The Sevan Podcast - #426 - Live Call In Show | All You Need To Know

Episode Date: June 1, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. You saw that, Dylan? The roast.
Starting point is 00:00:36 The roast master. Let's see if he's going to come on. You going to come on? Let's see if he's going to come on. Dylan stepped in for a show one time about that he said uh i guess didn't show and uh dylan stepped in and carried the show carried the show i'll send him a link right now holy cow uh i was supposed to do david lucas this morning at 7 a.m and uh i guess we just had a wait oops what's what's going on here and we had a uh just a misunderstanding of the time
Starting point is 00:01:15 and then he said he could do it at two o'clock and i just sent him the link and it's uh it's now 206 how are you guys uh bruce wayne good afternoon casual sender good afternoon ah gabe paper street coffee good afternoon uh alan kest keston bam uh hi Keston Bam. Hi. Tonight's show got moved. Part of me is like really bummed, but part of me is excited. The guy we were going to have on had COVID for 80 days. He was in a coma for 80 fucking days. When I met him, he had a hole here and a hole in his stomach. I go, man, you don't look like the, the, the proper, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:10 stereotypical guy, uh, who I thought would be in the hospital with COVID. And he said, oh dude, I lost like 50, 60, 70 pounds or whatever while I was unconscious for 80 days. Uh, his story's fascinating. Got a crazy gangster background too, like cartel shit. Like it's going to be a fricking wild story. Anyway, he 38 now, and he's got a second chance at life. And, uh, he did the blood work over at California hormones and, uh, tomorrow, um, he gets the pellets implanted in his side and he starts the TRT replacement therapy. His testosterone was pretty low and, uh, it's going to be fun to see him go through those changes. Also jumping on the program for the California hormones program who got their blood work done him go through those changes. Also jumping on the program for the California Hormones Program,
Starting point is 00:02:51 who got their blood work done, is Gary Roberts and Alex Stein. And they both got their blood work done. They have their appointments with their doctors. And then from there, we'll start the project with them. Gary has started filming Killing the Fat Man Season 3, started filming Killing the Fat Man Season 3, California Hormones Edition. It's going to be dope. And there are some crazy twists already to what's happened in Gary's life. I don't want to give it away. I want to let him talk about it. We'll have him on the next, I don't know, week or two.
Starting point is 00:03:21 But he's going through some shit, and hopefully this can help fix it. I'm really excited for him. If you are a podcast listener, you get, I'm reading this live. This text actually just came in. If you are a podcast listener, you will get a $0 initial consolation, which is normally 200 bucks. And the code is SEVAN, capital S-E-V-A-N.
Starting point is 00:03:43 This means they can meet with the doctor and get evaluated for free. That's huge. So you go over to California hormones, this website right here. Let me see. Let me just check it. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Quit being a lazy, lazy button. Uh, I'm putting my socks on still. California hormones. Um, California. Oh, California hormones. California hormones. Oh, it just came up California homes.
Starting point is 00:04:12 My bad, California hormones. I don't see the website. There's got to be a website, right? California. I don't even know if this is the right website. Jeez Louise. That's why I need help.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Where's my Caleb? Where's my Matt Souza? I don't know. I can't tell you where to go. I can't tell you where to go. I can't tell you where to go. Oh, here it is. Here it is. Here it is. Okay. Here it is. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Here we go. Oh, okay. The website is CAHormones. Shit, I screwed up. I'm going to put it in the comments over here. Funny as... Put it in the comments over here. Funny is six months ago, if I was this disorganized, like a guest was just hanging in the winds, wings, winds, wind, a guest was hanging in the wind, I'd be freaked out. but i have just so much material now like built up and shit that uh that uh i always have something some backup i met a guy yesterday at greg's house at the party he had done 300 shows for rush limbaugh i never listened to that show i was a liberal in those days i hated rush and i don't even know why anyway so he did 300 replacement
Starting point is 00:05:45 shows for rush limbaugh and um he was the stand-in for him tom tom something or another but i guess that was the biggest show i would always hear howard stern talk about how rush limbaugh and him were the two biggest shows in radio two biggest shows period just the biggest amount of listeners and uh and we were talking about when guests no show and it was kind of a cool thing i felt like i belong because we could talk about that when guests no show i think it's i mean daniel brandon no showed a couple times in the beginning but now i have so much content for live call-in shows it kind of doesn't matter what happened to my phone oh there it is a premier health optimization and hrt clinic in california so you go here you sign up you use the code sevan capital s e v a n and you get your free doctor consultation that's cool
Starting point is 00:06:40 i there was a there was an athlete i don't want to say their name is super popular top 10 most popular crossfit athletes of all time and i had talked to him him him uh so maybe top five popular athletes of all time in the male category about um uh hey let's get you let's get you in the in let's get you on some sort of regiment of testosterone and see if you can make it to the games and see what happens and he was totally in he was totally in and I don't know it was just one of those projects pet projects that never worked out
Starting point is 00:07:14 I wish you guys could see how my microphone is balanced here the guy David Lucas that I'm going to have come on the show today if he shows up and if he doesn't we'll have him on some other time. It's pretty crazy. Just the synchronicity of having him on. Because I just saw in his post on May 26th, he's friends with Joe Rogan. post on may 26th he's friends with joe rogan and uh and uh and david lucas is probably i don't know carrying extra 150 to 200 pounds of weight on him and joe rogan had made him the offer made him and
Starting point is 00:07:53 red band the offer hey which one of you uh let's take your weight now you and red band and in four months we'll see who's lost the most weight or something like that so i was like oh shit and i just saw that like about an hour ago. And I was like, oh, when David Lucas comes on today, I'm going to tell him, hey dude, I got an idea. Why don't you get some blood work done and work with these California hormones people if you're going to start working out like a, like a, like a madman. I'm looking at what tabs I have open because sometimes people send me DMs and talk about
Starting point is 00:08:24 the tabs I have open because sometimes people send me DMs and talk about the tabs I have open. By the way, I'm wearing this OG shirt today that I got from – where did I get this OG shirt from? Get With The Programming from Chase and Bill. So if you want one of these shirts, OG stands for Original Gangster, and it's got a little pukey in here. Go over to wherever they sell shirts and if you're feeling a really froggy and go over to vindicate VNDK 8 and get the TD CEO shirt I wore that last night at the party that was huge that was that was a pot very popular statement I wore the blue one that Travis Bellinghausen this company right here is homegrown. So Gabe from paper street homegrown. It's inside of this
Starting point is 00:09:09 community, the seven podcast community. And same with this TDC CEO printer, Travis Bellinghausen. This guy's been asking me if, um, if I wanted to work with him forever. And I was like, you know, poo pooing him and, uh, and he's dope. She should have have done it and then if you want the ceo shirt you can go to our original uh t-shirt vendor which is uh you can get on our website the seven podcast those ceo shirts are dope too don't get me wrong don't get it twisted i saw that my red one's on its way i'm pumped and i keep seeing them pop up all over the place what do you guys want to talk about first? Oh, you guys want to, are you seeing how, um, oh, I should be careful what I click here.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I'm going to stop sharing. I don't know what am I doing here? Uh, did you see how busy the Khaleesi is? Morning Chalk Up. I'm going to send her a DM, tell her to chill out. Look, what are they doing over here at the Morning Chalk Up? They're not, they're not going to leave her a DM and tell her to chill out. Look what are they doing over here at the morning chalk up? They're not going to leave anyone to interview. They're interviewing everyone.
