The Sevan Podcast - #585 - Austen Alexander

Episode Date: September 12, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Link, I didn't, I didn't, bam, we're live. I didn't send him a link. I sent him one, yeah. You the man. Yeah, yeah, I sent it over to him. I'll say it just as a heads up. I have to run in an hour for a one-on-one at the gym. You the man.
Starting point is 00:00:14 I'm going to chill here. I hope, I hope, I hope you get, I hope you turn them, sell them some steroids too while you're at it. Sell them a pair of Nano 2s, some Roids, and a fucking three-year plan at crossfit livermore suza i finally figured out what's all fucked up i don't know what took me so long it wasn't even my my plan to think about this this morning but when i say um black guy or when i say mexican or when i say armenian people think about the way people look
Starting point is 00:00:45 so i was gonna i was thinking about how um how uh jews are more suited it was going to be kind of funny but kind of true remember that you know that doctor that we're trying to get on it that's going to talk about identity and and we played a clip of hers the other day and she says size doesn't matter and she said that women are attracted to – I think she was specifically referring to women, but probably men too. But women are attracted to men based on their earning potential, meaning like how – and I take that probably the same way you do, not necessarily money, although that's a huge factor, but like how many fish you can bring home in a basket at the end of the day, right? How good you are at repairing the roof of a hurricane is coming. Just all the things that I think of meaning survival. But that's the crazy thing.
Starting point is 00:01:31 And so Jews are good at picking that, but they don't pick it based on the way you look. And there's no cultural similarity that the average person could pick between a black man coming out of Chicago and a black man coming out of fucking Uganda or Nigeria. It has nothing. It's all culture. And this – the vast majority of the people in this country have it all fucked up. I'm going to say all of them except for me. And you could by the end of – like in the next next two minutes, I'd be as smart as me. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:02:06 It's just culture. It's just culture. So when I, if I were to say Mexicans are horrible at picking, um, uh, mates based on their earning potential, people would think I was talking about Cholos and Cholitos.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I'm not even talking about the way someone looks. I'm talking about the culture. If I said that, um, uh, um, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:24 blacks were great at dancing i'm not talking about blacks like people with melanated skin i'm talking about black culture but until we get the word straight we're fucked we because we because we live with idiots well that's we just live with idiots it's just it's just It's just fascinating to me. It's just culture. And the vast majority – the perfect example is you cannot compare the culture of Armenians who were born and raised in LA to the culture of Armenians who live in Armenia. They're totally different. different and so they're totally different the culture of la has dominated the people the jews and armenians and mexican of la unfortunately their culture is just fucked because just la has such shitty culture los angeles california just a bad place so culture has more predictive value than race does race has none zero zero because it changes other region other than the fact that people are trying to
Starting point is 00:03:26 the people of those races are stupid enough to try to assimilate to the culture that suits their skin color so like if you're like a you know a mexican in la you there's a certain maybe like there's a certain process you take that that culture has. Like, so for middle Eastern people, it's open a liquor store, you know, for Jews, it's open a jewelry store. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:03:51 For young black men, maybe I don't fucking, uh, he'd be to become a rap star or a basketball player. There it's just, it's just these cultural norms, but it has nothing to do with their skin color or anything. You could flip the script. You could take the blacks and make them Jews and the Jews blacks. these cultural norms but it has nothing to do with their skin color not or anything you could
Starting point is 00:04:05 flip the script you could take the blacks and make them jews and the jews blacks and all of a sudden jews will be ruling the nba and blacks will be fucking ruling liquor stores it's it's so it's there's nothing color related i mean it's like duh savon everyone knows that but no one says it yeah everyone still refers to it as the black guy or the jew guy or the mexican guy when it has nothing to do with it those are cultural has nothing to do as the black guy or the Jew guy or the Mexican guy when it has nothing to do with it. Those are cultural. It has nothing to do with the way you look. And size does matter. I mean shit.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Every morning when I fucking print out the notes to the show, I have to stand on a stair, chair, stair, chair. It's a stair and a chair. Thank you. And I have to turn on the printer. And when I do that, I have to do like a pistol up, and then a negative pistol down, and I have to push the button. And my whole life is at danger as a 50-year-old man. Every time the chair could tip over. If I was just six inches taller, four inches taller, I bet you I wouldn't have to do that.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Still not needed. Still not needed. Seven, why did you put your printer up there? Well, fuck you. It's none of your business. It's my printer. I'll put it wherever the fuck I want. At least my job doesn't take me to the fucking Middle East.
Starting point is 00:05:23 At least I'm not fucking that unsafe all i have to do is turn on the printer oh hi sorry i didn't know you were here my bad not very nice yeah yeah that wasn't cool uh i have to fucking stand on a i just have to stand on a stool every morning fuck it's humid is it humid in livermore today no it's actually guys what is going on it is so humid it never gets humid in california not kiddo's like and you're not allowed to complain about the weather when i'm on either is that is that a rainbow shirt he had to wear that just it's uh it's about a reading rainbow that's a military 9-11 issued right. They ran out of those shirts, actually. This guy that's coming on the show today has done something pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:06:14 He's built an Instagram account. Sorry. He's built a YouTube channel, and he has a million subscribers. That's a lot of subscribers. million subscribers subscribers pretty uh it's pretty superficial way to view him but but it's but it's a solid metric it's a great achievement it's like it's like i i do you think that that's equivalent in youtube of making it to the olympics a million subscribers yeah is it pretty is it like yeah like percentage wise like everybody who starts out making content, like who makes it to the pinnacle?
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah, you're not on the podium, but you're fucking going to Barcelona. Yeah. You're suiting up. It's pretty fucking cool. You could get the Olympic tattoo if you're a jackass. What? What did you say, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:07:01 Shows up just to hang out. Is Caleb talking? It like froze oh uh caleb is that brown thing behind you new what's going on something looks new did you guys upgrade your furniture definitely more furniture in there yeah which is funny because we actually got rid of a bunch of furniture um oh so shit got shuffled around yeah there's some apples that's about it they got ikea over there i think actually that's what shop there is oh no is our is our guy no showing us this morning i really hope not everything was all systems ago. Maybe we had a time. No. A time.
Starting point is 00:07:52 No, because earlier he had said that. No, he's in Los Angeles. He reflected back the. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Do you see Brian is saying that Tuesday needs to be a morning show? Oh, shit. So Tuesday we have back-to-back shows.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Wow. Hey, do you want your wedding to go smoothly? Or would you like someone to knock the cake over so you have a story? Would you like one of the parents to like shit their pants or like like your mom's like depends to be hanging out the back of her pants or or like you know what i mean like your uncle to get too drunk and fucking squeeze uh grace's aunt's ass i mean do you want it seems so it seems so nice it seems so naive and rookie to want it to go smoothly i i place zero expectation on that.
Starting point is 00:08:47 And I always think that something like that happened always makes for a better story than like, you know, a night that goes off perfectly without a hinge. Yeah. But it's just funny that you mentioned that because I feel like part of me also wants it to go smoothly. So I don't have to like pick up any of the pieces. You know what I mean? also wants it to go smoothly so i don't have to like pick up any of the pieces you know what i mean i went to a wedding one time and the guy the the um the guy it was actually tony budding's wedding the former media director executive executive media director at crossfit inc it was a big wedding it was a sleepover wedding at a campground in gurnville on a river. Yeah, it was dope. And the guy who does the, will you take this dude to marry this chick and only fuck her for the rest of her life?
Starting point is 00:09:35 Yeah, officiation dude. He said Tony's name wrong three times. And it became clear that he had Alzheimer's or something. Yeah, it became clear that something was wrong with him. Oh, my goodness. Without a hinge? I don't know. Without a hinge, without a hiccup.
Starting point is 00:09:59 This is the first time I've been awake for 66 minutes, and this is the first time I'm talking. My mouth is just warming up. He was saying that about me. I said that without a hinge. We all know. Yeah, about me i said that without a hinge we all know um yeah without it without a hiccup without a hinge yeah well we've already had quite a few quite a few of them because the restaurant we were originally going to have a little welcome reception at called us and said they permanently closed oh so that was cool and then some transportation company that we had was like oh by way, even though we gave you the quote and kept moving everything along like it was there, we actually don't service that area. So then that fell through.
Starting point is 00:10:33 But we got both of those days. It's going to be 112 degrees and none of our cars, Gavin Newsom said none of our cars are allowed to turn on their AC. As he's in a jacket inside. Caleb, have you seen that at all? What about having to shut off your electricity in California? Yeah, but Newsom's in a jacket, like, inside while it's the craziest heat wave in the
Starting point is 00:10:53 area. Shut up. We need to, yeah, watch with our AC. He's, like, in a jacket. I need to see this. Sevan, are you going to the wedding? Here's the thing. Here's the thing.'s the thing he got an invite i i cannot it's a i cannot i i had i can't put things on my calendar you can't ask me that but i do have a really nice armani suit that i'm thinking about like not eating for a couple days
Starting point is 00:11:20 before the wedding so i can get into it like Like a really nice suit. Oh my goodness. I flew from I flew from New Zealand. I was going from New Zealand to I should tell this whole story. It's actually pretty fucking funny. I flew from New Zealand to Hawaii and I was going
Starting point is 00:11:41 with Greg. We had an affiliate gathering in New Zealand. And when we got to, uh, we had to fly through Australia and it was so fucking weird because the, the airline we flew on didn't have some sort of partnership agreement with the country of Australia. So none of the passengers there were allowed to get off the plane or were allowed to in the airport. They had to stay in a certain area they couldn't go to other parts of the area because that would mean that you were actually in the country of australia it was weird i forget the actual but our luggage went the wrong way
Starting point is 00:12:13 and they demanded that we went and got our luggage to get it back on our flight but we couldn't go to that part of the airport because our airline didn't have a fucking deal with fucking australia so during all this debacle they told us we had missed our flight but we could still see our plane like sitting there yeah and greg told the people that him and i were cardiac surgeons racing to do a heart transplant and he used all his fancy big words and fucking explained it to the people and they put us on the plane they opened the plane back up and put us on my true story it was fucking gangster that's cool it was so gangster and and then we got to hawaii and they said they had no idea where our luggage was so greg took me to uh nordstrom's and said i could get whatever I want. And like the scumbag that I am, I threw in an Armani suit.
