The Sevan Podcast - #421 - CrossFit Semifinals | MACC Event 1 Recap

Episode Date: May 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. A lot. Bam, we're live. We are 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:35 No, fuck. What? We are 15 minutes late and it's all my fault. I told these gentlemen 150 and then I, in my head, recalibrated to 250 Pacific Standard Time. I am extremely sorry. The good news is. You see where I am? I don't even have access to my usual area. The good news is.
Starting point is 00:00:59 It's used for exercise. Oh, it is? Yeah. It's what it's meant for, right? I mean, last night I did tell you guys 150, right? And then I just switched it on you all of a sudden. Yeah, well, I think we were all on the 250
Starting point is 00:01:11 page, right? Yeah, yeah. I wasn't. I was on the 150 page until the last minute. Until about 30 minutes before we came on, I was told I was wrong. It was 250 and I just fucked myself. Anyway, who cares? We're here. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Did you guys watch with unwavering focus? Of course. Third heat, men and women, I watched with unwavering focus. Alright, me too. But I think I did watch most of it. So what we saw were we did see the teams go...
Starting point is 00:01:44 I just want to make a quick uh some say something there um what do i want to say there i uh tanya wagner was talking about how uh mr suza hi sorry sorry i lost my cool sorry i lost my cool matthew i am i i 417 episodes and i have never ever done that as bad i apologize i apologize to all the viewers oh this is responsibility it was 100 my fault savannah calls me he goes he goes it's 150 right i go and look down my notes now 250 we're good cool thanks i get a text about the gym taylor's like we we're going right now. My heart's going like 100. Where's my whoopee score? It's like 195 right now. Whoopee.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Whoopee. Someone throw the banner on the bottom. We are not professional media. Matt is not professional media. The rest of you gentlemen are doing a great job, though. Matt, you're amazing. Thanks for your patience. There is that young lady on that.
Starting point is 00:02:43 I had no idea. I heard Tonya Wagner say this in the live feed. That young lady, Sasha Nieves. Am I saying her name right? Here comes someone to save me now. She is. Oh, yeah. Look at that handsome devil.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Sasha, Sasha Nieves. At 15 years old, she was on the youth Olympic team and she won the bronze. old she was on the uh youth olympic team and she won the bronze and when they asked her about her 200 pound uh complex lift uh she said it was easy and the mayhem independence team went on to take first place uh you guys aren't surprised right no no we can't hear you. Go ahead. Tell us your deepest inner thoughts. He doesn't have any. We just heard inside of Jason Hopper's mind. Jason, did you have a chance to watch any of that? Any of the happenings over at the Mac where you won that event last year, right?
Starting point is 00:03:46 Yeah, I right? Yeah, I did. Yeah. I watched a little bit of it. What, what, what parts did you watch and what stood out to you? I watched the guys and Noah missing a couple of lists stood out.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And then I don't know, I don't know who missed. Who was the dude that lifted first? The dude from Mexico? Luis Oscar Mora. Yeah, that was – The fucking man. Bad move, buddy.
Starting point is 00:04:14 What was a bad move, buddy? If he would have hit it, he was very close to hitting it. He was coming for the record. Dude, hold on. Nice to meet you, Heller. Oh, Hopper. Nice to meet you heller oh hopper nice to meet you too finally hey i heard a lot of great things dude watch a few videos you haven't heard one fucking good thing what are you talking about i'm sure i'm sure it's 50 50 i seen you be an asshole on the
Starting point is 00:04:39 internet five or six times it's good to see you on the Sebon podcast. I've got no reason to pick on Hopper. Hopper's a good moving man. Pretty straight to it. Okay, back to this guy who looks like he's from a boy band from Mexico. What did you think about him, Hopper? I mean, he
Starting point is 00:04:59 looks swole, but I'm saying it's a bad move if there was any doubt that he was going to miss or make that lift as an opener. Okay. Did you see his post-fight interview? There's one rule when it comes to weightlifting. Your first weight always needs to be a weight that you're able to lift getting sprayed with a fire hose. Who taught you that?
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yeah, that's good. That's good. That's good. Some Frasier wisdom. That's pretty good, though. I like it. Now, a fire hose, that's powerful as shit. That's a strong hose.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Have you ever been sprayed with one to give you fricking a rash? I've seen Rambo. That's about all I need to do. Hey, um, Hopper, do you guys do anything crazy like that? Do you,
Starting point is 00:05:54 does, has he ever turned a hose on you when you're lifting and say, okay, make the lift and stay focused. Some Mr. Miyagi shit. All the time. Does he touch your butt when your dad lifting?
Starting point is 00:06:08 Just, just the hole hole just the hole but i mean i can't tell you i can't tell you if that was a good lift or not based like if he if he really thought that he could hit that with getting sprayed with a fire hose then i mean it should be a good opener but apparently it wasn't a good opener he said that he was hoping to do 350 350 that was his goal i just think how do you know he said that because uh he said it in the end in english he before he before he uh praised uh viva la mexico he he said he said his post-fight interview he was there with Zach Watts, who I could easily confuse with Tyler Cristofal. He said
Starting point is 00:06:50 that he was going for 350. Well, then Jason's right. He fucked up his opener. You can't miss the opener. What could he have said that made it so that he would have had to say he was going for 430? His third lift was going to be 430. I think you just should have said, man, I was taking a shot and I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Because that's what it looked like. Jason, what happens before they go out? How long was his warm-up lift before he did that lift? And do you think that played into it? Do you think he lifted something on the side and he was like, oh, 335 is going to be easy? Why are you laughing? I have no idea. He's slowed down.
