The Sevan Podcast - #508 - Danielle Brandon & Jason Grubb

Episode Date: July 28, 2022

Danielle Brandon Trading Card: Danielle Brandon Trading Card – wodzombie Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Sign up for our email: ------------------------...- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Oh, I never noticed that before. It actually says we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Did you see that? Mm-hmm. Oh. New feature. It's because it wants to tell the guest. Oh, yes. So I don't catch you off guard. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Hi. Hello. How are you? I'm awesome. Showered. Worked out. Oh, yeah. Is it 6 p.m. over there?
Starting point is 00:00:57 It is. Love it. Is that James Sprague's living room? It is. Dang. He got a fan on the roof? Yeah, he does. Looks like a Batman fan.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Oh, that's like... Oh, whoa. This is like a huge light. Oh, not a fan. Okay. Yeah, but over there, there's a fan. Well, how was your workout? It was good.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I'm trying to fucking be able to be, I'm trying to not get caught off guard. I've been doing some workouts and someone came over here and filmed a few and I got caught looking like a pussy. Oh no. Well, no. Worse than that. Worse than that. Oh no. Cash, you with me?
Starting point is 00:01:48 My Cash is right here watching the podcast. I'm going to give you guys one chance. Whoa, who's that? Who, that phone number? Yeah. It's going to give people one chance to call in and ask you a question. Whoa, that's kind of crazy. Are is that your phone number no oh it's your phone number wouldn't that be crazy if you came on here and i had your phone number up
Starting point is 00:02:17 oh my gosh i really deserve blasting yes i Pussy would be a compliment for me. I know. It would be. It would be. You're in Florida. I am. And you're in a honeymoon period. Yeah, I am kind of. Isn't that a trip? Yeah, you're in a, you switch camps and I'm guessing it's like a honeymoon period.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Like everyone's on their, oh, look, here we go. Oh, this is going to be easy. This is from Canada. This is from Canada. Hi. You have a question for me or Danielle? For Danielle. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Okay, go ahead. I'm new to your program, and I am addicted to your lives fucking every day, sometimes twice a day. And I'm new to CrossFit and new to Danielle, too. And since she's so young, I was wondering what her influences are or what motivates her or what idols or icons she looks up to. what motivates her or what idols or icons she looks up to. I got a question for you. When you said you're, you're, you follow her program, what do you mean her program? No, I don't follow her program. I follow your, your YouTube.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Oh, gotcha. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, thank you. Well, thank you. Good. Good plug for me. Okay. Go on, Danielle. Danielle, the gentleman from Canada would like to know who your influences are. And he you're young she's not really that young are you young i wouldn't say i'm like young but i'm not old i'm like that awkward middle age i mean you did basically you were supposed to go you were supposed to go to the games a couple you were supposed to go to regionals a couple times you turned it down because of a a college scholarship that required you to perform uh do pole vaulting you were fantastic pole vaulter setting records at the college and you got old.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Yeah. All of a sudden she's a jump. But your question, I feel like, you know, it's weird. I honestly was, I feel like one of those athletes that grew up and didn't really have a ton of idols. Like, I don't think I really looked up, looked up to a lot of, um, people in the sports that I was doing, um, when I was a gymnast, maybe more so because I would watch the Olympics, but in track and field, I didn't really have any idols. And then in CrossFit, I mean, I was always so focused on track that I wasn't super invested. I feel like in the CrossFit people. But maybe, maybe when I was younger, I would say Annie Thor's daughter,
Starting point is 00:04:50 but not today. Like, no, like my idol. Yeah. But did you have a teacher to inspire you or did you have parents or did you have like a coach or something or another thing? High school I had really good like what goes through your mind to motivate you to to like stoke the fire inside your heart and soul to just fucking kill everyone in your lips and your events and stuff uh i think it's not necessarily like this motivation um that i that i think most people think you find every day. Like every day, I think people think we wake up and we're like, oh, I'm so motivated.
Starting point is 00:05:29 And it's more just like routine and habit that gets us through our day-to-day training. But honestly, right now, I feel like I'm going through a phase. What motivates me is to really just humble other people, you know, to let other people talk and talk and talk. And I'll just set them up with what I do. Caller. Thank you. You demand. Good job. Good job. Good job. Good job. Good job. Love you guys. Good job. He's going to go for three. I was impressed. So, so that I keep wanting to push the limits of the show.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Do you know what I mean? Like,? I did live and then now I'm like what if I let some people actually talk to Danielle? I know, that's kind of crazy. Yeah, kind of scary. But I'm afraid someone's going to do something crazy. Like say something crazy. Like what? I don't want to say it. Then I'll sound crazy if I
Starting point is 00:06:20 tell you what I think they're crazy. What would be crazy? I'll tell you crazy. My wife went crazy i can't even like what would be crazy i'll tell you crazy my wife went and got a cervical exam uh today that's where like they look inside your pussy to see if you're okay yeah your vagina and the fucking doctor asked her do you work out whoa it's like dude she has a fucking six-pack with a giant ass a skinny waist a fucking vein that runs from her toe up her fucking body up her fucking forehead i mean she looks like a fucking statue hey what does anyone
Starting point is 00:06:53 ever ask you if you work out oh yeah i mean this morning like five people five people at the dog park seriously yeah in uh naples florida i mean, the average age range at the dog park was probably 45 to 60. And you brought it down. That means there was all 80-year-olds in you, which brings it down to like... And it's pretty funny, like me walking in with cash, pink hair, tattoos. Usually I'm wearing like some shorts and a sports bra or maybe like a cropped t-shirt. So they can see stuff. So they can see stuff. They're usually like, whoa, well, like this older lady today was like, whoa, oh my gosh, your hair is so pink. She's like, oh.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Danielle, does that, the color is, gives me, the coloring of the hair got woke vibes, but you're far from woke. What's the, do you ever get mistaken as woke? Not really. No. No. No, I don't even know what that question is. Do you know what that means? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:55 I don't know. Maybe someone wants to bond with you. Like someone walks up to you and is like, look, I got my six booster because you have purple, because you have pink hair. Maybe. Maybe. Woke well i don't get it david attaway uh podium vibes i love that david attaway new coach matt torres i watched his i had him on the show. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. Are you, are you digging him? That was a good show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Thank you. Yeah. Uh, I made up for it by fucking up the interview with Haley Adams. So I haven't watched that yet. Yeah. Don't. It was a fucking train wreck.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I ruined it. She's so fucking wonderful. And I ruined it. Hiller called me like two minutes after the show, or maybe it was a couple hours after the show. And he's like, wow, you shit the bed.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Oh, why? Just, I was just, just, I was just, I was just i just just she's i just i just i just just yeah you did that yeah yes yes so matt torres good good interview i thought it was great too i watched three of his other podcasts before he came on he was a little quiet on those podcasts when he came on to my podcast he seemed smiley open i felt like we hit it off i didn't have time to do any foreplay with him because we only had 45 minutes so we just fucking dove in love that yeah okay and so what do you think better anyways yeah okay small talk that's good okay what do you what do you think of them could you even know it is the honeymoon period right i mean can you even know i watched a couple of your other podcasts and you're saying some things and I'm thinking the whole time.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I don't think Danielle can really know that yet. I don't. You know what? I think he's a very, like he's not fake. Like he's a very real person. And I think when you interact with him, that's the math that you see is the math that you get. And from when I first came down to Florida the first week that I was here before any of this shit went down and to how he is now, it's the same. Same guy.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah. It needs to be – it has to be a little bit more intimate, right? Because he – you're now – you're not just a visiting athlete. You are one of his athletes right now. Yeah, one of his athletes right now. And a lot can change very quickly. Yeah, and I think just right now our main focus is the games. And my main focus was to train with Dallin and get as much coaching as possible in a really good environment.
Starting point is 00:10:27 And I did just that. And now me and Dallin are ready for the games. And we'll just finish the season. And whatever happens after the season is after the season's problems. Do you have any plans in terms of your physical location after the games? So, like, when your hotel room expires, where is your ticket back to? Back to Vegas because all my stuff is there but i will definitely not be living in vegas okay and i want to i want to tell you something uh remind you of something you said on may 29th love it on an interview with um lauren lauren khalil this is good this is good
Starting point is 00:11:01 she asked you what's it like having Kotler in your corner? Right. And you said it's super reassuring. Yeah. And it's a good feeling knowing that we did this together. That means, in my thought, regardless of whatever the circumstances were, that there has to be some mourning. Yeah, absolutely. of whatever the circumstances were that there had there has to be some mourning yeah absolutely i yeah you do you did you did you mourn or do you have to push it down and the games are over and then mourn i wouldn't say like yeah i mean i think it's it was best that i get out of there as soon as possible
Starting point is 00:11:45 because the games were so soon. So yeah, I think it is kind of one of those, um, more than after, but that's not to say that I haven't had days where I like really think about it and I'm like, fuck, like this is shitty. Right. This is a sad situation. Right. But I have really good people in my life to be able to kind of like talk through that and then move on. And then it's like, all right, show them. Don't don't tell them. You know, it's interesting that I had a similar conversation with Matt Torres in terms of he also had a traumatic event happen, a shift in his plans. And basically I asked him about it and he, we, we use the metaphor of like, he had three, he had a cars going around the racetrack. Right. And, and one of them got in a car accident that being Phil tune, he went over and make sure Phil's okay, but that's it. And once he knows Phil's okay, Phil goes to the hospital and he has to get back to his other athletes and that he hasn't had time to, I don't want to put words in his mouth,
Starting point is 00:12:52 but it doesn't say he basically said, yeah, I had to push it down. I'll deal, I'll mourn later or I'll deal with it later. Yeah. Now's not the time. Exactly. As long as he's, as long as he's moving forward absolutely with whatever he's doing um are you is any part of you enjoying the chaos i am more and more uh at first i was just like what the fuck like what the like the – like, it's very blindsided. Super blindsided.
Starting point is 00:13:30 So figuring all that out and, like, figuring out where – By super blindsided, you mean it wasn't like, okay, this is building up into a problem and just all of a sudden you knew – it's like I broke up with a girlfriend one time, and she said, you're breaking up with me? I was like, oh, fuck. Like she really thinks I'm a piece of shit. So it's kind of like that. Like you just you couldn't even believe it. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I mean, yeah, I was super blindsided. OK. I'm just it's kind of one of those situations where I'm just chilling at the pool and I get an email and it's like, oh, fuck. Oh, so you didn't. Oh, shit. You know, he's supposed to be on here. I didn't send a fucking link to my fucking God. I didn't send a link to Brian.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Oh, my goodness. A douche. I want to do all to myself. So. So. Aren't you when you break up with someone supposed to call them and tell them or talk or see them in person, like do a face to like when you break up with a boyfriend, you're supposed to do a face to face. I remember my girlfriend in the sixth grade broke up with me face to face. That was like the only thing that I was like, oh, fuck, this bitch did it. Yeah. Yeah, I respect that.
Starting point is 00:14:40 All right. like that all right um so so then you you when you get that are you do you immediately scramble to our so you get the email and do you try do i guess the two options are um preserve try to preserve or do you go fuck plant uh who would okay i'm gonna call um a local affiliate and start training there oh i remember that guy torres down there in naples maybe i'll fuck his shit up i'll go down there yep it was just like that it's like oh fuck all right try to train in vegas still but then that wasn't working out just like you know just bad energy so called cooper to talk to torres oh you have an agent why go through cooper why not just call torres yourself because naples wasn't necessarily my first resort like it wasn't my first thought okay like i was like oh
Starting point is 00:15:42 maybe i'll train at there's a true grit gym in Vegas. And I was like, maybe I'll try to train there. So I'll try to get all the equipment and true grit. Um, Matt was really getting everything I needed to that gym, but it was just really hard to be alone and not under the eyes of a coach. Um, and some of my girlfriends there, you know, they would hang out with me, but it was just like, it just wasn't enough. And I just felt kind of alone. So I was like, well, called Cooper and he's like, let me reach out to Torres and see if you can go train with him. And he did. And then I called Torres, you know, I FaceTimed him and wanted to be like, Hey, I know you aren't that kind of guy, but I hope you don't feel obligated to have me come. And I don't want to drag you into any of this drama. So got it. Did you call your mom? Uh, eventually. Yeah. Who, who, who did you call? She called you. Okay. Who did you call and just, just um and just cry your eyes out too
Starting point is 00:16:45 um i didn't i don't think i've had a good cry yet wow maybe with uh maybe with cooper i had a lot of phone calls with cooper yeah okay so you maybe really did push this down okay get in the fucking pit down there yeah because you know why because i i can walk away from the like it's it's really shitty and it's really sad to um kind of be blindsided and um by people you thought were your family but especially like me not coming from the greatest of families to finally maybe finding something like that, um, to be kind of blindsided. Uh, but I know I can walk away from the situation knowing I was always truthful and I was never fake. And, you know, I was always, um, really loyal and true to my friends. And I can walk away knowing that.
