The Sevan Podcast - #502 - Matt O'Keefe

Episode Date: July 25, 2022

Matt is the CEO of HWPO, Matt Fraser's training company. He is also the agent for a long list of some of the most successful athletes in the sport side of CrossFit including Mat Fraser, Brooke Wells, ...Katrin Davidsdottir, etc Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam. We're live. Bruce Wayne, Heidi, Elaine, Badejo, Adam Blakesley Corey Leonard Michelle
Starting point is 00:00:45 Shanks I know Michael Shank Elise Carr-Reddow Kenneth DeLapp Eric Weiss Jason Estill Mr. Rod and Heidi
Starting point is 00:01:03 Krum Keller Moore Jenny Sock Mr. Rod. And Heidi Kroon. Keller Moore. Jenny Suck. Lucky Camera Straps. Lisa Schultz. Alex Mallard. Quack.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Victor Brown. That's a great name. You got to be Mexican, are you? Let me see. Victor Brown. Okay, this guy's name is Victor, and he's Victor, and he's Brown. That's a great name. You got to be Mexican, are you? Let me see. Victor Brown. Okay, this guy's name is Victor, and he's Victor, and he's Brown. Victor S.A. Brown. That's what I'm guessing what his middle name is, S.A. Brian G. Seve.
Starting point is 00:01:39 What's good, my brother? Wow, you talk to me like you know me that's crazy that uh-oh uh-oh i am in big fucking trouble big trouble yes victor victor what's up what's up what's up listen I have to get to clear it up right now. Yeah. Tell me. It's all Mexican. Oh,
Starting point is 00:02:07 it's definitely. Ah, no wonder. Nobody gives a fuck about being called anything except in a Sicilian. I love it. Good. Good. I had to call in.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I've listened to you forever. I think you're doing a phenomenal job. I used to listen to you when you're on your CrossFit, when you ran the CrossFit podcast. And you know what? I never liked you. I was like, doing a phenomenal job. I used to listen to you when you were on your CrossFit, when you ran the CrossFit podcast. And you know what? I never liked you. I was like, this guy always interrupts everybody. I swear to God, who is this guy? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:02:32 What are you talking about interrupting people? Get the fuck out of here. But I was like, you know what? Now I listen to you and I'm like, this guy is on point. And I agree with a lot of stuff, but there's some things we go to head to head. Hey, when you're as smart as me and you, it's hard not to interrupt people. And I would never apologize to anyone except the Sicilian.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I apologize. Respect. Don't send anyone out to get me. You're the best. You're the best. All right, brother. Thanks for calling. I'm listening to the show.
Starting point is 00:03:02 All right. Take it easy. Bye. all right brother all right i'm listening to the show all right bye i'm gonna be on my best behavior tomorrow when adrian adrian comes on too where the fuck is o'keefe uh do you guys want me to hop on for my car if i get on in five i will pull in my house hey sure yeah wait sure yeah we're good sure come in whenever you want come whenever you want that's what my wife tells me i'm sure what comes around goes around due to others as you would want them to.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I don't know how that one goes. You know, so here's what I was thinking. I don't know if this is true. So take this with a huge grain of salt. I'm totally open to get, you know, slapped around if this is not true. If good evening, soccer mom. Those are special people. The Sicilians are the wrench people. Man, I'm going to go soccer mom. Uh, those are special people. The Sicilians are,
Starting point is 00:04:09 Oh, the wrench people, man, I'm going to go in and take everyone's wrenches away. Um, when I, when I, one day I just went onto YouTube. So I don't watch this show on YouTube. I watch this on some software called stream yard. And one day I went over, I'm like, man, we need some people like slapping people around in here. I think it was mostly taken out like the spam. So I just went over to YouTube. And anyone I recognized like from the show, like on the regular, like someone like Heidi or Bruce Wayne, I just made them a wrench. Oh, you want a wrench? Oh, you have a wrench.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Okay, cool. Yeah. Like anyone could get a wrench. You can get a wrench. They're just for beating people. MLK, you probably need a wrench. But just for beating people mlk you probably need a wrench but but i don't like to go over there to youtube i was on a eddie if podcast the other day and he told me his software doesn't work if you have too many tabs open i think my software works
Starting point is 00:04:56 great and i have like a hundred tabs open we have uh matt o'keefe coming. Matt O'Keefe was the man over at Guadalupalooza. He was Matt Fraser's man. He was Katrin David's daughter's man. Sounds like he picked up Ellie Turner. Maybe she's just a double agent in the Justin Medeiros camp. Maybe she's just a double agent in the Justin Medeiros camp. I and he I think he has Brooke Wells. He may even have Tia. Does he have Tia? I was trying to remember. It sounds like he might even represent Tia. He's the man.
Starting point is 00:05:37 And he does all that. And he stepped away from his job at running Waterpalooza and whatever. He had some like super title with a company called Loud and Live that owns Waterpalooza. in waterpalooza and whatever he had some like super title with a company called loud and live that owns waterpalooza and uh matt o'keefe um now is i think the ceo of nwa hwp h hard work pays off hwpo so he's over there at matt matt matt's joint we're continuing to work with the greatest crossfitter who ever lived seven what are you saying he's the greatest crossfitter who ever lived savon what are you saying he's the greatest crossfitter who ever lived well there's you know what do you know pick one there's three or four there's three you pick one you can it's like it's like i've said this before it's like i'm going to school at uc santa barbara and you're like that's the hottest chick ever and someone's like you said that yesterday i was like yeah
Starting point is 00:06:20 there's like a hundred of them i don't know okay i can't i'll make the rules just follow them i'm gonna i got i got a uh i showered right before i worked out and showered before this so i think i got a couple good questions that's where my good questions come fine fine fine i don't think o'keefe works with rich though so but i hear you i ain't hating yeah fine rich is the greatest ever. Fine. I think after Tia wins this year, it's going to be really hard to like, even with my love for Rich, it's going to be hard to like keep him at the top. Man.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Man. He's going to have to win like three Masters, four Masters. Wrench is, Endura Ball is better than Wrench. Yeah, you're probably right. You're probably right Or is it that all the people who have wrenches are on endurable? Yeah, dick, yeah um I was gonna tell a story. I got sidetracked I sidetracked myself
Starting point is 00:07:24 Can you sidetrack yourself? Can I be saying something and then say I got sidetracked, but, but I was the only person on the show. Can I sidetrack myself? Have you ever sidetracked yourself, Mr. O'Keefe? I don't know. That's a tough question to answer. I didn't know I was supposed to put my, uh, my handle in there. Is that, that's how you get followers? Yeah, here, I'll do it for you. I got some fancy tools back here what what what is your your i don't know am i supposed to know that i think it's o k k e r ochre okay it's i don't know what it is okay e f m r maybe give me i'm check. Hey, you know I had mine taken away. Really?
Starting point is 00:08:07 And then reinstated. So, wait, wait, tell me, so is that one that's there was gone and now back? No, that, no. So, I'll tell you the story. You'll like it. Every agent should know this. Should I turn it sideways so, as a, uh, you'll every agent should know this. Should I turn it sideways? Ooh. Hey, you're somewhere fancy. Is that your house?
Starting point is 00:08:33 This is my house. Yeah. I'm in my wife's office. Yeah. It's nice. I can tell. It's like, it's someone who's like smart and has shit to do. She's very smart. So I had this, I had this Instagram account and it has a blue do she's very smart so i had this i had this instagram account and it has a blue check mark from when i was working over at crossfit inc and uh it had 90 000 followers and i posted a lot of stuff on there especially in my story about uh the injection about vaccines
Starting point is 00:09:00 and things like that a ton of stuff in there and that and that's like a no-no you're not allowed to talk about that on um social media right unless you're towing the line you if you tow the line you can talk about if you don't if you quite you can't even you can't even question or else you get like you could get a ding and then interestingly enough mr o'keefe there was someone who was going through my instagram account about a year ago and looking at all the pictures of my boys really and reporting me for uh child pornography because it was boys working out with their shirts off which i find fascinating because as you know many of your clients do more risque stuff than me but we'll leave matt out of this you know i i have that hairy man those hairs should he has pubes everywhere, and he shows them. I know, right?
Starting point is 00:09:46 And the... I never showed a fucking pube. I have a friend that happened to. Would show his kids running around the house in their diapers and got his account frozen. Yeah, and mine are dudes. It's the fucking... Anyway.
Starting point is 00:09:59 So, for whatever that's worth, in our society, shirtless dudes are okay and shirtless girls are not okay i don't make the rules i just anyway so so i my account was always a little volatile right and i suspected and one day i woke up and it said hey your shit's gone like fuck you from from instagram and so then i applied to have it come back and you know those things when you go to help centers and you try to do something and it just keeps going to a dead end like you fill out all the paperwork and you're saying it's like sorry um you've tried too many times and you're like but that's the first time i've tried and then you try again and like sorry you can't try for 45 minutes it was like that kind of shit like it was never meant to get
Starting point is 00:10:36 my message yeah i i challenge anybody to find someone to to help you uh behind the instagram wall there's no there's no there's no answers that ever come there so then i did everything in my power as the media mogul that i am and i was uh it was late late was it last night or two nights ago? And it popped back up. Really? Oh, recently. Yes. And the only reason why I want this account is because of that blue checkmark. Because that blue checkmark. If I DM you, Oki, from my other account, you're like, fuck this guy.
Starting point is 00:11:16 But if you see the blue checkmark, you're like, oh, yeah. At least if that's how I operate. That actually, when you comment, too, you're always brought to the top of the comments with a blue check mark that that is one advantage if you want to be heard that's one way to be heard so then i uh oh well here's another secret uh matt sousa taught me subscribe to people's accounts and like ask for notifications from their accounts and the second you get a notification like do that if you want to put on followers go to matt fraser's account click on all the notifications for when he goes live when he gets everything when he posts everything and the second he posts be the first person to post at the top and say something clever and you'll
Starting point is 00:11:58 stay up there because people will start liking it even if you don't say something clever if you're the first post most people will you can start getting a lot of likes. And it's a great tactic. Susie uses it. We have competitions, like who can get the most likes. He'll be like, look, I have 13,000 likes. And I'll be like, what the fuck? You know, from a comment.