Starting point is 00:07:31 He's on a delay. Hopper, listen to me. You listening? It was nice having you on the show. Thank you. No, no, you just sit there and smile. Don't say anything else. I couldn't hear a thing for the last, like, two minutes.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I'm sorry. What was talking about? Did you like the fact that Tia, Rich, Matt, these people can get close to their athletes while they're lifting and they can be there and coach them pretty much directly? I mean, Rich could have spit on Tyler while he was lifting. I personally like it as a fan. I thought it was cool.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Yeah, I think it's cool. Helps the athlete. And the other events don't really have that. Yeah, you shouldn't have that in any other event. Just that. You like it, but it shouldn't be. What are Taylor and Andrew doing? Are you guys having an eyebrow off?
Starting point is 00:08:25 Were you guys just lifting your eyebrows at each other? I'm just reading. Taylor's got eyebrows. Yeah. So before we leave the teams and really get into individuals here, I want to say something. So we're not surprised where Independence is at. Luke Parker, 290. Sasha Nieves, 15-year-old.
Starting point is 00:08:48 When she was 15, she won the bronze in the Youth Olympics. There's no surprise here. This was an easy win for them for a total of a 935 for the team lift. No surprise at all from my end, but I want to talk about the COTA teams. There's two COTA teams there, and I know two of them. I know Megan and Boyich. They're a pretty well-constructed team over there, so they're going to do pretty well this weekend.
Starting point is 00:09:12 What does that mean, Kota teams? They're from the Dakotas, North and South Dakota? No, they're out of Colorado. Oh. So I just know they have a bunch of games experience, and I know that they actually do a lot of work with the Worms, so when there are actual Worm workouts, they was just a barbell workout they're already doing pretty well but when the worm comes into play they'll actually hold up real well especially
Starting point is 00:09:31 against mayhem independence uh can you say it right now does the leaderboard work uh suza could we see it for the teams jason how did you get in on this call uh jr i was bugging jr while he's driving and he said i needed a what was it an activity an activity and the rubik's cube he forgot the rubik's cube at home so instead he just puts it on his podcast yeah so they're in third and fifth right now the two coded teams i was talking about and then there's a kilo team too that's one of those teams out of iowa i always tell you about so podcast. Yeah, so they're in third and fifth right now, the two CODA teams I was talking about. And then there's a KELO team, too. That's one of those teams out of
Starting point is 00:10:07 Iowa I always tell you about. I'm pretty big on the team side of things. We always talk about the individuals, but the KELO teams are always, they're the ones that beat us in regionals back in 2018. And the CODA teams, I just know kind of hammered the team thing all year.
Starting point is 00:10:25 That's all they've been looking forward to. Lots of work on the worm. Luke Schaefer's team, yeah? Kilo? Correct, yeah. I think he's one of the coaches and programmers. Hey, can we go over to last week? I want to see what Mayhem, what's the team that Rich is on? What's the good team? Mayhem Fireworks?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Mayhem Freedom? What did they get? So they got the same thing, 935. They got the same thing as Independence. Wow. Yeah, they did that on purpose. Okay. They did not do that on purpose. I'm sure Rich would have wanted to win.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Susie, can you find anyone who had a better lift at any of the other events? What about at Lowlands? I think Reykjavik had a better lift. Not surprising. 895 in Torium Pro and, oh, yep, 955. Because of Tola?
Starting point is 00:11:16 Tola, yeah. And he's really strong, too, but Tola for sure. Okay, cool. Let's go down to the individuals. We only had one event, right? Yep. A lift. A lift.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And it was the complex that every single semifinal has to do, has had to do. And we started with the females. It was broken into three heats. Do we like that? It broken into three heats? Meh. It's whatever. It drags out a little bit i suppose they could have done it in two but it's been three heats both weeks so that it's standardized right they had to do it in three um what do you think about this thought i had this thought watching the the complex if somebody wins an event in the first heat then it's not a crossfit event you know do you know what the implications of what i'm saying there that means you're a specialist
Starting point is 00:12:15 if you're in the first heat and you win then it's not a crossfit event what about the legless run a guy in the first heat won that last week. That's a couplet. Yeah. Yeah. Or does that just mean the test is outdated? I kind of agree, but I kind of disagree. I think there are some workouts that favor specialists, even if they're CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And I think there are definitely workouts like this where it's – And what about Tia winning it? Say it again. I think Josh Bridges won that thruster double under workout of the games in 2017, and he was in the first heat. Or he was close. I know he put up like a top two score, but he was like – that was his final year competing individual, if I'm not incorrect. He did 2018, but just got –
Starting point is 00:12:59 It was 2018? Okay. 2017 was the 17.5. It may not be a fact, but I do think it's an interesting point. It's interesting to look at. I mean, Tia did the same thing too, right? I mean, she won the complex, and it's like, and she wins the pure CrossFit events too easily, right? It's just one of those things where she's just so fucking good at everything that she's unstoppable but when you're talking about kellerina key and the first hit hit 235 what do you think
Starting point is 00:13:31 she's not going to do so hot on the rest of the events and then it's going to be kind of alluding to what you're getting at here it's not a good crossfit event and that's going to be her only good finish this weekend you tell me is that what you sort of expect from her do you think she's going to fall from there i i would expect she's's gonna fall from there and if only because i i'm unaware of her name she's she's got the 300 pound front squat right that's what we were talking about the other day and i don't think that she'll hold up well on the rest of the weekend to me i'm kind of looking at events two and three of the quarterfinals to be the standard for how well these people are going to do in this competition being the Mac that is.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Hey, you guys got to be impressed with Sydney McElishan. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She, she won a JRS competition. Crucible. Who did Sydney? Kalarina. Okay. Oh, did she?
