The Sevan Podcast - #445 | Strength in Depth & Atlas Games Pt. 1

Episode Date: June 12, 2022 Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS - OUR OTHER SHIRT - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. That muscle up. Oh, my God. Bam, we're live. We're early.
Starting point is 00:00:34 We do whatever we want. We can do what we want. Oh, man, it's just stupidity everywhere. I'm surrounded by stupidity. Why do you say that? Some guy in my DMs was trying to draw some comparisons between the Netherlands and the United States. I'm like, dude, your country is 16,000 square miles. My shit that I took this morning
Starting point is 00:00:57 has traveled further than that to make it to the fucking shit plant. I'm in a country that's 33.7 million square miles you jerk off jackass i've been watching the thorn commercial and they're like you the good thing about thorn is is that when you read the ingredients that's what's in there yeah that's what everyone tells you you're telling me nothing i'm surrounded by morons and then and then these crossfitters they're just so fucking stupid we are in a herd of morons no people who do the martial arts are martial arts aren't like i'm a ufc fighter stop crossfit is a lifestyle stopped acting like it's a sport
Starting point is 00:01:40 and you're all athletes it's a lifestyle it's about making yourself better and being a great role model an example for all the people in all society it's not a sport it's and you're not a whole bunch of damn athletes only couple you are all the martial artists no martial artists never confuse the two no one in my kids dojo is like yeah i'm a ufc fighter they don't even wear the ufc shit They're martial artists. You, and that's a lifestyle that makes you better, everyone around you better. And that's what CrossFit is.
Starting point is 00:02:13 And there's this one little piece that's the sport. Not the... And I just listened to these commentators talk and I'm just like, you're so confused. You're ruining it. You're ruining it. It's a beautiful're so confused. You're ruining it. You're ruining it. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing. And you're ruining it.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You're bringing a superficiality to it that I think only Danielle Brandon should bring to it. God, her post was good. Which one? Just the one where she's in a bathing suit. And she says, there's two kinds of girls.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I'm both of them. I think whoever does her writing for her, she's genius. I want to say it's probably her. Yeah, it's probably why you think it's genius. Listen, guys, you're just all, it's a lifestyle. We live it. And it's the kind of thing that makes us a better person it's the kind of thing like after you go to the gym you're more likely to stop and help someone
Starting point is 00:03:11 who drops their groceries on the side of the road or something or you help your neighbor do stuff because you crossfit because you can shut it hillar you're more likely to walk and lunge your way over there because you're an athlete i fell asleep today during the the the event and when i opened my eyes my mom was sitting on my couch next to me i saw wad zombies remake of daniel brandon's post and thought it was funny oh how did he remake it what did he do she just put the video and then as soon as she turns around and like shows her sticks her butt out the jesus thing comes up and he's like that's good i was honestly wondering how long does that take for you to bring that up i knew it would be as soon as you could i saw it i go like oh it'll be like
Starting point is 00:03:56 no more than three minutes and it was within the three minutes who me or taylor jr actually jr yes i said a few he's gonna bring it up jr sent me over his notes it says it's just daniel brandon daniel brandon daniel brandon um let's talk about just something about the setups at these things what's going on with the pull-up bars here um have any adjustments been made so so we had that we had the rope debacle over uh with scott panchick and they made the changes necessary to make it a safer event correct and we are are the um the following week the following week they made the changes necessary yeah the following week and so that shows on that shows at least they're capable of making the changes, right?
Starting point is 00:04:45 We actually, someone reported to us that they actually cut those ropes and they showed us the smidgens that were left on the ground. And we, and I think that it was very clear yet, um, last week, uh, the argument was, was potent that there is an injury waiting to happen, a broken ankle, um, some sort of severe back injury. If someone like the delugos is doing butterflies and they hit their feet on the ground were there any changes made this week to that no no there were not go ahead i was just going to say according to some people there's nothing objective there's no objective height we've been given on the pull-up bars but there are some people saying they feel lower they feel short okay i someone did send me a picture of one of the athletes holding the
Starting point is 00:05:26 pull-up bar and he's and he's standing flat-footed on the ground and i would assume he's probably not as tall as matt delugos he probably ain't six four there's not very many six four guys we know his name can we reach out to him isn't it uh devin o'neill i honestly have no idea who it is and i heard that the rings were a little bit higher is that normal i heard that the rings Devin O'Neill? I honestly have no idea who it is. And I heard that the rings were a little bit higher. Is that normal? I heard that the rings at strength and depth were at 94.5 inches. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 00:06:02 So the rings – so there isn't – wow, that's interesting. Is it Devin? No, it's that's interesting. Is it Devin? So what I mean is that there's not a standard height across all of the, um, regionals for the bars. What I'm seeing here in my report, and I probably need it verified that in London, the ring in the bar height is 94 and a half inches in North America. The bar is at 92 and the rings are at 96
Starting point is 00:06:26 and so at this point it has nothing to do with fairness it's not standardized across the right right right well it looks like the pull-up bars are 92 inches which is what they were at granite games. They are that at Dallas Games. In North America? Yeah, they're 92-inch pull-up bars. The rings, I don't know, but I guess all the pull-up bars are 92 inches and they're not making an adjustment. I've heard that's because it's a structural thing with the integrity of the rig. If they were to move it, all of a sudden there's a series of things that need to happen for insurance reasons. They would need extra bolts. If you look at a pull-up bar is mounted
Starting point is 00:07:05 to a rig there's a rig post and then another pull-up bar on the other side of it they typically just put two bolts in and that goes on this side of the pull-up bar and the nut goes on the other side of the other pull-up bar so if they were to lower one they would just need an additional bolt and nut maybe they don't have those does that make sense john young saying exactly what i was thinking too um you could you could at least do one or two like that or alternate them or something yeah yeah but they would need to plan for that in event in advance i think is what they're saying and they didn't account for that in advance and so they can't change the height taylor with what you're saying why don't they just make the entire series of bars higher all that they could have 100 do that
Starting point is 00:07:43 and i think that's what Savant's saying too. If they're taller over in Europe, they could be the same height here. It's almost like they're waiting for someone to get injured. I lost complete respect for the games this year. It is the absolutely abysmal execution. Well, it's the classic thing. And I feel like to some degree in years past,
Starting point is 00:08:04 they've done this is when they have a mistake. It's like they – not anyone that I know of at least in terms of naming names, but a mistake happens, and they're just stubborn and hardheaded about it. I'm like, fuck it. We're going to roll with this mistake. We're not going to fix it immediately, or we're not going to call it out immediately, or we're not going to own up to it. At least in what's happening this year. And there's a group chat and then from Fikowski. And here's this also the, the excuse that it, well, it's like this every year. Like, like, like, you don't like,
Starting point is 00:08:36 like for some reason we are not bullet. Like I'm trying to blame Justin and not Dave. That's even a worse excuse. That's even a worse excuse. It's like this every year. That doesn't make me feel better. That makes me think you're even more of a jackass. Oh, it's just highlighted this year. So what? So what? First of all, that's not true, but so what? Okay. I got this note. I don't know where it's posted, but Fikowski wrote it somewhere. It looks like it's public. It says Fikowski.
Starting point is 00:09:08 It's a blue checkmark, so I presume it's him. That's a comment. It says, very frustrating that myself and the PFAA, what does that stand for? Professional Fitness Athletes Association. Reached out to every semifinal on May 10th, that's exactly a month ago, providing them with customized info on their tallest, shortest athletes, what height bars rings they required. The data showed that a high setup for the tallest athletes
Starting point is 00:09:34 and the option of a 6 or 12-inch riser for Colton Mertens and other such athletes. I made that up, the part where he names Colton. Then at Atlas, they got to visually see those same athletes be unable to hang from the bar and they still stuck with 92 inches and then he put the emoji with the hand over his face a month ago he's not asking for a lot he was uh doing what i made a video on which was understand who your tallest athlete is or maybe just is in general. In this case, it looks like it would be DeLugos at 6'4".
