The Sevan Podcast - #498 - UFC Fight Night London ft. Justin Nunley & Adrian Weeks

Episode Date: July 23, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. So I was like, fuck. Bam, we're live. It was weird doing the show without you. I'm not going to lie.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Me and Justin are amazing, but without you, we're just fucking a set of tits. With you, we get the brain. I did. We're just a hoe without you. It was a good show, though. I did watch it. I liked it. Did we talk about Ian Gary at all in the last show?
Starting point is 00:00:53 Yeah, you did. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, those fucking guys. Oh, by the way, I want you to meet Caleb. Caleb, have you met Darian before, Caleb? Yep, we have met. Yeah, I think we have. Oh, all right, cool.
Starting point is 00:01:03 All right, get in the back then. Look at him. Where are you, Calebaleb what country are you in somewhere yeah you can't tell huh caleb's in the air force he can't if he deployed a few weeks ago and he can't tell us where he's at that means he's bald that means he's in the desert he never had no that's the that's the most hair he's had that's the most he got a little patch growing in the back like a yarmulke now he used to be bald as shit like that one fighter what's that one fighter that has that fucking or had the ponytail he's he doesn't have it now that dude who beat glover tashira yeah uh prosaic prosniac pro yeah we'll say that that sounds good i don't know i just know that when
Starting point is 00:01:48 i had my instagram account with a blue check mark he used to dm me now he's he ignores me damn i don't blame him i'm i'm not hating i'm not hating hey before justin comes on here i want to i want to show you something and and and ask opinion, unfiltered opinion on this. Can you pull up that picture of Gilbert Burns and Hazmat, Caleb? What do you think about this Hazmat-Diaz fight? I'm scared for Diaz. This guy's 185. This is a 185-pounder.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Oh, no, sorry, not this one. Did I send another one with him and gilbert burns maybe i didn't maybe i didn't are you concerned for diaz at all i all right well from all you know been watching mma especially been watching ideas which he's a fucking it's always a great show to watch. And he is, um, right. I don't know if I'm necessarily worried,
Starting point is 00:02:49 you know? I mean, what are they doing to fight at 170 pounds? Uh, I would guess. Yeah, I would guess they're doing it. Well,
Starting point is 00:02:57 for those of you don't know, Darian is a welterweight in the UFC. His last fight was with Ian Gary. And, uh, this is his third or fourth time on the show. Okay. He's just so big, dude. He is a big dude.
Starting point is 00:03:11 He fought at 185, I think, in his UFC debut, maybe. Yeah, he did. I don't know if it was a UFC debut. He used to fight at 185 before he got in the UFC, though. He did. He fought. I mean, he's knocking 185ers out.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I've seen it. I feel like Nate Diaz, though, is a, I mean, I don't know. I never count Nate Diaz out. He's just one of those guys that you put him up against matchups. And, yeah, I mean, yeah, he's fucking ginormous compared to Gilbert Burns, ain't he? Yeah. Have you trained with Gilbert Burns in person? and yeah i mean yeah he's fucking ginormous compared to gilbert burns ain't he yeah have you have you trained with gilbert burns in person never no have you so you're i've seen him and i'm i'm a little bit bigger than gilbert burns as well uh okay gilbert burns like five nine
Starting point is 00:03:58 okay yeah he may he may have fought at 155 before, to be honest. Yeah, he did. He used to fight at 155. Yeah. And then he jumped up to 70 because he didn't want to cut all that weight. But, I mean, I never count Nate Diaz out. I mean, Nate Diaz is a 6'1", jiu-jitsu black belt practitioner that can take punches all fucking fight. You know what I mean? So I would like to see Nate Diaz get him to the ground, though.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I feel like Nate Diaz can win there. Cosmon is a good wrestler and a guy who does Sambo, and that's like beach wrestling and fucking... Ouch. Is that a subtle dig? Sambo is beach wrestling? Yeah. Yeah. Ouch.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Is that a subtle dig? Sambo is beach wrestling? Yeah. How about really the respect for Sambo is not there? How about Sambo or Judo? Okay, I would do Sambo over Judo. Okay, all right, all right. Judo's just, I mean.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Careful, I'm going to give Kayla Harrison your phone number and your address. You better be careful what you say. Well, hold on now. Give me a couple weeks of training for her. Are you scared for Nate Diaz? I mean. Yeah, I'm scared. Hey, dude, speaking of Kayla Harrison, we just said Burns fights at 155. Kayla Harrison fights at 155.
Starting point is 00:05:24 At lean. She has not would have to just throw her out of the ring. Right. And her whole family. Have to have to. Yeah. She's man. She is a different animal.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I'm ready to see her. Is she, what's her deal? Is she not going to go to the UFC or she wants to do it? She wants to find a PFL or she, what, what is that? My only, my only, and I have a very superficial understanding. My understanding is she's the best she's get, she's not a spring chicken.
Starting point is 00:05:53 And, and, you know, obviously she used to train with Nunez. She knows, I think she knows she's better than Amanda. I think she knows that she could go to the UFC and clean up. I think it would also be a little difficult for her to make one 45, but she does think she can do it. But at the of the day she's chasing the almighty dollar that is not a dig at her at all i like that's actually props to her she's staying with the pfl i think tupac said it fuck the fame all i want is the money and it's like fame is stupid compared to money literally that's a smart that's a smart decision too i mean but i do think in her contract
Starting point is 00:06:26 with the pfl if that if anyone wants some they can come get it and pfl will do it like she doesn't have to stay in the league play like all the other girls like if if dana was like yeah we're sending over juliana pena or or i think that their're game. I think. That's my understanding. She's got a lot of flexibility. I mean, that's the only reason why I watch the PFL, to be honest with you. And it's got to be a lot of people. I hear she's fighting.
Starting point is 00:06:54 People start texting me, and I run over there and watch that shit. I do enjoy a lot of PFL fights. Yeah. There's just only so much time in the day to watch fighting. You know, it's crazy. You can't elbow to the face at BFL I don't think you can elbow to the face
Starting point is 00:07:11 or something like that because they do it in tournament styles all the time so like they want you to be fighting like them oh Justin why don't you go ahead and take 5 take your time buddy he forgot the
Starting point is 00:07:26 math he saw you wearing your wife beater and he's like shit he's going to get one himself okay so you're not you're not scared you don't think it's something like part of me was like oh my god do they hate him over at the u? Are they just feeding Nate Diaz to the dogs? I mean, literally, that's what he asked for. He asked to have the biggest fight he can. To my knowledge, this is his last fight. Yeah. He's not fighting again after this.
Starting point is 00:07:59 He wants to retire on this fight. Not in the UFC, that's for sure. Yeah. And so I don't think, yeah. So, I think, you know, he wants to go out with a bang. And I mean. So did Justin's wife. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Justin, too. Ooh, that's sexy. Justin, do you have a towel wrapped around your neck? Were you just training? Were you just in the gym throwing some? Yeah, you know I'm going to be working harder than Darian. So, I mean, it on some. Yeah. You know, I'm going to be working harder than Darian. So, I mean, it is.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Justin, I want you to look at this picture of a hazmat chimney. I think Gilbert Burns, we were just talking about how Gilbert is a, is a former one 55 or, and this dude chimney of is a one 85. Are you scared for Nate Diaz at all? Like,
Starting point is 00:08:41 did you hear what happened by the way? I don't know. Sorry. I'm just kind of making a pretty sub. guy's been set up with uh nate diaz he's gonna kill nate nate's a national treasure no no tell him tell him justin no ideas i mean you can't ever count them out everyone counted them out on conor mcgregor bodied him dude i'm telling you the video of him jumping at the guy with the beer in his hand when he was walking out to the octagon was some of the funniest shit i've ever seen in my life bro the funniest shit he i think that was
Starting point is 00:09:18 actually a fighter i think it was uh yeah he flinched him hard, dude. I'm not gonna lie, though. I can't laugh at the guy because I would jump like a little bitch at Nate Diaz, too, if he came at me like that. Dude, that was hilarious. The beer was in the air. I bet Nate Diaz is not gonna get killed
Starting point is 00:09:40 like you think, right? No. No. Hey, do you know why UFC fighters don't have sex before they before the matches yeah they're just they just do edging they just do edging no i don't know why they don't have sex either but i would imagine it's i like oh yes yes that was a fantastic play on words mr nunley a fantastic play on words thank you embers were shivered right there right there dude he thought he was gonna get fucking slapped yeah that is a fighter actually i was gonna try to get him on the show yeah and you know what he showed and i will i will tell him how big of a bitch he is for flinching. It's actually Darian.
