The Sevan Podcast - #533 - Event 8 "Rinse N' Repeat" Recap

Episode Date: August 7, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. I'll stay in the background. Okay. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Is this leaderboard accurate, the one that Halpin sent? When did he send it? Don't know. Give me a second. I want to say. The Z-score? The Z-score leaderboard? Oh, is that what that is?
Starting point is 00:00:51 I think so. 1026 AM? The one that's in blue? 1026 AM. Is this to the? Okay, wow. Here we go. This is after swimming stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Oh, no. That's not the Z score, is it? Is the blue one the Z score? Okay, this is – no, no, no. This is the event he just sent us. Here's what I'm looking at. Is Jason Hopper really in, like, 10th place? He lost two places.
Starting point is 00:01:28 This is updated based off of the last event. But is it Z-score? No, this is regular. Wow. Holy cow. Yeah. Ricky Garrard, 754. Justin Madera, 738.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Roman Kronikoff, 735. Wow. Roman is... Dude, this is such a tight fucking race for the top three roman's going for it roman is going for it and uh pat velner uh holding down 10th place at 553 okay jason hopper's down at uh 15 uh okay all right um can we pull up the uh can we go to crossfit games thank you kid can we go to and check out their leaderboard and see if they are updated? Mike Halpin, thank you. Crazy how much awesome work you do.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Philippe the Hacker, they showed it in the venue on the screen, so they had it connected. It says Guillerme – hold on. Guillerme is not – the cut line is 30. But we have two more workouts today. We've got two more workouts, but the cut line is 30. Guy is, someone in the comments was saying Guy is outside of the cut, and that is incorrect. But the cut hasn't happened yet. No, the cut happens tonight.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Okay, so we have two more workouts. Let's do that. Let's just go straight down there, Caleb. Let's go down to uh 20 let's go down to 25 to 35 well caleb can you pull up this blue leaderboard uh it's why this one's why this one's not updated not updated the blue one is the updated leaderboard are you kidding me that happens no it has it it has rinse and repeat it has it in there but the points are off all right all right i promise jason is in 10th right now he's in 12th after rinse and repeat okay uh wow dylan pepper really needed that
Starting point is 00:03:15 well here's the deal and uh me and jr were arguing about this over tech so i'll present his argument first on this rinse and repeat workout and jr is, and a lot of people are saying that it's just a big guy workout, uh, and that the biggest guys were the best at the machines did the best in the event. Um, to be frank, looking at the leaderboard, that is just not the case. There is a correlation that there are big guys who did well in the event but those big guys had to have the requisite swimming skill capacity efficiency and whatnot uh a perfect yana koski's not a big guy he took third exactly you have to look at jason hopper's a perfect example fantastic skier but everyone else is huge but everyone else is huge sorry go ahead well just look at jason he's one of the best on the machines in the sport period.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Uh, as good as Roman and some things may be better. He took 22nd in that event simply because of the swim. Um, and I think overall looking at the guys who finished the best in that workout, have the record wasn't enough. You had to be big and be able to swim. Look at Samuel Kwant. One swimming stuff in the 2020 games.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Lazar Djukic, fantastic swimmer. Brent Fikowski, probably the biggest guy in the field, but also one of the best swimmers. Justin Medeiros, nowhere near the biggest guy in the field. Fantastic swimmer, elite capacity. Cole Sager,ager again you think of capacity uh no no cole grease shaver cole sager and gray shaver capacity okay um so again you just
Starting point is 00:04:54 scroll down the leaderboard the one outlier is yami briant and that was the one question mark going into this event was what does his actual capacity look like does he have the capacity that the best in the sport have he's a rookie and as evidenced by this event, he doesn't. But the swim kept him in the top 15. You look at guys like Roman, Dallin, Yanni, all of them have elite swimming. All of them have great capacity. It just varies to a degree.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Roman has better capacity than swimming. Yannikoski has better swimming than capacity. They're overall relatively close. Would you have ever picked yanukovsky to be within six calories of roman krennikoff in a machine workout fuck no no no way but the swimming was important oh and koski was pulling the machine hard too you can't take anything away no you can't take anything away from him but the swimming mattered so to say that the swimming didn't matter is just incorrect. It just both were more equally weighted than maybe I expected. Did any men not make it to the – I know some women, Fuliano, Sarah Kai, is that her name?
Starting point is 00:06:05 Spencer, Caroline Spencer, and Rebecca Fuselier didn't make it to the championship rounds. All of them made it. Yeah, and another important thing to note, Vellner, who is fantastic on machines, probably some of the best capacity in the sport, and is a big guy, 30th in the event. Why? Can you answer that why?
Starting point is 00:06:20 Swimming, swimming. There you go. Swimming. And maybe not slow, but just not efficient. Gaston. Not efficient. Gaston. Andrew Hiller, hi.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Hi, how are you doing? Do you want to party? Let's party. I'm ready to party. Oh, where are you? I'm in a hole with some good Wi-Fi. I'm in the media hole outside the media hole. I'm in the unofficial media pit area. That's the swim center or at the Alliant Energy?
