The Sevan Podcast - #473 - CrossFit Last-Chance Qualifier Recap

Episode Date: July 2, 2022

Guests on the show: Arielle Loewen, Tim Paulson, Scott Panchik, and Royce Dunne. Hosted with friends & analysts Brian Friend, Taylor Self, and JR Howell. Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - CODE: SEVAN for a FREE consultation - OUR WEBSITE https://sogosnack Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. What? Who says we're live? Invites.
Starting point is 00:00:36 We are live. Bam, we're live. Bam, we're live. How about now incredible incredible incredible incredible are you ready seven you seem a little i'm sending links out to all the winners i'm sending links out to all the winners and sending links out to all the winners tim paulson, Yana Koski. This is some crazy. This is crazy. This is cool. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I don't have Koski's number. And you're saying that the lady who won took second place in the last chance qualifier. Elena. Son of whoja doesn't have Instagram. I don't think so. They CrossFit games did not tag her. She was the only one of 19 athletes that were in the top 10 after day one that they didn't tag on their leaderboards.
Starting point is 00:01:32 How was it? How was it? Did you guys enjoy the last chance qualifier? Were you impressed by the workout? What do we think? What do we think? What do we think about workout number one? Holy cow.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Do I owe Ariel Lowen an apology? Yep. You should get her on here and apologize to her right now. Okay, Yep, you should get her on here and apologize to her right now. Okay, fine. I will get her on here and apologize to her right now. There we go. Hey, we're by the pool. Welcome to my vacation.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yeah, Ariel Loewen, I told these boys that you would never make it a second year in a row because a fairy tale is just a fairy tale and last year was your fairy tale you know what's so funny savon tell me i'm driving to the gym today and wouldn't you know my husband listened to your podcast yeah tell me he has the audacity to tell me he's like one of the people on the podcast believes in you savon thinks you're a fairy tale and i said i said why would you tell me this driving to the gym in the middle of my pump up song but i forgive him it was good motivation oh my goodness it continues this is like shrek 2 or like uh or like one of those shows my kids watch part two i know it's it's i um i'm speechless like all i can do is um thank god and i just got done crying that's why i've got the shades on but
Starting point is 00:02:52 me too me too it's amazing i was like dear lord offer me the humility to apologize to ariel lowen before we came on brian was saying all sorts of swear words to me, but in a positive way about how, how good he is and how bad I am. It's how boys bond. It's how boys bond. It takes a humble person to admit when they're wrong. So I appreciate that. Um, Ariel,
Starting point is 00:03:15 when you saw these workouts, um, put in front of you, um, on a, on a scale, will you tell me how much you embrace them? Are you like,
Starting point is 00:03:23 Oh great. These are my wheelhouse on the top end or on the bottom end. Oh, God, I quit. Probably like a 10 on the top end. Oh, you like them. I loved them. I was at lunch with one of my good friends, Kendra, having a Bible study. And I just like looked at my phone.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I was like, Kendra, give me two seconds. And I read the workouts and I just smiled. And she was like, you love the workouts, don't you? They're just, I saw them and they were just absolutely perfect. Even that first one doesn't, isn't that first one a little terrifying? JR, Taylor and Brian were all saying that that one is like just so brain heavy that you really have to think about it and really be aware of what you need to do. You need a lot of self-awareness. It's not, it's not for the amateur. Totally. I actually, on that one was
Starting point is 00:04:10 the one I was most nervous for. I reached out to Christy O'Connell, Roy Gamboa, games athletes, who in my opinion, Emily Rolfe are very, very good. And I was like, how would you approach this? How would you attack it? Had one of my buddies, Joel Hughes, throw it down at the gym. That one was the one I was most nervous for because in reality, it's four minutes of work. You can lose a lot by like resting too much, blowing up. So that one definitely, I agree, was the most nerve wracking. Now I know why Brian picked you. Because you also keep good company.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Roy Gamboa is one of his favorite. And Christy Aramo is one of his favorite favorites. So you guys, I had to, I had to humble myself in the case of Christy Aramo earlier this season. Yeah. I like to think I channeled my Christy Aramo on this last chance. When like we literally found out and I immediately text you,
Starting point is 00:05:04 is that how you found how did you find out are you did you know before we did or do you find out just from refreshing the leaderboard also i found out i'm in a group text with my training partner and coach we have team jam joel ariel and matt they texted and they were like mine wasn't refreshing because you know my internet is horrible and they were like you got first in the last two workouts and you got first overall and then my husband called me and i didn't believe it till i saw it what time was this that isn't true christy aramo style too she got first on both the second third or fourth workouts last so you'll one up to three first place overall this was at i would say like 305 and then you texted me. And, I mean, you're a little important, Siobhan, so I jumped on right away.
Starting point is 00:05:47 You're the best. Thank you. Yeah. This is – your finishes are really crazy impressive. I mean, you left no question. Everyone's like, yep, she's the best one in that group. Three firsts and a sixth. What place did you take last year in the games?
Starting point is 00:06:06 14th, I believe. JR, this is to test you, JR, because I normally do this to Brian. Will Ariel Lowen do better than she did last year at the games? Are we looking at a better
Starting point is 00:06:22 Ariel Lowen relative to the competition? Mr. Howell. Oh, you're muted. I think he has a one word answer. I can read lips.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Still, still muted. The suspense. Okay. He said, yes, I can't hear him, but I do read lips.
Starting point is 00:06:43 He either said yes, or he said, you're an asshole. One of those two, they look similar in, um, Oh, you I do read lips. He either said yes or he said, you're an asshole, one of those two. They look similar. Oh, you got him to smile. Someone just lost a bet somewhere. Ryan, why did you pick Ariel
Starting point is 00:06:56 as your winner? These are not easy people to beat. You got the two-time Games CrossFit champion just two places lower. Why did you pick Ariel Loewen? Well, you know, I think she's fairly well-rounded, and I think that the objective of this test should be to find a well-rounded athlete, or two in this case, that will be relevant and exciting to see at the Games. Like I said the other day, I thought there were six women that probably could fit into that category,
Starting point is 00:07:24 and Ariel was certainly one of them. Yeah, I will say my competitors, it was absolutely stacked. Absolutely stacked. It was intimidating going into it. Is this more nerve-wracking because it's just blind? I mean, you really are just working out in a vacuum. You have no idea what's going on around you. You have no idea what's going on around you.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I'm going to tell you from about two o'clock to three o'clock, my heart has never raced so much. And all you can do is just sit back and wait for the results to post. But man, I don't know if you saw how many people came out to cheer me on in this environment. I've never felt so loved, so supported. I probably cried like five times today just looking at all the people that just showed up for me. So I thrived in this environment because people showed up and believed in me. And that's just bigger than any pep talk or song you could put on to motivate, in my opinion.
Starting point is 00:08:14 What's the name of the gym you do that? It's called Hit for Fit. And is it a CrossFit gym or just a – It is not affiliated. It's like HIIT-style training, high-intensity interval training. So it's like CrossFit,, it is not affiliated. It's like hit style training, high intensity interval training. So it's, it's like CrossFit, but they're not affiliated. And that's where you do most of your training. That's where I do all my training. Yeah. Did you do any of the workouts more than once? I did not. I gave them one go. I actually debated
Starting point is 00:08:39 doing the first workout again because I felt like I left a little bit on the table but I'm so glad I did not do it again she won that she won that workout by the way yeah I'm looking at it crazy 29 reps we we had Scott Panchik on um a couple days ago and he mentioned that he thought workout one like if you just had to pick one of these workouts and you had to ditch the other three, and it's a lot of pressure to put on him, but he played the game with us. He chose workout one. I mean, you took first place in three of them, but, but do you agree with Scott on that? Did you like that? That was a great, great test. Whoever wrote the workouts for the last chance, I feel like they were very strategic. Let's say, let's do that one. Oh, look, Tim Paulson coming out of a liquor store.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Yeah. Just a heads up. I've got 4% battery left on my phone, so I might lose you in like five to 10 minutes. Tim, Ariel was just saying that that workout number one was brilliant, that she absolutely loved it. She thought it was written perfectly. What are your thoughts on it? You took 14th in that one, and you took 14th, second, second, and a first. Amazing finishes. But it's the exact opposite of what we were talking about. Scott Pancheck said that would be the one. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Taylor and JR jumped on the Pancheck bandwagon. I said workout four would be the workout. Wow. No, so I thought the first workout was really good i mean it was a weakness test for me because it was really dictated by bar muscle ups and cycle speed uh like the thrusters mattered of course but it was more about who had faster cycle right on the bar or bar muscle ups both round one and round two and my cycle speed on the second round of bar muscle ups was pretty bad um so that was i just didn't have time to thruster it wasn't that the thrusters were
Starting point is 00:10:24 overtly challenging like they were hard of course but it was more just i didn't have enough time did you have time to watch the women's uh last chance qualifier at all did you have any energy focused over there thought like hey i wonder who's no okay yeah and normally people don't right because because i was just i just said that there's no chance in hell ariel lowen is gonna win and she ended up just cleaning up. I did pick you though, Mr. Paulson and, uh, and Tyler Christofal. So I appreciate you coming, uh, coming through. How did you find out Tim that you, that you, that you were going?
