The Sevan Podcast - #604 - Transgender Athlete At CrossFit Games with HillerFit

Episode Date: September 24, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
Starting point is 00:00:24 $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation.
Starting point is 00:00:44 And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Oh, bam, we're live.
Starting point is 00:01:02 You can do it as fast as you want. Yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah. You can do it as fast as you want. Yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah. You were just saying take the idea. Yeah. Have Danielle on. You can rapid fire it. Would we roll chicks through or dudes through to smash? You could do both.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Oh. Why would you not do both? I know. That's true. That's true. Turn that up. There we go. Wow, that's – I like that.
Starting point is 00:01:24 This? This? turn that up there we go that's wow that's i i like that this this just this just like do a show and put people on the screen and they could be like trannies or dudes or girls or whatever and me and danielle talk about whether we'd fuck them or not it's kind of an interesting concept it's super interesting you should have suze on there too and then suze can chime in he just got married he'll chime in whether or not he wants to fuck him. Oh, look at, look at where, where, dude, I didn't tell you this, Susan, but I signed up for Rumble
Starting point is 00:01:48 so we could try to stream to Rumble and we keep getting errors. Oh, okay. Are you, do you know how to, oh, it goes. I don't know how to fix, oh, I know how to get rid of that. I just don't know.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I need to go to Rumble and try to fix it. Do you have access to our Rumble account? What is Rumble? Just like YouTube, but for they they supposedly don't censor like you could say stuff like the vaccine has killed more people than it's saved and and and have 10 doctors on and talk about it where you can't do that on youtube you know the trump's not even allowed on youtube you know that like if we interviewed trump and
Starting point is 00:02:20 we posted it they'd pull it down. I had no fucking clue. Yep, there you go. Now you know. Not on Rumble. But you can go ahead and attack Tia Toomey. Oh, my God. Someone today I really, really, really, really respect. That's a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah, that's a lot of them. He said to me, well, he was convincing. I was convinced. I was convinced. I was like. No way. I'll tell you who afterwards. Maybe Dave finally watched my video. That's what I'm thinking. He finally watched it.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Don't hold your breath for that. I don't talk to Dave anymore. Me and Dave are friendships on timeout. There was three more reallys in order for that to be Dave. That's how much you respect Dave. Three more reallys. Three more that to be dave that's how much you respect dave three more reallys three more no no this person i respect more than dave ah yeah just a little bit he was convincing he was convincing i do respect dave a shit you know what did you watch the uh the second one with what's her face uh Who? The chick who actually popped.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Oh, the video you made? Yeah, yeah. I watched like 10 Hiller Fit videos just now. Okay, how did that go? Do I look jacked? I'm like sweating through my shirt. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you are sweating. I fucking sweat for a fucking hour.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I went so hard. How did that marathon go? I was curious. You said you were going to do that. I wonder how a fucking two- a marathon of my shit would go. I got through like five videos and like I was kind of ODing. And then I went outside and moved some like watering some plants around. And then I came back in and I watched another one.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I watched two more. Your first fails video was awesome. Your second fails video, I was fucking getting pissed. Getting pissed. Yeah, I was fucking getting pissed. Getting pissed? Yeah, I just disagree with stuff. Are we doing this today? No, no, no. Okay, let's just pull this.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I'm going to pull this video up. Thank you. Thank you. Keep me on track. Yes, yes, yes. Andrew Hiller. This is what I do. I'm going to do share.
Starting point is 00:04:19 I'm always nervous that you guys aren't going to hear. So tell me if there's an echo when I start playing this. Okay. So, guys, so you would know, someone in Andrew's comments said, hey, I'd love to see Sevan's face when he watches this video. So I'm like, okay, I can try to do that. And it's this video, and it's called It's Already Happening, Men Competing Against Women, Question 1.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Wrong. No, okay. It's 10 years and no one knew oh yeah okay because i watched that one oh i watched that one already and uh good good and uh um you know what was crazy is greg didn't even care that chloe johnson competed she had already competed as a man and a woman and the lawsuit was saying that she couldn't compete and it was just something crazy that one of the attorneys said at crossfit but she sued for 2.5 million she had an ambulance chaser um attorney and they settled for far less i read somewhere that you're gonna fold your car in your garage nice yeah that's that's a
Starting point is 00:05:16 easy way to figure it out and you know what it's like everyone go to those people those people are not cool people which people just the outwad people her and the outwad people they're not nice people they're mean people they're bad people they're they're fucking aggressive people greg would have bent over backwards for those people and there were some things they did where they tried to set them up i've talked about it before on the show it's a it's a bad group of people it's a mean mean uh vindictive chip on their shoulder mentally ill but the whole fucking the whole nine yards i don't personally know chloe but she was part of uh an event where they kind of ambushed greg they set greg up uh at the games one year he went to go donate money to outwad and do something and they brought chloe johnson out and they didn't tell
Starting point is 00:06:05 him she was gonna be there it was stupid i mean greg didn't care but i just thought it was like petty and i remember seeing when you're invited to go to dinner and i remember seeing chloe in the audience one year at the games and i turned my camera and she she just fucking fled it was pretty funny like hip and steel just fled yeah are you seeing are you seeing that this this um are you seeing this girl who's getting a lot of press where uh she was raped and so to not be raped again she had her tits chopped off and turned it started being turned into a guy at the age of 15. She's everywhere now. I want to say I heard you talk about it.
Starting point is 00:06:49 OK, she she pops up. I see her pop up on the news or on Instagram or somewhere every single day now. And she's basically saying how fucked up it is. Like she thought because she was raped as a woman, she thought that at 15 she would turn herself into a boy to so that she would never get raped again. And people let her do that and i won as soon as i heard that i'm like yeah i mean there's obviously some crazy deep pathology or some train wreck or some accident that happened and i use the word accident very loosely something very heinous happened that makes it that these people want to do this bad shit to their bodies. It's, it's, it's, um, when, when I was a young man, I wanted to get a nose job. And my mom said,
Starting point is 00:07:33 okay, when you're older, when your nose stops growing, like when you're in your twenties, I'm like, okay. And when I was 14 or 12, when I was 12, I wanted a motorcycle. My dad said, when you're 14. And when I was 14, I told my dad, I want a motorcycle. He said, yeah, when you're 16. God, parents are smart yeah and and i think both of them saved me from from like a big big mistake did your dad have a motorcycle no why did you want one just i just thought riding a fucking like scooter would be cool like a moped would be cool but i could have died scooters and mopeds yeah the risk could have died yeah and i was crazy. I did all sorts. I was crazy as a kid.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And so if someone tells you, I made a video on this today on My Capable Child. When my son says, hey, I want to dress up as Elsa today, like he just tells me that. And I go, oh, cool. And then I just go on. Or I give him a kiss. It's the same thing. If when he says, can I have a candy bar? I just I just say I don't even I don't do a yes or no. I don't I don't react to it.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Interesting. And I go to the bathroom. That's cool. I guess deal with it. Figure it out. Yeah, what's next? And I see the – that's the problem with the word gender. I see Maddie Rogers. I think she has all the great intentions.
