The Sevan Podcast - #595 - Austen Alexander

Episode Date: September 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Bam, we're live. Kenneth, what's up? Way to get a million subscribers, TikTok reels, hours of hard work and dedication probably. Morning, friends. We had this radio show at CrossFit. I forget what it was called.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I even forget who the host of it was. It was two guys. I can't remember their names. I wish I could remember their names. One of the guys I think was a high school wrestling coach. Hey, Caleb, what's up? Morning. And they had a – hey, Jeff, what's up?
Starting point is 00:01:09 They had a show there. It was called The Radio Show. I think it was, God, this thing has been around since like 2004, 5, 6. I can't even remember. But basically, they, maybe you could even call it a podcast. I don't even know where they published it. But basically, at the point that I took over media, I moved them along. I tried to get them to be a little more high energy and say, good morning, Athena. Good morning, Austin. I tried to get them to say a little more, to be edgier, to be more provocative.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Not forced, but just give it, ask questions that maybe otherwise they would feel uncomfortable asking or they didn't think were appropriate for the platform. Maybe it was Justin Junkins. Was that the guy's name? Anyway, the show never got off the ground. I want to say they did an episode every week for fucking like 10 years and it never had more than like 200 viewers unless they had like dave on then it would have like a couple thousand viewers adam good morning and so then that went away and then we started the uh crossfit podcast and then that went away but uh to get to a million um subscribers like this guy did, Austin Alexander, it's pretty crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:30 It's pretty damn crazy. Good morning. Good morning. I'm here. I love it. Thank you. Wow. I know.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I'm two minutes late. No. In this scene, it's so hardcore. It's crazier. It's more it's more chaotic than my background oh my yeah my garage yeah my girlfriend uh pushed me out to the garage so this is my studio but at least i get the whole space there's my puppy in the background right there licking random stuff yeah hey what's that white box in the corner is that coffee coffee no
Starting point is 00:03:01 sorry yeah yeah over there yeah that's an air fryer oh my girlfriend streams live on amazon it's like a live home shopping network uh-huh send her shit all the time do you actually use that air fryer uh no do you want it he has four of them okay uh that's really cool you i love you already and i really like the um turquoise luggage above your head yep easy to pick out when it comes over the conveyor belt uh that's mine yep but what really chubs me up is the gimbal i see oh yeah you're a video guy oh my god wait till you see all this stuff right here yum lito i love video gear oh i love a gimbal some cannons and black magics over there you can't really see them but yeah what what austin what is your are you do you handle the camera a lot yourself or did you used to yeah i started off
Starting point is 00:03:59 vlogging and then i got into lenses and cameras and started making more cinematic stuff, but I never used to have a camera guy until about two years ago. And then now, instead of me doing the filming, I'm getting filmed. So it's pretty great. Yeah. Congratulations, by the way. Um, did you, did you have a favorite? Were you a Canon guy or a Sony guy or an iPhone guy, or did you have a favorite? I started off with a Canon. So Canon's always going to have a place in my heart, but we use all Sony now. And which Canon did you use? I started off with the T5i.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Wow. It was actually- Good job. Thank you. It was called a 700D. I mean humble. I mean humble. Sorry, not get a humble.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Very humble of you. Yeah. I mean, I bought it used for $300. I bought it when I was overseas in Bahrain. It was called a 700D, but it's equivalent to the North American T5i. Yep. There it is right there. Brings back good memories.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Look at that. 2,100 five-star. God, I'm loving you. And then in Sony, what Sony are you guys using? I started off with a 6400. I just love the versatility. It did 1080 120. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Man, that's great no other camera did 1080 120 at the time for the price point of the 6400 i mean i'm sorry 6300 yeah look at you hey you know that that whole line i mean obviously you know now it's kind of nice that it kind of went i mean it was it was a great line small easy, killer slow-mos. But now we got the a7S III, and it's like dying. I love the a7s. We have an a7R III for photo and a Sony FX3 for video. Oh, wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Wow. One time I got an FX. That's like the actual video camera proper right that's yeah yeah i was too i got overwhelmed but but i but the whole a7 line the rs the a7s but i ended up like my go-to is uh i have a couple a7s3s and because the same reason like you you like the 6400 because it does that um not 1080 120 now but now it's 1080 240 yeah yeah crazy right it's crazy yeah this is an a7s2 we picked up probably like three years ago yeah our fx3 is over there in the corner what do you have on that is that a fixed yep this is a zeiss 55 millimeter yes and and the
Starting point is 00:06:22 two people don't know this ladies and gentlemen, the two best lenses maybe ever made. And I'm a huge Leica fan and I'm a crazy is that lens that 55 fixed. It is a bouquets like a mofo. And you have the 24 also the cheapy, I shouldn't say cheapy. It's still expensive, but it's what the pancake, not the pancake. We don't use a lot of wide stuff because i love the bocas in the background this one it's it's in that same it's not the g master series it's this one it's like this actually like the 55 it's a 1.8 it is so cool i mean it's not even a special lens but nothing shoots better than this.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Nothing shoots better. I am nerdy now. Here's what's crazy. He did all of this. Let's see what we got. He got his hands dirty. Oh, here's the old 6300 Nostalgia. This is what I started my YouTube channel on.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Dang. Hey, do you have just like 20 of those batteries laying around that you're like, what am I going to do with these? Yeah. I gave them to my video guy. He does a lot of video stuff on his own. And I just said, here, you can have all this. I gave him the lenses for the APS-C lenses and everything. God, you're a good dude.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Thank you. I appreciate it. Are you a Zen guy? I am. But you don't swallow? I don't. Yeah. Good on you.
Starting point is 00:07:52 It burns my throat. It makes me dizzy. I started the nicotine. I was prepping now for a bodybuilding show in 2019. And I became so lethargic because the dieting was so aggressive. I was falling asleep at the wheel. And I said, I need something to wake me up. So I was consuming excessive amounts of caffeine.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I was drinking like two bangs a day. And wow, that is hardcore. My heart would palpitate. I was like, I'm doing this show one way or another. I need a way to stay awake and stay energized. So I went straight for the Grizzly Winter Greens. And after probably about a year of doing it, I was like, I cannot do that. But I love the feeling of nicotine.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I don't do a whole lot of caffeine, nicotine. It doesn't speed my heart rate up. It just allows me to stay focused. And so that's why I'm glad a product came out like Zen. It's tobacco free and I don't spit it. I just get the focus of the nicotine. Are you a two, a four, or a six? I'm a six.
Starting point is 00:08:55 They do threes and sixes. Yeah, six. Oh, who does the twos? It's probably Rogue or i'm not sure i was i i um used to smoke a lot of cigarettes and then i stopped and then i when the vape a long time ago i stopped when i'm 50 now i stopped when i was probably like 34 and then um when vape pens came out i fucked with them wow wow like the jewel i fucked with the jewel for just a minute. It's like,
Starting point is 00:09:26 uh, I almost feel bad for anyone who picked it up. Not almost. I do feel bad for you. It's like, it is a fucking, it was so crazy. And then I fucked with the, the,
Starting point is 00:09:37 those ends or whatever the, and, uh, that was those. I'm so glad those were really hard to quit. But I, but nicotine is like, gotta be one of the most amazing drugs ever that people don't really realize how amazing it is.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I don't I don't feel any negative effects from the nicotine. I don't feel like it's hindered my performance. I feel like I just used to focus. I get great sleep about seven, eight hours a night. I monitor my REM sleep, my diet's on point, and I feel great. And you have great skin thank you very much well i used to break out a little when i was a kid and i was so self-conscious i would just carve it my face i would get mad that my face was breaking i would just fucking carve my face and that was that your spot up here for your visits yeah right here and
Starting point is 00:10:21 then along my chin line i got them around my lip oh yeah those are painful yeah i hate those or how about the ones that i call underground volcanic activity i still get one of those every year no one can see it but it feels like there's a marble under my skin and it fucking hurts yeah it's that's like a cyst right i know i call it a pimple oh okay well you said underground lava activity and i was like yes you're probably right um yes hi i'm savon uh nice to meet you savon uh you're austin alexander we met through uh hunter mcintyre did. Yes, we did. He just, he's like, hey, this is my guy. So-and-so, this is my guy. So-and-so.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And he confused me with the scheduling. So I was supposed to be on, when was it? It was Sunday. Yeah. Last Sunday? Yep. No, this week, like beginning of the week. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Yeah. The shows are live. So when the guest doesn't show up, I just curse your name for like 20 minutes, just not stop. And I have a doll, and I start putting pins in it. Yeah. You know, I noticed, like I started bleeding randomly on Sunday. Maybe that's what it was from. I always have a live call-in show ready.
Starting point is 00:11:47 So I got this note of just crazy shit I see on Instagram. And then basically, it's like a low-rent version of Tosh.0. Nice. I like it. And instead of being funny stuff, it's really just all just me just pouring out my hatred. Hatred's too strong. Let's use a different word. Pouring out my disappointment in woke culture. Yeah, I like it.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Thank you. But you can't do that on your YouTube account. I mean, I can't. When you have a million subscribers, you have to be careful, right? You know what? I don't think I'm – people don't want to cancel me because I'm not super controversial. And I think I'm in that median point where, like, people just don't care about me, which is great. Yeah. You know, big people like, you know, 10, 20, 50, 100 million subscribers.
