The Sevan Podcast - #468 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: June 28, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. You deserve better. You deserve better.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Fuck. I'm trying to tell myself to act cool, but I am cool what's up bruce what's up heidi trevor bam we're live yes we are we are personal accountability personal responsibility personal accountability personal responsibility uh guest didn't show up this morning perfectly okay uh it doesn't happen very often i don't know how many shows we're in 400 500 600 uh it's happened five or six times it's cool because i always have a live calling show ready to go uh but i had some trouble with stream yard this morning and i started losing my shit the thing is is i i have this like protocol um that's like almost to the minute so i wake up at 6 a.m and i minute by minute there's like this routine that i go in for's like almost to the minute. So I wake up at 6am and I minute by minute,
Starting point is 00:01:45 there's like this routine that I go in for the hour prior to the show up until six 59. And then at seven o'clock I'm ready to go. But like everything has happened in this order. What do I mean by that? Like how, what time I make my coffee, when I pour my coffee, when I put my heavy cream in, when I print out my notes, when I sit down, when I turn the light on, all that shit, there's like this order to it. Like I'm autistic. And when that shit gets tweaked, I get tweaked. It doesn't make me very flexible. It's good.
Starting point is 00:02:24 It's good, right? Good practice. It's crazy too i must have some like psychological uh problem because i always feel it right in my lower back right in my fucking lower back it starts to get all like weird and shit good morning you know what i was thinking today oh i was gonna have the grand i had that was going to have the grand twins father on again, because I only got to talk to him for like an hour. And, uh, and, uh, he said he had a family emergency, which made me think this, if you're my friend and I think most of my friends know this, you never, ever, and I'm not accusing this guy of doing that, by the way, I'm just,
Starting point is 00:03:01 it just, it just inspired me to share this with you guys. If, if let's say we had a date to go to the theater. Let's say I was going to swing by your house. We're going to go see Fiddler on the Roof or something. And I swing by your pad and you're like, hey, I don't want to go. That's enough for me. Like I might be hurt, but I won't blame you.
Starting point is 00:03:17 I won't be like that asshole. Like you never, ever have to lie. You never have to say there's a family emergency or, oh, my tooth hurts or I'm always, always, always, always. Oh, yeah, I was late today. It's some technical difficulties. I'm always open. I want to be super duper low maintenance friend. I'm always open to you just giving it to me how it is and i believe in i believe in uh confidentiality too i think my good friends know that that's why that's why it's so it's
Starting point is 00:03:52 so fun fighting with me if you fight with me it's like stays between us so there's that but i never but i never need excuses like my kid's sick or we don't feel good or the tires flat or my mom's in town you can be like hey i'm just not coming over for the fights tonight and i'm good to go i'm good to go and i think i have that relationship with my friends but it's good it's really good to if you want to have good relationships to not put pressure on the relationships let people off the hook let them off the hook as Let them off the hook. As you guys know, I am pro-choice, but I can still think clearly. I still suspect that terminating a pregnancy is killing a baby. and for some reason, a lot of people can't, um, um, on the left can't do that. It sucks. I'm on this team full of morons, right? Like 99% of the people on my team are, they're dumber than morons.
Starting point is 00:04:54 They're in denial. Maybe they're not morons. Maybe they're just super duper in denial. And it's, it's frustrating. Like I think the reason why they don't want to admit it's killing babies is they think that that would go one step backwards. Like that, that would expose them to losing what they want, which is no laws on women's bodies. The thing is,
Starting point is 00:05:17 is that there are laws on women's bodies. So, I mean, there's tons of laws on women's bodies. Can't have sex with a woman until she's 18. That's one. You can't shoot yourself up with heroin. That's another one.
Starting point is 00:05:29 You know, there already are laws on women's bodies, on everyone's bodies. But I still don't like it. I don't want any laws on women's bodies. But I don't want any lying either. don't want any laws on women's bodies but i don't want any i don't want any lying either and i and i think i i think i live a happy life in an exciting life and a super duper energized life what i mean by energized i just always have energy even when i'm standing still even when i'm sleeping i feel just so fucking good and i think the reason why is just because it's just just uh uh honesty and continuity and I'll give you an example of what I mean by continuity. And everyone can have this. It's so easy.
Starting point is 00:06:34 I'm not following that Uvalde situation very closely, but basically from just the gist I see of it, there were some – a shooter went into a school, shot up some kids, and there were some police officers outside, and people are complaining that the police officers didn't rush in. That's all I know. If you're upset that the police officers didn't rush in, let's say that these police officers are men and women who have three or four kids at home that have a wife, that have a mother and a father, that have four or five siblings. Let's say it's a big family. And now you expect them to rush in, right? You expect them to rush in to save your child. I get that. I get that. You want that. You pay your taxes. They signed up to save your child. I get that. I get that. You want that.
Starting point is 00:07:06 You pay your taxes. They signed up to do that. I totally get that. I totally get that. But now you want to make it okay to kill a child in a woman's stomach. 40 million of them since 1970. You expect these police officers to protect your children, and yet – and you blame them when they don't, and yet you're willing to kill a child in a mother's womb because it's your right. There's an inconsistency there that will just drain you of all your energy, especially if you're in denial. It's okay if there's that inconsistency, you look at it you're logical about it and you're like yeah i'm an asshole i want my cake
Starting point is 00:07:47 and i want to eat it too but seven those cops signed up for that job they knew in advance first of all it doesn't matter that's a moot point that's that's a false logic but if i want to go down that road and fuck with you well you sat on the cock and got pregnant. That was your choice too. You put the cock in the vagina. That was your choice too. It's amazing what things that people think that they can change direction on. I don't know if it's anorexics or bulimics or what, but one of those, one of those cats, they eat food and then throw it up, right? You eat your food and then you're like ah shit gonna get fat and then you fucking vomit it up fucks your teeth up bad for your digestive system just bad for you right nancy pelosi's husband recently driving drunk gets in a car accident uh he probably wishes he
Starting point is 00:08:41 wouldn't have done that can't really unfuck that. Can't go back on that, but can like hire lawyers and shit and try to fix it. It's like people want to go back on stuff that – thank you, Yashi, bulimia. People want to go back on stuff. You fuck without a condom. You have intercourse. You make love. You ejaculate inside of a woman. You participate in shenanigans at the Y, and you tussle with the one-eyed – what is it? The one-eyed – I know the and you and so then a baby's born that the the the stuff comes out
Starting point is 00:09:28 the baby batter comes out of the one-eyed pickle uh enters into the woman's body uh travels around finds uh uh the egg fertilizes the egg and the child begins to grow and now you want to go backwards on it you want to be a bulimic i guess just it's just interesting we live in this world of just like reversing stuff one i'd one i'd one i'd monster andrew hiller says one i'd willie um says one-eyed willie um i think what who do you think who do you think who do you think handles these shows better when i when i have andrew hiller on or hunter mcintyre who handles the transgender uh abortion uh talk better uh hi hi how are you yeah i, I'm here. Mr. Reno, how can I help you? It's Colin Lawrence. It's Colin Lawrence. Oh, Mr. Lawrence. Hi. Good morning. It's the one-eyed yogurt slinger.
Starting point is 00:10:29 The one-eyed yogurt. Thank you. You're welcome. Have a good day. Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Lawrence calls in. He was probably just training for a triathlon or something. Yogurt slinger. Hunter, you think, I andrew handled it better you know the thing with um uh hunter is that we both have he has a little bit of more i'm scattershot like i like to have five or six things going at once and hunter can do like five to ten and although um uh uh andrew
Starting point is 00:11:02 is more than accommodating and letting me just go in 12 different directions at once, I think he stays a little more narrow. Not quite as narrow as Brian, but more narrow. And so I just – I think – I don't know. What did you guys think about the Nancy Pelosi thing yesterday, pushing that child? I'm totally open to someone being like, hey, Seval, that's not a big deal. Then I'm going to ask you, do you have kids? Is there anyone out there who has kids who's like, ah, it's not a big deal? I know one person. I did gardening with her yesterday for eight hours. She didn't think it was a big deal. I gardened yesterday with my mom for eight hours. Do you know how lucky I am?
Starting point is 00:11:48 It's like a dream for me. Back there, drinking sparkling waters with my mom. Two years of fasting for 36 hours. Can you guys believe that? I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Yeah, something is wrong with her, Bruce. I usually don't like that kind of name calling, but something's definitely wrong with her.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Hey, does she become president if something were to happen to Biden and Kamala? Is she third in line? Should I look that up? What would I look up? Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi third. I bet you if Colin Lawrence were still on the phone, he'd know. Nancy Pelosi third. She has five kids. Third in line to be president. Let's see. um after being elected speaker of the house on thursday afternoon top democrat uh yeah okay so so yeah she's she's uh second in line after the vice president man can you imagine that check out our lineup joe biden who if his family loved him i think we decided the other day they would um they would they would pull him then kamala harris trippy trippy cat woke as fuck can't think zero depth at least the way she presents to us and then and then nancy plays nancy looks drunk most time yeah i know i wonder if that's true she does you think that's just name calling or she really is drunk? and that I get new material from.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And I posted this thing this morning talking about how now people who have both shots are now getting COVID at a higher rate than people who have no shots. And it's at a slightly higher rate. But you got the vaccine. And I posted that and someone in my comments responded, someone in my DMs, like a hardcore hater. Like, and what's that and someone in my comments responded someone in my dms went
Starting point is 00:14:05 like a hardcore hater like and what's cool is some of my hardcore haters really know how to fight like we fight in there and it's cool it's like it's cool fighting like we're friends i'll be like oh nice to see you again asshole and he'll be like you too let's do this and then like we start fighting and um uh and if they attack me personally, every once in a while, they'll start attacking me personally. By personally, I mean, I don't mind like you're a fucking idiot or of course you think that you fucking Trump cock sucking fucker. And I don't want to talk about that, but they'll say stuff that I think crosses the line. Then I just tap out. Then I just wait.