Starting point is 00:17:49 loyal and true to my friends and I can walk away knowing that I I have this um thought that when we we're in a relationship with somebody yeah not all relationships but some relationships and they break up yeah that the next relationship we go to is going to eventually come to that point again could be a week could be a month but we'll but we'll have like so if i have a girlfriend and we fight over something let's let's say we fight over the fact that i let's say we fight over the fact that i got another girlfriend yeah i'll break up with her and then this new girlfriend she's going to eventually break up because i got another girlfriend and it's just it's going to keep breaking up at that same point until finally i do something different. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:34 There's – you made implications that there could be this pattern because this is – you came from a home. This is reminiscent of your childhood. Reminiscing? Reminiscing? Reminiscent. Reminiscent. Reminiscent. Thank you. I appreciate it. Of your childhood. I'm just saying it feels a little worse because of my childhood. Right. You know, like, yeah, like, and, you know, and the older that I've gotten, I've had people tell me, hey, like, this is what family does. Right. You know, when I fuck up, it's like your family is always there no matter what. And, you know, I had people I feel like reassuring me of that as I've gotten older because I didn't necessarily have that when I was younger.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I didn't necessarily have that when I was younger. So then to have what you think is a family kind of not even saying I fucked up. Right. Like we we both did shit that wasn't OK, I guess. Right. Right. But I didn't sense I didn't sense you blaming. I didn't sense you blaming him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:40 But like. Damn, if I if I really did shit that pissed you off or if i did something please tell me instead of just kind of like see you right shit like right i don't know right right told me right um do you ever do you ever talk to dave dave castro a little bit here and there yeah so you guys are still friends? Yeah. Did he talk to you about the situation at all? Did he give you any words?
Starting point is 00:20:10 No, we haven't talked. No, he didn't. I don't know if he knows. Maybe he doesn't. Oh, he knows. Everyone knows. It's weird, right? Because from the outside, it's your life, and that's how you see it. But everyone else sees it from the outside is like it's Danielle and
Starting point is 00:20:25 Kotler and they've seen all the faith edits and like both of you being pumped. And, and so it's, it's I, I think it's foolish to think that anyone needs to take sides. I don't think that that's it, but it's like kind of like watching a Batman and Robin breakup.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Like that would never fucking happen in the comic books no fucking way yeah big checks yeah i think yeah it's pretty funny to see people um speculate yeah they're processing their shit yeah and and the reason why maybe you and i probably don't get it as much and understand like that guy wanted to know who your role models were growing up i didn't have any either. I didn't have a poster of Michael Jordan in my room. I wasn't like that either. I had friends that I thought were cool as shit.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Right. Yeah. Wow, that dude's tough. He can fight. He's rad. No fictional character or even super like, super good athlete. I don't know. Jason, Estel, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Don't ruin my story. Thank you. Oh, great. Oh, great. Assholes are coming out. Kenneth, the lap. That happened in the comic books multiple times. Respect the lore.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Three different Robins. Oh, fuck you guys. Okay, well, then this should be no big deal. Fucking Danielle and Justin. Yeah, you know what? We saw it coming. Any chance, did you ever drink out of Phil Toon's bottle, water bottle, and is there any chance you'll be popping positive at the games and blaming Phil? No, I think.
Starting point is 00:22:03 You don't want to get that off our chest? You never kissed him or ate off, took a bite off his pizza, maybe dipped your pizza in the same ranch dressing and there's some. Never. You know, in fact, I almost wish like we did. I mean, we talked more. Did you not talk to Phil much? Not a lot.
Starting point is 00:22:21 He kind of was doing his own thing. Does that when you got there, how long were you there before that news broke? Oh, so it's funny. The news broke what? Wednesday. Like I want to say Wednesday morning. I took a red eye Wednesday night to get to Naples. And when did the kind of the news break that you were going to that camp I want to I don't even think it had broken until later that week even if that it's kind of crazy right yeah it's like that weekend and then maybe the next week it's kind of the two it's kind of the two two biggest stories in CrossFit right now, you and Phil.
Starting point is 00:23:09 There's a third story brewing. Ooh. Yeah. Well, I'm just wondering if you're going to tell me. Okay. You won the Mac. You're fishing. Oh, my gosh. You know you know it's not even fishing i have a net and i'm
Starting point is 00:23:28 just dragging it through the water hoping yes yes i told uh i was talking to corinne corinne and dylan about this about the third story no about no how you have this way of you never ask you never really ask questions. You just make these statements. And like, sometimes you'll just like throw out like a crazy statement like that. Like, Oh, there's the third story in hopes that I like spill some shit or that I like, I'm like, Oh fuck, how did you know that? And you're like, I actually didn't know that. I just, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, no, no, no, no. I'm not, I'm not doing that. I'm fishing specifically for bass. I I'm telling you, I, it's not a, um,
Starting point is 00:24:15 I'm going to turn this phone off. You can't interrupt. I'm on a roll with Danielle right now. You guys had, there's a third story brewing. Yeah. I'm not sure I understand. Oh, good. Did you hear Siri right there? Yeah, I did. How do I turn this phone off? Don't go to the wrong girl. How did you, what did you, I heard you say that you wanted to train with Dallin even before this had sort of come. What did you see over there that made you want to train with him?
Starting point is 00:24:44 And is it better? You know, you had, uh, you have, um, Justin and Ellie, uh, you have a Tia, Tia and Matt, and you're starting to see this. There's probably other examples of Brian here. He would share with us, but is that what you were thinking? You, you trained with girls. Was that kind of just getting lucky for you that you would be able to train so well to girls and you're like, that was pushing my luck maybe i should try a dude yes i mean exactly that i share uh i was thinking about this earlier why dallin and i work so well and you know carrie bethany and i worked so well because we're all very like good individual people we you guys are so different i mean what it looks like from the outside like
Starting point is 00:25:25 really different very very very different yeah like you guys don't even like you guys would never drive even close to the same car what kind of car do you drive um a volkswagen and what's and what's uh bethany drive a new uh it's like a jeep and okay that's a bronco okay okay so they're okay car broncos are dope uh got a new bronco she did i don't i don't care for the new broncos really yeah no i like the old the older ones the old ones are cool but i think they did something right on the new one i just don't like the look of it okay yeah too modern too modern for you yeah it's soft it's too soft it's too soft you're a g-wagon guy you like you you like
Starting point is 00:26:06 sharp angles do you like the g-wagon like the mercedes with like all boxy and shit i like the more boxy yeah you gangster you're born in the wrong you're born in the wrong i was hey would you date um uh one of the diaz brothers oh he has a he has a girlfriend right the fighters do they i think so i could see you dating one of those guys the young the younger one the vegan dude i thought i saw that he had a girlfriend that's funny and uh who's the other fighter you always have on oh i had um uh um nikki rod oh yeah i was thinking of nikki rod too Yeah. Nikki Rod. I could see God. I could see you. Hunter was on my show. He thought that you and him should make kids. Hunter who?
Starting point is 00:26:50 Hunter McIntyre. He was on the show? He was on the show a bunch of times and he, and he, he suggested, yeah. I think he has a girlfriend now though. Yeah. I met him in Vegas when he did his high rocks race. Oh, you did? Yeah. I never mentioned that.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Yeah. It was cool. I got to watch him do it. It was really, how do you do? He won. Well, and then what did you ask everyone? I,
Starting point is 00:27:12 and you liked it. Yeah, it was cool. That was cool. Would you, would you have won that if you were in that? I don't even know. Those girls are,
Starting point is 00:27:24 those girls are beasts. I think so. They're, Hiller needs to be all over those wall balls. Cause they're, Oh, it's high rock sloppy as shit. That's great.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Are terrible. I needed that too, because Hunter's always telling me how CrossFit's full of roids. I'm gonna be like, well, at least we get depth in our squats. That's a good comeback. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Absolutely. Okay. You should watch him do some, at least we get depth in our squats. That's a good comeback. Okay. Absolutely. Okay. You should watch him do some burpee broad jumps. It's pretty hilarious. So, so Dallin, so you go, so you go, oh, it's funny to watch them do it or Hunter in particular? Hunter, actually everyone, but Hunter as well. Does he look goofy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Oh, good. Yeah, it's pretty funny. Like a giant redheaded frog. It's really good. Are his legs too far apart? They have to stay in like a lane. Uh-huh. And they have to like literally do burpee broad jumps. And like they're dead.
Starting point is 00:28:18 It's I want to say the fifth station. So they're absolutely dead. And it's pretty funny. It's really funny. I mean, it's watching new people do burpees. Yeah. and it's pretty funny it's really funny i mean it's watching new people do burpees yeah and it's like that and they have to do a jump at the end like a herculean effort but like they only jump like two feet yeah yes yeah that's good um so so and so you wanted to train with dallin and and and now just i mean like we said, you're in the honeymoon period, but now you've been training with them for two weeks?
Starting point is 00:28:49 Yeah. Or a month? Almost, probably three weeks. And you like it? I love it. I really love it. I mean, I think the only thing that'll change with time is I'm curious to see. I actually told Corinne today today i was like i can't
Starting point is 00:29:05 wait for the moment where down snaps at me where he gets like annoyed where he gets annoyed with me like a sister and what would that be around like you left your sweat on the rower wrong music you're talking too much you're not talking enough i think like if i just was shit talking him and he didn't like it and he didn't like what i had to say did you shit talk at the mac not as much with dallin because i didn't really talk to him much but i mean the other girls focused um nobody likes to talk nobody likes to talk back there you never in the corral leaned over like the girl next to you who isn't who is in the crowd next to you i had like sydney next to me sometimes brooke sydney mickalician did you ever just lean over me like i'm sorry i'm so sorry
Starting point is 00:29:58 like no no but i i swear i would talk and it would just be silence. Like, give me an example of something you'd say, Oh, this is going to, this one's going to be fun. I mean, like, I can't think of anything specific, but you know, we'd just be chilling there for a while. Like, like, damn, we have a long time. We're making a joke and like, everyone's just dead silent. And I'm like, maybe I'm not funny or we're just really
Starting point is 00:30:26 focused right now i mean do you think they're just nervous as fuck yeah and my the way i calm my nerves is talking a lot and shit talking yeah you need to do it it's really hard to do with girls who don't shit talk about hey you gotta shit talk car saunders Who don't shit talk about me? Hey, you gotta shit talk Kara Saunders. She'll just come for me. Yeah, she will. She's a savage.
Starting point is 00:30:53 But she's good, though. She's a dude. Really? Oh, man. Like, when you're at the games, man, she just hangs with the dudes. She can totally chop it up. She's fucking. You should say some nasty shit to her.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I thought you were like, just, I thought you were tired. How'd you get in the country? That's a good one. Yeah, that's good. I know you didn't get the vaccine. I'm going to report you. I'm going to report you. Yeah, she went off last year when she even thought she had COVID and they were not going to let her be a part of the team meeting. I'm very curious how she got in the country.
Starting point is 00:31:27 She's here. She's training. Is it hard right now though? I think you need to be vaccinated. And I know she don't fuck with that shit. Really? Ooh. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:39 Yeah. Javier. That's a great line. Uh, maybe retirement was your best choice. Oh my gosh. At the end of the weekend. On the last day.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I'm having her come on the show. I'm going to try to get her. I'm going to tell her, dude, you should talk some shit to DB. I'd love that. Has Matt called you DB yet? Matt? Yeah, Torres. Or does he call you Danielle?
Starting point is 00:32:02 I can't even imagine him saying my name. Oh, he's never said your name. Hey, girl. Pinky. Yeah. You know, when you get to know Matt, he has a lot of different little slogans that he says. The other day he said, see you later, masturbator or whatever. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:23 It's the very fourth grade. I like that. That's about a year more mature than me. whatever. Yeah. Oh, it's the very fourth grade. I like that. That's about, that's about a year more mature than me. Yep. Yeah. Um, uh, did you, have you seen him cry in regards to, uh, the Phil tune incident? Have you seen like him? No, I didn't. But that's funny that you bring that up because I was thinking of the, the miles to Madison snippet that came up and he was crying in it. Torres was? Yeah. Oh, I missed it. What was he crying about? You'll see. It's in the Miles to Madison.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I think he was talking about Dallin and the progress and from Wadapalooza to semifinals and the progress he's going to keep making. And you can tell he was crying. Like he was reminiscing about just and just his love for dallin just kind of seeped out in a tear it it was when i think dallin had gotten second and like made it wow yeah big emotional guy i don't know i don't know what's the line i don't know shit about fucker i don't know. I don't know. What's the line? I don't know shit about fucker. I don't know fuck about shit. But when you're following underdogs athletics programming and then you with three weeks left, you come in with three weeks left. Aren't you kind of like what's it?
Starting point is 00:33:36 What do you guys do? You taper. Yeah, we just started tapering this week. We just started tapering-ish this week. So is it easy for like another coach to like just figure all your shit out? Or does Justin like send like the remainder of your three weeks, like a picture of his middle finger in the remainder of your three weeks of programming? That would have been cool, but most of my programming got deleted.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Like no shit, really? Yeah. But Torres is smart. I would think there would be like, he'd be like, just like, I don't know, something nasty. Like maybe print it out on a piece of paper, but then wipe his ass with it and be like, here you go. like here you go but so so you're telling me that your programming was in a data bank at underdogs athletics and it's no longer there it was a it's shared with google docs oh man did you print it out do you have it it doesn't even matter uh torres has really good programming so okay uh does it fuck with your head at all? Or no, you you're over that. No,
Starting point is 00:34:46 not at all. I, I, I really believe in what Torres does and brute strength and Matt and Dom are so smart. And it was, it was just so easy. And who's Dom? I hear him talk about Dom a lot.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Who's Dom? Dom. I would say maybe like assistant coach. He helps a lot with he i mean he's he's there what's his last name is he on instagram i don't even know dom on oh i'm not gonna find him okay fuck it okay go on who is he how old is he i would guess 30 okay Okay. And how old's Matt? 34. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:28 You asked him how old he was? No, I just remember that from the podcast yesterday. Oh, did I ask him how old he was? Yeah, you did. He said,
Starting point is 00:35:38 he said, uh, 34. He's like, what did I tell my athletes? Fuck, what was that? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Uh, so you, so you go there he he is there an assessment period or no it's just like hey you start feeding him as much information as you as uh has he asked you to do something you're like fuck i can't do that or like oh no that's way too easy for me no he it's's been, it's been perfect. Just seamless. Just rolling right in. Yeah, it really has been. Yeah. When you say you're more confident this year than last year, what is, what does that mean in terms of, does that mean like you have less chatter in your head or that the chatter in your head is different? I feel like, I feel like last year's training, um, there was just lots of days where training just sucked last year and I just wasn't good. And I mentally wasn't there to push every day to to like know come game day that i could push and hurt
Starting point is 00:36:49 because i didn't do that in training if that makes sense so i mean it doesn't i don't really understand it but i can pretend to understand it i can't empathize with it because i'm just a dude who sits behind a desk but yeah but yeah um like i trained hard last year but when workouts got really tough you kind of have this choice of to lean into that and be tough or to kind of make excuses for yourself right like a lot of workouts last year when it, when it hurt really bad, I'm like, Oh, I'm hurting. Instead of being like, okay, I'm hurting. What can I do? And this year I feel like with training, when I would get to that point, it really is just a choice. It's like making the fucking choice to hurt and like keep going. And I made that choice over and over again in training to where now, um, in a comp, when a competition comes up, I know I can hurt and suffer no matter what and make the choice.
