The Sevan Podcast - #584 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: September 12, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. It's called a, bam, we're live. It's called an assassin beetle, and it has its proboscis out into that other beetle, and it's sucking out its goo. I think first it pumps something.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Yeah. I think first it pumps something yeah I think it pumps something into the beetle first and turns its insides into just gelatinous shit and then sucks them back in and that's my finger in the photo
Starting point is 00:00:55 it's like you know what I was holding the flower with the assassin beetle killing the other beetle and then I fucking snapped it that's crazy Fergito fergito fergito some of my best dms fergie you're starting to like i'm starting to actually look forward to opening your dms i hate the rest of you but i'm actually starting to like you like you actually send me shit and i'm like oh that's wow this guy's like he what did you send me the other day about basically – you sent me some stuff about working on myself that I found fascinating that I really liked. Basically, don't turn into an asshole just because you're covering a bunch of assholes.
Starting point is 00:01:39 And I was like, oh, that's good. That's important. That was like advice to you or that was like a quote he offered up or something? It was some advice. I forget exactly how he worded it. Did I ever tell the story about the cigars on this? Not when I've been here. Yes. Holy cow. I'm going to tell the story about cigars, but really quick, I want to tell you something. Oh, did you send the link to our special guest?
Starting point is 00:02:09 No. Cal I'm going to tell the story about cigars but really quick I want to tell you something oh did you send the uh link to our special guest no uh we're going we have a special guest coming on to um we're gonna earlier this morning with with uh Justin Nunley um and Caleb we did predictions for the UFC tomorrow but the card has changed so much it's like holy shit what happened yeah there's some drama with that huh I don't know I can't even believe it they just it's like holy shit what happened yeah there's some drama with that huh i can't even believe it they just it's like they just went in the back and they're like all right you're gonna fight you and you're gonna fight they just switched everything up just called it audible the show must go on huh yeah it's it's fascinating actually i can't even only dana white could have pulled it off so there's these two guys and they uh there's these two guys and they live together. And one of the guys doesn't have a job, so he's always at home.
Starting point is 00:02:52 So the guy goes to work. He comes home and the house smells like cigars. And he goes, hey, dude, I go to work all day. I come home and the house smells like cigars. You need to stop smoking when I'm at work. And every time this guy goes to work and comes home, his roommate, the house smells like cigars. And he gets starting to get pissed at his roommate. This goes on for like a month.
Starting point is 00:03:11 So finally, he he takes one of his roommate's cigars and he wipes it on his ass. Have you heard this one? No. And he wipes the cigar on his ass. And and so he goes to work and his roommate smoking the cigar the cigar, and he smokes like three-quarters of it. And he's like, man, this tastes horrible. And the guy comes home, and he noticed the house still smells like cigars but not as much. It's like, hmm.
Starting point is 00:03:38 So he wipes – takes another one of his cigars and wipes it on his ass. And this goes on for like like a month and he's noticing the house is smelling less and less like cigars and the guy's actually smoking less and less right so finally he's like fuck so he he this guy guy has a brand new box of cigars and the roommate takes it instead of just wiping his ass with it he fucking takes each one and fucking keisters it a little bit puts about an inch of the cigar up in his ass and twirls it around a whole box of them okay yeah and so he goes to work and he comes home and the house doesn't smell like cigar smoke and he's like hey what's going on the house
Starting point is 00:04:17 doesn't smell like cigar smoke he goes like quit i can't stand the taste of those anymore like awesome so the roommate wakes up in the morning the one that normally goes to work and keisters the cigars and he's feels like something's missing so he goes to the store and he gets a box of cigars and he picked up a new habit every morning he wakes up and just shoves a cigar in his ass now the moral of the story is if you you got to be careful with what you're doing. If you're always bitching at someone for being a – if you spend your life chasing pedophiles and hating on pedophiles, you become – you can become the bitch that hates pedophiles, and it's not a pretty identity. hates pedophiles and it's not a pretty identity you gotta you gotta be careful with uh with with who you become while you're trying to deter someone from from doing what you don't want
Starting point is 00:05:13 them to do he became a guy who loved having a cigar shoved up his ass he that other guy dropped a habit he picked up a habit yeah that backfired unintended consequence there unintended consequence huh yeah and so it's it's it's like that and i've told a story about Yeah, that backfired. Unintended consequence there. Unintended consequence. Yeah. And so it's like that. And I told a story about my son. This is free advice. I normally charge $500 an hour for this advice. But I'll tell you, this is free advice. I was always for about a month. I my son was always my son's hair got long. So he's always wiping his hair out of his face. and I was always noticing dirt on his face because he was wiping the hair out of his face. And I'm always – I started saying to him like 20 times a day, dude, you have dirt on your face. Dude, you have dirt on your face. And after about a month, I'm like, fuck. I've become the guy who tells my son, you have dirt on your face.
Starting point is 00:05:58 He must fucking hate me. So I'm like, I'm not saying that to him anymore. Every time I see dirt on his face, I'm just going to look at him and be you and i just flipped the script fuck the dirt and now he's like it's good i'm not an asshole anymore no more dirt yeah we're no no there's still tons of dirt i just now i just go over now i tell my love you appreciate it i wipe it off but i don't want to be the guy who says to my son um uh wipe the dirt off your face i don't want to be the guy who says to my son, wipe the dirt off your face. I don't want to be the guy who's like, just all I see is fucking Jeff Baco in the comments. Douche.
Starting point is 00:06:34 My relationship with him has changed a little bit. Even Nunley spotted him today. He's like, who the fuck is this? Be right back, guys. I need to grab some more cookies. Grab these nuts while you're at it, Jeffrey. is this yeah be right back guys i need to grab some more cookies grab these nuts while you're at it jeffrey oh jeffrey found a home i bet you jeffrey was raised in uh in an abusive home and now he loves it here because i just abused him he's like he feels that
Starting point is 00:06:59 yeah it's like oh this is my lovely language so good to send a heidi for some cigars geez louise wad zombie my goodness my goodness we'll send those to bill clinton uh savon was the cigar i'm great they're they're coming in hot tonight they are yeah i hope we get a special guest tonight They're coming in hot tonight. They are. They are. I hope we get a special guest tonight. Me too. So next weekend you're getting married. That's right. And this weekend my kid's going to a jiu-jitsu tournament. Kind of the same.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Same stressors. Yeah. Similar feelings. of same same same stressors yeah similar feelings um i my my son joseph the last tournament we went to he didn't he didn't participate we got there and he didn't participate and it's 130 bucks to do gi and no gi if you go early so so kind of like threw that money away. The tournament before that, he went undefeated in Gi and no Gi. He's five. And after he was done and we were all done and he got his medal and shit, the tournament people came up to him and they're like, hey, would your son mind doing one more match? There was a kid here who didn't get any matches.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And I wasn't there. And my wife's not tournament savvy and neither am I. And she said, yeah, sure. No problem. we weren't my wife's not tournament savvy and neither am i and she said yeah sure no problem and he gets in there and he's in there with a fucking six and a half year old who's 10 or 15 pounds more than him and the kid just smashes him oh it makes him cry and that's what he ended on and that's what he ended on so the next time so this tournament tomorrow Tomorrow, there's no one in Joseph's Gi match for Gi's. And so I noticed that they moved him up an age division.
Starting point is 00:08:55 So he was born in 2016. They put him in the 2015 class. 2015 class if he if he's 5 right now I can't imagine him going up against a 6 year old Avi Avi would smash him and I'm concerned
Starting point is 00:09:16 I'm concerned and this kid is better than this kid is better than Avi at Jiu Jitsu than Avi was at 5 but still it's like holy shit i'm so tomorrow i'm not sure what to do i and i asked the jujitsu instructor i'm like hey sometimes you just gotta let him fight i get that i like that like i don't want to be on your stripes yeah um but uh well yeah instantly what came to mind is like his first opponent will be the kid from last
Starting point is 00:09:47 time like some karate kid shit you know oh man like he has to go back and there's that kid and like he has to kind of deal with all that how did you deal with it last time when he didn't want to compete i i i here's the thing yeah so here's the thing ari my my the youngest kid's like i'm going there fucking mash people. Like, he's just like, I'm handling my business. We'll get back to that. Speaking of handling business, Mr. Bosman. Yo.
Starting point is 00:10:16 What are you camping? I'm trying to get somewhere that's, you wouldn't know, I'm actually enjoying an evening with my friends out in Nashville. But trying to get somewhere a little bit more quiet. Oh, you're such a good dude. We're going to make this so fast. Are you up to date on what the heck is going on with the UFC? No. Honestly, I got a text message a couple hours ago, and it was a friend of mine asking,
Starting point is 00:10:40 what do you think about Ferguson versus Diaz? And I was like, what the hell are you talking about? And that's when I found out. So a little weird. Yeah, they shook the whole card up. I guess what they're saying is that Kamzat had some medical issues making weight. And so they cut him loose. And they're letting him fight in the catchweight.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah, that's big time air quotes. I think that they hyped up that fight between Diaz and Hamzat. And I don't think they had any intentions of making it because it's a stupid fight. Wow. And so do you think that the fight in the back before then between Holland? So just, it's funny you say that because just hours before, Holland and Kamsat got in a fight at the weigh in. And now they're fighting. I mean, I don't know anything about anything, but it seems a little fishy to me. I think the quote is from some good drama. I think the quotes from that movie. What's the show called? I don't know shit about fuck. Is that the quotes from that movie, what's the show called?
Starting point is 00:11:46 I don't know shit about fuck. Is that the quote you're trying to, but you're doing the clean version. I don't know anything about anything. No, I, no, I think,
Starting point is 00:11:55 I think I like it the way that I said it. You know what show I'm talking about? No, actually I don't. I know that it's a quote. I know that it's like a, a meme these days, but I've never actually seen the original of that. I saw the show. What's that? It's called Ozarks. That's what it is. Ozarks.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I watched the first season and I was kind of underwhelmed. It gets better. That's what everybody says, but that's a lot of time, man. It is. It is. You're too busy. How many events have you written for next year's games? Written or like concepts? I got concepts, lots of concepts. Wow. Solidified. Already, huh?
Starting point is 00:12:34 So you're just, it's, you can't get off the train. Yeah, but I mean, like, it's the same way that... Not that you want to. Well, I was going to say, I mean, I think it's the same way that you kind of operate in the sense that you have ideas all the time. It's not like you have ideas from nine to five and then you shut that down. No, it's like it's been a part of my life for a long time. So yeah, I have lots of ideas. Ladies and gentlemen, did you see that master manipulation that Adrian Bosman just did?
Starting point is 00:13:09 He appealed to my ego and said, well, you're a lot the same way. And then we both elevated to sort of like this genius, obsessive status. And then he had the moon behind him and he took off his hat. Now I'm like swooning a bit. I don't know where I'm at. Masterful strategy. Adrian, how long have you been doing jiu-jitsu since 2019 uh and and do you have your gray belt yet barely do you what's that you don't get a great about
Starting point is 00:13:37 but i mean i'm basically at the gray belt level yes oh oh what belt do you have i have a blue belt but i'm nothing special. I get smashed on the regular. And are you a fan of the UFC? Big time, yes. Awesome. And I knew you were. I'm just kind of like setting the scene here.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Priming it for the listeners. Tony Ferguson's lost his last four fights in a row all against insane savages, right? He destroys Diaz. Pardon right? Justin Gaethje. He destroys Diaz. Pardon me? He destroys Diaz. Yeah. He's fought the best.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Who has Diaz fought recently? Give me a break. He just fought. And I'm a Diaz Brothers fan, but. He just fought Leon Edwards. Dude. He just fought Leon Edwards. Dude, this is Ferguson's fight. He did get tossed up, but he stayed in there to do some damage for a few seconds in the final round. He gave the finger at the bell give me a break
Starting point is 00:14:45 that does not a fight make that's it's ridiculous matt i want to tell you a set i want to tell matt burns a sad story here real quick the other day i got on the scale and i weighed 170. adrian has the most beautiful fucking lean chiseled iron body and he's fucking four inches taller than me and when i saw i weighed 170 i'm like i am a fucking marshmallow adrian is a dick adrian would tie me in a knot unless i beat him with my dick uh so you're go okay ferguson i i like it and you think he's gonna dar some or something So you're going, okay, Ferguson, I like it. And you think he's going to Darcy him or something?
Starting point is 00:15:29 Dude, how does Diaz win this fight? Honest question. I think he knocks it. Oh, God. You're out of your mind. Ferguson wrecks it. You're right. Remember when Charles Oliveira fucking armbarred Ferguson and he wouldn't tap and he broke his arm and he just still didn't tap? Too tough for his own good.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I think he's way higher in his career decline than Diaz. I mean, I just don't see how this goes any other way. Okay. Kamzat at the catch weight of 180 against Kevin Holland. Man, I love this fight way more than than what was slated uh and i gotta say it's a tough one for me to call because i like both of them i think kevin holland is so fun to watch and just awesome um but i gotta give it to comes out i mean i i was kind of thinking he was just a hype train fighter until I saw the fight with Gilbert Burns, which, side note, I think Burns, if you go back and watch it, I think he edged out the victory.