Starting point is 00:10:09 You try to reverse engineer the height for somebody like that and then say everyone else, hey, you want a 6' or 12' riser. It looks like a month ago, they did in advance what I suggested. Hi, Susan. Hey. Hi, Susan.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Hi, Susan. and they didn't listen hey hi susan oh hi bye susan that's that comment from fikowski is pretty not having that information i think is pretty huge about everything that's going on right now that's fucking ridiculous that they got all that information in advance and still chose to do nothing about it you sent the wrong people to the to the to the quarterfinals to the semifinals you have no judging there's no standards you got ropes that are too long you took out one of the greatest athletes the sport's ever seen and now we're in the in the in the fourth week of the semifinals and you can't get the pull-up bars right you know that's it okay keep going don't stop it's just a shame what stop. It's just a shame.
Starting point is 00:11:06 It's just a shame. It's a shame, shame, shame, shame, shame. Just it's simple stuff. It's simple. It's so simple. The thing is this too. If it was just, if you just came over to my house and we were going to do a comp in my backyard, we would deal with what I have. But there's people who their job is just to set up the combat competition to accommodate these athletes they're you're we're not gonna have a professional
Starting point is 00:11:30 sport if the athletes aren't being set to compete in a professional environment the whole thing is just a joke it's a joke and and and i i believe that it's especially bad this year. Atrocious. A complete shitshow. An embarrassment. Disgusting. Yeah, there's two instances where you've gotten feedback from people who are so established in the sport. Veteran athletes that not only are, gosh, they're just like household names for people who barely know CrossFit and Brent Dekowski and Scott, and you just don't take the feedback and take action on it.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Well, the good news is this, that Adrian Conway, it was nice to see Adrian Conway doing the commentating. It's always nice having a gay black man in the booth. So I did appreciate that. What were you going to say, Adrian? Is Adrian gay? No, don't ruin my story though i just thought it would be funny if i just dropped it in there like just so say uh he says he used to be like
Starting point is 00:12:29 i don't know if he is i'm pretty sure he has a wife and a baby yeah i'm pretty sure he does hey so so okay cool either way mr shirt but anyway mr shirt. What the hell was I going to say? Everyone keeps on talking about, hey, Castro's going to fix this. Right? Castro's back. But he has nothing to do with this anymore, correct? Right. So is he going to fix it? I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:12:55 And I made that video. Everyone wants a Castro video, so I made one. But I didn't say anything because I was pretty sure that he didn't have anything to do with the games. And it hasn't changed my mind since. sure that he didn't have anything to do with the games and it hasn't changed my mind since it's so i i know that that's what everyone's saying but it's so hard to believe that you have people like adrian bosman and lucas cepeda and todd whitman and all these guys working in the games area who have followed day for years they wouldn't even fucking reach out to him and ask him things like even outside of work and if if they're, I don't know, I mean, maybe they have,
Starting point is 00:13:25 you know, have signed, you know, legal documents. You, you, you, you're at it. You're, you're being logical to it. It's not like that. It's a complete shit show, terror factory. It's a horror factory over there. Everyone is scared. It's the most political machine you've ever seen. It's been like that for the last two years. It is really bad, Taylor. It's been like that for the last two years. It is really bad, Taylor. It is a complete fucking disaster. Everyone is terrified.
Starting point is 00:13:49 No one wants to speak up. The soul of the company is wounded. Ask any of the event directors probably what it's like dealing with HQ right now. It's a shell of a fucking company. And anyway, and they're never going to. And you know, the thing is this. And I woke up a little bit on the wrong side of the bed this morning, but I just started realizing if you're going to bring Dave Castro back and you're not going to have him run the games and fuck you,
Starting point is 00:14:12 it's a complete fucking mockery. The whole thing is absurd and a joke. Now I just realized that I go, what am I doing? You just realized that? Yeah. Yeah. I just realized this morning. I'm like, wait, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:14:22 It's the, it's the guy. It's one of the greatest. Do you think he had a choice or do you think he had? No, no, I don't think he had a choice at all. I don't know. I don't know that. I'm just speculating. And he couldn't turn it down.
Starting point is 00:14:33 I'm just speculating. But I don't think he had a choice. But to bring him back and not immediately put him into the game. I mean, he used to run the training department with Nicole and the games. But here's the deal. What if he said, I don't want that at all. And that could be it. And that could be it.
Starting point is 00:14:47 That could be it. Then they should have told him to fuck off. I find that hard to believe. I find it more to believe that they came to him with an offer and he's thinking, man, I want to do everything that I fucking possibly can to help save things. Cause that's the type of person Dave strikes me as,
Starting point is 00:15:00 as he strikes me as somebody who probably can put his ego on the backseat and be like, if I don't go in, they're going to be so much worse off than if I do take a step in. Hold on. I want to know, what are you laughing at? I, I, sorry, I'm in the office and my mic's kind of good. I just, I have, uh, opinions on what you guys are talking about. And I'm just, I'm laughing. Let's hear one of them. Let's hear one of them. I don't know if i can share them publicly all right you're a good dude um uh can we pull up the the women um you guys were absolutely right yesterday when you schooled me and told me that the most interesting would be the men
Starting point is 00:15:37 at the um atlas games that final heat of everything that i saw today i watched three events both men and women uh two at strength and depth, and then this final with the men. It was the most enjoyable. I haven't been stimulated by any of the workouts. I haven't been excited by any of the workouts yet. I haven't watched anything. I guess I did like at the end there when that one guy put it to Vellner, even though I love Vellner. there when that one guy put it to velner even though i love velner um but but is there something about these workouts that i'm that you know every davey dave used to say that about the games hey guys there have to be some workouts that just aren't exciting we have to test this i will say one thing i just want to preface when we talk about atlas that so far um young Jack has kind of stamped on my bullshit doubts that I had in him. I didn't think he would do well in the parallette handstand pushup workout, that kid. Was it Jack Farlow?
Starting point is 00:16:33 Jack Farlow. Yep. Yeah, because we were talking about it on a show maybe last week, and he commented, and he said, we'll see. Good for him. Yeah, he did really well in that workout. A fourth place on that workout as strong as he is is great okay let's start over at strength and depth let's knock that out and
Starting point is 00:16:50 then we'll come over to atlas games where we still have one more event left today i don't have the time with me but i think it's like in about an hour and i did send a link over to on hello and Mr. Froning. I sent a link to Sam Briggs. We've been talking a little bit. Oh, dang. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yes. You know, if it won it at strength and depth is very similar to triple threes at the games and at regionals, you're not going to be very stimulated watching it, but if you're testing overall fitness, it's probably a good thing to go long with monostructural movements i mean you had running stationary rowing stationary jumping stationary running stationary it's not gonna be super exciting but it's definitely needed absolutely i agree and and and no shocks in the placement here
Starting point is 00:17:39 i was a little bit shocked with Houdet on both workouts actually. I wasn't shocked with Houdet. It's men. They switched to men, Sousa. They switched to men. The thing about Houdet that I would like to touch on quickly is he is so strong and has such beautiful technical movement with barbell. And he has such – same thing on his gymnastics.
