The Sevan Podcast - #560 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: August 23, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. That is hair. No, it's not. Bam. Bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Bam, we're live. Good morning. Sousa. Andrew. Good morning. Caleb. I don't normally drink sparkling water water on the show but i think i made my coffee too strong and i fasted yesterday so i think i would call i think i have like i'm
Starting point is 00:00:54 vibrating a little bit you know it's weird for me as i keep on looking at you because you're talking over there but the computer's right here you can do that you can you have the option so look at me in reality or you drink your sparkling water in real time it's funny because last time he was going on a rant i was like listening and just like yeah then somebody was like what happened to susan did he stroke out and when i looked at the screen i was just like hey how's our audio because he has a mic just right over there you it's not echoing or anything no it sounds good sounds closer i've never worn one of them like right in front of my mouth the closer the better i'm ready to
Starting point is 00:01:30 fly a spaceship like i'm cruising top gun let me see if you put it closer what it sounds like can you smoke it even closer i can get anything closer yeah that's awesome this is better okay and then talk deeper because you know your your boys go he sounds different in person so i wonder if they'll watch this and go, that's why his mic fucking sucks. They'd leave out one word of those. If they did know that, that would be awesome. I want to show you guys something. I want to start the morning off just coming in hot.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I want to show you number 152. Someone sent me this yesterday to show that both parties were equally clowns, the Republicans and the Democrats. And this is a Republican, I guess, advertisement, and you can see that there's the Republican elephant and then down...
Starting point is 00:02:18 Sorry, Caleb, I'm putting you behind the phone number. I was like, wait a minute, am I controlling this, Caleb, or are you? I think we both got the same screen. It's no come on hang tight relax caleb will do it you cool doing it caleb yeah i can do it all right there we go so so that so that elephant right there that's like some republican like that's like some advertisement for some republican gathering supposedly and this lady's posting it to show that how bad the republicans are because if you look between the elephant's legs um i uh you'll see that those are i guess kkk masks oh shit i didn't see that right now so i mean it's not funny but like how do you see that
Starting point is 00:03:02 i don't know how you see that um the the same, the same way you see Tia doing – no. Oh, you can draw the comparisons, but I can't. So I just – it's just crazy. So let's say there are – let's say on some level everyone is racist. Let's say if I ask you, you base things on racism. If I ask you what ethnicity do you think my gardener is and you say he's Mexican? Well, if you live in California, that's just using discrimination, not with a negative connotation, but just everywhere you look, there's trucks around with lawnmowers in the back. And it's almost always Mexican dudes. It's just the occupation. My dad's from the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Guess what kind of business he opened when he came to the united states a liquor store is that discrimination what are you laughing at heller i was gonna guess that if i was gonna cut you off that's what i would have said um so there are these occup if you're a jew and you came from uh uh the the warsaw ghetto um at the turn of the century you were were in textiles or clothing business. It just happens to be what those people are doing. This is not – there's nothing wrong with this. Are Greeks eat baklava? Japanese people eat rice. What are the little dots between their legs? Why do they have to add those? They don't seem necessary.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Right, right. I mean someone is saying that that was made. seem necessary right right i mean so someone is saying that that was made that was made so so but look at this you have some you have some outlier fucking republicans who are maybe racist or who may discriminate or who are prejudiced on some level but don't forget what the other party is doing they're the party that supports abortion which is one out of every three black babies that would have been born is aborted. They're the ones that have had the mayors of all the cities, the Democrats of all the cities, Philly, L.A., San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, where all the fucking crazy bad shit is happening. Guess who started the KKK? Not the Republicans.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Guess who voted against the Civil RightsKK? Not the Republicans. Guess who voted against the Civil Rights Act? Not the Republicans. You're telling me Democrats started the KKK? And Abraham Lincoln. Can you back that up? Yeah, for 100%. And the Democrats, and anyone can look it up. And Abraham Lincoln was a fucking Republican.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Okay. Al Gore's dad voted against the civil rights act oh but sebi those were those were uh southern democrats they're different no no they're not no they're not so don't get it twisted don't get it twisted i'm not defending the republicans but don't get it twisted if you if you are against racism and you have to choose between one of the two parties, you do not... The oppressor is the Democrats by far. I think they're both the enemy
Starting point is 00:05:51 of the people. Fair. And if you really want to get crazy, just spend 15 minutes and look into the origins of Planned Parenthood. Just no tinfoil hat shit. Look up the lady who started it and look why they started um uh planned parenthood you know most people can't accept that we're all hypocrites you would be
Starting point is 00:06:12 fucking shocked if you found out why planned parenthood was started it has nothing to do with women's rights it has to do with killing people. It's not hidden. It's not even hidden. If you just dig a little bit, you'll see that Planned Parenthood is actually thinking about coming clean about it too. Can we get a source? You just type in Margaret Sanger or whatever the lady's name is and just start looking around. If you want, just pick all the liberal – what I do is I always pick all the liberal news outlets so that I'm not biased. I always pick all the liberal news outlets so that I, so that I'm not biased.
Starting point is 00:06:48 So if I wanted to study on, up on George, George Floyd or something, I just, I just go and study. I would pick like CNN, New York times, all that shit. And then just start using a little bit of discernment. Do you get angry when you do that? How do you feel as you read those things? No, I get it. My life's too good to get angry, but I get passionate. I get passionate.
Starting point is 00:07:03 That's a good way to put it. You get passionate. It's kind of, it's kind of like crossfit right there's no way everyone's ever going to do it i would agree there's just there's just no way it's um no matter how much you like them to no you can't push them into it no if you and if you want doc if you if you want to help it's for people who want to help themselves i just made a video on that you did well not in particular but it's more or less uh give the people what they want video like you can try to edge them into it the most the best you can but they're not really ever going to listen look at someone look at uh either suzer or caleb's trying to prove me wrong this that's why this is such a great show sanger felt that in order for women to have a more equal
Starting point is 00:07:40 footing in society and to lead to healthier lives they needed to be able to determine where when to bear children fair totally fair totally fair i wasn't necessarily trying to prove you wrong i just found that interesting totally fair i um push back all you have to do uh ladies is not sit on an erect cock but seven what about people who get raped well yeah that's the point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero one percent seven's favorite argument that many people were affected go ahead keep digging keep digging who is she who is she which babies was she trying to get rid of keep digging caleb find it for me dig find it find it uh we are in um newport beach hillar and i we met with uh the owner of california hormones and yesterday hillar got to take a tour of the labs that was cool the space is awesome space is well yeah there's I believe. And we went into two of them yesterday. I went into two of them.
Starting point is 00:08:45 You went into one of them. Easy, buddy. Don't big dick me in my own. You're my partner. Don't big dick me in my own. Wait, was it the same ones that we saw from before? Are they different? No, I went to a new one that was so nice.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Susan, which one did you see? Which one? I can't remember. How big was it? Large or not so large, but kind of large? We went to a huge one with all the machines. Yeah, that's the one I was at. Well, I mean, so you've been to them anyway.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Yeah, maybe. I'm not big dicking shit. Yeah, well, you did. We've all been to the same place. With a really cold refrigerator. You big dick me on accident. Wait a minute. They had like 30 big refrigerators, all which said, don't put food in here.
Starting point is 00:09:20 That's not what it's for. And I thought, like, okay, good. They're idiot proof in the place. It's a good step you have your tuna sandwich next to just a vat of semen samples yep you would not be surprised how many people put their food in medical refrigerators oh jesus you have no idea that's called a contaminated supplement yeah hey some people put sandwiches next to the vaccine, so hey. Can they fix Hiller's elbow? You could be getting anthrax.
Starting point is 00:09:46 You could be getting salami on rye. So these people at California Hormones, they're the one that bought the 1,000 t-shirts and then gave them away for free at the CrossFit Games that said CEO on the front, which was crazy nice. And then we were at lunch yesterday. She's like, where's my shirt? And she had asked me, whatever you do, save me a shirt. fucked that all up can you imagine i got one i got one right here travis is in the chat hey she is a small or a medium yeah so this is what we're gonna do we're gonna order uh travis is gonna put in a whole and i want one of those shirts too because i like the way the gold is on those ceo shirts so we're gonna put in an order of those shirts that we had at the CrossFit
Starting point is 00:10:25 games to say CEO and then California hormones on the back. And we're going to put them on a vindicate. And we'll sell, those will be sold cheaper than the other shirts. I think we need to talk to Travis about it, but it'll be the last final run of those, those CEO shirts. And they're,
Starting point is 00:10:42 they're cool because if i don't particularly like stuff on the sleeve this is the seven podcast these ones don't say that it's just the logo and it's pretty dope it's a nice gold too yeah it's cool yesterday both hillar and i were wearing our black ceo shirts yeah i had the california hormones on the back you guys are such dorks it was pretty dorky matchy matchy it's pretty dorky but i like it it's like a challenge i wanted nothing more than seven to come work out with me yesterday with our matching t-shirts hey and listen we can't come out of the freaking condor house we're in his in we're we're in the most pretentious town everywhere too where like everyone's like assessing like each other's
Starting point is 00:11:19 boobs earrings bracelets glasses everything so you know everywhere um hillar and i went together like wearing the same shirt they thought we were like um uh people were those guys who park cars um they thought we were valets or some shit yeah for sure you just wear this you're with gay lovers probably that too that too i realized hillar has that polished look to him i actually thought that walking down the beach yesterday, I go, Oh fuck. He's the big dude that rails me. That's what everyone.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah. But he's a sugar daddy. I keep on getting asked that. If we're me and you were gay. Well, me in particular, not the two of us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Cause look at you're all polished and shit. I don't think so. Okay. Don't when I call Hillary gay, I'm not going to look directly in his eyes again. One more time. Hey, maybe I'm projecting. Maybe I'm swooning. I'm just swoon look directly in his eyes again. Do it one more time. Hey, maybe I'm projecting.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Maybe I'm swooning. I'm just swooning. It's that old school little bodybuilder tank he's wearing. That's what's doing it for me. So this is one of my favorite shirts. Look at that. You know what that is? Cobra Kai.
Starting point is 00:12:16 I don't know what that is. That is nice. Cobra Kai. Hey, so there's a guy here who's a staple on the beach, and he's the biggest dude here. And he lives in one of the buildings. Like Yote's biggest dude? Yeah, you know, the big dude, the black dude with the huge. You mean my buddy?
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah. And he already, he, like, you know how, like, just, like, two Hasidic Jews would give each other nods or two black Jews? So Hiller, this dude nods Hiller. Like, he sees something. That's what made me think, oh, Hiller is juiced up. Because he recognizes, he gave Hiller one of those oh shit you got they're already buddies i've seen the guy a hundred times he's never given me shit never looked your way no wow i was like what's up dude i threw the football to him the other day i'm sitting on his balcony
Starting point is 00:13:00 contact awesome you guys are best where. Caleb, where's your Margaret Sanger thing? Why does she want to kill babies? Did you find out? I gave up on that a long time ago. Oh, you dickhead. Just bury me in the hole. I had it up on Wikipedia, but... You don't got my back. So, basically, this was Hiller's first time
Starting point is 00:13:23 looking at the labs at California Hormones. What did you think? Impressed? Very. Oh, yeah. The amount of machinery that they have for them. You know, they don't just do what we're informed they do. They do a whole bunch of other testing, too. They do COVID testing. They're looking into doing monkey box testing.
Starting point is 00:13:40 But a lot of what they do for us, we've talked about, which is just the hormone testing. And what's coming down the pipeline for that as far as just, it reminds me of Apple, believe it or not. So you see like an iPhone coming in a box. It'll be shipped to your house twice a month when you actually end up qualifying and then signing up for the hormones testing. And it looks nice. It's cool cool it's simple
Starting point is 00:14:06 she showed us the packaging like basically if you get on the test if you get the blood work done you get doctor's assessment they say you need to be on something they'll send you this beautiful box with these needles in it um it's still it still doesn't interest me but if they had it in a powder you could snort i told her that's what you said yeah yeah i was like now listen if it came in little glass vials and i could just snort a couple lines a week like yeah why am i speaking low what does that mean do i sound different because it's a good microphone or do i actually need to talk louder get this closer this one freaks me out being right in front of my face it's like i'm gonna eat it he's just speaking normal it might be the mic because i told him to put it really close he has a pretty deep voice he has a very
Starting point is 00:14:48 deep right right that sexy raspy voice you so so if you guys want to check this out and support or sponsor or or just you're just curious yourself you'd go to the code word is seven um and seriously it makes it idiot proof that's probably the biggest thing so like you open an iphone box and it's just right a roll that's what big that took away from what's coming down and kind of is already going through i mean it's in it's in the works right now like if you were to sign up and go through everything you can do it but it's even simpler and even cooler looking apple wise oh and when you say idiot proofing because gary roberts was having trouble getting
Starting point is 00:15:25 the juice out of the vial yes now the needles just come pre-loaded oh that's so nice i hate drawing up drugs dude what are you drawing up caleb just anything everything anthrax tdap mrna you're giving people anthrax oh yeah dude all the time you know how many doses of anthrax we gotta give like 20 dude i've seen people like when you would open an envelope you would just explode with anthrax or no oh no i'm talking like liquid like vaccination of anthrax all right i don't know anything do you do vaccination every day caleb at least at least one kayla at least at least one are there testosterone gels does that make you does that unsettle you someone yeah fucking i hate it uh what if you have an interest they're all fucked they they they um they fair they have everything they they have the pellets they have the gels um hillar and
Starting point is 00:16:23 i've talked to all the people who are on all the different ones. To be completely honest, if you're going to fuck with this stuff, you might as well just do the needles. You might as well. It seems like it's like the right way to do it. The pellets, one of the guys we spoke to really likes the pellets. Someone else told us that they're just really good for women as opposed to men. And I forget why. Something about the way the dosing gets released into your body. But if I were going to make the effort to do this, I would do the needles.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Wouldn't you, Hiller? It kind of depends on how you are as a person because some people don't like the idea of doing a stab in the butt or the shoulder every single – or it's twice a week that you would do it. Although it looked like they were using insulin syringes in the package that they'd be sending so it's not too terrible what's that mean a little needle needle yeah i believe it's a 30 gauge as opposed to like a 23 a 23 sticker and it's almost like uh he's done roids listen listen oh yeah that's where i got all my knowledge from as i keep saying anyway the 23 gauge needle is like an insulin syringe so if you were to go and get insulin, even at Walgreens, I believe they sell them.
Starting point is 00:17:29 They got the orange tips on the end and it's a short needle. They don't hurt that bad. But although that is the case, some people don't really like the idea of hitting themselves with a needle twice a week. So they go to the roots of the incision and the button, they shove the pellets in there. And at which rate you only need
Starting point is 00:17:45 to do that once every four to six months and yeah we were talking with the owner yesterday and she said that they up your blood work and they kind of see how often you'd have to have those things reinserted into your butt the downside to that is that you're sore for a couple of days because they do end up like making a little incision in your butt but it's less not in your butt on your hip um it's it's it's in your butt cheek like right right okay when i see here in your butt but it's less not in your butt on your hip um it's it's it's in your butt cheek like right right okay when i see here in your butt i think something's not in your butt but the individual that we spoke to yesterday said that he they just shove a tide pod full of steroid pellets in your ass it kind of looks like a tight line what do they look like i don't know
Starting point is 00:18:21 like a little tylenol we we met a guy who does both. Correct, yeah. And he said that when you get the incision in the butt, you end up hitting everything on it. So it's uncomfortable for a day or two. And after that, you don't have to worry about it for six months, and you feel great for six months. And there were people in there getting blood work when we were there, and Hiller got blood work. Yeah. Are you – And they wanted to do blood work on me,
Starting point is 00:18:45 but I don't want to do the blood. I was going to say, did you do it? I knew that. I don't want to know that. Seven. Oh, they did.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Or, yeah, I'm feeling a little woozy. Is that a joke? I'm good. Is that a lot, Caleb? No,
Starting point is 00:19:01 it's not. That's a pretty normal amount. Like whenever we do lab draws, it's about like, if we're doing like a full panel on somebody, it's probably about four. pretty normal amount like whenever we do lab draws it's about like if we're doing like a full panel on somebody it's probably about four i got a video of that files and they're like this big you could goodwill you could come up here to the lab and get the what was the guy's name richard the guy who draws the blood correct yeah his name was richard and he was awesome and
Starting point is 00:19:20 i don't mean to uh to be racist but here it anyway. He's Asian. I'm going to do that. You want an Asian dude drawing your blood. I've given blood and had blood taken a handful of times. And every single time, it's like a terrible, and I hate the idea. I have to watch the needle go in or else I won't be able to do it. Where did they get it from you? Right here. All four vials?
