The Sevan Podcast - #566 - CrossFit Reconstructed | Affiliate Series Ep. 3

Episode Date: August 27, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. It's super small, dude. It's like a closet. Bam, we're live. And I see that's the router behind you.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Yeah, that's the whole setup. That thing keeps us going. And then what you can't see is my dog down here sleeping. Ladies and gentlemen, when you come on the podcast, that is the room you want to be in, in the room with the router. Steve Bart from Delaware. It's funny. Delaware is like an imaginary place to me. I read about it in the history books when I was in high school and then forgot about it.
Starting point is 00:01:07 A lot of people think it's like the capital of Rhode Island, but it's actually its own state. Let me see if I know the capital of Delaware. I used to know that shit. Did you have to learn all the capitals of all the states in school? Absolutely. Can you tell me the first letter it starts with? D. Doesn't help. No no what's the second letter oh d o dell what's the next letter if i say this it's over
Starting point is 00:01:37 it's a v v it's not over it's oh it is oh i'd have never guessed it i never right that's it thank you i i'd have never guessed it holy shit it's a small small wonder we got a bunch of different names first dates actually just this too small wonder first date are you um are you born there yep yeah i was born in wilmington North Wilmington like North Delaware and um in your very oh shit where is it I know I pulled it up where the hell is it didn't I pull it up fine I'll pull it up now in your very first Instagram post
Starting point is 00:02:17 10 years ago do you know what it is I think it's a glass of beer and it says like now is it good I'm glad whew I don't know I don't know the capital Delaware you don't know your first Instagram that's it yeah which is basically the same thing look at this oh yeah back when I was 16 or 17, maybe. So you've always been in the game. I've been in the game for a long time. Yep. And now you're one of the owners of Reconstructed CrossFit. Yes, it's me and two other guys.
Starting point is 00:02:59 And you're the third guy brought in, right? Yep, I was brought in. They started together in 2014. The reason it's called Reconstructed is CrossFit Riverfront started another location in our community here in Hocasin. And it only lasted for about six months, and she kind of folded. And then Tom Morris, my business partner, got together with Dwayne Allen. They decided to buy all the equipment that she had at the Police Athletic League that they were renting space from and then just kind of do their own thing. And that's why they called it Reconstruct. They kind of built it back from what it was. Why did she fold?
Starting point is 00:03:37 Why did her gym fold? So she didn't fold her. This is her second location. And I just don't think she gave it enough time. It was there for about six months. And it in like i said it's in the police athletic league so it's kind of like on a volleyball court we had pull-up bars bolted to the walls uh this is back in 2013 so it was kind of just very new and crossfit at that point i guess as you know you've been in the game forever um it just wasn't like super
Starting point is 00:04:05 mainstream yet it was getting really close so i think she just was like i'm just gonna you know pull back my chips count my losses and go back to her original location which is in uh the riverfront of delaware riverfront wilmington delaware it's gigantic it's 12 000 square feet wow can't really lose much so yeah Riverfront was one of the first CrossFit gyms in Delaware. Second to CrossFit Dover. Is there a perfect size gym? I don't know. I think it's about how you utilize the space. So ours is tiny. Ours is only about 2,800 square feet. And we fit, you know, I could fit 20 people in a class if we, if we program properly, if we, you know, sub things out that probably shouldn't be
Starting point is 00:04:50 things that take up a bunch of space. So we had to learn that early on. We had, uh, spaces of premium here, right? So everything's kind of jammed onto the walls or back up against stuff or under stuff or over stuff so we had to really play around with the format of what it looked like because when we had this place originally there was a turf on half of the gym so we used sleds and stuff but then what was it what was it so this used to be a propane distribution center or something weird like that why'd they have turf down so we put the turf down oh yeah yeah we put the turf down. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We put the turf down first and then we realized that nobody really liked
Starting point is 00:05:30 working out on the turf because doing sit-ups on turf, you know, blows your butt up. So. Like gives you, like gives you a rash, gives you a. Yeah. I just don't think it's good. It's better. I mean, get an admin and just sit on the floor, like a gym floor. The reason why I asked what the perfect size gym is, is this. My mom owned this house in Benicia, California, and she got her house painted. And I own, and it was a big house, right? Three-story house.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And I own this house in Berkeley, California. This is years ago. And the scaffolding to paint my mom's house was more expensive than to get my entire house painted yeah it's nuts it was like in my and at that point i had and my mom's like yeah it's fucking crazy big house is fucking stupid new roof fucked like anything that happens with big shit it's like like in the same thing with property i have a half acre and i was like man i wish i had five acres holy shit dude a half acre like during the uh um uh spring and summer i have to spend two hours in the yard every day just like because there's so much shit growing back there yeah you'd be cutting grass for a day and then you still cut grass in the other acre for
Starting point is 00:06:40 another day and then yes you cut grass for the rest of your life and vines and animals and just all the shit right the fence breaking in certain spots yeah it's crazy yeah i think the size the size of the gym plays a big role in how you you know if you if you use it the right way it plays a big role in how your community is set up so we were always forced to have this really super small tight like we're all next to each other all the time. So you have no excuse, but to talk to one another. And it's really hard to avoid people when you come in here because the whiteboard's in the dead center of the front. You have to walk in through one of the two doors and that's it. You're in the front. Everybody sees you come in. You can't hide anywhere. You can't work out in the back. Open gym times are really rare here. We make sure that people do
Starting point is 00:07:21 classes. Um, so they're always being forced to talk to each other, which is awesome. You started, you started that gym started in 2014, but you came on board when? So I, uh, I went, I did a deployment in Afghanistan in 2013. And when I came back, I started working at the riverfront as an assistant head coach. And, um, after that I had to do some hours what year did you come back did you come back same year yeah same year i went january to september okay 2013 crazy and you went as national guard huh yeah yep what a what a trip huh super cool this is fucked we're i have so many doors open but when you sign up for national guard do you think you're gonna ever go
Starting point is 00:08:02 or is it like hey this is like in case they fucking ever pull a sub up to the eastern seaboard I'm fighting? So I tried college and I sucked at it. So I came back to Delaware. I went to college. Me too, but there were so many cool kids there. I met so many friends and girls. They should just stop the teaching part and just let us. Just go party for a couple of years.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Yeah, and play. We should just exercise and party. Yeah. The schooling should be so little. But so I, you know, I went to mom's university for a year and I came back to Delaware and I sucked the school here. I was doing, you know, serving jobs and picking up personal training stuff when I could. And then I talked to a buddy who his dad was really good friends with this, uh, Colonel back then in the Delaware guard. And he's like, you should come join the, join the military. I said, all right, cool. I want to be a sniper. I want to be a, you know, infantry sniper. He's like, I got the perfect job for you. Military police.
Starting point is 00:08:58 I'm like, I'm 18. I don't know what the hell that means. It's not, you're not a sniper. You're in the MP company. You don't, you you're not doing that those are always the bad guys in the movies absolutely yeah sorry what one second steve caleb can you be shown yeah yeah i just want you to i just want you to meet caleb he's deployed right now uh caleb hey what's up caleb sick mustache all right so don't be surprised if you see caleb uh pop in when you said the military police is not sniper caleb almost fell out of his chair laughing i was i felt like an idiot too because i i got there and i'm you know i'm this 18 18 and a half year old kid and i walk in i was like hey is this the military police they're like who the fuck are you like i i don't know i guess i'm not in the right spot so but you know fast forward to our deployment
Starting point is 00:09:49 we had a really awesome deployment we did a personal security by the way that makes me happy yeah it's super cool that they still do that like the military should not be an easy place it shouldn't be like you walk in and they're like hey how are you welcome there should be there should be some um uh uh constructive hazing there should be some like test of character some i'm perfectly okay with who the fuck are you yeah and you know that i can't say that that doesn't happen all the time it definitely does when we get new guys to come in the unit i'm sure every unit's the same if you're the new guy you're probably gonna get fucked with a little bit because then once you're inside you value it you earned your way right it'd be two years working at crossfit before i could be friends with dave he fucking he hazed the shit out of me
Starting point is 00:10:38 i've known cross one time we pulled into a parking lot at a fucking hotel and he parked so fucking close to me on purpose we pulled up we weren't friends we didn't work in a long time i knew he fucking hated me he pulled up so close to me with his passenger side door while i was in my driver's door that i couldn't get out and like and like i've never i've never known any mill guys and i rolled down my window i'm like hey dude you parked so close to me i can't get out my car and he just he ignores me and gets out and walks into the hotel he was testing you yeah i'm like the little berkeley hippie's like you fucking asshole that's all right but yeah it was all right it
Starting point is 00:11:12 fucking made me better it took me a long time to develop the relationship it made me fucking better absolutely i'm so glad he gave me the opportunity it was a sign of actually respect hey i'm going to go out of my way to test you he had to put effort in to do that to me right yeah anyway sorry it just popped in my head no it's all good um so you're asking about when the gym started and stuff so no no no sorry i want to go back so so so when you signed up did you plan to uh did you think you were going to get did you did you ever so i think you deploy i mean you ended up in afghanistan you signed up at 18 to be a sniper and then now you end up in afghanistan because up at 18 to be a sniper. And then now you're end up in Afghanistan because national guards is part-time, right? That's what they tell you. Yeah. Um, so that's, uh, you're supposed to do one,
Starting point is 00:11:52 one weekend a month and two weeks in the year, but the more, the more you gain rank, the more responsibility you get. So the more problems you deal with. So I'm a, I'm a platoon Sergeant. Now I'm in charge of 50 guys-ish. And I get issues nonstop. I get guys texting me on a Monday, on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, outside of drill weekend. And they're like, hey, my pay didn't come through. My mom died. My dog isn't going to make it. My grandparents around drill weekend. You want to talk about pandemics, Yvonne? That.
Starting point is 00:12:21 So that is true. Drill weekend causes grandparents to get sick? Sick and die. Yeah, a lot of them. And multiple times. So multiple deaths. They might have voted. Is there a vaccine for that? Is there an inoculation for that?
Starting point is 00:12:35 I don't know, but they definitely voted last election. Yes. They sure did. Yeah. So, no, they tell you it's a part-time gig, but it ends up being a little bit more sometimes, which is fine because you signed up for it, right? But, no, I didn't know what to expect in terms of deployment or anything like that. I heard that, you know, six years in, you're going to deploy. That's pretty much what they said.
Starting point is 00:13:00 And I was almost close. It was about four. How did they know? how did they know? How do they know? So you're telling me all National Guardsmen at some point. Well, not all. Most. Oh, most.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Yeah. I had no idea. I had no idea. Yeah. The National Guard are pretty rarely deployed. Obviously, active duty serves a very important role. And there's, you know, units at Fort Bragg that are responding within hours to go to global crisis, like Afghanistan, the withdrawal of Kabul. They, you know, they were there in hours.
Starting point is 00:13:32 But the National Guard has a cycle, basically, that you would get ready. You'd have a ready year. Then you'd go into your deployment year or your, like, sourced year. And then you would have this window to where you could be pulled from a pot of units to go and then, you know, do your tour. Then you have a reset year, some wait years, and then you go back. That used to be the whole cycle. It's a little different now, but it's, it's pretty close. Wow. That that's, that's amazing. So there's a chance you get skipped. You know, if you're in that window and they're like, we don't want you, it's all good. You just skip. And you, but now you haven't deployed for, you know, five, 10 years.
