The Sevan Podcast - #570 - Justin Medeiros

Episode Date: August 31, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. I think I had too much coffee. Bam, we're live. I just finished my fast, 36-hour fast. I ate an old hamburger that was in the fridge, minus the bun.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I just pulled the meat out. Oh, shit shit there he is on time oh boy this is going to be good I love Justin hopefully fun and funny there will be no fun no fun will be had I'm all buzzing I hope this will be a good one
Starting point is 00:01:01 imagine both Ellie and Justin come to the show and speak up about their relationship or even better her photo bombing and walking out of the shower. Holy shit, you pervert. I hope Justin talks some shit to Sevan. We need to see his spicy side. How about you eat a dick, Austin? I got you, Austin. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Dude, you did it again. I did. I did did it was crazy i was i was watching say it again i said we did i got a my team adam jesse ellie ellie hey um so um there were there were a variety of accusations that i've made about you, opinions. Yep. Said you look like a baboon. I said you were raised in the ghetto. I said Ellie was your girlfriend. I said you beat Matt Fraser up in a fight.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I said you're going to waterpalooza on a team. And I said you look thick in the core, which is code for chablito. And I'm looping it in because you didn't say no, that I'm more likely to lose than ellie is to win so wait wait i'm your oh wow oh you've come to defend the honor of wow did i say that dude i don't know if that's more of a dig to me or her but i killed two birds with one stone. Yep. Yep. You did. Hey, so your dad invited me. Uh, I was in LA, but your dad invited me to some party at your house. Was I going to get jumped there where the Diaz brothers going to be there and I
Starting point is 00:02:33 was going to get jumped. Damn right. Like, like you need the Diaz brothers to beat me up. Hey, you don't mess with people in the 209, you know? So tell me, I'm starting to think that the Ellie thing was a not her come to train there, but a you wanted to hold her hand. That's exactly what it was, Devon. That's awesome whose idea so you guys were just like courting and you're like hey come out and you guys were just saw each other at a comp or something and then the courtship started and then you said hey come out and visit and let's see if we're compatible uh honestly not really um after last year's games i really wanted to have a training partner and just kind of like kept eyes and ears open to kind of see if anybody was like
Starting point is 00:03:27 kind of willing to if I thought if anybody was like a good pick um but nothing to push I mean obviously I was able to win the games last year training by myself so like I knew what we were doing was like working but it's pretty rough to go through training by yourself I knew I couldn't train with a guy. So just kind of trying to like see what would happen. And then Ellie wanted to come out and train. Like I'd met her at last year's games super briefly at like Great Dane CrossFit, just kind of like said hi, bye, but never really thought a thing of it.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I mean, she's from Australia. So I was like, didn't even think about she could be possibly be a training partner. And Daniel told me that she was looking to maybe come to the States, uh, to get Daniel, uh, Daniel Robbins. Um, he, um, but yeah, just, uh, she was looking to come to the States and after Wadapalooza, um, they started working together, Ellie and Daniel. He's a coach? What's he do? What's that dude do? Agent.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Agent. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Then just she wanted to come train, and that's all it was. Come train for a week, see if she can learn something. Then she ended up really liking it and kind of try to figure out if she wanted to stay longer. And then one, a one week trip kind of turned into like three months.
Starting point is 00:04:52 But you guys hold hands now. There's, there's, you guys are more than training partners, right? Yes. We are more than training partners. Wow. And, and, um, do you guys have to have a talk? For sure. I mean, I think, I think it was something that I was actively trying to prevent, you know? You were. You were. For sure. Like you had your wall up.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Don't look at her like an object of desire. Don't see her as a flower. She's just another fucking piece of meat you're lifting weights. She is, like, by far by far like the best training partner like i've ever had and like i was having so much trouble training i feel like i was getting a lot more out of my training and i know that like if i ever went down that road like you kind of can't go back you know like him like oh no like let's try it and see if it works and it doesn't work it's like oh okay well like now let's just go back to being just training partners so I knew that probably wasn't like it's just like a road that I didn't
Starting point is 00:05:50 want to kind of go down but it kind of got to a point where it was harder to like like fight it you know and it was kind of like just more irritating more stress or whatever it was and like I know I train better when I'm happy so So it was kind of like, it kind of naturally came on, I guess, after that, when I kind of like let the guard down. Doesn't, isn't it, couldn't it, it's got to be weird because, like, I worked with my wife for five years at the same job. And kind of even, it's not even once you kind of, it's so delicate, right? Because once you kind of make it known, like, you have to it's so delicate right because once you kind of make it known like you have to like really go into the water slowly right you got to be like accidentally bumper as you're going to the bathroom and test that out well how did that go right i mean it's
Starting point is 00:06:37 like like as you pass no i think it's got to be so gentle, right? The courtship has to be delicate. I think she also came from training by herself, mostly. She's out in Australia. She used to get remote programming at the time. She kind of knew what it was like to go through all that on your own. But we also know what it takes to do it on your own. We're both individual athletes. I've made my priorities very clear of what I want to like do it on your own and like we're both individual athletes and like I've made my priorities like very clear of like what I want to do and like as CrossFit being my number one priority and every decision like I make during the CrossFit game season is to win again
Starting point is 00:07:17 you know and like and same thing same goes for her to get like for her to get the best out of her season that she can every year. But I think that we can help each other so much more to do that. And like we understand like how it is to go through it, you know. What do you do? Is it just what do you do to test the waters? Like one day just after training, you're like, hey, are you hungry? And then you see if that eating a hamburger is actually, you turn it into an hour instead of 30 minutes. And you're like, okay, we enjoy each other's company. Like, how do you, how do you like test the, what, because if you can't, right.
Starting point is 00:07:53 My thought is, is like, if I would have told my wife, like I work so closely with my wife, if I would have told, I don't want to make it like her feel bad if she's not interested right it still took me fucking five years but um who pulls who's a great question who pulls whose hair if a fabulous question we'll work our way up to getting that answered um how do you make how do you make the first uh gesture well i mean i don't know about the first gesture or anything like that, but I lived in Vancouver with two of my best friends, son and Megan. Vancouver, Washington. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah. Lived there with them trying to save money, you know, like didn't want to get my own place or anything like that. And then Ellie came into town and they opened that. They have an awesome house and they said like oh yeah she can stay here like while she's here for a week and then it turned into three months and they still let her stay so like we spent 24-7 with each other because she didn't have a car and then she was staying at the same place that I was and we went to the gym all day together so like we're around each other a lot so like you
Starting point is 00:09:05 kind of just like we just felt felt super comfortable around each other and then it kind of just like organically happened I don't know if there was a first gesture or anything like that but three months have you ever dated have you ever dated a girl who does crossfit no I mean yeah I mean I've had girlfriends try it in the past but no and um is is it do you like that connection yeah I mean it's something I've always wanted like to kind of share I I didn't think that I would date someone that like I didn't have any desire to date someone that was trying to compete at the level that I was I thought that there's a lot of room for disaster there you know like what if you go to the games and one person has a really good games weekend and the person doesn't like
Starting point is 00:09:49 how's that going to affect and that was something that we're super conscious with like during this year's games you know and yeah it was definitely not a problem there's a lot of things that I think I was worried about for really no reason you know you're you're a bit of I'm open to being wrong but you're a bit of a country bumpkin didn't go to the mall the first time you ever went to the mall was when you were 12 your mom said um is is where is she from in australia is she from is she country girl too uh yeah she's from south australia she i like grew up, um, like away from the city and stuff like that. So, and she grew up with three brothers. Ah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:10:34 She can take it, which is awesome. When she, when you're at the games and she does well, do you experience the highs and then vice versa when you're at the games and she doesn't do well did you do you experience the lows or do you have to have some sort of wall yeah honestly we we stayed like pretty separate you know I mean obviously there's times where I got I caught a couple glimpses of like her events and stuff and at the end of the day we do like event debriefs like day debriefs about the day went and um kind of given the highlights but uh after we definitely went back and like watched all the events but the main purpose was like hey i don't want to like ride her lows i don't want her to ride my lows either
Starting point is 00:11:15 you know so right really we were both and it's not that we had to like fight or anything like that adam and jesse kind of like had that all under control um she she's a bit of a uh freak of nature i mean the sky's the limit for her right yeah dude she has like like there's no doubt in my mind she was going to go to the games and like win events really even out of australia i mean fuck dude that semi-final was so hard dude there was no doubt that she was capable of it, and I just don't think she, like, realizes that she's, like, that capable, you know? Like, she was so timid on all the events during Torian, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:54 that she was, like, scared of, like, or she was scared of, like, not trusting her fitness, you know? Because she's gotten so much fitter in the past three or four months. So I think it's going to the games and getting an event win for her. It's just like a huge confidence boost. Yeah. I mean, it's not anything that like is surprising to like me or Adam or Jesse or anything like that. Cause I mean, I'm relatively new, but I've done CrossFit for a long time.