Starting point is 00:12:14 You know what I mean? That's amazing. There you go. So then someone contacts me who works at Instagram who'd contacted me before and told me, hey, someone's out to get you. contacted me before and told me hey someone's out to get you um a group of people are going going through your account and posting a bunch of or reporting stuff that shouldn't be reported anyway that happened again recently and this time the person told me that the people who were reporting me now they've started a file on them and if they keep doing false reports they get tossed i was like justice i don't know if I believe it, but I like it
Starting point is 00:12:47 So i'm abandoning my account my blue check mark account I am no longer going to post to my story or my feed I have someone else who's going to do that for me Who's not as contentious as me like a like, you know, like a whole she's like a mom, right? She's like a mom that does crossfit and shit. She's got like five kids And she's going to do all my posting. And then I'm going to go over on my other account that I started, my Sevan Rinsday account, this one, and I'm being an asshole. That way, with that blue checkmark account, I can be like, dear Mr. O'Keefe, I have a podcast.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Would you like to come on and you see the blue checkmark? Oh, there you go. Good for you. There you go. Smart. I like this. Thank you. How you been?
Starting point is 00:13:23 I'm awesome. Yeah. I got my account back you. How you been? I'm awesome. Yeah. I got my account back. Did I tell you? There's three huge examples of athletes who have successfully managed their fame. And by successfully managed, I'm just going to define it as they're super famous in our community, in our community. There's no one famous in our community,'re super famous in our community. In our community. There's no one famous in our community.
Starting point is 00:13:47 But super famous in our community. And rich. And that didn't stop them from continuing to be the best. Matt Tia Rich. Have you ever seen it go the other way? No names. But just as like a PSA. Have you seen – have you actually seen someone who got a little bit of fame and their own Instagram account took them down? Meaning like – Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Oh, I'm sorry. Are we doing a podcast? Yeah. I mean – Have you seen it? It is – for sure. It's – man, I mean, what are the pitfalls, Mr. O'Keefe? What are the pitfalls? Social media is a wonderful tool, but it's a trap. Those guys like time suck at its most fundamental. Yeah. I mean, it's interesting. I don't know if
Starting point is 00:14:41 anybody's ever gone through the exercise of looking at what your screen time and, you know, per app and all that. I mean, it's, you know, make you vomit. You know, sometimes when you look at that, you can get caught up in it. And of course, you know, I've gone through ebbs and flows with, you know, any athlete we've worked with over time where, you know, social was, you know, playing too important a role in, in, in their day-to-day lives. Um, but most, you know, most of them that, you know, I would say all of them that I work with now have it in the right place. Um, did I lose you? Oh, there you are. Sorry. I hit the people are texting me. Um, but yeah, it's, um, I mean, come on, you know, you, you, you've seen it. I mean, I have my average daily use down to under seven hours. I mean, don't, don't look at me. You're crushing it there. There the, um,
Starting point is 00:15:37 I would never use my Instagram if I didn't think I could make, if it didn't give me what I wanted. Instagram if I didn't think I could make, if it didn't give me what I wanted. I've never masturbated to Instagram. I don't go there to, um, I never go there to, I've never looked at and been like, Hey, I wish I could have that. Or I wish I could do that. I just, maybe it's cause I'm old. I just go on there and I'm like, Oh fuck, who's this guy? This guy, Matt O'Keefe's the agent for Matt Fraser. I want to get Matt Fraser, but I can't get him. So first I'll get O'Keefe. I'll impress him. And then Matt will maybe do a show with me. Like it's to, it's to get what I want. Right. I mean, everybody has their reason. I mean, so many of them, it's, it's a, it's the, you know, it's their business really. Yeah. That's what I mean. And I think it's great for that.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Yeah, it really, it really is. I mean, it's so funny. I remember the day I, funny, Matt sat in my living room here and we're begging him to open an Instagram account and he didn't want to do it because he wanted nothing to do with social media. Perfectly healthy, perfectly normal. like you know he was so you know so simple then he is still now honestly like he just you know he's very black and white with that but at the time he just was like listen i have no interest i'm gonna go and compete and win money that way um you know here you know whatever nine years later things have changed drastically but um i you know he still keeps his instagram very simple yeah he keeps it very like here's me and sammy drinking a cup of coffee i mean it's it's chill he's done a really good job with that putting it in the right place there are times where it just you know it frustrated him mostly you know like just being too you know either important or know, having too much of a role in his day to day, but it's in a great place. I mean, he, his social is awesome. You know, I, it's him, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:32 like I can honestly, knowing him better than anyone, it's, it's really authentic, you know, and that's like, I mean, you can get into this, like, you know, business talk on, you know, social, but, you know, I think there's comfort in that too, for, and, you know, business talk on, you know, social, but, um, you know, I think there's comfort in that too, for, and, you know, I'm very fortunate. Everybody we work with does now a really good job, you know, with that, you know, where it's just, you know, Hey, like, let it flow. If you've got nothing to talk about, don't post, you know, used to be, you know, when I first started, it was about, you know, got to put something up every day that's not the formula you know um but yeah maybe the formula should be matt you should do something every day that's exciting enough to be you could argue those guys do you know right right you know
Starting point is 00:18:17 if i follow somebody you know because i'm interested in this sport you know i want to see them you know doing things related to the sport, you know, that's, you know, a lot of their engagement. And then they develop other things that people engage them for, like Matt, you know, you know, rides motorcycles and travels a lot. And, you know, he just like, you know, that's an example there of, you know, with his social, but yeah, I mean, those guys, they're all kind of in a good groove now, but man, that is the, the ride, the social ride for the last eight, nine years is wild. I mean, you know, you've seen it, you saw it with CrossFit. I mean, it's, and we live in a,
Starting point is 00:18:56 it's funny, like, you know, when I talk to others in other sports or, you know, you know, or talk to brands coming in from outside, you know, everybody is really intrigued with the level of engagement that athletes in our space get pertaining to just CrossFit, CrossFit Games-related stuff. It overtrends on engagement. It's really interesting. I think the term you're talking about too is conversion, right? Yeah. Transactionally.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Conversion is, you know, engagement, conversion. You know, it's, you know, I'm mostly talking about engagement. I mean, it's just, you know, you see, I mean, look at any of their socials, really interesting. Look at a brand post opposed to something with them you know doing a workout or you know um something lifestyle related it's insane uh they get huge huge engagement so my mom was accusing me of putting words in people's mouth and i just tried to put words in your mouth and you're like no no i'm in engagement savvy see mom people can stand up for themselves keep gently slap me down said sit down sit sit uh here's what i meant by conversion when when crossfit um when crossfit was exploding and when it had a facebook and
Starting point is 00:20:11 instagram account when i was there during the times we had one uh the the uh william morris endeavor was like holy fuck we cannot we've never seen a brand there were people who had massive engagement people like or sorry conversion there were people who had massive engagement people like or sorry conversion for people who had massive conversion like the rock and a few others um but but crossfit as a brand had the craziest conversion and by that um you probably know what it means but just to define it meaning that the the number of people who were on your account who then let's say you put up a t-shirt for sale who bought it was fucking crazy like it was like I'm just making this up. I can't remember, but it was like three and a half percent versus a good was considered a quarter of 1%. And so you see Katrin David's daughter
Starting point is 00:20:55 putting on a pair of wrist straps and all of a sudden 5% of her followers buy it. It's like, holy fuck, that's a powerful human being. That's an influencer. It is. And because she's in functional holy fuck, that's a powerful human being. That's an influencer. It is. And because she's in functional, sorry, sorry, because she's in, or as Dave says, I'm not sorry, she's in the functional fitness space, right? And so people, like everything she's doing is real. That's the thing that I think people don't realize, you know, and having the opportunity to, I'm a big sports fan in general, but work in some other
Starting point is 00:21:25 sports is that it's a, it's a sport that a lot of people watch and also do. Right. So it's, it's, you know, golf's a great analogy I've made many times, but, you know, people, you know, watch golf, you know, engage their stars that they love and then buy all the tools that those guys use and promote um it's similar here you know it's it's um you know people see what happens at region semifinals of the games or whatever and then they go to the gym and repeat the workouts or they see them wear something and you know the shoes the the crossfit game shoes that noble launched are a perfect example they sold out you know people want to wear the stuff that the the stars are are wearing on the floor so i want a stairmaster so bad and i fucking text matt the other day and said hey what's the stairmaster and he said he basically
Starting point is 00:22:16 wrote back to me ha ha you're making fun of me and it's i wasn't and eventually i got him to tell me which one he had and it's like i've been i've been obsessed with the stairmaster and i only want it for one reason because matt has it it's a it's a it's the truth it's the truth i bought wrist wraps when i saw miko salo i had them i never worn them once i still have them there in my garage that thing that thing's funny first of all it people can look at that and and roll their eyes go ahead and hit that thing and tell me how you feel after. That is devastating, that machine. He doesn't waste time. He's not going to waste his time.
Starting point is 00:22:51 He put that on a YouTube episode and we heard from the brand and everything. They were like, oh my God, what's going on? They were sort of distant from it. They're like, who is this guy? Yeah, LeBron doesn't really drink Sprite, but he has, I don't know, 200 million followers or whatever he has. So he only needs to convert a quarter of 1%, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:17 But is that as powerful as Matt gets on a fucking Stairmaster and there's $7,000 a pop and he sells 20 and they normally only sell 20 every six months. Now they're like, what the fuck? It is interesting. It's like the large numbers. I mean, he, you know, LeBron has such a insane following that, you know, every, you know, tenth of a point is, you know, you know, so much more than anybody with, you know, whatever anybody with whatever, 5% of the fall. Obviously, it's just math. But the rate at which that transaction that you're talking about is insane with our group. And his is disingenuous.
