The Sevan Podcast - #518 - First Events Released & Amanda Barnhart

Episode Date: August 2, 2022

Three events for the individuals at the CrossFit Games have been released, as well as two team events. Joined by J.R. Howell & Taylor Self to discuss. Then joined by Amanda Barnhart on the eve of the ...CrossFit Games starting tomorrow. Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. We're live. Thank you. Oh, peace. Good morning, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Good morning. You're Madison? Yes, sir. Good morning, JR. Good morning. Oh, wow. Your mic's nice yeah oh yeah hey and i don't know if you need to lean into it um definitely the closer your mouth is to it the better your voice will sound but we'll uh fuck with it um and give you feedback as it goes
Starting point is 00:00:58 congratulations it's cool word thank you do i sound like brian yet yeah better sounds so good sounds so good uh so so um we're starting the show early this morning five minutes early because uh a couple reasons we don't have a lot of time uh with uh jr and taylor they had some other stuff to do and then also we have amanda barnhart coming on i don't know where um taylor is how many how many workouts were announced so far so we've got three okay and uh any any news of uh when a um the next one will be do we have any hints on when when more will be coming out none None. Okay. Let me call Taylor here. I just texted him, too. Have they told us about any workouts
Starting point is 00:01:52 that won't be announced until the events? Have they been like, hey, we're never going to tell you this one until you get on the floor? I haven't heard anything about any events that will be announced on the floor. Okay. I don't know exactly how true this is.
Starting point is 00:02:09 It came from... Hey, this is Taylor. If you could read your name and phone number. It came from an unverified source just in my DM, someone that I don't know. But one of the things I did hear is that there are going to be some new handstand – let me give you the exact wording on that. That there are going to be some new handstand variations, meaning points of performance.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Handstands will be judged, I guess, a little bit different. Something about them is going to be some new handstand variations, meaning points of performance, handstands that will be judged, I guess, a little bit different. Something about them is going to be different. And new jump rope variation. The jump rope variation I have gotten, I don't have a second source. I only have one source, and it's from just my DMs. The handstand one, I have like a half dozen sources pouring into the dms after i mentioned it last night and it sounds like whatever it is only one person on the demo team was able to
Starting point is 00:03:12 do it and that uh adrian bosman ended up demoing which is pretty cool um but i've seen stuff like that before at the games where the demo team is struggling with something and it goes into the games and at three two one go the the athletes on the form floor mop that shit up so uh that that's i'm sure that's something that uh adrian's assessing and adrian has seen before have either of you heard about anything about jump rope and uh handstands i haven't but i'm really curious about the jump rope thing. Cause I think you could always tweak and twist a handstand pushup in different variations of athletes off. But I wonder what the jump rope deal is going to be that, that I'm real
Starting point is 00:03:54 curious about. So if you want to, if you want to take a really long trip down speculation road years ago on Instagram, Travis Mayer posted a video doing single steps, speed steps, right? Like each foot alternating single unders like, like the, like the thing boxers do. Correct. Okay. Yeah, that's cool. And shortly after that, Dave reposted it and said, take a look at both of us. Look how Travis's whatever knees come up a little bit higher than mine, et cetera. That video was then taken off of Dave's Instagram. And this was years ago, like maybe three years ago. And I told people Henshaw has talked about skills early on
Starting point is 00:04:41 in CrossFit being valuable and how, when those things are no longer valuable to you, you stop practicing them. And a lot of his seminars, they do plate hops and they do single unders just to show athletes that learning a low barrier to entry skill, isn't something that you should shy away from. So this is really, really,
Starting point is 00:05:00 really deep speculation, but a lot of people would immediately think triple unders but why would they not possibly do a speed step do a single under in that way uh yeah you know what's interesting about this too is uh adrian has a boxing background and uh is this it wait let me see if this is going to be the one right here uh that they're going to show adrian has a boxing back is that is this it uh let's see i'll find see if i can find an example of it this is what you're talking about right jr right but yeah but it doesn't really look like that you're just basically running in place yeah like okay like you know almost like a high knee drill so you're not you're not touching on the other side with that foot you would just be one two one
Starting point is 00:05:56 two one two one two one two almost like you're running in place like a kid would do yeah uh adrian has a boxing background and uh dave loves boxing yeah that's interesting and to jr's point we've seen like uh henshaw run those um seminars and have a bunch of games athletes not be able to do a single under i think it was like was it like sarah sigman's daughter and one of them where she was at like just couldn't get it down and it was funny because they're all tripping up and um henshaw always said never leave a skill behind that's right yeah so that's interesting. That's a good take.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Because everybody always automatically goes triple unders, but it's like, how do you judge that? Like, how do you tell the difference if the rope went around three times or two times when you're in that loud of an environment? Yeah. So I think possibly like speed steps could come out before something like triple unders, but if they also went, this would kind of be along with triple unders.
Starting point is 00:06:47 It's kind of a weird move, but you know, in rules, it always says for the double under the rope must pass forward twice. Yeah. And I don't think they would do like reverse double unders, like backwards double unders. Um,
Starting point is 00:07:01 but I know back in the day, I want to say on 11.1 on the snatches and double unders, maybe there's a really high level athlete that did it and maybe won the workout because back then it wasn't a rule that you could go backwards. I know. I think Josh has said before, that's the way he learned how to do double unders. Yeah. That's how he learned how to jump rope, jumping rope backwards. And I thought that was ridiculous. But after he mentioned that a bunch of people hit me up saying that they learned how to jump rope backwards too it just seemed more intuitive to them as a kid it seemed harder to me i don't know and what about a handstand variations what could that possibly be well
Starting point is 00:07:36 i'm hopeful that it's i hope i can take you know broken clocks right twice a day and that it's the press to handstand but we'll see or you uh or from from the parallette from the l-sit to a uh yeah that's what i mean like l-sit to handstand whether it's for reps or for like a max hold uh amanda barnhart is my favorite cf athlete blew my voice at rogue during the dual cheering her on would do it again any given day penumbra syndicate penumbra penumbra syndicate um has a gun in his profile pic cancel cancel okay uh so um i mentioned yesterday to uh brian he didn seem, and John Young, they didn't seem to bite on this. But one of the topics I brought up is that Tia is being followed around by a documentary crew. I'm hearing that it's her last year.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Brian's like, hey, man, this is the year she's going to break the record for most wins. So maybe it's just that. Any thoughts on her retiring, Jer? I think if she wins, she probably steps away. She's talked in the past about really wanting a family and having some other things in life that she's looking forward to doing after she competes. And she was so certain at the end of last year that she was going to go this year that it feels like she had a plan or has a plan. ago this year that it sounds feels like she had a plan or has a plan yeah i wouldn't argue with that um some other people i think on here have alluded to it but i know jason's always said how maternal she was around him when he went to their camp last year before the games how above anything
Starting point is 00:09:21 else like her level of fitness, her tenacity, all that kind of stuff that he almost felt like she was a, like a motherly figure to him. Right. Jay, who said that? Hopper said that Jason. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Um, yesterday I was talking about how James Sprague might be out and a street Horner might be in, but this morning someone sent me a picture of James Sprague testing a workout that was posted on Adrian Bosman's story. So who knows? I have hit James up. I couldn't get confirmation either way, but if I go by what Adrian's posting, it looks like James is still in and that the rumors of him getting monkey pox are false all right uh oh there it is okay uh saturday pre-comp test of the capital james sprague can we see what time that is yeah let me get it okay two hours ago so i was asleep 5 a.m oh actually no i think i was up cleaning up some dog puke or something Yeah. Let me get it. Okay. Two hours ago. So I was asleep. 5 AM. Oh,
Starting point is 00:10:25 actually, no, I think I was up cleaning up some dog puke or something. Good times. Good times. Become like a monthly event. I don't know what's going on. Um,
Starting point is 00:10:36 okay. Uh, let's, uh, let's look at these workouts. It's funny, uh, JR,
Starting point is 00:10:41 this is, this is, I remember yesterday I wanted to have a talk with you and Taylor. It was, it was exactly about this. It was exactly about this. Crazy. Oh, that's the crew. He don't look so strong.
Starting point is 00:10:55 He don't look so long. Griffith Raleigh don't look so strong in that picture. He don't look so strong. Yeah, Mitchell's just out angling him, and so is Street. They're standing. Yeah. on him yeah mitchell just yeah mitchell's just out angling him and so is street they're standing yeah yeah street horner looks like he could eat eat uh griffith raleigh like for just eat like his little bite look at fisa goffy man uh allison scuds is not a big human being at all and fisa goffy is it must be just tiny yeah wow allison's towering over there a little bit yeah and congrats to uh miss scud second year as a captain of the demo team that's some good shit okay let's see what's
Starting point is 00:11:36 going on here Taylor says, oh, fuck. Who said, oh, Taylor's just said that? Yeah. It's not good, brother. Don't worry, dude. It's not good. Don't worry, dude. I did a ton of deadlifts yesterday. Back's already sore.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I'll carry you a little more. Yeah. Not good, buddy. Not good. Here's the thing. We're going into this week, and this show is going to be this show is going to be the biggest show in the space by far and i realized that one of the cool things about the show is that it's a shit show but um but the shit show has to have some like parts that
Starting point is 00:12:17 are just like solid and i just i just need that from uh obviously from ujr and obviously from taylor the whole week like i just need because uh suza's ujr and obviously from taylor the whole week like i just need because uh suza's in madison fucking caleb's on the moon and that's it and for brian's fucking got his dick tucked between his vagina labia majora's and so so i i need uh i need you to i mean sorry i mean brian's doing god's work. So, so I need you guys. Taylor, you got to come on an hour early then for now on and just hang out. Just be here. Yeah. Just clean my screen.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Okay. Let's look at these workouts. So it's three workouts, but it's not the first three workouts. And that's what I keep. I keep screwing that up. Correct. Okay. Do we know that the order, these three workouts, do we know, do i keep screwing that up correct okay um do we know that the order these three workouts do we know do we know the order that they're going to happen yes okay cool let's uh let's go with the earliest one can you pull that up suza yeah okay thank you seven i'm available bruce wayne bruce are you hung over from last night he loves you i know we almost get he almost gave me the chicken pox last night hey i don't give a fuck taylor just i don't give a fuck if you thought it was 10 55 your time like i i give two shits i give two shit i don't care um uh okay do we want to
Starting point is 00:13:41 start at this okay like to work uh i love the title uh it's individual event number one this is when we see the athletes all uh 80 of them this is what they're going to come out and do 75 toes to bar five mile bike ride 75 chest to bar five mile bike ride uh go for it jr what do we got uh multi-speed bikes by the way that i think that's another important thing 10 10 speed bikes uh multiple terrains yeah so the first thing i think of immediately is 2021 event 10 right one of the ones that one of the last ones dave programmed with the toes to bar the run toes to bar run uh workout that actually eliminated a lot of the field. So I think this is kind of, um, loosely based on that workout structure wise.
Starting point is 00:14:34 When you look at this and you see the five mile bikes, you know, a lot of people see that and have no clue how long that's going to take on a road or on a trail, because it's usually not something that you do. You normally just bike for meters on a stationary bike. And it's much different if you're handling, if you're dealing with alternate terrain, if you have to shift. I mean, that's something people don't think about. So skill-wise, sure, there's going to be a little bit of an advantage for someone who is more comfortable on a mountain bike, has spent time on it, knows when to shift, knows when to stand, knows when to sit, all that kind of stuff. But at the end of the day, I think the workout takes shape on the 75 chest to bar.
Starting point is 00:15:12 If you've never mountain biked, your grip gets really fatigued. And that's something a lot of people aren't talking about because I think in general, it is a capacity-based workout. about because I think in general, it is a capacity-based workout. Who has the capacity to go for 30, 40, 50 minutes straight without stopping and push the last bike? But going into the chest of bars is where I think you're going to see a lot of separation because people who overgrip the handles, people who are a little bit more timid, just think about when you're timid doing anything, you tighten up, you overgrip the candle bars, and then you come in and those chest of bars all of a sudden aren't as easy. That's such a good point with the grip too, because we've speculated on the train, it's supposed to be pretty rugged from what we were talking about last night, right?
