The Sevan Podcast - #466 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: June 27, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. That didn't sound good. Bam, we're live. Fake it till you make it, Seve.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Fake it till you make it. Fake it till you make it, Seve. Fake it till you make it. Fake it till you make it. What's up, Kenneth? Hey, were there two shows? Did you guys see two shows scheduled? I don't know why that happened. Susan just noticed this morning that there were two shows scheduled, so I think he's over there fixing that now.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I apologize for that. I hate it when that shit happens. You guys show such great commitment to the show, and I hate it when we fuck it up like that. All we have to do is schedule it so you guys can show up, watch YouTube, and we can fucking make coin. I apologize. Should be good now.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Okay. What was the other one titled? Live Call and Show, probably not Rich Froning. Oh, yeah. That one should just always be pushed down. Yeah. I just said it on private right now. I guess we just jump back and push it later.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Okay. Because now we have Savon's Kids are the Real Life Rocket Power Channel. Oh, yeah. That should definitely not be the title of this show. I changed the title of the show last night. Oh, yeah. That should definitely not be the title of this show. I changed the title of the show last night. Oh, did you? Yeah, in YouTube.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I bet you in YouTube it's called something else. Because I just read it off YouTube. But it looked like it was changed on StreamYard. Well, that fucking sucks. Deliberate termination? Yeah. Man, I want to start this morning over again I don't even see this show in StreamYard
Starting point is 00:02:12 Okay Good morning Kenneth Good morning Craig Good morning Let's Swim What's up guys I want to start this morning Did you get my notes suza yeah awesome thank you good morning hi thanks for coming five minutes early uh we started the show
Starting point is 00:02:31 five minutes early today because i want to uh take my son to tennis this morning so i want to end five minutes early so but i didn't want to cut the show short thanks for joining us so i'm going to try to explain something to you guys um it's basically something we've talked about a million times on this show. Before I start, you should know I am 100% pro-choice. I think most of you, or at least half of you, are not. 50% is a good estimate. Which is interesting. First, I want to talk to you about thinking and how people think.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Interesting. First, I want to talk to you about thinking and how people think. There's this belief amongst cardiologists who people really, really respect and amongst doctors all around the world that when you have blockage or you have some sort of issues in your arteries, that it comes from the inside, that the problem comes from the inside and it's been treated like that forever, right? So imagine this tube, a PVC pipe, and that's your artery. And they're always trying to fix what's going on on the inside. If you have clog, cloggage with stints, medications, they blame cholesterol, all this shit. And that's how they think. That's how doctors think. If you go down to the bottom of my notes, Susa, I added it last minute this morning. There's something called vasovasorum. So they think like that and they deal with the problem like that. And so usually the way you guys hear me talk about it is that they call homeless people homeless people and then they try to treat homeless people when
Starting point is 00:04:10 they're and then they make the problem worse and create more homeless people because they're just drug addicts. So when you treat drug addicts like homeless people, what you do is you give more security to drug addicts. So they do more drugs and more people do drugs and you exacerbate the problem. It's just not thinking clearly. And most of that lack of thinking clearly comes from just emotional, uh, uh, emotional retardation,
Starting point is 00:04:33 just not being very advanced emotionally, being an idiot, an emotional idiot. Is there a number on this one? To put it, to put it bluntly. No, it's the very last one.
Starting point is 00:04:41 It's just called vasovasorm. There's no number. It's right below 247. I don't, I don't have that. Okay. You can just Google. Okay. it's just called vasovasorum there's no number it's right below 247 i don't i don't have that okay you could just google okay you could just google vaso maybe i sent it before the email to you before i wrote it vaso new word vaso rum google will fix it for you i spelt it wrong like five times yep okay so what they ended up realizing or what they and basically that's science right so that's science, right? So that's science. They tell you that the, that the arterial wall is being damaged from the inside and, um, and they start trying to work on it because that is the current belief that gives
Starting point is 00:05:15 you the greatest predictive value of, of, of, of the collapse of the arterial wall and how to fix it. So that's science until someone comes along, but, but nothing is true. You have to understand that nothing is true. We're just going with things that give us the greatest predictive value. That's what science is. No one who understands what the definition of science is, believes that it's true, which is like a very small percentage of people, by the way, but maybe you guys are starting to get it too, as I'm starting to get it. So if you click on this vasovasorum, if you could look at images and make it a little bit bigger, the vasovasorum are these little tiny blood vessels that feed the arterial wall from the outside. You see those green things? They're attached to the outside of the arterial wall, and they're really, really small. And cells that travel down them can only travel down one
Starting point is 00:06:06 at a time. So for a cell to go down there, it has to have cell motility means it has to be squishy and malleable. And it goes down that cell wall that you see is that, that vein or whatever that thing is called the vasovasorum. And it goes down there and it gets to the arterial wall and it feeds the arterial wall. And that's how your arteries stay healthy. If you eat too much sugar, like if you eat sugar, period, like Biolane, Steffi Cohen, all those people tell you, it's okay, have a little bit of sugar. It's okay, it's just a macronutrient.
Starting point is 00:06:40 If you eat sugar, your cells will lose motility. They won't be squishy. They move around good. And they won't be able to get down these green vasovasorum to feed the arterial wall. They'll become rigid on the outside, almost caramelized. And when they don't feed the outside of the arterial wall, the arterial wall dies. And where does that happen? From the outside. Where do cardiologists think it happens from? From the inside. Because they're not caught up on the science.
Starting point is 00:07:14 And then they start treating it from the inside when the damage is happening from the outside. And how do you stop the damage? You stop eating sugar. You don't want those fucking vasovasorum to fucking get jacked up in the cells not to be able to travel down them one at a time march down there like an army and feed your arterial wall and so if you're thinking about it wrong go ahead go ahead man yes no okay i thought
Starting point is 00:07:37 you're gonna say something if you're thinking about it wrong you won't be able to treat the problem correctly and you will exacerbate the problem often so that's you have to be open on how to think you have to not let emotion come in and clog you there's other just really quick examples too don't be in denial that your iphone is made with be open to the fact that your iphone is made with labor from children and people who kill themselves. Don't lie to yourself. It doesn't help. It doesn't help. Stop calling it an abortion.
Starting point is 00:08:18 It's terminating – can you look up the definition of abortion? It's terminating a fetus abortion it's terminating a fetus it's terminating a pregnancy left and right are both equally guilty of it you can't think correctly if you use the wrong words interchanging gender and sex you'll never you'll never get to the bottom of that if you keep if you keep using the words wrong, we think with words. So someone wrote in the comments, seven, why are you so literal?
Starting point is 00:08:49 I mean, like, why do I like to pick my kids up at nine 30 from soccer instead of 10 30? I don't know. So they don't have to wait around an hour and you don't sneak around the back and grab them. You asshole. A little better than being vague in that situation. My God.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I'll be there around 10. And you notice, by the way, that's ad homininem he's attacking me instead of staying focused on the subject hey if they would say hey if you were uh i suspect that if you gave yourself a little more wiggle room in the understanding of things when people give themselves a little more wiggle room in the understanding of things um they have less stress and they live longer okay that's that's fair argument they show up an hour late everywhere but they're super chill and they live five years longer according to the study oh cool all right thank you for that maybe the study was vague it was about five years longer maybe it's just it's just just crazy all of this stuff that's being
Starting point is 00:09:40 brought up around the abortion thing no one on the left is being honest no one and only like five percent of the people on the right yeah hey i can't help it i have a calculator here that's my brain and i just punch it in and and i try not to get stuck in presuppositions or um uh cognitive dissonance it is it is nuts to keep calling this thing abortion because on the other side, they keep calling it, um, taking away women's rights, which it is, which it is. And that's the stuff that people on the right have to accept. No one wants to accept the truth a little bit because they feel like it backslides for them. I feel like if I admit to the fact that it's taking away women's rights, I can't then be, um, um uh pro-life no you can you can
Starting point is 00:10:26 just um me not driving on the sidewalks in my neighborhood is taking away my rights too how come none how come how come so few of you can think how come so few of you are honest yeah and i laughed at his face it's just permeating i was right go ahead susan go ahead well no i'm just gonna say i laugh when you say it that way because when you bring it into context like that it's the same it's the same thing but it sounds so ridiculous but when you yeah when you take the same logic that's happening here with these conversations of abortion and you apply it to other things you're like well that seems ridiculous who would argue that or what we would get nowhere if that's the way we talked and defined things. But yet, here we are on some of the most important
Starting point is 00:11:08 issues that we're facing today. Yeah. How nice would it be if you could just go under your car right now in your driveway, pop your drain plug, and let the oil pour out into the street, plug the drain back up, put new oil in, and drive away? Dope. You don't have to worry about nothing. Sorry, those rights have been taken from you you can't do that there's things there you can't kill people don't act like the rights like out of their fucking mind because they don't want to kill people stop doing that you're not going to lose ground you have you have plenty of honesty and strong stuff to stand on. It is taking away rights of a woman. I thought about this. I'm going to get to this too. I'm going to explain to you guys in the best way I can about the 14th and 10th Amendment. Those are the two amendments, and I'm going to explain to you guys what the Constitution is here in just a minute. you don't want to do anything to take away rights from women.