Starting point is 00:23:58 So he's using his brand. He's burning the LeBon band brand equity for to intelligent people like i trust him less now but with matt he increases his brand equity or david catron's daughter in catron davis are increases her brand equity when i see her using those headphones or when i see him with the stairmaster because i'm like oh shit like then i using those headphones or when I see him with the Stairmaster because I'm like, oh shit, like then I get the headphones or I get the Stairmaster and I'm fitter or I'm all right. They actually stay in my ear. It's awesome too, because when you look at, you know, Kat or Tia or Matt, like these guys now get to be more selective, which means more authentic. It's, it's like, you know, that's where it's a perfect storm. You know, things get really good.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Those guys have been very selective from the beginning. All three of those examples possess the ton of patience. And, you know, it works really well. I can honestly say anything in Matt's arsenal are things he uses and believes in. So it's... He drinks the podium? He does, yeah. Who doesn't? Does he OD? What did you say? Who doesn't? he uses and believes in so it's um he drinks the podium he does yeah who does he does the od what did you say who doesn't who doesn't he does great you're gonna want to get you some does he od on
Starting point is 00:25:15 the podium you ever seen him od kind of like start twitching and shit no i mean it's like but podiums pre is literally put together what he thought would be like the perfect formula for pre-workout right like he just like all these things that he learned through you know his career he got to kind of like formulate through that but that that um hey maybe that's a good marketing strategy hey this is the recommended dose it's what matt took don't do it fuck that i'm doing that that that's the uh you know people toss around the whole authentic thing all the time right it's like but authentic you know i'm seeing you know people be patient to be authentic which is hard now it's harder now right the sport is real and like you know not
Starting point is 00:25:59 that it wasn't before but it's become you know more and more mainstream so elite uh it's become, you know, more and more mainstream. So elite. It's a razor thin edge to, you know, to, to even achieve the CrossFit games now. So there is the same scenario that's playing out on the sponsorship side. You know, the, those that have been around a long time, you can't just like show up and go to the games and all, you know, everything's great overnight. You know, it's, it's different. That was the case eight, nine years ago. You showed some, you know, you did well at the games once. And was like, okay, it was such a startup space that brands engaged it. So it's different. So being authentic is obviously really important. It's harder for an athlete to say, I'm only going to wear this clothing brand and wait to be sponsored by them because that's the one I believe in. It's harder, you know, it's, it's, um, then, you know, and they formulate partnerships and believe in the people that, you know, they, they work with, but, um, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 00:26:53 seven, eight years ago, it was a little easier to be picky. Um, this, this, a guy who, who wants to, who has been helping me with the podcast, just decided he wants to help me came over to my house and started filming like he filmed me do some workouts and doesn't even tell me when he's coming over and he just watches the podcast he lives in the area and then he sees stuff
Starting point is 00:27:15 like I was making fun of Olivia Kerstetter and he said well can you beat her time you know who that is the 16 year old girl 17 year old girl Jacob Heppner yeah she's phenomenal you guys should get her You know who that is? The 16-year-old girl, 17-year-old girl? Is that the one? Jacob Heppner. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's phenomenal. Yeah. You guys should get her.
Starting point is 00:27:31 She's impressive. Get her, Matt. Get her. Get her. So he comes over and he's like, hey, you should do the workout she did since you talked all that shit. And the whole video, at first, for the first 20 seconds, I'm like, yeah, I'm going to, I'm going to beat her.
Starting point is 00:27:46 And I'm like, dude, you better fucking chill out and just be yourself. Cause this video is going to be about you eating shit. And I did. How'd that go? Fucking horrible. I couldn't,
Starting point is 00:27:55 she snatched one 25, a hundred or 50 times. And the first time I attempted it, I fucking failed. I'm like, Oh fuck. I'm this is, this is a, this is is a this is a disaster
Starting point is 00:28:07 and that but people love the video because it was authentic you're right but the whole time i'm scared to death i saw you i saw you doing um you and brian had some yeah so then brian thinks it's cute to beat up on me and puts out this puts out something on instagram and this guy sees it this local filmmaker once again just shows up to my house. He's like, calls me. I'm like, where are you? He's on my front. I'm like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Here we go. Time to black out in the garage. But you're right. Authentic. Yeah, that's it's tight. I mean, it's, you know, people use that loosely, but. How about the Odin on the thirst pics too? I thought it was look at someone like Danielle Brandon.
Starting point is 00:28:48 She doesn't do a lot of thirst pics. And then she does that one where she's like in front of the statue in her bathing suit. Don't act like you didn't see it. O'Keefe. Don't act like you didn't see it. I see you trying to hold a straight face. I swear on my kids. I did not see that. Okay, fine. It was about a month ago and it was just like yeah she just her other shit's just like her like walking around on her couch in a pair of shorts and a shirt that's too big opening the blinds and then like that's all you get but then
Starting point is 00:29:14 you know once a month you see her in a bathing suit and everyone fucking loses their shit i think it's a better tactic dv's cool all right you know i've got to spend a little time with her over last year um super super cool kid and i think she does a a little time with her over last year um super super cool kid and i think she does a really good job with her social overall like she that's really her you know she's uh human tornado she's awesome i like her a lot human tornado now human tornado what do you mean wow human tornado what do you mean um uh fire she's fire oh okay she's fire i got like things can accidentally burn down around her no not that like she is yeah i read for sure no shit can just burn down she's like a magnifying glass if you set it in the wrong spot and the sun hits it
Starting point is 00:30:03 something's burning down bb's cool people i agree i agree one of my favorites lover and i think she's authentic i think she really is a magnifying glass and i mean who can walk up and flip off the entire fucking crowd in this wholesome sport of crossfit and smile and everyone's like yay she flipped this off it's because it's her right i forgot about that last year when they had her secluded in lane 10 by herself with two lanes between her and and i bet you her conversions is insane you know she only has 400 000 but i bet you there's a ton of people in the space who have significantly more than her double but they don't get the conversion she gets i'm sure i'm sure i don't work with her but um i'm friends with her agent
Starting point is 00:30:45 she's uh do you own toe spacers do i own toe spacers no but do i have a set of toe spacers yes i actually do converted yes yes i do and i will admit it was because she posted for sure. Yes. You're a good dude. I'll try it out. See, no one's immune. No one's immune. No, that's it. Yeah. I, I, you know what, that's, it's interesting. I, I say this often, I feel like what, you know, has made me good at, you know, helping brands or, you know, individual athlete brands, people we work with is I'm such a prototypical consumer because I, you know, I fall in the trap all the time. You know, I get, you know, something, something gets targeted at me and I'm in the tunnel feeling, feeling the thing out, you know, going, honestly, it's, I recognize it. I'm not mad about it. Uh, but yeah, it's I recognize it. I'm not mad about it.
Starting point is 00:31:49 But yeah, it's it's I feel like there are a lot of me out there. We live in a beautiful time with a lot of beautiful objects and it gets poo poo to superficialness, but it doesn't have to be. But we're really lucky with the objects we have. You know. Yeah, it's I mean, when you our parents didn't even have. but we're really lucky with the objects we have, you know? Yeah. They, it's, I mean, when you, our parents didn't even have glass bongs. I mean, I don't use a bong anymore, but our parents didn't have glass bongs. Probably.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I mean, man, you, I was the, I was the only one in for the most part of my friend group. But when I was in college, first of all, cell phone, I was one of the few that had one b we were one of the first universities to have email maybe the first i went to to bc and uh we had i had email for four years and didn't check it once and i remember i remember leaving my senior year being like oh let me see what's in here i'm like shit i got messages from like three years ago i mean email wasn't even a thing that was in the late 90s you know why did you who
Starting point is 00:32:51 why did you have a cell phone i don't yeah i don't i don't remember like my are you dealing be honest no i wasn't my parents i had a car i think my parents gave it to me because i'd be driving around. You know, it was like, you know, the parent thing. Do you remember what model you had? It was like a Qualcomm. It was, you know, it wasn't a flip. It was just like, it was like a smaller, like, handheld phone.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Qualcomm. Cell phone. And you, like, it had, like, a scroll on the right side oh yes wow okay standby standby wow i do remember this i do remember this phone this is yeah good job dude i can't believe you remember this i remember that big old fucking thing it's this thing right yes that's wow wow those things still work i do you remember this thing oh yeah my dad had one of those and the cord the cord that was on that thing was like the old cord like like this kind of cord it's amazing when that thing when i first saw that thing i was like that was the cool, like that was the coolest thing ever. You know, a phone in your car that looked like that thing is bananas.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Look at that. I was in New York city. I'm trying to think what's rapper I saw, but he had like a, it was way back then i was young and he had this massive satellite on the roof of his jeep some god who was it someone we all know but anyway and it was for it was for like his cell phone that he had that was like huge but and he also and he also had like a fucking giant satellite. I mean, that's still what sat phones look like now, right? Like those things.
Starting point is 00:34:48 What's the deal with you? You're not coming out to Madison? No. You're just going to stay there? If I thought it would make me money, I would come out there. It's kind of like how I view Instagram. Like if I thought like it was good for what I'm doing in terms of the podcast, I would come out there. I just don't.
Starting point is 00:35:09 I think I'm most I'll be most effective right here. I'll have a half dozen people on the ground there, maybe more. And with the cell phone technology we have today. Holy shit. I can cover everything. Got a booth there through um paper street coffee and yeah it's going to be uh sunday is going to be sunday where if you are wearing a seven podcast shirt and you take a picture at the crossfit games um and uh we're going to give
Starting point is 00:35:37 a rogue echo bike and i have a i have a feeling we we're going to have uh it's going to be quite quite the scene so i'm pretty i'm So I'm pretty tickled about it. I feel like this is mischievous. When I was in the eighth grade and I would take the Playboy at the library and then open it up to the centerfold and leave it on the librarian's desk and then run away. And then we'd all hide and watch when she came to her desk. I feel like that's what it's like. Maybe we'll put something out. If you were an HWPO shirt,
Starting point is 00:36:06 we'll give away two echo bikes. What? There you go. You know, never know. Maybe, maybe we'll, maybe we'll play a game so you can have more shirts.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Hey, I would, I, I, I am a sincere believer in, um, rising boats, raise all tides. Rising tides raise all boats.