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah. The year, the year the year taylor took seventh if we've learned anything it's that competition jr puts on kind of is a good benchmark for our what's going to come right with the exception of i suppose taylor because he did real well granted games last year what do you got there oh the colton i'm showing off my colton merton's baseball card i'm showing off my colton merton's baseball card over at the wherever wad zombie sells his good his goods his merch uh that's the city mcclellan's a beast she is a beast i want to i want you guys to tear her lift up though
Starting point is 00:15:00 how is it that the girl that got the second best lift i i was noticing that it looks like a dead lift and then a fucking hang clean i couldn't even fucking believe it how slow it is but but on top of that someone said this and i didn't understand this they said hey she's not going to make her third lift because of that hitch what are they talking about when they say a hitch that's she she like pauses in the second pull right as the bars come to her hips she like it's almost like a lot of i feel like a lot of it's you don't see it very often in experienced lifters but a lot of inexperienced lifters will pause there to almost make sure or ensure they make hip contact um it's just didn't mel o'ban have some of that going on for a while i believe she had that hitch
Starting point is 00:15:49 going on i i would i would assume that's probably quite fixed why do they call it that a hitch because it's as you stop basically you you hitch at mid thigh to ensure hip contact which just slows the lift down yeah it's almost that wasn't that bad hey susan do you remember what her specialty was was she a swimmer she did something like she comes from some yeah i think she was a swimmer there it is and i think that's what that's what her deal was hey man this is a this is going to be a problem you've got you got someone who can swim in the water who's also winning strength events i mean That's what her deal was. Hey, man, this is going to be a problem. What?
Starting point is 00:16:29 You've got someone who can swim in the water who's also winning strength events. I mean, these are the kind of signs. These are the kind of data points. It's like, oh, shit, they can do everything. Scroll down. Let's see if we can see something else. Okay, sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:16:37 No. All right. I'm leaving. And this girl's young, too. Hopper. See you later. You're no J.R. Howell. At least we got his deepest, most insightful thoughts. I don't think you can keep up with that.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I think he was a little bit behind. No, he was definitely on a lag. Yeah. And he was driving. How bad would it have been if he would have crashed while we were on the call? J.R. was driving. Oh driving oh okay why were the windows open yeah who knows he's looking good for sure so far savannah's really big on sydney i i i am big on her i well i'm big on her because
Starting point is 00:17:22 because she was on the show but that's always gets you to the 51-yard line. So do you guys agree that that clean needs to be super-duper cleaned up? It needs work, but if – yeah. Well, it shows her potential too, right? Because, I mean, if she's doing that, coming to almost a dead stop with the barbell, once that clean gets more straight up and down, more vertical, she's going to become more powerful with it.
Starting point is 00:17:44 So maybe she's not even – we haven't even seen the most of what her potential has who's gonna fix it is my only thing who's your coach is it michelle latange it's uh it's a comp train oh she's a virgin yeah and he's gonna fix it what do you mean by that what do you mean who's gonna fix it he's gonna fix it or cole's gonna fix it or whoever chandler's gonna fix it or one of those people no why you got that look he doesn't roll well he doesn't he doesn't ben bergeron doesn't fix lifts ben bergeron tells everyone to be the best selves and then they end up going to the games i don't know that i think there are two really good movers that ben's ever coached cole and i think that's on cole maybe not
Starting point is 00:18:23 he's always been that way exactly yeah Cole's always been a good mover and then Matt and he coached Matt for maybe like I don't know however long 10 days yeah exactly and Matt was and Matt was one of the great listeners I think you look at his long time Bergeron story about Frazier was he saw him doing Godzilla in an affiliate he emailed him and he's like oh my god that guy did godzilla in four minutes i have to have him and then and then freesia was like i'm out of here after he had the whole debacle and then not like him oh your top moment of the game the spirit of the war not me winning like what the fuck yeah that's gonna be hard for him to live down that's gonna be hard for him to live down where did where did he say that where did he say that i say that? I think he was in one of your guys' episodes.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I do believe that's true, yeah. Yeah. You own all the hot content, buddy. Well, I like me some Ben Bergeron, so I'm moving on. I didn't let you guys hate on me. Katrin didn't improve her lifts is something I'm reading in the comments. That's also true. I only saw her getting weaker as she was with Bergeron.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Well, it was just a technique thing. It was just a technique thing. It was just a technique thing. Katrin doesn't have the best technique in the Olympic lifts. Neither does Data Brooke under Ben. Let's talk about the lady who gave up her fleshly desires for the weekend, Bailey Rayle. Good finish. That's exactly what we called, right, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:19:40 210? Yep. She moves like perfect. She moves like a dream. Yeah. right taylor 210 yep she moves like perfect she moves like a dream yeah uh and and and what was nice is that girl that she was lifting next to uh shelby neal she was amazing too shelby's awesome she won uh jr's competition this past year and she has red hair like your mustache yeah we're she's a good buddy oh Oh, she is? Same mom and dad? I feel like we need to live stream this JR competition.