Starting point is 00:14:07 So, so, you know, you know, when you sign up that if you have a life, let's say you're, let's say, uh, let's say you're the garbage man for the city and you could be like, Hey, I got to put this job on hold. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of, a lot of the times, uh, we have people that do all sorts of jobs in our, in my unit anyway. Um, and I'm sure Caleb can attest to that knowing some guys.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Is he mixed right now? Is Caleb wherever he's deployed or they're probably National Guard there too or they're National Guard? I don't know. He's nodding his head. He's saying they're – I'm sure there is. Interesting. But a lot of the guys in my unit have tons of different jobs. They could be electricians, plumbers, cops, whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:45 And we'll give them an employer letter and they'll send it to their supervisor and say, hey, I got drilled this day, this day. I need off. Sometimes they don't even get paid. Some cops, if they're like too far into like their whatever days off to get their paid days off, they just won't get paid for it. Holy shit. They'll get paid for it so they holy shit they'll get paid for drill which is like you know they get like a free cheeseburger out of it but uh that's about it i thought employers that was some sort of law that employers had to keep paying yeah you sarah it's it's called you sarah it's basically you have to you're supposed to keep your your
Starting point is 00:15:21 position employed but when it comes to pay if you don't show up and you're an hourly rate employee they might just give you the day off and not dock you for not showing up to work that's kind of how that would work which kind of sucks they give you the day yeah they give you the day off yeah uh okay so so so so they the gym open, you're deployed and you come back in a, in the same year in 2013. So Meredith was a lady who, who owned the riverfront. And while I was deployed, she just had that location. When I came back from deployment, she started a second one. But while I was in Afghanistan, I actually met my now business partner. He was teaching a class at Kandahar CrossFit. I went there for like, we went there to drop off our principal, whatever we were doing. It was like a Tuesday. We always went to CAF on Tuesdays, Kandahar Airfield.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And I, we had like four hours to kill. And my, you know, my section sergeant was like, Hey, just come back in three hours. Like we need to do whatever you want to come back to three hours. And I knew that a CrossFit gym there and I had been doing it for a while. So I'm addicted at that point. And I go in there, I'm like, Tom, are you, are you coaching a CrossFit class in a Kandahar, Afghanistan? He's like, Hey man, what's going on? Yeah, I definitely have been doing this for like six months. It's nuts. So easy.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Kandahar CrossFit is a nonprofit-profit box serving civilian soldiers sailors airmen and marines from around the world deployed in the second largest city of afghanistan it's not there anymore right i don't know i haven't been there in a while but uh when i was there it was it was really cool and uh there was actually a picture i did post on my instagram it was me doing like a clean with a bunch of band-aids and shit on my hand because my hands were like bleeding but it got posted on crossfit main site and that was from uh it said no egos in the background and that was so you knew tom in the states yep i knew tom from when we went to the riverfront together in 2011 2012 and then uh you know we weren't really friends then we just knew
Starting point is 00:17:19 i knew of him and then uh when he was there i met him there and then when i came back it was easy to kind of to blend that together because I wanted to start my own gym. And I was going through all the process to do that. I was renting space before this happened. I was renting space for about, I think it was like two grand a month in Wilmington. And I was netting about 2,500 bucks.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And I was living in my friend's attic. So I was making like 500 bucks a month, just living off peanut butter and tuna fish and stuff like that. And then, um, when I'm about to go sign a lease, it was, it was probably like a $250,000 lease for this really, you know, shitty little building. And Tom actually called me and he, he said, Hey, I know what you're about to do. Um, why don't we have some beers and talk about this so i went over his house we drank some beers and he was like hey i need a business partner and i know what you're about to do you want to own a crossfit gym he's like i have one so why don't you just be an owner here i was like well fuck that sounds great so that's what i did
Starting point is 00:18:19 when when do what's the earliest you remember lifting weights or training just training period maybe in high school i wrestled in high school so i remember doing like the pegboard and stuff like that in high school um i don't i wasn't really strong i'm not really strong now but i uh i didn't really start lifting weights till maybe like sophomore junior year high school and that was the first time like you ever did like a lap machine or like like see i think press or like did you just do all the normal stuff the bench the lap machine the seated press the fucking skull crushers all that oh the skull crushers yeah absolutely um i'm not as good as hillar with the skull crusher i heard he's like a
Starting point is 00:18:58 professional skull crusher he is a professional skull but he uh but that's how you started that that was your yeah i mean i played sports growing up i did football i had um during high school i had like this this is like a weird story in my life but i used to play professional paintball so i like traveled the country as like a 15 16 year old to go play professional paintball tournaments all right super cool so fun and is that where the whole sniper thing came into you think yeah there it is yeah um maybe i think it was like a correlation probably but i had already been um you know playing for a long time and then i don't know what year is that that was avalanche i don't know that was a long time ago i didn't send uh i didn't send caleb my notes for this show and i always do i always send him my
Starting point is 00:19:43 notes and i guess this. I got back from Kandahar in September and then I played a tournament in Las Vegas in October and I spent way too much money in Las Vegas. But it was fun. I always did some sort of workout. I don't I guess I always did some sort
Starting point is 00:20:06 of workout. I don't know when I started, maybe like when I was at city college or something, but I always just went with friends to the YMCA and they did stuff and I just followed them around. I just went just to like, talk with them and hang out with the guys, but then I would just do whatever and let them make fun of me. But, but I would still try, you know what I mean? Like they put two 25 on and I'd be, and I'd be like, like okay take off all the way and they would laugh and that's awesome uh but i had no
Starting point is 00:20:30 interest in um teaching until i found crossfit yeah like like almost like um let's say you were into um let's say you were a kid you were wondering what happened uh when you die and then all of a sudden you get introduced to christianity and you just can't even fucking believe that there's the answer for you and so then all of a sudden you want to become a priest yeah you want to be you know what i mean like what was it like that for you or did you always want it did you want to be a um coach did you want to share fitness before you found crossfit or did you find crossfit you were like holy shit everyone has to know about this that i mean that is what happened but when i was a trainer at total fitness i had a client who is like i would have done that
Starting point is 00:21:17 to meet girls like if you would have ever caught me at like 24 hour fitness it would have been to meet girls yeah and i as a, I'm sure I met plenty of girls doing that, but, um, so I liked the way you answer that. It's a, it's foggy. It's foggy. It's foggy. I don't know. Uh, but when I was a trainer there, I had a client and he was, he was severely overweight, his, uh, type two diabetic. And when he would come train, I, I tried everything with this guy and all I could have him do was walk with me. So we walked for, I don't know, you know, 30, 40 minutes at a time. And then I realized that that little benefit to him was significant. Uh, even though it wasn't much out of my, you know, no skin out of my game, it was just, uh, it was a lot to him. And that kind of got me into the
Starting point is 00:22:02 mindset of like, well, if I can help this dude, I'm sure I can help. Uh, that was a different lady. Um, but, but yeah, that's, that kind of spun the, the wheels in my head. Like, wow, this is really cool. Like people can change their entire life like this. And I didn't know about CrossFit yet. I was still doing like main site workouts and just kind of making my clients do, you know, probably terrible, terrible workouts that were programmed back then. But when I found that you could become a trainer with CrossFit, it was, um, it was definitely a light bulb went off. And I was like, this is how every human being should be training. Um, because it's, it optimizes who you are genetically, you know, this client you had that you could only walk with held were you when you had
Starting point is 00:22:46 that client i think i was like maybe somewhere between 16 and 18 because i i was young in high school so i was like a year back i think i graduated high school at 17 and and you want to get that you were mature enough at that point to um it's it sounds like that was like an experience for you where you actually enjoyed instead instead of being like, fuck, it's this guy, you were like, fuck, I'm glad I can help this guy. Somehow, I know 16-year-old boys, I know we're pretty dumb, but somehow sentimentally, that hit you. Yeah, it did. I come from a family, I love my family very much, but none of them work out, really. Some of them are a really. Um, and you know, some of them are
Starting point is 00:23:25 a little more unhealthy than, than others. So I kind of had that growing up and I just saw, I was like, man, this is like, this isn't just my family. This is like a lot of other people. Um, and I just decided like, I will never be like that. And I don't want anybody that I'm associated with to, to live their life that way. If not because of, you know, whatever, it's just, that's not healthy. And that's not, it doesn't optimize your, the experience you can have in life. You know, like if you're, if you're always bogged down by your depression or your weight, it's going to inhibit you from doing tons of other things that are out there that you are available to enjoy. There were these chairs at the amusement park, and I thought the chairs – when I went to the amusement park as a kid, and I'm sure you've seen this too, they would have a cartoon character with his hand out like this.
Starting point is 00:24:21 And if you were taller than his hand, you could go on the ride. So recently I saw a chair at an amusement park, and says do you fit in here oh shit and i and and i've seen it at this amusement park by my house we have a we have a boardwalk by my house like a like a it's just on the water and there's the ferris wheels and all that shit and i've seen this chair a million times and i thought it was for kids to sit in and if the kids were too small in the chair they couldn't go on the ride well yet a couple days ago i was talking to someone on the phone and they were telling me about the chair. And I'm like, oh, yeah, you've seen that. And they're like, yeah, dude, that's for that's if you're too fat. Yeah, I thought it was. They now have a fucking chair that if you can't fit in, you can't go on the ride.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's like a it's like a fat test chair. Yeah, it sucks. And I mean, I'm not the tallest person and my fiancee, I'll tell you that I'm 5'6", but I'll argue with her until we die that I'm 5'7". Right, right. But I had a really tough time. But you won't go near a tape measure. Absolutely not. And I'll always wear running shoes because they give you a little more loft. But it's – I mean, the same thing as being a short kid is that sucked, and you're looking at the sign.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And that's something that – you're going to grow up, kid. You'll be fine. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ultimate guide to Disneyland for – for yeah that's i tried to get in fat fat chair and then this is what came up during a recent trip to disneyland a plus-size mom realized how different different it was to experience disneyland with a larger body disneyland rides for obese people can be challenging but no one talks about it but we here at the seven we're talking about we talk about it yeah we're talking about it today.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Yeah, that's unfortunate, but we also have the cure for that. If Disneyland wants to get behind us, they can start up a CrossFit gym and, hey, you're a little too big to ride this ride. Why don't you come down to Disneyland CrossFit camp and Mickey Mouse will be everywhere. You can still experience Disneyland, but you're going to be required to do CrossFit every morning and walk everywhere. And you'll lose all the weight and you can fit on all the rides and have a great life. So you, you enjoy, so you, you knew at that point, it's a pretty early age. Were you concerned at that age already that your parents might die because of their health or not your parents, but your family members? Were you like, no, they're not, you know, my mom and dad aren't there. They take care of themselves. I was more like my extended family. But no, my dad played hockey. He was actually from California and he San Jose area. And he, he would play hockey. He still plays hockey now. He's, you know, almost, I think he just turned 60. But he's, he, but he had both his knees replaced and he drank soda and I tried to tell him to stop. He doesn't listen to me.
Starting point is 00:26:43 But he had both his knees replaced and he drank soda and I tried to tell him to stop. He doesn't listen to me. But my mom walks everywhere. They're still doing something active. They're just not doing this. But you know at a young age, that's kind of where maybe you get the bug already. Yeah, because I saw it at home or at family gatherings or events or whatever thanksgiving christmas and then it made me like think differently when i went into a walmart or uh the acne and then i'm looking around like oh there's a lot of people that need help like this and they won't ever ask you for it do you ever approach those people have you ever gone with someone who's like just fucking way
Starting point is 00:27:23 unhealthy and been like yo come, come to my gym. I'll hook you up. Let's party. I have before. Or I'll go like second hand to somebody like, hey, I know you got that buddy. Why don't you just drag that dude into class? Or like your mom needs to come in here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Just things like that. But I've only had like I can count on my hand how many times I've walked up to a stranger and said, Hey, how you doing? My name is Steve. I own a crossword reconstructed down the street and I'll, you know, right down the street in the, um, the supermarket. And they're like, great, that's awesome. So I would love for you to come do a class. And they're like, why can't do that? And then I go into like a whole spiel of, well, yes, you can kind of thing. But I, um, I don't know if this is appropriate, but it has never stopped me before. I would challenge every fucking, and I'm open to being way off base. I would challenge every fucking gym owner.
Starting point is 00:28:12 That's what you do. Walk up to someone at least once a week that's 52 people a year who's 100 pounds overweight and offer your services. Be like, hey, man, I feel you. Just just give him the hard talk i suspect you're on medications i can help you get off that shit i mean i just have seen greg do it so many times and you guys have that cure i mean i always tell this story i've seen him do it he walked up to a guy at um who was getting a coke out of a coke machine i've actually seen it happen exactly like this twice and he said hey that shit's gonna give you diabetes and the person's 200 pounds of weight and both times they looked at him and they go i already have diabetes you know what i mean it's like oh fuck yeah greg's like dude you got to get into my gym yeah you
Starting point is 00:28:58 got you got you know and it's just like it's uncomfortable as shit but it's like you guys are the masters yeah yeah and i think it's everybody cares if they say no it's not like that's the thing like who cares but it's still your job to fish these fish these people out of it like i don't know if to yeah kind of at least to throw them the the lifesaver in the deep end and be like grab on dude i'll pull you to the side that's exactly what it is like you give give people choices, right? And they have to decide for themselves. And it's really intimidating for them to take the first step. And then especially it's intimidating for you too. As I say it to you, I'm like, fuck, I don't like I'm pretty ballsy, but that's hard to go up to someone and basically say, something's wrong with you. I, everyone sees
Starting point is 00:29:42 something's wrong with you in today's society. That with you. In today's society, that is like, you're putting a red X on your forehead when you do that because, okay, I'm gonna go out of my way to do something that I know is gonna be beneficial for this person, but they're gonna take it as offensive. And then it depends on how it's gonna turn into something after that. And if they can, you know, let their ego slide to the side
Starting point is 00:30:03 or maybe just be vulnerable for five minutes, they'll understand that we are good people. We're trying to help the community. We don't make shit for money in terms of, you know, in the grand scheme of things, there's plenty of other jobs that have- It's 90% help and 10% you're trying to make money because it takes such courage for you to walk up and say that.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Absolutely. But at the same sense, like if I wanted to go get a different job. But it's 100% help humanity. Yeah, and humanity needs CrossFit. But there's plenty of jobs in the market today that you can go get certified for or finish your degree in whatever studies and go get a six-figure job. But it doesn't help anybody. finish your degree in whatever studies and go get a six figure job, but it doesn't help anybody. You know, you can make, uh, you know, 50 grand a year being a head CrossFit coach and change your entire community.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Which one do you want to live with? And there's a definitely a median between there too, right? There's great gym owners that capitalize on, you know, monetizing their, their business for sure. But, um But we don't have the, I guess, the backing to fight against like what Mr. Little Dog said, McDonald's, it's tough to fight against a big corporation that just blasts TV every five minutes. Hey, these cheeseburgers are amazing.