Starting point is 00:36:29 That's what I said, Mr. O'Keefe. Hey, will you please do that? We don't sell shirts. That's part of the problem. I mean, Matt's shirt with Nike has sold. What do you mean sold? It's done? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:36:46 They still have it. I don't know. It might be sold out right now, but they've sold many of those. But the stuff that our team wears, we haven't sold any of that stuff. So if I went to HWPO's site, there's not a merch? Yeah. We've just been so busy with, you know, it's just, you know, I've been in that business for one and there's plenty of great ways to do it. It's just, we're so busy with everything we're doing and, you know, related to the app and the training business that it's just not something I want to focus our team on right now honestly it's well it doesn't make no matter how many shirts we make i feel or sell i mean we obviously don't sell anything
Starting point is 00:37:30 compared to probably what matt's could sell or does sell but i feel like every any money we make we end up it immediately goes into just giving shirts away that's the that see so i've been in that business that's how i got my start in this industry. And, and, you know, you know, you think about it, every shirt you give away, you got to sell two to make money, you know? So it's like one of those things that we've get, we like semifinals, we gave a ton of shirts away and just, you know, it was a marketing expense. I don't, um, the, the merch business,
Starting point is 00:38:00 you really need to be focused on the merch business. And we will at some point already, it's just, you know, we we've had so much going on we have 11 full-time people now like we're running around crazy so um i mean wouldn't it be clever if at the paper street coffee booth that i'm sharing if i printed a thousand black ceo shirts with gold writing and gave them away for free and said you had to wear it Sunday, wouldn't that be so clever? I mean, that'd be one twelfth of the people at the venue would be wearing black. And then not only that, you get a free thirty dollar shirt. But on top of that, if you take a picture posted on your social, you get you have a chance to get a free echo bike. Now we're talking. That just just saying that's a marketing plan
Starting point is 00:38:48 oh i think of it more as just throwing rocks at passing cars i would say honestly if you were out there you'd get a lot out of it like it's just so many people in one place but i get where you're at like it's just as easy to get people on you've never been to the crossfit games without a job me no and neither and neither of i yeah and i went to the street parking event and it was fucking massive and it was fun but i didn't have a job there and i was completely um overwhelmed by the 10 people that recognized me. And yeah, I just can't imagine. Super cool
Starting point is 00:39:32 event. Looked awesome. Those guys Miranda and Julian are awesome people. And you stay hidden at the games too. Yeah, I mean, I'm busy. This year I'll probably be out and about more um we're doing a lot of you know well we got to get matt around somehow or another so i'll probably help with that
Starting point is 00:39:53 a bit but like we're we're doing workout activations on and off site and i'll be a little more present in the past like i've been buried you know either with Matt in the back or last year working with Noble. What do you do at Noble? What's your job there? I help them with partnerships. So in general. Are you employed by them? No.
Starting point is 00:40:15 No. No. I just, you know, I've known Marcus, Michael, Todd since it started. You know, I met those guys in CrossFit New England when this was, when the thing was a dream, really, we were starting out together in the industry and great friends, awesome, awesome friends first. And, um, they just, I love how they do things. You know, I love what they built. I love what they, they stand for stand for um i honestly love being around those guys so anything i can be a part of with them is awesome um so your your main jobs your main vocations your main things that keep you busy every day are being the ceo of hwpo see yeah that that's taking most
Starting point is 00:41:01 of my time you know and an, you're still an agent. I am. Yeah. And Daniel Robbins works with me as well. And, you know, he's most day to day with that, but yeah, you know, I plug in with him daily and the HWPO volume has been awesome. I won't say insane, like it's some sort of burden. It's been insane, but it's been amazing. So we've just been really busy and Harry just come on, which has been a huge help, but getting him moving, and he got moving fast. But we're doing events all over the place, programming. We're traveling a bunch. We've got a European tour coming up.
Starting point is 00:41:38 We're launching a new 2.0 version of how we approach programming, which has a trickle down to tech. So we have a huge app update that will come. Can you tell me about that? What's that mean? 2.0 programming? It's a retool of our approach, trying to build some more cohesiveness between everything we do. You know, we have a lot of different tracks right now. Uh, we want to build some more continuity between the tracks. Um, so that, you know, it's a little easier for people to be
Starting point is 00:42:10 a community. We, we, we have a like non-negotiable session one day one training plan where people enter our program, they start on day one and it's, you know, it's something Matt, you know, was really, uh, was really important to Matt when we started and it works, you know, it's something Matt, you know, was really important to Matt when we started. And it works. You know, people love it. As opposed to if you join in and it's 17 days in, you have to wait until it starts over again on day one. True. Right.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Right. And so we have people that have been on the program for hundreds of days, you know, and, you know, they're our sort of first group. But, you know, nobody sort of repeated started on day one. We're just like continuing to build programming. But I think, you know, the app will help us do this, but there'll be some intuitiveness to, you know, allowing how people might do conditioning daily to be cohesive, you know, because conditioning can be conditioning as long as it's sort of formatted the same, doesn't matter where you are. But we just have a lot of progression-based training, whether it's strength or conditioning. So there's just some complexity there.
Starting point is 00:43:12 But, you know, Harry's brought in some great ideas. We've been thinking about it a long time. You know, there's a lot to it. We'll probably finalize in the next two to three weeks what it will look like, announce it, probably roll it out sometime in q4 um i think there'll be some more free programming that we'll give to people um to get people in to experience what we're doing a little more um but yeah just busy busy with busy with that most of the time you know it's been super fun well what i what i heard there sorry if i didn't um because a lot of the stuff i don't
Starting point is 00:43:46 even understand because i just my workouts are so basic but it it sounded like it's going to be more you're trying to figure out what a way to make it a more communal event a more uh hwpo not just like here's my workout i go in my garage do it but a community like maybe i'm in the stone ages but maybe like a message board where people can talk or a group over here or you could get together with people in your area kind of like what i'm thinking of is street parking i mean that's they have so much power in their community right they they do honestly they do the best job of it i mean you know i've picked miranda's brain at times like she um man they do such a great job they're
Starting point is 00:44:27 they're a beacon in our industry um to be to be followed you know so we we just approach it differently which is fine and i think that we have something really special with how we go about it yes is the answer is to create a little more opportunity for people to connect through what they're doing. I mean, it hasn't, you know, you know, what's interesting is like, you know, you could go in this like don't fix what isn't broke, you know, thing. You know, you could look at it that way because, you know, we continue to grow and people love the program and there's a lot of success stories. giving the opportunity without them having to sacrifice what we know is the right way to train, to be able to do some things together occasionally and build some more,
Starting point is 00:45:08 you know, community outside of the app, like, you know, gathering points for people. There's a lot of things we've been talking about work. We're doing some work in Europe where, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:17 hopefully we can expand more over there. You know, get some people to help us over there too. It's just, yeah. I mean, getting more people together. I mean, because we know that works, right? Like people working out together works. So, you know, we're working hard for the people that have believed in us and subscribed to us to, you know, enhance their experience. So we're just going to sit there and say, hey, we do a great job. You're getting better every day. Thanks. You know, we want to advance. So we're really lucky we have a full tech team dev team sorry um hey they're in the ukraine they are they are yeah they're doing really well i um what city are they in can you you say or no no i i can't know it basically they're
Starting point is 00:46:02 on that so there's a river that runs through the country right there you know they're trending towards the the western side of ukraine but they're on the other side of the river like in this pocket and it's like a little bit of a like a dev tech pocket and it's you know thankfully been okay like there's never really oh the ukrainian tech pocket yes i'm very familiar with that so it's like you know it's one of these things that um where yeah it's focusing there i probably can point to it and you won't see me point i think it's right this thing oh i thought that was a river that's a fucking highway what do i know that's oh this thing right here that's either a lake or a river but yeah this thing you're
Starting point is 00:46:43 talking about this body of water yeah so it's like see that denipro river yeah that horse like yeah it's like it's it's probably probably up in there um but anyway they like we check in consistently and they're doing great like they're you know the females that work in the business had left and gone to poland because there's you know basically all the females left the country. And then the dev team still locked in. A lot of them are going in the office now every day again. It's weird like that, right?
Starting point is 00:47:14 Are we like, do we support the females leaving the country or do we think that that's sexist and we're against that? I mean, I thought. Where do we fall on that? I thought it was admirable for the men to say, you know, Hey, we're going to defend the country. You guys go and continue to work where you can and the kids and wives left. And so, yeah, they're, um, but yeah, they're, they're, I mean, man, what an insane part of our story that those guys, like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:47:43 we launched March 12th. I mean, story that those guys, like, I mean, we launched March 12th. I mean, if you look back, like, I think the bombs started flying like that week, you know, it was like, you know, this insane time for them as well as us. And they've never skipped a beat. So we have, you know, an immense amount of gratitude for those guys. They continue to grind. You know, they begged to not lose the work early on. We were just trying to be sensitive to them having other things going on, obviously.