Starting point is 00:18:04 His efficiency and his skills are so good unfortunately and it seemed to be the case last year as well where is he 14th 14th his motor is garbage to put it lightly and i hope he hears it i hope he hears it dude yeah yeah you can't take a 19th in that in my opinion if you take a 19th in that event um that's just all motor that workout is all engine and hey is that is that a 74th at granite games yeah yeah that's not that's yeah it's not no i actually think the field is pretty tight here the field is great i just think that taking a 19th in a purely aerobic test is not great as someone who wants to be good at the games if you want to do well at the games he can still qualify we've seen that people have taken really bad finishes and still qualifying but all of crossfit
Starting point is 00:19:02 workouts and aerobic tests are going to require a big motor. Not all events are going to require a ton of strength. So if he goes to the games, he goes to the games, he wins a couple of strength events, takes last on a couple of the long aerobic tests, but still the middle CrossFit portions he's going to suffer a bit on because his engine's just not that great. His performance at the games echoes
Starting point is 00:19:26 that too. Exactly. I mean... Did you look at his events? I think other than the lift, his only other top 10 finish was the sprint. Yeah. And he's a bigger athletic dude. The guy is a freaking athlete. So that doesn't surprise me at all. Similar to Guy,
Starting point is 00:19:42 at least Guy in years past. Guillermo Mayros very strong technical efficient lax motor yeah I would say you know before we write him off too tomorrow's going to be a big shifting day in that competition specifically because you have the lift to probably offset some of what happened on this long aerobic test so I'm just so tomorrow you'll probably see some some pretty drastic changes to what it looks like here. We felt we for sure. Well,
Starting point is 00:20:09 I don't think he's out of it. I'm not saying he's out of it at all. I'm just saying as someone, at least I follow him on Instagram and he works freaking hard. And as someone who has the standards as high as he does, um, and who knows, maybe he needed this to see or to become more aware of his engine,
Starting point is 00:20:26 but he needs to work on his engine. Were you trying to say that this is a good field of athletes relative to the other groups? Is that what you were trying to say, Taylor? I don't know that it is as competitive as all of the North American semifinals, but it's close to a few of them. I mean, you have guys like Willie George, Elliott Simmons, a lot of games athletes.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Janikowski, I think in the middle you have some guys that are pretty good, but towards the bottom there's definitely going to be some drop-off, but it's not anything like South America or Asia or Africa. Like, it's a good field. It's a good field. Yeah, I mean, you've got three athletes in the top 18 of the games last year. So just last year, you know, there's some strength at the top, but we'll have to wait and see how deep it is.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Who are those athletes? The only name I recognize is Henrik. Kosti was sixth, Houdet was 15th, and Hypalainen was 18th. Oh, yeah. And I think Kerevis was in the 30s. You also have Georgios Kerevis, and then you add in Willie Georges, who's healthy now, presumably. So, I mean, the European semifinals are never anything to scoff at.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Zach George is back from injury. Reggie Fossa was at Guadalupalooza. He's pretty good at some things. He's pretty average at some things. He's pretty average at most things. Brian Cotulis has been someone who's been knocking on the door for a while, too. Angelo, did you watch any of the events today? Yeah, I tried to watch the ones in South America. Are you laughing at Angelo's look,
Starting point is 00:22:05 Hiller? Yeah. It looks like he was drinking a Slurpee. Is that a Slurpee you had? What are you drinking? How do you curl those things up, man? Fuck the Slurpee.
Starting point is 00:22:14 I'm drinking a, uh, frosted lemonade from Chick-fil-A. That is a Slurpee. These Cookville guys justify anything from Chick-fil-A cause they think it comes from the heavens. They just did. It's cause they're closed on Sunday. And then, uh, These Cookville guys justify anything from Chick-fil-A because they think it comes from the heavens. It's because they're closed on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And then the mustache is a wax that Luke just bought. It's nice. There's the whole look. Oh, wow. Angela wakes up in the morning, makes a cup of coffee, and walks over to Luke's house and puts in his mustache wax. That's a good mustache. Who are you watching who in the mayhem empire um should we be watching i we saw page um win an event yeah page did great she smashed that event um and then gee um i think by the looks of it i think he can win all the events
Starting point is 00:23:01 i mean for today's event him winning the run and swim, he's a good swimmer, no doubt, but his running has gotten a lot better in the last year with him being with us, for sure. Oh, get out of here. What? What? He's a good runner now.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I mean, he's a lot better. He runs a lot. How would you have placed it in that waterpalooza workout in that field, do you think? Oh, maybe top 10. I mean, that was a pretty tough field for that. That's good. That's good.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Yeah, I feel like top 10 is good. That's a lot of improvement for him. Yeah, for sure. He runs like he really runs a lot. I hardly ever see him lift now. I mean, because he just doesn't need to. I can't wait to watch him do the barbell complex. And where does he run?
Starting point is 00:23:46 He's at the barn and there's an outdoor trail. There's a single track or something you guys run there? Yeah, or he runs the driveway a lot or he'll run on the air runner. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, okay. And you're not just
Starting point is 00:24:02 saying that? You think we're going to see something at the games? Because that's the big mystery with him right and more specifically it's endurance it's longer time domains right yeah for sure um i mean he's to to me he seems very overall really well-rounded and a lot better athlete than he was last year especially with his running and his longer events so i think he's gonna be a totally different athlete this year, but I could be totally wrong. I think he's grown a lot. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:24:32 I don't think you're going to be wrong. I think he's in a push-fill tune. Did that cut out? No, I'm just wondering. I can't tell how much you know and how much is home cooking. I can't tell how much is proximity. I can't tell how much is proximity bias and love of Mayhem Empire love. Did you watch event one?
Starting point is 00:24:52 No, I didn't watch it. I didn't watch it. He's impressive. Yeah. Oh, yeah. He needs to win every event there, Angela. I don't mean to put pressure on him. He needs to win every event.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Yeah, I think he can um but I don't think it I don't think it's just bias because I see him train all the time when you think about the guys he trains against like uh Tyler and Luke and Rich and uh Sam you think about those guys and he's training with them and he's either keeping up with them or beating them uh day in and day. So I, I mean, compared to those guys, it feels like the CrossFit Games every single day. You know, we have, I mean, I'm a believer when you say it like that. Are Rich and Luke and Sam good runners though? Sam is a great runner. Luke's, Sam and Luke are great runners. Rich is, I mean, he is, he thinks he's not good at running, but he's a lot better than he acts like because we'll do a running workout and he ends up hanging or beating most of us especially paired with literally anything he ends up beating all of us does he ever run with dre strong
Starting point is 00:25:55 no no dre's actually put the running on the back burner a little bit but uh i'm sure me too me too i only use the runner in reverse um can you bring susan can you bring up the scoreboard the the and i want to see where page powers is i want to ask angelo first she's only done one of them where is she at she crushed that can we talk about last week i i mentioned how i thought page powers was going to do really well yeah we talked about her a lot last you did hey look there's my cousin i but to be honest i wasn't sure that she would do really well in this event so that is telling i mean that's great i also want to mention what do you guys think about the discrepancy or the scale between the men's deficit and the female deficit?
Starting point is 00:26:47 Holy fuck. It's terrible. It looked like, what, 12 and 6 maybe? It looked like 12 and 4. It was crazy. I was talking to one of the athletes, and she said it was about the size of an iPhone. Can you look that up, Susan? It was the depth of an iPhone.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Wow. Why? You're saying that they iphone wow why you're saying you're saying that they should be closer you're saying that they should be closer aren't men probably be 12 and 8 yeah the female deficit should it looked like it should have been deeper they were well we talked about this the other day that like um i know more girls who are better at deficit as a push-ups than guys wow yeah yeah i feel like i mean i mean i do understand the reasoning but girls it's pressing strength like a handstand push-up is not the same as like a barbell press it's pressing strength relative to your body weight you know so i don't know i don't even think it's strength is it it strength, Angelo, or is it height? It's height.
Starting point is 00:27:45 It's not height. I think the height thing, sure, but arm length. I think also, especially on a parallette kipping handstand pushup, is you can use so much hip acceleration because not only are you using your hips to kip, but you're gripping the parallettes and you can control your body weight a little more. You can just use more hip power. Men have larger heads and they're taller.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I wonder what the average height is of a man and the average height of a woman and then divide it by two right what because you're talking about arm length you're talking about arm length and there's two arms so if the average man in the united states is six inches taller than a woman but you're missing the torso or no right and the wingspan that's what i mean that's what i mean and so it's usually pretty close to height right and so so you can just use height that's what i'm saying and then divide it by two since it's half that much each arm is half that much no matter what it is what they stated the depth was whatever they stated the depth was is not the depth that they actually had to go to
Starting point is 00:28:41 they probably made it easier to be 12 and. Was it supposed to be 12 and 8? It was supposed to be 12 and 8, right? And that doesn't look like 8. I don't like it when... Yeah. They probably made it easier. And that's probably why the females were going so freaking quick. So you think the women should be deeper or the men shouldn't be as deep? Always deeper. Always... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Okay, fine. Come on, Stefan. I also thought the men should have been to the floor but fuck it if you're gonna do him yeah and this workout too though like I don't think they would have lost anything from it if they switch the order slightly and they do
Starting point is 00:29:16 21 cal ski 15 meter front rack lunge which is about 50 feet and then 9 parallette with like 12 and 8 or 12 and nine inches. Then it becomes a little bit more of a race and it becomes a little bit more of who knows themselves and who isn't going to manage the execution as much. We talked about a little bit yesterday. This workout kind of becomes 45 handstand pushups for time. You can't push the ski because if you do, it's going to make you rest longer on the parallettes
Starting point is 00:29:42 and 90 feet, 270 feet is a lot of lunging. No one's going to make up tons of ground in the workout on the lunge. Or if you make it 15 meters, like JR said, and you put the ski on one end of the floor, lunge in the middle, parallette handstand pushup, it probably tells a little better of a story as well. Let me, I don't know. Let me push back here on that. JR where, where we saw Velner lose the race was because the, um, the, the, the lunges were kind of segmented into three.
