt um and stuff like that did like uh what's it called like meet and greets like at the rogue booth there and obviously there's tons of people coming up saying hi and stuff like that there but it wasn't like like wadapalooza was like hard to kind of like walk around without getting noticed but there i
Starting point is 00:25:23 mean it was you got stopped by a couple people but you have fitness people that from like every realm of fitness so it was like super cool it's kind of like be a part of it because i'm a fan and it's like you get to watch these insane guys do like these crazy lifts and they have like a million other sports there's people in night outfits fighting with swords and like oh shit oh they did have that there yeah they did have that there yeah that they had like pole dancing like as a sport there they had wow wow what's the fake wrestling called a mind blanking right now wwe yeah they had like that there it was just insane they had the most craziest events they had um there's like two people like hold on to a stick and there's a board in between you try to pull the other person over the stick. I don't know if that's making sense. How about that?
Starting point is 00:26:06 How about the one where you get slapped across the face? They got that one. Crazy. It was so much fun. Did you watch that one? No, I, I was so,
Starting point is 00:26:17 I had a train, so I went and trained, but bars and Hebrew, they're all there. I got like slow-mo videos of it. We're getting knocked out. It was insane. I'm surprised Mars didn't step in for that.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I could see him doing that. Mars versus Heber. It would be awesome. It would be hilarious. What was your mile time, Justin? It was fast. I knew it. I fucking knew it.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Hey, that's why I didn't. That's why I didn't, Keegan. That's why I didn't. I knew it. I mean, I just knew it i fucking knew it i hey that's why i didn't that's why i didn't keegan that's why i didn't i knew it i mean i just knew it and and you know what i was actually going to be cool about it i was going to be like you know i know i was going to like like give it a preface it what'd you say matt give it a guess like we just get a guess at time no i was going to preface it with like i you know i don't mean to pressure you but what was your mile? What do you think my mile time is? What do I think it is? Yeah, what do you think it is?
Starting point is 00:27:08 5.15. Good guess. If you were going as hard as you could. I like it. Yeah. 5.32. 5.15 is so fucking fast. What's your mile time?
Starting point is 00:27:21 Mine? Yeah. I think my fat, I haven't run a mile in forever. I think my fastest was, I like sub eight i was like seven oh come on what is that bad i'm just telling you i'm just telling you oh lord we got this comment too i wanted to uh thank juicy kid and the answer is yes he's planning on beating everybody oh he doesn't even know who jason is he doesn't even know who jason is oh lord uh uh uh justin justin dropped more trophies this year than jason's picked up in his life okay yeah i i knew you weren't going to i knew you weren't going to um i knew you were i knew you weren't going to say the mild time but i i tried to even kind of bully you into it i was
Starting point is 00:28:04 trying to be like extra assertive. So tell me your mild time. You know what I mean? Yeah. You're too good. Why not train with another boy? You're like, nah, I can't do that. No?
Starting point is 00:28:17 Why not? Train with another male competitor, but they can't be training for individual at the CrossFit Games. And why is that? Like you're helping your competitor. You're making it harder on yourself, you know? Like that's pretty much the main reason. And then plus, I mean, I think it goes both ways. You can get like that false sense of hope
Starting point is 00:28:39 if you're training every day and beating them. You're like, oh, heck yeah, like I'm super fit right now. But then what if he wasn't going hard? And then you you go to competition you just get like slapped in the face or the flip side of that is you're getting beat every day by him and like now your self-confidence like goes out the window and you're just not like you don't got your head on straight and stuff like that at least like train with the females like okay like if she beats me or i beat her like at the end of the day we're not training or we're not competing against each other on the leaderboard so we can like help each other out as much as we can and there's like real no consequence to it but you still get like
Starting point is 00:29:14 that competitive like feeling in the middle of the workout like you still want to brag you still want to win so it's uh i think that's kind of been the best fit for me. Did you beat up on Ellie? Obviously. Oh, it's really good. I mean, it's honestly a super fun training partner. Cause like her home run events are kind of some of the things that I feel like I need to work on and like vice versa. So I think that makes it like awesome to train with, you know, did you know what you just said before you came into CrossFit so early when
Starting point is 00:29:47 we started talking you're like yeah I'd train with Rich I trained with Matt you you'd been around did you ever train with Scott Pancheck did you ever train or any of the Pancheck brothers no I've competed alongside them like before the games I competed with uh Saxon and Spencer at um the Granite Games but never like went to their house or their camper. Okay. So, so did you learn that training with Matt and rich just going to mayhem or train with Matt? Like, Oh, this isn't really for me. Is that where you learned that? Or you knew you knew that all along and you were just dabbling. Um, I mean, I want to learn as much as I can. So like, I'm going to train with as many people, like, as I can, you know.
Starting point is 00:30:28 But you're not going to let him move into Fort Vancouver. Forever. I mean, if you've competed in sports, like, why are you going to help your competition? So that's just something that I've always known. I wonder, I'm trying to think if there's any other male games athletes. I can't, no one pops in my head. Who's like that. I guess Patrick trains by himself, right?
Starting point is 00:30:47 Yeah. I think Brent does too. And Brent does too. Yeah. It was, it was awesome sitting on the podium last year. I mean, all three of us,
Starting point is 00:30:54 I mean, I think last year was the kind of the first time we saw all these, uh, athlete camps, like popping up, you know, and then three guys that aren't in a camp. I was like,
Starting point is 00:31:04 let's go. That's yeah. that is awesome. Is it, is it, um, do you, there's, there's just so much expectation on you now. There's just like, you know, when people talk about the rankings, they never talk about you or Tia. It's just like, you guys are just there. Does that kind of suck i mean yeah i guess like i love being the underdog like i love when people doubt me i think that's like a speed off that you know and there's still no shortage of that going around there's always there's always someone out there that's uh picking you apart saying it's a fluke just saying whatever it is right so there's always so much motivation that's out there but yeah i mean i i love when people are like playing that game like i still love watching when people
Starting point is 00:31:55 are making the rankings like i want someone to put me in second third fourth have me not qualifying for the games you know like i think right like so much fun how do you feel right now on a one to ten fitness wise yeah just your body your health your overall your i feel so good i mean it's uh it's honestly a huge confidence boost i mean i love in-person competition i feel like uh that's kind of where it's at and i've always struggled like an online competition but like you look at like matt like no matter what competition came up like he was winning it doesn't matter if it's the open or regionals or whatever it was so like that's something that i knew that i needed to work on like okay i can show up at these uh kind of
Starting point is 00:32:36 higher skill level like workouts but i need to be able to like work and like grind in the most simplest of workouts so having my best finish like in the open this year and then doing well in quarterfinals, man, like still gets me fired up. I mean, I'm just trying to be fitter than I was last year and I'm checking those boxes. So yeah, no, I'm excited. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:32:56 You are checking those boxes. Yeah, that's crazy. There's this guy, Andrew Hiller, who's kind of anointed himself as the head judge of the world. Yes. And he made a video about you and declared that you're not on steroids. I saw that video. I had so many people send it to me. I'm like, all right, I got to watch.
Starting point is 00:33:21 It's going to be all bad. You know, like I've like never heard before. He probably hates crossfit like just watching this guy go down the spiel and i'm just listening but it's honestly a pretty cool video i mean everyone has their opinions there's probably a million other videos out there people say that i'm on steroids so but when you see that are you tripping at first you're like fuck do i do I hit play or not? Like what? Like, oh, sure. I'm like, yeah, like, you know, like me and my like roommates, whatever you want to call them, son and Megan all sat down and we watched it together. So it was pretty fun. Do they fuck with you, too?
