The Sevan Podcast - #474 - Steven Mowry

Episode Date: July 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Yesterday I did, yeah, but not this morning. Oh, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Bam, we're live. I kind of wanted to run this by Steve to get a third opinion. I guess I have you for a second opinion. This is the CrossFit documentary that just came out. I don't know if it is good, and that's not the point of what I'm about to share with you guys. When I was... Uh-oh. Are we live on YouTube? We should be because there's comments that already came in all right fine standby grounding it's what's for breakfast ah happy happy saturday kenneth yash kenneth we're live yep when when when i was uh running the media department over at crossfit inc we made
Starting point is 00:01:21 these documentaries and they were crossfit games documentaries and it was basically what they're doing now every year that we would put out a documentary that would cover the games or almost every year in some years there were some variations on it we did one one year that was just strictly about rich froney fittest man on earth and the very first one was the one that carrie peterson and i did um on the seventeen thousand dollar budget every second counts. And when we would sell the movie on iTunes, we would sell it for a certain price. Oh, there's Tall Steve. Great.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Steve's opinion too. What's up, dude? How are you? Were you just done wrestling? Are those headphones? No, these are headphones. My ears are fucked i don't want to hear it like i gave up on that a long time ago yeah me too i love i love i love head though
Starting point is 00:02:14 a good purveyor of head oh yes connoisseur a head connoisseur a head connoisseur my my i i will say this i'm lopsided in my expertise though extremely lopsided in my expertise i'm not great at giving you know yeah yeah very very very very limited experience very inexperienced it's a one way street that's right I hate it when I even picture myself giving it I hate that the mental image alone
Starting point is 00:02:53 Steve is my Instagram friend we did a podcast back in February 13th of 2022 which is 5 months ago when his baby was seven months old. So that means his baby's a year old.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Just about. Yeah, it should be on July 15th, one year old. Dang. Happy birthday to mama. Yeah, happy birthday, baby girl. A year ago. The day after me. Oh, no shit.
Starting point is 00:03:24 That's cool. steve i want to just use use you for a minute actually i'm going to use you for an hour but uh this is like extreme using um so i was just saying about how i used to produce these documentaries for this company called crossfit and we would put them out every year and we would do a pre pre-order like they do on itunes and we would pre-sell the documentary at at 14.99 and the company that put out the documentary every fucking year would approach me and say hey it's five days before it comes out we want to do a flash sale and lower it to 9.99 and i be like, that's completely fucking unethical. What do you mean? I'm like, we've sold it for $14.99. We haven't given anyone the product yet. And then
Starting point is 00:04:11 five days before it comes out, we're going to lower the price to $9.99. I could see after it's been out for three months to lower it to $9.99, but you can't lower the price just to sell more to your constituents. You're not walking around selling magazine orders to fucking earn candy and that's the fourth grade you're a fucking mature adult who's selling something to your constituency meaning crossfit's sort of a cult a group a family you're selling to them for 14.99 and then five days before it comes out because you want to sell more you lower the price and fuck all the people who pre-ordered it and still haven't gotten it i know i'm being a little passionate and biased i'm trying to sway you to my opinion but do you see what i'm saying why it's a little it's like a slap in the face to your loyal the fan base that
Starting point is 00:04:54 already got it up and bought the pre-order yes yes it's fucking and i would tell them every year we are not doing that that i don't want to sell an extra hundred movies, an extra thousand movies and give up my integrity, give up my relationship with you. Sure. And it'd be one thing. It'd be one thing if it had been out for like a month. You know, man, sales. We've got to we've got to make a big marketing push. And then you did that.
Starting point is 00:05:19 But like, do you know how long it takes to heal in a relationship when you cheat on a girl? Never. We never. Yeah, it never, it never comes back. Unfortunately, I know that's the same. Unfortunately, I've been on the dumb shit side of that thing. It never heals. It's a memory in there.
Starting point is 00:05:38 It's not that I would, I don't mean to split hairs with you. I think, I think it'll heal, but it'll never be the same relationship again. Right, right. She knows who you are. She never be the same relationship again. Right, right. She knows who you are. She knows what you're capable of. Oh, fuck yeah. Yeah, yeah. And you better not bring any friends over and get her drunk for the next couple years because she'll make you believe that shit.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Or you're going to go anywhere. I can't believe CrossFit is doing this. But here's the thing. The people who made the movie, I think it's Mariah made it, super high integrity. I'm not blaming her for this at all not her responsibility she's the director but this just shows that whoever's in leadership there don't give a fuck about integrity or isn't watching the ball this is this is world-class douchebaggery for just pennies it's bad it's bad no one cares no one over there cares no one in the leadership cares i don't even know who runs their marketing or media department
Starting point is 00:06:31 anymore but you you are uh you're something else just you're just burning people in order to let's say you sold a thousand more so you made ten thousand dollars more and now everyone thinks i don't even think you sold a thousand more to be honest yeah that's a lot that sounds like a lot yeah i think steve said it best and he was like it's a slap in the face to the people who pre-sale because those are like your people like people that bought it earlier the ones who were like yo i really want to like show out for my for my my family so it's like your use of the word constituent is very telling too you know i mean it's like we usually associate the word constituent to like people that uh like
Starting point is 00:07:11 usually it's citizens of an area under the rule of you know whatever an authority figure so last time i heard the word constituent in the current zeitgeist was whenever ted cruz dipped on texas after that big power outage and I very rarely find myself siding with the leftist voice in terms of politics. But the left was super critical of Ted Cruz. And it's not even because it was like a left versus right issue. You know, politics tends to be a thing where, you know, the left will point out anything that somebody on the right does and vice versa. But people were very critical of him saying, you know, the left will point out anything that somebody on the right does and vice versa. But people were very critical of him saying, you know, you left your constituents behind while there was a fucking crisis going on.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And it was, you know, it was a very, very prescient point because it was like, yeah, Ted Cruz, you did fuck up. Like, that was a ridiculous, you fucked your constituents. And like I said, your use of it there is very, is very interesting because it's like the people that bought in whenever there wasn't even a product to you know to look at means that they are they're very like they're already sold out to the idea of like i just want to i just want to be a part of this thing before we even know what's going on so you're saying it better than me i should we should have talked about it before we went on there i didn't even think about it. Like, yeah, they they came in a month early and gave you their 1499.
Starting point is 00:08:30 They're the ones who love you the most. And now they're being told, ahem, we're giving it to these other people who we had to twist their arm to buy it for five dollars. It's like rewarding your kid for being bad. Right. There's a thing in video games. kid for being bad right there's a thing in um in video games and i'm not by any means a big video game person but i do like to look at you know trends and in market and sales and whatever and there was a big thing where like it's illegal to do in europe like most of europe they had like these loot box thingies and the idea is i think that like you can spend, we, everybody spends the same amount of money on a product. And yeah,
Starting point is 00:09:08 I mean the idea that you could spend X amount of money on a product and not know what you're getting. So like, yeah, I mean it kind of like a lottery sort of thing, but everybody pays the same amount. You don't know what you're getting in it influences the quality of your gameplay.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Like is especially, I don't want to unethical might be a little bit like strong harsh too strong or too harsh of a word but i do think that like yeah that's kind of shitty to do like hey these guys bought in like right at the beginning they call it they have uh they're free to play or pay to play like these games that are they they have these perks and games you know that 10 years ago it was like you know it's like if you bought street fighter and you already had ryu ken your normal cast of characters and then you you bought you paid you know what 15 bucks okay cool i can be the fucking the teenage mutant ninja turtles it
Starting point is 00:09:56 was like wow that's a nice perk but it slowly evolved into this thing where it was like i gotta pay 15 just to be fucking ryu or ken it's like what now it's not even a game it'd be like 10 years ago okay well we're playing neighborhood dodgeball but if you pay 10 bucks you get a jersey that evolved into like slowly over time it was like okay you pay 10 bucks and now you can use a fucking you can use a ball it's like no we need the fucking ball to play hey yeah you just described the you could pull that down too susan thank you you described just the whole slippery slope of of precedent it's why it's so many things that people don't understand when i went to college i thought affirmative action was the coolest thing ever because they called it affirmative
Starting point is 00:10:40 action it wasn't like hey let's lower the bar and let in some people who aren't white and and and now it's and now it's just full turned into full-blown racism that's that's the thing i really it's weird out of out of out of the desire to do something nice it's it's interesting that like i had a feeling this was all gonna come up anyway but i didn't mean to sorry i wanted to talk to you about about being six feet tall six foot eight again but fuck no i talked about that enough come on all right all right come on we're here that we're gonna talk about the real shit no so i was gonna say it i had a feeling this is gonna come up anyway just because it's so it's so you know hot right now yeah yeah like the abortion thing right yeah um that's the thing the the interesting thing about like laws and morals and ethical codes is like, um,
Starting point is 00:11:25 where like, just because you've made a law about something or a rule or whatever, it doesn't necessarily mean it reflects like the morally right or wrong thing to do about it. It's just that like you've outsourced how much somebody can do of it to the, to the government, which is, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:42 Oh, wow. Good definition. Doesn't have the best track record for being moral or ethical or doing the right thing so and we could that could be like its own to our podcast but the point is like um the spike cohen who's pretty like probably one of the more loud voices in the libertarian circles he ran for the vice president what's his name what's his name spike cohen okay is he cool is he normal unfortunately most of the fucking libertarian guys at the top are just like sit around and smoke weed all day and have crazy hair and like don't work out and i'm like what the they they look like they're 70 when they're only 52 i'm
Starting point is 00:12:19 like if i had to identify politically i would probably say i'm a libertarian and that's the thing is like it does have this oh he looks good okay sorry he's he just turned 40 too so yeah he looks beautiful okay he um that's the thing is like it does have this weird like try hard you know whatever edgelord manner about it but that's the thing is like i really do feel like a lot of the the principles and the things that go along with it are you know kind of how i identify by the way he went on a podcast the other day and pretty succinctly wrapped up how i feel about abortion just in that um whether you agree or disagree with somebody's right to get an abortion the terminated pregnancy right the second you you that's the thing when it whether you think it's right or wrong one it has nothing to do with whether or not you perform it and two the second you hand it over to the
Starting point is 00:13:12 government to decide is whenever you know you start getting fucked up right so it's like okay cool like um it's illegal to get an abortion okay well what if they get sick okay well now you have to go to the doctor for this now you have to make sure like then what does that turn into are you properly taking care of this oh yeah yeah you've given away power yes right and then authority yes it'll turn into a thing where like without stealing every word that he said it'll turn into a thing where it's like 20 years from now it's you know they're using the handmaid's tale thing and i think that's kind of like uh the especially people that are, you know, pro-choice. Did you watch that series?
