The Sevan Podcast - #524 - Indy Event 4 "Elizabeth Elevated" Recap

Episode Date: August 4, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Good morning, Caleb. Bam, we're live. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Good morning. Oh, look who's back. J.R. Howell is in his house. J.R., did you see that? If you're referring to the clinic Pat put on, yes, I saw it. Mal O'Brien, where's Tia at? Oh, my goodness. Tia is in eighth place.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Oh, bring it up. Don't be selfish, please. Bring up that leaderboard. 61 points back, Tia is. Turn that off. Bring up that leaderboard. Bring up that leaderboard. What could you possibly have to say
Starting point is 00:01:05 that deserves the attention at the beginning of the fucking show? I swear to God, if you didn't play with the Colton Burton little kooky train that could, you should be fucking off. Let me tell you something. I even forgot I was playing
Starting point is 00:01:23 that game. Someone's been drinking okay hold on let's see what uh suza's got for us here real quick before we go uh suza what are you looking at uh here these are the uh athletes taking off for the night they kind of come to this throwaway here oh will more what's up baby hey um what's the deal with the reykjavik and emily rolf what can you tell us suza not not much there hasn't really been uh much that i have information to that that you guys probably don't unfortunately we were told that emily rolf was uh rushed off to have emergency surgery no idea if that's even remotely true.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And we were also told that Reykjavik has pulled out of the competition. Any sign of that? So I guess we could check the team leaderboard and see if there's any truth to that to see if Emily's pulled out or to see if... Do they have some like... They put a P for pulled out? Usually.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Okay. Mr. Caleb, let's go over and check this sucker out this leaderboard please oh okay okay we'll start with the teams and see if we can investigate this do we see Reykjavik anywhere go all the way to the bottom see if go all the way down to 40th
Starting point is 00:02:44 see if they're the way to the bottom. See if... Go all the way down to 40th. See if they're down there in the bottom. Luca, TT CrossFit. Okay. Oh, expand. Are there more? It said expand all. I think that's just the actual teams
Starting point is 00:03:00 themselves. Okay. CrossFit Mayhem. CrossFit Mayhem. CrossFit Mayhem. CrossFit Mayhem. Oh, there they are in 17. teams themselves okay crossfit mayhem crossfit mayhem crossfit mayhem crossfit mayhem oh there they are in 17 okay and they only did one event today okay all right fine we'll see i'm sure eventually we're going to hear something and then let's go over to the women's leader board and see what if we can see if there's uh anything going on with uh emily rolf uh some people think she was pregnant and didn't know and lost the baby because they're asking for privacy. Wow.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Wow. What? I don't know. I don't know what that has to do with emergency surgery, but that's intense. That is intense. Scroll all the way down to the bottom. Rolfe didn't have a vax attack.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Anything's possible. Is she Canadian um she is yeah withdrawn there's not going to be any info there does it say withdrawn well she is withdrawn
Starting point is 00:03:56 oh because she didn't do the last two workouts correct correct I think they made an announcement about it didn't they can we let's scroll up to the story headline let's scroll up yep you're right thank you taylor um did when you guys were waiting to to sign on did you guys see our commercial we we uploaded a a i don't know if commercial is the right word, but we uploaded a clip, sort of a teasing, an interview that we're going to do next week with Gary Roberts and Killing a Fat Man Season 3 and his testosterone replacement therapy that he's on.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Did we – did that get – I think it's going to be in front of all of our shows now. I love you too, brother. Yeah. He said he loved you too yeah we're live right now hope you didn't talk shit about me when I skipped the lap only a little bit
Starting point is 00:04:54 only a little bit only a little bit thanks guys what a good dude he can laugh at himself yeah I was gonna ask you when you see that attitude right there that's good right What a good dude. Hey. He can laugh at himself. Yeah, I was going to ask you. When you see that attitude right there, that's good, right?
Starting point is 00:05:09 That means he's over it? He's making fun of himself? Yes. Everybody's different, but I like that. I prefer that. I mean, it's probably the healthiest way, isn't it? Yeah, either, maybe not the healthiest, but a healthy way. I think either look at it like, well, I was fucking stupid and you move on. Or like for me, always in retrospect, I can laugh at myself.
Starting point is 00:05:32 But sometimes in the moment, I'm like, that was fucking stupid. And I'm not ready yet to be like self-deprecating with humor. But I'm also not like crushing myself. I'm just like, like man that was a fucking stupid mistake but still ready to fight some guy like matt suz's got a camera in your face cracking jokes he's like fuck you dude no no no not like fuck you just like yeah i was stupid oh okay uh so that so anyway uh in a uh soon as the game shits over um i will be having gary roberts on we'll talk he's been uh taking testosterone replacement therapy for a couple months we'll be having him on we'll talk to him about it
Starting point is 00:06:07 and he started filming killing the fat man uh season three and i think he's at a crossfit gym called ironside crossfit he ballooned back up to 255 pounds he said that was travis mead's gym that was the guy who started the 365 hero thing and won the open last year no shit or one yeah i won the open right yeah so he's gonna work gary into shape anyway i'm excited um i'm very very very very excited about it uh 10 000 fans today i heard sean woodland say um showed their wristbands or tickets or whatnot you have to guess there's another thousand volunteer and thousand staff there. So what we saw is 12,000 people. That's pretty darn crazy for a five or six day event.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And it's only Wednesday. That guy right there really impressed me today. Not Pat Vellner, although that was impressive, but Janikowski. He looks like he's in it to win it. I've been very impressed with Jana and Ariel Loewen, both last-chance qualifiers. Oh, really? Both of them? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Amazing. Yeah, crazy. I wonder if I could send Ariel a... Drop her a link? Yeah, let me see if she wants to do that while you guys talk about the scoreboard here a little bit all right let's chat it up so crazy that tia sits in eighth place and is 61 points back now there are only 300 points on the board so far and so we can assume there's another 1,000 to go, about 1,000 to 1,100. But a 61-point deficit on day one is not good for her, huh?
Starting point is 00:07:54 No, it's not what we're used to, but I think we need to look and see where she's at before the weekend starts. So after the 200 points up for grabs tomorrow and then after Friday, let's see where she's at going into Saturday. But what's interesting is you say – but the key word there that Taylor said was it's not good for her. It's not good for Tia Toomey. But it is good.
Starting point is 00:08:22 There's no problem. No one should think that there's any chance of her still not winning the games not yet correct not as early it's way too early but i think this is i'm very interested to see how she responds i mean you just could see her demeanor was seemed a little bit different today um this is i'm going to text there with mike halpin and uh smart guy studies studies the numbers he didn't give me the answer i wanted but i'm going to run it by you guys anyway and i'm going to stick by my guns when i say it here i think that she actually had a great day because i think we have a new programmer and i think all of these things that came up were probably
Starting point is 00:09:01 horrible for her not only the movements but the combinations of them and uh versus also relative to the competition she had and so therefore she's gotten she's mitigated the damage that could be done to her perfectly and from here on out it's onward and upward and she's going to be 100 points ahead of everyone by the time we uh get to uh saturday evening even before we get to Sunday morning. Thoughts. Bullshit. Just want to keep the dream alive or yes.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I disagree. I don't think it's because of the programming. I mean, the events that have come up or not. You could make that argument for event two or three quote on sorry three um the speed skill medley skill speed medley uh you can make that argument but at the same time you can't you can't trip on single unders well and and so and and john and John Young kind of said something that kind of met us halfway. He's on that thread with Halpin, and I also – I'm trying to find what he said. He said something actually really smart.
Starting point is 00:10:14 He laid out the three things that went sideways with her. Let me see if I can see it. Are you on that thread, Taylor? Oh, so – No. Okay. He said – said damn what did he say but basically he said that bad event uh technical error and a workout missing so there were three things that didn't go her way but they're not necessarily he does have the technical error in there and then the weather that took out the workout that she might have uh flourished at Go ahead, JR. Yeah. Like I think if you put in the 2A, 2B, the shuttle to overhead, and she's in eighth, I think we can talk about it a lot more.