Starting point is 00:37:52 That's just been a motto for me. It really is just a choice whether or not you want to hurt. It's a great explanation. It's funny to hear you say that there's a choice because when I started to hurt, I don't see the choice. But I can pretend to see it. Did someone tell you that? Like, hey, listen. Because I do understand when someone hurts you, like if you're talking with someone and they say something and you want to feel defensive about it, I know it's better to not be defensive and lean in.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Get closer to it. So like if someone says something to me, like someone wrote on, um, uh, someone writes on your social media, Hey, you should be embarrassed because of that shirt you wear and be like, dude, I'm so embarrassed. I don't, I don't, I don't even go outside anymore. I mean, just lean into it. Just like, yeah. I'll just be like, nah, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:38:38 I'm not, I'm not embarrassed. Or, or yeah. Like just own it. Like, even if I'm not like, what are you going to do now? Fine. Okay. I'm embarrassed. You look like shit. Oh, thank you. I was trying to look like shit now what you know so you're saying that it hurts and instead of pushing away for it you do have an option
Starting point is 00:38:54 yeah like embrace it yeah absolutely and i think i like going through college sports and, you know, even after college, everyone always preaches, you know, it's it's about between the ears and it's your mental game. And we, you know, people do all these cheesy things to try to get you to like get right between the ears. Right. Like I can do it like positive affirmations. And I've never been that person. I've never, I feel like fueled off of that or gotten better off of that, of positive affirmations of, if I tell myself I'm good, I'm good. Or if I tell myself I'm pretty, I'm pretty. And I'm like, that doesn't like, that doesn't fucking work for me. But then I feel like just this past year, I was like, why am I making all these excuses mid workout during workouts of like why I can't do it. And I was kind of just like, everybody's feeling the same pain.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Some people just make the choice to suffer through it. Like they make the fucking choice to, yeah, they hurt, but they make the choice to keep going. And I feel like I just needed to let go of all these excuses and just start hurting because everyone is. So bear with me here. So it's less chatter and more just go into your body. Like leave the brain and go into the physical pain. Shift your awareness to like, okay, I'm going to give my attention. You want fucking attention? I'll give you attention.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Yeah, like please let me push so hard that I fail. Wow. Wow. Because like how many times do you see – Almost like you're calling the bluff. Almost like you're calling your brain's bluff. All right, motherfucker. You don't think I can go up this rope.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I'm gonna go up anyway. And if you fall. Right. Yeah. Like, please, like, I would love to train that hard to failure because then you find those lines. Yeah. It's always interesting in the, in the gym too.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Right. Let's say you're doing a hundred burpees for time and there's 10 left and like, you're like, okay, there's 10 left. I'm going to slow it down a little bit, but really, you work so hard to get to that point to experiment with those last 10. Just experiment with them. Just
Starting point is 00:41:14 because it took so much work to get there. So just fucking hurt. Someone's listening to this right now and they're going to have a heart attack tomorrow with their affiliate they're gonna push too hard ricardo montalbán i'm telling you brother i i p p m i premium services twenty dollars you're too kind luis lemos luis luis i like that. Choice is an effort. Luis. That's the comment?
Starting point is 00:41:47 Yeah, that's what it says. No shit talking at the floor. You won the MAAC. Events four, five, and six. Can you get used to winning? Me? Yeah. Can I get used to winning?
Starting point is 00:42:01 Yeah. Like, if it feels like it's a good spot for you? Yeah. You do good in that? Yeah. I like if it feels like it's a good spot for you yeah you're good in that yeah i like it i love it um matt o'keefe i had matt o'keefe on oh i love that guy and we were talking about you and uh toast bakers toast basters came up love it and we were just saying we were saying that like even if we see something and we know we don't need it, if like the like if the cool person has it, we'll buy that shit. And I asked him, I said, did you buy Toastbakers? He goes, yeah, because I saw Danielle Brandon had.
Starting point is 00:42:38 What a guy. I love it. That's really good. That's good. love it. That's really good. That's good. Um, when I asked you if you enjoyed the chaos, you said you, you kind of, as you get distance from it, you're enjoying it. It's like a manageable amount now. Um, any examples of how you, how you, how you're enjoying it? I think I'm using it as fuel. I think – so a couple of days ago – Like Justin, I'll show – like something so transparent is Justin, I'll show you.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I think me doing well. You think that they're in cahoots, Justin and Matt Torres? He's like, hey, dude, this is how we're going to get her to win the games. Fucking boot her from the gym. She's going to have a chip on her shoulder. She's going to want to prove something to me. She wins the fucking games and we fucking honky-dory. And Justin's just like, just kidding.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Like, open the door. Beast next level coaching. He's like, this was all part of the plan. Oh, man. That would be good. But no, it's just like, you know, why not show them what they're missing out on? And, uh, maybe, you know, maybe they were holding me back, you know, who knows?
Starting point is 00:43:52 What about, um, he's, he's in the front row and you finish an event, you make eye contact with him. You think you'd go over and give a fist bump? That'd be pretty cool. There's, there's, there's definitely people who were close to both of you who this is like i mean like i don't know why i'm bringing this up but it uncomfortable as shit for them right they don't want to take sides right uh but people do oh okay because that's the easiest that's the easiest way to way to do it danielle will you get you can't i don't know if you can
Starting point is 00:44:25 ask her danielle will you give the middle finger again it has to be an in the moment thing right only if you only if your mom's there anthony and she deserves it that's what that those are the mom jokes those i love it. I appreciate you coming on. Hell yeah. I wanted to be – I wanted the conversation to be something you would leave without taking anything from you. I wanted it to be where – you know what I mean? Like I didn't want you to – I wanted you to be happy with the interview. I want to – all the athletes I talk to now, I want them to leave. You're being like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Yeah, good. Done. Check. Like, I kind of wanted to be pissed. I just want you to piss me off someone. So I never have to come on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:45:15 You get fuel. You couldn't piss me off. I don't think, I really can't think of anything that you could bring up to where I'd be like, no, I'm not going to go back on that podcast. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Then give me the third story. You give it to me. All right. I'll text it to you. Yeah. Okay. I'll text it to you. I'm fired up.
Starting point is 00:45:37 I'll text it to you. It's good. All right. Have a good night. I'm stoked you came on i'm gonna talk to uh two times um i'm done messing around with uh a non um champion i'm having two times games champion on after you jason grubb oh shit i didn't fucking send him a link either i'm fucking the whole show up okay thank you danielle thank you wonderful talk to you soon okay tell me the third story
Starting point is 00:46:07 i will it's gonna be 45 minutes till after this um oh my gosh not to me right now he's gonna he's gonna be late okay okay do you want me to text it to you right now while you're on the okay okay yeah hold on yeah okay and we'll get the live reaction okay okay you really don't know what it is no maybe i do like maybe i'll say it and i'll know it i'm not sure how how delicate i should put it i put it harsh uh i mean i love that this is delicate i'm sure you do you you want that it's a good ass life you just want that it's a it's a good ass life that would be okay i have your phone number i'll be bug bugging you. Say hi. Say hi to, say hi to a champion. Daniel. Say hi to Mr. Grimm.
Starting point is 00:47:08 What's up? Hello. Hi Daniel. How are you? I'm great. How are you? Good enough. Good enough. Oh man. Well, I hope you enjoy your podcast with Siobhan. I always do. It was really fun. Bye dear. Thank you. Bye guys. Bye. You're the best. it was really fun bye dear thank you bye guys bye you're the best all right well you got the link to me just in time oh man just in time i i forgot to send a link to to brian earlier and then and then i forgot because normally i don't i i'm slipping i got spoiled because um i normally have uh lately matt sues has been making a lot of the shows in caleb yeah so you called into a show and i didn't know it was you
Starting point is 00:47:55 and i just started talking all this shit holy cow i'm so sorry that was awesome it was fine it was totally fine okay also i'm pretty sure my caller ID came through with my first name. So, you know, it, it probably said Timothy Grubb. Um, cause that's just how my phone says that. That's my first name. Um, I go by some of my best material. It was some of my best material too. I was on a roll.
Starting point is 00:48:20 I've replayed it many times just to memorize. I mean, I think you want to hold on to that kind of material i was like i that's i and since then since i'm since then i don't think i've come after anyone quite so hard i've been like okay don't don't be making fun of people easy yeah easy kill it oh i never even talked about Danielle's playing card. Darn it. Darn it, darn it, darn it. You won the CrossFit Games twice. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And what's a trip is this. So you're 48 now? 46 now. Yeah. 46. Yeah. This is you. By the way, this is brilliant uh cross promotion by the way bring on someone like so fucking famous and then bring on a master's athlete and just fucking milk
Starting point is 00:49:12 some of these fuckers i liked it well done i was out of that your agent told me to do it yeah i know i i am gonna have to tip that guy whoever that is uh no agent you don't have an agent not yet two times crossfit games athlete no agent games champion yeah you know honestly it's it's really interesting as the master's athlete like i think i think the time is coming i think we're coming up on the threshold of of that kind of um uh need um i i i've had a lot of things going on, which is really cool. A lot of offers coming in. I've sent text messages back and forth to Matt O'Keefe because he's the man to talk to about stuff like that. And, you know, I would love to see on those columns at the Coliseum, right? The noble athletes like Justin Medeiros, Brooke Wells, Tia, or obviously, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:07 whoever, and a gray haired dude or female up there would be really freaking cool, really cool for the sport. So I have gray. So I qualify if it's not me, not as, not as much as you, but it's, I cut it all off. I just got a haircut. What i gonna do yeah i think if i did look at yeah you're that it clears it up right there oh look look yeah you look like you're 27 right there hi yeah hi i don't want to catch covid please stand back from your computer screen uh what a transformation um what what were you at that picture of 38 i'm looking at over here were you um doing any were you training at all no i you know that's what my body looks like and i train my ass off i means i'm not eating right right i well i ate like shit and i drank a ton
Starting point is 00:51:00 of beer at the time and i would run probably like 15 miles a week. I try to take, you know, three mile runs like four or five times a week to like not get fatter. My biggest concern my entire life. Like this is this is 15 miles a week of running right here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Four or five days of a three, three, four mile run. Yeah. And it was basically to combat anxiety um yeah just from life and and again try to offset like pizza and chips and beer which are my favorite things um word i still love those things but um i just don't really have them that much is your mom alive she is and do you have kids
Starting point is 00:51:47 i do you have four kids oh i'm so glad i had this shirt on and it had the most risky it's a shirt i've never worn it had the most risque shit on it and i went to because i was having daniel brandon on i thought it would be cool and i and my wife's like what are you doing i'm like i'm changing my shirt he goes why i'm like i'm interviewing this dude, Jason Grubb. And I bet you like his mom might watch it or his kids. And I just don't want to screw it up. I'm already, I'm already filthy enough. It's, it's a really interesting thing. My older kids are 24 and 21 and they have their own lives. Like they are, they're not tuning into our podcast right here. They're, I don't know what, my 24 year old daughter is married.
Starting point is 00:52:27 My 20 year old son just turned 21. So I don't know, he's probably having a beer. And my other two kids are nine and five. So they are on their iPads. So there's no shits given. So about what shirts you wear. And my mom may watch the replay. I could see that happening,
Starting point is 00:52:45 but pretty sure you can't offend her. Wow. You sound like you're living a good life. Yeah. Yeah. So, so what? No. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it's, it's, it's, it's hard. It's a lot. It's a lot. It's life is good, but like anyone's life, there's plenty of stress. It's a lot There's always a lot of shit going on. So taking a breath with all of that gets tricky.
Starting point is 00:53:14 What's your day job? A lot of this. Not this, but a lot of creating content and training guys online, doing online nutrition coaching. I owned a gym, a CrossFit gym from, like I started CrossFit at that age, at age 38. That was literally just a couple of months before I started CrossFit. And within a year, I opened my own gym because it was like, I love this. And opening a CrossFit gym can't be that hard. And it's terribly hard. Really, really hard. So I ran a gym or owned a gym for four years, sold the gym in 2019. Yeah, 2019. And then just converted to taking care of dudes online, mostly dudes when I started trying to help guys go from thick to basically my picture at 38 to healthy
Starting point is 00:54:07 people, healthy individuals. Then COVID happened. And it was great because I had an online sort of thing going on. So really, it was helping a lot of guys in that space. And then since then, I found an audience of aspiring masters, competitive athletes really dig working with me. And I don't, I don't train anyone. I don't know how to, I don't know how to create something better than CrossFit mayhem or, or, you know, some other masters program. Um, but I do a lot of nutrition coaching online. So it keeps me in a lot of dialogues like this, um, throughout the day when I'm not training. What an amazing time to sell your gym, 2019.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Good job. Thank God. Oh, I would never have made it through COVID. Like the anxiety of having to shut down a gym in that mess, like that would have done it. I don't know how, I don't know. I don't know how gym owners survived that. mean they did but it was just so disruptive so incredibly disruptive um that no it was i was i was very grateful to not be in that space at that
Starting point is 00:55:12 time i don't know so you're 38 years old and tell me about your first crossfit and you're a runner so so you're you're not afraid to like get sweaty and hurt tell me about your first like where crossfit like pops into your brain and you get your first workout yeah so my sister-in-law at the time she um she she would just tell me like all the time like whenever we're hanging out she said oh jason you'd love crossfit and i'm like i i'm not into it like i don't need a group class i know what i'm doing i don't need anyone to help me um And she's like, no, I think you'd like, I'm like, no, I'm not going. And then out of pity, she invited me because if she brought a friend, if I signed up, she got a month free or some, some deal like that.
