The Sevan Podcast - #396 - The Officer Tatum

Episode Date: May 12, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:39 so your business insurance should be too. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. Thank you. you bam we're live that was running for a minute and i was talking and i didn't even click myself in i thought i was being cute coming in a minute early today what have i done okay i got my socks on you guys missed that that's the only thing you really missed uh there's no reason for bats this morning good morning heidi brandon g let's get into this yeah right you're a good dude you know you know you know who the guest is this morning i am pumped this has been very responsive. But just scheduling, it's been crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:31 He's one of those guys that actually responds in Instagram. Actually, a lot of people respond in Instagram. And it's always quite refreshing. The guest we're having on today, I don't know if most of you guys know who he is. Let me, I'm assuming everyone,'m assuming everyone knows who he is. He is a cool cat. And as soon as he jumps on, I will dig in and tell him why I think he's so cool what he's done that i think is so cool uh new york could face decline of workers due to crime or should we do this elon musk one or what's this
Starting point is 00:03:13 one over here i like this expression on his face this is the most recent post let's check it out uh-oh i don't hear anything here we go that's funny, do you think it's funny? let's try, let's try one more time, hold on, here we go, hold on if the leaker is a Republican and if I get pregnant during our lovemaking, I will joyfully abort our fetus
Starting point is 00:03:39 I don't think that's funny, do you think it's funny? uh-oh, here he is let's see why are we having about this as if roe v wade is somehow now do you know who it is mr officer brandon tatum on my camera man you're frozen i was like damn you look hard this morning but but it's because you're frozen yeah my camera man my camera is gonna work at least you have it on are you at home yeah my camera i don't know for what to read let me i'm gonna reset my camera real quick you do should start opening it up here soon. I have no idea why I was doing this.
Starting point is 00:04:28 John Bucaria, thank you. This is going to be a good one. This is fun. We're going to just jump in so fucking hard this morning because we don't got a lot of time with the man. He's busy. Holy cow. Congratulations, Brandon, also on the new radio
Starting point is 00:04:43 show. It makes me nervous like we're going to lose you. I'm not going to lie. Makes me nervous. Yeah, thank you so much. For some reason, I have no idea why this screen is doing this. The good news is your voice sounds impeccable. I'm even swooning a little bit.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I'm getting a little hot. 1.9 million YouTube subscribers. Yeah, I wonder what is going on. Bruce Wayne, quick and fast like Sevan. Thank you. Austin, good to see you. Megan, good morning. Travis Bellinghausen, good morning. Good morning to all of you guys. The world is getting smaller and smaller and smaller with each guest the Sevan podcast has on. I can't tell you how excited I am. How about you guys, while we wait for Mr. Tatum to get his camera working, you guys guess what this guy's max back squat is. Lifetime PR. I'll give you a little bit of help uh he's six two
Starting point is 00:05:47 uh i don't know how much he weighs now but i when he set that pr i think he was six two two twenty so you go ahead and start guessing in the comments what you think his max back squat is uh mr tatum uh he's taking over larry elder show man you're skyrocketing everybody's skyrocketing all the homies are killing it uh he's joining uh the ranks um with of charlie kirk uh dinesh desuza and dennis prager um three extremely extremely articulate men uh who are very capable of using their logic to enter any conversation and handle their own. And Mr. Officer Brandon Tatum also belongs in that category, which I think is why we like him so much, because he thinks clearly on his feet. You can put him in any situation and he can speak to it.
Starting point is 00:06:44 He can speak to it with his logic. Two plus two is four. He doesn't have to defend something that's a lie. We don't have to hear his feelings. He can explain it to you. And whether you agree with him or not, you know where he stands because he explained it to you. No, not 900 pounds, Corey.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Not 900 pounds. Oh, I like this. From Chase Bryan, 750, not 750. Austin Hartman, you're getting close. 560. Yes. Six times my back squat. That is a great guess, Devesh Maharaj.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Now here's the thing. Who thinks this show is actually going to happen? Who thinks Brandon's going to actually get his camera go? I don't know. It's very interesting that this camera is not working. Two years and I never had a problem with this camera. Hey, can you just switch your camera choice to your computer one? No, it's like I got a whole setup, man.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I got an NDI connection with a TriCaster and all that. I'm wondering if I have to just reset my entire computer. Do it. Do it. You do you. We're good. Let me reset this thing real quick, and I'll be back. Yep.
Starting point is 00:07:55 You do it. He said TriCaster. That's hardcore. Oh, I can't wait to ask him about the UFC.c he dropped dana white's name the other day he was in the front row when uh tony ferguson got kicked in the face by michael chandler and kayo good evening what are we playing at how tall is seven no uh 575 close he um it's somewhere in the 500 range i think it's in the low 500s but but it's it's pretty crazy and he and he was uh position did he play in football like it matters to me he's he's one of the guys that runs and tackles you how's that how's that I can't even remember the last time I back squatted. I only front squat.
Starting point is 00:08:55 This guy has 1.9, Brandon, Officer Brandon Tatum has 1.9 or 8.9 million YouTube subscribers. He came onto my radar in 2020. He just tells it like it is. And I think that's been extremely refreshing, but there is a specific reason why it's refreshing. And we'll get into that. Four pages of notes. Anything over two means I'm nervous. Do I seem nervous? Oh my goodness, that kick. What kick? Mena Jawa. I don't know what that is. Melissa came
Starting point is 00:09:36 in spitting fire. Uh-oh. Good evening. What are we playing? Oh, great. She's not the one I'm worried about. Is it Elisa? One of these girls is brutal. Or is it Trina? One of these girls is brutal. Or is it Trina? One of these girls just is like a dude. She got no hold back in her. Man, there's this show on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Hans goes on it a lot. It's called the tony tony fire show tony it's a show out of austin they claim it's the most widely watched live youtube show on youtube it's a comedian show it's shot out of texas i can't remember tony something tony something and someone will say it in the comments and holy shit those guys are savage they had a they had a lady comedian up on stage when they were in san francisco and they just unloaded on her kill tony thank you thank you i also have hans coming back on the show which is kind of exciting uh
Starting point is 00:10:40 hinchcliffe tony kill tony oh is that kinchcliffe just one of Tony. Oh, is that Hinchcliffe? Just one of you guys, uh, in my DMS told me you went and saw Joe Rogan live. And Tony opened for him. This is just like last week when I was in Colorado, I got the DM and that Tony was better than Joe Rogan. Than Joe Rogan. I don't really find that show funny. That show for every like 20 jokes told on that show, I think one is good and I get it. Maybe that's kind of the part of the show that's cool because they're just live and they're just going at it. It reminds me of sort of being in the eighth, ninth, tenth grade and the boys would sit around in a circle and we would just all we called it cap sessions everyone would cap cap on each other cap capping she asked brandon if he did that cap sessions like we just sit around and just rip dudes there were never any girls in the cap sessions i wonder if i wonder if officer uh tatum did that there he is oh look he's animated oh he switched his background all right i'm here like
Starting point is 00:11:45 a liberal tear okay i'm back uh when you were a young man in the hi how are you good good how you doing i dig fucking in love with you when you were in the eighth grade ninth grade tenth grade did you and the boys sit around and have what we we used to call them cap sessions there'd be like 10 of you in someone's living room and do you know what a cap session is capping that's not okay i'm 50 maybe you guys didn't do maybe you called some of us you just you just ripped on each other ripped on each other's moms clothes just everyone's just fucking everyone up yes yes all the time we used to do it all the time and there's like one or two dudes who are smart and just stay out of it yeah they're just not good at it and they stay
Starting point is 00:12:28 and occasionally like just something flies over and drills them like a comment or two but they just stay cool they normally sit in the background laugh and yeah yeah try not to laugh too hard they don't they don't want them there there is um every when when I hear – you were on a podcast with a Navy SEAL host, and his question to you was what are the stereotype – what are your favorite stereotypes or most accurate stereotypes, whatever he said, of black people and white people. I understand his question. Here's the – and I don't know if it's a problem. I understand his question, but the thing is is that there is no characteristic that comes with being black or white. And that's where we're stuck. There's no characteristic that comes with being black or white except your relationship with the sun.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Zero. And I spent a ton of time in Africa. And that's how I know that we just have different cultures here. And for some reason, we keep fucking talking about everyone by their skin color. Go on. No, no. talking about everyone by their skin color go on yeah no no i think that you know you have to be a delusional person or a person that's misinformed or brainwashed to believe that color has anything to do with anything you know and except for the sun though right like you and i our skins do
Starting point is 00:13:36 respond to the sun differently right right right i mean yeah we talk about biology you're talking about uh you know melanin in the skin and different things like that i mean and and that's that varies too i mean you could be a light-skinned person that's receptive to tanning some people burn you know and you can be right right and there's there's black people who are light-skinned that are considered black but they're light-skinned so they burn darker skin people don't burn you know in the sun so it color makes zero it has nothing to do with nothing in my opinion for the for the most part. The difference is culture. And what people have to understand is that there is a culture that some people buy into. And unfortunately, there's a, I would say, a large amount of black people that buy into a particular culture, which make people believe that that's black culture. And that's and what is it if it's not black culture? I'm guilty of that. I'll say I'll say that. What is that? Well, in the earlier stages of when America was being developed, it's called redneck culture.
Starting point is 00:14:35 OK. And, you know, I like it. I like it. This is something that Thomas Sowell wrote in his book, The Black Redneck and White Liberal. wrote in his book, The Black Redneck and White Liberal, it talks about all of the entertainment and, you know, promiscuity and all of these different things that in a lot of inner cities you see, it originated from Europe. It came here in the form of the white redneck. And then in many of these situations, white people begin to move on from that culture. And then black people begin to adopt the culture after slavery. And that's what, that's why we see this type of,
Starting point is 00:15:13 this type of mentality. Unfortunately, it's associated with black people. Black culture has changed over the years. And the thirties black people by and large did not act the way you see today, saggy pants. And I'm not saying this is all black people i'm just saying in general some of the stereotypes that we see sagging pants gang activity the the violent music being known for entertainment and and playing
Starting point is 00:15:38 sports and that that's that's a more modern phenomenon of a behavior that we see in black people it used to not be that way you know in black people. It used to not be that way. You know, children out of wedlock used to not be the case in the in the quote unquote black community. Abortions was not the case. We were not we were believed in God more. All of the things that you see today that have infiltrated into the black community is not what black people used to be like. I had never I never knew that came from europe yeah i mean thomas so said in his book he has a lot of references there and and you know i tend to believe what he has to say yes he brought it up i forget what parts of
Starting point is 00:16:18 europe uh but he brought up how back in europe there was this whole, I would say, underbelly of society where it wasn't necessarily all negative, but it was filled with gambling and entertainment. And, you know, kind of like the, you know, how we see people that are smoking weed and doing all this stuff that was originally from like a European ideology, those Europeans came over here and typically associated with poverty, you know, and they came over here and then the white people started doing it here. And, and then, you know, black people adopted it through slavery. And then some black people have grown out of it. Like myself, I don't, I don't, I don't consider myself to be a part of a lot of the quote unquote black culture today. Cause I want to just make this clear. Cause I don't want to buy a take what I'm saying out of context. There's no such thing as black culture.
Starting point is 00:17:09 There's a particular culture that some black people adopt. And that's kind of what we see today. And, and, and, and I think what you, I asked you, what would you call that culture?
Starting point is 00:17:19 And you said redneck culture. Yeah. Based on Tommy soul's ideology of the book. Now tell me the name of the book one more time it's called black redneck and white liberal okay i'm gonna read that today and then i'm gonna start if if i um if i see that too which i think i'm going to i'm going to start just using that redneck culture i'm gonna start using that yeah yeah you know, that's, that's kind of the academic sense. Yeah. When you break it down and you look at it academically, when you look at it historically, that's what it is. You know, you look at it now, you know, people like to associate it with poverty, which is, which is kind of what it, what it is and how
Starting point is 00:17:58 it manifests today is that most of the degradation of culture happens in these poverished areas. And I had this conversation with a few of my friends the other day. It's kind of like the concept of which came first, the egg or the chicken and which came first, poverty or bad behavior. And, you know, it's kind of this vicious cycle. It's like people who have bad behavior typically are in poverty. People who are in poverty typically have bad behavior. bad behavior typically are in poverty. People who are in poverty typically have bad behavior. And it's this vicious cycle that just keeps going around. And it manifests today in a lot of these inner cities and poor communities, not just black communities. Where did you grow up? Where were you
Starting point is 00:18:35 born? I was born in Fort Worth, Texas. And then were you raised there? Yeah, raised there until I was 18. We lived in various parts of Fort Worth, Texas. I graduated from Paul Lawrence Dunbar High School, which is in Stop 6, Texas, right in the hood. The reason, and I'm open to being totally wrong about this, that I think most people gravitate towards Officer Brandon Tatum is because of this. First and foremost, when he speaks, it's logical. So he's transparent. And so if you have a beef with what he's saying or if you want to come at it, you don't have to try to address something that's ambiguous. There's no word fuckery. There's no word trickery. And even though I don't agree with him, although I don't believe in God myself. And when he talks about God, he's completely transparent about that.