Starting point is 00:14:45 I give the fight a week. You know what I mean? Like I just write back. Okay. And then, and then we start again, we start fighting again. But anyway, this guy was, this guy responds, Hey, you didn't read the article. You jackass the third in the third line or the third booster actually gives you more. The third shot actually gives you more protection than people who are unvaccinated. And I just like that because he thinks he won the argument because, dude, the first two don't work, but you have to get the third one. You should have read that part, you idiot.
Starting point is 00:15:19 And I'm like, oh, I see. Yes, I will get all three. Thank you. Oh, I see. Yes, I will get all three. Thank you. I just like, oh, you know what happens next month, right? If the first two don't work and they told us for two years they work. And then we know we know the first two don't work because the I posted on my Instagram about six months ago, the CEO of Pfizer said that they don't work. He said, if they work at all, those were his exact words verbatim.
Starting point is 00:15:47 But now they want you to get a third one because that's the one that works. Dude. Dude. I promise you, honey, I'll stop hitting you. Just stay married to me for one more year. I promise I'll stop hitting you.
Starting point is 00:16:01 How many times do you need to be bit by a dog before you're like that dog bites? It's just amazing. But, but, but that's why I do that. That's why I entertain the haters. I give you another one. There's another guy. He's so anti-cop. Anytime a cop does anything that he perceives is bad, which, and we disagree on what, what a police officer does is bad more than half the time.
Starting point is 00:16:24 He, he sends it to me but with no thought of the scale of the cure causing more damage than the problem so what do i mean by that and i told you guys this a million times i apologize for preaching to the choir but if you if that year whatever year it was 2019 2020 that those 12 melanated men unarmed men black-skinned men were killed by police officers unarmed and it caused the country to go into this uprising along with the the george floyd the fentanyl driving meth using alcohol intoxicated gun pointing onto a woman's stomach guy um uh died under the knee of a police officer. The response to that has led to a 34% increase in men with melanated skin and their murders and their homicides.
Starting point is 00:17:20 That's what the effect was two years later because of the – and I know I'm simplifying George Floyd and the 12 unarmed men, but you get my point. That's not good. That's not a good tradeoff. That's not a good tradeoff. That wasn't good. Unless – and I'm open to this – unless you want to argue that that's just part of the process to get to healing. But man, it would be hard to convince me of that. But I'm open to it. I'm totally open to it. Yeah, Floyd 19. It's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:17:57 So for those of you who don't know, Greg Glassman posted Floyd 19. And the reference to that was, I think it was the Imperial College. But I don't remember what the exact college was, but a college out there gave us guidelines for how to deal with COVID. Those guidelines turned out to be an enormous disaster. Millions of people are going to die for the next fucking hundred years because of those guidelines. What do you mean millions of people are going to die for the next hundred years because of those guidelines? Well, suicide rates are going to be higher than they've ever been for the next hundred years. And we've already seen that. Well, why is that? How can you say that? Well, we quarantine people when you never are supposed to quarantine healthy people, which led to tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dead for the elderly. But we're now also seeing that when you should not mask kids for the first three
Starting point is 00:18:42 years of their life, it leads to the creation of psychopaths, freaks, people with anxiety. The average American, the leading cause of death in this country is chronic disease, which is the leading indicator of that is the consumption of an addiction to refined carbohydrates. And what we've done over the last two years to try to attack COVID-19 led to the average American putting on 29 pounds. So, so I, so I, so I, I rest my case there. So that was, that was a disaster. And those same people wanted to give us guidelines on how to deal with racism in the United States. And it's a disaster. So Greg Glassman was right. And guess who was wrong? Katrin Davidsdoder. But it doesn't matter,
Starting point is 00:19:28 because she was out then, and she's out now. By the way, Katrin, I'm ready to have you on the show. Hello. Call her. Hello, Saman. Hi, how are you? Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:19:41 I can. Good. I didn't want to actually identify myself just because I still have some family and law enforcement. I just want to speak up on our behalf a little bit. OK, thank you. So as far as your response in Texas went, a couple of things. It's hard to really judge how they handled that because we don't have all the facts. So I don't really want to speak on that other than if myself and a couple others were there
Starting point is 00:20:07 and we had a command officer that was not on team telling us one thing and the actions in front of us were different, I think we would formulate a plan and act not really worrying about the fallout these kids were possibly at risk and teachers. You're saying if? Are you saying if or you were there?
Starting point is 00:20:25 If I was there. So like meeting, I've been through a ton of tactical training regarding active shooter, mass casualty incidents, that type of thing. And I, you still have to live with yourself at the end of the day on the actions that you made.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And you're going to be really evaluated for what you did, if it was good or bad, right? Super hard. And myself, if I was in that position with a couple of others that I felt comfortable going in with, and the facts at hand were something was so active and we could get to the perpetrator and at least lock them down,
Starting point is 00:21:01 that's the way we would handle that. And just the facts that I have from an outsider looking in and the second piece to this it's really hard all the people that that pass a lot of judgment on law enforcement currently is all the defunding the police stuff that came through uh so the militarization of law enforcement so they're pulling all this money away from all the tactical training and all the gear that will protect people from these incidents so eventually you're going to have a less trained officer unless they see training outside of the normal scope of law enforcement does that make sense a hundred percent here's the i see that i see that's a place to argue about it or to talk about or just discuss
Starting point is 00:21:42 it and understand it my feeling and i and i would argue to you that it's it's bigger picture is how can these people who want to the entire world to protect their 84 year old grandfather who has dementia who smokes cigarettes who's been addicted to refined carbohydrates in his 30 years complicit in his demise, want the rest of the fucking world to suffer and die son. It could be Avi Matosian. You expect him to go in and save your kid. Fuck off and die. I don't respect your opinion when you have that incongruity, that lack of consistency, that lack of continuity in your thinking. It's beyond selfish and and
Starting point is 00:22:46 that's where i'm at but but i also see where you you're saying on a more you're speaking on a more practical level i just i'm i'm saddened by not saddened um i'm i'm shocked at the lack of empathy that the the so many people have that these aren't police officers that we just say that because because that's what they do that's their job they're just moms and dads and sons and daughters and then and i just go how do people miss that yeah totally and as we move on that's what i appreciate the show about is i think things get brought up that i don't 100 agree with uh from sides, from callers, from you, but it changes my perspective at looking at things. And then just back to the militarization and all this work stuff that's going
Starting point is 00:23:31 on regarding law enforcement. All I'm saying is like, you're getting people that are coming in at a profession now that are trying to help. And 10 years ago, law enforcement had so many more tools available to them regarding training, regarding the equipment that was getting granted. And now all that stuff's getting taken from them, meaning whether it be an armored vehicle that would give them more time to negotiate with
Starting point is 00:23:54 someone with more tools closer to a problem, or it would provide them with more additional training on mass casualty incidents on how to do first aid that's way beyond a traditional officer would be doing. Well, all this grant funding, all the funding that used to give them this is now being pulled away because it's not cool to give them funding. But when you have an incident like Texas, when you have an incident like all of them, like whether it be the Boston bombing, whether it be Aurora, Sandy Hook, all those things, it's not a matter of if, it's when. It will continue happening.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And if you have subpar trained people going in there just because the funding's not there with equipment that's not up to standards, you're going to get performers the same way. It's so different than sending someone to the CrossFit Games that doesn't have the facilities or the gym outside of Colton, sorry. And they're not going to perform as well because they don't have the tools to be successful. With life and death.
Starting point is 00:24:52 There was this story in Los Angeles and it was a 15-year-old boy and he was running from the cops and he had a gun. And he jumped into the yard of a preschool and was running towards the preschool and the cops shot him in the back and killed him. Right. And I'm like like good job buddy and if he wouldn't have done that if he wouldn't have done that and there were people who were pissed if he wouldn't have done that and he went and went right into the preschool and started shooting kids then the cop would have been in trouble
Starting point is 00:25:18 and there's there's just such a lack of understanding from society. These are just people. And of course there's going to be bad cops. It's even stupid to bring that up because – but I would say disproportionately cops are better people than the people as a whole, and that's all we can ask for. That's all we can ask for if you have a brain. Sorry, go ahead. have a brain sorry and on that same note like your description of that story you gave uh countless times we've opened our doors to the media or people that questioned uh the way our way our officers acted in certain situations and we would want to put them in simulators to simulate similar
Starting point is 00:25:58 things to see how how you process stuff so much differently. And a lot of those calls go unanswered. So like me and word be like, Hey, it's a, put you in a simulator, obviously to control the environment or have some subject matter experts evaluate your performance. And they never want to come or they never want to put it on the media to show how difficult the situations are during the split second, especially your adrenaline running. And then the lack of training that now they're potentially getting if they don't seek on their own.