Starting point is 00:55:55 And I went and the workout was, was, it was like power cleans and burpees. I don't know what a power clean was. I mean, pick up a barbell and get it to your shoulders. That's all. Do that and do burpees. It was like three rounds, maybe 10 power cleans, 20 burpees. And the coach came over to me. He's like, Jason, hey, I just want you to take it easy on this one. It's your first day.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Maybe just do two rounds. Keep it super light. I'm like, no. I'll be fine. I'll be fine. And like, I mean, after round one, I thought I was going to die. I probably had an empty barbell and the burpees destroyed me. And then I did round two and I literally, there's this woman next to me and I've shared this story lots of times, but there's this woman next to me that was absolutely crushing me and just through my peripheral vision like she was big she's a big woman like big and I was super confused like what the fuck is going on because I'm getting destroyed in this workout I finished two rounds my hands are on my knees I'm pouring sweat like I I'm not
Starting point is 00:57:03 doing three rounds there's just no way i can't do it she finishes and i finally just kind of glance in her direction and like she's not big she's pregnant oh shit yeah she's pregnant and she was pregnant with twins i mean i found out later like when she had two babies walking around like finally she's pregnant with probably power cleaning twice the weight you were, right? You had a 45 pound bar. She's probably using 95. She's got weight on the bar.
Starting point is 00:57:29 She has weight on the bar. And it was, it was absolutely insane. So yeah, I was hooked. I was super confused. Like how I can run, like I can run like three miles. I can run five miles. I can run eight miles. But like I got destroyed in this workout and there's guys in there that are bigger, fatter than me. I don't
Starting point is 00:57:48 understand the sport. Um, so I went six days a week immediately, immediately. I was mad and confused. Um, and then jumping in like headfirst, like, I mean, I got hurt like, like three weeks in, like I was going ham on a roadward, like just smashed my rib, like tore some rib muscle or something. So I was out for a week. But I went all in immediately because I just didn't understand how everyone in this gym was fitter than me. And I thought I kind of knew what I was doing. And you thought you could catch up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Yeah. Just work harder and you'll catch up. Yes. That was the plan and oh look at this sorry to interrupt your interview it's all good there's some news yeah unfortunately i will not be this is from Royce Royce Dunn He was invited to be on the demo team Unfortunately I will not be making my way to Madison
Starting point is 00:58:48 To participate on the demo team at this year's CrossFit Games I'm unvaccinated for COVID-19 And currently there are no travel exemptions for non-US citizens I obtained a COVID clearance certificate And fit to travel certificate But the US regulations are definitive And I was refused boarding This is personally disappointing for me
Starting point is 00:59:03 I apologize for the inconvenience to CrossFit However this is a choice i made and that i accept the consequences for this is a choice i've made isn't it isn't it weird that he didn't do anything but he i i don't think he made the choice so wow but i get it i get it i get it i appreciate you taking some personal responsibility accountability but i still like the other people that made the choice it's like people used to ask me why are you barefoot it's like motherfucker you put shoes on why'd you put shoes on i don't i don't yeah there's no question for me you put shoes on i can't thank everyone enough for the love and support i've been blessed with the season truly greatest community thank. Thank you, Royce. I'll take credit for that. Wishing the competitors and the other demo team members all the best.
Starting point is 00:59:48 Damn, that sucks. I wanted to see him. He's a good dude. Do you know him? He's one of your brothers at Mayhem, right? Yes. Yeah. Yeah, it's crazy. Have you trained with him? I've not. I've not trained with anyone from the Mayhem team.
Starting point is 01:00:05 They had a camp last weekend and it just didn't, I couldn't get out there. It's travel time. It just didn't make sense for me to go out for two days. But I, I, I may be hanging out in Cookville in October for a few weeks, maybe. It's on the potential agenda. Cause that would be really fun. And we may create some content for masters athletes out at mayhem specifically for masters.
Starting point is 01:00:31 And they've asked me if I'd be interested in doing something like that. I would, of course, fricking would love that. So you won the, you, you won the last two years. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:43 I won in 2021 as a 45-year-old. I won in 2019 as a 43-year-old. I was 44 during COVID, and there was no Masters category or Masters Games. Okay. And I got third my first year at the Games in 2018. Technically, I got fourth. I did not stand on the podium but sean ramirez got popped for performance enhancing drugs that year that bumped me up to third and uh so i'll take the third i
Starting point is 01:01:14 got my medal via fedex and awesome awesome it was it was a good day it was a good day but it was you know when i first went in 2018 i just i just didn't want to suck that's the scariest thing you you arrive and I just don't want to be terrible hey I wonder if they ask Sean I wonder if they ask Sean hey dude can you mail your medal back and then I know and then they ask the second place dude to mail his back and the third place dude to mail his back we got to get grub we got to get grub the shirt you know they need I need the shirt and the medal do you know did you did you ever talk to the guy who was in third place who ended up getting bumped up to second yeah yeah david levy he was um he's did you ever ask him if you have his medal did they make a new medal or do they ask him i'm dying to know the next year i should have asked
Starting point is 01:02:01 him like how does that work what do you do with that metal? Do you have two metals now? No, he probably FedExed it straight to you. They're like from South Africa. He's in South Africa. Did he literally? No, there's nothing. There's nothing in it except for like you just tear open the thing and you pull out a medal that was the that was the crossfit awards ceremony in 2018 um so at at 38 you you you hookin uh did you say
Starting point is 01:02:35 it was your sister-in-law yeah yeah you're you're just trying to get your sister-in-law three months and it's lapped around by a pregnant woman you embark on this journey and at which point are you like does it come i'm addicted to this or oh i might be pretty good at this shit which one which one comes first or do they kind of come together they i mean it came together first i was addicted to it um i mean you have an addictive personality are you former very much i i've i've steered clear of any drugs oh good on you because i would love them right that's it it's it's in my no nicotine either no nicotine uh no no i did nicotine oh yeah yeah when i was i smoked uh in my 20s a little bit and then switched to chewing tobacco for 10 years.
Starting point is 01:03:27 And that was the hardest thing to quit. I agree. The hardest thing to quit. Yeah. I agree. It was actually in 2018 when I qualified for the games. I had this feeling like, man, a freaking CrossFit Games athlete doesn't chew tobacco. I mean, there are CrossFit Games athletes that chew tobacco.
Starting point is 01:03:43 But I decided. Hey, there's champions. There's champions that chew tobacco. You can see them. Like anyone that does this at any time, you know they're. But I quit. I literally quit. And that was really hard. But I have a very, very addictive personality.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I mean, I'll get a hair up my ass and I'll just dive in and do something like when my nine year old, when, before he was born, he was, I don't know, three months, three months into pregnancy. I just got this idea. Like I wanted my private pilot's license. I just want to be able to fly planes, not as a profession, just wanted to do it. I had a little extra cash and I just wanted to do it. planes not as a profession just wanted to do it I had a little extra cash and I just wanted to do it so I jumped in and just went for it like I I went through the program at my local airport faster than anyone had ever gone through it and was flying planes like literally up to the point where like uh he was you know I was on call on a like on flights in case like birth was happening. Um, and I stopped flying planes literally the, like the day I started CrossFit did not fly a plane after that. Cause this was my new thing. This was all of it. This was everything. Um, this is everything that I wanted to, everything that I, I just went all in on this. And I, again, I went six days a week.
Starting point is 01:05:03 It became a straight up addiction. Six days a week is not the way to start CrossFit. We, you know, that we, I know that Greg would never have recommended that, but I didn't know when the coaches at the gym didn't know. I just went six days a week, killed myself. And yeah, about nine months in, I was catching up with like the fastest guys in that gym. And it was, I mean, I loved it. I loved, I love leaderboards. And your body comp was changing like crazy, right? Oh, dang. Yeah. Yeah. Shoulders all of a sudden, I, like my abs were kind of coming in and, um, yeah, I did a
Starting point is 01:05:37 competition, a local competition. Uh, and I was nervous. I was so nervous for this thing. Again, I just didn't want to be last place. And I got like sixth place against children, like 20 year olds, 25 year olds. And that was it. I'm like, I am, I'm in, I'm, I'm in. When's the next comp? What can I do next? And I didn't even know that there was a master's category. I didn't understand. This was literally, I watched Rich Froning in 2014, like seal the deal for the games for the fourth time and i was like oh my god i would love to do that um and then i found out about the masters category like because there was there wasn't really any coverage that i had no idea i wasn't watching on youtube i didn't know
Starting point is 01:06:15 you know yeah i fucking know i talk mad shit about the masters i'd throw them in the teams in the garbage that's awesome i didn't know any of that um the thing is this too i talk all that shit and then you go out there and you see that final heat live and you can't even fucking believe what you're witnessing unreal unreal i tell people those guys yeah i tell people if you're gonna go to the crossfit games and you don't watch the final heat of all of that old woman's class you're out of your fucking mind you are seeing something there that's fucking cooler than the pyramids of egypt i seen those pyramids they're not as cool as the master's final women's heat you don't you don't you part of you is just like hey this is stupid
Starting point is 01:07:01 and dangerous this is this is completely fucking wrong and the other thing is just like hey this is stupid and dangerous this is completely fucking wrong and the other thing is is like these fucking girls don't care they're picking up 35 pound dumbbells and fucking running with them and you're like dude this would right this should what yeah and that's nuts any competitive sport is ridiculous and they're all dangerous they're all dangerous at this level yes yes they're all dangerous We're walking on the edge Imagine how safe CrossFit is at the highest level Compared to like the BMX riding Those fucking guys are maniacs
Starting point is 01:07:33 Right, right You're never upside down 15 feet off the ground We're not Drowning doing triathlons No one's drowning while we're doing a triathlon Or having a heart attack Maybe drinking some dirty water, but that's it Don't be a pussy drowning doing triathlons there's no one's drowning while we're doing a triathlon or having a heart attack maybe drinking some dirty water but that's it i mean don't be a pussy yeah yeah i think i've drank it i've drank the dirty water been there scared to death um but yeah so i found
Starting point is 01:07:55 out like okay there's this master's category and i turned 40 i was like i'm going to the games at 40 like i'm two years in i'm not ready and, I don't make it as a 40 year old. I don't make it at 41. And then I just snuck in, snuck in, uh, 13th. They took the top 20 in 2018.
Starting point is 01:08:12 And I snuck in lucky number 13, like dream come true. Absolute dream come true. 2013. First year, uh, 2018. Oh,
Starting point is 01:08:23 sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. 2018. It's's just it's two threes hugging um yes when when you go to the store now um and and you're and you're checking out do you still look up at all the tobacco cans like i do you're like oh yeah every time hi yeah hi guys. Oh, hi. Yeah. Hi. Skull, Skull, Skull Street. I mean, I know this, I know the gas station that always had what I wanted. Always. Like I'd walk in and they'd have two cans on the counter for me as I walked through
Starting point is 01:08:55 the front door. And I hid it the whole time. I was hiding. I was hiding it. Yeah. I mean, pretending to be hiding, but you know, people know. And I, beards help help beards are great if you want to hide tobacco in your mouth beards are good this is really personal what i'm about to ask you but did you swallow uh uh sometimes yeah i didn't i never swallowed i
Starting point is 01:09:19 that's so hardcore what i found um i was scared i knew swallowing is like fucking shooting he's like you've switched the needles you're going you know what i mean it's like straight throat cancer but what i found like i when i switched from skull street i'm like i'm gonna quit and i went to skull bandits and uh went to the bandits and the bandits don't really produce an overwhelming amount of uh fluid so i just you know Those are the pouches versus the loose ones. Yeah. And I got to tell you, I don't have one right here. But when I quit,
Starting point is 01:09:52 I was really struggling. Honestly, I was really struggling when I quit. And it took me months to just not have the craving. But six months after I quit, I was ready to go back. I was this close to going back and a buddy of mine was like hey have you heard of grinds gr i tried those i couldn't do it i tried those i couldn't do it he he couldn't either he didn't like them so he gave me all of his cans of grinds and i found the vanilla grinds and that's an absolute lightsaber i mean it
Starting point is 01:10:23 literally when i get in the car for a long drive it all kicks in all the cravings kick in to throw a piece of tobacco in yeah yeah and i grab a can of grinds and and that's it i mean i i took a grind wow before i started this this because i want to be able to smile without like some little indent in my – Yeah. It's caffeinated pouches, right? Yeah. It's a little coffee pouch. That's all it is. It's a delicious little coffee pouch.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Well, good on you. I could never do this. It was just like so dry. It's super dry. It's like I bit into a banana peel. I was like, Jesus. Well, you probably got a good – I mean, it's just like tobacco. A good can of grinds, they're moist and amazing, and I love coffee.