Starting point is 00:13:06 You. I swear this whole story is true. Not just some shirts and a t-shirt. Oh my goodness. But an Armani suit. Whatever you like, you got it. Let's head to the suit section
Starting point is 00:13:26 oh what a what a great story I don't drop anything by the way those of you who are like I'm dropping my new clothing today a new podcast drops those of you who use the word dropped your tools that's just like shut up unless you're fucking Jay Z you don't use the word drop your tools It's just like shut up Unless you're fucking Jay-Z
Starting point is 00:13:46 You don't use the word drop Drop That's cultural appropriation Jeff Only black guys can use that word Drop Okay I sent him another text I'm just gonna sit here and wait until he comes I was gonna ask you about the jiu-jitsu tournament
Starting point is 00:14:03 Oh man Uh oh until he comes i was gonna ask you about the jiu-jitsu tournament oh man oh i'm glad i'm it went really well i'll say that i'm really really happy how it went down okay uh shitload of good competitors the first kid that avi went again i found this someone told me this after the tournament the first kid that avi went again uh again again the first kid that avi went again i found this someone told me this after the tournament the first kid that avi went again uh again again the first kid that avi went against hey jeff and you should start counting how long before i say my kids names too um the first kid avi went against was the whatever junior pan-american champion at his age and he armbarred avby in 20 seconds and then he armbarred the next kid in 10 seconds and then that kid's day was done because he's just two and out
Starting point is 00:14:50 and uh and that and obby cried and then obby went up against another kid um who but both these kids were a year older than obby but supposedly they were in the same weight class but there weren't a lot of kids there so they were meshed they were smashing weight classes together you you see that more often in um no gi classes no gis when you don't wear the shit that the gear right the gis that like the pants the in the silly jacket everyone wears but um and for those of you who don't do martial arts that's like part of the um technique like taking the dude's clothing and fucking him up with his clothing everyone wears the same clothes so you learn how to like take the dude's clothes and like choke him out with
Starting point is 00:15:35 yeah that's weird shit yeah and uh so so he lost both of his Gi matches. Then he went into no Gi, and he beat the kid. There was only one kid there, and he was a year older also, but lighter. And he beat the kid in the first match like 9-2. The second match they tied 4-4, but because that kid scored last, he got the win. And then Avi wouldn't go on the third match he's done he's done he just sat there and just cried oh and i pretend and i pretended like i was a cool dad and i just smiled and i was like i love you good job i'm so proud of
Starting point is 00:16:18 you you worked hard and then once everyone was gone we were driving home i'm like you pussy no i didn't do that. I didn't. But we talked about what tired meant. I talked about tired man. I told him that at some point I said, hey, I think it was a missed opportunity. Like the other day I did a workout and it was 10 strict pull up after I rode the assault bike for 20 minutes and I did 220 calories. I did 10 strict pull ups on the minute. And then on the alternating minutes, I did 110 pounds squat clean and that's it just back and forth. And I told
Starting point is 00:16:51 myself, I'm going to do all the pull-ups unbroken, right? Just 10 strict ends up being, well, in the latter rounds, when I would get to eight or nine, I really wanted to quit. And I wasn't sure if I could get my chin over the bar. And I have to tell myself, it doesn't matter if you get your chin over the bar, it matters to get the proper stimulus and the adaptation i just have to try as hard as i can and it would be that's probably better for me not probably that's better for me for what i'm trying to do than getting off and getting my chin over the bar right and that's the opportunity that i feel like obby missed and that's a hard that's a hard one because even at 50 i struggle with that just when i'm alone in my garage i want to rest and get a full complete rep right but but he should have just
Starting point is 00:17:29 gone out there and been like hey i tried and i and i'm better today for it did like truly better truly better not like oh you're better for the effort truly he truly would have adapted to it if he would have he would have learned He would have learned. He would have grown mentally. Hey, I pushed through into a place that I wanted to quit. And I got stronger because I'm really working this fatigue, muscle, intellectual, emotional. And then Ari, I should actually play the video. Ari's in – when they're that young, all the girls at that age look like they're better than the dudes. Like you see tons of chicks smashing boys and not so many boys smashing girls until like you get to 13 or 14
Starting point is 00:18:09 so ari was the only boy in his weight division and it was fucking murder's row dude five and six year old girls fucking like they hit each other like they when they slap your head down they hit you like this it's crazy aggressive it's so aggressive they start standing right at that edge too yeah standing start standing and every kid wants to arm bar because every coach is because they know that that's when the referees stop the match so all the coaches are there and and i have no coach well that's not true that's not true mckenna came thank god mckenna came that's another thing i'm so frustrated kind of with the jiu-jitsu program my kids are I'm frustrated yeah they don't all show up and kind of rally around it or yeah yeah oh that's nice so one of the ladies that we do privates with she showed up
Starting point is 00:18:57 and just and just took control which I was so fucking thankful for oh that's really cool for yeah do you have other people there where she did just basically for the boys just for the boys oh that's awesome if you want to if you want to get in on if you don't if you want to get in good with someone just do something nice for their kids they'll fucking owe you forever like this chick doesn't have any kids she's young she's just a kid herself 20 but she has no idea how much it means to me that she showed up anyway ari had his match he got fucking arm barred they stopped it late and his fucking his arm hyper extended you can see it in the video yeah the wrong way so he's crying they put ice and hayley runs in and carries him out and i thought okay he's done that's good and then uh about three minutes pass and hayley goes hey
Starting point is 00:19:42 you got to go talk to ari and i go what what's up? She's like, go talk to him. So I go there, and he goes, I want to go back in. I go, what? And he goes, I want to go back in. I'm like, you don't have to. He goes, I want to. I'm like, all right. I take him back in.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Fucking next match, war. Double leg, fucking knee on belly, arm bar, gets the win. Really? He's not English. And then his third match was uh tied zero zero at the end and uh the judge gave it to the girl so so he ended up getting a bronze and joseph's like fuck you i'm not doing it so he's all geed up cost me 130 bucks he's like and he wasn't he wasn't feeling it all right well that's how that chick shakes out huh second time second time in a row capable child consulting for 500 i will talk to you on the phone
Starting point is 00:20:30 for one hour i thought there'd be more seven what do you know about parenting ah he charges 500 for pay He thinks he knows how to parent. Come meet him. I was going to say, just have the kids hang out. That's the resume. Come meet the boys. And the business card all in one.
