The Sevan Podcast - #506 - Patrick Vellner & Sam Dancer

Episode Date: July 27, 2022

Patrick Vellner Trading Card: Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Sign up for our email: ---------...---------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. It's okay. Bam, we're live. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Bam, bam, bam. Let me check his name. Bam, we're live. Let me show you guys. Kettlebells and Cairns is the guy's name. Kettlebells. Is this your Instagram account? Yeah. He's not
Starting point is 00:00:50 very happy with me, I guess. I don't see it on there. Is it gone? Did they delete it? I don't know. I can see it right here. What the heck? What's up? I heard some rumblings about that on one of the threads I'm on, Brian. Someone's upset with you about some team picks
Starting point is 00:01:07 Yeah, he's mad this guy or a couple people they were upset I think mostly with how I ranked Wait, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry say that again. Sorry. I was multitasking. Sorry. Okay, bam. We're live. Did the show start fuck? Yeah, 50 seconds ago. Hi Okay, well, it's all sorts of house clean this is brian's instagram that's up okay go brian you look smiley today you're in a you're fine you look like you're in a great mood oh velner should have known no i i told you earlier when we talked i got a workout in and it changed my mood i did 28 minutes on the echo bike and it was great i thought you were gonna work out in and change my underwear i also you also just had dinner and showered.
Starting point is 00:01:46 So there's an underwear change. I don't see it on here. That's weird. You could see it on your end, but I can't see it on mine. Oh, no. That Dan Church is the first guy. It's this one here at the top. Oh, with the seven replies we should have known.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's bold putting Omnia Black so far down the line. First of all, who is Omnia Black? Omnia Black, which is- Is that an ultimate Frisbee team? Omnia Black was the winners of the Atlas Games this year and also the winners of the Granite Games last year. I was so impressed. Wait, so sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:17 They're a CrossFit team that won the Atlas Games? That's the worst region in North America, right? That's the one where like... Not necessarily for the teams. Okay. For the men and and the women i think that they had the least depth in their field and for the women i think they had the the least top end strength also relative to the north american semifinals but for the team division there were a couple of good teams there for sure and listen matt you hear what he's saying i I'm saying they're ass. And he said, well, they were lacking some strength. That's that corporate babble.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Anyway, so there's CrossFit Omnia Black. First of all, I think that there's an error on this post in general where it says that both CrossFit and Pro in Montreal were first at the Atlas Games. This is a new guy that I'm using for some graphics, and there was a miscommunication, and that happened. So I own that, and I acknowledge that, and I'm sorry about that. But CrossFit Omnia Black is a team that I know very well. I was really, really impressed with them at the Granite Games last year. There were some good teams there, including Mufas Latevi.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Obviously, they ended up failing a drug test last year. And Omnia crushed them. They won by over 100 points. And I was there live in person. I was really impressed with everything that they did. And I thought they would do great at the games. I think I ranked them maybe in the top five, threatening for a podium spot.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And they finished 16th. In general, I think that this games field for teams is stronger than last year's. It's deeper. So there's teams here in the 20s that I would have thought could finish in the teens last year. Additionally- So if they took 16 last year, there's no way they're going to do better than 16 this year if you think that the teams are better. That's part of the theory. But, you know, obviously I went through a process of putting these teams in order and they're all there for a reason.
Starting point is 00:04:00 But the team that they're comparing them to is Pro and Montreal pro and Montreal was second at Atlas games. And I have them ranked in the top 10 and they finished in the top 10 last year. And I think maybe Pat knows this. They've improved their roster from last year. They were, they've had three returners and I think that they've gotten a strong addition onto their team.
Starting point is 00:04:19 So I think that there'll be a really good team in a really tough team division. And I'm waiting for Omnia to hopefully prove to me and to us, and everyone who's rooting for them, that they can do better at the games this year than they did last year. And this dude's pissed. Oh, yeah, super pissed. He told me that my research is worse than a monkey.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Oh. Monkey pox. Oh. Hey, I can't even believe you talk about the teams. I try to be, I try to be, I try to be as involved as I can in as many divisions as possible. I was thinking about doing it for all of the masters and teenage divisions, but I'm not, I don't think I'm well prepared enough.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And for people that are interested in some rankings or predictions for those divisions, I would refer you to build Grundler's Instagram. He's going to be calling the action for the age groups this year. enough and for people that are interested in some um rankings or predictions for those divisions i would refer you to bill grunler's instagram he's going to be calling the action for the age groups this year and he's starting to put up some predictions and thoughts about those uh those divisions so that's where i would refer you for that and if you're interested in anything besides the top five people like patrick velner justin madaris and t Toomey, don't watch this podcast because we don't fuck around with the schleps. Patrick, hi. What's up, guys?
Starting point is 00:05:31 How are you all doing? We're good. Brian just getting some things off his chest after he disrespected a team, so now we're good. Look, that's very adult of him. It's good to go back and, you know, revisit things like that. There's nothing wrong with that. It wasn't adult of him, Patrick. He to go back and, you know, revisit things like that. There's nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:05:46 It wasn't adult of him, Patrick. He was telling this guy, hey, you're a dipshit in the nice Brian way. And the guy is a dipshit. I mean, come on, man. I do ask in the post for people to tell me their opinions. Who do you think could be higher and lower? But it's one thing to tell me your opinion, and it's another thing to insult my level of research
Starting point is 00:06:04 when I spent most of the weekend investigating every team on that list yeah yeah that's tough because everybody's everybody's doing their own research these days and that with varying degrees of diligence i think and you know everybody wants their people to succeed as well right so everybody's got their bias on what they think about certain teams and stuff so or individuals even think of how it's a tough thankless job we've actually we've actually learned this year that you can actually predict 18 people to finish in the top 10 oh wow who did that who did that well you know all these people that are saying oh right right how could you not have this person in the top 10? I said, great. Who would you take out? Well, I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:06:50 That's a thing. It's hard, right? Hey, you work so, go ahead, Patrick. Go ahead. There's just a lot of good people, right? Like it's tough. And everybody, you know, everybody has standout performances in certain things. So it's tough to just be like, Hey, Oh yeah. Well I saw this guy crush this one thing this one time i think he should be up there but you're right there's there's not a lot of space sometimes that's the biggest problem pat where are you right now where are you
Starting point is 00:07:14 sitting i'm at home oh yeah are you getting ready to roll uh yeah we leave on friday friday morning and today's t And today's Tuesday. Today's Tuesday. So we're tomorrow. And then I'll probably like pack all Thursday and get organized and then leave Friday. Wait, you said you work tomorrow. Yep. J O B J O B man. Oh, and what will that look like?
Starting point is 00:07:41 Uh, Matt smiling. Susan loves the working class. I, I mean, it it's just we hear all these athletes well things have changed i have a kid you know my training slowed down and patch is like holding down a full-time job with the new son and still absolutely crushing it and just like nonchalant like well i got work so i'm not leaving till friday you know i will say like i'm not you know i work i think tomorrow i'm working like a half day. My clinic rotations right now are not like insanely busy because this time of year, obviously I'm trying to train a lot more.
Starting point is 00:08:10 And so, you know, that's one of the perks of being able to make your own schedule too, is I can just take less hours in the clinic for when I need or block certain days or whatever. And then when I get home in August and September, I'll open up lots of days and I'll work a lot more because I'm not going to be trained very much. So it's just like, that's kind of one of the perks of what I have as a job. So, uh, you know, I try not to leave people flapping in the window. One of the things about treating patients and dealing with people is that, you know, they get used to seeing you regularly or whatever. And if you, if you leave, you know, I've got to organize care for them while I'm gone and do
Starting point is 00:08:45 whatever. So it's just like, you want to be there for people too, if they're in like having acute issues or whatever it is. So if I can be, you know, doing a reasonable day, probably what I'm going to do tomorrow is work a half day, chill at the clinic, have lunch and actually do some like treatment on myself. And then I'll... Oh, hell of a job this job this he works story is just taking a horrible turn then i'm gonna go to the gym and do something after that but you know i try to like get do something it's nice to do something that takes me away from the gym too patrick i love you will you sign my at the games?
Starting point is 00:09:25 My card? Oh, is that what it said? I'm assuming that's one of those trading cards. Oh, yes. She's actually a member at my gym. Oh, really? Oh, yeah. You can facilitate that.
Starting point is 00:09:41 She started coming to the gym during the open and she's like, found out that I knew you. She's like, you know Pat Velmer? Get your card at Wad Zombie while they last, because they won't last long. I'm not sure what kind of run they made. I would grab mine, but it's by the bedside table. Next to the lotion, probably. That's where my Cole merton's card is
Starting point is 00:10:05 uh can i show you guys something i know this is pat's show but i just want i want to show you guys something here real quick oh oh you should be so i think i can just click here and put share and then i can i don't can you guys i don't know if you guys can hear the audio on this can you let me know if you guys can hear the audio on this. Let me know if you can. Are you asking for feedback? Yeah, yes, yes. Bam, we're live. Are you asking for feedback? Yeah, yes, yes. What should I edit? How did you like that?
Starting point is 00:10:50 Could you tell that was Patrick Vellner's body under my head? Well, when it said Vellner on the jersey, I could. Who made that for you? My boyfriend, my newest boyfriend. Here's my two feedbacks I had on first watch. I would probably like it to be five seconds shorter okay and i think that the last image needs to be something memorable of you on someone else's body like an image that everyone would know like dave doing an announcement or glassman giving a speech or
Starting point is 00:11:15 pukey the clown or something memorable you already sound smarter than anyone doing media currently at crossfit inc and he got in a dig. What did you think, Patrick? Do you have any feedback for me? He's still in shock. I don't know. Just take it in. Just throw the whole thing away and start over. I'm still wondering who took the time.
Starting point is 00:11:39 An hour from now, Pat's going to be laying in bed and he's just going to start chuckling. What are you laughing about? He's like, Savant, show me this ridiculous picture. You wouldn't understand. Just forget about it. This pencil photo of Savant's head rolling around in my skull for the next few days. Did you compete at the CrossFit Games against Rich Froning?
Starting point is 00:12:02 Not individual. No. I was there on a team in 2015 2015 and that was the first year he went team so technically i did that year but not uh not ever an individual and then 2016 you um you went individual that was your first year going individual yeah waited for rich to retire and and then that was the year that backfired. And that was the year, Mr.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Oh, no, I, I guess not. So 15 would have been, yeah. So Rich would have retired two years before from individual. So Ben won the year I was team and individual.