Starting point is 01:11:06 Oh, they are? They are moist? Oh, yeah. Yeah, they were super dry. You had a bad can. I mean, it's like a bad can of tobacco there, too. And you can only order those. We're triggering everyone.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Everyone who's watching who had a tobacco addiction, they're all just triggered to shit right now. They're all jonesing. Okay, let's switch to cocaine. Let's switch to cocaine. That sounds good. What was, in that first year,
Starting point is 01:11:28 did you ever have any deadlift injuries from going so hard, pulling shit off the ground? Did you hurt your back? No. No deadlift. Lucky. Lucky, because 2014,
Starting point is 01:11:37 the Open had deadlifts and box jumps. And, I mean, that was way, way early for me. Very, very early. And I went ham on the deadlifts, but like 275 pounds. I remember that. I remember that there was criticism for that.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Like, fuck, that's dangerous. Cause the reps went up and the weight went up. It was, it was one of those like opposite. You would expect the reps to go down as the weight goes up. Right. You'd expect that, but it was lightweight, light reps. And they both increased. And of course there was skepticism around that. And, but I slowed down at two 75, but I was also like, at,
Starting point is 01:12:13 at that time, like two 75 was bad-ass. I was like, I am deadlifting. I'm repping two 75 singles. I'm killing these singles. I could pick a fat lady up if she falls down at Starbucks. I'm a beast. I could deadlift this pregnant woman with twins so many times now. Yeah. So many. And her bar. If that bitch tries to beat me again, I'll lift her and her bar up.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Yeah. Look out, lady. Look out. Cause I'm, I'm deadlifting. Like I was, I couldn't believe people could even deadlift 315. Like it was the owner of the gym was this 50 year old guy and he was deadlifting three 15 repping three 15. I was like, I just couldn't believe it. It was on unfathomable. It is.
Starting point is 01:12:51 It's still unreal. It is. What is your, what is your max deadlift now? During qualifier, the quarterfinals, we did the CrossFit total. I hit four 87.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Are you, are you terrified? You know, no. Deadlifting, to me, I like deadlifts. I'm not scared in deadlifting. I'm scared of other heavy Olympic lifts. Those things make me
Starting point is 01:13:18 more nervous because the dynamic bars in the air. If I'm just moving slowly, squats, deadlifts presses like if i can't move it i can't move it i'll just drop it but if i get your snatch wrong that should get scary to me but that's just my own head getting in the way on those things did you take your level one yep and you and how many months had you been doing CrossFit since you took your level one? I took my level one about nine months, nine, 10 months into CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:13:50 Do you remember who the trainers were there? Yeah. Dave Lipsom was there. And I don't remember. I don't remember anyone else. I don't remember anyone else. I flew to California to do it. And then my level two, Pat Barber was my guy during my level two i think i saw pat barber in the chat pat barber was the most entertaining and so was dave
Starting point is 01:14:12 lipsum um if i'm saying his name last name those two guys yeah yeah they're both extremely energetic fucking intelligent it's all get out yep the l1 was revolutionary was life-changing for me i when i was like a teenager i picked up the piano i just kind of like self-taught the piano The L1 was revolutionary, was life-changing for me. When I was like a teenager, I picked up the piano. I just kind of like self-taught the piano. And I played it. I could listen to music. I just kind of played the piano.
Starting point is 01:14:36 And then in college, I needed an extra three-credit class. I took music theory. And it like blew my mind. It made everything on a piano, on an instrument, make sense. Like, oh, okay, this totally makes sense. And the L1 was like that. Like having trained CrossFit for all of nine, 10 months and seeing all the changes in my body, and it was the most different thing I've ever done.
Starting point is 01:14:55 But then going to the L1 where it all is packaged together, you're like, oh, that's why some workouts are five minutes and that's enough. And some workouts are 10 20 40 heavy light all that um i mean it's it was great and i mean the test was super uh i was super nervous for the test everyone's nervous for the l1 test um because if i didn't pass the l1 i could not get my gym affiliated and i'd already signed a lease. So I just applied all pressure, all pressure. Another reason why it's good I didn't wear the shirt.
Starting point is 01:15:30 Look, there's my mom in the comments. My mom would not approve of the shirt. I would – I want to see the shirt now. I'll send you a picture when we're done. Sounds good. I'll text you one. So going back to this deadlift thing and the L1, so what you're saying is that when we're done um sounds good i'll text you in um so going back
Starting point is 01:15:45 to this deadlift thing in the l1 so what you're saying is that when you're in the position you if you go like you know how greg would teach it in the l1 or dave lipson or pat barbara would teach in the one when you lift the weight off the ground if you lose form you don't lift i call bullshit yeah i mean you're a fucking animal you 468 that you're just like fuck you back i'm doing this yeah interestingly on during the crossfit total you have three attempts right so i i don't know what my first attempt was like 450 or 460 and then i went 475 and 475 was rough i almost stopped because was, it was not a good lift, but it was a test. I mean, that's a test in a class or in training. I can drop a bar. Like I'm okay with that. I can drop a bar. Um, if it doesn't feel right, if I'm not lifting it right, but in qualification in a
Starting point is 01:16:40 test, um, yeah, I'm, I'm going to write the, I'm going to write the line. I'm going to run the risk of injury. And then the 47 was easy. Like I just, something happened. I was off balance on the four 75, the 47 was great. I left some, some on the table, you know? What do you think, um, the, um, starting CrossFit at 38 years old and being 46, how do you think it's affected you in your perception of the unknown? In your perception of stillness
Starting point is 01:17:21 and focus that comes through oxygen deprivation i think that's what i'm trying to ask when you go to the pain cave or you're done and and another example would be there's athletes who let their brains talk to them And another example would be there's athletes who let their brains talk to them versus talking – you talk to yourself, that you start to build awareness of awareness. Maybe that's what I'm trying to say. Yeah. I mean, it's interesting because I have learned with CrossFit how to suffer, suffer physically more than anything that I could have ever imagined, ever pushed myself, ever. And it is like drowning. You talk about that like with lack of oxygen.
Starting point is 01:18:15 I mean, there's moments in effort where it feels like drowning, you collapse to the ground, and it hasn't even hit yet. Um, it's like finishing the workout grace. It's really, really tough, but it doesn't hit you for like 10 seconds. And then it punches you in the face and you just can't breathe. You can't catch up. Um, I have a therapist and she's helping me understand this idea of the calmness that comes when you're just about to to to go to battle to go to war and in a workout i mean this is all on the battlefield on the competition floor and she's like can you can you think of this can you think of an image in your head what is this what what can you think of just as you enter that spot where you're just about to go
Starting point is 01:19:06 to battle and everything just calms down, the whole world just shuts off and it's just you and quietness. And then that, and then the sound, I mean, the CrossFit Games, it's such a distinct sound that that go button that, that Adrian Bosman pushes, whoever pushes that button, that beep and you go, there's an absolute silence before it. It's like nothing else. And there's a picture of me at the 2019 Games.
Starting point is 01:19:31 I've got my hand on one of the chess pieces, just getting ready to complete one of the events. It was the first event I ever won at the Games. I knew I was going to win. I just knew. It was my event. And it was just this weird calmness just before the event starts. And I have a picture of myself in that moment.
Starting point is 01:19:52 Like everything is just calm. Everything is so, so calm. And then I suffered greatly, unbelievable amounts of suffering. And I think, I mean, Cross crossfit i haven't translated this into my personal life as much um as probably as much as i should but i physically i cannot believe what i'm able to accomplish at the end at the end of everything i feel like i even have another gear like um a guy i've been training with the past couple of weeks was telling me about this MMA fighter. He's in the middle of this fight, and they were maybe going to pull him, or he's a boxer. I can't remember.
Starting point is 01:20:35 But he literally looked at his opponent in the corner from across the ring, and you could see him mouth the words, I'm ready to die. And it gives me chills. Yeah yeah i think it was yeah i think it was israel adesanya may have said it he's the current 185 chain yeah yeah just watching that it's it's uh i'm willing to die or i'm ready to die and that's almost the feeling that um that i've gained from crossfit that if i die i. I am willing to die in this, mostly in competition, training sessions sometimes, but mostly in that form of I'm competing with other human beings, other men. And this is something, it's the most special thing on the planet to be out competing
Starting point is 01:21:18 in that world. And I think CrossFit in general, even in that community, the community environment of selling your soul amongst others in the gym is magical. And I, it's, that was super transformational for me. I would never, I wouldn't be doing this sport without probably that, that dopamine hit that comes from battling among others in that sense. I'm not sure if i'm answering the question well but it's a weird thing it's a weird thing to talk about well it's an awesome thing to talk about but it's weird to put your finger on something so um abstract danielle explained um sort of maybe that
Starting point is 01:21:56 gear like this i really like the way she said it i was asking her i said you're saying you're more confident this year than you were last year can you explain to me does that mean less chatter or different chatter in your brain and the way she explained it or the way i understood it the way i understood it that's a better way to say it is she said last year when she approached the pain cave she would start and she and she entered it the voices would start up telling her story man this hurts man this sucks man this is bad and she and this year she leans into the pain and doesn't go into the chatter, but goes into the body and kind of embrace and kind of leans in. And, and, and, um, I don't want to say embraces that makes it sound like it's, it's still nice.
Starting point is 01:22:36 It's not nice, but she, she experiences the pain instead of experiencing the chatter. pain instead of experiencing the chatter yeah yeah i get that and i don't i i almost feel like i almost feel like there's a separation that happens um yeah tell me that's what i'm curious yeah tell me yes yeah it's like um it's it's it's it's this um my brain is my brain is having this whole dialogue um it's a very calm dialogue versus my body. And basically what I'm hoping is that they're in line. There's always, you're always gambling in competition. You're gambling on the verge of failure, right? I think about the last event for Masters last year was a thruster.
Starting point is 01:23:24 It was a wall walk thruster workout. 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 wall walks and 165 pound thrusters, which is plenty heavy for us. Plenty heavy. And I just remember having a strategy going in and thinking, like, I'm going to win this event. Like, I have to win this event. I'm ahead right now, but I need to be way ahead. I just didn't make sure I win this event. I have to win this event. I'm ahead right now, but I need to be way ahead. I just didn't make sure I win this event. And literally, there's this calmness in my head, a zen calmness,
Starting point is 01:23:53 as I do 10 wall walks. I walk to the barbell to do the thrusters. And I think, man, I might do six and four. That's kind of my plan. But the guy that was right next to me was in second place, and I needed to make sure that I beat him. And I'm like, I'm just going to see what Mike does. If he drops at six, I'll drop at six.
Starting point is 01:24:10 But I got there just before him. And so as I finished my sixth rep, I come down and he drops his bar. But I'm already into the seventh rep. I'm like, ah, I'll just do 10. I mean, this is a calm, a very calm chess move in my head. I'm just going to go ahead and do 10 of these. As I'm walking back to the wall walks, I'm just thinking to myself in my head, I hope I didn't just make a huge mistake, right? I hope I didn't just, I hope I can still do thrusters after this. And in my body, it's my body's communicating
Starting point is 01:24:41 like, oh, we're a little bit tired, but not too bad. I think we're going to be okay. But my brain is literally just like, okay, this is the plan next. It's a very methodical, calm approach. I mean, I'm breathing furiously after those thrusters. But the wall walks are wall walks and thrusters are thrusters. And I just pace myself through that. And then all of a sudden, something happens when I'm on my set of four. So it's eight, 10, eight, six, four, two at four. I look to my right and my left and I'm, I'm all by myself.
Starting point is 01:25:20 And that's when I enter this phase of like, fuck. Yeah, this is it. I did it. We're good. I did it. I'm good. Just bust with like, it's literally like, it's, it's as if I'm fresh in the workout. There's no effort whatsoever. God, what is this? Those four thrusters. There's nothing. And you just feel yourself going sky high. Yeah, that's it. That's it. Like two thrusters. I wish the last set was like 20 thrusters. Like it doesn't matter if it was two or 15, like I won and I'm, this is it. I do my two and i just jog across the line i i i
Starting point is 01:25:48 i remember when matt frazier won his first crossfit games uh i think i think it was the fibonacci final i think that was the first time he won and like he had to get through the minimum work requirement in order to be the champion. Right. And, and he got to that minimum work requirement. I remember him smiling. Is that the way you had to carry the kettlebells or something? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Yeah. And he's like looking around at the crowd. Yeah. Yeah. He's like, I, I fricking did it. And I remember, I remember thinking that even when I won last year, I was thinking that during this last workout, like, huh, this is what that feels like. Okay.
Starting point is 01:26:24 When you know, like that, that's it. We, we won. And it was, it's very strange to not feel anything to finish workouts in the gym. You would be flat on the ground at the end of something like this, but to finish that and literally be totally okay. The body is an amazing thing. Um, and I don't know what, dopamine drugs are churning through the system at that point, but they're very powerful. Really, really powerful. Because you don't feel it. I don't feel anything. I don't feel any pain.
Starting point is 01:26:56 I'm just considering in my head, like, oh, I hope I didn't do too many thrusters because I don't want to fail a wall walk. But it's all very logical. I'm not feeling pain. I'm just sensing, because I don't want to fail a wall walk. But it's all very logical. I'm not feeling pain. I'm just sensing like, don't make a mistake with your body. Let's make sure we stay in our lane on what my body can do. But I don't feel anything physically, if that makes sense. How long have you been doing the Mayhem programming? Just two years.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Just about two years just so just about two years yeah um does any part of you ever think oh man what if i would have found this when i was 15 it's so nice i've saved so much time god i when i was like 40 and 41 i was too cheap to buy programming so i was just following like comp train uh elite athlete programming. There's no instruction. It's just this workout, then this one, then this one, then this one, then this one, it was just, just, this is all this stuff. And I would just slug my way through that stuff thinking that like, if I just get through this ridiculous, insane volume, I'll be a great athlete. Um, and it's, it's not the case. It's not the case.
