The Sevan Podcast - #564 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: August 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Bam. We're late. No, bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Are we late? Oh, 7-0-1. Good job, Pablo. Pablo. He was on it. Good morning. Morning. he was on it good morning I guess I should take my notes oh shit are you doing alright over there
Starting point is 00:00:59 who me everything's good I'm just a little slow this morning hey so lifestyle there's um what do you think about this so so jr and taylor want to do this show tonight that and it's awesome uh it's the top 10 best moments in the 2022 CrossFit Games. Ooh, I was wheezing a little bit. And for no reason. Don't anyone get crazy like I was hitting a vape pen or smoking. Just a little wheeze.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I was thinking they're weird. Oh, maybe, maybe. I could have COVID. And 2020. So tonight the show is supposed to be the the 10 best moments from the um crossfit games and i got the idea because i was over on tommy and shawnee's uh account talking on league fitness and i was like holy shit they have like 87 000 views on a on a video that says like the best blah blah blah moments of day two or something right so i'm like fuck let's milk that shit and um but uh jr and taylor also want to have it combined with
Starting point is 00:02:14 some other show that i guess is a um stealing the idea from espPN that's called the not so 10 moments or something. Not top 10. And they want it to be – yeah, the not top 10. Yeah. I guess ESPN does that and the not top 10. Every Friday. And they want it – it's every Friday? Yeah. And they want to do it in the same show, and I want it to be two separate shows.
Starting point is 00:02:40 But then Taylor is saying if we do it in two separate shows the not so top 10 will seem like we're shitting on the crossfit games and he doesn't want to shit on the crossfit games i know that's a lot to take in but does that make sense to you you think we should do it as two separate shows i i vote to two separate shows i think if you do the the top 10 first and then we do that second one you can't really be shitting on it because we've already done our favorite top 10 moments then we do our well people are going to say we're shitting on it no matter what is also my thought well then there you go do you have a thought on that kevin yeah one show or two shows i like the two separate shows but that's just me i mean it's a they do like like espn does
Starting point is 00:03:22 it like every other day of the week it's top 10 and then on friday they just do like a funny like the shitty things that happen in the in the sporting world so i think people like what is it like a guy hits a ball and it hits it like a baseball player hits a bird and the bird dies is it shit like that yeah it's not like that where you get like pegged in the head or something like from you like can't see a fly ball or stuff like that. It's kind of funny stuff. So it would be like the stuff where the girls were picking up the sandbag and it was like spitting them out the back. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that shit's cool. Or like how Pat fell off of the, like a couple years ago when Pat fell off of the rope ladder. Stuff like that. Yeah, yeah. When Pat fell off the rope ladder. Yeah, when Pat fell off the rope ladder. I'd like to get Pat on the show. Has Pat done any post-game interviews? I don't think so. Not that I've seen yet. He's been doing his event posts, but that's pretty much it. I should look at all those and see
Starting point is 00:04:19 if he wants to come on the show. It's like his worst finish ever, right? Sixth. Yeah, I think so. Somebody said that they had confirmed news about what was going on with Haley. And I just was checking Instagram. There's no confirmed news.
Starting point is 00:04:34 What's going on or breaking news. Excuse me, breaking news. No. Okay. Absolutely. No. Look at,
Starting point is 00:04:42 look at 328. What do you think about this? Did you see the three pictures I sent to you guys of Matty Rogers this morning? I did. Yeah, I did. Yep. Speculating? Are you going to speculate on that?
Starting point is 00:04:57 I think I should. I went back and forth. I was in the shower this morning being like, I think I can do it with that with just being nice is the and you can pull up a chart and see like what cardiac arrest everything's so screwed up in the medical world right now i mean it's like like all of a sudden the flu has been gone for two years right so it just makes you realize that nothing is being tracked correctly all of a sudden covid's here now no one's had the flu or influenza in two years so i who knows if how common the shit used to be but for it's on my radar now this is a a rider a professional bike rider yesterday or two days ago who died in his sleep of cardiac arrest
Starting point is 00:05:37 his name is rab wardell he's like 37 or 27. How old is the guy? 37. 37. He died in his sleep. Have you heard of this new thing that they've invented? It's called sudden adult death syndrome. It's a takeoff of sudden infant death syndrome. It's now a thing.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Yeah. That's crazy. I don't understand it. Shouldn't every death be considered sudden adult death syndrome? Well, I mean, there should be a cause behind it, I hope. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Everything is sudden, unless the person's terminally ill. I think it's a way for them to categorize it without a condition.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Well, you scroll up just a little bit. I just want to read this one paragraph, and then I'll leave this guy alone. Now, however, professional sportsmen and women dropping. Oops. Where were we? We scrolled. Sorry. The other way down.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Sorry. Keep going. Now, however, professional sportsmen and women dropping dead from heart attacks has become the new normal. Literally hundreds have suffered cardiac arrest since the mass covid vaccination program got underway we do not know rab wardell's vaccine status and the bbc doesn't doesn't elaborate but he joins a growing list of professional and amateur sports uh men and women who have died from cardiac arrest the fact that the bbc doesn't mention wardell's vaccine status or the cause of his death suggests that they aren't interested
Starting point is 00:07:13 in investigating further that's the part i don't understand why don't when someone dies abruptly and kind of mysteriously like that yeah yeah nothing to see here they should they should tell they should they should give us that uh data point i think i think that there's enough data now to to show that um there's a there's a comment that came in on youtube this morning that said um uh we were talking about chandler smith i still haven't seen the piece uh made under the buttery bros production but it sounds like it's really good. It's about Chandler Smith's 2022 run at the CrossFit games. And I guess one of the things they talk about in there is his asthma. And I made a comment that did his asthma kick up at rogue because people,
Starting point is 00:07:57 people there were showing signs of allergies and someone wrote in the comments, he doesn't have allergies. He has asthma. And someone wrote in the comments, he doesn't have allergies. He has asthma. There's so many fucking dumb comments in YouTube, but I – it hurts me a little bit. It hurts me how stupid people are. Holy shit, dude. That's so bad. I tried to play it off as well they're just really myopic and they're they're actually really smart it's the most focused person in the world i please tell me you see it's like um they're not a smoker. It's not smoking that causes their asthma.
Starting point is 00:08:45 They have asthma. It's like you do not see. There might be a connection you were drawing there. It's not the vaccine that caused their death. It was a sudden adult death syndrome. It was the bike riding. It was the bike riding. I just I don't know how much I have to.
Starting point is 00:09:02 There's another one, too. There was another one, too too that's fascinating in there. We were talking about – I was arguing – Hiller and this other guy were talking about that CrossFit in order to be professional needs to stop behaving like a high school sport. And I said, hey, there's tons of professional sports that act like high school sports and do stupid shit out there. And one of the things I referenced was the motorcycle rice uh the isle of man tt and i said something like seven people die every year uh fans die every year and the guy basically wrote hey you fucking idiot seven fans don't die every year it's just two fans have only died there or something like that so i go and look and it it's actually – he was actually right.
Starting point is 00:09:46 But 231 riders have died there. And that was my point. Not who died. Not who died. But the fact that every year someone's dying in this sport. In the sport, yeah. Yeah. And it's like, dude, like –
Starting point is 00:10:07 Splitting hairs again. Yeah real like you're totally like how about writing instead of calling me a jackass how about being like hey dude they're not actually fans that die they're the drivers that die but your point is still valid right if people are dying every year in a sport that you're right that's that's something something's kind of fucked up at least you're not dying in crossFit every year. But just the shit people say in there, it's fascinating to me. It's those same people that look at a guy who's smoking and dying of cancer who tells you not to smoke and they call the guy a hypocrite. No, actually. He's a man with experience who's telling you like hey he's saving you yeah you probably don't want to smoke i i like the comment
Starting point is 00:10:51 i thought you were gonna touch on this one where somebody was like clearly newer to the show and i forget what show it was but they were like maybe a little less political talk i was like you must be new here it was it was the same thing when um uh uh the inconvenient truth came out the movie the al gore movie and everyone was attacking al gore like everyone on the right and it's like dude shut up like i like what why are you hating the messenger tell me i don't care that i don't care that his dad was a um a racist in relationship to whether he climate change is real or not help me out with the subject don't don't hate the messenger i don't care i don't care about the messenger so much unless it unless it's relevant to the
Starting point is 00:11:38 argument it was just people who hated al gore who and then when you conflate that, we, we, we just heard our own argument. We just set ourselves back. Just, just be like, Hey, like, I don't care like if he still flies around in a private jet, if climate change is real and he's the messenger of it, let's hear it. If it, yeah, yeah. Thank you, Heidi. Thank you. Heidi, Heidi speaks from the nin 90s don't hate the player hate the game yeah i just summed up the point you're trying to make there thank you oh yes maddie rogers so here's the deal oh yeah do you want me to are we bringing up her instagram or are we just okay we uh or uh you could you could probably bring up those pictures um
Starting point is 00:12:29 you could probably bring up those pictures uh morning dude seven just got through the hiller episode you're getting me jeremy williams confused with jeremy garcia all good i'm still shirtless in my oh thank you thank god probably more shirtless than probably more shirtless than hiller hey i've been here in uh in newport and my neighbor and i've been here for about 10 days and last time i was here for two weeks there's a guy who lives two doors down he was shirtless the entire time and he's this big beautiful man and uh now i've been here another 10 days and i so i've known the guy now for a total of 24 days and i've never seen him wear a shirt it's pretty dope i like how you added the days together too i'm sure i'm turning into like a beach bum you got it you got some good color going yeah
Starting point is 00:13:11 look at look at my hair too oh damn oh geez you're you're like full like newport you know what we need to do we get you like a gucci shirt oh those those glasses are probably already expensive and you'd be full la like just i'm getting um i'm i'm eating i'm eating a little less i'm a little more strict on my diet because i'm shirtless more it's because you were attacked when that person attacked you with violence in their words yes yeah uh yeah if i had your body i i would totally fuck shirts burn them all yes yeah jim never needs to wear a shirt um so the thing i saw with uh maddie was she posted something in her story i don't know her by the way um i i don't even know much about her she
Starting point is 00:14:02 has a shitload of followers i want want to say over 600,000 followers. And I think she's been to the Olympics. Correct. She has, yeah. And did she go to Tokyo Olympics? Yeah, she did. Did she go to any other Olympics? Has she competed out?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Because you didn't need a vaccine to go to the Tokyo Olympics. Okay, because you didn't need a vaccine to go to the Tokyo Olympics because we had David Taylor on the Olympic wrestler, and he did not get vaccinated. Yeah, I know another weightlifter that I went to that also wasn't vaccinated. of her um breaking out in hives completely breaking out in hives and i've seen a bunch of incidents of that of people who are saying that they got that from the vaccine so it says um a pretty girl young girl and it says i was really hoping i wouldn't have to share this because i thought it would go away i am having a really hard time post-COVID. It apparently triggered an old autoimmune disorder. Do you guys see autoimmune disorder? It's AID, AIDS.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Do you guys know about AIDS, what it does, how people die of AIDS and HIV, what the deal is? If you don't, look that up. But you should know some stuff about that. And I'm balls deep in dealing with it. I wake up every single morning like this. So it sounds like she's blaming COVID. I am not contagious. I am not ill. I do not have monkey pox. It's just hives from an immune system attacking my own body. I have not – it's interesting because I don't see people blaming COVID for this. But it sounds like maybe she is. That would be the first time I've actually seen people blame COVID for this.
