The Sevan Podcast - #451 - Jordan Leavitt

Episode Date: June 14, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:33 Yeah. Got a little book tapestry for my birthday. I like it a lot. Oh, that's what it is? That's a tapestry? Yeah. See? It looks pretty snazzy.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Oh, it's awesome wow i thought it was some green screen thing uh that your computer offered up when you were zooming jordan you're all ready to go to practice yeah um today's one of my long days i went to a bachelor party this weekend so i missed one hard workout so i'm getting four in today so i started early uh did you do you drink at the bachelor party no i i was i was the dad i was making sure everyone was safe and we're not responsible but you know like safe enough and yeah so i just played dad this weekend you'll train four times today yeah um what's that regular practice another rest session of jiu-jitsu wow tell me that one more time because you broke up in the beginning
Starting point is 00:01:38 oh yeah i have a mitt session for an hour then i I have jiu-jitsu. And then there's wrestling wall work. And then some more jiu-jitsu at the end of the day. So, yeah, four sessions. Nice, like, six-hour day. And there won't be any – there's no, I guess, non-functional training. Meaning, like, you won't just – there won't be any, like – you don't throw any CrossFit in there. If you're training, it's somehow involved in the martial arts. Yeah. For the most part, I do two strength and conditioning sessions a week.
Starting point is 00:02:10 And then I do my, my mobility work. But besides that, nothing really non-functional or not fight specific. Gotcha. Um, what is the date of this fight? I fight July 23rd. For those of you who don't know, Jordan's been on the show several times. I don't know. It's been probably more than a year now. He had an incredible viral knockout, and he is one of the –
Starting point is 00:02:43 I don't know if you'd call him young, but anyone young by the time they make it to the UFC, it seems like everyone's pretty seasoned. But he fights in the most difficult, the most difficult group of fucking warriors on the planet in the ultimate fighting championships in the UFC. You guys all know that I'm a crazy nut fan of that. And he's fighting a guy named Patty, the baddie, who they've been sort of hyping along with Ian Gary is kind of the new, you know, they're trying to package them almost like Conor McGregor.
Starting point is 00:03:10 I don't know if they're doing that. Maybe it's just between my ears. And how does that, aren't they afraid for him? Why would they put him with you? I think it's quite a gamble as well it's like stylistically speaking um we're both like primarily grapplers and i'm a i'm pretty sure well i i've only seen three of his fights i didn't think of him as a grappler i kind of see him as kind of like a reckless puncher yeah it's because his debut he couldn't get the guy down that was his knockout. So he's never had a real knockout until his UFC debut.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And then he kind of do his plan A and then he kind of hit the guy as they were exiting the clinch. But yeah, that was his first knockout, knockout. So yeah, we both have one real knockout. Wow. Oh, so you must be excited. Yes, I'm very excited. I'm excited for everything except for all the extra flash. Like all the extra interviews and the extra media attention is sometimes a little tedious. But I'm very happy for the fight.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Like everything else makes me more nervous than the actual fight. I think this fight is less dangerous than a lot of the other fights that will be offered me at this point. So I think as long as he doesn't get lucky, it should be a very winnable fight. And I like my odds. Yeah, I wouldn't think anyone would want to be on the ground with you. Yeah, I don't. There's some fighters who are like okay i'll survive on the ground but none of them really like to engage me too much in the ground fighting but they're
Starting point is 00:04:51 kind of putting me against a guy who's only one when he can implement like a grappling strategy so i definitely think this fight is going to be very awkward and i think whoever has cleaner striking is gonna win and i think i think that's me i think i'm that guy on that on that night so i think i think you're that guy too hey when you get a fight like this what kind of energy does it bring to the gym like do you feel it in the gym oh yeah i'm getting a lot of you know pats in the back and good lucks from people who have never told me good luck before. I was teaching Sunday school at my church and some of my kids don't watch. One of them's like, you're fighting that Patty Pimlet guy. I know him. I saw it on TikTok and this, this and this.
Starting point is 00:05:38 So definitely a lot more attention from people who generally don't care too much about the whole fight thing but yeah everyone at the gym is very excited i'm getting a little bit more attention from coaches and everything so that's always helpful a little bit more um work with me but yeah a lot this fight is where a lot of energy i think in life to syndicate we haven't had like a big fight in a long in a long time um at any point does someone talk to you or do you talk to yourself and you're like, okay, I might not enjoy doing the interviews. I might not enjoy the added attention. I really just want to go out there and, you know, and fight. But since it is happening, I'm going to kind of flip the script on that and I am going to enjoy it. Yeah. It's kind of like make the best of it.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Like I'm just trying to have a lot more interviews i'm just trying to cut loose yeah and one thing i'd never really experience until this fight is like every time i have an interview i get like dozens or hundreds of tags on instagram jordan said this about the patty fight and that's kind of weird. Like I say, like, they're a riot when I twerk on them. And I'm tagged like over a hundred times from other Instagram, MMA pages. And everyone's commenting on it. It's on Twitter. And I'm like, dude, it was like, it was kind of lighthearted as a joke.
Starting point is 00:06:55 But now it's like, you know, a simple fighter freedom. Now I have to twerk on them because everyone like desires it. And it's a bit strange. It's a bit strange. But it's kind of fun to see the reactions. Yeah. It is a – this is – he's never fought anyone I don't think who as many people know as you either. This must be pretty trippy for him.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I know he – I suspect that he fancies himself to be the weirdo and he, and you've definitely matched him in that sort of that eccentric category. I wonder if he's kind of freaked out by that. You know, we kind of saw that with Glover and, and Yuri, right? Yuri is quite the eccentric. Right? The way he moves and even when he's getting beat up, he's like patting Glover on the back. Did you see those things, those weird gestures and things he does during the fight?