Starting point is 00:33:55 Like, do they jump off the couch and laugh or? Oh, yeah. Yeah. They always give me hell. Yeah. There he is. Oh, this guy. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my goodness., there he is. Oh, this guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Oh, my goodness. Look at that picture. That's not nice. Oh, you posted that, Justin? I did post that. Oh, my goodness. Hey, Hiller should grow a mullet. In honor.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I didn't watch. I'm trying to watch most of his videos. I can't remember if I didn't watch. I'm trying to watch most of his videos. I can't remember if I watched that one. I think once I knew that he wasn't going to say you were on it, I wasn't interested in it. I only wanted to watch it if he was going to accuse you of it. I was really curious. I wanted him to accuse me because I wanted to see what ground he had to stand on. Right.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I didn't get it it was pretty it was a pretty good video i guess um do you have a girlfriend now i do not you do not and um were there any sparks between you and ellie there it is there it is i had to slide it in man yeah i mean i'm just i don't care i'm just asking because the people want to know i thought you're gonna go with the subtle like so what's the sleeping arrangement like there is it the same bed you know oh no no uh no she's super fun to hang out with i mean just like even when she first came like i think that was uh the thing that like made like all the nerves come down that's just like things clicked really easy and it made like training super fun and i think i know i trained better like the happier that i am so
Starting point is 00:35:30 right like it worked out super well so there's some healthy tension there yeah healthy yeah it's it's like it's like when you when you have like anthropology at seven in the morning and you do not want to go but you know there's going to be some cool people pretty girls and so you go to the class and you're like all right obviously you hit that bottom spot on yeah that's smart that's good that's healthy yeah motivate it's definitely it's like having a new car in the driveway like you don't mind driving to work so much exactly um anything um i know you're pretty protective about your um training well let me ask you this first are you recording all of your training like in five years six years whenever down the road are you gonna are we gonna know everything you did and probably i mean that's that's definitely
Starting point is 00:36:16 something that i want to uh do like after knowing the crossfit like i love you're doing this you're journaling and stuff yeah yeah i mean not on mean, not on paper. I have it all online, but, but yeah, no, it definitely keep track of everything that were that like me, Adam, Jesse,
Starting point is 00:36:31 like our whole team. We're working with Chris now too. Um, it's, uh, it's, it's definitely really cool. I think we're definitely doing some things different than everybody else,
Starting point is 00:36:41 but, uh, yeah, that, that time will come. Do you have a talk with the team too like when but who's jesse jesse he's uh my strength coach is uh jesse buffano he owns uh squamish barbell in squamish and uh up in it's a little north of vancouver canada
Starting point is 00:37:00 but yeah i think you got you pulled up a picture earlier on my instagram it was me adam and jesse um at the games in the hotel room but uh yeah that's been our uh kind of core team this past like year and a half and then uh like working now with chris to just we literally just start just now getting started with that but it's always fun yeah to add like kind of new layers on it yeah there he is there's all jesse buffano but yeah he's a long-term uh long-time affiliate owner i think he's been an affiliate since 2009 he's been in cross it for like since 2000 i think he started crossing like 2005 or something like that i mean he's uh he's been around for a while adam met him at the 10-year affiliate gathering okay up in canada and i think they had it in canada yeah and whistler yep yeah um do you have a talk with those guys like do people know
Starting point is 00:37:53 hey this hey welcome to the camp uh i'm very private please don't share this don't write a book don't make posts don't take pictures like is there talk like like i tell um suza that all the time when he comes over for our saturday night just drinking sessions like please don't take any picture of me jumping on the couch naked shit like that i just don't post them i take yeah yeah yeah i mean i think i think you're gonna know those like type of people when they come in like you know that that's the type of oh no you're not oh no you're not really do one of these so so it's kind of like well we had ben berger on the show and i and like he's so fucking thorough he's so fucking impressive and thorough and then i'm like so do you have a steroid policy or jim he's like uh no
Starting point is 00:38:36 like shit i like i should you're right you know what i mean like yeah it's just a given he to him it's just a given that no one would do steroids but it's just a given until someone does do it. So, like, I'm just wondering, like, do you tell those guys like, hey, gentlemen, like. But no, nothing formal. Maybe I wouldn't. Maybe Knifer does that looking out for you. Hey, guys, just so you know, these are like. I mean, me and Adam definitely have those talks like there's definitely people that like. You definitely don't want to share that information too and if that information gets out like it's not on them like what are you gonna do
Starting point is 00:39:10 tell them not to share is not that's gonna keep them from not sharing like they're planning on sharing that information they're gonna share it no matter what you say so you're a good it's a it's just kind of on yourself to kind of keep that like post your cards close to your chest and if you share it and it gets out that's on you so do you have any of this um uh mentality you've heard the story that matt tells about his medal his second place medal was his worst medal and then it became his favorite medal because he um used it as motivation and then through the 20 podcasts I did or 19 podcasts, whatever, however many I did with Fraser, I began to notice a theme in his life that he always needs kind of a nemesis. So even if it's not like a real one, he'll, he'll create one. Like he's like, he's looking for someone who's upsetting him, even though maybe it's not, um, out there. Do you have any of that in you?
Starting point is 00:40:05 Like you're looking for some, something to, um, you know, agitate you. Oh yeah, no, for sure. I mean, that's what, I mean, I think that's a, like a big part of like, what like motivates you. And if you get in that competition, you have to kind of like lock in and it's like, well, like, what are you telling yourself like in those moments, you know? And, uh, I think that's always, I like to me, like, I'm always going to be an underdog no matter like what people say, you know? And that's just kind of like my mentality, no matter like what I go into. So I think, uh, yeah, everyone kind of has those things that they kind of like have to
Starting point is 00:40:37 think about, like before they like get going, you know, would you have, would you start a narrative up? Let's say at the CrossFit games, you're standing on the starting line. It's about to start in 20 seconds. And would you tell yourself, like, would you make up a story? Like if I don't win this event, then, um, I'm never going to have a girlfriend the rest of my life. Or like, do you have like some sort of narrative? Like you spin like that? Um, I mean, honestly, it's not, uh, kind of something that comes in the middle of the workout. It's kind of like, uh,, like when you start to hurt, start to get bad, you kind of like you have to talk yourself back into it, you know?
Starting point is 00:41:10 And I think that's kind of when those conversations kind of come into the head. Because if you're already doubting yourself before you start the workout, I mean, you're in trouble, you know? So you're side by side with velner you're doing lunges and will the voice say don't be a fucking pussy or is it you're the greatest ever which like and and like which one is it the first one for the first one yeah yeah isn't it interesting people always talking about this positive self-talk and i'm always like shit i'm always like spinning up like some shit that's like dark yeah you know like hey like if you don't fucking you're awesome you can do this yeah yeah i'm like i'm like on the assault bike
Starting point is 00:41:51 and i'm like if i don't get 120 calories in fucking 10 minutes my wife's gonna divorce me like that's the story i tell myself just make some crazy shit yeah like she can't fucking leave i'm gonna die alone i don't even know how to wipe my own ass like this is why I need someone so positive like Adam you know like I have all these like talking talking so bad to myself inside my head and then you have Adam out there it's just the happiest guy ever so it's a good balance you know um are you keeping um a intimate relationship at distance on purpose? What do you mean? Um, you, you know, like a, a boyfriend or a girlfriend, are you keeping that at distance for a reason? Are you, are you protective of, of the mission you're on and there's no room for anyone besides Adam, Adam Knifer?
Starting point is 00:42:38 Um, like to an extent, you know, like I'm definitely like, I know like that is going to take a lot of like time and energy kind of away from uh like what i'm trying to do and um i told myself in the next like five six seven eight years that i want to do this like uh like this is going to be my number one priority so if i do happen to get into a relationship like that like that's going to be known you know but not anything that i'm like looking for like if it comes along it's not like i'm going to be known. But not anything that I'm looking for. If it comes along, it's not like I'm going to be like, nope, no way.
Starting point is 00:43:09 But if the right situation kind of came along, I guess I'd be open to it. I had Nicky Rodriguez on the show, and he told me that alphas don't chase women. Do you know who Nicky Rod is? Uh-uh. Oh, I'll send you some videos. He's so dope. He has the most famous most famous jujitsu team in the world right now in Austin. It's called B Team. And he's he's just this big, just he's such a stud like you. Just a stud. There he is. Nicky Rod. Yeah. I'm like, dude like dude i'm like how do you stay away from girls
Starting point is 00:43:45 he's like i don't chase girls look at me i don't look why would i i don't chase why would i yeah that's awesome uh justin thank you so much for coming on you the man heck yeah man dude anytime all you numb nuts who didn't call in who are too scared i was actually gonna say that i just fucking ball i just got a text they said the number wasn't working oh really oh and said that it was disconnected yeah no oh oh here we go here we go here we go the guy that took the belt justin he could have called hey you're lucky before we kick justin off the show you get the last question what's up brother caller caller Yes one more time That's a swing and a miss
Starting point is 00:44:29 Hello caller Caller I don't have a question I just saw the number love you guys Ah you the man love you too dude Okay thanks Bye Alright Justin thank you Maybe something's fucked up with the internet here because this phone's on internet calling.
Starting point is 00:44:48 So maybe that's what it is. Everyone else has internet problems. Now it's you. Come on now. I know. Let's do this for a living or something. Get them. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Okay. Here's one. Here's one. Here. Let's see what happens here. Here we go. Here we go. You know, maybe it is my fault.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Travis, what's up, brother? Seven. Yes. This is the show of guys who look like thumbs with mustaches and floppers, and you got the jam. I know. It's crazy. Who did you stroke off to get this guy? Hey, it's only because I'm sponsored by Monster, too,
Starting point is 00:45:23 so they fucking hook it up. I get to interview all the Monster athletes now. We got connections. Yeah. I love it. I love it. Travis, anything you want to say to Mr. Medeiros? No, other than, like you said, he likes to be the underdog,
Starting point is 00:45:39 and my God, the guy just keeps coming back and stomping everybody. It's amazing. You think he's going to win this year? Yeah. Wrong answer. You're supposed to say stomping everybody. It's amazing. You think he's going to win this year? Yeah. Wrong answer. You're supposed to say, fuck no. He's washed up. I know because when Rowe came around, I'm like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:57 He just made everybody look bad. Dude, those last three events at the game, he proved it all. Oh, God, yeah yeah it was crazy the thing that he that impressed me the most like with rogue is when i look at justin he doesn't look like this physical specimen and the strength movements it was crazy yeah yeah one more one more justin one more let's see one more yeah it is yourself travis all right i'll let you go all right love you buddy thanks bye fan duel casinos exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning which beats even the 27th best feeling saying i do who wants this last parachute i do enjoy the number one feeling, winning in an exciting live dealer studio exclusively on FanDuel Casino
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Starting point is 00:47:03 So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel?