Starting point is 00:19:32 It's all it's all just beautiful honesty. It's what it's what makes it makes him extremely attractive. That being said, the savior component to him is I grew up in the Bay Area. I was born in Oakland Children's Hospital and I grew up in the Bay Area. I was born in Oakland Children's Hospital and I grew up in the Bay Area. And the worst thing you could call, and it's beyond, and I didn't know this growing up there, but it's beyond liberal. And the worst thing you could call anyone in the Bay Area, and I don't know if it's particularly in this order, but it's so bad that people walk around terrified of being called a racist. I was born in 1972 and it was the most
Starting point is 00:20:06 scary thing that could ever happen to you. And then of course there was pedophile and rapist. No one wants to be those. Um, and then, and then all of a sudden, um, uh, it started being thrown around. People started being called a racist and you couldn't even come to their defense if they weren't racist because you were so scared it would it would land on you and unfortunately it required someone with um melanated skin with black skin to come up and and i'm just going to say it to save these fucking white people to save the people who were fucking terrified. No, I'm not racist. I swear. You are. You just don't fucking know it. And people like Candace – and here's the paradox. eyes their saviors to to to kind of innocent people who who um who are just terrified they're scared they're absolutely fucking scared and the only reason why i can speak on is because i was canceled if i wasn't canceled i would fucking be scared too hiding in the fucking bushes and so and so on behalf of all of the us who are fucking terrified or were terrified, thank you.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Well, I appreciate that. Yeah. And I think that it goes in cycles. Right. I mean, when you look at this historically from the aspect of the United States of America, you got to think when black African slaves came to the United States of America, there were white people who saved them. That's pretty much what happened. You know, you had the the there were white people who saved him. That's pretty much what happened. You know, you had the Christians, people who were believers, who were coming and helping people like Harriet Tubman and others to free the slaves. They never believed in slavery. When you go down in history, you look at the Republican Party,
Starting point is 00:22:04 when you look at the Civil Rights Movement, when you look at the Civil Rights Act, when you look at the Voting Act, all of these different things, white Republicans initially come from God. They don't come from the government. But acknowledging the freedoms of black people from slavery, giving them citizenship in the United States of America and allowing them to have the right or observe the right to vote again, because black people used to be able to vote when voting was measured based on property ownership. And then, you know, it was taken away and it was returned back to where black people did have the free right or the equal right to vote. I mean, I know that I had no idea. Yeah. All of this was white people helping black people in a situation where you have the availability to help. And that's what happened. Good white people. I mean, and then you go down, you know, go down the history lane until today and you see that black people like myself who are not absorbed in propaganda and not brainwashed we are now stepping to the defense or speaking on behalf of our brothers and sisters who happen to be white because i do it all the time i'm like i'm a very impartial person and a lot of that comes because my faith in God, I'm an impartial person. Like, I don't care nothing about a color of somebody's skin. I care about what's right and what's wrong.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And if something is wrong, I'm going to correct it. And if somebody is doing right, I'm going to support them. It doesn't matter what color they are, where they come from. And that's my philosophy. color they are, where they come from. And that's my philosophy. And that's the philosophy that has gotten us as Americans to this point today is that there's always people who observe good and who's willing to preserve the things that are right. And it goes, it ebbs and flows. And I think black people are, have a duty. I don't say a duty, I don't owe anybody anything but you it's a it's almost a duty and responsibility to say you know what that's wrong what they're doing to white people just like i agree what they were doing to black people back in the day i i i i agree with you i think i think people with melanated skin have a fucking duty to the same way i think obese people have a duty to
Starting point is 00:24:20 say to speak up and say it's not covid that's killed anyone it's the fact that i've been drinking six cokes a day for the last 30 years, smoking fucking jewels and eating a six pack of donuts for breakfast. And please don't quarantine any healthy people who don't, who take care of themselves and value their existence. I think, I think, I think, I think, I think, I think we need an obese person to step up in that same way and become a superhero. I've talked about it on my show a million times. We got, we got, we um black skin people doing that why why don't we have some really unhealthy motherfuckers standing up for those of us who fucking have no fear of covid because because no one healthy has died yeah for the most part you know it's not attacking people you know we knew this from the very beginning that's why it's complete bullcrap what we see
Starting point is 00:25:02 going on today and i hope these people go to prison you know they do you think they will no i don't think that they will i think that they should it's a possibility that they could but you know the way our country works and the way our government system is set up in in this fraudulent ponzi scheme manner um i don't think we have control like we think we do and i think that there's people that are have a legacy control over our country that is never going to change. I mean, unless they all die off and that's not going to happen. But, you know, I think it was all bull crap, man. They knew from the very beginning, I knew, probably you knew, most people with common sense knew that it was an attack on people
Starting point is 00:25:42 who had a weak immune system, people who are obese, comorbidities. We already see the CDC talks about the comorbidities. I think it was like five or more comorbidities in most of the people who had died from COVID. We already knew this fact. We already knew the same people are dying or relatively the same people are dying from the flu every year. More people die from obesity every year, heart failure. I mean, all of these different things that go on with bad, poor health. Some people die from obesity every year, heart failure. I mean, all of these different things that go on with bad, poor health. Some people are elderly. They can't control their
Starting point is 00:26:09 health to a certain degree. They're just up in age and it's about that time. And the COVID monster got them. We already knew that's what it was. Young children and people who are healthy, generally speaking, they had no fear of dying. Now you're going to get it. I got it. My wife got it. I got it. Yeah. So probably most people on here got it to some form or fashion. And I guess if you didn't, you don't know you got it.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Maybe you were asymptomatic. 80 percent. 80 percent. Right. Most of us got it and we recovered from it. It was no different than the flu. Maybe a little bit more residual effects for some people. Maybe no effect in some people.
Starting point is 00:26:44 My wife had nothing. She just lost her taste buds. buds i mean i was laying up for a couple days and so it's bullcrap and they know it they used it to destroy this country and i know people think it's it's a conspiracy theory but it's not they used it to destroy our country they use it to manipulate currency they they used it to get donald trump out of office they used it to manipulate currency. They used it to get Donald Trump out of office. They used it to get the election the way they wanted it this time, which got a half dead man in the office of president of the presidency. You know, some people don't know. Do you know, some people don't know how bad he is. Like, I live in the liberal hive and I go, so how do you think about Joe Biden? They're like, fine. I'm like, are you concerned about his health at all they're like no why like they don't know that they don't know he's dead he's he's a dead man walk i remember when i was playing football and uh we had weights at 5 a.m and if you weren't there before they started the coach would yell out as you walk in dead man walk in dead man you had to get on the treadmill for an hour um and then you had to go and finish
Starting point is 00:27:46 the work i mean you had to go and start the next group workout and the workouts were enough to kill you by itself so doing an hour on the stairmaster before was was literally you felt like you were dead man walking and that's exactly what joe biden is he's a dead man walking literally he cannot speak he cannot complete sentences he can't even read a teleprompter. He's out of control. He's he has early signs of mental degradation. I mean, some people think it's potentially dementia. His mind is going. He used to not be like this. And anybody who's intellectually honest or at least have common sense will look at the old videos of Joe Biden. He was pretty sharp. He was an idiot. I think he was evil. He was a racist, but he was pretty sharp. And how do people not see how racist he is?
Starting point is 00:28:32 He's like he's one of the most racist. I mean, it's very weird how people are so easily confused and lied to and manipulated. And they believe it. Joe Biden did the eulogy of a, of a guy who was a former clans member. Robert Byrd was a former clans member. He was a part of the Ku Klux Klan. Joe Biden did his, his eulogy. Can you imagine if Trump did that? Can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:28:57 Dude, if Trump, if Trump watched, it watched a Ku Klux Klan member on television when he was three, they would, they would call him a racist. You know, that's what they did in the 94 crime bill. Now, I don't think the 94 crime bill was a racist crime bill.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And people like to conflate racism with racial. I wouldn't say discrimination, but disparity. They like to conflate the two, which I don't think they're related. However, if you want to push negative effects on minority communities based on policies, Joe Biden authored the 94 crime bill, which put a whole bunch of African-American men in prison. I mean, we can go down the list. He told Charlemagne, I don't want to call him the guy because he ain't a guy at all. But the guy named Charlemagne on The Breakfast Club, he interviewed Joe Biden. And Joe Biden said,
Starting point is 00:29:46 if you don't know if you want to vote for me or Trump, then you ain't Black. Hey, I grew up hearing that, by the way. Just so you know, from when I was five years old to when I could listen till I was 30, that is the exact sentiment of everyone in the Bay Area who's a liberal. One, they feel sorry for anyone who's
Starting point is 00:30:06 not white. And that's the crazy part. They feel sorry. And so they hide behind this fake benevolence, this fake kindness. That is the liberal. This metaphor I like to use a lot, Brandon, is liberals are, let's say we're all sitting at the beach there's 500 of us packed in at the beach right and a seagull flies over the liberal is the one that's like oh i'm gonna do something good and feed the seagull piece of bread one it's bad for the seagull two it brings 10 000 seagulls and they shit on everyone and ruin everything for everyone and then and if you get upset they're like i'm feeding animals you're a bad person and it's like no actually you fucked up the whole ecosystem and you got everyone shit on that's why those cities are all fucked up by the way
Starting point is 00:30:52 portland san francisco los angeles seattle because liberals feed seagulls that's what they do they feed seagulls and and they make everyone around them weak that's why they make weak men too. And I'm a product of that. And were you born, are you born, were you born into a liberal? Was your family Democrats? No, no. My family voted Democrat or they were believed that they were Democrats by proxy. Right. But we grew up conservative. I mean, my father didn't play that. My dad was a strong man. He went to work every day, busting his tail and we'll get tore up. And when I say tore up, we got whoopings. How come he didn't fall for the propaganda? Why wasn't he like, hey, Republicans hate black people, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I think I think my father did a little bit, you know, you know, because he voted for Biden. He voted for I don't know if he voted for Hillary when Trump ran. But I know he voted for Biden. And for some reason, he's not completely sold out. Right. My father is conservative. He just don't know it. You know, and I think my dad has bought into a little bit of the propaganda. I think he's changed now, obviously, since I've been doing what I'm doing. But he bought into that's cool. That's cool. By the way. Congratulations. That's that must feel good. Yeah. Yeah, it does. You know, because I respect my father, my father's a respectable man. So it's not like me and him get into these arguments. It's like when I put out an argument there, whether my dad wants to
Starting point is 00:32:12 believe it or not, he, he ended up coming around and saying, you know what? That's, that's logical. That's common sense. You know, he talked about Joe Biden all the time now, like, man, what the, what the, what is this guy doing? The LGBTQ plus IA, um, that whole group. My dad is like, what, what, this is not right. You know, the NAACP chapter that he, he was a part of the NAACP chapter where he lived. And he said he had to get out of there because they was pushing it. They were pushing the LGBTQ agenda. And so my dad is not dumb. And I think a lot of black people are like my father. When I was growing up, man, black people were not for none of this stuff I see today.
Starting point is 00:32:51 All these blue hair, crazy liberals, black people would, when I was growing up around black people, it was, it was unacceptable. This whole LGBTQ stuff and transgender and bigenders and binaries and queers and all this, Black people were never accepting of it. Even other gay Black people in the community, you couldn't come out as gay in the Black community. You couldn't. You would get made fun of. You'd get shunned.
Starting point is 00:33:17 So, you know, to see some of this stuff today and how people have in some ways acquiesced to the evilness of the Democrats is just beyond me. And I'm not trying to act like I'm holier than thou and I'm up on a hot horse because I used to be that way, too. I thought I was just I was just ill informed and I didn't have all the information possible to make a good decision. I thought Republicans were racist white people because because we do. I was raised that way. I was raised that way. Right. When you turn on the news, you think that the news is the news. You think that you're looking at people who are being intellectually honest and they don't have an agenda. They're just telling you what's happening in the world.
Starting point is 00:33:56 And then you find out that is not the case at all. These people are getting paid to make a certain perspective or to hold a certain perspective. You know, every day I download all the news apps and I look at them to get information. And it is as clear as the noonday sun that liberal media outlets are completely biased. They are absolutely, completely not hiding it. 100% biased. They are far more biased than Fox News. Now, obviously, Fox News is conservative. They're going to push conservative stories. CNN, MSNBC, all of them are completely biased. Literally, Jesus of Nazareth could come down from heaven and anoint Donald Trump in front of the world. And liberals, CNN wouldn't even hold the story. They wouldn't even carry the story. And that would be the biggest story heard around the world.
Starting point is 00:34:46 They will literally not have that story because Donald Trump is in it. I mean, it is. Look at him now. Elon Musk was their favorite. And now he acquired Twitter and now they hate him. He's a right wing extremist now. Are you shadow banned on any of these accounts for the most part i mean i you know who knows i don't really know i think i am i think that
Starting point is 00:35:13 there's levels of shadow ban what i mean you you don't i mean like people can't every day someone sends me a screenshot of hey i tried to tag you and i and i got a warning saying you're a piece of shit you know yeah yeah it happens to me too. Um, people are unsubscribed to me and stuff. And I, and like, I'm trying not to be so, um,
Starting point is 00:35:31 caught up in it that I forget that maybe I need to make better content because there is some levels to it. Right. Because there is a algorithm thing. There's content, there's consistency, and that will make you show up in the algorithm better. Now that's an element. And then also there's a, and that will make you show up in the algorithm better. Now, that's an element.
Starting point is 00:35:46 And then also there's a shadow ban element. And some people, they are so worried about shadow banning that they don't realize they're just not putting out enough content. They're not putting out enough quality content. They're not talking about the subject that people that follow them are interested in. And I want to make sure that I know which side i stand on before i pick one side or the other you know i don't want to say it's content is content and i'm actually getting shadow banned i can't even tag myself on my other accounts yeah my okay i i have everybody has experienced this and i witnessed it with my own eyes on Instagram. Everybody went through a period of getting shadow banned.
Starting point is 00:36:28 There's a group of guys that post memes. I forget the channel's name now, but post memes. The guy reached out to me, B, what can I do, man? I'm getting killed, man. I get no traction. And I'm talking about these people will get millions of views for all their videos. And they were down to like 60,000 views, 100,000 views on their videos. And I remember him messaging me and I felt the same pressure. Like I was losing followers. I wouldn't gain anything like for months. And then all of a sudden he, he messaged me back like, oh, it looked like they lifted the mandate. I gained like 10,000 followers within a couple of days. lifted the mandate. I gained like 10,000 followers within a couple of days. Yeah. All of my videos were getting 200, 300,000 views. His was back up to a million, 2 million, 3 million views.