Starting point is 00:31:20 These are great. These are good for you. You're going to love it. And I could say the same thing about CrossFit. Come here, your endorphins will go away. You'll be crazy you'll love this shit it's so fun there's really nice people here and the connections you make are good for your life there's cops there's firefighters there's teachers there's lawyers nurses whatever they're good people you get to be surrounded by them just for walking in the door yeah um uh steve bart coach at reconstruct CrossFit owner. There is a restaurant someone sent me a picture of recently in Las Vegas on the strip. And it says if you weigh 350 pounds, you get to eat here for free. And then two weeks later, I had a dude on the podcast who said he went to that restaurant when he got on the scale there, he weighed 450. And it fucked him up, right? He was like, maybe it was Dan Beeler. I can't remember. But he said it fucked him up right he was like maybe it was dan beeler i can't remember but he said it fucked him up it was like oh shit
Starting point is 00:32:09 and um that that could be another thing um uh a sign in front of your crossfit gym weigh 350 pounds come in and start working out for free like fuck you they they they're giving away food. Isn't it amazing? Imagine like. I was just thinking about a brothel and then it kind of like went down. So but like, first of all, how does a brothel advertise for employees? But that's a whole that should be a whole show. But but just think like instead of a place where it's like, hey, come fuck. Hey, come work on yourself. Like, hey, instead of like go down the road of debauchery and dehumanizing yourself and other people. Yeah, it's called a heart attack grill.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Yeah, crazy, right? It's really fucked up. Why can't there be a place that saves people? I mean, there is. Obviously, it's all the CrossFit gyms. They have a burger called the Triple Bypass Burger. Does it piss you off at all? I don't know where you stand on the whole COVID thing.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Does it piss you off that CrossFit has the cure for the world's most vexing problem, the solution, not only in terms of diet, a movement, but also like you are just really emphasizing support and acceptance that we haven't heard anything from HQ about that since the pandemic hit. Yeah, I think like, you know, Greg was there. He'd be fucking screaming that shit. Like we'd see him get arrested. Yeah, he does.
Starting point is 00:33:34 You know what I mean? Yeah, he didn't care. Right. He wanted to just get the message out and make sure he was dedicated to the truth. Yeah. Yeah. And I think the people that come into the affiliates, they understand that this is a requirement to be healthy. There's very few people on the planet that can get away with being perfectly healthy without exercise and diet. I don't know those people. I've never met them, but I'm sure there's one or two. But we all know that when we show up here, I do my gyms class 5 a.m. every day.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I love it. It's just I start the day that way. If I'm not coaching it, I'm taking the class. But we all have this understanding that this is a non-negotiable requirement for us to live a very long and healthy life. Where most people don't see that in the first week or month or three months of their training because everything's hard. Have you ever been on a ruck march? Like rucking 50 pounds is fucking hard as shit. Now, just walk around being 150 pounds overweight.
Starting point is 00:34:37 That's got to be miserable, right? We had that. Danny Beeler was on the podcast. He lost 150 pounds. And right when he lost 150 pounds, he put on 150 pound ruck and walked. He said it was a, it was insanity. Yeah. It's disgusting. It's so bad. It's gotta be, I don't think I can do that. What's the most you've ever rucked by the way? 103 pounds. How far did you go? Four miles. How long did that take? Uh, like a little over an hour. Oh, he's, he did, he did it an hour. He did 150 pounds in 30 minutes. It's pretty good for a dude.
Starting point is 00:35:10 It's pretty good. Yeah. And he was still 300 pounds at the time, dude. That's a giant pack. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, sorry. So go on.
Starting point is 00:35:19 So all the people in your – at Reconstructed CrossFit, they know. I feel like they do. They have to do this. Yeah, it's got to be an understanding that for you to show up here and to put yourself through this shared suffering with everybody else in the class, nobody gives a flying fuck about your score. We don't care about how much you can snatch. That's awesome. If you PR, that's awesome. We don't care. But if you're in here every day, you know that you're pushing off the nursing home,
Starting point is 00:35:51 like Greg always said. And that's a big point that I try to make with people is when they come in, look, you might not go to the CrossFit Games tomorrow. You definitely probably won't. But you will be able to add some time to your life because without this, you are really putting yourself behind the curve of everybody else who does it. You know, like I plan on living until I'm a hundred. That's my, that'll be so cool. That would be cool. By the way. I like that. You're the first person in over 500 episodes that said that on the show. Yeah. Well, I think I might use that. Can I use that going forward? This is your show, man. You do it every month, but I live to a hundred too. That's dope. That is a good goal.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Yeah. It's a great goal, right? I don't want to hurt. I don't want to hurt people and I want to live to a hundred. So then if somebody comes to you with a goal like that, what is your answer? Well, Hey, try to avoid drinking every weekend. Try to avoid cigarettes, try to avoid drugs, try to avoid crazy things that, you know, are going to take time away from that goal. And then what do you add in? You add in, you know, really good, clean food that you're either killing yourself or you're getting from the market that doesn't have a ton of ingredients or zero. And then you're training four or five times a week. You know, your body needs rest for sure. The old CrossFit model is
Starting point is 00:37:05 great. Three on one off. I think that was one of the best things that people could ever learn from that is you do need a day of rest, but the days that you're training, you better be fucking training. You're only here for an hour. What are you doing for the rest of the day? Right? You're not sleeping for eight because nobody does that. But that's really important too. If you want to live long, a lot of people sleep sucks. And if you're, if you're going to spend one hour a day training and only six hours a day sleeping, what are you doing with the rest of it? Right. There's a lot of other time in there that could be either really detrimental to your, your goal of a hundred or really impactful for it. A lot of people that sit down all day, um, you know, they could be standing up, they could be walking
Starting point is 00:37:43 around, they could be doing pushups and burpees and on the hour, I had a friend, Josh Reed, he, he was a coach at the CrossFit room front that I was talking about. And he stopped doing CrossFit. Uh, he stopped doing it and he had a job that took him from nine to five every day, but he had to do it from home because of COVID. So every hour on the hour, he'd do 15 burpees, 15 pushups and 15 like air squats or something he's like i lost he's like i lost 50 pounds all my all my covid sad weight it's gone just from doing that right you don't need to go nuts but you got to do something you know hey dude have you ever known any do you know any um box have you ever known any professional fighters known no uh there's a guy at my jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 00:38:24 gym who has a fight this weekend but he's not a professional but he's really cool and awesome they do this thing like you'll just be standing with them like the robert guerrero the ghost whenever i've hung out with him a few times through dave castro and you'll just be sitting around in a circle and he'll just be like this and you're just talking and you're talking about like kids or it's just what he does so you just you're talking to him and all of a sudden he'll just be like. It's just in the zone. Yeah, it's what it is.
Starting point is 00:38:51 And so when I'm when I'm at home by myself or if I'm just in the garage, like watching, watching UFC or just whatever, watching, studying, let's say watching. Yesterday I was I was listening to a podcast you were on and um i just i put the podcast on and i um set an interval timer and i'm not even trying to work out but i just take a 30 pound dumbbell and i just do slow snatches really slow one you know what i mean put it down breathe just work on crazy because it's what I know. Yeah. It's just, I'm not even, I'm not even trying to work out. It's just what I know. It's how I fidget. I don't, it's just how I fidget. And it's like your buddy, it's like your buddy. That's he was, he worked out, he did it and he lost weight, but it's also just how we
Starting point is 00:39:39 fidget as crossers. We've taught ourselves habits of good, good fidgets. Good. Like, you know, like if you were bored, some people were bored. They'd go like watch some porn and jerk off in their room. You'd probably be like, oh, I'm going to go. I've never sprinted 30 seconds, rested two minutes. I'm just going to go outside and do that. I got a couple hours to kill. Throw a football around, play spike ball, go play golf, do jujitsu. That's the thing is like. Yes, we do. We do. We have different habits. it too. That's the thing is like, yes, we do. We do. We have different habits. Yes. But for a long time, when we looked at the CrossFit model, it was like, this is all you do. And people got really focused on the gym aspect of CrossFit. And they always forget that last line in fitness of a hundred words. What does that say? Regularly learn and play new sports. And that is like the forgotten part of that whole thing is like, go out, use your, you're getting super strong and super fit
Starting point is 00:40:22 and super fast and awesome. Go outside and use that crap. Go play volleyball, go, use your, you're getting super strong and super fit and super fast and awesome. Go outside and use that crap. Go play volleyball. Go, you know, learn a new hobby, play disc golf, whatever. I don't care. But you got to go enjoy the things that are out there for you to do with this fitness that you've just worked so hard to get, right? That thing we talked about a few minutes ago was like, you're, you're unable to do these things if you're overweight or if you're – whatever.
Starting point is 00:40:47 But once you earn the right to do them, get the fuck outside and go do it. Yes, yes, yes. I totally agree. Going back to that question I had for you in regards to messaging from HQ, is there anything that the gym owners want from headquarters? Like, would you have wanted that? Obviously you guys don't want HQ to bring heat onto the gyms. Yeah. I mean, we get enough heat already when people come from orange theory and they're
Starting point is 00:41:17 like, CrossFit's really hard. Isn't it? Like, no, you just don't know what you're doing. But we have, we have a stigma in the gym that when people come in, I'm not ready to do that. It's too hard for me to do that. I think that if HQ, like I loved what Greg was doing with the old people in the house with the fucking water jugs.
Starting point is 00:41:36 You did like that. Loved it. Loved it. Because if I show that to like my friend's grandfather and he's like, well, hey, I used to play rugby when I was 18, like, cool. Then you probably have some muscles that are waiting to get worked up and you know, let's go do something. Um, and they're always like, why can't deadlift a barbell? Like
Starting point is 00:41:55 no shit. You don't need a barbell. You need a can of tuna or something. Just put it over your head, do something that's a little bit more challenging than just existing in life. something that's a little bit more challenging than just existing in life right uh so you would like so what you would like from crossfit is resources or media that that that showcases the the um ability for everyone to do crossfit you know what i want to see as a specific example is a video that would show somebody like me going up to somebody in, in a supermarket and have the whole interaction from like that to like, they can do a pushup now. Right. Hey, what does that look like? All right. So we just met, you feel weird. I feel weird, but you come into the gym. I high five you. You're
Starting point is 00:42:40 awesome. You come in, you meet five people and then you come back the next day and they all remember your name. And then you come in and in you instead of getting on the bike today you did the 400 meter but you walked in you like that's a fucking giant win for you and then a couple minutes later you know it flips to a video of you you know learning how to do a dumbbell snatch you're actually doing a burpee off of the box and you're on the ground now and you can get yourself off the ground and then fast forward boom you just knocked out a push-up you're on the ground now and you can get yourself off the ground and then fast forward, boom, you just knocked out a pushup. You're fucking amazing, right? Nobody, I don't need to get that lady
Starting point is 00:43:10 to like fast forward all the way until she can do like 30 unbroken ring muscle ups. I just need to make sure that we prove that this training methodology gets you back to being a formidable human being in the world, right? Your ability to do things is increased by your skills that you learn, develop here. You're pushing away the day when you can't wipe your own ass. Yes. You're fighting that away. That is your, that should be your fight
Starting point is 00:43:37 all the time. Ben Bergeron, uh, has like my favorite quote of all time. It was, um, a distant, uh, I'm sorry, I'm gonna fuck fuck this up it was a distant goal on a very narrow horizon or something like that right it's just a very a slow trajectory on a distant horizon that's what it was and that to me as you know when i was like young mid-20s i i loved the competition aspect and i still do i love watching it it's so fun to see these athletes are unbelievable but for me personally um i got to a point where i was like nah i think i think i really want to just live till i'm really old and have like an awesome life i hear it all the time they're like man you fucking play golf every day you go to jiu-jitsu you just did crossfit like that's crazy how much you have this this free time like that's not free time it's like i blocked that
Starting point is 00:44:22 time out to do that stuff right so I want to tell her there's no fucking way you're gonna do that you pussy you're not gonna do that he's not gonna do it he's got balls hey if if I'm HQ and I just heard that idea so let's say I just heard that idea
Starting point is 00:44:40 and I was running the media department I would immediately call Greg and I'd be like hey I need a $50,000 budget he'd be like first final problem and then I would immediately call Greg and I'd be like, Hey, I need a $50,000 budget. He'd be like, first, final problem. And then I would immediately make a challenge to all fucking CrossFit gym owners. I'd say, I'll pay any of you a thousand dollars for a five minute video of showing you going to someone who's large bodied and being like, Hey, come to my gym and then show them just the first day in their gym that's all i would ask how awesome would that be yeah fuck dude that's amazing and dude and what that would do is that would inspire all for 50 grand then you'd have 50 videos and
Starting point is 00:45:15 that would inspire and you could just and you could show them like crazy yeah dude it's worth to spend 365 000 on and show uh start an Instagram account and show one of those every single day. Why not? That'd be really cool. Dude, every affiliate would be there being like, okay, let me see how Steve did it. Okay, let me see how Joe did it. Okay, let me see how. And all you got to do to make $1,000 is go in with your iPhone, ask someone if they would come to your CrossFit gym and work out with you.
Starting point is 00:45:40 They go to your CrossFit gym and show them walking through their first day. You don't even have to stretch it out a month like you were saying right it could be it could be the first day yeah that's 50k 50k you ain't doing shit boy you ain't doing shit i love what he's doing he's awesome um no i think that would be really cool to see people actually you know show the the actual vulnerability of what it is to be um maybe a suppressed version of yourself right because under all that fat or all that whatever is somebody that wants to perform and to that's what we do that's what that is when i'm 10 pounds lighter fucking muscle-ups start just raining off you're flying around everything yeah i start my whole fuck the whole landscape of the world changes for me and i'm not even a fat guy regardless of
Starting point is 00:46:31 what that lady told me the other day the simple analogy of like doing anything with a weight vest on yeah everybody's like man that's fucking sucks doing murph with a weight vest compared to doing it without so much easier no shit yeah right imagine if that weight vest was just your body and you couldn't take it off and it's just how you live your life that's how you ever done murph without a weight vest yeah absolutely oh because i've never used a weight vest but i thought for sure you were going to say no i've never done it without no there's been some years where i'm like i want to run these miles so hard that i come back and throw up and i can't do a weight vest on so i run like a try to run like a six and a half minute mile or something a little bit faster and then get back and like sprint through all the stuff and then try to run the next one but hey if someone if you go up to someone
Starting point is 00:47:13 who's 100 pounds overweight and you're like hey man i really want to bring you into my uh gym and just train you just come with me one day and they tell you to fuck off like you should still feel so fucking good that you tried to like um uh you like i've never asked someone hey do you need help with your groceries and they say no and i'm offended right why would i be offended i don't care i'm trying to get i'm trying to offer you yeah a way out of you know the the shitty situation that you're in but if you like that if you like where you're at then i'll go go fuck myself. It's fine. I don't need to do that. Or if you're just not ready. I don't know. No one, no one really likes it. Do they? No, one's really happy. No one's really happy. A hundred pounds. I don't know. Right. I don't know. The, uh, the media would tell you otherwise I'm sure, but,
Starting point is 00:47:57 uh, I'm not happy when I, when I, um, uh, eat too much in one meal. Yeah. When you got to sell the toilet for a couple extra seconds, you know, I've never, I've never eaten so much and gotten so full that I'm like, Oh, I'm really glad I did this to myself. Like I've never not at 50.