Starting point is 00:16:31 However, the fact that he could last and go to that absolute war with him, I think Kamzat's got this one. I think it'll be a lot closer than people think, maybe, especially like Jemaya fans. But, yeah, man, I think he's going to get it in the end. I hate to do this to you, but what round, Adrian? Are they doing that as a three-rounder or a five-rounder? They're giving that one five, too. Wow. Even though he missed.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Wow. Okay. I think Holland demanded it, dude. Holland said, hey, I'm only fighting this dude if they make it go five rounds. Okay. I don't know. I don't think it makes the distance. I'm going to say third round, it's over.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Kamzat, ground and pound. Okay. That's better than I thought. uh i'm gonna go with um comsat also uh and and i'm going with diaz in the in the first one and then finally how how you're out of your mind hey here's the problem those dudes could beat each other to death and they'd still be alive standing there both those dudes have like heads that don't break. That's why you have a ref that steps in and says okay gentlemen, this is clearly going one way and it's
Starting point is 00:17:52 time to call it a night. And then finally Daniel Rodriguez against Lee Jin Glam. I'm going to go with Daniel Rodriguez. I'm with you on that one 100%. The Leach is fun but I think he's just not as well-rounded as he needs to be for this level of competition. Yeah, I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Awesome. One final question, CrossFit related. Is that true, the rumors that I heard that Tia Toomey, who currently lives in Nashville, Tennessee, is moving back to Australia? You have to ask her. I have no idea. Okay. If you see her, will you ask her and get back to me? Just like if you run into her at the bar
Starting point is 00:18:33 or at the gym or whatever. I'd be happy to. You're a good dude. Ladies and gentlemen, the man, Adrian Bosman, programmer for the CrossFit Games. All right. I look forward to seeing how wrong you are
Starting point is 00:18:45 tomorrow when Diaz just gets... I'll be texting you with... I got them written down. Bookie cook it. See you guys. You're the man. Bye, Adrian. Thank you. Oh, man. What a good dude. Break from dinner. That was really cool of him.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Jeremy Eat World. $5. $5. $5. I wish that were true. Adrian don't know shit about MMA. I wish that were true. I wish that were true.
Starting point is 00:19:18 So what did we learn? We learned that he thinks Tony Ferguson is going to win and don't put a cigar in your ass repeatedly uh because you might end up uh liking it jeff go fuck yourself may uh okay uh i see that all hey maybe jeff is a yolo from the moon do you remember that dude who got banned yolo yolo yolo only had like two or three things that it would say every time so yeah just kind of the Maybe Jeff is YOLO from the moon. Do you remember that dude who got banned? YOLO, YOLO, YOLO? YOLO only had like two or three things that it would say every time. Yeah, Jeff's kind of the same.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Jeff's diverse. I'm here for the monologue. Okay. Is that a picture? Oh, I thought that was a picture of Tia. Where are we? Brian just dropped that on us the other day that she's moving back to Australia. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Send this your daughter and what the hell is that? That's what I was wondering. You got some interesting subtitles, let's say. Here, I want to say one more thing about the fight, and then we'll go to whatever my notes are. What's interesting about this fight is this is Diaz's last fight. He has one fight left with his UFC contract. He's 37 years old, and Tony Ferguson has lost four in a row.
Starting point is 00:20:37 What I'm tripping on is if I have to guess this is both of their last fights i can't imagine dana re-signing either of them but i could see ferguson saying hey because you know he wasn't supposed to fight diaz until the last minute and i could i could see dana seems like a real loyal guy and him and him being like okay you did me a solid by taking this fight and doing a last minute change up i'm gonna win or lose i'm gonna give you one more fight but if ferguson loses this that's five in a row now he's fought the five hardest dudes you could ever imagine fighting ever charles olivera justin gaethje chandler diaz and there's uh i don't know who was one more. Was it Conor McGregor? Some, some crazy shit like that. So,
Starting point is 00:21:28 uh, Nate is moving on to his own promotion. Real fighting. Wow. Okay. I always like worry about those days, but there's health. Like when you hear him talk on interviews and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:21:38 they don't talk so good. No, no. And they're like, they're so, they're almost like primitive. Like when you see them with the reporters like you would have to have you seen them slapped up that one reporter before
Starting point is 00:21:49 have you seen those clips i think it was is it old uh yeah it's kind of old not like super old like maybe like a month or so ago they slapped a reporter uh nate did yeah he goes no i didn't see that wasn't a Barstool sports guy. And he was kind of doing like, it would be the equivalent if I was over there interviewing a games athlete. And he goes, hey, you remember that shit you said on Twitter? I go, oh, yeah, sorry about that. He just. Really?
Starting point is 00:22:19 Yeah, he just kind of gave him like a pop and pop. Like nothing like crazy or super violent. But it's just crazy to see how primitive they are. He just like, that's it. Caleb, pull that's it. Caleb, pull that shit up. Caleb, pull that shit up. He slapped a Nelk boy. Oh, no shit. I don't know if he – did he slap – did someone put that in the comments?
Starting point is 00:22:34 Yeah. Okay. I can't believe you didn't see that. He is – God. Jeff, stop. But that's a great comment. He's like Encino Man. Yes, I agree.
Starting point is 00:22:44 It was an ESPN dude dude and it was a joke. I don't, I think it was. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It wasn't a joke. Hey, this show that we're doing right now has already been flagged. Because of the music and the background of Adrian? No, because I must have said something. Oh.
Starting point is 00:23:01 But I already sent in a request for a review. That was quick. Bruce, you don't have to ever cough up cash dude you're the greatest fucking supporter telling people to hit like by the way it's good dude it's crazy if you those you who are here so often if you haven't hit that um that bell i started doing that on people's accounts i want to follow you can there's a bell you can hit and anytime someone goes live that you like like accounts i want to follow you can there's a bell you can hit and anytime someone goes live that you like like if you want to always know and it'll send you like right to your phone bing oh shit uh so and so is going live notification squad yeah notify yeah no we don't do weird shit like that hey that i i was talking to um some friends today about
Starting point is 00:23:43 the crossfit journal again that's another thing that's crazy too. I had a journal app developed, and every time we posted something, it would send you a fucking notification. How does CrossFit Inc., with the largest journal in the fitness and health world, not have the app back up now that fucking ding dong's gone the ceo that was after greg your ott thing was a genius idea thank you yeah and you were you were like just early enough to where it would have been like perfect capitalization on on the whole entire everybody stuck inside and all the streaming wars that were happening at that time the launch like disney plus and all that stuff everywhere like way more people were on the ott too that was a big mistake on crossfit's part and i had a company
Starting point is 00:24:35 that was going to make all the ott's for us there's like 27 or 34 or whatever and they were going to make every single ott and we figured it figured it out. And if we got 1% of 1% of all the subscribers to those – because all the cable networks have their own OTT. All the different smart devices have their own OTT. It was like $30 million a year with no demand to publish new shit. It was a fucking brilliant contract I negotiated. Yeah, that would have been huge. And then continue to unpack the journal in different ways and redistribute that content and more i think it might i think it might have been good for the
Starting point is 00:25:10 affiliates too anything that promotes the message of the methodology is always good for the affiliates stefan can you get brian to come say all the things he avoided on the morning chalk up HWPO episode I don't know what that is I don't know what the morning chalk of HWPO oh that's Fraser's thing I I have nothing nice to say
Starting point is 00:25:40 so I'm not gonna say anything about his uh camp yeah I see what you're doing Sousa so I'm not going to say anything about his camp yeah I see what you're doing Sousa what stupid I mean it's cool I'm glad
Starting point is 00:25:54 it's cool it's cool that people are finding a place to work out and move around I don't think it says anything about Matt I don't think it says anything about Ben I don't think it says anything about ben i don't think any of the the narratives being spun up are valid in any way i think it's all just just normal shit like you worked at 7-eleven and now you work at cvs and after cvs you might manage a fucking longs and after when you're 50 you might be the general manager of safeway and then when you're 70 retire might be the general manager of safeway and then when you're
Starting point is 00:26:25 70 retire it's just like just people moving around and shifting but when you have so many athletes moving there and people are getting excited really you're just setting yourself up for disappointment you can see all the disappointment that's coming next year for that camp i mean it's well just like statistically they have like so many people in the camp that not everybody is gonna do fantastic right like yeah and there's some fucking like old fucking dogs in there. It's like, what do you think is gonna happen to Conor McGregor when he comes back to fight?
Starting point is 00:26:50 If he doesn't fight someone, if he doesn't fight someone like that, semi retarded, he's like whiskey. He's going to get fucking knocked into fucking next. I mean, he's toast for sure. So,
Starting point is 00:27:01 and they have a few people like that in the camp. And I think the biggest thing too, and like Ben's defense is like, we don't really know what his like long-term goals with everything is like maybe he was on the way out and he was comfortable with reducing the camp and only wanted to focus on one athlete as opposed to it sounds like what um o'keefe and frazier have going is they want to build like a whole entire retreat or whatever with like don't if i'm an athlete you know what i do i fucking reach out to the fucking liver king and i'm like hey i want to be your fucking dude interesting i try something totally me and me and so and so me and my trainer want to come live on
Starting point is 00:27:42 your ranch in fucking texas live the ancestral yeah yeah and we're gonna train for the crossfit games and we just need a yurt and a fucking toilet you know what a yurt is i feel like that'd be perfect for like colt mertens or something like you just have to have somebody who's just like doesn't need anything fancy just wants to grind and enjoys doing it yeah yeah and i can tell you a thousand reasons why that would be so fucking sexy and cool and you'd put on a shitload of followers and it wouldn't matter how well you did it would matter how hard you worked and those would be the rewards you get i wonder if a girl could do that what girl would fit in there i fucking i i could see a Alex Gazan as like a female Tarzan
Starting point is 00:28:26 kind of reminds me of Daisy Fresh remember we had the coach Heath on here and they'd like lived in the gym and it was just grimy and they just like yes made it work with one hot plate between like nine dudes living in there I wish the dude would come live in the yurt with me congratulations on your blue belt ID she got a blue belt yeah when very recently like earlier this week maybe yeah that's awesome oh and i and i that that's awesome congratulations yeah as uh as obby's coach said to him not no one can ever take that away you'll have that your whole life someone in the comments wrote in that in that thread recently on the hard work pays off training instagram someone in the comments wrote that thread recently on the hard work pays off training Instagram,
Starting point is 00:29:07 someone in the comments wrote that the name was stupid. Did you want me to, should I bring that up? Should we investigate that post? And I want to be like, you're fucking stupid. Can you like a fucking paragraph telling them that the name was stupid? It's like,
Starting point is 00:29:18 are you fucking kidding me? I, other people have told me too. Well, uh, advanced marketing shows that you, the HWPO won't stick because that letter and that consonant bouncing off of the W. And then I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:29:30 shut the fuck up. It's great. I'm killing it. Who would have thought Amazon would have been a good name. He, he, right. He got it.
Starting point is 00:29:36 He did it. He owns that. We all know that that's his, he made that his HWO, HWPO pro roster, pro roster pro roster below me continuing to raise the bar heber i don't know continuing to fucking raise the geriatric oh someone from the real seven podcast wrote that's a roster that's a roster do you approve that post no but that's what pissed me off pissed me off
Starting point is 00:30:06 so that's why i made it a post to balance it out and i attacked scroll down and look at my post i just fucking went on i just like let me see your sponsors can now include a diaper company and geriatric gear and then someone won will you like that please like so i get 59 likes on that and then and then someone i like this reply better. This is the guy, whoever wrote this is smarter than me. Pull ups and depends. Connor team. Oh,
Starting point is 00:30:28 that dude's coming on the show. Yep. Well, shit. Can we click his profile? Sure. This guy. Oh,
Starting point is 00:30:42 now I recognize him. Now I know this guy. Um, uh, as much as I fuck with I fuck with Austin Maliolo on here, Austin is one of the nicest guys ever. If you get to hang out with him, and so is this guy. This guy, Connor Murphy, is cool as shit. And I think that was someone famous in the back with that dumbbell. So you love it?
Starting point is 00:31:10 Yeah. Look at him. I think that's like someone famous. He's training. This dude, right? Let's see. But anyway, Connor and, and, and, and, oh yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:23 It's some band or something. So Connor and that guy's become a trainer to the stars he's a cool dude austin connor and i in in james hobart and i want to say spencer hendel all worked at reebok and they were all coaches there and fuck those those four cool as shit and didn't they all pass through crossfit new england too probably i think i met that sounds right is that ben bergeron's old gym yeah yeah i think it's probably yeah it's his gym i don't think it's still his gym hey even that dude who was on here the other day the gym owner the affiliate show we did um even though we were ripping ben for being doing the woke shit um he never he learned so much from ben and he even hillar who rips on him hillar's
Starting point is 00:32:03 like yeah watch every one of his fucking podcasts i went out and did his immersion thing oh you did the same as that guy did and i spent uh whatever it was like four four days out there because i was flying obviously from california so i went out a little bit earlier and i was like hey can i come in and work out and kind of hang out because i have like a you know day to kill either way and they're like yeah and i was the only one that was out of state and didn't have a car. So actually, hey, Harry Paoli drove me around the whole entire time. Oh, you know that guy?
