The Sevan Podcast - #414 - Ra of Earth pt. 2

Episode Date: May 23, 2022

Ra of Earth is a former CrossFit athlete turned "Human Teacher and Student". Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: -... THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- #TheSevanPodcast #CrossFitGames #CrossFit Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Attention all soccer fans. From Orlando to Los Angeles, take to the fields of the USA for your next vacation. Ready to kick off? Discover exciting games and events. Plus, find amazing hidden gems in cities full of adventures, delicious food, and diverse cultures. You'll love it so much,
Starting point is 00:00:18 you'll want to extend your stay beyond the matches. Get the ball rolling on your soccer getaway. Head to Looking for a change of scenery? Come on over. Let us give you the tour. Grab a paddle and explore. Hit the trails and go. When you're ready, kick back and call it a night.
Starting point is 00:00:51 New Brunswick. Always inviting. Visit Bam, we're live. bam we're live kevin smith amanda alan bruce what if i had reels what if i had someone who would do reels for me or if you did reels for me and the podcast doubled inside every year for five years and in five years you had the dream job i think it would be i actually think it's the dream job now how do i not have reels every single
Starting point is 00:01:34 day i just want little tiny reels made like i say one thing that's got to be the funniest thing ever said on the planet every show and you take that you turn into a reel and then take one thing that makes me sound smarter than god and jordan peterson if they had a kid and then make those reels for me. Or how about this? How about you just tell me when I do it and put it in the comments down below. I never ask you to hit the like button. I never ask you to subscribe, but what if you just marked in what, Oh God, I want to say I came up with it myself. So let's just pretend I did. What if in the comment, everyone put when something really smart was said by me or my guest or something really funny. And then that way you've done have to work for me. Soundcheck outsourcing. Roy, you're not on today's show. You're on
Starting point is 00:02:16 tomorrow's show. What are you doing here? No. What are you doing? You were on yesterday's show. What are you doing here? Yeah. Well, I'm here now. There's only three or four shows. I think it's three, but let's say four that I've, that I didn't prepare for at all. And last night I started preparing for the show. I'm like, no, I'm not going to prepare for this show at all. Usually I do hours of preparation. I was thinking this morning, what are we going to talk about well savann's gonna have something well it's it's a huge compliment i think i think it's i think it's i would have never done it i have it scares the shit out of me to do it but but i think it's a a huge um i i have i have faith in us there was this um i don't know
Starting point is 00:03:06 if this is true it's how i remember it in the bible there's this um point where uh homeboy our homeboy jesus is uh gonna get killed yeah jay dog thank you he's gonna get killed and he tells the apostles hey after they after they kill me they're's going to be like, dude, there's nothing like that in the Bible. But quiet, quiet, listen. He's going to get killed, and he tells all his homies, the apostles, he says, hey, listen, after they kill me, they're going to come for you. And they're going to make you speak. Whatever you do, don't prepare your defense. Just open your mouth and let God speak through you.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And I remember reading that. I was like, oh, yeah oh yeah shit that's dope yeah can you imagine if every single person did that there'd be no agenda everybody would be present you know that whole jesus thing i was one of my friends on instagram i mean just same jay dog joshua yeah uh he was apparently at the place where he was baptized uh yesterday he was posting about it but the the crucifixion and the baptism and somewhere else some somebody i know was like a bible freak and he was telling me that those were initiation processes and that the death experience is similar to what people are doing now with ayahuasca and DMT, right? So they're going through initiate. He was going through initiation practices, crossing over to the other side. So baptism, he really drowned.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Baptism used to be, you would actually get drowned in the river and then brought back to life and then that was an initiation process you would learn from that experience and that was all original waterboarding yeah and that was all in preparation for the crucifixion which was also another death but that was a real physical death and and i apparently he was charging his car body with sex magic the sex magic of isis with mary magdalene and he returned everybody thought in the flesh but it was it was more of a etheric return to the world. Those of us who have experienced something that we can't explain that's like death, that makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 00:05:36 100% perfect sense. Ayahuasca, do you think those people – I was thinking about that actually this morning in the shower. Those people are – cheating is harsh. Cheating is harsh. But what have you really done to make the journey on your own? Have you run 100 miles? Have you fasted for 10 days? Have you tried to stay perfectly still?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Have you surrendered to everything? Have you ever been homeless? You're telling me you're going to go do drugs to find God and you've never just walked out your front door and started heading towards Florida from California? Something that I was just thinking that like, hey, man, there's other ways to like that should be the tree. It's like it almost seems I don't know. I mean, I fucked around with some psychedelics in college. They were awesome for me. But what about just fucking imposing your will on yourself like
Starting point is 00:06:25 no mother man on planet earth has ever done yeah i've i've i've studied and researched which isn't the same thing as experiences experiencing but i've i i'm you've never done any of that stuff no good mushrooms a few times that's but while playing hockey or lsd a few times as well while playing hockey or doing something like going out into nature and yeah okay yeah more ceremonial the ayahuasca 5meo dmt dmt all of san pedro those i'm open to, but it's not anything I'm searching for. I've been pretty open to the experience for over 10 years. It just hasn't ever felt like it came to me, right? So like you're saying, cheating is a harsh word. I don't know what the right word is, but it's a step almost that is too easy to take.
Starting point is 00:07:28 And everything that I've looked at from people channeling messages from other dimensions or extraterrestrials, nowhere do these interdimensional or higher dimensional beings say, or nowhere do they recommend these sort of things? There is a book called The Immortality Key or The Immortality Code that talks about how all of religion was really people just on psychedelic medicines. uh people just on psychedelic medicines basically the eucharist or you know you drink they all they all talk about these beers or these potions that were drank and apparently in the barley grass or the barley that they would make these drinks out of, I don't know how to pronounce it, the cocyon, the cocky on cocyon. I like that. Let's go with cocky on cock. These drinks that they're made of also had ergot mushrooms growing in them. And that's what LSD is made from. So they're really just having these
Starting point is 00:08:43 quote spiritual experiences because they're on psychedelics. And that's the entire basis of religion, according to this book and witchcraft as well. just everything is just like really fun, reckless abandon. You're pouring beers on each other. You're running out into the ocean. People are naked. You guys are laughing. It doesn't even, you're just drinking and beers pouring down. It's just, there's this reckless abandon. And you realize that at some point, oh, I could be like this without being drunk, but being drunk. And it's so fun. It's like, so there's this freeing. It's like this cascade of just more and more doors just open or shedding more and more skins and sort of this freedom. And, um, and you realize, oh, I could do this without alcohol, but if I hadn't ever drank, I might not have ever had this experience. It was just like a tool to experience. It wants to know this type of freedom is reckless
Starting point is 00:09:37 abandon as possible. Well, that's how, do you know what I'm saying? Yeah. That's, that's integrating the experience, right? You're, you're using those states of being and you're integrating it into your everyday life life which is which is why i've only done mushrooms a couple or a few times and same thing with lucy what's lucy lsd lucy in the sky with diamonds right there's someone can you call it that if you've only done it a couple times it seems like that's a little more uh you need like you need to be like selling sheets of it i call it lucy well i had i had the friends that were doing it every single weekend and you do need code words for texting and talking about it in public. But yeah, the ayahuasca all the time, these psychonauts, you know, I meet a lot of people and a lot of the, a lot of the people
Starting point is 00:10:32 that are doing psychedelics all the time aren't exactly, they're not a role model for me to want to be doing it, to be like them. They're a little too ungrounded for me, which is great to be. It's just at this stage, I like being in this reality and have coherent thoughts more grounded on this reality. I like learning from their experience, but for me, it's not, it's not where I want to go right now. And I also, like I was saying earlier, if it comes to me in a way, like if it, if it's manifested in my life where it seems resonate resonating for me to go in that direction, then, then it makes sense to do, but it's not anything I'm going to search out and try. There's a lot that, you know, when we die, there's a, there's a, apparently a big DMT release and DMT is all throughout nature. So
Starting point is 00:11:32 this, what if you get decap, what if you get decapitated? Do you still get it? So I think I've heard of study, uh, not studies, but I've heard of people that have gotten executed. And so they've got their, their head chopped off and they like blink and they continue blinking for like 10 seconds after they get their head chopped off. So, I mean, I don't know what part of us is us is the head. Do you,
Starting point is 00:11:58 do you retain your sense of me? Someone showed me a chicken the other day that got its head chopped off and lived and they fed it with an eyedropper like when they cut it off somehow it just got cauterized perfectly and the chicken lived but it just was a headless chicken so the body lived but the head didn't right right yeah that is a very that's that's a – good morning, Caleb. Hi. Morning. Oh, look. Caleb's there.
Starting point is 00:12:28 He brought up the headless chicken. Thank you. Caleb's running the back end. Caleb, meet Ra. Ra, meet Caleb. Hi, Ra. Caleb. Hello. Mike.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Mike, the headless chicken. April 20th, 1945 to March 17th, 1947, so he lived almost two years, was a male Wyandotte chicken that lived for 18 months after his head had been cut off. After the loss of his head, Mike achieved national fame until his death in 1947 in Fruita, Colorado. An annual Mike the Headless Chicken Day is held every May. Anyway, I take us off subject with these shenanigans. Sorry, this is just circus bullshit. We're talking about saving the planet here. You can find anything on the internet, right, Rah?
Starting point is 00:13:13 I don't even know what to make of that. But there's something there. Okay, so DMT, you release some DMT when you die. So that's like what you were saying. What if you spend your entire life in this experience? Who knows? I mean, I don't know if there's a certain amount that our body produces, but if we're taking these psychedelics that is releasing DMT into our body, what is the actual death experience like if we've already went through it many times during life? Are we going
Starting point is 00:13:45 to be well-practiced or is it just going to be an empty experience? I don't know. But for me, I'm just going to let it happen. If DMT comes to me in a way that makes sense, then I may say yes but for right now I'm not searching out searching it out one time uh like eighteen hundred dollars of Viagra came my way um that's uh that's a lot oh it's so much it's so much I actually think it was more after I said that I was like I think it's actually like twenty four hundred dollars of Viagra I still have it all well all but one i took one once have you ever tried that yeah but i have a funny i have i went and saw this this i don't reckon if you have a good working dick i don't recommend taking that it it's it's a it's pretty gnarly yeah i this it's
Starting point is 00:14:42 pretty gnarly this uh this qigong master ripped me off and he charged me like $500 for a bunch of pills that he said was cordyceps. And he said, I needed it for my kidneys. But I really think he just sold me like $500 worth of Viagra. He didn't sell you Viagra. Let me tell you something. That shit is gold for some people. He sold you $500 worth of B12.
Starting point is 00:15:03 No, I would give you viagra because you took because you took one of your cock was so hard yeah it was gonna break i'm saying yeah yeah yeah and i i and he was a charlatan so i think that he kept on telling me if this works call me and i'll give you more i'll sell you more i'll sell you more i I sold to Donald Trump. He just kept on. Oh, shit. But I think it was just something like that. Viagra or whatever the other one is. So it came my way. Yeah, it came my way and I used one.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And then and now I just I have this whole I have this drawer that just has like stuff in it. Like it has a bunch of cash in it that I used to pay like the instructors that come to the house. It's got all those Viagra pills. It's got like a bunch of coins in it, like silver doll. You know instructors that come to the house it's got all those Viagra pills it's got like a bunch of coins in it like silver doll you know what I mean it's just one of those drawers but I don't know what to do I have this I have you know $2,400 minus one pill of Viagra in there so many people are gonna DM me now can you send that to me no I'm not sending it to you I don't know what I'm gonna I'm gonna wait till I get old it was it was a weird experience wait so when you said that they it came to you you're talking
Starting point is 00:16:07 about like in the in the last few in the got lucky caleb i was gonna ask you about viagra you got lucky kill it came to me meaning meaning someone someone gave it to me you know what i mean it entered my life like someone's like hey dude like look at all this history yeah i mean this was this to tell you the truth i probably had it for almost 10 years now but i but but it's not it's not an enjoyable experience it's not um it's not that well i i guess if you couldn't get hard it could be yeah i took the whole pill it was brutal it was brutal you need you need like 10 you need like 10 girls and you need like it's like it's like a fucking week like if the wind blows on it during the entire week the shit gets fucking hard as like glass it's it's bad and you can't let your thoughts wander you got to like be like basketball
Starting point is 00:16:55 basketball basketball it's fucked up um there's this girl in in the the chat right now. Her name's Heidi. I don't see, I don't see her comments now, but she has this, oh, there she is. Good morning. She has this Instagram account that just destroys my podcast. I can only imagine how mean they're going to be to you.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I apologize in advance. I mean, they're mean to me too. Don't watch is it? And then she, yeah, she watches it and gives she comments on it she watches it and gives a show summary and like i every time i say something like i bring up viagra
Starting point is 00:17:31 and i just think of oh i'm gonna get destroyed i'm gonna get i i was thinking about the only way to i was thinking about maybe hiring her to do my my real instagram you just can you could make a podcast commenting on her summary of your podcast i had a friend in downtown la he died idea but uh he would always post his negative yelp reviews on the front of his barber shop and there's a big sign that said people hate us on yelp and so then it became a thing then his his customers would purposely leave negative reviews so they could get on the front of his store wow and he became like that famous wow he loved me because that's when i was going through all my stuff oh really you were like okay i'll just embrace it yeah is that is that yeah hey that
Starting point is 00:18:28 that is the thing though that the where we are in society and and basically what's the healthiest for you for your ego is to when you have shortcomings to lean into them bolt barbers matt How did he die? Fentanyl. And one day he told me like, hey, let's go out to lunch, man. I'm going through a bunch of stress. My ex-wife's making me pay all this money and I'm super stressed. The business isn't doing so well. I open another one.
