The Sevan Podcast - #405 - Kris Rugloski

Episode Date: May 21, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Put your hands together for Lady Raven. Dad, thank you. This is literally the best day of my life. On August 2nd. What's with all the police trucks outside? You know, the butcher goes around just chopping people up. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. The feds heard he's gonna be here today.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Josh Hartnett. I'm in control. And Salika as Lady Raven. This whole concert, it's a trap. Trap, directed by M. Night Shyamalan. Only in theaters August 2nd. Pandora, be love. What does be love mean to you?
Starting point is 00:00:39 I definitely would say my be love role model is for sure my sister. Unconditional, infinite love. Something that is never ending, that you know is always there. Never questioned. Never questioned. No matter if you fall off a cliff, she's there to catch you, you know? Be love. Shop now at
Starting point is 00:00:57 Caleb, it's loud where you're at. What's going on? Bam, we're live. Caleb. Oh, yeah, it is Caleb who's loud. Are you sure it's not me? No, watch when he unmutes himself. Oh, because the...
Starting point is 00:01:11 Caleb, you're at the semifinals. Oh, I forgot about that. Our man on the scene. What if we get a live call-in show tomorrow at 6 a.m.? Okay. Excuse me. No, not you, Caleb. What if we did a live call-in show tomorrow at 6 a.m.? Okay. Excuse me. No, not you, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:01:31 What time zone are you in, Caleb? I think I'm still in the Eastern time zone. So that would be 9 a.m. for you? Yep. Won't you be doing something by then? I don't know. They don't really have me me doing anything but i could be at the venue probably oh oh that could be fun hey how come you sent me a cfl shirt and it's it's lg the lgbq flag and you have the blue you get the masculine one and i got the one that's that inclusive i i thought you would
Starting point is 00:02:05 like that one it's good for your image i do like it i do like it and i party i party that one has the better thank you yeah it does it does look nice on me i like your dog's in here your dog she's talking shit to me. I said, my dog. Don't worry. Don't close the door. It's good. It's fine. It's hot in here tonight.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I was at the beach all day. Good life. Yeah. I think I did a podcast this morning. No. Yeah. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Yes. Yes. Yes. Good. What did you do with? David. Oh, shit. Yeah. That one was hardcore. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes. What did you do it? David Taylor. Oh shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:47 That one was hardcore. Jr. Was it Jr. I was going to say RJ. Hey, I, we're so lucky. This,
Starting point is 00:02:54 this lady, I don't know anymore. Jr. Howell, you know, I had heard Brian and, um, Brian had been talking that dude up forever.
Starting point is 00:03:01 So it was kind of cool to meet him. It sucked that his audio was all jacked up, but I am stoked about this, uh, lady who's coming in on now, Chris, Ryan had been talking that dude up forever. So it was kind of cool to meet him. It sucked that his audio was all jacked up, but I am stoked about this lady who's coming in on now. Chris Ruglosky. I watched like four podcasts she's done and she's easy. I'm here. I'm going to predict this right now.
Starting point is 00:03:18 She was homeschooled. What's the conclusion you're drawing there? How'd you put that together? I just think she's homeschooled. I can't, she's like will no no you just fucked up my whole theory caleb no she does not act anything like fucking will will shit's diamonds my goodness uh pressure cooker this um man that thread is awesome i love hearing his thoughts just his ideas and thoughts on shit like when he gets passionate about something yeah he's not the guy you want to debate yeah he might be hillar's kryptonite
Starting point is 00:04:00 what what what what love that he's doing that yeah what is uh what's uh you know there's like what's batman have that's like his nemesis batman's just a regular human right isn't it just joker no i feel like i feel like will would be more like the commissioner you know like they're on the same team but they don't go about it the same way no this isn't this isn't hunter's girlfriend for crying out loud wait oh oh i can't click it i thought my commissioner thing was good i thought you had to give me some love for that one sorry say it again wait say it again wait sorry i said nice one suzer thank you for helping my ego out so it's like they're on the same team but they're going about
Starting point is 00:04:40 their business just in different ways you know i promise you guys that the next month is the show ever dull by the show i mean just our ecosystem our community isn't this fun someone who's like a real big shot in the community the other day actually this afternoon goes what does it mean when all those people are posting all those bats i'm like oh man you're so fucking uh february 2022 like you just don't know you don't know bats are it's like thank you thank you elise elisa elise elise elise yeah it's never uh uh look at the liver king content and stumble upon this live stream thai city garage peace and love uh man this this fucking show just fucking moves and uh it's just uh the drama is always there and the fun
Starting point is 00:05:33 and the the narrative is always just nuts it's good it's a good time hey hey ty um are you take do you take any of those supplements what What do you think about that cat? Good question. Or do you just do the raw stuff? I've kind of been slacking on my raw meat eating. My meat eating raw? Anyway. Oh, we have to have the raw meat eating guy back on. I was just going to say the note came up that he's getting close to 200 days. Correct.
Starting point is 00:06:02 We're a couple weeks out, so we need to get that. Was his name John? I forget. Yes, it was John. He didn't want to give his name. Yes. Good job. Tom Paints says, welcome, Thai City. Thai City, there are some trippy cats here like Dick Butter. Just kind of
Starting point is 00:06:20 tiptoe around those guys. I don't know. They stumbled upon this... I don't know what's going on. He's a dick. He's quite the dick. Today we have on Chris Ruglosky. This young lady
Starting point is 00:06:36 seems like she's exploded on the high rock scene. Oh, here she is. I see her. Ah, yes. Welcome. Bye, Caleb. Peace. look at i see her boom ah yes all right i'm in welcome bye caleb peace love caleb chris chris hi how are you girl good i'm savon nice nice to virtually meet you nice to meet you if we were in person i would shake your hand i don't have any people fear or virus or germ fears.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I'm on the same page. I got that over it. And that's Mr. Matt Sousa, the producer of the show. Hi, Matt. Nice to meet you. Wonderful to meet you as well. Dude, are you like, fuck, can I just won the high rocks? Can I just party? What's up with all this media bullshit?
Starting point is 00:07:20 A little bit. It's been a lot, but no, it's fun. I mean, yeah, this is all new it's still i don't think it's really sunk in that i've won anything yet so yeah i'm trying to handle all this attention is a lot oh you've been getting a lot of attention for well i typed in your name into youtube and then i just started digging through your all the podcasts you've done and you're fucking killing me no come on you on. You're killing it. You're easy. There's a whole podcast where you carry them, where the hosts are all like nervous and shit and they're like, hi, Chris.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And you're just running the show. You're like, okay, I got this. Don't worry. I've definitely, I've been on some, I've had some podcasts that I've really enjoyed and some that I haven't so much. So, yeah. The ones that you haven't because
Starting point is 00:08:05 the, um, why is that? Because the interview is the people that are supposed to be leading it. I found the biggest thing is they haven't looked into me at all. And so they like asked me questions and I'm like, if you like knew anything about me, you would know to ask a better question than that, I guess. Right. Oh shit. Okay. Well, I want you to know that I pulled out my biology book, my 10th grade biology book, and I do, I have confirmed that you're a woman. Yes. We're off. We're off. We're off. We're off to a, we just don't want to get it wrong here on the show. So, well, thank you. Yeah. It's hard for some people to figure out, but yes, I am indeed a woman.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Genius. And you're 26 years old. 25. Darn it. In your podcast six months ago, you said you were 25. I'm like, she must have turned 26 already. No, I turned 25 six months ago. Oh, okay. You were just in Vegas. I was. First time in Vegas. Seriously? Hey, are you homeschooled? I was homeschooled yes you just inflated we're gonna hear about this
Starting point is 00:09:13 for a while she's weird and she's confident there's this weird confidence that homeschool kids have they don't know the shit to be afraid of yeah that's fair they don't know the shit to be afraid of they don't that's yeah that's fair yeah they don't they don't know the shit to be afraid they haven't been picked on by enough kids they haven't been like had the weird teasing they're just and they've had to interact with so many fucking adults like you're telling the story about how
Starting point is 00:09:38 you're running and you're talking to a 50 year old man i'm like no 25 year old normal girl talks to a 50 year old man. They're weird. 50 year old men are creeps. But when you're homeschooled, you don't know that because you haven't been programmed for that. Maybe that has something to do with it. Yeah. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:09:55 And I love the story. Now I'm just showing off because to make sure you know, I did my research. I like the story about how your shoe fell off as you're approaching the you're approaching the final events that's a great story we'll get to that um yes where were you born i was born in scottsdale arizona are your parents wealthy no okay um how the fuck do they afford to live there now that you asked i'm not really sure um my dad was uh i think uh yeah no i'm not sure because i mean this was i guess scottsdale has always been a wealthy place i've heard scottsdale has like a bad rap for being you know the stuck-up people um hey i love it my friends there are rich as fuck and they take such good care of me i love those people
Starting point is 00:10:42 yeah um yeah my dad had just finished um actually a seminary in california and they take such good care of me. I love those people. Yeah. Yeah. My dad had just finished actually a seminary in California and they'd moved back to Arizona. So yeah, not wealthy. I was the fourth kid in and single income. So yeah, not on the rich side of things. And when you, when you say fourth, how many siblings are there total in your family? And when you say fourth, how many siblings are there total in your family? There's eight total. Wow. Same mom.
Starting point is 00:11:08 Yes. And dad. And you're the fourth, so you're right in the middle. Right in the middle. Yep. My dad went to seminary school. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Where at? Lebanon. Beirut. Okay. Oh, okay. Okay. That's not a... It was the only high school you could go to.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Really? Yeah. The only way to get a higher education was to study to become a priest, I guess, right? That's what seminary school is for, to become a priest? Yeah. Priest, pastor, preacher, all those kind of things. Yeah. Okay. Now this is starting to all... The pieces are all starting to come together. So is this –
Starting point is 00:11:49 Already. I'm going to shift gears a little bit here. Is the nose ring some part of rebellion? No. No. It was just something I wanted to do. My mom said she was glad I only got it on one side. But no,
Starting point is 00:12:07 I wouldn't say it's a rebellion thing. I actually, it took me, I got it kind of later than most people who are trying to rebel probably would. It's just something, I liked it. I don't have any tattoos, so I've kind of gone the piercing route instead. Me neither. No tattoos either.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Me neither. You don't either, Susan, right? Noza right no no wow we don't have any we need some deep pathologies hey when your mom says um she's glad you only got one she means she's glad you didn't get this one uh well i think she's glad i didn't that one she yeah she was just glad i didn't get it on both sides because she had i actually got it when i was not living in town. And when I came back to town or I posted a picture, I guess, and she had seen a picture and thought something in the picture looked like I had on both sides. And I think that would have, I guess, been over the top. I now have two, but they're both in one side.
