The Sevan Podcast - #542 - The Fittest Are Crown | Final CrossFit Games Recap

Episode Date: August 8, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. And everyone's going to say that the tests were all heavy for the most part, but yet you've got Amanda finishing like that. It doesn't make sense there.
Starting point is 00:00:38 And they weren't all heavy. That's just. Welcome to the final show of the 2022 shoulder test games. These games will test your shoulders for five days. Putting your shoulders through the ultimate workouts. Any truth to that? Was this shoulder heavy? No.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Oh, never mind. Scratch that. CrossFit Games. We're going back to the old name. Holy cow. heavy no oh never mind scratch that crossfit games we're going back to the old name holy cow that stadium field filled fast at the beginning it was empty it was it was like a bot it was like a boxing match no one wanted to show up for the for the ass heats and then man that sucker filled up and became deafening congratulations crossfit you guys pulled it off well done highlight of the final event when Hapalapin dropped the weight on him
Starting point is 00:01:30 did you see like he went one way to roll it off himself and then had to switch back the other way anyone yeah on the clean yeah wow Justin Medeiros the winner Tia Toomey the winner did we get the right winners Wow. Wow. Justin Medeiros, the winner.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Tia Toomey, the winner. Did we get the right winners? I think so. Yep. Did you drink your coffee before you came on the show? Do you drink coffee, Jer? I do. Double your dose.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I'm no doctor, but double your dose. Maybe I should half my dose of children yes that's funny uh wait did your kids make you that hopper shirt that thing is ghetto yeah this was a shirt from last year that was just plain white with like black writing to make it look like a sharpie because that's what they did at the mac and then my little girl said that we needed to tie dye it because white is boring well shit the tie dye is the best part well is this the shirt you wanted taylor right here yeah dude that shirt is sick yeah it's pretty crazy right is that is that a black is that one in black yeah this is black it's black and it looks like a bird shit on me but i don't know
Starting point is 00:02:43 what this is it won't come off it's some sort – I think that this was like the first one he made, like the test run at Vindicate. Yeah, the other ones that they're releasing are like a navy blue. Halpin – oh, that's cool too. Right? Or is that charcoal? Halpin, do you have any Sebon podcast gear? I do not. I need some of those.
Starting point is 00:03:02 No one likes you. Yeah, will you text me your address and shit? Yeah. Have you ever received anything, JR? Hey, Mike, you're going to do that three times and you're still not going to get any gear. Oh, shit. Still not in any gear yet. What a joke.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I keep sending him my address and he's probably like, there's no way this is real. Roebuck cannot be the name of a place someone lives. I cannot believe you don't have a shirt yet. That sucks. You need 10 shirts. It looks like the teams are going to go now. We'll keep you posted on that as that unfolds.
Starting point is 00:03:38 I have it here. Am I stuttering at all? Can you not see me at all? No, it's all good. Why do we have Matt suza on the big black screen do you see that beaver can we put um oh i was looking for something i don't have two screens here oh it's a little better um it looks like suza suza's at the where the athletes leave you might be there a while buddy because they're probably watching the team event, but maybe not. Maybe some of them are going to get,
Starting point is 00:04:05 grab their shit and split. Uh, Koski, should we start with the men, the men's final, my final two events. And then, and then we'll work our way over to the women.
Starting point is 00:04:15 And by then the teams will be done and we can talk some smack about that too. And congratulations to Justin, man, his parents were pumped. How pumped were his parents? Pretty excited. David Borders, an heir to the Borders bookstore, you guys are absolute legends. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Oh, he's an English guy, right? Is he an English guy if he talks like that? Absolute legends? That's how they talk? Big money coming out for Sunday, huh? Yeah, it's nice. I'm going to put 10% of that I'm going to send to my church. The church of Savant.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Can I see the boys, Caleb? Oh, Wyatt says, we don't use legends here that's a richie thing okay bye well maybe it was in american uh in first place we have justin madaris and second from the united states in second place we have roman krennikoff from antarctica and third place we have uh ricky gerard from australia uh sam quant pulls it off what a stud right, right? Jeffrey Adler in fifth and Patrick Vellner in sixth. Jason Hopper in seventh. And I guess we could start down there. Hopper must be stoked, right?
Starting point is 00:05:33 It's a good jump, right? Top 10? Yeah, I mean, up from 19 last year in his first year, I think a lot of people were enjoying themselves, kind of making a lot of humor at his expense last year after being propped up on such a pedestal to go to the games and podium in his first year, which was a little bit unreasonable expectation. And for him to train as hard as he's trained, for me and Taylor to kind of see it week in and week out was really cool.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I mean, his goal was top 10 and, and he did a great job because he had some, he had a lot of up and downs this week for sure. Uh, yeah. Yeah. You mean like the name that they, he was starting to pick up the name, uh, Jason flopper. I think, I think, I think he can ditch that now. Right. With the seventh place. Yeah. I mean, he's, he's for real top 10 second year and i think he's only going to continue to get better though those is he he's the only new guy in the mix right uh i guess
Starting point is 00:06:34 you could say lazar's a bit new but look at these names he's around he's got bjorkman carl goodmanson then lazar jukic then jason hopper patrick velner uh jeffrey Adler. Yeah, he's in a good mix. And what can we say about Samuel Quant? It's a good showing because, I mean, everybody sort of thought it was a fluke that he got into the 2020 games and then did so well. Or at least people were talking that way. But, I mean, he proved it here that he can still hang. Yeah. You know, a lot of people think about the sport he's he's not quite entering his prime yet i mean sam's sam looks like he's back 100 and now him and harry are kind of a part of hwpo
Starting point is 00:07:18 so i i think he only gets better from here on being surrounded by such smart people and do i dare say now that he knows what Adrian wants now that all of them know what Adrian wants? Um, I think they can all improve significantly. Do you think that's unfair to say that what Adrian wants? Taylor? I think they can all improve significantly based on the workouts that came
Starting point is 00:07:41 out this year, but I think it's a stretch to say they know what Adrian wants. I think that the athletes that expect that or think that they do are going to be shocked and humbled to a greater degree next year. Even more so. I think if Adrian didn't introduce anything new last year, we'd be good. Just let everyone improve on what was introduced this year. What do you think about that? Can you elaborate? The, the, like we
Starting point is 00:08:12 introduced the, the, the legless, uh, footless, footless, legless, uh, pegboard, the crossover jump roping, the, um, the, the, uh, parallel tuck position to the handstand. Those are enough for everyone to work on all next year, and then next year we don't need to see the triple under or the push-up prone position to handstand. Or the iron cross. Right. I mean, I don't see that coming, but I think there are always going to be new elements
Starting point is 00:08:45 of the crossfit games there's never going to not be a new element tested i don't think there ever has been i think these series of tests absolutely though lay the groundwork for some uh for some for some retesting um maybe not next year but in the next three years to see if people have done their homework and much like the pegboard to see if people kind of learned their lesson and and cleaned up a skill that they didn't have before uh you are all badussies fair uh jan clark uh he says that because he's sitting on a boat and he knows we can't get him out in the water um sir gino uh what a cabbage sean is. I have no idea what the fuck that... I don't know what cabbage is. Get his
Starting point is 00:09:27 on a stick. This is just too much day drinking, right? I don't know what that means. Anyone? Sean, who does that mean? I think he's talking about some of the announcing, like the mullet reference he made at the end.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Oh, yeah. He was pretty cringe on the live stream i was just it seemed like he was trying to time his announce like his last little words there to take her time and it was just like okay yep you're trying to say your moment here yeah he had it i'd give him a 10 out of 10 and then he and then he fumbled at the as he went into the end zone he fumbled maybe also like he said that was tia's final year not to go on about tia already but she didn't say that like she had the moment to say like yep that was it and she said although that was matt that was matt same thing we'll see i guess so in his defense i think I think she probably told
Starting point is 00:10:26 him that. Yeah, that was scripted as well. If Roman went 3.5 times 3... Sorry. If Roman went 3.5 seconds faster on both shuttle run A and hat trick, he would have tied Justin on points
Starting point is 00:10:42 and win based on first place events. That's how it shakes out. I think that's encouraging looking forward, how close it was this year and it being Roman's first year at the CrossFit games. I'm going to ask for you to double your dose of coffee too. So soak that in first year at the CrossFit games. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Uh, if quant went to hard work pays off going forward since he's with harry yeah i mean i don't see any reason why the hwpo crew wouldn't adopt him as the third hwpo athlete if harry is now with hwpo and sam is all but exclusively been coached by Harry, it would make sense to me. He just finished fourth. If you're Jason, are you okay with that? Sam going on HWPO?
Starting point is 00:11:35 I don't think he has grounds for an opinion. No shit. You don't think he has grounds for an opinion? I don't think he has grounds to get upset i don't think he has grounds to get upset i don't think i think it's it's not up to him i think he's he's he knows he's a part of that family and and i don't think that um having another male athlete training under jake or matt is going to affect him it shouldn't you could almost see quant as his senior too like he's got more experience in the games than he does in the way i just he made the games at what 19 i think
Starting point is 00:12:13 he's his senior but if you're working with someone and they add another uh lion to the mix i think you should get some say well at the end of the day jason does have a say if if they did do it and he didn't like it he could say fuck, fuck off, I'm leaving. Yeah, for sure. But that's not how Jason is. Okay. Is that different, too, if they were actually at the same level? That's more like how Taylor is? I won't speak for Taylor.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Hey, JR, would you think it'd be different if they were in the same building? Oh, I'm breaking up, bro. Alexander, you're live on the Saban podcast. Andrew Hiller, how are you? How do you feel about that last event? Did he get pulled out? So I was watching, and I know you got a strong as shit deadlift. And the cleans, how would those feel before and after?
Starting point is 00:12:59 Well, I didn't do it. Wait a minute. Because I was injured. Oh, shit. You have a strong as shit deadlift, don't you? Yeah. Pretty good. It's up in the 600s so it's one of the best in the field well what's your injury back injury from what uh i did that in training doing back squats did you okay so it's kind of lingering yeah and anything you don't want to say just go ahead and say shut the fuck up dude don't ask me those
Starting point is 00:13:22 questions i don't tell anybody that's fine let's say i was expecting a better outcome yeah well because yeah typically i'm used to seeing you kind of up there and have you talked about your injury at all or is this the first time no it's the first time this is the first time cool i injured my back a month ago and just a big ring that on those butt snatches just anything in particular kind of a little bit held back because of that, or just the whole weekend you're kind of in reserve? No, I'd say I was doing what I had
Starting point is 00:13:51 to do for the major part of the weekend, but some events were harder on my back for sure, but with the dumbbells, quest snatches... You were doing the sandbag, right? Yeah. That's another one of those where you've got you've got the long arms i've seen you pull the deadlift so the back was kind of coming into play there as
Starting point is 00:14:10 well on my left side almost all of the weight so when i got the idea i just couldn't so now you get to let it rest up and recover and have a good time for a little bit that's right yeah next year be better next year you're man. Thanks for chatting with me, man. Yep. Alexander Carone. Alexander Carone. Out in the wild with Andrew Hiller. But yeah, going back to that. That's all I got, guys. Go ahead and chat.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I think he'll focus on him moving forward no matter what no matter who's involved with hwpo or who his coaches are also helping or who's a part of that crew i think he's in a really good headspace mentally to not worry too much about the noise and to just come in every day and work as a professional i really think that he's got a lot more maturity coming into this season and next season than before. You're talking about Jason Hopper. Yes,
Starting point is 00:15:09 sir. Okay. I just have such a hard time seeing how that's in any athlete's best interest. When you look at how Matt and Tia have won and you look at how Justin's winning and you look at how rich one, and then you just wonder how is it in an athlete's best interest for a head coach or a coach or a program to have several dogs in the fight? You mean as opposed to just one boy and one girl?