Starting point is 00:18:59 It's not doing so well. And I was like, yeah, let's go out to lunch. And then he just didn't wake up one day. A few days after that. I think he just died from stress, like just stress. How old was he? Young, 40 something, probably. Yeah. I guess when you're smart, you call it satire, what she's doing, that Instagram account that makes fun of me, that hurts my feelings every day. I guess in the literary world,
Starting point is 00:19:23 that's called satire. Thank jeffrey i just how go ahead i just discovered the comment section on here how are you staying out of um how do you stay out of the right-left narrative so well? I have no idea what any of that means. Like, none of it. Like, you're blissfully ignorant? It's not a paradigm that you're interested in, or it just doesn't even stick for you? I guess I would like to believe that i can see beyond
Starting point is 00:20:07 it and see that it's it's just like the gladiator it's just like any other game meant to distract the public right so meant to yes i mean it's set up like uh like we've been taught our entire life looking at sports right You got two different sides and they're arguing with each other. And we've got the public are choosing a side and almost identify, literally identify, not almost, but they identify with the side where almost that becomes more important than their own life and their own intuition and sovereignty. And then you're aligned with a group of people and you almost can release responsibility for yourself because you get absorbed into the group and then the groups have heads and then they are battling with another group and it's all made up just like NFL is made up up but nfl is real it's like real life to the players but it's also just as real life to the people at home watching it on tv and this is all
Starting point is 00:21:17 just you know it's been going on for thousands of years it's it's the gladiator arena meant to distract men because it's easiest to rule people if they're distracted with games. When you say meant, you think that it could go away? You don't think it's like part and parcel with just existence and the way our mind is set up? So that's the thing with this life. uh from my understanding there's been other planets where things were blissful and everything was cohesive and harmonious and that didn't really offer very much of a lesson it was hard to evolve once things were very prosperous and enjoyable for the people there was no there was no lessons there was no and enjoyable for the people. There was no lessons. There was no evolution happening for the souls. And so this planet was created with chaos and with all of
Starting point is 00:22:13 these sort of barriers to enlightenment. And so we're all kind of like stuck down here spinning our wheels. And I think it's inherent by design for us to have the experience that we have on this plane of existence. So I don't know. I don't know. Like a lot of us are here trying to figure out how to have world peace and how to make everything harmonious, but I'm not sure if that's the whole point of this, this time through this life. So I have no idea. Well, here's what I think. I think that you're doing it for yourself.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I think you're playing the same game, but you're playing it with yourself. And I think that's the real way to play it. I think that's how all the wisest, smartest, happiest, most content men and women have done it. Meaning you're a living example. Gandhi said it somehow. I can't remember, but be the change you want to see in the world. Just be what you want the world to be instead of worried about trying to change other people. And there's those people out there who are trying to change other people.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Right, because they don't want to be responsible for themselves. No matter what is actually real. I don't know if I can jump to that conclusion, though. I don't mean to fall into the weeds. Is that why they don't want to be responsible for themselves no matter what is actually i don't know if i can jump to that conclusion though i don't mean to fall into the weeds is that why they don't want to be maybe they don't know how to be like do you remember before you knew how to be responsible for yourself it's kind of like you're it's like i'm proposing this i'm not accusing you of this at all i'm proposing what if like we're butterflies um yelling at the caterpillars that they don't know how to fly and it's like wait a second like like maybe they just don't know
Starting point is 00:23:51 there's i'm going to confuse the conversation even more there's this there's this sorcery going on here too where and i'll use a really charged topic abortion they propose there's there's this idea of abortion. Caleb, can you look up the definition of that word? And it's a word and it means something, right? Like it signifies like taking a baby out before it's ready or something. I forget what it means, what it signifies.
Starting point is 00:24:16 But then the teams propose these ideas about it. Like one of the ideas, one of the teams proposes is that if it's about women's rights, another team proposes, it's about killing children, the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. So I think termination means ending of a human pregnancy most often performed during the first 28 weeks. So that, I guess that termination, it's the ending of the pregnancy, which I think also results in, in the termination of the child, right? Because you could say that that's a definition of a baby being born also. When a baby is born, a pregnancy is also terminated.
Starting point is 00:24:51 But I think in this specific case, it means the baby doesn't come out and grow up, right? It just ends. But even the sorcery is how they tell us to even think about it. Do you know what I mean by that? Like they're forcing us to think about it. It's about women's rights. or they're forcing us to think about it as if it's a child's life. There's got to be other ways to think about shit too. It's like I guess to go back to your football analogy, we're forced to think of this game as with this ball on this field with this many players with these rules. to think of this game as with this ball on this field with this many players with these rules and meanwhile there's some kids on fucking instagram or on youtube who are fucking rich
Starting point is 00:25:28 as fuck because they figured out hey we're not going to do that game with football what we're going to do is we're going to do trick shots with it we're going to stand at the top of a stadium and throw into a basketball hoop you know what i mean like you've seen that i don't know what those guys are called but that youtube station is crazy right no that's that's that's it we're taught stayed out of all that shit how to react you stayed out of that whole mess and i'm in there just like i'm in there just trying to slay motherfuckers like that's what my kids aren't wearing a mask that's the only thing we actually do have control of is is our reaction or or our response to the things that come our way in life i mean we don't actually know what all this is this could be a matrix this could be alien ant farm oh i just
Starting point is 00:26:15 realized that's the name of a band but uh is that really a name of a band or you just came up with it i think it is isn't it alien ant farm but I don't know, but what a great way to look at us as humans. We're an alien ant farm. Yeah, so it could be any of that. But really, so we don't really need to define what external reality is or even the arguments or the games that are set up here. There's, you know, all that really matters is our response or our reactions or what we feel about the events that happen in our life. And that's what, like you're saying, that's what is being controlled. We're being told how to react and really that's. And how to think.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Right. And that's really the only thing that we actually have control over that's that's our ultimate power and so if that's being taken away from us if that's being guided then then we have nothing explain that to me one more time what what's being guided and if we and if we don't have that we have nothing so the the the thing that we have the most control over is our reactions or our responses or or what we feel about situations in life so we have these situations like abortion like politics potential control most of us have zero control over our reactions but the but we have the most potential control yes when you're you're you're
Starting point is 00:27:54 getting expert level on this wordsmithing well i don't want to fuck around because i have you on and i know that you're a fucking diamond a field of diamonds and i know that there's people here who like need to hear um and yeah we have the most trying to i know you have a lot of diamonds and i want to make sure people like you and i can make those leaps but i want to make sure other people like really understand when you point at the truth i want to make sure they see it or at least try to make sure yes yes potential control is there for those you. Some of us has potentiated that and we're living it. But if we start to give away our, like basically we're being told how to react to something, that's the ultimate way that we're being told how to react to something that's the ultimate way that we're being controlled like somebody can throw me in jail and they still like like nelson mandela you can get thrown in jail and they they whoever does that they're still not in control of you because even in the walls of a prison, you still have the ability to
Starting point is 00:29:06 view or perceive that however you want, right? So they could even take your physical body and control that in a manner and still not be able to get to your mind. But when they start getting to your mind and how you react to said events in life, and they start telling you how to react, then that's actually even worse than throwing you in a prison cell because they've got a part of you that really, it's like there's no way for them to get that unless you voluntarily give it to them. And that's the ultimate form of slavery. Do you see yourself ever falling into it? Of course.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I know that right now I can't be conscious of 100% of the things that there is to be conscious of. So I know that 10 years from now, I will look back now and just think like, wow, I really thought buying that Louis Vuitton belt was cool then. And like, I know that there's there's things now that I can see myself doing that I will grow out of. And I know that I'm in the system. I'm in a certain matrix right now. And I'll step out of that to another one. I'm in a certain matrix right now, and I'll step out of that to another one. And so, yeah, I'm conscious about some of the, like, how the system is latched into me and is influencing my reactions and my decisions in certain ways. And I'm okay with it for now um an example i i think is when you're you're being we uh rhetorical
Starting point is 00:30:52 you're when you're when you're a young man who uh sees a spark of uh enlightenment and you maybe go start going down the buddhist path um you see the world as, I need to give everything up. I should own nothing. I should own nothing. I need to give everything up. I need to give everything up. And then as you evolve, you realize it's not about pushing these things away from you. It's not about giving these things up.
Starting point is 00:31:21 It's about giving your attachment to them up. It's not about, and a good example is the way you described ayahuasca. You're open to it, but you your attachment to them up it's not about in a good example is the way you described ayahuasca you you're open to it but you're not going to chase it you're not you're not collecting objects but if they come into into your care it's part of your thing but but a young buddhist is like and those are the people who don't understand you have these um uh you know spiritual masters who have might have a rolls roy And they think, how can he be a spiritual master? Well, it's just objects coming in and out of his life. Now, if you see him out there crying because it got a scratch on it,
Starting point is 00:31:52 then maybe you want to start investigating something. Yeah, and there's ways to make these decisions. Like I was in Vegas. I was in this club eating breakfast at the top of my hotel and I looked down and I saw a Louis Vuitton store and I remembered how I liked this belt that they have. room. And I realized that I forgot my black belt that I needed later on that day to dress up. And then, so I was like, oh, all of this seems in alignment. So I walked into the store and I dropped $900 on a belt because to me, it all just seemed in alignment. This is something that you could look at from the outside and think that I'm just unconsciously enslaved to the system and doing
Starting point is 00:32:45 that. But I did make a conscious decision. I did see the map and just justified at least to myself that this is, this is, this makes sense. This, this feels right. Um, and as I said, this is all just a justification I'm making to myself to give myself permission. And this is all a matrix that I'm currently in and I'm aware of it. Uh, but I am, I am using some sense of guidance within it. There's this, um, this is a little different than what you're saying, but, um, I've had the opportunity to, um, be affiliated with some really, really rich people. And, um, I've gone shopping with a handful of really rich people and there's this high that they get from shopping, not, but, but not, you can't even
Starting point is 00:33:30 imagine what it is unless you do it. And it's not a bad thing. I'm not suggesting it's a bad thing, but it's more than just going in there and buying that belt. It's letting everyone around, you know, okay, I'll take two of those belts. Do you want one? Okay, make it three of those belts, and I'll get two of those bags. And can I try on that jacket? And do you have it in a blue? And there's this ego gratification. And once again, I do not mean this in a negative way at all.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I do not mean this in a negative way at all. It's the same ego gratification I'm sure my kids get when they build something really tall out of magnets in the living room. We did it. You know what I mean? It finally, after three years of building it, now touches the ceiling. What? Look at us. I mean, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:34:17 They're fucking kings. And there's that whole thing there in those kind of stores. A few times in my life I've gone into places where i could do a shopping spree i went into a nordstrom's once and when i was in there for eight hours i was allowed to get whatever i wanted and i held and i did not hold back i did not i got everything so this is where yeah and it was great it was great it was fucking great i got 10 pairs of pants three louis vuitton shirts armani glasses all the best shoes i mean i just came out like and i had a fucking like suburban deliver it to my hotel room what if that's normal though what say what if what's like what what if that's as normal as – I still have all those clothes, by the way. It's like what I wear now.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Yeah. Well – Because there are the people that go in and they get the ego trip. There's also the people that go in and that's just the clothes they wear. It's just as normal as – But you don't think they get the ego trip also? I think those are the people who get the ego trip, the people that it's super normal for. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:28 I mean, that's easy for us to make that assumption because for us, it would be an ego trip. Well, no, it's actually – sorry. I think it's more of an ego trip for them because they can actually afford it. It's kind of like – it's kind of weird. Like I didn't enjoy it. I don't think as much as the people who can really afford it because I know like the second I – I know it's all a facade because I can't fucking afford a $900 belt. But now I just walked out of the store with $18,000 worth of clothes. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:57 And I make sure that I don't get attached to any of that shit, by the way. I mean I take care of it. I don't throw my belt on the floor but like so i did have a louis vuitton belt i fucking loved it i don't remember how much it was but something like you're saying and within a fucking month the fucking buckle fell off and there's these fancy gold screws that hold the buckle to the belt and i was just like yeah there's not even a Louis Vuitton store within a fucking 100 miles of my house there. It's definitely they're not built for for strength or for any reason, but to to be to be expensive pretty much. It's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:42 I mean, I mean, the people get what they pay for. The fancy shit is good shit in general yeah i mean the stitching and everything but it breaks down just like everything else right right and yep but i do wonder i mean because if you were to walk into a crossfit gym and buy a 20 crossfit t-shirt that would be normal to you you're not getting an ego trip but there's somebody who's who's on food stamps who would look at you doing that and think that, you know, like this person just commented, no amount of wealth can justify a $900 belt. Well, there's people that would look at you buying a $20 t-shirt and think the exact same way, right? So there's
Starting point is 00:37:21 also such things. But I don't think he believes you saying that. I know that because I was homeless. I don't think they even understand that, what you just said. So I remember the first time I walked into a designer store, I felt weird. And I felt like, almost like, I don't even want to wear this stuff. This would be so weird. And that feeling feeling or that someone should kick you out too i always feel like when i go in there that i'm an imposter uh security i toss me there's nothing in here i can afford throw me out well the weird thing is the first time i went in there i i could afford it all and we did i, it was for a birthday present. I was buying a gift for my
Starting point is 00:38:06 fiance and, but I felt weird about it. And then I started trying on stuff. And when I started trying on stuff, I was like, Oh wow, this actually feels more correct than the clothes that I'm currently wearing that I think matches me. I'm like, wow, this matches me. And I don't know if it's my ego or what, but I just went with it. And I'm just letting that reality, this reality absorb into my life. absorb into my life. And I don't know, just like I would, I'm content with thinking a $20 t-shirt is what I should afford. Is it possible to just be content with a, you know, a $400 t-shirt? I don't know. These are all things that i ponder in my head and why i probably i'm not paying attention to politics because i'm actually regarding politics because you're too busy shopping at louis vuitton i did not expect that answer from you holy shit
Starting point is 00:39:16 no i i'm exploring life right there's there's a lot to explore here. And yeah, so I, I am unapologetically exploring. I've done it with many different aspects of my life. I've done it with fitness, like how fit can I get? Right. It's the same thing. How, how many girls can I date? Right. Like these are things that I, I experimented with. It was fun. It was satisfying some part of me that I don't really need to satisfy anymore. But now I'm like, what about this stuff? This, these designers stuff. And eventually it's going to be politics. Like, that's the funny thing about it is that I don't care about the politics game right now. And that's telling me I'm more evolved than you is, did I just hear that right
Starting point is 00:40:05 eventually you'll be where in politics i thought i was behind you i now think i might have the script all fucked up you you might because i'm looking at politics and i'm thinking like this is something that i've resisted my entire life this is probably the direction that would offer me the the the most potential I'll use that word again. There's a lot of potential for me to learn about myself within this arena that I've never stepped into. The problem is the people, by the way, these are Louis Vuitton sunglasses
Starting point is 00:40:37 that I had the lenses punched out of and made into prescription lenses. And like no one does that, but when you ball, you do. That's right. The thing with politics that people don't understand is that the the only the only good politician we've ever had on the planet was gandhi like you you you have to your politician has to be naked he has to be naked. He has to just only be wearing a sheet. He has to be that. He has to be so fucking transparent. He has to actually he has to be so transparent. We're so we're so confused about what a politician looks like, what a professional looks like. We're so confused as a society.