Starting point is 00:12:57 So I think we're good. Blue pole there. Do you have any idea what the thought is that comes before the desire for the piercing so let me give you an example um a lot of people will ask loaded questions so let's say i want to um go out to dinner with matt suza here um instead of just saying hey will you go out to dinner with me i'll say to him hey what are you doing tonight it's like a loaded question do you know what i mean do you yeah these are thoughts that come up before the like the. Do you know what I mean? These are thoughts that come up before the action. Do you know what the thought was that precipitated? Is that a word? Preceded.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Thank you. Preceded. Homeschooled. Homeschooled. Preceded the nose ring? the nose ring? Um, I don't know that there really was a lot of thought. Um, I feel like there, they probably don't carry the same, um, uh,
Starting point is 00:13:55 the same like concepts that he used to, like, I think it used to be a different, um, precipitate cause to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, prematurely. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:04 All right. All right. Um, so I think they used to have a really bad connotation and I don't think that's really around so much anymore. So I don't think there was a whole lot of like, Oh, if I get this, it'll, you know, portray me a certain way. It was just kind of a, uh, I started getting more ear piercings and then I didn't like my nose for the longest time. So I was like, I would never do that. And then I kind of changed. I was like, you know what? Maybe I would like it. So. Fuck I'd kill for your nose. I'd fucking kill someone for your nose.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I didn't say that out loud. Did I? Oh, sorry. That was an accident. I hit the space bar. Wow. You didn't like your nose. What could you possibly not like about that little nose if i have no bridge so i can't wear sunglasses because oh shit you have anywhere all it is is my little stub and it turns up at the end so i feel like i look like a pig can you look sideways for me so we can judge the shit out of you wow okay someone just taught someone just said that there's something called asian goggles Look sideways for me so we can judge the shit out of you. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Someone just said that there's something called Asian goggles, and they're goggles that are specifically made for Asian people so that when they go skiing or scuba diving, it seals because Asians, their skull doesn't have a bridge on their nose. Is that what you have? You have an Asian nose? Interesting. I wouldn't say I have an Asian nose, but i guess it kind of is i definitely have no asian ancestry but do you have any asian goggles you own asian okay here we go here we go uh asian fit goggles also known as universal fit or low bridge yeah it's probably not okay to call it asian fit anymore for some reason um as universal fit or low bridge fit goggles have an extra layer of foam lining to perfectly fit faces. Do you, do you own a pair of those?
Starting point is 00:15:50 I do not. I was actually told I had a, a different, I was told I have like a black person nose is what my sister always said. So she's wrong. Racist, racist. It's definitely not a classic, um, Caucasian nose, I guess guess so i think you look like you look like the lady from when i was a kid there was a tv show called bewitched and she would wiggle her nose and shit would happen like she could turn you like into a donkey so that's why you want my nose yes have you ever heard of that show have you heard of that show before i have not i've not heard of many things fuck you suza classic uh that lady probably has grandchildren who are 25 i was like so you um so so you're you're born in scottsdale um your dad did your dad does your dad have does he is he a teacher at a church, a priest, a deacon, a pastor at a church?
Starting point is 00:16:46 He was a pastor for several years when I was a child. We then kind of took a break from that to raise his family, I guess, and went into surveying, land surveying. We moved to Texas when I was eight, and he actually started his own surveying business and ran that for 10 ish years, maybe 10, 15 years. And then he sold it and he actually now lives in Thailand and they're doing mission work over there. So he kind of came full circle there. Is he, uh, was he an engineer also? Um, he, it's kind of in the same field as engineering. Um, so possibly, yeah. Um, he, it's kind of in the same field as engineering. Um, so possibly, um, I know he works with engineers a lot, but the surveying side of things is definitely where he, what he pursued, I guess. Did you get into that? Can you do that? Um, I did some jobs with him, plotted
Starting point is 00:17:40 points and, uh, we would kind of, uh, do stuff do stuff around buildings um i was going to start learning autocad which is basically where they take all the points from the field and put them onto their uh their um i guess they're uh what do you call it they plot everything put it into their computer into their whatever their program is right yes yeah um And I started learning that, but quickly is not really my thing. Yeah, it's some geeky shit. Yeah, and I'm not – I'm more of a just like do, not think. Yeah. Oh, that's funny you say that. So when you said that, when I said why did you get the piercing and you're like I just – I didn't think. And then sort of when I hear you talk about your sort of your sports career, you do – I mean like this too i don't mean don't mean this in a negative way at all you're you're like
Starting point is 00:18:29 forrest gump i forrest gump is my biggest hero so that's the biggest compliment you could ever give me yeah you're like a labrador like you just see a tennis ball and you're going to get it pretty much yeah yeah the labrador chris the labrador oh rug, the Labrador. Uh-oh. Ruglosky. Ruglosky. Ruglosky. Chris, the Labrador Ruglosky. Almost batting 1,000 today.
Starting point is 00:18:54 You heard it here first. Tell me the age of your youngest sibling. My youngest sister is 13. And your oldest? He is going to be 32, I believe. Wow. Yeah. I have mad respect for my mom, but I don't know how she was having kids for 18 years.
Starting point is 00:19:21 It's an 18-year spread, and I have no idea how she did that. It really is amazing. Do any of your siblings have kids yet? My older sister has two kids. That's the only one. Wow, man, your family is going to be, I mean, it is huge already, but it's going to be amazing. How old are your parents? They are 55. Holy shit. They're kids. They're still kids. Do they train? Do your parents train?
Starting point is 00:19:56 Like train other parents or train athletically? No, train athletically. Oh, no, they don't um my dad played ice hockey and soccer i think in high school slash college um he um and he's he stayed active and fairly fit i think with this survey and he did a lot of the field work um so he's always spent a lot of time out yeah okay well thank you for coming on the show. Uh, you're a lovely young lady.
Starting point is 00:20:30 My anxiety level went up so much because my biggest fear is accidentally clicking somebody off. Yeah. Like we both like rushed to it. Is there a button that does that? Yeah. If you hover over it, you hit that,
Starting point is 00:20:42 like remove or the ones to the side, but it looks like she's trying to come back on yeah but she can't i almost think someone should we kick her off so she has to come back on again yeah let's do that are you gonna do that oh no go ahead go ahead go bye uh she's done with you like she could be i'm telling I think I may have overwhelmed her a little bit. I mean, she's been so just on point in the other shows. But I think – Sevan, quit dropping the F-bombs.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Okay, okay, okay. I don't even notice them anymore. That's probably bad, huh? Call-in show. No, not call-in show. Oh, tomorrow. Yeah. I think tomorrow we're going to do an early call-in show, like 6 a.m.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Pacific Standard Time. We can go at 6 30 uh maybe she maybe she got a little confused because everyone else is asking about like where she buys her tennis shoes and how fast she runs and does she have calluses okay good good thank you that's all i needed to hear a cheese and crackers thank you oh here we go here we go right right right uh well we got some while you were gone we got some feedback um the the crowd is saying no more f-bombs seven i think because i think they realize you're a uh a solid uh so so sam cop says quit dropping f-bombs seven okay uh bruce says instead of saying i should
Starting point is 00:21:58 say cheese and crackers instead of you know the other one? Maybe not. I'm not really sure what the... It's when you use the Lord's name in vain when you're blaspheming. Oh, yes. I thought it was cheese and rice. And Elise says you're having fun. Okay, good. Because I was like,
Starting point is 00:22:16 we were speculating that you hung up because I wasn't asking you about foot calluses and what kind of shoes to buy. Instead, I was asking you about your pants. I think I got kicked out. I don't know. It just dropped. I tried to come back in and then.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Well, the second time you came back in, we did kick you out. The first time, I don't know what happened. The second time we kicked you out because you kind of came in halfway. And so we thought maybe you were stuck. Like, you know, like if you were climbing in a window. So Matt pushed your head out and said, try again. Oh, just we would lose her again. Oh, she's frozen.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Oh, darn it oh caleb what do you know about high rocks this she is so fucking oops sorry she is so accomplished we haven't even gotten to the good stuff um she she should give anyone this story that she has should give anyone um hope that the impossible is possible she really is a remarkable person let's see if we uh she's still frozen should we take her off the screen maybe while she tries to get back in is that the nice thing to do oh uh chris if you can hear us i'm booting you again i kicked you from the studio oh nope someone else booted you okay one of the first people that freezes and is still cute wow that's a great observation you're right so
Starting point is 00:23:30 yeah yeah will's gonna take a screenshot of that um i did it too. She should be in. She should be in. It's to the. She should be in. It's to the 22 games. When you comment as much as Bruce, you can have some errors like that. It's over. Call Danielle.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Savage. Savage. Well, hopefully. I actually will text Danielle tonight and bug her. She needs to be bugged. Is she competing this weekend? I'll bug Sarah because Yami said that we should have Sarah on. I bugged Rich and Angelo.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Angelo, his boy toy. I bugged him. Angelo recently had a day in the life come out. Did you see it i did i did uh i did um hi how are you hello is it calling now hello i don't know what's wrong with the calling hello hello i wonder why he's not uh it's not linked up Hello? I wonder why it's not linked up. No, sorry. A couple.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I'm on the call-in phone. I just got an exposure notification. Exposure? To COVID. No, thank you. I'll pass on that. I got a COVID community fact checker thing on one of my posts. It was a story that I had posted way back when. And it was when all those fake Elon Musk tweets were going around. When it was like, now that I bought Twitter, I'm going to buy the CrossFit Games and bring back Dave Castro and do this.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Did you see it? No. It was hilarious. hilarious but yeah instagram then marked it as like false information this tweet is fake oh geez yeah it was pretty funny there was a couple uh also part of the top five hottest i don't know what that means okay alan simmer down wild oh Wild... Oh, here we go. Here we go. It's like he's lifting a dog in that photo from the sinkhole. Here we go. Chris, hi. Am I back? You're in a dark room. You can turn the lights off. It says that.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Let me see. Hey, whose fault do you think this is? You think it's your fault? I think it's mine. My phone is as old as the hills. Of course she takes ownership. She's a winner. My phone is as old as the hills. Of course she takes ownership. She's a winner. My phone is as old as the hills, Chris says. And that's why you don't drop F-bombs around this young lady.
Starting point is 00:26:19 While you fix your camera, I want to say to you that what you have done is pretty amazing. Um, and I'd like to get to the bottom of it. You, you, you basically claim that you didn't even really run until you were 20, you're 25 and you won high rocks. You don't claim to be strong. You kind of fancy yourself. Um, I think to be more of an ultra runner, which is like the a hundred mile range. And yet you did this thing called high rocks. My, the community that you're kind of dipping your toe in by coming on this podcast is the CrossFit community. It's, it's like almost so many CrossFitters listen to the show and there's almost no respect for anyone outside of the community. We think everyone's just a bunch of, I can't say it cause you're, you're as, as, cause you're a pastor's daughter, but, but, but, but
Starting point is 00:27:04 that community has has earned the respect of crossfitters for sure and it's where a lot of crossfitters go i think to express their um their fitness so that they don't just sit around the gym like knuckleheads oh look at how cute chris ruglosky in a dark in a dark room caleb did you do that? Yeah. Money. God, this show's good. I saw it. I saw it. Prettiest guest we've ever had on, but you will not be allowed to look at her. I did not realize that this was live, too, so that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Oh, it's quite the crazy show. Okay, sorry. They said one of our listeners is trying to sleep, so I need to lower my voice. Fine. I'm not sure how to lower my voice. Fine. I'm not sure how to get my camera to work. You want to try? I'm seeing if I have any buttons here that I can. It says that it's enabled.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I had to switch to the laptop. Oh. It says that it's enabled. And I'm not sure if Joel Salatin can figure it out. I think his assistant did that. I need an assistant. Hey, are your, are your, are your, are your parents, um, do they homestead in Thailand? Uh, they do not.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Did they homestead in the States? Um, they kind of tried. Um, we all wanted dogs and my dad was like, um, reluctant to have pets that were not productive. Productive was the big focus. So we had goats and chickens and those were the preferred animals. Um, but we never really made it as far as like homesteading. Yeah. That's how I feel about plants. You bought productive plants? Yeah. Like if you're not going to get like, like I have four redwood trees on my property and like, I feel like I'm going to go to hell if I cut them down.
