The Sevan Podcast - #522 - CrossFit Games Update Show | Weather Delay

Episode Date: August 3, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. Fueled up. SMTP. We have no news for you.
Starting point is 00:00:41 We just came so you could stare at us. Hi. Salamatosi. Hi. Oh, shit. There's too many Taylor selves. Will you kick out one of the Taylor selves? There's two Taylors.
Starting point is 00:00:58 You have to log off one. Oh, no. One Rich Froning and one Angelo. Holy shit. Did you guys get it? I heard you guys got arrested. Did you guys get arrested? Arrested guys got arrested. Did you guys get arrested? Arrested?
Starting point is 00:01:08 Yeah, are you in a holding cell? The rumors are Morning Chaga reported you guys got arrested. For shorting laps on the race. For shorting laps. You guys only did four and you guys got arrested. We were definitely shorting laps. That's why they kicked us out and now we're incarcerated. Oh, where are you two gentlemen?
Starting point is 00:01:31 We're sitting at North Park warm-up area. It's being held up. It's super choppy, so we couldn't see that. Could you hold it just, like, slow? So, like, just hold it steady, and we could see, like, what's in front of you, what your view is. I think we have a really bad connection, but here, I'll give you what I got. Angie and Dick
Starting point is 00:01:57 Vandersloot. Rich, are you... How long are you guys going to be there? What time is it there right now it's a 241 we tried wow sorry guys that was nice um this is the the this is some of the intel i have that the first team heat did go and the second team heat got lined up and they did not go. And that was the team that, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:31 Reykjavik, uh, with, uh, miss Annie and Mr. Khan, Tola, Lauren Fisher.
Starting point is 00:02:36 And then of course, uh, the great mayhem empire team with, uh, rich froning, Taylor, Andrew Nistler, and Samuel.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And it looks like they were told that they will be going in 18 minutes. And maybe Matt Suzik or someone can log in who's there and tell us if they can confirm that. And
Starting point is 00:03:01 I also heard that, okay, here we go, Brandon Waddell teams to resume at 3pm. i also heard that okay here we go brandon brandon waddell uh waddle uh teams to resume at 3 p.m i also heard that event 2a and 2b have been pushed to tomorrow and that there will be no rest day at the 2022 crossfit games for the individual athletes any thoughts on that taylor caleb have you guys heard the same according to caleb's Okay. You saw that on Instagram, Caleb? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I'm pulling it up now. Okay. And someone, and whose account is that? Ant Haynes. He's a, he's an athlete out of China. Uh,
Starting point is 00:03:37 he's, is he a team this year? Cause he's not individual. No, I think he is. Well, I think it might be his team. I can't remember. Where did he get that at?
Starting point is 00:03:50 What board is that? Maybe it's something in the athlete area or something. That doesn't look like it's in the athlete area. It looks like kind of where Rich was. Okay. That seems like it'd be behind the scenes it's also i wonder if that's in a sneak peek of that's you know and in the war room somewhere that should not have been shared that's what i was thinking that looks
Starting point is 00:04:21 like it's something from behind the scenes but what what do I know? Yeah, that makes me a little unsettled, but it validates it. It validates it. Seems like the kind of thing that could get me kicked out of the games. Good thing I'm at home. Last I heard from – let's see. Maybe I can send – oh, shit. My mouse stopped working. How the fuck did my mouse stop working yet? Let me see if I can get a, um,
Starting point is 00:04:51 a text over to con Porter. I think he is in the same holding room. The rich froning is, and also Caleb, can you shoot a Sousa text and see if we can get him on the air? Um, does that, does that change anything significantly? Uh, Taylor, if they move the workout to tomorrow i think that's a better move than trying to do it strict press in the rain for sure okay okay and that would be the choice and what about what about a and and and then to cut out the shuttle run altogether yeah i think moving it to thursday is for sure the best decision it's also on tim paulson's story okay thank you victor it's also on Tim Paulson's story okay thank you Victor
Starting point is 00:05:24 Cisnero Cisnero it's also on Tim Paulson's story look at that you've given us great intel but I only see it once you give us $1.99 because your shit turns blue I'm sorry I'm sorry I feel horrible for that actually
Starting point is 00:05:39 second time with mouse not working someone buys a new mouse it is a new mouse that's the thing I don't get it I don't get it i don't get it but a good thing i have a plugged in one um i'm going to see if mr porter wants to come on oh my wife just told me we went over 17 000 subscribers that's cool thank you that's smart i think we have say that again caleb we have more than hiller now do we i think so we have one uh scored event that from from the men and women today in the individual competition to crown the fittest person on the planet um we are still don't have a leaderboard c we'll pull it up and show us in just a second but we still don't have a leaderboard that is functioning due to the fact that some of the athletes came in early and uh and and the chips weren't prepared for that so the
Starting point is 00:06:35 reporting uh inaccurately that being said the second workout was then pushed to tomorrow, which was supposed to be a rest day. And that's workout 2A and 2B. And so that's three scored events, 100 for the bike to work, and then 2A and 2B were also going to be 100 and 100. Those have been pushed to tomorrow. What we do believe we have remaining is there will be an announcement very shortly that gives us two more workouts that are supposed to happen this evening. So there will be a total of 500 points that were supposed to be allocated today. It will end up only being 300 points and 200 tomorrow. And Taylor gives a really good observation. observation. He thinks it's better that they postpone the workout and do it accurately as opposed to changing it so they could get it done today. What's up, Tyler? How are you?
Starting point is 00:07:35 Tyler, are you hearing that the CrossFit Games are about to resume in 13 minutes? We're hearing at three o'clock the teams will take the floor. It'll be Rich Froning versus Reykjavik in their first event of the 2022 CrossFit Games. Is that what you hear, Tyler? The team starts at 3. Yeah, that's where I've been hearing. And when you look out that window. They're going to get rid of 2A and 2B today, push it to Thursday.
Starting point is 00:08:03 And that's the rumor. Anyway. And when you the rumor. Anyway. And when you look out the window, does it look like they can start the event in 13 minutes, 12 minutes? Or is it still raining? No. No. So you think that they'll probably get pushed again?