Starting point is 00:10:28 That was Darian. Well, I called him a bitch last night, so. Oh. No, yeah. I want to go right into this fight. Speaking of fucked up mismatches, we were supposed to see a hell of a banger between Darren Till and Jack Hermanson.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Oh, yes. Darren Till has stepped out, and this cat has jumped in. Not Curtis Blades, but Curtis... Turn the page, Seve. Bob Seger. Not Bob Seger. Good guess. Turn the page. Chris Curtis has jumped in
Starting point is 00:11:05 Chris Curtis is a fucking welterweight he's a 171 pound dude who's getting in with Jack he's 5'8 and he's getting in with Jack Hermanson who is a fucking killer at 185 say that again you got a side by side here?
Starting point is 00:11:21 yeah let's see if we pop it up here first I want you to see this hold on I'll give you the side by side can you go to the next screen watch what Jack Hermanson again you guys have outside here yeah let's see let's see if we pop it up here uh well first first i want to first i want you to see this hold on i'll give you this i was like can you go to the next screen watch what jack her man's and how dirty he talks to darren till i mean he bitches well i kind of uh anticipated it through the whole camp i don't know why why i just had a bad feeling about it maybe because the first time I wanted to fight him, he declined the fight. Second time,
Starting point is 00:11:48 he pulled from the fight. Third time, he didn't even announce the fight himself. Couldn't see any sign of him fighting. It just gave me a bad feeling about it. Darren Till pulled and has not made this fight four times. To be honest,
Starting point is 00:12:04 I wasn't surprised. I think Darren Till's on a three-fight lunatic streak. Is he? I'm pretty sure he's been getting discharged. So his star just skyrocketed when he destroyed Cowboy, and then he just fucking is plummeting. Fucking plummeted. It all started when he tried to—he actually went for the belt. He got a title fight against Tyrone Woodley.
Starting point is 00:12:26 And he got fucking choked out in like the second or third round. Choked out. Was that Woodley's last win? Probably. I'm going to say, yeah, it probably was. Because, I mean, who's record? Oh, is that? Those are Darren Till's last fights?
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yes. Okay. Wow. Brunson, Robert Whitaker. And his win was a split. How can you beat Kevin Gastelum but lose to Jorge Masvidal? It just shows how much I don't understand the sport. Dude, I'm telling you, Kevin Gastellam is just one of the greatest warriors ever.
Starting point is 00:13:07 I have a guy that I train with and I've trained with for years. He looks exactly like Kelvin Gaslam. And not only that, he fights exactly like Kelvin Gaslam. Like, he will not stop punching even if he's gushing blood. And this is practice. And I'm like, you can take a seat. He's like, no, you must die. Like he is.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I, Calvin Gassam, I think is one of the greatest fighters in the, in the UFC. I agree. I agree. I thought he was going to win the belt. And he's only like 25,
Starting point is 00:13:38 26. Hey, go ahead, Justin. Back to Nate. Yes. How much notice did he have on this well the fight's not this week it's like it's it's in October oh he's good no September sorry September 10th he good yeah he is yeah yeah man I feel like he is too hey will he get juiced up for this I would yeah because he's
Starting point is 00:14:03 you know he's pretty anti he's pretty he anti He's pretty vocal about not getting juiced up But it's his last fight Why not take some human growth hormone Or some shit Like if you And just knock out Cosmod Right there on the mat Victor Conti just entered the chat
Starting point is 00:14:21 I want to show you Can you go to Nate's Instagram Caleb Nate's body is changing a little bit just entered the chat i i want to show you can you go to nate's uh um instagram caleb i want to nate's body is changing a little bit hey i've seen this story the other day while he's looking that up i've seen a story the other day where uh i believe it was uh dana white talking about some fighter was getting drug tested he hit under the ring was it bones jones yeah it was bones jones hit under the octagon for like eight hours. I did hear about that.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I didn't know he hid under there for eight hours, but I knew he hid under there. Because they knew he was in the building, and they was like, we'll sit in the waiting room. We'll just sit right here. And he had to stay under there for eight hours from what they said. I've never seen Nate's body look like that. Go back over there. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:04 He's kind of shuffled up now, ain't he? Yeah. Hey, he looks like – or he's eating meat or he stopped eating grass. Yeah, I know. Look at his chest. Look at his titties. Those look nice. For those –
Starting point is 00:15:17 Theo Von Talk. Yeah. For those brothers to be like the badasses of the UFC, when I found out that they were vegans, it knocked a notch off for me, I will say. How the hell do they have the energy, man? Dude, I don't know. And, I mean, I'm all for eating your vegetables.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Listen, I have low T, and I eat meat, right? And I still struggle with the energy, man. It's real. Dude, I mean, I couldn't. They said that there's a lot of athletes, even football players, that say switching to a vegan diet is they feel stronger than they've ever felt. Give it a try for your next fight. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:59 No, Darian. No, Darian. Do it for the Vine. Hey, ask Canelo how it went. Oh, Canelo tried it? His last fight. And granted, that was a big dude, but he got fucking, he looked like ass. Hey, by the way.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Yeah, he should have done more edging. Justin, I work with this company called California Hormones. Yeah. And they'll come out and do your blood work for you. And I get all juiced up you want you want to give it a shot yeah i'm not joking california hormones testosterone replacement therapy i got like four of my buddies on it and they're just fucking dude if their forehead hasn't grown but their energy levels have grown dude if i'm if i'm going if i'm going in i'm going all all in. We fix it and look like Jose Canseco in 92. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:16:52 How ridiculous were him and Mark McGuire? That was awesome. They had some big-ass forearms. Just blatant. They were huge back then. Caleb, can you show us a smooth jack? Darian, can you do this? There's smooth jack and there's fierce jack.
Starting point is 00:17:08 I want to show these guys smooth jack first. I always fierce jack. What? I always fierce jack. I don't know about you, but. Look at smooth jack. Look at this. Oh, that's not what I thought it was going to be.
Starting point is 00:17:21 Not at all. I thought she was going to OnlyFans or something. What? That's nice. Can you do that, Darian? Yeah, can you do that, Darian? I don't know. I can say in my life I've never tried that, ever.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I don't know. When did this become a workout? I don't know. Now, look at Fierce Jack. I know you can do this. Look at Fierce Jack. Look at Fierce Jack. I know you can do this. Look at Fierce Jack. Look at Fierce Jack. Man, if you pull up some dude beating it, I swear to God.
Starting point is 00:17:52 This is Fierce Jack Hermanson. Jack's the real deal, man. Hey, Jack hasn't been in there with Izzy yet, right? No, he hasn't. Yeah, we got to see that. But he did get beat by somebody, I want to say that. I don't think who it was at 185.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I saw him, and I think it was a decision loss. I mean, he didn't get knocked out. When Chris Curtis was being interviewed, he said the only person he's afraid of is Yoel Romero. Well, he's... I wouldn't have said that at all.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I know. Exactly. I wasn't have said that at all. Exactly. I wasn't happy with that. He's getting double the pay for fighting Hermansen. He only had two weeks notice. He's a welterweight. And in his press conference he said, I already have eight losses. What worse can happen to me? I'm like...
Starting point is 00:18:41 He's going in there to get pounded. He's going in there to die. Or you could look in there to die as soon as or or you could look at it and be like that dude ain't got nothing to lose right that is true he doesn't but he's like he's like fuck it i got eight losses let's roll let me see this guy oh he is he's he's 5'8 Hermanson 6'1 dude that guy's ugly Hermanson I will say it's a face to punch the Curtis guy does hit like a freight train he does yeah he does punch like a freight train so and I mean he has some good wrestling but I mean it's going to be really tested with a guy that the size of Jack I mean, goodness gracious, the dude's huge. You know, so it's going to be kind of difficult to take him down.
Starting point is 00:19:29 But, hey, maybe more power to the kid. You know what I'm saying? You know, doing things like this kind of solidify you in the UFC's eyes. So, like, whether you win or lose, they will make sure, like, oh, keep this guy's contract rolling. You know what I'm saying? Because he will save shows. He will fight anybody. He will step up. You know what I mean? So, hey, I give him, you know, some props. And he is only like five, nine.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Do you know him? Do you know him? I fought on a couple of shows with him. The last last couple shows I fought on, he was actually on. Yeah, he seems like he's got a great attitude. The coolest thing he said is he's 35 years old, and he's never owned a brand new car. And he said he wouldn't waste money on a new car until he's got 500K in the bank. And I was like, I respect that. Legit. Okay. I respect that.
