The Sevan Podcast - #528 - Indy Event 2A/2B "Shuttle to Overhead" Recap | Athletes Interviews & Hiller Steals the Show

Episode Date: August 5, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. There's a Be Friendly shirt. Look at that. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Is that Brian French's shirt, Be Friendly? Yep. Wow. Wow. Wow, that's amazing. That's amazing. It'll be released tomorrow. Wow. She's amazing. That's amazing. It'll be released tomorrow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:48 She's doing it justice. Wow. How'd she get it? How'd you get your shirt? That shirt first. Ken gave it to me from Sherpa Works. He wanted me to go up to Brian and show him what the business was.
Starting point is 00:01:04 Nice. Did you guys hear that? Yeah, the business. Show him what the business was. Nice. Did you guys hear that? Yeah, the business. Show him what the business was. From Sherpa Works. The business. Hey, did you get to sit courtside for that event, Sousa? Yeah. Have you heard anything about the
Starting point is 00:01:22 significant troubles that they were having during the broadcast? No, I couldn't really see any of the issues with the broadcast from where I was. The first heat of women, we couldn't tell what was going on. We never really found out what the workout was. I mean, we know just because we're fucking students of the game. Right, right. But there were no scores. It was hard to follow. It was a fucking mess.
Starting point is 00:01:53 But it looked like they were killing it on the field. It looked like they were killing it on the field. It looked like they even had the times of the runs on the field on those little placards. Yeah, they did. And we were actually able to see the amount of jerks that they did with the placard as well in front of the blocks.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yeah. So we might have had a matter of time following along the event on site, which is unusual because you usually get a better view from the broadcast. Yeah, no. I will say this. There were basically four heats, right?
Starting point is 00:02:21 Two women and two men. At the very last heat, we started getting some aerial shots from a drone, and then the shit got good. Oh, that's awesome. Maybe that's why they do that on purpose, just really fuck up the first heat so by the fourth heat, we're just appreciative of anything. Yeah, they slowly get it better, so that way you're stoked about it
Starting point is 00:02:41 even though it's still mediocre. Yeah, throw poop at us in the first round, and in the fourth round fourth round throw tomatoes at us and we're just happy it's tomatoes and not poop just thankful it's anything but shit yeah oh where where are you headed right now right now we're headed over to the uh expo center to the media room so as this lets out my internet drops off which is like interesting because the more people that congregate one spot the harder it is that's what happened to me on the last stream that you guys, right? I had great connection.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And then as more people flooded in, it just slowly got worse and worse and worse. Don't drop me off. Okay. And we're also going to go see, Oh, sorry. We're going to go see because the athletes will usually exit and enter
Starting point is 00:03:18 there. And since this was their only event today, I'm going to kind of hang out right in front where they go through the athlete briefing area and see if we can catch up with anybody because i saw that that was a pretty good spot to hang out at earlier today okay john yon welcome to the show thank you thank you uh did you watch all four heats uh yeah um uh what's your what's your immediate response after watching the women go? I was a big move by Gabby. Gabby was having a hard time 25th, I think.
Starting point is 00:03:53 And you could tell that she's been working on her running because I thought that showed. I thought Haley made a phenomenal gameplay to try to go out and win the run. And she did. I was very impressed by Mal O'Brien's jerks. She moved that 200- pound bar so easily. It just looks like it flies off her chest, especially for being so small. Do you think she was just being being slow on purpose so that she could hit the jerks well? Or do you think that she was like just not very fast?
Starting point is 00:04:20 I don't think I just don't think she's very fast. She's never been very fast. So I don't think, you know, they didn's very fast She's never been very fast So I don't think You know they worked on in the office I mean she might she I do But you don't just go from not fast to fast Uh Chris Henshaw Will tell you Matt Fraser didn't win that sprint Because he was faster than everybody is because he can Recover better than everybody
Starting point is 00:04:39 Um but uh I think That would also explain why Marston was able to keep up with all those guys while running with the camera too. Oh, yeah. Very true. Um, I also think he's not fast. He's just, I mean, it's not that he's not fast, but he's not faster than those guys.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Marston's in great shape, but like, come on, the cameraman should not be beating the athlete. Sorry. Go ahead, John. Uh, Matt probably knew that Mal was phenomenal at jerking that weight so the game plan was probably just go 90% like go hard on the run but don't sell your soul it's okay if you get behind and then uh jerk the weight as fast as you can and I mean if she gets a third and a 17th she comes out to like an eighth on both of them i think they'll take that all day uh give me one second here uh john heidi what's up girl how are you hey good how's it going good
Starting point is 00:05:31 where are you um i'm like right next to the paper street booth right here using it as a home base so uh how was the event what'd you see what do you got um it was good actually uh matt kind of cut in like right in front of us right there at the finish line so he was cheering on mal and um seemed like i don't know well this is just me making shit up but it seemed like he was really cheering her on to go quicker on the run i could be making that up but just the way he was yelling like come, come on, male, come on, male, on the run. Trying to will her to go faster. Yeah, right. What other coaches did you see there?
Starting point is 00:06:09 Did you see Kotler up in the front row, Max Elhaj, Ben Bergeron? Are all the heavyweights there? No, I just saw Matt for the women. And then when the men were about to come out, all the men's coaches came out, and they were getting ready to go kind of in the same spot. We're hearing rumors that when Vellner missed his third jerk that Michelle Luton yelled at him, I'm done with you and stomped off the field. Is that true? 100% true. Okay, I thought so.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah, she was then kicked out. She got in a fight and then got kicked out so um any any of the athletes that um i guess from home what they're saying is is everyone saying they can't believe how good uh ricky did uh in both the run and the jerks is he the big standout uh between the men and the women from from your opinion i think so i mean it kind of looks like i don't know i'm not. I'm not an expert analyst. I'm just better at talking shit and spreading rumors. But in my opinion, it seems like he's looking good. Yeah, nice body for sure. Okay, who gets the biggest cheers of the women? I would say in that one, I was hearing a lot for Hayley.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Hayley Adams. Okay, good. Makes me happy. And who got the biggest cheer for the men? That's hard to say. I don't know. It seemed pretty even. I mean, I don't think that many people are cheering for Ricky, but at the end of the day, they are. I mean, at first, not really.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And then everybody gets behind him. Did they call? We didn't see Colton Mertens at all in any of that footage is he still in the crossfit games um dude i don't know i didn't see him either i don't know if he's i couldn't quite see over everybody's head so maybe that has something to do with it he was running in between jason hopper and fukowski and no one could see him for the whole event that makes sense right all right girl well thanks for checking in thank you all right bye bye uh okay can you pull up the uh leaderboard um and let's uh oh there she is wait hold on one second wow there she is that's the uh that's the rope climb lady
Starting point is 00:08:23 the 17 72 year old lady who did the uh legless rope climb my mom was trying to teach me how to pronounce her name yoke i think it's yoke yoke kickoff yoke kickoff the d is silent dang awesome yeah that is awesome suza back up a little bit more i want to see um how many people are watching her yeah lady in a CFHQ shirt. Yeah, cool. They should have had a rope hang from the ceiling so she could just climb it when people
Starting point is 00:08:51 went by. Like her party trick. Isn't she competing this weekend? She is. And what's crazy is it's a 65 and over class. It's like she's a crazy outlier in the class. Wow. I got a favorite of ours up here too uh your audio is incredible hey what happened to your gimbal suze i thought you had a gimbal
Starting point is 00:09:15 you're back to fucking shaky fucking alcoholics anonymous kind of like it kind of like broke and it wasn't functioning and i was like fighting it the whole time it was i'll try to be as smooth as i can here. Um, Oh, is that Christoph? Justin is nuts. That's our man Christoph right there. And, uh, Gabby Magawa. What's up dude? You're on right now with, uh, with, uh, Sevan here. What's up brother. How's the experience? Can you hear us? How's the experience?