Starting point is 00:20:57 So this morning afterwards, we're going, there's this pretty... I think this kid's better than Avi at tennis and he's a year younger. People tell me he's not, but I think he is. This kid's better than Avi at tennis and he's a year younger people tell me he's not but I think he is this kid's really fucking aggressive and cool and his mom texts me last night and goes hey you want to get the boys together at 9am to play tennis I said fuck yeah
Starting point is 00:21:13 awesome so after the show I'm going over to high school and watch Avi fucking war with this fucking six year old actually I think he's seven now maybe he's not a year younger but can I pay you $500 to tell me more Greg Glassman stories with this fucking six-year-old. Actually, I think he's seven now. Maybe he's not a year younger. Can I pay you $500 to tell me more Greg Glassman stories? Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:36 No, for $50,000, I'll start telling you some good ones. Excuse me. I think Caleb just grabbed a weapon to attack some bug we can't see. Look at him. Oh, he's armed now. What's happening? Wait, you're allowed to use those in there? It's assault again.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Hey, so when I was in Newport, one of Sarah Cox's business associates. Yes, yes. Thank you. How often does he mention Newport? When I was in Newport at the beach house, this fucking dude, I go, what's that? He goes, a salt gun. I'm like, oh, I've always wanted one of those. He shot me at point blank range, six inches away, twice in a row behind my knee in that soft fleshy spot. spot and and and and i yelped and avi ran and it stung for a long time like salt actually penetrated the skin and avi ran over to the dude and goes give me that give me that and uh uh this guy's a brown belt um uh paulie's a brown belt at aoj and he's all why and obviously because you shot my dad and i'm gonna shoot you i'm like yeah oh damn we do we do that to each other all the time we just shoot each other with a salt gun hey that guy in your eye
Starting point is 00:22:50 that could fuck your eyeball up yeah for sure everybody we gotta close our eyes i pro that's a lie that's a lie caleb's just like concerned hr is gonna get him now yeah they don't do shit hey so that salt's just everywhere then like you shoot it and it's just on the ground then hr is gonna get them now yeah they don't do shit they just shoot each other in the face hey so that salt's just everywhere then like you shoot it and it's just on the ground then yeah i can't have one of those in my house right yeah i would probably not an indoor thing but unless you work in the military and you don't give a fuck we don't give two fucks yeah hey so like if you were eating hard-boiled eggs in that room and you want a little salt you could just like take the egg and just dab it on the floor yep yeah if anybody if everybody wants salt we just shoot it up in the ceiling and then it sprinkles everyone gets it
Starting point is 00:23:33 salt for everyone yeah exactly dude i stayed up late preparing for this dude i know i know you really double checked with me and i was like yeah yeah, we're all good. And I, um, I got on the assault bike, uh, late last night. Um, late. Can't trust the Navy. And I, he's a Navy guy. I got on the assault bike late last night. And I actually, as I got, I got on at 10 19 and I, and I stayed up for another hour and 15 minutes finishing the research on the guy. 10, 19, and I stayed up for another hour and 15 minutes finishing the research on the guy.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And I was actually thinking, I was like patting myself on the back the whole time, like, fuck, you're such a stud. I did have this thought this morning I wanted to share with you guys. This one means a lot to me. I actually went over like an asshole and woke my wife up and shared this one with her. Sundays are my fasting day. I stop eating Saturdayurday night as you guys know and i don't eat again till monday morning i just drink black coffee i woke up this morning this is after doing it for two years and i had this huge sense of relief that i did not have to eat today and i'd never had that before.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Interesting. And that's the evolution of fasting. When it starts, people are scared. You're like, oh. I apologize. I don't wish you like a happy 9-11 day or anything right kid that's not like a military day it's like we don't we don't celebrate that okay i don't know what that i don't know what that appropriate term is um there's a flyover for it uh when people start fasting they're scared across the board they're always like, well, I think I'm going to try 12 hours.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I'm like, oh, you're going to stop eating at 8 o'clock at night and go to sleep? You can't eat until 8? You jackass. But – Go to sleep? Yeah. But I understand 24. You get a little nervous.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And what's crazy is that people do 24-hour fast, and then they start eating at 9 at night. I'm 24, you get a little nervous. And what's crazy is that people do 24 hour fast and then they start eating at nine at night. I'm like, dude, just go to sleep and you can just crest. You'll crest over into the 36 hour point. What was your first fast? How long was your first one? Like when you first started to dabble? Did you go first 24? Did you just do, you know, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:03 I think the first time I ever fasted in my life, I did a 10-day fast in college. But we drank – I boiled – I simmered like onions and bananas, and I simmered all this shit in a bowl that I was supposed to – in a giant pot. And then you strain out strain out all the particulate and i think i just drank that shit for 10 days that was the first time i ever fasted and then i i would never in my in my i never have considered 12 or 18 hours of fast never ever ever in my life it's not even really a fast at that point either yeah like i consider if you don't sleep twice if you if you can't go a day a whole waking cycle without eating then you didn't fast it seems just like hey you just didn't eat it just seems like you
Starting point is 00:27:00 skipped a couple meals but now but today after two years i i like i was like and i told my wife i go oh my gosh because when i go i'm fucking relieved i don't have to eat today i'm so i'm i've become so thankful for sundays gratitude oh it's turned into like a religious practice for you i i guess yeah powerful it's your holy day it is my holy day i don't um i'm free i'm free from having to eat today it's like oh thank you i've set myself free i've been thinking about trying it i just don't know if i could you're too young go that go that long it's funny because all the guys it's like especially the firefighters i talked to they're like oh i do intermittent fasting and i'm like do you really do you just do you just skip breakfast and then anytime you
Starting point is 00:27:49 you tell them to flip it you go okay great yeah so intermittent fasting why don't you try it by skipping dinner and then not eating until noon the next day so stop eating at like 3 p.m yeah or 2 p.m and then don't eat until noon the next day and they're like oh no you're like yeah you're not intermittent fasting you're just skipping breakfast you're like yeah you're not intermittent fasting you're just skipping breakfast you can't consider not eating but like on shift as like intermittent fasting because it's like oh i missed a meal on shift right some people can't go a day without eating bread i think the vast majority of americans dude when the power went last year not last year but a couple years ago the power went out here for
Starting point is 00:28:26 days at a time in california where i'm at and people were freaking out like people close to me i'm like dude relax power's out it's okay starbucks is like we can go to starbucks in the next town over and survive all right it's a few hours like fuck but it is weird when the power goes out for days but but but not like but people get people get scared it's like when the wi-fi goes down everybody panics well that's scary caleb come on they don't know what they're you know why because they don't know what they're going to do with themselves yeah they can't like they don't know how to entertain themselves for like the two hours that it goes down.
Starting point is 00:29:07 They're just like, I can't use my phone. I can't like I have to talk to people like freak out. I'm going to put you on the spot here, Sousa. I apologize. Sousa, I want you to still your brain. I'm going to fire a question to you and I want you to answer it. Ready? Yes. Still your brain, and I'm going to fire a question to you, and I want you to answer it. You ready? Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:30 For those of you who don't know, Sousa lives in Livermore, California. If you add water to any plant there, it will fucking flourish. That's all. I mean, he lives in, like, a spot where anything will fucking grow. Yeah, that's pretty true. Do you know where the closest – when you think of the closest tree that gives food to you, not right now, but just at any time during the year, can you immediately think of a tree? Like, oh, yeah, that neighbor has an avocado tree. Oh, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:29:54 My parents have an orange tree. Do you know of a tree? No. You don't know of a plum tree every year? You don't know? You don't. That means maybe you don't walk enough. No, I walk a lot. Yeah enough no i walk a lot and you know
Starting point is 00:30:05 yeah i always yeah you do walk a lot and you run too right yeah yeah wow and you don't know where like the biggest persimmon tree in your neighborhood is no i know all that shit even we're like especially as i run or like if grace and i walk or something we're like looking around quite a bit and i don't yeah it's funny there's not a tree that gives off a fruit Caleb Caleb I want you to clear your mind and I want you to answer me a question oh there's someone there
Starting point is 00:30:33 hey I gotta go play it cool play it cool can anyone hear me Caleb yeah okay bye sorry bye I was gonna to ask Caleb, where is the safest place to masturbate on bass? Which spot does everyone know that is the safest place?
Starting point is 00:30:55 Probably those rooms that he's normally in when he's in the back end of the show. Have you seen that joke about Livermore? That started to become popular. I can't remember if it's old and then just re- There's no joke about livermore that started to go that started to become popular i can't remember if it's old and then just read there's no joke about livermore no one's even heard of livermore shut the fuck up well that's the funniest part about it so this comedian goes that he goes every time i ask where you people are from everybody's vague you say hey where you from you go oh northern california he's like oh well that narrows it down where where in northern
Starting point is 00:31:23 california and he goes and then you'll answer the bay area he goes oh good well, that narrows it down. Where in Northern California? And he goes, and then you'll answer the Bay Area. He goes, oh, good. And you've narrowed it down again. He goes, but really the whole entire time they're saying that is because they just want to avoid saying where they really live. Because when you go, wait, where in the Bay Area? They go, a place called Livermore. So it's pretty funny. Livermore is kind of a trip.
Starting point is 00:31:42 For those of you who don't know when you when you travel in between so this might help when you travel in between um southern california and northern california there's a freeway that a lot of people take it's our big corridor through the state but it's kind of the corridor you have to go out to it it's in the middle of the state it's called highway five and it's it's way out in the middle but if you want to travel long distances in the state you go out to this freeway and you can drive pretty fast on it like people do 100 on it it's way out in the middle. But if you want to travel long distances in the state, you go out to this freeway, and you can drive pretty fast on it. People do 100 on it. It's like it's nothing.
Starting point is 00:32:12 So there's the Pacific Ocean, and then there's this group of cities on the Pacific Ocean, and it's called the Bay Area, and they all surround where the water comes in in the bay. And they all surround the bay, and those are all kind and they all surround the bay and those are like san francisco oakland benicia vallejo uh albany el cerrito richmond there's just all these cities and then they go down on the bottom redwood city you know silicon valley's down around the bottom there san jose um and but when you start heading inland to go to the five like the last kind of cool city before you get out into the sticks to get on the five is livermore yeah and you're kind of not sure if
Starting point is 00:32:51 it's cool like you're kind of not sure if you call it the bay area but it's not stockton it's not ghetto but it is kind of far out there but and it's um and it exploded um you know 40 years ago it was like the only place you could live in afford to buy shit in the bay area so people would go out there and buy shit and then commute and now it's fuck it's crazy right i mean you have like the traffic there now is fucking insane you see we got a text oh yeah he said fuck no too late too late he can't come on now Oh, yeah. He said fuck.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Too late. Too late. He can't come on now. Too late. To give you an idea, too, of the... Let's reschedule. Because I need you for the full 90 minutes because you
Starting point is 00:33:39 are so damn interesting and cool. Please. You're injured. Because I need you for the full 90 minutes. Come on now. I'm off to the races on some other shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:02 To give people an idea of how much livermore has grown too i think my parents bought the house they still live in now in 96 for like 245 000 or something and now the house is worth 1.3 wow wow it's insane out here and it's not because they they built the second floor no it just like as the development continued the houses became more and more and more on top of each other like some of these new developments you could like reach out if you reach out your window and i reach out mine we could like high five each other between houses so my parents house still sits on a big lot like they have a side yard they have a big backyard you could walk to the like community center from there you could walk down to the elementary school it's super close to the middle schools and high schools into the freeway and all
Starting point is 00:34:49 the major shopping but it's far enough away to where you're not like in the hustle and bustle you don't know where there's an orange tree in that um oh wait nope you're right i lied there's a lemon tree in my next to my neighbor's uh lowest tree on the's. Lowest tree on the totem pole. Lowest tree on the totem pole. There used to be pomegranate trees all over now that I'm thinking about it. And you could like grab them and we were a little asshole kids. So we'd like throw them and then dial our clothes and like shit around us. It's better than what most people do. Most people don't.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Like you can drive around Santa Cruz and just at this time of year for the last three months and just look around and be like hey there's a tree like there's a tree with a thousand plums just smashed on the ground no no no one harvested it and then just like a mile away there's an encampment with 600 homeless people we voted prop 207 to tax you to raise money to feed the homeless people and put them in your neighborhood we're going we're going to give them a free needle giveaway i'm so excited about this program meanwhile there's just trees just everywhere you just in like you can't go a couple blocks in santa cruz without finding a tree that's just dumped its shit on the ground somewhere and that no one's harvested hey i used to do that when I worked at CrossFit and I was super rich. I never harvested my fruit in my yard. I just let that shit drop. No, I will not touch you avocados from a tree, you vile creatures. I will go to the store and buy them.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I'm going to go to Whole Foods. Five dollars each, you peasants. you peasants which is funny now because like that that yard is awesome like if you walk around you do the tour and you like pull something off the tree and kind of brush it off and hand it over and get to eat it and continue the tour it's so awesome when i went to newport i took like 60 apples it was great yeah the venue that we're at there's a like an apple tree and some other stuff and so while we were like for your wedding yeah we're at, there's a, like an apple tree and some other stuff. And so while we were like doing for your wedding, yeah, we were doing a little,
Starting point is 00:36:47 your wedding has a venue. Yeah. Two venues. Oh, you're scaring me. Oh, fuck. You're scaring me.