Starting point is 00:19:43 Yeah. I'm always vascular, hom yeah he's big he's he's bigger in person than he looks on camera i'm like the opposite i was at the games everybody said that i looked smaller so that's no you're not one of you can see that there it is oh oh yeah wow oh okay Wow. Oh. Okay. Nice. First time, man. And he's good. Well, I mean, how could you miss that fucking thing? Oh, geez.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Hey, man. Hey, let's not say nothing crazy. All right. There you go. I've missed veins bigger than that. This is the ultimate promo for California Hormones because I'm wearing the CEO shirt, which has California Horm hormones on the back. And there you go. You know, there's someone watching this
Starting point is 00:20:28 who's going to like find something that wasn't done right. Yeah, right. That's actually not. Oh, he didn't pull the tourniquet when he started the lab. I love someone looking so deeply into Hiller's eyes.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Thank you. I'm a very, I'm a very intense and passionate man. I keep forgetting where I need to look. I look here and I see you looking at me through here and I look over Thank you. I'm a very intense and passionate man. I keep forgetting where I need to look. I look here and I see you looking at me through here and I look over at you. I'm a very passionate man. If you see us both turn our heads at the same time, you know we're clicking. Have you seen Night of the Roxbury?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Probably not. You haven't seen shit. I found that out. He hasn't seen any movies. I saw it a long time ago. Are you guys brothers? No. Yes. Can we do 324 how to oppress people i don't even know i don't even know what this this one is are these all new or are these still rolling off that long list you got there uh i think they're rolling off the long list but i don't think we've does that one sound familiar no no i'm just wondering if it's gonna be a surprise
Starting point is 00:21:24 for you as much as it is for us. Oh, yeah, yeah. It is a surprise for me. It is a surprise for me. Oh, this was the guy we had on the podcast. Say that again, Hiller? There's a comment that says Stefan only watches the movies he makes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And I said he'd be pulling John 400 times. Yes. So Dr. Trevor Cash, who's on the show uh he's kind of a secret i'm surprised that this guy doesn't have millions of followers um you want to impress someone tell them they are perfect just the way they are i thought that was a great line that's not good feedback people comment says you're gonna get a copyright so i don't know what that's on is it will i you're gonna get really be careful i don't know what this is what you're I? You're going to get really? Be careful. I don't know what this is, what you're about to play. No, no, no. That's it.
Starting point is 00:22:06 No, it's on Instagram. It should be fine. That's it. You want to oppress someone, tell them they're perfect just the way they are. How often do we hear that? Can you go a little deeper on that? You're fine. You're being 100 pounds overweight is totally fine. Oh.
Starting point is 00:22:21 They're just living their truth, Savon. Their truth. Hiller said that live your truth you guys live your truth your perspective is your truth fucking hate that word you can have your perspective you can have your
Starting point is 00:22:39 experiences you can have your biases you can have your girlfriends your girlfriends your boyfriends whatever you want but you can't have your biases. You can have all of that. Girlfriends. Your girlfriends, your boyfriends, whatever you want, but you can't have your truth. There's only the truth. There's your biases and perspectives and experiences that you bring to certain situations. Doesn't make it the truth. What I hear is that everyone's triggered by something.
Starting point is 00:22:59 And there's things out there that have been aligned with this statement that lead you to hating this statement because they've triggered you well i'm not triggered i'm inspired because i'm a comedian i'm inspired i like it when i say that is it's my opinion i'm just using a different way of saying it that's that too it's more intense to me when i said it that way like leave me the fuck alone it's what i'm gonna say but i'm gonna say it's stronger you get yeah you could also yeah you could also have your opinions but unfortunately all right and I just think that it's just, there's just too much conflation of words around. So I guess you could say that it does trigger me,
Starting point is 00:23:32 but it triggers it in the sense of like, it just puts stuff way out in the ether. There's no, it needs to be grounded by definition. Like Bruce Wayne's comment here. There's three truths. No, there's not. There's two perspectives and there's one truth. There's three rules. No, there's not. There's two perspectives and there's one truth. There's three rules. Yeah, people are like – Hey, we're going to meet at the Yacht Club at 11 a.m.
Starting point is 00:23:53 Is that your truth? No, that's not my truth. We've been told to meet at the Yacht Club at 11 a.m. That's the truth. Hunter McIntyre is going to be there too, and I'm bringing a tub of Vaseline and me and him and Hunter are going to make our first movie. That's my, that's my truth.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Set up for the newsletter. Yeah. Yeah. Exclusive content. That's my, that was my truth. That's not the truth, but the truth is,
Starting point is 00:24:17 is that Hiller and I are going to the yacht club at 11. A.M. At least that's the plan. Hunter's going to be there at two at 11. I think. Is that true at 9 50 you as individuals or truth statement sorry i was gonna say is that true as for the whole world for the snails in your yard it's true also yes it can't be individually true and then one
Starting point is 00:24:37 for the uh for the parasites living in caleb's. It is also true for... That thing's getting intense, by the way, Caleb. Crazy. 3-22. You should make an OnlyFans. What would I do? It doesn't matter. You could just step on stuff with your bare feet. That would love that. Like switch a banana down or something.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Hey, one of my friends who's here who he'll he'll are met who's hanging out with us told me he has an only fans yeah i couldn't even fucking well i guess i do believe it i don't think that we know how many people have an only fans yeah that's what i took away from that yeah a lot of people. Imagine if people knew about my OnlyFans. Is it under your real name? No. That's awesome. I make like $100,000 a month off of it. People actually want to do it on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:25:34 If you're testosterone, you got your blood drawn. Correct. That would mean that if they tell you, you could be tempted now to – More than tempted. More than tempted.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Uh-huh. And the implications are is that you couldn't compete anymore. Yes, that'd be correct. But you could make a shitload of fucking amazing content about what the – It's like the progress. Telling your truth. You can make a shitload of content telling your truth about the experience. See, we do this thing where we do the live where
Starting point is 00:26:05 we do this podcast and then you'll talk about things and i'll go i wanted to make a video on that sorry sorry make a video sorry make a video we can talk it's like this is like a preview it's like one of those called promo videos or trailers this is a trailer for a potential video so it's good for you it's good for me it's good for everything always remember this too my videos no one really watches they just click on it they see two minutes and they go away it's too long yours people actually watch like an eight minute retention yeah yeah pretty good i think usually they're 12 minutes long so uh but yeah i'm considering it for sure speaking of that if i don't mind jerking myself off here did you guys see our games retention like almost all the videos were over 40
Starting point is 00:26:43 minutes yeah that was super good shit yeah it was crazy that's good and they were trying to get through the staticky shit that i was interviewing people with oh you were amazing dude when if if any of these other knuckleheads figure out what we just did and they have us do it for them like wadapalooza dubai fitness challenge rogue it'll be crazy i got a i got $20 mic off Amazon that has these two wireless attachments for the iPhone. Yeah. And at which rate I would hold one and give one to somebody else. Yes. And it would have been sweet.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yes. And I was so mad that, I don't know. I have. Susie, you got to come over to my house. We got to dig through that fucking room full of all that electronics. I have so much stuff like that. Yeah. I think especially with two people, we found a recipe there because to hillar's point if he comes up and and
Starting point is 00:27:29 just uses a microphone as an interview and somebody else films it that's optimal because then you get some good perspective of the what you're seeing and the audio is nice without it moving around too much and he that cord that hillar's talking about at least the one i have is so long that hillar doesn't even have to hold it. He could just hand it to the person. Mine's wireless, dude. Oh, fuck. Get out of here. Oh, you can bet it's two-foot range.
Starting point is 00:27:50 God, somebody asked us that. How do I get louder? Oh, there you go. Can anyone not hear Hiller? I hear him great. No, I can hear him. Turn it up. But when that thing got closer,
Starting point is 00:27:58 it definitely sounded a little bit better. Somebody asked if we could broadcast. Is that an applauding audience oh perfect maybe i'll start using the last track a little bit hey whenever it was awkward like when you ask like hayley something and she doesn't answer just like hit the laugh track okay you slay me all right next question so question. So, Hiller, are you going to get juiced up? Somebody asked us if we could broadcast our whole event. Who? Who?
Starting point is 00:28:36 I'm an owl. Who? Oh, seriously? An event had reached out to us and asked us if we would broadcast our whole event? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was not like the actual people from the event, but I was having a discussion with Tyler Watkins, and he was asking if we would be able to do that for an event like JR's Crash Crucible and actually broadcast the whole thing including commentaries. Yes, yes, yes. Basically, in the most simplest sense, we could do it so fucking cheap we said we have we need five people with fucking iphones and then we need a wi-fi that no one else can jump on with a password and fucking so that everyone in the stands isn't fucking using it too and we'll do it yep and we
Starting point is 00:29:15 can it will be the craziest footage ever because people will be we can have people running around right up to the athletes the participants right there yeah we had access and you could just put a couple good um good phones on tripods like right at the finish line and stuff like that then you just had somebody in the back just controlling each thing that you're watching when you're watching not even in the back meet me at home caleb been fucking from the moon that's what i meant like on the back end of the show yeah yeah not like there and then you could have people commentating and they're the only ones with the mics that are uh hot everything else is just muted and you just shift it around and they just speak over the event the whole time yeah
Starting point is 00:29:52 dubai fitness challenge brought to you by caleb at the anthrax center is that what you test for there yeah you give people anthrax 20 people a day exactly uh 322 please while i sip my coffee what are these numbered things i don't even see them over there it's because all my shit's just not on the email he just has a memorized 320 oh sorry yes uh you did bring 14 million trees axed to make way for wind farms nearly 14 million trees have been chopped down across Scotland. Who counted that? It looks like people keep trying to call in. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:32 I don't know what's going on. I was surprised we didn't have any more calls at this point. 14 million trees have been chopped down across Scotland to make love to your mom. Okay, could you scroll for me so i don't have to add that nearly 14 million trees have been chopped down across scotland to make way for wind turbines the scottish government expects to have the capacity to generate 100
Starting point is 00:30:57 percent of electricity for the whole entire country from renewable sources this year but concern you know what's funny is uh um uh nuclear reactors are renewable sources this year but concern you know what's funny is uh um uh nuclear reactors are renewable sources right but but coal is a renewable source it's so fucking crazy that they use these words it's just it's just fucking manipulation today we don't we don't have a non-renewable source on planet earth that's not how the shit got here it wasn't brought here from fucking somewhere else but concerns have been raised about finding a balance between the green energy and sustaining force. Wow, doesn't it sound just like idiocy to put 100% of your fucking reliance on wind turbines? And here's what it comes down to.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Did anyone do the math to find out how much less CO2 is being processed by the 14 million trees that were cut down. I bet you they didn't. Is there an equation for that? I'm sure there's something. There's got to be something. I was trying to find something that was relevant. There's an equation to figure out your testosterone. We're doing that right now.
Starting point is 00:31:59 That was talking about the countries that are willing to sell a space for – continue to build the wind turbine and stuff like that as they're actively building nuclear reactors. And they're like, yeah, they'll have more effective, efficient energy and gladly sell us the US back anything we want. Who was saying that? I don't know. I'm trying to find the article because I'm butchering it right now. I can't wait for the wind to stop blowing. Sevan didn't know how to handle Haley. Hold on. There was another one in here.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I want to tell you about Haley. So I'm going to tell you something about Haley Adams. Why is everyone talking about Haley Adams? This is what I think happens with people like that, and I could be totally wrong, and I hope she comes on and fucking slaps me around. She's 21 years old, but she's been in a gym for six years. And just how, like, what are the depths of what we can talk about with her?
Starting point is 00:32:50 Right. So I think that I would guess that most of her life has been spent in the gym at Mayhem. So her breadth and depth of experience is just, it's, it's, I, we don't, we don't intersect in a lot of places. We don't – Savon's twice as loud as the others with his fancy mic. Motherfucker. Sorry. This isn't even mine. I know.
Starting point is 00:33:15 I can lower mine a little bit. How about that? Is that better? No, I think it's worse. You do sound good though. I lowered myself though. I'm on mic one. I lowered myself.
Starting point is 00:33:27 And so like one of the topics that we intersect is I, I've, I have a girlfriend and I think she has a boyfriend. So I asked her if she has a boyfriend and that's not something she talks about, but that would have been fun to talk about that. And maybe get it. That's like something we share. I'm understanding relationships and how you make relationship, but she don't want to talk about it. So I was looking for places, not even looking. It's not conscious. I'm not like looking but i just ran that you're right i just ran out of shit to like what was i gonna say so when i start running out of shit i just i default to observing our actual relationship in real time and that's why i start saying shit like boy this is getting weird that it's always my default it's where i went to with
Starting point is 00:34:02 laura horvath too it's like all of a sudden i've run out of shit but i'm not afraid to be like okay uh hi this is getting uncomfortable so at least now we're talking about how uncomfortable like but the thing is is for her it wasn't even uncomfortable maybe it's because she's more comfortable you don't think it's the 30-year age gap? All that. It could be that. Because I'm looking at the age gap, but also just the 30 years of more experience than probably I have. And she's in a different time. I don't do TikTok. That's what I was going to ask.
Starting point is 00:34:35 I keep on asking if you've seen TikTok, know what TikTok is. You're like, no. She's probably spent four hours a day on – if you aren't talking about Billie Eilish, I don't know who that is. I know who that is. Workouts or TikTok? I'm going to do Billie Eilish. What are you aren't talking about billy ellish i don't know who that is post alone i know who that is workouts or tiktok what are you going to talk about with hayley yeah i wanted to talk to her about her boyfriend or girlfriend billy ellish is cool man she is cool i went to one of her concerts yeah alexis's birthday i thought that was um there was a show called um stranger things and that was a character in it she may have been on it and i don't know about that because i haven't seen stranger things
Starting point is 00:35:09 but i've heard that's good too no it's stupid you've never you don't know anything dude i want i watch like the first two episodes it's so fucking bad it's it why is it bad because it's not believable that's the idea i can't suspend my disbelief yeah it doesn't have to be believable it's a tv show hey 15-year-olds. But I still need to suspend. I'm trying to think of a good movie where I can, like Avatar. That's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:33 James Cameron. But the first 30 minutes, I was struggling to suspend my disbelief. Can you name one character in that movie, though? I bet you can't. No, I just like it when they connect their tails. Anybody in the comment section, think about the Avatar movie. You can't name a single character. And you've probably seen Avatar.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Ragnon. That's probably where they're from. That was pretty good, though. It was a good try. No, Billy is not in Stranger Things. All right, fine. All right, thanks, Kate. She's seen it.
Starting point is 00:35:57 She knows Billy. She's not there. But she is a singer, and she is good. I know. That's what I suspect, too. Billy is the wokest person on the planet yeah that's i don't leave the garage very often when i was at the billy eilish concert you walk around and there's a genre of people same thing here same thing like a crossfit gym same
Starting point is 00:36:15 thing in an airport you talk about it at disneyland it's one of my favorite things about traveling it's like analyzing the people i think you and i were talking about that here the other day you kind of like watch the people and the bodies move around. They're always different no matter what it is you're doing. And I mean, it comes to the territory. I just wonder how many other people do that and go through that phenomena. What do you think about the bodies here in Newport? What are you seeing? They're all in great shape.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I mean, very few people who are – they all look like they take care of themselves. That's like the minimum barrier for entry. I don't know. One out of every 10 people seems as it i don't know if one out every 10 people seems as if they don't give a shit and if you were to go to disney world it's like nine out of ten people don't give a shit right it's kind of what you were going through talking about i think that's i don't think that's accurate 10 out of 10 yes i think that's more accurate okay well yeah i mean it's just cool it's a it's a seems like a nice place to be if you want to take care of your health and
Starting point is 00:37:05 you wonder like, what is it, what is it that's going on around here? That isn't going on like everywhere else. Why do they care? What do you think about the fact that it also seems to me to hear that it's gone too far in the other direction? Big out of shape, not taking care of yourself. No, no, no, no. So like Disneyland's definitely like, these are all clearly carbohydrate addicts. Like if you go there, and I mean, I'm all kidding aside,
Starting point is 00:37:33 everything, Disneyland is just about consumption. It's where carbohydrate addicts go. It would be like if those parks in Switzerland I hear about where people go to shoot heroin. That's all Disneyland is. Everything else is a facade. It's just a place to go and eat ice cream. That's all it is. Even the rides, even though they're so clean they're so outdated they're so lame it's a small world is the lamest yeah that one's nostalgic homie i know it is i agree i agree
Starting point is 00:37:57 i mean it's like watching the terminator it's but but um uh it's classic it's classic. It's like going to a really bad puppet show. I wouldn't do that. Disneyland. So – I hate puppets. But really, like everywhere you look, there's someone sitting, and you'll see people sitting for hours. But everywhere you look, there's someone sitting with a styrofoam cup scooping sugar into their mouth. It just is.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Those are the things you notice. Why the thousands? I wonder how much sugar they sell a day. That'd be interesting. Grams. Grams of sugar. Here, I feel like it's gone the other way. How much sugar can you avoid?