Starting point is 00:20:21 That means he's smart. Yeah, a lot of people, they even get one or two checks from there. They're like, okay, yeah, let's go get a Maserati. Dude, these fools are financing cars for 10 years now. Banks are financing people 10-year car loans. Sean O'Malley is showing up to fights in a private jet. Yeah, this is crazy. I think he's betting on his future.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Yeah, yeah, he's betting on his future yeah yeah he's betting on his future and and i think peter yawn is gonna fucking tie him into a fucking did you see that fight got made peter yawn is gonna maybe end his career oh yeah o'malley's done after this that was that was too big of a bite to take off at one time because cory you know cory sandhagen is sure do savage he is a he is a a beautiful striker and peter yod fucking i mean put the fucking wood to him i mean he oh man i ain't never seen nobody get so beat and he's as tall as o'malley is he's cory sandhagen's 5 11 you know what I'm saying like and he's as tough as they come that he could take a punch as tough as they come and you ain't never seen O'Malley
Starting point is 00:21:29 get punched yet right so like oh man I me personally I kind of I like O'Malley you know people hate him he is cringe worthy but you know I like him just for the simple fact that he took this role that he was given, and he ran with it. I mean, people hate him. People love him, and everyone tunes in when he's on the card. That's true. That's true. That's a statement, and I ain't going to lie, though,
Starting point is 00:21:58 but I love seeing his chin hair on the canvas. I will. I mean, it's going to be. Do you like him, Justin? Yeah. You do like him, Justin? Yeah. You do like him? I was looking at that chest tattoo, man. Pull that back up.
Starting point is 00:22:12 It's basically, he went to the store, he went to the tattoo shop and said, make me look like Connor. This guy's got the straight Smokey and the Bandit tattoo. Is that what it is? I don't know, but it looks like it. Dude, yeah. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yeah, he did that as soon as he got famous, too. He was Conor McGregor. You need a chess set in order to be Conor McGregor. Speaking of Conor, is he going to be any good when he comes back? Dude, he's going to be fighting dudes, and this isn't to dig, but I think, Connor, we're only going to see Connor fight dudes like Jim Miller from here on out.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Well, it seemed like he had already kind of lost the edge before he got hurt in his two matches before the injury. Yes. I mean, he got knocked out quicker than I ever – I don't even think I've ever seen him get knocked out. And fucking Dustin Poirier put his ass on the bench. Well, I think we all knew that was going to happen anyway. I didn't. I was still on the hype train.
Starting point is 00:23:14 I was shocked to see it go that quick. You know what I mean? Second round knocked you out. You know what I mean? Then after he broke his leg. Yeah, that just just in my mind went where you're going i was like i'll put it in a bag then boy he's done you know what i mean like he's a bad dude a bad hey let's put that in perspective too think of how much harder all of these guys hit than nick diaz sorry Sorry, than Nate Diaz. Nick's
Starting point is 00:23:48 smoking joints somewhere. What is he doing now? Nate Diaz, I bet you, hits half as hard as Chimayev. Probably. I don't know. He is a boxer. He has boxing
Starting point is 00:24:03 accolades as well. I don't know. He is a boxer. You know, he has boxing, you know, accolades as well. I don't, I mean, I just can't. I'm telling you, Nate's one fighter you can't count out, man. Count him out. I mean, he is just a dog of a fighter. I mean, he's literally getting his ass whooped by Leon Edwards the whole fight and then punches him one time and almost fucking sends him. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Good point. You know? Yeah. And he could have won that fight if he didn't stop for the 10 seconds and point at him and laugh. That's the type of shit Diaz is on, you know what I mean? And that kind of fucked Leon up.
Starting point is 00:24:34 If that wouldn't have happened, everyone would be high on Leon, but because that happened, everyone's like, that kind of fucked Leon up. Dude, UFC fucking Diaz lovers, they'll straight up be like, oh fucking diaz diaz lovers they'll straight up like oh well diaz won that fight bro you see how he dropped him at the end they that's what they remember from that fight they don't remember shit that leon ever did and the rest of it you got fucking cracked and 15
Starting point is 00:24:57 seconds to go and you was walking like you were stepping in potholes it was i loved it i got hyped i even told my wife i was like i told you he was gonna win this is this is why people like uh uh nate diaz look here he is with bone thugs in harmony yeah this is why he's just this is why people love He's a, he's a, and he's a real, I will say, like, I mean, it's a persona for sure, but he is one of the realest, you know, guys that are in the sport. You know, he tells people like it is. He says what he wants to say. I've even seen a video of him slapping the shit out of Dana White. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:40 And peeing at the PI, right? Yeah. Just in the bushes at the PI. Like, he is fucking just. I'm telling i would do that too though and i'm beating up no one but i'd pee in the bushes at the pi too i pee anywhere i want that's my god-given right i just pee anywhere same with parking spots someone asked me the other day how do you feel about parking i park wherever the fuck i want every spot anywhere a handicap the 24 minute spot i fuck you i'm a fucking i pay mad taxes and i contribute and i'm the first person to help an old lady with their shit and
Starting point is 00:26:15 like i'm gonna have to cover i gotta call bullshit i know i park what about helping old ladies are parking in the handicap you're telling me you're going to chili's and you park in the uh you park in the in the carry out two i take two of the spots i take two of the spots he said diagonal in my in my minivan that hasn't been washed in three years he said i don't give a fuck if you can't walk this is my yeah yeah hey hey you're you're you're 100 pounds overweight you should park at the back of costco how about a costco where there's like 75 handicap spots you're like good don't that's how small um yeah i poop in my van too that's true uh yeah that's true i had to poop in my van once um before we get to the the really big fights i want you to look at this chick uh hannah goldie who's falling who's fighting molly meatball
Starting point is 00:27:12 molly meatball is the young lady who's riding patty pimblitt's coattails she is the she trains with him and patty's on this hype train and since this chick trains with them and put a couple knockouts together people are riding her heart but look at this chick she's fighting this hype train, and since this chick trains with them and has put a couple knockouts together, people are riding her heart. But look at this chick she's fighting. This is Hannah Goldie. Whoa. If you want to have – it's a good Instagram account. I see that.
Starting point is 00:27:34 What's that IG? Pardon me? What's that IG, Dal? Hannah, H-A-N-N-A-H, Goldie. Thank you. Thank you, Caleb. Hannah Goldie. Dude, and I you, Caleb. Hannah Goldie. Dude, and I will say, Justin, some of your posts, when I see these, I don't even realize
Starting point is 00:27:51 it's your Instagram until I hear that. Listen! I'm like, oh. I love it. This motherfucker got me, boy. I'm over here enveloped in the video. Listen! Did you know?
Starting point is 00:28:02 I'm like, oh, motherfucker. Dude, he didn't even pull the best picture up i know i know there's so many there's so many so so when we go in a minute we're going to go to the list of fights and i just want you to remember when we ask you who to pick um i also want you to check out uh i think this one is on no no this is the first fight on the main card it's vulcan um ozdemir who has hands of death we've seen him touch someone and they just fucking go unconscious but he's fighting paul craig big paul craig and paul craig's you know the jiu-jitsu specialist he's just choking everyone out just wrapping everyone up but look at the size of paul craig's head he's not he's not a normal man look
Starting point is 00:28:42 at this uh uh oh no so that's vulcan so okay well let's we, he's not a normal man. Look at this. Uh, uh, Oh no. So that's Vulcan. So, okay. Well let's, we can stay there for a second. Sorry, Kayla. We can stay there for a second. So, so Vulcan is, um, Vulcan came into the UFC. I thought he was going to go straight for a title fight. He had a few tough losses, but look who he trains with Alexander Gustafsson uh Kazmat Chemaev and then Vulcan's the guy with the UFC shirt on yeah I always think
Starting point is 00:29:15 he's a weird fighter I don't like his fighting style for some reason he is weird yeah yeah he's like a real goofy the way he gets in there and he just looks like some guy that i don't know that you'd see at a gas station and fucking be like yo get the way out of the fucking pump so i can get gas you know he's the he's that guy like i can't justin that sounds like something you'd say oh dude that is one of my biggest pet peeves is is i'm telling you when a motherfucker
Starting point is 00:29:46 gets gas is done pumping and they walk in and there are people waiting to get yeah move your fucking that's why that's why i can park wherever i want because i don't do shit like that i want to push them out of the way i fought the urge a couple times i I fucking hate it, too. Yeah. And I mean, the second to that, and he looks like this, too. When you're in the gas station and you're waiting for some dude to buy lottery tickets, they buy like 13. Get the fuck out of here. You're not going to get rich. But I don't make the problem when they're trying to trade them in. And, dude, you know it, too.
Starting point is 00:30:23 When they pull out that. I live down here in Florida, right? Dude, you know the ones that are doing it because they walk in with this little cash satchel that you're supposed to put cash in if you work at a retail establishment, right? Yeah. And you know that that thing is charged.
