The Sevan Podcast - #587 - Madrid CrossFit Championship Recap Show

Episode Date: September 12, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 bam we're live hey sorry i'm late no problem i cracked j-rod i can't even believe it you're what crack j-rod we were in the flow like my last guest he's like he's he's he's a tough nut to crack he's young he's 20 he's a he's got his head on straight and you know but we started just started going into the zone it was crazy happens sometimes you know sometimes but we started just started going into the zone. It was crazy. Happens sometimes, you know, sometimes it takes 45 minutes of dull talk about cats before you get to anything interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Yeah. Is it, was that, was that happened to you last night? Haley Adams. Oh shit. Oh, I need to,
Starting point is 00:00:43 okay. That is the thing. Cause the first show we did with Haley was two hours and 40 minutes. I wasn't on it. I was probably just a bad curse there. Oh, you know who it was? It was John Young. That's what I need.
Starting point is 00:00:52 I need John Young to be my co-host for everything. He's a man. I mean, I put you in touch with him for a reason. John – what's it? John – John something the man, John, there's a word for it. It was going to be facetious. There are some subjects like HWPO,
Starting point is 00:01:13 Rogue Invitational, Gabby Magawa, Proven and Tia, Olivia Kerstetter, debut at Rogue, Dubai CrossFit Championships, qualifier started, et cetera, et cetera, that I stumbled upon that I thought maybe we should talk about maybe tomorrow morning. Are you around tomorrow morning? Like 40 minutes?
Starting point is 00:01:34 Why not just right now? Because this show, I think we should do the Madrid. I got all these notes on Madrid. You just want to do a little catching up with the offseason lay of the land tomorrow? Yeah, like as I was doing research for tonight's show, I was like, holy shit, a lot of shit's happening. You have availability in the morning? Yeah. So do I.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Oh, do you? Okay, let's do a quick show tomorrow morning. All right, double my normal rate, though. Okay, I understand. Okay. Venmo, Brian, $3,000. Yeah. Don't double, double, double.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Oh, sorry. $6,000. $6,000 yeah don't double double oh sorry $6,000 $6,000 sorry okay so what is 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time work for you tomorrow yeah okay just a little hodgepodge whatever you want yeah can we schedule
Starting point is 00:02:19 offseason gossip minus the gossip right can we schedule Brian for 7 a.m. tomorrow morning? What should we call the show? I'll do it for Elise. Since it's her birthday today, I'll give her a little morning after surprise. That's very sweet of you. What should we call the show?
Starting point is 00:02:41 Everything CrossFit? CrossFit Games? The CrossFit Games updateFit games, update, update show, the CrossFit games update show, the bottom line, the final bottom line, the final word.
Starting point is 00:02:53 How about the off season? Topper episode. Oh, okay. I like that. Anything and everything that you want to ask me about off season. You don't know what's going to come out, but it's true. He's related to CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Hopefully. Oh, how about hopper? So like a play on episode hopper. So are you going to come out, but it's related to CrossFit, hopefully. How about Hopper Soad? Like a play on episode. Hopper Soad. Are you going to invite him? Jason, I could. Just invite him and when he comes on, just say, okay, thanks. Bye.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Oh, shit. I was supposed to send Luca and... Were we supposed to do a show with him? Ah, never mind. We were. I don't know what happened. I was supposed to send Luca and Lazar links. You know that's not how you say it. They had to be sleeping. It's like 4 a.m. there.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I asked him if he wanted to come on. He said he would be... He sent me... He was awake and they were at a party. I believe in Spain they party all... Parties usually start around 2 a.m., I think. Maybe later. I am going to send it to him just to see. I go to WhatsApp and I go to chats.
Starting point is 00:03:53 If they do come on, who do you think will have a bigger smile? Me or them? No, Lazar or Luca. Oh, I don't know, but they're both. I watched Lauren Khalil's She's There. Yeah. I was thinking about invitingil's – she's there. Yeah. I was thinking about inviting her on this show too, but – She's probably at the same party.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Too much star power in one show. Off-season Hopper episode. Okay. Hopper-sode. Is it true – true well tell me about tell me what's going on it's over tell me what just happened and is it over
Starting point is 00:04:31 yeah over the last three days in Madrid an event team that actually has a lot of experience organizing and running events put on what could be the largest competition in CrossFit maybe ever i'm not sure some people are sending me some stats about the number of participants and registrants that were pretty
Starting point is 00:04:53 impressive and i said uh yeah it's you know basically like the water palooza in europe and they said no this is bigger than that in terms of total volume i didn't do the full breakdown of divisions and athletes and registrants per division but there were a lot so uh the most important question is is was that girl there from the isle of man i think she was seriously yeah um i'll know i'll know her name if you say it she finished 10th what's her name? Amy Kringle. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You think she's related to Santa Claus? Over 500 teams.
Starting point is 00:05:30 That's over 2,000 athletes just in the team division. Crazy, crazy. 500 teams, wow. When Matt, I was watching an interview with Matt Fraser, maybe when he was, maybe it wasn't an interview, but Matt, uh, I was watching an interview with, uh, Matt Fraser, maybe when he was, maybe it was an interview, but it was promotional and he called it the largest event in Europe with the most amount of prize money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I think that that's, I think that's accurate. Do they have a leaderboard on here? Yeah. Oh, well there's a leaderboard for sure uh it's a slippery site hold on uh some people did say it was hard to find but uh it loads slowly because it's in europe it has to come from far away um check the scores consult i i also just emailed you the link if you need it okay oh you need it.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Okay. Oh, you found it. I think that's it. We go to women or men. Yeah, this is it. Sometimes it takes you to like the qualifier leaderboard, which we don't need. How many days has it been since the CrossFit Games? But it ended on what? August 5th or something, so 45 or something.
Starting point is 00:06:53 So five weeks, six weeks. Yeah. Why are – who from the CrossFit Games went there and why? I'm pretty sure the only men that ended up uh competing were lazar and travis mayor and for the women uh emma mcquade definitely and that might be it from the games and there were some that were registered that ended up dropping out and emma tall won it and she was the one that we had on the show right there was like a last chance qualifier debacle she was involved in we've had emma tall and david shrunk on the show before yes and they both competed there and both podiumed yeah there were a couple other games that it's
Starting point is 00:07:36 like uh oh maybe just yorgos kateros but he ended up not participating so they were and guillaume also yeah so only ended up three total lazar travis and i don't quite and how do you qualify for this event there's an online qualifier although there were also apparently some kind of special invites i don't quite understand i think luka jukic got one but i think lazar did not it was they were telling me about it's kind of a funny story where i don't know but anyway most them, and there are a lot of participants, qualified through the online qualifier, which was, I think, in the late May or early June, kind of during the semifinals period. And when you're invited, does that mean they paid your way? I misspoke. It's either early May before the semifinals or after in late June.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I'm not sure. I don't know because i'm trying to think who i saw in lauren's being interviewed who said they received an invite i want to say it was annika greer i could be wrong i could be wrong okay um yeah i'm not sure how many you were invited i know that most of them came through the qualifier and there were up to 80 that could have participated in this division, which is fairly unique. We haven't really seen an elite field, like the elite division of a competition have more than 50 athletes since probably the 2009 CrossFit Games at a competition of kind of this level. A fairly big, high-level competition. It gets to 67 here for the men, and it's a guy named Xavier Marco. Xavi.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And then all these others did not participate. And there's like 10 or 11 men and 10 or 11 women, some of whom are fairly recognizable names, that just, they were listed as planning to be there. Some of the media that was covered leading up to the event, Morning Chalk Up, Barbell Spin, mentioned and featured some of these athletes, and then they end up not participating, which is always kind of a question I have about. Obviously, we've probably mentioned this before. Obviously, sometimes you get an injury right before competition.
Starting point is 00:09:43 You have to withdraw. But otherwise, there's really no accountability for the athletes. I guess maybe they could lose a registration fee, but some of them might have been invited in this case. If you just decide not to do it at the last minute, and it's really just a penalty then for the competition who may have expected a certain caliber of field, and if a couple of the highlighted names drop out, there's not really much they can do about it. And when you act like maybe there should be, you wish there could be something that's punitive, like you don't like this, you're disappointed in this, that like, that Zach George, a big name out of the UK doesn't, doesn't participate.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yeah, no, I've talked about it before. I mean, part of the, you know, part of the conversation when you're talking about these events is always surrounding the finances. And, you know, there've been some people being fairly vocal and critical of the fact that, you know, for example, some of the semifinals are very unsustainable financially right now. And for these off season competitions as well, something that certainly they have to consider is how are they bringing in revenue and money? And obviously one of the things that drives that is having big names in your field so that people want to come there,
Starting point is 00:10:49 not just attend, but also spend money when they're there, which they will inevitably do on merchandise and food and whatever else, you know, beer. So, um, yeah, when there's, you know, 20 athletes into the field, men and women combined that just don't show up in the last minute and maybe five to eight of them are you know recognizable or notable names that's a loss for the competition that they can't really do anything about and there's no penalty for the athletes and i don't know if there should be but it's just i noticed there were a lot that didn't show up for this one uh i see uh it says uh five there's five events here is that all that there were? No, no, no. There were eight. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:27 You can scroll to the right. If you scroll, that black thing at the bottom that you can put an X on, that bar, is blocking your arrow. And then there's an arrow that you can scroll across. Dirty Saga? Sayaga? Saiga. I shared with you a document, actually. Did you get it?
Starting point is 00:11:42 I shared it like an hour ago. So Saiga is either a rifle or an antelope they're two different meanings for the word my guess was since Fraser was involved with the programming he was probably leaning more towards the rifle than the antelope but I don't know and these are the ranks Lazar took a 7th, 10th, 19th
Starting point is 00:12:02 1st, 8th 6th, 1st and 6th, 6th, 1st, and 6th, and that was good enough to win the event. Yeah, good enough to win. And, I mean, the points don't maybe look dramatic, but it seemed like kind of a comfortable last day for him relative to the next five guys or so that were battling with a pretty tight points margin. I mean, look, there's only 17 points between sixth and second.
Starting point is 00:12:27 So those guys were in a battle. Lazar was like twice that apart from everyone else because there are so many athletes in the field. Two things. There's a small points margin per placement. And secondarily, you know, a penalty can weigh a lot heavier in terms of event finish. So that's why you might see like if you look at the first workout, for example, I wonder if you can sort just by that workout. It's crazy. It's just a 2K run.