Starting point is 00:32:30 Yeah. We spent the whole like that. Like he he was nice enough to drive me everywhere. We went to lunch together the whole time because I kind of have his phone number. I think I do. Let's call him right now. No, I'm joking. OK.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Hey, ask him if he wants to come on the show. Let's find out what's going on. I will. I don't know if he remembers me at all. I mean, it was in 2016. Dear Harry, all I ask is you be 1% more vulnerable than Jake Macaroni. He's a good dude. Harry's a good dude.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Man, Jake Macaroni was hard to interview. That may be the worst interview I've ever done. You know, that's got to be tough, though. Think about doing interviews in those camps, and especially if they're, like, tight-knit. Like, you know, everybody from the camp is watching, and they're like, well, why would you explain it like that? Or, you know, like, you get some pressure before going on, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:18 shows and talking about it or how they talk about the camp and stuff. Who knows? I saw something today i want to tell you guys about but i don't know i don't know who's listening the same way you said that i don't know who's listening you never know who's listening my espresso just kicked in i feel like i'm about to jump out of my chair right now i saw sparks between people in my i mean no one you guys know but but i saw sparks today. I can't go down there. Wait, like romantic sparks?
Starting point is 00:33:48 Yeah, like romantic sparks. Okay, so it'll be interesting to see what happens. Does Tony Ferguson or Nate Diaz or Nick Diaz or any of the Diazes get to stay at the UFC? Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you. Oh, shit. That's disconnected. Perfect. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:12 Uh, uh, sorry, Australia. You got a late. Oh shit. Hold on. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Uh, you're a bitch. What is that? Please stand by caller. Stand by caller stand by Stand by Hold on Your call is important to us please remain on the line
Starting point is 00:34:32 I figured to see those voices Uh Roadcaster pro That's that Okay okay we're getting close Hang on caller Right there Ladies and gentlemen I present to you
Starting point is 00:34:46 one of the only callers that I will always answer for. James Newberry. Mr. Jamal Smith. LeVon, baby. Mr. Sousa, how are you? Hey, what's going on, brother? I'm doing pretty good. I had a quick question for you.
Starting point is 00:35:04 Go for it. I thought you were going to give some insight. I like the other show. I had a quick question for you. Go for it. I thought you were going to give some insight. I like the other show. I can't remember what you said, but it wasn't even a Colin show, and you called and just dropped some insight on us. I was like, oh, that's good shit. Yeah, I was going to say, do you think that Ben Bergeron is a little bit too soft on Chandler Smith?
Starting point is 00:35:23 I didn't see the video that the Buttery Bros made or that their production company made, but I was hearing the opposite from people who saw that, that they were saying he was too hard on him. Well, I mean, the way I look at it, because I've even struggled with, you know, having that self-doubt talk to myself in workouts in different parts of my life.
Starting point is 00:35:45 But sometimes I feel like you need that person to eliminate the, what's the right word to say, the logic and just, you know, almost just put your head down and go. What's the example that you saw that made it seem like he was too easy on him? I just feel like there's a little bit too much talking with him.
Starting point is 00:36:11 I feel like if you take Taylor's self-mindset and put it in Chandler Smith's head, you would almost have an unstoppable top three athlete. The very little bit of interaction that I've had with Chandler Smith. He seems like one of the nicest dudes in the world. Now granted it's been very little, but you're right. Whereas, whereas Taylor's like,
Starting point is 00:36:35 fuck you. I got an ax to grind and I got a chip on my shoulder. I'm a little bat shit crazy. Yeah. And I feel like if he just had like, and that's what's kind of weird to me is that chandler having that wrestler background it's like physically he can grind but mentally it's just kind of the brakes fall off somewhere jesse masqueda masqueda masqueda uh masque thank
Starting point is 00:37:04 you uh how is everyone an expert on ben coaching chandler i know how is everyone just an expert on ben yeah okay jamal thank you very much good insight thank you all right peace and love bye i know everyone this isn't even a crossfit show get the fuck out of here i mean someone says they have a question i'm always like oh i hope it's good that he says for you and i'm like i always just assume it's for you but uh it's funny but it just went silent and then he went silent for a while it's like uh-oh uh he was not too hard or too soft well that's very insightful missa how would you know oh here we go here we go here we go. Here we go. Here we go. The usual suspects. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:37:46 The always sober. The always sober. Will, the plumber. Is this a news show? Kinda. I don't know what it is. Do you have some news for us? No, no, I don't.
Starting point is 00:38:01 I was wondering. I was wondering when Kate's coming on. Is that the special guest? No, no, no. We had Adrian Bosman on. You didn't see it? There's a dude. Shit. No. All right. I'll go back and watch that later.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Okay. Bye. No, no, no. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. Oh, shit. I hung up on the Australian caller. Damn it. I meant to hang up on you, Will. Will, you dodged a bullet. I did. I don't think Chandler has anything lacking between the ears. I mean, the dude lost a thumb, basically.
Starting point is 00:38:32 How about lacking between his thighs? I can't comment on that. Okay, just testing you. Will, let's move on to more important things are you going to be available possibly to cover if we do end up doing uh if we end up needing for the zello games to hold a camera and do the will plumber shit are you going to go out there and do that for us vegas when is it i don't know november 10th yeah zello good i'm going i'm going to rogue okay maybe we can do some stuff there yeah cool if you see katie be like just walk up to him be like hey girl you know you know my homeboy seven wants to get you on the podcast who katie katie katie she's a chick that owns
Starting point is 00:39:23 rogue she won the games in 2008 Oh yeah yeah yeah Your crush Blonde hair yeah Old crush Old crush Old crush I moved on
Starting point is 00:39:30 Old crush No more crushes No I moved on I can't be sitting around Waiting for her I got shit to do There you go But don't say any of that shit
Starting point is 00:39:41 To her if her husband's around His name's Bill Oh He's a real He's a Bill's a real chatterbox Watch out for Bill but don't say any of that shit to her for husbands around. His name is Bill. He's a real, he's a, Bill's a real chatterbox. Watch out for Bill.
Starting point is 00:39:51 Bill doesn't talk. I assumed. But still don't say anything in front of him. Just be cool. If he's around, just be cool. Just kiss the ring. Just kiss the ring.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Bill does. You know, when you see a man who doesn't tuck his shirt in, you know why that is? Cause they're, they're, they're, is? Because they're concealed. Concealed. I learned that from my SEAL buddies. Concealed.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Bill doesn't tuck his shirt in. He's carrying. No one tucks their shirt in in Texas. I noticed Dana White had – did you notice Dana White's body is like – he leaned up. It looks like he quit drinking a week ago. He leaned up and he had his shirt tucked in at the ceremonial weigh-ins today. He looked good. He looked really good.
Starting point is 00:40:33 I went back today and I started listening to the OPT podcast. I never listened to it back today, but that seemed like a tough, like it seemed on edge from as soon as fitness started to be talked about it was on it just go to the end and when brian fucked the whole thing up mr brian friend brian's like so what's the difference between crossfit no opex and brian's an opex guy right like he knows the opex shit and james is like well opex is uh individualized and then and then i was like isn't cross individualized too and then and then james like rolled his eyes and got all huffy puffy and threw a chair across the room and it was like oh fuck he's like you two basically he was like calling me an idiot for not knowing the difference
Starting point is 00:41:13 it was like jesus crime and it just went sideways and then everyone started hating on opt for that and i was like i like people to come on the show and like them to leave like without any shit on them but james like smeared some shit on himself and i couldn't help him clean it off in time right at the end right at the end he smeared a bunch of goo on himself i was like james fuck well the conversation at the start it started with like the social media of like why he's not on it brian tried to be like oh yeah i loved your post i loved all the workouts yeah and he's like well yeah but no it doesn't align with my values it was on edge from the start the UFC fight tomorrow
Starting point is 00:41:52 will start at 3pm you have to watch at 3pm and you have to fucking watch that first fight it's with Darian Weeks he spelled his name wrong and Persevan saying Darian Weeks who I think is a super cool dude to wish him the best tomorrow in the UFC fight and he was cool a night before a huge fight and actually responded back. Yeah, that dude's cool as shit.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Yeah, Darian's really cool. If you haven't seen the podcast I did with that guy, watch that one. That one's cool. I just Googled Katie Henniger, and all I can say is if Sevan is enamored with her, we have a very different taste in women. Very. That's because you don't like women. I knew it. You pull your dick out of your mouth.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Your own dick out of your mouth, Jeff. Okay, Mr. Plummer, thank you very much. Bye. You're getting good with that now. Look at you. Australia, hi. Australia. Hello? Australia. Hello?
Starting point is 00:42:43 Oh, this is. It could be. be depends on who this is who is this hello how's it going man it's good mate can you hear me i can this is going good hey man how's it going we're uh 30 seconds into the call it was good and now it's taking so long, it's getting weird. Maybe it's lag on his phone. I just got home, and I was like, I went on YouTube and here it was, and I was like, shit, did I miss it because of the time? You just got home from a two-month quarantine?
Starting point is 00:43:20 You just got home from a two-month quarantine? Yeah, nah, it's all right. James, I want to ask you a question Yeah nah James I want to ask you a question James I want to ask you a question Oh Josh No James you're all James Newberry to me Don't fuck with me Listen I want to ask you a question
Starting point is 00:43:34 Can you see a screen right now James Clip 328 please 328 Mr. Sousa 328 James 328 328 mr susan 328 james uh mr newberry have um you can see a screen uh yeah okay i want to tell you before the so-called pandemic this is what i used to think of australian men this is what i thought of you guys i want you i want you to watch this all you fuckers were just like this watch watch this cameraman sound or no sound doesn't matter no sound is fine either way
Starting point is 00:44:14 ball guy hits the ball cameraman catches it like fuck, I got that. Sits back in his seat and takes a hit off his cigarette. With a fucking mullet. Like, fuck you. Oh, how good is that? I don't think that about you guys anymore. I just want to let you know. Everything has changed in the last two years. I'm so fucking confused.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Yeah, there's some people still feel like that. My God, I hope so. Are you like that? Are you pretty, are you like, you're like, know how to talk to girls and like, you can drink beer and work out at the same time and smoke cigarettes and catch fires and all that? Oh, I understand. I live in Brisbane, so it was, uh, person was way not as strict here as in like Sydney and Melbourne. Sydney and Melbourne, they were still like locked up and we're like, are you kidding me? Like, we're all out, we're all out doing everything. It's crazy, dude. little shot glasses full of COVID and I lined up 10 of those and 10 shots of tequila and just altered
Starting point is 00:45:25 them like fuck you I'm Armenian though Alisa Kar Radao says Sevan wants tips on catching balls you gotta get out in front of it what time is it there in Australia it's like quarter to one You got to get out in front of it. What time is it there in Australia?
Starting point is 00:45:49 It's like quarter to one in the afternoon. Oh, it's not bad. And where were you? Were you out? Were you working or? Oh, it was Saturday here, so I was at home. Yeah, usually in my work, but I would never get this time. Are you going to watch the fight?
Starting point is 00:46:04 What time is the fight on over there? It must be some jacked up time. Uh, yeah, probably not. I, yeah, it's always like, everything's bad time.
Starting point is 00:46:13 It's like, you know, like we, like NFL is, starts at like 3am on Monday morning. That's stupid anyway. Anything, anything from America.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Oh, that's all right, mate. NFL is stupid. You have you seen ld rules football no i'm sure it's great you should check that out right that's awesome how did you get on the team by the quality of your play or is it um by the color of skin? How do you guys choose your athletes? I only like sports that choose people by the quality of their play. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Are you stoned? Are you stoned? Okay, go ahead. Nah, dude. Nah, just at the gym. I, um... So, like... Yeah, like, I fucking love what you guys are doing.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Like, everything you're talking about and just the way that when you talk about, like, life and stuff and just your perspective, it's, like, really interesting. And, like, when everything happened and, like, the firings and all that, like, I found that. I tried to find, you know, like what you were doing and I found like the Josh Bridges sneaky little interview, one of the first ones you did. And then I just was like, hang on to that. I was like, oh,
Starting point is 00:47:38 surely he's going to like just pump this podcast and like get it going. Obviously you did. It's fucking awesome, man. pump this podcast and like get it going obviously you did it's fucking awesome man um i do have a question for you about where do you think the world is heading with things like like social media and like all the disconnection and everything because like i see it in like i'm 29 but i see it in like a lot of younger people I'm like fuck they're so disconnected and like they're always on their fucking phone
Starting point is 00:48:09 and it's like getting really bad like you walk past someone in the street and like 99% of people are just like on their phone they don't even like acknowledge you and like I always I'm like hey how's it going like when you walk past and they're like
Starting point is 00:48:25 how many people live in brisbane how many people live in brisbane no idea it's pretty small it's not like melbourne or sydney they're massive you know you know i yeah i was wondering like no go ahead oh i was wondering like what is like what's your thoughts on like where everything's heading with like social connection and like conversations and honestly i i don't really know i i do think this i think that people who are taking care of themselves will be okay i think that the that the people who are have found the path of their own personal health and own personal accountability and responsibility will be okay.