Starting point is 00:12:40 And then the first year I went individual was Matt's first year winning. Okay. Okay. Cause I was wondering, I wondering i was like wow wouldn't and did brent come in before or after you same year same year same year who was it oh do you hold those two points remind them about those two points a lot i don't have to great answer i know i was talking to somebody about this recently actually and i think that there's a bit like that stuff happens all the time right and brent's actually unfortunately been on the on the wrong end of a couple of those shakedowns like that year is one 2018 when lucas hogberg took third by a tie break um he's kind of it also happened to him like three times at regionals
Starting point is 00:13:26 before he made yeah so he's had a couple that have been just you know he's been right there but just missed it by you know fractional margins um and on the like contrary to that i've actually generally when the things have been really close i've generally come out on the right side of it. So it's funny because it doesn't really signify that much of a difference of fitness. You know, I think I beat him by two points that year based on like a tenth of a second run to the finish. But, you know, then who gets the hardware is like, and then when you're in conversations with people,, that's what gets talked about, right? And so Brent's got two podiums and I've got four, but he could just as easily have four very, very easily, right? If we're not for a tie break and an extra breath. And you have bigger paychecks because of it.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Hardware and bank account, yeah. What is the difference between second and fourth place? The difference is not that big. It's definitely not that big. But there could be clauses in a sponsorship if you get on a podium or something like that. And the margins are incredibly small.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And there's people that miss the games this year by a tenth of a second. Chloe Wilson. Yeah. Do you put any effort into thinking about what the events could be patrick i try not to really i think my coach does um and we talk a little bit about that i mean i wouldn't spend a lot of time extra time in training trying to like play with new things because i think it might come up um i think that you know i have thoughts about what the changes to
Starting point is 00:15:05 the games mean this year with um adrian at the helm um and what that could look like but you know you'll make yourself crazy trying to guess and i don't think there's any real uh real value in stressing yourself out over that stuff it's just it's going to be what it's going to be and frankly at this to be. And frankly, at this point you're either ready or you're not. Did you have any initial thoughts when you saw the general schedule outline that they released? You like the day off or not?
Starting point is 00:15:35 I mean, we've kind of always had the day off thing. Almost always. Yeah. I think in my career, we've only not had it once. But you know, the day off is fine. Like I think in my career we've only not had it once. But, you know, the day off's fine. Like, I think it works well, especially when you're managing the age groups and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I think I was surprised a couple of the blocks looked really small because they had team and individual blocks together. And there were some that were like an hour. What is that? Is that like the broad jump? What the fuck is fuck is that yeah you guys all started and run one somewhere so i mean it makes you think like it must either be a mass start of some kind or some event where you can run i don't know simultaneous heats or something where because how do you run whatever it is 40 teams 40 men 40 women in hour. Like that's just logistically, it becomes interesting. Um, and I think there's only 12 blocks on the schedule. So it made me
Starting point is 00:16:31 think there's, I don't think there'll only be 12 scores. I think probably there's a double scored event somewhere in there. Um, so, you know, that was kind of like my knee jerk, but, uh, I'm so I'm interested to see what, to see how they're going to run some of those really tight ones. How many athletes at the games? How many athletes at the games total? Kids to grannies? Do we know? Oh, I wouldn't have a slice of you.
Starting point is 00:16:56 There are 16 Masters divisions for men and women. There are 16 Masters divisions that have 10 each this year. And then there's the four teenage divisions. I think there are three or maybe four adaptive divisions that are alive at the games this year. They have five each. Is anyone doing the math? I am. That's 200 with the old, but adaptive won't be doing this.
Starting point is 00:17:16 I don't think adaptive will do the same workout as the. Yeah, but he's just talking about the 320 on day one in an hour window. Those are the teams plus individuals, 160 team members. Well, actually, it's less than that by 12 because there's only 37 teams coming and then 80 individuals. Okay. Did I do the math? Well, either way, I'm just thinking. It's like 230 people.
Starting point is 00:17:39 That's not a lot of chips. Triathlons will put fucking 1,000 chips in someone, right? So they could chip up 300 athletes and have just a mass start right in theory yes but i i think that that's so chaotic like even if you look at whatever well they let you guys go like three seconds before you know what i mean they let you guys go just or five yeah but let's say the like off-site event that they have permits for like takes you to the capital and whatever like presumably there's something going on at the capital so like even just to then have all the athletes finish and then have 250 athletes finished there at the finish line at the Capitol all standing in one place. It's like, it's too many bodies. They make you run back. Still then like same problem.
Starting point is 00:18:30 It's just like, how do you then have everybody finished all in one place? I don't know. I'm interested to see, like, it either means that it's kind of like a mass start event, maybe shorter length, or I don't know,
Starting point is 00:18:42 like maybe they're just running heats of a shorter event. Like, I don't know. Anyway, like, again, I don't lose sleep over it.'re just running heats of a shorter event. Like, I don't know. Anyway, like, again, I don't lose sleep over it. I'm not trying to figure it out. It'll be what about the gymnastics?
Starting point is 00:18:50 It's not my job. What about the gymnastics? Um, people are speculating. Uh, we did a show and Jr really dug into it and it doesn't, it doesn't sound too far of a stretch that there may be like a press to handstand or some sort of L-sit to uh handstand
Starting point is 00:19:06 oh that'd be fun i think lots of people that would struggle at it and there's lots of people who'd be fine i i'd be curious to see how they would put it in you know like do you put a press to handstand in as part of a workout where like you have a station you do three press to handstands you move on or are you doing this as like a skill test like max press to handstands you know time limit or unbroken or whatever um i don't know i i don't think it's uh outside the realm of possibility oh there's your buddy your buddy ricky got it it's not it's not that hard of a skill to do i think when you i think most people will be able to do it fine uh bellar i didn't know there were so many girls who thought what the standard
Starting point is 00:19:50 is like i didn't know there were so many girls who thought you were cute look at this this is the second girl this is i just glanced over twice and this is the second girl who's like two girls think you're cute i can't believe it's that many hey but that's like 100 of our female audience so yeah my wife too actually so three and you've got the hair trim back a little more than normal a little more little not much but a little tighter than water palooza maybe like a quarter of an inch tighter yeah i got a haircut last week oh shit my biannual haircut look stephanie uh plyler thinks velner is hot as fuck let's go with stephanie let's go with stephanie stephanie
Starting point is 00:20:31 yep definitely that what up steve um yeah i don't know yeah i got a haircut just because uh i feel like i get chirped a lot for my hair being out of control and most of the year it's fine but if i'm gonna go hang out in the humidity out there come on tighten it up a little bit look good i know there's gonna be a lot of cameras on me i'll do something about it i'm not a monster um media ready is everything going according to plan um from the the big picture to the small picture as you roll closer to the date, your training, your packing, your food, your family, your tickets, your hotels, or all the pieces you feel?
Starting point is 00:21:12 So far, so good. Travel's a bit of a nightmare these days in general. So I'm hoping that nobody has big problems, myself included, but I'm expecting to at least have, I'm prepared to deal with a couple of hiccups getting to Madison. You going with baby?
Starting point is 00:21:27 We'll just, yeah, he's coming. And the, and the wife, you're not doing just the baby, bringing the baby solo to the games. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:35 no, I did that the other week for, to go visit my family, but no, fortunately I'll have some reinforcements. This is, is this the third competition you brought? No, second.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Second competition? No, he was at the Games last year. He was at Rogue. He was at Waterpalooza. Oh, four. So he'll be at the Games. So four, this will be four. And it's working for you.
Starting point is 00:21:59 You don't regret it or you're afraid to tell your wife, hey, I think it would be better. No, I'm not going to say it. Well, I think the reality of just like that stage, um, and you know, in our lives, like my wife was on maternity leave for, you know, nine months. So she was off. And like, if I'm just going to leave and go to rogue, she's like, well, I'll come. And then we'll go, we'll spend a week in you know san antonio or hang out in austin for an extra few days after the competition so we just do that like that's
Starting point is 00:22:29 our family time so we kind of have made trips around all the various competitions we went to guadalupalooza and then we went to aruba afterwards and spent like a week there just to kind of relax and have some some holiday um so we kind of have just used it as a way to to travel a little bit um now she's back working so this is like it's it's going to be less like that now um but when for the last year like when he was you know really small it just kind of made sense how how nice was that going to aruba knowing that you won too like for me that that's like, Oh, the trip's paid for. Like every drink I ordered, I'd get like double shots. It was nice. It's nice. Also, there's just like, we tend to travel pretty hard. Like we try to do a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:15 So I feel like in the first couple of days, we got a lot of the things done that we wanted to do. And Aruba is not a huge Island. So it was just kind of like, after two days there was nothing to do, but hang out on the beach. So we got some good relaxing time and it's nice when that feels well-earned and you don't feel guilty at all. Or like you need to be back in the workshop. Yeah, of course. That's like there's nothing better than winning a competition and then taking a
Starting point is 00:23:39 holiday immediately after. Are you reading any mindset books? No. Have you in the last few months no do you have a mindset coach no are you your own mindset coach do you have mindset practice i guess um i don't know i guess i i yeah i think, I don't know. I have thoughts about a lot of them. Like here's one, how champions think. Here's one for you. Dr. Bob Rotella.
Starting point is 00:24:12 See, but here's the problem with a lot of those books is I bet you, I could tell you exactly what that book says. Okay. It's fine. And it's just like, you know, some of it, there's also different styles that work for different people. And there's a lot more nuance than that. Like everyone can read the word and you can see people try to apply things in their practice that don't work for them, but that's what the book says to do.
Starting point is 00:24:36 So they keep trying to do that. And I think that things that you learn over time, like I've, you know, before I ever started CrossFit, I competed like a lifetime of sports already. time. Like I've, you know, before I ever started CrossFit, I competed like a lifetime of sports already. And I think you learn a lot and you learn what works for you. And I think when a book comes around and says like, Hey, well, maybe have you thought about doing this? It's okay to be like, nah, I kind of, I'm doing it this way and it works for me. It was just like some of the mindset stuff I find is just a bit, uh, I don't know. I think it's a bit self-congratulatory. I look at a lot of those books. I think that the primary demo for all of those books is people buy them who already know what they say and already do what they say.