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yeah. Yuri's a weird one. Yeah. Us weirdos are definitely going to be represented in the future of the sport. That's for sure. Yeah. I mean, I love it. I would love to know what's going on in his head.
Starting point is 00:08:06 He must be tripping. Do you ever feel... I don't mean to bring the energy down, so I'll try to keep it in a positive way. Do you ever realize or feel like you're all alone? Like, oh, this is all on me. No one else cares. If I fail on me no one else cares if i fail it's me
Starting point is 00:08:27 if i win it's me it's like fuck yeah i don't really feel like i'm alone when i'm not successful because when you win everyone wants to take their little their little piece of credit they'll everyone likes to be involved when you're a winner right but when you lose everyone's like ah you didn't do this and you didn't do that so for the most part since i usually when i haven't felt alone in the sport so far but this point i'm definitely feeling overcrowded like i might sometimes my sometimes during this camp i think i would have preferred to feel more alone a little more by myself but yeah it's kind of weird when not a lot of people around you kind of understand like oh yeah you must be so excited about the big fight you'll be famous this happened this is like a career changing moment how do you feel about it and I was like I kind of take every fight seriously right so for me it's like it's
Starting point is 00:09:23 just a fight all the extra flash you know that's not real all the pressure that comes from that is like from inside my own head so for me it's like every fight's the most important fight of my life because yeah you don't want to win this you don't want to lose this one any more than you wanted to lose the last one yeah like they're all equal. Yeah. The only bad thing is it's on a bigger stage, but you'd rather lose when a few million people are watching than lose when there's 10,000 people watching.
Starting point is 00:09:55 So for me, it's all the same. I get the same love and the same hate for a win, and I get paid the same. And for me, since the most important time is now, every fight is the most important fight. You don't have a plan B, do you? I mean, not like a hard plan B. I have nine credits left for my degree. I could go to law school, but political science is kind of a useless degree. So no, not really. I don't have like a media plan B, but I think like three, four years,
Starting point is 00:10:31 I could totally, I could be stable in some other aspect. But besides being like a personal trainer coach, not really a plan B for the time being. When you missed your training to go to that bachelor party, were you hating on yourself? Were you able to enjoy the bachelor party or were you pretty hard on yourself? I'm pretty hard on myself. My last camp, I dislocated my ankle and I had strep throat and I missed two days and I was like on myself.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And I had been in camp for almost seven months straight. I think sometimes I actually need to like tone it down a little bit because, you know, you shouldn't be in camp for the better part of a year. So I definitely beat myself up. I'm always afraid if I lose, I don't think it's because of one missed workout. I think it's because of the attitude that makes you miss workouts. So I feel like a lot of fighters get obsessed with every individual session. But there's been so many times during camp or during my training day where I'm like, today was kind of a waste of time. You drill something that's stupid, or maybe you kind of got injured and the rest of the workouts were kind of crap.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Maybe you just weren't feeling well, didn't hit any PR. So I had a lot of training days where it didn't really feel like I progressed. And That's how I kind of rationalized it. It's okay. It didn't work out on Saturday, but I went for a nice strenuous hike. I did a lot of film study, and that helps. I definitely improve whenever I do film study,
Starting point is 00:11:56 so I kind of just had to rationalize it that way. David, thanks for the loot, dude. Very kind of you. David's asking, what's your favorite submission? Ooh. Ooh, that's so hard for me i think my favorite submission to train is definitely like a guillotine anaconda like either one of those are probably probably my favorite submission i love those submissions i will give a position for those submissions but i think the coolest submission to get for me is just like an inverted triangle.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I won one of my UFC fights by that. It's kind of like a gimmicky move that only happens like in two circumstances. So I can force that to happen, the inverted triangle. But generally, Anaconda guillotine, I think it's like the queen, the queen of chokes. You feel very powerful when you have someone's head in your armpit and you're squeezing and you're flexing your bicep and your shoulder that feels pretty empowering
Starting point is 00:12:51 it's definitely anaconda guillotine and when it's sunk in deep and you just feel you can feel the veins like a little hose when the water goes through you kind of feel it cut off and sometimes that sweet little gurgle those are pretty cool
Starting point is 00:13:06 the plant i i was in my garden yesterday pulling weeds and picking up dog poop and i realized that i have no plan B. And by that, I mean, I'm going to circle back to that. Let me ask you one more question. This gets a bit of a loaded question. Do your coaches or your training partners ever miss days? So they do?
Starting point is 00:13:42 Yeah, all the time. And does that piss you off? Do you resent that? Are you like, what the fuck? This is me. I'm fucking going to fight fucking in fucking London. I'm giving my life. Are you on my fucking team or not?