Starting point is 00:09:42 How's the experience? From what perspective? From your perspective. From behind those crazy glasses. From behind those awesome glasses, he said. He said it's not the best. Can you hear him? Yeah, it is. Tell him we'll bug him later. Tell him thank you. Thank you very much. He said we'll shoot you a text
Starting point is 00:10:08 later. Thank you for your time, bro. Hey, didn't Gabby win the run? She won her feet. Oh. And the scoreboard is all messed up right now. It's got her running a 324, which I think she was more of a 610, I think is what Chase
Starting point is 00:10:24 said. Okay. Also, I wonder what's happening with Laura. Yeah, I didn't really see Laura. Did you during the footage? I saw her once or twice running. Sevan, thoughts on showing the entire field at all times? I don't know about all times, but way more, Ryan. Way, way, way way way i mean way more like as soon as they go wide and sean starts talking
Starting point is 00:10:49 like that's much better for me even if i can't see the athlete if sean says the guy in the second lane from the bottom or the fifth lane from the bottom i can do it and then listen to him talk about it when they just show one guy running back and forth like they were it's um it wasn't until the fourth heat that they uh that last men's heat that they kind of got their shit together first first heat was a complete shit show it was unwatchable we didn't even know what the fucking event was if you were uh if you just turned that shit on for the women when the first heat of the women went on there was no clock no scoreboard they couldn't explain the event well it was just like what the fuck is
Starting point is 00:11:25 going on i'm trying to get um uh chase on we can pick his brain and see what happened there i'm just surprised that they didn't like usually they'll explain it like every heat they'll explain the workout at least a couple times and then i didn't hear it i didn't even hear it at the beginning it It was just this star. Can we see? Yeah, Jack, that would be amazing. I don't want to get greedy. They need to have live lane graphics like they have in swimming. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:50 The problem is that's a drone up there, and they would need a different, like a static still shot. Hey, can we go to the leaderboard? I want to look at the women's leaderboard. Everyone keeps telling me it's fucked up. I haven't seen it yet. Is it fucked up? I mean, you can't get any information from it what's bad is they have the scores in but uh
Starting point is 00:12:10 it's not they're not correct okay because so they have a t at 23rd for the run so this is misinformation if this was on facebook this would get pulled down and you'd get a uh strike against your account this is as far as i know as I know, the overhead part is correct. Okay. But the run is not correct. So the total score is not correct, but the overhead is. Okay. Let's go to the men, and then we'll come back,
Starting point is 00:12:39 and we'll come back and peep this. Wow. So how about that Emma Lawson? Did she win the shuttle? No. No, she didn't. no she she was around where mal was oh so she's killing it yeah no i mean that that's phenomenal kid yeah that's a kid hey is that the future is she gonna eat mal alive in two years it's hard to say we'll see how the whole weekend goes. But right now, it's looking good for her.
Starting point is 00:13:08 She's impressive. Okay. Let's go over to the men, and then we'll come back, and they'll have the women fixed for us. Okay. Biggest thing to take away from the men was Vellner. Look at that. Five reps at 300.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah, he was getting no reps quite a few times well it's not even no rep he missed them like he uh like when i think of no i mean yes it is a no rep but uh like he just couldn't jerk it he literally took like 20 seconds to gather himself at one point and then jerk it with five seconds left and he still failed let me see who's in first place sorry don't ever that's blasphemous to cut out mr gerard there we go you click on click on shuttle to overhead be the top and see if it'll sort it out because the total score is not correct because the run's not correct so these are correct so adler saxon saxon panchick's probably the biggest winner
Starting point is 00:14:00 of this event okay um justin and ricky both killed it ricky has always been a very good shoulder to overhead guy though uh his the stuff he's weak at is squatting so it didn't surprise me that he was good at the jerks uh click on justin's too and then i got a question for john john they were saying uh okay see how okay you can close now see how they both have 94 points for third weren't they going to give ricky more points because the tiebreaker went to whoever was faster They were saying, okay, see how, okay, you can close it now. See how they both have 94 points for third. Weren't they going to give Ricky more points because the tiebreaker went to whoever was faster in the run? They, uh, they said that.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Yeah. But, um, until the run is sorted out, I don't know if you can sort out the scoreboard. It's not going to reflect that. So the male run is not sorted out to you stand by that. The run, none of the runs are, are correct. So I would assume, I don't know, but I would assume by the end of it,
Starting point is 00:14:48 cause you see how there's three thirds to six, I would, and it probably gets worse and worse down the line you go. Um, I would assume that all of that would be sorted in a third, fourth, fifth, sixth,
Starting point is 00:14:58 seventh, eighth by the run. Um, go all the way to the bot. Let's look at the bottom 10. Let's start at 40th and and okay so keelan so something's wrong with keelan henry right did he get injured um no just a lot does it seem like he didn't did he not attempt it someone said something in the
Starting point is 00:15:19 comments about him the guy from africa and that's the guy from africa yeah something someone gave us some intel on him he did it did look like he uh pulled his hamstring a little bit uh on yesterday on one of the events yeah but um if he completed the run i would assume he would have tried a jerk but i maybe he got no reps and that's why it's there which would make sense uh okay um and then uh oldest upenex is uh three reps moritz fabig is four reps okay so this is a huge problem yeah and now if i had to guess i would say oldest one the run uh he had a huge gap and i'm pretty sure he still stayed in front on the 1200 but you see he did three reps so he obviously gamed the system um as far as i'm gonna win the run and i don't
Starting point is 00:16:06 care about the jerk and there's no way keelan henry okay so something happened to keelan henry's chip okay um but what about this um how patrick velner five reps this is something is he is he injured no i think he just he went real hard in the run and everything looked good. And then he, I mean, a lot of people know this. When you fail one time on a lift, it's hard to hit it again. You just start failing a lot. And 300, it's not an easy weight. I just think he blew up a little bit. I don't know if this is scientific, but one of my friends is telling me
Starting point is 00:16:40 Vellner's body won't recover the way some of the younger athletes will. His lockout was fucked dry by elizabeth that's scientific that's a medical i don't i don't buy that for a second he's always had soft shoulders you go look with him with the walking lunge he holds the lunges out like this you go watch his. He like crashes down on his shoulders when he snatches. He's always had soft shoulders. Okay. Uh, Archer seminar off,
Starting point is 00:17:11 uh, keep, let's keep going. Let's see who else, uh, shit the bed. Um, Baden Brown.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yeah. Oh, Yana Koski. I saw struggling. So is this going to be Koski's worst event? He's happy. This is coming gone. Uh,
Starting point is 00:17:23 it depends what max lift there is, but probably I would assume so. But again, it depends on what max. If there's a max deadlift and he can only deadlift 485, then that might be his worst one. Colton Mertens, I didn't get to see him on camera once. It does look like he was at the Cross on camera once it does look like he was at the crossfit games it does look like he participated uh there is a chance that his running time is correct right honestly i'm not gonna say no that time does look kind of
Starting point is 00:18:01 like it would be correct for him 8 12 uh mr andrew hiller what do you got to report buddy what do you see what do you see in the world of fucking no reps do you know what's terrible is it's tough to see a lot that i passed you in subscribers on youtube did you really do that yeah that i had 776 new subscribers yesterday that That my heart hurts a little bit? Like I'm cheating? Like I'm running and you're just fucking in place jerking off at the games? Yeah, I know. I know exactly why you stayed at home. It's for all of those reasons, you son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I think I see Sousa down there. Folks say Sousa. Where's Sousa? Is he not on the show? Wait. Oh, I see. He's looking at me. He's looking at me.
Starting point is 00:18:42 You guys are staring at each other from across the hall. Empty hallway. Oh, okay see. He's looking at me. He's looking at me. You guys are staring at each other from across the hall. Empty hallway. Oh, okay. Hold on. Let's listen to this interview with Daniel Brandon. Can we switch this? Sorry, Taylor. Take a time out for you. No, don't worry. Daniel Brandon and Alexis Raptus.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Talking to the mic. Get closer, Sousa, if you can. What did we think of that? It was fun.a, if you can. Maybe it's time to turn off your Bluetooth. Fuck, Danielle, Brandon made a friend. This is fucking weird. Hey. Oh, it's Ariel. Pony.
Starting point is 00:19:35 She did it. She did it. Hey. Now listen to all of your podcasts. That looks like a good dude. That's a keeper. I'm a keeper. She's lucky she got me. He's like, I listened. That's a keeper. I'm a keeper. She's lucky she got me.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I listened to Siobhan again this morning. You won't believe what she said. Uh-oh. All good things. All good things. Over time, I've liked you more and more. It's great to listen to your podcast. Yeah, I'll grow on you.
