The Sevan Podcast - #593 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: September 15, 2022

Kevin Kessler joins us to talk about his heart attack at an affiliate.Sign up for our email: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FR...EE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK!Master of Coaching  - COACHING PUBLICATION - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Nuts. Bam, we're live. I can't believe it's 600 shows. It was bound to happen. Oh, my goodness. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:00:41 So sorry, Kevin. No sweat, man. So sorry. So sorry, Kevin. No sweat, man. I was trying to change the schedule for the show so that I could go skateboarding with the kids this morning. And then I was so excited that you were able to change it, start an hour early, which I appreciate. And then I never changed my alarm. I got so excited I forgot to.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Like I was so excited you say yes to go to the prom with me then by the end of the night i forgot to kiss you still celebrating that you said yes yeah it's no problem for me i'm out in south carolina so it's it's not that early here oh where uh are you you're not in jail are you you're a free man yeah yeah free man yes okay you're not in jail. Are you, you're a free man. Yeah. Yeah. Free man. Okay. You're not trapped in a coal mine. Where are you? What is that? I'm in my basement gym. And I'm from California. What's a basement? What's a basement underground area. This is, but this is actually where I started CrossFit when I, when I, um, you know, I just kind of started CrossFit on my own.
Starting point is 00:01:43 It's been 11 years now and we didn't have an affiliate. The closest one was about 45 minutes away. So I started. I just found it and had old steel plates that were not Olympic barbells and all that kind of stuff and started down here. So I've slowly grown over time. But I don't use it that much anymore because we've got an affiliate here that I coach at and that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:02:04 But I figured this would be a good spot to do it hey yeah it is an awesome spot uh you guys uh kevin really uh screwed up my narrative that's why that's why i brought him on you guys are gonna love this he he had uh his ticker started acting funny uh but we can't blame the vaccine. Darn it. No, not darn it. Um, how did you, how, how old are you? I am, uh,
Starting point is 00:02:28 46, be 47 in November. Looking good, buddy. Thank you, man. Appreciate it. Try to stay in shape and stay young as much as I can.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Did you do something before you, um, before CrossFit to stay healthy? Did you have some sort of physical regimen? Not really. I mean, I lifted weights. I didn't know what I was doing. Once I kind of, once once i got married i figured i needed to get in shape i was i've
Starting point is 00:02:48 always been like a really skinny guy i'm pretty small guy still but um i was like 120 pounds soaking wet all the way through high school and college and uh you know finally you got married and we didn't have any kids and just got our job you know in the real world and i figured i needed to do something you know so i got some you know the old gold's gym bench and plates and i think a bench three times a week and you know they'll see what everybody does and then yeah yeah kind of looking for something that would be more interesting you know that regimen is pretty boring you know the backs and bys and shoulders and tries or whatever however it goes and so um i found crossfit i think it was on february 1st it was just a random date i can't remember the year, but I think it's about 11 years ago.
Starting point is 00:03:27 So maybe 2011, maybe. And just started trying it with the barbells I had, you know, and figuring it out. And then, like I said, slowly built a basement gym, which I'm in. And then, yeah, so that's kind of not much before that. I played basketball in high school and stuff. How tall are you? 5'9". Yeah, 120's that's lean and mean yeah yeah i was pretty pretty i was just scrawny i mean it wasn't really lean and mean it was just scrawny how do you um how do you get one time i dropped to uh in college i dropped to one i I think one 35. I was on a pretty hardcore, uh, regiment of, um, MDMA just for like, for like, uh, 45
Starting point is 00:04:13 days of MDMA. How did I, and I dropped to one 35. Yeah. I just, what do you eat to stay at one 20 and five nine? Well, I mean, I was in college. It was mainly like a little bit of pizza and a lot of beer, probably. You know, it is and ramen noodles and stuff like that. You weren't doing meth or coke or you weren't like on a regimen of MDMA or.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Probably too much drinking and too much alcohol and, you know, whatever we could get our hands on for food. But, yeah. Wow, that's crazy. whatever we could get our hands on for food but yeah wow that's crazy and um and so then you basically started doing um the fun workouts that we all you know back in the day started doing and uh and how much weight did you put on doing that um probably uh probably you know i started eating better along with it you know those kind of things too hanging in hand but um probably i was probably in the 155 i'm about 160 between 165 and 170 now give or take so probably once i started and really got into it after a year so it's probably up to
Starting point is 00:05:09 150 155 but still i mean my metabolism helps so i stay pretty lean and you know that that helps i don't put on so i can eat even now i can still eat a good almost anything i want and a good bit of it and and stay pretty lean yeah so you put you you're basically 30 to 40 pounds heavier than you were in college and you're still lean yep that's that's true yeah dude hillar would for sure know this guy's juicing for sure let's see the progress pics right yeah that's right uh and um and how did crossfit uh in 2011 how how did CrossFit climb into your brain? Do you remember where you saw it? Were you watching TV?
Starting point is 00:05:48 I think I did see it on TV or a men's health or something goofy like that. And then, I mean, really, like I'm kind of the classic stereotypical tale. I found the main site, started doing workouts off of that. I had very limited equipment, and so there would become a workout. I don't have that. You know, I need to get one. And I don't have that. I need to get one. And so there'd become a workout. I don't have that, you know, I need to get one and I don't have that. I need to get one or I need to make shift or modify and that kind of thing. And, um, you know, so it just, it just kind of, I mean,
Starting point is 00:06:14 because it was interesting, it was something different every day and it was something I could do and pretty easily in an hour. And especially before the, our, our affiliate opened, I did, I did CrossFit a lot at lunch. I worked six miles from here. So I'd come home and I could change quick, knock out with warmup and cool down and everything, a 40-minute crossfit workout, and then grab food and eat on my way back. And so I did that pretty much every day down here in my basement. But I don't remember exactly how I found it. People have asked me that
Starting point is 00:06:41 before. I think it was just really like the internet or uh or a magazine or something do you have kids now i do i do i have a son that's uh 18 he's uh about to head off to the navy he's got a navy seal contract so he's headed to head it off he ships out in may um i mean i got some good news for your son yeah yeah good and then i've got a daughter and he he's a wrestler um he does crossfit with me he's a wrestler and then i've got a daughter who's 15 who's a hoping to be a level 10 gymnast this next season so wow yeah so pretty pretty good athletic kids yeah uh so is that three kids total two two okay okay um look at this I saw this last night. U.S. Navy quietly cancels vaccine requirement order for seals.
Starting point is 00:07:31 That's great. They all decided they're not going to take it and you can't make it. Yeah. We've actually been talking about it. We went and saw our family physician and said, hey, what do we need to do? They're going to give him a shot. Should we go ahead and get the Johnson and Johnson shot just to like, so he wouldn't have to get the other ones? Because, I mean, he's in that prime myocarditis. I mean, he's 150 pounds. I mean, with shoulders this wide and a waist this big. And, I mean, he's swimming, you know, five, six miles a week.
Starting point is 00:07:58 He's running 30 miles a week. And, I mean, I'm like, he's the prime, you know, young male myocarditis candidate. And I'm like, I don't want to, you know, are they going to give him these jabs? Should we get something else beforehand to try to. And what did they say? That's, that's seems like some smart thinking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Well, I mean, she said, she said the same thing. Try to do as much research as you can. If the Navy, if the Navy won't give him the shot and we've heard some at bootcamp, it'll say, Hey, I'm good. I don't need it. And they just pass them by whether that's true or not but um you know so we just kind of said hey we'll get him to get him to johnson johnson before he goes and then he'll have his legit vaccine card and and hopefully you know that that covers him but that's kind of what it's not kind of what our doctor said too were you in the military i was not no i wish i would have been but i that was kind of not that was before september 11th when i got out of high school college and stuff like that so or while i was
Starting point is 00:08:48 in college so uh you know it just i don't know it's just military seemed like it was different than you know so anyway no why um well what do you know what swayed his opinion for that and did that scare you did you try talking him out of it or did you try talking him into it or he uh he's wanted to do that since I can remember. I know he wrote a paper about how you're in middle school. You've got to write a paper, what you're going to do, what's your career going to be like. And he wrote a paper about being a Navy SEAL.
Starting point is 00:09:13 And he just never grew out of it. I kind of thought he would. He made straight A's all the way through high school on the dean's list. Could have gone to not any college, but he could have gone to Clemson or a pretty good college around here. And he just said, I don't want to do that. You know, this is what I've wanted to do. This is what I want to do in my career. He thought through it really. And we even talked to him, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:33 his mom really wanted him to go to college first. And she talked through it about what about if you go to college first and then go in as an officer, but you know, through his, his own research, he said, you know, if I go in as an officer, there's not as many jobs and only get one shot at it. If I go in as enlisted, I can go straight in. I get three chances. You know, if I get hurt, he's I mean, he thought it all through and he said, and what do you go to college for to get a job? And he said, I'll have the job I want, you know, if I make it and I'll always have a job, you know, if he makes it through, you know, and obviously he hadn't done the hard part yet.
Starting point is 00:10:02 But so that was him. And it's kind of hard to argue that yeah it's it's interesting i'm as you were talking i was like i wonder how i would take that if one of my kids wanted to go into the military yeah i hope i'm really proud of him i mean it's not you know as it gets closer to shipping off you know it's nerve-wracking but you know and i mean it's going to be tough because we probably you know here in south carolina we'll obviously travel where we can to see him but he's going to be gone for over a year you know, and I mean, it's going to be tough because we probably, you know, here in South Carolina, we'll obviously travel where we can to see him. But he's going to be gone for over a year. You know, once he goes to boot camp, straight into free buds, straight into buds. So, you know, it's pretty tough. It's not like sending a kid to college or they come home on the weekends.