Starting point is 00:48:13 How do you find tech guys in Ukraine? How did you find them? So Matt and I invested in a tech business called Fitter, which is a consumer platform so it's a coaching platform that you know smaller programming arms or a individual coach will put programming on and have students or you know clients go on to get their programming like a true coach type of platform um and that you know they white labeled their app for us and then then, you know, we've developed some differentiators between what we do and they do now, but they're, you know, we're,
Starting point is 00:48:50 we're essentially merged up with those guys. So Matt and I invested in those guys. Is this it? Uh, F I T R not ER. Fuck these guys. F I T R. Yeah. T. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:05 F-I-T-R. Wow, that is so cool. And how did these guys pop up on your radar? When we decided that we were going to pursue going on our own and building our own app, I had talked to these guys quite a bit when i was you know working at loud live um and they what language did you talk to him in well so they're the company fitter is based in london the dev teams in the ukraine okay so yeah leon cassidy um you know who was a part of the business is steve fossett former games athlete and so steve um was a recognizable face we took a call they they're
Starting point is 00:49:46 interested in you know when i at the time i first talked to him was like hey you're with a bunch of athletes that have programs would they consider using our platform instead of the others that are in the business and then when it come time that we were going to do this they were one of our first calls it was like hey you know we're looking for somebody to build our app white label we really like your product are you interested and we're looking for somebody to build our app, White Label. We really like your product. Are you interested? And it kind of went from there. Wow.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Yeah. That's awesome. And then so can you imagine how thankful those guys are that they have a job still? Yeah, it's – I mean, the economy – I mean, I guess anyone's thankful for a job right now. Yeah, it's I mean, the economy. I mean, I guess anyone's thankful for a job right now. Yeah, it's it's interesting. Like, you know, I think we try to look at it that way. You know, maybe that's us, you know, in justification. But like I true, like we've literally looked at, you know, tried to tell those guys like, hey, like, go do what you need to do. And they're like, no, please don't take the work away. But yeah, it makes me feel good because they're really grateful, um, that they have work,
Starting point is 00:50:49 you know, fitter provides them as much work as we do. So separately, we're both giving them a ton of work and it's, um, is it complicated doing business with them? Like, like paying them? No, all money still flows freely in the world. Yeah. Yeah. They don't. No, that's not complicated at all. So, no, no. But they're incredible people. I mean, dude, they're like, there was a point early on where the lead sent a Slack to us and said, hey, like, I hope it's okay. I need a couple days off. And we're like, yeah, dude, whatever you need. He's like, I okay i need a couple days off and we're like yeah dude
Starting point is 00:51:25 whatever you need he's like i gotta build a bomb shelter and i was wow that's a that's a moment in life that you don't think you'll ever cross you know you're just like what like yes take a week off i mean that's not it but but that's crazy you know so um and and by the way build a barn shelter to be able to work is their focus. They're really hard work. Oh, it's really, we need to build an office underground. Essentially, yeah. They have not skipped a beat at all. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:52:02 They're amazing. So we're very fortunate. Matt, how many podcasts have you done? Well, is my face too many places? It's a loaded question. I'm steering you down a dark alley. I don't know. I've been on yours a bunch. Yeah. I think you've been on it more than anyone this is it makes you a fish oh maybe i've had some yeah yeah yeah but those other guys were
Starting point is 00:52:32 on like every day so right right but i um well i mean i was on every day at waterpalooza and a bunch prior but no i mean yeah i mean i've done some it's, it's spotty. Like we did a bit, a bit. Do you ever feel like you, do you say no? I do. I do. Okay. Yeah. I mean, it's not like, you know, if that wasn't a dig by the way. No, I don't want, you know, that's not a, like, I don't have time for, like, I don't, um, yeah, I mean, I'm not like, I mean, you can see it even with my social, like I, I'm not really like interested in building my person as much as I am talking about either
Starting point is 00:53:11 cool people I work with or cool things our business is doing or talk to cool people that, you know, are contributing to our space. Yeah. I've gotten some random ones where I'm just like, yeah, I'm good. Um, but the, you know, What about this where I'm just like, yeah, I'm good. But the, you know. What about this line? Do you like this line? Hey, I'm starting a podcast.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I'd like you to be my first guest. How do you feel about that as an approach? That's a good one. I think you used that with me. I'm sorry. I get that one. I'm like, are you fucking kidding me? I have done a few of late that you know matt and i both have been very
Starting point is 00:53:47 public about our recovery most of a lot lately like we did he did an episode on our youtube channel and you know he and i went to the phoenix and we're really open about it and talked openly on that and um i've really enjoyed getting to talk about that because being someone in recovery, I really know how much that can help some people. So, um, that's something I would never say no to. So, um, you know, I've been a bit out and about on that, um, and get a lot of great messages about how it helps people. So that, that part has been really fun and rewarding. Um, love the Phoenix spend, you know, as much time as I can over there. And I'm really proud that Matt too, is using his platform to, you know, hopefully help some people because that's like, that stuff is bananas hard. And, you know, for somebody to see him and his success or, you know, me, you know, and what I'm doing and be able to say, well, shit, those guys were in the gutter like I was, cause none of us are any different, you know? So i'm doing and be able to say well shit those guys were in the gutter like i was because none of us are any different you know so it's um i really know brandon's different she is she's elite she's elite um i i've been seen uh i've been really well i watch a lot of
Starting point is 00:55:02 i never had watched a podcast i had this podcast and now I watch podcasts before I have guests on to like just see what they're up to. So like before you like tonight, when I get I have Matt Torres coming on tomorrow. I already watched one podcast that he was on. And then tonight, when I get off with you, I'll watch another one that he's on and then he'll come on in the morning. Would you watch me? Which one did I watch with you? There were two that I watched with you i watched one uh you were on the clydesdale you and matt yeah and um that one i watched first
Starting point is 00:55:34 what was the other one coffees pods and wads i've been on his a few times actually he's that dude's fucking good he's awesome i don't want to go on his anymore i went on once because he did the motherfucker just lets me talk i need i need someone like me who interrupts me i don't want to go on that thing he is the best listener in podcast history i have to tell you i it's funny you say that whenever i've been on i'm like i've been talking for like 10 minutes this guy hasn't even batted an eye this is amazing really what sucks is he's hey if he gets a shitty guest on you want to be like motherfucker interrupt stop him oh i got to meet him in london briefly i was running around i was there captain was competing and um i'm looking forward to spending some more time with him he's a really
Starting point is 00:56:25 nice guy he yeah similarities with you like just said you know what fuck it i'm gonna work my ass off and you know show up and grind this thing and i'm glad it's starting to play out well for him um there are some so these are the two this is what i i was discovering in the last week the criteria for podcast. There's, you might go on a podcast like his with a great host and, but it might not get a lot of views. But what if you go onto a podcast, there's a podcast out there I'm thinking of, I'm not going to say the name, but it's so fucking bad that I think it's brand diminishing that people go on it. Really? Oh, it's so bad. but it gets a ton of engagement no
Starting point is 00:57:08 no no no and it doesn't get engagement no no it doesn't get any engagement either but it's but but but but in this space it seems like um like matt will go on any podcast except mine um and it's just fucking crazy and so i see or or like t I'll see them on these podcasts or but but not even those two. Like someone will come on my podcast and it will get fucking they'll get blown up. They'll put on a thousand fucking followers. Their shit will blow up like everything. I see like just their whole shit gets excited, right? They get stimulated or they're like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I sold a bunch of seminars. They send me a fucking check. I don't cash it. But like, you know, shit like that. Then I seem to go on this other podcast.'m like why did you do that they just like you talked about um what what you like better french cheese mustard or uh ketchup that's because they have a shitty agent yes thank you i knew we'd get somewhere with this that is you know what's interesting you know i only one person's ever come on this show and look bad it was opt everyone
Starting point is 00:58:06 else leaves here looking great because i'm such a schmuck every like stand next to me and you look like a fucking god that that is that that is um the whole you know it's funny matt loves doing podcasts that people you know might have other interests than just this like you know so that that's like sometimes where there's a flyer taken there to say he says i mean we say no to a lot of podcasts for him um but yeah i mean he he's intrigued with those that like might be from outside times and sometimes that stuff can be a little bit interesting obviously so um but yeah that that's um there are a lot of podcasts in our space there are a lot and and even some great ones like um uh so someone today contacted me who's worth a shitload of money, a fucking shit ton of money.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Like, and they said, hey, I listened to your podcast. I said, oh, and they said, and I heard you talking about how you're the greatest fucking direct media director that's ever lived. I said, yeah, great. That's correct. And they said, well, can you help me get, you know, I want to start this new branch of my business. I said, absolutely. I'll tell you how to do it what i was critiquing when they called me was the fact that crossfit games has a podcast and they put adrian bosman on it and it has it last night when i looked it had 41 views and then justin berg was on it and had like 220 views and it's so hard to find. And at that point, I'm thinking their time has to be more valuable. Like if you were going to talk to someone for two hours and only 41 people were going to watch it, your time was more valuable than that, right? And so if I see Matt on a podcast and it has 800 views, I'm starting to think, well, his time has got to be more valuable than that. Right. There has to be some, uh, there's some fancy marketing word for it. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Yeah. And, uh, you know, some, sometimes, well, you know, his pushing of a conversation can be really helpful to those platforms. So like, I think that's hell. Yeah. Look at me. Look what he did for me. Thank you, Matt. i'm not joking i mean i'm joking but i'm not joking joking not joking the matt and josh part r.i.p all right no no i don't think so you think it's coming back i'm open i i've sent him a couple i've sent those guys i send those guys a text message every three months what you want to get on this weekend or what oh man shake if the three of you showed up again that'd be amazing listen listen i'm gonna do it fucking right now
Starting point is 01:00:49 listen i'm gonna text these motherfuckers right now okay go on so tell me yeah um yeah you know it's funny i've done i've done adrian's podcast um adrian what do you mean adrian's no no you mean oh oh that's a good podcast the The one with him and Pat Sherwood? I'm not with Pat. Are you talking about, who are you talking about? I was saying that Chase Ingram has a podcast that he does for CrossFit Games. I thought you were talking about Adrian Conway.
Starting point is 01:01:15 And it's fucking amazing, and Chase is amazing. I'd argue that it may be the best in the space. But it's buried, and it doesn't get any views, and I just think why i i mean when adrian comes on tomorrow ask him why he did it like don't you have better things to do with your time or push that thing to the fucking front yeah right like like you guys aren't hiding matt he's your he's your he's the big dicks big swinging dick so you push him up to the front adrian bosman's the big swinging dick push him up to the front. Adrian Bosman's the Big Swingin' Dick. Push him up to the front. And same with the Coffee...
Starting point is 01:01:45 Well, the Coffee Wads and Pods, they should be reposting the shit out of his stuff. I mean, his shit's amazing. I haven't listened to that podcast yet. Was it good? With Adrian? Yeah. It was the most intimate conversation I've ever seen with
Starting point is 01:02:00 Adrian. Okay. Josh Bridges and Matt matt will you help me compose this just send them just send them the link say say hey come talk to her come talk to her keith no i don't want to share you i want to um uh uh shall we do a podcast this week how about that there you go that's kind of like low pressure there's nothing going on yeah shall we do a podcast this week and i won't even use a question mark dave taught me that even though you're asking a question don't use a question mark because you're really not asking a question. You're demanding it.
Starting point is 01:02:46 That's a statement. Yeah. Shall we do a podcast this week? Period. Okay. That's good. Have you done it with Josh? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I've done a couple. Well, I've done like two or three with Josh. Yeah. I've done like two or three with Josh.osh the thing is is these guys like have something else going on like josh and matt like this is my matt's busy yeah i this is my oxygen for them it's like i mean this is my cake and for them this podcast are just candles it's like no i like i so we're kind of on different um i'll give you, I can give you the answer for Matt. No. He already texted you and you told him no. Don't do it.
Starting point is 01:03:31 On my phone. He didn't text me. It's just chaos in a good way. Like we just have a lot. We're all, we're traveling our everybody out the end of the week and you know, he's finishing up with Mallory. Oh, Keith, the last time he told me he was busy, I saw him show up on four podcasts within the next seven days. That won't be the case this week. So I don't believe busy.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Yeah, they're there. Man, he's been I hope I hope there's more. Well, I mean, he's not doing it for this, but like it's such a cool story. His coaching story. I mean, he's doing it like he did being the best athlete ever. He's just, you know, so focused and engaged. I'm really proud of him. I mean, he just like he doesn't know how to do anything but all in, which is a great trait and can be very painful for you as an individual at times, too, because you just don't know how to turn off.