Starting point is 00:25:15 And they read them so they can pat themselves on the back and be like, yeah, see, I knew that. I knew it. I'm doing it right. Yeah. It's self-congratulatory to me. Yeah. Well, you know what? Maybe you're onto something because when I read those books, that is, uh, I would say 90% of it is like, okay, I am doing that. Okay. I am doing it. So maybe you're right. Maybe you're right. Maybe it's like confirmation that you're on the right path, but there is a 10% takeaway, but, but, but, um, the, the other day I, um, my, my son was sparring against some kid, uh, three years older than I'm in 30 pounds heavier. And the kid takes them down and they tussle and he arm bars my kid. And then in round two, my kid just immediately double legs and picks them up, throws the kid on his back and gets on top of them. And I said to him, I said,
Starting point is 00:26:01 Hey, that's what you needed to do the first time but but he didn't because he he couldn't tap into what he needed to tap into he needed to be armbarred first right what do you do to make sure that you only get one chance at this so you're at the starting line what do you do to make sure that you don't get armbarred in a workout that you that what do you tell patrick velner um like do you say i'll show my dad for telling me that i'm the runt i'm the runt velner son motherfucker i mean like do you have a do you have a uh no there's nothing you can do right i think that the reality of it is you train to a point to know your body well enough to try to
Starting point is 00:26:41 understand your limits competition has an awesome way of helping people reach new limits, but you know, some of it just comes down to like, how much are you willing to fight? And do you know when and where and how to fight? Because some things it's the wrong place. Like if I'm, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:57 doing a set of 10 unbroken peg boards and I start like trying to re over reach you, like you're going to fail and cause serious problems like if i have a big set of strict handstand push-ups to do just wanting it more or trying to like come out harder isn't the answer um so and everybody gotta take a break on those when it's a camera guy come by yeah pat thought about taking some responsibility for that one yeah i shouldn't have stopped but it's all it's a puzzle and every and every athlete's solution is slightly different right so you know i it's a bit you know yeah you're right you get one chance
Starting point is 00:27:38 but reality is we practice a lot in training like you know you learn a lot about yourself and you hope you hope that when you get given a new test, you understand yourself well enough to do the perfect answer for you. Um, and you know, not everybody can win every event. Like they're just literally, it's not that potential. Um, so, you know, you just have to try to maximize where you can. Maybe a bad example. Let me, let me try again. try again um are you do you talk to yourself or do you let your brain talk to you do you see what i'm distinguishing there yeah yeah i see what you're saying yeah i think athletics is funny i think you need to have a bit of uh to be very good you need to try to convince yourself that you're invincible sometimes um but there's a danger to
Starting point is 00:28:26 that in a lot of situations in certain sports and i think a lot of like so say let's say you're a basketball player like if you miss a couple shots you can't be and you're a shooter you can't be afraid to take the next shots because like that's your job you need that confidence to know that like nah i'm a shooter like that was a whatever one off and just like move past it and blow past it like it didn't happen. And that's the kind of confidence that you need where like, okay, oh, bad event, whatever, like whatever. That was like lightning strikes sometimes.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Like I know the next one's better and you can move past that and not harbor all those bad emotions or feel like you're not good enough anymore or whatever it is. You have to be able to move past shortcomings quickly, analyze fast, move past even faster. So but there are instances where overconfidence can cost you a lot. So I think there's points where you need to be like, all right, you know, if I overreach here, and I start failing legless rope climbs, the consequences are very severe. So, you know, maybe you need to take a different approach here other than like I'm invincible. So I think that in an individual event, you have to be smart.
Starting point is 00:29:37 You have to understand yourself and, you know, be aware of where your limits are. And sometimes you'll find a little bit of extra get up and go when you're in a tight race. When you have bad performances, you need to have that mentality of like, nah, that was like, I'm better than that. That was didn't represent me. And then move past it. So you talk to yourself, you don't let yourself talk to you. You talk to yourself. If something starts going sideways, you take control of the narrative. So, I mean, sometimes you narrative. I mean, sometimes. I mean, it's funny.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I would say that my general self-talk is not like – my head's not an overwhelmingly positive place to be most of the time. Like what we do is hard, and it's like there's so many times where you're doing stuff and you're just like, fuck this. Oh, you need that fucking book, dude. I can take that. But i think that you have to just understand what to do with that energy like i don't i don't walk off of every workout and be like that was fun like convince myself it was fun and i'm out here having a great time because i'm like i'm here to compete and i'm trying to do things and sometimes it's not fun and that's okay yeah i totally agree so it's like it's not always sunshine and rainbows and it kind of pisses me off
Starting point is 00:30:45 when people have that overwhelmingly positive attitude like they come up and they're like man oh man i can't wait to do that again it's like you fucking kidding me i will never do that again unless i'm out here again and they're making me do it for points it's like i like a lot of this stuff is like this is a test and i'm gonna push myself to my absolute limit. But you know, that's part of the job. What's fun is, you know, passing your limits that you thought you had or finishing a competition and being like really proud of the body of work or saying, man, some of these things I didn't think I could do. And now I could do it.
Starting point is 00:31:16 That's fun. But the individual moments of like when you finish and you can't walk, like don't fucking come to the finish line and tell me how much fun you had. If you did, you shouldn't have been walking around in 30th place like you should have been up here trying to fucking push hard and then tell me how much fun it was hey um what what is that what is the feeling at the starting line it's a two-part question because i didn't want to put a word in your mouth but whatever the and then and then after you tell me what that feeling is at the starting line, are there varying degrees of it?
Starting point is 00:31:48 Like the first event versus the last event versus events that, you know, you're good at versus events, you know, you're not good at versus events that, you know, you need to win. Like, what is that feeling and does it change? Or is it like, when you get up there and you hear the three, two, one, it's, there aren't variances. It's always like a 7 or a – do you understand the question? I know that was a lot. Yeah, it's stressful.
Starting point is 00:32:10 Like I think there's a lot of anxiety before starting events, especially at the start of a weekend. I think that – And your relationship with anxiety must be so different than other people's. Like for some people, it must be really bad. For you, it's part of the job, right? It might not even be a bad thing anymore, right? Well, I think it's how you analyze what that is like to me like anxiety around competition is a direct representation of how much you care and i think that like you get stressed and anxious and it's i i look at that
Starting point is 00:32:40 energy as being like nervous plus excited like Like that's kind of what anxiety is. Dude, that's some positive self-talk. What are you talking about? That's some alchemy. Anxiety is how much you care. You're a fucking alchemist. But it is. Like, look.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Yeah, I agree. You wouldn't give a shit. If you didn't give a shit, you wouldn't be nervous at all. You just go, whatever happens, happens. And that's a bit blasé. And I think that everybody gets stressed and anxious because, man man there's a lot of hours that we put into training and there's not that many opportunities to show what you've worked for you might you might get three or four chances a year to step in front of a crowd and be like this is what i've been doing all year long and it was for this time
Starting point is 00:33:21 so i could come out here and show this so you you have to like, I don't know, you got to be able to take those opportunities and understand, like I used to have the same, I did a lot of school and I used to have the same kind of a relationship around exams, where you have like, you get stressed because you don't want to fail. You spend a lot of time working and studying and whatever. And this is like, you need to be able to perform and show people what you know when the time comes. And I is like, you need to be able to perform and show people what you know when the time comes. And I remember somebody telling me that once an instructor was just like, oh, you're like, yeah, you guys read and work a lot. And then you should feel like when it's time
Starting point is 00:33:55 to write an exam, like it's time to show off. Like this is somebody, and you can just be like, bam, this is what I know. Drop every piece of knowledge, you know, on them and like do it with swagger. Like this is what you work too hard to like show up and be and be freezing up like take it as look at it as a chance to like take your knowledge for a walk and like just show off it's a pretty interesting attitude do you and fraser ever talk about that with regards to school no i don't think show us your daddy skills pat show us your daddy skills get him similar my wife's crawling behind us she's on it one of my one of my favorite things that i've ever heard fraser say was from a road to the
Starting point is 00:34:36 games episode he was talking about preparing for an exam and he and you know made the analogy to crossfit and basically what he said was i don love suffering. I love what the product of suffering is. And it's like, I'm willing to put in the time in the gym or the time in the library and the time in the books, because I want to show up on test day and know that I can perform. Yeah. And those are what's fun. Like there's nothing better than walking out of one of those rooms, like keep the pencil. I know I aced that. And like, same when you're on a competition floor and an event comes up and you say, man, like good luck keeping up everybody else. And you can just kind of when you finish and you're looking at the clock and the last few reps just going, I literally just have to like walk it off. That's a really cool feeling that is a product of a lot, a lot of work.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Like those things don't happen by accident. Like when you see somebody absolutely crush a workout and then just walk to the finish line, holding their hands up, like that's the product of a lot of hours. So, you know, I think that the anxiety is high when you start. I think one of the things that contributes to that is that you don't know what everybody else is working with. And you don't really know where you, what does that mean what does that mean what
Starting point is 00:35:45 does that mean you mean like how it's still i think it's still it's still a competition you just you're whether you like it or not i could be the best version of myself ever better in every single way but if everybody else has improved you know 10 more than i did then you're still going to be be graded relative to your peers. So it doesn't matter. We talked about that to Ben Smith. He's the fittest he's ever been, and he fucking can't make it to the Games, and yet he's a prior CrossFit Games champ. People are fit.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah, that's what he said. It's nuts. It's crazy. It feels crazy. So I think that often when you start, you look around, and you know people are fit. I don't know who's been making big moves or making big improvements. It takes a few events sometimes for you to feel like, okay, I'm back in the groove of it.
Starting point is 00:36:34 There's a kind of a rhythm to competition. You get used to warming up, cooling down, being in the corrals, getting on the competition floor. And you get used to those competition floors again. But it takes a couple events. I would say by the end of the weekend, you're less nervous by far than at the beginning um even if even when the stakes are high and it's like you know but you know what's going on you know where the races are if i got a race against justin like i know that and i know who to watch and i know what to do there's just there's way less potential at the beginning of a competition
Starting point is 00:37:03 the potential outcomes are infinite. So it's like you can sort of get a little bit, if you're not careful, you can get caught up and paralyzed by that kind of thing. You can sort of have paralysis by analysis if you're just like thinking about all the different things that could happen on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and you're projecting too far into the future. So it's, uh, I think once you get into it, you kind of live moment to moment or the best athletes I think generally do. And, uh, you get used to it again quickly, but there's always that leading up. You can feel it even at check-ins and things like that prior to first workouts. It's you can feel it, but the stress and anxiety is high. Um, Patrick, do you want to say hi to one of our greatest um donors sticker people pmi premium services sure what's pmi stand for i have no idea but this guy
Starting point is 00:37:53 fucking is so cool hi pmi premium services there you go that's what you got thanks brother hey he reminds me of the guy who ricardo montal, the guy who did you probably don't know that show Fantasy Island. No, no, it was a great show when I was a kid, man. It was it was weird. It's kind of like the Twilight Zone, but a little more like Fantasy Island. That was one of those late night ones like risque. Yeah, it was like Twilight Zone, but there was a little more was a little. Yeah, it's a little Twilight Zone meets Benny Hill. I don't know if you know Benny.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Pat, have you ever have you ever how long have you been going to the CrossFit Games? Since 2015? So it's seven years. Have you ever with tears in your eyes looked at your wife? Oh, there he is, Ricardo Montalban. Have you ever
Starting point is 00:38:42 with tears in your eyes looked at your wife or been holding your wife or laying in bed? Honey, honey god i fucking really want to win the games no have you ever screamed to the heavens have you ever is it ever like no one's around and you're in the middle of a fucking hockey rink in canada and you're like fuck god just fucking let me win this fucker i don't know mean, what do you need me to do? I've had some like frustrations around things like that over the years. Like where you invoke a higher spirit. I'm like, I'm too pragmatic for that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:39:13 And I'm too pragmatic and not dramatic. I need to like, I would sooner sit down with like a pencil and a paper and be like, what the fuck? Here's Santa. Hold my gifts and my son's gifts this year for a victory at the crossfit game or like or something like i don't know like write myself a letter to be like read this once a month when you're feeling like a little bit drained like just fucking these are the feelings you had at the end of the games yeah just read that every month to keep yourself like in it and focused because there's like touch points are few and far between and it's like you know you have to improve but everybody knows the drill everybody's
Starting point is 00:39:49 trying to do the same thing you're trying what does that mean the touch points are few and far between what does that mean well i mean you could i mean i'll you might train four months without having to without ever hitting a competition floor where you stack up right right so you you know you you train and you're like i think i'm getting better i think i'm doing this but again it's a moving target everybody's doing something so you don't really know you don't really know where you're at until you show up um so yeah it's just uh i'm not yeah i'm not dramatic like that so i don't think i have the those kind of moments you're maybe looking for but and i'm you know i like what i got i, those kinds of moments you're maybe looking for, but, and I'm, you know, I like what I got. I'm happy with my answer. You're probably one of the best guests that we,
Starting point is 00:40:29 a podcaster could ever have. I'm very happy with that answer. You know, that, you know that strategy was talking about of writing a letter and reading it every month. Yeah. Do you know where he found that? From the movie beaches. No, all those leadership books that you discarded just in every one of them after action report that's right yeah maybe it might be it probably isn't some of those and now i'm sure
Starting point is 00:40:58 yeah do it it's a staple. Before Mr. Sam Dancer comes and steals the show from you, what is your greatest steps forward this year? By the way, isn't it great that Sam Dancer is not in the field just in case a heavy deadlift shows up? Do you feel a little bit better about that? Look, I don't know. I think this might be touching back on a question that someone asked a while ago. When you have events like that, that are supposed to be good, like if a heavy deadlift came out and I know everybody's looking at me, I hate that.