Starting point is 00:48:13 I've never said that once. Yeah, no. So I can't imagine that people are walking around super pumped to, you know, have knees that are sore and, you know, have trouble getting out of their car and using walking sticks
Starting point is 00:48:25 and stuff like that. Like that's gotta suck. Is it hard having them three gym owners? When I see that, I, I, I panic. It gives me anxiety that there's three of you that you have to actually get along with two other people. So we, we butt heads a lot. We butt heads a lot, but, um, it's all, it's all like for the betterment of the, of the affiliate, because I might have a great idea that I think is a great idea, but then in reality, it's kind of a stupid fucking idea. We shouldn't do it. And I'll have those two to check me or vice versa or whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:54 We actually have a head coach, Stephanie McConnell. She, she runs our, our day-to-day stuff, you know, midday stuff. And all three of us outside of this have other jobs. So we kind of have given her autonomy over the entire thing. of day stuff you know midday stuff and all three of us outside of this have other jobs um so we kind of have given her autonomy over the entire thing and we obviously all four of us talk a lot um but she you know she's changed this place to make it so much more inclusive and um cleaner and what was her name stephanie? McConnell. McConnell. Yeah. Even when you come on this show, is she like, hey, do they get nervous or jealous or anything like that?
Starting point is 00:49:38 Like 10 seconds before you send me that text, they're finishing up the 9 o'clock class, and they're just like, crush it, dude. Pretend like you're Joe Rogan and just pretend like you're on mushrooms and talk to Siobhan and be awesome. Okay. Yeah. what did you guys do during the um yeah she looks like a friend of mine uh she looks like this friend of mine danielle edmondson it's a trip i saw that picture yes she she finished 56 in the in her age division at the in the quarterfinals she's really close and now she's training her ass off she wants to go to games next year wow yeah she's really cool she's awesome she's all that that lady's what you said age division she's already in the masters she doesn't even look 35 she's 40 to 44 crazy i think or maybe
Starting point is 00:50:14 i don't know i'm not gonna age her she's awesome um uh so you do so you do butt heads and and what what does that look like like um you want to you should start – have a 5 a.m. class on Sundays and no one else does, or you think you guys should invest in sleds, or you think you should search locations or shit like that? Yeah, it's dumb stuff like, hey, we have five sleds. We need eight sleds. It's like, well, the budget doesn't allow that for this month, so we're going to have to wait a month. We're like, well, why don't we just fucking just do it and dumb shit like that, right? for this month so we have to wait a month we're like well why don't we just fucking just do it and shit dumb shit like that right we need more rags we need more you know the centos people that come and drop off our paper towels uh let's change their schedule what does it matter like what about what about covid how did what what about like covid was awesome here so we put up it was during
Starting point is 00:51:00 um like christmas when we were allowed to come back into our gym, which we did. What year? Christmas of 2021. That no, like before that, like the end of 2020. Okay. So we put up the way our,
Starting point is 00:51:14 our gym set up is there's two storefronts. How long were you guys closed? I think like three months, but in the three months. Yeah. We kind of painted the whole thing over again like we used it to our advantage okay cool landlord not really but okay yeah uh it's a different landlord now so he's i think it's like his son or something i don't know if he died or what but it's a different
Starting point is 00:51:38 person now and they're actually really good uh the old one was kind of weird but we had um we put up wrapping paper all over the front windows. So it was like, oh, it's just Christmas. We're decorating. And like inside, we just did CrossFit. Oh, so it was kind of like speakeasy almost. I don't know if I'm going to get in trouble. Because that could have been that could have been I love that comparison. That could have been I'm picturing like what if you had a gym owner who was like, hey, no one can come in here unless they're vaccinated. And then you had another gym owner who was the exact opposite is like, hey, I don't want anyone who's vaccinated. Like that, that shit could have happened. Yeah. And I was, it could have gotten squirrely. Earlier on, we were on a team that's like, hey, if you have COVID, just don't come to the gym.
Starting point is 00:52:25 I don't care if you're a vaxxer or not. Just don't tell me. Whatever it is, most people were advocating you should get it. Some other people were like, you shouldn't. But then it was, look, I don't care. If you're going to come in here, just do CrossFit and then go home. If you have COVID, don't do CrossFit. Go somewhere else. Do CrossFit at home.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Katie. She's awesome. Say that again. She's from Crossfit uh hard knocks down in uh kentucky i went there for army school and i worked out there every morning they're like the nicest people in the world so in all three of you saw eye to eye on that like a kind of don't ask don't tell policy hey hey we're not we're not going down that road this is a place to work out like fuck you if you are yeah if you're not, just come in here. Yeah. I don't want to, I'm not going to talk politics at dinner. Well, maybe with you, if I get to go have dinner with you, but I'm not going to have politics, uh, you know, on, at the whiteboard. Cause these people got enough stress outside.
Starting point is 00:53:16 They maybe have some family members that are, you know, suffering, whatever. When they come here, we're here to do the one, we're going to do the workout. Then we're going to go home. And if you want to text me offline, you have my number, please do it. But when we come in here, let's just talk about thrusters and pull-ups. Right. Did you, did you lose any clients? Oh yeah. Yeah. Because of, because you wanted it to just be a place to work out. And so there was, yeah, there, when we opened back up, there was people that were like, just cancel my membership. I don't want to come back. Um, it's not safe for me, things like that. Right. And I was like, you know what? No problem. When you're ready to come back, we'll be here. There's a couple of
Starting point is 00:53:47 people that are still not back. And I don't think they're exercising at all from that point. That might be like a handful. The majority of people came back after a few months, you know, and luckily we had enough money to continue to pay staff, to continue to pay, you know, ourselves. And it was, we got really lucky, I think. So, and we have awesome members who stayed on board paying their memberships to help us pay for all that stuff. Right. So we ended up using some of the money for new equipment, like new rowers, new bumper plates. We got – what else is in here? A couple new GHGs, things like that. So it worked out for us.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Robert's asking – you were talking about living to 100. Are there any studies of current 95- to 100-year-olds to find out how much fitness they did in their life? You know what you won't see though? Someone said on the podcast the other day, you won't see any obese people pretty much over 60, 70. Like once you start looking at older people, they're all skinny as shit. What I'll say to Robert is like, well, maybe I don't make it to a hundred. What if I get to 97? Isn't that really cool? Right. You know, like that's better than 67. That's, that's a whole nother life. I'm 32. So that's like a whole life that I would live. Right. You know, that's a whole nother life. I'm 32. So that's like a whole life that I would live.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Right. You know, that's cool. But I do think that there's probably people out there that are from, you know, maybe indigenous cultures or things like that to where they are living that, that long, because they don't have any of this Western influence, like crazy sugar in their drinks and super fast, fast food that just crushes their bodies and then they're also not consumed by their cell phones and they're not you know sitting at a desk for eight hours they're probably like just grabbing rice out of a bucket and walking it down to the river and they just do that for 97 years you know caleb can you bring up the new CEO's Instagram? Dan? Don Fall.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Oh, Don. Don Fall. I was tripping on how when Eric Rosa became CEO, his Instagram account overnight put on basically 100,000 followers. And now this guy's come on and he's put on 4,600 followers, let's say. I don't know how much he started with. And I think that completely just my fucking two-cent analysis, my analysis is that the affiliates have – at that time, the affiliates, the hive was fucking swarming, right? All the bees were fucking going nuts. And now everyone kind of is back to work and has their head down and they're just like okay hey what's up don and but but the affiliates aren't as um so i'll say agitated the bees are in the hive working right making honeycombs and shit yeah and i'll say something that might like ruffle
Starting point is 00:56:37 some feathers but um you know don seems like a really good guy he's a marine platoon commander and and all that like that's really impressive and to have dave say the things about him that he said that's that's really that means a lot to me because i respect dave a lot um but personally don hasn't done anything for me or my gym or my community so until he comes here and because what what's what's to say that six weeks from now there's another ceo there's been like four CEOs. You're one of them, right? There's been six CEOs in the last four years, more or less. There was basically, there was the dude that Greg fired. Then there was Dave. Then there was Rosa. Then there was
Starting point is 00:57:17 this other chick, Allison. And then now there's this dude. And then there was a president. I mean, the turnover has been just insane at hq yeah so my point in saying that is like what does the ceo mean to the ground level affiliate they don't no offense they don't really do anything for the affiliates in terms of marketing in terms of education like there's education but we have to pay for it it's a thousand dollars every time you want to go learn something from crossfit um or i'll just watch andrew hiller video right by the way he did just do an interview with um tommy and sean yeah talking league fitness and it's a three part they've broken into three parts
Starting point is 00:57:50 but i watched the first part and it the first part's really good absolutely i think what his plans are seem you know very genuine and real and i think they are going to probably bring some benefit to the affiliates i hope they are right but i I want to see it. I want to see it as somebody who pays my fee every year. What does this get me? Just the name? And that's fine. Because at the end of the day, the name attracts a certain customer. The name shuns a certain customer. So it's on the personalities running the affiliate to build their own brand. Because I know plenty of CrossFit gyms, um, not particularly in Delaware. Delaware is a really, really good CrossFit community, but, um, in just around the world that are awful. They're awful.
Starting point is 00:58:35 If you walked in there as somebody who was a little scared or intimidated, you're walking right back out and that, that sucks, but maybe they just need understanding of the philosophy a little bit better. They need maybe some better, you know, strategies is to get clients and to keep clients and things like that. What is your relationship been? Um, well, first of all, how, first of all, how did, how did you first hear about CrossFit and then tell me about your relationship with the methodology. Have you fallen in love with it, fallen out of love with it, come back to it?
Starting point is 00:59:09 Have you had an ebb and flow? So I picked up CrossFit in boot camp. One of our drill sergeants in 2008 was a CrossFit guy. I had no idea at the time, but when we were getting, you know, getting hazed or smoked or whatever, um, he would be like, Hey, go take this,
Starting point is 00:59:28 uh, take this rock, run around the building and then do, do 10 pull-ups. There's many pull-ups as you can. Like, man, that was a hard workout.
Starting point is 00:59:33 I was like, yeah, yeah, it was all right, cool. Now we're going to go do this. All right, cool.
Starting point is 00:59:37 So when we got done, I was like, what? Caleb, why are you sorry? Sorry, Caleb, why are you laughing?
Starting point is 00:59:42 Did you, did you have the same dude? No, but I feel like those are very similar stories. Yeah. So like you had, okay. Okay. Caleb, why are you laughing? Did you have the same dude? No, but I feel like those are very similar stories. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So I do this whole basic training, the military police advanced initial training, whatever it is.
Starting point is 01:00:00 And I get done the graduation. I'm just an 18-year-old idiot. I'm like, hey, where did you come up with all that shit? He's like the dot com they post shit every day i'm like oh really he's like yeah i've been doing it forever like oh cool so this guy showed me in 2008 never heard of it really before then came back joined the gym like the next week um and that my uh my friend chris he's actually gonna be my best man at my wedding next month. He started a frontline CrossFit with another guy, Joey, and those two together, Joe was a Ranger. And, uh, they, they basically taught me everything I know about CrossFit. And when you asked about falling in love or out of love with the methodology, I think I've always loved it
Starting point is 01:00:39 since then, because I know that it's always different. And I feel like if you can't tell from now, I'm just very, like, I got a lot of trying to do a lot of things. Right. And, uh, it kept me interested originally. And then now, um, me and a buddy have a new year's resolution from last year that we were going to work out every day. He's stuck to it. I missed two days so far, but the consistency of like, whatever it is, who cares that finally clicked with me like this year um and i i'm trying to get that point across to everybody's like you don't have to do every day but no matter what it is you just have to do it you don't have to like it it's just something you have to do why did why did you miss two days uh the first one i did a paintball tournament and i couldn't
Starting point is 01:01:19 really walk after that because i didn't realize how smashed i'd be um and i think we had like a bunch you don't get a wad credit for a paintball tournament well that was the day before like the day i missed was the the sunday after okay um and then the other one was the day after my bachelor party this last sunday uh i just felt like death yeah hey um is uh you those two guys who opened frontline crossfit are they still friends or do they hate each other? Yeah, no, they actually just hung out. And Joey moved to Savannah, Georgia. He works with the Army still as a civilian now.
Starting point is 01:01:52 But Chris actually just went down to Savannah and they hung out. Yeah, they're still friends. Wow. I don't know why I'm just convinced that if you go into business with someone, you're fucked. I'm just waiting for me and Susie to have a blowout. Sorry, you guys should just be honest with each other and you know whatever some motivational thing right there so so now you're you're if you start in 2008 it's 2022 that's 14 years um do you view do you view it different it's a trip because at 16, you already knew that,
Starting point is 01:02:26 that working, that working out could be scaled down to walking. Yeah. I felt like I figured that out quick. Right. I feel you figured out modifications, but I had to, because this guy couldn't do anything. So I was like, I went through, like I was bodybuilding or whatever, and you know, like doing a Hiller skull crushers and stuff, but I, I didn't know what else this guy could do. So I was like, well, I'm going to go with the most basic human function that I know of. And that's walking and where the gym was, there was like a giant Hill right outside.