Starting point is 00:13:48 No, I saw the first episode and it was really cool. My fiance fucking loves it. My wife started watching it. I walked by the TV. I'm like, no, thank you. That's fucking poison for the brain. Fuck off. I think, I do think that like some of the themes and like the, the fuck the patriarchy
Starting point is 00:14:03 thing. It's like, okay, we're being a little bit too heavy-handed and a little bit too broad with our our tack but that said the handmaid's tale thing it's like i really do feel like the spirit of it is going to be in it'll turn to a thing where like 10 15 20 years from now it'll be a thing where it's like it's just like you know uh if you told somebody 20 years ago or not 20 more than that probably like 80 years ago hey you're gonna need a permit to collect rainwater they'd be like what the fuck are you talking collect rainwater now it's a thing where it'll be the same thing with pregnancy if we're not careful so whether or not you agree with abortion if you hand it over to the government to
Starting point is 00:14:42 decide when it is and isn't the right time you know it'll become something that like okay nobody nobody properly identifies with like the the rules and restrictions on it it's just oh wow interesting that makes sense yeah and it's the same with everything in government and this isn't this isn't me being you know this isn't me with an agenda this is just me saying like okay well all the things that i that I've observed in my life to this point have kind of brought me to the, yeah, damn, what the fuck are we really doing here? That's called clear thinking what you're doing. By the way, going back to Spike Cohen, I judge a man by his skin, not his skin color, but by his skin, and he had very nice skin. He had great skin. Yeah, and I judge you by your skin.
Starting point is 00:15:25 You have a marker on your face. You look like – Right on the side of your head. Yeah. Marker on the side of your head. For those of you who don't know, Steve is a Bellator employee. Is that fair? You have a contract with Bellator?
Starting point is 00:15:40 It's not fair to say employee, but I'm, I guess, a contractor. Yeah, he's a contractor. I'm a contractor at Bellator. Yeah, he doesn't work in, but I'm a, I guess a contractor. Yeah, he's a contractor. Yeah, he doesn't work in catering. He doesn't set up the ring. He's more of a dancer inside the ring. He's a performer. I perform an act inside of the ring.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yes, yes, he does a performance piece. Improv. You're an improv artist. I do. I make magic happen a couple times a year. And why only a couple? I know. It's crazy, dude. You are a seasoned veteran. Seven dances that you won as an amateur, then 10 as a pro.
Starting point is 00:16:20 So that's two fights a year. Is that enough? By the way, I haven't been in 10 fights in my life so you got to reach through the camera and slap me around a little bit i'm good to give it some to give it some shape when i was an amateur what you see on like especially my mma record doesn't reflect my actual competition record so i competed i did the math one time from the time that i that i graduated high school to the time that i had my last amateur fight i competed on average between mma boxing jiu-jitsu and whatever i could get in between i competed on average every three months so it'd be a jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 00:17:00 tournament and then i'd be getting ready for something two months later and then and then a month after that i would do this and then a couple times getting ready for something two months later. And then, and then a month after that, I would do this. And then a couple of times that actually planned, like I had an MMA fight coming up like 10 days away, but that Wednesday the week before, um, not exactly Heidi close. We'll give you two more guesses. He's not a ring girl. The only thing wrong there is that I'm not a girl.
Starting point is 00:17:24 The worst. But, you know what I mean? The rules are always changing, right? But anyway, the Wednesday, not the Wednesday fight week, the Wednesday before, so 10 days out, I got offered a boxing match for that weekend. And I was like, yeah, sure, why not? And it was like one of those things where I was just trying to get in as much competition as I could, try to, you know, bone up, get better. I was just trying to get in as much competition as I could, try to, you know, bone up,
Starting point is 00:17:44 get better. And then, uh, like I said, the next week was supposed to be an MMA match, but it ended up falling out. But my point is I did it all the time. And then whenever I went pro just for,
Starting point is 00:17:55 you know, whatever this reason or that, sometimes it was injury. Sometimes it was, uh, sometimes I didn't always agree with the direction of the promotion that I was with was trying to take me. Sometimes it was my management.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Sometimes my old management. Sometimes it was just different things going on in my life. You know how that goes. So it led me to two times a year, on average, two times a year for the last whatever five years. with right away is that um it's been since uh december of 2021 since you um performed at belt your dance for bellator but we did see you in a jiu-jitsu tournament and that's how you popped on my radar uh you fought uh nikki rod yeah okay and then now you have another performance on August 12th. Mm-hmm. And it's got some Russian dude.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Yeah, his name is Valentin Mordovsky. So this guy, Fedor Emelianenko, he is recognized as one of the best heavyweights of all time in MMA. Valentin Mordovsky is one of his – kind of like his students. Protégé? Yeah. Kind of. So – If anyone doesn't know who Fedor is, go to YouTube and type in Fedor and watch some of the documentaries on him. They are incredible.
Starting point is 00:19:15 He's a bad dude, man. Whenever I got into fighting, he was still like at the peak of his powers. He was still like competing really well at a really high level. the peak of his powers you know he was still like competing really well at a really high level hey are are you are you ready to take the um are you ready to fight anyone at bellator at um yeah anyone absolutely but i'm especially ready to fight valentine mordovsky right now right i was listening to max holloway so i read this read this book that Matt Souza told me to read that Patrick Bed-David wrote. And it was basically like, hey, you kind of have to see yourself five years ahead of where you are. And I was like, oh, yeah, I highly recommend. I recommend the Patrick, but David book too. Um, there's this book by Bob Rotella championship mindset, and I'm actually listening to it. This move's great. Your next five moves and then, and then championship mindset by Bob Rotella. And he's basically saying that like your goal should always be basically to be the best. And then I heard
Starting point is 00:20:21 Max Holloway today or a few days ago and i've always heard him say is that he sees himself as the champion even when he was oh and one even when he was three and three or whatever his record was yeah and i don't think there's anyone who's going to argue that he's not like at the fucking pinnacle of his game right absolutely and he's he's another guy that's going to go down as like one of the best to ever do it not just in his weight class but like you know in general do you feel when that happens to to you like i'm i feel like i'm i've slipped into that i feel like i climbed up a mountain and now i'm waiting for other people to show up and they show up one at a time do you feel that way too like in your in your um in your discipline like oh i'm here now it's just a matter of just – like what's the sports thing?
Starting point is 00:21:07 I put in the work. Now it's game day. I'm just here to cash the check. But kind of even further, like your whole – you're like already somewhere. Yeah, sort of. But that's the thing is – Oh, how champions think. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Okay. Thank you, Cesar. How champions think. Yeah. I'll text it to you too. I'll text it to you. I'll text it to you. Yeah'll text it to you i'll text you yeah i'll text you it's a great listen um lebron three point coach go ahead i've gotten
Starting point is 00:21:31 into i've gotten real big in audiobooks so last my my sister got me an audible subscription from for whatever and i probably read like just just this year alone i probably read like 15 books on audible it's night my commute to the gym is half hour both ways so like so and i go twice a day so you have to think that's two hours a day i'd otherwise just be sitting in the car what speed do you listen at 1.1 or 1.2 usually yeah i've been listening to one i just switched to one and a quarter yeah one so that's i depends on the book too so i listen to pet cemeteryematary at one in the quarter because just the pace of the story
Starting point is 00:22:08 and like the narration it felt it was more engaging of a listen but I'm listening to this book now by Graham Hancock called
Starting point is 00:22:15 Supernatural the Ancient Teachers of Mankind and I tried to listen to it at 1.1 and I had to slow it down to 1.0 because I was like because your brain has to process the shit.
Starting point is 00:22:25 There's just so much going on. I'm like, wait, what the fuck? And then he'd say something, and I'd be like, and he's an anthropologist and an archaeologist. So it's like sometimes just to hear the word and put it together, I'm like, oh, okay. That means this. Yeah. If I have to rewind like five times, I'm like, all right, Jackass, slow down. Now you're losing time.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yep. Okay, sorry. So at 10 and 0, are you starting – have you kicked into this – wow, I'm like – I guess in the cheesiest way to say it, your self-belief is like – starts to skyrocket. That's the thing like it's I don't know it's more a thing where it's like I'm really really grateful and really humbled that like I can be at a point now where I'm like wow like this is exactly where I saw myself five years ago but that said it's like I I think I keep feeling like I'm chasing this I'm chasing this like okay but what can the next evolution of this be if I stay on this course kind of thing? And I don't know, like my my wrestling coach especially always tells me you never arrive, you never arrive.
Starting point is 00:23:35 And I I think it's not just the thing where it's like you never arrive, like you never reach an aha moment, but it's also a thing where it's like. You never get to a point in your life where you're like, you know what? I've finally done enough. That's it. And I think if you do reach that point, it's time to pack it up and get the fuck out. Call it a day. But if you walk into a cage and you think, you know what? I've done enough.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Everything's okay. I think that's when it's time to – if you – I had this guy, Gary Chevekian on. He's an Armenian who just made it to the G League in the NBA, and he said he's going to work as hard as he can until God stops him. And that kind of made me think of wind. Wind just – there's no end until it's done. It just beaters out. So – well, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Let me propose it like this steve what about i heard izzy uh israel adesanya say a couple days ago that he performs his best when he's showing off and he just wants to go in there and show off and i thought okay i can kind of i feel that you know like if i feel that that's beautiful, right? That's a really interesting way of putting it. I would say for me, I feel like I do my best whenever I'm the best way to put it. I think the put is when I'm overflowing, when I was like done so much and prepared so hard and been so focused for such a long time that, whenever I get into the cage, it's just finally ready to get out. And not like, you know, like a caged animal sense. It's I'm finally ready to just express it.