Starting point is 00:28:56 That's why I don't cut them down. Cause they're, they're kind of like soldiers. But other than that, everything I plant is just fruit trees. I just can't see like planting trees. Like I had some maple here and they just they bug me like what are you doing yeah what are you doing okay so i'll say it again it says that the camera and microphone is allowed okay it's a good first step what about settings settings? Are you on a Mac? Yes. And do you know, are you familiar with the settings, that thing in your dock, and it looks like a gear?
Starting point is 00:29:31 Oh, system preferences? System preferences. And then don't hit update now. Displays? No. Sound. How about sound? No, not sound't be this way. Sound. How about sound? No, not sound. Probably not sound.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I don't see a camera. I don't see a camera icon. Sound is good. It has a little video on the browser, and it says that continue allowing it to access it. When you do that, something pops up. Yeah, that's me stopping the cam oh interesting okay maybe we just do it without looking at you oh what a tragedy i mean that would work too but maybe uh i even googled and google wasn't much help so beaver do you have any um beaver do you have any
Starting point is 00:30:25 recommendations for her any thoughts no it's kind of the same thing we did this morning with jr success hey and now she's muted okay there we go who fixed it for you this is a borrowed laptop and there was actually a piece of black tape on it for privacy that i was not sure of ladies and gentlemen 29 minutes into the show and the show starts okay let's get down to business here um when you were a child um you were born in scottsdale um arizona what was the first sport you played nothing Nothing. No sport. No sport. Yeah. Nope. Nothing. Okay. Tell me, tell me why, what happened? You were only allowed to play with your, your siblings. It just wasn't really, um, it wasn't something that my, I think it's not something my parents
Starting point is 00:31:18 really pursued a lot, like in their growing up. And so it wasn't something they really thought about encouraging us to pursue. They did play my dad liked soccer and he had my two older brothers were like in a little kid's soccer league for a couple of years. And then my younger brothers were actually in a soccer league, but the girls kind of missed the boat on that one. We never played any sports. I played a lot of backyard volleyball and basketball and like, I guess, family soccer. And that was it. So all of those things, that soccer,
Starting point is 00:31:52 that volleyball, those were all like stuff you just did with the family, the family hanging out together or with my sister. Yeah. And, um, in a typical day when you were growing up during, and you were, you were sorry, you were in Scottsdale the whole first 18 years of your life? No, no. We moved to a river valley an hour north of Phoenix when I was a baby. So we lived there until I was eight. And we were in a neighborhood that the river ran through. So it was a very,
Starting point is 00:32:26 I feel like a lot of Arizona is considered like very arid and like deserty. This was not bad. We had all kinds of trees. We had like blackberries in our backyard. We had a big grapevine. So it was a really like cool kind of spot to, I guess,
Starting point is 00:32:39 like an early childhood. And then when I was eight, we moved to Texas. So I would say I spent more of my life, I guess, in Texas. And where in Texas? Just north of San Antonio. So San Antonio area, about 40 minutes north of there. And a barefoot childhood? 100%.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Yeah. Definitely. Yeah. Barefoot, pastor's daughter, eight siblings, homeschooled. Seven siblings. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Seven, eight altogether. Seven besides you. Right. Yeah. Yep. OK, good. Good. And a fantastic listener with accuracy when it comes to the use of words. Thank you. My favorite kind of people. And so when did uh, so, so when did this, what did you, so then you got into horses, how old were you when you got into horses? Um, I'd always wanted to be involved with horses, but they were definitely
Starting point is 00:33:34 far too expensive for, um, our family. Um, we had friends that had horses and we would see horses every once in a while. Um, so I always liked them, but it wasn't until I was right about 18 that I got a job at a horse barn kind of down the road. That was one of my first jobs. Um, when I started working there, I didn't even know how a horse halter, like the halter that goes around their head. I had no idea how to put that on, but I showed up and I was like, I want to work and do you have any work for me? And I want to work around horses. I want to work, and do you have any work for me? And I want to work around horses. Did you know anyone who worked there?
Starting point is 00:34:07 No. I just called and asked if they were hiring. Yeah. Just like, hey, this is what Forrest Gump wants to do, and I'm doing it. Yeah, a little bit. That picture right there, is that on the Gulf? Yes. That is south of Houston.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Okay. And is that where you ended up doing most of your work with horses? Um, no, that's where I've been for the past four years, but I would say most of it was, um, most of it was in that San Antonio area. I worked several different barns around there. And then I actually moved down east for several months, um, to kind of try to pursue it on a higher level um so yeah that's just where i've been for the past four years and i've made a couple friends with horses and i get to ride whenever i get to uh and when you say um uh you tried to do it on a higher level you mean taking care of the horses raising, sort of being a horse expert or actually riding horses in competitions?
Starting point is 00:35:09 Yeah, competing. It's actually like a Olympic sport called eventing where they kind of it's on the English riding side of things. And they combine like three different disciplines of English, turn it into a three day eventing. And yeah, I kind of made some connections through a barn that I worked for in Texas. And I had somebody that's kind of at the top of that field kind of say like, you could be really good at this. Here's an opportunity to go pursue it on the East coast. So I went out there to try it. And I, I mean, I really enjoyed it. It's a lot of work. It's a whole different world.
Starting point is 00:35:52 But I found very quickly you have to have a lot of money and a lot of experience in that world, like a lot of background in it. This is it. I used to wear those little outfits. And when you say a lot of money, the people I know who are into this game, it's crazy. Like they fly their horses on airplanes and shit. Whoa. Yeah. It's like absolutely batshit crazy money.
Starting point is 00:36:14 They got like horses that are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and they think their horse is a cheap horse. Yeah. And it's one of those things like it's really a lot of times you think like, oh, well, those are just like the top horses. but that really does play a huge factor in it. Like you can get, it's very hard to get a cheap horse and kind of like start from there and build it up to a good horse. There's these horses that are like bred into it, all these top dollar horses. And it's, there is a huge difference between kind of like trying to make your own or coming, you know, getting a nice horse. So that's what you pay for is the trainer training them up to that level. That's like, what's going to, and you train, you, you pay for the pedigree,
Starting point is 00:36:51 like the way the horse is bred, who its owners are, who its parents are like the breeding and all of that breeds very specifically into this. Like, Hey, I got us, I got us, I got a smart Jew horse or I got a dumb armenian horse like you know what i mean like like like there's good horses that they just train good yeah and it's i mean you pay you pay for the pedigree and that pedigree like says a lot about that like it does play into it a lot god um i i when i think of horse people bear with me here and cat people i just think that they get
Starting point is 00:37:26 they're they're crazy you know i mean i mean people are pretty crazy too i i mean if you have a dog too long and you don't have a kid yeah then you start those those people start to get a little weird you know like the 40 40 50 year old woman who's got like three dogs shit starts to get a little weird but i guess especially the people who can't afford a horse, you know what I mean? Like you only make three, four or $500,000 a year. Like you're only a one percenter, but you're trying to keep like three horses on a, on a ranch. And you're like, those people are crazy. I think. Yeah. I mean, it can get, I think animals, they get weird. They're all weird. Anybody that tries to put too much weight in animals, like they're animals and they are pretty
Starting point is 00:38:05 fickle at the end of the day and it's kind of that's one thing that i kind of found is horses are like they're very powerful animals but they're such animals of prey and they are so finicky and they can get hurt over the littlest things and like put them out of their career like and it's just one of those things like if i were going to invest in something it would not be horses it wouldn't be animals in general like i don't know i put a lot more stock in people wow good uh it's like um we have this guy on the show alex stein come on and he's pretty wild and eccentric but he's a cat guy and like he's the most eccentric guy but every time he's on the show like three different cats come right and he's the most eccentric guy, but every time he's on the show, like three different cats come to his lap and he's like, yeah, of course you have three cats. Do you own any animals?
Starting point is 00:38:50 I don't. I was always like a dog person. So I've had two dogs. I had like a dog as a child and then I had a dog for several years, but nothing now. Yeah. Your career probably doesn't, um, traveling around the world, running your ass off. Doesn't, isn't conducive to having a pet. No, no.
Starting point is 00:39:08 So then at 20 years old, you somehow, when does the transition come from having all of this attention on horses to running? Were you ever into running? What's the longest you'd ever run before you were 19 years old let's say i've done a 5k so part of my dad owned his own business and through the chamber of commerce they'd do like a local 5k every year and he would get some free entries and so once a year um he'd be like hey i've got some entries which one of y'all want on he's like if you want to, you have to run at least once. So I'd run a five.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Yeah, definitely not. Okay. So you're, you're, you're, Oh, so your parents are still married. Yes. You were homeschooled. You had the Lord in your life and no cell phone. Listen, people. Rules to success. Listen, yes. All these idiots who write these books like five secrets to success. I shut up. We got it figured out. I'm learning. I'm learning. I have two five year old boys and a seven year old boy. They're in big trouble from after what I'm learning from you. They're not getting a cell phone until they're 17.
Starting point is 00:40:28 They're going to be better than you. Okay. And so what happens during this transition from horsing to whatever? I don't even know what you do now. I just know you won that High Rocks event and that event's nuts. And you were on the Spartan show, right, where you got to fight the girls. And then you were on the Titan show. Yeah. We have to got to fight the girls. And then you were on the, you were on the Titan show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:47 We have to talk about that show too. We have to talk about Kenny. Did Kenny not explain to you how to pull that ball ahead of time? I had never, it was a very heavy ball and I'd never tried. Did you see the way that girl, that almost lost you the event. I will say too, I was, the way that girl that almost lost you the event did you see the way i will say too i was the way the show went i was like the third episode or something but me and that girl were the very first two people to try that so we had no idea what to expect um a lot of the girls that came after saw were able to like decide what to do so we had no idea what we were doing. I'm not a strong person, especially at that time. I was a kid and had no idea. Like I did not work out hardly at all. I was brand new to all of it. So I was not even strong. Like I was not prepared for that at all.
Starting point is 00:41:38 That's interesting. You said that seems to be this crazy theme that you're not strong, but you can get stuff done. When you wrap the chain around your waist, the rock said, oh, that's a good move. But that other lady just grabbed the ball by the neck where the chain met. And you notice she didn't pick up the sledgehammer. Sledgehammer, yes. And that's like none of us had really figured out, do you need to carry it so it won't get dragged over? Do you need to not? So it was a lot of like we didn't really know what to do there. I felt like I needed to hold the sledgehammer.
Starting point is 00:42:15 If I dropped the sledgehammer, I probably would have hopefully could have done a bit better. Well, you still won. I did still win. Hey, how old are you there uh 20 yeah so it's interesting you say you were just you were so young I was 21 I was 21 because the pictures of you around this time you look so young but like they really dressed you up like they covered you with makeup and stuff and like you look like a I didn't even recognize you as I'm watching this I'm like is this really her I had to keep like looking up at your name it's my stunt double yeah anytime i'm dressed up it's
Starting point is 00:42:49 probably my stunt double chris rug rug losky rug losky like rug yep rug losky not rug losky no rug losky go ahead matt are you listening what's her name? Rug, Rug Glosky. Rug Glosky. Rug Glosky. And they called you Christiana on the show. Yes. That is my full name. I don't really go by that. And I did not want to go by that on the show because I just don't go by that. It's hard to pronounce. People have a hard time saying it.