Starting point is 00:38:34 No, the people are so concerned. They're not concerned with their health. They're so concerned with their looks that they push themselves into the macabre. Explain what macabre means uh like um the fake the fake boobs everywhere that are pressed so fucking hard when i look at them they look like they hurt and they're every and you wonder why you would do that to yourself and it's their every i i know why they do it but it's it's over the top here it's like it's gone i mean literally i well So what makes you happy?
Starting point is 00:39:05 You don't like that. You don't like that. What's good? No, no, I'm happy. You're always happy. I'm always happy. All right. I'm always happy.
Starting point is 00:39:11 You love Disney World, Disneyland. I loved it. I loved it. I love seeing how happy my kids were there. By the way, most nuts thing I've seen so far. You got him a couple of burgers the other day. Put the guy comes over, puts the burgers down in front of them, and they just like whip the buns away and they start gnawing on the patty it's because i hang out with people like you and then i go alexis alexis look at this who else does this and she
Starting point is 00:39:33 goes you i go how long ever since i've known you like we'll go to mcdonald's and i'll just like throw everything away and i'll eat the patty out of a mcdonald's bun they just because i because whether i'm hanging around you or suza or alexis whoever i'm hanging around because we're all crossfitters that's what we do you don't need the bun yeah you fucking throw the bun away then you can eat like three times the burger okay all-inclusive show why be gay tell us tell us about your anus um right now it's doing pretty good all right excellent i have a bidet so it's pretty clean All-inclusive show, Why It Be Gay. Tell us about your in-ness. Right now, it's doing pretty good.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Excellent. I have a bidet, so it's pretty clean. You do have a bidet? Fancy. I do, yeah. Hiller, do you know what a bidet is? I got a toilet with a little wand that comes out of nowhere and sprays in the butthole. Wow.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Is that what a bidet is? Yeah. I thought so. Do you use it? I've used it a couple of times. You look like a bidet guy. It. I thought so. Do you use it? I've used it a couple of times. You look like a bidet guy. It's nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Hillary is clean. European. He is a clean man. If he was any cleaner, I would know he's gay. He puts a little dirt on him so that I still think he's straight. He dirties himself a little. Sand drives me nuts. I should give you a good idea. How can I help you?
Starting point is 00:40:43 It was my wife's idea. It was my wife's idea. I was super, it was my wife's idea. I was very hesitant, but now I'm definitely, definitely hooked. But off the bidet topic, two questions.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Number one, is the Hiller and Hunter wrestling match ever going to go? Because we definitely need to see that, if that's going to happen. And then, and then number two, I wanted to see if you guys, any of you had watched the Buttery Bros documentary.
Starting point is 00:41:08 It's only like 30 minutes on YouTube of Chandler Smith. Apparently, he had Chandler Smith. Okay. So apparently, it's a 30-minute thing that I'm assuming they probably wanted to make it a big series leading up to the game. And then obviously, he didn't even make it past Brandon Games. But interestingly enough, he apparently had asthma pretty bad it was interesting i watched it the other day and to see the behind the scenes with him and uh killer's favorite guy ben um just uh interesting point i don't know if you guys watch it or not and have any
Starting point is 00:41:40 killer has any thoughts on him having asthma and how granite games went so poorly and they showed him having like asthma attacks after every event at Granite Games. Hey, what do you think the origins of asthma are? If I know you, I would say refined sugar and carbohydrates. That's part of it. But what do you go deeper than that? What do you think? Why hasn't he ever had it ever before?
Starting point is 00:42:04 There used to never be asthma on the planet in the last hundred years there's asthma everywhere vaccination it's a good place to start hey and while you're there look at ear infections for kids too look at your infection rates for kids i had an ear infection when i was younger like every other week and you've had fucking more needles in you than fucking schwarzenegger's ass since the dawn of time i'm fully vaccinated too i can't i can't believe my mom i don't even think i was breastfed are you anti like all vaccines or just the most recent i'm not anti any of them let's be clear the fuck i'm not anti any of them you don't commit to anything oh when did asthma originate the earliest recorded reference of respiratory distress and disorder characterized by noisy breathing is found in China in 2600 B.C. Second time today.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Second time today. Caleb's bent me over. Try it around the vaccine time. The three pieces to asthma basically are what you eat and the vaccinations. So wait, is the color still on? It's pretty easy to find. I am, go ahead be gay sorry i didn't see the channel i didn't see the chandler smith thing how is that buttery bros thing on them i normally i only watch their content um if i'm interviewing someone that they did and i'm always um blown away at how good the not i
Starting point is 00:43:23 mean i mean they've always been good but i'm always blown away at how good the not i mean i mean they've always been good but i'm always blown away at how good the quality is how much better it is than i expect yeah i mean they was it was really good it was uh i think it was truly supposed to be probably a long series going all the way to the games with him and what i mean what did he get 12 that granite game so they had to it's only like 25 minutes worth of content. Does he cry? Do you see any, is there any emotion? Yes. Oh, yeah. A crazy ton of emotions.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I think you would like it. He's pretty candid, kind of behind the scenes. And it's him and Ben Bergeron. And he actually tried to quit even. And Ben Bergeron talked him into staying. Oh, fuck. I'm not watching. Got some content with him.
Starting point is 00:44:00 And, you know, right away, I was kind of thinking, you know, because he's got a new fiance and then a wife who's, she's an athlete too but she's not she's like a fringe yeah she's like a fringe summer finals athlete so in my head i was like oh great he's hanging out with her too much but i mean at least the way they portrayed it is that he's been having this asthma thing apparently it's been behind the scenes for a while. He said he had a reaction even when he was a demo athlete at Dave's Ranch last year or two years ago. And then the year before that, he had one. And there's kind of some maybe controversy behind it because he's in the Army, right? And I don't know what the rules are, but apparently you're not supposed to have asthma if you're in the Army.
Starting point is 00:44:39 And so he said it's been something he's quote-unquote hidden or maybe even had control of somehow, but that's the reason why. And he doesn't make excuses. The whole thing is he's not necessarily trying to make excuses. That's why he didn't make the game. But the footage is laid out that way. So it's not a typical Buttery Bros piece. It's not the sort of the… No, they're not dancing around.
Starting point is 00:45:04 They're not doing the litter box. I'm definitely watching this. I think they hired somebody else to film it. We'll turn it down right there and just talk over it. They hired somebody else to film it and put it together. Say that again, Gab? I'm pretty sure they've hired somebody else to film it and put it together. It wasn't actually the Buttery Bros who filmed it.
Starting point is 00:45:24 What? Yeah, it's something Chall challenger i think there's like a slash on the video it's buttery bros and challenger something or other so the person who's asking questions the person who's asking questions definitely is not one of the buttery bros but they are in it here and there and it shows them not the buttery br, you say? How can Kate... Was that a British accent? I got a couple of them. Kate, how can you say that he needs to leave comp training? Bigay just told us that Ben talked him to get his ass back
Starting point is 00:45:54 out on the field. I like it. It's because he was forced to train with a mask on for six months. He's got Voris asthma. That too. Add that to the pile. Add that to the pile. Did I ever tell you about the story where I got kicked out of the freaking health club for not wearing a mask on a stair master. No,
Starting point is 00:46:09 but I like you more. I didn't know you had that in you. I don't know. I don't know if we want to go into that. We can talk about that whenever it's like a five minute. All right. I got to go guys. I'm taking my kid.
Starting point is 00:46:18 I haven't seen that yet. Thank you for calling in. What? Yeah. Can you bring up that video just real quick? The, the, um, that could? That dude did a good plug. I wonder if the Buttery Bros paid him to call in. I think they released that Wednesday or Thursday of last week.
Starting point is 00:46:33 I'm going to watch that shit. Hey, I actually – Ben Bernal kills him. Sousa actually walked up to Chandler at Wadapalooza, and I got to talk to him through that through just from my office you know just the way you guys did the games and um while i was talking to him i said hey can you come on my podcast and he goes i i i want to but i don't think my mom would appreciate your content and i i like bergeron no no his mom's actual mom no no his no that was a joke come on come on and dude um i got him i i
Starting point is 00:47:08 kind of fell in love with him like in two seconds he seems like an awesome guy just he's like my i don't know if my mom basically i'm paraphrasing but i don't know if my mom would appreciate your content yeah she said fuck he kind of i think she said she's a good christian lady so it might be a little tough for her to watch it nothing makes me i love ch Chandler Smith. I hate that he's at Comp Train. Hey, look it. He's clean, but he has no gay vibe to him. Hiller's clean, but Hiller got a little gay vibe to him. You know what I mean? Look how clean. They're both clean.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I need to promote my OnlyFans, homie. Yeah. If you can go to both genders, you make more money then. Sexes. Both sexes. What did I say? Oh, idiot. My bad. Come on. Do you not know where you're sitting he's gonna come punch you in the throat even though he's sitting over i have to punch but no i punched hey i'm over here yeah here shake my hand
Starting point is 00:47:57 has anyone ever seen your setup because that was one of i'll just turn my computer and show you sitting over there. It'll be nuts. Yeah, show it. Well, I... Don't unplug your shit. No, I'm good. Don't spill anything.
Starting point is 00:48:11 All right, look at that. What a... Hey. It's like Inception-y. Mr. UK, thank you for calling. Yes, tell us how the real Englishman sounds like. International call here. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:22 International call here. See you in a minute. We're ready. Sorry, I apologize. You're right. Not everyone balls like me and Taylor. It's Clive here. How's it going, guys?
Starting point is 00:48:33 Listen, in terms of media content, forget the buttery bros. Mayhem's videos that they put out during the games have been classed to watch back. HWPU as well. Their episodes from during the game are really good as well. So if anyone hasn't watched those, go and watch all of those. Particularly when the Mayhem ones, the aftermath of the Capitol event
Starting point is 00:48:54 was really interesting to see at the behind the scenes. Paige Powers was destroyed. Absolutely destroyed. She was basically crying. It was nice to see the other Mayhem athletes kind of helping her and sort of dealing with her, but she looked
Starting point is 00:49:10 destroyed. It was crazy to see. Okay, so the Capital Event Mayhem, watch that. The Buttery Bros, Chandler Smith, watch that. And which part of the HWPO? Just the episodes that we've been doing Just the sort of interviewed Hopper and Mal
Starting point is 00:49:27 and it made me maybe kind of like them a little bit more than I had previously. Do Mal and Hopper actually talk? You mean you actually hear them talk? Sound come out of the hole in the front of their face? Yeah, I think they do. Sit down,
Starting point is 00:49:42 talk into the camera a bit and stuff as well. It's the guy, Becky, the Australian guy. He comes over and he does the media stuff for Matt and all, I believe. Fair play to him. Yeah, it's a good gig that he got. And he does it well. He's solid. He does it well.
Starting point is 00:49:59 That dude's solid. Every part of me, like, everything in me wants to talk shit about him, but when I try to, there's nothing everything in me wants to talk shit about him but when i try to there's nothing i missed the name wiki the old handsome guy from south africa i'm in agreement with you he's solid he is he's a good dude yeah you're going after edwardson and richie i can't do wiki yeah he's all right he's a good dude yes and and hey yeah his shit's great. I caught up on the Hiller-Hunter-Sivan episode last night when I was driving. And honestly, Sivan, I get really annoyed with you and your stance on it. I mean, you kept sort of questioning if Hiller was right to do it.
Starting point is 00:50:41 And I thought, hold on, is this not the Savan we know? It just didn't seem very encouraging to you. I'll be honest, Savan, I think what you were doing was trying to save yourself because what you'd done recently, you'd put your arm around Hiller
Starting point is 00:50:55 and then Hiller comes out with this smash and grab and suddenly you freaked out a little bit that you were associated with him. You tried to save yourself by being like, oh, I don't know what this is, Hiller. Right, and Jeff, you were associated with him you tried to save yourself by being like oh i don't know what this is hillary right and jeffrey you were right he completely agreed with his right to say
Starting point is 00:51:10 whatever he wants and we know you think he can say whatever he wants no no no no no no i i um you i think you have conflating issues and bear with me here. He does have the right to say whatever he wants. And everyone has the right to say whatever they want, and I'm not opposing free speech. It's just like this. People get this conflated. I fucking love – I have no issues with Coca-Cola. Sell all the Coke you want in the fucking world. I would never outlaw Coke.
Starting point is 00:51:44 I would never, ever stop i would never i would never ever stop anyone from eating themselves to death like you every i believe in the free markets and the um and and in capitalism i'm a libertarian i um but me personally i don't like the fact um of uh i don't think that there's an i don't think that it was the right thing to do. You are somewhere in the middle. Craig Ritchie and all these guys
Starting point is 00:52:13 are trying to make best friends with all the athletes because they rely on that. You don't rely on it just as much, but you still kind of know you kind of have to keep your relationships with most of the athletes quite good. So I get it.
Starting point is 00:52:32 I get it. I'm just calling you out a little bit. How am I doing with Haley and Laura Horvath? How am I doing? Yeah, I don't know. Haley's just got a chub. He's actually, you can't see it, but he's got his wrist going like this right now. He's so happy.
Starting point is 00:52:51 We have to screen these calls. I love, I love Laura. I'm a big fan of Laura. He has never even been on my fucking show. Fuck that bitch. That's the problem. We need to hear, you know, know you want to know what i was actually next video on tia you know she's using yeah fuck that bitch you know what i'm at you know i'll tell
Starting point is 00:53:13 you i tell you i i appreciate all of your assessment there may be some truth to it um there also may not be but i'll tell you this the new New York Times did that article on me. And it had really fucked up repercussions on me and my family. Maybe not. Maybe not fucked up. Who knows what the end game is. And I'm a pretty fucking lucky human being. But it was speculation. Yeah, but it was speculation i get that i get that and i do appreciate hiller it's because the irony is is that it wasn't until years later because i never even went back and listened to it like in my mind i always thought fuck did i do something wrong right it's like it's like when i crossed the border in the united states and the
Starting point is 00:54:03 fucking the jackasses at the border are telling me i have drugs and i don't i never had never never transported drugs but they make you feel like you do they're like searching your car and you're like fuck are they gonna find something you know that feeling when the cops like are like you're like you were in the syrian army i'm like no i wasn't i guess you were i'm like wait what was i uh so so so i i maybe i, I think that that would be, if you wanted to bark up a tree, that's where I'm more sensitive, but please know that I, I'm most proud of the fact that Hiller and I can,
Starting point is 00:54:37 I didn't want to distance myself from him. I wanted to bring him in closer to show that, that oil and water can both be in the same jar. And then we make Italian dressing. Just don't shake the jar and make Italian dressing. I do not want to make Italian dressing. I just want to either sit underneath him or on top of him.