Starting point is 00:25:11 You know? Yeah. I look forward, you know, I was really looking forward to, you know, not to, not to butter you guys up. I was really looking forward to doing this podcast again. And I was like, you know, sitting on my couch, drinking coffee. Like I can't wait to hop on there and have a good harvest day. And then, you know, whenever I finally got here, I was able to just let it all out yeah yeah and conversely
Starting point is 00:25:30 my i feel like my performances that i'm not as proud of are generally if i think about them the more i think about them the more i'm like man like i didn't i didn't i could have done this more i could have done more i could have given more not that i didn't work hard enough but like in the in the fight it's like, I should have just trusted myself. The best conversations are the ones where you feel like you've properly expressed yourself and you felt understood. And it's like in the cage, I feel like I've properly given everything that I'd had that I'd worked on in preparation. Just in a small example of that, when I used to come i take i make all these notes before shows and not most of the time i don't even use half of them but one day i realized and a lot of times i'll
Starting point is 00:26:12 i'll feed off of people's instagram accounts and i'll have all the links like in my notes and then finally i'm like hey show up to the fucking podcast five minutes early before they come on and just open all the fucking windows first you know what i mean and that was kind of the next level in my preparation right and then you're right then i'm even more excited to perform because i'm even more prepared i'm like okay i can say i can just click i don't got to like be looking at you and digging through finding the fucking clip well i think too like here's an interesting way of thinking about it like now that we now that we touched on that so like there's a different amount of pleasure that can be found in one being prepared to like properly execute something and have it going exactly how you'd imagine like
Starting point is 00:26:53 um i think if i if i were going to credit like my favorite fight it happened like a couple years ago it happened it's my favorite fight because it happened exactly how I'd imagined it was going to. I was like, I'm going to go in there. I'm going to do this. And this is what's going to happen. And, you know, for the most part, like 90 percent of the way it did. So it felt good because it was just like it was like I lit a match, hit a stick of dynamite and then blew up. But it just felt beautiful to execute, you know know and just like in a conversation you know like this is what we're going to talk about this is what i'm going to say this is what i'm going to learn and this is how it's going to we're going to end on that warm fuzzy feeling of like we both
Starting point is 00:27:32 we've exchanged you know ideas but that said there's also something special about like yeah i didn't think that was going to happen at all i just went in there ready to ready to do my thing and we had a great time sometimes you bump into somebody who i couldn't say how many times especially in the sport i've been very blessed to like bump into somebody who i wasn't expecting a you know an intelligent back and forth with but you know next thing you know you're like holy fuck we've been talking for an hour and a half like and that those are there's something special to be said about that too you know what i mean right so so you mean like you'll go into a ring you'll go into a ring and you'll be like let's say i don't know i don't know how you guys train but you'll be like you've
Starting point is 00:28:11 been really working on your hands a lot and you but you end up it going ends up going to the ground and you win the fight in a submission and you're happy and it went totally different but you never but you have three pages of notes right fuck i Fuck, I never talked to him about fucking his Valentine's Day party and his bar mitzvah and his life. But I'm happy. I talked to him for months, and I wanted to talk about his wife, but we ended up talking about his grandma. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Going back to Steve Cohen, there was something you said that I feel like a lot of people don't understand or can't get their head wrapped around. I wish I could say it the way you said it, but it's basically being forced to think a certain way.
Starting point is 00:28:55 So like they talk about – when I think of – people will say to me, hey, they talk about abortion in terms of women's rights. And I don't think of it in terms of women's rights i think in terms of human rights and i don't like i say i think other people should have autonomy over their own body because and and for one of the reasons that you explain because of that libertarian mindset once you give it to them then they start drawing the rules for you what you can and can't do and what what hoops you have to jump through and what triggers the need for an abortion here or there and we just don't want to give giving them that power even if i think killing a fetus is wrong or killing a zygote is wrong this this is more important and i have to make that decision
Starting point is 00:29:35 but but on the other hand all the argument is around defending putting fetuses down killing zygotes killing babies and i don't want to even though i'm with that team i don't want to defend that yeah i don't want to ever be like i don't want to die and i don't believe in god but i don't want to let's say there is when i don't want to die and be like dude you were saying over here that you should kill a baby if it's going to be born into a poor household i'm like sure i've never said that i don't want to say that shit i do i do believe in god and i do think you have to give it you i do believe i someday i'm gonna have to give an account for like yeah everything right yeah i don't know how what that looks like or how it'll play out but in my head it's you sitting
Starting point is 00:30:22 down at a coffee table with god and him being like right so you know here we go we had a guy at a gas station you need to take a gas you bought it no problem that was good okay so he couldn't have given he didn't give you shit you never saw him again that was good you gave a guy money who said he would pay you back and you wouldn't accept it that was good okay but here um you uh you stopped talking to a girl um because you had sex with her you never want to see her again not your best book steve yeah okay yeah i don't want to do that yeah you changed your phone number asshole that was my daughter oh sorry god but yeah but but i made that bitch why'd you treat her like that oh fuck here's the thing people split hairs with what you know with what the bible says and what yeah what like what god's real intentions are when, you know, what human life is, what it isn't.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And that's the thing is it's like I cannot divorce myself from the idea that, you know, a zygote or a fetus or whatever, like, is a human life. I just can't. I cannot. However, no matter how many statistics get presented about, like, what percent of abortions are topic pregnancies or miscarriages that weren't properly expelled or, you know, there's a hunt of rape or incest. I don't care what statistics I look at. It's like one of those things where it's like it's it's the two primary things from here. The first and foremost is that any time you hand the government the right to decide, you never get it back. You never get it back. And definitely not in the way that oh what about slavery what about slavery what do you mean they they we had slaves and they got their they got their freedom back so even that it wasn't they didn't have it and then they advocated it oh good point we had we
Starting point is 00:31:59 had to fight hey that's a good sign then that means they'll never be slaves again that's a good sign exactly but but more to the be slaves again that's a good sign exactly but but more to the point and this is again this is why libertarian blah blah they all get this weird like edgelord it took very a very serious amount of violence for the people that believed in slavery to back the fuck off and say and i mean that's it's another it's hotly contested over people love to say so with the slaves the civil war is about I mean, it's another, it's hotly contested over, people love to say, what's the Civil War, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:32:30 It was, okay, let's be honest with each other. It was, slavery was the hot talking point. It doesn't matter, but my point is that, so the two things, right? One, anytime you give power to the government, you never get it back without violence. two i just i'm not sure i feel comfortable telling somebody what i regard it to be life is or isn't or well you know what like what decides if it's if it's legitimate or not you know so because there's several things that
Starting point is 00:33:02 i do that i'm sure people let guns are the primary thing well you don't need it you don't give a fuck if i don't need it i want it and it has nothing to do with you you know it's here i'm gonna fall into the weeds here a little bit the rape thing is interesting too because there's an emotional appeal so people say that in my dms too to me they're like it for no matter how many times I say I'm pro-choice because I don't have the normal pro-choice argument, people think I'm pro-life. It's so fucking weird. My Instagram is – because they can't think outside the box. Yeah, people – people – people – I didn't mean to – Oh, I was really hoping I was going to see just your mustache full of snot.
Starting point is 00:33:44 That's the thing. You very well must. I think I'm getting a little bit of allergies. All this week during practice, people are like, yeah, you got a little. I don't want someone to say to me. So they're like, what about rape? And then they're not saying it because they want to talk it out. They're saying it to give me like some sort of emotional fucking heisman because to talk it out i want to
Starting point is 00:34:09 be like so what you're saying is is if you were raped if my wife was raped then we should kill a baby like what what's your logic there because like me personally now that i have three kids if my wife was raped i i would I would let her decide. But I would propose to her that like, hey, man, I think you'll feel worse. That's the thing. Kill the baby. I think you'll feel worse. It's almost a thing where I'll raise it. I'll help you raise it like I'm down. That's the thing. It's like it's almost a thing where it's like, well, look like. We really walked into a territory where it's like not only am i not comfortable
Starting point is 00:34:46 telling you what to do i'm not comfortable telling you how to feel about it and that's that's the fucking the meat and potatoes of almost every argument is people give you an example of that what would that look like if you were to tell someone how to how to feel about it hey so look that is a human life in your body and you should love it and cherish it just like you love and cherish human life that you don't know. But it's, but it's a, if you could very easily flip,
Starting point is 00:35:11 hey, if you really cared about kids, you would adopt them. If you really cared about kids, you would work at a homeless shelter every day. If you, and it's like, it's one of those things where it's like, well, look, I'm not telling you what the right or wrong thing to do with your life is.
Starting point is 00:35:22 I'm saying that like, well, here's how I, and then that's kind of like if i feel like if i'm being properly understood here that's kind of what led me to like well here's where i am at in my life had nothing to do with how i how i or really anybody feels about it you know in the in the broad sense it has everything to do with okay well what what are you comfortable outsourcing to these people who you'll probably never talk to, have a conversation with who get a percent of your income, who really you should be the boss of not the other way around. You should be the one making the rules for not the other way around.