Starting point is 00:10:38 He lives at home now. Yeah. Yeah, he does. It'll be it'll be go from having him every day, being able to hold and kiss your son to bye-bye that's right yep to see yeah yeah girl he'll be you know and i know we've talked to a lot of people military families and they said he'll come home and you won't hardly recognize him he'll go from you know a boy to a man overnight and just be different so that's all right i mean that's what you raise them for is to, you know, put well-balanced kids and then send them off into the world. So we're sending them.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Are your parents alive? They are. Yeah. Did you, did they say, what do they say about it? They're proud of him. I'm nervous and, you know, but I mean, how can you not be proud of somebody that, I mean, you know, a lot of, this is going to sound bad, but a lot of kids go to the military because they don't have any other options or stay out of jail, you know? And this was his decision. This is what he wants to do. And I said, Hey, as you know, I love our country and, you know, as screwed up as it seems like it is now, but, um, we need people that want to do that. Yeah. That's what I was going to say. We
Starting point is 00:11:37 need people like him. Yeah. Yeah. Um, Caleb and I have a mutual friend who's in the military who basically will do would do anything to get out really yeah you know because he and it's exactly that they went in he went in there because he had nothing else yeah and now he has something else and and he doesn't want it and he wants out yeah yeah and i'm not hating on the guy at all for that by the way i it's a uh it's a sticky situation. It's the same thing. It's kind of like I could see being 18 and being completely gung-ho, right? And then by the time you're 25, you're like you're ready to do something else.
Starting point is 00:12:15 It's the same thing with opening an affiliate. I totally see that as something you want to do for 10 years. I could see wanting to open one at 19. Yeah. And then at 28 being like, hey, I want to do something else. I've mastered this. The weird part about about an affiliate i'm really off subject here but the weird part about opening affiliate and having that shift is you need older affiliate owners to really probably this is a sweeping generalization but to understand the true power of crossfit you need someone probably a 40
Starting point is 00:12:41 year old gym owner who is like hey i can I can make someone who can get past buds with flying colors, and I can also save a 70-year-old man's life. You kind of need older owners, I'm guessing, and I want to be proven wrong to kind of appreciate that, right? Like even at 34, when I found CrossFit, I could give two fucks if it helped cure you of diabetes. Like, so? Yeah, and our gym is eight years old, CrossFit Greenwood. And the owner I've coached with him, he, he actually went, he from Clinton about 45 minutes away and he, he found me and said, Hey, I want to open a gym in Greenwood. Would you coach with me?
Starting point is 00:13:17 First, do you think it'll work? And second, will you coach with me? And I said, I think it'll work. The first one that gets here, it's going to work, you know? And so we kind of set it up and went that way. And I've been with him ever since. And, you know, he was a competitor, but he's five years younger than me. So he's like 42 now. But, you know, when we started it, I guess that makes him 34. You know, and it was all competition and kind of elite athletes. But I mean, we've got over 55 class now. We've got teens, we've got kids, we've got you name it.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And it's more rewarding, I think. I would go into that over 55 class and just fuck people up. It's funny because a lot of them will do that class. And then, you know, after a few months, they're transitioning into the regular classes. They want the more intensity and a little bit more. So it's pretty awesome. I mean, you know, and I think it takes, like you said,
Starting point is 00:14:04 gym ownership takes some evolution. You come. I mean, you know, and I think, I think it takes, like you said, gym ownership takes some evolution. You come in there with, you know, breathing fire and then you realize, you know what, it's not all about competition. I can really change some people's lives, you know, like, yeah. So Greg, Greg started this class at, um, at HQ at the, in the, in the, um, big gym we had there in the mornings, he basically shut down the gym and he brought in some L one trainers and he started this program.
Starting point is 00:14:26 I think Susie had actually asked if he could coach there a little bit. I tried to speak and it was just for old people on fat people. And it was funny cause Greg called it the underserved. And I'm like, Hey, I think the minority's got that. I think that's like the poor Armenian kid. No, no underserved is fat and old i'm like all right i'd be like fuck it i ain't like you have some pretty strict guidelines like ah well that's the thing dude my mom went to that class at like 75 and my mom had already been doing crossfit for eight years and she was just fucking people up like at 75 she was the fucking
Starting point is 00:15:02 you know there were 20 people in there my mom was a fire breather it wasn't cool yeah but but greg said she could go there so my mom at five feet tall 94 pounds soaking wet was the fire breather in there she said i'll do some burpees and the other people are just leaning against the wall and pushing themselves up for burpees literally you know what i mean these these are people who couldn't hang off a bar and my mom's like yeah what she's going pull a strict pull yeah i hang here all day yeah yeah yeah like these are you know this these are people who didn't want to get out of their car so but um incredible incredible class kudos to your gym for having it over 55 i think that speaks a successful class like that speaks volumes about the, uh, trainer.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Yeah. And they are, um, that group is so dedicated. I mean, there's 10 to 12 of them in there every week and it's the same ones. And if somebody skips they're on them, you know, I mean, it's, uh, it's, it's hard. It was pretty hardcore. Yeah. So that's good. Yeah. Yeah. You know, um, another thing too, is my mom was a workaholic her whole life. Uh, she was a high powered attorney, just grinding. You know what I mean? A 40 hour week was not, that was Monday. And I just, and she worked and worked and worked and she was never a social person. She wouldn't, she never had friends.
Starting point is 00:16:17 I don't ever remember having any friends growing up or anything like that. And for her to join a CrossFit gym at 69, I think. Yeah. She's probably come up on her 10 years. That was huge for her to join a crossfit gym at 69 i think yeah she's probably come up on her 10 years that was huge for her the first two years gave her crazy anxiety she didn't want any friends she didn't want anyone talking to her you know i mean she the only people she talked to she stood in a courtroom and whooped ass yeah and uh and now now that's her like her social circle those are her homeboys like she'll be like oh so-so from my affiliate was out of town. And she's visiting for a couple of days and I'm, I'm not going to talk to you for two days because I'm going to be with her.
Starting point is 00:16:51 I'm like, what? You don't have friends. That's the way it is for all of us. Right. I mean, for the most part, you know, you get in a gym and you get in that community, whether you're 20 or you're 70. And, and that's your, that becomes your people, you know? Like, yeah. Did you ever have any health issues at any time in your life? Nope. I've been, I mean, I've got a little bit of a thyroid issue that I found when I was in college and
Starting point is 00:17:14 I know a lot of people will go to thyroid issue, but I really do have a thyroid issue and that's right where I went to. I was like, uh-huh. Sure. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Right. Everybody's got thyroid issue. No one. What is the thyroid? Do you need that thing? Is that, something with your immune system or if your thyroid's fucked up, you weigh 600 pounds or something? Yeah, you can or it can be really fast. So mine is slow, believe it or not. But yeah, and I don't know. It just regulates.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I just know if I have it when I'm feeling shitty, it's because my thyroid's off. It like really zaps all my energy and whatnot. It's testicles in your throat. Your thyroid is a small testicle-shaped gland situated at the base of the front of your neck, just below your anus. You're Adam's apple. Hormones produced by the thyroid gland, T3 and T4, have an enormous impact on your health, affecting all aspects of your metabolism. Okay, so somehow. Yeah, so it's probably too much information, but I have Hashimoto's disease, which is basically an autoimmune disease.
Starting point is 00:18:14 It's meaning my body rejected my thyroid and tried to attack it and get rid of it. It thought it was like a foreign body. So that's kind of why my Adam's apple is really big. Kevin, you can't have testicles in your throat and then your fucking immune system attacked it. Yeah, pretty much. That's it. Hashimoto's disease, autoimmune disorder. The immune system creates antibodies that attack thyroid cells as if they were bacteria, viruses or some other foreign body. The immune system wrongly enlists disease fighting agents that damage cells and lead to cell death.
Starting point is 00:18:41 What do you think about these people on? I used to follow this chick. and lead to cell death what do you think about these people on um i used to follow this chick uh she's kind she was kind of a wackadoodle but she had this insane body courtney hunt no no no no no courtney hunt it has a nice body uh this chick was a yoga teacher from la but she claimed her whole thing was she claimed she – and how dare you, Caleb, call Courtney Hunt a wackadoodle. She's just big picture thinking, buddy. She's big picture. Come on.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Quantum, quantum. She's got to get on her level. That's all. Yeah, dude. Just because she uses the word quantum a lot doesn't mean she's wackadoodle. This chick says you could cure Hashimoto's by – this chick says you could cure hashimoto's with like a i think the carnivore diet have you heard that i haven't heard that but i mean i i don't know mine when i promise you when i don't take my medicine it drops like really low my thyroid level doesn't
Starting point is 00:19:40 i feel like crap so i don't know maybe maybe that's possible. But I mean, it's an autoimmune disease. And my body's attacked it. So it doesn't really function anymore. I bet you my wife knows that lady's name. What's the yoga teacher's name I used to follow? Huge icon. Huge tits. Owned the studio in LA.
Starting point is 00:20:14 This is totally off subject, but for all you women out there who get breast implants or who are thinking about it, you have to know that you are the distant cousin of people who get sex changes. You have to understand that. Even though you think you're making yourself more a woman, what you are doing is you're altering the shape of your body, and you're searching for happiness there, and there will be none. I'm not arguing your limitations for you. I know it sounds like I am because I would never do that to someone, but you are basically pursuing something for happiness where you will find none zero. Uh, my wife hates it. When I say never, you will not find happiness by getting breast implants. You will not find, um, happiness by getting transitioned. These are all people who are running from something that they should be sitting with. I don't know why I just said that I used to fall asleep.
