The Sevan Podcast - #501 - HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: July 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Covering it up. You didn't do your pre-show bike, huh? Bam, we're live. No.
Starting point is 00:00:37 No, no, I don't do the pre-show. I don't do the... I thought you did before every show. No, not for the 7 a.m. ones. But the other ones... Because you're so sprightly. Yeah. Yeah. Did you already teach a class, Sousa. No, not for the 7 a.m. ones, but the other ones. Because you're so sprightly. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Did you already teach a class, Sousa? No, no, no. I just got up probably about 30 minutes ago. 30, 40 minutes ago. Yeah, me too. What did you do? You already worked out, Hiller? I worked out, yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I had this interval that I like to do just to kind of see where I'm at. With rowing? Rowing, yeah. I've probably done it 200, 300 times at this point. You set the rower up to 300 meter repeats with a one minute rest interval and you try to get them as close to one another as possible. I'll do them for anywhere from 10 to 20 intervals.
Starting point is 00:01:18 I'm still breathing heavy, so. I guess that depends how, I guess the difficulty of that depends on how fast you're going correct so i usually tell people to start at about their 2k pr pace and see how long you hold on to it for and if you can do 20 intervals then you take a couple seconds off of that and then you see if you can hold it for 20 intervals and like 10 to 20 so i'll stop right and how and how long and how long is each it's a 300 meter interval with a one minute rest period and then you see how close you can get them one another so i try
Starting point is 00:01:50 to add them today at like 59.7 was my goal finishing spot just under a minute oh shit um i i would do this go-to hotel workout i've probably done it a hundred times in my life maybe more uh where it's um row at 250 keep it under a minute 15 push-ups 10 rounds you keep the row under a minute or the row yeah but it's no no no no i wouldn't lollygag on the push-ups but you can lollygag on the push-ups if you want but it's it's fuck man it's a gnarly workout how many rounds of that do you do 10 so you get 150 push-ups in a uh uh uh what is it 2500 meters yeah yeah so i know this is called the uh the hillarivet review show but we can do a seven review show too hillarivet hillarivet the rivet yeah i'm not quite there yet i'll give me five minutes i'll be 100 there but i listened to your uh eddie ift what's his show the podcast podcast oh yeah i listened i listened to your show on there how was it it's a different side of you
Starting point is 00:03:00 oh it is it's more or less you but there's a there's like a different twist on you it's it's interesting when you're not the one running the show he kind of takes it in the directions he wants to right you'll you'll ease off and then you'll come back later and then it'll be like wait a minute we don't want to talk about that oh there's some i i feel like i took him into some deep waters there was some shit that he wasn't too comfortable with i agree it was uh it was awesome you covered a lot of different things the reason i brought it up just there is because you were talking about your push-ups yeah and then you in there you talked about donald trump jr's murph time and how you
Starting point is 00:03:32 tried to correlate it to your cindy when's the last time you did cindy a lot a year a year of the challenge coming on as soon as it sees right through me i haven't done cindy in a long time that was all for my good i didn't say it again 20 rounds in 20 minutes you think you can do it oh it's a tall order because i believe that's what you said you had done on the podcast yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is the fitness sticking with you or what probably even a little faster than than um 20 minutes not much but because that last round i started 19 minutes you know so it's like and then what did you get on that second bike on your other oh 70 70 i got 70 i don't know if I missed it, but I wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:04:26 No, no, it's not in there. I asked the filmmaker. I'm like, where's the second score? He goes, who cares? I'm like, damn. 80 and 70 is no joke. That's pretty good. Yeah, he just left a little suspense at the end.
Starting point is 00:04:35 He didn't really, you know. Yeah, this dude doesn't give a shit. Someone in the comments goes, I thought I clicked away from this the way it just ended. I thought the whole fucking video was a mess, but people like it. I don't know what the fuck's going on i also went back and re-watched that because i was like wait did i miss something and then when i was paid more close attention and saw it i thought it was great well i asked him the other day i put a video together on this the whole bike workout that brian put on his instagram thanks uh and i asked him on the phone he didn't even know what he got i'm like what'd you get just so i Just so I know. I'm like, I want to put in the video together.
Starting point is 00:05:05 He's like, I don't know. I'm like, all right, I'll wait for the video. I watched the video and it's not in there either. I'm like, all right. So I'll ask him today. Oh yeah. I knew I was lying to you. I don't remember saying that, but I was definitely lying to you.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Cause I knew, cause I got 80 the first time. And when I got on it the second time, I was just like, there's no fucking way. I'm going to that place again. You look like you're in a bad spot. Yeah. It's what you talk about all the time with these games. Athletes who leave and then you can never come back because you don't want to do that anymore. That's a perfect example.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Second bike interval. You got better. But when you did it on the assault bike, you got better in your second round. I've spent my entire crossfit career negative negative splitting just trying to like increase my paces round after round after round to the point where i think it might be a detriment of mine i would redo workouts three four or five times and i'd get better every single time no matter like how much fatigue built in it was just always better hello have you ever done 30 on 30 off or 30 rounds on the assault bike before?
Starting point is 00:06:12 I've done 20 rounds. I've never done 30. Why? Well, I'd be curious to see because my old business partner that originally started the gym with me, he was just a monster on the assault bike, but he's probably, he's probably close to your age, seven, maybe like a year or so younger and smokes like 35 cigarettes a day and so i'd always make the joke that he has to donate his body to science afterwards because we could figure it out but he does 30 on 30 off and his last score was 421 calories taking a note of that in my head so it's like almost like one so yeah it's like it's like 16 or 17 so that's 421 calories in an hour but what is that no half hour a half hour. A half hour. What is that interval?
Starting point is 00:06:47 It's like almost it's like almost 12 interval. No, it's like 16 and a half and almost 17 calories. No fucking way. Yeah. And he did that. And he did it at altitude. He lives in a car. I got a double check that 421 divided by 30.
Starting point is 00:07:01 It's like 14 interval. There you go. 14 interval. 14.3 an interval okay that's that's pretty good i used to do this workout it was 90 on 90 off for eight rounds 60 on 60 off for 12 rounds and 30 on 30 off for 24 rounds straight through it takes you an hour and 12 minutes and i would try i would do it once a week and every week i would try to beat my number of calories just by like holding just slightly higher paces on each interval. And on the 24 intervals at the back end there, I know I was able to do like 71 RPM,
Starting point is 00:07:33 which was about 11. Oh, wait, excuse me. You got 428 calories, 428. Hey, Simon, you like that? Patrick Vellner. See, I don't have a Colton Mertens one, but this one, a wide zombie. Colton Mertens one. And then this one I had by my bed, but I brought it over to show you guys on the show.
Starting point is 00:07:58 See, I might just have that, but I also have this guy. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Dude, I cannot believe how nice. So there's a daniel brandon there's a jason hopper there's a colton mertens yeah and a patrick velner i cannot believe how nice these cards are so these guys may not have gotten t-shirts but they did get playing cards so who's the real winner yeah these these things things are crazy. And these things are cheap. These are only – you will be so happy when you have one of these.
Starting point is 00:08:33 It's only $10, and it's like – it feels good. It's like it doesn't perform like an iPhone, but it sure feels like an iPhone. You're not wrong. You can take it to the games and see if you can get them signed. Yeah. Oh, that would be dope. What's you guys's connection with pokemon cards nothing zero i don't even really know what pokemon is i just know you mentioned it the other day i did somewhere you said pokemon yeah and i was like i gotta ask him
Starting point is 00:08:55 what he what he knows i just know that there was a um i think there were these little circle things people traded baseball cards but small the little damage tokens and then there was a game where uh people put like you could point your phone somewhere and it would show you like a pokemon like under a tree and then you'd go over and touch it and then that was a covid game yeah they got everyone outside away from one another had kids walking out into the freeway i think that game would be so much cooler if it was like you were looking for games athletes or hot chicks or bodybuilders. I don't know. You ever use Tinder, Sevan?
Starting point is 00:09:37 No, I've never even seen the app, to be honest with you. I have this vision in my head of what it looks like. I have this vision in my head of what it looks like. When I was a kid, or not a kid, when I was 40, we had Hot or Not. There was like an app, but it wasn't on your phone. It was on a computer, and you would just swipe right or left, hot or not. But you didn't date the people. Facebook or no?
Starting point is 00:09:58 Facebook? No, you know what it was? I think Zuckerberg made that too. It was just pictures that were pulled off of yearbooks or something. yeah or you could maybe people even could submit their pictures i don't remember tinder's right here now you're using it but you're talking about is tinder it's kind of your your wheelhouse you've been going on your only fans rants it's like tinder only fans and grinder i should talk about grinder more you should create a fake account and make a little video series off your fake tinder grinder accounts yeah see what you do better on let's just not share the screen let's just not share the screen yeah don't don't do that three three three of uh
Starting point is 00:10:37 three of my acquaintances uh maybe i could even call them friends have now been taking testosterone testosterone replacement therapy uh through california hormones basically what they did um they if you live in california you get the free blood test you get the free doctor's consultation and they either tell you hey you don't need testosterone or they say hey you should take some or maybe you want to take some and all three of them tell me that it's fucking it's the greatest head trip that they've ever had why is that they just said that they wake up in the morning they want to attack life they didn't even expect it that's not even why they were taking it they were taking it like just for energy and vitality and i and but they
Starting point is 00:11:14 all talk about the head trip like man this i even spoke to mark bell about it the other day and he was like he's not doing it through these guys but i was asking him about the head trip and he's like dude the head trip's amazing yeah you wake up every morning just want to attack life i feel like i wake up and everything well i feel like every morning i wake up and just want to attack the coffee machine paper coffee at least you have to use the code by the way to get that free stuff you have to use the word code the code sevon so you take you go to type in sevon and then you can start the process and you don't have to take the the the whatever they prescribe you can just get the blood work and talk to the doctor
Starting point is 00:11:55 oh that'd be neat free consultation in your audi so i plugged them i plugged the cards oh the echo bike if you want to win a rogue echo bike i thought it was an assault bike no it's a rogue echo bike all right we're changing it thank you rogue uh get gabe at paper street coffee and fuck i don't know how you find that website he didn't get the good one. He got like paper ST or something. If you wear any Sevan podcast shirt on Sunday at the games and take a picture of yourself and tag us, there's a chance you're going to win that bike. A good chance. Do you have to go to the booth?
Starting point is 00:12:37 No, I don't know. I don't think so. Is that part of the equation or no? We got some cool shit at the booth. I'm telling you, I don't think you want to miss out at the booth. I think you want to go to the booth to get your Hiller fit. Oh, there we go. Sevan, join us in Madison where we'll be sampling coffee testing like Lakewater
Starting point is 00:12:55 and listening to the best podcast out there. Oh, that's dope. Gabe's a man. But, yeah, you can get your T- t-shirt too at the Paper Street Coffee booth. So you could come down and see us there. We'll have a bunch of cool stuff down there. I want one of those tank tops. Let me see those tank tops.
Starting point is 00:13:12 I'm going to shave that. If I get one of those, I'm going to shave the tough hair on my triceps. Those are dope. Trev has came out with a very, very cool shirt. I don't know if i can pop it up on here and i have no way of doing that but it's as soon as it can is it on the vindicate is it on the vindicate website no but i'll send it you guys's way you guys are gonna be so jealous i don't know if it wants me to ruin it let's see it's gonna be awesome here i'm sending it over
Starting point is 00:13:40 you guys way it'll pop up at some point it's not for sale yet um no i'm not i depending on how people react we may or may not be putting it up for sale but i think it's awesome you guys both have it did you see it wow wow holy shit isn't that good? Holy shit. Oh my gosh. That's awesome. The anticipation is killing everybody, I'm sure. I like the Lake Water one a lot. This is on par with the Lake Water one. Throw it up there if you have the technology. Have they made that yet?
Starting point is 00:14:19 No. There might be a thing there to do, like make the 16, like just take off the 15 and call it GW16 since this is the 16th CrossFit Games. Or like a Roman numeral, GW Roman numeral 16. I don't know. That's an incredible shirt. It says go for it.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Show away. Yeah, wow. Congratulations for takeoff. Yes. Idiot. Idiot. Idioff. Yes. Idiot. Idiot. Good work, Travis. Awesome. It's going to be in the leader Jersey.
Starting point is 00:14:52 So it's going to be in the red. It's going to look just like the other leader Jersey. Oh my gosh. It's sweet. Hey, you know what that is too. You need to send one of those to Ryan Jevning because that will like, then it won't be offended by that word anymore it'll kind of you know what i mean like desensit it's like um some sort of like
Starting point is 00:15:09 psychological training for him it's a therapy this is uh travis's best work it's right up there this is better than the no rep shirt wow good thank you kate hey uh i'm getting ahead of myself but is is is cartering i thought i heard in that podcast where curtis bowler is talking that he uses he says cartering and enduraball are the same thing they are the same thing wow why would you ever 01516 is the same as those two things you just mentioned okay why would we ever use the gw1516 or um or cartering call it enduring endurance sounds so hard i would so much rather be caught for endurance ball than cartering and probably why it's even got the name because i don't know that drives me nuts endurance ball it's like what does this do endurance endurance enduranceurable i just hear the word ball and i just
Starting point is 00:16:06 think i'm just getting stronger isn't that what all the ones that make you stronger the like dude i'm on this crazy cocktail of windstraw endurable your mom's balls just fucking your daddy's balls the one you take on is Tren. You take Tren Ballone and Enduro Ball. Is that the one that gets me shredded? That's the one that turns you into one of those cows that has too much muscle on them. Tren, what's the one that just gets me all just shredded?