Starting point is 00:36:59 You're scared. Uh, slow is the best city in all of California. I feel you. I don't agree with you at all, but I feel you. It's not like I'm like, hey, that's a stupid pick. I feel you. I feel you.
Starting point is 00:37:14 It's not like he was like low-dives the best city at all. You know he went to college there and lost his virginity, and so he's just like, it's just like he loves it. It was a different tie. You know what's funny? That Austin dude, like as soon as that text came through, it was clearly established that it was on him a little bit more. I got so much relieved.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Oh, because they're like, oh, shit, did we say that in a long time? I just never – yeah. I mean, I just know – I mean, the audience, especially the regular listeners know how much and how serious we take it. It's nonchalant when we're on here. And you're like, okay, the guests didn't show up. And you're throwing a live call-in number. And it doesn't happen often.
Starting point is 00:37:51 It does not happen often, especially now. But every time it does, I'm like, ugh. And I just feel the weight of the responsibility. Even if it has nothing to do with it, it's still just like, it's got to go off. We put so much into it. Got to respect your time for the research. Respect our audience's time for showing up on here and participating the way they do in the comments. And so it always just eats me up. How many shows have we done?
Starting point is 00:38:21 587 or 89. And so with game shows, we're we're up over six yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't think i've ever not i don't think i've ever missed a show i've in a couple times like 583 yeah so yeah i don't know what i have but a couple times i was so sick like i didn't think i was gonna make it like as i'm walking in here i'm like i might shit my pants or throw up or something and then it goes away once once the camera goes on it goes away it comes back soon as the camera goes off but um the other day i wanted to leave newport at uh 6 a.m and i my alarm didn't go off and i didn't get up till 6 17 a.m and that never has happened when i've done a show
Starting point is 00:39:05 and i do a lot you know we do we do a lot of 6 7 a.m shows and holy shit dude it it turned out my i what i guess it's obsessive compulsive disorder but my ocd like just one fuck up like that in my life and i'm damaged i'm damaged triple i haven't really been able to sleep great because I'm just on edge now. I cannot miss a show. Dude, that happened to me years back at a 5.30 a.m. class at the gym. You didn't show up. Yeah, there was a switch of a schedule and everything else. And so I had, you know, it was just an off by a date.
Starting point is 00:39:41 So one of the coaches that normally was there at 5.30 a.m., I thought it was the next day i was supposed to be there and she thought it was this date it was totally my fault and um something happened that i like i woke up at like 5 40 about 10 minutes after i was supposed to be there and i saw a text from one of the members that was there was like hey there's there's nobody here and i did like like panic spring out of bed like threw the first pants on that were closest in the closet and drove over there and it took like like panic spring out of bed and like threw the first pants on that were closest in the closet and drove over there and it took like two years for me what time did you find what time did you finally get there probably about 15 minutes after the class started because i live close to the gym so it's only about five minutes away or yeah how do you and you know it's like
Starting point is 00:40:19 almost like what can you do to apologize to those people those people want to work out and then they want to go to work and like you had one fuck up but it's still like you can't apologize no you cannot you took that from them and i got lucky because one of the uh members that had been there for a long time was like hey there's no point to just stand around here like let's go ahead and start the warm-up and like just let everybody on a 400 meter run i came back like as i pulled in the parking lot they're like stretching out there and like one person was leading it wow yeah and i like rolled in i was like okay what have you guys done i hope you gave that dude a handy oh yeah it was actually it was actually a chick but fine give her a handy i'm whatever so yeah it was cool and i just sent you
Starting point is 00:41:01 i just sent you an email Yeah that would Fuck me up too But that's the thing If you make like Enough deposits into people's bank accounts And you have all that You get a lot of Leeway in terms of mistakes If you make a withdrawal
Starting point is 00:41:20 A withdrawal from the relationship Oh yeah I like that That is a good It is a withdrawal from the relationship right Oh, yeah. I like that. That is a good – it is a withdrawal from the relationship, right? Yeah, but if you make it up to them. How do you make it up to them? Okay. Never do it again. I mean you can't. Like you said, the whole drive there, you're like, what are you going to do? I can't roll the clock back 15 minutes. do you think this guy knows you this is this is just to bear with me here susan all your all your classes are live yeah three two one we're live hi everyone yeah you're right
Starting point is 00:41:57 there's no my mom died i found out fucking uh grace is cheating on me there's no fucking uh my best friend has cancer. There's no like, hello. Hi, I'm here. Welcome. Come on in everyone. Come on in.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I love you guys. Fuck. Yeah. Don't mention your dog. Don't think about your dog dying yesterday. Don't think about your dog. Don't think about how your wife ran your dog over an accident yesterday. Don't think about it.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Okay. Everyone get your bars. I'm so excited about fucking today. Thank you so much for being here. God, you guys look strong and it's just – you're off, right? You have to be so fucking present. Does this guy know that we go live?
Starting point is 00:42:34 Like does that – what's his name? Austin Alexander, YouTube superstar, 1 million subscribers. Do you think he knows we go live and like that if I wasn't the greatest podcaster in the world that that would fuck us if i didn't have matt suza in my corner that that would fuck us like do you think those people know like is he tripping right now oh my god what's that i'm doing i'm so what did i do to the show oh i think i think i think he does a little bit yeah i don't know if it was like like all that thought was going in her nose that it's like live and you're still just like beasting it out how about daniel brandon does she does she know she knows daniel rodriguez did you see the fights how the fuck did daniel rodriguez get that win leach definitely won that
Starting point is 00:43:13 fight hey well how did you compare up against uh against adrian i wrote down your guys's stuff your picks uh uh he chose uh tony ferguson so i won that one oh ds1 huh yeah dude it was the it was the weirdest fight it was just like when his brother fought um no it was even weirder than that have you ever seen have you ever like witnessed like gang fight at your high school or like just a gang fight somewhere and just two dudes how they they kind of just like take turns hitting each other and like you can take breaks or and they talk to each other it was like that they weren't even like there was some it was like a mixture of like just two dudes who were like who respect each other and just wanted to feel each other's shit it was kind of like um uh you and a friend would skip rocks to
Starting point is 00:44:07 see who could skip more but like let's just take turns hitting but you're fighters so you just take turns hitting each other it was so weird it was so weird dude it was they're two of the weirdest dudes why is it like the old school military where they would just line up in front of each other and take it? Yeah, it was like that. It was like just, hey, or like that game. Did you ever play butt ball as a kid? And then like someone has to go up there and bend over and then you all throw the ball at them. Like it's like handball or something. I don't think we called it butt ball, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:38 I can't remember what we called it. And then you had to just bean the dude if you lost a point. Yes. And then the second fight, third round grounder pound who uh uh holland and uh calms out it calms out one he's so easy really third round no first round i think um ground and brown how did he win no uh uh submission wow okay he didn't even get hit once it's like his it's like his seventh fight where no his opponent couldn't hit him i mean the stats are there's no one like him there's the stats he ran oh so you know when the two fighters come out you're supposed to bump their fist yeah the guy kevin hall went to bump his fist and homs lot took him down
Starting point is 00:45:25 and just mashed him it's kind of poor sportsmanship yeah bruce wayne texted me he's like what a bitch i'm like yeah i agree yeah like the the bell rings so like technically you're supposed to be able to defend yourself and like stay in the fight but come on um what do you think about max from training think tank saying a noble metric should be taken out of the game no it's fucking i'd have to hear it but that sounds stupid i watched a little bit of a hillar's video i kind of binged on some of his videos did you see the one that he made about that old video camera and his mom and the wrestling and stuff how new no no but i did watch like three or four of his videos recently i really liked that video i thought it was good
Starting point is 00:46:10 he uh i guess him and dave have been bickering i guess basically people in dave's comments are egging dave on day i guess dave castro did a show where he answers questions from his comments. So cool. Yeah. Which to me is just dear Dave. It's a lazy contact. Yes. You lazy chicken shit. Piece of shit. Uh, ask me anything.