Starting point is 00:13:54 You ever feel that way? Yeah, I feel like that way a lot. Good. I felt like that this morning. Yeah, I feel like a lot of fighters. Because they have a plan B. They have other fighters. They have a plan B. I don't have a fucking plan B and a lot they have a plan b they have other fighters they have a plan b i don't have a fucking plan b you don't have a plan b yeah sorry to keep
Starting point is 00:14:11 interrupting oh okay um it's it's like a lot of fighters even when they do this like for their job they definitely still treat it as a hobby and for me even when i first started like even when i was working at a job and i was going to school i never missed a day of training i would figure it out because yeah i figured it out yeah so i'm like it's my job i love this i'm happy to go to training almost every day i'd be pretty messed up not to enjoy training yeah and when other fighters they tell me they're like oh it's my life man nobody wants this more than me i'm like dude maybe nobody wants more than you the two days a week you come but like consistency like i love this sport i love doing love going to practice i love learning i like the bad parts i love the good parts
Starting point is 00:15:02 and i just feel like so many people i bump into especially even in the ufc they just don't take it that seriously they're like oh i can't improve i don't i can't do that this and that or i just don't have the time to improve myself in these areas and i'm like and make time no one trains nine nine ten hours a day like a normal job like when i was working banquets, going to school, I had like maybe three hours to train, and I trained during those three hours. I feel like a lot of fighters, they don't understand how much potential they have to improve and how much they can gain from the sport. They just put their all into it.
Starting point is 00:15:37 On the flip side, you put your all into anything, and then you fail. It's all on you. So a lot of fighters feel like kind of handicapped themselves by only putting in like a marginal amount of effort into it so that way they can't blame themselves. They're not the problem. Oh, I didn't have time for my strength and conditioning. I didn't have the coaching I wanted.
Starting point is 00:15:55 I didn't have a long enough camp. I was too fat. And I'm like, I try to figure out all these variables. Give yourself no excuses. But I specifically mean the people who are on your team who like if like so so let's say i was your coach i would want to take credit for every single fucking person you beat and the only way i could do that is if i showed up to every single fucking camp every single fucking day and the days you didn't show up, I would come
Starting point is 00:16:25 over to your house and bang on your front door. My commitment, I would feel competitive with you to make sure that I was always there for you. I would fucking surprise you and call you at 1030 at night and be like, Jordan, I'm at your front door. Let's go for a run. You know what I mean? How is anyone doing anything half ass and i'm not saying they are in your camp i'm having some of my own internal issues i'm projecting them onto you i apologize how how does anyone how does anyone want to be a part of the jordan levitt camp i pronounced your last name right oh levitt but it's close to levitt jordan levitt camp when he's fighting patty pimblitt in the O2 fucking arena in London
Starting point is 00:17:05 in 2022 and not be there every single fucking day for you I don't get it I here's here's what happened here's what happened I the CrossFit semifinals just happened the last three weekends it's basically these three day of things that happen Friday Saturday Sunday and it happens over the last three weeks and then the winners from three day of things that happen Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and it happens over the last three weeks. And then the winners from those events get to go to the CrossFit games in August. And I did these shows and it was a lot of shows. It was like 10 to 15 shows a weekend. It was fucking nuts. And I do it on this podcast, just like this. And, um, uh, after these three weeks, I'm looking at one guy. So I had a bunch of different people help me with the show, which is awesome. And I love them. But there was one guy who did every single fucking show with me.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And last night when we were all done, I'm sitting there staring at him. His name's Andrew Hiller. And I go, holy fuck, you have no plan B. He goes, no. I go, that not to take a dig at people like David Goggins or Jocko Willick or any of these people or Jordan Peterson or any of these people who talk about fucking leadership or motivation, but the greatest thing that can happen to you if you want something is not to have a plan B. And the second greatest thing is to find someone else to work with you who doesn't have a plan B or to find a wife or a husband who will support you while you don't have a plan b because if you don't have plan b you're just in you're like a labrador chasing a tennis ball there's no you there's no there's that's it and i was just wondering that this morning. I was like, fuck, if you're a fighter, it's all on
Starting point is 00:18:46 the line. If you can't fall forward, you have to fall on your face. If you can't fall back, you have to fall on your face. A lot of people, especially my family, very professional, they're like, well, you need to have a fall back. I'm like, no. This isn't something where you put some of your energy backwards as you try
Starting point is 00:19:01 to move forward. I'm either going to succeed at this or I'm going to fall on my backwards as you try to move forward. I'm either going to succeed at this or I'm going to fall on my face. But I'd rather fall forward. I don't plan on falling back on anything because I feel like the moment you doubt yourself, you're putting that out into the world. If you imagine doubts, you plan for doubts
Starting point is 00:19:20 and plan for failures and stuff, you're going to fail more often than you think. Yeah. Do you think you're the best Jordan that you've ever been right now? Yeah. I think every week I'm always learning things. I think I improve every week. And I definitely feel like I improve even I improve every week. And I definitely feel like I
Starting point is 00:19:45 improve even little things every week. Like, my amount of discipline has gotten better. And I think it's because I have a little bit more self-belief every fight. The more experience I get, the more confident I'm feeling in my abilities. Yeah, I think right now I'm the best Jordan I've ever been.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Did you watch the fights this past weekend? I haven't caught up often, but I've seen the pay Did you watch the fights this past weekend? I haven't caught up often, but I've seen the pay-per-view part. Okay. And when there's two guys in there like Yuri and Glover, do you have a plan?
Starting point is 00:20:21 Do you have a speech ready to give yourself if it goes to the super deep end like that? Ooh, no. I've always, like, I get like a, it's almost like a spiritual experience when I watch fights where you see like the battle of wills. Like you could tell, like there's very few fights where like these, both these people are giving it their all.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And they were disciplined. They did everything in like the pre-fight. and like for this 25 minutes for this 15 minutes like they're putting their entire being into it that was one of those rare fights where i was like it was like a spiritual inspiring thing and you know i'm not sure if you could prepare yourself beforehand i think i think the right i'll tell myself the right words when I find the right dance partner. And I just haven't really been pushed too much in my fight career. I've never been in that position. Like, even when I lost, like, I didn't really encounter too much adversity.