Starting point is 00:35:57 How comfortable are you letting them decide for everybody? And that's, that's really like the basis. I'm not. And you're right the older i get i'm not yeah even even these i didn't mean to interrupt but um no no interrupt interrupt no but that's what i'm saying is like even even people who believe in like a larger government a more powerful government a more broad government it's like i don't understand how i don't understand how you're more comfortable giving up your right to do that or not do that. I feel like I haven't let Matthew get a word in edgewise here. No, I just hang out. I bring stuff up.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Don't worry about me. Pat just says he's here for his nice skin. I told you I judge a man by his skin. I'm not eye candy. But I actually agree. I think if more people thought about every decision when it comes to government intervention the way you described it, that would actually – because right now we only have two sides. You have left or right, right? But if you had people versus what we decide to outsource to the government, that completely changes the thought process as to what I'm deciding here, and it almost breaks away the two labels and it changes the context but that's the that's exactly the context that people miss people are so the and that's the thing is the government doesn't do well to think the government doesn't do well to think that you have more than two
Starting point is 00:37:16 options to think politically the government would would collapse if people realize that or at least how people interface with it would totally disintegrate if they realize that or at least how people interface with it would totally disintegrate if they realize that like well hey look like it's not what i think should and shouldn't be allowed it's what am i comfortable with somebody else policing for everybody including myself because of what everybody else you know no matter how how large or small a minority is or rather no matter how large or small the the difference of the majority is over the minority and that's and then it's that could be like its own thing i want to say something else too that i i i'll probably end up getting back oh and this is sorry this is the one last thing that if i could encourage i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:38:03 really feel like i have a lease on life or knowledge, understanding greater than anybody else in any way. But I do think that if I were to encourage people to think one way about government or really not government, actually not government about life in general, don't think about what you think should and shouldn't be allowed. Think what, and this is the best way I can think to put it, what are you willing to use violence against? And that's, okay, well, that's what, whenever you bring government into the picture,
Starting point is 00:38:36 that's what I think you're doing. What am I prepared to use violence against? And because whenever you involve government on a long enough timeline, if you're defiant or you don't listen to the rules, violence is where you end up. That's ultimately where I – so that's the thing. I'm not saying – it doesn't have to be – we don't have to beat the horse anymore about it. Oh, dude, it's so good. The more ways you can say it, I've never heard it said. The fact that you're saying outsource to to government is brilliant it's a great word and the fact that you're saying don't don't
Starting point is 00:39:10 what did you just say right there don't think of what are you prepared to use violence okay yeah and then before that you ordered it like before you ordered it like hey what don't don't ask what you want your government to what we need to be worried about is not what people can and can't do, but what we're okay with allowing people to decide for themselves. To decide for you. Oh, to decide for me, right. For you and everybody else because a small majority or maybe not even a majority because a small handful of elected officials decided because more agreed than disagreed for you and for everybody else. And then it's like every little thing you think about, like, what am I prepared to use violence against? Am I prepared to use violence against somebody smoking weed?
Starting point is 00:39:58 Fuck no. Do your thing. Like, am I prepared to use violence against – we could go back and forth about it. Am I prepared to use violence against somebody that wants to hurt me and my family or my property? Yeah, I am. Are you prepared to hurt someone who wants to abort their own kid? That's the thing. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I'm not prepared. I'm really not. Not at all. I'm actually prepared to help them through it. Exactly. To help talk to them through it. That's the thing. I really feel like to help them through, through it. And that's to talk, help talk to them through it. That's the thing. I really feel like these circles that are super, you know, like anti-abortion, it's like, well, look,
Starting point is 00:40:31 I really feel like if you were, and this is this, I'm kind of like falling into my own, like if you really cared about it, blah, blah, blah, you really cared about it. You would do this. That's kind of like, that's my position. It's like, well, okay. Maybe instead of like tacking on all these rules and regulations and laws, like maybe we need to present a better dialogue in terms of like, we need to put dialogue, you know, for having a kid, whatever, no matter what way they were conceived. It just makes more sense for people to have these kids, no matter what way they were conceived, than make're conceived than make an argument for the government deciding whether or not you have it. You can't go to your – you can't show up at your girlfriend's house, and she's banging a couple of your buddies and just grab her cat and throw it in the microwave. You can't do that.
Starting point is 00:41:21 It gets law. It's called animal torture. It's fucked up. You can't do it. But you can go down to Safeway and buy a cow that was fucking killed and probably in even some circumstances inhumane way and eat it. Very often it's inhumane. But either way, we're talking about killing animals, and that's kind of how I – someone proposed that to me the other day. They're like, yeah, because we call it abortion and it's done by the person who the baby's inside, we're not going to call it killing. No, it's still killing an animal. It's still – and that's – And I just want to have that honest dialogue with people.
Starting point is 00:42:04 And like I just want to have that honest dialogue with people. I'm not saying you can't do it because the cow – I'm all about fucking like you kill the cow so I don't have to cry when I see it fall to the ground and all that shit. Right. Well, that's the – I don't know what you – but people don't interface properly with thought either. people don't interface properly with thought either. Like it's, we've, there's been a very, whoever is the mastermind of this is,
Starting point is 00:42:31 has done a wonderful job at it. People do. Great job of fucking everyone out. You really, they really have, but that's the thing. We've really gone down such a rabbit hole where it's like, we can't properly have a conversation without if the second somebody disagrees with you they feel like you're a bad person for not sharing
Starting point is 00:42:51 every single thing every every for not sharing all the same talking points or all the same nuances of of whatever it is you're talking about it's almost like the farther and farther they're treading into this like this territory of of opposition and not but not opposition of you know a healthy disagreement opposition of like i don't fucking agree with you and you're a bad person because of it is i is is honest by the way that was a great line You said people aren't equipped to interface with thought. That's fucking crazy. That was some great ones this morning. And that's the thing. It's not – to that point, it's like not even in a sense where it's like – not even about complicated things.
Starting point is 00:43:37 People aren't prepared to sit down and be like, wow, this is fucking sad. You know, like these are – to be alive is – you know, there's that quip from Rick and Morty where he's like, to be alive is you know that there's that uh that clip from rick and morty where he's like to be alive is to risk it all you know otherwise you're just in there mad or floating in the universe and i think that's like that's what people don't realize is like to be alive is to experience life and you're gonna have to do it whether you want to or not and the good the bad all of it but like by properly accepting what it is that you're thinking about is to be alive. You know, to be alive is to like,
Starting point is 00:44:09 to eat whatever it is the universe is serving to you, you know, at that moment. People aren't even prepared to be like, people aren't even prepared to be like, I had a bad day or fucking, even people aren't properly prepared to look at somebody and say hey i really appreciate you i love you you know like you i really value who you are in my life people
Starting point is 00:44:31 aren't prepared to do that hey maybe they'll think i'm gay maybe they'll think i'm this maybe they'll maybe they won't reciprocate it but i think i'm okay yeah then but that's the thing is it's like well you don't you don't really get to decide you don't really get get to decide what's on the other side of you and what you're experiencing. You just have to experience what you're experiencing. We had a guy on the other day, Steve, Jaguar Heart. And one of the things we didn't get – I need to have him back on. Heidi Krum, I'm spoken for. But the warm, fuzzy feelings go both ways.
Starting point is 00:45:07 room i'm spoken for but the warm the warm fuzzy feelings go both ways um this guy jaguar heart said um uh uh we call it feeling sad jaguar heart that's the most badass thing it is pretty badass and he walks the walk but hey what is it if you don't call it sad what is it and and and there's there's whole levels of things you can is it tension are you holding something if you don't call it sad, what is it? And there's whole levels of things you can – is it tension? Are you holding something? Like you don't even have to label it sad. Like you're saying you can sit down and let go of the word sad and start to really go into this. What really is – I-S – is it? And you're right. People aren't equipped to do that they're being people aren't prepared people aren't prepared but those tools are readily available in this day and
Starting point is 00:45:53 age i mean shit someone can listen to this podcast and get it so that's the thing people are that it's not even that people aren't prepared if they're prepared like they're not prepared because they deliberately choose not to they're prepared because they would be like you know it's just easier for me to think you're a bad person because we don't have the same thoughts and feelings and to accept it. Like, hey, maybe we've we've walked a different path in life and like we don't feel the same way. But like, hey, man, fuck, like as long as you don't as long as you don't show up at my house and actually try to take a gun or as long as you don't as long as you don't fucking walk into my house and actually try to rape my wife. Like, OK, like everything's fine and good now i can i can still think you're a good or a bad but you're free to you're free to feel whatever way you like i'm just saying that like okay maybe um i have a coach who we are very different if you want to call it politically
Starting point is 00:46:40 we're very different but i love talking to him because it's like okay well like you and me have clearly had a much different run of things in our life and to get that different perspective and come away with it a little bit shaken up not emotion shaken up maybe a little bit of emotional because of my own you know shortcomings but but to be shaken up in such a way that it's like wow like you you seem very strong and set in your belief and i feel very strong and set my belief but to to hear like the differing viewpoint has just allowed so much more like season to the gumbo that i feel like i'm taking something away from it and it's whether or not i come away agreeing with you or what or you know you totally changed my viewpoint is is irrelevant the fact that you're able to to go up up, you know, to face the
Starting point is 00:47:25 dragon or to face the whatever, whatever it is that you feel is so challenging about the challenging of the way who, who you are and how you think and feel is, you know, like that's again, like that's life. That's, you don't really get to choose. Like you don't really get to choose how you change. Change is inevitable, whatever. But you do get to change how you properly deal with it, how you seek it out, how it's brought to you, so on and so forth. When you fight, you go in the ring and you fight another dude. Can you believe you brought a professional fighter on here and we haven't talked about fighting for we spent maybe
Starting point is 00:48:08 of the 47 minutes we've been on here we've talked about fighting for maybe two of them typical when you go into a ring you are a fighter right you get paid to fight?
Starting point is 00:48:27 Poor Heidi probably thinks I'm a dancer still. Maybe we should figure it out, Heidi. When you go into a ring – so I'm going to open up the door of personal responsibility. So I'm going to open up the door of personal responsibility, and I've really come to the conclusion that there's nothing else you need to know other than personal responsibility. There's no – like if you buy a car and the windshield breaks and you get upset, that whole thing is your responsibility. You purchased the car and made yourself vulnerable to the windshield breaking and upset. You purchased the car and made yourself vulnerable to the windshield brake and get upset. If you get into a ring and fight someone and the referee makes a bad call, you're – and you blame the ref. It's – that's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:49:13 It's still your fault. You put yourself in that fucking position to let a ref, going back to what you were saying, for the fact that you're not responsible that it happened to you but you are responsible for the fact that it happened to you does that make sense say it one more time i was simultaneously texting fucking guilty fine no no you're not responsible that it happened but you're responsible for it happening does that make sense yes yes yes yes you're not accountable you're not accountable that it happened but you're accountable for it now that it has right and in you're not always accountable i would a lot of it 90 99.9999 percent of the time you are responsible that it fucking happened to you. And what I would call – and I would call this that this is – eventually the paradox here is that this is God mindset because God is this creature or this entity or this spirit or this thought or this – whatever you want to call it. Maybe it's a no thing, but it is 100% responsible and in control of everything.