Starting point is 00:06:46 I'm at the Alliant Energy Center. I think Suze is over at the swim center, right? Okay, yeah. Did you go to the swim event today? I did not. I found a spot where it was quiet so I could watch the event, though. I've been missing out on all the events. Nice. Live, at least.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I was watching it. How'd you guys like it? Taylor? I thought it was a great event uh i don't think it needed to be oh swimming it was all about the swimming no no i think that long was okay i what i what i mean by that is i don't think the event needed to be changed to to weight the swimming any more than it was it was it was pretty balanced in my opinion what was the change it didn't change but people are a lot of people are saying oh the swimming wasn't a factor it wasn't hard enough people are a lot of people are saying oh the swimming wasn't a factor it wasn't hard enough it should have been you know so that's why i just jumped
Starting point is 00:07:29 in on where you're talking about bellender okay yeah yeah hey i i i personally love the event if but if you um i don't think if you're not if you're not if you didn't know it was going on ahead of time there's no fucking way you were going to sit down and watch that and understand that and i and maybe you can't with any sport maybe you can't with any sport i agree well so at the end man that was really complicated is that a lot at the end of it they're screaming is that a lot is that a lot no no is a lie? Or how they were even scoring. How they were scoring. It was complex. It's complex.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I mean, so is this. I remember being six years old and watching the NFL for the first time and being like, man, this is a mess. This is hard to follow. That's how I was with boxing growing up. Yeah, well, boxing's kind of cool, at least, because dudes are getting punched, and if the dude's laying down, you know he lost. Yeah. Correct, yeah. It's kind of cool at least because dudes are getting punched and you kind of if the dude's laying down you know he lost yeah correct yeah it's a fight you know it's one guy's winning the other guy's getting his ass kicked this is the second event where i got a feel for adrian
Starting point is 00:08:33 talking about that article that he referenced back similar to the shoulder overhead and the running where it's like the one event which is the score that there's a second event which is score and this is the second one where it's like you can be very powerful on the machine and you're going to show that but only if you're good enough to get there referencing that article that classman wrote 2003 so it was cool to see another one like that in my i love that i love that and jason's a perfect example fucking insane on the machines but you've just got to be a better swimmer to get there and to show it because if you're inefficient you're not going to have did you guys talk about how impressive he was last night on that handstand pushup?
Starting point is 00:09:07 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Insane. Okay. Okay. Incredibly impressive. I was sitting there like, oh, shit. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:14 What are you taking that second? Second, yeah. He's very good at handstand pushups. Surprisingly. A lot of people don't. You look at how big he is and you think he wouldn't be, but his shoulders are ridiculous. Surprisingly. A lot of people don't. You look at how big he is and you think he wouldn't be, but his shoulders are ridiculous. Can we pull up the official leaderboard that Mike Halpin has brought us?
Starting point is 00:09:35 Let's see if the game's updated. And then I want to ask you guys a couple questions here, and then we're going to go over and talk about the women's swimming. Thanks for bringing it. Nice. Let's zoom in on that if we can there's two there's two things i want to talk about here um how many points are left 500 points okay so there can still be a lot of movement on the uh leaderboard i can't see the points that everyone has the way that's organized. Yeah, you're going to have to. Okay, awesome.
Starting point is 00:10:11 So Ricky Garrard is how? He's in first place by 16 points. So Ricky and Justin and Roman, they cannot mess up. They have to have top five finishes. If they haven't out of top five finish any of them then all of a sudden saxon panchik jeffrey adler and sam will become relevant i don't think so with with 500 here's here's the deal they can't have a colossal fuck up but all three of them are 135 points over fourth place so they could all three sit out an event and still remain in the top three. Um,
Starting point is 00:10:47 what they can't have is they just can't have a big fuck up. Um, sitting out would be a huge fuck up. It would be a huge fuck up, but if they sat out an event, then if Roman Krennikoff sits out an event, he's still got a 34 point lead over Sam Quant. If Sam Quant wins the event that he sat out sunil
Starting point is 00:11:06 montawani is hillary gonna sell the gw 1516 1516 1516 1516 shirts 15 x 156 oh yeah he releases them on monday vindicate and you'll hear more about those shirts i'm sure on the show so so is that is that the race right there are we how certain are we that uh ricky justin and roman that we're looking at our podium guys now and now it's all because they all have an equal shot at uh first place right winning uh ish i think we are looking at the podium right there okay who in that let's rank those uh hillar uh you go first let's rank those. Hiller, you go first. Let's rank those for the – I keep wanting to call it the basketball. It's the wall ball snatch. Ricky Garrard, Justin Medeiros, and Roman Krennikoff.
Starting point is 00:11:52 One, two, three. So have you guys spoken about that at all? Or is this the first time? A little bit. Yeah, you can explore. You can explore a little if you don't want to just jump right in. Tell us. I think that – is it the 12-foot wall ball for the males and 11 for the females? So I think that height's going to play into it a little if you don't want to jump right in toes i think that is it's a 12 foot wall ball for the males and 11 for the females so i think that height's going to play
Starting point is 00:12:07 into a little bit so i would have to take roman who i would just have to assume could handle the squat snatch but if i had to think about the squat snatch as being a bigger play than the wall ball i would take madero's because he's the most mobile and if you're to look at it all together i think ricky does the worst out of the three of those because his overhead is the greatest and he's not the tallest of the three. That's my take. So I'm going to give you Roman, Justin, Ricky. Correct. I'm in agreement.
Starting point is 00:12:35 And sorry, one more question. Sorry, Taylor. One more question for Hiller. Do enough people get in between Ricky and Justin and Roman that it causes a problem for Ricky? I would see a Fikowski probably overtaking him and someone like Travis doing well on this, Belner doing well on this.
Starting point is 00:12:53 So it's very possible. I would say yes, because I don't like to be abstract. I'll just say yes. So you're saying this could be the workout that makes the race even tighter. Ricky could lose 20 to 50 points on this. If the speculation that I've got is correct. Yeah. I in the stands yesterday i'm just like throwing out like they're gonna do bad they're gonna do bad but with the way the events are shaping up and how different they are because the way boz is programming i almost don't
Starting point is 00:13:15 seem like i know what the fuck i'm talking about so but if i had to guess yeah i think ricky will be in second place after this next one god hillary Hiller, you're a good dude. Taylor, let's start at the top again. We have Hiller pick Roman, Justin, Ricky in that order. Who do you got? I have similar, and I think for the same reason. The 12-foot wall balls are a question mark for Justin. We know he's not – if he has a weakness, wall balls are not great for him. I know that.
Starting point is 00:13:44 So that will be exposed in this workout. We'll see how he does. We'll see if the 20 reps at 12 feet is even relevant because we know 20 reps at 10 feet is irrelevant for every single athlete in the field. It's hard to say if that extra two feet is going to become relevant. I think it could for Justin. That being said, I think between Justin and Saxon Panchik, they probably have the best dumbbell squat snatches in the field. And so I think if those six reps are more important than the wall ball, Justin takes the win.