Starting point is 00:15:57 Yeah. From what I've been told, there's a really short strip. It's like a mile loop and they do it five times twice. So the first bit of it is road. And then- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. It's a really, the loop is one mile. So they're going to end up doing the loop 10 times. Right. So they do it five times twice. Okay. So from what I've been told, it's a little bit of road and then otherwise it's like gravel and
Starting point is 00:16:22 grass. So it doesn't seem like the terrain is going to be too much of an issue from a handling skill standpoint now from uh knowing how to shift all that kind of stuff and knowing the right time sure people who've been on a bike more and who are more comfortable will have a little advantage there uh is there a time cap on this yeah i think it's 50 minutes five zero five zero okay uh so but but uh going back to those chest of bar if if uh those chest of bar aren't going to be a problem for ricky gerard i don't think they're going to be a problem for uh jay crouch um uh this seems like a runaway for them as much as you're saying that um you think that's where the workout's
Starting point is 00:17:05 going to be i do think that they are so good you know someone like me or someone who's been on a bike a lot you know let's say i rode my bike every day to school for fucking 20 years of my life it's still different than what jay and ricky did like they're very comfortable on a bike and they may put they may put uh 30 seconds or 20 or 30 seconds ahead of the rest of the pack on every mile so they may go into that chest to bar with a fucking two minute lead on someone yeah it's definitely more more maybe what say that again it's definitely possible i'd also like to know i think they'll get out of sight here's the thing i think they'll get so far ahead jr they'll get out of sight i don't think i don't think that i i think that i'm ricky i don't think anyone will see the best biker in the group
Starting point is 00:17:55 um when he crosses the finish line except the fans so you'll be that much of a separation yeah i think he's i mean he even did it and i mean remember what ricky did to the pack and madison that year yeah i don't think the gw 1501643274124215 uh played a part in that well i'm curious what jr said like i wonder how wide the track is because then is it if it's a continuous loop there's not like a huge advantage to try to get five meters it's five meters wide is what ricky said 25 they're doing five loops yeah 15 feet 15 feet sorry 15 feet that's you end up laughing somebody you're gonna people are gonna get around everybody too people are probably gonna get laughed okay so you agree jr we are gonna see you're you're not although you think the chest of our huge you also think that some people are gonna shit the bed on the bike no i
Starting point is 00:18:44 mean i think the workout comes down to your capacity on the bike and who can do the last five mile hard without blowing up, for sure. If you can't figure out how to change gears on a trail like that, you're going to be pedaling super high gear and not getting anywhere. Yeah, there are dorks like that out there. For those of us who just changing gears is just normal, it's intuitive, but there's people out there who it's not. That would be me. I'd be the person on there trying to get my chain would come off. Yeah, you just over crank it and just fly it off the derailleur. Okay, and Jared, do you have any issues with the – do you want to complain like five miles is way too far.
Starting point is 00:19:23 That's a gimmick. That's not crossfit or or they should be on unicycles or you like fuck you like it or why are they using trek do you have any any any uh and you know i just no i think other than cyclocross this is this is the only time that off-road biking handling the skill of, and the capacity has really been tested to the games. So while I think the 150 gymnastics reps matter, I think they're there for interference more so than vice versa. Like the bike is there for interference of the gymnastics, right? Is it enough? Is it enough interference?
Starting point is 00:20:03 I think so. I think so. And what it does is it sets the tone of the weekend. Cause remember this is, this is the first event for everybody. So we don't know what else they have to do for the whole day. There's now, there's now another scoring window, I believe on Wednesday, I want to say they added a fourth scoring window. So there's 12 testing windows now now and we only know two of the workouts for wednesday so later on that night if they do some more upper body pulling or hanging this is really going to come into play there
Starting point is 00:20:34 um can anyone do the 75 toes sorry will anyone do and can anyone do any of the 75 toes to bar? Sorry, will anyone do and can anyone do any of the 75 toes to bar on broken? Can, sure. Will, probably not. And the chest to bar, are we going to see, what do you think, 25, 25, 15, 10? I think ideally you do descending sets, but I have a feeling that a lot of them will probably do five sets of 15 if they can. Okay. And what do these breaks look like? Come down, chalk your hands, or look around even maybe a little?
Starting point is 00:21:11 Adjust your nuts. I think for the leaders, it's going to be look around and rest as long as you can before you feel like you need to get back up. Okay. So not much rest. I don't think so. But I do think that when athletes get to the chest-to-bar, the workout really starts. And for some of them, it's already going to be lost as far as finishing top five or top ten. But there's going to be, I think, with a 50-minute cap, big, big separations and places where there might be a group of 10 or 12 athletes that are within one or two chest to bar of each other going into the last bite.
Starting point is 00:21:47 You and I are both partaking in the Tyler Watkins Fitness Fantasy League. Who are you going to put in? You have four males to choose from. Which male are you going to put in for this out of your group? JR. Probably Jason. Hopper. jr probably jason uh hopper yeah yeah he's really really good at hanging gymnastics and he's an athlete and he's good yeah he's not afraid of a bike or whatever even if he's not the great at it he's still going to be comfortable on it he's also just insane on a stationary bike as far as like power output goes and i think that's going to come into
Starting point is 00:22:25 play a lot on the second five mile loop okay and uh no oh that is that is that does require a little bit more dexterity and then well just more yeah more brain cells more uh more functioning like cooperation between uh the the mind and the body. He's a football player. We've been out on the trails together. I like what I'm seeing. Okay, and of the
Starting point is 00:22:55 ladies, who are you going to put in? Probably Bailey Rill. Oh, I like that. I bet you she's good at that. She looks like she's got a little bit of granola in her, right? And she's over at Mayhem. They can't get off the bikes, but those granola chicks, she's like, she's like one of those hot granola chicks that probably like rode a bike to school and shit. Maybe even did a couple of triathlons.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Well, Rich has mountain bike trails all over his property. So, you know, she's been out and she's really comfortable doing that. That's huge. Yeah. Yeah. He's seen post all the time. How much of a think that on the final heat, those 75 toes to bar with only a 15, what'd we say it was a 15 foot wide trail for them to ride on. How much of a factor do you think all of them will be leaving the toes of our getting onto
Starting point is 00:23:38 their bikes and then jumping on? Do you think we'll see some crashes there? Do you think we'll see a kind of bottleneck into that point, especially with that final heat with those athletes being so close. Well, this is really, this is a really interesting point because a lot of the things Boz has talked about from his programming so far is that he likes the idea of not giving people an easy out. And even in a workout with a 50 minute cap, he may know that you can baby the toaster bar if you want, but it's going to cost you position. That's really going to matter in the first couple of loops that there's going to be log jams. So he may have programmed it this way. It's like starting on the toaster bar and not on the bike because he doesn't want everyone mass starting.
Starting point is 00:24:17 That's what I would. But also because you know that if you don't be at least a little aggressive on the toes to bar, you may just get held up in a bottleneck and just have to almost go slow for no reason. Right. Like if that's, if the trail is that small and there's no ability to really pass there, getting off that toes of bar is going to be play a huge factor in starting it.
Starting point is 00:24:38 So that way you could get yourself out in front, build a little hedge, because if that's the case and it's that tight, you won't have that opportunity to get into the 75 chest of art. If it's just blockaded for sure and then the real question is will we see velner go down yes yes yes we will see velner go well no velner doesn't go down he will take someone down i he's gonna take hopper down uh hey um do women have something that's like equivalent to um to a nut adjustment? I want to say like back in the day and then in the 90s, I used to see like women pick their underwear out of their butt. I don't see that anymore.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Now I see this move where like they pull their sports bra up. You know, they take their thumb and they kind of run it right here and they do this thing. Dudes adjust their nuts and women, dudes can adjust their nuts on the fly. You could even adjust your nuts on the bike. But it is a world of fairness and balance women adjusted sports broad dudes adjust nuts i used to love that about froning because he was such a fucking class act and a good dude but the camera would be on him like 30 seconds before the event and he's always like just fondle his junk it was great fucking awesome anybody going kamikaze on a group of riders? Not on purpose, but we are going to see some.
Starting point is 00:25:49 We're going to see. The bike always has a little bit of the softball toss element in it. We're going to see like, wow, what did you do as a kid? You were not in the neighborhood. You didn't ride a bike? Well, also, too, I think. Jeremy Garcia, thank you. Maybe intimidation is the wrong word,
Starting point is 00:26:08 but if you hear someone coming behind you on a trail and you just hear them say on your left, you'll slow down. Like you'll say, okay, go ahead, kind sir. Sorry to get in your way. So I mean, I think people who are the most confident will use that to their advantage as far as being aggressive on the trail goes. Nate Williams, JR, how did Snake Eater go?
Starting point is 00:26:27 What's Snake Eater? It was a party. It's a workout that he wrote for a friend of his who's a Green Beret that got into a bad accident, was in a coma, and now is recovering. So at the gym yesterday, we did his fundraiser workout. I thought you had to die to get a workout. You could just be just fucked up.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Yeah, for sure. All right. Let's go to – do you want to pick winners for this? Do you want to pick Laura Horvat and Ricky? I'm going to say Ricky and Tia. Ricky and Tia, okay. It's Tia for everyone, default. Okay, and Laura Horvath, another, good to see her at the top,
Starting point is 00:27:15 another, no pun intended, proven athlete. By that, I mean she can do it all. She can rock climb. I'm sure she can throw. She could probably fight. She could ride a bike. She could probably dance. I mean, she, she's, she's the real deal. Okay. Let's go to the second workout that we know, which is not necessarily workout number two, correct? This is workout number two. If you scroll up a little bit, it says two, a, two B.
Starting point is 00:27:41 This is workout number two. If you scroll up a little bit, it says 2A, 2B. Okay. So we're still on day one. Right. And do we know what time that workout, the bike workout starts, the bike to work tomorrow? Let me check the schedule. I think John said 10 a.m. last night, didn't he? 9 a.m.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Yeah, 9 a.m. for individuals looks looks like the first so that's 7 a.m pacific wow i'm gonna be up early tomorrow okay uh okay uh individual and do we know where that workout's gonna be the riding one is that where they ride through town they're gonna be riding through madison oh i guess it's a one mile lap but it's out in the wild like i said i think it's a mixture of road and an off road terrain okay um any hills haven't heard okay i heard there is a little bit of a downhill that goes into a gravel turn but i never i never know exactly what people mean by a hill and if there's a downhill obviously that means there has to be an uphill. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:46 We can go check it out later too. I'll walk around the venue and see if we could find anything and get some pictures or something like that too, where it might be. Awesome. Okay. Uh, two.
Starting point is 00:28:54 So this is event number. So now we know for sure there's at least 11 scored events because we had 11 time slots originally. And now one of the time slots has two scored events, two way and two B we don't know for sure for their a hundred points each. Right? Well, Because we had 11 time slots originally, and now one of the time slots has two scored events, 2A and 2B. We don't know for sure if they're 100 points each, right? Well, there's 12 testing windows now, so we know there's at least 12 scored events. There may be more.
Starting point is 00:29:16 13 scored events, right? Because this is, we know there's at least, okay. Right, right. Okay. Where did they add the 12th testing window? Was it on the last day? No, it was on Wednesday, I believe. Originally, there were three, and now there are four testing windows on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Wow. It was just those big blocks at first, and then they broke them down now. Okay. So let's do it. Let's talk about this thing. So let's do it. Let's talk about this thing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Will Branstetter says they have now officially said there are 13 scored events. Okay. I like the jerk blocks in this one a lot. Yeah. So seeing this work out, I think, of the three is the first time you're really seeing like Boz put his stamp, right? There's going to be other things that are unique elements, I think to him and the way he sees programming, but we still get the progression of the shuttle run. Like we talked about, we thought that that would stay from, you know, supposed to have been in workout. Um, but why do they call it a shuttle run? It's not a shuttle to overhead no one does a 400 meter
Starting point is 00:30:27 shuttle run i think that i think that is how they're going to do it on 200 one way 200 back at that point it's not even a shuttle run there's got to be there there's got to they've got to be doing it on the length of the field so there's going to be multiple places to change direction, but this workout is, I have questions. This, this could be a workout where unless it's brief to the athletes about a minimum effort or work requirement per interval, you could see people completely completely taking one of the two movements to rest and recover. For instance, if you know that you can win the run and you know that you're not strong overhead, you don't attempt one jerk. Why would you? Just try to win the shuttle run portion. It's scored separately. It's 100 points and then take last on the jerks and not even attempt one if you did that
Starting point is 00:31:27 if you got a first and a 40th you would earn 102 points if you got 17th on both you earn 104 wow wow great math so when the field so when can you let's, let's go over that one more time. Do that again. That's good shit. So if you knew you were one of the best runners in the field, but you knew that at best you would take a 30th on the shoulder overhead, there's a ton of interference there. Your legs are going to be smoked and having any drive in the legs for heavy jerks is going to be super difficult. So why would you even try to jerk the barbell? Just sprint the runs. You get a little bit more recovery, including your one
Starting point is 00:32:16 and two minute recoveries between intervals. And you go for broke and try to win the run and you don't even attempt to jerk. So you take a 40th on the jerk, a first win the run and you don't even attempt a jerk so you take a 40th on the jerk a first on the run and you earn 102 points but you could take two 20ths so you could kind of go hard on both and only get 86 points so you can still be one of the best in the world and get 80 at both and get 86 points well that just means you're me it just means you're in the middle of the pack on both yeah and then if you got 17th on both you would get 104 so it would only earn you two more points versus taking one event completely off but i think what you will also see the guys that are the strongest the are the strongest, they'll go really hard on the first interval, probably have a little over 30 seconds or so for jerks.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Then they'll take the second interval completely off and rest. So you're getting now one minute after the first interval, three minutes in the second interval to rest. That's for two more minutes. That's six minutes of rest. And then you can sell out on the last one and try to get a huge number of jerks again and hope that that will still get you a really, really high total. That's a little bit more of a risk, but those are the questions I want to know that is there a minimum work requirement? Do you have to finish the shuttle every interval to continue the workout there's there's two things i want to offer up here being in the last heat is really gonna matter in this workout so this one it fucking really
Starting point is 00:33:57 matters like really like more than i can ever think of it ever mattering before usually it's like a psychological advantage is like what froning says if you know the time you can beat it this is some fucking crazy gameplay going on here so being in the last he really matters the second of all the second part is i'm i think this is what jr is saying um that the the stamp that uh adrian's putting on it is we've never seen jerk blocks at a game but i'm gonna tell you someone's gonna come off the jerk box there are some goofy motherfuckers out there who are gonna push themselves to some weird i mean you see it on instagram the other day do you remember the guy i sent it to our thread the guy who jerked the bar and started coming towards the ref and the ref didn't get get out of the way and he dropped the bar over that
Starting point is 00:34:40 female ref do you guys remember that that was fucking nuts yep the ref fell with inside the falling of the bar like like they were dancing he could have kissed her he could have got her pregnant i mean we're gonna see people come out of their jerk blocks and i'm very curious what that's gonna um don't you think don't you guys think we're gonna see some weird shit yeah we'll probably see a couple people or they'll go you'll see and i'm not being critical i'm excited to see it someone's gonna go for some max shit and they're fucking going to get giraffe legs and start getting all weird and shit. Yep. Especially if they make the minimum work requirements, something like you have to complete the run in two jerks or something like that.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Every, every interval. I think they're probably only going to do, I would say they're going to do like 20 and 20. So only two heats per sex because this window is only an hour i believe um yeah uh-oh fuck did my mouse die where the fuck's my uh oh yeah shit my mouse did die um this is an interest i didn't even think about this. Someone said that they think that someone will actually dip into the blocks. That would make that lift probably no good too, right? I've never even seen that happen in an Instagram video. Have you ever seen that happen where someone dips in the box?
