The Sevan Podcast - #462 - Hunter McIntyre

Episode Date: June 23, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Not we, me. I don't see Hunter.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Where is Hunter McIntyre? Good morning, guys. Bruce Wayne. Why do I always want to call you hi me jamie good morning chase good morning eric good morning junglist drums good morning kevin smith good morning alan keston bomb buenos dias uh if you're a kind of if you're gonna talk shit in the comments it's fine if you're going to talk shit in the comments, it's fine. If you're using a fake name and you talk shit, it gets a little weird. I mean, I talk shit. I mean, like, real shit, not like the jokes.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And, like, Dick Butter, like, is just refining his stand-up routine. I have no problem with jokes like that. But if you're going to get, like like hypercritical and start getting vicious and mean, and you're not using your real name, I'm thinking I'm going to start whacking you. I, and I don't even know why I'm saying that.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Cause I don't even see any of those, um, very often. But last night I saw one, I saw a dude talking crazy shit and just like fake name. You know what I mean? Like his name was like random. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:01:44 ah, I don't know if i'm gonna do that oh you got a perm that's dope fuck yeah dude hi oh yeah but i decided to jump in the pool just before i got down here that's where my hair is all wet and i'm feeling nice wow where are you california oh so it's early for you too 7 a.m it is i mean i you wake up time why don't you find why don't you like bully me and be like no dude i'm not doing 7 a.m i i'm up at like five every single day oh all right i'm so lonely for the first if it wasn't for california existing like and the Coast existing, I'd be so lonely because I usually wake up anywhere between 4.30 and 5.30 every single day. I'll call my family on the East Coast and chat with them for a bit.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Then I wait for all my friends on the West Coast to wake up. Then I'll chat with them for a bit. Can you define lonely? Dude, I wake up with infinite amounts of energy and ideas inside of my head. And usually what I do is I take a pad of paper and I start writing all these things down that I need to do for the day. Ideas for projects. And then I run out of runway because I accomplish all those tasks pretty quickly. And then I'm just sitting there and I'm like, what the fuck am I going to do?
Starting point is 00:03:02 And then you're like, the Sevan podcast. Is this the first time you've spoke this morning no no no no no uh i saw i met i bumped into two humans about 10 minutes ago at the coffee shop no no no i just ran up to the pool jumped in the pool um they were doing yoga up at the pool i ran back down i was fully in the nude they caught me in the nude i've actually done that multiple times where i didn't i had my headphones in and i didn't recognize that they were doing yoga up on the deck and i jump in the pool fully naked in front of a bunch of people and i turn around i'm like oh shit i'm cock swinging
Starting point is 00:03:40 everywhere wow explain that this man i had some I was going to come in really hot today with some shit, but I like nudity talk a lot better. So where do you live that you think that you can go up to the pool naked? We live in this gigantic compound on top of a mountain in Malibu. The guy who owns it. Is it a cult? No, not at all. Not at all all so there's three properties i live in the stables they were uh basically they burnt down in 2007 and they were transformed into
Starting point is 00:04:14 a gym two apartments and a big car storage port on the far side rich people for rich people like are there porsches and ferraris and shit in there? Just mine. Okay. So if you're trying to say I'm rich, thanks. All right. Subtle flex. Subtle flex. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:04:34 We have a Defender. We have one of the original model Teslas and a couple other cool cars. But those are the ones that I like to look at. One of the original model Teslas. Like they just came out two years ago. And you're trying to give the tesla like no no you know that the original tesla was built on a lotus elise frame oh like those race car ones little ones it's the biggest piece of shit on the planet it is always in the shop okay this is the only thing i have against tesla they fucking suck but other than that they're super cool they're super cool
Starting point is 00:05:05 um so then there's the main home and that's a five bedroom home with a pool and then there's these cabins up top there's like it's called like the bachelor pad there's three cabins up there with another pool and my roommate he's the main caretaker for the property he takes care of everything it's 50 acres it's just like's just continuously falling apart and things are dying. He takes care of the place. They granted me the opportunity to live here in 2014 because I used to try to – I would just do odd jobs for them and I would just be like, hey, do you want me to move this rock for you?
Starting point is 00:05:43 Because I was just a poor kid just like you were probably at one point where you just would do anything for money and I would just be like, Hey, do you want me to like move this rock for you? Cause I was just a poor kid. Just like you were probably at one point where you just would do anything for money. And I would come up here. I would ride my bicycle here, walk the dogs, move anything. First job I ever did with them is move art. And they realized they're like, dude, you're talented. You got to get your shit together. Why don't you live up here and craft yourself? Like, you know, hone your craft, get your shit together. And literally I went from, you know, being a guy who had never accomplished anything in his athletic career to now eight world titles.
Starting point is 00:06:13 When I showed up here, I only owned a bicycle. Now I own three cars underneath that carport. So it's like they changed my life. That could have gone sideways. You could have got into drugs or something. To be totally honest, most people that I've witnessed that come into this ecosystem do. Hey, have you ever been offered to do porn? Tons of times.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Like real porn? I mean like someone, have you ever been offered? Straight porn or gay porn? Have you ever been asked to masturbate for gay porn sites? Not directly masturbate for gay porn, to be totally honest. I made those mistakes really early on. For people who don't know, that's not me asking. Malibu is notorious for its porn community.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Go on. The whole area up there is. Okay, sorry. I fell into that mistake really early on because I did modeling, and I was asked to shoot nude and those pictures immediately got into circulation where my family saw them oh man and my family ripped me a new one so quickly that it changed like my entire trajectory I was just like that was the most awful experience of my life having to have a conversation with my mom why i did that yeah and i didn't know any better
Starting point is 00:07:27 they're like oh yeah come on shoot with your clothes off everybody does it and i was like fuck yeah i'll take my clothes off let's do this yeah yeah yeah and um i've seen how those photographers work too it's it's a trip yeah it was stupid it was really stupid um i mean listen i'm not sitting here crying about it now i don care. But it was one of those kind of things where it didn't create value in my life. So there was no real reason to do it. There's a guy at the... Oh, that's a great line. What's that?
Starting point is 00:07:54 It didn't create real value in my life. So why did I do it? It's a great line. So basically, there's a guy down at the grocery store here. I'm not going to say his name because I wouldn't want him to get in trouble, but he's the coolest person in the entire world. Like he does the checkout and every single time I do him, he's like, dude, he's like, whenever you're ready to get into porn, he's like,
Starting point is 00:08:16 I've got all the connections. He's like, just do it. And I love him. He's been a friend of mine for like, you know, nearly 10 years now, but he's been trying to pitch me on it for a long time. I'm on the verge of doing it, but I've got a good life, so I don't really need to yet. I do get constantly jealous of OnlyFans. One of my friends that I first moved to LA with, as dumb as a box rocks, just doesn't have much going on. If you bumped into him, he's the sweetest guy. He's handsome. He's handsome.
Starting point is 00:08:45 He's kind. Like he's got everything in the way that he's just a good human, but you would never expect him to accomplish anything. He got onto OnlyFans about a year, year and a half ago. And this dude is renting out five-bedroom homes for Coachella. He's, I'm talking to him. He's traveling all over the world this summer. It's dudes who want to see him?
Starting point is 00:09:07 It's dudes? Oh, 100%. There's nobody. Chicks are not making transactions to see other naked people. There's no girl. Oh, that's interesting. So fans only is just-
Starting point is 00:09:19 It's 100% a male-driven website. Economy? If I could imagine- What's he do on there? What's he do on there? What's he do on there? I mean, oh, shit. Is that a bobcat? Hold on.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Is that art? Look on his wall. I'm trying to capture a bobcat for a while. Sorry. Look on his wall. What is that? Is that menstrual art? That is.
Starting point is 00:09:41 No, that's a tractor that I've been painting for years that i just left like that and people think it's like so interesting that i left a half painted tractor inside of a massive like gold and regal frame here's what i think i think that you put someone um down on their back and you had sex with them in the missionary position while they were in their menses and that was the stain i'm not really into that i mean i'm i'm surprised you are into it i'm very surprised okay so down that right so your buddy is so he does stuff on camera he does he has the fans only what's he do like put his shoes on naked or just like what's he do oh so you ran up there hold pause you, so you ran up there. Hold pause. You ran. So you ran up there to the pool on this property where other people live. Did you get in trouble for that? Will they report you to the guy who owns the property? No, no, no. It's, it's, we all know
Starting point is 00:10:34 each other really well. It's not like, you know, I'm a criminal. I didn't like break into their house and steal their diamond earrings. Um, this time we're gonna know that says hunter we love you but could you wear um underwear at the pool i mean when you live on top of a mountain you should have the opportunity to be naked whenever you want to be have you ever seen any of them naked no my roommate unfortunately has probably seen my ding dong between 50 and 75 hundred times have you ever rested your balls on their chin? No. Brock's a sweet soul.
Starting point is 00:11:07 I would never do that to him. I think I told you this. We're total opposites. He wakes up every single day and meditates for like one to four hours. And I wake up in the morning and I'm like a pinball machine. I'm like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And when I first met him, he's a black guy with dreads, with tattoos all over his body. He's a yoga instructor, like a meditational, spiritual guy.
Starting point is 00:11:31 And now he's an Asian guy with no tattoos. No tattoos. And I mean, he's taught me and got me into meditation a bit. And I've got him into the gym a bit, which is interesting. But the whole them seeing me naked thing was not the worst thing in the entire world i just told him i was like guys you got to give me 30 seconds i gotta jump in this pool and i'm not going to jump in with my clothes because i got to get back on this call so if you're going to see not the butt look away um i picture him as being gay and enjoying it um i have a friend who who has a fans only page also i have a couple friends but let's be honest girls two girls and are they both in crossfit uh yeah and i cannot believe
Starting point is 00:12:20 and um i don't think either well i haven't seen their pages but the both of them told me that they don't show nipple but i cannot believe the money one of them is making it is it is nuts there's this line where it's kind of hard to and when i mean no nipple i mean that means they don't show vagina or anything either they're just like they just go about their day just like it's like classy like it's like skin i don't know i don't know that i don't know that well one of the girls is definitely kind of a fetish girl she's got some fetish fetish attributes she's she's not like well there's this thing where it's like i guess all go crossfit girls are kind of fetish girls but we just don't realize it because we're in there it's it's um
Starting point is 00:13:05 it's basically i don't know brought the sex industry into you know into the future where it's one it's very easy to manage two it's much safer and three it's much more profitable and i wonder how much fans only takes. What percentage? I think a big profit. So they're like the new pimp. It's not like, oh my God, my producer and director used to take so much money from me. I'm so free now. Now it's fans only taking it from you.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Yeah, but think about it. It's the same reason why it's so interesting. My entire life's changed. I used to have to walk people in Malibu that had too much money that would talk down to me to make my paychecks. And now all of my training, like you'll just, this entire call, you'll just see bing, bing, bing Shopify things going off. And I don't ever have to leave the house for these people. They take one. What are those people buying from you? Tick picks. Let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Is that, is that your training? That's your training? Tell me. That's the training. That's training supplements, all that kind of stuff. But these people, all they have to do is get one of these bubble sticks. They spread, spread it out. They spread their cheeks. They take a picture and then they're on for the day. oh I read this article this is a I read this article so there was this porn star that became really big and I didn't even know who she was I only knew who she was because of um entourage her name was Sasha Gray did you change your home screen on your training site yes it's nice i like it yeah we're changing it all the time we're always kind of like every couple months we do it we we do a bunch of research
Starting point is 00:14:52 we see you can like basically with these websites now you can see and track where people are clicking and how quickly they turn things over so we're all you're handsome you really are handsome thanks man i worked really hard at that you didn't do shit for that i have to decide you know what let's have let's have a series i won't forget about so i won't forget about sasha ray i do want to hear about sasha that is an interesting subject but i want to ask your opinion about this i've always had a mullet since probably the age of 12 to 13 on and off. Now everybody has this hairdo. I would say one in five guys that I see in the streets have the same hairdo. Justin Medeiros, Ricky, Ricky Simone.