Starting point is 00:47:24 Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn air miles all right dude you're the man heck yeah dude uh you're always welcome on the show tell your mom and dad love them and i just want to say i feel like we clicked all right that's hey that's that's all i was shooting for here oh yeah and squeeze adam adam knifer's butt for me what i said i wanted that spark you know you got it tingle in the flame awesome thanks dude all right yeah bye appreciate it brother i kicked the guest oh he quit too wow kick the guest don't try to i can't believe i can't he we just had justin madera song see if he will wear ceo shirt at the games i know i need to send him one i need to send him i can't i can't even get the i i was i um i asked colton and taylor if
Starting point is 00:48:20 they would wear them and they said yes and uh and yes. And then I tried to send them shirts and they still haven't gotten their shirts. Paper Street Coffee. Yes, thank you. I'm so excited about the – by the way, Miranda and Julian Alcarez are coming on the show. They are the founders of street parking. They may be the largest business besides Rogue to break out of the – to grow out of the CrossFit ecosystem. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's really crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:51 It's, it's awesome. Oh, look, there she is. Yeah. Hi. Oh,
Starting point is 00:48:58 Julian got so young and cute. I read last time I saw him, he's a grown ass man, all buff and shit. That's seven. And that's Matt. and cute. Last time I saw him, he's a grown-ass man all buff and shit. Mono, that's Sevan, and that's Matt. Hey, I like it how you have a Spanish. Were you just teaching him Spanish?
Starting point is 00:49:13 You're using a Spanish accent. Yeah, so my brother's really sick, so we're going to go to the zoo tomorrow. To the zoo tomorrow? Yeah. Yeah, that's where I go when I'm sick, too. I almost got canceled for that. When I told people I had COVID, I just went about my daily life.
Starting point is 00:49:29 People didn't like that so much. Okay, I got to go play my Legos now. I'm going to go play my Legos. Peace out. Bye, buddy. When you make something, bring it over here and show them because they want to see it. Okay, go make something and then bring it back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Oh, now I hear a deep voice. Is Julian coming in? Yeah, he brought the Legos. Julian and Miranda, or as Dave calls him, Julian. I know. What is that about? It's like he hasn't been able to figure it out in like seven years. We got to revoke his fucking Mexican card.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Just go over to his house and just take it. No, sorry. I mean, one of the things I'll say is, you know, if I'm going to be close to somebody, then, you know, I tell him Julian. But if it's like a barista or somebody that I give my name to, to put my name on a drink. Yeah. Like it's Julian.
Starting point is 00:50:27 So we got to clear things up. He's got to understand that we're trying to hit the friendship, you know. He loves you. I remember when you were testing the events for the CrossFit Games down in, was it Encinitas? Yes. Yeah. And I remember it was when i was like hating on you and he's like nah this this yeah because you were avoiding him yeah and i he and he's like nah
Starting point is 00:50:52 this hooligan guy's cool he's cool as shit i'm like what dave didn't like nobody so so so you want him over he definitely should be calling you hooligan so july third second and third tell tell me what is going on. For those of you who don't know, Miranda and Julian are the founders of street parking. And I know you guys all know what street parking is. And if you don't know, maybe I'll ask him what it is in just a minute. But but tell me about this. Look at look at sometimes people post bats when you're guys around. People post keys. shit oh shit it's calling it really is a calling you know i think um we're proud of our community how they really
Starting point is 00:51:33 rally behind things you know it's pretty special um we you know the amount of members that have tattoos of keys now is has has gone past at least 10 wow wow i remember some some shit got a a tdc tattoo once like like his logo i was like wow what you got 10 yeah we do and it at first it was really weird because we're like oh my gosh like what if we go bankrupt like i don't want that you know what if what if we switch to pilates yeah you know and but the more and more like we're around and like seeing how many people really are bought in deeply to what has been created it's just uh it is an honor at this point i mean i have a key tattoo on my forearm as well because can i see yeah it's just uh oh dope that's awesome yeah so you know it's life-changing so at the end of the
Starting point is 00:52:26 day no matter what street parking already like changed our lives whether it's you know around for 20 30 years or not you know it's put us an opportunity where we are now so it's staple for sure and what's going on at the ranch on july 2nd and 3rd and And why did you guys choose the ranch? Yeah. Show them. Show them. It's another tower. Nice. Wow. That's a first.
Starting point is 00:52:50 It's an original creation. That's an NFT that will be sold for $30 million. Check out my NFT account at Seva Matosi and NFTs. Thank you. I was not at the original 2007 CrossFit Games, but I was there in 2008 and 2009. And the vibes were just so awesome. And it's so much of what I feel street parking has now. Like I rolled up to the CrossFit Games in 2008 and you just like sign up, right? You're just like, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:17 And they're like, cool, you're in D4 or whatever. And everybody's doing the workouts, but they're in different order. And yeah, you got to choose your order. Remember that shit? Yeah. And you're getting like burned by the mats and like there was dirt everywhere and snakes everywhere. And, um, dogs running into the, into the event. I'm not like selling this event very well right now, but, um, it's not, it's not that that's not what we're doing, but, um, it was just such like a family barbecue, get together, hang out, meet people that are on the same wavelength as you. And, um, and then I did a
Starting point is 00:53:50 bunch of seminars there, obviously when I was working for the seminar team and, uh, it just seemed like a cool opportunity and a cool venue because it's a place that a lot of people are interested in going to see. And it's not available. Like you can't just roll up there and go see it anytime. So I, when, when Dave was not with CrossFit anymore I guess maybe I took advantage of our, of our friendship and him not having something to do for a few weeks. And I was like, Hey man, can we come use your, use your spot? And he was into it. So
Starting point is 00:54:25 Dave, I know you were making, um, $40,000 a month while working for CrossFit. We will drop one of those O's and give you $4,000 to use the ranch for the weekend. And he's like, thank you. Thank you. No. And, um, you know know it's just a cool it was cool it was it was honestly like it it blew up bigger than we expected it to like it was more just like hey we haven't done a meetup in california for a while this is a cool spot dave's cool and can we use your place basically and he was he was into it and then people got really excited about it um and so yeah i i did a post on my instagram the other day it's not a competition like every couple hours the workout or the event that will be going on on like the main area right in front of the big door will change if you want to do all
Starting point is 00:55:15 of them you can do all of them if you want to do none or one or whatever we're going to do a cool like ruck that he's going to clear the, I guess it's like a three mile loop that they did at the games in 2020. Yeah. And we're going to take people on that. And we're going to do some cool stuff with like, we've got like 25 assault bikes and 25 rowers that we're going to be setting up one morning for like a team, like endurance thing. But then also we've got, you know, a slip and slide and we've got,
Starting point is 00:55:43 a DJ coming that'll be there all day long and just games and a place to hang out and dave's big thing is he wants to play knockout oh yeah for sure that's it's gonna be nuts um will you play caleb could you there's a video she made where she talks about um it's not a competition. Can you pull that up? I think it was on her. I think this is an important part. You're pretty emphatic about it here. Watch my video.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Real quick, because tickets for the public to come to the meetup Fitness Freedom on July 3rd at Dave Castro's Ranch. Go on sale tomorrow. And I want to give you a little insight on what to expect at a street parking meetup like this one. Number one, most important thing, this is not a competition. You do not have to be a certain fitness level to participate. There are no judges that will be judging your movement. Okay. It's all about having a good time. There will be tons of different ways that you can participate, workouts, fun toys that Dave has there at the ranch that you can play with, like the big bobs and the worms and things like that. There will be vendors there, food, music. We got a slip and slide going, places for you to hang out. It's all about celebrating that fitness
Starting point is 00:57:02 is for everyone and that it's not a one-size-fits-all thing. It's our belief within street parking, and we would love to have you come check it out and see what we're all about. Hey, guys. Just make sure. That's awesome. I muted Miranda and Julian. They're back. I'm going for sure.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I'm stoked that it's only 11 miles from my house. I'm stoked. Suze is going. That was – that's – I wonder if – what's that girl's name? Is her name Denise? She's, she's frequently listens to the show. I wonder if she's a street parking member. Did you recognize her? That girl who said I bought a ticket? Oh, I didn't see that pop up. I don't know. I mean, we have sold, so we opened it up to street parking members first a couple weeks ago. And the S so Saturday is just for street parking members and guests, like anyone that they bring with them, which is typically how we do our meetups.