Starting point is 00:50:32 And so if you want to be in that space, you also have to – Yeah, to ride out the parts of it that you weren't prepared for as much as the ones that you were. Yeah, you have to be 100% – Accountable for parts of it that you weren't prepared for as much as the ones that you were. Yeah, you have to be 100% – Accountable for all of it. Yeah, responsible for everything. You fucking get arrested in a mistaken identity and you go to jail for 30 years, you're responsible. But even that, even – that's what I mean. If you want it to end, by the way, the other way, it never ends.
Starting point is 00:51:06 You never become present by blaming. You never become present or find joy. That's literally removing. Yeah, you're moving. You're not. You're not. Yeah. That goes back to the abortion thing.
Starting point is 00:51:16 You're never like, oh, I aborted the baby. Now everything's better and I'm happy. Oh, that guy. That guy molested my daughter and I went to his house and shot him and killed him. Now I feel better. It never ends going that way. There's no like, oh, I stole the money back from the guy. Now it's better.
Starting point is 00:51:30 No. No, it doesn't work that way. At least I've never seen it work that way. I've heard this talked about. It's been called – Jocko Willink called it extreme ownership. Does he take it this far when he talks about it yeah fuck yeah he does yeah and that's what he that's mark manson i read i read a book in um the subtle the it's called the subtle art of not giving a fuck and he he lays out an anecdote about
Starting point is 00:51:55 this guy who spent the vast majority of his life sick he was born with some sort of disease and really up until like his it was like his mid-20s he somehow got to a point where he was in essence on his deathbed and when i talk about the nine point ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine percent of the things that happen to you are your fucking fault the point zero zero zero zero one is like okay you can't control if you're born with a fucking disease but if uh this guy he had a like an epiphany at some point that it didn't fucking matter what was going on or what happened but he was from that point on he was going to take responsibility for everything that happened to him he was going to be accountable for it he was going to own it in his life and then he ended up i can't
Starting point is 00:52:44 think of who it is and i'm ashamed because like this you know is a really relevant thing i think if people were more observant of this i really think they would like their life a lot more but he ended up being like one of the foremost like acknowledged and superior authorities in like some some sort of like medical field he ended up like being a doctor he turned his whole life around he ended up my point is he had some issue when he was born is that what you're saying yeah he's born with some issue he contracted a disease later on too and it was like i said he was at some point he realized like fuck that everything that happens to me i'm gonna take responsibility of whether it's my fault or not and i'm gonna fucking ride this bitch and like i said he turned his whole life around he ended up he went from being bedridden to being able to walk.
Starting point is 00:53:26 He ended up being some authority in the medical world. I'd love to look it up. Hey, how – along that exact same line, have you ever seen those people who they're blind and they don't use walking sticks and they use sonar? They make clicking sounds. No, that's not cool. No, that's not. walking sticks and they they use sonar they make clicking sounds no have you seen that and and they show a kid like skateboarding rollerblading uh riding a bike and it was uh the kid i'm trying to think of is a black kid and he'll be like i'm passing a bush i'm passing a mailbox and here's what's fucking crazy it's because he didn't go like, how much better is his life than the dude with the stick? This dude doesn't need the stick.
Starting point is 00:54:10 He can do everything still, but it's through sonar. He makes a sound. He adapted in a way that was his way. Oh, is that, Oh yeah, that might be him.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Is it Ben Underwood? I think. Yeah. Cause they, they had some videos. Yeah. He's like riding a bike and he's bouncing here on this fire hydrant for people that can't – that are listening only. But yeah, and uses sonar.
Starting point is 00:54:33 That's this kind of – and there's a bunch of people now. And actually, I think they have a sonar school now for blind people. That's amazing. And it's like – Talk as you decided. You know what? I'm not going to use this tape. Yeah, I'm not sure. I forget how it happened.
Starting point is 00:54:49 But it's just amazing because there was probably – people probably thought he was a fucking idiot. Hey, this has already been developed. This is the way you do it. This is Braille. This is this. This is the walking stick. This is – and – Fit inside this bag. But they already had it, and we already had it as humans to adapt in our own way already. For sure. And there's a responsibility component there that's mind-boggling to me. Not give up.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I'd actually like to see him. Would you fight that guy? Let's get that guy in the ring with you. Oh, looks like he passed away five years ago. Oh, shit. Really? Yeah. So you got to take responsibility for that. Hey, he got hit by a car. He crossed the street and got hit by a car.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Oh, fuck. Jesus. All right, fuck that Sonar shit. Well, at least he tried it. He was a real... Yeah, he rode it out all the way to the end. Yeah, yeah. He was born in 2006. He was a real innovator. How many fights before – so how many fights before you fight for the belt? I was looking at – you know who's fighting this weekend.
Starting point is 00:55:58 It's Sean Strickland is fighting that dude. Yeah, Abner Pereira. Yeah, the guy. But one of those guys, I don't think one of those guys might fight. To him, not doubt, Israel Adesanya. I want to say twice. Yeah. And one of those guys might just jump up and fight the champ next.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Yeah, that's what they're saying. They said the winner of that's going to get the next shot. So is that something like if you win this fight in convincing fashion could you just go straight for the title i'm really gonna subvert the conversation again please anytime the way i like to think of it is like there's no such thing as a title fight there's no such thing as a non-title fight every fight is the most important fight of your life and whether or not there's a belt at the end of it is kind of irrelevant to like what you need to do in the, in the, in the moment to moment of a, you know, an actual fight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:51 This sport is fucking crazy. Every fight is a Superbowl. There's no, there's, it's not like baseball where it's like, we won one of four. Great. We're fucking going to the top. This sport fighting is fucked up. I've never walked into a fight and I'm like, you know what, I'd be okay if I lost this one.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Like, I'm gonna just go in there and collect the paint like I've never done. And I mean, I've seen guys who have and it never ends up well. I've never seen one guy who's been like, yeah, fuck it, why not? And then they came out the other side like, you know what, I'm glad that I phoned it in
Starting point is 00:57:24 and I lost. It was, you know, it's always like, part of it's like me, part of it's like, you know what i'm glad that i phoned it in and i lost it was you know it's always like part of it's like me part of it's like you know what i want to like i always want to perform to the best of my ability and especially this modowski guy it's like you know he's he's another guy's around my age he's up and coming he's he's already like tasted the sweet water as it were he's like you won the year-end title he beat my teammate a couple years ago it's all things that are like like you know don't get me wrong like i'd love to have to capitalize you know or make a point on any one of those things with a victory but for me like i'm not even really thinking about like winning or beating him i'm thinking about like going in there and performing in as dominant a fashion
Starting point is 00:58:07 as I can minute to minute to minute to minute. And, you know, seeing where I end up. Yeah. Is that, how many fights have you been doing that? Four. When did you, the last four fights you've been in that mindset? This will be my fourth fight doing that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:23 In that mindset. I'd always like i got into this thing where like even in even the amateurs where i was like i'm just gonna think about winning and it's like one of those things where it's like you really aren't in control of like you know you really aren't like like you were saying before like bad things happen judges make shitty calls refs make shitty calls, accidents happen, crazy. I mean, it's just there's so much life that like you really can't bottle up and control. It's just you have to let it happen.
Starting point is 00:58:55 But you can't. There are some things, a lot of things really, that you are in control of. And the things that you are in control of, you need to fucking as much as you can because as much as is in your power to do put it under your thumb and control it you know um you're 6'8 250 255 now i've been i've been hammering down more like i really found it on my thigh i'm trying to get like i really let my body tell me what to do in terms of like where I need to be in a physicality sense. But like I've been getting like heavier and like bigger. What's the heaviest you can go in?
Starting point is 00:59:33 Is it 265? 265 is the weight limit, yeah. And that's the same for the UFC also? Uh-huh, yeah. And have you ever been over 265? No, sir. Never in your life so i was whenever whenever i moved to florida i was like 230 um kind of think when i moved to florida i was like 230 and then in like a year of being here i went from like 230 to like mid 240s and i think it was the same thing
Starting point is 01:00:02 like my body just kind of started gaining weight and i maybe it's because i got older and i think it was the same thing i like my body just kind of started gaining weight and maybe it's because i got older but i think it was because like i started i got into the groove of thing and i started to figure out like what i need to do perform better and like all of a sudden getting weight i'm i i'm i'm five five so you're third no 12 you're 15 inches taller than me and i heard somewhere that for every inch taller, you could be 7 pounds heavier. So that would be 70. That would be 105 pounds heavier. And I'm like 165, but I'm chubby. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Is that creatine? Yeah. So, okay. So that would probably put you at 295 or something, 300 pounds. Wait a minute. Dude, I would fucking beat your ass if I was 6'8". I'd be 300-pound version of you. Size me and everything, though.
Starting point is 01:00:56 I'll see you. This guy that fought – who's the champ over at UFC? The guy they say hits like a – No, sorry. Ngannou. Who was the guy who fought him last? Cyril Ghosn. Cyril Ghosn, yes.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Thank you. Sorry. I'm supposed to be the expert. I don't know shit. Cyril Ghosn, he – I don't ever remember seeing a heavyweight move like him yeah he's definitely special to watch he's really light on his feet
Starting point is 01:01:30 he fights with his hands lower than you would expect especially for MMA he stops a lot of guys but he's not really known for his Ngannou-esque power he's known for his very high technical acumen he's very sharp very quick very accurate athletic maybe it's because a lot of them feel like they don't have to be but like
Starting point is 01:01:56 um in heavyweight you just you definitely don't it's not that i don't think guys can i think that heavyweight a lot of people just don't feel like it's necessary to do that so they you know they don't they don't are you athletic like do you want i mean are you athletic that's the thing i don't think um i'm not like you do move like water like when you do burpees is it smooth or i'm more of a i've been told i don't i don't really think about it too much to be honest with you but like I've been told that I'm more of a explosive movements type guy instead of a instead of an agile movements type guy um again these are all things I've just been told I'll be honest I never put too much stock into it not just in the sense that um because I wasn't interested but also because like I was like I don't know fuck it like I'll just do whatever I'm coached to do or whatever I feel like the right thing is to do at the time.
