The Sevan Podcast - #516 - Ricky Garard & Jay Crouch / Rob Forte

Episode Date: August 1, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. God, I hope so. Are you in a bunk bed?
Starting point is 00:00:42 Are you under a bunk bed? Yep. You are. And is that, wow. And is that a window behind you no this is the door the door out of the room to to to the outside world or just like to a hallway or something to the outside world are you free to come and go as you please are you being held there by gunpoint oh shit he froze i shouldn't ask that question come on seve come on early and bullshit come on early and bullshit okay here i am chase brian geez louise bam i'm waiting beatmaster alissa schultz austin hartman i'm going to be sick starting wednesday so i don't have to go to work Weightmaster, Alyssa Schultz, Austin Hartman.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I'm going to be sick starting Wednesday, so I don't have to go to work. LD Performance Training. Watch our latest video. If you guess the winner for event one, you'll win $150. Woo-hoo. I don't even understand that. Jackson, what's up? Brandon Waddle.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Tom Geeran, the 13th. Parker, Corbin. I know 99% of you know this, but some of you fuck nuts still don't know this. Equality is we start the race at the same starting line. All we care is that everyone has the same chance in the beginning. Equity is we only care about the outcome. So if Caleb and I were to race, if we we wanted equity we would chop off his fucking foot and him and i would cross the finish line at the same time if we wanted equality him and i would
Starting point is 00:02:36 be told the race is tomorrow at 10 a.m they would shoot the gun and we would both start running that's equality the only place that there's equity is in prison that's where you get equity get this shit fucking confused you do not want equity equity is concerned about the outcome and the outcome is based on the lowest common denominator and the schools in san Diego, California, since certain people weren't turning in their homework and getting bad grades because of it, instead of getting tutors for those people, they made it so you can't grade a kid based on the homework he turns in. They lowered the bar to make it equitable for everyone. That's not, that's lowest common denominator thinking. It's just idiocy.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Yo, yo. What's up? What's happening? Fuck, just pumped. Just fucking pumped. Cheers to you. Drink that fucking poison, Ricky. It's the only chance pumped. Cheers to you. Drink that fucking poison, Ricky. It's the only chance anyone has of beating you.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Drink that shit. That blue shit. Nice bit of Gatorade. I love it. What do you got? Coffee. Paper Street. The good stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Even Ricky's sperm drink Gatorade. That's what a badass he is. That goes straight to his testicles. You know it. Hey, dude, when you were at... Oh, do you know Caleb, Ricky, Ricky, Caleb, Caleb, Ricky? Caleb. Nice to meet you, man. Nice to meet you, Ricky.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Caleb's in the U.S. Air Force, and he's... This is like he's been deployed, and he's somewhere sitting on a bunk bed oh wow his life is the exact opposite of yours yours is completely selfish to show the world you're the greatest dude ever and this man's
Starting point is 00:04:34 overseas fighting for our freedoms and I'm exploiting both of you well thanks for looking after us yes thank you for looking after us Caleb anytime Ricky finishes top 5 and wins 2 events released Yes, thank you for looking after us, Caleb. Anytime. Ricky finishes top five and wins two events released already.
Starting point is 00:04:50 You like the events that are released already? Yeah, I love them. You do. Rumor, I heard that you were on a bike today doing wheelies in the registration area. True or false? It's true. It is true? Yeah. true or false uh it's true it is true yeah i was um trying to do a wheelie just to um show everyone that i can ride a bike and um it is are the individuals has it been announced
Starting point is 00:05:14 individuals will be riding yeah yeah yeah we're doing uh two five mile rides broken up with some toes to bar and chest-to-bar, which you've probably seen. I actually, I mean, I kind of saw it, but I didn't take close look at it. Oh, you haven't seen it? No, so 10 miles, you're stoked. Is it a road riding or a dirt riding? It's a mix. So it's all around, road, gravel, grass.
Starting point is 00:05:41 So we do 75 toes-to-bar, and then we do a five-mile bike, and then we come back, we do 75 toes to bar and then we do a five mile bike and then we come back we do 75 chest to bar and then we finish with a five mile bike dude you're stoked oh yeah over the moon hey um you kind you had a i don't know what you guys call in australia but you had motocross aspirations as a kid right yeah yeah you had a dirt bike you want some of your earliest memories is a four-year-old boy uh riding a dirt bike riding dirt bikes yeah yeah i grew up on dirt bikes you told um you told jared is the dude's name jared from jello games uh yeah zoologist games yeah uh you told him that you were riding your dirt bike and you rode under the house and hit your neck. That means you lived in one of those.
Starting point is 00:06:28 So you lived in like a white trash house, like one of those ones that they roll in on a truck and you just live down the field. Yeah, that's it. On stilts. Holy shit. You're ghetto as a motherfucker. Wow. Motorcycles at four and riding under the house. So your house had wheels.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah, pretty much. Came on a truck. Came on a big truck. Two trucks. Two big trucks. And then they stick the house together like this, right? It's called like a double wide? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Yeah, that's how. Then my dad built a big veranda around the outside. So we used to just ride our bikes and scooters and skateboards around the house all day. Dude, you don't belong in nevada you belong you need to go like to the carolinas or georgia or texas or louisiana you feel right at home over there yeah texas would be cool oh my goodness um so and so was there a biking event last time you were at the games yeah and you won it yeah i think i remember i was filming at the finish line you did a little peel out or you jumped off while it was riding or you did something fucking i did a big did a big skid yeah big skid and then just kind of went yeah and no one was
Starting point is 00:07:36 close nah no one there oh my goodness see uh See how this one goes. You think that's a little home cooking? They did that on purpose to welcome you back as a gift? Welcome back, Ricky Garrard. We're going to give you 10 miles on the bike. It seems that way. I'm very happy. I'm playing a fantasy league.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I'm so bummed I didn't get you. Ah. Toes to bar aren't going to do shit, right? They're not going to bug you at all on the bike? Nah, that's fine. I think depending how experienced you are on a bike, if you're not super experienced, I think you're very tense with your arms and you can fatigue your shoulders and your arms a lot. But I think for me,
Starting point is 00:08:24 I'd never have issues with arm pain or anything on the bike so the toes bar chest bar should should be fine maybe you could maybe you could be like hey velner this is a one-time offer just to hook you up just for that little mishap four years ago i'm gonna let you draft off my ass for the first five mile ride i'm gonna show you how it's fucking done. Next five miles, you're on your own. Good, buddy? You good? Yeah, I'll be down for that.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Give him a little gift, just like, hey, I owe you one. I owe you one. Yeah. Torian Pro. Bad idea. Torian Pro, you show up, and your adrenaline is fucking through the roof like so through the roof you can barely operate right yeah yeah exactly um why did you expect that to walk me through when you're like oh shit what the fuck is going on yeah no i was just just nerves and just
Starting point is 00:09:20 anxious just like i felt like there's only three spots and if you make a mistake and like it was finally my time to make a stand and try and prove myself on the stage and get back to the CrossFit Games. So I thought if I fuck it up here, then my story kind of ends or it gets delayed again so it was just like the fear fear of failure i suppose was getting to getting to me did benny say anything to you like hey dude failure is not an option or did he give you any crazy talks uh yeah a little bit
Starting point is 00:09:59 yeah drilling drilling into me like that i'm to like believe in myself and just carry that confidence and like that I'm a beast of an athlete and just go out there and do your thing and you put in the work
Starting point is 00:10:12 and you deserve to be here and yeah just go and show them what's up and does that does that mean something to you coming from your older brother like
Starting point is 00:10:20 you're like oh shit he yeah yeah for sure he helps me helps me heaps with my self-belief and confidence and that he believes in me that more than anyone else he's so different than you right i remember him being out on the field like when he finished
Starting point is 00:10:37 murph and him and i were talking and he was just a fucking madman even though he just finished everyone's like hiding in the heat and just exhausted he's just fucking still tasmanian devil just going off yeah he gets fired up he gets get the endorphins gone he can't stop him i don't know if this has ever happened to you but you're driving i've been driving drunk before as a kid and then you see a cop go by the other way and you get kind of like a little like oh fuck and then the lights go on behind you and you're fucking like seeing your life flash before your eyes i mean you're gonna fucking your skin's crawling was it like that out there like yeah at torrent yeah like oh like yeah like holy fuck like you couldn't even keep like you wanted to just run away you're like fuck it i can't even do this and you just wanted to run outside to the parking lot and go home
Starting point is 00:11:21 oh not quite i didn't want to really hide i just all of a sudden it just hit me and my body just i could just feel it shutting down and my energy was just completely zapped oh so it wasn't like you were vibrating and shaking nah no oh just like in the lead up to the event i couldn't keep any food down i vomited twice and i couldn't eat any food so i just had like no energy going into such a long event. So by the end of the event, my body was just like, man, I got nothing left. You haven't fed me.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And then by the last day that shit went away, you were at home? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, by the last day I felt good. Felt back where I wanted to be, and confidence was up, and just believing in myself. How did you get access to the bike already today? They took us there this morning. As a group?