Starting point is 00:15:37 I don't know what to do. I think there should be like a mullet throw down where we like all meet up in like a dirt parking lot and just beat the fuck out of each other oh yeah this mullet wins last mullet standing we already had this conversation before nobody likes to use physicality to handle situations anymore so wasn't there a movie where a guy had a name it's like a documentary and a guy had this name and he said he started just calling everyone out who had the same name as him first and last name and they all met somewhere and highlander no no no this that's this is a real movie like a documentary and then they all fought to see who got to keep the name this is a real movie like a documentary like this is real life yeah i wish i could remember the name
Starting point is 00:16:22 of it hunter when you retire would you consider pro wrestling? That's a great question. I literally got a call from the WWE last week. Serious? Yep. And I tried out for the WWE in 2017, and they offered me the job. I'll show you the picture. But the fucking contract is so god awful. It's like you might as well work at CVS.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I mean, you could become the richest. See, look, that's me at the WWE a couple years ago, 2017. Wow. And I went through the whole thing, got offered the job, and I was like, no, no, that is such an awful deal. The beautiful Nick Sidor says, Get a bubble stick, spread your cheeks, and you're good for the day.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Hunter S. Mack. Do you want to tell, I want to say something, but you were in a story about Sasha. Do you want to do Sasha, or do you want me to go off on this little thing here real quick? No, I just, one day I woke up and I was like, I was thinking about OnlyFans and I woke up and I was like, what is happening with the ancient porn stars versus the new day porn stars?
Starting point is 00:17:30 So there was these two porn stars that were really, really big. There's this girl, I think her name was Lana Rhodes. She became really, these are two girls that became mainstream off of porn. Sasha Gray became mainstream and did Entourage. And she was on there and was like a character in the show was dating vince and then she decided she wanted to go like try to become a movie star and write scripts and stuff and it didn't seem like her life panned out financially or just you know career-wise as much she wanted it to this lana rhodes girl who was uh you know on more of a modern day porn star she became really popular because she dated one of the like logan paul's partners uh on his like you know youtube career and then she started only fans and this girl was like i think they said she printed like three hundred thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:18:21 in one day one time and it just is so crazy how this girl, what's that girl's name? The girl, the other, I think her name is Lana Rhodes. And that's the one that's the other like kind of mainstream. This is Sasha Gray's like third, like, you know, let's say 10 to 15 years older probably than this Lana Rhodes girl. And it's just crazy. If you were born in Sasha Gray's era and you didn't capitalize on the new OnlyFans thing, which you didn't have the opportunity to, you missed out on an opportunity to becoming a mega billionaire porn star. This girl has 16 million followers.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I know, but that's what I'm trying to say. From an era wise, Sasha Road was the porn star 10, 15 years ago this girl is the porn star now and she she only keeps up 15 posts and she archives the rest yeah I don't know I even know what that means but it's just insane to see how these people's careers have changed so much and one of the biggest factors is OnlyFans and oh she's on Pornhub this girl's on you can see this chick get railed on Pornhub yeah that's what I'm trying to say she's a big-time porn star I know I'm having trouble believing it yeah I wouldn't click that you're probably gonna crack the screen this is the one that's married to Logan Paul no no she was dating one of Logan Paul's uh I think his name is Mike or something but he was dating one of these guys and
Starting point is 00:19:46 became kind of a mainstream name in the public because she was like doing things besides porn that guy in the middle oh yeah oh that's the that's kind of the that's the uh yeah i don't want to say anything mean about him that's actually a good podcast logan paul's pretty inquisitive that guy and there's another good guy too kind of looks like a like um he could be like my armenian brother and those two are good this guy's kind of this guy's kind of a dick and it doesn't and tries to act smart but he's not he should just keep asking questions like logan and the other dude he tries to like be adversarial with people do you think if they do like a rotten tomatoes if they put logan impulsive show next to the show that we do on wednesdays they'll be like like they're like they're like
Starting point is 00:20:29 72 and we're like 97 anything that's above 97 is just fake ratings but we're at that like we're at the cusp of just like the purest most beautiful piece of art in the world hunter remember how you said you wake up in the morning and sometimes you feel lonely? I'm like 10 years ahead. I'm sitting on the top of this mountain just waiting for the world to get up here. Me too. Yeah. We're just not catching on.
Starting point is 00:20:58 I wanted to show you something that I saw. So I have Dave Castro in my Google Alerts. I have a bunch of you in my Google Alerts. I have a bunch of people in my Google Alerts. That's how I kind of stay up to speed on my guests. And this article popped up, and it's this magazine called Box Rocks. And it says it's a competitive fitness magazine. And I scroll down here, and I see, and it says,
Starting point is 00:21:21 Box Rocks is a competitive fitness magazine, which is in the world's biggest online magazine for fans of CrossFit. And it just goes on and on and on just sucking itself off yeah and then up here it says um dave castro was this is an article about me interviewing dave just recently yeah i just had him on the show and it says something in. I'm going to try and find it. Maybe if I just put Command-F-S-E-V-A-N. There you go. Let's see down. Dave Castro sat down with Sevan for 40 minutes. Okay, so listen to this.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Sevan Matosin is the former host of the official CrossFit podcast and has for the past few years done his independent podcast centered around CrossFit. Sevan and Dave have both worked for CrossFitting for years and developed somewhat of a camaraderie. It's no wonder that Dave's first interview ended up with Sevan. So, and the guy who wrote this, his name is Robert Born. The guy who wrote the... He didn't write much. It's like three sentences long, wrote, uh, wrote the article. He, I scrolled through it pretty fast and here's the guy. So I just wanted to say something to you, Robert. Um, Robert, I started working in CrossFit in 2006 and I became the executive media director, which was tantamount to the chief marketing officer
Starting point is 00:22:42 and CrossFit became the fastest growing brand on the history of the planet reaching 162 countries on all seven continents including antarctica i was in charge of everything forward facing i have no fucking peer in the space none no second place i film movies in over a hundred fucking countries i filmed famines and the richest fucking rap stars who walked the planet she's got you're trying to have no i'm the largest contributor to the crossfit fucking journal i ran the journal which is the fucking premier fitness and health journal that's ever existed on the planet and anyone who's read it knows that not your schlock that covers my ass so maybe maybe if you're going to be the premier fitness magazine in the world you you will uh you you'll you'll you'll you'll know who i am
Starting point is 00:23:39 you'll you'll you'll understand that i'm not just uh pay some bigger respects before i yeah i guess i just saw it and i'm just like you jackass like i like i as you down to a podcast it's just fucking hilarious you know google uh there's a website called poop i guarantee this is my mom because we talked about those photos fucking say thanks. It's not your mom. Ryan, good morning.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Hello. Hello, good morning. How's it going? Good. Great lift I saw you do the other day. You stoked? What lift? Oh.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Oh, the 285? Yeah. The snatch? Yeah. God, you're a beast. Yeah. Pretty neat. Pretty neat.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Just another day at the office. This guy used to work the back end for YouTube for us, Hunter. Yeah. Hunter, I was on the show in the back end with you, or when we had you on one time. He's been on the back end with you, Hunter. Is this the guy in North Dakota or Nebraska? Wowbraska yeah good memory north dakota yeah yeah yeah because i care about the people i talk to unlike savann i can't even i couldn't even remember alexis raptus guess 135 holy shit yeah um yeah i wanted to call in and say hi and uh i have a few thoughts on my mind that i wanted to bring up
Starting point is 00:25:07 um because a lot has happened since i've last talked to you and i wanted to get your input on it okay shoot and oh and hunter is a great uh little side piece for this conversation too i think of him as a side piece also yeah he's a pretty cute side piece um okay so um killer is like taking over the world right now yes um he just he passed me on he passed me on subscribers on youtube that's son of a can i just ask what does he do but don't get it wrong people i'm destroying it on apple and spotify like if you think the numbers are good on youtube you've seen nothing until you see our spotify and apple numbers and so and he is not he is not over there so you can't really compare us but go on but but i still
Starting point is 00:25:56 give him kudos he's a beast i've seen his numbers the numbers are good very big very big oh you sounded like trump there the numbers are good very big very big oh you sounded like trump there the numbers are good very big very yeah we got on that yeah that was the that was the goal um okay so um pillar kind of just is has been calling out crossfit savannah can you explain what pillar's doing for for hunter uh basically he's just he's made a youtube career out of like just watching crossfit events and uh competitions and really looking at the judging and the reps of the athletes and noticing that there's there's a lot of mistakes so like someone will be doing 100 wall balls and they won't go below parallel on 50 and yet they still qualify and go on to the next round and he's really pulled shown some very very gnarnarly hiccups in the competition.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Basically, he's exposed the competition as not being of a competition. A competition needs rules, right? That's the whole fucking premise of it. Everyone has to stay within these lines, and then we judge who's the best at it. And he's basically shown that it's a complete shit show over at HQ in regards to the CrossFit Games. Would you say that's fair, Ryan? I would say that's fair, Ryan? I would say that's fair. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I would say that's fair. The only thing I would add to that is that his tone is rather aggressive. Yes. He very much just doesn't care how he comes off. And at times, that can be very off very off putting for a lot of people. Sure. Typically I, and this is, this is what I wanted to bring up is that I've had a lot of people come to me and talk to me like, Hey, you're not working with Devon anymore. Are you? And I'm like, Nope, I'm not. And they're like, okay, well, here's the thing. I don't like how aggressive and
Starting point is 00:27:40 how negative they've been. And it's, it's's i'm just glad you're not around that negative space um and you got haters one of those things where i mean i don't i don't i don't have any haters no one's telling me they hate me but like what what i wanted to bring up is that like there is a negative um like the space is getting more negative whether or not it's for the better of crossfit uh like there is a negative dialogue that's being created and crossfit has never really had this sort of dialogue before where the community is actually like there's infighting going on and uh i can see how in the future um this can be really bad for andrew uh specifically i've been in internet communities before for podcasts and stuff like this where uh
Starting point is 00:28:35 they have a very naked like this podcast i listen to tka they have a very negative and mean comedy style. And I love it. I love it. But when you create that kind of audience, you end up creating, that audience ends up also being mean and negative. And they have a very mean comedy style when they're joking in the comments and stuff like that. And what that ends up doing is it ends up essentially eroding the fan base
Starting point is 00:29:08 over time. And what I worry is that for Andrew in the future, his audience will eventually see him. He'll make a mistake. Like the woke crowd, like how they'll, they, they, they, they think they're safe, but eventually they cannibalize each other too. Like that's just what they do. Yes. It's human nature, right?