Starting point is 00:20:12 This is what has to happen next year. Everything good comes out of there. It's pretty hot. Bailey Rail is a mayhem athlete. Chalk another one up for the mayhem athlete for good moving. Daniel Brandon's eyebrow. Have you guys ever seen that what about eyebrows she had the expert is in the house um half of her eyebrow brow was dyed to match the color of her hair i thought it was pretty gangster i'd never seen that before i did not notice that no i was i was watching that one on my phone so i missed that but that is awesome yeah i think that's better than the um uh you know people who get the piercing on
Starting point is 00:20:54 the eye i think that's ridiculous but i really like what danielle did she dyed half her eyebrow did she shave a little line excuse me no no mom didn't look closely. You didn't see it on your 100-inch TV? No, I should have. I was actually on the – I was watching this on my 42-inch TV in the garage. I was on the assault bike. Hats off to Brooke Wells, 215. And Tanya Wagner made another super insightful point here, I think. She says, Brooke is creating new memories memories meaning post-operation memories how important do you think those are taylor uh super important she's feeling good and she's hanging in the top
Starting point is 00:21:33 especially on things that probably make her a little nervous this is going to be huge for confidence going into event two and then hopefully going into the games as well. I know you're a man of a, of an enormous heart Hiller in the post fight interview. She said, um, when, uh, Nikki Brazier asked her, you call her what you want.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Um, uh, she said, uh, what would it mean to you to go to the games? And she said, it would be very emotional. She went straight there.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Do you think she's like crazy emotional now? Like she can't believe she's back out there again she tried to play it off like she's not thinking about her injury but i sent something whenever i hear that i just hear like that stereotypical i'm gonna answer with what's the most pc but i also do think that there's a little bit to that with her so most people also say oh just so emotional that's the female side and then the male side they always have their answers but for her i would have to say yeah it probably does mean a lot more to her at this moment to be out there competing as quick as she's competing and that lift was awesome looking by the way by her the entire complex i'm like oh shit she looks solid how about when their knees go in does that matter yes uh not in competition every time someone's like oh that's a
Starting point is 00:22:48 terrible lift look at their knees it's like shut the fuck up they're lifting as much as they can yeah but then when every single lift you see them doing throughout the entire year also looks like that you're like all right there's got to be something worked on here which i guess something like a sled push would be beneficial for that's heavy as fuck yeah that does look heavy that's not actually a sled push they're just reorganizing the gym she's just doing some cleaning uh when you see daniel brandon um at doing the 215 dbe um and you see her have to reorganize a couple times at the top of the jerk, are you heartbroken? Are you like, fuck? Heartbroken.
Starting point is 00:23:29 I expected more weight out of her. Meaning that's the dead giveaway. She's not going to jerk it. You know, like, you see someone fussing around and organizing the lift as opposed to what we saw Colton do with 335. He just came out of the hole and fucking threw it up. Yeah, Zach Watts did the same thing on his last jerk he re-reacted a couple times and he was like nah fuck that and and do we know as fans okay there's now there's it's only a five
Starting point is 00:23:53 percent chance you're gonna make that lift when we see you start like like fussing around what was that you just turned into a transformer for a second when we see you do that and you're at the top and you do a couple of these and maybe you go for one and then regroup and we see you take another gulp of air do we know okay fuck you're fucked i don't think you know that you're fucked i think that there's two types of people right so i would have the thought that colton on his lip like that is probably doing that from the get-go he goes okay i know i'm gonna get to this as soon as i can and yeah i might allude to the fact that maybe something's out of position and they're trying to save it and at which rate yeah they probably are fucked but i just do if there's two types of athletes there the one who likes to set up and really get ready for it and then the second one likes to get it
Starting point is 00:24:36 the hell out of the way so that there's less time under tension well i think after the whole complex when you start seeing somebody fiddle with the bar that much under that much time and tension with the weight on them, like it's not going to end well. And because think about it, you've just gone through three of the clean, some of them squat cleans and then two of the front squats. And then now you're now you're trying to adjust and like get it. The legs are already pretty torched. So I would say unless you come up in a solid position, you got to do too much wiggling around. It's not looking good. Unless you're what's her name what was the girl's name who just fucking pushed the weight up basically
Starting point is 00:25:10 a few times tanya wagner said good jerk but i was like really that's a good jerk what was that yeah i think she was in the first heat the top lip where she did this kind of and her legs split a couple inches and yeah i think that was her i may be misspeaking but i think her legs split a couple inches. Yeah. I think that was her. I may be misspeaking, but I think it's her. Her legs don't even bend. She's like one of those cheap Barbies that only pivots at the hip. It's just like, you know what I mean? There's like no knee bend. You're the only one who played with Barbies, man.