Starting point is 00:10:58 Uh, so actually I just got off the golf course with my buddies like 15 minutes ago. Uh, we're like six or seven beers deep and uh we were in the car on the way home and my buddy pulled up the leaderboard and he's like oh no and i was like did i not fucking qualify and he looks at me he's like no you fucking won and so we we pulled the car over and rightfully lost our shit because i was really nervous um i had heard some scores from other guys, and I was really confident with my scores, but I didn't know if there would be enough kind of differential behind me
Starting point is 00:11:31 to make up the ground on Royce or Yona. So, yeah, I was really nervous. Like I said, really confident in myself, but really nervous that I wasn't going to get enough help, basically. There are some rumors, although she's wearing sunglasses now, there are some rumors although she's wearing sunglasses now there are some rumors that water came from drip from ariel's face when she saw the score from the the tear ducts turned on and some water drip from them did you have any water drip from yours uh honestly um i was too fired up to cry i definitely i i teared up a little bit um you know this one yeah i mean this
Starting point is 00:12:04 one means like i mean this is my sixth straight. And like, it's the first one with a toddler. It's like the first time I'm kind of going at it is like a real dad. You know, like last year, Wes was, he was a baby. He wasn't really doing anything. So now it's like life is so different with chasing Wes around. You know, like, it's just priorities are different. You know, I gave training my all this year, but, you know, it it was yeah it definitely it's it's crazy and it means a lot why is your battery only at three percent
Starting point is 00:12:30 on such an important day because uh i use an app on my on the golf course to like keep track of my score so i basically drain the battery with a gps app on my phone for the last four and a half hours if i had six years shoot what did you shoot for so it was a good day oh my god that's a good day yeah five six beers i wouldn't be able to talk there they were like beers it was the bottom so it's not like it wasn't like real beer it's it's my hockey days beer but uh go ahead go ahead taylor tim did you and ariel have a score in mind for event one did you guys have any idea how many total reps you were shooting for what was what was your guess we thought that 30 would be good enough for top five and that was kind of like we were hoping like maybe try and go
Starting point is 00:13:14 15 15 um but i and i went 15 muscle ups unbroken on the front half and then the second half like i said my muscle ups were just too slow i didn't have enough time to thruster so i only got eight um yeah ariel what did you think did she freeze she used up all her data for the month okay uh-oh my goal was 30 reps. And I got 29. So I was extremely close. Did you hear us on the show when we were talking about 40 reps? Yeah, I thought you guys were drunk talking about 40 reps.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I didn't listen to any podcast before. Yeah! My buddies are getting back in the car. We went to the grocery store. They just bought beer. Tim, if I lose you guys, I sent the link to another phone. So I'll call back in on a live phone. Okay, brother.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Thank you very much. We're actually, I'm going to, will you call when you get situated somewhere else? Yeah, I can call back in. Like, I mean, we'll be home in the next 15, 20. So, I mean, I can call back. Are you guys still going to be live? Yep, we sure will. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:14:30 All right. Yeah, I'll call back. Okay, bye. All right. See you guys. Wow. Okay. Ariel, did you hear us predict the 40 reps on event one?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Did you hear any of that? I did not. No, I did not no i did not all right but someone told me so dylan my husband and emily rolf's husband are like best friends emily rolf's husband said i think 40 is a good score and then dylan was like crap 29 might not be enough maybe you need to redo it so maybe emilyfe's husband heard that, put the bug in his ear, and it put the bug in my ear. Well, we were all full of shit, so good job. I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Thank you. Royce, hi. Hey, what's going on? How you doing, brother? Do you know Ariel Owen? No, we've never met her, I think. Well, here you go. Now you've met her.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Royce. Nice, here you go. Now you've met her. Royce, incredible, incredible performance on event number one. Just savage, just coming out and just murdering those thrusters and then getting over to the bar muscle-ups. Where were you today when they released the the when the points uh when when they released the results um i was here at the gym actually we saturday morning our time so we've got the 6 a.m class and i was uh just finished up the brief and had a quick uh quick refresh and saw the uh so the news and and and how is that when you see that is it is it fucking gut-wrenching um i guess short answer yes i guess like you always um you always want a better result than Is it fucking gut-wrenching? Short answer, yes, I guess.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Like you always want a better result than missing out. But I'm at peace with it because even – well, it's weird in this time zone, like basically the scores would be at 5 a.m., so it was like do two a day and you go to bed knowing that that's it. You're going to wake up with the leaderboard. So last night going to bed was like i was at peace with the fact that that was basically all i had physically in in this two-day window that was the best performance i could put forward so um it was just a matter of you know see if these guys are fitter than me or not
Starting point is 00:16:38 um sorry sorry uh royce ariel thank you so much i don't want to keep you from your family. I know you're doing another podcast of Cognitive Elite Fitness soon. Enjoy. You're the best for coming on. We really, really, really appreciate it. Thank you. Thanks for believing in me, everybody but Siobhan. Except me. Oh, Royce, when you find out, and you find out but you're still working all day, you don't get to just go curl up in the fetal position on the couch? Yeah, I got two more passes after this. And then what?
Starting point is 00:17:16 How will you process that? What will be the steps? Will you still go to the games? Like, where will you put your attention? No, I won't go over this year because it's such a it's such a big trip from australia and i got i got three young kids so um it's not i don't want to sound bad it's not not worth it um competing but um yeah i guess i guess um i got a bit of a um uh what's the word for it? I get a bit of support, I guess, in Tyler.
Starting point is 00:17:49 So Tyler's one of the Mayhem athletes as well. And we were both going on the same boat of like, we both don't love virtual competitions. And it was kind of like, well, for me anyway, I always thought it was a bit of a long shot to put together on an online base. So yeah, we're both in the same spot. We both missed out. And it's a bit harder for tyler i feel like poor guys to like sit there every day and see all the other mayhem athlete
Starting point is 00:18:09 like team training for the games um but yeah we'll lean on each other for support i i imagine it's only it's only been 17 minutes since they um put put out the put out the results uh but do you know like when you see them is there an immediate response like fuck this you want to throw something at the wall i'm over it or is it like i'm gonna get there next year it does it does it is there a teeter-totter like that um yeah it's a bit of both i guess it's it's a bit of sweet pill to swallow but um in my case this time it's, it's a bittersweet pill to swallow, but, um, in my case this time, it's very much, I knew that I gave it everything I had. It's more just like a sense of,
Starting point is 00:18:51 um, and I was more just impressed with how fast that other boys can move. Um, and like at their time. So it's a bit of, yeah, it's, it's definitely humbling and,
Starting point is 00:19:01 um, it's, it's fuel to fire no matter what, no matter what the goal is next year. It just fires you up when you do a competition to want to just get after the next day. You know, the results that you had on day one compared to day two were quite different. Were you expecting that, like to really do well on the first day compared to the second? I knew that day one is more in my wheelhouse with higher skill and shorter time domain.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I guess I didn't expect the physical toll that it would play into it. I didn't think I'd do as badly as I did relative to the field on the day two workouts. But when I actually performed them, the body was quite broken. That final workout with the ball balls was like, it was just 20, for me, 19 minutes of like my lower back exploding. So it was, I didn't think I'd be as beat up as what I'm getting.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Well, that's a, did you, that was the workout you did last, the wall ball workout? Yes. Cause I was, when I was looking at those day two workouts,
Starting point is 00:20:01 I mean, I saw, you know, 55 clean injures, you're pulling from the floor, 109 shuttle runs. You got to reach down and touch the floor, burpee boxing, where it was 100, you got to get down and up off the floor. So it's not really surprising to hear that the lower back wasn't feeling too great.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Yes. Did you? I was going to ask, Royce, how much time did you have between each workout? I'd hit the first one like 10, 11 ish a.m our time and then the second one like probably 3 3 34 um so that was that was a good like four hours between them but like it was still in the same day because of the way the time zone works here so it was um i remember khan talking about this last year he did the 100 burpees in the morning and he just completely he was like shattered and then he had to kind of rest up by three four hours and hit the rope line clean and it's um not quite as good i guess as if you were to go to bed sleep eight hours and get
Starting point is 00:20:55 up the next day and do it but um that's just the nature of the time turn right like there's no there's no way around that unless i wanted to get up at 2 a.m and do it this morning which i don't think would have been any better yeah when do you get back on the horse uh royce when do you shake it all off and and get back to work is it is it one month two months three months is it um working out with a purpose probably like a couple of months probably like we've got some like off-season stuff coming out. They'll just be good fun. But like as far as getting in the gym and just doing something,
Starting point is 00:21:33 that'll probably start like tomorrow because we still got a crew. We got a team here in Brisbane that made the games. They're training for the games now and they're all Mayhem athletes as well. So I'll just be hanging out and just providing a bit of help for them to train. But training with a purpose, I guess you could say, won't really pick up for a few months, I guess, as you just kind of give yourself a break emotionally and physically. Yeah, emotionally for sure. Have you heard from Rich? I haven't yet.
Starting point is 00:22:02 I don't know if they're in the middle of the session or not i never could work out the time difference exactly gotcha yeah i've been talking about this morning though let's just say that again i spoke to tyler this morning before the leaderboard came out awesome and is he he's there in cookville yes okay uh i really appreciate you it's probably not the funnest thing to do to come on a live show right after, you know, fucking getting that news. But I really appreciate it. It's awesome. I think the thousand people who are watching really appreciate it. And thanks for giving us some insight into how you think, how you work and how you're doing. A lot of guys here picked you to win the last chance qualifier to be going to the CrossFit Games. And I'm going to be happy to take their money. So thank you. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Appreciate it. All right, brother. Bye bye. Good to see you, Royce. Yeah. Thanks, man. Thank you, you two, for jumping in and asking questions. Sorry, JR, I didn't ask you if you had a question, but feel free always just to
Starting point is 00:23:06 jump in. I sent you Elena's Instagram on your RINSTA account. I thought she didn't have one. Well, CrossFit didn't tag her in it out of the 20 athletes they tagged yesterday, but it's not some other people
Starting point is 00:23:22 found it and sent it to us. Give me one. How fucking crazy is that? Some other people found it and sent it to us. How fucking crazy is that? Can you spell it? Should I just spell her name? Taylor, let me ask you this. So right now it's pretty small margins, four points and eight points between second and third. What do you think the chances are we see a penalty come in that changes the results?
Starting point is 00:23:49 Yeah, I think, I mean, golly, how bad? I mean, even on the women's side, Ariel Lowen's safe, you would think. But second place for sure isn't safe. On the men's, I don't know how likely it is. It's not unlikely, but I also wouldn't count on it. I'd say it's probably, I don't know't know maybe 50 50 because you just never know i mean it happened last year and in the atlas games with emma tall um i think same on the men's side too i mean gosh yana koski's for sure he's not safe from jake but i you know well yeah i mean i would just say looking at the movement quality of Tim and Yona, I wouldn't expect it to be because of that.
