The Sevan Podcast - #412 - Semifinals Recap | Torian Pro Day 3

Episode Date: May 23, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much,
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Starting point is 00:00:50 Offer ends October 31st, 2024. Conditions apply. Visit slash tdmortgagedirect. Hey, I got a couple of things. I want to show you. I got it on my first screen. Good to have Taylor back. Bam, we're live. I, so I got a couple of things I want to show. I got it on my first screen. Good to have Taylor back. And we're live. I don't know about that. I don't know about that.
Starting point is 00:01:09 We were killing it. We were killing it. You sent the wrong link. I was, I was, I was in yesterday's. Oh, did I resend the right? Did I resend the right one? Yes. It's the first one you sent. We'll go redo that for JR. because he's not going to figure that out i i i re-sent it to uh well he's on the same thread that you're on so he's got to figure it out guys uh before we start there's something that i need to show you i posted about it on my instagram
Starting point is 00:01:41 last night uh if you watch sports for the reason I do, and I don't watch sports, it's for the human drama. It's all about the story. If there's not a good story, then I'm hardly invested. If there's a great story, I'm super duper, duper invested. And we have an insane story taking place in the uh syndicate and i'm going to tell you about it real quick before i turn it over to these uh guys so they can geek out on some other shit in first place you have justin madaris who is basically the future of crossfit he's he's basically our next rich matt uh tia to me he is a remarkable human being with great character and he's amazing to watch,
Starting point is 00:02:25 and you should watch The Syndicate for that. The Syndicate is also an amazing event. Wilson Pack's done an amazing job. It's beautiful. The camera angles have been great. Commentary's been fine. I've been thoroughly enjoying it. The story down here, though, is this one.
Starting point is 00:02:39 You have Jason Hopper, who is being trained and following the program of Matt Fraser, the five times crossfit games champion and a truly fucking i mean i don't know what there is to say about matt i mean he he's unbelievable he's basically would do the stuff that we're seeing tia do uh this week matt's done that for us before so he's jason hopper's coach then right up above him in second place and and i i mean i had never heard of this fucking guy before coming out of
Starting point is 00:03:12 nowhere is this guy tutor magda tutor magda is trained by james townsend so you have last year superstar that's exploded on the scene jason hopper versus the new kid who's exploded on the scene tutor magda that would oh sorry i didn't mean to do that um the what we're gonna what we're gonna there's there's great drama here oh shit there's great drama here great great drama and here's another reason why now listen carefully to this tidbit. Earlier this year, the great Mal O'Brien was training with James Townsend. When you thought of Mal O'Brien, you thought that her coach was James Townsend. That's what everyone thought. That's what everyone knew. Then out of nowhere, from a fan's perspective, maybe it had been building in the background. We see Mal O'Brien go and start training with Matt Fraser. That obviously has to put tension between Matt and Townsend.
Starting point is 00:04:11 You have this superstar young lady who you've been working on. She's exploding. Everyone's talking about her. And then she gets up and leaves, and she goes over to train with Matt Fraser. So you have Matt Fraser who has Jason Hopper and Mal O'Brien and all the kind of attention and drama spinning around the fact why did mal leave james does it hurt his feelings what's going on with fraser and we had seen a few podcasts but then they got pulled down for
Starting point is 00:04:34 whatever legal reasons but now out of nowhere here in at the syndicate we we have James Townsend's other protege putting it to Hopper. And I think this is just a great story. I think this is something you can really get into. And I don't think it's done here. I think this is something we're going to watch for the next 10 years. Outside of anyone getting hurt, I think Tudor, Hopper, this is going to be a great story to follow. So if you want a little drama with your fitness, that's where it's at. And it's not a dig on any of those guys. I have mad respect for all those dudes.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Obviously, I have crazy respect for Hopper. He's been on the show a ton of times. Matt's a great dude. I don't know James Townsend, but I respect the shit out of him and what he does with his kids. And I don't know Tudor, but this is a great story. All right, and that starts today you can start watching that today at 8 35 a.m pacific standard time on youtube just go in to youtube type in crossfit games and the live stream will pop up jackie style say it again that's the workout they're doing that that rowing oh start the barbell workout.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Do you guys have a prediction who's going to win that, Tudor or Jason? They are. Good morning. What do you think, Taylor? You know him a little more than I do, Mr. Hopper. I clearly don't know much about Tudor Magda. I was under the impression that he didn't have much of an engine. I think he proved that to be incorrect on the last workout i will say i think that workout surprised me watching it happen as to what was more important
Starting point is 00:06:11 in the workout i don't think the ski was the ski was for sure important but i think what mattered more than anything was ghd speed and handstand walk speed um so on your screen still sharing thank you look and i want to say one thing while we're while you have never mind okay i just wanted to say something about ricky but anyways um that workout was so so dependent on your ghd cycle rate and the hand oh yeah and the kid tutor was flying um and there wasn't there wasn't a lot of ground to be made on the ski, which I, which surprised me a little bit. And then also you, so in relation to this Jackie style workout, it's going to be about the thruster cycling pace and the chest of bars.
Starting point is 00:06:57 The road doesn't matter. I think the road is not going to matter as much. I agree. So now you got that button, which button i uploaded the link for you oh oh uh no i didn't i'm sorry i fucking have been you got one you have one job come on one job i know i know i know but katie said but katie says i'm killing it ah all right your one job earns ten dollars he's had a really really mistake-free weekend, Tudor has. And Jason's had a handful of mistakes. Do you know them off the top of your head?
Starting point is 00:07:32 Yeah, so the sled, that's the first three mistakes when he had to adjust the stud three times. The first three mistakes. Missing the 335 complex for Jason was not a capacity issue. It was just a big mistake on the jerk which i i know he's pissed about um and then again i think on the uh shoot what what what was it uh on the uh ski right that alone would have popped him up over tutor lot. Hit the jerk. Hit the jerk and the other placement that the event went on. JR, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:08:09 There's also a handful of no reps on GHDs for hand width on the floor. Yeah, yeah, a lot. Yeah, so there were a handful of no reps there. And then obviously we know that James should have gone back and done that last handstand walk, but that mattered a lot too. I would also say he mentioned – Jason texted me and mentioned he got a bunch of no reps on the wall ball too for the height. He did, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:36 So you take those no reps out, and that's just – For the height of the ball? Yeah, the height of the ball. That's just execution stuff for him. Could you tell whether or not that was consistent across the field? A lot, yes. A lot of guys were getting them in that last hit. Just for the height of the ball, it wasn't clear in the 10 feet?