Starting point is 00:49:08 I think that there is a very strong mechanism on planet earth. Wow. That's a big city. You're two and a half million people. Yeah. I mean, I mean, compared to where I live,
Starting point is 00:49:22 like I live in a town, I mean, I live close to a metropolis, but, but the town I live in, there's, I don't know, 50,000 people. There's fucking no one here. And we all say hi to, like you can make eye contact and say hi to anyone you want. Even the kids who are trapped in their phones, you can. But what I think is going to happen, I think a lot of people are in big trouble. going to happen i i think a lot of people are are in big trouble and i don't think that it was an understatement when greg glassman said find a crossfit affiliate and get on because it's a
Starting point is 00:49:49 lifeboat we're not going to be able to save everyone we're not even going to be able to save a small portion i think there's massive population decline on the planet i think there's a lot of really really lost and dumb people and they're asleep people. And I think that, um, that slowly, that not even slowly, it's going to happen slowly, but relative to the length of the planet, it's going to happen very quickly. I think in a couple of generations, um, the, the week will die. I think we're designed, I think the planet is set up like that and we're designed like that it's not hospitable to the weak and um it doesn't look good for people and it's not that they're bad people they just weren't fortunate enough like us to get on the right path they're confused you know even some guy said in the comments the other day jiggy josh or something he goes i can't believe seven still confused and
Starting point is 00:50:41 doesn't realize there's just one race. Yeah, that guy gets it. Like it's just – there's this sea of humanity, and it's trying to survive, and we're all trying to survive. And those people who aren't trying to take care of themselves first and foremost with this really high level of personal accountability and personal responsibility. They're not, those lines aren't going to survive. They're not going to keep, um, the, the, the, the, the weak are going to perish. That's, that's, that's, that's what I think. I'm, I'm, I hope that sounds optimistic. I'm very optimistic. I'm very, very, very, very very very very very very very optimistic
Starting point is 00:51:25 oh my goodness oh my goodness jeff fucking asshole he wrote yeah you don't probably don't get this uh james um but he said someone's like a poor man's adam carolla adam carolla is like a a comedian here I used to listen to as a kid. He had a show called love lines with Dr. Drew and, uh, and I would, I would love to be Adam Corolla and Jeff just nailed me. It's like, he just, it's like, he just, this guy, who the fuck is this guy? He just, he just pegged me. Oops. I shouldn't say that word. So, so I'm really optimistic and optimistic, and we just all have to stay strong. We're all going to see some bad shit happen.
Starting point is 00:52:10 We're seeing bad shit happen. We can't get swept away by – I mean our president said the craziest shit ever a couple days ago. There's people in this country that think that on January 6th there was an insurrection in our capital. A bunch of fucking people walked into that building. There was no fire. There were a handful of guns. There was like two or three shootings in there and they were all done by fucking like the FBI
Starting point is 00:52:35 or the fucking police and shit. There were dudes, you can see the police just hanging out and they're talking to people. It was like, it was the most peaceful. They didn't even have peaceful sit-ins like that in the 60s it was the most peaceful protest i've seen in my fucking 50 years on planet earth it was so peaceful especially for the level of intensity and where it was at
Starting point is 00:52:57 meanwhile in ferguson they burnt down the whole fucking city 760 million dollars it was supposedly for for fucking black rights in the city of oakland they killed a fucking former black police chief in front of a building that was named after a fucking former black civil rights guy and none of that should be and that was happening by the thousands all over the united states and we have people we are our own president is trying to muster some scare tactics that something crazy happened in our capital.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Like for some reason, like if that building went away, the US would go away. There was this thing that happened in the UK. I've talked about it a bunch of times. I wish I could remember exactly what year it was.
Starting point is 00:53:39 But the queen took two weeks off the calendar several hundred years ago. And the society panicked because they thought they lost two weeks of their life. She took two weeks off the calendar several hundred years ago and the society panicked because they thought they lost two weeks of their life she took two weeks off the calendar and they thought they lost two weeks off their life that's the kind of stupidity when people see january 6th and they think it was an insurrection are you out of your fucking mind it's a bunch of fucking
Starting point is 00:53:59 drunk people entered a building more people get killed at a fucking kanye concert than that fucking what happened at that more people die more people die in the new york city marathon how many people died on june people die every hour in the city of chicago how many people that well that's true i think like three people died in insurrection hey more cops have committed more cops have committed suicide after the insurrection who are were involved in the insurrection, than people who have died in the insurrection. So in that regards, we live with fucking retards. You have to – that part you just kind of have to start to accept. It's bad.
Starting point is 00:54:34 And I do think that the – You think they let them in for political reasons too? I'm sure. As it went to storm rather than put up a fight, they just kind of like everybody evacuated. They just let them in. It looked weird. I mean there's all sorts it went to storm rather than put up a fight. They just got like everybody evacuated. They just let them in. And it looked weird. I mean, there's all sorts of I tried to follow it. There's so many threads and stories and videos to the Democratic Party, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:54:55 Had they let it like letting them in in that manner? Like if you were like, no, they wanted to defend it. They just didn't want violence to be there. So they just like let them in, which you could say that. But that also benefits one party over the other too because then they could point at it and say, see, look, it was an act of violence. What do they keep saying he does? Incites violence. Isn't that the whole deal?
Starting point is 00:55:18 That what incites violence? Trump incited the violence. Yes, yes. And if you go back and read his speech, he says, let's march peacefully. The whole thing is insane. What does this mean uh james are you still on the line yeah what is this some guy said australia just voted in our leftist government with the greens party holding the balance of power in the upper house you're gonna start seeing some messed up stuff and stuff messed up stuff from australia soon meaning more more what does that mean? More lockdowns and shit?
Starting point is 00:55:46 Or you don't even know? Uh, no, I did. Like, nothing changed, you know? It's just the same.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Like, no one who's in charge where, it's always the same. I was, I was so sad. One of your health, one of your health ministers
Starting point is 00:56:00 was an Armenian lady and she was doing some dumb shit. I felt so, I, I'm no longer Armenian. I abandoned it. Sorry. Oh, thank God. Thanks for the call, man. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:56:20 Yeah, I'll call you next week. Yeah, let's get together again soon. Thanks, Jay. Okay. That was good. I'll call you next week let's get together again soon thanks Jay that was good especially for the people listening with earbuds in ladies and gentlemen I don't know what that means amen
Starting point is 00:56:39 come on maybe oh Sarah that's nasty. That's mean. That's mean. So one of the finest jiu-jitsu gyms in the world is a gym called A-O-J. It's in Southern California. It's in Newport. And Miss Sarah sent her troop there
Starting point is 00:57:05 to train and she's trying to make me jealous because my kids don't train there and I don't know if jealousy is working but there's some serious envy envy? what's the difference between jealousy and envy? envy is like I want your shit
Starting point is 00:57:21 jealousy is like I want your girlfriend envy is like I want one like your girlfriend oh really? I want your shit. Jealousy is like, like I want your girlfriend. Envy is like, I want one like your girlfriend. Oh really? I like your girlfriend. I want one that does the same tricks yours does. That's envy. Oh, interesting. I thought, I think, I don't know. I'm making that up. I mean, the way that I heard it one time, and I don't know if this would be true, but I liked it was like, jealousy is kind of just like wanting what you had or just being jealous of a situation. Example, when the picture of like you, Hunter Hill, or the boys at Newport, I saw it.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I was like, ah. I was like jealous I wasn't there. Yeah. But envy would be seeing that picture, feeling the same feeling, but then thinking you don't deserve to be there. I deserve to be there. Oh, let's look up the words. Let's look up the words. Envy and jealousy. That's good.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Good stuff. Ladies and gentlemen, if you live in the state of California, you can go to Type in the word SEVON when you log in or the password or the discount code or whatever the code is, and you will get free blood work and a free doctor's consultation. You can ask them anything you want about your blood work. They'll tell you, man, you're strong like bull. Or, hey, have you considered testosterone replacement therapy? Envy means disconnected, longing for someone else's advantages. Jealousy means unpleasant suspicion or apprehension of rivalship. Envy means discontented.
Starting point is 00:58:41 Okay, so I'm discontented because you have the cool chick that does the cool tricks. And then I'm longing for someone else. I'm longing for someone else. So maybe I do want your chick. I don't know. I think of it. Jealousy means an unpleasant suspicion. Okay, let's go to the – click that Merriam-Webster's one.
Starting point is 00:59:01 One night almost say that these two words are used as if they were interchangeable. The words are scarcely synonyms. However, envy means disconnected longing for someone else's advantages. Jealousy means unpleasant suspicion. The inorder – that's from 1965. There are three different ways in which jealousy can be used. The most common is where the meaning is fearful of losing attention. Another is a broad sense is possessive or protective.
Starting point is 00:59:22 The meaning is fearful of losing attention. Another is a broad sense is possessive or protective. Third usage is in the sense of the envious as of another person because of his or her belongings, abilities, or achievements. That's kind of how I think of it, but that you want them. As I said. All right. Interesting. I am not, because I'm not resentful of another person.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I'm not resentful of. Because. I'm not resentful of – Because that's a dangerous thought, right? Like being like, oh, I was jealous or I want to work towards that or I kind of want what they have, but not having any ill will towards that person or not thinking that you deserve it over them. Not as bad as you going, oh, well, my sister gets all the luck and she doesn't deserve it. She doesn't even work hard and I work hard and I deserve deserve what she has i am could be out there right i i'm not envious or jealous but i'm very stimulated by the fact that hillary is embarking on and gary roberts are embarking on the california hormones a trip i'm so curious what that's going to be like what that feels like the mental acuity trip. I'm so curious what that's going to be like, what that feels like.
Starting point is 01:00:27 The mental acuity. Hillary's going to be yoked. She already is. I know. But Gary Roberts, man, he just sent Sarah and I a text the other day. He's loving it. He is fucking loving it. He's got a good TRT regiment going now. He's got a good trt regiment going now he's got a good crossfit regiment going um he's eating better i'm really excited we knew him back on you guys are it was that was an awesome show that was just hilarious
Starting point is 01:00:55 okay we'll get him on soon yeah the two of you guys we have a zillion good cats coming up anyway even if you don't live in the state of cal, if you're anywhere in the United States, even that weird state up there called Alaska or even the one over there called Hawaii, you can get on Get on there. Use the code SEVON. Use the code HILLER. Don't use the code word SUSE. And you'll get the free doctor's consultation. doctors consultation and uh even if you don't live in california and you can't get the free blood work they'll give you a prescription or something for the blood work that then you can
Starting point is 01:01:30 use to turn into your insurance company so you get it paid for i know i botched that but check out the website it's all on there sevan s-e-v-a-n hiller d-o-u-c-A-N. Hiller. D-O-U-C-H-E. Okay. And consequently, men are envious of those goods in which good name consists and about which men like to be honored and esteemed as a philosopher remarked on. Oh, this is our Bible guy.
Starting point is 01:02:06 This guy's cool. Hounds of justice. Even though he fucked that one up. It is in this way that envy grieves for another's goods. Oh. God, hounds of justice. What a motley crew we have in here. That was perfect.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Love you guys. That means she's leaving. Fine. Leave. Leave that way. Well, at least she said bye. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:35 I see what she did. Just came in. Treat me like a whore. Throw 50 bucks on me. Get my mouth. Get my mouth. Get my mouth. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:02:43 We're an hour into the show. Did UFC just impose age divisions to make the car better? God, it could be right, Chris. I mean, how old is Ferguson? I know Diaz is 37. They wouldn't let me put it in the order. Sorry. Let me put it in the order. Oh. Let me put it in the order.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Oh, okay. I see what you're saying. I'm not going anywhere, Ms. Cox. Got it. Hello. Yo. Get with the programming. I have not seen this show these guys are doing yet.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Oh, the journal show? But I got to see it. I got to see that. Yeah, everybody needs to check that out. Let me pull it up here. I got to see it. Let he who hath no sin cast the first stone. It's so awesome that they're doing that. Okay, what do you want me to say next?
Starting point is 01:03:38 Hey. Hey. Dance, monkey, dance. I am not on TRT yet, but but boy am i getting thick and strong right now i cleaned 110 pounds today i used to take that cream to eat stuff were you squawking i didn't take it today but i i took so i've been taking so much like almost the recommended dose and i'm just getting thick are you still bench pressing too sorry what'd you say about your squat clean did you just say you got your pr you know who i look like you know i'm starting to feel like do you know who danzig is
Starting point is 01:04:09 no glenn danzig you got he's singing a song mother uh get with the programming today today is a twofer on youtube at 11 a.m oh come on stop it I do two podcasts a day. You guys sit the fuck down. Look at Craig. Craig Howard at Diablo did it, too, or liked it. Oh, my goodness. Podcasts where they are pulling up Greg Glassman's original articles and reviewing them and going over them. It's basically the CrossFit Journal for Dummies. It's like for those of us who listen to audiobooks, this is what they're doing. You know, ironically, those of you who don't know this story, I haven't told it in a long time, that's how I met Matt Souza originally. Oh, yeah. story. I haven't told it in a long time. That's how I met Matt Souza originally. Matt came up to
Starting point is 01:05:06 me or called me or text me or something. And he said, Hey, I'm going to, uh, what do you think? I'm going to start just reading the old journal articles into a microphone and then posting them as a podcast. And I go, that's brilliant. And he goes, well, anyone get me in trouble for that? And I go, if anyone does just tell them that I them that Sevan Matosian, executive media director of CrossFit Inc. Extraordinaire, gave me the go-ahead. Yeah, you're like, just let me know. I'll take care of it. Yeah. I said, oh, I feel safe.