Starting point is 00:26:28 If you've never been on a ride along with a police officer, you should do it. And you might say to me, well, Sevan, they'll act different when you're there. Don't worry about how the cop acts. I want you to see how people treat police officers. Go to Fremont, California. Go to Hayward, California. Go to San Francisco and do a ride-along. If you have not done a ride-along, I urge you to always have 100% compassion for police officers and what they're dealing with. Treat police officers like bees.
Starting point is 00:26:57 They have to be in your yard and you should stay the fuck away from them. But don't pass judgment on them until you've done a you will not believe what you see you will not believe how human beings you know the worst place human beings behave is on an airplane when the plane lands and it's time to get off everyone just turns into fucking a demon people treat police officers worse than that it is nuts and then believe it or not i mean mean, not even talking about the COVID situation, I worked for a while under the mask mandates and that mask just created more of a barrier between you and society. Because, I mean, just a simple smile to a citizen usually breaks the ice and then you start a conversation. But the mask even created more of a barrier between and I get the reasoning and all that. But I just felt that there was even more of a disconnect between you and the general you know public i'm reading this book uh it's called um championship mindset
Starting point is 00:27:49 by bob right i've heard about it yeah so good and there's and he's talking about the connection between the subconscious and the conscious and how vital that is for athletes to understand and that's what separates great athletes from the not so great ones. And basically anything that gets into the subconscious, uh, starts wreaking havoc on the conscious mind or, or, or is positive. And, you know, this was written of course, before the mask mandate, but it's, um, he, most people don't realize that their subconscious is always being influenced. And I always, I've thought about that from day one, that mask just screams to everyone not only does it not allow communication like you're saying obviously but it screams to everyone there's something wrong here
Starting point is 00:28:30 there's something wrong here and there's nothing wrong and it's it's so sad it's a it's a disaster i didn't want to take it too much time here but i appreciate it on my hands and not not called every time you uh talk about law enforcement uh You're definitely neutral about it, and you do speak your mind on both sides. But I just thought it was like a timely time to call since you just mentioned the other thing. I thoroughly appreciate it. Yeah, you make my show. Thank you. Keep doing what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Right on. See you. Jeremy Williams, Kansas City Shuffle. Look it up. That's what we're seeing. Kansas City Shuffle. The title of the tune refers to an advanced bait and switch confidence game employing misdirection sub subterfuge and playing on the marks arrogance and self-loathing did that cop say there's some
Starting point is 00:29:14 things i say he doesn't agree with i wonder what that is what don't what i wonder if there's anything i say i don't agree with that that that's uh jeremy that uh thank you for the ten dollars that's a um that's a quite a sentence that's quite a sentence what's the proof of that that there's some sort of master plan. This is a good one. Here we go from Colin Lawrence. The department that allows firefighters and cops to be out of shape are complicit in their demise of their department. Hey, the,
Starting point is 00:29:56 um, I think the, uh, the sergeants and shit that don't stand up for their officers are also complicit. The ones that are playing the political game. I know it's hard. Heidi Kroom.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Oh my God, colonists officers riding their bikes in downtown Madison this past weekend, all looked out of shape and like they might tip right off their bikes. Wow. Heidi Kroom turned into Heidi Crude crude i'm not complaining at all folks need to look up cops getting shot on youtube simple traffic stops and in death sometimes there's a reason they want to see your hands you're an idiot yeah my favorite thing is when i hear people um say it's so on when was a child, my parents told me that I should fear
Starting point is 00:30:47 cops. And when I get pulled over, I should put my hands on my steering wheel. Yeah, no shit. No shit. Of course you should. Like it's something bad no shit of course you should you should treat them well you should wave at them you should buy them a fucking cup of coffee when they're in the fucking store you should thank them for their service but seven there's that so what there's bad everyone there's bad everyone i can't fucking stand some of the shit my neighbor does. But when my fucking roof was fucking leaking,
Starting point is 00:31:31 motherfucker came over and patched it during a storm. And the fact that he runs his fucking skill saw at 6 in the morning doesn't matter to me if you patch my roof. Like, just take the good with the bad. Hey, Gabe, what's up? Good morning. Paper Street Coffee. Hey, what's going on, brother?
Starting point is 00:31:52 Just fucking wired on your crack. Thanks, man. Thanks. I'm just calling in, especially with the topic that you got going on. My sister, she's my younger sister. She's a police officer. Wow. I didn't know that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, man. She's my younger sister she's a police officer wow and uh yeah yeah man she's my younger sister she dude she like five one she's super short but she's like a badass and uh i have a
Starting point is 00:32:18 lot of friends like i have a lot of friend groups they're african-american and black they're you know everything you have black friends everything was uh only a few only a few uh but uh but when everything was happening right um i had a conversation with a bunch of my friends uh at the gym we never closed our gym down we were able to you know do our own thing uh we were having this conversation and all like those protests were going on they were talking about how cops treated them differently. And I would hear them say all these things and I'd let them vent and just say whatever they're feeling. And then I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:32:53 hey, what if I ask you guys, my sister needs help, right? They'd be like, of course, I'm there to help her, this and that. And I'm like, you guys remember that my sister is a police officer, right? And their whole perspective changed. They just thought as a, they didn't think of police officers as people.
Starting point is 00:33:17 And then when I said, hey, don't forget, my sister, my younger sister that you guys have seen from, you know, a small girl, a teenager, now police officer, she's one of those people that you guys have seen from, you know, a small girl to a teenager, now police officer. She's one of those people that you guys are complaining or are automatically putting your, you know, these prejudice and these ideas, you know, all this pain behind her. And it's like, she hasn't done any of that. And wouldn't you want to give the same respect that you give my sister to other police officers? And I kind of like stopped them in their tracks. I'm like, there you go.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Like I said, they're just people. One of the most crazy things is police officers just go. She only went to a police academy for, I think, six months. But in those six months, they don't teach her how to possibly give up her life for someone else's life nowhere does it say that and to me it's like oh crap like every day that she goes to work there is a possibility that she might have to give up her life to save the life of someone else. And she's totally cool doing that. I, I, I, I, I, I, I grew up, uh, I grew up in the Bay area and the Bay area. It's,
Starting point is 00:34:42 it's a pretty hardcore melting pot. Um, I definitely, and I, I don't know this for a fact, but there's definitely in Berkeley, California, the whites are not the majority. Berkeley, what a race demographic. And in the Bay Area, the way I was brought up, it is. The way I was brought up is everyone in the Bay Area is terrified to be called racist. You don't even realize that, by the way, I didn't you don't realize that when you're in it. But now looking back, I realize it. And the where the where I grew up, the if you were black, you received different treatment than if you were white.
Starting point is 00:35:17 And no one ever said anything about it. And it was unspoken. And you were you were given more leeway. So if I was pulled over for not having registration on my car, I would receive a ticket. If you were a black guy, you might receive a warning. There was always this timidness around melanated folks. And kind of like affirmative action. Okay, we're going to let a handful of these guys in because of their skin color.
Starting point is 00:35:40 It's just the way it was. And if you were against that, you were fucking racist. Isn't it amazing you didn't believe in the rate. And I was part of that. If you didn't believe in the racist protocol, you were you were racist. I fucking completely asked backwards. I don't ask me how I fucking fell for that. Right. Well, you fall for it because you're trying to be nice. You're trying to be but you're trying to you think you're doing good. You're feigning kindness. You're faking, you're being nice over logic, which is, um, which I do believe has a place sometimes, but, but you have to look at the long game. And, uh, and recently I was at a party in Santa Cruz, California. That's like 1.2% black. And all the white people there were telling me about how bad black people are treated and they're treated so much differently than white people. And I was like, hey, have you ever lived anywhere besides Santa Cruz? And they're like, no.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I'm like, well, I grew up in the Bay Area. Only 17 miles north of here, dude. I'm like, I never have seen any of that. It's the exact opposite. I've been arrested four times, taken to jail four times as a young man. Never violent crimes, never stealing, none of that shit. Never talk shit to the cops crazy it's it's it's it's fucking yeah it's it's every if this one's really gonna piss off i i got this friend right and he's black and he tells me 40 stories you know i'm making this up but i hey, has anyone ever been racist to you? And he says, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:05 And he tells me 40 stories. Only two of them were racism. The other 38 were in his head, his imagination. I get it. I get it. 100%. But don't conflate the two. I'm walking down the street and a black guy crosses the street.