Starting point is 00:35:57 You have seen that too, Sousa? I guess I'm not around jerk blocks enough. Well, the other thing too, now that that just got brought up, the first thing that came to my mind is, is there going to be a standard height for all the jerk boxes no they're getting sized for them oh they are for them yesterday okay i'm sure they're doing that i thought i do the yokes okay i just oh wait wait there's yoke they were getting sized for yokes i'm just saying in the past they've always sized the athletes right yeah because colton's blocks cannot be the same height as fikowski's
Starting point is 00:36:28 right that's what i was gonna say because then fikowski's doing a front squat every time he comes up out of that thing alexander's caught travis mayer third behind jay crouch i just can't see anyone beating ricky and jay although when i did ask jay are you taking second in this he he alluded that he's going to go for first. I think Travis will be up there in the top three. Uh,
Starting point is 00:36:51 Fikowski has a video on Ig. Uh, maybe we can go over and take a look at that. What did, what did you just say? Uh, Jer. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:36:59 I would say Travis for sure. Motocross background. He should be in the top five easily. Okay. Uh. I guess there's a video of maybe Travis. Okay. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Someone's definitely coming off the front there. Oh, for sure. Someone's definitely coming off the front there. Carlos, yesterday when you were saying someone should explain jerkbox to me, someone should explain something to you too. Jackass. No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:30 I think Mertens will do fine at this event. What do you think, Jer? I mean, well, he's going to do fine at the jerks. Ah, the running. Damn, it's a lot of running. It's a lot of running, and the slower you are, the less time you have to accumulate those points on the jerks, no matter how strong you are. It ends up being, they're going to run,
Starting point is 00:37:50 uh, over a mile. Just over. Yeah. Yeah. And the, and the, and the legs will probably still be a little bit juicy from the bike.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah. That's, I say you made that point earlier, Jaron. That's a really good point because if anybody's done heavy jerks like that, that's a, that's a leg movement more than it is. I mean, obviously you have to have the stability to catch the bar and everything else, but that's going to be mostly legs. And if you're really pushing those shuttle sprints or shuttle runs, those legs are going to be awfully fatigued coming into that second set,
Starting point is 00:38:18 third set. Hey, do you think there's people that aren't going to be able to do the last 800 meters in four minutes? If it's truly an 800 meter and they're turning around, I don't know, once every 200 at least, that's going to be a tight window at that point in the workout. Yeah, I mean, there's no way in hell I'm doing an eight-minute mile at the end there. But I'm a fucking old 50-year-old dude. But, I mean, there's no way in hell I'm making I'm doing an eight minute mile at the end there. But it's I'm a fucking old 50 year old dude. But I mean, that's that's fast, right? What do you think, Taylor? For the last 800 meters, they have four minutes.
Starting point is 00:38:58 There's going to be I'm guessing there's gonna be at least one or two people who don't make that. Yeah, I think I think this is potentially an event where egos are going to be bruised a little bit. But at the same time, um, you know, I initially looked at the workout and I was thinking, okay, singles on the jerks. You just look at the weight and you're thinking singles, especially in such a tight time domain, the heart rate is high. Fatigue is high. And you think about re-racking a weight like 300 pounds for several reps. And they also have the jerk block. So the first, at least my first instinct, I'm thinking singles. You look at the time domain a little more. You look at the run distance. You think about transitions in terms of it being a shuttle.
Starting point is 00:39:30 And then I start to think a little more and question. I wonder if athletes will be doing triples, doubles, triples. And I don't know. I think singles is still potentially what we'll see. I think there will be athletes time capped, but I don't think the reps will be super high. potentially what we'll see. I think there will be athletes time-capped, but I don't think the reps will be super high. I think it'll be similar to the last chance workout where, you know, we, we sit on the show before everybody hits the workout and we're thinking 40 reps will be middle of the pack and the best in the world hit 34. Um, so I think on something like this, it's going to
Starting point is 00:39:57 be, it's not going to be a lot of reps. I'm thinking maybe five each interval. So somewhere in the 15 to 20 range I think is going to be – would probably be the winning score I would think. How many? 15 to 20 total across all. Wow. Wow. You think someone will get that many? That's 300 pounds for men.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Yeah, I think guys – like so I think, look, if guys come back, they run that 400 meter shuttle at a six minute pace, which is not going to kill people. Um, these athletes run, you know, 10 by 400 on the three minute at a, at a six minute pace easily, usually around one 10, one 12. 110 112 so i think these athletes are going to come back with at least 30 seconds to spare and i think five singles at 300 from the blocks you do one rep every six seconds i think that's going to be doable for the best wow wow yeah and again look at someone like gee who's super super strong and really really good overhead and yeah and he knows that okay this is my plan if i don't have to do the second run i can still win this workout on the jerks because i'm not going to do singles i'm going to run hard on the first one i'm going to go touch and go for 30 seconds if i can at 300 then i'm going to take the entire second interval off and i'm going to try to do the exact same thing on the last one it's a risk it's a risk but if they know that's an option just like the people that know i'm'm going to try to do the exact same thing on the last one. It's a risk, but if they know that's an option,
Starting point is 00:41:26 just like the people that know, I'm not going to attempt one jerk. I'm going to win the shuttle run, and I'm going to get last, and I'm still going to get more points than if I got 17th on both. But I think the double score keeps that from happening. I mean, we've already done the math. Like I said, 17th on both gets you only two more points overall than if you win an event and get dead last on the other one. AKA, don't even try to do the jerks. Hey, I think he's one of the athletes
Starting point is 00:42:00 that might not finish the 800 meters. So why? So that's what I'm saying. If it's two more points, but at the same time i don't i think potentially you could game it but if you take last and you win that's a huge gamble yeah and for someone like good enough to win it without taking the second interval off um i don't think you might not be you may not even be able to take it off by the way yeah they might be yeah there might be some sort of minimum yeah it may be like hey if you don't finish all the runs you're fucked yeah i'm sure i mean i'm sure adrian's had someone on his team bring this up and it's i'm sure it's going to be briefed that they're like hey if you don't
Starting point is 00:42:38 if you don't finish the shuttle on every interval you can't continue with the workout have we discussed uh sprague not being on the demo team oh we have we think that he is on the demo team i think we saw footage of him uh running this morning okay got it yeah and katrin is the fill-in for no i i think i was so what we heard yesterday was is that there was uh that uh lauren lauren and annie were at registration and their eyes were so fucking red they looked like they'd been crying for hours and that they couldn't even do their um interview to um and so that their interview that they were supposed to yesterday got pushed to today and those and that we heard that con porter and tola look like ghosts and so it doesn't look good it looks devastating i mean these are no like they
Starting point is 00:43:27 were just told they um that their team is incomplete i mean i heard that lauren fisher can't even do a single muscle up because of something's wrong with her shoulder oh they couldn't put katrin in and i heard that a shitload of team showed up late for registration so it sounded like there was some sort of um scheduling snafu but but either way it sounds like it's devastating for the reykjavik team like just emotionally they've been just like i mean i mean fuck seven days a week for fucking 180 days or whatever they've been together those fuckers have been grinding and they came to showcase it and it sounds like the whole they're not going to be able to do anything so yeah it sounds bad i i i truly wish that it would be awesome and great hype if they put katrin in i think it would be like so awesome because it would really it would
Starting point is 00:44:17 it would invigorate the whole team competition plus people would just like to see katrin out on the floor i think the community would fucking eat that shit up yeah i agree i think that'd be a win and she's a member at their affiliate so i don't know who knows yeah and yami's her coach and the crossfit games can do whatever the fuck they want so maybe they will do it who knows right right we'll see so you guys discuss the capital already no okay no okay okay so we know event number uh one and two a and two b we have about 10 minutes left let's go into the last workout that we uh know this one i i think as well uh there's a lot more than and kind of initially when you read it i think there's a lot more there so you scroll up a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I want to just read the top individual athletes and fans see you at the blah, blah, blah. Okay. So this event is not on, uh, not at the venue. It appears to be at the Capitol and,
Starting point is 00:45:17 uh, which is a beautiful scene. Uh, it's going to be very interesting to see what the weather is there that day that could play a huge role. And do we know which event? Is this on day one also? We don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:28 It's the first workout on Friday. First workout on Friday. Okay. So we could speculate that this is event number four. Is that correct? Okay. Or five, because if there's four testing windows in the schedule right now. I think it's five.
Starting point is 00:45:48 20 pig flips. It's going to be interesting to see where they do that and what the pigs look like, if they're the soft pigs or if they're the steel ones because those will tear up wherever they are. Women's weight, 350 pounds. Men weight, 510 pounds. Then a 3.5-mile run. Then a 200-meter jerry bag carry and the jerry bags for the men are 100 pounds each and the women's bags are 70 pounds each and then a 200 meter husafel carry it's a bag that's like shaped like uh um like a diamond almost
Starting point is 00:46:22 and uh that's a 200 bag and they'll be carrying it some stairs. And we had James Sprague on the show and he said, no human being who's participating in the games will be able to do that on broken. So we are going to see some interesting shit where they have to set the bag down on the stairs. What is the heaviest pig we've ever seen in the CrossFit games? This is the,
Starting point is 00:46:44 this is the standard pig weight. Okay. Okay, so they might be using the ones that are all covered up, the fancy ones. They for sure will be, yeah. Okay. Thoughts, JR, on this workout? I think there's a lot here. I think it's really well balanced.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I think a lot of people look at it and just see the run, but there are so many repercussions for pushing your capacity and running too hard when you get to those last 400 meters of grunt work. I mean, most guys probably have carried two 70 pound kettlebells for a 200, but doing hundreds after a three and a half mile run and then carrying the sandbag 200 meters i think what james said last night is that it can be carried anyhow until they get to the stairs and then it has to be carried in the bear hug position which is going to be crippling to watch people try to climb those stairs with it just picking that off the ground is is is a nightmare correct no one no one had no one had any problems doing that when it debuted last year with the ski rope climb okay this one is going to be very interesting to watch jason hopper do i? I think this workout is going to destroy people. Like, I think they'll be feeling
Starting point is 00:48:07 like, seriously, I think this workout, it being the first workout after the day off, they're going to be feeling this workout the rest of the weekend. And that's by design. Yeah. Their forearms from the jerry bag carry, they'll feel them the whole week. I think more their legs um i think the pig flips into the three and a half mile run at speed and then finishing with the carry hamstrings and calves are probably going to be pretty bad off after this event and i mean i think it's going to be the trunk i think the i think the low back is going to take a beating on this that's what james said i mean that's what james said last night too and some have more robust midlines than others but james said that his low back was just on fire by the time he got to the
Starting point is 00:48:49 200 pound bag um technique here is going to be really important too because although it's more difficult to carry the husafel bag up higher it's also easier right i mean that's how you need to be moving with it and we're going to see like i felt like we would see guys pick it up and carry it low and try to and try to move around with it and it would just fold them over jason in particular i think that i mean this is the husafel bag is is his kryptonite right i mean no no he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna destroy the carry on that workout. That was just the price he paid for coming out too hot on the ski and the rope climbs.