Starting point is 01:04:26 times too because you just don't know how to turn off but man he's such a good coach um and he's you know done such a great job for for the athletes we're working with right now i'm excited to see they're you know they're they're ready and excited to see him at the games again you know engaged and i i think it's brewing up a lot of you know old memories of what it was like to to travel out there i mean the same pressure for him i think and the same you know sort of whatever anxiety or whatever would come with you know going to be tested is there because he just cares so much it's been awesome honestly i hope people get to see some of it it's been really fun for me to watch um do you know james krauses he's a ufc fighter he's an active fighter yeah i know the name okay and um he fights at 171 i think he's
Starting point is 01:05:11 won his last like five fights but he's been so focused on coaching and um he said he's more excited for one of his athletes to win a title than himself and I don't think that. And I was thinking, I bet you a lot of people would have trouble believing this, but I bet you Matt's like, I bet you this, I don't know if it's Matt 3.0, 5.0, whatever version, I bet you he thinks that too. I bet you Matt's like, this is more important to me than me winning. I mean, it just seems like the winner's mindset. Well, you're not, you know, he's not in control like he was before right like you know he had complete control it was on him to execute on the floor and yeah he cares as much you know
Starting point is 01:05:57 so it's it's um i've watched him at semi-finals and um i mean he wants it bad for these guys you know you know i watched him with jason and i watched him with mallory uh it's awesome it's so cool it's um i'm fine i'm fired up i'm fired up to you know it's it's it's funny last year was different right like we were at the games for the first time without him competing it was just a different type of year you know and and um i'm excited i'm excited to be back in that fashion where you know he's really you know engaged and into it he has a purpose there i think he felt last year it's kind of like you know what am i doing here you know it's like waving and shaking hands it's like not really his thing you know he wants to be active so um going to the games as a spectator
Starting point is 01:06:45 after you go there as a job is is is tough i think i've only been as a job uh i i would i would think i would think it would be tough you know you know it's uh maybe a day not not not the full full week but yeah it's um yeah you you put it you put it right it's um i need purpose yeah yeah it's the game's this man i i really need to get some rest this week that is a big week do you know what i used to do too okay um okay if i would i would start walking like 10 miles a day or more 20 miles a day prior to the games or every other day to i mean i had to walk around a lot carrying a camera and i would carry like a 10 pound med ball just to train for the game just train for that week i'm not joking i play i play golf and i carry my golf bag and that's 10 9 to 10 miles when you play golf so damn is it really yeah most golf
Starting point is 01:07:46 courses you know are about 8 to 10 miles to walk depending on how long the course is and you're on your feet for like four hours yeah at least and you're you know it's usually hilly up and down hills but it's awesome yeah i i generally i generally will walk and carry my bag. HWPO is this massive training program, but Matt Fraser as a coach is boutique. He is. Right? There's just two. Well, is there three?
Starting point is 01:08:18 Would you say he's Marconi's coach too? Jake Marconi? Yeah, he coached Jake for sure. Coached or coaches? He coached. I don't knowi yeah he coached jake for sure so coach or coaches he coached you know i don't know what jake's gonna do moving forward i don't know if he'll keep competing he loves the business side and he's very important to what we do that's not why he he doesn't need to not compete for us he just is interested in more on that side so you know i don't think he's made his decision yet but but matt fraser is the coach so officially he's mal o'brien's and jason with a y hoppers yeah coach and no one else he is
Starting point is 01:08:55 and jake jake works a lot with jason day-to-day too so the two of them are sort of you know tag team in that but yeah matt yeah there's nobody else. And we have athletes at the games, multiple, that follow the program. Some we found out through semifinals. But I think we're going to look at that too. This whole 2.0 thing is just Harry's come over. Harry's coached elite athletes to the games. He's going to coach Sam Quant this year at the games. That's not an HWPO-related thing. He was doing that before he came.
Starting point is 01:09:33 We're going to look at that hard post-games. How do we service that crowd? Do we bring coaches on? Do we, as coaches, take on more people? I don't think that's the case for Matt, though. I think Matt is where he wants to be. He has a ton of responsibility for us media-wise, which some people would just be like, yeah, whatever. But, like, it's hours daily that he's filming videos. And so, you know, it's hard to scale without him, you know, as we expand.
Starting point is 01:10:03 And, you know, we're bringing on an Olympic lifting coach. So, you know, he's going to have some responsibility there i'm really excited about that do you know amy everett i do yeah she's good she's going to be uh that's that's cody anderson's um yeah yeah she's coming on to be the face of hwpl lift which will be that's a special lady that's like she's like this much heart and like this much human being. We just spent some time at the event in Canada with her and man, she just our kind of people. She's awesome. So really excited for her to come on and we're looking at expanding into
Starting point is 01:10:37 other sports. So we're actively talking to a golfer. We're actively talking to an MMA fighter. We're going to try to build training programs for sport as well, just not CrossFit as a sport. So, you know, lifestyle training, like, like, you know, training for life, and then training for sport specific CrossFit, and then other sports as well, you know, I mean, we believe that this is the right way to train, no matter what you're doing. So we're working really hard on that so there's a lot to do matt's getting involved in a lot of it you know his vision his input's really
Starting point is 01:11:09 important so adding more athletes to his plate's not gonna happen have you ever seen a successful kids program i don't mean like a i don't mean like a one-off right i don't mean like a gym that has like a flourishing crossfit kids program but have you ever seen like a a kids that has like a flourishing CrossFit kids program, but have you ever seen like a, a kid's training program? Like, I mean, have you ever seen the CrossFit kids, um, uh,
Starting point is 01:11:29 manual? I haven't actually seen the manual. Yeah. Not very many people have, it would, it'll blow your mind, dude. I was a part of a gym that had a really good program.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Um, you know, it was one of the original affiliates, North shore CrossFit up in Danvers. And, um, you probably know the founders of it. You know, it's one of the original affiliates, North Shore CrossFit up in Danvers. And you probably know the founders of it. And they, they, they had a flourishing kids program for a while.
Starting point is 01:11:54 It was really cool. CrossFit New England had one of the biggest kids program. A lot of the kids that were a part of CrossFit kids at CrossFit New England are now competitors, you know? But I mean, like, like if you see, by the way way if anyone wants to ask Matt O'Keefe a question you're welcome to ask and if you say something stupid I'm gonna hang up on you go ahead something stupid um I'm telling so this manual that CrossFit put out is like every it's like basically like the something the CDC wishes they
Starting point is 01:12:23 had it's everything basically your kids should be doing from day one till whenever. And it's like to be able to crawl. It's to be able to walk. It's to be able to like hang for one second. I mean, and they have the daily structure. It's so fucking crazy. I don't think this book's online either. I want to say maybe Todd Widman put it together.
Starting point is 01:12:40 It is nuts. I have a copy of it. It's like it's overwhelming. It's so fantastic. But like, you see this program, you see all these successful programs out there, but I just don't see a successful kids program by that. I mean, like, Hey, this is how you today with for 20 minutes, your kids just stand on a skateboard today for 20 minutes, your kids just show throw a ball with their left hand today. I mean, it doesn't, it's, it's obviously not going
Starting point is 01:13:04 to be clean and jerks but today you should have your kid um uh you know run sprints with a one minute break like just some really basic it's hard i mean you guys that requires the parents right so it's like another yes layer you know it's just it's um no one gives a fuck about anybody that that's hard it's hard enough getting people to exercise themselves. You nailed it. Fuck, I don't know why I didn't think of that. You're right.
Starting point is 01:13:28 That's it. You can't even get, you know, let's get the parents to work out. That's the answer, right? Right, right. You know, that's the answer. I mean, I know I could see that in my house. Like I, you know, made this part of my life the last, you know, it has been through college, but like really purposefully the last 10 years with CrossFit and everybody in my house does a version of it now, you know, it's, it's, uh, it's infectious.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Um, why would anyone do any other training program other than proven mayhem or HWPO? You have these three crazy dominant fucking characters uh why why would anyone do anything else i don't know i don't i don't really pay a whole lot of attention other than to what we're doing i mean if you wanted to be the games champ wouldn't you i mean doesn't those three seem like a slam dunk?
Starting point is 01:14:25 Yeah, you'd think that people that. What the fuck is Medeiros doing over there with Adam Neifer, Neifer, CrossFit Fort, Fort Vancouver? That's the place that was around before cars. Top five. Adam is a top five human being. True. He is.
Starting point is 01:14:41 I agree. I agree. What Adam has done really well, and I respect a ton, is, you know, and it's really our ethos too, is just, you know, you're either an export expert or not. And if you're not, you find that knowledge from someone else. And, you know, it's the same for us. It's just, you know, Hey, brought on a strength coach or bring on a lifting coach. It's, you know, we're, you know, we could sell any type of programming and probably, you know, have people subscribe to it, but we want it to be the best. And Adam's been really good at managing, you know, different people to help Justin, you know. And Adam has a ton of knowledge himself, a ton of experience as a competitor. He's done a great job, you know, a really, really good job with him.
Starting point is 01:15:24 And you're right. He's a quality human being he's a he really he really is i mean he like i i just i feel good about myself after i spend time with him that's like gotta be one of the best things you could say about somebody like i just feel good after i i spent some time with Adam Reifert. Yeah, he's not polluted or jaded. He's probably not on social. No, right, right, right. Are you all done with Wadapalooza? I am, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Like, is Wadapalooza done? No, no, no. I'll be there this year. Our entire team will be there. I'm excited to go back. I still have some, you know, friends there that are going to help run it this year. Dylan's there still. So, yeah, great guy and does a great job. I'm happy for him.
