The Sevan Podcast - #597 - Josh Bridges

Episode Date: September 18, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Bam, we're live. I think Josh is showing up. I'm tripping. I am tripping. I'm tripping. I am tripping. Good morning. It's raining here in California already. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Great though. Don't get me wrong. It's great. I love it that it's raining. I love it that it's raining i got new ropes for my uh rig for those of you who've had the pleasure of seeing my rig um it's got ropes hanging everywhere off of it and i got uh five from rogue the best ones the best ones let me see let me see if I can pull them up. Rogue Ropes. I think they were $77 each. Oh, interesting. When you type in Rogue Ropes, jump ropes pop up. Let me see if I can. What if I just type in rope? I'll get that too.
Starting point is 00:01:43 What if I just go to Google? Rogue Fitness Ropes. I got new ropes. I'm so excited. I had seen a video where someone fell off. They were climbing a rope outside and the rope snapped. So I was like, shit, I need new ropes. I really don't want that to happen to me. My rope seemed fine. Well, you know what happened is that they were like five years old and at the bottom, they had started on unraveling a little bit,
Starting point is 00:02:15 but I always, but I left them out, you know, winter, summer, the whole year, the rope was straight outside and they started falling apart. Hey,
Starting point is 00:02:23 look, Matt's on the show too, Josh. Yo, yo, look, we're back together all three of us what's that matt josh stevon show we're back together look we got matt on i love it cool right i missed him i miss you it's all of us we're back together matt's not matt's probably not going to say a lot this show though he's busy i mean he's climbing a rope he's in a compromised position. I was just bragging that I got all new ropes for my rig.
Starting point is 00:02:49 These ones. Oh, really? I love it. They spent five years outside in the rain. Your ropes lasted five years. I know. Isn't that crazy? That's really crazy.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Does that mean that I just suck and I don't climb them enough? I think so. Or it doesn't rain where you live. It doesn't rain very much. 14 days a year. Gosh, that's awesome. I mean, it used to be like that for you too. Did you have any, when you live in San Diego, did you have any ropes outside?
Starting point is 00:03:18 Yeah, I had a rope outside all the time. I used ropes all the time. And how often did you change it? All the time. I used ropes all the time. And how often did you change it? It would start to shred. What I started to notice was after rains, and then I would climb it like the next day or two,
Starting point is 00:03:35 and then it would shred. From the bottom or in the middle? Kind of in the middle, like towards the bottom, like basically right towards my head height. That's at the bottom yeah for sure and then i would it would get everywhere get all over you the the whatever it is the yarn or whatever um and so then i would it would what i started to do is take it off uh take it down if i knew rain was coming and then put it back up and it lasted a lot longer but if it goes if it went through rain and it would dry out and it would shred how many times did you take your ropes down because of weather like not very many like five that got old well like it didn't rain very often in san diego but every once in a while I'd notice it and I'd be like, okay, I should probably take you down.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Would you put a ladder up? Yeah, you had to. It was 15 foot. Yeah, and then would you step on the top, you know, where it says don't step? This ladder was, this was a big ladder it gosh i think it was like a 13 foot ladder so yeah i didn't need to like it almost went to the top i have a big ladder must not be 13 feet it's probably like nine feet but um i have to stay when i put the ropes up i had to stand on the very top yeah and the other day when i changed them i had to stand one away from the top it's i'm not made for that i don't have the like weird shit happens in between my ball sack and my anus like i start feeling like i never have any sensations down there and i get
Starting point is 00:05:15 you know what i mean that tell me more you know when you used to jump out of planes you know that spot that lights up. Tell me more. Anyway, I'm stoked. I got the new ropes. All my ropes frayed from the bottom except one, one frayed in the middle. Yeah. It's one thing I don't have in Denver is a rope to climb. And it's really bumming me out because I love, I love rope climbs. It's one of my favorite movements to do in workouts.
Starting point is 00:05:43 And I don't have, I don't have rings yet to do ring muscle-ups this would have been unacceptable you're you're getting you're not you're not getting soft you're transitioning yeah exactly you're transitioning you're like a guy you don't need a bottle of wine sitting around your house anymore either like nope sure don't you're free you've liberated from addiction to rings wine and um ropes yeah crazy now the house doesn't go without mezcal but you know that's neither here nor there uh is it that's a trip that you don't have rings in a rope right i know it is it's weird and it's almost been a year if you go somewhere you just get in the obligatory and you see them, you get in the obligatory climbs for sure.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Don't talk to me. I'm going to use your rope. Yeah. I, your rings and your rope. So that that's yeah. But that doesn't, that doesn't even happen very often.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Trying to think of the last time I did one. Right after this, are you going to figure out how to put it? Why can't you just, you're, you're pretty tight with Bill and Katie. Can't you get like just a uh uh steel to steel uh i don't know what they're called upright yeah beams with the crossover and just hang a fucking rope from it and make that look nice in your front
Starting point is 00:06:57 yard and you're in your fucking bougie bougie fucking colorado uh i was i put a rig outside recently and um oh this is good i like this i was i was nervous to see if uh you know hoa was gonna swing by because i got i got hit up pretty quick when i first moved in with is there a picture of that rig on your instagram of my outside one yeah no i don't think so oh maybe yeah yes yes sir jesus christ dude sorry for using laura's name in vain but your neighborhood's nuts look at this shot out your driveway that's yeah that's like towards my house so is that the rig that's the rig i put out and i was a little there are those condos across the street those are those are individual family homes life is good yeah it's a big house over there um it looks like a movie
Starting point is 00:07:54 set like for some christmas movie christmas movie yeah macaulay caulkin's been walking around the neighborhood lost um you're worried about putting sorry i gotta keep hammering you a little bit here you're worried about putting that rig on your driveway it's fucking 200 feet from fucking the street your driveway right you need to fucking you if you if you get to your house with an empty tank of gas you're not making it back out to then your driveway i know man it's nice um but i was just nervous that someone would say something about that rig out there because HOA here is – I mean, I'd never had to deal with HOA before. My house in San Diego was built in like 1940. There ain't no HOAs.
Starting point is 00:08:35 And early on, right when I first – And you were in a ghetto military neighborhood. Not really. You know what I mean by ghetto military hood. The streets were – it wasn't a nice asphalt. No, yeah. neighborhood not really you know what i mean by ghetto military hood like the street the streets were like it wasn't a nice asphalt and no yeah i mean homes were there's old there's old houses um and but anyways the story of what like i got nervous because like real early on i mean i got an email saying hey we can see your trash cans from the street and i'm like i live in
Starting point is 00:09:05 a cul-de-sac what like there is a street behind my house where that's the one thing in denver sorry i'm changing subject no where were your trash cans i just paused it here where were they so you can't see it here they're to the right um to my right uh i have this. Next year, new Tesla. And so there's a garage. The garage is detached from the home. And there's like this little walkway in between there. And my trash cans were right there because there's nowhere else to put them. And so I was like, I don't even know what street you're talking about. Because in my head, if someone could see the trash cans from behind my house, I don't even know what, what street you're talking about. Cause if the, like in my
Starting point is 00:09:46 head, if someone could see the trash cans from behind my house, I don't care. Like that's a main road. It's a main road right behind my house. And, um, and so I guess like someone must've been walking around in the cul-de-sac and could see my trash cans, like down towards the end of the driveway there. And I was like, I was so pissed. I literally just replied back. Like, thanks. I can't hold like, I don't give a fuck if you can see my trash cans,
Starting point is 00:10:10 but I guess it's in our, uh, the HOA is that you are not allowed to have your trash cans in a place where they can be seen from the street. So I had to take my grill and put the grill in front of the house. Oh, to block the trash cans. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:23 I put the grill in front of the trash can. Sorry to block them. Oh, that's grill in front of the trash can sorry to block them oh that's hilarious and they probably didn't want that either but you just fucked you fucked them up i was like fuck it i don't care like whatever it's so stupid it's so dumb what if you had to put a pile of dead bodies in front of it ah here how about this is this is this better is this what you'd like um it's just ridiculous that you pay people money to tell you what you can and can't do with your own house. I agree.
Starting point is 00:10:47 It's insane. Do you have any HOAs? Pardon me? Do you have any HOAs? No. Cause you own like a few, you own multiple homes. So don't talk about my house. Like you own like multiple homes.
