The Sevan Podcast - #551 - Arielle Loewen

Episode Date: August 14, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam, we're live. I don't take it as he's bitching at all. This is actually, of all the games posts I've ever seen,
Starting point is 00:00:42 this is the most interesting, this is the coolest one I've ever seen. I i read the whole fucking thing i want to ask ariel about it it's like it kind of feels like um you know when someone goes to jail and then you have all these questions for him what did you eat did someone touch your anus what did the toilet paper feel like just kind of shit like that hey good morning beaver um uh it's kind of like that he these are all the things as a fan that i would want to see it's it's it's it's brian it's uh brian's it's matt's fault because i i showed him this post and he started talking about it and i'm like there's no fucking way we're going to talk about this without people hearing. Hey girl, what's up? Hey, how are you? Good.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Is that, you're at your friend's house? I'm at my sister's house. Yeah. Yeah. She's got the good wifi. Damn your connections. Good. Good.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I had to redeem myself. It was, it was bad last time. I want to show Ariel that post in a, in a, in a, in a minute. Don't, don't lose that. I thought it was Ariel that post in a minute. Don't lose that. I thought it was a great post. Fikowski made a really cool post. Was it the one where he said, what was your favorite moment from the games?
Starting point is 00:01:56 And all these people commented? He's talking about the crossover event. No, I didn't see it. And then he gives you like 20 perspectives or experiences people had with the crossover event oh no i didn't like it oh and like you can't and then he gives you like 20 perspectives or experiences people had with the crossover event and then but but some of them are so good and so funny but but it's kind of like it's all the stuff as a fan you want you'd want to know like who was back there like he goes something you know like someone was back there crying but he doesn't tell you who but then like you have to like and it kind of inspired this other thought i was imagining all of the athletes like pick like 10 girls um who are in the crossfit games and then on the other side what would they be doing
Starting point is 00:02:36 if they didn't do crossfit and then you just got to draw a line across to them you know like mowing yards porn writing cookbooks. You know what I mean? And you like, dude. That's great. Well, the funny thing about that event. Someone would have their feelings hurt for sure. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:53 So when they briefed that event, you know how we're all in the Coliseum? Yeah. Usually when the- No, actually, I don't know. But now I do. Yes. I'll break it down for you. We're all in the Coliseum.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Usually from the demo team, one athlete will show the event. So like Griffin showed us the strongman event with the yoke. He did all of it. Okay. With that event, they needed three different demo team athletes to show each movement. I don't know if that was strategic, but it was like, Allie Scuds does the pegboard. Fisa Goffey did the jump rope. street horner did the press to handstand so we saw that we all knew like okay this is going
Starting point is 00:03:32 to be a little difficult did you were any other events um split up like that like did you like uh how about that run jerk did the same person who did the run do the the shuttle run jerk same person did it yeah Yeah. Same person. Hey, I don't know if this is true. I need to ask Adrian this, but I heard they brought in street Horner because none of those other knuckleheads could do it. You know, it's funny about street, which I don't know him personally, but when he was demoing the press to handstand and you walk across the parallel bars, Pat Velner was standing right by me and street presses to handstand and you walk across the parallel bars pat velner was standing right by me and street presses to handstand walks and pat velner just goes man they don't make them like
Starting point is 00:04:11 that anymore oh like the dudes yeah oh he's a beautiful man because he thought he looked so good yeah exactly yeah i think i think they brought in street because i think james got covid that's what i heard i heard that too i tried that was confirmed oh that was confirmed we yeah we actually caught up with him on the on site at the event i don't know if you guys could hear but yeah he apparently he he worked out really hard kind of broke down his body as he put it tested positive but had no symptoms so they just isolated him for a little bit then he tested negative and then he got to come back and play man essentially what happened oh that's fat wow yeah um it's it's kind of like um i i like that kind of description of a guy i worked out so hard that i got coat i i became susceptible to i was so drunk i kissed the wrong guy at the party it's kind of like that that's
Starting point is 00:05:08 exactly it's kind of like it's not my fault to just blame it on the goose are you um where do you live ariel we live in midland texas which is you know dallas you know el paso we're literally like right in the middle are Are you by a lake? We are not by any water. Oh. We'd have to travel like five hours to get to a puddle in the street. Wow. I'm getting this total like you're getting ready to go to the beach.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Maybe I'm projecting because I'm going to the beach today. I'm getting this total like you're getting ready to go to the beach today. Like I picture next to you, you have a bag with towels and some shit for your kids to eat. No, I wish. No, the only thing we have here are swimming pools and um and you have one kid one kid she's three years old and she actually went to the games with us which was fun but never again tell me tell me some shit like like you woke up in the middle of the night stuff no no she was behaved great. It's just not an event for kids.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And my mom came with and my mom was like, man, we were at the venue all day. And I was like, yeah, I don't know what you expected. But like if you're a fan, you just kind of sit around and wait for the events. I didn't have to deal with anything. I just know it probably wasn't much fun. Did she see you? Was she up in the stands? And like, she was, yeah, for the sandbag event, I actually saw her on the floor. I've got a cool picture I'm going to post probably later, but it was a little too loud for her. When I won the
Starting point is 00:06:37 event, she was actually in the beer garden. Yeah, this is our house. When I won the event, she was in the beer garden, which I really wanted her to be at the finish line because what a cool picture of course I'm thinking all Instagram at the games of course but how cool would it be to like cross the finish line and there's Blakely and I get a big old hug and a picture from her yeah sorry which event did you win no I don't have Ryan here. Oh, you're good. I won elevated Elizabeth. Yes. Wow. Yeah. It was so awesome to watch. It was amazing. So I'm in the, I'm lined up. My goal for the weekend was just to be in the final heat at some point throughout the weekend. So day one, I'm in the final heat and it's Tia, me, Laura Horvat, and just all the other athletes.
Starting point is 00:07:24 And it's Tia, me, Laura Horvat, and just all the other athletes. And before it started, I like motion to my friends. I was like, just take a picture of me standing next to these athletes. Yeah. And then three, two, one, go. I, I finish and beat all of them, but it was amazing. It was pretty cool. I want to come back to that. I have some crazy questions about how your arms must've felt after that.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Um, so so so did your daughter ever cry in the stands i'm sure she did like she was worried like she was worried about you i mean can you imagine watching your mom pick up what you guys had to do i would probably cry i don't know if she i don't know if she's old enough to quite comprehend that yet but i think it was a little too loud for her so she cried because of the fans going crazy um i when i had been on the floor um and some and one or two of the final events in years past it was so loud that i started hearing ringing was it like that i never heard ringing but it was pretty it was pretty loud like uncomfortable loud um i didn't think it was that uncomfortable to be
Starting point is 00:08:26 honest i would i like expect that saturday night in the coliseum so i was like the louder the better but i'm also the guy i've never been to a concert where i think oh this volume's perfect or a bar i'm always like what the fuck is wrong with these people i went i went to a blue oct concert. Do you know who that is? No. Oh, it was so loud. I like, couldn't even understand the music. I felt like the old person, like get me out of here. It's too loud. Yeah. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:08:54 I go to people's houses and it's like that. Like you go over there and they have like 20 people over and the music's so loud. I'm like, I'm outside now. That's a goal. So I don't, I don't come in your house. That's the goal. That's a goal so i don't i don't come in your house that's the goal that's the goal so so when you see all those dips um i when i think of dips i think of them as traditionally scaring people um because they know that there's a point it's one of those movements if you get
Starting point is 00:09:19 it's not like running where you can just slow down or burpees you can slow down it's like if you get stopped it could be that's it um what when you saw those were you like oh i practice these all the time or you're like what the fuck is this mess okay you're the first person i'm telling this to because i i realized this you were high you you were high when you did that workout yeah exactly no i started Yeah, exactly. No, I started CrossFit 2012. The first event, not even event, the first workout I ever did at a CrossFit box here at CrossFit Midland in Texas was one to 10. You're in a pushup position and you like row with a dumbbell and then you do one dip on the parallel bars. Are those man makers or man makers? You have to go up like this. Man makers. You got to go like all the way overhead. Oh yeah. Yeah. That's okay. Okay. What's the one where go up like this man makers you got to go like all
Starting point is 00:10:05 the way overhead oh oh yeah yeah that's okay okay what's the one where you go go like this and you're still on the ground that's superman like a turn no you're like in a push-up and you go up to one arm with the dumbbell but you're still in the push-up plank position okay anyway okay but you didn't do that you did push up and then just draw and then like a lat raise. Okay. Yeah. So the first workout I ever did for CrossFit was one to 10 lat raise and then dip on the parallel bars. Okay. And you come full circle and then I ended up winning an event with dips on the parallel
Starting point is 00:10:36 bars. I thought that was pretty cool. But I wouldn't say I personally like the bars better than I do rings. I feel like I do better on the bars, but actually, backstage, we couldn't warm up with those bars. So the athletes put together two of the rogue rigs and then put two bars on them that you would lift. And so they were just practicing shimmying on these two bars. And I was actually practicing my dips. And I was all over the place.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And Dylan, my husband, was like, Ariel, your dips look horrible. Oh, wow, wow, wow. Wise confidence boost. Yeah, I was like, ah! So then we practiced a few little techniques and I got better, but... In the back.
