The Sevan Podcast - #387 - Joey Harrell

Episode Date: May 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:01:06 It doesn't even make sense to me. I don't see any other podcasters using this like a janky arm like this. Or fidgeting with their fucking mic all the time. I guess I don't watch very many podcasts. Can you guys hear me? I'm using my inside voice. Someone told me I should do voice exercises before the show starts. I think our guest is coming on.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Mr. Good Eggs. Joey Harrell. You know what's going to be different about this show? I'm not prepared for it at all. I prepare for every single show, almost to a point of weirdness. Like it becomes all-consuming. And there's just not a lot to prepare with this guy. I wonder if he knows the show is live. How about the guy yesterday in his car? Did he know the show was live? Imagine if Sousa or Caleb
Starting point is 00:02:15 came on from their car. Hi, I'm working from my car today. That would be weird. Oh shit. I hope my phone is shit is all better. Were you guys on last night's show? And saw how jacked up the whole phone thing was. You guys got to see me be fake last night. That's really weird that I ever go on autopilot. Oh, wait, what? This is so weird. It says the show is live in two places.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Oh, I hope I didn't skip sketch did i send this guy the wrong link what's going on here hey is that true that uh something was leaked from the supreme court and like we know that there's going to be some sort of oh no it's only one place okay there's going to be some sort of change to row uh row row v wade wow last night shows viewing numbers are fucking huge i guess when you have justin madaris and miranda and julian on that shit rocks uh it sounds like what they're gonna do a shit woman what do i know i guess there's two big stories the big story is one how is the how is that released how is that leaked from the supreme court that's a little disappointing bad for morale and two uh what what exactly does it say are they basically
Starting point is 00:03:32 saying that the states are now going to uh have the choice to decide if abortion is legal or what the guidelines are for removing a you shouldn't call it abortion, removing a fertilized egg from a woman's body. Is that what that is? That's what the discussion is about? Someone help me with the exact wording on that. Your sister is the concept of a female, something with a vagina that came out of your mom's vagina. That's, I guess, the most elemental truth about the word sister. And so Roe v. Wade is the decision on whether a fertilized egg from a woman,
Starting point is 00:04:19 an egg that's been penetrated by sperm, can it be – can it be – I'm trying to say it without it being loaded. I just don't like all the, I was reading about it today in the New York Times, just a little blurb, and they're saying this could be a huge change for women's reproductive rights. And I just read that. I'm like, that's not true. That's, I mean, it's only like a tiny part of the story. It's only a tiny part of the story. To's only a tiny part of the story. To just call Roe v. Wade about women's productive rights, it's about baby's rights. It's about science.
Starting point is 00:04:51 It's about, I mean, it's so biased when you say it like that. It's dishonest. It's dishonest. I can only watch at work when I'm mowing the lawn or working out. One day I will be free enough to call in. No, you won't. There is not a better interviewer on the planet than Savon. Bless you, brother.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I wish I could say your name. M-B-B-N-V-E-N-U. I would return to the choice to the states. I would return the choice to the... Oh, because it used to be like that? You can be pro – you're using the word abortion. How would you be pro – you can be pro allowing people to remove a fertilized egg from a woman and be anti-Roe v. Wade. Yeah. RBG felt this way.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Oh, meaning, so you're saying that she knew that you should leave the choice to the states, that constitutionally it wasn't something that the federal government should be involved in? Wow, I sounded smart for a second. Abortion is a termination of pregnancy. So abortion, so what you're saying is abortion is a termination of pregnancy so abortion so what you're saying is abort uh uh abortion is the uh ending of the growth of a fertilized egg by sperm that's what abortion is it's it's it's stopping that progress somewhere along the line
Starting point is 00:06:20 i just want to give it definitions it needs to be so specific yes gives the power to the states to decide whether it's legal or not i wonder what it is in the constitution that makes that a um what what amendment or what element of federal law um crosses over its bounds by not allowing the states to decide that how about but there there was that thing in california that i was looking at it it kind of was nauseating to see that basically they weren't calling it um they were basically saying that they wanted to adjust women's rights and allow women to that that if their baby were to die it was either 10 days or seven days let's say seven if your baby were to die seven days after it came out of the womb and was out in the real world that
Starting point is 00:07:12 there would be no investigation into its death that is some trippy shit like why do you need a law like that i don't like that one so much i don't like that one so much. I don't like that one so much. Is Joey coming on? Joey Harrell? You guys want to see who the guest is? Who the guest was going to be? No, not this guy.
Starting point is 00:07:36 There's a couple different Joey Harrells. I showed you guys him last night. He's the guy that does the Peter Griffith. The family guy impersonations when I first found family guy they were in their 13th season I wonder what season they're in now let me see season is family oh so they're in season 20
Starting point is 00:08:02 oh no I had to have found them more than seven years ago i can't remember whenever i found them ah maybe maybe it was it was before i had all right before i had obby yeah maybe it was 13 seasons okay fine and um or after we didn't terminate obby we we Nate, Avi, we, we, we, my wife, um, I fertilized, I semen fertilized an egg inside of my wife and a baby grew. And then he came out. I'm probably not supposed to say this, but he came out, uh, three weeks late, which is illegal in the state of California. You're not allowed to have a home birth. You're not allowed to have a home birth. You're not allowed to have a home birth if the baby is more than two weeks late. Can you imagine? That's just batshit crazy laws on women.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Women are worried about – they say that they're worried about women's rights, but a woman can't have a baby. And having twins at home is illegal also. So you have to tell the world, oh, I didn't know I had twins. The hospitals are supposed to be the safe places he's a douche i think trevor noah is a douche bruce i think he's a bad person i think he's a i think he is uh um the uh the guardian of systemic racism. He insists systemic racism exists under the guise of fighting against it. He's basically, he's that guy who's, you know, the 20 guys who ride around on their horses in 1850 looking for the child molester in the town. He's the child molester riding with the pack so he doesn't get caught. You know what I mean? he's hiding with the people who are looking for the bad guy
Starting point is 00:09:45 he's that's what that's what all the woke people are doing that's what all the woke people are doing that's what they all do they are the racists that i'm starting to realize more and more what liberals do is they live in a class society because i see that with my my close loved ones they live in a class society they really feel sorry for people and they think that feeling sorry for people is okay but that's because they don't understand how the world works feeling sorry for people is what keeps them down and they don't care about the definition of words if they can make an emotional leap or some sort of intellectual retardation, they're okay with it.
Starting point is 00:10:27 So when I was a liberal, if someone would have said Barack Obama is a Muslim, I would have said that that's racist because I was racist and I would have had some correlation or connection or causation between black and Muslim and judging people by their color. But it's not racist at all. It's just a guess. It's just a, it's just a it's just a it's not racist to say barack obama wasn't born in the united states i mean i don't believe that i'm just saying to accuse someone of that you have to make um a leap that's that's clearly a fallacy that makes you stupid makes you less smart makes you less aware makes you jump to a conclusion makes you have an assumption make a presupposition none of that shit is real under the guise of like trying to be nice that's why it's such a it's such a crazy hedge oh look there he is
Starting point is 00:11:11 he's muted maybe i have the power to unmute him i do not have the power to unmute him look at that hair can you unmute yourself i think you have to click oh are you unmuted oh shit i still can't hear you what's going on here how about now Look at that hair. Can you unmute yourself? I think you have to click. Oh, are you unmuted? Oh, shit. I still can't hear you. What's going on here? How about now? No?
Starting point is 00:11:32 Hmm. I've never had this problem. Have we had this problem with the guest? Oh, okay. You're muted again. Maybe you have to choose a different mic. I don't have that capability on my end for you. All I can do is kick you out or change your name. Maybe I'll change your name while you're not looking to your Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Let me see. Have you seen the other Joey Harrell? Have you ever found him? Don't worry, I'll talk while you do that. Okay, I'm going to change your Instagram account to, I'm going to change your name to this. I'm going to tell you something. We're starting off on the wrong foot. No, not because I can't hear you, but because I have OCD and underscores drive me crazy. Some of my best friends have underscores in there. I hear you. You hear me? Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Does that sound okay? Yes. I appreciate you having an underscore so I can work on my OCD, my prejudice and discriminative views towards people who use an underscore. Why do you have an underscore, Joey? I think at the time that was, I think that was what I originally started with on Twitch, which is where this all began.
Starting point is 00:12:52 So I had an underscore, so I wanted to make it consistent. And now I got rid of the underscore on Twitch because I got a new username. Yeah. Yeah. You know. Can you just take it out on Instagram right there too? Could you just take it out on on Instagram right there, too? Could you just take it out?
Starting point is 00:13:07 I'm going to I'm going to try. I'm going to try. Yeah, for sure. I feel you, though. I don't like it either. I don't know why. What have you you could have just been like, fuck off. I like an underscore.
Starting point is 00:13:16 It reminds me of my mother who passed away a couple of years ago. I'd be like, yeah, that underscore is very sentimental to me. Yes. Oh, I'm better. Yeah, that happens is very sentimental to me. Uh-oh. I'm better. I'm 50. Sometimes it just goes down on accident. I get it.
Starting point is 00:13:30 I understand. Sometimes it just goes. Okay, I want to show you. This is not you, right? Let me see if I can pull this guy up. That's not me. I don't think so that's kind of buff there yeah it's very nice my name is joey yeah you don't know do you know who this guy is no idea
Starting point is 00:13:58 isn't it a trip that it's joey harrell voice studio yeah that is weird you know i've i have talked to one other joey harrell on the internet and it was not this guy so that's weird it's weird that he has to have a he him here but that's a whole nother but that's a whole nother as a whole nother subject but um you don't really look like him but you when i go through your instagram you have so many um you have so many looks yeah yeah there's there's definitely been a bit of an evolution over time huh yeah did you see the picture i chose of you um the one that's on youtube yeah it's like you with a cat yeah that's like mad old when i saw that i was kind of like interesting choice you know yeah i just like
Starting point is 00:14:52 the i just like the eyes yeah yeah i'm sure look at this this is your james dean phase this is um yeah eight years ago yeah i was uh started off getting a model when I was like 21. You have a switchblade probably in your pocket. Yes. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, that was totally what I had in my pocket for sure. Yeah, I went through a bit of a modeling phase there. I still like to take photos.