Starting point is 00:10:58 I have this issue right now. Poor guy. I have this issue right now that I've been dealing with for a year. And I deal with it every day in my head. And I do not know what to do with it, which is weird because I'm so smart and so wise. That is true. Let me hear it, though. I want to hear the conundrum that is Sivan.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I'm in a detached office from my house, and that's where my podcast room is, just where all my shit is. Oh, look at you. You got your own podcast room. podcast room is just where all my shit is oh look at you got your own podcast room and out this door and to the right is what i think is my neighbor's well i don't know what it is but there's something on the other side of the fence and he lives on an acre and i live on a half acre and we're the two smallest properties in the neighborhood and right outside right to the right of this door i think it's his well and i it's always running so like this in the middle of the night my dog had to take a piss and i went out there and i'm just fucking naked at 4 30
Starting point is 00:11:50 standing in my backyard and i just want and i just want to hear the redwood trees and the wind and the owls and shit but i hear fucking the grinding of metal which is his well you know like some pump and it's 20 of the 24 hours a day and we're out here in the fucking country yeah and and i and i really like him and i just don't know what to i don't know how to approach it i i think like as i recall i think two years ago i said something to him how do you like i mean they how do you stop that i would he's cool i just want to at least say something to him how do you like i mean they how do you stop that i would he's cool i just want to at least say something to him so i can get it off my brain if he says fuck you i'm not fuck you deal with it then i i would be fine with that but the fact that i always hear like you know then at least i would be off of my that i tried to do something you know yeah but he's the kind of guy where it's
Starting point is 00:12:40 raining in my house and i see a leak in my house or something and he comes or i'm like hey dude my heater stopped working he's like no problem i got a friend he'll come over and fix it i mean he's the ultimate neighbor so you don't there's someone parked in front of your house for two days i know you're out of town you want me to check on it yeah please you know he's cool um yeah i so you don't really want to mess with this guy i mean it doesn't sound i don't want to fuck up the relationship yeah don't fuck it up man but dude it's loud you would not tolerate it what i was gonna say don't deal deal with the well deal when i'm get when i'm when i'm getting frisky with hayley i can't hear heavy breathing because i hear the well grinding so that doesn't happen very often just deal with that on her on my birthday when i'm happy uh someone's never been naked is the correct that is correct
Starting point is 00:13:26 i just read that comment and laughed that's actually what i was chuckling at there is a um i gotta tell you i can't i have a hard time like the comments like pull my eyes and divert me that's because you're out of practice i know it's been a while i didn't think we were friends anymore i i you know i pulled up a podcast the other day and you're talking about like two different coffees and neither of them were good dudes. So I was like, Oh, we aren't friends anymore. We're, we're, we're, but look what I did. I put the pay him shirt on. I only wear CEO shirts, but I put this on today for you. New, new pay him shirt coming. No big deal. Yeah, that's nice actually. You know, what's a pain about this shirt is every time i wear it out
Starting point is 00:14:05 someone stops me and goes what's that mean every fucking time right you should say you say uh do you talk about like men men's be like actually like pay like payment oh well i like that one don't weaken uh rogue coffee cup i just tell them what it is. I said it means, you know, pay him. And they're like, no, I don't know. And it's so weird because it's like, it's so obvious to me, I guess, because of the cult I'm in. But I'm like, you know, Josh Bridges, pay him. They're like, who? Because it's
Starting point is 00:14:35 like some fat parent at my kid's tennis, right? He's like, like I can see them breathing. Their whole body moves when they breathe. And I'm like, it means you have to work out like no matter what you have to work out you have to pay the man the guy they're like who's the guy i'm like it's just the guy you you're the guy oh okay okay yeah bam yeah you're yeah you said josh bridges and that's what throws everyone you got to say jeff bridges oh okay i i should you're right they'll
Starting point is 00:15:03 know then i've seen you know i've told you that right that i get jeff out in public more than anything like it's like hey you're that guy josh jeff bridges and i'm like i'm not the dude man that's but that's actually kind of cool right yeah i get it all the time wow i'll get it on my instagram too i'll get dms they'll say hey jeff i'm like you're on my instagram page yeah and you want me to answer a question about whether you should do sit-ups or leg lifts go fuck yourself his name's john and you call him jane sorry jane i don't have an answer for you sorry tom um i i we spoke the other day and i was trying to get you to get on trt that's right you were i was trying i was trying to i was trying to pedal um you were peddling your
Starting point is 00:15:52 uh one of your sponsors uh hormones to you i'm still on the i'm still on the drug testing protocol man yeah i never you never know when i'm gonna make a comeback well it's funny you say that um i was listening to your you went on a podcast called tickle time that for sure lowered your t count tickle time yes that's right yes i didn't even know it's called that that for sure lowered your uh i forgot i was on there your your t count but hey i like josh he's a good dude this is a i don't know him but he seems like a good dude yeah he seems like a great how do you know him he just reached out to me i don't know him at all i've never met him in uh in person just through instagram and then just doing the podcast you ended up liking him yeah um can i i'm gonna play this yeah go ahead yeah this is this is
Starting point is 00:16:42 this is cool did he cut this and give this to you yeah this is this is uh i was uh i liked this for a minute and then and then it went straight to jealousy and envy but i can see that yeah okay listen to this doesn't serve it doesn't serve the purpose that i'm i'm can you guys hear this body for now i still i don't want to be my body for now i still i don't want to be weak you can hear it or out of shape um or overweight or unhealthy you know so i will train to like be healthy and you know but that's just where i'm at but like if an athlete came to me and they were my age and they said hey i want to go compete then go compete and go burn to the ground man you know like like i'm not i'm not uh no someone i think i pulled the quote out yesterday like if people tell you you need moderation or balance in your life they're not your friend like balance like seriously like you don't you don't be great from balance
Starting point is 00:17:37 i'll say that like you have to be so unbalanced it's fucking crazy that you lose friends that's the line that's the line you have to be so unbalanced you lose friends yeah i believe it um i got soon as you said that i got so many examples um tell me did you always know that when did you learn that um it was uh it was probably after i or when i when i started to train for going in the military you know that was when i realized like hey i can't be balanced i can't i can't like oh i need to spend time with my friends i need to go hang out with them and go to bars and shit i you know like it was like no this is everything this is all i want and to get to obtain my goal, I need to be 100% in on it. And I can't think, oh, I have to, I need to, I need time to hang out with my buddies or, or whatever,
Starting point is 00:18:35 you know, whatever it is in your life. It was like, this is it. This is all I care about. And if people don't want to help me get to my goal at that time in my life, it was, it was all, want to help me get to my goal at that time in my life it was it was all it was very selfish and then i didn't see him i was like hey if you don't want to come work out with me and get me better for my goal right now then cool i won't we won't be hanging out and then the insecurities creep in right so like i don't talk to you for like three months and i and i feel a little narrative pop up in my head that maybe there's a problem between us. It's like, it's completely fat. Oh shit. It's completely fabricated. And then, and then maybe I talk to you and I'm a little more sensitive about like
Starting point is 00:19:15 the texts we exchange and then it kind of goes away and then, but then it'll creep in again. And it's because we're both being, we're both doing what we want to do. And if your friends aren't confident enough to get in where they fit in, then that's their problem. And at some point you have to, if you're going to be great, you have to like get to that spot. It's true, man. It's true. If you want to be greater than anything, you have to be unbalanced. You have to be so laser focused on whatever it is your goal is that you're attacking it at every angle attacking it with reckless abandon i like to say and not and not worry about um this is this is the perfect example um the guy the guy who's the producer of this podcast
Starting point is 00:19:59 matt souza he he got married yesterday oh nice i didn't go to his wedding. Way to go, pal. I had a podcast last night. Nice. Who was it with? Probably wasn't worth it. It was. Asshole. It was J.R. and Taylor Self.
Starting point is 00:20:16 And it was talking about the programming at the Madrid. It doesn't even matter. It's what I wanted to do. It's what needed to do. I'm singularly focused on this podcast succeeding. It i wanted to do it's what it's what needed to do i'm singularly focused on this podcast succeeding yeah has nothing to do with him if he thinks i'm an asshole for it or something like that which he doesn't that's and but he will have friends who tell him that i'm an asshole for not going oh for sure oh he doesn't care that wasn't cool couldn't you've taken a day
Starting point is 00:20:37 off no i cannot yeah you're focused man i love it yeah did you did josh um i mean now now he's 43 so he doesn't need rings and rope but would he have ever accepted living somewhere without rings and 43 whatever you are no i'm not 40 yet pal don't put don't pigeonhole me into that master's category um you would have never you would have never you would have never given up a workout a day of training to go to a wedding uh when you were training for the games right no i missed lots of weddings i mean yeah i missed lots of uh events i missed lots of birthdays i missed lots of uh and when you say missed like fuck you you missed out on having josh there like that's another thing i didn't i'm not sacrificing shit don't think i'm like i'm
Starting point is 00:21:23 sacrifice i had to sacrifice my time to go to my friend i'm not sacrificing i choose this i don't sacrifice for nobody that was i've said the exact same thing like it's it was never a sacrifice nothing i did was ever a sacrifice so it was where i wanted to be yeah that was 100 like there was nothing about that would i never considered any part of my training any part of my life anything that i chose was a sacrifice because that's where I want it to be. And the moment that you think that you're sacrificing something, that's when you're like, you're missing out. You're missing the boat. You're missing the enjoyment because people think it's always the end goal, right?
Starting point is 00:21:58 It's always that final destination that you're looking for, but it's the journey it's the journey that is the that's the good stuff man and when you're like thinking that's the only stuff imaginary yeah it's like just what your your hope or your your goal or your dream or whatever but like if you're not enjoying what you're doing man you're never gonna be great at anyways i can't wait till i work out a hundred times in a row so that i'm skinny well you're not going to get there and there's going to be some sort of fucking happiness waiting for you or you're yeah you're going to feel like you missed something and you should have been doing something else where man people ask me about like my training like how how did you just go in the
Starting point is 00:22:42 gym every day and work out so hard i fucking loved loved it. That's why I fucking wanted to be, I wanted to be, I wanted to be there. I loved it. I loved every fucking day. When I was a kid, there was this term, um, uh, I need to go on a diet to lose weight. Right. And then I don't know where it changed. I'm sure it was probably in my thirties when I was around CrossFit, but you realize how stupid that is because your diet isn't something you do. Your diet is like just part of your life. We're all on a diet. You have a rabbit. He's on a diet. You have your dog. He's on a diet. Diet is just the food you eat. Yeah, exactly. It's your nutrition. And it's crazy to think that anyone ever thought otherwise. I still – do you think that like half of America still thinks like you need to go on a diet to lose weight?