Starting point is 00:37:21 I don't think he crossed the street because he's scared of me or because I'm white. But that happens to a black guy and he might think that. And I get it. You want to go into, well, historically, and, well, their parents said, and you want to get into all that? I get it. I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 00:37:35 But I'm just telling you what the facts are. I'm not justifying it. Maybe he's justified in thinking that way. That's fine. But I'm telling you what the facts are. And don't conflate the facts. Yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:37:48 he had an experience with a police officer where it wasn't a, from what he's saying, you know, the story that he said, it wasn't. Who,
Starting point is 00:37:54 your buddy? Yeah, yeah, my friend. And I respect him and I said, hey man, 100%,
Starting point is 00:37:59 like, you're completely valid. There's people, there's bad actors out there in every situation. Like, there's bad everything. There's bad crossfit training coaches, there's bad actors out there in every situation. Like there's bad, everything is bad. Crossfit training coaches are bad. There's bad athletes are bad, everything. So of course it's going to be bad. Police officers are that treat you some type of way when you're a
Starting point is 00:38:13 kid. Um, you know, you're speaking to an adult or whatever it is, like there's going to be that intimidation factor. And now that you're older, you maybe look back on that experience and be like, Oh no, it was different different it was something else and again just the uh the ability to kind of bring to light like hey you know what like uh no i'm not white i'm spanish my sister looks spanish she definitely is that um and she she's gotten in trouble many times because she gives leeway to like spanish people honestly um i ain't hating i ain't hating if i was a black if i was a black if i was a black cop if i was a white cop i'd give i hey i would do the exact same thing by the way too if i was a cop i would give leeway to uh i'm racist too i would give leeway to uh
Starting point is 00:38:58 melanated people too the darker your skin the more kind i'd be to you that's the way i'm programmed i'm totally racist like that. I get it. I'm empathetic towards it. I'm not in denial. I'm not going to lie to you. And that's fine. Like that's a complete,
Starting point is 00:39:13 fine, justified thing. Imagine saying that, right? You saying that, people would assume, hey, you're white. Why are you doing that? Why, you know, are you projecting some type of
Starting point is 00:39:21 racial bias behind it? And then it becomes this huge thing. My sister does. And it's like, Oh, cool. That's awesome. And then going back to the whole, you know, like, you know, doing a ride along with the police officer, et cetera, et cetera. Last year we had this huge flood in the, in the area. I call my sister and she's like, Oh man, I got like a, I'm putting my shoes back on, et cetera, et cetera. I'm like, Hey, how is it? She's like, like yeah i was just outside again my sister's five two this lady just like drove into water got stuck
Starting point is 00:39:52 there the car started flooding my sister was the only person up there she's like yeah i had to go outside i took all my gear off i was about to go in there and try to swim and rescue this dumb lady who just drove her car into water i'm like dude you're five nothing any everyone is taller than you there's no way you're gonna just go in there and swim there and try to rescue her she's like yeah but i had to and that's that's another thing who one who taught her to do that because i'm pretty sure in training you're not taught to hey go swim who taught her how to swim who taught her how to like be in the position where she's like shit this person might die if i don't go out there luckily firefighters were there and were able to rescue her but still it's like those examples that people never hear like those are
Starting point is 00:40:36 the things that police officers go through that every single almost every single day where they're put in positions where they might put their lives on the line. And luckily, you know, with my sister, it's never happened, but she does make the effort to say, hey, this is what I signed up for. Right. Of course. Rich Holton says,
Starting point is 00:41:01 your interaction with the individual determines how they treat you and how you are treated. Jeremy Williams says, I'm a melanated man. The stories I've been of being treated well by cops is amazing. You know, it's funny, Jeremy, is I was pulled over. I've been pulled over hundreds of times. It's weird that I remember this, but I was transporting, I don't know, 20 pounds of marijuana when it was illegal from the Bay Area down to Santa Barbara in the back of my pickup truck. area down to Santa Barbara in the back of my pickup truck. And I had a great Dane back there and I was doing 80 on the, on the five South and a highway patrol officer pulled me over and it was a black dude. And I jumped, I said, Hey, and my dog was barking at him from the back.
Starting point is 00:41:36 And I said to him, Hey, can I get out of the car? And like, we walk away from the car so that we don't have to hear my dog bark he said absolutely nicest fucking cop ever gave me the fucking ticket didn't think and the real reason why i wanted to get out of my car is not because my dog barking i didn't want him being over there and smell it right um and so we walked around to his car and i just kind of sat on his bumper and he wrote me the ticket but but a complete fucking class act um uh uc berkeley is 17 white 16 chicano i didn't know you were allowed to say that i mean i say it uh 16 chinese 11 south asian i wonder it's funny i don't see uh i don't see homeboys on here oh african-american uh 2.8 oh it's 3.7 now i was looking at 2019 statistics
Starting point is 00:42:27 i'll uh i'll let you uh let you get back to doing your doing your thing guys if you buy paper street if you buy paper street coffee you will drink the same coffee i drink they're the beautiful little brown beans uh chicano beans uh they they look as clean and as pure as ever. Use the promo code SEVON. Please. A lot of you guys are buying it without using the promo code. Save some money. Use the promo code SEVON. It's only for you guys.
Starting point is 00:42:53 You guys, just SEVON. Use the promo code, get a discount. When you buy coffee from him, then he keeps sponsoring me, and then I get to keep doing the show. It's kind of like that. And we get to see you guys at the game, hopefully don't be okay not me but yeah they'll see you oh yeah you're gonna have a booth at the games correct crazy awesome all right brother i'll talk to you okay bye
Starting point is 00:43:17 no plan b no plan b this girl reaches out to me on Instagram. She says, hey, I love your podcast. I'm like, cool. She says, I know one of your friends from high school. Like, whoa, I'm 50. So that's like a long time ago. It's like 35 years ago. 35 years. Some of you aren't even 35 years old. She says, my friend says you're a complete piece of shit. I was like, no kidding.
Starting point is 00:43:56 She goes, yeah. I said, what's your friend's name? She tells me her friend's name. It's a girl. It's my girlfriend in high school. It was basically my girlfriend from basically my freshman year to my senior years. It's her best friend. Who also had a crush on me.
Starting point is 00:44:17 And I go, she hates me? And she goes, yeah. I'm like, fuck, I had no idea. I said, I want to tell you a story about her. So a girl hits me up in my DMs. And she's best friends with a girl I went to high school with who fucking told her she hates me. And this girl was best friends at the time in high school with my girlfriend. This girl who supposedly hates me now, she's the only girl in the history of my 50 years who's ever whistled at me. And it was in PE class, I think my sophomore year, and it was swimming, and I was so fucking insecure about swimming.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I so didn't want to take my shirt off. And I was up on the high dive, and I hear someone whistle. Cat call me. And I look, and it's her and she waves and i'm 50 years old and i still remember this i still remember it only do only people who've ever honked at me was uh in san francisco i had my shirt off i was walking by the panhandle one time i was probably i was young i was in my probably 20 and a car full of guys honked at me and yelled sexy that's a dude honked at me and told me I was sexy. I waved at him.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Thanks, guys. And then I had a girl whistle at me at a – but now I find out that girl hates me. She thinks I'm a complete asshole. The only girl who ever whistled at me. Fuck that up. I couldn't – I don't that up. I couldn't. I don't know why. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Maybe. I mean, my girlfriend at the time definitely deserved better than me. Maybe she didn't like the way I treated my girlfriend. I mean, my girlfriend was so fucking nice in high school. Man, she was crazy cool. Fuck, she was crazy cool. I decided last night, actually yesterday when I was in the garden with my mom, eight hours of gardening with my mom. I can't tell you.
Starting point is 00:46:14 That was like one of the best days of my life. Since I had kids, I enjoy hanging out with my kids more than my parents. I love my kids more than I love my mom. But yesterday, yesterday, I love my mom. But yesterday, yesterday, I just said that for dramatic effect, by the way, I don't have like some sort of fucking ranking in my head.
Starting point is 00:46:32 But yesterday I cannot tell you how much fun I had. We didn't even talk that much, but we're just like cutting shit, like just working in the garden next to each other. I told, I told people like Patrick bed bed david i said you're looking at if joe rogan and um howard stern made a baby here he is i am him but yesterday when i was in the garden no i said no you know i'm i'm i'm rodney dangerfield uh and the dalai lama if
Starting point is 00:47:01 the rodney rodney dangerfield and the dalama had a baby, a tranny baby. I think that's my new, that's my new thing. Oh, you know what happened yesterday? I showed too many Hiller videos and I got a copyright infringement from, there it is. Oh, no one's even fixed it.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Fuck. CD, 5,000 views. I didn't make a fucking dime on it select action trim out segment so basically what happened is there's a 14 seconds of one of andrew hiller's videos that i used in my show with andrew hiller and it and it got fucking tagged. Because no one on my team looks in the YouTube section, we just got 5,000 views on it with no loot. All right. I'm going to fix that. Sevan, you're the midget and the hairy man's offspring from Traveling Freak Show.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I don't know who that is but that is not correct i just told you i am the mix of rodney dangerfield and the dolly llama okay let me see if i can find something funny here oh my goodness this isn't funny this isn't funny at all what i'm about to show you jamal hi good morning jamal smith oh wait wait wait sorry sorry hold on there we go Hold on. There we go. Jamal, hi. Oh, man. How are you? I'm good. My guest didn't show up, and then I had a fucking meltdown because I had a technical glitch. Nothing that's a big deal, but you know when you go to look for your shoes in the morning, and you're late to the gym, and you can't find them because someone moved them?
Starting point is 00:48:45 It was like that. The worst feeling. But it's not their fault. They're my shoes. If I didn't have my shoes, then they couldn't have moved them. It's still my fault. Okay, Jamal, sorry. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Well, I had a show idea for you. Okay. I know the games are coming up, and you're going to have to fill in all that extra space since there's no extra competitions until the last chance qualifier. Isn't that, isn't that coming up? Isn't the last chance qualifier coming up in a couple of days?