Starting point is 00:10:16 They're like the kid at the playground who goes and gets all the good toys first. Let me show you. Let me show you how busy the Khaleesi is. Lauren Khalil over at the Morning Chalk Up. So she did Noah 22 hours ago. And 23 hours ago, she's got Brooke Wells. I couldn't, let me, let's click this and see if she actually got Brooke Wells.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Yeah, hey. I couldn't get Brooke Wells. If I tried, I need to poach the Khaleesi to come work on the seven on podcast so I can get Brooke Wells. Uh, then she had Dallin pepper. It probably won't come on the show anymore. Cause I all have to turn them into a martyr.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I just make fun of them. Then she got Bailey rail. And then who's this? She got, Oh, she got Shane or I takeane or 20 times in the last two years most i get is a heart lauren khalil and then and then she got and then she got daniel brandon oh no respect looks like daniel's in a car no i don't know what's going on there? And she got no Olson again.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Oh no, that's the same one. Anyway, there's probably more. Okay. Let's click over one more. Uh, Oh,
Starting point is 00:11:35 great. She got twins at the game. She got the pan chicks and she got Rebecca Fusli. Hey, who beat my girl, Kelly Clark, Rebecca. She got Luke Parker that's it one two three four five six seven eight like I lose you win the Khaleesi wins oh let's let's see. Uh, he has time for morning chocolate,
Starting point is 00:12:06 but not us man. God engaged. Oh, uh, Josh, I didn't invite Josh. I didn't invite any of those. Well,
Starting point is 00:12:12 some of those people I've invited and they just won't come on, but, um, uh, but I didn't, I, I, I,
Starting point is 00:12:20 I haven't had time for Josh. Maybe Josh is over, over somewhere being like talking about I'm working too hard. Oh, yeah, and she got Josh this morning. I know. She's unstoppable. Unstoppable. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:34 He's already scheduled. He's already scheduled. Jack De La Magdalena. UFC 275. Yes, Daniel Nielsen. Thanks for asking. He is scheduled. Main card. Main card. He is scheduled. Main card.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Main card. He is scheduled. Oh, okay. I think David Lucas might come on. Wow. He got a heart. I'm live. Come on whenever you want.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Okay, I'll tell him. I'm live. on whenever you want uh okay I'll tell him I'm live come on whenever hey some of you are going to be really excited about the California hormones thing what we're about to see and some of you are going to be like I don't care but those of you who say I don't care you're going to care too it's going to be it's a trip it's gonna be a trip it's gonna be a trip to watch especially people that we know in the community that you can go back and look at their CrossFit career started 10 years ago Gary Roberts
Starting point is 00:13:31 you are going to trip I'm sure she got Fraser Fraser loves that morning chalk up he loves the he loves the I'm editing right now I don't want to say what I really want to say but he loves that stuff he loves that stuff he loves the i'm editing right now i don't want to say what i really want to say but he loves that stuff he loves that stuff he loves that stuff
Starting point is 00:13:48 fraser's no matter keith where he can just go wherever he wants fraser loves to the uh to stay to stay in that lane what did i see that the buttery bros did that was really cool oh i haven't even watched it yet but i thought it's a how about this let's see if we can how do i type in buttery bros buttery bros this is huge for heber look at this the most bad oh you guys i haven't shared the screen look at this The most bad. Oh, you guys, I haven't shared the screen. Look at this. The most badass chicken fitness. I can't believe Heber is using this word badass.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Way out of his comfort zone, I think. The most bad in their title. Two hours ago, this had 8 000 views look at i wonder if i scroll over it oh man that's a 51 minute video holy smokes let's click on this butter i i thought i saw a shorter version like like an eight-minute version. Nope, that's 51 minutes of Danielle Brandon. I'm going to guess that's going to do very
Starting point is 00:15:16 well. It's making me feel inadequate. it's making me feel inadequate i'm gonna go over to my notes for my uh live call-in show day it just rains over there it's just just too much too much too many notes i'm gonna come over here i got uh david lucas notes i'll open those up when he comes in. Live call-in show. You just want to go hard. You just want to go hard just right off the top. I just saw this.
Starting point is 00:15:55 This is nuts. Look at this. This is one of the Kardashians, and I don't know who the dude is, but how about this? We'll just come out just hard. and I don't know who the dude is, but how about this? We'll just come out just hard. This is on More Plates, More Dates Instagram,
Starting point is 00:16:12 and check this out right here. This is nuts right here. See? To both of you? Well, he told me that the thing that would help it was drinking his like four times a week he told us to um well he told me that the thing that would help it was drinking his hey what she's saying that the doctor told us that what would help me become more fertile is to drink his and then they beep it out why would why would they she's either saying cum or semen right are those words you can't say oh according to kardashian's doctor says to drink travis barker's semen four times per week for
Starting point is 00:16:58 fertility fertility is that a musician travis barker Or is that a game show host? Or is that Peter Parker's brother? Who the fuck is Travis Barker? Man, I can't believe that's true. That's just for TV, right? But why are they beeping out the word semen? He's all jacked up on desiccated organs who me i have not invited the caliseon yet i'm going to i'm kind of like building up um oh blink 182
Starting point is 00:17:46 i think i heard of them. Is he obligated to keep his head to stay bald because he tattooed his head? Oh. Let's see. Ah. Well, thank you. You think I should play that, Dylan? Have you guys heard Kendrick Lamar's new song?
Starting point is 00:18:12 It's called Auntie Diaries. Auntie Diaries by Kendrick Lamar. He has a new album out. I stopped listening to Kendrick Lamar when he invited that girl on stage, had her sing the song, and when she said the word nigga in the song, he berated her in front of the entire stadium. It's got to be one of the top 10 most uncool things
Starting point is 00:18:35 I've ever seen anyone do to another human being that doesn't involve violence. Absolutely disgusting and vile. Why would you set someone up like that who loves your music, who loves you? Maybe it was a stunt. Maybe it was a psyop. Either way, let's say it's not. Well, he has a new song and I just stopped listening to him.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Like, fuck you. Like, I don't want to support anyone who does that. That's just not nice. Like you could be, you could be a pro-life or pro-choice and like, you got your opinions or you could be, I can, I can, I can hang with a lot of different stuff. You think I'm mean because I, I think fat people, obesity is like one of the biggest downfalls of, to civilization weighing us down, no pun intended. And you don't like me for it and you just it doesn't matter i'll still be your best friend like those things don't matter but drawing another
Starting point is 00:19:29 human being up in front of an entire stage oh what's happening to my voice and then calling them out setting them up for failure not cool at all but if you listen to this new song you have to if if you know what i'm talking about about this kendrick lamar story about what he did to that girl she's a white girl and that only matters because of the of the trick that he pulled on her but if you listen to this new song kendrick lamar auntie diaries i need to analyze it a little bit more matter of fact i'm going to bring up the lyrics and maybe analyze it right here right in front of you right now auntie diaries Kendrick may have Kendrick may have flipped the script
Starting point is 00:20:11 Kendrick Kendrick Dunn might have done woke up what do you guys think of Kendrick is he talented or do we just think he's talented because everyone tells us to say he's talented oh my goodness the lyrics to this song I'm going to tell you the final two sentences first before we start. You ready? The final two sentences, I don't know what you call them, stanzas. Oh, no, let's do the last four lines.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Sorry. Wow. Yeah, man, he may have flipped the script. We got Kanye. We may be getting, we may be getting Kendrick Lamar. Finally, another conscious rapper. Holy shit. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Last five or six lines, guys. Brace yourself. But disapprove the word that she couldn't say with me he's referencing that lady who was on stage that he called on stage and himself how he disapproved of her but disapprove the word that she couldn't say with me you said kendrick ain't no room for contradiction meaning someone told him hey there's a contradiction that'll make more sense when you hear the rest of the song. To truly understand love, switch position. Faggot, faggot, faggot. We can say it together.