Starting point is 00:23:38 Or do you think everyone now knows that like, hey, your diet is just your lifetime journey of fueling the body? No. I think that – They're still stuck on the old shit. I bet there's more than half that still think that you have to go on a diet to lose weight. I bet it's more than half. I mean, it's such common sense, right? Because then you get off the diet and the weight comes back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:53 The diet. It's just how you choose to eat. That's your diet. Yeah. That's all it is. You know, I've been doing pretty good on the carnivore. You haven't? You're still on it. I've been doing pretty good on the carnivore you have you're still on it i've been
Starting point is 00:24:05 doing it for gosh since like december how are you um and did you give up the perfect bars yeah fart bars you mean i wasn't sure if i was going to bring that up and it's gone and the farting's gone it's helped it's helped a lot like it's not a hundred percent it's helped a lot um yeah how about how about when i had paul on and he said yeah people eat plants and they fart and i go what's wrong with farting like i like farting yeah yeah like yeah what's wrong with farting man that's what guys do we joke about that shit um No, man, it's been cool. I've been really digging it. You know, I do basically the same as Paul does, where I eat red meat, fruit, and honey.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Raw honey. Wait, say it again. I was texting a friend higher in the hierarchy than you. No, but hey, I understand. I understand my placement now. Honey, meat. And fruit. Fruit. Are you doing any raw meat uh liver frozen i do the frozen liver raw is there a brand you do no i killed a bison so i have like you how big a bison's liver is i'm just i'm going to look
Starting point is 00:25:22 it's about the size of this freaking flag behind my head how large is a bison build a bison's liver is i'm just i'm going to look it's about the size of this freaking flag behind my head how large is a bison build a bison yeah i got to go up and kill bison up montana i got 400 pounds of meat baby wow it was just wild just cruising around no it wasn't a wild bison it was uh like i a guy i met a met a guy who um he runs a b ranch, and then he sets up hunts. So he brings one over and kind of sets it out into like an 80-acre thing, and then you hunt it. Oh, okay. That's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:55 It says, is it okay to eat bison liver? You'll hardly know you're eating liver if it's grass-fed. Is it good liver? I don't like the taste of liver no matter what. So I don't know. That's why I like it. I like it frozen, chopped up. I don't even taste it.
Starting point is 00:26:13 What does liver taste like? Tastes like iron. God, liver is disgusting. Yeah, liver is not good, man. Try it frozen and you set it out of of the you know get it out of the freezer and then um chop like kind of let it thaw slightly not a lot just a little bit and then you slice it up and then you it almost tastes like ice like a little bit of bloody ice chips kind of thing i don't know no i i tried to order the liver chips i couldn't eat those either
Starting point is 00:26:45 no yeah that's been the um the best case scenario for me is the frozen like it's just it's not good oh it's a 20 pound the liver weighs 20 pounds it's huge man yeah when he pulled that thing out i was like i had to slice it up and put it into baggies in my fridge. Hey, dude, the skin on a bison weighs as much as me. 150 pounds. Yeah. I can see that.
Starting point is 00:27:13 It's not called skin. It's called a hide. Sorry. I apologize. The hide. The hide, bro. Come on. Six pound heart, eight pound tongue.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah. The heart was huge. I put a picture on my instagram about the heart i got that too and i can eat it i mean i've been eating it yeah i just sliced off a couple i sliced off a cup like maybe a couple ounces hey um are you still chatting with brian johnson no not really yeah he's murdering it he's crushing man he's it's it's like um it's nuts hey all i'm scrolling through instagram and i never get to see more than the front tire of your tesla is that yours or your ladies uh yeah it's it's it was for her it's hers you don't
Starting point is 00:28:01 really have his or her car you just drive drive whatever you want. Yeah, exactly. I know that's the way it is for me. I mean, my wife always ends up in the forerunner and I end up in the van, but I still don't think of them as like my car. Yeah. I drive the Tesla more than anything right now. That thing's awesome. I love it.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I never thought, I never thought I'd be an electric car guy. And that thing's like driving a rocket ship it's so fun maybe this is just old man shit but i don't like getting into low cars it is it's definitely that's taking an adjustment for sure i my body doesn't like it it's like i prep for it like you know when i get out of bed in the morning i have to prep i feel like okay just get the body working it's like that when i get into a tesla it's like fuck it's like laying down it is i hit my i always knock my hat off like getting into the car
Starting point is 00:28:51 every time are you uh uh are you gonna do the trt should we should we talk about that we can talk about no no idiot nope uh has has anyone else ever approached you about that no did you see uh did you do you know about this andrew hiller guy who accused uh tia of doing steroids no or i know who he is. I know who your little bat boyfriend is. I sent Josh a text during the games. Me? Yeah, you asking him if he wanted to come on the show. You haven't brought that up yet? I figured you might have talked about it already. He said, oh, are slumping bat boy's not doing it for you huh something like that
Starting point is 00:29:50 that's right i got you know i mean i got replaced it's okay you definitely did not get uh you know what's so funny about that guy i told you you the story, right? How I was watching one of the documentaries, and it scanned to – do people know who he is? Because I don't know. I had no idea who he was. No. I mean, I think Andrew got like 48th in the World Wide Open one year or 50th, somewhere in there, pretty high. But I had never heard of him until he made a video about steroids and CrossFit. Like that was his first video.
Starting point is 00:30:28 And all of these people were telling me, Hey, you should go watch it. And I never went and watched it because I just, I didn't like that. I don't like that talk. Maybe like, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:36 I don't like that talk. Yeah. I mean, whatever it is, what it is, right. People are going to, people are going to have their accusations and their opinions. So it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I go ahead. Oh, but I was just saying like, I was, you know, I don't, I don't know who who he was and it was funny because then you see um you know he kind of he was like popping up all over getting people like booted out of the regional or open or whatever this year um or i guess bringing attention to certain things that hip and steel guy took one on the on the chin yeah whatever it is what it is right um but i saw i saw something about he posted how like the games judges that
Starting point is 00:31:13 have should have a hundred percent call on everything they should have a hundred percent say like whatever they say goes like they're god and you're like okay this guy's a nutcase like that's where my head went. I'm like, really? Because not even in major league sports, baseball, football, there's, there's reviews of everything, right? Because people make mistakes. And you're saying that a judge who, you know, is a human being should have a hundred percent say, and whatever they say is final. And then, so I'm like, okay, that guy at that moment, like this guy is like. You wrote him off.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Yeah, exactly. I don't care anymore what this guy says. He's a nut. And then I'm watching one of the documentaries for some reason. I can't even remember why. And it panned to the, to the, in the 2014 games when we were sequestered down into one of the locker rooms. And this is in carson this is in carson so it was in 14 and and they're they kind of panned out and then you see there he was
Starting point is 00:32:14 that dude hillard or whatever in the background he was a judge he was like a judge that year at the games and so you're like wait a second where did you see that i've never heard this it was on one of the uh one of the documentaries i can't remember which one it was who showed that to you i saw it and i i noticed them i was like that's that dude right there that's that wow i gotta ask him that yeah were you were you a judge of the 2014 games yeah i don't think that's accurate I don't think that's accurate. You don't think that's accurate? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:32:48 I mean, how would I have not known that? I have no idea. Were you a judge at the 2014 games? You text him right now? Okay, go on. Yeah. So then you're like, okay, so this guy was just, I don't know. My mind went a couple different ways.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I was like, oh, this guy is a guy who just, he always wanted to go to the games. He never qualified. Yeah. And there's a lot of that. There's like, yeah, of course he's like that. He's a hater. Yeah, he couldn't make it. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Who knows? I avoided the videos. And then he started pointing out some shit that was just so fucking crazy you just couldn't even
Starting point is 00:33:27 I'm going to paraphrase but there was like something in the games manual that was like you can do step ups or you can do pistols like for a masters qualifier and you're like you know what I mean just shit like you can't even believe and then you go there and look and
Starting point is 00:33:45 there it is or like the weights were different like the kilograms and pounds weights that they gave didn't match they weren't the same weights really yeah and he starts and he just starts pointing out dozens of those things and you're like okay yeah there was some weird shit that happened in the qualifier this year in the in the um i want to say in the quarter vinyls event three there's some really weird shit that happened on the leaderboard nothing malicious but shit that should have been fixed okay i didn't i didn't pay attention as much this year there's nothing there for you in his content just i mean it's not it's probably not your cup of tea do you know what i mean yeah he's not like talking he's not talking about like investing in bitcoin or or uh how to sign more swat teams up for your event yeah
Starting point is 00:34:29 he's in the cafeteria i'm doing having food fights which which is which is kind of fun yeah exactly i mean it's it's entertainment i'm sure for a lot of people did you ever have you ever been in a food fight? I don't think so. You didn't do that in high school? No, there was never any food. I don't remember ever having a food fight at school. We used to have so many fucking food fights.
Starting point is 00:34:56 That shit wouldn't fly in the military, right? Like in a chow hall? 400 dudes and one dude just picks up a carton of milk and throws it across the room. And everyone just starts throwing food. No. I would have god it'd been awesome hey that's the way my high school was one of my friends would turn off the lights in the cafeteria yeah but it wouldn't even make it dark in there do you know what i mean yeah like it didn't do shit but when the lights went off everyone just started throwing okay go ahead read the comments go ahead go ahead let's just read the comments you're're addicted. I see. I see. I'm watching your eyes. I know.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I know. I got to turn it off. Hey, is there any truth? Is there any truth someone wrote in the comments that you would have beat Rich if it wasn't for the softball throw? Is there any? I don't know if I would have beat him. It would have been a lot closer. I mean, I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Did you believe at the bottom of that event and and he was yeah yeah i definitely bombed that work i threw you know you got three attempts to throw that stupid softball down the down the lane and i think it was like a five yard lane or whatever and i could i grew up playing baseball and i played softball for like five years um so when you saw the event you're like okay i can do this yeah i'll be fine like i'll be i'll be you know i'll do all right and um i threw all three out oh shit yeah so i've got a zero on that one oh shit and is that is that just all pressure yeah just like i had a plan in my head i was like i'm gonna i'm gonna throw one like i'm gonna just let it go
Starting point is 00:36:25 i'm gonna send it on the first one and if it goes out then i'll back off and i'll just get one in you know down a little bit farther but not as far as i could throw it and then i'll take my last one and go you know send it again well i missed the first one barely and then uh the second one i was like i was so pissed at myself i was like no fucking i'm gonna send it again oh instead of just do a safe throw yeah i just never did my safe throw which was damn stupid um are you married now no still disengaged engaged do you do you have a wedding date uh we don't have it set up yet we're're still trying to find a venue. So next year, probably we're thinking early or early spring, summer next year. Why not just go to the courthouse?