Starting point is 00:12:57 The first workout is just a 2K run. Yeah. Click on it. Go back. Get out of this thing and click on the bold words round one. And then you could see the times. So there were two guys at 539, a guy at 540, 4145, 48, 50, 53, two at 54, 57, two at 58, three at 59, two at, and then it's like every second there's guys coming in. And then you go all the way down to, let's just say, I don't know, 45th place, 619.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And then you go all the way down to, let's just say, I don't know, 45th place, 619. You know, it's a 40-second spread and there's 40 guys. So it's one guy every second, basically. This is how tight this workout is. And, you know, when it's that tight, then you better be running a flawless event, like a specific event. Round one is what it was called because if one second is one spot and i you know i didn't i'm not sure because i wasn't there but you know um some people have talked about this as being a issue in other events at times and you have to exit and come back into a stadium where
Starting point is 00:13:58 you start relative to where you're on the floor can make a big difference when one second matters so much oh what do you think about that? A 2k run just as an event? I love it, but I think that it has to have a very, very exact and uniform application. So I would actually only like to see this basically on a track or an outdoor venue setting where the, everyone is obviously starting at the same spot, has the same advantage to accelerate at the same rate. And there's no bottlenecks that can occur that you can just run in a loop or multiple loops over and over again. And then like the biggest deviation you'd have to make is to go around one person's body length to pass them on the outside. How many workouts were there the first day?
Starting point is 00:14:39 I believe there were three. I think it was round one, round two and need for speed. And I think there were three on day two and two on the last day. Are you surprised to see Travis Mayer there? He's got a family. He lives in the United States. He's got to travel all the way over there to Madrid. It's only five weeks after the CrossFit Games.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Has anyone talked to him? Do we know what's going on? Why would he go i would say yes of the athletes i mean probably of the games athletes that participated lazar and mcquade makes a lot more sense than travis mayer for you know all the reasons that you said not to mention you know well actually his age could be a factor in one of two ways right it might be that he knows that the number of opportunities for him to compete at this level are you know limited and when maybe he does get a great offer to go over there all expenses paid who knows if a sponsor says we'll even pay you just to compete or whatever that he's gonna might want to take those while he can
Starting point is 00:15:41 but on the other hand you know we've talked about this with guys like frikowski who are around a similar age where he limits his off-season competitions and prioritizes having one more year to make an you know as good of a run as possible at the crossfit games so it just depends what you're looking for but uh at first glance yeah travis being there's a bit of a surprise so we're not a lot of Americans that made the trip over. Right here it says you took first place at Wadapalooza. That's in the team, right? Last year, team division, the boys, yes. And I think they're running it back to try to defend their title.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Although I think there'll be a lot of competition this year. What does that mean? Who do you know? What do you know? Just heard about some other teams in the makings. And additionally, they've reformatted the structure of wadapalooza so you can if you want to compete in both the individual and teams divisions because they're on separate days wow we should talk about that in the morning wow wow i'll add that to the list wow has anyone ever done that before i don't think so not well
Starting point is 00:16:42 i don't i don't think so. Not well, I don't, I don't think so. It reminds me of my brother's a college tennis coach. And it reminds me of the, like the structure of those things where you can play number one singles and you can play number one doubles. You know, you can see a lot of blues.
Starting point is 00:16:56 You can compete as an individual and also as part of a team. It's crazy to me that the pros do that in the, at the, in the tennis levels too, that like you see Serena and Venus playing doubles, and then they're also playing singles. It's nuts. Yeah, and very similarly, no one really talks about it, the teams.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Right, right, right, right, right. Good point. Have you had a chance to talk to Lazar since his win? Yeah, I was, uh, I was messaging with him early. He was, he was making me laugh.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Uh, are you surprised to see him win this? And are you surprised to see Travis's fifth, fifth place placement? Uh, not at all surprised to see Lazar win this, you know, this is like,
Starting point is 00:17:42 he should win this. If you're taking, you know, and I know that it's only five or six weeks after the games and that he had, I mean, he talked about it publicly. He took a couple weeks off. He spent a whole week in bed. He was like just laying there listening to Luka training in the next room over. And he did not come into this feeling 100%.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I gave a little accolade to him. I reposted him on my story and just said, you know, he's stringing together another impressive season. And he responded and said, you know, not bad for, for not coming in at my best. And I told him he looked pathetic on the echo bike in the last workout, which he agreed with and laughed and asked how I was able to see that. And how were you able to see it? There were some people live streaming the, uh, a few of the workouts from the, um, C kaha mahika over there that i that i know so they would you know send send it to me personally when they were doing that and i
Starting point is 00:18:29 tuned in when i could and and that that workout you're talking about is the uh 50 chest to bar 30 calories on the fan bike it was an echo bike yeah i know they just call it a fan bike in their description. 20 dumbbell thrusters with 30 kilograms and a 20 meter tank push. What's a tank? A torque tank? Yeah. And then they threw the dumbbells on top of it to add a little weight. Wait a second. They ended an event with a torque tank push.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Yeah. I thought it was kind of a weak ending. Wait a second. The entire document I shared with you earlier is about the programming, if you're interested in the program. How could you finish an event with an implement that you can't fucking make ground up on someone unless you stop? What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:19:20 The whole workout came down to the bike. This is fucking retarded this this is if i is that accurate you know who programmed this right no the whole competition was programmed by matt fraser and hwpo which is why i wanted to take a look at it this makes no fucking sense if if what i'm saying is true did anyone pass can we find out if anyone passed no one passed there's no i don't think there's any footage but i watched the men's final lazar was the first one off the chest for our pull-ups at least from what i could see and it's one of those competition floors where it's like 20 lanes wide which is really difficult for viewer experience he got to the bike he got
Starting point is 00:19:57 passed by several people on the bike and then after that no one was i didn't see anyone passed anyone on the thrusters or the tank it was just whoever could get to the tank first. And basically it was whoever got off the bike first. Wow. Wow. I would love to fucking hear before I just completely unleash. Holy hell on the, on the retardation of that. That makes, if I was a fan, I'd ask for my money back.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Let me tell you this because since you you have obviously no interest in pulling up my document i'll just read it to you okay i do have i do have an interest i'm afraid if i open my emails they'll fucking pop up on the shared screen i'm terrified well i'm share the screen yeah look to see i know i know i know i'm gonna open it up on another computer another another screen I have over here. Okay, go ahead. I'm listening while I open your document. Yeah, but basically over the course of the three days, the men did 46 minutes of work on the competition floor. Is that?
Starting point is 00:21:01 Not a lot. That's not a lot. Okay, as opposed to, let's say, the CrossFit Games, how much do they do? Oh, we had talked about that before. That's not a lot. Okay. As opposed to, let's say the CrossFit games, how much do they do? Oh, we had talked about that before. It's hours, hours.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Okay. As opposed to water Palooza, how much time do they spend? Glad you asked that. Oh shit. Did you see that? What? Last year,
Starting point is 00:21:16 I had a lot of Palooza, the same number of events and the men spent 62 minutes working. Okay. And do you think that this has something to do with travis mayor's placement no okay um uh no the it is an should this turn into a programming show or should i wait for jr and taylor or both oh whatever you want um thank you you're a good dude it's just it was striking to me when i just started looking at the workouts, and I saw six minutes, four minutes, three minutes, 11 minutes, nine minutes,
Starting point is 00:21:49 three minutes, seven minutes, three minutes. Wow, now I see your document. That is crazy. The longest workout for the men was a 12-minute time domain? Yeah. Oh, so this is the 2008 CrossFit Games. Yeah, and it's, you know, it's... What is this? Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:22:09 The reasons why it could potentially be that way. So one, it could be that Fraser just wanted to program this way. Two, it could be that there was some direction given by the competition because they had so many athletes there. And they did have three venues that they were competing in. and they did have three venues that
Starting point is 00:22:25 they were competing in but they might have said hey man we have to get thousands of athletes through every day this is the time frame that we have to program for the elites and maybe they said we have a two-hour window in the morning and another 90-minute window in the in the afternoon and then we have an hour at night is this matt's ever event he's ever programmed is this his first event no no no they uh they are actually are programming a ton of events include they did can west games in um mid-july they did another one i think down in south america after that and they're also doing dubai and i think that uh because they're starting to do so many i'm going to take more and more interest in it to see if they're really qualified to do it. Wow. Because it's difficult. It's difficult enough to program
Starting point is 00:23:11 one elite high level competition, but now you're, you're, you're spreading yourself out across all of these that I want to see. Are there, you know, are there repeatable, what is this? Six minute lift. I don't know. What? I don't understand it either, but I like it just because I don't understand it. You know, if there are predictable patterns that are showing up in his programming, if there are trends that are showing up in his program, if there are things that he's clearly omitting from his programming. So if this many people are choosing to use it, then it better be really, really good in my opinion. And, you know uh not predictable
Starting point is 00:23:46 what about this thing so the the it's a sport right i'm gonna i'm gonna fucking come back to that first i want to ask you this who you said in the beginning you said hey this is the people who throw this event are uh some highly qualified Who are those people? Is this part of Live and Loud? Live and Loud. They definitely have some familiarity with that. Are they part of this event?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Who puts this event on? I think Live and Loud puts this event on. But we don't know for sure. I think they do. It's one of these things where a lot of the people from Loud and Live events around the world. So a lot of them are Spanish speaking. Some of them are in Mexico. Some are in Miami.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Some are in Spain. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I met those guys. Colombian too, maybe, right? South America. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:37 But they all travel and help each other with their events. So, for example, Granite Games, which is hosted by, you know, well, I guess, well, Dylan and Joaquin run it. They also run Wadaplusa. I don't know because it's the fall with Loud and Live. I'm not sure exactly what this landscape is. But I think Granite Games is run by Loud and Live also. So all the guys that run Madrid CrossFit Championship were there. In fact, I roomed with one of them.
Starting point is 00:25:02 And he is the main guy, I think, for this one. His name is Alfonso Chamorro. He's a great guy. And obviously, their business is putting on events, and so they need to make money. They need to survive. It's not a fucking charity. Yeah, and they host this at the Cajamaica. It's got to be one of the most expensive events to rent out that a CrossFit competition has ever used.
Starting point is 00:25:26 Okay. And they've used it for regionals in the past. Can you spell Caja Majica? C-A-J-A Caja. Hold on, hold on, hold on. I'm going to look it up and try to pull up a picture. C-A-J-A. Majica.
Starting point is 00:25:43 It's just magic with an A at the end. Majica. Magic box, magic with an A at the end. Magica. Magic box, Madrid, Spain. Okay. Yeah. Beautiful place. Let's see if I can share this. Does it say what the capacity is for spectators there?
Starting point is 00:25:57 We will find out very shortly. Bear with me here. Bam. 28. Oh, no, that's the address. I was going to say 28,000. We'll find it in one second. Give me a second.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I was told that there were around 9,000 in attendance over the weekend. I'm not sure about day one, but it looks, some of the camera angles and stuff make it look pretty empty. It might hold a lot more than that. I'm not sure. Capacity is 12,442. The construction cost was 300 million euros. It's a beautiful place. The colors are cool too.
