The Sevan Podcast - #571 - Nicky Rod & Jason Khalipa

Episode Date: August 31, 2022

Nicky Rod and Jason Khalipa talk ADCC. Welcome to this episode of the Sevan Podcast!Sign up for our email: - CODE... "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK!Master of Coaching  - COACHING PUBLICATION - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Last two days. Bam, we're live. Oh, for your back? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:35 And it actually helps. I don't wake up with my back hurting, which is kind of nice. But I'm stiff still. I'm still pretty stiff. For longer than, I mean, usually at home by 10 a.m. I'm loose. Now I'm stiff until like 5 p.m. Maybe that's what it is. Hey, you think Nicky Rod's coming with shirt or no shirt?
Starting point is 00:00:58 No shirt in the bathroom. No shirt in the bathroom. That's my guess. Jason Kalipa shirt. Maybe even collared. Possibly collared. Definitely in his studio there. Amanda, good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Jeez Louise, good morning. Jeffrey Birchfield, good morning. Bruce Swang. Well, it's not often times that Savannah's bounces and here i am alone at first i freaked out like i hit a button or something i i double swiped up and i double swiped up the sorry no you're good it was weird jody lynn good morning jody lynn made a comment in the comments saying that she was surprised how nice jason was uh justin madaris was after um me tearing into him on one of the shows but man what i when i tear into people like justin madaris i see it as all backhanded compliments it would be like if someone said
Starting point is 00:01:56 to me man like damn sebon the way your pants fit you in the front is weird you have something in there i mean he's like yeah is that a compliment or a put down like like when i say jess minnows looks like a baboon like hey like like he's the champ yeah fuck yeah i look like a baboon and a fucking gorilla and part godzilla i don't it's just so interesting that anyone would take it as a um i don't think he did i think he i don't think he did either but i think she did i think miss miss lynn probably did. They think it's a – maybe it's because I'm just so arrogant. I think if your name comes out of my mouth, you should just be happy. Then someone else in the comments said, holy shit, Sevan's narrative is falling apart. The champ is vaccinated. What's your narrative?
Starting point is 00:02:40 Well, first I go, God, I hope my narrative is falling apart, but I don't think it is. But God, I hope it is. Jason Kleba, hi. Good morning. I was wrong about Jason. I thought he'd have a collared shirt. Totally wrong. I don't think you can hear us. There we go.
Starting point is 00:02:54 His settings. Hey, can you hear me? At least we are red out. Yes. All right. Good morning. Good morning. You got, you got, man.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Hey, Siobhan, what's up with that background, bro? You're getting all professional on us or what? No, no. I just wanted to, if, if Nikki Rod's going to do the bathroom thing, I'm going to do the fucking kitchen thing. Like I got, I got, I got rooms too. Dude, look at this guy. You should see how tan I am.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Look, I could do that too, Nikki. Hey, Siobhan, I'm do that too, Nicky. Hey, Savant, I'm not going to lie, bro. When you are right on top of Nicky Rod on my screen, there's a distinct difference between your physique and his. Put Nicky on top then.
Starting point is 00:03:37 Put Nicky on top. I got to turn off this glare. It's too much glare. Nicky, what happened to your phone, dude? Can I guess? You got a bad girlfriend. It's too much glare. Nicky, what happened to your phone, dude? Can I guess? You got a bad girlfriend. You had to switch numbers. Oh, no. Actually, it got stolen.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And yeah, along with all my bag got stolen after practice. I had my phone, my chain, my wallet, my gun in there. It was rough. Wow. We got to do good. Can i hear more about that story where were you training fucking brazil yeah so in in austin we have we have some like uh homeless people here and there and let's let's be honest drug addicts who have chosen to live outside instead of uh go inside go on yeah i mean more more than likely but um
Starting point is 00:04:25 they they had to be watching me because i like i put my bag on my uh on the back of my truck and i i ran inside for back in the gym for like a tissue i must have been like 20 seconds and boom it was gone so for sure they were probably keeping an eye on us bro you got your you got your wallet your phone and a gun stolen and my chain i had my gold chains fuck oh man i'm sorry to hear that is there a there uh you know you can't get can't be slacking out there you gotta be on your toes hey did you um did you don't sync your phone with like uh in the cloud with like your apple app something like my shit uh yeah synced up like i just get a new phone and it something like my shit yeah sneaked up like i just get a new phone and it looks like my old one oh it's a better camera i have some stuff on the
Starting point is 00:05:10 on the cloud but i just like can't be bothered i just go not my number you didn't have my number i text you who the fuck is this oh yeah yeah well i lose my number you text me back lose my number yeah that was just me being irresponsible i I didn't say that, you know. I think you first popped on my radar through this guy, Mr. Kalipa. What's up, Jason? How you doing? I thought it was appropriate to invite him on. You know, feeling good, man. Ready to rock. Dude, it's good to see you. I've been enjoying your prep, getting ready for ADCC. Yeah, man, everything's going great.
Starting point is 00:05:46 How's the new school? How's it been? How's B-Team? What's cracking? Yeah, B-Team's great, man. I think it took us a little bit to find our routine because previously we were training under John Danaher. He was kind of the leader of the team. We just kind of followed him.
Starting point is 00:06:02 We had to establish our own schedule, specifically for like an adcc prep schedule and i think once we kind of uh you know had that written in stone then it made it a little bit easier on us nice adcc abu dhabi combat club yes sir rich cool dude organizes it runs it has his people run it he's like a prince in from abu dhabi yeah for sure definitely definitely abu dhabi royalty is uh is in charge of of running it and man they do a great job they you know it used to be just an event for like just kind of like a private event for um for the royal family and now you know it's become this this worldwide uh endeavor and it's growing the sport man and normally it would have taken place in Abu Dhabi and is this the first in Vegas or no I think it's the first in Vegas but not the first
Starting point is 00:06:57 outside of Abu Dhabi like they've been to Finland before previously uh Brazil and a few other slots as well. When you find out it's in Vegas, are you just stoked? You're like, yes. Yeah, for sure. I'm, uh, I'm all about, you know, staying home. If I don't have to travel much, uh, that's better for me. Um, so I've been just getting, trying to get caught up as, as much as I can on it's, it's really kind of amazing how little there is to watch if you type in ADCC 2022 yeah most of this stuff's getting done on Moe's Instagram
Starting point is 00:07:31 uh it's it's very like dude here's the thing Siobhan like this guy Moe who's kind of like the you know I'd say the orchestra he's he's in charge what's his last name i want to pull up pull up his ig what's his last jasmine jasmine oh jasmine like like the plant you're not j-a-s-m-y j-a-s-m-i-l-e i think let's have a spelling competition each of us will take turns trying to spell jasmine j-a-s-s-I-M. So his Instagram is... Hasim. I'm going to go with Hasim. Mo Hasim. Yeah, I was going to say,
Starting point is 00:08:08 I was going to say, what are you talking about? I don't know if it's... Hasim, look at that thick hair. Me and that guy have run a few terrorist attacks together. Mo Hasim. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Yeah. So he'll be on his stories on IG and he'll be like, look, there's like, he'll just be sharing the news about what's going on, and his audience is just super engaged. So to put in perspective, Savant, not only have all these people qualified for the world championships, which Nicky has as well, but also they have an open division that they capped out at 1200 competitors or 1100 competitors and they hit it they hit it before the deadline so this is going to be a major major event a big step in the right direction for uh combat sports and jiu-jitsu in particular i think yeah for sure this event alone um you know if you if you get gold it's going to change your life, you know, like no matter what. So that's the goal, man. Yeah, the last ADCC was a huge spectacle, and, you know, we got a lot of notoriety, and it for sure grew the sport.
Starting point is 00:09:13 But it seems like this year, after this event, there will be more high-level media interested, like maybe in the SPM, maybe like an Amazon Prime. So I think it's likely that the brand ADCC gets affiliated with a more high-end media source, and that'll really push us to that next level. So tell me, you're entering basically two divisions, your weight class and an open division. Is that how it works? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:39 So there's an open tournament that that's that's not the adcc world championships so like adcc world championships will be saturday sunday but like on the on the thursday or friday previous to that um there's like a like an open tournament where like you can just register and compete but the cap that is sold out at like a thousand competitors or something so we have essentially two events where we'll be at the at the open just like you know talk to the fans and stuff and then we have the world championships on the weekend which is you know that'll be go time so in that you will you compete in that open with the thousand or so is that what you're saying no no i'll only compete in the world in the world championships which will will be Saturday and Sunday. And what weight will you compete at?
Starting point is 00:10:25 I'll compete at ultra heavyweight, which is anything over 99 kilograms, and also the absolute division, which is there's no weight class. What's the second thing you said? The what division? It's called the absolute, where there's no weight classes. So you could go against, you could have a guy, somebody that's 120 pounds against somebody that's 300 pounds. And do those run simultaneously? Will you be in two brackets at the same time? So it'll be the weight classes by themselves will finish early Sunday
Starting point is 00:10:55 and then immediately after the absolute starts, so it'll be a whole other tournament. And which one is it? Which is it in the weight class or the absolute or both where you might cross paths with Gordon Ryan? That'll be in my weight class. Oh, he's in your weight class. Yeah, because he jumped up. He went like the year before he was under 99.
Starting point is 00:11:18 It was like 205. And now he's like 240 pounds or something like that. five and now he's like 240 pounds or something like that hey savan maybe for the listeners who aren't as familiar just because like i so i'm competing uh on friday in a jiu-jitsu tournament in vegas but for these guys right they want to go win so they had a friday before so you're you're competing on the on the 16th no no i'm competing like like like today is oh okay i'm competing a couple days but my tournament's much different than Nicky Rod's. But to qualify for ADCC, and Nicky, please correct me if I'm wrong, if you're a former podium finisher, you get a natural invite.
Starting point is 00:11:57 And ADCC occurs every two years. It's like the Olympics of jiu-jitsu. It's what people are trained for. But it's specifically no-gi, which is getting a lot more steam behind it than gi, primarily because it's a little bit more fan favorite, a little bit more higher pace. And Nicky got his invite because he took second two years ago. But then others had to qualify throughout the world. They had trials. And then if you won your trials, only if you you won it you then got invited to adcc and then those individuals compete at their weight class and then based on how you do
Starting point is 00:12:29 if i'm not mistaken if you win or if mo invites you you can be qualified for the absolute but gordon ryan won't do absolute because he has what's called a super fight uh against another gentleman uh it's a little bit complex if you're not with it i you know it's funny as i watched i watched like three hours of shit yesterday and i didn't understand it until you just put it all together now that all makes sense everything you're saying makes sense thank you um and that was how you came on my radar because that's there was that a movie made about you and if anyone hasn't seen it just type in in Nicky Rodriguez. It's called Black Belt Slayer. And it shows his ascent to the ADCC from last year, right?
Starting point is 00:13:09 Is that – that's basically – Yeah, yeah, exactly. They pretty much made a documentary of my trials run and then my first experience at ADCC World Championships. And, yeah, I mean the Black Belt Slayer server i think i i feel like a lot of people know me because of that uh documentary they kind of give some um more perspective into you know into the event and just kind of what it takes to compete in a in a place like that when you watch that um when you watch that nikki rod from two years ago what are your thoughts about him it doesn't even feel like me really.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Cause my game has changed so much. Like I do have some, I do have a lot of similarities to what I was doing previously, like the wrestling hand fighting stuff, but I have a much wider variety of attacks and just in general, you know, like I only had a year, year and a half of experience during that tournament.