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yeah, as a big group, and they measured us all up with the bikes, got our helmets, and then we did like a – Boz took us on a guided lap around the course and then after the first lap he said all right go for it you can go as fast as you want or as slow as you want you can do one more lap so our group just like took off as fast as they could and like i was just kind of cruising the middle and then i was all right we're gonna race so we all like took off and i was like oh we may as well get a feel for what one lap's gonna feel like like a race pace and then
Starting point is 00:12:50 um yeah we come back and i think lazar was like i think ricky's got a faster bike and you had already experienced you had already enjoyed your camaraderie with him in dubai you guys had some shit talking going on there and so he's just continuing it here at the games yeah pretty much it's it's funny uh how long how long is a lap one mile so you do you're gonna end up doing 10 laps five and then five five, five and five. Yeah. And is the crap, how, how wide is the, uh, how wide is the track? Uh, I'd say, I'd say about five meters. Okay. Which is 15 feet. It's narrow. 15 feet. Yeah. Some, some bit wider than others.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Okay. But, but, but at full speed, two or three guys side by side, and that, that room gets taken up quickly. Yeah, for sure. There's a section that comes down the hill, and then there's a pretty tight corner, which is all on the chapel. So I think if you're there with a group, you could definitely crash. Did you see the ladies ride? No, I didn't.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Because the last time I was in Madison and i saw the ladies warming up it was um yeah i would say a third of the field was pathetic like dainty like dangerous like oh shit maybe you that person's never been on a bike before yeah yeah i think the cyclocross man in 2017 was definitely more dangerous than this track. But downhill into a gravel turn is hairball. Yeah, it could be. Especially if there's a group of five or ten of you, there's not really a lot of room.
Starting point is 00:14:39 You're going to have to take charge. Some will back off. Some will go for it. Whoever has the confidence to push themselves into the corner. Who's the second best rider? In the males? Yeah. I've got no idea, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Jay Crouch goes pretty well on a bike. That's my boy. I'm playing the Fantasy League. You think I should put Jay in? For that event? Yeah. Yeah yeah i think so okay jay crouch it is and maybe since he's australian if someone gets close to him you like you guys would squeeze them out together like if velner tries to come up between the middle you and jay squeeze them out yeah just fuck him up yeah yeah just don't fuck with colton he's on my team too.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Colton is not. Did they have a bike small enough for Colton? I didn't actually notice or think of it. It's a good point though, right? Yeah. Yeah. It's valid. I'm seeing him complaining about anything, so hopefully he's all right.
Starting point is 00:15:45 How many gears, how many speeds is the bike, are the bikes? 10, 10 speed. 10 speed. One gear at the front, 10 at the back. I heard that on the teams that Lauren Fisher is injured and that the Icelandic team is trying to get Katrin in her place. Yeah, I heard the same, yeah. You did hear the same? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So that's a pretty good rumor that's swirling around. Yeah. Soon find out. I thought maybe we would already know. Yeah, wow. That would spice things up a little bit. Did you see that Icelandic team? I bumped into Lauren and Annie at the gym at crossfit connects uh yesterday did you
Starting point is 00:16:28 see anything weird about lauren like like there was a doctor hanging off her side or she had ice on her shoulder or any signs to prove it's true no she was just she was just doing a workout she did a bit of bike and ski and just warming up. Cause I was there and I pretty much was finished. So I didn't quite get to see what she did after cause I left. Oh God, please. No. Yep. I'm sorry. Ricky is taken Kenneth and he's straight. I'm sorry, but maybe in another, maybe in another lifetime, he just found out. Um, uh, when you, um, about, I don't know, about a year ago,
Starting point is 00:17:09 when it became obvious that you were still in the game. Go ahead. Do you need to kiss your girlfriend or something or slap her on the ass or something? She's telling me to do something. She needs headphones. I want to walk in the camera. About a year ago, I think it was, when you started popping back up on the scene. It was obvious you were still in the game after your hiatus.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Dave Castro welcomed you back, sort of, you know, right? He made it clear that you were welcome and that he supported your comeback. Is that correct? With some posts and stuff. I don't remember exactly what it was. Is that correct? With some posts and stuff. I don't remember exactly what it was. Is that accurate? I think so. Sorry, you got me? Yeah. Is that accurate?
Starting point is 00:17:56 About a year ago, Dave made it known that, hey, just so you know, I can't remember, he made a post maybe once a week or once every other week or once a month. He made a handful of posts saying, hey, Ricky's back in the game. I approve. Yeah, he did yeah a couple of times yeah um did that did he coordinate with that with you or do you just turn on your phone you're like oh shit this motherfucker's being cool yeah pretty much i didn't coordinate it with him he just said went about it himself and i thought it was awesome and uh yeah respect d awesome, and I respect Dave a lot.
Starting point is 00:18:27 It meant a lot that he was doing that for me. Any signs of him there? Have you seen him? Has anyone told you whether he's going to be starting the games? Is he participating in any way? No, no sign at all. No one spoke about it or mentioned anything. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:45 And anyone talking crap to Ricky since coming back? Not to his face. Yeah. Not to my face. And at Torian, it was awesome, right? Everyone was cool as shit. Yeah. Yeah, Torian was amazing.
Starting point is 00:19:00 The crowd was unreal. And afterwards, in the back, you got love, tons of love from the posse. Yeah. Miss Cara Saunders, Miss Tietumi, Royce Dunn. The crew was just like, you the man, Ricky. Yeah, they were just respectful for what I'd been through and surprised that I was able to push through and be patient and resilient to overcome what i had to wait for and there that was amazed that i was back because they
Starting point is 00:19:33 they said if some of them said if that was them in that position they would have quit and got a day job and just lived got a job at the kangaroo park at the koala petting zoo yeah live that life it's fucking nuts i i can't i hey um you've been out so when you've been out so long do you remember i think it was chuck carswell said this to me i don't remember what year maybe it was 2011 or 12 it was in the behind the scenes and he said to me the training you do at the games you cannot replicate anywhere in the fucking world know how no way and so those people then each year that they come to the games have an advantage i'm paraphrasing it meaning they go to a place in the pain cave and the pr cave and in the personal best cave then that like that can't be replicated it's just it's it's the games is a special training camp
Starting point is 00:20:26 um do you agree with that and do you remember that yeah i definitely agree with that i think the programming of the crossfit games kind of brings out your natural athletic ability that you've developed from such a young age i think um for me personally that's why i love the games there's always stuff that's outside the box that um takes me back to my childhood and my athletic background like things like a bike ride and and running and obstacle courses and jumping over hay bales and all that but how but about, like you said, a PR at the last games, right? With your clean and jerk, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I'm a snatch. Oh, a snatch, right. 275? 287. 287. My bad. Fucking this all up. And that's a product of your hard work, but it's a product of the environment also, right?
Starting point is 00:21:23 Like that shit's not going to happen like in your backyard. No, no, for sure. It's still stuff you have to practice and do just to keep your skills up and expose yourself to it. So you, since you haven't been to the last four games, it's not like, hey, you rested and you're better off than the other guys. You have missed something. for sure the competition experience and vibe is nothing you can replicate um it's like yeah even if you try and try and do it like i would try and replicate it as best i could and and put the guys on the tv in the gym and three two one go try and start the clock at the same time and and burst them on the tv at the gym but like it helped a
Starting point is 00:22:11 bit but it was like it's not going to be the same you know oh that's cool that you did that i didn't even know you did that is that common with athletes to do that i don't know i used to i did heaps for like the four years i was off like Even the Rogue Invitational Games workouts, I just burst them on the screen. Oh, that's awesome. And then if you were to do a workout that Matt was doing on the screen and then you beat him, would you text him? Fuck, I fucked you up.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Yeah, pretty much. Right back there. Have you texted him over the years and he doesn't text you back? No, no, I'm joking. I'll give you his number if you want to harass him. I'll give you his number if you want to harass him. Yeah, send it over. You said to Jared that it was your rookie year at the games
Starting point is 00:23:00 and that Matt knew that your legs were sore and he came over and squeezed them. He saw that your hands were torn and he came over and squeezed them he saw that your hands were torn and he was like oh you poor little baby and you told the story about how um he he did your max snatch and caught it in the bottom and then said hey ricky isn't this your max and stood up with it that's it yeah that what a good dude yeah it's good it's a player dude. It's good. It's a player.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Competitive dude. You got to do what you got to do. How much do you weigh, Ricky? Right now, about 92 kilos. 92 kilos. And how tall are you? 202 pounds, I think. 203 pounds.