Starting point is 00:49:29 It had nothing to do with the sandbag. Go ahead, Taylor. Well, I think that was – you look at it, it was something similar when Fraser struggled so badly on those legless rope climbs in the soccer chipper. And everyone's like, oh, my gosh, you can't do a legless rope climb, but it was because he didn't know how to flip the pig. So I think you look at Jason's last year finish on that workout in the same way, where it wasn't necessarily, he can't carry a 200 pound sandbag. I mean, he weighs 220 pounds.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Um, it's more of just, he went so hot on the ski and went a little bit too fast on the rope climbs hot on the ski and went a little bit too fast on the rope climbs and that crippled him i think on this workout i don't foresee a lot of the smaller athletes um performing in the top just because jason's gonna hammer this workout yeah i think jason will do very well in this workout one he's great on the pig he'll do you know he's been running a lot there are a lot of athletes that will do really well in this workout i could see pat doing extremely well in this workout he's great on the pig. He's been running a lot. There are a lot of athletes that will do really well in this workout. I could see Pat doing extremely well in this workout. He's got longer arms. You know he's got amazing grip endurance. He's a good runner.
Starting point is 00:50:35 But, again, I think this does end up coming down to the last 200-meter carry, and that's interesting if the athletes can carry it however they want until they get to the stairs. I would imagine it's probably 160 meters, 170 meters to the stairs, and then maybe a 40 and 30 meter stair carry up. I'm not sure how long the Capitol stairs are, but there's no way they're 200 meters. This does not look like, I apologize for changing the subject so quickly, this does not look like anything I'm reporting. I said I heard her shoulder was hurt. This does not look like her apologize changing the subject so quickly this does not look like anything i'm reporting i said i heard her shoulder was hurt this does not look like her shoulder is hurt and uh thank you paulie yeah it looks all right there and we did somebody else commented too that uh
Starting point is 00:51:20 we just got it sent to us that con had, um, made a comment saying they got, they're all cleared. They're good to go. They're fired up. Wow. That's a bit of a, all right. Good,
Starting point is 00:51:31 good. Fuck. Awesome. Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:36 So me, you can go overhead sometimes and have an issue with hanging from something overhead. So we'll see. Maybe it's just someone died. It's not a big deal at all. Athletes are good to go. Yeah. That would be be ideal maybe it's just a family member died or something deal with that after uh for the we we are uh uh playing the uh tyler watkins uh fantasy fitness league uh
Starting point is 00:51:59 jr who who are you going to stick in for this i'll go back and forth all the way up to it with jason and pat i have both of them but i could also see cole doing well on this cole's a good runner too so i've got all three of them and he's good with the odd object the thing is too i i you if in in that in that last 200 meters you know know Pat's going to grind. There's no pussy in Pat. I had Baden-Brown for the long event reason, and I'm a little bummed that both long events involve so much unconventional movement.
Starting point is 00:52:37 You have the bike and then gymnastics, and then you have this, and I'm not sure Baden-Brown is going to be a great plug-in for either. But I have Justin, so. I can't remember who I put in for this what what what's the website again launch your leading taylor with this long bike gymnastics and this long run workout do you think we'll see another one in the 30 plus time domain or is this it? What's your instinct? I don't know that we see another long one. That is, I think these two events are like the run, swim, run or the potential for Murph that we've seen in the past. And so I don't think we're going to see another long one like this. I think the swimming that we see will be short.
Starting point is 00:53:27 And that's cool because we haven't done a whole lot of that. Typically, the swim is involved in the really long workouts, and I think a shorter swim leaves less room for athletes who aren't good at it, meaning if you don't have high capacity in a swim or at least a high degree of comfortability in the water, you're going to get exposed on a shorter workout swimming than you would per se a longer one with fins or a half mile swim sandwiched between two mile and a half runs i might have the winner for this event car saunders might fucking fuck this one up this event well there's three and a half miles of running so don't forget that yeah she can run she can run with the best tia no no but she can run she can run sorry for showing up late i fucked up my uh pacific coast conversion
Starting point is 00:54:16 i feel like uh amanda amanda barnhart will probably do well with that one also have we seen have we talked is there a pool do we know what's going on Amanda Barnhart will probably do well at that one also. Have we seen, have we talked, is there a pool? Do we know what's going on? We believe there's a pool. No, we know there's a pool. They announced that every division, all divisions will swim on Saturday. Other than that, though, they didn't release anything. anything okay um getting some text messages some big news coming down the pipe here very shortly do tell i cannot i cannot very shortly though within 25 minutes uh what am i looking at here ceo news or workout news uh politics politicos politicos
Starting point is 00:55:10 politicos so you've heard something too huh no okay nothing say that again taylor what have you heard seven i i i want to tell you but i but i already misreported lauren fisher and i've used up all the uh misinformation according to according to a morning chalk up reporter catcher was almost subbed in because the team was concerned about lauren's high-end gymnastics and how that affects her shoulder and they decided not to sub in catcher because they'd rather have in quotes a a 70% Lauren Fisher who's been training with the team all year than 100% Katrin who's trained with the team for five days. They feel that across 11 to 14 events, Lauren would be a better play in terms of just team dynamic. I think we need to pull up Twitter.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Mike Halpin is saying team events are posted on twitter so so do you think so so meaning they've been leaked on twitter no they're posted they're on the game site as well too oh um so um so do you think that crying yesterday wasn't the fact that they were um that lauren was injured it was the fact that they had had to have a tough talk it was probably the discussion of whether or not they're going to plug katrin in and lauren is you know you go you go to worst case scenario oftentimes as an athlete i would say a lot of times an athlete as soon as something you know not minor but but a bump in the road comes up you just want to dive off the deep end and be like, fuck,
Starting point is 00:56:45 that's everything I've done for the past year. Just down the toilet. Dude. I don't know how you would have, how, how you would have that talk with Lauren Lauren after she's put in, you know, six months of grind and be like, Hey, because of the rumors started on the seven podcast about gymnastics, you're out in cash. I don't think uh do you think there are people in the comments talking about cash from being subbed in at a later point i don't think that
Starting point is 00:57:11 the games would allow her to do that if lauren dropped out they wouldn't allow an athlete to just step in halfway through the event that's like well there's a little bit more to that so i i was told that she was the alternate for the team heading into strength and depth. However, I couldn't find anything in the rule book stating that you cannot take someone's place in the next stage, even if you did not qualify for individual yourself that there's nothing in there that explicitly says that you can't hey if they're gonna allow subs then everyone should be subbing at the fucking right i mean that's crazy yeah they're not gonna allow that yeah there's no way Oh, man. Julian Garcia, at what point did Lauren fear for her spot as soon as Katrin missed the last chance to call a fire? Brutal.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I don't think that was the case. I think they're sold on Lauren. And then how about this? Lauren's been the weak link, so oh, well, damn. Can you pull up those workouts again? Again, I disagree. I don't think Lauren's the weak link. She has way more games experience than Tola.
Starting point is 00:58:29 And I'm not saying he's the weak link either. I just think people look at it and you don't see the big name and you just want to immediately think, oh, that's the weak link. But when you're on a team, it's so different from individual. So, again, I think 100% Katrin is probably not as good as a 70% Lauren who's been training with them all year. Do we know about this team? Thank you, Taylor.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Do we know about this team, this one-mile bike ride? Oh, so it's not a relay. It's one male, one female. Oh, maybe it is. It's three rounds. Maybe they'll change who's on the bike every time. I wonder if you have to change. So it's three rounds for the team, one mile per round on the time. I wonder if you have to change. So it's three rounds for the team, one mile per round on the bike.
Starting point is 00:59:08 I wonder if you have to switch. I bet it's going to be male one, female one, bike, while male two, female two, push the bob. When they come back, they switch. It would make sense that when they came back, they switch. It would make sense that when they came back, they would switch. Then the other two would go bike, and then they would all four do synchro toes-to-bar. They've done that before, but it doesn't look like they're doing that. I think what it'll be is a one-mile bike while male to male female completes the push and the synchro toes-to-bar.
Starting point is 00:59:43 As soon as the bike is back they they basically interchange equipment right oh okay it even says there then switch sorry yeah then switch after toes bar push so so each yeah so everyone everyone rides three miles so everyone does three loops everyone does three bobs everyone does 90 toes to bar in 2015 la Lauren bumped someone from Invictus when she didn't make individual. Christine, why? There's a lot of that goes on in the
Starting point is 01:00:11 team division. Adriana Wegman says that the two-time champ, Katrin, always falls apart. Lauren is the best at that. The comments are fucking ruthless. They're brutal sometimes. These are like these fat people sitting on their couch with a leg propped up, eating Cheetos. And they're like, wow, they're brutal sometimes. These are like these fat people sitting on their couch with like a leg propped up like eating Cheetos.
Starting point is 01:00:27 And they're like, wow, they always fall apart. Easy. Pump the brakes. Not to be on a fat. Sorry. I don't know who you are. What do we know comes next? Do we know anything else?
Starting point is 01:00:44 So we're pretty filled in. It's a lot of good information. But do we know anything? What Do we, do we know anything else? So, so we're pretty, we're pretty filled in. It's a lot of good information, but do we know anything? What's the thing about swimming pool? Do we know, is there no swimming this year? There is swimming.
Starting point is 01:00:51 It's going to be in a pool. Everyone's swimming in a pool on Saturday, all the divisions. We just don't know in what way. Okay. And Saturday would be the third day of the games for the individuals. And do we know where the pool is? University of Wisconsin.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Okay. It's their collegiate pool. It would be a nice twist if they swam it on a 50-meter length or course. Olympic pools are set up 25-yard one direction, 50-meter the other direction. I bet they will. That would be cool. Yeah will that would be cool yeah that would be cool it would eliminate kind of the flip turn being a huge factor potentially i have red hose uh a five five percent catrin is better than a 100 of this peanut gallery chill says the hoe all right i have red shoes hey you read it how you want you
Starting point is 01:01:44 read it how you want i You read it how you want. I see hoes, you see shoes. It's just what I want. Red bottoms? I just found out what red bottoms were like a week ago. I don't know what red bottoms are. I know what red wings are, but I don't know what red bottoms are. I bet JR does.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Red bottoms? Yeah, I do. I'll look that up. I'll look that up. I picked up and looked at the bottom. I was like like what the fuck okay that's enough so that's yeah I mean I
Starting point is 01:02:15 so far the workouts are awesome I love them in three minutes we will have Amanda Barnhart on the show I'm excited it's the first time i've ever talked to her i've admired her from afar for years uh taylor hired his self-made program athletes to troll this section he gave him the day off so they could troll yeah i was shopping for heels philly b uh anything else you guys want to add? Any predictions after day?
Starting point is 01:02:49 How's the champ going to do? How's Justin Medeiros going to do on these? I think he does pretty well on all of them. He's really good at overhead and running. He's fantastic at, you know, he did really well on the pig muscle-up workout last year. And he's strong, so I don't see him doing poorly on the pig muscle-up workout last year and uh he's strong so i don't see him doing poorly on the the heavy carries um i don't see him i don't see him placing outside of the top seven or six on any of these events so you don't see anything where like oh shit justin's not gonna win the games
Starting point is 01:03:19 this year this is not at all these these first four workouts workouts, he's got the potential to win all of them. Awesome. Sousa, have you sent Ms. Barnhart a link? I did, yeah, about 10 minutes ago. JR, any final thoughts on these workouts? No, I think they're all awesome. The ones that have been released all look really good. I'm really interested to see now.
Starting point is 01:03:53 One thing me and Taylor talked about was, so we see this 300 and 200 pound barbell for reps. Is this the heavy barbell that we get? Do we get a platform lift? Do we get an odd object for a strength test on Saturday night. That's going to eliminate some athletes. I mean, they, they released the video saying big lifts on Saturday, but again, we, we just assume that it's a barbell test.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Is it going to be for, is it going to be like, um, like a Linda type workout? Is it going to be, is it going to be something else heavy, but it's not going to be like a max lift. Is that something that we're still going to get? i like i liked your um your guests before on the
Starting point is 01:04:28 show i do basically pedestal stones and pedestals i don't think it's either or if you look at last year and you had the clean ladder with a heavy bar you had the deadlift handstand pusher with a heavy bar and then you had the one rep max snatch you had three events with a super heavy barbell i don't think it's either or this year there's still enough events for them to have two strong man heavy workouts and a couple of barbell heavy workouts is the capital is the capital heavy workout i don't think the capital is considered a heavy workout no i'm missing most of the games footage this year because of my stupid wedding this guy can this guy could be such an asshole to me in my in my dm sometimes but now i get it he's even an asshole to himself you're a beast that's that's equity i mean equality i mean equity i mean equality yeah you told himself that
Starting point is 01:05:19 you're a beast oh i'm joking by the way by the way. Go get it. You're not joking. You're not joking. You're not joking. You're a son of a bitch. Just put an AirPod in, man. He only said that once you brought up his comment, but he was like, oh, shit. When the guy's reading you your vows, hey, shut the fuck up. JR, do you have to go now? Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Okay. Taylor, do you have to go now? Do you want – would you like to stay on with Ms. Barn uh taylor do you have to go now do you want would you like to stay on with uh miss barnhart you don't have to yeah absolutely okay fantastic uh jr thank you um we i we have uh a rough schedule already up on our youtube station if you look uh will brandstetter was nice enough to make these beautiful thumbnails and to get everything lined up it's it's uh it going to be a busy week, people. I'm sure we'll be back on later on today after Amanda Barnhart. I don't know in what capacity.