Starting point is 00:10:54 But those two scores added so much more to this day. You have essentially what kind of came down to three skill limiting workouts. The chest of our ended up being the separator and that first workout Tia did great on that. The second one was all skills, all skills, especially the ones that maybe no one ever practices like the single unders and obviously the crossovers. And maybe Tia is one of the few females that could do the press to handstand and finish it easily. I'm sure she is, but she didn't get a chance to do that because it was only top five. And then the last workout, that was the one
Starting point is 00:11:36 and they showed her a lot taking really, really big, deep breaths in between the dip traverses. She looked like she was in a fight, dude. That looked like that was something that she was like, holy crap, I've never done anything like this before. And I'm super blown up. Like, I don't understand why I'm this blown up. That it was just, and a lot of people got exposed on that movement. A lot of people.
Starting point is 00:11:58 I mean, look where Saxon is right now. He's in 30th. By blown up, you mean triceps, shoulders? Yeah. Or yeah, just general shoulder fatigue, tricep fatigue. But look at the ones who struggled on that workout. I mean, for the most part, it was the bigger athletes. And then when you talk about Tia and the one thing that she isn't known as the best in the world at, it's inversion. So we shouldn't be that surprised that the
Starting point is 00:12:23 handstand limiting workout for most people was a workout. She didn't do great on. It was just not the handstand. That was the issue. That's the only thing that's kind of surprising about that. I have a hard time. I just want to backtrack a little bit. I've just had such a hard time classifying single under as a skill and classifying a bar dip as a skill. I think in the hierarchy of dips, i think in the hierarchy of dips a ring dip is so to me a ring dip is so much harder i agree you put people on the bars it's like holy fuck if you do not know how to kip that there is a huge issue how do you fucking do a ring dip in a workout these athletes aren't doing elizabeth with ring dip strict so you just go to a bar and you transfer
Starting point is 00:13:03 the kip to the bar. It's that simple. And it just is. Yeah. I don't think, and I don't even think it was the, I don't even think it was the P bar. The traverse. It was the traverse,
Starting point is 00:13:11 the 150 feet that blew everybody up. And I, everybody, a lot of people, I think. Everyone. Yeah. You watch.
Starting point is 00:13:20 And again, you make a good point in terms of seeing her struggle with inversion. Handstand walking could be a similar issue in struggling with that traverse, just keeping the elbow extended while you're moving through that. You keep your shoulder stacked over the elbow and an extension as you're moving, and you're going to be much less fatigued than if you have a little bit of bend or flexion in there. So maybe that, but it's – I don't know. Hey there so maybe that but it's i don't know hey i don't think it's you i i think it's fucking undisputable 100 uh to zero that bar dips are way way way way way way easier yeah 100 yeah so it shocked me a little bit i mean the traverse is something new for sure but these athletes walk thousands of feet on their hands every week.
Starting point is 00:14:07 A thousand feet. I mean, not thousands, but at least a thousand feet a week on their hands. Yeah, I mean. Is that true? Do you think that number is true? A thousand feet a week would be if you did 20 feet. Two workouts with 500 feet in it. Yeah, it's 50 reps at 20 feet a pop.
Starting point is 00:14:28 That's on the higher end probably, but a lot of athletes will be around 1,000 feet a week. Insane. JR? Yeah, I mean, definitely different movement. You know, think about a parallette handstand pushup versus a deficit handstand pushup. Your hand is flat versus your hand being on parallette.
Starting point is 00:14:43 So it is a very different stimulus, obviously. And it's one that it was amazing how fluid some people made it look, especially kipping out of the dip. And some people made it look super labored. Like there were P bars that were shaking back and forth as they were traversing. And then people like Pat and BKGs and a lot of that, their history with gymnastics. Their body was barely moving. I mean, they were saying so hollow. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:09 It blew everyone up. Not because it was so difficult because it was so new to so many athletes. And I think that is what Boz was alluding to when he was saying that coaches and athletes are going to have to reevaluate what they put first in the programming. What's up? Give me one second. Give me one second guys. As programming. What's up? Give me one second. Give me one second, guys. Azusa, what's up, brother?
Starting point is 00:15:31 Nothing. They're just kind of pushing everybody kind of out of the event here, and it's kind of clearing out, so I was just checking in with you guys one more time to see if there's anything I should grab or anything that we want to do here. No, fantastic day today.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I love the fact that we're talking and that we can just glance over and get your view of what it's like to be at the venue. It's really, it's an important shot in the ambience and letting us see the guys. It makes us feel like we're there. Thank you. And when you get back to the hotel, if you got a second, I'd love for you to come back in so I can pick your brain. Absolutely. I'll see you guys in a little bit later. And I have tons of gossip for
Starting point is 00:16:05 you afterwards so don't go to bed even after the show is over but anyways just to say it's choose different words for him i see what this guy's saying fix this a little bit because he's right right a plus programming if it's so easy why did it blow up because one ring dip is really easy or if you're a bodybuilder you can ring the ring dipping's fun but when you throw it into the crossfit methodology and put a stop stop watch on it and you have some traversing uh with with a day full of workouts some shit goes sideways well you think about think about doing elizabeth with ring dips um and you handstand walk from the barbell to the rings totally different workout and i think that's probably pretty similar to what they're doing here i think again you go back to why it's blowing people up is because it's something
Starting point is 00:16:47 that's so new and they haven't done. It's not necessarily that it's so difficult, but the thing about CrossFit, uh, think of your everyday member, um, someone who's doing a class workout a day and they come in and they do a workout posted that was four rounds for time, one minute L sit for him to run. think of the stimulus that that's going to create in someone who does a class workout three to four times a week it's going to fucking crush you and the reason it's going to fucking crush you is because you don't spend time doing that stuff and that's why variance works because you do something new it creates adaptation it creates a stimulus um and so that's what we're seeing this year at the games there's a lot of new stuff that these athletes haven't seen it's creating a stimulus and we're watching that
Starting point is 00:17:29 in real time i think it's awesome jeremy williams uh taylor doesn't need your reminder but thank you uh and thank you for your money uh katie i'm relying on your wonderful not media to know what's going on best content thank you i'm relying on these guys to tell me what's going on uh and i saw miss uh california hormones thank you fuck wonderful holy cow uh victor are you happy with that answer i think we agree with you you're right uh crossfit's just a son of a bitch put a stopwatch on it mix that shit up and uh did you see anything today that you didn't think was CrossFit? And by that, I mean, is there stuff that's just – that's for training that's not for competition? There's a lot of stuff that's for training that's not for competition. Did you see any of that today in any of these movements?
Starting point is 00:18:22 No. You don't think there're jump ropes or variations? Should be a training thing more than a competition thing? Yeah. That's the only thing I could argue. That's the only thing I would argue. I just... But again, I think this.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Did we step into the land of gimmicks, like having a hot guy with his shirt off just to get views? Do you think that we've stepped into the... Yeah, Kahn's a gimmick. Do you think we've stepped into the land of i'm just kidding it's perfect timing that was unreal yeah i know it's just perfect segue brother um i didn't mean to uh interrupt you um were you involved were you doing some uh metcon just now Were you doing some Metcon just now?
Starting point is 00:19:05 Was I doing a Metcon just now? No, mate. I'm just in bed. Oh, I know. Exactly. I know that, Metcon. I'll text you a couple workouts I know you can do from that position. Mate, I've got the dumbbells besides my bed. I haven't forgotten that part of our extended chat last time we were on the podcast together.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I'm hearing that Reykjavik pulled out of the competition. Is that true? No, not at all. I don't know where you're hearing that from, but we have not pulled out of the competition. Okay, good. You might not see us on the leaderboard because we're pretty far down there. No, we saw you on there.