Starting point is 00:08:55 They were riding the line with the center of the ball hitting it. Well, that's standard for everybody, right? Yeah. Okay, as long as it was consistent. It was consistent, and so were the jhd reps that's that's something jason's got to work on is his hand with at the bottom of the jhd but i think you know just the mistakes and he cleans those mistakes up the other thing i think is it'll be really interesting to see i feel like tutor is going to do really well on the final he
Starting point is 00:09:21 looks like a kid that's really athletic um and i think the final suits people who are super athletic being able to go back to jackie style you know you wondered you know who was going to do better on that workout and i definitely think at this point it's probably foolish unless there's a movement we know is somewhat of a weakness in there to bet against jason on a workout with 2k of rowing because also because although the rowing in the beginning really is kind of a wash for everybody i do think the workout comes down to managing the rest between sets on ghds and then who can row the last 1k hard and we know jason can do that what event is that that's event six you mean chest yes yeah chest the bar i'm sorry i didn't mean to say that
Starting point is 00:10:05 i i agree and i was you know to add to that 2k of rowing is the thing that makes you know not only his capacity on machines like the echo bike but what's so frustrating when you're when you're racing in workouts or when you're training next to him is how hard he can push a pace and then get off and not be fatigued and that's more than anything is the hard part about, about going against him in workouts to have so much machine as he can push such a hard pace and get off and just not be fatigued the way other people are. Yeah. And I mean, honestly, outside of just the nightmare of no reps, that is potentially going to happen with that empty barbell thruster. I, I if we see jason off the thruster and immediately
Starting point is 00:10:47 rip like 15 chest to bar and he's able to go four sets of 15 with like a four to five second break i think he's setting himself up to win that i i would hope to see him doing a descending rep scheme but that's just my personal preference yeah as taylor said uh he's saying that this workout is going to um benefit those who are super athletic i mean there's jason's full of athleticism i think he meant that i'll work out seven how's the final yeah i think this one's much more raw capacity but um event five for sure jason's super athletic too there's it's not counting i'm just saying i think watching tutor it's it's evident that he's naturally gifted physically. He's got a lot of athleticism and clearly super fit.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Quick note. I'd like you guys all to comment on if you have something to say. Scott Panchik has been pulled out of the event. It was tragic. The ropes were too long. He landed on one, twisted his leg, and damaged his good knee. You can go over and read all about it on Scott's Instagram. I did a little texting around last night.
Starting point is 00:11:52 It's just a bummer all around. I have that pulled up. Can we actually – You're welcome. You're welcome to share it. Yep. Yeah, I got it shared. Let's pull this up so the one thing i wanted to mention on this was
Starting point is 00:12:06 man scott in his instagram post this is the caption he says after seeing the amount of rope left laying on the competition floor i verbally expressed concerns i had for athlete safety in an event as fast as this one i felt i presented a strong case with various examples of why this could be unsafe etc etc etc, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. The other events had the rope cut and he was told, I was told nothing could be done to change the ropes. And this is what was provided to be used. I would like to say that as someone who manages an affiliate, my boss, you simply just wrap the rope five times with a roll of duct tape and then cut it with a box cutter.
Starting point is 00:12:47 And then it's – so something for sure could have been done. He also says here I made the decision. We have the technology. We have the technology to cut a rope in about 30 seconds. I made the decision to withdraw, something I've never had to do in this sport, and I feel it could have been prevented. Oh, he's fucking pissed. We only –'s fucking pissed.
Starting point is 00:13:05 He's pissed. That's about as pissed as an athlete gets when they can't say anything they want to say. Yeah, I mean, the only thing I'll say about the cynic is that clearly it was a huge mistake, the rope itself. I think the bigger mistake is when you have somebody with that level of experience providing feedback and you choose not to listen to it, and that's all I'll say about it, it's just really frustrating. And it's really sad to see on Scott's part the emotion that he's going through. It's when you're battling with an injury like that and you don't know whether you're going or you are. It's a lot emotionally.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And then to have to end it that way, it fucking sucks. And it also sucks even more when it's something you felt like was controllable and and you weren't listened to he he in that story he says that him and his wife decided that he wasn't going to compete um they had a good cry together and yet he still went out to the corral i mean it's a it's a really well-written piece it's touching i i don't know um who to blame or if anyone needs to be blamed or what the deal is. That's someone else's job. But that event is beautiful, and that floor is beautiful. And I'm really enjoying Syndicate.
Starting point is 00:14:12 It sucks that it's got this stain on it now. But I think Wilson's done an amazing job. There's a comment that says, where's Fikowski and the PFAA? And that's a great point. Are they going to finally say something because i was talking to help and helping about it mike halpin and he was saying how the last post on the pfaa account was in relation to the ring height and that was like directly a zarkowski thing it's like oh the rings are too high or too short for certain athletes
Starting point is 00:14:40 they're standardized that's all messed up but this and like the things like people talk about murph and the heat stroke and yada yada whatever about that but this is something that you would think the pfa should be taking into consideration and standing up for right absolutely it's still a little early right they haven't had a chance they don't have a chance will they that's the thing i like to do something i don't like to give people a chance. I like to talk about it before they have a chance. Heller's giving you guys an order, P-F-A-A-A-C-F-K-G-L-G-B. Go ahead and redo your workout, P-F-A-A-A-C-F-K-G-L-G-B. I will say this. You have the opportunity.
Starting point is 00:15:14 The one thing about Loud and Live that I really appreciated when I was at Wadapalooza is how after that final event, O'Keefe and Dylan Malitzky came up and had all the athletes together and made sure everyone had some input on how they could best change the final so that people weren't, you know, slipping and sliding across the wet floor. So I would, and Rich took charge of that a little bit too, from what we saw from our behind the scenes footage, Rich was like, listen, I was there. We were there, Taylor, right? Yeah. I was standing right next to him. I think the key there is that O'Keefe and Malitzky were open to feedback from someone with a lot of experience.
Starting point is 00:15:47 So I think Rich did the same thing. I'm sure Scott probably did in that point. So I expect to see Granite Games. They probably will have cut ropes. I heard those ropes have already been cut, by the way. I heard those ropes that they used have already been cut. And although there's no more rope climbing events at the syndicate, Those ropes that they used have already been cut.
Starting point is 00:16:04 And although there's no more rope climbing events at the syndicate, the speculation that I was reading was that there's going to be ropes in next week's games in Knoxville. Same venue. Why is that venue so empty? What is going on that Justin Medeiros and Rich Froning and Jason Hopper and all these superstars are all in the same venue. Monkey Pox. I mean, Torian is... Torian is nuts. Torian and Lowland
Starting point is 00:16:32 are nuts. Torian's a three-decker arena and it's packed. Torian is completely lit. It's epic. The fire. I love the fire. It's so cool. And their music. Their music is sweet. They're playing like ACDC. Yep. I agree. It's so cool. And their music. Their music is sweet. They're playing like ACDC. Yep, I agree. It's awesome over there.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Any thoughts, anything you want to add to this, Mr. Howell? No, I mean, I agree with the sentiments of both the other gentlemen, for sure. Being there at Wadapalooza with Jason, because I was actually his coach there, it was interesting to see how they navigated that situation with a lot of the athletes saying they felt unsafe doing shuttle runs at a fast speed and then they you know allowed for some feedback and whether or not there was a contingency plan in place or they just did it on the fly it seemed like it was handled as as well as it could have been uh renata novantina suggests
Starting point is 00:17:23 touring's don't only one semi-final there meaning like we have four four you can go to in north america they also had a comment there that says that the arena is packed but they have less spots than the others which is also pretty messed up right there's they get three spots and the others get five and but yet there's way more people in attendance watching the three go i was just did you guys watch the final heat of the women yeah, there's way more people in attendance watching the 3-0. Did you guys watch the final heat of the women over there at Torian? How is Maddie Sturt not going to the CrossFit Games? Because she lost by two points. What a shame.