Starting point is 00:11:19 In the back, yeah. Hey, girl, your dips are ass. Is he allowed to say that to you back there he is because i know he's not doing it to be rude he's trying to do it to be like hey like get it together like a little bit of a realist which from him i can handle it anybody else i'd be like don't talk to me oh that's awesome oh yeah. Oh yeah. It's good. So what were some of the things like, were you too far out? Like when you were doing them and he's like, tuck in tighter, squeeze your legs together. Like what, what were some of the, did he give you any,
Starting point is 00:11:55 no, he's just like your ass figured out. No, I was like kipping behind me, like kicking my butt as I would kip. So I was doing like a weird circle and he was like when you go down bring your knees up and it helped me stay a little bit more intact um so when you when that starts um when that event starts you're not you're not like hey i'm gonna win this oh no um i just knew like tia was gonna come out hot don't try and hang with her but if you can stay close to her do it which dylan was actually in the stands and he was sitting next to tasia haley's coach and like me and t are like fairly close through the first two rounds and he's all telling Tasia. He's like, Oh my gosh, Ariel's coming out too hot. Who is she to think she can hang with Tia and Laura Horvat on this?
Starting point is 00:12:52 So we all kind of like, didn't realize what was happening until I just like pulled away a little bit at the end. Who was on your lane to your right? And who was on your lane to your left? Tia was to the right laura was to the left oh shit yeah so yeah we're sandwiched in between the menaces oh wow um were you even surprised at that point that you were in that heat or did you know you belonged in that heat i was still surprised i was surprised but also the first events were
Starting point is 00:13:24 really good for me with the skill stuff. And I did decent on the bike one. So I was glad to be there. And I was like, will I stay here throughout the weekend? Did you fail any, any, any dips in those sets of three? No, I felt like they, they never got to the point of failure they were manageable and so you did them seven seven seven five five five three three three yeah yeah crazy and um you were never up there like with one left and we're like oh these are my arms are really blown
Starting point is 00:14:01 up or my chest is did you do you feel when you do dips are you tricep person or chest person are you feeling it here are you feeling it back here definitely triceps triceps yeah but no it never felt to the point of fatigue crazy i know it's fucking nuts so the event's going amazing the last round no the middle round you do three dips three dips and then three dips I finished my three dips and at this point I'm in the lead I get off the p-bars and I step if you looked at the p-bars you could like see the the legs that hold it at the end and they were like clearly elevated I stepped on it wrong and twisted my ankle. Oh yeah. See if you, do you see it sticking out down there? Yeah. The little like black thing kind of in the corner there.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah. All the way back there up to the corner, Susan. Oh yeah. Yeah. Is that a, what is, what is that thing? It branches off that way. So it holds it from tilting side to side. Exactly. At the joint. Okay. Yeah. So I step on that going into my last round of nine, twist my ankle and I can like barely walk.
Starting point is 00:15:13 So when you text me to like, come on the Savan podcast that night, I literally couldn't walk to the car. My ankle was swollen and bruised and everything. And it was bad. you cry do you cry are you like my games are over i fucked up no i had a pt there jody from body works and she looked at it and she's like you're fine let me just do this to it but she taped she taped the like living crap out of it the rest of the weekend just so i couldn't feel anything. Are you, are you, are you still hurt from that? I am actually. I, I'm, I still can't walk normal yet,
Starting point is 00:15:51 but maybe in the next few weeks. Like you're adjusting your gait because you feel some pain. Exactly. How about anything else? How's the rest of the body? How's any, any soreness or? No, honestly, I felt good. My back was sore after the deadlifts. Yeah. If you look there, my ankles taped on the right side. And then any other pictures you see, I'm either wearing high socks to not show any weakness of an ankle taped or,
Starting point is 00:16:15 um, you'll just see it there. Is that what event was that right there? Was that the, uh, capital? Yeah, that was a capital. Hey, you know what I saw? I saw, um, I mean, you can find anything on the internet, but there's this lady who used to work for CrossFit. She was a fucking wackadoodle. This is like way back in the day, but she wrote that that workout was like subversive and was supposed to like ignite the fans to remind them of January 6th. That was like, and that's why that workout was done.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I swear to God, I read a hole from an old CrossFit employee. She used to actually be in charge of the affiliate blog. Hey, she's one of your people, Caleb. She's in the military too. Fucking nutter. Pretending you can't hear now. I was never watching that and was like, my god i'm having january 6th that's hilarious um so so you so you win that event we people always talk about oh
Starting point is 00:17:19 these workouts exposed athletes for what they couldn't do. But when an athlete like you, we never know when an athlete like you, what it did is it exposed what you're amazing at that you didn't even know. Yeah. I didn't even know. Right. And that, and that's kind of crazy. And we would never know that from watching. So when we're watching, if we see like handstand pushups, stop someone, we're like, Oh, they're fucked're fucked right like we saw mal o'brien do that first handstand push-up and we're like uh-oh you saw ricky garrard do that first one you're like uh-oh but you you killed that and we were in real time we find out as the viewer at the same time you're finding out oh shit i'm gonna win like you didn't expect it no none at all it all. It was awesome. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Hey, you think Tia's coming back? I don't know. Part of me doesn't. I don't know. Me and Dylan, we listen to all the podcasts. Well, he does, and he tells me about it. But we've heard all the theories of her whole family was there. She was emotional backstage.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I don't know. I am glad she was there this year though, because what a sweet thing to say that I won an event and Tia was in the field because that's just like unheard of. Yeah. That's really, really cool. A huge fan of the show. Double high five to the fittest mom in America. Too cool. I want to come back to Tia in a second. Are people's perception of you changing?
Starting point is 00:18:47 I don't really know what their perception was in the beginning. But maybe can you tell? And I guess the litmus test would be comments on your Instagram or DMs you get. Well, at least my perception of you is that you weren't that serious. You were just super athletic. You were super committed. You're a fitness nut and you were just dabbling, but you were hardcore by dabbling. I mean, dabbling to your own, whatever hardcoreness that you worked out. And then you, and then you had some success and then now you're like, you're, you're kind of like in it to win it. And,
Starting point is 00:19:26 and maybe even a transformation from like, I saw you as just kind of like a mom before. And now I don't after this year, I see you different. Man. I think you said it all. I see you as like, you know what I mean so I'm just wondering do you feel that like from the perception like I don't like before you were just a mom who made it to CrossFit now you're to me you're like a hardcore games athlete who just happens to have a kid yeah and what's what I love love love about that story is it's nothing my words have said it's been all like, look. Yeah. And then you, you figure it
Starting point is 00:20:07 out for yourself. Yeah. It is all look. You're right. Yeah. It's really, I know this is gonna sound bad, but it's not, it's really superficial. It's like numbers and behavior and your physique and how you attack and the outcomes. Which is my favorite way. Like, you're not going to ever see me saying like, Oh, look at me, look at this, look at this. But it's like,
Starting point is 00:20:28 I'll work hard. And then you figure it out for yourself. So it's been really cool to see that come to fruition. Do you have any sponsors? I do. I have born primitive. Oh, I'm in love with those joggers.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Oh my God. Those joggers. so i can get you some you text me your size i'll get you some more okay that's good to hear because i was actually thinking i have this obsessive personality and i was actually thinking about like going online and like just buying five hundred dollars worth and i don't know how i was gonna explain like one for every day you text me your size and I'll hook you up. Okay. Okay. Born primitive.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I got him in the gains box. I can't even believe I get some, it's so unlike me to do the gains box. That's the thing where random shit comes to you. Yeah. And these pants were in there and I've, I can't stop wearing them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:18 That is a like, yeah. What a CrossFit fan. Okay. Okay. So born primitive. And then tear oh wait back to born primitive and their bathing suits are nice they're really nice and they have one pieces that aren't like granny they have nice one pieces for women that aren't like dumb yeah and they also just came out with a golfer line for guys so they they have like those nice black pants and shorts Dylan. So because I get the hookup, Dylan gets blessed too.
Starting point is 00:21:51 So it's been great for the whole family and they have kids clothes. I didn't even know that. Yeah. Yeah. I'm totally set. I wonder if I can get my kids sponsored. Who are these guys? Do you know who are these gals? Is this a, who owns this company? Do you know who are these gals? Is this a, who owns this company? Do you know them? I know Jen, which I believe she works for them.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I don't personally know the owners. Okay. But I would like to. Are they a CrossFit brand? Are these dudes like, is this, are they in other, like,
Starting point is 00:22:18 did they come out of the CrossFit ecosystem? Yeah. They came out of the CrossFit ecosystem and they're very much like Patriot inspired America. They're based out of the crossfit ecosystem and they're very much like patriot inspired america america based out of virginia beach don't be scared he works with us don't be don't let him scare you he's not like he didn't have that we've taken live audience members virginia beach i'm pretty sure they're owned by like navy seals or something Virginia Beach. I'm pretty sure they're owned by Navy Seals or something. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:46 That would explain also they did Josh Bridges shorts. The jorts? The jorts. I lost mine. I'm so bummed. You lost your jorts? Or did you just take them off down at the beach just getting loose and forgot to bring them home? Tell the story.
Starting point is 00:23:03 I wish. Hey, do you have a pretty tight loop of your life, Ariel? Friends and family or what do you mean by that? No, I don't mean people like, so if I want to know where you are on a Tuesday at 8 a.m., 90% of the time I'll know where you're at. Like you park your car in the same spot. You eat this every day. You wake up at this time. You go to bed at this time.
Starting point is 00:23:26 And like. Yeah, not so much going to bed, but like Dylan always gives me crap because I'm very scheduled and like routine. I'll say routine. And like if I'm at the gym at 12, he knows not to call me at 12 because I'm at the gym. But like if you try and mess up that schedule, I'm just like no i can't i can't this is my schedule yeah it's a weakness and even in how many days a week do you swim well i'm leading up to the games once twice a week twice a week and so on those days you have a pool you go to you go there you you have your spot that you like to park in it It's usually open. You get out. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Let me break you down my pool situation. The owner of the gym I go to has a back door in their backyard, an Olympic-sized lap pool right behind their guest house. So I, it's absolutely beautiful. I pull up park right next to her house, walk in and I can, I literally have this like oasis and there's nobody else in the pool. It's peaceful. They have waterfalls.