Starting point is 00:15:57 So I ask for your kindness and understanding as I'm extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed. Well, you shouldn't be embarrassed. You're still a pretty girl, just some hives. It fades throughout the day with meds. Uh-oh. I wonder what the fuck that is. But mornings and nights will look about like this it's mildly painful yes but it mostly looks terrible so please be kind yeah i mean it doesn't look terrible but i i wouldn't want it and i feel for you i'm sorry that that happened um uh that being said if you could pull up her profile pic, now I know these are just
Starting point is 00:16:25 correlates. I know I'm not, I'm not, these are just correlates. I find it fascinating than an Olympian that any athlete that any person would, unless you were a umpire would wear a mask and their profile pic. It's fascinating to me i can't i for the i can't get my head around it and even this in this in this in any way unless your job required it and it was something you were trying to share like i would understand what you would be trying to share with the world by having a a picture of you with them maybe if you were um your business was
Starting point is 00:17:03 selling halloween masks you would wear masks i did i don't get it at all maybe she's invested in that company that makes those masks i have no idea that would be smart and then also in her profile pic it says she has a bachelor's of science and she has some degree a bs in the health sciences let's see oh bs and exercise science and human performance so god you guys are gonna hate this some of you are gonna hate go ahead so to be fair that that degree has nothing to do with like medicine it's right well but it but it is amongst the other bullshit degrees where you're being brainwashed you're basically being fed lies and
Starting point is 00:17:51 ideologies and you're basically just being fed lies for for fucking four years and in we've had i've had at least 50 guests between this podcast and the crossfit podcast who maybe are all pro vaccine even the fuck i don't know but they'll all tell you that it was a their two days at the crossfit level one was more valuable as a human being than their kinesiology health sciences whatever degree now if she was a fucking bio if she was a biology major maybe i'd have a little i'd have a little she would still be a program dunce but but pretty much the people who are parading around as the smartest people in the world right now with their harvard doctorates and shit we know that they're the morons now the script's been flipped so we
Starting point is 00:18:35 have these two we have these two strong correlates she's wearing a mask in her picture and for some reason she's proud of her degree which in in the last few years, you should basically be hiding. You're basically saying I was brainwashed. Unfortunately, I don't want that to be true. But I did send her a DM asking if she's vaccinated. Wait, you did? Yeah, I sent her a DM. The blue checkmark account?
Starting point is 00:19:05 No, I don't have that one. That one's all fucked up still you're in requests and i and i dug through her account looking for you know uh any signs you know like where she was like you know a picture of her like pointing at her band-aid or shit like that yeah well i can tell you i know somebody that got covid oh did she have pronouns in her bio too that's definitely vaccinated i didn't i didn't see that i didn't see i didn't see it i looked for i looked for that too um chris hassell will be talking about that in one second uh but the harvard kids are getting 10k in debt for giving someone yes we will be talking about that very shortly i didn't um got covid got the booster too close to the time that they had covid and then they had to get the booster it was a job mandation thing that's why that that
Starting point is 00:19:58 was pushed and then broke out in that same exact crash. You did? I know somebody who did, yeah. Oh, so not you, not Matt Souza. I'm not vaccinated. But someone you know. Yep. Has vaccinated. And when they got the booster, and they think that that was what happened. And I've heard a lot of shit like that too, like people getting the shot while they have COVID and some bad shit happening. Yeah, it's one of those things where it's like, as much as a person can know
Starting point is 00:20:26 without having 100% evidence, they know. Because I mean, it was just the timeline of it and everything else. And what she wrote was consistent with the same thing that I heard. Because it actually wasn't one person. I've heard a couple people that have had that, the COVID rash.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And everybody that I know that's had the COVID rash, like the long COVID covid are all vaccinated and boosted yeah i don't know any i i don't know anybody who had co i only know the one person we had on the show who had covid or something bad happened from it and i just saw him this weekend and we were talking about it and he said that the sickest he's ever been in his whole life except from shooting meth and and uh was um uh when he got the vaccine in the hospital he was in the hospital for 80 days with covid but he was obese and uh smoking uh two to three uh cartridges of jewels a day yeah and he was six months clean of shooting meth and heroin fentanyl
Starting point is 00:21:21 my uh dentist i still don't know a healthy person who died of covid i still don't know one i not not one not one and by healthy i just mean just i don't even mean i mean like like i'm fat and me talking about like someone like me um can you put can you look up covid caleb and then type in it'll uh google will let you search by countries i think we are i already showed you guys this but you got to see what's happening in australia and new zealand those people aren't in my dms anymore for like two years i talk shit about australia new zealand about how crazy they that they're the lockdowns we're gonna backfire on them and they're like you guys are selfish assholes in the united
Starting point is 00:21:59 states and you don't know what you're talking about and i'm like all right it happened exactly the way all right i'm just exactly the way. All right. I'm just a dumb homeless guy. But let me tell you, I think I think I'm on to something. So I'm pretty sure a week and a half ago I had the vid as well. And I went to the dentist earlier this week and she informed me that I should not be exercising because of enlarged heart problems. And I might I might die. And then I told that she goes, so have you been she goes, so when are you going to exercise next?
Starting point is 00:22:29 And I told her, I've been exercising the whole time. Wait, your dentist told you this? Mine was going to explode, yeah. And then I was like, wait, how do you know that it's an enlarged heart, like that COVID's causing that problem? And she goes, oh, because of the soccer players. Oh, shit. So, okay my so that's the thing and maddie was she's trying to do that too but you're trying to blame covet instead of the vaccine that's fascinating hey and here's the thing that was another problem with
Starting point is 00:22:58 with vaccinating everyone by the way which thank god they didn't because then there would be no control group they wanted to get rid of the, because then there would be no control group. They wanted to get rid of the control group so there could be no real studies. So to her point, when she said that, I had asked, like, do you think there's any other correlates? Do you think the vaccine has messed with people? And she basically was like, well, we won't know because everybody's vaccinated. And I may or may not have. No, they may they may not be too clear on my vaccination status inside there. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:23:29 It's amazing. Stephen Flores just posted something about 83% of the United States is obese. that uh the new generation of kids is 30 percent that's 30 percent less cardiovascular capacity or whatever the fuck their metric was than kids 50 years ago and it's like dude 30 percent less dude it's it's got to be a thousand percent it's gonna be so weird what happens with the younger because i had a bunch of gym members that had young kids right during the pandemic and how afraid they were because they could already tell. And some of these were their first children. They could already tell that their kids were acting weirder, having been like stuffed in the house and then being around everybody with masks and in some cases being forced
Starting point is 00:24:13 to have masks on and not being around large groups. And my gym was still doing community stuff and things like that. So a lot of the parents would bring their kids to put them in an environment with a lot of other adults because it didn't exist at that time and they were super freaked out because they were like yeah they used to be okay with it now it's bringing them in there they're having like so many issues with being around a bunch of people whoa anyhow i just think that'll be another thing that will come down the pipeline in another five to six years when we see all those kids that were in a prime developmental time not be around other people in social situations and indoctrinated with all this fear and everything else.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Rodrigo, I've slid into Matty Rogers' DMs a couple times times failed every single time good luck sir well the dick pics are different rodrigo you gotta kick them in hot like buddy you got careful she may not even be 18 careful uh hello she's 18 devon what's up dude hi hey quick question for you to get matt's influence still so yesterday kind of goes along with like what you're saying about kids now and the way they're like super sheltered from covid too just amplifying how soft they already were um if you're going into like i was walking into a grocery store the other day with my wife and daughter and i saw two carts like blocking the handicapped spots where people clearly just didn't push them back and my response to my daughter was i guarantee you that person
Starting point is 00:25:46 doesn't have a sub 10 minute fran time and my wife laughed she was like you can't say that because people scale oh that's what my mom was that's what my wife would say to me too damn that's my wife would say to me and i was like yeah but i feel like ken's like kind of ridiculous um and i think people need more tough love of calling people out for being fat and lazy. And I just feel like it's progressively getting worse. And then I started thinking, what if 10 years? What if the chance is percentage-wise that less than 5% of the world has a suboptimal 10-minute Fran? I don't think 5% of the world has a 10 minute fran right
Starting point is 00:26:26 now i do think though within a month you could give five percent of the world a 10 minute fran i i think it's bad dude only five percent of the world knows what fran is and maybe i just shouldn't even talk about the world maybe i should just talk about the united states um i i don't think most of the united states still i wouldn't i would guess that 51 and i think i'm being really generous here can't even squat below parallel yeah i'm with you yeah i'm with you and and i posted i had posted something like that on my story like hey i assume you have a more than a 10 minute friend you're a horrible person if you do something like this and my my wife was like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:27:05 that's mean. That's shaming. Blah, blah. I'm like, you know what? The fucking world needs more of that. Oh God,
Starting point is 00:27:09 your wife and my wife need to get together. I get slapped around so much. I'm like, Hey, you're being mean to me. Yeah. Like what? Stop being mean to me.
Starting point is 00:27:22 I would be a horrible person if it wasn't for her. Yeah. And it's just like, you i heard matt say before like when members are bitching about things getting tough you say go drag a fucking sled for a mile like that's kind of just been like my the way that i deal with stuff man and it's like i've been trying to translate that into my like my kids like we're walking off the beach and my daughter wants to put down her beach chair and i'm like no pick that motherfucker up and you're walking it back to 50 yards and wife like it's not a big deal i'm like no it is a big deal because the problem is we have a bunch of soft kids and because parents are saying it's okay you know what i've been doing here the the grocery store is about a mile away and every day i walk there and i buy a case of topo chico's and then i walk back i don't even want them even i mean i like them i just don't need 12 12 new
Starting point is 00:28:12 ones every day and i walk back carrying them in the frontal plane like i don't let it hang and i and i walk on the sand instead of the sidewalk and i fucking walk backwards 80 of the way oh yeah and it's because we're crossfitters i hate i why am i walking backwards because like because i never do why am i walking in the sand because it's hard as fuck why am i carrying in the frontal plane because it's doable and and and uh yeah and i get back and i'm sweaty as shit and i drink a tobo chico yeah we should every day we should be doing something completely uncomfortable and hey not even for your physical but for your brain a hundred percent so i'm walking back i'm like man people must think i'm being i'm weird because i'm walking
Starting point is 00:28:53 backwards great new thought good job what other new thoughts am i gonna have now you know people said the same thing to me about doing murph every day for a year they're like oh you're a fucking idiot i'm like dude this is jim this is jim yeah yeah oh shit i wouldn't have told you that story if i knew it was you now i feel like a bitch no but it's all relative dude like that's what i'm saying like find out what's harder for you like the hardest thing for you that day and just fucking do it because afterwards when you're drinking that drink you're talking about like you can't tell me you don't feel 100 better about yourself and it translates into every single part of life after that do hard shit i jim there's a video i want to share with you um uh let me see if i can find i sent it to my wife yesterday i think everyone um should watch this
Starting point is 00:29:43 video uh and i thought of you i don't know why i didn't send it to you caleb i'm going to send I think everyone should watch this video. And I thought of you. I don't know why I didn't send it to you. Caleb, I'm going to send this to our thread. Maybe I sent it to our thread yesterday. This guy, his name is Joe Dispenza. And he's basically taking, he's a, he's taken a lot of old school Buddhist, biblical, Christian, self-help, all these kind of categories of thoughts, and he's putting a new set of words to it from a neuroscience background. But it's fascinating, and someone like you who lives in the pain cave should hear this guy's shit it's fucking fascinating but basically it's the same thing that i think gandhi said it
Starting point is 00:30:31 if you keep be the change you want to see in the world and then and then uh maybe the buddha said if you keep thinking the same shit your life will keep going the same way yeah it's definitely to Yeah, I just texted it to you, Jim. physically uncomfortable places you need to picture a different world for yourself yeah we need to indulge in our imagination and in our in our um in our thoughts we need to change we need to i'll give you the example i used this before my kid kept white about a few months ago my son ari his face was just dirty all the time he'd started like rubbing his nose all the time and there was always dirt on his face and i would would always walk up to him and be like, dude, you got dirt on your face. And then I'd aggressively take a wipe and wipe it, wipe his face clean. And after a month I realized, holy shit, I'm turning myself into an asshole.
Starting point is 00:31:37 So I said, okay, every time I see dirt on his face, I'm going to walk up to him and kiss him and say, I love you. I'm going to flip the script. Who cares? It's my life. I i'm gonna experiment with it jim did fucking murph every day i'm gonna every time i see dirt on his face dude it's such a better outcome yeah i agree for him and for me i i'm no longer an asshole and i love him and and he's happy because his dad came over and told him he loves him it's my yeah we can just change our story you must have had some great thoughts while you were do you have some great thoughts yeah
Starting point is 00:32:10 it's definitely I mean I would say I'd like to sit here and be like it was self motivating and I was like come on Jim you got this nah dude like a lot of time I was like think about that fucking coach that said you were never shit think about that girl that didn't want to do middle school like fuck them every time you want to do middle school.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Like, fuck them. Every time you want to quit, like, I run off of that shit, man. I don't work off positive vibes when I'm in a dark spot. That's awesome. Jim, do you know this book? I'm just, I'm going to probably finish it today. It's called Warrior's Creed by Roger Sparks. I do not. It'll be, I think it'll be an interesting, uh,
Starting point is 00:32:46 interesting guest for you. Yeah. I'll check it out. Okay. Yeah. Roger Sparks, Warriors Creed. It's a cool book. He reads it. Go ahead, Caleb. That was the guy who was like, he was a PJ and a Ranger or something like that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah. It's incredible. It's dark. It's dark it's dark for sure yeah that kind of stuff there man that's what that's what motivates me i don't know about everybody else but i just feel like that like negative self-talk or not even negative self-talk but like the fuck the world mentality kind of just when you're in the dark pain cave like which i feel like maybe like maybe two percent of the world that does cross it even understands what the pain cave is. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:27 You need something like that. And that kind of brings me to my other point. I was going to ask, and Matt is, like, an affiliate owner. I'm running into problems where it's, like, you'll see a lack of intensity. And there's a fine line of playing between, like, I want these people to come back because I want them here and I do care about them. But also, like God damn, man, you're over scaling and you're barely fucking moving. Like get uncomfortable a little bit. Like what, where's the balance there?