Starting point is 00:21:55 But only if you let a white girl say nigga. And the song ends. They're called bars. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the proper vernacular, Mr. Wayne. I like you more. I like you more every day, Bruce.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I have infinite room for you to grow in my love chest. I think what this song is saying is that he basically tells a story about how his uncle got a sex change operation. My auntie is a man now. I think I'm old enough to understand now. Drinking Paul Mason with her hat turned backwards.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Motorola pager off like, yes, Jackie. We go down a little bit further. My auntie is a man now. I watch him and his girl hold their hands down. See, my auntie is a man now. Slight bravado. This has nothing to do with what he was saying before but i but i like this because i used to like i used to have six by nines in one of my car six by nines keeping the
Starting point is 00:23:12 music up under me i'm just skipping around so you guys can get the gist of the song my auntie is a man now i asked my mama why my uncles don't like him that much and at the parties why they always want to fight him that much my auntie is a man now i think i'm old enough to understand now faggot faggot faggot we ain't no better elementary kids with no filter forever sorry however so what he's saying here is is when we were in elementary school we used to make fun of gay people but but but not really make fun of gay people we didn't know what we were saying it was just it was just a word faggot in the sense that you got you know be like oh that's gay like and you don't even think about it in a sexual term but but but but
Starting point is 00:24:00 but it probably offends people who are gay because it's like, shit, that's my sexual preference, and now you're using it as interchangeable with a derogatory word. Isn't faggots like a bundle of sticks? I wonder if a bundle of sticks is offended that gay people took their word and then was then taken as just a derogatory term anyway my auntie is a man now what a relationship i grew up fast i needed no one to babysit he gave me some cash then he gave me some gang so so it's talking about how his auntie who was a woman turned turned into a man. This is a great line too. How about this?
Starting point is 00:24:49 She even cut my hair at the pad, was loving my fade. The first person I seen write a rap, that's when my life changed. So this woman that changed to a man, it sounds like was the person who introduced uh kendrick to to rap songs and then when he would be in the yard with his friends he would oh it's a cigarette okay sorry sorry sorry bundles faggot then oh it's okay okay cigarettes i was gonna say that i was gonna say that are you guys following me are you guys following me with this song's about? You got to listen to it. You can just go into iTunes and hit play or you can go onto Google.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I may be misunderstanding what he's saying. The other thing he could be saying is that like, hey, you shouldn't say that word either. But what I think he's saying is like, hey, let's liberate both those words. Like who cares? Quit being offended. That's the way I'm taking it. That's the way I'm hoping. Okay, here we go. You guys ready? You guys enjoying this? Demetrius is
Starting point is 00:25:57 Marianne now. Remember church Easter Sunday? I sat in a pew. You had stronger faith, more spiritual when these dudes were living their life straight. He goes on to talk about how maybe the pastor at the church didn't like the sex transformation that his aunt went through. And maybe this is just a story.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Maybe this isn't true. He's a rapper. He's a storyteller. I'm enjoying it. I'm enjoying it if it is a transformation. His auntie is a man now that time I brung a fan onto stage to rap but disapproved the word that she couldn't say with me you said Kendrick ain't no room for contradiction
Starting point is 00:27:00 to truly understand love switch your position faggot faggot faggot we can say it together but only if you let a white girl say nigga so he's either saying we just get kendrick on the show i know i did you're right fuck what am i doing the fuck do i think i am interpreting kendrick lamar interpreting Kendrick Lamar. It's good, though.
Starting point is 00:27:27 It's good. I'm liking it. I'm liking it. I see it as a beacon of hope. He's either going further towards the dark side, which eventually will be daytime, or he's crossed over. He's now conscious.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Oh, darn it. Someone said he's an entrepreneur. Entrepreneur. Oh, shit. Suck it, Victor. oh darn it someone said he's an entrepreneur oh shit suck it victor he's not waking up just like bill mauer isn't waking up too naive if you fall for that shit oh oh you're breaking my heart i could be i uh i i uh i i could be why don't you set him free victor why don't you set him free Victor why don't you set him free why you got to hold him down why don't you set him free let him change don't hold him in your
Starting point is 00:28:13 in your projection set him free set your wife free set everyone you love free set him free it's good it's good so it's the only song i listened to one of my friends heard it this morning actually makes me realize how great my friends are the album is called mr morale and the big steppers released in 2022 it makes me realize how good my friends are one of my friends called me said holy smokes dude
Starting point is 00:28:47 have you heard the new kendrick lamar album said no because well i only listen to one song you gotta listen to it and i listened to the first two minutes and i'm like i get it and he's like you get what and i go hey so it's a song about his aunt who turned into a dude. And he's singing, no, dude, go to the end. Listen, get to the end. I'm like, all right, settle down. And it ends right when he says that line. That last sentence. Boom, it's over.
Starting point is 00:29:19 You almost can't even hear it. Oh, here, wait, wait. Oh, look, let's see. Maybe there's an analysis down here. Let's see. No. Oh, maybe. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Let me read this analysis this is this is from a website website called genius annotation okay you guys ready i haven't read this before auntie auntie diaries is the sixth track on a two disc uh so sorry auntie diaries is the sixth track on disc two from kendrick lamar's fifth and final studio album with top dog entertainment mr morale and the big steppers is the 15th track overall kendrick tells the story of two transgender people using the narrative to critique himself society and the church's view on lgbtq community oh this person's woke as fuck right in this i could tell already. At the end of the song,
Starting point is 00:30:27 he alludes to the controversial moment in May of 2018 when he invited a white woman on stage at the Alabama Hangout Festival to perform his October 2012 track, Mad City. When she proceeded to say the N-word, that's quoting. That's not me.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I don't talk like that. I ain't no bitch. He asked her to start over. And you are a bitch if you do that. You are. You are a fucking bitch. And you're a racist. And you guys have heard me say this a million times because you're enforcing that someone be offended by that word.
Starting point is 00:31:02 You're the enforcer. You are the plantation owner cracking the whip when she proceeded to say the n-word he asked her to start over and avoid using the slur however she was ultimately forced to return to the audience that's not how i exactly remember it going down by the way but maybe this article is right kendrick juxtaposes the misuse of the n-word with his own community's use of the F-word to denigrate queer people. He uses these parallels not only as a teaching moment for the listener, but as a clever transition to the next song, Mr. Morale. Okay, so they see it as the other way.
Starting point is 00:31:39 This person sees it that he's gone even further to the dark side. he's gone even further to the dark side this person this person's interpretation is Kendrick is now saying that no one could say the word faggot because that's offensive too he's part of the burning but he wants to burn books it is what it's not this interpretation of it I don't think Kendrick wants to burn books
Starting point is 00:32:00 I don't think he wants to limit the vocabulary of the masses he's a fucking rapper i i i is not i am not i cannot be i refuse to be those days are over and there's a time and a place but it's not right now there's a time and a place, but it's not right now. There's a time and a place to be a bitch, but it ain't right now. And those people who know that are kind of dangerous people. You should, you should, you should, I'm not sure what the word is. You should be mindful around them. They have less to lose than you or more to lose,
Starting point is 00:32:54 but then we're not playing on the same. We're not playing on the same wavelength planet as you. I met a guy at Greg's party last night and he told me we were talking, we were sitting around and there was a priest there, which was weird. I didn't, I should have asked him how he ended up there. There were like a hundred people there at least. And there was a priest there.
Starting point is 00:33:23 I don't know if I should say his name. There was a priest there. It's called Pete. Pete the priest. And I was sitting down in a chair. And he was sitting on a stool. And there were like four other dudes. We're sitting in the front yard in front of the garage doors.
Starting point is 00:33:37 And it's like huge. Like two double. Like six car garage. Or eight car garage. There's a big fire going behind us. Even though it's fucking 85 degrees outside. There's a big fire going behind us, even though it's fucking 85 degrees outside, there's a chimney with wood burning and everyone's hanging out and Greg's done giving his talk on science.