Starting point is 00:21:21 So I feel like whenever I do encounter adversity, I definitely feel like it brings out the best in me. And I'm really excited to find, to hopefully get a fight where it kind of like wakes the dog in me. I definitely, I dream of having at least one fight like that where I kind of get the secret inside. I like the way you said that wakes the dog in you. Can that happen?
Starting point is 00:21:42 And does that ever happen in training or do you ever, do you ever go to a happen in training or do you ever um do you ever go to a place in training where you you hear yourself start giving yourself a pep talk yeah it happens a lot like especially now that i'm like ufc fighter jordan levitt there are a lot of people that come into training they definitely kind of want to like make things a little bit more competitive a little bit more heated than i want and i kind of want to like make things a little bit more competitive a little bit more heated than i want and i kind of have to like assert my dominance a lot more often than i used to because i used to be like okay this guy's a nobody like it's okay he could like have this round i'll keep going 50
Starting point is 00:22:15 50 60 but now it's like it's like a fight against like my ego sometimes like this guy is trying to like hurt me in sparring i'm like okay I have to hurt you now kind of thing. It kind of wakes me up. But I always, I fight myself a lot more often, probably at least once a week, you know, waking up, going my full like force, my full power. And like entering kind of like that flow state that only happens during competition. I think definitely, I think I'm getting more used to you know not being afraid of myself because sometimes it's really scary if you're a fighter if like you enter like kind of like that intense competitive angry state because you're sometimes more open but also I feel like you're I'm at my
Starting point is 00:22:56 best when the emotions are high I thought I usually as a fighter try to keep things very cerebral so definitely I'm trying to like um find the happy medium between those two um states when when jorge masvidal ran across the ring and threw that knee at ben asgren and um and i hear and i hear shane o'malley talk about wanting to make viral knockouts do you think he they really mean that do you think that they really is is there time to think like that in the gym and then the second part is is when you see something like that that Jorge did to ask and does that put all fighters on notice like hey better be careful right when the bell rings or or what happened between aldo and um and connor right that's the worst thing that can happen right i agree because like whenever you're knocked out on the first strike everyone's like oh they're so much better than you i'm like it's almost like
Starting point is 00:23:57 that's the easiest time to hurt somebody right you never give an opportunity to like to brace themselves or to like gauge how they're going to like you know roll and react to punches like it's the perfect win like because fighting's about deception and like nothing's more deceiving than giving you no chances to retaliate ever and so i feel like especially now that there's social media like the era of the viral knockout, or the viral knockout is the king. That's the best billboard you can get for your career. It definitely makes a lot of fighters more anxious in the first 15 seconds.
Starting point is 00:24:35 As before, the first 15 seconds is probably the time where you really ease into things. What do you mean fighting is about deception? Like on paper, if two guys fight and one guy's better at the you know grappling wrestling and striking he's gonna win but like i'm a better liar if i could trick you i could make you think i'm doing something when i actually need to do another thing i'll like my chances my odds are a lot better. And fighting, if I tell you I'm throwing a jab right now, I'm probably not going to hit you very often. So I have to lie to you.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And fighting is kind of like this big, it's basically a game of tricks, a game of pranks with violent ends. And I feel like a lot of fighters, they don't faint. They show you exactly what they're going to do. And they'll still beat you if you're playing by the same rules of the game. But I feel like on the higher level, you have to lie to each other like this. You can't be straightforward and be at the top level of this sport.
Starting point is 00:25:35 And I feel like you have to learn how to make people believe like a magic trick. I make them look over here when really the tricks all over here. Yeah. Yuri's jab was was bizarre and potent wasn't it yeah yeah he holds it by like his his cup and he kind of waves it where and he comes up from like a an upward angle like everything was coming from like glover's chest upward and then it was like why is he throwing all these weird things like well that makes that keeps
Starting point is 00:26:04 the fighter on notice. Like he definitely slowed down Glover's pace, even though it was still a high pace fight. Like Glover couldn't just do his usual slip overhand because you can't slip something that's coming down your throat. So yeah, Yuri, he's very good at deceiving people. A lot of his fundamentals are really wrong, but when you lie enough, you still can win.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I'd never seen anything like it. People say that. You have a very unique style, too. You're in great company. Uri, Dominic Cruz, these fighters, it's like, wow, you've never seen anyone move like that tony ferguson yeah i feel like a lot of fighters like they they spend their entire careers emulating somebody else right i love fighter i'm going to do exactly what he does then they're kind of a poor man's version of that fighter right and for me i think especially because i also started like my first like eight years kind of doing most things on my own. I started boxing people at the park.