Starting point is 00:12:45 They may go after them. But with me, no. What did you think? Well, I got I got a buddy who's got. Three million plus YouTube subscribers and a big production facility and a bunch of fucking homes. He's loaded off his YouTube page. He don't want to come anywhere near me like when we talk he's like stay back stay back buddy who is it i can't i don't want
Starting point is 00:13:10 to say i don't want to like put him under the i'll tell you afterwards i think probably everyone knows who he is uh who watches the show but um he wants nothing to do with me i mean we're and i don't blame him i don't well he shit up he can just refuse to answer stuff that you ask I guess I mean it's not too hard true true you just found out I'm subscribing I appreciate that Austin Alexander
Starting point is 00:13:36 when Hunter told me that he has this buddy who has a million subscribers on YouTube I seriously thought he was exaggerating really cause Hunter don't have friends oh that's a good question a million of subscribers on youtube i seriously thought he was exaggerating really because hunter don't have friends oh that's a good question you know it's um i work my ass off and probably just jealousy on my part and denial that that anyone could be better than me and my um 19 000 i'm exaggerating 18 97,976 subscribers. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:07 Like, no way does anyone have a million. Well, your, mine have been picked up over the last, I don't know how long you've been doing this show, but over the last four years. Yeah, you're dope. So that's why I have these bags under my eyes. You can't really see them, but I don't get get a i used to not get a lot of sleep like when i was in the navy it was just work for the navy and then make videos sleep two hours repeat there's a guy i have on the show um uh period well there's a guy in the background here caleb who works for the air force and he's deployed right now i tripped that he comes on every show maybe you'll see him periodically he's he's running the back end did you see him
Starting point is 00:14:45 yeah yeah like as soon as i came in he was like dipped yeah yeah that guy okay then there's another guy on fridays i do a um he probably loves it when guests don't show up because that means it's me and him do the show together yeah i should ask him that caleb hi are you stoked when guests don't show up you're like yeah fuck yeah some starves some camera time terrified terrified all right are you in like a medical uh facility yeah where are you can you say where you're deployed right now no no hey must must have decent internet is it bar right no it's not barrain Bahrain is not a deployment okay I want to ask any questions
Starting point is 00:15:27 okay cool I like your your audio is fucked today Caleb I don't know what that was well he's deployed give him a break I know but usually it's so good so there's this there's this uh there's the do you know who coppola is francis ford coppola in the movie
Starting point is 00:15:50 apocalypse now um it's a old movie and uh marlon brando is in it so it's a war movie anyway when when coppola made this movie he spent every single cent he had and he had a, he had a farm and a vineyard and he mortgaged them and he spent every cent he had to make this movie. That's crazy. And, uh, I heard you recently say that you are using your life savings to do battle bunker. Yes. So that when I heard that, I was like, wow, this is badass. And you don't have kids yet, right? No kids. Yeah, you're doing it right. An expensive girlfriend, though.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Understood. Understood. Tell me, I guess we have to go back just a little bit. One more. Oh, one more quick thing where I was going. So there's another guy on this show who comes on the show on Fridays. He has five million TikTok subscribers. His name is Justin Nunley. And he's in the Air Force, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:16:52 And I don't know. Did they ever... I just can't believe they haven't kicked him out yet. Like he's too famous. Justin Danger Nunley? Yeah, that guy. Okay. He's got like half a million on Instagram and like 5.2 million on TikTok. He's in the Air Force now? Are you sure? Yeah. He's got a beard.
Starting point is 00:17:11 He must have a shave and shit. And he's killing it financially. I mean, it's like raining. I know. Isn't it great to hear that? It's raining cash on him. When you were building this YouTube station and you were in the navy did you ever get a talking to i got more than talking to i was investigated by ncis
Starting point is 00:17:30 nc naval criminal investigation services or something like that yeah was it something like you were using their cameras and shit or like you borrowed one of their microphones or oh it was there's still a big gray area in social media. A lot of the branches have calmed down now because it's bringing them exposure. But when I was starting, I would do like if I was at work and I showed up an hour early, I would say, all right, we can film a video. And I was doing videos like military pay and I was wearing the uniform and there was a gray area. I was never sponsoring products or saying, hey, buy this in uniform. That's where the gray area is.
Starting point is 00:18:12 You can't use uniform to sell services. But I was monetizing on the same channel that I was wearing the uniform, which is still not in any regulation. And I had familiarized myself with the regulation, like the back of my hand. And so I knew all the, all the rules and regulations, but I asked a ship, I said, can I come on and make a video? I think it would be cool to show the audience and give more information to the audience about certain Navy rates and jobs. You mean like a boat but when you say ship a boat like it's something in the water you went on a ship yeah well when i think boat i think 30 foot or smaller but this
Starting point is 00:18:54 was a a destroyer a ship it's like right okay i don't know how many feet it is but yeah this these go on deployment and the open oceans where they're 30 40 40 foot swells, you know, like shark ain't got nothing on this thing. Exactly. Yeah. And I guess the ship was like, who is this guy? A few of their people looked into my stuff and said, well, you don't know if this is okay or not. Let's bring this up to the Navy JAG. And then NCIS got a hold of it. And they're like, well, I guess they were thinking worst case scenario, we can learn something from this. We can kind of learn how this is working because we know there are, you know, two or three other people in the Navy that are doing it, two or three people in the air force army, you know, and if you think
Starting point is 00:19:41 about it, military members have been writing blogs for 30 years or 20 years doing the same exact thing. So that's my thought process. Just because the blogs didn't have the reach that my YouTube channel had, they weren't being investigated. So they put me under investigation. It was like, for me, I was freaked out because I was like, well, here I am getting investigated by NCIS. They could do anything. They could throw me in the bray. They could strip my pay for the next two years. They could make you, they could inject you with something you don't want to be injected with. Exactly. Yeah. They can literally do anything. I couldn't resist Caleb.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Sorry. Poor Caleb. And yeah, for like a month and a half two months i was investigating i was having to provide reports and summaries and even though i was checking in with the officer at the time he's like to be honest ma2 or alexander my rate was ma2 he's like i don't know why i'm having to investigate you but i'm doing a deep dive on all your channels. He said, not that I wanted to, but I had to watch 13 hours of a YouTube channel. He said, I can't find anything that we should be investigating you for, but I still have to keep you under investigation for whatever. How old were you? 26 or 27. Okay. Did you tell your parents about this when this is going down?
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah. Yes. And did you get a lawyer? Did you lawyer up? No, I didn't. I mean, like this was for me,
Starting point is 00:21:14 I hadn't, I didn't really have to do any defensive because it's not like I was, it's not like I murdered someone. Right. You know, it was just a gray area. That's not written in the policy. And. And the thing is is just to be clear so the thing is is you aren't selling buck knives that you
Starting point is 00:21:31 were making in your garage the only thing you were doing is you were making these videos that might show like hey it takes 3 000 gallons of soap and four men 17 hours to clean the deck of this boat but you made some a few pennies on it, monetizing it. Exactly. And so they're like tripping. Well, this is good that he's showing this job. And these are, it's like a national geographic show with one of our own, but he made some money. Okay. Exactly. Yeah. I love this story. I wasn't speaking or talking about the products. It was just the content was on YouTube, which is monetized through YouTube's ads. You weren't like, Hey, if I was the Chinese, i would just drop chewing gum on this ship and it would go down like that
Starting point is 00:22:08 yeah i wouldn't say anything controversial like that right okay wouldn't talk about the products no political no religious stuff like right anyways here's where the story gets good so about a month and a half into the investigation whole command knows i'm under investigation for um or with ncis and we get a call to the boathouse it was me and about 20 people that work there and they said there's an admiral coming here which is unheard of for sill beach sill beach naval weapons station is a tiny command over in sill beach california close to long beach and so we start freaking out we start you start checking the boat logs, making sure everything's clean and tidy. People were just losing their shit because an admiral, which is an 08, 09.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Yeah, 08, 09, which is a massive rank in the Navy. which is a massive rank in the Navy. So we start cleaning up all of our stuff around the place, making it look tidy, brushing up on our safety briefs and everything. And he gets there, pulls up in a black SUV. Two of them roll up, him and a few chain of command. And I think my commanding officer was there from the base and we're all at a detention they call it attention on deck we all stand at attention and he's like hey at ease guys at ease guys I'm just here to see ma2 alexander my heart just starts I thought they were gonna
Starting point is 00:23:38 you know take me to the brig or something he's uh he said front and center in front of the whole boathouse. And he reached his hand out and he shook my hand. He said, I just want to say, I'm a big fan of your videos. I love your videos. I love what you're doing for the Navy. You're shining a positive light. And in his hand was a coin was the chief of information's coin, which they control all content that goes out for the Navy. And he said, I love your stuff. I think you're, you're doing a great thing. Keep it up. And they basically just left. Wow. And an hour later or like two hours later, I get a call from that JAG officer. He said, Hey, Alexander, you're, you're good. You're free and clear. You're not under
Starting point is 00:24:19 investigation anymore. You're not in trouble, you know, keep up the good work. And then that was it from then on was the case closed at that point officially or it's closed yeah so i think the admiral came down and was like signed some paperwork and he was like hey y'all quit investigating this guy's good dude god they sound smarter than um crossfit inc crossfit inc should do that to me they should call me and be like hey we're sorry uh we fired you two years ago. Here's $1.2 million. Let's say $1.5 million in back pay. You're the greatest chief marketing officer that ever walked the planet. And here's a check for $1.5 million. And here's a, I'd get a coin too, right? Or would that, can non-military people do
Starting point is 00:25:02 coins? Yeah, of course that's the coin that's the least they could do yeah yeah totally and then maybe have dave castro fucking wash my uh car in a fucking uh bikini and i uh and your feet in a speedo yeah i don't wish that on anyone my feet that's funny reminds me of the uh dumb and dumber where they're having to get pedicures for their feet and they, they, they're sawing his toenails with that. You've seen the movie,
Starting point is 00:25:32 right? I have, but I don't remember it. I can't even remember yesterday. Um, so after that, my chain of command would kind of pick and prod at me for the videos. After that,
Starting point is 00:25:43 I was invincible. They didn't say a thing to me. Wow, that's awesome. Yeah, it was good. And then you were in for seven years. Don't you normally, like you're in for four years, and then if you re-enlist, you go for another four years, so four plus four is eight.
Starting point is 00:26:00 How did you get out in seven that the numbers don't add up, right? Yeah, so I originally went into the Navy as Navy diver, which was a six-year term, a committed contract. And I went through dive training, went through the whole prep and everything, and I didn't make it through the final in-water procedures. When I did that, I had to re-rate to a different job, which is Master at Arms, Naval Security. And that was in year two, you did that? Pretty much in year two, yeah. I watched that video where you talked about that. It's a fascinating video, by the way.