Starting point is 00:12:04 You really don't. You don't want to do anything to take away rights from men either. Basically, the way our Constitution works, first of all, abortion is not illegal in the United States. Not even close. Not even close. Not even close. In 1973, the Supreme Court made it a federal law that legalized abortion. They overstepped their bounds.
Starting point is 00:12:28 It's pretty clear. It's pretty clear that they overstepped their bounds, that it should have been left up to the state. When the federal government oversteps its bounds, which the left always wants them to do, regularly wants them to do, it fucks everything up. It makes a mockery of our democracy it takes away our freedoms it takes away the ability for the entire mechanism of this country to work we don't want we don't want that to be something that um that we're deciding at the federal level our forefathers saw that foreffathers? Our fathers. The founding fathers. Founding fathers.
Starting point is 00:13:10 So in the Tenth Amendment, it basically says – can we pull that up? That the federal government won't interfere with state law and won't go beyond its boundaries of what the constitution says they can do the power is not delegated to the united states by the constitution nor prohibited it prohibited by it to the states are reserved to the states respectively or to the people nowhere in the constitution does it say that it's okay to terminate pregnancies but that supreme Court in 1973 used something in the 14th Amendment to make it okay, to make it a federal law.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And it was a stretch. It had something to do with privacy. Go ahead and look into it. I needed another hour to give you that. But it was a stretch. It was a complete and total stretch. It was nuts. And then this court heard it again and was like,
Starting point is 00:14:15 hey, this isn't the place for the federal government. And they did the right thing. Logically, it's the right thing to do. Federal government should not be getting involved in the termination of pregnancies. do. Their whole government should not be getting involved in the termination of pregnancies. Now, everywhere I go in the media, and I listen to the left, the left is saying that women are going to die from this because there's going to be things called like ectopic pregnancies i think that's when the when
Starting point is 00:14:47 the egg and the sperm um get it on and it gets attached the the egg attaches in the fallopian tubes or something like that it attaches somewhere where it's not supposed to and the baby starts growing in the wrong spot and kills the woman it's a the two the two states that i look south dakota which had a trigger law which has a trigger law, meaning they put a law into effect that if Roe versus Wade ever gets overturned, immediately abortion would be outlawed in their state except if the woman's life was in jeopardy. Crazy. But that's why, stop lying if you're on the left. Stop lying. Stop lying.
Starting point is 00:15:36 And here's the thing. I understand it's hard. You have to remember I was raised liberal. And this is just so crazy. But for the first 30 years of my life part of your identity about being a liberal child is that it's okay to terminate fetuses that you fully support that based on how they tell you to think which is to protect women's rights but no one ever says to you as a kid hey if you're raised liberal you've never heard hey um this is to protect women's
Starting point is 00:16:04 rights unfortunately babies get terminated it's this is to protect women's rights. Unfortunately, babies get terminated. It's always just about protecting women's rights. They never tell you the truth. Never. Please raise your hand. Please call in. Can you put the phone number?
Starting point is 00:16:17 If you're a fucking liberal and your parents explained it to you fairly, please tell me. I'll start a fans only page and jerk off if you can find me one liberal parent that will do that you're not told that you're never told that it's terminating that that's the definition of abortion terminating a fetus if you kill a woman who's pregnant you go down for two two two murder charges yeah good point what if you could argue that she was suicidal i mean that that that's the logic behind right that's that's the logic the left is using by defending uh termination of fet. It's they're fucking nuts. They're so dishonest.
Starting point is 00:17:09 But I tell you, I don't think there should be a law. That's I don't think we should put laws on women's bodies. That's not true. I do think we should put laws on women's bodies. You shouldn't be allowed to rape women. There should be that law. You shouldn't be allowed to rape women. There should be that law. You shouldn't be allowed to rape women. Definitely that law.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Yeah. And you shouldn't be allowed to hit women unless they hit you first. There should be some laws on women's bodies. Even if they hit you first, just learn some good defensive moves. Yeah. Get the hell out of there. Unless you're sleeping. get the hell out of there.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Unless you're sleeping. Wake up a sleeping person. You deserve a good backhand. And you know what the craziest part about all this? The most, and you talk about it all the time, most of the people that are outraged and rioting, I'm sure you probably saw some of it in LA, what happened last night.
Starting point is 00:18:01 They're in California. Nothing's changed. Nothing's changed. Yeah, and that's the crit that's once again very well said matt it is not illegal to terminate a pregnancy in the united states of america right a matter of fact they're trying to pass laws in california that you can terminate the baby up to seven days after it's born that's crazy that's just murder at that point like that is murder outside that is murder it's great like doesn't the child now have its own set of rights as a human being seven that's not true okay well then let me explain it to you like this maybe you're right maybe that's not true the law they're trying to pass is that if a baby dies in its first seven days after it's being born, it can't be investigated legally. You can't investigate the parents.
Starting point is 00:18:52 So you interpret that for how you want. Wow. video the other day when hunter mcintyre was on you saw that lady trying to pass that law where any time in the third trimester even if the woman's uh dilated and having contractions um you could give the kid you could terminate the child wouldn't you want to be stopped if you were doing some batshit crazy shit imagine you were shit imagine you were imagine you were terminating fetuses terminating babies wouldn't you want to be stopped don't you want don't aren't you glad that there's people on the right who are like hey i mean doesn't it give you some hope a little balance but it can't because you don't know how to think because you keep saying it's about women's rights you refuse to look at the vasovasorum
Starting point is 00:19:46 you refuse and i know why you refuse because that's because it would change your whole identity because like i explained when we're raised the first 30 years of my life it's hate the country i was indoctrinated to hate the country hate the flag and under no circumstances were you allowed to discuss anything about abortion except for the fact that it was women's rights you weren't allowed to even define abortion i never heard the term terminating a pregnancy i still don't hear it terminating a pregnancy i don't like that language that might no people read well then stop saying it's women's right Then stop saying it's women's rights. Give me a concept for that too. Come up with another word so woman, I guess other animals too, when she's carrying a baby. I mean, you're like, I don't know how to.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Yeah, it is. And that's what it is, Yashi. That's what it is. Terminate sounds like execute. Abort sounds like quit. Wow. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Yeah. I mean, it's all, it's the same thing. It's more word fuckery. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's all, it's the same thing. It's more word fuckery. Yeah. It's soft language. So that way you're not really formulating the correct opinion about it. You're just kind of like listening to the fluff. It's like, I remember when I would always use this term with my parents and I'd say,
Starting point is 00:21:17 no, no, no, I'm not broke. There's just this like gap in capital right now. And I need you to fund the gap in capital. It's like, no, motherfucker, you just broke. Yeah. Gap in capital right now and i need you to fund the gap in capital it's like no you just broke i'm in between jobs savannah i'm in between i had a job and now i don't and i'm i'm not broke i'm just in between jobs will you look up how much a doctor makes per abortion they interviewed a doctor yesterday i saw like on cbs or nbc i was watching all i was trying to watch all the liberal news stations so i could really get a fair idea of what's going on and this doctor was saying how it's unmitigated disaster and all of this crazy shit and then at the end the reporter
Starting point is 00:21:57 goes how many abortions do you do a month how many fetuses do you terminate a month and he said 150 and i was like oh shit this guy's a multi-millionaire hey do you think it fucks with them yeah do you mean their income yeah yeah their income is screwed if you're a doctor and you and you were in the in the terminating fetuses no i meant mentally like when they're just by themselves and they're just kind of just processing oh no no no they're like that's the other thing too they act like they care about women no no one who cares about women is in a healthy environment people are speaking more if people who really cared about women would speak more honestly about terminating fetuses
Starting point is 00:22:36 that cannot be something that sits easily with a woman for the rest of her life the wall she has to build up around that action brutal a good turn to come to you i i mean i'm i don't know this obviously but i would guess that the the second you terminate a fetus as a as a woman you have some you've given yourself some psychological pathology you're fucked there's some something's been damaged the same way if like you fell down and and and you lost a toe like there's some permanent ding on you and you're like no no seven i'm totally fine i'm totally fine but i bet you if we were looking to your brain crack it open there'd be a little dark corner over there with a brick wall around it do you think when you haven't come to terms with terminating the fetus.
