The Sevan Podcast - #568 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: August 27, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Rattling through my brain since last night. This show could be fucking wild. Hey, bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:00:37 It could be nuts. It could be really, really nuts. Hey, guys, please go to the life is our ex, uh, website. Look at all the newest CEO gear. There is really, really cool stuff. I will be home any day now and start rocking it. There are some amazing sweatshirts, cool shit. I'm seeing the gear more and more yesterday. Someone sent me a screenshot of a meeting that was going on over at, um, the fittest ever brand. That's the brand run by the Liver King. And one of the people at the board meeting there was wearing a No Plan B shirt. That really stoked
Starting point is 00:01:12 me. I'm seeing it all over the internet. I'm pumped. Thank you for all your support. I love the gear. I think it's gangster. I think it's hard. I think it represents the brand well. For those of you who don't know the ceo story why those i originally started the ceo stuff was because when eric rosa and gang the uh the fucking money-making squad goofballs bought the uh crossfit inc they fired all the woke crew took over. And by woke, I mean, people who claim to be against racism, sexualizing kids against inclusive. And yet they are the exact opposite. Everything they do is the exact opposite. Everything. So, for instance, the woke crew believed in quarantines, the country that quarantined the hardest because they wanted to stop covid right and the country that quarantined the harvest with hardest was uh new zealand and australia
Starting point is 00:02:09 and that woke mindset has now today if you go to google and look at covid rates they're 400 higher than they've ever been anywhere in australia or new zealand in the previous two years they're fucked and why did that happen because they quarantined and they didn't let that shit take its natural course it's that kind of behavior that is that's what that's wokest thought uh anyone who's believes in black lives matter who cares if they stole money like if you think that they stole money and that's the reason you're mad at them or they used it to buy houses you're a piece of shit who cares about that what really happened is is that their ideology their ideology and what they did made it so the woke people mostly uh people of white skin color woke people became super duper
Starting point is 00:02:52 against cops cops are just people they stopped engaging black people and black homicide black on black homicide is up 34 in this country because blm supposedly cared about black people Because BLM supposedly cared about black people. That's wokeism. The actions you take, fuck everybody. But you're doing it because supposedly you're a good person. But you're not. It's because you're overcompensating because you are a racist piece of shit. The reason why I'm so riled up this morning is last night a very dear friend, a very cool friend, sent me an abandoned instagram page that there hasn't been a post on in
Starting point is 00:03:27 two years and it's a list of all these people who said bad shit about greg during floyd 19 and it's all their comments and it's supporting them and it's it's and it's a shitload of people who've been on this show and a shitload of my friends and not one of those posts not one post said greg glassman did this therefore i hate him they all said i'm every single one of them people that have been on this show every single one of those posts say shit like um i'm out because of what greg did and they never say what he did a hundred fucking posts and you what? Those of you who did that, who come on my show, please just ghost me. I really don't like you. I'm just being fake to you.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I'm just trying to get my numbers up for the show. Do not come on the show. I hate you. You're a piece of shit. You are the epitome of what is fucking woke and wrong with this fucking country. All you bitches talk shit about fucking greg but wouldn't say in specifics what he did that upset you it's just like i don't i don't approve of what greg glassman said and i have high morals and dignity and i'm out hey there's nothing that he could have
Starting point is 00:04:36 said nothing that on the other end of the scale wouldn't have, wouldn't, would have, would have been as bad as the great gift he gave society. Nothing. He saved millions of people's lives. He's added millions of years onto people's lives on planet earth. But, but on top of that, he didn't say anything bad and not a single fucking one of you said, Hey, he said this. And you point specifically to it. It's just all ambiguous shit. And you know why? Because you're bitches. I'm going to give you a perfect fucking example.
Starting point is 00:05:12 And some of you guys parade around as conservatives or liberals, but you're not. You're fucking weasels. And until you fucking make an apology for what you did, not an apology of retraction, not because he needs it. He doesn't care he's richer and happier than you'll ever be you need to make the apology to re to to re-steer the boat for the damage that you did but i'm going to give you a perfect example they're trying to change the name of monkey pox because they think the word monkey popox is derogatory towards black people. Who would think that? Who would think that?
Starting point is 00:05:49 Liberals who care about black people. How did they? But I don't get it. Please explain to me. How did you jump to the conclusion that monkeypox is somehow offensive to black people? Please explain that to me. Oh, because you think that black people look like monkeys and therefore that's offensive. And so you're changing the name because you think that black people look like monkeys and therefore that's offensive. And so you're changing the name because you think that.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Because you judge people based on the color of their skin. No, none of you fuckers came up and stood up for Justin Medeiros the other day when I said he looked like a baboon. If he was a black guy, would you tolerated that? Fuck you guys. Don't come on my show. I'm using you. Or come on here and fucking apologize. Say you were wrong. Not because anyone needs your apology, but to re-steer the ship, to let people know, oh fuck, I was thinking wrong. I was swept up in the unconscious. You're bad people. What do I mean to bad people women children and kids get hurt because of your
Starting point is 00:06:49 fucking actions people lose opportunity to fucking grow and flourish because of your activity that's what i mean by bad people hi suza hey I got so fucking riled up. It's 50 fucking posts of like my dear friends who I've had on the show saying bad shit about Greg, but they don't actually say anything. When I tell you that I fucking think Greg, Craig Ritchie's a goofball, I tell you about the interactions I had with him. I point to his shit. And you know why I do that? That way you can judge me. And you can be like, hey, Sevan, maybe he was just busy.
Starting point is 00:07:24 Maybe he had, maybe someone wrote in the comments in my DMs, Hey, you're an asshole. He has social anxiety disorder. He actually loves you and just didn't want to make eye contact with you because he looked up to you like anything. You could flip it back on me, but you guys say this ambiguous shit. I don't appreciate what Greg said. What did he say? When that fucking bitch at that fucking CrossFit gym, when Greg said said i don't mourn george freud's death and that bitch said um something about that being racist and i said right on the call they never play this part which is funny she recorded the call we all knew she was recording the call too by the way it wasn't like she snuck it past greg we all knew we were all texting
Starting point is 00:07:59 and dming each other we knew and that bitch was recording the call. I said to her like five times, why do you think it's racist? And she wouldn't answer it because she knew if she revealed why she thought that was racist, she would really out the fact that she was racist. She knew that because she judges people by the color of their skin.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Greg's feelings about George Floyd had nothing to do with the color of his skin it kind of that comic kind of had nothing to really do with george floyd right right that too that's why i i'm i i'm so fucking i'm i don't know if i should be mad at my friend for sending me that it got me so riled up i saw how fucking shitty you people are every single one of you i want you to know when you come on my fucking podcast i go straight to june 2nd and see if you're a piece of shit and what do i mean by piece of shit i just explained to you you're an unconscious ninny who takes actions to try to save your credibility at the cost of hurting women and children and men and what do i mean by that i already gave you an example of that too you didn't have you didn't you didn't think about your actions if you attack police officers
Starting point is 00:09:18 and then they stopped engaging black people because they were afraid they were going to be filmed and fucking critiqued for doing and being called racist for something that has nothing to do with being racist and therefore 30 there's 34 in the last two years has been uh every year there's been a uptick in black on black homicides you guys are just you're you're um and it's it's all you black square fuckers all you and then you come on my show and you pretend you guys pretend like you're fucking not woke and i and i and i and i and I believe it. I'm guilty of believing it. And it's not that it's not that it's not that it's not that I don't want to forgive you. It's because, like, I don't really care. Like in the super big picture.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I'm just so disappointed that none of you have had the balls or the leadership to be like, wow, I really screwed up. Call Greg, make a post. And you parade around and come on this podcast. It's not enough. I want to show you, I want to show you classic fucking racism right now from someone who's woke as fuck. I want to show you this. There's this guy that works over at the Morning Chalk Up. His name is Patrick Blennerhassett.
Starting point is 00:10:24 And he used to work over at the south china morning post and you know and you know you know morning chalkups woke as fuck you know they take their orders from a fucking andrew weisen schnitzel over there i cannot fucking believe he still works at crossfit inc now i know why people say man, that dude can be a little negative at times. I'm like, what do you mean? This guy, look at this. So this is an article for the South Morning China Post. And this isn't old. This is from 2019 or 20 or something like that.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And what's it say? August 20th, 2020. So it's like it's two year anniversary. And by the way, if you search Sherman Merrick, this picture doesn't come up. Do you know why? Because he wasn't chosen because he was Sherman Merrick for this picture. Do you know why he was chosen? I'll wait. You guess. Go ahead. Why was he chosen? You tell me in the comments. You tell me in the comments. Why would why when I search Sherman Merrick in Google Images, this doesn't pop up?
Starting point is 00:11:29 Because Sherman wasn't chosen for his great deeds at saving lives at his CrossFit gym, for homeschooling his fucking kids, for standing up against fucking injustice, for fucking living debt-free. Do you know why he was chosen? Because his skin is better able to handle long exposure to the sun. That's why he was chosen. That's weird, right?
Starting point is 00:11:53 Why does this article that has to do with Black Lives Matter have anything to do with his ability to handle exposure to the sun? This is an article written by this fucking nincompoop who net who fucking justin nincompoop also fucking hired it's justin lefranco this this bladden blenner blenner asset guy and um uh uh andrew weinschnitzer who works at crossfit inc they they keep this fucking community in complete idiocy. And this guy wrote – listen, Rosa, who takes over from a disgraced founder. What do you mean disgraced founder?
Starting point is 00:12:34 Fuck you, dude. Because he added millions of hours, billions of hours onto people's lives. He spelled rich wrong. I don't see it but no because from disgrace founder from rich founder oh yeah yeah thank you thank you thank you good it's good um and uh uh he writes here crossfit ceo eric rosa black lives matter i asked sherman did they ask you if they can use this picture he said no this this is racism this is they chose this man because he's like he loves this guy loves greg sherman merrick they don't give a fuck it's the same way the new york times use stacy tovar yeah kenneth de lapp this is not what I expected, but I'm not complaining.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I've only just begun. This guy is a world-class. Savon, you shouldn't call people names. I know, babe. I know. I know. Sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:13:57 I don't like it. I don't like it, Patrick. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it at all. You're not a journalist when you use disgraced founder. You don't even know. you soaking wet you know everyone at the all right everyone you know everyone at the morning chocolate but can't stand you you're i just showed that you're fucking blatantly racist and you parade around as not i just showed the entire world you're writing an article this is woke you're an article that's supposed to be defending the black man when you fucking using the black man like he's your fucking slave douche sorry babes i'm sorry i try not to i tried to the ironic part about this picture is eric uh rosa has been fired and relieved of his duties and uh sherman's absolutely crushing it yeah right right oh that was another thing by the way that was another thing, by the way. That was another thing, by the way.