Starting point is 00:24:42 So I'll swim in the lap pool and Blakely will swim behind me. They have like a little hot tub area and my sister will come and watch her. I have the best swimming situation as far as like peaceful, beautiful when it comes to swimming for the games. It's awesome. How long is an Olympic size pool? She told me it was longer than what we had to do at the games. I want to say maybe 50, 50 feet, 50 meters, 50 meters. Yeah. So I was training a little bit longer than what we had to do competition time. So it's 25 each way. There's no way someone has a 50 meter pool in their backyard. I can send you a picture pretty sure it's 50 50 meters in
Starting point is 00:25:26 length is an olympic size pool that's 150 feet it's a it's like a normal pool is like 25 meters they're like one length yeah the olympic is 50 meters like straight when you guys swam at the games was it 25 there and back or yeah so you swam you're the pool you swim in is twice as the distance one way it might i wouldn't say twice it might be 50 feet but it it was i'd say at least if i was going down and back in the crossfit pool yeah where i train in her backyard would be down and back and a half and it's it's a skinny pool it's skinny it's it's it's it's it's a lap pool it's skinny you could fit two people in there so i'd say it's like one lane wow it's amazing i'll send a picture once we're done but it's it's. But what screwed me over for last year at the games is I'm used to this beautiful, peaceful pool, and then we have an open water swim. And I have no idea how to swim in open water.
Starting point is 00:26:38 So it's good for when I need to swim in a pool setting, but it didn't work for open water. in a pool setting but it didn't work for open water in an open water it's not because of the waves and shit but it's just like finding your direction right you're in a pool you're kept like this and there you're like oh shit where am i going yeah and you can't see anything so when your head's underwater it's almost like your eyes are closed then you can't breathe it's a little scary when when you were doing the swim in the uh in the lake there and you have goggles on is it just what do you see in there brown yeah picture you put your head in the toilet gross oh what is your um what's the owner of the gym do? What's their day job? Her husband owns an oil company.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Oh. Yeah. That was right. Yep. Her facility is amazing, though. Midlands for the oil and gas money. It's inhabited by like 50 people. Thank you, Will.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Look, Will knows exactly. He didn't even ask the question yet, and he knows my brain's turning. Like, what the? That was like 20 minutes ago. He wrote that. 150,000 people, I think, are in Midland. A little bit more than 50. But it's known for oil.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah, it's known for oil. So do you own your gym that you train? No, no, it belongs to this lady. Yeah, it belongs to her. And she's been amazing. I switched gyms in January to move to her gym. And the first thing, I've known her for years. The first thing she does, she comes up to me and she's like, okay, what are your weaknesses?
Starting point is 00:28:16 And I told her like the echo bike, the sandbag. The next day she sends me a screenshot and was like, I ordered you a sandbag. I ordered you an echo bike. What else do you need? So she's just, yeah, she's there in my corner. Just like, how can you get better? And we're going to do everything we can to support you. Why do you think benefactors are great? People who have resources that can help other people.
Starting point is 00:28:39 It's fucking so nice. Why, why, why you, what do you think she likes about you? I'd like to think it's because she's known me for years. And she knows I'll show up and work hard, mind my business, and then leave. So she wants to support a winner. Yeah, I think so. And she's seen me. She actually was at the gym I first went to in 2012.
Starting point is 00:29:03 So she's seen my journey kind of unfold from the beginning like no one else has so she saw you win miss valuable that's what really comes down if we're gonna go back that far wait i don't even know that what did you say what's that what's miss valuable tell us i could tell you at high school you know how they pick people like um for your high school miss talented miss um congeniality all of that stuff i was likely to be a comedian or shit like that yeah i won miss valuable i don't even know what that means but i hold the title i would think it means you're gonna have have the highest tax bill. Like you're going to be the richest person.
Starting point is 00:29:51 You take your daughter with you when you swim laps. Yeah. And my sister came with, which was awesome. And she'll watch her while I'll swim. How old is your sister? She's 30 and she's actually pregnant. She's going to have a kid in the end of September. And you have a good relationship with her.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah, I do. We've gotten closer as we've gotten older, for sure. Yeah, same with my sister. Really? Yeah, way closer, way closer. Agreed. Because you kind of go, you wouldn't know, but in high school, we were like, not enemies, but not friends. I would steal her clothes and she would hate
Starting point is 00:30:25 it actually got so bad because i have clothes but always like somebody else's stuff the grass always looks greener on the other side it got to the point where i was so sneaky of taking her clothes that she put a lock on her door but now we're really good friends so it's all good does dylan have siblings he does he has an older sister who's a nurse and then a younger brother who was actually at the games um and we we wanted to try and hook his name's daryl hayley adams was there we wanted to try and hook him up with hayley adams but it didn't work out. Good luck breaking that. Yeah. So, um, so many, I mean, what a cat she is. So many, I've, I, I, I'd never heard it until this year, but now I've heard it. So many guys say that they're interested in her.
Starting point is 00:31:16 They're like, how could I date her? Should I move to Cookville? Like people are like into her shit. Her, her, um, I get maybe before because people saw her as like a little kid and now she's 21 and she's like matured and people like see her okay that's girlfriend material wife material yeah did you talk to her much do you talk did you do you know her very well oh yeah yeah i know her pretty well her and then her coach of course i love tage that's very easy to talk to but we talked we talked a decent amount i know on the
Starting point is 00:31:45 last day we kind of were both not in the dumps but just like when it was a strength event after a strength event after a strength event we kind of were both like oh okay give us give us something else to counterbalance all this strength stuff so we did you have a homie there is there someone that was kind of yeah oh yeah me and spiegel became really good friends at the games oh yeah tell me did you know her before yeah i met her at wadapalooza and then we started um we would just like i would comment on her social media like oh and then we'd kind of build a connection from there. And then at the games, actually, I was a rookie, rookie move. I showed up to the first athlete briefing one minute late and they make it known when you're late to these things. So that was this year. That was
Starting point is 00:32:36 this year. That was this year. And she came up to me because we didn't rent a car. So I was relying on Uber or shuttle service. And she came up to me and she's like, why were you late? And I was like, well, our Uber was a little bit late. And she's like, girl, I'm at your hotel. Here's my number. Just text me. We'll ride together every morning. Oh shit. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. It was super cool. So then we ended up riding to the venue, leaving together and just hanging out all day. It was really fun. Yeah. You really did have a homie. I did. And she actually started, she already followed me we follow each other she started following dylan my husband
Starting point is 00:33:11 on instagram so he's just all like screenshotting it sent it to his cousin screenshot it Danny follows me i should check i should check to see if she follows me yeah i was gonna say we almost we almost had a moment with her because when we were talking with you, she came over and she was all smiles and she kind of looked at me and she still came and I was like, this is it. I'm going to mend it. She's coming on the show. And then she saw Hiller and did the quickest 180
Starting point is 00:33:36 you've ever seen in your life. Is she not friends with you guys? We just had a little speed bump. I think she's i think she's ready to be to be friends i was very nice to her we just had her to come on the show i i love it that um i mean i mean think about it why would she want to make one it's a weekend i'm just i'll just be curious what the likeliness of that to happen in other sports. It's a, it's a, it's a long event.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Why would she try? And it's already complex enough. There's so many fucking different times. There's nothing consistent about that whole week for you guys. Right. It's just every day is like a bunch. It's the complete opposite of your regular life. And yet she goes out of her way to add one more bit of complexity, which you it's just it's fucking cool i would say we
Starting point is 00:34:28 were very similar backstage some people are very intense or they'll just leave and go off site between events but me and her very much have a very like light-hearted approach when it comes to the sport we'll goof around we won't be as strict goof around. We won't be as strict with our diets. We won't be as strict with how we talk, how we eat. Like we were just very, very much on the same wavelength as far as like, we love CrossFit. CrossFit games is awesome, but our entire life does not ride on what happens on this weekend.
Starting point is 00:34:58 So it was kind of refreshing to just have like a little bit of lightheartedness backstage. Did you see anyone crying back there? I did. You did? Yeah. Dudes or girls? Girls.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I wouldn't say we were around the guys that much this year. Oh, really? Not that I remember, at least. I remember a lot more girls than I do guys. Because in years past, it was always kind of everyone was together, except for a few busing incidents. At least I just remember the back area just being everyone's just in a pile. They were really good this year about they would like file the girls in,
Starting point is 00:35:36 we'd do our event, and then the girls would leave, then the guys would come in. So they changed something this year to where the backstage, at least of the Coliseum, wasn't that crowded. Did the crying came later on in the week? Yes. There were a lot of tears after the Capitol. I don't know if it was fatigue, your body's breaking down, but it just took something out of you. Have you ever gone on a really long hike like a like it's like a 10-hour
Starting point is 00:36:08 hike i have not there's this um there in california there's a place called yosemite you probably heard of it and they have a hike there it's called uh i think it's called the el capitan hike i don't remember how long it is but you basically have to oh half dome that's what it is half dome thank you and you have to start it like at six in the morning and then you and then you get back like it's six at night and it's a full fucking like it's like a full i even though i've never done ayahuasca but it's like a full ayahuasca trip it's a fucking 12-hour hike and it's um have you done it savan yeah i've done it and you know 14 16 miles and i can't even believe like the the mental episodes you go through on it like you start off the morning i'm going on a hike i can't wait to get to the top and look over and snap some photos but by the end of the
Starting point is 00:36:54 day you're like fucking emotionally exhausted you're just hiking by yourself the whole time and there's just some ups and downs i just can't even believe it but i think the crossfit games is that times a thousand and it's something the fans will never know but if you're back there when i would do behind the scenes i would see the athletes go through it yeah that's a really good way to put it like there's some just it's emotional as fuck why is that is that why why is it so emotional do you know? Man, I don't think I could put it on it, but your, your body goes through a lot. And then as your body goes through it, so let's say the event is 18 minutes long.