Starting point is 00:20:02 As I get older, you'll expect less of me and you'll accept my filthy mouth more. But I'm a good dude. You are a good dude. You are a good dude. I appreciate you. Hey, Ariel,
Starting point is 00:20:15 when are you going to come on? Come on, give us some midweek shit to boost our numbers. Take one for the team. How's next year at this time? I'm just kidding. Once I get back to the games, I'd love to. just tell her thank you for letting us bug her bye love you too later look at her back yoked hey did you see her quad during that during the jerk holy shit yeah crazy she won that 225 workout for a reason.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Hey, I can't believe Danielle Brandon has a friend. Is Electus Raptus, is she one of the brute strength gals? Training think tank. Training think tank. Oh, yeah. Danielle's way out of her league. She's slipping. Look at her.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Maybe she's trying to make a move into the same thing camp. No, I don't think she can hear us. Holy shit. How are you? What's going on here? What is this? Nice. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:21:16 God, his facial hair looks good. Yeah, he does look good. Is this live right now? You're live, baby. I needed that. I needed that. Awesome. Finally some fitness, ask him what if that collarbone shits from that workout i'm not looking at the leaderboard so i
Starting point is 00:21:34 don't know hey how's the collarbone stuff is it is that brother was that from this event yeah i can't even see that i just use that excuse to touch you Is it just a scar? Just a little raspberry The barbells were hot as hell Really hot Hurry up and get it off of you Oh my god look how upbeat Hopper is he's so fucking positive right now He is he's very positive
Starting point is 00:21:59 This is what I needed day one The momentum man I'm gonna ride this wave of joy for the next day and then right into the next event. Who's his new friend at the games? Ask him who his new friend is, if he's made any new friends there. Like if he's got a new buddy like he hangs with in the corrals and shit. Any new friends?
Starting point is 00:22:17 No new friends, dude. Just old ones. My circle's tight. Oh, my goodness. He's a clone. I fucking hate it. You look beautiful, Hopper. Keep it up, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Thanks, man. Cheers. Dude, I love Hiller's wide shot. That is dope. Hiller's a genius. What a fucking genius. Oh, I thought that was Mike. Do you want to get aboard, Siobhan?
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yeah, give me one second. I think where we are, guys, just so you know, is he's at some back entrance where the athletes are exiting and going home for the day. So Sousan did something smart it doesn't look like there's a lot of people oh this is hillar's camera too okay so hillar okay that's the warm-up area in there let's see what we got here hold on let's see oh oh body fat talk let's see this let us hear this hillar let us take this off it's just in guys i don't know if you can hear me but uh hopper is much leaner than I would have figured. That's really lean. Good for you.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Wow. Negative 3%. Pretty good. Martoni. Good man. That was awesome. Wait, wait, wait. What?
Starting point is 00:23:34 He heard it. He heard it. You're getting ab shots from all the angers. You can't handle the truth hey guys this is the future what you're fucking watching here this is how easy it is to fucking take over any event anywhere there's two dudes with fucking iphone sticks walking around you got a fucking another fucking roving reporter and then you got fucking people like me and caleb and uh john young
Starting point is 00:24:05 and uh a brandsteader holding down the fort here it's fucking this is the future right here and look at look at we're getting a peep look at that guy's even moving out of the way what a good dude give that dude a handy hey we've got to be careful there they put up signs since we came here let's say what like let's see if you go to my, you probably won't be able to see it, but there's big signs now that say, like, no video, no social media, like nothing. Oh, he's going to go for it, isn't he? Hey, where is that? Oh, they're having an athlete briefing. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Yeah, this is the athlete brief area. And from what I've told, I can't step over that line. Who's being briefed in there, Hiller? Who's being briefed? Let's Hiller? Who's being briefed? Let's see. Who can we try? Is there a Zoom on this? Are they the adaptive or the masters?
Starting point is 00:24:55 Age group? This would be team or age group. Age group people were wandering in here earlier, so probably age group. He's pushing it. He's pushing it. Hey, so you guys, this is how it works you're seeing it they before every event they bring the athletes in there they show them the workout there's a demo team and then you're allowed to ask questions that's how it goes every time and so the the
Starting point is 00:25:16 athletes aren't um kept in the dark they are uh they're given a lot of information and they're allowed to ask a lot of questions. It's a nice venue. Okay. We're going to go back to the leaderboard. We were talking about Janikowski. Is that where we were? I'm not sure. Do you want to do all the women and all the men instead of jumping around?
Starting point is 00:25:42 I think we should wait and let the women's leaderboard unfuck itself a little bit. I don't know if it's going to it's been a while since the women went and it's still not i think we were on the men because we moved up from about colton merton okay yeah yeah colton m that's and then there's no way that tutor magda yeah this is a mess so they got tutor magda is the third fastest run no so okay yeah no none of the top guys are labeled correctly which means none of the like none of the points are labeled correctly either because everybody's going to be sorted into a different point thing the only thing we know is that the the shoulder to overhead is correct on the men and women's okay i'm going to
Starting point is 00:26:37 leave you guys with this and then we're going to switch over to the women nick matthew samuel quant lazar jukic jay crouch travis Mayer, and Willie George all got 13 reps. And it looks like they're pretty much in the middle of the pack there. So then there's a bunch of people who got worse than them. And then there's a bunch of people who got better than them. But 13 was kind of the magic number. Only one guy got 14. That's Guy.
Starting point is 00:27:00 And then a bunch of people got 15. Then a couple 16, 117, and 119. And that's Mr. Jeffrey Adler. And he did them with ease. He did them with ease. I think it was the most impressive thing we saw out of the men and women in the workout. Okay. I know people don't think about this, but beating everybody, beating everybody by three reps and then Saxon by one rep and a workout that
Starting point is 00:27:23 only has 20 reps. It's the same amount of like killing everybody that velner did in the gymnastics workout and the parallel bars it's the same amount same gap percentage wise it's an ass whooping yeah if you if you z scored it if you yeah tyler would be all of you all up on the z score right now you z scored it on the z score right now z scored it uh gotta love colton always love colton um let's go over to the uh women women's leaderboard yeah let's let's sort them like we do the hat guys by reps yeah Yeah. I want to see how much Haley got. Oh, good question.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Tia killed everybody. Mal was very impressive. Oh, I think I might, I think actually Amanda Barnhart won that. No, he misspoke. Oh,
Starting point is 00:28:18 he did competition for the best movie man in CrossFit right there. Where I met your parents. Oh really? Yeah yeah i met him yesterday oh yeah and i put up i have a video ready for your handstand walk fucking bullshit well what happened so the guy basically the guy said you're live on the savan podcast okay just making sure you know yeah the judge said your hand touched the black and i was like okay but when because like my thought was like i crossed the line and i took like extra steps to make sure that i was across the line and i was
Starting point is 00:28:49 like so did i touch the black after i'd already finished the rep because there was a yellow line out there what was that all about that was the finish line so like once your hands were across the yellow you're done yeah so i like you were way across it and that's like for competition i always take one or two steps each hand past that just to like make sure it's super clear judge can't be a dick about it. That would have put you into the final heat, correct? It would have gone from the 40 to the 20, guaranteed.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I ended up with a 27th and could have easily been worse than 15th, 20th. It's like 30, 40 points on the table, which stings a little because it's like 15 places right now. So far, so good, man. Thanks for chatting. Yeah, you too, man.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Hiller, what happened? Is that true, what he's saying? How does this work? Can you see me? I don't know. Yeah, we can hear you. Where's the flipping button? What he said was that on that event, he was called What event?
Starting point is 00:29:42 The skilled medley. The pegboard medley with the double unders i have a video prepared for this and my videos aren't going to be the highest quality but it shows that as he was traversing the course his hands clearly went across the line and he was told that he had and so he had to go and redo it all over again and it did then put him into a position where he couldn't proceed into the next round. So it cost him a whole bunch of points. Was that in the first round or the second round? He said it was in the first round, the cut from 40 to 20.
Starting point is 00:30:10 So he got stuck in that first round where he should have been. That's a very good event for him. He's great on his hands. And you can go back and look at that footage? He had his, I don't know if it was his parents or not, but he posted it to his Instagram story yesterday and I grabbed it. And you can see that he was over the line and he got sent back and he shouldn't have been sent back.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Oh, that sucks. That sucks. There's Brent. Brent. Oh, yeah. Krakowski. Did he say, hey, what's up, Hiller?