Starting point is 00:23:25 And I wonder if you make that decision when you're much younger, like when you do have your first child, like is that experience now completely tainted by what happened before? Like, do you not get to fully be present and enjoy it in the way you would because you terminated the first baby? Who knows? But,
Starting point is 00:23:40 but you bring up a really good point. It's funny. This is all, there's this, another thing from the left. It's funny. This is – there's this – another thing from the left that's like, hey, this disproportionately affects black and brown people. And I'm thinking, wow, the presupposition there is that terminating a fetus is always the better way to go because it was their decision. And I'm like, holy shit, these people are fucking nuts. You're saying it disproportionately affects them in a negative way that they're not going to have the baby?
Starting point is 00:24:15 That's another thing. Please show me the parents who wish they didn't have their kids. I bet you it's less than 1%. I've never met one. I've never heard anyone say, hey, I wish I didn't have those kids. Never. I have heard a shitload of parents say, I'm so glad I didn't abort my baby. A shitload.
Starting point is 00:24:37 I didn't turn – I'm glad I didn't kill my child. Jesus. I mean that's what it is. No, I know. child i mean that's what it is no i know well then step on how how how can you be okay how can you not um how can you not be against it because i because i just don't feel like putting laws on women's bodies like that stopping them from doing what they i don't believe in stopping someone what they want to do with their body i just can't sorry maybe i'll change someday maybe someday i'll be for to i'll realize realize that fetuses are nothing and just kill
Starting point is 00:25:05 them all. Shit. Who knows? But right now, the way I think I just can't, I cannot. I think to you a while, a couple episodes back, you actually gave, cause you know, you hear all these different opinions, but I think the best advice that I've actually heard was from you when you, when somebody said, well, Stefan, what if you had a daughter and she was going through this? What, What would you do? And you said, the only thing we can do, I'd make sure that she had plenty of space. We'd make sure that we were present with her. We would discuss and process every issue and where it could go. And then ultimately, at the end of the day, if you've done your job and you've given them that space and they've deeply thought through what they're going to do, you would support the ultimate decision.
Starting point is 00:25:42 And I mean, that's really shit that's that's the best advice ever don't push don't persuade just be open let them be present and part of that comes because of the villain is the villainization of it from the right you're from the right and you're condemning these people and you're not giving them the space to think clearly about it i get it i get it i like i'm not i'm not by no means am i defending um the right roe roe versus wade it was um it happened in 1973 it was a seven to two decision christine gnome of south dakota as i told you they had a trigger law in place meaning the second that the federal government didn't make it a law that abortion – that terminating babies was legal, it became immediately illegal in South Dakota unless the mother's life was in danger. There's another state too.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Oh, let me say one more thing about South Dakota. In South Dakota, if a woman were to go out and get an abortion illegally, she is not punished. The doctor is punished. Since 1970, when that passed, 40 million babies have been terminated. One out of every three black children, children who would have been born with melanated skin, black skin is terminated. The left is trying to tell you that that's good, that that's good for melanated people. Because they have the they make the presupposition that that baby would ruin your life or be bad for your life or be bad for society. It's nuts. It's nuts. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's, uh, I know that they're not thinking
Starting point is 00:27:31 clearly. They don't know exactly that's what they're doing. Cause they're not deep thinkers. Most people aren't, I'm not, that's not an attack of people on the left. West Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, the republican who was elected there said they will allow pregnancy termination up to 15 weeks this all goes against the narrative of these people on the left who are saying oh women are going to die because of ectopic pregnancies blah blah blah blah blah well it doesn't sound like it the two cases that screamed out at me from watching CNN last night and CNBC and whatever. Doesn't seem like that at all. I think Texas already had a six-week law in place.
Starting point is 00:28:14 You couldn't terminate a baby after being pregnant for six weeks. 50 years later, it goes to court. By the way, there'll be some funny shit in this episode. Man, Instagram is full of some wild shit right now around this. Some nut shit yeah some shit that's gonna make us uncomfortable as fuck um uh this is past this was past 50 years ago and now the new court who's in place has heard the case again for some reason and they've said that wasn't their decision to hear it. They don't have that control. By the way, it was that same mechanism that abolished slavery. The Supreme Court heard a case, and they're like, uh-uh, this isn't,
Starting point is 00:28:58 the federal government can't enforce slavery. And when you're a kid, it's funny, when you're a knucklehead, you think it's because it matters between what's right and wrong. But no, there's a constitution in its place and it can be just read and understood. It can just be read and understood. I was tripping the other day on Biden on, on, on, on Biden.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And then Dale said, Hey, if that would, if that was your dad, would you let him go up there and speak like that? And then I started actually thinking if you, if any of you guys see me behave like Joe Biden, please contact Matt Sousa and my wife right away and have them take me to the hospital. I'm serious. Those are stroke victim signs that he's having. Literally.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Yeah. Yeah. You can can't if you see some yeah yeah you gotta go and then you turn and shake someone's hand yeah oh shit yeah this is um this no ovaries no opinion this is just anger and more nonsense
Starting point is 00:30:03 this is um I get it. Facing the fact you're terminating pregnancies is hard. I get it. You have chosen a bizarre side. I mean, so have I. It's the bizarre side to be on. You don't want to be on that side.
Starting point is 00:30:23 You don't want to be on it. So you have to just be like, you have to bring up all sorts of crazy shit and lie. You have to lie. And the crazy thing is, is that like none of this is actually helping the people. And I think one of the things, whether it's this issue or other issues, a lot of people should realize that it's just the politicians pushing for you to go to their side. It's not actually trying to help you. They're not trying to actually. It's party over country. It's party over people always. And until people start to realize that,
Starting point is 00:30:49 and we start demanding the language and the use that Savon's talking about, we're not conflating issues or packaging issues in certain terminology that doesn't allow you to argue against it. Right? We've seen it with women's rights or the black lives matter movement. So there's this package in the language that if you're opposing it, then you have to be a bad person or you're against this particular issue, which we've all deemed as good. And then therefore it doesn't allow you to actually sit down and talk about and process the issue. You just choose a side, you pick your label and then most families, most families can't even talk about it like in their family yeah which is
Starting point is 00:31:25 crazy and i mean so many people are emotionally charged by it and you're never going to make a good decision when you're that emotionally charged like think about all the stupid decisions i made they've always been emotional whether you're angry whether you're upset whether you're ultra happy it doesn't matter like i mean shit you're engaged you're engaged you're getting married somebody got caught up in that decision, that emotional decision. But yeah. There's the hard part too. If you want to have a discussion with someone and start drilling down, you have to start defining words.
Starting point is 00:31:54 And then there's that whole cadre of people. Like that man said, hey, are you ever so literal? And it's like, are you always so literal? And it's like, wow. Hey, we've seen definitions change a whole entire industry. CrossFit. You put a couple definitions to what you're actually doing and boom i bet you less than five i bet you less than five percent of crossfitters know that it's my personal mission i bet you they don't know greg glassman defined fitness uh using uh scientific rigor and that
Starting point is 00:32:24 that's what changed the industry. I bet you they have no idea. It's like they just see the hands on the clock. They don't see the gears at all. That's sad because that was the whole entire – that was the mechanism that changed everything. I mean, it took me a while to figure it out. I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:32:39 It took me a while to understand what happened there. I say we just start going through some of these. It is wild. I don't know if you guys saw this week, two pro athletes died, NBA player, NFL player. The NFL player, they said, died of natural causes. He was 25 years old. That's a fascinating story. How do you – I didn't even know you could die of natural causes at 25.
Starting point is 00:33:06 Oh, it's not it's number 208. Let's just go there really quick. Since we're just talking about terminating people, this is just this is hey, it's OK to ask restaurants in San Francisco. We're asking you if you're vaccinated so you could go inside and sit down. Anytime someone dies, it's perfectly okay to ask if they were vaccinated or not the precedent's already been set to eat at mcdonald's in san francisco you needed to be vaccinated to get a fucking coffee at starbucks in la you need to be vaccinated so it's okay to ask if this guy dies if he's vaccinated yeah or is it yeah this is uh this is i'm i'm sorry I put the wrong link.
Starting point is 00:33:46 It's the, it's the, um, it's okay. It's not important, but the NFL player, the article was, uh, he died of natural causes. This one just doesn't say anything. So sad. So sad. Oh, crazy. Yeah. Stay, get ready people.
Starting point is 00:34:01 This thing could get really squirrely. Okay. Um, oh, what number is that? get ready people this thing could get really squirrely okay um oh what number is that is that 205 no that was 208 okay check out number 205 maybe 205 is it have you been seeing Instagram fill up with just dark
Starting point is 00:34:23 um oh yeah this is nuts sudden death Have you been seeing Instagram fill up with just dark? Oh, yeah, this is nuts. Sudden death increased by 420% amongst soccer players, FIFA soccer players in the EU in 2021. What the fuck? I know. How? What? What the fuck? I know.