Starting point is 00:15:30 One boy and one girl or Justin working with Knifer, T.S. exclusively working with Shane, Rich working with Darren, himself, Darren. Himself, Darren. But if Sam is coached by Harry, but they're under the HWPO umbrella, do you still think that or no? That's what I was wondering too. I don't know. It's a fine line. And does that even speak to
Starting point is 00:16:01 just the whole camp scenario? Right? Because they're not living there? Yeah. No, just camps versus individual trainers I think is what Halpin's bringing up. Well, yeah. Bye, Halpin. Just so you guys know, this camera down at the bottom,
Starting point is 00:16:18 this is Matt Souza and Andrew Hiller at the entrance and exit of where the athletes normally come in and out of as they end their day. I am hop $20. You have become probably one of the biggest donors to the show. I can't thank you enough. Proud of Jason. He had a roller coaster of a games. He's not gonna go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:16:41 But up not close to his peak. Just been doing it since 2017 you know this guy jr i don't know who that is all right kind words for uh could be a family member i am hop i don't know us oh i see what you're saying okay i didn't put that together uh oasis a spirit of the games to the first person who said Badoosie. Sir. Does Noble give any money to CF Crash for Hopper's tea? Frank, again. Dude, thank you. You're always dropping the coin.
Starting point is 00:17:18 You're a good dude. Logan Mars. Holy shit. Vindicate, put me down for a Badoosie. The Sebon podcast shirt. I am a large. Wow. What would the picture be?
Starting point is 00:17:31 Does that need a picture? My face. Zach Wells. We don't. Why don't we see? Why? Why don't we see the athletes use kettlebells sport technique? Start the jerk with the kettlebells racked under the chin.
Starting point is 00:17:48 It was a clean and jerk, though. Yeah, they were probably focused more on the finishing standard with the elbows in extension over the center of the body, knees, hips locked out. Here we go, Tudor Magda. Unmute, unmute. Oops, sorry. unmute unmute oops sorry uh hillary you got to unmute yourself buddy suza on mute someone on mute please hey he just was basically saying he's yeah no problem man he
Starting point is 00:18:20 was just basically saying he's going to take off to uh romania he's going to take a little vacation and then um he'll catch back up with us in about a week or so he's uh he's just basically saying he's going to take off to Romania. He's going to take a little vacation, and then he'll catch back up with us in about a week or so. He's just processing everything in the weekend right now. What place did he take? Did he make the cut? I don't think so. No, he did not make the cut. So I was confirming with him whether or not he wanted to go on for a show
Starting point is 00:18:39 or not just bum-rushing people, and they maybe didn't have the weekend they wanted. Hey, just so you know anyone you guys see out here they're in a bad spot because anyone who's out here now that's not right right noted so just go up and fucking go live yeah just go live with them no respect um oh oh it isn't oh i see who this is okay okay uh mr hopper hi um oh you're calling to tell us you're not related yeah i'm i'm maybe even distantly related this is i am hop i just want to say like i just wanted
Starting point is 00:19:22 to watch i watched j this, this freaking games. And I was like, wow, he's improved so much from last games. It's not even, it's not even funny. Like he was able to face himself properly. And I think that he has potential to do really good.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Uh, so does Jr. And so does Taylor. I read totally. I love you guys. Anyway, take care. Hey dude,
Starting point is 00:19:43 thanks for your generous money, generous donations, generous contribution uh Gray Shaver didn't make the cut either oh the old young bucks find him Hiller they can do alternating half iron cross for reps do you think Haley will reconsider her training style
Starting point is 00:20:02 training camp after this games or do you think the programming just wasn't in her favor ashley hubbard uh i i just want to just reiterate before whoever answers this she's 21 okay haplin did you want to michael michael haplin howpin did you want to take a stab at this uh no worries uh that would nuke mayhem if she decided to leave, I think. What do you mean by that? She is their – well, if Rich is really retiring, she is their biggest star. And if she – I mean, if she wanted to, she could go do something else. But she's been ingrained there for so long that it would blow up mayhem
Starting point is 00:20:41 if she said she was going somewhere else. That's what I think. Samuel Cornway, Tyler Christofal. blow up mayhem if she said she was going somewhere else that's right samuel corn y a tyler christopher i said she was the biggest i didn't say right right right gee again she's the biggest right thank you okay uh you guys went uh m f a w a 101 five dollars thank you but here's the thing let's answer the question. Do you think she leaves in search? Does she go find out a James Townsend and live in his backyard and get strong? I don't think she leaves. And I think it's interesting to look at. I think he is an
Starting point is 00:21:16 athlete that you look at and you're probably at least to my eye, he seems like he'd be an athlete. It's very impressionable and coachable by rich, um by Rich. By all accounts, Haley seems to be kind of towards the other end of the spectrum, not so coachable or, at the very least, not receptive to backing off on some things she's very good at in order to close the gap on some things that she's not so good at. I don't think she leaves, but I also don't think she continues to do the same thing that she's been doing. I think maybe she goes to Rich rich or rather rich goes to her um maybe the gloves
Starting point is 00:21:49 come off in a conversation private conversation between the two of them and um not in a negative way but in a way like hey here are the facts this is what you need to do if you don't do it you're going to keep getting the same result or worse. All right. That would be my approach with her. Yeah, I was thinking. I would say it's probably fair for calling you a cheater. Yeah. No, I muted his ass.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I don't know what he's doing. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing is. This is the guy that told me to fuck off. This is the guy that told me to fuck off this is the guy that told me to fuck off oh you're the ad that I posted on Instagram
Starting point is 00:22:32 you gotta understand that's an 11 year transformation okay I understand I've seen plenty of 11 year
Starting point is 00:22:43 transformations IPA drinking, pizza eating, corporate salesperson. Fell into CrossFit. You never reached out to me, though, did you? You could have reached out. We had a conversation. You could have. Do you think I really needed to, though?
Starting point is 00:23:00 You didn't need to, but you could have. Bro Hands in Madison, Wisconsin. Can you give us a backstory? So like I said, I don't remember your name I was a former soccer player Baseball player, basketball I was the smallest kid in my I've always had the pre-discovery
Starting point is 00:23:16 That you could beat this weekend? How'd you do? I did my best You did your best? Okay, well that's good I made it here You made it here, that's cool That was the hard part Celebration Okay, well, that's good. That's good. I'm glad. You made it here. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:23:27 That was the hard one. It's a celebration. Yeah. Well, and also, I think I posted something from Ben Bergeron, correct? That's the post you're talking about? Well, if anything, I got a little bit of something against him. Is your name Mike, by chance? I do remember your name.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Okay. I apologize for hurting you, but I kind of always say it's never about like person. I know that it becomes personal at a certain point. And like, I always do wait for someone to come back and reach out to me and then we can have a conversation about it. And I would like make a, make a retractment possibly. Send me some pictures of you over the course of your transformation.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And you don't owe me anything, but I could do you a service and come back and like, kind of retract statement i mean i know i had this huge bit about tommy marquez i do my ass off my you know i was raised i know and i'd like to help you prove that as well i'm a nine-year affiliate owner like i'm in this for the right reasons like i believe i'm in this stuff i would never even consider my wildest dream. I'd rather. Well, no, this would be good though. So we could finish. 10 million, 10 million, way down at the bottom.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Then take something and have no one know about it. Correct. Because I'm the one that looks in the mirror. So when you walked by, I had no idea what you were talking about. And I would have never connected those dots. Like I looked at that picture. I would have never connected those. So I looked at that picture i would have never connected those so i'm glad that you yelled at me like hey i'm the dude who yelled fuck you it's like well i'm glad you did that man and i would like to i'm sure because i do do things right away all right and so reach out to
Starting point is 00:24:58 me somewhere on the internet and we can i i would like to help you like anyone who may have not heard your side of it i can possibly do a retract if i wanted to look at kind of the pieces that would make that make sense and if you do do it the right way it would make sense to everybody myself included you've been doing for a long time correct yes also correct you genuinely care about people's feelings you just don't do that you do or what you don't take shots like that. Well, that's probably why I'm the only person who's doing it, because everyone thinks that, but trying to help, believe it or not. And I know it might not feel like that to you.
Starting point is 00:25:36 It's not helping. That piece of – If you would have wandered around with me this weekend, you wouldn't think the same thing. Wander around with me this whole weekend, that's think the same thing. Wander around with me this whole weekend, that's not the same thing you would be saying right now. It's just the fact that I did something to you which wasn't personal on my end. It's like an internet post for me.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I know, but you got it. It is personal. You have to understand that. It's personal to me. If I did it to him, it would be personal. It's personal to me. Correct. I'm like actually super.
Starting point is 00:26:08 It's cool how nice you're being about it. Minus the other day where you're walking by yelling, fuck off, fuck off, fuck off. Well, you're right as well. And I feel like. That was respectable. Yeah. That's a fair trade. That dude's huge.
Starting point is 00:26:21 That dude's huge. That dude's huge. And that was what this entire thing was about, guys. I made a post about him. Ben Bergeron, I think, put up a story about his transformation. I called him out for being guys. Come on. This doesn't look natural. 11 weeks, I would have said
Starting point is 00:26:37 no way in hell. That's insane. It was 11 years, man. Again, it's always my opinion. Here's yours. If anything, it's your opinion against mine. What the fuck do I know about you? Like people just listen to me for whatever reason. You could show up every day for the next 30 years and drug test me every day and you wouldn't find a single thing. Seven. And that's the way. Get California hormones on the docket and we're going to do a little thing here. We're going to do a drug test every week.
Starting point is 00:27:01 and we're going to do a little thing here. We're going to do a drug test every week. Because that's just the way I am. And anyone who knows me, they know that I do things very well. Oh, cool. Well, dude, it was nice to meet you. I'm the guy no-repping myself when no one else is around.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I'm the guy who's no-repping himself. What's the name of his affiliate? What's the name of his affiliate? What's the name of your affiliate? I don't want to know. The Swamp. The Swamp. You know, I know, is it in Florida?
Starting point is 00:27:24 It's in Swampscott, Massachusetts. Swamp. You know, I know. Is it in Florida? It's in Swamp Scott, Massachusetts. Swamp Scott, Massachusetts. Cool. Well, dude, I've had an interaction this weekend, which I don't know. I assume no one's seen any of my shit that didn't go so hot. And I think that this one went pretty well. And I would like to do a retraction if you can, like, give me a couple things. And you don't have to do that.
Starting point is 00:27:41 But the fact that you're being so kind on the camera is awesome. There's a lot of athletes out here that I think are in similar situations to me. Were they accused? Not necessarily. It had nothing to do with you. That arm's getting tired. When you put that stuff out there, you look at people that have gone through transformations. It gives other people that don't know all the hard work and all the years and years and years and all the changes that people have gone through.
Starting point is 00:28:10 And it casts doubt in their minds. And it's unfair to the people that are doing it right on a daily basis, on a yearly basis. And I'll never do things the wrong way. It sucks for them. the wrong way it sucks for them if i were to leave you with one thing it would be if anyone ever accuses me it's like the ultimate compliment and i always like oh thanks i don't want to be thought of have not used steroids because then i don't look that guy i mean look at you i mean seven saying you look huge on the camera and you do and you just compete at the crossfit game so you're you're killing it man nope nothing personal on end. I can say it over and over, but it was nice
Starting point is 00:28:45 talking to you, dude. Just say sorry. Sorry. I can say sorry. There you go. Mike Hunt. Mike Du Devoir. I knew it was Mike Du Devoir from the swamp, Massachusetts. Cool. Nice talking to you, man. He does curls.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Ask him if he does curls. He does curls. Yeah, he'll hear you. I'm one of my He does curls. Sevan's on here right now. Ask him if he does curls. He does curls. Yeah. Go yell. He'll hear you. Sevan, I'm one of my best friends. It's O'Keefe. I know you love O'Keefe. Ask O'Keefe about me.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Awesome. He says awesome. Hey, what's his Instagram? What's his Instagram? I can't find it. I tried. What's your Instagram? Apparently not heavy enough. Apparently I'm not using heavy enough dumbbells.