Starting point is 00:29:29 Can I give you guys a parallel reference? Yeah, go ahead, Hunter. Yeah. So I used to compete in the sport of Spartan Race. Spartan Race was much in parallel with the growth of CrossFit. They both were kind of popping up and exploding with growth around 2010. They both had peaks around that 2014 through 2016 period. And then I realized just slightly after that, it started to go down.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Basically, something similar happened in our sport where a couple years ago, there was a big, even before you guys had your big exchange. What's your sport? High rocks. No, no. Spartan race. I'm talking about Spartan race. So they had this exchange where they had kind of a change of guard. This guy took over as director of sport. His name's David Watson, biggest cocksucker on the planet. Shout out to you, Dave. And there was a big changing of the guard. There was a lot of people that changed over
Starting point is 00:30:31 Tough Mudder dumped Spartan Race bought Tough Mudder, all these kinds of things. And what happened, kind of what happened when in CrossFit, there was this changing of the guard and with these new people in the place, basically, I think the old fans don't align with the new initiative of the company. And what happens that's really bad is basically there's this negative murmur going around and the company, I had this conversation with the director of sport. Um,
Starting point is 00:31:01 now his name is, uh, Steve Hammond. I was like, dude, the only, he knew how bad things were. I name is, uh, Steve Hammond. I was like, dude, the only, he knew how bad things were. I was like, dude, you need to grab a hold of this and start changing the narrative, start producing media, speaking positively and putting out a message about what's going on, the future of the sport, what's happening and really combat all of these people with these negative thoughts. And it's basically predicting what's going to happen for the company for
Starting point is 00:31:28 you. You tell the audience what's going to happen for the company. You tell them you, you fill them with positive thoughts. And I think that's what happened with CrossFit. They had this humongous change. Can, can Glassman, can Dave Castro put Eric Rose and put other people in? There's all these new people in place. People lose confidence in what is going to happen with the brand. And then all of a sudden, that negativity starts to come up and people are trying to usurp what's going on with the brand. They're trying to bring back in Castro to see if they can kind of combat some of this negative
Starting point is 00:32:01 thought of what's going on with the company. But someone's got to take this position, like, you know, the world by the nuts and, you know, grab it back. And that's why I think they brought Castro in, but I don't know if he's willing to fucking, you know, I personally wouldn't want to take care of a brand that canned me that quickly. Someone, Ryan, someone sent me a DM yesterday and they said, I know you don't like Hiller.
Starting point is 00:32:28 And first of all, that's absolutely not true it's interesting just how people perceive things when i think of hillar i think of this guy who's so fucking humble i think of him as a super humble man and i think of him as ferocious like a tornado not ferocious like a mountain meaning he's wind if you push on him he gives and he's totally talking about and he just has just that that energy that he comes off with is just if you um if you react to it uh i don't know i feel like when he's on the show we have a great back and forth and it's funny and there's a lot of there's a lot of um joking around i could see why someone might think that – I could see why people might think we're being negative. But I don't feel it in my day-to-day life. I feel so positive in my day-to-day life.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I think everyone – I feel – I don't know. I think that probably most of the haters don't even listen to the show. They don't – They don't. They don't. So, I mean, they're not listening to the shows I do with Athena or with Annie or with DeLugos or with Con Porter. I just don't think that they are. And I know it's a pretty gnarly mix of really, really, really deep talk. The deepest talk I've heard on the Internet with some of the most crass humor on the internet.
Starting point is 00:33:48 So I get it. It's a, um, it's, it's quite a bridge. It really is. And, uh, you know, when you, when you're dealing with, when Andrew is dealing with this stuff and he's talking about when he's calling people internet, uh, idiots on the internet videos and said, idiot, you know, uh,
Starting point is 00:34:09 that will come off as, uh, that he's a dick. Um, especially if that's the only video you watch, right. You don't completely understand the entire narrative that he's been putting out.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Cause they, people will watch that video in a vacuum. And when you watch a video in a vacuum where he's going on a rampage and like, you know, like what's the movie with Mel Gibson? The one where like Freeman Octa. What's that one? I don't remember. The burning, burning villages down. Braveheart.
Starting point is 00:34:42 when you're burning down villages and you're destroying people in one video and they only see that video in a vacuum that will create a negative narrative not only for CrossFit but for him right and in that narrative in the comments
Starting point is 00:34:57 those fans start to get wild they start to get crazy I've gotten in trouble from my wife for calling people idiots on the shoot every time I call someone an idiot, I get talked to, please don't do that. I think she's right. I think she's right. I think it's probably not a good idea. I think my wife's right. No, my mom used to call me an idiot. And so it's one of those things where like, I hate when someone calls me an idiot, it bugs the shit out of me. This is getting deep. But anyways, it's one of those things where he's going to make a mistake in the future.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I'm calling it right now. He's going to make a mistake. He's going to do an open workout, and he's not going to meet a standard. And his fan base is going to rip him a new one. But I think he's smart. He'll lean into it, Ryan. That's the whole thing by I meant his humility.
Starting point is 00:35:47 I don't think people realize his humility. He's okay. Like, he's ready to grab his ankles. Well, that's because he has to do. He's smart, and that's what he's going to do. Because from a PR perspective, that's the smart thing to do. He already had that happen to him this year, where from the 2021 Open, he didn't squat below parallel
Starting point is 00:36:06 or whatever and uh he ended up deleting the video off of youtube and uh you know he made a video about talking about about it but uh it's so like he's already made that mistake before but it will happen again and in the future as he keeps stirring up, he's going to eventually have a blow that he's going to have trouble with in the future because his fan base is ready to attack all the time. Let me ask you this. Oh, go ahead, sorry. Do you think the females get away?
Starting point is 00:36:36 Do you think the females get away with more shitty reps than the men? I'll answer that in two seconds. All I want to say, Siobhan, is I care about you. I don't really in two seconds. All I want to say is I, is I care about you. Um, I don't really care about Andrew Hiller. Um,
Starting point is 00:36:49 I care about you and I don't want you to get in trouble with something like this, with creating a narrative that is always negative. And your fan base ends up turning on you in the future. And I, I've been thinking a lot about this and I, it can happen to any team, any podcast, whatever.
Starting point is 00:37:08 So like, just be cautious with that. I know you're going to be you and you're going to say whatever you're going to say, but that is something that you have to keep in mind is when you have fans like that. I feel like he really cares, Hunter. Anyways, anyways. It's authentic. Sometimes you got to have friends that call you and, anyway. It's authentic.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Sometimes you got to have friends that call you and let you know what's up. Yeah. You said females get, are you asking if females get away with more no reps in competition? Dick Butter says, sorry, the females get away with more, frankly. I think like for Brookwell's case with the clamping of the rope with that video or whatever um one thing i don't remember andrew hillard saying is giving an example of how we could fix that issue which he always claimed you know i always you know give a solution but he didn't talk about how the judge could have just be positioned on the opposite side of the rope which is where you would you would be able to see the leg clamp if it did happen because they're
Starting point is 00:38:10 running towards the rope and they immediately jump up and the judge is on the back side staring at brooke wells's butt and so he's not looking at the clamp he's looking at her butt and then not looking at the clam or not looking at the clamp. Clamp. Okay. I thought that was a little crass for you to use the word clam. You're, it doesn't seem like you're definitely not.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Definitely not. Um, because you know, the clam is often used to refer to the vagina in, in the hood on the streets. Oh yeah. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I'm looking at this Andrew killer guy and he basically does the same thing as Carrie Ritchie. So he's like an american version of carrie ritchie no they're totally different who's carrie ritchie like yes i mean they they talk in front of the camera but like if you watch oh hiller says stuff craig ritchie doesn't say stuff so craig ritchie will be like these were some fans look at these reps that so and so did what do you think fans what um uh dave castros is back well we have some stuff to think about now where hillar's like this motherfucker's back and he's gonna enter the games and he's gonna change it so only men over six foot four like andrew will like
Starting point is 00:39:21 put a flag in it and start making claims and shit craig richie's like off in the fucking ambiguity like he doesn't say anything it's just i don't know how anyone watches his shit to be honest i don't have anything like i don't hate the guy or anything even though he's a complete fucking asshole to me when i met him but um his videos are completely unwatchable if you want to learn something that it's like smoking dope. I like this trash. Yeah. I'm just going to keep on dropping. Look at Ryan.
Starting point is 00:39:50 You've made the show negative. I'm just going to drop things on the ground and see how you guys react. Okay. Ryan, thank you very much for your input. I appreciate it. Um, I, I do.
Starting point is 00:39:58 I, I, I sense your love and your caring and I appreciate it. Thank you. Yeah. No plan B motherfucker. I i'm gonna sit on this mountaintop until the rest of you bitches get there and for people like bruce lane who are bruce wayne who are sitting next to me thank you hi thank you what's no plan b stand for
Starting point is 00:40:16 there's just no plan b i just realized that the other day all these people who listen to all these motivational speeches and all this stuff and they need hoorah, hoorah, hoorah. I'm like you, I have no plan B. I wake up and I'm like, holy shit. It's 6am. I get to do my podcast. Like,
Starting point is 00:40:32 and there is no other option. I'm going to do my podcast relentlessly every day. There's three things I care about my health, my family, and this podcast. And that's it. There's no plan B. I'm going to die doing this until it's the NBA player who was on the show the other day said, Gary Chavikian, I'm going to die. I'm going to keep going till God stops me. There is no plan B. I'm not like, oh, I can't wait till I get a house. I can't wait till I do this. I can't wait till Hunter invites me to his place in Malibu. And then I'll have made it.