Starting point is 01:02:50 And what about when you get your size kicking? Is kicking a different game? Kicking is big, yeah. That's the thing. I feel like kick is fast as small guys, but their punches always just seem slower, like you can see them coming guys, but their punches always just seem slower. Like you can see them coming, but not their kicks. The big guys, their kicks are always still like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:03:12 That's the thing about kicks. Like MMA is such an interesting – has such an interesting metagame in that like in kickboxing, you're encouraged to have a higher output and do as much as you can with every, with every appendage that you can. But in MMA, like takedowns are a part of the, part of the meta. So it's like, okay, well, if you kick at the wrong place at the wrong time, the other guy at times catches it, you get to work in the takedowns. So like you have to set it up better and you have to, you know, you have to distance is such a big part of the engagement. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:45 How far away are we? If I kick from here, is he going to be able to catch it? Even if he does catch it, he's going to be able to capitalize. It's like, it's like this, this whole thing.
Starting point is 01:03:52 You know what I mean? That's it's not the, but those that can kick well at heavyweight, it's like to be able to utilize that extra bit of rain is, you know, something else. Yeah. It's nuts. Are you always adding to the arsenal?'m trying yeah that's i really feel like every after every fight i usually i sit down with
Starting point is 01:04:14 at least usually all but at least a couple of the coaches and i'd be like okay well here are some things i feel like i did well and here are some things i feel like i could improve on how do you feel about it and i like to get a sense for like what everybody thinks and feels so like camp to camp I definitely like hold on to the things that um I definitely try to hold on to the things that I'm already doing well and like and maintain them make them sharper but I also think about the thing okay well like if I don't improve this where does that leave me open and and vulnerable what can i do to improve that what can i do to to implement those things right now what do i have to do to to make it better in the long term kind of thing um is it is it literally like okay i want to learn a
Starting point is 01:05:00 push kick or i want to have a spinning back elbow and like you'll write that down and like that's what I mean like like I figure it is like kind of like going to the store and buying like shit to cook with okay I need a pan okay oh I'm gonna get some I'm gonna do something with lemons today yeah for me more or less yeah I bring a notebook to these meetings and I write down like okay here's what I want to do here And then before sparring, I will write down like, okay, here's what I'm going to, I'm going to do. I'm going to throw this many jabs. I'm going to throw this many kicks. I'm going to do this with my body. I'm going to make it a point to try this.
Starting point is 01:05:36 And then what makes what's, what's fun about that is it's like you can come into sparring with a plan. And just like we were talking about before, sometimes you execute it perfectly and you're like, this is, this is fucking dope. This is what's like you can come into sparring with a plan and just like we were talking about before sometimes you execute it perfectly and you're like this is this is fucking dope this is what's gonna work and then other times it's like well i planned on doing this whenever i came in but i ended up having to do this so i had to practice i got to practice this and kind of work that other thing too you know what i mean yeah i do know what you mean I I took a motorcycle I wanted to get my motorcycle
Starting point is 01:06:08 license a few years ago and I took a two day motorcycle safety course and the reason why I took the safety course is someone said that after the safety course you have everything done and all you have to do is take the test at the DMV so you don't have to do the driving test nothing and they said take and so I took the safety
Starting point is 01:06:24 course and I thought it was the dumbest fucking two days of my life. And then I noticed the next week my motorcycle riding was fucking way better. It had fucking completely – it had worked. I was a fucking better rider. I took turns better. I fucking stopped better. I knew what to pay attention to. I saw more bad riders. I fucking looked at everything differently and i was like holy fuck that course
Starting point is 01:06:50 is dope yeah do you ever do you ever do that like you're like you're training like um takedowns like or getting up from takedowns and you're like fuck i just wasted a fucking week and i like i don't feel like i'm any better at getting out of that and then you fucking are in the ring you're like oh this motherfucker can't hold me down oh definitely and then you have things especially whenever you're like i fucking suck at this and i'm gonna try you had this thing where you're like where especially when you first start you're like oh okay well these little these three fundamental things that i'm not doing correct i need to adjust you'll start to try it in practice and you'll put yourself in a position where you have to do that thing and you realize like wow i am so fucking bad at this i
Starting point is 01:07:30 didn't realize how fucking bad this i am and it's like one of those things where like what happens you keep trying to keep trying it and then one day i couldn't tell how many times this happened i'll go back and i'm like you know i should try that thing that i suck at and then you'll do it and i'll hit it and i'll be like holy shit i didn't realize i knew it as well as i did and it's because you know i had the i kept working on it working on it working on it and eventually i got to the point where i was like oh okay cool like i did know it i just didn't realize it yeah the the break from it um something processed yeah fuck yeah something something processed then you you work on two like you were talking like the fundamentals of doing that safety something processed. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. Something, something processed. And you,
Starting point is 01:08:06 you work on two, like you were talking like the fundamentals of doing that safety course. Like, it's like one of those things where, um, I began working with, we had a, a new coach that we added on and he started to help me with a thing with my jab.
Starting point is 01:08:18 He was saying like, don't, don't think about like getting the most out of your arm and keep your elbow down and just get it out as fast and bring it back as fast as you can. And like at the time, it felt like kind of at the time it felt, you know, I knew I needed to do it. And I was like, I'm going to fucking try it. I'll do whatever he says. I was just being coachable.
Starting point is 01:08:37 But I'll be honest with you. It's like it felt kind of menial of a correction at the time. I kind of like, oh, my God, this is fucking boring. But I've noticed that like in the three or four months since i started doing what you said and now like the other day i was like damn my jab is fucking on it's because like i feel like i'm assimilating that tip better the jab is such a weird uh the most important strike i feel like yeah i mean me too but but but as a non-fighter it's just so weird it feels like there's nothing there just your average layman like me if i just go like that
Starting point is 01:09:12 like i'm just like fuck that that ain't gonna hurt nobody but you see p but you see people just fucking just like like holloway yeah well maybe he's a bad example because his don't seem to like knock dudes out but a triple g or fucking canelo their jab is nuts but that's the thing is like the jab isn't it's not like a it's not designed to be a knockout punch it's designed you know it's designed to do a hundred different things but like we've seen people uh vitamin courtship to take him to bed It's the courtship move Sure Yeah I mean like The The fucking overhang Right that puts people to sleep
Starting point is 01:09:54 Is usually only present because they had a Solid evening of having a look at this all night Right Even though it didn't knock you out It flustered them enough and made them adjust the positioning of their hands And their head in such a way that They know that that goes right here did you see kayla harrison fight last night i went to bed before that nothing against kayla harrison no sure i
Starting point is 01:10:14 heard it i heard it was kind of like an early stoppage like i woke up and i looked at it i'm trying to figure out what happened i haven't i haven't done They did – it was – the chick was going to get smashed anyway. The chick was in a bad spot. It was like 15, 30 seconds in or something. Kayla was already working on getting her in a crucifix. It was going to be – it was not going to be good. But something happened to Kayla Harrison when she was on the ground, and I can't figure out if she was injured. I think maybe she was crying or she got the wind knocked out of her.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Something was not right and i need to does she train with you no she's at american top team okay and is that um is that a stone's throw from you it's 20-25 minutes so to a floridian 20-25 minutes it might as well be you know louisiana but no it's not that far at all okay well i'm i mean i wonder what happened that's i'm sorry to hear that yeah me too and maybe i saw it wrong maybe but i don't think i saw it wrong what did you see any news on her that's the thing i woke up this morning and i i if i don't stay up for the fight play and um and then a lot of the times like i have the espn i'll go back and like just i'll watch the card i was watching on my own time
Starting point is 01:11:30 you know fights are more fun to watch i feel like in the middle of the day anyway but um are you gonna watch tonight no probably probably at least up until robbie waller fights i'll probably go to bed but hey um are, do you think he should be fighting? Robbie Lawler? Yeah. Of course. That's the thing. He's obviously not.
Starting point is 01:11:55 He's a little bit past his days where he defended the title six times or whatever, four times. But he still competes. He still competes well, and he still enjoys it. So it's another one of those things where it's like i don't know if i feel comfortable telling him you know and even if i did right right i have i have a good i have a really good relationship with robbie i've always kind of like robbie and i've always like gotten along really well and i've trained with him like not just been in the gym with him but like done actual training with him several times he's a class class act, fucking awesome guy, really good fighter, really good mentor.
Starting point is 01:12:29 I think at this stage of his life, he's getting ready to make the move into more of a mentor coaching kind of role. And he's fucking awesome, man. But that said, at this point in his life i feel like if he's still if he's still competing even if even if he was at a point where he was like three fights in a row all knockouts all early it's that's like one of the few times where it's like well if it were somebody who i was close to i probably would tell them like hey look man like i love you and i i just don't want to see this happen to you again like can you please start to think about your future?
Starting point is 01:13:07 Even if that was the case for Robbie, it would not be my place to say to him. Right, right, right, right. It would be, if anything, it would be his place to say to me, like, hey, Steve, we need to, let's sit down and reevaluate, you know. But that said, like, if I felt like the coaches weren't doing an adequate job and then i would probably tell somebody like hey i really feel like somebody talked to him you know his fight was diaz was a trip right what a unique fight just the relationship they had in the ring and and like when it was over it reminded me of some fights i've seen like like in the hood like when two mexican dudes are fighting like that like go, there's kind of like this,
Starting point is 01:13:46 and then when one dude's done, it's just done. Just the way like Diaz was just like, we're good, you won. Diaz knew what it was, but he knew what it was when he took it at the end there. He's like, okay, I love it. Yeah, and it was nuts. It was the respect.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Like you never see, you just don't see that in the fight game. No, you don't. Especially like for where they're at, like both of them them in their life it's like one of those things where they're they're so past like the hey dude you get you're a fucking big time fighter get yourself a new napkin don't be using that you're about you're about to win the fight night bonus we got we're in the middle of a fucker recession i gotta hey global warming you just saved it you don't want to waste a tree climate the supply chain is shit man i might not see another paper reducing his carbon footprint
Starting point is 01:14:37 that's right hey you're just gonna dry that thing out after the show open it up and dry it out hanging out to dry in the window outside honey what's that my my speaking of which my my uh my wife's jewish she's ashkenazi and i'm armenian and i always oh okay good yeah all the smart people are jewish and i told her i was like i told her i go god i'm like your people are totally misrep misrepresented i I hate the thought of Jews being considered frugal. I'm a thousand times more frugal than her. I have, I put this hair gel in my hair and it's $27 for a little glass jar of it. And today I'm looking for my glass jar and there's a new one out there. Like my new one that came in the mail a few days ago.