Starting point is 00:33:52 Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Hey, you could, that's the thing, dude. It's, it's, it's, it's hard, especially if you have kids, but there's gotta be a way to be true to yourself and learn how to run a gym from scratch from trial and error and learning from other people, but also to have maybe to have a class that's like, maybe, I mean, if you can afford to have the attempt, it's a, it's a Sunday, um,
Starting point is 00:34:22 5am class. And it's like like we don't fuck the dark class the we don't fuck around class the i yell at you class you know we're doing that right now you are so 5 30 three days a week is my class and it's hellacious and the people that come are and i love it and i feed off of it and it like the second I'm done working out and I'm seeing this dude who's 40 pounds overweight like just trying to run through a fucking wall and everything that he has like I want to run through a fucking wall when I get home like I just I feed off that shit and I love it but I just think 90% of the population doesn't appreciate it yeah like like like that guy uh um uh Danny Danny Beeler like you do a class He put the 150 pounds
Starting point is 00:35:06 and went the mile. Anyone who took the class who doesn't do the 150 and match him, you yell at him and call him a bitch. Dude, Danny. That might have been paraphrased a little bit. Watching Danny do 22.2 I was sitting there feeling sorry
Starting point is 00:35:24 for myself. I look at danny's like 300 fucking pounds jumping over a barbell doing the same thing like like probably sucking wind through a straw just giving it all like that fired me up i invited him down here and it's like i tried to break him dude we did like eight workouts he wouldn't quit yeah he said he said yeah and while he's doing that instead of being this is the 5 30 a.m dark class while you see him suffering you just look over me like yeah maybe you'll think twice about getting ice cream after this dipshit you know what i mean like dude that's and that's kind of how it went bro i was like all right i don't know this cat that well like i like his shit on instagram like let's try to fucking break him and he didn't break. A little paraphrase, but close, Salman.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Thank you. Thanks for calling, brother. Talk to you guys later. I wasn't even thinking of the class. I wasn't even thinking that necessarily the class would be brutal. I was thinking that it's just you're just abused in that class.
Starting point is 00:36:24 It's just not the nice class. in that class. It's just not the nice class. Like that restaurant Dick's? Yeah, yeah. I've never been there, but yeah. I've never been there either, but I know of it. But yeah, that's what it sounds like. Here's the thing about that place. So I went into a restaurant here in Newport Beach the other day, and the waitress is like – oh, this should be good.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Tom. Hey, what's up, brother? It's Tom here, and how's it going hi good morning give me give me one second hey yeah so so you so you go so i go into a restaurant and the waitress can't even be bothered right she's not nice she's not mean she can't be bothered and i'd say that's how 50 of my experiences are when i'm with people like with help you know like in hotels or restaurants or whatever. And it's like, and then you're trying to win them over. You're like, hi. Oh, cool shirt.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Oh, thanks for coming over. And they're going to double down on me. It's almost like I'm trying to get the fucking tip from them. But at least it, but, but that's, what's cool about this asshole class or dicks. They're, you don't, at some point you don't even care that your interaction with someone you're just glad someone's putting in effort what true what the fuck do you want to eat and why would you come in here to get it dipshit i mean then at least you're like okay well i'm getting some attention there's an interaction happening. Yeah. Not just being ignored. Might be the start of an abusive relationship, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Sir, please stop staring at my titties. I know they're wonderful, but stop staring at them. Yeah, sorry. I mean, fuck. Okay, go ahead, Tom. Tom, sorry. Hey, man, I want to rant about something completely off the wall just because it's going on in my life and I'm pissed about it. So I've got an eight-year-old son, right? He's awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:12 He's outside all the time, doesn't like to watch TV. Yeah, man, he's the best. And these idiots want to put him on Ritalin. And I've got doctors, I've got all these people, teachers, all these people telling me that I need to give my kid drugs so that he can sit still in their class for eight hours a day. And I'm like, shit, I can't even sit still for eight hours a day. Like, you know, I know I don't blame them. So you've got these people, people in my family, very smart people, doctors, what have you, who they've been, you know, 40 years ago. Tom, look at Ritalin. The first five letters of Ritalin are methyl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Sorry. Sorry. I'm scared. Stefan, you don't know you're not a doctor. I know. Irrational fear. Sorry, guys. This is America, damn it. Drug them up. You know what? It's crazy. It's not even just that they want to give them the drug it's that you feel qualified as a general practitioner the same guy who like resets bones and sends people you know what i mean give them diabetes medication who the fuck are you to know about brain chemistry like i feel like these people have no fucking idea what what the fuck like they have no idea they don't know uh did you see that article a few
Starting point is 00:39:31 did you see that article a few weeks ago where it was like um oh yeah uh chemical imbalances aren't even real like that term was just a made-up term i got a slide on that i doubt we'll make it there today but i totally got a slide on that of course yeah we'll make it there today, but I totally got a slide on that. Of course, I used to work in a home for disabled adults and I would take the adults to this to this doctor once a month. And I worked there for five years. And after about a year, his name was Dr. Sherman. I was like, Dr. Sherman, how come like you can't just be like, hey, that dude has autism. Give him that. That dude. He's like, dude, no one knows what these drugs do. I go, what? He goes, no no it's just all
Starting point is 00:40:05 one fucking giant experiment we're partaking in and i it was a fucking crazy rude and awakening to me i i was embarrassed that he had to explain that to me but i don't think most doctors even know that i think that like they think like they know what they're doing people think that ssri is anxiety say that again caleb people think that ssri is the seroton depression and anxiety. Say that again, Caleb. People think that SSRIs, the serotonin, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for anxiety, depression, that they actually work. It's really just, it's essentially a placebo. Some people like, oh, it works for like, great. I don't have anxiety or depression. It's like nobody, you can't measure serotonin levels in the brain. There's no lab to take that says, hey, this is how much serotonin levels in the brain there's no lab to take that says hey this is how much
Starting point is 00:40:45 serotonin you have and this is how much you're supposed to have so giving them an ssri is just in theory going to solve their anxiety and depression there's there's no like concrete evidence let's say that that actually works listen listen to this guy's comment here christopher gorney methyl groups are very common in organic chemistry you dummies oh get the kids the drugs fucking knucklehead that's it like do you see the like that like first of all if you really want to share something educate us but just because you were brainwashed by a simple sentence like this don't um don't assume that we all are going to be.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Methyl groups are very common in organic chemistry. Oh. Yeah, so what plants should I feed them then if they're very common? You know what I mean? How much spinach do I have to eat to get the methyl that I need? Or whatever, man. Hey, did you see your boy Primetime99
Starting point is 00:41:42 is getting mixed up with Dave Fortnoy from Barstool sports is he fighting with them or like good good oh yeah fighting with them so barstool reposted one of his videos where he was making fun of uh making fun of like las vegas gambling and how they lure you there with cheap flights and stuff to take your money yeah and barstool is getting purchased by a sports gambling company right so Barstool reposted it and then Dave Fortnite goes to his social media guy and goes
Starting point is 00:42:10 hey idiot take this down we can't be making fun of gambling like you know we're a gambling company and they take it down and then Alex just goes nuts on him in the in his Instagram feed so Fortnite got on his podcast this morning was going off on what an idiot,
Starting point is 00:42:25 uh, prime time 99 is, and he's not even funny and this and that. And, uh, so then Alex starts going at him about abortion. It's awesome. Oh,
Starting point is 00:42:34 it's awesome. And so if you go to the comments, if you go to the comments on, on Portnoy's podcast, it's all people saying, uh, uh, prime time 99,
Starting point is 00:42:43 always on the grind. We love Alex Stein. It's all this shit it's awesome man his his his following is just they're they're savages do you see the one where he goes in front of the city council this week and he's rapping about fauci you gotta see it man i did see it i i normally when it's three minutes long though i only make it through about a minute that's all you need that's because i wasn't given ritalin yeah you gotta you gotta eat more uh methyl find your organic source of the methyl yeah all right guys peace out love you guys hey can i i got a couple questions for you tom how did he end up at the doctors anyway why did you take him there it's not i have family members who are doctors and so they're the
Starting point is 00:43:26 ones who are like the teacher's like hey the kid doesn't want to sit still hey you know you need to get him to you know whatever stop looking at the cute girls and put on their pigtails and start you know what i mean sit in a seat whatever and so the family members are the ones making the comments close family members okay who are doctors and uh so that's kind of where it's coming from. And those are his primary care doctors. So I've got very close people in our family pushing for this. And I'm like, dude, how do you even feel qualified? That just makes me like sick, like damn.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Like I thought you were, you know what I mean? It's like hard to even talk to these people about my kids because I'm like, what makes you even think that you're qualified to even say that to me there's a um so so what what's the plan gonna be just ignore no I mean I'm gonna keep loving on him and taking care of him and uh no but I know ignore the teachers and ignore the doctors for right now that's my plan yeah yeah I mean shit try to let him develop normally play hard try to wear him out every day and just emphasize to him that it's important that he listens while he's there hey i'm gonna tell you something tom okay yeah go ahead go ahead if it comes down to
Starting point is 00:44:37 it of course i would love to homeschool for us if not in the cards right now but there are more and more options there are a lot more options. There are some online companies that are very innovative in that space where there are certified public schools where you can do it online. And if it comes down to it, I would rather do that than give them methylphenidate or whatever drugs to make it sit still for eight hours. But it's organic and there's a whole methyl family. Yeah. There's a whole methyl family. Yeah. There's a whole methyl family. It's organic.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Exercise is organic. I just want you to know, and maybe after talking to Gary Roberts, I want to be clear about this. I have three boys and every day they fucking drive me fucking batshit crazy. Like there are times in the day where I can't pull them off of each other i'm just like i like i just i just want to sit down and take a shit i just need two minutes to my fucking self and there's all i hear is just punching noises right and flying kicks and i'm just fine and and i go out there and i try to put them in different rooms and take a few deep breaths and man it's just fucking kids dude it's three boys and the second i go outside with them it's over none of that shit happens outside none of that shit happens outside but we get on
Starting point is 00:45:57 a ferry to fucking go to catalina and it's fucking all of a sudden my whole life has turned into a karate movie and it's just boys, dude. It's just fucking. And everyone thinks my boys are like fucking perfect when they're around them. Andrew Hiller and Hunter were like, holy fuck, these are the greatest kids ever. It's not like that. Like I struggle every single fucking day with having a few moments of sanity because they are so fucking wild. And the more tired they get this shit there's like a
Starting point is 00:46:26 witching hour like between seven and eight at night where it's just fucking they're bouncing off the walls right before they collapse yeah t scott major says your bat your boys sound really normal it's just so normal so it's just it's just so normal. Your son's going to thank you so much for not getting them drugged up. I've never heard, I've never heard. Here's another thing. And maybe I'm not saying they're not out there, but I've never heard one kid adult be like, Oh my God, I'm so glad my parents put me on Ritalin for 12 years. No, I don't, I don't, no one says that.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Well, check it out. I was on it. That's, I was the first age group in the in the early 90s when they started testing all this stuff man i've been on every one of those drugs it fucks you up it's like yeah i'll just come home from school at 3 30 and lay in my bed and look at the ceiling for six hours like a zombie like i i didn't want to go outside like it is it's horrible so that's why you know thank god that i had that's why, you know, thank God that I had that experience because now I know better.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I'm never going to do that to him. But it's, I'm telling you, it's going to be a battle. It's going to be a battle. These, this public school system is like. What's your wife say about it? I'm trying to hint at that without saying that out loud, Sevan.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Oh, okay. Okay. You got it. I got it. You may have to drop to one knee and cry dude and be like please don't do please don't do this to my son please please please you gotta have to find a book dude you're gonna have to find like some a book she can read that shows that that was the thing with vaccines for me there's a book called dissolving illusions i thought my wife was batshit crazy i was like oh fuck i married one of these and then i and then i she started giving me the information in small doses and i was like oh
Starting point is 00:48:10 fuck well the thing with my wife is the leading cause of i'll give you an example last year there were there were 3 000 polio cases and listen these numbers aren't exact people so if you're fucking gustavo in the youtube comments go fuck yourself last year there were 3 000 kids who had polio and on planet earth 261 of them got it uh just it's called i think it's i think they actually call it why the wild the wild polio the other fucking 2400 kids who got it got it from the fucking oral vaccine wow yeah yeah look at caleb's looking it up and that's not something you can like get over right that's like a lifelong thing well what's fascinating about it is that
Starting point is 00:49:01 if you look at the people who got it from the oral vaccine end up having serious problems from it and the vast majority who got it from the wild don't they're able to fight it off but once you start doing a little research about polio you realize that polio didn't polio started going away before the vaccine came out and it was it was a uh it was a sanitary issue it was a sanitary issue say all all those fucking things same thing with the measles if you get no one who gets the measles ever gets the measles again well sam that's i'll tell you this this is probably not my place to say it but greg actually got the polio vaccine before he was diagnosed with polio greg got the polio vaccine and then a year later he was diagnosed with polio isn't isn't that
Starting point is 00:49:44 fascinating and i've talked to him about that like oh shit and he's like yeah and greg was Greg got the polio vaccine, and then a year later he was diagnosed with polio. Isn't that fascinating? And I've talked to him about that. Like, oh, shit. And he's like, yeah. And Greg was – I shouldn't go into detail about it. But him and I see a little bit differently on this, but we're getting closer and closer. Maybe we even see everything exactly the same now. But he gave me the skills to see clearly.
