The Sevan Podcast - #519 - Pre-Games Show ft. Adrian Bozman

Episode Date: August 3, 2022

It's the night before the games. Stay tuned to The Sevan Podcast for the best coverage of the CrossFit Games. Period. That's it. Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast! Sign up for our email: ... ------------------------- Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Boom. Bam. Let's fucking go.
Starting point is 00:00:35 That felt good. I don't think that was the right words. Also, as a first attempt, it's pretty fucking good. Oh, my gosh. Caleb Beaver, J.R. Howell, paper self, Taylor self, Taylor the thumb self from self-made training program. That's Susan from CrossFit Livermore. Caleb from an undisclosed location, J.R. Howell, CrossFit Crash. Two affiliate owners.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Seval Matosia. Matosia, CEO. A guy in the U.S. military. Deployed. Trying to keep it so we can be free and say shit. Then we want to say another guy, Taylor, is a um aspiring games athlete uh had a slight hiccup this year slight jason hopper and taylor amongst other uh mike mcdonald amongst others train at jr's gym crossfit crash some people would argue that it's the finest gym on the eastern seaboard
Starting point is 00:01:46 that's the united that's east coast united states by the way that's the part that's like europe and not free if you are watching now i would highly recommend you subscribe to the show and hit the notification bell in 500 shows i do not think i've ever said that once here's the reason why i'm saying it today because i tried to find crossfit game shit that was like interesting and worth watching and i and i found none then i tried to find anything to watch and all i could find today was content that either i had put out or craig richie had put out and the craig richie shit was put out a day ago and i seriously don't know how anyone fucking watches that it had 75,000 views you're a fucking god amongst morons mr richie i watched 15 minutes of your show three
Starting point is 00:02:43 minutes of it were you getting your pillow fluffed in first class. Whatever you're doing, God bless you. You are like, uh, um, uh, serving opium to the masses. I seriously do not know how you do it, but, um, uh, I I'm, I'm jealous, envious, and, uh, I would, I would love for to be retarded, but I'm not. So, so I can't enjoy your work, but I can appreciate your success. Fuck. It's garbage. I did. Granted, I only made it through half of it, man. It's so fucking bad. I becoming unwatchable. 20 seconds of it was his dogs playing. Then it's him in his first class seat then it's him and his
Starting point is 00:03:26 girlfriend playing golf it's fucking crazy i just want to see like i would rather have hillar fucking tell me about why um uh daniel brandon's nail polish is going to help her win the games i mean literally i mean at least then i'm there's something. I swear to God, the people who watch your shit, it must be because their life is so fucking horrible. Like, I don't know what the fuck they're doing, but you're killing it. It kind of gives me the rock effect. Like he has 300 million Instagram subscribers
Starting point is 00:03:55 and he's just a vapid douche selling fucking alcohol and energy drinks and ice cream during the fucking pandemic sorry what were you gonna say taylor these are my opinions by the way these are not of these guys go ahead craig richie well i don't know if i'm talking about craig rich i yeah i guess the the part i'm saying about craig richie's is fucking he man he's right in that fucking lane of of retarded fucking popularity it's fucking he's a beast what a stud um i just i i like like if you want content sorry going back to subscribe and hit the bell if you want content like we're going to
Starting point is 00:04:37 put out a shitload of content it's going to be fucking interesting we're going to have a shitload of fucking amazing guests the analysis is going to be fucking thoughtful to a point where you're going to think that maybe J.R. should be on some sort of Asperger's medication. But it's going to be a week of that being pounded into you. Five, six, seven, ten shows a fucking day for the next seven days. Let's go. And then afterwards, when you don't want to hear any of my shit anymore and like you just want to go out and get your fifth booster, then just unsubscribe. But until then, don't hold it against yourself or these guys because they're going to give you some thoughtful shit about the games.
Starting point is 00:05:11 And fucking epic people are going to fucking stomp through here. It's going to be the best games coverage all weekend. Not even close. Yeah. So, yeah. And please don't punish Gabe over at paper street, either go buy his coffee. He's got a booth over in vendor village. I highly recommend you go over there and say hi to him.
Starting point is 00:05:31 He's a huge supporter of the show and this kind of coverage wouldn't be possible without him. Of course, 100%. If a Jr Taylor, Caleb and Matt Sousa weren't doing this, I would just be just be interviewing a UFC fighter right now or some author of some book who wrote about the value of paperclips, the invention of paperclips. And then there's California Hormones, and that is our sugar daddy. That is what keeps absolutely the lights on. That's, and they got an amazing deal for you. And go over there, get your blood. If you're go over there get your blood if
Starting point is 00:06:05 you're in california get your blood work and your doctor's consultation for free if you're outside of california have your insurance pay for your blood work type in sevan and you'll get your consultation free it's it's that easy like just do it and then and then you're done with it it's cool um oh yeah yeah i should start calling my viewers legends how about i want to fuck all your moms oh my god their moms are old as fuck i don't care i'm dei i'm the embodiment of dei dude now listen you need a gallon of crisco to fuck all their moms the average age is like that is Jesus ouch Ouch. You'll have to use seed oils. I refuse to use seeds. Lucky camera straps.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Games coverage from the podcast has already been epic. Please take this Australian money in return. Tell me who I should play in event 2A and 2B, Geev and your mayor. Right now, you will get J.R. Howell and Taylor to tell you that we put the show on pause. Ladies and gentlemen, in event two. Can you tell us what event 2A and 2B is? Can you bring up the graphics, Mr. Sousa?
Starting point is 00:07:13 Yeah. So don't think for a second I'm not a whore. Like 20 bucks. You stop the show. Stop. Guy Vigneault or Mayer? Yeah. Guy for sure.
Starting point is 00:07:21 In which one? In 2A and 2B. I mean, for sure. In which one? In 2A and 2B. I mean, those are, ah, 2A is the lift score or the run time accumulation. 2A is the run and 2B is the max jerks and 2A is the shuttle runs that are 400, 600, and 800. Travis and then Gee. Yeah, I was going to say Mayer, then Gee. Oh, let Mayer run it?
Starting point is 00:07:45 Oh, yeah. Travis is a great runner. He can run. And his fucking quads are huge, too. Like, if you see, like, pictures of him running, it looks like they're going to fall off of his femurs. That's how big they are. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Okay, so just subscribe and hit that bell, and then you'll get all the notifications. Thank you, Lucky Camera Straps. If that's really your business, you should DM me. i'm lucky i have a crazy collection of camera straps i'd like to see them uh ken walters uh thank you you're a beast thank you very much um i did uh there was Fawn. Fawn. Foul. Foul. Foul. What's the last letter? F-A-U-L. F-A-Foul. Don Foul.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Don Foul. Do you want to take a shot at it, Caleb? Don Foul. I would say Foul. Foul. Yeah, Don Foul. Like Maul. Like Maul. M-A-U-L.
Starting point is 00:08:43 A-U-L is all. Yeah, Don Foul. They should put that-L is all. Yeah, Don Fall. They should put that in the spelling bee. Damn, that's a sick name. Don Fall. J-R? I would say Fall, like Hall, with an H. Yeah. He's got a name to be a CEO.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Fall guy. He's the Fall guy. No, I think he's gonna... His penis is gonna fall in your mouth todd oh my goodness uh yeah oh he's got the blue check he already has the blue check we were talking earlier to someone he did not have it and he has it now oh no way just like that just like that what do you have to do you don't want to know oh he's he got someone trying to get a wrench he comes from facebook i think his wife works at facebook i think his son works at facebook i think his mom works at facebook i
Starting point is 00:09:37 think his dad works at facebook i think his sister the whole fucking family works at facebook they're they're all let me see how many followers he has now. I saw earlier today at 200. No way. 200. Oh, 2,000. Okay, 2,000. Not quite as fast as the Rosa train. Okay, so still, that's good.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Not sure I like that link there. The affiliate map link would be cooler. Okay, we'll get them on. We'll get that. We'll talk about it. Yes. That's a good, Okay, we'll get them on. We'll get that. We'll talk about it. Yes. That's a good link. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I expect you to tell him that in his first press conference you're attending, Sousa. That's right. Dude, you should. You really should. Just take the gloves off, dude. I like his top profile picture. Yeah. He looks like a British explorer.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Yeah, he's got some Bond in him, some James Bond. That's for sure. I don't judge anyone by their looks. I don't judge anyone by their looks. I reached out to Dave today, and I said, how involved were you with the picking of the new CEO? His response was, don't worry about it. I said, do you know this guy? He said, yes. I said, do you like him? He said, yes. I said, did you serve with them? He said, no. I said, is it true? He's your,
Starting point is 00:10:56 is it true? Your wife is his sister. He said, no. I said, are you related to him at all? He said, no. I said, have you known him for more than a year? He said, dude, I'm not doing an interview with you. And then he hung up on me. So that's the fifth question. He realized what was happening here. That call lasted longer than that. No, actually he said, I'm not doing an interview with you and then so then i said well have you known him for more than a year and then he said it again and then we went back and forth and played that game like two fucking broken robots like two fucking uh people who didn't want to give up and then he just hung up so um but i know i i i believe that when I believe that when Dave,
Starting point is 00:11:48 a few months ago went to Palo Alto and I was, I was like, what the fuck is going on over here? Um, I believe that Dave was meeting with this guy and some other guys. And I believe this guy was in the room. And I also believe that Greg Glassman was in the room. And I say that to stir the pot, but actually I don't know if there's really any
Starting point is 00:12:05 pot to stir but i do believe that i mean you can think i don't actually i'm not running wild with it but i kind of want you guys to but but from what i know it was it's um just uh coincidence it was just you know rich powerful motherfuckers meeting in a room together just like just because they're all around don fall served as head of operations for Pinterest. That was the one that just turned into a porn site, right? Yeah, yeah. Pinterest just ended up being like, it went from how to make your own matches to
Starting point is 00:12:33 how to make your own matches. Only fans. Only fans. Only fans didn't start out as a DIY site, Caleb, let me tell you. Yes, it did. I swear to God, it did. Only fans of my here let me teach you things and then all of a sudden people are like oh hey i can put my nudes
Starting point is 00:12:51 on there and now they fucking threw it on there oh i'm thinking of tumblr i'm thinking of tumblr right there you go tumblr go did he work for visco uh vp of global online operations for facebook and manager of online sales operations. Google. Yeah. So, uh, I'll, I'll,
Starting point is 00:13:08 I'll stop. I don't want to fucking just completely shoot myself in the foot right off the bat, but it doesn't look good for me and him. We give him a chance. Yeah. I mean, he was in the military. That's good.