Starting point is 01:06:12 We do have some people on the ground already in Madison who will be walking around with cell phones. Hopefully, we can do a show and just fuck around and just look around. And so that's where we're at. She should be on here. She should be on here. She should be on here now, right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Did she respond? We don't have her phone number, right? There's certain guests we don't get their phone numbers. Why is that? Yeah. They just don't want to give them to us? They don't like that distance. Say that again, Taylor?
Starting point is 01:06:42 No, I was just saying they don't give their phone number away. No. No. Yeah, let's fuck around and look around, Sousa. Is she there? Is Elise Carr-Ridau there by any chance? Sousa, is she there? What? Is she there at the event?
Starting point is 01:07:00 Oh, I don't know. All right, guys. Got to go. Kid's crying. Okay, bye. Thank you. I don't know. Elise, are you here? Oh, I thought I guys got to go. Kids crying. Okay. Bye. Thank you. I don't know. At least are you here? Oh, I thought because you're creepy. Oh, you wish. Oh, thanks, George. Oh, no, she's not here. No, I freaking wish.
Starting point is 01:07:19 We've got a we've got a Rottweiler at the gym and we're going to have to start. We're have to put this thing on a diet. Look at this dog back here. Just like, can you see him? Samson, come here. They don't want you calling them. I want to tell you of the 500 guests we've had on, I don't think I've called a single one just on a, but, but, but, but, but, but you're right, Miss Hill, that definitely., if they don't give me their phone number, even if I wanted to call them or pocket dial them, I could not. I'm creepy, and they don't want me calling.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Check. Yeah, athletes have to start the conversation with you. I started it with you. You did? You're a good dude. I get to keep my job. She's here. Amanda, what's up, girl? Did you think i wasn't coming hi we never know we never know it's a
Starting point is 01:08:12 toss-up we never know i was just having technical difficulties i'm on my mom's ipad and i was for some reason chrome wasn't working so we had to figure it out but we're good i'm here taylor came 40 minutes late so you so he took the brunt. You already look great. You still look great. Thanks. I was like one minute late. I was like, oh, no.
Starting point is 01:08:34 He took one for the team. Sorry, Caleb. That was me who did that so I could see Ms. Barnhart better. Hey, great to finally meet you. Nice to meet you, too. I've been a fan for a while. So I'm excited to finally have me on. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Thank you. Uh, you are, um, something special. Uh, uh, Brian friend was telling us yesterday on the,
Starting point is 01:08:54 um, show where he was picking, doing the rankings or who, how he thinks people are going to, um, do it. The games this year, he said in live competitions at the crossfit games which crowned
Starting point is 01:09:06 the fittest man and woman in the world undisputed you've won an event every year which is crazy because uh we know miss tia is there crazy i take pride in those times i've beat tia i think i've beat her at the games um wadapalooza and rogue so i've beat her a few times i'm like yes at least i'm someone who can beat her in some workouts like when i saw some of the workouts at torian pro this year i was like i would have given her a run for her money in some of those like it's cool to be able to compete with her in anything because she's just so amazing yeah if you can't beat her at one event then you can't then i mean you have to be able to be there at least at one event to be able to just beat her in the totality of it.
Starting point is 01:09:46 So like I mean some people, there's no fucking glimmer of hope. True. That's very true. And so you have three event wins at the CrossFit Games in three different years. Yeah, each year except for 2020, but it was online. So tough for in the gym by yourself doing workouts. It's harder to win one yeah do you not like the uh online no i'm not a fan i mean i think being in the sport for as many years as i have been forced to mentally get better at it but i don't know there's just like a flip that switches
Starting point is 01:10:18 in me when i'm on the competition floor and i have a really hard time going there by myself in the gym when people do so good in the open i'm like how do they do that um it's just hard for me how old are you amanda i just turned 31 so i'm on the old side um when you walk out onto the um floor uh tell me about that experience um well not just how exciting it is, but do you feel comfortable? Oh gosh. Yeah. So comfortable. It's like, you're nervous, but you're also at peace. Cause it's just like, this is where I want to be. This is what I want to be doing. The crowd. Um, you know, like when you feel the crowd around you, you're just like, oh, this is so cool. So it is a surreal feeling. It's kind of hard to put into words, honestly.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Tell me about when you learned how to ride a bike. Do you remember that? I feel like everyone remembers that. No, honestly, don't. You don't. I was hoping you weren't going to ask me about this. You don't remember like your mom or your dad or running behind you? No. Holding the seat? No, you don't. No, I don't. I did learn how to ride a bike, but I did not bike a ton as a child. It was not one of my hobbies. Oh, so you weren't the kid who rode their bike to school every day? You weren't on a bike every day of your life? No. I was the kid that ran to school because I wanted to get exercise in that way.
Starting point is 01:11:40 I had my book bag on, and I literally ran like a mile and a half to school because I thought it was cool. No shit know that tanya wagner has that my mom said that i wanted to be a walker like i wanted to be those kids that walk to school but we technically lived like further than the walkers would live and so she didn't want me to go by myself because i was pretty young so she would follow me in the van and i wanted to get away from her. So I would run. She followed you in the van. She's lucky she didn't get arrested. Like a van with no windows. Ma'am, stop following the little girl. I'm pretty sure he said someone was like, honey, are you okay? And my mom's like, I'm her mom. Oh, awesome. Well, that's good. What state was that?
Starting point is 01:12:24 Ohio. Oh, that's good. What state was that? Ohio. Oh, that's good. So how old were you when you did that? Because I was a different kind of kid. I was the kind of kid like, not only did I not want to walk to school, but I had to walk to school. But like, I would probably throw my book bag in the bushes. No, I was like a super nerd. I loved loved school so i would never get rid of my book bag and you were down and you were down you knew somehow that that made you stronger to carry that and run with it she was like i can take your book bag i was like oh no i'm taking my book bag i got this how old were you when you were like that i don't know honestly i mean it was definitely in elementary school like way before um grade like seventh grade or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:13:06 I was young, young enough that my mom was worried about me going by myself. Yeah, crazy. And then and then and then who taught you how to swim? My mom put my sister nine swim lessons when we were like babies. Like she had like the mommy and me classes where we were in the water with her super, young and then i think we were on the swim team when we were five years old like we were so you don't even remember learning how to swim like swimming and biking or just in your memory they were like you don't remember learning how to walk it's just shit you do yeah like i mean i started gymnastics and ballet when i was like three or four years old started swimming when i was super young so like i it's just like all I did I don't remember um those memories until I was like older but I've been
Starting point is 01:13:49 doing them for several years at that point are are you um are you competing to um make your parents happy somewhere inside of you are you are you is that is that what you do it to make your mom and dad proud no I don't think so I, they're proud of me no matter what I'm doing. No, not true. Not true. If you were doing heroin in the subway in Brooklyn, they would not be proud of you. Yeah, that's right. But I wouldn't do that. I'm a good girl. You are a good girl? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:21 And have you always been a good girl? Yeah. I was terrified to get in trouble growing up and rule follower to a T. What, what is the, um, uh, and are you, you're an honest person?
Starting point is 01:14:35 Yeah, for sure. What do you have any thoughts on that? On the importance of honesty? Has it made your life easier or harder? Um, I don't know. I just think that like, for me,
Starting point is 01:14:45 it's like, sometimes I'm too honest. I'm like blunt and just say whatever I'm thinking. Um, my family always teases me. They're like, you're being, you know, honest, Amanda, brutally honest, but I feel like it's better to be brutally honest and vulnerable. You know, what you really mean, as opposed to lying to someone who never does anyone any good. Right. I think it's the cornerstone of like integrity yeah absolutely like if you're not honest i i used to not have that i was nice but i had no integrity i was so nice i think everyone can be like that sometimes you know like but the difference between being nice and kind like nice is kind of superficial and kind is like
Starting point is 01:15:24 genuine who you are like there's a there's a fine line between the two but it's more important to be kind than nice yes uh yeah yes that's good and um honesty doesn't mean that um um you say everything you're thinking that's a fucking uh blabbermouth reckless insane person just because you think someone's ugly you don't go up to him and be like hey you're ugly and be like well i'm just being honest that's not honest that's not that's first that's um just you fucking not having control your fucking tongue yeah that's you being mean yeah and that's you've been probably projecting your own fucking ugliness onto them yeah that's very true i try not to do stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:16:19 What about when's the last time you let someone be at the grocery store? And I'm judging you heavily for this. Careful. When's the last time you let someone at the grocery store who was behind you when they had like one item and you had a shopping cart go in front of you? Honestly, I that was probably my husband who like initiated that like he's got that good good guy okay i'll give you some points for that i guess you chose a guy who does that let this person go and i'm like really fuck that dude like we got here first i'm super impatient and he's very patient so he was probably like let let the lady go. Like, okay, fine. The man with a gun in his avatar penumbra syndicate for $9.99. For $9, you can talk all the shit you want to, Amanda, on my show, by the way. I got a bone to pick with Ms. Barnhart. I'm a CrossFit coach and former competitive athlete in the Army. Your YouTube videos on training really helped me in the mental consistency and intention work.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Make more videos. Oh, that's not a bone you have a bone to you have a bone to throw amanda to not pick throw it's been a minute i haven't made a youtube video in like a year um once i moved to boston it just got hard but the goal is to get back to making the youtube videos eventually you live in boston yeah I'm so sorry. I am so sorry. I'm from Ohio. I moved to Boston to be with Comtrain about a year and a half ago. Well, I approve of that. I'm a huge Ben Bergeron fan, but there is a, wow, wow, you're going to need serious therapy. I used to work in a home for developmentally disabled adults. You live in a town with developmentally disabled adults, mentally disabled adults.
Starting point is 01:17:47 That's incredible. It is different. It is different than Ohio. I will say that. Luckily, I don't really get out much because I'm there for training. So it's like. I hope you have a shirt that I hope you just put on your shirt every morning and it just says, I'm sorry. Apologizing to people.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to work so hard and be so great. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to work so hard and be so great. I'm sorry. Honestly, the biggest thing that bothers me is just like, if you're from the Midwest, like Ohio, like I am like people are friendly. And when you go to the grocery store in Boston, like I get so mad that people just like, they'll like elbow you to get around you and not say anything. I'm like, are you kidding me? Like you just elbowed me and walked right by like I get so mad that people just like they'll like elbow you to get around you and not say anything I'm like are you kidding me like you just elbowed me and walked right by like I didn't exist and I'm like don't get mad don't get mad it's fine it's just like a different culture but in Ohio people are so nice they're like oh excuse me I'm gonna squeeze by and then like
Starting point is 01:18:38 say how are you like people are very very friendly it's not like that there um they're nice they're nice in Boston if like you need help and you talk you reach out to someone they'll be helpful but the the passing on the streets type friendliness and the grocery store is very strange yeah um that's uh the difference between northern california and southern california too i think a part of the thing is that they're around so many people all the time they just kind of like you know oh yeah it's like new york city ever been there like pushed around it's frustrating it's like um so were your parents um uh they really pushed you to stay moving all the time um i think they just my mom always said like she wanted to put us in everything and then just see what we liked. And I think we liked,
Starting point is 01:19:29 I liked the versatility. Like I, I wanted to stick to gymnastics when I was pretty young, like, Oh, this is my favorite sport. I think I'm going to go to the Olympics. Like, you know, every kid says that. And then by the time I hit teenager, I like realized that I wanted to like play sports and not just like being a gymnastics gym four hours a day, you know, 20 hours a week. Um, but yeah, they were, they were cool with whatever, like my sister took the dance route, like she loved ballet and dance and she kind of put everything into that. I was more gymnastics until I found volleyball and went back to swimming and just kind of like, I don't know, just wanted to do as much as possible. I never really felt like I wanted to just do one sport and only do that. Um, I just enjoyed the versatility throughout the year.