Starting point is 00:14:12 If the wall ball becomes more of a factor than the dumbbell, Roman takes the win because he for sure is one of the best in the field at wall balls. And then Ricky does not do as well as either of them. The question mark being, can enough athletes separate between or get in between Justin and Roman and Ricky for that to cause an issue for Ricky? I think for sure Saxon Panchick potentially wins the workout. So I don't know that he's going to get in between. I think Saxon could probably win it. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:42 It's going to be tight. I bet he's on your fantasy team isn't he that's why you want him to win it he's not dude i haven't picked a person since fucking wednesday okay so just sex and panchic bold statement bold i think it's gonna win it this for those of you who don't know this workout is 20 wall balls to an extended target uh high yield sprint oh sorry sorry thank you it's a sprint we don't know how far to a wall bar wall ball target i think that's 14 uh feet for the men 11 feet for the women and then after you do those 20 you do uh six alternating snatches with a hundred pound dumbbell and then you get to rest four minutes and you do that three times and whoever has the the fastest time the smallest number uh wins at the end who um ricky might be the fastest out of these guys though
Starting point is 00:15:30 right on the sprint just on everything on the run uh cycle time you mean no i think justin madaris on the dumbbell squat snatch can probably fucking rip that thing touch and go unbroken and make it look smooth i think guillermay wins the workout guillermay versus saxon um guillermay mayeros that's that's a good call 12 foot target 12 foot target thank you mike 12 i think gear saxon one and two on the workout um and then justin hey here the comments are blowing up at me. Yeah, I said Gi. Relax, everybody. I don't think Gi. Really, why?
Starting point is 00:16:08 I just think something's wrong, man. Why do you think Gi, Taylor, and why don't you think Gi, Sevan? Yeah, why do you think? Do you think just because he's good at weightlifting? No, not just because he's good at weightlifting. The sprint. Does it have anything to do with the mayhem programming? Sprint, time domain, and the dumbbell squat snatch is why.
Starting point is 00:16:25 The fact that there's a sprint, the fact that the time domain is super short and the fact that it's a dumbbell squat snatch the guy moves any external load so beautifully and efficiently and that's what the dumbbell squat snatch is all about i hear you but currently what place is gee sitting in i think what we're seeing is is that these are he might be really good but he's surrounded by just amazing dudes just amazing dudes the field is the deepest it has ever been you look at the last 10 and I can't remember ever watching uh a crossfit games where I'm looking at the bottom 10 and thinking oh I could watch this usually it's like I don't want to fucking watch this now you look at the bottom 10 and there are huge names in the bottom 10 uh Betty D watching this year's programming look at the bottom 10 and there are huge names in the bottom 10.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Betty D, watching this year's programming unfold is exciting to witness. You guys are adding value to the game's experience. Hiller crushing the interviews. Great trabajo. Great work, baby. Thank you. Trabajo? Trabajo.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Trabajo. Trabajo. Work, work, work. Ivan Vasquez, beers for hillar and suza mas trabajo mas trabajo more work no beer less beer more work seven is it true you would have had the biggest bulge in the swim event yes except for that italian uh runner that we covered yesterday the biggest bulge on his face uh calise and seven should take over crossfit commentating next year for the men's and women man i just need to i just need to
Starting point is 00:17:50 get calise on the show more that's my goal uh bj you see her she just walked by i had her i did peeped in okay okay uh bj astalaza uh do they let roman rock the Russian flag on the podium if he wins? Well, we have to – again, we don't know if it's his choice that he's not wearing the flag or representing the flag or if it's CrossFit. I have no idea. God, if it's his choice, I hope – The other guy that's from – Seminole?
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah, they won't show his flag either, and don't think he's russian yeah he's not russian they don't show belarus either right why yeah belarus because i think belarus was supporting uh russian troops as they entered russia from the south is it the south they got the sea down there something like that but it's just it's just fucking crazy you gave uh hillar a seizure yes robert how can i help you bob robert uh my name is trevor but maybe he's just coming across wrong okay hi trevor okay so i got a couple of things to propose that might add some value to the show or just some questions okay so with that swim event taylor don't look at me like that i see that no no no they're not serious so the swim event so you program an event based on max cows and an
Starting point is 00:19:21 erg machine and you hook everything up To a gigantic scoreboard With a live race For the in crowd for the crowd in person And then you don't broadcast it So we're sitting there watching For four hours and we can't see Anything it's like What do you mean are you talking about the viewer at home
Starting point is 00:19:39 Were you at the venue No no no I'm at home Well we saw it on top at home. We saw those numbers on top. Did they have it hooked up to a Jumbotron in the swimming stadium? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So in the swim stadium, you could see the cows pool per hour and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Ah, right, right, right. There were some numbers for us at home, but yes, I see what you're saying. Wow, that's crazy. They should have broadcasted that. Why wouldn't they? Exactly. That's what I'm thinking. I liked the event.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I thought it was okay, but I've got to sit there and watch it for four hours, and I can't see really what I'm most interested in in those final sprints is I want to see what they're pulling, and we couldn't see any of that. We had to rely on Chase and Sean to to see what they're pulling. And we couldn't see any of that. We had to rely on, you know, uh, Chase and Sean to tell us what's going on. So I just thought like,
Starting point is 00:20:29 I know. By the way, don't lie either. That's the second most thing you're interested in. What's the first, just seeing all the athletes in their bathing suits. Maybe, but,
Starting point is 00:20:40 um, no, I just, uh, and in the past, they said it's like a money thing where like it costs more to broadcast certain things, but I'm like, this is the cost of the games. Like, and you have hundreds of thousands of people watching, you got to give people what they want.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Yeah. Swipe that shit on Rose's credit card. Swipe that shit on Rose's credit card. I just feel like they really dropped the ball there. Like if you're going to make us watch these intervals for four hours, like make it the most entertaining that you possibly could. Dude, I will say this. Chase and Sean are murdering it.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I think they're doing pretty good. They're doing, with an event like that, they did about as much as they could do because you can't, they can't tell us, you know, what 20 different athletes are pulling at once. But I would have loved to have seen that. And the split screen was good.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yeah, yeah, the split screen was helpful. Helpful. But again, like, if they had, if they had broadcasted that live like racing scoreboard it would have been phenomenal to watch agreed that would be awesome dudes phenomenal coverage gentlemen he's referring to you taylor both best moment for me so far was at the end of the capital event with the crowd behind rebecca fusli a god you're getting soft dude you're getting old. My mom and some of my
Starting point is 00:21:46 elderly friends like that moment, too. And then, so I had one more question, or I wanted to see what y'all thought. I know I feel like we haven't talked tons about team programming. So, to quote my friend Thomas, he said,
Starting point is 00:22:02 so with the teams doing individual, does Rich get both trophies? Because like literally almost basically since maybe the first two workouts of the no, maybe the first day, I guess, the competition. It's been the teams basically getting tested as individuals and then combining their scores. And so I know like there's an argument that this programming exposes the weak link on the team, but actually I would argue that teamwork would expose a bad teammate. And so basically so far they're exposing the weak individual and not the weak teammate. And it's a team competition. So I feel like, okay, I like that question. Out of how many events for the teams, out of how many events have relied on just one individual at a time for the team? Because I think, really, it's only not truly having to work together is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:23:06 They're, they're working as individuals and then tallying it up at the end. Whereas like that swim event, they could have done like a 10 minute AMRAP where you have two people pulling on the ski and two people swimming. You have to tag in and out for like max calories or meters or something like that. On that event, but I want to hold on. Steven, Robert, Carl, thank you for calling. Taylor's going to take this off the air. You the man, thank you. And you should buy a lot of tickets because you got two questions.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Go ahead, Taylor. So, Biker Bob, tons of teamwork. That's one event we have in the teamwork column. Strong and fast, two scores we have in the individual column. Pegs and P-bars, again, a lot of teamwork. They had the synchro burpees, the worm hold. So two to two muscle up pig, lots of teamwork, synchro muscle ups, handstand machine, the synchro or the handstand pushups together, handstand hold together. That's four in the teamwork column. And then rinse and repeat. You can add that to the individual column.