Starting point is 00:50:05 Say that again. Was he over at your house this week? No, no, no, no. You know who that was? That was just someone being an asshole making fun of. I met that guy through Greg. That's Greg's childhood friend, Jim Jordan. He's a professional photographer and he was here hanging.
Starting point is 00:50:25 He lives in LA somewhere. So when I told him, whenever I'm here, he comes and visits. And Hunter was here, and Hiller was here. We were just partying. And by partying, I mean partying like CrossFitters. Going to the beach and throwing a Frisbee. Going to a pool and racing. Doing handstands and flips and partying like CrossFitters party. I mean, it doesn't get any better than that, man.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Throwing your kids out in the ocean for eight hours straight totally all right man peace and love okay bye thank you children before recommended to have roughly 50 60 vaccinations it's just is beyond crazy oh my gosh that that's not true but yeah 50 to 60 that's that's not true that's a shitload but i understand the sentiment there i understand like he's saying that there's a lot but saying 50 to 60 is just an inordinate amount but but caleb i bet you that the i bet you it's 50 to 60 shots look at look look at the cdc uh vaccines no like i i have the list like i've given like infant shots from like zero to four and it's not 50 to 60. I'll tell you that much right now.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Okay. But can you, I'm going to pull it up right here. CDC, children. I guess if you're going off of like just the record, like what the CDC recommends, then sure, maybe it's 50 to 60, but like the amount that I've given to a child. I guess if you do all the doses. From zero. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. That's an absurd amount. I'm going to just – I'm on the CDC website, and I'm just going to tell you how many it is from birth to 15 months. This isn't number – it's one, two, three. Okay, so sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:05 I'm going to read them to you. It's hepatitis, rotavirus, diphtheria, tetanus, a cellular pertussis, something influenza type B, pneumono-coctal conjugate, inactivated poliovirus, influenza, okay? virus influenza okay uh uh me uh uh influenza la v4 measles mumps and rubella varicella hepatitis a tetanus diphtheria acceleroprotusus human papillom papillom virus menengoccal menenginalgoccal A menenginalgoccal B pneumonicoccal polysaccharide and dengue
Starting point is 00:52:50 can we just do a show of you reading off like names of vaccines like an old show of you just trying to so so that's and they give that to you in 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 So that's – and they give that to you in –
Starting point is 00:53:06 It's like 32, I think it was. Okay, yeah, I counted 25. Maybe it is 32. It's kind of hard to count. That's 25 shots by the time you're fucking 15 months old, dude. If you're going by how many times, okay, so, okay, yeah, sure. Go, beat me up.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I'm open to being wrong. Beat me. Say it again. A lot of those are combined. I'm not saying like you're- Yes, yes, I agree. I agree. A lot of those vaccines are already like, there's like four or five of them together.
Starting point is 00:53:39 But like I understand, you're getting vaccinated for those things. You're just not receiving 50 shots. It's like trying to. It's still, it's still a lot. That's, that's 25 shots. If you follow this schedule from birth to 15 months, those are those, because they actually show them combined in here.
Starting point is 00:54:00 And that's, and that's obvious. That's like recommended what you should receive but you can like at least for us you can kind of a la carte them in a way and then and then in your defense it's a it's about another 25 from 18 months to 18 years so it's actually about it looks like it's about 50 shots by the time you're 18 years old but the first 25 come fast man yeah well and the argument essentially is like this is just medicine in general. It's like, Oh, the, the immune system of the child is not fully developed. So you need to give them inoculation against it early so that they don't have,
Starting point is 00:54:37 they develop it between zero and four years old or whatever. But still it's like, I mean, you could, you have, there's issues that can arise between zero and four years old by the time your your actual immune system is up to speed essentially so right listen to this uh listen to this and this is shit you hear all the time i specifically wanted to wait one shot i specifically wanted to wait one shot told the doc told the nurse fuckers gave it to my son anyway in a cocktail and that's that is what caleb's talking about so um when there's like three things in fucking one shot and you're like hey i just want that
Starting point is 00:55:13 one they're like they don't make just that one like tetanus i don't know if they make tetanus just by itself well they do some places don't carry it yeah like you're like if you're gonna say oh i'm not i don't want the varicella vaccine it's like no you have like it's it's measles mumps rubella and varicella you're getting all four of those in one shot so i can understand like that is frustrating oh they gave it to my kid or whatever but like then you're you're saying okay i don't you have to it's tough because normal like if you're not if you don't work in medicine you don't understand like how things are presented like how like the supplies that are being bought essentially and you don't know like oh i just don't want the measles vaccine you're like well we just can't just not give them
Starting point is 00:55:56 the measles vaccine you have to it's like an all or none essentially right but so i i but i totally understand it is frustrating it's i don't know anything about hep b vaccine i couldn't tell you what that is or what i don't get it so i have no idea sorry dude i i will i will tell you this uh my my kids were born just on the living room floor all three of them uh ironically all they were all born um illegally uh because in the state of california there were circumstances that made it so that my firstborn and my twins should not have been allowed to be born at home which is fucking crazy they were not dangerous circumstances at all they were all born at home they basically basically never went. They basically never went to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:56:45 They never got any shots. They breastfed. They hardly ever wear shoes. They are filthy mongrels. And compared to just anecdotal. Compared to all the kids I know around that, my kids never have ear infections, sicknesses, colds, like they just none of that shit. They just power right through it. And just even yesterday, there was a lady they hung out with all day. She was a first grade teacher for fucking, I don't know, 20, 30 years. And she's like, holy shit. And my wife and I are like, what?
Starting point is 00:57:18 She's like, those are three fucking amazing fucking kids. And they don't go to school. They don't do they're just like please thank you and they're just engaged with the fucking world from as the liver king would say from their bare feet and a lot and you know suza's been around him and obviously he has to say nice shit as my friend but uh there's there's but i wouldn't do it all the time if i didn't mean it i would do it one time for political reasons and you never hear me talk about it again. It's, um, it's, it's, um, really, I just stay connected to them and I just enforce the rules and, uh, and, and they,
Starting point is 00:57:56 you know, and I'm, and I'm not saying that no kid ever got, I'm not saying that there's not a value to medicine. There's a tremendous value to medicine. I'm not saying that there's not a value to medicine. There's a tremendous value to medicine. I'm not saying that, um, that, but,
Starting point is 00:58:07 um, yeah, that's it. I agree. Medicine has its place. And I think we've, we went from like being witch doctors to like, oh, now like we know things about diseases and stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:21 And now it seems like it's almost edging back towards like yeah but we're still fucking idiots that's a problem that nobody has is all the people bought 50 years ago in all their knowledge they were the smartest of their time and everybody before them were dumb and now we're here and we're the smartest of our time and everything else is dumb and which is going to piggyback off two comments i want to address this first one here by daniel who said how many kids would get it without the vaccine? Tis the problem, Daniel. There is no.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Wait, wait, wait, wait. How many kids would get what? Just in general. I think they were talking about the polio discussion, but just in general. And here's the problem, Daniel. Without having true science being performed with control groups and actual studies that don't have bias because their dollars aren't entangled in them. We will never know. Caleb made this point earlier about serotonin.
Starting point is 00:59:07 We do know about measles. We do know. So, so sorry, real quick. If you just go up and look on any site, you can go to the CDC website and look at vaccine. Look at a measles outbreaks.
Starting point is 00:59:18 The 10 years prior to the vaccine, you will be like, wait, what? They gave all the kids in the United States, a measles shot because of this you will be fucking blown away when you see the numbers only 500 fucking kids a year for the fucking every year for the 10 years prior to the vaccine came out got the fucking measles
Starting point is 00:59:35 that's if you believe those numbers 500 is like nothing that's like that's that's a rounding error and now if you look whenever there's meas outbreaks, half the kids fucking have the vaccine. And no kid who gets the measles gets the measles again. But if you get the vaccine, same with chicken pox, same with all of these, same with fucking COVID, same with all – you will get it again. I'm not making an argument either way. I'm just saying these are the facts. This isn't tinfoil shit. Go to the CDC and look.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Go to any hospital. Yeah. Okay, sorry. Go ahead. And the point I was trying to make was the replica crisis, and we've talked about this. Oh, yeah, the replication crisis. Yes. And so based off what Caleb was saying about serotonin levels earlier, he was saying, hey, we're testing and saying we need to increase serotonin levels, but we don't know what we're increasing them from and what we're increasing them to. And we don't actually have a baseline because we haven't
Starting point is 01:00:27 done a controlled group. Because in order to do that, you would have to first classify what healthy and normal is, right? And then you would have to say, all these people did this, and this is where their serotonin levels were at, and so on and so forth. So the argument that you're making there should just be made in the sense of that there is no more ground science. And then Christopher put up another one that said bro science with like a cry face and a gun to the head. And I have a real problem with that because basically what you're saying is nobody could talk about this because we're not educated enough and leave it up to the people that are educated. Listen, at no point in time have we ever said like we're giving strong medical advice and you should follow us. But what we are doing is we're discussing a bunch of stuff that is happening around us.
Starting point is 01:01:08 And without the ability to discuss and process this stuff, there is no advancement of it. All you're doing is just be bowing down to whatever authority is telling you. And that's a slippery slope because as we know, intent of authority changes over time. And there's also conflict of interest there. So yes, Christopher, if somebody's going to listen to us and then go you know what i'm going to listen to them for medical advice that's on that one person but if you're going to join the discussion and process the information that we're being presented maybe maybe you'll learn something so stop trying to silence people with that kind of shit that kind of talk is like suggesting that the guy who pumps your gas at the gas station understands how oil comes out of the ground when you give doctors get it's it's you're completely it's it's what it is that's
Starting point is 01:01:51 just just crazy absurd defensiveness do you remember a couple months ago when monkeypox came out and it said that 98 of the people who had it in the 16 countries that they found it in were um a gay man yeah now two months later yesterday cnbc is like uh monkeypox is uh um for some reason is only in the gay community like the doctors have now finally told us two months later you fucking knucklehead we knew two months ago i can read those numbers i don't need to wait for a doctor i knew i knew when covid came out and china released the data way back in late 2019, early 2020, when they said 65% of the people who died in China were men who've been smoking 30 years or more. I knew that it wasn't a disease for me. I knew that the second most amount of people who died in that group were the women who lived with those men who were also over 65.
Starting point is 01:02:44 I knew that that wasn't for me. And when people said, oh, it only kills old people. I knew that was a lie, too, because they're conflating the statistic of smoking for 30 years with age and age is just just a correlate. And of course, you have to do something to do something for 30 years. You have to be old. So when you can just kind of think for a second but when you can't think you say stuff like oh bro science that's when you can't think that's that's when you're fucking clever you're clever and you're being defensive yeah at least they corrected themselves on monkeypox in two months instead of waiting two years to say oh
Starting point is 01:03:22 hey maybe exercise yeah yeah they never issued an apology to us. Hey, Sean, I don't know if monkeypox is an STD. I'm not even sure what that means, but I will say this. I am so fucking curious if all the people who had monkeypox also were vaccinated. If there's something, because there's all these huge, huge names coming out of Stanford now, huge names saying that basically the mRNA vaccine has damaged our immune system and it's causing all these other things to bubble to the surface.