Starting point is 00:57:51 This is not the first big meetup that we've done. We did a summer camp in 2019. We've done Vegas twice and we did. They just got back from Jacksonville, which that was like with the Go Ruck crew at the Sand Jacks event. Um, but yeah, usually we don't open it up to the public at all. We usually it's just street parking members. So Saturday is just street parking members and guests, and that sold out within a couple hours. Um, a hundred people that are coming to that. And then, um, where are those people going to stay? Are people sleeping there in tents? So 42 people purchased camping, which I think we capped at 50. Dave told us to cap it at 50. And then everybody else has been just like going to hotels and Airbnbs and all that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Wow. Man, the people who are camping there are going to be stoked. Yeah. I mean, we got some good porta potties for them with showers and stuff like that it's a good spot i i came up there a bunch during the games 2008 2009 games i slept in a motorhome there and tons of people were in tents in motorhomes it's crazy it's a great spot yeah wow okay and then what happened who can come on the third that's the day like anyone and it's basically just a party and you can come there and work out.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Will there be will there be alcoholic adult beverages there? Yeah. So we've got some food trucks coming. So instead of us trying to like, you know, cook and everything like that, we just we hired a couple of food trucks that are going to roll up on Sunday morning. We're going to do that three mile mile rock and anybody can come to that. And then we have a breakfast podium is sponsoring, you know, the pancake breakfast both days. Wow. And then after that, like I said, there'll be like rotating stuff that's going on every couple hours, it'll change and there'll be the knockout going and the slip and slide and the
Starting point is 00:59:40 music and just hanging out. But yeah, anybody can come to that. Is Mac going to be there? Is Fraser coming to the, to the ranch to make pancakes not that I know of so one of the things like when we part first of all we're part of with podium we did it it wasn't even based off of like who's a part of it it was more of like I met Paul and I thought Paul was a good dude who's Paul Paul's one of the owners of podium okay yeah one of the things that I told him he was like who do you want me to bring I was like you and your company just so because it's your product that we're trying to share you know um because at the end of the day like you know our community we want to make sure that like our members are more of like the celebrities within the community it's not really you know oh we're
Starting point is 01:00:19 gonna bring this person we're gonna bring this person it's like yeah so i don't know if they're gonna be there or not but it wasn't thrown out there at all because that's just not really how we don't care um but it's interesting you say that because the location is so iconic yeah i mean it's it's not a person obviously but it is an iconic location and i guess location matt i mean like you did in vegas that's an iconic location also are you surprised that so many people are coming because it is off the beaten path a little bit? No. So when we did summer camp back in 2019 and our membership has grown exponentially since then, obviously with the shutdowns and everything, we sold out of that. We had like 300 people sleeping in bunk beds at a kid's summer camp for like three nights, bringing their families and everything.
Starting point is 01:01:07 And that was like a couple of years ago. So we knew we know how excited our members get. Anytime we do, you know, a big a big meet up and a big get together. We've got people flying from all over the place that are going to come. i'm pumped uh to see your event because i really want to throw an event there uh like probably like six months after your event and it's going to be called the california hormones games and it's going to be the crossfit games but with no testing where people will be be scrutinized they'll be the exact judged and scrutinized and instead of instead and divisive instead of uh instead of a community event and just egos everywhere oh yeah biggest and most
Starting point is 01:01:59 massive egos and people don't want to talk to each other or make friends with each other at all maybe maybe the street parking vibe will be so good those guys will just show up there those guys and gals and just turn into marshmallows just be like oh um was this something that you knew when you when it popped in your head did you think it was realistic you and um julian think it was realistic to get um uh that venue for the event yeah uh i mean me and dave are pretty close and julian like you said he loves julian so yeah we had been we had been talking a little bit about what was going on with his life before i brought that up like it wasn't like i haven't talked to you for two years
Starting point is 01:02:39 let me just ask you if i can come use your house right we had been oh my goodness we got a massive tower coming in here guys every kid needs a massive tower let's see this is our second nft it won't even get in the screen what is it it's kind of like a hat it's a hat but it's not kind of like a tower oh it's not yeah a big a big tall hat okay go make another one i love it when my kids draw a picture of their mom and i think it's a picture of me or vice versa or it's like a potato but i think it's me like oh you drew a picture of me they're like no that's a potato oh my god um miranda what is street parking um street parking is a no-nonsense. I'm going to give you like our mission statement.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I'm going to try to remember it off the top of my head. It's a no-nonsense authentic fitness community committed to providing real people the tools they need to take control of their fitness. Okay. What does no- mean um we're not gonna try to upsell you on stuff that you don't need so that we can make more money so peloton okay we're not gonna yeah we're not gonna put our trainers in glittery makeup and have tell them to be over the top and pretend to be something that they're not so that it gets more likes on instagram um it's it's interesting uh i was talking with uh caleb and matt um yesterday and i was like this podcast is nothing about this podcast is serious and it's the most
Starting point is 01:04:18 it's what i i take it more serious than anything in my life besides my kids nothing about it is serious but it is the most fucking serious thing in my fucking life and it's fucking really serious and so when i heard that it's no nonsense i know it's it's there's a paradox there because on one hand it isn't it's like no nonsense come here and it's a fucking community and get healthy and embrace your peers and and like let's lift each other up but But, but then you also say, Hey, no one's there to judge your movements. Right. You don't have to work out. Yeah. I think, you know, one of the things we're always very transparent with the community is just fitness is only one piece of the puzzle. You know, like if you think, you know, your life's going to change this with fitness alone, then that's, that's not true. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:04 You know, you got to balance it out with, you know, the nutrition, your lifestyle. And I think that's why we do show, you know, our family a lot within our community just and share that as, because it's growing as well as the street parking businesses, you know, I mean, so, and that's the reality of it is, right? We always tell our members, like, look, we go live and we show how chaotic it is to try to work out with kids. It's not always, let me capture this 15 second to 30 second clip of them finally picking up their barbell and doing something. And then let me just share this with you. It's chaotic, right? And, you know, making sure that they don't always
Starting point is 01:05:45 really attach it to performance. It's like movement. You just keep moving, keep going, stay consistent. And we're going to be through that through all stages of the members lives pretty much. Right. Because we get it. And the interesting thing is, I think when I say we're not going to judge your movement, it's we're not we're not we're not going to no rep each other's videos on the Facebook group. We're not going to call people out for, you know, if somebody hasn't worked out for six years and they feel comfortable enough, even though they're super chubby or whatever, to post something on the Facebook group. The last thing they need is somebody saying like, oh, your wall ball target looks a little low or something like that. You know what I mean? Right. And we don't have a leaderboard for that reason because then people start bickering and saying like who's this guy and i bet he wasn't even doing this or that or it looks like his box was only 22 inches and not 24
Starting point is 01:06:33 and it becomes about nonsense basically and we do celebrate consistency though like we have so many trackers our third n NFT of the day. To celebrate consistency. So on our platform, on our app, they can earn badges for all sorts of things, but none of them are ever around performance. They're all around showing up and just being consistent. And whether that's at the foot of your bed or you're in a really fancy, nice gym or whatever. We're not going to sell you toe spacers if you haven't worked out for six years. Like, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with toe spacers, but like.
Starting point is 01:07:18 You watch out. I'm getting ready to do a Loveline show with Danielle Brannon. You be nice, Miranda. I'm getting ready to do a Loveline show with that girl. You know, like if they're worried about toe spacers and they still haven't actually gotten three weeks worth of consistency in, then we need to take it back a few steps. I feel like the fitness industry is really good at selling you things you don't need long before you'll ever need them.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Maybe you never will. I've never used a toe spacer and I'm okay. You're placing the incentive on the right things. You're placing the incentive on the right thing. It's about just celebrating them doing the work, regardless of the circumstances. There's our fourth one. Tell them. Julian, what were you going to say? I think one of the things that's helped us out a lot in general has been able to, the fact that both Miranda and I have both been there at the top level. And, and so if anybody ever questions kind of where
Starting point is 01:08:06 we're coming from, it's easy for us to speak from experience. I mean, like, look, like it, that's not necessary. Let's strip, strip away all the things that now work even for us now as parents, as we have a family and look at the consistency, even in our journey as parents, as business owners, we still prioritize our health and fitness, right? And simplifying that to a point that is attainable for the everyday person. Obviously, we both know how to turn it on and be able to reach a level of intensity that is extremely effective to be able to maintain a certain aesthetic or a certain result. But, you know, the biggest message for us is just showing people what consistency
Starting point is 01:08:53 truly looks like. You know, I've seen some athletes and it's kind of sad that fallen off that were competitors and they just, you can't even recognize them. You're like, like what who is this like who who who and and because they've also reached out and they've expressed how much they've appreciated and they're our part of the program now they're like this is so sustainable for us you know and um and i think the fact that like i said moran and i have been there it gives a level of comfort for all levels of individuals. So it's been great. Maybe Hip and Steel thought he was doing a street parking event. He didn't realize he was competing at the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 01:09:31 I don't know if you're following the drama around him. The only reason that I know about that, and actually I was going to bring this up as he was speaking, is we do have people in our community that are still not high level competitors, but people who are interested
Starting point is 01:09:42 in local competitions or who do the Open. And then we had a bunch of people who did whatever the stage was after the open. See, I don't even know. And we can give them advice too, like how to attack workouts or what, what of our programming they can use to improve their weaknesses and things like that. So we do have people in the community like that. The reason that I know about the hip and still thing is because there's actually like a subgroup within street parking. That's unofficial. Unofficial street parking, CrossFit chit chat.