Starting point is 00:37:16 You know, I'm kind of like letting her kind of dictate what she wants to do and how she wants to do it. So part of you, when i said that is like great question hey courthouse yeah no no i think it'd be cool to have a you know a wedding and do whatever she you know she wants to do and uh and it will be in colorado no probably. Oh, because that's where she's from. Yeah. Yeah, she's from Montana. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:48 And do you guys live together now in Colorado? Yep. Wow. Did it happen fast? I mean, I guess. I don't know. It depends on what you consider fast, I guess. I don't know. I don't think so what you consider fast i guess i don't know
Starting point is 00:38:05 i don't think so from when you met her can you tell me how you met her so we met um like a long time ago uh just randomly at an event and like years ago yeah like five ten years ago like seven years ago i think six years ago something like that. And then just kind of reconnected through Instagram. And, and then, and how long ago is that? Like a little over a year ago. Oh, okay. Yeah. No, I guess that's not that fast.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Yeah. Not, especially not when you're 43. Did Andy, did Andy get married? He did. I did i saw that on i mean i saw it on his instagram he did yeah i definitely did not get invited to andy's wedding but i am surprised josh didn't get invited yeah no i i haven't talked to i haven't kept as in touch as i'd like to um the last time i saw him was last christmas and i was up in montana and we i did a podcast with him because he had what because he's in whitefish and um sydney's mom lives right next to it uh this josh knock hillers eye straight straight. That's not nice at all. That's not nice.
Starting point is 00:39:25 That's not nice at all. His, his eye that, that that's a signature. I, Oh, Oh wait, he'll,
Starting point is 00:39:30 he's got something wrong with his eye. He just hit one of his eyes. It's not really his eye. It's his eyelid. One of his eyelids is like heavy. You know, you see that with people. So it's kind of like,
Starting point is 00:39:39 he's like this all the time. Okay. Hmm. Dr. Watson. I can't do it. I think it's the other one but i can't do it i think it's the other one i can't do it you're looking kind of buff man you've been training i'm i'm just fat no i've been training i've been training i've been training a lot thank you look at you man filling that shirt out nicely is that yeah when i go yeah when i got this shirt it was actually pretty uh pretty
Starting point is 00:40:05 loose on me and this morning i was like is this too tight did i shrink this um it's just getting jacked yeah i'm speaking of you know what i've been doing a lot of is negatives i've been doing i do a shitload of negative work specifically bar muscle-ups yeah i'm time under tension baby yeah and and with and with a weight vest on nice so just make sure i'm super duper fucking lubed and then tons of negatives and i've experienced no shoulder pain joint pain nothing from it i like it and then i and i lower into an l nice so i have one of those kids gymnastic setups you know like like kids gymnastic high bar low bar so and then i just i jump to the top and then just lower. Yeah. Five of those with a weight
Starting point is 00:40:49 vest on with a 16 pound weight vest, 10 calories on the assault bike while listening to Josh Bridges podcast, 10, 10 rounds. I like it, man. I like it. Yeah. And then towards the, and then you can, you can, um, uh, modulate it too. Right. So the first five, you're just letting pass through really fast. You don't want something to snap. then in the last rounds you can kind of fucking war through the transition i don't know i i really like all the negative work you write this down yeah you'll see it in the josh bridges programming oh speaking of josh bridges programming are you programming for swat teams now well yeah we just partnered with um with a guy with a buddy of mine, Jake, who is in the law enforcement community. He's a super smart guy, super educated, and he's been running a lot of programs for SWAT specifically. And we decided to pair up and do some programming together. When you say super educated, I just hear indoctrinated.
Starting point is 00:41:43 Does he have a lgbq flag and the um i don't think so he's down in texas i don't know if that would i don't know if those uh those fly down there the the serve does he have the survey i just saw someone just sent me a survey that crossfit sent out what'd it say oh it's so disappointing i'm actually gonna i actually going to open it up and take it online. I don't want to do that to you, but it is so bad. It is. The questions that they ask in there, it's like, who needs to know that shit about anybody? Right. It's a really strange place where we're going these days.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Yeah. How is your neighborhood? How's Colorado? Oh, I don't know. I'm technically in like Boulder County. So Boulder County, I think is pretty, leans a certain direction or Boulder leans a certain direction. But, you know, you live in California. So, I mean, I, I, I don't watch too much of the, like the real news.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Like I don't ever have like Fox or CNN or stuff on it, but I do, but I do see a much of the real news. I don't ever have Fox or CNN or stuff on. But I do see a lot of shit on Instagram. But what's weird is what I see is – so before I even heard about monkeypox, all of a sudden I noticed I would go places, and all of a sudden people were wearing masks again. And then a few days later, I'm like, oh, they're like, what are we going to do about monkeypox? I'm like, no shit. There's people in my community who are like – I see the pulse of the covid narrative by every time i go out but i still see every time i go out i see people masked up every time yeah i do too i saw so i saw someone yesterday walking their dog with one yeah and i went to a jiu-jitsu tournament and
Starting point is 00:43:19 there were kids fighting my kids with masks on man that's it's crazy that's abusive right it's asking your kid to fight while you cover his mouth and his nose or is that is that josh bridges program can't be helped i'll say that i mean i don't even like um i've used this machine where it's you know you have have you ever seen the guys they train with it sometimes they'll like be on a bike and they'll have the mask on christian lacero would do that uh with uh max mormont oh yeah i think i remember that yeah it's what probably wasn't as fancy as the one you're talking about but i've seen those yeah with the mouth i think it's like i think it's pumping nitrogen or something because it's just trying to remove some of the oxygen out of the air um i don't know
Starting point is 00:44:05 exactly the uh science behind or whatever but yeah i tried doing that once and man like i wanted to freaking i ripped the thing off my face so fast i'd get on the assault bike or the echo bike and have that mask on i'm like get this thing off my face it's oppressive right yeah it's oppressive i'm gonna tell you this weird story I've never told anyone. When I brush my kids' teeth, I'll put – I'll like prep the toothbrushes, and I'll put one in my mouth and then carry two in my hand, you know, and then carry it to their bedroom and set them down. And the second I put that toothbrush in my mouth and I feel my jaw bite down, I start to – I have a whole mood change. I start to get angry. Really? Have you ever experienced, have you ever experienced that? Cause you're like clenching? You're saying? Yeah. I start clenching and I turn into an asshole just, and if I don't do that and I carry all three toothbrushes like this, I don't. I've never, uh, never experienced
Starting point is 00:44:59 that. Have you ever worn a mouthpiece like in boxing? Oh yeah. Yeah. And did you notice that, that when you bit down on the mouthpiece, felt like your whole being changed it was it's so weird i mean and i fucked with it like a hundred times and i'm like wow this is a real phenomenon for me i've never um had that moment where i realized it i guess but i i can see what you're saying you know there's definitely times where if i feel you're not like you fucking idiot you do sent you no i because when my my i carry i't know, my shoulders and traps get really tight. And when it is, I can definitely tell I'm a little more on edge for sure. Like there's a connection.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Yeah, like I can, I feel that tension and it puts me in a mood I don't like. So I know, I do, I kind of understand what you're saying for sure and and then so so putting a mask on your face is like immediately just fight or flight i don't like it i'll tell you that i didn't like it well i didn't i didn't wear it very often but when i had to there was i didn't like it this dude um this are you gonna get into jiu-jitsu i keep waiting for you to get into that i keep thinking you're gonna do that i would but it's just i have a hard time with my my knee oh still getting into certain positions yeah so i think i would if if my if i had a good knee i would be i probably would but uh it's just like it it gets i'll still it has pain it doesn't get it doesn't have full
Starting point is 00:46:27 range of motion i can't sit like even in wrestling i can't sit in what's called uh referees position right so i can't basically sit on my put your ass to your uh ankles i can't put my ass to my ankles exactly and so i don't know there's just things i don't it's just like you just can't do it anymore it's weird it's weird when you get to that place – it's just like you just can't do it anymore. It's weird. It's weird when you get to that place where it's like, oh, I just can't do that anymore. Yeah, that is weird. And let me ask you this. So it's – you really don't do it.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Is this true or false? You really don't do it because you just don't want to injure yourself more. You're like happy, like, okay, I can still do a lot of shit. I don't want to do this and injure myself more i don't look at it like like injury wise i just know that i couldn't i'd i would be nervous to um i'd be nervous with the knee that's all i guess so maybe yeah maybe i guess that's what i'm thinking i might injure it more and i do like the abilities that I have now. Um, I can do most things that I want to do. And so is there anything you can't do that you want to do?
Starting point is 00:47:34 I wish I could run more. I can't run. I can't run very often. Uh, I can't, and I can't run. Is it stupid every time you run? Are you like, I should not, is it like that every time you run, you're like, I should not have done that. I definitely question every time you run are you like i should not is it like that every time you run you're like i should not have done that i definitely question every time i do it and sometimes it surprises me and sometimes it's fine and then other times it's just like you get home and it's swollen you're like yeah you're like what the fuck did you do that for you dumbass and for three days it'll be sore so yeah it's interesting how about any of those how about any of those machines like the trueform or the Assault Runner? That's what I have.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I have a Trueform at the house, and it does help. It helps a lot. It's just not the same. Like that kind of running is not the same as running outside, going trail running. Like I love trail running. You know, I would run on the road sometimes, but finding a good trail and going on like a, a 5k or something like that. Like that was like, I love doing that. And, uh, I just can't do it. Uneven ground rocks and shit like that. You know, like just that constantly changing of, uh,
Starting point is 00:48:37 the, um, I don't know the level that you're running on. It fucks with it hard i tried to do that event with tosh the his big big fish foundation and i got like what was it we had to do two and a half miles on the hour oh yeah and so then one hour you did on a true form next hour you did on a trail this was gosh what was it two years ago now for 24 hours yeah for 24 or no it was uh it was until everyone until the until everyone quit oh shit so he just kept going so like one dude did like 63 hours the winner wow yeah he was an ultra guy but i got to like hour like 18 or 19 and my knee was just like a fucking cantaloupe it was so swollen so i had to like bow out but i mean it was the uneven ground on his trailed loop we had to do this loop three times that made two and a half miles and uh man every time i came back i was just like fuck like it we also went out a little hot you know the first
Starting point is 00:49:39 couple of rounds and i was like uh coming in at like 30 30 minutes or so um there's some training it was at like it's at like 8 000 i think his house is at like 8 000 foot oh it was at his house yeah uh so it was that was just like i was like that fuck that was was that in 2020 yeah i was like early 2020 because it was right when the pandemic hit um and i just remember thinking in my head like i've and i had surgery the knee surgery was like a year just over a year like 15 months prior or something like that and i was like man i think i set my knee back a little bit at from that event but i was i was glad to be there just uh i didn't i thought i'd be better than i thought it'd be all right and then fuck man like 12 hours in i was like oh this isn't going very well you know i'm starting to take is that just bad training is that dumb do you wish
Starting point is 00:50:36 do you wish that you would have listened to the josh who was on tickle time and hey fuck you like because that that kind of fits in that category too, right? Maybe you felt obligated because he was your friend and it was for some sort of military fundraiser or something. I don't know if I felt obligated. I actually wanted to do it. I thought it was a really cool challenge and I thought it was for a good cause. And so I wanted to do it. I didn't really feel obligated to do it.