Starting point is 00:19:40 We saw you on there. We saw you on there. How is the day going? How is the team? Yeah. on there we saw you on there we saw you on there um how how is how is the day going how's the team um yeah it's a tough day at the office mate tough day at the office um obviously for no other reason than we just uh like as well i think i've seen a lot of the stuff around the internet people being like oh did something happen? Was there an issue with Lauren's injury or anything like that? And that's just frankly event one started off unreal
Starting point is 00:20:11 and we felt really good about that. Still finished in sixth, I think, in that one. I think every single member of our team put to the best of their ability on that workout, which, again, you can only control yourself in a team setting and that's just is what it is and that's how it goes and then yeah i think we were just i think we're all a little blindsided by the second event we felt amazing uh we were felt pretty good after the first couple of rounds and yeah we've been doing so much work on our burpees and and our gymnastics and all that
Starting point is 00:20:42 kind of stuff so we we were really fired up to to have that event and um you know competition happens people have moments on the competition floor that um and and that's just what happened like we we we performed to the ability uh that we were capable of in that moment and ended up how many workouts do you guys do over the week what's the total that they've told i believe Okay. In that moment and ended up. How many workouts do you guys do over the week? What's the total that they've told? I believe we have 11 scored events.
Starting point is 00:21:12 11. So it's, it's, it's, it's crazy early. Yeah. When it's crazy, it's crazy early. We had a really poor finish.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Go back to the quarterfinals on one of the events there. And we then managed to bounce back with a couple of back-to-back wins, which was cool. But at the end of the day, you know, we came in here, the last six months of our lives have been put towards coming to the CrossFit Games and showcasing ourselves as professional athletes. And as a part of a team team you can only control certain elements and that is always makes it challenging but we've had uh we had some very good conversation amongst the four of us climbing back we had some conversation
Starting point is 00:21:59 uh we had some time to ourselves after that last workout we had some great conversation within the group and you know we we the intent going forward doesn't change. We're not now just like, oh, well, you know, like we bombed out of that one. It's early in the competition and everything, everything we do moving forward is about showcasing the fuck ton of hard work that we have put in over the last six months. fuck ton of hard work that we have put in over the last six months uh and by that i guess also you're going to be tested in a in an area that no one can put a metric to or that no one see saw your work and that's the work of getting along with each other and being a team whatever that word means a team that's where you guys are probably going to be really tested right because it's really easy to be a team when you guys are in first place. But as you go through struggles, then that piece is tested.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Yeah, exactly. And it's probably – I mean, I've gone to the CrossFit Games and sucked. And I've gone and I've done reasonably – like I've had good competitions and I've had bad competitions. I think it's probably unfamiliar territory for Annie. I know she's had to withdraw, but I don't know if she's necessarily taken the 30th place as an individual but it's good and i think what will allow us to finish this weekend as hard as
Starting point is 00:23:15 we want to is that bond that we have developed it's it's definitely challenging it's challenging given all of the craziness that was leading up to i guess the start of the week and like all of the kind of stuff going on behind the scenes which i'm sure people have heard bits and pieces of and i'm not going to go into great depths about it because it's in the past and here we are in a position where we're competing so it's and and yeah our focus is on the next nine events i mean we get to have a bit of fun with some lifting tomorrow. Everyone will get to see Tola do Tola things. So that's always enjoyable for the crowd,
Starting point is 00:23:51 and it's enjoyable for the team to get behind. Just for whatever it's worth, I'm just going to tell you the rumors we were spreading on this podcast. I'm aware. You underestimate how much I keep up with this show. It's my favorite little love it i just see the little things ticking away in the comments i'm like should i chime in i'm like no let's let them roll let's let them do their thing we we uh as you know uh we thought we thought that um lauren was hurt we thought it was her
Starting point is 00:24:20 shoulder um we thought that annie was or that katrin was going to replace her then we saw then we a video came out and we saw that it was her shoulder and that like six days before the competition she still was unable to do a pull-up but the video didn't say whether she could do a pull-up but that she was good enough to compete and then we heard that not only did reykjavik show up late to check in but a shitload of team showed up to check in so we started wondering what was going on with the communication with the teams and then bam there you guys are looking amazing the team you show up to the games all the noise is put to rest and you guys go out there and event one and fucking handle your business yeah yeah i mean look there's she got some bloody good sources there mate a lot of that
Starting point is 00:25:00 the bits and that that are missing and then there's uh bits into that that are spot on well we also heard this we didn't report this ever but we heard that um annie had a mental breakdown when her bitcoin um when the bitcoin market dropped by 50 she had a complete mental breakdown and he's heavily invested in b and was just beating frederick and he does not mind if the bitcoin market crashes she's doing just fine. You should see her. She's diversified her portfolio. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:30 She's doing absolutely fine. No, look, to go back to that and to, I guess, yeah, you're fairly on the money with it. But I think there was a lot of conversation around what the decision was. around what the right decision was. And I still believe that we as a collective did make the right decision and that is for a myriad of reasons, but mostly just, you know, I'm not going to pretend to be some sort of figure of virtue, but my own moral compass, I believe we made the right choice in sticking with Lauren who had been there for six months if she was deemed she was deemed
Starting point is 00:26:08 medically clear to compete and here we are competing what's the most people you've seen crying on your team simultaneously have you ever looked over at annie and lauren and there's a tear coming out of the ducks you look over at tola and he's just fucking blowing snot rockets into an old T-shirt. And you're like, wow, this is intense. I think, man, I think we were keeping, this is mean. Tola and I were keeping a cry count from semifinals. You're done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Hey, let me tell you, a lot of people at home cried cry for you man a lot of people fucking love you guys to death please don't forget i'm included in the cry count there i think i'm sure i'm sure like yeah it was it was a very emotionally challenging day it was interesting because it was all kind of happening. And like, there was just a point where we still know what was going on. And Tola was like, what are you doing, man?
Starting point is 00:27:09 And I was like, I'm just sitting in my room looking out the window. He was like, do you, can I come up to, he just kind of came up and I was just, yeah, I have two windows.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Go over to that one. Motherfucker. Look at that one. Yeah. He, um, he sat down there and I looked out the window and we all went from that. And yeah, it is like sports.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Sports is dramatic. Sports is not always ideal situations and sports doesn't always involve getting the result that you want. Doing sports for a while, but at the same time, you know, yeah, like you have good events, you have bad events, you have good days, you have bad days, you have things that you can control and things that you can't control. I'm a super big believer in taking as much personal responsibility
Starting point is 00:27:53 as you can for any situation. And all that's left to do, and we spoke about this with the group just in our last conversation, sort of talking about what can we look forward to so last night before i went to bed i made a list of things that i was in it that i believe that i can take personal responsibility for over this weekend because there's so much fucking noise and particularly with all of the stuff that had been going on there was so much noise around the team leading into the competition there's been so much noise around it all year and it would have been very easy to get caught up in that side of things
Starting point is 00:28:26 and in looking at the other teams and wondering how they're going to do. But, yeah, like one of my big things is take as much personal responsibility as possible. So off the back of a bad day, I kind of shared with the guys some of the things that I had on that list for myself. And I think that it's been an opportunity for all of us to kind of look at, yeah, to look at what we can do moving forward to make sure that we show up in the best way possible for each other. But yes. What's on that list? Like, I can love my team and support them no matter what.
Starting point is 00:28:59 My list had six things. There's six things that I could control over the course of the weekend. My list had six things. There's six things that I could control over the course of the weekend. Attitude, effort, execution, nutrition, recovery, and communication. Those were my six things. So attitude. Communication seems a little like there's a little bit of wiggle room in there to be fucking negative. I mean, more so being honest with my team about how I feel about a workout,
Starting point is 00:29:22 how I feel about my own abilities as an athlete. I mean, the last six months has been nothing short of life-changing for me. Awesome. Congrats. Congrats. I'm excited to come in and take that professional approach to this competition. And that's how we're going to continue to finish it out. So those are my six things.