Starting point is 00:33:53 People are eating steak everywhere. There's someone brought a portable pizza oven there and was making these insane pizzas. Fanciest dough ever. Like the kind of pizzas like nettles are on. There's like eight of us, a couple of affiliate owners, a couple of ex,
Starting point is 00:34:13 maybe a master's athlete or something. Some radio DJ, a priest, a bunch of cool dudes. You know, who was there last night too? Mark Bell and Chris Bell, the director of, and Jesse Burdick was there. The director of that movie, bigger, faster know who was there last night too? Mark Bell and Chris Bell, the director of,
Starting point is 00:34:26 and Jesse Burdick was there. The director of that movie, Bigger, Faster, Stronger was there. I'd want you. And I cornered him. I'm like, dude, you got to come on my podcast. You didn't respond to my DM. And I haven't seen, I haven't seen, I just saw it went up and like a tear ran down my eye. And happiness that a future friend of mine, Lauren Khalil, and an old friend of mine, Josh Bridges, were able to discuss, talk. Anyway, so were you there, Alan, at the party last night? How the hell were you there what is going on anyway and this dude goes like this he goes hey in the last 13 months i've spent five hundred thousand dollars on therapy to help my daughter with the sexual assault she went
Starting point is 00:35:20 through i was like i was like looking at the priest, how he's going to respond. I looked at the dude. I was like, excuse me. He's like, yeah, I spent $500,000 in the last 13 months to help my, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:32 uh, wife, um, or help my daughter get through some sexual abuse. She endured. I go, holy fuck. And he goes,
Starting point is 00:35:40 yeah, he goes, I'm going through some shit myself. I go, I bet he goes, um, i'm trying not to kill the guy who did it man that shit was real excuse me hey it was one of those parties that was like so so big and it was it was like on a 16 acre like orchard dope up in the hills santa cruz hills you
Starting point is 00:36:08 could see the pacific ocean they had like a valet i'm just bragging to tell you that by the way that's that's the only but it was cool it was fun and i really wanted to, uh, I really wanted to stay longer and I really wanted to drink a lot, but I knew that I had David Lucas at 7am. And so I didn't, I just stayed till like, I didn't drink really. I didn't, there were,
Starting point is 00:36:37 there were cookies and chocolate milk there that I tried not to stuff myself with. They were like, I tried to play it good. Cause I knew I needed to come home, ride the assault bike until like midnight, study up on David Lucas for a couple hours,
Starting point is 00:36:47 go to sleep and get up at seven. It was nice enough for David Lucas though to tell me that, he told me that's not, oh shit. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:36:59 He said, oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit, brother. He's not coming on until 315. The show will be done by then. Oh shit, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit, brother. He's not coming on until 315. The show will be done by then. Oh, shit, brother.
Starting point is 00:37:11 The show will be done. Damn. Can we reschedule? Let me see. Can we reschedule? How's your hair? Because he says he's getting his hair done. How's your hair? How's your hair because he says he's getting his hair done how's your hair how's your hair who's david lucas he's the comedian's exploding he's over there at Kill Tony. He's exploding. And when I was checking him out today, I have this great idea too regarding your 100K challenge.
Starting point is 00:38:10 100 K challenge. Um, um, basically, uh, so, so, so I, I, I saw him, I don't know, like a month or two ago, he popped on the scene. I was, well, he's been on the scene forever, but I popped under my radar about a month or two ago. I've been watching a bunch of his stuff. He's so funny. He's gnarly. I will say this. He is a, he's like a professional roaster. So he like, he'll just go somewhere and there'll be another dude and they'll just start ripping on each other. And he's vicious, man. He is vicious. Sometimes I'm like, okay. Like when he attacks people in the crowd, I'm tripping.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I am tripping. Anyway, but he's friends with Joe Rogan and he's friends with Hans, who we had on the show. And Joe Rogan said to him and another comedian called Red Band, and they're both morbidly obese, and he said, hey, starting today, which was a couple of days ago, in four months, I'm going to weigh you guys, and whoever lost the most weight, I'll give $100,000 to, or something like that. Oh, maybe he can come on while he's cutting his hair. want to come on for just a minute while you're getting your hair done. Let's see. Using your phone. Let's see what happens you think i'd like theo vaughn i love theo vaughn austin he's funny as shit
Starting point is 00:39:37 i wish i already got on that got on that jock sooner i could have had him on the show he'll come on the show eventually i bet so how did you guys uh bruce wayne regarding uh lauren khalil seven she's really cool just hit her up in the dms you just hit her up or i should just hit her up i hit her up all the time i harass the shit out of her that's how you know i'm friends with you. If I DM you and like, I'm being like teasing you in your DMS, I'm like a fucking kindergartner who only just, I just tease people. I like, I got it all backwards.
Starting point is 00:40:13 You think if I didn't like her, I wouldn't, I not that you're saying I wouldn't, but like, I just went over all the videos she made for morning chocolate. And I pretend like I I'm pissed, but like, really,
Starting point is 00:40:20 I'm just telling you guys go watch that shit. It's like, it's, that's the best compliment you can get from me i told my wife the other day at the beach i took a video of her and she was like playing frisbee with the boys and i said fuck you got a nice body from 10 feet away and like that for me that was like a huge compliment shit didn't go over well i got the head tossed up a little bit i got beat up a little bit for that one i i didn't say it didn't go over well oh i got the head tossed up a little bit i got beat up a little bit for that one i i didn't say it didn't look good from five feet away or two feet away or my
Starting point is 00:40:52 face is buried in your you know but i'm just saying from 10 feet away it's really good too like like let's not jump to any conclusions here you know what I mean oh man I just clicked on a link I wish I wouldn't have clicked on it was Justin Trudeau oh I have a link here that says Bruce Wayne oh that's you I think I already showed you guys that okay this kind of fits with oh this is brilliant i want to show you guys this okay
Starting point is 00:41:33 you ready this fits perfectly with what we were saying about banning words earlier like do we really want to ban words this is exactly what is happening in the united states right now i want to it's an it's an amazing metaphor here for those of you who can't see this it's it's a wall and it says graffiti artist mobster tagged the london wall in 2014. The following occurred over a one-year period. So what you're watching is this guy is tagging a wall. And every time he tags the wall, they cover it with red paint. And so he keeps tagging different parts of the wall, and they keep covering it with red paint and this goes on and on until the entire wall is red and that's what's happening to our freedoms
Starting point is 00:42:35 that's what's happening to our freedoms can you believe for those of you who've lived in the united states for a long time i don't know it was like 10 or 15 years ago, every city in the country was like making laws to outlaw smoking on the streets. There was like this huge push to stop cigarette smoking. Now our streets are filled with crime and homelessness and they can't do shit. But they were worried about people smoking cigarettes hey i'll go back to making cigarettes legal if we can get rid of all the crime and homelessness everything we're doing here is ass backwards i know it's so hard to say this and it's so unpopular but those of you who want to ban guns it's the exact same thing on the other end of that what's going to happen when you ban guns
Starting point is 00:43:25 to try to stop killing will be worse it's the exact same thing that happened when the george floyd incident uh happened right and they tried to fix that problem by bringing up the 12 unarmed black men in the United States had been killed in the past year. We don't even know if they were violent, if they attacked. That was just the number that kept getting pushed. And so there became this massive public outcry that pushed towards attacking police, not just physically but mentally and emotionally. And so police departments all over the country gave the orders of their police departments to stand down and not engage citizens guess how many thousands
Starting point is 00:44:10 of black men died because of that when you misdiagnose something and you address the symptom instead of the issue you will make the problem worse. No, I didn't hit Murph today, but I was thinking about doing it today, later on today. My wife wasn't feeling so good, so I didn't want to leave her, but I've never done it on an assault runner. I was actually thinking, I have an assault runner, and I was actually thinking about doing it on the assault runner. I haven't even done Murph that many times in my life. I want to say like three, two, five. Definitely not more than five.
Starting point is 00:44:49 That's what's happening. Every time – so someone puts graffiti on this wall, and they cover it with paint, which actually makes the wall look worse because now there's this white wall or this pink wall that just has a splotch of red paint that doesn't mean or say anything. And so the graffiti artist gets cute and starts putting it in different places until the whole wall is painted. That's what's happening to our freedoms. They keep thinking they're going to fix one little thing instead of addressing the big problem. And eventually everything's going to be under lockdown and everything's going to be under quarantine and everything's going to be forced under compliance. The whole thing is going to get painted with these little attempts to fix everything.