Starting point is 00:24:05 So the only really two events strong and fast were together, but there were two individual scores and then rinse and repeat was its own event. So you have two events slash three scores where they're testing each teammate, maybe separately. The other four workouts, individual events have a lot of teamwork.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And again, it's the CrossFit games. This is not anything unique or new to this year. There have been lots of events that test a lot of individual teammates across all of the CrossFit Games years. Hiller's probably got more to say maybe than I do. Oh, I don't know. I think we've reached our allocation of amount that we're going to talk about.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Wait a minute. All I got to talk about is I'm assuming you guys have talked about the Seth Stilball Instagram. Oh, yeah. Dude, I shat on him. What was your five-second take on that? Wait, wait, wait. you guys have talked about the seth stovall instagram oh yeah dude i shat on him what was the what was your what was your five second take on that wait wait wait before you do that before you do that before you do that all right all right seth stovall is on one of the uh amazing one of the amazing one of the amazing mayhem uh teams one of the three amazing teams that
Starting point is 00:25:02 the mayhem empire has sent and uh one of the gentlemen was uh on one of the three amazing teams that the Mayhem Empire has sent. And one of the gentlemen was on one of those teams is frustrated because he doesn't think the events represent the methodology and the testing that he'd like to see that represents and chooses the fittest team in the world. Now, please, tell us about
Starting point is 00:25:20 how you disagree with that. First of all, thanks for the context on that, Sevan. And yeah, I would like Taylor's context before I tell you what I made a video about this morning on it. Let's go. So my five-second take was, just because it's not 21-15-9 thrusters and pull-ups
Starting point is 00:25:35 doesn't mean it's not CrossFit. We classify everything that is functional movement executed at high intensity as CrossFit. So the guy either needs to take his level one or just don't sign up for the games. If you don't want to be tested on shit, you're not good at.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And all of it. And the only thing, go ahead. No, you go ahead. Your turn. All I want to know is how in the fuck he thinks he can tell Adrian Bosman what he thinks CrossFit is when he's been doing it for one year.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Yep. Cool. Has he only been doing it for a year? He's only signed up for the Open for one year. Yeah, yeah. Shut up, Seth. You're such purists. You're such – what is this rash cream? Is that like my –
Starting point is 00:26:16 We're opinionated. I'm opinionated. I've never had a rash in my whole life. I've had poison oak. You've never had Badoosie rash? No, I've never had any kind of rash. do you think that there will be a hero event tomorrow lala this show's could completely run amok a lala steel uh do you think there will be a hero event tomorrow we got to talk about the women in swimming uh next do you think there will be a hero event tomorrow uh taylor self
Starting point is 00:26:40 hero event i would like there to be one um it's there are fucking so many hero workouts it's hard to think like oh you know like if it's out at the top of my head i don't have a hero workout that i can think of that fits great in the programming to this point but there's going to be a euro workout it's called run run and have a cardiac uh event jesus christ a cardiac uh event jesus christ run clot yeah not funny i can't say that stuff you're dragging the worst out of me uh hillar do you think there will be a hero event tomorrow not a euro event i just hope it's klsu but that's that's me and i think it was jr who was saying there might be a 10 to 1 and i'm not sure if there's a 10 to 1 hero workout out there, but still wait. Cal's do 100 thrusters or some crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:27:29 What's Cal's do? Correct, and you do the burpees on the minute. I believe it's five of them. But they already did an on-the-minute beep test sort of workout, so probably not. Lila still fits in the programming. 1 to 10 bodyweight cleaning jerks and muscle-ups. There it is. that could be it i know they've already dipped on the bar and the ring dip out of the muscle-up may be considered redundant but you gotta have muscle-ups at the crossfit games you can't it's about as redundant as that
Starting point is 00:27:57 regional where they did both ring dips and muscle-ups that's true exactly and that was only six events, not 13. Good call. Can we see the women's leaderboard, and have any of them been updated? And let's go over and talk about the women's swim event. Why should the – I get it. Was this a good event for everyone to do, the way it was programmed? It might have been the only one that everyone could do, but I was kind of watching it thinking, I wish they would have done something else.