Starting point is 00:41:26 I forget who said the best politician or the best leader is a reluctant leader. Yes, for sure. It's like these people shouldn't be striving to control us and then win the right to control us. That's not exactly the person that you would want to be making the decisions oh here we go thank you the emperor has no clothes uh the article is about the story of hans christian anderson scroll down a little bit more people love i think there was a marijuana book the emperor has no clothes uh this are uh emperor has no clothes danish is a literary is literary folktale written by danish author hans christian anderson about a vain emperor
Starting point is 00:42:11 who gets exposed before subjects his tale has been translated in over 100 languages yeah you have to be completely exposed jimmy carter tried that i think that was maybe a little before your day but like one of the things he said that he sins is that he thinks of other women besides his wife. I think he said that when he was president. I could see you doing that. Subjects of the kingdom. I bought this $900 Louis Vuitton belt and I like it. I guilty.
Starting point is 00:42:41 That's what I'm doing right now. Yeah. Guilty. No. i guilty that's what i'm doing right now yeah and i like it and i like it have you ever made your own belt uh out of uh yeah in in hockey we have pants that are like padded and those take a strap. And I think that one of my favorite belts in high school was just a strap from my hockey pants. But that's not really. Oh, you're such a simpleton. You've come so far. That's just a repurposing, not really a making. I could see you making a belt out of hemp and pig intestine and maybe for the buckle, some shark tooth
Starting point is 00:43:27 and like a wishbone from a pterodactyl. Yeah. Some, some crystals in there as well. I don't know, man. I really, I don't know what this life is. The more that I look into it, I don't know. Like I used to think it was about progressing and lessons and evolution, but even that's another game that, and then, and then there's the, just being, like you said, go sit under a waterfall and just have nothing and be everything. It's all, it's all a process, but I don't necessarily claim to know which direction the process is going. Some of us are spiraling into order and some of us are spiraling into disorder and we're all here doing it. And I don't know if there's a correct direction. One of my friends who is extremely
Starting point is 00:44:22 successful, I said to him sometimes like, Hey, are you interested in mushrooms or LSD or something? He goes, no. And I go, why? And he goes, because that's going to reboot the system. And like that's what you do when your life's a fucking mess. Like you don't like the direction of your life. Something's amiss. You go do a bunch of LSD and you reboot the system.
Starting point is 00:44:37 And you're on LSD and you see something in the clouds that tells you that you should be bringing clean water to Africa and it changes your whole life. And you saw all your shit and you're doing clean water in Africa, right? Or one day you're this fucking blonde fucking housewife and you do LSD and all of a sudden you realize you're related to Jim Morrison and the Native Americans and you fucking go off. You know what I mean? We've all seen those people in our lives. That shit happens to them. happens to them um but i i do think that if you don't if you don't and most people don't and and i and i don't mean this to uh alienate anyone because the opportunity is there for you but if you don't venture off alone into wilderness and not exactly that but some some simile of that
Starting point is 00:45:19 proportion that that character that you will not live a fulfilled life if you don't if you are not tempted to learn how to ride a unicycle and try to start riding it when the sun goes down and ride it till the sun comes up then you you are you're not on you're not something in you hasn't woken up yet there should be something in you that wants to start trying some bizarre shit like that that's not about doing ayahuasca it's about like um getting out of your own skin and the fastest and fucking craziest way to do that is to do nothing i'll give you one that i haven't done yet mcdodge told me to do it who's mcdodge is that ronald mcdonald's brother i called you about him he's uh he's the guy that used to live in the forest. He lived in the forest in Washington.
Starting point is 00:46:09 I don't remember the name of it. I can't remember. But he lived there for 12 years. Oh, that's right. That's right. And he's got a fitness program that's badass. But anyways, he told me to bury my feet in the earth, go out into nature, dig a hole, put my feet inside it up to like calf level, refill dirt, and just stand there
Starting point is 00:46:36 from sunrise to sunrise. So 24 hours. And I said like, yeah, but what about bears or wolves? And he said, that's part of it. He said like, that's, that's part of it. You're going to be going through that process of fear. And that's almost the point. I mean, and the boredom and the, what do I do with myself? How do I stand? All of that. And it takes one day to do, and I haven't done it yet, but that's what you're talking about. Like there's all these experiences for us to have, and we're just recycling the same ones every single day. And if you think about the last time you had a once in a lifetime experience, these could be happening many times a week or many times a day if we just design our life inviting them in. That's beautiful. My favorite thing to do is to go to the beach and play Frisbee.
Starting point is 00:47:47 I'm 50 years old and it's, it's, it's like my favorite thing to do. And I used to do it every day, seven days a week for 10 years. And now I'm starting to try to figure out ways to get it back into my life again. So I, so I, I, you know, like today, um, after the podcast is over i'm gonna play some tennis with my boys and then i'm gonna take them to the beach and we're gonna stay there until you know until someone's sunburned uh do you have a favorite thing you and then and then i like to come and then i like to come home to my nice house and and get in my shower which isn't so nice but it has hot water and i like to wash the sand sand off, and I like to feel safe inside the gates of my home and take my clothes and shake out the sand and put them in my washing machine, throw in a Tide pod. Don't tell anyone.
Starting point is 00:48:36 My wife hates it that I use those. And then sit down. What? I'll get a rash for Tide. I want to ask you about that um what kind of uh um uh clothes washing detergent use but what is your favorite thing to do do you have something that you're like yeah like if i could just end it all today i would have a backpack a unicycle and my fiancee would be in a on a unicycle next to me, or she would just go from point eight. I, she'd meet me at point B and be in the tent naked.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Like, do you have a favorite? Like, like my dream is just, it used to be that, like it used to be unicycling, but that's because I had, I had a business and I, and that was kind of what I did for work. And I really just like cycled for work. No, I, I, the CrossFit gyms. And so you would just unicycle from one to the next and kind of incorporate that into your... Yeah, because every day was dealing with people. And on a unicycle, there's no people.
Starting point is 00:49:34 No one can even really ride with you. And it's just you and whatever environment that I was in, whether it was off-road on a trail or in the city streets, I was in, whether it was off-road on a trail or in the city streets, I could find solitude and I could find the present state within the balance of the unicycle. Wow. It's a loaner bike. That's awesome. I never thought of it like that. It was amazing, but now I live up in the hills and so there is no unicycling up here, but I really, I mean, right now I'm enjoying the business game again. And so I am on a building streak and I'm using this business and the income to attain assets and build wealth. And so I am finding this, a similar sense of self and sense of gratification doing the money thing. And it's interesting because I used to be so repulsed by that.
Starting point is 00:50:36 But I can see that I go in, there's seasons. Like I hustled and owned the gyms. And then after I got sick of that, I didn't want anything to do with business. And I went into the forest and I did that for a few years. And eventually that became boring or, or not stimulating enough. And then I wanted to be productive in society again. So I developed something that solves people's problems and yeah. solves people's problems and yeah well um i was on that i was on the journey um with a group full of a group of men and women the journey the sort of let's say the sid hartha journey right let's say there were 30 of us right and we were on just that hippie journey just like you know like living
Starting point is 00:51:20 in a commune like no no no just like just like not worried about like where your next food was going to be rolling our own cigarettes. Just just, you know, whatever. Like some guy made pipes and sold them for money. Some guy, some chick made necklaces. You would sleep in people's backyards who were going to school. You know, you just you just flowed. You just flowed. You just and like we'd sit around and draw all day or someone would play music.
Starting point is 00:51:44 But we we there was an abundance around us and we just, we just fit in. Right. We just assimilated like a hippie tribe. And then as we got older, some of the kids started getting scared. Like now we're in our twenties. Right. And they started thinking of their future. Like now we're in our 20s, right? And they started thinking of their future. So they started – they went to cosmology school or they became firefighters or they became police officers. They lifted themselves off. They took off their dirty corduroys they hadn't taken off in five years and started going to the police academy. And I didn't do that. But the only reason why – and some of them now are like, holy shit, you just stayed present and just – like you were saying, just let the world come to you, unfold in front of you. But I didn't do that on purpose.
Starting point is 00:52:32 I just did that because I didn't have the thoughts of fear that caused me to do what they did. Or when I did, I faced them, I guess. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. I mean that's – They put their oars in and started rowing i just sat in my rowboat and let the fucking ocean just like toss me around that's the trust right trust that we're creating all this and that's where i i try to sit in right i try to sit in the fact that this is all my creation this is all our creation you know me being a part of everything and some people choose to be to to you know exercise all
Starting point is 00:53:14 day long some people choose to to be behind a video camera because that's what they feel in greatest alignment with and if we can all just figure out what that is, right? Like, where do we feel our greatest level of alignment? Where do we feel our greatest sense of self? Like we, we should all be operating within our zone of genius. That would make the world a lot more efficient if people weren't going to jobs that they hated. Cause the thing is like, if you're going to be nicer to each other, you're the thing is, if you're going to a job- And they'd be nicer to each other. You're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:46 If you're going to a job that you hate, there is somebody that would love that job. It's just not you right now. And maybe it was when you started that job. I used to love owning gyms. And then it got to the point where I was like, this doesn't feel good anymore. And so I transitioned out of that.
Starting point is 00:54:04 But there's a lot of- How did you transition out of it? Was it scary? No. It was, I just thought back to when I wanted the gym and, or when I felt so wanted- That's the part I'm talking about. I don't think people can do that. I think people have thoughts and fears.