Starting point is 00:41:03 We live differently. Hunter invites me to his place in Malibu and then, then I'll have made it. We live differently. No plan B. You have no plan B either. Call her. Hi,
Starting point is 00:41:11 you're on with Hunter McIntyre. Hey, Savan Hunter. How you doing? Wow. I like this energy. This is nice. Hey,
Starting point is 00:41:21 I got a few questions. First one is a little bit more backend stuff. So when you guys do like a live YouTube, like yesterday it was Cleo. It's not on the Apple podcast yet. Is there something going on on the back end? There's a delay there? Basically what happens is we finish the show, it gets saved to I think some software. We have StreamYard. And then from there, it takes just a little while, sometimes up to 24 hours, then push it to spotify and itunes what they do is they we upload it to a hosting site and then they regularly come scrape our hosting site to put it up okay okay so that's
Starting point is 00:41:56 that's why there's a delay there and because hunter has to approve all of our podcasts we send them to all content has to be sent to my media team proved. So the second thing I have is, is a, so this is for you. A couple of weeks ago, I watched our house and it hit me. It hit me really hard, harder than I thought it would. Watching those older adults go through the daily struggles of their life i have two two older kids uh they're autistic uh they're seven and five and you know i i've
Starting point is 00:42:35 thought about that documentary probably every day since i've watched it um it was difficult how did that change you how did that change you as a person just going there every day, working there and seeing them? The worst thing that can happen to you as a human being is to have your mental faculties damaged. There is nothing worse. There's no second place. You cut off all the limbs. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:43:10 If your mental faculties are damaged, your life is severely compromised to a point where it's heart-wrenching. If you damage the brain, there's almost no coming back. And your life will be fucking miserable. I'll tell you, I made that movie. It won 30 film festival awards. It beat the Academy Award-winning films everywhere it went where we faced them in film festivals.
Starting point is 00:43:45 HBO was going to pick it up, but they said it didn't have enough sex appeal. And when the state of California, Department of Disabled Services saw that movie, Our House, they came and tried to shut that house down. They said it was a horrible representation of disabled adults. It was completely accurate. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:04 And the parents of those adults came out in full force and told the state, fuck off. Being mentally disabled is not fun. And this movie shows it. It's just, it was really go ahead. No, no, you go ahead. You go ahead. Well, it just hit me so hard because I, you know, my girls are seven and five.
Starting point is 00:44:28 And right now it's just going through the trenches, you know, wiping butts, making sure that they're clothed, make sure they have the right clothes on, make sure they're not all backwards, putting their socks and shoes on for them every time we go out. But it was, you know, that we get stuck in the daily grind, my wife and I, and we forget that one day they're going to be old and it may not be us taking care of them. And it just hit me so hard.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I just want to let you know that I thought about that documentary every day since I've watched it. And it was really hard to watch. And I really appreciate you doing that and being honest and giving that honest representation. Do you want to, you want to hear something crazy? I walked by, I was homeless basically for two years and I was on a mission to fucking live like Jesus. And I would walk by that
Starting point is 00:45:17 house barefoot every day for two years. And I was working so hard on myself. And finally, one day when I walked by there, I thought I have so much fucking love and energy pouring through me. And at that point of two years of that, I was living the fucking miracle. I could see my instant karma everywhere. The entire universe was taking care of me. I could do no wrong as long as I stayed present. And I walked by there and that was the, and I was basically just a boat out at sea. And I walked by there and that was the, and I was basically just a boat out at sea. And I walked by there and I'm like, you know what? I'm going to put my oar in the ocean and paddle now for the first time in two years, I'm going to stop. I'm going to leave my stillness. And I went in there thinking I had enough love and power and presence to heal those people. And it was,
Starting point is 00:46:09 to heal those people. And it was, I was nothing. It was like in one month I was completely drained. The most powerful human being I know is completely drained because of just the, the amount of, of work it takes to be around those people. So I feel you brother. I, I, I wish I had some, I mean, what you're doing is, is, um is something that no other human being, unless they've done it. And I haven't done what you've done because they're not my own kids can even imagine what you're going through. Not like no one, no one. So, I mean, I mean, hats off to you. It is being around people who have their mental faculties, especially when you love them to death, uh, damaged or altered. I don't know. I don't mean to say anything to upset you,
Starting point is 00:46:50 but, but it's, it's, um, it's unfathomable until you're in that situation. Completely unfathomable. Yeah. Well, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:46:58 And I just want to let you know that it did change me. Yeah. Okay. Cool. Well, thank you. Well, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:47:04 The last thing I want to say is you know before all this this let's end on a lighter note basically between 2012 and 2017 i feel like crossfit was like at its golden age everyone was friends and by friends i just mean they got they got along yeah 2018 was really the peak i mean we fucking were yeah we were crushing it everywhere the only place we had a little bit of problem is affiliate retention, but we were crushing it. Yeah. Everyone was on the same page. We're going for the same goal. We're going to go against big pharma,
Starting point is 00:47:32 go against big drunk companies and all the big, you know, sugar and all that. But now it's just the community seems so fractured. Hunter nailed it, man. When he said Spartan race needs to grab that, that guy needs to grab the fucking bull by the balls and start making some media. That was it. They fired the fucking media team. It's like they taped the mouth shut of the fucking juggernaut.
Starting point is 00:47:54 And worse than tape the mouth shut, remove the tongue. And that was it. It was just a free fall after that. Sorry, go ahead. Yeah, let's get back to that. Thanks, brother. brother okay love you bye oh man those days i lived on a driveway i'm sure this is a sensitive subject and i listen i'm not here to support anybody's narrative when i watched all that shit go
Starting point is 00:48:20 down with greg when i watched the entire community turn on him oh yeah 2020 so so so quickly and being like i'm disaffiliating all this kind of stuff i'm like you guys are fucking nuts yeah i was like you have no clue what that statement truly meant and you're willing to burn down the castle that you have your bed in yes yes to make everybody feel more secure about what they think your narrative is personally i'm like you're a fucking nut i was like hey dude all the biggest athletes who were like pushing for that like they're none of this half of them didn't make the games this year and the other half won't make the games next year and they're going to be gone and yet the community listened to them not only only the community, the CEO, they were Rosa, they influenced Rosa more than anyone. And they're gone now.
Starting point is 00:49:08 I'm so disappointed in that, man. It's just like, it was so stupid. Like I just, why something that you guys live and breathe in, it's your sport, it's your income, it's your community. And the person at the top, you were just like, it was like almost like back in the days, like during like religious warfare, like all of a sudden someone's like, well, Jesus actually means this. They're like, kill him. It was, it was fucking nuts, man.
Starting point is 00:49:36 And I just sat there and it's like, it's not, I mean, I love CrossFit, don't get me wrong, but it's not my community. But if I owned an affiliate, I would literally contact all my affiliate friends. I'm like, if you fucking pull out of this thing, I don't think you understand how much it is going to negatively affect your business and the CrossFit as a whole. But I don't know. Small-minded people, I guess. Hunter, if I heard from one of our mutual friends, he called me after this and was like, hey, dude was just on phone with hunter and he said that um uh that the podcast is really stupid he's not going to do any more shows that
Starting point is 00:50:11 you upset him on there and that your viewership is dwindling like just whatever let's say you were just trashing me yeah i would never ever even in the small time i've known you i would never throw i would never throw the friendship away because of that. I would either, I would either swallow it or I would call you and be like, Hey dude, you can always talk to me. I would never, and I would never fucking throw, um, just like, uh, in college, if I came home and like my roommates were smoking all my weed, I never got like, maybe I'd get angry at them, but I would never throw the relationship away ever someone didn't pay i have friends who haven't paid me back thousands of dollars i would never throw the relationship away i'm not i'm not interested in doing that you know i kind of feel good though um people do
Starting point is 00:50:56 that shit people throw relationships away like they're do you understand this idea? Does this make sense to you? If you take 100% accountability and 100% responsibility, you will be God. Does that, does that make sense to you? Do you see the algebra in that? And I mean, algebra, do you see the mathematics in that? If you take 100% responsibility and 100% accountability, then you will become God. Meaning that if you're walking down the street and a car were to hit you, and even when you were on the sidewalk, you took full personal responsibility, accountability for it, you would be God. Sure. It makes sense, right? The algebra is there. That's God knows everything and anything and everything. So if you can get in that mindset, if you can become that person, then you are God. But do you live like that?
Starting point is 00:51:48 No, but it's the goal. I know it's impossible. Like you can't almost entirely. Don't tell me what's impossible. Redheaded man. You can't be completely like transparent and fluid. Like it's just almost impossible. Otherwise you just won't make it. almost impossible. Otherwise you just won't make it. Uh, caller. Hi.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Hey, how's it going? How are you? I'm good. Hey, I wanted to know if, uh, you've already talked about, about whose podcast?
Starting point is 00:52:16 Gabe. Um, Castro. Which podcast? With you. Oh, no, I don't know if we have,
Starting point is 00:52:24 how can I help you? Tell Hunter tell hunter make to say something that makes hunter think that he's on a cool podcast yeah a day was a little um it surprised me he was like you're towing the fucking line that kind of thing like i didn't think he would go that hard on it i thought it'd be like oh you know you're fine you're necessary too just fucking line, that kind of thing. Like, I didn't think he would go that hard on it. I thought it'd be like, oh, you know, you're fine when you're necessary to just like Hiller. But he was like,
Starting point is 00:52:49 no, you're towing the fuck. You think that's like his respect for you that he said that, or do you think it. No, I thought he said I crossed the line. I thought when I said, Hey,
Starting point is 00:52:59 do you think I've crossed the line? And he goes, you're pretty good. Yeah. You crossed the line. I'd appreciate if in the future, instead of talking shit about CrossFit, you you talk shit about me come to me hard directly that's what how i took it that's pretty pure
Starting point is 00:53:13 you thought you thought he was saying hillar scumbag and seven you rock you can do no wrong no i thought he just didn't care about hillar, but he's like, since he knew you, he's like, you know what, you could do better. And so I'm wondering, do you have any plans to do better? Are you having a game plan? I'm going to try to lay off on some of my like monologues that spontaneously pop up in my head that want to drill CrossFit. I'm going to lay off on those a little bit. I'm going to I am I view Dave as my leader. I've chosen Dave in my life to be one of my leaders. And because of that, I take things that he says. Very.