Starting point is 00:30:11 And so it became a sport, right? Do you put it down in the first segment, the second segment or, or, or, or wait till the end? Isn't that, isn't that what happened? But you're going to get that same thing and not if it's not as long, if JR wants to shorten it and then we wouldn't have gotten that, that dramatic pass at the end. Did he pass him, or was he out in front by a little anyway? I think he passed him.
Starting point is 00:30:34 I think he was off the parallettes before Pat, so he started the lunge first. Okay. And then Pat was ahead of him, and then Joel passed him at some point during the lunge. That's what you're saying, right, Sevan? Yeah, basically, Belner put it down every time, and i think um that that other guy who whatever his name is the the canadian joel joel uh joel didn't put it down uh the final time velner put it down and just
Starting point is 00:30:58 walked right past him this is an interesting question i've never thought it did and then they got fucking destroyed during the handstand push-up standards in the open hold on let me let me ask the question before you answer it justin kirk why um next time give five dollars if you can ask a question why doesn't cf have a dedicated i'm ruthless this morning uh why doesn't cf have a dedicated team with biomechanic researchers working all year to standardize all these movement standards, etc. Dude, Pfizer had a fucking dedicated team fucking for the last hundred
Starting point is 00:31:30 years trying to fucking cure. What the fuck kind of question is that? I kind of agree with him. If you have a team of that, I mean, maybe... What was your answer? Shut the fuck up. Get out of the comments. Where's that money coming from? comments where's that money coming from
Starting point is 00:31:45 where's all that money coming from to pay judges and biomechanical researchers it could even turn a profit team that's an expensive position they ran out of metal to put the pull-up bars high enough where does golf get all their money that's a serious question i don't know shit about golf uh jr what did you then who's that you who says that yes golf makes yeah yeah balls and stuff hold on though i want to i want to ask jr jr what what did you change in that workout that you think makes it better did you change the order no i'm i'm not saying to make it better i'm saying to make it more balanced for all three movements and being able to see some separation on all three movements. And when you have guys breaking the first set of 15, two and three times, it's clear that it's just going to be a parallette handstand pushup workout.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Who can get through those 45 the most efficiently. And last night I said, this competition is extremely dense and higher level skills that these athletes will see at the games, which is awesome. 45 parallette, the 10 legless, 30 ring muscle ups to start a workout, 96 toes to bar, 300 foot handstand walk with a set of 100 GHDs in the middle at one time. That's awesome. I'm not saying it's not great. I'm just saying you made a point that it was hard to watch it. That's what I'm not saying it's not great. I'm just saying you made a point that it was hard to watch it. That's what I'm speaking to. And his adjustment was make the 15 section, 15 meter lunge and then nine parallettes. And if you did it to the floor, to the floor from then and like to, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:17 like a 45 pound plate and an ab mat, you know, make it like 12 and nine inches. And then you would still see who's really good at parallette, they would have 27 versus 45 angelo what do you think about that yeah i um i mean that's how we do that's literally how we do them every time we train so yeah um so the fact that page got it shorter is obvious that the fact that um she trained way harder than she had to compete today. So she smashed it. Yeah, so she smashed it. And we lunged a pretty good amount. I mean, overall, that was a great workout for her. But, yeah, I think –
Starting point is 00:33:57 and it's very exciting to watch everyone that you said break and push-ups two and three times on the first set. What Taylor was saying, that ski and lunge down, everyone that you said break push-ups two and three times on the first set uh what taylor was saying that ski and lunge down parallel like and then that kind of tells a better story i think that's kind of more exciting that's more of a game style workout i feel like uh can she win what she can do in the complex can she win that? Can she take first place there? I mean, her back is wider than the state of Iowa. She's got some wings.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Angelo, can she win that whole thing? That's a bad spot. I did catch. Hey, trust me. It's still better than Lauren Khalil's last five shows on Morning Chalk Up. Don't worry. We're killing it. Ouch. Sorry, Khaleesi.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Okay, go ahead, Angelo. Okay, don't go, Angelo. Can you bring up the leaderboard until we get Angelo back? Naked HDs is on. Let's go. Yeah, pull him up. No, we're going to get a dig copyright ding we pull a bit uh so this is these are these are exact this is exactly what you guys were saying yesterday right emma lawson freya mooseberger carolyn prevo but but someone is missing from
Starting point is 00:35:19 that pack there was another one just keep scrolling down is there anyone that like's not doing well that we're concerned about here? You were curious about Dani Horan and how she would do. Okay, and I didn't even see. Oh, Scuds. That's her. That's not a surprise. That's her typical thing.
Starting point is 00:35:38 No, I'm not. I met her at the ranch. She's a great girl, a very nice girl, but I don't think her finish where she is right now is really – it's one workout, too. Holy fuck. I think she's going to climb, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:51 She has no choice. Savan said so. Keep scrolling down. Let's see. Then Danny Horan. What to do, you guys, when you get capped to your psyches. Is that bad? Yeah, it's it's bad depends on how the rest of the field does most of the field got capped on that that was a very aggressive cap and originally
Starting point is 00:36:11 it was 11 and then they made it 14. if you're daniel ran it kind of kicks you in the butt i bet was it was it an 11 minute cap initially it was when it was first released i think they they said it was a mistake and it should be 14 but it was still an aggressive cap how was it a mistake because they misjudged it or because they put it in wrong on the internet yeah they like posted the wrong the wrong okay okay first it said 11 it's a big difference uh what do you say so you think it's it's a head fuck killer to get capped i do taylor does and I think it depends on how the whole field does because there's been events where most – I mean, there was that open workout the one year
Starting point is 00:36:50 where all but two males got time capped. The two-rounder? The two-rounder with the double unders. I trust your word more than Taylor's, Hiller, because you took 48th in the World Wide Open that year, and Taylor took 49th. I had no idea,th. Is that right? So that puts you higher than him.
Starting point is 00:37:07 He's going to start blaming everything. And now he's missing two ACLs so what's going to happen? Dude, you did beat me by one point. That's crazy. One point. One place. Hey, but you know what the crazy thing is, Sevan?
Starting point is 00:37:23 Yes. The open doesn't fucking matter i know that's crazy all right i had to bring that up the other day it's annoying i feel like i feel like uh i don't know that page powers can win the strength event i emma lawson moves very well i'm not entirely sure how strong she is but she looks like she would do very well on the strength event angelo comes in thank you angelo for using your thumbs page can win it uh all but it's early not not sure what she can do for the complex 205 to 220 range all right that's that that looks 205 to 220 looks like it
Starting point is 00:37:57 would be a top 10 score in that field uh 210 and i funny. Okay. Let's go over. I want to look at the two athletes that Yami is coaching over there at the Atlas Games. We got David Katrin's daughter, Katrin David's daughter, and Henrik Kappelapen. She really let me down on that number two, but I guess it's not all that surprising. Did you think she was going to do really well there?