Starting point is 00:30:39 With the lock on it, like with the key lock? Oh, my God. And they start pulling that shit out, and you're like... I know I'm gonna be there for you oh my god man come on dude like you guys aren't gonna get rich off the gas station
Starting point is 00:30:54 lottery tickets okay and I have to be careful I can't really lose my temper anymore in public just people are gonna know you they're gonna be like listen you cunt yeah yeah yeah and they're gonna sue him and take some of his t-shirt money because people are going to know you. They're going to be like, listen, you caught me, fuck down. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And they're going to sue him and take some of his T-shirt money. Oh, hell yeah, for sure. Hey, when you say he's goofy, who's the Mexican cat who fought John Jones and I think won, but they didn't? Dominic Reyes. Do you think Dominic Reyes is goofy? I do. I do think he's a weird type of fighter to be at that level, too.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Oh, yeah. I'm like, man, you are. But I mean, we were shown that by Provokovic or whatever his name was. He he murdered him. Murdered him. You you haven't heard anything of the guy since. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Hospitalized for the rest of his career. Hey, we didn't get to... That may be the greatest... Well, I know there's a hundred fights that are the greatest fights in UFC history, but that Glover Teixeira fight with whatever that other guy's name is, it starts with a P.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Yeah. That may be the greatest fight in the history of the UFC. He won it. I mean, damn, he won it. You know what I'm saying? And, I mean, what was it? 15 seconds on the clock left? 15 seconds?
Starting point is 00:32:14 Is that Hannah Goldie? Yeah, somebody just said she has the only fans. Oh. Oh, that makes sense. That makes sense. Breaking news. Oh, let me see his name caleb before we go to this um uh hannah's goldie's uh only fans i'm subscribing right now stand by pro chaska yuri pro chaska and and and when you sign up for this only fans justin is that's a um you can deduct that from your taxes right that's why i'm going to use you sign up for this Oling fans Justin that's a
Starting point is 00:32:45 you can deduct that from your taxes right that's why I'm going to use my business card for this because it's for business like this is research live on the air we're both trying to all three of us are trying to like get our sling t-shirts and get so we do this silly show on
Starting point is 00:33:01 UFC fights and wow Hannah Gold uh copyright disclaimer wow okay that's worth it that's crazy yeah that's worth it dog it is yeah how much is it uh ten dollars and for a month ten dollars per month yeah dude ten dollars a month? $10 per month, yeah. Dude, $10 a month? Would you sell naked photos for $10 a month? Man, hell yeah. Hey, I don't think it's just naked photos, Darian. Hey, Darian, Darian, I guarantee you there's UFC fighters who do it.
Starting point is 00:33:37 There's CrossFitters that I know, dudes, who are straight, who have OnlyFans, and all their clientele is dudes. Yeah, you get broke and you get on the OnlyFans? That's the thing that really gasses me up. Like, damn, man. All these dudes are on these women's OnlyFans, and they would never get on yours. You know what I'm saying? What woman would log in on a website of just you just swanging your schlong in the fucking
Starting point is 00:34:06 in the camera justin do you feel do you feel movement down south justin is it that good you know i didn't want to sit here and just oogle while i'm i'm looking my initial thought was it's good but it looks you ain't seeing anything more than what you'd see on Instagram. Oh, okay. I already knew it. I already knew it. So there's no dudes in there doing stuff to her? No, man.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Well, this guy who has an OnlyFans page told me that you put up a menu, and then people pay for stuff. So for $6, you can see this guy do the splits naked. Or for $250, you can buy his underwear. And I think he makes like $4,000 or $5,000 a month. Oh, yeah? You see him do the splits naked for $6, but he'll sell his underwear? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:34:57 He said that you put up a menu of stuff you'll do, and then people click on it, and you do it. $6 fucking dollars. Are you fucking kidding me? When's the last time you've done the splits naked, Darian? I don't know if I've ever done the splits. I don't know if I've ever done the splits. Justin, when's the last time you've done the splits naked? I've never done the splits clothed.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Right, right, right. What are you talking about? Man mean that's crazy that's that's uh show me paul craig's head please caleb this is this i i want this is it easier to punch a dude who has a big head what no hell no like no dudes who have big heads are like i mean that thing is fucking solid i thought this shit was huge huge look at the guy's head next to him i mean yes shit you know what i mean he could have ate this is like the evolution photo literally evolution of man look at these heads yeah i mean that kid on the side of him really has a fucking noggin on him as well. Probably his son. Paul Craig versus Vulcan.
Starting point is 00:36:08 Okay, we'll come back to that. But I will say. He looks like Rob Riggle. Punching a big head. I've broken my hand punching a guy with a big head. I put him out. But, I mean, I knew my hand was broken like halfway into the fight before he ever went out. So big head means hard head. Hard head.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Hard. Yeah. They don't get big and like soft like a balloon. The more air you put in a balloon, the easier it is to pop. The heads don't work that way. No, it's not. It's fucking that's bone mass right there. So it's not, it doesn't even mean the brain. I guarantee that dude dreams in HD. What did you say? I said I guarantee that dude dreams in HD.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Yes. It's a big old widescreen theater in there. I'll tell you. That's fucking wild. Okay. Let's go to Patty the baddie. Go ahead. I'm excited about this fight because the dude he's fighting, I'm not a fan.
Starting point is 00:37:03 I hate the fact that the dude twerks in the ring pisses me the fuck off but he's beating people you know his knockout in his UFC debut is insane yes and Paddy said one thing
Starting point is 00:37:20 at the beginning of his career and I think he will regret it he said i'm a scoutser we don't get knocked out all right that's something that liverpool calls themselves for what yeah you know i'm saying challenge and for one darren till's a scoutser and he's been fucking slept three times what is a scoutser i have no clue i guess that's what they call themselves in liverpool i don't know it's like a boys club it sounds like a fish like in some just scuzzy pond yes it does it does let's go get ourselves some scoutsers go fish some scoutsers i got a people from liverpool
Starting point is 00:38:00 okay that's it huh just people? That's what they call it. Yeah. And not only that, he takes a lot of punches to, you know, have put that up there. You know what I mean? Like, why would you take that much damage to your head in a fight and just, you know, he tests it. He tests it all the time. So if this guy knocks him out and then twerks, you're done, Patty.
Starting point is 00:38:26 You're done, Patty. How about Patty saying he's going to teabag him? Dude, I was about to say that's the equivalent of capping somebody in Call of Duty and then just sitting over there and just teabagging them while they're sitting there just watching. And that's the reference Patty used. He said, I'm going to teabag him like on Call of Duty. Wait, you can really do that in the video game?
Starting point is 00:38:45 Yeah. Yeah, you can really do that in the video game? Yeah. Yeah, it's hilarious. You just push the crouch button and unpush it, and the guy jumps up and down on their face. Damn. Yep, that's official teabagging. Hey, go back to Scouser. Beaver, I want to see the—it said it's an insulting term, so it's kind of like they own it. I'm a Scouser is a beaver. I want to see the, um, it said it's an insulting term. So it's kind of like they, they own it.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I'm a scouser. It's like, it's supposed to be an insult, but they're owning it saying he's a scouser. But Liverpool is the UK's fifth largest. Uh, the word scouse comes from the word lob scouse, which is a type of stew that was brought up,
Starting point is 00:39:19 bought that was bought, brought to Liverpool by Norwegian soldiers. Okay. So it's a soup with like old underwear and a boot in it and hot water and you stir it. Okay, that's fucked. That's what I think it is. Hey, can you go look at Shaq DM'd Patty? Did you see?
Starting point is 00:39:40 Can you pull that up, Caleb, and play that? This kind of blew me away. What is Shaq doing fucking with a wannabe like Paddy? Look, he messaged me on the 5th of September last year. Just after my first fight, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:56 And then look, lad, I didn't see the message till the 29th of January. I left him on unread for five months. A blank big Shaq for five months. I felt terrible, lad, because he's an absolute legend. What a guy Big Shaq is, lad.
Starting point is 00:40:12 From now then. Big Shaq, you're the man, lad. Get on me again, lad. And this time, I won't leave you on read, I promise you. I'll get back to you as soon as. Go there, brother.
Starting point is 00:40:24 He's fucking... Dude, this guy is – he is a piece of work, dude. And, I mean, don't get me wrong. I love the Liverpool accent and all that. They fucking – I can see why he – you know, Dana White loves these guys like that. I mean, their accent sells, you know. No one – go ahead. I'm with the comment here. I can't get past the hair.