Starting point is 00:45:34 I have no idea. Sooner than the next Josh and Sevan. Someone wrote, when is the next Josh and Sevan podcast? It's sooner than the next Josh,osh savon and matt podcast i know that this morning was the first time i've done murph with a vest it's pretty well i got a cool t-shirt i have to oh i've not and that's true too i've never done it with a vest either i i should i um i text him wish him congratulations I'm stoked for him
Starting point is 00:46:06 stoked for him let's see if Mr. Lucas responded okay let's aim for Thursday okay I like that we'll move David Lucas to Thursday because Thursday
Starting point is 00:46:23 oh shit that's awesome, that's not awesome. Wrong Thursday. Okay. Thursday's June 2nd. Okay. I like it. I like it. Yes. I love that. Okay. I love that okay i love that i love that thank you so pumped to talk to you all right alan kess keston bomb uh did you did you like josh's story post seven uh the one with the ring you mean i think he put it in a story and his feed i think i saw in his story first and then i saw in his feed i'm i'm assuming no one has heard the kendrick Lamar song. God, I was so excited to share that with you guys. You guys see a CrossFitter? One of those teachers, I think, was a CrossFitter who was killed in Texas.
Starting point is 00:47:41 That sucks. Oh, man, my notes are so far behind. I've shown you guys so much of this already. Oh my goodness. Oh, here's a good one. Here's a good one. Here's a good one. Oh, this guy's coming on the show too. This is great. I think this guy's living in Morocco. When I share the screen, I assume you guys can hear.
Starting point is 00:48:15 I hope you guys can hear. Okay. Here we go. Tamer cat. You're a Jew. If you're not a Muslim, you're a Muslim. You're not supposed to exist. Here we go. Tamer cat. That's why I look like this. That's why I look like this. I look like I work in the accounting department of a Mexican gang. I told you to be received here. You're a Jew. Can you do that?
Starting point is 00:49:04 Can you be a Muslim Jew and make fun of Mexicans? So this guy's coming on the show soon too. You guys know him? I get all of these ideas from you guys. This is all from you. You guys send this stuff. Not you, Mehmet. My Turkish brother from another mother.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Mehmet. Aidenly? Aidenly Aidenly Mehmet Aidenly I think that's the dead giveaway if your name is Mehmet you're just Turkish Bruce Wayne I did Murph unpartitioned and it sucked me too with a 20 pound vest my body was not ready for it hey did you see Hiller did too with a 20 pound vest. My body was not ready for it. Hey, did you see
Starting point is 00:49:46 Hiller did it with a 100 pound vest? What? Are you freaking kidding me? Brutal Bruce, that's insane. I'm not sure if I've ever felt compelled to do an unpartitioned with a vest. Fair enough. How about Hiller? 100 pound vest vest 78 minutes he i think he wrote seems fast to me
Starting point is 00:50:14 178 seems fast to me okay we got that guy the muslim jew about that oh what's this what's this oh here we go okay oh another one of my favorite topics okay let's see let's see what this this young hipster has to say uh joel patrick on instagram yes here we go you guys ready did you guys hear the last one does the audio come through here we go Did you guys hear the last one? Does the audio come through? Here we go. The federal government abolished slavery to protect enslaved people's rights nationally. The federal government stepped in again to protect reproductive rights nationally. Please tell me you did not just compare slavery and abortion and then use that argument to justify why the government needed to protect people's right to an abortion. Let me explain something to you.
Starting point is 00:51:04 See, slavery was wrong, but slavery was legal. Do you know why slavery was legal? Because someone convinced another group of people that black people were not human, that it was okay to enslave them because they weren't people. They were only three-fifths of a person. Now there's a modern effort to convince people that fetuses are not human. Therefore, it's not wrong to kill them. But I have a question for you. Do you think it's appropriate to kill, I don't know, a bald eagle per se? Because the federal government doesn't. In fact, the federal government will fine you $20,000 and you could go to prison for
Starting point is 00:51:29 one to five years for destroying a single egg of the American bald eagle. Now, that is not a full-grown eagle. It is just an egg that has the potential to become a full-grown eagle. And because of the potential that it has, it has value. Kind of like a human being. A fetus is not a full-grown human, but it has the potential to become a human. And therefore, it has value. Dang.
Starting point is 00:51:52 I want you guys to listen to that one more time. It's history. It's a history lesson. You don't have to take a side. You don't have to be for it or against it or whatever, but he's just schooling this chick. This is once again someone trying to leverage the color of people's skin that girl who speaks in the beginning for some sort of fucked up agenda listen to this one more time yeah yeah bruce wow uh it looks like he sped it up to fit it in the full minute but let's let's listen that one time it's worth listening to again. This guy's good. I've been trying to get this guy on too. Okay. Slavery and abortion are both wrong. Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I don't want to fight with you about that. Okay, here we go. Similar to how the federal government abolished slavery to protect enslaved people's rights nationally, the federal government stepped in again to protect reproductive rights nationally. Please tell me you did not just compare slavery and abortion and then use that argument to justify why the government needed to protect people's right to an abortion let me explain something to you see slavery was wrong but slavery was legal do you know why slavery was legal because someone convinced another group of people that black people were not human that it was a wow a group of people
Starting point is 00:53:01 convinced another group of people that slavery was not wrong. This guy's killing it. Okay. To enslave them because they weren't people. They were only three fifths of a person. Now there's a modern effort to convince people that fetuses are not human. Therefore it's not wrong to kill them. Black people aren't human. If you have black skin,
Starting point is 00:53:18 so it's okay to enslave them. I mean, he flipped the script on this chick and now we're being convinced those aren't fetuses. Those are women's rights. Those are women's properties. Those aren't human. They're only three-fifths of a human. Kill them.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Whether you agree with him or not, this is just powerful mind think. This is just the mental gymnastics and funness of this. This guy is so good. But I have a question for you. Do you think it's appropriate to kill, I don't know, a bald eagle per se? Because the federal government doesn't. In fact, the federal government will fine you $20,000 and you could go to prison for one to five years
Starting point is 00:53:52 for destroying a single egg of the American bald eagle. Now, that is not a full-grown eagle. It is just an egg that has the potential to become a full-grown eagle. And because of the potential that it has, it has value. Kind of like a human being. A fetus is not a full-grown human, but it has the potential to become a human. that it has it has value kind of like a human being a fetus is not a full-grown human but it has the potential to become a human and therefore it has value similar to how the federal well dang it's good it's good smart stuff smart talk gotta get that guy on the show too
Starting point is 00:54:21 yeah it is the man's choice at a point that's a really good thing it's before then it's before you it's like just just before your helmet crest the labia majora when you when you push the helmet and you give up it doesn't matter whether it's fair or not i'm just telling you like just the the 99.99 truth to it basically it works like this fuck this is gonna piss some of you guys off and i'm sorry the woman loses her right when the dick gets inside of her it's not fair it might not be right it might not be the absolute truth but but in the most logical sense the woman has the right to say no to the dick and therefore she never has to get the abortion and kill the baby but once you take the dick you understand the woman has the right to say no to the dick and therefore she never has to get the
Starting point is 00:55:05 abortion and kill the baby but once you take the dick you understand the mechanisms of the human body and you know the dudes aren't good at holding back from letting one fly once you take raw dog the dick then you lost your right over your body in in respect to having the baby or not having the baby morally morally i'm not talking legally you guys know how i stand legally no laws on women's bodies but morally ethically you have lost your right and you will pay you will probably pay uh a severe mental consequence also if you if you if you have an abortion you may think ah i'm just telling you like you either forever stay unconscious or when you are conscious you will have to uh
Starting point is 00:55:50 i don't know what the word is there's probably some spiritual word for it but anyway my point is is that the man has the right once i think once the man puts his penis in the woman he's giving up that right to the baby that's what now it's hers but and that might be fair not fair doesn't matter just just how i think i might i don't even know if it's true i'm willing to be wrong on that but that's how i play the game and then and then once he lets one fly in her then she's now loses sort of the um the moral and ethical responsibility to her womb it should transcend you know any law or thought it just is. Now there's a baby growing in there. So that's that. So the man, the man gets to say his say,
Starting point is 00:56:35 I'm not going to put my penis in you. You are not going to extract a semen from me. And the woman loses her say once she does sit on it or take it or however he gets in there, rolls over the wet spot what do you think i don't know what transracial is what do you think about transracial i'm probably transracial i love them should i look that word up trans trans trans trans
Starting point is 00:57:06 transracial transracial people identify as a different race than the one associated with their biological ancestry it's just more just fucking same as gender just bullshit not bad bullshit maybe I should use a different word just uh your imagination like do what you want i don't care if you're a white guy and you want to have your eyes fucking pulled slanted and fucking talk with a chinese accent i don't give
Starting point is 00:57:39 a fuck do it as long as as long as none of it's like being imposed on me. Like I was thinking about going, I was thinking about going to the, to the boardwalk by my house. There's tons of fucking hardcore Mexicans there. Like, like Serenios and Nortenos and M13. It's like, it's just fucking hardcore.