Starting point is 00:29:43 And those six things don't change off the back of today. And yeah, fuck, man. Like shit happens at sport. Brush it off. Hey, thank you for checking in. I just want to let everyone know that if you're a rich man or a semi-attractive woman, Con is at room 837 at the Edgewater. Go ahead and use the secret knock.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Yeah, the secret knock. It's the same one as last week. That's the least I could do to pay you back for coming on. You're a good man, Siobhan. Thanks, guys. Peace. Love you, buddy. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Hey, guys. Not as good looking as Con Porter, but equally as talkative and opinionated. Dude, a couple questions for Hiller. Can I ask a question? Oh, shit. I couple of questions for Hiller. Can I ask? I wanted to ask Khan four questions. Anyways, you're going to ask me.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I'm sorry, Taylor. That was fucking stupid. Sorry. So if I do that, here we go. Do you want to call him back? He's probably,
Starting point is 00:30:36 he's probably only got one hand on the stick right now. Yeah. And he's watching. He's got one hand on the stick and he's watching. Taylor, do you think a bar dip or ring dip is easier? Well, it depends. Oh, Jesus. I haven't heard.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Have you given your opinion yet on that? There is no opinion. This is like one of those things that's fact. The sky is blue. Don't answer. Don't answer. You have opinions. I mean, there's things that just are.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Okay, fine. Did you also say it depends? i didn't say it's uh in in a context is a bar dip or a ring dip one for one which is easy one for one equal equal i would say that a bar dip is easier okay um i compared what they did today to doing elizabeth with rings if you had the handstand walk from a barbell to the rings did you would you say that there was an issue with the isometric possible contractions of, and I like what you said, and I kind of also always looked at the handstand walk as kind of an isometric contraction on the triceps and the shoulders. And I thought maybe that was fatiguing.
Starting point is 00:31:39 And when watching Tia Toomey kind of wait, I felt like that was a large play into it. That, but it also seemed like a lot of the athletes didn't understand that they could kip a bar dip the same way you can kip a ring dip um and i think a lot of the athletes didn't try to keep their shoulder over their wrists and their elbow extended on the isometric means a negative right no it means static like static oh okay so i also i also just don't think that any of the athletes practice anything isometric like that yeah i mean that's why i'm all carry is a d-ball carry isometric a hold is an isometric but it's your core it's like a tricep okay so you'll see you'll see the same thing on the the what is it the the capital workout whatever i'm trying to fix that WOD zombie.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Bear with me. I'm trying to fix it. It would be like saying you're going to do Tabata push-ups, but during the rest, you're going to hold the top of the push-up position. Yeah, like bottom-to-bottom air squat. Another good one is you sit in a seated position. Or it's like what the Mormons do. They just edge.
Starting point is 00:32:43 They do edging, right? Because you can't do actual – is it edging? No, no. What is edging? Soaking. It's soaking. It's called soaking. Is soaking isometric?
Starting point is 00:32:53 Do you know soaking? It's not isometric? Soaking is when you stick your penis in and you don't move it around. Soaking is what the Mormons do to get around the whole don't have sex thing. Dude, I can't believe I didn't know what that was. I'm going to use that a lot. I believe I heard it on this podcast, so I know exactly what it was. You're welcome.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Okay, good. Sorry. Isometric, soaking, and static. Now I'm starting to really— Have you guys talked about the programming at all yet? Not a ton. What do you think about the jump rope variations? Gimmicky or appropriate?
Starting point is 00:33:23 I have each and every one of the males events recorded and i'm gonna go or i sat through it i got this gimbal thing i think susan said he did he tell you guys he was using it and did it help it was just smoothed out the feed nice what whatever i recorded them all i'm gonna go back and i'm gonna check it out but it looked like there were some people getting away with single unders on the crossover. On the crossover? Yeah. And I got to go check that out. Nick Matthew for sure wasn't. He was doing doubles. He was doing doubles. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah, for sure. I think what I was – someone – well, I wanted to ask Han that, but my initial reaction, we were talking about that just before he jumped on, was were the crossover doubles or the single unders gimmicky? Were they just a training tool or was it a good thing to test? And I think – The issue that I – oh, sorry. I a good thing to test and i think the issue that i hit oh sorry i was just gonna say i think in one perspective you could say yeah the single under is just a training tool but there's another perspective and that is of the unknown and
Starting point is 00:34:16 unknowable and testing an athlete's ability to adapt on the floor and i love both of those movements for that reason for the single under and the crossover. Can we get, can we get a look at Fikowski's Instagram also? Thank you. From anything else. What'd you say? Would Hiller's balls.
Starting point is 00:34:34 So in a previous show, speaking of programming, Hiller told us that because he wore compression shorts for so many years, that his balls lost the ability to hold themselves up. And the skin actually got really stretchy because you remember the most important parts of every conversation and that's why he wants to know i'm just contextualizing this for wads i mean he paid five bucks he deserves a little bit of like contextualization this question would hillers balls touch the floor during an l
Starting point is 00:34:59 sit if you were under this i could probably train them to touch the floor. Like if I home some weights on there over time, they might be able to touch the floor. When I do the L sit to press the handstand, my nuts hit the bottom of the parallette and stop me from going up. They're that wide. Wow. Are you surprised? If you guys go to Brent's IG,
Starting point is 00:35:23 I think this is the argument to the crossover. The argument to the crossover is in a perfect world, all 10 athletes can do them and all get to the press the handstand. But when you eliminate 70 of them, they're going to be guys like this that would have excelled at that movement. And that's what I said on the earlier show was i thought the crossover was a great movement the problem was only five out of the 40 women got to do it and same with the man why does that hurt does that hurt yeah that sucks to watch are you pissed a little bit are you like fuck like no no i mean i would have loved loved to see all of the top five attempt the Elst at the handstand traverse. And I would have also liked to see the other three men because it looked like Guy and Nick Matthew were the only ones that got to do it. How close did Fikowski get?