Starting point is 00:29:24 What's your instagram you want us to know uh mike dude war mike dude war spell it okay m-i-k-e-d-u-d-e-b-o-i-r sweet thanks man all right thanks man sorry it's been a while coming. All right, guys. That was better than the CrossFit Games. That was better than the CrossFit Games, and it was better than the hip and seal, for sure. It looked like it was about to be hip and seal again.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Hey, so, Hiller, so basically what happened was is that guy, Ben Bergeron posted a transformation, and you said, hey, this dude, there's no way this is natural. And then that guy just saw you and he's like, hey, motherfucker, it took me 11 years. And you guys and you're like, oh, OK, cool. I'll do a retraction. Well, I said I could possibly make a retraction if you were to give me the information. He never reached out to me. I never heard from that guy. And I honestly, I didn't know his name at first because I posted it from Bergeron.
Starting point is 00:30:24 And it was quite the transformation picture. If you could find it, pull it up. It's wild. Dude, he's huge. That guy's huge. Oh, no, it was awesome. He went through, I mean, he quite went through it. And over the course of 11 years, it's more possible than like he said, 11 weeks.
Starting point is 00:30:38 He's got to show me a couple of pictures. He can do himself a service and I can. Oh, it is 11 years, damn there it is quite quite the difference so i mean look at on his neck on the on the there's like that that's what i told him i'm like do you want me to say you look natural that's what i told him i tried to leave him with that i'm like dude it's an insult to say you look natural what is that bulge on his neck is that just what is that if you catch a bunch of cleans wrong sometimes it'll come out like that like a little hematoma oh yeah hayley gets those all the time right oh hayley adams not not one that sticks out like that hers get ripped up
Starting point is 00:31:21 just so you guys know currently crossfit oslo Navy Blue is in first place. Mayhem Freedom is one rep behind. CrossFit Invictus is two reps behind. But what's important here is where we know where Reykjavik is because for them to get on the podium, they have to be at least – they have to put a beat in at least a couple of these guys. And it doesn't look like they're going to do it. Hiller, I have a question for you. one second all right that guy asked for an apology and he said he said uh you have to worry about other people's feelings that was a lot for me to process yeah when he said the feelings thing
Starting point is 00:31:57 i was like ah fuck your feelings i don't understand that okay. Bye. Bye. Mr. Alvin. Thanks. Thanks. Bye. Thank you. I understand. Apologizing. I think it's important to apologize, but to ask for it was a little weird. It's a little weird.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Hey, Hiller should have said, can I get it? Well, he should have one up to him and said, Hey, can I get a hug? Like he's like that guy's like,
Starting point is 00:32:23 can you say sorry? And then Hiller gun, could I get a hug like he's like that guy's like can you say sorry and then hillary gun could i get a hug anyway i hope i maybe yeah anyway okay uh taylor what was your question man so i this is subjective and it's my perception but it seems that a lot of the male athletes in the masters division seem so much leaner than the open group and the individual side and it always shocks me i'm like what what is going on that uh the 35 to 39 40 to 44 45 to 49 group looks more aesthetically fit or pleasing or just fucking ripped up than the individuals.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I just don't, I don't get it. Whereas me, um, who's also worked out for fucking 11 years. I look like a fucking, uh, if you cut my head off,
Starting point is 00:33:16 you could, someone might find me as an attractive woman. My tits are so supple and nice. The best sort of correlation I have to that is the other day I was looking at my dad's IT band. He's rather lean. And I think the older you get, the thinner your skin may appear. And if you have the requisite muscle mass to have that leanness on top of it, it's going to show a little bit different, giving you the perception of all these ripped 35 to 39 and older athletes. Now, of course, you could also got the tears out of the way downstairs and yeah i feel a lot lighter after
Starting point is 00:33:55 just getting through this week man i just took a five pound shit and he feels lighter it was actually in front of another camera but here's what it is. I had to let it out. Did you just take a five-pound shit after that one? He said he felt lighter. You're going to make him cry, Sousa. What does it mean for you guys to come back after four years like this and for him to conduct right into that spot and really have a redemption today? Benny Garrard, Ricky's brother.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Just the four and a half years, it's been fucking tough. We've been in the darkness, man, and Rick's been laboring. He's poor as hell and sore back, lots of injuries, and just had to be there for him, be the big bro and keep him on track and get him away from his mates and wanted to go out partying. And I just kept believing in him. Yeah, we moved in together in October 2020. And he lived with us, me and my wife, Lizzie, for 18 months.
Starting point is 00:34:58 And then, yeah, that was the second time I cried before he left to go to Dubai because that was kind of like leaving the nest and got him back where he belongs. What will you guys do after this today? Oh, I don't know. I haven't seen him much since he finished, but I think we'll go hopefully not have too many beers because you never know what happens when you have too many beers.
Starting point is 00:35:22 But go and celebrate a little bit and try and soak it in. And I just hope he's happy. But that's the main thing. I know he won't be, but he won't be satisfied, but I just hope he's happy. Awesome. Thank you, guys. Matt, can you tell them the Sevan podcast loves them?
Starting point is 00:35:38 We always want Ricky on. No, no. Can you hear that? He says the Sevan podcast loves you guys and you're always welcome on podcast love you guys always listen to it awesome love you guys long way to go back to australia so i'll catch up awesome awesome hey tell benny we want got to get him on when he gets home bring it i'm ready now he's got a lot to say awesome all right beautiful let's talk to you in a couple weeks brother thank you safe travels guys wow look at that guy even knows it's benny uh
Starting point is 00:36:11 benny gerard uh ricky gerard's older brother former games athlete uh i did a lot of film with him doing the behind the scenes many a time uh good to see him uh should we go back to the uh leaderboard is that where we were is that where we were i'm i'm surprised that uh how strong koski koski looked i'm i'm i'm i can't figure this guy out is this guy strong or is he weak what the fuck is going on He looked strong as shit in that workout. Yeah, he looked interesting. He looked strong. He took 19th in that.
Starting point is 00:36:56 It's better than the sandbag event. Top half of the field. I don't think I've ever thought of Koski as someone who's bottom half of the field in a strength event, but definitely not top 10. So I think he was right about where I thought he would be. Mayhem Freedom just passed CrossFit Oslo. They are now three reps ahead. It looks like they only have two athletes left on the field. It looks like Nistler and Froning are done,
Starting point is 00:37:18 and it's up to Samuel Cornway and Taylor Williamson, to Samuel Cornway and Taylor Williamson. And it does look like they are going to beat CrossFit Oslo Navy Blue. Yep. Oh, no, shit. Taylor's got another round. Crazy. So if you look at events two and three on here for Koski,
Starting point is 00:37:42 31st and 30th, and those are what you would say for the most part are probably high power slash strength output tests under a lot of fatigue. That's the shuttle. And then that's the shoulder to overhead, both really, really low finishes. We already know he's crazy aerobic and he's good at classic crossfit so if you scroll over and look at some of the other ones the capital was long but it was also dependent on a lot of heavy moving pig flips sandbag carry husafel carry and then he was 30th on the sandbag to shoulder. And then he actually did pretty well on the heavy yoke workout,
Starting point is 00:38:30 which also included a barbell. So it is kind of an enigma, right? It's like up and down, up and down, up and down on the heavy workouts. Yeah, it was a trip. I thought he was going to take dead last in that one. I thought he was going to hurt. last in that one. I thought he was going to hurt. Are you surprised that none of the men – well, what do you think it says that all of the men made it off the rower and one really seasoned veteran didn't make it off the rower in the women's Thurga daughter and the rookie, Rebecca Fuslier, versus all the men made it off. Any thoughts?
Starting point is 00:39:09 I'd love to know how they landed on those times. I mean, clearly they were very doable, but I'd just be interested to know if they went back and forth on like 340 or 345 or 315 or 320, like how they landed on those numbers compared to the testing athletes. You say they're very doable, but also, I mean, I don't think anyone can question. And I know she's got a little bit of an outlier quality to her, but she's a top 10, uh, athlete, um, O'Connell Arama O'Connell. And, uh, man, she was wounded. Yeah. Crazy capacity in general. She's usually just really, really good. And yet the rower crushed her, right? I mean, she just sat on the rower for a second.
Starting point is 00:39:47 She's not the best rower. No, no. But I'm just trying to tie that thought to what JR said is, hey, how did they come up with that time? And JR also said it's very doable. And I'm wondering, was it really doable? I think it was doable for most. For some, it was going to be a challenge but i think they were going for with that was to eliminate anybody just sandbagging the final event
Starting point is 00:40:11 or or treating the row as a quote-unquote buy-in i wonder if they would have i wonder i wonder how much faster they would have had to make it before they clipped a couple guys too do you think maybe that they should they should have made it faster so that also clipped a couple guys 335 would have been too aggressive 340 i think is it would have had to have been an odd number like 337 or 338 to have been better than what it was now and i think that's just not worth making it a weird number oh what what do you think jr should they have clipped a couple guys? I mean, hindsight looking back now, it makes it seem like the women's row pace was way too aggressive comparatively to the guys.
Starting point is 00:40:51 But I think the goal of that was almost just a carryover from the last chance qualifier workout where the 2K row was the tie break. And if you didn't row hard, you weren't going to have enough time to accumulate handstand walk reps. And this is the continuation of that mindset. I'm not going to let you pace. I'm going to take that away from you. I'm going to make you perform other movements
Starting point is 00:41:11 when you are fatigued, even though you're not choosing to do it. Uh, Alyssa car Radao. Thank you. You support us the whole week. Thank you. Super cool. Brendan Reed Roman is the champ next year. Remember this. I will check in with you in one year's time there's this thing that everyone does on all the threads i'm on and every it's just this thing about crossfitters in general everyone wants to be like i told you so i don't forget i told you i this is i told you so crowd i told you so i'm the king of that i told you so brandon waddell i told you i knew i told you you, Kraut. I told you so. I'm a king of that. I told you so, Brandon Waddell. I told you. I told you you'd call into the show.
Starting point is 00:41:49 I knew I was going to. I couldn't make it this entire week. I told you. I told you. Listen, I have three quick points. Very quick. Number one, great job. Everybody on the cast, especially you, Siobhan,
Starting point is 00:42:02 just keeping everyone updated, providing a crazy amount of incredible insight to the game from coaching standpoint, programming standpoint, and athlete standpoint. So Taylor, JR, Siobhan, Suza, everybody, great job. Love you guys. Point number two, there's a huge group of your followers, Siobhan, myself, Bo, MLK, Elise, Heidi, Bruce Wayne, and even more, that every night after your podcast, we get on a Zoom and recap everything that you talked about and that we saw in the game. And we've created this network of people who love the games
Starting point is 00:42:37 and who love your podcast, and we really appreciate that. So shout out to those guys and girls. Wow. They've been doing amazing on the back end for us. Yes, it's pretty awesome. Wow. Have you ever seen anyone doing something stupid on there, like eating donuts? No, but we do get very nasty.
Starting point is 00:42:52 But this is the most calm thing we talk about. Okay, but I'm okay with that. Okay, go on. Yeah. Number three. Third point, last point. It was really impressive to watch Hiller and his interactions with the people who feel like he shit on them. That he was very calm and very receptive to them.
Starting point is 00:43:12 And it's like he negated their negativity. And it was extremely impressive. And so just shout out to that because a lot of people would have just met that with more resistance and caused a big fight. Obviously, hip and still is just a large douchebag and piece of shit for going after him. But kudos, kudos, kudos to Hiller. And those are my points. Love you guys and appreciate it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Go ahead. Okay. Hip and Steel, you're just a man like the rest of us. a man like the rest of us. You're just a man trying to survive in this world of hostility and high emotions. Same with that
Starting point is 00:43:53 other buff dude from whatever, the swamp. Hey, I think anyway, I don't think that I think I know why older men are shredded. And it has nothing to do with their skin thinning. Roman is the champ next year.