Starting point is 00:26:34 So maybe just the, you know, it's possible that I was just seeing the portion of the stands that wasn't occupied in some of the stuff I saw. But if there were really 9,000 people there per day or over the weekend, that's pretty good attendance considering, I think, probably the peak of any of the semifinals was around 5,000. Now, of course, they're having so many thousands of people compete, and we've talked about this and people have talked about this before, that it's probably a better model for semifinals to have community events as well, because it just drives up overall presence at the competition.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Obviously those athletes are there, but also their spouses, their coaches, their wives, their boxes, whatever, especially if they're more, you know, close enough to the region that's hosting it. Where was the Torian pro held? Do you know? It's Rod Laver Arena, I think is what it's called. There's probably 5,000 occupancy there, something like that. And I know it's sold out, of course, and that's why you're checking. But I think that that's an event that could probably, even though it's a really, really awesome venue,
Starting point is 00:27:39 they probably could afford to go to a bigger one because they're selling out every year. That one is, it is it says wow let me share the screen no it's not rod laver arena it's um oh okay because that one is 14 820 no no it's uh patrick rafter patrick rafter uh i could see how you would uh confuse the two i get those two how did you know how do you know how do you know arena's names in australia how did you know that there was even one called the the rodney king no the rodley how do you even know that it's like unhealthy information clogging your brain uh it is oh this one doesn't give you a capacity that's how little it is
Starting point is 00:28:27 okay well that place was sold out and it was it looked like a uh i feel like it was five five or six thousand at least it looked like it looked like a triple decker and all three decks were filled yeah yeah look at one two three i think it's pretty tight uh 5500 fans that's what you said right five thousand i said five to six thousand so wow okay it's more wasted information in my brain yeah i'm sorry uh so so they do this event it sounds like it was successful they had a shitload of people there 500 teams means a lot of registrations uh how big was their um their open? How many people participated in the online qualifier? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:08 I'm not sure. Is it thousands or is it like a weird rogue thing where it's like only 200 people or whatever? Well, Rogue's a little different because you could pay $35 to sign up for that and you get a shirt. And the shirt's kind of a cool shirt. So I think there are people that sign up with no intention to participate in Rogue just to get the shirt. But so few people participated in Rogue, that's what i'm saying i think twice as many signed up as participated and the other half just got a shirt out of it right right which is kind of a good deal anyway yeah yeah i think that's a good deal too and because of that i'm surprised that thousands didn't apply people should do that yeah high qualifier sign up you get
Starting point is 00:29:42 this cool shirt i think they get another just like when you sign up for the crossfit open you get a cool shirt right uh you get a level uh so we don't know how many people signed up we don't know if they have 10 000 people i haven't checked 100 000 people we don't we have no idea okay uh and then and then back to Travis Mayer. Why? But 80 qualified in the men's elite field. So you have to assume it was a significant number more than that. Do you? It's like, all right, 100 people signed up, 80 of you are going to make it.
Starting point is 00:30:21 I'm kind of surprised. I wonder if some people sign up for that qualifier who don't even intend on going. Just for the challenge. Yeah, maybe. I mean, I do that sometimes. Last year, I think I signed up for Wadapalooza's qualifier with no intent to participate in the live event. Okay, fuck it. I'm going back to the workout. It just keeps – if's eating away at me.
Starting point is 00:31:07 If you can't – if this is a competition and it's supposed to be a sport and we're supposed to see people competing against each other, and that's where the drama and that's where the narrative is, why – how and why would there be a torque tank, something you can't pass someone in any event, let alone the final event is the last movement i i can't i mean can you justify it anywhere for me can you just help me so i don't just fucking hate the rest of this podcast oh come on you don't have to hate the podcast just because it doesn't make any sense well i'm just like i just i just feel like i'm you want to have plus the whole workout progressed across the floor towards the finish line but then you push the tank to the finish line back to the middle of the floor and then ran across so it's just like how long was that final run 10 meters oh yeah this is bad so it's like someone help me someone help me someone be like no actually three people did pass on the torque tank because they stopped pushing it and it's actually a great, I'm open. I'm open.
Starting point is 00:31:47 No, everyone pushed it 10 meters across. You were forced to go walk around and push it 10 meters back and everyone push it across. And you can't, everyone's pushing at the same speed. Matt is trolling. So on,
Starting point is 00:31:56 well, then I'm flattered and I'm glad he tanked the entire fucking last event with the worst programming in the history of fucking CrossFit events to troll me. Then I'm actually flattered. Might even masturbate to that tonight it's fucking absurd fucking absurd uh just all right so get it out are you good are you good yeah are we gonna come back to it i got to say i got to say masturbate and i feel better what is oh shit uh ken walters matt and hwpo is getting paid by torque this makes it obvious okay
Starting point is 00:32:25 well there's there is obviously torque tank obviously can be a sponsor of events and likely because they've been a sponsor of events is why their equipment gets to be used at those events so regularly but that does not mean that the programmer has to put it into a format like this you could just use it how about you just carry it or who can break it with a sledgehammer the fastest or you can you could implement you could put it it is definitely you know it's tiring to push it but if you can't so you could put it in into a place where it might have an effect a compounding effect on later parts of the workout like they did at the um what was that i think it was at the mac or this – I don't buy that. I don't buy that. I know you're being thoughtful, but that still seems so lazy to me.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Were there – and I've used this example before. We're talking about a scenario in which they're maybe providing a significant contribution financially. And so you're like, okay, well, that's kind of a hard number to ignore. So fine, we'll use your piece of equipment, but we understand the limitations of it. So how can we build it into a workout without having it totally screw everything up? Like taking someone just fucking hideous to the prom because it'll make the girl you really like happy. I don't know. It reminds me of when those guys in high school would like load up the front of their VW bug with bags of cement to lower it because they thought it looked cool.
Starting point is 00:33:47 It's just like. You asked me to try. And you did. And it was good. It was good. It was good. It still doesn't understand why it's in the last event, but last. But it's good.
Starting point is 00:34:00 These. And I'm still struggling a little bit. Why Lazar Jukic would do this? I have a thousand euro first prize. That's not that's not that bad. There's not a lot of competitions where you can win that much money yet. OK, OK. Now you're talking.
Starting point is 00:34:15 What about this idea that you there's a that you push so hard? He makes more money winning this competition than he does wherever he ends up finishing at Rogue. How about where he finishes at the CrossFit Games? We should check the prize payouts. Patrick Clark did a great write-up on it after the Games. Tell me what to Google and I'll Google it. I'll do it. What were you thinking about?
Starting point is 00:34:40 Patrick Clark payout CrossFit Games. Morning Ch morning choco it's only gonna be on the morning choco i don't know which of the keywords will trigger it the best uh august uh do we know what place um he took yeah oh yeah yeah he did it for us too he did the whole thing he did the whole thing uh lazar jukic 10th place 37 000 so,000. So almost three-quarters of it here, he won the prize money that he did for placing 8th place at the Games. That's pretty good. Yeah, that is good. Wow, the payouts for the Games. I can't believe the payouts for the Games are so good.
Starting point is 00:35:17 You thought they were better? You thought they were worse than that? Yeah, I really did. I really did. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Ricky Garrett got 94K. Damn.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Mr. Adler, 51. So anyway, financial incentive is a good reason to do these things. And if he could show up not at his fittest and still win it, good for him. What about the thought that the training that you get at the games is nothing that you can do at home? And we heard Sarah say that she likes to go to competitions because she grows there. What about that idea? That was first proposed to me like in, I don't know, 2009 when I was interviewing Chuck Carswell. And maybe it was Nicole Carroll.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Like, hey, there's a stimulus you get at the games that you can't get anywhere else in competition. Yeah, 100%. And the games might be a difference or an elevated stimulus relative to other competitions. But you're still getting an experience at those competitions that you can't replicate. Even if you have little throw downs that you're with your training camp or, you know, a group of guys or we'll get together. It's not going to be the same other, you know, I think, uh, Max Elhaj was talking about this recently. Do you listen to that podcast by the way? No, but I saw the thumbnail for it. It's pretty fucking intense thumbnail. The one that says like, I hated the games this year, Travisvis mayer no the one where he sits down with adam rogers and um
Starting point is 00:36:50 one other guy there and they talk it's called crossfit rant or something like that but he talks about the fact you know he goes into detail at one point when talking about the testing of the workouts and saying okay you can tell me all you want about how those workouts went testing, but the athletes that were testing the workouts were not the athletes that qualified for the games. They weren't competing with the same level of focus and intensity because there was their whole season or potential career wasn't culminating to this moment. They didn't have the same level of preparation. And there's, there's a lot of money on the line at every spot. There's a lot of sponsorship endorsements on the line, on the line at every spot. There's a lot of sponsorship endorsements on the line at every spot. And he's saying all this to say, this is why.
Starting point is 00:37:29 It's that one with all the fire there, the second one from the right or from the left. It's very Hiller-esque in its thumbnail. He's just saying, you can't screw stuff like this up. They're talking about some of the mistakes that they made in execution at the games this year. But to your point, you can't replicate that, the intensity that a competition brings out. And so, you know, coming out of the pandemic, when athletes were forced to compete online in a variety of formats, you heard people like Noel Olson and Pat Vellner talk about, you know, I'm doing this competition because I haven't done one in a while because I haven't
Starting point is 00:38:03 been able to. And it's important for me to get competition reps or experience on the floor and some touches in that environment before I go to the ones that matter the most. Period. Semicolon. Did you watch this one? Travis Mayer hated every second of the 2022 CrossFit Games. I haven't. And I'll tell you what. I actually hardly ever watch any of the other content that was out there.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I listened to Max's today. I was driving back and forth. I had lunch with Patrick Clark and watched a little football. You watched football with Patrick Clark? Yeah. He was in town for an Army event, and he had like five hours before his train back home. So I went and met up with him where did you watch football at some bar outside of chicago okay um did you drink did you drink alcohol i had one modella wow and a one pound burger wow oh i had a one pound burger two days
Starting point is 00:39:00 ago that thing fucked me up that's a lot of meat anyway uh what were you saying uh you don't you hardly ever watch content but for some reason oh yeah and so i watched this one and uh because i had been it's one of these things usually if three people tell me something in the same 24 hours time span then i'll give credence to it so and especially if they're i've told you this before especially if they're people of note. And so that happened with this one, but I was listening to it. And multiple times during the conversation, I was like, I just want to call these guys and tell them how it is because they're speculating about stuff that they don't have experience. You want to slap Elhaj around?