Starting point is 00:46:35 I'm so cool. Ask me anything. Hey, all whenever any of those athletes do that, I just think you're a fucking, but people like it. Eat that shit up. Like,
Starting point is 00:46:46 you know what I mean? Like you go to like someone's account, like, uh, you know, and it's just like, and it's just questioned. Daniel Brandon does it.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Matt Fraser does. I've seen, it's just like people just fire. What kind of toothpaste do you use? When I'm like, when's the last time someone snapped your bra? Like, that's what I want to know.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Wait, is Daniel still doing, can I ask that? No, I don't know. I'm just, I'm like, when's the last time someone snapped your bra? Like, that's what I want to know. Wait, is Danielle still doing? Can I ask that? No, I don't know. I'm just, I'm just. Oh my goodness. Cause there is one of them that got put up there. Oh, the first thing. What a cool thing to do.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Snap someone's bra. Do you remember like, do you remember like even when you, one of your, your boyfriends, like he'd have a rubber band and you'd grab it and now it's stretched out and someone has to let go and if he lets go you get his rubber band if you let go he's fucked up and it's like this fucked up situation yeah that's what it's kind of like being a girl you just wear a rubber band around your chest just asking people to fucking do you do you see the thing where you can wind up a rubber band like on itself so it's really wound up and then you could like let it go in someone's hand it wraps up their hand yes yes that's a great one or in their arm hair yeah you can just do it so yes that's a great one oh yeah that shit's
Starting point is 00:47:56 brutal oh my goodness um what heidi when's the last time someone snapped your bra that's what i want to know but if they ask me anything it's funny that you mentioned that about the live classes because i didn't really think about it until you had said it right there i coached a class after like finding out that my dog died on my birthday i remember i told that story And then I also coached the class immediately. How did your dog die? How did your dog die? It was just old. It was a beagle and it was like 15 or 16.
Starting point is 00:48:32 That's different than like your girlfriend. That was different though than your, not to say it doesn't still sting, but that's different than like your girlfriend left it in your car and killed it because it overheated. That's like, that's like you're fucked up a little. You got, you got some shit to process. There's something that's like you're fucked up a little you got you got some
Starting point is 00:48:45 shit to process there's something that comes with the circle of life to it but someone has snapped your bra do you remember the do you remember taking off a bra in the early day do you remember being like 16 years old and taking off a girl's bra and your brain's just like exploding yeah like i just take the bra off and just run away out into a field i don't even touch the boobs and look and i just can't believe i took off someone's bra i just bye okay sorry back to your dog dying your story is so much cooler than me taking off guys go on uh no but that was one of them and then the second one was immediately finding out after
Starting point is 00:49:26 grace's uh dad had passed away i coached a class right after oh wow yeah i guess there is this doubt saying stop thinking your problems will end and so there is that component of like if you give of yourself fully all your own shit goes away. But man. When Grace's dad dies, we probably shouldn't talk about this publicly. But it's more you're worried about her than her dad, right? A hundred percent. Like if someone in my family dies, I throw a pity party for myself. If someone in Haley's family dies, I'm worried about my wife. I'm still sad that they died, but I'm kind of like, you're like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:50:11 I should be with Grace right now. Right? Instead, I'm in here telling some guy he's doing a good job with your squats, and they actually really suck. Yeah, keep your fucking knees out, Chase. This guy, Austin Alexanderander you guys have probably seen some of his videos he does these videos where he goes out into a parking lot and he pays people five dollars for every time they bench 135 or something like that and he just randomly picks people and it's pretty fucking cool yeah i actually like it but that being said the range of motion
Starting point is 00:50:39 that you see in all of the like we are gods you have to know that as a crossfitter we're gods our push-ups we no one no one we go all the way down on our pull-ups we get our chin over the bar we go all the way down on our push-ups we squat below parallel we stand up all the way the worst of you are gods compared to just the general public. It is a joke watching the general public workout. I mean, I'm still glad they do it. And I know moving is important.
Starting point is 00:51:12 But have you seen these people who like are doing like quarter squats, like with fucking 225 on their back? And like they what I can the whole time. I'm like, God, if you've done that for years all you're doing is reducing your range of motion and i would way rather have fantastic range of motion than be strong like bull way rather yeah people don't realize too that that how much of uh people's like for lack of better words of the restriction on the range of motion or like the decrepitude that is starting to settle in on some of the older members of the gym. And they're like, I can't get there in my squat. When they start there again, their hips back and they're trying, but they're barely, they're getting to like the same depth as like a push press. Right. And then you, that same individual sticks with it. Like six months later,
Starting point is 00:51:57 they're at parallel. And then a year after that, they have a full range of motion squat. And they can't even remember not. Exactly. And it's so important because unless they take their hips through that range of motion squat and they can't even remember not exactly and it's so important because unless they take their hips through that range of motion and stuff like that you're it's never going to come back it's never going to just magically you know if you don't don't use it you lose it that's so true with that range of motion i can't remember where my friend went but he went somewhere and he couldn't there were elephant rides and he couldn't ride the elephant couldn't get his like hip his leg
Starting point is 00:52:25 up over couldn't get his legs wide because the elephant's back is so wide he didn't have the flexibility to ride the elephant oh shit that would never fucking happen to me here comes the here comes the clip i can ride anything no matter how big it is anything no matter how big it is try to find some of those shorts you're talking about but i think they're only on his youtube channel what yeah i saw him yeah so dude his i think he might be like a tiktok superstar i never went to his tiktok account but he runs his youtube page exactly the same way that the prisoner guy what's his name jesse jesse crompson runs his and now that's how i run my child consult parenting capable child consulting youtube page i just make short videos
Starting point is 00:53:18 yes i can i can find almost any hole i just not into the cheerio we've already stashed the cheerio i don't i'm not a cheerio guy what a stupid cereal cheerios did you did you eat those cheerios yeah yeah they're heart healthy remember oh right start your day off with heart healthy cheerios i didn't like the texture i didn't like the taste yeah i wasn't a huge cheerio um person either did you see the uh videos i sent you the the notes the life-long ones yeah there's one um uh another executive gone right below that. There's one that says send this to your daughter, and it's just a fucked up massive typo somewhere.
Starting point is 00:54:10 But can you play that Instagram clip? You guys, when I see this, the whole time I just think – and I do this a lot in my life. I just think, oh, what if that was my daughter in the car? I don't have any daughters, but I just think, what if that was my daughter in the car? Check this out, please. This is Ed Manifesto's Instagram page. This guy was on the show. I should probably have him on again.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Yeah, definitely should. Okay. Here we go. It's a guy, random guy, checking her car door to get in. She's at a light. You think that's okay? One more time. Can I move?
Starting point is 00:54:58 Gotta get out of the way. Gotta get out of the way. You gotta move. I gotta go to work. Look at the people just driving by. Yeah, no one's stopping. Oh, I way. You gotta move. I gotta go to work. Look at the people just driving by. Yeah, no one's stopping. Oh, I see. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Yeah, it's okay. Yeah. It's okay. Yeah. It's okay. Don't worry about it. Thumbs up. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:55:18 It's okay. It's okay. You think it's okay for someone to do that to your daughter? Fuck no. Yeah. You find that gas pedal and you to do that to your daughter? Okay. Fuck no. Yeah. You find that gas pedal and you put that dude under your tires. Yeah. So he tries her car door and then he stands in front of her car.
Starting point is 00:55:35 At what point does he – what if – I know some of you are going to be like, no, he's just mentally ill or whatever. But what if he – what if he, what if she feels threatened? You could hear her voice. She was. What if she pulls something out? What if he reaches into his pocket? When, when does your daughter's life become? Yeah, I don't know if you, I don't know if you run them over.
Starting point is 00:56:00 If it's my, what if it's your pregnant wife in the car? What if it's your wife, your pregnant wife with your mom and your three daughters in the car i mean that's not even like a one in a million odd someone probably drove by with their mom and some kids in the car uh i had this talk again the other day with someone who was at my house last night during the fights. They were talking about being – this person is pretty hardcore liberal. And they were talking – I wish I could remember the exact example they gave. But they were talking about being threatened and taking care of yourself, at which point I said, oh, oh, this was the story. You're going to love this, Sousa.
Starting point is 00:56:48 There's a fighter, guys. His name's Cain Velasquez. And allegedly someone molested his daughter, and he went to this dude's house and chased this dude in a car chase and shot at the dude, missed the dude, and hit the dude's dad who was in the car. No one died. Now Cain's in jail for 10 years, right? dad who was in the car no one died now kane's in jail for 10 years right and it's tough because if this guy really did molest his daughter you want to be like hey man fucking the gloves are off anything's possible at that point that being said you can't approve a vigilante shit and this person who was at my house yesterday he's a pretty hardcore liberal there said they said to me this
Starting point is 00:57:20 which i totally fucking agree with they said hey man what kane did was fucked up and i said why and they said what if a stray they they it was a it was on the streets of the bay area somewhere somewhere in between mine and matt's house and it was a car chase and he shot at the guy i think and even if he didn't that doesn't matter even if the details of the story aren't right the point is this what if one of those stray bullets would have fucking hit like some kid on the sidewalk on his big wheel? Like, fuck you. You can't do that. That being said, that's why if you fucking tussle with a fucking cop, you should have a fucking cap put in your ass.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Because a cop has a fucking gun on him. And the second I see you fucking attack a cop, I want to come over and fucking curb stomp your head. Why is that because what if you get the cop's gun and shoot the cop and miss and fucking hit avi the greatest kid who ever walked planet earth then then then what and there's stories like that too it's super sad yes you should not so so it's kind of interesting right um yeah what kane did was fucked up what if he accidentally shot the shot even if you think You should not – so it's kind of interesting, right? Yeah, what Kane did was fucked up. What if he accidentally shot – even if you think you're doing the right thing, there's – you can't do that for so many reasons.