Starting point is 00:37:10 And it's like, there were, there was something there. Everybody was feeling like, man, we're getting shadow banned and they released it and everybody's accounts blew up. And so there's a, it is happening. If people don't want to believe it that's on them well it's funny because i put if you try to follow me you'll get a warning saying hey are you sure you want to follow this account it gives you a lot of misinformation and then if you try to tag me i'll be i'll be you can't tag me i'll be i'll just be light and um and people send me that every single day and then occasionally someone will send me a dm saying oh you're finally popped up in my story again and the shadow band's been um released but it's not that it's been released basically what
Starting point is 00:37:49 they're doing is it's revolving they just let a little trickle in and they revolve the people who can who can see my account and yeah it's interesting i don't really care though i mean because that's not my i just use my account to troll people that i want to have on my show do you know what i mean because that's not my i just use my account to troll people that i want to have on my show do you know what i mean i just so so like i'm not i i've surrendered to the fact that instagram or social media is not going to be how i'm going to get out there yeah you know and i and i try to balance it right um because i have you know i'm trying to get to a million on all my platforms and so i try to balance it there's a lot of things that I want to say. Why are you doing that?
Starting point is 00:38:26 Just as a, like the same reason why you try to get a 500-pound back squat? Or is there some sort of... To get into a million? Yeah, like why do you want a million Instagram followers, a million Facebook, a million... I mean, you already have almost two million on YouTube. Yeah, it's influence. It's influence. I want to be able to get the word out to as many people as possible.
Starting point is 00:38:48 And the more traction I get on all social media platforms, the more I can reach people. And I try to balance it because I know if I say certain things on YouTube, I will lose my entire channel instantaneously. my entire channel instantaneously. And so I have to measure in my mind. I say, I'm reaching 20, 25, 30 million people a month on my YouTube channel. Is it worth me saying something that then I reach nobody? Yeah. It's so, it's an equivalence to balance even on other social media platforms. Do I talk mike lindale in the election well maybe i can do it offline maybe i can do it in my speeches when i go around the country maybe i can do it on rumble but i'm not gonna touch that on my platform so the election what to lose it the um alex stein was on the other day do you know who that is he just signed
Starting point is 00:39:41 with blaze tv yeah um he he was on the other day and he was telling me you can't talk about 2000 mules on youtube or else you could lose your channel is that true well they banned the 2000 mules twitter account instantly on twitter yeah you can if you talk about 20 uh 2000 mules and i am by the way i saw i was at the premiere of that movie and it'll blow your freaking socks off but you can't talk freaking socks off. But you can't talk about it. And I know you can't talk about it on YouTube. I'm not going to even attempt to do it now. There's other platforms like rumble truth, social,
Starting point is 00:40:11 and some of these other things that people can talk about on, but there's something, it's something in the water. And I'm hoping that we transition power to back to the Republicans and we can get ahold of this stuff because I watched the documentary. It's proven evidence that there were mules taking ballots and dumping them in the ballot boxes and stuff. They got camera. They got evidence of them. They got geo tracking. It is unequivocal that this is evidence of voter fraud.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Massive, massive voter fraud. Massive. you're talking 400 some thousand i mean i think it's more than that over 400 000 illegal votes that were cast that we have you gotta think they had a very strict uh algorithm or monitoring system that they allotted right they had the geo tracking which comes from your phone everywhere you go your phone tracks you and people can buy that information right companies buy it um wow if you had enough money you can buy geotrack everybody that showed up at the front door of target in the last 24 hours wow you can geotrack that that's awesome so they geotrack these things and they got all of these individuals who went from uh non the voting stations or whatever. It's like a ballot drop boxes.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Yep. But they, they ramped up the criteria. Like the people that they were able to monitor and count had to go to like six of these nonprofits and straight to a ballot box. And within like a day or something of that nature. So it was probably a lot more people than the 2000 mules that they had mentioned, but they made it to where it is absolutely undeniable that these 2000 people were actively involved in something that was complete voter fraud, legally voter fraud, because you cannot, you know, take people's ballots and people can't pay you to to go drop the ballots off they were taking when they drop off all these ballots they were taking
Starting point is 00:42:09 pictures of the the boxes to show proof so they can get paid for doing it it was it was out of control and we know now while all in the swing states why they stopped voting and all of a sudden donald trump was winning by hundreds of thousands of votes and then all of a sudden there's he's he's losing yeah that was weird how it just all happened all of a sudden at once like overnight it was bullcrap man it never happened in history of in the history of our country that has never happened where they stopped the vote like that never in the history of our country never in the history of our country has a president lost an election that won all but one bellwether bellwether county there's never in history that an incumbent president got 10 20 million more votes i think it's like 11 million more votes or so and didn't win there's no time in history that a president won the states that donald trump won
Starting point is 00:43:04 and didn't win the election well it has never happened in the history of the united states of america and you know people are just they just don't want to see it for whatever reason it's so it's so do they implicate anyone in the movie like do they point the finger like hey this was done by um you know yeah joey joey zuckerberg money like they they they spoke like z hey, this was done by, you know, Joey, Joey Zuckerberg money. They spoke like Zuckerberg put like four hundred some million dollars into the election in 2020. And they they pretty much articulated that, you know, it seems like it was philanthropic. Right. It was that he was doing it to make sure people can vote and right.
Starting point is 00:43:45 doing it to make sure people can vote and right there's both polling stations but they but they articulated very clearly that that money was then transferred into this dark area in politics where you're paying for mules and all this other nefarious things that are happening the the shell is that look he's sending it here for philanthropic purposes but behind the scenes his money was going to this dark place and he knew it and they knew it and everybody else knew it it was the funnel it's like when people launder money through non-profits or whatever just or the ukraine or ukraine like how come they can't read how come they can't re-reverse engineer it so they got the license plate number they got a picture of the guy why don't they go to that dude's house and be like hey who hired you you
Starting point is 00:44:23 know you used to be a police officer. Why can't they just do some? By the way, on a total side note, it's so impressive that they did that. You would think an election would be stole like high tech. The fact that they did this with human beings is mind-boggling to me, just old-fashioned cheating. I think they did a lot of different things. This is just one extra. I think they put our hands on deck, man.
Starting point is 00:44:47 They were getting dead people to vote. They were they were taking ballots from people in nursing homes that was completely, you know, they're pretty much incapacitated to a certain degree. They were taking their ballots. I think there's machines that had issues. We saw people load multiple at the voting places in these swing states. So, um, and I think that the mule thing is, is, is one of the, probably the easiest way in the way they multiplied what they did, um, to, to just drip, drip these ballots into the system. And then at the last minute, they counted all these ballots up because they were showing like 400,000 of these ballots that were done. But, you know, they had to do this because the American people was never going to vote for another Democrat ever again as a whole. They were never going to Democrat would never get in office again after Trump, because we realized that Trump exposed Republicans and Democrats. expose Republicans and Democrats, right? You say this dude have never been in politics.
Starting point is 00:45:48 He gets in the office and he does everything he said he was going to do for the most part. How, how does Bush not do what he said he's going to do? How did Obama not do everything he claimed that he was going to do? How is this, how is this even possible? This, this, this billionaire guy is literally accomplishing and doing every, everything without a filter to benefit America. What's your favorite thing he did? I mean, it's so many, man. I mean, from him running for office and him standing bold and strong. I mean, there's a few things.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I think building the wall was a good thing that he did. And people don't live on the southern border. They don't live in border states. They don't understand how important. They don't live on the southern border they don't live in border states they don't understand how important they don't understand i have a lot of friends now in texas and they tell me that that it's fucking scary living next to the border it's out of control like if you live in new york you really don't see the influx you live somewhere in texas i mean these tens of thousands of migrants are coming through our border every day i mean you got millions of people that didn't pour through
Starting point is 00:46:42 here in the last several years like where do you think they're going? You think they just vanish in the thin air? They're showing up in people's communities. They're showing up and saturating the system. Just like, you know, when they said COVID, they were like, oh, COVID, you know, it has hurt the health care system. Our beds are overloaded. You know why? Because you have a whole bunch of illegal people in our country that are unaccounted for meaning they don't show up on the census we think that we have this amount of population and this percentage of population gets sick we can handle it in in the system in our health care system no we can't because we got millions of people that's not even on the on the record you think illegal aliens didn't get sick okay they got sick and they come over here sick and they go to our hospitals and get free health care so anyway i was i was really i was really disappointed when uh trump never said that this is a disease of the unhealthy and that when he got covered he didn't lose weight i would have loved it if he'd lost some weight i'd have loved it if he got on a treadmill trump trump let me say this about trump and i love trump and i just saw him just recently the way he handled COVID I was very disappointed at this whole thing now I know he was only certain things he could and
Starting point is 00:47:50 couldn't do right I mean right right and he was under a lot of pressure too he's under a lot of pressure I mean what does the guy do you know he's got a pandemic that these people are just putting out there as a pandemic he has to do something he can't just sit on his hands because he may have believed that people were going to die like they like they had lied to us and said but but you know also i felt like that a lot of some of this has to be attributed to trump to a certain degree because operation warp speed pushed these vaccines in in the place and i knew at the very beginning i said if this man don't get re-elected the left is going to use this against us i know it trump should not do this until he get reelected. And then he can try to roll out stuff because then he can control it.
Starting point is 00:48:29 No, he pushed it out there. And then he was coming out on a circuit and saying, this is the greatest thing, greatest invention ever. Right. Vaccine. And he telling everybody to get vaccinated. All his kids got backs and boosted. And it's like, dude, I don't know if junior got the vax junior got the vax i don't know i don't know i saw i saw ivanka get the vax i can't imagine junior doing that yeah junior may
Starting point is 00:48:52 not have gotten it i think ivanka did it maybe his other son did it i just know ivanka did it because i was following her and i saw her get the shot and she was posting about please get the shot and i almost threw up in my mouth so i feel sorry for anyone who got it i feel sorry for anyone who got it and i think they feel sorry for themselves too everyone i know who got it they're bummed because you don't know what's gonna happen man my dad and them got it and i and i told him i said dad don't get no more than vaccines you know now he get it and like i ain't get no boosters but you know it's like we don't know what's gonna happen you know there's somebody
Starting point is 00:49:25 that came out and made a wild statement said everybody in the next five years gonna die who got the vaccine now i find that hard to believe because you talk about half of america be dead um in five years and that is just impossible i just don't think that's even hey but if i would have told you that the president of the united states was going to nominate a supreme court justice based on her genitalia and her skin color 10 years ago you would have fucking bitch slapped me oh yeah i would have you'd have been a real racist you know i mean yeah and and yet and yet we just saw it get done we saw it's nuts hold on god damn it all right did that that fix hey what do you can i ask you a private question yeah sure what are you doing in 11 minutes am i gonna lose you hold on
Starting point is 00:50:05 let me look i think i'm good into a little bit because i got something else okay when you have to go just tell me because i because i'll i'll never let go of you but my producer's like hey dude you got 11 minutes hurry the fuck oh yeah no no i'm good to go i have to be somewhere at 10 a.m so i got about i got about a half an hour more i can do a half an hour to an hour more you're a good dude my bladder will pop in an hour yeah um uh who who show were you on that you had to go to the bathroom the worst is there one no i don't i don't i don't know let me think about it maybe your own show i bust yeah my own show i literally was had to pee my whole show when i did a live stream with my friends for like two hours
Starting point is 00:50:50 uh i actually got up and went to the restroom halfway through the show yeah i do that but uh one embarrassing moment i was on i was on judge janine piero's show and my pants ripped and it was embarrassing now i wasn't hey't. Hey, 500 pound back squat. That ass got to rip something. Thighs don't lie, man. Pop right through my little pants. Thank God I wasn't live on her show because, you know, it ripped all the way down the back. And my whole butt was hanging out.
Starting point is 00:51:17 And so that was embarrassing. I guess I'll tell you a story that most people don't know. And if anybody on the police department can ever find this video it'll be viral i pee i literally pee my pants while i was on duty one time and it was it was embarrassing so i will tell you how it happened i had to pee really bad i was working out heavy at the time and i was drinking a lot of water so you know of course when you drink a lot of water your bladder is like were you carrying the gallon around you were doing that around my car i was just i would just chug it right in between calls and because i was i was drinking i was doing protein and i was just like man i want to stay hydrated get big and so i had to pee like
Starting point is 00:51:54 a racehorse man and i'm and i'm going back to the substation to go use the restroom i'm literally like i'm i'm turning a blind out of every crime i see because i got to go to bad. I get to an intersection and a missing child, a missing juvenile, I see her right on the corner. She's missing. And I'm like, there's no way. I can't just pass her up. She's a missing kid
Starting point is 00:52:17 that's on our flyers. So I stop and I put her in the car and I'm calling for backup. I'm like, hey, you know, is any unit available to the 84 me, me to support me? I couldn't tell him right away. I got to go to the restroom, man. I'm texting the dispatcher on my computer. Like, I got to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Please get somebody to help me. Oh, you even said that to her? Yeah, I mean, I typed it on the computer. Yeah, yeah, right. So everybody didn't hear it, but I'm like texting the dispatcher, like, please get some units available. I need to go to the bathroom, man.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I cannot hold this kid with me. And so, you know, it's a long process, man, that you got to call these people, got to get the sergeant involved. I get to the station, man, and I'm running out of time, man. I'm literally doing the ants in the pants dance. And I get this little girl here and we got to put her in a holding cell until we can get her in touch with her parents and stuff like that. Cause she did commit crimes and she was also missing. So we put her in a holding cell, dude. And I couldn't even wait. I threw her in there, didn't even lock the door. I just barely shut the door. She could have ran out of there and escaped if she wanted to. I went to the restroom and I didn't make it. I literally peed my pants and pee was going right through my pants.