Starting point is 01:02:54 And I remember this Hill just like murdering this dude. And I was like, fuck, this might be a good workout for him. He should probably just keep doing this. And he did. And he lost a bunch of weight and then he ran a 5k. There's story oh shit wow yeah that was really cool we did us it was uh for a fallen uh police officer here in delaware uh joe zerba and they do it every year at my high school and he did that one and we high-fived and he fucking finished it it was awesome has has your perspective of the methodology changed on like have you gotten has it has it um what am i trying to ask you basically you know your taste buds change as you get older
Starting point is 01:03:33 yeah um has your has your thought of it changed like what it what it what you're truly holding like maybe in the early years you thought you were holding a hammer and now you look at it and it's also a uh sponge and you're like wow like yeah i mean it when i looked at it uh from like a competition aspect i would always be trying to get stronger and faster and better at gymnastics and stuff right but once i stepped a little further away from that like i still liked i'm gonna do the open probably forever until the open's done which i hope is never but like um you know that the games this year was a really good refresher for some people, I think to realize like, Hey, we don't need a barbell every fricking day.
Starting point is 01:04:11 We don't need to be, you know, maxing out our snatches and doing crazy things. It's very simple, right? Take the sandbag, put it on your shoulder. Who can do the most? Oh, that's really cool. That was my favorite event of the whole games. But in terms of like the methodology itself, The pirouette the pirouette is something that that was cool yeah that people who can get inverted can can spend five minutes practicing in their affiliate we all came back in here and tried the jump rope thing the next day yeah like oh shit i haven't done this since i was like 10 right maybe i should just i'm not going to practice that but i'll try
Starting point is 01:04:43 it again right but um like as far as the methodology goes, I do think it's changed a few times because I think it matters who's programming it. And from my understanding, I think it's Austin Maliolo and James Hobart now doing whatever the day-to-day stuff is. But the most programmed workout of all time in CrossFit, I'm pretty sure is a 5K run. I could be wrong, but I know Hiller will probably be like, you're an idiot or that's right. But I think most people join CrossFit because they avoid running, not knowing that we run too. We do a lot of other things.
Starting point is 01:05:18 So I think the methodology has always been just enough variance for me to stay super engaged. I've done this since 2008. There was never a break where I stopped doing CrossFit. I did triathlon a couple of times, but I still would do our class workouts and stuff to prep outside of like the swim, bike, run stuff. And then I'm training for a jujitsu competition. I'd still do the 5 a.m. workouts
Starting point is 01:05:42 and I do jujitsu on the side. Like it's just part of, it should just be part of your, your daily routine now. Right. Um, and that's what a lot of people fail to understand about what we do. It doesn't matter what it is, just it's fitness on the board. We're just gonna go do fitness, right? The name itself just adds the, it has added a negative connotation, um um which sucks because it's so good for you just a little bit of this so good for you yeah and the people the people are amazing the people to be surrounded by like-minded people who just want to improve their lives oh here we go wow wow so that's between 2008 and 2013 interesting um by the way i think hobart and maliolo do the
Starting point is 01:06:29 program that you have to pay for as an affiliate but the programming is as far as i know has been the same guy since as almost as long as i uh when i first got there it was greg and lauren and then it was tonyding. And then after that, it was this other guy who never wants his name told and and he's been doing it ever since, but he's very close with Hobart. He's very, him and Hobart are very close. Well, he's awesome. Whoever he is. Yeah. But I don't think anyone even knows his name, even though he's probably one of the most knowledgeable people in the world
Starting point is 01:07:02 about CrossFit kind Kind of weird. Rich Browning, got it. No. Where do you go from being an affiliate owner? How old are you, Steve? I'm 32. I just turned 32. Do you have a side hustle?
Starting point is 01:07:23 Yeah. Where do you grow? I'm guessing I'm guessing at some point, it's just not enough. Like you get into it and after like five or 10 years, you're like, okay, I've done this now. What do I do? Like, so invent a new piece of equipment or do you open up a sidewalk cleaning business or like, what do you do? There's not many sidewalks in Delaware, but that's probably a lot. But, uh, so I have my hands in a few different fires. Um, I really like to be, uh, I like to cut like collect dots and then connect dots. So I'm involved with the green brain project. I'm a partner with them. Um, I'm involved with the weed of five foundation. It's a foundation for veterans to do jujitsu. Um, I'm involved with this thing called arena
Starting point is 01:08:04 adaptive. It's about, um, adaptive athletes and people with disabilities. And then I also started my own nonprofit last year with the help of eight other guys. Um, do you know, Eamon Coyne from the masters fitness collective? If I do, I, it doesn't ring a bell, but I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not great with names. But so he's, he's part of this, but it's called shoot, move, communicate, um, um, redefining warrior culture. And we basically just have like retreats where we, um, you know, just drink whiskey and shoot guns and do jujitsu and CrossFit and stuff. And it's really fun. Um, but on top of that, I do, um, I work full time with the Delaware army national guard.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Uh, so that's like my, my nine to five kind of deal. And my job with them is the holistic health to fitness, uh, program manager. So originally I was hired to, uh, what does that mean? What does that mean? You're in charge of the, the, just the health of, uh, your, your, I don't know what's it called your regiment, your crew, the whole Delaware guard. Wow. wow okay so 1600 soldiers okay um but so my job with them is to basically work through physical readiness mental readiness emotional readiness spiritual readiness and sleep readiness that is the h2f model and that's been my life for the past three and a half four years or something like that um what do you do you send out an email to
Starting point is 01:09:25 them once a week to these 1600 guys once a month i do i do a monthly newsletter i hosted seminars but more more so i was uh like a logistics dude so they we didn't have any resources in delaware we didn't have any nowhere to work out so my number one initiative yeah fuck even having tires you didn't even have a place to go and flip tires right so my number one initiative that's crazy that's fucking crazy there well they so it's not entirely true there was a couple places that each armory had like a little gym so what i did was like every one of these needs to be a crossfit gym now so i turned them into crossfit gyms so every all of the armories in Delaware are now, they have fully functional CrossFit gyms pretty much. Right. Um, and then on top of that, we built a $5 million, 5,000 square foot fitness center at our regional training Institute, which is in
Starting point is 01:10:16 Bethany beach, Delaware. So it's like all the way to Southern hub. And that is going to be fucking awesome. So like we have, uh, the recruit sustainment process program. Uh, it's like new kids going into bootcamp. They have to come through this area here. And for them to see that and to like get the exercise in there, hopefully that just like sparks some good stuff with them. And there's a lot of cool initiatives that we've done with that.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Um, we've gotten insane ambassador for CrossFit. You're an amazing ambassador because I'm guessing I see you up there in front of these 1600 guys being like, Hey guys, this is the training center today. We're going to do this. This is a modified version of something I got from CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:10:52 So everyone's like, Oh shit, we're doing this modified version of Cindy. And then they all start doing Cindy. And then, then you probably say to them, and by the way, if you want to keep doing this,
Starting point is 01:11:00 there are local affiliates in your area or just find your local park every day. But yeah, you're a beast. You a beast thanks brother so september is a national suicide awareness month and uh the the j9 is like a section in the guard that basically has they deal with alcohol abuse substance abuse suicide you know crap like that they asked me if i would be interested in creating a workout for people to do together, like a partner workout. I was like, fuck yeah, I want to do that. So I made three different
Starting point is 01:11:30 versions. There's a beginner intermediate and advanced. And it's just like a, you know, it's easy stuff, but it's all CrossFit because that shit works for everybody. Soldiers, old people, it doesn't matter. Does Delaware have, you know how like um crossfit has like these people that are like reps yeah george dobbins from crossfit over he is the man okay he is okay so you're close with him i know him very yeah he just lives you know 40 miles away so we don't hang out all the time but um every time i see him it's always a high five and a hug and what's going on you know he's a good dude i have i have a a friend who has a crossfit gym and it has let's say it
Starting point is 01:12:07 has 600 members and i'm like dude you're a fucking stud holy shit and he's been doing it forever and he used to have like he used to have a bunch of gyms now now he only has yeah he's jacked he's so jacked oh wow he's awesome too he's nice the nicest guy on the planet. What's his name? George Dauber? George Dobbins. Dobbins. How big is his territory? So he works a lot with the Green Beret Project. But I mean, for CrossFit, if he's the, whatever they call it. I don't know. I don't know what the region is for him.
Starting point is 01:12:42 But I know we hopped on a couple calls within the last year or two. And there was gyms from like Northern PA and Virginia. So he, it might be like West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware. I don't know. Something like that. DC. Okay. That's what I'm guessing. That would be a region to me, like the mid Atlantic. Okay. Okay. So this friend of mine was like, yeah, but it's crazy. And I said, why? He said, because imagine like in the model he told me was, and maybe I'm messing this up a little bit, but I think the spirit of what I'm saying is right, is that every month you lose 3% of your clientele. So there's a thing called a churn rate that I've learned about. I went to Ben Bergeron's Business of excellence seminar back in 2015, and he's discussed the churn rate and churn rate is like who comes in, who goes out. So your churn rate needs to be like down to one. Yeah. That was back then. Was that 2015? Look how young you look.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Dude, I was a baby. I was, I didn't know anything. I still don't know much, but I'm learning. But the churn rate is like, Hey, we got two new members and then we lost two old members. But the goal is to keep all the new members and all the old members. So your churn rate should be down to zero would be a goal. Right. Um, but I can imagine that a lot of people struggle with keeping their people engaged because at some point people get bored if they're not getting results. But even though it happens, life happens, they move. Yeah. And it's tough because when you first start, you are crippled sometimes after this, even if it's just like, you know, Hey, let's do five rounds of 10 air squats and 10 box pushups. These guys are smashed. Right. But I think that comes down to the development of the coaches that you are putting in front of your workouts and, and how good or bad they are.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Right. Because if your coach is like, dude, grab that 45 pound bar and do overhead squats, you'll be fine. And this person's like, I don't even know what, uh, air squat is. Why would you have them do that? And like triaging new people is something that the level one talks about all the time where it's like, when you get, or maybe it's level two, you got to like see where they are and then figure out what the one,
Starting point is 01:14:52 maybe two things that you can fix right away are and not really worry about anything else. Like, Hey, this guy's heels are coming up. His he's not squatting to death. His shoulders are okay. Let's take the bar off his head.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Let's take it off his back. Let's see if he can squat onto a medicine ball, right? But a lot of people are going away from that because there's a lot of sexy training out there, right? Like it's really sexy to do clean and jerks and muscle-ups. Those things are freaking awesome. But the real meat and potatoes are like, hey, let's, let's learn how to row properly. And then row 500 meters for me as fast as you can.
Starting point is 01:15:22 I bet you, you'll be dying. That was our workout. That was eight by 500 meter row. I was crippled this morning, but it's so simple. And people try to overcomplicate it a little bit. And so, so if you, if this guy loses 18 members a month, that means he has to put on 18, 18 members a month. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:47 That's a shitload of work, right? Onboarding 18 new people every month. Right. That's got to be psychotic. You have to have a stable of coaches to be doing that. Maybe one or two people dedicated to just that. Yeah, right. So what do you guys do?
Starting point is 01:16:09 Did all your coaches go to the Ben Bergeron course? I mean, all the owners, just you. Just me. Um, yeah, just me, but we, so we haven't really hired anybody outside of the gym as a coach, uh, besides Aaron. Aaron is the only person that came from a different gym um that's on our current coaching staff that wasn't organic from our gym um everybody else has you know started as a member learned all the stuff went to the l1 came back did classes again and then why do you only hire why do you guys only hire from within by the way i love that i think i think it's fucking brilliant but why well because let's say let's say you are you, why do you guys only hire from within? By the way, I love that. I think, I think it's fucking brilliant, but why do you, because let's say, let's say you are, you know, Siobhan, you've been coming to my gym for five years and you started as a 200 pounds, you know, 200 pounds overweight. And like, you've, you've drank the Kool-Aid, you are following the program to the T you're the, you're the epitome of what a good member should be. Why not become a figurehead
Starting point is 01:17:07 and a leader in the community? Because you already have that buy-in from most of the members. Why wouldn't you just put on the hat? So if people started here, they're like, I've never exercised in my life. And now they're crushing sets of strict pull-ups and running seven-minute miles. Hey, you're awesome now. we want to showcase your awesomeness because you're also interested in learning more. So why don't we send you to the level one and then eventually to the level two, and then you can coach classes. Do you guys actually do that? Do you actually send people to your L1? Yeah, we, we paid for, I think we paid for almost everybody that didn't have it to go to their L1. My fiance just went to it.