Starting point is 00:14:06 So I was very limited on my ability to attack people in different ways. And now I have a much more diverse game because it's been four years. Yeah, I've been training for four years now. So I have twice as much time on the mat. And yeah, man, I think it's like, you you know it really is like it's good to be strong and fast and stuff but knowledge is power on our sport the more you know that the more you're going to grow i i saw your most recent post uh you show you're on curtis blades back which is fucking nuts yeah he's a big boy he he makes me look small. You know, he's got inches of height and width on me.
Starting point is 00:14:47 And, man, he's insanely strong. Like, I remember being on his back at one point, and he, like, grabbed—he, like, reached over his back and, like, grabbed my forearm and just kind of yanked me off of him. Definitely, you know, different kind of human. And it seems like anything that goes to the ground in the ufc no one in the ufc wants to go to the ground with that guy no i mean he's a he's a big wrestler he he knows what he's doing so these guys what happens when a curtis blades like are you just are you just in the gym working out and all of a sudden you see at the door there's a shadow and he comes in you're like holy fuck curtis is here to fuck with me well a lot of the fighters come
Starting point is 00:15:24 come by and spend some time with us maybe a couple weeks or a here to fuck with me well a lot of the fighters come come by and spend some time with us maybe a couple weeks or a month or so and you mean a lot like a lot right yeah yeah for sure um like i saw volkanovski in there i think yeah we get we get quite a few uh ufc fighters and bellator fighters just fighters in general can they cut they uh you know during their camp they want to stop by work work on some technical things. Because what we can offer towards the UFC fighters is the wall wrestling, the ability to hold your opponent down, the ability to get off bottom
Starting point is 00:15:52 when necessary. So we can implement those different skills and tactics to them and really help their game plan when they're in the cage. And that thing with Curtis Blades right there, do you ask him before you post that, hey dude, I have a video of me on your back and submitting you i'm posting it yeah like uh well or not cool and he's like before the training i'll wax like are you guys cool getting filmed
Starting point is 00:16:14 like it's not no problem and they're all about it because the social media like that that video got five million million views and like that kind of that'll give him some followers and some cloud as well so you know i think the fighters understand that social media is a pretty important game and it's easy for them to kind of shut off the ego because like i'm a specialist in my sport you know we're not in the cage we're not fighting you know if he's throwing punches at me it's going to be a different game and the way he carries you around like you're not even on there i mean you do submit him but he might as well just be wearing a shirt yeah no, no, I'm like a featherweight to this guy. Hey, Nicky, have you ever heard of a guy, Alan Galani?
Starting point is 00:16:51 He's out of one championship. He fights out of Hong Kong. I think, yeah, the name sounds familiar. Dude, this guy's massive. He came to our gym, and I rolled jiu-jitsu with him, and it was an experience. Savard, if you want to look him up, it's A-L-A-I-N is the first name. Last name is N-G-A-L-A-N-I.
Starting point is 00:17:14 And so this guy comes in, and he's traveling around town. And boy, oh, boy, he's also an MMA fighter, to your point, Nicky. It's not like we're striking together. It's a totally different game. But, yeah, when you have one of those big boys on your back it's a whole different uh game so anyways they're high level athletes man it's a different level of like effort that they put out oh dude aggressive oh there he is yeah hey so when that dude shows up at your gym to just roll does immediately the instructor go, Jason, he's yours? And you're like, well, fuck.
Starting point is 00:17:46 So this guy, he was in town. And so we ended up doing a podcast and just getting to know each other better. And then we ended up going over to Kyle Tara's location to go roll. And what's funny about him, so this guy is super sweet, super nice guy, but obviously a killer in the cage, right? Been fighting since he was six. Can we see more pictures of him while Jason's's talking thanks sorry go ahead jason and so we get to uh we get to the mats and um so at this point i already got to know him for a couple hours so i feel more
Starting point is 00:18:14 comfortable with him right we get to the mats and i put on my geeks i'm competing in a couple of days so i wanted to get in some roles he goes okay i'll roll with you and so we you know we kind of give the little whatever i was like hey, hey, man, this first one, like we literally just got there. Let's just take it easy. Let's just flow roll like nice and smooth and warm up, right? You say that to him. You say that to him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And so he like kind of gives me the nod. 30 seconds later, this guy is just – I could watch the way he just ramped it up. Like he didn't intentionally do it. He just got in the zone. And, man, it went from zero to a hundred real quick. And it's just interesting with that mindset, right? Where he's been fighting either through karate, kickboxing, MMA, jujitsu, judo, since he was six and he has one speed.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And, uh, that speed came out when we got on the mat, there was no, uh, flow roll going on. Nikki, I had a Medeiros on yesterday. That's the fittest man alive. And he has a, he comes from a wrestling background. And I said, Hey, are you chomping on the bit to get in there? And he said, yeah, I am. I'd like to, you know, wrestle and do some jujitsu and grappling. I just really don't want like two egos to collide and like something bad to
Starting point is 00:19:19 happen to me. I would just need to find the right person to roll with, you know, does that person, Jason, does that person exist? Is there like if someone comes into your gym, Nikki, are you just too dangerous? Are you is it like, hey, I'm going to are you a lawnmower? I'm turned on. It's not a way to roll with me. I'm usually I'm always in control. You know, there's no like really spazzing around.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I mean there's a lot of effort put out for sure. But yeah, I mean I know what I'm doing. It's not likely for – like people don't really get banged up too much in our gym. More like when there's like blue belts level, you have some people like spazzing around or like – what really hurts people is falling body weight. So anytime somebody is like jumping or leaving the ground and then coming back down, that's like when injuries occur. Like that cartwheel I saw you do over some guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I mean, yeah, for sure. That's a bit risky. But for me, it's a controlled cartwheel. I've done thousands of reps, you know. Yeah. When you were saying people get hurt on accident you weren't talking about yourself no like i'm sure you've seen this with your kids savon but like if if people are interested in getting jiu-jitsu whether it's justin or others i actually think the best people to roll with are not white belts and to kind of progress to a higher
Starting point is 00:20:39 level because guys like nikki and others they know what they're doing. You know, well, like that. So, yeah. It's crazy. It looks like it's in slow motion. Hey, Nikki, what's your training looking like right now? So we are, today is the 30th, right? So you're competing in like two and a half weeks, give or take. So I'm curious, like, how are you at with your weight cut, if at all? What does your strength and conditioning look like, workouts?
Starting point is 00:21:04 What's your jujitsu look like workouts uh what's your jiu-jitsu look like are you doing any type of taper i'm just i'm just curious like this is like the final touches this is like the the salt on top of the meal so the event's 16 days away right we're about 16 or 17 days away yeah so like the essentially the the hard work is done you know right now we're just uh we're just focusing on staying fresh and, you know, staying sharp. Um, but essentially the, my schedule has been, um, Monday, Wednesday, Friday jits at 8.00 AM and 12.00 PM. And then, um, and then like 40 minute cardio at night, at nighttime, which is like six 30, seven 30. And then every other day, just jits once and cardio at night time which is like 6 30 7 30 and then every other day just just once and cardio at night
Starting point is 00:21:48 um and the cardio could be like um you know like a crossfit circuit or i'm a fan of the rowing machine you know i'll get on there i'll do some interval training with the rower just because like i can't always push myself to like like, that extreme limit in practice. Because, one, the training partners, like, sometimes they break. Like, you know, they just can't go that hard. And I'm pretty efficient with my movement. So, like, it's hard for me to really, really get tired in practice sometimes. So I like to come home, you know, get on that rower and just zone out.
Starting point is 00:22:24 I'll turn music off. I'll just be in fucking silence and just be fucking pulling and envisioning and just kind of seeing the tournament in my mind before it happens, you know. So that's kind of my schedule. So guaranteed two workouts a day, jits and a session at night. And Monday, Wednesday, Friday, we have two jits and and uh especially at night and monday wednesday friday we have two jits and then cardio at night oh good no you go ahead i got a follow-up question for that so i know for weigh-ins at adcc there's this interesting dynamic where weigh-ins open at 6 a.m but they close like four
Starting point is 00:23:00 or five hours later and so you have a five hour gap between when you can start weighing in and then when you uh compete right and so i'm curious you have to weigh in every day so do you wake up earlier and go to weigh in i'm curious like do you go to the weigh-in at 6 a.m or do you wait as long as you can to go to weigh-in so you can get more rest i imagine every athlete's gonna have to figure out what's best for them because the way they're doing is every day you have to weigh in so like what is that dynamic plan because the way they're doing it is every day you have to weigh in. So, like, what does that dynamic play in? Because it's not like you're weighing in once. You have to do it every day.
Starting point is 00:23:29 And then it's early in the morning. Yeah, I think if you're cutting weight, it'd probably be best to go to bed early and weigh in early. Like, you obviously don't want to get six hours of sleep before an event. You know, you need eight to ten. But I would say it's probably best to weigh in early so you have a long time to recover you know get rehydrate refuel and stuff um but for me i'm not i'm not cutting any weight um just because
Starting point is 00:23:53 i'm in i'm in the you know the heaviest weight division if if anything i'm going to be the smallest guy in my weight class and i'm okay with that because honestly cardio is much more important than strength it's not about how how good you are you know five minutes in it's like what do you look like at the 15 minute mark of the match so that makes a big difference and i think endurance goes a long way and i watch a lot of i watch a lot of crossfit stuff just because i feel like i feel like you guys are very well rounded athletes and you know you have ability to sprint as a as well as ability to run a marathon Because I feel like you guys are very well-rounded athletes. You have ability to sprint as well as ability to run a marathon and hit a PR at the same time. So I think I can – I like to implement that kind of mindset into my jiu-jitsu.
Starting point is 00:24:39 How – do people really – I don't know if people understood the implications of what Jason just said there. How do people really, I don't know if people understood the implications of what Jason just said there, but basically, normally, if you're going to fight, you weigh in a day before the fights, and then everyone can get fat, and it's a done deal. You only weigh once. How, if you have to weigh in every day, are there, how can anyone cut weight, right? Because. like there's something about cutting weight to like even if you're you know you're kind of malnourished a little bit it kind of makes you a bit more hungry for competition like maybe uh if you ask me i think it's it's best to not cut weight and be you know as hydrated as fueled up as possible and eat for performance but some people it gives them a little bit of edge if they're a little leaner a little meaner you know i don't know some people you know take advantage of that you're in the 99 kg how many pounds is that 220
Starting point is 00:25:31 uh it's like i think it's anything over like one like 215 anything over that way i believe and then that and then that's it so you could come across a dude who's 300. Yeah, I've had a few guys that were like 360, 340, 270. There's no cap at the top. It just goes. So if like Andre the Giant rolls, if some dude's 7'4", 450 pounds rolls in, you got him. Yeah, yeah. I mean, we've had matches in ADCC where Lachlan Giles is like 145 pounds, and he goes against a guy that's 270 pounds. So you have huge weight discrepancies.
Starting point is 00:26:08 God, I wonder how stressful that is for the judge who's out there on the floor. Yeah, I'm sure pretty stressful, but it's a small-man game, dude. I mean, I've seen the little guy win plenty of times. Could you, in jiu-jitsu, you could pick you can i mean in this what you're doing you could pick a guy up and throw him yes you can pick a job you can throw him you can slam him if they have a submission on you you can slam up you can slam out of this mission like if he has an arm bar you can pick up and drop him on the mat but if you're arm barring or triangling an opponent and you're getting picked up i mean you should probably let go because it's
Starting point is 00:26:45 not really worth a concussion a back in your life no it's i've just seen you pick a guy up by both legs and spin them in circles and i just kind of picture you and if you came across a guy who was 150 and he was on his back you could just grab him by his ankle and start swinging him like in a fucking cartoon and just throw him off into this yeah i mean 150 250 350 all of them they can all get picked up. It's no problem. It's fine. From my experience, I don't know if Nicky agrees to this, but like, oh, yeah. He's got this poor fucking guy.