Starting point is 00:26:35 If anyone wants to hear about his journey going through diving, there's a great video on his YouTube channel that talks about trying to become a Navy diver. Thank you. great video on his YouTube channel that talks about trying to become a Navy diver. Thank you. Yeah, it was tough for me because I had trained for a year plus in order to maintain those scores for Navy diver. And when I didn't pass that test, they were like, dip, you're out. Yeah, you were a badass though. Sorry, I know I'm derailing the story, but there were kind of like two scores like on the SAT English and math. There was like in the water and out of the water. And in your, in your class, you had the highest out of water scores of anyone, right? Yeah, I was, I was the best land PT person in my dive class for sure. Yeah, that's dope. Okay. Sorry. I derailed your story. No, it's so
Starting point is 00:27:18 good. After that, I, they sent me back. They said, okay, you have to choose what you're going to do for the next four to six years. You can either be a corpsman, medical field. I didn't really want to do that. Sorry if you're in the medical field. Caleb's shaking his head like this. they gave me okay you can be on a ship as an undesignated which is not a job that you want to have and they said you also have ma i said what's ma they said it's naval security i said give it to me so i went to texas drive around in the jeep and grab drunk dudes and bring from bars and bring them back overall movies overall yes but after mastered arms school i penciled my way into the harbor unit which is a great a great job i loved it we got to go fast in boats in the harbor after mastered arms school, I penciled my way into the Harbor unit, which is a great,
Starting point is 00:28:06 a great job. I loved it. We got to go fast in boats in the Harbor, just drive around, act like badasses. Which Harbor, which state started off in Bahrain overseas in the middle East. It was pretty,
Starting point is 00:28:23 I won't say pretty intense because other service members may compare it to Afghanistan or something like that. It's like, um, it was a little heated over there. That's when Iran was acting up. Still are, but they were capturing our dudes off the coast, and the Coast Guard cutters would get threatened all the time. They bombed the HSV-2 Swift. They were doing a lot of stuff over there, but we were protecting the harbor. Yep, there it is right there, right beside Saudi Arabia. If you look up top, you'll see- That's a country, Bahrain?
Starting point is 00:28:52 It's a kingdom. Okay. Yeah. It's actually man-made. Saudi Arabia, the king of Saudi Arabia, his brother was gifted that island, and I guess they they built it out when you say man-made that's landfill yep you see a bridge that goes across that's that's made and it's they dredge out the ocean and just dump a bunch of rocks and dirt and they made they made that island wow you see how it's recognized as in the un bahrain like they got like a dude there is like women are equivalent to cattle they cannot vote it's not it's not as bad as like saudi arabia or like afghanistan iraq
Starting point is 00:29:34 it's i believe it has some ties with the uk but it's pretty um it's pretty neutral over there, I would say. But it's its own country and shit. It's its own kingdom, yeah. I don't know how they identify it as a kingdom, but yeah, it's a kingdom. Pull out even more. Caleb, I still don't know where we're at. I know we're on Earth. I need to just see a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:30:04 It's south of Iran and Afghanistan. Okay. Oh, I see India over there. Okay. There we are. It's the most forward deployed base that America has that's close. That's in the Middle East. So basically the Middle East is just the chunk of land between India and Africa.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Pretty much. I never thought of it like that. Uh-huh. Yeah. Middle East. And, uh, um, the Middle East is part of the, which continent is the Middle East part of?
Starting point is 00:30:33 You got some in Africa, some, some consider, I mean, uh, Somalia and Egypt, some of the Middle East. And then it's between,
Starting point is 00:30:44 what is that between Europe. I'll just ask Google. Close this page where I was asking Google this morning which gender I am and open up which continent is the
Starting point is 00:30:59 Middle East. Oh, yeah, you're right. Asia and Africa. They split between asia and africa all right fine either way um so so then so we were we were headed towards how you got out so so if you if you committed to six oh and then oh and at the two year year mark you re--upped for four. No, no, no. I never re-enlisted. I never re-upped. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:28 So I spent, as an MA, you go, I think it's three years sea duty and three years shore duty. Even though I was technically on the shore in Bahrain, it was considered sea duty. So after Bahrain, I left. I went to Lemoore, California with VFA2, Strike Fighter Squadron 2. They flew, uh, FA18 Super Hornets and the rest of us attached to that squadron were in support of the pilots. And I said, they had me staying there for three years. And I said, Hey, I'm going to stay on sea duty for like four years. I was like, I want to rotate to shore because in the Navy, shore duty is like a cake. Yep, there it is right there.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Beautiful, beautiful piece of machinery. Yeah, that's awesome. I called the detailer. I was like, yo, it's time to rotate me to shore duty. the detailer, I was like, yo, it's time to rotate me to shore duty. And he looked at my contract and they still had the obligated six year in there and they never switched it from my Navy dive time to my mastered arms time. So they said, okay, we'll, we'll rotate you to shore. We just don't want to do all the paperwork to, to redo your commitment if you're going to stay in longer than one term and i said i am so when they signed me to seal beach when you said that i am there was that kind of like an out-of-body experience
Starting point is 00:32:52 like you're like holy fuck i just made that a decision just right here and now like what the fuck my i just added two years to my shit or yep it ended like it's so hard. Who said that? Hold on. It's I'm, I'm not a, I'm great at executing. I'm terrible at planning. So I wasn't thinking about anything else. I was like, well,
Starting point is 00:33:11 I don't have anything else. So I guess I'll just be obligated to stay in. I have to stay in what I'm going to do. Am I going to go back to cutting grass and making pizzas in Alabama? But when you said that, no one knew that your mom didn't know that your dad didn't know that it was just you and that dude. All of a sudden, we're the only two people on the planet who knew you just committed to, it was close to LA. I got
Starting point is 00:33:45 to feel like I was cool for a second and I extended a year there. So that's how my contract went from three years to six years and then a year in training. So seven years total, I joined in 2013, got out in 2020. Is that, is that normal? Um, that people could just be like, uh, I'm just signing up for one more year, I'm just signing up for two more years, or that was a special circumstance? You re-enlist, I believe the minimum is three years. And it goes up from there. You can even re-enlist for up to 10 years, I believe, in the Navy, which is crazy to me. So yeah. People get married and can't even commit to 10 years.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Yeah. But for some reason, you had the option to just add one year plus one. Yes, because they wanted to even my rotation date with my EAOS, end of active obligatory service, because I guess it made it easy on them for the paperwork and I was okay with it. So that's what they did. Wow, crazy. And then when you got out of the navy how many youtube subscribers did you have i think it was around 400k something like that yeah there was a go ahead i was gonna say as you know revenue is not based on subscribers
Starting point is 00:34:58 by any means right right right um subscribe uh what subscribers is, and you could probably tell me more. So I used to have an Instagram account with a blue checkmark, and I could basically DM anyone and they would respond. Yeah. Recently, I had that account. They got rid of it. They shut it down. Why is that? I have no idea. I mean, I could guess. I could guess, tell you. I probably no idea. I mean, I could guess. I could guess, tell you. I probably know why. But I don't know the real reason. I mean, every day I would publish a hundred things from interviews of people to journal articles from The Lancet just basically talking about like, hey, you better think twice before you get the injection.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Yeah, that's definitely one for sure. Yeah, pretty but they weren't like hey you can't do this uh we're gonna kick you off or i wasn't like i don't think i said anything crazy well it just goes against their narrative right right um and and what's crazy is i hope the whole time i hoped i was wrong i hope they're right i don't want to be right on anything i'm saying i want them to be right yeah they're just not um but uh and so but but now no but so i'm guessing that so now no one will respond like you would have never responded to me i'm just saying that i don't really know you i don't mean to but if i didn't know hunter you're reaching getting in touch with someone like you would be significantly harder and i'm not blaming anyone for that i would do that too anyone who dms me with
Starting point is 00:36:34 a check mark i'd filter you to the top right away also and um so when you have a million youtube subscribers it might not make you money but it it gives you – you earned – people know your voice is louder. You have one of the loudest voices in the sandbox. Well, yeah. I guess the subscribers is like a level of either status or just – what's the word I'm looking for? More than status, it shows that – mean, for any of us who are in the business, we like, we know like, Hey, it shows hard work, dedication, creativity. I mean, all those pieces, but then now to the uninitiated and I kind of want to bring, talk about how the
Starting point is 00:37:15 dumb shit that the uninitiated said, which is basically Harvard MBAs and Stanford MBAs is that what it does is it gives you a louder voice to say things. So let's say someone, let's say someone needed a heart transplant and they had a GoFundMe page. It would be better to have you talk about it than me talk about it. I touch 17,000 people and you touch a million people. Right? Or if someone had a new pair of shoes they wanted to sell, they would theoretically come to you before they came to me.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Technically, yeah. Yeah. It's so funny we're 37 minutes minutes into the show and i told myself no matter what we're going to talk about battle bunker for the first 20 minutes because i really really fucking i'm blown away at your commitment to this project but you know maybe i maybe i'll leverage that to trick you on to coming on again make a note of that uh caleb how to trick you on to coming on again. Make a note of that, Caleb, how to trick Austin to come on again. Thank you. Yeah, whatever you want to do, I'm here for it.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Hunter says go. I'm like, all right. I hear people say stuff like – so when I worked at Cross for 15 years, we weren't allowed to use the word marketing. And when I first started making videos, um, there was no YouTube, you know? And so when, when, if someone published one of your videos and like just a thousand people could see it, you'd be blown away as a filmmaker. Cause you just wanted to make films and then let the world see them. So when YouTube came around and you, I could make a video of something and they would, someone would publish it on YouTube or I'd publish it on YouTube and 464 people would see my video. It was huge.
Starting point is 00:38:49 It was crazy as an artist to be able to do that. The artists before us had to rent out a gallery and invite 200 of their friends, right? And pay to promote it and whatnot. And one night of just like – and then it's gone. When you sleep and i sleep our shit's still like working for us that's why i love youtube because they've they've brought the power and taken some of the money away from massive networks who've been you know making billions of dollars for 50 plus years 60 70 80 years so thankful for apple sony youtube all the innovations wow yep
Starting point is 00:39:29 yep and when i i hear these these just these these morons who are like uh um uh head of like nike or head of crossfit or head of, you name the fucking company, and instead of pursuing excellence of their product, they're pursuing metrics. So someone, the CEO of CrossFit who's not in there now, but would say, hey, when he would ask the team, our vision is to get to 100,000 affiliates, right? And now there's, let's say, 13,000 to 15,000. That's like a horrible fucking vision that's not a vision that that's um that's not chasing excellence and so i used to make a movie for
Starting point is 00:40:11 the movie to be good and then hope it would be seen and when i see your content and you can tell me shut the fuck up i'm totally open to that and um but i don't think you said hey i want to get to i mean i think you're excited that you made it to a million youtube subscribers but when i look at your content i don't see someone who is chasing clickbait i don't see someone who is focused on a million subscribers i see someone who's focused on making content exactly and like i see other that was the byproduct yeah it's like i see so many youtube creators that make content that is just kind of like dumb entertainment. And I never wanted it to be like that. I wanted all my stuff to be very informative.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I want people to learn from it. I want them to be inspired. And I want it to be good, produce high quality. You know, I could be out there like I put a million balls in my house to jump in like a ball pit, but what does that teach people? How would people learn from that? I mean, it's great for YouTube. You get five, 6 million views and make a couple, you know, 10, 20, 30 grand off of it. But I don't want to be known as that guy. I want to be known as the guy who's a hard charger, who helps people get more fit and
Starting point is 00:41:25 maintain a healthy lifestyle and just provides great entertainment. So yeah, it's, I mean, YouTube is, I've never really created for the clout or the fame. I just always have loved video as you tell by my extensive camera collection. Yep, yep. And I love watching people watch my stuff because I can see their faces. If it provides some sort of emotion for them, whether laughing or crying or sentimental, I get a great feeling from that. And that's why I love YouTube.