Starting point is 00:16:36 That would do it. It makes you lose fat, gain muscle. People wouldn't recognize you. You'd probably lose all your hair, but you would be something else. I'll take it. I'll be something else i'll take it i'll take it i'll take it i don't need this hair oh like it should say carterine like a like one of the athletes names carterine athletes names with the uh yeah this is it this is a trend cow stevan hears the word ball in his mouth waters hey so that cow is juiced up that's not normal
Starting point is 00:17:03 it don't look not a normal cow. Look at the glutes on the cow, too, to the right. That could be you, Sal. I can only see its balls. I can't see anything else. You're going to crush the assault bike with those bad boys. That's Dan Bailey if he was a cow. We're going to name that cow
Starting point is 00:17:20 Dan Bailey. Or that chick Caruso. Caruso? Caruso? Caruso. She made a post the other day. We're not allowed to talk about her without asking. What? I think she made a post the other day after one of your shows where we were talking about her.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Was she mad? It didn't seem that she just like, stop talking about me. Keep my name out your mouth. Yeah, I think that she has a rule about that. Wall Street CrossFitter versus Rich Froning. What a great thing to clear Rich Froning's name. We had the Wall Street CrossFitter on the show before. Great story.
Starting point is 00:17:58 But he does not have a faster time than Rich Froning, and you showed that. And what a cool idea. You put old Rich Froning, you put young Rich Froning, old Rich Froning, and Wall Street weightlifter all working out side by side doing grace, and old Rich Froning smoked them all. Smoked them. Correct. Grace at 225. Well, that was 2014 Rich Froning who smoked them all. That was AdvoCare-sponsored Rich Froning.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Yeah. When was the slower one, the 449 one? 2011. Look at that baby face. This is Isabel. This is a squat snatch Isabel, which she does in like five-something,
Starting point is 00:18:40 upper five, lower sixes. Very cool as well. I remember watching that one when it came out it made me sign up for the open almost immediately oh that's cool wow you've seen that video right yeah which one the advocare one or that one snatch one snatch squat snatch is about at 225 yeah i wonder who does it he wanders over to his computer and then he signs up for the open 2014 i think yeah i wonder if that was we sent Heber out there to make that or something. I want to know if anybody, and I'm sure there's somebody out there,
Starting point is 00:19:09 but I don't know. That's a fast time. 3.14 was his 30th Linden Jerks at 2.25, and we saw those Linden Jerks at 2.25 on that workout with the last chance qualifier this year, and I wonder if their paces would match or beat Froning's 30 for time there. I wonder if Tim paces would match or beat Froning's 30 for time there. I wonder if Tim Paulson or – No one has spoken up, right?
Starting point is 00:19:31 Uh-uh. Since you showed up. I'm curious. I guess I really haven't addressed that too closely. So this one he does at 447. You did grades at 300? I did. That was terrible.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I believe I was right about 19 minutes that was one of my first videos that i tried to edit like injury terrible um no like not smart terrible like i have a hard time at repeatable heavy weights and something about a 300 pound clean jerk is not easy on me for whatever reason and And then you go watch people like Jeff Adler just chuck it around, and it doesn't seem to phase him. I'm the exact opposite. I'm very phased by that weight on a barbell. My heart rate goes immediately to 180 and just sits there until I stop.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Do you squat clean it? They're all power cleans. 300-pound power clean. That is nuts. Yeah. Power clean and square jerk. Be stoked for one. I did that a couple of weeks after I did the 200 ring muscle ups.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And then I wanted to do 50 deadlifts at 500 for time. And then I kind of just stopped. 50 deadlifts at 500. There's a couple of people who have done it, but that was, I have these spots that I'm pretty proficient at things. It's muscle ups and it's deadlifts. So I wanted to try to do that.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I did the unbroken chest of bars. I don't know anybody who's done more than 90 of those, but I've done 90 chest of bars. I don't see. Do you have a video of that? Yeah, it's on my YouTube somewhere. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Wow. So you were like serious. You were like, you could have been a real contender wait you did grace at 300 you did 50 deadlifts not touch and go but 50 deadlifts at 500 no that was one that i was getting ready to do and i never did it and then i hurt my elbow and i was unable to straighten it it was right around that time um have you ever gotten ready to do alexis and you didn't do her once or twice within the past week or two actually yeah it's been like you're just getting ready you're like sorry i gotta go back to my computer i just thought of a new edit
Starting point is 00:21:39 exactly that's i know how it works yeah you think i'm joking but i know how it works speaking of which i looked at your upcoming schedule yeah that's going to be hard to uh top savage it's still it's still being it's an awesome schedule it's still being added to you know what to be honest it looks so awesome because the way will brandstetter designed it like yeah like just on a fucking calendar with fucking suzer's chicken scratch it just looks like we got work to do then fucking will brandstetter does it and it looks like we won the lotto it looks so pretty he does a good job yeah matt presents it to me in the calendar and i fucking have to lock my gun don't fucking blow
Starting point is 00:22:21 my brains out will puts it out and i'm like yeah this is dope you got a lot of big names on there and i see you added adrian bosman yeah mr bosman excited i'm excited for you to go with adrian i'm basically i'm gonna try to like just court the shit out of him and like make sweet love to him and unfuck all the gnarly shit i've talked in the last year with you and that way he'll come on the show during the games i'd like to get him on like i had dave on yeah at every night but it's gonna take i'm gonna have to like give him a handy without him knowing it so did you hear uh him on coffee pods and wads with peter dude yes it's a great great episode hey uh so we're getting ahead of ourselves i really wanted
Starting point is 00:23:02 to go down my list today and like check out, but I want to tell you something. I have my own list just so you know. Okay. Oh, shit. It's your show. It's your list. That? So I have no shyness and no humility around the fact of what I think of my skills as a media director. I,
Starting point is 00:23:27 as arguably as the chief marketing officer, however you want, but we didn't use the word marketing at CrossFit. I grew that company faster than anyone's ever grown any company. Now, maybe I have people, peers that are my equal, but when I got there, there were less than 300 gyms. And when I left, there were 15,000 gyms. I was the second employee in the media department. I left with a hundred people working for me. I don't care what anyone says. And, and I don't care what anyone says about anyone working harder than me. I was the hardest working person in the company. I'm willing to let there be a seven way tie, but you see what I do on this podcast and I'm not making dick. Well, imagine being rich as shit and working. And like
Starting point is 00:24:00 I work every day. I never took a day of vacation in 300 and the 15 years I was there because it was my life. I'm not complaining. And if I wanted as the, as the greatest media director who ever lived on the planet, if I wanted to fuck someone, I would treat them the way the media department traits treats the crossfit games podcast that i would bear that thing is so fucking buried i cannot fuck i understand there's i would never need if i was asked to go on that podcast i would never go on that podcast because it's purposely being hidden yeah it's intentional it has that that like who's whoever is in charge i don't know if it's chase who's in charge chase decides where it know if it's Chase who's in charge. Chase decides where it goes. If it's Chase who's in charge, Chase hates himself. He might as well just – his wife should call fucking like what Al-Anon or whoever, the suicide prevention group or something. Something's wrong. money and resources you know what else i realized um me and you put out more media than that entire than then me and you individually put out more media than all than those teams we're in complete control of the narrative now
Starting point is 00:25:17 i would say someone needs to set chase free. Someone needs to fucking push those podcasts up to the front. Chase just got a new role. Did you see that? No, I didn't see that. He's the regional advisor for the Texas area. Yes, yes, yes. That was pretty cool. So maybe he's being set free to some extent.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Well, he doesn't need to be set free like that. He needs to be challenged. Those podcasts need to be promoted. He had fucking adrian bosman on yeah dude that podcast had 40 fucking views i think you showed no jr showed me that it had 41 fucking views and the information in there is fucking gold for for for anyone anyone who's interested in the games it's gold and adrian's like on another level right now and that coffee wads and pods i mean i i uh
Starting point is 00:26:06 peter i would never ask adrian those questions peter asked because because i'm too scared i i have i'm friends with them i've said this before but peter fucking killed it there's some insane content out there i mean someone should be just pouring reels off of that shit it's like it's they started that sub channel for it just it almost seems like to purposely hide it because you have this channel with millions of subscribers so why in the world would you start a smaller channel put no nothing onto it no don't point nothing towards it put all those it's called yeah good just try to find it don't even tell them we had jr and taylor on the show and i was like hey why don't we pull up the video?
Starting point is 00:26:45 They're like, there is none. Yeah. Then it took me like five minutes to find it. There was a whole debate. There's an Instagram page called CrossFit Podcast. No, it's not Instagram. No, there should be that, too. There should be a CrossFit Games podcast.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Oh, you're talking about the separate podcast in the Apple Store. Yeah. Yes. Not even in the Apple Store. Try to find it on YouTube. Chase has done like 60 episodes. It's a waste of Chase's talents. He does such even in the Apple store. Go to try to find it on YouTube. Yeah. He's done like 60 episodes. It's a waste of Chase's talents. Like he does such a great job with it.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I'm sure he puts a ton into it. Like he does everything. When you look up the podcast, you've got the one that we know this guy, this red one. Yeah. Yeah. That's the one that you used to do.
Starting point is 00:27:17 That's the one. Yeah. This is the one where you can listen to it. Right. Yes. Yes. Shit on there. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:22 If you do that through Spotify, but I'm just saying if you're on YouTube, if you go to if you go to their like the way I look for it is I went to their YouTube channel. Right. And it's it's. Yeah. Oh, and that's another thing on that podcast, I think was Justin on there. Okay, we're going to get to this. They talk about that Hopper thing. I still don't know what the Hopper thing is, but if this email is so important to talk about it on a podcast that's purposely hidden. Okay. Hey, so Andrew, I think that you can flip that writing around in post. Are you using Adobe Premiere? Where? Right now? See how it says Hiller behind you? When you make your videos, are you using Adobe? I have it set up. No, I use Final Cut.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Okay, there's a filter. Not insane, but there's a filter called Flip, and you can put it onto your finished product, and it'll turn all your shit around. When I make the videos, I stare at myself, and I scream at myself. And if I stare at myself inverted i scream at myself and if i stare at myself inverted it drives me nuts i can't do it you can do it out you can do it in post okay i'll do it in post the commander if you want if you want if you want i'm a director has spoken i'm just i'm telling you i don't i'm not 1500 affiliates 15 000 affiliates when i left
Starting point is 00:28:42 it's fine you need to take my advice your videos could suck it's up to you at the end of the day 100 people at the end of the day i don't care who did grace faster i just care that about the video where rich did it with his shirt off so that's that weighed in on that how do you feel about him doing it on that stage in front of everybody that that edgar thing i hope he i hope it made rich rich oh did you see that ever or no no i had seen that i think it's an i think it's on a stage in the middle of a stadium too it's not like in the stage in front of people it's like in a stage and it's like i think there's like a ridiculous amount of people there do you have an opinion on advocate no i don't amount of people there do you have an opinion on advicare no i don't do you have usana or any of those like herbal life any of those companies uh multi-level marketing type companies and that's
Starting point is 00:29:35 what care is isn't it i'm not familiar with that but i know like herbal life and yeah basically i don't i don't i don't know why people are down on that? Why do people, I'm not down on it. I'm not down on it at all. Like if I want to sell vitamins to you and then you want to sell them to Susan, then Susan wants to sell them to his members. And that money trickles up towards me. Cool. I personally wouldn't, I'm not into that,
Starting point is 00:29:57 but if someone wants to do that, I'm okay with it. When I was in high school and I was just, that's how the, that's how Pfizer works. That's how the vaccine works. Of course it is. I knew it. I was having your softball on you it totally that's totally how it works so i mean and look how well they did and it's exactly how that works global baby crushed it you tell me how are those two parallel that shit that shit is made that shit is made um by a company then sold to the government and then and then the government sells it to the hospitals, and then the hospitals sell it to us. I mean I don't know if those are the exact people, but it's just pushed down like that.