Starting point is 00:21:06 And for those of us men, we even know that, and this is the weird part, we still can't stop being attracted. Even though we know your tits are just plastic bags inserted underneath your skin, we still can't help but not be attracted to them. I even saw the Instagram footage. They show this really beautiful girl, and she puts watermelons under her – or water water balloons under her shirt they show the whole thing and then they show her run and they show the water balloons mounting and i'm still attracted to her i saw i saw what you did and i can't whatever my thyroid's fucked up it's off and i can't control it it's fucking weird i don't i can't but you personally will not be happy with extra attention. It doesn't work that way.
Starting point is 00:21:46 That's not how we're set up, and I'm so sorry for those of you who think you're going to have some medical procedure to make you happy. It will not. The dress might fit better. True. Tons of dudes will be into you. I've made up the tension you want. So can you walk me through the the morning so you actually had a heart attack not a heart attack so i know it said heart attack but i didn't have a heart attack i had
Starting point is 00:22:14 heart attacks kind of where your plumbing's like plugged up my plumbing is clean like i don't have any blockages or anything like that but i had a okay it's more of an electrical problem so it's it sounds really dramatic but the the medical definition is a sudden cardiac death event so that's um that's what you had you had a sudden cardiac event death sudden cardiac death yep that's what it's called that's the terminology so um it was a competition called fittest of the upstate it was kind of this was before you know now there's a gazillion competitions you should qualify for. But this was in 2019 before there were a lot of those. So this was the first one that I'd ever done that I had to qualify for. And they use your open scores to qualify.
Starting point is 00:22:54 And so I was lucky enough to qualify. By the way, that's a brilliant method that more people should use. Yeah. Yeah. Just use the open for your own competition, but sorry, go on. Yeah. So, and they still do it. It's now Fittest of South Carolina. They expanded the whole state. yeah yeah just use the open for your own uh competition but sorry go on yeah so and we and they still do it it's now fittest of south carolina they expanded the whole state but back
Starting point is 00:23:09 then that was then that was the inaugural event was the first one in 2019 fittest of um fittest of the upstate so the the i was in the master's division and uh obviously um i was 40 what was three years ago for 44 42 i guess Was this your first competition ever entering? No, no, no. I had done a bunch of competitions, you know, throughout. But just, you know, if you pay your money, you can compete kind of thing. Not you've got to be good enough to compete. So there was a lot of stress.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I mean, not stress, but I was kind of amped up for it, looking forward to it. And the old guys, us, we went in the morning. There was only four events, but two of them were kind of tied together, a max lift into a Metcon. so there was only three or four events but two of them were kind of tied together a max lift into a metcon so there was only really three events and uh we were going to be done by noon we went early and uh the very first event was a you know and i know you probably don't care a lot about details but it was no no i do i do i do i like all these details all right so it was an amrap of like a 14 calorie row i think it was 12 burpee box jump overs and 10 kettlebell snatches i think and a sandbag carry and uh something for like 12 minutes or something like that i don't remember
Starting point is 00:24:12 exactly but i remember the very first row i mean it's like three two one go the very first row and i was like golly i feel slow and like had like a little bit of like discomfort in the middle of my back not like you know you pulled something in your back, just like, this just feels off, you know, and maybe I didn't stretch out enough or didn't warm up adequate, whatever. So I went through the whole first round. I got back to the row and I remember like six calories in on a 14 gallery row. I stopped. And I remember my judge saying like, what are you doing, man?
Starting point is 00:24:40 You can't stop. I mean, you got to go. And I'm thinking the same thing. What the hell am I doing? I can't stop. You you gotta go and i'm thinking the same thing what the hell am i doing i can't stop you know this is like you know and um so i just like ground through the rest of the workout felt like shit the whole time and i finished it so i want to this is 2000 this is three years ago 2019 yep okay and when you say you stopped, do you know that really unique feeling of when you have food poisoning or you're really sick or like you really hurt yourself? And like even if you wanted to look at the outside world, you can't. There's something inside of you that's taking an assessment of your body. It's like it happens right before you throw up sometimes. The whole system is like – it sucks that – it's such a cool phenomenon.
Starting point is 00:25:24 The whole system's like, it sucks that it's such a cool phenomenon. But do you know what I'm talking about? When the whole body, all your awareness, you're kind of like, you kind of step out of your body and you feel the whole body, the whole cyborg go, okay, systems check. Like Ironman. And it's like running through and it's like something's not right. And it's like checking your feet and your, and it's like, was it that when you stopped? You're like, oh shit, I'm doing a systems check. That's a good description of it. I mean was it that when you stopped? You're like, oh shit, I'm doing a systems check. That's a good description of it. I mean, it really was.
Starting point is 00:25:47 It was like, even when I finished the workout, I kind of went back and I couldn't almost like remember it. You know, like it was really going through the motions. I mean, it was the slowest burpee box jump over you've ever seen. And like, you know, just the whole thing. I mean, I finished dead last by like 40 reps, something, I mean, like ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:26:03 And of course i didn't know there anything was going on so you know i've kind of like just you man you need to suck it up you know get your act together go drink go in drink a bang energy drink was probably yes yes i highly recommend that let it through a t-shirt like ring it out sweat it and i mean i was like i'm so much more wow that's what the hell happened you know let Let me ask – Let's hit the next workout kind of thing. Let me ask Caleb something here real quick. Caleb, as a medical professional, are those the two things that you should do if you feel like you're having a cardiac event? Drink a bang and jump on the rower?
Starting point is 00:26:38 Or do you jump on the rower and then drink a bang? Which order? The order matters, yeah. Row first and then bang and then shotgun a bang like a holy yeah i didn't know i was having a cardiac event at that point i just knew something was really off you know but it was you know how it is it's i mean as a guy you're like suck it up man i yeah i made this and you know pull yourself together you know because i didn't have any history of anything and I didn't think anything was going wrong. So I really don't heart attacks in your family either.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Like your dad's cool. Mom's cool. Everything's chill. Okay. Everybody's pretty good. My dad has some blockages, but like I said, this is not a blockage and I didn't, I've never had any heart stuff before. I do annual physicals and all that kind of stuff. Felt like I was in pretty good shape.
Starting point is 00:27:20 So took an hour off or whatever it was in between the next event. You know, like I said, I got some some food drank that energy drink changed shirts and uh the next one was uh you know like silly it was i think a minute on the echo with echo bikes had just kind of hit and so we had an echo bike it's like a minute on the echo bike and then max handstand walk distance for distance you weren't scared in between in that hour a voice didn't say to you hey dude something's up no i was pissed no okay okay because i prepared for this i've done all the workouts i'm like what you know i didn't i really didn't have i mean maybe it's just arrogance but i didn't i felt like something was off but i couldn't pinpoint it and i was like you know what the hell what a what
Starting point is 00:27:57 a shitty day to have be off you know like i made this competition and wanted to do well and uh what a shitty day to be off. The next one was, like I said, a minute on the Echo Bike and a minute handstand. I crushed it. I think I hit 30-something calories, 34 calories for a small guy on Echo Bike in a minute. It was pretty good. Then my handstand was decent. It was kind of like back in.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I was on the top end of the pack. I didn't win it or anything. That bang worked. Yeah. Bang energy was it. That's all I did. Bang pushed it out a little bit. Yeah. I'm back in it or anything. That bang worked. Yeah. Bang energy was it. That's all I need. Bang pushed it out a little bit. Yeah. So I'm back in it.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Right. And then, you know, again, then felt, felt okay. And, and the last workout was a max clean and jerk,
Starting point is 00:28:35 which I PR my clean and jerk, which at that time was like two 50 or two 55. And then straight into a kind of like down and back workout. And I don't remember the numbers, but it was some toes to bar deadlifts pistols, a huge set of double unders in the back you know pistols deadlifts toes to bar and i think it was something short eight minutes or something like that a cap but i mean it was faster faster than that for the workout and so i finished it and uh went over to cheer on a guy that was on his last set of toes to bar the like laying next to me and took
Starting point is 00:29:04 a knee you know kind of right in front of him, cheer him on what CrossFitters do, you know, you're finishing up. And I did pretty well in the workout. I was pretty happy under the cap. And my day was about, my day was done working out. That was the end of the competition. Really? It was small at that time.
Starting point is 00:29:18 And he finished. And as I stood up, the whole room spun. And the next minute I know I was in the back of an ambulance. The next thing I know. No shit. No pain. No pain. Nothing.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And, you know, found out after the fact that I had gotten everybody. Of course, it was a big competition for our community. So there was a ton of people there. And the RX folks went in the afternoon. So everybody was starting to really get there. We were finishing up and they were getting warmed up to start. So the gym is like packed, slam full of people. And thank God, because there was two emergency room nurses, there was a physician, there was a couple of EMTs and they jumped in and there's two nurses from our gym that saw me go down. And one of them, Nikki told Elizabeth, and, told Elizabeth, and I know you don't know who these people are, but, hey, something's not right with Kevin.