Starting point is 00:51:03 It definitely hurt my knee more than i thought it would like i was like uh it's gonna start to hurt it's gonna swell up at some point especially not getting sleep you know the body's gonna start to induce inflammation yeah and so i um but it did it happened a lot faster and it was it was the uneven terrain i did another event there the next year um it didn't have quite as much running in it and that one was only a 24-hour event and uh i made it through that just fine um i just said when was that that was prior to that that was the next year oh the next year the very next year yeah i went back again but you're fucking nuts you're fucking nuts. But I asked them prior to. I was like, listen, man, if it's the same amount of running.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Do you have a vagina category? Yeah, exactly. I was like, if it's as much running as last year, I'm not going to be able to do it. And I don't want to just come to whatever. And so he told me what the event was. And I went and did it. And it was just fine. It was just less running.
Starting point is 00:52:09 For anyone who gets offended by my vagina comment don't forget there's lots of comments that are uh about the dick that categorize dick like dick in the dirt did you put your dick in the dirt like yeah we don't we we don't say did you put your vagina in the dirt it should be cool there's balance there's be cool be cool man there's balance in the universe all all the genitalia gets kicked around and fucking stomped on dude did you watch the fights last night or no uh yes i did the triple g the trip the canelo triple g fight was boring as hell oh i god oh really i loved the last two rounds and i was hating the commentators the last i was hating the commentators the last few rounds when triple g finally like let his hands go i was like man it like and canelo too man he was fighting really flat-footed for the first 10 rounds canelo he wasn't doing all that shit and
Starting point is 00:52:58 like the shit that makes him canelo right and you know have you watched the first two yeah I don't remember him that well but I do I do remember the one that was a draw the first one yeah the very first one I thought I thought Triple G won that fight um and the second fight they gave to Canelo and I was like I was kind of shocked at that too last night though yeah Canelo definitely won that fight and I was kind of surprised by the scoring it was like 115 to 113 to two of the judges scored at 115 to 113 i was like damn i did not see i didn't see it that way but whatever yeah neither did i i saw that um canelo dominated but it was so it was the commentator spent the last two rounds being critical of the fight when the last two rounds
Starting point is 00:53:45 were a fucking war yeah and i'm just like what a guy shut the fuck up and look at what's happening in front it's about the journey it's a journey didn't you hear what josh said come on come back to it let's go back i love it i love that full circle we just did there i i'm not a fan of the zones commentators any of them like i don't i don't i don't yeah not a a fan of the zones commentators, any of them. Like I don't, I don't, I don't, yeah. Not a big fan of that. That group. Group or guess. Yeah. What about the knees to toes guy? Do you fuck with him?
Starting point is 00:54:16 No, I know. I'm switching back to the knee thing. Yeah. Sorry. I know. I know who he is. I haven't done any of that. I should try it. I should probably give it a go. See if it helps. I've done, I've done a little bit of, I should try it. I should probably give it a go. See if it helps. I've done, I've done a little bit of, I've done like the backwards sled walking. I've done some of the heel up,
Starting point is 00:54:30 letting your knees really drive over your toes. Squatting. I've done some of that. I like my knee just doesn't get into that. Like I can't get full flexion in that knee. So I can't come. Like I said, I can't come anywhere near getting my
Starting point is 00:54:45 ass to my ankles so it just doesn't go that low because there's bone spurring and you're talking about like that backbend thing thing he does i'm just talking about i'm talking about the super deep lunge right right okay i mean he has he has like a thousand movements, I feel like. Yeah, he does. Yeah. I can't believe you haven't fucked with that. I know. I should. I'm getting this – I'm painting this picture of you in my head. Let me see it. Paint it.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Write it on – do it on a piece of paper and doodle it and let me see it. Okay. Tesla. Tesla. Tesla. Hot fiancé. No rope. tesla um hot hot hot fiance no rope no rope i know right no rings no muscle up i have rings i just don't have them uh i don't have a place to do a muscle up no no sport you're not in your no competition you're not doing any
Starting point is 00:55:40 competitions these days like you're not into shooting you're not into jiu-jitsu you're not into like beard growing contest not nothing no see there's there's a there's a picture i'm seeing of a man of a man who is um i'm doing the rogue invitational i'm doing the legends is it are you yeah seriously yeah wow and uh why how come Can't you just go there and just chill? We could, but Bill and Katie asked, and I was like, yeah, of course. I'm also doing the programming for The Rogue Invitational. Me and Chris Spieler and Katie have been doing it again. What's that look like when it's you?
Starting point is 00:56:22 Let me finish this picture I'm painting. It's a man who is a pampered man. A man whose hat gets knocked off by the door in the – let me ask you this. Is there any kids' equipment in the Tesla, like any baseball or basketball or anything in the trunk yeah there's kids golf clubs in the trunk oh that's nice i like that that adds to the picture too okay i'm gonna come i'm gonna come back to that i'm gonna let that sit for come on back has any of your clothing changed? Are you wearing thicker socks and shoes with more, you have insoles in your shoes? I'm just wondering.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Nope. No insoles in my shoes. Okay. Not really. You're not, you haven't, you're not, do you have a regular petty and Manny? Sure don't pal. Okay. You bite your fucking tongue. All right. How do you how do you program
Starting point is 00:57:26 with someone with spieler and katie how what's that look like uh we kind of come we so we we flew out to columbus um with ideas you know we both we all i think we all had our you know and bill and katie bill and katie were both there um and you know we had some ideas and everyone you're in a room with like a whiteboard that kind of shit yeah yeah okay yeah one of their offices um and you know bill and katie had an idea of like how they wanted to look uh how many workouts and then you know chris by look they tell you and spieler they determine without the venue you're not like hey guys i want to move this to new york yeah no yeah i think we need to move this to uh denver colorado you and spieler aren't like hey we have to have a pool yeah i mean i mean the the cool thing about
Starting point is 00:58:18 you know when you're dealing with bill and katie is like they're up for anything and so like you could you could you definitely could say something like that i think yeah and they're not gonna kick you out yeah right you know i think bill likes the crazier the fucking better i love it like he wants some like he wants it to look really fucking cool and so it's awesome to be able to like have an open you know like it doesn't have to be a certain structure in that sense, but then they have, uh, ideas of, okay, they have this workout, you know, and, um, some workouts already kind of like set, set, and then we just kind of have to make some fine tune adjustments to it. And then, you know, we come with ideas for other events and then we have to, we just kind of like talk them out on the board
Starting point is 00:59:05 and then we test them and then you know make adjustments from there oh um but it is it's tough because then you have to think about so many different things um you know you being around CrossFit and being around Dave you under you know it's just uh it's such a there's a bunch of ropes uh go ahead what were you gonna say and then i want to say something about one of these ropes oh just saying like you know it's tough because you have to think about okay how's this gonna look you know is it going to be a good race um is it the right you know numbers is it the right weight is the right reps all that kind of stuff there's just so much that goes into it does it ever get contentious no i don't think
Starting point is 00:59:54 so it's never been like you never like spieler goes to use the bathroom and you look at bill and katie you're like dude no no like why this what what the fuck man no i think i think we all i think we're all open enough to if we say like if i like if i say something and they don't agree with it they're both just like yeah that i don't think that's gonna work and i'm okay with that you know because you're just putting out ideas and thoughts that you you know you're trying to think think through in your head um katie never like, um, uh, Hey, uh, let's have a free throw competition.
Starting point is 01:00:27 And you guys were like, Oh, that's a great idea. But you're like, you fucking idiot, but it's all your money. So yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:33 I love it. I love you. Not now. No, none of that. All right. Hey, what,
Starting point is 01:00:37 what about, um, what about, look at this rope here. Do you see this rope? I mean, that rope looks like it's this thick, right? Yeah. I mean, that rope looks like it's this thick, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:46 That rope looks like it's as thick as your waist. Right? Yeah, pretty much. I want to propose a rope client. Can you imagine how much that fucking thing weighs? If you swung that, you could probably kill a kid with that. Yeah, hard. I want to propose a new rope that's like two to four times
Starting point is 01:01:07 thicker than the current ropes why because then all the gyms it'll be fun to watch at the rogue invitational to watch people climb them and bill and katie will make a small fortune off of rope sales that all the gyms will then buy yeah possibly i don't know. I, I, I think that, uh, what, I mean, but what, what are you testing then there? Just climbing a new rope. But it's thicker, so it's going to be harder to get like, so now you're, now you're basically helping guys with bigger hands. Um, you don't like that. Yeah, I don't. Hey, I got big. Hey, how about this? Um, I wanted to have a steel pole in my backyard, like a fireman's pole.