Starting point is 00:43:23 They ended up calling me Christina half the time, which is why I go by Chris, because Chris is just easier. But they said that there were too many Chris's on the show. So a bunch of people had to go by their full names. Only one person got to go by Chris. You're not going by what you want to be called. Oh, this is fascinating, man, with this podcast all over the place. But right now, Chris is impressed. She's like, okay, I'll get there at a B plus for research. So is this, Caleb, what are you running the show from the back? You're just bossing me around or shit to talk about. No, no, go ahead. Go ahead, Caleb. Go ahead. You push that up there. I want to ask her about this. Fine. Fine. This,
Starting point is 00:43:54 when I Google your name, this was one of the things that comes up. Is this like your race history? This is most of the ultras I've done. Ultra signup is kind of the big platform for a lot of ultra races um this is one race history the other one would be athlinx athlinx is where a lot of the race results go okay ass links athlinx a-t-h links like ah athlinx yes okay Athletes, yes. Okay. We'll come back to this in a second. Absolutely. So you are 18, 19 years old. You've run a couple 5Ks with a few days of training in your life. You've done some backyard volleyball. You spent some time on a horse. Where does this – what happens that – is ultra where you step into this field?
Starting point is 00:44:46 That's now just kind of broadening. Well, how, where, tell me about that transition. Yeah. It started with OCR with just your basic Spartan races. A tough motor was actually my first one. Um, I had just seen like a lot of my friends doing them and I was like, these look like fun. I want to try it.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Wait, wait, what friends? You don't have any friends. Um, I had some church friends. Ah, okay. Okay. Okay. Fair. Fair.
Starting point is 00:45:08 So I made my sisters come do it with me. We did a Tough Mudder and I was like, this isn't that bad. It's kind of fun. It was just kind of running through the mud. And we actually ran it barefoot because we didn't want to get our shoes dirty. And then I did a Spartan because I had heard they were more difficult. And then Spartan was the one that kind of got me in with their trifecta. They have three different distances.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And if you do three within a year, it's like a trifecta. So I did one and then I decided to do the other two. And in doing those other two, I found that there was like a competitive side to this. Um, I did no training leading up to that. I had no concept of training. I had no concept of anything. I didn't really enjoy running. Um, I actually like gained a lot of weight as like a late teenager and had done a couple of runs where I was like, running isn't even fun. Like I'm chunky, like this isn't enjoyable. Um, but doing the obstacle course
Starting point is 00:46:00 races, um, I found out I was like, these obstacles are are fun i'm not half bad at them just because they take a certain amount of just like body awareness and um and then i was kind of like i'll i'll do the running in between but i like i'm here for the obstacles mostly um yeah i found out about the competitive side and in one of my first i guess it's my first race that i ran elite um i went up to this was near the end of trying to make it in the horse world where i was realizing like really can't make it in this how old are you right how old are you right at this point i was 20 okay and were you living on the east coast yes i moved out to virginia for the horse oh and that's where you were going to church because you didn't have your siblings, so you attended a church out there to make new friends. No, I went to church all growing up.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Okay, okay, fine. But when you land in the East Coast to do your horse world, you find a church, the same way like someone finds AA, like a good Christian girl like yourself finds a church. Yeah, pretty much. That's kind of the only way I knew how to make friends at the time, I guess. Understood, yep. I'm not knocking it. I it i'm not knocking it's just foreign to me foreign to me yeah okay um yeah so coming to the end of that horse thing realizing like so much depends on the horse which is so like not in my control so the spartan really appeals me because spartan running in general is like this is all on me. Like I can do well and it's all on me.
Starting point is 00:47:27 So I went up to Canada to do my first elite race and actually podiumed there. It was not a very stacked race. What year was that? What year was that? 2017. And where did you cross the border? Niagara Falls, Buffalo. By car?
Starting point is 00:47:44 By car? Yeah. Yep. And I actually did not have my passport i forgot my passport it was 2017 then things were different no i'm telling you canada has always been a fucking disaster uh sorry sorry uh i just drank that word from the record sorry darn it uh canada has always been a bit of a rough challenge for us americans to cross um they just they just made me they searched my car and took the um i had some like of course pepper spray in there and they took that so i had no way to defend myself no self-defense you see how the show just takes all these weird turns now we have to who gave you the pepper spray i mean we're so far off track now how did
Starting point is 00:48:20 you get pepper spray was it on it was it on your keychain was it a keychain one no i'm not even totally sure how i ended up with that um oh they must have loved that answer uh and um miss uh miss rug loss ruglosky no no ruglosky oh yes miss ruglosky um uh we noticed you have some pepper spray oh yeah i don't know how that got there and what about this gun in your glove box um okay so we don't know bear spray i would have been fine but since it was pepper spray they had to take it bear mace is cool but pepper spray not so much hey the picture on bear spray is amazing isn't it do you know the picture i'm talking about that's on a bear spray bottle. Have you ever seen that picture? Oh, the bear is like right next to the person? Yeah. Right in front of him?
Starting point is 00:49:07 Yeah, and the beam of spray is like, covers the entire bear. Have you ever shot it? It comes out like silly string. No. I never have. Yeah. If you shoot bear mace,
Starting point is 00:49:17 it comes off like silly string. It doesn't work on the bums here in San Francisco. They use that shit on like their fries for seasoning, so. Why were you shooting bear spray suza that's for a live college show all right okay tomorrow ask suza about live okay bear spray okay so so you crossed the border is anyone in the car with you no and i had to leave i my dog was a pit bull mix and i had to leave my
Starting point is 00:49:43 weaver at home because they don't allow bully dogs. There are pit bulls at all. So you had someone watch your dog for you in the States? I left her at the barn that I was working at. I can't believe you, you were, you were set, you were, no, it was 2017. You weren't 17 years old and you crossed the border with no passport at Niagara Falls. And what kind of car?
Starting point is 00:50:04 I was driving my Xterra. I had a Nissan Xterra. Wow. Good on you. There's no way they would allow this cross the border without a passport. No. No. When I go there, they're like, oh, and how many years did you serve in the Syrian army?
Starting point is 00:50:22 I'm like, Syrian army? I'm not joking. I'm not joking. army i'm not joking i'm not joking it's funny but i'm not joking i was worried about getting back into the states yep that was it is much older than that oh yeah how did that go they were probably great this is a great country this was a great country getting back into the states i was kind of like i don't have my passport but like i went up up there for a Spartan race and I showed them my little trophy. I'm like, oh, cool. Like, I think the Border Patrol at the time was actually like Spartan sponsoring Spartan. So they were like, oh, yeah, that's cool. Come on through. Wow. Go figure. The last two years, no one in the U.S. government could say, hey, if you stop eating sugar and fucking exercise, you'll be fine. But Border patrol sponsors the
Starting point is 00:51:06 spartan race i guess they do what they can do okay so so you go so okay so sorry so you go up there and that's your first elite race you know what i'm finding interesting also is that you um coming from the crossfit community we i always just assumed that they were all like super competitive but the way you're describing spartan is is it's really just like hey everyone come and just move it's more like community oriented and that the the racing is kind of the hidden element that you only learn about as you get further like the hidden menu at uh in and out or something yeah i would say their big draw is to the the masses like come try this um come do this and you have to you definitely have to like find that top elite thing um which i find like it's kind of
Starting point is 00:51:47 interesting in a way i'm not sure if it's really like i wouldn't say it's really good for like this sport of ocr but spartan is great like and their concept in general is fantastic like i did you have any do you do you have any suitors when you were there? Did you have a boyfriend when you were there on the East Coast? So, funny, I actually kind of moved out to the East Coast because my boyfriend in Texas had not left. I was like, I want to get out of here. Oh, he had what? He had what? Well, he like went back to his old girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Oh, wow. This is amazing. So check this out. If you were a guy, I would know you went to Virginia to be with a girl. But since you're a girl, you moved to Virginia to get away from a guy. This is fucking brilliant. Life is so simple. I mean, you get this, Susan, you see this? Patterns emerging. Yes, yes, yes. Okay. So Gump runs to Virginia. Okay. While I was there, I actually downloaded Tinder for two weeks for the only time I've ever had Tinder. That's not appropriate for a young lady like you, just so you know.
Starting point is 00:52:52 I don't approve it. And the goal was, here's the deal. I wanted to make friends. I wanted to meet people, like local people, that knew things to do, places to go um and uh you wanted them to be hot and well um no i wanted like i also found like um people are more likely to hang out with people if they are attracted to them on some level have some level of interest so i was like you know what like they're using me like they're doing this because they think i'm attractive so i'm going to use them a little so i did a little bit of using for um some meals uh and and hike ideas
Starting point is 00:53:33 like and this was my i was trying to get like into hiking i was like there's trails there's things to do so yeah i had wait you would hike with the guys you would hike with the guys weren't you afraid of like the classic lifetime stories that is they go hiking and you go i probably i didn't really know about those a whole lot so i wasn't too much about it too i figure i can hold my own she can either beat them up or run away from them it was before canada took the pepper spray she was good yeah oh i just realized i had the mute on the on the phone when mars called in earlier wow what and then and then and then you ditched the tinder yeah yeah oh i yeah that was not my scene yeah it's definitely i don't i mean i've never seen it before i'm too old to see it but
Starting point is 00:54:18 like from what i know it doesn't seem like you're seeing it it doesn't seem like there's a lot of um people on there who didn't get a cell phone until they were 16 and grew up barefoot there's not a lot of intelligent conversation to be had so so a lot of people so are there did you have especially what sorry especially tinder yeah um so were there any are there were there any suitors back there on the east coast did you end up with a boyfriend over there no definitely not definitely not. I was tapping into my, like, I'm just going to live my own life. Like it was good. Me and my dog road tripped around. I did a couple of those Spartan races and then my job at the horse barn ended.
Starting point is 00:54:55 So I just kind of everything into my car and kind of drove around for like a month out there, hit up some races, visited some friends, and then eventually made my way back to texas but i was on my own at this point has high rocks popped on your radar at all no this is 2017 oh yeah it wasn't even around yeah it didn't come out 2019 yeah or yeah i think you're right i interviewed um christian dutzka the other day yeah and uh yeah i think you're right he invented in 2018 and then they even had to take like two years off because um hyrox caught the covid and uh and it was safe for two years yeah that's what happens to vegetarians what's your diet like um it's not it's not like anything special um
Starting point is 00:55:48 i mostly eat whatever i think i grew up on a very good diet so i had like a healthy um foundation yeah that um i value i i will eat anything whatever anytime but i i value the whole concept of like real food as opposed to processed food. At this exact moment, you're just five minutes away from mouth-watering golden french fries. Five minutes away from crispy onion rings and potato tots, too. Because five minutes in the air fryer is all it takes to serve up a delicious batch of Cavendish Farms' new quick crisp onion rings, potato tots, and french fries. Faster than ever before. Just 300 seconds between you and your all-time favorites. Quick Crisp from Cavendish Farms.