Starting point is 00:49:13 Uh, yeah. Workouts get announced later this week. Okay. But you need to do a show where you're completely biased towards any athlete. Okay. Like,
Starting point is 00:49:26 and you know, pretty, and you know, pretty much, you know, Brian only gives his top 10 or his finishes. You should do that except for only by your own opinion, regardless to what physical capabilities only do it from their bodies, Instagram followers. I love Jessica Schwartz's body I love the way that top fits her
Starting point is 00:49:48 her, Colton Mertens him second place, Colton Mertens just put Colton Mertens 1-5 oh no he made it to the games so someone else Matt DeLugos
Starting point is 00:50:03 oh yeah I like i like i like that jamal i'm like colton mertens is gonna win the last chance qualifier brian's like he's not in it i'm like see i'm already right exactly fuck off okay i like it just a total um sarah sigman's daughter is gonna make it i don't think so well fuck you she has 1.8 million instagram followers exactly and she's super yeah and she's super nice to me when she comes on the show and she's real as it gets yeah and by default you have to put danielle brandon somewhere in the top three or she's going to kick your ass in her rat shoes i can't believe did you see that i can't get over that post she made of herself in that bathing suit in front of that statue.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Dude, I'm telling you. I had to show my fiance and she was like, that's the colored haired girl? And I was like, you know, if I could have a chance, which I know I don't. And a nice polyamorous marriage. That'd be the next big thing. I love it how she's the color haired girl. Yes. I don't care what she calls her can't stand colored-haired girls except for daniel brandon yeah it's fucked up she's she's ruining everything i know all your life is a lie up to this point yes daniel i bet she's a handful though just
Starting point is 00:51:22 every time you just think of her just remember it's a fucking nightmare probably there's no way it could not be right yeah but I mean there's no way like if her dog shits in the house she uses your favorite t-shirt to clean it up and you can't say nothing I think it would be
Starting point is 00:51:40 worse because you probably find it like a few days later and be like what happened just use it yeah yeah you're you there's three eggs left and she eats them and she just in the whole time she's like eating them like she's in prison you know what I mean like she has her arm
Starting point is 00:51:55 around the plate like this but then she leaves the carton of eggs empty in the fridge and say oh I thought you'd notice go get some more yeah Yeah, yeah. And then she makes you do the dishes. Danielle Brandon's not perfect. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Just in a bathing suit. Just in a bathing suit. Ah, poor Danielle. Hey, sorry, Danielle. We have to do this. We have to make shit up bad about you. We have to. Yeah, especially now that she was at the Fraser Empire.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Oh, yeah. Tell me what's going on over there. What the fuck is going on over there? What's happening? You know what? So this is what I was thinking. Because Matt is absolutely smart, man. He knows everything he does is for a reason.
Starting point is 00:52:41 And him grabbing Daniel Brandon and Dallin Pepper. Clearly he sees something in them that he wants Jason Hopper and Mal O'Brien to see before competition. I have to guess that whatever happened over there was definitely for Mal O'Brien. Yes. Yes. And Jason Hopper. Yes. But I'm not in cahoots with Frazier. Right. But he's a smart man. Everything has a reason.
Starting point is 00:53:08 It wasn't because he's nice. I'll tell you that. Yeah. Well. Unless Justin Medeiros comes. That's because he's nice. Jamal, there's this thing that people say like in in in like the third grade they'll be like that person used me or they're just you someone will say to you that person is
Starting point is 00:53:32 just using you i don't know if i'm going to go down that road right now okay now i'm going to circle back to that i'm going to circle back that don't let that. There's nothing greater in my life than being used by my kids. It's my honor. It's my honor. Use the fuck out of me. There's nothing better in my life than Brian Friend using me to come onto my show and my platform and use the fuck out of me. I want Lauren Khalil to use the fuck out of me. Use me.
Starting point is 00:54:05 I'm here to be used. I choose who I want to use me. I am the great fire. Wield me. This notion that being used or using people is bad i use my lawnmower i don't actually have one i use my lawnmower then i wipe it down i oil it and i put it back with the utmost respect back into my shed and i love it and i say thank god for this technology i'm gonna use the shit out of you until you stop working to cut the lawn this notion
Starting point is 00:54:46 that how how what are you in the second grade that you think being used or using people is bad is that how limited your scope of understanding the world our only value to other human beings is how they can use us and how we can help them right yeah i don't know why i don't know you inspired me thank you oh of course no you needed it that's okay i'll send my bill over okay thank you but when you were saying about your kids it's like the perfect thing that happened to me this morning i got off work came inside both of my daughters are right, and my oldest daughter, playing with her because my fiance has to pump
Starting point is 00:55:30 and I'm just laying on the ground and I'm like, you know whatever, whatever you want to do whatever's going to keep you calm and happy she wants to stand in my hands, go for it you know, she wants to hold my eyes open to look at it because he's one and a half she's still understanding everything that's going on
Starting point is 00:55:52 but it's like i would much rather her take the time to just explore everything with me you know yeah just hey you know how come you can jump up two stairs and i can only walk up it well yeah you haven't developed that yet and watching her try to learn and do those things is one of the greatest gifts that you get as a parent and i used the other day i was i think i was at the gym and i was talking to to this girl and she asked me how it was to be a dad. And she was kind of having that debate of having children. And I thought about one of the things that you've said multiple times that the lady told your wife, it's the... If you have kids, go ahead, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:56:46 You won't regret it. And if you, if you don't have kids, you might regret it. Right. And it was like a light bulb. You know, once I told her that, no, it's like, I don't want that to dictate whatever decision you make. But since my daughters have been born nothing has been better in my life you know it's like hey it'll be the it'll be the fifth round of a ufc fight main card fucking two dudes just fighting i paid 74.99 for it there's one minute left in the fight my kid will yell from the bathroom heidi that means father in armenian heidi can you come wipe me
Starting point is 00:57:22 and i fucking jump up grab a wipe look him in the eyes and i go i love you wipe his butt fold it in half wipe it again throw it away and be like turn the light off put the seat down flush the toilet you're a king and i'm honored to wipe that ass honored use the fuck out of me I am the king of ass wipers and I'm proud of that proud of everything I do absolutely you use me
Starting point is 00:57:56 all I can't wait till fucking Andrew Hiller gets fucking 1 million subscribers so I can use the fuck out of him back and get some of those motherfuckers. Oh, yeah. And you're coming up on 500 episodes. Oh, I had a theory about that, too. Okay, let's hear it.
Starting point is 00:58:13 So I know you're coming up on 500 episodes. I can't believe I haven't crossed it yet. And look, I know you've been talking about Grey coming on. Yes, good idea. So is that the big thing? The big 500? I will tell you this. I have a thread open that I'm watching, I'll tell you this, with between him and Matt Souza about scheduling him to come on
Starting point is 00:58:36 and some other people that I think you guys will be surprised that are going to come on. So it's fine. Including me, right? Yes, including you. You're on right now. I smell weed. Are you high probably oh all right jamal thank you very much you demand all right peace and love thanks for your support always what stogies did you smoke back in the day um i uh i used to smoke um you know when i first started smoking i don't know if you guys are gonna know what these are beaties they're like wrapped in
Starting point is 00:59:11 papaya leaves and it's just like sand and dirt in there they come in a little cone and then i switched to american spirit and then cloves and then and then and then when i was 34 i quit and then i fucked with theul at some point for like six months. I wish I would have never smoked, even though nicotine is amazing. I love nicotine. I wish I'd never done that. Hey, caller, what's up? Hey, I was calling because I had a question about something I thought you might know.
Starting point is 00:59:40 And I've just been curious. So Dave Castro's got rehired by crossfit and he's i think so i think so i want you to know though that i'm as you say that i'm suspect oh but yeah let's go with that that's what everyone thinks that's what everyone thinks that's what he tells me that's what i think do i think they're paying him yeah i'm just i just can't figure out what the fuck is going on dude well we'll circle back to that but go on let's finish your thought i like that yeah um so he obviously dave cash was incredible and like got a crazy history but one thing i don't know is did he ever work as a trainer like back in the original days at crossfit like did he ever coach you like
Starting point is 01:00:22 was he a coach dude Or did he do seminars? Dude, you can go online. You can go online. He still does training. Did you know that there's a website you can go on and sign up and fucking go to the ranch and Dave will train you. He just doesn't promote it. He'll be the coach? Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:39 People from all over the world do it. You can just sign up. Two dudes from England will sign up. They'll show up at the ranch, and there he is. And you got Dave. He warms him up and cools him down. Dude, the whole thing. Does the workout with you.
Starting point is 01:00:55 There's a workout everyone can do, and you go to the ranch, and it's a workout. I think he puts everyone through the exact same workout. Not always, but a lot of times. Yeah, he coaches every week, but a lot of times. Yeah. He's he, he coaches every week, whether it be shooting guns training. But if you go back and look into it, you can find it on YouTube somewhere.
Starting point is 01:01:12 There's videos of him when he used to be a trainer. He would make training videos when he was a seal. It's from some funny shit. It's good shit to see. And then make fun of us. Talk shit to him in his DMS. Had you ever been coached by him uh he taught uh just at a seminar um what before i really knew him and i took a seminar and he was a fucking asshole he said you he said do you know the story about fran at the seminars that have you ever heard me tell that story no sir so i'm in scotts valley it's probably 2007 early 2007 and i'm at this seminar
Starting point is 01:01:49 and they're um it's it's packed you know probably 80 people there and dave's dave's running it and it's time to do fran and he says okay everyone we're gonna run heat pick a bar we have the 95 pound bar over here for men and the 65 pound bars over here for pussies and women and i'm like and i was this berkeley fucking politically correct douchebag right and i was so offended i was so offended and i and i stepped off to the side and I didn't do the workout. Flash forward three, flash forward three years and we're like really good friends.