Starting point is 01:20:06 Um, swimming, there's a, there's kind of a little bit of a mental disorder component, right? You're just face down, stare at the black line hours a day. You just grind, right? Yeah. It's got like that runners, same with like long distance runners. There's like a, Hey, you okay? Yeah. It's like all swimmers are a little bit crazy and weird I think and um it's just it's not a fun sport like no one does swimming because it's fun it's just like you do it because you got into the sport you fell in love with it but like you ask swimmers if they love going and swimming every day they absolutely hate it um and even now like you asked me to go the pool I go there and I like stand there I'm like oh I don't want to get in like it's just
Starting point is 01:20:44 it's mentally hard for me to want to get in and like oh I don't want to get in like it's just it's mentally hard for me to want to get in and swim now I mean it was hard back then but it's really hard now as opposed to volleyball you get to wear a cool you get bathing suit you got other girls out there with you you can play at the beach you can play anywhere it's cool it's um you get to beat up on other teams with your team yeah volleyball was by far my favorite sport I ever played I thought I was going to play in college, honestly, but I played a lot of club volleyball. I played high school volleyball. And I just had like a million different coaches over the years. And I was like,
Starting point is 01:21:14 I'm not sure. It's very political at times, like whether you get to play or not. And I didn't want to go to college for four years and sit at the bench so i chose the sport that allowed me to play the game no matter what um it paid off though i'm happy i swam but i do miss volleyball uh dominic zuf dominic uh seban is sorry for everyone living outside of his property that true true yeah you guys saw the drone shot that thing's awesome uh when when i mean um how old were you when you got a cell phone uh seventh grade how old are you in seventh grade no shit is that young or old that's that's for someone who's like cool like you that's that's young i i was my way to predict that you didn't get a cell phone until you're 15 if you're cool. Like all the cool kids I know, the later you get the cell phone, the cooler you turn out.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Oh, man. Yeah. But you turned out cool. What kind of cell phone did you get in the seventh grade? Oh, it was just like one of those flip phones. It didn't have a camera or anything. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:17 No camera. So you weren't sending nudes to anyone? Razor had cameras. No. Okay. Okay. Good. Good.
Starting point is 01:22:24 All right. I approve. You got T9 texting, you know? Yes. Okay. Okay. Good. Good. All right. I approved. You got T9 texting, you know? Yes. Yeah. That's what it went on the internet and you freaked out and tried to turn it off before it connected. Wait, wait, what do you mean? What's T9 texting? Like every key has three letters and you got to push it. Oh yeah. That shit's awesome. Oh, good parents. You had good parents. Can you imagine doing that now? How weird that would feel. And when did you get your first smartphone? Do you remember? No, probably college because I don't think it was in high school.
Starting point is 01:23:02 I think high school I had, you know, I went from like the flip phone to the razor to like the slide up phone where you text it across that way. Yeah. And, you know the first iphone probably wasn't until college i'm guessing um i i uh check out dave castro's post to see the new ceo of crossfit do you mind if we take a moment amanda check it out okay yeah let's check let's check it out let's check it out i got it here there's that one i did. I did have a rotary phone. I did see you posted something. I just didn't listen to you. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:23:28 Yeah, let's hear it. Let's hear it. Let's hear it. What's going on here? Don Fowl. Okay, so CrossFit just announced a new CEO, Don Fowl. He's from the Bay Area. He's worked in a number of tech companies.
Starting point is 01:23:38 But more importantly, at least in my eyes, he is a former Marine. He's a Naval Academy graduate. at least in my eyes, he is a former Marine. He's a Naval Academy graduate. And specifically during his time in the Marines, he served in force reconnaissance. Force reconnaissance is a special warfare organization, similar to SEALs, not exactly like SEALs. We have different mission sets essentially, but it's from the special operations community. And it's a group of people that we really respect. And we being SEALs and other special forces type, special operations type, we really respect and hold in a high regard. I have an interesting story.
Starting point is 01:24:19 I've worked with a number of force recon people throughout my 12 years in the Navy. a number of force recon people throughout my 12 years in the Navy. But the most significant story I have from that community is when I went to Bud's, I was 18, 19 years old. And my roommate at the time was a transfer from the Marines to the Navy. And he was trying to go through Bud's also. And he was 32 years old and he was from force recon. So he was a special operations guy already going through the training to become a seal. So here you had this 18, 19 year old kid who knew nothing about life room, uh,
Starting point is 01:24:55 roomed up with the 32 year old veteran of the special operations community. And so, uh, I learned a lot from him. He meant, all right. All right. Good. So a lot about this is uh
Starting point is 01:25:09 my gut instinct is this is not the time to announce a new ceo i think they should have waited uh one more week uh that's my just my gut before I go hard at CrossFit for that. That is crazy to announce it during the CrossFit Games. That is not something you want to do to Justin Berg, Adrian Bosman, or anyone in the leadership at the CrossFit Games. That is a bad – that's bad. Wait, was that just Dave making that announcement himself? I'm sure it's somewhere else. Yeah, I'm sure some – yeah yeah exactly and my other gut reaction is holy shit they went
Starting point is 01:25:52 from they went from a woke fit with rosa like to a fucking guy who's a fucking uh navy recon that means that the board has flipped their complete script in their shit they've completely gone uh the other way does that does that i i almost could take a different take on them announcing right now okay in the terms of having so many eyes on at the right right then feeling like this is a good move and then also dave post like a pr move like the woke shit was so bad that they want to be like look we got a mill guy back up almost we got a guy who's okay with the american flag when the most that yeah when the most eyes are on them and you have dave back in the guy
Starting point is 01:26:34 i could potentially be a good move announcing right now in terms of people like damn we have hope um amanda when you train for the games um uh this you know Adrian Bosman is going to program them, does that affect your training at all? I know that Ben has been notorious and I don't know if he prided himself in it, but a lot of people looked up to him for predicting games events. That he was one of the best in the business around that. Honestly, we didn't do too much of that this year. I mean, we just trained pretty normally. There wasn't anything like, Oh, we think boss is going to do this. Um, yeah, I didn't think too far into it. Okay. And when you, um, there's people who, you know, uh, you moved to Boston to be under his eye. So basically you would go into the gym and you see you, it's Ben's the kind of coach that you see every single day. Yeah. And that, and that,
Starting point is 01:27:31 as opposed to, we had rich on the other day and he said that when people come there to train, he might not even necessarily even talk to them about like, he's not that kind of coach. It's like, Hey, here's the programming. If you have a question, come ask me. It's not like that with Ben. No, it's definitely not like that. I mean, there's times of season where he's with me more than like the off season. He checks in with me. He may watch something. And then some days I may not see him at all during the off season, but then as the season goes on and wearing games training, he's with me every single day, making sure, you know, I have what I need coach me when I need it standing back when I don't.'t. It's nice. It's nice to have someone there who's looking out for you and making sure you're doing everything you can.
Starting point is 01:28:10 Do you ever be working out? Do you ever do you ever work out? And a month goes by or two months go by and you're like, fuck, I am. And a month goes by or two months go by and you're like, fuck, I am. I have not. I'm not doing this right. I'm only giving 97 fucking percent. I haven't. OK, good.
Starting point is 01:28:38 No, I mean, I think that like we're always going to be like, did I do enough today? You kind of like look back at the day. But I feel like as long as you're giving everything you can into each thing you're doing and not overthinking it, I think I used to overthink it more. Like, cause I used to hear like the top athletes be like, I know I did everything I possibly could. And I'm like, well, how do you know? Like, how do you know you did absolutely everything? Yeah. Yeah. That used to bother me. Cause I'm such a like perfectionist type person. I'm like, but did you really? But now I realized that i was just overthinking it like it's not that it's serious but it's not like you just you work hard every day you put intention
Starting point is 01:29:10 into each piece you're doing take your recovery and the rest of your life seriously and you are doing everything you can it's not it's not brain science like it's kind of like the let me give one more example um those the assault bike and the echo bike. And Matt Fraser says that Matt Fraser said that he would sell his soul every morning. Like, I would not do that. Like, I cannot do that. I get on. I cannot do that more than once a year, once every three years.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Do you know, like, do you ever say that again? I know what you mean. I think that I'm just like, what? I'm so terrified of it. I'm just like, I don't think I am. I can tell you, I gave it my all, but then like the other day I did 80 calories in five minutes. That was supposed to be me giving it my all. But even at the end, at the end I was hurt. But even at the end, I was like, ah, I still didn't. I think it's like how you start the workout like how your mind is starting to work out like you got to be prepared like if i go into a workout like not we always say like you weren't braced for how that's going to hurt like if you're braced for how that's going to hurt you're going to be willing to go there but if you're not you're not going to
Starting point is 01:30:18 go there or it's going to hit you so soon you're going to freak out because you weren't ready for it and then you're going to back off but if you're prepared for it like then you're fine you're accepting that it's going to hurt that bad and it's just another day of training i guess yeah i have two questions for you um how do you prepare for it and if you don't go there do you not get the adaptation because lately i've done like three workouts with the camera on me and I've been pushing way harder than I ever fucking would. And and I feel like I'm getting again. I'm at 50. I'm getting dramatic adaptation just from like three or four workouts.
Starting point is 01:30:53 It's nuts. Yeah, I believe that. I think that if you just number one, tell yourself it's going to hurt at this point, it's going to hurt right away. Whatever, like whatever the type of workout is, you're ready for that. You're going to be fine. And then don't let yourself give up when you're at that point and i would say what do you say what do you say this is when it sucks like don't give up like this is don't give up yeah um you know and how about any vulgarity don't be don't be a bitch amanda don't be a fucking sissy no it's
Starting point is 01:31:19 just pain i'm like it's literally just pain like you're not gonna more wisdom you're a wise person you're not abusive to yourself i'm not i'm not'm not mean to myself, but I'm also a realist. So I'm not like lying to myself. Like, oh, this is fun. You got this. Like, I'm just like, it's pain. You're not going to die. Keep going. Um, cause it honestly doesn't usually hurt less when you rest. Like it still hurts. So you might as well keep going hard. keep going hard yeah it just creeps in kind of kind of yeah you're right yeah and and then and then and then what about the adaptation part do you feel like if you don't give it your all you kind of even wasted the training time um i think it depends on the workout like if you're working on something specific like a skill or you know you're trying something new like or trying to go unbroken on something that you wouldn't typically go unbroken and like then your your stimulus is a little different it's not about blasting it to the floor like maybe i'm trying to do a unbroken set of muscle ups or something and i had to rest more so i got a training adaptation that was different not necessarily um super fitness just skill or like stamina related when when you're in the um in uh uh some bougie uh the part um grocery store
Starting point is 01:32:31 like they have in um boston and people yeah hopefully and p and and someone uh bumps into you or something what could you possibly what what are you wearing you must be bundled up no one would ever fucking do that if you were dressed no i'm like right now really yeah that's what i was people stare at you are you a bit of a yeah yeah yeah yeah the first time i walked through airport with like some of the guys that used to work out with like do you feel everyone's staring at you i'm like yeah i just ignore it like yes i feel people staring at me. I know. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:07 It's actually Boston people don't say stuff to me quite as much. They do. But in Ohio, it's like, oh, my God, they're like touching your arms. And they say they used to look like me. I'm like, probably not. Taylor used to look like you before he got flattened by the pig. I was mad when someone said that to me one time. She's like,
Starting point is 01:33:26 I used to look just like you. I'm like, how about, how about my wife? How about my wife goes to the doctor the other day. She's buck naked. Some lady's checking out her cervix. She's getting cervical exam.
Starting point is 01:33:36 And the lady goes, do you work out? And my wife's like, my wife's like yoked and skinny and just all fucking. Very clearly works out. Yeah, it's crazy. She was probably just looking at her arms, you know. I mean, it was nuts.
Starting point is 01:33:51 I'm like, but they said it like, no, it was like in the questionnaire. If I saw my wife, I'd be like, so what do you do to train? Not do you work? Oh, it wasn't. I see how you took it. It's not do you work out? Like, do you work out? Wow, you look good. Do you work out? It's like, hey, do you work out like um do you work out wow you look good do you
Starting point is 01:34:05 work out it's like hey do you it's like they're not even paying attention like they don't even see you i think they don't know what to say like obviously i work out but i get that's the first last do you work out or are you a bodybuilder if i saw you i'd be like if i saw you i'd be like do you ever not work out right i've i feel like um i've been like fit shamed at like a pool before where they're like, you work out. You haven't heard of fit shame? No. I've heard that. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:34:31 Keep going. Keep going. People who are out of shape who like say something to you that's kind of like demeaning. I feel like why don't you go work out some more or something like that. Dude, there's people who food shame like that too i had a boy i had a boyfriend who had a girlfriend who um they would go out and she he would order a salad and she would be like you make me feel so bad because you eat so healthy yeah i'd be like what the fuck it's a real thing i feel like they feel insecure that they're out of shape and you know not working out and want to make you feel bad for working out so
Starting point is 01:35:05 much you're being healthy or whatever but it's like for some reason that's not as frowned upon but like you would never say something to someone who's overweight and not working out or eating making a bad food choice at the grocery store I wouldn't be like oh you shouldn't be eating that but they're gonna tell me I work out too much so do you ever at the crossfit games walk so close to the other girls um um, uncomfortably close to them so that they know, like, like I am Amanda Barnhart. Like I am a different, uh, like if I, if I was you, I would do that. Like I would walk.