Starting point is 00:44:09 I don't think you can say that. I don't think you can say Roman's going to be the champ next year. JR? I think you're basing that on the premise that Justin and Ricky and no one else gets better, which I think is really reckless to do. I think it can be assumed that Roman is going to improve, but until someone beats Justin, kind of what you said before this week started, until someone beats Justin, you don't think he is beatable.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Yeah, that's where I'm at. Roman is a champ. Okay, I already did that. Nice. I like your little Muppet guy, Beaker. He's my favorite one. More athletes builds the brand, but already did that. Pretty nice. I like your little Muppet guy, Beaker. He's my favorite one. More athletes builds the brand, but Taylor's correct. One-on-one or one coach with one male, one female training partner is best.
Starting point is 00:44:53 Okay. What this guy is saying is bring in a lot of athletes, and you can build your brand. A lot of good athletes work one-on-one. Like, no one knows who Adam Neifer is, and he's got the champ. on one and uh like like no one knows who adam knifer is and he's got the champ but everyone knows who ben bergeron is because he had you know and a big stable correct correct okay uh jeremy brooke working with tia looks like it's been working but she's always going to play second fiddle to tia and if
Starting point is 00:45:25 she's okay with that then that's fine what if tia retires i think now she no longer maybe play second fiddle to tia but at this point is she going to make up ground on girls like mal and emma thanks guys best content out there i've i've i've always been in in in uh the of the notion that you can't you can't the programming doesn't matter like as long as it's good um this year i'm wondering if the programming played a bigger role than it ever has in context to all the previous years of the crossfit games aren't you at least a little tripped out on the fact that brent fukowski and pat velner did so poorly i think no no no no i think the field was deeper they're a little bit older um not that that is i'm not claiming that that plays some monumental role but the field is so deep with so many young
Starting point is 00:46:23 people with so much hunger. They've been doing it for so long. I think if the programming affected this weekend in any way, it is that we perhaps see a bigger lead from Justin if the legless rope climbs are included, because I don't think he does as poorly or places as poorly in that event with the legless involved. He didn't place poorly in that event, but I think with the legless, he places better in that event with the legless involved. He didn't place poorly in that event, but I think with the legless, he places better in that event. Justin. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:54 JR, did the programming change so much that it was almost like we set some of the guys up for failure? The demand for adaptation was too high. And it became the adaptation games instead of the fittest on earth games. I definitely understand that argument. I would not agree with it 100%.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I think that to Taylor's point, not being able to see the athletes perform the seated legless rope climbs was a big disappointment. able to see the athletes perform the seated legless rope climbs was a big disappointment in that it was turned into a true grunt work capacity-based workout. And we saw what kind of shook out on the leaderboard, especially on the women's side. And we know that that movement specifically is a movement where a lot of people can make up or lose ground. And it's a shame that we didn't get to see that. Laura's comeback was unbelievable and Laura doesn't have a weakness of upper body pulling. So there's nothing to say that she wouldn't have gone on the podium, had that workout stood the way it was or that she wouldn't have won it. However, we'll, we'll never know. And I think for the balance of the test as a whole, having another demanding strict upper body pull was,
Starting point is 00:48:03 that was, that was unfortunate that we didn't get to have that involved in the test. Are people going to say that? Are we going to hear that? That, hey, this did the reason why, like. You can't say the reason. I mean, it's like saying that one play in football decided the game when there's, you know, 100 plays. There were a lot of opportunities for a lot of athletes to do better than they did or to do worse than they did. And at the end of the day, all the athletes are taking the same test. It's not like some of them did the workout in rain and some of them didn't do the workout in rain. It was all a level playing field as far as the testing, as far as who did what win. And here's the deal. The athletes, the athletes that win and the athletes that are always going to do the best are going to have the perspective that JR just illustrated.
Starting point is 00:48:48 You have several opportunities across the weekend to do better and to clean up your mistakes. And the athletes that are never going to be the best or do the best are going to always look at the game's mistakes, the mistakes Boz made, the mistakes the event made, the programming, et cetera, et cetera. So there are going to be people that complain. Those people aren't winning. Last time, love you guys.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I am hot. Holy shit. Go, Jason. Absolutely enjoyed your coverage. Was definitely the best top five maybe. I am hop. I am hop. What do you do for money
Starting point is 00:49:25 for a living and would you like to sponsor the savon show programming podcast for taylor and i shameless shameless we're now we are the first sponsor top five motherfucker keep your money we're at the top i'm gonna send that back to him top five you bunch of badussis have made these games even more memorable thank you savon and crew thank you jr thank you taylor uh baz will run for brownies disgusting disgusting thank you uh you don't need to lean quite so far back on your deadlift just stand straight up um uh chris mclaughlin did someone say roman got a five-year visa to stay in the u.s if he did who do you all think he should train under and will it ever make him even better before you guys answer that that's a great question I do want to say that someone did respond in the YouTube comments and that visa does make it so he can go
Starting point is 00:50:11 back and forth back and forth back and forth and he is Russian and I think that uh he will be required to go back to South Korea or wherever the fuck those uh regional semifinals whatever they're going to call them they could change that shit every year okay uh who should he train with jr why doesn't he move to the cheap ass fucking towns that you hicks are from and train at crossfit crash there's actually a big russian community in spartanburg there you go he does not need to leave his training under nick fowler until he's no longer improving or until nick thinks there's nothing else he can offer him. Is that where he is? He's under Nick Fowler, at Nick Fowler's affiliate?
Starting point is 00:50:49 I think Nick Fowler, I know, I'm almost positive, worked with Brent for a long time until Brent moved on. But yeah, I mean, he's a well-known coach in the space. But what I was asking, is that where Roman is with Nick Fowler? So you mean on site? Yeah. I'm not sure. Gotcha. Where is he based?
Starting point is 00:51:10 I thought he was right outside of Madison for the run up to the games. For all three months, because he spent a little time in Naples with Matt Torres, then he went up to Mayhem or vice versa. And then he ended up right outside of Wisconsin or right outside of Madison for the couple of months running up to the games. Yeah. He lived in Madison. I'm assuming since he has a wife and kids,
Starting point is 00:51:31 he's got to pick a spot. Yeah. I wonder if they would take him over at the Torres camp. Oh, let's, let's listen to this. Let's listen to this. That's a Justin Medeiros' dad.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Still in there. Susie, can we get your audio, please? Nat Sousa. It's probably so loud in there, he can't hear us. Yeah, he's getting your shit. Nat Sousa. Can we get your audio? So many crazy donations coming in.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I'm trying to get through them. Your TH, cool hat your coverage conversations interviews made this amazing weekend even better you're all good dudes thank you we're just trying the final the final mgw do you care about that we'll have a show on it we're gonna have a whole on it, but I do want to give the final tally. Okay. Give it. Tell us what MGW is first. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Well, I wrote it at WMG and M is monostructural movements, cyclical, repetitive, running, swimming, jumping rope, skier,
Starting point is 00:52:36 rowing, biking, et cetera. Uh, W is weightlifting. Anytime you're moving an external load around your body. So whether it's a barbell, a sandbag, kettlebells, dumbbell, hostafell bag, farmer's carry, yoke, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:52:54 And then G is gymnastics. And that's just a body weight movement, air squat, perpy, pull up, handstand pushup, think the echo press workout, that wall facing handstand pushup, the handstand walk the pistol stuff like that so uh the weekend finished with 14 different weightlifting modalities or movements um some of them within the same event the weekend finished with eight different monostructural modalities. Some of them again, within the same event and the weekend finished with, I count 11 gymnastic modalities. And I added one because I separated the parallel bar dip and the parallel bar traverse. Um,
Starting point is 00:53:43 I tallied them as two different movements with a 12 in parentheses because of the legless rope climb that they were supposed to have but didn't. How many did you say for weights? 14 weightlifting movements, 8 monostructural movements, 11, and in parentheses 12, there were supposed to be 12 gymnastic movements. I think this is very – it's impossible to look at this and say one mattered more than the other. Because you also have to look at time under tension, volume, loading, things like that. I think some of the gymnastic workouts had a ton of volume as opposed to some of the weightlifting workouts.
Starting point is 00:54:23 So at first glance it looks balanced to me yeah yes i want to just say this i don't want to get into too much detail but the new movements came in the gymnastics all of them ah the sled hey that's that sled's not new that sled doesn't get a new we've never done a kettlebell clean and jerk at the games. Okay. But that's still a standard CrossFit. I don't think that sled counts as a new implement. Do you?
Starting point is 00:54:53 No. But I do think the kettlebell clean and jerk is not a new movement, but new to the games movement. Okay. admit um okay sorry i'm multitasking my wife is telling me that she just took the kids to the park i apologize okay uh so we are going to do a full show on that it's called the mwg show or the d the wgm show or the gwm show or something like that but it's going to be we're going to talk about the programming we're going to go go into detail and it will be myself, Jr. And Taylor self.
Starting point is 00:55:30 And that is actually going to be fascinating. We're going to break down all the movements, all the workouts. We're going to show if it's balanced, if it's not. And maybe Taylor will come to a realization like, man, this is the worst program games ever,
Starting point is 00:55:40 or he'll tell us it's the future. And Jr. We'll give him a medal for it uh lissa car redoubt $1.99 this is the guy mike dudivore he's an 11 year crossfit affiliate owner i guess uh hillary accused him of juicing he confronted hillar it was kind of a cool part of the show that happened earlier um i like hip and steals confrontation way better along with boz you got that guy was huge i thought hibben still looked good along with boss you guys made this game's one of the best your coverage of the athletes
Starting point is 00:56:10 is the best out best out and you're bringing the behind the scenes we have all missed thanks guys eric wise thanks eric we are not perfect but this is we're just we're just uh pushing through um except for jr's in and outs it would have, we would have been perfect. A super sticker. Gladys Del Puerto. Gladys. Gladys Del Puerto. Um, Brandon Reed. He's juicing.
Starting point is 00:56:32 He got offended by you saying he was only people juicing get offended by this. If he wasn't, he wouldn't be, he would be complimented. I want it to. Oh, standby, standby.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Oh, what a dick tease. That's fucked. What a oh ceo shirt going wow my goodness i wanted to bring this up and be like man people only get offended when it strikes close to home because i know when i get offended i'm like fuck that hurt it's kind of true but who am i to say it is it is weird that he didn't lean into it more like just like like like i would clip if someone accused me of juicing, I'd clip it and put it on my Instagram.
Starting point is 00:57:10 But here's maybe why. Because he's a competitor, and he doesn't want that reputation as a competitor, maybe. I give him that. Oh, shit. I am hot. I am hot. I am hot. Probably not Natty.
Starting point is 00:57:24 That's the thing with all the old dudes. Any old dude that you see as definition, besides JR, he's not quite old yet. Yeah, he's juicing. PMI Premium Services, did Hiller get punked? No, I don't think so. I think Hiller was very mature.
Starting point is 00:57:44 I don't know what that means i can't believe noble made him turn his about what what about what about what about what about i didn't know hillar's listening uh uh fernando fernando god i started following fernando on instagram by the way bad move it just fucking makes me want shit that i don't want to want he i think cruises are the dumbest fucking thing ever and he just in his post today he shows like a vip suite on a cruise ship where he's staying for like two weeks i would definitely go on a cruise if i had a room like that free gold and hookers i don't even see any hookers and gold but there was a balcony and it was just it was it was awesome uh did hillar get
Starting point is 00:58:25 punked hillar did you get punked well first before you weigh in hillar i want to see get jr's opinion jr do you think hillar got punked no not at all he did say hillar he did make hillar say sorry say sorry and you're sorry can you tell me what i got punked about dude oh i said i'm sorry hey froning's dad punked you when he fucking when he gave you a wet willy no hill killer he was just asking if if people thought you got punked in terms of was the guy full of shit or did he actually not take him well if he gives me a handful of evidence where he can prove his case then sure i'll make a video showing that i think it's natural but it's going to take quite a bit of evidence i mean like i said i can say that you're not natural and i'm not trying to be big if anything you should take as a compliment right and i think
Starting point is 00:59:14 i've heard you guys saying that right there i don't know many people who get insulted by that unless there's some reason to be insulted so i mean i don't reach out to me maybe he will but he might not we'll see hey do you think jr's natural hillar be honest who jr look at how big his fucking forehead is dude uh yeah uh well all right i'm not trying to be a dick with everything i just said but yeah i do think that jr natural. He thinks you're a pussy. Dude, I look... He fucked you up, J.R. I look nothing like that dude. That dude's extremely impressive. J.R.'s ripped, but to be fair,
Starting point is 00:59:52 we were supposed to do a meat and fruit diet and he did it and I didn't. Hey, Hiller, we dunked all over J.R. right there. I threw up the alley-oop and you slammed it home. I appreciate it. Good job. Slang on the slime podcast, yeah. Guys, this is Alex Smith.