Starting point is 00:54:07 I'm not sure what the word is i don't want to say seriously but i listen to him i trust him i've chosen him as a as a mentor and leader and so but don't tell him that you can never let your mentors know they're your mentors well he wouldn't even let you call him that was. That was kind of weird too, wasn't it? Oh, I just, you know what that was? That was like, he stuck his tongue in my mouth. That's because he loves me so much that he says that stuff. That's like, he just wants to fucking get naked with me in his pool. That's how I interpret it. Yeah. I just, when he said that, I'm like, wow, that's intimate. If someone's like, if Hunter and I started screaming at each other, some people would
Starting point is 00:54:45 think we were fighting i would be like wow we have a really intense relationship i think i just see the world maybe a little different than other people i try to go big picture with those things so the fact that a man would tell me be careful that you're not my friend i'm like oh man he we this is intimate we're like maybe we're lovers that's how i took it do you think uh dave meant when he said that Hiller was necessary, do you think he, do you think he meant that it's necessary kind of like, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:11 it's necessary for something to hurt, like to bring you pain when it needs your attention, you know, or is it necessary as in like, Oh, he's always a good thing for the sport. We need him, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:23 appreciate what he's doing kind of thing. Or do you think he's just like, oh, this is just a pain in the ass, but we have to have. If you want to jump a car, you have to have a ramp. And I think people who are critical are like ramps
Starting point is 00:55:34 and they allowed CrossFit to jump into the air. That's how I think of it. That's how I think of sort of his evil and adversaries. Go ahead. I don't think there's leaders anymore in CrossFit though. Don't you remember in the beginning? I didn't mean like leader in CrossFit i mean leader just in my life if i had questions about my life i would i would talk to dave but the biggest issue right now is there's
Starting point is 00:55:51 no more leaders in crossfit it used to be greg glassman dave castro people like you putting out the media for gymnastics they had a coach for weightlifting they had a coach there was all completely empty avoid of leadership 100 and then they completely broke that system down. And I remember the thing that really freaked me the fuck out when I got an email from CrossFit about CrossFit health. And it was this woman. This woman's probably gonna be really upset with me, but it was like a very makeup up,
Starting point is 00:56:16 plastic surgery looking woman that said CrossFit health. And I was like, man, you guys fucking lost it. It used to be like Coach Bergner and a couple other people. Like I remember Greg Adminson was the guy who gave me my, um, Greg Adminson, Amundson, but I like whatever Amundson, he gave me my kettlebell cert. And like these people weren't Hollywood, like this CrossFit health woman, they were putting up there. Um, but there's no more leaders But there's no more leaders.
Starting point is 00:56:46 There's no more leaders. I don't even know who to look to anymore for information, and CrossFit is a resource anymore. This is true. CrossFit has a quiet leader, Nicole Carroll, that's for sure. I mean, but you need more than one. It would be a fringe sport, though. What?
Starting point is 00:57:00 Like Spartan game or whatever. All the other endurance racing, obstacle course, where's the leaders there either. We just discussed that. That fucking doesn't have it. That's why Spartan race sucks ass. They want it.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Yeah. I don't know. I don't know anything about them, but I do know that that is the problem at CrossFit. So, and someone called me the other day and said that, be like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:57:23 why do you guys keep talking about all the minutia and all the small problems at CrossFit? The real problem is, is that there's no leadership. And that's the truth. I, what I do think though, is when someone like Dave comes on the show and they're like,
Starting point is 00:57:33 Hey, um, stop attacking CrossFit and to attack me. Uh, he's, he's, that's, that's pretty,
Starting point is 00:57:40 um, putting a stick. That's like, he's saying I'm the leader. That's the way I took that. Like, hey, motherfucker. You want to fight Hunter? Fuck you. Fight me.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Yeah. Whoever runs Rogue needs to just take over CrossFit and re-run this whole thing. Bill Henninger, the Don Corleone of the fitness space. Do you know who Bill Henninger is, Hunter? Do you know who Bill Henninger is? For sure. Yeah. I just imagine him being naked in a leather uh overall like apron yes a room full of cocaine and there's just a bunch of welders behind him yes and and he
Starting point is 00:58:18 wears some assless some assless assless chaps leather overalls god i wish i had created rogue i'm over here just fucking suffering god and you got a great wife too i love katie savon don't i'm gonna leave but don't change a thing even though dave wants you to be less negative whatever it was but here's here's the here's the thing here's the thing. Here's the thing. What you guys. I'm on the day. I'm on the Dave train, but I won't change a thing. Don't worry. But it's just that you think that you think I'm on the B train, but I'm on the H.
Starting point is 00:58:55 Yeah, I won't change a thing. Don't worry. I agree with you. Yes, but I am on the Dave train. But don't worry. I'm not going to change a thing. All right. OK, love you.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Bye. Oh, he said I love you back. That was dope. Hey, Hunter. I just said I love you to that guy. And he said, I love you bye oh he said I love you back that was dope hey Hunter I just said I love you to that guy and he said I love you back that was dope Ryan Jevney saying the show is negative I just said I love you to someone okay
Starting point is 00:59:19 let's see I should play something I should play something oh yeah cool hey that caller I said something positive to that so here's the other part to that
Starting point is 00:59:37 God thing okay this is why this is what I wanted to load up I said I love you to that caller and he said I love you he said I love you too that's a fucking solid yeah well hit right there yeah oh rob the earth okay now listen so so listen so listen this this is the the the comrade to that thing about pure um thank you jeffrey i love you too you're a good dude buddy um this is this is the fuck you please this is this is a family show what are you squirting into your mouth it's called boa it's
Starting point is 01:00:13 just sodium in a can oh ha i put something called boa in your mouth okay listen listen listen to this listen to this how what a fucking marketing scam is that? Here, honey, put the boa in your mouth. Okay, here we go. If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all. Do you get that? Yeah. If you can't see God at all, you...
Starting point is 01:00:41 Wait, wait, what did he say? This is a quote by Yogi. If you can't see God in all, you can't see God at all. It you wait wait what did he say this is a quote by yoga if you can't see god in all you can't see god at all it's this it's the it's the it's the thing that i share something and i hope this doesn't insult this dude yeah i feel like this is a man that became part who was part of society yeah he was a fringe of society he was the guy who was doing crossfit in jean shorts he was a fringe society member and then he he found, then he found the truth, which is that you do not need society to, I don't know, enjoy life. And then all of a sudden he went out there and found all that joy and then recognized that the rest of the world was moving
Starting point is 01:01:20 on without him. And now he's coming back back like if you truly found truth then why do you have to tell everybody about it through a social media channel like that's that's the thing that confuses me confuses me the most well but when you're when you're on the path to truth there is a there's some monetizing it now too you mean by like selling his his like vitamin powders and stuff i'm not i'm not insulting him at all i'm selling things i'm selling things too like i'm part of this you know i'm part of the system as well i'm just thinking that there's like all these charlatans there's none i'm not saying him specifically but there's all these people that are trying to you know produce information but they're producing information with a buy
Starting point is 01:02:06 button attached to it. The path is lonely and it's scary. I'm almost on the path, man. I'm so close. Probably within five years, I do not need to be a part of the system at all anymore. Then I will live on top of a mountain with my house fully paid off with ducks and bees and I'll write books up there. And every once in a while I'll come down and I'm going to put this book inside of a thing and it's going to, I'm going to have a publisher just send it out to the world and I'll disappear back up to my mountaintop. And whether or not the book was successful or flopped, I'll just, I don't care. You just have the money donated to my account.
Starting point is 01:02:42 A hundred percent. I like the fact, i like hearing these things i just i get confused i like watching him touch his hair i like this yeah i really do respect this guy but when i watch it i feel like there's a hook at the end of the sentence oh okay well let's go let's play a little bit more let's yeah the budget of the sentence. Oh, okay. Well, let's play a little bit more. Yeah. The budgeon and the greatest thing about it is that if you're allergic to the word God, you can replace it with your favorite synonym
Starting point is 01:03:11 like source or spirit or light or energy. They all work. My personal favorite is self. If you can't see self in all, you can't see self at all. self in all you can't see self at all this entire game here is for the experience of self the expansion of self the realization of the full spectrum of self it is all if you so i think that's stimulating i think that i think that i i respect everything that he just said and i'm trying to once again i bow down i think this guy is awesome but i just wish he didn't have an iphone i wish he was like on the corner that's like the people who hate the
Starting point is 01:03:59 liver king because he flies in a g5 i'm like dude leave him alone no no no i'm not hating on him liver king thing's another story but it's just like i i wish that he was just on the corner of down on venice beach saying all these things that's the only way that you could source his information and he lived only on a unicycle he had no other belongings um That's when I'd become a true follower. I'm going to tell you the expedited version of this. Well, there's a couple things. Have you heard the statement of people who don't talk to strangers, don't talk to angels? I talk to all strangers, so I talk to angels all the time.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Yeah, yeah, I know you do. So there's a house, and at the top there's a guru. And the line to get to the house at the top of this hill is like seven weeks long, right? So you go there and you march up the hill over seven weeks and you camp. And the door opens to see the guru between nine and nine every day. And there's this guy and he gets all the way up to the top of the house after waiting in line for seven weeks, right? And the door opens. And it's this. Fucking.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Dirty old man. With fucking like. Flies and shit. And everything. All over him. And he's just a fucking. Filth bucket. And.
Starting point is 01:05:14 The guy says. I'm here to see the guru. And the man says. Yes. And then he goes. Enter. And he walks the dude. Through the house.
Starting point is 01:05:21 And then opens the back door. And then says. Through here. And then the guy walks out and he closes the door and the guy turns around and he's like looks to someone on the side he's like i came here to see the guru and there's like yeah you saw him he just walked you through the house and you left and and he couldn't see the guru because he had an expectation, right? I have my expectation.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Yes, I know. And I'm not fucking doing it. Why are you filming that in a Tesla? Get back on your unicycle, bitch. I'm just saying. How cool is it, though, you are accepting of a guru on a unicycle? I am a guy on a unicycle, so I have this kind of thing. Can you on a unicycle. I am a guy on a unicycle. So I just, I have this kind of thing. Can you ride a unicycle? I'll ride the fuck out of unicycles.
Starting point is 01:06:10 You know, this is like a similar thing. And this, once again, it's not comparison to him, but whenever I see online, there's these advertisements. People are like, hey man, I'm a personal trainer and I make, you know, here's my Shopify account. I made $300 billion last month month and he's like i'm tired of making so much money for myself i want to help you yeah and i'm like wait a second if you're making 300 billion dollars last month why the fuck would you go back into the trenches to
Starting point is 01:06:36 help a bunch of idiots that are probably never going to make it if you're doing so well why are you coming to help us it's because you don't want to defend those people but here's why are you coming to help us? It's because you don't do well. I want to defend those people, but here's why. And you know this is true. There is no end for us no-plan beers. We just go. It's never enough. It's not about getting enough. I have 100% a formula of enough. You do?