Starting point is 00:41:33 It's like, that is also very stressful because it, it sucks when you're like, oh, well, I hope I still got it. Or, you know, if you don't, if you don't do it, is it because I, you know, it just made a mistake? Like, is it like don't if you don't do it is it because i you know i just made a mistake like is it like i had all the skills to do it and i blew it like those sort of situations feel like all you can do is break even or lose sometimes so it's like man i you know you hope that you can hit those ones when they come right down the middle but i don't know look if sam was in the field there's no shame in second place in an event, right? You just have to try to accumulate points. I'd take second place.
Starting point is 00:42:07 How about this name right here? Is there shame in this name, Miss Pugface? There's no fucking way she has a pug face. There's no fucking way. How did you get – I'm going to change your name to Miss Beautiful. You've been freed. You've been freed. Oh, how about this free you've been free oh how about this name
Starting point is 00:42:27 sorry sorry how about this name jackson off jack all i see is jack off when i see that that's all i think yeah hey that dude knows how to fight that dude knows how to fight by the way that dude was fighting from that dude was fighting from kindergarten to sixth grade fucking dude a punch in the face kids are cruel dude dude will punch you in the face. Kids are cruel. Dude will punch you in the face. Pat should be right. I, he is regular.
Starting point is 00:42:49 I'm telling you, he's one of the best guests. He's easy to get in contact with. He doesn't make me sweat and not talk. You know, they should allow Sam to answer to compete in his speedo this year in the master's division. Did he ask? Every video he posts himself working out.
Starting point is 00:43:04 He's got to be a noble one that's all i was gonna say probably not because it probably needs to have a number on it too hey he could ask for the women's gear though probably no exceptions no exceptions man you have to wear the uniform uh he could ask for um a oh okay okay but now you can wear your own shoes how good of a change was that by the way that they allow you to wear your own shoes you in favor of that i think it's fine i think it's good i think it sucks to have to like break in brand new shoes and and then figure them out right when you get to a competition that's no fun like i think it's just a better yeah i always wondered about more fair
Starting point is 00:43:40 more more equitable for everybody to like was it it? Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Was there a break-in period? Was that hard? Did that ever mess anything up at all for you? Oh, yeah. Blisters and stuff like that? You hate equity versus equality. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Oh, shit. I tried to steer it. I tried to steer it away. What else about those shoes? You understand the difference, right? Between equity and equality? Yeah. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Equality is that everybody would have to wear the exact same shoes. No. No, you have it backwards, my friend. No, I don't. Equity is everybody gets to wear the shoes that would provide them the advantage that they would want. Wow. So they get to wear their shoes. No, no.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Equity is that the shoes are issued by the government and everyone wears the same one. So no one feels bad. Equality is everyone has the freedom to make it sound like you, you, you're trying to get, God, I love you. Standard there. Equality is everybody has the same, no matter what their, their needs or desires. Everyone has the same end of conversation. That's equality.
Starting point is 00:44:43 Wow. Now I see. Now I get conversation. That's equality. Wow. Now I see. Now I get it now. Our difference. It's over definitions of words. That makes me feel so much better. Maybe we're the same person. I'll tell you this.
Starting point is 00:44:57 I like whatever one. It sounds like we like the same one. So you like the equity approach. No, that's the equality. But that's fine doesn't matter doesn't matter i got you i got you no i got you say it say you like the equity i like you you are wrong about the definition of the word but we're on the same we're on the same page okay fine fine i'm wrong but i love recall having you google several words that i've
Starting point is 00:45:23 said on podcasts in the past so my guess is that I might be a little more on track. Don't make me – because I keep referencing, and I'm into learning – I'm not fighting with Patrick Vellner. He's too smart. Okay, listen. Don't forget, he showed up to his test, and he was prepared to show off what he knew. Listen, he told us he's going to work work tomorrow and working is him getting worked on i don't know if we trust the first google source see you know you gotta watch your sources too equity means in this individual a group of people given the same exact pair of shoes and forced to wear them that's what i said
Starting point is 00:46:02 it's settled. Anyways, I do think that it's good. I think it's good that we get to use the stuff that you're comfortable in, that you've broken in, that you're used to. Sammy! What up, gentlemen? Mr. Dancer, hi. I was just taking off, getting ready
Starting point is 00:46:22 to let you take over here. Yeah, I have some words I want to run by you, Sam. I have some words I want to ask you about. Yeah, what's that? Nothing. I'm tired of being shown up on my own show. I'm going to get 50 DMs tomorrow. Fucking Pat schooled your ass.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Him and Hunter schooled your ass. Fuck yourself. Make me do the whole show. Are you going to be at the games or no? I am not But keep your eye open for a CEO shirt There'll be a few of those floating around Awesome
Starting point is 00:46:52 Well it's good to catch you guys You're the man Patrick I gotta give my baby a bath See you guys Peace love and speedos. Peace, Tim. Whoa. You happy with that now? I moved him up here.
Starting point is 00:47:13 I moved him up here. Oh, you did? I was like, what the fuck? I just circled everybody around, and we came right back. I moved him up here so I can look up here. Oh, shit. There you go. Yeah, you're a big man. You need widescreen.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Look at that tan, too. Looking dancer uh brian friend uh with the black hair and matt souza with the black hair oh they got their names written there you can you can see who they are uh you know i'm blind matt brian the guy next to you is brian the other guy is matt the guy below you is matt hey guys and i'm over here wait i'm over here. Wait, I'm over here. There you go. It took about two seconds when we let him into the chat room here that I was regretting my rankings for the men's 35 to 39 division. Oh.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Sam, let's just start big. So you're in it to win it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There hasn't been, maybe except for my first year as an individual, that year I had a goal of getting top 10. I got injured before the games even started, so my goals kind of shifted there. But, I mean, I think you'd be really doing yourself a disservice if you weren't going with the intention of or attitude of winning. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:48:34 Really? I mean, I mean, really. You're you're seven in January or February. Whenever Wadapalooza was, I ran into Sam in the bathrooms and I thought and asked him, I thought he might be doing it, putting a team together this year. And he said, oh, no, man, I'm going masters and my intentions to win. That was January. And I heard him say in the morning talk of interview with Lauren Khalil with the overheating cell phone that basically, you know, you don't want to you don't want to do it. You don't want to do it you don't want to do it and and have any regrets you don't want to be like shit i shouldn't have had that milkshake
Starting point is 00:49:08 or i should have went to bed early that night or i shouldn't have stayed out late it's like this is you don't want you've gotten second place a couple times you don't want that anymore yeah and that was it that was like i would just kind of you know look back at my season whenever i have gotten like second with the teams i'm like damn dude i i felt like i did everything that i needed to do to put together a championship team and would fall short i'd be like what like what could i have done differently? And I was like, well, maybe I just need to go full psycho in just every aspect. There's literally no late nights, like you mentioned. I used to, well, I didn't used to. I still am a cannabis user, but I've omitted that from my, yeah, from, yeah, just omitted that.
Starting point is 00:50:08 For how long? I quit in January. Um, and except no gummies, no nothing. On some occasion, I Usually it was a lot. I used to have this thing called Fuck Off Friday. I have that too. It's not called Fuck Off Friday, but something else Friday, but go on. Yeah, but essentially I would allot myself one day a week to eat pizza,
Starting point is 00:50:43 get an ice cream sandwich, just indulge a little bit um i haven't i haven't kept that up the entire time but um i i have maybe on you could count on like one hand how I've smoked or, um, I had an ice cream sandwich or had an ice cream sandwich. Um, so yeah, I've just tried to do my very best to, to make sure that I checked every box possible. And, um,
Starting point is 00:51:18 yeah, when you do break the rules, um, can you still enjoy it? Like if you, like when you had, Oh, you still enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:51:24 You're not like it with every bite, like fucking on like when you had oh you still enjoy it you're not like it with every bite like fucking on suicide watch no like you accept it you come to it and you're like all right i'm giving myself 10 minutes here with the slice of pizza it's gonna be love and then move on yep yeah i enjoy it still for sure um and i don't indulge so much that i i feel like shit the next day either so i feel like I have a good relationship with the indulgence. How do you do that? I can't do that. Like if I open like a bag of dried mangoes, I'm like, okay, I'm just going to have one.