Starting point is 00:12:18 And like there are some workouts that we do where I just can't touch her, you know? The, I mean, obviously the one where she was doing the dumbbell snatches was nuts. Absolutely. Absolutely nuts. Everyone was like, they couldn't even like fathom what you're seeing.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Say it again. It is insane, man. The, her wall ball speed, like her like squat. Like, I think we did like,
Starting point is 00:12:42 there was like a, a test of like, if you can do 60 jumping air squats with a barbell so i guess it's not air squats uh just like an empty barbell in 60 seconds like that's like pretty insane you know like you have a pretty good cycle right and she got 67 yeah it's crazy yeah and she and she runs great too she doesn't look like she's made to run and she's an insane runner she grew up running like doing like long distance running with her dad and stuff like it's uh yeah dude she's a freak of nature she's just i think she just missed a lot
Starting point is 00:13:15 of like the skill portion of crossfit like she can she can do all the grunt work and push hard so now it's just kind of like dialing all that i mean last year i know she hates talking about it but like she at the handstand event last year she stood and stared at the handstand obstacle like it never made it over the first one like at last year's games and then coming into this year she gets top 20 in the handstand walk event like that's a huge improvement you know crazy crazy like there's so many things like that where this year's games was like a huge improvement from last year, even though it didn't like show it as much as you wanted to on the leaderboard. Justin, let's say your imaginary situation, you're working out, she's working out in the gym and then you go, you're done, you know, you're doing it on separate training. out in the gym and then you you go you're done you know you're doing it on separate training you you go sit down you're drinking your protein or you're checking your phone or something or
Starting point is 00:14:08 switching your shoes and you see something that she's doing from the corner of your eye will you yell at her will you be like hey get the fuck up on the bar what are you doing or oh yeah yeah you get awesome god i love it so you do pay you guys do give each other energy in training 100 i think it's like a big push. A lot of things is that some of my strengths are her weaknesses and then vice versa. If I can keep up with her in certain workouts, I know that I'm finally at par with some of my machine work and some of my barbell cycling. She's on the next level in those things. We play so many games in training.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Before we do a workout, we guess our own time for the workout. And then whoever's farthest off has a punishment. Oh, that's dope. And we're all super competitive. So it's not like you're going to be like, oh, I'm going to finish early. So I'm just going to slow down at the end. That just doesn't happen. So she's always like, yeah, I picked the workout. Yeah, I'll finish it know so it's like she's always like yeah like
Starting point is 00:15:05 i picked the workout like yeah i'll finish it in like 8 22 like that's my guess and then she picks 12 minutes and then she finishes it in 7 45 like she's just like she gets punished for doing good yeah pretty much she's learning it helps her kind of like figure out like what she's actually capable of think about the workouts but it's definitely a fun game um who's the guy um there was a picture and there's a guy that i don't recognize and it says team is that um is that daniel robbins probably it's you and adam and her the four of you there and oh that okay jesse who's that guy that's's Jesse. So we brought him onto the team in, it was right after the 2020 games because my strict press sucked.
Starting point is 00:15:54 And he owns a gym called Squamish Barbell in Squamish, Canada, which is like an hour north of Vancouver, Canada. And yeah, he's been on the team ever since then we do three two-hour sessions a week he facetimes in with me the whole time and is there like 24 7 for like all those events and he's just like been a huge crucial part of the team and ever since then he's just like like him and adam are kind of like the lead people. And it's like, it's been next level kind of having him on the team.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Ellie's actually, she has to leave the States by the 1st. And so she's going to Canada because she has to go anywhere but the States because her visa's expiring. So she's going to go up to Canada with him for a while and tells her she's applying for a three-year visa. So hopefully that gets approved in like a month or so. Does that freak you out a little bit, that she's going to go up there
Starting point is 00:16:48 and something's going to happen and she can't come back? No. I mean, I feel like there's so many people here. I think she's going to get back in, no problem. I think maybe it gets delayed a little bit, but I think it won't be a problem. She's super worried about it. The Champ, class act right here, $10 to support the continuation of the mullet.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Jeremy, are you, did you show up different this year to the games? Did you show up bigger and thicker? Yeah, I mean, I definitely think so. I mean, I think like my upper body like pressing is and stuff is something that i've like struggled with in the past and that's something that we definitely put a lot of work into and i think yeah i think i was definitely a little bit bigger than last year i definitely made a big jump from 2020 to 2021 and then still like a a good size one i think from last year to this year like was
Starting point is 00:17:46 is it a weight difference or body composition difference um a little bit of both i think i was i was heavier this year than i was last year not like super significantly but like a couple pounds um when we had talked about how hillar did that um uh natty or not on you right yeah and and I I guess I didn't think about it at the time but it was inevitable that I feel like now the reason why he did that was to test the waters I should actually ask him to see how the community would react right and he'd do a safe one first when he did the one on Tia did you have an opinion on that did you did you hear about that he basically accused he said that he i don't know if accused you but he said that he thinks tia's on drugs does that piss you off a little bit that he did that yeah i mean i i think if if anybody
Starting point is 00:18:34 knows anything like yeah for sure come forward if you know but like making accusations accusations towards like something that you don't know for a fact you know i think it's uh definitely pretty hard especially with like a lot of girls in you know i think it's definitely pretty hard especially with like a lot of girls in crossfit i think they get it a little bit harder than guys you know because like like i'm by no means like a like a physical specimen you know like you walk into a globo gym and there's 10 guys that are like look more fit than me you know but girls in crossfit that's that's not the case you know and i think a lot of people can't wrap their heads around what like hard work does to like
Starting point is 00:19:10 anybody who wants to put the effort in so like about some of the girls i think is a it's a little tough position um and i and that's kind of like how ellie said she felt about it too but it's like it's definitely hard because like she gets it way worse than i do i mean i'm by no means like like i said a physical specimen i don't think i have too many people that accuse me of taking steroids it's it's yeah it is um it it frustrates me too here's the reason why she makes a living doing that she makes a living doing it right um and since there is no proof since you don't see a needle dangling out of her since you don't see i mean he's going off of speculation on her muscle growth it's just it's hard for me to uh it just seems too too much too heavy like i need to really
Starting point is 00:20:04 i need to see real proof. I need to be like, hey, I did drugs with her before I accuse her publicly. Yeah, and I watched that video too. And like, I wrestled for a long time, you know? And like, I worked really, really hard, but like my nutrition was garbage. I just wasn't eating and pushing myself to the limits
Starting point is 00:20:19 just so I could stay light, you know? And then after wrestling, I kind of like dialed in like my nutrition and I put on 15 pounds like quick, you know and then after wrestling I kind of like dialed in like my nutrition and I put on 15 pounds like quick you know just by like better nutrition and training better I remember making I put on another like 10 pounds like after working with Jesse you know like it took like almost two years but like I've done it you know and it's like dang like I know what like a diet change can do to someone if they're super far off you know, like you can do a diet change and make a pretty crazy like appearance, you know, like I'm off. So and we'll see. But yeah, Justin, looking forward to watching you have long, successful career and give some on crap for not knowing what you that you work with a strength coach which is why you killed the sandbag ladder we'll get to that one second um he didn't accuse
Starting point is 00:21:09 her oh so after you did the your lifts on the sandbag were crazy consistent, at least from the layman's eye that I have. Like, obviously, you had a protocol of what to do, and you followed it every time, and you killed it. Like, every lift looked exactly the same, right? And then later on, someone sent me a video, I think from your Instagram from a couple years ago where it shows you training with um stones did you how are you so proficient in the bag i'm guessing you did train you had trained that no oh hey sorry michael eat a dick here we go you you had not you had not trained those no i mean i've done i did I did the stones in high school. Uh-huh. I did that, and then I went up and trained with my coach, Jesse, in Canada,
Starting point is 00:22:12 and we touched on them again. We weren't sure what we were going to see. But never bags, but never bags. No, we've done heavy sandbag stuff, but always carries, you know? And obviously, I'm doing it long ways if I'm doing carries, you know, and stuff like that. But, uh, I don't think anybody in the field touched over a 250 pound sandbag before like gyms just don't have those, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:22:34 why did you do it hot dog ways instead of the way everyone else was doing it? Like the way Danny Spiegel is doing it and do it like vertical and pop it up. Yeah. I mean, looking back at that event, I'm really curious what would have happened if I did it the other way. I mean, with my wrestling background, I think I still could have handled the sandbag pretty well doing it the long way, but I honestly just Googled it. Oh really? Like while you were in the back?
Starting point is 00:23:00 We actually had probably about like two hours before we had to go once they announced it. So I just YouTubed a bunch of stuff. And most of the people that were lifting it heavy did it that way. So then we went in the back, like obviously we're still going to try it, you know. And I think everyone kind of had the same idea, like, hey, we're just going to test it out. And there was a 260-pound bag and a 300-pound bag. And like everyone was like pretty struggling with the 260. And like don't get me
Starting point is 00:23:25 wrong I was too like it felt heavy and like I think a lot of people are pretty nervous that event there's a 300 pound bag that I saw a bunch of people fail and I was like you know what like eff it I'm just gonna give it a shot and I got it doing it that way and I saw so many people fail and I was like well like this is the way to do it you know and then committed to it and then it was definitely wrong. I thought by the time we got to 300 pound bag out there, we'd be less than 10 people. And we had like 30 something people out there at the 300 pound bag. It was crazy. It's crazy what adrenaline can do, you know, like we just like lock in and commit. It's a, it's crazy. And you're wow,
Starting point is 00:23:59 dude, you were doing it. I don't know if you've gone back and looked at it, but you're doing it like a pro. You look like someone who's done it a thousand times. Every time you do it, you grab it sideways. You pull it up onto your lap. You do that spin move. You get it to your shoulder. You seriously look like you had cheated. Like, oh, Adrian told them a year ago.