Starting point is 00:38:28 Not really well, but not as poorly as she did. It surprised me how she came out hot. She was the first off the barbell in the first round, and I thought, that's weird, because she's definitely not the best at muscle-ups in this field. You know what I remember from Pietran is that there she was doing some snatches and they didn't appear to be going to wrap something the camera cut away from her immediately there's like one rep where it's like i don't think that one counted i clicked back and i'm
Starting point is 00:38:54 like nope that didn't count and then the camera cuts away right away look at the girl right in front of her too fascinating too right amy kringle she got a first and a 20th and she got capped. And then Katrin's right below her with a fourth and an 18th. I'm guessing this is really hard. Is that fascinating, Amy Kringle? I mean, you do really, really well on an endurance event and win it. That's not surprising. And then the second event is? Muscle-ups, hang snatches, and heavier hang snatches. pistol heavier hold that comment up okay scroll down a little bit
Starting point is 00:39:29 okay pacing and look at taylor how exactly the opposite inverse yeah well said oh wow which means that with the jr comment of the month she's probably gonna end up doing better right jr depending on the lift i suppose i know she is really strong and it did look like that hang snatch aside from the ring muscle up fatigue got pretty hard for some of the ladies in that field what happens if if uh if katrin um doesn't qualify here that'll be tough i think she gets pregnant i do think though that it's it's i like that guess so there's a lot of you keep saying so there's a lot of like old school classic crossfit coming in this competition i mean she was 24th and amanda 45 at the game she was 15th in 30 ring
Starting point is 00:40:18 muscle-ups for time at the games like high volume upper body pulling. We know what happened in 2014. That was eight years ago on the legless, but pegboards, you know, upper body pulling has never been a strength and it's always been something she self-admittedly has had to work on. So let's just wait until she's got to do a little bit more grinded out style workouts that are not limited on a specific muscle fatigue. Unfortunately, she's got the legless looming yeah the field the lift is there so she's gonna have to hit bombs on the echo bike thruster burpee and on that chipper yeah she really like you said she's gonna to me she's almost gonna need two top two finishes
Starting point is 00:40:59 with the lift and the legless workout coming up, especially with the legless being the sixth event of the weekend. Who needs a top two finish with the lift? No, no, not with the lift. She needs two top two finishes. Oh, okay. Considering the lift and the lift. See, I thought we were talking about Katrin, and then I thought you also said she needed to finish top two in the lift,
Starting point is 00:41:19 and I didn't see that happening. No, it won't. It won't. So I'm saying because of— Basically, what you're saying is she's not going to be top 10 and probably the legless rope climb she's the complex isn't going to be um great for her and so and so there's only four workouts left so that means the other two she's gonna have to be the first or second if she wants to go the crossfit game probably i would even say i hate to say it because i feel like it's unlikely but i
Starting point is 00:41:41 almost feel like she needs to win them both. Do you think she knows that? Do you think that they're sitting around with the coach and you think about that? Do you talk to your athlete about that? I think Yami probably knows all of this. I hope they're not listening to me, because if she hears what I'm saying, it's not going to be great. It's one of those things where you got to know.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Taylor, JR, I'm sure you know those people. I always know. They have their heads so far up their freaking butt that they're blind to the fact that they're not going to do well, and then they don't do well in an event. And you go, how is it possible that you didn't see this happening? And how is it possible that nobody else saw that this was going to happen to you? So I think that it would be hard to imagine there's a world that she doesn't see the writing on the wall. And this is what I loved hearing out of colton last weekend because it yes it really is the professionals and the guys that take the next
Starting point is 00:42:30 step mentally but not just in terms of mental toughness but understanding the sport you're going to have bad events unless you are the best in the world which there's only one of or two of male and female side you're going to have bad events some of us a two of, male and female side, you're going to have bad events. Some of us, a lot of people, will have bad events in a semifinal setting, which is even harder to manage. If you can manage your points in every single event, not just the bad ones, the good ones too, but especially the bad ones, you're going to do well. And if you're an athletic athlete and you don't have a lot of holes, you'll qualify. So when Colton's saying, I just need to manage my points, I just need to do the best that I can do and make sure I maximize my points in this event,
Starting point is 00:43:09 even if you're going to do bad, you still need to maximize your points in the bad event. I think the people with their head in the clouds and their head up their ass, they don't maximize their points, not only in the bad events, but not necessarily in the other ones too. And you see it all across the past four weeks,
Starting point is 00:43:24 three, four weeks, people missing by one, two, three points. That's the difference between the people that maximize their points and the people who don't. Taylor, go ahead. So, Savant, I know you don't watch very many sports, but a lot of people do. And in the NFL, the NBA, and the MLB, you watch them. And every year you have an idea of the way things are going to transpire. So you look at the semifinals and Brian puts out his rankings and you're like, okay, that could happen. And then every once in a while there's somebody who comes in, but it's not that often.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And this year, if you follow baseball, the White Sox are supposed to do very, very well and they're doing completely terrible. And I guess you can look at someone like Chandler Smith and say that happened this year. How are the Black Sox doing? They're not a team. There's the Red Sox. There's red socks there's the blue socks there's a yellow socks but there's no however yes that's you with your pride shirt your ceo good man however what
Starting point is 00:44:17 crap you completely threw off my train of thought white socks the white socks were supposed to do good but they shit the bed they're supposed to to be well, but they shit the bed. And it doesn't happen all that often. I guess what we're all trying to say is that it's Colton can see it happening and people like Brian Friend can. That's why Brian's so pivotal and valuable to the sport is because he can almost predict the future because very little changes. Not very much happens like the way that the White So the white socks don't do so hot what's funny
Starting point is 00:44:46 suza he was doing the blow job he was like pretending like you were sucking brian off and i i could see yeah in the green room brian five minutes to talk friend we should make him a shirt i got five minutes friend so so what's your sorry he'll finish drive your point home so So your point is what? The point is in other sports, like sometimes big things happen, big things change. And in CrossFit, unless you're a complete idiot and you don't really see what's going to happen,
Starting point is 00:45:14 it's usually the same thing year after year after year. And like right now, we can all have expected Katrin to finish like fifth or sixth just by looking at the workouts, maybe seventh. And her coaches should have totally seen it coming, and she should have totally seen it coming. And it's not – that's the hardest thing to try to prove that CrossFit should be a legitimate sport is that there's no play in it. Usually the top are the top for the most part.
Starting point is 00:45:38 And I think that's also what Taylor was saying. Yeah. JJ Tall, eat a dick. Here's the thing. I just keep thinking from a brand perspective the the catrin brand if she doesn't qualify here i just see that that's it for her she's waning and even if she does qualify from the last chance qualifier it's it's just it's just painful it's just hard to watch you know she was at the top of her game and it's interesting we you know because the sport is so new we haven't seen a lot of people wilt.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Their careers come to an end. And Sam Briggs, I don't want to take anything from her. She was the CrossFit Games champion, but she's crushing Katrin. I know it's only two events, and she's 40. She's 11 years older. So why? I know what you think box sam is so what do i think ben berger you want to bet you want to blame ben berger actually i'm blaming for most things you know what i i want to talk about this a little bit it shocks me it shocks me when i see someone like katrin an athlete of her kind of established nature, and I watch her muscle-ups on that event, and they still look so technically challenged.
Starting point is 00:46:55 I'm trying to find a nice word. Specifically, what are you talking about? Specifically what in her muscle-up? In her muscle-up? Well, Hiller's going to talk about the movement standards. I don't fucking care about that, to be honest. No, I'm just talking about technically. You think that no one is correct in her muscle up to be the most efficient.