Starting point is 00:30:31 You forgot a step. You forgot a step. The people actually pay for it first. Yes, yes. And then the government gives it to them. I send the government money. Right. I send the government money, half my paycheck, and then the government buys it and then the government then then sells
Starting point is 00:30:45 it down and it trickles down and the next thing i know that all the pediatricians i know are driving g wagons and buying homes in costa rica yeah you know all the i'm not joking i'm not joking all the pharmaceutical reps are usually uh very good looking women that come in and sell to men doctors hey did you see pub med just published that if you got the vaccine now there's it's it's not debatable anymore if you got the vaccine your immune system is now permanently compromised in which way just in general yeah everything you've been your immune immune immune compromised and did you also see that american journal of fucking uh new england journal of medicine just put out an article that 98 of the people who have fucking monkey pox in the 16
Starting point is 00:31:30 countries are either gay or bi yeah i did see that did you fucking see that what the fuck that's in the fucking new england journal of medicine it came out yesterday um i'll send it to you yesterday um i'll send it to you my mom was like my my mom not my mom's someone very close to me was to ask me whether was telling me they were debating whether they were going to get the monkeypox vaccine and i'm like i sent that article i sent that i think so i sent that article to her yesterday i need to and i'm follow up today with are you gay this is a great point for me to bring up that part in the wildcast podcast where you bring up the movie idiocracy you've seen that huh oh fucking i hate it that's one of my favorite movies of all time because it's it's this so accurate when i heard that the rock was
Starting point is 00:32:16 potentially running for president at some point in his life i was like idiocracy called it they had i think it was terry cruz he was walking out of the machine guns to the president and everyone's like yeah let's go forward wwe wrestler is our president the entire movie is so spot on he escapes from the jail they tie him to a rock i can go on and on and you don't want to talk about it you hate it fine how about how about that they can't hey that thing where they can't figure out why plants are dying because they're watering them with Gatorade. It's a global food crisis because they're – well, you know that there's people who still on planet Earth today. If you were to ask people, does Gatorade help increase your electrolytes when you drink Gatorade, people will say yes.
Starting point is 00:32:59 There's people who believe that because – The power of marketing. The power of marketing. I know our comments are going to light up they don't you gotta put water on the plants you mean like from in the toilet that's what you say in the movie you want to put you want to put toilet water on the plants it'll make them grow it's like yeah that's what's going to make them grow hey i can't eat those i can't eat those chicken chips because they have like sunflower oil in them or sapphire a couple of people say that yeah what's your what's the
Starting point is 00:33:26 deal with sunflower oil i don't know just i just know that like all my instagram doctors tell me not to eat that paul saladino's big time against it yeah do you know paul saladino doesn't like kale either yeah there's like any sort of like roughage yesterday at a pound of green beans i i i have well i had him on the show and he said, yeah, well, vegetables make you fart. And I'm like, well, what's wrong with farting? I like farting. Did he have a rebuttal? No, he didn't.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Oh. Touche. I think farting is fun. So what's your opinion on this raw diet? Because it kind of seems like you're into it. No sunflower oil. Paul Saladino, you were talking about Crazy Bobby. You eat the pound of ground beef a day.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Yeah. So yesterday, the last like five days, I've been basically eating a shitload of raw meat. But what's interesting is I just saw an article. I'm going to talk about it soon on my live calling show where basically i'll maybe i'll pull it up i just accidentally saw it and it was talking about the leading cause of cancer one of them is is uh meat that's overcooked yeah yeah i've seen that overcooked meat like well done well i don't i don't i don't have that issue beef jerky yeah oh no i don't think beef jerky they don't cook beef jerky do they beef't cook beef jerky, do they?
Starting point is 00:34:46 Beef jerky just dried meat, right? Yeah, yeah. I always just used to eat all my meat well done, so now I'm a little nervous. I ate something raw the other day. I don't remember what it was, but one of my buddies just reamed me. Alexa. Alexa. It wasn't Alexa.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Alexis. Alexis. For six months, I ate five raw eggs first thing in the morning every day. I just cracked them, swallowed, cracked, swallowed, cracked. Yeah, Paul told me don't eat the whites. The whites are bad for you. And other people tell you don't eat the yolks. Why does Paul say that?
Starting point is 00:35:16 There's some chemical. You can eat the whites cooked. You just can't eat the whites raw. There's something in the whites. I'll ask him again. He told me. Do you want me to look it up right now? And then when you're doing that, also ask him again he told me when you're doing that also ask him why he doesn't like kale in particular he's assured that says kale is bullshit but i think it's more
Starting point is 00:35:30 of a an umbrella he doesn't like anything other well he has a lot of poison you he says but that's i was gonna say they're like release toxins as like a protective mechanism for the plant and those toxins what is this the happening suza you've seen the happening with mark wongberry the plants kill you worst movie ever i've not i'm not saying you're like this is awesome what's going on the plants are killing people avidin he says there's something in it called avidin a-v-i-d-i-n avidin a-v-i-d-i-n avidin and avidin in the egg whites is killing you. Do you know, I met this girl,
Starting point is 00:36:06 Christine, where, how is she? She cool. Oh, street parking. She's super cool. That's not what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:36:13 That's not what she looks like. Is that she's using an avatar. She just looks like one of the fish from like finding Dory in this picture. And she looks like a normal, pretty girl when you see her in person. So what are the three things you can eat christine i want to know paul says you can eat three things oh i think she's joking but really it is like that me well we have all these people in the world right now we've got liver king we've got paul saladino we've got you saying sunflower is always bad and well you're fast and currently everything's okay in moderation
Starting point is 00:36:48 i don't agree with that either me neither okay my big thing with the people i've trained is i tell them you can't justify your bullshit because if you justify it one day you're going to do it again and again so i work with this guy who likes to drink. It's like a social activity for him. Yeah. So he'll go a week without drinking and then something will happen. It lets him explore his sexuality. It lets him explore his sexuality. I'm not going to say that. I won't agree or disagree, but he'll have a drink and then he'll go, all right, well, I had one, so I'll have two.
Starting point is 00:37:18 He's like, well, I've already fucked up my one week off, so I'll have a third. And then if that was a Monday, tomorrow's Tuesday. He's like, well, I had a drink yesterday, so I i have one now and then the justification of your bullshit just makes it more so the moderation fuck the moderation either you're doing it or you're not doing it is my opinion one's too many and ten's not enough everyone wants to be juiced up and drinking allows people to explore their homosexuality whether they know it or or not. Take those, both of those as truth. Put that, put those on my tombstone.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Right, right under the, how long you were at CrossFit, how you grew the affiliates, and then drinking in moderation, and testosterone, and homosexuality. I want to monitor on my tombstone
Starting point is 00:38:02 that has a live feed directly down into the coffin. Yes, yes. So people could just stay up to date. How are you doing in there? I want to monitor my two son that has a live feed directly down into the coffin. Yes. So people could just stay up to date. How are you doing in there? My five-year-old son told me the other day, just out of the blue, he said, when you die, I'm going to cry so much that it's going to rain for a thousand days. I'm like, are you fucking God? He's a poet.
Starting point is 00:38:27 He's a poet. I was like, wow. That's fucking intense. That was. That was deep. And then he said to me, I said, I don't think you'll cry that much. He goes, even after I'm dead, I'm going to still be sad about your death. I was like, holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I can't believe you brought that up, Hiller. What? What did I bring up about you dying? I don't think I brought up you dying. I brought up moderation. You're like, I'm never going to die. That was a thousand years of rain. I think this video, there's a reason.
Starting point is 00:39:01 There's a video Hiller did. It's called Top Five Reasons We Don't See. Wait, wait, wait. Can you bring up that video? What's the title of it? 5 Reasons for All the No Reps. Oh, God, it's so weird. I wrote Don't See No Reps, but it's the opposite.
Starting point is 00:39:15 5 Reasons We're Seeing So Many No Reps. This I made because I had a lot of people asking, and now I can just direct them to this video. Yeah, I thought it was good. It was a big thing I always wanted to do with the affiliate where you have questions, you have questions, you have questions. So I would make little YouTube videos or skits and just like, hey, watch this video.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Did you do that? Yeah, I did that. Oh, I did that too. That's funny. Does it work pretty well for you? It was a hit or miss for me. Yeah, depending on what it was. But they kind of got buried over time what ends up happening is like they don't watch them so
Starting point is 00:39:49 and deliver them an email new member email right when they get it let me see the thumbnail for the video can i see the thumbnail so hillary explain to me what this is about people say to you hey why are there so many no reps can i just see the home page of youtube um why are there so many no reps being called these days and these are the top five reasons you're guessing in order correct yes yes number five athletes are too popular explain that to me the best example would be what we heard cat Shear stay on the Hungry Dog podcast. I believe that's the name of the podcast where there was a judge who would run up to an athlete in the off period after having judged them and asked to take a picture with them. Is that judge as likely to issue no repetitions if they're also likely wanting to take a picture with said athlete after or before the event? likely wanting to take a picture with said athlete after or before the event okay this is why are there more no reps like through like why are we talking about it more it's because
Starting point is 00:40:51 people are getting away with more shit because of how famous they've become correct yes okay so so and they fuck i always like go both ways on this because i don't like talking comparing sports to other sports but if you're in the mlb joe west who's one of the most hated umpires ever he's not trying to get pictures with barry bond sammy sosa any of the biggest players you've ever known because he's making his money and he's just there to do his job he didn't give two fucks about who he's calling balls and strikes against where in this case people are traveling across the world because they love the sport they love the athletes and it's like oh hey we've got danny spiegel here doing wall balls who's that pokemon did you like that bit who's that pokemon it's cydox whatever i like that all right thank you thank you thank you
Starting point is 00:41:36 it was a miss well it's okay but no no i like the lines on her knee and her hip crease too that was that was the lines on her knee and the lines on the hip crease were good. What's absurd is somebody sent me that, that judge would actually try. Oh no. Catch your rights. That judge would actually try to work out with athletes. He was creepy and no longer judging.
Starting point is 00:41:55 He was clearly only there to get close to athletes. I heard that was Rose. That was Eric wrote. That is true. That was Eric. Yeah, that is true. Yeah. I heard that he made all of them stay outside to watch him work out at the 2020 games do you want to hear that story real
Starting point is 00:42:11 quick uh-huh so the crossfit games are really hard on the athletes like really really hard and there's some shit going on there that you can't even imagine unless you put yourself through that you have no fucking idea what it's like to be out there and do three workouts and there are four workouts or five workouts and they're popping up and you don't know exactly what's going on and you have to win and everything's on the fucking line and it's fucking four or five days of this fucking insanity. And your shit is fucking coming unglued. And those of us who are down there right close to them, we start to – you start to witness that.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Their shit is fucking hard. Matt Fraser on the Clydesdale podcast talking about this where he says you need to – like every half a percent of advantage you can get of either rest or getting in the shade, you have to be looking for that. There can be no dicking around. And it's after a day of one of the workouts at the ranch. I want to say it was 2000 was that 2019 2020 2020 yeah the athletes are fucking done with their day's worth of workouts and eric rosa and he doesn't it's also and this is pretty common amongst leaders and i've been guilty of this too you forget how much power you have when you at you forget that when you ask people something they're just gonna say yes so if you have an employee and you're like hey do you want to come over to my house and have dinner like they'll be like oh sure i'd love to but really
Starting point is 00:43:51 they fucking hate you because they just want to go home and fucking get the fuck away from you and fucking chill and and so um uh he goes down to the barn, and they're down there like Sam Quant and the fucking crew. And he says, hey, guys, do you want to come up here and watch me work out? And you know what else I think? I think Rogue had started taking down the fucking equipment at the ranch that day already. That's another thing. Rogue's on a crazy schedule crazy schedule and this fucking guy goes up there they tell rogue not to take down the fucking the stuff and uh and uh and and he has
Starting point is 00:44:35 the athletes come up there and watch him work out like they want to fucking watch a 50 year old dude work out even though he was very attractive and fit as shit but like dude no you're no you're i mean not the time buddy it's a it's um it's a it's social retardism it's complete lack of social uh and situational awareness it's bad for sure it's bad it's like it's like buying crossfit not knowing what gpp is i'd pay for that video too like just the gpp one no just watching that watching them they're probably just like we're all over there all the athletes i don't think they all went up i i think uh i think basically i'm not sure but once you got last went up there to watch him i think t and matt were like you can go fuck yourself yeah you know matt wasn't gonna do that
Starting point is 00:45:21 yeah matt wasn't gonna do shit i would't get paid to watch that. Yeah. He's out. Yeah. I'm out. But that shit is really hard emotionally on those guys. Those guys are fucking like barely holding their shit together. It's not something that's talked about a lot because it's hard to see. I remember seeing the pictures of him doing that where he's like jumping over the beam, right?