Starting point is 01:03:54 So do you know anything about that? Is monkeypox an STD? Have you heard that, Caleb? I haven't heard that. I don't think it can technically be classified as an STD but i honestly haven't looked at too much into it there at one point they were saying oh it's a state of emergency we need to like do something about it but i don't i think everybody's just like fuck you i'm not doing that so uh it is weird how the kids got it makes me nervous i think how the dogs got it is dogs like
Starting point is 01:04:20 asshole at least i've all the dogs i've had i've always seen like asshole uh clive is an absolute beaut tells it how it is goes on fax and is willing to take the time to dig for the info i agree he's a great contributor to this uh to this podcast always has been he may even have my he's one of the dms i always try to spend a little time with um several on as of august 9th 92% of monkeypox cases vaccinated according to cdc yeah something's happening something's happened to immune systems worldwide i'm not sure what we just got to keep following our food our synthetic drugs our inability to exercise our screen time i think these are all things that are contributing to our immune systems our synthetic foods mostly did you want to, did you want to punch me one day? Oh shit.
Starting point is 01:05:06 What? I just got an invite to a party. Fancy. I want to brag so bad. Are you going to, if I go to this party, you're going with me too. Me?
Starting point is 01:05:24 Yeah. Yes. Oh shoot. The party's in me too. Me? Yeah. Yes. Oh, shoot. The party's in three days. I won't be there. Oh, my invite has been revoked. Somebody asked too if we were going to talk about the student loan debt. Did you want to touch base on that?
Starting point is 01:05:39 I know we got needs here. There is a – Caleb, do you want to to say anything did we get you riled up yeah caleb's hot on this subject i like it he comes like he's got it i've got i've got no dog in the fight on this one i just know but you laid out there and you and you do have access to the not access but you know more of the information due to the field that you're working in and i think your opinion is really cool and important on these um topics on any topic topic caleb but especially this one just just more medicine i know more about medicine than anything else but no three good uh three two three three 26 elizabeth warren student loans so i'm just going to lay this out for you because some of you might not be able to hear it well.
Starting point is 01:06:26 But it's a gentleman who walks up to Elizabeth Warren and says, hey, I paid for my – I worked really hard and saved money and paid for my daughter's loans. Now that you're going to waive student debt, will you waive – will you pay me back? And so this is – here we go. It's from two years ago. My daughter is getting out of school. I saved all my money. She doesn't have any student loans. Am I going to get my money back? from two years ago. funds, bought a car, went on vacations. I saved my money. He made more than I did. But I worked a double shift, worked extra. My daughter works and she's 10. So you're laughing. Yeah, that's exactly what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:07:12 We did the right thing and we get screwed. I appreciate that. All right, cover your head. So basically, this is a father walking up to Elizabeth Warren saying, hey, I work two jobs. I put my daughter through college. My buddy who makes more money than me, they got a student loan
Starting point is 01:07:28 and they used the money to buy a car and buy other shit and now you're going to waive their student loan. I don't know what the solution is. Solution is pay back your fucking loans. You took that shit out. You took the responsibility. You signed on the dotted line. So did the parents.
Starting point is 01:07:43 The problem is that you got in bed with the government because they weren't going to allow you to go bankrupt on them because they were going to guarantee the loan even though you had zero fucking dollars. What about this, Susan? You know how there just keeps being this thing where they just want to tax people more and more and more money? Which is also a falsity yeah but yeah 10 10 of the population pays 70 of the tax why why don't those same people who are putting the effort in just demand that the rich people are taxed more ask where the current tax dollars are going no no i don't know all the time yeah i don't know any rich people who like take their money into their backyard and burn it. The richest guy I know spends his money and creates so many fucking jobs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Here's the thing. People think of it as stockpiling money. So let's say you make the average $50,000 income in the US, and let's say I'm a billionaire. The way that people view it, because they don't have financial literacy is they think that I have a massive pile of money behind me and I'm hoarding all of it. And the more my pile grows, the less your pile is ability to have. So most people think I should give away some of my pile because somehow it'll go to your pile. And the problem is that the people that are in that billionaire state, it's not cash. They've grown an asset that brings a certain amount of value to it that they own that asset. Therefore, they have the value that is in their net worth. It's not the stockpile of dollars behind them. So that's the first thing that people get 100% confused and wrong about is that they think that you, me having more means you have less.
Starting point is 01:09:26 And that's not the truth. Oh, is that what they think? That's the most, most people that I talk to that they say billionaires, I say insane. I know. I say you realize that they don't have, they don't look up their checking account, billion dollars in there. Right. And in fact, those people are adding to the equation. They're growing the economic pie. So as their valuation of their company that they own grows, that in turn comes into jobs and everything else. Now, there is issues with parts of capitalism, just like there's with everything else. But the overall picture is, is that when Jeff Bezos becomes a billionaire, think of the amount of jobs and the amount of value that he's created in the marketplace that he owns a piece of that. Therefore,
Starting point is 01:10:06 that's why he has a buddy just buy a $2 million boat. That's going to be built by hand. And it's going to take, it's going to take like 30 guys, like 11 months to build it. Just employed them for 11 months. Yeah. Created more value in their business
Starting point is 01:10:25 because now they took on that job so they're and now those dudes have that and now now those dudes have that money yep and now they're gonna spend it um elsewhere so my thought is is like if you're concerned about taxes just tell your politicians to spend it like if you if you want um tell your politicians to fire half of their staff and then lower the cost of schooling. Yeah. I mean, it's that confusion that people think that the money comes out of thin air. I've heard people say all the time, well, it's government money. It's government money. Guys, pay attention real closely.
Starting point is 01:11:07 The government has no money money it they have zero dollars they have your money that they are taking and they're borrowing from our future and they're borrowing from our kids kids kids kids kids future and there's no and there's no government either it's fucking people that's another thing it's it's fucking the the people who work in the government all the the the admins types the politicians they're basically the same as the people on welfare it's a popularity contest they run and we're like okay we're gonna give you money we trust you with our money but they're just people with your taxpayer dollars we can give away free condoms by the way way. So I appreciate that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:48 As long as it keeps you guys safe from monkey pox, we're good. What, what, what did the Navy, that's the Navy. Hold on. Hey, what did, what did, what did Hunter do yesterday? Did you guys see Hunter hit the deck at La Pat Valley on the obstacle course? Maybe it's his on his Instagram. big universities are giant money laundering schemes they're guaranteed their money up front from the government yeah i was it's funny you say that sean i was just imagining like if you walk onto any campus in california you you're like who pays for this this is insane this is insane oh wow oh oh look at what a stud he just rolls out oh that hurt him that hurt him
Starting point is 01:12:29 yeah it shook him a little bit oh yeah yeah yeah that was a shoulder look at that oh look yeah yeah yeah he he's a shoulder head it's a shoulder head knock oh yeah know what? I'm going to fucking flex my muscle here. Let's see if we can get him on and ask him what the fuck happened. Just see if he'll jump on. Hey, also, too, this student loan debt thing, as the midterms get closer and closer, it's going to ramp up more and more and more, and the promises are going to become more and more, and it's going to seem closer, like your student loan debt is going to ramp up more and more and more. And the promises are going to become more and more. And it's going to seem closer like your student loan debt is going to get canceled.
Starting point is 01:13:07 And then the midterms will be over and then nothing will change. Just so just so we're all on the same page. Oh, you mean they're not they'll never. I don't think they'll do anything. I think they're going to try to hang the carrot out front and say, you know, hey, like, what was the news thing? President Biden is expected to announce that he will cancel $10,000 of student loan debts for people earning $125,000 or less. What the fuck? How about you apply them some personal finance courses? That'd be a better help. Oh, there's someone who's been on the line the whole time. Sorry, I just hung up. What? I was wondering if you were scuba diving or something.
Starting point is 01:13:46 I couldn't figure out what that noise was. Caller, hi. Okay, here's back to the caller. Hey, caller, hi. Sorry, how long were you on hold? About 22 minutes. No big deal. I was enjoying the conversation.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Fuck, dude. You're a fucking warrior. And then you know what I did? I i just hung up on you but you called back you're a fucking yeah i figured no problem you're a good dude definitely i hope i get some bad karma today i hope like a fucking whale bites me when i'm out in the ocean or something like that fuck oh my god sorry that's sperm whale there's responsibility that comes with answering this phone caller goer, go ahead. The floor is yours. Say something smart. First of all, just wanted to say thanks.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Loving the show. Great game coverage. Thanks to all you guys for everything that you do for the sport. I was going to say something. I was going to jump in for a sec about the government money conversation and just say that the only money that the government does have, the Federal Reserve gives to other banks to create stimulus but they're basically giving that government money that people think they all have to pretty much the one percent um that's my two cents on that uh if you get hunter on seven can you see my phone number
Starting point is 01:14:55 uh i can see your name i can see your wife's okay all right i can see your wife's name i was hoping you could give hunter my cell number uh because I wanted to talk to him about some research that I'm doing on high rocks racing. I do some high rocks racing myself. I got one coming up in November in Dallas. And I wanted to get his feedback on some race research that I've been doing. But if he doesn't have or if you can't see my number, then I'll just see if I can use my wife's Instagram to contact him. But I figured he'd be the best person to go to. I'm sure I could see your number.
Starting point is 01:15:28 His wife's Instagram. Just go to the last person who called and hit the info. You probably have the number there. Then you can just share that contact with Hunter. Let me see. Recent. Okay, I do see it. I do see it. So this is why he held in for 22 minutes it's a it ends in a nine seven yeah correct okay yeah uh what do i say hunter can you please text this hunter this guy
Starting point is 01:15:56 wants to talk to you about high rocks uh exactly that'd be great just send shoot me a text or something and you're not going to do anything weird? No, not at all. You won't be high maintenance? You won't be high maintenance? Not at all. No, I think this could be I think it could be helpful. Well, that's what I want to do.
Starting point is 01:16:21 I want to see how I can add value to his life and to the score of Pyrox. Okay. I'm warning you, he's what I want to do. I want to see how I can add value to his life and to the sport of high rock. Okay. I'm warning you, he's cantankerous. He's wild. Cantankerous. Don't contact Hunter through your wife's Instagram.
Starting point is 01:16:39 That's a bad idea. I do agree with what Kyle said. That guy is a... Oh, shit. You don't want your wife contacting him. No one wants their wife being contacted by him. He is a man-child. He is something special.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Well, to be fair, it's actually not her Instagram. It's the Instagram that she set up for our dog a while back when we had our dog and managed to gather 6,000 followers on that thing. Wow. Holy shit. did the dog die yeah he passed away back in march oh i'm sorry what kind of dogs he was a pit and boxer mix wow that's a fucking handful boxers are a handful yeah he was he was great though high energy how'd he die hit by car uh kidney failure he became anemic and yeah it was rough back he got back he's vaccinated for sure um sebon can you send my phone number to all your hot and single friends since you are like connecting people of course i am uh yeah hunters that it's a it's a lot of man it's different he's different than a crossfitter because he's so big he's a lot of dude did you see him fall off the cargo net there like
Starting point is 01:17:56 that's just a slab of meat hitting the ground that's a big dude all right so you don't want to talk okay i'll send him your number all right thank you guys appreciate y'all bye if you wait 22 minutes you too can get your number sent to hunter mcintyre um if you guys have not seen the new line of clothes at life is rx you should see them if you like the ceo gear it is uh i'm kind of blown away at how fast it's selling it's awesome i don't think we're going to run out i'm not suggesting that um but there is there are some really really really really cool colors there and then if you would like to get the uh ceo shirts that we were um giving away free at the games like that green one you can head over to vindicate i
Starting point is 01:18:42 have all this shit waiting for me at home i cannot wait to wear it hi caller hi hey it's on the green one it's cool too hi hey with your kids you have them doing a lot of outside sports like skateboarding and tennis do you find that beneficial to like their like athletic development especially at an early age uh i have a young kid myself and we're looking to get him into gymnastics or something like that but just don't know how soon to get him into that and I try to talk to the family physician about that and that's like talk to a
Starting point is 01:19:14 brick wall. How old is your kid? Three. So I was completely over the top when I first had the kid and I would take Avi just to everything. Right. So at 18 months, I had him in ballet, soccer, just whatever you named list. And I realized that all at 18 months, all of those classes, at least the places I went, they were all the same.