Starting point is 00:24:15 It's crazy. Yeah, no, I was definitely really happy with the event. I mean. So you're a bona fide athlete. You went to Google. You fucking looked at this thing two hours before it went in there, the blueprint of, of, uh, the, the, I guess the muscle recruitment pattern, the movements you were going to do, and you just executed on it. Yeah. I mean, I think, I think just like committing to like, Hey, like this is what we're going to do. Like, and we
Starting point is 00:24:37 looking back, like, obviously it was definitely like pretty hard to like go out there and see all the, all the athletes kind of do it a different way. Obviously I think there was probably a couple of people that did it my way too but um yeah i mean it was uh yeah just like fully committed because like once you're out there like you can't really change your game plan like on something like that like i warmed up that way it's gonna be kind of hard to switch it up like mid-lift you know um how much did you talk to uh ricky during the entire week the reason why i ask is it looked really in that particular event it looked really tense between you two but but in a good way like you guys were like almost like a fight like you were taking turns punching each other yeah and
Starting point is 00:25:19 you guys and he sat separate from you and you guys didn't even make eye contact when you passed each other and it was fucking gnarly yeah i mean it's uh i mean for one like like he was the guy in the lead you know like we uh like i i think every competitor should have that mindset is like he has what we want you know like like he's the guy that we're shooting for that's where we all want to be and he had that you know and uh I think that was definitely part of it. But like, I think it's pretty ill to think that like everyone knows what happened with him. And I think there's a lot of strong opinions on it, especially in the heat of competition. Like those emotions run strong, you know, and I think that's why I kind of stayed away making any comments or anything about it. Because in the heat of competition, I mean, like there's a lot of emotions going on.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I don't want to be defined by my emotions during competition but uh yeah man it was uh it was a definitely like there was definitely tension there like throughout the whole weekend i mean he he was respectful like never did never said anything bad in the back about me or anybody else that i heard about but um just like you think about like like no one wants steroids or perform enhancing and drugs like in the sport you know like I I don't think anybody at the CrossFit Games has taken it and I will stay true to that and I and I always felt like I could be able to tell you know like if someone's taking steroids like like I would just like have that sixth sense I remember watching the 2017 documentary and him like saying to the camera
Starting point is 00:26:49 like hey like I couldn't look my dad in the eyes and tell him that I cheated I'm like dude that hits home like there's no way I could right and then it comes out and it's like oh my god like I didn't think that he would be a guy that could do that like after saying that so like for me like it's uh that was like a pretty hard like emotional check for me but um yeah i mean i mean you never know if anybody's taking it it's not anything i can think about or control but uh i like to think that like no one's taking it in the sport there's a lot of good people in crossfit and i don't think people out there trying to like cheat their way to the top you could say he brought the best out of you
Starting point is 00:27:24 yeah dude if i mean just two warriors out there like you may have not lifted that the bag you lifted if it wasn't for ricky maybe well 100 i mean well i've thought about that a lot him and roman i mean you you look back i mean it doesn't really matter you got to compete with the people that are there but like a lot of people that were at the games from last year like i had a good point spread over everybody i competed against before and with Roman and Ricky there I mean it I had to work for everything I had I mean we kind of separated ourselves from the rest of the field and man like every event like we had to die for points I mean at one point Ricky had a 100 point lead over me you know so it was uh wow it was that's crazy I didn't know that. What day was that after day one?
Starting point is 00:28:08 I think it was after the Capitol. I think I read in a post you made that that sandbag event and some people that, um, I think it was Jr. Taylor. Some of the people that I was talking with while we were watching the events actually said this too. They said that they thought that that sandbag event was going to just, that was the one of all the events that went after the central nervous system of the athletes, because you guys were defying what you guys even thought you could do. You guys went like three bags and you guys were just kept somehow getting
Starting point is 00:28:40 yourself up to do another bag. And I was like, no, there's no way it's only a lift it's probably the capital event but you actually say in a post that was the one that was the hard that that was i say like it's the most expensive event like i think i've ever done yeah explain that to me what happens dude i i don't even like i can't explain it i mean we've done so many different like we've done fran you know we've done echo on fran and we know, like going into that event, like we know we're going to be pretty messed up after, but like we know that feeling, you know, like we know what it feels like to sell your soul on the Echo bike or max out a heavy, like clean and jerk or snatch or do something like. I don't think any of us have had the experience of lifting a sandbag. It's an awkward lift. I don't think any of us have had the experience of lifting a sandbag.
Starting point is 00:29:24 It's an awkward lift. There's a, you're kind of pulled out of position at times. And there's an insane amount of time under tension, you know, in the last three or four bags. I mean, I think you can tell for everybody. I mean, it was all max effortless. And like you said, we're all kind of surprising ourselves. And I think it was, at least for me, I was kind of in shock because I was like my body's never felt this
Starting point is 00:29:46 before you know so like I was like I'm scared to wake up tomorrow you know like I don't know what it's gonna feel like but I mean to my surprise like I woke up feeling great like the next day like comparatively you know compared to how I felt after the event to how I woke up the next day I was like oh shoot like okay like I'm good get given obviously after the weekend, until I woke up the next day, I was like, oh, shoot, like, okay, like, I'm good. Get given, obviously, after the weekend. I mean, you feel a lot of aches and pains. My back took a while to kind of recuperate from the sandbag. Those are the, and that, I think you summed it up with those two statements. Time under tension. There's a video that Andrew just put out that's pretty cool that shows that he shows um a video
Starting point is 00:30:25 i think it's side by side of you maybe it's you or it's ricky i can't remember but also cole sager like for 30 seconds warring with bags and then being out of position you're right yeah everyone's completely out of position the bags off your midline it's a fucking train wreck yeah for sure it's uh yeah it was definitely like it was it was really awesome event like by boss too and i think bags off your midline. It's a fucking train wreck. Yeah, for sure. It's a, it was definitely like, it was, it was really awesome event like by Boz too. And I think a lot of people were like kind of bummed that it wasn't a heavy barbell,
Starting point is 00:30:53 you know, like when it was announced. And then I think it turned into like one of like the most iconic events from this year's games, like from a fan perspective, for sure. I had a lot of people say that this year's games was a lot, like it was really fun to watch.
Starting point is 00:31:08 What did you, do you have an opinion about the programming? I mean, my opinion on programming in general is like, like my goal is to be immune to programming, you know? Like, yeah, dude. Hey, dude, I'd rather be compared to that than a freaking monkey. It was a healthy monkey. It's a big baboon. Oh, be quiet. My ears are all freaking, you said like cocked back, freaking looking primal. I'm like, oh Lord. But yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Anyways, as long as, as long as your mom and dad aren't mad at me. Well, I mean, you might have to talk to them, you know, I mean, you're, you're definitely uninvited from the party. Tell me this. What, what, going back to Ellie, what do your parents think about you being in this relationship while you're competing? Did they have an opinion on it? I, they definitely did you know i think it was something that like i was honestly nervous to like tell them like obviously my parents are like so supportive of me but they also like help push me you know and like they obviously want like what's best for me and i've sacrificed like a lot to be in the position that I am, especially like at my age.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Obviously there's so many people that are doing it younger than I was, you know, like you have all these young guns coming in at 17. It's insane. Like, I can't even imagine, like, I thought I was really young being able to sacrifice what I did in college to get to where I wanted to be. And there's people doing it in high school now, which is just. Stop it. No one's doing more than you stop pretending to be humble. Go on. Tell me you're what you've done is insane. But they don't want some girl coming in and screwing it up. Not not that they don't want your desires getting misplaced. For sure. And I think it's a I think if you look at it on paper, it looks like it's something that was very rushed. I mean, like we met in April, like, the, for most part. And then we decided that
Starting point is 00:33:06 we're going to try to make this work in July, you know? So like, there was not a lot of like time there, but I think we spent a long, like so much time with each other, learned a whole lot like about each other. And like, we were both like, I was really nervous going into this year's games. I mean, every year we make a lot of changes and stuff, and she was a big factor coming into this year. And I think for us, like, we're always trying to push the limit, try to find something new, try to get better. And, like, my headspace going into this year's games,
Starting point is 00:33:34 like, I was enjoying training the three weeks going into the games, whereas last year, like, I was questioning. Like, my only, like, driving factor was I was going to have a month off after the games. I was like, dude, after the games, games I get a month off I don't have to go through this anymore like please let this be over you know and this year man I was having so much more fun if games got pushed back a month I'd be like hell yeah like let's go like I'm in like I'm having a lot more fun I just start kind of questioning like like frick like is last year like what I felt like that's just what it takes to win like I was scared that since I didn't have that feeling like I was not gonna you know I was like having
Starting point is 00:34:10 fun enjoying I was like PRing stuff and like weeks before the games where I was just like what is happening you know like I just I was really nervous because last year like I was at an all-time low before the game so I was it's something that i was super nervous about not sure what was going in and just that kind of question like hey did i make the wrong call did i let it distract me like and it was something that i verbalized that so do you verbalize that or do you have to keep that all in like who would you tell that to even like you can't tell it to her right no i i'd talked to her about it too i mean before we like this sucks i'm fucking having fun before the games i'm fucked yeah no like i was really scared i really thought like it's like that's what it took to win and i've always said like i train better like when
Starting point is 00:34:57 i'm happy when i'm having fun and then it was just weird for that to like actually happen you know and i was like hmm like this is different you know? And I was like, Hmm, like this is different, you know? I mean, obviously I'm not saying I'd never had fun before in training, but no, but I get it. I get it. So, um, yeah, I mean, it was, uh, it was definitely really a weird feeling going into this year and really enjoyed it a lot more. I think it's kind of different to say though, like if you kind of look at last year's, just the games compared to this year's games, I enjoyed last year's games more than I enjoyed this year's games.
Starting point is 00:35:29 You know, I think last year I was just like, holy shit, I am in contention to win. Like, this is insane. Like after each workout, like my point spreads like gaining or I put on the leaders jersey for the first time or all the stuff. I'm like just happy to be there. Obviously obviously I went into last year wanting to win but like still like I was just like oh my god like this is happening whereas this year the first seven or eight events I was not where I wanted to be I was in the same position as I was last year but I wasn't in the front where I expected where I wanted and what I worked all year to be in. And I was just very unhappy on that Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, you know? So, uh, yeah, it was, uh, and then like when I actually won this year, it was like, did it, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:36:17 like box check, you know, like I, like, that's what I worked to be. Whereas last year I was like, oh my gosh, that fricking happened. Like it was it was just yeah it's a little bit different feeling do you get any comfort knowing that um uh roman and uh and ricky are like six months away from fucking being putting an old folks home and you still got you're only 23 24 how old are you you're 23 23? 23. Yeah. Yeah. Get any comfort knowing that that like psychological comfort? No, not at all. I mean, I think I look at like Matt, you know, and he was, I think in his prime still. I mean, at 30 years old, I think that's how old he was when he retired. I think he was the fittest he's ever been.