Starting point is 00:37:37 They brief the event two hours earlier. You spend two hours thinking about the event, warming up for the event, three, two, one, go, you do the event. So it's, for me, it was like the event might be 18 minutes, but it's the two hours leading up to the event mentally. And then physically your body goes through it. So when it's over, everything is exhausted. And then you have two hours. Hey, let's do it again.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Here's the next event. And if you take 30 seconds, it's like you went through all this work and your prize is like. And if you take 30 seconds, it's like you went through all this work and your prize is like. Even though everyone should be patting themselves on the back who did it. Right. Like if you finish in the bottom 20 in an event, like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Then they slap you across the face. Yeah. After all that. It's a really good way to put it. Did you cry? Did you cry at all during the week no i i'm not a huge crier i didn't cry i would i was disappointed in some events but never to be like led to tears do you ever when you're out there um do crazy shit like
Starting point is 00:38:40 if i if i if i break this up, um, something bad is going to happen to Dylan. No, maybe I should. And then, and then it's like, then you just can't. No, no, no. I have very like positive self-talk when I'm working out. Like that's one thing I've learned. If you scream at me like negative stuff, I don't do well to it. Like you're slow. You have to go faster. So sometimes this is goofy.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Like if I'm doing kettlebell clean and jerk, so I'll be like, oh, I'm so strong right now. Like, oh, I bet my arms are just looking great as I'm just like very goofy, like positive. Yeah. Gets me through it. Wow. Except for Dylan. He can be like, yo, goofball. Those aren't, those are the dips.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Those dips are trash. Yeah. But only he can say that. You say that, Siobhan. Yeah. Not cool. Yeah. So if you're an Ariel Lowen fan and you're in the stands next year, are you, do you think, are you going to make another run?
Starting point is 00:39:44 I would like to, if my body holds going to make another run i would like to if my body holds up and lord willing i'd like to um people talk about um uh sacrifice like is there anything that's like stop is there other stuff that's like competing with it like oh i should have another kid or i should really like help dylan remodel the next house or is there any like is there anything competing for your time i'm definitely not remodeling a house i know my place when it comes to stuff like that i would love to have another kid ideally and i think blakeley's only getting older but i also know like the crossfit games window is so small for like my age if you want to put it so i'm gonna i'm gonna try and write it out as long as i can
Starting point is 00:40:26 yeah and you guys can have kids for a long time the crossfit girls i would say so i don't really know i mean my wife had her first one at 39 and her next to it 43 wow all just just from just regular boning like no ivf or just wait what a what a brag fashion bonus just yeah just regular love making just regular just you know cables out for a week and you end up with kids don't pay the cable bill for a week and you end up with kids i've been there um um so you're you were doing crossfit before you had your daughter lately yeah blakely blakely before you have blakely um did you have games aspirations? Oh yeah. I tried from 2014 until 2018, like actually trying. And you made regionals every year,
Starting point is 00:41:31 right? Yeah. I made regionals for five years and just fell short every time. Dylan likes to say I couldn't make it to the games until I took his last name. That's what I was waiting on. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:41:41 I like that. But yeah, what an awesome last name for the games it is it's a cool name yeah no yeah that was me i think 2015 that year so i feel like i've been in the game for a long time i just haven't had success until now and and then and then when you got pregnant, did you abandon those aspirations? Oh, yeah. I quote unquote like retired because I was like, realistically, if I couldn't make it to the games, I tried five years before pregnancy. There's no way after pregnancy I would come back stronger and fitter and healthier and faster and all that.
Starting point is 00:42:26 It's like everything culture tells you about like what pregnancy does to you. I was well aware. And I was like, there's no way, but there was a way. Right. When, um, and was that hard or was that easy? Were you, are you kind of just a roll with the punches? I'm not going to argue with rally. Okay. I'm pregnant. Okay. I'm not getting my goals for the games are done. I'm going to, how cool I have a kid like to just move on like that. It was just easy. I had one month. No, I had, it was a month of June. So I found out I was pregnant at regionals in May. And then the month of June, I kind of had like a depressed month where I slept all day, kind of like had a lot of shame, had a lot of guilt. And then I actually, I don't know if I told this story last time.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I had somebody like prophesy to me. And ever since that day, it like changed my perspective. And it was like, okay, I'm supposed to have a kid. And I kind of never looked back from there. But I think we did talk about that. That was though, because you were pregnant out of wedlock. That wasn't because like you weren't being like, I think a lot of people would get probably pregnant and be like, Oh my God, I have to let go of CrossFit. Like if you were, if you were in a spine, it
Starting point is 00:43:33 wasn't that. No, it wasn't. It was just related to just how you had pictured your life to go. Yeah. The order. Yeah. And once I got over that, what do you mean? Uh, prop, what did they do? Do you prophesize to you? Yeah. She, this lady was dropping in from Hawaii and she had a dream. I'd never met this lady before. I think I told this last time I was on the show, but I'd never met her. She came up to me cause she had, I had a dream that she felt like God had given her.
Starting point is 00:43:59 So she shared it with me and she just like held her hands in front of her stomach and was like like you're carrying this special ruby this is um a red ruby because god's love covers all shame all guilt and it just resonated with me because she's holding it in front of her stomach here i am pregnant god's blood covers all my sin and shame so just really powerful she just randomly walked up to you though like where you just like finished a workout towel and off and she's like hey i got a story to tell you real quick i just had this yeah exactly and then she told it to me it was it was crazy are you still in touch with her
Starting point is 00:44:34 i follow she's on facebook i'll keep up with her now and then but i haven't seen her since i wonder if she knows what she did i don't know i i feel like after she did that i did tell her i was pregnant and how much it meant to me so she does know um she told me the story and then i told her i was pregnant which made it even more powerful a few years back my wife said something to me i can't i wish i could remember what it was but it was like it was an insult but it was a funny insult like she like like um i said dude i read you like a book and she goes fuck i read you like a postcard or something and it fucked me up i was like oh fuck she fucked me up right there
Starting point is 00:45:21 what does that even mean just like i'm more simple than her like i'm just the way she did it was so good and like three and that was like it rattled me because it was like such a good comeback i was like yeah so like four days later i said to her um i brought it up i'm like oh yeah you read me like a postcard and And then she goes, I knew that stuck. And I was like, oh, she fucked me up again. I fucking had to like walk out of the room again. I'm like, oh God, I knew that stuck. I was like, what a great line. Have you ever come on here? No, I, she can't come on here. She can't come on. Fucking ruined me. But that's what I think when that lady, she stuck you.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Yeah, like right in the heart where it was a deep, deep spot. Yeah, it's crazy when people say stuff that sticks. So that happened. it's crazy when people say stuff that sticks. So that happened. And then Dylan says my dips suck. Same spot in the, yeah, yeah. But what's weird is that that's different. Cause that doesn't stick. That is like Intel. You take that Intel and you work with it. Yeah. That's data. Yeah. But, but it's kind of like um the the strongest example i can think in my life there's things that um one time my sister said to me you really do live a charmed life
Starting point is 00:46:56 and she said that to me like 10 years ago and i hear that in my head every day holy shit you live a charmed life like i get a flat tire and I go to change my flat tire and I find a suitcase of money. Like my life is always unfolding. Like I dropped my wallet and then a few minutes later, someone hands it back to me and they're like, and I found this thousand dollar bill under it too. I'm like, well, thank you. I mean, it's just, but, but she said it to me. And I don't know if I really do live a charmed life,
Starting point is 00:47:21 but it changed my perspective. Yeah. Like, I'm like, wow. It's kind of like what you said. I must like when you're when you're working out, you're like, yeah, I must fucking look great. Exactly. Thank God I'm lifting weights of my arms look good when everyone's staring at me. Yeah, exactly. And so that lady said that and I just wonder. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Yeah. And it stuck and it's a and it heals you and carries you. Yeah. Yeah, it just stuck. And it stuck. And it heals you and carries you. Yeah, and it makes you like do a 180 and you just turn the other direction without even thinking what was behind you. Right. That reminds me of that other line that you say sometimes when you say if you avoid or don't talk to strangers, you'll never meet angels. Yes. That's like that perfectly kind of sums that up there. Yeah. You can't, right? People who don't talk to strangers don't talk to angels i know people who don't
Starting point is 00:48:12 talk to strangers i i suspect i suspect it's most people don't talk to strangers they avoid strangers especially in california but it's just like yeah stranger danger seven arms look so tiny besides aerials i'm gonna sit closer to the yeah it's the lighting it's the lighting then you have then you have your daughter, and that's why from there, it's accidental from there. I mean, not the hard work, not the discipline, not the habits, people. All that shit was like, that is not accidental. That's cultivated through years of who you are. But it's accidental how good you got, right? Yeah, and that's when the years of who you are. Yeah. But that's when it's accidental,
Starting point is 00:49:05 how good you got it. Right. Yeah. And that's when like the fairy tale begin, if you want to say, because I never had this pictured at all in my head to win an event at the games. If you would have told me that when I had a kid,
Starting point is 00:49:18 there's no way. Against the greatest who ever did it. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. In a pretty well-rounded event In a pretty well-rounded event. In a pretty well-rounded event, too.