Starting point is 00:23:48 I am 179 centimeters, which is 5'10", I think. And when you were at the Games last time, thank you. Yep, 202. You're such a good dude for doing the conversion for us knuckleheads over here. For being here, because otherwise everyone's like, what is that? What was your weight? So you were at the Games in 2017. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:18 What was your weight in 2017? 87 kilos. 190, is it? 190 something. So, basically, you put on two pounds of muscle a year about. Yeah. Let's say that, yeah. Is this Ricky right here that I'm staring at
Starting point is 00:24:41 fitter than that, Ricky? Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Everywhere you didn't have to trade, you didn't trade anything, you're not stronger but slower or faster and weaker? No, I'd say I'm better all around. Strength, fitness, everything. How's your swimming? Yeah, that's improved heaps as well.
Starting point is 00:25:01 I wasn't the greatest swimmer back at, um, 17, but since, since then, I went to the pool or the ocean twice a week. No shit. For the last four years, five years. Uh,
Starting point is 00:25:16 that's like 420, uh, sessions. Yeah, pretty, pretty much. Um, do you do,
Starting point is 00:25:24 do you smoke anything Ricky? do you smoke cigarettes, weed? just cigarettes just cigarettes? pack a day? half a pack and what's your favorite brand? Winnie Blue
Starting point is 00:25:38 you don't do anything fucked up you don't even drink do you? I will drink after the games and i drank after torian and after dubai i drank but you're not a bottle of wine a night guy or anything like that just celebration drinker yeah like beer or liquor? Nah, like bourbon. Fosters. Bourbon.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Jack Daniels or Canadian Club. Whatever his girlfriend gives him. A man of culture, I see. Yeah, that's it. Have you ever heard the phrase, have you ever heard this phrase, I'm so unlucky that if it were raining titties, I'd catch a dick. So good, isn't it? I meant to start the show with that.
Starting point is 00:26:39 I'm so unlucky that if it were raining titties, I'd catch a dick. It's good, right? It's so good. It's Instagram stuff. I saw it on Instagram this morning and like usually shit like that doesn't stick with me, but I'm like, man, I wish I would have made that up. Is that how your luck goes? I'm sorry?
Starting point is 00:26:57 Is that how your luck goes, or you got pretty good luck? No, I got great luck. I got great luck. I got great luck. Yeah, I got great luck. Look, I got you on here. Yeah, that's pretty lucky to have me. During Games Week. Ricky, who's your agent?
Starting point is 00:27:13 Snorri. Oh, it is Snorri. That's right. Yeah. Did he say anything to you about doing media? Does he give you any like, hey, don't do this, don't do that, yes, do this, careful of that, don't talk to that person? No, he's all right. He's cool.
Starting point is 00:27:28 He gives you space? Yeah, he gives me space to do whatever I want to do. Is he at the event? Yeah, he's there. He's staying at the same hotel. And he got you the deal with that company, the tire company that you're wearing the shirt for? Yeah, they reached out to me before Snorri, which was awesome. And we chatted a little bit, but then Snorri kind of come on board when I was in Miami at Waterpalooza.
Starting point is 00:27:57 So he kind of helped get the deal over the line. Oh, that's right. Okay. I remember either I talked to you about that story or i talked to snorri about it what is this company they sell everything yeah they're they're taking over so they sell uh oh yeah all apparel shoes hats, sunnies, shorts. Pretty much everything that Noble does. Rich Froning was on the show a couple days ago, and he mentioned that the Noble shoes were absolutely fucking horrible and unwearable.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Is there any truth to that? I'm not sure. I haven't tried them. Oh, good answer. Good answer. And you don't have to wear them, right? No, we don't have to wear them for the games. All right. You get to wear your own shoes. Sorry, say that again.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Yeah, I can wear my Tia shoes. She's good. It's weird. You're cutting in and out. Oh. It's not your... I don't think it's your fault hold up hear me now yeah those are nice yeah they're awesome shoes it's i'm so impressed how well their first shoe went like i've i've had rebox nikes for years and yeah these have been awesome i love them are they
Starting point is 00:29:28 wide yeah i can't do that metcon it's like for fucking stick feet it's like for like if you only have three toes yeah these are a lot wider which is good it's i've got a wide foot so helps me about the rad shoes too i'm concerned that their first shoe is not going to be very good Oh like it's not going to be wide enough Or it's going to be like made of cardboard like the noble shoes Made of cardboard Oh Is Vellner a team? Did I see Vellner in that
Starting point is 00:29:57 Commercial? Is he one of their athletes too? Yeah Vellner's with them Oh shit I thought but isn't he a Reebok dude? Nah he left Reebok dude no he left reba fucking genius have you ever do you ever go to any have you been to any of their events where the two of you are there together uh no not yet oh is that travis mayor yeah Travis there's heaps of us pretty much if you're not with Noble you're with Tear
Starting point is 00:30:27 yeah I need to get with Tear yeah what's up I did 20 rope climbs in 7 minutes and 10 seconds I mean more or less more I mean there's the judge says I only did 19 fuck that dude I'll talk to them I'll see if they send
Starting point is 00:30:44 you a pair of shoes I need a contract Ricky a fucking pair of shoes look at me fucking pair of shoes I need a contract David Attaway I'm going to need a wheelie across the finish line oh
Starting point is 00:30:58 that'd be awesome alright do that for you I'd get some I'd get them for sure. I'd probably flip it and crack my head open. Mom and dad, will they be watching the event? Yeah, they got here last night. Oh, shit. They're here in Madison to support, which is awesome.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Wow. Soaked to have them here. That shit's not cheap. Did they have to sell the home to... Pretty much. Sell a few pigs or what? Holy cow. Are you glad they're there as a party?
Starting point is 00:31:45 Like, oh, man, this is it. Like, daddy's in the crowd. I love it. I love it. You do. Were they at Torian, too? Yeah, they were at Torian as well, yeah. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:31:59 They've pretty much been by my side my whole life, food, sport, and everything. So they love it um ricky how do they how do they process what you've been through the last four years like just do they even do they act like it's a big deal at all do they understand maybe the stress that you went through how do they process it yeah they understand it like it was hard for everyone at first just i process what what was happening and what what we're going to go through and um and my dad said pretty much just well you gotta cop it on the chin son and
Starting point is 00:32:33 um if you want to be back there you know what you got to do and um i'll always be here to support you no matter no matter what and it's your decision in the end and i feel like you know what you want so go and get it i don't remember if it was danielle or or i think it was danielle brandon said this that when she and i'm paraphrasing so if i get this wrong i'm sorry but um that as you working out and as you enter the pain cave and whatever that involves, the distress, muscular fatigue, heavy breathing, the volume goes up in the chatter and you start telling yourself maybe some stories. This is hard. Why am I doing this? I might want to quit.
Starting point is 00:33:22 This is hard. And there becomes like this. Maybe I should take a break here. And she said that she would listen to that voice for like a year. Yeah. And that this year she's done something different where instead of like listening to the voice, she's leaning into the pain, meaning she's switching her awareness more into her body and just taking the suffering. she's going switching her awareness more into her body and just taking the suffering and when you said that your dad told you hey just take it on the chin it's different than working out but it's a big moment of life is there is there a point where it's like hey i'm not gonna be able to
Starting point is 00:33:55 run away from this i'm gonna just lean into this like fuck it just owning this shit just gonna lean into it yeah very similar scenario like i'm not the type of person to just curl up in a ball and and run away and hide from who i am and i wasn't gonna let my identity identity be be that so i um wanted yeah, have the opportunity to accept the mistake I made and move on and just kind of rewrite my own identity and not be a – yeah. I was thinking even like lean into it more like the other. I was thinking like open your own testosterone replacement clinic. Like just be like, fuck you. I'm going the other way. Like I'm just leaning into it.