Starting point is 00:39:39 No, I wasn't upset with what he was saying. I just felt like I could provide him with information to help contextualize his thoughts. Now, the cool thing about listening to it was that he allowed me to do that as well, because in some instances, he shared information that was either only accessible to the athletes and coaches who were at the games, or I could have had access to it. I just wasn't in the right place at the right time. And I didn't, there was no need for me to be, to learn about it. So the fact that he shared some of that and I'm not, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:07 you have to listen with a little bit of subtlety to find some of those things was enlightening to me in certain regards. So basically what you're saying, you had insights from your where you worked and your purview at the games that they would say things that you want, like, he'd be like, Hey, they should have had a camera over here. And you'd be like, you could be like, Hey, they couldn't because that area was flooded or whatever. Something like that.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah. That's cool. And I did check. I did.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I do. I do have his number. Cause I have communicated with him before, but I had to not call. Caleb, will you please put a max's number up live on the screen right now? So everyone can call him. Caleb's not back there.
Starting point is 00:40:42 I just want to fuck with Mr. Elhar. Someone tell him i'm fucking with them uh i should have him back on again man their podcast pretty successful but you know uh listening to it i don't know anyway it was it was yeah yeah say something bad about it go ahead let's start a little war what no it's just uh when i listen to things like like that that's often how how i feel it's like man i like i could i feel like i could help them but then i asked for my help do not invite brian on your podcast now please do not he's busy but they like people live in person and i pay him
Starting point is 00:41:20 way too much oh they only do that good good good uh emma mcquade she took oh let's open up patrick clark's article again from the morning chalk up emma mcquade also got some prize money ah not top 10 she was 12th at the games but each of the last two years actually okay let's see what it says here in his article after uh there might be something here that says after 10th place what people get um i'm skimming it and i don't see it okay anyway uh oh anyway okay so why do you think she went same thing you think she's going for the money too maybe i mean this is i think that she would have showed up to this competition thinking that she could win this competition and like it and 30k is not a bad payday because it is too
Starting point is 00:42:20 soon after the crossfit games right it's pretty soon and it's most likely that the that the games athletes are taking some amount of time off which uh you know how lazar described it is it was a very it was very expedited preparation for this competition travis mayor in an interview said you know uh i was kind of sluggish on those first two events because, well, I haven't done it since the game. I haven't even really tried to approach that intensity in my training. So he was getting back up to competition speed. I've heard Noah Olson use that language before in the first couple of workouts. It's like, oh, this is the best. I know you're going to love this. My worst five hole stretch of my disc golf tournament yesterday was the first five holes. I was just getting i was competition speed how many warm-up throws did you did you start enough yeah not enough
Starting point is 00:43:09 how many warm-up throws do you start with you play a couple holes i've actually been thinking a lot about this the last day no i need to because i am consistently starting slow but then in the afternoon after i've thrown all morning, that doesn't happen. Are you surprised to see this leaderboard shake out like this? Emma Tall beating Emma McQuaid. Okay, sorry. I got to go back to the program before I ask you this question. Do we know what the intention is behind programming this?
Starting point is 00:43:49 Like you said, the longest time domain for the women was 12 minutes, longest for the men was 11. Do the athletes know this going into it? Do they know that they're going into something that doesn't have any long time domains? Were these events heavy? Does Madrid have a reputation like Rogue or Granite Games might? No, I don't think it necessarily has the same reputation. Do you know what I mean by reputation?
Starting point is 00:44:14 You know Rogue's going to have some heavy shit there, right? Yeah, but people understand that there's going to be a difference in nuance in programming from Rogue to Dubai to Guadalupalooza because they've been around for long enough, or in the case of Rogue, which hasn't been around that long, in the time that they have been there, it's very notable that they're including some implements that you aren't going to see anywhere else because they make implements that you don't see anywhere. This event is probably not as well-known or well-publicized. There was not a broadcast for it. And I don't think that Matt Fraser or HWPO has ever programmed it before. So this is maybe a new explorative presence for them from the athlete's perspective. I think that the reason a competition would hire someone like Matt Fraser is
Starting point is 00:44:54 to say, Hey, Matt Fraser's program, our competition. So, you know, it's going to be good. And then the athletes would be like,
Starting point is 00:44:59 Oh, Matt Fraser's program, HWPO is programming. Yeah. Then I should sign up for that. But what, you know, what we're,
Starting point is 00:45:07 what I'm just trying to doing now, you know, because he's programming so many of them is just wondering, okay, well, let's see what his programming looks like when we actually break it down. I made a movie called pulling John, a documentary. How many times have you said, have you opened up a thought with that? And it's about the greatest arm wrestler who ever lived, John Brzenk. And one of the things that when, and I was young when when i made the film and one of the things that would really trip me out it doesn't anymore but it really tripped me out when i first met him is he wasn't a teacher the best guy in the world wasn't a i didn't see him i didn't see him teach
Starting point is 00:45:37 tons of people came to his house to arm wrestle tons. So if you could learn, there were people learning from him. Don't get it twisted, but, but he, but he wasn't a teacher, but he was a master and you could learn from him, but he was not a teacher. There wasn't,
Starting point is 00:45:56 there wasn't a crossover. Right. And so here now we're, we're just going to find out about, uh, if Fraser can, can program events at the same caliber that he could destroy events when he competed in them. I know it's not it's not a given. Right. I mean, look, I've also seen. Go ahead. You know, Maradona is a good example in soccer world, in the football world. He was obviously one of the best players to ever play for Argentina.
Starting point is 00:46:24 They tried to bring him on at some point later on to coach the national team and didn't go that well. That happens all the time in sports. You have some, so it's not a given. No. And it's pretty rare. I would say it's pretty rare that the best, the best, I mean like the best of the best athletes in a sport end up also becoming a great coach, but it does happen. Most of the time. It's like, I think that more often it's the role players on the team. It's like, you can take someone like a Steve Kerr. He wasn't a standout on any of his teams. He was a critical component of a lot of his teams. And now he's, he's become a very, very valuable and well-respected coach. What, what about this? What about the fact that you can stand in and you can go over to the barn and rich can just write up a workout, um, right in front of you. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:14 And, and everyone does it. And, and I mean, I haven't been over there in years, but when I used to go over there, that's the way it was. He would write up a workout. Some people might throw out ideas. He fucks with it a little bit and then everyone goes. But you saw it come out of his brain in real time up there. And that's how – I don't know what it's like now, but that's how he basically looked like he was training for the CrossFit Games whenever I was around him for years. And that worked for him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:38 And it may work for some people, and it might not work for other people. And that might also be different programming than what you need at an event too. Although he is very opinionated about events also. He is. What do you think about the programming here at Madrid overall? I only looked at those two workouts, the 2k and that last one with the torque tank. Like,
Starting point is 00:48:03 like I said, if he was, if, if he or his team, because I'm not sure if it's just Fraser, when he talks about it, he talks about testing and the team and whatever else. So when they're- He did say, let me just throw this in there.
Starting point is 00:48:13 He did say, the Khaleesi did ask him about that. And he said that, she said, hey, do you do all these workouts? And I believe he said he did a couple of them, but Matt, but Jason, sorry, but Jake and Mal tested some also and kind of alluded to the fact that they tested them all. Jake Marconi and Mal O'Brien. Yeah. I mean, obviously, Fraser still is a very high level tester.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Who knows how fit he actually still is, but he looks totally different. Did you see the interview she did with him? he doesn't even look like matt fraser anymore no it looks like an asian kid now little asian kid um anyway that you know yes they have a good group of athletes there to test workouts for sure so i think that in the testing they're probably gonna you know they're gonna find the stimulus that they want so he will have known going into this that there was a range of time domains from two to 10 minutes, basically, or three to 11 minutes or whatever. And, uh, the thing we don't know is if, like I talked about earlier, if Madrid gave him
Starting point is 00:49:15 specific windows of times and said, Hey, we got to be able to run four heats of men, four heats of women, 20 athletes per heat on a floor. This is the length of the floor. And we have two hours to get this one done. All eight heats. Yeah. And if they give him those parameters and he has to fit everything within those confines, then it's a little bit out of his control.
Starting point is 00:49:36 He might give some pushback and say, hey, man, did you guys not see Dave do the open workout at the ranch that one year what what wait what did i do what did i say i say he did he you're talking about because matt looks different he looks totally different hey that would be crazy that would open in world war four it'd be so fun all the drama would strut if i brought rich on here and just started having to critique all the events that Matt programmed. That thought
Starting point is 00:50:10 just came to your mind? Mayhem is also being commissioned to program some off-season competitions. What are they programming? Anything you know? Well, I think... Sounds like Matt's getting all the good ones. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:50:25 I don't know. I don't think they have as many. Brian just got flustered. Look at Brian's editor just turned on. I don't think they have as many as HWPO, but I do think they have some. If you're right. No, he doesn't look pudgy. He doesn't look.
Starting point is 00:50:40 If your wife cooked like Sammy, you'd look like Matt too. He didn't look pudgy at all. if your wife cooked like sammy uh you'd look like matt too he didn't look pudgy at all he just his his whole his whole maybe it's because his hair was long and he was shaved he looks like a little kid now he looked like he he looked like he he you know it could also be that the he just has less stress in his life totally and so his his face is reflecting that i don't believe that in for a second. I mean, I think he's stressed pretty highly about being a competitor, and that's pretty obvious in the things he's written and spoken about. That's true.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I do think he has a similar level of commitment to trying to do his best with all his endeavors now, but it might not have the same stress on him that trying to win the games did. but it might not have the same stress on him that the, that, you know, trying to win the games did. You in sixth place in the women's competition. I'll share with you this. You, we have Lena, Lena Richter. Her, her, she is someone, I believe I learned her name quite a bit this last year because you,
Starting point is 00:51:42 she was on CrossFit Oslo. And I think you have, um, often either said implicitly, maybe even explicitly that, uh, you wouldn't be surprised to see her as an individual because, uh, her and her partner who were on the, uh, those are the two best females possibly in the team competition. Possibly. And, and, and if you go to the team competition her old team won this event also without her wow and and so do you think that that means she's going individual next year i know she's going individual next year and i will uh uh you know slot her into the women's rankings uh the next time we do them prior to the open and and how do you know she told me oh that's cool that's pretty solid ah but tia also told sean never mind um why are the workouts called round one round two need for
Starting point is 00:52:34 speed uh atosha the rings and atosha is a famous shipwreck i locked it up okay is there a reason why these just get round one and round two is that some sort of like fight maybe okay but we don't know i heard there were some good fights last night oh my goodness oh my goodness so good uh man on anganese uh as pretty pretty good uh yeah let's look at the women's the top of the women's leaderboard here so i really like her are we gonna see her at the games maybe um there are two athletes from belgium manu nagonis who got third here and then the male athlete yellow hoste who finished ninth and they were the ones that didn't submit their semi their quarterfinal workouts on time
Starting point is 00:53:22 they claim because of time zone change in the U.S. that cost them an hour in Europe. Therefore, they missed out on advancing to semifinals. Based on what I know about them, I felt like they would have had somewhere between a 40 and 60% chance of making the games if they'd been able to compete at semifinals each. And I probably would favor Manon a little bit over Ayela. And she did better this weekend. Amatol also would have had a great chance to make the games out of Europe. She had an illness and was unable to compete.