Starting point is 00:27:12 He does tap. He does tap. At the amateur level, and Nick, correct me if I'm wrong, like our level, like there's no slamming allowed. There's a rule set against it but you know one thing to take into consideration is like you think these small guys are like it's way easier and you can just like flip them around and like yeah there might be some of that but man if you get some of these small guys who they also have skills like bigger guys like nikki and and others don't have like like they're super flexible and dynamic they start like rolling around like they
Starting point is 00:27:45 start like baramboloing and doing all this weird shit and so sometimes at least for me and i don't know if nikki feels the same way so many smaller guys are even more challenging at times to roll with because they're so dynamic in their movement i don't know do you feel that way nick i mean i'm not at the same level so at least for me it's tough sometimes i would say for sure the smaller guys are more difficult to deal with because the bigger you are, the more inclined you are to use your strength as an advantage. So, like, when I go against a bigger guy, I'm like, oh, he's just going to try to use his muscle, and I'm going to outmaneuver him.
Starting point is 00:28:18 That's what the little guys have. They don't have the ability to outmuscle you, so they're going to use technique and that goes along and i i find that the smaller opponents typically have much better jujitsu and uh their game plan fits pretty well into uh something like adcc your brother's going to huh jacob's going yeah j-rod won won the one of the trials a few months back, and he, too, he had a similar ascend where he was training for a year, like a year and a half, and he won the trials seven out of seven submissions, and now he's in the world championships. Are you stressed out at all that he's there? Does it make it more fun for you, more stressful? I think it just makes it more fun you know we've been competing you know alongside each other since since i can remember i started wrestling at you know like uh 12 13 jay jay started at like i don't know six or seven so wow yeah i mean we've been wrestling
Starting point is 00:29:19 alongside each other and you know that would just uh kind of be a different sport but uh same attitude same mindset um in in this interview that um gordon ryan did uh they asked him if he thinks he's going to meet up with you he said it's definitely a possibility he said you guys will be on other sides of the bracket um and uh if you guys meet up it would be i think he said in the finals he said that you were the most physical guy he's ever gone against i mean aren't all the guys i didn't even i didn't understand since I don't do jiu-jitsu, I don't understand that. But aren't all you guys fucking physical? What does that mean? Yeah, everyone's pretty physical, but I think it's a different level of effort that I bring forth.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Like a lot of these – well, a lot of the Brazilians are more lax, right? They like to take breaks during their matches. They like to rest when they can, and I'm all all about pressure i like people to feel that i'm there every second and uh you know when you're in a match with me i want you to go home and i want you to be sore and and realize you know um what you just went through so yeah i don't like to give people breaks and uh if i can break you in a match you know whether that's physically or mentally i'll take advantage of that yeah that's the game seems to be changing it's it at least that's my perspective on it the game seems to be changing into more like what you're talking about nikki verse the old school brazilian especially in nogi compared to geek it just seems like the
Starting point is 00:30:39 athletes are changing too yeah i think it's a i think the the americanized like wrestling of it is bringing that more aggressive attitude aggressive style towards jujitsu i think now the next like uh the next rise of jujitsu athletes is going to be the kids that are in middle school high school wrestling with no longer have the goal of going to college to wrestle they're like okay i'm gonna wrestle to get good for jujitsu i think that kind of attitude or or help grow the sport and and really help uh help it become more entertaining because if you have two you have two athletes that really want to win in there and aren't about taking breaks and really want to push in pace um that's gonna that's gonna kind of give us that x factor as a sport he um he also said that he's uh that he said two things that might be a little contradictory here he said gordon said that um he's completely different than the last time you
Starting point is 00:31:38 guys have rolled together but he also said that no one knows him better than you either i think uh no one knows him better than me i think that's pretty fair to say i mean with the exception of like probably nicky ryan and john denner i mean i've rolled with the guy trained with him essentially every day for three three and a half years so i know what he does i mean he knows what I do. And yeah, you know, Gordon has the ability to change and to evolve as does every athlete. He has John Danaher, you know, coaching him. So, you know, John's an innovator, you know, by himself. So I'm sure he's got a bunch of different things that he's going to do. I watched his, you know, matches he had a match with philippe penna recently and look good man i mean he's uh you know he's a phenomenal competitor and you know ain't nothing in this sport you you really have to go out there and you have to
Starting point is 00:32:36 compete against the best in order to in order to be the best and you know there's you got to be him if you want that number one spot and any chance you guys come back underneath the, any chance that B team comes back underneath the, comes back with new wave in the future? So, you know, basically you guys go back to Donner at all? Yeah. I mean, I have no idea. I mean, I've, it's hard to say no to training other, a guy like John Danner. I mean, like Gordon's great, but John is the one that has, like,
Starting point is 00:33:09 molded our careers, you know, like, brought us together, showed us, gave us this knowledge, and single-handedly elevated the sport because he's implemented things like leg locks and taught us, you know, the correct way to do different passes and stuff. I mean, the amount of knowledge that I have gained, that my team has gained from him is, I mean, it's impossible to replicate. Why do you ask that, Jason? Have you heard something? No, I'm just curious because, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:37 you have these guys that are training out in Puerto Rico. COVID happens a bunch of, you know, COVID was just like this time in the world where a lot of things went down. I mean, including in the CrossFit a lot of things went down i mean including in the crossfit space that just were like fuck like you look back and like damn like but it just there's a lot there was a lot going on in general and emotions were high and whatnot and so you see these two teams split off where you have uh you know nikki and and actually gordon ryan's brother and others kind of go off and and start this you know team called B team in
Starting point is 00:34:05 Austin then you have uh Gordon and and John Danner come back to Austin and actually start a different school it's like wait hang on so you guys left this place and there was like some beef or whatever then you guys end up in the exact same city opening up two different schools like there's got to be a way for you guys to kind of come back together again because it's probably going going to be good for overall jiu-jitsu, and probably good for all the athletes, too, like, it's good for Gordon to be rolling with Nikki, and it's good for Nikki to be rolling with Gordon, I, I would imagine. No, I, I think the, um, the competitive, them being in two separate teams is good for it, too, I mean, even Gordon said, hey, it's what everyone wants to see, I guess, you know what I mean? Yeah, it causes some kind of like uh some
Starting point is 00:34:45 rivalry which is probably good he was extremely respectful by the way there was no venom in his voice when he talked about you he's he kind of i mean i don't know the guy i don't know if he always talks like a robot but he just like spoke like a robot you know what i mean yeah no he's pretty he's the same uh he's pretty consistent for who he is um But yeah, man, he's got a good game. I don't know, man. I never like to say never because I don't know what the future holds. But who knows, man? You know, things change from day to day.
Starting point is 00:35:15 But right now, you know, we're just, as a team, we're just focused on ourselves and focused on ADCC, man. And we get some gold medals as a B team. I mean, it's going to elevate our lifestyle tremendously. Dude, the reputation you're building from all the UFC fighters, I mean, obviously something crazy is going on there. It's just a parade of the greatest fighters who've ever lived now, I feel like. I mean, the fact that you guys had Volkanovski in there before is nuts.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And Curtis Blades blades it is truly nuts yeah i mean if you watch volk's last fight too i mean he against ortega or not his last fight but you know the fight he had against ortega he had uh some really really fundamentally sound uh submission escapes and it's like he was in there working with craig jones craig hooked him up show him exactly what to do in those tricky situations and he pulls it out man ends up dominating the fight so yeah he said i think he said i don't know if it was when i interviewed him or someone in the room but he said when he was at b team they said get on we're gonna put you in a rear naked choke and in the worst position over and over and over and you're gonna have to get out of it he i think he gave you guys credit for getting
Starting point is 00:36:21 out of that yeah well that's good man i mean honestly what we could do for the ufc fighters is you know the wall wrestling and then we could just make them so sound on the ground to where if you get on top of the guy he's just you're gonna drown him and then if you're on bottom you're in choked we can get you out every single time so that's the kind of advantage we could give towards the fighters. The Green Thumb show you were on, was that with those guys interviewing you? Is that Cypress Hill and B-Rill? That is Cypress Hill? Yeah, so a few of the guys from Cypress Hill, and then B-Rill was supposed to be on there as well,
Starting point is 00:37:01 but he was on tour with Slipknot at the time, so I didn't get a chance to meet him. But he's got an awesome crew, man. be on there as well but he was he was like uh he was on tour with slip by at the time so he i didn't get a chance to meet him but he's got an awesome crew man really uh really um like a nice environment i would say yeah um i can't even believe sliper still still alive i mean that's what i used to listen to when i was a fucking what a throwback man i can't believe it and slip not too i haven't heard that name in forever. Yeah, yeah. It's a massive YouTube account. It's a massive podcast.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Yeah, yeah. I was pretty happy they had me on there. It was cool. Inside their building, they had, like, this old-school car all candy-painted out. It was pretty sick, man. It was a nice spot. I was surprised that you smoked weed. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I mean, they asked me. I would just think you'd be like, I'm putting that you smoked weed. Yeah, yeah. I mean, they asked me. I would just think you'd be like, I'm putting that shit in my lungs. I got especially when I hear you talk about putting pressure on people. Yeah, I don't mind. I think a little marijuana is not bad. You know, it's probably better than alcohol. And when you say a little like so you don't you wouldn't sit down and just smoke. You don't smoke a whole joint. You don't get to a point where you're coughing or like, oh, fuck, I burned my lungs.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Dude, if I'm being honest, I usually smoke before training. That's like my – And that's it? Yeah, usually. I mean I work out a few times a day, but if I am going to smoke it, I'm going to do it probably before training. For me, it makes it a bit more fun. And I used to have this problem where, like, I would try too hard. Like, it would set me back.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Like, my level of effort would be. I've seen that happen to Jason in a stadium before. Oh, boy. In front of 15,000 people. Sorry, Nicky, I couldn't resist. No, it's all good. All good. sorry nikki i couldn't resist no it's all good all good yeah for me it's about like jits is about uh you know being cognitively clear and then also pacing yourself how uh
Starting point is 00:38:53 conducting a competing in a pace that you can keep for an extended period of time so like um i was brought up with a wrestling mentality that, you know, try harder and that's better. And in some situations, yeah. But, you know, like I said earlier, knowledge is king. And the more you know, the more you'll be able to grow. Nicky, so let me ask you this question. So if you go and, you know, you smoke before practice or whatever it is, if you have multiple training sessions, are you only doing it before one or do you just like kind of do it before
Starting point is 00:39:23 multiple sessions a day? Yeah, I probably do it before multiple sessions a day um yeah i probably do it before multiple sessions uh but not all the time i mean like i don't know it just makes it more fun like if i if i'm like groggy like some people do caffeine uh some people take pre-workout and shit like that i mean i drink some water some gatorade and you know a couple hits from a, and I'm usually good to go for a long time. Do you want to reach out if I couldn't drink coffee before a podcast? Almost 600 podcasts in. If I didn't drink coffee, I'd fucking freak. If I do coffee, it's usually after training because I have a crash after training, so coffee will pick me back up, and I'm kind of level for the second workout.
Starting point is 00:40:04 field pick me back up and I'm kind of level for the second workout. Dude, I like the, I like the coffee and the cold plunge. But the reason why I ask is because as you're, as you're getting prepared for ADCC, I'm just curious, like, dude, you're going to go smoke before your tournament at ADCC. Like, because if you're practicing that way, like typically like people always talk about, like, Oh, this is my game day nutrition. It's like, well, dude, if your game day nutrition is peanut butter and honey, well then why weren't you training that ahead of time to see how your stomach reacted to it? And I'm curious, like, if you're training that way leading up to it, why wouldn't you do that when you're there, too? You know, does it smell like weed at ADCC? I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I'll smell like weed at ADCC for sure. Yeah, I mean, the culture, it's a smoking culture, I would say. For sure. Honestly, I didn't do it before Jits. I was, like, completely against it. And then I tried it and trained one time, and I was like, oh, I think I like this. And, yeah, so, like, last ADCC, for sure, I smoked a J before the tournament started. No way.