Starting point is 00:08:59 She's releasing a clothes that's genderless clothes, but all she's doing is exacerbating the problem. All clothes are already genderless. This shirt anyone can wear anywhere and can wear pants. Alexis wears my shit all the time. Yeah, all clothes. It's like when they say a bathroom already genderless. This shirt anyone can wear anywhere and can wear pants. Alexis wears my shit all the time. Yeah, all clothes. It's like when they say a bathroom is genderless. All bathrooms have always been genderless. I wonder if people like that wake up. How do they – when they finally realize that they were causing the problem,
Starting point is 00:09:21 exacerbating it, pouring fuel on the fire i wonder if they if they feel bad i guess not i i've never i don't hear people like oh what do you mean by putting fuel on the fire she's drawing more negative attention to it yeah she's continuing it's like this it's so that it's like continuing the delusion you're validating people's delusionary state. Did you just dislocate your shoulder from patting yourself on the back? Me? Someone said that? I'm reading Jeff's comments. Fucking Jeff.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Hey, if I jerk a guy off, is that gay? No. Did you like it? Yeah, I loved it. It was me. That's for you to decide. Oh, I see what you did there. I'm glad I said no. You like that?
Starting point is 00:10:14 Susan thought about it, so he's the one who's caught. That was quite apropos that you brought up that you'd be fine if Alexis was a tranny. Because I saw that, and you said it on my podcast, but then I saw it in in one of your videos too. You'd already rehearsed it in one of your own videos. I didn't really, well, it's apropos. I'm not so smart. Uh, like well, well placed. Perfect. Well done. Uh, appropriate, appropriate. Gotcha. Uh, is this girl in the video named, is this girl in the video named Hannah? Yes. Yes. I actually got an interesting message today in relation to this.
Starting point is 00:10:52 From her? No, no. From somebody else. The CIA with your expert investigative skills? Ooh, yes. Hello, we need you to come work for us. Did you watch that video, Suze? Have you seen it? I did, yes. Hello, we need you to come work for us. Did you watch that video, Suze? Have you seen it?
Starting point is 00:11:06 I did, yeah. Okay, so Sevan's going to be the only one who is watching it live for the first time. Yeah, yeah, I had to come prepared. You know, I had to come prepared. I'm checking. Okay, I haven't got a response from this person. I got a message, and I responded, and I was waiting for more, and I haven't gotten more yet. Someone told me that they worked out with her and that they really liked her that she was really cool i've gotten about 30 the other way
Starting point is 00:11:29 yeah that's what i yeah everyone knew it was a dude it wasn't a secret uh so the person that you spoke to were they competitive full surgery i don't want to say too much because i don't know if this person if i'm supposed to say anything. But they just said – Well, so many people have said so many things that I can't possibly get anyone in trouble, and every one of them was somewhat competitive. And – Whether it was like against her or just a competitive person in general. And she was open that she's a he. That's not what I heard. Oh, okay. Well, this is good. I like this.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Conflicting. The scary part of – yeah, yeah. I mean it's so – it's so – I'm so glad I didn't get – my mom didn't let me get a nose job. only imagine i could only imagine what what what a kid thinks who who had their tits removed at 15 and took enough hormones to fuck up the whole trajectory of their life because their parents thought that they were doing the right thing it is how do you feel about female birth control i don't think i don't think women should be i don't think women should take birth control either it's fucking insane it's fucking insane. It's fucking insane. I mean there's no sane people who say – by the way, there's no sane people who think – who recommend birth control. All the doctors who recommend birth control, they're all drug pushers. They're all the guys who go on the trips, which is 90% of them. The doctors, they all go on trips with the pharmaceutical companies to golf retreats and
Starting point is 00:13:05 get blow jobs from fucking the vendors i mean it's not it don't act like it that that's not like we know yes i mean the most people don't know but but we know you know so have you ever heard from the female side the ones that have really bad cramps and pain and whatnot so that's the reason that they started in the first place. That's kind of one of the biggest things I've heard. It like really gets in the way of their life. So they go on the birth control for that reason. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Whether it be like a really heavy menstrual cycle and they can't like get, live their lives. So they go on the birth control for that. And do you change your state of mind then or no? No. No. No? How about they say that they – Just live with it? How about they say that, yeah, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:13:49 It's like stop eating so many carbohydrates. I bet you it's carbohydrate-related to be honest with you. I bet you 100% it's carbohydrate-related. And let me tell you – yeah, yeah. And let me tell you this. How about that they say men are circumcised. I've talked about this before but the same skin that holds your fingernail the same membrane that holds your fingernail to your finger
Starting point is 00:14:11 is the membrane that holds the foreskin to the head of the penis and when you remove the foreskin on the penis you remove that fucking membrane it's like fucking 80 of the nerves on the penis they did that to try to make it so boys would masturbate less. The Jews, when they... Shut the fuck up. Wait, wait, wait. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Are you uncircumcised, Savan?
Starting point is 00:14:33 Fuck no. Fuck no. Smuggled three pounds of heroin in that pouch. I put my cell phone in there. I asked if you were uncircumcised, homie. Yeah, I'm uncircumcised. Uncircumcised, yeah. So you've got all the sensitivity down there all of it so and that motion in your pants down there and you're always like did you feel something like i never
Starting point is 00:14:54 feel anything and you're like hey i'll tell you this though i remember growing up and when boys would talk about sex they talked about it so differently than me for them it was so psychologically heavily psychological and for me it was so um like uh sensual it wasn't so much about thoughts it was more like about um sensations anyway that's why you know that's why cereal was invented too look at you that's why cereal kellogg's do you know about the kellogg's and i know too. That's why cereal, Kellogg's. Do you know about the Kellogg's? I know about the Kellogg's.
Starting point is 00:15:27 You know about Kellogg's? What did they do with penis sensitivity as Kellogg's? Dude, you got to look into it. Dude, cereal. Not Tony the Tiger. Yes, yes. Tony was there to fucking stop you from jacking off, yes. Tony the T's loving your tea.
Starting point is 00:15:43 I'm telling you, it's crazy. Hey, don't forget, they bled George Washington to death. You know that, right? Who are they? The doctors. Yeah, well, that was what, the 1800s or some shit? Yeah, nothing's changed, bro. Hold on, dude.