Starting point is 00:17:55 But, I mean, just what she brought to the table this weekend, I mean, she did everything she needed to do. I mean, where did she end up falling? Have they updated the leaderboard? I never really cared when Brian would talk about that stuff and now like i guess now that i'm watching more closely four points out i believe nuts let's on the leaderboard i'll pull it up i'll pull it up last chance qualifier she had her worst finish on the interval and the legless. Who are you talking about? Maddie Sturt.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Gosh, they were all tough. 5'7", 5'7", 4'3". Yeah. And beating Jamie Simmons. And she doesn't have a gifted frame. This young lady has been to the CrossFit Games three or four times. What does that mean? She doesn't have a gifted frame.
Starting point is 00:18:46 It doesn't matter. She's in fourth. Press the button, Sevan. Yeah, yeah. She doesn't – meaning she's tiny. She's freaking tiny. Let's see. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I don't know. Yeah, she's so small they measure her in centimeters. I think this – I was just saying this watching this final, is that whoever qualifies for the last chance is going to have a really, really hard time beating anyone out of Oceania because on the men and women's side, they should be going to the games. But I will say, I think, yeah, I just think that those two spots, maybe not both, but one of them is going to someone in Oceania,
Starting point is 00:19:24 I think, on both sides. Well, that's kind of what we want, right? Say that again, JR not both, but one of them is going to someone in Oceania, I think, on both sides. Well, that's kind of what we want, right? Say that again, JR. Sorry. Say that again. I said that's kind of what we want, right? Like, you know, to support Brian's and our arguments of them getting more spots. What we want is for Simmons and Sturt to both take those spots at the last chance qualifier. It's kind of like a wake-up call.
Starting point is 00:19:50 slots for the last chance qualifier it's kind of like a wake-up call i i it's just after watching that event and seeing how good those girls are and who they had to compete with i just i want to throw this in the pile of just fucking another of 2022 fuck-ups oh it's uh it's um yeah just throw it it's a point haters. Wait a minute. Should we say that because they made Tia go to the Torian that they actually stole Matty Sturt's spot? You know how last year the Colin Brander thing at the MAAC was the big issue? I'm kidding, of course. This is a joke.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Because Tia has an automatic spot. That harkens back to, what, 2014, where they used to give the previous games qualifiers an auto-in and then it would backfill at the regionals. I thought they stopped doing that long before 2014, no? No, I think it was 2014 was the last year because there was Holmberg and
Starting point is 00:20:35 Froning in that region, so they backfilled through fifth and sixth, I believe. The big story I think also, the fun thing to watch the happy story is jay crouch are you guys just blown away by this dude he killed it it was like watching cedric diggory versus victor crumb in the triwizard cup i feel like that's what i think what did the thumb just say what's he referencing you you lord of the rings i thought it was f1 auto racing harry potter dude ricky looks like
Starting point is 00:21:09 it's so funny um so yeah can we talk about can we talk about workout five and what what we hypothesize may have happened happened well i have one yes can we tell us what workout five uh workout five at the torian pro was 21 handstand push-ups it's got some husafelt carry in it some farmer carry and some yoke carry i want to say one thing but at the end of the day what was the decide what was the determining movement and push-ups and who got 20th matt mcleod but it wasn't the hands. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Who got 20th on that workout? Who was in 20th?
Starting point is 00:21:50 Who was in third place? Oh, Bailey Martin. Wow. And it was because of the strict painstaking pushups. Unreal. It was indeed. I remember watching him. The one thing I wanted to mention, though,
Starting point is 00:22:01 was the yoke played a huge role for Matt McCloud because it looked like they were all at a standard height height and whereas some guys had like six inches to the floor to run across the floor Matt McCloud just went boom boom oh that would be so much oh is that why because of the height I just thought the 605 was too heavy for him and he was a pussy to me it looked like they were able to adjust him no they weren't they ran out there and they were all like counting the holes on the side of the the yoke maybe maybe that was them allowing to adjust it and he didn't or they weren't allowed to i'm not sure about that they might have been allowed to adjust it i noted it seemed like his was on the lowest setting and it still was hitting the ground and i'm like man
Starting point is 00:22:37 you just you just watch him try to pick it up and it's just the front skids are hitting the floor the back skids hitting the floor it's just oh jr are you trying to say that before that event bailey martin was in the top three and then that kicked him out because it looks like that's what you're talking about yeah yeah yeah remember when we talked about when we talked about how well bailey was doing and we were like you know how was how was royce or how was baden gonna get back into a qualifying position and we were saying well that event five is still looming. And we're not sure if one of those guys in the top five or six have a weakness. So we didn't really know even the height of the deficit on the handstand pushup.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And then when that workout started, I think he was the last one to the Husafell bag. And when that happened, I was like, oh, oh this might be it and if we're looking at it he finished 20th and 13th on the final two events he would have had to have gone second and second and then when you look at one two and three uh being jay kautryki and baden they didn't have between the three of them a placing out of the top five yeah you can't have you can't have a placing they killed it here you can't have, you can't have a placing. They killed it. You can't have a, you can't have a what Taylor?
Starting point is 00:23:49 You can't have a placement outside the top 10 in this, in, especially in three workouts in this region. There's just, you're, you have no chance if you're outside the top 10 and more than one workout. Uh,
Starting point is 00:23:59 and what, and for those of you who didn't see the workout, Matt McLeod was destroying the pack. He was killing it. He was killing everybody. He was killing it, and he was at the final event, which was the yoke carry, the final movement, and it stopped him. It just stopped him. We don't have confirmation if that's because of the weight or the height, but you guys are all speculating it's the height. That sounds like another subject for the FAA.
Starting point is 00:24:24 P-F. Thank you. And then there's 14As. And that's not – that sounds like another subject for the FAA. PF. Thank you. And then there's 14As. You were right. What do you guys think? Does that fall under their – hey, man, the equipment doesn't fit this guy. And what's going to happen to Colton?
Starting point is 00:24:40 Yeah, you can't shorten a flip sled, but I will say he built his own, so I think he's got that taken care of. Correct. He's just getting better. JR, does any part of you like shut the fuck up it's the same equipment for everyone get out there and work it's the crossfit no no no like you know i you know i've always kind of said you know they can give people risers that are shorter but they can't dig a hole in the ground if the rings are too short so you know to an extent it's got an extent, it's got to be usable for everybody. I said to Rob Orlando in 2009, as he did that hill sprint and he got to the top,
Starting point is 00:25:12 I said, is this event fair? And he says, it doesn't matter. CrossFit's not fair. And that's what's kind of cool about it, right? Yeah. But you're saying where you can make it fair, you make it fair if the equipment should fit yeah i mean i think you know we don't know what happened in the athlete briefing we don't know if they were sized for him when they went out there so you know uh they sung happy birthday to torian pro to cara uh saunders daughter that's cool
Starting point is 00:25:41 everyone's like it's so cute it's so cute people in my house like it's so cute like it's fucking inappropriate no you love the you love the community atmosphere there it's amazing would you say what's inappropriate about it i'm just like i don't give a shit like stop pretending like it's cute my wife's like no if it was your son you'd think it's cute i was like yeah it was my son it is she does have a cute kid and i will say this i'd never seen that kid wear shoes and that's that's boss i thought you're about to make some sort of comment about her like age and it's like no you can't tell her what her age is not not this day and age oh yeah i thought you were talking politically seven she's three uh jacob. Is this Jay's brother?