Starting point is 00:27:10 No coaches. I started doing jiu-jitsu by learning off of YouTube and Patreon and all those things. I've been self-taught for the most part. My A-game, no one taught me my A-game. So I feel like when I fight, now people are becoming savvy. savvy to like okay no jordan knows what he's doing it just looks weird and i just like when i fight you could tell like okay like he has a goal we're just not quite sure what his goals are um what do you mean you used to fight in the park um before you know when i was in high school and i was just wrestling i couldn't focus on mma so
Starting point is 00:27:45 i got me and some friends we'd go to the park and we would box and then other people at the park would like want to jump in and box i box a lot of random strangers you know which really dangerous in hindsight but i was just boxing people in the summer in the winter barefoot and i feel like i really i missed that kind of stage of my my training life sometimes the absolute freedom and the complete you know volatile random nature of my training sessions but yeah i've i would spar people of any weight class in the park no maybe in the park just just park just sparring with friends and randos would walk up and be like, hey, you want a piece of me? And you'd be like, sure. And they'd throw on the gloves and you'd
Starting point is 00:28:30 get at it. Yeah. Dang. Hey, can I join, man? Like, oh, I box a little bit. Oh, I do this. Can we join? I'm like, yeah, sure. So we had a nice little rotation for several years where we always go to the park some days and just beat the crap out of each other. Only a few times few times that's what that's the first time i got knocked
Starting point is 00:28:48 out the only time i've been knocked down really was that boxing my friend like we were boxing the basement that one time and i got like dropped bad and that's the only time i've been dropped was like fighting someone in a basement so i definitely had a little bit more rough roots a lot of these fighters um that are coming up now when will you go to london will you will you go early yeah like i fight saturday i'll probably like fly it out there monday or tuesday just to make sure i'm acclimatized though i don't imagine it'll be hard because i'm going from vegas which would be like 120 in July, all the pollination, all my allergies. I'll be going to sea level, 70 degrees.
Starting point is 00:29:31 I'm pretty happy. I think I'm going to thrive in that climate. This – oh, oh, oh, I see, I see. It's UFC 277? Is that what it is? No. I think it's a fight night. I think it's Aspinall versus somebody, maybe?
Starting point is 00:29:56 Yeah, wow. Wow, that's interesting. I'm looking. Oh, there you are. Wow. Hey, did you fight Claudio Silva? Claudio Silva? No.
Starting point is 00:30:14 No. Did you fight a Claudio? Yeah, Claudio plays. Okay, okay, okay. And it's funny. Whenever Patty fights, that girl fights. Yeah, Molly McCann, they're best friends. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah, same neighborhood. I'm actually kind of like, not close, but like, you know, close acquaintances, like friends with Molly. You are? Yeah, she's came to Syndicate a few times. We've trained together, and i really like molly she's a fun time you know um she loves like the food in the bar scene at las vegas and she's trained here yeah i like molly and so yeah i think this might be the first time she's not rooting for me during
Starting point is 00:30:58 a fight is the first time what she's oh not rooting for you? Yeah. Look at this fight. Curtis Blades, Tom Aspinall, Jack Hermanson, Darren Till, Mohamed Mokhaev, Molly McCannon. I mean, this is a crazy card. Alexander Guftensen is coming back? Paul Craig? Volkan? Yeah, this is a nutty card. Yeah, it's going to be a very stacked European card. Probably the second, might be the biggest fight night of the year.
Starting point is 00:31:32 So, pretty lucky to be on it. Yeah. Can you tell me how it goes down the moment you found out the fight was going to happen, Jordan? Like you're taking a dump and your phone rings or or what's going on oh yeah i was just leaving um a private lesson and i was driving and my agent calls me lance and he was like um i have a fight for you he's like but it's not in salt lake city it's not august and i'm like i'm not interested and he's like no let me let me get it let me finish he's like why did he say that did he know you wanted an august and i'm like i'm not interested and he's like no let me let me get it let me finish he's like why did he say that did he know you wanted an august fight in venice okay because i had just
Starting point is 00:32:10 fought like i got the news when i fought less than a month prior so i'm like yeah this will be cool and then he's like well not august it's in july i'm like i'm not really interested he's like and i know you don't like to travel but it's in london i'm like still not interested he's like, and I know you don't like to travel, but it's in London. I'm like, still not interested. He's like, no, let me get to the good part. And he's like, but you're fighting. And I was like, I'm fighting Patti Pimpley. And he's like, yes. And I was like. Well, you just guessed that as a joke when he said London?
Starting point is 00:32:36 Yeah. Well, for me, it was like, because like he was being very insistent. Like, Jordan, no, you want to hear the rest of this? And I was like, no, dude, I don't like to fly. I've never left the country. And I want to fight in August. And then as he was pushing it like a light bulb moment, and I was like, Oh, how do you feel? He's like, Yeah. How do you feel about it? And I'm like, Well, I kind of promised a family vacation, but I'll talk to my wife. But first I said no, I like now. I promise this. You know, I've been promising my wife a vacation for the better part of a year. And so then I called my wife and she's like, what are you doing? Like, no, this is important. You could drop out for a paddy fight.