Starting point is 00:16:00 We're going to need to cut this short. You're going to get everyone thinking you're fucking crazy. Hey, anyone can, can uh no no actually actually you gotta see this circumcision with simon you gotta see american circumcision you gotta see because they explain where that they explain where that went all fucking wrong too you gotta see that movie holy shit american circumcision images no one was supposed to have the whole entire foreskin removed to the bottom of the helmet no one see i can believe that much okay i can believe that part i don't think there's is there like a sanitary thing that's what they tell you yeah just like
Starting point is 00:16:43 they tell you that birth that was where i was you that birth, that was where I was going. That's what, that's, that's what I was trying to say. That's exactly why birth control, like, oh, oh, it'll stop your cramps. It's a good thing we were personally using it to keep you on track. Remove the foreskin of your penis and you, the chances of you getting AIDS go down. Oh, by the way, keep your dick out of someone's ass too. Shut the fuck up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:01 We're all born with foreskin and it was meant to be taken off that's part of the idiots you fucking idiots my wife's gonna be so mad i'm saying but how you think that we were all you think you think that people are born like a fucking shirt that comes from nordstrom's when you get home you're supposed to take tag off oh yeah remove the circumcision move the foreskin on that it's ready to go you fucking retards so i'm calm down it's hard to find doctors even know how to perform a circumcision these days sometimes they cut off the whole penis on accident and then we have yes yes yes hey that's what's happening they went from circumcising the
Starting point is 00:17:37 men to just fucking removing the fucking penis i would i would like to have Chloe Johnson on and find out if that's what happened. What happened? What happened? You know what you should do. You should have had her out. That made it so that she didn't want to be – she wanted to kill the woman in her. That's basically – or no, the man in her. That was a man.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Something bad happened to her as a man, I'm guessing. I'm guessing there's some real simple psychology 101 that like 95 of these people this happened to them you're gonna sound like the guy in my comment section the other day oh who said like something about your mom that's right yeah oh easy childhood trauma that's why you like to talk on the internet hey hey but why can't you just say hey i was thinking about this today when someone someone said to me um you know why Hiller's like that? I go, why? He goes, he wanted to be a games athlete, and he's angry that he's not.
Starting point is 00:18:30 And then I'm like, okay, well. Talk about low-hanging fruit, man. Come on. But what if that is true? What does that have to do with the fact, like, what does that have to do with, what if you're just like, yes. I wasn't going to do it, but I like this space so much, and I'm like, okay, I can do this instead. No one's doing this, and I think I'm this space so much. And I'm like, okay, I can do this instead.
Starting point is 00:18:45 No one's doing this. And I think I'm pretty good at it. Yeah. It's called a pivot. Someone's just angry because he got fired from CrossFit. Yeah. And? Tell me more.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Tell me more. What's your mom want to do with me? What's your mom want to do with me? That's what I want to know. No, I'm not lying. I'm not lying. I'm not lying. Listen, there's nothing born
Starting point is 00:19:06 in nature that needs the tag removed off it or anything touched with its genitalia at right right at birth nothing i'm sorry i'm sorry call me crazy call me crazy their appendix is removed all the time and like their gallbladder people have their wisdom teeth pulled out it's pretty common for now it sounds like it's pretty common to have your tits chopped off all sorts of cool shit i'll just keep i just you ever get a car modified so much and you're like fuck i should have just left it the way it was yeah it's always got to work on it like breaking down i should have never lowered my new nissan you can't get it any driveways yeah did it all You had one of those mufflers that just made your little car sound like a rice burger. Oh, you want to hear some crazy shit.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Look up the relationship between tonsils and polio. Fuck. This is awesome. You want to see some crazy shit that's not tinfoil? Conspiracy theory. Why do they want everyone's wisdom teeth? To make money because you will fucking pay them to pull them out. What the fuck do you mean?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Why? Everything's about money, yeah? Tonsils. Go look up tonsils and what the only – look at what the only use of the tonsils is, what the tonsils actually produced. Snoring, right? Fucking – To help you snore. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I've got my tonsils. Okay. Let's shrink it down. Let me read this shit for you. One of the first medical procedures implicated in the causation of polio was tonsil surgery. Researchers implicated in the causation of polio was tonsil surgery. A study of more than 2,000 case histories in 1940s by the Harvard Infantile Paralysis Commission concluded that tonsillectomies led to a significant risk of respiratory paralysis due to bulbar polio. Oh, that's from Harvard. Oh, it must be just a conspiracy theory. What drugs is Hiller taking?
Starting point is 00:21:04 Oh, that's a different show. Okay, enough of this. Let's get back to the tranny uh just so you know um i don't know if you don't know what drugs i'm taking i've i i love a tranny um i party with a ton of trannies i i grew up in the bay area and um all hillar can say is that uh and he said this before he even made this video that if his found out his wife was a tranny he'd still fucking rail or twat because it's the best one he's ever had. I paraphrase, but muscle man, he would be like, damn, that surgeon did a good job. It was man-made. Yeah, you don't want to go fishing in a real lake.
Starting point is 00:21:40 It's all about the man-made lakes. Okay. You don't know what this is from do you seven no but that does not look like a tranny to me sure no i'm not okay let me know if there's an echo or anything okay okay all right okay here we go don't anyone call in for a little bit like no one's called in on please stop Please stop calling. Guys, knock it off. Okay, here we go. Strings, so I have fun.
Starting point is 00:22:13 I'm not tired of doing it. You can blow it up. What the? I can what? Turn it up? No, no. You can make it the whole screen. Oh. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:22:28 There you go. Okay, here we go. Fuck, you did a great job on the intro, dude. Yeah, the intro is always so cool. It's like it's the brand, too. Yo, so four days ago, I put up a video about men competing against women and the thumbnail said that it's already happening and chloe's got a nice body that other thing is fucking wrecked that thing is this is why we're watching that was good all right keep doing that point in time i
Starting point is 00:23:04 hadn't had anything concrete about somebody competing at the level of the CrossFit Games. And I guess you could say that this also isn't concrete. So before you say, Andrew's making these terrible fucking claims and he's saying it as fact. I'm not saying it as fact, but I can say that I'm about 99% sure that I have found an athlete that is competing at the level of the Crossfit games that has transitioned as a male to a female so um you're you is that kind of like a disclaimer when you say 99 you're 100 you'd be willing to like bet your house on it correct yes but you're just trying to be nice is that like you're feigning some kindness yeah there's always a chance okay there's always a chance so if anyone were to come after me with a lawyer, I'd be like, it said 99%, guys. Come on.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Okay, okay. I'm the world's greatest detective. Who is Don So. If you watched that video, I said that the biggest issue was the one-year transitioning period. So in that one year, all you've got to do is keep your testosterone levels under a certain level. That certain level still gives you leaps and bounds of advantages over the entire rest of the field and another big thing that i brought up in that video is how swimming is one of the first olympic committees to publicly say that you need to make the transition before you hit puberty or the age of 12 i also said in that video that the level of crossfit if
Starting point is 00:24:23 there is going to be somebody who transitioned as a male to a female and wanted to compete against the females, all you had to do was keep your testosterone levels in that range for one year, prove it. And you're good to go competing against the females. Okay. So that is a rule for CrossFit. CrossFit has that as a rule. They do as of 2018. And what was the level again? 286. The level is 10 nanomoles per liter
Starting point is 00:24:47 liter of what blood you have body weight blood uh blood yes which which makes it what is there's not one number in nanograms per deciliter it ends up the equivalency is 286 286 which which is the number that we're kind of all accustomed to having looked at the California hormones thing, which is why I brought the calculation over. Okay. So when I had my blood work done, I was at 733. 286 is the equivalency of what the test by CrossFit's terms is. Okay. And so just to be clear, if you can show that you've kept your testosterone below 286 for a year and you have a penis, you can compete with the women.