Starting point is 00:45:43 Yes. Yeah. Hey, dude, in 2009, there was a guy who's super famous from australia he was he was australia he was the host of australia's biggest loser he was uh like the top special forces guy in australia and and and people everyone said he was juiced up i have no idea if he was he was cool as shit i forget his name commando steve and in 2009 this fucking guy comes down the hill in his ice bath it's the second to last day and he jumps in the ice bath and he starts bawling and he's saying why would i i have a family back home in australia why would i fucking risk putting myself in this
Starting point is 00:46:20 situation and he's crying it's the fucking second to last day of the crossfit games that's how hard the fucking crossfit games are broke this fucking dude he went all the way back to australia just like that oh well i don't know he was just in the ice bath like that he didn't go he stayed and competed yeah this dude i think opt cried that year at the games i think michael fitzgerald might have cried that year at the games games are fucking hard i bet you we'd be surprised how many athletes i i think we'd be surprised if we knew how many athletes cried um back in their hotel rooms at the crossfit game i think yeah i bet you this we're not surprised we're not surprised a mandatory weekend breakdown
Starting point is 00:46:55 and only games athletes can respond we know they're all watching the show we know you're watching have you cried during during the CrossFit Games? Number – I don't think I've ever cried. Oh, I cried once during the CrossFit Games. Number four, workout and workout standards. So meaning this is another reason we're seeing so many no reps because the workouts are not designed to make it easy to count and the standards are fucking all over the place. We got shuttle runs and we got burpees.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Those are the only two things in this year that we can use to... Did you like another little... I said I had fun making this one because it was just something that I want to talk about. I started talking about it and then as I was making it, I put all of my stupidisms into it. One of them was the who's that Pokemon? The other one was the Avril Lavigne song.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Why do you have to make everything so complicated? And it's the year after year where they changed the burpee standards, where it was very clearly like, touch your chest to the ground, two foot takeoff, two foot landing. And then it goes into the next year, and it goes, well, you kind of don't need to land two feet, but you do need to show that you're clear in the bar. And then there was a year where you can't step
Starting point is 00:48:00 through your burpees any longer. You've got to jump back, jump up. You recall that year, Sousa? You were no longer allowed to do what Froning had popularized so much which was step up out of your burpee and if you wanted to step down into your burpee you had to move your feet together like there's a rope tied around your ankles and then a year after they did all of those things they changed it up into do whatever the fuck you want as long as you're getting over the bar while doing something that looks like a jump to where we see people like Catra and doing that weird hodgepodge single leg throw yourself over the bar. It looks like a step, but kind of isn't a step burpee.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Yeah. Remember the year OPT's group? That's what I meant with. Sorry? Remember the year OPT's group tried to use change plates too to minimize the amount that they had to jump over so whenever you have a super clear to find you're always going to have people that are going to try to find a fudge in some way to give themselves some sort of advantage that's why those standards and clarity on standards is so important and they used to ding people for the uncommon movement clause when you right that's the first thing i think so everyone got calm and change plates they got
Starting point is 00:49:02 huge penalties for invalidations yeah or, or when they used the – At the semifinals in 2021, that was not the case. Although I would say that's worse than using change plates. They used the women's bar in that snatch bar muscle-up open workout. I remember it's like seven minutes of it. And I remember Dave got all bent out of shape about that one he's like and i'm using a men's bar because i'm a man and like did the whole thing but they tried to use a smaller diameter to make it easier on grip were there
Starting point is 00:49:34 penalties on that do you remember i don't think the 27.5 millimeter barbell or is it just 27 no i think they had to go back to the drawing board and say like you have to use this specific barbell as opposed to just the total weight. And if we want to keep going, now they're saying that your 45 pound bar that you've been using for the past 15 years is only 44 pounds. If it's a kilogram barbell, which every rogue on every rogue barbell, for the most part, with the exception of maybe five of them are kilogram barbells. Right, right. So they're just trying to make everything so fucking crazy. Yeah. What's up, Stefan?
Starting point is 00:50:04 I don't have a problem with that. I like that. Fix it. Back to 44 pounds. Be accurate. I remember it was maybe two and a half, three years ago. We were in the affiliate, Alexis and I, and I was explaining to her that her barbell with 20, so we were doing Isabel. And I'm like, you know, that's really only 93 pounds.
Starting point is 00:50:21 And her mind was exploding. She's like, what do you mean it's only 93? I'm like, well, it's a 15 kilo bar. So in reality, it's only 93 pounds and her mind was exploding she's like what do you mean it's only 93 i'm like well it's a 15 kilo bar so in reality it's only 33 pounds so this 95 pound bar really you're not going rx because it's 93 pounds and she goes what do you mean everyone does it like this you put the 25s on you put the fives on it's 95 pounds for a female doing isabel like yeah you say that and then two and a half years later they confused the entire world the same way i confused her right there she she didn't wrap i think after this show you should explain to her that you say that, and then two and a half years later, they confused the entire world the same way I confused her right there. She didn't wrap that around. I think after this show, you should explain to her that once you guys are married,
Starting point is 00:50:50 that your marriage is just an illusion, too, that it's just an idea and that it really doesn't mean anything. She'll like that, too. Oh, fuck. This guy, Philippe Borowski, it changed two times even this year. You know, this is the guy that – he came on our show. This is the guy that found the URL for the. Yep.
Starting point is 00:51:06 For the workouts. For the workouts. Oh, yeah. I think he's from. I think he lives in Poland. He's searching for the games ones as we speak. I'm growing my hair like that, by the way. Savage.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Yes. Can you go? Can you go to 930 of that video? Listen to what Hiller does here. I don't ever remember Hiller doing this before. Did you include it as a link? No. I don't remember what I do.
Starting point is 00:51:34 He uses a voice. He imitates a voice, and he sounds like a normal American. Which video? The five reasons for all no reps? Yeah. Okay. At 9.30, he imitates, and I'm like, oh, he sounds like he's from California now. He's making fun of someone, but he uses a voice that's like the standard American voice.
Starting point is 00:51:52 And that's when I realized, oh, Hiller really has a unique voice. We're on standby with ads. Do I currently have a unique voice, or I do as this happens? No, you have a unique voice now. I mean, you sound like you have some regional accent, but here at 930, you talk like a normal American. Chicago.
Starting point is 00:52:11 A regional accent. I sound like an anthropologist. I sound like an academic when I talk like that. Okay, we got it. Let me bring it up here. You'd be a gnarly professor. Yeah, you'd be a good professor. Here we go. Here we go. Listen to what he does with his voice here speed and there's too much of an issue like remember they do not need to have a two two foot takeoff they can't step over and that's a technique
Starting point is 00:52:39 we've seen most women so far it's close there it comes it really wasn't all that much to gain by jumping fuck dude it's hard to know so much like simplify it dumb it down there's one way to do a burpee two foot takeoff two foot landing idiots too easy so yeah number three was knowledge is not power but it should be power it should be easy for everybody oh Oh, wait. Pause this. Go back to 9.30. Did you start it at 9.30? We just watched 30 seconds of fucking Hiller's show on my show. Go back to 9. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:12 Go to 9.20. Maybe I screwed it up. Go to 9.20. Yeah, there. That's good. I feel like I'm over the bar, and everyone has to explain to everybody why certain competitions are stepping over the bar. Like, well, just so you know, this one wasn't CrossFit sanctioned and uh they were trying to go for speed and there's too much of an issue like sorry that was it he sounded normal for a second i didn't even know he could do that
Starting point is 00:53:34 you have any other what about that what about that makes it more what about that makes it more normal can you do an indian accent or an English accent? English. I don't think so. These all just come, man. As we're doing this, we'll see how angry I can get. My favorite thing to do is I start speaking gibberish when people piss me off. I just start speaking gibberish.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Tongues. That's tongues. I never heard of that. Number two, old athletes. You just say, hey, the reason why we're seeing so many no is because just there's a lot of old people on video these days and old people just suck and everyone knows that old people just their fucking range of motion is just limited like a pair of fucking i was like i don't think i said this i don't think that's something that i but yeah you said the aging out athletes yeah You say old people basically don't move as well as they used to.
Starting point is 00:54:26 They can't squat as low and they're trying to maintain their speed and this. So they start cheating because they can't acknowledge that they're 60 when that, that like a rusty pair of fucking garden snippers. It's like, you got to start pulling open at the end. They don't really cut shit. Things don't work anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Yeah. Pinch your hand. at the end. They don't really cut shit. Fucking things don't work anymore. Pinch your hand. Somebody the other day was telling me if you were to have watched Fikowski do wall balls maybe seven or eight years ago, and if you were to watch him do them at the Granite Games this year, and maybe somewhere between, you would see each year that he's cutting out the fluff
Starting point is 00:54:58 between wasted movement. So maybe seven or eight years ago, he was hitting his ass to the floor. And if you were to watch the Granite Games, had people who were like vivid in the comment section for cows he's not hitting depth but when i watch it i see that he is as close as fucking possible you see that the judge is giving him the reps and in comparison to people who clearly are not going below parallel on their wall ball squats i would say fukowski's right there he's doing everything with a purpose and he's worked his way there the best way to bridge this one with the aging out athletes is that I'm not talking
Starting point is 00:55:30 about masters athletes. I'm talking about maybe athletes in their 28, 30, 34 ages where they're looking for everything they can to keep up. And if their fitness is falling off, because I put up that graph from the level one where you can see that like fitness will fall off as you get older, which of course we all know it will. So what you do is you don't do as much work. So if you don't do as much work, it appears as if you are still the same level of fitness, but that goes against the point. Does that make sense? You used to have a five minute Fran. Now you're 60 and it's still five minutes, but it's because you're not getting your chin over the bar on half the reps.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Yep. And maybe you're not locking your chin over the bar and after reps. Yep. And maybe you're not locking out your elbows on the thrusters. You're not squatting as low as you had when you were 40. Somebody sent me a video of David Hibben still doing clean and jerks next to me doing clean and jerks. And I, and I didn't have the, uh,
Starting point is 00:56:18 you didn't post it. No, I just thought it was, I don't know. Can we watch it now? I don't know who was making fun of more me or him. But either way, we can be the judges of that. Let's see it.
Starting point is 00:56:32 You want to see it? OK, hold on. Let me see. Let me find this guy. I would like nothing more than to see this video. It's at the perfect point in the show to bring it up. We're talking about aging out. Let me see if I can.
Starting point is 00:56:43 OK, here we go. Good song. Wait a minute minute don't play it you're gonna get a copyright a ding you play it okay is it seven seconds or longer i turned off music i turned yeah it's perfect good song but i'm now warning you about certain things everybody's a little nervous when Savon's got the ones and twos on a Sunday. You're a good dude. Oh, big dude guy. Yeah. Let me type in here. It's like, not again. It's still up. So this is the great David hip and steel, which I don't know how much he's, I'm only lifting one 15. I don't know what he's lifting. It looks like he's lifting three 15, but here's the, the video we have different we have different techniques it doesn't look like
Starting point is 00:57:30 it started from the beginning it started halfway through oh let me see so we have we have we have slightly different styles what's funny i was about to say i was about to say i know i'm being filmed but i guess he knows he's being filmed too yeah film to be judged actually you were just filming yeah yeah yeah hey should i not film from that camera angle everyone keeps saying that i look like a dwarf from that angle or do i just look like a dwarf from every you know what you gotta do you gotta get a c70 bar that'll make it appear like you're taller okay that's a shorter bar yeah it's like that and they should wear shorter shorts i'm gonna wear shorter shorts and get a smaller bar in all black well you in all black in that one
Starting point is 00:58:22 usually wearing something black. And then the final reason why is people aren't building a base. I think the final reason why is that Andrew Hiller's here. The real reason we're seeing so many reps, no reps, is because of the Batman. Okay, I have something to say about that. But I had an entire video that I wanted to make on my final point there that I just kind of made into, I I'll do this stuff where I kind of regret it because I like to have multiple videos, as many as I can make. But then this, like I
Starting point is 00:58:55 couldn't milk that for two days and I only got one day out of it. Damn. I couldn't, I couldn't milk this video for five days, video number one, but then like, who am I any better than? I'm a piece of shit for doing that and wasting everyone's time. So I don't do that. But that final one, when I was watching the quarterfinal, maybe semifinal videos, you see all these young athletes doing muscle-ups and they're all doing them in that method where they're driving themselves away. I tried to parallel it with Travis Mayer, who was talking about how he has this definite pause at the top of every single rep.
Starting point is 00:59:23 We see it. I put the clip up. You can see what he's talking about. And he's somebody who, you know, when he's working with Training Think Tank and Max Elhaj, that they put in the work to be able to do the things the right way. And then you think about the younger generation. And I don't know about you guys, but I didn't know very many people,
Starting point is 00:59:41 females in particular, who would do a bunch of upper body strength work as a 16 17 18 year old however when they have the capacity from the like waist down their legs are strong as fuck as you see them clean and jerking 250 and snatching 200 at that age but do they have the upper body pressing strength to do muscle ups the way travis mayor does i would say probably not probably because they haven't like gathered the strength that they need to be able to do muscle-ups the way Travis Mayer does? I would say probably not, probably because they haven't gathered the strength that they need to be able to do those things. So what do they do?