Starting point is 00:14:46 In this Instagram account I found, this hater account on Greg Glassman, I clicked on all the gyms. 50% of them are now defunct, and the other 50% aren't CrossFit gyms. Go figure. Yeah, they de-affiliated. I haven't watered down my coffee, so I'd be more chill. Rosa was the face of what CrossFit in the community told him to fuck off. Is Noble next?
Starting point is 00:15:15 God, I hope so. They're so rotten. I found some stuff on them yesterday. I'm saving it. They are so rotten and duplicitous. If you don't vote for me, you're not black. Hi, I'm Joe Biden. Man, they are bad.
Starting point is 00:15:36 We'll get to them some point. I want to share with you guys some stuff that I've talked about for 500 shows. And I haven't given you the ammo that you guys some stuff that i've talked about for 500 shows and i and and i haven't given you the ammo that you guys deserve um and so in a way it's uh just a conspiracy theory tinfoil hat shit but i thought i'd give you some today just really quickly uh this is a quote from richard smith who is the editor at the british medical journal for 13 years he's one of the most respected men who's ever walked the planet in the journal space medical journal space um everyone everywhere respects him even after he said this comment uh no one talks shit about him no no one stood up against him and said he's full of shit no one at the lancet no one at the american journal of uh medicine no one couldn't find it and uh he said this is all stuff greg glassman
Starting point is 00:16:21 turned me on to by the way he said it may be time to move from assuming that research has been honestly conducted and reported to assuming it to be untrustworthy until there is some evidence to the contrary. He's also been quoted as saying that more than 50% of everything in medical journals is hogwash. Now, from there, you can be like, is it fraudulent? Is it just bad practices? But we are in the middle of a replication crisis. Okay, so right here, I'm doing what that Instagram account said. I'm telling you just what another guy said. Hey, Greg Glassman did something bad. Hey, medical journey is not bad. So let's dig a little bit further. This is a story I've talked about several times. Harvard and Brigham call for more than 30 retractions of cardiac stem cell research. Basically, Harvard Medical School and Bergham and Women's Hospital have recommended that 31 papers from a former lab director be retracted from medical journals. The papers from the lab of Dr. Pierre and Versa. So this guy, in some places I've seen him referred to
Starting point is 00:17:25 as the godfather of stem cell research, and you can look and see that 30 of his papers have been considered fraudulent. This is from Harvard. And then here I'm going to give you the example why, and I have talked about this, and this can be pretty confusing, so I'm going to try to just give you the best example I can. The research found – this is about statins, whether you should be taking statins or not.
Starting point is 00:17:56 And it says the research found significant heterogeneity but also reductions in the absolute, 0.8% for all causes of mortality. So what that means – it's funny that it's less than 1%. It makes it so hard to do this. That means that if you have a group of 100 people who take statins and another group of people, 100 people who don't take statins, that's the control group, and then you check on them in a year, the group that took statins, one person died, and the group that didn't take statins, two people died, more or less. That would be 1% exactly. This is 0.8%. It's actually less than two people died. It's like 1.6 died. And with that, that's called absolute risk. But what they do, what pharma does is they use something called relative risk and what they say is is like oh shit on in this group uh who didn't take statins 1.8 people died and this side that did take
Starting point is 00:19:15 statins only one person died so that's a hundred percent uh increase in survival they present it to you like that that's the whole statin game that's the whole pharmacy game that's what's been happening to you guys that's what happened to you around covid science you get that right you guys are starting to piece this together some of you are like oh shit oh shit how do i present the numbers to you? If Sousa has a... I was going to use compare penises. That's not... If Sousa has a... I'm not going to...
Starting point is 00:20:02 I might screw it up because i think i actually explained it pretty good okay so there's that uh can you pull up while we're just on a fucking terror this morning i almost opened my email so i better not do that yeah you gotta share one screen ahead time yeah yeah okay i might be done sharing it It might be your turn. I might be. Those are just things that came up within the shitter in the last five minutes. Yeah. I liked it. I had to stand because my back got tight because I was getting so wound up.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I want to read you something. This is pretty. I don't know what to think about this. There's so many fucking weirdos in this world. But it looks like the Dems are in a full-on war on Joe Biden to get Joe Biden out. And they're just leaking everything now, right? They do not want him to fucking run again. I wonder if I'm going to have to pull this up on my phone. I don't know
Starting point is 00:21:05 if I can see this. Can you make it bigger so I can read it? So I don't, I don't know if you remember, but someone found, uh, um, they found Hunter Biden's laptop. He turned, took it to a store to have it fixed and they found all this crazy shit on it. And then recently someone found, uh, Ashley Biden's, um, diary. And this this is this is supposedly shit that's from it but it's a trip how much shit's going to be tolerated what sucks is i i feel like as this shit happens and no one does anything it becomes normalized and that that makes me um it's like it just accepted and it's pushed a little further each time yeah i don't know if you guys saw yesterday i i posted this and i've sent i sent it around to
Starting point is 00:21:53 my friends who live in berkeley uh yesterday the the uh a video came out and it shows a guy who set a tranny up um a tranny is, in this particular instance, it's a dude who dresses up as a woman. And he set a tranny up to meet him at a park because, and he told the tranny that he was a nine-year-old and that he would bring his six-year-old and one-year-old sibling with him. And so this tranny goes to the park thinking that they're meeting a nine-year-old, a six-year-old, and a one-year-old, and it's some fucking big, fat, hairy dude. And he's got all the pictures and the text, and he's like, hey, dude, what the fuck? It's fucking crazy. It's in Berkeley. And the cops come. And he shows the cops all the shit, and you could tell the tranny's freaking out, man, freaking out.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Rightfully so, you should be. You should be scared someone's going to if you if you fuck with their kids i think i would be i fuck with someone's kids and um uh and and and and he showed this guy shows the cops everything and you can hear the cops being like asking the tranny is this true true? Is this true? And they're trying to figure out. And they fucking let the tranny go. What? Yeah. Why? Berkeley. It's Berkeley. Dude, that's what it is. Hey, you think it's all fun and games, you woke people. You think it's all fun and games. You think it's all fun and games and peace and love and you're going to accept all this shit.
Starting point is 00:23:26 and peace and love and you're going to accept all this shit it's like i'm so happy the lgb lgb crowd is like coming out against these idiots too more and more every day lesbian and gay people are like we're out we're out i can't wait it being a tranny isn't has nothing to do with being gay you have to know that people nothing zero zero being a tranny is um is uh it's like um thinking that your problems are going to be fixed by doing something on the outside it's like women who get fake tits. You think, you think your life's going to be better. It is not. I know you think that it's okay. I know you think that, but it is not, it's, it's not going to get better because of that.
Starting point is 00:24:18 It's not, it really isn't whatever, whatever, whatever's at the deep root of you wanting to do that. It's not, it's not gonna get better. I'm not, I'm not, I i'm not i'm not against it i'm not saying you you you you don't need to do it as part of your path i'm not saying that i'm against people who just want to be trannies like i'm all for it i've gone to tons of plays and where there's trannies in them and and i and i have friends who are acquaintances who are trannies. I've had fucking like dinner and watched UFC fights. But it's as much of a, it's a mental disorder.
Starting point is 00:24:52 It's not, it's someone trying to find some happiness because something fucking is broken. And you end up not finding happiness there. You don't end up finding it there. You don't become whole there. That's the term I've been using lately, whole there you don't become whole there that's the that's the term i've been using lately whole you don't become whole going that way and it's okay if you want to use your pathology they said to mike tyson once hey do you want to get therapy to fix all this anger and he says no i'm making a shitload of money off it right now
Starting point is 00:25:19 all right i get it but the the hurting kids thing is um yeah that you know matt it looked like it could have come to that berkeley cops probably arrested the other guy it looked like it wasn't coming he wasn't even being a dick to the tranny either um but uh i don't know okay um so i want to restart back to this Ashley Biden thing. I got off on this tangent because of this. Ashley Biden's leaked diary that detailed how Joe Biden took inappropriate showers with her when she was a child is confirmed as authentic. Great and shaving the bays, my underpants, hypersexualized at a young age. What is this done to?
Starting point is 00:26:03 What is this? Due to? Due to. Was was i molested i think so i can't remember specifics but i do remember trauma i remember not liking the woolsax house i don't know who that is must have been some family friends i remember somewhat being sexualized with Caroline. That must be your sister. I remember having sex with friends at a young age, showers with my dad, probably not appropriate, being told, being turned, what does that say? Being turned. What does that say? Being turned on when I wasn't supposed to be?
Starting point is 00:26:50 Is that what that says? It kind of looks like it, yeah. What's crazy is that the showers with the dad is lumped up with all this other shit. I actually had a friend who one time we were talking. It was a girl, and she said the exact same thing to me about she thinks she was molested but she doesn't know. That kind of stuck with me forever. I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Someone else the other day was telling – told me – dropped a story on me and told me they were molested. And I was like, no shit. And it was a guy friend of mine. I go, what happened? And he goes, I was – I can't remember how old he was i was nine and these two 12 year old girls made me have sex with them or something like that or i was 12 and these two 15 year old girls made me have sex with them isn't it funny for guys you almost are like yeah yeah that's where that's exactly what i'm like well you're like
Starting point is 00:27:45 cool or no no is it wrong here i i get it what it does is it turns it sexualizes you though it turns on that shit like i don't want that shit turned on for my kids you i didn't know if i thought about this this morning i didn't know if i wanted to go down this way because it's almost not fair but that burns what is that when i when i hear i have so many friends who are addicted to have have like what seems to me is like um pathological sexual shit what do you mean like um like all like almost everyone i know is that with the prostitute. I've never done that. Almost everyone I know has had a one-night stand. I've never done that. I was never the kid – like it was enough for me to see a magazine with bra and panties.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I didn't need like Hustler where there's a close-up shot of the girl pulling her lips apart. Like I didn't – I don't care if a woman shaves her vagina. I don't think about other women when I'm having sex with my wife. I don't watch porn. I mean, very rarely. I mean, I used to watch a little bit more when I traveled for a living. I just, I've never been with a prostitute. I don't want to stick my penis in anyone's butt. Like I never have. I'm just so, if i do masturbate i think about my wife when i see other women i don't think no matter how hot they are never think about fucking them it maybe at most it gets i'll be like wow she's hot and then it gets me riled up to be with my wife i'm just
Starting point is 00:29:16 but i but but i mean but i had a harem when i was in college. I had big old posse of girlfriends. I had just a huge chunk of girlfriends. But other than that, my shit's kind of – and I have friends who sex is like a part of their life. They're held hostage by it. Like a lot of friends. Single friends? Both.