Starting point is 01:35:35 So like if Tia was just standing there, like stretching or something, I would walk so close to her that she could feel my body heat. I don't think, I don't think Tia's scared of me, but she'd probably be like, what are you doing? Either way I'd do it that's true that's true do you ever do that do you ever use your your presence to try to intimidate the other girls or let them know i am here um not in competition no i don't think like on purpose like if i'm intimidating it's not because i try to be i feel like um the only time i would maybe try to be intimidating is like if i'm in the gym and i
Starting point is 01:36:04 don't want someone to bother me i'm like know, got my don't talk to me face on and you just try to be, um, yeah, sometimes I have to do that. But in competition, I feel like it just naturally happens. And if people are intimidated, then that's on them. Not me. Points. Um, uh, how, how many years ago did you start CrossFit? Um, so when I was swimming in college i started doing it over
Starting point is 01:36:26 the summer because i we're like supposed to do a lifting program on the summer it was pretty boring so i was convinced my sister to go to crossfit gym with me just to stay in shape and i loved it so i think that was either my sophomore or junior year of college in the summer so i just did it the whole summer i'd do like crossfit in the morning Then I would go to swim practice and then I would go lifeguard all day. So you were probably like 20, 19. Yeah. Yeah. Probably around there. And then I would go back to school in the fall and I wouldn't do CrossFit all year. And then the gym I went to would message me like in February and be like, Hey, we need you to sign up for this CrossFit Open. I'm like, I don't know what this
Starting point is 01:37:01 is. Like, why do I have to sign up for this? They wanted me to like submit scores. So if they made regionals or something, I could be an alternate, which is what ended up happening the one year I was, um, I was like, I didn't do any of the open workouts. I literally submitted one score, like a one rep, sorry. Like I didn't do the workouts. And then, so that's why my very first, if you like look at my stats, my very first open years, like in the high thousands of places, um, it was just because I submitted one rep per open workout so I could be eligible for the team in case they made regionals. They ended up making it. Um, but I couldn't do a muscle up. Like I was useless.
Starting point is 01:37:37 I was just strong. Um, and I was like, don't put me on the team. Like I'm going to embarrass the crap out of myself. So I ended up being the alternate that year. I think it was 2014 and I went and watched, um, the regionals. I think it was like in Columbus back then, the central regional Columbus or Cincinnati. I can't remember. When you start at 19 and then, and, uh, doing CrossFit, do you notice a body composition
Starting point is 01:38:00 change or right away? Um, I don't think then because I was swimming, so I was still kind of like had my swimming layer of fat on call it. I was a little bit chubbier back then. Um, I did not eat good, like as swimmers, we were just always hungry. So I just, I didn't track my food or anything like that. Um, why are, why is that? Why are, why, why is every kid who goes into a pool come out hungry? Is that, that's just, why is that why are why why is every kid who goes into a pool come out hungry is that that's just why is that i have no idea it still happens to me now if i go like recreationally to the pool just to like get out and you just want to eat the whole cooler full of shit yeah i don't know why did you bring anything you open the cooler and there's like
Starting point is 01:38:39 did you bring anything for anyone else no i'm not sharing my food at the pool right and um so so at 19 you start you get sucked into doing um an open um as an alternate someone at the gym obviously sees something in you and then it's off to the races you do your first competition and you're hooked yeah pretty much like the first time i had a competition i was like oh this is really fun like i honestly i would never have done this But like part of me wanted to quit college swimming and just like start to be CrossFit. But I was committed to, to finishing what I started and, you know, writing that out. But I was like, I definitely loved it. Oh, were you were you a scholarship athlete? um i had a partial scholarship so it wasn't like i was at cleveland state so it's like a lower level division one school um you know i was a pretty good swimmer but i was lower level division one well it's not like we're talking ohio state like we got i know but it's still hard as
Starting point is 01:39:35 fuck yeah you know because like everyone in crossfit it's like oh you're such a great swimmer you're so fast and i'm like you guys have no idea like you know it's like the runners the highest level runners like i was not that good of a swimmer it's just compared to people who didn't swim their whole life pretty good swimmer um uh do you have you won any swim events at the crossfit games no because we always paddleboard or something stupid afterwards right i agree something stupid i agree paddleboard looking forward to the pool this year i won the swim last year, but that didn't count for anything because I got passed on the kayak by 10 people. I'm hoping for a swim, Siobhan, but try not to get your hopes too high. Well, it sounds like this year the swim is in the pool.
Starting point is 01:40:21 Yeah, which is great, but it could just be a wash. swims in the pool yeah which is great but it could just be a wash you know sometimes they put a 25 swim where and then a ton of crossfit between it you know it might not matter very much obviously i can recover in a pool better than anyone else but hey the the thing is this they said it's a workout that everyone can do yeah so i hope it's a hundred, a hundred meters all out. How many of the athletes do you think in flip turn? Um, I would say, I mean, I,
Starting point is 01:40:51 I trained with Sydney and she's been working on them, but I don't know, like in that scenario, like if it's worth doing it, because I, if you're really bad at flip turns, it takes so much oxygen. Cause you're like,
Starting point is 01:41:02 and then you're like, it's, I don't think it's worth it. If you aren't efficient at it, they go too deep. Then you push off the wall and you're're like it's i don't think it's worth it if you aren't efficient at it they go too deep then you push off the wall and you're i mean i wouldn't recommend the opposite direction you're going into the lane next to you yeah like they feel good that they're trying to do it but i'm like oh you're better off just touching the wall and turning around you think a lot of athletes can or do you think that's a distinct advantage you have over a lot of the swimmers um i think there'll be like five of
Starting point is 01:41:26 five people who are like efficient at it like i know danielle swam in high school christy aramos in college um i think lucy campbell was a swimmer uh if i'm missing anyone else i don't know i know tia can flip turn she swam growing up a little bit she's a pretty good swimmer so i think if you're swimming fast in a pool then being able to flip turn is going to be huge yeah that's why i wonder though like if they make it something where you're getting out on each side so a flip turn doesn't you know i was gonna say i feel like if they did that they'd probably use the 50 meter length or at least that would be what i hope for you would that would make more sense because the 25 is just like you dive in and you get out yeah yeah so i would hope it's at least 50 meters but i i'm sure it's an olympic size college pool that could go either way so i'm not sure how they have it set up yeah
Starting point is 01:42:15 amanda danielle did the same thing she was she was basically um capable of going further in crossfit at a younger age she had had a scholarship that she had to fulfill. She kept doing track and pole vaulting. And so I want to say at least two regionals she didn't get to go to because of her commitments to college. In hindsight, if you were to, and I have never asked her this, but in hindsight, if you were to talk to a younger Amanda,
Starting point is 01:42:41 would you maybe have done something different? Would you have? No. No. Yeah. I mean, when people always ask me now for advice, I'm like, play sports, like go to college and do a sport. Like you'll be 22 when you graduate college and you can't get that experience back. Like, I think that it's important that kids do that. I think it's cool that they're starting young and there's so much success in these younger athletes. Like it's amazing to see, don't get me wrong, but, um, I don't, I just think it's cool. College sports is just such a different experience that like, if you have the opportunity that you should do it, you're still so young when you graduate college, you got plenty of time.
Starting point is 01:43:17 And then you have stories about douchebag coaches. Yeah. You got a lot of stories. I mean, being on a team in college is just so fun. Let's take a break to talk about how great I am. Gladys Del Puerto. I'll never go back to lame channels. Thank you so much for your amazing adult, smart, human, deep conversations. Your podcast reaches beyond the stars. Love your team. I'm always looking forward to watch with that being said let's talk about the most superficial thing in the room amanda barnhart's body um when did when when i mean you you're like a fucking statue you're and that and that came from um you you didn't have
Starting point is 01:44:01 that physique from well i haven't seen pictures of you from when you were swimming but this physique of yours is like so unique if you were to put all the silhouettes of the athletes out there everyone who is a fan across would be like that's amanda barnhart you know what i mean that's colton mertens that's that's fukowski i mean there's like a handful there's a handful there's a there's a handful you we just know you're yeah um when did that happen when did you when i mean when did you start becoming such like a this powerhouse physique um so like there yeah like there you're just a just a normal pretty girl but you can see i have muscle underneath it i just yeah yeah i don't think that's a bad body at all i think that's a fantastic body but now you look you
Starting point is 01:44:40 seriously like in in the most unhealthiest possible, like you're almost a bad example for girls. Like you're at this unachievable or and boys. And I mean, when did that happen? I just this is just the expression of your. And what are you? What ethnicity are you that expresses its DNA like this? Are you Icelandic? No. is it's DNA like this um are you Icelandic no my dad's side is like Croatian and uh I forget what
Starting point is 01:45:08 else my mom's side's like mostly like European but they do have some like Cherokee Indian in that side so I mean what Croatian means dragon fighter and um uh in some language in Croatian I don't know do you remember do you remember crossfit like because greg would say that hey don't worry about what your body looks like do crossfit and your dna will express itself the way your genetics wanted it to where as was it kind of like a um opening a present at christmas like every day you did crossfit you're like holy shit this is me like do you ever trip on you when i like started wanting to compete i intentionally like started working with my coach to get leaner.
Starting point is 01:45:45 And once I leaned out, it was just like I had a lot of muscle underneath the fat that I was carrying. And then over the years have just put on muscle like we actually have to be very careful. Like most girls will kill me for saying this, but like I will put on five pounds of muscle every year if we're not careful. Like it just happens so easily. And I don't mean. And why don't you want to why don't you want to do that don't you want to just be fucking cock diesel just well i mean no i don't but um also i'm like my biggest weakness is she yeah she is fit shaming she's
Starting point is 01:46:16 fucking fit shaming i like i'm my weaknesses are all body weight stuff so like i don't need to be any heavier like yeah you can argue if you're getting stronger you're you're able to move your body weight but yeah i it's honestly been challenging to lift enough do crossfit enough eat enough and not just like put on muscle i i do is the muscle thing the same reason fighters don't want to put on too much muscle because it consumes so much fucking oxygen. And when you're moving around, it would be a drain on your metabolic capacity. I mean, I guess I don't know anything about fighters. But, I mean, that's how I feel running.
Starting point is 01:46:53 Like, I don't want to add 10 pounds on me every time I'm running or doing legless rope climbs. Like, that's weight. My legs are heavy. Yeah. What is the most you've ever weighed in your life? I've probably weighed probably 175 when I was heavy and swimming. And how tall are you? Five, seven and a half.
Starting point is 01:47:17 You're a giant. Yeah, I'm a giant across the world. That's the number one question I get when I do Q&As. How tall are you? I think because- You look taller. You look taller. I stand next to Christy Aramo and I look 5'11". So yeah. How tall are you, Taylor? Six foot? No, 5'10". 5'10". Okay. How tall are you, Sousa? Are you 5'10"? 5'10". Yeah. Every guy's 5'10". Not this one. I i was gonna say careful i got stuck with two i got two five i got two fives no tens two fives no ten when when how how are you for time amanda do you have a few more minutes
Starting point is 01:48:00 oh yeah i'm good okay um you you're in one of the um uh most popular uh teams one of the most popular coaches uh some of the greatest athletes if not the greatest who've come through the sport and there's been a shift there um is uh katrin um move back to iceland and Samuel Quant is not there either. Harry Paley. Harry Paley, the coach. What's Chandler's first name? Chandler Smith. Oh, his last name? Thank you.
Starting point is 01:48:39 I was thinking of the fighter, Michael Chandler. And Chandler Smith, did Chandler Smith leave also? No, he's there. He's there. Is it like one of the reasons I used to like going to class was like the only reason I like going to school is to see my friends. I'd be so excited. Oh, this dude's in first period.
Starting point is 01:48:58 Or like when I when I come on the podcast, I'm like so excited to see Sousa. I'm going to get to hang out with them. Or when I worked at CrossFit, I would be like so excited. Like, oh, I'm going to go see Dave's going to be there today. Or, you know what I mean? I'm going to get to see my friends and we're going to like fool. I know we're going to fool around. Like I know we're going to get into some trouble. Um, is it, was it like that when they left? Like, Oh, you're like, it was harder to go in because your, your friends weren't there. Oh, Catherine's not going to be there. And I'm, who am I going to tease?
Starting point is 01:49:25 Or I always brought a piece of food for her. She always bought a piece of food for me or, or, or, or, and you know, with your coach, like people are so excited to see their coach. Has that changed or is it maybe even the opposite? We're like, I got Ben to myself. He's mine. Yeah. It was a little bit of both, honestly.
Starting point is 01:49:43 Like, um, it was really fun last year with the four of us training together but i think we beat each other up too much and we didn't realize it at the time but like you're gonna put i mean katrin brings great energy right i mean she's a fucking like a 100 watt light bulb that burns at 220 right it's unbelievable she's like that all the time it's truly it's not fake it's who she is um so yeah i miss that i miss her energy i miss her as a friend i miss training with her but um me too i miss her as a friend too it was better it was a little better having a smaller group because it was easier to be like me and chanel were like hey like i'm not feeling great today
Starting point is 01:50:23 i'm gonna change this or whatever like i made a lot better decisions for me and my training this year than I did last year. Last year, it was very much the group effect. You kind of got sucked in. And I was like, well, I'm not missing this workout if everyone else is doing it. And sometimes it wasn't in my best interest every day to do that. And you know, you don't realize it, but you're, you dig holes when you do that. So it ended up being a really good training year with the smaller group. And that's a real effect, too. I've heard about that, about Hayley Adams at Mayhem. Like, you have to fucking stay clear from her or she'll fucking run you into the fucking ground.