Starting point is 00:36:59 So like, and then also on the flip side, you look at people like Mal that are 18 and insanely fit. I mean, I think she still has so far to go, but like you have a girl that's 18 and like Matt that's 30. Like there's proof that like, like you can be at the top of your game at any point or from the time you're 18 through 30, like you can get better every single year so for me it's not like once you're at the crossfit games it's an even playing field like i don't really think about age or anything like that i mean we all qualified we all earned our spot and it's just kind of like a battle from there um i want to talk about tia and her retirement and how many times she's won. If I think that, I mean, it's crazy that you won the CrossFit games twice, right? To win once is nuts to win twice. Now you're, you're starting to get into like rarefied air, right? You're in there. Like, I'm trying to think who who's done it twice.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Matt, Rich, Katrin, Annie, Tia. I'm probably forgetting someone. Annie Tia. I'm probably forgetting someone. If you would have, if you would have beat Matt, I think it would have been like that movie Highlander. You would have, you would have,
Starting point is 00:38:14 you would have, but instead of taking his soul, you could think you would have taken his followers. Like, and now you, you have to earn everything you get. You have to, you have to like,
Starting point is 00:38:24 you have to, you have to earn everything you get. You have to earn everything you get. When these women, if Tia comes back, they get another shot. I'm guessing you would salivate at the chance to get another shot at Matt, right? Yeah, man. I mean, I – Like, come to me, come to me. If Matt stayed, I mean, if I happened, like, finished my CrossFit career, never winning, but, like, knowing that I had a shot at the best,
Starting point is 00:38:50 like, the whole time, like, I could have, like, went to bed happy, you know? But, like, there's always going to be that thought in the back of my mind. And, like, when I'm in training, like, that's the guy I'm chasing in my head, you know? Like, I'm not titles, but I, like, when I, like, look at a workout and seeing what's possible, like, I'm thinking, okay, how fast would in my head, you know, like I'm not idols, but I like, when I like look at a workout and seeing what's possible, like I'm thinking, okay, how fast would Matt do it? You know? And I think that's like kind of the things I'm thinking about. I mean, there's no doubt that he was on a whole nother level than the rest of the field for the last
Starting point is 00:39:17 three, four years of his career. I mean, it was insane, you know, what, like he was able to accomplish, but yeah, it's uh i definitely wish i mean it was definitely my rookie year i mean i went in there wanting to beat him man like i wanted to beat him so bad but i think i definitely needed a lot more uh experience and a lot more work to be done before i had a shot him doing that but uh yeah i definitely wish i was able to compete against him like he had a crazy headstart on you. Crazy, crazy headstart.
Starting point is 00:39:50 But so it, it's gotta be valuable motivation to all of the ladies knowing if Tia comes back, they get one more shot at her. Right. I mean, I mean, especially for people who are at the top, like a Mal,
Starting point is 00:40:00 Laura, the people who can actually see her at the mountaintop. Yeah. And you saw it like i mean last year like even with laura i mean if you watch the games from the games doc from last year i mean you could tell like that's what laura wanted me man she was pumped to get second but like you wanted that shot to kind of like the throner which i hope everybody has to cross the games like it's uh like we're all should be there to win, you know?
Starting point is 00:40:27 Are you going to the Rogue Invitational? Yeah. Yeah. Do you take it seriously? For sure. I mean, I think, like, my, like, number one goal.
Starting point is 00:40:36 It's a lot of money. It's a lot of money. Yeah, my number one goal, though, is to win next year's CrossFit Games. And I'm going to make every decision possible to, like, make that happen.
Starting point is 00:40:49 And for me, that means taking a month off after the CrossFit Games you know like I'm taking that time if I wanted to like be at my best self for the Rogue Invitational I probably should have started training already you know and it doesn't mean like hey like once my month's over like I am in it to win it I'm giving it everything I have to be prepared as possible for the rogue invitational but um that's just a stepping stone to get to the cross the game so it's not a chance to compete um kind of like hopefully learn some things hopefully i get stumped on something during the rogue invitational and i have freaking seven months to work on it before i have to be out in the competition floor to show it again so uh it's definitely something like i got a title to defend there as well but uh i'm definitely focused on like the crossfit games you know next year
Starting point is 00:41:29 with the month off what will be what is something that suffers like uh your mile time your max pull ups your clean and jerk your death what what's something with a month off that you would notice okay that that has slipped a little bit what's one of the first things to go in a crossfit athlete um it's hard to say i mean i think like just like the thing that's hardest for me to get back into it is like i don't know if you saw my instagram like i did uh i did like a you don't post a lot on instagram i was i was looked at it very closely last night last night. I was actually impressed by your Instagram for me, man. I, uh, the post on that thing is like, it's almost like a stressor. I hate doing it. I can't think of captions. I got to, um,
Starting point is 00:42:14 it's definitely something that's like hard for me that I've had to get better at. Like your parents should be proud of you that that's hard for you. That's healthy. Yeah. I, I probably spend too much time on it, but it's definitely something that's just like i don't want to have to deal with this you know but uh i posted that video of me doing a backflip yeah yeah yeah that's amazing yeah what a fucking amazing who filmed that real quick uh ellie dude she doesn't even flinch when you land on your face yeah i know i'm like what the heck? Come on now.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Yeah. I'm like, this is a professional camera person. Most camera people would flinch. Yeah, I know. Freaking not even a flinch. And sorry, before you tell the story, who did the edit? Me. It's a great edit.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Dude, I was very happy. I mean, Ellie kind of came up with the idea to like do like the go wide stretch and then an attempt and then a go wide stretch and attempt. I was just going to do all my stretching and all my attempts, you know? Yeah. But other than that, I did it. And I freaking love Marvel and I love all these music. So like that song's from Guardians of the Galaxy, volume two, like the intro song. Yeah, it's really good. OK, so what were you going to say about it?
Starting point is 00:43:24 So you're you're doing this. This is your post. It was. Okay, so what were you going to say about it? So you're doing this. This is your post. It was hard to do. Were you going to say something about it? I did four attempts of the backflip, and I showed all four of them there. Like, that was my last attempt. Dude, I'm still sore from that. Aware.
Starting point is 00:43:38 My hip flexors and my adductors are, like, wrecked. From landing or from the explosiveness to being explosive just the explosiveness and like we had a big barbecue yesterday and like we had a slip and slide that was like 200 feet long so like we're sprinting trying to like land on it dude and i'm like my hip flexors and everything are like destroyed from that and like if i was in training like even just daily like i would my body would be fine you know just put like every little thing that i do that requires like some sort of fitness my body just like is wrecked and then like you just keep training and then that goes it comes back but like
Starting point is 00:44:19 that's the hardest thing is you're going to get the volume back in and be able to like bounce back from each training session because when i first start back i mean i can't even come close to the volume i did going into the games and like i'll do one or two workouts and that whole week i'm feeling it so to kind of like get my body back like used to like training i mean i think every crossfitter knows that you you miss a week of the gym and go back like you're sore from that first workout no matter what it is i mean at least that's what i think because if not then there's a lot of people fitter than me when when you fail that and is there any party that's not doesn't um doesn't want to show that hey i'm the fittest man alive i shouldn't show myself fail no i mean uh i think i failed a lot of things but i think if i post next year me failing again i
Starting point is 00:45:09 think that's that's more of like the dig you know like i didn't try to work on it and get better at it you know i'm totally fine with people seeing that i'm bad at something but you probably won't see it twice it's um i think it is the healthiest thing people can do for themselves and their popularity to just lean into their failures. Just fucking lean right into it. Yeah. Yeah. I try to pride myself on being not necessarily athletic, but I want to be good at everything. I don't want to go somewhere and see someone do something, and then I'd be like, I can't do that.
Starting point is 00:45:44 like i don't want to go somewhere and see someone do something and then i'd be like i can't do that no the thing that like has irritated me like recently no like people have the pen and they like can like turn it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right in staying i can't do that like i've been trying to practice it and i'll get it like once every 10 tries but like it's just i bet you velner can do it oh gosh i bet you and just like little things like that where like i see people doing it i'm like i want to be able to do that you know like sitting there's a backflip whatever it is you know is your team going back through the crossfit journal looking for hints for future tests vincent ramos uh not now well we'll do that a long time in the future you know i mean it's uh it's called jr jr predicted everything called jr howell he predicted everything just
Starting point is 00:46:34 yeah yeah i mean i think uh it was definitely really cool to see what boss did and i think looking back at crossfit i think it's gonna be pretty hard to make predictions going forward um because it's a different person programming i I mean, what are you going to learn from Dave's programming to learn more about Boz? I think that's my opinion on it. Do you have Boz's phone number? I don't know. You should befriend him and complicate the relationship. I've honestly had a relationship with Boz since 2017.
Starting point is 00:47:04 I did the California regional. I competed there. And then after the competition, I wanted so badly to have the banners that they lean over the edge of the competition for. Because California regional 2017 is my first year ever qualifying for regionals. So I was sitting there and i got a hold of boz i was like hey man like i'd love to have like one of those like banners you think i can get one and he had no idea who i was um probably even know i was a competitor but uh he uh he's like yeah man like i i gotta like do a bunch of stuff but you probably have to wait here
Starting point is 00:47:39 for about an hour and i can like get it for you and i was like okay so I sat in the bleachers I was watching them take down the rig and everything like that and like dude he stayed true to his word and he brought it over to me I mean you can kind of tell how the top right is like a little bit taller than the top left yeah yeah he just went over there with scissors and just cut it like like eyeballed it right down the middle you know and yeah so it's a little bit locked like kind of lopsided but like you know it was awesome and then the next year same thing i qualified for regionals again i tried to get it he said the same thing like wait on the side and uh he wasn't able to get it in 2018 but i've uh ever since then
Starting point is 00:48:17 i think pause is like kind of remembered who i was and uh stuff like that especially this coming from the west coast there in a lot of these self-help books i read they talk about already being in the future already that basically you have to feel something before it happens so i i guess it's like visualizing but but feeling wise so it's a it's a you you feel something and that begins the creation of it on some quantum level whatever the fuck that means did did you know 2017 did did you already have um some championship swagger in you when you look back did you already do you see oh shit i already knew like is there anything like i already or do you is it more like the the opposite would be an insecure little little boy like i spoke to ariel lowen and she said she had no fucking clue she
Starting point is 00:49:17 was going to win the uh the um traversing of the uh parallel bars uh um whatever the other movement was i forget what it was what was it was it a clean it was a squawk cleans yeah she said she had no idea she was gonna win that no fucking clue and there she is in between tia and laura horvat and fucking she put it to him but did you haven't did you have an inkling that you knew one day holy fuck i feel the seeds of a champion in me? Definitely not. I mean, I think in wrestling and in football, I was never that top dog. I mean, I was good at what I did, and I put in a lot of work,
Starting point is 00:49:54 but there's always people that are just naturally better than me, and I just kind of was like, well, that's how it is. I'm still going to work my ass off and try to be the best I can possibly be. But my first year in wrestling, probably wrestled frig 50 to 100 matches let's just say like i have no idea and i won tournaments in tournaments tournaments total like everything my first year wrestling and i probably won i won one match you know holy shit that's it i mean i was young i was in fifth grade but like i only won one match and i cried after every match that i lost like but it taught me so much and then like your dad god you should ask your dad i need to ask your dad how that made him feel
Starting point is 00:50:34 that's got to be fucking hard to watch your son go 41 and 49 and cry every time yeah i mean i i like looking back on it something that i like i appreciate at the time like what my parents like did for me is like second to none but like anyways i mean did they make you keep going is your dad like sorry you got to go like you're like fuck can i just stay home and watch fucking leave it to beaver and like no you got to go turn my parents have always like if you're gonna do something like you're committed and you're gonna give it everything you have for like for that so like're committed, and you're going to give it everything you have for that. I committed to doing a year of wrestling, and I was in it.