Starting point is 00:29:44 To be fair, it's mostly my single friends. Interesting. To be fair, it's mostly my single friends interesting to be fair it's mostly my single friends yeah yeah to be fair 90 90 but man they're they're fucking like who the shit they show me and tell me i can't even it's a lot it's a lot it's a lot to uh the reason why i never had a one-night stand was just for purely logical reasons. It seemed like so much effort to get naked with someone and like – it's like training a dog. It's like those people who get like – what are those? Assistance dogs? Those CNI dogs? And train them for a year and give them away.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Fuck that. I just put a year into this dog, and now I'm giving them away? I don't know if it should take a year. Whatever. It's usually like you meet somebody at a bar, and then you hook up with them that night. I just not. You can't put in a disproportionate amount of work. I feel like I had to buy something.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Flowers or. You, you are a romantic. What could you say? You enjoyed the courting process. Or I just had low self-esteem. Either way. It worked out.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Okay. The prostitute thing is kind of crazy. Although I went to Amsterdam. I went to Amsterdam thinking I was going to just, just go that like and just slay whores like i was so excited i was like there's gonna be you're gonna walk down streets and there's just gonna be women and women and it was like that and i got there and i know no but you over you're like not overthinking but you actually like put deeper thought into
Starting point is 00:31:19 what's happening here and it just makes you feel gross you're like wait do you guys want to be paying for wait this seems weird so one of my buddies who who ended up having sex with a prostitute there said that he was having sex with this girl and he went to turn her over on her stomach to do a doggy style and she said um that's going to be like 50 whatever their money is more it's an up i was like dude i i would fucking like start crying. I don't know. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I, but I've walked up and down the windows and ogled the women for fucking like five days straight. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:54 I just like smoked weed and drank coffee and just, but cause it's a crazy scene, right? I don't know if you've been there, but it actually is just standing around in windows. You can be like, I'll take a packy. I'll take a Turkish woman. I'll take a Turkish woman. I'll take a seven foot woman. Like you could do it.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Like they got, it's like, just like, it's like 31. It's like an ice cream shop. Yeah, I did keep my crabs in a, in a tent. That's, that's true. I did keep my. Fuck my circus crap. My circus crabs. Jay says when he was 21 he got two yeah that's kind of cool i kind of like the idea here's the thing i i actually find that a little
Starting point is 00:32:35 more comforting because then it's them against you you know what i mean then it's like at least they have each other they're there they got a friend yeah they're there to comfort each other that kind of makes sense i don't care how much i paid someone i would i could like i shouldn't say this my wife will not like this it just shows how low self-esteem i have i should keep some of my dignity but like save it okay uh 333 um vagina talk let's just dig right in did you email me this oh did i probably no no no no is it off the i only have just that twitter link that's why i was like i wonder if he's gonna discuss this for a whole hour no no no i think uh let me see let me see real quick here i have to i have my screen. God, I hope I don't accidentally send you anything. Sent, and I sent it to – oh, shit. Oh, shit. Shit me, shit me. Here, I'll send it to you now. Sorry. You're right. I didn't send it to you. And then I dropped you a little message in the private chat too.
Starting point is 00:33:46 If you want to check that real quick. Okay. Hold on. I canceled those hookers because you made me feel bad. So good. Good. I got a refund. It's August 27th.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Live call and show. Live call and show. 27th live call-in show. Live call-in show. It's weird doing this show because my bread and butter is just letting shit just fly off my brain. Yeah. Trump sleeps with
Starting point is 00:34:18 a prostitute. Disgusting, but two consenting adults, and it's front page news for four years. Biden showers his daughter in media is like crickets i mean i mean i i've never seen the cricket emoji i really like that uh hookers lives matter oh shit heidi fucked you up i'm gonna read that she fucked you up. I know. Read that. She fucked you up. You got a fucking fiance, Heidi.
Starting point is 00:34:48 You just fucking... What's up, man? He's in Venmo. It's gone. He might never get it back. Hey, it reminds me of this fucking dude I worked with once. I've told this story before, but this guy... I don't know if you guys remember, but in the early years, no one locked their iPhone.
Starting point is 00:35:06 And if you locked your iPhone, you were a fucking weirdo. And I think this was like 2008 or 9. And I went to the bathroom. I was at a dinner. It was at the affiliate gathering. It was 2008 or 9, whenever it was in Austin, Texas. And I went to the bathroom. in austin texas and i went to the bathroom and one of my co-workers and boss at the time text my girlfriend text hayley the other girls don't matter
Starting point is 00:35:33 fucking like ruined my fucking trip fucking gotten hayley's like what does that mean like what was what mean oh my god she called? Oh, my God. She called me. Yeah. Was that like a friend that was okay? Do you have to like slap somebody down? No, I couldn't slap someone down. It was my boss. You should have made a post on your Instagram. I'm going to the Yacht Club after this show, by the way. That's why this show probably won't go long today.
Starting point is 00:36:03 What did you say about Instagram? I was saying you should have made a post on instagram about your boss afterwards if they would have had it no not greg greg would never do that you say 325 uh 333 uh so this is tyler fisher maybe we should get him on the show again it's so interesting he's a comedian we had on the show um and he was so different on the show than he is when he's on stage i wonder how different i am in person than i am on this show okay here we go this is i i love absolutely love this uh when girls penis shame is the title of this skit break up with me because my height once also had a woman break up with me because of my genitalia. I am
Starting point is 00:36:48 not only unvaxxed, I am also uncut. I am very European. I am all natural. I had a woman break up with me. She goes, I just really don't like all that extra unnecessary skin. I was like, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Have you seen a vagina? That's the main ingredient. It's basically a skin jellyfish. I don't even know how it holds itself up. Extra skin? Are you kidding me? If a vagina had an ingredients list, it would just be skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, flaps, more skin, skin, skin, skin, skin,
Starting point is 00:37:29 flaps, more skin, skin, skin, and yeast, of course. No, come on. Come on. Why do vaginas have yeast, guys? It helps our dicks rise. That's a baking joke. I heard there would be some bakers here. It's a baking joke.
Starting point is 00:37:45 It's primarily a baking joke. I heard there would be some bakers here. It's a baking joke. It's primarily a baking joke. Can't cancel that. Yes, I am going to the Yacht Club today, and I will look for the earring. Yes, I will. Tell California Hormones to send me my first package. It's been two weeks since my consultation. If for some reason a few of you have DM'd me regarding like if you didn't get a shirt on time or anything. And I'm totally happy. I don't want you guys to have to deal with shit like that. So if something I know California hormones is getting slammed. C.A. Hormones dot com.
Starting point is 00:38:12 C.A. Hormones dot com. That's their Instagram to not California hormones. Someone else owns that, I guess. C.A. Hormones dot com. But if for some reason you're not getting a response, don't just DM me. It's some I usually takes me about twenty one to forty eight hours to get through my DMs, depending on what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Last night I stayed up late and went through them all. Vagina shaming could never be a thing. Also need them to send me and my husband labs. DM me. DM me any any any. I know they're getting slammed, which is which is good for me because um then that means that they value uh my word so um oh now anytime now is good to gabe sorry sorry suze i just saw that yeah anytime send a link to gabe uh guys uh gabe uh
Starting point is 00:39:02 are one of our sponsors paper Street Coffee. You guys most you know that story about how I told him I'm not interested and he's like, I don't care. I want to support the show. And now it's all I drink is Paper Street Coffee. And well, that's not true. I drink strong coffee too. Which they should sponsor the show but they don't. But I still drink their shit.
Starting point is 00:39:19 And it's good. I drink Paper Street Coffee. I make it with water. But the strong coffee made by, what's the guy's name? Vanden Rothenberger? Adam. Adam Vanden. Him and Sam Dancer, business partners.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Adam Rothen Vandenberger. And that shit's good too. But anyway, Gabe has always been a crazy supporter of the show. It's people like him. He gives us money. And he is going to a i talked to him yesterday and all that shit he got the booth at the games and all that and basically made it a seven podcast booth which is just crazy yeah he did he does all that shit just for free like he pays for that shit at pocket and he's going to some crossfit event this weekend and he calls me and says hey
Starting point is 00:40:03 is it okay if i put up the seven podcast banner it's like yeah it's like my wife asking me if it's okay she rubs my back at night I'm like she doesn't she doesn't ask but yeah yeah go ahead you wash my clothes and you can do whatever um so I told him I said hey we send you a link, and I just want to check out the booth tomorrow. So maybe he'll get a – he'll jump in, and we can just take a peek at the booth. Stevan, enjoyed the WODcast podcast episode you did. Okay, I thought I was getting a little too wild on there. I don't want to bash. I know he's friends with Joe Rogan.
Starting point is 00:40:40 I don't want to bash Joe Rogan, really. friends with joe rogan i don't want to bash joe rogan really um i want to i want to be i want to be honest but i want to be sometimes it's important i think to give people their their something um how about oh did i already show uh 3? Is this the Richard Smith – oh. Okay, yeah, yeah. So this is what inspired – just so you know. So 332, this is what inspired all that science talk this morning. So this – White House issues new policy that will require by 2026 all federally funded research results to be freely available to the public without delay. Meaning that they can't be – so it says ending longstanding ability of journals to pay well results for up to one year. So basically what happens is they're saying that – it's funny that we have to wait until 2026 for this this should be immediately but if our tax dollars are used to do scientific research that all citizens of this country should have access to that that scientific paper and now
Starting point is 00:41:54 what happens is like it might go in the lancet or the british medical journal and it might go behind a firewall and we might not be able to see it, which is fucking nuts. But anyway, since we paid for it, right? Yeah. Someone sent me this and said, this is good. Here's the problem. People are so fucking stupid. It doesn't even matter. So there's a guy I've been DMing with on Instagram. He's a little bit Instagram famous.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I think he might even be a master's athlete in CrossFit. I'm not sure. But he posted some stuff about how he's watching the Sevan podcast while he's in quarantine in Australia. Oh, here he is. Oh gosh hey what's going on guys it's a little loud over here so can you make him big susan oh yeah you look at your shirt um can we look around where are you gabe what's going on where are you give us this i am i'm in new jersey at the ocean classic uh collective or something like that. How do I switch this camera? You gotta go to your settings.
Starting point is 00:42:49 You can just turn it around too. Yeah, we'll do that. So there's just an outdoor event. They have all these eco bikes and stuff set up. There's a booth. Nice. And Gabe, why? Oh yeah, that's a booth. Nice. And Gabe, why?