Starting point is 00:41:03 Yeah, so, like, most people, I guess when they smoke when they smoke, they're pretty calm and they just want to chill. I smoke. I want to fight. So that's just what I'm accustomed to, and it's just been kind of part of my lifestyle. No way. There are those dudes. I'm sure Jason knows it too. You have to know it at B-Team.
Starting point is 00:41:22 But when I take my kids to jiu-jitsu there's always those guys that walk by and they just smell like a fuck they smell like a grow room oh yeah especially the gi on man because if you have a gi in a car it's gonna smell like weed for sure the real question is for well i saw some of the questions coming in on the comment section but the real question is when savon getting into some jiu-jitsu i mean this guy you talk about like you love it we got to get you in the we got to get you on the mat savon oh my goodness i'm so afraid that i'm fucking gonna someone i'm gonna tweak my back out there and i'm never gonna be okay again bro you're gonna be good man you just got to find the right training partner someone who's really good and is that true nikki i can do it with i mean i do
Starting point is 00:42:02 crossfit you think i can do without? I see a little contact coming up. Maybe we would take him through a little roll, Jason. Me and Devon will come out there and roll a little bit with you. Yeah, it'll keep you healthy, Devon. I think it's good to know how to handle yourself. You ever been in a fight? Not since high school. I'm 50.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I just slapped my kid around the other day. He's seven. Fucked him up. He elbow-legged like me i went down dude like if you give six months of to jujitsu you're talking like 90 percent of the world you could you could throw down to the ground and beat their ass if you had to oh i like that yeah i like that how old are you i'm 50 oh you're good bro you don't look a day over 40 you look good what what's the oldest guy at your gym, Nicky? I mean, we have a pretty competitive gym.
Starting point is 00:42:50 It's mainly people that want to do jits professionally. So probably like… Tim Kennedy looks like he's 64. Does he come in there? Tim Kennedy is one of those guys that puts an extreme amount of effort out when he's on the mat, for sure. You'll know that you're old with Tim Kennedy is one of those guys that puts an extreme amount of effort out when he's on the mat. For sure. You'll know that you're old with Tim Kennedy. Your back will be sore.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Your neck will hurt for sure. And I'm just joking. He's probably like 40, right? Yeah, yeah. No, he's 40-ish, something like that. God, right there he looks more like James Taylor. He looks more like a lover. He looks small.
Starting point is 00:43:22 He looks next to Nicky Rod. And he's fucking massive like there's a video of us uh doing jiu-jitsu together or i don't know i'm sure there's something of us staying he's he's huge i mean but nikki that's just a you out you out angled him for sure on that one uh by the angles for sure yeah hey nikki what is that like with people who train at both gyms they chain they train over Danahir's gym and your gym, like someone like him. I see content from him coming out of both camps. Yeah, I mean it's no problem.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I'm not like holding any grudges. I don't like care if people train here and there. I came up cross-training. When I first started JITS, I was training at multiple different gyms throughout the week. So I think you got to go where the tough roles are you know so i definitely respect it if you're trying to if you're trying to seek out that adversity um i do a show on friday mornings uh with the with this uh ufc fighter named uh darian weeks and then a comedian justin nunley and darianian's a welterweight in UFC 171. And he told me before fights he does three weeks of edging.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Do you know what edging is? Is that like not coming? Yeah. Three weeks of edging. That sounds kind of gay. That's discipline. Why is it? That sounds like how you're gonna
Starting point is 00:44:45 get prostate cancer you're not wow wow that doesn't sound safe wow hey and i just saw another study that if you go seven days without ejaculating on your eighth day you have a testosterone spike but that it drops down the next day i have a i have a theory to this right because there's plenty of people that like to like edge or like get to yeah get to to where they're gonna come and then don't i think people think that like oh you have to save it i think if you keep your balls empty your body be like fuck like we gotta keep producing tests right i think it's just busting all day long you ain't gonna wake up your body's more like oh fuck we don't have any we have to keep making more so you go from one a days to three a days.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Exactly. Three a days, yes. I've never heard it referred to as edging. Yeah. Totally. Not much. Do you know what your record is? My record?
Starting point is 00:45:38 Yeah. Did you ever try to set a record as a kid, most ejaculations in a day? Oh, probably five, six, seven. I think I could go unlimited if I had the time. It starts to hurt. It starts to hurt a little bit. It's weird. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:54 You probably need proper lubrication. I went for a record once as a young man, seven. And it really is like the seventh one is nothing like the first one. You're probably just dopamine depleted by the it's like you're it goes from shooting something with that's really smooth to like almost like shooting sandpaper it's not it's weird it's weird it's like it's just it's just the soldiers and not the uh just the swimmers without the lube it's weird i see i see anyway oh my god i had to ask do you still have the same girlfriend of 12 years uh yeah you're engaged now you know you're engaged congratulations oh thank you very
Starting point is 00:46:31 much and you're 25 uh 26 you know do you is there is there an end um is there is there an end for you like are you like okay at 36 i'm gonna be doing this, are you like, okay, at 36, I'm going to be doing this? Like, do you see? Yeah, I think at 36, I'll probably be like peaking. It seems like heavyweights hit their prime a bit later. Like 25 is usually a good time for prime. But it seems like the bigger you are, usually the later on in life, you'll be, you know, hitting your peak muscle maturity and peak testosterone and shit like that. So I think 35, I'll probably be hitting my peak stride.
Starting point is 00:47:14 And then, you know, hopefully own a bunch of businesses and stuff. You know, I have like part and part owner B team. I have some other stuff going on as well. Yeah. I mean, in Jits, it's not enough just to be an athlete. You have to be a bit of an entrepreneur if you really want to have a good lifestyle. Do you consider Jason big? Yeah, Jason's a big boy.
Starting point is 00:47:36 He is. I mean, Jason, what's your biggest size during competition? Were you like 205, 210? Yeah, when I was competing in CrossFit, i was like uh when i was uh competing in crossfit it was like 210 was like my go-to and when i tried to get lower i felt weaker when i tried to go heavier i couldn't do all the gymnastics so i like like that 208 210 uh which which i weigh so interestingly enough right now i weigh like 212 um i'm competing at 222 with the gi on i don't want to worry about weight.
Starting point is 00:48:05 I don't want to have to like stress out about that because I'm not good at cutting weight. I never did it professionally. So on Friday, that's what I'm competing at. But yeah, man, I've tried to go. I'm debating about trying to see 199 on the screen. I haven't seen below 200 on a weight scale since probably eighth grade i think um yeah i was a fat like i was a big kid and so i'm debating this is an idea i have which is dude i've gotten down like 201 for the jiu-jitsu tournament a little bit ago but i've never seen under 200 so i'm thinking
Starting point is 00:48:41 about doing that leading into the rogue invitational that's at the end of october just for the hell of it and see if i can get below 200 for the first time in 20 years are you pretty shredded at like 201 oh bro i'd be yeah i mean because right now i'm not like i'm like i'm okay you know but i think at 200 i think i'd be pretty pretty shredded yeah i that's why that's like how do i want to do it is i want to see like how shredded can i get hey in between for a crossfit right because you guys always ate for like your diet is for performance not for a cutting thing um are you eating like during a workout like say say you have uh say you're rolling right you're doing jits rolls and you have a 40 minute session and maybe take a 30 second break like or a break here and there. Are you doing like strictly water? Are you going
Starting point is 00:49:28 to eat some gummy bears and Gatorade or like you're just going to hydrate and go back to it? Yeah, it depends on the duration of the event. Like if it's a really long training session, I'll add in some type of sugars. I particularly love like peanut butter and honey. I think it's a great energy spike, a little bit more consistent energy with a little bit of fat and a little bit of protein in there. But yeah, in general, it depends on how long the duration of the session is. But like, if you're doing like an hour or two hour long, just straight cardio, yeah, you'd want to probably have something in the middle of it. Or if you're training and you want to like find that depletion stage where you're just like fucking getting wrecked.'s also not bad it's just if you're if you're trying to train for performance you'd want to fuel up at some point
Starting point is 00:50:09 in particular when you're when you're um strength training like if i'm doing if i'm doing like a strength session i'll maybe have a little snack and then and then i broke up my training days into three sessions like even today for example i was in the garage i worked out with my kids because that's just what i do at 6 a.m. And then I'm going to go train with some other group. And then I'll probably maybe do jiu-jitsu later on. So I have meals throughout the day, but training for performance. I want to see, hey, how does this food make me feel? And it's not so much about getting lean.
Starting point is 00:50:37 That just becomes a byproduct of all the training. So say you're doing, like sometimes you work out three times a day. So say you're doing, like sometimes you work out three times a day, right? Hypothetically, if you're in peak preparation for the games, right? If you're training three times a day, how long are the sessions and how intense is each session? Yeah, so typically this is like my, this is in my opinion what I think works really well, which is you wake up in the morning, you do some type of like fasted uh like longer duration cardio like let's just call like 30 40 minutes on the spin bike 30 40 minutes on the assault bike running whatever like kind of like just long slow distance cardio and then midday i would typically do like a like a two-hour
Starting point is 00:51:21 crossfit session that would be like couplets, heavy lifting, stuff like that in the middle of the day where I'm like awake. I feel good. I've already had something to eat. I don't like lifting heavy in the mornings. I need my body to start feeling primed and ready. I find that when I lift it in the mornings, it just wouldn't help me perform well. So in the morning, more longer cardio, because that's pretty easy to do right out of bed like I did this morning. Then later on in the day, get into some like traditional CrossFit, right? That would be like, you know, a 20-minute session, chill for a minute, get in a heavy lifting session, chill for a minute, hit in maybe like a seven-minute and hit different time domains where you're hitting anaerobic, aerobic, you know, five-minute burst to maybe 20-minute burst in the middle of the day. And then in the evening,
Starting point is 00:52:02 that's where I would go for stamina building. So evening stamina building sessions were traditionally EMOMs. And what I like about them is let's just take a, I wanted to build up my lat stamina, right? I would do an EMOM of 10 strict pull-ups every minute on the minute for 10 minutes, or I wanted to build up my shoulder stamina. I would do 10 strict pushups, handstand pushups every minute on the mat for 10 minutes, or I would get in 500 air squats to develop my leg stamina. So it would go like morning cardio afternoon was like my real session. And then evening was just my ability to develop some type of stamina in some gymnastics movement that maybe I was struggling with. Oh, wow. When's the last time you did something like that, Jason?