Starting point is 00:36:19 If they would have taken 10, would we have seen Fikowski? Do we know? I don't know. Okay. taken 10 would we have seen fukowski do we know i don't know okay but something i would love to ask adrian is when he decided on that movement was there any talk of doing single under double under triple under and if so why was triple under x'd out and crossover decided upon because if i mean they showed him when nick matthew was finishing up and it was pretty clear he was going to get to do the lsit press to hans and boz was pumped he was like so
Starting point is 00:36:50 happy to see him get there the only spec the only thing i could think of and to me this is evident when you're watching brent do the crossovers or you're watching nick matthew do them is when you're doing them correctly they're so fucking easy to judge. It's cross pass under the feet, uncross pass under the feet. Um, and then you watch someone like Daniel Brandon doing them and she's doing three double unders into like half a cross and then fucking around. And that's hard to judge. I would think that they're probably watching an athlete like Brent do the crossover double under. And I think, and that's a little bit easier to judge than a triple under. My, my,
Starting point is 00:37:29 my, my youngest son, he's the last born twin. His name is Ari Sevan Matosian. My wife just sent me a text. He's watching the show. And he said, I bet you Jr has a lot of girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:37:39 He's really handsome. Fucking five-year-old. Just one. All right. Just one, buddy. Just one, just one. Those those days are over just one it's a nice mic you got though jr that's a little bit it's a little bit conspicuous for me but i like how you lean over and your deep voice is just so clear
Starting point is 00:38:00 jose del de la tore tore de la tore i don't think you can do three capital letters like that you you gotta you gotta like drop the you gotta drop the l or the t dude you could you could be mike de la tore can't be fucking that up cheater 499 adaptation is not one of the 10 components of fitness mr self i didn't say adaptation was Accuracy, agility, coordination Why does it consistently Get tested at the games then, JR? I'm not hating, I'm learning I'm a humble Mexican
Starting point is 00:38:32 Everybody has that friend that can go On to a field and catch a ball Through a ball and they do it really well Or maybe Savant's throwing a frisbee at somebody And he's claiming to be able to do it better than Brian Brent And maybe he was born with that ability He's a very coordinated individual Maybe being somebody and he's claiming to be able to do it better than Brian Brent. And maybe he was born with that ability. He's a very coordinated individual.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Maybe. Coordination is something you can either work with or it's something that you're born with and better than others. But either way, the skill of what looks like that double under with the crossover is a coordination test, in my opinion. And accuracy and agility. And accuracy. Yeah, I think all of them it tests it tests skills in the 10 general skills for sure and adaptation is tested at the games because the unknown and
Starting point is 00:39:13 unknowable is core to what crossfit stands for and that's what that's how you test the unknown and unknowable is the test of something that athletes have to adapt to it's something that's unknown and unknowable. That's why they're going to test it. When you see someone like Ariel Loewen, she took first place on that, right? She did. She took first place on Elizabeth. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:39:36 When you see that, and you also see that she came in through the last chance qualifier, does that give you any red flags about the programming? No. These people are also good at this level. No. Do you know what I mean by that? chance qualifier does should does that give you any red flags about the programming or does no these people are also good at this level no and do you know what i mean by that it gives me programming thus far is entirely different would you guys agree have you thought about that yet how it's so different than the semi-final workouts were oh oh yeah that's then that's what i said i think it savon can you ask your question again you used a phrase and i it just blanked in my head red flag so here's ariel lowen just fucking demolishing the pack taking names and yet she came into the last chance qualifier shouldn't she be like hanging around around 15th if this
Starting point is 00:40:14 was programmed well or no no i think the games is programmed fantastic i think you go back to on the red flag of semi-final programming where all of them are fucking different and the only two tests that are consistent across the field are the crossfit programming tests and then you look at everything else and half the events it's like what the fuck is this doing here and why is it there and where is this and so i think i think what this says more than anything is half the semifinals may have missed the mark with their own programming but wasn't that kind of his name dark lord revon like what's you what about light lord what about can't you be the lord of light that's you seven you're the light lord revon seven revon thank you for the ten dollars satan
Starting point is 00:40:59 um uh daniel brandon uh tremendous pacing uh in the in the um in the uh parallette workout right that was all that's fitness iq that we witnessed yeah great pacing and what great pacing fitness iq meaning meaning she she she she she creeped her way back in yeah it didn't look like she ever reached and it looked like she let some people come out a little bit hot and then she kind of um caught him in the end if that workout stops you you're done it's it's it's it's gonna if you get stopped at like six minutes it's then four minutes of fucking absolute misery right i think chase mentioned it also um on the live stream that when he spoke to Boz about Elizabeth, one of the things we talked about in the last chance qualifier is that using time caps as a
Starting point is 00:41:50 way to get the athletes to do things they normally wouldn't do and take risks they normally wouldn't take just because you see an aggressive time cap and it makes you think that you have to finish under it. And he was saying that if you were not aggressive on the squat cleans, you wouldn't have time to do the dips. Yep. So if you tried to baby the cleans, it just wasn't going to work. You weren't going to get a good score. The only way you could get a good score is if you did push the limits of your capacity. And the cool thing about the P bars was every set.
Starting point is 00:42:20 So each round had three sets of dips. It's just three opportunities to rest so you're given 15 opportunities to rest five seconds or 10 seconds the implications that that's a psychological piece too like don't hey we know we all know people who you could go into the gym you could hang a 10 pound plate from them and they could do 30 30 ring ring dips. Then the next set they can do five. And then the next, then they can only do one every, every 40 seconds. And, and, and, and that really puts that into perspective about that rest. I mean, you could sit there and wait and four minutes could go by. I mean, your average CrossFitter. Easy. I mean, definitely look like one of those time warp movements for sure.
Starting point is 00:43:04 When you guys watch that, do you guys start to try to imagine what there must be feeling in their arms? That does like when you're watching Colton Mertens, you're like, man, I just know he does not want to jump back up there again. I didn't get that about Colton at all. Yeah, I thought Colton was moving through that. He was speeding up each and every round. It looked like to me. But I know what you're asking, and I know exactly what that feels like. Correct. Or you're like, hey, how do they even know they're locking out at the top now you know your arm gets so fucking blown up from doing ring dips or bar dips that all of a
Starting point is 00:43:32 sudden it's like because of the top you feel you're resting in your joint and not you're all joint at the top for those of you who can lock out your elbows yeah i would like to point out two of the referees we saw there today. They were judging Colton Mertens. It is Lisa Ray and Joe Degain. I would, I would argue that those two people, there are not two better referees and they're not even judges by trade. They're fucking trainers,
Starting point is 00:43:58 but I would bet there's not two better judges in, in, in all of sports. And then in their entirety, maybe equal. Joe was the flow master at my level two. And Lisa Ray was the flow master at my level one. two better judges in all of sports and in their entirety. Maybe equal. Joe was the flow master at my level two, and Lisa Rae was the flow master at my level one.
Starting point is 00:44:11 And crazy impressive, right? These are stern, friendly, loving, dedicated, meticulous, seasoned human beings. They've been around as long as I have. When I saw that, I'm like, holy shit. The judging is insane. Any thoughts on the judging that you've seen so far hillar i know you've been too busy signing autographs boobs and babies jesus i've only signed one boob and uh there was a baby i met it was a nice baby uh the judges no issues whatsoever thus far uh and i felt like i was going to have that happening uh with the exception of of course the bike dilemma and event one and a couple of the single
Starting point is 00:44:53 under double under crossover that i got to check out i had a feeling that as the season progressed the judging would be getting better and better and that would have to do with the vetting process for those taken at the level of the crossfit games and the athletes competing uh a fantastic uh photographer it's been around forever richard uh scott this shot yeah i got this shot that makes this the first time i've actually thought i might want to be at the crossfit games uh i would love to look into colton merton's eyes like brian is there that is an awesome awesome photo uh thank you giddy up that's awesome look at those bangs like that's how those inspired the monster energy drink logo i always thought that was a where did danny spiegel finish on this event she finished pretty well i know she was finishing
Starting point is 00:45:43 well but this should have been one that I thought If she was going to do well she would have You know top five Alright Should have done better She should have done better Is that what she should have done better This is like the type of thing she'd do well in
Starting point is 00:46:00 A whole bunch of squat cleans And then some basically handstand walks Like Taylor was saying man i oh okay how did how did how did alex uh gazan doing that workout uh go ahead and find out she was in the first heat no emma lawson it wasn't anything crazy so she it couldn't have been too awesome she was 23rd yeah wow okay wow she's 32nd right now yeah so it so it didn't translate so it didn't translate uh the um the bench press to the ring dips all right um everything you shouldn't watch any. You should just watch the podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:46 That's all you should do. Uh, this is a name we didn't hear much of, but she did do well today. Mike Halpin says, Emma McQuaid put the pedal down and beat Danny on that workout. That's what I noticed too. I think Danny Spiegel should have done better on that one.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Hiller. Well, yeah, it's because you pictured, Hiller, were you in the stadium? I heard it was just crazy loud, like painfully loud. It was, yes. The announcing in particular. Oh, not the crowd. No, not the crowd. I mean, the crowd was loud, yeah,
Starting point is 00:47:18 but the announcer was piercing. So they're trying to hide it up. Suzu was sitting right next to me and I could barely hear him. Okay, I'll make a note uh i apologize uh as the crossfit media director i apologize i will have them lower the volume in there uh tomorrow uh car saunders is she is she is she in in it to win it is she she looks uh almost too happy she's two points behind tia can we see the uh the the leaderboard or are we disappointed in her are we proud of her are we like oh shit um the best is yet to come of her no i think it's something similar that happened to tia it was a
Starting point is 00:47:57 big uh whiff in that third event who knows whether what happened there can you guys clarify i believe i missed that you mean second event yes so uh the double under event yeah so tia missed uh she was late into her set of singles and she tripped one time yeah she was way late like she was like 60 she was over 50 reps into her set and she tripped i had a whole bunch of people saying that they were upset that an error in the programming was keeping Tia out of the lead, and I was kind of getting pissed. Yeah. An error in the programming? Like, shut the fuck up. Do single unders.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Yeah. If I see that in the comments one more time, I'm going to have a fucking hemorrhoid. JR, do you agree with them? Do you agree with them? Yeah. No, I agree with Hiller. No, I want to ask Jr.