Starting point is 00:42:00 You want to add value. Exactly. To their life. And I know that sounds cliche, like every content creator says that. I mean, value can be like through entertainment or whatever, but I'm not like I don't watch entertainment. Like I play a little Call of Duty before bed to help me sleep, to cut my mind off. But if I'm doing something, it's to teach myself and to teach others. So, yeah, I never wanted to be just
Starting point is 00:42:27 entertainment opium heroin is that entertainment i mean that's what a lot of tv is right i mean it's um like when you say you play a little call of duty part of me is like hey i wish i played a little call of duty but but for for the reason that i could so that i could relate to you of what call of duty is i've never played call of duty i've never seen it played but i obviously i know what it is it's in the um but like yeah i i want to play just because i want to be able to have a conversation with people i want to be able to know what our kids are doing but but for most people it's it's um heroin like i've never shot heroin i'd like to shoot heroin, but just, I've never robbed a bank. I'd like to rob a bank, but just for the experience, I just want the experience. I don't want to be, um, I don't want to be a lifestyle component of
Starting point is 00:43:13 me. I'd rather, um, me going to a, uh, jogging to a coffee shot with you'd be part of my lifestyle. Uh, yeah, completely Ruby. I have it. Like I can't sit there for five, six hours and just game. People are like, why don't you start a gaming channel? I'm like, no, I'm not about Ruby. I have it. Like, I can't sit there for five, six hours and just game. People are like, why don't you start a gaming channel? I'm like, no, I'm not about that. I'm not a regular gamer. If I can't sleep sometimes or if I'm thinking about something, a game helps me focus on only the game. Because throughout the day, you know, 16, 17, 18 hours a day,
Starting point is 00:43:40 my mind is thinking about a thousand things. And a game before bed really helps me with that. Did you ever see the show Mad Men? I didn't. I don't watch a lot of movies. It was this series. It was on A&E and there was a guy on the show and he was always drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. And whenever I would watch watch that show i would want to do that it was so weird and um even though i knew it was bad for me um fake tits are kind of like that it's weird they're fake and i know they're fake but i can't stop myself from like thinking that they're cool even even though like it's just like someone could just put socks under their shirt and all of a sudden i'll be aroused i saw you put the socks under there i see you smoking i know it kills
Starting point is 00:44:30 you but i still want to do it that's kind of like how i feel about content i feel so responsible for what i put out it's not that i want to be fake but i don't want to show you on my instagram uh that i went out and got drunk i'm not interested because I don't want you doing that. I'm not. Yeah. I mean, I'm the same exact way. Like, like these zins are never, I'm never like, Hey, you guys should try these never. I don't cuss on my channel. Um, I wish I could do that. I wish I stopped cussing. I need to do that. Well, I don't think it's bad. I don't, I mean, I was in the military for seven years. Like every, you know, 75% of people's vocabulary is cussing. I don't have a problem with it at all.
Starting point is 00:45:11 It's good discipline not to cuss. I like discipline. And I do cuss some of it, but we just cut it out. We just bleep it out. Yeah. But yeah, in regular life, no, I cuss all the time. I really like that. What?
Starting point is 00:45:28 Just you did that. Oh, we cut it out. Oh. I like the gesture, the gesticulating. I had the premiere timeline in my head, cut, cut, you know, so. That's a great word, gesticulate. Is that a word yeah i think it means like like this is this does gesticulate right it rhymes it just it's cool i think all the words that end with eight or tate like prostate masturbate gesticulate habituate oh they're all i knew i knew caleb was
Starting point is 00:46:02 going to pull it up use especially dramatic ones instead of speaking to emphasize that was a very good definition dang you're pretty smart uh hey you can tell this motherfucker's alpha huh caleb no one's ever read the shit before me on my own show how fucking dare let's redo that go ahead i'm taking over this is an awesome show now want to trade youtube stations yeah let's do it caleb can you kick him out he can please don't oh yeah he just did it yeah uh if i would have asked you
Starting point is 00:46:42 you okay let's go back to your YouTube station. So tell me about your first video and why you made a YouTube station. What was the – So when I was in Bahrain, I was in a lot of debt because I was – Another great video. You guys have to see this other video. There's a video about him and his – is she your wife now? Girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Girlfriend. You're now girlfriend. It's all the same to me, by the way. You're now girlfriend. You went out on a date, and it was a travel date. You guys went somewhere, and basically you guys should see this video. And he didn't want to tell her that he was in debt, so he took out even more debt on credit cards and went on this date. And it's a fucking really cool video that everyone should see.
Starting point is 00:47:26 You should learn from his mistakes and not – being in debt is stressful as fuck. But another great video on Austin Alexander's YouTube station. Not those, but good find. It's not one of those. There's so much practical shit on your station. Sorry, go on. Thanks. You did a lot of research i'm i'm actually impressed yeah yeah that's why i was that's why i had to fucking stab you on sunday the doll yeah my bad my bad i still have marks from that
Starting point is 00:47:57 by the way see my name i i told hunters like i'm so sorry i'm like dude i i like it i feel like you guys owe me something now i've leveraged you yeah he texted me he's like dude what are you doing i put you on all these important podcasts and you're not showing up i was like dude you should have said one million player one million i don't have to show up anywhere yeah okay uh sorry so uh debt youtube bach rein i was in a lot of debt and i said what better way to curve my depression than just to buy a camera bought a gopro hero 4 silver and i started making little videos never posted them on youtube would post them on facebook and send them to my friends i'm like this is what i did this weekend this is great went to the bahrain mall went to the market went to you know jarada island dubai whatever and why not use just your
Starting point is 00:48:46 iphone why spend more money i've never used i've never liked to use iphone i'm in debt from sending super chat it's good make it 20 next time uh wad zombie yeah um i just never liked filming with my iphone you know has small sensor even though they're like, oh, we shoot 6K. When you blow it up, it's not really 6K. I mean, it's – anyways. So plus we were doing a lot of wet stuff, if you catch my drift. So I bought a GoPro. And about two months later, I was like, this is great.
Starting point is 00:49:21 I made like five or six videos, so I upgraded. And what were you editing on at the time premiere okay yep i i had a pirated version of premiere because i couldn't afford the other one but that's when i got on a mac laptop on your own personal computer okay mac laptop yeah i had stole it stole it or i had taken it from my girlfriend at the time because she wasn't using it and i was just editing i I was having to, you know, take me 10 hours for an edit because the computer was kind of shitty and slow and plus Premiere. But I bought a Canon 700D, a Europe version of the T5i. And that's when I really started getting into cinematography, like teach myself frame rates and everything like that. Normally I just turn the camera on press record, but I was getting real detailed with it. I bought a 50 millimeter, a nifty 50, and I started making
Starting point is 00:50:11 these videos kind of more cinematic. And when I left Bahrain, went to a ship, I made a video called Day in the Life of Navy Sailor. And everybody was like, this is so good. You should put this on YouTube. And I was thinking, I'm not good. You should put this on YouTube. And I was thinking, I'm not good enough for YouTube. I'm not, you know, I'm not. What year is this? 2017. And I said, I don't want to put it on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:50:33 I'm fearful of the judgment I might get. And finally, I just made myself posted to YouTube. Started an account, posted to YouTube, left. Didn't really sign in again for another year. And then when we were in Fallon, Nevada with a VFA2. Yep, that's it right there. That's it right there. That was filmed with.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Look at your slow-mo. It's terrible. You have some balls fucking shooting directly into the sun like that already. You're a fucking rebel. Well, I'd change the shutter speed and exposure and everything and made it look like that already fucking rebel well i'd change the uh you know shutter speed and exposure everything made it look like that good job there's me walking out on the the deck of the ship look at that shirt and pants 1952 well those were coveralls it's a it's a one piece they made us wear a belt for our our uh i guess because you have to have it tight
Starting point is 00:51:23 in case anything was to fall down there. I don't know. This is a cool part. This is when a jet flies over me. I believe that's a Super Hornet. I'm not sure. I did a little pause right here because I thought I was cool right in front of the sunlight. Hey, was that just fucking happen chance?
Starting point is 00:51:39 Yes. Well, like every six minutes it would happen. They would come in and land and it was all day thing sometimes even during the night you would always hear and the whole aircraft carrier would shake and rattle when they came in so it was kind of tough to get some sleep some nights on that that was shot with a 50 millimeter i thought it was was cool. I was like, man, this looks cool. This is so cinematic. Yeah, dude,
Starting point is 00:52:06 I feel, I'm feeling you. That was me getting dressed. Who's holding the camera? It was a tripod. That was like 5 a.m. I was getting ready for work. I said,
Starting point is 00:52:16 let me capture some clips. And when you're doing this, what are, what should you be doing? It's your, is it your downtime? Yeah, we work for eight hours
Starting point is 00:52:25 a day anything out outside of the eight hours we were stuck on the aircraft carrier deployed so it was downtime and then you just stored you stored your uh camera and your tripod in there yep we had uh racks that would pull up and i just i just stored my camera and my my tripods in there this is fucking crazy dude thank you i can't believe every sailor's not doing this. I guess it's hard work. Well, a lot of sailors, they just don't care. I knew I wanted to capture it. This was captured on an iPhone.
Starting point is 00:52:53 I knew I wanted to capture this and show my kids someday or show whoever. Yeah, this is cool. That was the gym. This was how packed it was. It was a tiny 500- square foot gym the food i loved the food on deployment it was it was pretty good lobster tails there's me showing a little bit about the food we got meatballs squashed potatoes those are from like singapore somewhere i would
Starting point is 00:53:19 eat like a horse on there had four meals a day so you went you made this video you sat on your fucking little bed in there and edited it all with your back hurting and shit worrying about your battery dying accidentally forgetting to save shit and just i know the nightmares of shit that you went through to make this how'd you get that shot which one oh the oh that was so i went to the media department in the the ship they had their own uh personnel on there and i was like hey can i have some clips from deployment and they had a whole lot of them they had helicopter clips like those like that yeah i believe behind us that was probably like a japanese or um some type of other allied force ship. And they just gave you the footage.