Starting point is 00:51:57 It's a fucking 10 o'clock at night. And all of a sudden, like before I go to bed, my stomach hurts because I ate so many dried mangoes. That's funny. Someone messaged me today something similar along those lines. Like, that was my other account. And they're like, do you have any words of advice or encouragement or like things that I can do to get better at um resisting the urges to do whatever you know eat whatever uh touch whatever savann um you know and i said i said i i don't have anything nice to say um like like like you want to say hey just quit being a fucking pussy yeah
Starting point is 00:52:46 suck it up you cunt i mean it's the truth turn your fucking mind off drink a gallon of water just play this clip down yeah and uh i don't know and maybe that's i'm a little um i'm i'm not being compassionate enough towards uh people who struggle with that. I've just, I've never had a problem once I've made it up in my mind that I'm going to do something and be obedient, uh, to it. So for me, the biggest issue is just coming into the awareness of, of, of what, of what I'm doing. That's problematic's problematic uh just the ignorance of of life if you will and being unaware of things but usually once i come to i'm pretty good at deciding what it is that needs to change and and how i need to behave sam how much time do you
Starting point is 00:53:40 spend barefoot how much time do i train barefoot? How much time do I train barefoot? Spend in your life barefoot. In 2018, I think it was, I spent the entire year barefoot. That includes airports, training, and I don't do it as much anymore. I, I did it a lot in San Diego just cause I was living on the beach. Um, which is a really a big reason why I like to go there. I, I learned. So let me backtrack a little bit. In 2017, I went to the, uh, the ultimate Hawaiian trail room and I saw, no time no that was it was probably like my second time maybe um but i just didn't notice this particular thing the first time so and maybe because i was
Starting point is 00:54:36 just captivated by you know the island itself but the second time i was there i noticed all these little kids running barefoot and they did everything barefoot. Even the kids that were like at the gym with the Keala Foundation, they were training barefoot and they had these monster feet. It looked like they had hands for feet. None of their toes touched each other. You know how a lot of people have that pinky toe that like kind of sits underneath the other toe? None of those kids had that and their feet like stood up on the ground they weren't flat they just they were like perched up and um and it like it didn't matter what they stepped on like the ultimate hawaiian trail run is one of the most treacherous
Starting point is 00:55:17 runs on the planet um there's like volcanic rock there's there's i'm blown away that it hasn't gotten shut down it's it's crazy how dangerous it is but you're gonna get a call you're getting a call tonight from the hoff uncle hoffy he's crazy um so i see all these kids running and it i'm like you know what i want to like i want to try that. And I had no intentions of, of reaping any performance benefits from it. I was doing it purely to just to be like the kids. And I wanted to show up the next year and run it barefoot, just like all the Hawaiian kids did. So I spent the next year barefoot, all my training, all my weightlifting, all my running, and in preparation to run the ultimate Hawaiian trail run, which is a 10K,
Starting point is 00:56:13 maybe a 10K, it's probably a little longer, 10K race barefoot. And I did it. And on the backside of it was absolutely blown away with the performance enhancing benefits that I saw. And it makes sense, right? Like from the ground up, like if there was any weak link in our system, that would be a point of – it should be a point of emphasis for you to train to match the rest of your body um my knee pain went away my back pain went away i got significantly stronger my hips felt great um but have you read the book have you read the book the the running book what the fuck is that book called oh i i know what you're talking about no i haven I haven't. Dude, you would love it. It's so fun. It's such a great book.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Get the audio. The book is about the Tarahumara, right? The running people in Nevada. They're part of it. It's all just about his barefoot experience, but yeah, they're definitely part of it. It's cool as shit. I was barefoot for two years too, Sam.
Starting point is 00:57:22 It was great. It was the best two years. It was amazing Did you notice significant changes In like in your The only change I really remember I mean I was a dirt twirling hippie But when I did go back
Starting point is 00:57:36 To wearing shoes I lost the size Because my arch had gotten so Fucking huge So I went from a size 8 to a size 7 Oh that's interesting Same thing though My foot did get taller so fucking huge so i went from a size eight to a size seven oh that's interesting oh it was the same thing though my foot did get taller yeah it got all and i'm almost always barefoot now unless i'm doing rope climbs i train barefoot i mean i'm there's no shoes are stupid their foot
Starting point is 00:57:58 i shouldn't say shoes are stupid there's a place for them but they're they're like warrior gear if i'm gonna do warrior shit like yeah like like my kid skateboarded and then he had a bad accident and he's like okay i'm gonna start wearing shoes yeah okay yeah skateboarding's warrior shit you're going to battle put shoes on yeah yeah that's cool and you even did the airports i did the airports too and all that it was nuts anybody ever say anything that whole year? No, only at restaurants. Yeah, I get talked to at restaurants. I still do. It's crazy. Can you imagine saying something to a 50-year-old man barefoot with a CEO shirt on?
Starting point is 00:58:32 I'm barefoot. And you're like, sir, you can't be near with this. Well, fuck yourself. Look at my beard. I got beard hair older than you. It's not even true. This thing grew in two weeks but whatever um sam how is the vision make um competing um is the is the vision is is it impair you at all is it a weak link are there things where you're like oh fuck like um like at dubai we watched the the Dubai fitness challenge last year and these motherfuckers can see.
Starting point is 00:59:07 And they made a wrong turn and cut the course in half. Is there ever like the group goes that way and you're like, oh, this must have been the girls and the dudes went this way. But you got them all fucking backwards. I mean, so far in your CrossFit career competition, has your vision done anything to you? Were you like, oh, shit, I swam the wrong way or it hasn't really held me back too much there's definitely been some instances where i've needed some assistance from the judge um and has always been granted to me i've really never had a judge uh deny my request give me an example like hey can you boost me up to the pull-up bar? I can't see it. I want to see that.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Because it is really scary jumping up to a black pull-up bar in a dark building. But luckily, the pull-up bars are blue at the game, so they're a little bit easier to see. But yeah, black pull-up bars in a lot of
Starting point is 01:00:06 gyms are like, I have to kind of sometimes be like, okay, here we go. But an example would be if there was maybe a shuttle run or a handstand at Waterpalooza this year, I didn't see the line and I walked way past it, um, and ended up walking into the bleachers. Wow. Okay. So like got me there, uh, the monitors on, on ERGs. So just having meters being called out or calories called out, you know, I can't, I can't really see the monitor. Um, when I'm, at least when I'm in a a active strong position you know i can come out of position and lean forward and squint at the screen but that's not going to be you know a great place for me to be um strong yeah getting work done and so and so do they accommodate that at the games if you say you're to your ref hey can you tell me when i'm 10 meters or five meters out yeah i i can't see the monitor they'll do it every every time you're
Starting point is 01:01:10 supposed to technically like go up and report it with like the head judges i've i and maybe maybe i should um but pretty much every time i've gone out and I've made a request, the judge has honored it and been incredibly helpful. Sam signed a t-shirt for me when I met him in Texas at the Rogue Invitational. He's a good dude. Hans. Hey, Hans. Have you looked at the field? Do you know who you're competing against?
Starting point is 01:01:43 Uh, have you, have you looked at the field? Do you know who you're competing against? Uh, it seems like a lot of new names relatively to me. Uh, I am familiar with some, I'm, um, I've, I've maintained some contact with some, but you know, a lot of the guys that I knew didn't qualify. Um, yeah. Are you surprised? Are you surprised Hobart's not there? Was he even doing it?
Starting point is 01:02:09 Yeah, I think he was. Was he? Yeah, so they didn't even either qualify or they didn't try to qualify. He did participate in the season, but he wasn't putting forth the same commitment that he did last season. I think he wanted to win it.
Starting point is 01:02:21 I heard coming out of his mouth right after the games that, hey, I'm coming back next year and I'm fucking winning this. I think that at the end of the I heard coming out of his mouth right after the games that, Hey, I'm coming back next year and I'm fucking winning. I think that at the end of the games last year, he had that mentality. I think in the middle of the off season, he realized that with the way things were going with the cap programming,
Starting point is 01:02:34 that that was probably not the place you need to allot the most resources this year. So, so the guy, I don't recognize any of these names either, except for the Greekreek guy i am not what are you talking about great gamboa is right down there frank kenny you know julian serna how about this guy roy gamboa that's the guy that's brian's buddy i know roy he brian tried
Starting point is 01:02:57 to brian said we couldn't have you on the show we had to bring roy on we had to we had to row shambo over it he's uh he it. He's an awesome dude. Roy was still making the games as an individual last year, Stefan. Yes, I know. I've competed against him quite a bit. You're 35, Sam? Yep, yep, 35. And you have a wife and a 20-month-old baby star.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Yeah, correct. Yeah, that's awesome. And any pool between wanting to spend time with the baby and train for the games? You know what? That's – I did everything within my abilities to make sure that I spent every single day with my wife while she was pregnant. And I spent every single day of the first year of Star's life. Attaboy.
Starting point is 01:03:59 I made sure of that. I made like, I made sure of that, um, which, so there was no pull during that time. Cause I wasn't really trying to do anything else, but that. So knowing that I was going to be making a commitment in the future to training for the master stuff, um, I wanted to work really hard to honor that. And by doing that, it kind of, um, it's kind of helped free up some space in my heart in regards to not, uh, feeling guilty and, or, um, or having like an emotional difficulty with the amount of time that I'm, I'm missing with my wife and my daughter during the open quarterfinals and semifinals. I, I only missed out on the mornings with, with star and Jen everything else I was there for.
Starting point is 01:05:08 with star and Jen, um, everything else I was there for. And it's been up until, um, basically this past month, month and a half where I went out to train with Justin Medeiros for like two weeks. And then I, when did you do that? Sorry. When did you do that? I want to talk about that when you're done with this story. When did you go out to train with him? Oh, it's been about a month and a half ago. Okay. Sorry. Okay. Go on.
Starting point is 01:05:27 So, so you went out there for two weeks and that was time apart from your baby. Hey, and was that good? Was that nice? Was that by good? I mean, um, you take space and you come back and you're more invigorated and you appreciate it more. And I mean, there's some positive to that, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Yes and no. And she gets to bond with her mom a little bit without you fucking hearing your deep ass voice and you grabbing her and tossing her around. It's been it's been really good. I do. I miss them both tremendously. I got to see him last week for about a week and it was it definitely filled filled my my cup up um but i i could tell even in that i'm like man i'm spending especially with the routine that i had established without them um you know when i was training with justin we were working out four or five times a day uh i never had the freedom to do that when i was living with star and jen it was
Starting point is 01:06:27 two sessions a day and that was it i had no extra stuff i spent the rest of the time with the family um and now back again to being alone essentially um i mean where are you right now where i'm in denver uh colorado with matthew bickle who you you've met oh yeah yeah matt's a good dude tell him i said hi fuck awesome yeah i love that guy yeah good dude so i've been living out here training up in the mountains um is that for elevation training good on you damn you aren't fucking around. I was just in Telluride for my taper, if you will, which was all done. Everything was done over 10,000 feet, and it was really challenging. Wow.
Starting point is 01:07:20 On that note, my wife spent every second with our first firstborn and then when she had the twins, literally like the day she had the twins, she had no time for my firstborn for three months. Basically, she had to like just feed the twins for basically three months. So I would leave the house. It went from being her kid to her never seeing that kid for three months. And that was the hardest thing about having the twins. She missed her first because she would never I would take him out in the morning. We'd stay out. She wouldn't we wouldn't come home till six o'clock at night and she get to see him for an hour and he goes to bed. And that, you know, that that shit can be fucking hard.
Starting point is 01:07:52 But it ended up being great because I got to bond with him. So at least you should know that that like your wife's getting time and you'll get your time. It's important for parents to spend some one-on-one time with the kids. Yeah. And you're not fucking off doing heroin and fucking whores. You're driving the strong coffee company business forward with your brand. You're driving your nonprofit forward. You're becoming healthier.
Starting point is 01:08:20 I mean it's a fucking great thing. I mean I know it's easy to say and harder to do, but fuck, you're doing it. I appreciate that, Siobhan, a's really it's really nice to hear that and probably spending time with the grandparents and they don't got you around being like don't hold the baby like this i mean everyone's you know what i mean it's like the fucking lions out hunting some shit and everyone gets to fuck off a little bit yeah i appreciate hearing that it's because i'd be lying if i didn't say you know i didn't feel that those pulls and that you know the the emotional side of it um at all that's that's not the case i do feel it and um to to be reminded of what good is coming from this and not to be focused on just the
Starting point is 01:09:00 separation uh between the people i love and myself is, is much appreciated. Thank you. Okay. I noticed our viewers are dropping quick. Let's shift subjects. Justin. Oh yeah. Yeah. Here it goes. We're upticking again. Justin, you, so you, so you, do you know him or do you just call, you know, Adam and you just, or, you know ellie or someone over there you're like i'm sam dancer i'm coming i know justin i uh well kind of funny story too um i texted him and i said hey i'm gonna come out and uh and train with you for a little bit before the games and he he kind of misunderstood i guess like, like what I was saying. And he thought that I was like coming out to like hang out. And he was really nervous that he was going to have to like take care of me and feed me and put me up in his house.