Starting point is 00:40:47 He looks like the dude off Kingpin. Yeah. You remember Kingpin back in the day? Great movie. Great movie. Rowdy Roddy Popper wannabe. That's accurate. He's fucking – yeah, his, and I don't,
Starting point is 00:41:05 do they just give haircuts like that in Liverpool or what? Yeah, make me look like the Beatles. Make me look like John Lennon. That is what it is. And Ted Bundy. They probably listen to the fucking Beatles over there. Jordan Levitt said that the reason why Patty acts like that is it's just blind bravado and it's masking insecurity.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Thoughts? Anybody? He can twerk in the rain, so if you can do that. You know that guy's married as well? He has a wife. He's been on my show like five times. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Mr. Jordan. Hey, I want to ask you this about him too um click on he's the longest guy in the gym caleb on that link do you want this this this kind of made me notice him generally a black guy he is i don't like his new haircut for this fight um it's it's um and i but this is these are the people he trains with and in here he said he's been in that gym longer than anyone you don't want to be the the senior guy in a gym right darian i mean i guess it depends on what type of coaching they have but i mean are athletes coming through let's say are these has he been fighting longer than everybody in that gym or is he just the longest one that's at that gym and more people
Starting point is 00:42:32 who have been fighting have came there that's what you gotta look at i mean if they've all i don't recognize one person in that photo yeah me neither yeah i don't either at all like i'd like to see him in a gym with like five i'd like to see him in a gym with like five i'd like to see him in a gym with like five dudes i know so it's like oh shit that's steve-o he's training with steve-o dude i'm telling you right now like but patty pimlin i mean he only trains with that girl i don't see him in the fucking gym with anybody either you know what yeah good point so i mean there there isn't anyone who can fight in the fucking gym with anybody either. You know what I mean? Yeah, good point. So, I mean. There isn't anyone who can fight in the entire United Kingdom.
Starting point is 00:43:09 He's the only dude who can fight. Literally, you know. Literally. And I'm, I mean, I wouldn't care, you know what I'm saying, either way. Paddy Pillon knocks this guy out, cool, man. You keep going, you know what I know then and your your name looks on but if this guy twerk cracks him i'm ready for it too uh what do you see justin you see something funny in the comments yeah he said his hair looked like stewart from mad tv that's hilarious
Starting point is 00:43:39 oh dude that's dead on i've seen them i I've seen someone put that on one of his posts before. He does look like shit. My God. I forget. Tom Aspinall, undefeated in the UFC, going against a guy that has only lost to Derek Lewis and Francis Nganou and probably, in my opinion, one of the most underrated fighters ever to fight Curtis Blades.
Starting point is 00:44:09 I mean, Curtis... Oh, wow. Wow. Wow. Deadass. Wow. Man. Yeah, that is legit. Yeah, he should put some rouge on. Bring back a skit for that.
Starting point is 00:44:28 That comedian should bring back a skit for Patti Pimbley. So we have the undefeated Tom Aspinall heavyweight going against Curtis Blades. Huge fight for both of them. This is why being a UFC fighter is so fucking crazy. Like, this isn't a title fight but it might as well be a title fight because because you you had both guys have to win this for their careers to their careers move forward if they win they move backward if they lose uh um can you bring up the the ufc what do you guys think about tom aspinall oh and i want to show you one more thing
Starting point is 00:45:03 who the fuck hasn't trained with Nicky Rodriguez? Look at this photo with Curtis Blades over at B-Team in Austin. Man, everyone goes over there and trains with him. I cannot believe how many people. And, you know, Nicky Rod doesn't even, like, show off. Like, if you go to his Instagram, you don't see pictures of Curtis Blades on there. You guys know who this guy is? I've had him on the podcast a bunch of times, too.
Starting point is 00:45:24 The guy in the middle with the shirt off. He he was he was training jujitsu with uh gordon ryan and and they had a breakup and this guy and uh gordon ryan's brother and his brother and craig jones they all went to uh austin texas and started a jujitsu school called the b team does he fight no well he he doesn't fight in the ufc but but he does the um uh who's number one stuff yeah no i i haven't uh i haven't seen him before yeah young young kid uh as a white belt uh the rumors were coming out that um uh gordon ryan couldn't keep him off his back and so that's where he started calling him the Black Belt Slayer. If you type in his name, Nicky Rod, there's a great little documentary on him
Starting point is 00:46:08 where he goes to the Abu Dhabi fight championships, what do they call it? The ADCC in Abu Dhabi. And he goes there as a blue belt and takes second place. Or maybe as a purple belt. I can't remember. But he's a savage. He's crazy aggressive.
Starting point is 00:46:23 He looks crazy fucking built. I'll tell you that. He's a savage. He's crazy aggressive. He looks crazy fucking built. I'll tell you that. Yeah. He's a brick shithouse. Yeah. And when he puts his arms like this, he looks like a fucking condor. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:32 He looks, I mean, you can even tell by his calves, his calves look like they've been fucking lifting weights longer than he has. Uh, but, but Curtis blades is a, is a different, um, kind of creature. Do you, who do you, Can we go to the list? Who do you got in that, guys? Let's just start there right at the top. Curtis Blades or Tom Aspinall. And Aspinall is undefeated in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I got Curtis Blades. Me too. I mean, he's, like you said, the only people he's gotten beat by are people who baptize people. I mean, they straight. Only two. Derek Lewis. He lost to Nganou twice.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Yeah. Can you imagine? You know how hard he hits, and then you said, yeah, I'm gonna do it again. I'll fight him again. Fuck it. Let's go. And Justin's been up all night, and he's not playing with the full deck of cards. Dude, just strung out right now.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I've got that meth stare, like I'm zoned i'm ready what did you hey are you in the air force no justin navy no i'm an amateur gynecologist oh i knew it i knew it so you just been up all night looking at pussy yeah all right gotcha can't blame you. No, I do work for the government. You do? Oh, you do? Are you serious? Yeah, I got a full time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:50 And he has been up all night. You really have been, huh? Yeah. Hey, what were you just like walking around helicopters all night just making sure no one like stole you? I was walking around doing helicopter all night. Yeah. Send me the video. It's a pretty like high up job in the government or what uh yeah i guess they allow you i've got a i've got a top secret clearance
Starting point is 00:48:14 really yeah all right let me know how many aliens have you seen let's just clear to clear the cobwebs. So what's the next spot we're going over? Yeah. Oh! Alexander Gustafsson trains with Hazmat Chemeyev. He said it's like they're like family over there. He went up to heavyweight. Now he's coming back down to light heavyweight. He did beat, I think, Glover Teixeira, and he did beat Jan Blakowicz. And I think when he saw that both of those guys became champions, he's like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:48:50 I'm coming back to the UFC. I think I can do it. He's had three shots at the title and never been able to pull it off. He is, by many, claimed to be the greatest UFC fighter ever to not win a belt. Alexander Gustafsson going against Nikita Krylov. If you go to Nikita Krylov's Instagram, he looks like a fucking Russian hitman. I know that's racist, but I can't help it. I'm a little bit racist.
Starting point is 00:49:16 It happens. Racism. It happens, yes. It happens. I feel like I hope Alexander Gustafsson. I mean, I don't wish anything horrible in his career but I'm not a fan of him because I'm a fan of Jon Jones and that's why you got your ass whooped I mean twice
Starting point is 00:49:37 why are you a fan of Jon Jones? how do you manage all the chaos in his life with the amazing fighter that he is? how do you manage that as a fan? you have life with the amazing fighter that he is how do you manage that as a fan you have sympathy compassion empathy what is it i say good dude this is where i'm at with it i love him for fighting i don't give a fuck who he is when he goes home you know i'm saying like that's not my part you know i mean who who has a perfect life when they go home no one you know i mean so yo you walk out of the cage and smack your wife twice
Starting point is 00:50:07 and sleep with two hookers and do cocaine. Hey, you know what I mean? That's who you want to be. I just love the fact that you can get in that cage and literally no one can beat you. Like, that's what makes me a fan. He just, like, when he's in there, you can even tell, like, I mean, there's not even, I don't even have an inkling of feeling that anyone can beat him anytime he matches up with him
Starting point is 00:50:29 and he he's been doing this since he was 22 years old 22 years old he took a ufc and have been winning ever since you show me somebody like that and you know i'll i'll give them props and i'll make sure like yo man maybe Jon Jones is not that good who's that? someone asked what's Justin's Instagram just type in Justin Nunley into Google and you'll see it's just fucking
Starting point is 00:50:56 nuts he owns the first 50 pages asshole gets to share no real estate with nobody hey has anyone ever leaned into being that guy like you um just like yeah i hit my wife so what has anyone you know how like everyone's like tiger woods is like they caught him like for fucking like 23 girls and i think he should have leaned into it yeah i'm a fucking sex addict i got a huge cock and it needs to be serviced and i just i'm not good husband
Starting point is 00:51:22 material instead nike hasn't making a fucking commercial he's like i'm so sorry i wish i would have chosen a different path yeah i know i don't need to eat shit like that because everybody's thinking corporate man it's all about the sponsors yeah i don't know i i would buy a pair of air tiger woods if uh if he would have just come clean yeah just say hey. Yeah. I have this problem around super hot chicks. Yeah. Who the hell doesn't? Yeah, literally. Put that in perspective.