Starting point is 00:25:35 Right, right, right, right. We were Power Rangers and Pokemon. No, that was Barbie, dude. Are there people – oh, well, let's talk about this then too then about noah when we see noah struggling on the front squat are we like oh shit dude is that just an indicative sign that the jerk's not going to be any good because that means the legs are too tired to give any pop taylor take it um i to be honest both of noah's second and third lift i was less concerned about when he got to the jerk than i was about zach's final and daniel's final i think zach's final lift and daniel's
Starting point is 00:26:13 final lift i was like after this front spot i was like yeah there's no fucking way but then i watched noah's and i was like oh he's got a chance i mean i was i was honestly surprised that he missed both those jerks um and the second thing something's wrong with him you think he's sick or something you see anything and he had a shoulder injury didn't he last year it kind of looks like it's a little bit of that i have no idea if anything's going on i hope he's healthy but um can you go uh can you go to the very bottom of my notes sorry i don't know why i'm switching back to this but i want to ask you guys a question going back to the team here for a second. And there's a picture of Angelo, and I put a link to it. What is going on here in this picture?
Starting point is 00:26:53 Sorry, we'll get back to the list. I apologize, everyone. Scroll to the last picture, I think. Why is Angelo wearing two whoopies? why is angelo wearing two whoopies one was probably his and one was probably given to at the event to broadcast live his heart rate data uh yeah damn hillary you're good that might be me two lanes over i was in this heat on the ghd in the blue shirt oh at that event what event is this this is the first event with the uh pig flipper and there's a team of three men
Starting point is 00:27:33 so so but do two whoopies work better than one whoopie uh hillar zero whoopies work ever that's a dr seuss book that was a good that was a good rhyme right there there's your next reel thank you thank you uh i i i believe this too i'm a little concerned what i saw from noah i i mean i know it's early um well i actually have high hopes for noah but i don't have high hopes for no i'm scared he he made me a little nervous he's gonna be all right he'll probably win the next five workouts no he won't be beating saxon but he'll be doing well he'll still make it i think he wins event two i agree with you on that oh what is event two the ghd sit up handstand walk over oh right okay that's the one you guys like so much you guys want to spend three
Starting point is 00:28:27 hours talking about how much you love it dude helping's bringing up the the sean woodland hill impression on my guy riley good i have that all like teed up and ready to make a thing i was going to do that but you started the show an hour early what are you talking about are you talking about the bouncing bar uh he got no rep for bouncing the bar on his first attempt and then i think it was on his third attempt he got no rep for reset he didn't get no rep so he should have been north because he let go of the bar in his hip pocket and then he goes well i guess it doesn't matter because he missed the lift anyway and did he say that like facetiously or was he uh no he was just speaking
Starting point is 00:29:07 matter of factly it wasn't coming after me but you know i'm gonna use it like he was of course i am totally not a coincidence so so let's talk about the bar bounce i would say that everyone used a bounce off the bar but you're saying they're saying that he actually bounced the bar the distinction being letting gravity bounce it versus you pushing it down he accelerated the bar i'd have to say that of everybody the only one who like clearly was trying to not get any sort of a bounce would have been the guy who won the event oscar wow you see did you see him coming to the floor it was like he was trying to make no noise like one of those no bounce deadlifts yeah a lot of control and he had so much control beautiful clean technique correct
Starting point is 00:29:57 god he looked like just a slab of meat yeah he doesn't have a neck he turned around the camera and i was like holy fuck where did his neck vanished uh his neck okay page one done uh dallin pepper uh are we still uh are we still high on on dallin very high yeah that was great that was that was money for him. 325 was good. What did we see that we liked? Wow. His long arms, his overhead position. I liked his poise and his waiting before he went and attacked the lift.
Starting point is 00:30:37 He was getting every single second he could get before he went and took the lift. I'm just a fan of that in general. I think, um, I think that he didn't hit more than that's a good sign i think if he hits more than that he's probably still a little too strength biased um but he's been working on a lot of other things so i expect i have some high hopes for that's a hot take let's see if it pays off for you 310 320 325 he got all of his lifts yeah yes he's got a strong as fuck jerk too i mean he push presses like 310 no shit oh i remember seeing that video a massive push press so he's he's a strong dude um and he moves very well so i just think that the fact that
Starting point is 00:31:23 he didn't lift more than this, I was probably saying that they've been working on some other things. Is he 20? Is he 20 years old? 20 or 21. Jesus Christ. And he won the CrossFit Games as a teen? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Yeah, crazy. Tyler Christofal, moving fast. Oh, my gosh. His squats, unreal. Moving fast. He's like gosh. His squats. Unreal. Moving fast. It was like my 95-pound thruster. He did 305. Did he make the middle lift of 315?
Starting point is 00:31:54 I missed that one. Yes. 305, 315. And then he made 325. And did you see how happy Rich was? Yeah, very. Crazy. Can he win this event? Tyler? Yeah, very. Crazy. Can he win this event?
Starting point is 00:32:06 Tyler? Yeah. No. You don't think he can win this event right here? No, sorry, not this event. Do you think he can win the MAAC? Oh, no. He's fit, but...