Starting point is 00:52:46 When's the last time you did something like that jason um you ever did when's the last time you did a three-day so like well it's tough to say like right now my current training protocol like right right this minute is i do jiu-jitsu every day and i also take our class pretty much every day so right now and dude jits like it beats me up especially right now man i'm going hard with guys getting ready for this competition on friday but then uh starting september 5th um like on monday or whatever i'm going to be all in getting ready for the rogue invitational not even because like i'm like competing in the pro division i'm competing in the legends division which will be fun it's more so just like i heard you took it really serious last year i heard like of all the people there you were fucking like the most serious you were like fuck we're winning this i took it i took it really serious last year. I heard like of all the people there, you were fucking like the most serious. You were like, fuck, we're winning this.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I took it. I took it really serious for the first year. It just gives me something to train for. Right. So I'm going to I'm going to be putting in the work. So I'll probably be doing like two days. I also want to see like, you know, Nikki brought up a good point. Like I'm 36.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Right. I started doing CrossFit when I was like 20 or 20. Yeah. And I thought that I was peaking. I actually think I got like man strength now or whatever you want to call it, old man strength. And I want to see like what I'm, what I'm capable of, you know? So I'm going to pivot my goals from jujitsu right now to pivoting, to seeing what I could clean and jerk, seeing what I could snatch, seeing if I can get some numbers and you know, shit, maybe even do the open. I don't know. I just, I want to have
Starting point is 00:54:04 something to kind of drive me right now. I'm feeling inspired. When I saw get some numbers and, you know, shit, maybe even do the open. I don't know. I just, I want to have something to kind of drive me right now. I'm feeling inspired. When I saw you in San Jose at that tournament six months ago, how much did you weigh? Cause you look lean as fuck there. At that one. I'm not that much different than what I weigh right now, but yeah. But, oh, you know, when you saw me though, i came off 40 days of eating just meat and some fruit and i was i was pretty i was pretty jacked at that one yeah you looked fucking nuts how was your performance on meat and fruit um perform mental clarity was really good
Starting point is 00:54:38 performance probably suffered a little bit um but because i had the carbohydrates from the fruit it wasn't as bad it just um what i needed in my body to eventually learn how to do is is is use fat as a fuel and so i do think there's some benefits for athletes to get into a state of ketosis like like look for like a ketogenic diet and try it for a while in the beginning you're gonna feel like shit and then afterwards you're gonna start being able to transfer and utilize these fats as fuel, which I think actually could benefit. So I was also wearing a continuous glucose monitor. I was doing a whole bunch of analysis. It just wasn't sustainable for my lifestyle. Like I'd be going out to eat with my family and I'd be that guy who's like, hey, I'll just take a steak.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And like, I don't know, it's like, you know, it's like a birthday and you're not having a muffin. It's like shit. That's not something I want't know. It's like, you know, it's like a birthday and you're not having a muffin. It's like shit. That's not something I want to do. Nikki, have you ever thought about having a harem? Would your what would your wife consider a harem? A harem? What is a harem? Like just where you have a bunch of girls like they all get along and they all hang out at the house together. I think the Mormons call it the polygamy.
Starting point is 00:55:45 But if you're Abu Dhabi guy, you call it a harem that sounds like it sounds like winning sounds like a championship lifestyle right there a harem this uh in former times i don't know why it has to be in former times i used to have a harem the separate part of a muslim household i wasn't muslim i don't know why it has to be muslim uh reserves for wives concubines and female servants so you had multiple multiple ladies at one time yeah that whole harem in college hey just for the record fucking harem of girls i'm looking at these comments just for the record i have not committed to competing in any master's competition i'm just doing the rogue invitational and yes jason versus rich 2024 geez geez louise this one's funny.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Jason is taking it all seriously, and everyone else is having fun. He's still going to get beat by Rich. That's pretty good. That's pretty funny. I like that. Jason, you've spent some time with guys like Rich Froning, right? Yeah, I've spent a lot of time with him. What do you think is the difference between a guy like that and like your your standard like top 20 you know crossfit competitor i mean rich in in particular
Starting point is 00:56:52 you know i spent a lot of time with him because him and i competed on team usa for crossfit when they had it we competed on it three years in a row together so we would train a lot together in preparation for that competition um and we still on the podium a few times together as well. So I'd say the difference maker was, I mean, his dedication to the craft, his dedication to the sport. You know, I'd say it's twofold. Number one is showing up on game day, which I'm sure you've seen. There's plenty of guys that go in on the mats and they can't perform. And number two is literally just his relentless pursuit, man.
Starting point is 00:57:24 I mean, all day, every day. Like I thought I trained hard and then you go there and it's just like, you're just in his barn or in his basement, like literally all day, every day. And so I think it was a combination of those things, like his dedication, his ability to perform because he was very athletic and still is. And then, you know, his God-given talentiven talent you know he also had a lot of faith in which i think drove him right he believes that you know god gave him a gift and he wants to go express it and i think things like that help him perform so yeah i'd say it's his mental toughness and it's his grit and it's his you know consistency who's the who's the crossfit goat in your opinion
Starting point is 00:58:02 the goat well i mean uh tia to me talking about oh yeah yeah so if you want if you want i mean she has six straight wins before that if i'm not mistaken she took two seconds she's also an olympian in in um in uh uh olympic way Jason stop avoiding the question. What about dudes? Um, well for dudes it's it's okay for dudes individual overall in the sport. I think rich because he has more championships than anybody else from individual and team. He's just been dominant for like a decade, but individual for just, for just non team, then it'd be Matt because because Matt has five first places and Rich has four.
Starting point is 00:58:49 And I think that's- You need to get Jason in a headlock and ask him again. Just really get it just cinched on there and just ask him a few times. He's dancing around. I'm dancing. I'm dancing. It's not as easy of a question, because you could also make the argument, Rich and Matt only competed the games together once and Rich won.
Starting point is 00:59:06 But you could also then say, well, Matt went on to win five first places. So it's like, I don't know, man. I know I'm waffling because both the guys are incredible. So sorry, I'm not that controversial today. Nikki, let's say you're training. So where does innovation come from in the sport? Let's say you have a really strict schedule. You're going to train twice and you're going to this in the morning is going to be I don't know how you break it up.
Starting point is 00:59:31 But when does innovation come in and does it come with you have to be like, OK, fuck, I'm going to have to abandon my training today because I want to innovate. I think I've spotted something I'm going to have to schedule innovation and learning comes comes like, you you know be either far before or after competition like if i'm a a couple months or a few weeks out from comp you know we're just sharpening the tools that we have um but when you have a good break when you have three four months in between competitions then you can focus on implementing a new game plan or a new strategy and uh and really, you know, that's the time to learn. I think some people try to like learn a little bit too much,
Starting point is 01:00:11 too close to competition. It can kind of affect how they compete. But, you know, if you're close to competing, you're, you're really not going to learn anything that's going to change, change you that much. So for sure, like, you know, in between comps, if you have a few months to, for me it doesn't very rarely can i learn a move and then do it on a world-class athlete immediately like usually takes a few weeks a few months for me to really ingrain that because it's not just about the move it's about all right you have to learn a setup for it now you have to learn multiple setups all right now what happens if you fail this move now what's the sequence to escape if once you fail the move so there's there's a lot of
Starting point is 01:00:48 things that kind of uh you know intertwine when you're trying to learn you know how he gordon did that thing where like he he hands the envelope like to the judges and then like they open it up and he submitted the guy with the triangle and he calls advance um have you thought about doing that to him when you come across him like just to fuck with him and then they open the triangle and he calls advance. Have you thought about doing that to him when you come across him, like just to fuck with him? And then they open the envelope and it's just one guy standing behind another guy railing him. Yeah. I mean, maybe you can do that to your friends, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:19 I'm more when I compete, I think it pretty seriously you know like um i feel like when i'm on the mat and i and i'm competing i feel like this guy is trying to kill me you know so i kind of treat it that way yeah i i remember you i remember asking you if uh in the last time you were on if you take it easy on people like you start to submit them and you feel like it's gonna be something bad's gonna happen you stop and you're like no no it's it's tear the limbs off yeah the thing is man like if you're in a submission like say you know somebody's got you in a submission competition they're gonna try to break you like very rarely is the guy gonna get an arm bar and like wait for you to tap like usually he's gonna try to break your arm so
Starting point is 01:02:02 you can't be nice to to your opponents you know they know where they're signing up for you know as a and as bad as it sounds you some guys will take a break and they won't even tap so you break it you can break somebody's arm and they they don't tap and they're still in the fight so you you really can't have sympathy you there's no mercy for the enemy when you're competing will your mom and dad go to adcc yes yeah they'll be there for sure wow hey nikki what did you think about gordon's uh so with penna like was it just me or was that like the weirdest fight of all time given given everything that was going on i know there was a lot of emotions and a lot of but like was it just weird because he actually seemed like
Starting point is 01:02:41 he was doing pretty good it seemed like i thought it was a like i know gordon said he wasn't ramping it up yet but i thought it was like it seemed to me like it was a pretty like you know good match and all of a sudden just like ended i mean was it weird to you too yeah it's it's an endurance game man and like the more there's a bit of a psychological thing that goes on. Like if, if you feel your opponent, like kind of gaining momentum, it takes, it takes like some momentum away from your mentality. So like the guy in tap,
Starting point is 01:03:14 cause he got a submission. He, he quit cause he got exhausted. Like he was tired. He felt like he couldn't gain an edge and Penna quit. I mean, and I, if I had to guess, I mean, actually somebody asked me what I think was going to happen in the match, and I said pretty much what happened. I was like, I think Gordon's going to get on top of this guy and wear him out until he mentally breaks.
Starting point is 01:03:40 I don't think Gordon was – I think he got a phone call. He got a swipe. He'll swipe up and be back He got a text Alright, boom, we're good Sorry, we're good? Yeah So, Gordon
Starting point is 01:03:54 I think his goal was to just make him quit I think he can sub Pena He can pull to a leg He can kind of get inside him if he wanted to. But I think it's almost a better win. Like, it makes Pena look worse that he tapped because he was – he mentally broke as opposed to a real submission.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Like, that's worse. Like, you just quit and there was no physical threat. There's no physical harm going on. You're just on bottom and you're giving up. I think that's probably the best way you could ever win. Like if you just make an opponent – like imagine you're at the CrossFit Games and you're a few steps ahead of this guy that's behind you. He sees you just killing it and he's like, yeah, I'm done.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Like I can't compete with you. That's pretty fucking impressive. Yeah. Yeah, I've i've had i had one moment like that at a one event one time but anyways um hey how about when robbie lawler and nick diaz were fighting and you saw that in uh in in their last fight i'd never seen that in the ufc fight nick diaz was just like i'm good and no one no one judged him for it but do you remember that he's kind of dropped he's like and robbie lawler's like and then they just called the fight bro it's fighting taking punches to the brain is is a different thing man like you're endangering your life out there i think if your body knows
Starting point is 01:05:14 like i shouldn't be in there taking you know banging with these dudes i think then you should you shouldn't be in there like a fight is not something you should take like on like 60 percent like you're you kind of have a little bit of a camp you have to be all in if you're gonna hop in the cage is is there um are you interested in dabbling in that at all or it sounds like you're more like ready to be a businessman in 10 years than a uh fucking cherry i'd much rather i'd much rather coach you know like uh i think i think uh it's there's so kids are you gonna have kids kids yeah oh yeah i'm gonna have probably one in every weight class i love it good that's a fucking
Starting point is 01:05:52 brilliant idea that's the best answer i've ever need world champions can't let this bloodline go to waste you know yes yeah so coaching for you i mean that's it's yeah i think that'd be more fun for me. I don't have to take any punches, and I have the best grappling style for fighting. I have takedowns, I have submission game. And the best wrestlers can't do jiu-jitsu. The best medium of the both is a guy like Khabib where he has decent jits and phenomenal wrestling and great ability to control an opponent on the ground and against the cage. So I think I'd have much more fun in life producing and developing fighters to where they have striking already. I can give them a solid game plan on the ground to keep them out of danger and help them dominate. How often do you strike? Do you ever hit bags or mitts?