Starting point is 00:54:20 The same one you said when you asked that guy, what if a bear or a wolf comes? I think most people who own the gym, if they don't like it anymore and they want to transition out, they say, what if the tax collector comes? What if my wife leaves me because I can't afford anything? What if I can't pay my rent next month? You know what I mean? Yeah, that's the prison that they live in, and it's a self-imposed prison. And we're all, and that's at least some of self. They're making choices based on what if this bad thing happens to me. And that's just realigning the brain instead of making fear-based decisions, make, you know, I don't know what the opposite of that is, but like desire-based or moving towards greatness-based decisions, and you'll get a lot further along. If you're making fear-based
Starting point is 00:55:30 decisions, you're always going to be super close to what you fear the most. If you're worried about, well, if I don't do this, I'm not going to be able to pay the bills. That's gravity. That's keeping you close to that version of reality so that you can fulfill that fear every single day. That's what you're intending on is you're intending on living that fear. So until we can break that cycle and start really asking yourself, where do I feel best? What do I feel the best doing. And I think that that's a responsibility. That's an adult responsibility or whatever comes after being an adult. That's a conscious, aware human being's responsibility is to make sure that whatever we're doing for work or for life or wherever we're spending our energy is in our zone of genius. It's what we're great at. Because if there's a bunch of humans on this planet, if there's billions of humans on this planet doing things that they hate every single day which is the statistic 80 to 90 percent of the people hate their job wow that's wow holy shit
Starting point is 00:56:36 then you know that's a pretty miserable planet and this is where responsibility comes in can you can you that that whole fear-based thing, can you give me like an example of that that shows me how the mechanism works in action of someone if they're acting out of fear, how it keeps the fear around them? Like it can be just a made-up story. Like let's say – I don't know. Like you go to work every day at a supermarket and you don't want to do it or, or you're with your girlfriend. You don't want to break up with your girlfriend because you want to break up with her, but you don't because you're afraid. Well, it's, it's being with somebody who you're afraid is going to cheat on you. And so that's what is consuming your thoughts.
Starting point is 00:57:25 what is consuming your thoughts. And so anytime something comes up, they get a text message or they get, uh, they say hi to somebody or they smile at somebody at the mall. There's this constant worry that they're trying to sleep with that person or they are sleeping with that person. And that's just consuming what you want, right? You want to find evidence that what you fear is true. And so you're never open to more love. You're never open to the person, like you're latched onto that person. They don't feel free from you. And so eventually what's going to happen? Like that person is going to stray or want somebody else because you're, you're causing that, right? You're not being the partner that's loving and supportive and allowing them freedom to make their own decisions. And so you're just,
Starting point is 00:58:13 you're gonna push them away to somebody else. And that's what we all are doing in life if we're making fear-based decisions. Same thing with the work thing. If you're afraid that if you quit your job, you're not going to be able to pay your bills, then that's all job is for you is a way to make sure that you don't suffer or you don't get what you fear the most. You're never ever going to just accidentally become wealthy. And with that state of mind, you're never ever going to just accidentally become wealthy with that state
Starting point is 00:58:46 of mind. You're never going to accidentally become happy within your job if that's your state of mind. So if we're constantly assessing ourself, do I feel joy? Do I feel happy? And the big one is, do I feel satisfied? Am I satisfied with this? Am I satisfied when I go to work? Am I satisfied after work? And if you're not satisfied, start asking the question, what would I be satisfied doing? It might be something different within your work, right? You might need a different role
Starting point is 00:59:18 or do your role a little bit differently. And that might, and you could answer that. And then that way you can be satisfied all day long or, and then from a place of satisfaction, you can start making other decisions in your life, but we really need to be satisfied in order to have a great human experience. And when we start asking, how can I be more satisfied or am I satisfied? Then we can start seeing, oh, if I close down this business or if I quit this job, I can be more satisfied over here. And that's really what I want to be doing. And we can start imagining the steps and being creative to make that happen. But without that initial starting place of, am I satisfied?
Starting point is 01:00:06 Like, we'll never even be able to imagine that happen but without that initial starting place of am i satisfied like we'll never even be able to imagine that leap the leap oh yes good job caleb you're a boss oh shit it just changed right before our eyes with people that are watching the show right now or is this a random yeah this is are watching the show right now or is this a random? Yeah, this is people watching the show right now. Well, some of them, yeah. And listening, watching and listening. Some of them are hugging their monitors. I mean, your audience are, what are they? Are they gym people? Like these are people that literally wake up and work out all day. Like they've done it.
Starting point is 01:00:41 I hope they're, Oh, look, the change again. I hope they're just all super wealthy people just waiting for the five-year anniversary of my podcast to cut me a check for a million dollars. Like a thousand of you. Caleb, you're a boss. When I think of the – so this weekend I covered the semifinals for the CrossFit. So basically the regionals when you used to compete in crossfit they were called regionals right and they just had the and there's three weeks of regionals now they call them semi-finals and i have no i have no fucking interest in
Starting point is 01:01:15 covering them like zero none right and a few days about a week before the semi-final started a friend of mine who is an athlete who hurt himself said, hey, dude, I hurt myself. I hurt my knee and I can't compete. I want to come on your podcast and cover the semifinals this week. And the guy who I usually covered it with before got a job, so he wasn't going to cover it. So I just thought, fuck it. I'm not covering it. Like, what do I give a fuck?
Starting point is 01:01:40 Yeah. But this guy said, hey, I want to cover it. And then another guy that i'd heard about named jr howell he said he would come on too i'd never met him before but i'd always heard all these positive and cool things about him what a cool duty was and then i knew caleb was going to be there and i know these people so i'm like okay fuck it right so so then friday comes along and um i hated the thought of doing it i did not not want to do it. It was so fucking hard because it was the Torian Pro in Australia, the Lowlands Throwdown in England, and then some shit in Tennessee. So it was 24 hours a day it was running.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Dude, it was crazy. And you were responsible for all of that. I just said, okay, yeah, I'm going to watch as much as I can, and I'm going to take as much notes as I can. I'm going to stay up as much as I can and watch it. And then when these guys come on the show, I'm just going to use my skills and push the show forward and talk about it so that it's entertainment and knowledge for people, my listeners. And I'm going to do it to the best of my ability. Well, that's what's amazing. I didn't want to do it.
Starting point is 01:02:42 I had no plans of doing it. I loved every second to do it. I had no plans of doing it. I loved every second of doing it. The second, it's like, up until the point when I see your face, I do not want to do the podcast. And the second you're here, I get so fucking excited that I'm doing it. And then when it's over, I'm so glad I did it.
Starting point is 01:02:59 It's kind of, but everything else in my life does not want to do it. Does that make sense to you? And I was so glad when I woke up this morning that I did the semifinals. And I love the accolades. Do you know what I mean? Like, I love the fact that my DMs have a thousand DMs saying, hey, good job. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:03:21 You really added to it. And I'm like, that's cool. Like, I feel, I feel great, but, but I did not want to do it, but I loved it. You know what I mean? It's good. I'm trying to draw this distinction here. You're saying that people need to be doing a job that they like, but that doesn't mean that when you're not doing it, you want to do it. It's like a workout. Yeah. It's like sports. I mean, no pro athlete likes practicing. It's, but it's part of it. It's like, you probably didn't want to do this podcast. Like when I invited you, you're probably like, Oh, cool. That'll be fun to get together with seven.
Starting point is 01:03:56 And then last night you're like, motherfucker, why did I say yes to this? Right. I mean, it's kind of like that. Right. And now you're doing it. You're stoked. And when it's over, you're gonna be like, Oh, that's cool cool we'll have a sense of accomplishment for the day right right right yeah i mean this is dynamic that's why i like so that's basically contradicting what i was just saying before and it's also well it's a little truth well maybe maybe the other side may what i heard you say is like you don't like your job you're fucking miserable the whole time you're there you work at 7-eleven you which isn't a bad job being a checker is dope i was a checker it's so fun if you love that right but but there's these people who they only want the
Starting point is 01:04:35 paycheck i don't even think about the paycheck i i probably should probably maybe i'm 50 and i'm there's people that are rich and famous that hate their job there's many of them and so if you hate your job there's somebody else who would love it because of the lack of responsibility you know a 16 year old probably would love to be a checker they don't really want to think about work but you're there at 28 years old miserable because you're like i should be doing something with my life but you're too scared. So you just stay there taking the job that would be somebody else's dream job. And you want the paycheck to make your payment on your car and buy your cigarettes.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of people that have the paycheck that also. I mean, I know a lot of those people that were wealthy and they took the leap and they're much more happier being a breathwork coach than being on Wall Street or a yoga teacher. A lot of the people that roll in the spiritual community used to, they've attained a certain level of financial wealth or business success and and they're happy to not have that anymore so no matter who you are if you hate your job or hate your career then you're i feel being irresponsible is that what you call your the community you're in the spiritual community is that what you said that's what i called i don't know if I'm in that, but yeah. Conscious community, spiritual community.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Just like people call it the entertainment industry. There's labels. Did the current conditions of the world, is it fracturing that community? I don't know. So I don't really, I don't know so so i don't really i don't i don't know i don't i know that there's this whole like vaccinated unvaccinated masked unmasked and oh i got a great story for vaccinated to tell you about dorian go on great story vaxxed on vaxxed spiritual community split up yeah i don't know i don't how about how about like black lives matter how about abortion how about ukraine there's
Starting point is 01:06:51 all these things but that's not the game that's all the right that's all like take a pick a side and and we'll tell you what to think about it and then you fight with each other right um so uh you know dorianian, right? Fitness Lonnie. Yeah. Okay. And he's now, his name is now Tissero. Okay. And he is a monastic monk. We've talked about this before. And he was up in Northern California for five years. Okay. california for five years and then and then he went to brazil and sat for like eight months
Starting point is 01:07:26 and i got a chance to um as he when he came back on his way back to northern california he came and visited me for a day wow yeah you've you guys have got to get together you guys would god the three of us if i could get the three of us together to play frisbee on the beach and get drunk that would be so fun but man the sitting shit that he does is so fucking cool and when you're around him he has this fucking giant brain that you can take anywhere do you know what i mean like he'll go anywhere so when you talk to him you can just go anywhere with him and you can and you can use that giant brain clean brain of his it's like you know when like you're hiking and you find a clean spring and you're like, holy shit, I can swim and drink this water. I remember he, yeah, I first started hearing he was like that.
Starting point is 01:08:13 And I was like, wow, I thought he was just a comedian. I mean, he still is funny as shit. Don't get me wrong. Yeah. Yeah. He's so funny, but funny but but but he's so still now he's so still and uh and and you know in that he's he's extremely powerful but um so he was basically saying that that shit infiltrated the um the monkhood like there were monks who couldn't sit with their thoughts and they had to choose a side of vaccinated or unvaccinated they got they got like people who've been sitting for 10 fucking years got sucked into that into that duality i'm like holy shit he goes yep you had affected the entire world that was the infection yeah it was the massive force of duality to to to act to act going back
Starting point is 01:09:02 to what you were saying the beginning of the show you're just forced to react. Or you're not forced to. But you're like a fly that twitches from one pile of shit to another and this was no different. It was pretty crazy to see. And some people made choices based on business or based on political alignment.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Hashtag fear. Yeah. Ihtag fear. Yeah. I don't know. Are you going to have kids? Looking for a change of scenery? Come on over. Let us give you the tour. Grab a paddle and explore.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Hit the trails and go. When you're ready, kick back and call it a night. New Brunswick. Always inviting. Visit Oh, eco-friendly towels? And they're quick-dry. Yeah, you know, HomeSense always has a lot of great towels. Let me see that. Quick-dry?