Starting point is 00:13:17 But there are some woke motherfuckers in there too. Anyway, I know, I do think that it is a, a nor an enormous mistake unless you hate Justin Berg to announce this right now. This is this is the working at CrossFit HQ is an extremely it's a political monster. And especially at the top, it's crazy to fucking navigate. I mean, people, a lot of people at the top don't sleep at night and so for you to bring in a guy that has been associated with dave uh months ago at during the middle of
Starting point is 00:13:51 the games while justin's running it i can only like i would only do that if i wanted to fuck justin up so whoever did it i think either hates him or is a retard i mean that in the clinical sense no one get upset be like he said the r word no i mean i mean it like in the clinical sense, no one get upset. Be like, he said the R word. No, I mean, I mean it like in the clinical sense, like damaged, like mentally like damaged, like look it up. Lack of development. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Yeah. There's a lack of, uh, some sort of development. You want to play devil's advocate on that? Please. Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Yep. I wonder if the strategy was, um, him announcing it at the games because rumor has it he's going to actually be at the games and i think one of the things that we talked a lot about is there was nobody forward facing there was nobody accountable there was no like real leadership there so maybe this is their attempt at saying hey here's a new ceo we just announced and now he's going to be walking around he's approachable you guys can go up and ask him some questions uh i i think i think that's exactly why they did it i'm i'm guessing that's
Starting point is 00:14:48 exactly why they did it i'm guessing he is going to be there um i just i don't think he's going to show his best face there i don't think you want to put him in that position that that was a horrible position to put rosa in that was a horrible. You know what I would have loved to see is him and Dave travel around to the affiliates together when Dave did that. I would have loved to have seen him almost like, who's this guy with Dave? He's talking, he's listening, he's sitting in the background, he's taking notes, he's meeting affiliate owners. He's really involved in visiting and being inside the affiliates. Then they make the announcement. And then you would have a bunch of affiliates owners that all that Dave met with that way.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Oh, wait a minute. I met that guy. I didn't realize he was going to be the CEO. I really liked him. And then now you have the affiliate owners kind of champion him up in front rather than kind of dropping them into the ocean of the CrossFit games. Hey, if he's a if he's a mill guy, this is what made me think of this is because you said about affiliates if he's a mill guy they you would think that people's positions and how they perform it's life and death right so um if he would never put the guy who's the very best at packing parachutes uh in charge of putting gas in the fucking trucks he would have him be packing parachutes and the guy who's good with the gas pump over here that all i'm saying is it's fucking nuts that they brought in like if i'm justin i'm tripping like this guy's not putting people like the those
Starting point is 00:16:16 people in power now who made the decisions are full-blown admitted racist they put people in racist um sexist all that stuff they put people in power based on their um sex um sexual orientation uh and uh and and um uh race color of their skin i don't even know if it's race it's color of their skin like they're open about it they're not even lying about it i don't think the military i don't think an advanced military guy does that but but he did work at facebook who's the king king proponent of that stuff so so i don't know i don't know but i put the i put the uh i put the fucking aromas mexican back in at the games that's all i'd be thinking if i was justin and i'm telling you i work there it's
Starting point is 00:16:56 like that like people are like holding on for fucking dear life don't you think he probably would have used the same concept concepts when he was working at facebook though too putting people that did the best job in the right position uh no no no no not well kind of kind of but they were he was in the military first though yeah yeah yeah great point but but he was in the military first but then he took a job at facebook which has values that we know that you know yeah i hope you're right that company that are pretty good at their job and hey maybe he knows something maybe i'm wrong and it actually is better it is better to be racist and and uh sexist maybe it is better to hire people based on their skin color i just don't i'm just not i haven't got through yet hold on uh uh why sorry
Starting point is 00:17:42 uh come on why do you have a tampon string on your finger? Because it's that time of month for your mom, Graham. Sorry. Jesus Christ. Hey, I got to kind of come out hard on the first shows because you're going to be watching all week, people. And you don't want to be caught off guard with this shit. Desensitize you right away. I think I have been reporting Lauren
Starting point is 00:18:06 Fisher's injury wrong. I thought it was her shoulder. I saw her do a snatch today and then I got a DM from someone who I think is in the know who told me that it's this thing. Latimus dorsimus
Starting point is 00:18:22 fiximus maximus. I hear it's her lats and i all but in in um and what makes me think that that might be true too is i was told that she she can't do a muscle-up so we saw on her can we go over to lauren's um and and rakevick's uh instagram uh do you have any do you have any thoughts on that either of you guys on on what her injury could be well no there's it's all speculation if it's her lat she's probably better off than if it's a fucked up shoulder you pull a muscle you tear a muscle i don't i mean it depends on the tear a torn lat can be pretty can be pretty bad
Starting point is 00:18:56 but generally speaking muscle tissue heals a whole lot faster than any sort of tendon issue so keep scrolling let's look keep going keep going let's look at the last time we saw her doing a pooling movement keep going uh yeah that's not that's again that's speculative i i hear you i hear you i mean we're not i'm not asking you like it's not life and death. It's okay to speculate. It's sport. Let's play. Okay, here we go. There it is. What's the date? Yeah. April.
Starting point is 00:19:29 April? You think that's the last time she did? Oh, June. Okay. June, yeah, yeah. Oh, I have bad eyesight. I shouldn't be able to drive. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Hey, she's doing a bunch of them. She's doing six. Oh, I saw in that last muscle-up. I saw that's where she pulled her lat did you see that that was it uh hey for for everyone watching lug danny's muscle up all right never mind i'll go fuck myself um so so so that's the kind of the update on um her um i have you uh have any of you guys had a chance to watch any pillars uh videos this week no i have not had time to watch them are you in jr's content i want to say i watched the one at the beginning of the week like mondays
Starting point is 00:20:22 uh caleb have you had a chance matt no no everyone just look at annie's feet real quick that's how they should look in a muscle-up they stay low and she turns over and her feet stay together bam if yours don't look like that you're not good at muscle-ups all right oh that's a good psa i like that uh one of the things that he said was that in 2008 four percent of the athletes i can't was that in 2008 four percent of the athletes i can't remember which video was four percent of the athletes were affiliated to crossfit games here we are in 2000 sorry not 2008 2018 2018 approximately four percent of the fuck take two ignore everything i just said about that. In 2018,
Starting point is 00:21:06 4% of the athletes were not affiliated. In 2018, who went to the CrossFit Games as individuals? Okay? 2018, 4% were not affiliated. Now, in 2022, 15%
Starting point is 00:21:23 of the athletes in the individual competition are not affiliated some of the examples he gave were uh who day and he said that uh they belong to teams now um do you guys have any thoughts on that and one of the things i was thinking that crossfit could do should do i they they should have always done is offer maybe um athletes uh free affiliate free l1 and free affiliation oh there it is great good fine holy shit okay hey didn't they do that in the past because i remember seeing all the games athletes like 2012 to 2016 like you saw them at the l1 like they were there either working out attending it or were staff members themselves.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Is that, was that a thing back then? Or were they just back? I can't remember. I do remember like being in Carson and like, I remember like seeing athletes and being like, Hey, do you have your L1?
Starting point is 00:22:17 And they would be like, no. And I'll be like, okay, contact me after the games and I'll get it for you. Yeah. Cause my L1 2000, early 2013 had Miranda,anda pat barber jason
Starting point is 00:22:28 kalipa and neil maddox those are games athletes who are on seminar staff just right but i'm just saying that's how tight the connection was then right maybe it's maybe you know i have not given this a lot of thought with with my business mind on maybe it's um maybe it's good that um there's fewer who are um affiliated with an affiliate i but but i don't think so my gut instinct is it's not good well if it's just he's talking about the individual athletes that's that's the way i took it okay so that's 12 individual athletes which out of 80 is not. But it's trending in the wrong direction. It is trending in the wrong direction for sure. Why do you say that?
Starting point is 00:23:10 Why do you think it's not good? Why do you think it's bad? Well, if you take the pill that CrossFit sells, that these CrossFit Games athletes are the tip of the spear and revitalize the community and are an example of what to strive for, potentially. the spear and revitalize the community and are an example of what to strive for potentially an example of you know the average person's picture of perfection and their motivation and their examples and they don't work out an affiliate yeah what are they an example of you know like justin madaris's comment on that beyond the Whiteboard post, which I honestly just think is fucking annoying. Don't say that, dude. You're at the top.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Shut the fuck up. And that's it. I guarantee you Adam made him run sprints for that. Sorry. Go ahead, Jer. Yeah, I think also it may be a little bit more simple than that. You know, if you're a professional or an aspiring professional, you, you probably need to be spending five to eight hours in the gym. And if you're affiliate owner and space is limited and you know, that person needs to have access to whatever they need,
Starting point is 00:24:15 they may need to train during class time. You don't have the square footage to offer them a space where they can do what they need to do and compete the way they need to try to compete while classes are going on or in between classes. I mean, I have eight classes a day. I'm sure there's gyms that have 10 or 12. So if you don't have the space and if you're an athlete and you don't want to be a jackass and walk into a gym and say, okay, well, I need to have access to everything at all times. Then maybe you train on Tuesdays at a gym down the road because they have ropes that are high enough to climb. And then on Wednesday, you usually do most of your machine work and you know that the gym and the other direction has every concept
Starting point is 00:24:55 machine. And you just kind of bounce around from affiliate to affiliate, whether you pay for it or not, but it makes it feel like you're not putting the gym owner under duress by having to make exceptions for you. So I think a lot of it may just be the athlete trying to not be selfish versus the gym owner saying, you can only do what's on the whiteboard. You can't do your own programming. It's a bad example. Get out of here. Well, I don't think that's what I meant. And to Justin's credit, he is a big guy in the community. I mean, he goes to Adam's affiliate. I'm not saying that he's not and he doesn't enjoy affiliates. What I'm saying is when an athlete doesn't affiliate with the gym or expresses their
Starting point is 00:25:32 preference to not go to an affiliate, what does that say to the rest of the community? Yeah. And I think even Justin does the classes. Yeah. Which is sick. Right. That's one of my favorite things to do is the class workout. It's so much fucking fun.