Starting point is 01:28:07 At that time, I switched to Comp Train Masters. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I switched to Comp Train Masters. The volume went way down compared to what I was doing before. And I really felt like I was really confused. Like, can I get it done with this amount of volume? Is this good? Is this okay and i just decided i was i failed twice at 40 and 41 i failed to make it to the games um so i was like okay whatever whatever comp train masters has i'm doing that and i went in 2018 did well in 2020 uh 2019 and i won uh it wasn't until like 2020, I was just kind of bored
Starting point is 01:28:45 and a friend recommended Mayhem Masters. So I did a free week and I really liked, I liked the layout of the programming. And since then, I've really enjoyed
Starting point is 01:28:55 like the diverse coaches and all that stuff. But if I would have had this style of Masters programming when I was 40, I could be on my fifth, sixth CrossFit games instead of my fourth. You know,
Starting point is 01:29:06 it's not just programming. There's instruction with it too. Yeah. Yeah. I asked because I just listened to a podcast. I fucking hate podcasts. Not only do I hate podcasts, the worst podcast in the space or CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:29:21 I mean, I shouldn't say that all podcasts are 99% podcasts are fucking horrible, guess that's good because that's why i'm taking over so that's it bitch taking over the world yeah but um i listened to this podcast and and and the guy is talking about um what he hears about mayhem and that you go there and there's no coaching you're not even there and you're telling me you're getting coaching with your programming. Well, I mean, I'm not getting direct coaching, right? I mean, I'm not talking to Rich. Oh, so the guy's right.
Starting point is 01:29:50 I'm not talking to the guys. Okay, the guy's right. All right, fuck it. I'm sorry. Go ahead. Yeah, when it comes down to it, I am – I mean, I'm following what it says. But there's instruction in there. Like, you know, there's instruction on what you should be doing. Well, I'm not saying you're getting physical coaching, but it's not in there like you know there's instruction on well i'm not
Starting point is 01:30:06 saying you're getting physical coaching but it's not like hey do fran right no it's it's here's expected time frames here's what this should look like um scale if necessary tons of scaling here's a breakdown of different age groups and what you should expect there. There's open semifinal games tracks. So you're not just walking blind, but you are on your own. Like, I mean, that's the one thing about doing this type of training is that you're rarely able to, you're not doing classes. This isn't, that's the one drawback of being a Masters or even kind of a games athlete is that oftentimes you're on your own. It's me in the corner of the gym getting my shit done. Whatever Mayhem Masters says, that's what I'm chipping through, right?
Starting point is 01:30:58 And even when a gym follows Mayhem, the Mayhem Masters track doesn't necessarily follow the gym tracks. You're not jumping into classes so you miss that community feel uh and that that's a bummer um because crossfit is a community feel so if you can somehow like bring a couple of people in to get this shit done with you yeah it's a thousand times more enjoyable um but i i'm a solo i don't mind doing it on my own i prefer even if you and i were training together if you just had like three or four hours to spend with me you scale appropriately and then we could just battle it out together appropriately scaled you'd be laughing the whole
Starting point is 01:31:36 time because i'm so damn funny you just fucking cracking up jason do you have um uh more time i do yeah what do you need more time? I do. Yeah. What do you need? I'm going to pull you off for a second. I'm going to pull myself off. I have to go pee. My bladder's about to pop. I'm starting to do a dance.
Starting point is 01:31:51 I mean, I'll be back in 30 seconds. Okay. Thank you. oh i'm a new man i did the same thing oh good good on you yeah yeah i was like that's a good call oh good oh good good oh i'm a new man uh where's brian when we need him that's good i agree but but uh but the guest took a leak too okay um you you're 48 and and there's there's a there's a threshold for people i don't know when it is but we start waning in our ability and the waning becomes i think more significant and faster as we get older just like there's a sweet spot where it's like growing the fastest i don't know when it is between 10 and 20 and then there's a spot where it's just like fuck you're in decline you're lucky you're alive
Starting point is 01:33:32 so the way the masters work and i think i saw some studies on this that brian friend and shared with me that basically the people who win the masters are the youngest people in it like it's the um if you what is it the if you're in the 35 to 39 it's like the 35 year olds winning the 39 but then that becomes even more significant right like in the 65 and over there's no one 82 winning that shit so you're approach you're approaching the your category is the 45 to 49 yes so and i'm 46 oh okay and you're 46 okay okay so i keep i keep wanting to say you're 48 okay okay yeah it's it's still hard i you know well of course yes yes i see the 45 year old uh you know there's a 45 year old that just came up and i'm super concerned um that like he'll he's
Starting point is 01:34:23 gonna be tough really really, really tough. And spring chicken. What's his name? What's his name? Spring chicken. His name's Vlad. Vlad. Like as in Vladimir. Yeah, that's scary right there. That's scary. Yeah. I mean, it's it's America versus Russia. But he's a great guy. I mean, he's a really, really good guy. I I've seen him at lots of competitions and I just just don't understand how, how he's so good right now. But he won quarterfinals,
Starting point is 01:34:48 one semifinals, and he's going to give me a hell of a push at the games. And we'll see, we'll see what, what can happen next week. But no, you're right. It like at 47 next year,
Starting point is 01:35:00 there's a new batch of guys. It'll be 45 and it'll be really tough. My, my, my, thought is that I was 42 when I first got to the Games. I got third. I was 43 when I won in that age category. And if I can hang on and do some good things in the next couple of years, that'd be great. Now, at 48, 49, I think that's going to be tough i think you're
Starting point is 01:35:26 right i think we actually the the older i get like 50 51 it'll be prime and then 52 3 4 i don't know you know there's a guy kevin coaster is that is that how you say his last name but he dominated 50 51 52 53 years old at wadapalooza i I think he's 55, but he competed as a 54-year-old because he wanted to compete down and he won. Like there's anomalies that, I mean, he's an anomaly. And I just want to keep trying. I want to try to prove all that wrong. But I do think there is some truth to that. Like the 35-year-olds are going to beat the 39-year-olds.
Starting point is 01:36:03 The 40-year-olds beat the 44-year-olds. The 45-year-olds beat the 35-year-olds are going to beat the 39-year-olds. The 40-year-olds beat the 44-year-olds. The 45-year-olds beat the 49-year-olds. But hopefully there's an anomaly here and there that can just fuck with the whole system. That's what I want to try to do. Any thought of maybe taking 49 off as a year to maybe nurture, get some significant healing and maybe, or is that a bad question? No, it's a great plan. It's a great plan. It's very, I, I, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe. I don't know if I could do it. I, I, I don't know if I could do it. I, I took a month off last year after the games, it's the longest month I've ever taken off from CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:36:47 But the only way I bargained with myself to take that amount of time off, and I really did need to heal. I had some stuff that was creeping in that was really painful. Just sore, like tendonitis in both elbows. Literally a month off was like a miracle. Like my body was healed in a month. But I did switch into a, a, um, a half Ironman. So I had mentally, I had to switch gears and just go all in on something completely unique, completely different and super scary for me. Um, swimming 1.2 miles in open water.
Starting point is 01:37:20 Like there's nothing scarier than that for me. Um, and I, and I did that. Why, why, why is that? Why is that? I don't know. I'm scared of water. It's just scary. I don't know why I almost drowned, uh, boogie boarding when I was like 19 in, um, in California. I was, I just, I lost my board and I could not, I could not get to shore and I was just getting crushed by waves.. I think there was something that happened there that did something in my head. So now just swimming in open water. Sometimes I can stay nice and calm. Like I'm going to head to a lake tomorrow to do some open water swimming.
Starting point is 01:37:55 Other times, I was practicing open water swimming in Lincoln, Nebraska last week with Kyle Casper Bowers, some of his athletes. And we were just a small lake, but it was kind of windy, a little bit choppy. Panic was super high. So it just gets me. But to take time off from CrossFit, for me, with my addictive personality, with my drive to just want to continue to push and push and push, I had to choose something. And my 21-year-old son convinced to do it at half Ironman with him.
Starting point is 01:38:28 I was like, all right, yeah, let's do that. And then he fricking got COVID. He actually got sick the week before the event. So he left me stranded doing the stupid triathlon all by myself. Did he still want to do it? He,
Starting point is 01:38:42 no, he was super sick. He was dead. He was dead. I mean, he was dead i mean he was yeah it's it wasn't a mild he just got it um of all the times of all the years he was just not a kid that was going to get vaccinated because he's 19 or 20 so it just happened to him well i thought that i thought that's what they did at 19 or 20 i thought all the 19 year olds just ran well he's lucky because the vaccine doesn't work so good on him doesn't do anything yeah he just he was sick for a day well it actually does do something it makes you immunocompromised for other shit but
Starting point is 01:39:13 i'll tell you what on a side note so the games last year yeah lean in so no one hears us go ahead lean in yeah i know so no one hears it because we don't want to get kicked off of youtube or like freaking instagram we want to just keep this on top but so i had covet i got covet in like october of 2020 whatever i was sick for a couple of days lost my sense of taste for a week done i'm done i'm i'm good but the crossfit games required uh a vaccine or a test, right? And I did not want to get a false positive. I like, this is a dream come true to go to the games again. I don't, I don't want to gamble on that at all. So two weeks before the games, I went and got the COVID. I mean, uh, the Johnson and Johnson shot that afternoon. I did a track session, killed it. And that night I, uh, I had chills, man. I was, I had the chills. I was sitting literally outside in Bismarck, North Dakota. I think that's North
Starting point is 01:40:11 Dakota. It was like a, like 90 degrees out and I've got chills. I'm freezing. And that night I went to a really dark place. I got super, super sick that night. So sick. Like I thought I was going to die. Were you pissed? So pissed. I was so pissed. I didn't, I, I, I didn't, I didn't want to get the vaccine. I was, I was, you know, I'm, I'm a healthy human being and I've got an immune system, whatever. So I got it. And when I went through that, I was sick Saturday, took Sunday off. And that's the weekend I'm watching everyone else on social media. they're all training for the games they're skiing, they're swimming in lakes
Starting point is 01:40:47 I'm watching everyone training flat out and I'm on my ass dying and anyway I got back to training and I went to the games and it did well but when I got to the games the interesting thing was for Masters we had to show our vaccine card
Starting point is 01:41:03 to one of the like the guy at the front door that's it to walk into like the the registration area there's like the guys that check your pass he just wanted to see i could have shown him a blank piece of paper yeah yeah go ahead i'm like i went through all of that for this guy that's paid six dollars an hour to like yeah to do that are you kidding you wanted an anal swab so yeah i was crazy i know i know the feeling right now just to prove that i did this that i played by the rules um anyway i got covered again like a year later so or like last winter so um whatever did you have any side effects from the vaccine did not except for being really sick that weekend good okay yeah i'm glad to hear that awesome good on you good on thank god fingers crossed
Starting point is 01:41:53 wish someone would i just thinking about which way to take this one um why do you go what how long have you been seen a therapist uh i don't see one now but um i mean on and off for since i was 20 and what was the was that your idea to go see a therapist no actually so i got i got married pretty young i got married when i was 20 um i guess i was 21 or 22 when i started seeing a therapist um and i i worked in a mail room at boston market global headquarters of all things i worked in the mail room and mail mail m-i-m yeah yeah okay and, and randomly I, I, uh,
Starting point is 01:42:48 struck up a conversation with one of the executives, like the, the, the chief human resource officer, whatever, super nice guy. We got lunch one day and, uh, I was just telling him like, I was young. I had a baby and like, I mean, life was super overwhelming being a 21 year old or 22 year old with a, with a, with a baby and a solo income making whatever, $10 an hour. It was tough. And he was like, you know, I've, I've been a therapist my whole life and I've never worked with a therapist that I've liked, except for this one that I just started working with
Starting point is 01:43:16 like this last past year. And I was like, oh, okay. That's, that's kind of cool. He's like, well, I was like, I don't know where you're at. You know, Hey, I don't know where you're at i don't you know hey i don't know where you're at but if you if you want to go talk to somebody um you know i'd highly recommend this guy oh and and by the way i know what you get paid you cannot afford him so that's what i was thinking that's that's always what i think whenever someone says they can't afford me yeah so he he said you know just just book your sessions. They'll be on me.