Starting point is 01:00:04 How you doing, man? No shit, Alex Smith. I appreciate it. Good job. Slime on the Slime Podcast. Yeah. Guys, this is Alex Smith. How you doing, man? No shit, Alex Smith. I always notice my dad doing so. And you know what? Alexis always says so, too. He's like, he's like one of the best. I'm like, you better not. Like, you don't stop saying other dudes look better than me.
Starting point is 01:00:17 How you doing this weekend? I know. I see you're very happy. Yes, sir. Yeah. Okay. Asking if that's a no rep shirt. Consideration of the demo team.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Yeah, so I test the workouts out every week, so I got a lot of rotation. Yeah? Well, no surprise because they're all like weird gymnastics and whatnot. That's kind of your thing. It's cool. I've always thought CrossFit was going to go in that direction, like more skills, more gymnastics, and so it's cool to see the CrossFit team. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:45 You know what? I always have people in mind. And now that I see you, I go, Alec would have really left this weekend. And in particular, I mean, maybe the double under one or any of those other ones. You tested them all. We did. So you got times. Can you stack them up against the athletes?
Starting point is 01:00:58 Yeah. Now that the weekend's over, the demo people can speak a bit about that. How would you have done? So a lot of them were tweaked a little bit. So i can't really compare can you tell us how they were tweaked uh which events um whichever ones stick out at you like big differences like we know about the rope out there yeah but was like the pegboard event tweaked at all or there were some reps and stuff that were tweaked i think like did you do the sandbag one yes was that guys do you know of any of the events that would be cool to ask a lot about right now you guys on the back end i want to know
Starting point is 01:01:42 i want to know who's fitter him or ben who's fitter you or ben if you guys were to compete in this game you're in the best shape ever and you tested the workout so what do you think it would have been close that would have been sick that's because you guys are true CrossFitters, right? And everybody who says anything else is full of shit. We do a lot of skill work and a lot of higher genetics.
Starting point is 01:02:10 All you can accept that was us this weekend. So I like that stuff. I appreciate you, man. Thanks for chatting. That's cool. Good job, Hiller. Good score. I got to get that dude on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Thanks, guys. I haven't talked to him in fucking 10 years i think he was like a little kid when i talked to him at the games uh jeremy garcia uh we saw you at the games looking good buddy uh tan and ripped uh nick always nick always sprint to the finish line matthew stole my heart gw15161516 backfield to two events. He stole my heart too, man. What a stud, right? Little guy too, right? Maybe shorter, but I mean, he's a super powerful dude. I mean, seeing him with the sandbag to me was almost as impressive as Dahlstrom was with hers. Yeah, I agree. Super powerful. Okay. Imanjit Dhaliwal. Dhaliwal.
Starting point is 01:03:09 Imanjit Dhaliwal. 279. Thank you. Imanjit Dhaliwal. Thank you very much. Buy some fucking chicken masala with that. Oh my goodness racist uh yes definitely last time love you guys go jason absolutely enjoyed your coverage was definitely the best time oh we already beat you up for that top five i sent your money back to already oh california hormones can never get
Starting point is 01:03:41 enough california hormones, CA Go to the website, get your complimentary doctor's visit. They'll check you out, tell you if you're fucking good to go. Like me, if you need to get juiced up a little bit with some TRT. Um,
Starting point is 01:03:55 I, I, she keeps telling me like, Hey, why don't you get tested? I'm like, nah, I'm scared.
Starting point is 01:03:59 They're going to tell me I'm like six. Um, but I was, I have to tell you that every single person i've talked to and now it's getting to be a lot a lot a lot has told me they fucking love it so uh and one guy says completely changed his life i don't even know if i should say this but someone told me that they'd been suicidal for the last three years and soon as they started this that those fucking thoughts went away that's pretty crazy so uh free blood work free blood work. If you live in California,
Starting point is 01:04:25 free doctors, uh, consultation. And if you live outside of California, have your insurance pay for your blood work. And then, uh, go to ca
Starting point is 01:04:34 You set one password, get your doctor's consultation. I don't, I wonder who this is. This guy gives a lot of money or this girl. Is that a girl's name? Luis Lemos, Luis Lemos,
Starting point is 01:04:44 calling the show. Yeah. Thank you. Crazy nice. You don't even say anything. You don't even have a question for JR. JR, take his shirt off for that much. Fantastic coverage. Thank you for all the insights and interviews. How do you pronounce his last name? Dan
Starting point is 01:05:02 Torkhagen. Torkhagen. The old Torkhagen. dan tork hagen tork hagen the old tork and hagen oh my goodness dan knows how to fight dan you got fucking i'd have had a blast with you in elementary school uh for the wmg podcast our first sponsor matt reynolds uh peyton jameson, thank you very much. Peyton. Uh, Mike sauce is on the sauce. Does anyone miss Dave's programming? Okay. That's a good question. Uh, JR, did you miss David's programming in this year's games? I think it's hard not to wait on workouts to come out and anticipate what movements might come because all we've ever had is 15 years of Dave's programming. So in five years, will we be saying, I wonder if the P bars will come back out this year, or I wonder if Boz will bring back the blah, blah, blah. Like, I think it's, it's hard not to have a little bit of nostalgia toward what Dave's given us because he was, he was the artist behind the canvas for so long.
Starting point is 01:06:10 But I think in the moment I wasn't yearning for Dave's workouts. I was just yearning for the next workout to come out. Fair. I think it's a fabulous assessment. Uh, Taylor, uh, miss Dave. Looking back at the weekend, there were some workouts in years past that Dave came up with that I really enjoyed. That maybe I would have liked to have seen a little more of this year. I think to my memory, three events stick out. Amanda 45, heavy 17.5, and 2-2-2-3 intervals. All workouts from 2017. And for whatever reason, those are three of my most favorite workouts.
Starting point is 01:06:54 And there just wasn't much like that. I guess you could say Elizabeth elevated, but maybe the layout wasn't as appealing as 10 rigs with 10 different sets of rings or however many is in Amanda 45, seven sets, seven rigs, seven bars, 10 barbells for Amanda 45, um, watching the athletes march down the floor with the overhead squat and squat, throw it down, walk back to the ropes, some things like that like that which again this is boz's first year and it was an incredible first year so you can only expect him to get much much better oh where where was the obstacle course why do i why did i think there was going to be an obstacle
Starting point is 01:07:36 course they had one uh someone sent us a schedule that had obstacle course titled on one of the blocks. Um, yeah, I think we'll actually pointed out that when you opened up that picture, that that was actually the, the, just a picture of a calendar from the year they had the O course. So because the dates were off, it was like the end of July and we didn't, we didn't notice that until we pulled it all up.
Starting point is 01:08:04 I will. Uh, we have a winner for the um sorry uh jr i looked at my text uh we have we have a winner for the echo bike so what you're saying is is we saw something wrong that was old yeah yeah it was just an old picture okay um uh we have a winner for the no we've had a winner for the team yes it's. Okay. We have a winner for the – no, we've had a winner for the team. Yes, it's Mayhem. But we have a winner for the Echo Bike that Paper Street Coffee was kind enough, P-A-P-E-R-S-T,, Use code SEVON, get 10% off. And Gabe bought an Echo Bike to give away to someone who was at the event today who wore or
Starting point is 01:08:47 any day you we accepted cheaters uh any day with a seven podcast shirt took a picture of themselves and posted it i think caleb is going to pull up their post now or at least their instagram we don't know her first name her last name is santi E. Santiago, 1975. That would mean she's 47 years old. Here she is. That's her post. There she is. That girl's not 47.
Starting point is 01:09:18 We're live, and the lake water is good. Thanks, Matthew, Susan, and Hiller Fit for having a board meeting. Most importantly, thanks to the Real7 Podcast for sticking to it. it no quitting at 500 you have a great team with amazing sponsors paper street coffee is fabulous and california hormones so happy to be a part of this you won the echo bike and maybe best looking woman uh listens to the seven podcast but there's only six of you so don't worry don't get all excited and shit uh so we have a winner there thank you uh gabe thank you so much thanks for the booth thanks for everything hey did you ever get any coffee jr from paper street no i didn't but gabe's gonna um gabe's gonna be um here i think to set up a vendor spot for crash crucible at the end of september he's coming to the event, which is awesome.
Starting point is 01:10:05 So you had to pay for your headset twice, a computer. You've received no shirts and no coffee. All facts. What a fucking horrible gig. I'm going to put that here on my list of things to do. Take care of JR. Do something nice for JR. I'm going to get you one of those e oh wow oh shit so long partner oh damn wow so long partner oh my goodness so i'm assuming, Caleb, did you pull that up or did Will? Is he proposing to his chick? Is that what's going on here?
Starting point is 01:10:51 He just proposed to his girlfriend. Yeah. Wow. Wow. And in the first words from the Sevan podcast are from the wise man himself, J.R. Howell. So long, partner. man himself uh jr howell so long partner oh my goodness okay uh congratulations i think does anyone miss davis prog okay we talked about i have one more comment about that and a question for you and our both um i'm wondering if dave or boz go back after the year's games and watch the coverage or the documentary, uh, in hopes of improving for next year, because it's what the layout may look like in the Coliseum is so different than how it's covered to the millions of people who watch it on YouTube, which at the end of the day are potentially more important than the people watching inside the Coliseum. The Coliseum for sure is important. You have to please the fans
Starting point is 01:11:49 that are there. But the millions of viewers that are watching at home, it seems like we've been getting the short end of the stick the last few years. Contract runs out the end of 2023, correct? What contract? Madison's in madison i think i think it's 2023 so possibly only going to be at that venue for one more year well my question stands do you think that they go back and review footage like that i think i think they have to I think they have to. Savon, you probably know the answer. If they go back and – what's the specific question? If they go back and look at the games and be like, hey, did this present well?
Starting point is 01:12:32 Is this what's best for the sport in terms of marketing? If they do do that – Do they watch the coverage? Who? Dave or Boz. Do they go back and watch the broadcast? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure Dave did.
Starting point is 01:12:43 For sure Dave did. And Dave never goes back and watches anything, and for sure Dave did. But – I don't know how to say this because I honestly don't know what's going on there and what they're actually going for, like what the bosses are telling them. But Dave and Boz, they're going to choose places that they think that can do the test the best. And yes, they're going to want it to look good, but they're not going to want it to look good to sell shit. They're going to want it to look good for the sake of what Glassman instilled in us, that even the workout should look pretty on paper just the way they're written. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:13:23 Yep. The whole thing is – It just makes you want to do it. Yeah, the whole – yeah. But not to – I'd love to know too how many of those things that at this point we could probably say are controversial to testing fitness or testing a certain skill that's not really limited by fitness.