Starting point is 01:02:31 And I tell him that story. And before I can even finish the story, he goes, yeah. And I saw what you did. You little cunt. You didn't do the workout. He probably didn't say cunt,
Starting point is 01:02:39 but, and he even knew that, right. He knew that I bitched out because my feelings were hurt. You remember that? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, we hate.
Starting point is 01:02:49 I didn't hate him. He I don't even know if he hated me. I should ask him. But we went the first year I worked at CrossFit. We went to war. He hazed the shit out of me. And as you know, or if you don't know, I ain't no bitch and I fought back. And most people don't fight back.
Starting point is 01:03:05 And I think that's why we're, we built such a crazy relationship. And people just thought it was weird that he's this fucking seal team six operator. And I'm this fucking barefoot tree hugging hippie, but we fucking hit it off. So, so did you used to take classes when you worked at CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:03:23 When they were based in California, did you go to the affiliate there in the CrossFit headquarters? Occasionally. Maybe I took 12 classes down there a year. But basically, we just worked out every day down there. You know what I mean? There would be like, you just go down there and there's people working out. Or when I was running the media department, I would just send out a text to like 10 people hey does anyone want to work out with me and six people go down there and then you just fucking
Starting point is 01:03:52 get at it some people work out two or three times a day it was nuts it was dude that job was amazing is hq and boulder still like that no i have no idea but i have to say absolutely not nothing could ever be like that, dude. Imagine what it was like. This is going to be blasphemous. Imagine what it was like being like the 13 apostles. It was the 13 or 12. How many apostles?
Starting point is 01:04:13 And you were hanging with Jesus. That's what it was like. All we did all day, you were either making CrossFit content, talking about CrossFit content, or doing CrossFit. And everyone there did the exact same thing. And there were kids and dogs and shit running around and everyone worked fucking 18 hours a day. And it was just, um, it was just great. It was dope. It was dope. Cause everyone there had their life changed by it. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Everyone's like, Oh my God, I can't fucking believe it. Rings hanging everywhere. It was great. And if you didn't work hard, people just, like, you were just weeded out. There were very few people like that, but everyone just fed off of everyone. Yeah, it was cool. Did everyone dare eat the promoted CrossFit diet? No, no. It was just like, I would say I was the, well, I'll tell you this. I was, I was probably the worst, you know, of anyone, you know what I mean? Um, yeah, I still drink, but very rarely, but very rarely.
Starting point is 01:05:24 drink i'm like oh that's like the other day i went out my and i hardly ever go out to restaurants or anything but i'm by by by eat bad there i'm saying like um you need both pieces of bread on your sandwich you know okay um you use ranch you use ranch dressing uh but people there ate pretty damn well everyone there was so fit it was so fucking crazy it was so crazy dude i was i was the biggest bitch fucking there and yet anywhere else i went like i could just destroy anyone like if i went to just a regular affiliate and worked out there would only be like two or three people there who were more fit than me and the gym at hq i could not beat anybody nobody no girls nobody it was nuts it was cool though i mean i had a i had a blast i mean i never felt i never felt bad it was cool
Starting point is 01:06:05 i loved it what did people's kids get to come in yeah yeah any dude anyone could come in dude anyone like people would just like people be like hey i came from uh massachusetts and i'm just wondering if i get a workout yeah fuck jump in let's get it that's amazing yeah it was what happened to that space did some other company buy it and now they have a gym? I heard, I don't know this for a fact, but I heard that HQ last week just completely moved out of it and has new offices in downtown Santa Cruz. I'll tell you this. One of the biggest mistakes ever, biggest mistakes ever in CrossFit history, in my opinion, was when Greg Glassman got rid of the Santa Cruz gym. Why is that? Because in the beginning in 2006 and seven, when videos and pictures just started popping up on the internet, um, that was a destination spot. Everyone wanted
Starting point is 01:06:55 to go there. Like I want to use that pull-up bar that Andy Sakamoto or Greg Amundsen or so-and-so used, right? Like those were all that OP, I want to run the course that OPT did hell and on and set the world record. And it was just this shithole fucking gym in a fucking back alley. But everyone wanted to go there. And so they had that. And Greg got rid of that. When he got rid of that, one of the biggest things I would push once I became an executive at CrossFit is we should build another destination location where we film all our videos and people want to come. And we have a little store with special shirts and fun shit. Right it never happened and that was such a cool thing greg ended up just giving that gym away and that was um i don't think he realized there's two things that maybe he realized but there were two things about crossfit that will if you work there you're lucky because most people will never
Starting point is 01:07:38 get this experience in their life one was that that it had a destination like that. And two, everyone there wanted to be there. So imagine if you worked at McDonald's. Everyone there is – and I'm making this up. I only worked at McDonald's for a couple hours and quit. But everyone who's there is just working for a paycheck. No one's like, oh, my God, I can't believe I'm turning fries. believe i'm turning fries but everyone at hq everyone was like holy cow i can't fucking believe i work here this is the greatest and we grinded and that slowly went away as we got bigger and bigger not by much and then eventually and and that's why it'll never so those are the things
Starting point is 01:08:20 that if you don't those are the things that i i I think if, if like the Tommies and the Shawnees and these, and, and, and the, in the, in the Richies and these people who say everything's okay, everything will be normal. Everything. No, um, everything will never be normal. You will not, you will not recreate that. You will not recreate that. And that will filter out to the rest of the company. Everyone will feel that everyone will feel all the way down through the million crossfitters will eventually feel that well they do feel it already do you feel like at the seven podcast like all the people that work like mad and will and all those other guys caleb beavers like that's kind of the same thing though it's like they all kind of want to be there because it seems like watching the podcast
Starting point is 01:09:04 well they they probably have a love hate relationship with it. Right. Oh, they don't get they don't get paid shit. It's fun. They like it and love it. And it's a little sketchy because of some of the shit I say is so. Logical, it calls the zombies, it summons the zombies. And so, like, it doesn't matter to me because i've already been canceled i'm a ghost right but to then if you haven't been canceled and you're not a ghost then the zombies are scary so i think maybe a little bit uh caleb's pretty brave suze is pretty brave but um but when you get into the uh when i when
Starting point is 01:09:43 you start talking about the the the origins of certain words or things, the shit gets fucking sideways. You know what I mean? Yes, sir. You said you wanted to circle back to your – I don't want to call it conspiracy theory. Oh, just Dave. Your theory about the Castro not being hired. Let me ask you, if you had the, if you had a guy who ran the games better than anyone else, and then you brought him back, what, what could their reason, what could the possible reasoning be? I'm open to this.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Someone else call into, if you have an answer to this, and I'll let you jump in here too. Why, why would you bring the greatest Air Force pilot F-15 fighter pilot back in the middle of a war, but give him a desk job. I don't understand. Yeah. I don't understand. Not only a desk job, but a desk job in the Army. He's not even in the Air Force.
Starting point is 01:10:39 I don't, I cannot get my head wrapped around it. But this guy was also the best Army general there ever was too. Right. Right. Hold on one second. ever was too right right hold on one second hold on one second uh emergent this is some crazy shit here i don't know if this is a hello caller oh wait wait sorry sorry sorry sorry hi two callers now it's a group call yes it's sir. It's a group call. Yes, it's a group. It's a group.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Okay, go ahead. Do you know why? What do you think they're doing with Dave Castro? Why hire him and not put him back in the games? I think they recognize he has a lot more, although he did do a really good job running the games, of course. They realize that he can do a lot more and be more useful in other positions, in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:11:28 All right. Fair. Or maybe you're secretly working on the game another another great one another great one um he used to work in the training department and the games hey if you're a car mechanic i don't know i don't know if that metaphor is going to work i don't know but i'm i'm struggling with it they they act like the games is the greatest asset they have which it's not um why not put him in there it's definitely the most forward-facing right it's definitely the the thing that everyone sees it's like my nose. The public sees. Yeah. Why not put Dave in there? Hey, did you guys see those two videos that Hiller made where he talks about what happened in 2013 and 14 when Danny Siddell had five bad reps out of 400? And they fucking booted her from the games?
Starting point is 01:12:22 I didn't see the whole video, but I remember that happening. Yeah, it's crazy. It's fucking amazing. She did five bad reps out of 400. They told her, okay, that workout doesn't count, and you can't redo it because you've run out of time, so you can't do the rest of the open. They told the affiliate who validated her workout, hey, you can no longer validate any more workouts this year.
Starting point is 01:12:40 And they told the judge, hey, you can no longer judge the rest of the year. That's with five bad reps. Now, are you no longer judge the rest of the year. That's what's five bad reps. Now, are you watching the shit show that is the fucking qualifications to go to the games? Oh, yeah. It's fucking nuts. And for their response to be, hey, it's always been like this, and then for Hiller to show that video, man, oh, man. I think he dunked all over their shit. I think the conversation's done. I think you just have to be like, yeah, it. I think he dunked all over their shit. I think the conversation's done.