Starting point is 00:33:14 I was like, okay, awesome. So then I called her. So she knows the fight game? She knew who he was? Yeah, we think paddy's hilarious. All the oddballsballs my wife remembers them yeah and stuff no like we could ditch the family vacation we'll go afterwards you know go to london so then i told lance like probably 15 minutes later i'm like okay i'll fight but i'm gonna need a lot of help and i'm terrified of flying the passport all yada yada but yeah at
Starting point is 00:33:41 first i was not very interested in it but then as as I was talking to my wife, she's like, I'm like, you're right. I probably should just take this fight because it's a very big opportunity. And it's definitely the best fight you can get the lowest ranked opponent. So it is, I mean, when I think of that weight class and the two biggest prospects, I mean, it's you too. He must be, he must be ecstatic too, but I would think he would be fucking scared.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I would think he would be so fucking nervous because you're so fucking unorthodox. Yeah. I think it's weird. Um, I don't watch my phone to interviews and stuff beforehand. Like, that's not like my thing.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Yeah. I feel like, you know, I my thing. Yeah. I feel like, you know, I used to do that. I think I've got in my head a lot, but I was watching a video. Like people always chat, like send me videos.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And they're like, he hasn't even mentioned you until like last week. Like all my media attention, I'm focusing on him. And then when he's on, like when he gets an interview, he's talking about his an interview he's talking about his way he's talking about everything else except for me and he knows who you are let me tell
Starting point is 00:34:49 you and i'm like okay he's trying to act like i'm underneath him and all these things so i think we both have been trying to kind of ignore each other right you know he finally said he's gonna if he knocks me out when he knocks me out he's gonna tabag me and i'm like okay we're building this fight in a very strange way you know like i'm gonna he's a teabag me oh uh yeah you're you're you're so special in the ring you're so precise you are so dangerous um it's your commitment to martial arts and the way you move and uh every every all the fight all fight fans um know who you are and yeah it's it's um he he he is careless and reckless in the beginning of his fights he's very very
Starting point is 00:35:47 reckless um i feel like both him and ian gary i saw basically when when ian gary fought darian weeks uh that last fight man fucking darian hit him a couple times because ian was just being stupid and i do and i do feel like patty does some really stupid shit in the first 30 seconds of a fight. Yeah. He's definitely a gambling fighter. Yeah. Patty's wins aren't very clean for the most part. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:19 And whenever I'm thinking about it, I'm not sure that's more or less impressive that he makes so many mistakes and still pulls it out. Right. Or I think a lot of fighters get flustered by the hype. And I feel like a lot of fighters are too busy focusing on everything else. So for me, when I watch the fight on mute, no commentary, no crazy fans, it's nothing special. So when I just think about the fist fight part, I'm like, okay, there's so many holes to take advantage of. But then all these fighters are like, okay like okay well the crowd doesn't like me what if he's so popular like doesn't it doesn't his career just feel different don't you get that vibe that it's meant to he's meant to be something big
Starting point is 00:36:55 and i'm like no like none of that stuff matters like fighters are making this like some kind of weird pseudo-spiritual like oh i'm not meant to win. Or they think it's a movie. This isn't a fucking movie. Yeah, man. It's a fight. It could end almost any way possible. And you're focusing on like, oh, but the
Starting point is 00:37:17 story, I'm the one that's supposed to lose. And I thought about that. I'm like, oh yeah. Narrative-wise, they would rather have me lose. like i was supposed to be claudio playas and i lost to him and you know patty's supposed to beat me and he's gonna lose to me because is that is that what the odds are they say he's supposed to win he was a minus 400 favorite when they announced the fight and, that, that means he's supposed to win when you're the minus? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Gambling. Yeah. It means if you bet a hundred, if you, you'd have to bet $400 to win a hundred dollars. Oh, I've never bet on a fight. Maybe I'll bet on you this fight. Oh, I appreciate that. Be very flattering. But yeah, no, no.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yeah. Me neither. Like I,. Yeah, me neither. Like I, I'm, I'm too human. I definitely know. I don't think like a computer, especially because I know all these fighters. I'm very emotional when I watch fights. I am not going to put my money with my feelings. Like it's not worth it.
Starting point is 00:38:19 I like to just enjoy. I have so much anxiety watching fights as it is. I'm not going to add to the anxiety. just enjoy i have too much anxiety watching fights as it is i'm not going to add to the anxiety if if when you go train today those four workouts will be four different coaches or the same coach there will be different coaches all different coaches and if one of them doesn't show up what do you do i have like a fail safe of trading partners that I could train with anytime, like after two o'clock and they're willing to like jump in and like really help me out and drill.
Starting point is 00:38:51 And I think that's one good thing about like building all these friendships in the sport. Yeah. And like very like open with my time. Like whenever I have training partners, even amateurs who are like my friends, like they need me for a workout i'm there and i feel like you know you give more you i feel like you know you gain everything
Starting point is 00:39:11 giving to a lot of like my training partners they're always willing to like help me out but if i miss one workout we'll still be good miss two workouts still be good three might be a little bad, but yeah, I have some good, I have some good friends that are always willing to help me get some good work in. My favorite part of the story so far is that your wife is so supportive. I do like that your training partners are supportive. I'm just really fixated on the plan B thing this morning. It's so cool that your wife said that to you were you stoked were you like god i married the right person oh yeah i am you know i'm always like having like in like a mantle like thankfulness when i'm talking to my wife and i think about like who what who else i
Starting point is 00:40:02 could have married and how all these other fighters have, like, partners where it's, like, their relationship is opposed to, like, their fight goals and their fight career. And I had a wife that, when we got married, she was literally like, okay, I'll work, pay the bills, because you need to train full time. If you can get private private, that's good. But like, this is your dream. And like, she was willing to sacrifice and take care of me. And she had no like timeline.
Starting point is 00:40:33 We're so okay. And that at this point, you'll be in the UFC and you'll be taking care of me. She was just doing it open ended. And she supports me. And I always try to like put everything else first. And she's always going to put me first. And I always try to put everything else first. And she's always going to put me first. And I'm just very blessed that I have a partner for the rest of my life that kind of supports me no matter what.