Starting point is 01:10:13 And they talk about all things CrossFit and they are still super in it. And I'm in that group. Cause I want to see what they're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Comment or say anything very often. This poor guy.
Starting point is 01:10:25 This poor guy is a stud. He's the fucking greatest fucking old man CrossFitter who ever fucking lived. But he turned in this video this year, and it's a fucking mess. I think it was a deadlift, right? Or like something. No, it's everything. The clean was wrong. The muscle-ups were wrong.
Starting point is 01:10:42 He did a – instead of doing box step ups were wrong he did a he did a he did a uh uh uh uh he instead of doing box step ups he did pistols and the pistols weren't deep enough i mean he did overhead squats and the bar was touching his head the whole thing was a fucking shit i mean it was a shitload of work and a crazy effort yeah but he finished in first place and everything is wrong the burpee sometimes his chest wasn't touching the ground but i mean if he was a street parking guy he'd be a fucking king yeah we'd be like you know what fitness yeah what you want yeah look at this the workout the workout step ups and he's doing like it's a fucking mess hey in his defense crossfit put some weird wording about the pistol yes they did so you may do pistols right it was so weird you know i i have
Starting point is 01:11:28 seen what's going on with this um controversy or this drama and yeah i have multiple opinions on it um okay yeah it's here well i didn't think the show was gonna go here i love this though i love this okay so well there's two sides of the coin right there's beside the coin as far as the better side where you know if you're in his shoes you gotta own up to that be like all right look Okay, so, well, there's two sides of the coin, right? There's the side of the coin as far as the competitor side, where, you know, if you're in his shoes, you got to own up to that and be like, all right, look, I've proven myself. Clearly what I did, I'm going to stick to the rules. Like, I'm not – it doesn't feel good. I'm not going to advance.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Like, I completely F'd this whole process up, you know. That's kind of like, as a good sportsman of this caliber, I think that would probably be the best approach. On the other side of the coin, it's like, leave this alone like he's 60 something fucking years old and he's crushing the shit out of the fitness and like at the end of the day he didn't submit a good video but clearly he's been a champion the past three years so like there's two sides to look at it on the on on the mentality of the competitor bro you didn't do it the way it was asked like you got to own up to that that's unfortunate because we do know you're a beast yeah on the other side of the bay is like like god you guys are fucking annoying like he's
Starting point is 01:12:35 awesome like yeah like he's he's an inspiration like he really is so anyway he's in a tough spot right because no one i haven't heard anyone say anything bad about him. Not one person. Yeah. So, but he's being used as this example to say CrossFit's a shit show. Yeah. And that sucks.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Cause yeah, it's an easy target and you can see why, but anyway, those are my short opinion. There's no really like, I hope he makes the best decision for, um, or what position he's in.
Starting point is 01:13:01 But I think he, uh, great athlete. He, you know um yeah so he'll he'll be around i think because of it he dropped out of the competition this year oh yeah i don't think i don't think he was on the leaderboard anymore i say well i mean but yeah that's just a quick opinion on that another another crazy thing also is that he he his his video was unlisted
Starting point is 01:13:25 and someone sent the link to uh andrew hiller so i mean it's kind of it's it's vicious yeah i should say i should send hip and still a ceo shirt you're right that would make him feel better okay i'm on that yeah that's i think too with our group right we do have a lot of people that are still ingrained in the culture of across views and you know we're very um I think that's where the experience that Boatland Ryan and even just our coaches panel in general have if there is somebody that is going to approach a competition that has to do with CrossFit or something where there is standards enforced then yes we're quick to tell them like all right we're not going to be lenient on you like this is what they're going to look for in the standards you should probably practice your fitness in this way. But for the 99% of individuals that are part of this community, just be proud of your movement.
Starting point is 01:14:11 And there's always room for improvement. But we're also very limited with, at the end of the day, we are an online fitness community. That is one of our disadvantages, is that we don't have the ability to be there as like opposed to an affiliate or one-on-one coach you're able to correct those flaws right or just help them improve in a more you know a hands-on approach but we're very aware of that but if people submit or ask questions and most likely it is a lot of the competitors um or the people that want to do competitions then we'll help them out for sure um but yeah i think that's what we're like i said that really helps street parking out a lot that we know how to bridge the gap between
Starting point is 01:14:48 both worlds or you know the everyday fitness person as well as the just the recreational competitor as opposed to like the you know like i said you have justin madero's or people that are trying to compete to the games like look honestly you might need to you know we're probably not the right program for you you're going to need to structure your training differently and but we're here for when you're not in that phase of your life now um are kids welcome to the event yeah absolutely how about if i have three kids absolutely yeah we're bringing our three boys yeah nox will be there what if i have five kids that's fine are you counting me as one hey uh tell them that you're gonna go to california i don't like california you are um
Starting point is 01:15:31 speaking of california how is how is uh how is washington are you guys liking it is there any chances you guys would move you guys happy there like what's going on um i mean portland's not the greatest and that's the biggest, but you're outside of your North of Portland, right? And Portland does look like a complete shit show. Yeah. It's like 30 minutes away, but it's, it's the city that we would go to, to go do cool stuff because it's the closest one to us, but we just don't go there basically.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Um, but yeah, it's beautiful here. Um, it's not as cheap as it was when we moved here. That's for sure. No, it's not as cheap as it was when we moved here that's for sure no it it's been great honestly it's been um california was a distraction i know i spoke to you guys about that specifically la i mean if you think la is a mess too so i mean you guys kind of got out of there at the right time yeah it's just in general like i think cities with large populations don't allow you to really focus as much as you can um being over here has allowed us to kind of stay in our own bubble and focus on one, the most important thing, which
Starting point is 01:16:28 is our family and a culture and an environment that allows us to just let them thrive, be outside in nature and like, let's go. And it's not overly crowded, you know, we're in great neighborhood. And it was very affordable for us, you know, way more than, you know, Irvine was at the time. And just in general, being able to be close to, you know, Irvine was at the time. And just in general, being able to be close to the coast where my dad's up there as well. Obviously being able to venture into different things like investing in, you know, real estate as well has been good to us in this area, which has been great. But most importantly, I think the focus is the biggest key. It allows our whole team to focus as well. And just focus on like good core values. So.
Starting point is 01:17:07 How many people are you're in uh vancouver washington and how many people in the town oh i don't know how many people live in the city like you have stoplights and shit oh yeah oh yeah i was competitive i would yeah it's a whole foods here when we first got here. It's gone. Uh, yeah. They were a little too early. Okay. So it's a, so it's a suburb of Portland.
Starting point is 01:17:32 It's a suburb of Portland. Yeah. It's really nice. I mean, like they got, you got tech companies out here, HP is out here. Um,
Starting point is 01:17:39 if you go North another 30 miles, does it turn into the country? Um, even 30 miles now starting to push to more developed areas like more commercialized because people are starting to push out depends on which direction you go you could go 20 miles in some directions and be pretty yes isolated this um i'm switching back to the event this is your fourth okay yeah let's check it out so you're right across the river there's portland God, every time I say that city's name, there's this whole, like, diatribe that I have to push out.
Starting point is 01:18:09 So when you're pushing out towards that Battleground, Ridgefield area, I would say that's when you're starting to get to, like, not as, you know, you're going super suburb there. But there's a lot of development pushing out towards those areas. And it starts to become a little bit more on the conservative side of things for sure. There's less bleed through of Portland population going into those areas as opposed to Vancouver. How close are you guys to the ocean from there? The coast, if you're going to go more west, you're looking at 90 miles west. There it is. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Have you guys been over there? Rockaway Beach? Yeah, so Tillamook. If you look at Tillamook there, that's where I grew up. Oh, wow. A couple investments there in that Neatarts Bay area that do really well. Yeah. Do you have any family there?
Starting point is 01:18:50 My dad's over there. Okay. That's right. You said that. Wow. I had no idea you grew up there. When you, this will be your fifth event, your fifth annual street parking gathering? Vegas, Vegas, camp. Yeah, we're probably going to Hawaii yeah did you go to hawaii twice we did go to
Starting point is 01:19:09 hawaii we did the trail run a couple times um sixth maybe i don't know there's like kids and events and who knows this is an annual event though right uh no it's the first time watching it i did talk to dave and said like what do you, this is the first time I'm launching it. I did talk to Dave and said like. What do you mean this is the first time? I thought this was like a regular thing you did. The Fitness Freedom one. This is the first Fitness Freedom one. Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:32 So when you say annualized event, like we have like Vegas will be going back annually because it's, you know, but the ranch was more, we didn't really have plans to have further meetups at the ranch. This was kind of like a, hey, you know. So basically what happens, what happened was I took a step back from work because I was getting ready to have the baby. When I have free time, stuff like this happens. All of a sudden, we'll message our whole team and be like, hey, we're having a huge 500-person event. If we go on vacation, we come back with some whole new thing that we got to make.