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Starting point is 00:56:55 new TD Mortgage. Offer ends October 31st, 2024. Conditions apply. Visit slash tdmortgagedirect. Conditions apply. Visit slash tdmortgagedirect. So I would say I try to eat a majority of real food, but I will definitely eat some pizza and ice cream. So I'd say it's kind of 80% really good, really healthy. And then 20% is whatever. Yeah, but it is nothing special if you go if um do you avoid do you avoid anything let's say let's say um you went to um you were driving cross country and you stopped at a jack in the box would you take out what would you order there i would probably i wouldn't stop
Starting point is 00:57:36 a jack in the box i don't really do fast food i would stop at chipotle or maybe subway i don't know i'd just rather it like doesn't taste like real food to me. I had, I had a Jack and the wax burger last year once. And I will say like, it was pretty good, but I just know it's full of so much trash. Like I'd rather not. Yeah. Did you get sick? No. Okay. Did you feed it to your dog? Just me. What was your dog's name? just me what was your dog's name uh her name was montana and i got her like as a puppy in texas and i always planned to take her to montana um yeah and i just like that name i was like montana it is uh didn't make it to montana with her ended up there after um you weren't scared at all to go to um canada by yourself and enter the race like by scared.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I mean, just like not like scared of like harm, but just like nervous, like, oh, this is going to be all on my own. I'm not going to have anyone to run with things like that. Not at all. I actually drove up there. I didn't have any service on my phone. So I had to like screenshot maps and like try to find my way around and I found I I've like I'd rather just kind of sleep in my car than try to find a place to stay and pay for that so I actually found a uh a graveyard like not far away from the race venue I was like nobody's gonna bother me here um so that's where I spent the night. And then the next morning I drove over to the race and I actually made friends there. Canadian friends. In the graveyard?
Starting point is 00:59:11 No, at the race. At the race. There's a couple other people hanging out. A small tribe of vampires. We're friends now. And two zombies and a werewolf. Let me turn this light on really quick because it's getting dark in here.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Do you have a boyfriend now? Sorry to just obsess on your relationship history. I'll leave you alone in a minute. Do you have a boyfriend now? Let me turn the light on, and the answer to that is no. Wow, it's crazy. She's focused on her career and the races. But she doesn't eat at jack-in-the-box
Starting point is 00:59:46 she doesn't have tinder she walks around barefoot she likes to sleep in her car i mean she's like some dude's like dream it's like i uh i actually need to meet some guy who's filthy fucking rich but he's just like like fuck you sorry he's like bye-bye to my family And he's just like two years living in his car and you don't know he's filthy rich. And you guys are just hanging out for two years, just dirt twirling. And then all of a sudden he's like, there's something I have to tell you. My dad is actually Ronald McDonald and you guys live happily ever after in a cloud somewhere. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:00:22 I actually made a lot of mistakes on that front, like several years ago. And so I'm a bit like just over a lot of it. Yeah. It's stamp, stand back and you're doing stuff. Yeah. I'm missing. Nobody can keep up.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Um, yeah. That's the problem with being great. Like you, no, no one is going to be able to keep up. You're moving. You're just a freight train.
Starting point is 01:00:42 That's going down the road. I mean, anyone who, I don't even know if we're going to get to how amazing she is you just google her it's chris it's chris ruglosky r-u-g-l-o-s-k-y you have to oh there it is right there you have to you have to google it's just too much she's done too much already at 25 it's nuts and as a crossfitter you'll be so impressed she is is not stuck in any lane. She's just exploding out. The fact that you won High Rocks, the world championship is nuts.
Starting point is 01:01:15 That shit is not easy. No. Did you go there planning to win this year? Definitely not. Wow. I thought I could do well. I thought I could hit top five, but I was definitely not planning to win. Are there events there like this one that you're like, yeah, like I'm not made to do this. I'm like, I'm not prepared to do this. A lot of it. A lot of it is how I feel. Yeah. Or I feel that way. Is your, is your perception of yourself changing? You, you do say a lot in interviews that you're not strong. Is that changing? You do say a lot in interviews that you're not strong. Is that changing? And in your 100 miler group of friends, you must be a tree trunk compared to them.
Starting point is 01:01:50 They're all sticks, right? Yeah, in some ways. I wouldn't, I say that I'm not strong because I'm not a strength athlete. That is not my focus. That has never been my focus. That's not my goal. That's never going to be my goal. But I, so that's why I say like when I'm not strong, like I'm not my goal that's never going to be my goal but i so so that's why i say like when i'm not strong like i'm not the girl that walks up and like you're my shoulders are popping off like
Starting point is 01:02:11 you know where i just look strong i think now i look a little bit stronger but i look more like a string bean than like a muscle mass um uh but it's changing your, your body composition. How tall are you? I'm five, eight. Okay. So you're tall. And how much do you weigh? One 40 fish. Okay. So that's still a little small. I mean, relative to the crew gals that we roll with. Right. Exactly. So I, I think I like, I'm just well-built. I have like a very, I mean, yeah, that's a great size. Don't get me wrong. That's great. That's great. Yeah. Yeah. And that,
Starting point is 01:02:43 so that's why I say like, I'm not a strength athlete. Like, that's not what I like. That's not my skillset, yeah, that's a great size. Don't get me wrong. That's, that's great. Yeah. And that's, that's why I say like, I'm not a strength athlete. Like that's not what I like. That's not my skillset, but I, my goal is to be like a good athlete and an all around person and athlete. And obviously strength is a component of that. So I do a lot more strength work than runners do, but I do like nothing compared to what strength athletes would do. I feel like I'm strong enough and that's
Starting point is 01:03:10 my goal. What did the other girls look like, the top five finishers? What did their bodies look like at High Rocks? Their muscles have muscles. Actually, I will say the second place girl is a little taller and more slender. Linda Meyer from Germany, I think. And I guess also in High Rocks, the early leaders were very strong, thick, more bulky people.
Starting point is 01:03:48 more, I guess, bulky people. Um, but myself and Linda kind of definitely came in in the second half where that endurance kicks in. And that's when you say second half, I mean, second half of the specific race, like the second half hour, or are you talking about the second half of like, like in 2022? No, no. Second half of the race. Okay. Okay. Okay. Cause I was not leading to start with. I, yeah, I was not leaving at all. Okay. To start with, I led because it was a run, but I did not lead for a little while after that. How many times have you done that race? This was my fifth time, technically six. I did do it twice in one day last month. So I guess six.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Those are my fifth individual. So for those of you who don't know, this is basically this High Rocks event is basically anywhere from the fastest times in the world or, you know, one hour and some change. And the longest time in the world is three and a half hours, which is just nuts because people give all the credit to these people who finish it really fast. But just imagine being out there and working for three and a half hours that, that, that, that is nuts. Um, so kudos to those people too, but it's basically run a thousand meters and then you do something like wall balls or pull a sled or, and then you run another thousand meters and then you do something like push a sled or lunges with a bag on your shoulder. And then you run another thousand meters and this goes on for eight rounds. So you end up running 8,000 meters and you do these eight workouts and
Starting point is 01:05:08 it finishes with a hundred wall balls. And then you cross the finish line for those who don't know. So tell me about the circumstance where you did it twice in one day. Well, it came to Dallas last month and I had a friend that was wanting to qualify for Vegas that hadn't qualified yet. And you can qualify either solo or double. And if you qualify as a double or a solo, you can kind of switch it around within that, but you have to qualify. So we decided like, let's run doubles and get him qualified. And then I did a solo on my own, um, to try to re-qualify. Yeah. Which I wish I had done it in the opposite order. The opposite order is great. But how did you play? How did you place in Dallas doing doing it in that second time?
Starting point is 01:06:05 I got first. I was wanting to get a qualifying time to requalify back in the world championships because I was qualify first there. Didn't requalify you. No, no. High rocks is based purely off of time. So you have to have one of the top 15 times. And I'd gotten a top 15 time in Chicago in January. And then other people had bumped me out of that top 15. So I was trying to get back into the top 15. I ended up getting back into the top 15 because people dropped out and weren't able to make it. So I kind of like, wow a crazy story that's nuts yeah you won the world championships but you're a fill-in pretty much yeah i was i was the 12 12th of the roll down i mean you know with all the roll downs included because there were i think like four or five roll downs and what's fantastic so so just so everyone knows if i'm, if I'm right, also you, the lady who won last year, it's not like you,
Starting point is 01:06:48 it was an easy win for you either. The lady who won last year was there and she took 12th. Yes. She's eight months pregnant. So. She is absolutely insane. Like on another level. Hey, what's her name? We got to get her on the show what the what's her name lauren weeks um fucking yeah taylor can you pull up her instagram i think she got 10th so she wasn't even like last place wow after two people pop for epo she took 10th my goodness literally yeah i think she was like a day away from eighth place or something. You don't even know what EPO is, do you?
Starting point is 01:07:29 Not really. Yeah. It's one of the, it's in scripture. It's in scripture. You ask your dad. Okay. She's the two times world champion. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:07:38 I want to see her belly. Let me see a picture of her pregnant. Hey, does she have any other kids already? Nope. This is her first. are you friends with her yeah i've met her through high rocks like but i mean like you like would you text her does she have you have your phone number on her phone i have her phone number wow that's good okay so she's your friend and so it's not nasty oh no no um but she's to come back next year and try to crush you oh she's gonna try yeah she's the current like world record holder and she's the two times women's champion like they've had the championships for two years now and she is the reigning champion how about that
Starting point is 01:08:17 one dude who's there um the really weird guy who always wins it all what's that guy's name he keeps coming on my show he's been on my show like five times what's his name ah yes yeah so he got the the new record time at dallas so we actually both put we both got first in dallas last month and then he's not human no probably not yeah he's like superman and did you get a chance to hang with him? Um, a little, we're like sort of friends, but. Do you have his phone number? I do. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Shit. I, uh, I loved him. I stayed at his cabin once too. What? Yep. On the way, we were both on that Spartan show. So he actually like picked me up from the airport and I stayed at the, at the cabin, cabin life. I don't mean to show off, but he offered me and my family to stay there this
Starting point is 01:09:08 summer because he's going to Europe. You should definitely take him up on it. Is it that cool? It's a cool spot. Yeah. I want you to know you guys are equal friends with Hunter. I'll be spending the summer in Newport Beach. Thank you, Hunter.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Are you familiar with Newport beach? Not especially. Oh, are you beach girl at all? Do you do any beach stuff? I've lived at the beach for the past four years and I have found to that, but I'm not a beach girl. I'm a mountain girl. 100%. I like riding on the beach and that's it. So you don't like to go there and play Frisbee or lay out or drink or none of that stuff or run sprints or. Not really. There's so much sand. it um so you don't like to go there and play frisbee or lay out or drink or none of that
Starting point is 01:09:45 stuff or run sprints or really there's so much sand i'm a clean person and that sand is just it gets everywhere you are not a clean person i when i lived when i was living in my car i took regular baths and showers in different bodies of water. Like I stay very clean. Um, yeah, different bodies. I will, I will say this, I will give you this. You may be very tidy. You may be organized. You may live a simple and healthy lifestyle, but I suspect that there's dirt under your nails right now. Okay. There's always dirt under my nails, unless they're short enough. I get a lot of crap from that. I'm not trying to get her phone number.