Starting point is 00:34:55 You know what I mean? Take $5 million and have your own supplement. Could have. Business-wise, money-wise wise it could have been smarter but yeah just lean into it be like all right like you i mean you see uh who's the guy the guy from england who got who got popped it uh in the olympics and he's got the biggest weightlifting seminars in the world now oh yeah sunny webster yeah and he's have you met him yeah he seems cool as shit he's awesome yeah he's funny guy yeah strong as shit and He's awesome. Yeah. He's a funny guy. Yeah. Strong as shit.
Starting point is 00:35:25 And it's, he's awesome. Um, how, of all your attributes, what are you most proud of in your growth from, uh, physical attributes,
Starting point is 00:35:35 uh, from 17 to now your engine, your strength, your gymnastics. Is there, is there a place where you're like, um, all of them?
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah, probably definitely my, my strength and strength endurance, I think, has improved a lot from 2017. I feel like my engine and cardio is pretty similar, but my strength has gone through the roof, and just my ability ability to withstand like longer workouts and like more reps with the barbell and stuff has improved uh um and and go ahead just like the high-end reps with the barbell has improved this guy uh roman uh krennikoff um you competed against him in uh wow wow crazy
Starting point is 00:36:34 that was that was my my old one rep max overhead squat for three reps wow when is that that's five weeks ago wow yeah is that your gym yeah that's my brother's gym oh that's nice yeah it's not it's not massive but it's a nice neat little gym um what were your thoughts on on roman at the um from dubai the the talk always is that he has a massive engine um you beat him in the run uh skierg was that it yeah grand yeah and he's supposed to be amazing at the machines yeah yeah he's incredible at the machines as far as i've witnessed but yeah he was impressive at jubiah he was um i was just impressed how big he is and how much he weighs and how well he still performs on gymnastics and cardio stuff which is i thought was impressive. 18 pounds. I mean, you're 202.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I think he's 220, right? Yeah, I think so, yeah. Maybe even more. Have you seen him? Yeah, yeah, I've seen him. And does he look big? He looks a lot leaner than he did in Dubai. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I said g'day to him. I got a photo. You did? yeah is it up on your Instagram? nah Snorri put it up on his on his Instagram oh I wanna see it I wanna see the size
Starting point is 00:38:15 on his story okay yeah he put up like a story and said two guys that have waited five years to be here, but both very different situations.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Have you thought at all about next year yet? Not a lot. Have you thought about how many years you'll do this any chance this could be your last year no definitely not i um i'd love to kind of pay back what i've missed so i'll do another four or five years as long as my body holds up you're 28 yeah so if you'd like to get it at it till you're 32 yeah maybe 32 33 yeah if i'm feeling good i'll keep going i wonder how old he is i don't think he's as old as you are you are you in your prime yeah i feel like it. I feel like 28 is a good age.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Yeah, it's so hard to tell. I remember when I was 28, just my whole 20s to 34 felt the same. Oh, yeah? And then at 34, something just changed. Got better? No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:39:43 When was? No. No. Really, it just comes down to warming up. Yeah. It just reaches a point where like, hey, you just can't move unless you warm up. Yeah, yeah. Like you just hit an age, at least for me. Pardon? I can definitely notice that from now compared to four or five years ago.
Starting point is 00:40:04 It's like you have to be more diligent and disciplined with the warm-ups and cool downs and recovery and stuff and maybe it was always like that maybe you always needed to be sweating to be at your peak performance and i just didn't realize it because when you're young you just dive in full steam ahead cold. Yeah. You don't accept the consequences that could happen. You just don't even think about it. You just send it. How many workouts have they announced? Three.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Three. And any idea of how many there will be in its totality? Maybe 12 by the look of it. Okay okay i feel like there'll be more there's 11 time slots and so far the three workouts they've given you are each in their own time slot so none of them count as two well they they run with the jerks max jerks is two scored events oh it's like one event but there's technically two on the leaderboard okay and so that's how you get 12 already yeah the 11 times that's what's on okay yeah uh ricky did you see my rope climb video he doesn't have time for that shit sorry i did
Starting point is 00:41:18 no you don't i'm how dare you make me ask him that, the great Ricky Garrard. I apologize. What did you do? Oh, there it is. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you guys look the same size. Is O2 a sponsor of yours? No, no.
Starting point is 00:41:39 They just gave us a free case at Check-In. I can't drink that stuff. No, why is that? It's not carbonated. What's wrong with that? I don't know. That's a great question. I don't drink that stuff. No, why's that? It's not carbonated. What's wrong with that? I don't know. That's a great question. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:51 I mean, Gatorade's not carbonated either. Maybe his head is a little bigger than yours. Yeah, yeah. I've got a big head too, though. You say you both have pretty big heads. It's about the same. How kind of snory to write that. Two very different reasons, you son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Well, I'm pumped to see how you're going to do. Thanks. Oh, this guy is saying he's 20 pounds bigger. But I don't know if he's 20 pounds bigger. He looked pretty lean. Not sure. Maybe. Ricky has flat ears.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Roman is flying. Hey, did you see him on the bike? Do they have bikes in Russia? No, I didn't see him on the bike. I was wondering that. I know he can ride a C2 bike. That's for sure. So soon find out.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Roman was 26 in January. Don't know if he turned 27 now. Yeah, I thought he was about that age. Okay. Well, I will be bugging you throughout the week. If you get a chance, come if not don't come on it's not a big deal either way well it is a big deal but it's not a big deal yeah yeah if i if i'm feeling it and i got time i'll i'll come on all right bitch him you demand dude tell story i said what's up uh we'll be rooting for you and it's great to see you back in the game awesome thanks a lot
Starting point is 00:43:25 later dude good luck Ricky at least he didn't freeze at all can you tell I'm just like sweats just pouring down my face no not at all you don't look nervous at all oh no not nervous I just worked out
Starting point is 00:43:44 I'm just like wet. Just soaking. My hair won't even dry. I showered even. You know when you work out and shower? Oh, yeah. You know what it's like to be in a hot place and always sweating? All the time. How come I don't hear your air conditioner just humming um it it's it's a quiet one it's actually it's pretty quiet but it's going 24 7 it is oh shit did i send did i send jay crouch yeah i don't hear it at all. Did I? I'm getting news. It doesn't look like Katrin would be eligible for a team in Iceland. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Taylor Self sent me a text trying to get me to buy him a new computer. You can fuck off. Um, someone sent me a text saying, listening to Brian eat on air is disgusting, but you're amazing. I didn't, I didn't think it was so bad. He's a busy guy. Yeah. I didn't think it was so bad. He's a busy guy. Yeah, I didn't think it was so bad.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Oh, how cute. Jay and Rob. What's up? How's it going? Together again. Good. I'm moist. Are you guys moist?