Starting point is 01:05:35 You said, oh. I did get in a little trouble for one of them. Slap that hoe down. Those still get hits every now and then. down those still get uh hits every now and then it pops up like when it gives me like the buzz sprout uh numbers it'll pop up and say like two people downloaded like luck health and fitness or one person downloaded what is crossfit have you have you did you ever listen to any of them no uh i tried to make it all like at the time when i was thinking like professional so it plays like this classical music like at the start just like in the background and then i come on i'm like hello welcome to the crossfit journal audio edition i'm
Starting point is 01:06:08 your host matt and today we will be reading luck health and fitness oh i like glassman in 2002 i like it just like it like the music comes back up a little bit that it drops and it like fades article to the uncommon uncommonly good virtuosity uh is there going to be a seven podcast meetup meet meet for the seven podcast meetup we spell it m e a t and it's two words meet up it's not one word. Okay, now you know. Yes, it will happen soon. Oh my goodness. Okay, so we did the... We did like one of them. Okay. If it guy quit, didn't do CF.
Starting point is 01:07:01 Oh shit. And someone, breaking news from Morning Chaka. I didn't tell you this yet suza an it guy that the head of it is now quitting i think their chief technical officer quit a few months ago now the head of it is quitting wow what's happening guys see you guys at 806 but you're hearing it right here so i told you the cmo quit which i'm getting some uh interesting news about that i don't know if it matters whether she quit or got fired but it's the details are coming out yeah it was mutual and now i'm hearing that the it guy quit it are these all rows stand for intelligence tolerance
Starting point is 01:07:38 international trickery has something uh someone's talking about it stands for god we used to have so many it guys fuck what's it something technology internet technology no someone tell me somebody they'll put it in the comments and they'll know something technology wait was the person the cto is chief technology officer say that again yeah did Yeah. Did the, the it guy, did he, was he part of the original CrossFit guys? Like, did he work with you?
Starting point is 01:08:09 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:08:11 This guy's not even a fucking CrossFitter. Here's the weird, uh, information technology. Thank you, Eric. Um, here's the weird thing.
Starting point is 01:08:20 It would be so, so for those of you, God, why am I talking about CrossFit again? For those of you why am i talking about crossfit again for those of you who are crossfitters you know that every person that you want you have in your life you want to be a crossfitter you want your dentist to be a crossfitter you want your carpenter to be a crossfitter you want everyone to be a crossfitter and why is that because you know in general these are people who take personal accountability personal responsibility they work hard they want to make their lives better and they're for the most part not woke douchebags they're like and if they are they're
Starting point is 01:08:50 on they're on the path they're on the right path injected testosterone yes and and um and and and they have people there now that don't do CrossFit. And so there's this tension there you have to realize between the people who do CrossFit and don't because we don't want to – it's not that we hate you or don't like you or don't – but it doesn't make sense to us to not – if you have access to people who do CrossFit, you want to be around those people. Like they're the kind of people who walk by and see a light bulb out in their house and fix it it doesn't stay out for six months now no one write in the comment i've had a light bulb out in my house for six months go fuck yourself but you thought about yeah don't ruin my story we're different we're a different breed we're on the path of making ourselves better and we work on it daily how's that that's that's a pretty humble accurate assessment and so when you have people there who didn't do CrossFit or who aren't
Starting point is 01:09:46 CrossFitters, you just know, you just know. And, uh, and there's always going to be attention there. And so I want, I want to tell you something else that's happened, uh, that's happened, um, in, in and at CrossFit for a – it's been really hard since 2018. I want to tell you something. Yes. Every time you bring in a new leader, anytime you change someone on that executive team, like that chick Erin or you bring in this guy Don Fall or Rosa or just anytime this head of it leaves, there becomes a power or them getting rid of Dave. There becomes a, a power vacuum and everyone who works there stops working.
Starting point is 01:10:34 And instead of working, they start trying to prove their value in jockeying for position. It's really, really fucking disturbing to the growth of the company. really, really fucking disturbing to the growth of the company. And so for four years, there's been basically nothing being done there. If someone doesn't feel super duper crazily secure with their job, because instead they're trying to either prove to, for example, Don or whoever their new boss is. And there's so many fucking new bosses and layers coming and going that you don't even hear about that everyone there not not only are they smarter more knowledgeable and more capable than the vast majority of the bosses because they're people who've been there a long time but they're trying to prove to the bosses that they're worth keeping and it's a fucked up work environment and it's horrible for productivity and that has been going
Starting point is 01:11:26 on there i mean if you know someone who works at crossfit again buy him some flowers send them especially if they're an og just be like dude i'm sorry good job stick good job staying with the fight i mean they've been at sea a long fucking time getting hammered it seems like it's been a bunch of courtships like you were saying because now it's all about office politics right and it almost kind of looks like they take some of these new guys at least from the outside It seems like it's been a bunch of courtships, like you were saying, because now it's all about office politics, right? And it almost kind of looks like they take some of these new guys, at least from the outside, looking in with like Don Foley. And they almost kind of like – Foul.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Foul. Foul. Foul. Foul. Foul? F-A-U-L. Sorry for screwing that up. Donald.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Mr. Foul. Call him Donald. Yeah, Mr. Foul. Mr. Foul. And they're almost kind of like parading them around a little bit to like show the ropes or to get meshed with the community um and it just seems like they've had to do that time and time again like they kind of did it with rosa and they kind of crazy it just it's got to be tough being in that office because with the new leader always comes a new shake-up there's always
Starting point is 01:12:20 some new stuff coming in old people you know get fired or they leave new people if they bring in their team and so like you were saying there's no way they could be focused on the mission of continuing to protect the brand and build content around anything if they're just focused on office politics the whole time and they have a they have people there whose jobs require there to be problems whole dei council their job requires there to be problems that guy fucking andrew weinstein his entire job requires there to be problems these are not like the we never had any of that shit there we had a fucking well-oiled machine you know what someone wrote in the comments the other day someone just wrote in the comments have you noticed someone had a hispanic
Starting point is 01:12:59 a black and a blah blah blah dude on someone wrote that in the youtube comments i never even fucking thought of that this podcast is super diverse and when they wrote it i said i guess i need some women on i was just joking i don't really give a fuck but but i mean but it would be interesting i mean i i i'm not opposed to having a woman affiliate owner i do 30 in a row but i just thought it was funny to say that but holy shit like. Like, dude, when I worked at HQ, I bet you 40% of the people in the office were Hispanic. Why? Because probably 40% of fucking California is Hispanic or Santa Cruz, California. A poor man's fucking – Adam Carolla, eat a dick.
Starting point is 01:13:40 That one stuck. That one, he rocked me a little bit with that one. That one stuck. I had to regurgitate that uh and there you go jay vera i have to constantly audition for my job yeah yeah because you gotta like like you're saying you gotta show your worth you gotta prove it to the new guy and their new system of the way yeah that's a great audition yeah and there's no way you can focus on your job yeah just just fucking let the people fucking grind those are all grinders over there the og those are all people who who they're those are uh greg made apostles those are those are those are all apostles let them grind get out of their way let them grind what year i do i i do let me let me hold that
Starting point is 01:14:24 thought i want to say this too. I saw something that Justin LaFranco posted where he said something about that girl Erin who just got fired from the chief marketing officer or quit or whatever happened to her. I heard him say that she was a really good asset to the company, and it's a shame they lost her. Do you know how I read that? That she was in cahoots with him. how i read that no that she was in cahoots with him she's in cahoots with lefranco and weinstein and the and the and the uh e coli article and that because i know she didn't do shit when she was there you can't be there a year and not bring up the crossfit journal i mean there's just so much low-hanging fruit right she's gotta be aware of it you gotta be aware of it yeah and so she
Starting point is 01:15:02 doesn't know what she's doing and now that he's complimenting her, what I see is, oh, yes, it's just how the fuck would he know her? Right. Right. So what I think happened is these are all people who took a swing at the king. These are all people who took a swing at the king. And they didn't kill him. And he's back the king. And they didn't kill him. And he's back, baby. And they didn't kill him.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Yeah. They all took a swing at the king. Interesting. He's offered. Next time you talk to LeFranco, ask him how much morning chalk is going for. Ask him if it's still for sale. Tell him saw it on uh on craigslist for ten thousand this is your company i came across here yeah hey someone will someone do that will someone just make a post on craigslist for the morning chocos for sale so i can put in the night someone send
Starting point is 01:16:00 me a screenshot of it so i can put it on my. And maybe it'll be a story of the evening wipe down. Yeah. Great. I love it. Breaking. Breaking news. What year would you say looking back was the most like well oiled year as far as everybody working and rowing in the same direction? The company going full steam ahead.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Great positivity within, you know, the office and no politics, stuff like that. There was always it was i don't know but from 2000 it was it was always there was always i mean i have so many crazy stories so many fucking intense stories maybe someday i'll i'll let the book loose but from 2000 from the second i got there to 2018 for the most part um i kept my head down and and really hit it something happened in 2017 and 18 that all our fucking metrics started shifting in a positive like 2014 there was a lull even though the company we were we were great really a lull a lull. And what is the metric for the lull? What do you mean by that? Kind of everything.
Starting point is 01:17:14 L1 sales, affiliate retention, affiliate signing up. There was just a lull. Our growth, it started slowing down. Still always growth. But our growth started slowing down. And then in 2017, a group of us in the media department, along with a lot of vision from Greg, a lot of direction from Dave and Nicole, from Bruce Edwards, we got together and the media team listened to all of the things that they wanted, and we started really engaging and activating on them. And those things were WOD tips. WOD demos. Podcast. Transformational stories. Doing what Greg called more commercial.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Showing more weight loss stories. Before and after. It was just this giant move in one direction. And then basically. Everything started exploding around November. I think of 2017. To like September of 2018. And we were on a fucking mission dude and you could feel it and ott was about to launch it we were crushing it and then
Starting point is 01:18:11 fucking uh they brought in that fucking douchebag and he fired the media team kane yeah and he brought his fucking mistress in and she got my fucking job i don't know if you how many of these i don't know how much i should tell repeat these stories but that shit was all fucking crazy can you imagine a dude comes in with some chickies fucking they're both married and then she gets my job and they fire all my staff how long was he in there by the way nothing's changed there don't think that anything don't think that anything has changed there what like they're still there's even create at least at least at least these people who are fucking their way to the top are working hard like there's still there's even create at least at least at least these people who are fucking their way to the top are working hard now there's people they're fucking
Starting point is 01:18:48 their way to the top who are not working hard and let me tell you fucking is important like there's people who've kept their job there by fucking like intercourse i'm talking pain all the vaginal intercourse how long when before kane came in before the media team was hired like was there an official announcement like hey this is our new ceo and for sort of action no no no no no no no no no no you want to get into it huh no no we didn't operate like that at hq we didn't operate that hq it was a fucking gang new dude comes on the media team he wants to know where to get a camera like we baby you just had to be hazed you'd be figured out you had to work out with some people you had to make friends alliances did he have one-on-one show us what you had make something
Starting point is 01:19:38 with your fucking iphone prove to us that you can work as hard as us don't be when fucking someone calls you a bitch in the gym fucking take it like i'm fucking champ it was it was cool it was cool and let me tell you the no one was immune to that i mean i didn't hear anyone ever called dave a bitch but like the rest of us were fucking you were dude i wanted to work there so bad it was fucking thug life it was gangster and if you didn't work like, there were people there who slept there. That guy, Jay Vera, probably still sleeps there occasionally. Actually, they don't even have the place anymore. Eric Diaz, Jay Vera, Ian Wittenberg, Heber Marsden, everyone had fucking spent the night there on occasion.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Not more than on occasion. Adam, Adam, whatever. Not because they had to because they were fucking working. Well, they're intrinsically motivated. You can't, you know, it's hard to replace people like that. Exactly. And so when you bring in a lot of these tech CEOs like they were doing, and they don't know how to look at the business model,
Starting point is 01:20:34 and they don't know the, you know, they call it a product, and they're not really sure how to sell that product. And once they apply their, you know, business as usual systems to it, and they go, oh shit, this isn't working. And then on top of that, the community is vocal and it's it's hard to break into yes it well i never smelled buddhisti there i never i never smelled buddhisti there i do i do i did hear some stories about some people fucking in the gym and getting caught and some things like that but but i i actually never i never fucked anyone there or touched
Starting point is 01:21:05 anyone inappropriately or kissed or i maybe kissed my wife if she she worked there too i never like touched your boobs there nothing on the property or nothing i probably slapped her ass i probably slapped a bunch of dudes asses too because i got sold i was so bummed because one of my favorite things was when i go out there those ddcs and you're like in crossfit hq it just like the feeling there and the vibe and by the way everybody on staff was crazy nice the whole time yeah people are cool shit yeah especially the old school people yeah yeah um you never explained why greg let that happen oh hey melissa really wants to get into it. I wasn't pulling those ones.