Starting point is 00:15:19 I'm a bit of a whore for the camera, if you will. But yeah, that was a while back. You've gone from like James Dean to Weird Al Yankovic. Yeah, kind of. I like to think more of like Blake from Workaholics. That's kind of more my vibe. Hold on. Let me see that.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Workaholics. Hey, do you know about Weird Al? Oh shit yeah i see it i see it yeah do you have a youtube station open i think i hear an echo um let me see okay thank you while i pull up blake here i was gonna run the speakers instead of putting on headphones so i might just turn down a bit here okay sorry no no you're good this is my bad let me turn my gain down a bit i think it's automatically adjusting my gain by chance so you you look thin a little bit thinner than this guy but but but i i do i do really see it yeah i love this dude he's hilarious he's got the name of the show workaholics yeah workaholics
Starting point is 00:16:26 yeah yep i don't know what station is it on um well i don't think they are still doing it um but when it came out i want to say maybe it was on like uh comedy central or something but no maybe it was i can't remember what it was premiered on but i wasn't watching it when it was coming out. You know what I mean? Like I've only caught episodes ever since they finished the show. I feel weird when I say stuff like that too.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Like what station was that on? Yeah, it sounds kind of old, low key. Yeah, it does, right? It's like I'm out of the loop. Like are there even stations anymore? Do kids, how old are you? I'm 28. I'll be 29 in July.
Starting point is 00:17:06 You're 28. Man, you look young. You good yeah thanks appreciate it i love baby face do 28 year olds say that like you don't you guys don't what do you guys say instead of station what station is he on or what channel oh i i don't know uh guys say what platform is he on is it yeah what streaming service you is it on you know is it on typically i probably would just name it like is that on netflix is that on hulu you know right that's probably the vibe just take a stab yeah exactly so about seven or eight oh damn we have an echo still maybe it's me it maybe i'm going i'm looking at all my youtube tabs that are open okay this one's open i'm closing you closing you yeah and i don't hear it anymore nope it's back okay um let's see we not
Starting point is 00:17:55 have it is it on hulu it's what people say. Joey looks like a pro skateboarder. Andy Anderson, show him your son's seven. Dude is insane. Okay. Well, I'll show Andy my show. Andy to my son.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Seven doesn't know a pop culture reference. Now, dude, I don't ever fucking leave this office. I just live here. I just put gel on my hair every 24 hours. Are we still getting an echo by the way? No, it's gone. Okay. Yeah gel on my hair every 24 hours. Are we still getting an echo, by the way? No, gone.
Starting point is 00:18:26 It's gone? Yeah, you're a boss. Sweet. Okay, so about seven or eight years ago, I was sitting at home, and somehow this show, Family Guy, came across my radar. I think they were on season 12 or 13, and I just purchased all of them from iTunes because that's what old people do, right? And I just started all of them from iTunes because that's what old people do, right? And I just started going through them. And of course, my favorite guy, I mean, I love everyone on the show.
Starting point is 00:18:50 It's kind of weird when you like all the characters. Of course, I just gravitated towards Quagmire. Yes. And there would be like 10 episodes in a row where he's not on and I want to fucking punch myself. But I just loved all the the giggity and i knew if he was on it was my sense of humor it was like do you know the show californication um i know of it i didn't really watch it it's um it's like quagmire's it's like
Starting point is 00:19:17 quagmire's dream life it's just just this guy just fucking in venice right yeah oh he's getting in trouble yeah constant horn dog yeah and he just smokes a lot of cigarettes and drinks and he's a just fucking in Venice, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Just getting in trouble. Yeah, constant horndog. Yeah, and he just smokes a lot of cigarettes and drinks, and he's a writer and just bangs hot chicks. He's the dude who accidentally bangs your daughter. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, you did it.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Oh, yeah. I try to do his voice sometimes, but it's not great. Can you do it for me? God, I'm trying, but my – I'm going to make sure my wave gain lock is on, because it keeps wanting to automatically adjust, and that's the problem I'm having. Okay, let's hear.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Peter. Hey, Peter. Hey, Lowe's looking pretty fantastic today. I'd like to get deep inside that. Giggity. How do you know that you can do these? I don't know. It's just kind of been something I've been able to do since I was young. I would admit I've always been kind of a bit of a parrot.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I just like to imitate stuff. And I like to test my voice. I kind of dream of being a voice actor someday. So, you know, that's that. I don't know, man. It's honestly a little bit of practice too you know just watch something i'll just kind of like test it as i'm watching it kind of annoy the crap out of my girlfriend you know okay so you're straight we got that checked off the list
Starting point is 00:20:36 yes i am straight he dropped it he has a girlfriend yep six years wow holy shit since you've been 22 well not quite that's not quite right um i think since 22 23 23 22 23 i don't know you know what i'm not good with math i'm a creative okay so don't don't hold me to that that's the the thing. I am living my, someone wrote, you're living your life through quagmire. I am 22. So when you meet a woman, when you're 22, all you care about is seeing her naked and laying around naked with her and shine with her. And now you're maturing into a man and you're like, you're finding other reasons to like her.
Starting point is 00:21:18 That's like, I mean, I've been with my wife since I've been like 20. She, she actually reminded me of that the other day. She's like, yeah, when I met you, like, that's like, that's like, you were just couldn't keep your hands off me. Yeah. I still kind of can't, but, but I mean, it's, it's toned down a little. Oh yeah. Yeah, for sure. I, I think definitely when you're in your early twenties, things definitely start off like, you know, obviously very physical. Um, but we also did like right off the rip, pretty much hang out almost like every day. So we're like best friends. You know what I mean? Does she do any stuff like you? Does she do any of this voice stuff?
Starting point is 00:21:51 She actually is. Uh, yeah, she's kind of a bit of a dork like I am and the fact that she loves to do voices as well. She does like, uh, her own Nicholas cage and, um, Oh shit. She likes to do that one chick. What's her name? Let me pull up a tab here. Hey, how fun. Yeah, it is a lot of fun. We're big old dorks when you put us together.
Starting point is 00:22:17 It's kind of ridiculous. What is Twitch? Tell me what the fuck Twitch is. Is Twitch YouTube? what the fuck twitch is is twitch youtube um twitch is a live stream platform um that pretty much allows people to stream whatever they want so um you can stream you know except for the sex stuff like you know we'll leave that to other websites but um but they get close though we'll get to that um but you can i heard you can't say the word you can't call someone a retard on twitch no oh no no no yeah yeah so they got rules there's censorship for sure you can't say the word, you can't call someone a retard on Twitch. No. Oh, no. You can't. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Yeah. So they got rules? There's censorship for sure. You can't even say, you can't say simp. Oh, yeah. What is a simp? I hear that word now more and more. Where did that word fucking come from?
Starting point is 00:22:56 I don't know where it came from, but I know that it's a product of the internet. So pretty much if I was like, you know, if you if you liked it or on a hand and foot for your wife and just constantly, you know, would do anything for her, like you would be simping for her. Like you're just kind of like another term would be like a soy boy, kind of. But a soy boy. Oh, yeah. And you can't do soy boy on Twitch either? Probably not. It's best to just, you know, follow the rules so you don't get banned.
Starting point is 00:23:27 You know what I mean? Simp is a slang insult for men who are seen as too attentive and submissive. I wonder what too attentive means. And submissive to women. Especially out of failed hope of winning some entitled attention or activity. Sexual attention or activity from it's weird that it might i'm getting i'm guessing just because of the crazy woke culture that there's some sort of well you know what's crazy is yesterday i posted something on instagram in my story showing showing the you know the
Starting point is 00:23:59 pregnant man emoji and i and i had him saying i had him saying something like stop misinformation yeah and i got fucking someone i got it got kicked off i got a ding on my account i got a little like you know what i mean like a warning from instagram i got my booty slapped it's fucking it's their fucking emoji it's it's the i know so it's silly man um that's the internet internet is like walking on eggshells anymore in some great i mean what's crazy about tiktok too is the guests i've had on from tiktok even the woke cats get kicked off of tiktok like on instagram i think it's only it's um it's more like uh the conservatives who get kicked off but on tiktok it's like they just blast everybody yeah do you fuck around over there on tiktok do what do you fuck around with tiktok it's like they just blast everybody yeah do you fuck around over there on tiktok do what
Starting point is 00:24:46 do you fuck around with tiktok do you fuck with tiktok yeah yeah that's actually where i've seen majority of my success um over the past couple months i wonder i can't fucking find you i'm on all the old people platforms i was searching everywhere for you this is the least prepared i've ever been for a podcast i'm like where the fuck is this guy also just a little heads up i'm a i'm a degen who vapes so don't judge me you're what i vape oh oh yeah hey let's we should talk i want to talk about that vaping do you do you um which which which vape do you use well typically not the one that i'm using today um the one that you normally use is like a pod system um but the pods that i need to buy for them are in back order um because they're just so
Starting point is 00:25:32 popping i guess i don't know supply chain issues yeah yeah i'm like i thought that was over you know i mean but um the joy harrell that popped up i don't see um do you have i would search mr good eggs okay if you search mr good eggs i should be the only one that's named mr good eggs because um yeah pretty sure when i look it up of course i spelled tiktok wrong let me see oh yeah there you are oh yeah So that's – is that where you hang out? Would you consider yourself a TikTok guy or a – holy shit. You have 45 million views over there. Are you a TikTok guy or an Instagram guy?
Starting point is 00:26:18 I'm a TikTok guy, but I'm also like – I would just say I'm a content creator. So I post – so right now I'm like in the short form category. So I post all my short form across all of the platforms. You know, I posted on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. I would say the majority are the main ones. And I'm just doing short form right now. But I do want to get into long form for YouTube because a lot of people have requested long form versions of my Peter Griffin stuff with gameplay for YouTube. So, um, but yeah, it's been crazy, man. Um, ever since I started doing the
Starting point is 00:26:50 voice stuff, like I was, I was sitting at like, so pretty much when I started doing this about a year and a half ago, I started off at 2000 probably followers on, on Tik TOK. Like that was after like putting in some work, um, cause Tik TOK is weird. You got to find the algorithm. Um, and so I gave up on it for a long time and I just did streaming. I was like, you know, I'm just going to stream cause I was doing a part-time and I just didn't have the streaming you did on Twitch, right? Hey, I should have had you stream this to your Twitch channel too. Cause we're on Twitch, but we never even get one viewer on Twitch, but we're streaming to Twitch. Yeah. Twitch is, um, one of those things where it takes a lot of, um, consistency and time to build up relationships with people.