Starting point is 01:06:51 I mean, I've struck a little bit just like, you know, playing around. But I can't fathom MMA, mixed martial arts fighting because like I'm focused on jiu-jitsu. I'm like, I'm trying to learn as much as possible about one sport. And then to even think about fighting, there's so much other things you need to learn it's like i i can't even understand like i the amount of time it would take for me to think that i'm ready prepared to hop in a cage it would take it would take years so i'm really not interested in that but i like the idea of developing fighters
Starting point is 01:07:21 hey nikki i gotta ask you this question what do you think is the future of jiu-jitsu in terms of the duration and the type of match? Because, dude, when you go to these non-ending matches, dude, it's like, come on. And when you go for like an hour, dude, that's a long time too. At some point, it's all about the spectators. It's all about how many people can we get to come and engage with this event. So ADCC is 15 minutes. then the finals are 40 minutes i think that's the optimal like duration or what do you think is the optimal duration for the growth report so you'd be in there in the finals jason he'll be in there for if it's like him and gordon they would be it's like go and then it's 40
Starting point is 01:08:00 minutes of them in a circle 20 minute 20 minute-minute regular time. If there's no points, you have two 10-minute overtimes, so 40-minute final. Wow. That's a long time. That's a long-ass time, right, Savant? Fuck. That's crazy. Standing for 40 minutes a bitch. Dude, and what people don't realize about jiu-jitsu, which I think hopefully athletes are waking up to,
Starting point is 01:08:21 and I think about this all the time working with athletes here in jiu-j it's an endurance event like dude not only are you going one time for 15 minutes you're then resting recovering and going again in the same day sometimes two maybe even three times in that day so i mean that's that's there's a lot it's like it's like the crossfit games it's like an event an event an event um anyway it's hard because like if you look at wrestling right wrestling has one set rules one specific amount of time that you're going to compete for so i think it makes it much harder to prepare for an event like similar to crossfit where you don't know exactly how long you're going to be out there for so it makes it tough i do think if there was a standard time like all right 10 minute matches 15 minute matches um i think if there was a standard time, like, all right, 10-minute matches, 15-minute matches,
Starting point is 01:09:07 I think if there was a standard time that was throughout the event and through to the final, I think it would make it much better for the spectators. Because now you have five, six weight classes, all 40-minute matches. It's like, are you going to sit there for six hours watching matches? I don't think that's really good for the audience. is watching matches i don't think that's uh that's really good for the audience i saw i saw that one of the rules at adcc if i if i heard it right was that there's uh you can't score points in the first five minutes and the reason for that is so that people will take more risks yeah i mean this is all like it's all just uh like develop they developed this rule set like through perspective
Starting point is 01:09:43 like years ago they were like oh we think this will be fun, and they kind of implemented it. But I think they need to have athletes develop a rule set. If I had to pick my own rule set, I'd say ADCC rules, points active the whole time, 15-minute match. If there's no points, judge a decision. And if there are points, well the decision and and uh if the points will whoever has those points wins i think taking the points away from the first five minutes it kind of does uh like it
Starting point is 01:10:14 it makes it i think the idea behind it was good where they were like oh like these people will be more inclined to chase the submission but what really happens is nobody tries anything till the last five minutes because they're like oh i can't score i might as well just fucking right it backfires on them yeah i might as well just cruise until points are active so it makes it a bit tough on some people and that's i was saying earlier like some some of these guys are accustomed to being relaxed and taking breaks when they can and then when i go in there i try to kill them from the second it starts to the second it ends so it's the big discrepancy in effort and uh you know that's why i got i got to where i got pretty quick i i i did like i i don't know who it was
Starting point is 01:10:58 but i saw you do a match one time and it was 15 minutes long and um it was three rounds but they didn't let you take a break between rounds and they just yelled out who was winning i thought that was fucking kind of cool oh yeah yeah yeah that's uh i think that was for grappling's uh who's number one and yeah it's tough like the one of the hardest aspects of jiu-jitsu is that every time you compete if you did it with a different uh and if it's in a different event, then it's a different rule set. So like who's number one has different rule sets than ADCC, than submission on the ground grappling. So like it really does make it hard to game plan when you're getting
Starting point is 01:11:38 scored differently. Will there be a documentary made about your progress this year? Will there be a camera crew following you from when you touch ground in Vegas to the end? I think so. I think Flo Grapplin is going to have some guys with us, but I'm not entirely sure. They did drop Black Belt Slayer 2, which is about my little brother. That's on YouTube as well. I'm actually going to bug him tonight.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Cool. How do you feel about that win or lose? How do you feel about a camera in your face after it's over? You comfortable either win or lose? Yeah, I mean, in media, you got to have good media if you're going to, you know, kind of grow your brand. So I understand it's part of the sport and the lifestyle. So the more, you know, content, quality content you create, the more you can document your then you know the bigger brand is going to become jason was one of the first to figure that out in crossfit which was pretty awesome um let me ask you this so you have someone like t at the crossfit games and um she's now she's suggesting that she's been there six times and when i if i when i think of people besides she's won six times yeah sorry um and every time you don't beat her you missed an opportunity to fucking take her soul right because let if she doesn't come back next year and someone else wins like now justin madaris didn't he didn't get a chance to beat
Starting point is 01:12:56 matt fraser so now he has to build his his his resume but if he would have fucking beat fraser we'd all be like oh fuck right if you if you beat Gordon do you see this at all is like you cannot fuck this up like you have to take this and then take all his fucking you because you get all his shit you know what I mean when you beat him like all of us are like well it's done Nicky's
Starting point is 01:13:18 the best ever yeah whereas if you don't then you have to fucking you get 10 years of work ahead of you and what if you don't see him again what if he gets hit by a bus to the day after the competition yeah i mean uh i'm just i'm just trying to lay out yeah i hear you i i don't really uh think that in depth into things like that i just take it for what it is there's a guy in front of me he wants to hurt me and i gotta hurt him first right right hey that's an interesting point, Savant. I hadn't thought about through that lens, right?
Starting point is 01:13:47 Like if you said like Justin beating Frazier would have been different for Justin's career. He'd have a million followers instead of 500,000. I hate to be so superficial and shallow, but fuck. Yeah, and that definitely matters. Yeah. Are you in the best shape of your life? Me? Yeah. matters yeah um are you in the best shape of your life me yeah um no because i i think i'll be
Starting point is 01:14:08 in better shape uh you know as time goes on i mean i'm in i'm in phenomenal shape now i've done everything i believe i should be doing to prepare for adcc properly um i'm in fantastic shape um but what i will be in the future will will be a shadow of what this is now yeah you look fucking amazing dude thank you fuck i'm i'm pumped i'm pumped to see you i'm stoked you came on um i'm done with you until until until i get the desire to text you again are there any movements in crossfit that that you think people should to just avoid like a common workout or movement that's just like kind of unnecessary and maybe maybe just gives you a bit more risk for jits or for just in general well i
Starting point is 01:14:58 did i get i think just for like uh fitness in general like is there any specific like workouts or or or movements that we should that somebody like me should avoid just because it's kind of risky or something like that yeah i mean well for for me when i'm working with the guys here because i've been working heavily with mason fowler who will be competing at adcc and we really think about like the the big movers right the the pressing the squatting we, we do some Olympic lifting from a hang position, but like, we don't really do like, I'll give you an example for him. We're not doing full squat snatches. We're not doing necessarily rope climbs or muscle ups or handstand pushups. It's just for him and his sport, anything that's more sports specific to CrossFit,
Starting point is 01:15:42 we shy away from that really rope climb too jason rope climb tell me it's just like for example a rope climb like he's getting so much grip work with other stuff that he's doing and we could do that with with hanging towel pull-ups it's just when i think about like in the grand scheme of things like look do our rope climb beneficial muscles of course like great do it but some of those are more specific to the sport of crossfit i think about what is a baseline for general strength conditioning and then how does that relate to jiu-jitsu so we avoid things like like for example overhead squat for him is there benefit for core development absolutely but if i only have so much time with our athletes i'd rather
Starting point is 01:16:21 have them probably doing front squat or back squat or box squat or something of that nature so i would be avoiding anything that like requires a significant amount of skill set that is more relatable to the sport of fitness versus your sport if that makes sense i see yes like pistols are a great example would never have you doing oh let me let me just push back real quick on one thing sorry sorry niggy let me push back i i think pistols are okay if you do them as candlesticks as you do them as negatives i so so basically instead of instead like go down slowly and then roll to your back as opposed to doing a pistol going down and trying to stand back up and i would say the same thing with bar muscle ups if you're if you're if you want to protect your shoulder i would do bar
Starting point is 01:17:04 muscle ups from the top i'd climb up top and do a slow negative and sure and then i would warm up like that as opposed to like fucking pulling through doing a chicken wing and hurting yourself and i would say that i mean candlesticks are fucking great for your core too right do do single leg candlesticks yeah i mean you don't even have to stand back up from the bottom you could roll to your side and do it yeah i mean I mean, Nikki, let's put it this way. If you had limited time and you were trying to get the most value out of your quote unquote CrossFit training, there's a,
Starting point is 01:17:31 there's a, there's a, so let's just say CrossFit out here in terms of margins. Right. And over here you have pistols and squat snatches and fuck whatever. I would, I would, I would be narrowing it down and looking at which ones provide you the best
Starting point is 01:17:44 bang for your buck from a time perspective and also a complementary to how your body's feeling like for example in jits if you're always pulling if you're always in this position maybe doing some curls or hanging from a bar really opens up that shoulder i start watching specific deficiencies that are developed in jiu-jitsu because of all your wrestling and rounded positions and those are the things that we've been focusing on more and more um in in like the training that i do with the jiu-jitsu guys versus like a general fitness program or even the sport of fitness which is crossfit you know i guess what do you think you should avoid uh nikki what have you seen that you're like ah that fucking thing is too risky well i mean there's a i think body styles you know like what which are naturally
Starting point is 01:18:27 able to do matters a lot but like i lifted a lot previously as a bodybuilder like trying to put on put on muscle but now i uh i see like when i'm doing jits i'm less moving an opponent but but rather i'm moving myself around an opponent. So I like the idea of moving my body weight as much as possible, whether I'm doing muscle-ups, pull-ups, or bodyweight exercises. Or if I have a bar, I rarely exceed my own body weight when I'm pulling on a bar. on a bar so like um yeah i think just having the idea of being better at moving my own body around around people as opposed to moving moving that person moving that heavy amount of weight yeah like i'm looking at the stuff that you're doing online and like the stuff that you and i even worked in person and those are the things that give you good bang for the buck the hang cleans
Starting point is 01:19:21 the thrusters the burpees the the rowing, those are all phenomenal for carry over to jujitsu. And then also a lot more mobility work. You know, I think that we don't do enough soft tissue work in terms of like pre and post. That's something I've been working on. Quad smashing, couch stretch. Those are things I think would also help your jits and just your body feeling really good. But yeah, the stuff you're doing looks good it's this it's the it's the outer layers of movement that require a significant amount of technique you're getting coached in jiu-jitsu so unless you're getting coached in your movement as well i would avoid like certain movements that are kind of like like a full squat snatch requires a coach to kind of look and see how you're moving i just think for you it just might not be the right time for that
Starting point is 01:20:04 you know maybe after adcc fuck yeah if you want to learn how to do that i could definitely help you out yeah yeah i hear you man yeah sandbag work that's a good way to awesome dude thanks for coming on i'm pumped to watch hey where can people watch is it do you have to subscribe is it flow is it youtube how do people um yeah i believe you have to subscribe to flow grappling to watch it live and then they're gonna drop some matches on youtube as well yeah would you be handing your instagram account over to anyone like a friend or to make sure they're getting good shit for us to um i'll i'll be posting i'll have i'll have some posts uh set up usually i get flooded with uh pictures and stuff like after every matches so i'll keep you guys posted throughout the throughout the event all right cool dude you're the man yeah i'm fired up i'll be there nikki so
Starting point is 01:20:50 i'll be uh i'll be rooting for you um yeah man it's gonna be exciting it's gonna be exciting time all right but i'll see you in vegas man all right cheers dude thank you yep thank you i didn't get to kick him off kick yourself up Do I close out now? How does that work? You can, if you want to. You can hang on with me. We're still live. Oh, you're still live? Yeah, you know what's funny?