Starting point is 00:30:46 You're my homeboy. I think he was focused on Sousa. Sousa's camera looks much more official than mine does. I'm just holding my phone. Because it's orange. There's James. He's doing his thing over there. James Townsend.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Cool. Hey, that thing's neat. I like that thing a lot. Thank you. Oh, yeah. No way. Wait. I'm looking for a lot. Oh yeah. No way. I'm looking for a job. I'll pull this thing around for you. How'd you do on that
Starting point is 00:31:11 event? It was rough. The running, the shoulders, both. I was shocked. You know Hiller wants that dude's shorts so bad. When they say I watched the women go, Gabby ran like 122.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Show us the wide shot. Look at it. It's a quick 400. I think I can do that. I went out there and I'm hearing the announcer talk. Okay. Super fast. Yeah. A lot faster than what you think. Look at Cole Grayshield. He's a whole size bigger than Hiller.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I saw a picture of you earlier and I was like, he's got my facial hair. He's got your shorts too. Stefan keeps on talking about your shorts. And the winner of the tightest shorts contest goes to the runoff between Hiller and Cole Brashear. I'm sorry I was begging for it,
Starting point is 00:31:59 but he keeps talking. Stefan, you keep talking. I can't interview this guy. We're interviewing a crossfit games athlete right here facial hair comes from tony stark is where he gets his facial hair from oh that was adler's chick yeah first time i saw you was at rogue and i'm like this guy's gonna be the fucking man i think you were the rogue invitational in 2019. You competed, right? I didn't qualify. No.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Were you never there in person? I swear that it was you. Okay. Well then nevermind. Fuck me. Idiot. Okay. Well,
Starting point is 00:32:32 whatever. I'd follow you since you're with proven. Yeah. Well, if you're looking for someone to carry this thing around, I'm your guy. That's around boy. Oh, he hung it. He, he hung he muted us
Starting point is 00:32:48 alright I'll let you go thanks man who muted what oh you muted me no you muted us on accident sorry sorry and then Suze also turned my camera around oh okay let's watch this
Starting point is 00:33:04 let's watch this Paulson Let's watch this Paulson. Let's watch this Paulson thing. Spencer falls. You got to go back to the beginning. How the line of that? The cows keep fighting. Has not gotten through the single unders yet. One of the best handstand walk.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Oh, we must've missed it. Oh, it's that one. Yeah, that's a tough angle. Oh, look at you. Oh, my. That's a crazy pause. You're a beast.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Oh, man. Hey, it could have been close it's hard to tell we need another angle oh man it's hard to tell but it sure looks like it's it's pretty tight oh tutor magda dang let's hear this too let's listen let's see you drop. Yeah. Well, yeah. That should make up for the run. For the other one? For the run. Oh, the run. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Do it for the other one. Yeah. That was cool, though. Period. What do you think about the double? The double, right? Yeah, like the double. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I don't mind that. I thought you were talking about the double. Yeah. Do you not like the double? audio. I need audio from someone. Give us someone's audio. Give us both Hiller's and Matt's at the same time. Hiller's got his. I got it. All right. I unmuted it.
Starting point is 00:34:43 You're talking on the Savant podcast right now. The thing about this one was it was two different movements of the run. The jerking and the completely different modalities. In the past, it was row, then row, then marathon. Or like Pendleton, it was like
Starting point is 00:34:58 swim, bike, run. The last part of the run was another. I did make a video on this recently and it was about the 2003 perfect athlete version by Greg Glassman and Glassman was talking about how he was going to do something like this. I think that it's an interesting way
Starting point is 00:35:16 to go about it because usually the test itself shows, but one and then the other. We'll see. We'll see how the rest of the weekend goes. I think you could probably expect one more of those if i had to guess but i don't know shit about fuck i don't know anything sorry i call it double event well no i made sense when you said double event i just assumed you meant double under the double under event no that was a single under it was a single under now
Starting point is 00:35:41 we won't talk about that one you're gonna go do some single unders right Yeah You have any thoughts right now or nothing Thoughts are I'll just keep it Cool Appreciate your time nice to meet you man Dude this is crazy
Starting point is 00:35:58 Hiller and Sousa are killing this shit Jay Crouch Jay Crouch look at him right behind you Jay Crouch look at him Ariel Lowen at him right behind you. Jay Crouch. Look at him. Ariel Loewen getting dressed live. Undressed. Undressed or dressed?
Starting point is 00:36:10 She getting undressed or dressed? This is nuts. This is what it was like doing the behind the scenes. You just cruise around and just like start peeping people. I got to roll out at 510, I'm just letting you know. Okay, me too. When is that? 24 minutes from now?
Starting point is 00:36:31 Yeah. I haven't done anything with my kids in like 24 hours. I need to go to watch tennis or something. You messaged me and I never got back to you? I was your last chance qualifier workout and I was like, this isn't a no-brainer. Not yours, but someone else's oh it was yours and i
Starting point is 00:36:46 was like does this look like it was it a bar muscle up no it was uh i thrustered and like had to regain my balance i didn't see it from you but i saw it from someone else and i'm guessing you hadn't been seen there from me correct which means that you're good but But I was like, he would be the one to call me out if we don't head south. My stupid Instagram, I don't know where stuff is, but I'm going to go find it. I'll spend hours looking for it. Oh, he's kind of soft.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I didn't notice that. I can't believe it didn't send you right to the top. I mean, it's Ariel freaking Lowen. Whatever. I wasn't big time. I seen that and i seen your your bat the bat call and i'm like what the heck are these bats and she's like yeah on the video oh no oh no some people are talking about your muscle up and how it looks kind of glide-esque i get it and it's allowed and i'm assuming you think it's a touch easier but if it's also nothing against
Starting point is 00:37:42 the rules right can you do them both ways i can do it both ways gotcha yeah my judge is there and he says they're good oh i worked with a handful of gymnasts they're like your height but they come from gymnastics and they did this pseudo thing that looks just like yours and i would have not allowed them to do it had it been illegal so i watch yours and i go yeah they're good everyone who messaged me like stop it leave her alone she's doing it for a reason if they're incorrect yeah that's right ariel nice to meet you thank you nice to meet you too oh i didn't grab your name though my name is dylan dylan ariel's no just ariel's husband dylan dylan's the guy who's talking shit yeah I'll know I'll look for the horses
Starting point is 00:38:31 you are my adaptive athlete and give me a minute give me a minute Morgan Morgan hi one second um I need to give you a hug and I have I have all these camera angles. One second. Yeah, there we go. This is cool. This is cool. Very cool. How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:38:55 Hi. How are you guys doing? She was in my comment in your comment section saying, hey, we're going to have to give Hiller some of our subscribers I'm not starting I really want to walk out next who? I remember that was awesome very cool thank you guys
Starting point is 00:39:16 yes well it's so what is it compelling like there's so many people I told you somebody had reached out to me before saying that you're doing what you're doing, but you shouldn't be. And I couldn't believe it. And now I made the video and everyone's back on your side and now you're here. And are you doing well? He just jerked himself off.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Yeah, we're talking about the winner of the neuromuscular adaptive female division. This is Morgan. We'll be watching this tonight, so I'll definitely be like, that's me in video. Very cool. I'm glad I got to meet you. Do you know who I am? I'm like, yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Give me a minute. My brain's going a million miles an hour. I know. I've only seen her on the internet. Awesome. It's great to meet you. Thank you so much. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Awesome. Nice to meet you. I'll see you the weekend. Holy shit. Hiller's slain. Jesus. Jesus to meet you. I'll see you the weekend. Holy shit. Hiller's slain. Jesus, Hiller. Oh my God. I picked you to win the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:40:16 I appreciate that. And I told a couple of people to tell you, but I'm not surprised that they didn't, but you're the fucking man. Thank you, man. I appreciate that. Yeah. How are you doing? Good. And yourself? Is he wearing underwear under there? Is he naked under there? You're wearing pants under there, right?
Starting point is 00:40:32 Maybe. Maybe. There's only one way to find out. All right. So there's only one way to find out. Yeah. Yes. We'll take the copyright. Oh, we'll take the strike.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Most of what I've ever done is watch all the events and then talk about the events after. And I completely missed the mail side, so I don't know how you did it all. And I'm curious, but I don't want to pry. No, I don't mind. How'd it go? The run, shoulder to head. I think I played it moderate, kind of tried to be in the middle on both the run and the shoulder to head. And I think the leaderboard probably showed that.
Starting point is 00:41:03 So I would say it went relatively well I wasn't trying to win the run and bump the shoulder overhead or slow down on the run to get a bunch of overhead so somewhere you tried to do what you're supposed to do as a CrossFit athlete do both well both of them where some people were probably trying to do better on one or the other or play into their strengths I had two questions for you um what happened on the pegboard yesterday? The legless one, you do two of them. That's a good question. You don't know. If I were to pick one person who had done well,
Starting point is 00:41:30 it would have been like Belner and then you on that event. I think if I had made it past that second one, I probably would have been able to kick some butt, but that was totally unexpected. I was like strict legless. No one's going to fucking crush it. I don't know. The old steps just came out on me. Damn those things. They're good.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Damn them. Nice to meet you. Appreciate you. Yep. Oh, shit. Dallin Pepper. Matt Torres. How are we doing on here?
Starting point is 00:42:00 Dude, you're a savage, dude. Who are you talking to? Oh, that guy. I'm talking to you. There's a guy with an arm missing. Hey, go to your left a little bit. Oh, there's Patrick Vellner. Yeah, there he is.
Starting point is 00:42:14 That guy with the hat on by Noah. What's that guy's name? That's not Snowman. Is that Roman? There's Roman. Roman Krennikoff. Roman. Say Prevets. Prevets is hello.