Starting point is 00:27:30 You know, um, it's, it's a tricky, tricky place. There's zero discoverability on Twitch. Um, but yeah, so I, when I started doing this, um, I just decided I was just going to stream. And then when I, uh, decided to go full-time as a content creator, since I was laid off my job, I was like, well, I better make content again. So I got into this and over the past month, since like February, I've grown from 2000 to 87,000 on TikTok, which is pretty crazy growth because I know a lot of homies that have been doing this for a long time, um, for the past year, longer that are at 40 K. Um, so it's been, it's been crazy. So in two months you put on 80,000 followers basically. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:15 You know, we had, um, do you know who Justin Nunley is? Um, no, he's on tick. He's on tick tock. He he does the stuff like he'll show you like a girl dancing with big old titties for like two seconds and then he goes listen yeah yeah you know i'm talking about like that i've seen some stuff like that yeah um he just exploded on tiktok he was telling me something fucking crazy like like four million in three months people yeah i guess it's like what you i guess it's like what you, I guess it's like what you said. You just find the algorithm. Yeah. Yeah. You, um, there's, there's definitely some tricks to TikTok. I was fortunate enough to have some guys that are already pretty successful in TikTok
Starting point is 00:28:55 kind of like see me and say, you know, we like your content. Like we, we think that if we gave you a little bit of tips and help along the way we could blow you up. And they knew what they were talking about. And so it just, it really came down to how long the video was, um, how I edited it. Um, and, and like the quickness of it. So you got to think TikTok is like everyone's attention span is like two seconds, you know what I'm saying? So you got, you have like two to three seconds to pull someone into your video when they're scrolling. Um, and so that was kind of the key there. Um, and then to keep them interested, you got to keep it, you know, you got to keep cutting and you got to keep getting the scene changed up and you got to do it, you know, with graphics and change the, you know, put visuals on there for like all the wording and, you know, like the
Starting point is 00:29:37 captions and stuff. So it's a, it's a process, but we, we figured it out. So now it's just, you know, a matter of continuing to make content and growing over time. I think, you know, I'm going to play this one. And by the way, thanks for sharing all that. That was probably one of the best segments the show's ever had. Everyone go out and make a TikTok decision. Here we go. Here we go. Let's see. Hey, look at that. You did it. Oh my God. Hey, who the hell is Melly,
Starting point is 00:30:00 by the way? And why does she need to be free? is Melly, by the way? And why does he need to be free? This is what it's like to have Peter Griffin as your teammate. Oh my god. I believe that you can do it. Anything is possible if you just believe. Hey, look at that. You did it.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Oh my god. Hey, who the hell is Melly, by the way? Dude, it's so good. The best part is when they laugh. Yes. Oh, yeah. That's what you want. That's what you want right there is the reaction. I mean, at the end of the day, I'm just like, you know, obviously the Peter Griffin is fun to listen to, but it's even more fun to see people react to it, you know?
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah, it's like it kind of gives me permission to laugh. Okay, so you have to you have to unpack all this fucking shit for me so when i was when i was in college there was a um there was a game that came out and i think it was like one of the first first shooters game like was there a game called doom or uh-huh yeah yeah doom okay and then some of my friends vanished this is like in uh and they were even they were younger than me i was probably like five or ten years older than him like i was hanging around college way too long and uh and and they vanished and i'm like where's you know where's august and they're
Starting point is 00:31:16 like fucking august started playing doom and he's been in his room for three months i'm like what the fuck is doom and he's like it's a game where you carry a gun around and like you play with other people all around the world. So is that what this is right here? This is one of those games. Yeah, this is a, this is called Diddy war zone.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Um, what's it called? Diddy like P Diddy? No, called duty. Oh, call it like poopy, poopy duty.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Okay. Poopy duty. I'll do it. Okay. And I've heard of call of duty. That's been around. People say you've had to have heard of call duty.'re the most successful fps game in in the world fps first person shooter yes damn i'm getting schooled up okay let's go look at you yeah look at you yep
Starting point is 00:31:56 god i'm twice as old as you it's so weird hey you look fantastic though i like this uh i like this beard thing you got going. Thank you. I just kind of started fucking with that. Yeah. And I, and I, and I, and I crossed it like a maniac. I got a workout addiction. I love that. I love that. You know, I, I used to have a bit of workout addiction and then I got, um, addicted to content creation. Yes, yes. I know. Yeah. Yeah. I went through. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. We go through phases, right? I'm the most consistent, inconsistent workout guy, you know, I was yeah, yeah. Me too. We go through phases, right? I'm the most consistent, inconsistent workout guy. You know? I was in pretty decent shape a while back.
Starting point is 00:32:29 So you are on – so you play this game and then somehow – and are you playing it on your phone right here? No. No, no, no. Then why is it shaped – oh, that's shaped like that for TikTok? Yes. Okay. So you're playing and then you have some way of recording it.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yes. It's all through OBS open broadcast software okay and then you record it and then um everything else and then you know that you're gonna are you good at this game um i would say i'm above average yeah okay and are people does anyone ever get pissed at you like they think you're not they know you're just there to create content and like dude motherfucker like you just got us killed because you weren't you were fucking around with your voice and not like shooting dudes um i try to keep pretty decent gameplay while also doing the voice um okay but there are definitely guys that i will i will drop in with and i will immediately get the vibe that they are not going to be fun to play with because i'll do the voice and they'll either go silent or they'll be like man shut the fuck up you know and it's like and then i just at that point if they do
Starting point is 00:33:29 that then that's just a signal for me to start trolling so yeah i yeah that's fun i i because you know then i'm like dude you gotta lighten up so i got you know then i continue to poke at them and some of them break and then others just they just mute me so i like the one i like like okay so before we go into more detail when you talk about i'm trolling so this one this one's walking the fine line i like this one let me see if i can get the audio back on it what's going on oh no oh my god please don't oh my god oh you know i get dirty son of a you know, I get dirty. Son of a. You know that? Oh, my God. This guy says some disturbing things about Meg.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Meg is kind of cute. I don't know. You know, I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that. You want to see what I'm going to do to Meg? Oh, no. Oh, my God. Please don't. Oh, my God. Oh, so that like that could have gone sideways. Right're like okay we're gonna walk the fine line
Starting point is 00:34:27 here he could be pissed or that so you could play the bit there there's a bit of a funny like story behind that one particularly so when i want to get content i drop in with randos right that's what this that's what like a classic talk is like i'm gonna drop in with randos which just means i'm not gonna go with my team normally i have a team um but when i'm looking for content i want to drop in and find random people and get a random team and what does that mean you turn your computer on and it says do you want to join people who are playing call of duty you say yes and bam you just land in this other metaverse with them um essentially yeah it's like you just you either invite your friends and you
Starting point is 00:35:05 have your four squad of guys to go play the game with or you know you just don't squad up and you just click a button that just says fill and that just fills your team with when you when you say invite your friends do they already have to be on playstation or xbox or will it actually send them a text and be like yo fuck nuts i'm getting I'm getting on. No, they have to be on already. Okay. Okay. Okay. And I, I play on PC, but this is a multi what they call a cross platform. So people on PlayStation, Xbox can all play together with PC users as well. So, wow. Okay. Sorry. I'm going to keep interrupting your story. I got a million fucking questions. So go on. So you drop in with randos. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Randos I'm learning terms too. Okay. Yep. And this particular situation this guy named max force you can kind of see his name on the bottom there um that's who the guy that i'm um i'm actually spectating at this point so currently in the game i was dead so i was just spectating him and he was just fucking with me because i'm watching him play um and so he he's actually a guy that I've met before in the content space. Um, and we actually know of each other. Um, and I just randomly matched with him that night out of millions of people. So that was kind of funny. Um, and so then at that point I was like, well, we can just see if we get content.
Starting point is 00:36:19 And he ended up playing along really well and just like, you know, pretty much act like I didn't really know him you know what i mean and just right leaned into it which was fantastic yes well said leaned into it i love it yeah okay so and then so then you cut in post you put yourself up there like using adobe premiere or final cut pro you put yourself up there um yeah so uh so when i'm when i'm streaming or on uh on obs whatever um i i can download the vod which is just the um the the recorded video of the stream right like you know just like i'm sure youtube does the same kind of thing you know i just go back and i can download the vod or i can record everything through my obs and so i go in I drop it into Premiere. I mask out my webcam, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:07 cause I usually have a face cam off to the right. And then I put that on top and then I put the gameplay underneath. So yeah, it's a bunch of layers and shit, but yeah, it's all in Adobe Premiere. And then do you have just a bunch of still pictures ahead of time? You're like, okay, I'm going to build
Starting point is 00:37:23 this sort of portfolio family guy people. And like, you're like, and you have those a bunch of still pictures you, you ahead of time, you're like, okay, I'm going to build this sort of portfolio family guy, people like you have in like, you're like, and you have those laid out maybe over here and clips somewhere. Yeah, pretty much. I've collected them over time. I still go and look for certain ones though, if I, if I need to try to find a certain emotion, but it's not always there. It's kind of hard to find those. Cause I literally just Google like Petereter griffin transparent on google
Starting point is 00:37:45 for a png um and it will pull a bunch of random images so and then that writing do you have to type in every single word and make every cut there yeah oh my god yeah it's not too bad yeah you get you get you get quick with it you know you kind find the process. But it does get mad annoying sometimes. Yeah. And then even the thing when you write in, one of the nuances here, I don't know if nuance is the right word. It's explicit. But when you put in evil chuckle, it's so good. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:38:16 And it's like nothing, but it's so good. Thanks. Yeah, I try to find those little moments where I can maybe add to it with a little bit of editing or spell it out goofy. Like whenever I say God, I just put a W there instead of just G-O-D. Yeah. Because it's always like Peter's just like, oh, my God. It's like such a drawn out God. Let's hear one more time.
Starting point is 00:38:43 You know what? Yeah, daddy daddy son of a you know that oh my god my personal favorite one is is probably let's see here scroll down real quick
Starting point is 00:38:56 I would say that one of my personal favorite ones is actually you know what go back up I'm so sorry that's okay we got all the time in the world they're so good are there a lot of people who do this a family guy voice impersonations because you get accused of using a voice changer is that when i heard someone accuse you of them like that's fucking ridiculous um yeah i get it all the time and what would a voice changer be what would that even be that's what i said like i'm like dude find me a voice changer that can make your voice sound like peter griffin please let me know where that's at do
Starting point is 00:39:34 voice changers really exist is there i mean besides the ones that like there's i mean there's voice changers for sure but they usually are like you know sound like darth vader you know yeah like to mask your voice like that f FBI shit. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Like, but there's not really like a voice changer that makes you sound like a specific, like,
Starting point is 00:39:50 like character that doesn't use a voice changer to sound like that. If that makes sense. Right. Right. Right. You should get a voice changer and talk like Peter Griffin. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I'll, I'll, I'll start selling a, a bullshit voice changer that makes it sound like Peter Griffin. That's another good idea. You were floating over it. You were floating over it sound like Peter Griffin. That's another good idea. You were floating over it, by the way. It's the LOL, the reaction at the end. Down one and then over to the right.