Starting point is 00:08:19 I mean, so, I mean, three o'clocks in an hour in 15 minutes. Okay. Three o'clocks in an hour and 15 minutes. Okay. Three o'clocks in, yeah, in 12 minutes. I think they're pushing, I think, yeah, they're pushing to 3 p.m. Central, not Eastern. Oh, okay. Oh, thank you for doing, okay. Okay, thank you for doing the math. I'm multitasking.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yeah. Okay. Sorry. No, no, it's not your fault. It's my fault. And I'm getting another notification from one of the coaches of one of the athletes, and he said it is confirmed that 2A and 2B have been pushed to tomorrow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:56 So there's nothing going on. Is there anyone else going on before the second heat of these teams? Or is that – it's off until then? It's off until then. Let me see. Sorry, I'm looking at all this information as it's coming in. A Masters athlete reached out to me and told me last year that the similar
Starting point is 00:09:26 thing happened. And at the CrossFit games where some masters cut a run short and it was put on the athletes and that they are briefed that they're responsible for the number of laps that they did. It does seem like it's the best way to do it. But there is that one component. What happens if a judge tells you otherwise and it'd be cool to you know maybe not bug adrian about that this week but afterwards
Starting point is 00:09:51 next week get a post games interview with him to find out right right from From what I've accumulated, there were no judges monitoring the roundabout situation. So every lap, there were no judges for that. This is all conjecture, but this is what I've heard from several people at this point. So it was on the athletes. It was an honor system thing um which is terrible it's i can't you can't do that because then maybe someone did cut so there are there's probably there i'm guessing if i was a betting man i would guess that someone only did four laps and doesn't know it well i i also thought it looked like there was someone directing spencer and lazar
Starting point is 00:10:41 into the field of play um but the claim is also it looked like that but there were for sure over five men who did not do five laps in that second in that second loop probably closer to 10 this is like the same issue we have in the open when we use like the honor system like okay i'm only gonna film a couple of my workouts i'm gonna post them and if they ask or i'm not gonna post them and if they ask for them i'll send them in and people just skirt through and get through quarterfinals same thing online qualifiers and you can't trust athletes yeah you can't trust athletes it's tough because at this level you want to say you guys are the top 40 men and women in the world you are
Starting point is 00:11:25 professionals um but just so you know that we don't know that first we don't know that for certain when we say the honor system that's us being um that that's our that's our choice of words i don't think the crossfit games gave out a report being like okay guys this is on the honor system absolutely and like maybe there was like like you said there's there's definitely somebody out there directing them maybe there was more to it than i know but the talk the talk around town right here and you know at campus madison is um that there were there was no one out there um do you remember what do you remember what happened in dubai in dubai the whole field of women went the wrong way yeah you remember that and they cut the race short by by they cut the most grueling part of the race out
Starting point is 00:12:13 at the top of the ski slope and so they thought it was supposed to be like a two mile run let's say and they only ran a mile or supposed to be 800 they only ran 400 and they didn't run the the difficult part of the top but i guess there it didn't matter because then it was just a distinction between the men the men and the women it was a different competition for them but in that one no one was penalized right everyone just did the same thing i wonder how they would have handled that if everyone would have come in in four laps why didn't that happen why didn't everyone just follow in spencer and lazar that's that's what i guess people were counting they wouldn't have been in, so you would have had guys out in front of them. And then continuing to go.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And then say you're behind them, but you watch someone else who was in front of them continue to go. You're like, I don't know, but I'm definitely going to do whatever Justin's doing. I'm not going to go with Spencer and Lazer. No offense, Spencer and Lazer. I don't know. I mean, if they got directed in, no offense. If they didn't get directed in, offense.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Yeah. But at the end of the day, it still comes down to on them. It is. You have to count, and James Townsend put it nicely a little earlier. They did five laps the first round, and the second round, you just don't figure it out it's
Starting point is 00:13:25 fucked up con porter oh this is gonna be tough huh no connection's tough we're in uh so so so you're just in a holding powder for another uh 67 minutes yeah man we're here the whole crew's uh kicking about it's like a fair day i think they just updated us and said that we might be going walking from here at three okay uh what's it smell like in there is it is it are the conditions pretty stinky and sweaty? Can't hear you guys are breaking the county's Wi-Fi is in here We we've overextended the Wi-Fi it's because everyone every Tom Dick and Harry is on their phone instead of watching
Starting point is 00:14:20 Conn ride his bike with the shirt off He heard that part he smiled hey um you'll still get to ride watch me ride my bicycle awesome uh what what's the mood there of the reykjavik team uh oh good i was walking around before kind of suggesting to a few teams that maybe we do a team talent show while we wait and everyone maybe nominate one to two members singing dance put on a little show but it's kind of mixed reviews mixed mixed receiving that but uh yeah look i think everyone's just kind of wants to get out and do that the first event and then you walk out there all fired up and now we're just sitting around um will any of your events be cut today were you how many events were you guys supposed out there all fired up and now we're just sitting around.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Will any of your events be cut today? How many events were you guys supposed to do today? Impossible. I'm Connie as shit. Hey, Con, I'm going to bug you tonight. There's just too many people. Okay. We'll bug you tonight, brother. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Thank you for trying. we could do a live um like if you could divert them to me like my signal is pretty decent here they i could just set them up and they could sit here or i could go to them but anyway i think i think that yeah i don't want to um he said bro i couldn't hear a word um yeah he's probably he's probably pretty happy with his team and uh chilling there. And it was kind of – I knew it was going to end up that way, right? Because he's sitting 20 feet away from Rich probably, right? So I'm like, okay, it didn't work with Rich.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Let's try Khan. Maybe Khan has a better phone. Just as long as Rich is in frame. Right. Yeah, right. Can you go sit with Rich now, Khan? Your phone's working. Just pass your phone over to Rich.
Starting point is 00:16:07 How many events – do we know how many events the teams were supposed to do today? Are they going to have – were they competing tomorrow anyway, or have they been brought – have they lost their rest day also? I'm not sure. I'm barely aware of what the teams are doing. I'm looking at it right now. aware of what the teams are doing. Khan said, long story short, lots of fit people laying around eating oats and pre-workout.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Teams are not supposed to compete tomorrow, so if they do have an event push to tomorrow, then they will also be missing a rest day. Okay. Oh, beautiful. Okay. But I don't think that they... Oh, they do have an event push till tomorrow, or or they just postponed right now.
Starting point is 00:16:48 They're just postponed until 3 p.m. their time. And then we'll see what they can do for the rest of it because they didn't even finish the first event for both. Hey, it's going to get pushed to tomorrow because look at that. Their second event theoretically has theoretically is supposed to start in 34 minutes and they haven't even finished their first event yet. Yeah, that probably looks like what's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:17:14 Have they told us what the team's second event is in that 2.30 to 3.30 spot? I don't know it. I don't know it either I don't know it either. I'm being terrible. Yeah, I don't think that they announced that one. We've completely neglected the teams.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Okay, let's go over to the women's leaderboard. I mean, I guess they're going to fix the women's leaderboard first because there's fewer errors over there. It was only Danielle Brandon that we know about. Has anyone heard of anyone else who may have shorted? Just Danielle. Halpin said that Chad Schroeder mentioned they had fixed the scoring table, but I didn't see it populated on the website. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And it doesn't look like it's populated yet. So let's see where she'll place. Let's say they do give her a five-minute penalty. Let's see where she would go. Scroll down to where you see. Close to last. It'd be 44 minutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Let's see what we get, where we get her. So that would be. 35th. 34th. All right. That's not good for her. Nope.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Let's see if we can get Matt Susie in here. Susie, here susan what's up buddy oh you're out in front of the venue um dude i broke free i literally had to sneak out a side door and around through a uh fence to get out of that building and then what building were you in what building were you in okay so have a big building that's a workout area for spectators. Why aren't you here? Hold on one second, Susan. Mr. O'Keefe, look at you. Look at you, O'Keefe. Sorry, Susan.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Hang tight. We're going to get with you in one second. Boy, you're never going to forget 2022 at the crossfit games oh yeah yeah are you i don't know we'll see um how's it going how's it going oh keith weren't you out there counting laps for your athletes i was i mean i wasn't it was hard I mean it was hard to do anything but watch from afar
Starting point is 00:19:27 so yeah there were I mean I saw that I saw that some spectators were along
Starting point is 00:19:34 the backside of that road but yeah I was standing with Matt up in the stand so we're just
Starting point is 00:19:40 kind of I'm sure like it's fun we were just talking about how hard it would be as a as an athlete to count because we're just kind of, I'm sure it was like, it's fun. We were just talking about how hard it would be as a, as an athlete to count. Cause we're even at times like, what lap is she on? Like it's not, it's not that, I mean,
Starting point is 00:19:55 I'm sure in the moment it's hard. Well, what would you assess the penalty if you were running the event for someone who skipped a lot? Um, if you were running the event for someone who skipped a lap? That's a tough one. I mean, I think even an average lap would be a decent penalty, honestly. Just because, you know, I think you can make a fair assumption that people are going to have their –
Starting point is 00:20:24 I would assume that your last lap's going to be aggressive. So it's probably, you know... It's a tough one. You know, I don't know, like, I have no idea what happened if, like, people were waved in and, like, kind of how all that stuff went in, but it's tough as... Were you at the athlete briefing,
Starting point is 00:20:40 O'Keefe? Were you at the athlete briefing? No, no, no, no. So this is what we were told. We were told that the athletes were told that they're in charge of counting counting we were also told that two of the athletes were waived in we also saw video footage of lazar jukic tried to go back onto the course and told no come back onto the course um and so that's kind of where we're sitting. But here's the part we're really curious about. Does anyone know?
Starting point is 00:21:07 Like, like, were they, did the chip count laps? Is there a camera where someone's like counting? How many times did Danielle pass here? Like how many, like maybe there's, there's a bunch of athletes in the middle who only did four and they don't even know it. My thing would be if you were told in brief that way that you're supposed to count and you, you know, you've got to figure a way out to count like that. To me, it seems,
Starting point is 00:21:30 seems at that point, you know, it's hard, you know, it's, you know, I've been on their side of it and, um, I respect the predicament that they're in with this. Um, it's hard and, you know, um, you've got to, you know, take all the information you have and make a fair assessment of it and if that's the way it was briefed um you know i think you would be on the coaching side very aware of that and make sure that people were counted you know and find ways to do that whether that's through putting something on their you know hand to try to figure out how to count elastic band like there's a lot of ways you can go about it. But anyway, I mean, at this point, if that's the way it was briefed,
Starting point is 00:22:08 then at that point, they knew going in that they needed to count. That's fair that they're assessed the penalty. Awesome. I think I agree with you there 100%. Hey, you must be stoked about Mal O'Brien. She did great. She did. She's so awesome.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yeah, that was really executed well. Great start, honestly. Yeah, she looks great. Couldn't have asked for a better start for her. She did really well. I think they all kind of were surprised at how hard the bike got or how they felt they came in for the chest of bars.