Starting point is 00:32:19 He's not going to be able to beat Spencer. And he could probably take second if everything if the mayhem saxon you mean saxon i meant uh yes i meant saxon yes that's what i meant uh i think he'll have a hard time beating him and sager but if the mayhem entire program and uh the system they got going over there happens to pay off from the way that it could the way that i always like to say hey i the competition has started and i'm looking to see something moving around i want to see some sort of play in the leaderboard then i think he's got a shot but usually things kind of filter the way they're supposed to meaning meaning he doesn't take second meaning he's gonna finish sixth like
Starting point is 00:33:02 he has like he did last year and then he finished like one spot on the last chance qualifier, but I hope he finishes like first or second, but hope doesn't mean that I'm all that hopeful. Damn. Ouch. Uh, um, and,
Starting point is 00:33:16 and Saxon was just a complete savage. Did what he needed to do. Yeah. Second strongest guy there. Basically. I think he's probably gonna win this weekend yeah have you noticed that when him and spencer lift their mouths are just wide open the entire time and how saxon always just goes five pounds heavier than spencer
Starting point is 00:33:35 i'm too busy staring at his mouth like wide open when he's lifting that they notice but you're right yeah always five pounds more you don't you don't expect him to be second place, the second strongest guy at the event, right? Well, when you look at him, you don't. But if you've seen him lift in the past, it's not surprising at all. He's fucking, he moves so well. That's the thing. That's the thing about a lot of these CrossFitters is you're going to make the most strength gains in your efficiency of movement and your technique. What do you think about these people who in the comments are like yep nothing's changed in 10 years they still move
Starting point is 00:34:08 like shit who moves like shit they just say that no no no not the panchics but they just say you just see that in the comments just from the asshole squad well i don't know if yeah if it's from the asshole squad there's always going to be the armchair quarterbacks but i'm sure there's olympic weightlifters that watch some of these events and cringe oh yeah but they i mean they should be watching but they should also understand kind of what it is we're doing here and then they should also understand that we're going to be doing something else and you know the thing is they'll never understand any of those things because they're so fucking stubborn and we would cringe if we saw them uh if we saw them wiping their ass we saw their ability to be able to
Starting point is 00:34:44 so running a mile and stopping every 200 meters well it's also a matter of time because look at If we saw them wiping their ass, we saw their ability to be able to turn around and wipe their ass. Running a mile and stopping every 200 meters. Well, it's also a matter of time because look at all the younger guys that we're talking about in here that kind of grew up in the sport. So they're just great movers right from the get-go. So if you go back and you watch the atrocity that is the snatch ladder in 2009, and you compare the field and how the field is moving to some of these conflicts that are happening now, I mean, look at the progress there. And you compare the field and how the field is moving to some of these complex that are happening now. I mean, look at the progress there. And so you can only assume that that's going to continue to grow.
Starting point is 00:35:12 And we're going to continue to see better and better and better movers in the sport. A lot of them are starting younger. Absolutely. Could, could we see Sousa, the, the female list, the female ranking? Oh, wait, wait. So sorry. One more, one more thing before.
Starting point is 00:35:26 So is this the last we're going to see of Oscar Mora? Does he just from here just tumble down? Yes. In this competition or ever again? No, this competition. Do we see him from here on out? Is it all 20th and below? What's that mean?
Starting point is 00:35:43 In baseball, you're out? It means peace. Yeah, peace out out i don't know i i think so but i would have to say so yeah how about this other cat uh trayvon benton i think he's a carolina guy i've seen his name around before i'm pretty sure he uh yeah i don't think he's quite uh quite fit enough to contend and some of these other things wow is this he's five feet tall and five inches and eight pounds my profile tells me i'm 248 so wait click on zach watts's i want to see that. What a mess that is. I've never been 248, but you can put whatever you want. So Zach's a big dude.
Starting point is 00:36:29 72 inches. Excuse me. Six foot 205, yeah. Oh, yeah, that's a big dude. And let's look at Oscar. What's Oscar? 90 kilograms. No idea.
Starting point is 00:36:40 195? Yeah. 189, 198. He looks short. How big is 170 centimeters? That's fine. He looks like a freaking erect penis that guy does, dude. No, he does not.
Starting point is 00:36:59 He's six inches. He looks like a slab of meat. Seven inches. But not that piece of meat. How many? How tall is he? Seven inches. He's seven inches tall? Yeah like a slab of meat. Seven inches. But not that piece of meat. How many? How tall is he? Seven inches. He's seven inches tall? Yeah, he's five foot five.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Okay. No, is he really five five? He looked like a shorty. I think so, but as due to my time. Oscar is five five. No way. 170 centimeters. Hey, dude, if he had a neck, he'd be five eight.