Starting point is 00:51:10 No matter what that year of wrestling, I was doing whether I liked it or not. But it was my choice to come back and do it again the next year. If I was like, nope, I'm done. It's not like losing at tennis either. It's another kid mashing your face. It sucks. I can't explain it to anybody like unless you've done wrestling or experienced it that's in high school no one's beating you then though
Starting point is 00:51:31 you were much better than look how yoked you are i don't know about yoked but uh yeah i mean i think uh it's a wrestling is definitely very different i mean i did sports growing up did soccer did football and never had that like that feeling of wanting to, like, cry after losing, like, a game or anything like that. But, like, wrestling, like, it just happened, you know? I mean, you're at high school tournaments and kids are still doing it. I was able to control myself a lot more once I got into high school. But, like, to see that jump I made from fifth grade and seventh grade,
Starting point is 00:52:00 I was able to qualify for the state championship. And I didn't do well. But, like like going from winning one match to like going to the state tournament is something that's pretty big. And in eighth grade, I did a lot better, you know, and then getting into high school and finishing high school. I mean, I qualified for the state tournament twice, which is really big in California. It's kind of hard to explain if you haven't wrestled in California or no, but I had opportunities to wrestle in college and decided not to, but there was always guys that were so much better than me.
Starting point is 00:52:33 I mean, it was just, I worked so hard at it, but like kind of was never there. And the same thing was in CrossFit, you know, I think kind of like the weirdest thing is like, I ended up going to the filthy one 50.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I'm obviously like skipping over a lot of stuff and qualified for my first crossfit games winning the event and then going to my first crossfit games that year and your parents went to ireland with you yeah and my sisters my whole family your family's crazy dude we literally were just like you know what like so adam's like we're gonna do an event every month until we qualify for the crossFit Games. That was the goal that year. And Ireland was week one. Fucking nuts, dude. Like, we're just going to go for it, you know?
Starting point is 00:53:09 Every week. That's expensive, too. How the fuck do you afford that? Are you like, oh, fuck, my credit cards are going to be fucked? No, I tell you this time and time again. Like, my family is amazing. And, like, at the time, even then, I didn't really appreciate, like, what they've done for me. Like, they never, like, made me go get a job or anything like that. I mean then I didn't really appreciate like what they've done for me like they never like made me go get a job or anything like that I mean I helped around the house I would work
Starting point is 00:53:30 like for some friends parents for the weekend and got paid for that but like other than that I never did anything but I always gave it 100% when I was doing sports you know they rewarded you they knew that yeah they rewarded you for your efforts I was I wasn't slacking off, you know, and I know. Right. And but they always supported me and what I wanted to do. And even then, I mean, I was like, yeah, I want to do one like every month going in and try to do what I can. And there's like, heck, yeah, like, let's go. And like never thought about it once, you know, and like now being able to like make some money and kind of learn like what money is like the value of money and like how expensive it is to do trips like that. It's insane how they were able to support me through that.
Starting point is 00:54:11 And like I definitely would not have been here if they weren't able to have that support for me because I would have been that kid that went to college, had to go and support myself and got to get a job and then school. And I probably with my training, like I wouldn't have been able to really train or anything like that. But like, they let me be able to like keep pursuing my dream, even though I had no idea. And like I said, what I was getting at is like, I always worked hard, you know? And then I started working with Adam and I was still this person that went to Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I competed in the elite division, but got 18th. And then six months later, I won my sanctional. And then six months after that, I got third at the CrossFit Games. And to me, nothing's changed. It's not like, okay, now I'm going to start working even harder. It's just like, kept working for it. And all of a sudden, it was just here. I'm like, wait, what happened?
Starting point is 00:55:02 In my head, I think about the person that got third at the CrossFit Games and like that was so far away from what I pictured of myself you know and so like I like I did not know like that's what I was like capable of but like I think after last year's like winning it like now I am able to like look at that a lot differently when when you did that backflip um and and you you post that video does anyone reach out to you your mom your dad adam uh who's your agent it's okief uh uh it's uh okief is is uh too but like daniel he's the guy that i talk to 24 7 does anyone reach out to you and be like uh dude um no you need a spotter did anyone reach out to you and be like hey don't do that again unless you have a spotter yeah i had a lot of people telling me
Starting point is 00:55:50 i'm an idiot that people tell me i need to throw my hands right you're not an idiot anyone who said that to you is an idiot but did anyone i'm just saying like these are people who are invested in you and like they might want to protect their product i know it sounds superficial but i don't mean it that way no like i mean my mom is that way she's like why are you doing that you're gonna hurt yourself like i i grew up on five acres i had a dirt bike track out back and i was riding my dirt bikes and my mom like was always so hard on me to like not do that and like it's hard for me because like i want to do everything i want to go snowboarding i want to ride my dirt bikes i want to go like do all these things with my friends but i do sports
Starting point is 00:56:24 year-round like it was wrestling into football i'm not doing that i'm doing crossfit and um like obviously if you get hurt like those sports like sacrifice something you know and i i've got hurt plenty of times i dislocated the shoulder riding my dirt bike my knee twice and wrestling and just like i've had my fair share of injuries my mom's always like a panic like always thinking I'm gonna get hurt and do something and jeopardize but I think for me as like I'm not gonna live in a box like I want to enjoy my life I want to do things I want to do and obviously there's a time and place for everything like right now like I said like my goal next year is to win
Starting point is 00:56:57 the CrossFit Games and if I was two months out with the CrossFit Games I would not be doing a backflip you know but like let's say i land i like stub my toe or worse comes worse i'd like tweak my knee or shoulder i land on my head something happens like i have a whole year until next or cross the games to be ready for it you know but uh so there's always like a time and place like kind of for me like once the first of the year kind of rolls around i kind of try to square things up pretty good because you're six months away. And if you get hurt before the open and you're not, you're not able to do the open, like I can't compete the rest of the year.
Starting point is 00:57:32 So I got to make sure that like, I'm not even hurt going into the open because that's step one of qualifying for the CrossFit Games. Any chance you'll be Wadzom, you'll be making a Justin Medeiros card? Has he talked to you? I don't think so. What's wrong with that guy? He's just scared.
Starting point is 00:57:51 He must be intimidated by you. I don't know about that. I'm not too intimidating. Yes, you are. I mean, freaking, yeah, never mind. You sent me a nice text the other day. You said, okay, I'm coming on to talk to you. But when I read it, I'm like, this is how I translate it in my head.
Starting point is 00:58:09 You fucking old midget, I'm coming on to kick your ass. That's how, like, I translate it, even though you wrote me something nice. That's the feeling that I had, and then I talked to you. I get off one podcast, and I'm like, dude, Saban's the greatest guy ever, you know? And then I go off, and then i'm getting called a monkey i got weird ears i'm not gonna win again and my girlfriend's gonna be the end of me listen i've never said you're not gonna win again you're no one's beating you this guy you know like and then
Starting point is 00:58:37 i go talk to him like you know what i'm gonna give it to him like i'm gonna i got this list i'm gonna call him out on his shit listen i've never i may have said a lot of bad things about you i've no one's beating you buddy you are you are the man i have uh i try to sometimes i try to throw some barbs at brian but man you're the man leading up to the games i'm i know justin i i only hope colton gets second i know you do what what about um what about uh did you watch any jujitsu and think you know what fuck i want to do that no i want to like like yeah does the party you want to be like i like you have to focus this is your sport you're so good at it um but does any party been like man
Starting point is 00:59:20 i think i could get in there and mash some of these fuckers that's not that's not really like the thought of like oh and i want you to this because i think i'd be really good it's just something that like seems super like intriguing to me like i i like i wrestled for so long and like it just looks like fun like i miss rolling around with people you know so it's uh it's something i definitely like want to get back into but like the the the risk reward's not like in it for me you know like i get a bad sparring partner that like yeah it was a little bit too hard has an ego i don't know like find if you if you when's the last time you rolled around when's the last time you wrestled with
Starting point is 00:59:55 someone man it's been it's been a while i mean i've joked around like wrestle some people like kind of in the gym like just kind of like back and forth but like strap on like wrestling shoes and wrestle on a mat like it's been since high school probably you've got to find it that that actually would be uh i wonder if that that would actually be a cool thing to see but you're right you have to find the right person who knows yeah i mean i don't want to like like if someone finds out that i'm the fittest on earth or whatever it is and like oh dude i'm gonna take out the fittest on earth and they get this right go too hard and end up tweaking a knee or something like that i think that's like that's the part that scares me like i know i can like like i've wrestled for a long time i'm pretty comfortable with it like i
Starting point is 01:00:36 know i'm gonna be like fine but you it's hard to like put like my health into someone else's hands you know? What do you, have you had a chance to talk to Tia or have you, could you, could you speculate for us what's going on? It sounds like just from the way this thing planned out, it sounded like she planned on making this her last year. I'm very similar to Scott Panchik planned on. And then, and then there was a change in mindset, which I wholeheartedly approve.