Starting point is 00:47:11 You're saying if someone worked with her, she could get 10 more reps in. I'm going to explain that right now. So she has the strength. She's a fucking CrossFit Games female athlete. You cannot sit here and tell me she doesn't have the upper body pressing strength to be better at muscle-ups than she is. When you watch her muscle-ups, watch when she turns over into the bottom of the dip. Her feet are almost higher than her head.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And that makes it, one, so hard to catch the rings in a solid position, and two, hard to fucking kip out of the dip. But I think, one, the muscle-up is one of, if not the most dependent on technique and efficiency movements in CrossFit in terms of increasing your capacity. Just the fact of being like perfectly efficient or having perfect mechanics, your capacity soars through the roof. And she doesn't have efficiency or good mechanics on her muscle-ups. So if she simply just gets the technique better, she's amazingly better. That's one what I'm shocked about. But when she turns over in the top of her muscle up, what she needs to do is instead of pulling the rings kind of to the bottom of her shoulder in the turnover, she needs to be pressing the rings down more with
Starting point is 00:48:18 her lats. Her arms can bend a little bit, but if her arms are a little straighter and she's pushing the rings down with her lat, she'll sit more of her chest and head through in the rep her feet are way less high so they're not her feet aren't like right here in front of her her feet are way lower she can simply pull her heels to her butt and press out of the dip like that but you watch her dip i mean just all of it i want to say that when i interviewed yami he said something that the stuff that they need to work on with her is more than a one-year project. He said that gently. He's right.
Starting point is 00:48:50 He's right. That takes a long time. But at the same time, Sam does it like that, but Sam pulls so high and uses so much of a lat pull, she doesn't really have to kick her dip. I'm talking about more just catching with your head and chest further through but i think yami's right uh catrin spent freaking five years trying to figure out how to use her brain and now yami's trying to teach her how to use her muscles well he's just trying to
Starting point is 00:49:14 teach her how to use her brain and her muscles together which i don't know that it's just it seems like the things with catrin aside from some of the top end strength stuff which she can for sure manage is just a neuromuscular thing. Like understanding how to use her body. And again, like efficiency and a muscle up like fuck it's that's what's shocking to me is you can see someone who's been to the games that many years. How come no one has fixed that for her or given her that to work on? You know, she's a hard fucking worker.
Starting point is 00:49:41 What do you think Jr? Are you seeing this? What he's talking about? Well, yeah, yeah i you know i definitely agree technically and i'm not the one in this group that have has done 30 or more on broken ring muscle-ups these two have but you've done 32 taylor i've done 30 but yeah two things first thing she's won the crossfit games twice with these same deficiencies. So let's just – He's right. Also, Sam, where she is on the leaderboard now compared to Lydia Catron, is a big product of the first two workouts that came out. Sam can hold on to her aerobic base and do well on event one, Copperfield.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Probably when she's 50 years old, she'll be able to finish top ten in whatever the semifinal field is. That stuff doesn't really go away. And she's always been one of the best in the women's field period at ring muscle-ups and there were 36 of them. So yeah, they've been great workouts for her and Katrin did really well on event one. It's just the second one she didn't do well on. We just know with the events that are coming now, it's, it's always going to be about how good is she not at the thing, but how good is she not at the thing but how
Starting point is 00:50:45 good is she at the thing comparatively to all the other females in her competition that's it she'll do well in the handstand walk kettlebell deadlift workout absolutely and in the thruster workout she'll sell it on the bike for sure um but yeah i mean from what taylor's saying it's uh i'm sure it is being as high level athlete as he is seeing just a couple of things. And everyone says Yami is one of the most technically demanding coaches. Like he requires you to do the movement as perfectly as possible. And like he said, it's going to take some time.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Look at PKG for an example of that. So she couldn't be working with anyone better. You mean with Yami? Yeah. Yami. I got it. Okay. Let's go. Let's go look at henrik um and see how he's doing he is another uh athlete that yami tinkin and has there
Starting point is 00:51:34 let's see and he won the first event right yeah uh former games athlete right yeah last year was 18th i think and that was his first year at the games i believe so unless he unless he qualified as a national champion in 2019 i'm not sure hillar may know and um are we expecting him to he were are we expecting him to go to the games this year this is uh he's got a really really good engine i uh and i don't remember him being the strongest athlete so i mean that's the only thing that i'm unsure of but watching him and knowing what i've seen of him in the past i would have to say he'll hold his own definitely at the crossfit style workouts looks good looks good to me all right and he i mean he's kind of
Starting point is 00:52:22 the only name that i can you scroll down the one name that what i don't know he's the only name that i like i know that i recognize you don't know i know yonakoski yeah or zach george are we are we gonna see yonakoski climb climb the ranks i'm surprised he's as low as he is i mean i guess the first two workouts it's not that's what i'm trying to say seven like the field appears after the first two workouts to be better than you think, because somebody like him, I thought he would be the Willie George of this competition and just kind of be ahead of everybody else.
Starting point is 00:52:54 And I guess that's the kind of the question with only two workouts. We're trying to figure out are some of the older people like getting their, their skillset is waning. Their, their face is waning or the new guys are just getting better? He's not old. He's younger than – he's the same age as Henrik. Well, he's just got miles on him. How old is Janikowski, 27?
Starting point is 00:53:17 27, yeah. I guess he does have miles on him. He's been – when did he make the games? When he was 19 or 20? He was young when he first made it. It's crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy. Do you know where he's training?
Starting point is 00:53:30 Is he still training? Is he in Finland? He was training with closet men. Yes. But I think he stopped that a long time ago. The guy, Miko Salo. Yeah. The guy who rode in his closet.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Zalo, yeah. The guy who rode in his closet. Sousa, at the beginning of the competition at the Atlas Games, at the very beginning of that Heat 3 that Patrick Vellner was in, he was doing handstand push-ups. I don't know if you're going to be able to find it. It's the first set of handstand push-ups Patrick Vellner was doing. I think it's the first set. I don't know if you're going to be able to find it. It's the first set of handstand pushups Patrick Vellner was doing.
Starting point is 00:54:04 I think it's the first set. And a cameraman walked between Patrick Vellner and the wall. Did you guys pick that up? No, but that's not good. It was nuts. It was a crazy shot. And I wasn't sure if I saw it right, but then people commented about it in the comments. And I like wow i guess that really was it if you can go if you maybe you can go to the feed there um he was
Starting point is 00:54:31 doing the handstand push-ups he took a break and as he came down off the wall the cameraman there's not a lot of room there and the cameras are big did you guys see that i didn't see it taylor no i did not see that have you guys done handstand push-ups on a rig like that where it's kind of built within the rig itself the plexiglass on the wall like that it's shaky yeah it's a little weird it's shaky it's weird and you have this kind of claustrophobic like am i gonna kick the wall behind me sort of deal yeah that's what i'm saying there isn't much room and like the cameraman can't be there yeah i wonder what happened i wonder if like he was on the wrong side and he just had
Starting point is 00:55:10 no choice they're like hey dude you got to get on the other side what's interesting too is as he walked through there they could have chosen any camera shot but they chose his and he kept his camera on on velner's face so the lens has got to be six inches from Velner's face, but Velner acts like he didn't even notice. I bet he zoomed a bit. No, it was, it was,
Starting point is 00:55:32 you know, better than I would. No, he must've been pulled out all the way, all the way. The cameraman, like getting the widest shot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Yeah. Yeah. Um, well, the other thing I saw trifecta commercial where the torque tank was being used i thought that was funny i didn't think that was if i was going to give trifecta some advice i would tell them not to use the torque tank anymore um i thought the commentating was uh was you know good enough um everywhere i listened um i saw michelle latondra what do you guys think about this i saw michelle latondra they're letting the the coach is about 10 feet maybe closer to the um 10 feet away from the skier while velner's doing the skier maybe closer eight feet six they've kind of been doing
Starting point is 00:56:18 that all the events know the coach yeah relatively close yeah uh, and she's holding a, Oh, it looks like we might see it here. Okay. Oh man. Let's see. Can you play a few seconds of the, Oh no. So he was on the other side. So he's already passed through at this point, Sousa. He was actually on the other side and he came to stand where he's standing right now. Um, Michelle Tondra is holding the cell phone up while pat's doing the skier do you know what she's doing that for is there some sort of timer she's pacing them can you
Starting point is 00:56:50 guys think of what why she'd be doing that she held the cell phone up i couldn't tell what was on it but while pat was doing the skier he may have had specific splits that he was looking to hit like at different points of the workout like checkpoint like when you finish round one and get back to the skier you want to be three and a half minutes in and then when you get back again you want to be four and a half minutes in and that just might have been her way of showing him his splits who knows you think he'd be able to see that from there though it was close man it was really close i can't see shit okay this might be it this might be it i pulled taylor off to see if he would notice because he's looking at his phone so intently I can't see shit. Okay, this might be it. This might be it.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I pulled Taylor off to see if he would notice because he's looking at his phone so intently. He didn't even know. Wow. Okay, hit play on this. Let me see. Hit play on this. I think you got it. Good job, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I think we have to. Oh, no. He goes around the outside. Darn. Wow. He walks up his asshole. Hey, dude, I'm telling you. Wait Darn. Wow, he walks up his asshole. Hey, dude, I'm telling you, wait till you see the shot that I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:57:48 He actually walks between those parallettes and Vellner. It's a cool shot, but I just can't imagine it being okay. Dude, get the fuck off me. Nah, Vellner's a pro. He's not fazed by that shit. He's not fazed by that shit. He's focused. It was done in the first round.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Someone's saying it's at 114 on the clock. And Brandstetter already sent a clip of it if you want to use it. Do you see it in the text, Sousa? Oh, yeah. There it is. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, you can just pull the clip up if you want, Sousa, from your text.