Starting point is 00:30:09 They went out immediately. We're like, he has no pulse, you know, and started CPR immediately. The community kind of gathered up. They brought ice. Yeah, there's my rhythm from the AED. How did you find that? How did you find that? They pulled it off the AED after rhythm from the AED. How did you find that? How did you find that? They pulled it off the AED after they used the AED.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I know, but your account's private, isn't it? It's just an example of an EKG. So, like, the first half is all normal, and then the second half is what it would look like if you had his rhythm. Yeah, Torsadus did points is what it's called. And basically, I've been told that probably CrossFit saved my life because they said, I've talked to a lot of, you know, some firefighters and first responders and say, we've seen that and people don't live through it.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Very few people live through it. So I don't, I don't understand. So the, the heart just got out of, out of like rhythm or the beat or like, how does that happen if you don't have blockage? Yeah. So it's just the electrical signals in your heart. It's like, I mean, it's just, I'm, I'm an engineer. So the simplest way I can explain is your heart's just a pump. I mean, like an actual mechanical pump, you know, and it needs, it needs piping for things to run through
Starting point is 00:31:15 that's your arteries and whatnot. And, and, um, and then it needs, it needs elect a power, you know? And so same thing with the heart. It has electrical signals in the body and the electrical signals got off. I have a left branch chain bundle block, which kind of blocks signal on the on the left side. And it somehow got out of whack and then just couldn't get back in without some kind of intervention. So once it does that, it spikes up to it spikes up to believe it or not. It's, you know, four to five hundred beats a minute and it's not really beats and you can see that it's just kind of really fluttering it's not really beats but uh it's more or less kind of like afib if you know afib is but it's on the
Starting point is 00:31:55 bottom of the heart and the ventricles so um v-fib is what it's called ventricular fibrillation and it just flutters basically and uh your brain's getting no blood it's not pumping anything out so so if um if a heart attack was when uh you the heart's basically dry firing right there's some clottage and there's no blood going into it can't pump anything through it right it's blocked yeah but what you're saying is is imagine like that electrical wiring like that's um and like in car stereos you know like they zip tie all the wires you're saying that there was a spot where there was a shitload of wires that are supposed to provide some sort of electrical communication to the heart and and it's somehow that shit got restricted or something happened and the right electricity wasn't getting to the heart or
Starting point is 00:32:39 signals yeah it kind of got out of out of sequence so there's sequences you know that way the heart pumps oh pulling it in pumping it out pulling it in pumping it out and, out of sequence. So there's sequences, you know, that way the heart pumps, pulling it in, pumping it out, pulling it in, pumping it out. And so at some point it gets out of sequence that because those electrical signals get off. And then, uh,
Starting point is 00:32:51 what's that called? What's the, what are those, what are those electrical signals called? Or the, that bundle of wire or whatever we're talking about. Mine was, my issue is a left branch chain bundle block.
Starting point is 00:33:00 That's what they call it. I mean, that's one of the issues I have a couple of this, but it's a whole bastion of them, that's the one you know from what i know so go to the things controlling all of the electrical activity so there's one on the top and one on the bottom and the one on the bottom is the one he had issues with yeah can you put your arrow there i don't see the one on the bottom i just see like something vibe oh that thing looks like testicles in your heart testicles in your throat testicles in your heart
Starting point is 00:33:28 and uh so do you have do you have a pacemaker or like uh something you do it's on this side oh yeah it's a dual chamber pacemaker defibrillator. So yeah, it's so, you know, it doesn't really pace me much because my heart doesn't need to be paced. And when I first got it, it was pacing, believe it or not, I'm not, not that I'm some physical specimen, but I was in good enough shape that it was pacing me up at night while I slept because my heart rate would get so low and get in the mid forties or something. And they were like, you know, so they turned that off. They turned that function off, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:34:07 so it really doesn't do any pacing anymore. It just kind of hangs out there, but it has a pacemaking ability. It's more for the defibrillator. So, um, when it gets off, basically you have,
Starting point is 00:34:16 you have an AD machine in you. Exactly. That's exactly what I've got in me. Yep. And if that thing happens again, that thing will just fire off and theoretically bring you back. That's pretty much what it looks like. Yep.
Starting point is 00:34:29 And, uh, it's happened four times and, uh, it sucks. No shit. Are you fucking kidding me? Oh,
Starting point is 00:34:35 it's happened four times. And, uh, it, I went, I had two events. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:40 like, uh, when it first happened, I mean, I was so pissed. I was just mad. Like, why is this happening to me?
Starting point is 00:34:47 Immediately, we started jumping the gun. I went to a hospital. I obviously spent about a week in the hospital. They put the device in. My doctor that was there, my cardiologist, said, you'll never do CrossFit again. Maybe you can power walk. I remember that so distinctly.
Starting point is 00:35:00 He was like, maybe you can power walk. I was like, power walk? What the hell is that? Is that like that thing they do in the Olympics? He's like, yeah, but you can't do it that intense even you can't you know you might be able to walk fast basically is all you'll ever be you know be able to do and I was like I don't I don't accept that I accept that and so I mean I remember telling my wife you'll be having sex on your back the rest of your life no more no more no more composition all right doctor I understand honey I have bad news for you doctor's orders yeah good news i
Starting point is 00:35:27 said i mean that night i told my wife i said i will call i'll qualify for fittest next year and you know i'm not some i'm not some superstar i'm not saying that but i know you have psychological issues you have psychological issues we've established that immediately i pissed off this is not gonna happen and so for the first year or so, or maybe six months, nine months, I like trained as hard, if not harder. I mean, I waited a couple of, you know, six weeks or something to get back in the gym. But I mean, I was back. I was back in the gym riding a bike two days after I got out of the hospital. Now, I'm not riding a bike like echo by, you know, hammering, but just riding a bike.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I got to get back. And within a month, I was back to regular workouts, probably. And then you're not you weren't scared. Like of a sudden every time you're working out you're like paying attention to your heart you're like not at first i wasn't what's that guy doing i mean i was so i mean really i was so so pissed off and crazy that it was like just total defiance you know what did your kids say to you did your kids were your kids tripping if i'd be tripping if that happened to me yeah and they were all there my wife and both kids were there so they saw the whole event you know and um you know i saw the whole event and uh you know that's a that's another part of the story is not understanding like how much
Starting point is 00:36:32 it affected my wife because i kept saying like this is my thing you know i'm the one that died for lack of a better term this is my thing i've got to get back but what i didn't fail to recognize that like i was out the whole time like i saw i mean she's like i saw you get cpr i saw them bring that aed out shock you know i saw all of that you know i saw them everybody brought ice immediately they thought i was having some kind of heat event so they brought ice and put it on me then they realized oh shit we got to shock him and he's laying in a pool of water so like you know somebody grabbed my feet and drug me you know like unconscious out of the water so they could put the ad and she saw all that i didn't
Starting point is 00:37:10 i woke up in the ambulance you know like so yeah she she dealt with a lot of you know kind of post post yeah dude when um it's like you know when your wife has a has a bad day or something it fucks the whole family up right like all of a sudden now like if my wife's in a bad mood if i can't handle it it's hard for me they hide that shit fake it making me putting me in a bad mood and then the kids you know they were there my son was 15 at the time my daughter was 12 so i mean they were kind of they were old enough to understand what was going on the gym gym had an AED there? They did.
Starting point is 00:37:47 The gym had an AED. And that's a whole nother story. The guy that owned it, it was a CrossFit career. And the guy that owned it has had heart problems. He actually had open heart surgery. And he did the kind of the same thing a few years before me. Not the same thing as a lot of foreign event, but he kind of went through the denial. And why has this happened to me?
Starting point is 00:38:03 And like, I think God must have a plan for this. And so he, he actually went, they couldn't afford it. It's a small gym. They couldn't afford an AED. So he went out on his own and found a charity that raises money and donates AEDs if you'll get enough people trained. And that's the only reason they had that AED there that day. He had gone through it and had had a heart of it himself so i mean it saved your life and it saved my life yep if that wasn't there you'd be toast
Starting point is 00:38:30 yep absolutely there was nothing that was going to get my heart out of that funky rhythm other than a shock and that's still the way it is now so um but like i said so i trained for a while and about six you know one day i was doing actually during freaking COVID. I was doing a kind of an engine builder program where it was like running and rowing and biking four or five days a week. And so there was a Saturday morning. I remember there was an hour long run for max distance. And I'm not a runner. I mean, I'm a CrossFitter, so I don't like to run.
Starting point is 00:39:04 400s only. So it's kind of I was running and my legs were cramping a little bit, probably. Yeah. Forty five minutes in and I ended up doing a little over seven miles in an hour. So slow run. But it I mean, my legs were cramping at mile five. And that should have been a pretty dang good indication because I talked to several doctors at this point. And they all said, I really think it was just dehydration. Your magnesium was low. Magnesium is really important to control the heart rhythm. And I said, I just think your magnesium is low. I bet you'll never have anything else ever again. You know, I had a cardiologist tell me that. And so I was
Starting point is 00:39:38 cramping. It's a pretty good indication. Your electrolytes are off whatnot, but I, you know, dumb ass me just, you know, put your head down and grind rub it out you know rub it out and keep going and as soon as i got back to my mailbox um it was finishing up to 60 minutes i got shocked and it knocked me down and you mean your internal one shocked you yeah yeah i got real woozy again and and got hit yeah and so um and you were on your feet when that happened? Yeah. It did knock me down, but I got on the ground as fast as I could. Does it hurt? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:13 It hurts. Again, I could explain it away because I was like, you're a dumbass. You knew you were cramping. You should have stopped. You should have got electrolytes. You know better. That kind of thing. I could still explain it away and did. And when I saw the cardiologist, they verified, yeah, you were in that same rhythm.
Starting point is 00:40:30 If you didn't have it, you'd be dead, blah, blah, blah. What year was that? That was in 2020 during like high to COVID. Has it even been a year at that point since the original incident? No, it hadn't even been a year. Probably maybe it had been six months, probably early 2020. I think we had just gotten, you know, just got sent home, you know, locked down everything. So I think it was probably around April or something, the 2020.