Starting point is 00:25:48 People are fun. And so maybe these people who are unaffiliated just hate people, in which case they're not an example of anything and don't fucking watch them. Well, I think JR nailed it maybe. Let me ask you some leading questions here. JR, how many serious people do you have working out at your gym that have games aspirations? Can we go ahead and put semifinals in there or just games? No, no.
Starting point is 00:26:12 But I mean, sure, yeah, that have semifinals games, that have aspirations to compete. But serious aspirations to compete. At least 20. Yeah. So that's crazy, right right because when you were talking when you were talking about the example you're just talking about one guy what if you have two what if you have three of these jackasses what you got 20 of these these knuckleheads we've got a few handful that's a whole that's a whole gym you need a whole gym for that at that point
Starting point is 00:26:43 at that point they're fighting with each other right no i think there's a good mutual understanding there well you you know what i mean by fighting with each other fighting is not the right word competing for equipment and times even they have to work with each other they like if you had just two they could be blah zai fair about when they come in right which way they know yeah they know the boundaries not to cross with me and with the members who are just taking classes and they respect it and a lot of them do the classes every single day but they just train three or four more hours in between classes class comes first i'm always do you have any um games aspiring athletes at your gym suza uh no no there's there's probably like one uh person who comes to mind that would be
Starting point is 00:27:27 aspiring to be like a semi-final level and but it's the same same exact way what jr and taylor just said which is like the class is the priority and everybody else comes second to that so they come in they do the class workout as their main metcon and they just kind of fill in little things but i also do have a little space off to the side that's not by the class our our gym is fucking huge let me tell you the story it was before granite games like a few weeks and i was doing jerks from the blocks with the class class workout was split jerks i had split jerks they were taken from iraq we had one set of blocks i'm taking from the blocks and when you drop it it's loud and then andy looks at me after i'm warming up with the class and he goes, Hey,
Starting point is 00:28:07 what are the chances you fucking take that outside? And he said it like from across the gym where everyone could hear it. And I just fucking, my face turned red. I went to the pay door. I took my fucking bar out there. I slammed the garage door down and you haven't got into it, but class comes first, even for the,
Starting point is 00:28:18 even for the best. It has to. Yep. So big. You get there with your girlfriend or you get there with your mistress and your girlfriend's on the other side of the Yep. Jim's so big, you get there with your girlfriend, or you get there with your mistress, and your girlfriend's on the other side of the gym. That's how they lose.
Starting point is 00:28:31 You got a story like that, Taylor? No, I don't. What? Okay. Okay, so that's a trend worth watching. Do you have an opinion on it, JR? Go ahead, Taylor. this is a great comment i and this is so interesting mike halpin's comment great question non-level one athletes are giving out programming to people that have no idea beyond a youtube video
Starting point is 00:28:56 how to do a muscle-up or snatch that's that's another thing you see a lot in the community is you know fuck anyone puts out a workout with what with what experience what do you mean yeah what's it what's it what's a non-level one athlete meaning you haven't taken your level one or what does that mean you're an athlete without a level one i'm sure there are a lot i'm sure there are fuckload of semi-final athletes without level ones i'm sure there are games athletes without level ones pat velner is he really he doesn't have a level one? No. You guys made this the most enjoyable games in recent memory,
Starting point is 00:29:28 and we haven't even started yet. Thank you, and here's to a great week. Thanks, Jackson. Oh, look at that. Follow. Yeah, follow my programming. Throw that comment out there. Mike's a good guy.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Will Plummer, hi. How can I help you? How we doing? Figured I'd call in, boys. How we a good guy. Will Plummer, hi. How can I help you? How we doing? Figured I'd call in, boys. How we doing? Good. Closed. Good.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Oh, nice. Closed? Yeah. That's good. Yeah. Should be closed on the internet. Is Jacob Crouch? That's not Jay Crouch.
Starting point is 00:30:01 That's not related to. I think it's a different Crouch. Oh. Hey, he doesn't even like that. Let me tell you about Taylor. Shut up, Crouch. He hates that question because he's not... In his mind, he is a games athlete.
Starting point is 00:30:16 He just hasn't been to the games yet. Am I right, Taylor? I think you have to have that mindset. If you believe it. I think you have to have that mindset How can You believe it Mr. Plummer Have you been to the Venue yet
Starting point is 00:30:32 Yes I'm looking at the venue right now I'm about 50 yards away from the field Okay is there anything you can report to us Do you see ropes hanging Do you see any of the Fields of play Anything like that
Starting point is 00:30:43 I haven't seen ropes I saw the rings on the CrossFit game story earlier today. But other than that, there isn't really anything inside yet. They're not letting you, like, on the venue. But you can see the vendor village and the campground. All right. Do you have any insights for us? No, I got nothing.
Starting point is 00:31:02 I was just calling to say hi. Okay, thank you. Hi, bye. Okay. Well, ladies and gentlemen uh at the um oh before i switch subjects um uh jr do you do you have any thoughts about that about those numbers about do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing that uh the athletes are becoming less and less affiliated with an affiliate? Or do you think it's just circumstance of space? I think it's a little bit more circumstantial than realizing that they are high maintenance and they do have a lot of needs.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And instead of asking gym owners to buy equipment for them constantly or worrying about being frustrated that someone's in their way when they're working out. They're either trying to find space at their own home to work out or they're just jumping around to different gyms daily to do different pieces at different spaces. That's why your environment matters so much. And I think the best athletes have the best environments. And for some, it doesn't have to be an affiliate. Like, yeah, you can go and win the CrossFit Games and not train an affiliate.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Matt's a good example of that. But you can also be a huge part of your community and win the game six times. And Tia is going to be a great example of that as well. I'm on your thoughts on the new CEO. I can only speculate. I mean, just what we've already speculated. Mill Guy has knownave for a while i think dave was somehow involved in the pic i'm guessing i don't know how um and uh he was at facebook and that's concerning
Starting point is 00:32:35 um just because of their enormous amount of censorship you have to remember facebook was a place that uh dismantled the largest keto group on the planet. There was like the largest, this is less than two years ago. There was a group on there pushing ketosis and Facebook said that they were, that that was bad. You have to remember people, there's people who don't realize this. Greg Glassman was kicked out of fucking 15 gyms for pushing a low carb diet before he started CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:33:02 I mean, this shit is fucking serious. before he started crossfit i mean this shit is fucking serious probably the most well um known most successful um exercise scientist uh um uh timothy noakes basically they tried to take away his fucking degree in south africa because of what he was saying about low carb diets i mean so and so i mean in facebook part of of that, that, you know, did their sensor, their organization that sensors on a bad level, John George, hi, how are you? Good. How are you guys doing? Great. All right. So I got a couple of questions. I'll start with my first one for, um,
Starting point is 00:33:40 the boys to do a lot of the programming there. If you take Amanda, if you take Amanda Barnhart, right? Who's a phenomenal. Where? Like out to dinner? What do you mean? Take her where?
Starting point is 00:33:51 Well, I mean, that would be great too. I mean, I would sign up for that, but no, you take her out of Bergeron camp and put her in. Be nice,
Starting point is 00:34:00 buddy. Be nice. Be nice. Don't be, don't be like killer. Be nice. I'm not going to go like killer but okay i think there's something missing she's got all the tools you put her down uh whether it's down in the camp in south florida with someone like matt i just don't know if she's getting
Starting point is 00:34:20 or reaching her potential with bergeron and And I've seen that with some of the other athletes. And I'm curious if you got... But how can you say that? Okay, I'll let you guys answer. I just don't know how you guys do that, but I'll let you answer. Go ahead. What do you think about her switching camps is what he's asking. Right, sir?
Starting point is 00:34:41 Do you think change would do good for her? She's at top level, level top 10 but she can't seem to get across and if you look at her and look at her skill set and background she almost seems like she should be i think in order to get better you have to get really uncomfortable and i think that's what she did when she initially moved to boston um and it's really hard it's hard to armchair quarterback that if you had to move where would you let's entertain this guys if you had to move her
Starting point is 00:35:13 taylor where would you go you take her to the froning factory the mayhem empire take her to hwpo you take her to proven well the problem with the best go out on a limb and you send her to florida with uh in in hope she doesn't open mouth kiss well none of those proven or the problem with the best go out on a limb and you send her to Florida with a, in, in, in home, she doesn't open mouth kiss. Well,
Starting point is 00:35:27 none of those. I think the problem with those camps, the problem with camps and the problem with huge name coaches is that they have so many athletes and that's why Matt never used them. That's why rich never used them. Cause you don't want to go to some coach. Who's got six other athletes that they have a fucking stake in the game for them doing
Starting point is 00:35:45 well too and so it's not a knock on amanda and how successful she's going to be that bergeron also coaches michaelishan or did coach katrin and all of these other athletes but in my mind it's impossible for the coach to want the absolute best for me when he has three other individuals competing in the same um so, so I don't, Hey, John, what do you think about her going to, um,
Starting point is 00:36:08 uh, West to Adam knifer? What if she would have beat Ellie to the punch? Yeah, I think, I think she needs just like, uh, I think she needs to be pushed out of her comfort zone.
Starting point is 00:36:22 And it seems like the workouts that she struggles in are the ones where she can't just go into that dark place and go deeper and stay there. And someone's got to push her there. I will say that she moves fucking impeccably, which is a lot of the battle at the top. Yeah. Oh, that's a great name. Vicky Savard.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Is that how you pronounce it i don't know but i like it and dude this is a fucking this is a great point she left fuck catch and left bergeron and and it wasn't so good it wasn't it wasn't so good true but the grass is always greener on the other side i feel like yeah the grass is greener where you water it all right hey jr do you like this question or this are you say that again caleb i said the grass is greener where you water it so long right right good point i like that your grandpa told you that huh caleb your grandpa fucking slapped you around
Starting point is 00:37:21 slapped you around and told you that. Slapped you around and told you that. Grass was greener. He was so proud he got to use that on me. He got to slap me around a little bit. I could tell he'd been abused. But he said that to his grandpa. Grandpa, the grass was always greener. And he's like, sons. But it worked.