Starting point is 01:21:46 I'm not. It's something I need to drink, maybe like in a year or two. I'll drink and come on a show. But there was some tension there in 2018 towards the end. And there was definitely some tension between what you might call the executive team and Greg. you might call the executive team and Greg. And I do not know why Greg, the exact reason why Greg bought this fucking,
Starting point is 01:22:13 do you think he felt he was losing horrible human being and his mistress to come work at the company? I don't. And what's crazy is that dude used to be like a really good friend of mine. And so did that. So did that lady. And soon as they got their fucking claws in Greg, it was over. Hmm. And, uh, to that lady and soon as they got their fucking claws in greg it was over and uh um yeah i i they could spin the narrative that things were bad or that there was too much
Starting point is 01:22:39 money being spent i hear all sorts of shit but i had access to everything i had access to like all the accounting and i could see it all and i'll tell you this let me tell you this here we go yeah yeah that dude that they brought on as the ceo if they wouldn't have brought him on and i and i told greg this i said hey get rid of this dude and his fucking entourage, and we can make the most amazing, beautiful, transformational story every five days and put it on fucking YouTube. A 10 to 15-minute video that could be cut up into an Instagram, Facebook, YouTube. We could enter them in film festivals. They'll be amazing.
Starting point is 01:23:24 Transformational stories of just fucking pick your worst situation we'll take that person and heal them and they go to an l1 and and we'll be just shitting those things out people going to affiliates it would be we would and within a year we'd be fucking owning you when we were already owning youtube yep we could be killing these and the value it will add will be fucking mind-boggling. Some of our sales – because I knew that because that's the process we were already on. And I pitched to Greg and that guy, the CEO at the time, and I brought in the people from Gravitas who had the idea with me to put the journal on all the OTTs. I set up meetings.
Starting point is 01:24:01 They saw everything. They chose that path. I mean they chose to turn off social media with no plan B. I thought at first when they did that, they were trying to push people to their website. And I was like, this is a bold move and like own the platform. I, are you friends with Andy Stump? If I am, if I am friends with Andy Stump, our friendship is in a bad spot i would say that uh greg's ego got in the way at the end or it sounds like to me um i was it an ego was it was he displeased with the direction that it seemed to be going long
Starting point is 01:24:40 i never looked at it like that like his ego i he had a dude he is a fucking amazing visionary like that's the best thing about being his friend and i still get to talk to him every day you can give him anything like greg talk to me about pizza and he'll talk to you start talking about the virtuosity of making pizza and what would be the best pizza restaurant and why and and like fucking just diamonds are pouring off of them. And then he can also – he can look into the future. So he can – he has a mind that he thinks so clearly that he can predict things so clearly. He can see so clearly. And so he could see things.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Okay, I'll give you this inside okay i think great could see so clearly into the future that i think he got annoyed with the rest of us because he always had to be explaining himself and kind of like defending his position yes and it must be fucking exhausting at some point he probably just want yeah predictive power jay yeah so at some point um we've all been around people like that like where we can see a few steps ahead of them and we're in there in our lives and we're exhausted and bring always just they always it almost feels like they're an anchor they're arguing our weaknesses for us and it's like dude motherfucker so sometimes you just want to be like dude go do that
Starting point is 01:25:58 or he great great didn't even tell you that he would tell you his vision and then you would just need to know how to to execute on it. Like Snoop Dogg said, yeah, get in where you fit in. He wasn't a – there was a middle – he would do some micromanaging in the minutia, like to work out some of the details. But he was super big picture or super focused. He didn't hang out in the middle. Like he didn't give a – that's why it's so ridiculous. The middle is like where all that dumb DEI shit is.
Starting point is 01:26:26 I mean, the dumbest of the dumb shit hangs out in the middle. We needed two women and three men working on this project, and they need to take Saturdays and Sundays off. And it needs to be shooting on film emulsion that is friendly to nature. And that, I mean, just shut the fuck up. We're saving fucking humans here. You know what I always hope that... We're saving lives here, and you're worried about what detergent the stretchers were fucking washed with. Dipshit.
Starting point is 01:26:54 I was always hoping because you could see with the DDC and the MDL-1. And at first, I was wondering if he was going to start getting into saving the medical data and starting to push the affiliates to collect some certain numbers or something like that. Because as long as it doesn't pass through a medical institution and it's given up by the person, willfully, there's no HIPAA law that applies to it in the same way. Just collection of different data on people's health and then include that in your transformational videos and then just start the whole entire mining of all the health data out of the affiliates, out of the L1s and different ways to plug it in and then uh, qualitative qualities, like their life is better. You know, you can't put a metric on that, but you could see if they're closer, better, they're more confident, you know, whatever they're, you know, attracting better people in their lives. And then you would also have the, the quantitative, the stuff that you could actually measure and then see on paper. kind of things i can't remember if we we did those maybe in killing the fat man we did a little bit but those are the kind of things that if you would have been a creative at crossfit inc you could have done that yeah you would have come to me and been like hey seven i got this fat guy at my gym i work out with and he's gonna lose weight and i'm gonna do all of his blood work and take all his metrics and wham and do balls and do what's that thing you have people stand on the firefighters
Starting point is 01:28:19 the in-body scanner the in-body scan you could do all that with him and you could create we everyone was trusted to do their own shit and you could create that piece and then come back a month later and be like, here's my shit. Or three months later, you'd have like maybe five projects going simultaneously, and after six months, you'd turn that one in, and you'd be like, yeah. Yeah. And then an insurance company could find out about it. and then an insurance company could find out about it. That's where the big money's made, because now you have the predictive value,
Starting point is 01:28:53 and if you had some health insurance along with it, you know that CrossFitters are going to cost way less, and you wouldn't have to subsidize everybody else's chronic disease costs. Jeff Baco is going to disney plus to fucking jerk off on little kids you're disgusting jeff i can't tell if he puts those comments like just just to get a rise you know you go give that money to disney jeff surprise surprise like he's just kind of a shocked i'm shocked that you support Disney. Oh, my goodness. How are your beta blockers coming, Jeff? Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:29:33 It's funny. Can't tell if he was serious about that or not. Tomorrow morning at 10 a.m., I'll be probably at 930. You'll be at the jujitsu tournament. How nervous do you get with watching the boys like do you get super nervous i'm so uncomfortable right now jason cook i'm so out of touch is there a cheat sheet of the ownership of crossfit right now i think that might be the owner of crossfit potrero hill it might be a brown belt or black belt in jiu-jitsu. If it's the Jason Cook, I know. I didn't recognize the photo.
Starting point is 01:30:06 No, no one knows who owns CrossFit. Mystery. Tomorrow, I'll be – I'm really – Like, are you nervous now about it, if you think about it? Yeah, I'm totally unsettled. Do you think it worked out a little bit? Yeah, yeah, I'm totally unsettled. I just want it to be over and take the kids to, like, get a treat afterwards. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:21 I'm just so – Do you get tribal when you're in there? Pardon me? Do you get – because, like, so I used do you get because like so i usually go to like crossfit competitions with like the gym or like a couple people be competing in a pairs thing or just locally right and whenever we were there it was always all love community was awesome then the second the heat would start you were like those are my fucking pete and you're like yelling you know and you're like having them go against the other competitors and you almost turn into that tribal mentality, like, it's my crew here versus everybody. Then once the heat was over, you went
Starting point is 01:30:48 back to, like, high-fiving and being everybody's, you know, best of friends. It's weird because you, like, it's a weird scene. The most memorable thing I, I mean, there's a couple memorable things, but the most memorable I had is, Avi had to go against this
Starting point is 01:31:04 kid one time, and it was in, it was a no-gi, and he was clearly smaller than Avi. And Avi's so calm when he walks out there. He's probably shitting his pants inside, but he's so calm and mellow, and he gets in his fighting stance. And the other kid, the dad's yelling at the other kid, and the other kid's like – Oh, shit. And he's doing all that. And the kid's six the dad's yelling at the other kid, and the other kid's like, and he's doing all that. And the kid's six. That's intense.
Starting point is 01:31:28 And he's like, and he's like, they're going to fight. And they say go, and Avi basically just holds this kid in side control and fucking spinning around on him and just drowning him just yeah drowning him and but being nice but drowning him and uh and it was uh however long it is just three minutes of just and the kids keeping that act up the whole time right yeah the act exactly and uh after a minute of obby holding him i started feeling bad for the other kid like you know i mean the first minute i'm like yeah mash this fucking kid in his ass and then after that i'm like i don't like this i don't i don't know what obby's having to go through but you think that obby was uncomfortable with like yeah he didn't like he didn't want to hurt nobody yeah obby's a teacher yeah he don't want to hurt nobody yeah that kid's that kid's got the heart of a teacher like he'll fuck you up like you wouldn't yeah exactly he mashes like he'll
Starting point is 01:32:30 like i like he'll he'll fight all three minutes if someone's fighting back yeah he's choked me he's he's strong but he doesn't want to um like oh shit uh yeah drown yeah that's basically what it was and the thing is too with this is it's not like the kid the dad didn't even like like people have walked up to us and at the gym and or at jiu-jitsu tournament and they're just little kids they don't do anything and they're like all like all the kids show up there with like fucking mohawks and fucking like you know what i mean like like they're ready for war and my kids fucking wearing fucking girls leggings and people be like dude your kids are killers and they look they look like i mean they look like the fucking uh like a boy band
Starting point is 01:33:15 and they so they they kind of other parents kind of have no idea what they're going up against either of the kids like yeah, underestimated for sure. Yeah, he's a lot. He's a fucking handful. And they don't look as strong, especially Avi, because obviously being the older one, they don't look nearly as strong as they are. Right. It's very under-assuming. Yeah, so the parents have no idea.
Starting point is 01:33:41 Undersuming. Yeah, holy fuck. This kid does fucking 100 burpees in 440. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like at a moment's notice. Crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:51 Hanson. Yeah. That's what they fucking look like. Like those boneheads. Yeah. Exactly. All right. Well, we didn't get through shit.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Yeah. Sorry. I feel like sometimes I derail it too. I apologize. I don't know. You didn't derail it too i apologize i don't know like we started getting you didn't derail it you started getting some of the crosshead stuff and i just i enjoy like learning about it because it was just i was so much of an outsider looking in like 2009 2008 too like when facebook started to reach its popularity and a lot of people mind were like big in facebook like i was like crossfit main site 5 p.m the workout hits i'm watching the wad demo i'm reading what was ever on the journal that day like i just
Starting point is 01:34:29 i i just absorbed it all like that was god you remember that shit when we used to all be refreshing our computers at 5 p.m right at 5 yeah every time oh so we got through some stuff we got through the um let's say what's what's this 327 Chinese high school? Let me get down there. Hold on. Chinese high school. It's a P. Okay, let's share this one, and then you can –
Starting point is 01:34:57 Chinese high school. Oh, yeah, this is crazy. So these are high school kids in china do we do we want sound for this uh sure maybe for a few seconds unless it's like some song that's gonna get it banned look at this those are girls with knives Stabbing other girls in the neck Like are you kidding me
Starting point is 01:35:42 Like, are you kidding me? That's high school in Japan? All right, no sound, no sound. That is not what the kids were doing in my high school. That's intense. Yeah. Don't mess with the Chinese. They're helping off the wounded.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Okay. Jesus. Okay, 326, White House logic. Screw it. We'll do some White House logic. This should be funny. God, I hope this is funny. I was a Chinese high school will plumber. I really believe this is crazy. This is I really believe this is why God gave us two arms, one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID.
Starting point is 01:36:44 That's not a real quote. I heard him say it. I heard him say it be i heard him say it i heard him say it i heard him say it oh that's what i mean and like what's crazy is the left doesn't even believe in god and yet i i I, I. Don't you see that as a red flag? Those of you who got the vaccine, aren't you like, wait a minute. That, that doesn't, is that, is that science? Uh, yes, that is science. I've on, obviously there's two arms, right?
Starting point is 01:37:19 And there's two shots. Don't be a dumb ass. Believe. Just believe. It is a real quote. I'm telling you, that is a real quote. I thought I there's a video of him saying it. It is.
Starting point is 01:37:31 It is nuts. And I'm so disappointed, too, because my I respect Indian people so much. And I guess there are some even some dumb Indian people or Packies or whatever he is. But tell the party line, baby. Toe the party line. 325, oppressed people drawing. Man, we're on a roll now. We're killing it. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 01:37:56 They're preparing for war, and we are arguing gender pronouns. Yeah, that's the same thing I was thinking. We're playing with our imaginary friends, and they are teaching their kids how to handle rifles. 325, Oppressed People Drawing. This one's kind of old. Oh, yeah, yeah. This is so good. So this is an old show called Kids in the Hall, and it starts off, and the screen says, Fat, Black, and Gay.
Starting point is 01:38:20 I think that's the name of the piece. Okay. Action. Oh, we need sound probably. Yeah, here we go. I'm going to be sketching the female nude today. Just focus on lines and shadow and form,
Starting point is 01:38:29 okay? Excuse me, Mr. Dwyer, but I took this class to learn how to sketch. Not to ogle some poor female nude. We're going to use economic repression to once again exploit a woman's body. That poor woman child is just another victim of the patriarchy.
Starting point is 01:38:46 I am? Hate crime. Hate crime. Not only that, it is also a racist construct. This woman represents the same white image of beauty that has oppressed women for centuries. There are the nude models of color. The people of girth. The handicapable.
Starting point is 01:39:04 The elderly. The queer. Naked, fat, black, crippled dykes are hard to find. I'm sorry I said that. I apologize. White male. Stop trying to cool off my black anger. I'm just trying to understand your black anger.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Show it to me again. Shut up! Thank you. I understand now. That's real life for some people. That's real life for like that chick Trish who fucking runs HR at HQ. She needs that. There's a whole section of employees at CrossFit HQ who need that for their jobs to exist.
