The Sevan Podcast - #390 - CrossFit Press Conference with Andrew Hiller

Episode Date: May 6, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:28 Conditions apply. This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman in the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story. Daisy Ridley.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. I'll see you soon. Oh, you'll know. Damn, we're live i forgot if uh if this guy's new here remember if you're uncertain just play dumb that's what i do
Starting point is 00:01:15 you can do that welcome ladies and gentlemen to what is the unofficial press conference? What makes it unofficial? Why can't this be the official one? I mean, it is the official one, but I don't know. I got, I got to ask a question. Is it truly unofficial? You know, they have press conferences and the entire media team is just, it's like, Hey, they're asking questions. It's like, if that isn't us in the audience asking questions, how is it a press conference? If it's just the maureen chalk up who's sitting there
Starting point is 00:01:49 asking questions then what is it hillary hillary's just diving in like like diving in like like a like a 17 year old boy who just got the green light like a like a 17 year old boy who just got the green light green light's the only light that matters diving in you said you were going to be the one who was in rare form i'm really trying to stay really tempered i want to i want to paint a big picture view and hillar um feel free to jump in anywhere you want to um correct my of it. It was brought to my attention last night that there was going to be a press conference this morning and someone had sent me a link to a morning chalk up article. And I went and checked out the link and I sent it a request. And then I contacted Hiller and asked him if he was going and he said that he
Starting point is 00:02:45 had also sent a request and um then uh he said that he got his response back and we both sent it to the same person well i i sent mine to andrew weinstein and i cc andrew weinstein's the guy that's a whole nother thing we'll get into him in a minute that is also who i sent mine to by the way okay and i cc'd nicole carroll justin berg and uh gary gaines and maybe one other person i can't remember i can't say i did the same just the one for me okay and i got a response um very clever uh i think andrew would actually be a great commenter in the comments he said unfortunately i'm paraphrasing i said hey can i come to i'd like to come to the press conference seven podcast would like to come to the press conference and he responded with unfortunately
Starting point is 00:03:35 this is just for media only what are we what do we consider this i don't know i don't know but it reminds me of when i uh when i asked uh when i asked my girlfriend my first girlfriend in the 10th grade if she would go out on a date with me and she said i only go out with straight guys i was like okay got it like like a true story no it's not true but don't ruin don't ruin my stories. But it is true what Andrew Weinstein said to me. And that's him just – I have to assume that that's – yeah, ouch, right? I have to assume that's him being snarky, right, by saying, unfortunately, it's for media only. So I responded with, hey, I suspect I'm the – by several metrics, the largest media covering CrossFit and the CrossFit Games. And definitely fast is growing. several metrics the largest media covering um crossfit and the crossfit games and uh and and i and definitely fastest growing uh please uh reconsider and and what you started this podcast
Starting point is 00:04:32 with andrew is you said hey how is it a press conference if you and i aren't there just anything you've ever seen like the conor mcgregor is getting interviewed after they do a weigh-in or the post nba or mlb press conferences there's an entire field of people back there from every realm of whatever, I don't know, NBC sports, and they've got ESPN sitting out there, and they all have their microphones up trying to ask questions. And from what I understand, it was just Maureen Chalkup asking questions to a field of people. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Well, and I guess when I have a little knowledge that people like the wads great again guy will get media passes to the crossfit games right and if he has an internet meme page can get a media pass like that's media right so what are we well i'll tell you something very interesting too now we're jumping way ahead of ourselves but guys, this this show is going to be full of stories like this. When Andrew Weinstein's response to him was, um, Hey, there's, we, we, we have to let them come to the games. We have to give them media passes. There's going to be good media and bad media. And so he, he, that, that's from his, his mouth. Now this guy, um, we should actually pull maybe even pull up his Twitter.
Starting point is 00:06:03 You can pull up his Twitter account, Kayla, maybe if you want want but this guy was a huge romney mitt romney supporter and then swung hard and was a huge hillary clinton supporter and then and then just basically made a living of just hating uh trump and his whole credentials when you meet this guy is um basically he's a fixer that's all he does he needs he thrives with problems he's this fixer. That's all he does. He thrives with problems. He's this little sort of very, very petite man living in Costa Rica. And that's not – he's petite next to me. He's a petite man living in Costa Rica. He did not even show up at the most recent first all-hands-on-deck meeting that CrossFit HQ had last week in Colorado.
Starting point is 00:06:50 I think he's one of the only people to not show up. He just hides out in Costa Rica. I think in the last two years, maybe he's only come stateside once for a meeting, a CrossFit meeting. And I bring this up because this is the guy who's – him and this chickaron um who comes from ways are the two people who are running basically crossfit media this guy has to have problems he probably loves us we're like job security for him hillar you said he likes problems it's what you said you pick on twitter so if we're causing problems that he really likes us yes uh and so so uh that's who andrew weinstein is for those you don that, that's who Andrew Weinstein is. For those of you don't know, that's who we sent the email to requesting to get into the
Starting point is 00:07:28 press conference. And, uh, he responded to both of us. What did he say to you? Did he respond to you? Yeah. It said something along the lines of we're only allowing media, but I'm interested as to whether or not you'll be at a semifinal and let's keep in touch. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:43 So he knows who he, it sounds like maybe he knows who you are which is awesome i'm over here i'm over here like hey i'm a media guy like why don't they let me in but it's like really i've only been around for two months right so what the hell am i complaining about well you've you've made more media than the crossfit games media department has made the the 17 members uh 13 of which are women that they're so proud of and four men uh in the last uh i don't know two so wait how many people was that 13 and what 10 plus 13 women and four men okay so that's 17 and they put out how much content and when i say man i'm using that word loosely i haven't seen oh he uh weinstein kind of looks like matthew mcconaughey there i was gonna say that look at that buddy looking good imagine him if he were bald though that's
Starting point is 00:08:30 what i'm doing i don't know why he looks good yeah he's he's a dc goon he's he is a just a political he's a political creature of the highest order and what's fascinating to me – so by the way, I am also curious what the DEI council would say about not having you and I there, diverse equity inclusivity. That – first of all, Cameron, I'll tell you, that wasn't a press conference. The fact that it was leaked to Morning Chalk Up yesterday that there's a press conference in the morning means it's not a press conference it's a propaganda show everyone who works at the morning chalk up or a huge chunk of them was given a link and asked to apply to come to the press conference to fill it up to make it feel robust and then and then people like um uh mr hiller and i were denied access the larger. Did you get the transcript? What did you say? I didn't call you a Jew.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I actually got the transcript. Yeah, and I do have a transcript also. Yes. All right. Yeah, I had that sent to me. And I listened to the whole thing. I got three recordings of it from people who were kind enough to send it.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I only got one recording. You got three? That's the difference between me and you, Mr. Hiller. Yeah, I have one-tenth of the popularity of you, man. They all came from the same girl, though. That's how much she likes me. She just bombed you. She made sure you saw it.
Starting point is 00:09:53 That's what it was. It's just like repopulating at the top of your inbox. So it's extremely disingenuous to call it a press conference. I really want to drive that home. It was not a press conference. This is more of a press conference, really want to i really want to drive that home it's in it is it was not a press conference this is more of a press conference what you're hearing now than that was there that was not a press conference that was adrian bosman and uh and justin berg and and mal o'brien and gabriella magawa and some some right um answering the morning chalk up questions and Sean Woodland.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I didn't hear Tommy Marquez ask a question. Did you? Oh, you're right. Sean was there, too. Yeah, but not Tommy. Not that he said he didn't say anything, at least. And we don't know who all was there, because when you're on the Zoom call, you can only see the five. Those five people, you can't see all the media that's there. But I was told that there were 15 other people. And I'm assuming 14 of them were – no, no, Brian was there. Geepy. Brian was there. I heard Brian ask a question.
Starting point is 00:10:51 I heard Brian Friend ask a question. Where is Brian? We have Matt Souza. We don't have Brian Friend. We don't have Brian Friend. Was he invited? We can't afford Brian Friend. He's getting expensive. You hit his quota we're just
Starting point is 00:11:07 now we're stuck with the new new guy the new guy was used to be brian friend and now he's the old good guy and now you're just now you're the new guy we only we skim from the top pillar it's kind of like you were going to do 500 shows and now brian had 50 of them he. He's capped out. You got to pay for him now with all your YouTube revenue. Reach the limit. Brian is always welcome on this show. Send him a link. Don't anyone get this twisted. Yeah, as soon as I send him a link,
Starting point is 00:11:36 let's see if he pops in there. All right, let's see. I'm nervous with this live call number up. Oh, shit. Some people don't like the live calling number it's we got a lot of a lot of uh heat from last episodes with the live call-ins why yeah maybe not the top quality callers you would expect on oh it was fine it was fine but we're truly a press conference because literally anybody could call in and ask their questions.
Starting point is 00:12:05 So, Mal, would you like to go through this like it kind of was the press conference or what do you think? I have three pages of notes that I'm ready to bang in on. I just wanted to make sure before we started that everyone understood sort of this picture. And I think we painted it well right it's a phone call that was set up between the morning chalk up and and a couple other people and they called it a press conference but it's not a press conference because andrew and i weren't invited and i have to assume just from the metrics i can see from video some from some of these uh some of the software that andrew and i have that there's no two people who are who are doing more media in the space and are getting more attention.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I got nothing telling me otherwise. So, um, so it is weird. And I think that, say it again. Who do you know in the space? Who's even parallel with us at this point? Well,
Starting point is 00:12:56 I mean, there's other people in the space that are like generating and just enormous numbers. I mean, look at, look at Matt Fraser, uh, look at,
Starting point is 00:13:03 but he doesn't really do coverage of the sport. He kind of doing his own thing right and i and i bring that up just to be specific about what we're doing correct okay i got it well because i would say we're trying to compete with like the morning chalk up and maybe even the crossfit games itself with their own media correct and then other than that i don't really know much else that's talking directly about the sport maybe it'd be like i don't know i know I don't really know much else that's talking directly about the sport. Maybe it would be like, I don't know. I know you don't prefer when I talk about other podcasts and YouTube channels. Please talk about them.