Starting point is 01:16:19 And, you know, if we can support the event, we will. You know, I'm proud of my time there. I'm proud of my departure, as I believe those guys are with how we moved on. You'll see us there supporting those guys. We're supporting live. We're programming the Madrid event. So, you know, we're going to kick off our European tour in Madrid, but we are the programming partner of the Madrid championship, which is huge this year. It's 2,500 athletes. They're going back to Caja Maica where they had invitational or regionals, which I'm sure you've been to some of that. And so, yeah. When you were there, were you the, did, did, did, when you were at Loud and Live, did what live did what was what a palooza their first event they took on it was they had purchased um a majority share in the business i don't know like a year and a half prior to you know two years prior to me getting there so they had had done one and I consulted on their second, which was 2018. And then I merged with them
Starting point is 01:17:31 right after the 2018 Guadalupe. So that was the whole thing. So not even that long. You weren't even there that long, but it seems like you were there forever. Yeah, I was there like, you know, four and some change years
Starting point is 01:17:42 or five. I don't know, whatever I did, there was a COVID waza, but if it was, uh, I never heard that we didn't do on one year, unfortunately, but that, um, man, I learned, I learned a lot there. That was like going to business school and back, like really fortunate. No, I'm really grateful for my time there and um and that event's wild so cool you know i i did my i did my my time and my part it was time for me to move on adrian said i don't remember which podcast it was in by the way i was only going to have you on 45 minutes i really appreciate you staying on this long i don't know if i told you that oh no you didn't okay well thank you um adrian said on one of those podcasts it was either the um the one with peter the coffee
Starting point is 01:18:30 wads and pods or the one with chase the crossfit games on but he said if if if you're not thick skinned if you're not like if you don't have the ability to just take on a lot the crossfit space is not for you the crossfit community is not for you. The CrossFit community is not for you. Like the cross, like maybe I should, I should be careful about how loose I am when paraphrasing it, but, but it is a,
Starting point is 01:18:51 it is a, it is a space with a lot of strong and passionate characters and winners and people who are committed. And yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's intense in a good way.
Starting point is 01:19:01 Intense. Successful people thrive. It's called extreme ownership. It's I've talked a bit about this with Waza, which was it's it's your best friend and sometimes your worst enemy. But, you know, when you have, you know, I was associating it to volunteer the volunteer corps, you know, you have twelve hundred volunteers at Waza. The most beautiful thing about that event is how extreme those, those people own their roles and the event for that matter. That's an event by the community. It has been from the beginning. Wouldn't be able to run without it. You know, as is the games for that matter, they have a huge volunteer core and they're just, it's the passion runs so deep and sometimes it
Starting point is 01:19:43 can, you know, work against you a little bit. It's you. I mean, the roles I've had, especially that one, if my skin wasn't thick, I would have crumbled. You know, you would take, you take, you take a lot of heat, you know, I feel like my, my skin thickened through my career in Crossfit because you know you're you know you're it's required from day one like if you want to be out in front and doing things forward facing and be involved in the sport you know you're going to be challenged and there's nothing wrong with that you're the first generation of your age to deal with what the people younger than us have no idea.
Starting point is 01:20:27 And by that, I mean, I'll give you an example that for people who are listening that you'll understand completely. There was a point when I was at CrossFit where we controlled everything. We were the loudest voice in the room, right? It was just like YouTube, TV, websites. And then all of a sudden this thing showed up
Starting point is 01:20:43 called Instagram and facebook and then it was like oh they could become the people inside the brand could become more popular than the brand and it became instead of there became although you were one creature in one ecosystem it became competitive and then everyone had a voice and then everyone could talk shit and like you even saw crossfit go through this and you're seeing brands go through this which is to probably mean you is i don't know about you but to me it's hilarious because the most where we grew up the brands would walk around like this fuck you and now brands are like trying to make everyone happy and i'm like what are you doing stay true to your fucking charter
Starting point is 01:21:18 like just and if you don't succeed stage because you'll never have enough energy making everyone happy stay true to your charter if you sink then start another business but but if you don't succeed, because you'll never have enough energy making everyone happy. Stay true to your charter. If you sink, then start another business. But if you try to make everyone happy, and we're seeing people and brands go through this, and people like me and you, I guess it's the thickening of the skin are kind of like, wow, they're never going to, like, we had to do a shift. I don't know. Do you see the kind of the picture I'm painting? I do. shift i don't know do you see the kind of the picture i'm painting i do and that's like you know there's you're talking about what our first part of this conversation was which is the trap
Starting point is 01:21:50 of social you know you you know you can you know do something miraculous or you know produce something great but you're what you're what you're speaking to is the most important which is like you can put your head on the pillow at night if you're doing the right thing by yourself, your culture, your brand, you know, like, you know, you don't have to, if you're explaining you're losing, you know, so that's like, that's a really cliche statement, but it's the truth. So it's like one of those things where, you know, you can find, can you break that down a little bit for me? If you're explaining you're losing. I ask anybody listening, you like think about one situation where, you know, you felt like you needed to explain yourself that really there was a big positive outcome. I mean, I think there's like, you know, you have a fight with your wife and maybe, you
Starting point is 01:22:41 know, explain what you were thinking and saying that there's positive there. But when you're talking about on the public side where it's like, no, I meant this or no, just, you know, stay true to yourself, you know, be honest, you know, you know, have integrity, like all these things that, I mean, as long as you're like perfect there, you're going to be okay. You know it's um lead it's almost like lean into it i could i when when i can't even come close to do i can't snatch something once that olivia kersler can snatch 50 times i could make excuses well so or i could or i could lean
Starting point is 01:23:18 into it and make fun of myself these are the in one of them's fucking your you end up looking like a jack i see i get it now what you mean if you might start explaining to myself that i'm old and that the like i even when i watch the video i'm like well i haven't done a snatch in forever even that was making me cringe like oh why did i even say that matt worked with a guy um we were really fortunate so this guy that founded tb12 with tom brady so his his body work guy's name's alex what's tb12 i don't know what that is tb12 sports is tom brady tv okay it's a it's um it's a sport physio business they work on you know rehab and pliability mobility um it's a lot of like deep tissue massage whatever so tom's guy alex guerrero who's a legend in sport um we were able to get him to do some work with matt and while he was competing yeah
Starting point is 01:24:15 yeah so he worked he worked on matt like his last four years of his career and um and he it's funny as much as he worked on matt's body he worked on matt's mind at times and it was things like that and that's an alex guerrero is um you know you know we would you know he mad be on the table and getting some work and alex would say matt if you're explaining you're losing and he'd say it like every time we would see him yeah and matt would always leave there and be like pretty simple you know alex puts it pretty straight but um that is so true like you just described one of them you know one you know one example of you know how you're not winning by making up excuses right so it's uh
Starting point is 01:24:58 yeah i mean that stuff it's funny i it's, it's really, it's really interesting. I know you're not even touching on this, but it's like I got engaged in a pissing contest on social last week or two weeks ago. Um, I cracked a joke about it that I cracked a joke about it on my Instagram. Oh, okay, cool. Um, well you should, you know, it's, it's so interesting. It's um, and I stood up from the, Matt thought I was, I was making fun of him. I was actually standing up for him, but that's another thing go on pissing contest yeah but it was just you know it's like one of those things where your cup runs over and it's funny i look back and i'm
Starting point is 01:25:33 you know i'm not perfect by any stretch i'm like what like what did i get out of that i got nothing out of that you know but you know it was really nice some people come to our defense and like enough's enough but it's like you know that's there's no win there right like that i you know it's like i never comment on anything or even for that matter very rarely ever read comments for that reason because it's a dark tunnel but that's another perfect example of it is like you know i'm on there explaining and I'm literally looking at it like 10 minutes later. I'm like, well, I fucking lost because. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:10 I always feel like that, too. Yes. That's why I always make it your mom joke. I just go straight for your mom. I just go nuclear. So some people think I went nuclear. I was just kind of like, you know, just like. People think I went nuclear. I was just kind of like, you know, this is just like,
Starting point is 01:26:29 I thought it was, I didn't, I didn't dive into it too deep and I couldn't see the USA today article because he had to pay for it. Um, but I just saw that someone was making fun of Matt for being picky about who he chose to work with. And I'm like, so I, so I, so someone actually made it for me and sent it to me. And it's a picture of me like posing. And it's like, I'm very choosy about who I put on my podcast for the exact quote, Matt. And, and, and later on, I,
Starting point is 01:26:49 later on, I had, I explained on my podcast just to clear it up with Matt. Like, Hey, Matt can pick whoever the fuck he wants. If you, who do you want just to go pick a homeless dude who's 65?
Starting point is 01:26:59 Like what the fuck? That makes perfect sense. What Matt said. But on the other hand, I'm a podcast slut. I will have anyone on. So look, I've been on more than anyone yeah yeah yeah oh keith yeah so that is um that's something for people to think about there's a nugget takeaway right there if you're explaining you're losing um i i was chatting with uh and Julian about this.
Starting point is 01:27:27 I think one of the biggest mistakes – I don't know. Biggest mistakes isn't the right word. I think one of the things that would have been really cool is if Greg would have never got rid of CrossFit Santa Cruz. If he would have kept it and he would have turned it into a destination location. Oh, my God. There's the pull-up bar that Annie did her blah, blah, blah. There's the bar that Greg Amundsen did Grace with and would have kept that. And you could go there and maybe only get to – give people what they want. Let people go in there.
Starting point is 01:27:52 You can sign up for a time, work out there. And I was talking to – when I was talking to Miranda and Julian, I was like, hey, you guys should think about having a brick-and-mort mortar spot that all your videos are made in so that people could visit it. And I know you guys don't have a brick and mortar, and I know that someone asked you, I can't remember someone asking you on the podcast I listened to, do you ever think about that? But why not?
Starting point is 01:28:16 Let's do it. I'm asking you to do it. The Vermont spot for all the weirdos that end up in that corner of the fucking country. It's not a crazy thought. I mean, the shirt, you,
Starting point is 01:28:28 maybe you see Matt, maybe you don't, maybe you see Mal, maybe you see Jason, maybe you don't. Only a few people are let in an hour. You got to sign up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:36 It's, um, we, we are building a building by the way. Oh, awesome. No, I mean,
Starting point is 01:28:40 you know, Dave does that, you know, you can sign up and work at the rent, work out at the ranch with Dave. I've seen, I've seen that. You know you can sign up and work out at the ranch with Dave. I've seen that. It's fucking rad. This is a cool place.