Starting point is 00:54:58 I don't want to mix. With a salt and pepper on top. I would say I did appreciate Hunter's pushback and I do think that I probably maybe positioned myself a little bit more with where Hunter was at. I think I found it funny how you
Starting point is 00:55:14 basically became the mediator for the majority of that nearly two hour long video I don't think that was your intention but Hunter did a good job and I think I appreciate that Hiller can take a few things in the chin and hey that's what it's all about I like seeing people having
Starting point is 00:55:30 open discussions and not having anyone feel like they have to shut down their own opinion I think everyone can say what they want that's sort of where I'm at on it so I really enjoyed the debate the three way debate I would really like to see the oiled upup wrestling match
Starting point is 00:55:45 just to finish it off, just a nice cherry on top. That would be awesome. What are you doing? I don't know. Hunter is on Broken Skull Ranch, and he was taking down some people, and I was a shitty college wrestler. I don't know how much of a wrestling match it would be, but I'm going to put up a fight.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Hey, let me ask you this. The more oil, the better. Let me ask you this. So she makes her living doing a sport where she can't take certain substances. Right. And so that's all. Is that how you see it? That's how it all comes down to. It's basically like he's pointing out that from looking at her and from some analysis of her, the changes she's made and relative to the rest of the field that and some insights and some insights of people he's talked to that, um, that she's probably using. And so that's the only, if it wasn't illegal or if it wouldn't jeopardize her income, it wouldn't have been a big deal, right? Is that, do you think that, is that how you think of it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I, I, I, my issue, you compared it to the New York Times article, I think there's a difference in that I don't think anyone would watch Hiller's video on her and conclude that they had enough reason to withdraw any sort of financial benefit from Tia over Hiller's video. Because he quite clearly says that it's just what he thinks. You don't think whoop drops her because he says that? Absolutely not. No, I don't think anything happened to Tia because some guy, no matter how many followers he has, just because some guy says
Starting point is 00:57:17 well, I think this. I don't think it does anything. Because 50% of the people I think 50% of the people agree with Hiller. Here's what I think. I think, here's what I think. I think, I'm guessing. This is total made up.
Starting point is 00:57:31 I think 90% of the people agree with Hiller and 50% are glad he said it. I think if it's pressure across it to pop their game in casting, then I think that's a good thing. I just say everyone should just join the California Hormones games next year. Don't even worry about testing. Yeah, I've got to go. It cost me a lot of money. Good to speak to you guys.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Dude, you had some people in here saying you were a good caller. Nice. Hey, isn't that – what do you mean? It's free when I call the UK. Just part of my – not free, but it's just part of my package. Maybe it's the way he's set up. He doesn't have as big of a package as you. Doesn't surprise me.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I don't know anything about phones. Does not surprise me. One of the things – I should post this video. You guys should know that my kids cannot stop playing with Hiller. Which video? Just at the beach yesterday. I mean literally he's played with my kids for hours my kids have interacted with him more than i've interacted with you wouldn't you say i'd say so yeah i'm trying to wear them out and it's not happening it's crazy they did cartwheels and handstands on the beach yesterday for a bit of
Starting point is 00:58:40 an hour and i should you know hi caller hi hey, kind of going back to what you guys were just talking about. You're a girl. I am. My name's Kate. Hi, Kate. Kate. Foster? Kate. Kate. Sorry. Just Kate. Just Kate. There's just some Kate in my comments
Starting point is 00:59:00 section. All right. What sign are you, Kate? Hiller wants to know. This could also be the Kate in the comments here, so it could be any fucking Kate. This is the Kate in the comments here. I got a big mouth on me. I'm sorry about that. No, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Go, Kate, before I say anything else stupid. Anyways, Hiller, you made a video about how Whoop has kind of left the CrossFit Games and is becoming bigger and better than the crossfit games do you think noble is going to do that like i saw that they're doing some football thing now i don't really know much about it but i was wondering if you're two cents on that if noble is going to leave crossfit behind it would depend on the direction that they see crossfit going because the idea i got from a whoop was that they didn't think CrossFit was any longer on the up and up.
Starting point is 00:59:48 So they went with the PGA where they saw a lot more benefit with their time spent there. And a lot of the videos that I made were along the line. If you put a whoop on a golfer, the golfers don't really have the insight that the CrossFitters have. The CrossFit community is so well-informed, and they're looking at it. And the issue that I was having was that the way that I was feeling and the data that I was accustomed to for the three years that I had worn the Whoop no longer lined up.
Starting point is 01:00:14 And I think that the golf industry is so dumb with that stuff that they'll have no idea. And they also have way more money than CrossFitters. So Whoop goes, okay, that's what I'm going to put all my money into. I mean, we can have Rory McIlroy, who's winning the PGA, wear the Whoop along with the watch when he's winning and holding the cup up for everybody. So why would they not do that?
Starting point is 01:00:35 When it comes to Noble, I feel like they had a pretty good stamp on CrossFit, but they might at some point no longer enjoy the pushback. And I wouldn't really think that it would be far fetched for them to go complete the nfl for the same reason as whoop so yes i think that you're on to something if that's just it's expansion of business you start with a small local niche market and then you would spanned out because otherwise you're going to cap and saturate your market so just think of rx bar they started with the crossfit community they had a 600 million dollar exit with kellogg's now they're mainstream the whole point of every brand is to started with the CrossFit community. They had a $600 million exit with Kellogg's. Now they're mainstream. The whole point of every brand is to start with a niche,
Starting point is 01:01:09 so you get your raving fans, you get your referrals, and then you expand out from there. Because if you're not expanding and you're not moving into other audiences, you're already on the descent. Your business is already on the decline. CrossFit needs to do something to prove to them that they're worth being sponsored. Correct, Sousa? I don't even know if that's too much of the correlation there. I just think they're just using it to leapfrog. I mean, you could even take this podcast, for example.
Starting point is 01:01:33 So you're saying it was bound to happen? Absolutely. That's the hope, right? So we went and did all the coverage at the games. We're collecting the audience. We're building on it. But we snuck in some live call-in shows. We had DJ Affin right afterwards.
Starting point is 01:01:43 That was all strategic because we knew that by collecting more people that are enjoying the show, enjoying the content, and then we shift that attention to different areas outside of CrossFit, we're continuing to grow and continuing to expand. If we just stay inside of our niche of our bubble, at some point, you're going to reach a ceiling there and it's going to be even harder to break out of that because then all your audiences just expects just crossfit content in that example so if you start to move them and diversify your audience right away or noble starts to move out of just crossfit go to the nfl go to these other areas they're collecting and moving their audience and expanding their audience exactly uh golf is a a very special sport explain uh the red i hate golf i know i'm not a fan either
Starting point is 01:02:31 but the revenue generated there is i heard the stat once and i was trying to find it but basically in one weekend golf the golf industry as a whole generates more revenue than the entire fucking nfl does in a year because there's balls and bags and sticks and carts and green i mean it's a fucking it's a it's crazy even the average person like if you go to a golf course you're going to spend so much money on balls because you keep losing them like you can go play pick up basketball for way cheaper hey kate i say this not even joking. I mean this as a 100% fact. There's more money spent on fertilizer to keep those lawns green than the
Starting point is 01:03:12 entire revenue of the car. My dad's a landscaper. I know all about that. Than the entire revenue of CrossFit Inc. Just the fertilizer to keep those green. They put on the grass. And just imagine all the beer and booze those guys drink.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's... That's the best part about golf. Yeah, so it's... Sounds like you're a golfer, Kate. I'm on it so scary how expensive it is.
Starting point is 01:03:34 I know. There's a lot of shit like that. Even skiing, snowboarding, all that shit. I'm just like, wow. Get a surfboard and just go out in a skateboard
Starting point is 01:03:42 and go out into the ocean. You don't see noble sponsoring surfers. Hey, I will say this. Whoop is so fucking woke. And by that, I mean there's discriminatory policy and their racism is so fucking horrible. And so is the NFL's.
Starting point is 01:04:00 The stuff they have in place is vile. And same with the NBA. and so they're they're a fucking perfect match i mean if you're into that stuff if you're into oppressing people then those are your guys i mean that there's no there's no stretch there it's what they do what do you think about um monster giving all the athletes like pallets of like stuff and then they just couldn't even get rid of it like they were like putting it on their Insta story like come pick it up like it was just the most random thing I was like that seems wasteful
Starting point is 01:04:31 I would love a fucking pallet of fucking monster yeah marketing strategy you have a pallet? I mean wouldn't it be fun just to take some cans and hit them with a sledgehammer? That'd be a good video yeah I mean if a crossfitter had any nuts, that's what they'd do. It's like, this is what I feel about your energy drink.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Stop sending me this shit. Hey, Kate, if you have to drink an energy drink, which one do you drink? What's your go-to? I don't really drink. I don't drink coffee or anything like that. There's these ice drinks. They're like seltzers, and then they make a caffeinated version. Those are awesome.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Hey, do girls not drink energy drinks? Yes, they do. They do? Yes, they do. Alani knew. A lot of girls like Alani knew. The C4, RAIN, just whatever at the gym, LifeFit, FitAid. Kate, do you know the name of the female bodybuilder that came up with that company, Alani New?
Starting point is 01:05:29 I didn't remember yesterday. And instead of Googling, I'm asking you. No. Honestly, I'm more of a pre-workout person. I do like Podium's new Bomb Pop pre-workout. But I've also been trying, there's this powder pre-workout that I really like. Alani New has some good tasting stuff. It's just bobbing around between different companies.
Starting point is 01:05:50 I don't really know that much about them. I probably hate this more organization more than I probably hate golf. In California, there's a program for kids to make golf cheap. You hate this program? I probably hate that too. It's probably just more just fucking woke bullshit. What the children? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:06 All right. Thanks, guys just more just fucking woke bullshit. What the children? Alright, thanks guys. Thanks, Gabe. My shoulders are asymmetrical. My elbow's all fucked up. 321 feminism is a scam. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:06:21 I'm nervous. I'm deaf. Alexis, I said you were a monster leave kate alone katie her and that's the chick's last name her oh that's the person we were talking about okay thanks alexis dang exposed exposed i thought she was getting mad at the caller oh this one's great here let's let's listen to this young lady talk let's put this in your peanut people a few years ago i was a blue-haired feminist i once believed that male privilege was real and that i was a victim of a way to understand the true motives of feminism i know that this it just had to be caleb just has to mute his mic when it plays and that echo goes away
Starting point is 01:07:01 okay so just mute it up and then hit your play and that's your work a few years ago i was a crazy blue-haired feminist that's what she said could not be further from the truth and that modern day feminism is a war on true masculinity before women had the right to vote most were stay-at-home wives which meant they weren't working jobs and couldn't be taxed our overlords didn't like that rockefeller started funding feminist campaigns in media. And as a consequence of the movement, women started entering the workforce and leaving the home. Children would then be separated from their parents
Starting point is 01:07:31 and sent to Rockefeller-funded schools to be indoctrinated by the state. All of this ultimately disrupting the family unit at its core. Feminism is defined as the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. But in the West, I must ask, what rights do men have that women don't? Modern feminists are convincing women that hook up culture, using hormonal birth control, and not shaving is liberation. That toxic masculinity is
Starting point is 01:07:55 prevalent and the patriarchy must be dismantled. Through movies and media, we're taught that working for the man, climbing the corporate ladder, and paying tax is more empowering and valuable than raising the next generation. Women have lost touch with our natural loving instincts and birth rates are plummeting. Men and women are not the same. And by protesting for equality of outcome rather than opportunity, feminists are demonizing and emasculating men. Feminism. You all wish you were doing what I was doing.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Which is? Rais raising my kids. You all, that's why I played with them for like 10 hours yesterday. Yeah. You're going to, you're for sure going to end up with kids. You got so infected. I saw the,
Starting point is 01:08:39 you getting infected. Hold that comment by Steven Flores. That's the stringer. Steven Flores. bodybuilders wear stringers hillers looks like the zyz who died of a heart attack after using them roids he also had long hair and he's much better looking the thing is with hillar though he has no hypertension he's he's um not red at all unless i hold my breath he has no like none of that high blood pressure look that a lot of people i see in the crossfit community especially the older guys or like the joe rogan types
Starting point is 01:09:09 have that uh dana sometimes has it it's like and maybe it's because hillary doesn't drink either yeah but i see a lot of these people who um who are red yeah kate kate kuhawa i don't think this woman understands what feminism is here's the thing here's the thing to give up to to think that it's somehow better to get a job than raise your kids is out of your fucking mind like you've been so fucking duped you're fucking retard there's nothing better than what there's nothing better than raising your kids that's objective truth that's the first that is a truth it's not your truth kids next time it wants to know who could hold their breath longer you or i
Starting point is 01:09:50 if i have something in my mouth i can probably hold it for you but do you believe what she said do you think that whole the whole feminine movement is a way to separate children from their parents i don't know i have more influence because i don't know if it is but that's what it's doing i don't know if like i i honestly can't think that someone's like okay let's separate women from their kids and get more tax money i just i just i don't think the world thinks like that i don't think anyone thinks like that they do they do um but uh i just think that things just happen because people are idiots well what it's also true. There's a good dude.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Well, what about in terms of all the different stuff that they have for single mothers, like the incentive to where if you're a single mother, you get more support for the government. Wouldn't that have a stronger pull on? I think that it's meant I seriously can't believe that someone would be that fucking horrible. I just have to. I think that people just don't know what good is. I think people think that they're helping women by doing this when really they're just destroying the family unit. They don't – it's the same thing with COVID, dude. They thought that they were – I think that some people really I don't know if those exact things as far as like feminine or giving women equal rights or pay or whatever that the subject might be pulled away from the family unit in totality like that.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Like, I think that that's kind of a roundabout way to do it because you still have a choice. You still have a choice to stay home with your kids. Like the women still have a choice to raise their children your kids. The women still have a choice to raise their children over a career. People take the path of least resistance, right? I want to break up. Haley wants to divorce me because the government will give her a check. Well, so that's what I said earlier, the incentive that they place on single mothers. The government gives more. If you have two kids and you're single, you're going to get more money. If that same woman now marries a man, her income is going to go down.
Starting point is 01:11:48 So there's zero incentive for her to actually get married for support for that family. So that's why I was saying, I don't necessarily think that the feminism movement is separating the family unit. I would say, look into the incentives that those welfare states are actually placing, because if you had a- Well, it's hidden in the feminism movement, isn't it? It's kind of lumped up in there. I mean, you could make that argument, but I wouldn't draw the straight line that that video that we just did. I think there's other things that would that would prove that argument a little bit more. Because at the end of the day, you know, you're there's not a ton of incentive place on the choice. Like if I go, okay, now that's right. I'm an empowered woman, I'm going to go, you know, focus on my career. That's, that's kind of a choice that you're making.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Therefore, I don't know. Listen to what this guy says. He takes it to the extreme, which I like. Hitler didn't wake up one day thinking he was going to be an example of evil in the world. He truly believed he was doing something good. I agree. Yeah, every prisoner in jail is innocent, right? They all have an excuse or justification.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Damn. Asus is definitely whatever energy drink he's on, he's winning. The guy on the bottom right is definitely the smartest guy here. I'm sitting here, I'm like, nice, Susan. Feel by Paper Street Coffee. Do you ever think that people just have too much time on their hands? Yes. That's kind of what I always come down to for me yeah idle hands is the devil's playground like especially especially boys
Starting point is 01:13:12 especially boys i mean they just spend it all jerking off what do you mean well good some sort of release but as long as they're are they walking in the room right now but uh yeah i mean if you give like it's even when they start to become as as the age of your boys i'm on like five or whatever all the way up to like 22 if they're not busy if you're not keeping something going and keeping them moving and keeping them busy they're just going to get into trouble i mean anytime i think back on something that we did stupid as a group of kids it's because we were just bored you. We're just hanging out down by the railroad tracks throwing rocks at shit. Somebody throws rocks at a car, and then the game just escalates. It's just because we were sitting there with nothing to do.
Starting point is 01:13:55 I think that the more that happens without having stuff for especially young men, the worse off it's going to be. Yes. Yes. 100%. stuff for especially young men, the worse off it's going to be. Yes. Yes. A hundred percent. And my kids are literally kept busy from the second they wake up to the second they go to bed. And by kept busy within that, there's free, there's, they're kept busy with free time too. Like I, you know, they, but, but you cannot, you cannot, if you, if you put young people in a place with no supervision and no direction and no schedule and no discipline, really bad, bad shit will happen with no intention of it being bad.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Yeah, think about the crimes that are happening in Oakland. A lot of those times if you see like the armed robbery or different homicides that are happening, some of those kids are as young – there was one recently as young as 11. And they're just – you find them them and there's one that's like 22 and then it's like 14, 16, 15. And those were the more dangerous ones. Like the little bit of time that I spent on the city in the Oakland, it's not the older groups of guys you got to watch because by that time they might have, you know, a kid, they have some sort of job. They may have already gone through the system. They don't want to deal with that anymore. But if you come across a group of three or four 14 year olds down on like 105th or something like that, avoid that group because those kids are looking to earn their
Starting point is 01:15:08 stripes. They're looking to prove themselves in this street. They have no long-term view and it's dangerous when you get them with nothing to do. On the other end of the spectrum of what I just said, which was, I think all of this is caused by too much free time. If you have no free time, I see a of this is caused by too much free time. If you have no free time, I see a lack of imagination and nothing ever develops from anything or anybody. And some of the people I know with the most free time sometimes end up turning out to be the most successful. Right.