Starting point is 00:42:28 The guy next to Noah, he's that agent. Yeah, yeah. What's that guy? No, it's not Snorri. Benji. Benji, yeah. No, no, no. It's a cool name. Bukati? Bugatti? The fuck is that guy's name?
Starting point is 00:42:49 Bijan. Bijan. Yes, Bijan. His name is Bijan. Adaptive athlete. Missing an arm? Is that what I saw? Yeah, and he said, tell someone to have me on so he starts just talking about him. Oh, shoot. He just said his name and i forgot hey i'll have that dude on i invited i invited the i've invited fucking kevin ogar to come on 20 times in the in nicholas zicken zirkenbach now i'm only inviting him on to prove a point like i like i know what's going on oh the guy's one arm is casey acres okay that's it i'm dming him right now we need it i've been trying to get an adaptive dude on. And do you know why they're not coming on?
Starting point is 00:43:28 Do you guys know why? Oh, look, there he is right there. Tell Kevin I said hi. Ask him why he hasn't come on yet. Let's find out. Hey, Kevin. What's up, Kevin? Hey, Kevin, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:43:36 What's up, brother? Yeah, I know why. Someone told you you can't come on the show. I know. I hung out with him a lot during the oh he's great someone got in his ear some some some dipshit got in his ear i he's hey he's only it's only hurting the adaptive athletes what was that guy's name ben acres ben acree acree yeah Oh, sorry. Oh, Ellie, turn. Ellie. Approach with caution, Ellie. I'm actually just about to go need to be wrapped. Go on about to be wrapped. I just made you.
Starting point is 00:44:14 That's it. Ellie has a stranger danger face on. Didn't she? Did she see her? I got places to be sorry hey i love it i love this so this is free markets here by the way people this is libert this is libertarian shit right here what you're seeing is is you're seeing people who don't have jobs, who are just starved to be part of the group. That's us. That's the Sebon podcast.
Starting point is 00:44:51 And we're just – Oh, look, Adam Neiffer. Adam Neiffer. Oh, we got Adam on note over there. I have seven on my ear. How are you, man? Oh, we got Street and Adam? Can I talk a little bit?
Starting point is 00:45:04 What's up, boys? Hey, what's up? Tell them their shoes are better. Street told me he'd go on my show, but he's on your show. This is Street Horner. He's on the demo team. How you doing, man? Oh, shit. Let me see those shoes that he's got on his feet. I got some new ones.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Look at those calves, though. Get that calf shot. Look how beat up homeboy's shins areins are yeah he's got a lot of stuff in his hands dude if you got a question for him i don't want to hold him here too much um uh knifer can you come ask him if you can just come on with us sometime during the week for like one of the late night shows or something like five ten minutes later on tonight yeah or not even tonight but maybe later on in the week tb tb determined dude okay okay the days where we have an event the next morning are like pretty pinner okay tonight dude i'll be down okay okay we'll bug him we're gonna bug him
Starting point is 00:45:52 fuck it we weren't gonna do a show tonight now we're doing a show thanks adam appreciate you hey ask him adam does justin win it does justin win it stevan just adam does justin win it does justin win it stevan just asked if justin win it heck yeah is the sky blue sunset in the west yeah awesome thanks bro uh melton john as i was saying guys this is so this we're in competition with fucking everyone this is the savage crew This is the no plan B crew. When they were building the railroad. Do you guys know the story?
Starting point is 00:46:33 When they're building the railroad. When they're bringing immigrants from Europe. None of that shit worked when the government was involved. The second you opened up the free markets. Everything fucking works. Why do you think that fucking Hiller and and suzer are the only two people there why do you think we're the only stream going on interviewing and covering that because we love them more no he's got the winner of event oldest you won the events that just had all the running in it correct
Starting point is 00:47:00 did you see that happening? I believe he won. They believe you won. I can hear a little bit on the back end, but I got to talk him down so I can actually talk to you. I know you're a fucking great runner. I expected you to crush it.
Starting point is 00:47:14 My strategy was like, I can win it, you know? I was thinking that some athletes also want to like go for the second run. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:23 So, for real, when I did the first two jerks, I fell at them. And then I took off my belt. I was like. I'm not going to do any more jerks. That's it. It's time to run. I mean, it's worth it, right?
Starting point is 00:47:33 It's totally worth it. I did jerks. And I, in the first round, I was mentally just, my legs are jelly. I can't jerk. Yeah. And then I did one rep. And it was like super easy. And I got like three reps. So, if I would like. Yeah. And then I did one rep, and it was, like, super easy. And I got, like, three reps.
Starting point is 00:47:45 So if I would, like, throw, run, like, a little bit slower even, I could get only, like, three reps more, and that would be still shitty. It doesn't really matter, right? Like, it's better to get 100 points on the one. Who's in competition with you for first, do you know? Because you said they were figuring out the scores. Correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:08 The run. It's me and Ricky. You and Ricky. Yeah. You guys are awesome runners. I don't know about jerks. There was, I think Adler and second Saxon.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Correct. Well, I'm just curious about you, man. I was curious about you. I think I got the maximum for me. I think maybe I will stay in the same spot
Starting point is 00:48:30 with those kind of points in the last place. I think it's going to be nice. You're awesome. You crushed it. I appreciate you, man. Nice to meet you. That's great. Dude! That's probably the first interview he's ever gotten.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Yes! That was fucking insane, Hiller! Cool. Yeah, he's the fucking man. He's cool. God, he's cool. I was getting Miko Salo vibes from him. Sorry, Caleb. Go ahead. Oh, yeah. You're the fucking one. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Hey, this is a fucking technological miracle right here between the two camera angles. No shit. Like, we can just switch between camera angles. This is nuts. nuts wow how many viewers do we have right now do you know for at least 1437 at least simultaneous now yeah it's fucking great oh people in the comments are loving it this is the i mean this is the behind the scenes unedited this is what it used to be like i see i see that no bullshit i thought it was a no rep shirt
Starting point is 00:49:22 they're everywhere they're everywhere they're everywhere noble shirt i thought it was a no rep shirt they're everywhere they're everywhere they're everywhere hey if you see someone with a no rep shirt just walk up to him with a marker and be like hey or with a noble shirt walk up to him be like hey i can fix that what was that which guy you're kidding oh well i can't go over that i'm already pushing it this is even better than waterpalooza. Hiller is what was missing. He's our busty meteorologist. Oh, shit. We were going.
Starting point is 00:49:52 We were so close to meteorologists. Would you call me? You said you had a nice set of titties. Thanks. I must have missed that part where you saw them for the first time. They've always been there. They're just below the camera angle. You can't see them.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Alright, well, more will come out. We'll see. How do we find out this is where they come out of? This is where they come in and out of, yeah. Is it lucky? No, you just start walking around enough and you figure out where stuff is. It's really not that big. That's what she said. Are you guys done for the day what are you guys doing are you guys basically done for the day i believe teams are going but other than that i believe so okay
Starting point is 00:50:35 oh i think that may have been the top was that the guy who owns noble taught or this the marketing guy todd medley or something yeah yeah yeah i think that was and then there was another one of the i don't know anything he was big he looked tiny in the video he's a fucking monster is that the guy that i like is that the dude i like i think you were loving on him and i was i was torturing him oh and that's the other owner right there yep there we go you got the guy the ball the tall bald guy. Are you Todd? No. Oh, is it?
Starting point is 00:51:08 Andrew Hiller. I was talking about how much I liked you on that show. I wasn't a big fan of the $65 t-shirt, but I was a big fan of you. I thought you were awesome. Oh, thanks. Yeah. I'll let you go where you're going. You too, man.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I don't think he appreciated that. No, he handled it good. I'll give todd a point for that yeah john we're not worried about bigger shorts dude i can't hear i need what you need bigger shorts your balls are too big for those shorts it's interesting it's ragging i i don't know susan mentioned this it gets easier the more people you see. Oh, my goodness. Yeah, you're on a roll. You're on a roll. You're like someone who panhandles and now you're just on a roll.
Starting point is 00:51:54 You've reached peak humility. It doesn't even matter. It doesn't matter. For Hiller's boobs, any chance Jason will be coming on this week? Jason who? Hopper? We had Hopper just a few minutes ago. Kalipa. Oh. I think he'd...