Starting point is 00:43:07 Oh yeah, that's dope. That's dope. Yeah, baby. Semon podcast. No plan B. Hey, Gabe, why do you go to these events? Uh, just to support, to give back to the community, give back to the affiliates, uh, you know, just kind of meet the people, kiss, uh, kiss the babies, shake the hands.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And you have another, you have a distribution business. This coffee thing is just a hobby. Is the hobby getting out of control now? The hobby is turning into not a hobby. I think by next year, I think the hobby will turn into something that I just do full time. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Holy shit, I'm so happy for you. Yeah, man, I appreciate you guys. I appreciate everything. Without you guys, I wouldn't have gone to the games. I wouldn't have done any of that stuff. I appreciate you guys so much. Yeah, I'm glad. I'm more than happy to inspire you to support me.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Thank you. We got a bunch of like different athletes, different vendors. The gym is pretty cool, too. So a bunch of good people. What city is it in? I'm in Lakewood, New Jersey. So probably 20 minutes away from the beach here in like, you know, like Seaside or something like that. I don't know if you've seen Jersey Shore. Yeah. And if someone wanted to go to that event, is it going on today and tomorrow? It's just today. It's just like
Starting point is 00:44:36 one of the small local clubs. It's pretty cool. It's pretty nice. I don't know if you can see the inside. It's a pretty cool field. Oh, yeah, that is cool. What a great space. What's the name of the gym?
Starting point is 00:44:57 CrossFit Cadre in Lakewood, New Jersey. Andre with an A. Andre or something like that. Andre. CrossFit Andre. It's fully air-conditioned. It's amazing. It's, air conditioned. It's amazing. It's really, really nice. Hey, it must be an old gym. I don't think you're allowed to name your gym after yourself. Did you know that?
Starting point is 00:45:11 CrossFit Amundsen, that was something that got passed that they don't allow anymore. I'm serious. I know that because when I tried to affiliate, they didn't let me do the name of my town anymore. Yeah. I have to talk to the uh for the
Starting point is 00:45:27 guys over here the owners uh they're listening to the podcast a lot of people here competitors also listen to the podcast so uh it's pretty cool it's pretty cool to see how many people are here and and uh support the podcast as well as as the company well thank you everyone um you're awesome thank you brother hey are you hiring what if someone wants to get a job with you uh please please dm me uh and we'll figure something out because uh it's getting it's getting a little overwhelming okay awesome well thanks for coming on our show and fucking up our audio thank you appreciate it my bad sorry love you gabe thank you appreciate it my bad sorry love you gabe thank you
Starting point is 00:46:05 i'm just sitting here on the beach sweating balls california getting ready to go to the yacht club another 45 minutes to kill you mofos uh so so the reason why this is uh doesn't matter is so there's this guy in australia and i and i saw he was quarantined i'm like hey dude what's going on and he's like yeah every time you come in and out of the country or something you have to be quarantined for three days and you have to pay for it etc it's like dude the the aussies and the new zealand cats they don't realize that the quarantine that they did is what screwed them all up. And there's tons of scientific papers, scientific, that show that.
Starting point is 00:46:52 The CDC's website has always said even before the pandemic, you never quarantine the healthy, ever. You only quarantine the sick. And yet they're still using that protocol, and they have the highest COVID rates. They haven't changed anything and so even if you make the papers like those statin like that statin thing i read you like i know a lot of really smart people doctors harvard graduates who can just look and learn about absolute versus relative statistics and yet they still take those medications if you look at the statin papers this one's going to blow you guys away. God, I hope I'm smart enough to explain this. If you look at the statin papers, you will see that women over 65 who have high cholesterol live longer than women who are over 65 and have low cholesterol.
Starting point is 00:47:39 And why is that? Because dying of high cholesterol is just a correlate. And why is that? Because dying of high cholesterol is just a correlate. And at some point, the people with the higher cholesterol is actually good for you. And it actually – people with the proper amount, high cholesterol, actually are healthy, and they live longer. But it's just a correlate for people 65 and under. It's the same as COVID. It was just – that's not what – that didn't kill anybody. It was the fucking 30 years of drinking Diet Coke and smoking cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Someone, I drink Diet Coke. I'm perfectly healthy. I'm okay. Good. I love you. Someone said it on the show the other day. You don't see any fat old people. Yeah, that's the point. Yeah. Wow, that is a good point. Yeah, you don't see anyone over 65 who's obese. Quarantine on your own dime too. I know. Crazy, right? And so even if you do make these papers available, there's like the smart people around us are too dumb to you to understand them they refuse to do the third grade math i had a man come up to me the other day a man i've known for uh 20 years he's 70 years old he's extremely smart extremely successful and he goes you were right i said what do you mean he goes you were right i said what i mean he goes you were right i go what he goes everything
Starting point is 00:49:07 you said about covid was true i said thank you and at that point i knew i was i knew i was gay because i felt movement in my pants isn't it always going to be a... You have not seen plenty of old fat people. They look old. They're really only 37. They look 67. How dare you? Go ask them their age. Look at that name. Kazavion.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Kazavion Joyner. Kazavion. Is he wearing fatigues? Yeah, looks like it. Don't screw up my story. I give you one. I give you one old fat person. I give you one.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Screw my story. I don't know. I don't know if Diet Coke's bad. Drink away. Drink away. Yes, it's bad. Come on. Look at anything that has all that chemical list in it that makes up the ingredients.
Starting point is 00:50:04 I have no idea um i think good so this is an interesting one uh three let's go back to racism let's go back to racism a 331 this is a man who is running down the football field fast putting the moves on and he runs into the touchdown, and the commentator says, that's get away from cop speed. Let's go. Let's go. He's got get away from the cop speed and the whole comment section is like
Starting point is 00:50:49 oh but don't worry the guy who said it is black. But listen, the only reason why you would think it was racist is because you automatically assume that all black people should be being chased by the cops, which guess who that makes racist? You. Or just a healthy form of discrimination and prejudice. I don't know. Fuck. But it's just crazy. You're racist, but then it's okay because the person you're being racist against for the reason you're being racist against them, it would be like – let's not use black people because it's just too easy. It would be like if a Chinese guy was making fun of another chinese guy for eating rice but that would be okay like we just have to all let it go just as yeah it's funny it's cool yeah it's funny it's good we're good get away from the cop speed is pretty fast though it's a what a fucking great line your adrenaline spikes your
Starting point is 00:52:06 life life flashes before your eyes you find a second gear what a great line i um i i'm gonna have justin madaris on here in a couple are we having him on here soon yeah we need to just we need to just hammer down the exact time i think 7 a.m which is a little too early for him. And then he said he still wanted the morning. Oh, shit. Yacht Club canceled. Okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, more news. Just fun stuff. I'll tell you. It's funny. I mean, it's good. It's good. It's good. I like your comment on Dave's recent posts with working out with a local OG. Thanks for my invite.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Let's pull that up. I want to tell you something about the new CEO of CrossFit. It's weird. I have these friends now who are like good friends who are like, I don't even know if they're good friends, but they put me in check and I appreciate it. Some of you do it in my DMs too, and I do appreciate it. And this friend texted me the other day. It's for sure a longtime associate. I don't know if I would – I don't know what to refer to this group of people as.
Starting point is 00:53:20 I mean, I love this person. I really do. Like I'm so happy for this person, any success this person has in their life. But this person said, hey, the new CEO is the handsome guy in the middle in between Lucas Zepeda. And I know who the guy is in the TDC shirt, super handsome L1 guy. Shit. Can't remember his name. I apologize. Anyway. Oh oh i want to say one more thing before i talk about the new ceo that guy right there three so that guy at the top right is jay vera fucking stud filmmaker uh i forget that lady's name next to him with the tank top and the crossfit shirt
Starting point is 00:53:58 but she was she's a fucking stud too she's like a jujitsu queen um i just remember her always being around hq and just being so positive and i'll be put that dude next to them the mexican dude with the mustache that's like one of the most talented fucking creators i ever met his name's eric diaz crazy well we so he worked at the ufc i think he was their like head art director he had some crazy senior position there and he came to work at fucking CrossFit on the media team with us because he lost like you know 60 pounds or something doing CrossFit and he wanted to do something that added value to his life he's a great fucking guy I can't think of any I'm trying to think I don't see any I don't recognize man everyone in that picture but half those people I fucking love for sure but half those people i fucking love for sure actually and dave got a haircut zach pine did zach pine did the artwork for my uh wife's uh book breathing with lily you can get it
Starting point is 00:54:54 on amazon breathing with lily if you have kids you want that book okay so so a friend of mine says hey dude are you gonna fucking give this guy he said he said a friend of mine says, hey, dude, are you going to fucking give this guy – a friend of mine texted me and he said, hey, are you going to give this guy a fucking chance? And I go, what do you mean? He goes, are you just going to hate him because he's not Greg? And I'm like, ooh, my friend's getting pretty aggressive. He goes, or are you going to give him a chance? And I want you to know I fully am going to give him a chance. I don't mean to just bend him over and fuck him.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Like I'm cool with him. I'm not – I mean I'm waiting for him to chance. I don't mean to just bend them over and fuck them. Like I'm, I'm cool with them. I, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I mean, I'm waiting for him to fuck up so I can pounce, but I, I,
Starting point is 00:55:31 I'm cool with them. I, I, I fucking, I'm wishing him the best. I hope he fucking kicks ass. I hope he steals all my fucking genius ideas that will fucking, that may,
Starting point is 00:55:40 that contributed to making this country the fastest growing company in the history of the world. And, and, and I hope like there's two great ideas already throughout there. In the last week, one I gave to Big and Flexy, one I gave to or maybe he gave it to me was, what's the guy's name? Steve Bart. We came up with that idea the other day, just to give affiliate owners a thousand bucks to film them walking up and approaching someone and getting them into their gym.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Fatties, big old large body people. Interesting. Do you remember that? Do you remember that idea? It should definitely give it to the first hundred affiliates who, who submitted a video and you play on main site, you put up a hundred grand for it.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Greg would have done that in a second. Didn't you already do something like that? Wasn't there an affiliate contest where you could film and yeah, but this one you make even easier. This one, this one, make even easier this one this one suza it's like i i would announce the the competition and then you would just immediately go out you go to costco and there'd be someone like 300 pounds and you walk up to the parking lot and be like hey uh i own a crossfit gym and and i and i want to uh get you to um i want to
Starting point is 00:56:40 get you in so somehow and has somehow and and, and, and, and, and, and, you know, we have something for you and basically show, show you, and give every affiliate owner and then show the person coming to the CrossFit gym. And then like, you know, doing a workout, the workout might be walk around the gym five times with a walker. Right. That's it. And you submit that to HQ. They play it on main site and you get a fucking thousand bucks. Yeah. And then you get a hundred of those.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I hope they continue to build that library of content that they're distributing to the affiliates too. Because one of the things, um, that is, that was your idea. That was your idea. That was your idea. Let's call it, let's call a spade a spade. Is that racist? Can you say that? But one of the things that I didn't, I, when I was thinking, I was thinking in terms of how you were like open source stuff, like just take some of the best content that has been made by the CrossFit affiliate community and then allow other, you know, with permission from the people who made it, distribute that content to other affiliates so they could post their stuff up. because then I realized the media that CrossFit was putting out for the affiliate to distribute was underneath their control. So then, therefore, that could get a little iffy, if you know what I mean. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:57:54 Spell it out for me. I don't know what you mean. So then CrossFit's curating this corporate media thing where it's not really the inside of an affiliate. They're curating their message rather than allowing it to be open sourced. Right. Does that make sense yeah yeah it's always i mean everything well i was gonna say everything's open source because of youtube but not really because those fuckers did you see that that you can no longer say on youtube that masks don't work you can't say that yeah it's in their new policy someone posted the other day i was like wow that's crazy uh if i had to pick people
Starting point is 00:58:23 three people i see three people on there that I really want on the podcast. I don't really want, but my old podcast partner is on there. That guy in the bottom right, Matt Bischel, he's next to Austin BG being at Leah. And Matt was fucking awesome. God, that fucking show was so good. I would love to have Matt on. I'd love to have Don on, the guy in the middle, the CEO.