Starting point is 00:37:36 It worked for other athletes. JR, do you like the question? What do you think about the question before I ask you to answer it? I mean, I think it's a slippery slope, right? So I think as an athlete, you're concerned about two things. You're concerned about results and improvement. And for some people, one may take precedent over the other. However, to say that she's kind of stalled out and that she's not continuing to improve,
Starting point is 00:38:01 I think we should probably pump the brakes a little bit on. She's had finishes of 15th, 7th, 7th, and 9th at the games. So her worst finish is 15th. That was her rookie year. And I don't know what kind of play she has to compete for how many more years, but I think if she continues to finish in the top 10, for someone that on the show today seemed really confident, really comfortable where she was at. Didn't seem like she was getting antsy and she needed to explore other options with her coaches.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Why would you make that change just because you felt like you needed to John, thank you for stimulating conversation. I want to say something right here real quick. I feel bad. That was a Mike Halpin article. I'd forgotten that or they still forget that Hiller was referencing. This guy, Mike Halpin, is contributing at such a fucking high level to so many podcasts and to the Morning Chalk Up and just everywhere.
Starting point is 00:38:55 This guy is a beast. We've got to figure out some way. I've never met this guy. I don't know if he can talk, but if he can talk, maybe we should get him on the show if his mouth works. Have you ever talked to him? Have you talked to him, Sousa? I have i have not no have any of you guys you do talk to him i've texted or messaged him but i've never talked to him on the phone yeah i text him he texts good but i don't know if his mouth operates smooth you got a pretty mouth boy yeah how's your
Starting point is 00:39:18 mouth mike can you come on the show look at john you got another question but uh i think i saw a girl was calling it's always good to let girls get in uh yeah i know sorry uh it's about your boy colton oh yeah i fell asleep last night waiting for the show and i put some questions on there but i'm worried he doesn't have enough support like does he have a chiro or physio or he's taking care of you know who's there to bullshit he doesn't got shit i bet he's got a coach he's got fucking sponsors he's taken care of you know who's there to bullshit he doesn't got shit i bet he's got a coach he's got fucking sponsors he's a tier sport athlete he's gonna have he's gonna be taken care of god i hope you're right john i'm with you though i'm with you i think um they're gonna put a fucking pig on his back and tell it to walk around and he's gonna be
Starting point is 00:39:58 oh sorry john you got waxed sorry john i hung up on you. Miss Rebecca. Hi, how can I help you? Hi, how's it going? This is my mom. I'm telling them my mom's. Okay, go ahead. Put her on. I thought it was a girl calling. Okay, go ahead. Miss Rebecca. Tell us what you got hey i i want to say is i don't think colton does i think colton's got like like a foam roller in a in a fucking like in a fucking thing of fucking tylenol i swear to fucking god he's got a fucking sandwich bag with all his meals in it for the next, like, homeboy is ghetto. His dad dropped him off at the airport in a fucking tractor, a John Deere.
Starting point is 00:40:52 He's in his CBD dropper oil into his Icy Hot and mixes it together. Yes, yes. I've done that. Okay, brother, go ahead, shoot. So my question was, out of all the, you know training camps that have uh popped up in the past couple years out of all of them which do you think the the athletes will do the best out of all the uh training camp like mayhem and as an aggregate like as an average as a because no one can beat mayhem right because they got so many as an aggregate mayhem or like i wouldn't even call
Starting point is 00:41:22 hwpo a camp because it's two athletes and they're not going to take on more um so i don't think you can count them but if you did count them then hwpo will do best the best average of their athletes will prove it the proven camp's gonna put have the fittest person who's ever lived at the game and it'll be brooke will be there as well and do they have a male? Isn't Saxon? Oh, that's right. Saxon is proven.
Starting point is 00:41:49 So maybe, maybe proven, but fuck that's three athletes too. Can you, it is a camp. I don't think you can call HWPO a camp. Will Morad is there also. That's right.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Well, then proven, proven for sure as an aggregate is going to have the best individual athletes. Gotcha. Gotcha. Thank you guys. Thank you for taking time to answer my question absolutely thank you thank you oh turi helga daughter's hwpo but she doesn't train at the camp so is it camp no the the point of doing the show today was the fact that oh here we go okay this is mike halpin everyone asking
Starting point is 00:42:22 one question let's see if he talked good. Mr. Halpin, good to hear from you. Hey. Hey. How are you? I can talk. I thought maybe you could just write. This article that you wrote that Hiller got the information from in regards to how many athletes, regards to um how many athletes uh the history of athletes who come from uh affiliates that are currently affiliated what was the premise of the article what's the whole picture of the article
Starting point is 00:42:52 yeah so keller was closest probably um it the data i originally pulled was more about unaffiliated and then it was sort of blended into a games article. I would say, um, that I tuned it to, to just point out, yeah, there's 12 games athletes, but like, but some of them, it spans the gap because there's a bunch of mayhem athletes like Cara and others that are like, well, they do mayhem. And she was on your show the other day. She does that just because it's way easier for her than trying to go to affiliates.
Starting point is 00:43:28 But she's still affiliated, right, Mike? Well, depends on who you ask. Her Noble shirt says Carve on it, but her games profile doesn't have an affiliate. And what would she say, that she trains out of her house? Doesn't she own her own gym? She did. I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Yeah. I mean, it's all games data. You can ask Chad. It's great. But you pulled the data together and wrote an article. Are you fact-checking now your own article and saying that it might not be true? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:03 No. Sorry. I've run it five times. My bad. I've written two total articles in my entire life. What was the premise of the article in the first place? What was the premise of the article in the first place?
Starting point is 00:44:15 The growing unaffiliated group and then what games-level athletes promoting their own programming outside an affiliate may mean to crossfit llc and crossfit affiliate versus crossfit games um uh hold hold sorry hold on a second uh suza i would love to see james townsend in a ceo shirt and fucking die and went to heaven my guy jeremy just got 10 fucking bucks and you're not not gonna pull up his comment hold on james i will hand deliver you a ceo shirt you're at the venue
Starting point is 00:44:51 uh sorry mr albin uh jeremy williams hello brother uh taylor where the fuck is my um i'll be dropping soon i'll be dropping soon i'll get you one okay you too seven uh that's the tell me what the acronym stands for tell me what the acronym stands for again as self-made training program what is the male uh there's another it like term that it stands for um i forget how helping what do you do for a living simple manager for a technology company you're what i'm an account manager for a technology company but you also know how to program you're also a programmer smtp uh smtp is an email is an email format suck my tiny penis two of us on the show taylor only i can say shit like that
Starting point is 00:45:49 mute them oh that's in the comments yeah okay good good you get a pass taylor yeah okay and so and so basically one of your hobbies is just pulling data is just pulling crossfit data yeah yeah and i found out a pretty good way to do it i've i've talked to brian and tyler and i'm surprised by the amount of people that seemingly do this by hand like i can do i can pull down all the data from the crossfit games in a second so yeah awesome i'm not jerking myself off here well when you said you're surprised by how many people do it by hand, that's exactly where I went. But I couldn't think of a quick joke. But thank you for throwing that in there.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Are you going to the games this weekend? No. No, okay. Why? Yeah, why? I know, exactly. I sit at a computer. I could watch them all do it on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:46:43 My feelings, exactly. Okay, brother. Well, thank you for calling in, and we'll be in touch. And thank you for confirming the fact that YouTube. My feelings, exactly. Okay, brother. Well, thank you for calling in and we'll be in touch and thank you for confirming the fact that you don't talk so good. Okay, thank you. Thanks, Mike.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Exactly. Bye. Jamal Smith, how can I help you? So fun. That voice. They don't make them like they used to. So I feel like the one story that I think nobody has really touched on is Samuel Cornwall. How do y'all think he would have done this year at the games?
Starting point is 00:47:25 Let's hear it, boys. It's a great question, I think. It is a great question. We just had somebody pop up. Savani, see the gentleman down there? James Stubbs. James Grubbs. James Stubbs. James... This guy.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Oh, no. Jamal, brother, we will circle back to you in James Grubbs, James Stubbs, James. This guy. Oh, no. Whoa. Holy shit. Jamal, brother, we will circle back to you in just a moment. Nobody call in. Stay the fuck off my phone. Oh, wait, let me just say this. Jamal, you call, right?
Starting point is 00:47:54 Go ahead. You can say hi to Adrian, and that's it. Say hi, Adrian. I love you. Adrian, you're the best. I can't wait to see your program in this year. Super proud of you. Hey, appreciate it, man.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Thank you. I apologize. I thought we were going to have Donald Trump and instead we're stuck with Adrian Bosman. I can do my Donald Trump impersonation if you like. Do you have one? I'm trying to get in the camera. People say to me all the time, Bosman, you've got the best range of motion. Nobody's got range of motion like you do. range of motion like you do. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Adrian, would you like to address a rumor or would you like to talk about your hair? I got like five minutes. I just got back to my hotel room. Then I'll choose rumor. I got to go eat. You guys got like five minutes. I heard there's going to be a jump rope variation this year.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Can you confirm or deny? I can't confirm anything, man. Come on, man. You're not going to get this. You're going to get it like I'm going to go. What is your favorite? Okay, you're right. That was too strong.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Let me get it. Yeah, come on. You can come at me like that. I'm not coming back. What are your favorite ways to jump rope? Next question. You do have a fighting background. I mean, yeah mean yeah sort of i boxed a little bit in college just for fun uh i do jujitsu currently as a hobby um dabble with some other stuff along
Starting point is 00:49:13 the way so yeah i guess if that makes me a fighter i don't know but no definitely not but you used to attend about you used to attend a boxing gym and where there was a lot of jump roping and if we were to see there no i didn't i didn't i it was in college and i it was like the local boxing club at the university i went to god for some reason i thought you went to one in san francisco and you and i walked by it one day no problem i got a big problem i got for a little bit okay okay um uh any any um any weird weather expected uh this year at the Games? Tell me. Tomorrow's looking dicey, so we got weather plans. Fingers crossed that nothing happens. I mean, it would be awesome if we could run as we have planned, but we got backups if we need it.