Starting point is 00:52:07 Oh, you know, I think Kalipa might be in Africa. Africa. Oh, this is so beautiful. You guys are just... are just doing it. I'm surprised you guys can hear what they're saying. We hear you good. That's great that's
Starting point is 00:52:25 great awesome that's super cool hell yeah i had no idea how this would work send matt and hillar to east madison uh best buy to get a road mic mel for better audio online says they have two in stock oh mike look at that oh i thought you said it was good so why would we need to do that it is but those shotgun mics he's talking about, they're little tiny pinner ones. I'm going to look it up right now. And I think they're so good. I think that's what I used to use. They're just tiny.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Oh, I don't know. Hey, Mike, do you think those are better? I've used that one. I don't know if that one's better than the Apple standard. What do you think? Be curious. I had that one. It's kind of cool, right? This has got a kind of Project Veritas feel to it.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Like not that we're doing anything bad or setting people up, but we're just like saying hi with our dudes. Vicariously. They're doing all the brave shit, and we're getting all the accolades for it. vicariously they're doing all the brave shit and we're getting all the accolades for it when hillar puts the camera close to people too like todd i i pulled my head away from the screen oh that was ogar's wife yeah shannon i just walked by to the list hillar uh this guy um john 7 by 88 says uh he's paying for your nitro i'll send you i'll venmo you two dollars okay wait a minute i can just go get one from paper street. No. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:53:46 probably tell him to interview Emma Lawson. Jack Farlow. He's there. Oh, where is he? Jack Farlow's in the red shorts. That's the dude who's strong as shit, right?
Starting point is 00:53:55 How you doing, man? Andrew Hiller. Nice to meet you. How are you doing this weekend? Yeah. Good. Uh,
Starting point is 00:54:01 which division are you in? If you don't mind me asking. Yeah. And how's that all going? You competed today. Yeah. Yeah. Which division are you in, if you don't mind me asking? Lower extremely. Yeah, and how's that all going? You competed today. Yeah. Yeah? Did you win?
Starting point is 00:54:09 No. No? Tomorrow? Yeah, tomorrow. What event was it? It was a total. Okay. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Well, what were your totals? We had five minutes of max calorie bike. Awesome. Yeah, and then max... For bike. Awesome. And then max. For calories? Yeah. How much did you get? 115. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:54:30 That's great. Wait, wait. How long? How long, Matt? It was five minutes max calories. He got 115 calories. And that's awesome. How did he do that without a leg?
Starting point is 00:54:40 He did that without a leg? He's just screaming in my ear. Thank you, man. Nice to meet you. He's got an attachment. See, he's walking. That's why they pay you the big bucks, because that's the questions you would ask. And I almost just shouted it out, and I might have killed myself.
Starting point is 00:54:59 That dude beat me by 35 calories, and he's missing a leg? Bike erg is different than the assault bike. Oh. But I think he would have beaten you on the assault bike. He'd beat me by 50 calories on the erg. Yeah, I think he would have also beaten you on the assault bike, yes. If I would have had to have guessed. I heard Armin Hammer said he dunks on Sevan.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Who, the guy with one leg or Hiller? Hiller can dunk on me all day there's no fucking way one-legged dude's dunking on me is that bad dollar to the left so oh you see i tell armin hammer he can't dunk tell armin hammer at least i'm still in the game emma yeah jack i met earlier are we muted yeah we took a quad picture because Jack's got these big-ass quads that propelled him through his 347.5-pound lift. Here's the picture we took earlier. Reflection quads. Hey.
Starting point is 00:55:53 What do you think, Stefan? It's great. Jack's cool as shit. Ask Jack if Emma's the future. She's starting to look like the future. Stefan wants to know if Emma's going to be the future. Oh, I think it's future oh i think it's evident i think it's evident at this point yeah i would i would agree i didn't know uh i didn't know going
Starting point is 00:56:09 into that first event i knew it was a good workout for her but i didn't know if that means she wins it or she stopped 10 from 20 and then when she was like third i was like you set the tone for the weekend like you know what a good event is for so awesome you know what's taking her so long? I think they're doing a prep time. You think she'd want to go on here for like two seconds? Or absolutely fucking not? Oh, no. Not absolutely.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Oh, okay. I think if you catch her on the way out, she would say a word. Okay. I mean, you know her better than I do. Ask Jack if he fights. Do you fight? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:56:42 So I don't want to know if you fight. Sorry, what did you say? I got to mute him so I can actually talk to you. Get Coach Josh Foley on the way out. The coach is coming out too? Yeah. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:56:50 He's your coach, you said, right? Yeah. Awesome. Very cool. Yeah, we do a fan for the tuning in. Well, when she bounces out of here, I'm going to come back on over and say, hey, Jack, can you hook me up? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Cool. Do you need to know the inside scoop on the events to play or call it tonight? Gotcha. She's not on my team, so maybe – No, she's not on my team. I would have grabbed her, but I was stuck with Spiegel. I screwed myself on the whole thing. I would have played her on that because she wouldn't know all those jerks.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Gotcha. You're a good dude. Hey, does Jack make it to the games next year? Yeah. Okay. Mine's hurting too. Hey, what do you guys think? Does that guy make it to the games next year? Yeah. Mine's hurting too. Hey, what do you guys think? Does that guy make it to the games next year? I think he...
Starting point is 00:57:30 Didn't he qualify? Quite possibly. He's the man. He's a savage, right? He's like the strongest young dude. Is he stronger than you? He's in a really tough... He's in a really tough... He fucked me up on that. He was like, I hit 347.5 actually.
Starting point is 00:57:48 And that's awesome. For a front squat? That looks mean, you know. His vision is the one that Valner and Caron and Adler and all the Canadians are in. He's getting away
Starting point is 00:58:05 Are your guys' phones overheating? Did I hear you guys say that? Yeah, mine was dying a little bit I had to give it some juice Also too, you guys didn't hear it, but while Hillary was interviewing somebody, whenever that master's athlete that was walking by was saying, fuck off fuck off as he was walking by
Starting point is 00:58:21 and then turned right as he was about to go behind the little curtain over here and then wanted to say something but didn't want to come over and actually say it to your face so yeah which one that was the first guy i don't know who it is one of the old dudes that nobody watches hey so so even hippens people yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you were the most awkward interviewer ever that's coming from John Young why what did I do
Starting point is 00:58:54 you have any room to say shit was that John get the fuck out of here John hey hi do you mind Was that John who said that? Get the fuck out of here, John. Hey. Rebecca Fuseli. Hi. Hi.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Fuseli. Do you mind being live on the Savant podcast right now? You don't mind? No, I don't mind at all. Andrew Hiller. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Finally.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Are you live? We're both live. Yeah, they're getting you from both angles. Yeah. Wave left, wave right. How are you feeling? Good. Good?
Starting point is 00:59:24 Awesome. What are you drinking? Oh, this is P10. P10. This is my part of their team. Are we doing brand advertisement for you right now? P10. That's a good look right there.
Starting point is 00:59:33 P10. Yeah, you've got the entire audience of the Sevan podcast eating P10 right now. Yeah, but feeling really good. I have a lot of fun learning a lot. Yeah. For sure. Like what?
Starting point is 00:59:47 Oh, just how to do everything around here from competing to prepping to compete to getting off my feet and everything so getting off your feet in time to warm up and everything yeah a little bit of that timing the warm-up area and then yeah um yeah just getting a little bit better with scheduling and with timing when they're blocking us and how to warm up and get ready for it. Did you care at all that they switched the event today? No, you kind of got to be ready for anything and everything. I was happy they didn't have to switch the event to a strict press. That would have been a stupid mistake.
Starting point is 01:00:18 It would have been a lot of fun to watch and it would have hurt a little bit of the box programming, which we don't want to do that. But still, we're't want to do that. Yeah. But still, we're having lots of fun. What did y'all think of all the gymnastics? What did you think of all the gymnastics? It was wild. Wild good? Wild bad?
Starting point is 01:00:35 Wild you don't give a shit. Wild. You're going to do either way. It was like crazy the first few rounds. And we get out there and we're like, oh, learning new skills in front of everyone. Nerve-wracking or whatever. Once you start working out, it's just you there doing your thing. The first run-through is always the butterfly. Once you get past those first few moments, you're settled in.
Starting point is 01:00:54 It's good. I checked the leaderboard this morning, and you were – do you care to know? I don't want to fuck that up for you. I know you were somewhere. It's just like, hey, I'm right there. There she is. I don't know where I was, but I don't try to pay too close attention to it. I know you were somewhere and there she is.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Okay. I expect you to kick ass this weekend though, especially on that run, which I think I caught you doing really well. You can't see anything in that stupid media pit, but you were killing it. They're nuts. So I was really happy with the run and that's where we were trying to capitalize a little bit on that workout. You guys know
Starting point is 01:01:27 they have barbells. They're my friends. You tagged me in something the other day where you're doing some thrusters. I shot you a DM back. I'm like, your elbow could have been locked out a little more. Do they hyperextend? They used to. I've got it super, super strong
Starting point is 01:01:43 which would be elbow buddies. Elbow buddies, yeah. Because that would get them in trouble. But, yeah, they're weird looking. They're not weird looking. I've got to keep them strong. I'll be the judge of that. Let me see those.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Stefan said he'll be the judge of whether or not they're weird looking. He didn't say so. He said they're good looking elbows. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, I agree. But, yeah, it's been a nightmare.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Not as well as yours. You're throwing the weight over your head, 200. I'm thank you. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. So, but yeah, it's been a nightmare. Not as well as yours. You're throwing the weight over your head, 200. I'm not doing that yet. So, I'll be back to normal soon. Yeah, I appreciate your time. I don't want to keep you too long.