Starting point is 00:34:44 I'm just like, come on, man. Data complied by the International Olympic Committee shows 1,101 sudden deaths in average age of under 35 between 1966 and 2004. Average annual rate of 29 across all sports. But that was from 66 to 2004, 1,100 deaths, people under the age of 35. Now, March of 2021 to March of 2022, 769 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest, collapse, and or have died in the field worldwide. That is comparing apples and oranges, though. But still, scary, scary numbers.
Starting point is 00:35:19 But that's horribly written. Dr. Kat, I don't know. I'm not a fan of that. That was a week. Is that a tweet, too? It might have just been hard to get in then. Yeah. Historically, about five soccer players died while playing the game each year.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Wow. But what about athlete safety? I had no idea soccer was such a dangerous sport. Yeah, I wonder, like, how? 21 FIFA players died from sudden death. no idea soccer was such a dangerous sport. Yeah, I wonder how. 21 FIFA players died from sudden death between January and November of 2021.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I'm going to tell you another thing I heard. There were these boys at the skate park the other day. And you can pull this down. Thanks. There were these boys at the skate park the other day. It could pull this down. Thanks. There were these boys at the skate park the other day. It was the oldest skate park, one of the oldest skate parks in the country.
Starting point is 00:36:11 It's in Santa Cruz, California. It's called Derby. And I was there with my boys and there were these six, you know, strapping handsome young men, probably 16 to 20 years old and they were skating. There were like six of them. And then I was there with my three boys. And I heard one of the boys tell the other boy, oh my God, I'm so lucky.
Starting point is 00:36:32 He goes, I went and bought an eighth today, but there's like an eighth and a half in the bag. And I was like, yeah, that would have been me too at 25 years old. If I went to buy an eighth of weed for $60. An eighth is an eighth of an ounce, one eighth of an ounce. The vernacular, what we say in the streets is that's an eighth. I'm buying an eighth.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And if you got more than an eighth, then you would be lucky. But the truth is, well, I don't know if it's the truth. My perspective now is, the Vasovasoran perspective is he got unlucky he got more weed if he was lucky nice paper street mug if he was lucky he would have said to his friends dude i'm so lucky why today i quit smoking weed the dude would be lucky it's just all perspective that would be lucky hey i met this girl she's gonna fuck me three times a day as long as i never smoke weed and she got magic pussy wow wow and don't anyone say oh that was crass or anything because if you had magic pussy then
Starting point is 00:37:39 then like you're like yeah i know yep and you Yep. And you know, yeah, then, you know, it's a real thing. OK. We have our first 207 first. It's kind of funny that this is this is coming from the the right. These jackasses play the same game as the left. First American Mexican congresswoman elected. Ironically, she is a Republican, but here we go again.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Like, go ahead and play this. It's pretty hilarious that it's Nancy Pelosi. And the members of the Texas delegation present themselves in the well. All members will rise, and the representative-elect will please raise Do you have audio? I don't have audio.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Oh yeah, I have audio. That happens when I play it too. Raise her right hand. Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,
Starting point is 00:38:43 that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that you take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter. So help you God. Congratulations. You are now a member of the Honor Service. Hey, so you think this would be pretty big, right?
Starting point is 00:39:12 First woman Mexican in Congress. I bet you no one on the left even knows this happened. I could give two rats ass that she's the first Mexican woman, by the way. I'm just happy it's someone who I like what she stands for for mayra flores i'm trying to get her on the show i mean i care that she's mexican in regards to maybe her skin pigment and the importance of where she lives on the rotational axis of the earth to protect her from skin cancers but anyway congratulations for getting elected girl good job 207 gone i don't want to talk about where caffeine comes from man that's a kind of a scary story oh great well i'm drinking a nice coffee it's fine from a cup of coffee i'm talking about
Starting point is 00:39:58 where caffeine comes from from that's an energy drinks like red bull and bang i saw that yeah oh my goodness oh someone texted me and said it's not necessarily true what i posted it's close um even if it's close it's too close i know it's too close it's the only acceptable answer was hey that's wildly wrong that was just not p from little boys it's p from cows oh thank you i feel much better oh that's good um i want to show you this i want to show you this i got it we got to get this guy in the show we play 215 this i must have watched this video don't worry guys don't i'm just we're just cooling down the abortion thing we'll be back we'll be back to talk more about terminating fetuses um uh 215 this guy's a crossfitter nathan florence he's a surfer this so i don't even know
Starting point is 00:40:48 what i'm looking at the music's good on this too the whoever edited this is this is so good i love this oh can you pause that? So I said to him, I said, what am I looking at? He said, basically, these are 40-foot waves with no back. So on the backside, it's flat. It just goes to the horizon flat. It's not like the waves coming up. It's the waves going under. It's sucking in water from the bottom.
Starting point is 00:41:26 So that, it's crazy. So if you were in a boat out there and you came off over the edge of the top, you could just ride your boat right off the top up there. You know what I mean? Like, so here. Here's the ocean, right? And then let's see the horizons over here. The water is just dropping and that's causing the wave to appear. It's not that the wave is building up big. Like we see on the beaches of Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 00:41:49 It's terrifying, man. I got to get this guy on. Go ahead. That's trippy. Oh my goodness. Look at all those guys. Will you go to his Instagram real quick?
Starting point is 00:42:17 There's so much nutty shit on there. There's so much nutty shit on there. If you don't surf like me and you go to this guy's Instagram, I'll send this to you. It looks so cool when they do that. Oh, he's amazing. He's amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:44 All right. Next lifetime, I'll take up surfing. What number was that? 215. Oh, thank you. If you, I asked someone the other day, I was in Instagram. He's always telling me it's a guy who's very, very, very, very left. And I just asked him, hey, would you let Joe Biden drive your kids to school?
Starting point is 00:43:13 Because he's driving this country. So he should be competent enough to pick my kids up and drive to school. He didn't like that. He had pissed them off. I can drive my own kids to school. I know. Me too. I know. This own kids to school. I know. I know. Me too. I know.
Starting point is 00:43:25 This is a hypothetical question. Me too. It's weird. I want to give him a pass. I don't want to pick on him. But as soon as you start putting in, like, dude, shut up, Seban. That's the left in me. That's like the pussy left in me.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Oh, he's just an old guy. No. He's fucking running the fucking country and he can't fucking, he can't drive. No one would let him drive their kids to school he can't fucking, he can't drive. No one would let him drive their kids to school. It's like, sorry, you lose. It makes you really wonder like, he needs his noon jello. I feel like, you know, we've always thought like, hey, you know, the president doesn't have a ton of power. There's always kind of this administration in the party. And then with Biden now, that's abundantly obvious, right?
Starting point is 00:44:05 Like there's no way this guy is coming into a meeting as the alpha and being like, let's sit down and process these issues. And I want to hear from this person and I want to hear from that lady and let's make the best decision. I literally imagine him being walked in, sat down and him being like, Jill. Yeah, where's where are you? Yes. Where's the camera? Which way do i point they go no mr president sorry we're just having a discussion here where's my water or what time does this end and the meetings always start when he leaves right or before he gets there hey we've made the decision let's bring him in now and just discuss what we decided i've been in those situations with incompetent leaders and the meetings always start when they leave because shit has to get done
Starting point is 00:44:47 right okay number 217 it just says abortion hey by the way you know what the loophole would be before you play this the loophole would be this you can't terminate the fetus in a state, but you could get a hysterectomy. Hysterectomy is when you remove the uterus. So there's a baby in there, and you're not allowed to terminate the baby, but it is your uterus. So logically, you would think, hey, just remove the uterus, and the baby would die too. You kill the baby too you won't be able to have any more babies but if you really really need a uh you really really want to terminate a baby just get a hysterectomy and if you're in a state where where you can't get it or in a country or
Starting point is 00:45:36 whatever but please stop thinking that the right is nuts because they're because they don't want to terminate fetuses. It's a healthy response. It is a healthy response. Okay. 217. And especially those of you who don't have kids. One of the strangest inconsistencies in our penal code is where abortion is legal, but if you kill a pregnant woman, you're charged with double homicide.