Starting point is 00:25:37 100%. So even if – let's say your buddy – what was the dude who used to bang Katrin? Street. What if – is that really his name street horner yeah street horner street hey street hey street street you want to street let's go to the arcade street um if you're just testing the name out there if yeah i was just trying he's got a great name. I love his name. So if Street just by chance wanted to start testing his testosterone every three months or whatever, I don't know how often they make you test it to prove that you kept it down below a year, and he happened to just have low testosterone, let's say it was 207, when he entered the open, he could enter as a man and woman. You'd have to have documentation over the course of a year, but yeah, theoretically.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Even if you weren't trying to transition, you could just say that's your scaled class going with the bitches, the ladies. You got it. Wow. Nailed it. Wow. Correct.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I fucking love that Someone please do that I really want to see that happen Please do that If I fucking could deadlift over 225 I'd fucking do it I swear Could I beat the women?
Starting point is 00:26:56 Could I beat the women? I'll tell you what Now that I'm injecting testosterone If I would stop There's a good chance that's where I'll be You'll just plummet I'll plummet Hey'll just plummet. I'll plummet.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Hey, can I beat the 50-year-old women in the CrossFit games? No. No. They're way too fit for me. You'd probably be competitive with the 65-plus. I couldn't qualify with the 50-year-old ladies. Have you ever done that? I think Eddie Hift was doing that for a while. The Wodcast podcast guy.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Hunter tried to tell me his show is more popular than mine. I was like, you're out of your fucking mind. We got into a fight on the phone, like a yelling match. Okay, sorry. Okay, so we know. Okay, here we go. More on that. Watch that video. But I want to tell you about the individual that came up of course by the exact same processes that
Starting point is 00:27:45 these always come up so i put up that video and i was pointed into the direction of an athlete named anna c caldas never heard of anna c caldas however anna c caldas is an athlete that competes at the level of the crossfit game she did so 2021 in the female 40 to 44 division in 2018 in that same division 40 to 44 she finished eighth the history kind of reaches back a little bit farther too because you'll see in 2013 she made regionals as an individual where she finished seventh which is really fucking good in 2014 she was part of a team that team won the regional it was in norcal rockland crossfit honey badgers i did a little bit of research on that and she may have been the alternate because i went to one of the events at the regional level,
Starting point is 00:28:26 and I saw that she was not on that team. Okay. So this team right here supposedly had this dude on it, Anna, but when we look at the picture, we don't see him. There's eight on the roster there's six people there so she was an alternate okay okay hold on i'm getting some real-time info okay i'm looking for myself in the bleachers i was there you were here susan is her name is her name anna or hannah
Starting point is 00:29:02 keep going okay okay hold on i don't want to spoil it spoiler alert you were here Susan? Is her name Anna or Hannah? Keep going. Okay. Okay. Hold on. I don't want to spoil it. Spoiler alert. Dude, I can't wait to tell you the text that I got earlier. So,
Starting point is 00:29:16 so, so Anna was, or which one was in grid league, Anna or Hannah? You're going to need to keep going, homie. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:25 But I don't talk about grid league. However, it was Anna. You're going to need to keep going, homie. Okay, okay. But I don't talk about Ridley. However, it was Anna. Okay. I don't bring up Ridley because I was trying to keep this compact. If my videos get longer than 13 minutes, they don't do as well. Okay, okay. The six, she's listed on the roster as one of the eight. But at that point in time, there were six athletes, three females and three males. In 2015, she qualified again as an individual female, finished 27th.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember. I remember him. so this is the one that you referenced in the video you took a clip from the podcast this is the the girl that i was referencing that was a dude i don't know no is it i think so okay then yeah twice more as team once more as an individual woman. I think Chloe, I was told today that she was in the games as a dude and a girl. She never made the games. Sorry, she entered the Open five times. I can see that.
Starting point is 00:30:38 What was her boy name? Do you know her boy name? I do not know her boy name. I think 2008 is when the transition happened so hey even trannies even trannies know that there's no such thing as gender that's what's crazy they're either mad they they were a man and they want to be a woman or they're a woman and they want to be a man they don't want to be anything in between they don't want to be like a fucking dragon or a bunny or anything. I don't want to be a dragon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I wonder if, if, if most people who go through transition, like if you're a dude and then you go to a girl, then if, if you want to fuck dudes or if you stay wanting fucking to fuck girls, I wonder what, what I'd like to see those numbers on that.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I would just, just out of my own curiosity, the year of 2018, where she finished 30th in the Meridian region. And let me remind you that she is also 40 years old at this point, 2018, where she's competing at the regionals, finishing 30th. She is 40 years old. Now here's where things get a little bit weird. 2013 is where that games profile started in 2012. There was another athlete named Hannah Caldas. Hannah Calvis finished 2012 regionals individual woman and 16th is her ring oh shit she even writes i'm a girl with a dream
Starting point is 00:31:51 all right so this is where the information i got today comes in it's not confirmed yet because i haven't continued talking but i can speculate about whatever the fuck i want someone said that she took her sister's identity oh okay fair and hannah and anna are two separate people but i cannot confirm that hey listen oh shit listen if you if you chopped your cock off or fucking chopped your tits off or whatever taking your sister's identity is just like nothing let's not get all crazy. That's nothing. You already. I wonder if somewhere else or both are watching this. Well, she should call in. We have questions. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Call in. That would be in the Southwest region. And you're going to say, Andrew, and I call this and Hannah called us. Are they related? Same person. Wait, sorry. Sorry. Sorry, guys. Called this finished 2012 regionals individual woman and 16th is her ranked in the southwest region and you're gonna say andrew backslot 245
Starting point is 00:32:57 uh i don't that i don't know that might be my one rep max to clean and jerk 185 i'm sure i think i've cleaned jerk more than that snatch 150 i think i don't think i've might be my one rep max, too. Clean and Jerk, 185. I'm sure I think I've Clean and Jerk more than that. Snatch, 150. I think it's 147 or something was my deadline. If you go to Anna, these are vastly different. grace nowhere near that i don't know 50 50 my 400 meter sprint i was running sub sub 100s or somewhat minute 400s for my first year of crossfit and then i found out the track i was on was 300 meters holy fuck you know how fucking much that hurt oh my god that hurt who builds a 300 meter track it was at an elementary school. You fucking idiots. All right, Sevan. Oh, goodness. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Just so you know, Anna C. called us his profile on the game's website. So Anna's back squat is 420 pounds. Her clean and jerk is 285. Her snatch is 220. Oh. Oh, wow. Very different. Deadlift 485.