Starting point is 01:02:14 It was nice to meet you. This is awesome. Fusile, right? Fusile. Fusile. I hear people saying it. I'm like, that's not right. But I also don't know
Starting point is 01:02:21 if I'm right and I need clarification. So, you guys have gotten really close to it, but fusile. You're the know if I'm right, and I need clarification. You're the shit. Thank you. That's us. Andrew, Hiller, Matt.
Starting point is 01:02:36 We'll blame Brian for the mispronunciation. Look at this. Beck Leach, thank you. Awesome content. Is that better? I was trying to be a little bit more normal. You're killing it. Somebody called Tommy. John Young was calling me an idiot, so I had to fix myself.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Dude, you're a savage, dude. This is really remarkable. This is unprecedented shit right here. And the two angles. So basically, we don't even use – we use your mic and we use Suze's footage. The way Jalen's mixing it. Oh, it's fucking brilliant. Hey, guys, uh sure are we are we going to um uh thanks for coming on john last minute your man your lifesaver uh uh i want to say one thing really quick before uh if you guys
Starting point is 01:03:22 are headed over there if you guys want more of this guy, Andrew Hiller, that's just been doing this, he has an entire YouTube channel. Just go to Apple TV or anywhere. Just say into your phone, Hiller fit. It will pop up.
Starting point is 01:03:33 He puts out a video every single fucking day. I watch all of these. This is what's missing in the CrossFit base. They're usually short videos, 10 minutes. I use them. I watch them when I'm, when I'm warming up,
Starting point is 01:03:43 when I'm on the assault bike, when I'm stretching, just whatever. And the UFC has 10 guys like killer, but none of them are as good as Hillary. If you want more of Hillary, go over to Hillary fit on YouTube. Sorry. Go ahead, Sousa. No, I apologize. I was just getting the scoops of the, the press conference is at the beer garden. It starts here in about 18 minutes. I wonder if you guys can stream it live.
Starting point is 01:04:09 We might. I don't know. Do we have any interest in us going over there and ask some questions? Or should we hang here? Any thoughts? It would be just interesting for the public to see, for people to see the uh press and it's live and since it's live in the public space i'm not sure why we wouldn't be
Starting point is 01:04:32 able to stream it because there's no restricted access it's just in the middle of the beer garden we just get to go back and ask questions hey hillar yo what up? Just so you know, you are not awkward at all. Zero. And just people don't realize that just interviewing strangers is awkward. That's the only thing. Just talking to people like. Where's John? Is he out of here?
Starting point is 01:04:56 Yeah, he's gone. But don't listen to him at all. That's just ridiculous. It's the nature of the beast. Where they may or may not have seen every single one of your videos and you've done it a hundred times so far. Like, I know everything about you. I'm like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:05:05 that's weird. I've never met you. It's different. It's cool. I like it. Dudley Walden. Hi. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:11 I like it too. I just want you to know it's not true. Okay. Thank you so much. Yes. What do you, okay. What do you think we've been doing this whole time?
Starting point is 01:05:21 Oh man. Just let Hiller just interview and have suza film yeah thank you good idea uh when are they announcing the other events for tomorrow oh that's a good question probably not till before there is a um there's a post somewhere on uh on dot com where they've they've announced that they're announcing tomorrow so we won't hear anything till tomorrow morning okay i get hillar smaller shorts he's earned it i totally agree oh she means uh she means the audio okay thank you peter okay okay matt here's matt twenty dollars for the gimbal no no no no i can't take that
Starting point is 01:06:06 thanks vincent thank you and to think that man's mom i bet i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it uh dick butter that's pretty great no troll i know it is no troll hillar does it so classy uh darren is the tyler walk-in that was so nice that's crazy nice that's crazy unreal for the guys on the ground elgato cam link connects to a dslr and phone runs stream yard through your phone browser camera for footage. Bam, 4K broadcast. That's exactly how I do it on my computer when I use a camera. That's brilliant.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Oh, CEO, Tyler Watkins, Fantasy Fitness League. There he is. Oh, my goodness. Hold on. I'm going to show you something. This guy might have shorter shorts than I do. Alex Rocha, you're live on the Savant Podcast. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Isn't that cool? This is the photographer for Ricky Gerrard. He's taking the best pictures in the game right now. That's right. That's right. Yeah. It's been really fun to watch him. Shots by Sroka is your Instagram handle? Yeah. Yeah. Go check out all of his awesome...
Starting point is 01:07:17 He was telling me all about his super long telescopic camera lens. I was trying to figure out what it takes to be real media. Yeah. That's what it takes. It's just a giant MSU plan. It wasn't in the budget, but if I had one, I could be a professional photographer. That's right. It might make something you can attach onto a phone, though. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:35 I feel like Savan might have access to something like that. He didn't want to lend me it, though. Yeah, he's the media guru, right? Yeah. I mean, he's still the media director, right? Right, Savan? I can hear you. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:46 All right. Thanks, Alex. Yeah, he's still the immediate director, right? Right. I can hear you. Yes. All right. Of course. Yeah. Yeah. It's a real media dude. So you're saying Darren that I just, I just plugged this into my Sony, the cam link with the Sony link cam link and somehow get this USB into my phone into their phone. And then it will use, and then you just put the phone in your pocket and just do like that wow that would be nuts and then you could and then you could attach a professional mic you could attach a professional mic to that camera and get insane audio
Starting point is 01:08:14 all right every year we're getting better just reinventing the game maybe we'll do that at wadapalooza or dubai i'm hearing rumblings that uh i'm going to dubai wouldn't that be a fucking trip okay guys uh i think we are done i have to pee i did it's been a long day what do you think susan what are we doing we're just gonna head over to that press conference and uh see what we can see i don't you know i'm sure they'll be playing it later i don't know if it's worth a live stream or how good the audio would be so we can also julia julia right andrew hiller nice to meet you how are you doing you mind being live on the spot i saw a video of you this morning climbing with the pegboard how was that yeah have you done that before without legs yes but not that much. Not that much, two of them you had correct? Yes two. You made them both?
Starting point is 01:09:08 Yeah. Yeah that's more than Ola Olsen made. Yeah. That's awesome, very good. How did the event go this morning for you? It was pretty nice, I was expecting a little bit more but I was not feeling that good, like I'm a little bit with period cramps so it was not that good. Gotcha. I heard that you and Brian friend had a little bit of a head bump if you guys made up. Yeah. Yeah cool. Yeah I think so. He's a good dude he didn't mean it. Yeah. Sometimes when I've been doing all this stuff on the internet it's tough when you're on there sometimes he didn't mean anything. That's fine. How are you feeling pretty good ready to rock tomorrow? Yeah. Anything messed up about you going today or no not so much not so much no it was cool yeah fine unknown and unknowable you do for us whatever yeah i need to be prepared for all coolness julia thank you so much thank you yep hey that chick's cool as shit i didn't know she spoke english like that she's speaking real good yeah she spoke good and her hair dude hey that right there showed the value of two angles from the front she she looks nothing like she does from the profile
Starting point is 01:10:12 yeah like her her headshot for the games i didn't i wouldn't have recognized her if i saw her by the side we found somebody mr james how are you, sir? Good, man. How are you feeling about Tudor on that one? I know he crushed that one. It was awesome. We were actually talking to him. He seemed like his spirits were up a bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm assuming that, like, I don't know if this is you. He's assuming he's okay because of his age, but he's feeling pretty good. Yeah. Like I said, first day killers, you know, you think you need to perform to be able to be up in the top 15. It's like, it's something else. That first day.
Starting point is 01:11:00 You're never going to mess up on the first day. And your other athletes, how are they all doing? Good. Yeah? Right now, you got seven. Seven? Yeah. I know you had a couple of other ones.
Starting point is 01:11:08 What were their divisions? 15. 15? 15. 16? No, no. 14, 15. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Got you. What? Kevin Hill. Yeah. Awesome. Got you. Okay, well, I won't keep you. Hey, ask him if it's true that that Noble shirt lowers his T-count.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Ask him if it's true about that shirt, if it lowers his T-count. He knows my GW501516 shirt. He likes it. Yeah, I mean, let's do it. Yeah, right now. Oh, Sousa. I don't know. He's doing this again.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Every time Sousa's going to take a picture, I die a little bit inside. How do I do this? Thanks, Matt. Jason, good luck to everybody you got. You better sleep with that CEO shirt on tonight, Townsend, to get your T-count back up. That Noble shirt's draining you. I know. I agree with that comment.