Starting point is 00:13:32 This is the CrossFit press conference where we're diverse, inclusive, and equanimous. Well, like the Talking Elite guys, they have their own thing. But were they? They were included. They were there. Why were they included were included they were there why were they included and we were not and i think that um and i think that they are definitely me uh andrew heller who's that what do you what do you say i don't know who that is oh no it's my fiance
Starting point is 00:13:57 in the chat she was fighting people last time um she gets angry but i would i mean they are they are definitely media 100 percent i wouldn't i agree oh yeah they're beyond media they're super media they're they're they they have conviction their whole entire shtick is is crossfit shtick you know me and you swerve off the road sometimes you talk about steroids i talk about you know planting gardens and then from what you just said weinstein would like that he likes to he likes to put the fires out it's his job right okay okay so so so as long as people understand that it wasn't a real press conference that's just really what i want to yeah i i don't know i i know he calls his show the news he does but it's mostly just like click around on instagram and then there's something popping up right like oh here's a picture of some guy doing a box jump and falling over.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Calm down, people. Just take your shots and calm down. Be cool. Everyone be cool. Calm down. Someone said Andrew's fiance is hot. I agree. She is hot. So I sent Savannah video over the other day. I know. Thank you. That was nice. Yep. You're welcome. Dude. Another thing that they were supposed to announce at this press conference today they were supposed to announce um the who the new ceo um is
Starting point is 00:15:12 will be they were supposed to do that in that press conference that was one of the things that was being um talked about that they were going to do and but they did not do that they did not do that not from what i saw heard did i tell you i met the did i tell you i met the highest ranking person at crossfit inc um when i was in colorado um rosa no you said he was playing the guitar there no no i i i did not uh i i did not meet with rosa there but but i did i did did meet the highest ranking person at CrossFit, at least by title. I know you guys out there in the internet field like titles. Are you going to throw a name and a title out there, or are you not going to do that?
Starting point is 00:15:55 No, not yet. I think it's more provocative if I just… Here's where we see the scared savant. He's coming out. He's scared. Yeah, the scared savant. I also want out he's scared he's yeah the scared one um i also want to talk about the whoopee let's do it that's my favorite topic let's see if i can find it in the dark over here and then um there it is can you bring up uh i saw that in the video
Starting point is 00:16:16 today can you bring up i want to show you guys one more thing that i think is very interesting that uh andrew and i did not make it into the fake press conference today. Uh-oh. Hello? Yes, you're live. Hey, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:16:38 More than anything, I just want to someone needs to thank Andrew Hiller. This dude saved CrossFit straight up. There's so much cheating, so many bad things going on. I just want to say thank you to Andrew Hiller. This dude saved CrossFit straight up. There's so much cheating and so many bad things going on. I just want to say thank you to Andrew Hiller. Dude, you saved the game. I was on a team. We were eight spots from the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Eight. And you got East Nashville. I hate throwing shade at them, but you got four elite athletes on their team, none of which did team. That sucks because I would love to have a shot at the team quarterfinals. you got four elite athletes on their team, none of which did team. You know, that sucks because I would love to have a shot at the team quarterfinals. They had 11 elite athletes on their team.
Starting point is 00:17:10 11. They had way more than eight. Which is like, that's so ridiculous. And yeah, we get, okay, we get to the quarterfinals. Probably don't make a semifinal, but I mean, at least give us a shot, you know, and it's,
Starting point is 00:17:22 I guess the principle of the situation with me, dude, you, bad signal hits the sky, guess the principle of the situation with me, dude, you bad signal hits the sky, man. You're the man. I appreciate it. Saving CrossFit, dude. Thank you. No problem. I haven't saved it. We're working after it. We're going to save it. We're trying everything we can. Thank you. Thank you. You bet. Thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Devon, you roll. Josh is better. Bye. Andrew Hiller, the man. Why did you take your socks off? That's like a clone to like me taking my bra off. We're here. We're hanging out for a little bit. It's nine o'clock.
Starting point is 00:17:57 You're getting ready for bed. It's seven o'clock over there. Um, um, Mr. Beaver, can you pull up the, um, CrossFit Inc, uh, website? Okay website so i'm pretty sure you see it says
Starting point is 00:18:09 affiliate then training then cme and then games and then what is crossfit workouts movements fundraisers um now scroll down to the bottom in the footer what is seven doing look at that under community inclusion when eric rosa came that would that became a tab at the top it was vomitous it was vomitous and now it's been moved to the bottom and this motherfucker is less inclusive than ever who crossfit inc oh you said this motherfucker i thought inclusive than ever. Who? CrossFit Inc. Oh, you said this motherfucker. I thought you had talked about one person in particular, not a group, not a brand.
Starting point is 00:18:52 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Just the just CrossFit Inc. It is. But I find it fascinating that they dropped off the inclusivity tab from the top. Oh, interesting. That was like the type of stuff you pay attention to that was like era's big thing i'm here to save the day i'm here to save the black man the gay man the jewish man the asian man and now what what happened what about the media man he didn't save us no he
Starting point is 00:19:18 didn't save the little armenian man and the and the andrew hiller man uh yeah what about me yeah you're just a dude. Yeah, you're just a dude. You could be on the, you're white enough to be on the executive team. I'm trying to get tan though. Remember, we talked about in the last episode. At this press conference,
Starting point is 00:19:38 there were some questions asked. Do you mind if I dig into these questions? Some of the things that were talked about? You're asking me? I've been waiting for you. Okay, okay, okay. Oh, wait, hold on. Pull down're asking me? I've been waiting for you. Okay. Okay. Okay. Hold on. Pull down your pants. It's another call, Hiller. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Hi. Hello. Hi. Is this Siobhan? No, this is Andrew Hiller's answering service. How can I help you? I'm just going to say I'm a huge fan of the podcast. Thanks, brother.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Yeah. What else you got? I got a couple things to say. So I got a buddy, Nate Ackerman, who is, he won the team games last year. And I think you should have him on the podcast. He's a very outspoken man. And he has a lot to say. And I think you should have him on.
Starting point is 00:20:27 It would get a bunch of hits. Okay. Nate Ackerman. Hey, DM me that. Anything else? Is your wife leaving you? No, I think that's it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I think he's checked. Okay. Thank you, brother. Bye. Okay. Thank you, brother. Bye. In the meeting, in this meeting, how long do you think that was, that press conference? 30, 40 minutes max? No longer than 40 minutes. Okay. And there were some questions that were asked. I'd say less than a dozen questions were asked.
Starting point is 00:21:04 And there was a question someone asked from the audience. I can't remember the gentleman's name. But he asked Justin Berg about sponsorship. And he asked him about sponsorship. And then Justin answered the question. And then he said, maybe I wasn't clear enough. And then he asked another question about sponsorship. And I believe they sounded like the two worst questions I'd ever heard. They were so open-ended. They almost seemed like they were soft soft serve to justin so that he could hit a home run the question was something like are you happy
Starting point is 00:21:28 with the roster of people you have and the changes that have been taking place in the um in in in the sponsorship for crossfit inc and then just answer but what it really sounded what this guy wanted to say was because he kept saying oh we're hearing through the grapevine or the news says or whatever he wanted to say hey what the fuck is going on with the whoopie? So I just want to report to you what I know on the whoopie. And maybe Andrew Hiller can tell you what he knows about the, um, what's going on with the whoopie, but I have two, two pretty good sources. Um, one of the sources, uh, said that, um, who, who there's 700 employees who work at a whoopie. 700 employees who work at Whoopi. And one of the team members over there told me that in episode 383 of the Sevan podcast at the one hour and 16 minute mark, I had to say what happened, what I speculate, what happened between CrossFit Inc. and Whoop.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And this person who works at Whoopi said you nailed it that's exactly what's happening right now at what was that you're saying they were tiptoeing out of the room yes is there any way you can play that um uh c beaver mr beaver it's episode 383 it's a live call-in show it's at the one hour and 60 minute mark if i was a good dude i wouldn't put um beaver on the i would have sent this to him ahead of time instead of uh slamming on him at the last minute but basically what i say is this crossfit's a tarnished brand i suspected that crossfit is a tarnished brand and whoopee is on the ascension even though it's getting slammed uh in the reviews um and they don't want to be
Starting point is 00:23:04 around that tarnished brand. And I think, I think Andrew speaks about it very nicely in his video too. Why would you want a tarnished brand with a million followers on Instagram when you got rich froning on your, and Katrin's daughter repping your shit. So von,
Starting point is 00:23:17 from what I've spoken to you about, I don't think you understand how big some of these other sports are too. Like that. From what I know, they've got LeBron on their fricking roster of people wearing the whoop talking about the whoop he's perfect for them he's perfect for them he pedals garbage all the time he's perfect for them isn't he sponsored by coke too sprite pepsi sprite yeah whatever okay so like at the hour and 16 minute mark let's play that just so and and then I got another person inside.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Whoop told me something else that I found very interesting in regards to dealing with Justin Berg. So we'll get to that in just a minute. Let's play. Members will continue to have access to all their previous track CrossFit training activities and data under the new box. Can we go to 116? Too hard. Oh, yeah, nice. People are just making it yeah like the whoop i think the whoopies like ah we're supposed to be data driven and something's oh yeah whoop the official wearable of crossfit is that true hey uh type that in and see if like what pops up wow oh shit oh shit multiple year partnership was announced in may 2014 Oh, it must be on YouTube. It must be a different time code than,
Starting point is 00:24:26 than Buzzsprout. But basically what I say is that they see what's happening with the CrossFit games right now, whoop. And they're not happy with it. And they don't want to be affiliated with something that's being run like a shit show. And I was told that that,
Starting point is 00:24:38 that is the chatter at whoop. I was also told this. And I had told you guys this before. That working at – and I didn't know it was Whoop. I didn't think about Whoop in specific, but working at CrossFit HQ, there were a lot of relationship issues with Justin Berg, who's now in charge of the CrossFit Games. And those relationship issues were with our sponsors, our management team, the other employees. And it's no fucking surprise to me that i'm hearing that there's issues between the and the negotiations between whoop and crossfit surrounding justin why are there negotiations didn't they have a four-year plan or a three-year like deal with whoop well what's with the
Starting point is 00:25:16 negotiations those things are those things are always in negotiations so like the second we signed a 10-year deal with uh reebok every year it feels like there's more negotiating. We want to change this. We want to change this. It's either CrossFit or Reebok. So I got schooled up on that shit pretty quick, especially when you have very big money deals. And I'm thinking that Whoop is probably the second or third largest sponsor of CrossFit. I mean, I don't think anyone's even close to as big as what Bill and Katie do.
Starting point is 00:25:43 You think that they're throwing all the money in the games at this point because from what it seemed like in the press conference all they had left were o2 and what's the other one go wide those are the only ones that were referenced in the the what the hell the press conference and how much money are they going to be thrown in there like go wide just started up and o2 is a drink that, have you seen them? I don't know. Maybe they're in a Mariano sort of deal or a Julasco. So maybe they're bigger than I think.