Starting point is 00:45:17 I'm moist. Very moist. Oh, I really like that in the background. That is something yummy. Is that a mannequin? Is that just a shirtless mannequin back there no that's my security god damn oh is that your brother i heard your brother's there with you is that him security god to protect uh to protect you from me or to protect who's
Starting point is 00:45:40 okay so if i do it get squirrely he'll just come over here and just fucking just punch me out i understood i'll be on my best behavior we've got another one of those at the front of your house oh shit you do holy shit it's a topless girl that's killer you sent me the girl and you kept the dude oh you guys are the best you guys are the best uh oh my god is he going to be there the whole time my god i hope so do you have a mark will you if you have a marker will you just go over and draw on him i want to see like see like the definition on his right peck just go draw a black line around his titty right there like this and they want to see i thought all the um texters and cry on such i wouldn't ride on the walls
Starting point is 00:46:33 is that your hotel room yeah uh we just had ricky on and uh r Ricky said that you might be the second best bike rider at the event. Is that true? Potentially. We'll see. First best. Okay. Okay. That's what I was considering.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Okay. So it is. But it is you and Ricky. There was no one else. Did you see anyone else who looked like. In like a little practice that we had ricky and i were probably the ones that were sending it okay and not because you guys are um australian show-off braggadocio types but because you guys are just better maybe a bit of both i'd throw travis mayer in the mix too because
Starting point is 00:47:21 he used to race motocross okay that that's uh gonna play a part i reckon the willingness to get a little bit of aggressive and choose some nice lines yeah that workout's gonna be fun um but i have you in the in my we did we're doing a fantasy um a league and i have you spencer saxon and colton that i should stick you in that one right you're definitely gonna oh yeah you're gonna beat colton in that one yeah yeah yeah promise you promise yeah i got you thank you oh i can't believe you're there are you fucking pumped yeah it's exciting it's exciting and after that like i heard that work yeah that it got me real pumped up um rob what's the highest you ever placed at the games uh 12th um jay do you are you gonna do
Starting point is 00:48:11 that this year you're gonna just like like rob sorry like this is yeah it's going 11 11 or higher it's a good number to chase that's for sure i'd be happy if you did that yeah i would be too he uh he's about seventh in the open worldwide my best was sixth worldwide so he has one spot off that um what does the field look like to you rob now when you were there are these better dudes yeah i think it goes deeper through the field where um there was a bit of a gap from say five or even seven down um from what i remember so yeah i agree with all the hype and what everyone's saying that the field is a lot deeper and um it's it's a lot harder to tell who's gonna place where like you literally don't know like i've he's definitely fitter and a lot harder to tell who's going to place where. You literally don't know. He's definitely fitter and a lot better in a lot of areas,
Starting point is 00:49:09 but how that stacks up on the leaderboard, I have no idea. But he won the Torian, and it was a stiff competition. Yeah. That's what I look at too the guys that he beat he put a bigger gap on them in points than last year and there was less points available for that competition so that says that he's to me in that competition separated himself from who he was competing against last year so from who he was competing against last year. But again, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:46 Right. Jay, are you the guy who stepped onto the court at Torian? Do you already feel more mature than that guy? No, I feel in the same place. I feel like going into that season, I mean, going into that comp, I was pretty confident and mature, I guess. I just feel a lot more, like, calm being here and, like, sort of the novelty of the game sort of has worn off where, like, you know, where you'd be, like, excited to, you know, get the gear,
Starting point is 00:50:21 all that sort of stuff. I sort of felt like, you know, I've done this before. And, I mean, it's still exciting, don't get me wrong but luck yeah I just feel like instead of sort of this being the end goal the end goal now is to do as best as I can here um and yeah that's where we're at I I yesterday in the show I was thinking about the way Saxon walks onto the field now versus my memories of him first walking onto the field now when he walks onto the field it looks like he's just walking into his home gym like and you and you see that in the older guys like you see that in rich like it just looks like he's home there's no uncertainty or do you feel and that's what you're saying you're starting to experience that like here give me my shit here i've got my hotel room like let's fucking rock for sure for sure i feel like i'm definitely on my way there definitely
Starting point is 00:51:10 i'm i'm so i'm so pumped for you how old are you 23 yeah um i i think you could be a games champ i think you can fuck with madaris i appreciate that yeah rob what do you think yeah I agree I agree he's got all the there's no reason why I can't get to that level so yeah I completely agree he there's something like pristine about him already like he's not like like that thing Medeiros has like just like young and like no matter how hard he goes he still looks brand new yeah i completely agree it's got all the physical uh attributes and um i still think there'll be some lessons along the way that needs to be learned and you know get that a little bit more of a fire in the belly in the off season and things will go to another level which i think happened for this season compared to last season as well.
Starting point is 00:52:06 How do you interpret what he just said, Jay, when he says fire in the belly? Like, is that if I just run with it all the way in one direction? Oh, there's Toby. It's Toby. That's Toby back there. Toby, motherfucking Toby. Is Rob saying that you don't want I'm am i hearing that rob saying you don't want to win bad enough in the off season you're just out just fucking doing drugs and fucking off and wakeboarding and shit um no but i suppose it's just more i suppose thinking about that all year but i mean i probably could have less beers on the off-season.
Starting point is 00:52:45 But, yeah, I think just having that goal in mind all year and on the off-season and then I suppose, yeah, it gets attacked a whole different way. And in his defence, the last two years we have been in the most locked down city in the world. So that's demotivating as well. Being stuck at home. And even when he got back from the games last year,
Starting point is 00:53:10 we're in lockdown in the lead up to the games, we're in lockdown. So all of that stuff would have played a part too. I'm going to say something. It's going to sound kind of crazy, but bear with me here. Why not just fuck it and go outside and train. And if they take you to prison, just fucking train your ass off there like who gives a fuck like what are they gonna do to
Starting point is 00:53:28 you is that what they'll do would they really take say that again rob i did get a ten thousand dollar fine but you did yeah like ten thousand that's like nine thousand american dollars yeah oh seven thousand at least holy fuck for what for leaving your gym open yeah just for having um yeah training training area outside people could come and train and use our equipment outside if they lived within a 5k radius then we got fucked over god i would i would find it so hard not to find that whoever gave me that fine and fucked them up. Did somebody call the cops on you guys? Oh, my God. I think so.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Yeah. I think so. But then the Department of Health and Human Services came. Yeah. Rob, you have kids, don't you? Yeah, I've got two, a nine-month-old and a three-year-old. Yeah. How the fuck is someone fining a dude like that with kids?
Starting point is 00:54:24 I just want to fucking mash that person so so you actually stay inside yeah you had i think the the most you're going your backyard the most restricted we were was you could go um you know five kilometers from your home to go to the supermarket or like exercise for like an hour i don't know it's just all silly rules like yeah there was like a curfew when i had my daughter so yeah she's nine months i got pulled over on the way back from the hospital because of the curfew and i'm like i'm out because i just had a daughter just born so that's why i'm out they're like okay congratulations blah blah blah yeah here's a here's a fine no i didn't get a fine i'm never fine for that one i got one word for everyone guns that's pretty unlucky we were so unlucky that if it was right
Starting point is 00:55:20 in titties we would have caught a massive dick no shit it is that unlucky it was raining titties, we would have caught a massive dick. No shit! It is that unlucky! It is that unlucky! Hey! I live on the greatest continent in the world, Australia. But we're so unlucky here that if it's raining titties, we would catch a dick. Wow, that's good. You're good. A massive dick.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Titties! Wow! Fuck! Oh my goodness thank you Rob you're a good dude for getting that in there why do you Jay you don't have any like holes right like there's no like okay you can't swim
Starting point is 00:56:03 or you can't run or, or, or you're going to be stuck staring at a bar. Like that's what I mean by a hole. Yeah. Not, not, not anything.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I would say that's a big standout. If there's something that won't show up, the glute hand raises, he fucking sucks up, but that won't show up. That's not even a movement. It's an accessory thing. He sucks up. What do't show. That's not even a movement. It's an accessory thing he sucks up. What do you mean? That's the thing where
Starting point is 00:56:29 you're like this and you lean forward like this and you gotta pull yourself back up like that? Oh fuck, what if Adrian puts that in? That could be some weird circus gymnastics trick. Mute that part out there. Hey, do you guys, are you guys doing monkey pox in Australia? Have they started that nonsense up are you guys doing monkey pox in australia have they started that nonsense up with you guys monkey pox no no i don't know i don't watch the
Starting point is 00:56:51 news or anything so like yeah okay they're starting up they're starting up a new one here in the states uh how how was the travel into the country chill um? Yeah, the first week was to Melbourne to LA was pretty good. But the flight that we were supposed to have on Saturday to come to Madison got fully cancelled and then we're going to be sort of – it was going to get changed to the next day and we're going to be late for check-in so we had to uh rebook all that and uh we ended up in madison uh drove down so change of plans yeah again and ended up in madison at what 3 a.m yeah again did you grow from chicago bought a dick it sounds like you did it sounds like you
Starting point is 00:57:47 guys did catch a dick yeah we bought a dick uh uh so you drove from chicago to madison i think that's what caleb was gonna ask yeah yeah we got uh a ram 1500 so it was actually a nice drive. And Toby, it was the three of you guys? He was in the trike. Of course, of course. And did you have to stay the night in LA? No, we stayed the week in LA after the big 14-hour flight, and then from LA was when we got sort of stuffed around. Okay, so you were planning to stay in LA already.
Starting point is 00:58:29 It wasn't like you were there and stranded at the airport. Why did you guys come a week early to LA? You know someone there? No, it was just we thought it was just going to be easy. It was nice just to do the big flight and stay there instead of sort of doing the big flight and then going somewhere else. Right. And, yeah, it's easy there, you know.