Starting point is 00:49:28 What were the things you had to do? It was you had to do the traverse, you had to do the dips, and you had to do the… Some squat cleans. Squat cleans. 21, 15, 9, 9, 9. Oh, right. Elizabeth. Right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Yeah. In sort of a… Not awesome. Yeah. That's a great shot of you, right, right, right. Yeah. In sort of a... Not awesome. That's a great shot of you, too. That's cool. And you're kind of not supposed to win that one either because it's the really hard one. They've added some extra shit at the end of a
Starting point is 00:49:58 benchmark just to weed out the fucking has-beens. Exactly. Not that there's any has-beens. No. No. But I did. Dylan loves your podcast now he listens to all the time he listened the other day when my podcast loves dylan when you were talking about velner account when it goes to sleep at night it counts dylan's jumping over fence one dylan two two Dylan oh you talked a few days ago about
Starting point is 00:50:29 Vellner's celebration and we hadn't seen it so we went back this past week and like re-watched the games events but you're talking about it we went back and watch the events? Did you do that last year too? Yeah, we usually do. It's hard to watch the events I don't do well on. I still haven't watched the hat trick or the
Starting point is 00:51:00 heavy yoke one because those are just a little painful. But the ones I'm proud of, it's really easy to watch. The hat trick's the one you got like a... You did running and jerks. Is that... No, that one was decent. The hat trick was where you did the really high wall balls and then the snatches.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Oh, and then you got to rest and you got to... And then you had to go again. That one, Ellie Turner just... It's fucking... She dominated it. That was nuts watching her. Yeah, it was. She didn't even look human she looked like a machine yeah she practiced it backstage quite a bit and even watching her backstage i was like okay she's gonna do really well at this
Starting point is 00:51:36 yeah that's cool and she got a new boyfriend it looks like did you see who her boyfriend is we just keep pushing that one dylan has listened and he's told me who he thinks it is madero's yeah yeah yeah she got the champ you think someone i mean matt o'keefe uh put wrote power couple in the comments and then someone sent me a dm this morning that actually shows them like, I mean, they're not like in a hot tub together drinking champagne, but. But they're holding a bachelor. Yeah, but it's something I see something I see sparks. But then I also saw another post of a girl who was claiming to be just just a girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Yeah. On his sister's stories or whatever. There's somebody that posted like watching still watching my BF or something or something like that yeah that threw us off the trail a little bit sounds like some baby mama drama put that picture up again look at these guys look how happy these people are these four people look at them it's like they just took mushrooms look at him justin looks like his face hurts he's smiling so big i think it's the red that's gotta be it the red makes them look like they're smiling bae well how could you not be smiling when you're in the red leaders jersey oh yeah it's true yeah hey did you end up did you get a uh were you one of the people who got a shirt from
Starting point is 00:53:06 noble i was not no no but i i'm realistic like i know i know other games athletes have a bigger following that they should have the shirts over me because that's what makes economic sense to the company yeah they're in there to make money and they're gonna want whoever's gonna buy them it's not to help us by any means right it's to make money right and i'm and i and i i i'm good with that too i i'm fair with that too yeah um patrick clark always writes good stuff in here that don't fuck it up patrick here we go i haven't even read this yet ariel i noticed that he's perfect. He has a perfect record. He can only tarnish himself. Ariel, I noticed that you elected not to use chalk during Elizabeth elevated while Tia
Starting point is 00:53:55 covered herself in chalk. Did you notice that? And when did you know you had won the event? I'll touch on the chalk first. Sometimes I think chalk is more mental than it is physical. I try in as much as possible, train without using chalk. So I don't have to like waste time and bend over and breathing. So in that event, I wasn't even thinking about chalk because I wasn't like drenched in sweat. I don't need chalk for this. Because I think sometimes, I don't know, I've, if I'm looking at an event, and it's won by seconds, I'd like to think I don't need chalk for this. Cause I think sometimes, I don't know if I'm looking at an event and it's won by seconds, I'd like to think I wouldn't waste those seconds bending over to get chalk if I'm not too fatigued to need it. But I knew, I didn't really knew I won the event
Starting point is 00:54:37 till I actually finished. But there was a moment where I think it was the first round of nine, me and Tia were head to head and she walked to the p bars and I jogged to the p bars and that's when I knew like I still feel good to jog while she's walking I think I can do this and then as soon as I said I think I can do this the next thought in my head was Dylan's gonna be so proud of me and then I went back to work so it kind of was like you were saying Dylan's going to be so proud of me. And then I went back to work. So it kind of was like you were saying, except I don't choose.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Yeah. Oh my God. He felt his tear ducts turn on just now when he heard you say that. No. So I finished the event. I go and give him a hug. He told me he cheered for the first five minutes of it. Yeah. The last four minutes,
Starting point is 00:55:24 he just stood there silent like this. Cause he was like, if I opened my mouth, I would have lost it. So he's just come on, Ariel. And then the next five minutes. Just,
Starting point is 00:55:35 it was just so emotional for him at that point. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. To hear, to hear someone you love so much say that, like that you had that thought during the event i mean that's the greatest gift you can give like i thought about you while i was out there hurting
Starting point is 00:55:48 and i thought i was doing this so you'd be proud of me it's like holy fuck he's lucky you tell him afterwards it's your luck you know he's listening savann Patrick, that's a great question. Thank you. Um, I, I, I always think that, um, the, the, oh, here we go through your podcast. I constantly find new angels to love, follow and cheer for you. Now she knows. Mr. Darius knows the answer. Her lips are sealed. Yeah. She knows the answer she knows what justin and ellie are up to okay um i always assume that when they're chalking themselves because i never use chalk either but like um and i don't use a belt or anything like that but i always assume that if i see someone taking their but you use wrist wraps yeah yeah for the exact opposite of what they're supposed to be used for i put them on because i'm cold
Starting point is 00:56:49 not not to stop sweat but i always just i assume that when i see an athlete chalk take off their shirt drink water that all it is is an excuse to rest i never think in my head there's any functionality to it. And I'm not saying that I'm right, but that's just where I go. And so it's almost like a bad habit. Chalking could be a bad habit because, right? Yeah, it could. And when, like you said, you're an elite athlete, Siobhan, and you get it. So if you start thinking like that and like capitalizing on little moments those little moments can add up to a little bit bigger moments which granted if you see me bend over chalking up it's because i'm literally tired and i have to bend over and
Starting point is 00:57:35 breathe so i would agree with that and then and then you and then when you're jogging towards back towards the bars that's also she might not have even been, um, metabolically tired, but she might have been thinking, I mean, she, at the end, her arms looked massive. Her triceps looked like they got destroyed. So, um, and I hadn't actually never seen her look like that after a workout. She was kind of hanging on. That's what we said too. It was uncharacteristic because almost like something was wrong with her until we saw the next workout we knew there was nothing wrong with her yeah i agree when you when you passed her in that moment there did you did you like feel yourself take her soul a little bit because that's what we always joke around at the gym like the group of guys stuff that i work out with her
Starting point is 00:58:18 and work out with the class but like past people and you're just like as you go by and you kind of like feel like you like got their momentum you're like i just captured you like you felt like they you can see them wilt a little bit yeah it's a david goggins thing like take their soul but i don't know did you feel that at all like did you feel that shift because i definitely like when they were showing it on the camera i was like screaming my head off for you to pass her and yeah i saw you like walk and kind of take a break i'm like don't take a break you gotta go right now and then like as you go across and you got it and like the camera pans on her and she just had this look on her face where she was just like, fuck, like, did you, could you
Starting point is 00:58:49 feel that when that was happening at all? Or were you just too focused? I was focused, but when I ran to the P bars, I felt dominant. If that makes sense. That's what I wanted to hear. Yeah. So I was more focused on my feelings, but there is a, if you watch, if you rewatch it, there's a moment in that event,
Starting point is 00:59:06 I finished a traverse and then I look up at my friends and I just give them a thumbs up. Cause I was like, okay. Hey, well you're doing serious shit. Like chalking, Ariel's fucking around wasting seconds. Give me, Oh shit. You just betrayed yourself. You ruined the whole bar, that whole bar. Just edit that part all out she had a little hedge at that point she had a little hedge it was fine i felt good and i was like hey guys for what it's worth a guy named dick butter says tia's technique sucked and ariel's was flawless i i just have to i don't know if that's a real coach or not uh get with the programming
Starting point is 00:59:45 podcast after the semi by the way uh if you want oh this is good if you want some gear that's just crazy they have a new cult shirt that's savage i never get uh jealous i i live in envy but i never get jealous and i saw the shirt they released and I, I think I'm jealous. Get with the programming podcast after the semis programming format for two years and the use of last chance qualifier. Do you like the new system or would you prefer HQ standardize all the semis as a consistent stage to filter athletes? This is a good question.