Starting point is 01:19:37 Right. So ballet barely looked different than soccer, barely different than tennis, look barely different. They basically did the same games with the kids, the same groups. They all had the parachute, even the ballet class, soccer class, they all had the pair. And so, um, it was, it was cool. I liked it, but it felt more like when you take your puppy to the dog park, you know what I mean? It felt more than just like socializing and like, you're just the overexcited parent, right? Who wants to do too much with their kids, but it's cool. I'm glad I did it. And, uh, and I, and I highly recommend it if you have the energy and effort and time to do it.
Starting point is 01:20:11 And maybe at the same time, especially if you have a girl, I think girls develop faster. Um, is yours a boy or a girl? Boy. Well, I mean, we're going to let him decide as whatever he wants to be at the right age, but yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Good. All right. Thank you. You're good. I mean, I started to stay woke whatever he wants to be at the right age but yeah boy for now thank you I mean I try to stay woke in this house
Starting point is 01:20:29 just give him a pair of scissors in a glass jar and be like hey if you're ever fucking just tired of that penis just break the glass jar and just cut that thing off good idea all my sons at birth got a glass jar with a pair of scissors in it and of course some
Starting point is 01:20:45 hydrogen peroxide since caleb's here and some cotton balls um yeah yeah please hydroxide first so but you know what i would do with my kid which which uh i think was the best thing i spent i would spend hours uh fortune i had the time and i would spend hours walking with avi every day like literally every day for the first two years of his life. And so basically I would say I would find like a beer garden that was a mile from my house or a coffee shop and we would fucking walk there. And sometimes that walk would take fucking five hours because he would he would find a driveway and just want to run down it and up it, run down it and up it. And I just sit on the ground there and just watch him. He would or he would see a curb
Starting point is 01:21:25 and just jump up and down, up and down, up and down. And I would just sit there and he'd fall and he'd cry and just do. And I would just sit there and watch him just interact with the urban terrain. And then we'd get there and I'd get my cup of coffee and be like, ah, I would start the journey back, right? Get a beer. We'd start the journey back. And another thing I would do is I would, I would try not to bring a stroller because if he ever fell asleep or got tired that's when i would carry him and so then i would get my workout and if i couldn't carry anymore i'd set him down and we'd have to be like all right we got to figure you got to chill here for a while yeah we got chill for head for summit in the morning and that i did that for uh a long time and then at four is i think when shit really started getting um like that's
Starting point is 01:22:09 when he started doing jujitsu uh three days a week um and i think the first year of that was maybe almost pointless except for the fact that he got to interact with those kids which was awesome and then at um then i think at five or six, I'd always had a skateboard around. He said, Hey, I'm going to ride that every day for a year. And I said, okay, I'll help you do that. And I, and I set them up goals every a hundred days. He got ice cream and at 365 days, he got an ice cream cake. And when you set goals like that, also what that does is it makes it so as a parent, you don't have to get him ice cream or anything sweet because he knows it's 94 days away. So imagine like when he knows when you set a goal for someone, I'm just realizing just this right now. I never had to be like, no, you can't have any cake or you can't have any ice cream. You can't have any cookies because he knew it was 51 days away. Right. But I would make but but I always set him up for success, dude. So like it's eight o'clock at night and he hasn't ridden a skateboard, I'd be like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:23:09 let's go in the garage. And all you have to do is stand on it for five minutes. And we'd go in the garage and I'd start a timer and he'd stand on it for five minutes. And of course, after standing on it for five minutes, it turns into 20 minutes of playing with the skateboard. Right. And it didn't matter if he wrote it, it would be, it would be like, he could just do circles in it, or he could just, I would just let him like, like um stand underneath it and flip it over and try to land on it and i just and then so then he started and then that turned into skateboarding every day for a year and then i would set up the thing where hey um i had his grandmother buy him a go-kart if he ran a mile every day for a year and of course he i would say five of the days he ran the mile non-stop but it was
Starting point is 01:23:45 just about doing that and um and then i got him into uh tennis and then it made me want to play tennis and i just built like that i don't know if i'm answering your question but yeah in a round about way you are but i think that's the point and i would just and i always bought balls i would buy a bucket of balls and just be like hey let's just i want you to throw 10 balls with your right hand 10 balls with your left hand and i would just celebrate each throw with him and then we'd start again and um and and now it's just become normal it's just um your kids have probably done more landmark like achievements like running a mile like stuff like that than most people probably have in their entire,
Starting point is 01:24:27 like 30 plus years of existence. Right. Like the wrong, I've done more with them than I did in my previous, in my existence. Wow. Sure. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:24:36 for sure. That's well said, Caleb. That's interesting. I play more tennis in a week with my kids than I played tennis in my whole life. And now, and now I like,
Starting point is 01:24:44 I mean, yeah. And you know what? now I like, I mean, yeah. And you know what? I don't let them, some parents will be like, I let them choose. I don't let them choose. Do you know what I mean by that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:58 I mean, you gotta let them choose some stuff, but for the most part, yeah. I mean, I'm not gonna let my kid choose what he eats every day the illusion of choice the illusion of choice like we do they're going to do jujitsu until they're 13 three days a week
Starting point is 01:25:15 like that they're just going to and if they don't the power struggle is going to happen there at the venue I'm going to take them there and then they're just going to have to put on their gi and sit on the mat. And then that'll be their choice. I won't fight with them. I won't make it a negative experience, but, or, or some people will be like,
Starting point is 01:25:35 some kids will play tennis for like a year and then I won't see the kid anymore. And then they'll come back a year later and I'll be like, what happened? And they'll be like, Oh, Sally just didn't want to play anymore. I would never, I would never, if my kid said he didn't want to play tennis, I wouldn't even ignore, I wouldn't even acknowledge that he said that. And the reason why is because I, I, I think what would I want for myself? You know, I, I don't, um, I don't want to say, I don't want to say that. I don't want to say that.'t want to say I don't want to people living their lives to their kids. But yeah, I do that. I'm trying to get the life I wish I had as a kid.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Yeah, yeah, exactly. I'm guilty of that. But it's kind of like this. I don't want my wife going to the refrigerator and cutting herself a piece of cake and asking me if I want a piece. That's not the person I want to be around. I want her to take that piece of cake and eat it in the closet. And I want I want her to be considerate of how she influences me. I don't want it to be 11 o'clock at night and she pours herself a bowl of ice cream and sits down next to me.
Starting point is 01:26:31 I don't think that's responsible, and I'm going to do the same thing for my kids. It's just – if I went to the refrigerator at noon and I cut up some celery, I cut up some celery for her and throw some – and pull some chicken off the fucking – Rodisserie. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, thank you. And so I want to do the same for my kids. So if I'm going to tennis and my kid's in the back screaming, I don't want to go to tennis, I'm not even engaging them. And it happens.
Starting point is 01:26:58 But every time we go, my kids – once we get there, my kids are like so stoked. And now my kids are so proud of themselves because they can do tennis they can throw punches they can ride a skateboard they're so proud of themselves i signed my kid up for fucking tennis camp this year all three kids they they hated the idea of it and when we got there and they realized they were the best skaters there they fucking loved it and there were some girls there they were fucking out of their mind five days of heaven i never seen them skate so much and i told them afterwards i go yeah bitches now what they're like yeah thank you my mom did the same thing to me she my mom sent me
Starting point is 01:27:39 away to school to london for six months i did not want to fucking go can you imagine she sent me to college there to the university of london for six months i kicked did not want to fucking go. Can you imagine? She sent me to college there, to the University of London for six months. I kicked and screamed the whole way. Dude, thank you. Sounds spoiled. That's an experience that most people don't get. The other thing I wanted to bring up a while back in that podcast
Starting point is 01:27:57 talking about all the fat people at Disneyland. If you ever go to another country... Yeah, sorry. I went to Costco. i went to and i saw the same thing by the way and i fucking fell out i couldn't even believe it but sorry go ahead go ahead sorry going to other countries i went uh did a cruise in europe a couple years ago and there's large people in other countries but coming back to america i just realized that we got the fattest fatties. We're number one, baby. Other than their fatties.
Starting point is 01:28:29 We don't fuck around. We do it all out here. I honestly don't know what it is because, I mean, they have McDonald's. They have fast food, Kraft. Their McDonald's and Burger King is so much different. Yeah, they literally will have the same products with different ingredients because in the UK and in Europe, they banned a lot of the ingredients that the food companies have lobbied for to keep in our thing here. And our trusted experts and politicians slid that money right into their pocket and changed the regulations. and change the regulations hey um uh another thing about the kids if you can get your kids in one one-on-one coaching i think that's been huge for my kids for relationship building and
Starting point is 01:29:15 actually that is why i got my kids into i i was more interested in the quality of the coach than the sports by far i wanted my kids to have good relationships. And their relationship with their tennis coach is fascinating. It's a trip. The guy is such a trip. And it's just, yeah. He brings a level of maturity to the night that I could never bring. Say that again?
Starting point is 01:29:45 And having that outside voice is huge. Say that again? Having that outside voice is huge. Growing up, if my parents were like, hey, do your homework, I wouldn't listen to them. But if I was being watched by the neighbor for the afternoon and she was like, do your homework, I fucking did it. Shit. So it's just like an extra print. Yeah. You know what I was doing there, bud? Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Yeah. I had a neighbor across the street, Candy. Candy? Yeah. Was he nice? No, she was great. Oh. I wish my mom would have used her to babysit me more.
Starting point is 01:30:16 I think she only used her like once or twice. Your mom's a smart lady. Robbed you from some interesting experiences. My mom was smart, but my mom was oblivious she didn't know she didn't know nothing oh my goodness she was too busy working trying to put food on the table all right thanks for calling buddy thank you thank you guys bye later somebody had asked about the like organized sports and i think you already said it best i'm on like if you're any organization that you're any organization
Starting point is 01:30:46 that you're putting your kids in, you should definitely look at the leadership and the coaches more so than, than almost the sport, like all things being equal. You saw that in the comments. Yeah. Somebody just asked about like team sports for kids. And, um, I just feel like I, I don't have any kids and I don't, they're not playing team sports, but being around the parents that do have them in, the biggest difference is how involved politically they are with the other parents that are running the organization versus how much is actually put into the kids in their sports.