Starting point is 00:26:26 Yes. Is it? I don't know. I was going to say, who would Nick? Can you imagine naming one of your kids Jay and the other one Jacob? The best thing that happened to Matt Fraser's career was Ricky Garrard being removed from the sport for four years. Wow. I can't.
Starting point is 00:26:39 I'm trying to understand. Is he saying Ricky Garrard would have been a threat to Matt? Because there's no fucking way. That's not true. He would not have been a threat. At all.'s no fucking way. That's not true. He would not have been a threat. At all. It's actually probably – but I like his post. I actually think it's probably the worst thing, though, because it would have been a great rivalry.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah. It would have been a fun rivalry. Just like your Tudor and Jason Hopper sort of thing. It would have been the Ricky and Matt show. I don't know. Baden gives credit to Mayhem. When they ask him, hey, how did you do it? it what did you do and he just says mayhem programming thoughts on that uh you brought that up already and i just basically said he was trying to throw out an advertisement for the mayhem program i mean
Starting point is 00:27:22 it just seems so it seems so natural just the way it comes off his tongue it's not like you know uh i don't think i don't think rich and the gang are like now listen if you make the podium make sure you give us credit and i know i was saying but royce is also on mayhem right right so why didn't royce make it mayhem because he didn't follow it close enough i will say this i think matt mcleod's pro or I think Baden-Brown's probably in a place where he's feeling a lot of gratitude right now. So I'm sure it's easy for him to throw credit to the others. But to put it short, to qualify in any of these regions, you've got to work really fucking hard. And the programming plays a part, but it's more about how hard you work.
Starting point is 00:28:02 And when I hear someone like him who has a fourth kid on the way and his three kids are in the stand i don't want to hear anyone talk about any dumb shit like privilege or advantage or or someone didn't do the hard work there's there's if you have fucking three kids and they're with you at the at the event and you still qualify especially if you don't have kids keep your mouth shut like that that is absolutely batshit crazy nuts to be spread with three kids baby and his wife's pregnant with his fourth and just the emotional and intellectual spread that the the most negative way to say it is drain on a human being um and still do well and he he's a pretty cool cat. I did like the people making fun of him in the comments about his voice.
Starting point is 00:28:48 They said when they heard Jay Crouch and Baden talk, someone said, what do they do? Give these guys a hit of helium before they do their interview. Alpha men with beta voices. It's brutal in the comments. It's brutal. They're doing everything they can to make this sport more interesting.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I think they've hit a helium. Now we'll get the freaking post-game interview. What's the deal with Royce Dunn? Is he just too big? Why can't he get it done? He's in fourth. He qualified last year. This is interesting, too, on that final, if you guys watched that last heat.
Starting point is 00:29:23 So one thing I will say about the way that was programmed, it was pretty cool. Sorry, JR, hold that thought. JR is referencing the, are you talking about event six? Yeah, the one he got 14th on. Okay. 100 ups. It's a row double under deadlift. You would think that Royce would kill it.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Sorry. Go ahead, JR. Yeah. So, you know, the way it's programmed out is actually pretty cool because although most of the workout is spent on the rower, the separation there is just seconds, right? Like probably three to 10 seconds across.
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Starting point is 00:30:42 No matter if you fall off a cliff, she's there to catch you, you know. Be love. Shop now at If you trip up on the double-unders or if your cycle rate isn't as fast, you're going to get to the barbell two to five
Starting point is 00:30:59 seconds, right? Slower than the field. And then if you're not able to cycle the 405 fluidly and, or you have to break them, you're going to, yeah. Or you chalk, you're going to lose by four to five seconds on that movement. So movement to movement, the separation was almost identical, which I thought was really cool. And I think Royce tripped up once or twice on the double unders. three times. I think I saw him three times Jr. So that, that, that was huge. And you see the separation there. I mean,
Starting point is 00:31:30 14th, it's like, it's, it's crazy. I will say the one thing I wanted to note about this is with that event and strong man, Diane being so fast. The other thing I don't like about CrossFit interjecting their two workouts without it being standardized across all six is that now four out of the six events at the semifinal are under six minutes for most people, which is just a shame. I mean, gosh, you got to feel a little robbed if you are pretty fit across the board. I mean, I think they got the right guys for sure.
Starting point is 00:32:05 But, man, four out of six events being under six minutes. Four out of six. Oh, you're talking about the lift as well, right? Yeah, the lift. The lift counts, okay. I think it counts. And if it doesn't, then half the workouts. More than half.
Starting point is 00:32:19 You have three. That's kind of like Granite Games last year where they said the whole competition, if you hit the time caps, you worked out for 42 minutes. I think that sounds about right. Last year's Granite Games, that was an issue. There was nothing long and everything was – that was one of the worst program events, if I recall, last year, Granite Games. I have a question for you guys. To do the quick math, when you're doing double unders against a group of six other elite guys and you get a slip up, how many seconds does that cost you? Three to four.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Okay. But also more because you lose reps too, right? Three to four on the loss of the time, but then also they go ahead while you're putzing around, no? Probably two or three seconds. You don't think it's more than that no no no it's like i'm not talking about the seconds you lose necessary there's two things happening they're pulling ahead while you're losing time right all i think about it is is if you do 100 unbroken it's like 54 seconds and then if you do 100 with a mess up it's like 57 seconds so if anything you would have finished at 54 and you're
Starting point is 00:33:26 finishing at 57 so you lose three okay i know what you're saying though it's not like all of a sudden though they're going 52 seconds because you messed up yeah right well i i the question here and that is a load of questions did did royce uh lose the event because of double unders i think that's for sure can be said but i was trying to figure out did he not make it to the CrossFit games because of double unders? He's out by 60 points. Yeah. He's out by 60 points. And I also think there might've been something a little more than just the
Starting point is 00:33:56 dubs. He tripped three times and it looks like, you know, second place on that event was 26 seconds faster. So I don't, and that's hard, you know, know partially the row i'm sure maybe cycle speed on the deadlift taking a big breath there but i think yeah probably the trips across the games athletes can't mess up double unders right that's just it's just he could have won that event and still not qualified yeah not not in that workout you can't mess up double unders on a workout that's under six minutes for sure no um the women started this event was sitting on the rower with their hands
Starting point is 00:34:31 behind their back i had never seen that before i don't know if that's a standard in the events um this will be car's 10th crossfit games uh i thought this was going to be a fucked workout for maddie sturt she's little The rower doesn't suit her. The deadlifts don't suit her, and she still killed it. And as JR was pointing out, this may have been just won or lost on the double unders for the elite. The only real hug I've seen amongst the women during the entire semifinals, they do that fake-ass, dumb-ass hug. I don't even know why they do it where you just do the pat. finals they do that fake ass dumb ass hug i don't even know why they do it where you just do the uh it's funny that the the men um hug more uh with more emotion and more body contact but i did
Starting point is 00:35:10 see cara grab tia after event six and like force her into like a significant hug and i and i and i really like that andrew did you see did you see what happened when they put their ropes down at the exact same time cara Cara and Tia? On the double under workout? Are you talking about how Tia went immediately to the bar? Like a bat out of hell? And Cara just chalked. That's all she did.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Yes, I saw her pick up the chalk and I screamed. Wow. You don't need that. Stop. Great observation. You don't need the chalk. Not for 10 deadlifts. And is this a good part for me to talk about how tia toomey's ruining crossfit competitions yeah but i but i disagree so yeah good you have uh two minutes do it i got
Starting point is 00:35:52 two minutes all right so i was watching event five last night at about 10 30 11 o'clock at night and every other female is relatively similar it's like a horse race and you're watching it these are the most elite females on the planet for the most part and we're saying how they should have more spots over in australia and then you're watching tia to me go unbroken on the handstand push-ups with the exception of like i think she had to break up at 12 for the set of 15 this is something a movement where in the past even the males have had a slight upper hand on that being the strict handstand push-up and from what i know and what i saw i don't think any of the males even did the 21 unbroken. And then you've got Tia Toomey, who's doing the 21 unbroken.