Starting point is 01:00:09 Make the movements easier. They throw themselves back. Is it still a muscle-up? It depends, and I usually say no. I would say 80% of the time when you see them driving themselves away, you say no. And the exception would be somebody like Noah Olsen, who almost has it perfected, where he snaps up and he's over the top of the rings and then you see all the people in there like you've seen
Starting point is 01:00:28 the people who are behind the rings when they're hitting extensions like it looks absolutely nothing as like what the crossfit rule book wants them to look like yes no except for alex kazan who can bench 250 yeah yeah yeah oh hey and yeah yeah uh yeah, yeah. It's funny you say that because that name just kept popping in my head when I was watching that piece. Exactly, Hillary. Exactly. That is fucking amazing, though. 250. Bench press. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Yeah, that's insane. It's unbelievable. How old is she? 20? I want to say 22. She's something else, man. She's something else man she's something else did you i think i just saw a video of her setting a 35 pound back squat pr and that's what i that's one of the conversations i like to try to bring up in these game shows these young athletes like the difference between um dallin pepper when we see him and then three months later when we see him like the older
Starting point is 01:01:25 athletes may have gotten worse that dude might be one percent better and in just three months that's how fucking young they're yeah look at this i heard yeah she's something else oh yeah three plates and some change she didn't she don't even care that's incredible or lil lil she she even got that gangster mentality for lil 35 how much it is though does it it's just 35 pounds heavier it's something that if she threw it off it would have killed justin kotler it looks like maybe 315 uh 45s and dude her knee look at how her knees don't even go in. Yeah, she did great. You mean she's not Tietumi squatting?
Starting point is 01:02:10 Ouch. Fittest on Earth. That's nice. We're trying to protect the claim, Justin Berg says. What does that mean? So is that. What does that mean? He's trying to protect.
Starting point is 01:02:27 This is a video that's called The Fittest on Earth. It is from two or three days ago on Mr. Hiller Fitts' YouTube channel. And you're basically listening to a podcast with Justin Berg and Curtis Bowler being interviewed by Chase. And he says that we're trying to protect the claim. Is the claim the fittest human being on the planet and that somehow drug testing them protects that claim? Yes. I look at it in terms of there's, what, 8 billion people born, and they're all set with some sort of specific, this is what you are as a human. You got your genetics from your parents and your training will bring you to the highest level of peak performance. And you're looking for that thing.
Starting point is 01:03:09 It's like your training and your genetics equals through CrossFit, the fittest on earth. If you introduce performance enhancing drugs, there's a new part of the equation, which gives you an advantage over those two things. That's how I look at it. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:24 And I have this pretty strong opinion that like everybody can hit their own 100 capacity like what can you have as a human some people are predisposed to be higher than others in my opinion like I don't think that certain people have any chance of ever beating Frazier because of his parents and because of his like what he is as a human being so Yao Ming you know who he is? 7'7", basketball player, 7'6". He was never going to be Frazier's because of the way he was born. Same way Matt Frazier's never going to dunk a basketball.
Starting point is 01:03:55 I wonder if he's seeing this. He's like, fuck you, I can do it, and he's going to go do it. But if there was something out there where Yao Ming could inject himself, make him shorter, make him stronger, make his levers better, his lungs better, and he could – that's the way that I look at performance-based drugs. You're altering your – what you've been given, and it's no longer really even about the training methods that you use to get to your end result. It's about the substance, and they're trying to eliminate those substances to protect the claim. Oh, that's not true. That last thing you said.
Starting point is 01:04:24 What? protect the claim oh that's not true that last thing you said what i mean your training still matters even if you're if you're taking regardless of what you're consuming one of the best things i've ever heard in relation to performance enhancing drugs is that you should almost never listen to somebody who's used them because there's their perception of what works for people is skewed. Oh, wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Lucas Parker said it once. I really like that. I actually really like that. I've suspected that. Yes. Wow. You know, Lucas, you know, Lucas Parker, the bearded guy. Yes. He spoke once on performance enhancing drugs and it was exactly that, you know, how kind of dedicated he was to his craft at certain points in his career and he was he would try to like blur certain
Starting point is 01:05:10 things that he thought were performance enhancing drugs based german squat volume training and shit like that you're you're the running program for a guy juiced up is not the same not only not that not only not the same for someone who's not juiced up, but – You've never considered this, eh? No, I have. I've actually thought of this before, what you're saying. I've actually thought – yeah, I don't want to say the people's names, but yeah, I've thought that. You look at certain training programs and you're like, how the fuck is all of this working for this?
Starting point is 01:05:43 I actually heard – there's a youtube channel that's like gregory something or another it's at 80 000 followers is a natural bodybuilder and he's kind of attacking all of the performance-based bodybuilders and you know that i've spoken about greg doucette he comes after greg doucette because he thinks that he's been on steroids for so long that he no longer knows what it's like to train as a natural person so he can't be giving advice to the people who would follow him, who you would assume are mostly natural athletes. Like you can't do 50 sets of bicep curls because it's not going to work.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Or you can't, you can't do sets of 20 and expect the same results as an eight, a set of 10. So I'm going to do five sets of 20 bicep curls. Why I'm looking for a pump. Well, that doesn't work for a natural athlete you can't just expand the shit out of your muscles and expect to get the same sort of uh reaction that you would as you doing five sets of 10 with more weight because you need to give
Starting point is 01:06:33 your body the stimulus right it does that all make sense yes yep yep yep, yep. Protect the claim. Like I said before, if you wanted to hide a podcast and you need a tutorial on it, look what they've done with the CrossFit Games podcast. Whoever's in charge of that, that is exactly what you do to something that you are somehow forced to make but you want to completely hide. I mean, like once again, I would be embarrassed. There are some podcasts out there i want to actually ask maddo keith this when he comes on later today because maddo i think there's some podcasts that people go on out there that not only is it a waste of people's time to go on but you're hurting your brand you're you're you're you're i think there are podcasts out there that people go on that you're not only are a waste of time, but you're hurting your brand. So I think that there's people out there.
Starting point is 01:07:31 I've been watching some podcasts and these people that I've had. So someone will come on my show and we'll get a shitload of views, be crazy, stimulating conversation. And then I watch them on another podcast and it's not even the fucking same person. It's like so you them and the host they're like if I would have seen that first I'd have been like I'm never having this person on you brought up on the WODcast podcast I'll keep on jumping to that because I think that a lot of people should listen to you on that it was good how you've turned down what a hundred two hundred a thousand different podcasts yeah i don't want to do it yeah i don't want to do any podcast with anyone but you will go on his because it gives you
Starting point is 01:08:10 the opportunity to improve your brand well no i don't go on his no no no i don't go on his to improve my brand i go on his because i know he's gonna fucking that that dude's gonna go like he's not he's not no one's gonna go on there someone might go on there and be like i hate sebon or i like sebon but no one's gonna be on there and be like that was boring because where it goes but there's ones where the fucking host is like so i had a sandwich today i love mustard and it's fucking 20 minutes of that i'm not joking and there's a lot of them out there and it's like holy shit um but but there's under there's underrated people too there's people that that guy from clydesdale that scott's uh swipes or switzer guy or pete from uh um coffee wads and pods that shit fucking goes
Starting point is 01:08:56 like they're asking fucking those they're asking questions they they will um i i haven't watched those enough to know like another thing i won't do i won't i almost will never let a guest fucking hang themselves i will start interrupting them enough to where the the viewer gets mad at me and not at them and the viewer doesn't even know but like i'm like holy fuck this person really fucking sucks and i need to keep really push the ball forward but there's um uh of course, that's subjective. But those guys, those that like that guy, Scott and that guy, Pete, on those podcasts, they'll ask questions and give a lot of breathing room. And if they have good guests, man, that shit's fucking just diamonds are coming out of it.
Starting point is 01:09:38 But but if I those those people who go on the CrossFit Games podcast, they have an amazing host, Chase. They have, he makes that shit go. He has fucking, I'd say he's more Eddie If than he is Scott or Peter, meaning like he'll push it. He'll push it. And, and the pace and the platform, dude, the fucking 1 million, 2 million. How many subscribers does the games have and and they fucking bury that thing i would not fucking go on that podcast it's a waste of anyone's time unless you just want to get in reps that's why i go on eddie's just to get in some
Starting point is 01:10:15 reps but man they it's just it's it's bad it's bad i i i i actually want to ask chase or call chase or text chase and be like, hey, dude, what the fuck is going on over there? Why are they doing that to you? Let's call him right now. Send him a link. Get him on here. Send him a link.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Well, I want to wait until after the games are over. I want to try to be nice to the games. But this could just be maybe someone just forgot over there, and maybe they just needed to hear this, and they'll be like, oh, fuck. You're right. This is what a great asset, and they'll push it to the front that would be cool yeah i don't know about that i think it's almost purposely done uh they also tell you in this in this podcast um with justin berg that i bet you has less than a thousand views they tell you to subscribe to the hopper
Starting point is 01:10:58 newsletter and how important it is but it's on the most obscure fucking podcast in the in the crossfit space wait a minute it's on the most obscure podcast and there's no in that hour and six minutes i believe that podcast was they don't tell you how to subscribe to the hopper ever right right how do i subscribe to the hopper i just googled it and this was the first link that popped up through the games and then it just says july hopper has been sent to the athletes to learn more about athlete control, attire requirements, drug testing, education, upcoming licensed events. Click here. So you signed up for it, right? No, I don't know how to sign up for it.
Starting point is 01:11:37 How do I sign up for it? When you click around on the – if you just go to like, I believe that a thing with matt frazier running down a hill pops up and it goes sign up for the newsletter and i think that that's the way oh i just fucking soon as i saw that i just closed as soon as i see a pop-up i just close it like fuck off well it's not it's not happening to you but there was a pop-up that came up and it's frazier run down a hill sign up for the email newsletter this is the hey dude that's like the mormons coming to your door when you're fucking balls deep in alexis like do you do you answer the door oh of course that that's what a fucking i need to hear about i need to hear about what everything they need to say and likely buy the popcorn too right they sell something don't
Starting point is 01:12:22 they magic panties? It's just, it's nuts. A pop-up. So, I like the way, I like the way you ask Hiller, how do you sign up for it? He's like, you got to click around. Yeah, you got to unbury it.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Do you have 15 minutes to scroll around the site? Because the information is really important. I think the morning shop put up something somewhere. Again, you got to find it. It's like in a a link in their bio but there's 60 links in their bio you gotta find the right one to go find the hopper so that you don't pop on a drug test if you're a games athlete testing spectators too to protect the claim this year all right what is what is in your opinion the best way for them to get their information across because this is something that we're always hounding and attacking what are they fucking podcast that's very no a podcast that's very visible that comes right up and everything in the description has clicked the link and the
Starting point is 01:13:13 call to action a direct call to action hey guys in the description of this show go down there and click the vindicator click as rx buy one of our t-shirts wear it on sunday take a picture and you'll be entered in the drawing for an echo bike everybody knows exactly what to fucking do marketing 101 if you don't have sign up for the blood work type in my name seven and you'll get free blood work and a free doctor's consultation if you live in california if you don't live in california you would just get the free doctor's consultation and that's how you already the magical shorts that we all look at no that's what they all say though that's the shit that i remember like one why not why not do it why not send an email hey so anything why not put it on their instagram put it on their facebook put it on all their social media put it on their front end put a link in the front that says must read, send out a press release to all the fucking real fucking media outlets
Starting point is 01:14:08 and all the fake media outlets and have us talk about it. I mean, we would talk about it ad nauseum. I mean, look, we're talking about it now. We still can't even – we haven't even told them how to sign up. Here's how you sign up. You have to erase your cookies and hope the pop-up comes up again that you deleted. Clear the cache. Reset your settings to allow pop-ups.