Starting point is 01:10:32 I got a blue checkmark. I'll just DM whoever the fuck I want. It's a metric to see if she's friends. We can get that checkmark around again. She's got a checkmark. Nash Quinn's. Was Lauren Weeks pregnant? Apparently, she was barely pregnant. She didn't even know she was pregnant. again yeah yeah he's got a check mark uh nash quinn's was lauren weeks pregnant yeah apparently
Starting point is 01:10:46 she was like barely pregnant she didn't even know she was pregnant but oh i thought you said she was eight months she was eight months for hyrax world championships spartan games was like six months ago it all filmed six months ago wow and and that that's been released right yeah it just came out like last month but it all happened yeah i haven't seen that yet how did you do in that i got fourth wow congratulations um when i was when i was watching you one of the podcasts you guys were critiquing like some of the problems there and um i don't know when this has started happening maybe in crossfit the athletes are really like this year it's really gotten big that the athletes are like and i've been partaking in it critiquing
Starting point is 01:11:32 the events and the event organizers and shit and i just feel like that's all kind of new that that shit used to never happen like athletes just shut up and work but now it seems like okay for like athletes to be like there wasn't enough water there. That was single elimination. I think it needs to be better organized and more reasonable. And now it's just all over the place. I don't know. That's what I've seen in Spartan at least where, especially, I mean, the Spartan games was a pretty iffy, like, I, yeah. Like dangerous iffy?
Starting point is 01:12:02 No, just like poorly thought through. And like there were people would say like, well, you know, they'd ask a question trying to like clarify an event and they would kind of be like, oh, that's a good question. Like, well, think about that. And I'm like, it was very much like, did you even think through this all the way? So it's just one of those, I don't think anybody was trying to be like nitpicky or like, you know, but it was just asking questions to clarify or questioning things to clarify again. Like,icky or like, you know, but it was just asking questions to clarify or questioning things to clarify again, like, wait, like help, you know, explain this. And there was very much like, oh, that's a good thought. Like we hadn't considered that. And then that puts a lot
Starting point is 01:12:38 of doubt in people's minds. Like, wait a second. Yeah. You need someone to, you kind of need someone assertive in that position. Let me ask you this. One of the things you said is that if you come – I've never seen one of these Spartan races, but it's basically you run, and then there's an obstacle course like monkey bars or climb under barbed wire or some shit like that, right? Some stuff like that. But if you can't do it or something fails, you can do 30 burpees instead. Is there a penalty that comes with that 30 burpees the 30 burpees is the penalty okay but what if the event is longer than 30 burpees um could you just choose to do the 30 burpees yep yep uh they make you you have to make contact with the obstacle and then you can go do 30 burpees. So that's where a little bit of like strategy, like, you know, you can't do it.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Just go do 30 burpees. Can you win the event like that? Um, if you're good enough. Yes. Oh, wow. So you can just show up and do 30 burpees at every obstacle, blow through it. And okay. Not every obstacle, but you could do burpees and still win like burpees at maybe one or maybe two. Um, the obstacles are quick. I mean, cause you could do burpees and still win like burpees at maybe one or maybe two.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Um, it's like the obstacles are quick. I mean, cause you could do 30 burpees in less than a minute. It takes me a minute and a half or two. Um, this is like in the middle of a run. So you're in the middle. Okay. Okay. So you're 15, right. It's not just burpees. You have to bring that 30 burpee fatigue into the rest of your race. So, right. Yeah. Right. How long are those races? It depends.
Starting point is 01:14:13 I mean, Spartan has like three different distances. They have like a three mile, six mile and a 13 mile. And so the three miles right about 30 to 40 minutes, six mile. I mean, depending on the course, six miles, you know, between an hour, hour and a half. And then the other, the 13 is typically two and a half to three hours. How many of those have you run from three to 13? What, how many of those have you done? I have no idea. I've definitely lost count.
Starting point is 01:14:36 20? Probably 30. Yeah, I'd say 17, 20, 30. And you, so you just chase those around the country um i haven't chased spartan a whole lot because i just i they're not a big fan of their race in general i'm not a fan of the burpee thing i think that's ridiculous like um i don't know i don't think it has its place in like competitive racing so there's other series that i've done that, um, you have to like burpee or obstacle completion. So you can try the obstacle as many times as you want, but you have to complete it
Starting point is 01:15:10 and hit the bell to continue on in the race. And I prefer that. So there's so I think I prefer that too. Yeah. I much prefer that. So I, I've just done like local Spartan, uh, or sorry, local Texas Spartans for the past four years i guess and then a couple here and there and this is my first year like actually chasing their series so they're national they're yeah they're it's their north american series they kind of put um priority on like five different races and that brings like more competition they put more money on them and you gain points per race and if you like you want to try to have the most points at the end of the season by placing well in each of those races. So now I'm following Spartan, but I haven't in the past.
Starting point is 01:15:53 So why? Is it because of the prize money? So basically you don't like the 30 burpee thing, and yet this year you've doubled down on your efforts. Why are you doing that? It's the prize money some, but it's also the competition um okay i haven't really considered myself at the top of the field for the past several years and it was just um i started kind of racing some more um top level athletes last year and kind of realized like you know what i should put myself against the best and see how i can do there so and and so and what other ones have you done? You did, how many Tough Mudders have you done? I did that one. Um, I think in 2018,
Starting point is 01:16:33 they put money on their 10 mile, like competitive. So I did two of those, I think. And that's the only ones I've done. And how many, uh, when, when I, I'm not sure if I'm using this term right, but is ultra marathon, does that mean 50 miles or more? It's, it's anything over a marathon distance. So your shortest distance you normally see is 50 K, which is right at like 30.1 miles. And how many marathons have you run? I've run no official marathons. None. Wow. Yeah. Um, what was the longest distance you've ever run? What was the first ultra marathon you ran? How long was it? The first one that I did was a Spartan ultra beast. So it was their version of it where they basically that 13 ish mile one, they you'd run that course twice and that makes it 26 to 30 miles because their, their
Starting point is 01:17:25 distances used to be a little more iffy. Um, so that was my first one. I was 0% prepared. Um, and I almost, I didn't actually almost die, but I felt terrible. Um, it was probably too soon to do that, but I did. And what year was that? This was end of 2017. Wow. So I found out about it. I came back to Texas. First 15 miles, I felt fine. As soon as the second 15 miles started, my hip flexors locked up and every single step hurt. Like I was in pain for the entire second 15 miles. Why not tap?
Starting point is 01:18:00 Because I knew I could do it. So I was like, it might take me a long time, but I can do it. So I don't think I should have tapped, i didn't and i ended up getting third just because i don't think there were a lot of people running it um but i did i ran very fast like the first 15 and then my mom ran the uh the local 5k and took first place in her age division and then it's like 10 minutes later she told me she's the only person in her yeah that's the nice thing about getting a little older i was like i think it was in benicia benicia california she ran a 5k or 3k or 10k or something and it was so funny she was the only person in her age division.
Starting point is 01:18:50 How many races do you think you've done in the last five years? Including high rocks, ultra marathons, Spartans, running from the cops. How many races have you done? Probably close to 100. Wow. Yeah, it's nuts. How many times have you run 100 miles? Nine times. Wow. Holy smokes. Is that the farthest you've run is a hundred miles? Um, there was one that I did last summer in Wyoming and it was 115 miles. That's sorry. 111. What's that one called? It's called the
Starting point is 01:19:20 Wyoming range 100. And it had, this may not mean it had 30,000 feet of gain throughout the course, which is a lot. I mean, Leadville only has, I think, 17,000, so Leadville has almost half of that. So just so you know, when you say 30,000, that's basically 15,000 up, 15,000 down? No, that's 30,000 up, and there's downs in there too but that's the 30 000 feet of up game crazy wow it was wild um yeah that one took the longest and what's the highest elevation you reach there do you know um right at i think 10 000 it was kind of like between eight to ten goodness yeah and it actually it rained and hailed for 12 hours and even like there was snow at the top of the last ridge line i was like this is
Starting point is 01:20:12 crazy hey do you have a um a crew for that i don't always have a crew but i did have two friends that came out i had a crew and a pacer so my pacer joined me at um 80 miles and ran the last like 30 with me holy cow um how did you do in that um a lot of people dropped out so i got second female and 10th overall i think um it started with 40 something people and i think 17 people finished wow you're always you're always so honest with those stories. Like you don't have to, I mean, I'm, I'm, yeah, you just, you're just so honest with them. You're like, Hey, uh, uh, you know, a bunch of people, I took second, but 37 people dropped out or yeah, I won high rocks, but, um, I didn't qualify. And even though I took first place and, uh and I was actually 12th down on the list.
Starting point is 01:21:05 I'm just being real. Just being real. I've never met anyone real. Chris. We love it. It is May 18th and I've met a real human. Rare breed. Where are you right now with those 1970 cabinets?
Starting point is 01:21:23 Colorado Springs. Okay. I Springs. Okay. I am. Yeah. Same with friends here. Yeah. All right. Are you there for a race?
Starting point is 01:21:31 Nope. I moved here like four weeks ago and I haven't like found a house yet, but I live here now in the greater Colorado area. Wow. Everyone's moving there. Why'd you move there? Why don't you stay in Texas? Because in Texas, ones moving there why'd you move there why don't you stay in texas because in texas i lived at like
Starting point is 01:21:45 zero elevation um in a soup pot like it's just very humid and very hot and it's flat as a pancake and zero elevation and none of that really like uh was something i wanted to be in long term so the running community is hardcore right the ultra marathon just all that stuff over in Boulder, huh? Oh, yeah. I was just there the other day, and every dude is built like a sheet of paper. I was just there a couple weeks ago. Yeah, there's a lot of runners there. Yeah, a ton of runners.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Crazy. There really is a uniqueness to the dudes there. They're just different. That's the nicest thing I can say they're different i actually went and walked around downtown polder for the first time yesterday and yeah everything up there is a little bit different yeah everything is a little bit they're like okay stop seven um okay reel it in um you go to high rocks and you and when you cross the finish line do you do you know that you've won at that point yeah yeah and are you are you tickled i realized i was going to win probably like a minute before i actually won so i was still kind of like wait
Starting point is 01:22:59 that just happened um yeah no it was wow i still like so with 20 wall balls left you're like i'm gonna win this it was yeah i was right at like yeah 20 30 wall balls i was like okay i think i actually do have this um yeah it was the it was the other girl on the wall balls yet yeah she was on the wall ball she was about 10 behind me and um i hurt i'm i'm decently good at wall balls but i'm not like the strongest ever. And I'd heard that a lot of these European girls are really good at wall balls. They'll go unbroken, like all of that. So. What were your sets in that hundred? Do you remember?
Starting point is 01:23:35 I did 25 and I took a quick break. And I had a 10 lead and she dropped it down to eight for, you know, on that break. Then I did, I was, I knew I could do 25 ish. I think I did 15 on the next set, um, took a little break and then I came back and got pretty much up to like 60. And then it was right at, uh, 60, 65. I took my last break, I think. And that's where I was like all right we're just gonna finish these out so you did the last 35 yeah and can you hear how many where she's at i was hearing some
Starting point is 01:24:14 um yeah so i kind of knew she was 10-ish behind i started she started taking effort she didn't break when i did and i thought about going more than 25 but i knew like more than 25 is really going to burn me out and would probably like make my you know my next set slower slower short or whatever so um i stuck with my 25 and then i think i was like 10 into the next set and she took a break um i'm not sure how she actually broke it up, but she was taking enough breaks and her breaks were longer than mine. So it's a 14 by mobile. Yeah. To a 10, 10 foot target. I think it's nine foot. I apologize. When I asked you that last question,
Starting point is 01:24:55 I didn't hear your answer because I was looking at a text from my wife. It says, Avi says your guest is hot. Avi's my seven-year-old son. And Ari, my five-year-old son wants to know if you babysit well okay good job boys solid solid work gentlemen the three studs so can you hear can you hear um can you hear um with their account and can they hear your account i apologize they can't wow that's cool i mean that's good right saying it really loud yes oh awesome i love it and then i was also right next to her. So I could see her speed and I heard them say something about like,
Starting point is 01:25:27 she's moving faster. And I was like, no, I can move faster than her. So I made sure to like keep up the same speed as her. But she, I mean, she was taking the way, I mean, the best way to catch a wall ball is like right in front of your head and squat down like that. And she was doing a lot more of like the catch,
Starting point is 01:25:43 like your chest slash your gut. Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey,
Starting point is 01:25:46 I'm a CrossFitter. How dare you try to educate me? He invented the wall ball. I invented my, my, my tribe invented the wall ball. I, I've been a coach for the last like four years.