Starting point is 00:37:35 centimeters hey dude if he had a neck he'd be five eight okay let's roll over to the um young ladies did we ever talk about also we didn't talk about olsen yeah what do you want to say what about what do you want to say do you want to throw a say have a final thought on Noah Olsen? You're saying – I think what you said is don't worry. That's just quite the hole. Oh, what place was he in? I said don't worry, but it is quite the hole he's dug himself into. He's only got 34 points on the first event.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Where's he at? Something I would like to do is go to the last year's events and see how many points they needed to qualify. I haven't done that yet haley won with that 20 for the 23 and event one so oh and he totally has the ability to do that okay so no worries zach watts was 425 points last year and made it the top four guys were all 500 plus so he's totally okay as long as he doesn't blow the bed on another one he's got to be all top fives i want i wonder if it's hard for uh um saxon uh when when his brother doesn't do as well as him
Starting point is 00:38:34 and he has to like it like if it eats away at him when he's at the competition or if he can just focus on himself or maybe he's like a that dick of a brother that's like, suck it. No, I bet you it eats away at him. The same way like we saw, like it was hard for Lazar. Yeah, yeah. Okay, sorry, Susan. For reals, let's go to the girls now. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Wow, some hot takes in the comments. What are they saying? Noah will finish seventh. Tyler places higher than Noah. Ooh. Know about that. Oh, Noah finishing seventh would be, that'd be something else. Who pulled that one out? I did.
Starting point is 00:39:11 These guys never get any love. Usually they just get kicked out of rooms. I did. I thought I actually kicked out of rooms. Hey, hey, even losers fuck girls with us. Wow, that's awesome. Sousa, write their number down for me suza i can see suza's trying to ban them before i can pull them
Starting point is 00:39:31 you blocked him yeah he blocks him yeah send him a link usually i get them quick oh i think it think it's, Hey, I think that guy, Kenneth Den, uh, the lap. We need to make that guy a moderator. That guy, I think I wrote it in my notes. Kenneth the lap. Why do you say that? I just, I just saw something he did. I can't even remember now.
Starting point is 00:39:58 And I was like, Oh, he's cool. I think maybe he was saying like, click the like button or it could be something that easy. Also, does Bruce Wayne, is he a moderator he is he is okay the problem is is you can't make moderators from stream yard where i watch it so i got to go over to youtube can you do that suza what's that go over to youtube and make that guy uh kenneth delop or delap make him this dude right here get him mods get him yeah that's what yeah like that that guy would fucking nuke those Make him a moderator. This dude right here. Get him, Mods. Get him.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah, that guy would fucking nuke those porn things if he was a mod. All right, Kenneth the Lott. Hell yeah. That's how you know the channel has made it. Thank you. See, and he's got a positive attitude. He sees porn ads. Why aren't you streaming the Mac live?
Starting point is 00:40:39 The bats are flying. Someone talk about the bats. There's been a lot of sketchy reps including in the first lift event i thought there were a lot of jerks that weren't stood up all the way did you see the fucking thing i posted to my uh story on instagram not yet this is it's exactly what i've been talking about and it's i don't know if we can pull it up but it's the rewrite that the the launching of the bar and in this case it's like there's no rewrite that the, the launching of the bar. And in this case, it's like, there's no way that you can count this one is some sort of a standup on the
Starting point is 00:41:10 Mac pillar. You have to see what happened, guys. They're, they're, they're going crazy. The synchros. Oh my God. The comments guys, they're giving me anxiety. Oh, like right now it's going on. Okay. We're going to wrap this up real quick, but I do want to say, I didn't mean to do that. We can keep talking. I'll get back to it. Okay. One more thing about Riley good in in his first lift he brings it we weren't even able to tell if he stood it up all the way he started coming forward and uh tanya wagner said was that a good lift and then the show just moved on i don't even think his first lift was a good lift i don't think he had control at
Starting point is 00:41:41 the top he was one of the guys who who dropped the bar before it looked like he fully stabilized, and so was Mitchell Stevenson at 315. Yeah, and I'm not hating on them. I mean, shit, I'm happy for them that they got the lift. Yeah, I'm not either. I just got a text. Someone texted me saying— What do you think, Hiller?
Starting point is 00:41:58 You think that someone—look at me. I'm about to attack Hiller. What do you think, Hiller? You think someone should be like, oh, no, no, no. That wasn't. No, no. Sorry. I wasn't up all the way. I was still inhaling and then have it quite locked out. Or do you think you should if the judge doesn't see it?
Starting point is 00:42:12 Are you saying the athlete should have been saying they were still inhaling? I'm asking you how judgmental is the Batman? Should the athlete if the athlete gets away with a lift that they don't think that they were fully locked out on? Should they call themselves out in a competition? If the judge is going to give it to you, the judge is going to give it to you. And there are no, there's no way that they're going to retract a rep that they've already been
Starting point is 00:42:33 given, but it's the judge's job to do the judge's job. So you were going to say, Taylor, you said, fuck no. Yeah. I was like,
Starting point is 00:42:40 if you're in competition and you get, you get away with it, you fucking take it. You take it. I mean, like if you're doing a bunch of wall away with it, you fucking take it. You take it. I mean, like, if you're doing a bunch of wall balls and, like, you don't know what the fuck is going on. You're doing a bunch of wall balls and you're not trying to go ash to grass on a bunch of wall balls. You just want to break parallel. And it's basically the judge's job in a live competition to say that you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing.