Starting point is 00:46:07 Nuts. Nuts, nuts, nuts, nuts, nuts. I'm open. Call me. Unfuck me. I'll be really nice. I don't have a horse in the race. I'm just trying to understand. I'm just trying to understand.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Okay, 218. You guys are going gonna like this there's gonna be some wild ones some of you aren't gonna like this i don't think this show's bad for the algorithm nah okay so listen to this so this is fascinating this is more idiocy from the left basically they're conflating issues here go go ahead and play so he says these judges make lying look fun it's the black robe comedy tour now go ahead go ahead and go ahead as a judge it is an important precedent of the supreme court by it i mean roe v wade okay Okay, pause it. Pause it. So he's saying that it's an important precedent, Roe v. Wade. What this guy, The Daily Show, this lying fucking bigot, is what he's saying is that that's inconsistent because he's against Roe v. Wade.
Starting point is 00:47:25 You could be totally against Roe v. Wade and still understand that it's an important precedent. And yet they're saying that's hypocrisy. That is not hypocrisy. That guy doesn't know the definition of the word. This is all bullshit propaganda. And if you can't see it, it's because you're in your head and you're making a little leap. You're trying to understand what they're saying instead of listening to what they're saying. If I sell you two plus two is four and you said, hey, I can't meet you at four o'clock for lunch, you've made a jump.
Starting point is 00:47:48 I said nothing about meeting me at four o'clock for lunch. Stop making the leap. This is fucking mass manipulation. Go on, please. Roe versus Wade is an important precedent of the Supreme Court. Pause. It's a super is an important precedent of the Supreme Court. Pause.
Starting point is 00:48:06 It's a super-duper important precedent. If you really want to catch them in a lie, why not just ask them if it came up again, how would you vote? That's what they want, but they don't have it, so they have to make these lies up. You have to make a cognitive leap inside your head. I walk up to a girl. She's walking a dog, and I said, man, that's a beautiful dog. And she says, I have a boyfriend. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Get the fuck out of here. And yet the left is falling for this shit. This guy believes it. This Trevor Noah moron believes it. More. Thank you, Susie. Great. I have no agenda to try to overrule Casey.
Starting point is 00:48:58 I have an agenda to stick to the rule of law. Pause. Pause. to stick to the rule of law. Pass. Pause. Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg knew that when they used the 14th Amendment to justify Roe versus Wade and legalize abortion at the federal level,
Starting point is 00:49:13 remember, abortion is not illegal in the United States. It's fully legal. You can terminate babies all over the fucking place. We've terminated 40 million of them since 1970. We'll terminate another 40 million. Don't worry. It's going to happen. But she knew that – Bader Ginsburg knew.
Starting point is 00:49:29 That's the left's golden child. She knew that using the 14th Amendment – you can look it up on YouTube – was not valid, that it was a stretch, that it wouldn't stick. And she knew that the 10th Amendment had more validity, that there was nowhere that the Constitution talks about abortion so the federal government can't
Starting point is 00:49:52 enforce abortion laws. And this lady, what she is saying here, the Supreme Court Justice, is that I will follow the laws. I will follow the Constitution in order to make the right decision. She's not, they don't have a choice. She wasn't like't like hey bring up the abortion case this is just horseshit
Starting point is 00:50:12 and look at this guy look at lindy savon whoa that bitch gotta change her name these guys are incredible liars oh look i look, I have a comment. Conflation of law versus making law. Thank you. Be pro-choice. Don't lie to yourself. Don't lie to yourself. It's so hard to go backwards. Every time you lie to yourself, you get pushed further and further in your head.
Starting point is 00:50:44 And the only place there's happiness is out here. Everything in here is just ego trip. It's synthetic happiness. Okay. No freedom in there. No freedom in there. I believe the Constitution protects the right to privacy you got to make the leap again you you have to make the leap again nowhere in there and the reason why they're saying that is it was something there's there's something in the 14th amendment about protecting people's privacy and that's why people should be allowed to get
Starting point is 00:51:24 abortions because it's a terminate babies because it's their right is their privacy the logic is so idiotic because as you extrapolate that out if you were to really say that you could do anything then and use oh but but it's my privacy it's it's just i'm done with this. It's just so bad. Thank you, Sousa. It's just complete inability to think from the left, and they're just conflating issues. It's bad. 219. I believe – I heard – I was having trouble getting it out of my mouth because I was too much of a coward, but I heard Jordan Peterson say it. It's an old clip. He was on Joe Rogan and he said, why is America so stupid and fat? And then he says, and then he goes on to say it's because of carbohydrates. And I guess I've been pussyfooting around,
Starting point is 00:52:14 but I want you to see this. I do think that eating a shitload of refined carbohydrates makes you stupid. I think it clouds your thinking and it gives you the inability to think. And you are an addict. I mean, this, this woman is obviously a drug addict. If it, nothing else, carbohydrates and flour, but listen to this. This is just, go ahead. Sorry. It seems like everyone needs it. Not just women get abortions. People with uteruses get abortions. Trans people get abortions. Trans men, non-binary people, people of all genders get abortions. Love you. When she smiles, her eyes close because she's so obese, whatever, and she's breathing heavy. But I have to say that she – I have to, like, accept that she thinks clearly? No.
Starting point is 00:53:02 I mean, this is nuts. And she thinks that non-binary and transgenic? No. Only people who get abortions are women. Imaginary creatures don't get abortions. It's not, it's not, it's not. I mean, they could get them in your head. Imaginary creatures could get imaginary abortions. Just because I name something something doesn't make it so
Starting point is 00:53:25 the the um the dragon beetle in my backyard does not breathe fire it's not a real dragon just because i call it one i call the i call a man a woman does not make him a woman he's still a man there's actual things that a dragon has to breathe, fly out, fire, be green, name Pete and fly. Then it's a dragon. Right. This is another conversation that it's a labeling and conflation. So that way there's no processing and discussing the issue. Because if we talk about it,
Starting point is 00:53:58 then therefore we'd be labeled as transphobic or something. You know what I mean? And ultimately too, all as we're saying is don't build policies around that, but do whatever the heck you want. You know, like as long as you're not building policies behind it that affect the schools, that affects sports, women's sports, that affect all of that, then be whatever you want to be, as long as you're not hurting anybody else. It's when they try to complete government with that, and they try to build policy around it that affects everybody else that it becomes an issue. And then for whatever reason, probably to spark more and more divide, they just keep pushing it and pushing it and pushing it and pushing it and pushing it.
Starting point is 00:54:35 They, meaning the politicians. This, I don't know. I'm so, I've never liked anything Rhonda Patrick puts out. She, I guess it's okay. She just seems like complete plagiarizer to me. I see her like 15 years after CrossFit came out. She act like she invented it. Oh, did you know that if you mix weightlifting with cardio and I mean, and I. I'm so not impressed by her, but I guess if you I guess she does give a lot of good information on Instagram, but's she's like a robot to me i just am not um i feel nothing sincere from her i don't know what did she say bruce i don't even know if i want to know she just from what i see she just reads a lot and
Starting point is 00:55:15 i haven't seen her stuff and i don't follow it often but it just seems like she reads a lot of like studies i'm well what i'm saying i think bruce said she chimed in on the abortion thing oh um what about dragonfly no those are not dragons either i'm sorry unless they breathe fire and their name's pete okay yeah so so so where's my pen here we go okay it's gonna get good guys oh it's gonna get good i i don't think i could do this show with uh hunter why i just think he he doesn't want to do an hour and a half about uh terminating pregnancies oh let's take a little break let's take a little break from terminating that 220 yep 220 this one's great racism let's go back to my other favorite subject, racism. Sounds great. Enjoy.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Okay. To joke around, I can't even joke no more. I used to play with racism. You can't even play with racism no more. You can't even play. I used to go to the dog park and pretend I lost my dog. And I have white people help me look for him. I play his name. Nigga. Like nigga. Call him.
Starting point is 00:56:35 You don't like dogs. I mean, it's the nigga. Nigga, please. I used to joke around. Can you man sitting there with my headphones on and my kids i just start laughing so loud when i hear that
Starting point is 00:56:55 okay those of you on the right brace yourself this is what i think of you dumb asses 221 we're just tearing everybody up today. Yeah. Oh, it's just, this is so good. This is so good. This guy, it just sucks when it's such good stuff comes from the left. But go, this is so good. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:57:18 You successfully managed to control women's bodies that much more. Do you think invisible man-made sky daddy will love you now? Congratulations. You successfully managed to control. Oh my God. I'm going to start calling God sky daddy. Listen, it has nothing to do with controlling women's bodies unless that's what you want
Starting point is 00:57:46 unless that's how you think that that's delusional and it's but but everyone has to have a little bit of delusion he he's creating the argument where he wants it to be fine but the part about the delusional sky daddy every time someone on the right references god as some sort of authority like you're a fucking dipshit you do it for yourself project it on yourself i'm all for it i'm all for it let follow your god's rules but when you project them onto other people you are fucking satan and you're a delusional moron you are basically well my wife's not gonna like that you are basically what you're doing when you project you're um you're doing exactly what the left does with gender you're letting you're trying to, you're doing exactly what the left does with gender.