Starting point is 01:15:19 I'm like, my old one still had a couple of uses in it. And I look in the fucking trash and it's in there. I pulled it in the trash. And I said out loud, like talking to myself, you you know and i'm like no no no like i said that out loud even though it's just me awake in the house and i pulled it out of the trash and i walk over and i'm like this and there's at least one or two uses and i left it like on her side of the bathroom so she fucking knows there ain't no jew hey armenians are the new jew i'm taking that frugal shit from them good with their money shit that's the thing is like being i was telling um i was telling
Starting point is 01:15:56 i was telling my fiance last night like i can't stand a motherfucker who's cheap i cannot stand cheap people not just people who are so look it's one thing to be cheap like you don't spend any money but like you don't spend money because you're being smart but there's another thing entirely to be cheap like you're intentionally always trying to like weasel out of paying things here and there yeah you're not yeah yeah yeah i don't want to ask your therapist for a fucking discount and he just saved you from killing yourself it's like, come on,
Starting point is 01:16:25 motherfucker. People who like you have that, you'll, we all have that friend who like you got to eat with a hundred times. And I'm like, I only have the toast. Well, you picked up.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Yes. Or, or like you paid three times in a row. The last time you went out to eat with them. And then the check shows up and they're like, yeah. So what are we going to do? You're like,
Starting point is 01:16:44 you're going to fucking pay it, dude. i paid the last yeah yeah i just can't stand that guy it's a broke stop you know fucking um but there's something special to be said about people who like and this is this is my fiancee through and through she's the type that like he's scared did you see the way he looked over his shoulder he's like i don't know if i should be saying this shit it's not it's not a look of fear it's a look of reverence like how the fuck does she do it she like finds a way to buy all the shit that she wants and she still has like money i'm like how the how the fuck do you do that like i i'm not sure is she armenian is she i mean no she's cuban that's it that might be part of the this generation of the the first couple generation of Cuban-Americans, I feel like
Starting point is 01:17:25 they had to be smart with what went in and what went out because they were trying to make it in America. She learned a lot from her grandpa. Her grandpa was really good with money. It's just one of those things where it's like, I make more money than her and she still ends up at the end of the day
Starting point is 01:17:40 with not just more money, but more to show for it. You have to see how you do that. She knows more to show for it. I'm like, yeah, you got to fucking, you got to see how you do that. She knows how to scratch that dollar. She cracked the code. Yeah. I'm,
Starting point is 01:17:50 I'm in, I'm in a, I'm in a point in my life where I'd like to be, uh, I like to be frugal. I, she's, she'll be like,
Starting point is 01:17:59 um, yeah, I only have $50,000 left. Like shut the fuck up. I know. That's how I feel too. If my savings isn't – but like so when I lost my job literally, Steve, two years ago, I never picked really any of the fruit on my trees. It was just all ornamental.
Starting point is 01:18:19 And I have fucking apples, and I would have apples on my apple tree, and I'd still go to Whole Foods and buy apples. Now, I don't have a't job i picked those fuckers i i probably i picked like 300 avocados off my tree in the last year saved myself 300 bucks 400 600 bucks does this have something to do with the the being canceled thing you mentioned it before yeah is that something you talk about or no i no no i totally do i i mean i. I made a career of it. I made fat coin on YouTube talking about it. You let me yak you for the better part of it, more than an hour. Could you give me a quick synopsis of what happened?
Starting point is 01:18:58 Because I know there's a lot going on in the CrossFit world and other stuff. I'd like to know how it pertains to you and like what your experience was so so it took me the story keeps developing but i'm gonna tell you and i'm gonna and i'm gonna rush it kind of quick because i got to take my kids to tennis and i apologize you deserve better from me um but um uh and and thank you for coming on and being fucking cool no i love coming here this is a great time yeah i had i don't want to bash i don't want to bash certain uh fighters but like a lot of them are are not even fighters just guests are just guarded and it's like i don't mind like just tell me like hey i don't talk about abortion like that's not guarded that's just like just keep it
Starting point is 01:19:42 real i just want to just keep it real like just let me know what you really think yeah yeah yeah or yeah yeah like hey dude don't fucking bring me on here talking about shit understood um oh even better yeah be like yeah look i just don't talk about it like yeah i'm fucking money not fucking alienate people you fucking political douchebag like okay i got it you got understood you got me i had i had justin nunley on the other day the tiktok superstar and he lectured me on that and i fucking love him we do the ufc show and after the show he's like listen dude i'm not here to alienate people i'm here to be funny i'm like i fucking get it and he's like but i'm still coming back on every time you invite me i fucking love it
Starting point is 01:20:16 um so uh i'm gonna i'm gonna start off with my cock in my mouth. I started working at CrossFit. I was like the sixth or seventh employee, and that thing grew while I was there in charge of media over the years to become the fastest growing chain in the history of the world. I have no peer when it comes to being a chief marketing officer of a company or an executive media director. No one. No one at CNN. No one at Vice. No one at Fox fox no one at the fucking ufc sorry craig nobody i fucking when i started there there were 300 gyms and when i left there were 15,000 and 162 countries on all seven continents including antarctica and the experience i have as a human being is fucking
Starting point is 01:21:00 i put it against anybody i've been to a fucking film movies in a hundred countries i filmed famines in three fucking continents and uh i've done it all i've been fucking homeless i was the only white guy who lived in all black neighborhood for fucking uh three years i i've done it fucking all i've been to china india i was barefoot for two years and i've been fucking filthy rich and g5'd it to hawaii like i'd done it all i'm we have the pictures i'm extremely open-minded to everything everything my favorite people to party with are fucking gay men they're fucking free and liberated and i would love a society of all gay men so i could go out to my fucking mailbox with my huge cock swinging and no one fucking judge me but but i don't have any i don't have any any tolerance for pedophilia or any sexualization of kids at all zero that's where i draw the fucking line you can fuck off and die put you
Starting point is 01:21:57 in a spaceship and shoot you to pluto you want to do that stupid shit that being said i started working at crossfit as a homeless man. And I fucking like all the people who work there. We loved that place. It was our, it, it taught us how to take personal responsibility, personal accountability, whatever you were interested in exploded. You were interested in loving your wife and exploded. You were interested in God and exploded. Whatever you did that you mixed with CrossFit got supercharged because you ate better, you move better and you cared about, and you wanted to share that. And while I was there, the company grew and grew and grew and grew, and then the woke thing happened.
Starting point is 01:22:33 And then basically what happened is there was a response to COVID, and it was given I think by the Imperial College, and it fucked society. And it was given, I think, by the Imperial College and it fucks society. And now even to even yesterday, the health minister of fuck and immunization minister of Israel came out and said, holy shit, we fucked up. If you participated in the pandemic, in the pandemic, whatever you want to call it, you are now complicit in killing people. It's known. If you wore a mask, if you got the vaccine, if you paraded around saying shit like we didn't know you are complicit in killing and hurting people. It's just the way it is. Don't fucking deny it. It's ways. My boss didn't want to play that game. He could think. Greg Glassman didn't want to play. He could think. And he started speaking. And we know the leading problem in the United States is obesity. in the United States is obesity. And yet this, what we did to try to fight COVID, the leading problem in the world is obesity. It's the leading cause of death cross-border, like it's what type two diabetes, heart disease, cardiovascular. I mean, it is the thing. And yet this, what we tried to do to stop COVID made everyone in the United States on average, put on an extra 29 pounds. And my boss was like, fuck you. And then Floyd 19. And then, and then, and then George Floyd happened. And I'll just give you a one little nutshell, but the actions that were taken around what happened to George Floyd has now killed tens of thousands of black men who it was supposed to protect. If you're racist and you view the world as white men and black men by melanated skin.
Starting point is 01:23:59 And how that is is we attacked fucking cops. They stopped doing their fucking job because they were scared, and now homicides amongst black men are up 34% this year. It's fucking nuts. And my boss wrote something that said Floyd 19, a tweet, Floyd 19, basically saying it because the Imperial College, the same ones that were going to give us advice on how to deal with COVID, we're now going to give us advice on how to deal with racism. And my boss was like, fuck you. We're not taking your advice so you can kill more people. And the the woke culture including a lot of these fucked hard athletes that i'm friends with who are complete fucking woke douchebags who should all come forward and apologize to greg glassman they came they started saying cancel this motherfucker what he did is racist because because he said i don't
Starting point is 01:24:40 fucking mourn mourn floyd and no one in their right mind mourns floyd he was driving high on fentanyl high on meth it was his third time being arrested um uh uh and with under the same drug circumstances he had put a gun up against a pregnant woman's stomach in a home invasion and now um uh now now he he was killed according to the courts by a cop who used improper procedure on him when you look at the video and he's screaming, let me out of the car, and that's why they took him out of the car. And then he was banging his head on the concrete, and that's why the cop put his knee on his head. You can see all the video yourself. You can make the judgment yourself. And my boss said Floyd 19, and so people started attacking my boss saying he was racist.