Starting point is 00:49:57 It would just be a real damper, no pun intended, if we had to change what we got on the docket. No pun intended if we had to, you know, change what we got on the docket. Why wouldn't there be – why would rain affect the outdoor fence? Just the safety of the biking or? No, primarily the surface that the athletes would be jerking on is something that we want to be really conscious of. You know, like heavyweight at race pace, slippery bad things happen so okay okay uh and and um if one year we were there and i don't know um i'm sure you remember and it was so cold oh man i would love it if it was cold let's go really okay so so tell me what's going on there
Starting point is 00:50:40 now what's the environment like is it hot as shit dude it's super humid it's really really really muggy it's pretty hot it's supposed to be pretty hot and muggy tomorrow and rain kind of breaking throughout the morning and they tell me that there might be thunderstorms like midday so we'll see uh do you have a um adrian uh whisperer do you have someone who's your right hand man or woman? Yeah. Courtney. Courtney's been here for years. Awesome. Did you meet the new CEO? I did very briefly. And is that, are you okay with that? Or is that a huge distraction for you? It is like literally a non-entity in my mind at all. I'm like, uh, what? Cool. I don't have time to think about that. Put out the next fire. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Yeah. Um, um, mission critical. Um, can you tell us when the next announcement is going to be not what the announcement is, but just when it's going to be? Yeah. I think they're all posted that, uh, we're going to do another one midday tomorrow for both individuals and teams. It'll be after lunch um and so they'll get a couple more uh announced um then okay i apologize someone did afford that to me so there is a graphic
Starting point is 00:51:53 on instagram that says hey this is when the announcements yep are are uh going to happen um uh any um uh in individuals any any sign of anyone pulling out? Not that I'm aware of right now. Everything, everything looks great. Yep. And are you staying at the Edgewater? Oh yeah. And are you in the presidential?
Starting point is 00:52:15 I got the, uh, rooms kind of like dark right now. Did you get the presidential suite? I have it for meetings and I'm, I haven't decided if I'm going to move up there. It's got a nice tub. I like a good bath at the end of a long day, you know? You deserve it, brother. What time did you go to bed last night? 1230. And what time did you wake up this morning? Six. And is that the plan every single day? Hopefully not. But tomorrow is a monster day, man. I mean, the schedule, we start comp at 9 in the morning. Our last heat finish is at 9.20 p.m.
Starting point is 00:52:50 We got to plan, not plan, but confirm everything for the day after that. So it's going to be a monster tomorrow. After that, hopefully we'll be a little more mellow. JR, do you have a question for Mr. Bosman or a comment? Yeah, I like Heidi's question down here. Oh, good, yes. you know a little more mellow jr do you have a question for mr bosman or a comment yeah like heidi's question down here uh minimum oh good yes uh minimum work requirement for 2a or 2b uh that's that's all like briefing stuff that's going to happen tomorrow for the athletes so not fair at all to be like giving briefing information here uh so well wait a second that's a matter of
Starting point is 00:53:22 opinion uh yeah and i just gave you mine My opinion is that it's totally not fair. It's the most important opinion. Taylor, do you have a comment or a question for Mr. Bosman? Workout that you think will take the toughest toll on athletes out of the three that are announced? Out of the three that are announced? The four scores. You have the capital uh oh oh i'm sorry yeah my head wasn't there oh i mean that capital one is a grinder man that's gonna that's gonna leave a mark cool adrian love you dude hey right on man thank you guys it's been fun glad i could
Starting point is 00:53:58 make it yeah thank you so much thank you bye thanks man wow i didn't even see him i didn't even see him pop in it was kind of because there's a so there's the rose long so drop down that's why i did that i didn't know if you were like waiting for any particular announcement my uh the um i think the more he the more we see of him i think he's just the perfect person to step into the role me and him go to the same barber do you really i mean it looks like it okay we definitely use the same brush someone said he looked like ethan hawke in the uh comment section did you see the new black phone movie no that's a horror movie isn't oh it's fucking sick yeah it's not that scary though
Starting point is 00:54:42 it's a good movie can't do horror movies uh jamal i'm so sorry that i had to um uh uh whatever uh to to whatever that hang up on you okay i'm gonna text james townsend right now i wonder if boz will go on with morning chalk up every night uh don't give anyone any ideas no he gave us his five minutes that's it he's got no more time he's got no more minutes we take all the minutes no more fucking five minutes oh oh because james is that everybody james is at the venue so you can give him a shirt directly will you get out will you give him two of the ceo shirts and one of all the other ones? Yeah, as soon as I connect up with Gabe because he has all our shirts,
Starting point is 00:55:28 I'll grab both of them. Like good-looking buff dudes get two shirts. Hand-delivered. How important is it having the right coach for the CrossFit Games? Is it similar to the NFL like having Reed, McVay, Belichick? When he says for the CrossFit games, does he mean like being there or does he mean the buildup to it? If it's the buildup to it,
Starting point is 00:55:50 it's gotta be one of the dumbest questions ever, right? Well, but it applies to both for the buildup to it. Obviously your coach is important and who's writing your program and just everything about having a coach is the buildup is important, but including at the venue and during the event, again,
Starting point is 00:56:08 common sense, I think. Give me one second. Gabe, Paper Street Coffee has a booth at the Inventor. What's up, brother? I was summoned. I heard my name. And so you just called. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:23 So, Susan, did you see the uh stuff that was being unloaded no i had equipment no no no no no what do you know what do you know all right so we have i wanted to call after adrian and i was going to call like during but i was like no i don't want to get kicked out so we have ghc we have echo. We have the Crash Mats for either pegboards or rope climbs, whatever. Gears, Concept 2 Bike. Oh, Concept 2 Bike. What do you mean you have all those? People can just come to the booth and work out?
Starting point is 00:56:58 No, no, no, no, no. I'm being unloaded from trucks. Oh, shit. Okay, okay. So, GHD, Biker, Crash Pads. loaded from trucks oh shit okay okay so ghd biker crash pads skier echo bike echo bike i have a hard time seeing them better etc like what are crash pads for that means just rope climbing pegboard but i would have a hard time seeing them do a road bike, a biker, and an echo bike all in one weekend. Could just be warm-up area stuff too. That's a good point.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Yeah, it could be for the warm-up area. And Boz said that it would really put a damper on things, no pun intended, if the weather didn't hold up. So maybe the bikes are the contingency plan if the weather is safe enough to bike. There you go or so i would say the same thing but the the warm-up area was there was so much of that equipment for the warm-up area okay there was a lot of that equipment and also those foam boxes Phone boxes. Oh, okay. Those phone boxes for, I guess, box jump overs, whatever. Yeah, I'd venture to say JR's point's right.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Concept 2 bikes are for the warm-up area and contingency for the bike-to-work workout. I said he put a damper on it. Jamal Smith, it's all good. I got to talk to the legend, Adrian Bosman. there was another comment i thought i saw uh this one jose okay i don't really understand this question do you want to take it uh taylor basically said of course your coach building up to the event is important but how important is a coach at the actual event chair yeah i mean i think having someone that can really dissect workouts and help you strategize workouts if that's not something that you're really good at as an athlete and some athletes
Starting point is 00:58:50 are super cerebral and really don't need that but some athletes really really need it when they have it it's a huge weapon so just like mcveigh or andy reed calling a really good play on third down versus leaving it up to the quarterback same kind of thing hopper loves having a fraser in his corner loves it right and your event hygiene how you're taking yourself before and after events how you warm up how you warm up is huge especially for i mean for any workout at that level and max el haj is pretty important to his athletes for that too, right? Thanks for the question. Gabe, 10% off if people use Savant at
Starting point is 00:59:34 Correct, 10% off. I will be giving away a bunch of gift cards at the booth. Okay. The booth is in Vendor Village. Also, there'll be CEO shirts being given away there. Wear your shirt on Sunday. Take a picture of yourself. Sign up for the email, all that shit, and there's a good chance you'll win an Echo Bike.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Yep, we'll be there. I'll catch you guys later. Do your thing, and I will see most of you, hopefully, starting tomorrow. Awesome. Thanks, dude. Thank you. See you. Thanks, man. Mike Halpin, I am 100% a data data nerd brian is the only analyst that breaks the
Starting point is 01:00:06 mold breaks what mold that he that he likes to he likes data and he does other shit too he's a little freak in the sack as some might say he's not a one-trick pony oh my god instead of this he was staying he was staying at jr's guest house and me and jason were doing we're training we walked in and the guest house was can i say this jr you're gonna mad at me it was do not do not say that i thought it was brian me and jason were like dude what is wrong with brian did he just do murph in jr's guest house but it was it was these two little shih tzus that were in there it wasn't it wasn't Brian so Brian's forgiven he's not a stinky guy oh that's not the real
Starting point is 01:00:51 story is it JR he just he's awesome so quick wow wow that's the story it is the real story wow did he do Murph in there no he did Sally and Carol the twins Jeremy Garcia uh based on the last chance qualifier tiebreakers at games events 2a and 2b is split is split event scoring the future tell you the truth I can't get my head wrapped around how to strategize for this event it's I'm pretty uh I'm really excited to see how it's going to play out. I it's not the future, but there's been split event scores in the past. Uh, these are, these aren't just split event scores. Yeah. It's not, it's not two different events that are scored back to back. So this is something new that
Starting point is 01:01:40 breaks the mold, but I think it's implemented in order for people to to not sandbag a piece um they both matter and so i think that's why they're doing it and i think the result of it will give boz and the other folks what they want do you think this do you think this workout um is bad in the sense that it rewards the specialists. No, no way. Cause if you are a run specialist, then you win your event and you get fucked on the lift. And if you're a lift specialist, you might win the lift, but then you get fucked on the run and you might not even get to the lift if
Starting point is 01:02:15 you're bad at running. So I don't think it rewards a specialist. I think it's great. CrossFit. Okay. All right. Oh, do you have a,
Starting point is 01:02:24 do you have an answer to this? Uh, um jr based on uh last chance qualifier tie breakers and games events 2a and 2b is split events going in the future yeah i think it goes back to what boz said he he loves the workouts where he wants to see who's going to take the risk and then he also wants to make you not even have to choose yeah you have to take the risk i love that and i also want to clarify that i think at this level there are not any specialists at the games and when you use the word specialist it is to the smallest degree at that level um so calling gi a specialist compared to maybe some other athletes at the games yes but compared to 99.99 of people on earth no crazy well-rounded yeah okay um caleb can you bring up um that uh crossfit games
Starting point is 01:03:17 instagram post where we can take a peep at the schedule? This one or the actual schedule itself? This. Correct? Yeah, yeah. I think so. So when I asked that question to Adrian, that was a dumbass question because they already had that shit up. Yeah, that annoyed him. Don't do that.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Did it? Did you see him annoyed? No. No. Individual announcements, Monday, August 1. that all right you did it did you seem annoyed no uh individual announcements monday august one that's yesterday we got that out of the way and then and then wednesday is tomorrow and the events uh three and four will be announced in the afternoon okay after lunch he said okay and is there a slide that just has the um uh schedule yeah i'll pull that up okay thank you we are we are trying to get um our schedule up you are looking at um the team for your games week that we will be at the center of it us five
Starting point is 01:04:22 jr there's a great question up here that i would i want to hear honestly what your your uh answer to it is do you mind if i ask uh give me one second give me one second and then we'll get to it don't forget it um so tomorrow so so this is where taylor the the schedule you sent us today i thought it said individual starts at noon tomorrow no those are the finished times so i sent you all of the finished times where we can get on okay is that okay do you want me to remake it and no no no okay that's good no no you you're you're good i and i'll print these um out uh tonight so that's 9 a.m central time so it's 7 a.m pacific standard time this shit this shit um goes so we basically need to figure out whether we're going to go on tomorrow for an hour before.