Starting point is 01:12:07 So we're missing it entirely? Is it in the beer garden? If my stream ever gets to shit, you're going to have to let me know because I know I had internet over there. I won't know if I'll have it anymore. Hey, Caleb. I need 30 seconds to go drain the lizard. How you doing?
Starting point is 01:12:24 Drain the lizard. How you doing? Drain the lizard. How you doing? What's up? Dylan needs a tally of how many people he talks to today. What are they cheering for? Who is that? He's got a WAD zombie shirt. Who is that up there? No?
Starting point is 01:13:22 Nothing? Okay, cool. no nothing okay cool good talk all right i lost suza where's suza he's right away who was that so i'm not entirely sure good for him i don't know he's got a great fan base awesome this is this is sweet is suza around here, do you leave? He is behind you. Oh, I found him.
Starting point is 01:13:49 We're going to the fairground. You guys going to the... That was super cool. That was really cool. You guys going to the press conference right now? That was awesome. What did I miss? I think that's what we were doing.
Starting point is 01:14:03 The master's athlete was just being cheered on by like 50 people as he was walking down the stairs. I wish I knew who it was. Trying to
Starting point is 01:14:12 bathe him. Is it, this is the beer garden? I remember that place. Hey, there's hip and steel. Did you see David's hip and steel?
Starting point is 01:14:22 Yeah. Oh, I missed him. You want to see how big my nut sack is? Oh, shit. Hey, how you doing, Mr. Horner? How are you?
Starting point is 01:14:34 I was just talking to Street. You're live on the Saban podcast. This is Street Horner's day. Go on. Go on, baby. Street Horner. How you doing? Are you guys both here?
Starting point is 01:14:43 What a crowd. These are the best parents in the sport of crossfit. Hey, man, you're awesome. That's Willie George's parents. Oh, okay. Are they staying with you? Willie came last Sunday, trained with Street all week, trained with Street all weekend to be a good athlete.
Starting point is 01:14:58 I don't know what I saw, but I think it was something along the lines of he came to work out with Street. He's now on the demo team. And Willie's like, I'm never listening to him say he's out of shape ever again. And I'm working out on the street. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, he was just in here. But anyway.
Starting point is 01:15:14 So good to see you, man. You too. Yeah, seriously. Thank you. Hey, no joke, guys. Best parents in the sport across here. Street Horners parents. I remember I was doing that event, and I could hear it.
Starting point is 01:15:27 I feel him, and he's not kidding. It's 90 degrees here and he's like a chameleon. Oh, should I see an alien on the ceiling? Do you see that? That purple thing? Yeah, I think it's a UFO. Yeah. Andy, we're live on the Savant Podcast. This is
Starting point is 01:15:43 Street Horners, mom. Whenever Street's competing, you'll hear her. I've been saying, these are the best parents in the Florida CrossFit. I was swimming in Guadalupe, Louisa. I was Street's partner team at three. This was 2018. All I could hear, Street's mom, Sandy. That's all I would be hearing.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Thanks, guys. Thank you. streets mom sandy that's all i would be hearing oh my god dude wow that was amazing that's incredible some proud parents for sure so where's suza running to i don't know but i'm following him suzer where are you going hey were you gonna walk up and give hippen still a hug me no was uh oh shit i hung up on suzer sorry wait how come i think i hung up on no no i was waiting for you i was gonna say i was gonna see if we could get a little quick he disappeared i went i went back to go find him on his phone he's gone who did you guys see i missed the name i i think i think street horners
Starting point is 01:17:00 dad just saved david hip and steel no shit yeah he did he hopped right he ran in there i was going right at him i i saw him talking to some fans i was like i'm not going to do this and then someone called me out and i was like i got to go do it no no no matt susa no i know good how are you I love these things. Yeah. Everyone who's got one, I want one. And Susan's got a front sling pack and everything. And how's it going?
Starting point is 01:17:31 Her name's Katina Thornton. Hello. Her name's Katina Thornton. Are you one of the people who gets mad at me when I don't pull it out at 8 a.m.? Because I've had a couple of those and I feel bad every time. I'm like, I need to get them up at 8 a.m. No, I'm a silent observer. Gotcha. Okay, no comment section for you.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Ask her if you should be worried about monkey pox. Sevan has a question for you. Should I be worried about monkey pox? Do you have sex with men, Savant? Not this week. Not this week, he says. Then you're all right. It's a state of emergency.
Starting point is 01:18:13 It's a state of emergency. Katina, it's nice to meet you. It's great to meet you. I wish I had extra no-rep shirts. Tell her to text me. I'll get her one. Tell her to text me. I'll get her one. Tell her to text me. I'll get her one.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Savan said to text you, and then he would. Oh, I will. Thank you, Savan. Yep. Yeah, thank you. Bye, Katrina. That's fine. Bye.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Bye. Bye. Bye. She's so nice. I've got to take a picture for my husband to see. Then you better give me that sling pack thing. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Makes me official. Don't worry, guys. We'll just wait and just stare at the ground while you guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm sorry. We're moving. We're moving. Katina, goodbye. Golden Merton shirts.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Go Colton. Yeah, that's nice merton shirts go colton oh yeah that's nice yeah go colton huh i gotta get a picture with you just because everybody in our gym i've been getting yelled at for taking pictures while i'm on the stream but don't worry you guys have pulled merton shirts so anything for you guys like for reals like everybody in our gyms could you do it real quick latest no rep video oh no oh no hey i actually just put up a whole colton merton's video is that up do you guys know on the stream did that go up yeah 55 minutes ago yeah this is great this is awesome thank you all right where are we going then Are we going to the vendor village? Yeah, I think Colton's going to be at the Paper Street Coffee booth. Oh, nice echo.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Wow, I can't even stay in it right now. Paper Street Coffee booth. He's supposed to be over there, and his shirts will be out and everything else. We're going to venture in here and check that out. He's just hanging out at the booth? That's awesome. Well, he is the man. What a guy thank you
Starting point is 01:20:10 have you guys been in here yet yes only briefly oh man i i have a bunch of born primitive clothes now that they they actually make great shit yeah they do almost every pair of shorts that i wear now is born primitive they're right down the street from where i live i want to get my uh oh they have a really they have a actual warehouse yeah oh i wanted to go i wanted my uh wife to try on a bunch of their bathing suits. They look dope. Yeah, they do. Jason Ackerman?
Starting point is 01:20:50 I think he's muted. Someone's muted. A wad zombie shirt? Did you see that? Yeah, that's awesome. I've seen a couple people walk by a wad zombie shirt. Is Ackerman juiced to the gills? Look how big he is.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Anything you have. You're going to have lots of questions. Okay. I'm sure you have questions about the bike. I'm sure you have questions about... Is he juiced up? Is he juiced up? Why does he look so big? Savant says, why do you look so big?
Starting point is 01:21:14 Are you juiced up? Oh, good. The camera has 10 pounds. Damn. The camera's on me. Got some cannons, baby. Well, you're having a good time? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:24 I know I saw the WAD zombie shirt, too. That was dope. My phone's dead on you. Oh, man. Did his phone die? Yeah, his phone died. He, like, plugged it into his battery pack, but apparently he forgot to turn his battery pack on, I guess. guess hey we need to do more of this this is really cool yeah once i found out where the
Starting point is 01:21:50 athletes were entering and exiting out last time i knew that was a space the spot to go to so that was genius we'll probably hang out over there i think the two camera angles work great and i love the fact that it's killer coming up for the athletes i am hey girl what's up hey uh i think that dynamic was cool um tonight i think we should definitely get uh adrian try to get adrian on the show and do an evening interview with adrian adrian and then adam maybe we can get adam on a little bit later and see if we could have adrian come on right at the end of that one. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:22:27 All right. We're at an hour and 21 minutes. That was a good stream. Okay. Awesome. Thank you, everyone, for checking in. Tell Hiller, thank you. Dude, your camera work was brilliant.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Good job, Susie, getting the wide of everything. Tell Gabe we love him, and we'll see you guys soon. Tell Gabe thank you for the coffee. It just showed up over here. Perfect timing. Oh oh that's cool 20 bags or something right yeah like 20 bags of coffee it's fucking great he's fantastic frank thank you everyone thank you uh we will be in touch uh stay uh with your eyes peeled uh to the. Shows will be popping up every day. I promise you we will not leave you hanging. We are driving forward hard.
Starting point is 01:23:10 Bye-bye.

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