Starting point is 00:28:32 But with the way he talked about it on your show last night, I think it was about what he could do. Could have been done. You would have liked something without swimming so we could all go out and try it today, maybe? I think everyone could. That is a good take. Nice job, Sevan. I agree.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Because everyone in the world could have done it not just every one of the games i can't do this anywhere where the hell am i going to do this yeah no one can do this except people at the games which is interesting maybe that gives them something to do next year not only is everyone at the games can do it but you can go out and do it right now that's what i took you know he said that maybe you could do that and i just wish that the event that everyone could do literally everyone could could do. Because not everyone's going to. More than the swimming. Dude, no one can do this.
Starting point is 00:29:07 No one can do this. Well, not even just that. The skier. The skier gets more unique piece of equipment than the swimmer. And how are you going to get it to a swim center? Yeah, I think. With your hands. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Thank you. Thank you, Hillary. You could just jerk two guys off right before you swim a 50. They wouldn would laugh. You can tell Susan's not paying attention. Okay. Susan would have jumped in line and been like, me, me, I'll volunteer to help. I didn't know you guys saw me on here yet.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Oh, shit. I was just going to make sure if you guys wanted to check it out. I was down with the athletes as everybody was leaving, and I kind of got some sentiments on how the event went with them and a couple of the coaches and everything else. I was just going to make sure if you guys wanted to check it out. I was down with the athletes as everybody was leaving, and I kind of got some sentiments on how the event went with them and a couple of the coaches and everything else. But I'm sure you guys probably touched on a bunch of that already, huh? We'll get back to that. Hold on a second.
Starting point is 00:29:57 There was a – there's these three guys. Nice shirt. Oh, that is a nice shirt. Taylor. Some people were asking what i was wearing so i just decided susan sorry i might have interrupted you they no go ahead go i was gonna tell a joke but but i bet i i can't even remember if i remember it right the one thing well while you're remembering the one thing i also didn't like was when nikki brazier was talking about the at-home version everyone could do on dot com with running and burpees and i'm like that's not the same at all
Starting point is 00:30:31 swim and ski eric run burpees no uh let's go ahead and pull up the women's uh score please uh leaderboard okay so it's not updated on the site it is on the game site now oh okay let's go over to the game site thank you mike halpin for the advanced looks there's three there's these three guys they're sleeping in a bed together and they they when they wake up in the morning the guy on the right's like oh my god i had the craziest dream last night oh it was nuts and he's like what and he's like i was with this girl and he just starts going into this crazy story guy on the left is like oh my god i had the same dream it was incredible my god what are the chances the guy in the middle is like i had a dream that i was doing the ski event at the crossfit games oh that was pretty good i didn't know where that was going that was good thank you
Starting point is 00:31:31 thank you thank you i appreciate you guys even telling me that was hard for me to do i mean you know i have dreams of being a stand-up comic but that was fucking hard hillary didn't even laugh but he did give me some. I knew where I was going in like one second into it. Oh, wow. I didn't. That's funny. You told that terribly, Seth Vaughn. Fuck, I knew it.
Starting point is 00:31:56 It's because I just... Seth Stovall's in the comments. Oh, he is? Okay. That was a good one thank you thank you thank you seth and seth i want you to know that i think you're more than well i think you're complain all you want about the workouts it's fine okay um women women uh we started off saying basically fuliano fusli and sarah kai i don't know if i'm saying her name wrong and caroline spencer were
Starting point is 00:32:24 the only ones who didn't make it to the championship rounds those were the last two rounds which is what they should have called those rounds by the way and other than that all the men and all the women made it Tietumi 788 Mallow Brian still in at 735 Emma Lawson
Starting point is 00:32:39 702 Emma Lawson takes a 17th and she's still in the top three. Does she stay in that top three or is Haley Adams going to catch her? Does Emma Lawson stay in the top three? It's hard. Haley Adams is going to destroy this event, huh?
Starting point is 00:33:04 Haley Adams is close. I think it, huh? Haley Adams is close. I think it's going to depend on what we see tonight. Because we know that the one reps can be an issue for Haley. It's just a matter of what kind of lift that is. If it's a one rep max strict pull up, Haley does really well, I think, comparatively to the field. Is Emma Lawson stronger than Haley Adams? On a barbellbell I believe so
Starting point is 00:33:26 we'll just see uh Daniel Brandon um two two great events coming up for her right yeah Lucy Campbell won the swim she won the water palooza swim. What is her icon? Lucy. That's what Danielle's going. Danielle's in the middle of a transition, and that's what she's going for. That's her goal. Wow.
Starting point is 00:33:55 That's her goal. That's her goal profile. That's her goal. She's a hot white girl trapped in the, she's a handsome Mexican man trapped in the body of a hot white girl trapped in uh trapped in the uh she's a she's a handsome mexican man trapped in the body of a hot white girl that's the kind of mustache that you try to grow out by itself it's not how you grow a mustache you grow the beard out then shave the beard dude dave castro couldn't even grow a mustache that thick really that's no he had he still has that that peach fuzz Mexican one that he was born with.
Starting point is 00:34:27 The indigenous. Yes. Let's scroll down and look at Lucy. So how does she fit into your analysis of this is or isn't a big man, big woman workout, swim event? Is this young lady a world-class swimmer? Well, yeah. One, she is a world-class swimmer, and she's the only athlete that approached the 30-second mark for the 50-yard swim. So before the event, I was saying that the good swimmers would be around 35 to 40 seconds on
Starting point is 00:34:58 the swim. And in the men's field and the women's field, we saw that across, with the exception of Lucy Campbell in the final two rounds was almost under 30 seconds, which is crazy. And that just shows how good of a swimmer she is. Um, you'd have Amanda Barnhart and second Laurel Horvath, third Tia,
Starting point is 00:35:17 fourth, um, Cara Haley. And that event, it's clearly the swim mattered. You just had to have capacity on the machines as well or vice versa. Who is that? Hillary?
Starting point is 00:35:29 That's Amanda. Hari. It's Amanda. Hari. Oh, awesome. I thought she had bland hair. What's up, Amanda? Hi.