Starting point is 00:36:31 She breaks up the 15 one time and she obliterates everyone by minutes. And I'm watching this and I'm like, why is there even going to be a CrossFit Games this year? Why don't they just go ahead and say, OK, Tia Toomey, you took your two to three months off in the middle of the year and you're going to come on in and blow everyone out of the water at each stage of competition, and she's going to have the CrossFit Games locked up halfway through Saturday this year. And in my opinion, that almost completely ruins the sport. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Like, good for her.
Starting point is 00:36:59 She's better than everyone else by so much. And then actually what I did is I went back to the 2015 games. I was watching the stadium event where they're going up and down. They're moving the sandbags. And Tia Toomey was in like the third heat. And I'm like, oh, okay, this is so different to watch. It's like she's come such a long way. Just a handful of thoughts I had all as I was watching event five play out yesterday
Starting point is 00:37:20 where she beats everyone by two minutes. I'm like, oh, there goes the CrossFit Games. What do you guys think? Are you guys on board with that? I you guys think are you guys on board with that i disagree but are you guys on board i don't think it ruins the games but i do think it's not as fun to watch i do want to make a cut let jr what do you think no that's fine man yeah i i kind of feel both ways like i'm not really someone that enjoys watching greatness and domination. I do. Thank you. I do kind of like the race,
Starting point is 00:37:48 but you can really, but you can really appreciate greatness when you see it and you don't see it. You don't see it. Jordan was great. Correct. He wanted six championships, but it was never like he scored a hundred points in a game and the bulls won 150 to 75.
Starting point is 00:38:06 And like when Froning was winning 2014 there was still like a possibility that he wasn't going to pull it off yeah and when i'm watching tia do this she finished that workout 345 in second place is almost two minutes behind her on a fucking four minute workout people were talking about friendly friend frazier did it in like 305 that year and i think noel also was that closest he was 30 or 40 seconds behind and everyone's like he beat him by a quarter of the workout and that was the first piece where you're like okay like why are they even going to have a game this year and then you're seeing this and it's just absurd or i want to make savannah i want to make a comment because you're incorrect saying maddie sturt was not a good deadlifter because i wanted to remember her last chance to qualify her deadlift and she actually
Starting point is 00:38:47 took second in the last chance in her deadlift with a three rep max of 386 pounds and they mentioned in the comments she's a fucking savage deadlifter okay well let me put it this way she's not built to deadlift no you wouldn't think't think it. She earned all of that. She's fucking strong. She earned all of it. And Tia earned all of it. So here's the two things I want to say about Tia. One, she's just hot as fuck and her body's fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Like if she was a zoo animal, like your kids would go to that zoo animal. Like she's the fucking big giraffe that you go see. But also that being said, in five, there's legend and folklore, and there's longevity to what she's doing. The same way we talk about Rich and the same way we talk about Matt, it may bum you out in the moment, but there's a Rich history, a story there. And as she leaves the sport, she's just going to become bigger than life, like Matt and Rich.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And I think it's cool. I do also like watching her just destroy the pack. And she humbles Cara. She finishes the event and she's not even tired. She's like, cool. She humbles everyone around her because they're not even like – you can't blame the judge. I mean look how good Cara's finishes are. Second, fifth, second, third, second, second.
Starting point is 00:40:00 I mean she's dominating. Oh, wow. Yeah, she took seconds across the board. That is domination. She's dominating and yet she's in second it's unbelievable someone in comments goes what can they do to make it fun to watch and there's nothing you can do like there's no men's field put put to you in the men's field that would be awesome uh mike halpin sent me something saying that she would have been in ninth in the men's field after four events and that's crazy i'm not sure how he tied together the weights but i think that she
Starting point is 00:40:32 he actually threw her barbell weight into the mix on that one uh we don't have a lot of in six minutes uh the the youtube machine is going to fire up they're going to start showing live again events i want to make sure we talk about Sarah for a second. At the Lowlands, she just finished workout five and she took first place. Any thoughts on that? We'll start with JR. I mean, I thought it was a great performance. She obviously knows she has to do it, but mathematically, and I know we don't have Brian on here,
Starting point is 00:41:01 but mathematically where those other females are and how good they are, I just still don't know if it's going to be enough even to win the last one. She's 20 points out. Yeah, with the women above her, that's hard to do. I will also say she didn't actually finish the last workout and no one came close. And when you say that, what are the implications of that?
Starting point is 00:41:23 Do you think that that's wrong, that they programmed it wrong? Well, I think they did say they thought that the best would finish, and the best were about 25 to 30 reps away, I think. That's not close. That was the worst event ever. I love the workout itself. I love hinging workouts, and I knew Sarah was going to destroy it because she's so good at hinging.
Starting point is 00:41:42 It was good to see her smile after the workout. What does that mean, hinging? Like pulling from the floor like dead lifting bending over press yeah bending over the devil's press sandbag cleans and she's i don't think that's i don't think that's appropriate to say that about her by the way on this show on a wholesome show like this that she's really bending over yeah this yeah that's not well you took it in a different direction so uh they call it a devil's press but it's really well you took it in a different direction so long uh they call it a devil's press but it's really a fucking burpee with a curl a burpee it's a bicep curl it's a way to burp it's a bicep curl workout is what i saw but but you can't say curl in the crossfit what is it a bicep curl workout no no it's a hinging workout all right fine you see what
Starting point is 00:42:23 isn't that funny you see what you want to see i see what i want to say you want to see the biceps growing uh what is the next workout there uh workout six wait a minute should we talk about the sandbag things or no sure go ahead they were not at all held similarly across the field i put up a video really quick before the show i've been doing that to see if anyone talks about it and it was the the sandbag would be getting out in front of them and it's sandbag clean to the shoulder and i talked about how that would be an issue like that should be bringing them up and over the shoulder if anything and it seems like maybe a fifth of the field was getting away with having it out in front of them and then the other four fifths of the field no sarah was
Starting point is 00:43:05 not the elite like the final heat was doing a pretty good job of stacking it on their shoulders and showing control but it was the earlier heats where madness was getting away and someone's like they were putting on the wrong shoulder it wasn't the wrong shoulder like go watch the freaking event it goes right left right left right left the judge if anything said you were on the wrong shoulder and then that was also a fuck up because she was on the right shoulder at that point in time wait you had to do a specific shoulder you had to alternate shoulders oh wow that's that's hey isn't that just called that's not even a sandbag clean isn't that just called um isn't that a strongman thing uh it's just called shouldering you would know i guess i don't know about calling it shouldering i mean that's what they call it
Starting point is 00:43:45 go ahead taylor i and this is just personal preference i think when i call it a clean i mean to the shoulder and when i want to call it over the shoulder i say sandbag over shoulder right okay i it was a heavy bag 100 pounds for those women that's bold and they were they were tearing it up that's not unheard of at this point. The 100-pound bag is about right. If keeping it at 150, it's syndicate. So we'll see how they handle the 150. Wait, say that again? They're cleaning it, you're right, for four reps.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah, and they have to stop at the shoulder as well. They're not allowed to do that. Very hard. I think the reason they're doing that is last year at Granite Games, they told – I was in the briefing and this was – You can do either or. They told us, yeah, they're briefing the sandbag clean, and they're like, if you want to go over the shoulder, fine.