Starting point is 01:07:00 100%. I mean, it's pretty ridiculously high, but it's enough. Hey, you should read this book, the, uh, uh, the Patrick bed, David book, I think. Do you know who that is? Patrick bed, David. Patrick bed. I'm going to show you his book in one second. First, I want to show you this. My buddy's arm. My, can you see these pictures? This is the arm wrestling guy. I was just watching videos of him this morning.
Starting point is 01:07:26 My buddy Devin's going to arm wrestle this guy on June 25th. You know Devin LaRatte? Yeah, Devin LaRatte. Yeah, he was on my show last week, a couple days ago. He's a big motherfucker. I think I could snap his arm off. I think you could too. He's a pussy.
Starting point is 01:07:42 It's from Canada too, right? Yeah. I don't think he wants to be though you can't even say canada without being soft i know it what a what a disaster canada turned into i i used to be did you see they passed some law now they're they're going to start censoring their internet they passed some crazy law bill c11 or something yesterday it is scary we we need to just go up there and take that place set them free it wouldn't be that hard dude if you went up there with a rubber band gun you'd probably take over the country um what who who was like oh patrick bet david let's see patrick your next five moves this book it's a good book but basically he says you he he talks about having to already have to see yourself
Starting point is 01:08:38 there your neck i already i know exactly where i want to be. Your next move. But you're all, I think you might, you need to accept the fact you're already there. I am already there, but you have to admit that there is a financial structure to have freedom. And unless you have that level of freedom, and listen, sometimes I see the bum on the side of the road who's just like wasted, laughing his ass off at a bus stop. And I'm jealous because he's already found freedom
Starting point is 01:09:05 he has nothing he has nothing to oh he owns nothing so he has nothing to be responsible for except for the next booze bottle i'm like fuck he's there he's there but you want to have a shower and um i don't need a shower i don't often shower i just i want to make sure that i have this place where there's no one that can get in the way of my day. Like if I need to jump into the pool naked, there should never be somebody who's able to tell me I'm not able to do that. If I want to shoot, if I want to shoot the gun, no one should be able to tell me I'm not allowed to shoot the gun. Um, if I want to dig a hole, the HOA or something like that should not be able to tell me how deep the hole can be and how wide it can't be.
Starting point is 01:09:48 So that's why there's like a certain financial point that you need to have. But then also, I think about it like I can't even get anywhere anymore. Gas is $7.17 a gallon where I'm at. I'm paying $200 twice a week right now. So there is a certain amount of money that you need to be able to afford living unless you just ride around on a new cycle. Yeah. Yeah. Or give up those needs. But you want stuff. You want to have like, you want a girlfriend and kids and you want to be able to dig a hole i do you do yeah i want the writing is too small on this thing you have to have a covet vaccination to dump semen now covet 19 vaccination bnt162b2
Starting point is 01:10:36 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motel count among semen donors. So, um, uh, this, this is a pretty fucking crazy article. This is a fucking crazy article. So for 150 days after, if I read this right after, uh, and I, and I passed it by a couple of urologists to make sure I was reading it
Starting point is 01:10:58 right. You know, Jerry, basically for 150 days after you take the vaccine, your, your, um, sperm count drops by 22% and it stays down that low for three months and
Starting point is 01:11:08 then bounces back. Probably not a bad thing. I want to know the mechanism of this thing that's supposed to protect me from getting the fucking common cold is fucking shit up in my balls. That's all i want to know why that happens well think about it you get sick when your body gets sick it stops producing things at the rate that it used to produce it so it's simple if you got a cold right now your body's going to slow down so you're saying the vaccine imitates being sick and so therefore um when it's
Starting point is 01:11:43 dealing with imitating being sick one of the things it imitates is the conservation of energy and reducing the production of sperm. Did I understand you right? The definition of freedom, because this guy Jeffrey, freedom. Jeffrey. What are you saying? He's just trying to say the homeless person's not free. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one without hindrance or resistance. You fuck. Think about it.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Homeless. Yeah, I was I was I was homeless and it was the freest I've ever been. The problem is, is that there are no real homeless people. When I was homeless, all everyone around me is a drug addict. Well, I was the only I was the only homeless person. You're trying to put parameters on what other people are doing around you we're talking about you personally yeah yeah yeah then you're 100 right i was i was i was homeless and it's the only freedom that truly exists it drives me nuts right now in la you will not be free unless you are homeless if i walked around with a beer can here in la the way that i'm dressed right now i will be ticketed and thrown in jail the same
Starting point is 01:12:42 person next to me could be homeless walked around around with a beer can, no ramifications whatsoever. 100% true. I've seen it. I've been there. I've been standing next to a guy who's passed out in his own urine on a sidewalk in Oakland, California with a bottle of vodka next to him that's been opened and I got the ticket. And I go, what about that guy? He says, don't worry about him. Jerry, you have a peasant brain. You'll never understand the depth of this conversation. I'm sorry, Jerry, man. Jeez, geez, geez. Sorry, Jerry. Sorry, brother. Jerry. No, you don't know, Jerry. It's the exact opposite. The only way you can be free is to be homeless. I'm telling you. Try it. I dream about it. It's amazing. It is amazing. I used to only own a duffel bag, and I would live with like $20 every other week.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Someone grab a screenshot right there. Did someone get that? Nope. Yeah, and I had a harem. Really? Yeah. It was great. That's so savage.
Starting point is 01:13:47 Yeah. I was homeless and had a harem it is interesting how like the dirtiest dudes that i know somehow always have like a lot of women really interested in them i i asked uh gabe at um gabe at uh what's my coffee sponsor? Paper Street Coffee. He's been wanting to make a blend, a savant blend. And I told him, I texted him the other day and I said, harem. And he goes, what about harem? I go, that's the name.
Starting point is 01:14:14 I want my blend to be named harem. Might be a lawsuit, but I'm in. I'll buy that coffee. Because it's a blend of the perfect. It's like, it's a blend of the perfect beans, of the perfect, you know. This guy, Jerry. What do you think about? Really got nothing else to do. What's going on?
Starting point is 01:14:33 What about your banana? It's a good banana. What do I think about what? This is going to be a fun one. So a ton of people are sending me this article saying that, um, uh, I really love getting on this subject.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Fina, Fina, Fina bars, transgender swimming from a women's elite events. If they went through male puberty. So basically, basically it's, it's fucking kind of scary the way it's written but basically if you're a dude
Starting point is 01:15:08 and you want you can't compete in women's sports anymore or sorry if you're a man you can't compete in this in their fina's swimming events anymore unless you took your puberty unless you took unless you know unless you took blockers before the age of 12 who the fuck would give kids blockers before the age of 12 can you imagine fucking with the kids hormones before the age of 12 when did you start doing steroids when did you start doing steroids hunter 11 dude oh all right and that's why I only compete in the male category. Did you see there was another article that I showed last week, and it was of a father who had been putting fucking testosterone gel all over his body? Did he look fucking awesome?
Starting point is 01:15:57 They didn't show him, but they showed his son. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. They showed his son, and at the age of two, his son had a fucking giant penis and pubic hair already. The article was scary. No, because the boy from hugging his dad, he got the testosterone gel on. Jody, you know what's funny? Hunter sent me a nasty text about you this morning.
Starting point is 01:16:18 And normally I don't read people's texts out loud over the air, but I'm going to read you what. Hunter? Yes. Sent you a text about me? Yes. people's texts out loud over the air, but I'm going to read to you what, um, Hunter. Yes. I sent you a text about me. Yes. He said, ha ha ha. Jody is such a turd.
Starting point is 01:16:31 Yes, he did. Jody. What did I say? You said you made a comment about Hunter has no idea how popular this show is. And how long he doesn't. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:41 And he called you a turd. Do you want me to do? Do you want me to pick up what a turd is? Let me see. Let me see. A turd is a lump of excrement. Hunter, you said that about a woman. Well, are you sorry?
Starting point is 01:16:56 Are you sorry, Hunter? Listen, if she defines the value of my time, I can define the value of what she looks like. I think you look like a turd. I'm so sorry, Jodi. I love you so much. I apologize. My guest has been drinking sparkling water all morning and he was naked at the pool.
Starting point is 01:17:12 He's belligerent. Yeah, I heard it. I heard it all. You think he has a big dick? You think he has a big dick? I haven't thought about that. I thought about it and I couldn't tell how big it was, but I imagined it being really pink.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Just cause he's like a ginger, like to really pick like a, like one of those hairless mice. Yep. All right. A lot of blue veins. Well, I was, I was calling, I was calling to remind Hunter. What a great show he's on. So I'm again, you can call me a turd again, but you are on a great show and
Starting point is 01:17:45 we always love having you on thank you miss joe thank you it was a pleasure meeting you joe no i was wondering if hunter is going to the crossfit games this year as a spectator probably not i'm going to be in europa No? No. Oh, okay. All right. Are you going, Jodi? I would love to. I went the first year that they were in Madison because I was in Chicago at that time, but I haven't been back since. I would love to go, but I can't.
Starting point is 01:18:16 Yeah, me neither. Madison's incredible. You know what the best time I had when I went to Madison? When? You know what the best time I had when I went to Madison? When? Was watching the seniors, the masters. Almost brought me to tears watching the masters compete.
Starting point is 01:18:35 I'll take your word on it. No. Oh, I know. You're not a big masters fan. I'm going to go watch the elite women and you tell me how the adaptive, adaptive and masters do. And the kids. Anyway. Hey,
Starting point is 01:18:54 I just wanted to put it out there that I will start the fund for the RV to go to the games for you. So. You're a doll. Thank you. All right. You guys have a great day. All right. I want to show you a picture of somebody that I don't as a master's athlete.
Starting point is 01:19:06 And I saw their picture and I was like, that's interesting how a man that's 15 years older than me looks like that. And I'm just wondering your CrossFit athletes are just that much better of human beings. What's his name? And I'm not going to, I'm not going to do this right now, but we'll talk about it later.
Starting point is 01:19:26 You Jerry has a very low IQ. Jerry, you're a fucking dick. All caps, Jerry. Oh, my goodness. Okay, so last week, this really made Hunter uncomfortable when I talked about the, I don't know if uncomfortable is the right word, but he didn't like the fact that I talked about the toxicity in sanitary napkins, but I, but, but it's my show and I'll keep talking about such things.