Starting point is 01:15:38 Your free time is when you're walking the five miles to school. I give you, and I'm sure everyone here has a thousand examples like this but but this is the thing you go over to your friend's house you spend the night you guys are sitting around and next thing you know you're taking a tape we would take it we never forget this one night we took a tape cassette we pulled out all the tape and then we strung it between two trash cans back and forth across the street and then wait for a car to drive through and pull the two trash cans together on the side of someone's car. We never did it thinking we were doing anything wrong. No one's like, hey, this is going to – we really want to fuck this dude's car up. We just want to see what happens.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Just like I have no – I just want to hit a Monster Energy drink with a sledgehammer because I just want to see what happens. That's it. I just want to see what happens. That's it. ledgehammer because I just want to see what happens. That's it. I just want to see what happens. That's it. And so why not give your kids structure and discipline so that they have things that they can experiment with and do within the scope while their brain develops and they think of consequences. But yeah, boys will be boys. You don't think of consequences. Not if you're a healthy boy, you don't. You're a doer and the one thing that that helps slow that down
Starting point is 01:16:45 significantly is accountability within the family union because i remember when i accountability within their family unit meaning there's a mom or a dad or hopefully both inside there that will hold them accountable because a lot of the times the stuff that i would think about i was never worried about oh well if i you know get into this scuffle at school or if I throw this rock and break a window, I'm going to go to jail. Never thought about that. It was always, oh, shit, my mom is going to be so upset. My dad is going to be so disappointed. So when you remove that accountability within the family and there's none there and they're seeking discipline, they want it.
Starting point is 01:17:19 Those kids are going to find it from somewhere else. And I know this to be true because my cousin has been in the system since 13 years old. He is now in San Quentin. He will never get out for the rest of his life. We can talk about that at a different time. But the biggest thing that was- He went in at 13? 13 for armed robbery after he witnessed the murder. Yeah. And I remember learning about that, but the thing was, is there is no accountability within that side of what was happening for him. And in fact, due to the functioning drug addicts that were at his disposal, he was being put up to actually steal stuff
Starting point is 01:17:49 because they knew that he wouldn't get in trouble. So then the reward system became, well, if I do these bad things, I actually get the positive attention that I'm looking for. And so there was no discipline to be found and it was found through the system. And now he's in that for forever. And that was the only difference between him and the other cousins and myself and everything else. There was just more accountability within our family. I wonder what this looks like. Overscheduled kids are a problem too.
Starting point is 01:18:13 I wonder what that looks like. Is there a caller on? Oh yeah. Sorry, caller. Go ahead. Oh shit. Hey, this is Vincent. Vincent.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Yeah. Vincent, what's up bud? Not much. How you doing? Good man. So just trying to combine a couple things you guys are talking about i mean jordan peterson talks about uh you know making an area for kids to do dangerous things because once you take it away they find that there's more places to do dangerous things and kind of from suza was talking about where you know you go from
Starting point is 01:18:42 throwing a rock next thing you know you're throwing them at a car or what you guys talking about with driving down the road lighting strings up and then on top of that you know kind of what hillary was talking about was you know jacob williams talks about um what is it uh can you go now creativity structure equals freedom no structure equals freedom so he talks about how he's a very structured life. I don't know if we could ever go to that far that he does it, but he's very structured in everything that he does, but it gives him a lot of freedom of what he wants to do. So even though it's very defined of what he's going to do,
Starting point is 01:19:16 how he breaks his day up, he feels that it gives him a lot more freedom to do other things that he wants to do. Dude. And then I... Go ahead. And then I've decided to agree with you, Siobhan, is I would love to quit working and spend all day with my kids
Starting point is 01:19:32 and get out with them. So no one was agreeing with you on that one. The discipline and structure my kids have, and I know it's hard to put Hiller here on the spot or Souser. It's like how australians talk just throwing r's in places um uh the way uh hiller and suzer taught
Starting point is 01:19:54 uh or have seen my kids have such crazy structure and discipline that they are so fucking free it would blow your mind they're nuts like you could i don't even have to basically watch them because they're so free because they know the fucking rules like when we like i go around town here and i i shit you not i go around town here in newport on the boardwalk and i have put my three little boys on skateboards and everyone wants to stop and talk to us and everyone and they can't believe how far i let them go they can't believe the independence these kids have but the thing is is it's because there's crazy structure and discipline and now they're free they know the fucking rules put your hands on the fucking walls something bad's gonna happen doing burpees rest of the day you know the rules
Starting point is 01:20:36 excuse me when someone when you bump into someone if you don't then you fucking be doing burpees rest of the day and once they get down that structure he's gonna's going to hit back. Yeah. Don't hit fucking hit. They want to fucking hit Hiller nonstop. They just see him and they just start throwing punches. It's crazy. Yeah. Don't fucking hit Hiller. You got to make eye contact with the stranger before you hit him.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Can't just hit him in the back. Those are the rules. Punch him in the lower back one more time. You're going to get an elbow. So, cause I've raised my daughters. I have two daughters and I raised them the same way to the point of like when i yell at them to make sure that they're doing what they're supposed to be doing not hitting somebody that i have grown men stopped in their tracks and they're like oh
Starting point is 01:21:14 are they yelling at me or not but because of that though i i don't have to worry about them i've been a day when we got in public, they are well-behaved compared to everybody else. All I got to do is look at them and they know, oh, I better not do that anymore. And they always come to me because they know it's safe. I have control of the entire environment in their little brain. And so everything is always safe. And so they're free. They don't have to worry. I worry about the shit that's the stuff that they shouldn't have to worry about.
Starting point is 01:21:46 Yep, I agree. Yeah. So thanks for taking my call. Yeah, hey, Vincent, what's your last name? Ramos. What is it? Ramos, R-A-M-O-S. Who are you named after?
Starting point is 01:21:59 I don't know a lot of Vincents. According to my dad, my mom's ex-boyfriend, but he says no. Wow. Are your parents still together? That's a joke. Yeah, they're still together. It's a joke. I have no idea where it comes from because it's not a Mexican name at all.
Starting point is 01:22:16 Well, it sounds like you have a cool dad. So, yeah, he was. All right. All right. Thanks, brother. Bye. Thanks, brother. Bye. Thanks, Vincent. I know Vincent.
Starting point is 01:22:29 We met him at the games. Also a guy in a movie called Vincent. We met him at the games. Very good movie. We met Vincent at the games. Yeah. He's the one that came up and gave us the money, too. That's Vincent.
Starting point is 01:22:39 Oh, shit. Yeah. And Alexis. Wow. Oh, and he won the vest giveaway. Holy shit. Oh, yeah. When I was talking to the and he won the vest giveaway. Holy shit. Oh, yeah. When I was talking to the guys over at –
Starting point is 01:22:47 All right. What are the odds of all those things happening? Did we send that vest? Did that – Gabe, let us know what we need to do. Make sure he gets his vest. I think Gabe did all that. Gabe's a beast. Did he take care of it?
Starting point is 01:22:56 Yeah, he probably did. He's a beast. There is a – there are these kids. I don't know if they're kids. Maybe they're adults. And they have this product called Full Send. And I came across – are those the same as the Nelk Brothers? Are the Nelk Brothers, the Full Send people the same people?
Starting point is 01:23:13 Correct. Okay. So I know them because I watch UFC, and Dana White has embraced them and built a relationship with them. And then they had a guy on there, Steve Will Do It. Is that – Mm-hmm. Seems made up. sounds made up and and uh he got uh he got kicked off of youtube youtube recently which is crazy but anyway they did a podcast with donald trump which was really cool and then it got pulled down which is really weird but they also did a podcast recently with um elon musk and terrible it's uh it's pretty cool you thought it was terrible i i mean i just i think elon saved saved it because yes
Starting point is 01:23:53 elon did save it elon did save it yes he ran with it but i thought their questions especially uh salem solemn what's uh uh i forget that guy's name. The Ethiopian looking dude. Yeah. His questions were terrible, but, uh, Elon definitely saved that podcast. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:24:11 That's true. I, I, I liked it, but they, they weren't good. It wasn't because of the little pieces that I listened to on the assault bike.
Starting point is 01:24:18 I like, but this is something I heard, which was fascinating for so many reasons. And maybe we need Caleb to fact check this. Oh, look at hillary's taking a pee break can't even he can't even wait 10 minutes till the show's over seven minutes uh um that we're in a massive population decline yes yeah and that in japan caleb's gonna love
Starting point is 01:24:39 this you ready caleb you are gonna love this in japan they they sell more adult diapers than baby diapers and that the only thing keeping the population up there is the length that people are living so they're in a yeah and hey you know what you have to you have to when i was a kid there was like supposedly by the by 2020 that the the world was going to be overrun by human beings and we were going to be fucked. It was all over. All the stuff we have now, scared about COVID and climate change and all that, it was all population shit when I was a kid. And just the story has changed. And now the population is in fucking free fall, supposedly.
Starting point is 01:25:23 It's crazy. I wish I would have done the math back then you see people say this stuff someone you should have elon on i know i should have i would kate i would love to have you on and elon on at the same time i would do it i would do it uh is there any way you can find that caleb anywhere where they sell more diapers, adult diapers in Japan? I felt bad, but I feel like I should fact check that one. Olivia, we can work remotely, and Amanda, we'll reach you tomorrow. Hey, if you are in California and you can get close to Newport Beach and I think you can do the blood work at their facilities. It's really nice. It's awesome. We're understating it.
Starting point is 01:26:08 It's, it's a very nice experience. Did you not see that leather couch that I was sitting in? Yeah. The whole thing was so cool and casual and easy. Yeah. Yeah. It was, um, on this one here, maybe Caleb's pulling it up right now. There are more adult diapers sold in japan than baby diapers what six years ago but yeah i mean wouldn't be surprised i think japan has like the oldest like the most population of the oldest people or something like that yeah that's yeah that's definitely been true for a while uh and china's population declined by 600,000 people last year.
Starting point is 01:26:48 You saw the other article. They cut down 14 million trees in Scotland to build wind turbines. How do you correlate these two things? It's just more idiocy. So you mean where's the overlay? Between adult diapers and trees. Because when I was growing up, they were saying that the earth's about to be overpopulated and now by 2020 and now we're i'd rather be dead than wear adult diapers now population not me now population b is just in massive uh decline and it's just idiot it's just we trust what people say but people aren't willing
Starting point is 01:27:23 to do the simple math or just do 15 minutes to check the data themselves. These people cut down – it's the same idiocy. These are the same people who said the earth population was going to be too big for the earth to hold are the same people who think it's smart to cut 14 million trees down to build wind turbines because it's better for the environment. How many trees are there on the planet? We need a relativity number because this is your thing you know that right yeah yeah yeah you always want to know how many trees that actually is and how much and how much and how much i'm sure it is a dropping bucket but scotland's small and how much co2 but there are some red flags there if they want to the word renewable energy red flag liar talk like everything's renewable
Starting point is 01:28:03 on the planet. You said that earlier, and I tried to think of something that wasn't renewable, and I got nothing. Yeah, it's woke buzzword. Even oil's being renewed underground as we speak. That's the kind of thing. All energy can be created nor destroyed, right? I like that. That Isaac Newton of thermodynamics. That was Sous suza supposed to say the smart shit hillary yeah i might be wrong though so i'm the guy who can
Starting point is 01:28:32 get things wrong and get hounded for it like tia yeah that's one of them that's one of them i'm open to being wrong about it hey i bet you you just all you have is open source accounting so every time the federal government or local government spend money, you could see where every penny goes, and I bet you things change radically and fast. Look at that comment by Sarah Cox. Do you think you could make me bigger? I know I could make you bigger. Excuse me. I have dumbbells in the kitchen.
Starting point is 01:29:03 261 Truth. Can we get number 261 Truth? Truth. Do we have a guest tomorrow? We need to do another one of these shows. Thanks, Stephen Flores. Yeah, but we got some open slots during next week. Yeah, but he's leaving. Oh, he's leaving tomorrow anyway.
Starting point is 01:29:17 Yeah. You thought about extending your stay? And tonight, the dating show, live call. I would like to. Say, hey, Alexis, you want to go home by yourself? I know you got to work. I'll stay here. I can work from here.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Actually, I've also got a client that I got to see. All right. I'm not going to be back till Tuesday. Send Alexis. Get your Alexis. I need you to go train this guy. Yes. He won't be disappointed.
Starting point is 01:29:39 They know one another. I mean, it would at least be a good time. Yeah. A good time. Who needs me? That's my dog. Yeah. She swam yesterday for the first time without me. I mean, it would at least be a good time. Yeah. A good time. That's my dog. Yeah, she swam yesterday for the first time without me. I missed it. It's like watching your kid's first steps. My dog swam and I missed it.
Starting point is 01:29:54 It's all good. He is going to have a kid. Listen to the way he talks. Hit play, please. Hit play. Truth. Truth. 261. If someone says something that you hate, that does not make them hateful. The people who offend you with truth don't hate you. The people who comfort you with lies hate you.
Starting point is 01:30:18 And if you prefer a lie to truth, you hate yourself. If someone says something that you hate, that does not make them happy. So that didn't – that wasn't very impactful on me just now. But there was some – I was probably sitting on the toilet somewhere, and I was like, yeah, that really moves me. I hate it when that happens. So I was watching that. I'm like, why did she have to make it so long? She said like 18 words.
Starting point is 01:30:43 She could have said it in seven. 259, Gerald Ford. Will a woman become a president? Go ahead, Susan. I would just say most people lie to keep themselves comfortable, not the other person usually. Right? If you're like, hey, what did you think of that? And I thought it sucked, but I just didn't want to hurt your feelings, So I make it comfortable for me, even though it doesn't really help you.
Starting point is 01:31:05 I'm like, it was so good. And you're like, really? And I'm like, yeah, but really in my mind, I'm like, no, it was terrible. And I had all these like points of performance that I could give back to you, but I just don't. It's like when you're the CrossFit coach and like someone kind of gets it right. And you're like, that was it. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Great job. And you're like, why did you tell him that that was it? And it was perfect. It's not. It might have been an incremental improvement, but you lied to them because you're just trying to make that interaction more pleasant for yourself i know you haven't seen the video i put up yesterday you're not keeping up anymore no what you guys are talking about as soon as i just said in relation to giving people false hope or what did you say like false praise almost yeah things incorrectly that i put up a video
Starting point is 01:31:47 about like my final month as an owner at my affiliate i was trying to make a video and i just kind of put the camera up and i looked like dog shit and the gist of it was it always depends but you're always trying to lead people into the right direction yeah and a lot of the stuff that i like really hound people for on the internet happens when you're in the competition. But I'm sure Susie can attest to this. When you're in the affiliate, you always want what's best for people. There's only so much you can do when people have their heads so screwed on one way. And you're always trying to have the conversation. I think the term is heads up their ass. Hey, get lower, get lower, get lower. You walk on over and they're like,
Starting point is 01:32:21 my knees hurt, my back hurts, and I'm just trying to get a workout in. You're like, I'm going to come back to this again next week and see how your knees back and everything feels yeah like nicole carroll said you got to be a jedi because you got to be able to influence them in that direction without using those terms and then that way did she say that when did she say that it was at a um it was at a l1 uh summit that i snuck into no i didn't sneak into it they played like they could it was from years back and they played a clip of it. And I think her exact terms are like, you guys are fucking Jedis or something like that. But yeah, you have to go to positive. I come over and I just say, get lower. That's going to have a negative reaction. But if I go,
Starting point is 01:32:59 Hey, on your wall balls, I noticed you'd be a little bit more efficient and your knees would probably hurt actually a little bit less if you just, as you sat down and then you start coaching them on the direction that would help them get lower without actually using those terms. And then as they make progress in it, you continue to reward that progress. And as they sit lower, then you could circle back around and go, that's so awesome. Just by keeping your knees out and sitting your hips a little further back, you were actually able to break parallel, which is great because I know we talked about that before. Wow, you sound like a coach. I'm going to choose to believe this.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Nicole said she still loves you, Seba. 259. Por favor. Gerald Ford. Crazy that this came out of a president's mouth. Become president of the United States. Well, I hope we do have a young lady at some point become president of the United States. I can tell you how I think it will happen, because it won't happen in the normal course of events.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Either the Republican political party will nominate a man for president and a woman for vice president, and the woman and man will win so you'll end up with a president a man a vice president a female and in that term of office of the president the president will die and the woman will become president under the law would you give a young lady who's that who was this guy i thought he used to be the president under the law. Would you give a young lady a point? He used to be the president of the United States. Gerald Ford. Gerald Ford. I don't know shit.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Fascinating. Let's just sit with that. So you're saying he's not only the president, but a prophet. Just sit with that. I just think he knows the political game and how that moves and how you can move the chess pieces uh two robots different models uh what is truly marginalized people are armenians those are the only marginalized people not black people native americans or anyone i just want you to know i don't know why i have
Starting point is 01:35:21 that in my notes but it's important for me to go um uh how should we where do we have to be we've got like three hours let's just stay uh let me address javier's comment he said i just want you to tell me to go lower the other stuff is manipulated javier if you listen to the first part hillar said that hey you need to go lower and then when it became it became a conflict then you had to find a different approach so we did do that approach first point that i tried to make in the video i made was let's say the workout and i understand it's really not too much of a workout is 100 air squats for time and you're done people can do that in as quick as like two minutes but let's
Starting point is 01:35:58 say somebody came off of an all-night bender for something in relation to work or maybe their kids and they're in the affiliate they showed up because they wanted a better health they want to be there better for their kids they're doing it to live longer be healthier all that shit and let's say you're the coach who's standing over them during the last dozen or so of those air squats and you're screaming at them to go lower does that make you a better person a better coach i would argue the point is no they just go lower go lower go lower it's a two-minute workout they're doing 100 air squats or it's better to like be there for them and like let them know that they're like hey go lower go lower at the end of the workout
Starting point is 01:36:34 you go did you know those last 12 weren't low enough like yeah but i'm just happy to be here and i'll do it better next time it's like you're always trying to like help them next time they do 100 air squats for time they'll be going lower because maybe that's in the back of their head. The difference being is if you're that jackass who is in the gym doing 100 air squats for time, the last 12 or all 100 were shit. And they're like, hey, I did that in a minute 45. I beat everyone else by 15 seconds. Then you're a cocksucker. And then you need to be spoken to in a different way.