Starting point is 00:58:33 I'll never forget this. I'll never forget this footage of this boy. He was 15 years old, and he's running from the fucking cops, and he has a gun. And the cops are chasing him, and they shoot him in the back and kill him. are chasing him and they shoot him in the back and kill him and then later on i find out as i looked into the story more that he was in the yard of a preschool oh shit and he was and his only way out was through the preschool and he had a gun yeah sorry dude if i'm one of those parents at that preschool i'm like well you're making some tough choices there as a cop yeah like i gotta i gotta bake a cake for that cop. Like I can't have that.
Starting point is 00:59:08 I can't have random 15 year old boy running from police run through preschool with gun. And you have to think if you're already bold enough to be out there with a gun to have the police somehow evolved in that incident. And now you're running away with that gun. The scenarios that are running through their mind as you're headed to the elementary school are not good. They're going worst case scenario, right? Like he's going to take a hostage he's going to take a few people out as he goes with them you don't know what that person's capable of and then at the same time that responsibility of well why did you let him run in there with a gun is going to come back
Starting point is 00:59:35 to you so those are some tough fucking calls i mean imagine being like okay do i shoot the student in the back or do we assume he's going to run into the preschool and not shoot and you know not harm any kids there and you have you know, not harm any kids there. And you have, you know, less than a second to make that decision. Two seconds to make that decision while you're out of breath, while you're running again,
Starting point is 00:59:52 this is why cops are law enforcement brothers and sisters need to work the fuck out. Yes. Cops that are fat. I'm sorry, dude. Like I, I got mad love for all my first responders,
Starting point is 01:00:03 but when I see them and they are extremely overweight and you tell that you could tell they have not ran a 400 meters in years, five years, 10 years, you're a fuck. You're a liability. Not only are you a liability to those you're supposed to be protecting and serving your liability to your immediate team, your colleagues, and your liability to yourself and your own family. It's crazy. That's negligent.
Starting point is 01:00:26 That's negligent on your job. What if I was- And you're taxing society. Yeah. What if I was coaching, but wasn't coaching at all? Was just kind of sitting there, had my back turned, hung out in the front most of the time, was on my phone. You wouldn't be paid for your job. They'd be like, hey, you're negligent in your job. You're not supposed to do your part. You're not doing what you're supposed to do to keep us safe and to keep us moving towards our goals and if you're a law enforcement officer or a first responder and you're morbidly obese and you have you know there's no physicality to you you can't run you can't jump over stuff you can't protect stuff what point is it negligent to your job and are you let go what percentage what is landfill full i wonder is there a breakdown of what fills landfill
Starting point is 01:01:07 plastics i bet because they take the longest to decompose so they probably sit there the longest landfill demographic did you mean san francisco what what what what um makes up a landfill i suck at using google commercial it's a household waste like it's not what are the four types organic waste example food paper cardboard or wood so that's it i i noticed i thought of this when i went to uh disneyland if if i drink one coke a day and you're obese and you drink six you make six times the pollution i make if i go to the hospital once every 30 years but you go to the hospital every six months you use 60 times the resources in 30 years medical resources that i
Starting point is 01:01:58 use i always just think of that too when i hear people discussing that stuff i'm like you're like a mass consumer you're a mass mass mass consumer snitches feed landfills i don't mean to be cavalier about just shooting people either i i know the decisions are tough you know my when i talk about this with my dad he straightens me out like i said to my dad um hey man when, when those people on January 6th fucking stormed the Capitol building, I think they should have just opened fire on them. My dad's, I guess you could say he's a liberal. He's like, no, you can't do that. I'm like, nah, there's some places that are just sacred. Like we should protect our servants, our civil servants with, you know, by any means necessary. Our civil servants are civil servants by any means necessary. And he's like, nah, and we talked about it.
Starting point is 01:02:47 And I'm like, yeah, I guess you can't just start just shooting people down. But it just seems unacceptable to – I mean imagine if just one person walked in there with like a backpack. They would get fucking jumped by 10 cops and dragged out. Do you know who Andrew Tate is? Have you heard of that guy oh yeah yeah uh he uh he's the guy yeah i've seen a couple of his videos um he got kicked off of youtube or tiktok because he was talking about women in a way that like someone thought was sexist or something. Yeah. Yeah. Just crazy. Crazy. He has some interesting one-liners things. When,
Starting point is 01:03:35 when I was in the eighth grade, I was in model UN. It was for the smart kids. I don't know. Do not know how I got into that. And it was a horrible student at school. And, and so all the schools from the area came in, right? So there was like, I don't know, 500 kids from like 50 schools.
Starting point is 01:03:53 And I, we were representing some country, I forget some Middle Eastern country, like Saudi Arabia. That's who we were supposed to be. And when I went up and spoke, like our thing was, is that I said, I gave this whole talk about how women are equivalent to cattle and how they should only be used for breeding and they shouldn't be allowed to vote and they should be kept covered up and all this shit. I was going crazy up there and I fucking got in trouble for that. But it was all shit that I had read and we didn't have internet then, but it was all shit that I read in an encyclopedia. You know what I mean? The beliefs of this country.
Starting point is 01:04:30 And I got in fucking trouble. Well, it's interesting. The reason why I bring it up is because he made a comment on a podcast or something I was watching. And he was saying that part of the problem with the Western world and the U.S. is nothing's held. What are? Pull-ups are the problem? No, no, no. Part of the problem in the U.S the U S is like, nothing's held. What are pull-ups are the problem? No, no, no. Part of the problem in the U S or the Western world is nothing is held sacred.
Starting point is 01:04:48 He goes, they were in a, uh, I think it was a Nelf boys podcast, but they were in Romania or someplace. Oh yeah. Yeah. That's where I saw him.
Starting point is 01:04:56 They're sitting on a patio. Yeah. And I watched like 15 minutes of that. Yeah. He seems like a nice guy. He does be interesting, but he goes, uh, nothing's held does be interesting but he goes uh nothing's held sacred anymore and he goes especially in the western world he goes you're here which is
Starting point is 01:05:09 a predominantly christian country and you could write on there like god is gay or something like that that would kind of go against some of the religious beliefs and he goes and you're gonna walk out of here fine he goes but if you do the same thing and you put prophet muhammad is and you go to a middle eastern country because good luck getting out of there alive yeah yeah yeah and so it's kind of interesting but what you were almost saying is like that building should have been held sacred a little bit. Not that they should have just opened fire on people coming in there, but there is no fear of that. But if you go to some other countries and you wear a Prophet Muhammad shirt and say something negative about it, that's held sacred
Starting point is 01:05:41 there and the chances of you being hurt or killed are high. During the BLM riots, they took over a police station in Seattle and a police station in Ferguson. The one in Ferguson, they lit the police station on fire while there were police officers inside. They had to be helicoptered off the roof, if I remember the report correctly. Holy shit. Those that's like Billy the Kid shit. That's like 18-fucking-1807 shit. I don't think that that's acceptable. I – if I see you lighting a building on fire with the people inside, I'm okay with someone opening fire on you.
Starting point is 01:06:18 I don't think our police station should be allowed to be taken over. They shut down a city block for like a month in Seattle. I mean, people live there. Yeah. But I don't think that that's okay. I think that, I think there is a,
Starting point is 01:06:33 by any means necessary moment. Well, that's what I say. So the point being about that Andrew Tate thing is like, do you think that we should hold stuff in that, in that regard? Like, should we hold something that sacred to where it's like you're going to die if you go over there.
Starting point is 01:06:47 They'll shoot you. When you think about what money is, stealing is a really, really gnarly crime. Stealing – you're basically taking time from people. I mean it is what we use to trade for each other's time is currency, and it's the most valuable thing we have. It's the only thing we have for exchange really. Will you play 330? I think that this is a little misleading, but this is – but in essence, this is my experience with the world too and this is why the liberals are so dangerous
Starting point is 01:07:28 and it was like that amongst all my liberal friends when I only had liberal friends there is a close minded to them and I'm not saying that there's not close minded to people on both sides I don't even know what side I'm on anymore but this is this is so fucking difficult this guy
Starting point is 01:07:43 was on the show I don't know 300 shows 300 shows ago, by the way, Corey. This is a pretty cool clip here he's got. When you take a black Democrat and place him around those white MAGA extremists. I wanted to take you over here with me to the Trump supporter side. And so you can experience what's over here on the Trump supporter side. And maybe you can show me if there is racism over here that I should be concerned he wants to know if he's going to be safe inside there if he goes yeah come on then you go with us
Starting point is 01:08:13 we're all one people right they all think that you're crazy asking him if you're going to be safe here they're like what is he going to be safe here. They're like, what? Is he going to be safe if he goes in there? Him? Yeah. Why not, man? Okay, why not? I guess what?