Starting point is 01:39:42 That's our White House right now. That's how they're leveraging shit. They need that. Yeah. Not to be a smartass, but did they... I hear something weird. Are you underwater? No.
Starting point is 01:39:57 Hold on, I'm muting your ass. Yep, it's you. Slightly better. Okay, go on. Yeah, not to be a smart ass what oh god fat what did what did they say what did he say it's hard finding fat dyke queer black nude model that was so good no i was asking what if what have the what is the dei council for crossfit done and i don't mean that in like a like i'm legitimately asking the question nothing well first they're a fall guy they were a fall guy for rosa none of those none of those so in all fairness to those people the dei council they are they are a prop and a fall guy for to point at so like if someone said um how come
Starting point is 01:40:42 there's no black guys at the games this year i don't know if there were any i don't know is he a black guy i don't know um then they would say or maybe keelan henry he's gonna be on my show i'll ask him if he's black but someone would say uh that's the dei council's fault or we have a dei council they're working on it you know what i mean or you know what i mean it's there they're just a prop yeah they're not really gonna do anything they're gonna hire they're gonna like i was wondering and i didn't mean that in like a bad sense well it was just a legitimate question they allow for dumb shit to happen also like bad thought like like crossfitting spent money making content that showed that 13 of the 17 people who work on the games media team are women like that is a fucking waste of fucking money you are a health and fitness company that should have used that money to show how women can get hit fit and healthy yeah well i'm just wondering how not not not
Starting point is 01:41:39 not sucking your own dick publicly or sorry they're women whatever women do publicly i don't know what you guys do i don't know what the good metaphor for that is oh my god they're so bad it's so embarrassing greg would have greg would have never allowed that doesn't seem to be you that you have you have to know um uh hillar said something so fucking brilliant in a video i watched of his a couple days ago. Sorry, I watched the video today, but it's a video from a couple days ago. And this is the idea. Those of you like me who are upset at the fact that he fucking made that Tia Toomey video and called out Tia for doing roids, I'm like, dude, you're an asshole.
Starting point is 01:42:21 Why are you doing that? It's not cool. roids i'm like you dude you're an asshole why are you doing that yeah cool yeah how come i didn't get upset when he when he um uh uh said that um justin madaris is um uh maddie maddie that's the trick that's being played on people that the thing is i should have been upset that he was calling people out period if you're okay with him saying madaris is natural then you have to be okay with him calling t out you can't have it both ways because the concept and the idea is that he's going to assess people so only when you agree you agree with he's okay with assessing people but if he assesses them as being bad then that's what the left and you get upset with him. That's the woke me. Right. I was perfectly okay with fucking him doing it to Justin.
Starting point is 01:43:08 Right. I became a victim of woke thought. I was woke for a second. I wasn't seeing clearly. I was like in my feelings. You can't have it fucking both ways. So since they made a video showing that 13 of the 17 are women and they celebrate, you have to also be okay when they make a video that the other four are skinheads. You have to because that's that level of consciousness that does that.
Starting point is 01:43:42 That's that level of consciousness that does that, that lives at that idea of discrimination, prejudice, racism, homophobia, and it's perpetuated. Even if you think it's benign because it fits in your scope, it doesn't. It's that level of consciousness. That's why that guy Jiggy Josh who called me out the other day on YouTube or something. He's like, I can't believe seban's so fucking brilliant smart wise good looking huge cock whatever he went on and on uh but he still hasn't figured out that there's only one race i was like damn motherfucker fuck me up and that's the thing there's levels of consciousness levels to the shit you know idea, idea, concept, theory, truth.
Starting point is 01:44:26 There's there's there's. Go fucking watch your Disney shit. Like he can't even leave your I'm going to leave. He's like that kid who can't leave. No, you're not. You're going to keep drinking from this dick, Jeff. Not levels to woke. there's just love well i don't know maybe there is but i'm just showing i'm trying to illustrate for you an idea that that idea of like celebrating individualized women in the name of celebrating individualized women as
Starting point is 01:45:05 being something special that's a level of consciousness well now you have to accept celebrating everything white people frogs skinheads what you are you are perpetuating well seven what about the millions and millions of years of discrimination towards women but it doesn't matter do you want to end it or not i'm not saying to not i'm not saying not to acknowledge it or remember it but you're feeding it but you're feeding it you didn't start watching shit oh your battle your ongoing battle with jeff i thought we got off 15 minutes ago uh uh handstand walk competition with the fan i don't want to talk about that Oh, your battle, your ongoing battle with Jeff. I thought we got off 15 minutes ago. Handstand walk competition with the fans. I don't want to talk about that.
Starting point is 01:45:50 Let's go to 319. It's kind of scary because there's no notes, so you don't even know. Going in blind. What? Going in blind. Yeah, so. Okay, okay. This is going to be good.
Starting point is 01:46:05 I guess you see it first so you can be like oh shit oh we already did this this lady she changes the word from pedophile to just like she's saying that pedophilia is okay just don't call it pedophilia call it adults being attracted to kids
Starting point is 01:46:19 oh fuck that that's weird 318 men It's actually crazy shit. That's weird. 318 men. Wow, we're on a roll now. Do you have to go anywhere? In a few minutes. Not necessarily go anywhere.
Starting point is 01:46:38 We just have to make a call. Business call? Oh, this is so good people my goodness this is so good we need volume for this listen to this hey you women listen up listen up women this perfect timing okay to be a man it's not okay it's necessary what the hell are we going to do without men? You look around the city here, you see all these buildings go up. These men, they're doing impossible things. They're under the streets, working on the sewers. They're up on the power lines in the storms and the rain.
Starting point is 01:47:17 They're keeping this impossible infrastructure functioning, this thing that works in a miraculous manner. They work themselves to death. And often, literally, the gratitude for that is sorely lacking, especially among the people who should be most grateful. You see university professors, especially of the social justice bent, they take everything they have for granted, failing to understand entirely that there's a massive infrastructure of unbelievably hardworking, solidly laboring, working class men breaking themselves in half
Starting point is 01:47:52 on a regular basis, making sure that everything that always breaks works. It's okay to be a man. And Kermit the Frog has spoken. God, I felt my tear ducts turn on felt my tear ducts tear ducts turn on interesting i thought about crying a little bit i don't even care by the way like who cares like to get it but the point is it's just a pushback on just the idiocy out there right it's like it's like I'm finally getting it at 50. There's a whole – there was – my parents' generation for sure and part of my generation, there was this complete derogatory beatdown of women in the name of elevating women. In the name of elevating women, meaning those of you who raised kids and did the hardest and most important thing on planet Earth were devalued by elevating women who didn't do it, who became professors, who became politicians. They did everything except the job they were created to do.
Starting point is 01:49:08 And that job was diminished under the bullshit guise that to be an independent woman you had to go out and go to college, become a PhD, and work 50 hours a week. Let me tell you something. My wife is living the fucking dream. At 39, she had three fucking kids.
Starting point is 01:49:34 She's raising them and she's a mother. I'd put her against any fucking bitch who went to fucking Harvard with a PhD. Her value to fucking humanity. No woman I will meet will contribute what my wife has contributed. When my wife is fucking buried and put in the ground. Nobody. And it's fucked up. It's fucked up that that happened. And I know that there's a lot of men out there who also know that they're with that same woman.
Starting point is 01:50:05 And it's crazy that it fucking got this far out of fucking control. Have you seen that? And that's my point. And let these fucking men do this shit too. Let these men do this shit too. I don't want my wife fucking working in a fucking sewage treatment center. I'm okay if she does, but I would rather she be raising my boys. Sorry, Mr. Souza.
Starting point is 01:50:38 No, I was just going to say that the – actually very well said on your part. But I was just going to say, have you seen that woman that was um taken during a morning jog like a 4 a.m oh my god i did see that it's heartbreaking right but i've been seeing a bunch of these things on line that came afterwards that was like explain the situation and said we need men to be better men Men need to be better. And I was thinking to myself, like, the blanket statement like that is so divisive. What do you mean men need to be better? You're talking about a couple fucking psychos that drove around and found women to do psychotic shit to them. And I'm thinking about it because I've been in situations where I saw a woman being, not attacked, but verbally attacked and a Cisco situation was escalating.
Starting point is 01:51:27 And I was thinking I would put myself in harm's way to just make sure that that situation was resolved. So that way the woman wasn't stuck there because I'm thinking that could be my mom. That could be my wife. Yes. I'm going to come in and I'm going to protect, I'm going to stop that situation.
Starting point is 01:51:40 And so there's way when you, when they do stuff like this, meaning they, especially like a lot of the feminist groups that come out when things like this happen and try to point at men as like men need to do better as a totality it's like don't you realize too that like you're also speaking to a ton of the protectors like it should be our job and when you raise boys like like how you have there you're raising them to protect so although there are going to be fucking psychos are always going to be psychos that are in. If you allow men to be masculine and be protectors and watch out for our women, for all of the women, then that's going to be our biggest defense against the one-off fucking creepers.
Starting point is 01:52:15 And when you start to categorize all of us like that and say men need to be better, I would never fucking dream of sticking somebody in the trunk of my car. dream of sticking somebody in the trunk of my car but you best believe if i'm out on a jog and i see a woman being attacked by there i'm gonna speed the fuck up and put myself in harm's way and make sure that she gets home safely with everything i can do and so those are the type of men that we need to be uplifting and not just trying to just go over this whole entire blanket statement with it it just drives me nuts and some of the times too and the the comments that really like trigger me about the stuff with the podcast is when people throw around the word misogynistic podcast is okay but he makes misogynistic comments like fuck you who else has had people come on here and athletes come on here and talk about their contraception and allow them to talk about motherhood and how they're still competitive and just going through
Starting point is 01:52:58 those experiences and asking some of those questions where a lot of the women that watch the show are going holy crap i would have never uh you know i'm so glad i got that information because i was experiencing the same things that i don't really even know who to talk to about it right so it's just like but if he is misogynistic to me i'm gonna stand up to him i'm gonna tell him and that's the thing it's like point out the issue that's happening don't just put some random blanket statement like that and put that label on you and we're over here doing a better job at highlighting some of those things than even any other podcast is in the space because they are too afraid to touch it because any other podcast period period damn it damn right speaking
Starting point is 01:53:35 of periods anyhow that stuff just bothered me a lot when i saw those because i was thinking if it's up to me and i'm at the grocery store and i see some shit like that it ain't you ain't letting it fly it ain't going down my wife is a dentist started on practice sold and she's the greatest wife and mother to my two beautiful daughters word i believe it i believe it oh yeah here's suze's mansplaining again yeah what a great word what a fucking nasty word mansplaining god that's all we get to the social justice people are fucking they got all the good shit crazy uh saudi ambassador dies you guys want to see that real quick 317 there's just a dude just probably took the injection and just dies just talking it's not funny but what a what there's just so many videos like this now out
Starting point is 01:54:28 yeah it's scary slow clap susa okay here we go that's too zoomed okay let me move myself hey you can zoom in zoom in all you want zoom in let's see if it's a real man or a woman that garb. Go by. I could go on, but I'm leaving the story. OK. 316 Black Lives Matter. So when I first started seeing Black Lives Matter signs around town, I thought I thought that it was a movement of of melanated people speaking to melanated people because all the statistics i always heard were just like in chicago 96 96 of the people uh killed were black on black crime and i always
Starting point is 01:55:33 heard that you know 51 of all the murderers committed the united states were people with melanated skin and they had penises and that's six percent of the population and and and i would just hear all of these statistics that were around people with melanated skin black people and so um when i saw the black lives matter sign i thought it was like some sort of movement like that i just in my imagination i'd created this it's some sort of movement started by like a giant black church somewhere to say hey black people black people matter and like we need to treat each other better i swear to god for years that's what i fucking thought it was i had no idea and i want to treat each other better. I swear to God for years that's what I fucking thought it was.
Starting point is 01:56:06 I had no idea. And I want to say something else real quick. I want to bring up a stat. I'm going to look up a stat real quick. This is to tie into what Suzu was saying. How many rapes per year? I'm going to look at how many rapes per year there are. Okay, on average there are 463,000 rape and sexual assaults each year. Wow.
Starting point is 01:56:29 That's for 12 and older. 90% of rapes and sexual assaults are perpetuated by – okay, let's just look at that. And sorry, bear with me here. I don't mean to hate on men men at all i apologize for this in advance let's assume 460 000 of those 463 000 are men that's one in every 600 people in the united you get that so when i tell you that uh that um uh four hundred and sixty thousand people are raped and they're in the united states every year and they're women according to just this stat i don't even know if it's true that's one in every 600 people and since let's say half the population is women that's one in every 300 women is sexually assaulted every year. Okay? And let's assume that it's happening all by men.
Starting point is 01:57:26 And let's say that it's happening by each man gets two women, assaults two women every year. So now we're at 460, 240. There's 240,000 men in the United States who are sexually assaulting women, let's say. 12 fucking unarmed black men fucking died and we burnt down this whole fucking country. Some of the largest cities in this country.