Starting point is 01:17:46 She'll fill in, you know, coaching for us. If I'm away of training and like there's a bunch of people missing from the area, she'll come in and coach a class or two. We pay for hers. If people want to go and get more certifications, we have to, you know, we don't have to. We want to pay for them to get better. Stephanie does a great job of developing the coaches. She literally has this book right here, and she's like, read this shit. Every day you come in.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Oh, that's my old training partner's book. Carl Eagleman. Yeah. Yeah, so that's like – she's like, hey, if you don't know what you're doing, go read this book. It's really cool. I was in 2000 – 2000 fuck i don't know six or seven or eight i can't even remember but i was where i would go to uc berkeley's uh rec center and i started working out there and there was a dude there big fucking dude
Starting point is 01:18:39 giant giant man like like really big like six eight six nine big like like weird big and uh in really good shape and i think he came over to me and said hey what are you doing and i'm fucking little and i'm doing i said i'm doing crossfit he goes okay i'm gonna do it with you and then we just started training every day for go over to his house pick him up and we would just train all over the fucking bay area anywhere we could he eventually he became too fucking fit i think he was the first guy i ever saw do double unders for two minutes straight and i filmed it and i put it on dot com yeah that's really hard yeah and he's giant dude he's like he's like like like like john wellborn yeah no but but this guy's thin this guy's built like a track star but um but like he's so he's so
Starting point is 01:19:26 fucking tall that you can't stop staring at him and like so long and shit you know what i mean like yeah those those guys have a tough time through life too a lot of things are built for you know right right i bet you he has a tough time going to disney world right right and he can't do shit about it oh look at here dude carl is my fitness dad's group on Marco Polo. What a stud of a human God. He's such a good dude. Yeah. Me and him just became like instant friends and he would fucking get at it. Him, me, him and my girlfriend who's my wife now and still my, she's still my girlfriend and my wife. Um, so, so when you took your L one, did you, you um what year did you take your l1 uh i took my l1 right when i came back from afghanistan so 2013 and and you in 10 years later you still think it's good enough to send your girlfriend to yeah i thought the l1 so I think the L1 is something that like every CrossFit, every person should go to, right? Because it's a lot of information, but there's so many little nuggets that you're going to take back and use for your own life. Like you don't need to learn how to program for a hundred
Starting point is 01:20:36 people. Like that's psychotic to think you can do that in two days, but you can definitely learn like what foods suck and to avoid and like how to do a proper air squat and then teach your family that, that that's really cool to teach. And there's tons and tons of little nuggets throughout that course that you just don't get anywhere else in that setting, right? You're surrounded by people who are absolute professionals. Amy Lyons at CrossFit King of Prussia, she like pumps out the level ones around here and level twos i think she's a genius she's unbelievable awesome aliolo and was uh one of my flow masters and i went uh dave lipson was a flow master when i went james hobart was like these guys are unbelievable professionals we need to surround our members or just normal people with them so that they can learn from them right because that those people have such good tips to give out and you're not going to know what's said there because you're not there. And that,
Starting point is 01:21:30 that those little, you know, nuggets are so important for people to learn because it's so specific. Hey, Savan, your air squat sucks. Like this is why. And you have an exact fix from a professional coach.
Starting point is 01:21:42 Right. But people are worried about like oshgood slaughter and shit like that that doesn't fucking matter sometimes but you know there's little what did she think what did what did what did your girlfriend think what did your fiance think she loved it she loved it and she went with one of our other coaches rachel um they they went together i think i'm pretty sure i i think i heard you say this in that podcast that i listened to yesterday and i never thought of it quite like this but if there's things that you'll do in your life most things that you do that just
Starting point is 01:22:11 won't stick with you your whole life it might not be like a tool you need your whole life but that whatever you learn the sooner you can take your l1 the better you and everyone around you will be because you will literally take that with you your whole life it's like kind of like in jiu-jitsu when um my son got his gray belt oh awesome it made me cry the the the instructor said he walked up to my son and he said you'll have this for the rest of your life no one can take this from you and i was like oh fuck yeah from you and i was like oh fuck yeah oh fuck like he got it he did it yeah he has the he has that skill set right right so uh yeah and i see it every day in his life now what like i see his jiu-jitsu skills every day in his life no matter what he's doing whether he's eating how he moves
Starting point is 01:23:00 around the room when he plays frisbee i see it and i'm like wow and the l1 is like that you will have that your whole fucking life there's stuff they give you in there that's like oh shit this changed my life forever dude the l1 is like a white belt for crossfit right that's how i think of it like it's a barrier to entry you should be doing it because i might be a great coach even if you're not a crossfitter though too right i mean nobody's you can be like fuck crossfit but i still took my l1 and i can take all this with me well that's the same people that go to jujitsu for a month and they're like why i learned how to like you know take somebody's back and escape mountain shit like that like that matters in real life that's basic survival skills if anybody ever
Starting point is 01:23:37 tackles you or whatever but we like i might be a great coach but I am not a black belt in CrossFit. You know what I mean? Dude, what are you eating? You might be, you might be, I've heard, I've heard, I've heard you're a black belt. I don't think I'm a black belt. Stop. Um, but, but so then you go to these, the course where you get your white belt from level one and you learn from people like Austin and James who are unbelievable. These guys can
Starting point is 01:24:07 write programs for anybody, right? They can explain anything to you in superior detail where a normal CrossFit coach probably can't, right? I always use the analogy of like golf, golfing, because I think it makes the most sense. Like you watch the guys on TV, boom, they hit a perfect shot. Cool. They just won a golf club. But they're thinking about lie angle and wind and distance and target lines and shit like that. If I'm a white belt in golf, I'm just, all right, I'm going to try to, I'm just trying to hit this shit as hard as I can. Right. Try not to miss the ball. Try not to miss the ball.
Starting point is 01:24:36 Keep my head down. Right. But there's levels to everything. And I think CrossFit has, you know, very, very distinct layers to that. And I think the first layer should be not only your intro to like your community, your local gym, but having your gym send you to a level one. And that's a crazy tall order to ask for. Like, hey, you're day one.
Starting point is 01:24:59 You have no idea what you're talking about. But I might be a good coach, but I'm probably not the best in the world. Why don't you go learn the basics from the best in the world and then come back and i'll teach you what i know you know that'd be really cool and if you're a parent man the shit that you learn in there that you can um share with your kids yeah clean and jerk them throw them right over your head yeah what to eat that too um and the and the lessons in life and the culture. It's so rarely talked about, but you learn the CrossFit culture in there. And so that's really hard to explain to people what the CrossFit culture is, but you learn it in there. And the reason why you learn it in there is because you
Starting point is 01:25:37 sit down, you get there on Saturday morning and you sit down and there's a little bit of just like anytime you're in a room with 50 new people, there's a little bit of just like anytime you're in a room with 50 new people there's a little bit of fronting everyone knows who the fittest guy is everyone knows who's the prettiest girl is everyone knows who there's an old guy in there with like his leg missing and everyone's like and they're assessing everyone but by fucking saturday afternoon it's kind of like us against them yeah everyone that whole class has now become a fucking team and the girl that you judge that's probably stuck a bitch is cool as shit and the guy with one leg has fucking five pull-ups with with a hundred pound vest and you're like right the fuck and then there's another old lady that you didn't think could even walk and she's out there doing squats with her cane and you're like this is nuts
Starting point is 01:26:17 yeah but that's like basic human exposure to like we don't get that in intimacy the cult yeah you don't get that in society now you walk anywhere and then this is all you see right every single person is just in any waiting room ever is just locked on to oh bill grumler he's awesome uh just locked onto their phones and they're not talking anymore right the l1 is literally like put your fucking phone down take out some notes and pay attention for two whole days. By the way, in California, the stories about before I did CrossFit, I knew of Bill Grundler. I thought you were Bill Grundler for a long time.
Starting point is 01:26:56 His nose is way bigger, dude. Way bigger. Listen, I knew of Bill Grundler. listen so there was i i knew of bill grundler um he was at a he was i knew he was a fire chief or a fire captain in a um in a firehouse that was it was a weird firehouse it was an actual house and it was on a beach in pismo beach and it wasn't really affiliated with any of the other firehouses it had some weird exemptions like it was in a county and not a city and the stories that came out of there were fucking nuts and i wasn't a firefighter i was just some homeless dude in santa barbara but i but i knew of this place because it was place of legend right and there was a dude there supposedly in the fitness shit that he would
Starting point is 01:27:38 do was like you didn't believe it you like it like, it was like running sprints upstairs with a hundred pound pack on your back and like working out for hours at a time. And it was just batshit crazy shit. And then eventually our paths crossed like in 2006 or seven. And, uh, which is so weird because I'm a homeless guy and he's a fucking fire captain and our paths did cross. We met at a party one night and, uh, we've been friends ever since and and kind of both took off on our crossfit journey i think he was doing a lot of that stuff even before he even heard of crossfit he's he's he's fucking nuts uh seven thanks for the honest content um thanks for the laughs aloha that's awesome probably from hawaii yeah wow you're a fucking you're a cultural uh
Starting point is 01:28:23 you have such great uh situational awareness to people's cultures. Absolutely. Solid. But that, so talking about, uh, was that Bill, the fire chief? Yeah. No, Bill Grunton, that guy who said aloha. No, no, no. Was the story you told the bill? Yeah. That's Bill Grunler. The guy who does the commentating. But, but I mean, to have, to be a fitness legend in in California Even before I even knew about CrossFit That's how gnarly he is
Starting point is 01:28:47 Yeah but you know what's fucked up Is like I'll walk into whatever Like my unit or something They're like oh you're only in this good shape Because you work out every day Like no shit You guys can do this too You're right
Starting point is 01:28:58 You're superhuman No no I just do CrossFit every day And I've been doing it for like a decade Is there someone fitter than you at your gym? Absolutely like oh you're you're superhuman like no no i just do i just do crossfit every day and i've been doing it for like a decade so someone fitter than you at your gym absolutely yeah uh chris clive he's 12th in the world on the in the masters he missed the games by two spots wow yeah he's awesome best friend we got a bunch of beers this weekend why did he why do people say that kind of weird shit to you it's so it's so weird you're only you're only that fit because you work out i don't know i think it's it's probably a little bit um you know project
Starting point is 01:29:28 like they're it's like their inside voice came out it's like hey dude that was your thought you probably yeah but uh i think a lot of people they want what you know it's a lot of maybe envy or jealousy and i i don't ever feel that at all. But like, when I look at somebody who's fairly me, I'm like, damn, dude, you really train hard. You're awesome. That's the end of the sentence. You know, there's not much else to say. I'm not like, I wish I could be better than you and faster and better looking and a better mustache, but I can't because I can't grow facial hair. So it's hard, but you're stuck. You're stuck doing pull-ups, stuck doing pull-ups. That's it. Why is your last post on your Instagram on March 27th? Um, what was my last post? I forget, but I didn't, I forget too, but you've just stopped.
Starting point is 01:30:16 Yeah. I took a break from social media for a little bit. And I, uh, I tried to really focus on my job and then the affiliate a little bit. Like I wanted to get in better touch with Stephanie and, and, uh, work, you know, your fiance's. No,
Starting point is 01:30:30 no. Stephanie is my head coach. Oh, okay. Okay. But, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:30:34 so I trained, I trained pretty hard for the quarterfinals. Didn't really get close, but I, I really like put it as my goal. Like I want to qualify for a semi or something. So you were, so you were reduced,
Starting point is 01:30:44 you were taking things out of your life and you, and you erased the Instagram app off your phone or something? It was one of the things you purged? Yes, because I wanted to focus more on life happening and things like that. What else did you get rid of? Did you get rid of anything else? Like a SiriusXM membership or – We just canceled our cable yesterday, which was – that's a big step. Yeah, yeah. Good big step. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Yeah. Yeah. On you. Yeah. So that's tough. But now for like that one day we didn't have cable. I'm looking at her like you, you really fucked up right now.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Like we need to watch whatever the bachelor or whatever, you know, but now it's okay. Cause that shows unhealthy as fuck. She loves, I watched, I watched one season of that. I watched the, the C I had Luke Parker on.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Do you know the guy at Mayhem? Yeah. My fiance, no offense, Luke, but she fucking hates him. And I watched that season, and I hated humanity. I hated humanity. Yeah. To tell your fiance, and please don't punch me for this, that she's equally as bad as Luke for even watching the show.
Starting point is 01:31:47 It is a vile, vile group of people. The entire thing, the producers of the show should be taken out and beaten. I would, I would never let anyone get within a thousand miles of the creators of that show. You are fucking scum.
Starting point is 01:32:00 I say that with peace and love. That's it. Yeah, absolutely. I, every time I walk in the room into the house and she'll kill me when I say this, but I'm That's it yeah absolutely Every time I walk into the house And she'll kill me when I say this but I'm always like Turn that trash off and then I'll just go get like a glass
Starting point is 01:32:10 Of water or something It's so unhealthy Yeah I know I'd rather just watch a fucking parking lot cam at a brothel I mean it is fucking That show is so unhealthy It's close Thank you Caleb for laughing at that I appreciate that I thought it was pretty good That show is so unhealthy. It's close. It's it's a, thank you, Caleb,
Starting point is 01:32:25 for laughing at that. I appreciate that. I thought it was pretty good too. Okay. So, so you purge yourself of it and you're, and you're cool with it. I mean,
Starting point is 01:32:31 you don't, I'm back on it now. I put out a little question yesterday and I got like a bunch of people getting triggered from it, but it was like, um, as if you're going to hire somebody to do to like coach you on something specific,
Starting point is 01:32:44 should that coach be able to perform the task or whatever you're asking them to teach you? And they had like 200 responses. Wait, wait. Give me an example. So can I teach a muscle-up if I can't do a muscle-up? That was the number one triggering thing. It was like, no, I don't care if you can't do a muscle-up. That was cool.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Clint Romesha is an absolute fucking savage. That was just a one, like, triggering thing. It was like, no, I don't care if you can't do a muscle-up. That was cool. Clint Romesha is an absolute fucking savage. That was just a video of him. He's a Medal of Honor recipient. Wait, can we watch that one more time? Can we watch that one more time? Yeah, he's awesome. That was... And then we'll come back to the triggered people.