Starting point is 01:01:07 You know what I mean? Like I hold no grudge against Sean, no grudge against her. Like fuck you guys. Like so what if you thought she quit or she didn't? Like who cares? It's her. Like shut up. Let's see how this plays out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:18 But do you have any thoughts, insight into what you think maybe – because here's what I get a little bit from you. That you're looking for – the first year you did really well. This year you obviously won, but you're looking forward to next year to really be like another – you're hungry to put another dominating performance on. Do you think that that's what happened to her maybe too? Like she wants to come back because she wants to do one more really dominating performance and she didn't get that this year. I mean, I don't want to take anything away by the way. Yeah. Like what both you did is insane. I'm just trying to understand why she wouldn't just retire. Yeah. I don't want her to, I don't want her to. Yeah, no, me neither. And I, and I hope she doesn't. I mean, I think,
Starting point is 01:02:01 uh, if you're the best and you are the best, like you should keep going, you know, but obviously if you're in that position, like you want to walk, you want to walk away on top, you know? So it's kind of like a hard balance to find, you know, like you want to, like everyone else like wants to compete against the best, but like how you find out they're not the best is they get beat. But if you're at the top, like you don't want to be like, you want to leave when you're at the top, you know? So like be like you want to leave when you're at the top you know so like it's a it's definitely a battle and stuff but like I haven't talked to her at all about any of that but like for me like seeing her family in the front row all week I was like oh like I feel like this is like prepared for her to kind of like go and then we're sitting on the podium and she kind of walked away to the edge and I'm like this is it
Starting point is 01:02:42 you know like we're gonna get retirement speech and she didn't and I think I don't know what changed what it was but I think uh I feel like it's kind of hard to walk away when you when you know that you're like fitter and better better and capable of like doing more and I think that's just kind of like where she's at and I think something could have even changed like going into this year's games like kind of like it did for me like maybe last year she wasn't enjoying it like a lot you know and something changed this year where she's enjoying training again she's having fun she's like well if I retired like I'd probably still be doing kind of the same thing so like why would I retire you know like it's it's what I love and like want to keep doing it so I think uh I think that's what it is I think she really enjoys
Starting point is 01:03:24 CrossFit and like loves to compete and loves the people loves the community and kind of like all aspects of it and it's something that she gets to enjoy like I mean her her husband is her coach you know like I think they both have that same passion for it and they're going to keep doing what they're doing whether she's competing on the competition floor or not so we'll see I think there's still definitely a shot that she might walk away but uh that's her call and i'm i hope she comes back for sure um when's the last time you've been out to uh vermont and i apologize for the loaded question the leading question last time i went to vermont yeah when's the last time you trained with matt and what i mean with matt i don't mean like
Starting point is 01:04:03 with him specifically but i mean just with him around. Is it that couple years ago? I went to Vermont. Was after the Rogue Invitational last year, but I didn't train when I went. It was during my week off. I went in and mostly just kind of wanted to like talk to him about fitness, kind of hang out. I might have did like one 20 minute EMOM or something like that with Mal because she was out there at the time,
Starting point is 01:04:27 just kind of going out to have fun. We went to like a Pats game and all that stuff. Anyways, I think that was the last time, maybe like a month after that, I saw them in Salt Lake City and still kind of the same thing. I was just kind of like getting back into training from the Rogue Invitational.
Starting point is 01:04:43 I just finished school and all that stuff. But yeah, that was kind of like getting back into training from the rogue invitational i just finished school and all that stuff but uh yeah that was kind of like the last time i mean the last serious i went there for a training purpose was before last year's games you you train with this guy adam knifer he's in some podunk town on the west coast of the united states he's been to the games 10 times still can't fucking no one knows who he is you could why not go train with matt put on a free extra 200 000 instagram followers because you train over there get in a high profile camp um what's what about you why are you blazing your own trail over here in, in, in middle of nowhere,
Starting point is 01:05:27 America, you know, over there? Why not? And I say that because I think a lot of people get, because there is so much movement. A lot of people get not nervous, anxious whenever they see people,
Starting point is 01:05:39 like even if you went over there and train for the weekend, like, you know what I mean? Like now it's like, is Haley going over there? Was Daniel Brandon going to go over there yeah what was uh a guy went there down pepper went there what's dylan doing up there and then so i'm sure the offer was made to you right that you could have done that um i i think i was like i mean obviously i think i
Starting point is 01:06:01 after winning and stuff like that like i think'm, people are very nice and would welcome me wherever I wanted to go. Um, and me staying in like Vancouver is not because of anybody else. It's because of Adam, you know, like, it's not because everyone else does something wrong, but like. You're not there for the weather. No. Or because other people do stuff wrong. I see what you're saying. But like it's I have never been around someone that like. Like him and Jesse, you know, like that they want me to succeed and that is their like sole purpose, you know, like it's a, it's a, it's, it's something that's very unique. And I think you look at, um, like just kind of like some of these other training programs,
Starting point is 01:06:52 you become like just one of many, you know, and like, you can, um, their, their purpose is to kind of build their brand. And obviously in that, like, I'm not saying they don't care about their athletes. I mean, they want their athletes to succeed and, like, flourish in every which way. But, like, how Adam, like, there's a lot of opportunity that he could have taken advantage of from what we've done together, you know. With coaching me, he's coached 10, like, teams at the CrossFit Games, started working with me. My first year, I get third, two first, like he has all the opportunity in the world where he could go anywhere he wanted and coach whoever he wanted, but he doesn't do that either. You know, like he doesn't have that desire. I see your point. Right, right, right. Neither does Jesse. And I think I have that same
Starting point is 01:07:38 mindset of like, I know like what we can build is going to be something awesome. And I think Adam and Jesse both have that mindset of like, they know their value. They know like what we can build is going to be something awesome and I think Adam and Jesse both have that mindset of like they know their value they know like what they're good at and they want to keep getting better but like they're also able to recognize like hey like Adam's like I know CrossFit like I know endurance like I know how to program for this but like strength is something that like I do like he he coaches burgner strength coaches like like adam is very proficient in all aspects of fitness but like he knows that like jesse has more of an expertise in that than he does and adam's not hesitant whatsoever to bring someone else on the team that has an expertise on that like it's uh i think you're winning is everything to him that's he's there to make
Starting point is 01:08:23 you the best possible yeah he's here to make you the best possible. Yeah. He's here to make me the best possible. And so is Jesse. And like that team that we have, I truly believe is second to none. And I think that's something that makes you very nervous about going into the games is like, I know my team's better than everyone else's. So it's just like, if I don't go out there and, and, and when like, that's on me, you know, like I did something wrong because those guys i know are given everything they possibly have to like make sure that i'm the most prepared as i can possibly be and i think that's something that drives me knowing that they're 100 bought in and it's the same thing like i know they wouldn't be doing it for me if i wasn't bought in the same way
Starting point is 01:08:59 and it's like i quit and i owe it to them to give them 100% everything to have, no distractions, all in, no matter what. So I think it's something that's super special. And, like, man, I'm super, super grateful to have them in my corner. I think we touched on this. What did you think of the programming for the games this year? Yeah, like, I think that the program is awesome. I mean, I don't really think about the programming too much my kind of expectations for the games is to obviously like have a well-rounded test and i think it's part of the games to see something new you know like like push the limit
Starting point is 01:09:36 we should be able to we should do workouts that you could only do at the crossfit games you know like that's just super exciting i think that's what the CrossFit Games are and I think if those two boxes are checked like it's going to be an awesome weekend for me you know and like I said like Matt Frazier and stuff is like like the standard in my in my eyes you know like the open is not meant to find the fittest on earth you know and same for quarter finals and same for semi-finals but Matt Fra, no matter what the programming was, he's able to go out there and win all of them, like without a doubt. So for me, it's like my goal is to be immune to the programming. Like I want to be able to win the Open, win quarterfinals,
Starting point is 01:10:13 win semifinals, and win the CrossFit Games, even though like I'm not training to win the Open or win quarterfinals or win semifinals. Like I'm training to win the CrossFit Games. But no matter what comes up, I feel like I want to be able to compete at the top so um i don't really think about the programming too much or like it's it's out of my control but i think uh i think i had a lot of fun this year i was scared that boz was gonna like stay in a box you know like it's his first year i'm gonna be super
Starting point is 01:10:40 conservative like do that's what i would have thought too i thought he would have just played it safe me too and like to go out there and see him just freaking go for it like that's like i'm super excited for what's to come because i think that's something that was super like that was awesome about dave is like he's done it for so long that he's like he's not scared to do anything you know like in 2016 he flew the athletes to the ranch like he's like he's willing to go forever and he doesn't care what people think long as he thinks it's going to be worthwhile test like he's in for it and he's going to make it happen and it's cool to see Boz kind of have that same feeling of like hey you know like I don't care what people are going to think like this is a good test you know and and we're
Starting point is 01:11:17 doing it so I'm really excited to see like what's to come yeah I was really impressed by his confidence I actually the whole weekend watching and talking to him, I was looking for insecurities because I mean, there's but he if he had any, he sure as fuck hit him. Well, yeah, he stayed. He stayed true to his belief. For sure. How did you get your blue checkmark? How did that how did that did you did you just on your phone just apply for it? Hi, I'm Justin Medeiros. Can you verify me? Um, I tried for a while after the 2020 games and never got it. And then after winning, like the day after, like literally you just go to like settings and you can apply for it once you have 10,000 followers or something like that. I don't know what the standard was.
Starting point is 01:12:01 And I went on one day and it like the the like the way you like apply for it was a little bit different and like you just like you put in your name like like what like i put i was an athlete and then it gives you like uh like references like like is there anybody that like we could reference to like verify who you are and i like but i just won so like i was everywhere so i kind of put the crossfit games and i put like a couple other people that i knew i was going to be on and the blue check mark came like within like an hour it was weird like you buy like every week it's like keep applying i do i do since i lost my blue check mark account i'm applying with my new account like every week
Starting point is 01:12:43 well yeah so like if you like go to the crossFit Games next year and win, like you'll probably get it. Oh, shit. Well, thank you. Yeah. Just like I would. That's what I would focus on, you know? Asshole. What are the chances of that?