Starting point is 00:22:49 I mean, you knew it was going to be hard, but I think they were all a little surprised on how they felt when they came in for those chest of bars. Tia, absolute savage. She is, isn't she? She is.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Man, she's incredible. Pull-ups looked effortless. I thought that was amazing to watch her, watch Mal. You know, some of those girls come in and just, like, blast 40 or 50 on the first set. It's like, what? Like, that is bananas, honestly. They look, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I mean, Tia smashed that part of it. Just executed perfectly. I think they've started announcing what changes are happening on the YouTube station. And it looks like, here we go. Heat 2 of Team Event 1, Biker Bob, will take the field around 3 p.m. So that's in 57 minutes. Individual Event 2, that's the one that uh has been postponed and team events two and three will now take place tomorrow following the opening ceremony so tomorrow is no longer a rest day uh tomorrow is now a competition day
Starting point is 00:23:59 um today's coliseum events uh individual events three and four, will take place as planned. This isn't a big deal to the athletes, is it, O'Keefe? Like, they're fucking unknown, unknowable, rest day, not rest day. They'll just get at it tomorrow, don't you think? Absolutely. 100% you invest in chaos when you're in an event anyway, and especially in a event. And these guys are handling it great honestly like i i
Starting point is 00:24:26 think that as you know for spectators that are watching or people that are here um you know there's there's a lot of moving pieces that go into this um you know and it's hard to prepare for whether um i know because i deal i dealt with an outdoor event um there you do the right thing like you have to try to get as much as you possibly can and then assess if you adjust workouts or if you have the time you move them honestly that this is being handled really well did that happen every year at water palooza because i know last year the massive storm came in is that just that's the way florida is it is you know that time of year you have a better chance than there's like almost a guaranteed thundershower every day starting in like March on.
Starting point is 00:25:08 So, yeah, but we had been a little unlucky the last few years that that I was there that, you know, there was always a weather event. But, you know, you just like think of people's safety and you make the best decision possible to get as much of it as you can in um you know and communicate where you can you know um to get input from people either you trust or you know in that that case it's easier to ask the athletes things because it's not as important um you know from a you know season perspective to say like hey what do you guys think um these guys are doing a good job honestly i mean they're they're they're making good decisions and you know moving to tomorrow's best decision honestly rather than have them here super late or sitting around all day not knowing what's going on that's a really good call i agree we've heard so many solutions i think this is my favorite one they just had to put the odometers on the bicycle so
Starting point is 00:26:00 the athletes can see the distance observ Observable, repeatable, measurable. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The distance. That would have been awesome. Odometers. They just announced the individual event three. Okay. Oh, Keith, thanks for coming on, brother.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Hey, good to see you guys. Keep crushing it. I'll give it back to the boy over here. Okay, have a good one. Thank you. Yeah, you too. Thanks. Individual event number three. Thank you. Yeah, you too. Thanks. Individual event number three,
Starting point is 00:26:28 thank you, Caleb, has been announced. It's three rounds of races through pegboards, jump ropes, pistols, and handstand walks. I'll repeat it again. Three rounds, pegboards, jump ropes, pistols, and handstand
Starting point is 00:26:44 walks. But, Sevan, it says single leg squats, not pistols and handstand walks but seven it says single leg squats not pistols ah right right right oh shit isn't that interesting in the description they have pistols and in the uh actual workout they have uh single leg squats hey so so it says quarter final round semi final round final round meaning not all the athletes continue look at the double unders in the last round double under crossovers so it goes single unders unbroken double unders double under crossovers what even is that i know what a crossover is what let's pull up a double under crossover search it on youtube we've got three jump rope variations
Starting point is 00:27:29 here we go what did that mean uh what did that mean three three out of two peg boards what did that mean oh so it's saying for the men that's three reps for the women two reps okay thank you okay ladies and gentlemen here it it is, debuting. Almost. The advanced jump rope tutorial double unders crossovers. Wow. Why not just a triple under? Call me crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Wow. Okay, let's go back to look at the workout. Very impressive. Do you think anyone's been preparing for that i don't think athletes are practicing that no have you ever practiced that i've never practiced it i've never tried a double under a crossover i have you ever tried to crossover period yeah yeah i've done crossovers a lot um wrestling i when i used to wrestle we used to just jump rope for like 45 minutes straight. Okay, so the men will climb the pegboard three times. They'll do 75 unbroken single-unders, 10 unbroken pistols with their left leg, 10 unbroken pistols with their right leg. Hey, does that mean they alternate or you have to do them 10 in a row and then switch?
Starting point is 00:28:41 You do 10 on the left and then you advance i want to assume 10 on the right okay and then you handstand walk a course i'm guessing at that point i'm guessing at that point um they cut the field does that look correct to you because they the way they have them named yeah you're gonna go three yeah so quarterfinal round the field semi-final round cut the field final round scores one one minute cut the field. Final round, scores. One minute, Jamal. So if there's 40 people who start, I think they'll cut 10 or 20 when you get to the semifinals, is what I'm saying. No, it'll be 3-2-1 go, quarterfinal round. And then they cut down to 30 and they cut down to 20 or they cut 20 after the first round.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Okay, so that's what I'm saying. Okay. Great. Wow. And and it doesn't say that we're just guessing that the way they've titled them so are each one of those three rounds no it's each one of them oh that's why it says three rounds of races not three rounds gotcha straight sprint okay so then they'll do a cut and then they'll go uh two pegboards a sense a sense for the men 50 unbroken double unders uh oh meaning if you fuck up the double under it has to be unbroken yeah okay uh 10 unbroken wow okay it says It says strict pegboard ascents. So not like, I guess, you're not using your legs. Oh, wow. So the first set is three pegboard ascents, and then the semifinal and the final round are strict pegboard ascents.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Wow. So you have legs dangling pegboard ascents? Can you pull up that double under crossover again? I just want to watch that a little more. Okay. I'm going to talk to Jamal real quick. Jamal, how can I help you brother yeah so just wanted to let y'all know with the double of the double under crossover rx marker i believe they went to ben smith's gym and introduced it
Starting point is 00:30:35 and there's actual videos of uh i think it was laura horvath danny spiegel and Alex Smith doing it with the, possibly the, the regular jump rope. But there's, that was something that was about a month or two ago. I don't know if y'all can pull up their Instagram and possibly see it there, but. Who, who brought it to their gym?
Starting point is 00:30:57 What was the name of the company that brought it to their gym? Smart gear. He said. Smart gear. Wow. That was my first time seeing double under crossover. I'm going to look it up right here. RX smart gear crossover double under.
Starting point is 00:31:22 RX method comprehensive double under tutorial that's from what year 2020 that can't be it i don't like how that sounds rx marker going to a gym and introducing the movement i mean
Starting point is 00:31:33 there's no way they could have known that no is are they a sponsor for the games i i think i remember seeing that it was like years ago that didn't happen like
Starting point is 00:31:42 this year that happened a long time ago okay at least i don't think it did maybe if i type in krypton next to it krypton it was a crossfit krypton i believe so they were doing i think it was possibly like a promotion or something like that but i remember it being this year being, what's the guy? I think his name is Dave Newman. They were there with Laura.
Starting point is 00:32:10 It was Laura and Alex for sure because they had somebody showing them the double under crossover. And I think it's a Laura, two attempts. The first one she messed up. The second one she ended up getting it. Oh, it's on our X Markersx mark here's instagram here i'm gonna send it to you right now okay well thanks for meeting that kent sykes brother i have already i've already obligated myself to bathe one man today for his donation i can probably i'm only bathing one man a month i can can probably schedule you in September.