Starting point is 00:24:28 So unless it's some kind of improper setup or maybe they missed something in the standards that was new, which I didn't see. I didn't see anything different. I would be hard-pressed to think either one of them would get any penalties for movement. Let me ask you this. Was anyone penalized on day one from the first two workouts? Yes. I don't think so. There were score adjustments.
Starting point is 00:24:53 What's the difference between a score adjustment and a penalty? If you're locking out a thruster with half a second to go and you freeze frame the thing and it looks like you're locked out but then you watch the video in real time and it doesn't seem that you show control like i would give myself that rep and make it on them to decide to take it away from me i think a competitor did that and they were like nah he didn't show control but he did look like he had it locked out with a minute to go a score adjustment would be like a false start, five-second penalty. A penalty would be like,
Starting point is 00:25:27 you didn't hit depth on your thrusters, so we're docking you three reps. That type of thing. But we know two things from the first day. One is that when they first publicized the leaderboard, there was a four-point gap between Chloe Wilson and Ariel Lowen, and about an hour later, that was reduced to a tie.
Starting point is 00:25:42 They were both at 180 points. Four points is the difference right now between Elena and Katrin. So it's not unprecedented. Loewen and about an hour later that was reduced to a tie they were both at 180 points four points is the difference right now between Elena and Katrin so it's not unprecedented something like that could happen and then the second to your question the really the penalty CrossFit said that they'll address the penalties and announce all the penalties or score adjustments that were assessed after all the workouts are completed so not day one and day two so we should get something from them eventually on that but in the meantime Augustine Raquelme had made a big deal about after all the workouts are completed so not day one and day two so we should get something from them eventually on that but in the meantime Augustine Raquelme had made a big deal about
Starting point is 00:26:09 the fact that he received a big score adjustment on his workout number one this morning for not hitting depth on the thruster and so we can assume based on that that they're looking for that pretty closely I don't know if other athletes got any penalties on that workout but they also had to do 200 wall balls today and if you're looking for depth that closely, I think Andrew Hiller made a video about it, then you would expect them to be scrutinizing the wall ball depth for the squad as well. So you think that there are going to be,
Starting point is 00:26:34 and what you're saying is you think that we shouldn't, we shouldn't bet the bank on this. Some things are going to change. Yeah. And I don't think that you're likely to see massive changes, but they did say that, you know, we did see some changes pretty soon after yesterday. And then we know that there were some other things that happened. And I think that they've given themselves at least until Wednesday to finalize a leaderboard. So these are obviously first results, unofficial results. But, you know, I think that it's like, I don't see any scenario where anyone that's not in first, second or third ends up in a qualifying position.
Starting point is 00:27:10 OK, is this the post where he's I don't speak this language, but it's the post he's making. Yeah. So he's basically said that he had done 34 reps, which makes sense. He's amazing at bar muscle ups. He's fairly strong, is a relatively low range of motion. So he could have done really well in that workout. reps would have tied for first i think with griffin raleigh on that one and it got reduced to 18 reps which looked a little weird when you look at the leaderboard for him to have that many reps but then you find out that he got a 16 rep penalty and there's a response from the crossfit games this is from dave eubanks hi augustine after further review of your original submission the the review team's penalty stands.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Oh, so that means he must have protested, and this is the follow-up to it. There were a significant number of reps where the crease of your hip was not clearly below the top of your knee. Okay, sounds right. And as a policy, we do not accept additional angles videos for review. Oh, interesting. However, even in the video you sent of the different angles that is clear – oh, that's nice of them. Okay, so they don't normally do that, but they made an exception for them. And if it's clear that there are many reps that fail to reach the appropriate depth okay uh thank you for your patience as we process your
Starting point is 00:28:12 appeal sincerely dave eubanks um has it have any of you guys seen the the the original video obviously we haven't seen the variety yeah yeah what did you think did you think it was good judging from crossfit i didn't count 16 uh reps um but it's one of these things kind of with uh like the wall ball buy-in workout where if if you're if you're if you haven't done all the wall balls from the masters online qualifiers what i'm talking about in round one how can you accumulate any in round two and so if they're giving him no reps on the thrusters in the first part of the workout they might not just be docking him for thrusters, but the time that it would have taken to do thrusters and therefore taking away some bar muscle-ups. That's the stuff that we don't know and that they usually don't communicate that well.
Starting point is 00:28:55 So we'll have to see how the, you know, they've said they're going to release all the scoring adjustments, et cetera. So we'll see what level of detail they go into there. It's usually pretty vague. I see, I do see that Hiller has a video about it. What did he say? Do we know what he said? Yeah, he basically said it was tight. Like there were, there were tight calls. He's not, he's not saying that they definitely gave the right call or the wrong call. His main point of that video was that if they're being this critical and give assessing this guy, this big of a penalty for reps that are that close and they better be doing that for everyone.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And not just on that workout, but also for the wall ball workout from day two. I appreciate you repeating that Brian, by the way, I sorry, I know you said that once already. Thank you. Sorry,
Starting point is 00:29:35 Taylor, go ahead. No, I was going to say, I think he has a good point. When you watch this guy's video, it's one of those typical squatters where he's a little bit, uh,
Starting point is 00:29:43 maybe not toesy, but he has good ankle flexion so his knees come forward and it just makes it harder to tell that his hip crease is hitting depth and what it reminds me of is watching uh sam quant's nasty nancy video from the 2020 online games um he didn't get a penalty in that but if you go watch the video he doesn't really hip crease for sure doesn't go below the knee on all the squats so it's just interesting to see stuff where in the past they haven't you can tell an athlete is squatting to a depth that seems to be below parallel but if you really want to scrutinize it the hip crease is not below the knee and they haven't been penalized but now this guy is getting
Starting point is 00:30:19 penalized so i would be interested to see all the other athletes videos. And yeah. Well, and that's really what I hope is that we're eventually able to, at the very least see the videos of the qualifiers. Yeah. He's the only one that we know at this point. Yeah. Because he's made it public. Right. So at this point it's on the the athletes to do that. Eventually, it seems like CrossFit will do that. I'm looking on the CrossFit Games Instagram for the last chance qualifier workouts. I think I found them.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Okay, here I found them. um based on some of our assessments and guesses on how this thing turned out if we saw um if we saw what you expected let me see what happened okay uh workout number one here uh some of the things we talked about whether people should come out hot and do all the thrusters unbroken uh what it would be how much the rest would help and uh what people should do when they come out for the bar muscle-ups have you guys had a chance to watch some of the videos what do you think did did what was it correct what uh roy royce dunn's uh royce royce dunn did come out and just destroy the thrusters right off the bat i think in his case it was the right move and i think in one other maybe one or a few other athletes case that was the right move, and I think in one other, maybe one or a few other athletes' case that was the right move.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I think in Griffin Raleigh's case that was for sure the right move for his skill set. But you also look at someone like Augustin Rochelme, who did 34 reps before his penalty, and he's without a doubt not as strong as those guys on the thruster. So you have to just assume that he flew on the bar muscle-up. And even Tim Paulson said that, that it was, for a lot of the guys, coming down to the cycle flew on the bar muscle-up and even uh tim paulson said that that it was for a lot of the guys coming down to the cycle rate of the bar muscle-up um i watched one ad and he fly on the bar muscle-ups and he got uh jake berman's video um and so that was why he got a good score he was a top five score on that event um he just flew on the bar muscle-up so
Starting point is 00:32:21 do we know what Janikowski did? Has anyone seen his video? I would assume the bar muscle-up rate was very fast. 30 reps, took fourth place in it. Was this the same workout for men and for women? By that, I mean when we were talking with Scott, trying to pick out which workout was the most indicative towards who would win the events.
Starting point is 00:32:48 One of the questions we brought up, is it the same for both sexes? Ariel Lowen took first and Elena took seventh. And the person who took second place, Jamie Simmons. Where is she? OK, she was fit overall. OK, OK. Did we fit overall. Okay. Okay. Is it the same workout for men and women? Yeah, we talked about the discrepancy in the weight. And should it be 135?
Starting point is 00:33:15 Should it be 115? Should it be 125? And obviously it appears as though whether it was the fatigue from the bar muscle-ups going into the last set of thrusters or the fatigue from the thrusters going into the first set of bar muscle-ups, look at the top scores comparatively to the males and females. Not even close. The men did significantly better is what you're saying? Yes. Well, it's five reps, but it's like 15% or something of the total.
Starting point is 00:33:39 It's a lot of reps. Look at Sarah Sigmund's daughter, 16 reps. Have we seen that video did that no but that was the one that i was curious about you know with the squatting under a moderate weight and moderate volume in a you know fast setting and you know from the squatting the heavy squatting that we've seen her do this year it does that seem to be like the one thing that might be problematic for her um so you know we don't know we don't have the videos we don't have a chance to see that stuff so we can only make assumptions for her when you go when you have a surgery like that one of the biggest or one of the things that takes the longest to get back is that end range flexion like hyper flexion of the knee where you can kind of bounce into the bottom
Starting point is 00:34:22 i'm sure there's still probably a lot of scar tissue in there from her, so it makes sense that that front squat and the thruster movement especially where you're using a lot of the bounce out of the bottom is troublesome. Do we know anything about how – so CrossFit has videos up of Chloe Wilson, Ariel Lowen, Royce Dunn. They have those up already. Those are the three from event number one and two. Do they have Tim Paulson's up also?