Starting point is 00:40:53 So it happened in September of, or excuse me, August of 19. So it was probably eight months later, six, eight months later. Kevin, do you ever have that? Have you ever had that thing happen to you where you're in bed at night and you're sleeping? It could be just like the middle of the night and your leg cramps. Yeah. And then you got to straighten it. Yeah. Have you ever had that happen to you, Susan? I used to have it a lot. I used to have it a lot before, you know, and I think my body has trouble like absorbing electrolytes or whatever, which may be a contributing factor, but I used to get that a lot, you know, when I, especially like on a squat day or something like
Starting point is 00:41:23 that, you wouldn't rehydrate and wake up with your quad, like just locked down. You know, for me, it's always my hamstring, but I never had that until I was in my late forties. It's so weird. I'll just be in bed. It'll be like three in the morning and I'll notice I'm curled up like a kidney bean and I'll wake up and I'll feel my hamstring start locking up and I have to immediately straighten my leg. I'm like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah. Is that electrolytes you think too? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it is for me. up and i have to immediately straighten my leg i'm like what the fuck are you doing yeah is that
Starting point is 00:41:45 electrolytes you think too yeah yeah i mean it is for me and it's a lot of times i'm a i'm a person that sweats a lot we already talked about that but i sweat through shirts pretty easy and a lot of times it's sodium for me i mean i don't have enough sodium you know and i'm i don't really try to eat a low sodium diet even with my heart stuff you know you need to be on a cardiac diet but i don't try to eat a low sodium diet i just but a lot of times i don't have enough sodium so i mean now i use you know electrolyte drinks and have sodium in what do you use what do you use that lmnt the raw bull stuff elements or however you say it and then i have the podium one too the podium salt this is i like that one too hydro salt whatever yeah but those are those
Starting point is 00:42:27 are the two that i use mainly but um and i pretty much take a drink one every day whether i need it or not just to they've got good magnesium in them plus the salt yeah and they taste good have you ever had the habanero one yeah it's got some it does yeah a little bit i mean it kind of you feel in the back of your throat like a little bit like like you ate a pepper or something yeah i just saw they had a habanero one i got excited i still haven't they got a chili powder chili something chili mango or something like that too it's pretty good did you get the habanero one susan did you buy it no i don't think i have the habanero one but i have a big bag of different flavors i'll have to come probably in there yeah yeah that's where i you got i got a
Starting point is 00:43:05 got a sample pack that had them on there so the chocolate one's terrible i'll tell you chocolate and salt not that good but they're salty too yeah they are yeah yeah you gotta really dilute it yeah uh happens a lot under carnivore diet uh elemental magnesium okay yeah that makes sense that that totally makes sense um jeff with more positive information as normal marketing thank you for your constant uh barrage of just works for me so i i don't know don't listen to jeff he's don't uh caleb you've you uh what were you saying caleb you were nodding to something you've had the habanero yeah the habanero and then like mango chili those are both really good what's your favorite flavor of this probably the mango chili the chocolate one is absolutely disgusting
Starting point is 00:43:54 kevin and caleb agree chocolate is no good this is the girl i was talking about who cured herself of the hashimoto's um you might want to check out her account. And there's tons and tons of side boob in it too. I knew you were going to say that. Tons. There's tons of crazy side boob in it.
Starting point is 00:44:18 But she cured herself of Hashimoto's. So she says. I used to follow her. She says a lot Hashimoto's. And so she says. I used to follow her. She says a lot of cool shit. When my account got. I think my other account is gone by the way. I can't even like.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Gone gone. Gone gone. I know it sucks. You and Andrew Kate. Yeah. Oh. All right. you and andrew kate yeah oh uh all right so so that was the first one and uh and what and then you've had three more since then yeah so the next one was probably two months later and i was dead asleep i mean so that was the first one that was kind of really the kick in the ass and said hey like you got something wrong
Starting point is 00:45:04 man you're gonna have to deal with it you know because of really the kick in the ass that said, hey, you got something wrong, man. You're going to have to deal with it. What is the normal amount that thing fires? Let's say for someone who gets one more in their lifetime or something or two in their lifetime. Some people get hit a lot. It just kind of depends. And they say it's safe. They told me don't sweat it if you get hit. Of course, it's easy for the doctors to say.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Don't sweat it if you get hit unless it's like two or three times in an hour you know so so it's not like a cortisone shot where every time you take it you know that was my thought i'm that thing's never gonna go off so right okay sorry so it goes off in your sleep yeah dead asleep so and i woke up like screaming thinking i mean kind of didn't know what happened whatever my wife grabbed me like you're all right, you're right. And I was like, hell, I think I just got shocked, you know. And so thank goodness we have a really good friend that works at the cardiologist. She's a device nurse.
Starting point is 00:45:52 And so this was on a weekend. We were able to call her and I have a device that sits by my bed. This thing transmits to and sends all my stuff to them every day or two. So but there's a button on I can send it like immediately. So I sent her the stuff and she's like, yep, you were in that rhythm. And so that was kind of the wake up call. Like, Hey man, you got really got something wrong. You got to like mentally deal with this. So, you know, I got some follow-up appointments with my cardiologist because the other ones I could kind of explain away, well, you were a dumb ass. You were sweating through a shirt.
Starting point is 00:46:20 You drank a bang energy drinks, you know, that was stupid. You know, or you're cramping up. You had all the signs and you just ignored it. But this one, obviously no signs, you know, that was stupid. You know, are you cramping up? You had all the signs and you just ignored it. But this one, obviously no signs, you know, I'm not asleep. So, um, you know, I had some appointments with my doctor, my local cardiologist here, and he basically just said, Hey man, you got to accept it. You got kind of a, you got, you know, luck of the draw. You got kind of a crappy heart. And it's gonna, that thing, that's reason you have that thing in, you know, luck of the draw, you got kind of a crappy heart and it's gonna, that thing that's reason you have that thing in, you know, in your chest is it's, you know, it's the safety net and it's okay if it goes off, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:51 but you're going to have to accept it, that that's part of the deal. And so I kind of, you know, that, at that point I sort of slowed down and kind of regrouped and I was still training and crossfitting, but I kind of took some of the, you know, laid off the competitions and just sort of, all right, let's, let's reassess a little bit. And then I was really clean, like no issues for over two years. And then just in the last month, I've gotten hit two more times, two more times. Once I was training at the gym and actually lost consciousness and like face planted into the turf at our gym, somebody grabbed me and and yelling my name and you know and but i got shocked and then
Starting point is 00:47:30 uh about a week later i got hit sitting just sitting on the couch watching tv oh when when you get hit uh when it shocks you um do you does that mean you need to go to the hospital no there's no they tell me not to go. Don't worry about calling 911 or going to the hospital or anything unless you get two or three in a rapid succession, like in an hour or something like that. So, I mean, when it shocks me, it puts me right back into a normal rhythm. So these last two that happened, once I was at the gym,
Starting point is 00:48:01 I was in the middle of kind of like an EMOM workout. It wasn't extremely strenuous. I felt fine until I didn't. And we had one of the EMOMs was you push the sled down 50 feet and then pull it back with a rope. And as soon as I let go of the rope tension, I stood up and I was like, whoa, put my hands on my knees. And then, like I said, face planted on the turf. And a guy that was coming behind me, we were kind of waterfalled in. He was pushing the same sled as me.
Starting point is 00:48:27 He was right there and kind of turned me over and shook me a little bit and yelled my name and um i was back you know and i was fine but uh it's it's pretty scary yeah yeah it sounds great and how about the one when you're sitting on the couch did you feel anything other than the shock like did everything seem normal and you just got shocked everything seemed normal until like right before it you know like i said the heart flutters, and so it's not pumping any blood. So at some point, you're not getting any blood to your brain. So, you know, I got really, really woozy dizzy. It felt like for like 15 seconds, but it's probably like two seconds. And then I got popped.
Starting point is 00:48:57 And that one, honestly, the other ones I was either asleep or working out. So it was kind of like unexpected. Like I sort of knew that one was coming. That was the first one. And it felt like somebody, I blew my shoulder off. I mean, it hurt like hell and it just was,
Starting point is 00:49:10 um, you know, I went to my knees and yelled out and just kind of sat there and chill out for a second. But, um, both times, both of those recent two,
Starting point is 00:49:19 I was in the fib ventricular fibrillation. Uh, the one at the gym, my heart rate got up to like 480 something they said and then the one at home it was in the high 300s it's basically it's they're not even heartbeats at that point it's like that thing like when your pecs like doing that weird thing you know sometimes that'll happen it's just like it's it's very much like that it's just really fluttering it's not pumping anything out or doing it's not doing anything it's just kind of fluttering it's
Starting point is 00:49:43 the same thing with afib but afib is on the top you know of your heart that's pulling the blood in so that's not as much of a problem other than blood clotting potential blood clotting and stuff like that but v-fib is deadly down on the bottom because it's not your heart's not putting anything out well what did they say after did you go to the doctor after the second one yeah i went to the doctor and actually spent three days in the hospital after this recent one. And they started me on a new antiarrhythmia medicine to try to knock the arrhythmias down. So I've really been I tried, you know, immediately when they when all this stuff first happened, it's like, oh, you have to take a beta blocker. That's like the first line of defense. You got to take a beta blocker.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Isn't that what you do to take to change little boys into girls? first line of defense you got to take a beta blocker isn't that what you do to take to change little boys into girls basically it does it i will say it emasculates you i don't know it makes i mean it sucks and i couldn't tolerate a beta blocker you know they're designed to lock your blood pressure down knock your heart rate down well my blood pressure and heart rate was already low so it would take it down even because i was in decent shape so it would take it down even further to the point that like i mean i had all kinds of issues but i would i mean i had days at work where i'd be sitting at my desk and like three hours would go by and i wouldn't remember what i did and one time i was driving somewhere
Starting point is 00:50:54 and like went past where i was going and couldn't remember where i was going so i because the beta block the beta blockers did that to you yeah it's terrible caleb that's the same shit they give little kids that's the same shit beta blockers yeah i don't think so i'm trying to do some research right now i'll look it up like loop in or something like that i'm gonna type in beta blockers i want to be a girl kevin do you modify your workouts in any way now in the sense of like kettlebell like heavy kettlebell swing overhead or an overhead squat or anything like that that may have the potential if it goes off that would like crash down on you in any manner? I really don't. Maybe should. And I've thought about that before, but I really don't.