Starting point is 01:12:58 Hey, when did you say you went up to Canada to train with Jesse? Do I what? You went up to Canada to train with Jesse? Do I what? You went up to Canada to train with Jesse? Yeah. And when you see these, I'm curious, what's it like going to Canada? And I ask in this regard, that guy, do you know who Novak Djokovic is? Yeah. That's the tennis player.
Starting point is 01:13:20 Yeah, he sounds familiar, yeah. He's tied with, there's three guys who are the three best tennis players in the world and this guy looks like he's gonna eventually surpass the other two because he's still playing and he's the youngest and they didn't let him play so he could have come to the united states and played in the u.s open this year and they wouldn't let him because he's not vaccinated and they wouldn't let him play in australia because he's not vaccinated and they wouldn't let him play in australia because he's not vaccinated um if if they move the crossfit games out of the country would you get vaccinated to go do it i definitely would i'm not gonna let something that small i think uh like take away from opportunities that i want to have i think it's uh my problem with it is like i probably would
Starting point is 01:14:04 have took like the vaccination it's like or i mean i did but like you you like you gotta did you need to go to canada yeah i think so okay yeah but um i think it's just like it's uh pretty it's just like weird it's like it's like parents with their kids like you tell them they can't do something they want they like they're gonna do it if you tell them like it's just like the opposite and you tell them like you have to do something like i think it's uh i think that's the only problem with it like it's just weird that like people say you have to do something like i feel like i don't have to do anything you know and that's my only like issue with it i think you push back with it everyone should have like the choice you know but yeah i
Starting point is 01:14:41 mean you could go anywhere in the world you can go anywhere in the world yeah i think do you do you know which one you got did you get do you know if you got which brand you got if you got the johnson and johnson the moderna or the pfizer dude i don't remember i got it a while ago um what about the mullet how often do you think about just buh-bye once a week? I think about it a lot. I put my hair up into a ponytail, and I'm like, that feels weird not having anything on my neck. I had a buzz cut forever, and you showed that picture of me wrestling.
Starting point is 01:15:20 That was my hair for a long time. And then I kind of grew it out as a joke and cut it into a mullet and it stuck you know but uh i think like i always like joke around like hey like when you know i'm gonna be retired and i walk out on the competition floor and it's gone oh shit yeah i think i think i think that that'll be my parting ways with the sport i'll walk out for for my final event with with uh with it gone justin is adorable do you hear that a lot from my mom uh and my grandma oh does does ellie has ellie made any um suggestions about your hair or no she she doesn't care and she never says anything that she loves it or hates it or anything but uh she definitely thinks it's like i put my hair up before like this and she's like you look so different like it's just funny like almost everybody that i know like for a long time the
Starting point is 01:16:17 mullet's still a joke to them because i had a buzz cut my whole life so people have known me for 10 years without a mullet so now when i come come home, everyone's like, still got that thing, huh? And then it's crazy. Like with Ellie, like she only knows me with a mullet. Like me. And that's the same with like most people in the CrossFit area. So it's still funny. Like a lot of people from home, like can't believe you still have that thing.
Starting point is 01:16:40 And I think of you as just having a mullet too. I don't think of it as a gag haircut. I just think it's your haircut. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's pretty funny. I mean, I like it a lot. It's it's it's like it's stuck with me. Anyone else possibly being added to the group besides you and Ellie? I mean, we're not we're not trying to like actively add anybody else on or anything like that. I think we're pretty happy with what we have going. Awesome.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Yeah. Before I let you go, anything you want to course correct? You want to tell me that you look like a you look like a baboon that you did not grow up in the ghetto that any anything i need to be disciplined for i'm good i think you know i think i think you know i think you learned your lesson you're a good dude you're a good dude i don't need to be publicly flogged you have a big heart of compassion you're good i really appreciate you coming on dude fucking awesome talking to you Heck yeah man dude
Starting point is 01:17:45 Yeah no thanks for having me on Just don't make me have to come back on again you know Now I know how to summon you I know exactly what to say Next I'm going to say you look like one of those little finger monkeys Yeah You know those ones with the big ol' eyes Yeah
Starting point is 01:17:59 Alright brother thank you so much Give your love to your parents You're stoked uh tell me tell ellie that uh i i am i'm a i'm a huge fan please oh yeah will do man she's she's out here training i'm just sitting here kind of waiting for her to be done awesome all right dude all right see ya bye can you be on caleb yeah that's fine sorry i was just not doing some stuff to handle away hey i think that's the third time i've interviewed him he's he's like a grown-ass man now i killed i still cannot believe that he's only what 23 24 the first time i interviewed him i
Starting point is 01:18:40 felt like i was interviewing like like a 13 year old now he's like fucking man child now he's a grown-ass man that's yeah he's a stud he's he's very he's very mature very well spoken i slept on the floor last night to see if that i meant to shit i meant to ask him about beds darn it darn it darn it darn it darn it because he's sponsored by a bed company dude i slept on the floor and my back's better it's just i i'm not a soft bed guy i slept on the floor i didn't sleep well i'm gonna tell you i didn't sleep well but i just threw a blanket on the floor and i slept on a hard-ass floor last night and i and i mostly slept on my back because my shoulder would hurt when i slept on my side yeah and my back's 100 better it's crazy soft bed just do you have like a couch that you can use no there yeah i mean this this this this house has the uh see if i can show you over there it's got that fat couch oh dude
Starting point is 01:19:33 that's a perfect couch for naps you think i know napping my back never hurts but just once i go over the five hour mark my back goes yeah some liver king shit i guess i am i guess i'm gonna do that you should get some get some wood pall i am i guess i'm gonna do that you should get some get some wood pallets yeah i think i'm gonna end up doing that i don't know how my wife's gonna handle that um on a podcast on a podcast all right well that was cool i didn't i only expected to talk to him for uh you know, usually when I have someone on for their second, third, fourth time, I start to only plan to talk to them for 45 minutes. But I feel like he's got some stories just just hanging around. He's waiting, waiting to give them out. Yeah, it's it was really, you know, we're not we're not texting buddies. And after I, you know, I kept, you know, I was making jokes at his expense.
Starting point is 01:20:29 And finally, I get a text. Hey, I'm not I'm coming on. I was like, oh, that was that was he was like sending up the bat signal. I really, really wish I could have gone to his party at his parents house. I think it was a couple. I was on the 27th. I would love that. I'd like to get to know his mom and dad. They seem like dope people. Their whole family seems awesome. Crazy, crazy. It'll be, it'll be, it'll be fun to see how this, uh, uh, relationships are a lot of work. It'll be interesting to see how they,
Starting point is 01:21:02 how they rock it. it you know people have when i've made these comments about their relationship people have been like well shane and um you know uh shane and tia did it and annie and frederick did it and uh who else sam and uh fraser did it but but she's a super high level athlete he's in yeah that's usually yeah like everybody else it's got one in one's in and one's out let's see it's kind of easier that way i feel like but i was not surprised when he said that they don't they didn't talk to each other the entire time oh you mean you mean during the games yeah yeah that would be so so stressful what what a what a weird feeling too that he was concerned he might
Starting point is 01:21:44 not do well because he went into the games feeling great and he wasn't used to that that's some fucking eye-opening shit right last year he won the games and he went into it the three weeks before fucking hating it this year he went in loving it still got the same same out i remember josh bridges said that he would not stop training until like two days prior to the games or like a day prior like he said he was going up basically until the day of because if he felt too good or something he didn't feel like he was going to perform well enough but i i that kind of makes sense to me yeah i would you almost just build build some confidence all the way through until you start
Starting point is 01:22:23 I would, you almost just build, build some confidence all the way through until you start. You feel strong all the way through. Sevan sleeps on pallets of Coke cans. No, that's not true. Sevan, you can answer my text after the show. What text? Sevan, main takeaways. He's an adult now.
Starting point is 01:22:41 He's more sophisticated. He's a conversationalist. Before it was just like, that, yeah. Like I, there's people that I'm a little scared to have on the show. Cause I have to fucking carry the whole show. I don't have to do that with him. He can come on anytime and just shoot the shit. Now he's a, he's a, he's an adult, I guess, or whatever. He's a conversationalist. If I, uh, I don't have to, he'll just keep going. He's his brain, whatever. Speak your mind. Oh my gosh. You actually answered. I need, I need someone to call. I need to make the show eight, eight minutes longer or until I have to do whatever happens first. Yes, speak to me. So I wanted to make a comment on a show that I listened to last week.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Is that okay? Please. So I am a nurse practitioner with a weight loss surgeon. But I'm also an avid CrossFitter. And I love your show, by the way. I'm down in Georgia where there are a lot of overweight people. And I did just want to say, like, I really enjoyed that uh i think it was danny was his name what that was a great like i'm so proud of him but i did just want to say that i do think that there's a place
Starting point is 01:23:54 for weight loss surgery um i kind of felt a little bit like it was bashed did i hang up wait oh i did not hang up on you, by the way. I was stepping away. I was stepping. That is not my fault. That is not my fault. Hands are not on the phone. You have to call back. That was not me. How apropos? I'll call her back. Oops, she calls back. That was going to be interesting.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Hello? I'm going to give you a second chance. If you start that up again, promoting weight loss surgery, I'm going to hang up on you again. No, no, no. I'm not promoting it. No, I'm joking. I'm joking. That was a total joke.