Starting point is 01:05:08 And I think it would be smart to go on a little bit before because we'll have people like Sousa on the ground there who, with their cell phones, can tell us what they see and what's going on and make us feel closer to the event. So a little bit before 10, an hour before. 9 a.m. Yeah, for me, that would be 6 a.m pacific standard time okay um yes okay thank you uh caleb uh okay yeah go ahead what's the question uh you want to bring up here jr what yeah this exactly what would you make the minimum work requirements uh that you must complete the shuttle runs for all three within the interval time and that there's a minimum work requirement of one jerk can you bring up the workout holy shit really what well what would you i yeah that's
Starting point is 01:05:54 good i will i agree on the run that you would have to complete the run within the buy-in or else you you get a dnf in the workout but how can you force a one rep minimum work requirement on the jerk or are you just thinking of people that want to sprint the runs and not lift how do you mean how what do you mean how can you how do you force a minimum work requirement of one leg okay you're right you're right or anything like that you just have someone out there with a bb gun they just shoot you if you don't fucking get to the bar well well i guess what i'm saying is and what i would wonder is if an athlete tries on the run, gets to the bar and can't lift the bar,
Starting point is 01:06:28 but they're making an effort to, would that, it might be that. What if it was just get to the bar and make an attempt, show effort, make an attempt. Show effort. Cause wasn't that the deal at the games in 2020 because they didn't show
Starting point is 01:06:40 effort. Yeah. Cause you couldn't get more some bottom five. So if you try to game it, like Jr was talking about earlier, it puts a bunch of – Dude, they better not have something like – They better not have something like just an effort. Yeah, I don't think that's such a good idea.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I agree. It's not talking so good. Subjectivity is not great, but – JR, so – Well, if he can't fucking jerk 300 pounds at that level, yeah, I agree. One rep is appropriate. So what would you get the DNF for, JR? Both workouts? you can't fucking jerk 300 pounds at that level yeah i agree one rep is is appropriate so what would you get the dnf for jr um uh both both workouts so you lose 200 points no so like if
Starting point is 01:07:12 you were just trying to strategize to win um the run yeah and your plan was to not attempt any jerks that if you didn't attempt any jerks you didn didn't at least get one jerk. You couldn't do intervals two and three. Okay. Okay. I like this. Okay. I like this. So this,
Starting point is 01:07:32 and cause it's, it's, it's really the third run that I'm worried about. So you're saying that you have to run 400 meters, do one jerk, rest one minute, run, uh,
Starting point is 01:07:43 600 meters, do one jerk, rest two minutes. minutes and the last one it doesn't matter you don't need a jerk because at that point there's no gaming i mean i even think if you make them do one rep in the first interval that's the minimum work requirement and if they choose to okay okay i like it that's up to them them. Taylor, you like it? I love it. I love it. I would imagine it's probably something similar to that. We'll see. I like, why just the first one, JR?
Starting point is 01:08:12 Why not make him do both? Well, because at that point, maybe you do have someone that literally is only going to be good for one rep. Oh, like shit, like that's their, like they said, a PR out there. It's possible. You wouldn't think that with 300 and 200 at all. No, there's. Like that's their mat. Like they said, a PR out there. It's possible. You wouldn't think that with 300 and 200 at all. No,
Starting point is 01:08:28 there's no, one's going to be hitting a jerk PR at that weight. How about that? Zenoni guy from fucking the moon or wherever. We don't know about him. So maybe that, that a semifinalist, how about the dudes from just like the,
Starting point is 01:08:40 the undeveloped parts of the CrossFit ecosystem? I don't know. I still don't think that that's anywhere near close to a PR for any of these athletes. I would be very shocked. Does anyone have a 400-pound jerk in the posse? Mm-hmm. Guy's got a 400-pound jerk. And...
Starting point is 01:09:01 I bet Justin's done it maybe from behind the neck, but probably not from the front rack would there be stipulations on that i'm getting an echo from uh yeah they'll for sure take it from the rack yeah i'm sure it's got to be from the front rack for this uh wyatt begay's got a good question for taylor as a follow-up and i think he kind of went into it on the show earlier today if but he may not have heard it how you would approach the workout. To get the best score on, I personally think around a six minute mile pace, which is a little faster than six minute mile on the shuttle because you're stopping and starting. Whatever gets you back from the 400 meter run with around 30 seconds is probably going to give
Starting point is 01:09:40 athletes the best opportunity to accumulate jerks is if you if you blow out a little faster than that maybe a little flat faster if you're running i think a 550 pace that's 10 seconds for transitions in the shuttle and i'm going to assume it's like on the field and so they're doing 50 meters down and back or 50 yards sideline to sideline so that's not that many stop and starts but if you get back to the jerks throttled you're not going to be good for more than a couple and i think you'd like to get back to the bar with 30 to 40 seconds and hit one every five to six seconds and we'll go i think 300 pounds is heavy for ricky yeah but he's such a good runner that is yeah i agree he's gonna get back with less fatigue than some other athletes
Starting point is 01:10:22 and i think you just have to carry that same pace as the workout goes. So you get back to the 300 or you get back from the 600 meter run again, 30 to 40 seconds and same thing, maybe close to a minute with the 400 run. But at that point in the workout, maybe close to 40 seconds and singles probably the whole way. I wouldn't, I wouldn't fuck around with re-racking at this weight. And with that level of fatigue, I would just do a single drop it, re-rack it,
Starting point is 01:10:45 single drop it, re-rack it. Hey, you know, if Adrian comes on like every night, what would be really cool? Like when we kind of talk about a recap of all the events, ask him who the testing athlete was and how they did on that comparatively to
Starting point is 01:11:01 the field. I think it would be cool. I wonder if that's data he'll give away. Cause some of that stuff they just keep in that little black book and don't fucking tell a soul and what i would also say is yeah what do you think sebon i it's either way it's a great it's a great question it's a good question i i never know how like it depends like sometimes maybe dave would have answered that sometimes not it kind of also depended on his mood that's exactly how dave would come on too just in his room while he ramps he forgot something he ran would run upstairs or he'd be in his bed eating his meal before he turned off the lights so that
Starting point is 01:11:32 was cool that he did that i think hey that is unique to this fucking sport what you saw right there is like some hardcore this is why we are better than other sports because we are more real that's it that's as fucking real as you get that dude probably was downstairs testing something had to run upstairs and get a different stopwatch or it rained on him and he's changing his clothes or he's just eating something then he's running fucking back stack downstairs to work with the big dogs i'm telling you those are the kind of things that make this thing so unique and of course i'm biased to it because he came on this show but um yeah stoked would you change the male female interval length to level it out no not on a run hey really not you need a job here i can't believe jr fucking taylor hasn't
Starting point is 01:12:19 brought this up yet what do you it's because it's a run it's i mean i don't want to call our question stupid but if you have a 400 that's why you're not on this show sorry liz's question is not dumb good questions the other thing about singles that if you're an athlete competing that i would consider is when you take a barbell from the blocks you get a little bit of whip on the bar before you jerk it and so if you're doing singles, you do have to stand the bar up before jerking it. Every time you take the bar from the blocks, but you also get that little bit of whip to help jerk the bar overhead.
Starting point is 01:12:53 So I, I really do think most of the athletes are going to be doing singles and we'll see tomorrow if I'm just full of shit or not, but. Um, this is a picture. It looks like from one of the areas where people are going to be working out uh it looks like the jerk box covered okay okay so they are right there yeah which makes sense
Starting point is 01:13:13 because when i snapped those photos off during the um press orientation i was wondering why they had them covered and now that makes sense look james townsend called me a legend yeah yeah that's pretty cool i don't think he's talking about me no i don't think That makes sense. Look, James Townsend called me a legend. Yeah. That's pretty cool. I don't think he's talking about me. No, I don't think he is either. James, someone's got to work. Someone's got to work. You are working with the great Tudor Magda, the future of the sport,
Starting point is 01:13:42 and I got to work here telling stories and dirty jokes. But thank you. I'd like to meet and hang out too. Justin James, new CEO. Yes. We talked about at the beginning of the show, don't know much about him. I'm curious, just in a nutshell, very quickly, I don't think that's the kind of thing you announced during the middle of the week. I excited that he was uh in the u.s military fighting for our freedoms i'm concerned that he worked at facebook which is one of the worst organizations on the planet in terms of censorship um so you know we shall see i don't really give a fuck what his fran time is or how tight of a t-shirt he can wear in his profile pic um so there uh i will tell you this the media we are seeing in the first in the build-up to this event is extremely disappointing no it's not look at us you could go you could watch the
Starting point is 01:14:37 fucking worst ufc card ever and there's 10 times the amount of media building up to what is the super bowl for the crossfit games it is a joke go to youtube and type in crossfit you're stuck with the vapid craig richie or the foul mouth seba mitosian and that's it yeah i mean it is a uh it's it's a it's a mess crossfit inc hasn't crossfit inc hasn't put out anything they put out a two-minute video about the games. Okay, Lynn Mark, hi, how are you? You're not a woman, are you? I'm doing, no, I'm not a woman.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Damn, okay. Thank you for having me on. I'm doing good. I'm so excited. Oh, shit, we got Theo Vaughn on the show. I knew it was only a matter of time. How are you, brother? I'm not from Louisiana.