Starting point is 00:32:47 My goodness. Thank you so much, dude. It means the world to me. Thank you. For whatever it's worth, we sent Matt Souza there. I want to say something crazy. I could be wrong, but I want to say the hotel room ended up being like $3,000. He doesn't even have a flight home yet, and that flight was $600. So, uh, I didn't tell any of you guys that before, but
Starting point is 00:33:08 when you guys throw this money out, uh, it's pretty fucking cool. It, it, it truly does help a lot. Um, and, uh, and we're going to get Caleb a new computer here soon. So shit's like, we're, we're all pushing in the right direction what the heck is a single under these days oh she's doing it good find Caleb you scored John a 7 by 88 thank you well
Starting point is 00:33:35 I might not be good for a lot of things but we are called up with exclusive feedback yeah and hey thank you Jamal thank you very much talk to you soon and let, thank you, Jamal. Thank you very much. Talk to you soon. And let me tell you, she makes it look easy, but she's a fucking world-class athlete. She's not just a crossfitter.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Just because she can do it doesn't mean everyone's going to be able to do it. That girl knows how to move. That girl knows her body. That's interesting. I wonder if they use a... I wonder if you just... The ideal rope length is the same. Oh, and that's a i wonder if they use a uh i wonder if you just the ideal rope length is the same like oh and that's a trippy rope it's like one of those rope with the beads on it
Starting point is 00:34:11 is it like from like you use like in the third grade yeah like p.e class looks like yeah athletes can't count to five how are they going to remember all that stuff eric weiss can you bring him to work out again i mean i couldn't even read it i was i was just skipping over shit there's a lot of little nuances there are a lot of nuances to this that i did not that i had to read twice to learn okay uh so as kayla pointed out the first workout has three pegboards pegboard ascents the second one has two but they're called strict i guess what we're going to have to say is that means your feet can't your feet are going to have to be kept uh i would assume the standard would be unless they change the style of pegboard i would assume the standard would be the bottoms of your feet can't touch the wall so you have to climb up almost with
Starting point is 00:35:00 your shoelaces against the board rather than your toes against the board. Yeah. And if the pat of your foot hits the wall to no rep, tell me, tell me what an unbroken, a pistol is 10 unbroken pistols. You probably have to keep your left leg or your right leg off of the floor the entire time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Okay. So you could stop, but you can't put your foot down that's what i would think okay yeah and that that that's smart just for judging and then and then let's go to the second round sorry guys i'm all over the place it's because i can't read so good it seems like um in the second round after what we're guessing there will be some cuts the last movement is handstand walk course pirouette start what is that are they gonna have to twirl in a circle and then start the the handstand walk and pirouette is turning around or or turning on your hands um
Starting point is 00:35:55 so the pirouette start seems like what kill would be on what is on something so you think that they'll be in like a block a box like a three foot by three foot box and you have to do a 360 in your hands and then take off that's how i imagine it or a handstand walk and then pirouette and come back but it says pirouette start uh luis lemos oh it's in it's actually this is interesting for 50 dollars you don't i can't bathe you but you can watch me bathe, Kent. For $50, you can watch the man bathing, but you can't, you don't get one. Thank you, by the way. Crazy. Okay, here we go. Handstand pirouettes.
Starting point is 00:36:35 This is from CrossFit's YouTube channel. Yeah, and you know what? I'm pretty sure I was there when they filmed this, yes, and I also believe that Adrian Bosman may have been there. This is a gymnast, an Olympian. This is an Olympian. Oh, that's it. Oh, 90-degree pirouette.
Starting point is 00:36:54 What was this guy's name? This guy was a savage. 180? Okay. Oh, that would make sense. You're facing the crowd. you go into a handstand do a pirouette and take off and run again yeah yep that makes sense i i like that that'll look pretty especially if a bunch of people can do it in tandem okay back to the workout nice
Starting point is 00:37:19 thank you caleb so no that wasn't david dorante um but good guess just, that wasn't David Durante. Um, but good guess, Justin, that isn't, oh, that was an Olympian. I want to fucking remember his name. He lives in Southern California. Greg called him up and gave him up just like, Hey dude, here's a shitload of money. Come up. And we just want to film you for a day. And he came up and I think it was me and Jay Vera. And I want to say Adrian Bosman was there and Greg was there and Greg walked him through all of this, these gymnastics videos. And, uh, and that, and that was one of them. It's fantastic. Weren't we talking on the show? Tug Speedman. That sounds like an Olympic event sponsored by you porn.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Derek Hill. Thank you, brother. brother sorry i want to pull this out this is a good question uh jera how couldn't low start be sitting aka press to handstand the in the final round it says low start on the handstand walk and i'm okay give us give us one second mr howell uh so um we were talking on the show the programming show that we've still weekly programming show that um jr howell and taylor do at the seven on podcast about how adrian's roots and one of the things we were saying also is that he's he's sounding a lot like like greg glassman and i think i think it's very clear that adrian's been digging through the archive right maybe not only digging through the archive uh physically but digging through his thoughts in his brain like he's been here since 2006 2007 seven he worked out at crossfit uh san francisco with kelly startup back in the day
Starting point is 00:39:02 he's worked out at the original box in Santa Cruz and Greg was always talking about handstands. That was like his thing. Derek Hill. Thank you. Okay. Back to a J.R. Howell's question. Nearly 3000 people here. Wait, nearly 3000 people here. Go like the stream guys. Yeah. You should like, you should subscribe to it for the week. And then unsubscribe when you're done with our shit, subscribe to it. and you've got to hit that bell thing so that you're notified every time we go live. Okay. Add to stream.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Here we go. Final round. We are guessing now that there's only 10 people left. Is that right? Yeah. And it will be one strict pegboard ascent. And Taylor was suggesting that that means your shoelaces can't be touching the board. Or the balls of your feet.
Starting point is 00:39:50 So your feet would be flat. Your shoelaces would be on the board. Sorry, the opposite of what I said. Yeah, I think it would be really hard to cue the athletes to keep their feet off the board. I think it would just have to be the pads of your feet or the bottoms of your feet cannot touch the glass. Oh, that would be crazy if just your feet couldn't touch the board then 25 double under crossovers uh we showed you that video we'll show it to you again then 10 unbroken single uh pistols 10 on each leg we're guessing all that means is you can't put your foot down once you've started and then a handstand walk course low start.
Starting point is 00:40:29 And maybe we have to Google that. Low start handstand. There's, Caleb, can you pull up the announcement video? Can you find that? Or can we not play it on here? Oh, shit. Here we go. Zach Wells, $5.
Starting point is 00:40:43 There's a demo video with the event announcement on the live. okay i texted you that i'll just come on man sorry play through this um so all right i'll try i'll find it real quick the low start is a press to handstand on parallel bars and the athletes handstand walk across the bars wow so that's in the comments apparently so we'll have to wait for the video to pull up so that's you're in the l-sit you're in an l-sit and you press the handstand or you're in like a shot i don't know i'm not sure if low start is press the handstand on parallel bars it just means that they might not have to be oh here we go let's play it i don't know if we can play this uh we'll just move through it with like the mouse and don't actually play it yeah i agree let's go to round three i think i feel good about everything
Starting point is 00:41:38 let's go to round three and see this press to this this handstand thing yeah bosman did do that oh here we go here we go and that's why they brought street horner in i heard wow okay so so that that kind of settles that rumor right i heard they brought the the rumor was that street horner was brought in because no one on the demo team could do that oh wow there's gonna be a lot of athletes that can't do it well at the same time it's only going to be 10 to get the opportunity to try hey you know who's going to crush that is patty patty v i think the single unders and the jump rope are going to fuck up a lot more people than we're expecting ohers? Trying to rush through unbroken reps. It's a speed race.
Starting point is 00:42:29 They announced event four, too. They just announced event four? Yeah, I think not only the single-unders, the double-unders, and the double-under crossovers, but people trying to rush through those unbroken are going to be some mistakes. Event number four this will be for what would have been the uh points 400 through 500 today but instead will be points uh 200 to 300 it's called elizabeth elevated that's cool can you can you scroll through this video too and see the parallel bars let me let me read this real quick oh sorry out loud so what what's going on here is this is elizabeth but there's two extra rounds on it is that what i'm seeing nine and nine
Starting point is 00:43:12 added to the end so normally elizabeth uh 21 15 9 9 9 with squat clean and dips with parallel bar traverse oh so i would imagine it's a lot like the freestanding handstand push-up where you do a dip walk forward do a dip walk forward do a dip walk forward oh you don't think it's you just stay on top no you for what i mean is you do a dip to the top of the parallel bar then you step forward with your hands you traverse the parallel bar then you do another dip then you walk forward another foot on your hands you do a dip do you get what i'm saying no but do they have a video for this yeah so you're right yeah i do hear what you're saying i just can't imagine that you think that they have to push themselves up into a handstand after no no they're not pushing themselves
Starting point is 00:44:08 up your hands and at the top walking like this yeah at the top exactly okay me and jason just did elizabeth not long ago but not extended elizabeth no not alex yep there you go okay so they're not gonna oh they dip it at the red marks? Does she dip? Oh, no. So there's no dipping. Yeah, there is. Oh, there is.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Oh. Oh, so every round they have to traverse back. Okay. Alex, hi. How can I help you? Javon? Yes. Hey, this is further proof that Adrian's been digging into very old school CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:44:44 I don't know if you remember, but it's probably a video you shot probably 10 years ago where it was a challenge. It was like do 20 dips on one side of the parallel bars, walk to the other side and do 20 dips on the other side of the parallel bars. I feel like it was like Jason Kalipa. Yes. And somebody was doing that. Yes. I remember Kalipa. Yes. Here's the thing. I don't think Boz is having to dig into the history. I think it's just in his mind.