Starting point is 01:20:05 So this thing could be like a baby Arnold. This is a – this is like – maybe that's not right. This is like a – Greg would always talk about how he wished the games would have been more like the Woodstock of fitness. This is more like a place where you bring your kids and they play and it's like like-minded people this is a um like a shakespearean festival but a like a fitness festival but but like some people might be barefoot yeah sure you can be barefoot yeah yeah we were telling um i was telling dave when i went up recently to go get some of the promo content that you know based on how he feels about it you know because hearing what he kind of wants to get back to and obviously the future is undecided because there's so much
Starting point is 01:20:49 up in the air um but to keep things short because obviously we don't want to tease people too much this could have the potential to be something that launches into a tour if it works if it works out and and it's enjoyable you know so was, I was kind of surprised to see that first post that Kayla put up when it said fitness freedom. It feels like it's a fair. You know what I mean? Like I imagine hay bales and my kids like, you know, on the, you know, maybe like my 13 year old boy getting his first kiss up with a girl under the bleachers. And then some teenagers maybe like, you know, smoking some weed and doing pull-ups and then some other people like doing a pickup football game, like next to Dave's cows.
Starting point is 01:21:31 Like I'm starting to get this, like, why, why, why? I don't know. Just, I'm just getting that feeling. Just when I think of the ranch, it's just a fun place. Like to, it's like, like you hug people there. You just met this event. Yeah. That's what we're you like you're all of a sudden you're in a slip and slide with a stranger like yeah and when the slip and slide tears it's like 30 dudes like run to their car to see who can duct tape it back together at the race to fix it and that's the thing because i know like we we always ride this
Starting point is 01:22:00 line of um we have a really awesome professional team that could make, that can do anything. Right. But we always are very careful. And this is not just in our in-person events, but, um, on our, in our content too, the moment something's too polished, the moment it, people don't connect to it anymore. And one of the things that we've always been conscious of is that. And so even though we have the capability of making something like this look a lot more uh less like the hay bales and things like that we're not going to do that because we want that vibe and we have problems connecting with julian he's pretty fucking polished look at that face look at that that thing is polished when i met him though he had no chest hair and
Starting point is 01:22:41 he was a lot more like you know a lot more. All right. So we've brought it down a few notches. All right. All right. You're connecting. You're connecting. You guys, you guys like avatars. You plugged your tails in together. What, what is, what is smoky, smoky? Someone was comparing that event too. I said Woodstock and someone said smoky smoky is that some sort of event i think he was commenting on your um you know hitting the jane doing some pull-ups there oh yeah yeah you know i mean i don't approve of it but like i know what kids do i know what some of the kids i know and you know i'm trying to think of how good the cell phone
Starting point is 01:23:19 service is there too i can't remember if it's good or not but i think people go ahead it's pretty good when we were out there i was able to yeah it's okay it's good or not, but I think people go ahead. It's pretty good. When we were out there, I was able to. Yeah, it's OK. It's looking at two bars, depending on your service. Well, David said his Wi-Fi was broken, though. I told him to fix it. Yeah, I think I think Wi-Fi there is like they're in the Stone Ages. So fitness freedom, the phrase is something that we've used for a while.
Starting point is 01:23:50 And it's not it's not associated with the event it's like a hashtag and a phrase that we've used for a long time because people will be like they'll come from a crossfit gym background and they'll say am i allowed to am i allowed to use um 20 pound dumbbells even though it says the suggested weight is 25 or am i allowed to use a shorter box and we're like you're allowed to do whatever you can you can hip and steal this thing if you want to just and people will be cheering your shit on do it am i allowed to um use a different type of bike am i allowed to switch the movements up am i allowed to use one weight for the deadlifts and another weight for the push press? Absolutely. Like go for it, go, you know, use the workouts as a template. And that might sound to some people like sloppy coaching. Um, but that's, that's exactly what happens in the affiliate, right? You like look at your person and you're like, well, this dude can't run. So I'm going to throw
Starting point is 01:24:37 him on the bike. And this dude, he's strong enough in the deadlift, but he's maybe coming, uh, recovering from a shoulder injury. So I'm going to give him dumbbells for the push press and have him go a little bit lighter. You know, a good coach actually does that. And it's not just like willy nilly. We give them advice on how to do that and when to do that and why to do that. And, um, but at the end of the day, we're always like, you know what? Fitness freedom. You want to combine Tuesdays and Wednesdays workouts. Go for it. it oh I like it okay I was taking it somewhere completely else I like it I like it okay all right okay I'll leave my rifle at home then fine fine uh so you guys had baby number three how long ago did that happen nine weeks
Starting point is 01:25:23 so you got a nine week old. Yeah. My, my mom is here. Actually. She's in town. She got here yesterday. So she's holding him right now.
Starting point is 01:25:31 And what's that like? What's a nine week old baby. Like, uh, just not, just no sleep and just need like, I'm like a, I'm like a dairy cow at this point.
Starting point is 01:25:40 Like, I've always thought that about you.'s a dairy cow yeah oh my goodness did you see clue get born yeah look that's a screw yeah yeah and you saw him come out in the bathtub huh yeah if you were to try to write down everything that i'm grateful for you for there would not be enough wait let's wait wait wait if i were to try to write down everything that I'm grateful for you, for there would not be enough. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:26:07 If I were to try to write down everything that I'm grateful for you, grateful for you, for there would not be enough space. Just know I always am. And I love you. Let me translate that for you. Julian is saying he loves a fuck out of her. There's not enough space to write down how great she is.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Uh, thank you guys for coming on i um when i saw your post uh yesterday i got really excited like at first i was like i was thinking myself man i don't want to i hate getting out of my comfort zone but when i saw that you were opening it up to like the world on uh july 3rd and that people could get tickets what where do they go to get tickets? What's the website? There's tickets just on street There's a link. If you go to like my bio or the bio of at street parking, it'll take you directly to the fitness freedom page. But if you just go to street,
Starting point is 01:26:54 you should be able to find it also. Also really quick. I just have to appreciate your Disney episode. Oh, Oh, Hey, I was, I was, I, i don't know how i feel about that episode but i but i was i was i i i was shocked i was damaged i was damaged you're absolutely right i mean we used to have annual passes for that before we had nox and it was uncomfortable going
Starting point is 01:27:20 there every time for that it's a drug addicts convention it's really just where people go to eat sugar there were just rows of people just eating sugar oh yeah by the thousands i remember there was the one experience that really was blew me away and i never cared i could care how people raise their kids that's on them but i remember like i haven't kind of planned out where i know where i can go eat that's going to not make me sick and that's usually nothing nothing inside of Disneyland or California Adventure. It's mostly in downtown Disney. There's like a restaurant, like a burger restaurant. But they also have like this crazy milkshake machine bar. Like, I forget what that restaurant's called. Anyway, you can order yourself a ground turkey patty and some greens and stuff. But I remember this parent was asking their daughter, they're like, probably nine years old. Hey, like, what do you want to eat? She's oh can i just get like a salad he's like really he's like you don't want like
Starting point is 01:28:08 one of those milkshakes or anything and for a moment i i it like triggered me and i was like hey what's wrong with the salad right right right right uh anyway it was it blew my mind but yeah it is set up it sets you up for um not good habits for sure it is just a you feel bad honestly i felt really bad with the kids because the kids were so obese that their bodies will forever be changed from what they've been taught at this point now if you're an adult it's on you but but the kids man eight-year-old kids by the thousands there that are just and you just know that yeah they don't know like people just genuinely don't know and i think they just have such a bad image of what like you know healthy change looks like as opposed to being
Starting point is 01:28:59 feeling attacked and you're just like the future is not heading in the right direction for a big population of the world. Yeah, it looked like the collapse of society, to be honest with you. To me, it looked like the fall of the, like, it looked like the collapse of society. Society will not be able to carry, no pun intended, the weight of that many sick people. It was too many. Yeah. So you're not alone in those feelings. Just wanted to throw that out there.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Knox wants to tell them something really quick before we hang up. He said he wants to talk to them. Do we got to get tickets for the zoo so we can go? So we can. When's best party tomorrow? Do I go to the zoo to get tickets? I don't. Save some energy for the street parking gathering on July 3rd. Spaz party tomorrow and I go to the zoo to get tickets and go. Save some energy for the street parking gathering on July 3rd. And by the way, I want to
Starting point is 01:29:50 say something about that Disneyland episode. A gentleman did reach out to us who said that he lost 120 pounds and he's kept it off for four years and he's coming on the show in three weeks and that's the kind of stuff I want to do also. I want to make sure like every month we get someone. If anyone has any stories out there of successful,
Starting point is 01:30:07 healthy lifestyle changes. Yeah. You're always welcome on the show. So bam. Yeah. All right, guys, I'm pumped.