Starting point is 00:40:13 That one. Yeah. Okay. That's probably my favorite ones. Are you going to leave me here to bleed out or are you going to save my life? Hey, Joe, I see you up there. Come here, daddy. Look at this fat ass.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Ready for slapping. You don't by chance have any extra plates, do you? I do. I'll double one, double one, one, two, three. Oh, my God. Look at you. You can count. These guys love my Peter.
Starting point is 00:40:36 You guys going to leave me here to bleed out? Are you going to save my life? Hey, Joe, I see you up there. Come here, daddy. Oh, my goodness. Ready for slapping. Hey, are you a Family Guy fan? Yeah, yeah, I see you up there. Come here, daddy. Oh, my goodness. Ready for slapping. Hey, are you a Family Guy fan? Yeah, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:40:49 I'm not one of those guys who's seen every single episode. But, yeah, I really, really love what they've done with that show. Yeah. I think it's a very unique show in the fact that they managed to make fun of everyone equally. And everyone can laugh at it still yeah you know nowadays is um a hard thing to come by you know i mean so yeah they and us i don't watch i don't watch them anymore i haven't watched a family guy in years but i remember they used to drill everyone and i was never really a south park fan for some reason
Starting point is 00:41:22 i just couldn't get past the animation but anything i ever watched by them i liked i was like wow and they fuck people up oh man do they yeah i'm not a big big south park guy um it's one of those shows where if i do watch it i can watch it in like one episode at a time and then i'm good right it's very it's it's a lot all at all at once you know um especially with the voices they're very very, very like, you know, they're intentionally annoying. But you know what I mean? Mike, you sound old. You sound like a 50 year old. You can only do one episode.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Oh, yeah. OK, OK. Not like you sound old, but you sound old. I know it's the kind of shit my parents used to say to me when I was a kid. I'd be playing fucking Atari and it's just these two boxes shooting bullets at each other. Combat. I don't know if you've ever seen that game. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Be like, why are you playing such a violent game? I'm like, what? Like, could you imagine now? Yes. Golly. They would completely freak out. Oh, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:19 The graphics are insane now. Where are you? What city are you in? I'm in. I'm in wichita kansas okay and are you born and raised there yes and are you are you um what's it like there's are you in the country like is is it like footloose that movie no um so wichita is the second largest city in kansas um obviously kansas city is the largest um which is kind of where there's two kansas cities right isn't kansas city on the border and there's two of them yes yeah there's kansas city in missouri kansas city in kansas that's what right down the middle um but yeah which sounds like uh we call it like a little
Starting point is 00:43:01 big town um it's definitely much like definitely a city though and the fact that there's like an east the west south and north side you know and there's uh there's you know suburbs there's you know the suburb type of areas where there's grocery stores and stuff and then you got the downtown area with you know um skyscrapers are we don't have much of a downtown when it comes to like tall buildings but it's kind of got that almost like um it's like a good place for like a hipster almost kind of vibe um but yeah it's it's it's it's not bad we don't we don't live in the country by any means um it's affordable oh it's very affordable oh yeah yeah um i know i know a few people have moved here from california to
Starting point is 00:43:46 escape from the cost of living um and then i definitely i i know we had a uh what was it it was like some kind of tech company that pretty much decided to start station like stationed in wichita um that came out of um what's it called? The Valley? Silicon Valley, yep. Yeah. And they decided to post up here in Wichita because of the cost. And what they needed to do was not, they didn't need to be in California to be successful. So they just bought a building in Wichita instead. Yeah, Portland used to be that place. I'm in California. I'm just south.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I'm just like, I'm 17 miles away from the epicenter of like Facebook, Apple, all that shit. I'm in a small beach town called Santa Cruz. Yeah, Santa Cruz. Nice. And a ton of people left here and were headed towards Portland, let's say, 10 or 15 years ago. Now that place has just turned into a complete shithole, not because of the people who moved there, but just they just – California and Portland, I don't know how kansas is but they just don't have any laws now protecting the people in their property and so it's turned into fucking chaos it's kind of like a zombie movie not exactly where i live but there's portions you know what i mean like the laws that you can steal up to 950 and not go to jail and
Starting point is 00:44:58 like you can't run a small business if you got fucking like heroin addicts running into your shit it's still i've heard horror stories yeah it's weird this and like squat addicts running into your shit. I've heard horror stories. Yeah, it's weird. And like squatting and shit. Yeah, tons of that. All that shit. Yeah, I have some houses and like you cannot leave a house open. Someone will, even in a nice neighborhood, someone will come move in. And they won't take action.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Like there's nothing you can do unless you like decide to fuck them up yourselves and just take care of business, I guess. Yeah, you got to send them to the agency. I feel like I would, I feel like I would lose patience in that situation. Yes. Good. I'm glad to hear that. You know what I'm saying? Like I, like it's like, how are you going to decide that my property that I've worked my ass off to own and to be here is now yours? No, that's not, no, I wouldn't stand for that. It's your time, right? It's your life.
Starting point is 00:45:45 It's your time. Yeah, dude. Life's hard for everyone. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's, it's, you, you don't get to just take some shit from someone because you decide you want it. And that's, that's not how anything works. How old were you when you first got a cell phone?
Starting point is 00:46:01 Um, I would say that I was like 17 and i bought my own go phone okay and so at that time it was like flip phones and stuff you know it was like pretty pretty low technology still um and so i just i just had a flip phone that i bought from walmart and i would just buy minutes for it i wouldn't even text on it you know it was just to be able to call my buddies and are my parents at the time, you know, and now kids are getting phones like at 12, right? 13. Yeah. It's, it's, it's kind of crazy. It made me happy to hear you say you're 17. Why didn't your parents get you a phone? Um, because they didn't think that it was necessary. Um, and then I kind of convinced them to let me buy my own. I said, what if I buy it and I take care of it with my own money? Like, we don't care.
Starting point is 00:46:46 I'm like, well, okay. So, you know, in their eyes, they just had to kind of see that it was going to be good to at least have it to keep communication with me since I started driving. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's good parenting. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:58 I had great parents. Do you still live at home? No. No, no. No? Why'd you move out? Well, I waited a little bit longer than I would say most people did. I moved out at 25.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Were you kicked out or you moved out? I moved out. I moved out. Okay. Yeah. I chose to because I had gotten pretty, I guess, financially stable at that point. I had a pretty decent job. And so I just decided it was time to spread my wings and fly.
Starting point is 00:47:30 And so I decided to move out. Also at the time, I was dating Hannah, my girlfriend. And so I was like, well, it'd just be nice to kind of get out of there and have my own space and be able to kind of do whatever I want. Yeah, I was kicked out of my house kind of do whatever I want, you know? Yeah. I was kicked out of my house the first time when I was 16. Really? I'm trying to remember exactly what it was for. I think my mom wanted me to get straight A's and I was getting like straight D's.
Starting point is 00:47:54 And they kicked you out of the house? Yeah. And she's like, I think one day she got, I called her at work and she was pissed. And she goes, when I come home, don't be there. Holy shit, that's hard as hell. Yeah, my mom's hard. And I was like, all right. That's hard as hell. Yeah, my mom's hard. And I was like, all right, fuck you then. So I went to a friend's house for two weeks.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And then my dad. Were you a bit of a shit as a teenager? I don't think so. I mean, I don't think so. But my mom said at 13 when I started, I mean, these are my words, not hers. When I was 13 and started producing testosterone, I just turned into an asshole. She said I was the greatest kid in the world. and then all of a sudden one day I wasn't. Yeah, that's pretty typical, I would say.
Starting point is 00:48:31 And my parents put a premium on grades. Did your parents put a premium on grades? I would say to a point. They were understanding about certain things. They knew that I was complete ass at math, and I always have been um that's just not the way my brain works you know straight these nuts these fucking guys oh shit no that's exactly my twitch chat looks like um but yeah they would you know they would definitely not let me like fail you know i mean um but like i would say i was allowed to have like a c in math
Starting point is 00:49:06 but for the most part i was expected at least have b's i should have been i should have been pulled out of school and like given a task like hey climb mount everest and at the top there there's a playboy magazine waiting for you yeah there you go fucking and i'd have fucking climbed up there like in record time i'd have set some sort of record. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
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Starting point is 00:50:22 First Armenian teenager to be on top of Everestest in 12 hours yeah like they i just this school just wasn't for me i needed a different i mean i was capable and i had interest and i had focus but like it was like it was like when i went to class i just wanted to do bad shit to the teacher and i mean when i mean bad shit to the teacher i mean like like take their cookies out of their lunch and put take out the cream and put in uh toothpaste yes you were mischievous definitely a bit of a shit yeah mischievous yeah break into the nurse's office get all the tampons squirt taco sauce on them and then start laying them around campus wow that yeah that's um but it's not violent or it's not no you weren't no no no it's a harmless prank but at the end of the day like that was not me at all i was very much like like um
Starting point is 00:51:05 if you want to say like i lived under a rock some people would say because i was i was raised in actually a private christian school from second to 12th wow yeah literally like i graduate with people that i've been going to school with my entire life and our graduating class was like 57 people. Wow. I was a creative, and I was preoccupied with girls. So there was obviously some sort of weird cross. Yeah, I get that. I totally get that. So did you rebel going to a Christian school? Not really, no.
Starting point is 00:51:38 No? No. I just kind of like – I wouldn't say I rebelled. I mean I like to have fun, but I still obeyed my parents in the school. You know what I mean? I think I was just smart about my rebellion if I did rebel at all, which was just maybe like go out and do some dumb shit on the weekend with my friends. But you know what I mean? I didn't really take it to school with me. I would just kind of just be pretty chill at school but but even afterwards i'm talking about
Starting point is 00:52:08 in life like if you were if you were raised i want to think of race christian i think of race conservative then all of a sudden maybe like you flip the script you're like okay i'm gonna get 30 women pregnant and they're all gonna have abortions like just like fucking pay like payback for the man like fuck you for putting your thumb on me for 10 years no no i can't I can't masturbate. Well, now I'm going to masturbate in public. Yeah, no, I definitely didn't go off the rails by any means. I would say that I, you know, I definitely strayed a little bit away from my kind of mundane type of lifestyle. I would, you know, I started smoking weed, you know, and drinking a little bit, you know, but I i've never i've never ever really been that crazy of a guy you know i'm saying like i've never had the desire to go off the rails and be some
Starting point is 00:52:51 rebellious crazy ass you know and and now so so so you you graduate from high school and you and you get it you got a job that you said it's pretty good and now you're trying to like parlay into your own sort of media company you you want to be independent. You want to create stuff and use the platforms that are out there to generate revenue. And then also you would do voiceovers for other people also. I mean, the hope is to do voice acting in the future. It's just about like finding the right person to get connected with in that industry. Um, and I'm hoping maybe someday someone sees my videos and is like, Hey, you know, have you thought about doing voice acting?