Starting point is 00:53:17 And I finally, you know, whipped it out and I'm peeing all over the floor because now I'm in a panic. You know, I'm peeing all over the floor, out of the toilet. And this is all on camera, mind you, because the sales are all on camera. And I didn't go to a restroom. I went to the sale next to hers. So is there a drain? Is there a drain? Is there a drain? Oh, no, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I had to I had to clean it up. Most of it was in my pants. And I'll tell you this story. The reason why it would save me is that for some reason i could not i i didn't like the texture of the of the patrol pants touching my legs so i used to wear compression tights all the way down to my like the long shirts yep pants all the way down to my ankles every day even in 120 degree weather in tucson i used to wear them every day i just couldn't stand the feel of that pants on my legs which was very weird but when But when I pee, it's soaked into that, those pants first, you know?
Starting point is 00:54:09 So people couldn't really see it, how bad it was from face value. Cause my outer pant, what didn't appear wet. And so, man, that was horrible. I was so embarrassed, man. Somebody ended up relieving her. I was actually wiping it up when somebody walked in and I was wiping it up and I'm like, man, somebody made a mess in here and I'm wiping up the pee and dumping it in the toilet. Oh my God. Does anyone watch those cameras live? Is there like someone? No, they don't watch it live. If they, if they need to, for whatever reason, investigatory purposes, they can go back and look at it. Cause it's all, it's on a loop recording. And, uh, i just never told anybody man i was like if somebody gets that camera i might get in trouble too but because i left her unattended
Starting point is 00:54:52 i literally threw in there and i couldn't even lock the door i had to go to the cell next to hers have you ever been arrested uh yeah i got a well twice i got arrested twice traditional arrest once and then uh arrest on paper the second time so i'll tell you the two when i was eight years old i got arrested physically arrested um i was smoking marijuana with my cousins in a vacant house in fort worth um and you know we got eight years old that's yeah eight eight that's when i stopped smoking weed at eight you stopped or started i stopped i was smoking weed before that. You stopped or started? I stopped. I was smoking weed before that with my older cousins. We used to go to my cousin's house and then they used to buy the weed.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Cause like my cousins didn't have enough money, right. They were, they were kind of poor. And you know, so when we would go hang out with them, my, my,
Starting point is 00:55:38 my dad would give us money so we, they didn't have to pay for us to eat. We could just buy our own food. Um, but my cut, we used to give it to my cousin and he used to go buy weed with it. And then we would just go to the park and stuff. We just smoked weed all day.
Starting point is 00:55:52 How old were you the first time you hit a joint? I was seven. Wow. You knew how to inhale and everything? Like by the time you were eight, could you hit a joint like crazy? We were smoking blunts. We weren't smoking joints. We were smoking blunts. The big smoking joints we were smoking blunts a big swisher roll papers my older cousins rolled it up wow we were smoking with them and we were dizzy man we were walking around like
Starting point is 00:56:13 zombies and you know of course we would clear up before we went home you know i'm saying because my dad would probably choke us to death but you know i got arrested which was crazy because my dad had to come pick us up and he was a he was a mess man he was so he was so angry i thought he was gonna kill us he actually said a little boy it's a little boy i'll tell you this i when i got arrested you know when you get arrested you gotta take everything out of your pockets and they put it in a bag as your property dude i had toy cars little toy matchbox cars in my property i had like 20 of them just imagine me being a eight-year-old with 20 little push cars in my pocket smoking blunts that that just that's the craziest thing that if i couldn't imagine my son my son is my son is going to be 12 uh in august
Starting point is 00:56:58 i couldn't imagine him smoking weed and i was eight smoking weed with toy cars pushing them and pushing them and smoking weed and so my property was a bag of toys you know it was crazy man that is crazy that was what a great scene yeah and it's funny i didn't i explained a little bit in my book but i didn't even go this far in my book i don't think so um the second arrest was in 2010 before I became a police officer. Tucson police officer was a complete jerk to me. He ended up arresting me for expired registration in a foreign state, which is if you in Arizona, if you have expired registration from an out-of-state plate and you expired in Arizona more than 30 days, they can arrest you. It's a misdemeanor offense. And normally they don't do
Starting point is 00:57:45 that for people in college because you, you know, it's obvious that people are going to college. But they ended up arresting me, man. It was, it was crazy on paper. So I didn't go to jail or nothing. They just wrote the arrest and I promised to appear in court. I got arrested for expired registration in Santa Barbara once. It's a trip when i hear people and and i have a lot of friends who do this when i hear people say stuff that happened to them and they blame their skin color on it yeah and i'm like hey dude like that's happened to me a thousand times let me tell you cops and men between the age of 16 and 25 don't mix like it has like it has nothing to do with your um skin color or or anything like that i've been arrested four times one time for uh um uh my dog was off a leash and i got a ticket
Starting point is 00:58:32 and i paid the ticket but i didn't go to court and when the cop pulled me over he said hey you have a warrant out for your arrest i showed him that i paid my dog leash ticket he didn't give a fuck i was arrested i was in the middle of eating my lunch second time was i didn't my registration it expired on my car i had the registration i didn't have the sticker on he didn't care it was like 11 o'clock at night um and and uh uh and i got taken to jail uh third time uh what was the third time ah i was doing 65 and a 25 in albany california that doesn't get that town doesn't get wider than that uh uh the he pulled me over and said um can I see your pilot's license? And the fourth time,
Starting point is 00:59:06 I can't, I can't remember what happened. I was in front of my girlfriend's house. I think I was sleeping in my car or something. And I got arrested. What's crazy is, is I've been pulled over for drinking and driving, you know, back when I was in high school.
Starting point is 00:59:16 I mean, fucked up. 10 times. And the cops were always like, son, you got to get home. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:59:23 I mean, but, but, but I mean, I've been pulled over. Like I've been pulled over. I've been stopped by the police 200 times between I was 16 and 25. No exaggeration. I mean, I was always fucking around.
Starting point is 00:59:33 I've never got, I've gotten pulled over in my entire life. Maybe like five times. That's it. I haven't been pulled over. Last time I got pulled over is like 2016, 2017. Yeah. I don't get pulled over anymore. I drive a minivan and i'm old yeah go to steel yeah but yeah this whole myth that the color your skin matters based on police interaction with you well it does now it does now uh brandon by and large is bullcrap to me well all my friends are cops, they don't pull over black dudes now.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Right. Right. In that way, they avoid it now. But it's you know, when something when you're a cop, you realize that it's not about race at all. I've never thought about it. Nobody that work with ever think about race. It's really your people's behavior and people that they get. They get two things conflated. They say, man, they pulled me over because I was black. Well, you live in a black community. They passed 400 black people to pull you over. So are they racist or not?
Starting point is 01:00:32 You know, it's only black people here. So anybody that's going to get pulled over, anybody that's going to get arrested, anybody that's going to get shot is going to be black. It's 99% black people in this whole area and then they act like what do you think happened in in in idaho and in in wyoming and in some of these places that are heavily white you think they don't police you think they don't pull people out you think they don't do their job they get arrested too they go to jail too they get harassed too i mean people are just living a false world of stupidity i never once thought about race when I pull a person over. If you do, if people do a ride along, mark me, I'll give you, I'll give you a thousand dollars if I'm wrong.
Starting point is 01:01:11 You do a ride along with a police officer in the daytime. And when y'all driving up behind cars, you tell me what race they are. Even in a daytime, it's impossible to see what race people are. You see the back of their head. A lot of these cars have tenant windows. You really can't see. It doesn't matter. You're looking at behaviors. head. A lot of these cars have tenant windows. You really can't see. It doesn't matter. You're looking at behaviors. You're like, okay, look at this car. This car has got five hubcaps on it and got a big dent in the back and the registration is expired. At this exact moment,
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Starting point is 01:02:34 Okay, let's address this issue. It doesn't matter who's driving the car. You know, I did a ride-along once. It was fucking crazy. That's why I became a cop, was the ride-along I did. ride along once. It was fucking crazy. That's why I became a cop was the ride along I did. I mean, I couldn't believe that cops did that. Like, I couldn't believe how heroic cops were and how brave.
Starting point is 01:02:56 And I know it sounds very corny. And how compassionate. I couldn't believe how fucking nice they were. People are assholes to cops. Oh, my God. Trust me. I mean, we deal with it all day, every day. Belligerent motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Belligerent. And everybody lies to you. Everybody lies. I mean, they lie for no reason. We have people lying to us that ain't even a part of the car we're on. You're like, dude, you just walked up and lied to me for no reason. You're not even. You had to get in his lie quota for the day.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Yeah. You're not even associated with this crime right here. We're investigating this crime. You just walked up and told a lot of me, get away from me. You know, what are you doing? But to see the balance of emotions, the balance of integrity and all of the police, all that the police officers have is out of control, man. I mean, Officer Champagne, he's in my book um he i did the ride along with him he's a white guy was that your fto by the way no he wasn't my fto i had a ride with him and uh he inspired me to be a cop and he was uh he ended up being a cop in a field trainer in another division so okay i didn't live in his division or he would have probably been my fto
Starting point is 01:04:02 okay but he was amazing man that dude went we went from changing a flat tire of an elderly lady, literally the next call was a suicidal call of a kid that was actively cutting his wrist. And we're driving 70 miles per hour down residential streets, almost died a couple times getting to the car. And, dude, my adrenaline was rushing so much before we got to the car. Yeah. And even after the car, dude, I was stunned. I was like a deer in the headlights yeah and even after the call dude i was just i
Starting point is 01:04:25 was stunned i was like a deer in the headlights man i couldn't believe what i just saw i couldn't believe that we just almost died and sean was it didn't phase him man he was like i do this every day and i'm like every day what like there's no what like i felt i felt like i was a punk like as a man i was like dang you know like i guess i'm not as tough as I thought I was. I'm punking out right now. And this guy is unfazed by doing this type of stuff every single day of putting it, you know, when you ride with a cop, people have never rode with a cop and you see a man get into a uh the patrol car with a bulletproof vest on and it makes it real to you you're like dang this dude is facing life and death every day this dude got a vest on this is a real thing like this is not you know like some you know when i ride with an uber you're not riding an uber you're not riding with Amazon for the day. This dude have a vest on and guns and bullets everywhere and rifles. And a taser.
Starting point is 01:05:29 This is legit. Yep. He can die any day, every day, any day, any day of the week. Somebody can just run up on him and shoot him. I remember when I was a cop, I used to have to go to these crazy calls, man. It's no turning back. It's no punking out. You can't just go, oh man,
Starting point is 01:05:45 I don't feel like dying today. I'm just not, I'm just going to drive over here. Right. At the worst scenario possible, you have to come running full throttle. My, my, the biggest fear for me was school shootings because school shootings, you don't have any time to wait for a backup or anything you have to go and eliminate the threat and you know that going into these situations that it's a high it's a high probability that you're going to be the first one to die you could be especially if there's multiple assailants you you have to take that chance you have to you're basically just you get the call there's something going on school and you just have to get out of your car and run in there. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah. Kind of blind. You're blind, basically.
Starting point is 01:06:27 You don't know where the guy's at. The information is not is not real time. You know, you have somebody calling. They tell the dispatcher, the dispatcher tells you over the radio. That's like five seconds gap. And that person is talking, you know, by the time they tell the dispatcher something, they may be dead already. talking you know by the time they tell the dispatcher something they may be dead already you know i'm saying and and you running through a school with a guy who probably waiting around the corner with an ar-15 and the thing is is that once you get exposed to death once you see people who have been shot to death before as a cop your fear level of getting killed it it goes up because you you feel to yourself that i don't want to end up like this guy I saw the other day that was shot up. Well, it's real now, right? All of a sudden it's real too,
Starting point is 01:07:12 right? When you see people taking their last breath, it's real. You really see life and death in real life. Most people don't see, they see the stuff on the internet, they see movies and they're like, oh, what the world? When you actually see a man die in your in your arms when you see that last breath being taken and you see him go from life to death uh you see people shot up and you patching gun wound gunshot wounds on the side in the middle of the street you know people have no idea what it's like to be a police officer they i mean i could have a whole show just about that and bring cops on and have them tell these crazy stories. I was only a cop for about seven years. Some of my friends that were caught for 25 years, 30 years, they have seen everything. They have seen things you couldn't even imagine seeing. Beheaded people, all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 01:08:00 They've seen it all. And these cowards walking around trashing cops all day. And I just say, put a uniform on for one night shift in Chicago. Put a uniform on one night shift in Tucson, Arizona, on the south side. And you wouldn't last 30 minutes. I had this one girl. She was a social justice warrior. When I used to go to work work i used to take my son to daycare this is when you were a cop yeah when i was a cop and i used to take my son to daycare in full uniform because i had to get out of there and go right to work you know i had like 30 minutes
Starting point is 01:08:34 to spare and um so there's a girl in there she kind of i know she kind of liked me it was a black lady she used to bring her kid but you could tell she was social justice warrior so she liked me because i'm attractive guy in uniform, but she hate cops. So she had just was dumbfounded. She had made small talk of me and I said, hey, come do a ride along with me. Come do a ride along with me so you can see what it's like. Because she had brought up like some shooting a scenario. They asked me a question.