Starting point is 00:54:09 How did they give it to you? On a thumb drive or you gave hard drive. So awesome. And I, they gave me a bunch of music too. They're like, this is great. You can use it royalty free.
Starting point is 00:54:21 When I posted it, YouTube copyright claimed all of it. And I was like, Oh, well, but I created that video. I posted it and it was getting shared. People were like, oh, this is what to expect during deployment. It was getting shared on Facebook pages, WhatsApp, all this stuff. And I didn't really pay attention. I didn't look at the comments, didn't look at the subscribers, nothing for like a year. And when I met Sarah, she's like, what do you do? we met at a bar called the eddie in
Starting point is 00:54:47 reno nevada and she said what do you do for a little i said oh i'm in the navy she said oh i love navy man i'm like well do you so i got her number and did she live in reno she was travel nursing in reno yes but she's originally from Ohio. And you were deployed. I was not deployed. You were, you were detachment. That's, that's what they call it. Okay. It's when you go from your duty station to another place. So we were on detachment in Fallon, Nevada from Lemoore. Okay. And got a number three, four days later, I asked her out on a date and I went to her place and I said, actually, I have a video. I'll show you what I do.
Starting point is 00:55:28 I showed her that video. She's like, this is an incredible video. Why don't you post more on YouTube? I was like, no, I don't. I'll have the skill for it. I'll have the time for it, blah, blah, blah. I didn't post again for another three, four months. Throughout that time, Sarah and I became serious.
Starting point is 00:55:48 And I said, well, I'm going to Seal Beach now. Why don't you come to California and move in with me and be my roommate? You can make more money there as a travel nurse and life will be great. So she did. And she got her license in California and she moved in with me in Long Beach. And she's a very hard worker. She did, and she got her license in California, and she moved in with me in Long Beach. She's a very hard worker. Isn't that weird?
Starting point is 00:56:12 You met someone like normal, like how people my age meet people. Yeah. I had dated Navy women in the past. I never wanted to date another Navy woman. I just got out of a relationship where she cheated on me when I went on deployment. Happens all the time sadly but I said you didn't meet her on a dating app either you actually like saw her you're like I'll take that one yep my friend was like I want you to go talk to the prettiest girl in here and I said okay
Starting point is 00:56:35 so I looked around I looked behind me and Sarah was already staring at me from afar and she looked like she was gonna like trying to kill me or something that's how the eye contact was and after two three times glancing over and she was still just looking at me i went over there and i was like what are you looking at that's how the the conversation started obviously i thought she looked good and she was pretty and whatnot so i was i was being flirtatious in there yeah you didn't want to fight her You weren't like, what the fuck are you looking at? Yeah, I wouldn't. No, okay.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I kind of wanted to punch her. I'm just kidding. I just love it how you picked the prettiest girl. Yeah, I mean, because there was no, kind of like a no strings attached thing. I was pretty drunk. I was like eight beers in, and my confidence was through the roof, fresh out of a relationship. I was like, I'm free, baby. Let's do this. So, yep. Went over there and Sarah, can you come here for a second? She's still here. I'll
Starting point is 00:57:35 introduce you. Oh, that's cool. I'll say hello. Hi, Sarah. What's up, girl? What's up? We're live right now. God, Lee, your backyard is, I mean, you're what's behind you what's up we're live right now god lee your backyard is i mean you're what's behind you that looks like a lot of junk that's lenses i don't know if they can hear you but oh they can hear me they can hear you oh it's camera stuff cool oh i don't even i haven't used this sony in so long i don't even oh this is the oh this is 6600 oh okay that was that's old oh she knows her shit oh yeah i got it she's just guessing no i know it's old she don't know anyways i was telling him about how we met i said what are you looking at and you were like i'm looking at you i was like why and
Starting point is 00:58:27 you were like you're the most handsome guy in this bar i said i know and hey you did okay see you later go drink hey wait did you really say that you're the most handsome guy in this bar no oh did you know he picked you because you were the prettiest girl in the bar no i he picked me because i kept staring him down across the thing. It was all about that eye contact. Oh, so he was going for an easy approach. Okay. He told the story like he was that he fucking had a huge sack and he just fucking.
Starting point is 00:58:57 I was giving him hints all night. Like I was staring at him. Okay. But I wouldn't have approached unless my buddy said find the prettiest girl on this bar okay and i was really looking at her uh rear end because i was like dang she was wearing a sundress i was like dang that's not i was wearing a romper get it right sarah do you squat below parallel i i have a bad back i got herniated oh shit i have a bad back too that butt's gonna go away if you don't squat below parallel. I know. Well, she has scoliosis, so she pokes her butt out.
Starting point is 00:59:27 So it, you know, looks like. I really got a bad back. I got a herniated chest. It's okay. It sounds like your scoliosis is doing wonders for all of mankind. Yeah. Thank you. It is.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Thank you. Okay. Love you. See you later. Anyways, that's Sarah. I like that. That's like at Chuck E. Cheese. You just put a quarter in and the.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Censor. That was nice. Wow. It's Sarah. I like that. That's like at Chuck E. Cheese. You just put a quarter in and the – Sensor. You hide. That was nice. Wow. It's hard. This is mirrored, so it's kind of hard to – Yeah, that was incredible. That's all I wanted to see was her butt, and you covered it up perfectly.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Well, I'll show you some photos later. Thank you. You're welcome. I should have put this on the show earlier. That's pretty cool. Savan Matosian. Matosian. The bottle breacher guy made.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Do you know who the bottle breacher guy is? I think I've heard of him. Yeah. Mill guy started selling bottle openers and now he's running for office, I think. That's legit. Yeah. What is that tip made out of that's not lead is it no i well god i hope not but this is what was a real whatever whatever you guys used
Starting point is 01:00:30 to shoot the bad guys with yeah that's like uh i can't tell because the fish eye that's that's bigger than 50 cal for sure yeah that's massive caleb do you know what it is? Does that go in a Sea Whiz? Oh, look, he's going to go to the bottle breacher. Oh, it is 50 Cal. Oh, yeah, I got that little box. Oh, I gave that little wooden box to my son, and this is probably I shouldn't show this, but he collects lizard tails in it. So he catches
Starting point is 01:00:59 lizards in the backyard, and when their tails fall off, he puts them in that box. Oh, yeah, it's definitely a 20 millimeter i was about to say either you have small hands or that's not a 50 cal i have small hands 20 millimeter right there maybe one's a 50 one's a 20 they look the same to me oh no one of them's got a ring on it 20 mil i've never used them to open a bottle but they're cool bottle bottle breachers getting free promotion look at that how'd you go buy me one so so so then you were off to the races you basically you did you made the one youtube
Starting point is 01:01:36 video 15 months later you met your chicks pressuring you to make another video and you do it yeah it was like a year later or something maybe like 11 months later no she was i mean like she's very outspoken and she says what's on her mind and i was on night shift i think i was sitting there like watching a video or something and she was like what the fuck are you doing get your ass in there and make a youtube video i'm tired of you just not doing anything go make a youtube video and i was like but i don't know she's like i don't care just go film something so i grabbed my ipad it was the only thing charged at the time and i literally within the next 10 minutes made a video on my channel that's the one titled why you should join or should you join the military and i noticed that how many views
Starting point is 01:02:22 does that one have caleb second video on the iPad? Should you join the military? Probably like seven or 8,000, something like that. And I just kept, kept posting. I didn't know what to post about. I just would think about something.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Should you join the military? What job, what job, how to increase your PRT scores, you know, fitness, chest day, stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Kind of like how any, yeah, 15,000 views right there. So you just started posting what you know about. Exactly. Yeah. And I love the feedback that I got from the community. People were like, Hey, I'm in the army, but I love this video. It's great. I'm in the Navy. I'm in the air force. I'm in, I was stationed with Bahrain. It was like a really small community and I really related to everybody and people related to me and it was great. Yeah, that's, um, I like the comments too. I never, uh, when people talk about like, oh, these kids feel bad because they didn't get likes or they didn't get this.
Starting point is 01:03:15 I'm like, dude, try being shadow banned. Like, first of all, I never get likes. I never get views, but sometimes I'll get like on my Instagram account, you know, I had a hundred thousand followers. And if I got 20 comments, I was like so stimulated by it. Yeah. I like, I like the comments. I like the interaction.
Starting point is 01:03:30 I like saying, making your mama jokes. If anyone says anything mean to me, I'd fucking rip their mom. Yep. And you go to their profile, you look at their photos and roast their photos. Yo. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Yes. Yes. I'm sorry. Are you upset at me? Did you lose your mask? I like a lot of mask jokes. Yeah, yeah. Those really hit people in the feels.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Yes, yes. And then you were off to the races. When did it become a habit or an addiction or a – I'm making a presupposition, but, but people like me and you, we, I don't know if goals is the right word, but I like, I have to do a podcast every day. It's what I do. And it has to be good. And it has to be research. And I have to work out every day. And I have to spend time with my kids. Like there's these check marks I just have to do. Yeah. So it's somehow slipped into that category for you, right? Yep. It was. So I was still working at the Navy, of course. And every three months I would rotate
Starting point is 01:04:32 days, nights, but I made it happen. I would have a whole list of topics that I wanted to cover and I would just get it done. Oh, so like you'll be at work now doing something and you'll be like oh shit i need to make a video on why it's important to or how to change the tire on this jeep for this this particular navy vehicle because it's so different i had to do it once took me an hour to find the tire iron no one's gonna know where it is and you write that down and then you get off work and make the video exactly and you had a list of shit yep a whole list how not to chafe your ball sack with your new fatigues how what to wash them with god fucking i love it how to run like how to run in boots like how to increase the scores for physical
Starting point is 01:05:14 readiness test all this stuff and sometimes i would get off there's a video on there's how to increase your scores it's the thumbnail caleb is me doing a sit-up. After I got off work on night shift, working an eight-hour day, rolled into, which isn't super bad, rolled into going to the field that morning at like 8 or 9 and filming that whole video before I went home. Went home, slept, woke up for two hours, edited a little bit, edited a little bit of work, and then just made it happen. And I had just become so laser focused on
Starting point is 01:05:47 getting these videos out. Uh, let's see. Yep. That's it right there. Yep. There's me. I would just kind of film random, random stuff. Here's me taking off my duty gear. Here's what I wear. Okay. Today guys, I'm going to tell you about the PRT, blah, blah, blah. Here's what I wear. Okay, today, guys, I'm going to tell you about the PRT, blah, blah, blah. Talking a little bit. I had a little intro. I had a series called Fitness Friday as well. Did you feel yourself develop, too, as an actor?