Starting point is 01:08:32 I grab your hand, take you, your wife, your kids, and your granddad, everybody in here. They don't, black, white don't mean. Now what happens when the Democrat takes the Trump supporter over to the Democrat side? We are going to do the opposite. He went up to the Trump side. We are going to do the opposite. He went into the Trump rally with me. And now I'm going to go over with the demonstrators with him and see if I get treated
Starting point is 01:08:52 with love and tolerance. Let's go see. It's very hard to have a conversation I swear it's like that in the Bay Area it's crazy yeah Gary did not win his fight in the Bay Area. It's crazy. Yeah. Gary did not win his fight. I think he won the fight. I think he won the fight.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Yeah, I've seen it too. I grew up with it. I grew up with it. I was it. I was it. Isn't that weird? How do people not realize that. I was it. I was it. Yeah. I was it. Isn't that weird? How do people not realize that? Yeah. I was it.
Starting point is 01:09:50 We should have CrossFit health insurance, but you have to attend a certain number of CrossFit classes for you to qualify. Daniel, I went to Africa. And I met with a guy who owns god this guy was so rich he owned a skyscraper i went into his skyscraper like a real skyscraper that's crazy like a real one like a big motherfucker like 70 stories like massive whatever like probably one of the biggest buildings in south africa 50 stories and it was crazy too because the center of it had this huge atrium. It was nuts. Anyway, he's an insurance megastar.
Starting point is 01:10:32 And I think he probably is like the second or third largest insurance company in Africa on the entire continent. And we went over there, a bunch of us from CrossFit went over there and met with him. And what he had done was he had scraped our open records of all the people. Have you heard this story, Sousa? No. He'd scraped all the names of all the people in our open. I think that's what it's called. IT people call it scraping.
Starting point is 01:11:00 And he ran it against all the people that they insure. And he found like 12,000 people that they insure who also did the open health insurance. And then he looked at the cost of insuring those people versus the rest of his clientele. And just like you might have thought, they had significantly less health costs every single aspect of their health costs was down except for orthopedic calamity that was the only one that was up that meaning like broken bones to fucking torn labia uh it's not a labia what's the thing in your fucking shoulder uh i i got whatever the thing is in here you know what i mean we hurt each other in crossfit you get a you get that plantar fasciitis
Starting point is 01:11:52 you fucking you know you get that fucked up elbow that hillary has whatever the shit happens crossfitters but it was so much less the cost of taking crossfitters to uh taking care of crossfitters than the general public that we were in process of figuring out. I mean, it's so obvious. And here's the thing. For those of you who want to talk about science, one of the only true sciences, like really true, and none of them are true, but the closest thing you can get to true science is what actuaries do. Actuaries are the guys who
Starting point is 01:12:25 figure out what to invest in and what to bet on in order to make money so insurance companies are like that's their whole shtick how much should we charge for a black kid who's 37 years old who wants life insurance versus a guy who lives in the palestinian territories who's 27 years old all they're doing is fucking judging and breaking down and finding fucking the algorithm for fucking health and money and safety and all that and and and all the truth lies with them because at the end of the day they chase the dollar and they have to make money there's no other metric that matters right and so labrum thank you jeff the first first positive thing you've
Starting point is 01:13:06 contributed to the show jeff thought i wanted to take away the first amendment and uh jeff thinks he's lost his virginity um uh and this guy and they knew that crossfitters were a fucking gold mine for fucking if you could get them into some sort of insurance program. So let's say if the average person in the world spent $200 a month on insurance, CrossFitters only spent $2 a month, but you still charge them $100. And now you're making a fucking huge chunk of money. So everyone saves money. And it's known. It's known.
Starting point is 01:13:41 It's definitely known. What a lot of insurance companies have around the world by the way i don't know if we have this stuff in the united states but and i think we have some of it in the united coming to the united states there's apps that you can turn on when you drive and it tracks how you drive and the speed limit you go and that adjusts your rate but there's also apps like in africa and other places that this insurance company did where they track if you went if you go into a gym so when you go into a gym like you wave your phone in front of something there and you get a gym credit i mean you could turn around and walk out but basically they lower your insurance based on that too um it's interesting
Starting point is 01:14:13 it's interesting shit well like you said they're not dealing in uh anything else but the facts and the statistics on the situation that are going to make money so you don't get lost in all these conflating emotional issues you're just looking at the numbers and the statistics on the situation that are going to make money so you don't get lost in all these conflating emotional issues. You're just looking at the numbers and giving you the best predictive value so you can place your bet. That's it. Yes. It's the only thing that matters. Everything else doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Man, I swear to God I erase things on my notes. I don't know why they stay on there. I don't know why they stay on there oppressed drawing i already did that white house logic i already did that i already did the australian guy why is that stuff still on here i'm erasing it like right now a saudi ambassador dies i erase that huh black lives matter cut your breasts off we did that already yeah that. That one was scary. We did fat, ugly chicks at abortion rallies. We did that.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Oh, 312. No rep. What's that? Done that? I'll make it appear. When we have Nunley on and he hits the vape pen, it breaks my heart. I feel so – so oh this is crazy i think we have shown this this is worth showing again this is the i i would i would argue this is
Starting point is 01:15:31 the craziest thing i've ever seen at a i'm assuming this is a crossfit some sort of crossfit event right does it need audio i can't remember no i don't think so this is fucking nuts dude oh my goodness she is she's bold she's bold hey dude that that could have easily have killed her oh, especially if it chopped her in the head and then it took her – like it fell on her against the gate at the same time. That could easily – she died a few days ago. What? Oh, the Queen of England. That could have easily killed her. Craziest thing.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Look at this. Look at this person here with their hands like, oh, my gosh. It's like looking away. Hey, that's the kind of thing like if there wasn't video of it and someone told you you would that you would struggle to believe right you would be like how but how how did he drop the bar over her but not hit her where was there room for her to go i mean was she lubed up was she covered in astroglide i mean how did that get past her that's crazy. Jeff said he would call in, but he doesn't want to use up cell phone minutes.
Starting point is 01:16:54 What is this, the fucking early 2000s? Cell phone minutes. Please don't call in. He's got a burner phone from 7-Eleven. It's only got hundred minutes on it. One day, Bruce Wayne's going to be drunk on the show and fucking just wax you. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:17:12 You're going to get just, I have to build it. You have to build a burner account to get back. Okay. So is that, that one was called no rep. No rep. Okay. I erased it and it's, and it just popped back up.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Where are you erasing it from? Just right in my email. Like I have a draft email. Okay, okay. Interesting. How about 310, Vape is so addictive? This is why I get so sad when I see Nunley hitting the va vape because i don't think if you guys if you know anyone who vapes like it's a problem like you're looking at a bona fide drug addict it's like
Starting point is 01:17:53 looking at someone who's like morbidly obese it's like oh shit you know this person is look at this fucking shit here this like like i know how this girl dies and the whole world knows too i know how she dies look at she takes a hit off her drink hit off her vape to go like i i know i get it i seen a drug addict i know i know that's full drug addict shit doja doing dojo things doja doja do Full drug addict shit. Doja doing dojo things. Doja, doja, doja. Dude.
Starting point is 01:18:33 So, you're muted. So hard to quit that shit. She chucked that thing down. Yeah. I so know how she dies. Hey, she has 40 of those around her house when you roll like that. It's so fucking hard to quit that thing. i fuck with that thing for a few minutes that thing is fucking crazy i never never liked the vape things i never really tried them or got into it i don't think that was uh j-lo i think it was doja
Starting point is 01:19:00 i don't know who doja is uh 311 uh mr biden and covid oh this one's just classic i want to say how do you guys have any friends who um were who were so convinced that the vaccine would work and do you ever like like show them clips like this where it's like Biden saying the vaccine would work? Just take it. And like now we know it doesn't work. And like now, like some of us, like we even know it kills people. I mean, it's just here we go. Biden spreading misinformation about covid and vaccines. This is nuts. And the truth is, most of us wouldn't have even cared, except I'm fucking shadow banned. I remember when I would tell people I was shadow banned and they thought I was a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Starting point is 01:19:51 And even still today, some of you will fucking text me like, oh, shit, shadow or DM me. Shadow banned is real. I get one of those a week. Like, hey, something weird's going on on Instagram. I can't tag you. You dumb fuck. This has been going on forever. They kicked the
Starting point is 01:20:05 president of the united states off of twitter nuts look at this oh shit wow is that really true look her up didn't i just tell you i know how this ends dude i'm telling you if you know anyone who's fucking with those you should it should break heart. I know how it ends for all of you. It's not good. Doge. Okay, let's do this Biden thing, and then we'll come back to it. Matthew, thank you. That's great.
Starting point is 01:20:34 I don't know what your profile picture is either, but it's kind of cool. It's like lightning striking a pregnant woman. I don't know what the fuck that is. Are those mountains? I don't know what that is. I want to come back to that. Matthew Carbajal. That's a beautiful name too carbaugh hall okay you're not gonna you're not gonna get covet if you have these vaccinations yeah you're okay you're not gonna you're not gonna get covet if you have these vaccinations yeah you're okay you're not gonna you're not gonna
Starting point is 01:21:01 get covet if you have these hey if someone 82 years old is talking to you about shit like that that that's not 82 year olds have a fucking huge value to society of why shit they can tell you a vaccine talk is not one of them probably you just have to weigh the fact that look at the genre they came from they came from the word all faith in the medical establishment those are the people that think that there's actual truth. We've already established that, right? You guys know that there is no such thing as truth, that you can't know anything. All we do is try to believe things that have the greatest predictive value, but we don't know anything. Everyone knows that, right? There's no such thing as gravity. It's just an idea that we use to get predictive value on how objects move around in our ecosystem. Like everyone knows that. Please.