Starting point is 01:26:01 And so I've seen a lot of people do it wrong. And I tried to help people. So she was catching it and like, canvering over did you yell her hey chest up bitch oh sorry sorry chest up young lady why don't you let it land every time yeah do it in singles uh just let do the bounce and catch tuck under how strict are they on on that hip crease uh going below parallel now i'm just very strict i got no reps and i'm not even sure what i got no reps on i think i wasn't going low enough i normally go low enough so i was a little bit unsure but i definitely my mind kind of went somewhere else and he started getting no rep and i was like oh i'm gonna make sure i think it was because i wasn't
Starting point is 01:26:37 squatting quite deep enough i i i tripped on this one that i watched it wasn't this one but it was another one and hunter had a um uh uh i guess his does your judge stay with you the whole time from the moment the rate so at each station you switch judges that are particular to that station yeah well there was a judge there on one on some race i saw and they handed him the ball really um huh interesting though normally i mean especially in like your normal race all of the other waves will go earlier and the women's open weight is lighter um the men's open weight is the women's pro weight so there's different weighted balls there um and there's been some times where actually the one that i won in dallas
Starting point is 01:27:24 the girl next to me her ball was too light She grabbed the ball that was too light and nobody like noticed it until it was all done. Um, so you let, do you think no one's listening? Do you think she noticed it? I don't know. Good answer. You're a good dude. She's a good dude. Of course she didn't notice. You're a good dude. She's a good dude. Of course you didn't notice. I put a six-pound weight vest on my son today. He only weighs – That's a big percentage of his weight. Yeah, yeah. He's like 49 pounds. He was doing –
Starting point is 01:27:54 He's a stud, though. He can lift. He was doing jumping bar muscle, and I put the six-pound on him. He goes, too heavy. He knew right away it wasn't the four-pound vest. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay, here we go. Let's watch some. Here we go. Is that this weekend?
Starting point is 01:28:06 Yeah. Wait, did you get those shorts from CrossFit Mayhem? Froning gave you his old shorts? Those are Froning's old underwear right there you're wearing? Nope. Those are my chicken leg shorts. That was it. Man.
Starting point is 01:28:21 That's a beautiful setup they got at High Rocks. That is so cool. Yeah. It's really cool. Yeah. You took a picture with Rich Froning. I saw on your Instagram somewhere, Caleb, I think I got a link to that. How did you even know who he was? I did his competition. I won his competition that he does out of his, his legend of the falls. He puts on a competition. I think he's done it a couple years now but i went out with it
Starting point is 01:28:45 is that the charity one for foster kids possibly is it was it in cookville um it was in i think it was in like alabama actually huh he's a great guy isn't he yes uh just so you guys know who you're listening rich might come on the show tomorrow morning, but you're going to get up early to see him. I've heard he doesn't like to lose. And I found out that he does not like to lose. He does not. Did you beat him?
Starting point is 01:29:15 Yeah. I would have never had you on the show. This is blasphemy. You know, someone on the show beat the great rich froning. And beat him at his own race that is awesome that is awesome beautiful what do you guys think of that huh in the comments what do you think of that beating up on our boy chris ruglosky beating up on the great rich fr. Crazy. Do you have any rivals in the sport? Or any – and when I say sport, is there anyone else doing what you're doing?
Starting point is 01:29:51 I guess Hunter kind of does what you do too, right? He's just kind of exploring this like, hey, you got to get your body from point A to point B, and there's going to be some shit that tries to stop you. But he doesn't really venture into the ultra running. Right. No. Yeah, he does not. He's too big he's kind of bulky he could do it he's just scared yeah yeah uh um is there anyone else doing what you're doing not really um there's some that will there's a little bit of crossover with like ocr and ultra running and there's also a little bit of crossover with OCR and ultra running. And there's also a little bit of crossover with OCR and high routes.
Starting point is 01:30:28 But you typically don't see the OCR. I feel like OCR is kind of the middle ground. And you will typically find people that either go the ultra direction or more of the high routes direction. Are you like a big deal when you show up at those events? Does everybody know you there? Mostly not. At which events? Okay.
Starting point is 01:30:43 Any of these events. At OCR, I know a lot of people and um i've done the events enough a lot of people know me like i've met a lot of people in them um ultra running definitely not i am a nobody there do people take pictures with you with their kids like little girls and stuff and little boys and they're like oh can we can our kids take a picture i have found a lot of parents will want to take pictures of me dragging their kids around and their kids couldn't care less and they will either want to like get a picture or like throw their kid in a picture and their kid is like i don't care at all um i've had to kind of do like hey like let's get the
Starting point is 01:31:18 whole family in like that might be cool maybe and they're like oh right right like my kids exist um so i found i don't think kids care at all but yeah people are it was uh the titan games i think kind of put me on like a a lot of people just recommend my face um pretty early on i guess how do you go ahead matt sorry i was just gonna ask her if she got to hang with the rock sorry super i didn't really get to like hang with him but i met him and we did chat some and he hugged me twice so he hugged her tight like as soon as he hugged her i was like one one thousand two one thousand right jeez rock easy buddy let it linger yeah hey uh how you so you claim that you're kind you were uh weak as a bird at that point but yet you got how does that happen how did they um how did they find you claim that you're kind of you were weak as a bird at that point but yet you got how does that happen how did they um how did they find you for that how did they recruit you for that i have
Starting point is 01:32:09 no idea how they found me i have no idea so i got on there i really don't know how i got on there except that i had had a friend that said back when they were like accepting that they put out that they wanted out you know people apply whatever and a friend told me that he had talked to a casting director and they were really short on females. So he was like, you should apply, like just try to get in. So it was literally the night that their application ended. I like filled out their whole thing. And at the end, they want you to like put in a video, like an introduction and talk about yourself, whatever. And I was like, I don't have anything.
Starting point is 01:32:43 So, but I had a video. I've been a nanny for years and I was a nanny at the time. So I had a video of me like just playing with kids in the backyard, basically. So that was the video I put on there because you couldn't submit it without a video. Dude, they say, what was that last thing you said?
Starting point is 01:33:00 Before I just rip into you again, just abuse you, you take the most abuse of any guest. What was the last thing you said? There's something you were, you sent in a video of you playing with kids in the backyard when you were a nanny and then what? Yeah, that was the only video I had of me doing anything. video submissions they got are like girls in bikinis like pole dancing and just crazy you know that's like 90 like it's just like just like stuff you put on tinder and you're like well here i am as in here i am filling a bottle up and she's like no i was like i was doing like a handstand walk in the backyard okay oh yes yes handstand walk with the how who did you nanny for um this was a doctor in uh in the town i lived in south texas how old were the kids um there's a three-year-old and then twin 18 month olds wow that's like that um that's like
Starting point is 01:33:55 what i gave my wife i had my wife make that for me i have a twin five-year-old and a seven-year-old she made those for me that's awesome yeah it's great oh it's it's unbelievable and um were they asian they were um middle eastern and oh do you know what what what what middle eastern branch india india yeah they like had lived in new york and then ended up down in south texas oh how are you doing oh nice to see you chris chris chris ro doing? Oh, nice to see you, Chris Roglosky. Oh, nice to see you. Come sit down, have a bowl of rice with us. I think they've been here for a few more years than that.
Starting point is 01:34:34 Oh, okay. I am the CEO of 7-Eleven, and this is very inappropriate. The reason why I asked if they were Asian is because my dad was also in the seminary like your dad. And I am Middle Eastern. I'm Armenian. But I nannied also. But I nannied two Asian kids from Hong Kong. Really?
Starting point is 01:34:54 Interesting. Yeah. Yeah. It was a great job. They were great. They were two boys. They were awesome. I mean.
Starting point is 01:35:01 That's not common for men to nanny. No, no, no. my sister got me the job i can't even believe they let me and i was just wild with them you know what i mean like every like every day the i did something on accident that made them cry i was always wrestling them roughhousing with them and they were the sweetest boys i've always played this game where i'd gather all the pillows in the living room and i would just have them run back and forth and i would just throw pillows at him as hard as I could and try to knock him down. They loved it. I loved it. Dude, killed two hours of nannying, but someone always like their head bounced off the wall or that
Starting point is 01:35:32 shit happened. Did you ever do that game with your kids? Throw pillows at them, make them cry? No, I don't make my kids cry. It was an accident. So I sent in that application and was just kind of like, whatever. I threw my name in the hat. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. Yes.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Yeah. And then it was probably like a solid month. Maybe it was probably like a month later. I got a call from a casting director in California. He was like, hey, came across your application. I think you're exactly what we're looking for because we're looking for like normal people and not just like. Not pole dancers. I say pole dancers. you're exactly what we're looking for because we're looking for like normal people and not just so um so he ended up you kind of suck so we're picking you that was literally what it felt like and it felt like so he put together a little now i did have um i done some spartan races i done my
Starting point is 01:36:21 first 50 miler like a couple weeks before i sent that application in so i kind of had like you know kind of an athlete um but i was you know obviously it's pretty normal and that's pretty one i mean that's a hardcore athlete but it's pretty one-dimensional for most people if you're running 50 milers like you're way out on one one spectrum yeah for the most part you don't seem like titan games material to me if i heard that and had never seen you yeah i don't know um but he he basically he like a video called me and like put together a little introduction video and he said he was pitching it to the casting directors and like he let me know what they said i was like cool um i ended up getting in and they had everybody come out like uh i think it was like two months before the actual filming they had everybody come out for a combine so and where is that where was that this was in la okay um so they flew everybody
Starting point is 01:37:11 out there and they they were they were going to narrow it down to 64 they but they probably flew out like just over 100 110 120 people maybe um and i showed up to that they had this all put up in a hotel i showed up to that hotel and all these people are walking around like all super strong and muscular. And I was like, okay, this is a joke. Like, I don't even know why I'm here. Like they just brought me here just to like relax, like whatever. Um, but then like during the combine, uh, there were like five aspects to it. They did like a mass deadlift.
Starting point is 01:37:42 They did like monkey bars, the treadmill thing. And then the fifth thing was an interview and i think that probably helped me some because i'm kind of like a i mean i think i'm a i can talk and like um homeschooled homeschooled preacher's daughter homes that probably helped too um yeah so i ended up getting on the show didn't take any vaccines when you were little that retarded your growth i'm'm just guessing. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. I'm just guessing. I did just fine. How was your deadlift?
Starting point is 01:38:11 I think I, that week I found out that it was going to be, that there was going to be a max deadlift test and I had never really done a max deadlift. So I was like, I think my max deadlift, I think I, I think it was like two Oh five. And then you, I think I, I think it was like 205. And then you, and you, and you weren't a deadlifter. It's not like you deadlifted like once a month or you didn't know it wasn't part of your regimen. Did you know how to deadlift?