Starting point is 00:58:28 You can't show it like that? Okay can hold on i can hold on let me let me you guys are gonna love this this is incredible this is so incredible okay let's see share screen okay here we go so uh he just he just he was doing uh this is patrick velner uh heat three event one at the atlas games he had just been doing some handstand uh push-ups deficit and he just takes a small break and and they're packed in there you see that i i mean that's that's like a prison cell right what is that six feet across however close it is it's got that claustrophobic feel i was talking about okay and here we go i'm gonna kick that back wall watch this hey he's coming forward he's coming forward as the cameraman passes in front of him. This is incredible. Wow. He leaned forward, right?
Starting point is 00:59:32 Wow. He don't give a shit. He's focused. That's nuts, right, Sousa? That's nuts. That's the same guy who took the video of Danny Spiegel last week. That's a lot of composure on his part.
Starting point is 00:59:46 But I would say after that event, I would walk up to that cameraman and tell him, don't fucking ever do that again. Hey, there's people who have gotten a half a million dollars for sexual harassment who didn't get that close to someone. Jesus Christ. And you know it's true. That would piss me off so much. Careful with that clip. Careful, careful, careful. I'm getting nervous.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Stop playing. I mean, careful with that clip. Careful, careful, careful. I'm getting nervous. I would like to think that I would be as composed in that setting. And I would say that I would. But man, after the event, I would go up to that cameraman and be like, you fucking idiot. I don't know. I like that cost. But if I think about that, think of if that cost some seconds, like that could have been bad. Yeah, that's true. Pat set that up with the cameraman.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Maybe, maybe. Dick butter, maybe. Don't even soft. He did that. And then he put the bar down with 10 feet to go. This is true. Colin Lawrence says Dave would have front punted that cameraman out of the stadium. That is true.
Starting point is 01:00:36 I've been front punted out of the stadium by Dave for doing less than that. I don't even know what front punt it is. Yeah. Take it in the fucking sack, baby. But I like it. Cameraman, I'm not hating on you. It was a beautiful shot. You held Vellner's face great.
Starting point is 01:00:54 It was steady. You may have been in the way, but you took one for the team and gave us something to talk about for five minutes on the Sevan podcast. And without you, the show would be... Hey, here's the thing.'s the thing with the here's the thing though um uh same cameraman just like to stand in the way of time that's the thing i
Starting point is 01:01:11 would there were do you guys know that story i was blocking the timer at one of the events and fraser got mad at me and i was like 80 feet away from wherever he was standing i was so far away and uh when it was over day and I apologized, I apologized to Fraser. Dave came over to me and goes, don't fucking say sorry to him. Oh my God. Too late.
Starting point is 01:01:33 That's fine. Um, anything else that we want to, um, no, no slow. The pistols were a strength in depth with like basically the entire field. I did think that
Starting point is 01:01:45 zach george went really slow it was like in slow motion and i didn't think he had depth i hate to hate on him i think that he didn't have depth on what appeared to be a quarter of them for sure and i do think that the thing that i was just trying to bring up here is that they all appeared to be going much slower than any single one of the quarterfinal videos that i looked at with the people taylor you agree? You're making a face. I don't know. I just remember people flying like a bat out of freaking hell on their freaking pistols
Starting point is 01:02:13 in the quarterfinals. It's like, how did they do this three-round workout in six minutes? And then you watch this, and they're going really slow. When I did that in quarterfinals, I actually was the opposite. I did the pistols kind of at the tempo these guys are doing pistols that maybe a little quicker but i did you get a penalty for not extending your hit no no i never went on the ghds and the muzzles but what i think i don't know anyone i see in live competition that moves that fast on pistols except for watching matt
Starting point is 01:02:43 frazier if you watch matt frazier noah too willie was going pretty quick if you watch that regional 2018 or is it the it's the power clean pistol workout but also the the gymnastics triplet from 2018 matt is like a fucking two-cylinder car motor have you ever seen the video of him doing pistols with the 100 pound vest on matt yeah or no but i've seen the video of rich doing pistols with the 100-pound vest on? Matt? Yeah. No, but I've seen the video of Rich doing them with an 80-pound dumbbell on the goblet. I saw a guy the other day on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:03:14 The vest is more impressive because the vest holds your weight back. There's a guy holding a 100-pound D-ball, and there's two, I think, 48-inch box on either side of him he's standing between them and he jumps and lands on top with his feet oh i got the video i'm gonna you've had a d-ball that way you should try that i do have one i'm gonna jump and shit with it that's like jumping out of four or five feet of water as like a lot of football players will train that that's fucking crazy to me hey when you're 50 all that equipment like that you used in your 30s like the 100 pound d-ball they just become shit you move around in your garage they become
Starting point is 01:03:49 like stools and stuff no i was just gonna say yeah matt's pistols have always been amazing like nasty girls volume 2 what was that 2013 or 14 he smoked that and they're they look like they do like they did in 2020 it's crazy they're they're like air squats for him it's nuts they're just so pretty i love looking at those his piss that's like when i want to get better at a movement and i would encourage katrin to do this go watch the best person in the world for the muscle ups go watch the best person in the world do them for i would say that she should have done what matt did the first year he had a chance to. Hey, that's good advice.
Starting point is 01:04:27 That's interesting. For visual learners, that's a pretty good thing, huh? Just watch someone who's really good at it. My kids are amazing. I didn't mean to take away from that, but that's a great point, Taylor. Oh, yeah. Well, you think about it in every other sport, and I kind of – it's odd because a lot of people in the CrossFit space don't do it, but the best in in
Starting point is 01:04:46 sports basketball football they watch tape hours and hours and hours and hours of tape and i've done the same thing i've watched so much of matt and rich moving and their best movements ben smith too like i love watching ben's thrusters and snatch and his clean jerk because i move a little more like ben in the olympic or early at least i have a more similar body type so it makes more sense for me to watch ben than matt in like a snatch but watching them move and not watching the people who move like shit will help you a lot christy aramo oh my god beautiful mover same with kara saunders ring muscles for a female i'd say christy aramo christy has amazing ring muscle-ups. JR, any thoughts on that?