Starting point is 00:44:29 If you want to go to the shoulder, fine. And I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? I'm going to the shoulder because that's way faster, and half the idiots in the field are throwing it over. Yeah. Same with the – Where are they using 150 pounds, the women? Syndicate for the final, for King Kong 2.0.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Oh, and that's the event that we're going to see start here. No, that's the final at Syndicate. That's the final. Oh, okay, okay. That's not until today at 10.50. Okay, okay, yeah, that's going to be great to watch. Yeah, it'll be a fun workout for sure. So, Evan, do you want to pull up the sandbag clean workout on Instagram or no?
Starting point is 00:45:12 No, we can't. Whose account is it on i put it up yeah that's fine a lot of zombies asking i don't mind showing it i will say the only thing i don't like about over the shoulder is a lot of people get away with dipping under the bag and it's a lot it's a lot easier to see. I mean, you got pros and cons to both. In the first clip you're gonna see in this video that Sevan eventually pulls up is the judge calling her possibly on the wrong shoulder or possibly saying that she wasn't under control, but it would have been the correct shoulder. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:45:41 the correct shoulder. Here we go. ...away, onto the sandbag and so is Aikid Gull, but off the air. Hey! I can't stop! Bill reps here at the end. Stop! Help! All the Europeans love seeing her
Starting point is 00:45:57 coming. And your family screaming, oh my god, we're burning alive! Prepares to run back to the ring. Now 60 seconds. Oh, wow. That girl with the red hair on the end, she didn't even get close. Hey, what was... What do you have to do? They should have it so you have to touch
Starting point is 00:46:13 your ear or something. What was the... How did you know if you were high enough? What was the demarcation at the line you had to cross? Oh my god. Oh, five reps remaining. The highest. 30 seconds remaining. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:46:28 On the left side of your screen. Oh, shit. Wow. JR's got a standard. Whoa, that wasn't even close. You want to save a couple extra pennies to me. Oh, that's about it. So what is the fix, JR?
Starting point is 00:46:46 Well, this is something I was going to ask Taylor about. The last time we did a sandbag clean workout, he's doing it right now. We experimented with a hand release standard. So you clean it, and once you get it to the shoulder, you release. And then the judge says, drop the hand. So it shows that if you get it to your chest and you release a hand, it's just going to fall on the ground. So you know that you don't have control yet. Does that take away the cycling rate, though?
Starting point is 00:47:11 Like for people who, like, I saw a few times some of the ladies were touching going. It still allows you to touch the road. You can still. A lot of Palooza this year, they had a workout with the teams of three, and everyone was doing that. Like they were showing extension exactly how J.R. was talking talking and then you basically wrap it up on the way down and it actually yeah it makes everything look a little bit more clean clear yeah and it takes away from the people who have the bag out here and they're still giving them reps yeah you release here the bag drops you can see what i'm talking about though right like how in the fuck are those good to go yeah
Starting point is 00:47:43 there were some there were some really bad it just touches the front of your shoulder and that's good it's like it's still like sitting on your nipple it's like that it's nowhere near your shoulder i know it's not like that i love that standard i think nipple talk is always welcome yeah sandbag to nipple um uh yesterday i don't remember who was someone joke about, uh, that guy's so poor or something. We were making fun of one of the athletes like we do that he had to ride his bike to the venue, but oldest actually did ride his bike to the venue. I heard on day one. And one, that's bad-ass.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Yeah. And one, the workout. Savage. Yeah. Uh, very, uh, very cool. Uh, another thing that I heard today that I had no idea about was that, uh, I think Savage. Yeah. Very, very cool. Another thing that I heard today that I had no idea about was that, and I think Chase was saying this, Christy Aramo, she has been around the games forever.
Starting point is 00:48:35 She owns an affiliate, and her mom is a CrossFit Games champion. Is that true? Yeah, and works at her affiliate with her. Yeah, it's nuts. She's still within shouting distance of qualifying. What's she looking like? I think she's out 22, 23 points. I'm so shocked to see this Gabby McLellan in first place there.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Who is that? The world's strongest female CrossFitter, the deadlift of 475. Really? Oh, wow. Oh, yeah, you weren't here for that. Yeah, she's had a 475 deadlift. That's crazy. I don't ever want to meet her.
Starting point is 00:49:13 What's your deadlift, Taylor? The race there... Is it over 500? It's 500. So 25 pounds more. That's crazy. Hey, in a way, no one is safe what do you mean i mean there's a chance that even the top even the top gabby could get knocked out it's between uh between six well it's only 30 points chrissy's gonna do well in the final
Starting point is 00:49:40 i believe yeah it's the it's the one that you said had to be athletic king kong 2.0 the only thing hold up with them be that sandbag which we also know someone like gabby will probably not have an issue with i think kaylee adams probably wins this next event and i think she'll also do really well in the final they do so much sandbag work at mayhem i can't imagine her doing bad with the 150 especially since rich programmed that uh that sprint uh in uh sprint elimination workout for rogue with that he also programmed um uh the syndicate did you know that yeah right yeah yeah we knew that for himself that is not true people i made that up they're standing room only at the lowlands in amsterdam standing room only uh when they when they do the interviews
Starting point is 00:50:27 at the lowlands uh they everyone speaks in english that's why you should use fucking pounds and bend the knee europe bend the fucking knee yeah i know i know yours is better i agree i know everyone uses it except us i agree i also know that we're fucking asshole americans and that you should bend the knee or or or stop using our language i have one thing go back to your own tongue go ahead sorry taylor go ahead i i don't know if this plays a part but i thought about it you know we were talking about the attendance rates at lowlands and torian versus syndicate and potentially the mac and i wonder i wonder if the women's field for whatever reason just pulls in way more of a crowd because you look at the syndicate women's field and really um hayley adams and christy aramo are like the big
Starting point is 00:51:21 perennial names and then you look at lowlands and torian and it's fucking stacked i think the same thing can be said for mac you know you look at the mac and it's like who are the big perennial names you have uh well daniel brandon and brooke wells and that's it well it's funny you mentioned that i tried to talk about this young lady yesterday and i couldn't find a good video of her and someone was kind enough to send this to me. The question the thumb is asking, maybe it's the women who are the bigger pool. This woman's physique, this is Georgia Pryor. She had 175 pounds in the complex.