Starting point is 01:09:57 And little did he know that I was going to end up being the one cooking for him. And he was going to be coming over to my place, and we were going to be training our asses off for a good amount of time. And then I got to know Coach Adam pretty well and Ellie really well. That's your first time meeting Adam? We've had some interaction, but nothing like that. Nothing where we're spending real quality time with each other. How did it go?
Starting point is 01:10:32 Do you like him? How is he? Is he a good dude? He's great. I've learned a lot from him. I've had some great coaches and mentors over my 10-year career in CrossFit, and mentors over my 10-year career in CrossFit. And it was an absolute privilege to get to work with him. And I was definitely able to take some things away from it.
Starting point is 01:10:55 And, yeah, that's funny you bring him up because I thought I was going there to train with Justin. Little did I know I was going there to get coached by Adam and also get to train with Ellie. We had Matt O'Keefe on, and he called Adam Neiffer a top five human being. And fuck, that says it well. That guy is such a special man. Yeah, here he is.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Yeah. that says it well that guy is such a special man yeah here he is yeah he's crossfit game savage but also just a special just a sweetheart of a gentleman and you now now you know right why justin's over there and why ellie's over there so ellie's a savage huh yeah major savage like she's got she's got some home runs in the tank like she's going to be able to, I think, win a couple events. By win, he means get second to Tia. Honestly. Go ahead. I was just going to say, she's definitely young
Starting point is 01:12:02 and she's still building her skill set and learning. But she's got the gears to, like I said, go win some events, I think at least. So, yeah, I'm really looking forward to seeing her compete at the games. And anyone else there notable while you were there in the uh any besides adam any other big names besides night for uh oh who's the girl in the middle are those two girls are those i don't recognize them they games we got trista and christina trista is a teenage athlete um she's 16 i believe i only got to train with her a couple times
Starting point is 01:12:45 um carlene matthews was out there no shit but um wow it was mostly just me justin and ellie and it's it's so it's interesting because i think i don't want to mischaracterize what justin said but i think justin prefers not to train with other male athletes. But I think because you're a master's, there was a – he's not competing against you directly, so it's okay. Were you concerned that you could actually get injured training with these kids that are made of rubber still? No, I wasn't concerned i was like i was i didn't ever talk to you did your wife talk to you hey sam don't chase these fucking youngins down dude i was i was not only chasing them but i was giving them the business a handful
Starting point is 01:13:38 um i was that's what i was going there for i was going there to compete and um kind of have a um simulated effort in regards to doing everything that i could to beat and i i told i told justin before i uh before we got really started in our training i said hey dude when i'm like almost every day when I'm training, I'm thinking that even though I'm not competing against you in my age group, I think to myself, what type of effort do I need to give to beat Justin Medeiros in this workout? So it was really cool to, you know, I've been taking that attitude into all of my training, but to actually put it up to the test and actually go against him was, it was a lot of fun. Sam, is this the, do you think this is the most well-prepared you've been for a games team individual or otherwise?
Starting point is 01:14:36 Yeah, man, in hindsight, I, I know, I didn't anticipate being able to get in this level of shape and the amount of time that I had, especially after taking like two years off. I just kind of sold myself short a little bit. And that's another reason why I thought Masters would be a good way for me to get back into competing. Do you feel like you've gotten good enough that you actually could have made a run at the individual 40 unless unless rich comes over into masters next year i'm going to go back into the individual oh cool oh wow that's amazing um and wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa i was like waiting for you to jump in there but sorry just hold on once it's a compete against
Starting point is 01:15:23 rich that's awesome all All right, go on. In the preparation you've done this year, do you notice anything that's significantly different about your body? I've been able to maintain a little bit leaner of a physique than I have been able to in the past. It's kind of been hard for me to, um, you know, ride that line. And, and typically when I get down under 220, I just don't, I don't feel strong anymore.
Starting point is 01:16:00 I don't feel explosive. And I think in the past, that's maybe because I just mismanaged my nutrition a little bit and was maybe just doing my cuts in a little bit too aggressive of a manner rather than doing it kind of progressively through the season. So that's probably been the biggest and most significant change for me is being able to cut a little bit lighter than what I'm, I'm norm. I normally compete at like two 35 ish. And I've been able to hang out around like two 22 to 25.
Starting point is 01:16:49 And it doesn't sound like a lot but that 10 to 15 pounds has been really nice um to and maintain that too and still feel energized and and strong and explosive so what was the richard richard uh uh froning junior line again what was it i'm very impressed with your patience there thank you thank you i plan i plan on returning to the individual open division unless richard decides he wants to come try masters out so so so if richard comes to masters you you will be giving him the business? I'm going to do everything I can. As they say in the hood, giving him the Vancouver hood. Wow.
Starting point is 01:17:35 I still feel like I'm getting better. I really do. What about your recovery? What about your recovery? That's been that's been the thing in the later years for the athletes before the shit completely falls apart it's the recovery it's been great it really has been i've been doing a lot of sauna a lot of ice um and like working the soreness out of me and whenever i do have it um I supplement with HMB. I'm not sure if you're familiar with that, but that's been
Starting point is 01:18:08 something I've taken for quite a while and have noticed a significant reduction in muscle soreness and it also increasing my recovery. Nutrition has been something that I get better at year after year after year. And just my training too. Sam, have you been sponsored by the same food company for a while or have you changed it up? I don't have a food company sponsorship. Okay. I want to know what HMBD – I want to know what that stuff is but um alisa car redow says ask the question seven we were talking we were trying to figure out what you were going to wear at the games oh will you try to wear um the women's shorts at the games will you try to
Starting point is 01:18:56 get the women's gear and uh and put that on what will you do to try to you know work out in your minimalist attire that we yeah customer seeing you in i put a request in when we fill out like our survey um for what tia wears you just put what tia wears whatever t it gets is what i want yeah um but at the very least i said uh i don't want the the swimming briefs i want a speedo so yeah if we do any swimming events um i hope they honor that i i wonder what the rule is if you went because you're allowed to take your shirt off i wonder if you went out there in the gear and you just took the shorts off out there and you just had a speedo on underneath if you'd be good to go
Starting point is 01:19:43 i think if my number was on it it might be okay that's always been oh the number the you can't lose so much clothing that you you lose your athlete number so um maybe i can get some custom um uh speedos with my number across the crotch you know they've they're starting to do that some custom shit for uh ufc fighters though the i forget i think venom is their thing but like there was a ufc fighter like from the stick somewhere and he was a hunter and he was the first one who got can't special you know booty shorts camo booty shorts so maybe someone at noble oh and you're you're sponsored by the by. By the title sponsor, the Noble CrossFit Games. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:28 Maybe you could put something in, get a little home cooking. Yeah. You have been with Noble for a long time. Since day one. The original. Wow. That's amazing. That's cool that you've been with them for so long.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Have you noticed a significant evolution of their footwear i i tried out to nobles in two very briefly obviously you're of an intimate i've tried some of their footwear in 2016 or 17 i wasn't a huge fan but as i've gotten more working at the competitions this year i've found myself wearing their shoes more often they're uh they're they definitely from the beginning, they wanted to kind of have this like Chuck Taylor type shoe, you know, the shoe that was, it was just, that was the shoe. And the Chuck Taylor hasn't changed ever.
Starting point is 01:21:19 And that was kind of, they wanted this shoe that they could ride and it would be their, their, their marquee shoe, the shoe that the entire brand would be built around. A forever shoe. And they've made some new iterations of it, and they've worked to make things more comfortable and make things more durable. But, um, yeah, like, so I would continue to expect there to be a, a mild evolution to, are you involved in that process? A little bit more back in, back in the day. Have them make a shoe for a man, please. Could you tell them that? To make a shoe with a wide toe box? We're working on it.
Starting point is 01:22:08 It's happening. I was going to show you my wide toe box. I can't find it. But we need a toe box that my toes can fit in. My toes aren't smushed together. I'm constantly in communication with Michael, who's one of the lead designers, one of the owners, and working towards getting into more minimalist shoes, wider shoes, open toe, like running sandals and whatnot. open toe like running sandals and whatnot um and you have to understand they have they have next year already mapped out you know so and also they're like 20 steps ahead of any ideas that we have and it just takes time for these things to to you know actually be brought to the market
Starting point is 01:23:09 um and yeah so every release is planned out for the next for the next year you know every every shoe that is going to be come out over the next year has already been decided upon, has already been designed, is already being wear tested. So just, yeah, the process takes a while. And it makes sense, though, also, too, why a company, why they've been able to have the level of success they've had, being so diligent with their planning and their, their marketing and, and everybody within the business knowing what to expect and being able to get on board with that. Um, so, but yeah, I've gotten to work a little bit on the creative process, uh, less and less as the brand continues
Starting point is 01:23:59 to grow. You know, when we first started, we had, there was three employees and a couple athletes now there's hundreds of employees so their their design teams and and marketing teams have have really they should fire their marketing team sorry i tried to stay i tried sorry i've been trying to stay quiet i'm trying to stay quiet but they should fire them they should fire them. They should fire. Just a little feedback. I'll give a, I'll give a full report. Savan. They know. Oh,
Starting point is 01:24:28 they know. A men's shoe. Fire the marketing team. Those are the notes. They know. I don't want to, I know tomorrow people are going to be like, Savan,
Starting point is 01:24:35 I, I'm not, I'm just, I don't want to get into it. Cause I love you, Sam. And I don't want to get into it. Cause,
Starting point is 01:24:41 cause I, I like your, I already argued with our previous guest. Yeah. Well, I like it that you have sponsors and, and I like it that I know they're supporting a really good human being, and you are an asset to humanity. And so I'm not interested in saying anything negative. Okay. I want to shift gears.
Starting point is 01:24:59 That was really good. Okay. Good. Thank you. I was really impressed. I'm going to take one. Don't worry. I'm going gonna get fucking
Starting point is 01:25:05 butt slammed in the um in my dms for being a pussy all for the next 24 hours yeah i want to talk about the strong coffee for a second can we can we bring up their website because um so i i um i ordered a gains box and i got my first shaker so what i was doing with the strong so i drink so i drink this i drink paper street coffee for um podcast and for working out i drink uh strong coffee so i like to do but but um i was always stirring and i always drink it with milk i stir it in milk but it would always do it would always be like powdery and shit but i didn't care i kind of liked it so so this one right here that's the one i love the red oh god they're all so good they're nuts so i put honey lavender no which one's that the purple one oh no but i have that i got that i haven't tried it yet that's it right there iced iced honey lavender. So I've even started putting this in a shaker now with milk.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Yeah. Do you do that? Yeah. I like that route too. But then I want to add milk. I guess the way a shaker works is you can only fill it halfway because you've got to have room for the shake. But then afterwards, I want to fucking pour more milk in it, but the bubbles are all the way up to the top. Have you cracked a code on this, how to mix this with enough milk to yeah the um the frothers the little spinner mixers oh yeah everyone keeps
Starting point is 01:26:31 telling me to get a frother i don't know what that is everyone keeps telling me i need one of those they're just little mini blenders um who's gonna clean that after i use it they clean fine i'm not cleaning shit even if you don't clean it even if you don't clean it it'll be yes yes sammy no shoes sammy don't clean the frother sammy yeah okay and then and then the black one i like this one do you guys still sell the black yep it's just a black jar of coffee so this this thing – no, it's in a plastic. No, it's the blue. Go to the blue one.