Starting point is 01:00:22 And me and Christie talked about this actually, because she was a fellow last chance qualifier last year and succeeded. Arama. Arama. Yeah, O'Connell interesting that Christy had success last year. I had success this year. Nick Matthews had success. What are we testing in semis? That's not coming up accurate at the games. All three of you came through the last chance qualifier.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Nick Matthews backfilled because I think phil toon got popped right yeah and and and you and christy me the other last chance qualifier girl from this year you came through last chance qualifier this year i did yeah holy shit isn't that crazy crazy i know yes i don't know i don't know what they would change like tangibly what would you change i mean my thought on well you know what sorry sorry what he's saying is just make all the workouts the same i think that's the point but the problem with that if you do that is then the system could still be flawed and they could be the wrong workouts and we'd never know right so you kind of get stuck in this conundrum because that's the last chance qualifier is to fix that in case the
Starting point is 01:01:51 programming wasn't right i guess you could do both you could standardize it and have a last chance qualifier then you have to go to the roots of like your hypothesis statement what are you testing what do you want your games athletes to be able to do? And then you base the semis off that to then base it off the games. Maybe. I don't know. And then at that point, having one programmer would be really nice. Yeah. That's what I think is good because you see an evolution of the programming.
Starting point is 01:02:21 So if it's all going to seed from the open and then into quarterfinals then that'd only make the next step that it kind of stays under the same umbrella so that program continues to evolve as you go to the games i don't want to hear one i don't want to hear one person in the fucking comments be like you didn't know her kid's name you didn't know she beat tia you didn't know she's like go fuck fuck yourself. It's your own fucking show. Yeah. You think it's easy trying to act cool? Like it doesn't bother me that I don't know that shit.
Starting point is 01:02:52 A fucking master at fucking acting cool. And I'm not. Did you watch Savan? Did you watch live the games? All of it. I want to fucking kill myself. Yeah. My wife had to lock all the guns up.
Starting point is 01:03:04 I watched all of it every fucking last drop of individual and i like and and i and i feel i feel like i accomplished something the same way you probably felt like you accomplished something i was like i did it favorite and least favorite event from a spectator simon i mean i haven't given it thought but i would say the capital was your favorite i mean i just liked i i the watching hayley adams have to drag it up one bag at a time while people passed her was fucking intense for me i really like her like i think she's weird as fuck and i think when i interview her it's weird as fuck but like i like that about her it's like laura horvat it's just i really like her and to
Starting point is 01:03:50 see her go through that was just intense for me and uh and uh who and i and travis mayor they kept the camera on him the entire time for the run and i know that pissed off some people i just loved it i just fucking was like hypnotized by him running so i and i liked it how the field was open like if someone wanted to they could have just run next to you guys no i i don't usually get mad in events i was genuinely mad on that event on the trail run because it was open because there were people on there because i almost got hit by like three bikes yeah yeah i like that part i like that part i was like i would have loved it if you got hit i would have had to get up and all like fucking like a black eye and shit i would have loved it well you know it's crossfit people because of their attire and they're all just like swerving good job guys i'm like get off the trail i don't want to see you right now i like the bike event how it was
Starting point is 01:04:52 all fucked up and like it gave us all something to talk about and like i love that which one did you like what was your favorite you know i personally loved the Capitol. It was extremely difficult, but it was almost, I felt like a superhero, like having to like carry that bag up the steps and just everybody around you is just screaming their heads off. There were people lined up. It was unfathomable how many people were like at each station. It was just really cool to see everybody get together. In 2009, when they did that hill sprint, that was, that's why that was always my favorite event of the CrossFit games. The fact that they let the fans in so close that like sweat, dirt and sweat is they're
Starting point is 01:05:35 sharing dirt and sweat. That shit's cool. Tour de France, if they ever got rid of that for safety reasons, it would suck. That's the whole exciting part. I mean, the fans are just like part part of the mess yeah yeah this was a cool picture someone sent it to me awesome photos that came out of that event it really showed the athleticism of the athletes too because no one was transitioning like it was just like like, get off the bike, pick up the, the, the,
Starting point is 01:06:06 the Jerry cans, put the Jerry cans down, pick up the other one. No one was like, there was no dilly dally. Everyone went to like, till they got to the stairs and they had their souls taken. Besides that, everyone was moving. I have the, I'm sure you saw the video. Like at this point, you're just survival mode. And it's like, what can you do to get the bag to the spot up the stairs? And at one point my arms just survival mode and it's like what can you do to get the bag to the
Starting point is 01:06:25 spot up the stairs and at one point my arms just gave out and i'm just straight up like turtle yes yeah yeah it's absurd it's absurd it's stupid and i was waiting for someone to come up to me and be like like a judge to be like no that's not legit you have to carry it here here but i was like you know what this is all i have left i'm gonna bend over and turtle walk this as long as i can and it's so yes someone needs to make a meme and fucking mash you for that or just a shirt yeah it was pretty goofy not like ariel does it yeah someone even commented someone commented and they were like why are you carrying it like that hey you tip shit i know like you put it there yeah fucking knucklehead this was survival mode like i don't even know what
Starting point is 01:07:11 was happening so so that started on your shoulder and started sliding down and then you adjusted and you're like nope i need every step i can get yeah and i was like the last thing i want to do is have to pick up this sandbag again. So this is what I got. In that, in that bag thing in the stadium where you had to get the bag to your shoulder. Did you ever, is that what that thing's called? The sandbag? It had like the numbers on it and the place went crazy. Danny Spiegel destroyed it. When you, when you pick that, what,
Starting point is 01:07:43 what was the heaviest one you succeeded with i got a 190 when you grab that was it just a trip were you like what the fuck this is like heavier than dylan no it is heavier than dylan but i don't think i got up to the like i think if i would have gotten to 200 or 210 but i could still like one 90 to like wrap my fingers around it. But I knew, I knew that event wasn't going to be amazing because me and Danny were talking backstage kind of like strategy. And I'm like, Hey, where do you think everybody will get out? What's going to be the sticking point. And I knew our,
Starting point is 01:08:18 our heads were in two different spots. She's like, I think everybody's going to do 200 and most people will get out around 220 or 230 and i'm like okay i need to talk to someone else because you saw she she's insanely strong oh it's incredible and explosive she was so explosive it was that one was cool to watch at first when they announced it i was like this might not be that cool they all look the same it's not like with barbells you can add weight and you can tell it's just like but that one was actually really cool to watch i thought that one i don't think most i think most of the workouts of people crossfit people who are watching who crossfit can like identify with i don't think most people have access to a
Starting point is 01:09:05 d ball that way or any implement that weighs 150 pounds besides a barbell you know go ahead no you go ahead you go ahead you know rogue sandbags are probably all sold out right now i tried to tell people do not buy one you will regret it do not buy one. You will regret it. Do not buy that. There'll be an ornament in the corner soon. Yes. There is a, once you start getting things that weigh more than a hundred pounds in your gym, they have a tendency just to just sit around. Like if you have 150 pound D ball is no fucking joke. And I know the CrossFit games athletes look like they're just throwing it around, but even, even, I think we haven't had Ricky on since the games, but I think even like,
Starting point is 01:09:51 I want to say like he struggled with 300 backstage and all the lifts past that were just pure adrenaline. Like just, just, just showing up for the moment. And so if you think like you're going to get a 200 pound D ball and start fucking with it in your garage, dude, that thing is going to become a place where you sit down and be in between reps on Cindy. I'm telling you. So right now we're in between houses because we're moving into our new house
Starting point is 01:10:14 this week. Oh, I like this already. I like this story already. We have 150 pound sandbag in our bedroom right now. In your bedroom. How the fuck did it get in there? It's a long story, but, uh, we got time.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Wow. Do you christen all your gym equipment by bringing it into the bedroom? Oh, this is going to be embarrassing. So in our room right now, we have the 150 pound sandbag in our dining room training for the games we have a skier a rower and an echo bike so we would eat so we would literally move the dining room table and we call it the lion's den me and my husband would just do 30 minutes of machine work move the
Starting point is 01:10:58 machines out of the way put the table back and then eat dinner and then go to bed what what is it the ski what were the ski erg skier the echo bike and a rower i don't think if you don't have gym equipment in your living room i don't think you can call yourself a crossfitter i i'm gonna that's official let's just make that official you gotta have something something yeah so we i'm telling you there's nothing more than character building you're in your living room there's no fans it's just like the ac is on and you're just looking out the window on the echo bike and then you're looking out the window on the rower like that's true um character carpet must be disgusting it's tile but yeah do you have tie do you have do you have towels down everywhere i need to when i go to mop the floors i'll just see like an imprint of sweat from someone's back
Starting point is 01:11:54 or like splatter marks from the skier it's so bad so when we move into our new, we'll have an actual garage gym and that will be no more. But it's pretty comical. And how did the 150 pound bag get in the bedroom? Dylan filled it up before the games because the sandbag is a weakness. So ideally, we were going to practice with it. So he brought it in the living room and we just are in the bedroom and we never did. But after the sandbag event, we went and rewatched that I think like Thursday night or Wednesday night. It's like 12 o'clock in the evening in the morning,
Starting point is 01:12:35 I guess Dylan's all like practicing the different techniques with the 150,000. Hey, why the, why the bedroom though? Like how are you supposed to put that down you would just you drop it in your bedroom yeah we live with my father-in-law right now so we have either we like rent a side of the house from him we have our bedroom and then blakeley's bedroom so we didn't really have many other options
Starting point is 01:13:01 wow yeah wow those are not good tenants it's all 12 o'clock and his dad just boom um you said dylan's sister's a nurse when when are you friends with her yeah she's great do you think that your relationship with his family got significantly closer once you had uh Blakely I would say yes I've always been very close to his mom because she's amazing but it was like once I had a kid and we got married it was like okay um because we had broken up so many times before we were together apart this was like once i had a kid and we got married it was like okay um because we had broken up so many times before we were together apart this was like the okay they're staying together she's in the family not that they were ever rude or like shut me out at all but it was
Starting point is 01:13:56 like sealed the deal right and the the reason why i ask is um I had kids, my wife's family became more valuable to me because they're relatives of my kids. Right. And so they're just my fucking wife's or girlfriend's family at the time. What do I give a fuck? But now we're connected. And so like, I wanted to be closer to them. Like I want it to be more open to them, I guess would be the word. Do they live close to you?