Starting point is 01:06:16 I don't mean like – did you feel yourself refine your skill? For sure, yeah. Represent mean presentation what you wanted to say not swearing taking out ums uh how to gesticulate how to but but things that added value not so much to be fake yeah just tell yourself but just to be a cleaner presentation well as far as like making video better negating wins stuff like that i wanted the videos to be good i didn't really care about how i looked or how i sounded i had a really bad alabama accent i would still say ums i would you know all that that didn't really come until the video started getting yeah sorry for the wind right there perfect man caleb's good you need to get him a raise dude look how he's posed there i please tell me you picked that because he looks like a centerfold model there
Starting point is 01:07:08 jesus crime that's his grinder pick yeah it is that's when i was preparing for the show so i was like super lean you're you are lean there yeah lean and tiny but okay sorry so go ahead so you were refining, but more technical stuff. Technical, yeah. Not really presentation-wise as far as myself, other than what the Navy required me to do. Keep a clean haircut, keep a clean shave. I would still say ums and the accent was really bad. I didn't really start focusing on that until I started doing other gigs. I was an extra in the movie Tenet. Horrible movie. I don't know why they made it like that. Is that a Leonardo DiCaprio movie?
Starting point is 01:07:55 No, it's a John Paul Washington. I believe Denzel Washington's son and Robert Pattinson starred in it, directed by, who's the guy who did Insidious? I know, I've definitely heard it. Is it a horror movie? It's a really trippy movie. It's kind of similar to Shutter Island. Insidious director.
Starting point is 01:08:21 How did you get an extra in that? They sent me a casting call they said calling military members you want to be uh no it's not maybe i'm thinking of not insidious but let me just look up who directed tenant he sent me a casting call they were looking for miller christopher nolan that's it oh oh the bat he does the batman movies right or he did a batman movie that was really good like Like a pretty dark one. He's like one of the highest paid directors. They spent $660 million on that movie.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Original budget was $200 million. That's not the movie where Leonardo wrestles the bear or something? No, that's... Fuck, what's that name? Great movie. Revenant. Hey, Caleb, is something on your microphone? No, I don't know what's wrong with it.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Yeah, it was The Revenant, yeah. No, Tenet is where they go through half the movie. It shows the movie, and then it starts going in reverse. You start to see the scenes play back in reverse. We had to run backwards and everything. It was intense. We were out there for three weeks. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:33 I remember that. I remember that. The casting call was like, we need military members who know how to handle weapons and can run backwards. We were like, what the heck? So we pull up to Universal Studios. There was like 100 of us,
Starting point is 01:09:45 and they walked out with, I think, 50 were selected and we got we went to go get fitted and we're out in the desert in the palm springs area for three weeks and getting paid really good money compared to you know at the time i wasn't really earning a whole lot from from youtube and they paid us it was really good money it was like five grand a week wow that is good money yeah and and while you're at how did you get the time off from work from being a soldier i took leave sailor wow sailor sorry no you're good i took leave and my command was like sorry i mean you mean, you can have two weeks, but we need you for this mandatory on your leave time. We need you for this mandatory. So I had to drive four and a half hours back to Seal Beach that for that day.
Starting point is 01:10:33 And that night I drove back because the pay was so good. And I was going to be in this big production Hollywood movie. Are you actually in the movie? Did you make it? There's the window scene when you when you see um mr washington the the main actor i think his name's john when you see uh denzel's son oh i remember when that movie came out holy shit now i remember because it was it was at the peak of like um uh was that 2020 2021 the summer it was that it was yeah it was at the peak of some
Starting point is 01:11:08 fuck i remember it god i remember it i remember thinking they were trying so hard that makes me feel so much better that this is denzel washington's son because i'm like it seems so forced that all of a sudden that this guy was fucking in a massive fucking movie yeah and that they spent all this money on it and that they didn't pick a guy who is more well-known okay and he did a good job it was a weird movie he's really he's a great actor i met him i spoke to him a few times spoke to robert pattinson i mean he was getting blueberries out of the the snack trailer he's like what's up y'all we, what's up? There's like 10 of us talking to him. Yeah. The funny thing is, is Christopher Nolan, he had a coffee person and a water person by his left and right at all sides.
Starting point is 01:11:54 He would be like, coffee. And they would put it in his hand. He would take two sips, be like, water. I mean, he's super rich, super famous. I mean he's super rich, super famous. Yeah. A lot of his movies are either like really, really hit or like really, really miss, and Tenet was a miss. A lot of people have this confused. I filmed this movie called Desert Runners where I spent at least two weeks in the four harshest climates on the planet so
Starting point is 01:12:26 basically i went to these deserts in china i went to china the gobi in china antarctica you did that that's crazy and uh what's the one in chile the the driest where it has never rained there in the entire history of the planet i went anyway i went to those deserts and these people ran across and i went there and uh and i and i filmed out there and what i would do every every morning or fucking several times a day is i would take a big old huge i guess it's the one liter of water and i would put a starbucks coffee in there one of those powder ones and i'd shake it and i would drink it and people would say to me hey dude you need to hydrate you need to drink water All you do is drink coffee all day. I'm like, fuck not.
Starting point is 01:13:06 That's when I knew I was living on a planet with a bunch of fucking retards. I'm like, this is water. They're like, well, it's coffee. I'm like, I know. It's still water. Coffee is water. Everything is fucking water. Yeah, it's not like your body says, oh, this is coffee.
Starting point is 01:13:21 Yeah, and I bet you, I don't mean to rip christopher nolan when he's not here to defend himself but i bet you that's what that fucking idiot thought loved the guy but i bet you he thought maybe he had to hydrate because coffee dehydrates you yeah i mean probably he's i mean he's a director he's not a health you know guy so he probably has i don't know you only need one you just unless he really wanted really strong coffee for the taste and maybe he's a taste aficionado and he didn't want because like that's what i do this is just one shot of espresso diluted with uh the rest hot water i mean this thing tastes i mean it's like i'm drinking water you made me feel like an addict
Starting point is 01:14:01 i had a two and a half shot of espresso this morning i drank it every morning walking to the park i'm at that point in my life where like i'm trying to like cut back on things yeah you know what i mean you're you're just you're you're fucking a space shuttle who's like you're circling the earth and shit you're you're i'm fucking i'm in a museum already i'm in the smithsonian i say you got a good 40, 50 years left. Thank you. I don't think you're. Thank you. Everything in the Smithsonian still has time before it really falls apart.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Yeah, for sure. Speaking of space, space shuttle. Yes. Another video that I want to do soon is going to space with this company called Worldview. That's one of my ultimate goals. And when you mean space, how high is that? It's just to orbit.
Starting point is 01:14:48 It's just right above the earth where you can see the black meeting the earth. Is that like 90 miles like that way? I think it's a little more than 90 miles, but maybe how far am I quicker than, uh, Caleb? Oh, 62 miles. I guess you can get there in, Caleb? Oh, 62 miles.
Starting point is 01:15:07 I guess you can get there in, yeah, 62 miles. Oh. There it is. Okay. It's right to orbit because it's a hot air balloon. It's this big-ass hot air balloon, and it's carrying. Wow. If you look at Worldview, they do them all the time.
Starting point is 01:15:21 It's similar to Blue Origin and SpaceX and Virgin Galactic, but they take actual propelled ships, like airships up there. Worldview has a globe that eight people can be in, and it just takes you right up. They decrease the helium, and then you go down. Wow. Hey, what do you think about all the ufo stuff i think there are ufos out there i have a weird story that's still unexplained but even speaking to some of my friends that are pilots and and people that handle the planes
Starting point is 01:15:57 they've seen some really weird stuff that cannot be explained either through, you know, a lot of people say, oh, that was a jet or that was a plane. Planes don't move like that. And when you say, so UFO stands for unidentified flying object, you think that it's, do you think it's something that there are not humans in? I do. Yeah. Because if you think about it, if you think the human brain is not programmed to think about infinity, when you think about infinite, it's hard to think about. Even grains of sand on the earth are not infinite. There's a number out there. Space, infinite. It doesn't stop. So I think it's also hard for us to process that there are other
Starting point is 01:16:47 beings out there and i think there are um infinite is uh it's um like trying to think of the unknown you can't um you can't really think of the unknown yeah exactly you we can't wrap our minds around it there was this lady i had on the show uh she was a ogbyn courtney hunt and she has redirected her focus and attention to um quantum physics and quantum computing just really really small how the things on a really small level right that's how she defined quantum for me everything that's like really small and you know the physics at the quantum level are different than the physics that you and i deal with every single day is like pee into a toilet and shit yeah um and one of the things that we were talking about in the show was i forget how much of the light spectrum she said we see, but it was fucking tiny.
Starting point is 01:17:47 It was a fraction. I want to say it was less than 3% or less than 1%. And I was like, so that means there's 97. There could be shit. We're not seeing 97% of the light. There could be light bouncing off of shit that's alive. That's all around us that we don't see. She said precisely.
Starting point is 01:18:03 And at that point, it's just like oh shit our tools are fucking weak too you know what i mean our tools of perception are just fucking i mean like they're like for example come here lucy don't show me an alien i'm not ready i'm not ready this is the next this is basically an alien okay Okay. This is Lucy. Like, I mean, not a human. On Earth, we have hundreds of thousands of species that are not human. You know, just because they live on Earth, we're somewhat familiar with them and we can understand that, hey, that's not a human. Anything from another planet, whether animal or a brain thinking apparatus, whatever, that's considered an alien because we're not familiar with it. Right. People find different species in the ocean all the time. I think they found
Starting point is 01:18:50 two new species like last month. Yeah. Or people who come over the border are aliens. Lucy came from the border. She's from Mexico. I'm pretty sure that I'm seeing your T count drop in real time the longer you hold that dog. Oh, really? I think my confidence has skyrocketed. My T level is going up. Skyrocketing, right, right. Yeah. No, this is Louie. She's a multi-poo. She's a motion of sport animal. Are you okay that she sleeps between you and your girlfriend in the bed?