Starting point is 01:37:04 Exactly. Agreed. But one of the best things that I ever spoke, I spoke to a client at one point at the affiliate, a member of the affiliate. And he, I walked up to him like, Hey dude, you know that you're like cheating. It's driving people fucking nuts. Right. And he goes, if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. And I was like, that's what you're going to say about that. I'm like, I don't really know how to live that process but he just straight up goes oh yeah i cheated all the fucking time he doesn't put his scores into the computer he shows up and he goes home and then all of a sudden in my head i'm like oh god how do you approach this because he pays his membership he's got a
Starting point is 01:37:38 family he's just there to work out you wipe his score off the board for starters he doesn't put his score into the computer he doesn't give a fuck. He's just there to like, he's like, all right, this part was too much. So I'm done doing this and I'm going to go do that. And I'm like, you're driving other people nuts. And I'm like, how do I force this guy to do everything to make everyone else happy? And then the question is, it's like, is it about making the people who are paying so much attention to him happy? Or do you need to speak to these people who are like really paying attention to this guy who's literally just in there to like drive his ass in the ground and go home yeah that that's the nuts part about
Starting point is 01:38:09 it if you ain't cheating you ain't trying and he wasn't really trying to bother anybody he wouldn't what he wouldn't even talk to anybody i'm in irvine i want to rep ceo savon podcast at my next deca strong event in september isA, is that a steroid? Like, decabolic? DECA. DECA, yeah. It gives you a limp dick. A limp dick?
Starting point is 01:38:31 DECA dick. You never heard of that? No. DECA Darablin is the, yeah. No. I thought all that stuff. It's good for your joints, and it makes it hard to get an erection, because it's just a side effect of taking Nangilone. Mike, shoot Sousa or me a DM. dm suzer i want to know though what's
Starting point is 01:38:48 your take on everything i just said there as the affiliate owner who has maybe gone through that same thing the guy doing his own fucking or female doing their own thing people come up to you and they're like this guy's cheating because in my in my in my instance, I was like, all right, I would say this. Um, and usually I get pretty philosophical. So the person complaining, I would say, Hey, I understand that during the heat of the moment, it's frustrating, but in life, everybody's going to cheat. Everybody's going to steal. And so you're just working on your ability to callous your mind towards that. So if you're able to center yourself and continue to focus on your workout and know that you're there for yourself, what other people are doing around
Starting point is 01:39:24 you shouldn't affect you that much, especially because you're not in a competition. Cause that's also what I did. As I said, leave that guy alone. He's not even bothering you. He's not putting a score into the computer. He's only hurting himself. If we agree upon something and we can agree upon standards that we compete for some sort of money or some sort of prize, or even if you're just doing it as we agreed to compete in this competition, you were cheating. That's a different conversation. But if they're just going to sell it short in the gym, and they're like, hey, that's what I do. And I shorten my reps, then my conversation would be more with the other person that it's bothering. And I would just say,
Starting point is 01:39:54 hey, you know, you're gonna have to find different ways to kind of kind of shut that out. And then I would still work on the person that was cheating. And I would try to say, hey, there's a certain stimulus that I'm that I'm prescribing to this workout. And then I would try to talk about the stimulus, the intent of the workout and really double down on that. So then that way, hopefully that persuades them to go, Oh, I do need to do all 21, 15 and nine in order for this workout to really achieve the result that, you know, I'm looking for as a programmer. And the fucked up thing about this is that this individual is in great shape and at a certain point in time he got so driven insane by the people who were you know being bothered that he has ended up working out by himself he's like i just want to do my own fucking thing
Starting point is 01:40:36 yeah and then and like it continuously had the conversations that you said with him like all right everyone you know they're they're they're harping on you again end up getting a key to the gym is working out on their own time i'm like i don't know i don't know if that's the route i wanted to go it is weird we have a saying that we talk about with our coaches all the time we call it coach them up or coach them out and that's essentially what happened yeah if you're going to be in my affiliate and you're going to be under my roof and we're going to do things a certain way um and if you have a conflict, you're more than welcome to discuss it and we could have a discussion about that. And if I still think that you're full of shit
Starting point is 01:41:09 and you're just trying to like shortcut something or you're not really adhering to some of the, you know, for lack of better words, rules that we have in the affiliate. Like we have a rule in the affiliate, like every workout has a time cap, right? So you know that when that workout's going to end and no one's allowed to clean up until the time cap hits. And the rule is that if you have somewhere to be, you could just let the coach know. You're still going to finish with inside the hour.
Starting point is 01:41:31 But sometimes people finish early and they want to clean their stuff up and we'll tell them, no, you cannot just leave it here. And the coach will do it. And usually the community just cleans their stuff up. And we've had people that have had some sort of issue with that. Well, I'm already done. I have to go or I want to deadlift more weight, even i can't keep my you know midline so and that's just what it is it's a conflict and they either abide by your rules or they could go to 24-hour fitness and do whatever the fuck they want it it goes back to what you want so do do i want to um uh as suzer or as the member as if i don't know the member uh both but i was i was good good question i was speaking from the affiliate owner if i want to have tia on then i need to talk shit to hillar and like defender if i like like where
Starting point is 01:42:12 am i where am i willing to bet where am i willing to oh shit i'm friends with hillar and he said that about tia and now it's gonna look bad on me and now athletes aren't gonna want to come on my show so then it's it's it's the it's on my show. So then it's that dance. But I think you just have to stick by your guns, especially if you don't have a fucking lot on the line. And I'll give you an example. My kid's tennis coach, my kid takes tennis from this guy who's serious as a fucking heart attack.
Starting point is 01:42:39 And he fucking told me, hey, your kid's reached a level to where he needs to be wearing clothes with pockets because he needs to always be able to put two balls in his pockets so that when he's serving, he can keep his rhythm. You make one bad serve, you need to be able to grab your second ball. You can't be going to chase one. You can't be asking for one. Part of tennis is always having two balls on you so that you can get in your rhythm if you have a bad serve.
Starting point is 01:42:56 He says to me, you got to fucking bring your, you got to put shorts on your kids. If you don't, there'll be a penalty. I didn't put shorts on my kids in that class. He called me out in front of all the fucking kids and all the parents, and I had to run fucking suicide. The whole team had to run a suicide because me and I had to run it too. There's parents – I'm telling you, there's parents – like as much as we joke around, I'm like the fittest parent there by far.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Like even though their parents were triathletes, would have fucking broken them that's fucking awesome and and i and i ran that shit and i guarantee that there's parents who'd been like no fucking way i'm doing that or fuck this guy i'm never coming back again so he he and guess what my kids always worn shorts to class now problem solved and it fucking sucked and i beat all the kids thank god but the teacher beat me the teacher ran it too that fucker beat me oh he ran the partner with you that's that's cool so so so i mean i i if you don't need all your clients like if you're just if you or if you want your jim dabby reputation you say right in the beginning of fucking every single class you give them lectures listen you're all accountable for each other.
Starting point is 01:44:06 We know which one of you is fucking cheating. We know we all see you who is not squatting deep enough. We all see you. Why are you doing that to us? Why are you the fucking weak link? Why can't you squat? Why can't you count right? Why are you cheating?
Starting point is 01:44:24 Do you not want to be a part of this team or you could go the other way those of you who see people who aren't squatting low enough why the fuck do you care i mean you could run that shit anyway why do you care if someone else is cheats be your own fucking person that's a free lesson in accountability i mean you could run that shit any way you want but i need you to come start a class here at cfl one time with that i would have never thought of any of that by the way you that. I need you to come start a class here at CFL one time with that. I would have never thought of any of that, by the way. That was all inspired by you two. I just piggyback.
Starting point is 01:44:49 I like that. But you said it was much more emotion. Because I got to take a shit so fucking bad. I was fired up. We can carry it. At my stretching class. If you don't want to fucking stretch for five minutes. Do we have a caller?
Starting point is 01:45:13 We do. Hi, caller. Sorry. What sorry what's up guys how y'all doing gil great yeah so you guys were talking about that guy he wasn't putting out in the gym right i think that's one of the reasons why we go to crossfit gyms is to push each other and if there's someone there that's not doing the same amount of work i i don't think that we need that. They're similar to the Hillers video on the COVID nonsense during all the lockdown, all that stuff, whatever you had going on. I don't really think you talked about it fully in the video. But do we want those people that are in there in a mask and want to do all this nonsense just to work out? And also, what is that individual's motivation behind cheating the refs? I think it'd also
Starting point is 01:45:48 be useful to exploit whatever he is doing so that you can motivate him maybe in a direction that could help. Also, I want to see Hiller fight and do more dope videos. Who do you want to see me fight and do more dope videos on? Just so I don't have to guess on who I'm making content
Starting point is 01:46:04 on. You know, I like that you did the one on tia i i like just shows the two most recent champs and i made videos on them so if anyone wants to insinuate any deeper than that that's what that's the game i get it i get it you know i was watching tia in the games. Great content, by the way. It really made the games a lot better. And she's just a little too nice for me. I was rooting for her last year, but this year I kind of didn't want her to win for some reason. And then a video came out, and I just had a lot of questions. Before that video, I did not think she was doping at all.
Starting point is 01:46:43 And now, like you guys were talking about last time, you put a gun to my head, I think she's doping. That's the question. Gun to your head. What are you going to say? And I'm going to say yes. There you go. I mean, that's your opinion as well.
Starting point is 01:46:57 Someone's going to find you somewhere, and they're going to say that they're going to sue you for slander. Probably. I don't care. But your original question was in relation to uh the member in the affiliate and i very much agree with suza which was you either coach him up or you coach him out and very oddly enough i attended an affiliate over the course of my time here when i was at my affiliate i had programmed for it i had
Starting point is 01:47:26 a way that i wanted to go about it i had ways i wanted to run the classes and one of my biggest pet peeves was when people didn't respect the person coaching the class so let's say suza has a coach running a class and there's someone over in the corner causing a ruckus and at my affiliate it was like the jerk blocks typically they were metal metal and there'd be Olympic weightlifters over there dumping weight on the jerk blocks and go explosions. And if that should ever happen, what a coach was speaking, that person was in fucking trouble.
Starting point is 01:47:55 I would give them a look and that person would just shit themselves. Or I gave the coaches every bit of authority to go over there and say, Hey, knock it off two seconds. All right. I'm almost done talking. And if there isn't like that level of a hierarchy where the coach is every bit of authority to go over there and say, Hey, knock it off two seconds. All right. I'm almost done talking. And if there isn't like that level of a hierarchy where the coach is like at the top and the priority are the members and the class is the
Starting point is 01:48:12 most important then. And that's what Susie was saying. Like there's a system that you want. And if you let anyone creep in, like if you say you let someone do something that's disrespecting the coach, what's next? Like,
Starting point is 01:48:23 what's the next thing that's going to disrespect a coach or like, and the, also this thing that's like, Hey, if someone's suggesting you put something into the program and you implement it, like what else are they going to say? Like,
Starting point is 01:48:31 Hey, this is what I wanted the affiliate. And I don't know if there's so much of a give or take, but there is something that needs to be done at the level of a affiliate owner, a Sousa or myself in that. And you got to let everybody know, and you got to know that you're open to things,
Starting point is 01:48:44 but there is always a best practice. And in the case of this guy who you're talking about the best, that what ended up happening is what I think was best. He was doing his own thing and it wasn't bothering anybody anymore, but it only happens when you're ever so stern about your got to hold it down. Yep. Got to put the standard in place.
Starting point is 01:49:02 I hope that answers your question. Yeah, it does. It kind of parallels parallels we guys were talking about with the kids you got to set that box up so they can have that that freedom but also have the rules in place they don't mess up too bad great point that's exactly the same thing kids coming into the gym they can't run the fuck around like in the middle of a class like the kids gonna get killed or the clients are the members are gonna get fucking driven insane because of the yelling and the rambunctiousness. It's like the kid, the class is going, the kids stay over there. That's the kid's area.
Starting point is 01:49:32 You can get pissed, then it's on them. Like, why are they angry? The rules are the kids stay over there. Everyone's kids stay over there. Yeah. So do you have to be mad at the person or the affiliate owner? Just like you can't be mad at the kid or the parents because me i look at the parents now i say man that might be a really good kid but those parents are messed up because they made them like that you have to really put anything
Starting point is 01:49:54 on top of anybody i mean it's just like this is what happens when you come into the affiliate i mean you want to bring your kids cool there's an area for them when the class is going on they can't like run to the bathroom or cross the gym i I think he's saying as a client, you got some fucking – someone brings their jackass kids in there, and the kids are acting like jackasses. Is the other client – are you mad at the parents or are you mad at the affiliate owner? At that point, I think the affiliate owner needs to have the situational awareness to fucking slap the parents around. It's always going to be the affiliate owner. Always. I think I understood what you were saying.
Starting point is 01:50:24 It's always on the affiliate owner. I haven't think, I think I understood what you were saying. It's always on the affiliate. Well, I've gone, I've, I haven't, my wife's belonged to an affiliate for years on and off and same with my mom. And I can't remember if I ever belonged to,
Starting point is 01:50:32 I don't think I ever belonged to an affiliate, but I've been to a shitload of fucking classes that I watched. And I, I've seen fucking the affiliate owners yell like girls, like grown ass fucking women, professional women, like, like they're fucking little kids. Like, yeah stop fucking talking separate okay you guys separate so i'm
Starting point is 01:50:50 like holy shit you know it's like i can't believe and they do yeah the biggest takeaway i had from the class these fucking a lawyer a doctor and a fucking accountant these bitches all separate like they just talk chatty kath's like they're like you know and the biggest takeaway having the class that i attended yesterday was that the coach was trying to brief the workout to everyone was there and there were like 20 people there and there was an assault bike that was being ripped up yesterday yes there was an assault bike that was like every 10 seconds and the coach would look over like okay i'll talk again and then like some sort of a sprint thing i wanted to fucking that person not not the person on the assault bike like the coach
Starting point is 01:51:29 like where's the affiliate owner who's like putting the rules into place for like everything going on here like the members are just like now like twiddling their thumbs like okay what's going on and then the coach like didn't feel as if they had the balls to like go over there and and then the person on the bike was just doing their own thing because they don't know the rules, and it was nuts. I'd take the whole class over there and surround the guy on the bike. You think it's the guy on the bike's fault? No, no.