Starting point is 01:28:50 I've been fortunate enough to be there a few times. That's very historic if you love our sport. You can do the same run T and Matt did. You can sign up for an hour session. Dave will put you through it, and it's cheap. I mean, relative. Yeah, we're building a building for our team we're gonna have some housing in it um so that athletes can come in that follow the program and train a bit you know periodically in a bigger
Starting point is 01:29:17 gym you know the gym we have at matt's house now uh we've we've completely outgrown it uh so we're building a pretty substantial matt bought a piece of land looks small by the way i said told matt that once and he got a little mad at me it looks tiny it's not though it's just not oh so much equipment in it and it's you know having narrow it looks like i like lebron could touch both walls it's like it's like the width of it like a little wider than a two-car garage with higher ceilings okay but it's um but we're gonna you know you know we need media space we need housing for more people i mean we got people traveling in all the time and you just think of that time when you know dylan and db come in jason's in all the time so we're gonna build a
Starting point is 01:30:02 barn dominium basically that has housing offices gym space media facilities for us to do all our filming and matt had a piece of property he bought for his forever home that he was going to build before he bought the home that he is in now that he's not going to you know use for anything it's got an old historic barn on it but we're going to build a building on that on that that piece of land. That's awesome. Yeah. It's not public. You know, I mean, I don't know that we won't do things occasionally where it's like, Hey, come on up. You know, if you want, we'll let 15 people come up for a couple of days and train just everyday people to, you know, where I haven't thought that far ahead. By every day, a hundred thousand minimum Instagram followers, people just so you know.
Starting point is 01:30:43 No, honestly, like it'd be great to have some people be able to experience it occasionally it's just it's truly going to be a training facility um for for you know athletes trying to you know go the pro route and so it's um i don't know that that's not like you know i remember the person i don't know what podcast it was asked me about you know brick and mortar and mortar. And it's, you know, I think I said something like, you know, not today. We'll see, you know, maybe. Yeah. You know, it's I'm not close to any of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:31:12 I think, you know, I've been around enough of the, you know, I think Matt Fraser, HWPO training gym would be, you know, really attractive to people to go to. Right. The gym business is not as easy as people think. No, it's fucking hard. Yeah. It's almost, I don't, I don't know if this is true, but like Ryan Fisher, for example, he has a gym. I don't think, and it's crazy successful, but I don't think he makes any money on it. I think it's, he makes his money because he has the eBooks and he has other things he's doing. And that's basically a place for him to shoot his videos and and it's um it's part of the brand that right that chalk the chalk brand down in newport a lot of yeah i've been there before yeah okay cool it's a cool you're good looking enough
Starting point is 01:31:55 to get in that place i know that place has a like you know like some rides at museum parks have a height this is like an ugly stick like i could never get into that gym a lot of pretty people there yeah yeah that is ryan included yeah they're um yeah i don't know hot as fuck we'll see what happens with that well you know we'll take a look at it i'd love to be you know more present we've we've talked to some you know gym brands about being you know present with them as well just to give access know gym brands about being you know present with them as well just to give access to people to be able to you know do functional fitness crossfit anywhere like i my personal opinion and you know nobody was ever going to be able to convince me
Starting point is 01:32:37 otherwise it's like i have had a dream experience going through an affiliate door that i'm forever grateful for and it's why I'm here today as I stepped through that door. It's a big barrier though. We know this, right? So it's like one of those things where if we can find ways, you know, we want to help this is like, you know, more people getting to experience things, you know, and soften the, you know, lower the bar, soften the barrier and experience CrossFit, people will gravitate to gyms. That's the answer for me. You know, I do understand that the CrossFit ethos has always, you know, had that, you know, everything is about the affiliate. And I believe that like the affiliate is, you know, what's changed all of our lives. I want more
Starting point is 01:33:24 people to experience it. So the answer to me is like, the more you can democratize this, and that's not to say the business necessarily, but to get people to go through that door now, I think is experience-based. It's just, you know, how do I get Peloton to stop having my wife do burpees, thrusters, and bike and call it what they call it, call it CrossFit. Like that to me is like such a no-brainer because that person's going to be like, yeah, I fucking CrossFit. And then they're going to go to the affiliate. And if that's 10% more people that are saying I do CrossFit
Starting point is 01:33:57 and now I'll go to an affiliate, guess who won? The affiliate. Right, right. So, yeah, we would, you know, we know we want you know us to like that you know i think it's um you know we have a lot of things that make a lot of sense for people that aren't trying to you know do heavy barbell stuff and like be you know really gritty crossfitters you know we have a sweat track and you know we want to you know find ways for more people to experience us you know so it's just you know we you know if that becomes brick and mortar we'll see but you know if we can do work in you
Starting point is 01:34:30 know in gyms in general we'll do it you know we're just kind of open to grind and get out and about be in front of people it's you know what we're going to do with the games it's just as much as we possibly can run class workouts you know whatever we can do we just want people to get fit experience it you know we think we have a really cool formula for it and it's not the only one we know that that's cool when people can do other tracks and do main site and you're gonna find the right fit for you we just want people to know actually what we do you know you you manage um matt fraser i do uh tia toomey no i do not brooke wells yes jason hopper do yes um ellie turner we do yes um uh katrin david's daughter we do uh is there anyone anyone i forgot justin madaris you do justin too pat velner brad fukowski cole sager um sure i'll miss somebody in there but yeah do i ask you this every time you're on i don't remember bailey rail
Starting point is 01:35:40 bailey rail she's awesome by the way yeah they're all they all are oh that's how she fucking got the noble shirt i fucking knew it no i'm studying this i'm like how the fuck did this chick get a shirt i mean she's great don't even know she's great she's that was some home cooking she's been there no she's been with them a while all right oh she has been oh yeah she's been so her entire okay all right with them honestly since the right oh she has been oh yeah she's been so her entire with them honestly since the beginning like they've been their legacy with those guys they've been a long time okay uh brent free i didn't know you justin maderos too wow yep yeah daniel works really closely with him um they have a daniel's moving to boise so justin lives most of the year in boise
Starting point is 01:36:26 so they're gonna he's building a house there to to be closer there wait i thought justin was going to school there he did and he's owns a home there so i think he'll you know always spend a portion of his time there and daniel's building a house there as well wow what a trip i figured he would come back to california or go to washington they love it out there the two of them like daniel is getting married in september and um you know so his fiance and justin like they they can't get i get boise is like um austin nashville it's a little but like, there are a lot of young people moving to Boise. It's a cool town. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Um, and, and then, you know, where the old people are moving in Boston, Coeur d'Alene, the smart, the smart,
Starting point is 01:37:17 the smart old people. I was just there. You were, Oh, what were you doing up there? I was visiting. I was visiting, uh,
Starting point is 01:37:23 catching in Brooks. Oh, they're, they're up there? I was visiting. I was visiting Catching and Brooks. Oh, they're up there? Yeah, Brooks owns a house on the lake. Yeah, smart. Oh, yeah. Smart. It is a piece of heaven. Matt and Sammy have been out there.
Starting point is 01:37:39 I've been out a couple times now. Cole lives like 40 minutes from there. And it's the hardest place that i have leaving every time i go is it's it's insane you know james uh is is going between james fitzgerald is going does scottsdale in the winter and quarter lane in the summer is that where he lives yeah that's and another one of our good friends is doing that also one of one of our acquaintances oh yeah who's that yeah uh the um what's his name uh mr glassman greg oh is he on the lake yeah it's uh it's something it's it's good it's what what'd you say that lake has gone bananas yeah it's it's
Starting point is 01:38:27 really good uh living especially those people who figured out the scottsdale thing because they never have to leave 75 degrees ever yeah i was there last week it was like 80 85 we played golf you know brooks is a member at a golf club there that's awesome called gauzer ranch and we just uh how cool he has a couple boats like it's just such a cool place you know wake you wake surfing boat fishing boat oh did you try wake surfing i did my first time ever i was able to get up i mean it's um i'm having a little trouble getting i can get up but for some reason even though like i i have my left foot forward for some i don't know what it is but my body is like pulling me to the right so i'm going the wrong way so like i get up every time but i can't get myself to the right side of the wake. Oh, it looks, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:25 It looks like magic when you see people doing it. You're like, what the fuck is going on? People don't know people are, it's you're surfing behind a boat, but you don't have a rope. So it just looks like, I mean, you're surfing the wake of the boat, wakeboarding. Fascinating. And Brooks is insanely good at it.
Starting point is 01:39:41 So he basically can surf up to the, the to the the the deck on the back of the boat walk off his board then just jump back on the board doesn't even have to get pulled up wow he's really good at it you know who's good at it is katrin wow she had never done it before then i we go up she's been up there for whatever, since the last chance qualifier. So she's been out there like a week and a half or so. And I, they threw her behind the boat and she's up surfing with no rope. I was like, what? This is crazy.
Starting point is 01:40:13 Super athlete. That is athletic. Cause I'll tell you, it's not that easy. People, well, I don't know if anybody would look at that and think it's easy, but like that is pretty hard. would look at that and think it's easy but like that is pretty hard speaking of thick skin javier acosta said gave us the yawn emoji and said move this along savon hey javier well guess what um have you seen these have you seen this i have seen those yeah the wad zombie yeah yeah i've seen those. Yeah. The WAD zombie. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen those. Who's that? Colton. Oh, nice. Who? So who has cards?
Starting point is 01:41:09 um daniel brandon colton mertens patrick velner and jason hopper and the guy just said in the comments who makes these he wants to send you some can i give him can will you send me an address i can send to him i love him that's that'd be really cool yeah i'll text you my address after this yeah it's really nice yeah sorry javier we're just talking about some other stuff here yeah javier okay so when was the last time you were naked with your wife sorry javier we're just talking about some other stuff here yeah Javier okay so when was the last time you were naked with your wife sorry Javier I get back on top oh there we go Javier are you better now um yeah yeah no that's like once every six months oh yeah you're a busy man yeah um I I think we're good it's always good to catch it's always good to catch up it's been a while i don't think i've talked to you face to face like this since waterpalooza since
Starting point is 01:41:54 my you know was like on site we were talking every night after the event so yeah thank you for doing that i really appreciate that that was like that it's things like that that have made this podcast successful and unique i'm gonna i'm gonna get off the air here but don't um hang up uh there's been a response to my text it's it's less than friendly about requesting josh and matt to come on and i'll share and i'll share with you i'm not sharing with you guys if you want to blame someone blame javier acosta that's why i'm not sharing my my text exchange with mr matt fraser and josh bridges all right tomorrow morning i have matt torres on and then i have who else do i have on and then i have on um let me see i think it's adrian bosman comes on after matt torres at seven adrian bosman at 7 45 hayley adams at 6 30 and i suspect there will be someone else on at 715
Starting point is 01:42:47 we got shit to do thanks everyone for checking in love you guys big show thanks guys thanks for having me

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