Starting point is 00:58:48 They've got everything we need there. I was pretty comfortable, you know, going there, I know, quite a bit, just staying there so many years in a row. And I knew that there was quite a few gyms and options for everything there. And the guys at Next Level CrossFit in, was it Redondo Beach? They were awesome. They really looked after us, took us out to stop golf. Yeah, they were really welcoming,
Starting point is 00:59:17 let us use the gym for like a four-hour period every day. So it was really good to listen. It sounds like i just got a text that uh katrin is going to be joining the reykjavik team oh yeah i had a couple of boys talking about that today it sounds like lauren fisher's out didn't lauren have a shoulder injury before in her career does that sound familiar to you guys no maybe rob would know she's more from rob's era yeah yeah i'm not sure but yeah we heard that today that katrin might be jumping in we're like how does that happen um it it says uh looks like they can list anyone as their alternates they may have just named katrin that would be nuts so it sounds like uh lauren fisher is out and katrin is in let's just say that for now
Starting point is 01:00:08 and if it's not true then fuck it we'll we'll we'll unfix it hey um are you are you noble athlete jay no i'm with rebook yeah and what shoes are you gonna be be running in? Are you going to be running? Nanos. Oh, awesome. Do you have a favorite pair of Nanos? Yeah, just the latest ones, the X2s, and just black and gum. Keep it simple. Yeah, those are awesome looking. Can you still get the Nano 2? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:42 It's the X2, so it's like, what it like the 12th i i think they they were doing the old nano 2 um if he raids my cupboard you'll find some yeah you do rob you got a bunch of those uh yeah i've got a bunch of every nano yeah you keep them so i've probably got like 80 pairs of shoes at home and what's your favorite um it was hey what's your wife say about 80 pairs i got a fucking i don't want to tell you how many i have it's fucking weird too but uh yeah but probably one of the only things that's like i fight with my wife not fight but she just will go in the closet and be like,
Starting point is 01:01:26 are you fucking out of your mind? I'm like, shh, don't tell her. Yeah, I get that. She's like, get rid of all these shoes. Do you really need all these? I'm like, yeah. I don't even want them. I just can't part with them.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I just can't part with them. It's like it's raining titties. It's raining titties in my closet. That's right. No dicks. And Reebok's paying 12K, I think, think per event win so be stupid not to wear them oh no shit they're doing that again this year yeah every athlete that's wearing rebox shoes if you win wearing the rebox shoes you get an extra 12k yeah how you're gonna wear rebox during that bike event yes Yes. Hey, the comparison between the Nano 2 and the Nobles is like –
Starting point is 01:02:14 I mean, there is no comparison. You might as well just be running on a fucking bed of nails wearing the Noble. It sounds like the Noble are the worst shoes ever fucking made, and it's weird because they're trying to give them to crossfitters it's fucking nuts have you worn a pair? Mr. J
Starting point is 01:02:32 I've never worn a pair the first pair that we the first pair that I had seen was last year at the games but I didn't wear any of them has Toby worn a pair of Noble? he wouldn't be caught dead in those that I had seen was last year at the games, but I didn't wear any of them. Has Toby won a pair of Noble? He wouldn't be caught dead in those.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Um, no. Toby just smears his bare feet in dog shit and walks around. Like, what, you got a problem? What the fuck? Yeah. Have you ever won the Nobles, Rob? No no i've been with reebok for 10 years there oh shit no yeah they're awesome i i i the nano 2 is just by far the best shoe if you have wide feet
Starting point is 01:03:20 yeah yeah i feel i feel like the latest ones they've got pretty right again I like them they don't get you didn't get there and they give you each three pair of noble shoes or something like that the floral pattern the white the black here you go yeah we got a lot we got a whole bag full of shoes and they're
Starting point is 01:03:39 behind you somewhere right now but you just haven't put them on yeah let's look at those things do you have a pair of scissors let's cut a pair of those nobles in somewhere right now, but you just haven't put them on. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Let's look at those things. Do you have a pair of scissors? Let's cut a pair of those nobles in half right now. You don't like them? Obviously. It's got a sack full.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Come here. Come here. Put those. I got these from Home Depot. They can cut through anything. What the? Oh my goodness. Look at that soul.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Oh, that's one. That's one of those butt firming souls oh my goodness oh my goodness come here bring those up here bring those up here i just snipe those in half hey that bag is nice oh my goodness look at that soul. I'd be 5'8 with those. 5'8. How tall are you, Jay? 5'9, 5'10. I don't know. 175 centimeters. Ridiculous. Oh, I like it says CrossFit on the bottom. Those are ridiculous soles.
Starting point is 01:04:40 See what's wrong? These look cool. Oh, wow. Wear these Sunday night. Bowling shoes. Hey, let me see the toe. Let me see the toe. Oh, wow. Bowling shoes. Hey, let me see the toe. Let me see the toe. Yeah, my foot couldn't fit in there.
Starting point is 01:04:54 I got man feet. Look at Rob. Look at Rob. Can those fit in there? I'll slip them on for you almost knocked my coffee over hey that would have been awesome if toby was back there with a bat just fucking hitting home runs with those to the um text no one this is it just you guys and then tonight we're doing uh last night we did the uh
Starting point is 01:05:26 roundup for the um uh we predicted the men and their placements of how they're going to rank these fucking guys had dylan pepper ahead of you now i know he's fucking good but you won your fucking region on our not in our respect that i was so excited when I got you and when I picked you Brian Friend goes fuck because he knew I got the good dude but the rest of these dorks are just like they don't get it
Starting point is 01:05:54 I saw Brian yesterday how is he he's good he's a legend he is 24th. Jesus, that's worse than last year. Oh my goodness. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Oh my goodness. Wow. You're down there with just a bunch of... You're down there with old Americans and European dudes. Yeah. It's not good company. Were they Brian's picks? Those were Brian's, yeah. I i'm gonna have to have a word with him let him know let him know it's gonna be raining dicks on him hey those shoes aren't
Starting point is 01:06:37 those shoes aren't those shoes aren't 350 dollars are they are they um i don't know i have heard that um noble stuff is a bit expensive uh ricky was ricky was wearing one of those uh tyr shirts tire shirts uh yeah and those are those are nice that shirt you're wearing is nice that's a noble shirt huh yeah yeah you look you look buff as shit in that oh thank you man that's better than toby's shirt yeah um anyone pull out yet anything you can give us anything you heard you see anyone come in with crushes crutches you see like yana koski on crutches or anything or no no olsen with a bag of ice on his shoulder. Everyone looks pretty good so far. Everyone was excited to get on a bike.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I don't know. I suppose we'll see after the first day. Did you see Colton on a bike? No, he wasn't in our group. Let's take the seat off. I'm wondering. I know. I'm wondering.
Starting point is 01:07:41 I'm wondering. It's a joke, but it's not a joke. I think it's a joke, but it's not a joke. I think now there's I don't know if it went any smaller than the size small frame, but I think you'd be fine on a small. I was on a medium. I think in general, smalls are for people who are five, five. Dudes who are five, five, because I'm five, five and like smalls, like usually like, but, but a lot of bikes,
Starting point is 01:08:09 sometimes I'll even ride a large bike and I feel like I'm cramped up in there. So I guess. Yeah. Who's the, who's the manufacturer of the bike? Uh, Trek. Okay.
Starting point is 01:08:18 And they're local to Madison, right? Oh, are they? I think so. I think they are. Yeah. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Yeah. We've both got Trek bikes at home dual suspension ones um when this is over uh what do you guys do do you go straight home or do you hang out in the states yeah we're uh we go back to la on monday for the night and then fly home tuesday no we're gonna drive up see savant... Oh yeah, go to Savant's house. You guys are so welcome to do that. You are so welcome to do that. I live all the way in California. It'd be about a two-day drive non-stop
Starting point is 01:08:56 right on the Pacific Ocean. You guys would have a blast. You could bring Toby. I'll let him know when the clock's off. I have a doghouse for Toby. I'll let him know when the clock's off. I have a doghouse for Toby. So this guy, Homer Simpson, gave me 10 of something. I don't know what money that is, but it's something. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:19 And he says, Sevan, viscosity doesn't matter at 50. So the other day, someone was asking me if my tubes were tied like my like if i like got snipped and when you get snipped i what i believe happens is the hundreds of millions of sperm that are injected into the liquid that transports them into the vagina it stops those dudes from getting in the liquid right that liquid's called semen so when the liquid comes out of your penis that's the semen it's like the all it's like the swimming pool and the dudes and the swimmers in one and it leaves your penis and goes into the vagina i mean i know you guys know this i told these guys that i would never get snipped because i think it would change the the the thickness of that load it would change it like change the thickness of that load.