Starting point is 01:51:53 I don't know. I guess it sets the standard for the future. I think it's the coach's fault, too. Do you think it's the coach's fault, or do you think it's the affiliate owner's fault? Because the coach didn't feel as if they could do anything about it. Well, the buck definitely stops with the owner the buck definitely stops but i say um i say if i'm the coach i go over there and we all get around that dude susan what do you do and we're just like go we start cheering oh you cheer him on just start cheering him on i love that too
Starting point is 01:52:18 that's cool that that's cool i like that i like that i like your route you should own an affiliate this would be just rowdy. All right, you're done now? Okay, now we'll do our thing. But no, that's all established during the orientation. That's all established during the on-ramp. I would get called for discrimination because I pick my coaches just on how good-looking they are. So that's what we do. And then if somebody is on the bike, that's 100% on –
Starting point is 01:52:43 like let's say somebody just blatantly either ignored it or wasn't paying attention or doesn't have enough situational awareness and they're revving up the bike. Then for sure their coach needs to go over there and be like, hey, stop. Wait till I'm done with this and then go. And we establish that pretty, like, anything you're going to do that's going to be relatively noisy, you have to wait until the timer starts and the music comes up to do it in my gym. Like there's no real, uh, there is open gym in some hours, but it's not something that's ongoing because the class always gets the priority.
Starting point is 01:53:12 The members always get the priority and anything comes as a minor disruption or the coach even perceives it as a minor disruption. They have the authority to go over there and just put an end to that completely until everyone knows it. And everybody knows it. Including the members that's right and then tony put out by you yes correct correct very much so all the time like the biggest thing that i spend the majority of my time on in the gym now um that majority of the
Starting point is 01:53:36 coaches are coaching all the hours and i'm just down to about six a week is just uh adhering the standard and protecting the culture that's like all my time is being spent doing that now. By the way, I want to make the distinction that it was not Red Wolf CrossFit that I'm talking about because I put up Red Wolf CrossFit the other day. That place was fucking awesome. Yeah, take it to it. Tony had a question. He said, seriously, is it realistic or safe to have people to rush
Starting point is 01:54:03 to a one-run max in 15 minutes? Okay. You have 15 minutes to one rep max. There's a lot to that question because number one, um, what lift are we talking about? So that, I mean, strict press, right? It's probably going to end a lot sooner than a deadlift one rep max. Also to what is the warmup look like before that clock is started? So if you come up to an empty barbell and you're not like sweaty, you haven't stretched everything out, you haven't worked your positions, you haven't held in static
Starting point is 01:54:28 positions for a little bit to where everything is really like fired up, um, before they start that clock, then yeah, that is going to be an issue. You should probably spend more time warming that up. And we'll do stuff in my gym all the time where we have it on a two minute clock. And I'll tell people, Hey, today's not your lifetime PR one rep max. You could build up a little bit of weight. You could find something heavy for the day, but we're not doing a three rep max deadlift today because the time doesn't allow it or the heavy kind of deal or what? Yeah. So that's, that's that question. By saying something in private chat. Um, uh, I don't think I did you guys, people are going to hate me for this.
Starting point is 01:55:05 I think if you're 64 you shouldn't be doing a one rep max. You personally. Heavy whatever. Seven go build a heavy deadlift. You'll figure it out from there. There's got to be a different way to word it. I say build do a heavy. What do you say?
Starting point is 01:55:23 I always say build do a heavy. Build do a heavy. Build do a heavy set of got to be what do you say i always say bill do a heavy bill do a heavy so i don't have you said a three seven it doesn't sit three rm anywhere i like that bill do heavy i always just push the roi what's the risk worth the worth the reward here right so if you're if the risk on you for whatever reason doing a really heavy deadlift in a certain time frame is is high well then weigh that against the reward you would get for pulling that. Hey, even going full throttle on the assault bike for me, if I,
Starting point is 01:55:49 I can hurt myself, I can do, I can, I can break something. I have the, I have the ability. It's not because I'm a pussy. It's because I'm a badass.
Starting point is 01:55:57 I have the ability to fucking hurt myself on the assault bike. When's the last time you did a kettlebell swing? Yeah. Fuck that. Well, if I do kettlebell swings, I need to start with like a 10 pound kettlebell. why because i used to do the two pood and i would injure myself every time no roi there no fuck that i'll do something else but i probably shouldn't
Starting point is 01:56:13 run away from it well i don't know i took like two and a half years off i took a year off once from going shoulder to overhead with anything like more than 30 pounds because my shoulder hurt and it healed and actually my um my strict press didn't change at all from a year of not really going overhead it was 145 max and then i pr'd it again like year and a half later just like but um but deadlifts i didn't deadlift for fucking years did that coincide with the kettlebell swing probably all that shit mess you up just something in the lower back went out and just too many it was always your lower back that went out yep and once i had kids i was like that can't happen again because when it went out it was bad it was like crawl to the bathroom and pee in the tub shit did you see i took like an hour i was
Starting point is 01:56:55 like throwing your boys over the waves yeah my lower back got a little bit spicy doing that it was just like a bend and twist i was just putting them over waves for dude you played with them for yesterday at the beach you played with them crazy so yeah i can see why your lower back would fix my mic let me fix my mic and also we lost no it was on there's no dogs allowed at my gym there's no dogs why what do you got what do you got there it's the same shit with the kids i mean and here this is just my if you if i see a dog pee or poop in a gym i will hate the owner i'm fine with poop in a gym, I will hate the owner. I'm fine with dogs until that happens, and then I hate the owner.
Starting point is 01:57:28 I love dogs, but they don't belong in your affiliate. They don't belong tied up outside of your fucking, the bay door, so somebody new is coming in, they see their dog, it's not a fucking petting zoo. Get your dog, your dog can stay at home for a fucking hour, okay? It doesn't need to sit, it doesn't need to have a gym dog, although Grace would love that if we had a gym dog. it doesn't need to be there and walking around and everything
Starting point is 01:57:48 else no if it's a fucking professional gym and you want to hold the standard and you're going to put in these rules you can't just have people fucking willy-nilly walking around with i got i got triggered he said professional you could try to hold yourself to professional standard at the gym i what if the dogs kept outside yeah so we've had people that have brought their dog and like kept it in like the car we'll park it in the shade for whatever reason that's fine it's not inside the affiliate i'm not gonna tell you what you can and can't have in your car my thing with that is there's the hair because there are people who are allergic to dog hair and imagine being a member and you're like looking around there's dog hair on the floor yeah you're gonna do burpees down there that's not cool what if your dog bites a fucking kid
Starting point is 01:58:27 all that responsibility is that exactly so do you think i'm gonna even take a risk for a second because you have to bring your dog to the gym you don't have to bring your dog to your gym you can leave that dog tied up outside the for an hour and it's gonna be fine and you know what jacob it's kind of interesting i wonder if you work out by yourself or an affiliate but there's times where you just know that maybe you should push yourself harder for a minute like the other day i did um i couldn't just out of the blue i was really warm and sweaty and hot and i did touch and go power cleans with 135 and i did 10 and i probably hadn't fucking done that in a fucking gazillion years in 10 years but it just felt right but but i'm in my own garage how sore are your traps uh
Starting point is 01:59:13 not very no not very because i i'm i'm i have a feeling that i'm gonna end up doing grace here soon so i've been fucking around with like 75 and 95 pounds a lot what's your best grace time not like not good doesn't matter I just asked what it was. I know. Not good is not embarrassed. I want to say like 541. Yeah, you're going to try and beat that? You've been training for it.
Starting point is 01:59:34 I don't know. If I can do it in 10 minutes, if I can do three a minute for 10 minutes, I'd be happy. Under 10? You're going to smoke 10. Come on. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Susan, what's your best grace time? I set the bar low i set the bar what's yours i want to know i don't know mine's huge though it looks tall i have i think my best grace time is like a it's so three minutes i think top three wow the last time i did grace was in uh that workout glenn oh you know i programmed that for next saturday have you done that before with the with the rope climbs and the mile run and the hundred burpees yeah yep that's a good one that's a wild that's a great workout yeah it starts with grace right and ends with the the hundred burpees correct that's a cool workout i i think my my grace time is the same as my – I think I did a sub-six-minute, 155-pound squat clean and jerk after the 2008 Games.
Starting point is 02:00:29 That's the Graham Holber special. I think that was the workout, right, at the Games? Yeah. I think that was just a little – I think I did that in Montana one year, and I got just a little bit worse than my grace, which was kind of crazy. That's cool. 155? Yeah. That's the one you should repeat.
Starting point is 02:00:46 No, that would fucking break me. The thing that I really wanted to see at the games this year was the 225 grace. That would have been awesome. And the thing that for his life, 225 grace is just wild to me. I know some people who can do that thing in five minutes that can't do anything else anywhere close. Like the, the fitness level for that just happens to be there and everything else is nowhere near like their two K row time is eight minutes as a male,
Starting point is 02:01:13 but they can do grace at two 25 and five. And it's like, how the fuck do you do that? They can't do chest to bar pull-ups, kipping butterfly, but they can do grace at two 25 and five minutes. Really? Those people exist.
Starting point is 02:01:23 Yeah. Yeah. it blew my mind and i i was over there trying to like i was really trying to get it so cool seven minutes but it's just like that's why crossfit's so cool because there's that mix everybody has their workout like some people can't do single unders in my in my field in particular there were so many like specialist people and then with my thing i was like all right i'm gonna try and beat this member of this thing and beat this member of this thing and there's this one guy i could not fucking ever get a 225 grace what's your grace time for can you beat this grace time
Starting point is 02:01:52 this guy calzone joiner mr pizza kazza we're gonna need a video of that but my best grace is one three dan bailey did it in like a minute. It was like 59 seconds. You did a, you did a one 15, huh? I've done three graces ever unbroken. I don't believe this for a second. You did,
Starting point is 02:02:14 you did. That's unbroken. Yeah. I guess that has to be unbroken. That's touching go, huh? Yeah. Are you snatching?
Starting point is 02:02:20 No, no. It's like that weird pole under where you kind of like yank into your shoulders and no longer looks like a teenager, but you could snatch it for grace. Can't you? Snatching? No. It's like that weird pull under where you kind of like yank it to your shoulders and it no longer looks like a clean and jerk. You could snatch it for grace, can't you? No, that changes it. It's got to be a positive shoulder.
Starting point is 02:02:32 I thought it was just basically any way shoulder to – well, Dan's wasn't a – Dan didn't positive shoulder, did he, in that one minute? Yeah, you have to. If you go straight from the floor to overhead, that's a snatch. It changes the movement, changes the workout. That's Isabel. I changes the movement, changes the workout. And that's Isabel. I think the first time I saw her. Well, then the original Grace was a squat clean, too.
Starting point is 02:02:50 There's no Nick Block. Yeah, James Hobart just posted about it. He did Grace at 135 squat clean in Jerry Clark. John Clark's got a 225 Grace under five, but can't do chest-to-bar pull-ups consecutively. I think that's what he's getting at there. So how many Isabels have you guys seen under a minute i think my first grace was uh 740 and i got it down to 545 so i and now you're gonna do it again when two weeks from now no fuck no i'm not looking to lift weights for two i'm getting i'm losing weight right now too ever
Starting point is 02:03:22 since that girl called me fat a couple days ago. Thanks for standing up for my honor. Yeah, I was like, come on, man. What do you mean? And then you did one of these, and it looked good. I've been starving myself ever since she called me fat. You literally didn't eat yesterday. I didn't. He's not kidding.
Starting point is 02:03:37 We sat at lunch, and he didn't touch a fucking thing. Oh, my goodness. And it was good. That's not good for you. What? Starving myself? I fast every day. It was my fasting day. It's because we. That's not good for you. What? Starving myself? I fast every, it was my fasting day.
Starting point is 02:03:45 It's because we're going to the yacht club today. Now listen, when I tell you we're going to the yacht club today, I say that with zero humility. That's like, I'm like, I'm going to the fucking yacht club. And if you guys feel bad,
Starting point is 02:03:57 I'm happy. Like you guys are like, holy fuck. I wish I was on. What is it? I don't think they feel bad. Well, whatever.
Starting point is 02:04:02 I just want them to think i'm telling you that because i'm fucking going to the yacht club and it's fucking dope i'm gonna go there with hiller yes there's gonna there's like pools everywhere there's yachts there'll be a little duffy and hiller and i will go out into it yes yes someone goes to hiller at stefan's house yeah and we'll be there and we'll go and uh and my kids will be there and Hunter will be there and we'll just be like shirts off and just like we'll think we'll feel so cool. I'll feel so. I mean, I feel cool all the time anyway, but this is gonna be extra. I don't know if it's the Balboa Bay Club.
Starting point is 02:04:35 No, is it? So. But it's it. I went last time. The California Hormones lady took us there and it was. It was cool. She's cool. She's so smart, by the way.
Starting point is 02:04:52 I don't know if you had this when you went through it for Susan, when you went through the facility. It's like her knowledge on everything was awesome. But her one problem is she thinks you're smart, too. The thing that the joke. She told me that you're smart. I was like, what? Depends on what you're talking to me about? Because I'm in the garage and it's like,
Starting point is 02:05:06 Oh, what's this? We showed up to the place we were staying at and there were people in it. I go, Alexis, I think there's people in the place that we're supposed to be staying at. And she goes, it's two levels.
Starting point is 02:05:16 Like we're going up there. I go, what do you mean? I do that here. She goes, you need to get out of the garage more. Like this is, this is a standard practice when you go to, and I go,
Starting point is 02:05:22 I don't know fucking anything other than the things that I know. Hey, listen. He does look like a gay nanny, doesn't he? You don't even know how – this guy is pristine. Wait until you see him in person someday. Wait until you see my butthole. Yeah. I'm my only fan.
Starting point is 02:05:37 You've been hanging out with me way too much. You've been hanging out with me way – Oh, as our ex. There's one more thing I want to say about all that. I'll pull up the as our ex thing. No, sorry not yeah as rx i just want to show um not a butthole but i want to show you all the new gear and i heard it just arrived at my house and i haven't had a chance to see it but i that's that's cool yeah and those that green sweatshirts dope wait a minute where's all this shit this is it life is rx this is like some crazy gear look at all that hey so is that tank top so they make women's tank tops but not men's
Starting point is 02:06:13 i need to get where do we get one of these yeah i got some stringers uh come on where's the string you what's so crazy is Hiller is so out of the Midwest, 1980s. I wish he had hammer pants on. I got some. Hammer pants? The Zubaz pants? I like that word. What are they?
Starting point is 02:06:33 Zubaz. Zubaz? Or maybe it's Zumbaz. I got two pairs. I got green and pink. I should have brought them. I can't wait to get one of these sweatshirts. Ooh, the black and gray is cool.
Starting point is 02:06:43 These are crazy, right? They kind of do. Wait a minute. you're still going you're still scrolling yeah yeah yeah oh wait there's another page wait hold on yes yes let's see the other page i will tell you this being around hiller does make me want to be healthier more fit and um and where are my wristbands? It's too hot for wristbands in Newport. I got you. And makes me want to wear tank tops. Here. Thank you. Oh, that's
Starting point is 02:07:14 a nice sweatshirt, too. I've worked out more here in the past couple of days than I have in about five months. No shit? Uh-huh. Well, you did. You basically did a gymnastics class did gymnastics i feel i'm so fucking sore you basically did a gymnastics class yesterday at the beach yeah with the kids i told you that handstand hold that i did it's the first time i've been upside down since before quarter
Starting point is 02:07:35 finals and uh it was easier because the sand you could like grab it obvi said i held it for a minute and four seconds he was counting kind of fast, though. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. He was bro-repping me. But yeah, I'm very sore. Everything hurts, and I'm dying. 279, this can't be real. We have to go. This show's two hours long.
Starting point is 02:08:01 Like I said, where we got to be? I'm going to start getting ready. We've been talking this up all weekend. I can't wait to do the show on Sunday morning. The Yacht Club's in two hours. I know. I want to go out for a little bit. How far away is it? That's a good question.
Starting point is 02:08:15 You were there last time you were here. I know, but I can't remember. Okay, let's see this. What is this? Drunk. Not drunk. Oh, yeah, drunk. Put your hands on the bed. You're on your rest right now. Put your hands on your back. Stop hating. Tase his mouth, goddammit!
Starting point is 02:08:35 I'm trying to get a taste. Yes! Oh. Don't hit him again! Ah, shit! I'm a fucking... I'm a doobie. I know it.