Starting point is 00:48:46 What he thinks, Jer, was it really necessary to make everything have to be unbroken? No, that's fine. Yes. Sorry. In a network out,
Starting point is 00:48:57 what you saw too was people struggling on their double unders doing the set of 50 unbroken because their brain was saying do single unders. And I think that's the whole point. They're so bad. And here's the thing. Yeah. If you're going to make the athletes do three cleans, two front squats and one jerk unbroken, you can make them do fucking 75 single unders. But it wasn't just a single. It was the single unders.
Starting point is 00:49:21 It was the pistols. It was got the hemorrhoid. It was it was the it was the single unders. It was the pistols. It was. Wolf got the hemorrhoid. Holy shit. It was the handstand. It all had to be done unbroken. What is this? That's not how you spell it, SWAT486. I might not know what a hamburger is from, but I can spell hemorrhoid.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Did you see bkg i didn't see any other athlete do this in the uh when he was transitioning um moving the bar uh during uh elizabeth extended or whatever that was called he carried the bar in the front rack position and then went forward and continued. Yeah, that is Savage, right? Yeah. Is that planned or is that just he's in the moment? I think that's in the moment. He's feeling himself. He's like, fuck that. I'm not putting it down. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:14 I don't think he's planning that. Are you sure him and Yami didn't think about that before? Did they have an idea, like a visualization of exactly how the workout's going to go? Maybe. I visualize for sure but then at the same time when you get punched in the mouth the plan changes i just think sometimes you're feeling yourself in a workout and you're like fuck it i can go way harder but i don't know maybe you plan that i've seen you do that and wild palooza with that freaking pig flipper thing you were feeling yourself i've seen taylor feeling himself um in
Starting point is 00:50:45 person what what about what about velner feeling himself today dude can i can make a comment on please i thought that was sick the only thing i just want to shit on him for is when he finished he did the little gymnastics like thing and i was like that's kind of good all right anyways uh other than that you know i always get some concern when someone celebrates before they get to the finish line i think no matter what it's a horrible practice and before he stepped onto the stage he did a little bit of the celebrating he looked around he asked the crowd to cheer for him three or four times i do not like it when people ask the crowd to cheer for them but i get but he's such a senior guy that when he does it i feel like he's doing it to give back to the crowd as opposed to asking like he didn't need the crowd to cheer for them. But I get, but he's such a senior guy that when he does it,
Starting point is 00:51:25 I feel like he's doing it to give back to the crowd as opposed to asking, like he didn't need the crowd to hype him up. I felt like he was just acknowledging the crowd. So I give him a huge humble pass on that. Um, but the part I really liked was when the interviewer asked him at the end, Hey, why are you feeling yourself? And he said, because I've been told I don't have a good celebration and I wanted to practice, and I was far enough ahead where I thought I would take a moment to enjoy myself. Still don't have a good celebration, but you did practice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:55 And I just like that he's – that takes a lot of mental – I don't know what the word is. Fornication, mental fornication, fornication fornication that's not the right word mental fornication for fortitude yes he was really mentally fornicating um when he uh when he was able to bring like that's not easy he's he's talking to the whole stadium i mean it's focus it's it's awareness i just liked it i want to give him a no i thought it was cool that was fucking awesome watching him do that. And he crushed everyone. I knew it.
Starting point is 00:52:29 Chase was kept – I didn't see anyone dogging on the workout and using ring dips or traversing the parallel bars. But he kept almost like being maybe borderline defensive by saying, this has been around forever. This has been around for 10 years. This has been around. This is a Glassman thing. And I liked it that he was helping educate the people. And we actually heard in between the shows, those of you who left your TV on, they left their mics on.
Starting point is 00:52:56 So you could hear Sean and Chase talk for like a minute on the live mics. And I think Sean was telling Chase at that point, hey, I remember 10 years ago when Rich and Jason had this competition, and I remember too. It was like some sort of man challenge. But where was I going with this? At that point, Chase said, yeah, you can go back and look in the journal. And at that point, you know that this is a fucking cult. point you know that this is a fucking cult the journal the journal is the finest piece of article that the fucking crossfit crossfit owns it's where the entire l1 comes out of
Starting point is 00:53:36 and it's still fucking hidden it's been hidden since 2018 it's 10 000 public pieces of publications videos all of greg writings. It's called the CrossFit Journal. When you're an OG like Chase, you just say it's from the journal. I wonder how many people who work at CrossFit Inc. right now have read all of Greg Glassman's articles that are the basic premise of this book. Do you think the people who bought this company for $200 million, $400 million, whatever they paid, do you think the people who bought this company for 200 million dollars 400 million dollars whatever they paid do you think they read what they actually bought they didn't that's why they don't that no they didn't that's why they don't know what they bought they never read the fucking 30 articles that say what they bought they didn't buy i mean and i'm guilty too i buy a
Starting point is 00:54:17 fucking car from the toyota dealership and i never read the manual but i know it's a car but these people got confused and anyway when he said that today i was like yeah this guy's a great fucking commentator he knows how to speak to the audience and dumb shit down for the new people but he also slips in gems like that for those of us who are in the cult and we don't even notice it because we think of course everyone knows the journal no i guarantee you fucking 80 of the people watching that slip right by their ass so i just wanted to say that. Look it, look it.
Starting point is 00:54:46 He says it in the fucking past tense. I loved the journals. R.I.P. I missed the journal article where they bring up the fact that they were trying to buy the Harley Davidsons versus the Hells Angels. Yes. We don't care, Kat. We do not care. Did we talk about how high percentage of athletes cap both workouts tonight do we care why don't we care egos are bruised and the sport needs to evolve
Starting point is 00:55:13 and this is the way to do it heavier weights and faster runs aren't doing it anymore do you think we did a good job at trying to find the fittest jr tonight so far so good yes uh do you think the crowd was happy yeah i think all three were fun to watch in their own way and that's something that adrian also said he was really conscious of that he really wanted to be a spectacle for the fans you know what i thought that nick matthew saved the day i really do he did oh he fucking saved the day and that was sick that's hillary's boy nick matthew's the man yeah i've competed with him he's the man last he's always wearing that that shirt is ridiculous the crop top that's what i was about to say he's always been wearing that crop top it's always been his thing come on my story is they switched the water palooza schedule
Starting point is 00:56:02 and he just like missed the event because they switched up on him. I'm like, hey dude, where are you? He was getting coffee. He's like, well, folks, I'm not going to finish the event. Now he's the only one finishing the freaking workout. Tomorrow was supposed to be a rest day.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Do any of the athletes give a shit? Are they all like, yeah, we came here to party. Let's do it. That jerk workout is going to be so much harder after tonight. Hell yeah. Which is good. Fuck it. If you thought a lot of people got capped tonight,
Starting point is 00:56:36 imagine if they would have done that workout after the show. You guys bring the workout up and let's do a quick review of it this is the 2a 2b one right this is the one with all the running and okay you know i thought it was nuts those barbells are just sitting out there loaded full of water wow really yeah i'm looking at my what the fuck fuck it they're cerakote baby wait what do you mean so so 300 pound loaded barbells i mean the 200 for the females are just sitting out on the field soaking wet not even covered so so they've been out there so they thought the event was going to happen wow i mean i we uh we were out there susan and i were
Starting point is 00:57:19 walking by where you know with the media people and like these are all the barbells they're going to use for this event there There's no tarp. They're just sitting out there soaking. But what do you mean by they're soaking? Covered in water from the rain. They won't be rusted by tomorrow. They're only going to be rusted for the people who buy them used from Rogue. You don't know what he means by soaked?