Starting point is 00:51:55 What normal guy? Hey, Justin's job has no hot chicks. The only job less than your job, Darian, that has less hot chicks is fucking Justin's job. Hold on. My job has hot chicks in it? It does?
Starting point is 00:52:12 Not a lot of them, Hoss. Which job? They're hot until their second fight when their fucking face gets rearranged. I don't know, man. I was at the UFC Performance Center back several months ago. And there's some good-looking women walking around there that work there. Like I was like...
Starting point is 00:52:31 You got to think the ring girls, too. We have the ring girls. Come on now. And pretty classy-looking ring girls, too. Not the ones that the boxing uses are a mess. I noticed this the last
Starting point is 00:52:44 five. This is the first mess. I noticed this the last five. This is the first time I've noticed this. They thickened up, man. Yes, yes, they have thickened up a little bit. Did you notice this? I thought maybe they were just on their period and they're cycling together. Hey, they brought in some thick girls for this last one. Hey, does the black girl have real tits?
Starting point is 00:53:03 I think they are. I think they are too. She might be the last one. Hey, does the black girl have real tits? I think they are. I think they are too. She might be the only one. Dude, I think it's because like, you know, she's fucking crazy. She's the only one. Every time she's on, I try to go to her Instagram. I refuse
Starting point is 00:53:18 to follow. I think it's that. I go look. I go take a peek. You know, more guys like, you know, bigger women than they do, you know, just skinny ass. And then I got a set of fake tits. Yeah. Yeah. That's a no-go.
Starting point is 00:53:33 You know, you got a little butt on you and you got some thighs. You're like, oh, what? A lot of butt. A lot of butt. Yeah. I look at things like, I look at little things like that because I'm like, I'm like, are they trying to, are they trying to they trying to reach a demographic they haven't tried to reach yet? You know what I'm saying? I look at stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I'm like, that's marketing, man. I'm a scientist. I just think they're on their period. That's the difference between me and you, Justin. You're a marketing man. I'm a scientist. What would you do in four years? You'd see a fat chick in a two-piece up there, huh?
Starting point is 00:54:02 Fuck that. I'm switching over to boxing. Hey, I'm not supporting that i it's not it's not that i don't i think there's some fucking hot fat chicks who i would fucking jump all over if i wasn't married but but no i'm not supporting that the sick economy i'm not doing it we're not I will have to say if there was a plus size rig chick I'm gonna have to say she would be famous as fuck yeah okay let's see it
Starting point is 00:54:32 go Dana how about a tranny you want a tranny you want a cross dressing you want a dude I'm chill on that one I'm chill on that Justin's like I'm never coming on your show again. I just said here in smile.
Starting point is 00:54:50 You ain't catching me up. I'm going to go with my boy Jordan Leavitt in that fight. And I hope he takes it to the ground quickly because I think Paddy has some very violent hands. Oh, he has some violent ground too, though. He does. Violent. Like in Cage Warriors.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Holy shit. He had submissions that were, that bodied people. I mean, he did a triangle on a guy while he was still, while the guy was still standing. And Paddy was on top of his shoulders. And he put him in a triangle and then commenced to elbow him in his face until he fell down the crowd and tapped out. Where's the O2 arena? London.
Starting point is 00:55:31 And this fight is tomorrow at 11. I think these fights start tomorrow at 11 a.m. Hey, and this is supposedly going to be, Dana said when he was there last time, it was the loudest arena in UFC history. So it's going to be fucking loud in there. Wasn't it the last time they were there in that arena, right? Did they?
Starting point is 00:55:50 I don't know. I don't remember. I thought Patty fought there before, too, hadn't he? Like the last fight. I thought that because he was saying something about, I don't know. They were saying something about how Patty's been in that arena before because they did Cage Warriors there or something. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Who do you got, Darian? Justin, you got Patty, right? Yeah. I'm going Levitt. Let's go. Hey, are you keeping track of this so we can recap it when we come back on? Okay, I will. I will.
Starting point is 00:56:20 That way I can talk shit to y'all. So Jordan is Darian. Can you go to Google and pull up the UFC schedule, Caleb? And I'll put – so Jordan is Darian and Sevan. That's me. And Patty is CIA agent. I'm just going to call you CIA. You're CIA.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Yeah, yeah, yeah. The female body inspector, baby. Okay, and Curtis Blades and Aspinall. Darian and I have Curtis. I had Aspinall. And I'm not just picking against y'all. Yes, you are. I promise I'm not. I'm trying just picking against y'all. Yes, you are. I promise I'm not.
Starting point is 00:57:06 I'm trying to win here. Aspinall is Mr. CIA. And, okay, Jack Hermanson and Chris Curtis. Curtis. You are nuts. That guy's 171 pounds. There there's gonna be a 25 pound weight difference when they get in the race wait till we come back on the show we can replay your soundbite right there fine and then you'd be like you know what none of you are right chris none of you're right
Starting point is 00:57:36 none i'll practice i'm gonna practice it all day today none of you're right i'm gonna look up to the heavens I'm gonna ride with Justin on this And I'm gonna go Curtis Let's go Look how fucking ugly Jack Hermanson is He looks like he fell off a 1950's fight movie I do yes I understand that but
Starting point is 00:57:59 I don't know there's just a feeling in my loins That says You got a feeling in your loins. That's because Justin gave you the password to fucking gold these fucking OnlyFans. It's not that good. It's not worth it. It's not worth the $10. You can see everything you would see. Hey, isn't, look at that. That's women. Any women who are watching the show, listen, that is – he just summed up all of us men.
Starting point is 00:58:27 When he first looked at her account, he's like, yeah, it's good. It's worth it. Six minutes later, he's over it. That's how we are. I'm in love with you. I'm not. The first couple pictures, I was like, oh, we're going to get some good stuff. No.
Starting point is 00:58:44 Just stayed at that first couple picture kind of rate. Yeah. I was like, oh're gonna get some good stuff no just stayed at that first couple picture kind of right yeah i was like okay bracy chris curtis uh nunley and darian wow mr weeks i know i just i don't know man maybe he just shocks the world uh jody uh we'll uh i have to listen to this later ufc london can't wait yeah and you got to listen to this later UFC London can't wait yeah and you got to listen soon too because there's not going to be time tomorrow because the fights are the fights happen in the morning okay who's next who's next here
Starting point is 00:59:13 Mr. Beaver C. Beaver Alexander Gustafsson Gustafsson versus Nikita Krylov I'm going last this time Gustafsson versus Nikita Krylov. I'm going last this time. I'm going to let you guys say your silly shit.
Starting point is 00:59:33 I'm taking Gustafsson. Me too. Okay. I'm taking Gustafsson as well. Okay. I thought he was going to pick against us. Good. We can be friends.