Starting point is 00:40:59 And I think when you have two people that are very giving, they usually end up marrying someone who takes a lot. I definitely didn't marry someone who takes a lot. I feel like me and my wife are constantly trying to one-up each other. And yeah, I'm very blessed. Yeah, congratulations. Your fight is on July 23rd. It looks like the main event starts at 11 a.m., which means those of us in California, if we want to see you fight, I bet you we're going to have to get going probably at 8 or 9. And then you fight.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And then what happens after you win? Will your wife be there in London with you? No. You have a kid. She has a baby to take care of. Yeah, baby to take care of. And, yeah, it's just too much hassle i agree i agree i agree yeah i wish you could come if it was in the states we'd fly but yeah and she also wants i i even offered i'm like
Starting point is 00:41:56 okay like we could fly you out you know about like two grand but like we could do it and she's like no because she's like when you're in london you need to be focused on the fight yeah yeah smart woman man worrying about me i'm like okay you're right and then and then when will you come home they they fly you back like 16 hours after you but we'll be back home sunday night all right bitchin i'm gonna start bugging you right away i want to hear all about it i'm so excited for you dude it's how fucking cool well patty uh patty well jordan i'm so excited about your fight with patty i'm so excited every time you fight um and uh thanks for coming on i know it's seven you're in los angeles right basically oh las vegas we have same time oh
Starting point is 00:42:44 yeah that's right that's right Sorry. Not myself this morning. Um, anyway, thanks for coming on and, uh, and I will be in touch and you're always one of my favorite guests. Thanks for coming on brother. Thank you, man. I'd love to be here. I'll see you next time. All right. See ya. What a good dude. Get i know i agree get him i could talk to him for another fucking hour i'm starting to feel bad because i have to feel like he should go train he has his training shirt on i am not myself man i was fucking wound up
Starting point is 00:43:21 and pissed off this morning. Whew. Whew. That's about as wound up as I can get. Tonight, I have a show scheduled, too. Sorry that this show hasn't been scheduled for a while, for a few weeks for some reason it didn't get scheduled on YouTube that's why you guys didn't know and I really apologize Jody
Starting point is 00:43:51 you are such a fucking loyal listener and that's fucking crazy that we didn't have it scheduled and I'm going to I used to do all the scheduling and I need to get back to doing that so yeah that's that's just a
Starting point is 00:44:09 huge fuck up on my part tonight we have a paul from um uh who's going to talk to us he's been on trt for a couple weeks he's the guy who spent 80 days in coma he's missed his last three interviews i'm not sure what's going on hopefully Hopefully he won't miss tonight. Then tomorrow we have Hunter McIntyre. Then on the 15th, we have these two twins, Calvin and Angelo, and they're twins who both lost over a hundred pounds. I'm pumped to have them on. And then on the 16th, we have Alex Stein back on and Alex, um, his career is just exploding. He got the contract with blaze TV, but he's also started, um, the TRT program. I'm excited to hear about him. And then on the 17th, we'll have another live Colin show. Uh, what's up seven. What is the burr under your saddle?
Starting point is 00:44:55 I just didn't like the fact that I woke up this morning and that I had forgotten to schedule this show. I'm just so fucking angry at myself. That that happened. I just don't fuck up like that. And that just means I was dependent on, I wasn't, I needed to just fucked up and I'm fucking pissed. So basically what it is, is I use this software called StreamYard and I schedule all of the, and then, and then, and then Matt keeps a calendar for me, for us, for the podcast. So there's like five or six of us who are on the calendar. And when he schedules something, then it's supposed to go to StreamYard and it didn't get scheduled in StreamYard. So when I woke up this morning and I went into a panic and I didn't
Starting point is 00:45:38 even get to use a picture of Jordan, Jordan, uh, LeVette on the, for the placeholder. Jordan, Jordan, uh, LeVette on the, for the placeholder. I mean, I, I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm more, I'm acting more annoyed than I really am just cause it makes for good content, but I'm, but I am, I, like, I, I felt it in my back. You know what I mean? Like I got a little tingle in my back. I don't know if you guys, if that makes sense to you guys. But like my back is usually, is like anytime I get pissed, like, and I, you know, you guys, I'm always bitching about my back. But I start to feel back pain whenever I get pissed.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I must be holding something back there. Holding your mom back there. Maybe I'm just not myself either. I'm definitely sick as a dog. I've been sick for like a month, I think. Someone says because I don't eat enough sugar. I wonder what the longest I've ever been quiet on this show is. I wonder what the longest I've ever been quiet on this show is I'm going over to my live call-in show to see if I have any notes here
Starting point is 00:46:50 yeah I was thinking yesterday I was like when you when you don't have a plan b all the motivational stuff becomes nonsense like I don't need any motivation because I because I don't um because I because I don't have a plan b I don't need it's all it's all silly nonsense to me I don't need any motivation because I, cause I don't, um, because I, cause I don't have a plan B. I don't need it. It's all, it's all silly nonsense to me. I was just realizing. And when you don't have, when you don't have a plan B, it's like the other people in your life who do have a plan B, they just become like actors. They just, they're not, it's like almost like they're not even real. That they're not, it's like almost like they're not even real.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I don't know how to, it's the greatest place to be. It's scary. I'm sure a lot of people don't live their life like that because it's scary. But it's kind of like Forrest Gump. It's how I imagine Forrest Gump. I've always described myself sort of like as Gump, Forrestrest gump just put my head down and run off in a direction i haven't i don't know the daily stoic but i know if it's the guy i'm thinking of there is a guy on instagram that is just a complete tool he's the stoic guy he is a complete tool and a charlatan of the highest order. Ryan Hall, or I don't know his name, but he,
Starting point is 00:48:08 but everyone talks about him. So he is a complete charlatan. He is a complete, he's a disgrace to humanity. He's a vile human. He has this platform that talks about stoicism. And he himself is a man who argues his own weaknesses and those around him. He is a bad person. Yeah. Like Jody says, he doesn't like the Daily Stoke. Is that the guy? Yeah. He is a shit bird. And I've explained it before and I had shoot and I've explained, and I've explained it before. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, yeah. Holiday guy. Yep. Is that his name? Ryan Holiday or Mark Holiday?