Starting point is 02:08:48 How many cameras is this? Shoot me. Get the fuck down! Call for help on the radio show. Right here. Get the fuck off of me, dog! Two guys can't take down one big dinner, dude. What's your takeaway?
Starting point is 02:09:13 My takeaway is this. If you're a cop and you're obese, you hate yourself and your family and your kids. And you should not be in the job. California hormones? I guess. Oh, Caleb, you're muted. You're muted. And the community you work in in you don't give a shit about your community you don't give a shit about your neighbors yeah just like fuck everybody yeah if you don't take care of yourself
Starting point is 02:09:34 you can't take care of anybody you don't deserve to be carrying a gun you don't deserve to be carrying a taser you're a piece of shit that's fucking your partner and your partners the other cops oh dude and you got two guys trying to take down one guy who's like 110 pounds? Get the fuck out of here. Yes. Your liability. 100% of liability. You know what's interesting, too, is that it's crazy to me that with cops in the academy and stuff,
Starting point is 02:10:00 that they don't require at least a blue belt level of jiu-jitsu. Like just a basic positions pins it scapes and understanding like that like you're right it doesn't even need to be a blue belt but i think that that would be the appropriate level of time like some level of standard but i mean just you can take a jiu-jitsu class once a week and that's all yes yes yes yes no no that's what i mean but they should be required to do that throughout the whole entire academy so that way at the completion of that and they're on the streets on their own they have just about a blue belt level of of knowledge dude i'm telling you
Starting point is 02:10:34 of course but the the fucking bullshit combatives they teach people in the like in the military and law enforcement is it's nonsense none of it works it. It's stuff that was, that was put in place 20 years ago. Somebody's like, Hey, where you're deployed. Can you take jujitsu where you're deployed? Can you take jujitsu? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:51 We've got some guys that do jujitsu out here. You just, I mean, people just get together and roll around. I think Avi choked me out the other day. I went out. He choked you pretty good. He's got a good job.
Starting point is 02:11:02 He died. Did he get you to practice on Seuss' neck, too? What we're taking away from this is that Savant's kids were better at fighting than these two police officers. Yes. That is some sad shit. Much better shape, but they also would have been able to take this fucking guy out for sure. Yeah. They climbed that guy like a tree and choked him out.
Starting point is 02:11:19 That's what they did. They were like, they squirreled up my back, and then they choked me out. I went down. Alexis goes, you turned purple. And I got these broken capillaries around my eyeballs from when they did it. He didn't tap? He tapped. He tapped.
Starting point is 02:11:34 Those idiots fucking need to be slapped around. 281, Hunter Spotter wearing a mask. I wonder what this is. 281. I hope it's about Hunter McIntyre. I hope it's something making fun of him. They teach stripping. Hunter Spotter wearing a mask.
Starting point is 02:11:53 Let's see this. Oh, geez. No rep. It is Hunter McIntyre. Seal roll. Oh, my goodness. No wonder this guy sucks at crossfit look at him how much was he benching what kind of lift is that why the fuck is your spotter spreading the message of fear yeah hunter and he's got crocs on no rep his spotter looks like sean rocket the surgeon from the games why is he wearing crocs did you say that's asusa i just
Starting point is 02:12:24 i'm like this is the back of my head where did it come from i feel like i just heard it somewhere Sean Rocket, the surgeon from the games. Why is he wearing Crocs? Did you say that, Sousa? I'm like, this is the back of my head. Where did it come from? I feel like I just heard it somewhere. I'm so focused on everything else. He touched the floor, too. That's what I was saying, Caleb. 283, who's better, Jordan or LeBron?
Starting point is 02:12:40 Better looking? Yes, who's better looking? Are you crazy? Jordan or LeBron? You have an opinion on that? Jordan. He is. Are you out ofBron? You have an opinion on that? Jordan. He is. Okay, good. Are you out of your mind?
Starting point is 02:12:48 You're an older man. I don't know. People my age that are like, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Jordan. I'm like, dude, you were fucking six when they were winning championships. You don't know fucking anything about it. You smash four.
Starting point is 02:13:01 You go to a girl's house six times. You smash her six times. Here's the fucking goat. That makes sense. Like, I actually understand that more. That's what I mean, dude. It's not even a debate. It's not even a debate.
Starting point is 02:13:14 Jordan LeBron. Okay, you go to a girl's house ten times. You smash four. You go to a girl's house six times. You smash her six times. Here's the fucking code. Frat logic. It's infallible.
Starting point is 02:13:32 It's mansplaining. 282, why does he put fingers in her ass? 282. Uh-oh. I heard Susie clear his throat. He's like, I gotta go. You know what I take away from that little video is that they wasted six opportunities
Starting point is 02:13:48 there. It sounds like you wasted money on dinner and you had to pick her up and you sat around and you watched TV. That's what LeBron did. You could have been doing literally anything else. Yes. Uh-oh. Here we go. Wow. Uh-oh. This is going to be crass. From the back. Beating my shit in.
Starting point is 02:14:04 I actually feel like that. You said feel like i'll tell you meet the meat you say you took the rubber off so i'm throwing it back even harder you tell me you about the nuts i want throwing it back even harder you got the one hand on neck one thumb and ass hitting my shit beating it the fuck in now you nut you leave the money on the dresser for a plan b two days later you calling my phone asking me did i take take what i left the money on the dresser for the plant plan what you told me to go get my nails done bae that's what i heard you say um you hit it from the back why does he have a thumb in her ass some people are into that that's why i don't know if that's the takeaway, but
Starting point is 02:14:45 I don't know if that's the takeaway, but Caleb's got it. It was a promotional No Plan B video. Get your nails done instead. There's no reason to put your finger on anyone's ass. Just be cool. I started wrestling in high school and I remember
Starting point is 02:15:01 they do a nail check. It's like putting syrup on your cake. It's gross. It just doesn't make sense right yeah like a birthday cake yeah ew yeah right you're wrestling they give you a nail check and i remember when i was a freshman i put my hands out like this and everyone made fun of me because that's how you would show your nails if you were at a salon yeah you gotta show your nails like this and i said a little bit of a flashback uh nail check yeah like a freaking claw what if you have long nails like this what does that mean i mean do cocaine dude coke scooper i just i just trimmed him too i follow this page after my car got stolen about just car thefts in the chicagoland area and i
Starting point is 02:15:40 tried to keep up with it and there's this guy who's showing a catalytic converter he's at or maybe there was some other piece of technology that sits in the engine and he's got like four of them and there's this giant long nail and all the comments are about how the guy who's stealing these things from these cars is also doing cocaine let me tell you this coke nails no coke spoon no this Yeah, exactly. It's for taking stuff out of my body, picking my nose and my ear, not for putting stuff in. It's a tool. Forgetting the crabs. Everything the human body has is a tool. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 02:16:13 Excavator. You were the one who said that thing about the pigs yesterday, no? Put a pig in the wild, they grow hair and tusks? No, someone did tell us that. That was amazing. I didn't believe it. It could be 30 years in captivity. How old do pigs get to be? That's the first thing we should have seen. A pig is that old? Wow, you are smart.
Starting point is 02:16:29 I just listen, homie. Yeah, that's good. I'm a sponge. But yeah, 30 years in captivity, a pig will get all naked, like the ones you see at Wilbur, that pig in the freaking movie. And then you put it in captivity, and it grows husks because it's got to protect itself from the elements. Wow.
Starting point is 02:16:43 It's like a chameleon. Someone told us yesterday that if you have a pig did you just tell the story no you can tell it better i'm not a good storyteller someone just told us if you have a pig and you keep it domesticated at your house it won't grow hair the second you release it out into the wild even if it's been domesticated for 30 years it'll start growing hair and tusks it's cold i don't believe that i don't believe that for a second you ever seen the movie uh pig nicholas cage no oh maybe i have or is it one of his new ones i've seen all his new shit and it's just profound he's made three of the dumbest movies in a row recently willie's wonderland is
Starting point is 02:17:17 epic is that the one with the horror movie what a massive i can't believe you haven't done drugs you like movies that like fucking people who have like gone deep into LSD that's about as deep as I get it's like I touch on it but I can also never look at it ever again my favorite superhero is Catwoman you're right 294
Starting point is 02:17:38 Joe Rogan is stupid uh oh I get nervous making fun of Joe sometimes. 294. Joe Rogan is stupid. Let's hear this. This is going to be a tough one. Did you see that Leverking video the other day? Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:17:53 How about Joe Rogan? No. That's good. You should pull that up. The Leverking made it? Okay. If we could pull that video up, but I'm not telling you to do something. Yeah, we'll do it. We'll do it after this.
Starting point is 02:18:07 We'll finish on that note. 100 miles in the ocean. 100 miles. How much curvature should there be? I don't care. It's about 6,000 feet. It's about 6,000 feet of curvature. So you should not be able to see.
Starting point is 02:18:18 Is that how far you can see? See 100 miles away from the ocean. Who says who, Eddie? You didn't go to school for this stuff. These people are talking to you. Did I research this all the time? No, but you're hearing. see a hundred miles away from the ocean eddie you didn't go to school for this stuff these people i understand to you did i research this all the time no but you're hearing you're hearing what i'm saying is that at a hundred miles there should be six thousand feet of curvature do you don't even understand what that means i don't i understand what that means if we live
Starting point is 02:18:38 on a ball that at every hundred miles there should be six,000 feet of curvature. There's a formula for it. But when you look, there's Navy ships that can target other Navy ships with lasers 100 miles away. It would be impossible if there was a 6,000 foot curvature of water. Impossible. They take pictures of their target, pictures at 100 miles. There's no curvature. It's flat. There should be 6,000 feet of curvature. They take pictures with what, Eddie? This is not your area of expertise. This is one of the reasons why I get crazy about this kind of shit. Dude, I look into this all the time.
Starting point is 02:19:14 It's just because you read something that someone says. But I know that. You can't dispute what I just said. You can't dispute what I just said. I didn't go to school for it, so I don't... Let me pause this one second. So here's what's going on. This is Eddie Bravo, and he's a flat earther, and this is Joe Rogan, who's a retard. And they're arguing about what would define the earth as being flat or not. And instead of Joe – Joe's obviously not listening to him because he knows it's fucking ridiculous that the earth is flat.
Starting point is 02:19:40 I'm listening. But you could have easily – Caleb, do you know what it is by any chance? Can you look over it? What is the curvature of the earth every 100 miles? I think it's like 15. No, I think it's – Tell me. It's 6,000.
Starting point is 02:19:51 Yeah, he's wrong. I think it's 15 feet for every 5 miles. So basically when you look out into the ocean and the curvature – every 5 miles distance into the horizon, the earth is basically curving downward 15 feet. I think that's what it is so meaning if there was a boat that was only 15 feet high once it's five miles out you wouldn't see it anymore this guy has some fucking ridiculous i mean he's crazy for thinking the earth is flat anyway but the fact that joe rogan is saying listen to the fucking you're not a fucking expert that's all i'm hearing like you're not a fucking expert joe you fucking endorse bernie
Starting point is 02:20:26 sanders you retard you always bring it back here you you believe it you think it's okay just to start printing money and giving it away i mean it's it's printing money and giving it away by the way is how you maintain the plantation that's how that's how you keep slaves eight inches per mile so eight inches per mile okay so so five miles direction a mile away so five miles is you would have lost it probably like 10 feet ago eight inches per mile right so five miles is uh 40 inches three feet did i do that math right eight inches per mile five miles is five times eight that's 40 divided by inches three and a half feet yeah about three and a half feet that's all that's all that's all he had to say to eddie
Starting point is 02:21:12 that's all he said 100 miles yeah uh it's still not gonna be 600 by eight is 800 so five goes into 120 times so it would be 20 times three and a half feet. It's still only like 80 or 90 feet. The boat would be gone. Right, but an island wouldn't be. Like we stare out at Catalina here off the coast of California, off the North American continent. I don't know how far it is, but you can see the island because it's – how far out is it? 27 miles out. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 02:21:41 Thank you, Jim Jordan, world famous photographer. As an example, the laser doesn't work anyway because that's not how they do it. Oh, how do they do it? Do they shoot it up on the satellite? Yeah. But the fact that Joe is saying it's because he's not an expert, it's just idiot talk. Who is the fucking expert?
Starting point is 02:22:00 None of us. That's for sure. The same thing you say about words that are made up was fauci the fucking expert on immunology sorry go ahead go ahead go ahead i mean that's all i had to say about that no you said something about liver king liver king did you guys find that video liver king put it up like yeah yeah do you have it caleb yeah i got it i saw it on the thing on the instagram i'm the Instagram. It wraps up. What I want to add
Starting point is 02:22:27 to put the rumors to rest. I just got my blood work done and the doc is on his way to give me the results. Okay, let's see. Show him. Don't tell him, doc. It's like he's in a porno. We did find something unusual
Starting point is 02:22:45 about your blood. Aha! I knew it! Prime hole! Prime hole! The liver king thing drives me nuts. What do you think? That's literally what I think.
Starting point is 02:23:09 I think that I think Joe I'm projecting onto Joe, but I think Joe I think he likes the liver king. The fact that he's driving him nuts means when someone's driving me nuts like I kind of like them. You think those, oh,
Starting point is 02:23:29 I agree. It's driving me nuts that I can't get an interview with Tia. I kind of like her. I know, and Shane was on the coffee pods and wads. Yeah, I like Shane too. I'll take Shane. The first comment in there is something. But if I have them on, I'm going to assume that I can never get them on again,
Starting point is 02:23:47 and I'm going to ask some crazy shit. Oops. To you and Shane. Like what? I just want to know about them boning. I want to know about them boning. A little bit. I need to know some.
Starting point is 02:23:57 That's all anyone wants to know. I want to know some about it. I need to know some. Oh, my gosh. Dude. I'm just trying to get on Joe Rogan. Dude, if I had a Lamborghini, what would be one of the questions you would ask me? What's the fastest you've ever gone in it? Thank you.
Starting point is 02:24:13 If you're dating Tia Toomey. I was going to ask what you do for a living. Yeah. You're good. You're good, Susan. I'm on Hill. Yeah. How fast does it go?
Starting point is 02:24:24 We did not plan that that's good yeah yeah how good does tia go like i would love to ask hillary froning how good does froning go and then if you and then if the answer or anything under 100 you'd be like why the fuck do you even have it then yeah yeah yeah yeah, right. Sometimes it takes the driver. You ever bring that thing to the track? Yeah, right, right, right. Hey, when that car retires, are you going to start up an OnlyFans page? If you really want to milk that car for all it's worth,
Starting point is 02:24:58 get that car on OnlyFans page. I like the liver king. The only dumb thing about the liver king is that all those products should be sponsoring the fuck out of this show the liver king yeah he sponsored one of our shows which was really generous of him i just reached out to him and he just hooked me up and you haven't asked since or what i have asked since you've had him on your show that was a great show thank you uh-huh thank you and he's i what i think he's trying to do there is i think he's trying to get on rogan and i think he's poking oh they there is I think he's trying to get on Rogan. And I think he's poking.
Starting point is 02:25:27 Oh, like they're dancing. Yeah. We know what that's like, yeah? Yeah, you got to build it up as much as possible. Me and Hill are dancing. That's going to be the biggest Rogan show of all time. When Leverking goes on there? I'm lying.
Starting point is 02:25:39 Elon Musk can't be topped, but. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I think Elon. He's had a handful of other guests. What do you mean what happened to my arms? Oh, I have them behind my, you mean like this? See, when you do stuff like that, that's what people think. The guy that attacks me with a knife in his foot.
Starting point is 02:25:53 Okay. Andrew Hiller, thanks for coming on live. Matt Sousa, I'm sorry you had to feel horrible about yourself for two hours and 25 minutes because you're stuck in Livermore, California. And Caleb, I don't know what the fuck to say to you you i feel more about myself that i don't get to play at the boys and then i have to listen to uh hillar playing with him yeah stay safe i send him voice notes every night uh tomorrow morning at 7 a.m we have someone on that i know i need to prepare for
Starting point is 02:26:19 that i have it oh blaine barber uh former professional golfer. I think – I don't know if it's public yet. I think he just retired. He has five kids, a crossfitter. Don't know much about him, but I'm excited to get to know him. He's been just one of my homies. I'm in the DMs for a while. I'm always interested to meet people who have taken their craft to the highest level. So we'll get to hang out with him tomorrow, and I'll talk to you guys soon.
Starting point is 02:26:46 Off to the Yacht Club.

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