Starting point is 00:45:11 He's, I don't think he's having to go and search for this stuff. Yeah. Alex had ideas. Well, I'm not saying that to shit on Alex. I'm just saying, I think Alex Boz is trapped in fucking 1987.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Look at his fucking hair. Yvonne was the one that said he was digging into history first about five minutes ago so okay good good my my verbiage thank you uh ped pecter's coming kylie francis so negative so negative okay thank you alex anything else you'd like to add uh nope that was it i just remembered that video and I thought that was cool because that was like 10 years ago and now we're seeing it. Yep, awesome. All right, dude, thank you. Hey, so do you think that they just get up there,
Starting point is 00:45:53 traverse it, and then do their nine? I think you have to go from end to end. Okay. So you start on one end, traverse across, and then you do your nine dips, and then you do your squat cleans, and then you get on the one side and then you traverse, do your nine dips, then you do your squat cleans and then you get on the one side and then you traverse do your nine dips and then do your squat clean or vice versa but every time you have to traverse okay you think they have a bar on either side i love that yeah i would imagine that's probably not too hard to set up just so it looks nice and so you do that
Starting point is 00:46:20 with so so even on the set of 21 you're going to traverse across and do your 21 i yeah i would imagine you probably start that way and if you fall in the middle or somewhere you probably go back to the beginning yep if you're going to keep with the same like unbroken theme that they had in the last workout i imagine that that'll be the case i i think they're going down the floor and each maybe we're saying the same thing but there's going to be five parallel bars in each lane oh you think i yeah i do i think three two one go they traverse a parallel ball or they do their cleans and then they hop up on the parallel bar traverse 21 dips they get down go to their next barbell 15 cleans advance forward get on the next bar traverse 15 dips
Starting point is 00:46:59 that would be the way to do it at the games and And I think that's what we'll see. Can you line? Is there enough room to line up? Yeah, they're not, they're not that, they're not that long. What is it like a five foot section or something? They're like 10 feet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:13 And that floor is like easily a hundred feet. The parallel bars are like 10 feet long, you think, or is it like a pong? Maybe not 10 feet, maybe like seven or eight. Hey, if you were at the CrossFit games and you don't own a set of those parallel bars
Starting point is 00:47:27 they're probably going to sell them used afterwards you should get a pair those fuckers are expensive and I'm not sure what the discount is going to be there but you want those at least 10% oh JR there he goes 10 feet yeah that's what I thought the parallel bars are 10 feet
Starting point is 00:47:41 but even then if the parallel bars are 10 feet you need another 10 feet for the uh for the there'll be enough room for the bar and there's five sets that that's uh you remember do you remember amanda 45 they had like fucking eight individual muscle-up rigs with barbells in between there's no way they don't have enough space for this yeah uh individuals event two now scheduled thursday did you see a time on that sick mick oh the cuts are to 20 then five will finish oh shit uh-oh justin give us a call what do you uh what do you mean the cuts meaning start with 40 go to 20 go to five okay okay got it got it got it got it got it justin is a affiliate owner excuse me affiliate owner out of utah
Starting point is 00:48:38 okay let's go look at let's go i feel i feel like we're starting to get a handle these workout let's go back to workout number three oh what what time does that happen today do um i i wonder if they're going to change that and call that workout number two now or no no they're going to do that oh sorry that was me sorry that was me there you go you're good okay guys if you're just checking in so events number three and four have been announced number three is a doozy it starts with 40 athletes then goes to 20 athletes and then goes to five athletes so it's three rounds and only five people will make it to the final round it's basically the same
Starting point is 00:49:22 thing every round but with each of the movements gets a little tiny bit harder uh the first time uh in the first round it's pegboard ascents uh single unders pistols and handstand walk and then the next round it's a pegboard ascents but they're strict meaning the bottom of your feet can't touch the board is what we're guessing and then it's 50 unbroken double unders by the way those uh single unders were also unbroken but it was 75 then we have the pistols again unbroken and then we have a handstand walk with but it must start with the pirouette and what we are guessing it's uh that it's 180 degree uh pirouette and you get up on your hands you turn 180 degrees and then take off running
Starting point is 00:50:04 and then the final round where there are only five people left, are you going to say something, Caleb? I'll wait till the end. Okay. And then the final round where there's only five people left in the men's seat, I'm predicting Pat Vellner will be one in the women's seat. I'm predicting Daniel Brandon. Um, and the final round, it will be, uh, one strict board pegboard ascent. That's the one we told you where the bottom of your feet can't touch the board. Then 25 double under crossovers. That's the weird one. That's going to be tough.
Starting point is 00:50:35 So the further you go, the more work you have to do. I don't like this in the middle of the day. I disagree. I don't think it's enough work for you at this level. Three pegboards, 75 single unders, and 20 total pistols. That's not taking any toll on an athlete at this level. So I just disagree. I think it's perfect.
Starting point is 00:50:54 And I think it's the perfect way to introduce these skills because you have a press to handstand in the final round with five people, so you don't have 40 people flailing around, fucking it up, ruining the image per se of the games uh you've got potentially five athletes that could fuck it up and at that level the top five in that event there'll be a few that finish for sure what are those handstand walk courses normally consist of is it just like the parallel bars and then a ramp and stairs or ramp stair with the parallel bar sandwiched in between i'm sending
Starting point is 00:51:25 you a link to a video that uh local santa cruz crossfit legend sent me uh looks like a pretty og uh video uh let me let me finish this thank you you, Kat, for your idea. Let me see. So just so you know, in that final round where there's only five people, that handstand walk had something nasty in it. And I think if we would have seen it today, maybe no one would have been able to do it except for maybe one or two. I don't,
Starting point is 00:51:59 I think because they have a day's rest and we'll get Taylor's opinion on that in a minute, we're going to see a lot of people be able to do it. And that is the handstand walk, but from a low start. And that's where you're sitting in the L sit on the parallettes and you go to a, a handstand without letting your feet touch the ground. What do you think Taylor, now that they're going to have a day to practice this? No, this is today. Oh, I apologize okay this is today scratch that thought then all right we're gonna see a lot of people choke well a lot of people have practiced because we
Starting point is 00:52:31 announced it over a week ago in our programming show and then set well you think that really set that off on instagram after after you and jr are you kidding me that show had thousands of views nobody had posted anything like that and then every every Tom, Dick, and Harry, as you would say, is posting a video of them L-sit pressing the handstand. You're right. Do I use that term, Tom, Dick, and Harry? You just did earlier. Oh, every Tom, Dick, and Harry. I like that.
Starting point is 00:52:55 They were. And none of them fucking tagged us, too. Ungrateful. Not even Noah Olsen? No. I messaged him. How dare he? Wow.
Starting point is 00:53:04 So we're kind of – this show – The leaderboards are updated apparently too. Okay, let's go over and look at that. Oh, will you play that video of Lori Glassie really quick? I sent you in the private chat. Sorry, Caleb. Let's see. It looks like she is going to do the – make sure the sound is turned off.