Starting point is 01:08:58 I said, come do a ride along. She wouldn't even get out the car on a traffic stop in the daytime. She wouldn't get out the car. She was terrified. Yeah, the traffic stops were the craziest things that I saw in the ride-along i could not fucking believe what people would do oh yeah or say to the cops yeah well yeah and in some of these domestic violence calls too is i mean especially if you saw a cop fight somebody you know i had my ride-alongs were with me when i had to fight a couple people and had to pull my gun out on people and we had a
Starting point is 01:09:24 high-risk stop where you had to swat team you swat team but the k9 and all this stuff and my ride-along was literally about to pee her pants man because she was literally on a high-risk stop where dudes was hanging out with the rifle they had the k9 dog and all of this stuff and the guy was non-compliant it almost led to a pursuit you know and I also had that same ride-along she saw she had she had a chance to see what it's like with people drinking and driving the destruction that it caused a kid hit a light pole at 80 miles per hour and the light pole did not budge and uh the one you know one girl lost her legs in the back seat the guy in the front was fine he was the trunk driver
Starting point is 01:10:02 of course the passenger seat was completely messed up i mean he was in the trunk of the car with his seat he him in his seat was in the trunk of the car and he was all messed up and the ride-along had a chance to see it you know we took her open the sheet she she saw that stuff this is the lady from your kid's school no no no she's not oh she did a ride-along in the daytime and she was terrified to ever even get out the car did that change your perception by the way yeah yeah because what i did was because i was doing a day shift because they let me work the day shift with my because when i had my son with me for the summer they let me work the day shift which was nice of them i normally work the night shift but i would tell her what race is this person driving see i i can't we do i did like 15 times what race
Starting point is 01:10:47 is this person is driving what race is this person so now you can tell that we're not pulling people over because they black we have no idea what race these people are right and and that helped open up her perception in my opinion but if she had the experience of that other girl that rode with me i mean she she wouldn't have made it dude she would have cried and broke down and she would she would have asked me to take him home take her home you know she wouldn't have been able to make it with all that so anyway do you do you not do you not swear because of your faith yes yeah yes tell me about so so you were raised a christian yes well yeah sort of kind of i said i was raised a christian but we weren't really practicing christians you know you just when you grew up
Starting point is 01:11:32 in texas you faith in football is what what what matters in life everybody's and you were really good at football right i mean yeah i was i was i was really good at football in high school i was i was the top player in the nation i had scholarship to every university that you could think of. I was an All-American. I was a freak athlete. When I was in high school, I had a 44-inch vertical lead. I squatted. Wow.
Starting point is 01:11:55 I forget. I think I squatted about 500 in high school as a senior. I did. My max on the bench was like, I did. Oh, no, let me go to college. My freshman year of college, before the year started the summer my numbers were i did the bench press 18 times 225 i did the bench press 18 times i squatted like six something my freshman year i had a 40 a 40 43 inch 44 43 inch vertical something like that
Starting point is 01:12:19 um dude i had the numbers of an nfl i would have if i would have went to the nfl combine my before my freshman year started the summer that i went to college i would have broke a record in in the broad jump i jumped 11-7 on the broad jump i would have been the number one rated defensive back by numbers like i outperformed every nfl prospect when i was a freshman coming out of high school. So I was a freak athlete, man. And my career sucked, though, man. My attitude and a bunch of other things just led me to not having a prosperous career. Was it your attitude or your coach's attitude?
Starting point is 01:12:58 It was a combination. Combination. Because they were jerks, complete a-holes. Like Coach Stoops was an a-hole. He was out of control. Tell me what you mean by that. I heard you say that on another podcast too, that you were really kind of blown back at how out of control collegiate coaches are.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Yeah, at least him. Because when I was in high school, my coach was pretty strict, right? He was a white guy in an all-black school. We had nine D1 players. We had four All-Americans on our one football team. And so coach jones coach bob jones was very strict with us man he would he would cut you out he'll pop you you know i'm saying with a paddle he used to have a paddle out there wow he'll pop you with the paddle but he did it in love and compassion and he loved us and we knew it when i went to college stoops would mfu he would call you all kind of names getting your face,
Starting point is 01:13:45 yell at you. I mean, he literally spit coming out of his mouth, just dragging you, man. And like, you didn't feel that connection with the college coaches like that. So to me, it turned into violence for me. I wanted to fight him. And, you know, I was kind of familial in high school, like almost like an uncle or a father figure. And in college, you think it was like more beauty. Like you have to earn the respect to yell at the players like that, and he didn't earn it? Yes. No way in the world he earned that.
Starting point is 01:14:12 He didn't earn it. He was like that to his coaching staff too, man. He would cuss his coaching staff out. He was out of control, man. And I'm not going to blame him because a lot of other players were able to take it. They knew how to not take it personal. I wasn't like that, man. My dad wouldn't even talk crazy to me like that.
Starting point is 01:14:29 You know, that man would just disrespect you. And growing up in the hood and the mentality I had, it was like, hold on, man. Like, you're disrespecting me now. This is outside of football. You don't disrespect me like that. You know, you can coach me and tell me what I'm doing wrong. You can raise your voice. But when you start talking crazy to me and getting in my face like I want to fight you.
Starting point is 01:14:49 I ain't even thinking about football no more. And so a little bit of that, too, was the problem. And I just never was the same. Like I never was on my game in college. You know, I played a little bit. I still was in the NFL draft because I was such a great athlete. I didn't perform well at my pro day. I didn't train well. I mean, it really screwed me, man. My agent told me that if I would have played one season, I would have been drafted in the first round. That's how great of an athlete I was.
Starting point is 01:15:15 You didn't even play one season in college? You went to the University of Arizona? Went to Arizona. I did not play a complete season on defense. I played special teams here and there. I wrote the bench because I was in the doghouse, man. The coaches hated me. And, you know.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Would you talk back? Would you talk back? Oh, yeah. I would blow up on them. That's why I would take my helmet off and throw it. You know, I would get in their face. And I was a very – at the time, that's before I got saved. That's before I really became a Christian.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Uh, I just had such a explosive attitude. It helped in football because, you know, I would tear, you know, knock people out coming across the middle, but outside of that, it wasn't really conducive for success. You know, I was just, I was to them. I was uncoachable because the way they coach was yelling and acting crazy with you and that. And for me, it was like, nah, I it was like, I don't respond well to that. So it really hurt my career, man.
Starting point is 01:16:10 And no matter how great of an athlete I was, they put me on the bench and I rode the bench. And they made sure I never played. And I graduated because my dad always said, I don't care if you play football now you better graduate hold on a second i keep hitting the buttons on this computer i don't care how much you play or not you better get your degree because it's free and so when i graduated my i had got saved and you know halfway through my football career things still wasn't going well
Starting point is 01:16:41 but my last year you did you did get saved halfway through what does that mean to get saved the the way i the way i researched your story the way i heard it is basically you were you thought you were going to be drafted by the the oakland raiders by the way you're not related to jack tatum are you it's it's kind of like a rumor family theory that jack tatum is our great uncle you know wow said that he was we never got a chance to meet him and me and my brother we both me and my brother both were all-american football players when we we went to reach out to him and by the time families was able to finally connect the tatums my tatums was finally connect with his tatum side um he had passed away and so we just never followed up but it was it's been said and people have drawn that connection and some people in the family think we are we were
Starting point is 01:17:23 related i pulled up next to him one time on the freeway in traffic on the 580 he had long been retired he was in a dope cadillac he had the windows down i saw the license plate i pulled up what did he say what was his license plate said tatum it said tatum i maybe it said jay tatum but it said yeah yeah um so so but the way i understood the story was is that you thought you were going to be drafted and and you weren't. And like literally to them till till the day it happened till the day of the draft, you thought you were going to be drafted. You had a party plan. You weren't drafted and you went into a spiral and there somewhere you hit rock bottom and found God. But you're saying, no, no, no. OK, no, no. My college career, I spiraled my freshman
Starting point is 01:18:07 year when they, when, when I was getting yelled at by the coaches and I, you know, all this stuff and I was blowing up on them and I was, you know, I was late to, I was chasing women late to late to workouts. You know, I, so I was, I wasn't perfect. Then I started, and then my sophomore year came around and I got hurt. I had a season in the injury, the third game of the season, I was out for the whole season. And so that was like rock bottom for me. I wasn't playing. You gotta think, man, I came into college as one of the top recruited players in the nation. I played with Deshaun Jackson. I don't know if you know football, you follow football a lot, but I played with all of the dudes you see in the NFL right
Starting point is 01:18:44 now. Deshaun Jackson, Jonathan Stewart, I think he just retired. Adamic and Sue was on my team. I mean, you go down the list. All of these NFL players you see today, we all played together in high school on the U.S. Army All-American game. So it was devastating for me, man. And and then I got to rock bottom and I was like, you know what? I don't know what my purpose is in this life. Like everything is falling apart. I lost some of my really close friends and that I went to high school with all my freshman year. And in 2008, I lost him we graduated, lovey died. My friend Tadpole died. Um, and then, uh, Jeff died.
Starting point is 01:19:28 He was, he was, he was, uh, well, now Ricky, Jeff died and Ricky died. I wasn't as close to Jeff,
Starting point is 01:19:35 but they all died in car accidents separately. Oh shit. Which was crazy, man. And as a freshman, young dude, you know, it was,
Starting point is 01:19:42 it was traumatizing. But anyway, that was in 2005, 2008. Now I didn't go through college five, six, seven dude, you know, it was it was traumatizing. But anyway, that was in 2005, 2008. Now, I didn't go through college five, six, seven. And in 2008 is when I got saved because all of this turmoil and all these things that are happening. I said, you know, I need to figure out if God is real or not, because I'm at a point now where I remember growing up believing in God.
Starting point is 01:20:00 You know what I'm saying? I remember, you know, being a Christian and some of the values that my parents taught me. And now the rubber is hitting the road. I need to figure out is God real or not. And, you know, I started going to church and, um, I started going to church and, and just giving it a try. I went to a couple and I thought they were ridiculous. And I said, I'm never going to these churches again. And then it's funny, man, when I was pursuing that, I like had a couple, never going to these churches again. And then it's funny, man, when I was pursuing that, I like had a couple, a couple of dreams. Like I had a dream that like Jesus had came to me
Starting point is 01:20:29 and it was like a weird thing. You know, have you ever been asleep, but up at the same time? And you're like in that middle stage where you're like, I think I'm asleep, but I'm awake. And I like saw Jesus's face. And of course, I don't know what Jesus looked like, but this face appeared to me and it's like my consciousness knew it was jesus and it was a face was red and it just like appeared to me like this and and it just like weird stuff was happening to me and so i kept where were you were you were you at home in bed in like a college dorm when that happened yeah no we i was in college i was in my bed but me and my friend had uh rented a house so it was okay but me and my friend had rented a house. So it was me and a couple of football players. We rented a house. And so I'm laying in the bed and this happened to me,
Starting point is 01:21:08 man. And I felt when I saw the face like this, I just felt some energy go through me. It was weird. And I'm like, that's weird. I'm not even a religious. I mean, I wasn't like deep into spirituality. And I just said, well, you know what? Maybe this is a sign I need to keep going to church. And I kept going to church. And then I never forget. Did you share that with anyone when that happened? Yeah. I mean, I told my friend, my friend lived with me.
Starting point is 01:21:32 We were all Christians. So, okay. Okay. So I shared it with them. I wrote it in my journal. I tell the story sometimes to people. I think I mentioned some of this in my book. I can't remember how much I spoke about it, but I mentioned it in my book to a certain degree. And then, you know, I went to church, Emmanuel Grace Apostolic Church,
Starting point is 01:21:51 which is Pentecostal apostolic, very holy and strict church. I went there and the guy preached the gospel of Jesus Christ. Like when I would go to church before, they always tell about good story, good, feel good messages, right? Oh, you know, God loves you and God is doing this. And then they read the Bible all the way to the end and they tell you all these different things that make you feel good. But none of them actually told a true story about Jesus because I didn't even know about Jesus. Like, you know, I heard, I heard about Adam and Eve. I never read it in the Bible. I heard about Jesus. Oh, Jesus is our savior and all this stuff. But I never read nothing about never read it in the Bible. I heard about Jesus. Oh, Jesus is our savior and all this stuff. But I never read nothing about what Jesus did in the Bible.
Starting point is 01:22:28 I just hear these stories floating around. And then when, but the pastor at Emmanuel Grace actually was reading from the Bible and he was talking about these stories of Jesus and some of the parables that Jesus was saying. And it just changed the way I thought of things. I'm like, this is a real thing. Like there's something here. This is not religion. This is, this is actually a relationship. And I started to connect more to the gospel and start to really see it as
Starting point is 01:22:56 being real. And I remember, I remember one of the Wednesdays that I went to church and I asked the pastor, I said, Hey, um, I heard fornication was a sin, right? Having sex outside of marriage because I heard it, but I never saw it in the Bible. You go, hey, son, here you go right here. This is where it says, you know, fornication is. I'm like, really? And I had this desire to do right. I want to be right. I want to do right.
Starting point is 01:23:18 And then when I say I got saved, according to the Bible, getting saved is being born again. And it's a natural and spiritual experience. And so when I was going to that church to preach the gospel, it was just a desire in my heart to go get prayed for at the front of the church. I mean, truth be told, I was really doing it for the girl that was with me because she was crying and she wanted that she was all emotional and I was going to take her to the front so she can get prayed for. And then I end up getting prayed for. And it was just God just touched me touched me man it was weird because i remember the guy he was praying for me and i got my hands up like this and you gotta think man i'm not i'm not into religion like that i don't know the lingo
Starting point is 01:23:54 in church so i'm and you're a young man you're like a 27 just i'm young i'm 20 i was like 21 or something like that okay 22 maybe 22, maybe 21, 22. And I got my hands up and the guys praying for me. And I just remember him saying, you know, let it go. Meaning like get out of your mind. Just relax. Receive what receive what God is trying to do for you. And I remember relaxing a little bit and I felt like I felt something like I almost felt like some some adrenaline almost. And then instantaneously, the guy's like, there you go. There you go. Just just relax. Just let God deal with you. Let it go. You know, all the all that you hold in your harboring, all the all the stress is just let it go and let God deal with you in this moment. And he was just kind of praying for me. And I just relaxed. They let, they let me down to the ground.