Starting point is 01:33:18 Cop Keating, that dude, he is an absolute legend. You want to talk about fucking awesome dudes? Clint Romesha, if you're listening, I love you. Die in our last final positions or we can go out in the blaze of glory. While with only 53 troops at combat outpost Keating, Afghanistan, over 300 Taliban fighters began
Starting point is 01:33:35 attacking from all sides. As the fighters breached the perimeter, Romesha rallied his men even after he was wounded, taking out a sniper and a machine gun nest before calling in an airstrike. Staff Sergeant Romeshay is an American hero and Medal of Honor recipient. So there's a movie about him. It's called The Outpost.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Did he live? Did he survive that? Yes, he survived. Romeshay, get him on the podcast, Caleb. Romeshay, Romeshay, let's get him on the podcast. Yeah, get him on. I would love to hear that story. But no, I put this question up and it was like, if you want to hire somebody to be your
Starting point is 01:34:11 coach, should they be able to do what it is you're hiring them for? And my point in asking it was not to say like there's one good way or one bad way to do this, because if I want to learn how to do something, I want to go to an expert. So when I go to jujitsu, I go to Riverfront Jujitsu up the street. And Billy Shaw is an incredible teacher. This guy is world class. But I wouldn't go to my buddy who's done jujitsu four times to be like, hey, man, teach me. I want to be a black belt in 10 years.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Teach me everything you know. He's like, I don't know much. So we'll be done in like 20 minutes. Right. I want to go every day. I want to learn from somebody who's experienced. That's why I don't teach jujitsu. I don't know anything, so it will be done in like 20 minutes. I want to go every day. I want to learn from somebody who's experienced. That's why I don't teach jujitsu. I don't know anything about jujitsu.
Starting point is 01:34:49 But it was more so to say that if you – But there's a difference there, right? Yes. But what you're saying because I could – so my wife taught yoga for let's say 15 years. She went to India. She did all the shit took all the courses she was fucking amazing then she got hit by a fucking car oh fuck right and i told her like hey what a fucking great opportunity to learn she's like i can't do some of these moves now
Starting point is 01:35:16 they almost had to amputate her leg and she's like i can't do some of the shit now and i go who cares i go now's the time you fucking work on being able to be eloquent and articulate with your mouth and to use your hands to push on people's anuses to get them in the position. Whatever they do. Yeah. Yeah, whatever they do in yoga. So like Doug Peterson coaches the Eagles or he used to coach the Eagles. He played football. He has the buy-in to be a football coach.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Okay, okay, okay. You know what I mean? Okay. So she still had the – she could do it at one point. You're saying that you're saying he could do it at one point. That's one thing, right? If you're an Olympian when you were 21,
Starting point is 01:35:52 but now you're 80, you still know Olympic, whatever the fuck you were doing. Right. But like, if you've never like worked towards a goal, like let's say the muscle up was like the most triggering thing. Like I there's coaches that can't do muscle ups. That's okay. But are they trying their goddamn best to like
Starting point is 01:36:09 work up the ladder to do strict pull-ups toes to bar, right? Chest of our pull-ups. Do they, do they actively search for knowledge in how to better themselves? And if they're not, I don't think that that quote coach is qualified to teach you how to do that. But I don't think that that coach is qualified to teach you how to do that. Right? You know, one time I worked out with Lauren Glassman at her house, and she couldn't do a fucking pull-up. That was fucking weird. But another time I was fucking at an airport in Africa with fucking Greg, and someone's – Greg goes – we were talking to someone who recognized him. And someone goes – they started talking about the pistol.
Starting point is 01:36:47 And Greg goes, Sevan, show him a pistol. And I'm like, I need to fucking warm up. I can't just do a pistol. And that motherfucker knocked out five. Really? Yeah. I was like, and I never see, I've been hanging out with him for fucking 10 years. I've never seen him do fucking anything.
Starting point is 01:37:01 And he knocked out five fucking pistols ass to grass. I was like, you motherfucker. Yes. He is like our CrossFit Yoda. I was like, what the fuck? And he was angry at me that I didn't do it. Anyway, okay. So what do you think?
Starting point is 01:37:14 So you think that you – do you think that you should at least have all been on some level super proficient in the movement even if you aren't now? have all been on some level, super proficient in the movement, even if you aren't now. So I had a conversation with one of my members yesterday about it. And I said, I think you should be proficient in one step below what you're trying to teach. Because like, let's say you can do an overhead squat, but you can't do a squat snatch. You could probably teach somebody how to do a squat snatch by showing them, this is where you land. This is the position you get to, right? Like, that makes sense. them. This is where you land. This is the position you get to, right? Like, that makes sense. But if you like, can't put your arms over your head to demonstrate that there's probably a tough chance you're going to have a connection with somebody that you're trying to teach, right? But it also
Starting point is 01:37:55 comes down to the athlete that you're getting. If I get a D1 rugby player in here, I'm like, yo, dude, this is a muscle up. Do it. He's just going to do it. Right. But if you're going to have somebody that like requires months of training to get it done, it's not just a, Hey, here's do, do what I just did. It's like a let's, you know what I mean? I could teach someone a muscle up. Great. I, I have no business teaching anyone to kippy muscle up. I've never, I don't, I don't ever do them. Never, ever, ever. But then you wouldn't teach it to them right yeah yeah i only do strict ones so this is how you should do it yeah yeah but that was but but like and then you know what if you are a coach and you don't have what if you are a what if you are a so you think that if if there's a crossfit coach and you think if there's a if
Starting point is 01:38:42 there's a let's say there's got to be there's got to be a shitload of trainers out there who don't have a strict muscle yes should they should they not be coaching at cross absolutely not that's not no that's not what i'm saying at all i'm saying that if that is you if this is you and you are that person that you're the only coach in your gym that can't do a muscle up it's okay because as long as you are actively pursuing that slow trajectory on the distant horizon, you're doing exactly what you're supposed to do. But if you're saying like- You may even be actually a better coach at it as long as you- Yes.
Starting point is 01:39:11 Than the person who can do it because you're actively trying to do it. You're working on your overhead squat position because you have the worst in the gym, but you're also the coach. And, but you're learning shit because you're actively trying to do it. Yeah. You become more relatable at that point. You're like, look, I'm in the same boat, dude. Like, Hey, like I've been working my balls off to get this muscle up. And I just, I I'm really close. Like I'm, I got five strict pull-ups
Starting point is 01:39:32 now I can do a ring dip out of the rings. My negative is amazing. Right. I can hold my body in space at, you know, in a decent posture, things like that. But the skill is not the, the goal. That's not the carrot. The journey to get there is usually the most important thing for most athletes. And it's like, Hey, I can't do muscle-ups yet. So I'm going to quit CrossFit. Why? If you never got a hole in one, are you going to stop playing golf? Like if you never fucking submitted a black belt on the IBJJF stage, are you just going to stop doing jiu-jitsu? No. That's the pinnacle. It's a niche thing. Very rarely are we programming ring muscle-ups for our everyday
Starting point is 01:40:10 members at the CrossFit gym. It's awesome if we have a bunch of people that can do them, but the majority can't. That doesn't mean that they suck or can't do CrossFit well. It's that this is a very high-level movement for normal people. If they can't do it, they can progress through other means. Strict pull-ups, ring dips, box dips, push-ups. Learn how to do push-ups. That's like the most brutalized movement in CrossFit. You watch people do push-ups, and it looks like they're having a seizure.
Starting point is 01:40:35 So there's a lot of things that you can take from that, but people got really triggered when they – they always went to the muscle-up. Why? Like what do people say to you when you put that up? What the fuck are people doing on your Instagram? I can't even get fucking 30 people to my Instagram account. How did, why are people, if you haven't posted since March 27th,
Starting point is 01:40:51 how are people even like, I just put up pictures of my dog all the time. They love Max, but you still, Oh, so you have been active in your story, just not on posts. There he is.
Starting point is 01:41:01 But yeah, I'll be active in my story. Okay. Um, you, you know, another thing is um uh like i don't go to the pain cave very often yeah and and i and i think that that also makes me not um if i if i were coaching crossword i think that makes me not a very good coach. I don't think so. Well, I just wish – and it's because I work out alone a lot, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:32 And so there's no one there. Like I've never gone to an affiliate and not gone to the pain cave. If I'm at an affiliate, it fucking happens. Yeah, right, exactly. And that's just the shared suffering. You're looking over and you're like, well, that guy's fucking dying and he's 55. I'm 32. I should really be dying if he's doing – like you're just going to push yourself a little bit more probably.
Starting point is 01:41:50 But if you're by yourself, you're not like losing fitness by not blacking out on a salt bike twice a week. Like you're not training for that anymore. You're training for the thing, this thing. I would just rather my kids get their training my wife so my wife does go to the pain cave she does train with other people she trains people she goes to affiliates i would rather my kids be around that than me like for their training like for me like fine i'll teach you the muscle up or you'll see me do some assault bike or fuck around with you know my snatches look more like fucking deadlift curls presses these days but um yeah i i
Starting point is 01:42:30 do think that there's value to people seeing other people go to the pain cave right absolutely yeah it's the same you know i mean i'm not i'm not poo-pooing myself i'm still proud that i work out but it's like yeah but then it also comes down to like the the three basic words that every crossfitter should know is mechanics consistency and intensity intensity varies between uh everybody so it's it should be mechanics consistent consistency relative intensity because it has to be relative to the situation and the the participant right so i have the consistency i have decent mechanics i don't get hurt anymore but fuck man the pain cave is a fucking bitch yeah but you also like you're you did one the other day you
Starting point is 01:43:13 did the five minute assault bike challenge that's that's oh yeah that was yeah that was horrible right so you do do it did you do it uh i've done five minutes before i fucking hated that i never want to do that again yeah do you remember i was like i think i was i don't want to lie i don't forget i think it was between 85 and 92 or something like that i don't know what do you think's harder what do you think's better to get calories on the assault bike or the echo bike you have an opinion on that better like which one would you which one which one makes you look better which one are you like oh i did if you did the echo bike will you get more calories the echo bike for my affiliate has been awesome the assault bikes get so dirty and they're crinkly and they make a shit i don't i don't mean in that terms in terms of which um for the calorie
Starting point is 01:43:53 thing like if i were like hey you got to get the most calories in five minutes you can choose either of these bikes which bike oh my god the assault bike you get 10 million calories oh okay damn that sucks did you think it was the other way around i want i don't know what it is i wanted it to be the other way around because i ride the assault bike so i wanted to be like yeah i beat all you echo fuckers no way that that the assault bike is different though it's smaller it's more compact it's more like gritty and old school now so it's got the chain it's got the chain yeah and that then and that that's like a danger aspect of right at any moment, it can just explode. Why does the affiliate have an ordained minister in the,
Starting point is 01:44:36 what's his name? Dave, Dustin Davis. Yeah. Well, he's an ordained minister, so he doesn't really have a ton of certification. So when we just redesigned our website, I think it's more, what's he say? Like you're doing Franny's like, dear God, you're fucked. And guess what? Forgive him. So you get a little blessing from Dustin. Now he, he's, he coaches a Tuesday mornings for us and which has been a big help because the
Starting point is 01:45:00 morning classes are always a tough, a tough sell, but we don't want people to get burned out coaching the mornings. I coach Monday and Friday mornings. He coaches Tuesday. Tom coaches Wednesday. And then Gretchen, our other coach, coaches Thursday morning. Steph does the midday. We all rotate weekends, stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:45:14 But having him there, he comes from a collegiate track background. So he has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to fast, sprinty-type workouts. So if they pop up, he's got really good insight as to like hey this is what's probably gonna happen to you but the ordained minister thing is just uh he he married one of his buddies one time not like they're not together but um he married him and his wife and i think duane put it on there as like a joke like hey he's got his level one and he's an ordained minister in case anybody needs to get married in here, we can get you covered. You know, I don't know what that would cost. That came with the, that's not included in your membership.
Starting point is 01:45:54 No, it's an additional fee, but you get a free t-shirt. Awesome. Um, have, have you guys ever thought about, um, de-affiliating? Why, why do you guys keep the um pay the uh annual fee to keep the name so i believe in and we believe in the the methodology and the community right because the second you go away from the community you're you're a little bit different even though you might be doing the same exact thing you aren't doing you, you're not actually doing CrossFit anymore. You're doing a watered down version of something, even though it may be particularly similar when people come into your gym, they're not doing CrossFit. And what CrossFit means to me is more important than, you know, the money that we spend every year. I think being a part, like being able to like talk to you about
Starting point is 01:46:42 it, right. This is incredible for me. And having my friends talk to me all week, like, Oh, you're going to fucking go meet Savani. He's awesome. He's that's cool to me because we, we have an understanding of the community that comes together to all get better. If you're by yourself, you're kind of, you still are in a lifeboat, but you're in like a black lifeboat, like in the middle of the ocean, nobody can see, right. It's dark out and you're just kind of floating, but you're still alive. You're just, you know, you're not really, you're not really doing it. So, so let me see if I heard that right. The only reason why you guys pay the affiliate fee is so that you could come on
Starting point is 01:47:12 my podcast. Yes. You should get a cut. Did I hear that right? Yeah, that's absolutely correct. Um, so it's, is it too harsh to say that it's a brand loyalty payment? No, I don't think that's harsh because I'm sure most affiliate owners would agree. There isn't much given from HQ directly to the affiliate.