Starting point is 01:25:21 And in that, the New York Times wrote an article that referenced a podcast that i did with the great stacy tovar she's a great crossfit games athlete and in that podcast i asked her hey what kind of birth control are you on and she said and she was uncomfortable in her response she was uncomfortable you know made her life a little awkward she goes well i'm on i'm on c7 12 13 dash hypo something or another and i go oh shit and she goes and then she she came with life and she goes and you know what all the girls who are doing crossfit now they told me they got off of that and they got stronger and now my career's come to an end and i wish i would have never taken that and so it's this
Starting point is 01:25:59 fucking brilliant thing she's a little uncomfortable because i asked her about her birth control and then she realizes that hey wait this is a great moment to share to all women in the world that if you take this whatever her birth control was it makes you weaker don't take it and instead of the fucking world embracing me and women everywhere coming and telling me i'm the fucking greatest and offering me free hugs yeah i censored that i cens censored that. Good job. I edited that. Thank you. I imagined it being a reel. I didn't want to fuck it up.
Starting point is 01:26:28 And instead of embracing me like, oh my God, you have freed us and made us all stronger by having the balls that no bitch on this planet has to ask me about my birth control and set us free from this fucking drug that was making us weaker. Sons of bitches like Katrin David's daughter,
Starting point is 01:26:44 who's like one of the biggest stars in crossfit tried to pick me out of some sort of pervert because of something she saw in the new york times i saved a fucking baby from a burning building and they didn't like it because i fucking was carrying it by its neck fuck you and now i am a fucking living storm and you will never put me back in the bottle. Well, I'll be. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:27:07 Thank you. Thank you. I would. So. That was that's it. That's the kind of cliff notes of it. So and thank you for asking. It was like you set me up.
Starting point is 01:27:21 It was like it was like tall Steve held. He's six, eight. And he held up his five foot five. But my friend's got something to say. Shut the fuck up. It was like tall Steve held – he's 6'8", and he held up his 5'5". My friend's got something to say. Shut the fuck up. He's similar to you. I love it. Well, I don't agree with specifically the Floyd talking points.
Starting point is 01:27:37 I do love that you're able to – Articulate it? Yeah, and concisely talk about exactly how you felt. Yeah. Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. And I don't want anyone to i don't want anyone to i don't want anyone to die ever but to to demand that my boss um the community was demanding that we do blm stuff and i think that blm stuff uh hurt i think it hurts society i don't think i think it i think it spread society. I don't think, I think it, I think it's spread. I think I personally think it's spread racism. I've, I've seen it. I don't think. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:09 It's like one of those things. We haven't properly people have somehow espoused the idea that this is, I might get canceled for this now too, but it's like, look, I can, the, the black lives matter movement, like thinking that black people matter. I didn't need a fucking movement to tell me that. Of course not. I think that by being born, no matter what color you have, no color you are, how much melanin you do or you don't have, what appendages between your legs. I think by being born, you have, you know, certain rights, certain you're entitled to certain things just by having life breathed into you.
Starting point is 01:28:46 And that's it. So like, like I said, I, you know, I'd feel remiss if I didn't say like, I don't know if like you and me have gone the same direction on George Floyd and police, but it doesn't, it's relevant. But my point is though, that you hate police. I wouldn't say I hate police. So basically what you're saying is you hate police. You think all police should have been aborted?
Starting point is 01:29:11 You think all police should have been aborted? We finally circled back to where we started. I love it. No. I love it. And now we fucking hate each other because we're the exact opposite of what we just said. No. I do think what I'll say,
Starting point is 01:29:26 just to bring what I said full circle. Please. I do think we need to change our relationship with police, what they are and what their role is in society. That's what I'll say. Because you have to pick your kids up from tennis. I'm not that guy. And even the George Floyd thing, it's like,
Starting point is 01:29:42 well, look, I don't think he should be dead that's what i'm going to say because again because you have to pick your kids up from tennis and it's it even still my point my point in this whole thing is people i think that so it's like as a i don't think he should be dead either i don't think burning ferguson down and causing 760 million dollars damage i don't think is is damage is the proper response. I don't really care who died. You shouldn't destroy personal property. But anyway, that's, but again, I digress.
Starting point is 01:30:11 I didn't think that Black Lives Matter without this really insane fucking Marxist organization popping up and embezzling several hundred billion dollars that basically all got funneled into the top like four or five people in the organization i don't know if i'm really kind of caught up in like how i'm really kind of caught up in how people thought that was going to help and that's again it's like they i really you know when i used to see those signs around i i assumed um because i assumed that it was black people talking to black people
Starting point is 01:30:45 I didn't know, like I saw those signs around years and years ago, 5, 6, 7 like a long time ago, I would see them all over Berkeley, Black Lives Matter and I thought it was so weird, I'm like what is this and I thought it was because 96% of all or 51%
Starting point is 01:31:04 of all homicides committed are by people with – 6% of the population, people with melanated skin and a penis. And I thought it was because 96% of all homicides in Chicago were committed by people with melanated skin against people with other – who also had melanated skin. And I thought that was the sign like, hey, brother, stop killing your brother. I thought it was like a black-on-black – stop killing your brother. I thought it was like a black on black. Like, I seriously thought that's what it was for years. And then all of a sudden it's like, no one needs to fucking tell. That's how I thought. No one needs to tell me black lives matter.
Starting point is 01:31:33 Fuck you. Like, I almost felt like resentful. Like, tell me like women matter. No one needs to tell me. Women, like whenever I hear women are strong, fuck you. My mom's fucking, that's an insult to my mom. My mom's triple X strong. Yeah, that's the thing my mom is like my mom breaks the mold of what you would even before you'd even think to
Starting point is 01:31:50 consider what the word strong and my mom has kind of crashed the definition of it and like yeah in the in the ruins to build a fortress around your fucking measly use of the word strongness and it's like and that said it's like people have this – people do this weird thing where they equate like two – like you just said, like the cops thing. It was fucking hilarious because it was fucking funny. But like that's – Thank you. In essence, that's what we were talking about before. It was like, well, look, no.
Starting point is 01:32:18 I don't think that by being a cop you're automatically a bad person. But I do think that we need to have a serious retooling of what I said, what cops are, what the role is in society. And then I said something else too, but… I'm totally for that, and I'm also totally for citizens retooling what they think. So I'll give you the example. You can't – you shouldn't be able to park your car in front of your mailbox. I'll give you the example. You can't – you shouldn't be able to park your car in front of your mailbox. And the reason why you shouldn't be able to do that is because it's the right thing to do for your mailwoman or mailman. So that when they pull up – yes, you have – and on trash day, you have to fucking put your trash out and it has to be facing the right direction. So the fucking dude who's fucking up at 5.30 in the morning comes by and his shit's – you have to participate. And if you're not going to fucking participate in your part, like that's where I think the big problem is.
Starting point is 01:33:08 And there's no attention being put there. I understand that that maybe cops need a massive retooling to everyone. But man, society is fucking hard on these guys. We've really gone through like. It's like, Kelly, what are we prepared to use violence against oh good job I think that do I think that you're an idiot
Starting point is 01:33:33 if you don't say please and thank you quite frankly I think you're a fucking idiot non-negotiable I heard someone say the other day with his kids it's a non-negotiable Matthew Bordeaux said it and that's the best thing that's the thing with. It's like, that's the thing like with kids
Starting point is 01:33:46 and we talk about rights, we talk about like violence. It's like, well, yeah, look, like I don't think it's my God-given right to hear please or thank you when you ask me for something.
Starting point is 01:33:56 But if my stepson says, hey, Steve, where are the batteries? I'm going to say, give me your phone for an hour. It's not because I don't love them. It's not because I don't want them to have batteries.
Starting point is 01:34:04 It's because I've told them a hundred times when you need something that isn't yours, you say, may I please? And if they say yes, you say thank you. And it's like, it's, I mean, my, my fiance, for all the good things we have going on in our life, we have, uh, you know, a hundred things where we're like, we just, you know, we, we have to agree. Right. That's one where it's, and that's, I'm not to get too personal, but agree right that's one where it's and that's i'm
Starting point is 01:34:25 not to get personal but like that's one of those things where it's like well yeah look like do i think you're a bad person if you don't say please or thank you kind of yes but do i think you're a bad enough person for me to use violence against you no but like oh you will go if you're my kid you will go out in the garage and do some burpees exactly you know if like she's she's 11 and a half months old now so it's not like one burpee don't be a pussy she's on her own now
Starting point is 01:34:51 she just started walking crazy but it's like well am I going to kick the shit out of my kid because they you know they didn't look you in the eye when they spoke to you no are you going to do all the dishes times this tomorrow you know because you didn't yes
Starting point is 01:35:10 because because you're rude to your grandma fuck yeah you are but but but an even bigger picture than that you're gonna do those dishes because later on i don't want to make you do that but later on in life you're gonna thank me because every person you say please and thank you too is going to open a door yeah but we and it touched on kind of like what you were saying before so like do i think the government should be able to show up to your house and beat you to death because you did because you blocked your mailbox okay no do i think that like he should drive by your house and not put your mail in there maybe do i think do i do i think it's up to your community to say listen um matthew i know i'm being an asshole and it's kind of annoying for me to show up at your house at 630 on a Thursday.
Starting point is 01:35:51 But the Nellis guy really made it a point that, you know, not have the mailbox blocked. And it just makes his life so much easier, dude. Do you think? Yeah. Wow. You sound like you sound like a human. But that's what I'm saying. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:36:07 It goes back to who is violent. It goes back to what is your right, what is not your right. What are you willing to outsource? What are you willing to let the government take care of? If you're in a community where somebody puts a fucking mattress out in their front yard it's like hey look I'm not gonna call the fucking cops on you because that
Starting point is 01:36:32 is not what I want for you in our relationship but like bro the mattress looks like shit and everybody else worked really hard to keep their front lawn looking pristine it's good for property values plus we just want our house to look nice i get the match you're gonna fuck your wife out there and let us all
Starting point is 01:36:49 watch put your fucking because at the very least you put it in your fucking backyard it's your property you should not give a right to do whatever you like it's your wife do what you want with her exactly but could you at least let me watch? Can you at least throw the bastards on the back patio until garbage day? Right. Ladies and gentlemen, August 12th, Bellator 284, Steve Mowry. If I have anything to do with it, this won't be the last time you see him on the show. Steve, you da man. Matthew Susan. Let's do it again at least one more time this year.
Starting point is 01:37:23 Yeah, for sure. It was great. Great conversation.

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