Starting point is 01:24:45 And it's funny I had a dream about that before it happened. And I said, I never, I'm like Benny Hinn, you know, he swept, swiped the jackets and everybody fall. I said ain't nowhere in the world I'll ever do that in my life, but they kind of guided me to the ground and I just laid on the ground and I just prayed. And I was just trying to, I was trying to connect with God. If he was there, I was trying to connect. And I felt like I was connecting with him. I felt like God was just dealing with me in a spiritual sense. It
Starting point is 01:25:09 wasn't, I couldn't hear God. I couldn't see God. It was something on the inside of me was connecting with God and I knew it was happening. Right. And then I got baptized and in the Bible being baptized. Not that same day. You mean later? Same day. No, same day. Oh, same day. That minute. See, the true gospel is that you should be born again. You don't, in my opinion, you don't schedule baptisms and stuff. It's an instantaneous thing. When you're ready, you go and make it happen. So the pastor said, I command that you be baptized in the name of Jesus.
Starting point is 01:25:40 And so I said, okay, I'll do it. And I went up to the thing. They had the water ready. I got baptized. The young lady with me got baptized. And then another thing, this is weirder than all the stuff that I've said. So I got baptized and I came out of the water. Were you vibrating at all?
Starting point is 01:25:55 Did you feel your body vibrating at all? No, I don't think that's the feeling I had. I had this feeling of like, I'm home. Like, this is what I'm supposed to be doing. Like, I've been living this crazy life like I'm like it's almost like God is calling me to come back yeah come back home and and and I just felt secure like I'm really experiencing God right now and this is what I'm supposed to be doing like all that stuff that I learned when I was a kid this is the real experience all that stuff
Starting point is 01:26:22 was fluff you know like we weren't really living right. We weren't connecting. It was fluff. And so I get baptized. And then when I came out of the water, I never forget, I felt light. And you got to think I haven't read the Bible much. I felt light. And I was like, dang, I feel like another person. I feel light. It's almost like I had all this baggage on me and I feel light. And I didn't know what that meant until I read the Bible later. And it's in the Bible that, you know, that you are forgiven of your sins. And so anyway, two days later, my church believed in speaking in tongues and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, which is a spiritual thing in the Bible. I remember two days later, Wednesday night, I go, cause I want to get the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues is what our church believed. And I went to
Starting point is 01:27:03 this room, we were in this prayer room and we ended up praying. All the elders of the church were in the room praying with me and they were all speaking in tongues and they were. Is that scary? Huh? Is that scary? It was weird at the time because I wasn't a churchy person. So I'm like, that's weird. I'm speaking in tongues. That's for like old people. But I said, you know, the Bible says he read it in the Bible, being born of the water and the spirit.
Starting point is 01:27:30 He read in the Bible, the day of Pentecost and Acts chapter two about them receiving the gift of the Holy spirit. And they began to speak in tongues. So when they read it to me, I said, if this is an experience that needs to be had, I want to have it.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Right. So they're in there praying for me, man. And like five minutes go by and I wasn't, ain't nothing was happening to me. I'm're in there praying for me, man. And like five minutes go by and I wasn't, ain't nothing was happening to me. I'm just praying and, you know, praising God and nothing was happening. And I remember elder Danny field touched me and said, tell God what you want, tell God what you want. And I, and I remember saying, you know, I, I, I want to receive the gift of the Holy spirit. And it could have been like a couple seconds later, something hit me, man.
Starting point is 01:28:09 And I started speaking in tongues. Now, God is my witness. It was the weirdest experience I have ever experienced in my life. Even to this day, I'm shocked that that ever happened to me. Literally, I felt like I was breathing, but somebody else was talking out of my mouth. And it sounded like an African dude. Like an African man was just talking and talking and talking and talking out of my mouth. And when you say African man, it wasn't English.
Starting point is 01:28:32 You mean like some language they could only heard on TV? Yeah, it was another language. And even the way my vocal cords were projecting, it was like a deeper voice of like an African man. And it was like a, it was like a deeper voice of like an African man. And, and, and it was, it was crazy to me. I mean, I perceived it as African, you know, now when I pray in tongues, which I still do, it sound more Arabic. But anyway, at the time it felt like an African man was talking out of my mouth. And I was just, so you still praying. Does anyone ever hear you do that? Or do you do that in private? Well, when I was going at the time time after I got saved and I would go to church, I would do it in church. Like everybody in our church was speaking tongues.
Starting point is 01:29:09 But more recently, it's something that I just do privately. You know, most people don't really hear me. To be honest, I think people may think it's weird. They don't understand. I think it's totally weird. I totally don't understand. Yeah. Because it's totally foreign to me.
Starting point is 01:29:24 Yeah. It's real, though. it's a real thing like like you know like you know there's people like who claim that clean their nasal passages like with like a like a string and you're just like wow or you know i mean like people who eat crickets you're like wow you know what i mean like it's just so like the other day my friend killed a rabbit and brought it over and we ate it and i was like i'm trying to act all cool and shit but like i wasn't cool't cool. You know what I mean? So yeah, it's the unknown is scary. The unknown is scary. It is, it is. Um, but it makes you feel more comfortable when you read it in the Bible. Like if you read it in the Bible and you say, okay, I'm not around other people who are also
Starting point is 01:29:59 having the same experience. Right. Right. And you say, okay, it's not completely weird. Like maybe this is a real thing. Like people in the Bible are experiencing something similar. Everybody at my church has experienced something similar. I just experienced it uniquely for myself. There's something here that I don't, I can't explain it. I don't know what to say. I don't know how it happens. You know, there's a study that was done and there was a YouTube video of a scientist. I say scientists, a person that studies the brain had put these probes on the brain, monitoring the frontal lobe of the brain and had these two people that came in that claim to be Christians and they claim to speak in tongues. Right. And so these people are speaking in tongues while they're
Starting point is 01:30:39 hooked up to this machine. And, and, you know, I know now that people can pay for propaganda, you know, people can pay for propaganda you know people can pay this person a lot but this doctor is who is not a christian and and admitted that even after this experience he ain't a christian uh he was monitoring these people speaking in tongues and literally the frontal lobe of the brain was not firing at all while these people were speaking in tongues and the in the sign the guy said the that's impossible right because the frontal lobe of the brain has to fire in order for the brain to begin to speak and think and all that other stuff and he said even in monks who meditate he still finds signs of firing in the frontal lobe of the brain these people who
Starting point is 01:31:26 were speaking in tongues there was zero firing of the frontal lobe of the brain and he said meaning that it's coming from somewhere else they're not creating this what he said he said i am not making any statements about religion or anything it appears that what they claim to be experiencing, they are experiencing because I cannot explain why a person, how a person can be talking in the frontal lobe of their brain is not firing. He said it's an impossibility. And, but I'm not saying that it's real. I'm not saying that the religion is real. It appears that what they're experiencing, that they're claiming their experience and they're actually experiencing. And so it's a real thing, man. lot of christians will beat me up in the comment section i know
Starting point is 01:32:07 because some christians don't believe in it but like why do you have why do we have to use the word believe why can't it be you know like like you don't believe this shit you know this shit yeah but you gotta like like i believe is is there's so little that I believe. There's so little that I believe. I believe like I don't believe I'm talking to you right now. I know I'm talking to you. All right. I think belief is something that has people.
Starting point is 01:32:36 They don't use the word right. I don't think people most people talk right. I agree. I agree with you. I think the concept of belief is is is of evidence of something that have not been seen yet or is not present. Right. So you say, I believe that I'm going to be successful. You is that I believe because it's not here, but I have a faith and a belief that it's going to happen. But to your point, in order for it to happen, you have to know it's going to happen. Like the things that have manifested in my life, I knew it. Like I believed it and I knew it. I felt it. I'm going to be successful. I'm going to, you know, I'm going to,
Starting point is 01:33:23 you know, make X amount of dollars. I'm going to live in this I'm going to, you know, I'm going to, you know, make X amount of dollars. I'm going to live in this place. I believe it first. Then I began to know it. Then I began to feel it. And it's a concept of people. Religious people miss this, though. You know how they say I forget the name of the thing. You know how you can think it into existence and that kind of concept. To manifest something. Yeah, manifest something through existence.
Starting point is 01:33:51 It's like, I forget what it's called. The secret. Somebody wrote a book called The Secret. And so Christians a lot of time miss this whole point. And that's why a lot of Christians don't experience it, because they think that it's secular to believe that you can manifest things that you believe in your mind will come true. Steve Harvey said something I thought was incredible. He attributed it to Albert Einstein, but he said that it is impossible to dream of the impossible per se. He said, you're not smart enough to think up the impossible. So everything that you think is actually possible because you're not, your brain is not capable of imagining some impossibility in
Starting point is 01:34:33 the world. It is, it may be something farfetched, but it's actually possible if you can actually think of it. And so that concept coupled with Christianity is how I exist, because the Bible talks about life and death is in the power of the tongue. You know, you have power the way, you know, in the beginning with Adam, Adam gave Adam dominion over the earth to name the birds and whatever he wanted to do. Like human beings have dominion over the earth. God allows us to do what we supposed to do here. He's given us the authority. That's why man can create such great things in automobiles and airplanes
Starting point is 01:35:15 and how a man can go from broke to being a billionaire because we have dominion over our thoughts and what exists on this earth by and large. God has given us the power to do that. Now, Christian religion tells you that you have to sit around and pray, God, I want you to help me be a millionaire. God, I want you to help me pay my bills. That's religion. Relationship says, you go out and pursue it and I'll meet you at the office to pay your bills, per se. and I'll meet you at the office to pay your bills per se.
Starting point is 01:35:48 You don't sit around and think you're going to sit in a circle and pray to God. I think you should pray, but you have to pursue as you pray. And I think Christians forget that. But secular people get it. Some Christians don't get it. And then that's why they clash. There's probably no real difference between you and i maybe the things that you believe you don't attribute it to being god but we probably believe
Starting point is 01:36:12 some of the same principles um and i think that the religious side of it has really ruined people's relationship with god because the perception of god is god is a man that's up here doing this. It's like the Bible don't say that God is not a man. God is a spirit and it's a spirit that nobody knows what it looked like, how it, how it operates to a certain degree is omnipresent. It's, it's not a man that's sitting up there with a beard where you pray to, you pray into a spirit that is, that we don't understand.
Starting point is 01:36:52 And the Bible is just a collection of stories of people who have been exposed to it. You know, I said, collected the stories, historical writings of people who just been exposed to this, this, this energy that they all attribute to the
Starting point is 01:37:07 one true god and these people don't know each other they never existed around each other you know they had different dispensation of time different parts of the world and they all have a similar story of attributing these experiences this this experiences that i experienced to what they were considered to be well in other places they say Allah but Yahweh in Christianity or in Judaism the experience they call this energy this spirit
Starting point is 01:37:33 this God is Yahweh and so you know I am I am the I am it's so fascinating to hear you talk about this it's so refreshing because I've been exposed. And. And so many people I hear in the way I was exposed is you would never say I believe.
Starting point is 01:37:55 You would never say I believe I would I would never say I believe in God. That would be that would be a disgrace from what I was exposed to. Right. I'll tell you a quick story. I was. This from what I was exposed to. I'll tell you a quick story. I was, this is after I was exposed. I was filming a documentary and I was filming a guy and he was going to listen to some, a get rich quick guy in New York city. Like where he talked for three hours and then he tries to sell you a box of DVDs for like 500 bucks or 3000 bucks or whatever. And so I'm sitting in the back and I'm waiting for the subject of my documentary, who's a professional arm wrestler, to finish this conference he's in, this Get Rich conference.
Starting point is 01:38:28 And the guy says – and just so you know, if you see someone drive by in a Lamborghini and you resent him, God will make sure – I don't even know if he used the word God. Maybe he said the universe. The universe will make sure you never get that Lamborghini because God always gives you you what you want and god would never want you to become someone you resent and i thought holy shit holy shit that's like the truest thing i fucking ever heard conceptually theoretically not not just about becoming wealthy but just that premise that god gives you whatever you want and so if you down on someone who has money, God will never make you that person because he doesn't want to make you something that you don't want to be. Right. I think that that's a lot of truth. And do you know what I did as a practice, Brandon? Not to remind myself of that story. I told myself that no matter what I see on the ground, whether it be a penny, a dime, a nickel, a quarter, anything, I will humbly stop and pick it up and I will tell myself I am a money magnet. As a daily practice to remind myself of that moment that God spoke to me through that man, but I would never tell anyone I believe in God. It's, it's, um, I have an aversion to it. Belief is, belief is where bad things exist. I think where weakness exists. Right. I think that you have a point there. You have a point
Starting point is 01:39:55 there. And I think it's, it's kind of the etymology, you know, like it's the way that a person decides to use words. And in the English language, words are so watered down like love you can you say i love my job and i love my wife right the one word describes all these different loves that are not equal they're not even the same type of love like you love playing video games versus you love god you know like so the english language is very limited on its exposure to articulating what people are actually thinking, because I would argue that a lot of people experience God on a day to day basis. What happens is religion makes them shy away from calling it something. You know, I'm saying they don't want to be that God. They don't want the God of this religion. But they know they experience something from something that they cannot explain. Right.