Starting point is 00:51:58 She's a fucking superhero. If you are – this is like uh her body's like a drawing she's it reminds me of amanda barnhart has very yeah looks like her yeah she looks like she's carved in a greek statue yeah it's it's a it's an action figure it's like an expensive it looks like a combination of barnhart and bailey rail somewhere like right in between the two yeah his bailey rail is a little thinner i can see that i don't know she's an insane mover too she's an insane mover really well i i think that's i don't know if so you're saying this is why the attendance is higher torian seven i mean let me tell you something when when roy when when royce dunn comes out and the men come out i just i'm just tripping on how his arms are resting
Starting point is 00:52:44 on his lats but yet you kind of can't see his lats but you know they're back there i can't stop staring at him and his abs i'm not i'm not looking at mcleod with his shirt on i mean i mean that's not hating on mcleod but you know what i mean it's like your eyes are gonna go you you want to see the the the ferrari go around the track or or or as in Royce Dunn's the big fucking optimist prime truck. You want to see it go so fast that maybe it breaks. And so, and so,
Starting point is 00:53:10 and, and there's some women in that final heat that like, you just can't take your eyes off of them. It's nuts. I think what I mean more so, and I, and you could call me out and say, this is wrong,
Starting point is 00:53:20 but you look at the names at touring and at lowlands and they have so much history at the names at torian and at lowlands and they have so much history at the games and i feel like the fandom of the crossfit games from 14 to 2017 is so much bigger than it is from 18 to 21 and i don't know if that's crossfit's fault for crossfit's fault for pulling away from the games and not advertising as much but you look at riches fan you mean advertising at all advertising at all but you're like a richest fan base and Tia's fan base and Harris fan base. It's fucking enormous. And then you look at someone like Justin Medeiros where he just won the games,
Starting point is 00:53:52 but he's got probably nowhere near the traction or following that some of these women who have never won it have from the past, you know? So I just, I wonder if that has something to do with it. The perennial athletes being there so you weren't talking about superficial shit like me okay yeah that's fine um what do you uh so so if if the handstand push-ups are kipping laura's in the game and if you put something heavy in there like the sandbag uh she's gonna catch up she was in seven go ahead are you are you talking about laura horvat sorry that's okay that's not the final at lowlands the
Starting point is 00:54:31 low the the final at lowlands is 40 or 32 cows on the echo bike 20 bar muscle ups right i'm sorry i was referring event five and they were camping i was already done that event that was that was a regular kid right am i not allowed to talk about it no what do you mean you said if those if those oh are you saying if those handstand push-ups are strict deficit she's out no no i'm just going through my notes i'm just shifting subjects so so they just completed event five seven which was the handstand push-up event and she took fourth on that event. That was one of all the devil's press. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:08 So that – sorry, I'm just referencing event number five at the Lowlands. Laura Horvat did great with the handstand pushups. There's always this shit talking about her handstand pushups, but we saw that it wasn't her weakness. Because they were kidding. Because – well, as of now, that's what we would say. We still haven't seen her do them strict maybe she's fixed them um but also if you she's so smart that she knew that the 100 pound sandbag was coming and in when she did that i think she went from seventh place to second place
Starting point is 00:55:35 i mean she eventually dropped back to fourth but i mean i'm just pointing out that she's an incredible competitor yeah i think she made a comment that she destroyed that like after she advanced the sandbag and maybe the first time that she like flew through the back half of the sandbag cleans yeah and unfortunately we didn't get to see that they didn't show us that yeah i think that's when they were showing us sarah's family or her her her her her uh the crowd i think they were showing the crowd after she advanced back to the wall. Yeah. There were a couple of things like that. Um, yesterday, one of the workouts, they didn't show the two lead or maybe it was this morning. They didn't show BKG or whoever was right next to him, who was in first and second, um, until they were eight minutes into
Starting point is 00:56:18 the workout. It's like, come on, man. Those are the stars. Uh, any, anything else we want to we want to hit up here we're uh over by no we're not over oh yeah we're by six no we're over by nine we were supposed to get up at 6 45 taylor taylor any any chance that um any of the women above sarah struggle on that set of 10 overhead squats at 155 on the final? Let me look at the overall leaderboard. Matilda Garns, Gabby Magala. I don't think Laura struggles at all. I don't think Gabby Magala struggles at all.
Starting point is 00:56:54 It looks like these women are strongest. I don't know. Matilda Garns might struggle with the overhead squat. But she's got a 50-point lead. Yeah, I think if anyone struggles, oh, man, she's in sixth. I think that potentially Lucy Campbell could struggle with the overhead squat, and I don't think Sarah will. I know they have the same weight on the lift.
Starting point is 00:57:19 If Lucy Campbell's weight on the lift is simply due to a strength deficit, then Sarah does a lot better on the overhead squat. I know for me personally, the clean and jerk is a lot stranger on a reconstructed knee than an overhead squat is. That's what I was going to ask you. How can you say that? Because we saw her having trouble squatting with… The overhead squat, for whatever reason, is my best squat.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Well, I'm also kind of saying that because of the residual. Jeez, Cora. Chill. I'm sorry. That's my dog. Scared the shit out of me. Get out. Get out.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Because of the residual shoulder fatigue from all these devil presses and handstand push-ups could make the overhead squat a little bit squirrely for some people. What is the um what is the the workout the workout is 32 uh calories on the echo bike 40 for the guys 16 bar muscle ups 20 for the guys and then 10 overhead squats i think it's like 200 pounds and 155 so it's just but i think the echo bike has also something to really focus on in this workout, and I think Sarah is going to be towards the top.
Starting point is 00:58:30 She's got an outside chance. If I were a betting man, I'd say 22% chance she makes it into the next spot. I agree. 20 points is a lot. 20 points is a lot to make up in one workout. But I will say this. If Sarah gets the last chance, she's making it to the games because there's lots of proof historically of how well she can do in an online format um you know top five open
Starting point is 00:58:53 finishes she's won the open so if she makes it to the last chance i think it's a pretty strong likelihood that she's going to the games and we get to see her uh test herself vengeance yeah isn't that a Batman word? It is now, but before it was a Batman word, it was a Bruce Willis diehard word. Yeah, I love that movie. That's a good movie. Big Bruce Willis fan.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Don't freak. I was watching The Fifth Element yesterday. Such a good movie. Sorry, you can go talk about that on Talking League Fitness. Hey, The Fifth Element is not a Marvel movie, all right? So, guys, what we're missing right now is Lowland Throwdown Individual Event 6. But don't worry. It's just the early heats, the sloppy athletes going. So you don't need to watch that quite yet.