Starting point is 00:58:28 You're letting – you're trying to enforce – you're trying to make the world your thoughts. The world is not your thoughts. There are no non-binaries out here. None. They don't exist. You can be one, but don't make the rest of us play your game. You can find 10 people who want to believe it. But we already even know that Newtonian gravity isn't fucking real.
Starting point is 00:58:51 That we've moved on to Einstein's relative theory of gravity. You want me to believe something as abstract as non-binary? Please. And don't ever use the word science. You don't know what it means. Don't ever use it. Yeah, that's been a big misuse of that word over the last two years, huh? You're invisible sky daddy.
Starting point is 00:59:11 I want to go to church and just raise my hand. Pastor, where's the invisible sky daddy? Oh my gosh. So good. Oh my goodness. Are you going to be, is your invisible sky daddy gonna love you now and i think too when people sometimes they're like and i know they said it to you with like i can't tell what side of the aisle you sit on good because that's what we do we just process issues and call it as we see it and when people use language that conflates and confuses, that is what we talk about. And untangling that is the mission, because then people could think a little bit more clearly to make some better decisions.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Correct. Craig, I love you now. I saw your post earlier on the side that you used to be a liberal. What are you talking about? I like you more than ever. You're all confused. I like your mom too. what are you talking about i like you more than ever you're all confused i like your mom too uh 2 22 it's not a woman's right it's a reproductive rights issue this oh boy yeah here we go when am i gonna hear it's not a woman's right it's not a reproductive uh right it's a right to uh terminate fetuses how about that oh this guy. Hey, I would be willing to bet that this guy has a meth problem or did have a meth problem. I've known about 50 guys
Starting point is 01:00:32 like this in my life during my homeless years and they were all fucking meth heads. Crazy meth heads. It's nuts what meth does to your testosterone levels. Okay, go ahead. As most of you have probably heard, the Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade. And there are a lot of really strong emotions happening right now.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Anger, frustration, sadness, all of which are valid. However, if you are posting about this, if you are talking about this, and you are saying that this is a woman's issue or just a woman's issue, you are being transphobic and exclusionary and minimizing the impact that this has on thousands, if not millions of trans and non-binary individuals. This is not just a woman's issue. Not just women can get pregnant. Trans and non-binary people can get pregnant. And some women, cis and trans, can't get pregnant. So as we continue to talk – You see the conflation?
Starting point is 01:01:27 There's the conflation there again. He's conflating gender and sex, but now on a whole other level. He – he's – sex is science talk, man, woman. But cisgender and all that other crazy shit, whatever he's saying, non trans that's that's imagination talk that's dungeons and dragons talk those are imaginary characters and that's fine we have imaginary characters red means stop green means go we have a lot of imaginary shit but when you conflate the two tardid you are retard i don't mean that in the negative sense that is name calling i'm talking in the clinical sense you've retarded your brain you cannot think clearly i work with retarded adults for five years.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I live with them. Some of the wires get crossed up. You have the faculties as a human being to become enlightened, to be able to make distinguishes and discriminations and prejudices and all of those things that allow you to see the world more clearly. This guy is lying to himself, and now he wants to indoctrinate you with his lies. Don't let that shit get conflated. Scary.
Starting point is 01:02:39 This is scary shit. Would you let this guy drive your kids to school? What, that guy anywhere near my fucking kids? I don't even have kids, but it's going to be a no from me, dawg. It's, it's, uh, um, uh, 223, uh, former guest on the show, Tyler Fisher, this is a post from him and this is just so low hanging fruit, you guys are probably surprised I haven't just made a whole show on this
Starting point is 01:03:16 Tyler Fisher I go to my body, my choice protest tonight, but I'm not vaccinated so I wouldn't be welcome there that's funny, isn't it? choice protest tonight, but I'm not vaccinated so I wouldn't be welcome there. That's funny, isn't it? So good. That whole thing is nuts, too.
Starting point is 01:03:35 That's wild. Inject your kids. Inject your kids with drugs to protect them from something that they don't need protection from. And then on the other hand, they also want to abort fetuses, terminate fetuses. Have you seen the doctor that's on YouTube? This is going to be a terrible story because I can't remember his name, but he always just compares studies. It's usually very just matter of fact, and like half of it's him talking. Is it Dr. Berg? He might be the biggest
Starting point is 01:04:04 doctor YouTube star there is. He's a chiropractor yeah and he just runs through the the studies that oh there's thomas delure does that too he's pretty good no it's not thomas delure i think and i can't um maybe it's dr berg dr berg is better is uh he's like the sesame street of doctors i'm so impressed by what he's doing. But he just recently did the Dr. John Campbell. Oh, yeah, yeah. I think I know who he is. That guy sits down. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Yeah, but Dr. Berg stands up. And he was very like – Oh, look at Craig. Look at Craig. Woo! Oh, yeah. He had it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Okay. What about him? Well, he just recently did a video like a couple of days ago about comparing natural immunity to vaccination. And it's the nail in the coffin. There's no no comparison. Speaking of the nail in the coffin, did you see Hiller's last video he made yesterday? No, I don't think I saw that one yet. Dude, if you guys have not seen that video, you have to see that video.
Starting point is 01:05:11 It's called Athletes, Judges, and Affiliates Penalized or something. And he goes back to a case that happened in 2013 when a guy named – oh, I'll talk about it on tomorrow's show. It's nuts. This is the video of all videos. If you ever thought, if you were like me and you thought he was a little harsh to Hip and Steel or a little harsh to Danny Spiegel, this will unfuck you.
Starting point is 01:05:34 This really unfucked me. I cannot believe what he dug out. Basically, in 2013, a guy did a workout completely fucking wrong, and it was passed by the affiliate because back then the affiliates had to check off on every workout. Yeah, thank you. And then there was a judge, and the judge had to check off, and then the athlete had to submit it. All three were penalized.
Starting point is 01:05:59 The athlete was no longer to continue in the Open. The affiliate was no longer allowed to validate scores for the rest of the year, And the judge was not allowed to do any more for the year also. And that's how hardcore, and that was the integrity from 2013 when Dave was running the games. Look, it has 19,000 views already. That dude, I'm telling you. Hey, what's that mean, 584 VPH? That's how many views per hour.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Oh, okay. So it's just kicking ass. Yeah, 584 views per hour oh that's oh okay so it's just kicking ass yeah 583 views per hour i think he has like 100 more subscribers than us now yeah he does son of a bitch i know he's gonna he's gonna race to the moon um okay uh we we will race to the moon too um i want to i want to show. I want to show you this. Go ahead. What were you going to say? I was just going to say I just tell ourselves that we have tons of views on the Buzzsprout, Apple, and Spotify. So it's not even a comparison. I agree.
Starting point is 01:06:56 He only has one platform. I agree. I want to show you something here real quick. This is a little off subject. It's 2.24. You only need to play like the first 15 or 20 seconds of this. I want to show you something. What you're going to be watching here is something I call reactive parenting.
Starting point is 01:07:16 It is the worst kind of parenting. But it's the worst way to live your life. But it's how most people live their life. A boy wants to wear a pink dress. Encouraging him to do that is great, right? We ought to be encouraging kids to be able to embrace the expressions that they feel best fits with their personality. No, actually, that's not true. That is not true at all. And it doesn't matter what you wouldn't encourage your kids who wore blue jeans.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Why would you encourage them when they wore a pink dress? You should not react to anything like that. When your kid falls down, you shouldn't react either. You should be aware. You should be hyper aware. You should reaction is in your own personal ego indulgence. When your kid falls down, all your attention should be on your kid's safety. Not. Oh, oh, oh, he, oh, or he don't be a pussy. None of that. It's about full assessment.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Right. How deep is the cut? Is there a bicycle coming behind him? How much love and presence can I show him? How much confidence do I, do I share with him? Does he, does he know that I'm in control? Your kid doesn't come out with a pink dress and you're like, my goodness, that is fabulous. Right?
Starting point is 01:08:32 He comes out and blue jeans. My goodness. Now listen, if your kid does something and you want to reward him and you want to manipulate him like I do to my kids, he's playing the piano by himself. And I hear it in another room and i'm on the phone with suza and i'm having a laughing my ass off with matt having a blast i'll be like matt hold on a second
Starting point is 01:08:51 because my priority is to manipulate my child so i walk out there i'm like dang dude that's good and why do i do that because i want him to play more piano i don't give a shit if he wears a pink dress or blue jeans. I may say this. He's never got himself dressed before by himself, and he comes out in a pink dress, and I'm like, dude, you got yourself dressed. Good job. This is a fucking batshit crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Shut the fuck up. You should not be Karen Dansky speaking about kids at all. The rest of what she says is great, but you have to stay deep. You have to stay deep. And if you can't, which most of the time I can't. Don't do anything. Be non-reactive. Do your best to be non-reactive. And to your point, too, it takes a lot of awareness and being present.