Starting point is 00:34:46 I don't see his. I love how they just don't. It's somewhere. His is somewhere, but I don't know if it's on CrossFit Games or not. But yeah, so there are a few videos out, and it's nice. And everyone's been watching those and have had nice things to say about them. It's too bad that we don't have more of them yet. I wonder how that works.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Do they say when the athletes submit the videos to hq does hq own them then do they have the right to publish them i would assume so yeah because i'm guessing why not just publish them all because they're fearing fearful of someone oh that's a good point i didn't think of that but at the same time they just don't fit i think also what plays into it is how many followers does each person have that they're posting no way dude because there's no chance that they wouldn't have posted katrin's videos then that's a good point that's a good point i guess i'm still butthurt last year i did really well in a couple workouts and they didn't fucking say shit about me yeah who cares they should just make
Starting point is 00:35:44 them all available. People want to watch them. People love watching this stuff. There's a huge group of people that would want to watch James Sprague or Matt DeLugos or Griffin Raleigh no matter where they finish on the leaderboard. I agree. I agree. And who cares? Don't be afraid of anyone.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Who cares what the pundits are saying? Let them say it. Let people say rep, no rep, whatever. At the end of the day,fit hq has the final word and the world keeps moving forward and if you guys do screw up it gives us a chance to make some video make some coin off of youtube just chill chill uh what do we know about this young lady over here this elena nothing i don't know shit about her oh come on dude she's been good for a couple years uh she's she just doesn't uh she she probably would have
Starting point is 00:36:30 made it last year if european women had gotten the number of spots that i think they deserve to get i think she finished six last year in the semis didn't do as well in the last chance qualifiers this year i think she ended up seventh at the lowlands throwdown but the lowlands throwdown was stacked dude it was so much deeper and stronger of a field, I think, than strength and depth. And all the people that beat her will probably do really well at the game. Sarah was the other person that finished inside over there. And she had one or two bad workouts. She just won the French throwdown, even though it kind of came down to that.
Starting point is 00:36:58 And that's what I want to talk about. Are we tripping on that? Is that like, holy shit? Like, what the hell is going on? That's pretty nuts. And they weren't easy workouts. The French Throwdown were some serious workouts. Yeah, there were what, like nine or ten of them?
Starting point is 00:37:10 Eight or nine events, I think. Yeah, that's a legit competition. You probably didn't go on there and ask her what she was thinking. I mean, you have to guess that someone advised her against doing that, right? I'm trying to pull up her Instagram, by the way. She was probably thinking, fuck it, I can make 12 grand here. And the last chance qualifier is stacked that's probably what she was thinking and now she's probably thinking holy fuck yeah i think she probably would have had to finish top 15 at the games to make that or close she had a good week she had a good week she should go get
Starting point is 00:37:40 fucking shit faced like tim paulson that's so funny that he's doing that good for him yeah look at this that is crazy oh if she comes on this oh she got three words in english we did it and the rest is in espanol i can translate good i mean do you speak it well because if she calls we're gonna be screwed it well? Because if she calls, we're going to be screwed. No, we're fucked if she calls. Oh. No, but she has actually been around. She's been competitive in Europe. She's not just this random person that's showing up here at the top of the leaderboard. I basically discounted her in this competition for the same reason I discounted Luka Djokic, because I didn't think you could do that competition and turn around three days and do this well against this caliber of field.
Starting point is 00:38:28 How old is she? Wow, she's 28 too. That's incredible. Yeah. And look at this. Look at this. Oh, 28 also? Uh-oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:38:40 29. I just meant what I was referring to in terms of her age was i was looking at she did a nine event competition a few days ago how long is it going to take her to recover and repeat that and you know typically as a young person it's a little easier but 28 is not old either i was just surprised i was expecting to see like 24 25 25. JR, what's a bigger shock, that Elena is in or that Katrin is out? Based on the people on this panel, I think it's a way bigger surprise of the former, that she's in. That Elena's in, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Yeah. I wouldn't have been that surprised if Katrin missed out barely, but I would have thought that the people that barely beat her would have been Jamie Simmons or Maddie Sturt or something like that, as we talked about, or Chloe Wilson. Like I said, after day one, I thought that Elena was within striking distance points-wise. She was only 20 points out of the two-way tie for first, but before this competition, I thought that Frank Logan would just be too big of a beating for someone to possibly bounce back from and do this three days later. Is she the only person going to the CrossFit Games who did the French Throwdown?
Starting point is 00:39:53 Well, yeah. Because no one else who qualified from the semifinal did it. Oh, no. No, no, no. That's not true. Guillame, didn't Guillame Briant do it? Or Jorgos Kouradis? Jorgos Kouradis won it, and he'll, no, no. That's not it. Didn't Guillaume Briant do it or Giorgos Kavadis? Giorgos Kavadis won it, and he'll be at the Games. Karen Frey got second to Elena in that competition. She'll be going to the Games. So, yeah, there were others, but no one else that also did the last chance
Starting point is 00:40:20 qualifier and made it. That's what I thought you were asking. Scott, hi. Hi. Did you see have you have you watched any of these workouts that these guys that these guys have posted yet i haven't watched them i've watched fee uh because she's a she's a good dude yeah she's a friend of mine so we watched uh we watched her go but i haven't watched anyone really else go i want to show i want to show you this one i don't want to get it pulled down but this workout have you seen any of the dudes do that do uh workout number one
Starting point is 00:40:53 no i haven't oh man you gotta see it it's it's freaking amazing what did you what did you think reps wise was going to be like a top score on that workout uh initially i was like anything above 30 would be a kind of good score like a like top five score i i i looked at the leaderboard yesterday after the first two events and then today but i didn't really dig into a lot of the scores i think we nailed it i think everyone pretty much agreed right that griffin raleigh was gonna was gonna win that that that was gonna be his yeah and uh and then you see tyler christophal did well and i think people based on uh the training they do over mayhem that knew that he would do well on that also um are you surprised here scott well scott do you what where do you rank um yana koski as as a as a crossfit games athlete
Starting point is 00:41:46 these guys respect the shit out of them i i i mean i like them but i just seem to win you did scott yeah i told i told taylor i thought he would i thought he would make it out of there just because he's so well-rounded and he's an athlete that has just gotten better every year if you look at his placing at the games uh he's just continuing to get better. He used to be the guy that came in and would win a few events and you didn't see much more of him by the end of the week because it was always heavy endurance at the beginning. But near the tail end of the weekend, you started seeing his name show up more and he was slowly climbing up the leaderboard each and every year. So I think he's somebody that definitely has the capabilities to be at the games.
Starting point is 00:42:29 And that was why I picked him. Scott, I hate to do it to you, but I don't think that's true. I mean, he's got four top 10 finishes going back to 2014. And it mostly has to do with when he's healthy or not. Ninth, ninth, seventh, and sixth or something like that. He hasn't constantly gotten better? Well, I mean, those are really small improvements ninth to seventh to six over the 87 years time period but he doesn't have any really bad finishes let me ask you this if you were looking at a five
Starting point is 00:42:57 minute mile versus a 515 mile those small increments are very difficult to shut off and that's what you're talking about when you get to the top 10 guys at the CrossFit games. It's funny. I was thinking about the difference between a six inch dick and a nine inch dick. It's funny how you think of it in my old times. And I think of it as, it's just weird. It's just, I just, we're just different. We're just different creatures.
Starting point is 00:43:16 How do you, how do you go from six to nine inches? That's what everyone really wants to know. That's a different show. That's a different show. No, but this guy, but but but no scott's right he has made incremental improvements over his career to creep up in the top 10 but he's been inside the top 10 going back all the way to 2015 so it's not you know this is a really good guy who when he's at his best is definitely relevant in the top 10 conversation at the games has always been and still is yeah what how did he do his first year at the games ninth he took ninth his first year at the games unless he oh no no his first year was really bad that was his only bad finish that he finished the games there's 32nd he came back with the ninth
Starting point is 00:43:55 then he had to withdraw another ninth then there was the cuts year then there was online year then he had the sixth okay yeah i don't have my my my statistic sheet here in front of me or no but it's you know he's he's one of those guys that you're exactly right like people see him and they're like oh he's gonna win the swim event he'll be in the lead for a day or you know three events or something like that and then he'll fade out but we've seen other guys do that like jordan troy and he's never had a finish like cososey come the end of the week. Kosey can still shine in the classic CrossFit stuff too. Yeah, I agree with you there. The other thing, after thinking about the weekend a little bit after we talked
Starting point is 00:44:32 and just the athletes that are there, you have a lot of athletes, I think, in this field that are kind of specialty athletes in some ways. Not all of them, but I think you look, you look at someone like, um, Griffin Royal and, and some of those other guys that are in there, there he's, he's really strong. And, and I think when you see all these specialty guys, that leaderboard tends to shake up. And I was thinking more about, okay, is the person who does the best in, um, that first workout necessarily going to be the person that comes out of the weekend. And the more I thought about the more I was like, ah, yeah, I don't, I don't necessarily think that's the case because I think there are a
Starting point is 00:45:08 lot of specialty guys that kind of look within those four workouts. They have something that pops up there. They're like, that's my jam. And I look at Yoni Koski. He's one of those guys that is just like, probably not looking at anything saying it's his jam, but knowing that he feels still confident in his abilities to do it. Well, on you nailed it ariel lowen took first one out of four is not bad yeah yeah yeah sorry go ahead uh brian no no just to what scott was saying like yonah koski's performances or finishes reflect exactly what he said he's's got no top two or even top three finishes, but everything four through six, then that consistency pays off. Scott, did you ever not make it to the games?
Starting point is 00:45:53 This year. Well, perfect. What is... We spoke to... We spoke to Royce Dunn just, uh, like 10 minutes after he got the results. Um, and, and he got the results and he's at his gym and he still has to teach two hours more of classes.
Starting point is 00:46:18 He taught an hour of classes. He got the results. He's got to speak, uh, teach another two hours. Um, is, is he just broken inside? Is he just hurting? Um, no, I don't, I mean, I think he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he's, he speak, teach another two hours. Is he just broken inside? Is he just hurting? No, I don't. I mean, I think he's definitely hurting inside, but I think that's probably one of the best places for him to be.