Starting point is 01:13:44 I would love to know how many of those ideas were ideas that Dave and or Boz both had over the years that Boz chose to showcase this year. Like did Dave always want to use the parallel bars? Did Dave always want to do the wall-facing handstand push-up? All that kind of stuff. Yeah, who do you – Or were those all just Boz? Do you think do you
Starting point is 01:14:05 think the sandbag was dave's idea or their idea together and that they played around with it up to this point or you think that's new i i i'll i think that everything that we saw this year is boz's idea how much it was influenced by i'm working with dave I have no idea. 80%, 90%, 100%, 4%. I honestly don't know. I can tell you that he's definitely influenced. You can't not be influenced by Dave. He has so many good non-traits, like things that he doesn't do that other people do that I can tell that people who hang around him start picking up up like non-verbal type of communication type of kind of presence things boz is definitely a different person the interviews i've been doing with him at night he's definitely a different person than he was when i used to hang out with him like he's he's he's way more refined he's
Starting point is 01:14:59 gone to another level you know what i mean if he was painting with only chalk now he's fucking an oil paint artist i mean some something has happened to him he stepped up his game so but uh their their real thing is is they would never do something just for the sake of the tv i know i'm not i'm it's a little ambiguous for your uh question or i don't think they would choose but someone at hq might choose paris because they want to be inclusive boz and dave would never fucking do think they would choose but someone at hq might choose paris because they want to be inclusive boz and dave would never fucking do that they would do it because they want to try a new medium dave just thought of and i bet you boz thinks of this too is the different venues is
Starting point is 01:15:35 just different places to express fitness they're just excited by what it does it's like painting on a wall versus painting on a canvas in your living room they're just excited for the opportunity to program there. I bet you that's what it's mostly is. Yeah. But that being said, they're not going to make do something completely unwatchable. Well,
Starting point is 01:15:58 I feel like they've done that before. They've done some unwatchable shit. That fucking rowing marathon is pretty unwatchable. Yeah. So, and a lot, a few of the events this year were hard to follow on screen and so that's why i'm just wondering do you go back watch that and think of ways to improve that for for the viewership because there there's a way to well technology's
Starting point is 01:16:16 got to catch up the pool event i think for anyone who's a non-crossfitter was a fucking disaster i would love to talk to someone and see what they think i mean i loved it but i knew what was going on same with the shuttle shuttle to overhead the counting scoring and that one was off yeah all fucked up but great for those of us who knew fucking amazing uh dan guerrero uh is anyone here official media or is there too many or is there too many views we're definitely not official media I never want to be official media don't ever call me a journalist I'm graduated I'm above a transcendent
Starting point is 01:16:51 WAD zombie $10 as always amazing work fellas looking forward to your next competition you guys get your WAD zombie cards Jason Hopper took seventh at the games this year and by the way eventually these cards will go away and there'll be new ones and you won't be able to get these so there'll be a jason hopper 2 a daniel brandon 2 a colton mertens 2 and a pat velner i did not put them in these
Starting point is 01:17:17 plastic cases they come like this they are dope jr have you gotten any of these no he didn't send you any damn it jr santa hates jr he dunked on he dunked on santa i am dark side dark side i am dark side six six six well shit thanks to have on a team your podcast made this one of the all-time best TV weekend. Oh my goodness. Say hey, you're live on the Savant podcast. You're live on the Savant podcast. It's a nice shirt. Savant podcast. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Wow, I think she doesn't like Danielle Brandon. She wants to know why she was blocked by Danielle Brandon. Yeah. Oh, you were blocked by her? Well, not on accident. She got hacked. And when people shake and hack, I block their page.
Starting point is 01:18:16 And I think when she found you, she went to go freak on me and realized that I blocked her. And this is all in theory. So she might have realize that I lost her. And this is all in theory. So you might have seen that I lost her, but... I sent the video guys. Daniel Brandon blocks Hillary's Beyonce. And he didn't have enough time to unlock her. I didn't know her shit was unhacked. That's what happened during the entire
Starting point is 01:18:38 Mercedes for free thing. I don't want to get hacked, so I always block people that get hacked. Everyone's listening to you. This is good stuff. Thanks for watching. I wouldn't even know how I would know if someone blocked me. How do you know that?
Starting point is 01:18:55 How do you know that she blocked you? Oh, they were talking about something that she had posted, and she went to go look, and she couldn't find it. I went through my account one time and unfollowed everyone I follow. And all these people got mad at me. I'm like, dude, I even unfollowed my mom. Like, what are you talking about? And how did you know I unfollowed you?
Starting point is 01:19:15 I unfollowed a thousand people. Usually some of you guys were talking about something on the live show and she wanted to. She goes, I didn't see that. I want to see. She went to go see if she could bring up whatever the post was. She couldn't find Daniel Brandon. That's usually the easiest way. Or just in tag posts.
Starting point is 01:19:36 You'll see somebody on a Bird's Run post. You can't find Katrin. Katrin blocked me. How did Brian get in trouble last year? We'll find out in one second. What size shirt is that, Hiller, that she's wearing? What size shirt is that,ar that she's wearing sure it is that alexis it's a large she likes really big t-shirts the bigger the better okay that's why she likes so much uh uh teddy williams throwback to a year ago and brian getting in trouble then y'all turning lemons into live crossfit footage stuff on podcast podcast does that uh we all love feel we've come a long way since the days of brian's phone overheating damn teddy you uh by the way teddy is uh colton merton's uh media guy uh director of media for
Starting point is 01:20:16 the colton merton's uh empire he does all the videos instagram all that shit i think for colton it's pretty dope uh for those of you who don't know last year brian was working for the crossfit games he in between one of the jobs he was doing for them he was on the field on the side watching the masters and he goes oh shit there's james hobart and at that time james hobart was a regular on the show and he turned his phone and pointed it at to where james hobart was competing as a master james hobart was like this big on the screen like that big you couldn't even see it was james hobart he was i think he was running next to adrian conway and you couldn't even tell who the white guy was or who the black guy was it was a complete like you didn't know oh shit is that the noble crew he's talking to no
Starting point is 01:20:57 and um so uh they ended up firing him for that crossfit called him up and they're like hey you were in the media pit and you did a live stream you're fired he ended up doing all the work for them for anyway that week but they fucking fired him CrossFit fired Brian? Yeah and just so you know I had a shit load of I tried to call Dave I'm friends with Dave and be like hey please
Starting point is 01:21:18 don't get my friend fired and he's like no rules are rules he's in the fucking pit he pointed the camera the wrong direction for 1.2 seconds everyone's saying hey Siobhan what's up guys what's up stay swole um so that's what happened and basically what you guys are seeing i've never seen anyone do this we're using stream yard and then we're fucking just having people on cell phones wander around like matt suzer right now watching the award ceremony and we're fucking killing it this is revolutionary and this is like with no budget and with no no legal access imagine if we had 10 people and we had access and we had a little bit
Starting point is 01:21:57 of finance and a little bit of support I mean we could we could take over any sport basically it would be fucking easy and and we are doing that here and someone who works at crossfit inc no sorry it's not going to be someone who works there someone who owns crossfit inc better fucking figure it out because we're coming like a fucking freight train and you can't stop it you can only embrace it do you guys see anyone leaving their current camp after their performance at the games jr wait where the fuck's jr i think his connection he said he had to he said he had to go okay he said love you though so he did yeah in the chat. Oh, that's cool. Go private chat. I wonder what Daniel Brandon chooses to do. Say that again.
Starting point is 01:22:49 I said I wonder what Daniel Brandon chooses to do after this finish. Who she chooses to do? What she chooses to do. Oh, I'm interested in who she chooses to do. I'm not interested in that. I am. Anyone else? Samuel Quant going to hwpo officially uh amanda barnhart does she stay with ben bergeron uh does uh justin uh uh madera stay with adam nefer where does
Starting point is 01:23:19 nelly ellie mcdoodle ellie ellie turner? I've got an interesting comment here. Does Laura Horvath stay at CrossFit Krypton? Go ahead, Taylor. I tried. You gave me money, and I tried to keep Taylor on, but he's like, fuck that. I ain't seen none of that money. I'll answer what I want to answer. Nothing against her, but I wonder.
Starting point is 01:23:40 This actually is like a genuine question. I wonder if judges do that if they see an athlete that complains a lot or causes issue with some judges like per se lazar dukic i know last year he had the issue on the pegboard workout with double unders this year he had another issue yeah um on the handstand workout i wonder if judges see that and they're like fuck i gotta judge this guy again or uh fuck i got lazar oh fuck i got danielle do you think they do that sure yes but i but they're too naive i think i think the judges are like yeah i got danielle they're excited and then they get burnt maybe
Starting point is 01:24:18 they get burned and then and then they and then they it's i think they love it i think they love it no i don't think they do that. I think they're happy to get even the bad athletes, the bad boys. Sorry, Lazer, not that you're a bad boy. Cameron, you guys killed it this year. Great work. Thank you. Thank you, Cameron.
Starting point is 01:24:34 It's interesting. You took the time to put in a picture, but it's just a chalkboard. Wadzombie, I asked that on the podcast with Bod last night. Pretty sure Strongman's stuff was always on the horizon with Dave. Uh, Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:49 I miss pug face 1999. Everyone took the time to work so hard. Thank you. Thank you. Uh, Jay Ristenbach. Thank you. Jay Riston.
Starting point is 01:25:01 You can change your name if you want. Man. Uh, Hiller's really camped out with the... Did Foullier win the Spirit of the Games? Your girl Nicole is talking. Okay, let's listen. Can we hear Nicole talk?
Starting point is 01:25:19 It's on the stream. I'm not going to put it up there. Oh, okay, okay, okay. You can go look at it on the podcast. You're live on the Savant podcast. I can't hear anything they're saying. You had one thing you wanted to say. You want to say it? You can hold it.
Starting point is 01:25:35 Apparently, if it was raining titties, I would catch a dick. Is that a thing? I think it's I'm so unlucky. Oh, my God. Thanks, Ethan. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:25:51 It was 2018, right? 2018. No, I am an almanac. I try to be an almanac. And then what was the event that you, wait a minute, were you the one who smashed the 100 calories on the Assault Bike in a minute? Tell me about that. Come on. Yeah, tell me.
Starting point is 01:26:05 I made a video on this the other day. I know. I left a comment. You never responded. Motherfucker. This is good. All right. What about it?
Starting point is 01:26:13 Okay. So we were at a competition in South Carolina, and it was essentially two minutes, partner one, partner two mass calories. And we were probably like the 20th team in time. So that Assault Bike was just getting abused for like an hour abused and guys were probably putting up like 30 or 40 calories and somebody had a $1,000 bet that i couldn't do 100 calories in under a minute so i hopped on and i was at 68 calories in 28 seconds in took a break i that. And then I hammered it again.
Starting point is 01:26:45 So I held 118 RPMs for 30 seconds. Hey, let me see this guy's body. Back away from him a little bit. He's seven goes. You need to see your body. Tell him to turn. Holy shit. Look at his ass.
Starting point is 01:26:57 So in that video, I weighed 232, and I back-squatted 500. So I've dropped weight since then and my squat's down, but in that video, which was 2017 or 18? It was right before the games. I weighed 232 and I was squatting 500 before my knee injury. Look, Taylor wants to call bullshit so bad,
Starting point is 01:27:18 but he can't. I could do sub-130 repeats for 20 sets. I could do... My coach would always have me do 20 pounds in a self-like EMOM style, and I did 27 minutes EMOM style 20 pounds. Taylor, what do you got? Taylor's just sitting there menacingly. This guy's a beast.
Starting point is 01:27:38 All those stats were quite impressive. I got nothing to say about those. Hey, tell him. How much does he weigh now how much do you weigh now um 225 or six right now it's all on your legs or what yeah i'll power the shit out of that assault bike you did preface all that with a it was abused and abused for a little bit did that play into the 100 calories maybe 68 and 26 seconds you mentioned the fans i mean i never inspected the assault bike but the chain was still tight whenever i helped it was a brand new assault bike for that event so i mean i think
Starting point is 01:28:09 maybe 40 people rode it the whole day but like we were at the back of the men's pack so like i said i had no warm-up i hopped on the bike and just full set dude i'm not kidding that's been sitting in the back of my head for four years hey he said he was using at the time? I think Seven heard you say that you were using at the time. And I think you need to clarify that you were not. No, I thought he said he used and abused. He was using a ton of carbs.
Starting point is 01:28:37 So Seven, you're the clarification, right? He was using a bunch of carbs. What did I say I was using? Used and abused was the misconstrued term. The bike was used and abused. He was not using. Hey, tell him he should lose 70 pounds and get on EPO and join the Tour de France.