Starting point is 00:53:33 And then at that point, you know, we'll see what that, how that works out. Um, I'll show you, are you doing reels on Facebook? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I let Instagram like take him to facebook you know with that little setting or whatever um but i did start up my own facebook page recently um just because i figured why the hell not it's another venue i'm gonna show you this this okay here's the guys oh shit he has 4.6 million followers now i'm doing i'm gonna do another show with this
Starting point is 00:54:06 this guy is so freaking cool i'm doing another show you know what's crazy is when people do like when we do cross promotions like this like i just found you on instagram and um i always wonder what the implications are in the beginning i always thought that it would grow my accounts faster than they really would and it really doesn't have immediate effect i think it's like a slow trickle right like i don't think you come on here and all of a sudden 20 000 of my fucking followers jump on to you or vice versa 20 000 your followers jump on to me but i do think there's a trickle effect but this guy when i see people who are this huge like this and i invited him onto my show and he came on and we shot the shit and um and then uh and then um this this friday and then i react uh and i have ufc fighters on my show too
Starting point is 00:54:52 pretty regularly and so i asked him i said hey will you come on my show with the ufc fighter and we just do a prediction for the um for the ufc 274 that's this weekend do you watch fighting i do i don't keep up with it, though. But I do really enjoy it. I love watching it. Yeah, something's wrong with you. Same thing that's wrong with me. It's fascinating.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I mean, those guys are, you know, I mean, they're the gladiators of the day, you know? I wonder if, can Peter Griffith say, you got knocked the fuck out? Do you remember that line from Friday say you got knocked the fuck out? Do you remember that line from a Friday? You got knocked the fuck out. Um, oh my God, you got knocked the fuck out there, buddy.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Yeah. Uh, my, one of my producers knew you were coming on the show and he, shit, I'm doing too many things at once now. Okay. Let's, let's finish here here and then I want to show you I want to show you something so so this is the guy I haven't I haven't watched this one this looks like it was just posted
Starting point is 00:55:52 whatever I guess recently let's see what he's doing here let's see right here ready to be squeezed I mean we just went to sea we really are squeezers I mean if you're built different
Starting point is 00:56:12 you should be able to do it I guess I'm built different like raw egg is like tough to get out too crystal did always say she liked the eggs oh no what did you want okay let's see let's see uh i like the ones with when it's got like dicks in it and stuff like here we just today the reminder that the internet has broken us all listen did you know that the real name for a hashtag is octothorpe now you do so we live in this crazy world where like i can just reach out to you and be like hey do you want to come on my show we would have never met we're totally different age demographic you're fucking 20 26 you said or 28 28 28 um like like i'm like i'm at the park you know like like fighting with parents who like are putting masks on their kids i'm like hey don't
Starting point is 00:57:17 fuck take the mask off and you're like with your girlfriend being like hey let's create some fucking content over here and do a tiktok dance i we're just like – and yet we can come on here and we can shoot the shit. And then – and so basically this guy is then nice enough to then – I asked him this weekend, hey, will you come on my show again and we just shoot the shit about the UFC. That show is going to do horrible. No one is going to watch me and him and a UFC fighter talk about the UFC. There's already people who are established in that space. But people will just do it. It's such a UFC fighter talk about UFC. There's already people who are established in that space. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:45 But people will just do it. It's such a fun time to be alive. It is. That's I mean, that's that's the biggest reason why I like streaming. You know, I didn't even know I was going to be streaming, you know, two years ago because I started in started in the during the COVID pandemic. It October 2020. And I was just like bored, you know, and I was like, man, I'm going to be at home. I've always wanted to buy a nice PC setup. You know, I've always wanted to have a nice gaming
Starting point is 00:58:09 rig. Why not try streaming too? So I just said, fuck it. And I full sent it. And next thing you know, I'm like, I have this community of amazing people around me that support me and want to talk to me daily. And, you know, I get to positively influence their lives and like, you know, I get to make an impact on them. I get to be there for them in tough times, which, you know, sometimes mentally can be draining occasionally. But for the most part, it's always a blessing. You know, it's an insane, insane thing. I kind of sit back and think about that often. Like, for instance, this past weekend, I don't know if you knew this or not, but I did a 48 hour stream.
Starting point is 00:58:44 I didn't know that before. Before you not, but I did a 48 hour stream. I didn't know that before. Before you tell me about that. So this is Twitch. I don't know if I've ever. Yeah, this is Twitch. OK. And then up here in the search, I just type in Mr. Good Eggs. OK, Mr. Good. All one word. Yeah. No spaces, but it should pull up. Oh, okay. And I had another Twitch guy on. Okay, so this is your Twitch station. That's it. Oh, this is crazy. So it is YouTube, but it's almost all gaming videos.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Yeah, so they were the first to do it. They were the founders of live streaming, per se. And then YouTube kind of decided to follow up with their YouTube gaming channel of live streaming and stuff, too. And so, yeah, it's grown a lot over the years. It's been probably over the past i would say three years the growth on this on twitch has been absurd um but you know you got guys like up there in the top left corner like xqc right like he he just recently broke his concurrent viewership like his average concurrent or like uh i guess most views in a live stream was 330 000
Starting point is 01:00:02 people holy shit and you know who that is you recognize that yeah xqc is the most successful live streaming dude in the world he he makes um like he's millions and millions of dollars every month or yeah or so and so if i clicked on this right now i would see him playing a game you'll get ad first, and then you'll see him probably either chatting with the viewers, watching videos, or playing a game. Okay, and here's the ad. Can you guys hear this? Can you hear it playing? Yeah, I can hear it. That's right. Just breathe.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Yeah, so it's pretty wild. The subs are $5 a sub. If you're not a partner... Wait, what does that mean? What does that subs are $5 a sub. If you're not a partner. Wait, what does that mean? What does that mean, $5 a sub? So when you subscribe to a channel, you get ad previewing. You get their emotes because everyone has emotes, which you can use in the chat. And then you – yeah, that's pretty much just a way to support your favorite creator.
Starting point is 01:01:04 And so you can also gift subs um but they're five dollars a pop and so if you're not a partner with twitch i'm an affiliate which most people are affiliate but he's a partner he's got the purple check mark on it um you get uh it depends there's contracts but you get maybe like you know 60 like you get maybe like, you know, 60, like you get 60, they Twitch takes 40, but as an affiliate, you get 50, 50 split. So, um, if you know, $5 should I get two 50 of that? Um, you know, like this guy right here probably, he probably has like 80,000 subs right now, if not more. Um, so do the math there. That's kind of crazy, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:41 That's 40, 400,000 a month right there. It's, and then you're, and then that's not even to mention month right there it's and then you're and then that's not even to mention all the bits he's getting um so if you like you know bits are just uh one bit is a cent so if someone gives you a thousand bits you know it's 10 bucks that's ten dollars um so right now it looks like he's i'm going to turn this on for a second so this is just he's in someone rich dude's house in cribs or in a gym. Yeah, he's just watching a video. Yeah, this is what he does a lot and reacts to it.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Oh, he's watching a video. He's not even talking to that guy in real time. No, there's a lot of people just will watch YouTube videos and just hang out with chat and they'll talk about it. No shit. Hey, this dude needs to go to the fucking gym. XQC is him. He's a pinner. and they'll talk about it no shit hey this dude needs to go to the fucking gym xqc is um he's the most dedicated streamer like ever like he literally spends like like almost his entire life on twitch it feels like um but i mean is that the way to do it he likes it this is what he chooses to do and he's been extremely successful i mean to be
Starting point is 01:02:46 fair though i mean if you found out that you're gonna make you know millions of dollars a year just streaming you probably would do it a lot too yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know i mean yeah he's he's a nut though like he's um he's one of those guys where you either hate him or you like him i'm i'm indifferent you know respect his grind, but he's – I respect his grind too. I don't even know him. It's crazy. Yeah, he's got a crazy grind about him.
Starting point is 01:03:12 He definitely puts in work, but he's definitely a unique personality. He's kind of just an internet troll as a person constantly. Like going after other people, making fun of people talking to smack um he talks some smack for sure um yeah he's got a unique personality but he's definitely a badass when it comes to the streaming world and what's this 44 up here new that is prime loot so this is all you know amazon owns twitch so this is all jeff bezos wow and so you can connect your amazon prime and when you get amazon prime you get one free sub a month so you get one free sub to give to your favorite content creator um and then you also have prime loot so
Starting point is 01:03:55 they'll do drops is what they call them and it's like you get different um loot for different games so like if you watch someone who's playing overwatch for instance and overwatch is a video game it's an fps shooter if you watch them you can claim a drop which is like a free loot box and the loot box and game can give you a new skin for your character or something like that holy shit you completely lost me yeah i figured we're streaming now to twitch so i must i have a twitch station should i give it some love or does like no one cares about a 50 year old guy talking about fucking abortion rights on twitch hmm i would say that there's definitely there's definitely like uh a spot for you on twitch spot for everyone on twitch uh i. You made me feel better.
Starting point is 01:04:45 I kind of believe you. No, for real. Like if you just like start promoting your Twitch though and you stream consistently, even if you didn't stream a podcast, you just hop on there and just did just chatting and just like hung out and just see who pops in and just talk about whatever.
Starting point is 01:05:03 If you like talking to yourself for a little while you know i can have people live people call into like i got this phone number i can put up here and people will just start calling in it's kind of cool yeah heck yeah that's you seem like that's fun like i think you would do great on twitch um like financially i know that people are typically more uh successful on Twitch financially. So like right now, Twitch is my main source of income. Why not do it simultaneously? Why not do it simultaneously? Can you?
Starting point is 01:05:32 Like right now I'm on Twitch and YouTube. You could have streamed this on your own Twitch, right? Like when I go on with some guests, they stream it to their YouTube while I'm streaming it to my YouTube. Yeah, yeah, I could have. Yeah, for sure. What's the etiquette on that? Like the first time someone did that to me, they didn't ask.