Starting point is 00:53:32 do the um make sure the sound is turned off okay two three four five six that's i fucking love this god this feels like the old santa cruz gym oh my goodness i don't think they're gonna have to go backwards do you that i would much rather see them just do a traverse dip next bar go forward traverse dip next bar i think they are i think this is just some sort of like test that that probably cross at santa cruz does i think she's either the owner over there or of the original looks like it's updated as well where she used to be uh someone i don't know if they're behind let's see what the app says did you know who that is right there too wow that's the martin's son that's connor martin he's a he's like one of the he's is the original crossfit kid beast caleb pull up a
Starting point is 00:54:17 pull up the app and see if there's another event all right thank. Thanks for sending that over. This is interesting, I think. And the thing to notice, and someone just pulled this up in the comments, is with 2A and 2B originally being planned to go before this event, you could imagine it would be quite a bit harder on their shoulders. And then to go into Elizabeth with all the dipping and pressing, that's a good first day. And I'm a little bummed that they have to postpone those two workouts. So my question shouldn't have been whether it was going to affect the handstand walking tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:55:03 Is it going to affect the jerks? Well, yeah. Will it affect the handstand walking tomorrow? Is it going to affect the jerks? Yeah, will it affect the jerks tomorrow? I don't think the handstand walk event affects anything. I think, if anything, Elizabeth is going to affect the jerks tomorrow. People's chests are going to be torn up. Jordan Vance is saying the 999 is the traverse part. So just 21, 15 15 9 as written and then hmm you do 9 traverse 9 traverse 9 to finish with with no uh squat cleans
Starting point is 00:55:35 yeah i don't i don't know let's can we pull that video back up there wasn't much anything fast it was just them traversing the one time got it and then going from there but i would imagine that oh wow four minute penalty wow yep dropped to 27th let's pull up the leaderboard and let's count all the gentlemen that missed laps this is crazy here right you're still in fifth place i don't want to hate on spencer i love spencer but you're still in fifth place but you didn't do all the work um yeah that's tough hayley adams first place to you to me second place emma lawson third place crazy impressive alexa raptor's fourth place laura horvat uh fifth place mal o'brien sixth place uh cara saunders finishes out in the top 10 uh oh and brooke wells so all these ladies
Starting point is 00:56:26 moved up a spot because if you go all the way down to 27th you will find the great danielle brandon um and so she was penalized how much four minutes four minutes uh is this gonna be her worst finish of the week, Taylor? Depends on if she gets another penalty. If she can do all the workouts as written, I feel like this is probably her worst event. But it wouldn't have been if she would have done all the laps. Do you know what I'm getting this vibe here from her? sort of a sarah sigman's daughter vibe someone with just crazy crazy promise but but made a mental error made of mental error no not made of mental errors but made a mental error like she made like that that was sarah sigman's daughter's kind of like –
Starting point is 00:57:25 Are they one and the same? That's part of her legacy. Made of mental error or made of mental errors? She's made a lot. Who knows? Who knows? I see where you're going with that. I could see that.
Starting point is 00:57:36 I don't know her at all. I've never met her, so I have no idea. Which one, Sarah or Danielle? Either. Okay. Mr. Halpin, hi. Hey. You want to talk about this legal rule change? Sure, please.
Starting point is 00:57:49 So all the times that end in a 0-0, those are the times that were changed. Let's pull that up. Can you explain that to me? How does that happen? Those are the times that they adjusted. It's easy to sort of tell who they adjusted because they all end in all the times end in zero zero but why would they do that that means they rounded yeah i'm agreeing with you i don't know why they would do that um so and do you know that
Starting point is 00:58:21 do you know that women's side it's really just Danielle, and then there's a time cap at the end. On the men's, you can see. Yeah, you see Danielle's 0-0. Yeah, and there was another one that had a 0-2, Sung Young Choi. Sung Young Choi, scroll again. Danielle, I thought there was a third. No, there wasn't. Yeah, the last one's a time cap.
Starting point is 00:58:43 But on the men's, there's a bunch's a bunch okay yeah let's check it out why you can't think of any logical reason michael why they would do that why maybe they could they couldn't hand punch in the um tenths and hundredths of a second yeah maybe like i saw it in some of the semi-finals where they didn't have the same time coding. They would just enter the second. They wouldn't enter middle of second. So Spencer Panchik, Lazar Jukic. So that's even how you can see
Starting point is 00:59:16 it looks like for Spencer. It's a 3 minute and 30 second hit to his original time. And how can you tell that? Because I have the old times. Okay, then perfect. Then explain this to me. How did him and Lazar come in together?
Starting point is 00:59:32 Oh, that's how fucking close it was. So Spencer came in first place, but after his penalty, they knocked him down to fifth place. But sixth place is only one second. And even though Lazar came in with him, those two seconds cost them five places 20 seconds but yeah yeah i was gonna say he's a little bit further than
Starting point is 00:59:51 two seconds behind him yeah that's weird though didn't they come in the stadium oh shit no you know what happened they were fucking side by side lazar may have even won but he decided to course correct himself and run back out so he's being punished now for trying to clean his shit up yeah wow are you following me on that michael yep yep so he tried to turn around to get back out onto the course oh that's bullshit it's the same thing that hillar brought up a while ago with some of the i think quarterfinal or semifinals like is it better to just take the penalty yes and just and just run through yes 100 muscle ups yes with that form or is it better to just actually try to do it right three
Starting point is 01:00:32 men no fucking way scroll up wow lazar got fucked or or he fucked himself i i mean i i can't i don't want to blame any of the crossfit game staff. It's a fuck situation, but man, that sucks. Because, hey, he might have beaten Spencer in a foot race. Lazer might be in third right now, or fourth right now. Let me see how close Spencer is to the guy. How much is Spencer away from being top four? How close is he to that? 10 seconds? 11 seconds?
Starting point is 01:01:01 Yeah. Okay, so he didn't have a chance. Adler beat him easy. Okay. Sorry. Sorry, go ahead. Lather's original time was 34-19-66. 34-19-66. So now it's whatever that says there. Wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:01:21 So he was given a different penalty than Spencer? No. I'm reading it right off the chart. 34-19-66 was Lazar's original time. Wasn't there a third guy you saw, Taylor? Dallin. Oh, Dallin? Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Dallin. Dallin's was a... No, Dallin's... That's strange. D's strange balance is right on he actually he actually the original time was zero zero so it was just two men in the broadcast fucked up why yeah because they didn't show any of the garage pass you thought the race you thought the race was this you thought it was koski madaris velner and scroll to the top where the fuck did adler come from where did roman come from where did ricky come from and where is velner where is velner no one saw yeah no one fucking saw garard pass koski on on camera oh he was 20th. Vellner was 20th, I think, Caleb. Oh, yeah. It is crazy. How the
Starting point is 01:02:29 fuck did that happen? And Janikowski looks so comfortable. What was strange to me is Koski kept looking over his shoulder and at least on the broadcast and it looked like he had this huge clear lead over everyone, and I wonder at what point did Ricky pass him?
Starting point is 01:02:50 Oh, yes. Okay, okay, okay. Yes, that makes sense. Yes, good job, Constance. Yes. When Spencer and Lazar cut the race by a lap, we missed fucking Ricky winning it. Holy shit. Dude, everybody Ricky winning it. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Dude, everybody was calling him a cheater. They're like, oh, fucking Ricky's still cheating. They have four years to do anything. Caleb, can you go to the workouts on the game site and hit the drop down so we can read the descriptions? Yeah. Let me get to that. Here's the list. Thank you, Con.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Just to call it out. Pick up for your boy when you if you remember that shuttle run one where that everybody sort of screwed it up they only fixed not saying they did this but they only fixed the athletes that were called out and everybody could tell there's no way those athletes beat the best athletes in the world. It's time. And so it's possible, not saying they did, but it's possible that everyone could see very directly, Spencer didn't win, Danielle.
Starting point is 01:03:58 And those are the times they looked at. So they didn't adjust any other scores. Because otherwise they would still likely be sitting there. Give me one. Unpacking every one of them. Michael, give me one second. Give me one second. I apologize. I want to see what's going on with Bill Grundler here.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I'm sorry. This is a great conversation we're having. Give me one second. Let's see if we can hear what's going on here. I finally have some internet. Say hi. What's up? What's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:04:20 What's up, Bill? Who are we talking to? I don't know who we're talking to. I think you're on live. You're live. Are we on live? you're on live right now god that's like the fucking good looking version of me that's like my twin brother
Starting point is 01:04:36 hey um ask bill if he if he's heard about any of the master stuff getting um um Hey, ask Bill if he's heard about any of the Masters stuff getting – Will Powell is the guy, but he's, I think, season four or six, Mike, then? So, Bill, have you heard anything? Are they going to move anything around as far as the Masters or the A-Troop stuff? They just announced, right, on the – Nothing's been announced for us yet. I know they moved some events for the teams tomorrow, but now as far as we know we're still on schedule for
Starting point is 01:05:09 everything that's just cool yeah and i don't think like they're able to kind of get in between i mean i guess bill is seven but with a dick could you guys did you guys hear that that can you can i can you can um can you give bill the headset really quick i just want to talk i just want to say one thing yeah yeah yeah i don't know if you want to give me one i don't know which is bill yeah hey i want to tell you i really resent you from when we were in the womb together and I don't know what this is. Bill. Chevy, you there? Yeah. Hey, I want to tell you, I really resent you from when we were in the womb together, and I got the tube with estrogen, and you got the tube from mom with all the testosterone.