Starting point is 00:34:01 That's Anna. You think she's on steroids? I think she's a dude okay good all right and i call this and hannah called us are they related it's the same person i don't know why anyone would change over their games profile hey we knew this at crossfit i remember just be i remember like being in the hallway and listening to people be like hey this is these two people are the same person i remember all this. Like, I do remember. There are a couple of other things.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Yeah, just like whatever. What? The serious events that happens with my two videos is the Chloe Johnson thing was a big deal in 2001. Well, it was only a big deal because one of the lawyers like wrote on reddit or wrote on youtube or wrote somewhere in the message board hey if you're dude you got to compete in the dudes and if you're a chick you got to compete in the chick and that's the end of story and that's why they sued but it was something like that but the truth is that it didn't even matter like no one this person had already competed chloe had already competed five times in the game in the open some as a boy some as a girl
Starting point is 00:35:05 some shit like that i could be off a little bit but no one cared and for some reason one it was one of my friends i don't know why he said that i mean it's obvious like if it would have but but greg would have rather have just seen it go down and we would have all just been like oh this is interesting you know what i mean like like throwing your pet snake in bed with your wife and just like we were game to see how it played out you know what i mean like all right let's see how this play out no one cared so so greg back in 2012 was just setting me up what do you mean 10 years ago he's like all right one of these days someone's gonna pull all this shit together and make a youtube video out of it at
Starting point is 00:35:40 the minimum no he was kind of hoping that she'd make it at the level of the games he was too busy trying to uh make sure that uh the pharma and the food industry weren't corrupting uh the truth is that but i'm glad he left this left this gem for us this is fun now now we're gonna we're slowly getting rich off all this shit also changing so in the year 2013 hannah changed her profile over to anna and I think that that just might be so that people like me didn't as easily piece all of this stuff together. Hey, could California hormones – do they do trannies? Like if she wanted to raise her testosterone and stay a dude, do they do that? Hannah, you should work with them. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:20 That would be awesome. I don't know if they do that, but I would guess they do. California hormones, you're doing some on purpose. Just so they know so they know we gotta get the call to action in there yeah i know that was good um is her name now hannah or is it anna now i don't want to be i don't want to be anna it's anna right now okay anna listen let's get you let's do the free consultation let's get you hooked up. Get you on some other cool stuff too, like some regular regimens of vitamin, vitamin IVs or something, throwing, throwing something.
Starting point is 00:36:54 CJC-1295. I don't know about that. Patrick Clark says that it was already known. Then why was the Chloe Johnson thing such a big deal? Because she got some ambulance chase. Don't feel bad, Hiller. This is still great. Don't,
Starting point is 00:37:09 don't, don't be like, don't be like, Hey, like, it's not like you've been walking around with see-through pants and then you pulled your dick out and like, dude,
Starting point is 00:37:16 we've been, we've seen your dick for a month. Your pants were see, it's still cool that you're pulling your dick out. We're still, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:37:23 I liked it. It was wild. We still are excited to see it. It's still fun watching you pull it out it's not it's this is great i'll tell you what for all the patrick clark's in the world that knew because that's cool that you knew but there is probably one a tent the other night i had no idea yeah most people didn't had no idea you i'm one of the freaking line i was sitting there and susan didn't know seven you knew but you were on the inside. Patrick Clark's on the inside. Everyone on the inside knew.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Why didn't you fucking do something about it? Patrick Clark's on. Oh, you should see these messages I got from these people who are great. The fact that it's like, wait a minute, they fucking knew. I never want to strength event ever.
Starting point is 00:38:00 And they fucking knew. Wait till they find, wait till they find out their elementary school teacher was a tranny too. Wait till they find that out. Well, that's not a big deal. They can do whatever the fuck they want. They're no... Oh, I guess you had your own opinion on that. Oh, no. There we go. I know we were going to this already.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah, why did they get a school teacher? Did you see the school teacher going to school with the huge titties? Have you seen that? No. The water balloons? Wait, like the ridiculous cartoon ones? I just read the headline of that. You haven't seen that no but water balloons wait like the ridiculous cartoon ones i just read the headline of that you haven't seen that yet it's in canada and it's coming it's okay okay let's not educate you guys stop stop distracting me so easy you're so easy hey i will tell you this if you ever cut that mustache narrow like a hitler mustache i wouldn't do shows with you i have boundaries i think it would be good i'll be like fuck you here we go and we're off
Starting point is 00:38:51 and we're live no we're not i'd be like turn your camera off audio only for hillary file over to anna and i think that that just might be so that people like me didn't as easily piece all of this stuff together. The big things that you're going to see here is that in this profile picture, she's diving off of a block on the swim team. You also see that in the description right here. It says, I'm a girl with a dream. CrossFit is helping me achieve that dream. It mentions her coaching along with swimming and CrossFit, followed by the fact that this is a great experience during an Olympic year. And this is all stuff that I picked up on just the CrossFit Games website now we're going to scoot on over to google so i googled
Starting point is 00:39:28 hannah called this and the first thing that i found when you google hannah called this is that since returning to swimming in 2010 after an eight-year retirement hannah called us has claimed a master's world record in three different relays you'll see that hannah started crossfit in the summer of 2011 and 2012 she competed in the CrossFit Open and the Southwest Regionals while simultaneously – Hey, dude, is that sport – like, is that the tranny sport? You know how, like, shooting is the Filipino sport and basketball is the black guy sport? Is swimming the tranny sport? And softball is the lesbian sport?
Starting point is 00:40:01 Is – any other ones I can – What is football? Any other ones I can, like ones i can like pigeonhole is swimming where all the trannies go it i mean it's looking that way when you put it that way but i just want to know what uh what football is what baseball is what basketball is soccer soccer is for people who can't afford any equipment right uh oh my god oh yeah yeah it is hey a ball is kick that shit around. I'll put two garbage cans over there.
Starting point is 00:40:27 We'll kick it through there. Swimming is for bougie white people and trannies. Thank you. Training and swimming. You'll see also in this article. Tell me. I was a swimmer. Arrest my fucking case.
Starting point is 00:40:42 You choose which pile you want to be in, the trannies or the bougies. Hannah served as an associate professor of neurosurgery at Wake Forest University from 2006 to 2010. Since leaving, she lived in Phoenix, Arizona, where she devotes her time to being a full-time athlete. And she writes articles. Associate professor of neurosurgery. The stuff that you pick up on. This is why someone wanted to watch you do this. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Neurosurgery. I think we're going to need to know what that is. She wants, she's trying to rewire herself. That's why she went into neurosurgery, neurology. It's something. She wanted to take the plugs on her batteries and switch them around the other way. Are you looking it up? Is that what's happening right now?