Starting point is 01:24:40 I didn't hang up on you. I'm joking. Hey, that was you. I have three bars. That was totally you. Okay, go ahead. Put was you i have i have three bars that was totally okay go ahead put me in my place okay so i was bashing it go on i'm open to that okay go on no no no no no i'm not saying you were i'm just saying i actually think that he didn't totally understand like he was making a comment about his mom's surgery and that you know she wasn't getting adequate vitamins all this stuff anyway i, I just, I basically,
Starting point is 01:25:05 I just want people to kind of understand how the surgery works so that, anyway, so basically when you have a gastric bypass, which is a big way off surgery, we just make a small stomach out of your stomach and then we reroute your intestines. So we are purposefully putting you into a state of malabsorption to force you to lose weight so it works two ways malabsorption sounds scary but go yeah it is very scary i mean i'm not gonna lie about that but if you have a good surgeon they're going to teach you what
Starting point is 01:25:38 vitamins to take every day for the rest of your life so that you will be healthy in saying all that i want you to understand that i I want my patients to lose weight on their own if they can. But some people are just so far out there, Savon, that it's like they're 500 pounds. I mean, I'm telling you, it's hard to come back from that. But I do try to live a lifestyle where I show my patients, hey, you can, it's always nutrition that gets you into shape. And then you can do CrossFit or something like that. If, if your body will allow you to do it, um, you know, to stay in shape. So that's really all I wanted to
Starting point is 01:26:15 say. Um, I just, I appreciate it. I think there's a place for all of it. I want to propose something to you. Oh gosh. There this in in the beginning when i was talking to people about um uh covet and the vaccine no no one dares push back anymore but in the first year people would push back and they would be like hey man you're you're you're being an asshole not at um we don't have enough time for like because i would say i would say um hey we have to, everyone has to lose weight in order to survive from COVID. The vaccine is not the way out. And they would say stuff like, Hey, Sevan, not everyone's going to do that.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Or there's not enough time when this needs to be the bandaid to fix it until. And, and, and they would, they would paint this picture that like somehow I, well, who cares what I, about me, but they would paint a picture that that I – well, who cares about me? But they would paint a picture that that's the compassionate way and that's to happen. I would argue that every time that that's been done throughout humanity, it's led to a worse problem, that basically that is a weird, sick psychosis of codependency,, it actually doesn't work like that. But I hear you. I want you to know, I hear you loud and clear here. Here's, here's my concern. Are we, are we going to be worried about the environment or are we going to keep opening up dialysis centers, which are horrible for the environment? We can't do both. Right. Are we going to,
Starting point is 01:27:46 are we going to go ahead? Go ahead, Michelle. I was just going to say, I feel like as humans, uh, sometimes we're kind of stupid because we could prevent so many things just by eating right. And we will not do it. And I will tell you that people will not do it. It's my experience that people will not do it. Sometimes even after the surgery, they will not do it. And nutrition is the way to a healthy lifestyle. And I do agree. Like I actually had COVID and didn't even know I had COVID. You know, well, I tested positive for it, but I was never sick with it.
Starting point is 01:28:19 I've never been sick with it. I've never quit crossfitting. I mean, I just continued to do everything I always did. I still have to wear a mask every day I come into the hospital when I'm rounding or whatever. But, I'm actually during lunch right now, so. But,
Starting point is 01:28:35 we're just sometimes. We just will not, we refuse to eat right. I do not understand it. I do not understand it. It's – it is a – so to address one of the other things you said, as long as you have a good doctor who tells you how to handle it, I don't know if you heard the show Gary Roberts was on, but his shit is fucking crazy. No, I don't think so. He fucking lost the weight on his own.
Starting point is 01:29:08 And it came to that? I mean, yeah. He went to a doctor and he said, hey, can you cut off my excess skin? And they said, sure. But he didn't do the research and he didn't realize when they cut off the excess skin, they cut off these fat cells on them. excess skin they cut off these fat cells on him and so now his body when now that he's put back on 60 pounds his body has nowhere to store that fat and the only remaining fat cells he has are around his organs yeah so now when he puts on so now the surgery that was supposed to make him better could kill him and then on top of that he did he lost all sensation in his body, in his torso now. He can't feel his tummy or his titties. And it's like, dude.
Starting point is 01:29:48 Yeah, you'll hear that sometimes. Yeah, I've heard that too. And that shit just breaks my heart. You know, Michael Jordan bought his dad a Lexus, and it was carjacked, and Michael Jordan's dad was killed because he bought his dad a Lexus. You know, Kanye's mom had like liposuction or some shit or got new titties and and she died in a surgery and it's like yeah it's um there's uh i mean we we i mean like and here's another thing like you said i'll let you go one second caleb uh like you said um you didn't you didn't 80 they about covid about how you didn't get sick from it from the beginning beginning, they told us 80% of the people were asymptomatic. As soon as you hear that, you know we're free.
Starting point is 01:30:30 Like none of this other stuff was needed. I mean that 80% asymptomatic. Go ahead, Caleb. Do you think it's the fault of the doctor or the surgeon for not knowing or not providing the correct information? Or do you think it's the fault of the patient for not doing the proper research or looking for the right surgeon in general? Yes. Yes. Blaming never stops. So yes, the answer. I think it's a responsibility of both because if you have a good surgeon and
Starting point is 01:30:58 an, or an intelligent staff, you know, you should tell your patient what the potential risks are. Now, you know, you should tell your patient what the potential risks are. Now, you know, they sign an informed consent and that informed consent should list every risk. And there's a risk with putting your weight back on too, right? You know, I mean, so there's some patient, I mean, there's a lot of patient responsibility with weight loss surgery. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:21 A lot. And some patients, no matter what you give them, they're never going to read it, you know. And then you have these patients that, you know, they do everything right and everything turns out great and, you know, they're doing great. And I mean, there's just something to be said for this happy medicine that where people's lives turn out better. But I just think that there's a place for both. I'm not pushing it on you, Savon, at all. I just want you to understand that sometimes if you weigh 500 pounds, I mean, I'm going to tell you, I don't know if I could come around from that.
Starting point is 01:31:53 I weigh 124 pounds and, you know, I struggle with, you know, thinking about my weight. I'm 55. So I grew up in a generation where we worried about the scale, but, um, you know, I CrossFit six days a week, so I'm in pretty good shape for CrossFit carnivore. And I want to tell you, I want you to call them so badly and talk to our owner because she's a nurse practitioner like me. And she, she just lives it, man. I mean, she's just, she sounds great. She sounds, she's amazing. She sounds like she's got a full perspective too. Like I need people like that who can kind of like slap me around and be like, Hey dude, you don't get it. Yeah. She's a badass. I mean, she's about 20 years younger than me. She's a badass, but, um,
Starting point is 01:32:33 She owns a gym and she's a nurse, huh? That's hardcore. A nurse practitioner. Like she, she works with dialysis patients, actually. You were just mentioning. Yeah. So she knows. Um, but that's all I call to tell you. And hey, from Georgia. You're awesome. I appreciate it. Awesome. All right. You have a great day, sir. All right. Bye. The power of a voice. What an amazing voice that lady had. She just like subdued me. That southern voice is always so sweet.
Starting point is 01:33:03 She subdued me. Justin Woys, yep, I'm down 180 pounds, but the real change didn't happen until I adjusted my mindset on food. It's a war, man. Here's the thing. It's almost like it should say it. It's like cigarette smoking, right? Like yesterday, I was walking around on the beach, and I was like, man, I sure could go for a chew right now. And it never goes away. And it should almost say on the side of the Coke can, if you drink this every day, eventually you will have so much loose skin that you'll never be able to lose it.
Starting point is 01:33:34 I mean, it's like that. You know, if you eat McDonald's, if you eat here more than – if you eat more than 6,000 calories here a day, eventually your body will be destroyed. And no matter what discipline you have, you'll be haunted by wanting to eat here your whole life because our food's so fucking good i mean it's like they sold a billion for a reason that's always the weird part for me when people are like i hate smoking like they used to be smokers i'm like what are you kidding me or like a fucking hamburger a jack-in-the-box ketchup mustard and pickle cheeseburger double patty oh that sweet bread oh i wonder he sold a billion my dad used to work at jack in the box and so we would always drive by and he's like he just loves jack in the box oh hey one of the only times well i shouldn't
Starting point is 01:34:24 say one of the only times one of the't say one only times one of the handful of times i shit my pants um was i was uh i ate a uh something from jack in the box and i was i was living in my car at the time and i was sleeping in the back tacos or something no it was like a it was something not a breakfast jack it was some hamburger that had jack and the name jack in it was like oh yeah and um and i went to bed and i woke up at 5, and I'm like, oh, shit, I got to take a shit. And I fucking drove to a McDonald's, ironically, and I fucking jumped out of the car to run inside, and it just splattered into my pants. And in the parking lot right there, I just lowered my pants and underwear and just left them and stepped out. And drove away.
Starting point is 01:35:07 I was probably 25. Oh, my God. Oh, Sour Jack. Sourdough Jack. Yes. I think that was it. I think that was it. Yes.
Starting point is 01:35:17 Yes. That's so bad. All right. Well, great show. Justin Medearis uh the king madaris i think what he meant to say is someone i came on here to thank you for being the only guy who says my name right justin madaris i think chase claims that he says it right too um say it again one of the few for sure yes right, guys. I don't know what we, oh, is tomorrow we have Nicky Rod on? I think so.
Starting point is 01:35:49 Yeah, tomorrow's Nicky Rod. Tomorrow morning we have Nicky Rodriguez on. And Alex Stein. And then after that we have Alex Stein. So Nicky Rodriguez is the co-founder of B-Team in Austin. He's been on the show two or three times. He's getting ready to go to the hardest jiu-jitsu tournament in the world, which I think is in Las Vegas
Starting point is 01:36:07 this year, which is weird because I think it's called the ADCC, which is supposed to be the Abu Dhabi something championship. Combat championship. I'm not sure why it's in Vegas, but that's cool. And then we'll talk to him
Starting point is 01:36:23 and man, he's been training with so many fucking famous that's cool. And then we'll talk to him. And, man, he's been training with so many fucking famous fighters. They go out of their way to find him. And then we have Alex Stein on at 8 a.m. He is exploding. He got the job with Blaze TV, and he recently schooled Dave Portnoy over at Barstool Sports. And fucking, it's kind of crazy. And then in the evening at 7 p.m we have uh jorge ventura uh one of america's greatest uh journalists reporters like a real journalist not like us goofballs in the crosswind space it's real media yeah real
Starting point is 01:37:01 media all right guys thanks everyone for checking in love you guys bye

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