Starting point is 00:59:36 You can stay with us. But then at 8.35 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, the syndicate will go live on YouTube, 8.35 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. And that's individual event five. That will then be over at 10.35 and individual event six will start at 10.50 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Don't forget to watch
Starting point is 00:59:57 those races, the men's races, that final heat with Hopper and Tudor. That is going to be some drama yeah i remember gregor style with the drama right if only either of them would talk some shit mid-workout that's what i always want to see in the advancements of the shit talking the sport is like mid-event shit talking because that's what you get in every other sport so who knows maybe we'll see it maybe we won't i tell you what if there's one thing that
Starting point is 01:00:27 i want to kind of start is i want to start this shit talking and i mean froning's been the only one to really do it right where he kind of pokes at people oh well back uh back in the warm-up area in the corral man they would all talk shit josh bridges would be talking so yeah but then it's what you said you see the females out on the floor and they're all giving these little half-ass hugs and then i hate those hugs yeah and you know that those aren't genuine yeah stop fucking hugging each other yeah knock it off yeah keep your keep your five feet distance One of my friends DM me today, a female, and she said, I can give or take the all the guys, but keep the hot guy who doesn't talk. I'm pretty sure that's you, JR. They are.
Starting point is 01:01:19 All right. As he doesn't talk, he just fits the role. Anything else you guys want to say before we hit the road here? I got nothing. I'm just waiting to see that final. I want to see the 22% chance that Sarah makes it into the games. I covered the thing that I thought was the biggest thing, which is it wasn't fun to watch Torian because Tia ruined it.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Not true. Which isn't true on your end, but it's true on my end. That's all I got. I also think it would be cool if all the qualifiers for syndicate stay for the males are all under the age of 24.
Starting point is 01:02:00 That's a pretty cool story. That is cool. Yeah, Tudor's 19. James just cool. Yeah, Tudor's 19. James just turned 20 yesterday, I believe. I mean, they're all really young. Yeah, Tudor qualifying is, I mean, outside of early days of the games when we had Ben Smith, who's really young.
Starting point is 01:02:16 He's, in recent memory, seems to be the youngest, I would imagine, from 2018 on, at least. I could be wrong. And Hopper looks like he's 14. I don't know how old he is. Acts like it, too. I would imagine from 2018 on, at least I could be wrong. And Hopper looks like he's 14. I don't know how old, how old. Acts like it too. I think, I think Jason's 24 and like Justin's 23 maybe. Yeah. Hey, they're getting the, the CrossFitters are becoming better athletes, huh?
Starting point is 01:02:38 They're not just good CrossFitters now. Now, now you have to be a good athlete also. Why are you saying that? Well, just because what we're talking about, about Tudor and Hopper. One time I saw, I know we were getting off. One time I saw in the HQ in the basement there, I saw Tia working out with Brooke Entz. And I would see Brooke Entz work out all the time, and she was amazing. I mean, mind-blowing amazing.
Starting point is 01:03:01 But then when she worked out next to tia tia moved like water compared to brookhans move like a robot all of a sudden and i never had never noticed that before but t is an athlete fluidity of movement efficiency of movement those are those are probably one of the most important things to make someone successful as a games competitor i think the so i think efficiency of movement fluidity of movement and then your ability to hurt and that kind of killer instinct are the two things that probably matt and tia and rich and people like that have way above everyone else in that devil's press you if you watch laura horvath she drops the dumbbells from up above drops them that's how you get Sarah does Sarah does not do that it's a totally different technique
Starting point is 01:03:43 with a totally different expenditure of energy, right? Yeah, very different. How do you define athlete? I think you can bring Jason Hopper to my house, and he'll fucking beat you at badminton, basketball, and then any four sports he's never played before. No, he won't. No, he won't. No, he won't. I mean, Hopper's like – I think of like Elijah Muhammad and Jason Hopper.
Starting point is 01:04:07 They're like, I think of them as like Qbert. I know that's like a reference to a 1980s video game, but they're just human Springs. They just, they just move nicely. It's kind of something that you can't teach to an extent, right? Like maybe you can get a little bit better at it, but you always know those people who are born more athletic than other people.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Or if you have athletic parents, it's just, it's, I think it can it can be taught but it's motor recruitment patterns i think that's what i would agree with savan but i think you look at someone like rich is a good example is you can put them in any sport and their adaptability and learnability and just they're they can just jump into anything and look like they've been doing it for years to me which is why the softball toss was such a good test at the games when they had it. God, it was brutal. There were guys like pushing it. Fuck. With the exception of the fact that you had someone like Rich
Starting point is 01:04:51 who played baseball his whole life, so he had a huge upper hand. Spencer. Spencer Handel. Somebody in my comments the other day on a YouTube video was talking about this, which is why I wanted to bring it up, that being the athletics of everything. And he brought up in most other sports you've got an opposing force on you whether it be football basketball tennis you're playing against somebody you've got to react to certain things that's a big thing that's missing in crossfit here and everywhere so somebody brought up like what do you what do
Starting point is 01:05:20 you think athleticism is so i thought that that'd be a good piggyback in that that comment that i read because i think there's some truth in that like there is no such thing in crossfit to the most part where they have to go against an opposing force and there was tom brady's trainer who once said that the biggest difference between someone like frazier and somebody like tom brady is that frazier really shouldn't be getting hurt for the for the most part because there's nothing that's going to happen that he isn't expecting he's doing clean and jerks with 315 tom brady's going to get tackled by an offensive lineman and there's so many there's like a billion different outcomes but when you're doing the clean and jerk the only outcomes are the ones that like you should foresee it's that's the
Starting point is 01:05:57 difference between somebody like us and more athletic people to some people i think i think there's an argument to be made there but i also think that tom brady is and matt fraser's what's that guy's christian guerrero or guerrero i don't know his his trainer tb and tom brady has asperger's and uh matt doesn't well you look here you know i don't i just think tom brady's so weird he's when anytime i see him on a show or something he's weird when you I forgot that you weren't weird. No, I'm definitely weird. That's why I can say someone has Asperger's.
Starting point is 01:06:29 The other thing about this is – I have butt burgers. Go ahead. Sorry, Taylor. I was just going to say butt burgers. And they're not good. They don't taste good. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:06:40 So the thing about being tackled and the opposing force in other sports is human beings have been – I mean, gosh, it's part of being a human being. And like wrestling, it's been a part of human athletics forever. The thing about weightlifting and CrossFit is it's really hard to make an argument that the human body is meant to have 400 to 500 pounds of an external load on your body. So should you be getting hurt in CrossFit because you can expect it maybe not but you're dealing with loads that are way more strenuous on the body than simply being tackled by somebody and i've played all the contact sports it's more there's there's more of an unpredictability element um and injury rates in crossfit are much lower if you look at the data and the. And injury rates in CrossFit are much lower.
Starting point is 01:07:28 If you look at the data and the research, the injury rates are a lot lower. But there's still a degree when you're running your body to the max, it's a race car. When you're racing at 100 miles an hour, you're going to crack it up. There's also – what's the line Glassman always used? Pushing yourself to the margins of your failure. Exactly. And then look at soccer, man. I mean, that's got to be one of one of the most i mean you see a woman's soccer team and everyone's got the scar on their knee a division one woman's soccer team 100 my cousin had four acl freaking surgeries
Starting point is 01:07:55 as a soccer player kara's daughter kara saunders daughter won't have those because she walks around barefoot and her ankle mobility will never be taken away from her unless somebody dives into her knee head first that too that's the unbreakability aspect of it but athlete athlete uh we will be back at 12 40 p.m that is five hours and 34 minutes uh from now hopefully it'll be the same cast of characters and we can lure some of the athletes to come on. Thanks everyone. I don't know what Colton Mertens was agreeing about but I'm going to say it was something I said.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Something I said for sure.

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