Starting point is 01:09:57 As a parent, watching you up closely and Haley with the kids when we spent some time in Newport, you're also watching for that encouragement when they interact with other strangers in a positive way. They hold the door open, they go, oh, sorry, get out of the way of somebody, or they kind of realize that, hey, you guys are running around in this public space, you stop and you go over and then, hey, great job. Hey, that was really cool. You held that lady. Hey, great job, kind of, you know, giving that person playing guitar a dollar over there or something like that. So you're watching the interactions all the time, which, you know, if you watch a lot of adults here, they're just trying to, to do the easiest thing possible, which is not let the kids
Starting point is 01:10:33 kind of have their own interactions, just keeping it tight and not, you know, not being as focused on the, on rewarding the things that you want to see good behavior in society. Yeah. I don't, I don't want to reward my child for wearing a pink dress i don't i don't i don't want i don't want anything to be difficult for my child in terms of moving through um moving through uh society but i also wouldn't say anything negative about it because saying anything negative about it would also make things difficult for him yep yeah it's really good advice but i can always go deeper i can always go deeper what is this thing this this this this emoji everyone's using
Starting point is 01:11:14 it now i don't know is this like the arab like when my grandma would say listen to me listen this is like that's what I take it as. Yeah. You know what I, uh, dressed up as all the time as a kid. What? Peter Pan. Oh, did you have the tights and the hat and the whole shit? My mom like made me the costume for Christmas one year. So I had the whole. She sewed it.
Starting point is 01:11:38 She sewed it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's cool. I sewed it up and I had a pair of green tights and then I had these little brown slippers and I carried a little dagger. That's dope's dope yeah let's see what this guy says shooter mccain mcgavin oh i used to love newcastle i used to drink so much newcastle my son is what the
Starting point is 01:11:56 brown ale my son has walked down the stairs with his sister dressed as snow white or another princess i just chuckle and go about my day yeah yeah right yeah yeah yeah kids being kids play with the barbie over the gi joe for a little bit whatever my kids my kids are playing with the elsa doll he's got two of them they're hugging he's like holding them he's in love i just walk by and he's singing but then when he's got the dress off elsa 10 minutes later i'm like oh you got a dress off huh give him a little reward a little attaboy him a little attaboy. Yeah. Not an attaboy, but close. Jokes. Jokes.
Starting point is 01:12:30 I got jokes. Okay. So anyway, that was Jordan Peterson's daughter interviewing some lady. Just if you're not sure, just don't say anything. Just be present for your kids. 225. This one's good. Oh, man, we got a lot to get through in the next.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Oh, no, we have 10 minutes. Okay, that's good. You guys are going to like these. It's a picture of a man wearing a mask, and it says, if you did this for two years, and then it shows a condom, you can do this for 48 seconds. There are options. There are options besides having unprotected sex and then terminating fetuses. Remember, the left is so angry about this because we were raised as part of our identity from the day I was born till I was 30 years old being raised in California. It's part of your identity, Roe v. Wade. The women are allowed to terminate babies, but they don't call it that. They say it's women's right for their body. They never present both sides of the case. The left always just says that
Starting point is 01:13:35 this is women's rights. They never tell us as kids that the consequences are the terminating of the fetus or the psychological implications it would have on a young lady who's had her eighth abortion, terminating a fetus. None of that it would have on a young lady who's had her eighth abortion that uh terminating a fetus they don't we don't none of that discussion is allowed we're just indoctrinated and brainwashed and that and and so it's totally fair to be like hey just put a condom on and the left makes the presupposition that having a baby even though there's no evidence of this is bad and that's when they drink and bring in race and socioeconomic status and they say oh those people those black
Starting point is 01:14:12 and brown people and those poor people they can't afford killing uh terminating fetuses killing fetuses and so their life is bad and there's that presupposition it's all it's just bullshit it's just manipulation but that's all around a women's rights issue going back to the vasovasorum are they thinking about it right we don't know but we know we know they're not thinking of the full picture because you never hear it come out of their mouth never like i said you want to see me start a fans only page start sending me start sending me uh someone from the left talking openly and fairly about this. I'm not saying that people from the right do,
Starting point is 01:14:51 but I'm saying the ones I have heard are on the right. I'd say 95% of the people on the right, but that's still a 5 million percent greater amount speaking about honestly from the, from the right than the left. Okay. This, this, this one is nuts to, to,
Starting point is 01:15:10 to 25.5. This one is just, this is, there's a couple of these that I, I don't know how these, these people sleep at night saying this stuff. Oh, this one's good.
Starting point is 01:15:23 Yeah, this is good. So, so this is a crowd that's I'm a total condom guy. I'm such a condom guy. I had AIDS, Kenneth. I had AIDS fear.
Starting point is 01:15:38 I've used six million condoms. I put the first time I wore a condom, I put it on before i left the house one day that's how scared i was and i didn't even have sex for like another 10 years after that i was probably like nine you know the mask of the 80s yeah yeah yeah so this guy's speaking i'm what i'm guessing is in new york to the most fucking liberal insane crowd ever but but he
Starting point is 01:16:04 schools the shit out of him and i don't even know if they know it. At least that's the way I, that's the way I read into this. Okay, go ahead. Today, today, right?
Starting point is 01:16:11 You guys see that leak in the Supreme court decision? Horrible. I agree. It's so weird that the two sides are pro choice and pro life. Those are the, that's, that's not even the issue, right?
Starting point is 01:16:23 The issue is when it comes down to it, do you side with the woman or the fetus, right? For me, it's the woman every time, no exceptions. And I get, I get that for me, it's a little bit selfish. I never hung out with both of them, but women are way more fun. I never hung out with the fetuses here. They're all wet. the crowd's laughing because he's
Starting point is 01:17:08 saying go ahead and terminate the fetuses. It's 226. Some people need to be killed before they're born. That's what I wrote here for this. Shit. I wonder what this one is. Yikes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Okay. Or during and after the child. Okay. Pause this. So I'm going to show you this, this late. This is nuts. This is the craziest one I've seen.
Starting point is 01:17:39 This lady here. Ana Navarro. Is saying. here, Ana Navarro is saying that she has people in her family who are mentally disabled, autism, Down syndrome, whatever, Williamson syndrome. And that basically she's saying that life would have been easier. You have to read into what she's saying because she's not clear. You have to read into it or just leave it alone as gibberish. But what she is saying here on CNN is that she totally understands killing retards, mentally disabled people. And if I thought that, which I don't, I would push that down. If I thought that, which I don't, I would push that down. I lived with mentally disabled adults for five years.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Not just worked there. I lived there. Made a movie about it called Our House. Okay, go ahead and play this. This is like more of just, yeah is, this is like more of just, yeah, it's so nuts. This is played on national TV. Go ahead. I'll tell you what you need to do with your life or with your uterus. And because I have a family with a lot of special needs kids,
Starting point is 01:18:54 I have a brother who's 57 and has the mental and motor skills of a one-year-old. And I know what that means financially, emotionally, physically for a family. And I know not all families can do it. And I have a step-granddaughter who was born with Down syndrome. And you know what? It is very difficult in Florida to get services. It is not as easy as it sounds on paper. Another step grandson who is very autistic, who has autism. And it is incredible. And their mothers and people who are in that society.
Starting point is 01:19:30 So the context she's bringing this up is in the context of of terminating fetuses. And she's basically I mean, so I don't I will acknowledge that I'm reading into it. But she's making the leap here that those fetuses should be aborted. And wow. Yeah, it's a lot man it's a lot it's uh that's yeah i'm uncomfortable i tell you i'm uncomfortable it gets evil hey do you ever notice that when you watch um like either podcasts if you watch podcasters these news channels like one of the telling signs is if you want if you watch their chest and their breathing have you done that before no no no tell me so i can hide that anytime and usually it it has to do with a little bit of the camera angle but if you watch them and
Starting point is 01:20:15 they start to get uncomfortable and it looked like i'd have to go back and watch a couple more times to be certain but it looked like the women that were there like you could start to see their breathing change as she starts to go down that rabbit hole even they didn't like it no and you could tell that it's like oh we're treading somewhere that we should not be and normally you could see it like if especially if you watch podcasts or interviews with people that are like almost opposing sides or like in a debate you could watch them start to go to that like heavy neck like neck breathing like almost a flight or flight kicking in, fight or flight.