Starting point is 00:43:00 So if the judge is just sitting there and you haven't hit a single rep to depth on a wall ball it's on the judge it's on the athlete they're just like oh okay i must be getting to depth does that make sense is that what you're asking they do 150 wall balls and every single one of them are four inches shallow and that's on the judge the judge should have said after the first rep that's like you gotta get deeper and they should have also no rep that first rep no rep get deeper and then the athlete won't do it again what's a mulligan mulligan oh mulligan a golf thing okay because there was a girl there named cara milligan and i kept thinking isn't that some sort of like sports term yeah it is it's when you uh just hit a ball way out of play it's like oh fuck that sucked i'm just not gonna count it in a new one why did she can we go it really that's what it is through over i said like yeah you start off around a golf and
Starting point is 00:43:50 usually preparing to play into the group of people and you're not taking it too seriously how many mulligans are we going to use it's like one of the front one on the back like nine holes it's like yeah you can have one that's like make sure you use it milligan uh mulligan uh can you go back to the girls list there was there was a girl there named kira milligan and she went for a 225 lift that i didn't think oh she did need to go for it okay fine because kira napoli and sydney mccallishan also got 225 all right fine uh do we are we okay with these bottlenecks here? Should we have used fractional plates? It'll shake out after five more events.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Yeah, it's just – I don't like the – I don't know if there should have been fractional. Yes, that's where I was trying to get at. I'd rather it be a workout with heavy, heavy clean and jerks. Where there's a time involved? Yeah. Or maybe there would be a little bit more play because there's a little bit more exhaustion.
Starting point is 00:44:51 So maybe they don't hit all the lifts that they should be hitting anyway. Exactly. Fatigue. Or it's towards the back of the weekend. So everyone's missing everything. So we don't like the fact that there's one person in first three and second two and fifth and one two three four five six and seventh holy cow yeah i don't like that there's a huge everyone hit 215 like oh 215 is the new weight to hit remember there's a big go ahead no you go ahead
Starting point is 00:45:20 there was a big talk at one point in time that in order to hit a certain level for the males, you had to be able to snatch 245 regularly. And when I see a bottleneck of 215 for the females on this complex, it's what it looks like to me. It's like, hey, if you want to play with the females at the mech on a clean and jerk, you better be able to mess around with 215. It's like that should be a kind of a run of the mill clean and jerk for complexes for you. And it's like, all right, I guess that's good to look look at but it also shouldn't be how it plays out in a competition right it's kind of like a standard can you scroll down who's the weakest girl and then i need more weight than she can no no no no not even in my heyday could i do that complex with uh 180 what's your best clean and jerk ever probably 205 i think i jerked 215 once didn't you say that's what you were deadlifting the other day
Starting point is 00:46:16 yeah well let's get it back let's bring it back no no no i have no fucking interest in that you know i was okay it was a shitty squat, I w I was okay. I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:25 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:25 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:25 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:26 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:26 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:27 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:28 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:28 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:29 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:32 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:34 I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:46:36 I, I, I, I, I, I I bet you could have done that old CrossFit benchmark, which was the 15 overhead squats and body weight. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, yes. I think maybe I did do it or got really close. You know what's crazy is the CrossFit Games, there was a point like in 2007, everyone could do all the workouts.
Starting point is 00:46:59 And then in 2008, everyone could do all the workouts. I can't remember if it was 2009, but all of a sudden something just got away. Like there was just a deadlift that I was just like never going to be able to do. It must have been 2009. Like as soon as like – then it was just like, okay, not everyone can play anymore. It's because you were like the hipster. It's like you found out what was cool first, and then when everyone else found out, you're like, oh, fuck. I don't want to do this anymore. This is too much.
Starting point is 00:47:20 It's like what happened to the – the rap music has gone south. Some girls that played soccer when they were five all of a sudden could start beating me and then they ruined your favorite type of music right but you but you still love it you're still here you're still talking about it i guess yeah we're here i'm here for the thumb batman and the suza and we're here for you what do you got what's next and i'm here for some dick butter uh i i think that's it i mean i think we i think it's uh i think we kind of got this thing out of the way this this strength thing out of the way it's the first workout that crossfit was uh mandating on the um so we're not using that word. I know. I don't like it. You're right.
Starting point is 00:48:05 You're the one who said it. You know what? That show you had earlier, she was just calling you out on everything you do. Oh yeah. It was pretty funny. Yeah. It was so funny.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I enjoyed that. She was all over you for calling, calling you out and things you counteract yourself on. I want it to be like, no, I actually really don't feel bad about being short and having a big nose. They're just props I use in the show, but she would be, no, you do really don't feel bad about being short and having a big nose. They're just props. I use in the show, but she would be,
Starting point is 00:48:26 no, you do feel bad. It was pretty funny. I laughed. Great. And then she was that piece of shit. He laughs at your fat jokes. I was like,
Starting point is 00:48:36 yeah, Susie is a piece of shit. Cool. Bruce Wayne. She bossed up on. Yeah, she sure did. Boss your mom.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Okay. We will be back. What time? time okay what time will we be back 5 10 is what i had on the thing i got so angry i gave myself a headache okay i'm to scroll back. Okay, guys. Hopefully, I'll start throwing my blue checkbook around. We'll try to get some cool guests on here. I think we will have J.R. Howe. We'll have Brian Friend.
Starting point is 00:49:17 I'll give all three pan chicks. I'll take the pan chicks. Maybe I'll get one out of three pan chicks on. I'll bug Ms. Brandon. Is Patrick Belner on this? Yes.

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