Starting point is 01:01:46 You know what I mean? Because I have the giant rig. But I can't find a fucking pole because they're all galvanized, and you're not supposed to climb galvanized poles. It's supposedly bad for you. Okay. How about that? Have you ever been to a CrossFit competition? Do you remember those poles you used to have in elementary school, right?
Starting point is 01:02:03 They'd be 15 feet, and there'd be like a couple chain links where it's attached to the top and a couple chain links where it vanishes off. So the pole even kind of moves a little bit. Do you remember those? I'm trying to think. And there were four. It was a T-bar like this, and there would be poles, four 15-foot poles. I've never seen a pole climbing event at a CrossFit competition. Have you? No, I can't think of any time I've even tried to climb a pole. Really? It's cool. It's fun. It's good shit. And I'll give you the seat, tell you the secret too.
Starting point is 01:02:34 You just spit on your hands. Yeah, I could see that. Spit on your hands, spit on your feet. Yeah. Oh yeah. Do you have to do barefoot? I mean, I, that's how I do it. I do everything barefoot. Yeah. Everything. Everything. More. Tell me more. Everything.
Starting point is 01:02:57 I do everything barefoot. Where were you for 9-11 when it happened? September 11 2001 do you remember where you were yeah oh yeah yes yes gosh damn it well i don't know i was like drawing a blank well i shifted the subject i was i had you deep in rope conversation you did man you had me thinking about you know climbing climbing poles jesus uh yeah oh that's true that's true sorry before you answer that kenneth i do i don't climb ropes barefoot not only do i not climb ropes barefoot i also pull up the those bear it's probably one of some of the only equipment i have i pull up those um like uh they're not knee sleeves but who makes those bear you know i'm talking about i wear something over my shins it's like a oh yeah
Starting point is 01:03:44 they're talking about they're the same people who make the hand things yep yeah okay bear complex or something yeah yeah yeah do you wear shit on your shins when you rope climb yes that you wear knee sleeve yeah i'm just on it it's just on my left oh the way the way i climb rope the that's the only i only need a left a left foot i probably only need one too but i but i put both yeah you like you're you're you're a flare type of guy though you're like a 13 pieces of flare type of guy and and when i'm done with those work and when i'm done and i use them for deadlifts too and when i'm done with them i turn them i leave them inside out so that they can dry properly
Starting point is 01:04:19 nice you use that you use them to dead? I knew I shouldn't have said that. I thought about not saying it. Damn it. Oh, God. Okay, that's cute. Oh, shit. Andrew says, no, that would be. I said, were you a judge at the 2014 games?
Starting point is 01:04:34 He says, no, that would be a twist, though. He was there. He was in the room. And he had a, I could have swore he had a judge's shirt on were you at the two was he a volunteer ask me if he was a volunteer because he was in that fucking room i want to pull up the clip now is it in behind the scenes footage yeah he says he i was not he was not there. Yeah. But I liked it. Oh, now he's calling me.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Now he's calling me. Oh, goody. Hi, you're on the air. I'm doing a podcast. Cool. How are you? I'm good. I'm great.
Starting point is 01:05:18 You know me. I'm fucking amazing. I'm a fucking, I'm a special man. I know you are. Is it the one with Josh? Yes. What's up? What's up, man?
Starting point is 01:05:29 Josh is a huge fan of yours. He's seen all your work. Big time. Oh, shit. I don't know if that's sarcasm or not. That's sarcasm. It's sarcasm. He hasn't said anything bad about you.
Starting point is 01:05:40 I'm just joking. Hey, don't worry, though, buddy. He drives a Tesla and doesn't even have a rope at his house i mean he's not the josh we used to know this is i'm we're gonna need five more podcasts with josh before we figure out who the new josh is let's let's just answer the let's just ask the question though you're telling me josh bridges drives a tesla i am i do and he tries to hide it in his instagram but i don't ever hide it he's only showing little bits of it like he shows a wheel hey i am who i am man i am who i am brother i like that fucking tesla's a rocket ship and i love driving it so whatever i can see you driving a tesla truck a tesla truck is a truck for you yeah i mean hello and one second the question is were you at the 2014 games when we
Starting point is 01:06:23 were sequestered is that i don't even know if i'm saying that right i'm so dumb um but when we were all down there talking you're in the background of this of the video i saw it absolutely not you were not in that but that would be awesome no that wasn't me i want to see this video though i want to see it too hey is it behind is it behind the scenes i don't remember if it was behind the scenes i bought into my affiliate in 2013 so i was like freshened across it right around that i was back in that room too josh i don't remember anyone being in there besides like maybe you and the athletes me and like like a stefan Roche or some shit.
Starting point is 01:07:06 There was like, I know that's, that's what I thought too, but there was like two people in the background and I could have fucking sworn. One was that one was Andrew. I'm going to look, I'm going to look at it right now.
Starting point is 01:07:16 I'm really regretting not playing along with it. I know, man, this is upsetting me. I, I, I fucked it up then because I was like, I was, I thought for sure it was.
Starting point is 01:07:26 I'm going to try to, I think it might have been the Froning film is where I saw it because that has that part in there. Oh, okay. Let me go to it real quick. I've got a doppelganger in the CrossFit space, though, but I don't know if that person was the judge either. Oh, look at here. Oh. Oh, look at here. Oh. Were the ladies back there too?
Starting point is 01:07:53 It's part five. Damn, I did some good work back then. You did, man. You crushed it. Man, oh, man. It's a Sunday. I might as well share this right now. Yeah, the bear complex, Jonathan.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Those are the ones. I need to get new ones. Do you guys have the video pulled up? I can't see anything. I'm trying to find it right now. But I am just pulling up some video just for shits and giggles. Look at Froning's dad. Oh, Tony Blower. Froning's mom, the wife, pun sucker.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Heber. Look at Heber. That's before he had pubes. Okay, here we go. Damn. Can you fucking believe these fucking knuckleheads fired me? I was a savage. I am a savage. I should put this in.
Starting point is 01:08:45 I'll put a link to this in the... Here. Everyone go watch this. Oh, there it is. Okay. Is that not... Oh, my God. It's not...
Starting point is 01:08:54 This is who I thought it was. Send me a link to it, and I'll pull it up. Oh, shit. You are there, Andrew. Oh, no. You know who that is? Wow, dude. Who is that? That does look like him. That guy. Doesn't it? I think he's on the L1 team. Yeah, that's yeah. That. Wow. Holy shit. Hey, And because his eyes aren't open, you can't tell if it's like the distinct Andrew Hiller eyelid.
Starting point is 01:09:28 One of his eyelids only does half mass. Damn, I was wrong. It's always in mourning. I was wrong. All right. Scale of 1 to 10. How similar? Scale of 1 to 10.
Starting point is 01:09:37 It's an 8. He's a really handsome guy. He's like, if you're a 9, this guy's an 11. This guy looks like a stripper. You could have said I was a six and he was an eight. No, I give you a nine. You're pretty special, dude. You're a good dude.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Holy crap, dude. It's a prepubescent Hiller. Yeah. How did it come up? That's crazy. I couldn't believe it. I was like, well, we were talking about, I saw one of your videos where you were saying the judge should have the end all be all and that's why i was like okay this guy
Starting point is 01:10:07 is i didn't like that comment and i'm not gonna lie to you i'm not gonna did you really say that hillar um on the field i i've made so many videos now i need to know what that was in relation to there's always context there yeah i don't remember i don't remember what it was that's the guy right there that you said looked like andrew hillar and on on a i remember who on an iphone that's really looks like him yeah i thought it was for sure um and so then i was like is that tiddle david tiddle is that that guy's name david tiddle oh that is tiddle is it yeah i'm an idiot well josh josh can i come can i come back at you on that one and say who else would be the one making a call if not the judge? The head judge?
Starting point is 01:10:50 I'm not saying that. The only other person in the circle. Right. Go ahead. No, so I don't think that a judge should have the end-all, be-all, final say, right? Because I don't think that they should have power. They should have ACA. But in every sporting event, right, MLB, NFL, right, they have replay.
Starting point is 01:11:15 It's the replay. Review teams, right? And so, yeah, do I think that there should be some? Yes, but there should also be a way for the athlete if they are meeting the standard to be able to be proven right and that's what i think crossfit lacks is it always comes down how do you feel about a challenge like a challenge flag or a challenge on the field sort of deal it'd be really hard because if it's if you're going for time that's that and that's the hardest part about crossfit having
Starting point is 01:11:45 something like that because it is hard because it they cross it tells you hey you're you have to like the whole car sanders thing where you know that her judge told her to fucking go but then it came back on cara not like then they blamed it on cara for not knowing her own reps and it's like well if my fucking judge told me to leave i'd leave but then they but then they blamed it on Cara for not knowing her own reps. And it's like, well, if my fucking judge told me to leave, I'd leave. But then they switched it. Then they switched it and they're like, no, it's Cara's fault. And I'm like, that doesn't make any fucking sense because you're telling the judge. Your judge is a person who's telling you if you're meeting your standards, if you have the right reps done, and they're the one who tells you to go.
Starting point is 01:12:20 So your judge fucks up. And then now they're putting it back on the athlete. So that's what pisses me off hey uh that's a great example too wow i'm looking at those games go ahead we're playing with the challenge idea and we're going to put it into action most likely and we're trying to poke holes in it and what we're thinking right now this is the first time it's ever been said anywhere i was going to make a video on it but i think you're a good person to poke holes in it yeah thought processes they're going to have either
Starting point is 01:12:53 one or two challenges that they can use either on their own performance within a particular event or on another individual's performance within that same event it has to happen before the athlete leaves the field, and it has to be reviewed upon footage shot at that event. And it can work either way. Okay. Go ahead. The people who would be reviewing it are going to be people likely on the back end.
Starting point is 01:13:19 So it's just like if you were playing in the NFL and it goes over to New York, and I say whether the play was a bounce or it was a fumble, there would be somebody reviewing the footage of the athlete that will be taken within the event, giving you a ruling. It will be one of three people. So it can't be skewed. So two people say it's good, then it's good. Two people say it's bad, then it's bad.