Starting point is 00:51:36 You know, whether it's have a heavy barbell on your back or something and then it goes off and you just crumble, you know, that kind of thing. But no, I really don't. I don't run much because really running. I mean, as cliche as it is, CrossFitters hate to run, but that spikes my heart rate more than anything. And I've tried like to run as slow as you can and all the breathing methods and all that. So any downtime there's running, I'm pretty much going to get on a bike or even a row or something like that.
Starting point is 00:52:01 So you got off the beta blockers. I did. I talked to my doctors pretty quickly and was like, I can't this man i said i mean i looked at it and i said look i can take this medicine and go sit on the couch maybe and live till i'm 70 but i won't be living at all this is horrible i mean i'm horrible you know i mean i hate to say it my dick didn't work sometimes i mean it says it causes dry vagina it says says it causes right here in this. It says that's one of the things. I mean, it was just horrible. I mean, I felt like crap all the time.
Starting point is 00:52:30 I was real, had a dull headache, spacey-headed, you know, dizzy a lot. I mean, I told the doctor, like I said, I can go sit on the couch and live until I'm 70 or 80, but that's not living. I'd rather die at 50, 55, and like at least live through, you know, have some kind of life, you know. Hey, check this out god i i i was so stupid as it as it i've been so stupid in my life can you imagine having a diagnosis for a child called hyperactivity like anyone who has kids that's absurd that's like diagnosing a human with breathing this one breathing here i understand that one's hyperactive how old is it it's seven i mean that makes no something's wrong with that bird how come it flies i mean that makes no fucking because it says beta it says
Starting point is 00:53:19 beta blockers are used to treat hyperactivity. Shut the fuck up. Yeah. So, I mean, it's basically a medicine that's designed to just slow your whole system down. You know, blood pressure, heart rate, everything. And, I mean, if you have high blood pressure or something, maybe that's effective. I don't know. It puts it on a normal level. But if you're already at a normal level or even a little on the low side, it just sucks the life out of you. So, I told him, yeah, I can't take this.
Starting point is 00:53:44 I won't take this. I won't take this. At one point, they're like, you have to take some. And I had the very lowest dose pill, and I was trying to use a razor blade to cut it in half because they were like, you have to take it. You have to take it or you're going to get shocked again. You're going to die. I mean, I'm literally trying to razor blade the smallest pill you can think of and then licking it off the counter because it's just dust. And I was like, this is stupid. I'm not doing this anymore yeah the problem that I've
Starting point is 00:54:08 seen is people is people giving beta blockers out to inactive overly just like obese people so it's they're already slow and not doing anything and then you're giving them a beta blocker and now they're just even slower and more sluggish and don't want to do anything
Starting point is 00:54:24 and they're counteracting that with bang and tobacco and whatever the fuck she's perfect yeah you're slowing yourself down and trying to speed it back up with other yeah yeah i don't think it's like it doesn't really affect your hormones but it does affect like your system like the blood pressure like you said and then so it's not like a testosterone blocker or anything like that or hey check check this out kevin i'm at i'm at and it says a student's mom gave her a beta blocker before an audition she was nervous about the student is 11. yeah you gave before obby's jujitsu match last week i gave him two beta blockers because he was nervous you fucking idiots i mean i don't i mean i guess maybe maybe a violinist could
Starting point is 00:55:14 perform but in any athletic type endeavor it would be the last thing you know you don't give a beta blocker to anyone i'm sorry it's like the fake tits you got bigger problems yeah i'm not a doctor but you know they didn't work for me you know and uh you know i've even had a car i'll just call them poison before and they're especially bad for males just for the math for you know for the cock and balls yeah just kind of did your cock bounce back yeah yeah i'm all good all good all right all right yeah wife's happy so i think, I think she's happy, but, uh, Just tell yourself that that's what I tell myself. She's happy. Yeah. So the last couple of events, the one on the couch,
Starting point is 00:55:54 and I did spend three days, you asked, I spent three days in the hospital and they did put me on an antiarrhythmia medicine. The only reason I was in the hospital is because it's a medicine that can either make you better or make you worse. And they got it. Oh, I love those options. Yeah. So, um, I'm still getting used to it, but so far it's a medicine that can either make you better or make you worse. Oh, I love those options. Yeah. So I'm still getting used to it, but so far it's been okay.
Starting point is 00:56:10 So it's supposed to, you know, it does a little bit of the same thing, but not to the extent. So I'm surviving. But they do have me. I've got a couple of really good doctors. One that's actually pretty involved in the CrossFit health program at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland. That's the number one heart hospital in the world or in the country, at least.
Starting point is 00:56:29 And so I've been up there a couple of times. I've got a couple of doctors I work with, one of which is a sports cardiologist, which I found to be pretty rare. You know, because a lot of cardiologists, they didn't really the guy here didn't know what to do with me. You know, he's dealing. I mean, I go sit in that office. I look around and everybody's 80. You know, I'm like, I don't belong here, you know, he's dealing, I mean, I go sit in that office. I look around and like, everybody's 80, you know, I'm like, I don't belong here, you know, but I do. So he's kind of, he's probably still telling his clients to drink nonfat milk and, uh, and not in cut back on the salt. He's probably like of that. Don't want to exercise so hard. Yeah. You can't exercise anymore.
Starting point is 00:56:59 You can't exercise so hard, whatever, you know, I just didn't accept that. So I did find a sports cardiologist and just so I didn't know he was part of the crossfit health program until i went and met with him but um you know he's got me kind of pulled back right now i'm gonna try to keep the heart rate under 140 and i go see him in late september um back in cleveland and put me back he's gonna he puts me on a bike and it's kind of like a stress what they call a stress echo they hook me up to 100 wires kind of like a gatorade commercial. And I ride the bike until I can't anymore. It kind of continues to increase in intensity,
Starting point is 00:57:32 and they measure all the heart rhythms and all that kind of stuff. So I go back to see him in a couple of weeks, and I'm hoping he'll give me a little more leeway to get back to hitting it hard and whatnot. Ms. Lisa Carbidot, would you ask a female guest about her cocks i want if she had a cock that's all we would talk about for the whole night um it must be it must be a trip for your doctor oh okay yeah i do they have a treadmill there but i don't know what for whatever reason my doctor likes the bike better so he puts me on a bike but it sort of looks like that yeah except for you have a mask on and everything else dude it's yeah yeah caleb where's that dude's mask yeah my bad it must be a trip for doctors um i i have a friend who's a cardiac radiologist
Starting point is 00:58:19 and he said he'll go three months of reading uh x-rays or whatever the fuck he reads and he'll go three months of reading x-rays or whatever the fuck he reads. And he'll go months, three months at a time without seeing a single person who's not obese. It must be a trip for your doctor when you come in there to be like, he looks at you and just trip. Like, what the fuck? This is like a normal looking human being. Yeah. And I mean, he said, you know, you're doing everything right. And of course, the doctor here, you know, like I said, he's a great doctor. I think he,
Starting point is 00:58:48 I think he's a really good doctor. I like him, but he, he, he doesn't know. He really doesn't know what to do with me. Just not, don't do it so much or so hard or slow it down a little bit, you know, and I'm not some kind of really truly fire breather, you know what I mean? Doing the best I can, you know, with what I got at 47, almost 47 years old. But, uh, I mean, I like to push myself, you know, and see what I i can you know what i got at 47 almost 47 years old but uh i mean i like to push myself you know and see what i can do but it um we don't even know we're even um screwed up because no one it's so hard to figure out what the baseline is you can intellectualize it but there's so many sick people around us i mean they just shut down planet earth for a sickness that does not hurt
Starting point is 00:59:33 healthy people not even a little bit not one and so our baseline's all fucked up we don't know there's this it's um is the baseline now in the united states someone who's 100 pounds overweight who eats a gallon of haagen-dazs every month i mean i i don't uh it must be a trip doctor in yeah i mean i i think that's right i don't and there's so you know we're so afraid of offending people that we don't i mean all through covid you didn't hear well let's shut down mcdonald's and maybe you need to lose some weight and that would help i mean that's what you know exercise is medicine i mean i hate to say that that's so cliche and you know how did no one even the health flag but i mean you know exercise is medicine it really is phenomenal it – it's crazy that neither Trump or Biden ever said, hey, you have to – you have to. You have to. Everyone has to walk one hour every day.
Starting point is 01:00:36 I mean these idiots fucking lock people inside. Yeah, not only did they not say it, Joe Rogan and people that did say it got canceled or attempted to cancel or whatever well yeah he waited a long time man yeah i know maybe not just a lot of people that came out and said you know if the doctor said hey lose some weight eat better whatever that oh you you know you're not taking this seriously you you know you're canceled you're whatever i remember within the first week of them talking about quarantines greg immediately showed me on the um center for disease control on their website says during pandemics do not quarantine the healthy people the death the quarantines all was always only the sick people
Starting point is 01:01:18 as soon as they started quarantining healthy people he's like oh shit dude this is gonna get fucking weird and And it did. We started killing tens of thousands of old people that no one still wants to talk about. Tens of thousands. Yeah. Fucking nuts, dude. Yeah. So you are in kind of a weird spot right now.
Starting point is 01:01:42 You're in a spot where the situation is not under control. Yeah, that's true. It's not ideal for sure. So, yeah, I'm kind of – and it's tough. I mean, it's tough to go to the gym and train and have, you know, my heart rate displaying on my phone all the time and trying to like, all right, I got to take a break. I know I could jump back on that bar right now and do some more,
Starting point is 01:02:03 but I got to take a break because my heart rate's at 145. It's higher than I want to. I'm trying to be the good patient and do what they tell me. Like I said, I do Dr. Emery in Cleveland, who's the sports cardiologist. I do have a lot of faith in him. He does CrossFit regularly. He knows how important it is to me. He's always said, we want you to do it. You have to understand the risk.