Starting point is 00:59:46 The whole damn last fight, we were texting back and forth on who picked what here and didn't nobody have a damn clue who they picked oh i got now i'm writing it down this time uh molly mccann riding the patty pemblit train or hannah only fans goldie titums, I don't respect a fighter who got fake titties. She got fake titties, huh? Yeah. You know they did. Come on now. I think there was a post that I seen of hers like three years ago, and she had no tits at all.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Yeah. I just don't think it screams professionalism unless your titties have to do with your – Unless you know when Joanna Jachek got titties. Yeah. That's when she started getting knocked out. Yeah, I believe it. You think it made her top heavy? I don't know. They look top heavy.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Shit. Her body looks like her parents were drinking when she was in the womb. I know it's not nice. She looks malnourished as a motherfucker. I know she's a nice but she looks she looks malnourished as a motherfucker and i know she's a great fighter and she beat me up and come over my house and beat me up but this fucking chick is like you're talking about molly no no no no molly looks like her
Starting point is 01:00:55 parents were fucking eating big macs in the womb uh uh no uh joanna joanna is so she's like a she's like made of bird bones dude yeah she does tiny like and her shoulders are all folded in and shit yeah her back looks like it's all like yeah what you mean there yeah she's like part like vulture like little california condor in her or something you know what i mean she's like i i feel that she does her body is weird and not only that her limbs are like unexpectedly long you know like her her arms are long and all bony and yeah she looks like and those titties did give her some skanky sex appeal but i i just don't respect it i liked her as a fighter i was a huge fan but then she got those and i'm like hey man like i just think of weight cut why did you put more weight on you yeah that's what i was
Starting point is 01:01:49 thinking like you put solid weight that you can't drop off like that's not normal weight that's just silicone in there now she does look like she started like a like a informational show that you watched like when you was in middle school about bulimia yes yes yes something's like there's a malnourished component to her straight up i mean it's yeah you're right it does have that little you know sex appeal look to her for some reason but well have you seen that have you seen that maybe justin even showed it have you seen that video on social media where the girl's hot but she takes these water balloons and she puts them in her shirt? And even though you've got a draft, I should post that today.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I have even when you see her put them in and you know, they're just water balloons. My dick starts to get hard. I'm like, what are you doing? We just saw their water balloons. Dumb shit. He's like, I don't care. All right. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:43 I got it. I should just drop it today. i've got one with me me throwing some on and getting on a treadmill yes do it please do it i was actually thinking about that too i was thinking that i would come on here and you guys want to fuck me if i did that i would just go like put my head up here throw in some titties i'm gonna have y'all starched up later it's crazy we're we're garbage men are garbage garbage i mean we just i mean the first thing the first sensual thing we see we're like oh yeah we're on it yeah yeah and you know how stupid we are too like if a girl does like if you're if you're hanging out with one of those
Starting point is 01:03:16 muslim girls who's like completely covered and then she shows you her ankle you're like yeah i saw some ankle you're like excited dude i've been to the middle east i lived there for like six months or so when we went down to the mall. Oh, that's weird. Caleb, he's been in the Middle East. Where did you say you were, Caleb? Where are you right now? Somewhere.
Starting point is 01:03:36 So we went to the mall. Caleb's in the Air Force. He won't tell us what he deployed a few weeks ago. He won't tell us where the fuck he is. Okay. So we went down to the mall and the the women like you can't see anything about them but their eyes and it is a psychological thing because i'm telling you those women's eyes were the most gorgeous eyes i have ever seen in my life that's all you can see though you know what i'm saying yeah i'm coming on the next show like this. Straight up. We're going to be like, hell yes, Evan.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Yeah, gorgeous. Look at Darian's like, fuck this. I'm moving into a handicap spot. He just pulled over three spots. Darian, do you know what vabbing is? What is it called? Vabbing. I don't know what vabbing is.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Don't look it up. Definitely look it up, Caleb don't look it up definitely look it up caleb definitely look it up don't use your government computer caleb oh shit okay hold on hold on hold on good good advice hold on i'll look up i'll look up uh i'll look up babbing babbing oh caleb caleb already knows what i do uh basically you wear your vagina fluid this perfume you put your fingers inside yourself dab your juices on your wrist neck behind the ears wow wow i might be into that you really are you like john j Jones and you're down with Vabbing. I mean, you are an eclectic man. If you lived in New York, you'd have like some like a season pass to some like Broadway shows and shit.
Starting point is 01:05:13 I mean, you do it all. Hey, I just texted you a video a few minutes ago. Pull that up. Yeah. I think Darren will really like the first part of this video. Okay. Hold on. Vabbing. Uh- hold on. Fabbing.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Uh-oh. At the gym. Oh, my goodness. Yes. Hey, this is going to kill two birds with one stone because this is also the kind of ring girl. Exactly. That's what I thought about that while I go.
Starting point is 01:05:46 And I was like, I'm bringing this fabbing up. Okay. Yeah, this is brilliant. I'm so good at getting conversation sidetracked, ain't I? This is for, God, I hope I can get the sound to work here. I can get the sound to work here. This is for you. This is specifically for Darian Weeks, UFC welterweight.
Starting point is 01:06:11 I dedicate this video to you. Babbing at the gym. Don't go look that up. Trust me on this one. Do not do this video and go to Google. Listen, did you know that I'm telling you you do not go look that up now you do
Starting point is 01:06:29 now you do a reminder that i have a zoom meeting right now until one o'clock i don't think it's gonna take that long did you hear that that was a voice. It went just straight to a voice. I'm glad you didn't play something really bad off that. Yeah. Darren, did you say you have to go right now? No, no, no. I'll have to go in a few minutes, but I'm still good. My tank was messing up for some reason. Let's get through these next couple fights.
Starting point is 01:07:01 No, yeah, I'm still good. That's correct. Okay. I guess we'll do that. I guess we're kind of getting a preview of what. Oh, bye. Oh, good, good, good. He's into dabbing.
Starting point is 01:07:12 We had to kick. Sorry, guys. That pushed the show too far. I will not have people on my show who support women's rights or dabbing. Dude, we need to donate some money to Darian so he can get off Cricket Wireless. What was up with that shitty service? Hey, is there a Southern cell phone company called Cricket?
Starting point is 01:07:35 Yeah. Oh, shit. We don't got that in California. They sell that shit at Walmart, man. That's awesome. We don't have that shit in California. We only have stuff where they can listen to you and censor you. Okay, let's look at – so who are we picking between Molly, McCann, and Hannah?
Starting point is 01:07:53 I'm going with Molly. Yeah, me too. I don't want to, but I got to. So that's Nunley and Sevan. Should we just pick for Darian? Yeah, he's going to pick Goldie. Yeah, I think so too he just takes me and said i'm taking goldie perfect uh and uh and paul craig or vulcan
Starting point is 01:08:15 ozdemir oh that's tough. Oh, man. That's, you know, I... Dude, that's identical. I'm going with Vulcan. Even though Paul Craig's jiu-jitsu is insane. I was leaning more towards Paul Craig. I think it's smart. Okay, so Nunley with Paul Craig,
Starting point is 01:08:40 Savon with... And he didn't like Vulcan. He said he's a goofball, so we'll give him Paul Craig too. Darian. Darian didn't even try to get back in the studio. No. Hey, was that, um, I should cover my nose too. Oh yeah. What if I covered my eyes and everything and I just left my nose out? You think people would think my nose is sexy then? Oh, that's fucking brilliant.
Starting point is 01:09:04 No, there isn't. There isn't. Fuck you. Jeez Louise. There is no cricket in California. You're not from California. Get out of here. Try to fucking belittle my state.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Is there anyone else, Caleb, on the, is there anyone else on the, in the, did we go through them all? Caleb. Can you hear me? Yeah. What's up? You already know what I do. I might have looked you up. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:33 I figured. I was like, yeah, he already knows. I found you on the global. Yep, yep. Good old global. I have a drafted email, actually. I was going to send it gonna send you and i forgot but i gotta send it oh god caleb you're such a dork you drafted an email to send a fucking
Starting point is 01:09:52 mr tiktok i got nervous okay geez no just send them like a nate a new to yourself no i've went through having my shit quarantined before. It ain't fun. So I think we're not going to do the prelim card. There's no one down there I want to talk about. Is there anyone you want to talk about in the prelims? I don't know. You clicked away from it.
Starting point is 01:10:19 The only guy on there. He has some fast fingers, Siobhan. That's Caleb's fault. The only guy that I'm interested in down there is there is that guy, Muhammad Moqev. He beat Chris Durden a couple of weeks ago and he's already fighting again. He's a savage. He's a savage.
Starting point is 01:10:38 I think that's the only fight I might watch. Oh, look at that. There he is. While we get that, while we get that, that I know just straight, straight cockshot of Darian. Everyone stand up.
Starting point is 01:10:52 It was that low? Yeah. Oh, well, sorry about that. He was babbing. He was babbing. More meat than a double whopper. Hey, Darian, we picked Paul Craig for you over Vulcan. And we picked, you got Hannah Goldie over Mollycan and uh we picked uh you got hannah goldie over molly mccann but we went with molly mccann you
Starting point is 01:11:09 want you want goldie or mccann no dude i'll take goldie i'm cool with that um you slut hey do y'all drink truly's yes if i have to if i have to. Wow. Wow. Wow. That's incredible. I truly will now. I truly will. But, no, I do have to go now. I'm at the barbershop. Sorry about that. Look at your ceiling, Darian.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Yeah, I know. Wow. Wow. Can't hide money. Can't hide money money dog never seen it wow that's nice hey what's the name of that place the weekly barber what city sedalia missouri you never been there before but it's a place that justin promised he would come get a haircut. Let's go. Sedalia, Missouri. And did you call it the Weekly Barber because you encourage people to come in weekly and get their shit touched up? Yep. And also, to have a play on words, my last name is Weeks.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Oh, that's right. All right. Hey, how far did you say you're outside of St. Louis? Oh, St. Louis, two hours. It's worth the drive. I'll make it happen. I like that. That's what I'm talking about. And then seven can come down just for kicks and giggles.