Starting point is 01:13:40 I love this idea. I think it's a cool idea. I feel like it's a cool idea where I'm starting to like, where my mind is going then is kind of thinking, okay, where, at what point in the movement, when you're being told you're doing a no rep, can you throw the challenge? Like how, how does it happen? Um, does that cause you to lose time? If it is a time to work out for time, right? You're trying to finish something for time. Um, and so then who's the, when, when's the final say, right?
Starting point is 01:14:10 Like, so is your judge the one that's going to be like, so if a judge is telling you, you're not getting your, you're doing your reps incorrectly, or you need to do more, do you get to say, no, this is how many I've done. I believe I'm doing the movement standard correctly. And I'm going to finish when I think I'm done. And then go on and go to the finish line. You know what I'm saying? Like I'm having a hard time watching it happen in real time and not the athlete not losing time right there. I should say that it would be sitting under the umbrella of hoping that the idea raises all shifts.
Starting point is 01:14:47 So if you know that there's someone who could potentially use a challenge on you, or then you would move better because of it. So I think very closely to the thrusters, the competition this past weekend, and perhaps that athlete extends their elbows because they don't want to be challenged. Although they're getting the reps by the judge. And I guess what you just pointed out, which I hadn't thought of yet is that athletes extend their elbows because they don't want to be challenged although they're getting their reps by the judge and i guess what you just pointed out which i hadn't thought of yet
Starting point is 01:15:08 is that athletes might just disregard what the judge is saying but then again they could also come back on them from another uh competitor like that's that's always been my thing in the early thoughts yeah i i think i think i like where it's going, you know, for sure. I think that's a great, um, topic to bring in for discussion. That's my hardest part though, is then who becomes the final say, am I as the athlete, which CrossFit States is, but you know, they're always, it always comes. It's always been my argument with CrossFit is there's always a way to take away time or take away effort from the athlete, but there's always a way to take away time or take away effort from the athlete but there's never a way to give it back to them if they were no rep for the wrong reason
Starting point is 01:15:50 and that's the car example it just brought up right like give her time back yeah like that that wasn't her fault her judge told her to move forward she was listening to her judge but then they're like well so the judge messed up but then carl was the one penalized we could also say like camille camille squat snatch ladder in 2014 i think it was she was getting no reps maybe it was 15 the speed snatch ladder yep so yeah that would that would be an opportunity for challenges say hey could you look at the footage footage which is clearly on the website you can make a judgment call. Hey, was she squatting below parallel at that point?
Starting point is 01:16:31 Her first rep didn't look like it, but her second one did. Yeah, and that's the thing too. And she was calling her no on both of them. Do you know that story? Sorry to interrupt real quick, but do you know that story, Hiller, about what happened after that?
Starting point is 01:16:45 Yeah, you tried to put a camera in her face and she didn't like it no not me she talked to my camera but then but then and she went off and she went off for like four minutes saying the craziest just batshit crazy shit and it was underneath a like a john wooden quote in carson i don't know if you remember this josh but there was a john wooden quote and it basically said something like your true character doesn't show at your highest moments. It shows that your lowest moments and she's sitting underneath it and I'm filming her and she's saying the craziest shit. And then that night when I get back to my hotel room,
Starting point is 01:17:14 she sends me an email, CC and all the lawyers at CrossFit saying, I better never show that footage. It was some trippy shit. Somewhere I have it. I need to pull it out and show it. Okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:17:24 So, so, so sorry. Go ahead. Okay. So the Camille thing, the judges, you can bring it up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. it was some trippy shit but somewhere i have it i need to pull it out and show it okay sorry so so sorry go ahead okay so the camille thing the judges later you can bring it up yeah yeah yeah that'll be good send it my way i'll make a video on it uh no that's a good idea fuck it i love it let's create some controversy um so sorry i i decked the judge so yeah like that's um that's all that's always been my issue with crossfit right like there was times where i got no repped in instances where i was like i had a judge sitting on my in the 17 games it was a pistol
Starting point is 01:17:56 it was the chipper with the pistol workout and i had a judge sitting there on my left side and he was no repping me on my right leg and i'm like i remember always asking boz like why can't the fucking judges move they weren't like there was times where they're not allowed to they had to stay in a certain position and when you're you're judging a pistol and i mean i had i went straight over to boz right after the fucking event because i was fuming during that event and i'm like and he literally just looked at me he's like nope they're all they were all no reps and then you go back and watching like the commentators even um i think it was chase ingram was like josh is getting no rep for for
Starting point is 01:18:34 nothing right now like he's doing the rep correctly and the judge is just on the wrong side of his body who said that to him and then you would have used the challenge yeah maybe but then but then it's like okay so so with the challenge how does that work how do you get your time back or do they say okay well you are no rep seven times um or 10 times or whatever uh we're taking what's happening right now um i was just looking for footage we're likely going to come up with something and per movement we'll come up with something beforehand so it's not abstract. So everyone kind of knows the deal. So then they would be like, okay, every no rep you got, we're going to give you two seconds back kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Correct. Yeah. Okay. Or let's say it goes the other way. And someone says, I was sitting on you. And even that's hard, right? Too, because say that those no reps that, so you're doing extra reps. Maybe those were even just taking more time because you're more tired at that moment. So giving only certain time back, it's still like, it's just, it's hard. It's really hard.
Starting point is 01:19:40 And I'm not saying it's an easy call. And I am like, I am the one who's just like, I'm bitching about, Hey, there's no, there's no room for the athlete to get, to get his, um, you know, to get, to get their say in or, or to get their movements back, to get their no reps back. But I'm also not giving a fucking solution too. So I, I don't, I do, I see that side of it as well. Um, but I do like the, you know, the thought process of the challenge at least it's some it's a moving moving in the right direction will you ever grow your hair yeah it's a it's an undertaking
Starting point is 01:20:12 we're working on it will you ever grow your hair like that again where it's just fucking just a fool like monster the drummer from the muppets no i hate that i hated it no definitely not that was crazy why'd you hate it what's wrong with it my long hair uh i just it was good it would get my face i didn't like it at all it'd get my face during movements what made you do it in the first place it was just i got out of the military and uh like every i feel like a lot of people when they get out of the military they just grow their hair out because you couldn't grow your hair out instead of pay the man it's fuck you to the man that's right i mean look at this fucking look at look at this shot right here this is just nuts look at your hair right here look at that yeah holy fuck dude you live in a fucking cave and you got like
Starting point is 01:21:00 that was a mop right there man man. You have fire in a cave. Wow. All right, homies. Joshua, it was good talking to you. I'm going to give you your show back. I appreciate it. How kind of you to give it back to us. How about we just hang up on your ass? How about you just sit there and take that? Give my show back to me.
Starting point is 01:21:18 I'm sensitive to that verbiage. I can see that, yeah. Sensitive to that. I didn't know Tittle was Cara's judge. That's crazy, right? Jeremy Eat World. Holy shit, that. Yeah. Sensitive to that. I didn't know Tittle was Cara's judge. That's crazy, right? Jeremy Eat World. Holy shit. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:21:29 And he's never seen again. Hey, I think that, what was the event? This is like shit that you're never supposed to talk about when you work there. And now it's like not a big deal at all. There was an event. It wasn't Joe Degain. It was another guy. I want to say he was a seal also joe who was on the seminar staff of joe who is a seal awesome dude oh i know you're talking about joe um
Starting point is 01:21:53 fuck what is his last name was he a seal yeah yeah a great guy but he was the judge for a open event oh that's right wasn't it dan it was dan bailey yeah yeah it was an open event that they did in like someone's garage yes like someone won the prize we're bringing the open to your garage yeah and he like had the he had his he had his hands up and then like all of a sudden you see like two fingers go down for one rep or something like that. Yeah. And it was like the, it was like the squat clean workout.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Who did he go against there? It was against BKG, I believe. And basically what I think I heard Dan Bailey versus BKG. Do you remember what year that was um 16.2 15 or 16 16.2 yeah that might that sounds right uh i want to say that dan had like a fucking meltdown that dan like after it yeah well because yeah because i think like like Dave walks up to him after he's like sitting there in the cold garage. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:07 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You remember the game and he thinks he fucking won. And then like, yeah, Dave's got to be like,
Starting point is 01:23:13 he's got gloves on and shit. Yeah. They, uh, he's like, he's like, yeah, you,
Starting point is 01:23:18 uh, the judge fucked you. They, you know, they told you you were done and you weren't done. Oh, and boss is the other judge look at that shit oh is this is this where you can see the fingers go down no it's it's on a squat
Starting point is 01:23:31 clean it's like it's like right at the end god i felt so sorry for that it'd be way it'd be towards the end it'd be like i think it's in the 315 reps. Man, you have a good memory. And you actually see his fingers? I want to say, yeah, you watch his hand goes, like, drops two for one lift or something. Okay, so he's got five fingers up there. I wonder if I'm going to get in trouble for showing this. I mean, it definitely got, like, hammered. I remember how much this got. I just mean just by youtube
Starting point is 01:24:05 saying i'm still oh yeah oh right three still three i still three let's see man it's cold there i know right here we go okay so he does his two you got two oh now he's got one yeah a finger oh no oh no well he's still holding one then maybe i don't know yeah it was it was something like that that was weird and yeah and dan like and they i guess people were like commenting in immediately and i was like i wish i could see the comments let's see show and dan they i remember seeing the video where like dave fucking sits down next to him to tell him in the video oh it's in there yeah it's like in it yeah uh look at the some guy named scott landis listen you think dave and crossfit people are ego-based no no they're all enlightened they're they're actually their feet don't touch the ground like how do you like when you you wrote
Starting point is 01:25:19 you type that out right exactly there's some comments you're just like it's just crazy man no they actually just cut a hole in a sheet and pull their head through and walk around they're naked underneath they're the most humble uh fucking jackass yeah that's funny you remembered that yeah i tried to make have a rolodex of negative shit to bring up and throw rocks at the organization. I feel like you guys have something brewing though, man. I'm seeing pictures of you, Dave, and Greg. Always a stew on the stove. Always a stew on the stove.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Something brewing. The only thing that's brewing is I'm really proud of the affiliate series I've done. Oh. I haven't seen it. I'm doing it. Yeah. Well, you're busy. You're busy, buddy. Climbing ropes. Um, uh, he, uh, the series is basically every week I'm having an affiliate on. Oh, cool. And I'm just like, and just like, just, you know,
Starting point is 01:26:18 none of the affiliates you've ever heard of before. You know what I mean? It's not like it's all just and then i interview them how'd you get into crossfit why are you an affiliate what's your favorite part you know i mean hear stories but basically to become a resource for all the other affiliates in the community or people who want to be affiliates or people who are thinking about unaffiliating or people who need to be reminded why they are affiliated just kind of like a i mean shit hq should be doing it what i've put it out there for 1.5 million my three years of back pay i'll come back i like it yeah i'll come back and they can they can they can have all they can hey me too making all of this for them you never worked
Starting point is 01:27:03 there what do you mean oh you'll just come back compete back and compete in the games for $1.5 million? $1.5 million. Yeah, I'll come back. Let's make the live tour. You know, like we'll do a CrossFit live tour and do, you know, just pay him. There's this Abu Dhabi Combat Club is going on right now. And basically it's the best – it happens every two years. It's the best jiu-jitsu guys in the world go and compete in las vegas right and it's in different cities every two
Starting point is 01:27:29 years and and there's a guy uh mo hasim or something mo mo this guy uh let's see if i can find his uh instagram mo mo hasim what the fuck is that guy's name mo hasim uh it might even be his shit might even be private um i'll show you a picture of him anyway this guy runs the event and it's one of the fucking most unbelievable fucking cool events. It's this guy right here. I'm assuming he works. I'm assuming – and I think this event is, like, sponsored by some prince in Saudi Arabia or Dubai or some shit. Some prince, businessman prince, some guy who's just killing it, right?