Starting point is 00:57:38 He would have no idea what that actually means. But, yeah, the people who are buying them off Rogue, like they do when they buy their games gear these are nice plates like suzy we should take one of these and run with the 25 pound plate but it's already wet so why would you want it it's ruined but they won't know it they'll dry it off okay and the jerk boxes are out there and they're covered no they are nothing's covered he's saying everything is soaked okay and don't dry them off by tomorrow but and they're not even really boxes they're jerk stands they're the steel ones right
Starting point is 00:58:09 yeah correct okay um do we know what time that workout starts i was gonna ask you guys that question okay and jr said something jr did we ever find out if um jr said something no he didn't jr did did we find out if there's a minimum work requirement? Were they briefed on this and then it didn't happen? I don't know if they were actually briefed before it was rescheduled. 2 p.m., the comments say. Thank you, John and Kat. You're good. Kat Shear from the Clydesdale podcast. So 2 p.m., that's 12 p.m. for me.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Okay. And that's the only thing that they do tomorrow? Yes. Graham is saying 3.45 Eastern time. I'm going to go with Kat. Sorry, Graham. After opening ceremony. If Tia goes 7th, 7th on that, are you starting to worry about her?
Starting point is 00:59:12 I think Tia will smash that workout. Yeah, I do too. That's got her. I'm just talking shit. That would worry me. If she doesn't, if she's not top five in that event, I'll be worried. I'll have a little, you know. Okay, so Graham's going off to CrossFit Games app. Kat going off to crossfit games app cat what do you got cat what do you got no but he was saying that time was the opening ceremony
Starting point is 00:59:30 uh uh no he said the opening ceremony is at 245 he yeah central 345 Eastern. Finally, I've been waiting for you, Jesse. Jesse Mosqueda. Shout out to Boz for the programming, knowing he would get tons of backlash. And shout out to the team here for anticipating and appreciating it while offering some critical perspective. Well, I think JR probably initially brought out the press to handstand idea. So it's pretty cool that he was pretty spot on with that uh jesse most squeda um most appreciative of the uh 50 a lot of these cheap fuckers just
Starting point is 01:00:12 give me 49.99 i appreciate it going the whole way i'm taking the whole ride there were athletes out there that i'm sure were upset about like the press to handstand being discussed and whatever loss of advantage they were at because now other people knew that that might come up and only five only three got there in the workout how haven't y'all talked to ricky i talk to him all the time he just doesn't talk back what are you talking about um oh yeah he's crushing it too yeah i could i don't even know how to get in touch with ricky i wonder if suza can do that what's it gonna be like when he ends up winning the games you have to get vaccinated and ricky he is vaccinated can you unless they shot it on the floor can you send ricky a like i mean that's the only way to get into this country
Starting point is 01:01:01 i bet they did knowing him they just looked they looked at ricky and they went to put it into his alligator skin and it just fucking broke the needle the doctor looked and was like i'll just give it to myself uh i asked nick oh i would love to but my coach says however during the day is pretty strict on my time for socializing understood buddy understood understood uh your loss you would have put on 20 more followers i'm texting with nick matthew are you talking no no i sent nick matthew a text but but don't ever do this people read your text out loud on the internet it's asshole thing to do i said hey we'd love to have you on the show he said i'd love to my coach however during the day is pretty strict on my time and i said understood you're lost you would have put on 20
Starting point is 01:01:52 more followers fair he's an eighth place overall after day one he's a stud long long weekend but that's not a bad place to be no kidding kidding. He's just, what do I say? I should send a little heart. What if he doesn't have a sense of humor? You know what I was thinking? I was thinking last year, didn't they finish day one with the wall walk thruster event, the one 85 thrusters for the males.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Yeah. And that to me thought like Dave is trying to do something that was like the most basic part of the sport. And today we're sitting there watching him do the double crossover legless pegboard. They're trying to evolve the shit out of it. And it was just very different. I do think we'll see that kind of back to basic as the weekend goes on. But I think today was kind of like a wake-up call.
Starting point is 01:02:44 And I think Boz wanted it to be. kind of back to basic as the weekend goes on but i think today was kind of like a wake-up call and i think boz wanted it to be uh can we pull that workout back up the one we're doing tomorrow i think we should come on beforehand um i think there'll be more news okay so that's the workout and then do we know when more workouts will be announced also? Sorry, Caleb or Will, whoever's doing it. I'm dragging you all over the place. Can we find out what – there was a schedule somewhere that announced the time for when workouts will be announced. I'm trying to figure out when we can come back on tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Does anyone have any questions? I'll let one of you knuckleheads call in. Yeah, I'm pretty sure on that schedule, it says that the Friday workouts won't be announced until Friday because they already have the capital, which is the first one for Friday. So the other ones won't come out until Friday. Okay. And then can we pull up the capital workout?
Starting point is 01:03:43 That's the really bad one, right? That's the one that I think someone asked Adrian, what's the worst workout? That's the really bad one, right? That's the one that I think someone asked Adrian, what's the worst workout? What's the most impactful workout? Okay. Taylor asked Adrian when he's on the show, what do you think is the workout that's going to leave the biggest mark on them? And Adrian said that capital one. Mr. Kenny, you're on the air. Ask JR anything you want. he only has one girlfriend mr mr howe um i had to turn tv down real quick but want to ask you guys so for the uh
Starting point is 01:04:16 crossover double unders would it have been better to showcase the uh l sit to handstand and have that be the showcase of the event and extend the final round time cap and make them do 100 double unders unbroken and lead into the L-sit handstand walk. Or how about, hey, I like what you're saying, or how about just go straight to that
Starting point is 01:04:37 parallette to the handstand. They walk that out and then whatever time you have remaining, you do as many, um, you do as many crossovers as you can. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Or, or, and I was, cause that crossover double under, which, you know, it was kind of in the cast. He was saying it was his parlor trick.
Starting point is 01:04:56 If, if that was implemented in the middle of the weekend, I'd like some long chipper. I, I like the idea of no time cap for the final five. I mean, why do you need a time cap with five people left? Another great solution. Or maybe not no time cap, but a long one.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Look at us all solving problems. Yeah, Adrian. Why don't you do a three-day movement to the exact same workout, and then you're probably going to miss one for most of them. JR, what's that big brain of yours think? Those are a couple good ideas. Change the order of them, of those, so that we can... No, that would absolutely drive me nuts
Starting point is 01:05:36 if you had pegboard, jump rope, pistol, handstand, and then for the last round you switch the order. No, that would be awful. Well, you can switch the order for all of them what about that i think there was i think i think that they were purposefully placed like if you can't do the pegboard well you don't get to do the next thing and if you're terrible at the next thing then you don't get to show your balance on the pistols and And if you're not fast enough at that, then you don't get to show everyone that you're good at handstand walk. I think there was a reason for the order. And I think the way it was progressed, it made sense to have the hardest skill at the end, but this could also just be a,
Starting point is 01:06:22 Hey, those of you that didn't get to be embarrassed because you know, you can't do it, this is a wake-up call for you to make sure that you can do it next year. Look, Mr. Kenny, if she won't go out to dinner with you, she ain't going to kiss you. If she ain't going to kiss you, she ain't going to – well, you know where it goes from there. It just keeps escalating. I also think you're not going to – and I think Boz is really well aware of this, is that you can't please everybody. Boz, really well aware of this is that you can't please everybody. Absolutely. Look at, look at we're,
Starting point is 01:06:48 we're crazy critical about the programming. The second you call with one idea, we're like, get all defensive for Boz. Like, fuck you. We're not that critical. I don't think get back,
Starting point is 01:06:56 get back, Mr. Ken. It depends on if it's shitty or not. Okay, good. Yeah, that's,
Starting point is 01:07:01 it does. If it is shitty, but I don't think it's been shitty at all, but I also think it's really easy after an event happens to look and say, oh, that could have been better. Anyone can fucking do that. Yeah, it's all on their quarterbacking all day long, for sure. I mean, I fucking love the program.