Starting point is 01:02:27 You know, there's risk when you get in that hot, that really high intense threshold, there's risk that you could get shocked, but you've got the safety net be aware. And this time he was kind of like, Hey man, I looked at your rhythms. We need to back off a little bit. So, you know, I know he wouldn't be telling me that if he was, he's, it's not just the standard. That's the easy answer for him. You know, Hey dude, I know who this guy is. guy is yeah yeah this is a friend of mine dr michael emory yeah he's awesome yeah he's dude it's been it's like such a crazy you know universal lines god
Starting point is 01:02:57 thing that i got lined up because i just you know i called the cleveland clinic they just you know when i got scheduled for him they just said we, we're going to schedule with this guy. I didn't know who he was. And then when I got up there, I found out he used to live in Greenville and practice in Greenville about an hour from here. And we know a lot of the same, you know, across the community is we ended up knowing a lot of the same people. And then he's also a CrossFitter. He's also, you know, part of the, he's friends with Greg. That's how he, yeah, this guy's awesome.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Yeah. So he's's this guy is so awesome yeah congratulations yeah this guy's a hardcore crossfitter yeah yeah so wow that is crazy there's tons of good physicians out there even the shitty ones there's tons of shitty ones who can save your life too tons and tons there's a i some there's some fucking complete fucking wackadoodle physicians who are like super super good to me and my family yeah anytime something happens to one of my kids they call in and check yeah it's um i but you've got to be your own advocate you've got to find yes yeah that's what i found you gotta you gotta you know you don't have to take the first answer and say well that's it you know and like go sit
Starting point is 01:04:07 on the couch or whatever you know but or take this pill you know there are these 10 pills you know one and then when you get side effects from one pill so take a pill to offset more yeah take a different pill exactly yeah it just becomes a nightmare and you know just snowballs so jeff greg just texted me too and asked me if I wanted to go to breakfast. Just so you know, Jeff. Do you want to go to the Spur? What Spur? Jeff, I'm actually taking Greg's son to the skate park today with um as soon as i get off the show in five minutes i'm taking
Starting point is 01:04:45 greg's son to the uh skate park with my kids how's that for three references jackass jeff keep count uh do you know anyone do you know anyone else in your situation do they know anyone else in your situation in the world? Yeah, believe it or not. I mean, there was a- You're on a Facebook group, guys with fucked up tickers? I actually am in a Facebook group, but it's like all sorts of heart issues, not just mine. And mine's pretty rare, but- Do you talk shit to the fatties?
Starting point is 01:05:19 Are you like, get the fuck out of here. We know what's wrong with your heart. I'm really trying not to be the guy that gets cracked open. That's what I'm really trying. I've been cracked open. I'm trying not to be that guy. But, yeah, actually, a couple of people I know. So you may have heard, I mean, this is America,
Starting point is 01:05:36 but there was a soccer player in Europe that kind of had the same event on a soccer field, and he's back playing professionally again. And so i don't know i don't remember his name right off the top but about a year later with a device you know i think his is on his ribs um but uh yeah so that's pretty cool and uh just by luck of the draw i met another guy that's you know in south carolina he's out on the coast and near charleston uh that had a very similar event in his gym uh and he he now has a device and we've actually become good friends our sons competed together at an event recently wow got a son that's
Starting point is 01:06:12 a year younger than my son and they did a crossfit competition together um his name is jeff luther and from crossfit wando but he had an event similar event in his gym just on a regular class and the previous weekend he had been out. He's a runner. He had done some kind of crazy 10-mile trail run. Had it happened there, he'd be dead. He was just out in the middle of the woods. Then it happened a week later at his gym.
Starting point is 01:06:36 They had an AED. I think he got shocked. He had to get shocked twice, I think. Wait, it happened? Who saved him when he was out in the woods? No, it didn't happen when he was in the woods. He had been doing a run. We talked about it a good good bit i've gotten to be really good friends with him and he he lamented you know if this would have happened the previous week no one would have been around i mean somebody would have just eventually found
Starting point is 01:06:56 me in the woods dead you know like so do you know who uh lewAmour is? I don't. He writes cowboy books. Okay. Do you read cowboy books? No, I don't. I don't read cowboy books. I like cowboy movies. I count.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Yeah, me too. Just when I hear you talk, you sound like there's like a poetry to the way you say shit, and you just remind me of a cowboy author. Oh, all right. Maybe I should write cowboy books. I thought if you would have, imagine how smart I would have sounded to the audience and be like, yeah, Louis Gilmore is my favorite author. Be like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:34 That's fine. Makes sense. Instead, I sound like a jackass, but you got to gamble. Even Jordan missed some shots, right? That's right. About half of me took, yeah. Hey, if you and this guy, what was his name?
Starting point is 01:07:50 John? John Woodworth? Jeff Luther, yeah. Jeff Luther. If you and Jeff ever do a competition together, you got to tell the organizers, we're going to need our own ambulance. Just have some dudes stand over here. Yeah, yeah. And so when I went back to do fitness again, you know, so I didn't finish the story, but I told my wife that night I'm going to I'm going to qualify next year.
Starting point is 01:08:12 And so, well, then COVID happened. So they didn't have it next year. Right. Didn't have it. So the following year I qualified and and I remember when I went to sign up, they were like, we have a special waiver for you. I think they were kidding, but I did sign some like three pages of waivers i was like all right i'm just glad they had it again i was like because it was at their inaugural event and i'm like damn it i messed up their whole competition they had done all this planning in it and then you know i had to go screw it up but um because they canceled the rest of the rest of our event and then they ended up doing the rx folks in the afternoon but oh really with your event they ended up canceling the rest of the shit yeah yeah so um there was a lot of people in my division that didn't get to finish and that kind of stuff so i wonder how many of them asked
Starting point is 01:08:52 for their money back yeah like a week later not then they wait a little bit what is the what is the protocol on that uh caleb like the show must go on right like so what like uh get him off the field please drag him off yeah drag him off he's bumming everyone out he's bumming everyone out yeah this is he's dragging the whole thing down yeah usually i mean i want to lose it and something happens they just continue to go they just kind of like move it off move it off to the side but especially with like bigger events like that local events i haven't seen anything crazy like that happen so i don't know have you seen anyone get have you seen anyone get defibbed at a crossfit event caleb no no actually no it doesn't
Starting point is 01:09:39 happen very often thankfully thankfully yeah so two years later after two years i went back and qualified for it and um went and finished second so i was real happy oh shit real happy to come back it was kind of a redemption thing and uh so yeah it was not not for me but just for the community in general it's just i mean who have been so so supportive all the way through i mean the community literally saved my life all the people that were there and knew what to do and the trained professionals and whatnot. So to come back and be able to thank them and just be there was a really cool event. How long ago was that? Just months ago?
Starting point is 01:10:18 That was in 2021. Okay. So two years after the actual event. Two years after, yeah. So like 2020 2020 it got canceled so i qualified but they canceled it and then 2021 they was the first time they had it again so let me work the vaccine in here a little bit um any any issues going to the hospitals to get medical treatment since you're not vaccinated nothing other than having to wear a stupid mask
Starting point is 01:10:43 you know okay but but they're not like hey we're not going to treat you unless you get vaccinated. It's a waste of our resources. They don't pull like, you know, I mean, like you hear stories like, hey, you can't get a liver transplant because you're not vaccinated or whatever. Yeah, no. I mean, I there was at one point when this most recent hospital stay, when I had to go in for three days, I did it here in Greenwood. But I've talked about doing it up in Cleveland and they they were going to require a COVID negative test. doing it up in Cleveland. Um, and they, they were going to require a COVID negative test, but no, nobody, you know, no, no, no issues with not being vaccinated. Wow. Yeah. So, so far I would, I mean, I, I've had cardiologists tell me I need it, you know, to which I say like, it causes heart problems.
Starting point is 01:11:20 I already have heart problems. I'm not getting it. I got it. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not taking that chance. You're not doubling down on that one. Do they think you're wearing a tinfoil hat when you say that? No, not. A year ago, they would have. I'm pretty definitive about it. So I'm pretty, you know, I'm dug in on it,
Starting point is 01:11:40 and I think they realize there's no reason to argue with this guy. Yeah. I'm on this text thread with a handful of uh doctors and everyone sends the deaths they see to it and uh it's definitely made me biased that's for sure but man they're piling in every single fucking day some young man is dying somewhere now on planet earth that can't be explained and uh it seems like it happens all to them when they're exercising and uh they're they're all unexplained they can't even say hey it's a it's a vaccine death yeah i mean it's so fucking weird
Starting point is 01:12:20 it's i don't know if it's healthy for me to be even be on that thread yeah i mean and think about how opposite that was when with the actual covid deaths i mean you could die you could get be on a motorcycle accident yeah the death i mean it was that was the default was to call it a covid death and now it's the complete opposite dude george floyd had covid and they blamed it on some cop oh my god God. You got them all in there. I'm working it. I'm working it. I'm working it. I have a bias, a bias. Well, Kevin, I appreciate you coming on the show.