Starting point is 01:05:49 And I was kind of, I was like, I don't want to say I was offended, but like I jumped back, but then I actually, I was like, fuck that. That's actually good for me. That would have been, I think it's, yeah, I think it's just depends on your opinion on it. I just figured this would be a good chance for me just to be able to like relax and not worry about being the host host of something you know i'm saying like i just totally i totally because i like i said i just i just did a sub with them dude i was literally live for 48 hours over the weekend i started on friday at 9 30 and i ended on sunday at 9 30 in the morning holy shit why did you do that um to so i do you do it every once in a while last one i did did was back in October when I celebrated a year of streaming. And this time I was just celebrating being a full-time concert creator
Starting point is 01:06:30 since that started up in February. And it's just a way to encourage people to sub, to kind of maybe get the subs up a bit if you need a little bit of that financial help. Sub means subscriber. So when someone subscribes to your twitch channel you get a one time five dollars from twitch uh yeah i get 250 they get they get 50 okay but when someone subscribes to you it doesn't cost them five dollars yes it does oh shit yeah you have your you have your credit card and like tied into your account so all of those followers you have are subscribers that all those people all of them oh no no right now um and and when they do
Starting point is 01:07:12 subscribe what what so sorry i'm you probably said this already what do they get you're fine when they subscribe they get a few different things um so you get app reviewing which is the most important thing because ads are okay and then you get emotes so um you know like i have my own little emotes that i have for my channel that are like egg related or you know a little cartoon version of myself right so like youtube has those you know those yeah um then you got bit then you got a channel points so you get more channel points collected and channel points are just like fun little things. So like if I go to my channel points, um, I can use my channel points to do different things, like highlight my message. I can play a sound alert that says like,
Starting point is 01:07:54 Hey Peter, you know, kind of like a Joe Swanson or I can do, um, different things. So you get, you get a few different things, but the main thing is ad reviewing and you're supporting your creator, right? Cause at the end of the day, we're doing this for free. Um, so it's a way to support the person that's making content that you're enjoying. So, uh, and then it's just one time, $5 and you're subscribed for life. No, it's monthly. Okay. Wow. Okay. So if you subscribe to 10 people that shit ain't cheap that shit adds up yeah for sure for sure you know wow that's fucking amazing and yeah it's pretty cool i'm clicking you were kind of asking about followers so like i have 3566 followers but i have 708 subscribers right now okay i'm gonna go to um i just i just hit the login button so i'm logged in i'm gonna go to the seven podcast and see if this is streaming on twitch uh i don't
Starting point is 01:08:55 know i don't see no i don't even see i don't see anything you're probably you're probably not you probably know if you were it says um it says onard here when I look up, it says I'm streaming on Twitch right now. And I'm logged into the Sevan Podcast station. But I don't see anywhere to check it. Let's see if I go to the Sevan Podcast. Oh, you are live. I am. You are live.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Here, I'll follow you. see if you get a notification you probably don't have i don't know do you put a lot of love into it is there a notification alert no i don't know i've never even been here but there's one viewer on it oh shit there we are and the fucking picture looks great holy shit yeah okay i saw it yep see like that's one of my emotes or you got my face you know well shit getting schooled up on twitter no twitcher twitcher twitch twitcher i get a mix up too it's all good i i say twitter twitch tiktok like come on man there's so many it's crazy i want i wonder if maybe the way to do it is is only to stream to twitch and force my whole fucking crew over there yeah oh hey look that's my buddy pancake he's here pancakes watching pancake is my pancake house here is my like go-to dude for like playing video games he's always
Starting point is 01:10:23 he's always there to to support love that dude fucking a hi pancake what's up mr cake pancake crazy yeah it is crazy huh it's a lot of fun though um you should come through the twitch sometime when i'm when i'm live I'll probably love today at some point, but yeah, I need to see it hang out. You might be able to like, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:49 learn a few things, you know, from me. I mean, I don't, you know, I don't want to be that guy, but you know,
Starting point is 01:10:53 I could probably, yeah, I need that guy. I need to be, I need to be, I need to be taught a couple of things. Yeah. Paper street coffee.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Yeah. Oh, and you're on Twitch watching from twitch too holy shit okay so now let's go now i can see some twitch comments coming in okay hey that's awesome so the guy nunley is on is on reels right justin nunley and uh he just started going over there and facebook is rewarding him so handsomely. And his fucking clips are tiny. They're like 16 seconds each.
Starting point is 01:11:28 And the money that he was telling me he's making fucking exploded in my head. Yeah. I mean, it's like real, real, real, real money. Like, I guess, I guess Facebook's trying to compete with reels over with TikTok. And that's why it's happening like that. They're tossing out so much cash. Yeah. tiktok and that's why it's happening like that they're tossing out so much cash yeah i'm i'm um i'm not exactly sure how to get the facebook thing going um like i said i made my own page
Starting point is 01:11:52 i've been posting like scheduling the content i need to schedule again for this week um since i had all this content i've built up i hadn't posted at all to facebook so i just scheduled it out for like the past two weeks um and there's not really a whole lot of growth on it so far. So I'm not really exactly sure how Facebook works. Um, but I know that on Instagram, obviously you can get a creator bonus. Um, but you have to be invited to it, which is, yeah, yeah. He was invited to it. Yes, sir. Yeah. I forgot about that. like dude like i've over the past two months you know like i've had like millions of impressions and the the every real i mean every video put out you know it gets over 10k views so i'm just like waiting for the day that facebook like instagram is like hey can we pay you for this like i don't know why it hasn't happened yet i'm like dude come on right right yeah ready you know what i mean like okay uh one of my producers cut this clip last night and sent it to me and i said what am i doing here and he said i think you're impersonating peter griffith so let's listen why am i living rent free in your head
Starting point is 01:12:52 kind of sounds like it yeah yeah why am i living rent free in your head that's kind of sound like peter it's all i got i like it i like it's very good it's all i got pancake pancake pancake huts so is that is that is that picture of him down at the bottom and that is that supposed to be him is that like a cartoon version of him no that is that is a classic um that's a twitch emote so twitch has its own emotes that are like free to everyone for everyone to use so that one right there is lol now this is a whole nother thing to get into okay um but twitch has had these emotes for a long time and they've they've established them as like the standard for a lot of their emotes and
Starting point is 01:13:46 so you got lol and you got one called like kek kek w and it's it's it's this weird acronym initials lism type of shit that essentially just means an emote so um like you can do emotes and lols and keks but you can't do simpson retards right okay i'm learning what a culture what a fucking cool who owns twitch you said amazon owns twitch amazon owns twitch but it was not started by amazon yeah they own everything uh so we're no i don't know what we're doing either we're taking over either way it doesn't fucking matter but but but we have mr uh joey harrell mr good eggs um did i pronounce your last name right it's it's harrell harrell we have joey harrell it's like harrell but
Starting point is 01:14:31 harrell you know we have joey harrell mr good eggs from twitch uh schooling us today a bit yeah bringing up our uh iq yeah i don't know i don't know about iq but you know i don't know i don't know about iq but you know seven is like crossfit moving away from his yes yes i'm moving i mean i'm moving away i'm not moving away from my base i'm just trying to fucking grow and fucking make more just yeah branch out put those feelers out you know connor does am i doing that right the money thing yeah i think so I think that's it. Pretty close. Yeah, it's a weird place for sure. That's sick that dude's making a ton of money off of Facebook, though. I would love to get paid for my content, but the only payment I've gotten so far is from TikTok, and it's not good. Are you working? Do you have a day job too? No, right now, okay, so a little rundown on that. I worked as a graphic designer professionally for the past seven years.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Okay. And I lost my job in February. And like I said, I was streaming part-time for like a year before that happened. A year and like a month or two. And so I decided to, since I've been working those seven years, I said, fuck it, I've never really taken a break. Might as well just, you know, the next couple of months, just go ham on this content creation thing and see how it goes.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Because I've always wanted to do that. And go ham on Hannah too. Yes, exactly. Okay, good. Just checking. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. But yeah, so I just figured, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:01 it'd be fun to try to see what we can do full time. And now, is this guaranteed that I'm going to be able to do this for a long time? No, but unless something pops, you know, it probably not. But, um, for now we're just kind of, uh, embracing this lifestyle of, you know, making, making ends meet, you know what I mean? But it's not like, God, you're fucking cool as fuck. You're so fucking cool, dude. But it's not like – God, you're fucking cool as fuck.
Starting point is 01:16:23 You're so fucking cool, dude. So I have a – in the most humble way I can say I have the most fascinating past fucking you can fucking imagine. Yeah, sounds like it. It's absolutely fucking nuts. But basically two years ago I lost my job too, and I was rich. I am rich. But I i'm not but i'm not like rich like i'm poor though still it's very hard to it's very hard to explain if you if you unless until you get old i'm rich in the fact that i own a bunch of shit but like i didn't
Starting point is 01:16:57 got no money right but i'm really smart with my money but i got three kids but if i didn't have three kids i'd be filthy fucking rich. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't want to go backwards. You know what I mean? I drive the only brand new car I've ever had my whole life. Well, actually, that's not true. The only new car I ever bought for myself is a minivan I bought like four years ago.
Starting point is 01:17:18 I'm smart. I'm not a fucking dipshit. You know what I mean? The furniture in my living room is the same furniture that I grew up with as a kid. Same carpets, all that shit. But I worked my ass off and I made a shitload of money and then I got fired. And so when you get fired, you see a run, you see a runway and like every bit of money you spend, you eventually going to go off the end of the runway. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Right. So I've been unemployed for two years, but I'm doing the same thing you're doing at Fitty. I'm all in in this podcasting thing. Yeah. Just like, oh, God, please. Oh, God. But but if you but the people who don't do that. They're not living like, oh, we have an echo again.
Starting point is 01:18:04 But but it makes you alive. You know what I mean? You're alive. Yeah. Like, oh, we have an echo again. But it makes you alive. You know what I mean? You're alive. Yeah. Like, every day is alive. Every day is serious. Oh, yeah. Every day is real.
Starting point is 01:18:14 Like, okay, I got it. Like, today, let's do it. Let's do it. Yeah, I mean. Look at this guy. This guy right here. I sell shirts. And this guy, I just paid paid 30 for politically homeless shirts so add
Starting point is 01:18:25 that to the pile yeah so like i'll get like i don't know how much i get from that i think like the shirt costs 15 bucks and like the company that makes a shirt gets like five bucks and then maybe i get 10 bucks right but what i'll probably do is then i'll send it i'll send instead of like keeping that money what i do is then i find like if um someone who's like has a hundred thousand followers but it's poor but wants a t-shirt, then I send it to them. Like some sort of CrossFit Games athlete. You know what I mean? So then I use that money to reinvest.