Starting point is 01:10:06 It would change the makeup of it. You know what I mean? It would be like eggs that are too runny or something. Or like if you're making chocolate chip cookies and you just put too much water in there or something. And this fucking guy is telling me it doesn't matter at 50. I don't have enough swimmers to change the load the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, to change like the, the, the low, but I,
Starting point is 01:10:26 I, I, but I, that's why I'm not getting snipped. Cause I don't want to change. I just wait to eventually they got to go through menopause. Why should I get snipped? Eventually they can run out of eggs and it's fucking game on party away.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Sounds fair enough. Yeah. See so heidi so you do admit it changes the viscosity i wonder if it changes the taste all right all right all right let's clean you should ask the california hormones doc if it changes it uh and when you go back to aust Australia, will you have to quarantine? No, it's all back to normal, which is good. No stress. It is back to normal? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:20 The Asian people are still wearing masks in Australia, though, right? Yeah, probably. Yeah, there's people that are still wearing masks everywhere, just being, I guess, conservative and trying to be safe, whatever. Those masks end up in our oceans, being thoughtless towards the fish
Starting point is 01:11:37 in the oceans. I thought exactly that during the whole COVID thing, how much waste you're going through for everything being over the top. And then a few months later, 12 months later, they go and say you don't have to wipe equipment down because it's airborne disease. You can't get it by touching things.
Starting point is 01:11:59 So just, yeah, there's a lot of that going on. You can't get it by touch oh jeez this fucking world okay anyway you guys are always welcome to move to the united states i want to let you know you have an open invitation yeah i know i know you you live you live in a great you live in a great country you just got some weirdos over there we got some weirdos over here but we have a couple states that you guys could hide in texas florida um i appreciate you guys coming on i'll be bugging you guys throughout the week is that phone number so you have an iphone now in the states jay yeah i have a sim card yeah okay so when i text that that thread that me you and matt suzer on is it okay to text
Starting point is 01:12:42 that or am i fucking up your minutes no for sure okay and what happens toby carries your phone and like and like he he checks every text and then relays them to you yeah something like that okay all right gentlemen thank you so much for coming on i know you're gonna kick ass yeah Jay, you're my guy. I appreciate it. Bring it home for us, buddy. Will do. See you later, brother. Mr. Rob Forte, the legend. Thanks for coming on, dude.
Starting point is 01:13:12 See you, guys. Yep, you guys are awesome. Bye. Bye. Americans are fucked. Okay, fine. If you say so. Asians wear masks everywhere.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Racist. Oh, man, what's going on in New Zealand is nuts. It's nuts. I was reading this morning. So there's this report coming out in New Zealand that people are dying from who got the vaccine. And then, so then I put it to a fact check and the fact check says, no,
Starting point is 01:13:51 it's false. Facebook fact checked it and it's false. But then the Facebook fact check says only three people have died from the vaccine. I'm like, motherfucker. It says the article's fake. And then the fact check says only three people have died i'm like oh that's that's enough for me not really 170 171 reported deaths in new zealand
Starting point is 01:14:12 from the vaccine only facebook says only three of them are real well great jesus christ well great there are people still wearing masks out here too yeah there's people oh at the games there's people wearing masks i heard i heard uh fukowski and his wife are walking around with masks i bet adler's wearing one too they're not even asian only asian culturally only asians have to keep wearing masks that's their that's that's cultural appropriation when white people wear masks you know that's offensive yeah it's offensive it's masks. You know that? That's offensive. Yeah, it's offensive. It's only Asians do that. Cancel those motherfuckers.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Hey, I really want this company to sponsor me. Speaking of semen. TYR. I'm going to go to their about. Wow. Wow. Are you on their website? about. Wow. Wow. Are you on their website?
Starting point is 01:15:09 No, I just went to their Instagram. Go to their about page. Oh my goodness. I'm made for these guys. Or they're made for me. Founded in Huntington beach, California by swimwear designer Joseph DiLorenzo
Starting point is 01:15:27 current owner 1972 Olympic bronze medalist Steven Furness see we're born the same year oh no I was born the year he won the bronze dude that dude must be old as dirt tier sports was established in 1985
Starting point is 01:15:44 to provide the competitive swim market with a vibrant performance-driven Prince. Dude, their American bathing suits are dope. I'm going to get my kid a wetsuit, a Tier wetsuit. Yeah, they're dope. They used to
Starting point is 01:15:59 sponsor the company that I used to teach them lessons for. Are you look at... Here, I want to show you something. Share screen. Right here – so those swimsuits and – what's that? Is that a wetsuit? Yeah, I think that's a wetsuit. It's a full-body suit, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Apparel, swimwear, triathlon. is is it is it what's this something called a swim skin what's a swim skin oh wow oh like a full body swimsuit swim equipment apparel, features, sunglasses, swimwear. Oh, technical suits. Have you seen these swimsuits that you can only wear a couple times and then you throw them away? No, what are those? Are they like recycled or something? They're just like super high-end. You know, it's like they're for swim meets only.
Starting point is 01:17:03 They're $800 for a pair or something and you throw throw them away i suppose afterwards it's so stretched out it's not gonna have the same properties i oh yeah interesting i have a pair of their swim goggles affordable effective 10 out of 10 would recommend kenneth i almost uh put you on timeout on accident like i clicked a button and it said do you want to put this guy in timeout? Is T.R. Gunning for title sponsor in a few years? Is that likely? Fuck if I know. Anything's possible, Julian. Come on. I have a feeling their shoes aren't doing
Starting point is 01:17:35 so good over at Noble. I think they're having a bad shoe sale day. Well, shit, it's only only shoes for five years straight i think people get tired of it and and they're just remember that remember that phase that women went through like a couple years ago where they had their pants pulled up really high yeah like like they have like high-waisted leggings and high-waisted pants and shit like that now yeah it was just it was just fucking weird and that's what how i feel about noble shoes like their soul looks like like dude like no it's like hey it's like the like they're trying to
Starting point is 01:18:16 be cool by how ugly to make their stuff it's like no they're trying to be like jim shark almost is that that's what Noah wears, right? That's like all the buff dudes wear it? Yeah, just like a bunch of bodybuilders and I don't know, juiced up fuckers. Yeah, that's what I think of when I think of Jim Shark. No judgment. Okay, tonight
Starting point is 01:18:37 at 6pm Pacific Standard time, are you going to be, what time is that for you? Caleb? I don't know tomorrow hey your voice has changed like now that you're now that you're working full time hello caller how are you hello hello how are you doing good i'm concerned about caleb he's not concerned he's just different he's changed a little bit since he's flown overseas. How are you?
Starting point is 01:19:08 Hello. Hi. Hi, how are you doing? I'm amazing. I've been touched by God. That's amazing. I've been listening to your podcast for a long time and finally I decided to call. Thank you. Where are you calling from? I'm from Mexico, but I'm living in Houston. Are you a UFC fan?
Starting point is 01:19:35 I'm a huge fan from your podcast. Oh, cool. Oh, awesome. Awesome. Awesome. I love it because UFC's got Derek Lewis down there, and I know they had a fight in Dallas this past weekend. And, yeah. And I know they had a fight in Dallas this past weekend.
Starting point is 01:19:52 And I know the first UFC Mexican champ fought on that card, Moreno, and they were saying it was like Mexico down there. Yeah, I saw the fight on the internet. I was not able to go. I don't go often to much here. I recently moved, so I'm looking for the American dream still. You're looking for what? The American what? Oh, dream. The American dream. So I work my ass off.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Like every fucking immigrant does. Yeah, that's true. Work your ass off. Yeah. But I saw Brando Moreno winning. He's a amazing fighter with the fucking huge heart right i mean the heart on that guy is amazing
Starting point is 01:20:31 yeah you saw the the bruising the eye like the that's not and everything he's fucking strong yeah and how about at the end of the fight when they brought in the um uh the brazilian guy and they wanted to like start a beef and he says, hey, my daughter's watching. I'm not acting like an asshole. Sorry. I'm like, wow. Wow. It's pretty common because he's a true at the end.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Yep. Yep. Yep. I got to get that guy on the show. And, you know, his coach, James Krause, has been on the show at least once. And he's a stand-up guy, too. Amazing guy.