Starting point is 01:28:20 He's into jiu-jitsu, and they do it. And this is the most prestigious event. This is the CrossFit Games of jiu-jitsu and they do it and this is the most prestigious event this is the crossfit games of jiu-jitsu the fuck and flow grappling does the coverage right and i don't know what their budget's like but you can tell it's really they have limited resources yeah but you can't find shit about the fuck like it the they're they've done all these you remember the road to the games that stuff they got some cool shit like that. Like flows got some really cool videos like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:47 Like I, I would interview all these guys for them for free. Yeah. And put it on their site. Like I, a bunch of the guys have come on the show and it's, it's, it's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 01:28:59 That's awesome, man. Yeah. I don't know why I was pivoting to that. I, I don't know either. I was like in my head, I was wondering why you were, well, I guess it it's just unless they're just a free plug trying to
Starting point is 01:29:08 get trying to see if someone's gonna listen to this podcast and yeah good point no no someone um yeah if you know someone who knows someone let them fucking know it's the same thing with the crossfit games i can add so much value or direction or or um uh notoriety or interest even if you don't like me i'm gonna add i'm gonna i'm gonna interview people and it's gonna add interest to the fucking games you're a great interviewer i've always said that i agree affiliate yourself with me you don't even have to fucking pay me yeah free work free work i'm i'm the best i'm rich and i'm free i do make a lot of your mom jokes though that's true oh what are you gonna what are you gonna do the rest of today the rest of today uh i'm gonna work out and i'm gonna cut the grass i got my son's flag football game at three o'clock um watch a little football and why are you cutting your own grass i like to cut my grass i like to
Starting point is 01:30:08 but where do you store the mower that's the part that i like cutting grass too i do not like the equipment the couturement um i said i have a long just one single lawnmower it's just in the garage i just pull it out when i need i don't if i need that space i'll pull it out but but doesn't it get like like i bought a sander yesterday and i had to sand some shit like a door that wasn't closing so i sanded the top of it okay yeah and now i i'm like what am i just gonna throw this milwaukee sander away now like like what now what Just store it somewhere, man. It's dirty. Who cares? You don't like dirt? I just – I guess. It's just sawdusty and –
Starting point is 01:30:51 That sounds like – that sounds really manly of you that you don't like sawdust. You – Katie, that's not how you use the word badusi. You know what badusi is? No. It's an odor. But people like to use it. In my comments, people use it wrong all the time. They just want to say the word.
Starting point is 01:31:11 Katie just wants to – She just wanted to say badusi? Yeah, badusi. Badusi. That's an odor. Got it. Now I got it. No one's lawnmower or sander smells like badusi.
Starting point is 01:31:23 There's no – you can't squeeze in, you can't squeeze in Badoosie in a conversation about mowing the lawn. It's not. Yeah. Unless you're, unless it's metaphorically speaking, mowing the lawn, unless that's a metaphor for something else. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:38 I like mowing the lawn, man. It doesn't take that long. It takes like an hour. I grew up cutting my own, you know, I had to cut the grass at home when I was a kid and I uh i like it my kids are my kids are starting to get to the age though where they're cut they're gonna cut it you know oh yeah that's cool so i basically cut into thirds so like my oldest will cut a third of the yard i my little guy cut a third of the yard and i cut a third of the yard oh that's awesome yeah you know they gotta they gotta they gotta
Starting point is 01:32:02 earn their keep i i'll take my kids out to the garage and explain to them about how lame a lawn mowing is instead of having them. I also make them pick weeds, too, because I got a lot of weeds in my yard. And I actually worked at a farm when I was like eight, eight or nine. And we had to pick weeds out of the in the farm and like we were getting paid like 50 cents an hour like something unreal i just remember hating it so but build some character so i got the boys out there um and they're earning a little more than 50 cents an hour on it so it would be cool if they would have paid you per weed yeah right no kidding yeah definitely put some uh a little more motivation behind it yeah those people who like clip weed in northern
Starting point is 01:32:52 california they get paid by like how much weed they clip you know like you pick it and then you have to trim all the leaves and shit off of it are you doing any shit like that gummies or cbd or no yeah me neither i don't i don't do any of that yeah i don't i don't i don't okay i fuck with uh cbd for like a week it does nothing to me oh i don't even do melatonin i don't know that's a cbd i do i actually i'm sorry i wasn't even thinking when c when you said cbd i was thinking of like just weed gummies and shit uh like thc but no yeah i do i use uh cbd for some sleep what do you use i have uh vrb verb you like it yeah they sponsor you yeah did they sponsor you before you took it yes no no no no they uh they let me try it out they sent me some to try it out to see if it was something I'd be willing to work with.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Veterans-owned lab solutions for sleep. Yeah. Yeah, they're good dudes. Chase and Evan. Oh, shit. You're their fucking guy. That's right, man. I'm going to pull it up.
Starting point is 01:34:02 I'm going to tell you something about your workout today. There will be no rope climbs or muscle-ups in it that's right bring muscle-ups live optimally solve for sleep stress pain get your life back oh that's a fabulous photo couldn't they have show you a photo of you in bed with a fucking like blanket just pulled up under your chin we took that shot the other day. Actually, we took a video. We did. It came into shots and videos and I was, we did a, uh, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:28 sleep thing. I mean, look at you. You look, that was from, um, you look like you need a double dose. That was from 2018.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Right. When I won the snatch burpee workout, I'm telling CrossFit that you're using there. Hey, uh, I'm going to click on this activism tab. It could go horribly wrong here. Horribly, horribly wrong.
Starting point is 01:34:50 I think it's going to go fantastic. Okay, 10%. Wow, that's a lot. That's a lot. That's like what Mormons pay the church. Okay, so Adaptive Training Academy. That's like with people who had their arms blown off. Three Rangers Foundation.
Starting point is 01:35:06 I don't know what that is, but it sounds cool. These are all people they give support. Yeah. Operation Rebound. That's for guys like Josh who had a hard time coming back and assimilating to the community. Are you going to come on again? I want to get off because I got shit to do, but there's a question I want. Okay, fine. No, go ahead. When you come back on next time? I want to get off because I got shit to do. But there's a question I want.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Okay, fine. No, go ahead. When you come back on next time, I want to ask you this. I want to talk to you about this in all seriousness. Okay. You had a whole life before you were a CrossFit Games athlete. Yeah. A whole fucking life.
Starting point is 01:35:40 At least one life. Your fucked up childhood, whatever whatever that is that led to you fucking running away into the military yeah part two and then getting out and then um uh crossfit yeah but some of these motherfuckers like all they've done is crossfit and you should try interviewing these fucking knuckleheads really holy fuck which ones which ones are your favorite just my fate they're just my favorites they're all my favorite i want to be like hey dude you need to fucking like just seriously you need to just walk across the united states spend three months just with a backpack hitchhike and walk across the united states and you will add you're 21 years old you will add
Starting point is 01:36:22 so much depth and perspective to your life, the whole thing will fucking change. I'm only asking for three months. Just walk across the U.S. I don't see anything wrong with that. I think it would be a great idea. I think it would be great for a lot of these athletes for sure. I'm going to start a website.
Starting point is 01:36:36 It's endorsed by you. It's a walk across the United States website endorsed by Josh Bridges. But they also don't need balance in their life. Yeah. You're trying to give them balance, man. Perspective, context. Yeah. What do you think, Kevin?
Starting point is 01:36:52 Flashbacks to the Canelo fight? No, I'm trying to. Are you doing any boxing? I wish. Those days are over, man. I'm saving my few brain cells for my new wife. That's right. I only got a few left. All right new wife. That's right. I only got a few left.
Starting point is 01:37:06 All right, brother. Let's do it again soon. Great podcast. Josh is a class act. There's my lady. Mom. He's only a class act because he's next to me.
Starting point is 01:37:17 If he's out in the field by himself, he's just a regular pile of shit. Like the rest of us. Rosemary. Thank you. I appreciate you. All right, guys. Uh, I will see all of you uh
Starting point is 01:37:27 tomorrow buh-bye

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