Starting point is 01:40:44 They have an energy or knowledge or something speaks to them. It's like, that's God. God don't have to talk to you through Christianity. You know what I'm saying? Is that okay for you to say that? And I'm saying, okay, like, you know. Let me clarify this because people get weird. Okay. I believe that Christianity is the way in which God deals with our people, but you don't have to be sitting in a church. You don't have to have a Bible open for God to communicate with you. And I believe once God began to communicate with you, God will lead you to the gospel of Christ, in my opinion. But you don't have to be religious for you to have a relationship because there's so many people that connect with God and they get turned off by religion.
Starting point is 01:41:30 And therefore they begin to say, I hate God. But in reality, they are actually experiencing God. They love God. They just get turned off by these people who make God in their own image. Because in the Bible, it says God made us in his image. Religion today makes God in our image. What do we want God to do? God is this.
Starting point is 01:41:53 And God hates you and hate you and want this. And it's like, that's not even what the Bible says. Now, you will be judged by God. But God is trying to reconcile you while you're alive and do something in your life that gives purpose to you. And, you know, a lot of things that happen to you in life is God answering your prayers and also giving you authority to your own thoughts. If you believe I ain't never going to be nothing, God will allow you to never be nothing. If you say, I'm going to be successful, I'm going to make it out of this rut, I'm going to
Starting point is 01:42:30 be the best I can be, God will allow you to become the best you can be. Now, let me say this. A lot of these people are experiencing God, but they don't even practice religion. How is that possible? It's because God is not bound by a person's church building you know and if somebody believes that they they must be nutty it's like god can reach people in africa just as well as the united states america and and they can reach people in europe and they can reach people in you know uh uh what's it i like uh i can't even think of the name of the place now, Dubai. Cause I like Dubai. They can reach people in Dubai and we may not even speak the same language.
Starting point is 01:43:09 Right. You think God only speak English? Like, come on, man. Like you think God only speak to people who hear the gospel from this church? It's like, no, God speaks to people, but these people who hear from God needs to try to need to try to build a better relationship with God so God can direct them what they need to do. And I believe that if you are hearing from God and you are humbling yourself and saying,
Starting point is 01:43:33 OK, God, it's not about what I want to do. It's not about what I want to believe. It's about what's true. Lead me to truth. Lead me to where I want to be. Is Christianity right? Is Jesus who he said he is? Lead me to to truth. Lead me to where I want to be. Is Christianity right? Is Jesus who he said he is? Lead me to the truth. And I personally believe that people will be led to the gospel of Jesus
Starting point is 01:43:53 Christ, not the religion part, but they will be led to understanding who Jesus really was. Jesus was an actual person. I mean, obviously people manipulate who he was, when he did this or whatever. But by and large, Jesus was a real person. And I think the message of Jesus Christ is very necessary for people to understand in order for them to have a better, deeper, more authentic relationship with God, in my opinion. I mean, that's how I feel. Have you been to Africa? No, I've never been to africa i'm afraid to not because of africa is because of flying over the water like that i'm terrified of flying over water like that i mean i'm like if something happened we're dead
Starting point is 01:44:36 we can't just land at a at a local airport we're dead you know, have you been to India? I have never been at the United States of America. Wow. Other than going to the Grand Bahama. OK, so no China, no India, no Africa. I've never been anywhere. I've never been out of the country. I've been almost every state in the union, but I've never been out of the country i've been almost every state in the union but i've never been out of the country other than the grand bahamas um it's uh i i used to i used to make a documentary film so i shot films in a hundred different countries and really really fucked up places too i've seen some and i've been on all seven continents i've been to all the states except for alaska and I've seen some really fucking gnarly shit. Really?
Starting point is 01:45:31 Yeah, because primarily the documentaries I made were short films on malnourished children. And then I spent a bunch of time in Africa and a bunch of time in India. But basically, man, there's – this is not real. There's a different societal experiment going on in these other places like china's nothing like here and so until you go there all you can do is is like bring what we know to there or the same with india or the same but africa's africa's the biggest trip man really yeah you know Really? Africa is such a trip. This is one thing that I always think because I've never been out of the country. I think that my perception of religion will be more expansive when I experience different stuff. Because you got to think, I'm in Christian land, right?
Starting point is 01:46:20 Everything is Christianity. We can freely worship God. And I don't know people that don't worship God. You're either an atheist or you are some form of a God worshiper, whether it's Judaism, Mormonism, whatever. And so going to another country where people don't even observe God and they actually live in a functional life and they have a whole villages and towns and states or whatever you call it, and they don't even believe in God. states or whatever you call it and they they don't even believe in god seeing people like that would be very interesting to me i don't think it'll waver my experiences because i think god is real and i think that right i think you can live without acknowledging god i don't think it's the right way to do it but i think you can exist right um it's not like you just vanish in the dust because you don't observe god um well i like like what you said, acknowledge God. Could you say, would you be,
Starting point is 01:47:06 would you accept, sorry, it's not a perfect word, someone who acknowledges the unknown? Yeah. I mean, I accept people who don't believe in God. I mean, it's just your opinion. But you know what I mean? As a premise to, as being equal to someone who believes in God. That's not the right way to say it either. But when you say, you said, hey, I don't think it's the right way to live to not recognize God. But what about if you recognize the unknown? No, I think that, well, let me say it like this. I think that if a person is willing to recognize, you know, like there was a saying that says a man that knows something knows he knows nothing at all. Any rational person understands that they don't understand everything. what this is and I'm acknowledging that there's something there, but I can't put my finger on it. I 100% understand why some people aren't Christians. 100%. I understand why people aren't Muslims. I understand why people aren't involved in any of these religions. I 100%
Starting point is 01:48:18 understand. My experiences lead me in a certain direction, but I understand. If I hadn't had the experiences that I had, I don't think I would be a Christian. I don't think I'd be any of these things because of the level of hypocrisy that you see from religious establishment will make you, will draw you away. And I have never had these certain experiences that people have had where they've been a Christian, a believer their whole life. And then something traumatic happened. Like they lose their whole family in a weekend. Right lose their children and you're like god wait a minute this is some job some job shit this was an innocent kid in this this this low life who live life destroying everything killed an innocent kid that was just you know eight years old getting
Starting point is 01:48:59 his life started how could you let that happen i can see how people may feel some way about that. So I'm not delusional. I'm not saying that's the right way to feel, but I can understand why a person will feel that way. I can understand why if you live in a third world country, why you struggle to believe in God. But a lot of these people in third world countries actually are closer to God than people that live in America. Um, but I can understand, I mean, I'm open-minded. I'm not,
Starting point is 01:49:27 I'm not foolish. I've read the Bible. I, were you open-minded before you were exposed to Christianity? Yeah. I was, I was this experience before you, not even Christianity before you were exposed to God.
Starting point is 01:49:41 Yes. Were you open-minded? Yes. I was, because I wasn't sure, you know know i was like me and my friend i remember we were sitting outside in our car and i used to have a car with the top down and me and my homeboys were sitting out front of his yard and we were just looking up at the sky man being like what's real and what's not real man what is this all these stars and galaxies and like what
Starting point is 01:50:03 what what where are we what this fuck is going on it doesn't i can't explain any of this stuff what is actually happening here are we like are we fooled is christianity real is god real like you know we were i was going through all of that when i was younger and i feel like i got more of a peace when i did go to church and hear the gospel of jesus christ i feel like i got more of a peace but I did go to church and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. I feel like I got more of a peace, but also because I consistently pursue God and truth that I became more rational about my faith. Like I do understand, and people are going to get mad at me for saying this, but it's true. I do understand that like, even the Bible has issues in it. And if any Christian
Starting point is 01:50:43 don't acknowledge that you just being disingenuous. When you go look and research the translation of the King James Version of the Bible and the NIV Version of the Bible, you go and do research on manuscripts and how they were discovered, what time period they were discovered, what condition they were in when they were discovered, how they're reproduced. And then you find people manipulating scripture. You start to really see like, okay, I get it. It's more about relationship than religion. The Bible will lead you to success. But if you are not willing to acknowledge that people are manipulating religion, then you must be, you're not going to go as far, you're not going to go as far, you're not going to go as far with God as you can. If you are sitting down and you say everything in the English Bible that I read is 100% accurate, you will be making a huge mistake. Let me tell you why, because I know I'm getting, I'm going to get beat up over this.
Starting point is 01:51:43 making a huge mistake. Let me tell you why, because I know I'm getting, I'm gonna get beat up over this. If you read the King James version of the Bible and before the discovery of the scrolls, which means the, the older manuscripts, the oldest manuscripts we have record of. Um, if you look at John first, John five, verse seven in the, in the, in the in the in the king james version of the english bible you will see in more modern transcripts or manuscripts or not say manuscripts the newer versions of the bible that have been written from older manuscripts they have completely removed that scripture from the bible there is at least 20 or 30 when i did research from the king j version, once they got the Dead Sea Scrolls and they compared manuscripts that they realized that a lot of these were, were could be potentially accidentally added to the manuscripts in the
Starting point is 01:52:34 English King James version of the Bible. Some people believe it was malicious. Some added or removed that it was added. Like some of these things were added because the way they used to translate the bible is you used to have to write it you didn't print it right right right and they would write notes and they would write things in columns and they believed that over time some of the column notes got into the bible and some people interjected and filled in the gaps of things that they thought the bible should have said because the manuscript wasn't clear.
Starting point is 01:53:15 And so they've been able to clear it up in modern translations like the ESV and some of the more newer Bible versions. They've been able to clear some of this stuff up. But, you know, some diehard Christians are going to say, no, the Bible is it's like, no, I mean, you can get what you need out of it, but you just have to understand that there were, there were mistakes in translation. Um, and there was also things like, let me say this and I'm gonna shut up. Like if you read the Bible, too late, we're in the deep end. If you read the Bible, you'll see some words that are in a talus, there are, that are italicized in the King James version of the Bible. And people probably don't know what that means. That means that that word is not an original manuscript. That means that they had to put certain words to make the language read well in English.
Starting point is 01:53:56 Because reading, you know, Hebrew or reading Greek, it doesn't read like English. It's not complete sentences. And so people that were translating had to write this in a way in which you can read it in English and make a proper sentence. So there's, there's words added in that version as well. And, you know, anyway, so. I'd like to say something. I'd like to say something about that. When, when, So I'd like to say something. I'd like to say something about that. When when when I was a younger version of myself and someone would say Donald Trump's racist because he said that Barack Obama wasn't born in this country or that he's Muslim. I believe that that was racist because they told me it was racist. And then finally, and I'm so embarrassed to say this. Finally, there was this talk about him being racist towards Mexicans.
Starting point is 01:54:48 And there were a bunch of people at my house and we're talking about how racist he was. So I went and pulled up that while we were, people were in my kitchen talking about what a racist piece of shit he is. I went to my computer and I pulled up the transcripts of where they said he said Mexicans racist and he didn't say anything of the sort. He basically said that Mexico was sending over some bad people or only their bad people. And then I realized, oh, shit. And this is tying to what you said about the Bible. It's not racist at all to say – I just realized, holy shit, everything that everyone says is racist isn not racist. If I say that all black people look like, that's not racist. If I say that all Armenian people look like, that's not racist. That's my – that's just saying that I have the inability to perceive the difference because I haven't been exposed to the nuances of that particular look. It's just like if I said that every time the moon is full, it looked the same to me, and an astronomer would be like, are you fucking kidding me? It's five degrees tilted to the right. Every time it's full, it's different. And they would think, what am I, racist? And I just realized, holy shit. And so you think the Bible is probably the same way.
Starting point is 01:55:52 There's people who read it who are jumping to conclusions, who are making these leaps that aren't true, that aren't factual. um that aren't true that aren't factual it's not factual at all to say um uh it's it's not racist at all to say that uh um uh um japanese people are fantastic at math we know that 10 to 1 they outnumber every all other uh ethnicities as having phds in mathematics does it have to do with the fact that they're japanese no does it have to do with their japanese culture most likely well it has nothing to do with their eyes or their skin or any of that shit right and i'll circle it back but our christians aren't the same either like there's like 40 000 different denominations like i mean and i know i just know that people are getting mad at me in the comment section possibly because they do it on my channel they get mad at me bernie you don't believe not
Starting point is 01:56:40 not on this channel everyone's loving and peaceful and accepting on my channel. They're perfect. Yes. We're all perfect humans. Glad to be here. But, you know, people, it's very weird because there's a lot of different variations of Christianity, you know, to a certain degree. You got Catholic. Catholic is very different than Baptist. Baptist is very different than apostolic. Unitarians are very different than Trinitarians. You know, it's like a whole bunch of different stuff here. It's not just one way to look at it. Um, or one way that people actually
Starting point is 01:57:09 look at it. When you look at people, like I often look at people who are, I often listen to people who disagree with me, right? There's a guy that's out there that used to be a Christian and he claimed that the Bible is fake and, or not fake, but he just brings up all these things in it. So I listened to to him a lot of some of the stuff that he say is actually not true but there are things that he say that is true um i listen to uh it's a guy named ahmad didat he's a he's a he's a muslim apologist he's probably the number one muslim apologist in the world and i watch him debate christians and to be honest some what's a muslim apologist what does that Oh, that means a person that defends the faith. Okay. So he like goes around and does debates
Starting point is 01:57:48 against Christians about the Muslim faith. So sometimes when he debate Muslims, I like, I mean, when he debate Christians, I like to listen to it because I want to know what are the arguments against what I believe. And there are times where he just destroys these Christians and you're like, how is the Muslim man know the Bible better than the Christians who are debating him? And it gets you to think because there's some truths. Like, just for instance, he talks about translation of the English Bible in Greek. And he talks about in the Bible how it's consistent that the word God, a certain word for God,
Starting point is 01:58:23 I think it's like hothios versus Theos. When you say Hothios, and I could be getting this wrong. I'm really rusty on this. I used to be an apologist myself back in the day to a certain degree, not professional, but I used to do this all the time. But like Hothios and Contheos, like Hothios means the God and like Contheos or Theos means a God. Generic words. In the English language, when there's Hothios, it's capital G.