Starting point is 01:15:22 I'm from Mississippi. Right, that's what I said said But I'm glad you had Amanda Barnhart on it was so cool to hear She was really cool I'm glad you had someone on like that Get to know her better Amazing misconception about her I thought she was going to be quiet
Starting point is 01:15:39 And uptight And nothing like that And the reason why Was because when you see her on the field, she is so stoic. Her game face is legit. And, man, she's cool. She's cool.
Starting point is 01:15:55 She's a real one. And then also that dude came on here talking trash about how he can't go into the dark place. That fires me up. That's the bald dude, Taylor Self. Yeah, he's part of the show. I didn't say that shit. Oh, who said it?
Starting point is 01:16:09 He doesn't know where the dark place is, right? Well, he does. When the pig fell on him when he was testing workouts in Aromas. You guys are talking about the wrong person. Who said it? Who was talking about the dark place? The caller. It was the call-in.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Oh, okay. All right. I'll let Taylor off the hook. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But anyways, yeah. the uh the caller it was a call in oh okay all right i'll let taylor off the hook yeah yeah yeah but anyways yeah i was just i was just calling in talk trash is uh has he been to the dark place you know amanda i was just very impressed with her yeah there is no dark place with amanda there's light everywhere around her it's not her fault so cool thanks for that okay yeah thank you for going have your wife call next time. Thank you. Okay. Uh,
Starting point is 01:16:49 so I feel I'm playing with my dental floss, the whole show. It's an hour. People were really bummed that Brian ate that hamburger on the show. And here I am playing with my dental floss. Brian was eating a cheeseburger or a hamburger. I hate when people call it a hamburger. What do you,
Starting point is 01:17:02 what do you think it should be called? Is it fucking ham? Look at that, dude dude look at that reaction that's my favorite sebon reaction wow so shit i i'm i'm wow it's like people fucking up the word gender it's worse than that because i'm just straight lying lying liar so just burger cow burger that's good. Beef burger. Burger, burger. Okay. Thank you for the course correction. Sorry. Sorry? Are you kidding me? Oh, just because I had to show some humility in front of our 12 viewers.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Damn. It's from Hamburg, Germany. Is that true? Is that really true? I'll fuck Taylor up. If that's true, I win. Dude, don't let that be true. Hold on. Don't let that be true. Who's the audience. Don't let that be true.
Starting point is 01:17:45 Who's fact-checking that? What did you say, JR? Oh, shit. I believe it's true. Oh, shit. Fuck. Yeah, Taylor. I'm retarded then.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Well, the hamburger first appeared in the 19th or early 20th century. Considerable evidence suggests that either the United States or Germany, the city of Hamburg, was the first country where two slices of bread and ground beef steak were combined into a hamburger sandwich okay just learning everything on this show where does tube steak come from uh this guy right here uh sauteing the old tube steak um so it's kind of interesting that this guy's posting right here this guy uh big and flexi he is a member at a uh well-known prestigious gym who's uh uh crossfit krypton ben smith's gym and he hey dude you you should fucking um, that guy, the CEO works at, um, uh, Mr. Fowl lives at, um, work used to work at Facebook and he's got a bunch of people there.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Maybe you should take, take up with him. What happened to you? This guy put, this guy lost a fucking hundred pounds, maybe more and put up a bunch of weight loss photos on Facebook. And they said it was like fat shaming and he couldn't do it. What? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:03 Yeah. Crazy. Crazy. god damn it what if don brings that shit here you're not allowed to say that eating sugar is bad oh oh how about that offensive some people who work at pepsi cola are offended when you tell them that pepsi causes type 2 diabetes and therefore you cannot say it how about that fitness fitness and 80-ish words you and Hiller brought up? I freaked out when I realized that came from that place in Charlotte. That lady is – yeah, that lady is crazy. I don't even know if we should give her – she's crazy. Yeah, we won't say anything about it.
Starting point is 01:19:37 There's a point – well, there's so much crazy in the world. Okay, Big and Flexy, speaking of foul mouth, Laura Horvath's latest IG post. She's taking it all this year. I looked so dumb saying hamburger. I don't know. I still like it. You did. It's great.
Starting point is 01:19:52 We're here to fuck shit up. Laura, dear Laura, you and I are cut from the same cloth. Please come on my show at least three times. Me and her. No, I mean like we are here who's we oh okay dear laura all the athletes savon taylor jr howell caleb beaver he has the word beaver in his last name and matt suza we're all cut from the same cloth as you we're here to fuck shit up too can you please come on our show was she she the athlete who you had a tough time with? Tough time?
Starting point is 01:20:28 She came on my show and whooped my ass. Dude, you should let me be on. I didn't have a tough time. I took a fucking ass beating. Go full L3 on her. It was ugly. Big and Flexy, lost 155 pounds so far. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Good for you. Can't stuff through a CrossFit affiliate. The same place she works out, CrossFit Krypton. Yeah. We need to have Big and Flexy on. Yeah, we are. We have them scheduled, right? Do we?
Starting point is 01:20:53 There are so many people. Sorry. I only know him by his username, too. Okay. Hey, do we have you? I don't know what your real name is, but do we have you scheduled? I know that I was DMing with him in my account. I may even have his phone number.
Starting point is 01:21:08 We may even be texting. Okay. Ladies and gentlemen, if you would like to get your blood work checked and have a free doctor's consultation to find out about your hormone levels, your testosterone levels. You can go to CAHormones. That's not with a W. That's with an H. Type in the word Sevan.
Starting point is 01:21:41 And you can get your hormone levels checked for free. If you live in California, free blood work. And even if you don't live in California, you can get free doctor's consultation after you get your blood work done by your insurance company. And when we throw the California hormone games, you can compete free of charge. I don't know. I made that part up. I don't know about that. I don't know about that. I made that part up.
Starting point is 01:22:08 I shouldn't get carried away. He's getting crazy. I don't want to be giving too much shit away. Wasn't that late night show at midnight when he would sell the knives? Oh, yes. Yes. You know, and he's like, and we're throwing in 10 more knives. Wow. You're old school, Sousa.
Starting point is 01:22:23 Thank you. I don't think anybody else on this panel would know but i was hoping you'd save me i totally remember all that shit the knives and this knife will cut a radish into a flower for you seven's going to get rich again this week sarah cox is back i think you're right mr walters i think you're right um jr uh yes that that is nick that's disgusting nick learn how to spell um uh jr are you around tomorrow morning if we did a show uh one hour prior to um the event kicking off uh no i have to coach at 8 a.m okay fuck off uh taylor um are you around tomorrow at uh 6 a.m 9 a.m eastern yeah i'm good yeah okay cool shows fuck the jr who's gonna fill the dead air
Starting point is 01:23:12 he well he he fucking picked up the slack earlier today i feel dude he killed it today i called him i'm like holy fuck i didn't know you could talk that much like you say that every show i was like well you say that every show. I was like, well. You say that every show. Yeah, I guess every show I forget that you talk. JR's been bringing heat. Oh, my goodness. Dylan Vowell, our Sevan Podcast Fighter of the Year.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Fan spoiled because Sevan listened. Sevan was fortuitous by listening to Sousa. CrossFit is forever indebted to these two for reviving CrossFit media. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Anyone also, if you need your CrossFit Games apparel and you want the best shit, you should go over to VindicateVNDK8, the number 8, VNDK8, the number 8, And tomorrow the plan is to come on with Taylor, myself,
Starting point is 01:24:15 hopefully Caleb and Sousa, and there's always a chance that JR will show up. And maybe we'll get some other guests on here. We'll talk about, we'll hype up the first event, which is the bike event, right? 10 miles of biking then we will get off the air we'll all watch uh the crossfit games broadcast together and then we'll come back on after that and talk about it uh and that's basically what it's going to be like all week we'll just be going back and forth back and forth and we got i have the phone numbers and suza has the phone numbers of shitloads of people who are at the event but this year more so than last year we have a half
Starting point is 01:24:46 dozen people people like heidi uh matt souza will plumber uh tyler watkins from the tyler watkins fantasy fitness league who are all on site with cell phones so we'll be talking to them live and going to booths and shit like that if you are at the venue, please check out Gabe at PaperStreetCoffee P-A-P-E-R-S-T Alright. Anything else, guys, that we forgot that we want to talk about? Do you think Boz
Starting point is 01:25:17 would let us snag a stream and commentate? No. Hey, dude. I can't believe believe suza hasn't been kicked out already made it through the orientation that's awesome did people give you the stink eye did you get any pink eye from people no everybody's real friendly good i don't believe that but good again uh my own my my i have so much advice to give but um if anyone from crossfit hq is listening i think you should uh give all the athletes there a free l1 and a free affiliation
Starting point is 01:25:58 it's that easy it doesn't cost you anything do i look for it i said yeah yeah i was looking for my wristbands i looked at my arms i didn't see the ceo i'm like what the fuck this bag of weed dude would you sell that and send me the money god damn bro you could powder your balls with that shit at this point with how dry that has got to be oh yeah i did holy shit oh my god hey you know what i'm gonna do i have i have i have so many bags like this i'm gonna bring them all the bags i gotta tell a quick story about a nug that was shaped just like that okay so i was like maybe oh 15 and i and i bought this quarter of weed and it was one long piece like that so i had this like lg chocolate phone and i took a picture with me like pretending like suck it and i lost my phone and this person
Starting point is 01:27:06 found my phone and sent all these pictures to my parents oh dude my mom was like what the fuck is this this picture of me sucking a that's that was your your grinder profile pic first nightmare how fucked up is that that guy's listening fuck you yeah i agree i i agree and hey this is this is really good whoever told us this is good we're here to fuck kadoz i don't even know what kadoz means i've searched the hashtag i've tried to look it up and i have no idea what it it It means something in whatever language, whatever. She's like Mexican or something. What is it?