Starting point is 01:19:59 This is a woman sanitary napkin over her face. She has her mask. So she, she must've ran out of masks or she thinks that this is better i think those things are panty liners they stick in women's underwear you know and then when they bleed that thing absorbs it's like a tampax pad yeah it's called a panty liner say it with me hunter panty liner do you fly often not anymore i used to fly every every day would you do i mean that's unhealthy on so many levels we talked just last week about the toxicity in those things and
Starting point is 01:20:32 why they shouldn't be put on the clam the kazoo the why the vag if you get on a plane nowadays they have these alcohol like sanitary type wipes i don't even think it's alcohol, but they rub them on the seats and people put them on and they spray it. The chemical potency smell of these wipes and it stays in the cabin is so intense that it's almost to the throw up level. It's insane. I shit you not. The last, so trying to think where a couple of weeks ago, I flew to Colorado. It was the first time I've flown in two years. Right. And on the way back,
Starting point is 01:21:09 I'm sitting in first class, of course. And, um, this, this giant fucking black dude walks on six, five, beautiful.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Looks like he looks like a statue and he's carrying like way too much shit. And he's got some kids shit with them. And then as he comes in the front this fucking midget asian lady comes in four six and she's holding the hands of two kids and she starts yelling at the black guy hurry up and get to the seats and wipe them down and she's handing him those things and i realize it her husband. And she's yelling at him to hurry up and get to the seats. And she gives him a stack of those things you're talking about, those alcohol things. They're in the paper and you rip them open.
Starting point is 01:21:54 And she wants him to hurry up and get to the – and there's fucking 100 people in front of him. He can't get to the back unless he did some WWE shit. And she's yelling at him to hurry up and get to the seats to wipe the seats down. I was like, and of course they were the only people masked on the plane, her two little kids, her and the husband,
Starting point is 01:22:12 the Titan. Yeah. I'm like, dude, this bitch is four or five. You should throw her off the fucking, just grab your kids and throw her off the plane. I mean,
Starting point is 01:22:21 she was yelling at him. He's like, yes, yes. That's why I want to live on top of mountain. You don have to experience these people anymore or at least no one no one will be judging you on a podcast when your wife yells at you because they won't see it do you think that a lot of the stuff that we say on here people go home and then they just start to like ruminate about it. They're like, I cannot believe he said that, that piece of shit. Dude, Jerry put a gun in his mouth two seconds ago
Starting point is 01:22:49 and then one second ago he pulled the trigger because of what you said. I bet. Hunter, you got a man, you want one? Oh, sick. I just got someone to propose to me. Hunter, you got a man you want? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Dylan, you're a good dude. I'm into that, Dylan. What's up, bro? So the reason why every single time you bring up that transgender thing is because even though we're talking about it, nothing's going to change because you and I are not going to go out of our way. Are you going to go out of your way to vote? Yeah, I vote.
Starting point is 01:23:23 I vote. I get it in the mail. I vote. No, I don't vote. Oh, and I'm mad at you for not voting either. Yeah, I just don't feel it. I feel like it's a game. I just owned you.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Jerry is fucking heavy, dude. Yeah, it's just like I sit here and I sometimes think about these things and I'm like, well, what's the point of getting so revved up about it when there's no opportunity to change it? It's just the only thing you can do is not participate in it. And that's the most valuable tool that I have my shed for these things. Maybe you could become president of the United States. You see people pulling up to McDonald's during the pandemic so they could do their homework because they can get get off of their, their, uh, why? How many times you see people pulling up to McDonald's sitting outside during
Starting point is 01:24:08 the pandemic so they could do their homework because they can get it would be interesting if this just happened like every once in a while because he has to speak often but there's so many of these things do you think it's mean do you think my mom's like
Starting point is 01:24:24 someone stop picking on that old guy? Because there's a component of it that's mean. For sure. But he's the president. I know. I know. But it's mean. You're not a Trump fan.
Starting point is 01:24:36 You're not. But that guy on the microphone just wrecked shit. That was impressive. Joe? No, no, no. I'm talking about Trump. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I have to say that was impressive.
Starting point is 01:24:53 That was impressive. I'm not saying from a presidential standpoint, but from just like respect. I'm like, gosh, you know how to talk. You know how to command a room. Have you ever watched any of the documentaries about how politicians, like there's one on Putin specifically about how he does things that are subtle flexes on everybody else in his environment? No, what's the doc? You got me hooked though. I want to say, I don't know the name of it, honestly, but like one of the first things that they talk about is Putin. Well, let's say we have the seven o'clock podcast. Putin will show up half an hour to four hours late.
Starting point is 01:25:25 And it's not like a podcast. We're on like true meetings where people fly in internationally to meet in a spot. And he'll just show up that late if he wants to. He just has all of these things where he controls the room in his way all the time. And I'm like, man, and if you watch, if you watch stuff on Trump, it's the same exact way. He grabs people, positions them. Like he's so obviously we'll grab somebody and move them out of the way physically. And the fact that he's such a huge person makes it so much more like obvious. Like when he was president, I couldn't stand him. I didn't have the skills to appreciate him.
Starting point is 01:26:10 He was a mastermind. I mean, he played a game. It's almost like social media. It's just like, oh, what's the fastest way for me to grow my social media? All right, I'm going to take audio and I'm going to dance in front of it. And then it just catches on the algorithm and blows up. He's like, what's the fastest way to become president? He's like, I'm just going to speak to a couple categories of the United States and the population that he knows that if he engages with them, that by saying, I'm going to build a wall, boom, I'm going to do this. Boom. Played it. Got to respect it. My family hated me every single time I sat down at the table and I would mention these things. They would just get so irate, like shaking up shit. My dad told me we're not
Starting point is 01:26:48 allowed to talk about politics. You know what, though? Big picture, that broke my heart and made me realize I'm never going to have rules of what my kids can and can't talk to me about. It sucked. It sucks. It breaks my heart. It really does. I take full personal responsibility and accountability for that.
Starting point is 01:27:06 So eat a dick. Okay, ready? Here we go. So a lot of people, especially in the hip-hop community, have accused Kanye West of abandoning his culture. Now, a couple of years ago, he was asked to respond to this and say what you will about the man. His response was absolutely correct.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Check out this clip. Now, we were talking about what is freedom. Prager, you says this is a free man talking. What do you say to people that say you turn you turn your back on the culture or. Exactly. One hundred percent. I have turned my back on the idea of victimization mentality. We are locked up. We went from one and four four we went from one and four to one and three but we always pointing at the white people but yet we want to spend all of our money on foreigns we want to spend all our money on luxury as opposed to going and buying some land but the culture has you focused so much on somebody and pulling up in a foreign and rapping about things that could get
Starting point is 01:28:06 you locked up and then saying you about prison reform like it's bro we brainwashed out here bro come on man this is a free man talking so a lot of people especially in the hip-hop community have accused kanye west of abandoning do you know what i do with my pretty powerful stuff yeah he's a great dude we're lucky we have him i love how crazy he is that's probably the other person so my brother doesn't check instagram at all but what we'll do is i collect information on instagram and i'll send it to him and most of the videos we watch are alex jones uh biden fucking up and videos of kanye going on rants three favorite things on the internet i don't think he's crazy who kanye
Starting point is 01:28:57 there's some that are pretty crazy i mean listen everything when you look at these clips they typically end up being 15 to 30 seconds so they're taken out of context so it doesn't make sense but by crazy i mean i know he's wildly passionate he's he can get somewhat belligerent his ideas are are um profound but he's never like you know the one where he's like i'm a god i want to buy the moon like i want to buy the planet like That kind of shit. It's just funny. When taken out of context, it's funny. So that's the stuff we look at.
Starting point is 01:29:37 I want to show you someone I think is crazy. Hold on. Where is this? Do you have any ties to the tv world yeah do you know like so i get contacted all the time to do reality television shows and oh like the bat like the bachelor and shit everything and because um i did a lot of reality television earlier on in my career they won't touch me now it's not like i'm obsessed with the idea of going back on tv but why does that why is that the case what does that mean why what why would somebody having a prior existing tv experience kind of keep them out of the running for future TV experience.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Whoa. Dude, how did you get this link? What are you doing here? What is that guy? What's your name? I hacked it. Oh, shit. We've been hacked.
Starting point is 01:30:37 No, I'm just joking. Do you know who that is, Hunter? No clue, dude. C. Beaver. Caleb Beaver. That's his real name. I call him C. Beaver. He runs the back end. He just showed up after an hour and 30 minutes are you a firefighter or is that just a red hat that's
Starting point is 01:30:53 uh my wife is a firefighter um i don't know i don't know why you can't um i don't know why you can't i that doesn't make any sense to me. It doesn't to me either. I go down the pipeline. You think you've been played out? You think you've been played out? I don't know. I don't know at all. I got invited on, what is it called? See, like, look at, this doesn't even make sense to me.
Starting point is 01:31:23 He's delusional, God complex. I don't even know what that means god complex because someone's not okay with someone else thinking that they're god i mean most people don't even know most people um they're delusional about who they think they are i would say all people you just don't like the fact that he thinks he's god i mean i i think thinking you're god is closer to than thinking that you're a dragon dragons are fucking cool though i mean you think your fucking name is hunter because some people gave it to you when you were fucking born and now you're going to spend every second you're alive until you're dead trying to hold that fucking bullshit identity together booyah you know who's really great is bob ramdas have you listened to his work i am bob ramdas they call me bob ramdas bobby ramdas yeah i think he's dead ramdas
Starting point is 01:32:14 yeah that's that's the most incredible guy i've ever listened to one of the greatest books um one of the greatest books um one of the greatest books i can't fucking believe i don't have this book up here it's pretty crazy the amount of people you have way in on these shows and the shit that they say so many people are like so wrapped up in their their thoughts they're like i want to i want to show you crazy okay i want you to hear crazy this is fucking bat shit crazy you ready you're not gonna like this this isn't this isn't really your style but you ready yeah delegate tran yes sir how late in a pregnancy would your bill what we're watching here is a This isn't really your style, but you ready? Yeah, I'm in. I'm in. Delegate Tran. Yes, sir. How late in a pregnancy would your bill...
Starting point is 01:33:07 What we're watching here is a woman who's proposing a bill, an abortion bill, and she's being questioned about it. And the guy said, how late will your... Apply if a physician was simply willing to certify that the continuation of the pregnancy would impair the mental health of, of the woman. How, how late are we talking about? Well, so, so the way the suggestion that we've made in the bill is to say it's in the third trimester and at the, you know, with the certification of the physician. So. She's saying that in this bill that I'm proposing that a woman can get an abortion up until the third trimester of the
Starting point is 01:33:49 pregnancy, um, if she has mental or physical, uh, or if the baby's going to hurt her, uh, the birth of the baby is going to hurt her mentally or physically. So how late in the third trimester would you be able to do that? And now he's saying how late in the third trimester, right? Cause babies goes through a first, second and third trimester, and then it's born. You know, it's very unfortunate that there are physicians, uh, witnesses were not able to attend today to speak specifically. I'm talking about your bill. How, how late, how late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the of the woman or physical health okay okay i'm talking about the mental health so i mean through the third trimester
Starting point is 01:34:31 so they're stuck now right he's trying to figure out how late in the third trimester can you give the abortion he's just trying to figure out he wants to know it's a bill there's a law they're trying to pass trimester goes all the way up to 40 weeks she says trimester goes up to 40 weeks okay but to the end of the third trimester yep i don't think we have a limit in the bill so um and she's proposing the bill now she's saying i don't think we have a limit where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth. She has physical signs of that. She is about to give birth. Would that still be a point at which she could, if she was so certified,
Starting point is 01:35:13 he's saying now the woman is showing physical signs of giving birth. And by that, it means her water broke. She's dilating. She's have, she's beyond maybe Braxton Hicks contractions. She's having real contractions. That's beautiful. She's dilating. She's beyond maybe Braxton Hicks contractions. She's having real contractions. That's a beautiful joke.