Starting point is 00:58:00 And it's the heart in the heart of like the whitest town you've ever been in Santa Cruz, California. I was thinking about walking around there with a mic on me and going up to people and using the wrong pronoun with them just like you know what i mean like like for just vatals you know they get out of their fucking low rider. They have their shirts pulled over their waistband because they're fucking packing. Excuse me, miss. Can you tell me what time it is and just see how they react? They probably don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:58:35 See if I get beat up or not. Who you calling miss? Did I say miss? No, no. I messed up. See who cares. So so what about it when it comes to a man who wants an abortion? Women does not and has the child is the man responsible for financial.
Starting point is 00:58:55 So, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All that. Yes, yes, yes. That's what I'm saying. I don't know. I mean, whatever. I think it's a moot point, but to answer you, yes. I think whatever you have your say up until you put your penis in a woman. When you get a permanent tattoo, it's a fucking permanent tattoo. When they're done, you don't get to say that there's a line you cross when that ink pen hits you and some
Starting point is 00:59:31 That's it. When your helmet of your penis crests the labia majora menorah all that fun stuff in there when it breaks the fucking that the outer layer of the sharpay you've now given up that's it you're you're responsible for everything that happens after that regardless of whether you wanted it didn't want it you like you're fucking around you've started mixing the chemicals in the meth lab.
Starting point is 01:00:07 No, no. Yeah. And yeah, after sex, women have all the power. Yep. But I don't know. I wouldn't use the word power. Now they have all the moral obligation. I'm just saying it the way I look into my mind. I can't explain it to you logically, and I apologize.
Starting point is 01:00:23 But the mechanisms of how I see the mind work and what seems absolutely in the fairest sense to me is that there is a point that you physically have control over what you're doing in regards to making a baby. Your dick is hard. You're not commanded to ejaculate a load in someone. You make that effort to do that with those consequences.
Starting point is 01:00:46 It's like driving a car into a wall, buying a lotto ticket. You don't get to decide whether you win or lose after that. And so you do that. You play that game. And then at that point, the woman who's also played that game she now she now has that responsibility I'm not saying from any legal point
Starting point is 01:01:18 I'm just saying it's the algebra of it all excuse me if you're removing the men's option what do you mean? oh like if you're saying if you're saying men don't have a say then women shouldn't have a say either they have that you should outlaw
Starting point is 01:01:44 no no I don't think so I don't have a say, then women shouldn't have a say either. They have that you should outlaw. No, no, I don't think so. I don't believe in fairness like that. Let me give you an example, another example, if I understand you, Jamie. But I'll give you two examples. The first was with the adults I used to work with over at CrossFit Inc. When I first started working there and I became the executive director of the media department there, chief marketing officer, whatever you want to call it. I decided I was going to, there was always like a little bit of like, uh, we had cameras over there that people would use and you would check them out. And there was always be like, Hey, are people not taking
Starting point is 01:02:20 care of their cameras? Did someone not return it in time? I need it for this project. And there would always be a little friction. And I like hey you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna fucking just suck it up and we're gonna buy everyone a camera package a fat camera package what do you want so there were like let's say six or seven um uh senior director producers there who were going to get those camera packages i was gonna i'm gonna buy each of you a package a one a month so that it doesn't it doesn't just a huge expenditure right away we'll do one a month until everyone's satisfied and people started saying it's not fair how come joe gets a package before carl how come carl gets a package before um uh cindy and instead of people being like yeah this is fucking awesome people
Starting point is 01:03:06 started fucking complaining that it wasn't fair and my kids are like that if i have like a like a like a um a a piece of a larabar or And I'm like, okay, you guys can have this. And I hand it to them. Why does he get it? It's not fair. I hand them a little piece of chocolate and they each look at each other's chocolate and they start comparing it. It's not fair. His is bigger.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Like, well, fuck you here. Give me all that chocolate back. And they're sitting there crying. Cause they got chocolate. They got, they did what they're crying.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Well, they, a second ago they had nothing in life was good. Now they have a piece of chocolate in their hand and they're crying. A second ago, they had nothing and life was good. Now they have a piece of chocolate in their hand and they're crying. And then I turn into a complete idiot like I'm trying to explain this to. I can't even explain it to 25-year-old, 35-year-old grown-ass men who are getting free fucking cameras. How the fuck am I going to explain it to a 5-year-old and a seven-year-old? I just picked a ball of wax out of my ear.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Sorry. I kind of don't recognize myself on today's show right now. Do you remember that raw meat- guy we had on he was like eating the octopus he's now done that for 200 days we're gonna have him back on i'm excited i will not use names no i don't to be honest with you i don't remember i don't remember i just remember just it was just silly Shit just got weird and silly. I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:04:46 It was like... Oh, I read that. We did the Asian... We talked about the Asian goggles, right? Because they got a different nose. They got a flat nose. Right here at the bridge, they got no bridge. You got to have special goggles for them.
Starting point is 01:05:07 That girl, she wasn't Asian but Chris Ruglioski she was the chick who won the High Rocks World Championships this year she had no bridge in her nose I think we talked about it there just kind of worked out nicely nicely oh what's this okay I don't know
Starting point is 01:05:23 what this is let's play this this will be fun it when i play these instagram clips it's like a it's like a low rent version of tosh.0 the show and here we go so gas prices are at an all-time high inflation highest in 40 years stock market plummeting approval ratings in the tank food shortages baby formula shortages record crime record burglaries murder shootings record, record overdoses, rampant homelessness, sky-high cost of living, unbelievable censorship, corruption in the highest halls of power, record profits for the most corrupt corporations, tens of billions of dollars sent to a corrupt country, getting us involved in a hot war with a nuclear power for the first time in history, record crossings at the border,-high national debt the oldest president in history the lowest approval for a vp in history an unprecedented first of its kind draft leak of a supreme court decision undefinable basic words identity confusion and indoctrination of the youth in mass a ministry of truth destruction of the nuclear family a rising threat from the east and
Starting point is 01:06:42 still so few paying attention just like they want it So gas prices are at an all-time high. Inflation high. God, that's brutal. Oh, my goodness, that's brutal. All right. I shouldn't have played that. It's too much. I just want to put my head in the sand.
Starting point is 01:06:59 No, thank you. Wow. I don't like hating on the rich. I really don't. I really, really don't. Oh, this one was brutal. I don't know. This one was brutal.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Well, I'm beating you guys down. Here we go. Here we go. You were, you were finished semi. Finished semis yesterday with all the wall balls did Murph today. You were in the semis what region were you in or you just did the workouts my goodness you guys are nuts that's my name don't wear it out matthew cold
Starting point is 01:07:55 yeah what that that's coming up right yeah of course I'm trying to get him on the show, of course. He says all the same shit I say, or I say all the same shit he says. His take on homelessness is crazy. He just walks around the streets. He's like, who out here is sober? The guy's like, sober? We're on fentanyl.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Not a single person. And they want us to pay to build homes for drug addicts. No, let's get them off the drugs and they can build their own homes. I'd love a podcast with you too. You have a podcast? Man, you know I went on that podcast with Bowen Media, Bowen Media, Carlos' podcast. with Bowen Media, Bowen Media, Carlos' podcast. I was watching UFC and probably like a drink or two in me and I get this text and it said that we're doing it.