Starting point is 01:21:11 Oh, what's up, man? What's up, brother? I have caller numbers. This is where it gets spicy at the end. Yeah, this is where it gets crazy. It's going to get weird. Those of you who were expecting Alex Stein, he at the last minute said he couldn't make the show.
Starting point is 01:21:24 It sounds like we're rescheduling him for Thursday. For those of you who don't Alex Stein, he at the last minute said he couldn't make the show. It sounds like we're rescheduling him for Thursday. For those of you who don't know who Alex Stein is, he went to war with AOC on the Capitol steps, told us she was a big booty hoe. Big booty Latina. And then recently he fucking schooled David Portnoy from Barstool Sports, fucking schooled his ass. He's getting lit up now yeah uh so but alex i don't know what he's doing hopefully he's getting testosterone treatment or something hey how funny was that uh what did you call it where you don't uh where you don't edging edging
Starting point is 01:21:57 i've never heard it referred to as that i got dude that was good popular popular topic on this show edging bring it up with we bring it up with all the high performers. Oh, my gosh. All right. Well, hey, Savant, I hope everybody listening has a great day. And how quick does Jason bounce? Oh, meaning how quick before you leave the show? Oh.
Starting point is 01:22:20 He's on his way out. Don't interrupt him. He's giving his final monologue. Don't interrupt him. Oh, no, I was just saying uh thanks for having me on man always a good time and yeah nikki rod he's gonna go it's gonna be a a really legit competition coming up in vegas so if you guys are not into jujitsu i think it'll still be exciting hey jason sorry quick quick question man if we were to start rolling through a ton of these jujitsu players what are the likelihood to get you on a kind of co-host
Starting point is 01:22:48 like this in the future oh dude i'll talk to any of these guys man i love jujitsu you know i'm uh i'm hopefully you know gonna be getting my next belt by the end of the year um i'm competing yeah oh wow shit yeah um i'm competing in a couple of days. I try and put my money where my mouth is, where, you know, I'm a big believer in like getting uncomfortable and putting in the effort and, uh, you might as well go see how you stack up against your competitors. So I'm doing on the 16th, uh, the Kaiser. No, cause that's, uh, um, Oh, that's the same weekend as ADCC. Okay. Yeah, no. So this weekend, this weekend is in Vegas. I'm going to Vegas on Friday, um, to go compete for master worlds,
Starting point is 01:23:33 which is like, if you're basically the way I was told is like, if you're an amateur and you're not like a professional jujitsu athlete, this is, you know, the biggest competition of the year. So there's 30 people in my, in my bracket, which is a lot. And, uh, for me to win, you know, I'll take like five fights so i'll keep you guys posted on how it goes hey dude it goes really good you know what i would do doesn't i won't hey jason why don't you have someone stream with your phone directly to your youtube channel susan and i were talking about this all your matches just from the fucking stands oh so they don't have to be seen on flow graphing so i'm having someone come to film them but i don't know like what the rules are i'll have to anyway yes if i could do stuff like that i will especially if i'm winning i'll definitely do it um but i don't do you know any
Starting point is 01:24:14 do you know the top guy in that class is he a beast no you don't even know him you haven't researched him nothing i don't know anybody i don't know who i'm going with like the brackets come out tomorrow so we'll see what's up. But yeah. And then, and then, and then, and then boom, after that full throttle to train for the rogue invitational in regards to some of these questions about, um, the weight on the barbell in the video, I'm unfamiliar with what that is, uh, Bailey. So, um, I'll have to go look at it up. I'm unfamiliar with any controversy. unfamiliar with any controversy oh so basically what happened is is uh travis i think it's this there was a couple of them i think yeah if you could pull up travis mayers what's caleb laughing at if you could pull up travis mayers instagram account caleb um basically travis did the workout but he forgot to show the weight of his bar and the weight of his weights you had on a scale you had to actually put it on the scale and even though and so he didn't qualify and so he doesn't get to go he got he got his and travis takes full responsibility for it he says hey that's my fault
Starting point is 01:25:10 i didn't follow the rules yet these obviously are rogue weights and a rogue bar so it was a little weird it's a little weird it's a little weird oh man that's like one of those like yeah but you know what though the thing about that is and i was unfamiliar with this but the thing about that is like so this dude's obviously legit there's no question that travis mayer is legit as hell right and there's no question those are rogue 45 pound bumper plates and no question that's a rogue barbell um i think where it gets iffy is that they make an exception for him right then it's like oh well why is the exception well he's the premier crossfit games athlete using rogue equipment well it just it just opens the door to other you know kind of issues in the future so i could see why they didn't do that yeah and if they let him in then
Starting point is 01:25:54 then of course the next question came with who do you sleep with to get uh to get that kind of variance to get that special treatment and that's immediately where we go right jason yeah yeah i don't know about i'm not that's not my it's not part of my uh my normal routine but strategy of his it's not a strategy of mine jason slept his way to the podium one year yeah oh man um all right well hey i guess you guys. Yeah, all good. To answer some of the questions from earlier. Yes, I've been having a lot of talks with CrossFit and they've been going really well. I've been talking to Dave, been talking to Don a lot. I've known Don for a long time. I think he's gonna be doing some really good things across the leadership area. You did know Don? How do you know Don? I just I knew him through because he's in
Starting point is 01:26:45 he's in the bay area so i've known him for a while did you ever train with him um yeah oh that's awesome shit that's really cool i talked to him before he came i talked to him before he became ceo as well that's what i mean so like you knew him yeah you it you like years ago like you've seen him around the crossfit space i i want to say that he trained at crossfit palo alto right um no he was he was training for a while at redwood city with us oh at at nc fit yeah well that yeah that was yeah he's he bounced you know he goes around but yeah so i've known him for a while and i think he's gonna do really good things so um that is very reassuring for me and all the other leadership.
Starting point is 01:27:25 I think there's a lot of upside and great potential for Cross right now. So it's exciting having conversations with them because it's probably the best I've felt with them in years as far as where the direction is going. Since 2008, since you walked off the podium in 2008. No, no, no, no, no. Slid straight down until 2020. No, I'm going to keep having good conversations with them and maybe we'll reconvene on another podcast at some time and talk through some more strategy steps.
Starting point is 01:27:56 I mean, your friendship with Dave is the closest it's ever been. Yeah, I mean, with Dave, you know, and this is a really good testament just to like life and perspective in general. with Dave, you know, and this is a really good testament just to like life and perspective in general. Like people, you know,
Starting point is 01:28:08 I think people can have disagreements in certain areas. Maybe they could see things differently because of their whatever. Um, but over time, I think as long as you're a mutually aligned, uh, you know, I think Dave's a good guy and I think that he's gone,
Starting point is 01:28:22 he's done a lot for CrossFit. He's done a lot for the sport. It's done a lot for me personally. Shit. He's the first person that hired me for CrossFit HQ to teach seminars where I learned a lot of the craft. He's the first one that gave me an opportunity to, you know, win the CrossFit Games, which, you know, catapulted a bunch of stuff. So I have a lot of, you know, love and respect for him and what he's done for me. And we just kind of saw things a little bit differently over the years. Um, I was a little bit, you know, and some other people, uh, at HQ and, um, but that's changed. So things have changed. And so it requires more of a conversation
Starting point is 01:28:55 now. Awesome. That is cool. And you, and you took your son there to, uh, shoot with him at the ranch multiple times. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My. My son... That's always a good sign. Yeah, my son's really interested in... Yeah, he loves the marksmanship side. So it's been great. I mean, who better to learn from him? He's a healthy young man who has an affinity for guns. In a healthy way.
Starting point is 01:29:20 In a healthy way. All right, Jason. Thanks, brother. All right, guys. Have a good one. Thanks, Jason. Yesterday, or a couple days ago i saw a post on youtube that um something that dave or someone took and posted on um instagram where it talks about dave and i working out at an affiliate together in san diego and he takes some shots at me like basically dave does dave does yeah i think it's on the maybe it's on the gone rogue instagram account and he takes some shots at me
Starting point is 01:29:52 uh it's it's not how i remember it um it going down the workout basically basically i he claims that like i think he got 22 minutes and i got 27 minutes and I scaled and I was claiming that I was really close to him and he's telling me how absurd it is did you post that on yes hi welcome
Starting point is 01:30:19 what's up bud how are you oh shit he did it again well welcome to the Matt show I am here Welcome. What's up, bud? How are you? Oh, shit. He did it again. Well, welcome to the Matt Show. I am here. Caleb, don't steal my thunder by putting this up now, damn it. Get that out of here. Get that out of here.
Starting point is 01:30:35 It's my time to shine, buddy. My goodness. I have the whole thing to myself, and you put up a video. I was just getting ready to kill it. When I swipe down sometimes, it just knocks ready to kill it. When I swiped out, sometimes it just knocks me off the pod. Yeah. The laptop.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Rookie. Rookie mistakes, man. Rookie mistakes. Come on, clean it up. Only 600 shows. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:30:55 You don't have to shout. We can hear you. Just wanted to call you. I appreciate your show. Listen to it a lot. You know, definitely like what you guys are doing. So great job. Have a good you. I appreciate your show. Listen to it a lot. Uh, you know, definitely like what you guys are doing. So great job.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Have a good day. Thank you, brother. Appreciate it. Keep the edging up. So, ah, geez,
Starting point is 01:31:13 Louise is coded. I told that when he dropped off the second time, I was like, this is it. It's my time to shine. Here we go. Okay. So the drop by 50 people.
Starting point is 01:31:21 Great. Play this clip. And then I'm going to tell a story. This is from the Gone Rogue Instagram account. Oh, no. Oh, no. This is my Instagram. Not that one.
Starting point is 01:31:32 Call her hi. Hey, tell those wrenches to let me have a timeout. Oh, what's your name? Elise. Elise. Oh. Wait, why are you in timeout? Miss Riddell, you got fucking timed out?
Starting point is 01:31:45 I guess. How is that possible? Someone got you got fucking timed out. I guess. How is that possible? Someone must have done it on accident. Oh, shit. Someone's going to lose their wrench. I know who wrench. Who did that? Who did?
Starting point is 01:31:53 Who? Oh, look at. I hope it's Elise calling in. Hey, what does that mean that you timed out? What did you say? Did you talk about how short I was or something? That's the only that's the only. Oh, I was. I always behave always yeah um i wonder what happened how did they untime out you
Starting point is 01:32:12 oh bruce someone broke bruce you motherfucker bruce yeah bruce did it he's been drinking a lot why yeah how can you here what if we give elise Can we go? Can we give a lease? Yeah. Give her Bruce's. I need a hammer. Can you make my rent a hammer? No one should ever be put on. No one really should ever be put on timeout. Yeah. Just the bots guys.
Starting point is 01:32:36 Just the bots. I think they were just kidding, but let's not let it happen. Really? Because if you're on actual time, it's not. How long does a timeout last? It lasts a long time.
Starting point is 01:32:49 I've put like 10 comments up. God. Damn it, Bruce Wayne. All right, all right. You get it straightened out. I'll let you go. Yeah, we'll handle the matter. Don't worry.