Starting point is 00:41:40 Is that what we're doing? Am I switching it out? Switching out screens? Again. Yeah. Stefan turns Taylor's 10-minute video into a 30-minute video. that we're doing my switching it out switching out screens again yeah hey stefan turns hillary's 10 minute video into a 30 minute video and he really gets a lot of assault biking in no not 30 minute 60 60 minute so neurosurgery is a surgery of the nervous system we can turn you
Starting point is 00:41:59 from a man to a superman or into a superwoman it is the medical specialty concern with diagnosis and treatment of patients with injury disease or disorders of the brain spinal cord spinal column peripheral nerves with all the spinal part yeah i get it i get it i get it okay here we go website in there one of the other things i picked up on is that she is a wake forest professor so i found her linkedin profile where she's an assistant professor at Wake Forest university Baptist medical center. Hannah called us. The next thing that we're going to do is we're going to play.
Starting point is 00:42:31 So is that really her? Is that her sister? Dun, dun, dun. You know what? With the newfound information, keep going.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Okay. Cause, and, and you know what? As engine that she doesn't, where is that? Where's, um,
Starting point is 00:42:43 uh, uh, Hannah banana, Anna born? She's from – fuck. Not America. Not America. Portugal, Puerto Rico, one of the Ps. Yeah, I suck.
Starting point is 00:42:58 You could really crush it. The South American. That's racist, first of all. No, it's not. This is how I am with everything. If I met somebody, I swear to God, I remember. If I met a Rick, they could very easily just be Ron in my head. I know the number of letters, kind of, and the name, sort of.
Starting point is 00:43:16 It's close. It's never right, though. I just look at her. I want you to know how observant I am. I can tell by the muscle structure of someone's mouth, whether they speak English or not. That's neat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And I can tell English, English wasn't her first language. I can tell. Google graduate school of arts and sciences, 2007. And you didn't talk until you were seven, Andrew. I can tell that by your mouth too. You were, you were a late bloomer. You didn't learn the alphabet or talk until you were seven. Is that the face I'm making right there yeah yeah yeah your parents your parents thought
Starting point is 00:43:49 you were deaf until you were seven damn eight and this is just basically going to outline everything that happened at this university for the calendar year 2007 to 2008 and what we're going to do to make this easy is we're on the page i'm going go command function i'm gonna type in call this and when i type in call this what you're going to find is jump down a couple of these hugo called this 2007 bsc university of manchester the uk phd university of glasgow scotland assistant professor of neurosurgery that is hugo called this in 2007 what the hell does an old sign heart have to do with ray fengal this entire time we've been talking about hannah called us and you're going to say andrew as you could just be her brother right it might be hugo hannah hannah hugo yeah do you think i
Starting point is 00:44:33 would be making this fucking video if i could even consider the fact that it was her brother next thing that i did is you jump forward a couple of years i flicked through a couple of these hey so now we have three we have three people we have three people. We have three Calduses. Well, no, potentially a third, but there was never a third. That was me being facetious. No, we have a Hugo, an Anna, and a Hannah. Oh, okay, yes, we do.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Yes, we do. Then yes, we're right. Okay, I'm sorry. Okay, okay. Yep. When you find the year, 2009 to 2007 calendar year from the exact same bulletin of Wake Forest University. Look at their head of their time. They got a redhead, a black dude, and a brunette.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Look at them. A graduate school of arts and sciences. You do the exact same thing. You go command F and you type in call this. And what you're going to do is you're going to jump down a couple of pages. And in the exact same format from the exact same university in a bulletin two years later you'll see that you have a had a call this 2007 bsc university of manchester uk phd university of georgia scotland assistant professor of neurosurgery tinkle and einhorn in it together how why hey did were you
Starting point is 00:45:41 just getting so excited as this was unraveling? I couldn't fucking believe it. I actually was like in here. Alexis walked in. She goes, what are you up to? I go, I need you to double check some of this shit because I can't believe it's real. Hey, I want to tell you something. Patrick Clark had no idea about all this shit. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:45:58 No, none of us did. I mean, we just knew that like, hey, there's that chick right there. That chick right there. This stuff right here. This stuff that I'm showing you. Yeah, everyone was just like that thing either has a penis or used to have a penis good luck you know what i mean like good luck girls yeah okay remember the first one was 2007 2008 this one was 2009 2010 and right around there is where i'm gonna say you will call this became hannah called god you're good.
Starting point is 00:46:26 I told you at the beginning, the CIA is going to be hitting him up. Oh, Jesus. It's the exact same thing with a different name. It gets better somehow. That's not enough evidence to say all of this stuff. It's not fair. You can't do that. It doesn't matter what you think.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Hey, who is that guy that The Rock's talking to right there? Some other professional wrestler. But we don't even know. He's been in 300 of my videos, but I don't know who the hell he is. Okay, well, someone write it in the comments. I really kept on going. Jeff's brain is exploding right now. Calls to control command.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Hey, I don't have the computer. His brain is exploding. He can't even, what, say it again? Why is Jeff's brain exploding? Just because he's in transition himself from libtard to fucking being awake. That's why he's been sucked into this podcast. And his brain's exploding.
Starting point is 00:47:21 We're watching him grow. They're live, they're live. I gotta get in there. Yeah. I looked hugo called this because up until this point i didn't know that the freaking name was hugo answers right there just gotta get some blood to the brain so i looked up hugo called this and what i found were some swim records of hugo called this hugo called this has a handful of records done at the ages of 25 to 26 the big ones i'm going to look at are the 400 im at 520 and the other about 524. So the 400 meter IM is an event where you go 100 meters,
Starting point is 00:47:49 fly 100 meters back, 100 meters breast, and then 100 meters freestyle. It's a really fucking hard event. Nobody wants to do it, but Hugo Caldas was pretty good at it, had some sort of a record in it. Remember that 520 something, because what we're going to do now is we're going to pull up Hannah Caldas. And in the year 2010, in the IM, there is a time listed here of about 5 34 oh shit oh shit oh shit
Starting point is 00:48:12 when i found this stuff i was like no fucking way so so i know you're about to say it, but just to be clear, so as a dude, Hugo, as a dude, he got – or she got – Anna got – Hugo got. Hugo. Hugo got 520, and Hannah got 534, 14 seconds slower. Correct. Well, there's a 526 there as well. They're training partners. They're training partners. They're training partners.