Starting point is 01:21:07 He's pretty loose, and he's more open to podcasts. He participates a lot in a podcast in Mexico from Roberto Martinez. He's a Mexican podcaster, but he goes a lot. He has really good communication and everything. So it will be easy to get him, I guess. Yeah. Are you a CrossFitter? Yes. and everything so it will be easy to get him i guess yeah are you a crossfitter yeah i've been doing crossfitting for nine years so nine years already no shit were you doing it in mexico
Starting point is 01:21:31 yes of course um you know mexico was i don't know if it's still a problem but mexico was one of the only countries where we couldn't get the trademark when i worked at crossfit someone had bought it and they were refusing to let go of it but they said they would sell it to us for two million dollars and i think that greg was like hey fuck you but because of that there were always very few gyms crossfit gyms in um mexico because they could just call themselves crossfit without you know uh having to sign up because we didn't own the trademark there practically what happened every time in Mexico, a lot of,
Starting point is 01:22:06 uh, bureaucracy about money and people love to make some shit. Uh, I understand that the place I just started doing crossfit, uh, was not up to later. And we had crossfit as a name and then we changed it because of that thing.
Starting point is 01:22:23 And even we have have at least I have my L1 and when I requested to do it I even got a special prize for doing it in Mexico because they are trying to support the Mexican people to get affiliated I got a 50% discount
Starting point is 01:22:40 in my L1 I think it's the only country that we have that because when I contact CrossFit because I wanted to get the seminar, they offer me a 50% off.
Starting point is 01:22:53 What year was that? What year was that? Last year. I think it was January, but they told me and a friend of mine, he just contacted them
Starting point is 01:23:02 and he got a 20% discount. What did you think of the L1? I love it. They told me and a friend of mine, he just contacted them and he got a 20% discount. What did you think of the L1? I love it. I really like it. I wasn't afraid to do it because I had the money and everything and I wasn't scheduling and cancel it. But like a week before the date, I started to read the guide and everything. I started to read the guide and everything. And at least the people that I got it with,
Starting point is 01:23:31 Steffi and Gabo are the Mexican people that they did a seminar. I really like it. They are super, super fun and they make it really good, easygoing. Some people from US went there also. So it was really good for me. I learned a lot and I believe now now I know how to apply some things that I already know for years doing craft. And I now I have the basic knowledge and how to tell the other people. Awesome. Here's a little video from excuse me. Here's a little video from March 2nd, 2017. This is in my living room. Avi, who is that?
Starting point is 01:24:07 Look it. Avi is only, fuck, two years old, three years old, and he knows that's Dave Castro. Right there. The open. God, CrossFit. Since 06. Maybe 05.
Starting point is 01:24:22 I started working there in 06, and I've been doing it, I think, since 05. Man, CrossFit, I am a— You, dear CrossFit, you have created a serious, serious problem with me. Holy shit. At least for me, CrossFit was something good because I never walked into any sport. I was, or I am still one of those guys that I have issues with people telling me what to do. So they keep me out from judo, swimming, a lot of sports. So I never did anything. And I was pretty, pretty fat, like 245, 250 pounds.
Starting point is 01:25:01 A fat guy that doesn't like being told what to do. Go on. Yes. So I started doing CrossFit when I was 27. So it helped me a lot with my self-esteem and development with socializing with people. So right now, every time I travel or something, the first thing I do is look for a CrossFit box
Starting point is 01:25:21 and I make a lot of friends. I have the good thing that my sister lives in Europe. So sometimes I go there to visit my nephews and my nieces. So from there I start traveling and I have met a lot of people around. Well, thank you. I'm glad. So now you're able to, when you buy a six pack of Coke, you're able to share one or two of them because of CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:25:43 I met a girlfriend because of CrossFit. I met a girl from because of CrossFit. Oh, good. All right, brother. Thank you for calling. Thank you for being a listener. Thank you for all your support. See ya. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 01:25:57 Can't fucking call the show and start telling about how your sister lives in fucking Europe and you do CrossFit over there. Unless there's nudity in that story. What the fuck kind of story is that? I mean, thank you for calling. Hey, what does this mean, this guy
Starting point is 01:26:11 David Wide says? The Catron story is a blue hat? What does that mean? Is it cat? Oh, it is? That's what he's saying. The Catron story is bullshit. So he says America sucks and the catcher's story is a lie.
Starting point is 01:26:28 Tanner, how can I help you? Hey, Siobhan. Wow, what an honor to see you on the show. Oh, thank you. Quick question. Yes. I've been coaching at a CrossFit affiliate for about a year
Starting point is 01:26:42 and recently got offered a general manager position so full-time position um really appreciate what you're doing for the crossfit community of bringing them back uh to the roots of what crossfit is and what um crossfit has uh where it started and what what would your advice be uh in a to a GM to run a CrossFit gym? Kind of how CrossFit started with the roots. How would you suggest to run a CrossFit gym? Honestly, I bet you I can't tell you anything you don't fucking know already. Let me just ask you this one question.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Did you sleep your way to the top or did you earn it through other means? Did you fuck someone to get the job or did you earn it through being there a long time and adding value to the business? No, I just added value to hard worker and was willing to be in areas of I work full time and it's coaching. So it's a little different than how you run your gym runs a little bit different than HQ at HQ. There's several people who fucked their way to the top currently. So, so that's good. I think it's better to earn your way through accolades and business acumen and what you, how you add value to the clients,
Starting point is 01:27:58 then a bang in your seat experience. So man, let me ask you the question how do you think why do you think they promoted you to that um i don't know i think i was i've been faithful i've been a really hard worker i think i see value in our clients and our members um i took over the foundation or like foundations program and they really enjoyed, they really liked how I ran the foundation program. Um, and they kind of want more of what I had to offer, uh, the table. And so they brought me on and offered me a full-time position. Um, and, and are you, were you always available to the owners? Like, are you, are you like, uh, they call you up. Can you work today? Yes.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Can you work tomorrow? Yes. Can you change the schedule tomorrow? Yes. What do you think about being open on Christmas? Yes. Are you that guy? Yes. I've been that guy for them for about a year, year and a half now. Yeah. Yeah. You're a good dude. The two things I hear when you say faithful and you're in, you believe, and you believe in, in your, in the clients. I just, uh, yeah. Do you have a child? Do you have a child? Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm in the car right now. Oh, I don't mind. It was either a child or a lamb. Um, yeah, I think that you, I think the greatest things as human beings that we can offer to other people is believing in other people
Starting point is 01:29:19 and being available and being available. And it sounds like, it sounds like you offered the owners both of that. And if you offer your clients clients that and people just want to be around people who believe in them wow that's awesome that's so good what's the name of your affiliate it's called uh the tribe crossfit tribe that's where it goes by 3f crossfit as well uh do they have plans on staying at CrossFit gym um I'm trying to get into PT school so this is kind of uh temporary while I finish my undergrad so but if the opportunity presented itself I would love to apply to the seminar staff but do the owners plan on staying an affiliate?
Starting point is 01:30:06 Yes, they do. They do. Cool. All right, brother. Well, thanks for calling. Congratulations on the kid. Oh, thank you. Appreciate it. Thanks, Ron.
Starting point is 01:30:14 Thanks, JB. Bye. Thanks. What did he say? Thanks, JB, KB, CB. I don't know. CB, maybe. CB. That's you, Caleb Beaver? I don't know. CB, maybe? CB?
Starting point is 01:30:25 That's you, Caleb Beaver? I guess, yeah. Alright, guys. Tonight at 6pm, we will have the... Is it 6 or 6.30? I think it's like 55 something. Oh, no. That's tomorrow morning at 6.55.
Starting point is 01:30:43 So... Tonight at 6pm,. Oh, okay. Tonight at 6 p.m., we're going to tell you who the winners are of the 2022 CrossFit Games, the women. Brian and John Young will have the winners for you, so you don't even have to watch the games if you don't want to. And then tomorrow morning at 6.55 a.m., I will be having J.R. Howell and the Thumb Taylor self on to talk about the events that have been released and get Jr. And Taylor's opinions on them. And then it doesn't look like we have anything else scheduled for tomorrow or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday or Saturday. I guess I just take like four days off.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Yeah, sure. Get a vacation and set on. You deserve it. All right, guys. Kayla Beaver. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:31:24 Everyone. Julian Garcia. Thank you.

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