Starting point is 00:53:52 So two women in Europe. And this is like, this is a great year that highlights what I've been talking about for years when it comes to women in Europe, because we had no Annie Thorstetter, no Kristen Holta, Sarah Sigmundsdottir didn't make it, Katrin Davidsdottir didn't make it. And we had this whole new breed of batch of women coming into the games field and Matilda Garns and Lucy Campbell and Karen Freyova, even though she's been there before, this
Starting point is 00:54:19 was like a more legitimate showing for her besides 2019 and 20 um that did very well we have jack and dalstrom and emma mcquade who asserted themselves as relevant women coming out of europe we obviously have laura and gabby that are still up in the top 10 of the women's field and then we also have emma tall and manny and agoniz who weren't able to compete in semifinals that have now proven that they can hang with you know yes emma mcquid's coming off of a five weeks after the games, whatever. But Emma Tall and Manu Nagunis are very good. And so they're still, despite losing these, you know, these stakeholders of European women this year,
Starting point is 00:54:57 there are still the next generation of these European women that are coming up and being very, you know, significant in the competitions they compete in. Eight of the 11 women that went to the games from europe finished 22nd or better eight said eight of the 11 women that went to the games finished 22nd or better at the europe wow uh is manon and ganese stronger than danny spiegel probably not with sandbag are you sure she was touching she was touching going that that uh she's one of the only athletes to be touching go 100 pound sandbag yeah the dude that d ball what event was that that i saw her doing that at that was nuts who who you're talking about danny no man and man and anganese there was some event i saw her that's how she popped on my radar oh you're not talking about? Danny? No, Manan Anganese. There was some event I saw her.
Starting point is 00:55:45 That's how she popped on my radar. Oh, you're not talking about this competition? No, no, yeah. Some previous competition where we saw her last year. Manan Anganese is strong. Yeah, she's strong. She's stronger than Danny Spiegel? She thinks she could have lifted more of the sandbags?
Starting point is 00:56:00 She could have kept up with Danny? I don't think so. I think Danny had a couple more bags there. Anyone? Anyone? Any bags there. Anyone? Anyone? Any takers? Anyone? Anyone?
Starting point is 00:56:12 Okay. What about my friend Amy Kringle? I want to get her on the podcast because she's from the Isle of Man and I'm obsessed. I want to see what that does to my YouTube. If you have viewers from the Isle of Man, you get paid more money than anywhere else I could find on planet Earth. It's just like if you have Guyon, the click throughs for Brazil are insane. But is there a chance she like is she good enough for me to invite her onto the show? Will be obvious that I'm just using her from her to run a test, a YouTube test?
Starting point is 00:56:45 Or is she good enough? I mean – Be honest. What is good enough? Does good enough mean that you think she's going to make the games? Yeah, you have to have some, like, modicum of chance to make it to the games, right? I mean, you can't just – or, like – I don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:01 I don't think she'll make the games. I think that... Like if she was 13 or 75, that would also work, but she's not. She's just a normal fucking strong girl. Yeah, but I mean, I guess, maybe they'll give more places to Europe.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Maybe they'll redistribute the whole qualification process and things will change. But in the current format, I think the best she can do is make the last chance qualifier. Period. Yeah, I think the women's field in europe is too good and too deep like you're just talking about okay uh anyone else down here on the bottom any newcomers any like weird and like uh outliers or anomalies like do we have any 16 year olds or like oh shit did you see this no there may be a
Starting point is 00:57:44 couple that had like a one-off really good event, but that can happen especially when you have short events or specific events like a 2K run. No. Most of the athletes that anyone really needs to know about are going to be in the top 10 here. No one said anything to you?
Starting point is 00:58:00 No one called you from there and said, holy shit, dude, there's this chick from Belgium that's fucking nuts you gotta see her no and i and uh unlike on the men's side like i know all these women uh there's i guess there's one girl the girl in 11th i don't really know too well but uh maribel galard galardo galardo what country is oh independent okay spain okay it's kind of the names are all kind of hard to say did you see this uh chick from iceland who went um oh yeah she's uh down here and story story was promoting her yeah this halgerd. Georg. That one? No, no, no. Halgedor Maria Friedrichsdoter. I didn't even know my keyboard had some of these.
Starting point is 00:58:50 It's really not that hard. You're making it a lot worse. I didn't know my keyboard had that D with a line in it. I think the girl that got 30th is harder because there's an extra syllable in her last name. Voldemort. Yeah. But apparently she's, I think she's, Snorri was promoting her on his story.
Starting point is 00:59:08 I think she might have some potential moving forward, and she is quite young. Okay. Anyone else? Emma Tall, how old is she? A chance that we'll see her try to claw her way back into the Crosby games? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Yep. I think Emma Tall, healthy Emma Tall, is very relevant in the european field emma quaid obviously manu nanganese should be valentina wrang hell surprised me here she actually has done pretty well in um online competitions this is one of her better live competition performances or showings she was ninth in copa sur that's not that like fourth at this does not equate to ninth at copa sur you should have been top three at copa sur if you're going to take fourth in this competition so but that's one at Copa Sur. You should have been top three at Copa Sur if you're going to take fourth in
Starting point is 00:59:45 this competition. So, but that's one of those things where I don't know, maybe she, there was something off that weekend or something really good this weekend, or the, maybe this, this, this, the really tight window of, uh, workouts, you know, five to 10 minute workouts is her specialty. And then you asked me this earlier, but I, you know, I did do a breakdown of these workouts. Like there wasn't anything very heavy.
Starting point is 01:00:09 There was that cleans workout that had the heavy double unders with the cleans. And then the yoke was kind of heavy to carry. But the sandbag cleans were light enough. The dumbbell over his fat was light enough. All the weightlifting stuff, dumbbell thruster, light. The tank, irrelevant. The wall ball, light. So if you're not that strong,
Starting point is 01:00:28 you didn't get super well rewarded here, I thought. And then in terms of the gymnastics, which is also especially for the women, a big separator, they had fairly high skill stuff. They had some toes to bar and some chest to bar, but they had deficit handstand pushups, ring muscle ups, same volume for the men as the women, handstand walking ramp, ring muscle up, same volume for the men as the women handstand walking ramp rope climbs.
Starting point is 01:00:50 So, um, you know, maybe she's, maybe it was just a good combination of stuff for her. Um, Manon took a three firsts and two seconds. Yeah. She had a great, I mean, she a great competition and and you're looking at her bad finishes and again 16th place on the run i mean we could look at it and see but that's probably a couple seconds uh 16th she takes 652 okay there was actually a six second drop off from the person ahead of her and then there was a pretty tight gap up there and emma and emma tall just put put the fucking pedal down in the last three workouts, first, second, second.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yep. Crazy. Annika Greer, is she nervous? She wants to go to the game. She takes seven years. Well, there's some other stuff that happened at this competition that a few athletes took exception with, which was, first of all, I think. First of all, it's in Spain. No, it was some judging standards.
Starting point is 01:01:50 I know there were a lot of people that were quite upset with it. I think the rigidity with which they were judging the hip extension at the top of the clean in that sprint style workout. And Anika had talked about that. I also know that Luka Jukicic and maybe we'll get to the men. He was, he had also posted on his Instagram that there was a, you know, an, an error in the judging that really cost him a lot in the competition and kind of killed his chances to have a top five finish, which he thought he definitely could have done otherwise. And I've had some mixed feelings about this, you know, because, um, And I've had some mixed feelings about this, you know, because, um, Anika had a problem like pretty early, early on in the competition on day one.
Starting point is 01:02:35 And I just, and then she was, I mean, I don't want to say she was complaining about it, but she was talking about it. And, you know, it's just like when it comes to certain, she was talking about it publicly or just whispering to you. No, I think she put out our story or post about it or something like that. And I haven't talked to her. But I just, I had this thought. I was like, okay, I just want to see you compete. Like, I don't want to hear any more excuses. So if whatever happened in quarterfinals,
Starting point is 01:02:57 whatever happened in Canwest, whatever happened here, like just put your head down and go to work and get the work done and let your results show for yourselves. Bad, bad things like that, bad judging mistakes, bad no reps. It happens to everyone. Misfortune in the sport happens to everyone. And you know what?
Starting point is 01:03:14 You rarely have ever heard about it from most of the people that it happens to because they just go back and do the next event. And I talked about this at the CrossFit Games. And I talked about how Lazar had something bad happen to him. And he just acknowledged it and moved on and went into the next event. And he didn't say on Instagram this and this and this and this and this and this. He just went back to work. I remember watching Jeff Adler get totally screwed at Guadalupalooza one year. His judge was making him do all legless rope climbs when everyone else was using their legs. And he's like, look, they're using their legs. I'm allowed to use
Starting point is 01:03:48 my legs on these rope climbs. The judge is like, no rep. And he, what can you do? You just have to keep doing the workout. He took like 30th on that workout. Yeah. And I said something to the head judge afterwards and he's like, we'll deal with it and whatever. And I talked to Jeff and Carolyn about it. And he's like, yeah, it killed my entire competition. But what would it be like? There's things that are out of your control, allergies, asthma, judges, no reps, standards. Everyone has to deal with it. Yes. There's a big initiative right now to really highlight those things. And some people are very hopeful that CrossFit's actually listening right now. And they're going to make some changes that what I said, Andrew Hill now, and they're going to make some changes.
Starting point is 01:04:25 What? I said Andrew Hiller. And they're going to make some changes. Never. That might address some of the bigger problems, and maybe that will happen. Nope. But in the meantime, it's totally out of the athlete's control.
Starting point is 01:04:39 What they can control is their mental preparation to say, okay, set your expectations like this, something bad's probably going to happen. How am I going to deal with it? And there's coaches that have talked about this in their training implements. Well, they'll just sit there and, and give their, their athletes unfair circumstances to compete in. And then they say, just deal with it and figure it out.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Because when it happens at the games, when it happens in Madrid, when it happens at Dubai, I'm not going to be on the competition floor to save your ass. We might not have a review process that's implementable to do anything about it. All you can do is react to the circumstances as they happen. And you can let people like us talk about it. Yonakoski didn't complain that he was sick at semifinals. That came out through the media. Chandler Smith, he didn't really complain about that stuff at Granite Games. He didn't complain that he was sick at semifinals. That came out through the media. Chandler Smith really didn't.
Starting point is 01:05:25 He didn't really complain about that stuff at Granite Games. He didn't want to make it public. It came out through the media later. He just went and did his best in the workouts, and he still had some good workouts despite feeling badly. I do like the idea of someone knowing that they'll never get any media attention, and then so if a judge does fuck them, they just have an explosion on the field to get some of the time.