Starting point is 01:13:06 I think you just have to be like, yeah, it's fucked up now. Yeah, I'm curious to see what Brian's power rankings would be if everyone who had five bad reps got eliminated from any online qualifier. Tia's toast. That'd be a much different list, I think. Tia's toast. You think that deadlift is really, uh,
Starting point is 01:13:25 problematic. Yeah. I, I don't personally think so, but how about the fact that it's being filmed from the front? Yeah, it looks pretty bad, but like that,
Starting point is 01:13:37 that's bizarre to me that you're allowed to film a deadlift from the front. I, Hey, I don't want to, I don't want to be toast. Let me tell you this. I do not want her to be toast. me tell you this i do not want her to be toast i'm i give everyone a pass i fucking let that rope climb go that that uh that brooke
Starting point is 01:13:50 did but but uh but i'm not in denial the facts are the facts and like um i i think the games are better when when there's someone just fucking cracking the whip yeah i think people are too fit say that again yeah i think people are just too fit yeah they like they go so fast and it's just like because they can and it's just it's kind of like what ben smith said that one time on your podcast on one of the semifinals he was talking about like the workouts used to be so hard to where like people had to stop, but they got so good that we're now these workouts that made people stop before like the 10, like a stroke one workout or 20 in 20 is it 2014? That was like people were.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Oh shit. Did I hang up on you? Oh no, I'm right here. Savant. Thanks for taking the call. Oh my, oh my,
Starting point is 01:14:44 oh, I hung up on one caller. Oh, shit, what's going on? Hold on, hold on. Oh, shit, here we go. Wow. Sorry, I merged into third person. I merged into third person.
Starting point is 01:14:56 Sorry. We hit up the party now. Yeah. Hey, you know what's funny? Two of you guys, one of you is a wireless caller, and the other two are using phones with women's names but you're men so that means your wives have the phone account that's brilliant i approve actually my mom but oh even better even better now i wonder which one i am mr right go ahead you're the new caller
Starting point is 01:15:19 hey thanks again i've been thinking a lot about bouncing the barbell, some of the other changes that CrossFit made over the last open season. And one that I don't think we talk about enough is the change to the standard for burpees over bar, where you're not getting off on two feet anymore. And I think what it speaks to is they're not necessarily compromising standards, like the allegations that we have coming in,
Starting point is 01:15:47 but it's more along the lines of going like the grid league route where you're just trying to make it faster because everyone's engine is so crazy. Oh, I never even thought of that. It was interesting to see the standard at, I think it was the European semifinal, they had
Starting point is 01:16:03 someone stepping over the line. They didn't even have to jump. Oh, yeah, that's right. That's right. Hey, what do you guys think about Nancy Pelosi? I got a question for you. What do you think about Nancy Pelosi pushing that girl? You think that's not a big deal? I didn't see that.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Oh, come on. You guys not watching the video? Putting Hiller on the spot oh my goodness oh my goodness this show uh thanks guys for all calling in i appreciate it um i'll talk to you guys soon you guys you guys are awesome appreciate it take care thank you i don't know they they bring up they bring up good points maybe Dave will do more good somewhere else I just I'm tripping
Starting point is 01:16:51 I'm tripping okay what should we watch Invisible Sky Daddy I think we already did the Sky Daddy oh my goodness oh I got my whole all my abortion notes on here I think we already did the Sky Daddy. Oh, my goodness. Oh, I got all my abortion notes on here.
Starting point is 01:17:13 I don't know. It's so much good stuff, but I kind of want to. Okay, here. This is good. This is good. I want to play something a little more lighter or funny. This good okay you guys ready for this i think you guys will like this i think this guy this is the guy that was on joe rogan um his name is sadhuru caller will you bear with me for just a second? No. Okay, thank you. Here we go. Listen.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Everything will be okay. Don't worry. Be happy. All kinds of stuff. No. The beauty of life is to know all the possibilities and still not to be perturbed or disturbed by that. Not knowing anything and you're okay. That's okay for a child. If you stay that way, we call you a retard. Yes, I know it's a harsh word to use, but that is the case. Because keeping yourself ignorant and thinking you're innocent is a retarded way of existence, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:18:22 Hello? Am I saying harsh things to you? I'm like this, I'm horrible only, isn't it? Hello? Am I saying harsh things to you? I'm like this. I'm horrible only. What to do? Because I am not here to say sweet things and put you to sleep. I'm here to awaken people. I am not here to say sweet things and put people to sleep.
Starting point is 01:18:44 I am here to awaken people. A woman does exist on the planet, just one, and she's on the phone now. Hi. Hi. Hi. It's Heidi. Oh, hi, Heidi. What's up?
Starting point is 01:18:57 Hi, how's it going? Are you going to the games? Yeah, of course. Hell yeah. Can I use you? Yeah. Oh, my God. I'm oh my god i love using people great of course thank you so i have heidi and i have hiller and i have brian so far oh and i bet you william plumber he loves me when i use him i'm gonna use the fuck out of the plumber. He's great. He is great. William.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Hey, how's, how's the, how much work is the, is the, is the fake seven podcast? It's not that much work at all. I just watch your show.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Sometimes you talk freaking fast, so I got to pause it and I take a bunch of notes. And then when I'm bored, I just write a bunch of notes and then when I'm bored I just write a bunch of crap you're pretty funny so I don't have to do much to it are you ever like oh that was a little mean um some stuff that I find
Starting point is 01:19:58 really mean I don't use oh you're so thoughtful like the Alex Kazan one I I'm like, um, okay. I think I need to calm down a little bit. Okay. Let's go look at the Alex Kazan one. Um, that one's pretty nice because the things that I was going to write were too far. Can you give us a, give me a hint of one of the, so I'm,
Starting point is 01:20:23 Alex dives deep into her childhood and shares extremely emotional and painful memories of her parents. Wow, that's almost like sincere and honest. Yeah, it is. Okay, what was some- Most of it's pretty. the thought was something like, you know, something you said, something's your subconscious never forgets. And then it was going to go into how like the smell of alcohol or something she was talking about. She can never like that, like pisses her off. And so it was going to be something about alcoholism and it just felt kind of
Starting point is 01:21:03 mean and too far. So I didn't want to do that. Sevan Matosi and cosmology, we are all energy antennas. And being offended puts a damper on your electrical grid. You say it so much better than me. It's like a direct quote. It's pretty much what you said. It's so good. You say it better than me.
Starting point is 01:21:24 What is this? What is this what is this savon tried that with dale but he wouldn't crack uh there's no not that's why heidi got hired at the evening wipe down uh yeah i'm gonna do a big story today at the lake Monona, I'm going there to drink the E. coli water. I'll be reporting live on that. Ah, I love it. I love it. Yep, but I'm turning into one of your boring callers, so I better let you go. I loved hearing your voice.
Starting point is 01:21:57 I'm glad you're going to be in Wisconsin. And we'll have to start, after last chance qualifier, we'll have to start a text thread with the posse on there. Sounds good. Sounds good. All right. Love hearing your voice. Thanks for calling. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Love you. Bye. Miss Heidi. Kroom. The CEO and founder of the fake seven podcast. Oh, wow. Alex. Cause the Gazan follows that.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Will Plum follows it. Oh, and 23 more people I follow. Let's see who. See all followers. Oh, the Cobra Rhodes follows it. Vindicate. Oh, we have a Plan B shirt. Have you guys seen that?
Starting point is 01:22:46 Vindicate. Oh, we have a Plan B shirt. Have you guys seen that? And Kate. Oh, man, I really want some of these shirts. I want this No Plan B shirt, and I want this CEO shirt with the American flag on it. Is that – is that – is that crank crop top? Is that for crank top? Is that for women or men? I haven't worn a sleeveless shirt in 16 years. I think I'm, I'm, I've reached that age where I can do that. I think I should just, um, I have this tough of hair where my shoulder meets my tricep, and I should probably get that worked off a little bit.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Oh, shit. I got Tyler Watkins at the games too. Wow. Wow. Tyler Watkins. Okay. uh tyler watkins is the shooter who got the infamous uh rich froning footage from guadalupalooza during the uh mass debate hostile debate on what should replace the shuttle runs after the downpour at guadalupalooza and tyler was in the athlete meeting with probably another hundred athletes. It was being run by Mr. Matt O'Keefe, the great Matt O'Keefe.
Starting point is 01:24:08 And Tyler was there with his cell phone and we got to watch that in real time. I'm so proud of that moment. Sevan, write my name down. Don't tell me what to do. Yeah, my daddy. Are you going to be there? Are you going to be there? Jamie.
Starting point is 01:24:26 I always want to call you hymie jamie latimer okay brian friend heidi hiller william plumber tyler watkins jamie latimer um just so you know we've had people who sign up before within three seconds i know they're not a good fit and fucking we toss you to the curb you're still a friend we gotta toss you the curb oh bone media was there at the at the comp morning mc saturday good dude i don't know what that means cory i just want to know more about what the fuck's going on up there at the fraser camp i really like that analysis. Yes, Dallin was used so that Hopper could gauge himself and Danielle Branagh was used so that that girl, the little girl that used to be with James Townsend, don't fucking know her name anymore. She – Danielle was there so that girl could feel something out. Vindicate, get your no plan B shirt, your TDC CEO shirt, all the good shirts.