Starting point is 00:26:10 They're undrinkable, by the way. Have you had that? They're the worst. I don't know. I'm not even trying to be mean. I will drink anything. Like I know Fide tastes bad and I fucking get excited every time I see a can. You don't like any of those? I mean, it's like drinking medicine.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I mean, it's like drinking medicine i mean i it's it's not there's something about the one with creatine in it that i just love it tastes like yes yes i'm a sucker for the word creatine but hunter mcintyre ruined that for me he said that doesn't have enough creatine in there to make your fucking hair you know i i agree with that too it doesn't have shit in there but it's the whole thing it's why the only thing i when i see that bang energy drink and they have creatine written around the top i just i my nipples swell but you're like 150 pounds wouldn't that drink kill you probably that 300 milligrams of caffeine will put you into a coma just fucking uh okay so so so so that is what i'm that is what i'm hearing about the whoop i'm hearing that they
Starting point is 00:27:08 are disgruntled at the operations of crossfit which you can't blame them there's still no ceo there's no dave castro i mean all the the brand value of the games is is diminished diminished and diminishing which is exactly what andrew weinstein loves to see because he's gonna thrive off of it yeah let let the problems i wish i could remember what he told me the five things that like he saved like i wish i could remember okay go ahead he saved the the whale species that was going he'll be like he'll be He saved a bunch of endangered species. He'll be like, during the economic disaster of 2008, I was in charge of the PR for the White House, blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, dude, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:27:53 It's like we like to do push-ups, man. I also think that – yeah, we do like to do push-ups. I also think that you have to – I put it in perspective. When I came to CrossFit, there were 300 gyms. When I left, there were 15,000, and the company sold for hundreds of millions of dollars, and I was in charge of everything forward-facing. And Andrew Weinstein was part of the team that laughed behind Greg Glassman's back that they stole the company from Greg because they got it so cheap. And now I think they'd be hard-pressed to sell it for $50 million while Weinstein's been in the same position that I was in. So I have to assume he can't fucking – he doesn't want to be anywhere near me.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Are you pulling those numbers out of your butt, or do you have anything to back that up? I have some stuff to back it up. All right. All right. Which number? The fact that it was sold for hundreds of millions of dollars or that it might only be worth $50? The $50 million on the way out number. for hundreds of millions of dollars or there might only be worth 50 the 50 million on the way out number well i i know i i know what um i know what three off serious offers were for
Starting point is 00:28:51 crossfit inc that came into greg during the time and and i know what the lowest one was and um i and i think crossfit is, I think CrossFit is probably there. Oh, you think it's at the lowest one now? Okay. I mean, dude, it's taken a fucking beating. No, I agree. I mean, I, I, I'm pretty much, I pigeonholed myself and it's not like I pigeonholed myself. It's really all I think about is the game side of thing and the, the elite athlete sport side of things. But I also still have that huge part of me that was the affiliate owner side of things where I
Starting point is 00:29:29 think about everything that's going on over there. And I know that I've heard you say in the past that you don't think that people should be affiliates anymore because what can you do for the affiliates? I agree with that to a pretty large extent. But when I was an affiliate back in the day, the biggest thing that would happen was the media. People would wander in because they would see CrossFit on ESPN. And then that was the games bringing people into my gym, which was right next to an export back in the day. And it would be stuff like you're killing the fat man or the monthly thing that would come out and people would see it. It's like, oh, this is a cool story that I saw on YouTube about how somebody got in the shape, saved their life via CrossFit. So it was always the media stuff. It wasn't really
Starting point is 00:30:07 the big thing. And I brought it up in the 57 cart putt was they have the program where the affiliates can now get discount codes through Rogue and through having their affiliation with CrossFit. It's like, all right, you get 20% off to Noble as a CrossFit affiliate. It's like, why is that important when you're buying a $50 t-shirt? You get 20% off $50. And back in the day when Reebok was making shirts, the shirts were $30. So you're still spending more money. It doesn't matter if you're a CrossFit affiliate getting a Noble shirt. The shoes, the $160 brand new shoes that are the exact same shoe as every other shoe, they're still way more expensive than the Nanos that would go on sale three months after they came out and everybody knew it just doesn't make any sense to me so the whole like what i
Starting point is 00:30:49 agree with you like what is the point of being an affiliate anymore um i uh to answer you hillar and to answer this fine gentleman with the cowboy hat i'm opening a gym my third i've opened and i want to push what greg glassman started but don't want to support these ass clowns should i not affiliate i would i would say ask chris cooper chris cooper of two brain business is the largest um uh gym um largest gym business advisor company in the world i don't know how many thousands of gyms um he has his clients uh consulting he consults with but he's massive I know he's the largest in the world and he's easy to get a hold of and reach out to him and ask him ask him what he says how would he get a hold of somebody like Chris Hooper Chris no Chris Cooper I said I didn't say Cooper I meant to say Cooper everything doesn't start with an h hillarer. Are you sure? Hatman? Hiller and Hatman?
Starting point is 00:31:47 You just started calling me Sevan Hatossian. What if you change it? That could be another thing you do. You change everyone's last name to an H. Hey, I got a question for you. Patrick Hellner. What's that? Why is it when someone speaks of themselves in the third person, there's always like someone who's like, that's so arrogant.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Why do you speak about yourself in the third person? Why is that arrogant to speak of yourself in the third person? Are you saying this is something that I do or people say? No, no, no, no. I'm just I'm just I'm way off topic now. Way off topic. I need. Do you think it's arrogant when when the like the liver king talks about himself in the third person?
Starting point is 00:32:18 Oh, no, it's awesome. I love the liver king. He's so cool. Speaking of liver king, everybody who's in the comments right now, like, like this and send it around because you never do this. Yvonne, you're on the live show with like 13,000 followers on the awesome podcast. Like everyone needs to go sign up for, send this thing around. Like, I don't care who the first person is in your contact list for your text messages, just send them the Yvonne podcast right now. So this thing gets a little bit more SEO on the YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:32:43 I do it for the algorithm. Yvonne never does it and i'm doing it right now now back to the liver king which is what we were talking about him talking in the third person all he is is a walking around seo and he's the man he's freaking cool and i can't believe that you're being the liver king the first ever podcast that he was ever on only has like what 15 000 views that the dude was living behind the screen his entire life and all he did was put up one minute clips and. Before that, it was TikTok. You don't know who the dude is.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Then you have him sitting in a chair shirtless doing this real-life thing with you. It's only got 15,000 views. Why? It's because nobody sends everything around for you because you don't tell them to. Send this video around. Hey, look at this. Sign up for the newsletter. Sign up for the newsletter.
Starting point is 00:33:21 That's good. Bruce Wayne, that is your job. You do a very good job of having people seo this for simon all right while we're doing that let's there is a new t-shirt coming out we might as well take a small intermission there's a new t-shirt coming out before we continue our our crossfit podcast it's called the no rep oh this is from canada is it is it Belner? Oh, maybe it's Chris Cooper. Oh, that would be epic.
Starting point is 00:33:51 That would be. Hello? Hey, so I'm, hey, I'm Andrew. How's it going? Hey, what's up, dude? This is Peter. I'm calling from Canada. I just want to say, Andrew, I really appreciate your videos, man.
Starting point is 00:34:05 No problem, Peter. Which'm calling from Canada. I just want to say, Andrew, I really appreciate your videos, man. No problem, Peter. Which one's your favorite? I like all your ones with the no reps and all that kind of stuff. Like all the most recent ones, the ones with the steroids and stuff. Like all of it's been good, man. You have a pretty good voice. Do you do steroids? Do you do steroids? Do you have a deep voice? No, I am on TRT, but I am 56. You have a pretty deep voice. Do you do steroids? Do you do steroids? Do you have a deep voice? No. I am on TRT, but I am 56.
Starting point is 00:34:30 How is the TRT? It's been awesome. When did you start? Probably five years ago. I had a lot of concussions when I was younger. I've had low T my whole life like how do you know and then finally i just said to my doctor i'll do the blood test my doctor would always say oh no it's it's really low it's really low but it's not the bottom end don't worry about it and then finally i just went to him and said look you gotta do
Starting point is 00:35:02 something about this and send me to a concussion specialist. And so I'm like working closely with a doctor on it. So like something. Oh, brother, I hate to interrupt you, but we're going to get in so much trouble. The fans are going to lose their shit if we turn this into a TRT show. Do you have anything you'd like to say about the. But please call back on Monday. We're going to do a whole TRT show.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Is there anything you'd like to say about what the shit show that is CrossFit Inc. and the propaganda machine that they're that's floundering? i have a kind of a question but also i have a thing so i just started taking the judges course because i just wanted to to do i wanted to do it for a while and one thing that really stood out to me and i just want to read it quickly the goal is to find the best best athletes by holding events on an even playing field. The goal is not, and not is written in bold red letters, to find the craftiest athlete who can blur the line between what is technically acceptable and what is not in the spirit of the event as written. And to me, the word spirit stands out.
Starting point is 00:35:59 We all know what CrossFit is supposed to be, right? You go in. It's not just about winning. It's about doing it right. It's about doing it right it's intended and if you're just going in there just like trying to win at all costs it just fucking ruins the sport like for somebody like me at home watching it trying to do the best i can and watching other people just like oh you know the open doesn't matter. Oh, this doesn't matter. Oh, yeah, well, he showed the capacity. It's like if I'm playing rugby and I show the capacity to score a try, but I don't touch the ball down, I'm not getting a try.
Starting point is 00:36:34 You know what I mean? Fair. Like there's fucking rules. Fair. And it's – I want it to mean something too. I spoke on this in the Belder video a little bit. In the Belder video. It's like,
Starting point is 00:36:46 all he does is everything that he's supposed to do and everybody knows it. And it's because he's earned the right to do those things. And in the spirit of all of these people who are doing it in the spirit and not really doing it properly, they're almost doing these things because they're forced to, because they don't have the requisite fitness to be doing things the right way. In my opinion, that's why they do it yes i really don't know okay okay okay okay no no no no no no you're a good dude thank you i have to hang up on you sorry we have to keep the show going about
Starting point is 00:37:16 the press conference i love you call back on monday trt i appreciate you um so one of the things i look at suze is giving me the thumbs up and laughing how do you know because i oh i can see him i got like admins when you're when you've been on the show enough times we'll give you admin and you can see caleb and um everyone's they're like look at look at these guys yeah i know these i know them i just can't see them like you can oh they're gone again okay get your shirt listen while we talk look at shirts. They're about to come out while I tell you something. Did you listen to the entire press conference, Andrew? Yeah, all but the first bit because the person who sent me the first bit didn't start recording until later.