Starting point is 01:28:54 You should lose 70 pounds, get on EPO and join the Tour de France. Thanks, Ethan. I'll stay at my same body weight and do it anyways. Awesome. Thanks, Ethan. 2018 CrossFit Games is happening guys And victory trips Oh yeah
Starting point is 01:29:12 Wow That's incredible No shit Hey No ocean spirit of the games Wow The trophy is a massive deal though i love that i love that for him wow do you think he loves it i fucking think that's perfect i think he does love it
Starting point is 01:29:35 yeah he's such a good dude he's such a nice guy is that a tube of lipstick i just feel like the spirit of the game is what i have just no respect for anymore but i do really like noah he's dope he's that thing gonna get covered in badusi later disgusting disgusting chris carter this is not a place for that kind of talk oh my goodness it's a dog penis oh my goodness hey listen listen colin that no one no one thought that that looked like a butt plug it's a dog but on that note noah loves it oh can it be switched on poor sager okay shall we look at uh did we look we looked at the men should we look at the women for a second pull them up i feel like we should i think we should at least give laura horvat some love wow what a fucking comeback for her yeah holy shit on the final day of competition where where where was she can you close that
Starting point is 01:30:47 so we can see who's below her to the people who had she had to smoke just man she fucking booted miss Brandon off the go back go back to click the back arrow for us and go back to Saturday Saturday so she takes uh
Starting point is 01:31:03 lower scroll up a little over. Scroll up a little more. What was that second place event in? All the way to the right, the capital. Scroll over. Up and over. How did she do?
Starting point is 01:31:20 Not so hot. Not terrible. 12th, 39th, 3rd, first so really starting with rinse and repeat third ninth third first and then you go over again she may have been like in 17th place after the hat trick do you know that she got a first at out back of this morning another first on the back nine and then a fourth in the final crazy she had She had to have it, and she got it. That's nuts. Gosh, she just gets better at handstand push-ups and pressing, and she's beating Mal. Laura Horvath is 55 plus 19 is 65, 74.
Starting point is 01:31:59 74 points behind Mal O'Brien. It's significant. it's significant it's significant uh and and mal o'brien is 113 points behind tia toomey um and then daniel brandon's about 54 points behind laura horvath okay so there's significant spread between all of them all of them landed where they're supposed to dan Danielle is clearly in fourth. Laura in third. Mal in second. And Tia in first.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Someone was saying this was Brooke Wells' best CrossFit Games finish ever. Is that true? I don't know. I can't speak to that. Emma Lawson, impressive she's top ten, right? I mean, look at Dalton Pepper, a stud, and impressive. She's top 10, right? I mean, look at, look at down pepper, a stud and he didn't make top 10. Uh,
Starting point is 01:32:48 Emma Lawson, first year, 17 year old years old at the CrossFit game. She could have competed in the little kitty division, but she didn't. Uh, any thought, was that a mistake or she chose the right way?
Starting point is 01:32:58 Taylor? What's what a mistake? Uh, to, to play with the big girls instead of staying in the kitty division. No, it was definitely not. Are you kidding me? Sixth sixth sixth fittest on earth as a 17 year old insane right yeah that's not a mistake uh and and look at the people she's on either side of her so she's daniel
Starting point is 01:33:16 brandon brookwell's on top of her and underneath her she has cara saunders the biggest threat ever to tia toomey gabriella magawa uh but many think that she's the future of the sport and hayley adams from the uh mayhem empire who who no one would ever question their capability the list goes on you just keep scrolling the list goes on alexis raftis area lowen emma mcquade hey i i give her i'll i'm i was i think uh after emma lawson i was almost most impressed with emma mcquade she's a savage she finished that heavy workout i think we we see go to that uh the bag this scoot over no no not the bag the um whatever the one we did they did today that heavy one i think she finished that emma mcquade what was the um the bet was it called the back nine yeah the back nine emma yeah that's crazy dude yeah she took 10th in that and you know what else is nuts i
Starting point is 01:34:20 think sam briggs is her coach sam would sam wouldn't have finished that workout no she wouldn't have deadlifted right she probably wouldn't squat clean or dead not this year yeah maybe or maybe at her best but even then a stretch amazing uh christy arama o'connell the leaderboard really moved around a lot yeah a bit of shuffling um anyone who thought there was someone in the comments earlier today thought was saying that um it was silly to think that tia was uh ever shit in the bed i don't think anyone ever thought that i think we were just hopeful that there would be some competition and i think with all things considered uh mal did a pretty good job of uh hanging with tia all week mal is consistent
Starting point is 01:35:06 yeah that huge weekend for her i mean we're talking about everybody else but mal um incredible it's her second year second place and within spitting distance of tia you know it's 100 points so that's significant, but gosh, she's so young, and Tia is so good just to stay with him. Sorry, Hiller's inside the affiliate place. That's Elijah
Starting point is 01:35:35 Muhammad, and that's the... I don't know if that guy still owns Brick, but he used to own Brick CrossFit in LA. Yeah, that's j that's jp i think my the first video my wife ever made for crossfit inc was um about elijah muhammad jason ackerman oh looks like they're pulling what you're doing man what's up dude just just being a voyeur just creeping he heard he said he's just creeping being a voyeur you said what's a voyeur a voyeur that's in here there you go right here you're being a voyeur i don't know that word either i'm just i'm just beginning it's like
Starting point is 01:36:18 it's like a peeping tom i'm a peeping tom why why aren't you here you're like someone's got to work a man a man in the. A man in the ship. How are you? What did you guys do there? Did you work that affiliate? I had my Lift Heavy Off the Booth here for my Lift Heavy Off the Booth seminars and online platforms and apparel and stuff.
Starting point is 01:36:36 I was with the non-profit. I had the booth here for the non-profit. Awesome. Congratulations. You're staying busy. What are you doing in the uh what are you doing inside the uh affiliate area uh i taught a class in here uh kevin ogar and then was just coming back here to chat and stuff like that awesome i'm an affiliate bro i i i know i know but i thought maybe you were like doing some business there i know you're an affiliate i know you're all right
Starting point is 01:37:01 i'll see you later bro bro. Yeah, good seeing you. Good seeing you. Let's go Hillard by that. They're dismantling that place now, Hillard? Yeah, they're kind of dismantling everything. I mean, I just walked around Ben and Hillard. You saw everything's coming down. You guys are taking everything down here, right?
Starting point is 01:37:23 Oh, good. I guess they're just moving stuff out. Just moving stuff out, yeah. God, that award ceremony. You know, I think in the, I don't know, 15 years I attended the CrossFit Games, 14 years I never, I think maybe the award ceremony I went to like three times. Wow. That thing is getting, because that thing is getting drug out.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Yeah, fuck that. I remember one year Dave went up there when it was in Aromas. He goes, you won Lifetime Supply at Panda Express and here's your endo board. And then handed like OPT or someone like 500 bucks. And like, that was it. Oh, these are the checks. Oh, those are Hiller's's noble buddies let me see that let me see that i think those that's todd in the middle i think todd and that guy on the right and
Starting point is 01:38:16 i don't know who those guys are but i think those guys might own noble or all work at noble and those are the guys that made it so hiller you couldn't wear a no rep shirt if you were in the media pit and they tried they tried some other shit too i hope i hope i can start talking about that who the fuck do they think they are doing that well they're they're the title sponsor they're entitled look they gave 620 000 bucks just to t just to tia and matt no t and justin oh i just hate censorship so cringy is rogue giving away four hundred thousand dollars per per winner no no no i don't think that's right. Rogue gave, I think it was just over $200,000. Yeah, those guys, they're giving away a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:39:09 A fuckload. Yeah, I mean, Noble is giving a ton of money. And crypto. The old Dogecoin. Oh, are they? Is Noble giving? No, Rogue. Rogue was, yeah. If they're giving $310 to justin and 310 000 to tia i think it's kind of the checks are cheesy it's it's a little fucking 1997 but um but they
Starting point is 01:39:33 get that and uh and i'm sure they're giving out a fucking other 500 000 for the 75 masters classes adaptive classes teens classes they're just paying their own athletes. Well, that too. Hey, did you see that person who won $1.2 billion in the lotto? No way. Last week, yeah. But after taxes, they only got $480 million. What?
Starting point is 01:39:58 Yes. So they lost over half of it, over 60% to taxes? Yeah. That's's crazy there was a layout of how it goes well well if the thing is you don't lose uh more than half of taxes if they won like 1.3 billion and then if you take a one-time payout you have to give up like 300 million and then from there you had to pay the taxes on that original 1.4 million you want it's a mess but anyway the government makes out like a bandit they sell you these tickets i don't want to get into it wait so they so if you take all the money at once they take a fat fucking chunk yeah because that payment is over 20 years but either way it's it's our government it's our people that we're giving money to to buy tickets
Starting point is 01:40:41 it should be tax-free there it should be tax-free have you ever heard of a castrato a castrato no what is that castrato i was listening to this rogan podcast on the way home earlier today and they were talking about how michael jackson uh their his family doctor um was imprisoned and claimed that when he was sedated they chemically castrated him um to keep his voice in falsetto oh shit his entire life yeah and so and so joe rogan goes and plays this video of the only existing castrato singer on tape of early early early 20th century um and it's this italian guy and castratos are children that are castrated before they hit puberty to retain the falsetto uh singing ability or sounded did it sound like michael dude it sounded fucked up it's like haunting it is it is it's like scary to listen to and then you see the
Starting point is 01:41:46 picture of the guy you're like what the fuck it's crazy just look it's castrato see it yeah hold on c-a-s-t-r-a-t-o castrato do you want to announce the best winner oh yeah can we i started getting nervous that we were showing the award ceremony because I think that he I think Hiller got a strike yesterday CrossFit Inc is such assholes those the media team is such a fucking piece
Starting point is 01:42:16 of shit they're all two of you all two of you fucking idiots who work in the games department media team can fucking go to hell they fucking gave Hiller a strike for what because he filmed fucking colton merton's workout and posted it on fucking the on on youtube you guys you're just feeling the fire you fucking knuckleheads you it's your doom is inevitable your end is coming and you're is coming. And you're just fueling the fire.
Starting point is 01:42:46 You're making it so we cremate you and throw you in the ocean instead of bury you and give you a tombstone. Fucking bitches. Yeah, let's announce the best winner. That's the best winner? Yeah. That's the best winner? Yes. One of our listeners named Dylan. I don't remember Dylan's last name, but he's been on the show before. He is an amateur fighter working his way up the ranks.
Starting point is 01:43:18 Dylan Val, thank you. He knocked the guy out in fucking just a few seconds. It was crazy and um someone sounds like an old man arguing against the internet are you fucking uh dylan vowell uh bought a vest he donated 200 bucks and bought a vest, a brand new vest from, I think the company's name is built it. It's the same company that provided the vest to Jim Broski who did a Murph 365 days in a row. Go ahead, Taylor. Yeah, I was confirming. because he just loves this show so fucking much, and he loves all the listeners so fucking much, which is really cool. And he's giving away the vest for free, and the winner is... And I don't even know how they entered.
Starting point is 01:44:12 I guess it was... Oh, it's just another person wearing the CEO shirt. I cannot believe how nice you are, Dylan. So this guy, NanoKDX, he entered the contest by wearing a Sebon Podcast shirt and took a picture and posted this Sunday. And Dylan Val was kind enough to buy the vest that Jim Broski wore when he did Murph 365 days in a row. And this gentleman here won it. And they're dope vests.
Starting point is 01:44:38 They were a vendor at the CrossFit Games. We went into their booth with our cameras and checked their shit out. It's pretty cool. So. we went into their booth with our cameras and checked their shit out it's pretty cool so I can't wait to fucking get a break from this for fucking 12 hours anything else that guy fucking van again RJ van wagon
Starting point is 01:45:02 in all love love these nuts. Yeah, Jason Ackerman. You want to say anything real quick? I'm familiar with him. You guys know Jason Ackerman, right? Level four CrossFit certified coach. And he was judging this weekend,
Starting point is 01:45:18 and he's got a little bit of a take here on how the event went. What kind of what? I just thought it was a fantastic event. I think everything ultimately just came came out on top as always something that dave used to say like it's a test of fitness and we were saying that it really was a call back to trip faster you know go back to our fitness in 100 words new skills gymnastics positive phenomenal job bringing that back but i think we did it in such a way that the athletes, they're probably a little banged up, but they're not smashed.