Starting point is 00:58:48 And fuck, I'd love to have Dave on. Man, that guy's a fucking needle mover. Yeah, dude. You think Don will come on the show? You think he'll do all the safe stuff first and then get his feet wet and then come on? I will say this. Talking Elite Fitness did a podcast with him. I've only watched the first episode of three. safe stuff first and then get his feet wet and then i will i will say this talking league fitness did a podcast with him they did i've only watched the first episode of three i'll probably watch the
Starting point is 00:59:10 second one now right after this and uh he's good and and and and um uh tommy and shawnee are pretty good too did you finish the first so there's multiple of them because i saw that it was 56 minutes there's no i just watched the I saw that it was 56 minutes. There's multiple parts. I just watched the first part, and I liked it. I did watch the first part, and I liked it. I got like 20 minutes in, and I just felt like – for me personally – The first one I watched was only 10 minutes long.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Oh, there was like a 56-minute one that I started watching. Okay, I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that. And I think that it was good, especially in the fact that they were kind of just allowing everybody to get to know him more. The problem is, is I just don't give a fuck about any of that. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Right. Like, I don't want to hear him say for the third time, well, I found CrossFit because I used to play sports and then I didn't, then I had a bad back and I was afraid, but then I went in there and realized, Oh,
Starting point is 01:00:01 CrossFit doesn't injure people. It helped me with my back. It's like, Oh, did he really say, does he really say all that? That's paraphrased, but that's, yeah, that's CrossFit doesn't injure people. It helped me with my back. It's like, oh. Did he really say it? Does he really say all that? That's paraphrased, but that's exactly what he said. Yeah, that's my story too.
Starting point is 01:00:09 That's crazy. Which is like, fine. But like if I'm, you know, every question doesn't need to start with, so what do you know about CrossFit? It's like now these new leaders have to prove that they even know and do a CrossFit. Are you doing the squat thing where you're stretching out your back? Yeah, you know that? Yeah. Okay, so say that again. You're doing the squat thing where you're stretching out your back. Yeah. You know that? Yeah. Okay. So say that again. You don't need to hear what?
Starting point is 01:00:28 Well, just for me personally, as an affiliate owner, I'm way more interested in the direction and the vision of the business. I'm way more interested in what exactly he's hoping to bring long-term value to the shareholders, what the intentions of the board are, what his short-term objectives are, what he thinks the biggest issues in the company are right now, how is he going to continue to push the message, what's he going to do about the media problem? I just want those questions answered more so than like, so what was it like doing your friend the first time? Oh, it sucked. Oh yeah, we all been there like it's just too much smoke and mirror for me and i really want to get to the meat of it but i understand most people would rather
Starting point is 01:01:09 have the fran story and how he got introduced to crossfit than they would than he would talking about the long-term vision of the company so maybe it's just me but he's gonna he's gonna he's an interesting spot it'll be yeah i would like how long do you think how long do you think he lasts you think he lasts five years no i think it's a i think he's a year and a half and you know what that's no that's no disrespect zero disrespect to him and i think he knows that being a ceo i think the average life of a ceo of company this size is like two and bigger is like two years they do have a short life and i i want to know at this point i think we've just been dicked around so much with this like corporate yoga babble that I want to know his personal opinion.
Starting point is 01:01:50 How did you know, how do you act in these, in these certain situations? How are you going to act? If there's a political issue that needs to be addressed through the company, like, how are you going to act? If like something pops up from your past,
Starting point is 01:02:00 that was, that was, you know, the, the people are deeming racist or something like how are you getting you know what i mean yeah like they show them in blackface like yeah i mean no no no it's not you they show them wearing a headdress but one of my friends told me like if you're a burning man it's supposed to be like a like a place of just freedom and love that if you wear
Starting point is 01:02:19 a headdress there people will talk shit to you because it's cultural appropriation but those are anyone can wear armenian garb i just want you to know if you bring out the armenian drum and start singing armenian songs i would fucking jerk you off i swear to god i'll dip to the other side of my first fucking buy experience with you okay second second okay third uh like cultural appropriation is such fucking tardism it's tardism talk it's retard talk cultural appropriism can you imagine if fucking i was wearing fatigues and caleb were to walk up to me like take that shit off you're in the fucking army how dare you how dare you he heard that he heard that he came that's what happened and i summoned him i rubbed the i rubbed his bald head and he appeared but i am here but just to wrap up the uh the thing there
Starting point is 01:03:12 about don i also yeah i think we you know everybody deserves a little bit of a chance to get in there and do some work first before we all just like pounce on him uh i love don i love don that he has um not he's he's not afraid of dave and he's um walking with dave yeah that's cool i think it's a i think it's a good sign i think so too that's called stolen valor only if i oh yeah only if i put like um you have to like you have to like put like like with the stripes on there and say I'm like Sergeant Corporal Major Johnson, the third or something. Yeah. And get the 15 percent off discount at Applebee's. Then it's. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. God damn it. Don't you take my discount? god damn it don't you take my discount okay um i a ton of you guys chimed in on the stuff i posted about maddie rogers uh some of you said that she already had an autoimmune disease issue before which is interesting
Starting point is 01:04:17 and but across the board the 10 out of 10 of you that dm me all said that yes the vaccine including two doctors who dm me the vaccine is most likely what caused that. And that she was very hostile and discriminatory against anyone who didn't get the vaccine. And the irony now is that she got the vaccine. She's having this autoimmune response and she's not even acknowledging it. So this is, this is going back to originally what I said about Greg Glassman in the beginning. Like if you were, I get it. You were frustrated. You were swept away in the unconscious fucking woke-ism shit. I get it.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Is there a caller on? Oh, is there? Oh, shit. Sorry, caller. Go ahead. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Was that a new record? He's just eavesdropping. No, no. We had someone 22 minutes the other day. I'm such an asshole. You guys are so good.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Go ahead. I'm so an asshole. You guys are so good. Go ahead. Go ahead. I'm so sorry. I was just playing along with some of the stuff we were talking about and looking at the Canadian athletes this year. If you look at their rankings this year, so Emma Lawson's kind of an outlier because she was first in the teen division,
Starting point is 01:05:21 but she was sixth this year in the adult division. But Emily Rolfe went from 15th to 40th. Sydney McElishan dropped from 25th down to 31st. Patrick Vellner went from 2nd to 6th. Brent Sikowski went from 3rd to 16th. Alex Vigneault went from 8th to 25th.
Starting point is 01:05:39 Alexander Caron went from 24th to 30th. The only two Canadians that rose was Caroline Prevost from Alexander Caron went from 24th to 30th. The only two Canadians. Yes. The only two Canadians that rose was Caroline Prevost from 27th to 23rd. She went from 54th to 53rd and there's only four to 40 spots, but go on.
Starting point is 01:05:56 27 to 23rd. I like my. Okay. Jeffrey Adler from 13th to fifth, but everyone else, there was a 71 placing decline among six athletes and then 12 incline among two. And if you look at the teams, Montreal Pro 1 went from 5th to 9th
Starting point is 01:06:15 and CrossFit 1855 went from 21st to 31st. Holy smokes. You're such a fucking conspiracy theorist. Get a fucking life. Oh, man. Just numbers. Just numbers. Just numbers.
Starting point is 01:06:33 Just numbers. You know why? Because they didn't have any Icelandic people on the team. That's why. Wait, it's not like any of them had weird medical emergencies or anything. No, nothing like that. Yeah, that'd be too weird so here's the here's the crazy thing too how many if you were to use those statistics that i talked about earlier also the difference between absolute and relative and you were to talk and i use statins as the example you could make a case
Starting point is 01:07:01 that if you are canadian you can make a, a scientific case. And I use science in the, in the, in the woke sense, but, but something that offers some predictive value that if you're Canadian and you got the vaccine that you have like a 6,000% greater chance of having a blood clot.
Starting point is 01:07:19 I mean, there's evidence there that could be published in the Lancet like that. Yeah. Yeah. It's fucking, that's amazing. God, I love you.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Why did you do that? What's wrong with you? I just wanted you to give Brian a hard time. God, you're good. Could you, could you, um,
Starting point is 01:07:39 could you email that to me? Sure. The thing is, is Brian will love that. Let me tell you, Brian, Brian knows. brian sometimes talk off air not a lot but we do he knows he knows brian don't it's none of my business to tell you but i don't think brian got the the sticky sticky he knows i hope not um it's it's sevan matosian at gmail i would love to see those numbers those are that shit is fucking hilarious
Starting point is 01:08:11 hey dude i got one sign up for the newsletter people that shit's going in the newsletter we're gonna put that in the newsletter oh We're going to put that in the newsletter. Oh, that is a good one. Holy shit. Hey, it's got to be the water, the weather, the jab. You choose. A, B. Oh, we'll make it a multiple choice question. Why do you think that the athletes did worse? Oh, my goodness. And hey, how about this, brother? You ready for this?