Starting point is 01:57:58 We started fires all over this fucking country. Killed tons of people. Fucking hated on the cops. Turned the whole fucking country upside down for two fucking years because 12 unarmed black men were killed by cops. And yet, men as a whole, 240,000 of us roaming this country are sexually assaulting women. Two a year. We need another movement. assaulting women to a year it's a complete it's just a once you start contextualizing stuff and thinking that the whole thing is just a fucking joke it's a fucking we live with fucking idiots thank you jeremy partially melanated yourself because of your last name, Garcia.
Starting point is 01:58:45 Melanated. You're only partially melanated. It's a fucking mess. Okay, sorry to go on there. Okay, let's listen to this guy. And so when Black Lives Matter started, I assumed, hey, no white people I know fucking hate black people. None. I'm not saying there's not millions of them.
Starting point is 01:59:02 I'm just saying none I know. Just me, simple little old me. So I assumed it's like black people talking to black people i don't know any okay go on i mean when i said i don't support black lives matter because who they matter to we kill each other all day we talk about each other all day you know who talk about me the most on the internet niggas niggas you know what's worse than a nigga? Two of them. Make you don't want to be a nigga. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 01:59:31 It don't be nobody else talking about me. It be niggas, my own people that look like me. Talk about me like a dog. Kick me when I'm down. Can't wait. Look at Gates. Went to jail. They celebrated.
Starting point is 01:59:44 Clapped their hands. It was happening. I don't look at color and see race no more. I see real and fake. Look at Gates. Went to jail. They celebrated. Clapped their hands. It was happy. I don't look at color and see race no more. I see real and fake. That's it. They got mad when I said I don't support Black Lives Matter. I don't tolerate anyone. I don't know. I can't think of anyone, any one of my friends being racist. But if I did, I wouldn't tolerate it. I would say something to them. Hey, don't talk like that in front of me. Hey, do you really think that? I don't like it. And he tried to – he said to me – he offered me a lower price than he said he was going to come pay for it. It was a Kawasaki Ninja 1000RR.
Starting point is 02:00:33 What the fuck are those things called? It was crazy fucking motorcycle. Crazy. I got it. I had never ridden a motorcycle like that, and Greg got two of them, one for me and one for him. And we fucking jumped on them at five in the morning and fucking flew down to fucking Santa Barbara. Can you imagine me fucking Greg Glassman on these fucking crazy fucking bikes? That would be a sight to see. And this fucking guy, I'm selling the bike, and this fucking guy says, because I got fired and I need to pay my mortgage.
Starting point is 02:00:59 I'm selling the bike, and this fucking guy says to me, are you trying to Jew me? I'm selling the bike, and this fucking guy says to me, are you trying to Jew me? I said, no. Actually, are you referring to like I'm trying to like swindle money out of you? Is that from the Urban Dictionary, Jude? Look up Jude in the Urban Dictionary. Will you real quick? I want to see what the fuck that means. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 02:01:29 Jeff, take a drink off these nuts hey on the way down we drove down these kawasaki's these rrs those you know jude when you get screwed on something usually because the seller's being a cheap ass you got jude he said that to me and i came in the house like he's still out there and i came in the house i'm like fuck i look at you i got three jew boys this motherfucker just said jude to me look at the uh they use your favorite chip as their uh damn fool these doritos got no seasoning on them i don't even get that what's that got oh you got jewed wow i don't know if that that's not really that's a horrible example holy shit that's terrible how about this bag's 50 air you know like when a bag of chips like that he's like damn you got jewed that's like probably better that's that company's run by jews you got something like that
Starting point is 02:02:28 oh shit but but like i can't think of it like i don't hear anyone uh i don't know where like how it is in the rest of the world but in california the last thing you want to be accused of is being racist and that's why i mean you really really really don't right you'd rather be like uh it and then pedophilia is after that but everything else is better yeah i heard you got arrested for jacking off in public uh-huh but i'm not a racist thank goodness yeah yeah i'd be a disgrace to your family yeah it's just a public jerk offer come on your neck oh oh yeah but i'm not racist i was just down my local elementary school educating i mean i want to go on a bike i don't do that motorcycle
Starting point is 02:03:19 shit no more we drove down there and greg's like hey we're not going to speed on the way down and the whole way we went down like probably 70 or 80 and the and and the next morning and i'd never ridden one of those bikes next morning we got on those bikes and we fucking flew back home it was crazy it was pretty fun i think that was the fastest i think i went went at least one 30, a couple of times. I mean, it's 60. You can just, you can go in second gear. You can go a hundred. Like it's like just nothing. It was a six speed. I wrote a street bike one time and that was good enough for me.
Starting point is 02:03:55 I got cocky and started like driving faster and then accidentally down shifted instead of upshifted. And the only reason I didn't fly over the handlebars is because when the bike like pitched as it slowed down, I just happened to grab the clutch when i gripped the handlebar and so it just rolled oh you're lucky i just coasted it back and i was in i was in a pair of vans with no socks a pair of shorts on and like a tank top with a helmet kawasaki 1000 rr i'm gonna look at it jacked mine was just a ninja 250 so this thing was nuts oh zx zxrr that i think that's what it oh no maybe that's not it
Starting point is 02:04:37 i don't know if we're still oh here here it is maybe here it is maybe oh mine wasn't green though had carbon fiber rims it was so sick um when i told someone that i did that they told me that bike's not meant to go fucking 300 miles you're not supposed to sit on that bike and go 300 miles you're supposed to take that bike to the track it's like oh oh we took it to it to Santa Barbara. I dropped that bike once. I forgot my gloves at home or something. I did a U-turn in my street, and I just went too slow, and it just tipped over on you. Oh, shit. Did you get it out by yourself?
Starting point is 02:05:17 Yeah, that bike's so light. Oh, okay. That bike is so light. Yeah. There was a guy who used to work at CrossFit named Jimmy Letchford. He was a badass. And he told me a story about being on a motorcycle and going underneath a truck.
Starting point is 02:05:33 I think a semi. And there's people like you who would tell you that story and you wouldn't believe it, but that's how badass this dude is. Like you knew it was true. Like he drove underneath it. Underneath a semi. Like, on a freeway.
Starting point is 02:05:46 No. To change lanes. Went under a fucking semi on a motorcycle. I don't see what a lifted semi. Jeez, that is... I don't know if the risk is worth it there.
Starting point is 02:05:58 No, no, no, no. And he had a couple stories like that, and then he stopped. Hmm. You guys want to go, or should we talk about cutting? You guys want to do one more story about cutting breasts off because you can always get
Starting point is 02:06:07 new ones what number 315 oh this one's fucking batshit crazy i did not sell all my bikes i still have a shitload of bikes left i only sold like 25 of them uh i have a harley that's so fucking crazy it is so crazy it is so fun i haven't ridden it in years but it is nasty i got a 117 in it and with some other fancy shit it's a tiny little harley okay uh this is dr johanna olson kennedy a pediatrician at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, California, United States, saying how it's no big deal to cut off the breasts of teenage girls. If you want breasts at a later point in life, you can go and get them. Action. What we do know is that adolescents actually have the capacity to make a reasoned logical decision and here's the other thing about chest surgery if you want breasts at a later point in your life
Starting point is 02:07:12 you can go and get them but so what we do know is that she's saying at 15 you have the capacity to make the decision to remove a body part or body parts yeah if i it's like the most la thing ever like you could take them off and put them back on you could get whatever you want down there no big deal no negative uh psychological effects if you start saying shit like this and no one tells you not to that's what i mean like if if like if one of my friends says like jude i'd be like hey dude i got jewish kids like just because you know be cool like you do you i might judge you but like be cool swinging that around or if like someone said something anything else like there was someone crossing the street and they
Starting point is 02:07:57 you know yelled at him you you whatever you dumb mexican something i'd be like hey dude don't do that like i don't like that that's not no yeah yeah just don't like what like or you want to talk about it like what's your beef like what like and they might be like hey shut the fuck up like i what do you want me to say dumb brownies i've been you know like and we have a discussion about it but if they tell me if you come at me and you're like hey it's okay to cut out girls at 15 have the fucking capacity to remove their titties man you are gonna fuck i'm not i'm not i'm gonna come at you hard i'm gonna come at you so hard you have the capacity i mean no you don't because they're 18 you don't have into 18 that's why that's a laws and only a fucking retarded 15 year old would say something like that that's like something you say when you're 15 i'm 15 i have the ability to decide yeah that's why you fucking smoke cigarettes
Starting point is 02:08:50 and there's a natural rebellion through adolescence where they're just going to do the opposite of what they're told or whatever just specifically to be defiant so like you know what i mean you're going to be swimming upstream against that the whole entire time. I hate my mom. I'm cutting off my tits. Right. It's teenager shit. Uncle Buck got me. I'm cutting off my tits. Remember there was like an emo like phase. There was like the whole goth like stuff. Yeah, there were kids in my high school that slept in coffins. There were kids in my school who did not want any sun on them they were like
Starting point is 02:09:26 they were goth did you have those and they stayed super white they would carry umbrellas around like at lunchtime so the sun wouldn't get on them they were like funny yeah we i had like more of the emo with like the hair swoop and like everything was just like it's gotta be sensitive man like i'm gonna say something i really really shouldn't say oh boy it's got to be sensitive, man. I'm going to say something I really, really shouldn't say. Oh, boy. It's about my friend Miranda Alcarez. We're two hours and ten minutes in at this point. No one's going to hear it.
Starting point is 02:09:53 Yeah, you're safe. She has like, she parts her hair in like the middle now and she has like long hair. She looks like a 1970 Charlie's Angel, you know? Yeah. And she's fucking cool as shit but she used to have like like like a lopsided haircut like a like a asymmetrical haircut and and i just couldn't stand it and and i and as shallow as this sounds i i think maybe she was insane then and now she's sane. I mean everybody's evolving and learning and going through their own phases of life.
Starting point is 02:10:32 So that was just the asymmetrical. No, not a side part. I'm okay with the side part. It's this. It's this. It's this. It's this. It screams mental illness to me, this haircut. And she used to have it.
Starting point is 02:10:50 And she doesn't anymore. Wait, is it some of these? And I would consider her a dear friend, by the way. So that's all right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just, uh-oh. Crazy. Crazy pants. crazy town banana pants yep really yes yes all of them though i don't know all right that was kind of the emo look though
Starting point is 02:11:14 like yeah and and you know and i like i don't know a lot of girls like that so like it's it's it's just uh prejudice and discrimination on my part sample size of one i have more rappers on yeah i was trying to get that one guy simba that i met in vegas okay this isn't for a little bit yeah yeah get him um uh um i i'm not no i am I am not a weirdo sometimes. Look at your hair. Like, you have perfect hair. You have like the total 1970 Charlie's Angels look. Like, what the fuck are you talking about?
Starting point is 02:11:54 1970's Charlie's Angels look. Oh, boy. 314, this is kind of harsh right here. Fat and ugly at abortion. This is kind of harsh right here fat and ugly at abortion this is kind of crazy this is kind of nuts this is even a little harsh for my liking
Starting point is 02:12:15 I'm not sure I like this here we go they say this guy's based what does that mean I always forget what that means I can't hear you I lost you oh you got mooted yeah sorry so didn't echo remember it was like the we had to look that up for a video I sent you from a guy from the jiu-jitsu place of based a based male it means you have like whatever you're like based in your
Starting point is 02:12:44 thoughts or your principles or something like that the definition wasn't clear okay well this guy's based i guess and it's kind of mean this guy's a trip this guy looks like he's about to like halfway turned into a werewolf yeah like the moon the full moon's coming up listen this guy this guy's out of his mind you're suggesting that these women at these abortion rallies are ugly and overweight yes what do you say to people who think that those comments are offensive be offended oh my goodness can we do that one more time it's over the top it is over the top
Starting point is 02:13:23 uh contrarian opinion that's what based is oh my goodness let's do that one more time? It's over the top. It is over the top. Contrarian opinion. That's what based is. Oh, my goodness. Let's do that one. Hold on. Hold on. Didn't that guy get in trouble for like cheating on his wife or having sex with someone or stealing something or something?
Starting point is 02:13:39 Or there was like some the left came at this guy pretty hard. Gates. Let's see. Let's see what the comments you're suggesting that these women at these abortion rallies are ugly and overweight yes what do you say to people who think that those comments are offensive be offended okay that's too funny all right uh two hours and 13 minutes thank you guys all you um Bruce I didn't see the Mo Miller fight text me um all right thanks I'll see you guys I don't we don't have a show scheduled for tomorrow no you got a jiu-jitsu tournament i'm panicking and then we maybe we'll do a late night show
Starting point is 02:14:31 like after the ufc excuse me do we have a show sunday yes really actually we'll discuss how we get off here but we actually may have two now oh so we gotta we'll have a double my fasting day. I should be really moody. Yeah, we got to we got to go. Oh, we're going to have that guy with the YouTube star, the guy we might have. Austin Alexander. Yep. Yeah. He'll be in the morning and then he spells his name wrong.
Starting point is 02:14:58 Right. Austin should be spelled A-U-S-T-E-I-N and he spells it E-N. Correct. OK, I have to talk to him about that. And then who's the other person? And then in the evening time, J-Rod got back to us. Oh, yes. Let's do both those. So then he's ready at 6 p.m.
Starting point is 02:15:14 Okay, bye, guys. J-Rod Riga's Nick's brother, also going to ADCC. We should get Kalipa on and see how he did.

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