Starting point is 01:07:18 Mr. Kinney, thanks for calling, brother. Thanks, sir. When they do that workout that Beaver's about to to show us, um, at, at three, two, one go, is it really going to matter? Are the champions going to care? Is Justin Medeiros really going to feel any of the stuff that he's been done? This is Friday's workout at the Capitol 20 pig flips at 510 pounds, 3.5, uh, 3.5 mile run 200 meter, uh, carry with a hundred pound bags in each hand, and then, uh then walk up a flight of stairs with a 200-pound Husafel bag. What you have to understand is every workout they're doing over the course of this weekend
Starting point is 01:07:53 is at an intensity that is so hard to match in day-to-day training. This is the event you've been training your entire year for. You've got hundreds, thousands of people cheering you on screaming you on you are blowing your fucking load every workout so yeah they're all gonna hurt and you're gonna feel every single one of them it doesn't matter if you're 12 years old or 35 to put that in perspective for people uh and i know and i know 99 of you know that but the one day a week when you work out and actually do give it 100 and you're so fucking sore the next day you can't get out of bed, they're doing that three times a day for five days is what you're saying, Taylor. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:33 And even on another level. It's nuts. We were talking about, has there ever been a CrossFit Games where someone hasn't pulled out and we've already got it, right? We already got one day one i don't think there has been crazy i mean it's like a football game there's you're gonna have injuries it's any sport and and no rest day although it might be better is there an argument um hillar for why uh it's good that there's no rest day is there an argument like hey it's better just to keep the body moving?
Starting point is 01:09:07 I don't know why they had one in the first place. Oh, when Dave had originally announced the games, he said it was going to be four days straight. Then about two weeks after he was fired, there was a post somewhere that says they're putting in a rest day, which I thought was – I was like, wow're not messing around they're getting they're getting right at it um i i think in the context of why there's no rest day now it's the right thing to do i much i like this workout way better as jerks than lighten the load and make it strict press the press thing would have been terrible yeah i'm glad they didn't try to do that in the rain that would have been dumb so i think I'm glad they didn't try to do that in the rain. That would have been dumb. So I think what they did was the right thing to do. And yeah, you make athletes work for a cumulative seven minutes on a rest day, they'll be fine. Any more workouts on Friday after the one at the Capitol?
Starting point is 01:09:57 Three more or two more. And those are the ones that haven't been announced? Yeah. JR, would you like to take a stab at guessing what those could possibly be can you pull up the schedule for uh friday so jr could see the time domains i wonder if fikowski or is that no one's gonna be able to guess what they did today do you think dumb question never mind no let's see maybe i can answer it if it's no i don't want to i don't want to ask it it was actually stupid all right so
Starting point is 01:10:29 taylor brought to my attention taylor brought to my attention that the age group workouts have all been announced and they have a one rep max weighted pull-up and i think that's going to carry over ah that's something that we talked about to return i see it i see it i see it it's on saturday it's that one hour window and it would it would play into jr was talking about how they hyped that video up for the saturday max lift and made it so over the top and he thought that that was kind of an allusion to it ain't going to be what you think it is or what you necessarily want but it is going to be a max lift and and do you see is that what you see uh saturday at um 2 p.m is that what you're looking at no i don't no i don't think i don't
Starting point is 01:11:18 think that's going to be the thing that cuts everyone i do think they'll work that in i think the age groups have it as almost like a skills test i think they have like a five minute max calorie biker a one rep max front squat and a one rep max way to pull up so very similar to the skills feel of 2011 and we might you can't even look at friday by the way the way they took these fucking pictures i noticed this too you can't fucking see friday sorry caleb i know you're trying to fix that it's fucking nice tries to be bonkers and we might see three separate scores in that window it might not be just a weighted max trick pull up they might have two other variations to it or two other scores to it well and on friday just so you know you can see that there's a time thanks for holding it it there, Caleb. They have 1 p.m.
Starting point is 01:12:05 They have an hour and a half window, which is also another small window, which would be great for something like weighted pull-up, right? God, a weighted pull-up event is so cool. It's gritty. It's old school. So I don't do well at that one. I would. I would. I would do good at that.
Starting point is 01:12:21 I wonder if I could do as much as like the worst person there. Who's going to be the worst at the weighted pull-up? The biggest guy, Tim Paulson? I think Chow would probably win it. Pekowski? Who do you think is going to do the worst? The worst. Kranikoff?
Starting point is 01:12:34 No. He's definitely not the worst. Hey, how about... How about... That's a good pick. He's got a... I hate to say it, but Travis, you get a shitty way to pull up is what he wants to say.
Starting point is 01:12:51 He doesn't remember this, but in 2018 at granite games, he fucking shat on me. So I don't mind saying it. All right. He doesn't remember. Hey, he didn't even see you. Oh, he saw me. He wiped his ass with one of your t-shirts and just fucking threw it away he didn't know man i was in the lane next to him all weekend uh kate uh kuha gi for the uh weakest way to pull up no he doesn't have the weakest either not even close any other guess it'll be someone we're not even thinking of are we just thinking on the male side everything on the female side too either either i
Starting point is 01:13:25 still kind of think that the the heavy workouts that we get are going to be similar to shuttle to overhead i think it's going to be heavy implements but that you have to show that expression at a high heart rate i don't think we're gonna get go out on the platform one rep max lift at all i think that the saturday night is still gonna be some kind of um rogue sandbag load ladder like heavy ladder and that would be cool do you see the time domains for for saturday are um what's the shortest time domain this would be a great question for around what's the shortest time domain for a workout window in CrossFit Games history? Do we know by looking at schedule?
Starting point is 01:14:08 Has it ever been less than an hour? Probably the run from last year. And how long was that window for men and women? How long did they give? See, I don't know that answer. Yeah. Look at the workouts Friday. There's an hour and a half window in the morning, hour and a half in the middle of the day, and two hours at the end.
Starting point is 01:14:29 These are tiny windows. All short time domains, right? They can all go at once, too. Right. Because they've done that before. Right. Well, I mean, we already know the one on Friday morning is not a short workout. So they're probably going in two heats.'s the that's the capital workout right what is
Starting point is 01:14:48 the time cap on that i really want to know and it didn't say in the description or not that i saw all right um i think we did a pretty good job of covering it all we got to come on tomorrow morning the big uh question what was the big question we wanted to know about tomorrow's workout that we couldn't get the answer to? Are the bars going to still be soaked? Oh, yes. Thank you. The minimum work requirement. That is what we need to know.
Starting point is 01:15:15 And someone knows they had to have had the brief. Okay. Guys, go ahead. I was going to say, I would like someone to put in the comments. I would like a dumbbell squat snatch ladder.
Starting point is 01:15:27 It would be pretty cool. Tomorrow at 1 o'clock, Taylor Howell becomes free, possibly. Taylor Howell. J.R. Howell becomes free, possibly. Tomorrow he's at a birthday party from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. That would be Saturday. Oh, that's not Saturday. Oh, so you are free tomorrow. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Okay, great. I'm in the car 2 to 8. We will have two shows tomorrow, minimum. We'll have a show before the event to preview the event and talk about all the gossip. And then we will watch the event on the CrossFit Games YouTube channel and then we will come back with closure.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Thank you, everyone. I think today may have been the largest day in Sebon podcast history for live views. It looks like it's going to climb over 100,000 or something crazy for the six podcasts. I know it's crazy, Hiller, right? Yeah, wild and jealous. Thank you, J.R. Howell, Taylor, Hiller, Caleb, Matt Suber. and the guy who I shall not say his name.

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