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah. I think he wrote, I think that guy wrote the book. Someone would have to pull it up. But when I had that guy on, the yoga teacher guy who I saw in Rogan and I had him on, I tried to push him into the deep end. Not push, lead him into the deep end. And when someone doesn't want to go into the deep end, that's fine. But in the deep end of the pool, there's stillness. And from stillness, there's only one other, there's only one thing that can happen,
Starting point is 00:49:22 and that's movement. And that movement is reaction to something. So when you're in stillness, and in consciousness, in an awareness, whatever it is that you're reacting to, you should be able to point at. So imagine someone getting a tattoo. You should probably know the three or four thoughts that built up to you getting a tattoo. To see the fucking deep origins of what caused you to react like a fly that just flies from one pile of shit to another to do that. And so on the level of the vaccine, in the deepest sense, in the deepest meditative sense,
Starting point is 00:50:15 you would have to know why you got the vaccine. What thought were you running from or reacting to that got you to get up and make an appointment to go get an injection? And most people can't tell you that. 99% of people have no idea even what I'm talking about right now. But it requires, all you have to do is be still. It's the only willpower we have. That's another thing. When someone starts talking about willpower and we have will and they start fucking quoting Bible shit or God shit, it's like, I want to see your will.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Lie down. I want to see you stay perfectly still for five minutes and not react to anything. And then they scratch their forehead. I'm like, what are you doing? They're like, I had an itch. I mean, they don't even realize that they reacted to something. They couldn't even stay still. They can't even, they don't even have this much willpower. They live under the illusion that they have to something. They couldn't even stay still. They don't even have this much willpower.
Starting point is 00:51:06 They live under the illusion that they have willpower. That's how quick the brain justifies all your actions, like you had the willpower to do it. Like you're controlling your narrative. Go fuck yourself. You're not controlling your narrative. You're a liar to yourself. Anyway, that's the Daily Stoic guy's like that.
Starting point is 00:51:24 He can't tell you, He can't tell you what his thoughts are that drive his actions. He doesn't even have that tiny bit of self-awareness. And I get it. Most people can't, and it's fine. It's a lot of work. It's a big process. It requires becoming conscious. It requires watching the mind.
Starting point is 00:51:50 It requires staying still. It requires putting your willpower upon yourself, imposing your willpower upon yourself. But then to justify his behaviors or his actions during the pandemic, it's nonsense. It's complete nonsense and horseshit. It's lying is what it is. And it's the opposite of what stoicism is.
Starting point is 00:52:10 And it's the opposite of what mindfulness is. There's no one who's mindful who got the injection. I know that's fucking going to be like completely hard to believe. There's no one who's 100% mindful who got the injection. It doesn't work. Unless they were just sitting there under a tree and someone just gave it, walked be like completely hard to believe. There's no one who's a hundred percent mindful who got the injection. It doesn't work unless they were just sitting there under a tree and someone just gave it, walked up and gave it to him. Now is there a karma? I can't rule that out,
Starting point is 00:52:34 but someone had a fear based thought or some sort of thought that they reacted to and no thought is real. And that's how everything works. That's why you put food in your mouth. That, that, that I just explained to you the whole mechanism of how life moves forward. No plan B.
Starting point is 00:52:58 God, I'm kind of stoked. I have no plan B there. It's a, there's like a blind stupidity to it. Just like, like you almost have to be dumb. It's kind of like this benign dumbness I have. And then you don't need any motivation. And, and, and I can't, you can't be stopped when you don't have a plan B. I mean, you could run out of energy.
Starting point is 00:53:29 It's like the wind. It has no plan B. It's just going that direction. And then when it's done, it's done. When I used to play Frisbee, I used to play Frisbee, I used to play Frisbee a lot, four or five, six hours a day,
Starting point is 00:53:52 no shit. And I was homeless. And I did that for years, go to the park and play Frisbee with people. And no matter what, if you threw the Frisbee, I would try to catch it. Even if there was a hundred percent sure I could never get it,
Starting point is 00:54:04 I would still run after it. And sometimes you catch those. And that's what would make the crazy catches. I'm looking at my notes. Man, I'm so excited to do a live Jeff Birchfield. Okay guys. Uh, well, thanks for letting me go. My little tirade today. Um,
Starting point is 00:54:34 thanks for joining us with Jordan. Make sure you guys check out that fight that he's on. It's actually, I was going to say it's free. It's not free. You have to have cable, but it will be on ESPN. It's not a pay-per-view.
Starting point is 00:54:43 It's July 23rd. It's in the morning. It is really going to be a crazy, hyped fight. And if you're a fight fan, it's an incredible card. Darren Till is fighting on the card. That's all I got. If for some reason tonight's show does not work out, I will bug Susan and see if he wants to do a uh
Starting point is 00:55:06 live call-in show all right i'm off to play some tennis with the boys love you guys bye

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