Starting point is 00:37:56 What do you think? Son of a bitch. Can you just listen for a second, Kevin? Just for a second. This Rob Miller comment is incredibly on point. Okay. What do you think stood out most from listening to the press conference today? What do you think stood out?
Starting point is 00:38:13 You want to know? Because I have this one all teed up and ready to go for you. Okay. Have you ever seen the campaign? The movie with Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis? If I have, I don't remember it. Whenever they asked Berg a question, it was the exact quote unquote type of speech
Starting point is 00:38:33 given by Will Ferrell in the campaign. And I have it all written out over here. So they go, all right, hey, well, what do you think you're going to do to bring jobs back in North Carolina? He goes, I'd like to thank you for asking me that question. It's the first thing I think about in the morning. It's the last thing I think about before I go to bed. When we get more jobs in North Carolina, it creates a strong America.
Starting point is 00:38:53 And a strong America means a strong North Carolina. And that's how I'm going to bring more jobs back to the state of North Carolina. And he runs around the question. And there's absolutely no direction. And there's no answer. So I think about this directly when it goes, okay, how are you going to help the events like the semifinal events? So you have a semifinal and like, what are you going to do to support them? This is the fricking movie right here. So yeah, they asked Will Ferrell a question and he just says every which thing to just keep talking. And then the entire crowd goes, yeah, what a good answer.
Starting point is 00:39:23 So you didn't walk away with any, you didn't walk away. The only thing that we really learned is that the games are going to be in Madison in 2023. They were actually supposed to be in Birmingham. For those of you who don't know, I'm guessing most of you don't know that the games were supposed to be in Birmingham. They were going to be moved and now they are not moving. Probably goes to Alabama, Alabama, Alabama,
Starting point is 00:39:43 the home of the civil rights movement. That's not why they're moving it there, is it? I don't know. Okay, Kevin, go ahead. Kevin. Kevin, Mr. Bellinger. Hello. Hi.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Yo. Thank you for being so patient. Yes. No problem at all. Thank you. I love to ask you both one is any talk at all about an affiliate or any business out there that can really become an alternative because i think crossfit's so an amazing sport and i i'm hoping that you guys help correct it so that it can become even part of the olympics
Starting point is 00:40:20 i just think it has such an impact around the world and the second question is where it crops it in regards to las vegas and betting and betting and how so far out there's a ton of people there's a ton of people fucking with it those ideas of an app and betting and gaming and family fitness and fantasy fitness and fantasy fantasies of your mom all that shit's being like tossed around. But, but I haven't seen anything come close to, uh, it'd be the worst betting sport on the face of the planet. Every single year,
Starting point is 00:40:52 the same guy and girl are going to win the games. And like, what are you betting around? Who's going to finish 10th? Possibly. It's like, you better hope they finish the games. I can't wait for the California hormone games,
Starting point is 00:41:01 which will be happening in about a year at the ranch where we, um, crown the greatest man alive so that's what i'm excited about is this an open invitation to the games athletes as well yeah of course of course of course and they would they would be doing it natural correct well they do whatever they want it's it's we it's a free country do what you want well how they're you're going to drug test at the California Hormone Games, right? We would definitely never do that. Oh, okay. Okay. I was asking some questions. Is Zach still here?
Starting point is 00:41:34 I'm still here, yeah. Go ahead, brother. Last question, and then we're going to get nasty comments now. I wanted to go back to the Olympics. I know that it's a mess right now, but it's really so impactful. I'm a 40-year veteran of working with young people, and I turn a lot of young people into prostate direction. But with this mess that's happening right now, I see this as being something to olympic sport as well too so but
Starting point is 00:42:07 what would what would it take to be able to have prospect go in that direction i think the olympics is a joke i'm not i'm not a fan of the olympics at all i don't hold it any prestige when people say hey what would what did the olympics do i just laugh i think that's a fucking corrupt organization that's politically fucking hell bent and doesn't do the right thing almost ever and never the one thing that they did do right which is fucking hilarious and and i and i take this back to a question that sean woodland mentioned uh in the press conference today when he asked um adrian and uh or when he was asking adrian and justin about the placing of the athletes um sean Woodland was asking that maybe you should place
Starting point is 00:42:45 the athletes the same way the NCAA does. And when he says that, and I'm reading into this, and I apologize to Sean if I'm reading into it too much, he's saying it like that they are some authority. They are not a fucking authority. They're a fucking shit show, fucking corrupt organization that can be fucking bought by anyone at any time. And same with the Olympics. And people use the Olympics like that all the timelympics and people use the olympics like that all the time you'll see in the youtube comments that people will argue and it's it's a fallacy an argument it's an authority fallacy as if the olympics are some sort of authority well what would the olympics do well the olympics did this well and the canadians love doing that
Starting point is 00:43:20 shit to us well the can the olympics understand that it's a it's an international sport well let me tell you that first of all your your argument's full of shit it doesn't the can the olympics understand that it's a it's an international sport well let me tell you that first of all your your argument's full of shit it doesn't mean anything the olympics are nothing but the irony is is that the olympics did not require vaccines in tokyo they did not right yeah why why not well because because their great organization is mr bellinger is saying sorry mr I don't mean to attack you either. I'm just saying that you and I appreciate the fact that you like the kids. And I was trying to steer it back to the fact that like that was some of the questions in the press conference. Like, hey, when or how and how how are these athletes placed?
Starting point is 00:43:59 And I want to say this to the one thing that stood out to me the most in the entire press conference was this response. this too. The one thing that stood out to me the most in the entire press conference was this response Adrian Bosman gave. At this exact moment, you're just five minutes away from mouth-watering golden french fries. Five minutes away from crispy onion rings and potato tots too. Because five minutes in the air fryer is all it takes to serve up a delicious batch of Cavendish Farm's new quick crisp onion rings, potato tots, and french fries. Faster than ever before. Just 300 seconds between you and your all-time favorites. Quick Crisp from Cavendish Farms.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Made our way. Enjoyed your way. Available right away. Whether you're practicing your morning breath work, waiting for your favorite artist to come on stage, or running errands at the perfect pace. Liquid IV powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon, lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in store at costco walmart amazon and other
Starting point is 00:45:05 canadian retailers which one and it was a question um once again that came from sean woodland another fascinating thing that there were that sean woodland got two questions and there were from what i hear there was there were a shitload of people who didn't even get one question and then there were fucking real journalists who weren't even allowed to be in. But Sean Woodland asked Adrian a question and he prefaced it with, I know that you give the athletes, and I'm paraphrasing, I know you give the athletes a choice
Starting point is 00:45:33 of where to place this year. And then he went on with the question. And then before Adrian answered the question, because Adrian has fucking integrity, he said, I want to be very clear. We did not give the athletes a choice this year what we did is is we asked him uh we sent out a survey and we asked him about any travel limitations but but i like the fact that he was so honest in that because he could have just let that slide
Starting point is 00:45:57 and be like i didn't say that sean woodland said that do you remember that part when adrian he said primary consideration was rank and then travel restrictions was secondary consideration. Yeah. And I just at least appreciated that. That was what stood out to me of the entire press conference. And it was very weird that Sean Woodland got two questions. Did you hear about people who did not get even one question? Have you heard from anyone?
Starting point is 00:46:21 I haven't heard of people who haven't gotten any, but i did only think that i heard six people who got questions and from what i heard and read on the transcript that was sent to me there was only there were three questions directed at athletes that were just a complete waste of time just like hey and god people are gonna be like oh you hate mal o'brien so much it's like i don't hate Mal O'Brien, but the question that is like, Hey, do you think you can beat Tia Toomey this year? And then it's like, Oh, you know, maybe, or yeah, I'm going to try and beat her. Like what else would I be doing the CrossFit games for? It's like, why is this an important question? Of course she's going to go try and beat Tia Toomey.
Starting point is 00:46:57 She's trying to be the fittest woman on the world. Like why waste your breath with that question in this press conference? That's only 40 minutes long. There was no reason for the athletes to be there in my opinion what do you think i agree and then why are they the youngest athletes in the sport you would think that you'd want to have like a velener or fukowski people who've been there been around the block a couple times they're answering questions for everybody would you agree well yeah people on the pfaa like what is that thing for hey and here's what's fascinating too
Starting point is 00:47:26 man this is gonna be weird it's gonna be kind of a weird backhanded compliment I don't see eye to eye with Vellner and pretty much anything but if I was fucking running the show he'd be the first guy I'd have in the press fucking conference.
Starting point is 00:47:49 That's what I'm saying. Yeah, exactly. I agree with you. I'd put my fucking ego aside, and I'd have the fucking guy on who's best for the fucking job. That's why it's another mistake that these fucking knuckleheads are keeping us on the outside of the fence. At least let Hiller inside. You're fucking nuts keeping us on the outside of the fence. We're not good for the company on the outside of the fence at least let hiller inside you're fucking nuts keeping us on the outside of the fence we're not good for the company on the outside of the fence i don't know i think
Starting point is 00:48:10 we're pretty good they're doing their job we're killing it but it's not good for them it's not good for the company it's not good for the community and it's all for ego reasons it's all for ego reasons you have to know that that's a reason right there to de-affiliate what's that that the fact that that it's people running-affiliate what's that that the fact that that it's people running the show for not what's best for the company but what's best for their ego they do that that's what it was it was like hey maureen chalk up please ask us these questions is what it felt like is that what you're saying yes yes and what and but also why are you keeping people outside of the fence when you're claiming diversity inclusivity equity whatever
Starting point is 00:48:44 and they're people who if you brought inside the fence they you're claiming diversity, inclusivity, equity, whatever. And there are people who if you brought inside the fence, they could actually contribute instead of harm. It's because they didn't want me to ask Mel O'Brien a question. That's what it was. Well, well, well, I'll also tell you this. I was invited to the CrossFit Games last year, the year before. I can't remember after i was fired to film there and eric rose's response was no i'm catrin um cried because of what seven said about her and we don't want seven around her you talk about the time where she threw you under the bus and then
Starting point is 00:49:17 all you did was say some facts about it so she cried oh man yes where would i where would i drop the ego where would i where would I think I did drop it. It's in there somewhere. It's under the couch. Go lift that thing up. I know you're strong. The whoopie's no good. The whoopie's terrible.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Did you see my video on that? I compared the whoop against the MyZone. I didn't see your original one. I saw your most recent one. Look at that thing. That's how you want to wear it I saw your most recent one. Look at that thing. That's how you want to wear it. You know what? It looks just like this thing.