Starting point is 00:46:34 I think that's something that you don't see as often anymore. These CrossFit games, athletes that have a community around them that they are supporting in the same way. And there's something special about the people that are pouring back into their community. And I think it can pull you out of a pretty dark time, a place when you can kind of give back to them and find enjoyment in your
Starting point is 00:46:55 day through outside of competition and just winning something. So, so we had a Ariel lowen on and you nailed exactly what she said i said basically she said she did her workouts at her gym and the love she felt and the amount of people that turned out was like overwhelming for like just absolutely the most love she's ever felt she was basically just saying that it must be hard because people dangerous too like when you gotta you got your community and you're kind of rallying the troops around you. That's, you know, it's think of like, uh, your dad showing up to a big game and you want to turn up and make them proud. Like I feel, I feel that, you know, can give you a little extra edge.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Um, like extra edge or danger. Like it's, it could be a little, did you say it could be a little dangerous? It depends on the athlete either you yeah rise to the pressure or you crumble because it was too much for you but i think that as an athlete you kind of have a general idea on whether you want people there or not well the work i think it depends on the workout too i was watching ariel lowen's rowing video and i mean she's basically holding like a 152 or something like that the entire time but you hear these people in the background that are like come on ariel give me a hard 100 here
Starting point is 00:48:09 and like you appreciate the support but you're like i'm in my zone like just let me there is nothing worse than someone yelling at you 250 meters in on a 2k row you got to give guidelines you got to you you gotta let people know like hey i don't want anyone to yell at me until the last 250 meters um scott uh uh tim paulson just joined us but pretend like he's not here are you surprised tim took uh first place i am not surprised tim's an incredible athlete. Appreciate that, Scott. That strength, man. That fitness.
Starting point is 00:48:49 I didn't even see you down there, Tim. I'm here now. We're good. Scott, thank you so much for joining us. Thanks for giving us your predictions and insight into the workouts. And hopefully we can tap you as we get closer to the games again yeah absolutely you guys see ya all right brother thank you i'm heading out too thank you guys peace peace later oh good now everyone can be bigger and people can see us better i like being big on screen it makes me happy yes
Starting point is 00:49:19 i tim how many times have you gone back and refreshed your phone a few times to look at that just to make sure it's uh real yeah about a hundred um yeah it's it's definitely still hasn't settled in but I will say I've already gotten four out of four video approvals so my videos are all good to go I know no penalties are coming my way so I'm I'm pretty I'm feeling pretty good right now can you tell us that process oh yeah that's good yeah so uh we submit our videos uh I submitted mine right after I did the workout so I did the workouts at not uh three So can you tell us that process? Oh yeah. Yeah. So, uh, we submit our videos. Uh, I submitted mine right after I did the workout. So I did the workouts at not three o'clock on Wednesday, nine and three o'clock yesterday.
Starting point is 00:49:51 And then nine o'clock this morning. And I literally loaded my video to YouTube, submitted my score within 45 minutes of being done. Uh, so I actually knew that all my videos were good before the submission windows. It even closed. They, they polished them off pretty quickly within, within two hours. had feedback on every video um that i'd submitted and can you tell us what that looked we read um uh we were reading augustine raquel mays uh the the note he got from crossfit hq basically saying hey uh we reviewed your it sounded like he made an appeal we reviewed and
Starting point is 00:50:23 yes there are 16 reps that are questionable. And even though we normally don't review outside angles, we also reviewed your outside angles and in the, in the judgment stands, it sounds like they were thorough when you, when you, when you get that, um, who's it from? Is it from you banks? Is it from Dave you banks? Uh, it's actually just from like a like a generic CrossFit Games team email address. I know that I've emailed back and forth with Angel.
Starting point is 00:50:49 So she's gotten back to me a couple of times. So I know, or he? No, Angel. She, she, she. Yeah, Angel. So she's gotten back to me a couple of times when I've had questions, but I don't know who it directly comes down from. Yeah, I've made my workout too public, and I'm going to make the rest of them public later this week so that people can check them out if they want to on my
Starting point is 00:51:09 YouTube channel, just for, you know, I don't care. I know the movement quality is good and I'm not worried about it. So. Yeah. And we were at one earlier when you submit your videos, does that give CrossFit the right to release them regardless of what you want? If you chose to. I think if it is, they can use it on the update show, was kind of my general understanding, is that they weren't going to release the full video publicly.
Starting point is 00:51:30 That was specifically stated by Boz in an email. They weren't going to release all of our videos, but they were going to use them for highlighting updates for games, media, and things like that. So they could pick the best reps? I mean, all my reps are good, man. I'm not not worried so in the case where they have for sure yes we know that about you we appreciate the movement quality in the case where they have uploaded those videos then they probably reached out to uh those athletes like after the fact to make sure that was okay
Starting point is 00:52:00 uh i don't know actually i would imagine honestly they've never used any of mine so i i'm not sure um i mean i i don't know i want to work out so i'm certain maybe they want to use that last one so maybe i'll get a i'll let you know in a couple days hopefully but hey tim if you were to say i just want you to know that i'm not like the rest of these guys if you were to say hey i'm uh for supporting people from the adaptive class and I would like a blind judge at the CrossFit Games. I would, you know, someone who can't see, but they also deserve an opportunity. I would fully support you. And if half your reps weren't good, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:52:36 It's not your fault. And I would still let you get on the podium. I just want you to know, I... I appreciate that. I'm open to a, a scene impaired judge. That's how inclusive I am. It's a good man. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Thank you. Uh, I'm, I'm ecstatic for you that you win. Will this be the last time that you won? Will this be the last time you drink before the games? Yes. Um,
Starting point is 00:52:59 yeah, I, I golfed 18 with my buddies. We had an 11 o'clock tea time, basically right after I finished the workout. And we were like, all right, we just got to kill time. So, yeah, we crushed some beers on the golf course and played 18. So we finished up at like 3.55.
Starting point is 00:53:12 I was like, this is perfect. I only have five minutes to stress about this goddamn leaderboard. I'm planning to try that. I'm planning to try that workout sometime, and then two hours after I finish it, I'm planning to be asleep, taking a nap, not playing golf. Yo,
Starting point is 00:53:27 I, I will say that workout fucked me up. The first one, workout one, the last one, the fourth, the fourth workout. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:35 So the, can you tell us what jump over? Yeah. The burpee box, jump over, um, uh, the burpee box,
Starting point is 00:53:42 jump over double under wall ball workout. I finished and I like like i rolled around a little bit i was like okay i'm in a lot of pain but like it's all good and maybe five minutes afterwards my quads locked and i couldn't walk like i had to crawl around the gym because my legs just seized and ceased to function it was a very sad state of affairs i was i was not okay what happens if that happens at the CrossFit games? You jump in a nice bath and do it again in three hours. What program are you doing, Tim? What programming are you following? Who's training you? Who's your coach?
Starting point is 00:54:17 Yeah. So my coach is Dave Charbonneau. Uh, I've actually been working with him since 2015. So we've been together for almost seven years now uh and we actually started a programming um business together called forged by zeus uh his nickname was zeus back in his his competition days he was a team games athlete for a number of years um but yeah i've been with him for seven years you know he's been programming for me individually um and obviously we've you know we've had a lot of success together. So I'm not changing. And Savan's met him before. Probably, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Yeah, we talked to him at the 2018 regional. Tim did pretty well there also. Yeah, no, I'm not changing a damn thing. Tim, I remember you showing up on the scene. The earliest I remember is you being at, I think a regional in Albany. Does that sound right yep actually you interviewed me so i remember you did a behind the scenes interview with me
Starting point is 00:55:09 i've still got it saved on my instagram in 2017 you interviewed me sunday morning before it was going into the last day and you were asking me like hey what would it mean to qualify for the games for the first time and i like we we had a couple minute conversation about that and i like i said i've still got the clip saved on my uh my instagram i'd have to scroll around a little bit but it's definitely there um how tall are you uh i was six two when i started crossfit i'm now six foot tall excuse me is that true compression from all that fucking lifting man i'm tired of squatting and dead lifting i'm getting shorter. Is that really true?
Starting point is 00:55:47 You're two inches shorter, you think? Yeah, straight up. I'm about six foot and a half an inch tall. I was almost 6'2 when I started CrossFit back in 2012. Because I remember you being there and, you know, behind your back, never to your face. It was like, this is a fucking joke. This guy's way too big. He's never going to the CrossFit Games. You were just fucking too big.
Starting point is 00:56:02 You look like a fucking dinosaur out there. Yeah, but it's changed right you're totally you're totally killed did you feel that did you know that was the whisper uh yeah i mean i definitely especially based on some of my early year regional results like in 2013 2014 it was very obvious that gymnastics was a huge weakness partially because i played hockey growing up So I didn't have a ton of upper body strength. Like, you know, like we didn't do a lot of pulling pressing for hockey. It was all unilateral work, plyometrics. There wasn't a lot of like just general upper body strength. So I struggled there a lot, especially, I still do, but especially early on in CrossFit, my career. But yeah, no, I definitely, I'm actually competing the lightest I ever have.
Starting point is 00:56:45 I'm competing around 210 right now, which is about five or six pounds lighter than I've competed in 2017, 2018, 19, 20. I was a little heavier kind of by accident. Tim, there are a lot of people that are always, they're curious about the statistics about size and weight of the athletes. And of course, obviously age. And age is easy to track. And you can obviously look at any games field and see the ages and find the average age. When your height and weight's changing like that, it's only on you to go in
Starting point is 00:57:13 and change your CrossFit Games profile. Otherwise, someone like me who's pulling that data to try to get a representation of the people at the top of the sport this year compared to last year can't really do that. What do you think about the CrossFit Games implementing that as part of the check-in at the games so that we can get a more accurate assessment
Starting point is 00:57:29 of how tall and heavy... I'm serious. These athletes are making it to the top of the sport. I think it would be pretty easy to open up an iPad and be like, hey, here's your games profile. Update this shit. It would take us all five minutes during check-in. Update your bench. The more information we have, the more we can like you.