Starting point is 01:31:17 So a lot of times that I know some of the people that are in like the little league with baseball and stuff at a certain threshold, especially as your kid becomes more like advanced or you go to the all-star or you want to be on the winning team it becomes less about the kids in the sport and the development of the kids as people and it becomes way more about the politics of the parents and the governing bodies that are oh how much money you're you're funding for the club and oh yeah because then it's like well johnny gets to play well him and so and so are best friends and that's the head coach who runs the organization so that's why he's on the all-star team even though
Starting point is 01:31:48 your kid earned it and you have all this like political bs that starts to get involved so anytime you're getting i haven't seen that yet but i but i but well you're not in organized sports you're not in organized sports everything yeah the way to get to i mean excuse me not in a team organized yeah and i'm really not in organized sports either yeah so that's where it starts to get a little bit more political not for all but for some of them and then also too you're going to run into other parents's influences right so we go back to uh savannah i talk about it like you have the team mom that comes up with the snacks for the kids the chances of your snacks being animal cracker cookies and Capri suns at halftime are now going to be exponentially higher. So just
Starting point is 01:32:32 pay attention to the people that you're getting involved with, with the organized sport would be, you know, my two bit advice. Here's the thing too, and this is going back to that CrossFit class we're talking about. Like, do you have a CrossFit class that you want to teach or do you have a CrossFit class that attracts the most people so you can keep your doors open? When I would take my kids to gymnastics camp, I realized that gymnastics camp was really just a place to babysit. It was four hours a day and one hour of it was gymnastics. The other hour was arts and crafts and the other hour was eating goldfish and drinking Capri Suns. And the other hour was just fucking playing ass grab with the other kids. And I didn't like that ratio but that was the ratio that um but
Starting point is 01:33:10 that helped keep the the um the doors open i i don't take my kids to these there are parents who take these their kids to these places to be babysat i would say the vast majority of the parents do that i'm not i'm i'm not interested in that i'm not taking my kids um to uh i'm taking my kids to have quality human interaction with a coach and to and to behave with intention yeah and that's where the team sports would be really great because if you have a like-minded appearance that are that are like that and they're making it about the development of the kids and, you know,
Starting point is 01:33:45 them learning out on the field and learning how to play with each other. There's nothing better than a team organized sport for that interaction. The problem is just sometimes the governing bodies of that. I had my twins in soccer. They did not dominate. One did though. I don't know why that's funny, but I don't know why that's funny but i don't know why that's funny too but
Starting point is 01:34:06 i think it's funny um literally what public school is a babysitter hey what time is it where you're at is it nighttime um it's a little bit it's about dinner time okay caller hi hey savannah mark went there hey could you give dave castro my number man i just have some thoughts Okay. Caller, hi. Hey, Savant. This is Mark Fuentes. Hey, could you give Dave Castro my number, man? I just have some thoughts. Oh, so good. So good. Oh, my goodness. Hey, I'm going to give you
Starting point is 01:34:39 that other dude's number and you just call him up and unfuck him, okay? Hey, this is Hunter. Hey, wait. What was your last name fuentes fuentes yeah yeah you're that's mexican i can give you dave castro's number no problem oh yeah brown on brown is cool such a good one mark that was hilarious i actually have a little bit of a topic though about high rocks because i think uh hillar put out a video this morning about uh well i think he was clickbait you know the whole like are high rocks athletes better than um crossfit athletes and he used hunter as like did i say hunter probably i meant hillar
Starting point is 01:35:17 i don't know which one you said it right i'm following okay yeah yeah yeah it's still following. McIntyre was basically better than most of the crossfitters at the game. I think he might actually have a point in a certain way. I'm doing it in November too, so I was hoping that guy would actually just post what his research was
Starting point is 01:35:42 instead of just saying, oh, it's only for Hunter McIntyre to read. He needs the help, right? He hasn't really won anything, so I guess he needs help in figuring out how to really break through that barrier. I watched the first time I had him on. I researched High Rocks pretty good, and then I had the founder of High
Starting point is 01:36:02 Rocks on, and I researched that shit pretty good. That event researched high rocks pretty good and then i had the founder of high rocks on and i researched that shit pretty good uh those that that event thing that they do is pretty fucking gnarly i don't i don't know if i want to say that they're fitter but that thing is fucking nuts and and i and i don't think um i don't think anyone at the games goes in and beats hunter at that i really i i don't think they come close probably and if it is someone it's definitely not like justin or tia it's probably more like someone who's like and i'm thinking more like a uh like a like a third that helga thurga's daughter that that that chick who wouldn't wasn't able to do the row or a Christy Aramo, one of them might tear that shit up. It's a lot of running.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Fatigue running. Sam Dancer came and did it. When I did it in LA, Sam Dancer, and there was one Masters athlete who won it. Hefner's done it. A couple other people have done it, and they haven't come close. Maybe Hayley Adams would smash that shit.
Starting point is 01:37:08 Yeah. Yeah, she'd be good. I mean, I just feel like it's blowing up. It's actually getting there. They're moving. They're having their first high rocks in Australia and Sydney pretty soon. But Hiller made a point this morning that it could end up being an Olympic sport because it's so consistent.
Starting point is 01:37:26 Like you won't see trots that they're ever, because it's never something that's predictable. They're all going to be with the Olympic sport thing. I don't, I never understood that. Hey, does all that makes me think is when, when you say that, Mark, does it just make you think that the Olympics is stupid because of that? It's like, like that, the fact that they can't, if they can't accommodate something as a dynamic as crossfit then i just think they're stupid it's like i think i think general physical
Starting point is 01:37:55 fitness should be a category in the olympics instead of it being such a single um modality like every everything that's just one thing or another thing and it should be anything that's like like for example they have a cross-country race right but they change the course that's about all they'll change but they need if they're introducing something high rocks i think is a front runner for being something that categorizes fitness instead of just all right. Who's the fastest runner in general. Yeah. Anyway. All right. Thanks guys. And then pop for drugs because I rocks doesn't change. Uh, three, two, three 27. This is fascinating.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Columbia's thinking about, um, Columbia's thinking about legalizing cocaine did you see that decriminalizing cocaine use we've lost the world yeah yeah this is nuts uh we had that this is um uh ed manifesto's instagram account he was on the podcast a few months back columbia is calling for an end to the war. It wants instead to lead a global experiment decriminalizing cocaine. Two weeks after taking office, the country's first leftist government is proposing an end to the prohibition and the start of government regulated cocaine market through legislation and alliance with other leftist governments in the region. Officials in the South American nation hope to turn their country into a
Starting point is 01:39:27 laboratory for drug decriminalization. It is time for a new international convention that accepts that the war on drugs has failed, President Gustavo Petro said in his inaugural address this month. Interesting. said in his inaugural address this month. Interesting. We want to take the money away from the cartel and give it to the government.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Take it away from this organized crime group and give it to this organized group. All the, all the people that I know that are addicted to substances, they're off a little bit but the people that i've been i've known to be addicted to meth are like off a lot a bit like something's like something really goes sideways with them like doing stuff that fucks with your sleep is no bueno you know any do you know any healthy people who who do do you know i mean i know some people who that fucks with your sleep is no bueno.
Starting point is 01:40:27 Do you know any healthy people who do? Do you know? I mean, I know some people who smoke weed who I could maybe say are healthy or who drink a lot of alcohol who I could say are healthy. Healthy is maybe not the right word, but I don't know anyone who's... Like a recreational cocaine user?
Starting point is 01:40:44 Yeah, I don't know any functional methods. Yeah. No, I don't think so at all. And even their shit unravels after a while. Yeah. I mean, it like anything else,
Starting point is 01:40:57 it's a coping mechanism majority of the time. Right. So if you're using it as a coping mechanism and then it doesn't work as well or as effectively and you start dosing yourself higher and the problems can continue to come more it's like at some point it just gets completely out of control right if you're not having a good time in life and you're like i'm gonna do some meth because i think this is gonna really help me out like your your problems are just gonna exacerbate they're not gonna like get better this isn't this is an interesting
Starting point is 01:41:23 observation the entire 80s nba n NFL had a pretty solid cocaine habit. Yeah, I mean. I mean, what do I know? Maybe those like Wolf of Wall Street types have a copious cocaine and alcohol problem, and they're all excelling at life. Maybe they know something we don't. Portugal has decriminalized all drugs since 2000. Wow, I even know is that true i don't know i don't know what the answer is there but i do know that if their government is now regulating it it just means that the power and control of
Starting point is 01:41:59 that substance is just switching hands from the organization of the cartel to the organization of the government i didn't do a lot of those drugs i dabbled in that yeah right right well said suza but um uh they they i didn't um i didn't find them uh compatible with living a rich life well happy life i don't think that you you probably weren't using it to fulfill something else i mean maybe an early development or something like that like a lot of the people that have issues with them usually have some sort of problem with uh within their upbringing or some sort of trauma or something like that that they're not fully dealing with and that they're using the drugs to cope with that they're running from portugal decriminalized the public and private
Starting point is 01:42:43 use acquisition and possession of all drugs in the 2000s adopting an approach to focus on public health rather than the public order priorities arguing the portuguese drug policy model has not proven influential enough to emancipate drug use from the stigma that associates it either with crime or pathology this article critically discusses the developments and current challenges portuguese drug policy confronts. Didn't Oregon and Washington legalize all drugs? I feel, now that you mentioned that, but I think I do remember you could have crack somewhere.
Starting point is 01:43:19 Like they weren't criminalizing crack? Yeah, you could have crack. I remember them saying something like you could have crack and be fine, but you could also be charged with sexual harassment if you use the wrong pronoun. It's like, it's just some fucking crazy shit like that.
Starting point is 01:43:32 That makes sense. Yes. That's an extreme. Uh, all right. Um, this evening we have a show. Thank you everyone for tuning in.
Starting point is 01:43:43 We have a show on, uh, the 10 greatest moments from the 2000. 22 CrossFit games. Uh, the show will be, the stars of the show will be, um,
Starting point is 01:43:53 Mr. J. R. Howell, who has skyrocketed to superstardom after his insane number of predictions that he got, uh, correct about the 2022 CrossFit games, the movements, and of course, Taylor,
Starting point is 01:44:09 the thumb self, the most charismatic bald man who's ever been on the show. Sorry, Caleb. Call her. Hi. Hi, how's it going guys? Good. uh caller hi damn it hi how's it going guys good hey I just
Starting point is 01:44:28 I wanted to just interject a quick thing and and um I just tuned in but this morning I was listening to the top 100 with Brian
Starting point is 01:44:36 um and I've I've messaged you before my concerns with Brian um about his cocaine use among other things concerns concerns with Brian. About his cocaine use? Among other things.
Starting point is 01:44:47 Concerns. I just, I wish when you ask him about any given dude, that he didn't have to say, listen, I can't deny his fitness. He's very fit. He's very,
Starting point is 01:45:03 you know, I mean, I wish you would just go in on the dude and say his issue with him, why he's an idiot. Given this test, he's an idiot. I don't know, man. I don't know. I know she's got big-ass titties.
Starting point is 01:45:23 I know she's got a great ass, but she's just really high-maintenance. You don't want any of that. You want, yo, that bitch is high maintenance. Yes, yes. Yeah, okay. Well, you got to remember, he needs to still be friends with all these athletes. I think that's why he's playing the nice that he's in. Why don't you like it that he does that?
Starting point is 01:45:40 Doesn't that contextualize it, or you just think it's like beating around the bush, or it wastes your time, or like, why don't you like that? Beating around the bush, because the reason I love love this podcast because there's none of that here whatsoever and which especially i mean freaking sean woodland and pat sherwood so much fake just stuff and uh with the way they talk and um i just i get some of that here please Well, please, let's be friendly here. Please, please, Mr. Flava Flav, let's be generous and kind. Let's not just be throwing insults. It's a world, it's a happy place. Let's all get along. Can't we just see eye to eye?
Starting point is 01:46:12 Can't, let's agree to have differences. Let's agree to just disagree. We could have some important discussions around these conversations. That's a good idea. You know, pedophilia is perfectly okay. We just need rebrand it it's perfectly fine let's just call it uh having interested in younger and younger and younger kids yes yes yes i appreciate kids in a different level than you do oh my god let's be open-minded everything's fine i just i just hate it like suza suza says i'm a i coach. I coach, like, a bunch of different teams.
Starting point is 01:46:47 And he said it so perfectly. Do you coach girls? Wait, he was going to give me a compliment. I do, yeah. Please don't fuck them up. I've heard about so many stories. That's, like, the favorite story girls, female swimmers tell, that their swim coaches gave them fucking anorexia.
Starting point is 01:47:00 But go on, sorry. Give Sousa a compliment. Oh, shit. Yeah, no. I'll shrug that one off but uh yeah so when he said like and when you're a coach you have this tendency to want to be like someone tries to change their technique and you want to be like yes that was it when it really wasn't it i mean that was that's so fucking true like you really do have that tendency and it's all
Starting point is 01:47:22 the same kind of concept where brian friend has to tell me that you know they frikowski he's really good they just took away his ability to pace just just tell me why he was shitty just yeah it's like fucking i don't know it's to me it's all the same kind of thing and i uh yeah fair enough i mean i'm hoping i'm explaining i hope i'm explaining it you know it's kind of hard to articulate and re-explain it because i think i you're you're working through it you're working through it and i like it you're working through it he's a super he's a superstar man people love him he's a superstar it's good you come on i don't wait for kowski or brian brian you need to keep on here just call him once a week and work on you work on your i do that my podcast like listen to me and you guys the listeners have to listen to me work through my ideas every week so just call once a week and let's work let's work through that together let's
Starting point is 01:48:22 and we'll get to some constructive feedback for Mr. Friend. All right. Thanks, guys. Key is dirty. I'll talk to you later. All right. Bye. What's dirty?
Starting point is 01:48:31 I think he said keep it dirty. All right. Oh, that was pretty funny. Brian's so good. It's like anytime you try to please everybody, you're going to please nobody. So by trying to soften the blow to his opinion on all the athletes, everybody else is just like, just say it, Brian. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:48:51 Heidi, what did you like about him? I think she's going to give him an earful for talking crap about Brian. I don't think it was a good thing. Exactly. Yeah. She's going to triangulate his location and come and attack. That guy has sex in the back of his truck for sure. That guy we just called.
Starting point is 01:49:10 She wants to try out some new BJ moves on him. Oh, shit. She does want to beat him up. Damn. Damn. You talk shit about Heidi's dude. She's going to put that blue belt test practice to use. Coked up Hiller versus juiced up Sevan. Who wins? Coked up hiller versus juiced up seven who wins coked up hiller coked up anybody is just on a different level have you ever seen that episode of of cops this
Starting point is 01:49:34 is a long time ago but it was a real popular one where they come up on that dude on pcp and he's naked and there's like 20 cops around and they're all shooting him with the taser and he's just like marching through and then comes to this fence and then just like punches through the fence and just like rips the wood out and like steps it's real yeah and he's like they they couldn't get him down nobody wanted to touch him because he was just a big naked dude and he's just like jacked up on pcp and they don't know how to like get him down it takes like five or six dudes with like tasers and stuff. It's insane.