Starting point is 01:05:46 I do. I do approve of that. Yeah. Uh, you teach your boys jujitsu. If you don't think it's fair to make a big scene about it, Brian is killing it. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Just cause he fucking sucked you off a little bit. He fucking, he didn't really suck you off. He just kind of like flicked your penis. Just like he acknowledged you without saying your name and you got all excited, Andrew. Right. I really liked listening to Brian. Great. Put it in your ears and go to sleep to it tonight brian is a brain that's rude uh so do you think that what this uh
Starting point is 01:06:20 this talk you just gave us um has anything to do with Anika Greer taking seventh, either in the fact that she didn't handle the debacle correctly or that the debacle was so significant that it knocked her down out of the top three. Look at her finishes. I mean, she didn't, she wasn't, I don't think she was complaining about the run and she finished 35th on run. If you want to be elite level games athlete, you can't be 35th in this field on a 2k run you have yeah yeah simple look at all of the women
Starting point is 01:06:50 in fact i did this crazy uh study the other day where best finish was second and then a six and then a bunch of good finishes six six two six five five eleven that's all fine she has this 18th you can get away with an 18th. The 35th kills her. That takes it out of it from where she, from where she wants to be. And that's on her. You got to be good at running. If you want to be good at CrossFit, I actually went back and looked at the, um, 2000 training program. Does she do? Is she, is she mayhem? Is she proven? Is she underdogs? Is she, what is she? Is she Hiller fit? Oh no, she'd be good at running if she were Hiller fit. Okay. I heard that's all they do over there. Just testosterone and running, baby.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Oh, I can't wait. And Andrew, Mr. Hiller, I can't wait to hear and see this physique of yours again. and see this physique of yours again. Um, okay. So, so, so you just, you're not, you're saying it was, it's, it's, it's, it's an, it's a honor. It's a mention that there may have been some judging issues that were either real or not real, but either way they affected her enough for her to talk about them. But she took seventh because she, cause she just, she's a seventh place, them, but she took seventh because she's a seventh place athlete. Yeah, basically. And look, we've already mentioned it.
Starting point is 01:08:12 This is why the programming is relevant. The workouts were tight. There wasn't a lot of room for error. There were small margins of separation at critical points on the leaderboard. And so if you do get a no rep, and I don't think there was necessarily anything wrong with it, you know, the quote unquote higher standards for the clean, but it can be costly if that does happen. And, and in, I guess in her case, she, I mean, she took 11th on that work. That's not terrible, but maybe she could have done a lot better if she'd gotten away with that. Um, before we go to the men, we have plenty of time. Let's take a little intermission and talk
Starting point is 01:08:43 about some other things. What, um, what is with lauren khalil over at the morning chalk up i watched three of her videos today while i rode the assault bike of course and um she has a the look has changed there's a a news feel to it like she's back at kroftr-o-f-t channel seven and she has a uh a lower third that says senior producer multimedia has or something something has changed over there can you give me tell me what's going on has she been promoted demoted um uh next question you know, and you refuse to talk about, or do you not know it's out of your line of expertise? This is the focus of the show now. No, we're just taking a break. Just like, I want to give you some breathing room.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Let the girls kind of like fall out of your brain. I think you should invite her back on for round two and ask her those things. Okay, fine. That's fair. Fair. That's fair. It's good. You guys work as a team together.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Good. Instead of just answering for her, you're getting her more time on the greatest show, podcast in the history of the internet. Good job, Brian. You're a good dude. I don't believe anything they say about you. The dudes.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Lazar Jukic. He did what he was supposed to do he did what oh you're not gonna like this he did what emma mcquade was supposed to do represent the games emma you went to the fucking crossfit games i really like her by the way sorry emma i have to play with you like this you went to the crossfit games show up at other competitions and represent and fuck shit up and take the money home. I would say that there, the, there wasn't a male athlete in the field who wasn't at the games that is as good as Emma tall is.
Starting point is 01:10:34 So beating the entire field minus Emma tall. I'm not like, that's not that bad for Emma McQuaid. Yes, she should probably beat her and probably expects to beat her. But what Lazar was talking about in one of his interviews is for a lot of these athletes, this has been their focus all summer. They've been building up and peaking for this event for Emma tall, who is pretty devastated by the fact
Starting point is 01:10:54 that she couldn't compete at semifinals this year and have an opportunity to go back to the games. She wasn't happy with how the games are last year. She basically got last place amongst the people who made the cut. She had a bad finish to the weekend. She probably wanted to prove to herself that she could go to the games and not taper off at the end, but actually stay strong throughout the entire competition and try to improve replacement. She didn't get to do that. So instead she refocuses on this. And if you have an Emma tall, who's completely focused on the Madrid CrossFit championship, I'd put her on level playing ground with Emma McQuaid coming off the CrossFit game. So I would say that was a coin flip and not, it's not a bad finish for Emma McQuaid coming off the CrossFit game. So I would say that was a coin flip and not,
Starting point is 01:11:25 it's not a bad finish for Emma McQuaid. Say that first line that you said that you opened that up with you would, but she's as good as there isn't. And there isn't a male athlete in the field that wasn't at the games. That's as good as Emma tall is in the women's field. The closest is probably Luca Luca. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. Meaning, okay.
Starting point is 01:11:47 God, why am I having so much trouble understanding that? The best female, if you take out the games athletes, which is only Lazar and Travis and Emma McQuaid that I know of, the individual games athletes. She belongs in that group. Yeah, she belongs in that group. And no one else does, really. There are other athletes in this field that could
Starting point is 01:12:05 make the games and do well there but they wouldn't do as well as amatol should do okay oh i hear the boys on the skateboard ramp and it's nighttime that makes me happy i hope they put a light on out there um uh but lazar did represent this is the way a games athlete should he should. He should come. He should just whoop ass. Especially if you're back-to-back top 10 at the games. I would say, I would consider it risky of him to show up at this competition because if
Starting point is 01:12:35 he loses, it's embarrassing. Ooh. Ooh. Who's this guy from Spain? Anal Akai. who's this guy uh from spain uh uh anal akai what i was waiting all show for you to say his name and i decided to drink water at that moment that's a bad idea perfect not not a total unknown guy by the way let me take a little trip down memory lane for 25 year old on the old Akai on your,
Starting point is 01:13:06 Oh, not, not anal on your, I like that. It's a little, not a hundred percent. I am pretty sure that it's not that in 2020, he competed at the Norwegian CrossFit throw down championship.
Starting point is 01:13:17 There was a sanction. I got 21st in 2021. He competed in the individual semifinals in Europe online, the German Throwdown. He finished 13th. 2022, he competed at Guadalupalooza with the team members from training, Alexander Onigasi and Pablo Casales from the training culture team that took 10th at the Games this year, that competed at Lowlands with them.
Starting point is 01:13:38 He competed with those two guys. They took 7th place. They're on a team. And in 2022, this year, he was competing on a team. I think it was, uh, I got to give credit to Patrick Clark for this. In fact,
Starting point is 01:13:49 I'll pull it up. So I'd make sure I get it right. The team was, uh, CrossFit Pond Ferrada, a Spanish super team that also included Martin Cuervo, who finished 10th at this competition. And this is what PC told me is that,
Starting point is 01:14:03 uh, they elected to go team team but prior to the team quarterfinals they were ruled ineligible we're not sure why ending both his and Cuervo's game seasons since that ruling was made a day after the end of the individual quarterfinals he finished 34th in the open this year and he probably would have made the semifinals if he'd been able to compete as an individual but because of when they got that information, not only was their team disqualified, and I don't think it was of any fault of his own, but we're not 100% sure of that. He also did not get to continue as an individual.
Starting point is 01:14:34 Well, it's not drugs because then he wouldn't have been able to compete next year and we would have known. So what else could it fucking be? It's most likely a situation that's similar to CrossFit Nordic, where one of their teams is reported as either not living within the designated area or not training there frequently enough. I was informed that there were other teams besides Nordic for whom this became an issue at some point during the season. Possibly this is one of those teams, but there's no record that tells us why they were deemed ineligible. So pretty brutal for him and also for Martin Cuervo, who is doing great in this competition
Starting point is 01:15:08 and tapered off a little bit at the end of it, that they just didn't get to extend their season for kind of an unknown reason. And the timing of it is what kind of bothers me because they decided to inform them. Kind of. At the point that they did. Why even enter the Open as a fucking joke?
Starting point is 01:15:25 It's a fucking, they may, it makes a mockery of the kind of is because I don't know what the infraction was. And so if it was actually like an egregious infraction, then that's on their team. If it was kind of a, I don't like something that was out of these guys control for perhaps,
Starting point is 01:15:40 or that they didn't know about, or they didn't realize. And then they also got that information handed to him at a point where it also ended the chances for them to compete individually. That's unfortunate. I don't really like that. You're telling me that this fucking guy took 34th in the worldwide open in 2022. And because they couldn't tell him that he was pulled out guys look at the names that are above him in the open
Starting point is 01:16:10 where where where are we going 34 there he is holy shit a few points behind bkg hey he's the fittest guy in spain He is. He was this year in the Open. He was, I think, third and sixth and second the last couple years, something like that. I thought for sure he was a black guy from Africa. I thought his name was on there. The last two years in the Open, first, third, and second in Spain. Like I said, he's not an out-of-nowhere
Starting point is 01:16:38 guy, but he just hasn't showed up at any significant competition and done well enough for us to recognize him. 21st in a sanctional, 7th on a team at Guadalupe, 13th in an online semifinal. If that had been a live semifinal, we probably would have seen him shine in an event or two and had some exposure to him in 2021. He won the final event. He won the torque tank.
Starting point is 01:16:59 He's the best torque tank pusher in the world. No, I'm just kidding. Hey, I'm going to ask you a question real i'm gonna ask you a question real quick and uh and just play along with me for a second when i say when i say these guys names you tell me it's gonna take a second to do this it's gonna take probably a minute tell me who didn't go to the games saxon panchuk matt poolin did not go uh justin madaris colton mertens phil toon victor oh phil i'm gonnaouch, Scott Tetlow, Cedric LaPointe, Dallin Pepper, Alex Catullus, Jeffrey Adler, Richard Froning, Tyler Christofal. No.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Six. Nicholas Anapolsky. Competed on a team this year. Jason Hopper, Alex Vigneault, Jake Berman. God, it was bad. He did not go. He missed it by one spot twice in one of the hardest semifinals and on the last chance qualifier, but didn't make it.
Starting point is 01:18:06 And Jake has frosted tips. He shouldn't have done that. He would have made it. Seven. Janikowski. Chandler Smith. No. Eight.
Starting point is 01:18:13 Alexander Elin. No. Nine. Traven Benton. Team. Sam Dancer. Masters. Keelan Henry.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Games. Samuel Quant. Games. Ricky Garrard. Games. Cole Grieshaber. Games. Spencer Panchik. Masters. Keelan Henry. Games. Samuel Quant. Games. Ricky Garrard. Games. Cole Grieshaber. Games. Spencer Panchik.