Starting point is 01:14:30 You want to know what's unfortunate is I was signed up for it. I think I accidentally unsubscribed. I don't know how to resubscribe. There's an unsubscribe button, which made it unsubscribe immediately. Yeah. I mean, it probably comes out through the morning chalk up anyway so just just i mean well that's their problem they're letting other entities speak for them like you said earlier we are controlling the narrative for the community and they come
Starting point is 01:14:56 here for most of the news right right will you go to um the video and click on the seven minute mark i have a really trippy question to ask Hiller here. It's Justin Berg asking – it's Justin Berg. Does he say that the affiliates and the teams and training camps will also get punished? Camps will also get punished. So let's say he alludes to that, but I've never heard of anything like that. So meaning like if Phil Toon, like basically everyone in that camp and Matt Torres is in trouble now too. Like basically, is he alluding to the fact that all those people aren't going to be allowed to compete at the games? There's something really weird.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, I do. He just spoke out of turn there. That was just his mouth. You know, if somebody is doing something, they want you to drop a hint at CrossFit so they can send a drug tester out. They would expect like these camps to be self-policing themselves or at least talking about it so that it doesn't put a stain on the community i had bergeron on the show and he when i said do you have a no drug policy at your camp and he goes no it's a given well that's kind of weird isn't it yep i mean i don't know i don't know i i almost think he
Starting point is 01:16:20 was caught off guard by that question like remembering that podcast and he said it he was kind of like uh my boys were writing on the wall with markers the other day i had no fucking idea i had to tell him that that was a no girl i don't know people are capable boys are especially boys are capable of anything okay let's i got something i gotta say i gotta remember though okay go ahead say it say it say it say it before we play this good we're talking about camps and i know an athlete that – now, this is all my words here say whatever, and I'm not going to name any names,
Starting point is 01:16:49 but I know an athlete that went to a camp to train and see what it was like and get a feel for it. And one of the coaches at the camps asked this athlete what performance-enhancing drugs they were using. The athlete said they weren't using any, and the person at that camp goes why or they didn't believe them wow and it's a camp that many people know and it's the type of shit that i just think holy fuck who asked who asked the question just a visitor one one of one of the
Starting point is 01:17:18 coaches at said camp wow asked the athlete that was visiting i'm pretty sure i did a pretty good job of making this obscure as fuck uh what they were using because good athlete and didn't believe this athlete when they had said they were using nothing wow and they also asked why that athlete ended up not going to that camp wow interesting i was i got another i got another story about about that um kind of um i can't believe i'm gonna tell this story it's so fucking embarrassing some friends some it's not that good some friends fucking were we had a party at my house and asked them if we could borrow their cooler and they said sure and then and then after the party i'm looking at like a week later
Starting point is 01:18:05 the cooler's in my backyard and my boys are standing around filling it with urine they're peeing in our fucking cooler that we borrowed and i'm part of me is like i'm like i open the back i'm like hey they're like what they got holding their dicks looking at me i'm like what the fuck are you doing they're like we're peeing and like part of me wants to criticize him but i took a shit in the van once in front of him in a little porta potty he lost the whole authority they probably think it's a go to do anything but that's like i don't i don't know what the it's like look i mean you kind of just said it too like maybe there's just an expectation like um i it's not a stretch for me that you've been trained like what what joy al said he trained nine fucking years and gave it everything he could and he just and finally he just had enough
Starting point is 01:18:52 and went to the dark place and and and took the pills like he didn't want to fail it's like i've cheated on test i don't want an f so i fucking look over and, okay, B, C, D. I hope you're cheating off the right person. Okay, listen to this. This is from Andrew Hiller's YouTube page, Hiller Fit. Oh, no, no, not this video. Sorry, the next video. Oh, boy. What's the next video?
Starting point is 01:19:21 It's the Justin Berg, Curtis Bowler. Fit us on Earth. We're trying to protect the claim. Got the justin uh justin berg curtis bowler uh fittest on earth for trying to protect the claim got it yeah yeah at the seven minute mark and then this is uh hillar is uh reviewing this podcast that boy by the way there there are um there's something in that video work where curtis bowler says or no maybe just says, but basically they're talking about their integrity. Curtis Bowler talks about his integrity and that he would never fucking allow cheating. Never, ever, ever. And I want to tell you something. I know that fucking guy.
Starting point is 01:19:54 And if there's one guy I would fucking believe that would never allow it, it would be him. And I never saw any fucking cheating or anything squirrely or any protection when I was there. Zero. fucking cheating or anything squirrely or any protection when i was there zero that being said right after he says we would never do that justin berg falls with and we work with the largest company in the world and i'm like well those motherfuckers will cheat he like undermined everything curtis bowler just said i'm just like dude okay okay this part tripped me out here go ahead and hit play this is justinberg what the fun training camp that you're involved with um so i think ways to educate would be
Starting point is 01:20:33 we hired a full-time athlete communications manager oh boy start at six or 6 45 who just a little earlier got it okay. Okay, here we go. It's not enough. Like, it needs to be more than that. So there does need to be a consequence that people are concerned about. So there's a real penalty to you. And, by the way, your affiliate or your training camp that you're involved with. Did you hear that? Start that again at 6.45.
Starting point is 01:20:59 I think we need to go a little bit further. That is some weird shit. I think maybe he's just misspeaking. But I want to bring up something that Hiller put in one of his older videos that he actually showed that in a judging snafu, the actual judge and the affiliate were also punished for bad judging. judging so so is is our is matt torres is brute strength strength brute brutish brutish whatever they're called and the athletes are they going to be punished for phil toons um uh you know the sampling of the goods okay go ahead hit play one more time too much some people have said hey it should be a slap on the wrist and they're a good guy and they should come back next year they should be allowed to continue even though and we say that's not enough like it needs to be more than that so there does need to be a consequence that people are concerned about
Starting point is 01:21:48 so there's a real penalty to you and and by the way your affiliate or your training camp that you're involved with um a real penalty i think ways to educate would be that's not like hey phil's i'm not going to a brute strike because um uh ph there getting juiced up. It's like a real penalty, like a financial penalty. So is there something, Hiller? I mean, are you guys hearing that, what I just heard? I'm waiting for Hiller to speak first to have opinions on it, though. You think he misspoke, Hiller? You think I'm just like falling into the weeds?
Starting point is 01:22:20 No, I see exactly what you're doing. I do think that it would keep people like Ben Bergeron from saying things like it's an obvious thing that we shouldn't be using stuff because then they would actively be trying to protect the self-policing would be stepped up a little bit. Yep. I don't know if he said that it's odd. I'm sorry. I don't want to misspeak. He just said that they didn't have a drug, a no drug policy. That's all he said. Who's that? Ben ben but but i don't want that to be taken out of context like he was condoning it i thought i know i know i know i wasn't trying to say that either no but i think the point being is like if you're going to host a camp and you have all those athletes and then your athlete like comes out and pops for peds he's their own like it sounds like they're saying that should be a little bit more of the responsibility of the camp, too.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Almost the camp should do their own self-policing and testing, because if one of their athletes pops, then it's going to come down on the whole entire camp. Which I don't necessarily agree with that, though. I don't think the whole camp should be punished. I think they should. Silence. Damn!
Starting point is 01:23:24 So you think... But am I hearing it right? Is that what Berg is thinking too? Is there a penalty? Do we know if there's a penalty? I guess I could ask Adrian. Do we know if there's a penalty? It would make everything easier. Is there a penalty?
Starting point is 01:23:34 Like the whole fucking team. So that would mean like the whole team would be toast. Yeah. Yeah. Like all of a sudden, Dallin's gone. Emma Carey's gone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Or some sort of penalty yeah yeah well i guess fuck here we go again if it's a sport pops for uh yeah pops for a substance are you going to i guess you can find the cubs but are you going to keep the cubs from playing in the world series probably or what about what about like a member on the on the track and field team, us track and field team. And then fucking the whole Olympics, us track track team doesn't get to go to the Olympics.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Well, that's why I don't, that's why I did. Cause then where do you stop? Right. So then do you go also to the, to the gym that they're competing at? So let's say I have a relationship with one of my athletes.
Starting point is 01:24:19 That's going to compete at the games. And then that athlete, like Nicholas, how Yale pops now is now my affiliate also going to be responsible the games and then that athlete like nicholas hoyel pops now is now my affiliate also going to be responsible for that as well like where do you draw the line there hey i don't even care what our opinion is i want to know what the fuck justin is saying right there is just insane that is do we know i think he's talking about it more abstractly as yeah rich froning were to pop at mayhem all of a sudden Mayhem's in shambles.
Starting point is 01:24:47 Right. So I don't think it doesn't come from HQ. Well, I don't think any less of the Torres camp. It's like a trickle down into the community. Yeah. I never once for a thought that Dallin Pepper's doing it just because Phil Toon popped. Me neither. That never even crossed my mind.
Starting point is 01:25:02 So. Or anybody else on their camp or that torres was condoning but i do think but i do think that every guy there thinks daniel brandon is hot well that's a given test 100 positive for that one if you were an outsider looking in and you didn't know shit about the sport but we know that they were all kind of put together rather uh what was it a couple months ago they formulated brute strength down there in naples yeah it hasn't been a long time but if you just see it you might think that's what they're
Starting point is 01:25:37 doing but since we know more about it we might not have the same perception as somebody who's just looking at it for what it is yeah People might now associate that camp in a different light. If they're going to do penalties like that, I don't think it should do with the PEDs because that's an individual decision that you don't have control over, but it should for sure be done with movement standards. Like if you're on a team or you're an affiliate and you signed off on, Hey,
Starting point is 01:25:59 these, these standards were good and we're up to par and they clearly were not, or you were, you know, blurring the lines for an advantage there. Then I think that that responsibility and penalty should fall on the affiliate and on the training camp and on the coach there. There's more people involved though. There's more people involved. You guys are all seeing what's happening. And then you're presenting that information as it's supposed to be, you know, signed off as good. So for me, that, that
Starting point is 01:26:22 seems to matter more than it would be just a drug that someone's taking because you don't know you don't you don't know maybe i'm on peds right now just getting yoked you guys drink coffee good comment you're getting yoked suza i'm getting yoked god if i got juiced up my confidence would fucking go through the roof i would just be i'd be on untenable. Is that a word? Pull up this paper street coffee. Comment if you could.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Please go to paper street. Use the code word seven and get 10% off. It's paper. There it is. Paper ST coffee. God, I hate that domain name, but the coffee is fucking great. You could also click the link to description in below, whether you're listening to this in your car. Well, don't do it while you're driving or in youtube look what happened in baseball the astros when they cheated and still kept their world series title organization
Starting point is 01:27:13 was punished but they are still champs andrew hiller there was somebody in the outfield who was watching and signaling to somebody in the dugout what the pitch was going to be oh i love it if it was an off-speed pitch, they would hit this metal trash can so the batter at the plate would know that an off-speed pitch was coming. And if you watch the videos of the Astros during that year, and I believe it was in the playoffs as well, you would hear like a bang, bang, and it would be this metal trash can. That's true.
Starting point is 01:27:41 That's brilliant. Yeah, but people picked up on it and the pitchers were like all right i'm gonna throw a curveball they hear bang bang like what the fuck every single time i'm gonna throw a change up curveball something then in comes so but the astros did that throughout the whole year and they kept their world series title so they were that was about as cheating as you can get in cheating and and the thing about all of this stuff is you have to have some sort of system to punishment. You can't – that comment that was brought up earlier was, well, mayhem is bigger than brood is.
Starting point is 01:28:13 But you can't just say one thing for one and another for another. It's got to be some sort of a system. Like here's a $10,000 fine, I don't know, for your camp. Do better next time. Fuck you. I can't punish. I can't be punished if. If. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:32 I'm trying to think of it because you're because we do shows together and then and then it comes out that you have monkey pox. Hillary, I can't be punished for that. It's not my fault. I just can't. I just can't. It's hard to get my box so i don't leave the garage right yeah anyway so so we don't know we don't know what we don't know what justin's referring to there but someone um yeah but that's an interesting comment nonetheless yeah pick up on
Starting point is 01:28:56 how did you feel about that podcast that they i don't want to say i have nothing nice to say okay i liked curtisler, but it's... Because this is different than the one that you were talking about earlier. I want to get access to... I don't want to screw up fucking... I mean, it doesn't matter anyway, really. But I don't want to screw... I want to have a...
Starting point is 01:29:22 I want to bring value to the games this year by being able to speak with Adrian. And I want to have Adrian, I want to bring value to the games this year by, by being able to speak with Adrian and I want like, I want to have Adrian on and talk about the games and excitement of it and how many people are going to be there. And I want to like do some of the hype and build up for it. So it's fun. Yeah. And if I go down that Avenue, I'll say this. Okay. I thought Curtis Bowler was amazing. And I've always thought Curtis Bowler was amazing.
Starting point is 01:29:41 He's a man of few words and his shit hits, hits home hard. And, uh, and, and from what I've heard from the people I know, the athletes can just call him or text him day and night. That's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:54 Access. So, but, but if I talked about the pod, go ahead, say it. The other podcast with Peter Adrian Bosman finally said my name. Oh,
Starting point is 01:30:06 I heard that. I heard that. Wow. You mentioned Adrian Bosman. It was kind of funny how he said it too. Fuck. Now Adrian's not going to come on. It's kind of funny.
Starting point is 01:30:14 I said, I have no idea who Hiller is. I mean, it wasn't that explicit. I was like, wait a second. You just said his name though. We're not paying attention to Hiller.
Starting point is 01:30:22 I'll stay out of the comment section. I'll stay off of your, I'll stay away when I don't think he likes me very much that's that's no i don't know adrian's really fucking intense but um he's actually he's i've hung out with him a lot like bike ride with him eating ice cream with them like yeah like i've he like i like he used to live near me we were like friends like the way you would be like boyhood boyhood friends you know what i mean like we we did boyhood stuff together even you pissed in coolers together yeah probably peed in like we were probably somewhere i'm peeing the same bush and like um but he takes his shit so seriously and and they and i'm so glad he's in the position he's in because that's who you want like he's the kind of guy like if he was a paramedic you want that motherfucker showing up when you're hurt
Starting point is 01:31:07 so he's intense yeah he's he's literally the best the best option and i'm and i'm intense too and so he's he's another person you can fight with him and then like take a day off and then come back like i like i we fought for sure he's i saw him i saw him and day fight all the time fist fight no but but fight but like shit that would like hurt like most people could not handle most people most people would but yeah most people would fucking wilt uh crossfit 21.4 that was fucking that was fucking a funny piece so you asked the 21.4 the um the winner was a guy named wall street uh the wall street warrior and i don't know yeah yeah yeah good dude been on my podcast and um he didn't have a video so according to the rules he couldn't collect the money for the win
Starting point is 01:31:58 and then so then the guy took second place he's an amazing guy oscar oscar he then um sent an email to hq saying hey can i get my loot here's my video and did he ever get a response from hq not from what he told me no okay and then you asked he said you emailed him a handful of times they never responded and then you asked the wall street guy hey i noticed you're still on the leaderboard for that did you ever get the loot and then he didn't answer you. But he has since responded and said, Oh, he has. Oh,
Starting point is 01:32:28 Oh. So where's the money? Show me the money. Oh, that dude just Oscar. They're just going to work out. No, I'm going to give them,
Starting point is 01:32:38 I'm going to give the games a pass on this. Why? He needs to just email them again. And then they'll send him his $2,021. Yeah, they're going to send him the money. You figure you have four open workouts, you've got four payouts on each side, right? Male and female, eight total sums of $2,021. So where is that final sum?