Starting point is 00:49:50 So you just strap this to your nipples and you're good to go. That looks like some Australian dude. Is it Tom Porter? Yeah. All right. Good. Yeah, I compared the Whoop to the MyZone and the Apple Watch, and it was far and away the worst of the three. I mean, the MyZone claims that it's got 99.7% accuracy right on the website.
Starting point is 00:50:15 You can't find anything on the Whoop to claim how accurate it is. But I've got plenty of knowledge, and I've had one since 2015. And from what I saw, you had the one, two, and three, and all of those were extremely accurate. You do some double unders, your heart rate goes up, you stop doing double unders, it goes down. It's like, I feel like I'm at 180. It says you're at 180. The 4.0 comes out, you're killing yourself on a rower. You just wrote a 5k PR pace. And then you come on off. It says you're at a 140 heart rate. You watch Froning do it. Did you see the video where I plugged in Froning doing 22.1? Hey know what's funny you know how stupid i am though that's the thing it
Starting point is 00:50:49 doesn't matter i know i was this is the stuff i'm talking about savannah i'm watching you recapping some of the stuff that i talk about and you're like wow he is fit and i just want to come over there i want to strangle you i want to kill you for saying i'm like no well now you have my phone number you can just call into the show and be like, moron. Savan, you son of a bitch. He's fit, so my buddy Street Horner, he'll like... Hold on. Before you go on, I want to say what happened.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Hiller made a video that showed he was talking about how Rich Froning's heartbeat goes down when he works out, and when he rests, it goes up, and he was like, weird shit like that. And I thought, wow, that's fascinating. I didn't realize... Because now you're going to go buy a whoop, and he was like putting out some weird shit like that and i thought wow that's fascinating like it was fascinating because now you're gonna go buy a whoop and you're like yeah i hope whoop puts me on their show i'll put the thing on there yeah see how angry i'm getting anyway my buddy street goes swimming in the pool his heart rate goes up to 204 because the dude's
Starting point is 00:51:39 fit as shit and he then will operate well at a higher heart rate not sit lower because basically when your heart rate doesn't go that high, a lot of the time it's because you're not fit enough to express a high heart rate. So you just can't get there and you panic and slow down. I know this is off subject, but I would like to have Street Horner on the show and talk to him in detail about his relationship with David Katchen's daughter if he's so interested. All right. In detail.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Yeah, Street's the man. He's a good dude. He's a good dude? I always thought he was a foreigner. I didn't invite him on the podcast for the longest time because I thought he was a foreigner. You've got plenty of foreigners on your show, man. I know, but I thought he was one that didn't speak English. I didn't think BKG speaks English.
Starting point is 00:52:24 It's because his abs are too nice. Right. The propaganda conference was shared the day before. It's not a press conference. Oh, we forgot to say goodbye to that guy. CrossFit didn't notify their own staff about this press conference. They didn't know. They found out from the morning chaka
Starting point is 00:52:47 how do you know they weren't notified how do you know that what what did you say when i asked you that question i cannot tell you my sources there you go good boy uh another i got something i want to talk about okay on on the topic that is the discussion of this show is where is it they were talking about i have it over here i have notes just like you semi-final programming they were talking about the fact that they have two workouts released so the semi-finals are to have six workouts correct did you catch this part all right so the semi-finals have six workouts they have two that are given to them by crossfit they're all going to know these so like the semifinals go week one week two week
Starting point is 00:53:30 three week four and of course the ones that will be weeks two three and four are going to know them ahead of time because they have to release them for week one and then they said that there is no order in which they have to be completed so i heard that i heard that i heard which i thought i thought that was interesting and then they also said that they have bumpers around the workouts themselves. So let's say, Hey, we want something that's three minutes long. We want it to be a barbell and a gymnastics movement. I, that's what I hear when I say that they want bumpers on a workout. You mean the other four? Correct. There's quote-unquote bumpers on them.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Where was that? I have the transcript open right here. Do you know where that is in the transcript? That's fascinating. I didn't catch that. Let's see. I got the transcript somewhere. So that means that the workout, well, regardless, I think the workouts have to be approved by HQ anyway.
Starting point is 00:54:24 It's in the first paragraph of the transcript. Maybe it's in the second paragraph, but it's speaker one. It's either the first or the second paragraph, but there it is, bumpers. It's the 15th line down in the first paragraph, 240. Can you see that? I only see 13 lines in the first paragraph. Well, I was roughly estimating about 13 lines down. I see it. I see 13 lines in the first paragraph well i was roughly estimating about i see it i see it here we go that was something that we heard a lot about last season
Starting point is 00:54:52 was a cross-region comparison potential and so that's why we decided to go that way once we provided these two workouts to the semi-final organizers we also provided them some bumpers kind of on the ends of what we wanted for the rest of the workouts to be. And again, to try to balance consistency with the uniqueness of each event. So they had some this sounds like the way the verbs are. It sounds like they're talking about a past event. That's not how I heard it. The way that I heard it is they are saying here are your two workouts
Starting point is 00:55:26 put them wherever you want so like you can put them first and sixth or second and fifth or third and fourth wherever you want to put them and then your other four workouts there has to be something long something short something in the middle something just weight lifting that's how i hear it and those are their bumpers and then six weeks out from each semifinal, we conduct a full review of the programming that they submit to us. Fair enough. Correct. Yes. So do you see any problems with this?
Starting point is 00:55:52 I think that's great. No, I just thought that we were just, you know, recapping. That was Adrian Bosman who gave all of that information. You already said that he is a very viable and integrity-filled dude. So I just pointed that out because we are reviewing yeah the official unofficial press conference and that was something that i was definitely thought worth noting because i haven't read it anywhere on the internet all i've read is oh the games are going to be in madison it's like well that's great that's who cares they're going to be in madison
Starting point is 00:56:16 the only thing that would have mattered is if they would have sent it overseas right oh the games are in europe that would have been big news right or. Or if they would have announced a CEO. That would have also been big news, but like they're in Madison's like, okay, we don't really even know. Like, okay, they're just there again. Were they going to be there anyway? Right. No, no one cares. Like, why do we have to know this? Why is this what's being talked about? What you mentioned about O2 and GoWOD, which is interesting is, as of a week ago, I also heard that many people who are working in the ecosystem with the
Starting point is 00:56:49 games have not been given budgets, that they don't know exactly what the, how they're supposed to service these events. I'm trying to be semi vague here. Service the events, meaning the semifinals or service the games. Meaning, meaning let's say, um, say um you're the guy who who uh supplies the porta potties for uh an event and you can't order the porta potties yet because you don't know how much money you're going to get to be allocated i i heard you say it as in there's
Starting point is 00:57:16 no budget so they're going to get unlimited porta potties no there's no budget like as in there's they don't know and we're really, really close to showtime. We're a couple of weeks away. Right. And you would venture to say that's something that Mr. Dave Castro would have squared away. Correct. Correct.
Starting point is 00:57:32 All right. Dave's gone. Dave's Dave's gone. All right. He's not dead. He's, he's out there somewhere. Well,
Starting point is 00:57:38 I mean, he's just taking pictures of mountain lions and shit now. I mean, he's this whole, this whole thing now is the Justin Berg show. This whole way, everything we're watching watching on the back of that comment every single time somebody asked him a question on this press conference he would have to tie in adrian bosman like hey justin uh we have a question for you well let's uh bring in adrian just to make sure that i don't misverb this but here and then start talking and he would then basically give an answer but it was very
Starting point is 00:58:04 interesting when somebody in the comments goes hey andrew what do you think about the whoop and i go oh savann make sure that i don't mess this up but it was it was interesting to me to hear that over and over again i started the show with um hillar please jump in wherever wherever you wherever you want none i went to the same school your twitter account is all messed up too you go back and forth all the time on your Twitter account are you on Twitter Savant not really not nothing that nothing that I manage I I repost every I repost everything that Elon does and then we just started a Twitter account for the seven podcast. Do you have a, do you have a tick tock? I, uh,
Starting point is 00:58:46 I, uh, I, I do have one, but I signed up for it and then I raced the app off my phone. Once I was told the Chinese on it. What was your first CrossFit workout? Uh,
Starting point is 00:58:58 my, my first like real one was fight gone bad. But the first time I ever thought I've heard of CrossFit, I did Fran and I did it with a friend at a gym and I didn't know you were supposed to do it for time so like i did 11 thrusters then you did 11 thrusters then we went and got a drink of water then i did 10 then you did 10 and then it was cool though we didn't i didn't know it was supposed to be for uh do you do uh strict pull-ups at 95 pounds yeah i almost only do strict pull-ups did you do that with james hobart because that was also james hobart's first were you his partner when i started crossfit james
Starting point is 00:59:24 hobart was a fucking sperm. Actually, I don't think a sperm was used to make James Hobart. He's too soft. Hey, speaking of both James Hobart and Dave Castro, nice job. Dave Castro was only made from sperm, and James Hobart was only made from eggs. You know what? You really don't want him back on your show, do you? I do.
Starting point is 00:59:43 I do want him on my show. I'm throwing a fucking temper tantrum. the same way this fucking knucklehead. I mean, don't get me started. You're started. Like finish it. You can't just cut it off. I'm going through my list right now.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Semi-final. Uh, okay. So I do have that semi-final workouts. Don't have to be in any specific order. I talked about what, uh, I thought Adrian did a great job at unfucking. They talked about the international athletes. They did talk about them? They did, yes.
Starting point is 01:00:12 They said that this year, so they compared it from this year to last year. So they were essentially saying last year there was COVID. Last year there were more athletes taking into consideration. So then because there were so many athletes and such vast considerations to be made that they then made the considerations and they don't believe that i don't believe that what do you what do you believe i i don't i don't believe that those i believe that it's equally as challenging this year as last year i don't i don't think with the things that they were bringing so you i made the video on uh samson off and Roman Krennikoff. In my opinion, those are way bigger issues. They're like life issues.
Starting point is 01:00:52 You've got Tia Toomey who went back to Australia this year because she could because she didn't have to quarantine to go do it and compete at the Torian Pro this year. Then she would have had to have quarantined to come back to the United States. You always got to ask the question is would they have then made a change if she couldn't do that those things because they made a change last year because of that and would they have still made the same change this year or are they just like hey screw you roman krennikoff we don't care about you finally making it to the crossfit games and then if that's the case then it's completely bullshit i yeah or samsonoff who lived here since he was like two years old and he's an american And if that's the case, then it's completely bullshit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Or Samsonoff, who lived here since he was like two years old, and he's basically an American citizen that can't be sent back and forth because of visa issues. And then all of a sudden they're like, oh, hey, go to your home country, compete in Asia. We don't care if you can't come back. It's just last chance qualifier. And that's the other thing. And they say, hey, we tried to do something. We offered them the last chance qualifier, and that's not fair. They go online competition, online competition, and then, oh, they have to finish fact that there were creative ideas to switch, but they were not going to take them into consideration this year. They say,
Starting point is 01:02:08 oh, and Snorri put something up on his Instagram. He had like a 10-part- Snorri, Snorri, Snorri. That's what I said, Snorri. What is wrong with these things? I thought you said Story. No, Snorri. Sorry, I'm talking too fast. It's my thing. So Snorri put up his 10-part thing on his Instagram, Story. I did say Story. Snorri on Sorry, I'm talking too fast. It's my thing. So Snorri put up his 10-part thing on his Instagram story. I did say story. Snorri on his story is what I said. It's alliteration, Savan. Come on.