Starting point is 01:08:52 And somehow the word mayhem was in there and I think that that guy's affiliated with mayhem. And Rich has been so nice to me that I wanted to like, like at a moment's notice be available for them. And they invited me on the podcast. I liked the guy. I'm not going to hate. I'm going to hate.
Starting point is 01:09:10 And I get on there and I click the button and it's Mr. Bone himself, Carlos. And then, and then, and then a lady who's like a big wig over at the mayhem empire. Like she runs the media team for the last two years, like former bodybuilder,
Starting point is 01:09:25 done turned CrossFitter. Then another dude I didn't recognize. And then Ben Davidson was over there. And I'd been like fucking with like Ben Davidson with rich, you know, kind of like just, just like the way I do, like I told you,
Starting point is 01:09:40 like the way I court people, like I wanted, I was poking fun of them, but like really like in a nice way, like I liked them. I was just curious about him.'s their red-headed media guy over there and he's also on uh on one of the um affiliate teams like justice or independence or something like that he's on one of those teams that's going to the crossfit games
Starting point is 01:09:56 and i joked around that hey i need to get ben davidson on my show and ask him some questions but anyway i'm sitting down watching ufc and these guys send me a link for their show. And I think it's a mayhem show. And I go over there and I click the link and I go outside. I'm walking around with my drink and the host, I don't know who the fuck the host was. Was it you, Carlos? You son of a bitch. And he says, oh, I hear you have some questions for Ben Davidson.
Starting point is 01:10:21 And I was like, this is exactly why I don't do podcasts. You called me to come on your podcast, ask questions to Ben Davidson. And I was like, this is exactly why I don't do podcasts. You called me to come on your podcast, ask questions to Ben Davidson. I was going to say something so crass, not about them. It was going to be a metaphor. It would be like getting a prostitute and it's bad. I even I can't say it.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Okay. But it just made me never want to do another podcast ever again. Call me up and make me carry the show. Carry my nuts. And I'm not even myself on other people's shows. and I'm not even myself on other people's shows. I'm accountable and responsible for everything that happens to me. Share screen.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Chrome tab. I hope this is the right one. Yes. Bam. Okay, here we go. You guys ready? Here we go. After getting their second COVID-19 vaccine, two teenage boys died in their sleep. Medical experts have been investigating what happened and have now released their report.
Starting point is 01:11:33 An epidemiologist says it adds to a body of evidence that confirms Pfizer's vaccine can lead to death in children. NTD's Miguel Moreno reports. And TD's Miguel Moreno reports. To attend class in some parts of the country, kids need to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The federal government says they're safe, but gives them warning labels of what could lead to death. This myocarditis warning that is out on Pfizer and Moderna is very serious. Epidemiologist Peter McCullough says this in light of a new report. Its authors investigated the cases of two teenage boys from different states. Both of them had received second doses of the Pfizer vaccine, only to die a few days later
Starting point is 01:12:18 in their sleep. McCullough says that in his view, the study confirms that Pfizer's vaccines led to the deaths of the teenagers. That's the conclusion now, and it's the conclusion of several reports in the peer review literature. This isn't the only one. So it's clear that our FDA warnings on these vaccines are valid and justified, and these reports indicate in some cases it's fatal. The report was published by the College of American Pathologists, which is considered the largest organization of board-certified pathologists. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, known as the CDC, lists the myocarditis warning on its website for both Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines,
Starting point is 01:13:01 but no mention that myocarditis could lead to death. We contacted the CDC, but we haven't heard back. Miguel Moreno, NTD News. Just days after getting their second COVID-19 vaccine. Okay. Let's talk about this just for one quick second. I'm told if I don't believe that the questions around abortion are the correct questions. People say stuff like, well, it's women's rights or is it a baby's life? These aren't the right questions to ask. Those questions are based on the fact of someone trying to manipulate you. What are the right questions? I don't know. But you can't just take people's questions as face value if that's what the argument's about.
Starting point is 01:13:42 So what I'm about to do in talking to you about the vaccine vaccine right here in regards to these two kids dying i don't know if this is the right question to ask and i'm not trying to bully you into thinking like this at all at all but i want you to think about this just just the idea of it and maybe i need to be slapped around and unfucked fine I think it's pretty clear that 40% of the people who died are old people inside of nursing homes and care facilities
Starting point is 01:14:18 do you know why those people are in there? because they can't wipe their ass anymore because they did something the vast majority of them Do you know why those people are in there? Because they can't wipe their ass anymore. Because they did something, the vast majority of them, outside of how old they got, that incapacitated them to take care of themselves. And once they get in there, the average life expectancy of someone in a nursing home in the United States of America is 13.7 months. And 40% of COVID deaths are people inside of these types of care facilities. The other 60% of the people who've died from this disease, sorry,
Starting point is 01:14:57 59%. So we're at 99% have four, five, six, seven, eight comorbidities, all self-induced what do i mean by self-induced lifestyle choices thank you obese lifestyle choices you don't even have to be obese you got covid and you still drank six Mountain Dews a day.
Starting point is 01:15:25 You're toast. Your NK cells and your T cells completely fucking shut down. Unable to do their job. In a bloodstream full of fucking packed with fucking insulin and leptin and just fucking a mess. And then there's the 1%. There was some fucking poor soul, some kid, less than 1%, but born with fucking leukemia. Or someone who happened to get fucking hit by a car and had their fucking trach smashed and was in the hospital and got COVID and couldn't fucking let their trach repair while they – I don't even know what a trach is – while they got COVID. Just a convergence of really unfortunate events. What's your point, Sevan?
Starting point is 01:16:12 Those 99% of those people, was it worth saving their life that two fucking innocent, healthy boys had to die? I say no average age of death in Sweden 80 years old average COVID death in Sweden 82 years old you're handing out
Starting point is 01:16:41 fucking vaccines like they're fucking candy and two boys die to save these 82 year olds go fuck yourself you are murdering kids that's what i think i don't care if fucking 1 billion fucking i don't care if 10 of the planet fucking dies if they're fucking 80 years old and they've been drinking six pack of coke every day if these two boys have to die i'm not doing the trade i'm not doing the trade i'm not killing i am not killing boys or girls i'm not fucking killing kids i'm never ever going to support that shit you're fucking nuts and and i don't care if you get the vaccine. Don't get it twisted. Vax away.
Starting point is 01:17:31 But to enforce it? My buddy came from Australia, and I know he had to get the vaccine. You're going to make Kara Saunders get the fucking vaccine to compete here? Fuck you, government. It's nuts. It is nuts. Hey hey and here's the thing here's the the thing too just the sheer numbers at this scale even the vaccine was perfect perfect some people are gonna die because there's gonna be a bad batch there's gonna be a bad batch that gets old there's gonna be a batch that gets
Starting point is 01:18:02 like someone's pooping it like there's no way of successfully implementing this to save all these fucking decrepit old people or people who are 30 years complicit in their demise that would make it so that some boys aren't going to die. Boys and girls aren't going to die. It's nuts. This is batshit crazy stuff. And, and you people in Australia and Canada and the united kingdom who want to say anything about our gun rights like you feel bad of what happened in texas fuck you you guys are so fucking complicit in this fucking nightmare it's because it's how you think that ended up causing all of these problems in your countries and now you want to impose it on the that type of fucked up thinking on our gun laws it doesn't work that well i want you to imagine looking at the world
Starting point is 01:18:50 through a straw right here like this right and that's all you see that's how you think you see a gun you saw it killed someone you're going back and forth you're like okay let's get rid of guns next you're gonna say let's get rid of kids or let's get rid of schools how about that you fucking brainiacs you don't even know how to think you don't think about where it came from upstream and you don't think where it came from going downstream open up buddy open up open up take a chill open up I can't believe I did it. 78 minutes.