Starting point is 01:58:51 When there's Conteos or Theos, it's lowercase g. It is consistent throughout the entire New Testament of the Bible, almost 100%, except in two places in the Bible. And one is in John 1 and 1, and then the other one is in the artic. And one is in John one and one. And then the other one is in the articulation that, that Satan is the God of this world. And the English translators translate the God of this world to lowercase G. And in John one and one, when it says in the beginning was the word,
Starting point is 01:59:17 the word was with God and the word was God. They translated the lowercase G. It should technically be lowercase G. They translate to a capital g and the muslim brought it up and it's now i don't believe what the muslim said but it was very interesting that that was the only two places in the bible where it's inconsistent the greek language um does not have capital letters so the english when translation they have to determine whether something is a proper noun or not, or if it should
Starting point is 01:59:45 have a capital letter or not. And they allowed all of the hotels and contels to dictate it, except in two places. And so that was one of the things that he said that I said, wow, that's pretty interesting. Now I have to question why would they do that? How is this grammatically consistent and things like that? So when when people when you look at the other side you gain a lot more knowledge about your own arguments right when you're in the echo chamber everybody's telling you x but then you go and listen to somebody else and you say okay like i think that to be honest i think that trump won the election but i also think a lot of people didn't vote for Trump that voted for Trump the first time. I don't think most people did. I think a lot of people did.
Starting point is 02:00:28 And I did not know that until I until I went to my cigar lounge and I hung around people who actually did not vote for him the second time. And, you know, people, you know, people who who who voted for him the first time, but then didn't vote for him the second time almost i thought it would have been totally the opposite way i thought everyone would have voted for him the second time but not the first time yeah i i well you gotta if you look at the numbers he got 12 million he got like 11 million more votes than he did in 2016 so a lot more people voted for him in 2020 than they did in 2016 so the the the trend is more so that more people voted for him in 2020 than they did in 2016. So the trend is more so that more people voted for him technically in 2020. However, older men, 60s, almost every man that I've met in their 60s that aren't like hyper conservative, you know what I'm saying? They did not vote for him the second time.
Starting point is 02:01:23 Every single time. They voted for Biden, huh? conservative you know i'm saying they did not vote for him the second time every single they voted for biden huh every single time i run into a man that's at least in his late 50s early 60s and up they all say the same thing oh no i didn't vote for him the second time his leadership his leadership his leadership his leadership um i was tired of the way he was tweeting and and so i'm not saying that's a every man is like that i I'm saying I had gotten exposed to it because in my mind, I'm like, there is nobody that didn't vote for him the second time. Right. You know, but there is a lot of people, man. And I don't know the number, but I hear liberals talking about it.
Starting point is 02:01:57 And then I get I got exposed to it in real life where I run it. I'm running to all these men that secretly tell me like, no, I didn't vote for him the second time. And I was I was tired of his shenanigans. I was tired of his his outburst. I was tired of his failed leadership, the way he handled COVID. And all of these guys voted for him in 2016 and they look and they're Republicans. And so it made me think like maybe I'm not getting exposed to the other side enough to know the pulse, because that's how they lost the election. getting exposed to the other side enough to know the pulse because that's how they lost the election liberals are in the circle and they don't realize the rest of the world and america and the right and conservatives are over here thinking about this and so they just in their bubble and and
Starting point is 02:02:35 then when the election came oh my god i can't believe they voted for trump well you're not even you weren't listening to this other side and you know i think i think some of that happened in 2022 because there may have been concerns that people had that were legitimate that were missed and that's why some of these people didn't vote for trump and i think that even with the cheating trump would have still won if maybe some of these people would have not turned on trump if that makes sense yeah all it took in ari Arizona is like 10,000 people that 10,000 vote difference. And which millions of people that live here, only 10,000,
Starting point is 02:03:11 he lost by like 10,000 votes. There could have been like 10,000 people in addition to the cheating. Right. It could have been 10,000 people that were turned off and that swung it. So, you know, anyway, damn,
Starting point is 02:03:23 but, but you made a good point. And I hope people realize this is that you, you live good until you get exposed to other things. When you're poor and you live in a hood, you, you're not exposed to money. You don't know how to make money.
Starting point is 02:03:36 You don't understand money. Um, like, like Malcolm X, when he went to Mecca, that's why they killed him. Because when he went to Mecca and actually experienced the motherland, instead of the rhetoric that the brother, brother Islam and stuff was teaching him, he changed. Yeah. Yeah. Realize. Oh, shoot. I've been I've been living kind of a lot this whole time.
Starting point is 02:03:57 This is not the what Mecca is. It's not what Mohammed is about. And boom. You know what? I there was a time in my life where i only wore malcolm x shirts like for a year i'm not even fucking with you like i when i was 16 i got kicked out of my mom's house and my dad had a uh uh an apartment complex in probably one of the worst towns cities right on the oakland uh berkeley border you could imagine and i was 16 years old i moved into an apartment there i was the only white dude there's a chinese dude who slang heroin and ran the whores and then everyone else was black it was a fucking crazy uh awakening for me and uh i just read everything i could on the black panthers but i was a malcolm x freak yeah and um when he went to jail he took
Starting point is 02:04:40 a dictionary and he copied down every fucking word in the dictionary he he rewrote a dictionary god dang and i and and that's that stuck with me and now as a 50 year old man i know i know why he's he's a fucking genius because it's all just sorcery here and what do i mean by that i don't mean to be blasphemous blasphemous but it's all just words whoever controls the words and the narrative it's all it's all a bugs bunny cartoon controls the words and the narrative, it's all a Bugs Bunny cartoon. Just like in the Bugs Bunny cartoon when he says those words and turns the guy into a fucking frog. That shit is fucking going on here. You can just fucking point at someone, say some shit to them, and turn them into a fucking –
Starting point is 02:05:16 We're at two hours. I want to talk about your new radio show real quick before I lose you. Okay, perfect. I want to talk about your new radio show real quick before I lose you. Okay, perfect. Are you – so what I hear from you is that you've just always been a man who's on a mission. There's times where you've fallen off your path, and by off your path now for a while. And there's this been this hard, consistent work of sort of a refinement of your message or refinement of your character and a broader audience. It's all simultaneously. Is it scary? You're, you're about to be broadcast on 300 radio state. I mean, I mean, you're a fucking YouTube legend. You're, you're, you have really, um, I, um, this is an observation, not a compliment. You, you are really a staple in, in this, um, in this scene. And now you're about to grow. Is, is any part of you, um, like,
Starting point is 02:06:19 I don't need to do that. I'll just stay here and, and I'm making good money here and everything's fine. And, and like, do you feel the noises of excuses of why you shouldn't keep, um, like grow white? Like, yeah, a thousand percent. Is it scary to a certain degree? And it's because of my past experiences that lead me to be more confident and moving forward today. One thing that I learned in success is that you never say no to a great opportunity and don't let allow fear to dictate the decisions that you make. Just go for it. Don't allow fear to dictate the decisions you make. Yeah. Don't because I'm telling you, I've lived in fear and you know, I mean, things you miss out on because you're afraid of something that never happened. Right. Right. Right. You're afraid of the future. And it's like, you're, you're, yeah, you haven't been to Africa because
Starting point is 02:07:03 you don't want to get on a plane. Right. You about that i better i'm gonna get over that i promise that's how you got my word but you know it's it's true and so when i when i was approached about the radio show of course it's intimidating and because to be let's keep it keep it real i'm not larry elder you know i think larry elder is brilliant brilliant went to went to school and he probably made way better grades than I did. Larry Elder is a lot smarter than me, I think, as far as the wealth of knowledge, the continuation of knowledge that he has that's way broader than mine. And I'm not a strong reader. I never was in school.
Starting point is 02:07:36 To this day, I joke with myself because I read people's names wrong and all that. However, I believe God would not have opened the opportunity for me unless he wanted me to take it. And what I have learned is that when you step into it, God will make it all right. I don't have to be afraid to read. I'm telling you, man, I used to be so bad at reading. And it's a mind thing, and it may be like a dyslexia thing. I just can't see the words right, and I don't read well. And I remember growing up my whole life feeling like that. People used to bully me in school because I couldn't read that good. And God challenged me when I worked for the decennial census bureau. I used to do the, do the numerate. I was a numerator with the census, meaning you go door to door and you say, Hey, the census bureau, here's your census forms. And I like that voice.
Starting point is 02:08:20 You loved that job. I could tell, tell. But hey, I needed the work. I wasn't going to make no excuses. So I did that and I ended up getting promoted to a supervisor position because I was where I took my shirt in every day. I was professional. They promoted me to be a supervisor. But I had to read eight hours a day, four days verbatim training. For a person that struggles with publicly reading, you're telling me I have to read verbatim training for eight hours a day, four days a week? And that's when God really
Starting point is 02:08:51 blew my mind because I said, I'm afraid. This is stupid. I'm going to embarrass myself, but I'm going to do it anyway. I'm not going to say no to opportunity. And what I do, I read that verbatim training. It was just fine. And now going into the radio show, it's like, I'm just going to be me. Yes. I embrace the fuck ups. Yes.
Starting point is 02:09:13 Embrace the fuck ups. Yes. Embrace who you are. Yes. I'm a perfect example of that. Lean into your, lean into your bad shit and make fun of yourself. Like own it,
Starting point is 02:09:22 own it, own it. Producer. What the fuck is this word oh cog cognitive dis dishonest dishonest no dissonance oh sorry cognitive dissonance i gotta i always stop my show to look up a word what the fuck did that guy say what i say is i say i got a public i had a public school education so don't don't beat me up too much about it but you know i i think that this is what thing i want to say to people, because I know a lot of people are probably going through something similar in their life.
Starting point is 02:09:49 You are made unique. There's no other person like you ever who's ever lived, ever will live. Your unique fingerprint is unique to you. Your DNA strand is unique to you. It will never be replicated. So with that being said, be okay with being you knowing that there's a lot of people that like you and think like you. I'm not the best articulate person in the world or whatever the case may be. There's so many more people that do things different than me. I just be me and what? Millions of people like the way I am. And now that I'm going to be on the radio, I don't have to be Larry Elder. I'm going to be Brandon Tatum. And there's a lot of people that like the way Brandon Tatum talk.
Starting point is 02:10:29 I don't have to be the smartest guy in the room. You know, I'm not saying I'm not smart. I went to college. I got a master's degree, or at least I'm halfway through my master's degree. So I'm not a dummy, but you can just be yourself. God made you the way you are. One thing you better do, though, if you want to be a good person, you better work on your integrity. I'm not speaking to you, Brandon Tatum.
Starting point is 02:10:47 No, no, no. But I'm just saying, to all human beings, like, the only reason why Brandon can be like this is because he has integrity. And by integrity, I mean honesty. Honesty with himself and honesty with the people around him. Thousand percent. I tell my team that every Monday. One of our pillars of success is integrity. It's actually number two on our success is faith and then integrity.
Starting point is 02:11:09 So, yeah, I'll talk you to death, man. I really enjoyed the conversation. I, you know, at first I didn't have as much time, but then after we start getting good at conversation and I looked at my calendar and we got a couple of things off of it. My producer said, you got one hour with him, but I know you're going to fucking woo him. I go, I'm going to fuck. Well, I like, I like having regular conversations, man. God dang. it my producer said you got one hour with him but i know you're gonna fucking woo him i go i'm gonna well i like i like having regular conversations man god dang we talk you know in this world of politics man having a real conversation with somebody and being able to talk about things differently and you know it's it's it's refreshing than just to be donald trump did this oh yeah yeah
Starting point is 02:11:41 oh one more thing sorry fuck i gotta ask one more thing so you went to you saw fucking chandler you were up in the front row when chandler fucking put the boot to ferguson's face oh yeah yeah dude we did you think he was dead were you scared yeah i was scared at home i was a i was a little worried i was a little worried his legs were all crossed and shit i was a little worried dude i saw that in live hd We were right there on the front row. We were three rows back on the floor. And I saw that thing hit him, man. The sound of that going, and spit coming out his mouth.
Starting point is 02:12:14 And he went straight down, man. He didn't slow down. He didn't catch himself. He went straight down. He laid there with his legs crossed. He wasn't even moving. I say, man, he killed this guy. And it looked like it it looked like it
Starting point is 02:12:26 kind of distracted you from the guy being dead because he started hitting backflips and jumping on the cage and you know everybody's cheering for him because he's a beast man you know he that dude yoked man he's little but dude you can see all the striations of muscles in his back and that's normally not the fighters are normally not that's that's that ripped that dude was ripped man and that was a good fight until he kicked him in the chin and it was over the other guy was there no no not there he wasn't trump wasn't there oh okay because i thought i also heard you say you met the president there i met him at a ufc fight in vegas when mcgregor fought uh i forget his name so you get you get invited to the fights regularly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:13:06 Yeah. God, you've made it. I just you know, certain people that I know that that that we have a mutual friendship and respect. It allows me to do certain things. So have you been to the White House? I've been in the White House like seven times. Oh, fuck. OK.
Starting point is 02:13:21 Two hours and 11 minutes. Brandon Tatum here. I promise you guys uh we will give him a three month break and then beg him to come back on uh he's given us so much of his fucking time yeah anytime and i really appreciate you man i i think this is a great conversation yeah we didn't get to talk about the book we didn't get to talk much about the radio show but um but but we'll we'll bug you again in three months all right guys thanks for tuning in everyone we will see you guys later

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