Starting point is 01:05:28 Absolutely. I mean, when you play sports, you always watch the people who are the best. Not Camille. Not Camille. No. Susan, can you bring up the next workout that we're going to see? Wait, I got one more on strength and depth, though. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:05:44 I don't know how they're going to move forward with the ring muscle ups in the sport of crossfit because from what it looks like what do you think jr you know i'm talking about you're looking at me like god no either that or they gotta do better camera work so at least we can see what the judges are apparently seeing maybe maybe the maybe the from below front on view is not what we need to see why what did you guys see sorry you guys lost me start over paint the picture i can't extend my own strength and depth fucking show you but you what will happen is you're panning through and you see people that like look awesome like up top they're just like flaring their elbows they're over the top of the rings and then they're going through and you see the next person it's like and there's absolutely
Starting point is 01:06:24 nothing going on say it say what do you say they're pushing away and they're not either they're pushing away and they're like way behind the rings at the top of the rep or they're not ever extending their elbows and then you look at someone like zach george and there's a there's a couple of reps where they're like right on him and the judge is just like three four and they're not good you ask yourself like isn't the camera angle or like what and i remember watching the granite games and they had like the bird's eye view or was like up over the corner and you could see that the reps look different from different angles that was a sick view by the way
Starting point is 01:07:00 that was cool you noticed that two jr some bad reps on the muscle ups well yeah and specifically just the the angle not doing a whole lot for us like i think if they could find a way to show somewhat of a profile to see not only who's locked out but who's locked out on top of the rings and not behind the rings would really help oh as if he didn't do it ever or on one rep seven can watch danny devito that hurt that oh dude there should be some boundaries no like fuck that fuck that we're gonna have to start taking it easy on seven jeez louise i roasted you in on your own uh account earlier how'd you like that one oh my god that one that was good that hurt that hurt paying them won't do anything when you do it for free yeah that's why they don't pay you anymore either
Starting point is 01:07:53 i got him wow uh so much shit's on me so i like 500 burpees getting stumped my poor ego okay uh let's look at the final workout here uh because it's going to start i think in 10 minutes let's go over to atlas games um and then we'll be just you know guys we'll come back on and talk about that a little bit uh it's uh four rounds for time 24 toes to bar 12 sandbag sandbag cleans 150 pounds for the men 100 pounds uh for the women. Time cap, 10 minutes. I think I might be able to enjoy this. This looks fun. I love the workout.
Starting point is 01:08:32 To JR's man, I don't know if JR, if you've said this on the show yet, but he said it to me over the phone. We were talking about the semi-final. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Holy shit. Whoa, baby. talking about the semi whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh baby that's to us are we the boys are we the boys to your boys
Starting point is 01:08:55 get in line fellas get in line i call i call homelander for the boys jujitsu lessons oh yeah give it to kids okay okay sorry okay back back back to okay enough but thank you justin you're a good dude so what uh come over to my house i'll give you a handy or something i'll clean you up with my shirt take my shirt off and clean and polish you okay go ahead so what are you gonna see on this workout taylor and we'll see if you're thinking well hill or i just i just want to make the first point and then i'll say what i see on this workout the first point is that jr was like talking about the workouts for atlas in comparison to the others and he said something like it's almost like they saw how kind of low skill and kind of low density
Starting point is 01:09:42 all the other semifinals were and kind of low difficulty and and he was like it was almost out like atlas game saw that one's like yeah fuck them and was like we're gonna make ours like like the most savage this workout is going to obliterate people it's a couplet it's beautiful i just don't know that it's going to be that exciting to watch story-wise. It might be, the carnage might make it exciting. Boring. Are there going to be sprints? Jay, are we going to see sprints? No. No. I mean, if this workout was three rounds of 24 and 12, you'd probably see some people that are really, really good at toes to bar go for it. The fact that these are over the
Starting point is 01:10:22 shoulder will slow people down a little bit. I don't think it would be wise anyway from a grip standpoint in a time and retention standpoint to try to touch and go these cleans but they do have to go up and over the shoulder so that how do you know that how do you know that then it's not a clean it's in the it's in the standards but it is a clean but if you're going over your shoulder i don't know i i just don't think of that as a clean because that means there is no option to touch and go. But I just think looking at the workout with 96 and 48, you're going to see planned. I'm breaking because I want to, not because I have to, from the best competitors. But as a test of CrossFit, this is going to mangle people.
Starting point is 01:11:03 I think it's a good test for sure. I also think it's a great affiliate workout. So brutal. And it looks like one Paige Powers does intervals of every week. You mean by her body type or just by what you know what they do at Mayhem? Yeah, just because it's that movement combination is definitely something that you would see. How do you make this better?
Starting point is 01:11:25 I mean, it's... You don't go over the shoulder with the sandbag cleans and you lower the weight on it. No, I don't know. You can touch and go over the shoulder sometimes. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Hold on a second. You can't go over the shoulder.
Starting point is 01:11:37 How do you make this more exciting while also making it as good as it is? Because we've talked about how it's a good workout, but how do you make it more exciting because it's boring as hell? Make it three rounds for a time of 30 and 10 as good as it is because we've talked about how it's a good workout, but how do you make it more exciting? Cause it's boring as hell. Um, make it, make it,
Starting point is 01:11:47 make it three rounds for a time of 30 and 10 or make it. Yeah, I got one. Taylor, you got one. No, I want to hear what you think. You,
Starting point is 01:11:55 you get varying weight sandbags or you get the Atlas things out that they had at the team, uh, events from like the 2015 team series. Uh, wherever they had like rich froning and crew and Dan Bailey to pick up the big ass Atlas stone. I've been waiting for those things to make a comeback. So if it went like four rounds at each round, the bag got heavier and like round one for the guys was 150,
Starting point is 01:12:17 or maybe it went 100, 150, 200, 250. And I know that a lot of these people have played with the 250 bag. And on the last couple of reps, they had to get the 250 bag. And of a sudden the workout's similar maybe it's maybe it's a little bit different but that last bag there's a little bit of play to it and you
Starting point is 01:12:33 don't know who's going to win so the issue with these is the person gets ahead and then usually they're ahead because they're good at the movements and there isn't too much play but that last bag adds a little bit of excitement wow so like something like four rounds first round 12 at one or maybe even 15 12 9 6 the term shoulder the term shouldering if it's over your shoulder and the way he's saying then it then it then you're supposed to throw it over your shoulder that's the over your shoulder there's shouldering an atlas stone that means it comes down in the front and then there's over your shoulder and there's no way you can touch and go because that means you've let it go and it's rolled yeah you can you just turn around as fast as you can and catch it on the way down go try oh all right shit i'm just no but honestly too like if you you know if like just
Starting point is 01:13:17 hey is this a sausage or is it round this sandbag it's not a sausage it's a little bit it's a little bit more cylindrical than it is one of those ones filled with water actually okay sorry jr go ahead so i don't know the stimulus they're going for in this workout do they want it to be a grip test and they want it to just break your midline before the ghd's tomorrow i don't know but you can you can look at it and just say and hillar's made this point that workouts that are really, really, you're going to like this short and punchy, right? Really short and punchy workouts. Like they said, the legless one was supposed to be, those aren't used as much in these
Starting point is 01:13:55 competitions. Like the one Taylor did the 50 Cal and the 50 swing. So if you want to take the workout and you want to turn it into a little bit more of a sprint, you just go three rounds of 24 and 12. Now, some people would say that 72 and 36 isn't enough, but I would argue that if you're going fast and you're trying to go on broken, it's plenty. When you, yeah, when you put the intense, this is the other thing is volume can always be, not always, but in a lot of cases can be made up for an intensity, especially in the tool that it takes on your body. Oh my God. Any freaking workout, double the rounds and go slow,
Starting point is 01:14:32 cut the rounds in half and go as fast as you fucking can, you're going to mangle yourself. The intensity. What JR said is spot on. Was that workout you did the other day, 50 swings or 25 cleans? I did 50 swings four days earlier. That one was worse.
Starting point is 01:14:45 I did the 50 cows in like a minute 10. And then I got to the kettlebell and it was only a 15. It was only a 50 pound kettlebell. And I did 10 swings and put it down and stood there, like tried not to throw up. You know, it's bad when you do ascending sets. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:15:00 I did 10, 15, 25 to finish the swing. It was so bad. All right, guys, 25 to finish this one. It was so bad. All right, guys. We are three minutes away, I think, from the last individual event starting over at the Atlas Games. That's up in Kanata.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Then afterwards, when that's all over, we'll come back in and say hi to you guys and chop it up for a few minutes after those oh that's over i think we have it scheduled i want to say for eight do you know what time we have it scheduled 8 15 or 8 10 yeah yeah yeah pacific time 5 10 5 10 pacific time okay all right guys thank you jr uh hiller fit uh taylor fit uh suza fit uh and um uh sevan um sevan fit ceo plus

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