Starting point is 01:27:10 No. That's our – It's just in a plastic – Well, that's – they were distributing those for a while because some of the supplies they needed to make the colored bags weren't available. Oh, you don't sell that jar anymore? We have the jar. That's – if you go over to the black one i'm sorry that's that's the the plain coffee oh but you don't sell it in a jar anymore we do not sell it in the jar anymore it comes in the bag now okay that's the one that's like my go-to that's like just add hot water and fucking throw it down the gullet and fucking yep just i
Starting point is 01:27:47 love it and i love the the ease and the speed of it and and i like that i can travel with it and it's yep it's something i really enjoy as well are you like being a part of this company uh adam's been adam von rothfelder yeah yeah good buddy of mine um i've i've gotten to be pretty close with him really from the beginning um it wasn't until within the past like two years that i i became to come to have ownership of the company. From the beginning, I've been really close with Adam and believed in the product. How come it doesn't say the Sevan podcast on there? Look at this shit.
Starting point is 01:28:35 Now that we're here, we get a little logo down there. Get my logo up there, God damn it. We'll get you up there. By the way, that guy, Adam, Get my logo up there, God damn it. We'll get you up there. We'll get you up there. Hey. By the way, that guy, Adam, I've met a chance to meet him twice. Went to the Hyrox event, went to the Wadaplews this year. He just gives out the persona of being incredibly passionate about what he's doing.
Starting point is 01:29:03 And as a result of seeming like a very genuine sales pitch, basically, about his product, it's become a daily part of my routine as well yeah he's he's an inspiration to me so he's very hard-working um gentleman and um it's it's oh you don't have to wash it you can just no yeah you can spin it you can just spin it savant and, and it cleans itself. Okay. Wow, that's – 14 bucks. I love something that's self-cleaning. You just spin it or spit on it.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Sam, I'm going to give some financial advice to anyone out there listening right now, and you me this is if this is right or not if anyone ever with the last name von rothfelder wants to go to into business with you say yes i mean that guy just sounds rich as fuck dude what a great and i always have to say his whole name whenever we have phone calls i always have to say good morning adam von roffelder yeah i said bkg this morning and i was so angry because i always like to take the time to say björgvin björgvin carl gudmundsson right and i and i fucking just ran over him today and said bkg i was like or was it last night i was so frustrated i was like why did I do that? You were an art major? Yeah, art major. What was your medium?
Starting point is 01:30:29 Mostly ceramics. I did dabble a little bit in some jewelry making and a little bit of design and some work with acrylics and charcoal. But my main focus was ceramics. Is it behind you? Are you doing anything else? No, no. So I own a kiln and I own a wheel. I don't get to do it as often as I would like,
Starting point is 01:31:02 but sometimes in life you have to choose between not only just good and bad things, but two good things. Um, and Hey, I'm seeing this thing. I'm seeing you in a, in a series of photographs, make it naked at the, at the, what's that thing called? The spinner thing, the wheel, the wheel you're naked at the wheel. Your penis can't be seen, but people know you're naked. Yeah. Yeah, and then you make some pieces. You know how you're supposed to drag your hands on it to shape it? But you do some ornate work with your penis. So there's this guy named –
Starting point is 01:31:41 Oh, shit. I knew it. I knew it. Yes. Named Picasso. Picasso. my brother came across him find him suza picasso my brother wanted to get um a good friend of his for a wedding gift this this painting that was commissioned but he wasn't gonna tell he wasn't gonna tell him that that dude painted it with his dick so he dips his dick in paints and then drags it around on the even better films it wow wow wow will oh my god he painted that hugh hefner dude he's's an amazing artist. He looks like Paddy the Baddie, the UFC fighter. He does. He does.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Oh, my goodness. It's Paddy's dad. Holy shit. It's Paddy Pimlet's dad. Well, that explains everything. You're on to something there, buddy. You were anti-gun yeah like like me like me guns are bad and dangerous yeah people i hated them and like me you have um found a utility for them um is is there a big big picture understanding to it i mean because they've killed 1.6 million people in the United States since 1968 or something like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:13 And that never happens in the Netherlands. They only have three shootings a year because they don't have guns. Is there a – have you thought about why you're okay with it now what happened i have an answer to that but not probably one that you're really looking for in regards to next subject yeah the you know the more political nature of it um and for me what changed it was i got trained i got trained to handle a firearm and it helped me tremendously why did you do that why did you get trained what you wanted to you were facing your fears or you wanted to clear your ignorance why did you get trained if you're like this is a piece i hate cockroaches why do you have a cockroach collection now yeah um and realize that they're vital to the health of the planet i hate spiders and uh i
Starting point is 01:34:10 my roommate bought me a spider so i could um deal with that too um it it it helped a little bit not much they they tried to tease they tried to tease me too much with it so it kind of scared the shit out of me um so but how did you get who who was like hey sam you got to get over this and you got to take a gun course so my my brother had been going to this um tactical training center in farmington missouri it's a bunch of Navy SEAL and MARSOC. Your real brother, your real brother? Yep. My real brother. And he'd been really enjoying it. And I could see that he was really having a great time learning all the things that he was learning. And I married into,
Starting point is 01:35:08 that he was learning and um i married into so my brother married into a family that's avid duck hunters they have this duck hunting property that is literally second to none they have a commercial kitchen in one of their duck blinds um what state wow it's in uh it's technically in Illinois, but it's Missouri is where they're all at. But I went duck hunting, which I was terrified about. But it was just kind of like the camaraderie of getting to meet my new family. And I actually really enjoyed it. God, they must drip actually really, God, they must drip on you. God, they must drip on you. Um, but we're good. We're like, we're family now and friends and, and fuck you deal with me. I really enjoy, um, I really enjoy their company, even though it's completely counterculture to my lifestyle. Completely.
Starting point is 01:36:08 We have very little in common. It's been quite a pleasure getting to... It's like the CrossFit gym, honestly. There's a couple hundred people in my gym that I'd probably never hang out with if it wasn't for the gym. Some of my best friends are in their 60s, literally. People that I choose to go hang out with and go over to their house and have dinner with them and do art with them and have fellowships. Similar to that, it was cool how something like that could help. How did you see good enough to shoot a gun? Because of my eyesight, I had a—
Starting point is 01:36:58 They gave you a BB gun. No, they gave me a shotgun. Oh, fuck. Also, another good story. I beat Josh Bridges in a skeet shooting contest years ago. But here's why my eyesight doesn't affect me. Because people become target fixated. So that means they're looking at their target
Starting point is 01:37:25 and they're not looking at their sites. I can't really see my target very well. So I become hyper-focused on my sites, which are like right in front of my face. So I become fixated on my sites and that allows me to have a cleaner shot than an individual who's focused on their target and he's farther away from the target if the target's in the air than you yeah there we
Starting point is 01:37:53 yeah there was a handicap there too but um so getting kind of back to it going hunting kind of opened up my eyes a little bit being Being able to harvest my own meat was a really – I was terrified of it at first, but it really helped me kind of find a passion for it. And I enjoyed being able to bring home like 15 pounds of duck breast to my wife and daughter and be able to feed them with that. That was really quite amazing. And then, um, just between that, my brother getting into shooting and I have another good friend, um, Jared Stevens, who is like, loves that stuff. And it's just,
Starting point is 01:38:39 it's not really my thing, but I've, I've come to really, um, I, I, I enjoy it. Like I'm going to go try the tactical game stuff out. And, um, I'm, I, I have fun going now to go going to shoot with my brother or go hunt with my brother-in-law, um, or go do, um, uh, firearm and fitness competitions with my friends, Jared Stevens and Jacob Hefner. So, um, it's, that's kind of been the way that I've, I've gotten over the, the disdain that I had for firearms and just getting classically trained has really helped me levy the fear and see – I don't know that I necessarily see the need for them or – again, I don't really have any political stance on them. I just like – I've really enjoyed it. Learning how to handle it is, has been.
Starting point is 01:39:48 That'll come next. That'll come next. We had the tactical games on this guy on the show. Uh, Jared Halbert. Yeah. I know him pretty well. That dude's cool as shit.
Starting point is 01:40:02 Yeah. He's a savage. And if you were like left on the planet with with just 10 people, I'd pick one. He'd be one of the dudes. Oh, without a doubt. Yeah, that dude gets shit done. And all those... So I got to go to that tactical training center with my brother and meet a bunch of these Navy SEALs,
Starting point is 01:40:20 meet a bunch of these MARSOC guys, and get trained by them. And they are just, they are there. And that was, that was another kind of driving force, just seeing how bad ass these guys are. Um, and, uh, it was, yeah. So it's, it's being bad ass to school. Yeah. Mr. Friend. Yeah. Uh, what, what, what on a, do you think Sam Dancer is going to win the 35-39 Masters division this year
Starting point is 01:40:53 yes and Sam just so you know he doesn't lie we put him on the spot he's very good if you didn't think so And Sam, just so you know, he doesn't lie. We put him on the spot. Yeah, he does it. He would say something. He's very good.
Starting point is 01:41:08 If you didn't think so, you'd be like, he's very good. I'm very impressed with his dedication to going out to train with Justin. It was fantastic. But he's, wow, okay. I mean, look, honestly, it's the same thing that Vellman was talking about earlier. We spent 45 minutes or an hour with him and, and you know, his level of commitment is very apparent,
Starting point is 01:41:28 but I don't know what Roy, but Gambo and Julian Serna and some of these guys that I don't know as much about have been doing this past year. And I'm sure that they're going to show up there in really good shape too. Sam has, you know, an incredible base of fitness. Like he said,
Starting point is 01:41:40 he's been competing for 10 years. He's competed at this level as an individual and as a team member and hello you know he has all those kind of advantages that some of the other guys do too and uh you know i feel like we could stand for hours with him there's a he's a he's a wealth of experience and i think that that really comes into handy uh in in a setting like the games i'm sorry you cut out what did you say about a handy sam i i say his reaction is the best i i i really appreciate you coming on brother um throughout throughout the week we may we may bug you um if it's convenient for you come on if not super low stress uh sam so either you or bickle play the guitar no but um i have a good question for you that he would really want for me to uh ask you guys if you could play any any and all instruments
Starting point is 01:42:37 in the world or speak every language in the world which would you choose i'd go with every language i i am so bad at music that playing music i i think like it's like it's like a total mystery to me so i think i might choose that if it was i would choose every language but if it was back in the days when i had a harem i would have chosen uh music i've i've i've lived in a spanish-speaking country and spoken that language and it's it's very cool i've traveled around france at the time i was able to speak french it was very cool to be able to talk to people in other languages but i can conceptualize it i think that this fact that playing music has always been like very difficult for me that that would just open up a whole world of creative freedom that it's,
Starting point is 01:43:26 that's appealing in that regard. That's a good answer. Good answer. Whoever has mastery of the language is the main sorcerer on, on planet earth. It's like it's hypnotized by the music. That too. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:43:39 Please tell, please tell Mr. Bickle. I love him. I got to have him back on. I miss him. He's a great dude. He's yeah. He's, he's, he's I love him. I got to have him back on. I miss him. He's a great dude. He's a great guy.