Starting point is 00:57:46 I would. You ride a Harley. I ride a Harley. I like you. You know, you have two kids. What? I drive a WRX STI. I just made it up.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Whatever. But you know what I mean? You have two kids. I have two kids. I like you. The more information we have. Yeah, it's a no-brainer. Do you do the programming? Say it again, Chair. Iiner say it again chair i would say like you know they always
Starting point is 00:58:09 have a press conference you know at the games think about how cool it would be if they had a press conference and all the athletes came out and did a weigh-in do you know how many people would go just to watch that like ufc style it would love it as long as we weigh in at 6 a.m after the morning poop that's my only that's only request. They just have an outhouse next to the scale. Do you do the programming for Forged by Zeus? No. So my coach writes all of it. My coach, Dave, he does all of the programming.
Starting point is 00:58:39 And then basically I do all of kind of the business backend stuff. So I run our social media accounts, manage our website, manage all the athlete accounts, interact with the athletes, things like that. Um, and then he does the programming. And then he also does the one-on-one coaching. Um, so we have a handful of, uh, athletes that are semifinal level that have been to the semifinals a couple of different times. Um, so he handles all that one-on-one coaching. I would love to step into that more when I'm done competing, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:02 just kind of more, not necessarily from a coach perspective, but more from like the mental side of competition, fueling recovery, approaching, you know, things like that. But obviously as when I'm, while I'm still an athlete, that's not something I kind of have the bandwidth for. So I'm going to ask you this, then I'm going to ask JR this question and you feel free to chime in. There's this, there's this commentary this year and i like the programming this year i'm not talking any shit about it i love it but there's this commentary this year that the programming is better this year than it is last year jr and one of the things that everyone keeps talking about the last chance qualifier specifically yes sir okay and and one of the things they're talking about is the reason why it's better this year that the pundits keep saying is because there's no single modality this
Starting point is 00:59:45 year. But I think that there's a naiveness there, or maybe a lack of sophistication in understanding how workouts work together in conjunction with one another. And that it's easy. It's easy if you're in an affiliate, maybe if you're in an affiliate to be like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:00:02 you should have these workouts that, that, you know, have a lot of different movements, that have this wide variety. But this isn't Orange Theory. This is CrossFit. This is affiliates open gyms so they can practice the art and craft of programming. And I think that there is a way – I think that – I mean I don't mind the criticism.
Starting point is 01:00:23 I know I'm being a little nitpicky here, but I'm okay with last chance qualifier or i'm okay with um when there's only four or five or six workouts if there is a seven minutes of burpee or if there were some like a weighted pull-up or some shit as long as it were balanced on the other side i'm okay i'm okay with the shit beer as long as you can drink 12 of them there just has to be balance if you're gonna have a shit beer you have 12 of them um Yeah, exactly. So what are your – go ahead, Tim, and then I want to hear what JR's thoughts on that too. Yeah, so, I mean, my personal opinion, I was actually joking with my coach about this.
Starting point is 01:00:53 I was like, if the last chance qualifier programming was this year, what it was last year, I would have struggled to finish in, like, the top 10 because a three-rep max no-touch- touch and go deadlift would have absolutely crushed me so personal biases aside like i'm being as analytical as possible i think that the place of the last chance qualifier is to just test crossfit it's to test the core of our methodology of like what we do and the core of what we do you hear glassman saying all the time couplets triplets chip you know a couple of triplets Like, you know, that's kind of where the meat of everything lives. Like, you know, Castro says it all the time too.
Starting point is 01:01:30 So I think that it's very appropriate for the test to rely on fitness in those modalities. So, like, obviously I did well in the last chance qualifier. So, yeah, I think the workouts were good. But even from an analytical standpoint, like, you know, I've been programming for my affiliate for 10 years. Like I I'm a big nerd on programming. Um, and I think that it's appropriate to have just four CrossFit workouts. And one of them is biased towards a pure engine check. One of them is biased towards a heavy barbell. One of them is biased towards the monostructural element. And one of them is biased towards gymnastics ish. I think the first workout again, gymnastics capacity was the largest separator like cycle time capacity on the bar muscle ups was more important than the thrusters in my opinion
Starting point is 01:02:09 um so i think it's okay to have four crossfit workouts that have a bias rather than having yeah it's like a three rep max deadlift is it a crossfit workout i mean yeah you would do it in your affiliate but it's still not a crossfit test i understand you're you're making total sense to me the couplet thing hits it hits home with me it's l1 is a is a it's l not a CrossFit test. I understand. You're making total sense to me. The couplet thing hits home with me. It's L1 is all get out. JR, what are your thoughts? Yeah, I mean, I share the same sentiment.
Starting point is 01:02:37 I think that when there's only four tests, it's really tough, and it's really risky to program anything single modality, even if you're trying to play the cancel game, and you do a three rep max deadlift and then 100 burpees there are some guys with really long levers that are still really really good at burpees and the burpee isn't a high level gymnastics movement enough maybe to expose a lack thereof in skill so i would even argue and me and brian have talked about this a lot you know at the semi-final level is six workouts enough. Should it be seven? Should it be two, three, two? Because I will always push back and say, if we always think that we need
Starting point is 01:03:10 to test single modality strength as one out of six tests under no fatigue, then there already is in need of another single modality test to almost balance that out. Under fatigue is not under fatigue is usually how the lift is tested okay sorry sorry i misunderstood okay you don't mean in terms of fatigue or not fatigue where it comes one through six you mean not doing like 100 burpees first and then doing your max clean and jerk i got it okay right like doing something simple like the run clean back-to-back right last year we don't need to do that workout twice in a row just just my personal opinion uh uh do you guys do any of you gentlemen have anything else for
Starting point is 01:03:55 um the the winner of the men's last chance qualifier who's going to the crossfit games 2022 tim paulson you actually do have one question for him go ahead brian yeah no you got to go first here my last question type i think yes i'm curious on the workout 22, Tim Paulson. You actually do have one question for me. Go ahead, Brian. Yeah. No, you got to go first. I'm at the last question type, I think. Yes, I'm curious on the workout that you won, the last workout. When you look at that, do you immediately look at it and say, okay, I can hold 17 burpees a minute.
Starting point is 01:04:16 That's three minutes. Okay, with transitions, that's a minute on dubs. Okay, that's three minutes of wall balls at 33 reps a minute. So right there, I'm looking at a seven-minute round. three minutes of wall balls at 33 reps a minute. So right there, I'm looking at a seven minute round. Let's add a minute for, for, for, you know, just general deterioration on round two. Okay, cool. My goal is 15 minutes. Is that how you do that? Or do you just look at it and say, I'm going to go as hard as I can? No, a hundred percent. So like I, again, I'm, I'm, I'm actually, I'm an accountant by trade. I have an MBA in accounting and like, I'm a very nerdy numbers guy. So I love, I'm kind of like, you know, I love cycle speeds and like, I like to look at that, like, okay,
Starting point is 01:04:49 I know a wall ball takes this much time. So oftentimes I'll look at a workout and I'll be like, okay, assume no fatigue. How would a robot do this workout? I looked at that workout, the fourth workout. I was like, okay, there's 14 minutes of cycle speed here. That's it. You know, like between wall balls, assuming 16 burpees a minute, assuming 45 seconds per set of double unders, and then assuming about three to three, 10 for wall balls, you're looking at 14 minutes of work capacity, assuming no fatigue, no transitions, no breaks, anything. So when you look at a workout like that, it's like, okay, that's, you know, that's kind of the, that's what's physically possible. If like maybe Matt Frazier did it in his prime, like, you know, you would look at it like, oh, yeah, like he's a he's a cyborg.
Starting point is 01:05:27 So he doesn't slow down. He just does the workout the same speed the whole time. But, you know, so, yeah, you look at it like that and then you basically just assume some deterioration. So it's like, OK, if I'm going to break the wall balls three times in the first set, that's going to add 18 seconds. My first round is going to be around 720. And then, OK, my second round, I'm going to try and break the wall balls. Like, I definitely will analyze a workout and look through it and just kind of give myself rough times to hit. So for me, like my first round was 720. I broke the wall balls in the four sets. I did four by 25. I kept 16 burpees a minute. I was off the box at 306. I think it was 308 double unders were unbroken and then the second round uh i actually had a buddy race 50 burpee boxing bovers against me next to me just the burpees and his only goal was to hold wow his only goal was to hold it was like okay you come in fresh you do the cadence of 16 a minute and i'm gonna match you and i don't care how bad it hurts i'm not gonna fucking slow down and that was what we did and so the second round of burpees i want to say it took about 320 and then i did the double unders i broke once
Starting point is 01:06:28 and then the wall balls obviously was just kind of black out and hope you don't die and hit yourself in the face so jr brian have you ever heard of that before i used to actually do that with some athletes um where they i can't remember what the workout was if it was evil or whatever it's one of those ones with kettlebell swings and like GHDs and then with 800 meter runs. And I would just do the runs with the guys and push them as hard. Have you ever heard of anyone doing that? We actually stole from, we stole from track,
Starting point is 01:06:52 like track and field all the time. They'll have people like run a mile. Like, you know, you'll have guys run four hundreds next to you to hold the pace. And we were like, yeah, why don't we do this for this workout?
Starting point is 01:07:00 Like it makes sense. Who is the guy who did that with you? The burpee guy. My buddy, Chris Clyde. He's, he's on my, he's on our programming forged by Zeus. And he's also one of our coaches for for the program
Starting point is 01:07:08 as well and he man can you see him in the camera shot uh he's outside drinking beer right now but no no i don't mean all this camera shot i mean in the video you submitted oh uh yeah he's uh no he's off the screen in that um but yeah he's actually brilliant he's a 35 to 39 masters athlete he finished 12th this year so he's a super fit dude jr have you ever have you seen that done or brian have you seen that done or heard of that yeah so i had a guy last year at my gym who was interested in trying to beat the world record this year so he did all of his reps inside and i did murph that morning and he said just run the second mile with me and run run ahead me. So I have to try to keep up.