Starting point is 01:05:53 I can't help it. I got all the good genes. It's all right. You're a fucking asshole, and I still hate you, and it's caused a lot of problems in our family that you've gotten all the testosterone. It's all right. You can be the person with the more estrogen than me that's okay thank you it's allowed nowadays you know how it is you're yes um you
Starting point is 01:06:13 are um you're commentating what the the age group qualifiers yeah masters and teens has your schedule been moved around at all masters no um i think we just heard the uh individuals are going to be bumped around a little bit okay they're going to move some stuff over tomorrow but that shouldn't affect what we got going on with the masters um who is this this lady um that um the um the 72 year old lady who did the legless rope climb on instagram what's her name okay Yokey Deacoff. Yokey Deacoff. It's not how I say it, but I'll take your word on it. I asked her. Actually, I said her name on my little video that I did.
Starting point is 01:06:51 And I'm like, please tell me your name is not joke or jokey. Like, it's got to be something cooler and more European than that. Yeah, I was focused on her last name. But you and I are. That's why I got the rest of you. You got the test. Hey, how can we watch her? Can we all can the world watch her compete live? Like, how do we watch her? Can we all, can the world watch her compete live?
Starting point is 01:07:07 Like how do we watch every, I want to see every event she does. They're going to be broadcasting all the events that all the, all the master stuff. And she's a person, she's like right in the middle of the mix. So I think on certain events, you're going to see her for sure. They don't even have a division for her. Yeah, they do awesome i mean she's an awesome division but you know what i mean she is as the sport grows eventually there'll be
Starting point is 01:07:30 a 70 plus division she's in the 60s she's with the young ladies right so she yeah she's the outlier there yeah and in a couple years they're going to have the 25 to 29 division too for the masters the the only open division will be like 19 to 22 other than that everyone will be masters or teens right right uh and and and talking in the um going back down to the to the little kids is is the one um is the one to watch in the kids competition olivia kerstetter is she gonna put on a fucking clinic oh yeah actually her and her lucy mcdonagall and then rj uh uh mester those three are gonna be incredible okay yeah thank you brother for your time you're awesome looking good yep for sure cheers and back here uh other people here Here we go. Bye, guys. Thank you. Appreciate you, bro.
Starting point is 01:08:30 I am hop, toss, and mad cash our way today. Thank you. I think Gerard only caught Koski because his spot to park the bike was much closer than Koski, so he was still catching up to Koski going into the stadium. We got to pull up these workouts. Lucy McGonigal, Professorcgonigal never heard of her uh um suza hey brother you're back in the game thank you yeah the show has missed you sorry about that the internet because of all the people focused on one spot which is not jiving as you guys probably saw me trying to get on several times um what we're hearing is the team event's
Starting point is 01:09:10 going to start in 11 minutes but when i look at your camera i think probably not it's too wet yeah well they started to to let people in so as far as i know that um it is going to be on they are going forward with it but you are correct. It is very wet out here. Very wet. And has the rain stopped? Like when you look around, do you see any blue sky? No, no blue sky whatsoever. And in fact, it's still drizzling here for sure.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Like it's still been kind of coming on and off the whole time. All the clouds above me are dark too. So I'm not sure if this weather is gonna hold out as media there are do you have access to a special thread like on um snapchat or whatever fucking media people use um yeah and uh where they tell you like shit like right away like hey this is gonna start this is not gonna start yeah not snapchat slack i knew it was something yeah discord there and no i haven't seen any any you know no information that we're not just getting from the buzz around here more than than that okay you might want to follow the morning chalk up
Starting point is 01:10:15 they get all their stuff first directly um from weinstein's after to Franco's mouth. Okay. Michael Edwards, well done, Ricky, and shame, final lap not shown. Yeah, Ricky is a beast. How did Jay Crouch do on that? What did he get? Around 20th. 20th, okay.
Starting point is 01:10:45 So, Sousa, all these people entering with you, this is all media. Everyone we're seeing here, these are workers of the event. These are none of the fans. No, no, no. This is general. This is Gen Pop now. This is the general population coming back into the event. They just started letting people back in, I'd say, maybe about five or ten minutes ago.
Starting point is 01:11:00 People were trickling back into the event. Okay. And so you're headed straight to... the field of competition right now where you were before which is the same place where okay okay and and then we heard tomorrow won't be a day off for for you or the athletes because um they moved that event correct 2a and 2b and are they still calling it 2a and 2b as far as i know yeah as I know, yeah, that's what we've been told. Okay. All right, fantastic.
Starting point is 01:11:29 Thank you. No problem. And we'll keep taking your stream. Okay, Mr. Halpin, where were we, brother? Halpin. Michael? Yeah, I'm here. Hi.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hello. So, I mean here. Hi. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hello. So, go ahead. Where I was going was, is that when the shuttle run quarterfinal workout happened, it was pointed out pretty easily that people in the thousands were beating the best athletes in the world at that workout.
Starting point is 01:12:02 This time, the only athletes that are looked to be changed are the ones that everyone could just see plain as day, didn't do the workout right. But that doesn't exactly mean, I mean, CrossFit could come out and say this, but that doesn't exactly mean that they actually went through all 40 men and women and validated that their scores are right
Starting point is 01:12:23 and that they followed the course correctly does that make sense yeah it's it's a it's a it's a great point we need to know that i mean i'd like to even know i mean you know i'd like just to be cleared that um yannikoski and ricky uh garrard didn't do six laps i mean just like might as well like hey let's and and how do you think that they did it with a stationary's and and how do you think that they did it with a stationary camera um michael do you think that they had a camera and they're like okay this guy passed and they put a time code this guy passed now and two minutes later he passed again and is that is that the only way they can verify yeah they'd have to go look at the camera that
Starting point is 01:13:01 was on that sort of y spot if it was stationary. I watched some of the video again and it didn't look that way. They'd have to go watch that camera for the entire event and see did they get pushed off to the side. And do we know yet if the chips have geo-tracking
Starting point is 01:13:22 in them and were able to track or had split times that there was some way to check using the chips. I didn't hear anything like that. Okay. I think the, I think the chip timers from what I've heard of previous ones, they just do start and finish. Could you imagine you're an athlete and you finished the workout and there's
Starting point is 01:13:41 an athlete that's ahead of you that didn't finish the fucking workout? I'm just trying to,'m just trying to picture that. I would be fucking furious. Imagine your twin brother. I mean, no, I can't imagine. I can imagine thinking what you said, but I can't imagine it. I'd be pissed. Go ahead, Michael.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Imagine it's your twin brother that beat you on the workout by over a minute after he got a three and a half minute penalty oh shit saxon and spencer yeah i'd be fucking livid that's oh my god michael how how many minutes was the penalty again and was it the same for everyone three and a half minute penalty yeah three and a half. Do we know how they came up with that? No, I didn't get any of that from the folks I was talking to. Golly. He was all similar to what you guys were talking about.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Hiller looks like he's involved in a super spreader event. A super spreader event. Definitely. I think I just saw Hiller get monkey poxx i'm pretty sure that's how it spreads yeah is that just another wow wow i love you guys thank you that's dope look at these guys uh you don't suza where are these guys from hey where are you guys from i'm right outside of memphis tennessee we're from chicago chicago and memphis tennessee god kids are yoked now that kid's probably 12 yes he asked his contraceptions are bomb
Starting point is 01:15:29 oh oh oh shit he's never he's gonna go hey hey suza ask that kid what he does like that's not a normal looking kid ask him what his sport is ask him what his sport is what do you do how are you so young what's your sport uh bowling bowling all right good i'll be on your podcast one day i love these kids fuck these are healthy god it's like the hope for humanity it's all good people it's all good people look at him isn't that crazy his goal is to be on your show one day? Yeah, I guess. I'll be too big then. No one will be able to get on it then.
Starting point is 01:16:29 I'll be like... I'm 20 years... When I'm 70, I'm going to be a germaphobe. Hiller's soaking it in. Let's hear what they're saying, Susan. I want to hear what people say to Hiller. TDC shirt. Guyer. TDC shirt. Guy wearing a TDC shirt.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Huge mistake. Never introduce Hiller to your daughter, anyone. That's a huge mistake. Can Hiller hear us right now? Don't tell your girl. I don't think he can. Hill that's not you're never gonna get monkey pox doing that hillar damn i wish he had us tuned in that would be fucking hilarious this guy's like uh so what kind of testosterone should i do, Andrew? Should I get on the test or the windstraw or the – He looks like a psychedelic guy.
Starting point is 01:17:30 That guy does it all. Oh, look at Peter's comment. I can't wait to see him or try to keep this level of engagement up through Sunday. Oh, he already – I bet you he already wants to run home. He's fucking done. Oh, my God. This bet you he already wants to run home. He's fucking done. Oh my God, this is a 30th person. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:17:52 I love that Sousa's taking all these pictures. Hey, Sousa. Who's paying you, Matt? Matt. See that guy that Hiller has his arm around right now? On a 1 to 10, what's Hiller think about? Is that guy juicing or not? Just looking at him. Hey, we want to know.