Starting point is 01:08:43 Sure. And Tia probably had her worst year ever. Yeah. Hmm. Her old ticker ain't holding up. Our ticker. Wait, how do you know she's,
Starting point is 01:08:54 uh, vaccinated? I mean, she's Australian. They gotta be. You can't come to this country. Hasn't she been like, like,
Starting point is 01:09:00 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 01:09:01 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 01:09:01 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 01:09:01 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 01:09:01 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 01:09:01 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 01:09:02 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like,
Starting point is 01:09:03 like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like here the whole time? No, remember she had to go back there and they sold out the stadium because she's so fucking hot and people want
Starting point is 01:09:07 to see her whoop ass. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, you, the person who vaccinated Tia
Starting point is 01:09:12 should fucking be taken out in public and beaten. No, we don't know that that happened. We're just,
Starting point is 01:09:17 you know, she's got a lot of Instagram followers. Why would you take such an amazing human and do that to them? Take me, please. Vaccinate me not to you i am the ceo take me please remember when all the nurses would do that weird photo on their instagram
Starting point is 01:09:34 after they got vaccinated yes i thought that that was i thought that that was something that they like had to do i asked a few of them i like, are they incentivizing you guys to take photos or is that just within your own nursing culture thing? They're like, no, it's just within what we're doing. I was like, that's fucking weird. Brought to you by Pfizer. I want to show you guys.
Starting point is 01:09:58 I don't know if I'm... Am I allowed to use your name, caller? Sure. Well, thank you for calling, Raymond. Thank you for hanging in there that's no problem okay you'll email me that yes i will yeah thank you i love you and i also have one other idea for you a topic an ideal or an idea idea okay um i remember watching a podcast before you were talking to Hiller and he was talking about your runtime on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:10:27 And he said something about eventually everybody sells out at some point in time. But my ideal for you, because of the way that you have people donating money in and stuff here, it's not really selling out. It's buying in. And that's, I know it's a term we use in CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:10:42 You can buy in to get to the heavyweight or you buy in to get to the next stage. So you can technically have a market system here where if people like what you are saying, they can buy into that, whether that's for advertising or just supporting you or supporting their own brand. It's completely open. It's unbiased. You could have 10 coffee companies come in and support you all because they're buying in.
Starting point is 01:11:05 And whether you support them or roast them, it doesn't really matter either way. It's completely inclusive and everything that everybody wants to talk about nowadays. And it's a lot like what you do at the games where you put it out there and you can talk to anybody and anybody can participate as long as they're willing to buy in. What he is, Raymond is saying is everyone who's listening now should go over to their YouTube, find the donation button and please donate 99 cents. Thank you. You know,
Starting point is 01:11:33 that's a great idea. And I want to say that when I, when Gabe from paper street, you that's when Gabe from paper street coffee said, Hey, I want to pay you guys every month. And I said, Hey,
Starting point is 01:11:43 I already drink good dudes coffee. He goes, I don't care. I want to pay the show. I want to support the show. And I was like, Oh, this is weird. And then I go, hey, I want to pay you guys every month. And I said, hey, I already drink Good Dude's coffee. He goes, I don't care. I want to pay the show. I want to support the show. And I was like, oh, this is weird. And then I go, okay, find some of your coffee. And then I ended up drinking his coffee and ended up working out good anyway. But recently two brands, one brand reached out to us and one brand, we reached out to them.
Starting point is 01:11:59 And they both said, hey, we want to be involved because we support the – nice. I like that, Caleb. We want to to be involved because we support the nice. I like that. Caleb. Uh, we, uh, we want to, we want to support you guys because we like the message. We like the honesty and the message.
Starting point is 01:12:11 And that is the ideal sponsor, right? Someone who just like, even if we fuck up like there, they, they, they support just the fact that we want them. It's kind of like how I feel about abortion.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Like I'm so against abortion but i totally support fucking autonomy over your body and it's like they support just the fact that we're out here just doing our best to to speak freely just to speak honestly and yeah that's the that's the uh that those are the ideal people to what'd you call it buy in yeah yeah buy in but look i asked for a dollar i asked you to get one of these people to buy in no one can even give me 99 cents it's uh it's underway maybe it'll come in anybody though with a crossfit affiliate can just advertise their affiliate you know or bump it up or or any coach stuff, trying to get out there and
Starting point is 01:13:05 stuff like that. You can just, you know, however you want to do it and such, but it allows everybody to participate instead of needing, you know, a billion dollars to be on a Superbowl commercial or something like that. You have a podcast that a lot of people listen to. And now everybody, it really is truly an open market for anybody to participate at anywhere from the 99 cents you just mentioned to a much larger. It just depends on how much they want to buy it. Or you can call in, like what you contributed is worth more than 99 cents. I mean, you just contributed something crazy. Those stats, those game stats, that was crazy.
Starting point is 01:13:38 That'll be a real, someone will definitely clip that and that will be a real. That was crazy. I just, you know, like this for a conversation this conversation and get you guys going a little bit. Let me give you a $3 credit for that. That's a $3. You have a $3 buying credit. Thanks for the $3. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Oh, there you go. There you go. Yeah. Thank you, Mr. Eric and Sarah. Two bucks so we could go another day. Yeah. Eric, I'm sorry for what I said about trannies. I love you.
Starting point is 01:14:08 You're my favorite tranny. Thank you. And now you can tell Hiller that you'll never sell out. He just has to buy in. Yes, thank you. Peace and love, Raymond. Email me, please. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Will do. Good stuff. Thanks, Raymond. Hal, hi. Hi. How's it going? I'm pretty pumped. I'm pretty happy. My back's tweaked.
Starting point is 01:14:31 This bed at this fucking wonder mansion is fucking a disaster. Oh, that's no good. I know. That is no good. I always forget about how fucked up the beds are. I even switched beds last night. Is it too soft? Yeah, it's like an old person bed. I even switched beds last night. Is it too soft? Yeah, it's
Starting point is 01:14:45 like an old person bed. Yeah, I don't know. Well, we're old. It's probably one of those beds that weighs like 8,000 pounds. You should see my bed. Oh, shit. Look it. The guy who's serving in the military just fucking slapped me around.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Fuck you. Fuck you, you spoiled bitch going to the yacht clubs, living on Newport Beach. Oh, my God. Say something, Hal. Change the subject. Settle smack down there. So well played.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Hey, we're old people now. We're 50. So, you know, aches and pains come with territory, I guess. Yes. So, yeah, you guys are putting out great content. Um, I love it. I wish I could, uh, hear live more often, uh, rather than watch the, the replays. But, um, the guy, did I see an article this week? I couldn't get into it. Um, because it was, they were wanting me to pay for it and I wasn't going to do that.
Starting point is 01:15:46 But did a master's athlete have a stroke on the first day of the games this year? That is, I don't know which day it was, but two Canadian athletes, both vaccinated, both had clotting issues at the games. We are 16 years into the CrossFit games. We've never had an athlete clot. Right. Right, right. And I knew, I knew about that.
Starting point is 01:16:06 There's nothing to see here. Don't worry about that. Take your tinfoil hat off. That's really weird. And I had two doctors on that I interviewed, Hal, and both of them said, dude, complete fucking nuts that you would have arterial clots. Like nuts.
Starting point is 01:16:21 And I spoke to some people on the scene there and they're like dude something is wrong this is not right for sure for sure um so the you can see in the in one of the instagram posts i don't remember if it was by emily roth or someone talking about that when she's on the bike you can see her i think it was her left arm the the discoloration in that picture serious while she's writing yeah i noticed that look at caleb's like fuck if you guys would have bought me a nice computer i could have fucking found that probably by now right right wow wow holy shit layla steel you're a good lady you're a good lady. You're a good lady. Thank you. I used to get $5 allowance from my mom. I bawled. I know I was spoiled. My mom would give me $5 a week and then still I would just be like, Mom, I'm going to the arcade. And she'd just pull out a 20.
Starting point is 01:17:24 like a 10 year old kid this is in 1982 and i'd ride my bike to the fucking regency game palace the arcade in pleasant hill california and i was generous as fuck then too i'd put the 20 and get all i'd usually put in actually like 15 and quarters and i'd give them out to all my friends and then i'd also save the last five dollars to buy hot dogs for everyone uh uh harry jay it's a little crass harry jay should be harry d uh happy saturday great work as always thank you harry love you dude that's a lot of money uh where is the shot how where you can see your arm is uh i think that was it right yeah i don't even remember which one. Can you see that her hand was dusky there?
Starting point is 01:18:10 Like, look at her right arm compared to her left. So the left arm is the one that's clotting? The one, the left arm is on the bike, right? Yeah, is the left arm the one that clotted? I think so. I mean, look at the color. Yeah, dude, that's crazy crazy i wanted to tell you a fucking crazy story so my one of my kids was one of my twins was born not breathing and when he was the
Starting point is 01:18:33 second one that came out when he came out he was fucking gray it was interesting that i used dusty like so gray and his arms were hanging so far back that they, when they were holding them like this, that his arm hands were touching behind him. It was fucking scary. And, and, and, and I,
Starting point is 01:18:52 and I, I started crying and my wife's like, what? And I'm holding the first baby and my wife's like, what's wrong? What's wrong? I'm like, and the midwives are like,
Starting point is 01:19:00 I'm like nothing. I'm just excited. I'm just happy. But really I'm like, Oh my God, I just witnessed that fucking my baby being born dead. I was fucking devastated. And then within seconds, they put like this mask with like a turkey baster on the other side and they started squeezing it. And they jump started the baby. The baby started crying. Put the baby on the tit within. It seemed like a month to me. But in the journal, it says it was like 91 seconds from when the baby was born to when it was alive and breastfeeding. But fuck, it was. And you're right.
Starting point is 01:19:29 When you said the word dusty, her hand. Yeah, that is something is wrong. You're right. That's that's Jeremy Williams. Ten dollars for the dosi. How did you spot that? How how did you see that? How did you spot that? How how did you see that?
Starting point is 01:19:52 You know, I I did hear one of your doctors talking about it on a on a replay and I heard him mention that. And then later I just saw it on the Instagram feed, you know, and I just noticed hand to hand. I mean, you know, I'm a, I'm a therapist. So I kind of look for those things anyway, especially if, you know, I'm an occupational therapist. So like when I got fired from my job, I should have called you. Well, not really. I mean, more physical, but occupational therapy, more upper extremity stuff, physical therapy, more lower extremity and back. So that's kind of, that's kind of a rough generalization.