Starting point is 01:12:35 You can trim my pubes. I got a big old Armenian Middle Eastern bush. I'll shave that beard off you. You know, when you didn't have the beard, I was looking at old pictures when you didn't have the beard i was looking at old pictures when you didn't have the beard and you look like two separate people i mean you look like the little brother used to beat up when you didn't have the beard i went from i went from dad to grandpa what'd you say nunley is it seven or savann you can it's seven but you neither of those it's neither of the ones you said but but i answered all of them he said both of y'all are wrong but i answered all of them two superstars like you
Starting point is 01:13:13 call me whatever you want just call me well definitely and then hey and um whenever we do a recap or when we do it next week or whenever um i'll have fight news for you guys as well oh no shit yeah yeah hey and i want to say something those fucking people who are doing the write-up about the ian gary fight and your fight they're fucking idiots that was he did he he had no he did not have his that was a great fight yeah that was a great back and forth they're full of shit darian before you go i got one thing i don't know if you've noticed yet or not, but this is a little known fact. Beside
Starting point is 01:13:49 Savan is the original casting couch. Oh, really? Come over here and get some. Hey, that couch, I don't even have to vab. I can just go like this. That's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:14:06 It probably has VAB all on it, boy. All VAB'd up. Oh, my goodness. You see a couch, I see a jar of VAB. But, yeah, no. Hey, thanks for having me on. I appreciate it. I can't wait until next week.
Starting point is 01:14:24 It's next week, correct? Yeah, next week is UFC 277. Pena, Amanda Nunes, Brandon Moreno, Kai Kai Karkar, Derek Lewis. It's going to be crazy. Anthony Smith, Paulo Costa, Luke Rockhold canceled. Duh. Oh, soft. Duh.
Starting point is 01:14:41 I bet you it's Luke Rockhold, right? It's for sure Luke Rockhold. Both of them are pussy oh yeah Luke Rockhold probably sprained his pinky and Paulo Costa fucking got a needle stuck in his ass oh straight up that was definitely what happened
Starting point is 01:14:55 alright brother thank you thank you guys you guys have a good one take it easy he's a good dude he's awesome. I mean, I really like him. Like more than you like me? No, I mean, I like both of you.
Starting point is 01:15:10 I mean, he's just really just chill, man. And real. Yeah. Podcast I did with him was dope. Do you work next Thursday night, the night shift also? Yeah, but I mean, like, what's next? next Thursday night, the night shift also. Yeah. But I mean, like,
Starting point is 01:15:27 I feel bad having you come on Friday mornings when you fucking work all day. I stay up on Fridays anyways, cause I don't work Friday nights. So I'm going to stay up all day anyway. Oh, and then, and then try to get back on your clock tonight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Wow. Okay. All right. Um, well, I'll text you, uh, tomorrow night when i'm sitting down watching the fights i'll bug you and uh darian hey just so y'all know savann got in his feelings last night he's like well i guess we're not doing a podcast tomorrow guys guess we're guess we're not doing anything tomorrow. He'd been texting. Ain't nobody answered him back for nothing. I thought I had, that's, that's my bad. Hey, do you know how I, you know, so,
Starting point is 01:16:15 so you know how I justify it in my head when you, so I text you a bunch of times this week, you didn't respond. And then last night, right before I went to bed, I'm like, I guess we're not doing the show tomorrow. Like a little bitch. And you said, no, why not? And I'm like – and then when you sent me that voice message saying, oh, I opened it. I just didn't respond to it. I'm like, oh, I thought, oh, I do that to my favorite people because I want to write something thoughtful to them. That means I must be one of Justin's favorite people because he wanted to write something. So that's how I justified it.
Starting point is 01:16:39 I was like, whew. Dude, I'm telling you. Like, if you sent me a text – and so I've had two texts come through while I've been sitting here. Right. Yeah. I will open them up. Right. Yeah. And I don't know why I do this, but if it's a long text, like I will open it up so I can read it. And I'll be like, oh, text him back in a minute and I will leave it on that screen. And then in the course of like my ADD brain, I'll close it out to go do something else. And then I'll never come back to the text message yeah hey you know what i decided i was going to do this and this is at all seriousness seriousness
Starting point is 01:17:10 out of moral no sorry sorry not moral out of personal accountability and um and responsibility i thought hey you know what i'm gonna schedule a fucking show every single friday and if the if darian and just to do these ufc ufc shows and if darian and justin can't make it then it's up to me to carry the show by myself don't be a pussy i mean that's that's how i live life don't be a pussy don't be a pussy just tell my kids vab lean in vab crystal hates it too that you're not a pussy no that i that i tell on the i mean like literally on the rig i'm like oh don't see yeah yeah well you know what's funny is i would have never thought that i would say that to my kids but i say that to him too but i whisper in their
Starting point is 01:17:58 ear really don't be a pussy oh no i love it they start laughing do you know how many people get offended over you telling your own kid stop being a pussy don't be a pussy yeah i just i just throw it out there we'll be at the tennis courts and i'm like time to go home and one of my kids will start crying i don't want to go home i'll walk over like don't be a pussy until we get home i don't want it i don't want anyone to see that hey the last yeah but the last time i was owned how did the how did the uh tournament go i'm sure i don't even know what see that I have my sons. Hey, the last time I was on, how did the tournament go? I'm sure I don't even know what you're talking about, but we won. Savages. My boys are the three greatest kids in the world.
Starting point is 01:18:33 Okay, because remember your son came in, and I was asking if he was excited, and he was being all shy about it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I think it was already all fair when that happened. In all fairness, the tennis tournaments, he usually probably wins like half the games, but he's so fucking young. Like, he doesn't play anyone his age. He's seven and he plays ten years old.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Oh, it was tennis. I was thinking it was karate in my head for some reason. Yeah, yeah. He does that too. He does jiu-jitsu. We got a jiu-jitsu tournament coming up. Listen, did you know that I have a black belt, second degree? Serious?
Starting point is 01:19:03 Yeah. I mean, let's not get to it. It's taekwondo, you know that I have a black belt, second degree? Serious? Yeah. I mean, let's not get to it. It's taekwondo, you know. But that's still impressive. Yeah. And you've never done the splits in your life? Yeah, I have. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Starting point is 01:19:16 I've got a pretty bad one. So you've done them naked also? No. And left the snail trail? No. I've got one badass picture of me when i first got my blight belt and uh it's me doing a front kick and i'm telling you i was basically doing the split standing yeah that's hey isn't that amazing that where would you rank martial arts training as the
Starting point is 01:19:42 importance of things you've done in your life? Toward the top. Yeah. Yeah. Because, I mean, like, it teaches you discipline. Great people do great shit. And it'll help you real quick. I told my instructor one time, I said, let's spar together. And I was, like, just a red belt at the time.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Right. And, uh, and he's like, I was like, let's go. I was all feeling all full of myself. Now he put me in check. He did. Oh yeah. Yeah. Big time.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Like had to go to the dentist and check. No, not that bad. I mean, we was wearing the sp and check? No, not that bad. I mean, he was wearing the sparring gear. Justin, are you Army Combative Certified? Is that real, that question? I don't know what that means. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:34 He's not really in the Army. Don't worry, Seve. Me and Elise will come on you. Huh? I think she forgot a word. Oh, you. Huh? I think she forgot a word. Oh, shit. Sevan can't get mad at anyone for not. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:20:51 I'm horrible. I know. Attempt to splits right now? No. I'm horrible. Listen, I would rather stick my wiener in a meat grinder than try to do the splits right now. I'm tight, man. I sit down too much.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Like, my hamstrings are so tight. It ridiculous your job you sit down at your job yeah oh god i for some reason i picked you up standing i just i picked you up standing walking around doing shit no the only time i'm really walking around a whole lot it's when i'm on my phone and i'm a pacer i'm not national guard uh so beaver you can tell me what he does when we get off when we kick him off you'll tell me when I'm on my phone and I'm a pacer. I'm not National Guard. So, Beaver, you can tell me what he does when we get off. When we kick him off, you'll tell me. Oh, I'll tell you when we get off air. Okay.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Everyone, thanks for tuning in. Great show. We're all you great people in here who watch all the shows. Thank you. It's really cool that Darian and Justin do this and they come on this podunk show. And i will see you guys uh oh we have a show tonight with jr howell and uh taylor self it's gonna be a big one uh talk about the 2022 crossfit games programming love you guys bye

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