Starting point is 01:07:46 So I did that with him. Man, so good. Ryan, have you heard of that for a qualifier to the games? Anyone doing that before? I don't think so. Not in that specific context. It's kind of brave. It's kind of brave.
Starting point is 01:08:03 That's Chris. You better get tested uh it's kind of brave that you did that with double unders and wall balls left uh i for me like i wall balls are a very strong movement for me i've i've done very well in a lot of wall ball workouts at semifinals things like that and in the open so i knew that i could get there and i could black out with the best of them so i knew that the the crucial part of the workout for me would be not becoming a sad sack on the second 50 burpees. Brian, go ahead with your final question. And then I got one more tiny thing.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Did you see people didn't make the time cap in that workout? Didn't we talk about that? That's impressive. On the last one? Yeah, Tim did it in 15.24 and a bunch of people time capped. But go ahead, Brian. We'll circle back to that. We'll finish with that.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Oh, Tim, what do you think about the time frame between qualifying, last chance qualifier, and getting ready for the games? It's pretty gnarly. My coach and I were talking about best case scenarios, obviously, while we were golfing. We're like, all right. We were super confident in my performances, like the last two events, three and four. But obviously, we were noting we're like all right you know we were super confident in my performances like the last two events three and four but obviously we were not sure if there would be enough help like if enough guys would finish between me and Royce me and
Starting point is 01:09:11 Kolsky to actually like make a jump and kind of get myself up there um but yeah we were already kind of chatting and it's definitely a tough turnaround like usually we've got two or three months to prepare for the games from semifinals or regionals you know we've got I mean basically a month not even so we've got like three weeks of training um luckily like again like from semifinals or regionals, you know, we've got, I mean, basically a month, not even, so we've got like three weeks of training. Um, luckily again, like at semifinals, I was really confident in my fitness. Like I, I was literally like one or two reps from qualifying at semifinals. It wasn't a lack of fitness. It was a lack of execution. Like I wasn't perfect on the weekend. So I was really confident coming out of semis about where my fitness was. Um, and same thing, last chance qualifier again, like, yeah, I struggled on a workout.
Starting point is 01:09:47 The first workout where I kind of thought I would, because again, the determining factor is not something I'm necessarily strong at, but the other three workouts, I went two to one. So there's obviously a very strong base of fitness here. And there's a lot of things to feel really good about. So for the next three weeks, it's going to be a lot of focus on just the high level game stuff. So we're going to really up the volume.
Starting point is 01:10:04 We're going to be doing extra running running we're going to get in the pool instead of once a week twice a week like you know we're going to be doing a lot of that stuff um to basically just hammer it in and dial it in um you know so it's not ideal but honestly i don't really give a shit going back to the games and having the opportunity to throw down is way more important to me than having the perfect storm of prep like obviously i would have liked to qualify out of granite, but you know, that's, that wasn't in the cards this year. So I'm just happy to be going back.
Starting point is 01:10:29 Hey, I want to ask him one more thing. I don't know if you know this, but the girl who's currently in second place and in a qualifying spot won the French throw down five days ago. That's impressive. Is that, I mean, I basically discounted everyone who did the french florida and was also the last chance qualifier that's a short turnaround seriously a couple days is not enough time
Starting point is 01:10:51 elena caratala sanjuja is this her first time to the games yeah wow savage Savage. Hey, well, I'm also noticing here that in the men, a bunch of men didn't do day two. Are these men who knew that they had no chance? DeLugos, Augustin, Raquel May, Aaron Zernamer, and Andre? Drew, because he was upset about the penalties that we talked about earlier. And DeLugos, he had a little tweak to an injury, and he and Keller decided it wasn't worth it to do the third and fourth workout. Yeah, I heard that as well. And what about Andre? Did you say what happened to Andre? No, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:39 We already did one of them, not the other. But no, I don't know Andre. Okay. Okay. That's good. All right. Mr. Oh, okay. That's good. All right. Mr. Paulson, thank you very much. Thanks for partying with us a little bit.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I hope that that gave all the guys to have one or two more beers ahead of you so that you can now be the sober one in the group. That's all right. We got one more. We're not falling too far behind. Tim, super impressive, man. That was a tough field of guys. Very, very.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Hopefully that's a lot of confidence for you to ride into the games as well. No, it really is. Yeah, I was, man. That was a tough field to guys. Very, very, hopefully that's a lot of confidence for you to ride into the games as well. No, it really is. Yeah. That was, yeah, I was, I was a wreck. Um, like, yeah, I, I, again, being 35 points back, it's like mathematically, I, I know the math, like it's only four events, two days, like big swings happen. You know, Christie did it last year. Like you, it can definitely be done, but i was like all right maybe if i come top three in the last two workouts i've got a shot um i definitely didn't expect to go to one and my coach gave me a whole bunch of shit because in the final set of 10 clean and
Starting point is 01:12:36 jerks i finished six and i kind of gave myself a little bit of a pity break and i uh i put my hands on my knees for like six or seven seconds because i was obviously in a world of hurt and he's like you realize you could have won both events if you just weren't such a pussy when it really mattered and i was like i know shut up we we made it still it's okay by one second yeah so yeah one second of yeah exiles one two seconds away from from winning both events in the back half which would have been been pretty sweet. Brian's telling you, great job, incredible comeback, which it is. And your coach is like,
Starting point is 01:13:09 you dipshit, you could have got first and first in your third and fourth. Exactly. Always keeping me accountable. Right. It's fantastic. All right, dude. Thank you so much. Congratulations. We'll be bugging you at the games. Thank you very much. I'm looking forward to it, Sivan. Always a pleasure, guys. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:13:30 That's crazy, by the way, JR, that there's three guys within one second on a workout where they can't see each other. All right. So yeah, this is something I really want to talk about. It's a little bit, well, no, it's a lot of speculation, but it is something interesting. So we see those people at the bottom that didn't choose to put in their scores for day two, or that just didn't do the workouts because it's completely different if they chose not to put them in. Look at Jake Berman's who's in third right now. He's eight points out. Look at his event four score, right? His event four score is 1641. Right. His event four score is 1641. And then I'm sorry, 19, 1619. OK, look at his event three. We know he won that by. Oh, shit. I know where you're going with this.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Oh, shit. So Koski got eight than that workout on workout three. Do we know if DeLugos actually did that workout and just was like, well, I'm not going to do the third one, so I'm not going to do the fourth one. I think he tweaked it in the middle of that workout. JR, are you leading us down the road to say that if all of those guys would have done the workout and put their scores in, it could have shuffled it around, that Berman and Koski are close enough that it could have shuffled the points around and Berman would have been in and Janikowski out? Well, so you're looking at two places there.
Starting point is 01:14:44 That's all Jake needed was two places to tie him. And then if he tied him overall in points, he had the tiebreaker because he won workout three. So, yeah, it's kind of a Colton similar situation, right? We said there at the Legless Road Climb workout that he got the score he got, but then also there were a couple withdrawals. So if he didn't get those points that he just automatically received from withdrawals maybe he doesn't get enough points to qualify so we're talking about movement standard penalties and stuff but really
Starting point is 01:15:13 if the full field would have completed it who knows what would have happened the points are always so fascinating to me well yeah that's how that works and the number of athletes and all that. Sorry, go ahead, Ryan. Well, that's why I put that thing up right before the last chance qualifier started. I don't think that CrossFit Games advertised the scoring system
Starting point is 01:15:33 they were used, but we were able to find out that they were using it assuming that everyone would register, which means out of 32, they had had a contingency plan for 32 athlete scoring system for semifinals already that they were maybe going to use in a case where that happened in a previous.
Starting point is 01:15:50 You know, this is also still part of the semifinal stage of competition. But then, you know, they didn't they decided not to change that. So they just used it. So I did that little graphic where you could see that there was a minimum number of points that athletes would get no matter what, as long as they did the workout. And, you know, those things matter. like those decisions matter because the margins are extremely small we're talking about a second here a second there a penalty here a penalty there someone doing the workout or not doing the workout and if the scale is six points instead of four points for per placement that can make a difference come the end of the weekend and what jr is talking about is
Starting point is 01:16:22 that there was there was an opportunity for those guys to middle him by like a significant amount of time. It's not so much the placements, but time, especially on workout three and even on workout four, where he was fourth, Berman was fourth to Yona's fifth, but there was 30 second gap there. 30 seconds is surely enough for one person or two people to come in into the mix and take those eight points away from Koski. And then we're looking at maybe Jake Berman getting a game spot. So that's why it's important that the scoring decisions are, you know, well communicated and understood, but also that they make sense in the context of the competition. So that's why we're always having these conversations is because we want the fitness to prevail.