Starting point is 01:18:29 Games. James Sprague. Demo team. 10. Dakota Ranger. No. 11. Odo Ferdoroff.
Starting point is 01:18:36 No. 12. Björgvin Carl Gudmundsson. Games. 13. Dominic Garlington. No, and he's the first person on our list I also don't know who he is it's like 14
Starting point is 01:18:48 good job that's pretty cool it's for so half the fucking people ahead of them are CrossFit Games athletes are in the top 40 or the top 40 it's things like this that make the whole thing kind of a mockery when you start looking into it.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Like I said, the fact that I don't know why his team was deemed ineligible and the timing of the announcement, the combination of those two things is what is off-putting. If we knew and it was legitimate and egregious, that'd be one thing. and egregious, that'd be one thing. If we didn't know, but they'd at least reported it to him in a time where he could then make a decision to compete as an individual, which it sounds like would have been one day earlier, which they probably had that information one day earlier. Right. That also would have been okay.
Starting point is 01:19:34 But the combination doesn't look very good. I thought his name was Anyol, and he was from the Ikai tribe or something. That name just looks so African. I know a lot about he's really pretty normal looking guy if you're from africa he those tribes i mean look this is normal too really what are you saying he's not juiced up are you saying he's not juiced up you say he's not like he's from the ek tribe oh right right right you gotta try and say this is an impressive finish i mean it it it validates a bit some of his uh other success particularly that open finish
Starting point is 01:20:14 david sharonke is no joke alex katoulis is very very very good uh and some of the travis mayer obviously there some of these other guys are up and coming calum calmance luca jukic these are good good good athletes and he beat all of them except for Lazar. Hey, but he has a 19th, a 28th, and an 18th. Yeah, but like I said, it's like a field of 60 guys. Everyone got capped on that workout. Didn't they? No, not everyone.
Starting point is 01:20:41 A lot of people. It was a pretty tight time cap for that one. It was high demand, skill, combination, workout, and pretty tight time cap. Is Enola Ikai better than the supermodel that was at the games? Enrico Zanoni. God, I can't believe I remembered his name. I'm a fucking genius. That's a great question.
Starting point is 01:21:04 Thank you. I'm not sure I remembered his name. I'm a fucking genius. Oh, that's a great question. Thank you. I'm not sure. Someone tell us. It would have been great to see him at semifinals and have had a data point there. Right. David, high-performance CrossFit. David, that sounds redundant.
Starting point is 01:21:19 You know David, right? Emma Tall's partner. Oh, okay. Was he on the show? Yeah, we've had him both times. Super nice. I've always had a great rapport with David. He's huge.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Yeah, he's big. And he's also a very intense person and competitor. Like he takes this, he takes it when he decides to do something, he takes it very seriously. He does have a good personality otherwise. And it's a great kind of return to competition from a few, what were to pull up his Instagram and last March, March, the end of March,
Starting point is 01:21:50 he had reconstructive knee surgery or something like that this year. He's like on crutches posted on Instagram. Hence his 37th in the 2k run. Yeah. So he would, I think the, I think we were trying to figure this out i think that 2020 strength and depth was the last time that we saw him competed a live in-person competition
Starting point is 01:22:11 he took second place in that competition and the only person who beat him was matt fraser wow yeah and you want to i mean it's not a that competition strength and depth that year he beat lucas hogeberg brano so lankovichich, Yorgos Kerevis, Andre Houdet, Haraldur Holgersson, Will Morad, Nicolas Bilodal, Sam Stewart, Alex Katoulis. I mean, most of those guys have competed at the CrossFit Games. Hogeberg, Kerevis, Houdet, Morad, Bilodal, Stewart, all have competed at the CrossFit Games. He beat them all.
Starting point is 01:22:42 32. He's kind of – Both him and Emma Taller, yeah, they're in their young 30s. He beat them all. 32. He's kind of, he kind of. Both him and Emet Tala, yeah, they're in their young 30s. So they're not that young. They've actually been around competing for a long time. Sharon Kay is like, he's been competing in Europe for probably a decade. Door has closed. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:23:00 You know, it's getting tougher and tougher. You know, obviously there's more and more young blood in the sport, but, uh, this is a pretty good showing for him. Uh, I think based on what Lauren Presley told me, he's planning to,
Starting point is 01:23:12 you know, to give it another run this year. Did, did, um, do you know where, did any of these guys, um,
Starting point is 01:23:18 did, did Lazar finish higher in, uh, I don't think he did in the open. Then Lazar did not invest very much into the open or quarter finals this year. His event, his overall finishes and those will be very underwhelming. Karina rain.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Thank you guys for being on live this Sunday night and hopefully again tomorrow morning. Thank you. I'm sorry for, uh, in a dick to you on YouTube. Karina. I am.
Starting point is 01:23:44 I was being petty and childish Defensive I'm sorry And not just because you gave me $4.99 Well kinda But it's still true what I said Except for the sorry part Alex Coutoulis Been to the CrossFit Games
Starting point is 01:24:03 No but close. He's been close. I think he got, he might get six, one year semifinals. He's regularly a regular competitor at Dubai. Uh, you know, he competes in Europe and does quite well, but he hasn't been able to make it to the games. Uh, Travis Mayer, CrossFit United. Slow start, got down to business after event.
Starting point is 01:24:27 The first two events, I think from there on out, he had only one outside the top 10. Yeah. One outside the top seven, even so just started too slow. Uh, it was obviously he was, I mean, he was very close to finishing second. I would have expected him to finish second in this field, 15 points. He gave away way more than that in those first two workouts. And I mean, by his own admission, he just he just wasn't uh like he wasn't ready to go are you surprised to see the guy who just dominated the run in the capital workout at
Starting point is 01:24:59 the crossfit games take 29th at this event. What? In the run event, in the 2K. He took 29th. Travis Mayer did. I know. Six seconds faster and he's in 19th. You know, another seven seconds and he's
Starting point is 01:25:20 in 9th. We know he's a great runner. I can only go based on what he's said., but we know he's a great runner. I mean, I'll, I can only go based on what he's said is that, you know, he just wasn't up to competition speed for that workout. And then he, afterwards it was like, okay, well let's go like time to get down to business. And it was pretty much business as usual from then on. So that's on him. This is what, this is what Brian's referring to. Uh, he could took a 29th, a 31st, then he got down to business, took a 3rd, a 7th, a 13th, a 2nd, a 4th, and a 5th. Oh, so he did – you're right. He did put his foot down there at the end.
Starting point is 01:25:56 Shit, man. If he would have choked on the last day, he could have embarrassed himself. I think he was paid to go there. How many places does this place pay out? Not entirely sure. Oh my goodness. Don't say it's don't say, uh, Dylan Dykes.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Yo, Andrew, where's today's video? Wow. You're stressing me out. He's never missed a day. uh dylan dyke does any ufc fighter train cross it for the strength and conditioning yes they all do patrick clark step on do you think nadea has meant crossfit when he said he wants to dominate other sports
Starting point is 01:26:38 it's good dude you're a good dude, Patrick. No, he wants to dominate the vegan bagel toss. Do you know that guy's vegan, Diaz? Brian, did you know that? Nope. Do you know who he is? Do you know who he is? The Diaz brothers? I've heard of their names.
Starting point is 01:27:00 Oh, geez. Less frisbee, more fighting. And the guy... So, you know, watch the final run of the disc golf tournament from this weekend i need to uh and and finally um the guy that everyone really wants is wondering about and i say that jokingly but it kind of is the truth because there there is a significant mystery around him i think those of us who know of him really, really would like to see him go to the CrossFit Games. Lazar's younger brother, Luka Jukic, seventh place.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Nervous? Like, for those of us who want to see him crack into the Games, are we nervous, or what do we think? Look at his event finishes. Let's click on Luka's name. Okay. And Look at his event finishes. Let's click on Luca's name and read me his event finishes. And Lazar did say that he's been training
Starting point is 01:27:50 and entering a lot of competitions. I think he mentioned the French Throwdown and then some other ones. For his... Just read them through and see if anything stands out to you. Yeah, there's 4th, 3irteenth thirty-eighth after that ninth thirtieth fifth third so there's two there's this one that's called true form true fitness let's see what that
Starting point is 01:28:18 is uh true form true fitness uh is a seven rope climbs 500 meter run on the true form. True fitness, uh, is a seven rope climbs, 500 meter run on the true form and, 12 meter overhead lunge with 85 KG. So I'll say the overhead squat at the semifinals at the low lands in the final workout, the final moment of the final workout basically kept him out of the games. So he prop, he has a weakness in that overhead position that was probably what exposed him in this
Starting point is 01:28:47 workout. I did not get to watch it. That's just my guess. On the other workout, and this goes in line with what I was talking about with Annika Greer, and it made me kind of like, in Annika's case, she's obviously good, but we just keep hearing excuses. We don't want to hear excuses from Annika Greer. We want to see results on the floor.
Starting point is 01:29:04 We want to see her put together a competition where she can say, no guys, I'm not messing around. I'm actually this good. Look and see. And we don't have to ask these questions and we don't have to hear about it. Luca doesn't really make a ton of excuses. He's very much like his brother in this regard. He's just going to show up, try his best, do his best, have a good competition. He knew we were doing this show and he reached out to me and he said on that event that he got 38th, he had a judge that didn't speak english she lost count and in the first round i ended up doing 11 extra handstand push-ups oh the irony in that because he's not good overhead and now he has he's getting banged there might wow that's just because you're not
Starting point is 01:29:40 good what does that mean 11 extra meaning he got repped seven first of all just because you're not good. What does that mean? 11 extra, meaning he got wrapped seven. First of all, just because you're not that good overhead in a snatch or overhead squat position or overhead lunge, it might, it might not correlate to handstand pushup. You can be very good in a pressing position, tight and not wide. So maybe not, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:29:56 It was, um, you know, and so he, he, they actually appealed it and he did get credit for some reps. He doesn't think that the reps necessarily equated to the, to the result. And this is what happened with Jeffrey Adler and that Wadapluza workout I was talking about. Also, you can go back and appeal that, but once you're
Starting point is 01:30:12 forced to do five leg of stroke climbs and the whole rest of the field only had to do one in round one, everything, the rest of the workout is just way harder for you and other people. But this is a thing, you know, and so maybe that happened to luca and maybe that took him out i mean he he told me he feels like he was guaranteed a top 10 in that workout he ends up with a 38th those points alone keep them you know he would look at his points he's in uh he's at 576 he's only 30 points out of podium i don't know what the point structure is but i'm pretty sure if you took a 10th instead of a 38th you're probably going to make up close to 30 points and he would have been right in the mix with those guys that I said,
Starting point is 01:30:46 we're all within a couple of points of each other. But like I said, this stuff happens. It happened to Cedric LaPointe last year at the West Coast Classic, where he just had to do a shitload of extra thrusters in round one. And so he had a terrible event finish on something that should have been good to him. Same competition, James Sprague on the rope climb workout. He should have had a top finish. He got a no rep. It flustered him. He got another one. He plummeted down the work, the leaderboard on that workout. So when this happens to you as an athlete, this is the stuff I was talking about earlier. You have to take it upon yourself to realize what's happening in the situation and do what you have to do then to minimize the damage. Don't let your thoughts
Starting point is 01:31:22 spiral out of control. Make the best of whatever it is. It's all you can do. Submit an appeal afterwards. Live with whatever the process is. Once your appeal is submitted, you should stop worrying about it and stop worrying about anything else except for the next workout. Luke, in his own words, said my weekend was done after that. That's not a good attitude. That's the attitude of not maximizing your potential. So he needs to say, like, that sucked. I'm going to submit an appeal. They're going to make a decision. My only job is to continue forward in this competition
Starting point is 01:31:54 and do the best I can in every other workout and see what happens. Because it's just as possible that someone else has something shitty happen to them in the upcoming workout. You don't know. So just keep going forward. Just keep doing the work. Someone at the games told us, I don't know if it was,
Starting point is 01:32:07 maybe it was Velner, but you basically, when something bad happens, you went back to your hotel room, you set a timer for 20 minutes. And then when the 20 minutes is up, you let it go. And I like that.