Starting point is 01:12:57 I know we had to reschedule once. I know I was late today. Maybe it's a blessing. Maybe we should all go buy lotto tickets. 600 shows in or whatever. It's the first first time i ever been late uh is that true am i yeah that's 100% true and i told them the only uh other time there's ever been anything at 600 shows was when we have that author on and your whole computer decided to re-update right before we went live oh that was mesric uh no no no that was um michael i think i forget i forget i forget i don't even remember that but that sounds stressful as fuck you i need to get defibbed right now those are the two two times they had a 600 shows those two i had coaches that on the first week fucked up and tried to play without excuses so you're good hey kevin um this morning when i when i realized that
Starting point is 01:13:43 i after all this finagling to try to make today work for me and rescheduling, I woke up and I'm like, oh, fuck, I didn't change the setting of my alarm. And normally I would have woke up and I would have been really angry. I would have taken an angry shower. But for some reason I wasn't angry. I enjoyed my coffee. I chilled. I don't know why, but did you, have you changed your temperament as this happens in the last two years? Has it changed your perspective on life and what upsets you?
Starting point is 01:14:11 And like a rocket hits your windshield and you're like, instead of like getting pissed now you're like, Oh, I see the Virgin Mary in the crack. It's not quite that laid back, but I mean, I've gotten less pissed about the situation. You know, it still comes in waves, you know, when I, cause I, I really really I mean, I don't want to say I thought I was in the clear, but I was like pretty much episode three for two years. So these last couple of kind of like brought me back to it, you know, and go through like I'm not I'm not clinically depressed or anything. But if there's some like downtime where I'm like, shit, this sucks, man.
Starting point is 01:14:41 Why is this happening to me? You know, I go to the gym and there's 40 other people around me that are cranking it out. I went to a partner workout at the gym this Saturday and I pulled in the parking lot and the parking lot is slammed full. I'm like, I'm not even going to go in because I don't want anybody to have to partner with me.
Starting point is 01:14:58 I can't get my heart rate, whatever. One of my best friends came over and was like, hey, man, instead of doing three rounds, we're going to do two and we rounds, we're going to do two. And we're just going to have fun with it. And that put me back into perspective. But there's some of that like, you know, this sucks. And why is it? Why me? You know, but I'm a Christian and I believe God has a plan. I don't know what it is. And I get mad at him a lot and say, hey, man, you know, why are you doing this to me? You know, you're playing supposedly for the good, but I don't see any good in this.
Starting point is 01:15:24 You know, but I know there is and um so it just it uh i don't know yeah i get mad just so you know you know i know you know this already but no one cares like my mom used to not go to partner workout days too because she said she was old and she didn't want to slow down like mom yeah no one gives a fuck yeah and. And that's just there. Those people can stay for a second. Yeah, they can stay for a second class if they want to get a workout. Like, no one cares. No one's like, oh, I got the fucking old person or the fat person or no one cares.
Starting point is 01:15:55 You know, the only person you don't want is the person whose feet smell. If your feet stink, fuck you. You have to fix that. Yes. I mean, I sat in my truck for five minutes and then finally it was like, I'm going, I'll just go in the corner and I'll do the partner workout by myself. You know, like do just half it and take me now. And then it was like, no, none of that.
Starting point is 01:16:15 And that's, I mean, that's again, a testament to our community and the folks around and, you know, people know what's going on, but, you know, and some of that like being looked at out the side, you good, you going to do today you can't do this workout you know some of that sucks and sometimes i want to punch somebody you know like yeah you know like i used to be able to run circles around this workout you know whatever but but uh you know it's just people it's because people care you know really they honestly care like you said they they don't they don't they don't care like i don't want you to die i
Starting point is 01:16:45 don't want you to lay there and i've got to do something they care this because they want you to be all right you know and um mentally physically whatever is there less shit talking to you now like like i can remember being at i've told the story a bunch but i can remember being at hq and the workout was 135 pound overhead squats and i was using 95 pounds and i heard a female employee who worked for me maybe two rungs down in the food chain three rungs down go you're a bitch and i'm like oh fuck i'm pretty sure that's directed at me i look over and it was directed at me no one wants to race me anymore i don't think uh yeah so is it like instead of like the race anymore you got it so like is there less shit talking to you though like does anyone like like you don't think uh yeah so is it like instead of like the race anymore you got it so like is
Starting point is 01:17:26 there less shit talking to you though like does anyone like like you don't no one calls you a bitch anymore they're like oh are you okay i baked you some cookies yeah well there's definitely less of that so that's you know i don't know if you're bad that's good yeah i think it's probably bad but yeah but uh it is what it is what if can you imagine the day you talk shit to kevin and that's the day he's fucking he had one of his fucking he gets shocked damn it i was trying to beat you and i i would have had you if it wasn't for the damn defibrillator yeah i i appreciate you coming on dude i really do thank you for having me thank you for having me let me tell my story i just tell people out there i know everybody's got barriers and shit
Starting point is 01:18:04 they're dealing with and and whatever and um you know just keep grinding if you're if it's a medical thing find a good doctor man it makes all the world you know all the difference in the world and find somebody else to talk to because that you know as a guy and i'm not this isn't a psa or something but you know as guys we'd like to especially i know i'm like this when i when i'm having issues and dealing with shit. That's when I withdraw. I'm like, I got to I got to fix it. I got to deal with it. And it helps to find somebody else that's going through it and deal with it. So that's helped me. I know. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. Thanks for sharing.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Thank you. You know, you know, I made a deal with myself at some point in my life. I can't remember where it was like 10 or 15 years ago. I said, I'm never going to allow myself to be embarrassed ever again the rest of my life no matter fucking what so if i drop my cell phone if i fucking walk out of the shower and someone sees my dick so like i'm never i am going to act cool in every fucking situation and take that as an opportunity because being embarrassed is i think the weakest thing you can do. It's better just to own shit. I have a really good friend, a coach that actually coached me some individually, Gordon Lake, who actually runs the Fittest competition now and owns CrossFit Simpsonville.
Starting point is 01:19:14 He's one of those guys, the kind of friend you really want to have that will tell you how it is. I was telling him when Fittest came around this year, I really wasn't in very good shape. There's a long run event in it, and I was like, I'm going to embarrass myself. I'm going to embarrass you because he had been training me. So I was like, I'm going to embarrass you as a coach.
Starting point is 01:19:32 And he just flat out said, that sounds like a self – just an arrogance problem. Yeah, yeah, it is arrogance. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well said. You nailed it. Yes. He's like, it sounds like you're arrogant.
Starting point is 01:19:47 It's more about you and your self-image than anything. Because nobody else cares. Just like you said, nobody else gives a shit. Oh, shit. No one else gives a shit. Golly. A matter of fact, people will think you're cool. But I mean, you need people like that in your corner that are going to set you free. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:00 All right, brother. We have each other's number. Text me, call me if you ever need to get defibbed or something i'll run over you got it all right thank you for having me guys i really appreciate it you uh you are a blessing in anyone in anyone's life that you're involved in i can totally tell you're a cool dude your kids are fucking so stoked they have a dad like you your wife's stoked she has a husband like you you're a wonderful human being yeah i appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it um and and uh i'll see you around yeah take care guys thank you thank you matt thanks thanks kevin
Starting point is 01:20:30 bam hi okay i'm i'm going over the hill to sunnyvale all right i was moving normally my back's a little more warmed up for a show oh you're moving a little slow now by the way i jumped out of bed dude jumped in the shower and fucking got on the show back's a little more warmed up for a show oh you're moving a little slow now by the way i just wanted to jump out of bed dude jumped in the shower and fucking got on the show just a full full panic just want to shout out jessica here she was giving us some uh some of her updates on how her fitness journey and stuff is going and i just want to point out this don't just like what seven was saying don't worry about being the partner everybody gets in their head about it and whenever i'm coaching those classes i always always say, guys, remember the main thing. You're here
Starting point is 01:21:08 to have fun. You're here to move and you're here to get sweaty. All that other shit doesn't really matter or exist. The competition, the PRs, all that, that stuff is great. But when you're coming in for a partner workout, take that time to just slow down, have a good time, enjoy the community and just be like happy. You have your health and you're there just working out don't get caught up in all the bullshit keep the main thing the main thing yeah i know i never cared who my partner was never ever ever ever i don't care if it's the fire breather the old person i never cared i was just stoked i i love partner workouts i was i didn't care if we lost i met everybody who gives up there's no fucking lose you lose if you don't show up to the gym every day you show up to the gym you've already won everything else
Starting point is 01:21:48 is icing on the cake and everything else is just oh caleb's not buying it he's like you put it in your fucking love talk susan very um participation trophy ask but and i'm and i'm hey hey hey and i'm fucking about it this is the gym this isn't some fucking competition. CrossFit's not a sport. It's a methodology for health. Focus on that. Hey, well, the good thing is this, too. When you lose, remember, someone else is happy. You participated in making someone else happy.
Starting point is 01:22:15 Yeah, and I know you're going to go, but one quick story. We have this guy named John D. He was a legend at the gym. I mean, dude was an 800-meter sprinter. They used to call me John D. Yeah, the big one. him i mean dude was an 800 they used to call me john d yeah and uh and he just crushed every workout but he always just had like terrible technique no matter what you would do he just would take a 165 snatch straight from the ground overhead just boom boom right and a bunch of
Starting point is 01:22:37 people came in we had a partner workout there were some dumbbell snatches in it and he stayed in there just kind of waiting because everybody avoided being john d's partner because he was just gonna it was gonna get intense if you're with john d and we had a drop in smaller kind of skinny guy i was kind of standing there looking around like waiting to see and john comes over he's like you got a partner he was like no he's like me and you and he walks over and he and he slides his foot under the 50 pound dumbbell dumbbell, like a shoe under the dumbbell. And then he just lifts it with his leg to his hand. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:23:11 And he walks over to their spot together. I'm going to make a video like that today, Steve, if I can even do that. And his partner just looks at him and then he looks back at me and I was like. You're good to go. Have a good time welcome to the gym buddy yes Susan I know he should be getting ready for a wedding
Starting point is 01:23:31 I'm late love you guys I will talk to you guys later bye bye

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