Starting point is 01:18:50 But if that money does come to me, like my little bit of YouTube money that comes to me, I use that to put my kids in jiu-jitsu classes or pay for their pencils and paper. Just life, right? Yeah, right. Like I can't afford to vape. I ain't a baller like you. No, I mean, right. Like I can't afford to vape. I ain't a baller like you. No, I mean, listen, vapes aren't too bad on price. Oh, come on, buddy. It's a very necessary cost.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Well, I mean, this thing. It's a very necessary cost. You have to quit. I know. That's the plan. Your parents love me for saying that. I vaped for six months. It was the hardest thing. Besides that, it was the plan um your parents love me for saying that i've been for six months it was it was the hardest thing besides that it was the hardest thing i ever besides i chewed for a little
Starting point is 01:19:30 bit too that was the fucking hardest thing ever to quit yeah chewing is very addictive i had nobody that was addicted in high school all the way through college yeah i chewed for like six months and i and i vape for six months and a vaping was fucking i did the jewel that's where i started the mango yeah and now i see these things on the ground they look like they're the funnest things ever to hold it's i guess it's the new vape thing it's like this ceramic like it looks like a dildo do you know what those are they're disposable ones yeah that's probably what i have right now i'm using a disposable because I can't find my pods, so this is – Yeah, the ones I've seen have some weird shape to them. Yeah, and man, man, that jewel was so awesome.
Starting point is 01:20:15 Do your parents know you do that? Yes, they do. They don't like it. Yeah, I hid that shit from my parents, even like at whatever I was, 43 or whatever when I did it. They also understand at the same time because they definitely had a large portion of their life where they smoked cigarettes as well. Yeah. Because my parents are in their 50s and 60s, so smoking cigarettes was cool. Just the same way as smoking a vape is cool to a lot of people. I don't smoke- Is it? Wait, wait, wait. Is that true? Is that true? It's cool to a lot of people i don't smoke is it wait wait wait is that
Starting point is 01:20:46 true is that true it's cool to some people okay so hear me out when the jewel came out it was cool it was like trendy i had a jewel you know i mean like people like hey man can i get a heavy jewel yeah i got you you know but now now it's like people smoke vapes but it's not necessarily cool it's just an addiction now um and so it's more normal and the fact that a lot of people smoke base but they all got started because of the jewel the jewel is a huge huge reason for people smoking vapes now but if you think about it though what i'm i guess what i'm getting at is in comparison right we're doing the same thing that we were doing you know 40 years ago it's just right then it was cigarettes and now it's vapes. Um,
Starting point is 01:21:25 I think the vape is way gnarlier though than the cigarette. It, you, the hits I could get off of vape or were just like profound. Yeah, they are. They, they, they'll, they'll make you be like, you know, like, Oh shit, dude. Um, we, uh, I'm going to be completely be completely frank uh i'm a pretty i'm a pretty fucking open guy like like like if someone was just walking down the street fucking buck naked with a fucking dildo hanging their ass i wouldn't it wouldn't phase me but when i but one of the things i'm super judgmental about is like i hate like addiction seems like such a weakness to me like i hated that i was addicted to it i feel like such i feel like such a cunt yeah like god what a bitch and and when i smoked and i smoked for cigarettes for like all through my 20s but basically my whole life is then just going from
Starting point is 01:22:16 one what's cool about the vape is you don't have to do this but when you smoke cigarettes you need places to smoke right like with a vape you can smoke on the fucking plane just you know it doesn't even matter but when you smoke cigarettes your whole life is like going from one coffee shop then to a friend's house and when you get there you immediately go in the backyard and sneak a cigarette and then from there you would go you know somewhere else and like driving in the car yeah oh yeah yeah you smell like shit yeah you're tricking nobody i hate nobody oh man you wanted to sneak a cig good luck you have the alcoids and the and the cologne ready yes and it just then it's just cigarettes and that mixed together right yeah it's like when your dog pisses on the carpet and like you spray
Starting point is 01:23:01 some lysol on it's like now it's piss and Lysol. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. No, I, I agree with you. I listen, I'm not, I, and I tell my channel this, this all the time. Like I hate that I'm addicted to it. Um, and I want to, um, I definitely want to quit. It's definitely one of the sins where I've never really been addicted to anything. I don't have that, that typically I don't have an addictive personality um i do but yeah you do i'm addicted to coffee now i wish i could quit coffee sometimes i love coffee i guess i'm addicted caffeine as well you know i drink a lot of g fuel which that's probably um you probably never heard of g fuel right no is that it's like a red bull monster thing no g fuel is uh this right here oh shit it is um it comes in all kinds of different flavors we got many many flavors
Starting point is 01:23:53 and it is a scoop so it's like a pre-workout or okay something like that you just take one scoop you throw it into a little shaker i've got my shaker here my branded g fuel shaker you know so like you know you got you got your shaker and pretty much what it does is it just gives you energy. Um, so their whole thing is that it gives you energy, focus, endurance, and reaction, right? So like the whole point is that it's a pre-workout essentially for gaming, which I know sounds dumb as fuck, but it's, it just pretty much is just like coffee, but it doesn't have a, um, or, or like a Red Bull, but it doesn't have a, that feeling of like, you don't come down from it. You know what I'm saying? Like it,
Starting point is 01:24:30 it's really actually clean energy pole. Like it's, um, it's really nice. Like I would suggest you even maybe give it a shot sometime. It works fantastic. I like couldn't recommend. Look at your fucking drug dealer. I know, man. What can I say? I'm working on a, you know, eventually maybe we'll get a partnership with them, hopefully, someday. This stuff right here, last night – normally I drink Paper Street coffee, and I grind that shit up in my grinder and drink a cup. But last night I had some of this, and this stuff is so different than just coffee this strong this strong coffee i love strong coffee
Starting point is 01:25:07 so but this isn't so sorry this isn't actual beans this is a powder they call it strong coffee but it doesn't make you jittery at all it's a trip okay yeah that's that seems to be like the the the kind of the trend ladies you know everyone's trying to find the next thing that's like proper you know energy without the the jitter um you know what i heard coffee is which i'm struggling um uh to understand this or believe this but the coffee doesn't give you energy what it does is it stop was that what i heard it doesn't give you energy it stops you it inhibits a chemical putting out that your body puts out that makes you tired oh but i swear to god when i drink it i fucking get like um like i prefer like if i drink a shot of espresso before i work out i'm i'm i'm more powerful i have better performance yeah oh yeah
Starting point is 01:26:04 no i feel you. So I'm just not believing it. I drink G Fuel before I work out, and I feel like it has that same feel. Joey, I hope someone finds you to do voiceovers. What do you mean? I just found him. I found him. Thank you, Tanya.
Starting point is 01:26:20 That's very nice of you. No need to quit coffee from our sponsor paper street coffee wait don't don't quit coffee don't quit coffee i love coffee i can either confirm or deny that i have a bag of strong coffee at my house oh yeah so even the paper street so this guy is a sponsor of mine paper street coffee okay and uh and in a fucking great sponsor at that and uh that's interesting he has a little strong coffee at his house too. Yeah, I have that black canister. And every once in a while,
Starting point is 01:26:50 I just put a little tiny scoop of it in some hot water. I didn't want to drink a full cup of coffee last night during the show. Yeah. You know, my go-to thing is like, I'm addicted to this. Well, not right now because it's kind of pricey. So I'm budgeting, but is the Nespresso.
Starting point is 01:27:07 Yes. Yeah. I love my Nespresso. That thing's amazing. And it's coffee. The coffee is so good. It's so good. I have this machine where you just pour the beans in it.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Yeah. And then push a button and it makes you one cup. And that's amazing. And then this guy's my sponsor and he sends me coffee and the fucking beans are so fucking strong they're almost too strong sometimes so that's why when i and do you have a do you have a ritual before every show like my show is i have to have a cup of coffee um mine is probably a cup of g fuel you know okay or or a shaker of g fuel um maybe do a couple of vocal warm-ups make sure i'm good you know
Starting point is 01:27:47 you know let me hear you can i hear your vocal warm-up i'll do mine if you do yours maniac i'll do mine if you do yours well it's kind of like it's kind of inspired by by something some people might be able to recognize it but just kind of like i'm get the lips warm so i'm like and then you know i'll usually be like you know like do like different things yeah yeah warm it up and it's very it's very stupid someone two weeks ago taught me this one they said because sometimes when i go on my podcast i the first thing i say because i go on so early in the morning the first thing i say is to the world is i'm hearing it for my voice for the first time too you know what i mean so i wake up i haven't talked to anyone and i say bam we're
Starting point is 01:28:34 live but someone told me the other day it was actually my fathero-g okay and he said do that a bunch yes all together now should we do it together yeah sure i've never done that with someone that's beautiful thank you and then he said the other one to do is yeast i don't do that one though but i don't even do the goog one today was the first day of funny he told it to me two weeks ago and today was the first day i ever tried it and i waited till i was on the air to do it and now i'm getting into the show yeah yeah or there's the classic like you know challenge yourself to say interesting things like how now brown cow you know how how now brown cow yes yeah yeah exactly how now brown cow oh right man the only voice i could do is um i don't even know if i can do it right now i there
Starting point is 01:29:42 was the the the guy who um the indian guy who would sell things on The Simpsons. What are you doing in my liquor store? Get out of my liquor store. Do not make fun of my elephant, my elephant. Thank you very much. Come again. Thank you. Very good.
Starting point is 01:29:55 Very good. Thank you. Thank you very much. Peter, you have a very good voice today. Thank you. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. You know, me and the lady, we get together.
Starting point is 01:30:04 We really enjoy doing voices together. It's very fun. I appreciate it. You know, me and the lady, we get together. We really enjoy doing voices together. It's very fun. Very fun. I wonder if you could do, could you do Peter and an Indian accent? Oh, God. People have challenged me to combine things before. Oh, man. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:30:19 That's kind of my trigger word. That's how I get into Peter Griffin. I say, oh, my God. Thank you. Come again. Very good. very good very good oh my god yeah i can't wow that's good peter you're so racist i can't believe you were making fun of apu yes apu yes josh yes apu oh my goodness i am we i have some you know some buddies i play with online that are canadian so we're always giving the Canadians a lot of grief. Oh, hey there, guy. Hey, how's it going there, guy?
Starting point is 01:30:49 Oh, yeah, dude. I just had a brewski down over at the old bubbler there. Do a lot of that. That's great. Do they even catch on that you're doing that? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. How could they catch on?