Starting point is 01:10:09 Will it dry quickly enough that I won't notice when you use my towel? Okay, that happened once. Maybe more than once. Anyways, these are only $13. $13? Okay. Let's get you this navy one, and for me, this soft beige one. Deals so good, everyone approves.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Only at HomeSense. Yeah. I mean, it's the plan. A different piece occurs when you have a child. I think, maybe that's just my story. I mean, in Siddhartha, in that book that Herman Hesse wrote, he has a baby and he leaves the baby. peace occurs when you have a child i think maybe that's just my story i mean um it's in sid hartha in that book that um herman hessa wrote he has a baby and he leaves the baby and he does continue she comes back right with the kid
Starting point is 01:10:55 and then he he learns i think that he has some reflections in that book. And one of them was like, even though he became all enlightened, he wasn't able to be a father. So like he pretty much left this. I don't remember exactly. It's been a while, but I think that was one of his reflections was that like, he doesn't know. was that like, he doesn't know, he doesn't know what the, I don't know if he doesn't know is the right thing to say, but there is a dynamic sense of like, did I do the right thing? Because I went and I helped all these thousands of people, but my own, I think it was a son I wasn't with. And basically he also left his father, right? He left his family to, to go on this journey. And then he also left his own kid with that prostitute lady. Not that there's anything wrong with sex workers. Uh, yeah. So it's all just a dynamic, dynamic thing. It'll, it'll be, it's, be it's fascinating it's going to be fascinating when you have a kid we're uh it's a different kind of grounding yeah we we're excited for that it's a different kind of grind yeah i think you're going to be uh very excited i think you're going
Starting point is 01:12:30 to be like so stimulated by it it's so it's so much input for a conscious being to to watch a child it's a lot of fucking stimulus like in a good way yeah we we we have suffered a miscarriage. I don't know if suffer is the right word, but we're trying. But the baby, we've went through a pretty traumatic experience with pregnancy and didn't really know that miscarriages are actually like a thing, right? I spent my entire life thinking that sperm enters egg and then that equals a kid. And it's not exactly the case. Not all pregnancies go through. And so we've been to the point where we've been pregnant and we've been expecting a child. And then that goes in a different direction um how many months was she when she had the miscarriage three so that's uh 12 weeks did
Starting point is 01:13:35 you see the child yet like did she have like you know if i see that like see like go to the doctor and they put the whatever thing on her tummy with the jelly and then you're like oh look there's a kid yeah that's that's intense my wife my wife in the did she have severe bleeding when she had the miscarriage massive for months uh that's what happened we went go ahead we went to tennessee uh we spent all night on an overnight trip. We don't know if this is a reason. And then we were in the Airbnb. Last day of the Airbnb, just massive amounts of bleeding. And went to the ER. They said everything's probably fine. Went back home. And then it was past that night. was passed that night she came out uh in the toilet and then there was massive bleeding for like a like it was it was messy with the blood yeah like when was this when was this about six months ago um does she is she jaundice now is her skin color all jacked up
Starting point is 01:14:47 no no no i i there's still like physical like she's not in uh and i don't know how far down this she would be comfortable with me talking about okay but she's but like she's talking publicly about it uh she's mentioned it in a few posts so i think i'm safe to to speak about the experience but uh physically it it was destructive i should, but she's okay now. My wife was pregnant. We were at a hotel in Los Angeles and she had a miscarriage and it was crazy painful for her. I think it was like around nine weeks. We had never seen the baby. It was crazy painful for her, like 24 hours of pain, not a big deal, whatever. Got pregnant again, had Avi, whatever. Then she got pregnant again after, after Avi,
Starting point is 01:15:55 I don't remember how old he was. Let's say he was a year old and she started bleeding and she started bleeding a lot. So she goes, Hey, I'm going to go sit in the bathtub and she's pregnant. Right. And I'm checking on her periodically and she doesn't seem like herself. And all of a sudden I'm realized the bathtub is like filling with blood blood like an inch of blood on the bottom of a fucking bathtub like like like a fucking horror movie and she's coming in and out of consciousness so i scoop her up i scoop the baby up and i take her to the hospital right and and it's in the middle of the night another fucking crazy story um just all the pieces of shit that that what we call frequent flyers that the whole hospital what we call frequent flyers that the whole hospital is full of frequent flyers basically homeless people who fucking call the
Starting point is 01:16:29 police uh the an ambulance so all the but all the doctors are cool as shit this is in uh in albany and they call in a special doctor who's asleep and they wake her up and she comes and and they they they fix her up right and they i think that they tell her like hey good thing you came in this could have gotten fucking squirrelly and you could have died so we go home and for and she's fucking traumatized right like she's not herself for like i don't know maybe still not herself um but but she her skin was a different color she was like yellow for months for months and thank god we had an amazing midwife who'd always check on her. And, you know, and obviously she's healthy. She was a CrossFitter. You know, she ate well, you know, throw the bread off the top, off the burger kind of shit. And, and she did not want to get pregnant again. She did not. And then the blood was that she had a miscarriage. The blood was that.
Starting point is 01:17:24 She had a miscarriage. That was her second miscarriage, right? So she had a first miscarriage. We had a kid. Then she had that second miscarriage. And that one was, it was scary. Like seeing your wife go unconscious. Like, and at that point, it's not your wife.
Starting point is 01:17:37 I mean, I wasn't married to her or your girlfriend or someone you love. It's the fucking mom to your kid. Like the whole paradigm shifts when you have a kid. It's the person you're with. Like no one ever tells you that, but they're now, if you, I think if you're healthy, that's what happens to you have a kid it's the person you're with like no one ever tells you that but they're now if you i think if you're healthy that's what happens to you as a man you stop looking at that as um oh uh what is septic shock thank you septic shock is a severe and systemic infection that means that it affects the entire body it's causing bacteria when pregnant women develop a septic shock usually complication of one of the following conditions abortion or miscarriage oh a severe kidney infection,
Starting point is 01:18:05 abdominal infection, infection of, I don't know if she got any infection, but man, there was a lot of blood, dude. Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Let's bring in the, let's bring in the nurse. Hold on. What are you saying? So the whole, the kidney infection is, we'll probably, or like the kidney,
Starting point is 01:18:20 um, pathology is probably what was causing the jaundice. Not necessarily. Oh had an infection. Because the kidneys are affected during a marriage. It's probably what caused her to have that. Oh, it wasn't that she lost so much. I thought it was that she lost so much blood. That's a kidney thing.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Okay, and that makes sense why it lasts six months. I would really like it, Caleb, if there was like some naked girl like passed out on your bed. Instead of just some stacked pillows. All right, fine. So, so then, then, and, and, um, probably I shouldn't tell this part, but then, um, like, you know, after like six months after that happened, um, we were doing it and she's like, Hey, I'm ovulating. Don't let one fly in me. I'm like, okay, no problem. And then the next night we're doing it again. And I let one fly in her and she goes did you just let one fly i think she probably said it different and i go yeah she goes i told you i was ovulating i go that was fucking last night she says you're a
Starting point is 01:19:12 fucking idiot and then we had twins and we lived happily ever after that was last night what the fuck do i know ovulating so so so i i um so so what the first one wasn't so traumatic though but the second one fucking rocked her like fucking rocked her like she's like like she was scared like you know what i mean like like if you're doing like if you were like if you did a back flip and you landed on your head you like never do backflips again so she was like she's like like she was scared like you know what i mean like like if you're doing like if you were like if you did a backflip and you landed on your head you like never do backflips again so she was like she'd shut down the baby factory but i still like she didn't shut it down good enough well what about now you guys done or is there dude she's she's old she's old i'm 50 and she's 40 40 when your girlfriend becomes fitter than you then you know you're old that's like you've reached like this point like that's we're old something's happening so so so you're just waiting for her to heal up and then and then Maybe just keep trying. Yeah. Yeah. We,
Starting point is 01:20:26 uh, yeah, it's worth it. I think, I think miscarriages are a good thing. I think it's the, the, the,
Starting point is 01:20:32 um, I mean, this is what I tell myself that it's, it just wasn't a viable life in there. So the body gets rid of it. Right. That's, I mean,
Starting point is 01:20:41 we don't know the exact purpose, but that's definitely the body has its own intelligence and then there's the whole she's also there she's negative blood type type she's got she's oh she's she's negative and i'm positive and we've got that whole thing like people that have is that real is that real real like shit? Or is that hippie shit? Spiritual shit? No, that's real.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Like if you have a, if you have a hold on, hold on. I don't trust you. Hold on. Hold on. I, I,
Starting point is 01:21:11 so I apologize for not trusting you. Uh, um, what is this? He, he's saying that there could be an issue. I'm making this up. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:21 She has positive blood and he has negative blood. Other way around. Other way around. Yeah. Okay. Can they make a baby if he yeah i don't i don't think there's anything um wrong with like blood types having a baby but i do want to correct something that i did say it's the liver that causes the jaundice not the kidneys i got those mixed up so fair enough correction okay okay go on let's put an asterisk by this
Starting point is 01:21:45 story uh that uh yeah that's an easy google though yes you can have a baby if you're positive and and she's negative but if she's negative her body will try to kill the baby like and and because of that it's going to make uh it's going to make a defense so then the second time that you get pregnant if you didn't take this shot which is called the rogam shot if you didn't get a shot to stop the body's defenses then the body will kill the baby. And so if the male's positive, the female's negative, you have to get the shot at a certain time during pregnancy. I'm struggling with that. Just Google Rogram.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Hey, which one of you has the rare blood type? She does. Is it rare? Yeah, it's off planet that's that's like the rhesus monkey gene is what ties humans to this planet that's that's what we use to determine that we're earthlings besides the fact that we're on earth but negative blood types don't have that gene. So the, the foundation of that theory that they're from the earth does, there's not really proof without the positive. What does this say? Rogam is an immunity support injection administered during pregnancy for people
Starting point is 01:23:23 with a negative blood type. The purpose of Rogam shot is to prevent problems that occur due to the baby's positive blood type. It helps prevent the body from developing RH antibodies. Oh, so I misspoke as well. So it's not just if the father is positive, there's going to be problems. There's problems if the baby is positive. And that's likely to happen if the father is positive and that's likely to happen if the father's or it's possible to happen if the father's positive. So if the mother's negative and the baby ends up having positive blood type,
Starting point is 01:23:54 then there's antibodies that wants to get rid of this. Oh, wow. In like, basically the body feels that, that the positive baby is in. It's, it's not as, it's not, the negative blood types are superior blood types. And that's the one she has? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:18 So if the baby's. Is she a Jew? Is she a Jew? No. Oh. Then she's not the superior race sorry look at all these people coming to your defense geez easy people easy easy easy easy so i mean then that's a whole other question it's like what what are these types of blood and why do they exist what are the differences why negative body, like female bodies want to kill positive babies?
Starting point is 01:24:51 Like, like there's literally like a biological genocide. Like it happens biologically. And then what, what is that about? And then what is that about? It opens up a whole other spectrum of where does this blood type come from, and that's what I'm talking about. You get it at 28 weeks, which makes it so the mom's blood doesn't have positive or negative, so that if she's exposed to positive blood type, she won't antibodies hey can that kill the mom too yeah why thank you so i mean if the babies so the first baby first baby that she doesn't have antibodies because the blood doesn't mix. So the, the negative mom might not, the RH negative mom isn't going to know, like the, the body won't know, but during pregnancy, it's likely that the blood mixes. And once the blood mixes, then the negative RH negative mom's body starts making antibodies. Those antibodies will be a problem for the second pregnancy.
Starting point is 01:26:11 So usually after the first pregnancy, she has to get a shot as well so that the second pregnancy, there's not a problem with antibodies. And she's also going to need a shot during that second pregnancy. Is any part of you like, fuck that? We're not doing that. That's just fucking hocus pocus, mumbo western. Oh, no. So, yes.
Starting point is 01:26:31 But then I will just have to deal with the fact that maybe her body doesn't want to give birth to a positive baby. And so we're just going to keep on going until somehow the baby becomes negative, which then would be correct, right? That would be how it was supposed to be. And there's definitely part of me that thinks that that's what we should be doing, but seeing her go through what she went through, it's like, we're just going to be going through that over and over and over again. because of something that i want so i actually thought of this too even though i have no fucking idea what you're saying this thought did pop into my head too but if you have a miscarriage before you get the shot then the mother does get exposed to the positive blood and builds the antibodies even though she didn't have the kid right so but so she has to get the shot
Starting point is 01:27:27 what does she think who gives a fuck no no i'm just joking uh yeah what does she think well we got we got that shot just to offer us a possibility of you know a child and she has sister. So her entire family is RH negative, but her sister has a family and has daughters who I believe are positives. So with that shot, like there's life in this world because of it. And so do I think that it's something that I want to deny life to? I mean, if it were up to me only, and I would have to maybe face the possibility, like the whole purpose of the body rejecting a positive baby is because negative blood types do not want, biologically speaking, they don't want to birth positive babies. And so I would be okay with that. But it would also mean that maybe I don't get to have a baby with this person.
Starting point is 01:28:41 And I don't think, I think that if we were going to raise a child, I would, yeah, after I think about it, like maybe I would prefer to have my own genetics in a child than to adopt one or find another woman. Right. So that's, that's the question of like, that's where science can step in and help us step in and help us manipulate the situation. But I'm still interested in why it is. Like, why is this actually a thing? If, I'm going to go on to the adoption thing.