Starting point is 01:25:34 Okay. I am not here to say sweet things and put you to sleep. How about the fact that guy used the word retard? And for some reason – it's funny funny some people don't like that word what's this vaccine has oh this this is fuck it let's do it here this is a fun one
Starting point is 01:25:58 this is a real fun one here we go people here we go can you. Here we go. Can you guys hear it? I can't. Nope. The same answer. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Refresh. Here we go. Sorry. Here we go. Told us that the vaccine, it couldn't transmit it. Was that a lie or was that? We were told that if you get the vaccine, you couldn't transmit COVID. Was that a lie? I guess. Or was that a guess? Same answer. I think it was hope that the vaccine would work in that way. And that's why I think scientists
Starting point is 01:26:35 and public health leaders always have to be at the table, being very clear what we know and what we don't know. This is important. Okay. Did you hear that? He asked, did we know that the vaccine would stop transmission? She said, well, we hoped. And as scientists, we have to be very clear what we know and what we don't know. Do you see right there? She admitted that she doesn't know what science is. You cannot know. You cannot know. There's nothing in science to know that you can believe strongly. You can have strong conviction and believe you can know what has the greatest predictive value. But you cannot know. Once you know, you're no longer doing science. It's amazing, right? We're all getting smarter because of this. It's the it's I wouldn't have known any of this if this whole COVID thing didn't happen.
Starting point is 01:27:27 I hope my dick is nine inches. Does that make it nine inches? Mr. McKenna. No, it does not. It does not. I'm sorry. Fascinating, right? You cannot know.
Starting point is 01:27:44 But we can believe and we can choose the things that have the greatest predictive value victor brown says science doesn't change our understanding of it does i'm not sure i get that let's play some more country to know so when i asked the question when the government told us that the vaccinated couldn't get it and i asked you if it was a guess or a lie you said you don't know you said you think it was hope so what we do know is it wasn't the truth so they were either guessing lying or hoping and communicating that information to the to the to the citizens of this country when the government told us they knew something i i don't know if
Starting point is 01:28:31 these numbers are right that they they believed from their studies that one out of every 22 000 people who took the vaccine was able to like fight off the disease or some shit they got like some crazy number like that it's just it's just it's just uh the whole thing is fascinating to me how if we can't even agree well we can if a group of if the if the if a group of people can't agree on the definition of a woman or a man, what authority or what are the implications of them suggesting to us that they know if a vaccine works or not? Why don't you answer that in your own head? It's just nuts. Absolutely nuts. Hope. They hoped.
Starting point is 01:29:25 They hoped. They hoped. I don't know if you saw the video I played it a couple months ago where the head of the CDC said that they were getting their vaccine information from fucking CNN. Wow. The head of the CDC. Okay, we did that one. Oh, okay. We did that one. Let's see if I have something else funny.
Starting point is 01:29:52 I'll try to do something funny. I need some humor in the show. I talked to you guys about the only girl who's ever whistled at me. It's okay. She hates me. Oh, this is so me oh this is so good this is so good you guys are gonna love this this is so good i'm sorry if you're listening to the podcast and you can't see this this is fascinating this guy is a beast so we're looking at boxes that are 24 inches just sorry oh it's not even the same on both sides wow oh and he uses those floor pads the same way i do those two inch rogue floor pads wow i never noticed that before but
Starting point is 01:30:34 basically he's gonna stand in between 32 38 plus uh another 10 inches for He says 44 inches. My calculation is 48 inches. And he's going to hold a 100-pound D-ball and stand in between these boxes and do a jump. Check this out. This is amazing. Look at this, barefoot. What? Jake Shum.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Want to see it again? Grabs a 100-pound D-ball. Jake Shum. Want to see it again? Grabs a 100-pound D-ball. He says 44 inches. I'll say 48 inches. Crazy, crazy. 32, 38 plus 10. Yeah, he's got it wrong. One, two, three, four, five.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Those are nuts. Nuts. Absolutely nuts. Hey, and you know what he has in here somewhere he has in here the um let's see if i can find it the fail videos of him trying it i want to see if i can find it need to jump on box who is this guy does he have a lot of followers 26 000 oh he's an nfl pun Does he have a lot of followers? 26,000. Oh, he's an NFL punter. He's a punter.
Starting point is 01:31:49 Look at this. Wow. Wow. He's a fans only page. Only fans page. Wow. Let me see. Oh, yeah, yeah. Here it is.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Okay, you guys ready? Watch this. Watch this. this is nuts look at the fails oh what do you think about him doing a barefoot ouch ouch ouch hey so do his coaches see this his nfl coaches and they're like bro oh NFL coaches and they're like bro oh hey I'm gonna guess that guy's a great
Starting point is 01:32:34 athlete I should get that guy on the show I wonder if he's cool you know you check to see if he's cool you go back over here and see does he have pronouns nope no pronouns he's cool? You go back over here and see, does he have pronouns? Nope, no pronouns. He's cool.
Starting point is 01:32:47 That was easy. Alrighty. NFL player, superhuman jump. Take that off the list. Okay, here's a good one. If you walk up to the president of the United States – oh, my wife's going to hate this. If you walk up to the president's motorcade, whatever happens to you next, I give a pass. I don't care who the president is. Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Jimmy Carter.
Starting point is 01:33:24 Oh, Jimmy. George Washington Johnson Kennedy, George Bush Abraham Lincoln Like the guy who walked up behind Lincoln And capped his ass that he should have been beheaded Just right before he even capped Lincoln His guard You have to guess that that was a
Starting point is 01:33:42 Inside job If you walk up to the presidential motorcade, what happens next to you – I'm trying to say it nice so that my wife doesn't get mad at me. My wife cannot stand when I say things like call people an idiot or say that person should be fucking killed. Okay, how about this? people an idiot or say that person should be fucking killed if okay how about this if you i'm okay with someone scooping you up with a giant butterfly net putting you in a rocket and shooting you to pluto to never come back if you do this to the president's motorcade you cannot do this there have to be things that are just unacceptable this is this is one of them look at her she's with a bullhorn she's walking up to the presidential motorcade with a bag
Starting point is 01:34:25 yeah toss her please hip toss hip toss he did a hip toss on it that was nice not a good one but still one she grabbed his like yeah yeah he just slapped her there across the face you see that and some that kid who rolled up with the with the skateboard should be punted punted you cannot do that i wonder if it's that kid who rolled up with the skateboard should be punted. Punted. You cannot do that. I wonder if it's that kid's mom. Hey, you're a bad parent if you put yourself in a situation like that for your kid to see. You are a bad, bad parent.
Starting point is 01:35:02 You are not setting, that is not what the trauma you want to put your kid through right there yeah she should have been run over i agree i i i it's it's um oh damn i wish i wouldn't said that my wife's gonna hear that trouble trouble uh i i just i don't i don't know what people are thinking that is the leader of our country in there. We elected him to make decisions to hopefully take care of us so we can stay at home and work in the fields and milk the cows
Starting point is 01:35:34 and stuff our face with donuts at Disneyland. And hopefully he's taking care of, you know, the bigger picture thing so we can do that. And if you approach his motorcade like that, you be mashed look she takes his hat and oh yeah and he slaps her across the face that's good that almost came too easy for him uh yeah they aren't thinking i know i know and that's the hard part right like part of me of me is like, hey, they're tards. They deserve a second chance. Like I could have, that could have been me when I was 18, but it does. I just can't.
Starting point is 01:36:10 I don't know. I'm open. Okay. Not a one way to get to Pluto. Just like, just, just how about, how about, how about put them in, send them to Las Vegas and where they have to complete 3 million burpees, and when they're done, they get out. So that takes like two years or something. Give them time to think about their shit. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:36:40 Thanks for hanging out. Big show today. Lots of listeners. Really cool since it was just a last minute put together. What I do to make sure if a guest never shows up is I have this huge list of videos and shit I want to talk about always throughout the day. I keep that list. I love you guys. I actually love the live call-in shows the most. My nose is a little cloggy. I know this is a little cloggy uh tomorrow we have tomorrow you need oh tomorrow morning I'm trying to get down pepper and James Sprague on just so you know I'm trying to get the two of them on we're gonna party just gonna have fun no plan just talk to the guys I'm excited for
Starting point is 01:37:17 James Sprague I kind of want to just dump a ton of energy on James and support him through the last chance qualifier that's sort of of my, I really want to, I love that guy. He's got so much great positive energy and, and, and bring his homeboy down pepper on and we'll just, just shoot the shit. As you guys know,
Starting point is 01:37:34 I've talked a ton of shit about Dallin playfully about just what a shit show the podcast was that he was on. And then in the evening, I'm going to have Brian Friend and Taylor Self and I think J.R. Howell on to talk about the last chance qualifier. And so I'm pumped for that. So that's tomorrow. So tomorrow's going to be a fun day. We'll get our CrossFit on and I will talk to you guys all very soon.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Thanks for all your love and support. Cat, hi. Calling, just spent some time with Matt in Vermont. Oh, oh, oh, oh. Calling just, please call, please. Are you going to call? Let's hear. Call, please call.
Starting point is 01:38:17 When did you send that? 842? Oh, you just sent that just a minute ago. Okay, hold on. We are not getting off. We're going to hear a little snippet from Cat Shear. Oh, Dallin. Dallin spent time there?
Starting point is 01:38:33 Oh, not you. Yes, yes, yes. Okay, not calling. All right, fine. Then I am off. I love you, Cat. Thanks for all your help. Talk to you guys later.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Everyone go over to Lauren Khalilhalil's instagram tell her how much you loved her on the seven podcast it's only the right thing to do

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