Starting point is 01:51:02 Like, you can't be like, oh, Hayley's doing that. Yeah, Hayley's doing that, so I'm going to do it. I think even Rich told us that. He's like, yeah, I can't be like oh he's doing that yeah hayley's doing that so i'm gonna do it i think even rich told us that he's like yeah i can't like i'm 35 i cannot keep up with her like she'll just she'll she'll she'll break me um are you um do you have a yeah do you have a shoe sponsor yeah i'm a Reebok athlete. You are. Oh, so you're also excited about the potential to win the $12,000.
Starting point is 01:51:33 You don't have to be a Reebok athlete to do that. True. You don't. What Reeboks will you wear? Well, it depends on the workout, which is a little bit challenging because like you have to be wearing a certain, a certain Reeboks to win the, win the money, but I'm not going to put myself at a disadvantage and wear shoes that aren't advantageous to the workout just because I want to win money. Um, but you just have to be wearing the new nanos, um, which for most of the workouts, I'll be wearing those because they're crossfit workouts but like the swim i'm not gonna be wearing my nanos and i was gonna ask are you just fucked if you're gonna win the swim and you can't wear anything my husband's like my husband's like slip them on and run across the finish line that's what i was gonna say yeah have them right there and
Starting point is 01:52:18 slide them all actually hey do it hey hey um uh what about the nano twos you can't just you can't just go back to the nano twos did you like the nano twos i don't even remember the nano twos i okay they're really flat they're really flat and like wide giant toe box crazy toe box i think that's my first crossfit shoe i remember my first shoe they were the nano twos i'm not sure i'd like them now but because we've evolved so much with the shoes but they were great then yeah it's all i wear i probably have i have too many pairs yeah i mean i probably have 20 pairs in boxes to be honest like have you tried the new one i i've not but like the like i tried those fronings like from a few years ago and my foot doesn't even fit in them like i even if i bought it bought a
Starting point is 01:53:09 size up the top of my foot wouldn't even fit in them i mean i just can't do narrow shoes the slide in ones no no no no the the ones that had like all the american flag on them and shit okay now you're talking the slide in ones the slide in ones i don't even think I can wear slide-in shoes. Those ones are really comfortable, but I don't necessarily train in them. Right. And the Metcons is for people who only have three toes. Yeah, those are super narrow. And I don't even have fat feet, but they're just normal-looking feet. I do have fat feet.
Starting point is 01:53:43 That's funny. They are very narrow. What size shoe are you a nine nine pretty normal for my height i would say you just um you just had your birthday yeah july 16th yeah congratulations birthday happy birthday thanks that excuse me, that means if you do Masters when you're 35, you'll turn 35 just before. Yeah, how's that work? I think that you'd be good to go. I would be. Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 01:54:14 I think it's just how old you are when you compete at the games. Is that true, Taylor? For Masters, yeah. So if you turn 35 the week before, I think you are eligible to compete as 35 to 39 that was the question correct yep that's a long that's a long four years away so i don't think about that i think um are you gonna have kids that's the plan yeah yeah. Yeah, you got mom vibes to you for sure. Thanks. Do you have brothers and sisters?
Starting point is 01:54:50 Yes, I do. And my sister is actually about to have her first baby in September, so I'm really excited. I'm going to be. Oh, yeah, that shit's contagious. Yeah. You're going to get all. She's like the closest person to me to have a child, so it feels very real. Like seeing her pregnant, I was like, whoa. You only have one sibling i have two brothers as well but they're older than me and don't um live by us so i don't see as much okay four yeah you're gonna have a big family um
Starting point is 01:55:15 is your are you married yes and um do you guys have a dog we have two dogs oh shit you're gonna be you're not gonna make it out of that. You won't be at the 2023 games. Come on. Ben Bergeron says you're extremely coachable. Is that correct? Did I get that right? He did say that about me, yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:41 And what does that mean? Can you give me an example of what that means when someone's coachable? I think you're just willing to accept feedback and try something as opposed to being like, nah, I'm not going to do that. My way already works. It was hard at first. When I first started getting coached and they were like, oh, we want you to change this. And I was like, but this feels harder.
Starting point is 01:56:00 You try something new and it feels worse at first. And then you learn that it's efficiency over time. And, you know, maybe it's not the answer, but you got to at least try something that your coach is suggesting because they're trying to make you better. They're never trying to make you worse. So if they're suggesting something, it's for a reason. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:19 So would an example be like you're jumping rope and you're doing double unders and they see some sort of inefficiency in your wrist movement or something and they would be like, hey, I want you to fix this. And you just feel goofy as shit when you start it. Oh, yeah, that happened. One of my first coaches, Mitch, he like made me go. I was pretty bad at double unders when I first started competing. He made me go back to like the what the wiffle ball thing.
Starting point is 01:56:39 And I was like doing that. I got so mad. I'm like, gosh, why am I doing this? But I know he was trying to help me and it did end. I'm like, gosh, why am I doing this? But I know he was trying to help me and it did end up working. So yeah. Awesome. Um, I, I really, I really appreciate having you on. Um, you, you deserve in my opinion, uh, your own show. I will tell you this. I was, uh, um, I was, uh, nervous to have you on. Why? Because I just never know.
Starting point is 01:57:07 I never know if you're a conversation. If someone's not a conversationalist, I don't know what's going to happen. You know what I mean? If you're 20 minutes in, you're like, no, yes, water. No, I'm not like that at all. I actually have to cut myself off. I can talk forever. So I'd love to have my own show, Siobhan. Oh, you're awesome. Yeah, I like you. You're cool. All right. Deal. Please say hi to Ben. Tell him thank you for in your husband. Tell him thank you for sharing you. Tell Ben I've always loved having him on the show. And I appreciate everything you guys are doing. And I and I wish you the best of luck. I'm excited to see you get out there and perform you're an amazing human being
Starting point is 01:57:48 thank you guys I'm excited to go compete I'll make you proud oh one thing you don't have to answer me here just aren't that you know what I'm going to ask her I don't like to
Starting point is 01:58:04 ask people for stuff um but maybe you and your husband could get together coach you guys could get and maybe you guys could talk about whether um i could have your phone number so like i could i'll give you my phone number oh shit okay well cool i didn't want to rush you just played it cool i just you can just shoot me the link to join the yeah i was like susan why can't we get her phone number people in the comments are because you're a fucking creep i'm like okay all right i'll just try to just tiptoe i'll send it to your email after this okay you're wonderful and i'll text i won't text you more than twice a day thanks bye cheers thank you
Starting point is 01:58:50 and then there were three she was oh no then there were can you be on caleb yeah that's fine okay if you can't just hide oh that's's not secret data in that screen back there, is it? Is it Christmas there? No. And that's why I started Christmas lights. Where are you? It's always Christmas over here. Hey, I like it when he turns the lights off in there, and those Christmas lights actually look like –
Starting point is 01:59:19 Sorry, I didn't mean to be a religionist. Those Ramadan lights, they look like light leaking through the ceiling when you turn off the lights. Yeah, I'll set the mood in here. God, she's fucking cool. Interesting. Did you think she was cool? I thought she was great. I'm pumped to have her back on. Yeah. Raise your hand if you thought she was cool? I thought she was great. I'm pumped to have her back on. Raise your hand if you thought she was cool.
Starting point is 01:59:49 Wow, it is. I've seen her at some competitions, and she looks bigger than she is, for sure. Larger than life type. You mean when she's out on the floor? Yeah, I've just seen her walking around in like the athlete areas and stuff. And she's she seems really large, like personality and physically. I thought she was going to be just like this really quiet, shy girl. Yeah, I thought she didn't talk to anybody at the competition, but that makes sense.
Starting point is 02:00:23 She's just not that kind of person. This show that we just did is our most popular show already in the shortest amount of time in the last 30 days. People are getting amped for the games. Holy shit. Yeah. Are you seeing? I just went over and looked at the views. It's out of fucking control.
Starting point is 02:00:44 Yeah. It's out of fucking control. Yeah. It's out of fucking control. And I humbly accept all of the attention. Thank you. I promise it won't go to my head. Not at all. Hey dude, it's seriously, it's, it's, it's, uh, it's, it's, it's trending at quadruple the pace of the shows from the last like three days. you go over and see? Are you fucking watching over there? Wow. Yeah. It's fucking crazy. Yeah. Should we do something later, like a little tour of the venue or something like that? Yeah. I feel like someone should get naked and pay.
Starting point is 02:01:16 Taylor should just get naked and streak across the back. There's a thank you to the people. Would that be a good thank you? I want to thank you guys for watching. I'm trying to figure out what I can give you. Me naked? Yeah, you naked. That's what I'll do. Drop 70 in the comment.
Starting point is 02:01:31 70 bucks, I'll get naked. So let me do some shameless plugs because there's some people who have been extremely, extremely generous to us. First, I want to thank Paper Street Coffee. They have a booth at the CrossFit Games. They've decorated it with 7-on-Podcast stuff, signs, gear, shirts. And if you're at the CrossFit Games and you want to watch the 7-on-Podcast,
Starting point is 02:01:55 the booth will have a giant TV there that you can walk up and watch the podcast live. All week, Taylor and JR and I will be live, basically. I would guess anywhere from four to fucking seven times a day. It's going to be absolutely nuts. We're going to be bringing you all the intel that we can gather, and then we have another half dozen people on the ground there. If you do buy Paper Street Coffee, it's
Starting point is 02:02:20 Put in seven on, and you get 10% off. I have to thank Wadzombad zombie who's been a huge supporter of the show uh since day one he's always donating money and you should go buy these cards i don't know how they are so cheap they're only ten dollars they come in these cool plastic cases there's daniel brandon there's my homeboy colton mertens uh there is jason hopper the man one of the first like super cool athletes to really come on the show and be a regular. And Patrick Vellner, who is probably the coolest regular athlete we have on the show. Super generous with his time, too, and I love to see them.
Starting point is 02:02:52 I think they're releasing a couple new cards. Dallin Pepper and… Alexis Raptus. Alexis Raptus today. Thank you, Caleb. wrap this today. Thank you, Caleb. And finally, our most important and generous sponsor who has been there since day one, who has given us the most money, who has talked me through and counseled me through a bunch of stuff, who's not only a friend, a mentor, just beyond generous to the show is, The owner over there is an amazing entrepreneur who's extremely supportive of the show, extremely supportive of people within the CrossFit community. If you go to and you sign up for blood work and you will get a free doctor's consultation.
Starting point is 02:03:41 You will get a free doctor's consultation. If you're in California, they'll even do the blood work for you for free. So if you're just curious what your blood levels are, you want to see what your testosterone looks like, just go over there. Use the code SEVON. You'll get your blood work done, free doctor's consultation, and you could get all juiced up if you need it. And also, too, we have a new thing. Sorry, sorry. One more thing. Super crazy competitive prices
Starting point is 02:04:06 like the cheapest in the biz okay sorry and great people i can i can fully vouch for them okay sorry go ahead suza i was gonna say we also have a new sponsor master of that will help out coaches it'll be a resource there's a new article that was just posted up about jet lag so for some of you guys coming in or traveling from far away, go check that out, read the article, check out Okay, I'm looking to see, yeah. Mastersofcoaching.
Starting point is 02:04:34 What a great, I didn't even know you could have I thought it had to be three letters. I think it's an Australian one. I don't know if that makes a difference master of okay do we we don't even know when we're going to be live next i can't even tell you guys not yet but i think we have a couple athletes that we're going to be reaching out to maybe pop it on uh later this evening okay and i assume if they release – and I also assume if they release any more workouts, Taylor and Taylor Self and JR and I will be coming on this evening.
Starting point is 02:05:11 If they release anything today, we'll come on this evening, and Taylor and JR will give you their take on it. Once again, thank you. If you haven't signed up for the Tyler Watkins Fantasy Fitness Challenge, you should go over there and do that too. It's pretty fun. It definitely makes – it's more than pretty fun. It makes the games tolerable. I said it. I want to welcome the new CEO of CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:05:33 Congratulations, Donnie. Welcome. You are welcome on the show anytime you would like to come. I'm curious how you're going to steer this if you need any advice from the greatest media director who's ever lived on the planet I am here to help you
Starting point is 02:05:54 sustain and love on the affiliates affiliates first love us Don, love us Taylor, thank you C. Love us, Don. Love us. Yep. Taylor, thank you. C. Beaver, thank you.
Starting point is 02:06:12 Matt Souza, I will see you guys all very soon. Bye-bye.

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