Starting point is 01:43:46 He paid for my therapy for like two or three years. And it was amazing. It was really, really good. In fact, it was so good. So helpful for me at that time. I was literally like a 20-year-old child with a baby. Married with a baby. I was such a baby, so young,
Starting point is 01:44:06 emotionally young, um, therapist was really, really helpful. And I was inspired, uh, at 25, I started a master's program to be a therapist. I got a master's in counseling psychology to be a therapist. Um, then I, I went on to be a therapist for like three or four years, four or five years actually, until I was about 30, 31 and it turns out like, I'm a terrible therapist, like you have to be passionate, you have to love to be a therapist, I was just
Starting point is 01:44:36 I think I was so grateful for the impact this therapist had on my life that I wanted to be able to do that with others, doing the exact same thing and I'm just not that guy I'm just, I'm so not that guy therapist had on my life that I wanted to be able to do that with others doing the exact same thing. And I'm just not that guy. I'm just, I'm so not, what do they do? What do they do? What, what was the point of going to therapy? Did you have, um, did you have a point? Oh, okay. So you just went in there like, Hey, this dude's paying for it. I'm going to go in and get a massage, a mental massage. And do you leave with tools? Uh, uh you know it depends on the therapy um depends on
Starting point is 01:45:08 the therapist or kind of their approach some therapists will will be more behavioral you'd be be walking away with tools things to practice ways to change your life or or or something like that um this therapist was more of a uh that's really hard, but more experiential, meaning the conversation in therapy had an experiential value that ideally would change your trajectory, right? It would change how you felt about yourself, how you felt about life, think the way you saw life, um, sort of changing the way I viewed the world. And, um, and that was, I mean, at that time in my life, it was very helpful. Um, but he was not, he's not a therapist. I didn't, I didn't walk away, um, having quit smoking. That was a different therapist to, to, to quit shooting tobacco, but, um, I, I chickened out on that one. So, but, um, yeah, different therapists are going to
Starting point is 01:46:11 provide a different, um, style of resources, almost like different fitness trainers, you know, like some trainers are, you're, they're going to do five by fives and you're going to do some cardio and your arms and back and bench and whatever, all that stuff is. And others are going to be to CrossFit. So therapists approaches are going to be really cardio and your arms and back and bench and whatever all that stuff is and others are going to be to crossfit so therapists approaches are going to be really really different depending on the therapist and if it's not working like you just switch therapists there's no reason but the the idea with this therapist and the and the therapy that i tended to and providing was um really just relationship based that that having an honest, authentic conversation with another human being,
Starting point is 01:46:47 yes, you're paying them, which is always an awkward thing. So ideally, they have your credit card, it just swipes it. But that, just the authenticity- Or someone else's credit card, fuck it. Whatever, yeah. And Tom was taking care of it at the time.
Starting point is 01:47:01 I eventually had to pay myself. It was tough. It was a tough transition in life to pay for my own therapy because it was like, it was very expensive. They got you addicted to crack. First it was free,
Starting point is 01:47:12 and then... Dang it. Well, and then, you know, so I worked with that therapist for a number of years, and he was great. And then,
Starting point is 01:47:18 you know, on and off with that same therapist through my 30s, you know, there would just be times when I was like, hey, I just need to come work through some shit. And so I'd see him for six months and then be like, I'm good and off with that same therapist through my 30s. You know, there'd just be times when I was like, hey, I just need to come work through some shit. As I'd see him for six months and then be like, I'm good.
Starting point is 01:47:30 I'm airborne. I'm like, I see help launching into something else or transitioning through something else. In fact, there's a tattoo in the middle of my chest that you've seen it on Instagram, right? There's a tattoo right here. And this was a tattoo. I mean, not a tattoo. This was a picture in my therapist's office, this kanji. And there's a vertical line with two different. Yeah, that's it right there.
Starting point is 01:47:56 That's the one. And so that vertical line, it means balance. And on the left side is danger. And on the right side is opportunity. And that was on his wall. And whenever I was really in deep thought about something that he was having me work on, I'd always end up looking at that picture on his wall. So at one point I took a picture of it. I took it to a tattoo artist. I'm like, I want that on my chest. Like that is a centering point for me. But it's the balance
Starting point is 01:48:20 between danger and opportunity, which is what every transition in life, what the experience of every transition in life is. It's a balance between danger and opportunity. Like when you have your first child, it's scary and there's an amazing opportunity there. Starting CrossFit, there's danger and opportunity in that. Starting a new business, any new adventure, which I tended to do these things a lot so i tend to write that line between danger and opportunity a lot it was meaningful to me so i had it tattooed on my chest but uh yeah i saw that therapist through my 30s into my 40s i started switching to like online therapy for like when i kind of needed to transition like this it's like zoom like you're talking to the cat like this? Okay. Yeah, it's just like this. And it's amazing. BetterHelp. Literally, they advertise on YouTube videos and podcasts. I found this great therapist. She was so, so, so good. And amazing that, honestly, it was like this. There are times when there's a lot of silence in therapy,
Starting point is 01:49:27 a lot of silence where she's really waiting on me to like navigate something or come with it. I can't believe she's not multitasking. Like if I was an online therapist doing this, while I'm talking or while I'm really chewing on it, or my patient is chewing on something, I'd literally be checking my email. There's no way I could focus for that long in any way.
Starting point is 01:49:48 But she was fantastic. So I think there's really good therapists. You can find them online. And I'm super grateful for the ones that I've worked with that have helped me just navigate some serious shit. There's no need to do all this alone. I tell myself now as I probably needed like navigate, I should probably call the therapist tomorrow and just have made some maintenance
Starting point is 01:50:09 sessions just to see what kind of comes up. What am I holding onto? You know, when I said tools, I was thinking about the difference between going to someone and they give you adjustments versus verse and you need them versus someone who's like, Hey, this is a massage ball. I'm going to show you how to use it, and you can unfuck yourself. That would be great. There's psychological tools like that too, right? There's like, I'm trying to think of who this lady is. She's a famous lady, but she has something called like, let me screw this up.
Starting point is 01:50:39 I think she has something that's called the four questions. Oh, interesting. Four questions. Let me see if i can get her name someone might say it in the uh or is it the three question let me see the three let me see maybe it's three questions maybe it's too many questions uh no that's don miguel ruiz shit i can't find her anyway she's she's she's great she's a little little little weird for me but but she's great.
Starting point is 01:51:06 And her thing is this. One of the primary questions is, who would you be without that thought? That bitch cheated on me. Who would you be without that thought? And it's a very powerful question. Who would you be without that thought? Fuck this workout's hard. Who would you be without that thought? Fuck this workout's hard. Who would you be without that thought?
Starting point is 01:51:30 And so these are tools. And it's fascinating because you can come up to a point in your life and been alive for – I mean shit, I'm sure the majority of the world dies without having any tools to navigate their brain. But you can tinker with that sucker hardcore. And oxygen deprivation and 100 burpees for time is a good way to get a glimpse of that fucker when it's not happy, when it's throwing a temper tantrum. Yes. Yes, it is. It's interesting that you say. I also think that you said something fascinating when you said about about death, like, OK, well, what could happen?
Starting point is 01:52:11 I can die. And you know what? That is the precipice precipice precipice precipice. That's the that's the point that very few people are willing to fuck with. But right there is there is, there is something there. There is, there's, there's very valuable,
Starting point is 01:52:28 you know? Yeah. Yeah. I'm willing. It's like rock bottom, but, but you're cheating by go, but by you kind of cheating.
Starting point is 01:52:36 Yes. Yes. It's like, it's like sloppy meditation. It's like for, it's cheating meditation. Thank God. Cause I,
Starting point is 01:52:42 like, I can't, I can't do meditation that much, but I can breathe by doing 150 burpees for time. Like I'm fine with that. I love that. And afterwards I feel pretty damn good, you know, really good. Yeah. You're cultivating awareness for sure. Yeah. You're for sure cultivating awareness. Um, is, is,
Starting point is 01:53:04 for sure cultivating awareness. Um, is, is, is it nice winning or is it, is it a letdown? It is winning. No, it's great. It is great. It is. It is great. Yeah. It's, it's not a letdown. It's, um, uh, you know, winning the first time. What's interesting winning the first time felt a little bit like um did i get lucky right did i just did the workouts all favor me and i and it just worked out did i get lucky um were these guys injured yeah a little bit yeah yeah it first time felt illegitimate i guess i don't know if that's the right word but it just felt like okay maybe this maybe i got lucky i. Um, second time was a relief. Um,
Starting point is 01:53:49 cause I'm not an imposter. I'm not. Yeah, exactly. I'm not a fraud. I'm not an imposter. Like I, I, I am good at this. I'm good at one fucking thing in life. And it happens to be this thing. And I don't know why, I don't know why, I don't know why I can push myself harder. Cause I'm every single guy that's out there can push themselves to ridiculous lengths. Like they'll still kill themselves for points. Greg would say, you know, men will kill themselves for points. And, um, and we do that. And I, I finally got something that I can do and I'm good at it. But the second win was, was a relief. Now this time going in, um, I feel
Starting point is 01:54:32 all the pressure. I feel a year older. Um, the competition's going to be really damn hard. And, um, I want to say that I'll be okay with whatever happens. I want to say that. I wish I could say that. But winning becomes slightly addictive a little bit, you know. I won the games last year. Before that, I won the Legends Masters competition, which is a big Masters competition. I won the games, and I won Legends again this year.
Starting point is 01:55:03 Then I won Wadapalooza. Every one of them were like close battles, really, really close. So coming into the games like, I kind of want to win. I kind of want to win. And I'll probably be okay if I stand on the podium. I don't know what I'll do if I don't. No, I mean, I'll be okay. I'll be okay.
Starting point is 01:55:20 But there is definitely something about like, it feels pretty damn good to be there. Like I have pretty high expectations of myself and, and, um, I I'll have to call my therapist and figure out the strategies to deal with what happens if I don't do well next week. There's plenty of life lessons in there. I don't really want to learn those lessons that way. There's easier ways to learn things. I'd like to learn the easy way, but you know, it's not a lot of control next week,
Starting point is 01:55:51 but the nerves are high for sure. But winning is good. Winning is good. Yeah. Who will you go with? To the games? Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:56:02 I am, I'm in Madison now. And, uh, uh, my wife is here with my younger boys. Oh, oh, you brought your whole family. Yeah. Yep. Wow.
Starting point is 01:56:16 Well, dude, I hope they televise. I hope they do. Do you know if they plan on streaming any of the masters? I'm pretty sure they will. Yeah. Bill Grundler is going to announce the masters.'m sure him and and uh and someone else he just posted the other day that he's he's announcing the masters which is cool um the live feed that they've done that they did for the masters last year was was really really good like they followed
Starting point is 01:56:39 us and they told a story which was really really good. I anticipate they'll do that this year. And they had 20 athletes per male and female division last year. This year, there's only 10. So I'm curious to see how that goes. And you came in seeded second? No, fourth. Fourth, okay. Because I suck at virtual competition, man. I've never done well.
Starting point is 01:57:04 I've never won an Open. I've never won a qualifier. So qualifying for the Games in 2018, I was 13th to get to the Games. 2019, I was 7th and I won. Last year, I think I was 4th and I won. This year, I was 4th or 5th, 4th, I think. And we'll see how it goes. So if I can see my competition, I can chase them down. My only concern this year, honestly, my concern is we have, it looks like we have six events. And you want more. And I want more.
Starting point is 01:57:40 I want nine. I want like 11. How many did you have last year? Last year we had seven. Okay. And the age groups below us had nine. I think nine is a great test. In 2018, we had nine or 11 or something. I think we had 11. It's something in that range. 2018, I think we had nine. So it's really strange that we only have six this year. It's frustrating. But you don't know for sure. You don't know for sure. Maybe there's multiple scores. Maybe, but there's six. It says in the rule book that events one through six will be announced to us August 3rd. So that to me says events one through six will
Starting point is 01:58:19 be announced. And actually, maybe events one through six six be announced and maybe there's like events seven and eight that won't be announced that day i don't god i hope do they ever do that i know they would do that with individual would they do that with masters do they fuck with you guys mess with you guys all right i hope so but i don't know all right we'll see you're you're a man you're a crossfitter through and through i I know. I want more, obviously. Jason, is the gym that you originally opened that you sold in 2019, is it still open? It is. What's it called?
Starting point is 01:58:52 It's now called Trailhead CrossFit. It was 5280 CrossFit. It's in Golden, Colorado. It's a great spot. Oh, I wonder if I've been there. You know, I met you in person at the ddc um is that what that was called with the medical uh yeah you were in santa cruz so yeah i was in santa cruz in um 2019 so i had randomly sent bruce uh edwards was this ceo or CFO or whatever he was at the time. I had met him a couple of years before.
Starting point is 01:59:28 But Greg was really focused on the health stuff at the affiliate level. And as an affiliate owner, I loved that. So I sent an email to Bruce saying, hey, I'm super excited for the direction that we're going here. I love this. The next day, I get a text from Greg Glassman. I woke up to a text from Greg and I was starstruck. He said, Hey, thank you for your cards. I'd love to let you out for, uh, to, to attend this DDC in Santa Cruz. And, um, uh, he was like, I'll cover the airfare. I'll cover the hotel. You cover the rental car. I'm like, yeah, I'm in awesome. So came out and it was one night there was like, I'll cover the airfare. I'll cover the hotel. You cover the rental car. I'm like, yeah, I'm in. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:00:05 So came out and it was one night. There was like a barbecue. It was a rainy night. It was, it rained the whole weekend. And you had, your beard was like 19 feet long. Very long at the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I came up to you and I was like, how do I talk to Zavon?
Starting point is 02:00:20 What, what do I have? What do I have in common? Oh, he's a camera guy. He likes Leica cameras. I have a Leica. He has a Noctilux do i have a comment oh he's a camera guy he likes like a cameras i have a leica he has a noctilux i have a noctilux we're gonna talk about cameras i must have gotten so excited i must have got so excited we we were we were talking about uh yeah like a noctilux um all of those you got your 0.95 back there i don't but i got this bad boy beautiful crazy oh hey yeah and tell me how nice tell the world how nice i was you were you were super nice yeah and not as tall as i thought you were
Starting point is 02:00:57 jeez easy buddy easy easy easy i didn't ask for a shit sandwich i said tell me how nice i was i had to throw that out there i was like like, I'm taller. I'm not taller than hardly anybody. Isn't that weird when you're tall? I was with my mom the other day. My mom's five foot. We walked by some lady. I'm like, hey, mom, you're taller than her. And my mom's like, whoa. And this was this wasn't like a dwarf or something. This is like just a normal person. Just tiny. Yeah. Yeah. Like, holy shit. I couldn't believe it. It's weird for me when I something this is like just a normal just a normal person but just tiny yeah yeah like holy shit i couldn't believe it it's weird for me when i when i talk whenever i talk to someone if i have to tilt my head down i'm like this is weird because normally i do this oh yeah oh yeah and if
Starting point is 02:01:36 you're hugging it's hugging upwards always hey and you know what i've decided like i am such a jackass i'm i never try to put my arms over anyone's shoulders anymore. I just go underneath like just like just like I'm hugging like I have a friend who's six five. Go ahead. Put your cock and balls on my chest. It is what it is. Yeah, just the whole thing. I'm good. Yeah. I really appreciate you coming on.