Starting point is 01:18:07 My grandma's last game actually. Oh, a secret comment. Jeez Louise. Oh my God. A secret comment. I heard my grandma and then he whispered something in his ear. Okay, my goodness. All right. My my goodness we can't even get to hillar anymore holy fuck can we pull these workouts up so we can talk about some shit that yeah let's
Starting point is 01:18:33 talk about the workouts so we were looking at the parallel bars and what the standard was for traversing them and it looks like each set is going to be in three unbroken sets so 21 is going to be seven traverse seven traverse seven so they are going to have to turn around or backwards wow but but each set will be done on its own parallel bar so So three, two, one, go. You jump up on the parallel bar. You do seven reps, traverse seven reps. No, no, you get up.
Starting point is 01:19:10 Yeah. Then complete seven. You traverse first. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Shit. I forgot.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Mike Halpin was online. Sorry, Mike. You think you traverse first before you do a set? Yeah. It says that. Okay. So,
Starting point is 01:19:22 so first round will be a traverse, then seven dips. Yeah. be a traverse then seven dips yeah second traverse then seven dips and a third traverse then seven dips hey let's face it this is gonna be harder for the women yeah but 95 is easier than 135 for women comparatively for men i guess that's a lot of dips that's a lot of dips for That's a lot of dips for dudes. Does it say they have to be strict? Hey, you know who's going to win this? Top five. Top five.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Alex Gazan. Why? Because that bench press and ring dip, I think that there's a strong correlate. What ring dip? She did a ring dip workout? Sorry, just dips. Her bench is insane. Her bench is insane.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Yeah, the people who have a great bench will also have a good dip. She got a 248. Oh, very, very important here. Colton will be great. Yeah, this is going to be a good one for him. Yeah, that's awesome. But I don't think Colton does so well on the pegboard handstand walk. Yeah, probably not.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Really? I bet you he's a monster on the pegboard. I bet you he's a monster on the pegboard. I don't know. People with longer arms are going to have so much of a faster cycle time on that. I can get up and down. Same thing. Arm length. arms are gonna have so much of a faster cycle time on that i can get up and down uh same thing arm length hey uh maybe maybe i think the bigger dude will take it the bigger dudes might take a break in between a pegboard ascents and no no one's breaking they're all going touch and go they are just get to the ground and back up i don't even think they'll take the pet no they won't take the
Starting point is 01:21:02 pegs out they'll go below the line and go right back up. Yeah. Let their feet touch and get back up. No, no touch. So it's just literally you go the pegs below the line and then right back up. Wow. Okay. And some people's feet might touch, but Colton's might not. Looking over at our thread.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Is there anything I'm missing over here that's pumping into our thread? No. I just put graphics on the workouts on Insta if you want to use them. Okay, cool. Awesome. Can we check out our own Instagram? So they've tested it. They know it's doable.
Starting point is 01:21:40 That's a lot of traversing on the – Does Hiller do birthday parties? Oh, OK. Fucking clown. So so I'm getting I'm getting a report here that it's the exact opposite of what we've been reporting, that the judges never told the athletes to finish. He told them to continue on the course. And I and and I wonder if so. I've heard both. I've heard when they were at some section where it continue on the course. And I wonder if – so I've heard both. I've heard when they were at some section where it was called the Y, the athletes, as they rode by, asked the judges, what lap is this? And the judges said, it's your responsibility.
Starting point is 01:22:13 But now I'm hearing that the judges also told them to continue on the course, and they didn't. Well, then how does that explain what happened to Lazar? Yeah, that's a good question. That is a good, good question. You should send Ricky a link and keep him off of NCU. Send who a link? Ricky Garrard?
Starting point is 01:22:38 Yeah. See if he comes on? Text him. Let's see if he comes on. I will. Oh, I can't. How come I can't? How would I?
Starting point is 01:22:51 How do I? I don't know how I communicate with Ricky. Let me ask Sousa. Sousa. Yes, sir. How do I communicate with Ricky Garrard? Do we text with him or? Yeah, we text.
Starting point is 01:23:03 We have a text with him. Is he on a droid? I don't think so, no. I'd have to close this out and bring up my textbook. Do you want me to check? Sure, yeah. If you could do that and find out and send him a link to see if he wants to come on, that'd be great. Or I could send it to Kotler. Maybe I'll he wants to come on. That'd be great. The CrossFit Games... Or I could send it to Kotler. Maybe
Starting point is 01:23:27 I'll send it to Kotler. That'd be great too. The CrossFit Games has got to be the only sporting event on Earth where probably 80% of the spectators look like they could be athletes that should be taking the floor. Right. How fucking crazy is that? You go to an
Starting point is 01:23:43 NFL game and everybody there is fatter than fuck none of them could play football you go to the crossfit game happy athletes happy athletes don't look anywhere near as fit as half the spectators they all played quarterback in high school hey and you know what they don't just look at there's someone in the audience who can't win every event but who can finish every event in the top 40 oh yeah in the top 30 yeah it's crazy team final heat is going on okay that's good um i think we're good to go i think we um do we have a time that we know oh right here so individuals will start at 2 30 central time no no sorry 4 30 central time which is 2 30 pacific standard time
Starting point is 01:24:36 whoa rolf was taken for emergency surgery according to a comment wow uh-oh uh what do we know what happened joe oh that sucks she had she had she she had a vaccine complication emily rolf is having emergency surgery wow absolutely not funny that's fucking crazy yeah that is crazy okay so this is what i think we should do i think we are i think we come back on at um 6 p.m central time which is 4 p.m pacific standard time after the individual event three we'll have an hour window in there you guys like that? Can you repeat that again? No problem. So the next individual event is at 4.30 Central Time. Okay. And it's over at 6 p.m. Central Time.
Starting point is 01:25:31 I say we come on directly after that, 6.05. Yeah, I'm good. We chop it up for 40 minutes, 50 minutes, and then we come off the air. And then the final individual event will start at 7 p.m. Central Time and go to 9 p.m. And then we come on with a little goodnight love party. Yeah, I'm good with that. Good to go. Goodnight love party.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Can we finish with this question? Pardon me? This guy's got a question that makes me want to gag. Okay. If you ran a marathon in the hottest state in the continental United States but only had the choice of hot dog water or tuna water for the whole hot dog water hot dog water yeah uh hot dog water hot dog water is so like it's got that lukewarm salt how do i know i'm gay because i want hot dog water how do i know taylor straight tuna water that's how you know. Gay. If anyone ever asked you, Tug Speedman,
Starting point is 01:26:27 come on over and let's drink some hot dog water. My goodness. Oh, what a way to end the show. Just emergency. There's no details given to morning chalk up. Just emergency surgery. You got it. I mean, it's hard to imagine it's muscular or soft tissue. It's hard to imagine it's muscular or soft tissue it's hard to imagine it's
Starting point is 01:26:48 muscular or soft tissue if it's an emergency surgery yeah i imagine it's probably internal gi tuna water has mercury tuna water has too much uh estrogen in it for me i don't fuck with that shit tuna water i just feel like tuna water as a flavor is colder just just open up like 12 000 cans and just fucking squeeze probably it's hot dog water to be honest less chunk and hey he looks like he drinks hot dog water he looks like he he looks like he hangs out in that bar that serves hot dog water. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Okay, guys, we will see you shortly. We have two more shows today at least. There's a chance always we could surprise you guys and come back. Thank you, everyone, for checking in. We will definitely be on at what looks like 6.05 Central Time or 4.05 Pacific Standard Time. Caleb, thanks for being here. Taylor Self, thank you for being here from the Self-Made Training Program. And Sousa, let's check in with Sousa if he has any farewell message.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Mr. Sousa. Hey, buddy. We're thinking about signing off. Did you, something you might want to look into is we heard that Emily Rolfe is in rush to emergency surgery. Have you heard what might have happened to her? Oh, I have not heard anything yet. But now that everybody's back out here, I'm going to go jump behind this media pin line and ear hustle a little bit and see what information I can dig up for us next time we come on. Oh, did you hear that?
Starting point is 01:28:28 You said you're going to hustle a little bit, and she's a hustle athlete, Craig Ritchie athlete. So that was a good play on words. Is she really? Yeah. Wait. Yeah. Emily Rolf is? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:40 Yeah. I heard that her oversized hustle made tea got caught in the bike gears and that's what was the problem she flipped off the bike unacceptable okay guys thanks everyone for checking in we'll talk to you guys soon bye

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