Starting point is 01:29:21 If, I would definitely raise someone else's baby. But I don't know if I would raise someone else's baby. If I hadn't have already had my own babies, like I could love another baby. Like I love my own baby, but I don't know if I could have done that before I had my own baby. Does that make sense to you? Yeah. And like, there's something like something, like something something in me changed i don't know what it is but something in me changed yeah i would agree with that i mean i love my dog and he's not my genetics oh your poor dog your poor dog but like how old's your dog maybe there's a different level of that four wait till you have a kid, the benign neglect you will give your dog. Is your dog allowed to sleep on your couch? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Oh, where's he? Is there anywhere he's not allowed to go? No, no, no, no. But that'll change with a kid like we're going to have to give we're going to have to make new rules. Yeah. kid like we're gonna have to give we're gonna have to have make new rules yeah when we when we uh when we had a kid uh within like a few months our dog got hit by a car and like it was totally our fault like because we used to always be like where's the dog take care of the dog to the dog and then it was like fuck the dog like not on purpose but you're like you know i mean you got
Starting point is 01:30:38 diarrhea on the floor over here you got someone else vomiting over here and the dog's getting run over in the street. He didn't die. Yeah. This, this guy comes running up to the house and he's this old guy. And I live in, you know, that highway in front of my house. We hear screeching and the guy comes running from the house. He goes, I think I hit your dog. He's like this 70 year old dude. And this young kid comes running up behind him. We'll also stop. He goes, no, you did hit their dog he's like this 70 year old dude and this young kid comes running up behind him
Starting point is 01:31:05 who also stopped he goes no you did hit their dog i was like oh fuck but the guy ran it clean over so it didn't you know what i mean like no tire got it it just looked like someone took my dog and just scraped him on the car all right 15 minutes he's just like scabs and bloody and shit it he was fucking traumatized for like a month just a fucking just fucking a rattled mess um what um what what um shampoo do you use for your clothes not shampoo uh detergent yeah pretty much anything i could get at the health food store but i think right now we're using seventh generation but it's anything that i get at the health food stores is pretty okay and i know i haven't went deep down in it to see what the chemicals do but i definitely know that if i use tide i'll get a rash on my penis on your penis yeah on the on the on the helmet or or it's like uh up the shaft oh that's
Starting point is 01:32:17 not so bad whatever's rubbing on my boxers whatever it's rubbing on my boxers and i remember that started happening before I ever started having sex. And I was like, what is going on? I've heard of STDs and I thought I had an STD as a kid. And then I like, I did the math and I was like, it's right where it's like on my boxers all day long. And so I just started using different detergent at like 17 years old and that made all the difference but that stuff is like acid and there's chemicals in it and there's a lot of stuff on our skin that is alive there's bacteria and there's a whole microbiome of organisms living on our skin and our laundry detergent is going to destroy that and also also on top of that, I also have a friend who is a
Starting point is 01:33:05 professional tennis player who is using Tide and he started getting, uh, what's the syndrome where you don't vertigo. He started getting vertigo. And if you look up one of the main causes of vertigo, it's using commercial laundry detergent, especially if you you sweat a lot so if you're working out with clothes that you wash in these chemicals those chemicals are going straight through your skin if you're sweating because your pores are opening and it's getting into your bloodstream a lot easier and i read a book when did you sweat a lot on your cock and balls? I played hockey. So, so heavy sweat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:47 Yeah. Me too. I sweat a lot down there. If I get poison Oak that like it's, it's, it's always there. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Always. Your hands are all over it. I guess. I, I mean, there's, there's no, let's not jump to any rash conclusions,
Starting point is 01:34:01 but it's always my balls and shaft are just, just covered in it well i when i do use tide i do a double or triple rinse and then i push that water to our ocean um but my wife you should see the shit we have it's like this stuff in these brown bottles yeah and it smells like patchouli there's like seven generation there's like this stuff in these brown bottles. Yeah. And it smells like patchouli. That's seventh generation. There's like recycled. There's like three things in it. It comes from it.
Starting point is 01:34:31 It's always like tape. No, it's not seventh generation. I'm telling you, it's like it's it is some hippie shit. And what all everyone always jokes that our kids smell like patchouli. Well, the thing is like how dirty are our clothes really getting do we need to put like some industrial grade cleaner into them like literally you could just rinse it off in water and it's probably fine do you have your own smell do people talk about your smell to you
Starting point is 01:34:57 i do but i think it's a little mild now that I'm not exercising and working out a lot. But when I had my gyms, I was pretty ripe everywhere I went. Patchouli is a species of flowering plant in the family llama. I had no idea. Commonly called the mint or dead nettle family, the plant grows as a bushy perennial herb with erect stems reaching up to 75 centimeters two and a half feet in height and bearing small pale pink white flowers yeah that's what my kids smell like when i just saw that word erect i thought of how we have erection tissue in our nose as well just fun fact that's what makes you stuffy.
Starting point is 01:35:47 Yeah. I mean, there's chemicals. That's probably why I'm always, I used to have great Danes, not anymore. That's probably why I'm always stuffy. Cause I'm always erect. Great things too. You did as a kid. Yeah. Um, thank you for coming on the show
Starting point is 01:36:05 thanks for having me I'm glad I didn't prepare yeah we talked we talked and so yeah switch your soaps laundry detergents anything else you put on your body I'm just reading a comment right now. Bye.
Starting point is 01:36:26 That's fine. Read away. Enjoy. Enjoy. Enjoy my comments. I want to share them with you. Switch everything you put on your body to homemade or buy for someone who makes it homemade and you will see a big difference.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Yeah, I read a book 16 years ago called The Hundred Year Lie and it was all about the chemical revolution that started in 1905 and I read the book in 1906. So it's basically about the last hundred years and how everything is just filled with chemicals and volatile organic compounds that get into the air, not just our clothes and dish soap, but the paint, our mattresses are sprayed with fire retardant you said it was written in 1905 and you read it in 1906 no no no no it was it was about the chemical revolution in 1905 and i read it somewhere around 2007 or 8 or something like that a hundred years later yeah and so that that in that book it's funny they go through like the first 20 minutes of your day and how all of the chemicals you touch in the first 20 minutes of your day from your mattress to your sheets to you stepping on
Starting point is 01:37:39 the carpet in your room and how that just gets absorbed into your feet. And then you go and you get into the shower with all the chemicals in the water and you're inhaling that into your lungs and going into your bloodstream. And so filtering your shower is important as well. And then you go brush your teeth and the floor and your toothpaste. It goes over like the first 20 minutes of your day and how you're just bathing in chemicals. And i switch everything over we even have an organic mattress as a as a kid i remember and still as an adult never um trusting plastic or um microwaves like anytime i see like i don't want and i don't i can't stand plastic i can't stand microwaves like anytime i see like i don't want and i don't i can't stand plastic i can't stand microwaves it's it's fucking um it's pure insanity to me that this thing is that people put things in
Starting point is 01:38:32 a microwave um especially plastic things and heat it up and they don't think that they think that that's okay there's something not right about it my brain doesn't um compute it properly or when i see people with those silicone spatulas in their in their um teflon fucking uh pans i'm like what what are you doing like none of that makes sense it's so bad none of that makes none of that makes we i mean we don't have a microwave at my house thank god my wife you want to live with someone who's more strict on that shit or conscious on that shit than you are like someone who's like pushing the like but like i like it that my wife's like hey stop using tide like she tells me once a week stop using don't i don't want to see tide in the house how is that your your house once and i was impressed because the water that she was using to heat up for my tea that she was making was just a glass.
Starting point is 01:39:29 It was like a glass kettle. Yeah, it has to be glass. Yeah. Yeah. Glass is great. It's awesome. It's clean. But even like the cutting board, people use cutting boards and there's plastic cutting boards.
Starting point is 01:39:47 It's like all that's just going into your food. But the wood's going to have bacteria. I don't give a shit. You know what else happens is if you have a dull knife, where do you think all the metal from that knife that was sharp and now is dull? It's all in your food. And so we've got these really sharp, hard, if you get really hard, like Japanese made knives,
Starting point is 01:40:13 they never ever need to be sharpened for life. And it's because that metal is not going into your food. And so it stays sharp. But if you're getting cheap knives with soft metal, all that metal is going into your food now you have heavy metal poisoning wow i never even thought of that yeah there's a you could go down this rabbit hole for a long time when when recently it came out that um everyone has little microplastics in them like it was a
Starting point is 01:40:40 big news story like i'm like yeah like duh like even do you think drinking out of these plastic bottles is it's so obvious to me it's fucking horseshit that it can't be good for you cans right like if you're drinking out of cans that's all lined in plastic and yeah and it doesn't look like strong plastic it's like flimsy film plastic. Right. And soda is like basically acid. It's probably breaking down that plastic. But yeah, we're eating like credit cards worth of plastic.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Was it every month or every week? Alan Kestenbaum says BS on the knives. He calls BS on your knife story. Well. You need to sharpen them periodically. Yeah, but why? Like where does – where are all the – Right, right, right, right.
Starting point is 01:41:36 I think, Alan, that's his point. His point is that the reason why you do need to sharpen them is because they're getting dull, and the reason why they're getting dull is they're losing that point. And where is that point going? it's going into your food he's saying that as that dulls that those small micro particles of steel are falling off into your food and you're eating them and you slow and yes and i think todd is right you slowly become wolverine that's correct but that's what he's saying all the knives you have are japanese okay fine uh what are you going to do today what's your day going to be like today you're you're it's 8 41 a.m for you too right you're you're in san diego yeah i've actually been on the road we were
Starting point is 01:42:22 in tulum for two for two weeks ago and then last week we had all of our business partners from our business in town for an entire week. Well, just the leaders, really, like 25 of them. And then we went to Vegas to see a private Tony Robbins thing. Oh, how was that? It was only like four hours long. And there was like 150 of us in the room or maybe even 100 or 200, a small group of us in the room. And he was talking mostly about the seasons, the cycles, right? Looking back and looking at the cycles of recession and good times and war and just basically being prepared, like looking at the
Starting point is 01:43:07 seasons of the economy and recognizing what season we're in now with this, you know, this pandemic and the recession that it's causing and understanding that what happens next is a war that what happens next is a war and to prepare for that, right? Because people can succeed financially even within times of war. And basically, war does pull us out of a crisis, a financial crisis, an economic crisis. And so he's saying that historically, that's probably what's in our near future. And just pay attention to the seasons. Did you like it?
Starting point is 01:43:56 I mean, it was good for four hours. Normally his stuff is like five days long. I don't know if I would sign up for one of those by by the way i love you man i miss seeing you compete in jorts this is the knife guy thank you alan i used to cut my jorts with with kitchen knives so that they wouldn't be perfect you're saying how much was that to see him for four hours it was part of a program so i i pay ten thousand dollars my fiance and i each pay around ten thousand dollars for business coaching and that was part of our yearly thing so we've done it for the last two years. So it was free. I mean, it was just part of a, something that we pay thousand dollars a month for people love for network
Starting point is 01:44:51 marketing. Yeah. I mean, it was, it was, it was the first time I've seen him. I, I,
Starting point is 01:44:58 I was, I didn't need to go right. I drove all the way there. We drove all the way there. And I liked seeing him. I liked the legacy that he has. He's been doing this for 50 years. He's been speaking on stage for 50 years in self-help and business development. He speaks to, you know, celebrities and business moguls and superstars from all over the world so it's
Starting point is 01:45:26 really nice to see somebody who's a master in his craft i like that part of it whether you know i know that some people think maybe negatively of people like him or even him i've never heard anyone say anything negative about him it's the it's the upselling that some people that have money trauma don't like that he offers a cheap event and then when people are at like the height of their ecstasy then it's like an upsell to a ten thousand dollar course which i mean like i, people with money trauma hate the sales process of the game that he's in. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:10 I was trained to have money trauma. Is that what that's called? Yeah. And that's what I work with people on because I'm in multi-level marketing or network marketing where there's unlimited cap. We can make as much money as we want. And so that ultimately everyone gets their limit. And a lot of people's limit is a couple thousand dollars a month. And so when you get to
Starting point is 01:46:32 that limit, you're at a ceiling. You're at a self-imposed ceiling of what you deserve or what you're willing to go for, what you're comfortable receiving in your bank account. And so in order for me to be successful, in order for me to have success in this business, it's up to my team members to be successful. So I have to inevitably work with people on their ceilings, their self-imposed limits of what they feel that they deserve for money. People don't understand that all of us are holding ourselves within our financial limits. Most of us wouldn't be comfortable making more than double what we've ever made in our entire life. So if you've only ever made $3,000 a month, if you find yourself in a situation where you're making $9,000 a month or $19,000 a month,
Starting point is 01:47:26 you will have to be a different person or else you're going to fall back down to making $3,000 a month very quickly because you will self-sabotage your business, self-sabotage the relationships that hold that income structure in place because you're not comfortable being that person. And so there needs to be some sort of self-development work or reprogramming in the brain in order to make that possible. And a lot of it has to do with trauma. A lot of it has to do with the mom telling the kid that she hates her boss because her boss makes a lot more money. And if you make money, you're an evil person. and a lot of us have those programs in our brain i had those i mean i do now i'm at a i don't i don't mind no not me
Starting point is 01:48:17 and that's where we look at the elites of the planet and we are envious of them. But we really think that they're bad. It's also a complete misunderstanding of how money works. Like a rich me is so much is so good for the planet because I spend money at the fucking nursery. Those are my hobbies. I plant trees. You want a fucking rich me. nursery those are my hobbies i plant trees you you want a rich me i i tip kids who work hard and who are kind and push that reward people who are good right you're you have more power yeah when i when i'm rich the world is a better place it's a it's a it's a it's a much it's a
Starting point is 01:49:01 much much better place when i have money um, I don't do stupid fucking things like these people who think it's cool. Like every time they go through a toll bridge, they give $20 to pay for the four people behind them. Go fuck off. There's plenty of times to fucking do good things. What I do is I, I, I, I, I, I, thousand percent, you go crazy when you start making money and start sponsoring crazy podcasts or something like that. Yes, that's one of my sponsors. A thousand percent you go crazy when you start making money and start sponsoring crazy podcasts or something like that. Yes That's one of my sponsors What you do when you have money is you you in hopefully if you have enough situational awareness
Starting point is 01:49:33 What you do is when the mother who has three kids is at the store and she's ordering food And it's 42.50 and she realizes she's in the cash only store and she's visiting from omaha But she doesn't have cash and you have the cash you do it you just pay for it yeah i never told anyone this but i not because you're being nice not because you're no none of that bullshit right because you can instagram post sorry i uh i did something like that but i made a decision not to tell anyone because of what you're saying just because you can't everyone stop listening this is going to be private between ron and i but yeah i was at the i am no one i was at the dmv and this this couple literally were like just i saw the pain in their eyes when they discovered they had to pay a few hundred dollars more than they thought. And yeah, anyways, they were taken care of. Um,
Starting point is 01:50:30 and it was like literally no big thing for me to do that. I, I try to give away in, and that was brought to you. You didn't search it. Right. That was brought to you. And in two minutes, it was done. Yeah. Yeah. It was like done you and then like the ayahuasca yeah yeah yeah it was like done it was like here use my credit card done thank you all right i'm out of there so like it wasn't thinking it wasn't premeditated just it just it was in the flow in the flow but yeah i i like but that requires situational awareness a lot of people don't have that awareness. Or they have something blocking them. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:51:09 Like they see someone who needs help across the street instead of stopping their car and helping them. They think it would be awkward or weird or like. We get caught up. Yeah. Like, dude, just do what you're fucking supposed to do. You saw it. Handle it. you saw it to handle it there's a there's there's a lot of financial maps right and most of them have like uh five percent
Starting point is 01:51:35 or ten percent allocates towards some sort of charity and i pretty much like, I'm just looking for like when stuff like that comes, like I've already made a decision that the more money I make, the more, the more I give away. And so it just makes sense to give it away. I don't need to like actually go to a website and donate to some foundation. Although eventually having your own foundation seems to be with what a lot of wealthy people do for some sort of tax break or whatever they're doing whatever witchcraft they're doing with that but yeah we didn't talk about anything for the last hour now we'll start talking about the good shit again yeah i mean the more money the money is currency right and currency is it's human energy money's
Starting point is 01:52:28 money's human energy yeah it's currency it's yeah it's literally like electric potential and i give you a thousand dollars and you come clean my yard for a month and i use your human energy it's stored sunlight right the the so which is human energy. That's where all of our energy comes from. It comes from the sun. And so everything is about accessing light and stored sunlight, even in our food, that's stored sunlight. Oil is the, you know, the, what oil is taught to us. I don't know if it's true. It's, it's the biomass of it's basically the fossils of trees and, and animals that were stuck in the earth and it, and it turns into oil. And then we use that oil for energy, but really it's all the light that was stuck in the trees or the, the animals.