Starting point is 01:20:30 You just do physical wounds. Right. Right. I mean, I could, I could talk you through it maybe and let you vent. You're a good dude. Thanks. I appreciate that. I just had an out of body experience for like two minutes. It was weird. And then, and then I kind of came back in my body. I was at the skate park. Andrew Weissenschnitzel let me go. And he was actually very nice. It's the only nice thing I can say about him. He was very, very kind.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Did you ever hear that story, Hal? Did he ever tell you that story? I've heard you talk about it before. He's like, well, I'm going to tell you again anyway. I didn't really get your answer. He said, he goes, your services are no longer required. I said, okay, cool. What am I going to do now instead? He's like, I was just in shock. I refused.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Do you know what I mean? Yep. It's like you told your wife. It was so weird. I wish I could do that for her. Okay, cool, yeah. What am I going to do? I'm not going to pump gas?
Starting point is 01:21:27 What am I doing now? He's like, no, no, no, no. I was like, oh, shit, this can't be good. This can't be right. I thought I got to talk my way out of it. It's like you got to tell somebody that somebody died. You don't say like, oh, they passed away. He's like, no, your family member died.
Starting point is 01:21:44 I broke up with this fucking girl. You can't just mince words. Yeah he's like no your family member died i broke up with just words yeah i yeah right i what do you mean died uh i this morbid example i broke up with this girl one time um and uh she's and i was probably i was i was a homeless guy and she was this super hot fucking blonde chick college girl and we've been going out for like two years and this other girl who i'm now married to said hey i just broke up with my boyfriend i want to get with you so i walked right up to my fucking smoking hot fucking college girlfriend and i said hey it's like what i'm like it's over and she looked at me she goes you're breaking up with me like the whole time like I was just this fucking piece of shit charity case and like it just
Starting point is 01:22:28 slipped out of her mouth. Yeah. It was crazy. I was like, wow, holy shit. Wow. Hey, you know, you know, you talked about the back in the day in the video game and about probably 45 minutes or so when you were talking about the, the computers, the sex, you know, watching porn and that sort of thing. My wife and I were talking about this last night when we were kids by we, I mean, you and I, you know, Susan, those other guys, they still are kids, but if we, if, if we were interested in something, we had to physically make an effort to get there.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Yeah, I had to go to the library, find a Playboy, ask someone like an idiot where a Playboy was, go in there, tear out a piece of paper, and it would fuck it up because I'd rip her in half and I wouldn't have got the nipples. And I'd go home and I'd have a naked chick, but none of her naked parts. I'd be like, fuck, this is my girlfriend for the next six months. I wonder all those magazines didn't have got the nipples right and i'd go home and i'd have a naked chick but none of her naked parts be like fuck fuck yes this is my girlfriend for the next six months i wonder all those magazines didn't have centerfolds yeah yeah i was fucked up you're right you're so right right but like now you get your phone out you've got more information than any library we had access to and you move your finger and when you when you when you stay on something or when you click on something she shows at your house 15 minutes later when you click on it right or or or tomorrow a different girl shows up at your house right and you didn't even you didn't even summon it because it's just, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:24:05 Whatever you show a slight interest in, it just feeds your brain more and more of that. How do you remember looking up naughty words in the dictionary as a kid? No, I don't think I did that. I was probably the kid that was using those words around others. So somehow I knew them before everyone else did. I just wanted to still, I did that too. In the second grade, we'd all go into the bathroom and like we'd get in a circle
Starting point is 01:24:32 and everyone would say a bad word like fuck or ass or bitch. But I remember looking up dirty words in the dictionary and now I can't even imagine if I was like 12 years old and I had a cell phone i'd be like dog dog fucked person oh my god i mean i would just say anything i would say anything and it would pop up and it would pop up that's why my kids can't have a cell phone that's like oh because i because i would just do that not even thinking of the consequences like were you here one time on the show i put in giant dick and I Googled it in real time and it was like a dude sucking his own dick and we almost got kicked off of YouTube
Starting point is 01:25:12 for it. And it's like, yeah, I'm 50. I don't know that. I don't know if you put big dick guy that like the first image that pops up on Google is a guy with, it was a guy, you want to know what it was? It was a guy with his own penis in his mouth with another man drilling him anally that's the picture that popped up just on one search and it was like holy fuck that escalated quickly yeah and and i my my sons cannot see that i'd like too early i don't want that going in too early I can't see that. Right. Yeah, I didn't want to see that.
Starting point is 01:25:47 A little taken aback. Right. My father-in-law one time mentioned when my 22-year-old was quite a bit younger, the Pokemon cards. I don't even know if those are still popular or not. So he looked up Pokemon on the internet. He said, don't do that. Yeah, yeah yeah i see it it's a jamaican sex pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon it's the pokemon everyone knows the pokemon shit you guys are doing great work. Keep it up.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Thank you. Thanks. Manifest something great in your life, buddy. I love you. Number 330. It doesn't have a number by it. It just says Sherman and wife. This is Fox News did a piece on Sherman Merrick.
Starting point is 01:26:41 It's so funny the people that are offended by this guy because he did something great but uh this is um this is man sherman's wife is beautiful uh this is i here uh they're on um the news the local news is celebrating or maybe it's maybe it's national news fox business live yeah it's national boss business is Business Live, yeah, it's national. Yeah, Fox Business is national. Yeah, celebrating the fact that they paid off their student loans, $190,000 in 27 months. This is pretty good. This is pretty good.
Starting point is 01:27:15 Yeah, and look at, hey, look at, this is what I want you to see. They try to lead Sherman, and I don't mean this as a dig at Fox at all. They try to lead Sherman and his wife, I wish I knew her name, down a negative path to say something negative about Biden or to say something negative about the fact that people are going to have their student loans paid off, and they won't do it. They're like, yeah, we don't necessarily agree with it. For those people who it helps them, blah, blah, blah, we're happy for them. Check this out. check this out check this out uh and then um uh oh should i actually maybe hung up on my tape shit okay go ahead let's play it oh sorry that's just an ad sorry um it's nice to see that just because they want the piece to be negative like just because they paid it off and they're not happy that other people are
Starting point is 01:28:07 going to have their loans paid off. They didn't use that as an opportunity. What do you think? Do you think the student loan handout is fair to people like yourself? Um, individually, I am happy if people get their student loans paid off, um, $10,000 at dollars at a time um then it's i'm happy for them individually but we all know that nothing's free and that there's going to be repercussions um it doesn't change what we um decided that we wanted to do for our family in
Starting point is 01:28:41 our lives so we felt that conviction strongly, just a calling for us from God to go ahead and start tipping away at it. So it doesn't change what we decided to do, but it does make us a little angry because I know in the long run, it's the taxpayers that are going to have to pay for it. So, I mean, we're going to be investing in space. You are not alone in those feelings.
Starting point is 01:29:04 Look at, they smile, they smile those feelings. Look at, they smile. They smile. They're happy people. They smile. How did you pay off your debt so quickly? Did you have to make a lot of sacrifices? Oh, yeah. We had to make a ton of sacrifices.
Starting point is 01:29:17 We actually started a second business as well, so more work. So, I mean, that's the thing. I tell everyone, we were extremely blessed starting a second business and then it taking off and all of that. Gratitude. Gratitude. Those were a lot of long days. I mean, 14, 15 hour days to make sure that it happened. So, yeah, we made a ton of sacrifices to pay it off so quickly. Sherman, does it make you a little angry, too, because there are a lot of people who did what you did and managed to work two, three jobs and pay off their tuition.
Starting point is 01:29:49 And now all of a sudden, people who didn't get to say something negative, he won't. He won't. Yeah, I think sort of like my wife said, you know, it's OK for some folks. I get it. But in the long term, I don't like it because I know it's going to cause me and my children, my children. I'm making these sacrifices so they can have a better life. And they're going to be paying for things that just they shouldn't have to pay for. So, yeah, like it's not fair, quote unquote fair, but we all know life isn't fair. So I think we need to come up with something so that generations aren't straddled with all these extra billions of dollars. Exactly. Well, Christina and Sherman, thank you so much for joining us.
Starting point is 01:30:28 And I want to say something. The only thing that Sherman said that I would say that's not true. Ready? He says he made sacrifice. But I think I know Sherman well enough that actually he got pleasure and pain off his loan so whatever he sacrificed it made up for it like i have an echo do you guys hear that uh and anytime he it's it's like it's like if you don't buy a cup of coffee and you sacrifice not having coffee today but you put that five dollars in your piggy bank sherman's the kind
Starting point is 01:31:03 of guy who who gets so much pleasure from putting that $5 in the piggy bank that it really wasn't a sacrifice. Yeah, it's good people. Nothing's fair. They know. That's just honest talk. That's just honest talk. Not like, fuck those people. They took out the loan, and they should have to pay it back.
Starting point is 01:31:19 I mean, that's a fair response, too. Those are upbeat, positive people who really stay in their own lane, mind minding their own fucking business and just worried about what they have to do yeah i mean they paid off almost two hundred thousand dollars in debt and so i think that anytime you see somebody like that we should be celebrating those people and they took the responsibility of taking on the loan they took the responsibility of paying the loan back see that patrick ass hat hatton from the Morning Chalk Up and South Morning China China Post? You used a picture of a guy to hate on Greg Glassman who believes in personal accountability and responsibility unlike you. You used him.
Starting point is 01:31:57 You used Mr. Sherman. Because you don't give a fuck about other people. 328, monkey pucks and the dog. Monkey pucks and the dog. Good to have you on, Caleb. What's your schedule like today, Sousa? Do you got to go? Yeah, I got to go to the gym in the morning, and then...
Starting point is 01:32:21 Did you already go, or are you going soon? No, no, I'm going soon. Okay, here we go. couple infects dog standby between two men and their greyhound in paris they have the duty as pet owners to protect that dog y'all up in the bed spreading monkey pox y'all let the dog jump in the bed with you sex between men not skin contact is fueling monkey pox new researchall let the dog jump in the bed with you? Sex between men, not skin contact, is fueling monkeypox, new research suggests. For the longest, they was trying to say anybody can get monkeypox. It's just skin to skin contact. It's not an STD, both anal as well as oral intercourse. Sucked off, they mean sucked off. It's likely the main driver of global monkeypox transmission. The skin contact that comes with sex is probably much less of a risk factor.
Starting point is 01:33:09 These are the experts. They knew this all along. They just tried to protect the gay community. But y'all end up harming gay people. So it turns out two gay men. Ah, woke. Do you see that? Woke again.