Starting point is 01:02:32 But he put that up, and within it, he talked about how the athletes like Samsonov had somebody who was offering to switch. I believe it was his training partner, and I'm forgetting his name, but he said that he would switch his places because his training partner could go to Asia and then he could come back. CrossFit has heard these things and they said that they're creative, but they're not going to take them into consideration this year. Oh yeah, yeah. I heard that. I heard that. Berg said that too. Yeah. This year is what he said. He made it very clear, which means that next year, let's say somebody like, and again, I'm going to say the
Starting point is 01:03:05 greatest in the sport tia to me as the female side she could be the person that they're saying in the future about because they don't want to put it right there because they're leaving it vague for that sort of a situation which is completely bullshit as well right 100 100 hey anytime i hear that word fair it's's bullshit. It's fucking ambiguous, fucking bullshit woke talk. Fair? Is it important to be fair or is it important to get all the athletes there to compete? I don't think it's fair. I don't think it's worthwhile to send them to the last chance qualifier.
Starting point is 01:03:39 I think actually it's less fair to the people in the last chance qualifier. Me too. 100%. It's 100%. Because the people in the last chance qualifier. Me too. A hundred percent. A hundred. It's a hundred. It's a hundred percent. Because the people in last chance qualifier, usually it's coming off the back of their semifinal. They have one week to do it after they beat their body to shit fair in accordance with
Starting point is 01:03:54 the rules of standards. Legitimate. Yeah. So. Thank you, Caleb. I just keep thinking common sense says no. Common sense says no. Oh, this should be interesting.
Starting point is 01:04:07 This is from the woke capital of the United States. What's that? Portland. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.
Starting point is 01:04:18 How can I help you? Stupid tinfoil hat question. Stupid tinfoil hat question. Yes. Well, hold on. Hold on. I'm going to snug my tinfoil hat on tight I got it
Starting point is 01:04:26 Do you feel like they're making it so hard for Roman Because they don't want a Russian flag on the podium No I don't think that What do you think There are no stupid questions What do you think I don't know I just feel like they're making it
Starting point is 01:04:46 hard for some athletes and uh i they just don't need to what do you think about what adrian said adrian in the press conference said well you guys don't know they didn't they didn't publish they didn't televise the press conference that's another thing it's not how the fuck is it a press conference if there's not a video of it somewhere it's so it's so fucking stupid to piggyback off the roman thing from what i understand it wasn't crossfit's fault that he's been held out for so long correct it was for whatever like actual governmental issues that he wasn't able to get in the united states or his visa issues i don't want to misspeak because it's just that he's a chechnyan spy he's a chechnyan he's a double agent i don't know shit about fuck but i know that he wasn't able to get in the United States, and that doesn't really have anything to do with prostitution.
Starting point is 01:05:29 That he's really a woman and he couldn't get his sex changed on his passport, so he's been stuck over there? Here's what I think. Here's what I think is happening. Here's what Adrian said that I think – this kind of hit me hard because I've had this feeling before too. I don't want to be a fucking nitpicky bitch, even though it's fun making the media about doing this. And so one of the things Adrian said in the press conferences is like, Hey, I'm paraphrasing.
Starting point is 01:05:52 These motherfuckers fucking got jumped on our ass when the videos were submitted. They didn't fucking give us a chance to see him. Yeah, he did say that. And he was cool as shit about it. And I've thought that too. I've said,
Starting point is 01:06:02 Andrew and I talked about that on our first show together. It's like, ah, maybe we're fucking jumping the gun yeah he did bring that up i wish they would have said my name though and andrew of course we wouldn't have let hip and steel in chill out bro the thing is he pulled his freaking name out so we don't know that was the biggest hip and steel what it's like uh uh what what is that tv show it's like a like a dexter or something where they they go in and they make that guy like shoot himself because
Starting point is 01:06:31 it's like now we have to make it look like you committed suicide so that we aren't the bad guys here because they weren't going to get rid of his score is what it looked like hey um but here here here's the valid point where you bring them they chose gab Gabriela Magawa, Mal O'Brien, and Guy Malheros, three people who don't have mastery of the English language at the press conference when they could have easily chosen Patrick Vellner. And maybe that's because they did that because they believe that there's some sort of exploding growth or they're trying to stimulate growth outside of the United States and viewership. But why didn't they choose someone like Roman? I mean, who knows? I'm just I'm just entertaining the idea. But but this company is woke as fuck, too.
Starting point is 01:07:14 And that is a kind of like a woke thing to do is maybe punish Roman. I'm just trying to explore the idea, but I don't think so. But maybe. Thanks for taking the call. Yeah, thank you. You have a very nice voice. Bye. You do.
Starting point is 01:07:28 You should broadcast the CrossFit Games. You sounded like our smartest listener. So, okay, so I can chalk that off my list about Adrian saying we jumped the gun on ass-pounding the submissions. Okay, I think i've the big the big thing along with that was that he they were talking it was sean woodland who addressed that question he asked like about the quarterfinals the videos and like why should we trust crossfit and then bosman's the one who fielded the question and he said it's one of our biggest priorities is to have trust correct and today the morning chalk up on their story put what do you think that they need to do in order to gain the trust of the community back? And I think it's an extremely
Starting point is 01:08:08 simple answer. And the answer is put the videos on the leaderboard. And to just do it at the stage of the quarterfinal, that's okay. Make the quarterfinals people all put their videos on the leaderboard and bring back exactly the software that they had in 2018, which was the judging of the judges. You take the $10 course, you, Sivan, you take the $10 course, and then you can go onto the leaderboard right now and you can say, oh, that's not a good video. Oh, that's not a good video. And if anything, it just dings it so that the people who are higher up can see. That is so loud in these headphones. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Andrew. Go on, go on, go on. Joshua, do 30 burpees while Andrew to interrupt you, Andrew. Go on, go on, go on. Uh, Joshua do, uh,
Starting point is 01:08:45 30 burpees while Andrew finishes his thought, please. Okay. So 60 setups. He's out of here. Yep. So, so,
Starting point is 01:08:51 so allow people to, um, you know about that process, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it was actually one of the things that Greg always talked about.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Like, Hey, he would basically say, Hey, people are going to submit videos and-police and someone's like how are we going to police all the videos because we don't need to is what do you mean he goes soon as the emails start pouring in that this motherfucker cheated we look at that one and now it's literally it's literally just me and people who follow me on instagram who send me things and it's our job
Starting point is 01:09:18 all of a sudden not that it's our job i've made it my job hey if greg on the company you'd have been hired already he bring it he already. He brings everyone inside. Yeah, he brings everyone inside the fence. And if Greg were still part of the company, Dave Castro still would be, and I wouldn't be doing this because I'd be afraid I'd be getting in trouble. If when I meet the people today who work at CrossFit, who come from outside the ecosystem, they're not CrossFitters. And I want to say this without, I don't mean it to be mean,
Starting point is 01:09:53 but we're just a different breed. And that's another thing you should know that if you're an affiliate or if you're a CrossFitter, they're just a different breed. When you meet them, they don't stand like us. They don't make eye contact us. They don't shake hands like us. They don't stand like us. They don't make eye contact us. They don't shake hands like us. They don't hug like us. What are you talking about again? Just when you meet people who are new to CrossFit, it takes them a while to, you know, like to stand up straight.
Starting point is 01:10:17 They don't all stand up straight like us. You know what I mean? What do you mean? They're like triathletes. They do this kind of stuff. And there's like a little bit of like a beta. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's not, you know, like if you see Nicole Carroll walk into a room, like her arms don't rest down on her side.
Starting point is 01:10:34 You know what I mean? That's because her lats are fucking huge. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, you know, I was- Do your arms go down or are they- No, fuck no. This is as far as my arms go down. You sit there and you're
Starting point is 01:10:45 just like a freaking triangle i was at a i was at a wedding one time this is a fucking true story i was at a wedding one time and and it was it was outside wedding and i was sitting at a at a picnic bench across from nicole carroll and i don't remember the order that it happened in but there were like 10 people on the bench and And Nicole Carroll comes out looking beautiful. And she's wearing these jeans and a, you know, like a white blouse. And it's like an outdoor, it's like an outdoor wedding. It's shitload of fucking people there. 500 people there.
Starting point is 01:11:14 It's an overnight wedding. You all sleep at this campground with like, some people are in tents. Some people are in cabins. It was dope. And she sits down and you hear this crazy rip. This crazy rip this crazy rip and my wife's there and nicole starts laughing and she stands up and she walks away and her fucking her jeans are fucking split where they just write down the ass she got she got a fucking big old cabusa. Yeah. Big old bubble Cabusa. So she leaves, and she comes back, and she sits down, and she leans over to eat her food or get something, and the fucking back of her shirt fucking rips open. She ripped the shirt and jeans at the fucking same.
Starting point is 01:11:59 I've never seen anyone do that, man or woman. So what you're trying to say is that the people outside— This is a small woman. This is like a five-foot-one woman. was she wearing clothes that were too small is that what you're saying i mean they didn't look they don't look too closed small on her when she has them on but like if like she moves or like you know she gets a punt like the pump from reaching over to grab the guac that shit fucking rip oh my god it was and what you're trying to say is that the people that you were speaking of outside of crossfit don't have clothing issues like nicole carroll they're just a different breed than us
Starting point is 01:12:28 you would be so disappointed like like when greg walked in like when greg walked into a room he grabbed every single person and hugged them and squeezed them and acted like he knew them forever like we all did the same thing we all shook hands we all hugged we all there was a there was a bond it's it's it's gone it's um uh stefan's actually wearing those jeans right now yeah that nicole carroll they don't look as tight on you savannah i once she threw them away i went to the trash and got them you're like a freaking raccoon um it's just you you would be you would be i i there's a, there's a, uh, uh, um, a beta component, uh, a triathlete weirdo component, uh, Bostonian component to, um, executives in general.