Starting point is 01:43:48 He's my coach this year. Oh, no shit. In all my travels, I've seen him, but I've never met him, and I've always felt like I've been missing out. Yeah, well, hopefully at the games you can finally get to have that interaction. He's an amazing human. Yeah. And he's been a lot of help for me this season.
Starting point is 01:44:10 And just keeping my head on straight and putting me in good positions to work my ass off and get as fit as possible. Awesome. Well, thank you. If there's anything you need from us text us anytime uh tell adam i said what's up tell vickle i said what's up and uh we'll be talking soon cool thank you guys it's a real pleasure love you all until next time thanks another day on the seven podcast dude sam dancer he has done a lot of really cool and unique things
Starting point is 01:44:48 relative to most people yeah i still remember an early podcast with uh him on barbell shrugged probably like 2014 and they were like he was like swigging out of like a flask of jack and stuff while he was on that podcast oh no shit yeah i forget who they're with but it was a kind of like a mix of characters after a competition so i think it had just ended or something like that and they were kind of kicking back and he had a little jack in the cup and stuff and so it's funny to see that evolution of him as a person a father an athlete you know yeah i mean i mean he he's he's uh i i i mean i get this uh camaraderie with him because we're both so strong and we're both dirt twirling hippies yeah not the strong part yeah he's he's he's uh i feel like
Starting point is 01:45:34 him and i maybe there's some similarity there or or ronnie teasdale rob earth like this like there's definitely that thread like this blue blue to blue to red uh pill um tomorrow morning at 7 a.m i'm going to sit down with the owner of crossfit uh tyl and you will find out what that stands for and it's pretty damn awesome his own name is chris dorst you do not want to miss this this is going to be the first of 52 podcasts i'm going to do with affiliates this year it is going to be something special i made a statement on one of the shows that i was making a direct uh you know statement to the the leaders at crossfit hq that they need to take their responsibilities extremely seriously because there are people in the middle of this fucking country and all over the world who have spent every single cent and every cent of their families to put food on the table by running a CrossFit gym. They believe in you and they need you.
Starting point is 01:46:37 And this guy reached out and said, hey, I'm the dude in Iowa. And I've been an affiliate for eight years and I put every fucking cent into it. And when you hear this guy's story, I started doing some research on them. It's, it's fucking intense, man. If you, if you work at HQ and you don't want to feel the heat, don't listen to this one. If you do want to feel the heat and you'd like pressure, this is the one you want to hear. This will motivate you. Like if I worked at HQ, this would motivate me to want to work hard every single fucking day. This is the kind, this is why you do what you do at the mothership then at 6 p.m brian friend matt suza and myself and the great daniel brandon will be coming on
Starting point is 01:47:17 and we will be asking her everything about her toe spacers that you've ever wanted to know the tell all the tell all yes the tell all daniel brandon and then at 6 45 we have jason grubb two times crossfit games champion uh came uh he called into the show one time i didn't know it was him and i just started ripping on him and he described my mom to him and then on thursday morning we have the great car saunders but maybe the only true threat um to uh tia to me um and then in the i don't know someone else will probably come on that show also we don't know yet and then uh we have james uh sprague and dallin pepper at 6 30 and then the next day friday we have the ufc show we have amanda barnhart we have lazar jukic that day it's like just podcast non-stop yeah and there's a couple others that might speak into that day too that'll
Starting point is 01:48:09 be really cool and then on saturday this show is gonna be fucking wild at 5 p.m it is the most knowledgeable fucking people in the crossfit game space walking planet earth and myself and we are going to I would include you in there okay this particular category might be at the bottom but CrossFit games in general you can hold your own I'm like I'm like uh I'm like uh Julia Cato I made it to the games but like I've taken a beating for some false reporting about me on my way to the top um and uh it's gonna be a crazy show yeah i mean we're gonna have chad chad schroeder if chad schroeder is like the wizard like the wizard of odds just the dude behind the curtain the know-all like he's the only guy that brian's like did i get that right that guy's coming on
Starting point is 01:49:04 the fucking show i don't even know if he can talk. It's going to be crazy having him on here. If you, if you've been a fan of buttery bros for a long time, Chad was interviewed by them at water. It was back in 2019. I think he made the video. He made the video.
Starting point is 01:49:19 Oh my God. We were there together. And Brian and John young and Andrew Hiller and J.R. Howell. I don't think John Young. I think you kicked him out so that you could play. Oh, yeah. Fuck John Young. He'll be watching the comments.
Starting point is 01:49:32 Yeah, he'll be tearing us up in the comments. He might be feeding some on draft picks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He might be texting me draft picks. It might be me and John Young on the same team. It could be the Biden effect. That's your team name it should be anyway this show is going to be crazy and we're all using this um uh app that's in beta that um
Starting point is 01:49:53 tyler watkins has designed and it's basically going to be a fantasy league and it's it's the text threads already on this thing yes yes lauren from the morning chalk up is going to be there that's going to be awesome it's gonna be a lot of fun uh so that's saturday at 5 p.m we scheduled it at 5 p.m so you can watch this and then still watch uh the ufc pay-per-view so um priorities yeah and then i think that morning i'm going to do a live call-in show it should be nasty and uh and and then on Sunday, uh, John Young comes back and,
Starting point is 01:50:27 and that's when we start really getting fucking serious. Uh, the name of this show is 2022 CrossFit games in the mail predictions with Brian friend and John Young. And I did, I'm already getting a lot of DMS that saying that Brian was already frustrated and, uh,
Starting point is 01:50:40 regrets having John on. So I can only imagine what the next two shows. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love the pushback. And like, it's one of those things like when John comes on the show, usually the more,
Starting point is 01:50:53 the more heated that if it ends up getting there, we'll end up having a conversation later that day. That's a really good conversation. You guys have to like settle it out afterwards. No, it's, no, it's,
Starting point is 01:51:04 it's really good. John and I don't speak that often, but we always have good conversations. And I do enjoy the challenge of having him on the show. I mean, I know he doesn't agree with me about everything, but we usually both bring good positions to the table. And it's fun to have someone who can do that. Yeah, I love it because the value it brings to the audience and the people watching. Like even me, just as like sitting here,
Starting point is 01:51:24 when I hear you guys go back and forth and stuff, I just learn a ton. And it's just really cool coming into the games to have all that information. It makes it exciting. By the way, I was a little nervous about this morning's show. I mean, I have like a set game plan really for it, but it did not long at last. I got a ton of good feedback from that this morning. What does that mean? What's good feedback look like?
Starting point is 01:51:45 You were cute. good feedback from that this one which was what does that mean what's good feedback look like some people for example that i was cute and other people said that they actually like that like more than a prediction show because it gives them something tangible to think about with regards to each athlete instead of saying like this one's better than this one they could actually say oh no well this one might do better at this but this one's actually pretty good at this and i think that if you don't really take the time to study each of the individual athletes it's really easy to just rank them against each other without realizing that like how do they end up in that rank at the end of the weekend dude there's so many people who could give two shits about the games who watch the show and just want to just like party with us and and they're now like interested in the games yeah i'm i'm one of them me too it makes it so much fun with all this
Starting point is 01:52:28 information that you guys bring and then we pick our athletes and you everybody grabs favorites it's cool yeah yeah it's good i love it elisa's coming up before we go let's see uh brian don't worry you you you are about heidi she has my number now they were all just Heidi in the DMs it's escalated let me see this one I always like the long ones Anthony if you have a 12 gauge look into oh it's gun talk alright fine
Starting point is 01:53:01 thank you make sure you go to vindicate I don't, fine. Thank you. Make sure you go to Vindicate. I don't know where the website is, but make sure you go there and get all your gear. I love the shirts. I think he made this shirt. I think this is his purple shirt. Just so you know, if you're ordering a shirt, I'm 55163 maybe, and this is a fucking large. I've been underselling you. Yeah, this is a fucking large I've been underselling you yeah
Starting point is 01:53:28 this is large so like be smart like I don't know who the fuck wears a fucking medium hey I did 20 rope climbs for time today with shoes yeah I did wear shoes I wear shoes socks and sleeves yeah
Starting point is 01:53:44 we saw your new sleeves on the split snatch the videos the videos coming out are you going to try to match my time on that brian when the video comes out okay that one's not out yet no the 20 rope climbs for time oh well um that's what i could excel at maybe i'll do it too maybe i've done 20 rope climbs and workouts before not i don't know i think i've done 20 for time i was kind of surprised at how uh difficult it was i feel like i could hold a 30 like one every 30 seconds for a while yeah yeah it just gets weird when you get to the thing is is this right You're doing them and you're just doing them. And then you kind of like get to 10 and you're like, okay, I'm going to push a little bit harder.
Starting point is 01:54:28 And then you get to like 15 and you're like, I'm pushing a little harder. And then you're like, Oh, and you kind of, I mean, I experienced my hardest rope climbs ever doing that today with the camera there. Fucking knucklehead filmmaker dude came over again. He wanted me to fucking do Cindy. My fuck you. Hey, it's more and more people are doing that five minute echo bike five minute off i'm an echo bike it's very cool yeah that's the cool part about it um are you are we gonna ask daniel brandon any hard questions tomorrow we're just gonna just like look into her eyes and be like hi how are you
Starting point is 01:54:59 you're so strong it's gonna be the tell when you're thinking about i was so i was hyped up for the morning one after your sales the morning one's gonna be dope it really is gonna be dope if you're an affiliate owner i think you're gonna i think this series is gonna be nuts yeah i should fucking have daniel brandon on it to just juice it up like just pop it and be like hi just throw it in the title oh yes how about that brian you work over at the morning chalk up those fucking guys i'm gonna have to have a talk with lauren khalil on saturday she interviewed matt torres his name's not in the fucking title it says daniel brandon and phil toon pull that video these motherfuckers are you we need to get
Starting point is 01:55:42 more serious with our titles. Matt Torres' name is not in the title. Are you looking now, Brian, at the Morning Chocolate website? No. Oh, okay. I don't have an involvement with the title selection for the videos. I'll have a talk with Lauren. And her videos over there are starting to get more views than my videos.
Starting point is 01:56:02 This is bullshit. Because you've been spending too much time over there, Mr. Friend. Alright. I think I got a podcast with you every day for like 10 days in a row. Good. Good. We're selfish. Shit ain't gonna suck itself. Alright, see you guys later. Bye.

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