Starting point is 01:33:19 The World Health Organization. You could have. world health organization you could have you knew right away when 98 of the people had it were gay that it was something having to do with some sort of activity that gay people gave sorry not gay people gay men participated in it's the same exact thing with covid you knew that when 60 when when the 94 of the people died had four or more comorbidities and six percent there was no data on you knew that it had nothing to do with so it's it's fucking it's unbelievable it's on a fucking believable the people we live with i've tried to have the hodge twins on i can't get in touch with them now they don't have my blue check mark i'm just i'm just out i'm out in the ocean
Starting point is 01:34:00 without a paddle no one wants to come on the show anymore. I'm nobody. Without the blue check mark. I'm nobody. It's interesting that they had a greyhound. Why is that interesting? It's like when they called the coronavirus or the Wuhan virus and they were like, oh, that's offensive. We can't do that.
Starting point is 01:34:23 Gay sex. Well, that's offensive. We can't do that right associated with gay sex well that's offensive we can't use that we want it to be named something else i mean i'm in big trouble with justin madaris i am in big trouble why i'm texting with him now he's coming on the show to whoop my ass a little bit i think slap me around a little bit right now no i don't think so i could send him a link right now oh no i just thought you meant right now oh um uh you guys so so did you see that link i sent you yesterday about the utmb event in uh i think it's in france it's i don't even know what utmb stands for but some sort of oh that's in cordelaine'Alene, Idaho, that event? Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:35:07 It was Coeur de Blanc or something like that. Anyway. Yeah, yeah, the Mont Blanc. It's some sort of – so we're talking about covering this CrossFit event that's coming up, the Zello Games. We were talking with Jared about using iPhones to cover it. and and and someone already sent us a link of some fucking run some like multi-day two week or 100 hour or whatever run in france okay thank you and uh where they used iphones to cover it part of me was bummed out i wanted to be the first but part of me stoked we got to get in touch with these guys and see what they did
Starting point is 01:35:42 people can still get the monkey pox that aren't gay guys well of course it's skin contact once the boils start likely the dog licked it then licked its asshole okay uh craig i think you're i think i think you're i don't think you're i it's if 98 percent of people have i don't know you stop i craig i wish i wouldn't have read that so i'm putting you in time out for no i'm not putting you in time i love you they i better one time i was i punched craig in the comment section he got he got wily for a month i don't want to uh first place male finished in 19 hours 105 miles wow and did you watch that fitness too did you um craig's on it he's on he licks the dog's asshole or he's on or what's the honor oh shit now craig's gonna go nuts in the comments uh they did have someone die early in the week he fell wow on a side note oh my gosh oh shit oh shit i'm always in
Starting point is 01:36:52 time uh well gay people aren't the only ones that have anal so yeah okay true why would you why why would you want to put your penis in someone's butt i so don't understand i have i have like no interest zero like even if my even if my wife's vagina was completely sealed off i would just find i'd find something else to do i would not be like oh i'll just use that other hole that the poop comes out of. Hey, I've never pissed in the kitchen sink. I'm never like,
Starting point is 01:37:29 I have to pee so bad. I'm going to pee in the kitchen sink. Cause the bathroom's full. Cause I can't make it to the bathroom. I don't. All holes have their like use. I've never waffled, stomped the shit down the drain or whatever.
Starting point is 01:37:41 That person the other day. I don't do any of that stuff. I, each hole has its use. Oh, my goodness. It's just bizarre. It's bizarre to me. It really is weird.
Starting point is 01:38:01 I really, really, really, really, really, really don't get it. There's a lot. But like my friend Travis Bajent told me one time, if anything a man does sexually surprises you, then you don't understand men at their most rudimentary level. And I kind of agree with that too.
Starting point is 01:38:22 All right. Monkey pox. All right. So monkey pox, just those of you who like the pooper kind of just should chill. No more dumper for you. Chase, put your mask on. 327 school. Yeah, no, I guess I have never been drunk enough.
Starting point is 01:38:50 I guess. Okay, okay. Okay, Kyle. yeah no i guess i have never been drunk enough i guess okay okay okay kyle you want a fucking brawl the guy who took a dump in his van is telling us he is he hasn't peed the sink listen that was an emergency situation listen it was a toilet in my van i didn't just like take a shit in like the in the passenger seat we Unprecedented times. Oh my goodness. Okay. So this George Carlin thing is appropriate because I just, you have to understand the reason why I brought this up is because the other day I did say I was, I was basically, I was doing exactly what I didn't like people doing.
Starting point is 01:39:20 I was kind of making fun of that Maddie Rogers girl because she has a BS in the health sciences. And it's in her bio. And basically, if you went to college, you were part of a large majority of you, except for those of you who did some of the real sciences. You were just being brainwashed. It's an ideological brainwashing. That's why we hear so many people who went to four-year school for kinesiology say they learned more at the CrossFit L1 in two days. I mean, over and over. You can find a thousand people who will say that.
Starting point is 01:39:49 But when I said that about Maddie, I didn't explain why. I just said, like, just like I'm not explaining now. But you see why. Because in those earlier today, I showed you that Richard Smith, 13 years editor of the British Medical Journal, was saying that fucking he thinks that there's more fraudulent shit in journals than there is real shit and then and then i showed you how the absolute versus relative statistics works with statins but here's george carlin's take on it this is probably 20 years old and even he knew but what's crazy is is that can you imagine being being brainwashed but then your your default, instead of being open to the fact that you were brainwashed, is that you're smart. Like that girl Maddie writes that she has a BS or a master's or whatever in health sciences.
Starting point is 01:40:31 She writes it in there showing off, thinking she's smart. But really, for those of us who are smart, it's like, holy shit, that bitch has been brainwashed. But she's parading around like she's smart. It's weird. It reminds me of people who have anal. Okay, go smart. It's weird. It reminds me of people who have anal. Okay, go on. George Carlin. Education sucks.
Starting point is 01:40:50 It's the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It's never going to get any better. Don't look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now. The real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians.
Starting point is 01:41:11 The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They've got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying to get what they want.
Starting point is 01:41:45 There's a reason in education. So Jeff Birchfield asked an important question. So which are the real sciences? In the raw sense, it's whatever gives you the greatest predictive value. Whatever gives you the greatest predictive value. So after 30 years or 40 years or 50 years of applying psychiatric drugs, we're now realizing that psychology has been way off base. Not even close to being right.
Starting point is 01:42:18 It's whatever gives you the greatest predictive value. The science that was put into COVID. Not science. Why? Because it gave us the goal. Well, unless your goal was to hurt society. you the greatest predictive value the science that was put into uh covid not science why because it gave us the the goal if well unless your goal was to hurt hurt society and if your goal was to hurt society hurt humanity set us all back get us to hate each other kill lots of people then then covid was um it was a perfect science near perfect science but if it was to help people the who it was not science it's whatever gives science. But if it was to help people,
Starting point is 01:42:45 it was not science. It's whatever gives you the greatest predictive value. So there are some sciences that have been bedrocks and have been really, so no science is true. You have to first understand that no science is true. It's just all, what is the most valuable belief to have? And no, all real scientists know this because always what they're doing is once you have a hypothesis you're trying to disprove it that's why einstein came up with the theory of relativity and he disproved newtonian newton's uh theory on gravity it's whatever it gives you the greatest predictive value pushing forward. And it doesn't even matter what the science is. If astrology worked and it gave you the greatest predictive value of predicting the weather, like, so climatology is complete,
Starting point is 01:43:36 almost complete horseshit. There's like no science in there. They can't predict shit. They're pretty, the weather predictions are just atrocious. There's not even a true understanding of how weather patterns come into existence. I mean, there's theories, but they're rough, man. They're rough. I chased tornadoes and I took a lot of – sat in a lot of climatology classes in Texas. What was the name of that university?
Starting point is 01:44:01 Texas Tech? No, it's the one in Lubbock. What's in Lubbock? What university is in Lubbock what's in Lubbock what university is in Lubbock Texas anyway it's so there are some that are like the bedrock like right like there's like biology physics chemistry
Starting point is 01:44:16 there's some but even we even know physics gets weird you get into quantum physics that means small and all the rules of physics go out the fucking door Texas Tech University that's what oh yeah yeah it was texas tech thank you of course you did that's because you sleep in a good bed yeah yeah so good i have to put a four inch mattress pad on top of it here we go here we go this might be good this looks good oh ouch foreign uh chemistry uh physics chemistry biology why the variables the relative
Starting point is 01:44:50 relevant causal factors in the discipline can be controlled to a great degree thank you thank you thank you and even he knows you can see you can see to a great even he knows to a great degree but but the goal isn't to um the goal isn't to prove what's true even he knows to a great degree. But the goal isn't to prove what's true. It's just to get predictive value. Fitness too. Oh, this is going to be good too. The guy that placed first at UTMB also had COVID and still finished 19 hours.
Starting point is 01:45:24 That's dope. What does UTMB also had COVID and still finished in 19 hours. That's dope. What does UTMB stand for? Hey, how was the coverage? Was it good? It looked cool. They were able to go from spot to spot pretty quickly. How did they do that? It looks like it's in the middle of
Starting point is 01:45:42 fucking nowhere. What did they use for Wi-Fi signal? They just hotspotted it? I know. They for sure used a drone. Out here, you can buy a hotspot. Where's out here, Caleb? Caleb, where's out here? What are you talking about? Not in America.
Starting point is 01:45:57 Right. Okay. Good answer. Wow. Science. See, Caleb's doing science right now. Yeah, they have geography. Good ones. You guys have your own satellites? Starlink? I don't know about that. No, definitely no Starlink.
Starting point is 01:46:23 It's still going on second place. Woman about to finish. Sexist, sexist sexist okay guys uh great show today hour and 46 minutes in yeah thanks for coming on that's who's thanks for coming on uh did we do that did we do the school did we do that we did do the school oh yeah george carlin Carlin. Yeah, yeah, school. Okay. Yep. I'm not opposed to you going to school either. I'm not opposed to college. Don't jump to that conclusion. It depends on what you're going to school for. I'm not opposed.
Starting point is 01:46:54 I really enjoyed going to UC Santa Barbara. It was a huge, it's huge for my life. Yeah, just don't take out a $100,000 loan to do it. That's first true. Okay, guys uh we will see you do we have a show scheduled tomorrow yep is it just madaris no no it's the not not top 10 of the crossfit games oh shit okay that's at 7 a.m that's with the jr howell and um That's with J.R., Howell, and Taylor, the thumb self. Awesome. Okay.
Starting point is 01:47:30 Yeah, and these are Taylor's moments. He really wanted to be clear that we're not shitting on CrossFit, so I'm going to try to make sure we shit on CrossFit as much. All right, guys. I will talk to you guys later. Say bye, Cesar. Adios. Caleb, do you want to say bye?
Starting point is 01:47:45 All right, there you go. Bye.

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