Starting point is 01:35:28 She's dilating. She's dilating. Mr. Chairman, that would be a decision that the doctor, the physician, and the woman would make at that point. I understand that. I'm asking if your bill allows that. My bill would allow that, yes. She's allowing. The bill allows for a woman would allow that yeah she's allowing the bill
Starting point is 01:35:45 allows for a woman to be in fucking contractions the baby's minutes from being born hours at most you got to imagine though dude like if you open that's batshit crazy hunter not kanye west i'm not saying i'm not weighing in on this whether or not it's right or wrong, but if you are going to open the door to this thing. Is this a metaphor for the vagina when you say open the door? No, no, no. I'm just saying abortion, I don't care whether or not people do them or don't them. It's just, it's too much.
Starting point is 01:36:21 It's too crazy. I can't even fathom the amount of litigation that goes into like picking the day, uh, the day that it's no longer allowed. Like, how would you actually decide where, you know, Oh, this heartbeat is the one that makes it a real human life. That's going to be crazy. I agree, but we can work our way backwards no i i understand there is probably going to have to be some kind of decision making formula for this thing but it's just like how do you decide okay let me ask you could you stand up there you hunter mcintyre stand up there no i have no association with this stuff whatsoever because i'm not and suggest i i'm i'm 100 pro choice but could you
Starting point is 01:37:07 stand up there like if i just if i stood up in front of a whole crowd and was like yes it's okay to abort a baby when the woman's dilating there there's no way i could fucking um uh i couldn't do that i'd have to i'd it would be the worst thing i've ever done as a human being i i would i would rather i don't know i can already i can already see i can see in your comments people are trying to weigh in on this and be like what about when it's your baby like i don't fuck his baby yeah i'm not gonna try to pretend it's too heavy even i stay out of these subjects i just i i ride my unicycle oh you're like my dad. I'm not allowed to talk about it.
Starting point is 01:37:47 No, no, no, you can. If you start to weigh in on it, then you start to get emotionally involved in it. I'm not emotional at all. I can see how risen you are up about it because you brought it up. You can't see how risen I am. Damn, those shorts are tight, dude. They're not five inches.
Starting point is 01:38:04 Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. That's a good look. damn those shorts are tight dude they're not five inches stop it stop it stop it that's a good luck stop it stop it it's a damn good luck it's a fucking hundred degree i tell myself always to wear pants during the anyway that i think we can agree that you shouldn't kill babies probably i don't know not my choice not my choice abortion it's not my choice not abortion i'm saying after the baby's born i might seem like if you're holding that's cool if someone some lady's holding a baby at a supermarket and she decides she doesn't want it she can't just throw it on the ground as hard as she wants yeah that's that's killing a person yeah thank you okay well let's stop there that's good well we agree to agree yeah yeah i think we got it do you drink are you by the way those sound effects when you were drinking it
Starting point is 01:38:51 let's listen listen go ahead go ahead i want to hear i put all my i put all my attention on my crotch when you do that this is guava nectar i'm reprogramming myself do you do are you too good to drink guava nectar yes really dude i would have drank that in fucking college dude you have to understand i'm one-fifth the man you are you would you can't even fathom how how much less testosterone and my metabolism my metabolism even though it's for me it's beyond powerful it wouldn't even get you awake in the morning my metabolism couldn't even give you an erection you are like the most virile man in the world you're like a fucking hummingbird a 200 pound hummingbird you need that i can't drink that yeah you're on a whole different planet than me i just want to
Starting point is 01:39:45 be honest i um have five minutes left and i'm willing to talk about anything but first i'll finish on this you are not willing to talk about anything i am i am just don't bring up any more trannies or abortion abortion things because i can't weigh in on it because i'm not a specialist then don't talk shit and don't talk shit about Kanye. I love Kanye. Hey, you're not a psychologist either, but you weighed in on his mental whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:40:14 Hello, caller. How are you? Don't say anything nice to Hunter. Talk shit, get hit, bro. Snitches get stitches. Awesome. Hi. talk shit get hit bro yeah snitches get stitches yeah awesome hi so youtube's a little bit behind of this call so i'm not really sure where y'all are at with your conversation but we're talking about cock and balls how virile uh hunter is perfect this is right on that same vein um so i guess first off i just want to say i'm a big fan of hunter um and i appreciate you savon for bringing him on consistently this is super cool um but my question is for hunter so
Starting point is 01:40:51 over a year ago you announced that you're going to go after the 200 pound marathon world record and now you'd even be working with uh ryan hall so what happened to the clive dell project dude i just kept on falling apart i kept on getting faster and faster and faster and i kept on getting more and more hurt i personally have never been a high mileage guy and the method that we were using was such high mileage i kept on getting hurt my hamstring is still hurt to this day so So I do this thing. Like, I mean, if I could share my screen, you can look at my Strava and you can see basically the periodization that I use. Ryan Hall is a freak, by the way, this guy you should have on the podcast. Very
Starting point is 01:41:33 impressive. You see is still the American record holder in the marathon and now is probably bigger than I am. Um, and I just keep on falling apart, man. It's something that I want to be able to do, but I just haven't been able to put together. What did he say he was going to call, or what did he say he was going to do? Hunter said he wanted to weigh 200. I want to set the world record for the fastest marathon over 200 pounds.
Starting point is 01:42:01 Record currently sits at two hours and 37 minutes, and it was good, dude. I was on, I was on pace for it constantly in training, but I just kept on getting hurt. Look at that big Greek God of a man. The Clydesdale marathon is an awesome idea. Like it's a super fun, exciting, uh, opportunity for, you know, I don't know. I think it'd be awesome to basically have the Clydesdale world to be a little bit more respected. It'd be more of an interesting scientific approach to the running that I think actually running at the highest level would be because those guys are so light.
Starting point is 01:42:37 It's basically like being like, I don't know. They're just skin and bones and lungs. But one of these days I may do it but i have to get healthy yeah i gotcha yeah i just um i keep having to go back and re-watch your youtube episodes just to get that you know scratch that itch um i mean how big are you caller? Are you big dude? Are you 200 pound man? He's big and beefy. Yeah. I'm about two or five. Yeah. Wow. Um, I mean, I just saw, um, Hunter, you know, you crushed that three, sub three hour marathon with, you know, little to no training and that was easy and breezy. So, and, um,
Starting point is 01:43:20 I know that you were going after Nick Bear for a while there, and he just did 250. And I feel like the level of the difference of fitness between y'all two is ridiculous. I mean, I think you could easily go out and crush that with some, with the training you have now. So I was just wondering if you'd given up on that, on that idea or what? No, I haven't given up on it. I just am the kind of person that doesn't like to do anything
Starting point is 01:43:47 unless you set a record or do something amazing. I don't like showing up. I like winning. I think the thing that I would like to produce is what I want to call the McIntyre Marathon method, which is for people over 200 pounds. Basically, I think you have to do around 60 to 65% of your, of your volume, um, actually running and then the rest of it needs to be on the bike and it needs to be super specific.
Starting point is 01:44:19 Otherwise you cannot do it without falling apart. You like that right there? That's what a man does in the woods wow yeah whoever filmed that should have caught the dismount on the um unicycle that was that was incredible look at this slack lining chucking axes crazy hey so hunter so you're you're not that guy was gonna try is trying to break the five-minute mile, too, at 200 pounds. Oh, dude, I've done that a bunch of times. I can run a 430 at 200 pounds. Really?
Starting point is 01:44:50 Yeah. Wow. I can walk in my garage right now and pick 500 pounds up off the ground and run under a five-minute mile, both of them back-to-back in five minutes. Those things, it's kind of naturally been part of what I've been doing for years. But that marathon thing is one of those kinds of pieces where you have to put together such a specific training block that you're likely to either get hurt or not hit your goal. Hmm. Hey, what's that thing on your neck right there? Is that a vein? That's a vein, baby.
Starting point is 01:45:21 God, no wonder you're so smart. That's a lot of blood going to your brain look at your lips did you just have your lips down there yeah i was just giving a kiss i was blowing a kiss to the person in the crowd boys and girls i gotta bounce i got an 845 call thanks everyone for uh tuning in and talking shit to me in the comments savann i'll see you next week hopefully peace and love peace and love thanks guys bye and then there were two I ran 832 mile
Starting point is 01:45:56 is that good for a 53 year old 6 foot 205 hell yeah that's good I don't even think I could run that. Our fucking dudes in our U.S. military can't even run a fucking 15-minute mile. Barely run 100 yards. I don't think – honestly, I'm not sure what – I shouldn't speak for Hunter. I was going to say I think he's chilling out on the competitions, but maybe he's not. Maybe he's just changing his focus.
Starting point is 01:46:23 Always pleasure to listen to Sevan w waffling on waffling i don't waffle holy shit big is that fucking cat now that we know how big caleb is i didn't even see the cat oh dude, dude, why is that cat fucking... That cat's going hard on you right now. What's up? She just... She does that sometimes. She doesn't do anything. She's just...
Starting point is 01:46:54 just fronting on you. I keep hearing sounds outside my door. I wonder if they... Is the gardener here? It's your kids playing a prank on you, probably probably. Oh no, it is the gardener. Oh, uh, Jody, I'm inspired to go run a mile. Anyone? Um, great show guys. Thanks Hunter for coming on. Uh, Caleb, thanks for coming on. Um, what, what is the plan tomorrow? Who do we have on tomorrow? Well, Lauren Khalil?
Starting point is 01:47:35 No, that was yesterday. Hunter McIntyre? No. Oh, we have Alex Ghazan on tomorrow. That's going to be great. She made a guest appearance. She's the young 20-year-old young lady who made a guest appearance during the semifinals on our show trained by justin kotler it's gonna be a great show how did she get the 8 a.m spot spot man she's lucky not the 7 a.m spot all right thanks
Starting point is 01:48:03 guys hope you enjoyed the show. I loved it. Always love having Hunter on. He's a man. And I'll see you guys tomorrow. Caleb, thank you. Bam.

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