Starting point is 01:13:16 And, uh, uh, whether you're in, in Boulder is just, if you haven't been to Boulder, you have to go there. It's just, it's just a different breed. Men don't grow facial hair like Hiller there. And if you do, it's coiffed. It's just a different breed. Yeah, I comb this thing every morning. You're going to hate me for that.
Starting point is 01:13:36 I don't do that. I can't say that seriously. I don't mind it. I don't mind if you comb it. Look at my hair. I think half of my high school went to Boulder, Colorado when they graduated. What's up with that place? Who went there?
Starting point is 01:13:48 Like half of my high school when they graduated. I feel like every single one of them went to Boulder, Colorado. Colorado was a hot spot for a while. It's because they were the first spot to legalize marijuana, right? Oh, maybe. Maybe that's why HQ's there. Gee, I hear you. I know.
Starting point is 01:14:07 What happened? Or it's the peak of insults. Or it's the peak of insults. That's the thing. I don't really use that term beta. But I know one when I see one, and there's a posture, kind of can't make eye contact. I'm not present, a busy mind, um,
Starting point is 01:14:28 uh, element to it. It's, it's, it's, it's a, it's a, it's a Nike exact.
Starting point is 01:14:32 It's like, it's like, have you ever been on campus at Nike? Have you? Yes. The Nike campus. It's just, everyone's like two.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Anthony, I would totally take the head judge job. Like these dudes would get fucking destroyed If they had to work a day on a farm Yeah I feel that way about a lot of people In a lot of situations Like you look at their hands And they just don't look like they've ever done
Starting point is 01:14:57 A day's work in their life Right It goes very much along with what you're saying About all of this Well Is there anything else we want to address here it goes very much along with what you're saying about all of this. Well, is there anything else we want to address here in this, about this press conference?
Starting point is 01:15:15 I think we did a pretty good job of expanding on a press conference that was pretty vapid. What we do know is, is that they're going to do the games again in Madison, not Birmingham. We know that they, they definitely, we know that the press wasn't the real press. We know that it was propaganda.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Let me check my notes. Yeah, they're over there. Oh, nice, nice. We know that Andrew Weinstein is not a real CrossFitter, never has been. Most executive team, if any, the C-suite, they are not. I think the only person that they hired over there only hardcore person that they hired i think gary gaines is like like maybe like a 10-year crossfitter i think maybe he's the only one gary gaines yeah and he surrounded himself with some some animals too some bosses austin maliolo hobart those guys so that's it that's all i got that's all i got
Starting point is 01:16:03 do you have any other familiarity with other press conferences outside of cross yeah yeah yeah i watch a press conference every week i watch for ufc right yeah for the ufc every week i never miss it what does it look like yes everyone is welcome to the press conference the people that you're going to ask questions to are sitting up in front of you and anyone can fire a question as long as you sign up ahead of time okay and what are the what's like the the ski the umbrella in which the questions are being asked what's under the umbrella that they're asking the athletes uh because that's why that's why they had the athletes there because in a press conference just like your ufc fight they had athletes there to be at answering your questions
Starting point is 01:16:43 correct and sometimes people like dana white will be there with them and they ask dana questions too like dana why did the ticket prices go up dana um what uh you know why why is this fight a five round fight when normally it's a three round fight they ask dana questions too which is cool but they ask the fighters questions too in this particular circumstance this should have been just an admin so savannah it would be like me ask the questions that they were asking the athletes this is what i'm getting at it'd be like me saying hey what color is that microphone you've got oh okay thanks next question that was a very good answer that that that it's like like i brought i brought up the can you beat tia question like why is that relevant like why is
Starting point is 01:17:19 that something that you're asking in this space and then there was another one like there that's gee they go hey uh if you were to pick like your favorite person to compete against who would you pick and he was like uh no no not who you could someone who you would want to go to the competition with you oh that's that like that question it just didn't make any sense well that's why that's why i looked at my notes over there because i had these things lined up on there that I didn't have on my computer. It was so bad, dude. I could just go off and ass pound everyone there, but I don't want to. I'm trying to turn another leaf, but it was so bad. I wanted to be sure that we hit each of the bullet points because there were only
Starting point is 01:17:59 basically 12 questions. There was no one there. It was not a press conference it was a propaganda thing what's the takeaway there you want to go big picture it's completely disingenuous it's the same fucking lies that have been coming out of the crossfit games all fucking year it's all disingenuous from justin berg just even whoopie we can't even we can't even side with with um whoop and being like good job leaving crossfit they're bullshit you're a bunch of fucking ass clowns too we've seen the disingenuous in your remarks as you've stepped out of the room, walked out of the room. Just say it. You're trying – they wrote that they're trying to be more inclusive by switching it to box fitness. No.
Starting point is 01:18:39 That's bullshit. That doesn't make it more inclusive. You're full of shit. We know you're full of shit. What's in the box? Yeah. What's in the box. Yeah. What's in the box. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Coming out tomorrow. Do you have a video coming out tomorrow? Yeah, I do. It's all, it's a good one. Can you give us a hint? Can you give us a hint?
Starting point is 01:18:58 It's tight. You want that? You want to know the title? I have, I have it all made up. It's titled a breaking CrossFit leaks, the 2022 CrossFit Events. I don't think they have them yet.
Starting point is 01:19:18 You don't think they have? Oh, well, that's interesting. Yeah, there you go. I don't know how you make things pop up on there, but there it is. Wow. Is that some Craig make things pop up on there, but there you see that. Is that some Craig Ritchie shit? It's just clickbait? Well, when you watch a Craig Ritchie video, do you ever feel as if anything lines up with the substance of the freaking clickbait?
Starting point is 01:19:37 My biggest thing with every video I put out is that when you click on it, at some point you're like, okay, I see what happened there. And sometimes it's true. And then sometimes you're like, well, what happened there and sometimes it's true and then sometimes you're like well at least this was a video worth watching so okay i can't wait what time is that coming out tomorrow i try to get them up before 8 a.m it's the we keep on talking hey if you guys are in here still and you haven't sent this video to your best friend and liked it do it because posting at 8 a.m savannah is the best time according to the data on YouTube. I try to get it out by 8 a.m.
Starting point is 01:20:09 You guys get this? 8 a.m.? I'm going to send it to five of my best friends. 8 a.m., got it. We got somebody coming. Is that 8 a.m. Central time or Pacific? That would be Central. That would be central so that
Starting point is 01:20:25 that would be six o'clock pacific you don't have any caller id what's up you're an asshole no one wants to be a friend you're a nigger a piece of shit fuck you whoa and hang up excuse me i think maybe everyone with the southern accent you brought me on and then the call just went you know they were so good tonight taylor where were you in that call notice taylor wasn't there when the was that you on the call you know i've never seen batman and c Caleb in the same room at the same time. Someone wanted me to talk on Nate Edwardson.
Starting point is 01:21:14 And yeah, he blocked me on YouTube because I commented about his clickbait. Because his clickbait, I'm like, all right, I want to hear about the no reps. And then he doesn't talk about me at all on his channel. Wait, you can block people on YouTube? So what you do is you go into the background and you make their comments invisible to the public. So if I were to go on it, I can still go see it. But if I were to sign on on someone else's YouTube, I can't see my comments. So they try to make it sneaky sneaky, but I know exactly what's going on.
Starting point is 01:21:41 He doesn't want anyone seeing my comments on his YouTube channel because I called him out. I can't find the spot where you talk about no reps. And then I finally found it. And then you didn't even mention my name. I'm like the no rep guy. I have a shirt that says no rep on it. And if you haven't gone to the website yet for Travis, like go get up the no rep shirt. He just released a couple more.
Starting point is 01:21:55 Can we talk about that? We kind of talked about that. Someone else told me that they didn't like, I was, someone else told me that they didn't like how he takes other people's podcasts and plays them without giving them credit. I don't think I have a problem with that though. Well, I do that with yours like pretty frequently.
Starting point is 01:22:12 So yeah. Okay. Well, good. I like it. I'm flattered by it. I don't have a problem with it. He blocks me. But when I post your stuff, people go to you and then they might come back to me.
Starting point is 01:22:22 So why wouldn't he try to bounce off me a little bit? That's what I was thinking. Yeah. I was trying to play with him he didn't want to play he just like all right get the fuck out of here dude i don't need you did you see his newest video he just released one like a couple hours ago oh does it have something to do with me blocking or getting locked i did because it says time to address the drama yeah i like how i kept skipping through to wait for the part it just goes into him working out like him talking about his house and maybe you've been there i'm not saying it has to be about me it's the first thing i'm doing and he's gonna be like i see that you said i blocked him i
Starting point is 01:22:54 didn't block him i just hit all of his comments well halfway through the video he's just doing deadlifts so i don't know he moves well i got no reason to address that end of it so hey let's let's i want to see if we can find that. Let's give Nate some love. Scroll to the part where he's talking about it. I want to hear what he says about Andrew. Let's see what Andrew's going to say. Bruce Wayne already said it has nothing to do with me. Is that true, Bruce? You ruined it. Bruce Wayne is just awesome.
Starting point is 01:23:20 That's like you go out with Bruce's sister and he's like, she's not going to sleep with you. Where do you come up with this shit you have these all the time it's just not like the tip of your tongue you're just ready to throw that sort of stuff out yeah it's like it's awesome i love it oh it's about it's about velner uh oh and he is velner's guy i think he when he used to be Vellner's like camera dude I like Vellner Vellner's a good guy I heard Nate Edwardson's in tight with the buttery bros too I think he did some
Starting point is 01:23:54 like editing or work for them like really early on go to the last two minutes to see the part he talks about in the title hey let's title this
Starting point is 01:24:03 video video we talk about Nate Edwardson. Hold on. Everybody get out. Everybody get out. And then there's like, crop your face out. Yeah. Hiller doing a video about a donor.
Starting point is 01:24:15 Oh. I like reading the comments while we're doing this. This is good. Mike, what's up, Mike? Mike's my guy. He sends me all the data. Mike Fuente? Mike's the guy with the full-time job who saved CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:24:27 I asked him how to pronounce his name because we had only talked through Instagram and then I mispronounced it in the entire video. So there we go. It's Halpin. Hey, how many, how many subscribers do you have? I believe I'm just shy of 12,000 right now. I'm like this close to you. I almost got you. That's it.
Starting point is 01:24:50 I'm buying a few. Are you going to buy some? Are they cheap? Are they expensive? I don't know. I just made them. Hey, it's the same guy with no caller ID. He doesn't get to come on.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Don't answer that one again. He doesn't get to come on twice. I was talking to someone the other day who knows an individual that works for Meta, Facebook, Instagram. And apparently on that end, they can see who has fake followers. So if they were to go on someone's account, they can see how many fake followers they've got. I just thought that was interesting. Hey, so some guy came on my show. Some guy hit me up in the DMs.