Starting point is 01:32:56 Did they not pay out? Did they lump them together into one event? Maybe that was the thing. What's the guy's name again? Oscar? Oscar, and I couldn't pronounce his last name it's like gillis gillis from yeah gillis from i'm not brian i can't pronounce you you alluded to the fact that maybe they gave the money to grishiano because he's friends with dave
Starting point is 01:33:18 he hadn't responded to me that at that point but you do see that hurt hiller that hurt hurt you yeah dave said he wanted uh he said he wanted to be picked at a little bit so i i gave him a little nudge here you go dave damn right you've ass pounded dave twice now you got him on the uh for when you corrected him on the froning time for the for grace well then three times hey that's how those middle guys like it those middle guys like that's part of the courtship process to be their friends to ass pound them they like to be ass pounded yes yes yes can do yes that's what makes them uh i made that instagram post too which was talking about that last video where he brings up that they hid that drug test result for the
Starting point is 01:34:00 active force guy oh yeah you hear oh i've never hit a drug test result never ever have we done it yes and i know the person from before and they wouldn't have done it either just so you know in 2009 we hit a drug test well maybe it was 2008 was did they hide it or did they just not make that big of a public display out of it that guy was booted and that guy we actually did a lot of filming with him i really liked that guy and it was and basically he tested positive for everything he was on the all the balls he was on my balls i mean he was on everything it was even weed he had weed and adderall he had balls yeah he had everything in his system just lit up like a christmas tree and what's so funny is i had um i had so much uh um i had so much fun with him yes what are you boss doing you got stuck someone called
Starting point is 01:34:56 yeah yeah yeah yeah attention someone important someone important called so so i had a ton of fun with him i remember filming with him at camp Pendleton. He came to the games. I thought he was going to crush it. And what? Are we not saying this name on purpose? Oh. This person's at my gate? It's Dave.
Starting point is 01:35:17 He's like, tell her to shut the fuck up. So you want to talk about ass pounding, motherfucker? I'm not your front door. I'm at your gate. I am live on the air. Please stand outside the gate. Wow. Text.
Starting point is 01:35:33 Should we send him a link? Wrong gate. Live outside the gate. Sleeping, I bet. Sorry, sorry sorry sorry so so then this guy tests positive and i um and we at the time we were doing a fucking shitload of seminars at camp pendleton with the military a shit ton of l1s and i think that they basically just didn't they just the guy vanished from the scene it was kind of sad i really liked him but he just vanished from the scene and so basically
Starting point is 01:36:04 obviously he didn't get to go to the games or he was disqualified but then when they say they hit it they didn't hide it like um like like they let him talk about it yeah they just didn't talk about it so they didn't fuck that they say i mean that's when the crossfit games were cool that's like when they gave away a gun to the winner that would be kind of what they gave away a gun yeah they gave away a glock they gave away a glock it was there a lot of negative feedback from that for whatever the fuck reason of course of course it was great you know that's like a six seven hundred dollar thing right there like yeah at the very least the person who doesn't want it they sell it yeah well um for christmas
Starting point is 01:36:42 at crossfit inc like you could either pick like again'm kind of making this up, but it's pretty close. You could pick a $1,000 gift certificate from Amazon, a gun, and free training to use it, or a bicycle, like a titanium bike. That's cool. Yeah. That is cool. Different options. Gun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Gun. Gun. What? That was a joke i said i heard an apple they give you a tesla definitely not everyone gets either a tesla or another tesla who did this guy's just texting you like crazy or i well one of my friends from fucking at completely out of state is telling me they're at my fucking door tell them they gotta make a resi someone the other day texted me that i'm like what does that mean it's like it's short for reservation i don't i don't like that at all but i'm gonna start using it there's actually a company called called resi that was uh built up by gary v for like online
Starting point is 01:37:42 reservations and then i think they sold it to American Express for nine figures. Huh. Interesting. Open Table was the other one competing at that time. Alexis is here. Rezo. Rezo. Rezo.
Starting point is 01:37:57 So you reviewed the Next Gen movie. I did a little bit, and I wish I would have done more of what I did in the first part, where I play a bit and then talk over a bit. There's a YouTube channel called Cinema Sins. I know you've probably never seen it, but it just kind of points out the flaws in movies bit by bit by bit. And the longer the video, the more messed up it is. And I was going to do it with just things that are off topic or irrelevant with this one and i feel like i could have done it for a while but now that it's off youtube i can't do it
Starting point is 01:38:29 i haven't i haven't oh yeah yeah i haven't seen the movie um but but but but but the takeaways but in the clips you showed i did like i like the slow-mos i like the weird angles but i'm weird and i know and i'm a filmmaker like i i i'll default to you i like the fact thatmo's i like the weird angles but i'm weird and i know and i'm a filmmaker like i i i'll default to you i like the fact that there's empty screen and you see tia pop up in it like that that excites me but i didn't see the movie but what the two things that i thought were fascinating is so someone in south africa is protest put the video up on youtube and it got 5 000 views 6 000 i think it hit wow that that $60,000 if each of those would have converted. $9.99. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:09 Well, it's up to 15 again. Didn't you know? So it's back? Yeah. Well, I saw that in the video too. Don't you even watch my videos, Sousa? Yes. I did an entire bit on it where we did the show last two,
Starting point is 01:39:22 maybe three weeks ago, and we were talking about it, and it went maybe three weeks ago and we were talking about it and it went down. And then as we were talking about it, it went back up like, like Stefan spoke and they're like, Oh fuck. They know. And they brought it right back up. That sucks for Mariah. I know you do see that portion of it, but that, that sucks for everybody who like worked
Starting point is 01:39:40 really hard on it. I'm assuming that they, uh, what is it? What is it? i'm getting money off of it yeah i'm guessing i i wonder if she gets a cut of the sales or if she gets let's see if it works how does that how does that contract normally work is it is it typically a flat fee or would you typically earn some sort of royalty off i don't think there is typical there it just it just differs between yeah distributor and how it's working okay like it would like like
Starting point is 01:40:07 yeah I don't think it is typical it is interesting that they moved away from Heber and Mars as being part of that team I'm sure I would be curious to see to know exactly why that is um you sitting there that Tia is comes across cocky as fuck the
Starting point is 01:40:24 Tia that I know and i haven't talked to her in fucking 10 years or whatever um she she was so shy you remember that first video when she was like super she had the leader jersey on i remember a specific part in that movie where she goes oh well get a picture now because it's not gonna last and she was like that her confidence was just super low didn't she last year right who the last yeah no she won the games and she was shy when she won when she was shy when she won the games I don't remember
Starting point is 01:40:56 she won that I remember the shy Tia that was the last time I also liked the documentary coincidentally dang okay so should I see should I watch a Tia hater I'm not That was the last time I also liked the documentary, coincidentally. Dang! Okay, so should I watch this movie? I'm a Tia hater. I'm not a Tia hater. Should I watch this movie?
Starting point is 01:41:13 It depends what you want to take away from it. I don't think you said it to me. I make a video on Tia, and I get no more comments about how I'm a hater of Tia. Like, you just hate Tia you wish she was american blah blah blah i don't wish any of those things she rubs me the wrong way someone she doesn't rub me at all um you um someone wrote you wish she was american uh yeah i do i do wish she was american you just wish that you had more female athletes States athletes that were better. I go, I don't know about that. I wish she was American so she wasn't forced to get the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:41:51 That's why I wish she was American. How do you know she took it? I don't. I hope she told the doctor to shoot it on the floor. I am not a Tia Toomey hater. I'm going to make a joke after that, but I won't. Christine Wise says she was stuck in her head so much, but she's bet more better now. Didn't she get upset with Mariah with how she was portrayed in that early video of her?
Starting point is 01:42:18 Yeah, there was something like that. I thought I remembered that she got upset. When the athletes get upset, i just push the mute button which is harder the assault bike or the echo bike income everyone's saying echo bike echo bike for everybody everyone says echo bike is harder but after i watched that video it's basically hard it's easier to get calorie it's easier to get if you had to ride each of those bikes for 30 seconds as hard as you could you would end up with more calories on the echo bike even if it is hard well the rogue challenge there are some motherfuckers out there who did 50 calories in 24 seconds a motherfucker and then there's a handful who did it there there are
Starting point is 01:43:03 females who were doing it in about a minute. I think it was Taylor Williamson on Mayhem did 50 calories on the Echo Bike in about a minute. I don't know if it's plus or minus, but it's around there. So on the Assault Bike, I see rather similar numbers. And I mentioned my buddy. Wait, Taylor Williamson can do more calories on the Assault Bike in a minute? Echo Bike. Echo Bike. I need to see what she can do more calories on the assault bike in a minute. Echo bike. Echo bike.
Starting point is 01:43:26 I need to see what she can do. It's on the, it's on the road challenge page. So if you do like a road echo bike challenge leaderboard, you could probably pull it up and see what she did it. And I think she won this year. She just demolishes those challenges. But 30 seconds isn't long enough.
Starting point is 01:43:41 There's no real pain there, right? If you watch the guy doing it, it doesn't look too comfortable for 30 seconds isn't long enough. There's no real pain there, right? If you watch the guy doing it, it doesn't look too comfortable. Did you see the video of... I saw the video you put up of the guy doing it in a minute, and he breaks. That motherfucker takes a break and starts going again. Do you know how many calories he did in that minute? A hundred?
Starting point is 01:43:58 A hundred. Yeah, you didn't believe it, right? I brought up your bit with Bridges and Fraser where the fins were twisted, and he looked like he was at a competition, but I had to bet there was something fucked up in that assault. I forget the name of that athlete. Ellen? Ellenberger?
Starting point is 01:44:16 He made the games in 17. Ethan Helbig. Helbig. Ethan Helbig. I think he made the games in 17 or 18. And he's bigger. I think he's about 200 pounds but he's no sam dancer he's not some monster on the bike taylor williamson 108 108 50 calories on the echo
Starting point is 01:44:32 bike that's insane he had 24 seconds yeah and if you and on the assault bike i don't know many people who do 50 calories any quicker than 24 seconds. Holy shit. And I know that because my buddy, his name's Josh Hickson. He's six, four to 60. And he would go to these competitions, win an assault bike, take it home,
Starting point is 01:44:52 sell it. And he just kind of did that four or five times. That was his hustle. That was his hustle. Let me see that. Let me see those scores again. I would crush that 17 year old girl. Oh,
Starting point is 01:45:03 one. Here we go. Two challenges. One 55. Here we go. Two challenges. Here we go. Here we go. Roke should be sending me the money. Female, 17 and other, Jadiza Onoradi Phillips. Your mom and dad can't decide which last name to use.
Starting point is 01:45:18 I don't think you can do that, Stefan. I can definitely do that. 50 cows and 155? Yeah, on the assault bike? No fucking problem. All day. Wow. I don cows and 155. Yeah. On the assault bike. No fucking problem all day. Wow. No, I don't,
Starting point is 01:45:28 I don't know, man. Wow. Is that hard? I heard a change in your voice there. Hey, Hey, go to that girl's Instagram real quick.
Starting point is 01:45:38 I want to see if she's bigger than me. There's no fucking way. A 17 year old girl can ride an assault bike better than me. All right, that's about 26 a minute. What's Kerstetter? Kerstetter almost tripled my reps on that workout. I wonder what her assault bike shit is. She's too old now.
Starting point is 01:45:58 Kerstetter's too old for me now. She got too strong. I don't know if I could find her. Hey. I would bet your if I could find her. Hey. I would bet your 50 cal is about 235. I'm going to, I'm going to, well, I get 25 in the first minute and then just peter off, you think? Peter off? I don't think, I don't know if her Instagram is here.
Starting point is 01:46:25 Hey, I was thinking about looking at the 65 and older women's class at the games this year and like just in trying to like find some workouts that they're going to do and just smash them just for just an ego boost. You'll at least move better than them. We've already seen that today, right? I don't I can't find her. I can't find her Instagram. Jadiza. Jad Instagram. Jadiza.