Starting point is 01:53:18 And now we're releasing that potential energy and, and accessing it. But that's what money is, right? It's a symbol. That's what that, I spend a week raking your leaves or an hour raking your leaves. I give you some of my light energy and you give me this symbol, this dollar, which is basically an IOU. dollar this which is basically an iou and then we can trade it on the market and and access other people's stored sunlight but the more money money first started if people thought it was crazy like fuck you i don't know i don't want your money i need a hundred oranges right now keep this bullshit it started with debt so it's all it's all ious so there's a book called debt that explains how money came to be but it's all it's all an iou so if i do something for you or i give you something let's say i give you a bushel of apples and then you don't pay me anything. You don't have a, let's say that you're growing wood and you don't give me any wood back.
Starting point is 01:54:32 You give me an IOU. So you owe me whatever the equivalent worth of the apples is. Now I have your IOU. I can then trade your IOU to somebody else to get some salary, right? Because, and then they would collect from you in the future. And then eventually it's just all IOUs. And there's not really any tangible freaking thing that anybody can trade it in for it we used to be able to trade it in for gold or silver but now it's literally they can just print more and then now all of our ious become worth less and that's what inflation is because they're just literally printing more ious
Starting point is 01:55:18 without having anything backing it and what did you think about the cover of that book what did you think about the picture on the cover of that book? Did you like it? Let me see that again. The way you described the book, I want to read it. The cover, the picture, like it makes me not want to read it. Yeah. I mean, and it's the Babylon. So this wasn't in the book, but it's called the Babylonian money magic system. It's a way to enslave people. Yeah, on the cover is a ball and chain, right? Yeah, I don't like that.
Starting point is 01:55:55 I like your description of it sounded cool, like practical. I was thinking like you come over to my house and you bring the bushel of apples and you see I have a pregnant horse and you're like hey when i'll be back in a month when that and uh with more apples and then i'm gonna take that horse for the cost of your new baby horse that's gonna be here right but now there's no horses there's just it's just it's just numbers people started making fake uh ious like i came to your house to collect the horse and you're like what's this i'm I'm like, it's an IOU that I traded for this guy. You're like, I never gave him that. So now they got money that's like specially made. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:32 You think there's counterfeit money out there? You think counterfeiting is like a big thing? It has to be. I mean, money itself is all worthless. Even without our thoughts behind it it without the worth we give it i mean if you're if you're worried about some random joe printing fake money it doesn't even need to go there because the people that actually print the money the private industry the the banking system they're printing fake money but it's already fake and then you're printing already face yeah so it doesn't even
Starting point is 01:57:06 matter it's it's it's it's all worthless it's just we all agree that it's worth something um i've been uh greg's been talking about where the 900 belt doesn't freaking matter right like that's where like like from from one perspective, it's like, what is this $900? Like what actually are these $900 bills? Well, that's also something that people don't understand too. Someone might say that that's a waste. It's only, that's not up to anyone to decide but you because that $900 has, it's actually the opposite of a waste.
Starting point is 01:57:44 You've now let let that 900 back into the system so now some of that's going to go to the person who works at the louis vuitton store some of that's going to go to the person who owns the building that's renting the space to them some of that's going to go to the people in china the um who who made it with slave labor okay not very much of it um but that that's another thing that people don't understand it that you you cannot waste money and the only time i've ever seen money wasted is when mayweather burnt a hundred dollar bill in a strip club i think that probably is the only way he'll make more money because of that right but what i'm
Starting point is 01:58:13 saying is that someone else could have had that but when you say i bought a bentley for 50 million and someone's like but i could have had that but all the people who that 50 million is going to that are in the ecosystem of that Bentley are like, fuck you. I'm glad he bought the Bentley. But also they don't understand that there's going to be billions of dollars of business deals done in that Bentley or that private airplane. Right. And so the people that are spending money like my $900 belt will make me more than $900. Like it will be employed.
Starting point is 01:58:46 belt will make me more than $900. Like it will be employed. It will be something that is now an asset for me because it'll make me more money in business. You lost me there. Why? Cause it'll make you feel more confident or it's a, it's a, so a lot of our communication is done non-verbally, right? So it goes into my arsenal of non-verbal communication and whether people know it or not, people are looking you up and down. Actually, it's the first thing you do when you meet somebody, you look, you look, they definitely look you up and down. Yeah. They look at you up and down and they're making a bunch of decisions based on what they see. And they're making a bunch of decisions based on what they see. And in my business, some of those decisions are like, I don't really, you know, am I actually successful in what I do?
Starting point is 01:59:34 And a way to determine that is the amount of money in the bank account. I actually, by law, can't tell people the amount of money in my bank account. I can't tell people how much I get paid. by law can't tell people the amount of money in my bank account. I can't tell people how much I get paid. So I actually, part of my job is to show people unconsciously or consciously. Why can't you tell people how much you have in your bank account? The FTC regulates my industry and in my industry, people can start the business for basically free. start the business for basically free. Um, but if they are, if I tell them that I make, you know, the, the amount of money that I make, they, the FTC regulates it because they feel that people are going to want to be in business with me,
Starting point is 02:00:23 come into the multi-level marketing structure and think that they're going to make that amount of money. It's just a way to regulate us so that we're not taking advantage of other people, which we would in my particular case, I wouldn't take advantage of other people. But there are people that feel like, yeah, FTC regulates to prevent deception and fraud and unfair business practices. So me going around saying, hey, if you do what I do, you get paid this amount. They don't really want people doing that and telling them, showing them my paychecks might be crossing that line, but they still do need to know that what I do, I do make good money doing this and that they do have an opportunity to do that. And so actually I, just like when you own a gym, you get paid to work out. That could be looked at as selfish because you're spending all day working out, but you
Starting point is 02:01:24 actually, you're the billboard for your business. So it's the same thing with what I do. I help people make money. That's what my job is, is I, I only make money when I recruit in a team and help them make money. That's like when Greg put his arm around Jason Kalipa at the the 2008 crossfit games and said this is the product this is the product this is what we're selling are you working out still i just started doing some yoga during the weekend and pilates like i just started doing that are you doing hot pilates no my wife has gotten really into hot pilates man the the hot stuff is is good it's like a
Starting point is 02:02:15 sauna just like saunas good for you she said she says it's like being in a sauna she says really dry and hot yeah and she says and the people in there are the most beautiful people you've ever seen in your life she said i would fucking lose my mind in there so is she doing it on the floor or is she on a reformer i think she's on the floor and she says another thing is is they'll just pack the room like i like are there 20 people in there she goes there should be i go oh what do you mean there's 40 or 60 she said they'll just keep letting them come in just lay out a mat and get to work i'm like holy shit yeah people get addicted to that hot stuff that's how hot yoga is too the rooms are full and then it's even more hot yeah that's probably god you must you must look amazing in that space do you um do you do you
Starting point is 02:03:00 miss i mean you still have a nice body i was looking looking at your career of the week, but do you miss any of your muscle? The thing is, is that you can't really move. When you, if you're stacked with muscle, I couldn't move, I should say. There are people that have great mobility and lots of muscle. I never really got into mobility when I was younger. So for me, more muscle equals less movement
Starting point is 02:03:25 and, and more pain. And so, yeah, do I, do I miss the muscle? Not necessarily. What I would like is functioning muscle. And I don't really have an ability to, to do that because I have so many injuries. So if I just do traditional workouts that build muscle, my body starts to get more unfunctional. Really? Like if you do like bench press and pull-ups and some air squats? Yeah. I would probably need to go to physical therapy for a long time. And if anybody knows of really, really good physical therapy in Orange County or Southern California, I'd, I'd like to go there.
Starting point is 02:04:07 I've got a lot of issues to take care of my body. Where are they? Issues in my tissues. So I have a dead nerve in my right inner knee area. And so my right, uh, rectus femoris muscle of my quadricep doesn't really fire properly. So what happens is my right IT band gets super tight because it's doing all of my, my leg extension. So for instance, if I squat, there's my right IT band just gets tight because it's doing the work of my rectus femoris muscle. And then it just starts pulling my hips over to the right.
Starting point is 02:04:45 And it just starts making everything hurt. My ankles, my left knee, my hips. And I must have something fucked up like that too. I'm a mess too. And I've got elbows. You think that could be fixed? You think that can be fixed with therapy? We'll talk about acceptance.
Starting point is 02:05:04 No, I don't know. I feel like I broke a nerve in my knee gymnastics, in a gymnastics gym once. And so I think that's why the nerve's dead. I also have a dead nerve that a chiropractor injured in my cervical spine. So now my shoulders kind of do the same thing that I was just talking about with my legs. So I'm at a point, and I was dealing with this all through CrossFit as well. I was like, uh, Frankenstein, like my body never felt connected. And so I did well, cause I was able to mentally push past everything, but that's why I didn't really train as hard as I could and should have because I would have just had neck
Starting point is 02:05:46 problems and hip problems and back problems. And so I just really competed. I just went to the open and regionals and then I just, the rest of the year did yoga and Pilates and stretched at the so man you what a life how old are you 39 man you look good but the gray in that thing yeah yeah there's a lot of gray that because i see streaks in it but i but i can't tell what the what what it is yeah i've had gray hair i bleached my hair when i was 17 to be like eminem and i went bleach blonde way back then i don't know if probably everyone remembers when you think that's funny caleb when he said it to be like eminem you thought that was funny did you guys do that i would say no caleb when's the last time you bleached your hair not once i've never bleached my hair it was ridiculous but my friends were doing it so i let them put bleach in my head and i
Starting point is 02:06:53 and they burnt my scalp because they left super concentrated bleach in my hair for two hours and then my whole head was a giant scab, but I had blonde hair. The first – I went to a hotel one time and nared my body. And then I had gray hairs up. Sorry. Did you ever nare your body? No, but I had hockey teammates that did that. That shit's crazy. I've nared my body a few times, like my chest and back, and left that shit on too long.
Starting point is 02:07:21 Fuck. And you could smell like that. You could smell shit burning. It's like a chemical. You know like when you burn plastic as a little kid with the lighter you're like what's that smell it's like that oh hair burning yeah has that weird smell yeah nair does that um so so sorry so you bleached your hair you did so much damage during the bleaching process i don't know that's what you had gray hair ever since then, that's when gray hair started. I had no grays before that moment, and I've tried looking. I don't think that that's what's supposed to cause gray hair, but it did with me.
Starting point is 02:07:55 And then, you know, I deal with a lot of stress my whole life, being a business owner and stuff. I think stress caused it. You don't really have any wrinkles well i mean compared to 10 years ago i do you're asian though too right what are you you're like filipino or something half half filipino and what's the other half are those asians are filipino's asian they're manny pacquiao's filipino right yeah yeah that's asian they're technically asian but it's not like it's like islander it's more of like pacific islander than yellow like if the rock and like or if like a samoan and a Chinese dude had a kid, that would be Filipino. Yeah, I mean, I think that's what it's all. And I even think Spain had some influence over the genetics in the Philippines
Starting point is 02:08:55 because the conquerors go around and inseminate. You know how like the first dog is a wolf and like all the other dogs come from that? What is the first person? So, I mean, that's the question. That's what I was talking about with the rhesus monkey gene. Yeah. Like what is humans?