Starting point is 02:02:00 I knew I was going to like you, man. People love you. Appreciate that. Yeah. People just love you. You're, you're such a positive force. It's awesome. I'm a, I'm five, five. Someone asked how tall I am. You're positive force. I'm excited. I got to meet you. Thanks for taking the time. I know this is a, a pretty intense week. There is a chance. I tell all the athletes this that I'll be bugging through texts throughout the
Starting point is 02:02:23 week to come on, but don't ever feel pressure like ghosting us or our shit is just going to be chaos how we cover the games is just chaos someone might just say bill grundler said jason grubbs the greatest guy ever and then i'll get a wild hair up my ass and i might send you a link and we'll have you come on live and you'll be like yeah i know i'm the greatest and then we'll make fun of you and then that's it so that. Okay. But don't stress either way. Yeah. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:02:49 Thank you. Brother. Thank you so much. Yeah. Uh, tell your, uh, your boys and your wife. Thanks for letting me have some of your time. And, um, I'll be watching you on the, on the internet. All right, man.
Starting point is 02:03:00 Thank you. Cheers. Damn. We didn't even lose that many people when I took the pee break. Oh, I screwed this all up with Brian. I screwed this all up with Brian. Screwed this all up with Brian. I'm going to call Brian right now while we're live on the air. I'm going to see what happens.
Starting point is 02:03:21 I think he's in my favorites. Yeah, he is. Let's see what happens. I think he's in my favorites. Yeah, he is. Let's see what happens. Can you guys hear it ringing? Or no? Because I don't have it on speakerphone. He might be asleep. sometimes you gotta call Brian twice to get through because he puts his phone on silent mode
Starting point is 02:03:51 okay thank you CrossFit Corey Tommy Payne Mr. Bruce Wayne thank you thank you what did you think about the show with Haley Adams was it as bad as Hiller said? I just screwed up. I didn't send Brian a link for Daniel Brand until the show was 15 minutes in.
Starting point is 02:04:18 I'm slipping. I'm slipping. Okay. Elise Carr-Ridau. So tomorrow morning, what is going on tomorrow morning i could i should actually call i could call matt susan right now if you're oh man i had a great talk talk with chris dors today if you guys didn't hear that um you got to hear that that's the affiliate owner in iowa what a great dude got an incredible incredible DM from his son 21 year old son too okay so tomorrow morning 7 a.m. we have Kara Sanders on
Starting point is 02:04:51 I have to ask her how you say her name again for the 18th millionth time is it Kara Kara then at one o'clock I'm going to hear Greg Glassman speak live. I'm actually going to take my camera and film it. Excuse me. And then in the evening, I'll come back and I'll do James Sprague and Dallin. That's going to be fun. We can ask him if he kissed Phil Toon and if he got any stuff. Dude, Haley was awesome. Hiller's full of shit.
Starting point is 02:05:31 Well, that's good to hear. Seven, please get Ariel low and on strong mom. I've had her on twice, one time with a bad connection and then one time recently. I really like her. She's cool. Yeah, she's she's dope.'s fun she get hurt i had her and tim paulson on the same day that was really cool that was exciting two two two cats can i uh you want to stream the glassman doc i will tell you this i i can ask him if i can stream it i don't think he'll let me stream it, but he did say I could film it. There'll be two other camera operators there. We will put together a nice cut, and he did say I can start showing pieces of it on my podcast, and then he'll come on and we'll talk about it.
Starting point is 02:06:25 I don't know if any of you guys noticed this, but in the beginning of the podcast, like normally I just come in so hot. I just know I just just come in and I'm me. And the first five minutes, I didn't know what I wanted to do. I didn't know I didn't. Like if I was in the same room with her and you guys all weren't watching it, it probably would have gone a little bit different because I would have just like, I could have come at her a little bit more hard, but like it's sensitive for all the athletes right now. They're getting ready to go to the games and I just want to be sensitive.
Starting point is 02:06:56 I want to leave them. I want to throw them alley-oops. I want to ask them questions that I think are hard questions, but that they can slam dunk, that they can still walk away with and be stoked about. So like maybe I can play bad cop or I can ask some twisted shit and or I could help them get something off their brain, you know. And so, you know, that was the questioning around her and Kotler. Like, are you going to fist bump?
Starting point is 02:07:17 And, you know, it's like everyone wants closure, even my even like we all want some closure. To be to be free from our own drama. So look at this place, CrossFit Riverside, 1999. Let's see this place. CrossFit Riverside. It filmed, uh, the last time I was in Riverside was in 2008 when I filmed Every Second Counts. I want to say that Josh Bridge – no, Josh Everett. Josh Everett may have been the strength and conditioning coach at the University of Riverside.
Starting point is 02:08:03 Riverside's premier fitness training nutrition nutrition coaching so we see who gave the let's see who gave the 19 let's see if we can find them go to about is this your gym uh what makes cross rivers cross at riverside different meet our team do you think it's do you think it's dan dan danielle with two n's look at danielle with two n's and look at her last name euritia with two r's stephanie alvarez do you think it's her who gave the 20 richard alvarez up married married all right god crossfitters just look cool everyone's strong and happy Married. All right. God, CrossFitters just look cool.
Starting point is 02:08:49 Everyone's strong and happy. Okay, strong. Savon, can you turn the phone back? Fine. I'll find it. Turn the phone back on for a minute. I can hear my wife. Haley. Haley. Haley.
Starting point is 02:09:07 Do I have to come in and help put the kids to bed? Should I call my wife? Can't be fucking around with you guys tonight. It's too late. Okay. The phone's on. What do you want? What do you want? What do you want?
Starting point is 02:09:28 Two hours and eight minutes. What am I doing? I think this is uncharacteristic of me, right? I kept calling and the voice was like, this is off. Yeah, I turned that shit off. Because so many people have been complaining about it. And I have to reconnect it to my uh to my thingamajigger all right this second oh there's will plumbers calling let's go uh hold on willie hold on
Starting point is 02:10:02 hold on roadcaster pro Hold on, Willie. Hold on. Hold on. Roadcaster pro people get annoyed. Uh, okay. You're on people get, you're on people get annoyed by the phone, but it's like, it's one of the things that says it sets the show apart from, from the others. And so it's like, like everyone else is like catching up. So how long were you quiet there? That's the longest you've ever been quiet before what do you mean quiet quiet like not like not talking on the air you mean like when i went to go pee yeah no you just weren't talking on the air on the show you mean like 30 seconds you mean after jason grubb got off yeah Yeah. No, no, I was talking.
Starting point is 02:10:45 I was talking. I think I was talking. Did I have a stroke? Maybe I had a stroke. If someone saw me have a stroke and I was just like tweaking and shit, fuck, send me a text. Clip that part out. Clip that part out. Are you high, Will?
Starting point is 02:10:58 What's up with you? Are you stoned? You were silent. I kept trying to talk to you. Oh, it's because I was fixing my phone. I was fixing my phone. Yeah. Will Brandstetter says,
Starting point is 02:11:10 I like the phone call questions during the interviews. The beeping when people are calling is so loud. I know. You know what the thing is? I probably just need to take this phone into my house right now. And while I'm eating dinner, fuck with the settings, right, Will? Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 02:11:23 Sevan's wife's name is Haley and my wife's name is Kaylee. That's nice. Kaylee and Haley sitting in a tree. Sevan. The affiliate series. Dude, that was so good.
Starting point is 02:11:40 Dude, you don't even know how gangster I feel doing that. You don't even know how gangster I feel doing that. You don't even know. I feel like I feel so, so good. Did you see my text? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:52 You're a good dude. I don't give a, I don't give a. So all the teachers that told me I'll never mess with nothing. Yeah. Makes me want to hear some gangster rap. Yeah. I heard,
Starting point is 02:12:02 I saw you. Here's the thing. Will, I love you always helping me. I'm overwhelmed by the affiliate contacts. I'm overwhelmed by fucking everything that's going on right now. I have just – my Instagram account is suspended again, and I'm happy. It's like, yeah, fuck.
Starting point is 02:12:19 Oh, good. One less – Lightens it up a little bit. Oh, it's just – I mean, it's good. It's great. But it's like it's. I want to make sure like that dude was a good affiliate and like I don't need every affiliate to be like like I would love to just call an affiliate and they tell me about how successful they are and how much they love HQ. And it's just like an hour and a half of like fun. But but the problem is this. I feel like most people who want to be on the show, like 51% to 99%, end up sucking.
Starting point is 02:12:49 And the people who don't want to be on the show end up being the good ones. Yeah. And so I get a little nervous when I feel like, dude, I got a story to tell. I'm like, oh. You know what I mean? No, we want to find the ones that have been there for a minute and have actually been working. Yeah, I just want to be... I want to... I think...
Starting point is 02:13:10 Yeah, I mean... Yeah, exactly. I mean, the thing is this, and I definitely have an angle and agenda, and part of it is mischievousness, right? I'm being like... I'm going to have affiliates talk, right? And like that, let's see how HQ likes that. But the other part is, is like,
Starting point is 02:13:30 there is a consistent message that they have. And if I think we'll hear, by the time I've interviewed 10, we'll know exactly what it is. I mean, I think I already know what it is, but then when we get to 52, it'll be like abundantly clear and hopefully at some point i mean i just i'm fucking broken record but the people who bought this thing don't know what they bought so let's let the affiliate
Starting point is 02:13:53 that they sure don't want to listen to me what someone at hq needs to listen it needs to be above hq those people at hq who are running the ship right now. So what, Coca-Cola? Yes. Coca-Cola needs to listen? Yes. Someone at Coca-Cola needs to listen. Someone who, I mean, there's someone out there who put $20 million. Monster Hydro. Yes. The Monster Girls needs to listen.
Starting point is 02:14:14 Yes. Unbelievable. So that's why I sent you that info about our owner. I can promise that he doesn't want to be on the show. Great. Thank you. And Corey, listen, you got to circle back around after the games, after the games.
Starting point is 02:14:27 I'll, so like, like after the games, I'll put Jr. Brian, uh, Taylor, uh,
Starting point is 02:14:35 Hill or I'll put every, not probably not Hiller. Uh, I'll put everyone, I'll put everyone on timeout. Like time. I like, I like,
Starting point is 02:14:42 I changed my, we're just loving seven we're loving the lifeboat that's what we're doing yeah we're loving exactly you mean by doing the affiliate thing yeah love the lifeboat give them a fucking voice and hopefully someone there will be like oh shit these motherfuckers like the people who work at hq some of them are just trying to survive they need to stop worrying about themselves and worry about the affiliates because it's so gangster there right now. I mean, it's been gangster there since 2018. It's a tough place to work. So yeah, but that's the truth. Um, who was it who said, yeah, that like that guy, that guy, Chris door says his life got better when he realized that
Starting point is 02:15:20 he had to take care of his son. Right. He stopped thinking about himself, stopped thinking about his own problems, got off the drugs, got off the shit and he focused his life on taking care of his son, right? He stopped thinking about himself, stopped thinking about his own problems, got off the drugs, got off the shit, and he focused his life on taking care of his son, right? By the way, his son DM'd me the most awesome, heart-wrenching, just loving on me. Just so cool. Like, dude, I cried the whole podcast. It was dope.
Starting point is 02:15:37 But that's what HQ needs to do. Stop worrying about yourself and just worry about the affiliates. What do the affiliates want? This guy said it. Everyone says it. Don't fuck up the brand and give us media. Just, we just want some media.
Starting point is 02:15:47 Yeah. Health. Yeah. Focus on fitness and health. Yeah. That's all I want to help prevent chronic disease. I mean, I thought my grandfather was Alzheimer's and like the movement stopped and he eats like shit.
Starting point is 02:16:02 But somehow this dude's on his like 12th life like he got covid and it was he got through it he didn't even knew he knew he had covid how old is unbelievable uh he just turned 80 it's a good ass life yeah i called him and i was like how you doing papa when he had it he goes oh i'm all right then i go what about like the covid then he goes oh no i just had a touch of it like just he just he fucking doesn't even know about it that he's fine like he's not a great help hey what did you what did you think about jason grubb uh he got the johnson and johnson so that he wouldn't so he got the vaccine so that he if he he wouldn't get a get to the games and be tested and they say he has it when he doesn't.
Starting point is 02:16:45 He didn't want the false positive. That kind of broke my heart. Yeah, it broke my heart. I mean, I feel for him. I ain't hating on him for it. I ain't hating on him, but it broke my heart. What did you say? You had to get it too?
Starting point is 02:16:57 Yeah, the military made me get it. I didn't know you're in the military. Oh. Yeah, I'm in the Army. Yeah. Did I know that? i just just can't remember but you're all right you're chilling you got a lot of people this is will plumber yeah you're the dude we work together at waterpalooza yeah waterpalooza grand again
Starting point is 02:17:19 fuck is wrong with me we're about to do the camping behind the scenes that'd be legit yeah you're my boy shit yeah you're like my home phone number and we're uh loving on the lifeboat that's the new movement okay loving on the lifeboat all right thanks for calling will yeah have a good night love it on the lifeboat free marketing from will plumber okay see you guys tomorrow in 10 hours 43 minutes hopefully I'll be well rested

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