Starting point is 01:17:00 And we're looking for, you know, we're at least trying to explore the different options of a scoring system that will best represent what the athletes do on the floor what was uh i'm trying to look here tim paulson got uh 14th 23 reps on the first workout versus yonakoski's 30 okay and this is a you know we had we had said we didn't because of the way that the scoring was and how competitive the field was we thought that you would need all top 10 finishes in order to make it to the games. And from the men's side, that was the case for one of the two, with Tim's 14th being an exception. But we did see this last year with Christy, where you were able to have one bad finish if you could offset it with a first and a first, or in his case, a first, was it first, second, second? And for the women, both of them that made the games, I think they had nothing worse than a seventh. So you had
Starting point is 01:17:49 to be pretty good at all four of these tests to get, to get to the games. This, this workout here, uh, the workout number three, I'll remind people what it is here. It was the clean and jerk ascending ladder one through ten uh with shuttle runs it ended up i think we figured out being about a half a mile that they had to run and one of the topics we said is that that the time cap would be 20 minutes and brian was speculating that they wanted that so everyone would finish and everyone would have the same fatigue on their body and he was right uh at least in in in concept because everyone did uh finish except for just one dude down here at the bottom but look at the time difference in these 1333 jake berman
Starting point is 01:18:33 and seven minutes later six minutes later anthony hayes it's massive yeah that's a lot. That's like, you know, a third or more of the other working time available. Um, but if, you know, Adrian Bosman had said that he was hoping everyone would finish this workout. It seems like most people did. We kind of thought that the best times would be 13, 14 minutes, which they were. Um, and it did end up being a surprisingly tight race, uh,
Starting point is 01:19:03 despite the fact that they were all doing it you know independently of each other a couple a little bit to house cleaning i want to do here real quick make sure you get your no plan b shirt today's the last day to pre-order i want to go through something here really quick of all the people who generously donating money uh mark awesome ariel put seven in his place that's correct so did brian thank you guys for the best most knowledgeable post-game show thank you even with taylor gone we still know some shit uh wad zombie always a huge supporter of the show what an all-star cast right here uh danny uh for paulson's backup battery fund thank you for the coverage i think he has two
Starting point is 01:19:38 phones did he say he was going to switch to another phone he's a ball he's a drug use i think he used one of his friends his mom's phone terry tell ariel she's doing pretty amazing for a chick who just wanted to get the name poster from semis last year uh kevin mcgrath can we take a minute to appreciate royce's effort uh for event one unreal home run hitter for sure yeah nuts the he did those thrusters and i thought i saw someone wanted to know my 2k row time in case in case anyone didn't see that he did 20 thrusters in about 42 seconds and then he did 24 unbroken bar muscle ups and weighs 220 pounds crazy that's crazy and he basically went full send on the muscle ups getting as many reps as possible i apologize what is that is someone's train train train oh it's good we love a train it's good sound like what's up on 2k road time i will do it tonight and tell you guys
Starting point is 01:20:31 basically the 10 he put in there if you just put an extra colon between the second and third zero that's his time it might it might be um there were two people who went to the last chance qualifier who did not have to go through the semifinals, and that was done because of certain travel restrictions, visa issues. Four people. Two women and two men. Okay. Can we look at the men first? I'm just curious how they did. Scroll back down.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Sort by rank, yeah. And scroll down to the middle. 15th and 21st. Okay, so 15th is Hamze Tarifi from... And by the way, someone was talking, I think it might have been Taylor, talking about Denis Samsonov, but Hamze Tarifi has been better than Denis
Starting point is 01:21:16 at every stage of the season this year. He was like 60th worldwide in quarterfinals. He is pretty good, and I think he would have been very, very competitive in the Asian semifinal if he had gotten a chance to go there he's from he's from this place called the palestinian territory yeah i'm gonna have to go in about two minutes seven okay me too actually i'll hang on with jr for a minute we'll just have a moment of silence for five minutes and then and then and then who is the other guy 21st this guy dennis samsonoff and who is the other guy? 21st, this guy, Denis Samsonov. And this is the fittest wizard, right?
Starting point is 01:21:46 Yep. And he's from fucking Kyrgyzstan? Yeah, but he lives in LA. Okay. Everyone lives in LA. Okay, Kyrgyzstan's not even really a country. It's a city, it's a neighborhood in LA. Actually, it's pretty, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:01 It's a country? Okay. And where are the two women? Down, down, down, way down. There they are, 21 and 22. Okay, so this girl's from, or Cohen is from Israel, and Masha, they're still doing this fucking game? This is supposed to be the Russian flag down here? It could be Belarusia or Russia or possibly one or two other countries. Come on, my goofballs.
Starting point is 01:22:26 At least they didn't kick them out. Good job. All right. That's not unimportant to look at, though. If you scroll all the way down here to the bottom and you see, you know, because people are always asking about this. And you look, the athletes here at the bottom are from which which countries are there or which continents are they from and we've been talking we know that those continents don't yield the best athletes relative to europe or america or australian women at the top of the sport but
Starting point is 01:22:55 then you have a competition like this that displays it but even if you start looking there you see that there's one two three four five athletes from north america that finish below the lowest finishing athlete from europe that were registered for this event, which was Sarah Sigmundsdottir, by the way. And that's the type of data that I'm always looking at when I'm trying to assess, should the European women have more spots relative to the North American women? It's not this arbitrary thing. It's based on competition performance history over time. And again, we see here that, that the European women in the last chance qualifier did better than the American women, especially down in this bottom half of the field. Israel should just get one for itself since it's the chosen people.
Starting point is 01:23:36 They should just get their own, like just one spot. There, here you go. JR, thank you. Brian, thank you. JR, do you have any last word you'd like to say uh yeah just you know you were making the point about workout three and how there was such a huge spread such a huge margin between like 13 minutes and then someone getting time capped and when people get together and talk about programming one of the things and one of the
Starting point is 01:24:01 athletes main gripes about some program competitions is the fact that there isn't enough separation. There isn't enough work being done to separate the athletes and whether or not you like shuttle runs here in this workout kind of shows you that it shows you that there was tons of separation. And I know the field was only 27 athletes, but seven minutes is enormous. And as athletes, that's usually what they're yearning for that, right? If you make that workout two, four, six, eight, 10, so only 30 cleaning jerks and 30 shuttle runs, there's not even close to that much separation. And usually in competitions, you'll have one or two events that are fast. And those one or two events will yield really, really tight margins.
Starting point is 01:24:46 And that's what we want, right? We want to see a race. But then also in this sport, there needs to be places where people have to slow down because either their capacity or their muscular endurance slows them down. And we can look as fans and say, oh, that guy's not as good at that guy at that thing because he slowed way down. So I think it's really important that we got one workout like that. And you could argue that we got two workouts like that because workout four, there was a pretty big spread also between like the winner and between the last place finisher. And of course, people can say, well, there's a huge disparity, you know, disparagement and fitness level between the first and last place guy. That might be true, but it's going to be that way at the games also.
Starting point is 01:25:30 And Brian, if you have to go, you can go. Sorry, I'm going to keep you. I do. I do. Great talking to you guys. And JR, you're not saying that one's better than the other, whether that, you know, whether it's Fran or there's not a lot of room or there's something like this. What you're saying is, as a fan, it lets us see different places where people fail, what taxed them more, what strategies were used, who came out too hot. It's just different. You're not suggesting one's better, right?
Starting point is 01:25:57 And obviously, I think maybe what you were suggesting is that the athletes prefer these ones that have a little more space. Well, I think you need both. You have to have both, right? You have to have some where it's truly a race and it's a little bit more about who can cycle this movement a little bit faster and more efficiently, or who can get up and down the rope just a little bit faster. But when you have more than one or two of those in a 10, 12 workout competition, it tends to skew, like we've mentioned in the past, to execution over fitness. And I think that's what they're saying. If, if, and if this doesn't work for you, then, then we, we can use a different model, but if there were a high IQ,
Starting point is 01:26:38 uh, workout and a low IQ workout, a low IQ workout might be, um, uh, um, shouldering or, uh, grace, right? Just shouldered, uh, shouldered overhead any way you want. It's just 30. It's just grunt work, right? Ground overhead. Yep. Sorry. Ground overhead. Um, so, so, and then, and then a high IQ workout might be one like this, like, Hey, you're only going to get a couple shots at it. There's a rest in the middle. Like, you have to make sure you have a strong game plan. Of these, if you use that, which is the highest IQ workout and which is the lowest IQ workout? Is this a low IQ workout, workout four, just like, hey, work and hurt, work and hurt?
Starting point is 01:27:22 Yeah, I would say there's not too much thought there. Usually, your fitness is going to slow you down on a workout like that and so in general these last three are all kind of um low iq workouts this is work these people these are the couplets and triplets this is this is work row two i mean there's a little bit of thought here right about your 2000 meters but it's get this shit done and start walking on your hands. It's just one round, right? Yeah. But I would push back on workout too and say maybe of all of them, that was the most delicate as far as pacing goes, because I know there, because I know there are athletes out there that rode five or 10 seconds fast for their capacity. And it made them
Starting point is 01:28:00 not get 25 more feet on their hands because they were just a little bit too overreached by the time they kicked upside down. Do we know the farthest someone walked on workout two on their hands? I want to say it was 41 or 42 reps, which is like 205 or 210 feet. And, uh, and, and there was a, there was a max you could walk, right? Like you could tap that workout out at 250 or something, right? Wasn't there some sort of? I think the scorecard went up to 250. So clearly they had it tested by somebody that was good. Right.
Starting point is 01:28:33 Crazy. I wonder how you do that. I wonder if you just, I wonder how you do that. You just take, you just assume that the fastest row time would be 630. And then don't make someone do the row time and be like, Hey, walk as fast as you can on your hands for a minute and a half. Right?
Starting point is 01:28:49 Yeah. I would say you find someone that's a really good rower. That's also competent at handstand walks. And you just tell them to get as many as you get, or maybe they gave them a nine minute clock and they said, okay, cool. We're just going to take a minute off.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Good job. Right. Nuts. All right. Well,. Right. Nuts. All right. Well, congratulations to CrossFit HQ. I have really heard nothing even remotely negative about the last chance qualifier. I think it went off without a hitch. People liked the workouts.
Starting point is 01:29:18 I think people are liking the judging. I think people are very, very pleased with it. Would you consider it? Would you give it a high mark? Yeah, definitely. It seemed like it was a big success. Awesome. All right, brother.
Starting point is 01:29:30 I'll talk to you soon. It sounds like you and Taylor and I are going to be doing a show on programming here very soon. So you and I will be talking very soon. Yeah, looking forward to it, man. Guys, everyone who watched the entire show or even a portion of the show uh thank you and uh stay tuned uh tomorrow i have a bellator heavyweight fighter on at 7 a.m who's 10 and 0 who's fighting in bellator 282 and then on sunday morning i'm doing a hillar fit and review show and uh thank you for the 999 we are where are all the big people we had Tim Paulson
Starting point is 01:30:06 on yeah you look big by the way that dude looks big right oh yeah peace

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