Starting point is 01:14:37 No, they, they, they live like 300 miles South and then in Los Angeles. And then probably like 300 miles North in in oregon okay but but but it's it's um because i because i guess i just i have these um thoughts of grandeur that a big extended family is nice and that kids a big family is nice for kids right even if you have a uncle who's in jail or just whatever kind of shit you just you still want it to be the kid to understand the whole family um no did you do you get that i mean it sounds like you have a uh the family's really close if you're living with the um with his parents yeah we are we um it stinks so we live with his dad. Your living room stinks. I know that. But his family is just a little bit spread out. Like his mom lives in Florida. So we don't see
Starting point is 01:15:31 her all the time. His sister lives in Waco. Brother lives in Lubbock. So when we come together, it's awesome, but we don't see each other. Um, like every day we can't just go to our neighbors and see them. But I do love the family dynamic because I feel like you step, you have your family circle. Everybody in that circle is there for you to support you. It's almost like as soon as you step into the world, that's when everybody tries to bring you down or is not for you. So having that family circle, I feel like it's something really important.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Does any of his family trip on you um like think that like what you do is um uh obsessive or over the top or like wackadoodle i wouldn't say over the top i think they're mind blown how much money you can make if you're good at crossfit but it's hard it's easy to see the crossfit games but you don't see the like hours that go into training behind the scenes i think it just blows their minds and blows my mind more than anything in in in a previous lifetime i must have been in my 20s i got this job with the history channel to chase tornadoes. No way.
Starting point is 01:16:46 And there, and, and one of the, one of the universities that's like in the United States, that's most into tornado, you know, climate shit is in Lubbock, Texas.
Starting point is 01:16:53 I don't know what university is there, but it's a, it's a big, big school. Texas tech. Texas tech. Okay. And so that was our base.
Starting point is 01:17:01 And we would, that's, and we would start there and then we would travel all the way up to canada in that in tornado alley there right wow at lubbock is kind of the bottom of tornado alley and then we would uh go go up the uh continental united states all the way up to canada and i did that for months just it's basically just in cars for a month chasing tornadoes it was nuts but when i went to lubbock so i'm 50 now and i was in my 20s let's say it was 25 years ago when i went to lubbock i had never seen um like if i saw someone who was 300 pounds in california i was like holy fuck like it was it was it was kind of like i saw
Starting point is 01:17:39 like like in my backyard now if i see an alligator lizard i only see like three a year and it's kind of can you pull up an alligator lizard okay i'm like i'm like holy shit look an alligator lizard and i call the boys over tons of blue bellies alligator lizards so you only see like three uh three three per summer and um and i went to lubbock and there were fucking 300 pound that's alligator lizard like that they're cool and they're smooth yeah and they bite they'll just fucking just bite you just get close to them they just bite interesting when i went to lubbock there were every there were buffets everywhere everywhere was a fucking buffet for those you don't know that's like a phenomenon we don't
Starting point is 01:18:19 really have that phenomenon too much in california it's a place you can go in and eat all you want and and everyone i there were 300 pounders everywhere this is 25 years ago now there's 300 pounders everywhere in california but we didn't have them 25 years ago in california but now they're everywhere but texas had them 25 years ago is that that's the thing i'm talking about like you're this crazy fit person. You're basically driving a Lamborghini in a fucking state full of fucking shithole sedans. Sorry to be so crass. I've never heard it put like that.
Starting point is 01:18:58 This is great. In that regard, is it weird? Are you like a weird anomaly? Do you feel that when you walk around? Or do you feel that like when you walk around? Or do you just stay so tight in your loop? People come up and catch your muscles. Yeah, no one ever sees your Lamborghini. Camaro. I do.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Like if I – I don't say this to brag, but like if I went to Sam's the day after the games, and I will get – What's Sam's? Sam's is like a Costco. Do you guys have Costco? Okay. Oh yeah. I've heard of Sam's. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So I will go to stores and I, like, I had a lady come up to me and it's like, okay, what do you do? Are you a trainer? How do I look like this? So I have people come up to me quite a bit saying like, you look awesome. How do I do this? But I, I own it now. whereas when i was growing up i got made fun of a lot because i look different and i perform different and it was part of what made me unique
Starting point is 01:19:50 but now i kind of own it and it does get noticed but i also i also like it i work hard i want people to see i want people to see my legs and they're like what do you do and i'm like, well, I do squats and if you work out, yeah. Yeah. What are the, it's so I live by, I don't, I think this is what it is, but basically if you go to Miami, Los Angeles, if you go anywhere where there's warm, San Diego, if you go anywhere, there's warm weather and you're getting close to the coast, the body's become significantly better. And the reason, and the reason for that, that i think is because people wear less clothes and so you're more conscious about the way you look i mean that's what i i feel very confident with that uh hypothesis it is so different the more like if you just travel inland um i mean suza can speak to this too he lives in california that if you just travel inland
Starting point is 01:20:45 30 miles it it's you can't even fucking believe what you see there it's not we're not even the same creatures it's almost like people are more active like even in wisconsin constantly by the water people are riding their bikes jogging and like Midland, we don't have a jogging trail or water, anything like that. But people were capitalizing on it. Like a jogging path. It was strange to see all the people there Saturday morning.
Starting point is 01:21:14 To be fair, I just looked up the OBC rates and California is like number five and Texas is like number 15. So you're saying there's more obese people in California than there are in texas yeah that's and the only reason why that is because half of california just moved to texas not wrong and so sema let's say what caleb said is um as accurate maybe it's just because of where i live because i live in a beach town and And it's... It's definitely skewed there.
Starting point is 01:21:47 I have to go somewhere. I have to go to Costco to see a 300-pounder. I don't... I would have to go out of my way to see a 300-pounder in my town. But I could still find them. Whereas I can literally drive 10 minutes
Starting point is 01:22:01 into fucking Watsonville, which is over where Dave lives, Castro lives, and I can fucking find 300 pounders like just dime a dozen you're about to have a 300 pounder on your show i'd love a 300 pounder i wonder too how much this guy works this guy works out at crossfit krypton and he lost 150 pounds that's who this is by the way and he's coming he's going to be a guest on the show i'm so excited i love weight loss stories it's my favorite yeah sorry go ahead suza oh mark actually
Starting point is 01:22:31 had a comment on here too and he said i mostly live in modesto california and that's uh probably 30 minutes east of me 45 minutes east of me but i also realized that i think that obesity rate change is based on income level too because out like like where you live, the mean is going to be much higher than if you go further inland and then the access to some of the foods and stuff. As a correlate though, not as a cause. No, no, no. But I'm just saying if it's cheap, readily available and the education on the food is relatively low, you're going to have a higher obesity rate. So I do think that that also causes it a little bit. I did have someone send me a meme the other day, a family member. So they were just joking, but they were like, imagine being so scared of being obese that you would work out five hours a day.
Starting point is 01:23:13 It's like now who's obsessive. I was like, oh, yeah, that's me. That's me. That's me. I was like, I wouldn't say that's my motivation, but OK. Yeah. I kind of think whatever it takes. Is that what you would say?
Starting point is 01:23:30 Yeah. I would rather have some pathology that makes me obsessed with working out that I have to fix than some pathology that made me obese. Because now I have two problems, right? Now I have the pathology of, of, of, of now, now I have unhealthy and I, and I have this, um, incoming doom that my health is going to kill me early and the pathology. Do you know what I'm saying? So let's say I'm eating because my mom yelled at me when I was a little kid. Now I'm doing that. You know what I mean? But I would rather like be like, okay, I have this obsession with working out, but at least I'm healthy. And maybe I can work on this obsession with working out.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Like I, I'm a huge proponent of leveraging your ego. Like I was saying before, like, um, like you could be working out and being like, if I don't finish this last rep, Dylan's going to leave me. Like I'm a full proponent of manipulating your fucking mind like that. I'm a huge proponent. I like your way though, too. Damn, my arms must look good. Keep that shit up, people.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Look at this. Now you're talking. Again. What's going to be different this year than last year in your building up to the open quarterfinals, semifinals games, even though I'm sure they're going to change that again, too. Yeah, I don't know. I haven't really thought that far ahead. I'm very much like a one day at a time type person. I'd like to think not much will change because I really like what I did this year and how I felt through all the workouts, but we'll also have a home gym now. So I'd like to think what will change is we'll no longer do our machine work in the kitchen and it'll be in the home gym. I wonder if that's, if that's maybe there's something, um's maybe there's something um maybe there's something good maybe maybe maybe even
Starting point is 01:25:28 though you have a garage you'll still move the shit into the living room oh there's no way with our new house um dylan's very particular we don't even know if we want kids in the house yet oh wow your kiddos just sleep in the backyard wow wow it's. It's just like pristine. And it's like, who's, who's going to make the first dent? Like even I spent the last week that I'd gone back from the games, just cleaning the house. And it's like, okay, you can't clean like that. You have to clean this way. Cause it's just, it's our baby. Like we've never had something this nice, something this beautiful as our own.