Starting point is 00:35:35 I can't hear you. You said it. She didn't see it. Hi. They can hear you. Hey, uh, Yash. Armenians are notoriously hairy. Nuh-uh.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Just our women Okay Let's go back up to the Real media This is also real media Here we have Patrick Clark He's got a cool shirt on He does have a cool shirt on
Starting point is 00:35:57 It is Fidel Okay That is a cool shirt Ooh Shirt Alright Ah, okay, okay. That is a cool shirt. Teresita. Teresita Sherpa Works. Ooh, Sherpa Works shirt. All right. We only talk about Vindicate gear. Interesting guy.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Let's go back to the women's leaderboard. On the men earlier today, Taylor, you were saying that you believe and I believe that those three are the guys who are going to be fighting it out for the remainder. When we look at the women's leaderboard, how big is that swath for you? Who do you think are the legitimate contenders right now to be first, second, and third? Aside from Tia's lead, which isn't – Can we scroll? Can we scroll? Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:45 So aside from Tia's lead, which in and of itself is not insurmountable, second all the way through sixth, I think have a chance to be on the podium with 500 points left on the table. And the only reason I say I leave Tia out of that is because what we can expect from her, if it was anyone other than Tia. Sixth place two, please. Sixth place two, please. Which is Danielle Brandon. If it was anyone other than Tia Claire Toomey in that spot, I would say
Starting point is 00:37:05 that anything could happen as well because it's only a 50-point lead with 500 points left on the table. But we know what we can expect out of Tia. Of the workouts we know, the athlete that we're most concerned about is
Starting point is 00:37:21 Haley Adams. Correct? It depends on what that lift is gonna be right just based on what we know we know something heavy's coming saturday we know what the next workout is it's the wall ball snatch we know tia mal emma hayley ariel danielle are going to give it their all. They're going to go hard. But, wow. Yeah, I heard that she'd beaten 10 men. If you're a guy and you got beat by her in that workout... We should go to the men's
Starting point is 00:37:53 and see who she beat. Just so you guys know what that looks like, that Lucy beat them, is basically it's the number of calories you pulled in the last two rounds. She got 137, so let me go over to the men's field.
Starting point is 00:38:11 That's tough. Okay, 137. Alex Bridgeforth letting us know that Lucy is... She tied Willie Georges. She tied Jay Crouch. Oof. She beat Tudor Magda. She beat Austin Spencer and Pat Vellner. She beat Andre Uday, Tim Paulson,
Starting point is 00:38:30 Simonov, Nick Matthew, Colton Mertens, Upenix, Rochelle May, Zanoni, Keelan Henry, I think, withdrew. Hey, how many of the other... Who took second in the women?
Starting point is 00:38:42 Who took second in the women? Laura or... Laura, I believe. And how many calories did Laura pull? So a lot of these women beat the men. A man of Bonhart took second. Which man pulled the worst calories? Let me pull this up.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Did you say it was Zanoni or was it Ritome? Yeah, no, it's Enrico Zanoni only 121 okay give me one second hold up that trevor gentry thanks for letting me ask two questions when i called in you guys are killing it we appreciate it thanks trevor congratulations on the kid uh so scroll so scroll down uh keep going to oh my goodness oh my goodness so many men which oh, my goodness. She beat the fuck out of so many men, which is amazing. Oh, my goodness. So you go all the way down to Cara Friova. No, no. Keep going back up to 121.
Starting point is 00:39:32 121. Scroll up. Scroll up. Scroll up. Karen Friova and Christy Arama O'Connell tied with Zanoni. Zanoni. Incredible. And then all of those other women above them uh put it to at least
Starting point is 00:39:48 uh two men oh these are the fittest women in the world what do you expect what do you expect and and that would not have happened if it was the bike correct uh no i just heard the the skier is is a is a the best equalizer of all the ergs no no i think yes i think the swim is why they did well i don't think it mattered which machine they were going to be on they're going to be guys it doesn't matter well oh so you're saying the swim just fuck those dudes they just just weren't as efficient as the women. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Wow. Wow. Crazy. When Lucy Campbell talked, I couldn't believe that was her voice. She sounds like a 64-year-old British royalty to me. What do I know? I haven't hung out with any 64-year-old British royalty. Do you watch a lot of 65 Britishish royalty content no i don't i should maybe i'll start okay uh any um do you want can
Starting point is 00:40:55 you tell me who your podium picks are now uh scroll scroll we'll ask killer and taylor what your podium picks are uh tia toomey Taylor what your podium picks are Tia Toomey we'll rank can you go back up to the very top and rank them overall Tia Toomey, Mal O'Brien
Starting point is 00:41:15 Emma Lawson, Haley Adams, Ariel Lohan, Daniel Brandon you don't even need to put them in order which three of those ladies are going to be on the podium? I'm doing a Tia, Daniel, Brandon, and then Mel,
Starting point is 00:41:30 Brian. Wow. I think Tia, Haley, Mel, Tia, Haley. I like,
Starting point is 00:41:40 I like to reach. I think Daniel Brandon's coming for the two or the three spot. I don't think she coming for the three spot. I don't think she's got the intestinal fortitude to break into those women. Hey, what do you – do you think it – That's me. Do you think it changes Danielle Brandon's career trajectory if she makes it in the top three? What do you mean? How could it do that? Oh, big time. Big time. I think it does.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I think it puts a stamp because she's had a lot of hype i think uh taylor might refer to her as like the it girl for this year and someone that was kind of watching at any time there's that much hype and then you get the a podium it almost solidifies that and i think that kind of catapults that hype to continue into the next season like yeah in the most shallowest sense um does she put on an extra 50 000 instagram followers does she do two, does she put on an extra 50,000 Instagram followers? Does she do two more? Does she do women's health fitness magazine cover? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Does she get a free trip to some fucking, does some rich Italian dude who owns Vogue Italy fly her out? I mean, like when she breaks into the top three, does it change her trajectory of her career? Yeah, for sure. In a superficial sense, I'm saying. Yeah, in a superficial sense, absolutely. And then, like I said, too, she's kind of got that little edge to her, but it's just a little bit to where CrossFit like, I mean, would you have thought five years ago that there would be an athlete doing the double bird and they're going to be like propping that up and making that the icon? And since she's able to kind of carry that image and still connect it to CrossFit, I think that her podium will definitely catapult her in that. Also with the geeky
Starting point is 00:43:05 product of the toe spacer it's like it's like both things like you fucking dork and you bad bitch it's like i don't i don't think she's gonna crack the top three i think if it did um programming ways you could go right programming dependent agreed but i think there's two ways it could go if it if she did top if she did podium it could catapult her um onto a better career trajectory than what she's been at especially with this run up to the games um but it it might also get into her head so there's just no way to know i mean you look at someone like uh sarah sigmunds are with all the hype that surrounded her early on her career and then the recent trajectory of her career, unfortunately. Still so much potential, but you just never know.