Starting point is 01:46:46 Jadzia. I found her CrossFit Games profile. Click on the View Leaderboard button there if you could, Susan. Hiller makes a claim that the Echo bike is more suited to men. I think what he just means is taller people, right? And the Assault bike is more sure midgets like me it was right there so it's at the view leaderboard button it was no no we were already on it oh there's nothing to click yeah this well okay apparently we were viewing the
Starting point is 01:47:17 leaderboard you got 80 you got um on the echo bike you got 97 and 91 and on the echo bike, you got 97 and 91. And on the assault bike, you got 87, 91. And on the assault bike, I got 80 and 70. Typically, that's what you'll see is a falling off. Right. I think Brian was the same way. He went 85 and 80. It's just crazy you got 97 on the echo bike. See, I think the echo bike is easier.
Starting point is 01:47:44 And my rationale was that i am a more upper body dominant person so i think you're right i i think that well it feels like you're pushing sand a little bit but you can also control your cadence a little more with the arms and the arm and the assault bike don't seem to be as beneficial the chain driven and the athletes with bigger stronger legs i believe have an easier time on that which is most people in general they have stronger legs compared to the upper body but that ain't me uh yes catchin will for sure be in the uh noble booth i'm selling ass shirts i'm sure hey you know what i was thinking ass shirts ass shirts what's that the
Starting point is 01:48:22 so i have i have a bunch of different shirts from all over for the throughout the years and i wear the same clothes over and over and over and i'm not just saying this those shirts that um life is rx cells and vindicate cells are so much better than nike shirts i do not have a lot of nike shirts but i have some of the more popular ones from recently those shirts fucking suck you found her actually yeah which founder thank you hori just just the neck like i don't like a shirt where the neck gets stretched out i don't like a shirt that loses its shape i want to be able to wash my shirt dry it and it gets back to fucking normal or i like the shirts that shrink a little bit after you wash them yes yes it's tight by the end of the day that shrink a little bit after you wash them. Yes. Yes. Yes. Tight. By the end of the day, it's a little bit bigger.
Starting point is 01:49:05 I don't know. I'm fine with that. Me too. And the Reebok shirts too are, were fucking great. I agree. Love the Reebok shirts. But man,
Starting point is 01:49:14 these, the Nike ones are like made for like, the arms are too big and the shoulders sit weird. And they're kind of, they're all, they're too poofy at the bottom. It's weird. Have you ever golf set on? No. once once why why just once well i me and my buddy snuck onto a golf course
Starting point is 01:49:33 when we were like 12 years old and he made he just i had to use one i just remember i had to use he just gave me one club for the entire nine holes like so no matter where i was hitting i just used one club i don't know if that's, so no matter where I was hitting, I just use one club. I don't know if that's normal for a beginner, but it was just a weird experience. I asked because if you were to ever put on golf apparel, it's what you're talking about with Nike, but way worse.
Starting point is 01:49:54 It's impossible to find golf apparel that fits like it doesn't just balloon. Oh, oh yeah. Cause it's made. Oh, cause it's made for fat guys. You couldn't find her on the assault bike. No. 275. Yeah, no, because it's made for fat guys. You couldn't find her on the assault bike? No.
Starting point is 01:50:06 275. No rep. Yeah, definitely. That's not even a back squat. Okay, we can't be picking on a 17-year-old girl. Yeah, that's not cool. I wasn't picking. No, no, not you.
Starting point is 01:50:19 Me. Okay. If we can't find her on the assault bike, let's move on. We're going to go to jail for this. Moving on. Nike shirts are made by some six-year-old. Yeah, the shirts are horrible. They don't know how to make shirts in Bangladesh?
Starting point is 01:50:33 Yeah. What are you saying, Corey? They're bad. All right. Anything else? Hiller Fit in review. Another week. What's your uh what's your challenge of the week what do you got coming up nothing god i hope nothing he doesn't know until he's doing
Starting point is 01:50:52 them i'll tell you this awesome my yesterday my mom my mom came over working in the yard and she goes oh those videos are really funny and i was like that that kind of made that made me really happy i was like oh my mom thinks they're funny that's cool i sure as fuck don't think they're funny i get all fucking stressed out when homeboy shows up with the fucking camera what was up with him cutting it short like that that was weird just fucking dude doesn't know how to make videos well he's gonna learn make a video a week he'll get it he's smart he's a go-getter he knows a fucking i'm the most influential man on the internet and he's fucking getting his foot in the door early he's smart did one that did you not like my clip art for the stop making these
Starting point is 01:51:36 movies i thought that was my greatest clip art i've ever made with the two gorillas screaming let me see let me see i was so proud of that one i remember the gorillas i like it how all your things have the same style like you have your own and i just they're all similar i'm addicted to it every every day i go in the garage look at those things it's madaris and tia oh yeah i was i was every time i see them yelling like that i just think of these gorillas yelling it's it yelling. And I was hoping I'd put this up and everyone would be like, hey, look, they're yelling like the gorillas. I like Brian looks like he got something shot in his eye.
Starting point is 01:52:17 There was a picture of Tia at the Rogue booth. When you're at the games, there's the Coliseum, and then the Rogues got their massive tent. You've seen that, right? Or have you not? Have you not been to Madison? I've seen it. Suzy, have you been to Madison?
Starting point is 01:52:30 She's standing there, and she's standing like this. She's like, ah. And I can't help but think about Beavis and Butthead. It's like the I am Cornholio. It's like every time I see Tia standing like that, like, I am Cornholio. I need TP4 for my bunghole. Hey,
Starting point is 01:52:45 make that video show, post that picture of her with that audio. That is not a bad idea at all. They just made a new Beavis and butthead movie. It's on the list. That seems like something that you'd watch. I'm afraid if I watch that, my kids see it.
Starting point is 01:53:03 I'll have to hear that shit forever. So, so tonight at 6 PM, I have Matt, the great Matt O'Keefe on, uh, maybe one of the most influential men in the space, uh, persons, persons, whatever his pronoun is, uh, Matt Torres. Then we have, Oh, wow. That's awesome. We have Matt Torres on tomorrow at 7 AM. Uh, that's the, uh, brute strength guy, uh, in Florida. That's where Daniel Brandon went. That's where Dall tomorrow at 7 a.m. That's the brute strength guy in Florida.
Starting point is 01:53:25 That's where Daniel Brandon went. That's where Dallin, Phil Toon, the whole posse is. Then at 745, we have Adrian Bosman. I don't know exactly what his title is, but he is the programmer for the CrossFit Games, which is the undisputed claim of the fittest human being alive, the winner of that. And then tomorrow evening we
Starting point is 01:53:45 have hayley adams uh there may be someone who's added to that after she um departs then on tuesday we have the return of john young oh and and uh brian friend that's going to be a contentious show a lot of fighting uh tomatoes being thrown what's the title of that show the return of john young of john young that's what but there's no like oh i think we're they're discussing something it's gonna be good yeah thank you for bringing that up john young has some data that's actually fucking really really compelling that's gonna be fun and then i haven't told anyone this and i don't know if i should say this. Oh, you should say it. You're just so scared recently.
Starting point is 01:54:28 You don't say anything anymore. The games are coming up. We got to be in good graces here. So I don't get kicked out. I am. The Sevan podcast is going to start interviewing an affiliate every single week for the next 52 weeks. an affiliate every single week for the next 52 weeks. And I had made this statement that there are affiliates out there in the middle of the country in Iowa who have spent every fucking cent to keep their doors open. And their family depends on the success of their gym, including feeding their kids. And a guy reached out to me and said, Hey dude, I'm that fucking gym.
Starting point is 01:55:03 I've been open for eight years or 11 years and I'm in the fucking middle of Iowa. And I said, dude, come on my podcast. Let's fucking, I want to hear the story. And then yesterday I was talking to Susan. I was like, Hey dude, let's do more affiliate stuff. And Susan's like, what about an affiliate round table? And then I started thinking about that and Susan, I brainstormed it. And then when I think we've come to the idea that instead of an affiliate round table, we're just going to have an affiliate on from somewhere on planet earth,
Starting point is 01:55:30 probably always the United States once, once a week for the next 52 weeks. And it's not going to be the normal, it's not going to be the normal cast of characters that you see that HQ always pulls up to the front. It's going to be, I'm going to, I'm going gonna find these guys
Starting point is 01:55:45 who are fucking the guys you stole my idea what uh-huh what you were gonna do that i don't know how i was at i'm a member of an affiliate over here and i was at it's crossfit salir and i was there yesterday and i was like you know it'd be really cool if i made it as i'm saying saying, I'm like, I should make a video featuring this. And then if that goes well, maybe I can make videos of other affiliates and now you're going to do it too. What would it look like? Tell me what yours would look like. Tell me what yours would look like. So are you going to have them on the show or are you, I'm just going to be, I'm going to, I'm going to have them on the show and just pay. I think every show will almost be exactly. Um, I think every show will almost be exactly – oh.
Starting point is 01:56:26 What? Savon, do the Chris Henshaw old man pull your sock on? Oh, I thought my mom was saying I should have Chris Henshaw on. I should have Chris Henshaw on. You should have Chris Henshaw. My show, they're going to come on, and I'm going to be like, hey, how did you find CrossFit? Why did you open a gym? How hard is it?
Starting point is 01:56:44 What value do you get by being part of CrossFit? Just that kind of stuff what was your but i was thinking yours sounds like it was going to be more like an edited piece where you go in there and like correct yeah okay um because there's nothing like that is there where people kind of go in affiliates and they just kind of choose random affiliates and talk about the way they go about things is every affiliate's different it's amazing it's like an artwork yeah they're they're they've got their similarities and you can tie those together but they're all they all have their own little things and for example in my affiliate they have a wall ball rack and susan might it looks neater when the laces are out and there's a picture of jim carrey there from ace ventura it's like laces out dan and
Starting point is 01:57:18 like all the laces are perfect but that's a very unique thing about that affiliate that's what we have a very easy fix at other affiliates they might even think about it the details go a long way how do you how do you clean out how do you clean your gym suza i have a big crew no well i don't clean it personally but we have i have a big scrubber so it has a big scrub brush and then it has a squeegee across the back and that gets done once a week around the gym do you do anything before you run? Like typical vacuuming, just to bring everything up off the floor. So I would, I had a leaf blower and I would leave blow everything out. And I would try to That's what I do. I leave blow my gym. Yeah. But you gotta, but you gotta be skilled at the
Starting point is 01:57:56 leaf blower. And I need a system where I could just plug any, anybody in without skill to be able to do it. Oh, and the reason I bring that up is because there are affiliates out there that are looking for ways to do things easier. And maybe through a series of videos like that, you can pick up on cool things per affiliate to apply to your own. And it's just like the raising ships rise or the rising tide raises all ships deal. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:58:16 So how are you going to run it? Just have them on the show and just check. Yeah, I'm just going to interview them. But, but, but the goal is, is to just give a platform for – I want it to be a place where other affiliates or people who are affiliates or people who are thinking about opening affiliates can be like, okay, I'm going to watch a few of these interviews to get the feel of what's going on. And basically just take the temperature of what's going on. I hate to use the term best practices, but I'm sure there'll be a lot of that shit in there too. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:58:46 people will be able to take some stuff away from every single episode that I think that they could either better their gym. And I've had a couple of people reach out about questions for affiliates or even just starting the affiliate, like, Hey, what are some of the stuff that I could should consider if I'm considering starting affiliates?
Starting point is 01:58:59 So we'll go through all those questions and then just have cool conversations with the owners as well. Well, I didn't see anything. I didn't see, did you guys watch dave's review what is this guy talking about did you did sebon talk about his involvement with crossfit as dave hinted in his review unfortunately i stopped after he started reading gone with the wind oh okay um sis i i sorry uh renata i haven't i haven't seen that review yet sebon um our owner head, head coach, went to Djibouti. Oh, maybe that would be a good person. An affiliate owner that's never there.
Starting point is 01:59:29 Interview them. Interesting. Yeah, it's cool. Sevan, has Dan Bailey abandoned you now that he's found a wife? No, Dan Bailey abandoned me when fucking Rosa bought the company. And he could stab me behind my back.
Starting point is 01:59:45 I was wondering how you were able to do that. Yeah, funny. Yeah, yeah. Imagine when the vultures are eating the dead body. That's when he did it. That's when he decided to do it.
Starting point is 01:59:59 Not a good dude. Not a good dude. Remember one of the volunteers at Waterpalooza came up to him with the camera and was like, hey, you want to be on someone's podcast? Don't get me started on that. I don't want to fucking go to hell by fucking putting Mr. Christian up on the cross. Which one is that? Would that be Dan?
Starting point is 02:00:20 Yeah, Dan. Mr. Christian? Thank you, Corey. All right, guys. Thanks for getting me wound up. Love you guys. Christian. Thank you, Corey. All right, guys. Thanks for getting me wound up. Love you guys. Hope everyone has a great day. And I'll see you guys tonight with Mr. Matt Oak.

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