Starting point is 01:21:52 We know that red doesn't actually mean stop. We just kind of agree on it so we don't get in car accidents. But we know that psychiatrists, we have no idea how psychiatric drugs work. We're just like testing them out on kids. Like everyone knows that, right? Fucking we live with nincompoops okay uh but so so look up that chick doja that's dude you have that thing is so scary those vape pens they are the funnest thing they're more dangerous than they're more fun than – they're more fun than porn. They are just – Oops.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Vape pens are better than Cirque du Soleil. I mean they are so cool, but they will ruin your life. They come at the cost of your life. I mean it's like – here's a vape pen you're dead hey shouldn't the uh did you want to read that by the way uh doja cat has canceled much of her anticipated summer tour to tackle health issues in her throat i was hoping to see a picture i can can you put doja vape yeah hold on you can just see the way she hits it and throws it down and run like she can't do anything like that's a chick who has sex and vapes at the same time oh she's uh 70 days free from vape wow wow good honor there's no doja good job there's not any photos just like her hitting a vape pen if if you do not have kids
Starting point is 01:23:30 you have no excuse to only be driving forward with plan a fuck pan plan b no plan b if you have kids i have to you have to pay me five hundred pay me $500 an hour and I can talk to you about possibly a plan B. If you don't have kids, you cannot have a plan B. And what does that look like? You are going to be the best horse jockey who ever lived on planet Earth. You have no plan B. You're completely committed to it. But it doesn't mean.
Starting point is 01:24:06 But what it doesn't mean. Is at the end of the day. You devise a new saddle for horses. That becomes. Replaces all previous saddles in the history of man. And you never achieve your goal. To be the best horse jockey who ever lived. But since you. But you do invent the greatest saddle
Starting point is 01:24:27 ever you have to be malleable and still have no plan b you just you you have to be smart you have you have to you have to be intuitive when my son today sorry avi i hate to pick intuitive. When my son today – sorry, Avi. I hate to pick on you. When my son yesterday said he was about to win the gold medal and he didn't go out and do his third match, and he said it was because he was tired, he had a plan B. Yeah, to not do the match. He had a plan B. because the if if if his if his no plan b was to go and no matter what win the gold and he didn't win the gold and he gave it his all he still did no he still had no plan b and there was some still some other fruit he got but he used some word that's not even a real word i'm tired who made
Starting point is 01:25:22 that an excuse to not do something why would being tired be an excuse not to do something? Who made that up? How retarded are you that you think that that's an excuse not to do something? Now, you're fucking working a sewing machine that's the most industrial sewing machine in the world, and it could easily fucking take off your finger, and you're tired. That's when you say hey i don't have the mental because i've been working on this machine for 12 hours i don't have the mental capacity to keep using it uh i'm exhausted on on enough levels that this machine has become dangerous then you do and tired just a something to sort of encapsulate that. But to use I'm tired just as this blanket excuse not to do something.
Starting point is 01:26:09 When you're doing a workout and you're not using dangerous weights and you're exhausted and you want to tap and you don't tap and you make it to the end, 100% of the time. So the workout is, uh, Cindy and you tell yourself, no matter what, you're going to do 20 rounds. Even if you go over the 20 minute mark and you get to 18 and you're at 27 minutes and you want to quit, you just don't, you just don't. Even if you have to go to the kitchen, get like a bitch and get a glass of water. You just don't, you go back in the garage and you finish that shit and every time you're happy that's no plan b that's no plan b you can quit i said on i thought you said you can't quit vaping i think you let me tell you something what you can't quit you can't can't quit the thought of vaping i think you let me tell you something what you can't quit you can't can't quit the
Starting point is 01:27:05 thought of vaping that bitch wants to vape that bitch 70 days she's gonna be 7 000 days in and she's gonna still have the thought she wants to vape still gonna want to it's funny that you're here because you're upset you have a small dick and you're taking it out on the rest of us that'll be 300 for that advice no i don't do anything for less than 500 that's 500 when tony andrews put the thing about like no plan b he was like is it anti-abortion every time i wear that shirt one person asks me that wow wow i purpose abortion yeah no what does that thing look like what is that we only have three minutes left sorry what does that no plan b packaging look like what is um josh bridges was recently on a podcast and
Starting point is 01:27:54 i watched the first 45 seconds of it and he used the no plan b like the host did he was like you do whatever whatever that sounds like that's like no plan b and then josh goes yeah and it was funny because i was like i wonder if in that moment he was thinking like fucking settle on i'll send it to you you just have to watch the first 45 seconds um what podcast was it can we play that real quick oh shoot yeah let me i'm gonna have to check the history because it was it was randomly my – What were you about to look up though? The No Plan B pill. Oh, yeah. No Plan – want me to look that up while you look for the podcast?
Starting point is 01:28:31 Yeah, sure. Because everything on – when I searched No Plan B came up with like the same type of stuff you're discussing. I'm just going to put Plan B abortion pill. Let's see the packaging of this thing because i always hear funny shit about it images oh shit dude this thing is like this thing is like razors it's all fucking locked up at the uh it looks like it's all locked up at the store like well everything's locked up now but yeah that would that's been behind the
Starting point is 01:29:05 counter for sure so it's just this one little pill in the middle like it's not as much packaging as i thought i mean it's a lot but so you just what's the definition of contraception is that is that really contraception con uh oh he, he was on Shaw's Strength Podcast, which is that super strong guy. So plan B is not contraception because contraception is it prevents pregnancy. Well, can you prevent pregnancy even when you're already pregnant? A woman can get pregnant if a man's sperm reaches one of her eggs, okay? Contraception tries to stop this happening. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Okay, so contraception is something you use to stop the sperm from getting to the egg.
Starting point is 01:30:01 That's what I thought. And so plan B, I think that's for after the sperm gets to the egg that's what i thought and so plan b that i think that's for after the sperm gets to the egg so it's a misnomer to call it contraception right yeah i don't know if it qualifies right i mean it term doesn't it immediately terminate the chances of the pregnancy when you take the plan b pill i don't think plan b does anything to the i think it only does things to an egg that's already been fertilized how does plan b pillow i don't think plan b does anything to the i think it only does things to an egg that's already been fertilized how does plan b work it was brian shaw whose podcast he was on oh really brian shaw has a podcast yeah yeah he must have just started because i know he has a lot of youtube subscribers but the podcast has 20,000. But I think he has –
Starting point is 01:30:45 That's the strongest man in the world, right? Yeah. Oh, Plan B acts primarily by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary. It may prevent the union of sperm and egg if fertilization does occur. Wait, how could it prevent the union? Oh, sorry. If fertilization does occur, plan B may prevent a fertilized egg from attaching to the womb. Okay, so it's both. It's contraception and an abortion pill. It can terminate a pregnancy. All right, fine. Learn new shit every day. Okay, let me go. I'll let it slide.
Starting point is 01:31:29 William Smith. Bill Smith says, Billy, hi. A plan B stops the ova, the egg, from adhering to the uterine wall. That's where we all grow up, guys, inside the uterine. Uterus. Okay. What was the other thing we're gonna look at before i take
Starting point is 01:31:48 obby to tennis it was the josh bridges that put that podcast oh we already oh so so that guy brian shaw's a no plan b guy let me see brian shaw no he just like referenced it i wish i had it i only like i said only listed a couple minutes You fucking knuckleheads will never succeed at a podcast, Mr. Shaw. You know why? It's too hard. It's too hard. Just lift heavy shit up. You know what else is weird, too?
Starting point is 01:32:16 And this has happened because of this show, is if the podcast that I'm listening to doesn't start out like comfortable right away i feel like uncomfortable listening to it you know i was like they're trying to like i'm watching it right now and you could tell like josh is trying to get get comfortable and like brian's kind of doing this like lead in with it and stuff but it feels very like awkward yeah you have to wait like 15 minutes till they yeah and then i can't i feel like that every time i watch rogan too it's like a 15 minute entry period i'm like dude it's like second yeah secondhand embarrassment or secondhand like awkward feeling thanks for having me on here i'm like so stoked to be on here i'm reading like the chat it up okay tonight we have jacob rodriguez on at six o'clock he is the um – Nicky Rodriguez's brother. He went undefeated in his West Coast ADCC qualifications.
Starting point is 01:33:12 Basically, he's going to compete on September 16th to be the greatest jiu-jitsu fighter of all time in his weight class, but probably in the overall too. And he's Nicky Rodriguez's little brother. And what he did to get to the Abu Dhabi Combat Club club championships is fucking nuts he went seven for seven and tap outs um and i think he's only been doing jiu-jitsu for like maybe two years one year and then uh after that show uh we will take a small break 15 minute break and we will come back later on in the evening with uh brian b friendly e-friendly brian friend and uh we'll be doing um he'll be doing i'll just be hanging out he'll be doing a review of whatever the fuck crossfitters are doing in madrid right now so that's what we got for tonight all right guys uh suza thanks for coming on uh the guest that stiffed us. I don't hate you, but made the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Thank you.

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