Starting point is 01:19:24 Yeah, I'm okay because when I want her to move move i just pick her up and lift her up and just shove her down yep yeah that's uh lucy's an alien basically we have a we have a chihuahua that bites and so and so if i want a piece of ass i have to like take a bite i have to i have to take like i have to like earn it i have to get bit it's worth to take, like, I have to like earn it. I have to get bit. It's worth it. It is worth it. It's totally worth it, but it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:19:51 That's hilarious. It's fucking nuts. I wish I was joking, but it's like, oh, I got bit. I guess I'm getting laid tonight. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:57 I mean, that's an even trade off. Right. And the good thing is, is like about a year ago, my wife pulled out a bunch of teeth, had a bunch of teeth of the dog's mouth pulled out. So now it doesn't hurt as bad. Chihuahuas are shitty dogs.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Don't ever get one. That's a tough bite. They bite hard. I got bit on the ankle by one when I was little. And they let go of their pussies, too. They just bite and then let go. They're not in for the kill. They just want to hurt you.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Yeah. Yeah. Battle. Yes? No, go ahead. Battle. Do you have to go? No.
Starting point is 01:20:35 I'm good. I can have you for nine minutes and 53 more seconds. Of course. All right, let's do it. This whole YouTube thing, let's skip like the present it's like gone through these evolution it first was something to help you get your mind off of your exorbitant debt so you wouldn't kill yourself you used it as a tool as a tool of for therapy then it um uh it used to um attract a vagina that worked and then um you then were able to find a muse and i love this story it
Starting point is 01:21:08 runs parallel to mine you understood that the universe was talking to you through this super hot chick and giving you orders of what to do and you're like yes i will create content yeah and now um you're doing something called battle bunker ander, and it sounds scary to spend your life savings to build something. It's like the field of dream story. You're building something in Chula Vista, California, or is it built? It's built. It's built, but you have no guarantee. You have no like, okay, guys.
Starting point is 01:21:39 No guarantee. There's no sponsor, no brand out there that's like, okay, we'll support you. there's no no sponsor no brain out there that's like okay we'll support you so can you tell me the story of sort of why you built this thing and where what the the kind of the end goal is for it or it's it's life expectancy what it's going to do it's life goals yeah life expects xxc two months so uh no i'm just kidding uh what you're seeing what you're seeing now is the original battle bunker the best performing channels are videos on my channel were obstacle course challenge, where I took celebrities, athletes, occupations, and would put them through these military style obstacle courses and fitness competitions.
Starting point is 01:22:16 In 2020, when I was getting out, I said, I really want to develop this series. I had 30, 40K in the bank. I said, let's make it happen. Found a plot of land, leased it for three grand a month, and I built this nine obstacle course out in Mo $40,000 in the bank. I said, let's make it happen. Found a plot of land, leased it for $3,000 a month, and I built this nine-obstacle course out in Moorpark, California in the desert. So you paid off your debt by the time you got out and saved a little cash. Yes. Congratulations. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:22:34 I was like $20,000 in debt. Throughout the time, I became obsessed with ways to pay off that debt. E-commerce, Amazon FBA, stock option trading, shorting. I knew all about the stock market and still do. Did you make any money in the GameStop thing? For sure. GameStop, AMC in there too.
Starting point is 01:22:54 Good job, dude. Thank you. I wrote it on the back end. When I saw it shoot up, I said, well, it's got to come down. I bought some put options for, I think, two months out. It went up like 1,200%. I was like, okay. I expected it. come down so i put i bought some put options for i think two months out and when i'm like 1200 i was like okay it's like i expected it so yeah it was good the most money i've ever made it was uh on dogecoin oh yeah uh-huh i had been buying doge for years before the massive spike in 2020
Starting point is 01:23:23 uh-huh when i saw a little bit of activity on dogecoin that it was like a one-year high i told my cousin i said hey put a thousand dollars in dogecoin and then seven months later he paid off his twenty thousand dollar car from dogecoin wow yep i think i thought i made about 20 or 30k on it as well. It was a good play. Really good play. How fun. Super fun. It was a rush,
Starting point is 01:23:48 dude. I wasn't sleeping. I was watching the charts. I was like, man, I'm getting rich. This is great. But I had,
Starting point is 01:23:53 I had done, you know, things here and there to help myself pay off that debt. Do you know the Instagram account? This guy, I'm trying to get him on the show. He keeps telling me he's not the right guest for me, but I know he is.
Starting point is 01:24:05 He follows. He's built all these algorithms and tracking software to follow how all the people in Congress and Senate invest. Have you seen this account? I haven't seen it. It's got like 100,000 followers. I think it starts with a Q or something. It's crazy, dude. What's going on?
Starting point is 01:24:21 No, no, not that Q. What? What? Quiver. Quiver. you know what we should all follow the congressional dude this guy's instagram account is nuts i'm surprised they're gonna shut him down there's it's only a matter of time it is so good he is so good and he basically just he'll be like hey today nancy pel Pelosi invest in this. I have no idea what she's doing, but I do know that she's also on the board for trash
Starting point is 01:24:51 picking up and she's invested in a trash picking up company. And let's see how this plays out. Y'all it's so good, dude. It's this account is so good. With her quantitives. Yeah. Okay. It's crazy how they're allowed to invest.
Starting point is 01:25:07 It is crazy. It is nuts. When you start following this guy, it's nuts. Hey, I just saw an article yesterday that scientists are starting to meet and rethink that maybe the vaccine has done more harm than good. Scientists. I heard that. It's in Science Magazine, and they're saying, I'm like, scientists.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Show me a scientist. Let me tell you if he's a scientist or she's a scientist or not. Fucking scientist. Okay. Battle Bunker. Okay. So you liked the obstacle course, making those videos. You got a lot of good feedback on them.
Starting point is 01:25:45 You were into it. And you're super fit, and you like exercising like a madman. Love it. Yeah. Yeah. And so I said, let's build a freaking obstacle course out in the middle of the desert. Hopefully, people will come. I kept telling myself, if you build it, they will battle.
Starting point is 01:25:57 So there I am spending my life savings again on an obstacle course. Spent like $30,000, $40,000 on it. And started producing the episodes throughout 2020 and 2021. We produced 21 episodes. It got pretty good reach. We landed a show with Snapchat and we kind of monetize on Snapchat the same way we do on YouTube. So it was, it was pretty good. Sponsors were wanting to sponsor the videos and I was like, okay, this is great. So, uh, in March I was like, you know, I really want people to be able to come out to this thing. And right now they can't because
Starting point is 01:26:23 we're limited to like 10 people. There's no there's no water people get dehydrated people can get sun and if they fall out city was it in at that time more park california up in the outskirts of more park like and who owned the land that you built it on this guy named glenn he owned ambush paintball park and i said hey do you have any land that i could rent and he said yeah i have 86 acres you can have for three grand a month i said said, how fast can you draft a lease? I signed it. And what's Sarah say about this? Like kind of your muse.
Starting point is 01:26:54 She's cool. Keep pushing. Push, boy, push. She's cool. Yeah, she trusts me that I'm making the right decision. And she's completely changed her whole life. We moved from Long Beach to Anaheim to Simi Valley, California, out in the middle of nowhere, to now San Diego, Chula Vista. She loves it here, but she's having to pick up her life and move wherever I go.
Starting point is 01:27:13 I'm just glad she's here with me. You brought her to the Holy Land, San Diego. San Diego is fucking good. I love San Diego. Great community, great people, great gyms around here. I love San Diego. Great community, great people, great gyms around here. In March, I said, I need to cut the lease to the Battle Bunker land because I didn't want to keep paying for it. It was expensive for a piece of shitty land that didn't have power or water. What about the content you to come out there. So it was getting tough. The video crew, you know, was getting tired. And so I said, we got to move this. I can either a buy a million dollar piece of land in Texas and build on it. And hopefully this all
Starting point is 01:27:57 works or I can be, I can partner with a facility that already has the facilities and, uh, the, the know-how behind events and everything. And I had been to the Chula Vista Elite Athlete Training Center before. I was like, man, that place is beautiful. There's not a lot of people there, a lot. So I'm going to pitch this idea to them. Went down there. I said, can I build an obstacle course in Lot D, three acres? And after two months of negotiations, And after two months of negotiations, me developing business plans, contracts, showing all of our financials to them, they said, sure, we'll go into this deal for two years and you can have your events here. You can build your course here. So I shelled out $100,000.
Starting point is 01:28:45 And so, yeah, this is an old, we haven't made any new videos on the new course yet. yet it's brand new they just finished it at the end of august so like two weeks ago they finished uh um tell me the name of the facility chula vista what chula vista elite athlete training center it's an olympic training center so that place pop up on your radar how did you know that what how did they pop up on your radar i had done a video there with a good friend of mine she's a youtuber michelle carrey and when i went there with her i said man this place is beautiful like they have 160 acres they have 40 million dollar facility this place is crazy and i didn't know the setup i didn't know who they were owned by nothing but when i reached back out i got some more information on that and they're like we're owned by the city but elite athlete services you know so they they do partnerships in the last two years they've opened up to
Starting point is 01:29:32 the partnerships and sponsors which is where we come in and we kind of attached ourselves to them built a hundred thousand dollar course out there and Basically, when I had some savings, 30 grand, spent on a course. It was great for a year and a half. Now, saved up another 100 grand, spent on a course. I'm just hoping this all pans out. I'd set my goal to when I first built the first battle bunker, I said, I want to have physical competition. This year year is the year. And October 29th, we're having our first competition at the Elite Athlete Training Center. What's the URL for people to sign up for that October 29th event? If you go, if you can show the website, Caleb, look at me. I'm instructing your employee here.
Starting point is 01:30:20 Awesome, awesome, awesome. BattleBunker. You can see that big tab that says flagship competition. If you click that, you'll see a beautiful, familiar face up there, the first picture. Oh, there he is. Manchild. Yeah, right there. There he is. Hunter. You click sign up, it'll bring you to a Google form and fill in your information,
Starting point is 01:30:40 either as a spectator, volunteer, competitor, or sponsor. And we're giving away some pretty sweet cash prizes and uh yeah that's oh asshole asshole sign him up sign him up sign him up as a sponsor hey hey i don't have a gender i have a sex i have a huge swaying cock that makes me a man i do not have a gender i do not even know what that word means i'm still searching it's like infinity to me i have infinite can you change that for me austin i get triggered by the word gender could you change it to sex uh i'm sorry i can't do that oh everybody has to have a gender we and we have to know it i i can't i'm fucked i don't know it yep go ahead and click submit yep i'll get on the forum we have to know it i i can't i'm fucked i don't know it yep go ahead and click submit yep
Starting point is 01:31:26 i'll get on the phone we have 340 people that have signed up so far 200 what what about my what about my disabled cousin he only has one arm and um and he has anorexia and uh he doesn't want to race against he's mexican he doesn't want to race against white guys because it triggers him do you have a special class for him so far we only have male and female classes he's more than welcome to to join the the male um individual this this event feels very exclusive not really why it's open to literally everybody. All right. Fine. Fine. Okay. Fine. Fine. Fine.