Starting point is 01:20:47 And you could tell that there's there. It's an emotional charge. Some things reacting. And even though these people are professionals. I'm going to start watching. Yeah. Start watching. Watch their watch their chest.
Starting point is 01:20:58 It's a tell sign. It used to be, too, with like a little bit of like self-defense, because if there's a emotionally charged thing and all of a sudden you start to see somebody kind of like posture and their breathing gets a little bit of like self-defense because if there's a emotionally charged thing and all of a sudden you start to see somebody kind of like posture and their breathing gets a little bit yeah you're like oh this is it's getting squirrely like they might they might react here physically but when you see it happening there you could just tell they're trying to like push something down like it's making them will you look up the definition of um abortion for me real quick? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:33 I believe in there it says it's the termination of a fetus or termination of a pregnancy. Deliberately, yeah. Deliberately terminated. Okay, is that what it is? Okay. The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. Okay, so it is that deliberate termination of a human pregnancy okay so that it is that deliberate termination of human um try using that today with someone when they every time if you're talking to someone about abortion instead of just replace the concept abortion with the deliberate termination of human pregnancy and see if that that thing that suza says um happens to the person you're talking to you they go i guess they they shouldn't, but, but I suspect they will.
Starting point is 01:22:07 And you can test out Sousa's theory. Yeah. Yeah. Test it out. Watch, watch different things and just watch, just watch their chest like rise and fall. There shouldn't be anything wrong. There shouldn't be anything wrong with using the whole phrase. Not when you're trying to have a serious discussion about it and form policy around it. Shouldn't we be as clearly – like thinking as clearly as we can on the subject and knowing all parameters of it before any decisions are made, not just choosing one side?
Starting point is 01:22:34 What is E equals MC squared? It's energy equals mass squared. Okay. You're out of my head right now. And then from there, you can define what energy is and define what mass is and define what square is. And you can say the whole – and through that, someone would understand what it is. But just E equals MC squared doesn't mean shit. You just think Einstein. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Let's look at the Tenth Amendment real quick. Oh, did we already do that? Did we look at the Tenth Amendment? We looked at the Tenth, but we didn't look at the 14th if you wanted to discuss that. No, it's okay. Okay. Okay. If you are interested in what the poster child for the left on the Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, said about Roe v. Wade, it's not that she was for – it's not that she didn't like the the decision the court made it was how they defended their
Starting point is 01:23:27 stance wouldn't stick because it was a stretch it was a lie they made it a privacy issue when it's not a privacy issue and and it's worth reading about that it's worth reading about that it's interesting it's cool and and and i think all of us should start grasping more and more that the constitution are the laws that the federal government is supposed to enforce. And when you take the – when you – when we insist as citizens of this country for the federal government to enforce laws that are really the state's responsibility what we do is we make a mess of the entire system especially the elect of the um the uh the election process there'll be people who would make fucking great presidents that we might disagree with on big picture things but or small picture things small picture things but it doesn't matter because they can't they can't get involved down there at that granular level.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Perfect. So then choose the state you want to live in where things do get dealt with on that granular level. And let's pick the best president who's watching the big picture things and not judge them for the small picture things. You have to let the machine work in order to work properly. I hope that's the understanding that i'm starting to get uh 60 of abortions are done by pill i didn't know that and that if that's the case that doesn't stop anyone if every single state made it illegal you could still get the pill you can get anything you want on the internet anything that's true anything anything anything anything so don't be confused once again it's because the people on the left are attached to this as part of their identity and maybe the right are too i
Starting point is 01:25:11 don't know but i know that being raised and indoctrinated in the state of california that it's part of our identity and we're not even allowed to think about it. It is still legal to terminate fetuses in the United States. You had a federal right to get an abortion and you no longer have a federal right. They're no longer involved in the decision-making. It is now on the state level. When people tell you that the state, that that's going to hurt women because women can't won't be able to get a terminate fetuses if they have ectopic pregnancy that's not true either i gave you showed you two examples in west virginia with a republican governor and south dakota with a gnarly fucking probably she believes in the sky daddy republican and and both of those allow women to get um
Starting point is 01:26:08 and both of those allow women to get um terminate fetuses if the woman's life is in danger so so stop listening to that nonsense the left is just lying to you at least of now from the research i've done another another point i probably don't have much uh we have a little time another point i i have heard brought up i heard brought up on fox yesterday uh a commentator on fox said this that it wouldn't be this way if men carried babies fuck off fuck off for bringing like you can bring that up but um uh ironically most of the pro-life organizations in this country are run by women and this thing where you're going to drag sex into it and race into it it's like once once again, you're just drawing away from the real issue. The real issue is that women's rights are being taken away over the autonomy of their body if they can't kill fetuses.
Starting point is 01:26:58 That's what's going on. Don't bring in other shit. That's more emotional appeal. That's more just trying to emotional appeal, trying to cloud your thought by bringing in other shit that's more emotional appeal that's more just trying to emotional appeal trying to cloud your thought by bringing in dumb shit 244 you guys aren't going to like this one wait I don't have a link for 244
Starting point is 01:27:14 oh my goodness really yeah I have the what you just talked about the subtitle hangers have gone up in value oh wait hold on okay okay okay that's okay it's worth the wait it's worth the wait we got it here we go we have an entire trunk full of hangers that I have been wanting to drop off at the Goodwill.
Starting point is 01:27:46 But after today, I kind of think they might have gone up in value. I have an entire... Alrighty. Thank you. Her name is
Starting point is 01:28:00 Stephanie Chaney. If anyone needs a clothes hanger it's fucking brutal uh 245 this one's off subject a little bit but i thought this was interesting this is um the uh former president of the united states uh mr bar Barack Obama. He was president for eight years. He was our first melanated president. And here he is. Look how young he looks here. Statistics that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime. They're nine times more likely to drop out of school,
Starting point is 01:28:45 20 times more likely to end up in prison. They're more likely to have behavioral problems or run away from home or become teen parents because the father wasn't in the home. The foundations of our community and our country are weaker because of this. And those are just a few of the negative outcomes that we can trace back to father. Will you start that again? Play that one more time. I want you guys to hear this when he says at the very, very beginning. One sec. If you don't have a father at home, and by the way, I suspect it's the truth if you don't have a mother at home too, so you could just replace that whole thing with, if you're raised by a single parent.
Starting point is 01:29:24 I bet you that's more accurate. i don't know that for a fact but uh and wait one more thing and and and it might not even be about having both parents it might be the fact that when that the fight that you saw when your parents separated is what caused the damage i don't know what the exact mechanism is but until we do you have to understand every time someone brings up skin color as the problem you have to remember this trumps it every time it's a stronger correlate for everything obesity cancer jail time, how successful your podcast is. I bet you there's a quote to penis size. Brain size. Okay, but we play the first just a few, a little bit again.
Starting point is 01:30:23 That children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime. That's 500% more likely to drop out of school 20 times more likely to end up 2000%. They're more likely to have behavioral problems or run away from home or become teen parents because the father wasn't in the home. Or he said, or have teen parents or have teen parents. I'm done with him. Or have teen parents. Or terminate fetuses. I bet you it's a higher rate of fetus termination amongst those who don't have both parents at home. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:00 She's checking my math. Five times is 500 percent. Am I missing something? Number 246. Oh, this one makes me nervous. Our president's opinion when he could speak. Oh, yeah, this one's great. Here is the current president of the United States, Joe Biden.
Starting point is 01:31:22 When he used to be able to talk, this is what he said about pregnancy termination. Here we go. I do not view abortion as a as a choice and a right. I think it's always a tragedy. And I think that it should be rare and safe. And I think we should be focusing on how to limit the number of abortions. And there ought to be able to have a common ground and consensus to do that. I do not view.
Starting point is 01:31:55 That's when he's still forming coherent thoughts. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. Caleb, I just looked at the text you sent me. I don't understand. Okay, guys. Thank you very much. I'm glad we got that off our chest. Remember to try to think clearly. Don't take the way that they're telling you to think about things as the only way to think about things. If you're not sure how to dig in and crack past it, start asking the definition of words. Start asking the definition of certain words, and that will slow the conversation down, and that will allow you to start really seeing what things are. And always feel free to ask questions. So you are okay with the termination of a fetus? are okay with the termination of a fetus. And then the person might say, if you asked me that,
Starting point is 01:32:46 I'd be like, no, I'm not okay with it, but I'm less okay with the fact of putting laws on a woman's body. Cause I think that sets precedent for other cascade of fucked up shit. Let's say X equals one. You increase by 400%. You add four, making it five.
Starting point is 01:33:01 Now the final five is five times bigger than the original one of one. I don't think it works that way, but if you're Indian, I take your word for it. Racist. Okay, guys, love you. And we will talk.

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