Starting point is 01:30:18 We're going to see you soon. Okay, cool. And really quick, that guy that was on the hopped on your podcasting last night, I think he was in his van or something. You know who I talking about oh gary roberts yeah yeah yeah we're gonna get gary you had asked him about like how come he's not working out anymore yeah yeah gary doesn't work out anymore i was i was listening as i was like putting crew to sleep and i said if you
Starting point is 01:30:40 connect them with us we'll get them set up with the street park oh yeah oh brilliant yeah it's because i was i felt bad i was like bro like just because you have to like i get it like having kids and everything and you know we both get it but like we got to get you to a point point of simplicity again like let's keep you on it and so i commented i was like stefan get a whole get a hold of me so that way we can get upset up the street park that's awesome okay that that's crazy too because i actually reached out to one of our benefactors and i said hey can we get him a membership at some sort of gym next to him but i will definitely the street parking would be awesome oh what let me ask you this sorry before you go sorry what about the accountability thing
Starting point is 01:31:20 like the immediate thing that pops in my head was i was like okay i was going to get him a membership at some crossfit gym near him so he had the accountability to go in there and make sure how do people feel that um and maybe they don't but how do they feel that healthy peer pressure that that you feel in a crossfit gym i would say there's two ways i would that i would two ways i would answer that within the street parking community. One is just like any sort of affiliate. If you show up and you show up for a few months, people will notice that you're gone. So we have a really active Facebook group, really active, where people have met friends and now they're in text groups on the side and things like that.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Obviously, you can't get the support of the group if you never show up, but that's the same as if you sign up for a CrossFit class and you only show up once a month, like you're never going to be part of that community if you do that. The other way is just how we put together our, our platform because there's all these different like badges. And when you do 75 workouts, we send you a free hoodie and it's like, you're, we do earned gear and badges that people share and they get pumped about and they can see their counters going up every single, every time they log and every day. And we're, we're adding some more stuff as well. We gamified, we gamified it. Um, again,
Starting point is 01:32:41 not anything with scores, but consistency. Right. You can see it by the way, that is something that I learned from you. Um, I always tripped my whole life that, um, there were all these people with goals, goals, goals, and I never thought of myself as a goal oriented person. And I've had some amazing successes in life. And while, but the first time I had you on the show, I was scanning through all your posts, uh, Miranda, and I saw that you, you, you had a post about that, about habits, passion, and discipline. And I was like, oh shit, I have all three of those. And those were the components of what led to progress. You didn't even need a goal if you had good habits. And one of my habits is to always refine habits. But if you had habits, passion, and discipline, that the road was going
Starting point is 01:33:21 to be plentiful and you nailed it. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. We're more about building habits for people than like having a weight loss goal or a deadlift goal or a mile time goal. It's just like, Hey, more impressive would be a year of consistency and where that takes you. It takes you.
Starting point is 01:33:41 And you got to also like when you can get to a point, of course I understand the benefit of having the community because that is such a big important part but then if you're able to get to a place of not relying on other individuals for your sustainability in your health and fitness you've made it like you have just crushed it now and obviously like the community the street part community just so supportive online so if you need that kind of support that community is there they're going to be extremely supportive but um so true because what i mean how many times have you heard of people who move away from their crossfit gym and then they stopped working out that wasn't a habit that was gary that was gary he was there for two years and then so again like it's like or or the
Starting point is 01:34:24 shutdown happened and they just stopped working out yeah that's crazy to me yeah i think that that's why the we have so many local meetups that happen across the country and all over the world now actually um it's really cool to see that if you look up the hashtag street parking they'll get meetups all over you know 10 to 50 to 100 people and you know so if you need that fixed like you know we have the members that go to one of those meetups and they just make good strong connections and now they've made their group of friends to stay in contact with to help keep them accountable and um yeah what do you think that is you said something about you when you my words not
Starting point is 01:35:09 yours but when you finally reach a point where you don't need anything else and it's like all personal like you just need you to do it what do you think that is that clicks were you ever not like that oh my god yeah oh yeah it was a lot of self- self development for myself as an individual, for sure. You know, because even it took me a while to branch away from, even when I was a competitor in 2016, that's why I didn't make it. I was relying on other individuals. I felt like I couldn't work out at home because I was like, nobody else is doing this. I need my group. And then it was wonderful to help me see that, like, you know, just know,
Starting point is 01:35:44 like you are great. Come up with your own things. You know yourself the most. You're able to take control of how you are going to approach fitness. And when I was able to do that in 2017, I actually attribute that to the success of almost like that comeback journey. I just stayed in my lane. I stayed the course. I focused on what I was, you know, lacking or what I needed to improve on. stayed the course i focused on what i was you know lacking or what i needed to improve on and now that led me into when you can get to a point of knowing that you can take a couple days off or a week off and you don't stress about that throwing you off of your fitness that's an amazing
Starting point is 01:36:17 feeling a week off did you say a week yeah let's just say you're sick like when i got hit with i took yeah i was out for 14 days and not how not once was i was like oh my gosh i'm gonna lose it it's like uh okay it's gonna be annoying but i can't wait to get back to it did you still go out on walks though like i can't i tried but i was it was so it hit me so bad i got like a version of like the mexican covid that really just like hit me hard because my mom went to go visit my brother Alan TJ and she came and we picked her up and she just it transferred over to me so it was like me and my mother and we were out and it took me I would say three and a half weeks before I was able to get back into some kind of flow and what's crazy is i was able to identify immediately how covid attacks the
Starting point is 01:37:05 lungs because my cardio and my aerobic capacity was just it was it was unbelievable how long it took me to get that back i mean we're about two so seven you remember by the way my mom's writing i'm inspired you guys are amazing i think she's talking about i think she's talking about me and matt like holy shit i can't believe you did two podcasts today or three or whatever it is you remember in uh june of 2012 is when i was in that car accident and we're about to put together a video um showing 10 years of consistency because i mean a week off for me is like i mean i had i broke my neck, then I tore my ACL. I've been pregnant three times and that's all in the last 10 years, you know, like, but you just keep moving through it and you alter your movement and you, but once it's a habit,
Starting point is 01:37:56 it's part of your identity. It's who, part of who you are. I didn't stop brushing my teeth during those phases. I didn't stop taking showers, maybe a few less, you know, here and there, but once it becomes just a part of your routine and who you are, it looks different, but it's just, it's there always. And if you need other people around, um, if I need someone to come over and remind me to brush my teeth, then that's not good. You know? Yeah. Well, it's just, it's a, it's a start, right? Like I just can't see ever even when i was like i a couple i don't know a couple weeks ago i was so fucking sick like i was like man i shouldn't even be driving i'm so sick and but i still went out to the garage and got on the assault bike and dressed as warm as i could threw down two pints of water and just pedaled as slow as i
Starting point is 01:38:39 could for 20 minutes both of us like that as well yeah and i just needed and i felt incredible for an hour after that. I mean, don't get me wrong. I was like at 50 RPMs. Just chilling. That's great. But I was, I felt for the hour after that, I was like, holy shit, I feel so much better. And then the sickness came back. Mama, look at these guys.
Starting point is 01:38:58 All right, guys. Thank you so much. Can I bring my mom? Yeah. I want to bring all these guys. you got any old people you got what's the oldest person in the street park oh yeah we got people in their 70s i think they have their own facebook group oh they do okay yeah they put together like a group my parents both do street parking they're in their 70s oh shit awesome my mom's over at annie sakamoto's gym she's not going anywhere. I think Connor... You know Connor?
Starting point is 01:39:27 Connor's your coach. Is it Connor Murphy? Connor... She's like happy as a clam over there. But I'll still bring her over at the ranch and make her do some pistols or something. All right, guys. Thank you so much. 78. Wow. Good job, mom.
Starting point is 01:39:43 It was always good to catch up with you. We'll see you out at the ranch. Wow. Good job. It was always good to catch it up with you. Yep. Now we'll see you out at the ranch. Okay. Yeah. Yes. Matt's going. And thanks for the offer for Gary. I'll I'll make sure I extend that to him. Um, I'm super, super excited. You got it. Eyes up. Bye guys. Bye. That's my new thing. Instead of getting off, we just kick them to the curb. Connor Schmitz.
Starting point is 01:40:09 Connor Murphy. Connor Murphy. I'm sorry. That's a tragedy. This is my first time. That's a tragedy, Anna. That is a tragedy but she's like working or something you know no one should be working international fans uh wow this is my
Starting point is 01:40:33 first time catching one of these live thank you it's it's a sad world i mean i guess it's it's a first step you're hooked now i hope you're hooked uh anna normally we go on at uh 7 a.m that's the goal pacific standard time do you see the guy that we're having on tomorrow oh can can you look up this guy's um instagram account it's joey harrell j-o-e-h-a-r-r-e-l-l hey what's going with this rosa thing is this like should we save this for another time or what? What thing? He was at, he was like at the band or something at the hotel. Oh yeah. I talked about that.
Starting point is 01:41:09 Eric Rosa was at the hotel. Yeah. Yeah. In Colorado. He played, he played music. I missed it. Bunch of people sent me pictures. I went home.