Starting point is 00:43:51 It's such a mental thing, the way these athletes take in the information and the hype and the way they process it and the way they allow it to affect them. Remember, I'm the Noah Olsen guy too, so I don't know what I'm talking about. If Emma Lawson makes it onto the podium this year, the legend will begin. And I'm not saying it won't begin next year,
Starting point is 00:44:10 but if she makes it on the podium this year, we'll start hearing all these fucking knuckleheads who introduced the game, the Brian friends that, I mean, Dave used to do it in the past. I'm sure Adrian will start doing it. You'll hear them start doing the shit. We're like,
Starting point is 00:44:23 and she's been to the games five times and been on the podium every time. It's going to get nuts. The AFM makes it on the podium this year. Her legend is being put into a fucking cannon and, and, uh, get ready, man.
Starting point is 00:44:37 It's, uh, it's going to be nuts. Taylor. If not, we might have to wait till next year. I think it's going to be nuts. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:44:42 Taylor, how do you get your head? So glossy. I shave it. And then I rub LifeSource into it. What's LifeSource? Oh, baby batter? The baby batter on it? Wow.
Starting point is 00:44:55 I was going to be like, is that a new product you're endorsing? Yeah. Wow. It's cum. Yeah. I got it. Wow. God, you must smell.
Starting point is 00:45:05 You must have a very unique. Hey, do you know what? Will Snorri. Do you guys see Snorri around? Can someone ask Snorri if she can come on the show? Yes, I will. We've ran into him quite a few times, so I'll definitely ask him. But hey, have you talked about the first part?
Starting point is 00:45:19 I don't even DM her because she's 17. Do you know that? Like, I went to her DMs yesterday. I'm like, nah, I don't think so. Yeah. There's no fucking way I'm DMing her. Did you know that? Like I went to her DMs yesterday. I'm like, nah, I don't think so. Yeah. There's no fucking way I'm DMing her. Did you guys talk about the best part of the next event? The sprint.
Starting point is 00:45:32 No, the meetup in front of the affiliate. Oh. You get your CEO shirt. You're going to come over. You're going to grab a drink. Me and Hiller will be there and we'll be hanging out and we want to meet all of you guys. we'll be hanging out and we want to meet all of you guys. If you are at the event,
Starting point is 00:45:46 you will, you will, the individuals will start at 2 PM central time, which is in 45 minutes. You will watch that event. And then afterward, when it's out an hour later, you'll come out and you'll go to the, out in front of the beer garden,
Starting point is 00:45:59 which is also out in front of more specifically, you want to go out in front of the mock affiliate they have there. It says fortune elite Fitness on the top. It says CrossFit Affiliates. There, if you go there, you meet – we're going to take a big group picture of everyone who listens to the 7-On podcast. Haters are welcome, too. You don't even have to listen to it. And then afterwards, you're going to go inside, and Sousa is going to buy a beer for the most attractive man and most attractive woman.
Starting point is 00:46:25 And then also the ugliest man and ugliest woman. So four beers. Equality. And Hiller will be picking those people. Hold on. Are you going to the games next year? Fuck no. Why?
Starting point is 00:46:37 Because by next year, I won't even be covering the shit because I'll be so fucking huge. Wow, that's fucked up. Yeah, he'll be here next year. I'll be having you and Lauren Khalil and hillar cover it for me well i want to go with them are fucking on the uh elon share a room with you oh my goodness can you imagine taylor and i both walking around a room fucking towels hey dude we would definitely we would definitely end up having a homosexual experience it would be horrible might be on purpose might be on accident we're getting so accused of it we might as well
Starting point is 00:47:11 do it ends on the dream all right good if we go skiing together you can come skiing with me um anything else we want to talk about uh before we go i really want to get a workout in for the next event that's why i want to cut the show short yeah did you guys uh talk about hayley in the next day i caught up with her and tasia at the end and um she seemed she seemed fire up fired up for it uh you guys just kind of yeah i don't know what you guys just kind of analysis of it was but um but she seemed to get about it uh ran in with ben smith as well we were chatting about i want hayley to win the games me too i'd really like to see her uh podium or podium or get first. I ran in with Ben Smith. Um, he seemed in really good spirits. He told me that that was the exact momentum, uh, shift that, um, Laura needed coming into the couple events
Starting point is 00:47:56 today and into tomorrow. So they seemed in really good, uh, spirits and, and were really fired up. And a couple of the coaches was interesting. Um, a little perturbed, if you will, by the events. I've been hearing a lot of like, hey, a lot of machines, like when's the CrossFit coming and stuff like that. So it was interesting as far as like the difference of opinion out on the field. Go ahead, Taylor. What coaches? Is that too aggressive for me to ask possibly i don't want to throw any
Starting point is 00:48:28 of the bus because my my next thing is going to be you know i think that you have to approach that with a little caution as a coach because you know your athletes can have some time to vent they're allowed to be frustrated but as a coach you can't kind of affirm that right there's still a lot of competition left there's still a lot of events left and if we're dwelling on the fact of like there's a lot of machines here or the standard and stuff which may be real things you have to shake those off and as a coach you got to keep your athlete focused and in a mentally good place and it seems like that's what ben was definitely doing with laura because i mean she took the brunt of it with that standard in yesterday's handstand push-up event
Starting point is 00:48:59 i also think ben as earlier stated on yesterday's show, loves the programming so far. And I think as a coach, you can't get tied up in gripes about the programming. Your athlete is here to win the CrossFit Games, and they need to be good enough to win regardless of the programming. For some people, that matters. So if you're a coach, that's your approach to training. How can I make my athlete good enough to where they win regardless of the programming? How do I turn them into Matt? How do I turn them into Tia? How do I turn them into rich? Um, so I just, it's frustrating hearing that coming from a coach's mouth. And especially what Sousa, um, talked about is your athlete for sure. Can't hear that coming out of your mouth. Cause then you give them all the excuses. Uh, I want to ask killer
Starting point is 00:49:42 this question, uh, Hiller, how is nobody talking about tia bouncing her head off the block on echo press thought that was specifically not allowed i thought um what's her name even admitted in the in the interview afterwards alexis raptus that that's what she was doing no she was talking about handstand push-ups onto the floor i asked her what was the difference um and i asked i Did they say you can't touch your head? I mean, they said you can't bounce your head. That seems like a crazy rule. They said that?