Starting point is 01:19:30 That's how long. I'm doing this show. In the same amount of time it took killer to do a Murph today with a hundred pound vest. Hey, I think that's dumb. Should I call him? Let me call it. Let me just,
Starting point is 01:19:43 you want it. Should we get Hiller on? Let's see. Let's see if I can send him a, it call him. Let me just. You want to. Should we get Hiller on? Let's see. Let's see if I can send him a. It's a good way to finish the show, right? Let's see. Let's see if he'll just come on. He's a good dude.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Listen. Mr. Mr. Programming. Mr. Oh, maybe I should. Should I see if I get Brian on and we'll talk shit about his programming. Mr. Programming Mr. Oh maybe I should Should I see if I can get Brian on and we'll talk shit about his programming Mr. Programming
Starting point is 01:20:10 What kind of friend am I I'm gonna send him a link And then he comes on And I bomb him in front of all the live fans Oh he did it in 2018 That I saw wrong Oh he didn't Do that today oh see see i'm not real media i didn't do my research
Starting point is 01:20:34 didn't do my research that's what happens when your guest doesn't show up all right uh i'm gonna have uh people really like the uh man the comments from the athena show were great i know i i was wondering what was going on there i was wondering what was his elbow because i know he does uh uh he does whine about his elbow a lot and uh oh shit i i answered on the wrong phone can you call back yeah answered on the wrong phone uh uh andrew hiller you're live on the sevan podcast am i really what was that link for because i was just gonna have you come on and ambush you i was just talking crazy but bruce
Starting point is 01:21:32 wayne already came to your defense and and kind of uh what are you ambushing me about what do we got i was like this fucking guy talks shit about programming and he fucking does a hundred he does a a murph with a hundred pound weight vest. That's fucking horrible. Oh yeah. That was, that was four years ago. Peak shape. I was back then.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Yes, yes, yes. But I, I'm not real media. I don't do my research. So, but,
Starting point is 01:21:53 but what did Bruce Wayne say about it? He just, him and Jaime, him and Jamie. Jaime. What's her name? I'm looking for her name. They basically told me wrong year,
Starting point is 01:22:04 2018. Get your shit fixed. What's, what's wrong name i'm looking for her name they basically told me wrong year 2018 get your shit fixed what's what's wrong about the year well if you did it this year you're old and you got a busted up elbow and just like you said that's right years ago when you were in peak shape i was just going to say it's bad so you're saying that they unfucked you you thought i did it this year you didn't read the notes no no i read. Are we really on the show right now? Yes, we are. Oh, okay. I thought I missed. I thought you were like, hey, man, we had a show in four minutes.
Starting point is 01:22:32 I was like, holy fuck, did I miss something? Hey, no, but can't you tell we're on the show by kind of like the inflection of my voice and how excited I am? I don't like talk to you like this one. Like if it was just me and you, I'd be like, hey, dude, what's up? Yeah, it was a little bit different. I thought maybe you thought maybe you were messing me i thought maybe this was a joke i'd be like what i'll be talking about what am i missing i'd be like hey dude did you see that picture of brian and daniel brandon you'd be like yeah i totally saw that picture yeah and then i'd be like dude i can't tell you what i can't tell you what i know on the show oh shit
Starting point is 01:23:02 you know what sucks is my my guest didn't show up Oh shit. You know, it sucks is my, my guest didn't show up today. And we, you know that, um, we're trying to schedule two shows this week. That one with me and you and,
Starting point is 01:23:11 uh, Justin Medeiros. And then the other one, the Hiller fit, uh, YouTube channel review that I'm trying to do every week. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:23:18 yeah, see, I thought I missed that. No, you didn't. Okay, good. My guest didn't show up.
Starting point is 01:23:22 And so I'm just been just, just like fucking off for uh 82 minutes who was the guest uh david lucas uh he's um uh homeboys uh he's a big time comic big time comic got it all right he's in the shithouse um anyway while we have you here though um how how was that 100 pound murph you You didn't 78 minutes, 78 minutes. Yeah. And I remember I just wanted to make sure that I didn't do anything under a shuffle on the runs. The pull ups were done in all singles. The push ups were done in like doubles at the absolute most.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Then the squats were just slow, steady. The best kind of got in the way on the squat because it was a big ass fast. That's pretty crazy. What was it like when you took the vest off? It's actually so heavy where you've got to use the pull-up rig to take it off. So you kind of throw it on a J-hook, the one shoulder, and you pinch your way out of it. There's really no other way to get it on or off. Wow.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Without the help of a couple of people. I'm glad you said that. That's a good description. I was kind of wondering how you got it on and off. I just help of a couple of people. I'm glad you said that. That's a good description. I was kind of wondering how you got it on and off. I just thought of something. Someone said, where's the picture? We should use that picture of Brian and Danielle that's floating around as the picture for this podcast. And then it'll get 20,000 views.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Yeah. And then somewhere in there, you've got to say, you'll never guess what Andrew said about Brian Friend. Oh, right. And Daniel Brandon's picture on Instagram. That's perfect. Oh, and Greg just texted me and said, let's go eat. Yeah, I'm hungry. And then that'll be the actual caption.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Greg Gleisman breaks news on Brian Friend. I am hungry. Where is open? where is open where is open that's not really good English alright well thank you for calling me thank you for making a special guest appearance
Starting point is 01:25:11 on my little my little show of course I was actually in the middle of watching Top Gun so I'm gonna go back and finish it oh shit I'm sorry okay bye
Starting point is 01:25:18 I was like I was like Alexis Alexis I think I missed a fucking show you're a good dude alright I'll talk to you, dude. Okay, bye. Bye.
Starting point is 01:25:29 All right. Breaks news or breaks wind? Yes, yes. All here. Did you ever see that show where I put my butt up to the microphone and farted? No one ever said anything about that. I was kind of proud of that. Oh, look at you trying to get on with Hiller. Speak your mind, caller.
Starting point is 01:25:48 What's up, Savon? It's Plumber. Hey, Will. What's up, dude? Oh, thanks for your notes. Thanks for your notes this weekend. That was cool. Dude, of course. I'm glad you got to use them. I just stole your shit. Oh, so what do you think about blah, blah, blah? You guys are so good.
Starting point is 01:26:03 I heard a couple, and I'm like, okay, Savon does not know who that person is. I loved it though. No, I'm calling a brag about my mom. Since we're on the Murph topic today, uh, she did her first. She, uh, she grabbed a partner and did a Murph. No shit. What did that look like? Um, so her and a partner, they did banded pull-ups, uh, and split the work. Um, no vest obviously, but, uh, there was a get together at CrossFit Minnetonka to do Murph. So. Minnetonka? Is that one of the islands, Samoan Islands?
Starting point is 01:26:41 Uh, Minnetonka, it's a city about 20 minutes northwest of minneapolis ah okay not samoa not an island not a samoan island all right well thanks for calling in i think i'm gonna wrap up the show and go grab a bite to eat with my homeboy my old boss mr glassman all right have a good one all right thanks for calling ciao yeah i should put his phone number in my phone so i know it's him oh clive sorry dude i know i saw i saw your comments on youtube too um the uh jaime latimer jamie latimer kyle landis says the pic was on brian's ig unless they're talking about the picture i'm unaware of no no the one where they're laying down in bathing suits on that uh lawn chair it was on his ig
Starting point is 01:27:33 no i'm joking they weren't laying down okay who should i invite to lunch i was thinking about changing my back. I was thinking about getting a camera that would give me shallow depth of field for my podcast. And maybe changing my background. Have you guys noticed how many reels we're putting out? We have someone working on reels now for us. It's pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Oh, shit. Okay shit okay I know I will you know I might do Murph tonight oh my goodness do you guys know who we have on tomorrow at 7am we got that monk that was on we got that monk that was on Joe Rogan hey lunch is calling I love you guys. Peace. And love.

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