Starting point is 01:38:32 Was anyone like, Hey, keep your back flat. So I had started like six months before that. I'd started going to a gym and told them like, I don't know what I'm doing. Can y'all help me? And they, I mean, that's the gym that I ended up coaching. And I've been a part of for the past four years. Um, is that grifters? Is that Kenny's gym? That is Kenny's gym gym that I ended up coaching. I've been a part of for the past four years. Is that grifters? Is that Kenny's gym?
Starting point is 01:38:46 That is Kenny's gym. It's called grit fitness, grit, grit, grit, fitness, grit fitness. Yes. And Kenny was the one who six months earlier started training you with. Yes. Caleb, can we see Kenny? I got some links in the notes just to show off because some people don't research before they have it on. OK, so six months before you started messing with dabbling with the deadlift.
Starting point is 01:39:07 Yeah. I started doing like some workouts and I was training some with him. And, and then, yeah. So he helped me. It was like, well, we should do it first deadlift, you know? So I did a 205 and I think at the combine, that was a really bad video to pick. Hey, I don't know. I thought that was pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:39:24 I was about to say I can do that shit that's pretty cool funny um yep that's it so and i think at the combine you actually like pr i think i got like a 215 wow that was it that's awesome that's pretty good do you deadlift a lot now in your training like fastball deadlift strict press you know your major ones no no i don't do a lot of uh conventional weightlifting i i really like the pictures you're caleb you know me just anyone any picture with the dude with his shirt off he just picks i just love it okay and is he so you're not with that group anymore kenny rockstar kenny and the in the grifters i don't live there anymore,
Starting point is 01:40:06 but I'm, I would say I'm still very much a part of their group, their community. Um, they're a good group and I've been a part of it for a long time. So I think it's harder to just kind of cut ties and out, but. Is he still programmed for you?
Starting point is 01:40:18 Does he program for you? Um, he's never really programmed a whole lot for me. He's kind of just helped me with like workouts and things to do. And, um, and just a lot of, I mean, he's given me, I feel like he's giving me a lot more of like, just training, um, growing as like a human more than as an athlete. But I think those, I don't know what you mean. Tell me, what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:40:43 Tell me what you mean? I don't, I mean, okay. He's just a very, he's a very, um, he like owns a gym is very much, you know, a part of that whole fitness world. But I, and I, from being there, you cannot have a fitness without a good, or you can, but fitness kind of falls flat if you don't have a good mindset to go with it. Um, and so he has very much helped me grow as a person in my mindset in my the way i view the world um all kinds of things like he's just a top-notch guy and has been a very good friend and mentor really um he definitely got me started in everything like he was like hey well we need to like test your one mile um we did a little bit of like heart
Starting point is 01:41:25 rate training like run long and keep your heart rate low um just different basic stuff but just i think more than that he's just been a good human in my life first show off time we need we need like a button to push every time i'm gonna show up oh you were training your one mile time chris yes your one mile time you got a 5 uh 24 on fed i don't can't even uh 524 on february 2021 is that the last time you've tested it i just see here in my yeah yeah that's definitely the last time congratulations that's two minutes faster than my fastest one mile time that i got in uh i think my senior year that's a great that's a great time i also raise a good time suza yeah so what's your fastest time 555 yeah it's a great time and i also own a gym. Crazy. Good time, Sousa. Yeah. So what's your fastest time? 5.55.
Starting point is 01:42:06 Yeah, it's a great time. And I also own a gym, Chris. I also own a gym just before. Awesome. Showing off and throwing things out there. Yeah, yeah. And he's, he, your guy, Kenny, has steered people to a better life. And a few of Sousa's clients have started doing heroin through the pandemic, but you know,
Starting point is 01:42:26 it's the population. I don't know. Um, is it, are they classes? Is it like a, I'm just, I'm picturing it kind of like as a CrossFit gym that I know, like people go in there, there's classes, then there's other people, there's open gym time and people go in there and like practice their pistols or bar muscle ups or whatever their deadlifts. It's very much, um, it was kind of started from OCR. So he kind of found OCR, tried some OCR, him and his buddy started this basically like's very much um it was kind of started from ocr so he kind of found
Starting point is 01:42:45 ocr tried some ocr him and his buddy started this basically like a boot camp and then it kind of evolved into a gym so it's now like it's group classes um there's a daily wad and there's some little you know coach through it and everybody does it together very crossfit style and the biggest thing is that it's very much not crossfit because we don't use barbells in our regular programming. So it's CrossFit minus barbells, basically. And then a lot of the open gym is filled with a bunch of obstacles because that's kind of the fun thing to do. Yeah, that is fun.
Starting point is 01:43:16 I'd love that. Yeah, that's cool. I don't know what Rich Holton is saying here, Johnny Depp, but let's run with this theme a little bit. Have you been watching any of the trial? No, I've mostly just seen the memes. Yeah, yeah, me too. I haven't watched any of the trial either, the memes.
Starting point is 01:43:31 I have no knowledge of it. Man, what a trippy world we live in. Oh, what's next? We've had you for an hour and 45 minutes. Someone must have to pee. Let's wrap this up. What's next? What do you's next? We've had you for an hour and 45 minutes. Someone must have to pee. What's, let's wrap this up. What's next? What do you do next?
Starting point is 01:43:48 Next, I'm kind of following two OCR series this year. So I'm doing, those both finish out in the next couple of months. And I- The Spartan one you talked about. Spartan one, I'm now tied for third in the series. So I have tied for third with the most points. And then the other one is a Savage Race.
Starting point is 01:44:06 And that's my preferred style of OCR because they are that mandatory obstacle completion. Everything they do is more like innovative and creative. It's a smaller brand, but it's like a well-run brand. Can I see that, Caleb? Yeah, there's a lot of, I probably have a lot of pictures of that. Or just maybe go to
Starting point is 01:44:25 their website i'm curious to see them i haven't heard of them are they the people go ahead they're kind of based more on the east coast they're kind of based i think out of florida and they do them kind of up that east coast the farthest west they come is texas um so are are these events these ocr events are the women and men treated equally like at them? Yes. At these ones. Everything is the same for men and women. There is actually, I guess, one, they basically have like a wild ball with a target throw and the women have a slightly lighter weight than the men. But other than that, everything is equal. Any kind of heavy carry they do, any kind of drag, anything is equal.
Starting point is 01:45:04 Prize money? Yep. Prize money is very equal. Oh oh look at there's the wow that guy's done good that guy's either done really well or he's good that's the guy who gives out the awards wow all those axes on his right arm are like uh age group placements probably did um who won titan was that danny who won did danny spiegel win titan games i uh good question margo alvarez margo last year it was charity wit and i didn't really follow that this or the the first year the first year that i was on it was charity wit i'm not really sure who won this last time and did did matt chan ever win it That thing happened more than once. That Titan thing is still going on. It happened.
Starting point is 01:45:47 I think the first time went really well and it really blew up. Oh, yeah. Matt Chan and Danny Spiegel. Yeah. Friends of the show. Yes. Yeah, both. But yeah, definitely a friend of the show.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Danny Spiegel. I invited her on the show, but she said that, forget forget what i shouldn't say what her response is but but she declined she declined are you are you like shit maybe i should have declined too how did christian sell you this show how what did they say to you but let's indulge my my my listeners and myself a little bit how did you end up here he said that uh that y'all wanted to have me on and yes i had actually heard of it before i think i listened to the last episode that hunter was on so i was like oh i kind of heard of it and then i think just last night i kind of looked into it and i was like oh this
Starting point is 01:46:35 is actually kind of a big deal like oh okay you weren't scared you weren't like this is this is he just abuses his his the people well i actually, I saw your Instagram and I saw your kids' Instagram and I was like, all right, they're doing something right. So. Okay, good. That Instagram is still working wonders for us. Did you hear that mom? I know my mom's watching right now.
Starting point is 01:46:55 Did you hear that mom? A wholesome young lady saw my accounts and was willing to come on the show. My mom wishes I was a gentler, kinder soul. Don't they all? I'm only here so I don't get fined. I was at the beach all day and I was sincerely dreading doing this podcast. I did one this morning that was two hours and then I organized this one. I sort of dread doing all the podcasts.
Starting point is 01:47:23 And I was like, I'd already partied. i'd been at the beach i played with my kids and i came home like two hours early and i wrote do you know what the assault bike is yes i rode the assault bike for like 20 minutes and i did some like i pretended to do some hand cleans but really i'm just like curling and pushing up and uh i'm sweating and i drank a bunch of water and and then while i was and I'd already done a bunch of research on you. But as I was watching, I was watching one of the more recent podcasts you did with, I shouldn't say who it was with, but you were carrying the podcast. And I was like, and I started on my end. It was like about 40 minutes before we came on.
Starting point is 01:47:57 I was like, oh, this is awesome. I'm just going to lean on this girl and make her carry the whole damn show. She can carry a whole. She's so good. So you got, you got, you're, you're, you're an amazing you're an amazing guest. You're an amazing human being. I want you to know that the door is always open. You have a great sense of humor. I you, you,
Starting point is 01:48:19 you blew away my expectations. You're so fun. And you're, you're, you're a tremendous role model for all the, uh, um, uh, boys and girls up there, uh, human beings who are growing up and, and I please thank your parents, whatever, whatever you think about the, Oh, I'm gonna read you this quote. I read this quote a lot on my show. It's a good quote. When your parents are alive, you might wish they behaved different when they're dead. will wish you behaved different pretend your parents are dead so you know like we get mad at our parents for shit but really it's like pointless like why we get mad at them we just need to stop and and what i uh you have tremendous parents you i mean i can just the fact that they were able just to not give you a cell phone till you're 16
Starting point is 01:49:02 i mean the fact well we were kids are afraid we live in the backyard they didn able just to not give you a cell phone until you're 16? I mean, the fact – Well, we were – Do you know how many kids are afraid? We lived in the backyard. They didn't have to worry about us knowing otherwise. Right, right. But some parents are just – they just feel this pressure from their kids, and they just give in. But there are some really obvious things.
Starting point is 01:49:17 You're not afraid to be alone. And we live in this – I would even go out on a limb and say it might even be your preferred state. And that's how we should be as human beings. Every human needs six square miles to themselves. That would do a lot of good for this entire world. We would love everyone when we saw them. Instead, New York City has 442,000 human beings for every square mile.
Starting point is 01:49:40 When we need six square miles, I think I learned that from Joel Salatin. square mile when we need six square miles. I think, I think I learned that from Joel Salatin. Anyway, if you ever want to come on the show I'm going, I will send you we have your email. I will send over my phone number. Then if anyone ever asked you have his phone number, you'd be like, yeah, duh. And, and you're always welcome on anything you want to promote. You want to talk. And I, and I sincerely mean that some of our best guests in the show, like Hunter will just reach out. We just, he just comes on out of the blue. Rich
Starting point is 01:50:09 Froning comes on just out of the blue. A lot, most of our guests just come on out of the blue, like you, you just came out of the blue. So you're always welcome to insert yourself. And, and, and I set my Google alerts to follow you. So Matt and I will know your every movement and thanks for coming on. Yeah. Thank you guys very much for having me on. I really enjoyed it. Awesome. Chris Roglosky.

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