Starting point is 01:50:06 Hey, he didn't say Tia is dirty. Did he? Is that true? I think that's what he said when he got off the phone. I don't know. Juiced up me would be pretty, uh,
Starting point is 01:50:17 would be a lot. It'd be alpha as fuck. I, it would be a lot. I would be very, I would really, if I did get juiced up i would try to make it so like i had no neck i try to get wider than i am yes yes i would i would look like lee
Starting point is 01:50:36 priest i think i think i would try to get to like 280 pounds but i put on like 110 pounds of muscle. Christopher, he killed it with his last one. There are methyl groups in PCP, Sousa. Christopher, you're a good dude. T. Scott, Major Stepon, I miss your docu-films like the behind-the-scenes stuff at the games
Starting point is 01:50:59 and also the California road trip with Robert Lando. Dave Lipson was incredible fun back in the day. Do you have anything in the works? No, I'm just no. I got just this show. Here's the thing. I do think we're on. I do think that there is a chance. broadcast events using sort of that cell phone, that same approach that we took to the water Palooza and to the CrossFit
Starting point is 01:51:30 games. And each one is getting better and better. I think we have some really simple solutions to improve the audio. Next time we basically do a live behind the scenes, there is a desire. I do have a desire to basically run a show like this, where you basically put us like on the side like this so the three of us would be on the side and the picture where you see me right now would be the event and we basically broadcast an entire event like that and we have like eight people with cell phones at the venue that would be dope and i think we're about there is a a guy that i'm hearing in
Starting point is 01:52:00 the last 48 hours that's interested in doing that with us. I've heard some things about the Fittest in Dubai, that championship. I've heard they're interested in playing with us. I would love to play with them also. There's so many opportunities for technology for us to do that. It does require a special person. It's not easy. What you saw Susan Hiller do is so hard. You think you're going to do it, and you get there, and your shit will just unravel.
Starting point is 01:52:29 It's really hard to like – you even – I think I even saw Hiller struggle with it quite a bit. But that was his first take, but there is a point. There's a mixture of being really extroverted but also being calm. I think Hiller had like maybe six or seven too many monsters. But that being said, I'll still give him an A+. But that was hard what him and Suze were doing. But you saw how cool that was, right? They would be interviewing people, and there would be two camera angles.
Starting point is 01:53:00 So we would be using Suze's camera angle, but you would see Hiller holding the phone. We can do that and take over an event, especially if they give us access. angles so we would be using suze's camera angle but you would see hillar holding the phone we can do that and take over an event especially if they give us access and especially if we have we have if we have good internet we have our own um wi-fi and we had like 10 cameras we could do that so basically you think if we could get if the dubai people want us to do it if maybe the zello games want us to do it um if uh we'll probably, that's how we'll do the California hormone games. And, and I think that those will end up being,
Starting point is 01:53:29 um, some cunning edge new, it will add a, um, some crazy intimacy and funness to, uh, to these events. It's a shame that the relationship with CrossFit myself is so contentious.
Starting point is 01:53:43 And, and I'm, I'm, I'm easily 51% to blame for that i take i take full responsibility for that because uh if it the value i could bring to the owners that own that company is like but but between my ego and the fucking um sexist racist douchebags who are intertwined and mix the woke crowd there. Uh, it's nuts.
Starting point is 01:54:07 It's, um, they'll, they'll never, I will, I wouldn't, I'm not, not interested in compromising with those pieces of shit.
Starting point is 01:54:14 Rogue Invitational would be cool. Yeah. Rogue would be, Rogue would be great too. I smaller venue. It's like, yeah, the Rogue Invitational would be cool.
Starting point is 01:54:23 I don't know my really i don't know where my relationship stands with um um bill and katie i i think that i i suspect i mean i of course really like them and and i'm a little piece of me is terrified of them and respects them like i respect them so much i'm terrified of them but that also being said um they are they're they're a business that maybe doesn't want to to um fuck with some of the realities that i'm that i that i fuck with so i don't know we'll see uh rich holton yeah i mean that there's we're going to miss this stuff when tdc brings back someone yeah so that that so i've told you guys this before if something like that did happen i would turn the shit talking off right away i am
Starting point is 01:55:17 not going to take a shitload of money from someone and fucking i i would be more constructive in my criticism i am not going to take a shitload of money from someone and fuck them in the ass there i'm not that person there's even stuff people who work there now that say stuff that i can't believe that they tolerate them to say when you're on the ship um you i wouldn't tolerate any of you fucking guys to say anything negative about my wife or my kids that's that's what i mean like even if it were true. So once you're on a ship, you have to, I'm not saying you have to be fake, but there is a,
Starting point is 01:55:53 you don't shit where you eat, I don't think. Someone, can you explain what Craig Ritchie did to you or Hiller that causes y'all to bash him the way you do? I don't care if it's content much. I don't think, what what do we bash him he i i don't know what i don't know what his relation i just i think maybe i don't i think maybe hillar just i don't know anything about hillar and his relationship i know one time that guy was at crossfit hq he was in the gym um sitting in the corner him and his uh wife and or that girl he films with and he um no one else was in the gym he was he was sitting down on the ground on his computer working away looked like
Starting point is 01:56:33 he was working hard i went over and introduced myself and said hi to them and i i couldn't get him or her to look up or say hi to me i'm a fucking nice fucking person they just ignored you like that yeah i'm i'm super easy to engage i am cool as shit like if you hung out with me you'd be like wow this is fun i'm free i'm easy i'm nice i'm fucking exceedingly generous i'm uh i'm humble i'm i just and i and they they they were in my house. I ran those offices. I had a hundred people there who worked for me. They were in my house. I walked over to them. I said, hi, I tried to engage him. He couldn't give me the fucking time of day. He couldn't look up at me. Couldn't say hi to me. Couldn't like, neither could she. And it was fucking weird. It was like
Starting point is 01:57:20 weird, weird. And I stayed there and I gave him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he was busy and he was editing, et cetera, et cetera. But it was fucking weird. Or i stayed there and i gave him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he was busy and he was editing etc etc but it was fucking weird or maybe he has autism or asperger's or or he's like stand up and like no no no there was something that was that was completely inappropriate so that was that's my only um impression of him and then when i watch his content i just i just think it's and i and just so you know i had it explained to me that there's people now a lot of people have said to me in the dms that before covet happened his content was really really good like like there was value to watching it and then covet happened and it's just been like sitting in first class, fake titties and petting his dog. But I find it so I'm envious of the number of subscribers he has and the people that watch it.
Starting point is 01:58:15 But I just can't make retard content that it is. It is fucking retard content. What do I mean by that? There's I I don't see the value in watching a show for 15 minutes, three minutes, him petting his dog, three minutes, him driving to the airport, three minutes in first class and three minute is him hugging people when he lands at the airport. I'm just like, what the fuck? So, so I just, I just, it's just become kind of like that to me. He said a bunch of dumb shit when dave got fired like just stupid shit so um i yeah i pride myself on my humility yeah good one uh so i i um i uh here here i'll tell you i'll tell you what I'm walking by yesterday um I am walking bare first of all I'm in a town where everyone in Newport Beach I'm in a town where everyone's
Starting point is 01:59:12 rich as fuck and superficial as fuck and beautiful I'm the least beautiful least superficial person here I walk everywhere barefoot my hair is a fucking mess I look like a mad scientist and I'm just minding my own business I do my shit and i walk by this fucking bar along the beach and every house i'm walking by is a 10 million dollar house 40 million dollar house it's just a row of houses as far as you i can see sitting on the fucking north edge of the north american continent and i'm fucking walking and i walk by this bar and a lady comes out and from the back she's she's wearing a white tight leather dress the craziest stilettos it's it's one o'clock in the afternoon her she looks so fucking hot it's crazy
Starting point is 01:59:52 i can only see her from the back she looks like she fell out of a versace hat and she's carrying this crazy expensive like purse that's got all those leather stamps all over it and then another bag that looks like it's from tiffany's or something and she comes out of there and she stumbles out of there and i thought she was stumbling out of there because she was um her shoes her shoes yes she she goes across the street and she struggles and she gets she looks like a baby giraffe and she gets to the other side and she starts walking and i and i and by now i've stopped right and i'm like the situation. There's some guys who came out of the bar who were like looking at her and, and, and I'm like, I'm going through YouTube, like looking up and I'm looking for something to listen to as I walk and, or an audio book. I can't remember. And so then she gets about 200 feet in front of me.
Starting point is 02:00:41 Right. And she's in front of this house where there's these like 10 dudes um you you might remember the dudes uh suza they're always in front of that one house and and they took a liking to hillar these guys they're huge and jack they all look like they're roided out of their fucking mind older guys like my age my age massive and right when she gets to like their house um uh her her purse falls and all her shit goes everywhere and i'm watching and there's people everywhere walking around her and she's clearly fucking struggling to fucking get the shit because of the high heels that all shit like makeup her wallet everything just falls out of her purse everywhere. So she walks over to the side, and she sets her bag down, and now I'm walking towards her. And I get over to her, and I look at her, and she's the most haggard woman you've ever seen.
Starting point is 02:01:36 Her face looks like – it's so sad. She was good from far, but far from good. Oh, my God. It was so sad. She looked like she came from a country where cocaine was legal. Now you know why no one's helping her. I put down my fucking 12-pack of Topo Chico, and I start picking up all—well, everyone's just walking around. A hundred people have had the chance to fucking help this lady.
Starting point is 02:02:02 Put all my shit down. I'm fucking putting all the stuff in the bag i got these these fucking glasses on look at you like this jesus christ i fill up i fill up her uh i get all her shit i get all her shit fucking back in her bag and she says thank you to me you know what those guys up top say to me because they see me every day walking around the guy the big guy hey sean penn i knew you were a good dude i see you walk by here i knew you were a good dude good dude i see you walk by here i knew you were a good dude that's so good he said sean penn comment he goes yeah i go i'll take it he goes i know you will
Starting point is 02:02:51 true story then i look at this lady i know you will yeah i had the red ceo shirt on yes sean oh my god so then i look at this lady and it's like it's like a like just a porn star that's just been just retired 30 years ago i'm staying the game and i go ma'am she goes thank you i go ma'am are you okay and she goes yeah i go i go where are you going should have never said that oh and she goes i have nowhere to go i'm like fuck i'm like okay she's like where are you going and i'm like is there anything i can do for you i just ignore that question right where are you going and um she she goes no i'm fine and she just leans up against the wall and i just and i just walk on that was it that was that's the story of my fucking life um uh i mean i have a thousand stories like that where a hundred people see
Starting point is 02:03:49 someone who's fucking in need and they're just walking around i don't do that i don't do that yeah i don't i and i won't like if it's if it's if i see it's batshit crazy or my kids are with me i won't get involved but i'm not a um i i if i'm at home depot and i see fucking three fucking mexicans loading fucking bricks into the back of a fucking truck and it looks like it's going to take them a fucking hour and i'm not doing anything i'll walk over and help those motherfuckers like i'm only here to participate um in adding value to other people's life that's that's well kind of secondary to fucking um loving my kids and my wife all right that was a great story to end on that was great okay thank you i'm just glad unfortunately we had to wait all the way to that two four
Starting point is 02:04:37 i hope everybody makes it to that story that was good all right um i will uh i will see you guys uh this evening caleb thank you suza thank you get your gear vindicate get your copy of paper street uh please check out uh darren coughlin's newsletter out of australia it is called coaches corner master of coaches dot online uh master master of coaches dot online uh he is really starting to build a library there it's pretty fucking awesome um check out make sure you check out your crossfit level one also uh athena perez is i think her her product is about to come out of its beta um uh if you subscribe to newsletter, you can see all the people who not only who support us, but we support them. So some of those people on there are just the
Starting point is 02:05:31 things that I want to get behind. And Athena's seminar is how to work with larger bodied clientele. And I had a lady at my house last night for dinner. She was 82 years old and she was complaining to me that CrossFit doesn't do enough for the elderly. And I didn't fight with her. I think CrossFit does plenty for the elderly, but it was still good for me to hear that. Okay. So that's it. Talk to you guys. See you guys tonight with J.R. Howell and the stud Taylor Self. Some people think he's even games material. Caleb, love you. Bye.

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