Starting point is 01:31:02 That's how they all sound. Because I don't normally sound that way. So as soon as we all start talking like Canadians, eventually they just join in and they make their accent even stronger. And then it's just, oh, man, it's a bunch of hoopla, you know? Hey, hey, the government's going to take away all of our rights, hey? And we're going to like it. They're about to do it, hey? They're about to do it. We're going to love it hey hey take away our rights hey oh shit fucking that got real really quickly yeah i'm i'm i'm fucking
Starting point is 01:31:33 can't stand those motherfuckers that their government that guy up there is a fucking asshole that their their leader trudeau he is a fucking ding dong trudeau is a wild dude i i would pay money i want to see him fight someone I want to see him fucking get in the ring I want someone to beat his ass and I'm not a violent person but he is a dick he is a dickhead the shit that they do
Starting point is 01:31:56 to kids up there and the fucking pressure that they're putting on citizens is fucking crazy Kansas is fat as fuck right people there are just fucking fat everywhere you go like you go into a walmart there and it's just unhealthy motherfuckers i mean yeah there's definitely a lot of a lot of unhealthy people for sure i just came we went from fucking doing voices to just fat shaming it just i just came back from disneyland
Starting point is 01:32:23 and i saw in los angeles and i saw some shit that fucking rocked me i basically saw the collapse of civilization i just saw so many unhealthy i didn't people i didn't see anyone who was healthy like i was the paragon of health there and um and uh and i and i just watched the whole fucking nation planet go under shutdown for two years that um that for something that only kills obese people if i was fucking obese and covid was here i would have fucking lost all my i would have fucking stopped eating yeah and i sure as fuck wouldn't blame anyone else if i died and got sick i wouldn't be like well you didn't get the vaccine listen you're 150
Starting point is 01:33:02 pounds overweight every part of your body is screaming stop fucking putting something in your mouth sure yeah yeah i mean settle down savvy settle down no i mean you know it's it is it is sad when you do see people you know who um i mean you know they're they're unhealthy they're they're they're overweight and they're they're just destroying their bodies every day um and i don't mind it i don't some people are like i find it gross and disgusting i think fat people are beautiful i like i i i on all i i find nothing about it gross nothing nothing i i don't think sumo wrestlers are gross i think um fat girls are pretty right if i really find nothing i'm but but i but don't but don't think sumo wrestlers are gross. I think fat girls are pretty. If I really find nothing – but don't – I'm not talking about from an aesthetic thing.
Starting point is 01:33:59 I just don't want to carry – I just don't want to carry the weight of society for you, for your addiction. You're addicted. Right. You're addicted to refined carbohydrates. We know how you got fat, yeah, and you're not to carb refined carbohydrates like we know how you got fat yeah and you're not exercising right no and it's your fault and it's your fault not your fault joey harrell right your fault rhetorically right of course of course i didn't i didn't force you to fucking eat 16 loaves of bread you know there are a lot of there are a lot of people in Kansas, though, that are like – the gyms are pretty packed. Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:34:26 We do have a lot of – Making you feel better. Yeah, we do have some locally owned type of CrossFit gyms. Whenever I went to the gym, there was always lots of people there. So I think it's just kind of like anywhere else. You're going to find the unhealthy folks the and then you're gonna find the really healthy folks but not at disneyland at disneyland you're not gonna find the really healthy folks you're not gonna find one i'm not there anymore and so there aren't any i'm telling
Starting point is 01:34:53 you i will i was the only one 80 000 people at the disneyland los angeles i'd have whooped everyone's ass i never even been anywhere where i could whoop anyone's ass and all of a sudden i was the king dick yeah just taking anyone's wife and fuck by the hair and drug her to a cave but to the matahorn and boner yeah no one stopped i feel that yeah no for sure yeah yeah no beat that chest thank you all of a sudden just i've just gotten yeah i think my testosterone replacement therapy is working it's kicking in yeah i mean i don't know i i like like i really got addicted to working out for a while um and then like i said i'm just consistently inconsistent so i got i got in pretty decent shape for a while and it feels good it feels good oh it feels so good but then you get
Starting point is 01:35:40 like you know it's so easy to just get distracted and just like fall out of it though just as well you know weird enough because like i worked out from 18 to like consist like really consistent 18 to 26 um what did you do what did you do uh globo gym shit like bench press uh back and bys tries the whole thing or did you do track work or what did you do yeah yeah i would just go to the gym and i would just kind of hit you know separate body parts so i'd do you know do like i don't know uh chest and biceps and then you know shoulders and tries or whatever you know yeah um and then i got really into um which i found a lot of success from is uh you know greg o'gallagher is no but i'll look him up uh greg o'Gallagher is? No, but I'll look him up. Greg O'Gallagher has Kino Body, and he was a big, big like – what's the word? Oh, this dude's yoked. Yeah, he's really big on –
Starting point is 01:36:38 This dude's got a great body. Intermittent fasting, and his program, he sells it kind of spammy, you know, like most workout fitness, like programs on the internet, it's kind of like, looks like a lot of the others. Um, but I, I started following his journey and I really, really thought that like his, his before and after pics of his clients are actually, um, fantastic. Um, and he, what he preaches isaches is actually really maintainable. So I started following that. And it does work really well. I found a lot of, a lot of strength and a lot of, I guess, more than anything for me, you know, has to be sustainable for my lifestyle. You know,
Starting point is 01:37:19 no one wants to, like meal prep every meal for years and years you know i'm saying so like he kind of just preaches you know the you know you you just monitor your calories you know set a set a deficit or whatever you know if you're trying to lose weight or if you're trying to maintain your weight follow that calorie intake that caloric intake workout three days a week and intermittent fast is the basis of it oh and do you do the intermittent fasting yeah yeah i'm still doing it um for the most part i don't yeah i don't usually eat in the mornings um i kind of got my body to that situation there that's like you know like you just kind of over years you kind of decide like that's just not what i'm going to do is eat in the morning so yeah i don't really eat in the mornings i usually eat around one or two um and even then i don't usually eat much of a lunch
Starting point is 01:38:10 i usually have a big dinner what did you do when you had to pee in your 48 hour uh twitch twitch twitchathon oh i i got up plenty of times i even i even at one point um about 20 hours in i left um i left the stream on and i just put on a playlist of YouTube videos, and I slept for three hours, and I came back to it. Did you go 48 hours without ejaculating? Yes. Wow, that's impressive in itself. Is that normal for you? Is that not normal for you? No, no, no. I'm a very virile man. I can't go.
Starting point is 01:38:45 It's impressive. I mean, I don't know if I should be impressed or not, actually. Can you have Peter say that? That he went 48 hours without ejaculating? You know, boys, the other day I went 48 hours without ejaculating. Oh my God. Painful as hell. Yeah. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:39:11 You're the best. Oh, goodness. Joey, I really appreciate you coming on the show. That was fun. Pleasure. It was. I had no idea where it was going to go. I had to face my fears today.
Starting point is 01:39:25 I usually have like five fucking pages of notes for every show. Have you ever done a podcast before? No. Yeah, I couldn't even find you on another podcast. I was like, wow, me and him are both going to have our hymens popped. This is going to be like crazy because you never had a podcast. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:47 crazy because you know i want a podcast okay yeah yeah and you're a great talker i guess because you do you you are a host of your own show over on twitch so yeah at least yeah because you are great um you're a great guest thank you thank you i i would love to do a podcast eventually you know someday maybe um i i really really do and enjoy them though like the i don't know if you know tiny meat gang is but tiny meat gang is is where I really enjoy my podcast life, which is Cody Coe and Noel Miller. They're big on YouTube. Tiny Meat Gang. Yeah, watch some of their stuff.
Starting point is 01:40:15 It's really good. They're funny. Let's see. So their whole thing. Holy shit, they're fucking huge. Yeah, they're massive yeah yeah i actually met cody co which is the the blonde one um i met him he came to lawrence kansas and saw their live show oh um what's their live show like what do you mean they do a live show
Starting point is 01:40:39 um it was pretty much like stand-up comedy kind of thing between the two of them. And it was pretty much like essentially like a live podcast slash stand-up comedy bit. And I just kind of go see them live and hang out with them. And they would draw some like audience interaction by picking up answers from people in the crowd for whatever. Or, you know, it was just kind of an entertainment show. You know, I don't know. Of course I have. Of course I have Bruce Wayne. Nice.
Starting point is 01:41:11 I've told you guys. Joe Rogan and Howard Stern. One of them donated an egg and one of them donated some semen. And here I am. I'm the egg. Oh, you're the egg. Yeah, these guys are huge i've never heard of them it's amazing how many huge people there are out there that i've never fucking heard of these guys are huge it's a little disheartening when you see that they have 1.1 million subscribers and some of their videos only
Starting point is 01:41:40 get 14 000 views of course other their videos have fucking 300 000 views but it's always weird when you see these massive subscribers with such low counts but yeah they get a lot of high counts yeah i'll have to check these guys out that's just the way the algorithm works i think you know some things get pushed some things don't um yeah definitely watch them sometime though they've got a they've got a funny style to them you might um you might you know feel a little bit inspired by them a little bit because they do interesting things with their stuff. They're really goofy and they do kind of dumb shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:42:14 They've been around four years. Man, they've come a long way. Their studio, you can see their studio grow as you score. Yeah, they bought that studio, I would say, six months ago or maybe something maybe, maybe something like that. But yeah, it's been fun to watch them grow. Uh, it started because of Cody Co's YouTube channel and Noel's YouTube channel.
Starting point is 01:42:32 And they started doing reaction videos and they blew up from that cause they did reaction videos together. And then they started like separating their YouTubes and then they made their, their, their podcast. So they brought it like all together there. And then now they have their own separate brands, but. Are reaction videos real or is that people just fake that shit no they're real i would say they're real i think there's a lot of people do fake them but um i think cody co's are are
Starting point is 01:42:55 fantastic like he actually does keep it really like genuine um but i think there's definitely people playing out their reactions this is weird but how but how would it be real you have to pick the video to react to so what do you so like what you like you let's say you see a news story that says um uh joe biden falls down the stairs so then you don't watch it but you queue it up i just don't know sure i mean i'm just always wondering about how that shit works i imagine that i imagine that he probably has a producer he has someone you know on his team that that says hey you need to react to this video next and i'm assuming before he had all that he probably had friends who'd be like can you react to this or he pulled like a
Starting point is 01:43:42 youtube comment says can you react to this right that's a yeah that's what, can you react to this? Or he'd pull like a YouTube comment and says, can you react to this? Right. Yeah, that's what you need. You need to, everyone needs a good producer. Yep. Yeah, definitely. Maybe one day. We should have a reaction show with the chat submissions for Sevan to watch. Yeah, that'd be fun.
Starting point is 01:44:00 All right, brother. Thank you so much for coming on. What a great show. Thank you so much for having me i really appreciate it was a it was a great talking to you and um you know i wish you the best in your journey of content creation yes same to you and in a year we'll circle back when both of us are fucking just have gold rings on and shit yeah yeah no absolutely you know maybe we'll even take a little trip to uh you know maldives or whatever you know yes yes

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