Starting point is 01:47:42 When the games are playing, there's cool crossfit commercials there's you know things like that that but like you're not gonna they're not paying for a spot on like monday night football like how cool would that be like what like superbowl dan bailey did a commercial i think michael obolcha like it was cool to see that out there but that had nothing to really do with crossfit so like if crossfit would pay the extra money to advertise on like prime time um television i think it would probably benefit the affiliates way more but we don't get that and you know outside of that i don't know what else they can really do for us i'm not asking for much either right i don't right right right i know we're just talking
Starting point is 01:48:22 we're yeah i mean either way you're for some reason you're paying and other people are paying and here's the part that and i and i don't expect you to have an answer for this here's the part that's really weird i don't think the fucking people who bought the company know that i think that i think just barely the affiliates are starting to become aware of that they're like oh I'm paying this because for the same reason – like my mom used to give money to Sierra Club when I was a kid, right? And I'd be like, what the fuck is she doing? Why didn't she buy me some fucking Transformers? Fuck that buying land to save a fucking Peregrine Falcon somewhere. But basically, it feels like, it looks like, and I think Greg had become aware of this.
Starting point is 01:49:06 I actually heard him say, shit, this is a brand loyalty payment. People are paying now the cats, the fucking magic's gone. It's all free. Yeah. Cat's out of the bag.
Starting point is 01:49:14 Yeah. And so, but I think the people who bought it don't know that if they would have known that they would have been like, Oh fuck. What? Like, I don't think that they,
Starting point is 01:49:22 I mean, it's weird to buy something. That's nothing. You guys are doing it out of integrity and ethics and, and. Yeah, no, I mean, you're not wrong. And, um, I do think that after listening to Mr. Fall talk about what his vision is for the future with CrossFit, I think that we do have a bright horizon and we do have things to
Starting point is 01:49:45 expect and anticipate. And, you know, it just makes me more hopeful, right? Because I feel like Rosa was more like damage control. It was like, let's just survive. Like we don't want to lose everybody. Rosa's a good dude. He does CrossFit. He follows it. He had some good vision, right? But then he's gone. Where is he? Right? I don't think he had good vision. I think if you hear someone say, hey, I want to increase the community to 100,000 affiliates, I think that's a mistake. And I'm open to being wrong. I really am.
Starting point is 01:50:18 But I think that the vision, and I'm definitely a Gregista. I'm definitely like brainwashed by Greg. But I think the vision should always be to push more people into affiliates and just keep pushing them and they'll overflow out and then more affiliates will be born just keep fucking the affiliates until there's so many little crossfitters in there that they're there did they spill out like just keep making love sorry for those you don't like the f word keep making love in the affiliates and then they keep spilling out and keep adding value to the affiliates because there's there – it's like Ben Bergeron. It's the chasing the excellence as opposed to chasing the end goal. Like all we have to do is keep – the vision should be like how can we – how many times – the vision should be how many videos can we make this year telling people how to do the squat correctly?
Starting point is 01:51:01 Like that's the whole thing about when you have the truth, when you know that, and this isn't my belief, but like when you know Jesus is the way to God, like Christians claim they do, then your goal then should be to say that as many different ways as you can to share that message. And so I think that should be the goal of HQ to just keep giving resources to the affiliates. How many ways can we teach people to do a pull-up to show that, what did you say? Mechanics, consistency, intensity is the way. And they have been, right? I don't think it's so like, I'm not like- Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:51:35 I agree. They have been too. Yes. Yeah. It's definitely been better in the recent months and years. But there was definitely a point where it's like, what are we paying for besides a name? And at one point I was like, fuck it. I don't care.
Starting point is 01:51:48 I'm just, I, I love what we do. And if that's what it costs to do this, then whatever, you know? So, yeah, well, well, thank you for coming on. It's great to meet you. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for having me, Siobhan. I really appreciate this. And, uh, just, you know, for Delaware in general, uh, we have an awesome CrossFit community. I love every
Starting point is 01:52:08 single one of the gyms that are around here. Um, and to have you, you know, give us a little voice was, was really cool. So we appreciate you. And, uh, I can't wait to meet you in person, have dinner. It'd be awesome. Yeah. Uh, congratulations on getting married. Uh, you have my phone number. You can text me whenever you want. I don by my with my phone by my bed so like i always tell people like you can always like text the fuck out of me like i don't care i'm gonna send you very funny things randomly careful careful because everything you send to me i will try to one-up you a little bit and next thing you know our text will be completely out of control so be careful that's fine we'll end up getting married because we play gay chicken so long but it's okay
Starting point is 01:52:45 Caleb Beaver thank you thanks Caleb I appreciate you guys thanks for the time today say hi to the other gym owners and tell Stephanie McConnell thank you for letting us borrow you today I will absolutely thank you guys nice meeting you Steve
Starting point is 01:53:01 hope I kicked him to the curb I like kicking them to the curb. I like kicking them to the curb before they get to leave. Then they get stuck in the background for like five minutes on accident. Hey, when you hear someone's in the national card, are you like, you're a bitch? Is there like a pecking order? I wasn't going to say it.
Starting point is 01:53:22 Is there like a pecking order? I wasn't going to say say it go get my boots boy yeah we have some people some i've met some good people in the national guard but yeah and then people in national guard see contractors they're like you're a whore yeah exactly you're a bitch just you're gonna do this shit full time just yeah just you're only here for the money exactly sc just keep you're only here for the money exactly scumbag you're just here to do the cool shit and leave get out of here uh i uh um uh savon will show the text be careful i know today i showed my notes on accident i i
Starting point is 01:53:57 have no suze has told me a million times you i have no you have no business doing screen shares don't do them but i i still do them. One of these days, that's going to backfire. All right. Do we have anything else today? I think. Don't we have one with Brian top 100 females tonight? Or is that tomorrow? That's tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:54:24 No, tomorrow I don't see anything on the calendar. I don't see anything on my calendar until the 28th. So we were supposed to do JR and Taylor today, but we switched it to Sunday. And then Monday, oh shit, my calendar is fucked up. Yeah, because I the the top 100 females tomorrow after tomorrow morning and then you see that you see that on the 26th yes i do like you see that on your calendar yeah on my personal calendar uh youtube says brian is tomorrow morning oh fuck
Starting point is 01:55:12 how this is a mess verify account information. It's a, uh, wow. This is not good. This happened. Didn't this happen? Um, or earlier in the week to my shit got all fucked up. We'll get it sorted out.
Starting point is 01:55:36 We'll call Susan after this. All right. This isn't something I should work out on the air right now. Maybe not. Add calendar. Okay. Fuck? Maybe not. Ad calendar. Okay, fuck. All right. So, but nothing tonight.
Starting point is 01:55:50 I don't see anything tonight. No, correct. But tomorrow morning you see, let me, I'm going to handwrite that. Tomorrow morning, what's tomorrow? Friday the 26th? Correct. You see Brian, top 100 women. Correct. Not of all time, but current.
Starting point is 01:56:09 Current. Yes. I know I want to do a live call in. I only want to do live call ins. I have, I, I have some funny, I have some funny shit. The guy from the guy who works at the morning chalk up, I have, I, I have some funny, I have some funny shit. The guy from the guy who works at the morning chalk up, there's a, there's a Patrick guy there. Who's so fucking woke. And I, there's something I wanted. There's some shit I found about him that I want to show on a live call-in show. It's so fucking ridiculous from the, from the China morning post.
Starting point is 01:56:44 They, they use the picture. I sent you that picture, right? Where it shows, where it shows, um, Travis from vindicate t-shirts. Hi. You have a shirt. You have a show tonight. I do. Yes. You have the top, not the, not top 10. Oh no, we had to can't yeah good thank you you're right but we had to cancel that because um uh suza has to run the back end for that and um and kayla will be on a helicopter ride somewhere well that sounds way more fun one. Not for us.
Starting point is 01:57:27 But thank you. I appreciate it. You're a good dude. You not only get the t-shirts made. How's our version of the cult shirt coming? Is it coming along? I will be working on it tonight. You're a good dude. It's going to be a good one. You're going to raise some eyebrows.
Starting point is 01:57:48 VNDK the number Get your, get your shirts for a Hiller and the seven on podcast. Oh shit, Bill, you weren't supposed to hear that. You're not supposed to. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:57:58 I don't. All right. The, I, I, I saw the screaming microphone microphone shirts i finally got them yesterday in hand and they are pretty go sleep on those when i when i um when i wear those i get a shitload of compliments nice yeah people you're gonna have a uh yeah when you home um august 31st all right you're gonna have a package waiting for you you're gonna like it i got a package When are you home? Soon? August 31st.
Starting point is 01:58:26 All right. You're going to have a package waiting for you. You're going to like it. I got a package waiting for you. No. You'll pass. Because you invited me out there with Hiller. Hey, so I want to tell you, a close friend of mine goes,
Starting point is 01:58:41 hey, dude, I can't believe you invited Hiller to your house before me. Listen, you jackasses. I didn't invite Hiller out here. I didn't fucking invite Hiller. I said my invite just got lost in the mail. I didn't invite Hiller. The California Hormones lady invited Hiller. I had to just pretend like I was okay with it.
Starting point is 01:58:56 She's like, I invited Hiller. I'm like, oh, of course. Brilliant idea. Deep down inside, I'm like, what the fuck? Hiller needs to get out of my fucking off my turf, bitch. If I get on those California Hormones, I might have a body like Hiller. I can certainly hope. I'm telling you, I saw Hiller with his shirt off, and if I had to bet, I'd bet he's juicing. He's too much man.
Starting point is 01:59:18 He's a lot of man. He's at least injecting them in his legs. Those things are ridiculous. Yeah, his shoulders and his traps and his legs. Those things are ridiculous. Yeah. His shoulders and his traps and his titties and his stomach muscles. His abs are like fucking speed bumps. They're not even like. Right.
Starting point is 01:59:32 Yeah. I don't want to hear any more bitching about his elbow because whatever, dude, you're doing something right. And he moves really well too. He moves like a large athlete. He moves like a running back. He moves great. Yeah. Yeah, Hunter is a type of man, but it's a different kind of man. Hunter is a fucking dinosaur. Hunter is a fucking, it's a lot of dude. It's a little bit reckless, like you feel it. He's dangerous. Five years ago, being around Hunter would be completely crazy.
Starting point is 02:00:08 It's scary how big he is for what he does and the way he can move and run. Like, how? And he's on edge a little bit always. He's like— Really? Yeah. I'm not anxious around him, but he's like a dog that used to bite but doesn't bite anymore. But you're still a little like—I see you bite someone at the party before he's getting soft yeah yeah getting older
Starting point is 02:00:30 did you ever find out if he pooped after the pool i i didn't but he did say what he did say he ate some like funky meat at a the street meat yeah street meat? Yeah, street meat. He's not supposed to eat that shit around you. You're supposed to keep him in line. Brandon, you want Hunter to stand behind you. Don't lie. I want Hunter to stand behind me. Just say it, Brandon. Let it slip from your lips, buddy.
Starting point is 02:01:02 All right, Travis. Thank you. All right, dude. Talk to you later. Bye. Trying to boss me around telling me I have a show tonight. How dare he? Go make a T-shirt. All right.
Starting point is 02:01:17 Can you address the drama between Vindicate and Life is Rx? No, no drama. Both no drama at all. Both of them make T-shirts for the Sevan podcast. I know of no drama. Both. No drama at all. Both of them make T-shirts for the seven podcast. I know of no drama. I don't even know if they know each other. Why do I have to be in the front? all right it's always one person takes it too far like like why why why why like we we know we we we understand without you fucking like going there we we oh shit Heidi's not Heidi is naughty she's been really really feisty lately I don't know what's going on with her um so so so the I'm going to talk about it on the live calling show but basically
Starting point is 02:02:18 the South Morning Post he wrote this fucking hit piece on Greg which he's just a fucking despicable shitbag for doing this guy Patrick who who now works at the morning chalk up but then they you it's about showing about black lives matter and they showed a picture of eric rosa standing next to sherman merrick and i'm like sherman merrick is like the last is he loves greg glassman so i fucking text sherman this morning i'm like hey they're using you because of your skin color did you agree to fucking did you did you agree to the south martin shining post using a picture of rosa next to the black man he's like nope and and it's like here you are trying to be holier than thou that you're not racist when you clearly just did something racist patrick you woke fucking
Starting point is 02:03:00 douchebag you are such a woke fucking duplicitous piece of shit you're the you're the reason for division i forgive you my son but it's just hilarious now that you're you went from south china morning post pushing your divisiveness and racist ways and now uh and now you're at the morning chocolate and then someone sent me um some screenshots of of where I'm pretty sure Maddie Rogers did have that blowout. It's the irony that she has she her pronouns in her Instagram profile. And yet people are now sending me all these screenshots where she was discriminating against people who weren't injected. And and she did say that the booster, the second shot, someone sent me a bunch of screenshots really hurt her. And and now she's paying the price right her autoimmune um condition has flared up and
Starting point is 02:03:50 she's fucked and and i don't wish that on anyone but but it is ironic that you're hating on people you're you're supposed to be accepting people and that's what your pronoun's supposed to tell the world and yet you were hating on people who didn't get the injection and then now uh you're paying the ultimate price by being sick it's it's really funny because she created a clothing line that's like for everybody like all body types men women like neutral like whatever but yeah she's shitting on people for not getting the vaccine. Yeah. How inclusive. All right. But anyway, I'll rehash all of that on the next live call and show with graphics and pictures.
Starting point is 02:04:33 And all right. The shit talks about people after the shit. Someone talks about people after phone calls. Yes. Oh, that can be the name of the show. Okay, guys. I will after phone calls. Yes. Oh, that can be the name of the show. Okay, guys. I will see you guys tomorrow morning, sounds like,
Starting point is 02:04:49 as soon as I get my calendar fixed. Bye-bye.

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