Starting point is 01:27:47 Yeah. Yeah. That's what I said. JR, don't laugh. Cadoz. In Spanish, it means eat a dick. Okay. We will see you guys tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:28:10 Peace. Oh, okay. Fine. Oh oh no no this is we owe this we owe this we owe this okay okay jamal the floor is yours you get the you get the last word let's do it okay so laura actually talked about what the hashtag was and she said uh the hashtag was and she said uh christophe i think it was something having to do with her brother about a punching bag and the sound it make like kadook like it does kadush and then the other and then the other hashtag she uses uh it's like s-U-T-I, foodie foodie. It actually means foot in her language or running. But in her language, if you put E at the end, it's supposed to be cute, I guess. Cute running. If you get her on the show, you could probably ask her.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Yeah, right. Hey, the last time I texted her, she said, how'd you get her on the show, you could probably ask her. Yeah, right. Yeah. Hey, the last time I texted her, she said, how'd you get this number? And like, yeah, I just felt like I just put my tail between my legs. That's why people don't give you your number. I think one day you're going to text her and she's going to have a man answer and be like, how'd you get my girl's number? Yeah, you know what? You know what I need to do? You know what I should have done tonight? I should have had Christoph
Starting point is 01:29:28 on. That was a fuck up. Maybe tomorrow morning. Let's bug him and see if he'll come on with us tomorrow morning. He talks a little bit less than JR. What'd you say, Jamal? I said you got to get him early enough for Laura's in the same room.
Starting point is 01:29:43 No, he's with Gabby. He's with Gabby. His sister's the enemy this week. I can't believe they gave him a media pass. That's awesome. I want to know what looks he got. I wonder if Hiller will come on tomorrow. Where is Hiller?
Starting point is 01:29:57 What is Hiller doing? You should get him to come on the nine-inch show. He was just in the comments. You should ask Hiller what he had to do to get that pass. You don't want to know. You don't want to know. You don't want to know. Alright, guys. Can't wait to see the coverage. Okay, thank you.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Let me see if Hiller will come on for a second. I would just like to address this comment here. Thank you. Oh, shit. Oh, yeah, yeah. I know. He is jacked. I know. He's jacked yeah he's jacked now i'm all blushing i can't do it on the spot he's got one of those he's got a he's got a body
Starting point is 01:30:33 like a king cobra you know what i mean he's like lats and buys and he's kind of he's like a plates yeah he's all yeah no he's got a tail he's like a fucking 205 he's not hunched over though he doesn't have like that he's not like hunched like a cobra he's got good posture he's doing good what he has oh shit you're not even at the games you suck i'm sorry i brought you on I'm sorry I brought you on. He's in, he's out. Do you have a media pass?
Starting point is 01:31:08 I do. I'm getting it tomorrow. Okay. You left me hanging by myself at orientation. I know. I know. How'd it go? Did you guys talk about that?
Starting point is 01:31:19 No. No? How'd it go? Other than I heard you didn't get a stink eye from anybody. Oh, he got a stink eye. He got one now. He got a lot of love, too. He got a lot of love.
Starting point is 01:31:33 That'd be super nice. Yeah, it was cool. Good. Everyone's excited to see you. Well, I brought you... Have you been crying? Yeah, I was sad that you wouldn't let me on the show. Why are your eyes puffy? Do you have allergies or something? What's going on? Did you get your eyebrows done for the games? What's going on the show why are your eyes puffy do you have allergies or something what's going on you get your eyebrows done for the games what's going on why do you use
Starting point is 01:31:48 your eyes do they look puffy yeah it's been awake 27 hours making i mean i've made like 30 videos for this week already just so i don't need to do it while i'm there uh why i'm wired this is this is full of uh caffeine. When do you go? Tomorrow morning. I'm going to try and get there probably right after the first event and meet up with Sousa. And then you live two hours away by driving? Correct. And will you stay there? I heard rumors chatter that you're going to drive back and forth every day.
Starting point is 01:32:23 Yeah, there's a day I might have to make it back. I've got a client that I've got to work with. Wow. You're fucking dedicated. I hope they're rich as fuck. They're something as fuck. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:32:39 They're chill as fuck. They're something as fuck. Yeah, yeah. Well, I heard that's why JR is not not going right you can't get you can't get it out of the you gotta coach yeah and taylor you gotta coach what's going on with that no i just yeah i told jr i'm gonna go he's not going he's not going because he's butthurt that he's not there that's it jr is uh taylor is is still processing the fact that he's not at the games. It's not sitting well with him.
Starting point is 01:33:08 How's that be? That's true, right? Taylor? Maybe to some degree. Yeah. Knee's good. Knee's good? Coming along great.
Starting point is 01:33:17 He has to say that. We'll never know the truth. He has to say that. I just started squatting this past week. Awesome. Air squats? Air squats. Physical therapy? know the truth he has to say that i just started squatting this this past week awesome air squats air squats physical therapy i've been doing physical therapy for a while i've got great range of motion i'm just not really forcing anything i have another it's a two-part surgery so another surgery in october how many days a week uh every day i take sunday off i take sunday off oh yeah i'm working out work with somebody every day of the week?
Starting point is 01:33:45 No, I have a PT that I used to work with, and he sent me a program. So I have him and doing a lot of other stuff as well on top. They're made this way. Hiller's eyebrows are caterpillars. What the fuck are you talking about? Look like. And I saw another one saying my eyes always look like this. JR, have you been to the games ever?
Starting point is 01:34:08 Shut up. What? He has. He's a games athlete. Oh, that's right. I've seen pictures of you there. JR, have you ever gone to the games as a fan? Yes.
Starting point is 01:34:19 Did you like it? Oh, yeah. That's sick. I went in 2019, actually, when there were a million competitors. Okay. I just couldn't. I could never go there. I have no desire to go there unless I was working. I would be going nuts right now if I was there. It's fun, man. If you go with... We didn't stay super close to the venue. We probably stayed 20 minutes away. We went and worked out every day before we went to watch workouts and
Starting point is 01:34:46 then at night we just find a good place to eat downtown i mean it's it's fun the farmer's almanac said hillar's brows will let us know if we have a bad winter what about the groundhog the groundhog anything to say about that that's funny, what do you think about this guy's avatar? I trip on it so hard. What about it? It's seductive, all right? It's like a model picture. It's provocative. You wouldn't understand.
Starting point is 01:35:17 You paid good money for those headshots, okay? Yeah. JR, we're shirtless then. He's boring. Did you walk around the game shirtless, JR? No, I did not. JR is freaking jacked. JR's got some big shoulders.
Starting point is 01:35:33 That's an optical illusion. I'm actually quite petite. How much do you weigh, JR? 185. How tall are you? Six foot. Oh, shit. Okay, that's good.
Starting point is 01:35:44 Yeah, he's jacked. He walks like he's running from the fucking cops he has one speed when he walks too he doesn't use his heels he's like a fucking he's like a raptor he's just moving when i first had surgery dude when we were in uh knoxville for the mac I just fucked my knee up, and we were walking from venue to venue, and he re-fucked my knee up trying to keep up with him. Hey. Dickhead. I want to see if – God, you know what that reminds me of?
Starting point is 01:36:16 Does he look like one of those Jesus lizards that – Jesus lizards. He looks like Chris Henshaw. You ever see Chris Henshaw walk? He walks like a velociraptor. JR walks like he's faster than anyone in the games, and he's a good runner. Are your calves jacked?
Starting point is 01:36:32 Do you have super jacked calves, JR? Sometimes. Taylor? He has good calves, but I have great calves, and it's all general. That's true. My calves are huge. Look at this. this is jr right
Starting point is 01:36:46 here i hope this doesn't stutter this is so good hey when i was in belize i caught one of these links wait till you wait till you see this thing don't look at my hey don't look at my links dude just blow the screen up and we can't see it okay here we go yeah don't look at my links, dude. Just blow the screen up. We can't see it. Okay, here we go. Yeah, don't look at my fucking links, Taylor. Don't let your eyebrows look at my links. Okay, here we go. This is J.R. walking a few steps ahead of Taylor. Look, here we go. Look at it.
Starting point is 01:37:21 That's as slow as J.R. can walk right there. That's fucking, that's fast, too jr can walk right there that's fucking that's fast too oh my god there's there's no way my hips are that supple hey we're getting a fine for that susan that was more than seven seconds i know we're gonna have to edit that no it's okay as long as there's no sound. Oh, good. Okay. You should be good. I got to jump off, guys. Okay, bye. Why? I got to wake up. I'm coaching the 5 a.m.
Starting point is 01:37:52 Taylor, I'll see you tomorrow morning, brother. All right. See you at 9 a.m. Okay, bye. Taylor, we're doing a show tomorrow morning. Time, time, time, time. Before the first event. So it would be 8 o'clock Central Time at 6 a.m. 6 a.m. Pacific Standard Time.
Starting point is 01:38:09 So it's 8? Yeah. I will not be able to. That's exactly when I have to work with the person I can't be there for yet because I'm seeing this person at 8 a.m. tomorrow. Okay. So the event starts at 9? Sorry, 7 your time?
Starting point is 01:38:29 Yep. Yeah, okay so the event starts at nine uh sorry seven your time yep yeah okay six my time six your time the event starts at six your time or seven the event starts at seven my time we will do the podcast at six my correct okay yeah we're saying the same thing okay okay okay uh i'll be able to go on after for sure you said you're going after right after the event yeah we'll send you a link after the event. Okay, bitchin'. Thank you, everyone, for coming on. I watched all your videos today, Hiller. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:38:50 A lot of work out. Which one did you... What are you thanking me for? Did you like... I made the one with all the... Did you see the Fight Club clip one? Yes. The one on Daniel Brandon?
Starting point is 01:39:00 I thought you'd like that. Yes. Very good. They were all good. I worked out for an hour today. I watched four of your videos. Yes, very good. They were all good. I worked out for an hour today. I watched four of your videos. Oh, one hour, yeah, 40-minute video. And took notes, and I'm trying to still want to do the Hillerfoot video on Sunday.
Starting point is 01:39:14 It's going to be tough. Whoa. I'm ready for it. We're ready. We're ready. Ken Walters gets the last word. Seve, that's one of the best in 500 episodes. Thanks, brother.
Starting point is 01:39:24 What did you guys peak out as viewers-wise? i'll tell you as soon as we get off okay bye

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