Starting point is 00:48:46 They just do the same shit. Oh, that's the same event. Okay, so only six seconds. The 400 IM is the same event, yeah. Those two on the bottom. Wow, so Hugo and Hannah are badasses. You're saying no one wants to do this event, right? Anyone who's done the 400 IM and done it well, it's fucking terrible.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Right. Well, that's good. It's hard. This person – so this person's a badass. I think the 200 freestyle is much worse. Just like a 200 all out, it's hard, but that's also very hard. Hey, how do you think that her name went in elementary school, junior high, and high school? Emily Clusty.
Starting point is 00:49:25 Holy shit. I can do that. I can do what she's asking. I hope that I'll make a video. I hope that K is silent. Where'd you guys talk about the people that hold on cheaters. There's that show cheaters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:37 They do that. Yeah. You guys stabbed on a boat. I'll make a video on it. I'll get stabbed. Okay. So, so did, did she ever, um i do swim i swam for 10 years kate
Starting point is 00:49:50 did she ever match her dude time uh it's close i think well the one right there is six seconds seconds removed so that's a long race in the water 526 i mean that's a really long race correct well for so i believe that the games, it did what a 600 in the ocean and they were doing that in eight and a half and they were all allowed to do that freestyle. I think Yonakowski may have been just under seven doing 600 meters in the ocean. And Hannah called us, did a variety of different swim strokes and she did it a minute and a half faster and she did 1600 meters it's it's it's four four hundreds right no no it's 100 100 100 100 100 fly 100 backstroke 100
Starting point is 00:50:33 breaststroke and then you finish with 100 freestyle okay all right this is good i'm actually she she could beat you on a coast ski in a swim. Okay. He, she. Hannah. Hannah. But now it's Hannah. It was Hugo to Hannah to Hannah. You got that right. Okay, this is good. Now you're still saying, is it possible that this is a sibling or relative?
Starting point is 00:50:56 But remember, we already found out that this Hannah-Hugo, same exact university, same exact schooling, same credential, same position at that school. I'm going to say it's incredibly unlikely. That's it. What is even more incredibly unlikely is that these siblings have very, very fucking similar times in the exact same race. Now look at the ages here. In the year 2010, Hannah called us 33. In the year 2003, Hugo called us 26. If my math is right, that's about a seven year difference. And if you add seven to 26, you get 33. So seven years later, you're going to see that Hugo called his, is now Hannah called his.
Starting point is 00:51:33 That's it. I'm his thinker. And the biggest indicator might just be the fact that the swimming times are almost identical, along with the ages paralleling one another. And if you remember the first thing that I brought up in the relation all of this it is that article from breaking muscle where it says that since returning to swimming in 2010 after an eight-year retirement hannah called this claimed a master's world record in three different relays and if you wanted to put one more piece of information to all this because i haven't
Starting point is 00:52:01 sold you yet on the fact that hannah called us is a transitioned male competing as a female i've got a piece of information wait wait what do you mean by that transitioning do you know like so you have data that that there's no penis on that anymore i think you can transition without taking it off uh can you someone look up the word transition? Transition sounds like – It has lots of different meanings. You're a stickler for singular words that I use. I got to be more careful.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Hey, listen. I just want to know if she's wearing that bathing suit if I should be looking for a dick. Oh, please tell me you have a photo of that. Please tell me you see her. I know. Well, because there wasn't one. I believe there is no penis. Just like a helmet see her. No. Well, because there was one. I believe there is no penis. Just like a helmet and her booty shorts.
Starting point is 00:52:49 That'd be awesome. Have you seen this movie that I keep playing, Sevan? Ace Ventura, Pet Detective? A thousand years ago. You don't remember how it plays out at the end, then, do you? No. He gets transitioned? Someone does.
Starting point is 00:53:04 The process. Turns her around. Oh, someone does. The process turns around the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. I wonder if it has a more, uh, go to urban dictionary. You always go to the wrong thing. Urban dictionary transition. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. We're're just we're just picking and
Starting point is 00:53:28 choosing our dick oh jeff just said something really smart too what do you say he said her speed would pick up when she cut off her wiener and reduce drag i mean it's it makes sense it's like taking the rudder off a boat what what is that profile whose kid is crying that's him because he's actually 12 he's going through a transition uh journey from appearing like a birth sex oh shit to their actual gender are you out of your fucking mind that doesn't even make sense that sentence often includes hrt there you go the term used to describe transsexuals journey from appearing like their birth sex to their actual gender look they use sex and gender interchangeably because because genders you're mad what the fuck this is urban
Starting point is 00:54:18 dictionary dude susie go to the next one i know there's wait hold on i want to read that one more time what what word fuckery? The term used to describe a transsexual's journey from appearing like their birth sex to their actual gender? Hey, if I tattooed just whiskers on me and tattooed myself as a cat, I can't even do it, I don't know. I can't even do it. I can't even do it. Have you seen those?
Starting point is 00:54:52 There's like my real life. Yeah. Or like my weird life. Those are good. Or they think they're furries and they dress up as like these animals and they think they're these animals. That's like saying that that's like that's like one of the of the things that Maddie Rogers girl is doing. Let's say you're a 10XL, right? Like you're a 600-pound person, but she's just going to call it the comfortable size. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:55:15 Like Starbucks. Like it's still not going to take that much material. Yeah, yeah. She's going to – and you know what else is crazy? Someone said that she's doing that to reduce the shame around large clothes that's the same to take the ability to take shame away from people is like taking an opportunity away from someone people feel shame for a reason it's okay to feel shame you should feel totally you should feel ashamed if you're a parent you circumcised your child you should feel shame for that it's okay how do you know if you're a parent and you circumcised your child. You should feel ashamed for that. It's okay. How do you know what you're buying if you're buying it online?
Starting point is 00:55:48 They're going to have different sizes. There's going to be like a decoder ring. Oh, so then you just go with the big size. When you walk through a doorframe, do your love handles rub both sides? This is the size for you. Maybe it's a marketing strategy. Totally. It's totally.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Maybe it's a marketing strategy. Totally. It's totally. Sevan is Catwoman to Hiller's Batman. I'll take it. Fucking take it. And Sousa is the penguin. No, I want to be the butler, dude.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Alfred. Yeah. Okay, so we don't know. We don't know if you don't know if this thing, if Hannah or Hugo or Anna has a penis. Correct. Yes. Hey, that's rude to call. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:56:38 It looks to be a piece of research done. Scroll down a little bit and you're going to see that the inventors are Hugo, Hannah, Caldas. It even says right there, Hugo, Hannah. It's both of them. It's the same person. It's the same freaking person. Finkle is my boy. Wait, I need to see that part again. What are we looking at here?