Starting point is 01:32:20 That shit, that shit works, but you kind of need, yeah, I agree. You can't do it. You know, whatever the process is, if you do it with your coach, if you do that shit works, but you kind of need an A. Yeah, I agree. You can't do it. You know, whatever the process is,
Starting point is 01:32:27 you do it with your coach. If you do it with yourself, if you do it, you know, and this can apply to any level of competition because sometimes you're going to get, actually, I have a really, Oh,
Starting point is 01:32:37 I don't want to go down that rabbit hole right now. No, tell me, tell me, tell me mindset, mindset. You threw a bad disc. Tell us.
Starting point is 01:32:43 Let's just look about Laura Horvath. Oh, start of the CrossFit Games this year was terrible for her. She was having just bad event after bad event. And I'm not talking about like she was doing badly. I'm talking about it was just the worst things that were popping up for her. She has two, basically two holes in her games. Short distance running and upper body pressing. And these things are just being exposed and exposed and exposed.
Starting point is 01:33:04 And then she's down there in 16th place after like five workouts, which is unheard of for her. 25th, 19th, 16th, 21st. She gets a second on the capital workout and then scroll to the right again, and she has like her worst workout at 12th, 39th. Up to that point in the competition, she's at a second at 12th, and a bunch of just what do you call it in fighting just just gut shots some shit the bad liver shot liver shot ribs over and over
Starting point is 01:33:30 again she took a fucking 39th at the last place last place echo press strict deficit handstand push-up everyone knows that's gonna happen so maybe it comes up maybe it doesn't on the years it comes up it affects her despite all of things, she finished third at the CrossFit Games. It was literally the worst starting seven events she could ever dream up. And it happened to her. And she didn't give up. She just kept going. She just trusted her fitness.
Starting point is 01:33:54 That's all you can do. Whether it's programming that's not in your favor or a judge that's not paying attention or someone got credit for something that they did the same as you and you should get something else. You could be as critical of these things as you want. But the way that sport curling is, that stuff is going to happen. It's going to happen to everyone at some point, and your job is to overcome it. Don't be a douche. You have to have a method to do that.
Starting point is 01:34:17 So anyway, Luca had a great competition for the most part. He's very, very fit. He was right in the mix as far as I'm concerned. And he had an unfortunate circumstance happen to him. Maybe it cost him $10,000. Maybe it cost him a podium spot with his brother. And that's unfortunate. But my question to him would be, do you think that you did the best job in terms of your mental recovery and preparation for every subsequent workout after that unfortunate situation happened. Are you coaching anyone? Not really.
Starting point is 01:34:48 A couple of guys. Anyone games caliber? No. Anyone games aspirations? No. Guys can barely beat me. No, they're better than me. I said that Fraaser looked thin um i said that uh we talked about the testing we talked about emma mcquade emma tall we talked about lazar we talked about man
Starting point is 01:35:14 on we talked about annika grier we talked about luca talked about the girl from the isle of man whose name who's related to santa claus miss kringle uh oh we'll finish on this o'keefe claimed that fraser was the greatest competitor in the history of the sport i thought that was an interesting word he chose competitor um is that true i'd like to see him say that to miko salo's face ah uh okay there so so you that that word is ambiguous enough that you think that anyone can claim it it's kind of a safe for the most part he chose it it's propaganda he chose a safe word a person who takes part in athletic contests that's a competitor. Oh, that's not what he meant. Sorry. What was the descriptor?
Starting point is 01:36:11 The best competitor? The greatest competitor? Yeah, the best. Arrival of fierce competitor on the soccer field, one selling or buying. Yeah, he said he's the greatest competitor to ever do the sport. I'm going to look for the exact quote. Fraser was the greatest competitor in the history of the sport. I'm going to look for the exact quote. Fraser was the greatest competitor in the history of the sport. He basically uses that to sort of explain why the programming at Madrid was so good. O'Keefe is talking about how good the programming is at Madrid, and he's justifying it.
Starting point is 01:36:39 Just everywhere. Everywhere that they program. The reason why HWpo has such amazing programming it's at the it's at the interview uh lauren khalil does with um matt and um and mr o'keefe matt and matt i think they're at the venue in madrid did she go to she's in madrid right that looks like she's there okay it says uh and o'keefe claimed in the interview um that matt was the greatest competitor in the history of the sport therefore that's why you're seeing all this great programming happen all around the world at all of these events.
Starting point is 01:37:07 So here's the thing. HWPO is doing three different styles of programming. They're programming for the pros. They have Mallory O'Brien, Jason Hopper, Jake Marconi. Now they have Catherine Davis' daughter, Amanda Barnhart, Tari Hulga's daughter, and Sam Quant. Don't ruin tomorrow's show. Don't ruin tomorrow's show.
Starting point is 01:37:23 This is one block. Then they also have a programming for the masses. You pay i don't know is it 30 or 40 bucks a month and you get access to hwpo programming you can choose a sweat you can use a strong you can choose whatever and you can follow along and do it at home so they're providing a general programming for whomever wants to pay you know 30 bucks a month or whatever it is and then thirdly they're programming for competitions. So I don't know which necessarily one of those he's talking about. And I think it's certainly possible that Fraser could be better as a coach in
Starting point is 01:37:53 one of those silos than the other two. I think that, you know, that's. And there's a, and there's a fourth silo that's competent. Wait, the third one you said is for competitors who want to go to competitions, but not necessarily win the games. did you mean competition no no there's the elite oh there's the general and there's competitions competitions meaning not people who want to go to competitions but actual events okay all right or dubai can you just go on his um hwpo and buy the same programming that like the can you pay 200 bucks and get what Mal's doing? There's something called HWPO pro.
Starting point is 01:38:27 I don't know what the process is for, for getting the access to that. I also don't know if there might be a generic HWPO programming pro programming track, but then additionally they may provide individual programming for Jason, for Mal, for Jake, et cetera. Okay. individual programming for jason for mal for jake etc okay
Starting point is 01:38:46 oh my goodness we should probably revisit that in the morning is that what you said yeah i did for sure said that um i just saw in the comments uh no one's going to sleep tonight uh andrew hiller just dropped another video it says natty or not oh nelly who's this one about oh if dave castro's natty who's natty uh-oh okay i'll watch this watch this later Brian won't watch this I'll tell you all about it
Starting point is 01:39:29 three people please DM Brian and tell him to watch this video and that's the only way they have to be notable people notable people you don't count I know um Sevan is there
Starting point is 01:39:44 this is the greatest comment you've made is there a Sevan podcast merch store I'd like to buy one of these yes go to isn't this your biggest critic no he's just a cool dude who just needs a hug um you can go to Life is RX
Starting point is 01:39:59 they have crazy cool merchandise or you can go to Vindicate V-N-D-K-8. I think Vindicate also has – is that where your shirt's made, the Be Friendly shirt? I think SherpaWorks has it. Oh. Oh, have you met the guy who owned that? SherpaWorks?
Starting point is 01:40:17 Yeah. Yeah, I'm friends with him. Oh, okay. I heard some shit about him. I'll make sure I'll tell you off the air. Great. Yeah, no problem. That's a beautiful shirt, though.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Okay, tomorrow morning, we'll be digging into HWPO. Do you need me to get you one? Oh, please. That'd be fantastic. I should just pay for it myself. I should support it. I should support you. HWPO, what's going on over there? Amanda Barnhart, one of my newest favorites, is over there find out what brian thinks about that uh rogue invitational what's going on there um is it all set up what do we have any clues on what the workouts are what's going on gabriella magawa
Starting point is 01:40:58 uh i heard that she's not with the program and john Singleton anymore. And yet I watched a video the other day that showed Brian's favorite athlete, Kristoff over there. So I'm curious. By the way, Kristoff competed in Madrid. Yes. Did you see the picture, the video of him clean and jerking?
Starting point is 01:41:16 No. Is it cool? Yes. And it was, I, it was the one moment of the competition I wish I'd have been there for. It looked like an amazing moment for him. He was on a team with Mia Hesketh
Starting point is 01:41:25 and then Elliot Simmons and Jamie Simmons. Just the whole moment. What's Jamie Simmons doing? Is she still competing like she's still competing or just fucking around? I'm not sure. I don't know. They did a team this weekend. They placed second behind Oslo's team.
Starting point is 01:41:42 They did great. It looked like they had fun. I was really happy for Kristoff and for all of them. Okay, great. So we're going to find out what drama is there. Did Kristoff leave Gabriella Magawa to stay close to John Singleton? Is Gabriella Magawa single? Olivia Kerstetter, did she make it to the Rogue Invitational? Is this her debut as a pro?
Starting point is 01:42:04 One of my favorites. I can't wait to hear the news about that. We're going to talk a little bit about Wadapalooza. We're going to ask Brian what he knows about Emma Carey. How come we haven't seen her put her head above the, what's it called, a parapet? Whatever those things are that soldiers hide in. We're going to talk about the Dubai CrossFit Championship. Did the qualifiers start? How come they haven't
Starting point is 01:42:26 contacted me and offered me $100,000 to do a little media around them? And just for shits and giggles, tomorrow, we're going to talk about Daniel Brandon just fucking because. Okay. Alright. And if you
Starting point is 01:42:44 need to get your blood work done make sure you go to ca hormones dot com then you get if you live in california you get free blood work and you get doctor's consultation and then they say you're good or you're not good if you're having trouble sleeping you don't have strong mental acuity you don't feel like you're performing at your best level,, Okay, bye.

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