Starting point is 00:50:10 No, they had the block cut or like shaped to where you really couldn't. Yeah. What do you think about that? Yeah, they had it kind of cut out the front. Honestly, I don't have much to say about it because I've been wandering around the event, and I did not see that from where I was sitting in the stands. I couldn't see her hitting her head off of anything. I have no problem with someone bouncing their head off.
Starting point is 00:50:28 It sounds like if anything, it seems like she would have been going deeper. She didn't. I was watching the event and she had way too much control for it to look like she was bouncing. It did not appear at all like she was. I did notice that and I can agree with that, but I did not see her bouncing her head off of anything. What I did see is on O'brien's first handstand push-up she went down as if she were doing a full out kipping handstand push-up and then had to get herself out of the biggest deficit out of everybody the more i think about her handstand push-ups it almost looked like she lost tension on the way down tried to
Starting point is 00:50:58 regain it in the bottom and that caused her to arch so much it was like she wasn't retaining any tension or connection in her body through these. Who? Mal. Mal. Oh, she wasn't staying tight on the way down. Like,
Starting point is 00:51:09 like killer said, she went down like it was for a kipping handstand pushup. You lose tension in the bottom, load up, explode and kip, but there was no kit. Um, Mark Bell Fleur,
Starting point is 00:51:18 uh, who is a ladies, he is taken. He has a girlfriend, but, um, the block was, he says the block was cut at an angle almost physically impossible to
Starting point is 00:51:27 dribble her dome off of it. Correct. She would have had to have gone all the way to the floor in order to hit her head off of anything. I did see that. Can't confirm that. Okay, okay, okay. Rogue Fitness posted a video on their IG feed. Gentlemen,
Starting point is 00:51:43 you fucking bunch of know-it-all motherfuckers. I sent it to Sevan, and you can clearly see. How did you send it to Sevan? Her bouncing, her Australian head. Oh, from the side. Okay, you lost me. I had your back, dude. What do you mean from the side?
Starting point is 00:52:00 Oh, it's a side angle shot. Can we pull that up? Can we go over to the Rogue Fitness Instagram feed and watch Tia Toomey bouncing her head off? Then we'd also have to find out if it was illegal, by the way, before we before Hillary could make a video about it. I'm watching. I don't know if this is the correct video, but I'm watching a video on Rogues feed about Echo Press. Wow. They went the distance here. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Look at this. Who is that? I'm not sure. Wow. Did you see Onikoski jump on that bike? That was some crazy athleticism there's a professional mount right there yeah oh god these are great photos i don't know yeah it might it must be their story because this post
Starting point is 00:52:58 is not it well you guys are scrolling through one thing that i thought was interesting is not a post uh i think that means the story i think he means on their story not a post on the uh as the athletes were leaving the event the loudest cheer from everybody that was kind of waiting outside was for roman wow wow really yeah he he came out and the second they escorted the athletes from the vent from the from the pool in onto the bus by far the loudest the loudest cheer came from him which uh i thought was interesting somebody had asked that as a question last night and um so that's the first time i was close enough to really like hear the differences and yeah roman got a lot of love uh for for those of you who don't know never been
Starting point is 00:53:39 to the crossfit games you could as you might imagine it is a very very very warm community you will never ever at least in the united states go to an event with so many nice people i mean As you might imagine, it is a very, very, very warm community. You will never, ever, at least in the United States, go to an event with so many nice people. I mean, it's nicer people than go to the Grateful Dead concert. These are amazing places. She's just tapping her forehead to the block. She's not bouncing at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:58 There's absolutely no bounce there. That should be fine. If they were told they couldn't touch the box, which we don't think is the case then okay but because lazar was touching as well and you just look at the line of action there's no way oh her head is hit it's not her head's touching something okay she's not bouncing and if it is bouncing it's not bouncing her up it's bouncing her out yeah exactly look at the line of action she's not going it's a it's a tactile cue i was talking to
Starting point is 00:54:25 one of the uh coaches athletes about how there should have been something there or they were the athletes could know whether or not they were going low enough that was tia giving herself just something so she knew she was going low enough hit your forehead right here so that you know that area is below the tape tape line she was going deeper than the other athletes for sure yeah i love that yeah Go ahead, Susan. No, I just say, yeah,
Starting point is 00:54:46 because the, the, the, that was what the athletes, the sentiment that we got was that they were like almost holding their limbo waiting for the queue to come up in some cases because there was no tactile cue to like touch and go. And her reps did look way better almost than anyone else in the event.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Men included. Uh, seven on ask Tia, if she could come on the show after she wins well would she even talk to you how come she's never been on i have no idea uh uh uh ask t if she would come on the show i i just i don't want it's not that kind of show what do you mean i just uh no one's ever it's not that it's a sport it's a it's a no one's ever come on the show it's just it's a sport. It's a, it's a, no one's ever come on the show. It's just, it's a little too, it's a little too far out there even for me. Uh, earbud, but thank you.
Starting point is 00:55:28 Okay. You're going where it doesn't need to be. Too, too late. Who got bigger balls, Tia or Taylor? That's a great question. I don't have the biggest sack. I'm going to work out. Uh, thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:55:43 It's 315 central time. We will be back. Um, I would love to have tia on um shane i do text with shane uh occasionally uh he is extremely nice to me i think tia is just super duper focused and she's got her shit like really tight on i i would love to have shane on i would love love love love love but i don't – I also don't have any animosity towards anyone who doesn't want to come on the show. I 100% understand if this isn't your cup of tea. See you guys soon. Get a good workout and bye.

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