Starting point is 01:25:26 So every day in my DMs, I get in the request, I get like 10 people that tell me five are going to sell me NFTs and five are going to give me Instagram followers, right? And I always just – I hit accept and then delete. Accept and then delete. Or maybe I don't even hit delete. I just hit accept and they just go into the pile, right? Why? Why what? Why do you accept them? Why not just delete them? I don't even hit delete. I just hit accept and they just go into the pile, right? Why? Why what? Why do you accept them?
Starting point is 01:25:46 Why not just delete them? I don't know. Or just leave them. Like never talk to them ever again. Well, I want to clear out that box, the request box. I just put accept and then they just go into a bin. Maybe there's a better way to do it. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Hiller, 11.6. Sebon, 13.4. Oh, God. It's a race to the finish. What are we going to race to? Let's race to 100, 11.6. Sebon, 13.4. Oh, God. Oh, it's a race to the finish. What are we going to race to? Let's race to 100,000. Racing to 13.5 is actually what we're racing to. Yes.
Starting point is 01:26:12 All right, guys. Let's make this thing happen. 13.5. Everyone unsubstantiated. No, don't do that. I don't want to say that. We're trying to pump them up. So this guy says, hey, just to show you, he pops in there and he says, hey, I just want to show you that I'm real.
Starting point is 01:26:28 I just gave you 100 followers, and I go look to my followers list, and there's 100 followers there. And I start clicking on their profiles, and they're all just bullshit. They're just like – they're just fucking – What is it that determines that they're bullshit? How do you know that? Just like you click on it, and they're not – it's like someone with like three posts or two posts or it's like it just it just looks fake they just look fake i don't remember what the exact thing was and so then he comes back and he's like okay um i can get you now that did you see the followers pop in and i go yes and he goes do you want more and i go uh i don't remember what i said i didn't say anything so you are getting
Starting point is 01:27:03 some fake followers you said son of a bitch. Well, they're gone now. I made a post yesterday about – They unfollowed you after you said you didn't want more? I don't remember what happened, but yesterday I lost like 300 followers. I never put on followers because I'm shadow banned. And yesterday I made a post. What's funny is it's a poster of people saying that you should lose weight.
Starting point is 01:27:24 You should get weight loss surgery because diets are only temporary. And I made a post of that and I related it to abortion. And it's so funny. People took it the wrong way and I just lost like 300 followers. This is real? Yeah. Diets don't work long term. Weight loss surgery does.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Is this a park bench? Yes. And I said, or your parents could have just aborted you and you would not even have to be alive and have such hard decisions to make barack obama and the left hate melanated people prove me wrong you know i can't believe people would unfollow you for that man i i just i just don't know i don't know what what it is that people would read about that and go you know i don't like this guy anymore i would be like holy shit someone cares about fucking everybody it seems that way especially the people who don't think diets work long term but they did lose 130 pounds with this weight loss surgery right
Starting point is 01:28:16 it's a long god where is that park bench it's over by where you live no someone sent it to me uh i actually think it's it's over by closer to where um uh to be honest with you it looks like some shit they would have in europe i really want to hope that it's in england but it's some guy who lives near matt 90 miles north of me who sent it but i really hope that it's like it seems like some dumb fucking european shit i really hope so not that we're not dumb but sometimes i'm in denial i gotta tell chet kowalski he's my guy too he asked you is anyone else your guy like yeah chet's my guy he's my number one he's always the first one to watch my videos on youtube oh yeah that guy's cool do you have one of those i fuck with this guy in the dms
Starting point is 01:28:59 i know who's your who's your number one guy savon in in the comment section who's your number one guy, Sivan, in the comment section? Who's your number one or girl? I don't want to say it's going to hurt everyone's feelings. Okay. Don't do it. Okay. You say who it is, Caleb. Who is it? I'm not going to do this.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Do you know who it is, Susan? No. I feel like it's Jen. It's like the dense after 40. She's always helping you out, it seems like. She's always in there. Nah, there's a dude. Bruce Wayne, Dick Butter they're out there bruce wayne bruce wayne's the man i mean there's so many close number ones though jeffrey birchfield heidi i mean there's so many teddy i
Starting point is 01:29:38 mean god i want to look in here yes actually that is true sar Sarah Cox is number one. One zombie. He's always helping out. No, Bruce, you're number five. Sarah Cox is one, two, three, and four. Hey, you know what's so funny? My kids know Sarah Cox, and Avi will be like, because I talk about her. And when I get off the podcast, he says it in some accent. He's like, did you see Sarah Cox? He says her name like all crazy like that. I always just look at him. I try not to encourage it.
Starting point is 01:30:09 Oh, my gosh. You got to have your kid. You have any kids on your show? No. Do I ever? No, no, no, no. You wouldn't want to bring them out to the Internet world. Well, they're already all over my Instagram, but.
Starting point is 01:30:19 They would have a blast. They just got to run in here one day and just wreck hell, like rip all the books off the shelf and leave. I think Ari gave you a picture one time. Oh, that's's right he did come in here and give me a picture yeah uh if you guys want to get a no rep shirt they will be released there are they releasing tomorrow the orders they're out right now you can go get it right now okay and the website is i'll put a link for you uh vindicate v., I believe. Okay. So, Omaha, Nebraska. Yeah, it's by Travis.
Starting point is 01:30:51 We did the entire talk on what video I made back in the day for the first one, and he is making them all by himself. He crushed through those first 700 shirts, and he wanted to do it. So, now this is like a new special color that he created for the second run and when you click on it you can see a black one and a red one and then on the other shirt i believe the females have black and blue black and white maybe there's maybe it's just blue but yeah they're sweet i think he has them all out and shipped out already someone already got their shirt i can't believe how fast he did that. I don't even have a red CEO shirt yet.
Starting point is 01:31:28 And somebody has their no rep shirt already because Travis is the man. How do you get a shirt from us? How does someone buy a shirt from us? Life is all right. Don't you have it on your website? You go to the real Savant. Hey, we're going to come out with we're gonna have we're gonna come out with
Starting point is 01:31:46 wristband soon which i can't wait and we're gonna come out with a purple shirt with gold the ceo shirts are dope it's a shame i just have one it is a oh politically homeless is out i love it that's interesting that's a cool i like that it's not it's not out no i'm saying we'll see how long that sits up what's the what's the website for this one you didn't show that all you did is bring it up it's life as or just go to the seven podcast if you don't have one of these black ceo shirts you're missing out they're hard as shit they're tough i got that that's one of my favorite shirts it fits really well it like it fits uh tighten the waist and snug in the shoulders yeah it doesn't make your biceps pop a little bit it it does yes it's very much like. Yeah, does it make your biceps pop a little bit? It does, yes.
Starting point is 01:32:25 It's very much like the no-rep shirt. It makes your biceps pop out a little bit. Oh, geez. It makes you feel yoked a little bit. Siobhan, let's see him. Siobhan, throw it up there. I'm not – It's so tight that, yeah, the –
Starting point is 01:32:38 Is this a first? That's fucking huge, dude. That's the first time I've ever seen a savant bicep. That's great. The next step is we've got to see his abs. That's the next step. Maybe next time. We'll save that for the hormone show. Yes, so I've got to tell you a couple things real quick before I hang up on all you motherfuckers. Dr. Stanton Hom tomorrow will be on the show at 12 noon uh then in the evening
Starting point is 01:33:07 we will have justin noonley and uh and uh darian weeks uh noonley is a fucking tiktok mega fucking star and darian weeks fought ian gary last week in ufc and we'll be doing our ufc show are you gonna be on that with me caleb yes and caleb will will be on there. Huge UFC fan. C. Beaver. And then somewhere in there we need to get Yevgeny back on. Then we will have Alexis Landot on, who was featured on Joe Rogan's Instagram a couple days ago. I'm really excited. He's an urban climber.
Starting point is 01:33:38 Then we have Alex Stein, Jorge Ventura called him the funniest man alive right now. And then Monday, this is going to be fucking huge everyone this is gonna be a live call-in show everyone should fucking tune into this it's going to be we're gonna have two doctors on a man and a woman and they're going to talk us through what is going on at california hormones and um within a few days after that we're going to tell you all the people who are who are going to be who won the the prize to get their blood work done and decide what kind of treatment they're going to get and then we're going to tell you all the people who are who are going to be who won the the prize to get their blood work done and decide what kind of treatment they're going to get and then we're going to follow them for the next 12 months and then we're going to have the california hormone games and
Starting point is 01:34:10 then we're going to be bigger than vice and red bull media combined and uh and um you'll see me and hiller and uh susan beaver in the seychelles uh um drinking margaritas that's a good ass quick bait title can you be rich on this stuff oh does it say that can you be rich can you be oh who made the title that's a great title oh shit oh shit hormones can you be rich on this stuff oh my goodness oh my goodness okay guys what's gonna happen when you prove that you can be rich on this stuff? That's when you're going to top off. Here's what I think is going to happen. I think we're going to have a California Hormone Games, and I think we're going to give away fucking more prize money than anyone's giving away in the space.
Starting point is 01:34:54 And I think that Justin Medeiros is going to come over there and win it. That'd be sick. That's a paycheck. Yeah. But it's going to be dope. Dude, you got a number? There's going to be like someone who deadlifts 800 pounds, and he's only going to deadlift 554, but he's still going to win do you got a number there's gonna be like someone who dead lives 800 pounds and he's only gonna deadlift 554 but he's still gonna win the games you know
Starting point is 01:35:09 what i mean it's let's say it again do you do you know the number that you're thinking of how much or do you know yeah yeah i don't want to get i don't want to get excited i don't want to over promise but i do know i do know is it more than the game's number yes oh that that's gonna be enticing yes yes that's it that's exciting okay be enticing. Yes, yes. That's exciting. Okay. Yes, and you can just sleep on the property. And our open is only $1,200 to enter.
Starting point is 01:35:33 Can you bring a trailer? $1,200? But the rules are very clear, so you're good there. You get your L1 with it. You get your L one with it. Hey, is there going to be like a parking spot for a trailer? Can we do like one of those things that have the games?
Starting point is 01:35:51 Okay. I'm going to drive cross country. I'll be there. I'll pull, I'll pull the RV up there. I'll accept that job. All right, guys. We will see you guys soon.
Starting point is 01:36:01 Andrew Hiller. Thanks for coming on. See Beaver, Matthew. Thanks for running the.

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