Starting point is 01:33:01 Okay, let's play this clip. Let's play a few minutes of this. What the fuck is Dave saying? Let's see what he see what you have here drop in and take the hour class i took seven with me to one of them and uh there was this massive chipper and uh he we finished it and he's like dude i was right on your i was right on your tail he goes i finished right behind you i was like dude that's 22 minutes and he goes yeah it's 27 minutes i was right behind you like you weren't even fucking close and not only were you not close you scaled like five or six things and i didn't scale anything he's like oh oops he goes oh not a big deal not a big deal so uh yeah i don't i don't i'd like to compare apples to apples and not apples to oranges okay okay i did this workout i want to tell you a
Starting point is 01:33:46 little bit how i remember there's a little so whatever the workout was i can't remember what the workout was it was a chipper and we ended up yes i'm glad you're free and we ended up outside with a bar we had to do something with the bar outside and basically whatever it was it did go down i think i was probably five i finished five finished five minutes behind him. But how I remember it is, let's say it was like, um, um, lunges with 135 pounds at the end. I came unglued with five reps left and put on two minutes or something. You know what I mean? It was like, I'm going to, I'm going to stick with my story and say I was close, but I want to tell you another story about the first time, maybe the first time I worked out with Dave. It was me, Dave, and I want to say it was even Justin Berg. And maybe someone else.
Starting point is 01:34:33 I don't remember. Maybe there were four of us. And there was only one bar. And in this workout, there were 135-pound thrusters. And so they put everyone in order of who they thought was the – because you had to pass through the 135 pound thruster bar like four or five times. It was like five rounds. And they put everyone in order of, uh, um, of who they thought was the best. And I was at the last, and I'm thinking to myself, like I was a thruster machine back in my day,
Starting point is 01:35:00 one 35 pound thruster. That was my go-to. I warm up with that shit. But I just kept my mouth shut and as i remember as i remember i was fucking always waiting davy put himself right up in the front and i was always every round every round except the first round i was waiting the fastest thrusters that's that's how about that one davey in the garage in san diego the san diego house clip it when you were rich when you were rich when you lived with the rich and famous in san diego davey
Starting point is 01:35:41 your neighbor had the lambo your neighbor had the lambo. Your neighbor had the Lambo. Remember that house? You lived in the sweet cul-de-sac. Oh, getting specific now. Motherfucker. Telling stories. I got some stories working out with you. We've all seen the deadlift. Yeah. At least the deadlift, he stood it up.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Just took a minute. An hour later later you better stick uh you better stick to telling bar muscle-up stories you're a fucking one-trick pony weighted pull weighted pull-ups and bar muscle-up stories feel workout video coming to the newsletter soon i i've been in i've been in uh uh newport for two weeks and i'm and dave thinks he can talk shit i'm coming home coming home daddy's coming home don't forget i live 11 miles i know where you fucking live i got the i got i know the code to your fucking little gated community there and fucking choloville i don't think i don't know he thinks
Starting point is 01:36:42 you're getting soft on that memory foam mattress there. Fuck that dude. Talking shit. Oh, yeah. You did get called out by Kerstetter. And I am going to do that. What was that workout? I will do that.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Toes to bar. Oh, yeah, yeah. I saw that. That's going to be a problem. Every time I see those, I just feel bad for your back. I'm like, oh, can we pick another one? I can do toes to bar. I don't
Starting point is 01:37:05 even know if i oh god it ends up like 185 i think for the weight that yeah i don't i know i don't even think i've clean and jerked uh i don't even think i've clean and jerked 155 and forever but i've been fucking out with 135 oh look at that shrug. What is, oh, ooh. Ooh, ooh. Tender, it's tender. I'll come over and coach you. We'll get a good warmup going. Feels like someone has a fucking thumb in my ass when I do that.
Starting point is 01:37:39 We'll get some bird dogs going. Hypothetically speaking, of course. How would I know? Oh my gosh. All right. So I guess, no, Alex Stein, we'll reschedule him. Yeah, first a little bit. Hopefully for later on.
Starting point is 01:37:55 And then tonight we have Jorge Ventura. There is a documentary called Narcofornia. Narcofornia. is a documentary called narcofornia narcofornia uh the daily caller put it out um and it's a jorge ventura's uh documentary and uh i watched it last night and we will be talking about today fuck it's kind of scary what's going on in california gavin newsom's not a good not a really good dude gavin newsom's a fucking joke well it's um do you see that video when he's standing in the railroad tracks in la like of the commuter train and it just looks like looks like a war-torn third world country he's like how
Starting point is 01:38:30 did it get like this i don't get it it's like what the fuck motherfucker you have french laundry dicking around with your rich friends everybody else is over here getting the sludge well we're gonna tax you more though yeah fuck off man and we had a chance to recall him and we didn't it's bizarre well we didn't because the person was a fringe minority racist oh oh larry elder oh i don't have the book here i'm reading this book called sway it's like you know you know he said that by the way that everyone who support larry elder's a black guy for those you don't know and he said that everyone who supported him was that everyone who – Larry Elder is a black guy for those of you who don't know. And he said that everyone who supported him was a racist.
Starting point is 01:39:06 Was racist. It was crazy. But the book that I'm reading now – By the way, Gavin Newsom doesn't look so good anymore. No. Something looks like it's wrong with him. I wonder – I think he's a former drug addict. I wonder if he's back on the –
Starting point is 01:39:19 He's probably still a drug addict you know the whole thing with like the family and him and um nancy pelosi and how they're all related and how far back it goes and how much it spans out to the other forms of politics in the country yeah look at sean m gavin's a good dude oh my god he must own french laundry sean m must own a couple rich restaurants there becomes a point where shit's so bad it doesn't matter what you do right so like like shit is so bad in california like if you're a democrat you should just be like okay i'm gonna vote republican or let's say there was a republican in office it's shit so bad it's like hey i should go the other way like the same shit has been being tried here i'm 50 i think we've been doing the same shit now for probably 30 years and we're on a 30 or something like i don't understand why like how about just try something different? Yeah. It's because they're not interested in
Starting point is 01:40:08 that. That's the, yeah, that's the, that's the issue. It's that they're, they're more so interested in just consuming and maintaining power than they are actually helping the people. I mean, think about how terrible they are of users of capital or money, right? You give them a bunch of money and it just gets worse and the next year we give them more money and it gets worse i mean yeah he looks that looks like an alcoholic to me look at that skin that's some fucking yeah yeah yeah it's like super thin something's wrong i mean something no one i don't know anyone whose skin colors looks like that and it's healthy dude how long would would how long would I still be around if I was like,
Starting point is 01:40:45 hey, Savant, I could do this for the podcast, but I need more money. And you're like, okay, I dig it. I'm into it. Here's more money. And the next year I'm like, hey, I know we didn't meet those goals, but I'm going to this year.
Starting point is 01:40:53 I need more money though. And you're like, okay. I mean, how many years are you going to just keep giving me more and more as the quality of what you're receiving for that money goes worse and worse and worse. At some point, someone has to look around and be like, hey, what's happening here here and that's the deal but the book that i'm reading is
Starting point is 01:41:08 um while uh why rational intelligent people make irrational decisions and how you could kind of get sucked into this say it again i'm gonna look it up it's it's called sway i don't i don't have it with me i just started i'm only a few pages in so i don't know decisions you like called sway yeah because right away it started off with with these mistakes that were made by people that were really top in their profession or industry would normally wouldn't have made mistakes. And those decisions that led them to. And a lot of it has to do with societal pressure and different things like that. Like we were talking a lot a couple of rants ago when you were saying everybody came out. Yep.
Starting point is 01:41:43 That's it. That's it. a lot a couple of rants ago when you were saying everybody came out and yep that's it that's it everybody came in and uh canceled the glassman and you're kind of like what happened to the consciousness level of the whole society during that time it just went somewhere else like salem witch trial status right and uh this this book here as i was reading some of it i was like oh shit like this is it kind of gives theories and explanations as to why something like that can happen especially with really smart intelligent people like our doctors our trusted doctors and scientists why would they all lead us down this path of weird corruption and false medicine that doesn't work hey have you seen this
Starting point is 01:42:15 um have you seen this uh asian lady she's a um long black hair uh she was a cnn medical and analyst have you seen now she's decided that it was it was wrong to put her kid in a mask for the last two years oh shit she just woke up it's too late it is too late late i mean for them i mean it's it's it's but but but but she but she also says she wouldn't judge anyone who gave their kids the vaccine. It's too late past that, too. It's like. It's too late for you guys.
Starting point is 01:42:55 Yeah, it's like objective thinking, like way after the fact. Yeah. Yeah. You don't get to cut off your arm. And then it's not that I don't have compassion for you. It's not that I don't want anyone to get hurt. It's just that you crash the car. It's done.
Starting point is 01:43:14 You're not going back from it. Why do you think us as people accept that shit? We accept this poor leadership from our governments. We accept the fact that more money is being taken. We accept the fact that it's just getting worse. But like at the same time, we have this over a sense of entitlement. When you go, you go to like the small business owner and you're like, Hey, motherfucker, this bathroom was out of toilet paper and I paid $5 for this coffee. It needs to be in here. I'm upset. And you're like, realize that the margins on that coffee shop are next to nothing. The guy owning it is just barely surviving. You're going to come there
Starting point is 01:43:44 and ridicule and expect what you deserve. But yet when it comes to a larger scale even on a local level inside our own cities no one's getting involved with their city council no one's trying to make change nobody's holding any of these people accountable to their actions it's just it's so weird it's so weird when uh when people say crossfit gyms are too expensive or that it's bougie or any of that shit that shit just fucking drives me crazy yeah go to rogan add a few things in the cart so it's that that shit drives me fucking nuts hey no one back in the day went to a fucking affiliate we all fucking got our shit for free off of dot com where you can still go get it for free especially the soldiers in this country yeah remember the ghetto galvanized the piping pull-up bars yeah go to home depot and just get
Starting point is 01:44:30 the plumbing pull-up bar it's too small of a diameter tore up your hand hey where am i gonna get a steel pole i need a steel pole for my kids to climb and galvanized poles are fucked everywhere i read about them it's like hey you can't have kids climbing those you'll fuck them up you'll get them sick where do i find the metals oh yeah like where do you find a metal pole some sometimes at like home depot and lowe's they'll sell like kids play areas yeah sometimes they'll have one like you can get like one attached like to that play area i need i need i need a 15 foot pole yeah or longer or longer i need a 15 foot pole for my for my backyard because we have like all the ropes i want to have a pole yeah have you guys ever seen a rope oh right here this one attaches into a wall have you guys ever seen a rope break yes you have yes the ones that were left outside well
Starting point is 01:45:26 yeah the one that i had like lasted an entire winter and then right after the winter like popped right off yeah because i have all these ropes outside and i wonder if they're ever gonna break they're compromised for sure yeah they are you can do that rope climb workout i was like oh good thing it's not too high up there because yeah it's going to change soon yeah it's usually the integrity of the rope like where it attaches into the metal piece where i've seen them break it's the the rope where mine's and not mine's in knots mine it's knotted around the top of the okay that might that might be a little bit better but i have seen ropes just break in the middle and some of mine in the middle are starting to fray the frame it's 70 bucks or 80 bucks for a new rope it's not cheap
Starting point is 01:46:11 yeah usually for mine that are like on the 30 foot ceiling they're like 100 and something for a new rope i stopped getting the um the whatever it is twine style rope and got like these black cloth ones because they would shred so fast and it was so much to pick up all over the affiliate and you'd only have less than six months. So yeah, Christine, you weigh 80 pounds. I fucking saw you in person. Yours will never break. If yours breaks, you probably will still float in the air for a few minutes. Like walk down like a piece of paper. if yours breaks you probably will still float in the air for a few minutes that's how like walk down like a piece of paper she's tiny she's tiny she's one of those people that when i talk to i
Starting point is 01:46:50 go like this hey nice to meet you my autograph crumb crumb crumb crumb all right uh i will see you guys tonight at 7 p.m. Thanks, everyone, for checking in. Good show. Nicky Rod, you're a beast. Good luck at ADCC, ADCC, Abu Dhabi Combat Club. Hopefully we'll get J-Rod on, his younger brother, before the event.

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