Starting point is 01:32:07 Fine. Can I sleep there? Is there a place for me to bring my camper there? Yep. There's barracks. So you pay $175 to compete. You get a night stay, and you get three meals, and you get to compete. That's the cheapest competition anywhere in history.
Starting point is 01:32:24 Is this the first of an annual event? I'm hoping to make it an annual. I think next year we will do somewhat of an open that's open to a lot more people that can compete. This time, we're doing 80 athletes. Next time, I want to make an open competition. People who score the highest will be able to advance and go to the second competition, which would be people that have qualified. Caleb, I just noticed an inconsistency in some of the numbers. Do you know what I'm referencing, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:32:54 He said that only 80 people could compete. That would be 160 total between men and women, and yet he said 340 people have signed up, and I'm struggling. 40, 40, 80 total. 80 total, but he said more than that have signed up and I'm struggling. 80 total. 80 total. But he said, but more than that have signed up. So now I'm confused. So we sent out the inbox September 30th. Just because they sign up the form does not mean they will compete.
Starting point is 01:33:16 It will be election. Here's some shots of the training center. How are you going to pick? How did you pick who? I'm leaving up to Hunter. So he has to go through all the people? Well, we both will, I'm sure, but he will have the final say. There's going to be some service members in there.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Some of my, of my friends are competing. Some people that I don't know will be competing. Wow, so the event is already more popular than you can handle. I like to think so, yeah. Just because people have signed up and done the easy work on the forum does not mean they will actually, you know, as you know, they're actually going to travel out. And where, will you be streaming this live, the event? This will be live stream. A lot of money and resources are going into a live stream because we're live streaming the same
Starting point is 01:34:05 day as the rogue invitational oh and i want ours to be more entertaining than rogue invitational i mean rogue invitational is great if you're only into athleticism but if you like a little humor in there some you know less professional like they're gonna have people coming on telling stories uh broadcast and we could have a live host for the sports. We have some cool cams in there with some great Zooms. Will it be on your YouTube station? It will be on the Battle Bunker YouTube channel. Battle Bunker.
Starting point is 01:34:34 The Battle Bunker has 100,000 subscribers and you have a million. Why not stream it to both? It's kind of like if you, like if you look at, if you look at Joe to the Senna or to Sana, he doesn't put live Spartan events on his channels. They're on the Spartan channel. So I want to build this as a separate brand. I don't want myself to be involved in literally everything that battle bunker does.
Starting point is 01:34:58 It's meant to be propelled on its own in the future. So I want to get used to that. I want to start broadcasting on its own channels. We've been putting a lot of resources into creating short form content we have this other series called the battle bus it's got number 600 million views in six months and yep there it is right there dude the battle bus thing is crazy thank you it's a lot of fun i've you pay for that you do i never see you be like and today uh fix a flat-Flat gave us $1,000. That's your money?
Starting point is 01:35:27 Unsponsored, my money. You're nuts. Yeah, that's what it takes. I mean, we do earn some. Okay, so I'll say this here. I've never said this anywhere else. Short-form content has obviously become more popular. TikTok started it.
Starting point is 01:35:41 I'm glad for that. And then Facebook Reels and Instagram Reels and YouTube shorts and Snapchat discover are following up. So the first person to really pay out for short form content is Facebook. They pay out. Earlier this year, they were given $1,400 for every million views. In January, we did 50 million views on our Facebook page. So- 1,400 times 50 even though the max you can earn is 32 000 we we capped that we made 32 000 from the battle bus you mean per per video no no total so the most you can make in it on the youtube on on the facebook, it's 32,000? 32,000 in a month. Oh.
Starting point is 01:36:26 Every month. Oh. So we post these videos, and I'll show you the reach right here. We get anywhere between 20 to 50 million views per month now. There it is. This last 28 days, 23.7 million. And those are the videos where you're hanging out in a parking lot and you're like, hey, sweetheart, come over here. You want five bucks? Let me see one pull-up. You want ten bucks?
Starting point is 01:36:50 Let me see two pull-ups. I don't say sweetheart because I don't want to get canceled. Right. Understood. I can say, hey, dude, can you do pull-ups? Yeah. Okay, well, I'll give you $5 every pull-up. Try it out. A lot of people say no. A lot of people say yes. We film it. We let them know, hey, this is being filmed. Is that cool? Yeah. They come out and we give them real cash my favorite is the lady who
Starting point is 01:37:09 you you said she said she couldn't even do one push-up and you still got her to come out there and do it and she's six yeah and and even though her range of motion was fucking hideous i just i just the whole time like dude he maybe he changed this girl's life. That's the way I like to think about it too. And the people that watch the videos. She's 600 times more powerful than she thought she was. And when you have the cameras on and when you're competing. People have the cameras on them when they're competing for cash prizes.
Starting point is 01:37:40 The stakes are real. So they really achieve what they can achieve. People really max it out. And I'm happy to see that. I'd like to see you go in front of a brothel. That would be. You did a gas station. You've done some fitness parking lots.
Starting point is 01:37:56 We're going to McDonald's today. Are you? Yeah. And what will the movement be? Probably, it'll have to be something simple. Either bench press or I don't want to do deadlift. I don't want to wreck people's backs. Maybe pull-ups. If we go to a random place like a McDonald's or like a Panera Bread or something, you would be surprised. Nobody can do pull-ups. It's like less than 2% of people that come out can do pull-ups. So that's why we don't go there
Starting point is 01:38:23 a whole lot because people can't rep it out. The average person in America cannot do one pull-up. Sad. Do you ever remember not being able to do a pull-up? I don't. It's not like I came out the gate doing 10 pull-ups, but I remember one of my limit was about three or four. I was in the barn with my brother and we taped this you know jacks that they um not like this like this that you jack a
Starting point is 01:38:52 car up with no no show me the first one which one is it not sorry i can't do that um the the jack handles that would go and we stole my dad's car jack and we taped it up on the rafter and we made a pull-up bar yeah i would go out there taped it taped it it would roll like back and forth sometimes so we had to duct tape it um did when you were in school did you have the presidential fitness exam yes we did yeah i missed those days because i had to do the um i couldn't do a pull-up i had to do the flex arm hang. Hang, yeah. Yeah, with the girls.
Starting point is 01:39:27 How many seconds? 30? Couldn't even win the girls, dude. And then when I was 23 years old, I had a roommate who was just juiced to the gills, Scott. He was way into steroids and meth. Ooh, that's not a good couple. he was crazy but i really liked him but it was crazy and i didn't fuck around with meth or any of that shit um and uh i just like drinking but um then i got some mdma do you know what that is i've heard of yeah ecstasy i think kids today call it molly okay yeah and one day we
Starting point is 01:40:06 i did some of that and i was in the backyard and he was doing it and um he goes i was he was doing some pull-ups in a tree and i was watching him and he said to me hey come do some pull-ups with me and i'm like i can't do pull-ups and he and he's like well hang from the tree. And he stood behind me and he grabbed my lats. And he said, hey, dude, it's not a pull-up. You got to contract that muscle. Because I was high on fucking MDMA. I could fucking just go put all my awareness. I don't know if you've ever done that drug.
Starting point is 01:40:38 But it's like nicotine on roids. It's like nicotine times 10 million. You can just focus. And I flexed those lats and my body went up. Dang, that's crazy. So I guess it was worth it. And I got my first pull-up. That's crazy. Could you do it after that? Yes. Yes. I became addicted to pull-ups. I'm the pull-up king. At one time at CrossFit HQ, I'll never forget it. They were doing a pull-up, strict pull-up contest in
Starting point is 01:41:05 there and pat sherwood who is a seal had just like set whatever the record was in the gym and i walked in with my just all my shit and they're like seven and they knew i was gonna pull up so like come over here and i and i and i i mean he went first so i know how many but whatever it was i think it was like 27 strict pull-ups and i just did it damn it's crazy yeah and i was like wow all mdma i think for the average gym goer it's about eight or nine i don't but but i god i don't even know that that's pretty generous um because you're right i mean for it was life-changing for me finally at 23 or 24 to do a pull-up my whole all of a sudden i became a tree climber i'd never climbed a tree in my life and all of a sudden i was climbing trees like it was
Starting point is 01:41:47 my my job it was cool well maybe that started your fitness journey yeah i was already kind of like a you know what i mean lap pull down guy okay one of those people. It's Halloween weekend, the first Battle Bunker. Yes. And people can go to Battle Bunker on YouTube and watch it live. Watch it live, yep. Our Facebook page and our YouTube channel. I'm trying to get it on TikTok, but I don't know how that vertical stuff works.
Starting point is 01:42:22 Oh, oh. I see what you mean. what oh oh so for the last yeah last six months or so the battle bus has really been helping yeah build our channels and the battle bunker tiktok is almost at a million facebook pages i think it's at 400k oh shit oh shit sorry oh you're good hi hi i'm so sorry uh no no will you text him i'll come out to the car now. That's what I mean. I'll text him. You're going to be a few minutes late. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:47 Fucked up. Okay. Love you. Bye. You're late. Kids, private tennis lesson. I've never been late. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:42:56 Two years. Okay. Finish that thought. Finish that thought. And then fuck was I thinking, what was I, what was I talking about? Battle bunker. When it's going to go live. Yep.
Starting point is 01:43:04 It'll go live October 29th, probably starting around 6.30 in the morning, but it'll be a 12-hour stream, which is going to be brutal, but we're going to make it happen. Awesome. My goal of every show is that people come into my living room and they have a good time and they enjoy themselves. I hope you enjoyed yourself. I did. It was fun.
Starting point is 01:43:19 Thanks for having me. Yeah, and thank you for bringing Sarah on. That was really cool. That made me feel like we had built some sort of rapport and trust. I think so too. Hopefully you'll come to the competition. I mean, you are signed up, so we'll see. And, and, and we'll be in touch. Yes, sir. We'll do. All right, brother. Thank you. Yes, sir. Thank you. Bye. Ciao. Bye.
Starting point is 01:43:39 Holy shit. My wife's never had to call me like that. I'll see you later, Caleb. Bye. I'll see you guys tonight. Five o'clock show. Big show tonight. Bye. Bye.

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