Starting point is 01:26:03 So I bought a motor home and I ruined for the first two years. I ruined everyone's life who came in there and my own life by being so obsessed with keeping it. No, Dylan, if you're listening, I look back and I think of all the times, like I yelled at my wife or like something she spilt in there, like not even, she wouldn't even do anything. She would just set a cup in a spot and i'd be like do you think that that's a good place to set that what what do you think that's safe you think that they think let's let's all walk through this right now and i'd be and then in hindsight my god you're a fucking asshole so what ruined everything what moment what moment changed that you were like i don't want to tell you
Starting point is 01:26:42 savannah i don't think anything i don't think anything's changed i'm still the same asshole i'm still trying to change it oh my goodness it's like though it's like just even it's yeah yeah like you're like my kids think that when your hands aren't hitting your brothers they should be on the wall. Dirty hands. So I'll tell you this one thing. I talked about this on the show.
Starting point is 01:27:13 One of my kids always has dirt on his face. And for like – and it just started like about two months ago. He never had dirt on his face before, and now it's like always – and for like, I don't know, for like a month, I would just say to him, wipe your face, wipe your face, wipe your face. And then finally, I'm like, dude, this does not feel good. So I thought every time I tell him, instead of telling him to wipe your face, I'm going to say I love you. And everything got better. His face is still dirty, but I feel way better. Part of that, I feel like is character building.
Starting point is 01:27:48 I'd way rather see a kid with dirt on his face than a kid stuck behind an iPad that's perfectly clean. Yes. Kind of like pick your battles. Yeah, 100%. I have this thing with my kids being cleaned and not clean like as in germ-free clean, but like clean so that when they present to the world, like that people,
Starting point is 01:28:07 because I see those kids that are just ratty and I'm like, oh, don't. Always sticky. Yeah, exactly. Like at the games, my daughter- Do I have to hug you? At the games, my daughter hates wearing shoes. So she goes like barefoot everywhere.
Starting point is 01:28:23 Yeah, mine too. And I think the biggest fight my mom had was like trying to get her to wear shoes and i was like if she wants to go barefoot let her go barefoot just when we get in the hotel at night clean her feet yeah barefoot's better a kid should never be in shoes this guy looks like every time i see this guy i think of nate diaz or nick diaz one of the diaz I've been working in the grocery business for a handful of years. The most expensive food on the shelves are meats, fruits, veggies, etc. I want to fight with you. I want to fight with you, Steven.
Starting point is 01:29:01 I was like, yeah, where are you going to go? I went to the beach yesterday. I'm going to tell you a story. I went to the beach yesterday. It was pretty full. Um, and, uh, I set up, my family set up and we sat down on the beach and right behind us was this woman. She was probably 35 years old. She was probably a hundred pounds overweight and sitting right next to her shoulder to shoulder with her was her daughter wearing the exact same kind of bathing suit. And her daughter was probably six years old but looked like a nine-year-old. And it's so crazy.
Starting point is 01:29:31 If you don't have kids, that phenomenon is when kids start getting really, really fat. They start looking really – they look twice as old as they really do. So a four-year-old starts looking like an eight- or a nine-year-old. It's a trip. And she's sitting next to her. And we got there at two 30 and at two 30, when we got there, they, they, the little girl had a full pizza on her lap and she was eating the pizza and the mom was eating the pizza. Then after that, I saw them switch to something else. And then I saw them switch to something else. And then I saw
Starting point is 01:30:00 them switch. And at four 30, I turned to my wife and I, they were opening a bag of Doritos. And then I saw him switch. And at 430, I turned to my wife and I, they were opening a bag of Doritos. And I said to my wife, I said, those people have been there for two hours. They started with pizza and now they're fucking working on a fucking bag of Doritos. Like my, my kids have never, my kids have never had Doritos. They never, they've had bad shit. They've had a gummy bear, but like, there's a whole ton of shit on those aisles. My kids have never had. I'm not saying that'm not saying that they don't – a fucking bag of Doritos for a six-year-old? What the fuck is wrong with you people? Why not just kick your kid in the gut? But anyway, they ate for two hours, and then I was – when I got home, I told my wife. I said, dude, I cannot fucking believe we watched them eat for two hours at the beach. And she goes, did you see them get up and try to walk? And I go, no. She goes, the little girl could barely walk.'m just like my god sad yeah it's bad i used to teach
Starting point is 01:30:51 gymnastics to little kids and it was sad like i would teach anywhere from age five to ten and it's just hard like you wouldn't try to do a handstand it's it's just sad no other way to put it if you if you were to starve your kid the the police would come get you oh shit i gotta take my kid to tennis if you were to starve if you were to starve a kid the police would come get you but but but yet you can overfeed a kid it's interesting uh that is interesting interesting like if you brought them to the doctor and they were already like going down that path of really unhealthy overweight there's no like parental repercussion for that but if you brought them and they were like grossly underweight they were probably massive
Starting point is 01:31:34 yeah if you had a five-year-old that weighed fucking eight pounds the cops would come beat your ass it's interesting but but but you could recover from that but if you if you have a six-year-old kid that weighs 150 pounds the scars on that kid are forever that person never has an opportunity to drive ariel lowen's body ever ever ever you'll never have a lamborghini you you you bet you've bent the frame of your car at because of what your parents fed you at the age of eight it's fucked up yeah speaking of lamborghinis um my dream car all right i need your i need your opinion i really want a model 3 tesla but dylan really likes the new bronco electric cars have you guys seen it i don't think i've seen the new bronco i think they're so cool i do too i haven't been inside
Starting point is 01:32:25 of one which would you choose i choose what seriously i choose whatever's most practical i would not go on looks at all i would choose on whatever makes it that my kid that i can fucking get my kids in and out of the easiest whatever's most kid friendly but the new bronco is awesome no it's cool the mustang what's it called some electric car i better tell my wife i'm coming hey um did you only come on the show let me ask you this did you only come on the show because dylan be honest i'll let me let me lay this oh shit i can't figure it out oh no this is really weird that she's gonna come on again no this is like you asked me but when you said that you like to make dylan proud and dylan likes the show like look dylan i'll do it for you you're twisting it you're all right all right all right um i've kind of been waiting and then when you reached out to
Starting point is 01:33:24 me at the games and you're like, Hey, come on the show. I was like, okay, I want to go back on the Savant show. And then I kind of forgot about it once we got back to Midland. And then Dylan was like,
Starting point is 01:33:33 didn't Savant ask you to be on the show? You should reach out to him and actually get back on the show. So he put the bug in my ear, but I've been wanting to come on since. Yeah. That really fucked me up because i i actually started blaming you too i was like i thought it's not just the connections fucked up something's wrong with her she don't talk so good i better not have her on again and then and then i saw you
Starting point is 01:33:56 were on um that guy um the zello games guy show right yeah it was bad too yeah and i was like fuck this i get fuck put her on like a no fly zone she can't ever come on yeah no but i'm redeeming myself every day yes you are dude you're fucking amazing yeah yeah thanks this was easy absolutely okay so two losses with ariel uh one win well i'll always enjoy it because you were the first uh athlete i ever interviewed and it was at water palooza when it was coming out and i'm like standing there with a little camera and like savon's like go get him go talk to him and i'm like terrified and i and you came up and you were like hey what's up and we chatted and i was like yeah and i was at an all-time high so then i beeline over to sarah sigman's daughter and she just runs away from
Starting point is 01:34:44 me and everybody likes to remind of that in the comments. So you'll always have a special place with me. That's sweet. Well, I will say because we're friends, and we're on a friend level, even at the games, if I saw Sousa, I would go up to Sousa. But if it was another reporter that I've never reached out to me before. I'll just like walk by him. But like I have street cred with Sousa. So I go to him first and then leave. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Yes. Yeah. Well, thank you. Yeah. Thanks for having me on. Yeah. Tell Dylan he's the man. I will.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Yeah. That made his day the other day. Hilarious. Congratulations on the house. Thanks. Next time you interview me, we'll be in the house. Oh, and you know where else? else no actually you're two and two when you came on after the last chance qualifier with tim paulson that was fucking good you were awesome that was at my friend's house oh yeah that was amazing
Starting point is 01:35:36 it was good yeah yeah it was a good time all right uh remember people no fucking don't talk any shit about me in youtube comments i will fucking find you in bts all right thank you so much for having me yeah thank you time bye can you come on i was like you better get to tennis hey hey i'm gonna say something so inappropriate do. I think she might be the most attractive of all the female games athletes. That's bold. Are you sure? That is bold.
Starting point is 01:36:12 And there's a lot of attractive girls. There's a lot of attractive girls. She's also really cool, too. Yeah, don't ruin my suit. Here's the thing. That's the thing, too. It's like I used to just think of her as a mom but now she's like like a really attractive like like superstar yeah
Starting point is 01:36:31 she's dope i just pushed that down the whole show an hour 90 minutes don't tell her she's pretty don't tell her she's pretty second she gets off okay you guys want to know something yeah it's so sexist if she was a guy i would have told her that uh how how attractive uh he is but but i just i just don't do that to him because because i'm a sexist you gotta hype up the guys man sometimes i don't i don't know man i thought i she's fucking she's pretty fucking attractive she's she's got she's fucking cool looking she's cool looking and she looked at me maybe it's because she's got, she's fucking cool looking. She's cool looking. And she looked at me, maybe it's cause she was giving me that beach vibe. Like she's getting ready to
Starting point is 01:37:09 head to the beach. Okay. Enough, enough of that nonsense. I have to go. Um, uh, thank you everyone for watching. Uh, Caleb C Beaver. Thanks for being here, Matt. Thanks for being here. Um, maybe a live Colin show tonight, but for sure we have Sean zimmer tomorrow morning oh one of us needs to schedule that let's talk in the text roger okay bye guys oh shit i gotta i was i almost left without um hanging up on the show

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