Starting point is 01:41:17 I didn't, I didn't party that night. I went back to my hotel. I was leaving to fly back home. But, but Rosa was there. Yeah. At the hotel that Greg was at playing in the lobby this is why we should have done it behind the scenes while you were out there yeah exclusive content signed up for the newsletter anna you should definitely be listening to the uh show while you're at work
Starting point is 01:41:38 what do you do on a richard margarine margarine margarine margarine it's dick butter oh shit oh he's got two shit i'm such an idiot is that dick butter fighting what do you mean bring yeah bring 7 a.m back what do you mean bring it back it's like said bring it's always it's it was today never left it's tomorrow as well yeah um what did you find did you find his uh instagram let's see this uh this guy no i always feel sorry for people when their ig just pops up no i don't know who this is a santa con that guy's got a nice body though. Hey, you know what's funny about that Santa con thing? Just a super quick story is when it got popular in San Francisco,
Starting point is 01:42:29 a group of robbers dressed up as Santa Clauses. I put it in a private chat. You think that's a real thing, Santa con? It is a real thing. It was in San Francisco. And everybody dressed up as Santas. And these dudes went in there as Santas, robbed all the banks, and then went out back into the street. What year was that 1874 oh dude this is 1874 look it up yeah yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:42:53 after play us this guy and i want to see that story that's a great that's like a movie uh susan's confused a movie with uh something in real life santa's robbing banks like a a bad Schwarzenegger film. Okay, let's hear this guy. This guy's so great. Peter Griffin. Oh, yeah, we got you, boy. Rez, I'll protect you.
Starting point is 01:43:17 Oh, yeah, dude. I grabbed that guy by the cheeks. I held him down. I told him, I'm your daddy. Thanks for making this game a little bit better. Oh yeah, do it anytime. Oh, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:43:32 We are back with more. Okay, let's play another one. So he goes on Twitch, or he goes on video games where there's like, I guess, thousands of people playing, millions of people, and he uses the Peter Griffith voice just to entertain them. Like, what are those called? First person shooters?
Starting point is 01:43:49 Yeah. FPS. Oh, my God. This guy says some disturbing things about Meg. Meg is kind of cute. I don't know. You know, I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that. Yo, Peter, you want to see what I'm going to do to Meg? Oh, no. Oh, my God. Please don't. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Please don't. Oh, my God. Oh, you know, I get daddy's son of a, you know that.
Starting point is 01:44:13 Oh, my. I when I was looking up his name today, I found a video of just some people just pretending to be family guy characters in first person shooter games. And the person starts off like, I know this is kind of old and played out, but I'm going to just show you anyway. It has 1.6 million views. Old and played out. With 1.6 million views.
Starting point is 01:44:36 We need something old and played out. Yeah. He should talk like that while I deadlift. Okay, so that guy's coming on tomorrow at 7 a.m uh thank you guys for checking in uh what a great show justin madaris that was awesome uh we don't we still he does we think he doesn't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend and we think that there was some healthy tension between him and ellie turner uh Miranda and Julian are still boning because they got a third kid. And if you don't have your tickets for July 3rd at the ranch for Fitness Freedom or Freedom Fitness?
Starting point is 01:45:16 Fitness Freedom. Fitness Freedom. Go to Get your ticket July 3rd. Sousa and I. Oh, hold on oh now I'll call her yeah
Starting point is 01:45:29 what is this hey you know what I think is wrong with this phone I don't think it's hooked up to the wifi and I don't have cell service here and so that's why all the callers are shitty hey what's up Trevino no it's uh Bruce Wayne
Starting point is 01:45:40 oh Bruce Wayne hi how are you hey Salon how you doing I'm doing great always great when you call. I love you guys. No, it's the first. What do you mean it's always great when I call? This is the first time I call. That's just me being fake. I'm kind of on autopilot
Starting point is 01:45:54 because I'm trying to fix my phone. I'm just like, you know, it's like kind of just like woke bullshit coming out of my mouth right now. Data roaming on. Okay. Go on bruce while i oh yeah wi-fi calling is off that's the fucking problem that's the problem oh shit so i was ripping alex earlier for having a shitty connection it was totally me what a douche oh and we got no calls from with justin hey savannah i i dm'd you earlier and you never uh replied i'm waiting for your phone oh yeah yeah i have you know because today
Starting point is 01:46:35 i was either working out or with my kids um no way what do you say what do you say i'm not listening what do you say of course you but like facetiously like it's not true yes like no i was you know what i even did before this podcast like so i got home at 5 50 from uh jujitsu with my kids and i immediately ran into the garage and got on the assault bike for 12 minutes and just pedaled my ass off. I had to sweat and then jump in the shower. I kind of have this weird... I don't feel right if I...
Starting point is 01:47:12 not sweating when the podcast starts. I don't know. Of course not. I feel the same way. You have to be sweating when you hear me talk? Of course. It just happens. It's a side effect of hearing you talk to be sweaty when you hear me talk? Of course. It just happens. It's a side effect of hearing you talk.
Starting point is 01:47:27 I get sweaty when someone talks. Bruce, did you just call to shoot the shit or test the phone or what's going on? No, I called to shoot the shit. To what? Oh, to tell me that I hadn't checked my DMs. Okay, I just turned on Wi-fi wi-fi calling on good to go i think maybe it hung up on him when i did that did it bruce you there no he's there bruce oh no shit sorry bruce you're back oh you didn't
Starting point is 01:47:58 hang up on me but i'm still here okay cool all right what What semifinals are you going to? If there's one in Miami, I'd be here, but nope. Okay. All right. I mean, if you want to pay for my ticket to Thorium Pro, I'll be down. Oh, perfect. Okay, cool. I'm on that.
Starting point is 01:48:20 I'll send you a ticket tomorrow. Send you a fucking paddle and a fucking wooden boat. Oh, did you see that Joe Rogan posted up a picture or a video of the guy that you were supposed to interview today? Dude, you're sharp, Bruce. Bruce is sharp. Can you bring that up? Isn't that crazy? Hey, dude.
Starting point is 01:48:41 Yeah. I posted it up, and I said, is Joe Rogan watching the Sevan podcast? Dude, there's so much crazy synergy happening right now. It's freaking nuts. Yeah. There are about like five things happening like this today. This is nuts. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:05 So to explain to you guys what happened, basically I did a podcast. I was supposed to do a podcast with um alexis land landot he's an urban climber and this is what um this is what bruce wayne is referring to and he didn't show up and so dylan vowel who is in the in the chat jumped on who we were supposed to do a podcast with on monday but he's like great dude dude so he comes on and we do the whole podcast and then at the very end of the podcast this guy who's climbing on the side of this building right here alexis alexis landot he comes on he's like oh shit dude i just got the message i'm so sorry i'm like it's okay so he's on the last five minutes of the show and i'm like we'll reschedule with you what bruce is saying is then 10 minutes after the show was over, this fucking posted on Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 01:49:46 Yeah. Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. His account has exploded since then, too. Yeah, let's see. Yeah, he's like, he probably is too big time for us now. Hey, didn't I?
Starting point is 01:50:02 Say that again, Bruce? Oh, I know. I'm just joking. Trust me. I don't think like that. Thank you, Bruce. Oh, I know. I'm just joking. Trust me. I don't think like that. Thank you, though. I'm feigning humility. I'm feigning humility. There it is.
Starting point is 01:50:12 Jeffrey knows. Yes. I take credit for that one. I need all the credit. Go ahead, Bruce. I keep interrupting you, and you deserve better. So, I'm waiting for my Paper Street coffee. We never sent you any?
Starting point is 01:50:29 No, you haven't. Oh, you ordered it? You ordered it and paid for it, and Gabe never sent it? No, no, I'm not complaining about it. No, I just ordered it a few days ago. Okay, cool. Oh, okay. I mean, I like that guy.
Starting point is 01:50:47 All right, brother. Well, make me sound like a fat guy. Alright, brother. Well, good hearing from you. Go ahead. Wait, wait. Hey, Bieber. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your service. You're welcome. Hey, Army beat Navy. Er, no, Air Force.
Starting point is 01:51:02 Okay. Okay. God damn it. No, Air Force. Okay. God. You're awesome. The show is yours, Bruce. The show is yours. Nice to see you again. Matt, nice to see you again.
Starting point is 01:51:17 You're the man. Yes, good to hear from you, Bruce. It was fun catching up with you in Miami. Yes, next time. Yes, sir. Hey, Bruce, are you good at pegboard? Are you good at pegboard? Are you good at pegboard?
Starting point is 01:51:30 Yes, I am. I am. Like really good? Really good. Like better than me good? I mean, I'll probably have to go out to California to test that. Maybe we should do a little. Can you do it? uh can you do it can you just do it like i have a pegboard in my
Starting point is 01:51:47 garage and i but it goes all the way to the ground so like i have to start on my knees i don't know if you can see the video but i have to start like this hey you got one outside oh he's got one up i do that's right that one is so hard these aren't pegboards. There's nowhere to put your feet is what I'm saying. You got to be like... Yeah. We can do 15... I imagine you're amazing. You look like a fucking...
Starting point is 01:52:14 What's that thing called that water comes out of? Fire hydrant. You're a little fire plug. I imagine you'd be fucking great at pegboard. I love a pegboard.board I love a pegboard Do you love a pegboard? Oh yeah I love I'm sure you love getting pegged
Starting point is 01:52:30 My mom's listening Motherfucker Hi Ms. Matosian Alright you're out I love you guys show's over Bruce Wayne ladies and gentlemen Making his debut on the show Go ahead Bruce say the last word
Starting point is 01:52:44 Goodnight everyone Thanks

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