Starting point is 01:45:49 And it was a great test of fitness. I was talking to Freya Mooseburger. She said she felt pretty good. Yeah, I think I was at the four-hour. It was after the final event. She's like, good to go. She's like, I wish there were more events. Careful what you wish for. Can you say your name to the camera real quick? good to go. She's like, I wish there were more events. I can't believe this.
Starting point is 01:46:06 Careful what you wish for. Can you say your name to the camera real quick? Jason Fernandez. I'm going to host the podcast. We both judged for the past 10 years. I don't think the point is to press the ethics. I think the point is to have a good test and if some of them are going to lay down
Starting point is 01:46:22 and get beat up and stuff like that, that's not going to happen. One of the biggest, that's not going to happen. One of the biggest things that I've heard this weekend is that it kind of got annoying that there was something new every single event. Do you guys have anything to say in rebuttal to that? I didn't feel that way. I was new. The jump rope piece was new.
Starting point is 01:46:39 One of the sleds was new. There's always a new piece of equipment. So that's not new. But I mean, every year when there's something new, piece of equipment. So that's not new, but I mean, I, I do every, every year when there's something new, people get better. I have a question.
Starting point is 01:46:53 So Taylor, what's your question? What do they think about the hat trick? And was there a room for the hat trick? What do you mean, Taylor? The workout, the hat trick,
Starting point is 01:47:02 the three rounder. Oh, the workout, the dumbbell squat snatch. Yeah. Do they think there was room for more there? To me, it looked a little, do you think that there was room for more there?
Starting point is 01:47:09 And what Taylor, it just looked like, uh, it was a little underwhelming. It looked like it was a little underwhelming, too simple. The hat trick, the 12 foot wall ball.
Starting point is 01:47:19 I saw some of the fittest people in the world taking wall balls to the face for 10 minutes. So it was a little bit more challenging than it would be for people now. That's one of those examples where I think because they're so fit, they make something look, you know, something very complex look easy. You know, virtuosity at its best. A 12-foot target was new for them. That's a little bit of a time and confidence. I was 100 pounds, but yeah, I was 700,
Starting point is 01:47:44 but that's the first time they've done it with a squat snatch. I think everything i think that i'm speaking on pause but i think he wanted something where it was like they had to really move well because a misrep we saw what happened with tia she got a few no reps on the wall ball and she fell behind. So it was something where the execution had to be perfect every round. Well, so Taylor, what you said was that it looked... Taylor said that was a great take, by the way. And I wonder if it looked different... Get rid of this Taylor guy.
Starting point is 01:48:16 Hey, get out of this. You guys were judging out there, right? So you guys sat on the floor and Taylor, you were watching on the stream and I wonder if there was any sort of a difference between what you thought it looked like as a spectator on the stream versus what it looked like standing right there seeing athletes take wall balls with a face to a 12-foot target I mean most of the things I saw where they were jumping they were getting hit in the face I'll tell you one thing that stood out to me I was not expecting them to be like
Starting point is 01:48:41 full sent to the wall ball and I remember, I had Medeiros in my lane. You were judging Medeiros? Yeah. Nice. He was in full sprint. They were struggling. They were like going all out. So I think I had him.
Starting point is 01:48:55 I had O'Brien at one point, the girl. And they were really coming at it. So I think it's like an event that starts off, what's that, about 50 yards? Yeah. and they were really coming at it so i think it's like an event that starts off what's like about 50 yards you know 50 yard sprint to go into something with 20 wall balls and six really heavy gumball snatches oh it's just like the accuracy coordination adaptation whole deal with the entire thing i do have a question for you guys about that handstand push-up standard how did it play out with the judges back there was it all good because we did hear that there were a little there were some judges who would let some things go on some reps with one athlete in particular and then with that same athlete they let something slide and you
Starting point is 01:49:30 maybe that was with you guys judge that I think everybody was kind of worried about and how about something that I've heard which was maybe give them a cue like a piece of foam to touch their head to instead of like an abstract you got across this line and we saw Tia that was tapping her head it was a loud right how about this right there's a lot about this question seven what's your question you couldn't touch your head on the floor but you can touch to that block you can touch the block okay so the standard was you could not touch your head to the floor if that was something you were capable of seven sure touching the block was not.
Starting point is 01:50:06 That's good to know because we were. My question is this. I don't remember who it was. If it was Nicole, Nicole, Colin Brander, who was one of the. Christine Kohler Brander. Yeah, I'm not sure if it was her. She she finished carrying the yoke and she didn't cross the finish line. And the judge started yelling at her to cross the finish line.
Starting point is 01:50:26 And that gave her the win. She would have lost to whoever came in right behind her. If the judge hadn't have told her, Hey, you have to cross the finish line. I would see Dave do that shit too. I would see Dave walked what a Deborah quarter, Gordon Carson out into the water and basically helped her fucking swim that
Starting point is 01:50:43 year. He gave her one of his testicles. So she'd get in the water. Is that shit? Okay. Is that okay for Dave to walk a chick out into the water and basically helped her fucking swim that year. He gave her one of his testicles. So she'd get in the water. Is that shit? Okay. Is that okay for Dave to walk a chick out into the water? Is that okay for the judges to be like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:50:51 you got to cross the finish line or shut the fuck up. Shit the bed. The question is about Christine Cullen Brander finishing that event. Her judge was telling her. I'm not sure if that's her. I'm not sure if I'm. It is. It was Christine Cullen Brander.
Starting point is 01:51:04 Yeah. Did you guys watch that event? Were you on the floor for that event? It was the yoke. She dropped the yoke. She was kind of celebrating having finished. And the judge was telling her that she had to cross the line as she was celebrating. And St. Ivan brings up that Dave would – one more time, Dave would tell athletes that they had to finish across the line at certain points.
Starting point is 01:51:22 He would just help athletes out where I didn't think it was appropriate, and we saw it again today. Like, hey, if the athlete doesn't know where the finish line is, fuck them. Well, I guess the question is more or less, is it okay that somebody is telling them what they have to do on the floor? Correct, Sevan? Helping her to win. Helping her to get the win.
Starting point is 01:51:40 It's no longer on the athlete, but the judge is like, cross the line, cross the line, cross the line. I don't think that's helping. line well another athlete was approaching behind her another athlete was also approaching so there's two athletes there christine drops it she's like but she has to get on top of that stage now because the judge was waving her over across the line maybe that would have given her something that she shouldn't have had which was the event win win. Well, I think part of our job is to, number one, uphold the standards, but then also, like, shepherd the athlete. It's not an intelligence test, right? So if they get off track,
Starting point is 01:52:11 it's not an intelligence test. We know that. Not necessarily. We're not coaching. That's not what we're doing. But if they're not progressing through the event in the order or in the fashion that they should be doing, like, that's our job to correct that. Then we should have given that judge the Spirit of the Games award. Hold on, I have a question.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Then we should have given that judge... Yeah, you had a question, Taylor? If it was a test of intelligence and physical fitness, which athlete would have won? If it was a test of intelligence, who would have won? God. Probably the more veteran athletes. We just got more reps.
Starting point is 01:52:43 Like a Vellner or a Hasky, of course. Those who professor took the vaccine how the fuck could they know anything those guys are retards well apparently savan has his own opinions on them because of their medical condition medical choices thank you guys thanks for that he's gonna take out of that oh yep every single day all right thank you guys for that bye thank you thank you uh intelligence is the requirement to count the five only i i here's the here's the thing i don't really care that the judge did that but the truth is is that that wasn't the judge's place to do it and it was the judge just reacting and the reason why it wasn't the judge's place to do is because
Starting point is 01:53:28 all judges wouldn't have reacted to that equally and that was you can totally tell that was just a subjective thing and the judge the athletes were never told at some briefing hey um but if you don't cross the finish line don't worry we'll remind you like and and and and the judges were never told that by the way if your athletes don't cross the finish line go ahead and remind them they were probably told the opposite do i care that it happened no but um it's if you had to choose it's not appropriate judge stay quiet unless it's to no rep someone or or to and when you know them i think you should tell them what you what they did wrong don't you agree taylor like you know someone who's doing thrusters it should be hey you didn't lock out or you didn't squat or they need to be told yeah how so they can make the correction
Starting point is 01:54:13 but if someone wants to stand around uh like if someone wants to stand around with their thumb in their ass not across the finish line then so be it across the finish line, then so be it. Is that okay if I depart? What are you guys talking about back there? Are you guys even talking? You're just sitting there quietly. Who's rolling her eyes because of Tia?
Starting point is 01:54:40 Mal? Oh, Jean Bernard Thiard says, oh, shame on rail. I think,
Starting point is 01:54:53 I think rail, I think Bailey rail rolled her eyes when Tia was out there. When Tia was out doing what? Giving her like, cheering her? No, Tia was gave like a
Starting point is 01:55:03 conclusion speech of the weekend basically wow and rail rolled her eyes i don't i'm gonna have to she probably had something caught in her uh look at several i was gonna okay people are railing bailey rail yeah i don't like it i'm gonna ignore it look at several events you will see judges pointing to the end zone when their athletes finish all the time we just noticed it it wasn't just pointing it was she became emphatic she got behind her but i hear you i hear you it's fair that's fair i'll take i take a little bit of course correction on that uh please don't film girls bending over it's totally inappropriate hillary it's not that kind of show okay guys we've been on for two hours
Starting point is 01:55:45 thank you for everyone checking in do you guys want us to keep hanging out hi to seven they just got your shirt they're all waving I used to love my innovate and then she said to get their shoes because they got your shirt
Starting point is 01:56:00 of course I will he says of course of course send them a pair me too does anyone hang out in reddit crossfit god i hope not reddit is a fucking cesspool for that's where i live i live i live in reddit crossfit now it's my home base thank you giddy up bailey was joking with gee If you watch any Mayhem videos, you'd get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:26 Thank you. Am I pronouncing that right? Giddy Up? That's how you spell Giddy Up? Where did you write Giddy Up? Look at her name. Look at that girl's name. Oh. Giddy Up. I don't know how someone would type in that. Type in...
Starting point is 01:56:47 Is there anyone over there with Sousa? Sousa, you got anybody over there? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, it is Giddy. No, not right now. Is it looking like people are going to show up? Probably not, maybe. No, I don't think so, actually.
Starting point is 01:57:05 They kind of look like they're all just catching the quick brides home right out the door, but I'm still kind of on standby in case we catch up with anybody. Susan, I'm ready to check out. I don't know what I want to do. Today's my fasting day, but I'm done. Land the plane, buddy. Land the plane.
Starting point is 01:57:22 All right. Guys, thank you everyone for checking in. Will Branstetter, Caleb Beaver, Taylor Watkins, Tyler Watkins, Brian Friend, you didn't do shit this weekend. Not you. Matt Susie, yes. J.R. Howell, Mike Halpin, John Jung, Heidi Krum, Mr. Hiller, Fit, and his girlfriend, white fiance Grace
Starting point is 01:57:47 That's my fiance Kevin Neal You didn't do much either Thank you We completely fucking destroyed Thank you guys We have a very fierce
Starting point is 01:58:04 schedule coming up As far as games go, you should know we're going we have a very fierce schedule coming up. As far as games go, you should know we're going to complete a show looking at all of the events with Brian friend. We're going to do an extremely detailed show with Jera Howell and Taylor self in regards to the programming, but not just the programming, but the actual,
Starting point is 01:58:19 we're going to break down what modalities it's going to be. It's going to get into the nitty gritty might even have to be two shows. But other than that, fuck the games and we're going to have a shitload of great guests on um that are going to be outside oh shit more crossfit stuff i am going to continue to do the hill or fit review shows on sunday and this affiliate series is going to be off the hook you're going to want to see it love you guys oh and fuck what tonight I will be back on with Adrian Bosman don't think I won't
Starting point is 01:58:50 yes yes yes

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