Starting point is 02:09:17 And there's many different theories on that. There's the theory of evolution that we just naturally evolved from an ape, right? Like an ape just turned into a human. But there seems to be some genetic manipulation in our chromosomes and our DNA where it looks like there is intervention probably from extraterrestrial races so if you look at like what an ape mixed with an extraterrestrial would look like then you you would get us and so i if i needed to guess or needed to say what i most believe then i would say that there's there is intervention in the naturally occurring species on this planet like ape being like one of the highest evolved and then they they basically like upgraded the ape
Starting point is 02:10:13 with their own dna which is what is in every single religious text as well like uh the gods coming in and making a man right in the garden of Eden, which could be a laboratory. Athena fucked, uh, the goddess of Athena fucked, blah, blah, blah. And they made this kid that was a titan half, half gods. Yeah. Um, we had talked about this before, but in that book, um, talking about the other planets and what lessons you could learn there are other dimensions or whatnot um there's this book stranger in a strange land and the biggest takeaway in the book for me was he's tripping because on all the other planets um you procreate um just you just procreate you just think about it yeah and you procreate and and those creatures are all enlightened but they don't get the enjoyment of procreation and he says what's crazy about mankind and earth is on earth you can procreate
Starting point is 02:11:12 and be enlightened you can procreate with an opposite sex and be enlightened but we're fucking it all up we squander it with fighting and jealousy and anger but we're actually like we have the greatest we're having our cake and eating it too and yet and yet we're squandering it whereas on these other planets it's not like that the enlightened creatures they don't get to enjoy the the the titties to put in the most that book is amazing stranger in a strange land yes oh fuck it you read it yeah i'm looking i'm there's crazy rock the word yes yes book right yes yes that book is so good i can't believe one man wrote that it's every religion in one in one book and it's in the fucking sci-fi section like
Starting point is 02:12:00 how is this sci-fi i think i'm gonna go back and read reread the part at the very end he comes i mean some people want to read the book but he comes out and he's just like this epitome of of a human and he's standing in front of the crowds of people and i think that there is like a page where they describe like him being born and raised on mars and then coming to earth and then integrating both the planets and at the very end of the book he like walks out in front of the people and then they describe how he is in that moment and i didn't want to go reread that because that was like the accumulation of all of his knowledge from both planets in one moment right before because just like you decide to procreate you also just decide to
Starting point is 02:12:50 to die basically yeah yeah yeah hey maybe we should read that book together i i won't read it i'll listen to it and then um and then do a show on what we think about it. Like go back and, I mean, I haven't listened to it in fucking 10 years. Yeah. I mean, and then the cool thing is that the strange land is earth, right? Yeah. He's the stranger from Mars. He was born and raised on Mars,
Starting point is 02:13:18 raised by Martians. And then they, it's all core. It's, there's so many hidden things, right? Because then the corporations get, the reason why they went and got him from Mars is because he technically owns Mars because he's the only human there. And their laws say that like the first inhabitants are the ones that own the land and they wanted to go own Mars, but they realized that there is already a human there and he owns all of Mars. And so they bring him back to Earth to try and get him to sign the contracts to give over Mars to the corporations here.
Starting point is 02:13:57 I don't remember any of that. I just remember that there's a lot of sex in the book and I just like that. There's also another theme. It's called water brothers on mars oh yeah so these are the themes good memory and it's because i reference this book a lot so let's say like in the spiritual community like sharing water and ceremony is is is important and i usually reference the the concept of a water brother because i forget the guy's name i forgot it's like a normal name like the guy who's the the human on mars on mars there's
Starting point is 02:14:36 no water and so water is very sacred for them mike mike mike literally shares water with the people whom he chooses to be water brothers kind of yeah it's kind of like a sacrament of a church ceremony the act brings together those who choose to partake in the event so a water brother is anybody who you share water with and on mars there's no water so they literally like eat their dead to, to save the water, right. To, to take on the waters. And it's actually like very, it's like an honor if you give your waters to, to your family and anybody that you share water with becomes your water brother because it's so sacred on that planet but he comes to earth and there's water everywhere so he's telling them that when you become a water brother with somebody you're bonded like beyond life like it's like it's an eternal bond it's it's it's more than our concept of a friend and that's the greatest thing about this book is that we have our concepts of how things are on earth. But in that book, you attain similar concepts, but they're different.
Starting point is 02:15:55 Like the word grok. Grok, by how we would know it, would mean to understand. It means to comprehend. know it would mean to understand it means to comprehend but grok is is more than just understanding or comprehending it's like knowing it greater than like we even know what knowing means and so that book kind of just gives otherworldly, even if it's fiction, like who knows what it is, but even if it's fiction, you get a contrast from a different planet on some things like comprehension or what it is to be a friend with somebody. Cause a water brother is so much more than a friend. It's like someone that you actually shared this sacred ceremony with. It is. It's, it that you actually shared this sacred ceremony with. It is.
Starting point is 02:16:47 It's, it's an incredible book. And that's kind of like, yeah, it rocked me. You're awesome. The fact that he brings in so many different aspects and qualities of, in,
Starting point is 02:17:01 in stories of religions and incorporates them all into one giant story it's uh what was the guy's name who wrote it was it bruce something i don't know hen you know who he was friends with he was friends with uh yeah yes robert heinlein i think he was friends with um uh ray bradbury and uh the guy who wrote Dianetics, the Scientology guy too. They were all sci-fi writers in that same time, and I think they were all friends. I think they all hung out in Santa Cruz together. And you know who else they were friends with? The guy who wrote The Birds or made that movie, Alfred Hitchcock.
Starting point is 02:17:40 I think all those cats were friends. Kind of makes sense, right? Mm-hmm yeah I mean they swam in the same they swam in the same uh same circles together yeah these these these people are of great influence and i feel that they get their their information from other worldly places i mean that's what scientology is all about right is like there is some alien stuff in it too same thing with mormonism there's, they literally talk about extraterrestrials. The Mormons have that? Yeah, I think, I think I, I don't know anything about this, but I did date two or three Mormons for three years each.
Starting point is 02:18:37 But so I forget John Smith. Yeah, yeah. That's their dude. That's their dude. Yeah. So John Smith, I believe, and I'm terrible memory here though. He woke up in the middle of the night. He was summoned to go to like a tree or something by an extraterrestrial. I think they actually say like, they don't reference it as like a God. I think it's actually by another planet. And then he discovers these golden books.
Starting point is 02:19:08 And that's what their entire religion is based off of. I might be getting this completely wrong. But I do believe that Mormons are into the alien thing. And they have magic underwear too. I switched from head and shoulders to verb head and shoulders was all alcohol. Verb head and shoulders. This guy must be behind in the podcast and he just read the section. He's at the section where we're talking about shampoo.
Starting point is 02:19:38 Do you ever wash your hair? Yeah, I do now. I didn't when I had short hair like yours. I just rinsed it with water. Yeah, I do now. I didn't when I had short hair like yours. I just rinsed it with water. But now, like, I don't have a favorite. I don't know what shampoo is the best. I'm just searching still. Why not just run water through it? Like, yeah, I don't use shampoo. just i just run my i just have water on it and just rub it really really hard yeah that's all i did when i had short hair but when my hair gets longer there's like oil it's more like an oil thing that gets uh kind of like caked in there i don't really take that much showers as well.
Starting point is 02:20:26 So I think it's like a combination of that. And then, yeah, it also tangles. So really, really, you don't shower every day. No, it doesn't. Don't you sleep better when you shower? That's why a shower just like if you get sticky. Yeah. That's the most of the reason why I'm like,
Starting point is 02:20:46 all right, I need, I feel like I'm getting like sticky or grimy, but that's not every day. Right. Nobody who's listening to this knows about the Mormon religion. And if I'm saying is completely, cause I don't know.
Starting point is 02:21:03 I don't know. I want to make it known that I don't know i don't know i want to make it known that i don't know but if what i was saying was true it's what i think i remember i don't but i don't put coconut oil in my hair no if i did um i put there's this mud it's this stuff just called mud it's like a clay and basically right before the podcast i push it in and i put it on my beard and i put it in my mustache. But within like an hour of this being over, I'd look like just a fucking madman. Like just the shit just will fucking just start exploding everywhere. And that's it.
Starting point is 02:21:33 And the rest of the day, no one, I don't think, at least I never think I look the same. I don't think like I walk around in my life looking like the same guy on the podcast. I look at myself in the mirror later on in the day. I'm like, holy shit. That's not like, man, I hope no one, no one watches the podcast or receives this version of me. My hair is getting too, like, it's this ball on top of my head is getting a little bit hard to manage. Have you thought about just for, for ease, just shaving everything off and starting over? I have, but for right now I actually feel my hair. Like's it gives it i feel it like it's like a
Starting point is 02:22:09 limb like it's tangible like i feel that it's it's a part of my body oh that's nice is that nice yeah so if i i feel and it might all be bullshit but i feel like if i cut it off it would be i would be missing it and then the only reason why i think about cut it off, it would be, I would be missing it. And then the only reason why I think about cutting it off is because then I'm thinking, am I getting too attached to this? I think it's okay to be attached to it. So do I, but I'm also playing with that too. It was like, am I just keeping this because I'm attached to it now? And do, is there,
Starting point is 02:22:44 is there something to be gained by cutting it off and being somebody else? I think that, I don't know how long it'll be, but it'll probably just be one day. I just cut it off. If that happens, I won't even think about it for very long. When I cut off my hair, I do it because for fruit, for freedom from managing my hair. And when I, and when I grow my hair, I grow it from freedom of having to do to cut my hair. Do you know what I mean? It's like the same mechanism, but then it gets to like this length and I start to have like a look and I kind of like manipulating the world with this look because I, I can see how people react to this right and so i'm like okay i'll take advantage of that you know what i mean i was surprised at
Starting point is 02:23:31 the difference that people they treat you nicer they trust you more when you have longer hair yeah yeah yeah i'm the total grandpa now i'm no threat to anyone i just cruise around i'm just a just a wise benevolent dude and i'm just chill and i'm not trying to steal their girlfriend no not getting any pussy yeah definitely not getting any pussy i mean except for just the just the local the pussy that lives in my house but the local pussy yeah you just accept it and you're just like but but i think the guests are more comfortable with this look. So.
Starting point is 02:24:11 Did I lose you? You froze? No, I'm reading some Mormon stuff. They did call it an angel, Moroni. Yeah, yeah. yeah yeah the uh in 1823 joseph smith said that he was invited by an angel named maroney who told him of an ancient record containing god's dealing with the former inhabitants of the american continent god i have to pee so bad you went pee once, not Caleb. You should drink your pee.
Starting point is 02:24:48 Oh God. On episode three with Ronnie Teasdale, raw of earth, drink your pee. Someone yesterday told me that you ate your semen. I have. And I told them that the only way that that works is as if the semen is not exposed to oxygen. Yeah. I mean, I was just doing that. Which means you have to get it right from the source.
Starting point is 02:25:13 I didn't make that leap. Thank you. But I just, yeah, there's other ways. You don't have to eat it. No. I don't think it's as powerful as just conserving it and not releasing it and moving the energy up but that was kind of before i discovered all of that stuff um what did it taste like like uh chalky and it kind of sticks to your teeth you know sometimes yeah i can imagine it sticking to your teeth it sticks sometimes it's sticky you know how well it wasn't not necessarily this not sticky like sugary sticky but it's sticky it's uh you know when you eat spinach and it like makes your teeth kind of like chalky like if you eat raw spinach it makes your teeth feel dry i know i know what you're talking about yeah i remember that feeling what does it
Starting point is 02:26:07 taste like it's it was so long ago i just did it a few times um because why not yeah yeah it's your life it's your it's your laboratory right experiment you don't get you didn't get did you get sick at all no this is like i don, I don't mean sick. Like, like, like, uh, like, uh, two hours later you get sick. I mean, just like, like, like it was disgusting. Yeah. I think that once you make a decision to do it, then that, that goes away. I feel like it's kind of like drinking a raw egg. Like you can get sick if you're like, oh, I don't want to do this.
Starting point is 02:26:47 This tastes disgusting in your mouth. Or you can just do it. The cool thing about the raw egg is it just goes down. But it's meant to be sticky, so it sticks in the vagina and doesn't fall out. That's like the whole. Was yours salty or sweet i do remember salt it's it's it's been so longabi i know i'm just making that up i have no idea uh do you anyone have a uh their sinus is clogged up um thank you i i can't hold i it's i i had to go pee in an hour and a half and I tried to get off and now we're at
Starting point is 02:27:46 two and a half hours and my fucking bladder is going to explode and I might even poop now. Um, but thank you for coming on. Yeah. Thanks for having me. Always fun. Beautiful house. Thanks. Beautiful show. All you millions of people out there watching. Thank you, Caleb. Thank you. I saw you throw up a little bit in your mouth when we talked about eating the semen.
Starting point is 02:28:10 It's okay. It's not for everyone.

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