Starting point is 00:56:51 I got lost. You're going to see that the inventor, that Hanna-Caldes is a transitioned male competing as a female. I've got a piece of information here. It looks to be a piece of research done. Scroll down a little bit, and you're going to see that the inventors
Starting point is 00:57:04 are Hugo Hanna-Caldis. It even says right there, Hugo Hanna. It's both of them. It's the same person. What did she invent? It's just an article or a study that she did at that time, and it references the entire name. Forward, forward, other way. It says that since returning to swimming and to
Starting point is 00:57:25 for a piece of information to all this because i haven't sold you yet on the fact that anacolis is a transitioned male competing as a female i've got a piece of information here it looks to be a piece of research done from hey have you thought about getting a job at the morning chaka i think i think i did a pretty good job on this. You think they'd hire me? No. They wouldn't hire you. Fuck no.
Starting point is 00:57:49 They can't afford you, dude. One of the most promising forms of cancer gene therapy is delivering of genes directly to the tumor to facilitate cancer cell death. Gene therapy experts at Nationwide Children's Hospital have developed a tumor-targeted novel molecular treatment by fusing two genes, Novel molecular treatment by fusing two genes, Suburban and Grazmine B. Suburban is expressed at high levels in all tumors, and Grazmine B induces apoptosis in tumor cells. The recombinant DNA delivered to the target cells by another agent, such as liposome.
Starting point is 00:58:21 This approach represents a universal method for targeting tumor cells that express Suburban and induced death of those cells, leaving minimal effect on healthy cells. Minimal effect. Unlike conventional chemotherapeutic approaches, recombinant, recombinant DNA. So,
Starting point is 00:58:37 wow. So, so she got a patent on this. Oh, well, did he, did she? And that's how important it is. That's how important on this. Oh, well, did he? Did she? And that's how important it is.
Starting point is 00:58:48 That's how important it is. Damn, you're a good sleuther. That's how important it is that she used both names. Mm-hmm. Just in case. Now you need a legal person. But if you look. Well, you know what it is.
Starting point is 00:58:58 It's probably. You had to use Hugo as a legal name. The work was being done during both times. Oh, and there wasn't a legal name. The work was being done during both times. Oh, and there wasn't a legal name change? Well, no. It was probably something that was being put together before and after the transition. Yeah, but regardless of the transition,
Starting point is 00:59:15 there'd have to be a legal name change. It'd have to be on the license. Yes, got it. Especially when you're talking about a patent, like the legality of her owning that IP. Damn, she did cure cancer that's awesome we got seven thoughts
Starting point is 00:59:34 i'm just watching the text messages pour in i thought you were frozen for a minute did you choose to? You seem frozen. She basically cured cancer. Hold on a little bit, and you're going to see that the inventors are Hugo Hanna-Caldis. It even says right there, Hugo Hanna. It's both of them. It's the same person. It's the same freaking person.
Starting point is 00:59:57 Finkle is on board. Hey, did you Google Altura Rochelle? I did not. Sloppy. I don't know. Look, it's the freaking inventors right there. So before I was piecing together a whole bunch of different stuff, this one is clear as day. I saved that for last because I like when you guys doubt me when I'm making these videos.
Starting point is 01:00:16 So in the 2012 and the 2013 time period, there's a whole lot of CrossFit media being put out on Hannah Caldas. Who in the... there's a whole lot of CrossFit media being put out on Hannah Caldas. What do you think? What are you looking at? What's happening? I'm tripping that this is on the – well, I was staring at her titties. But I'm tripping on this uh i'm tripping on this we all know we all know but let's just put out
Starting point is 01:00:49 some information on her yeah this is great you motherfucker hey it's a it's a great picture that's a great picture of her it is a great picture who's emily warren you know do you have any idea no and i'm tripping on that that i don't know who that is and they published in the in the in the on On the Games website. Yeah, can you type in Emily Warren CrossFit and pull up the pictures for me? I want to see if I know who that is. I can't believe I don't know who that is. Maybe that was Emily Beers, and she turned to Emily Beers because it seems like something she'd write about.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Maybe she took some cock and changed her last name to Beers. I think she's always been Emily Beers. No way. Oh. Oh, could you just go to Google? Oh, God. Good job, Zoom. Yeah, that is an incredible Zoom.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Good job. Zoom. Okay, I don't know who that is. Okay. Are we sure that's her? No. Well, that was the first one that popped up on the – Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I started playing mine. Sorry. Wait. Hold on. This is a great show. This is one of my favorite shows. Always been Emily Beers. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:01 I mean, this is the only other thing that – Oh, man. At least I have a daughter. I don't want her to hear this. Comment by Megan O'Connell is just about everything that I've been getting from everybody. How are they not pissed? Because everyone was fucking pissed that I was hearing.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Ask me. I can't wait till Maddie Rogers fucking has to compete against the dude. Hey, you know – It's going to happen. She was posting all this shit about her fucking autoimmune disease and then showing her face all broken out. And there's fucking tens of thousands of fucking people all over the internet who had that same thing after they got the vaccine, and she's still in denial. It's like, dude. the vaccine and she's like still in denial it's like dude it's an it's like strongly woven into an identity though so it's not like it doesn't matter the evidence presented to people that
Starting point is 01:02:52 are like that it's not nothing's going to change it's so important to you to be right that you're willing to hurt yourself i guess that's i guess that's fucking half of america i feel like it's so important because if they don't then their identity kind of unravels in that and you talked about how important it was to have to attach your kids to an identity early yeah because i feel like i can say the same thing about you right seven that what say about what say you're so willing to be right that you didn't get the vaccine and you're gonna hurt yourself no no i hope i'm wrong you i mean okay i hope i'm wrong i hope the vaccine is fucking like the cure all cure all i hope it saved everyone gotcha okay because if i'm right and they hope you die because you didn't get it i see i don't care how well i don't care what they hope because i know i'm not gonna die
Starting point is 01:03:38 because i can do the third grade math but i hope i'm wrong i hope everyone's wrong and that we're just seeing a shitload of correlates and we're misled that actually the vaccine has been great. It's wonderful. And it's just a correlate to all these other sudden increase in deaths by 11 percent all over the world. And just I hope that's all wrong. Oh, God, I hope it's wrong, because if it's not, I hope all these male athletes dying all over on the fields and shit, if it's not wrong, man, it's so sad. When Gabe called in the other day, that was a great conversation about his car ride with a friend who was all mad about him having privilege or her having privilege. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:15 That was a, that was a good talk and how he flipped her. God, you guys want to, this is why you guys watch this show. Stand by. Oh boy. What by. Oh, boy. What happened?
Starting point is 01:04:30 Let me see if I can find this. I couldn't fucking believe this. Kid, I got this from a friend. This is – I don't even know which one to show. There's so many. Oh, I can't open that one yet. I can't open that one. Okay can't open that okay here we go here we go come on period there's a whole lot of crossfit media being put out on hannah called this who in this article is known as hannah called this but in her games profile is known as anna c called this who for more than
Starting point is 01:05:02 a decade has been tearing it up at the level of the CrossFit Games flying. What was the difference once Hannah called this and once Hannah C. called this? Anna, Anna and Hannah. Those both said Hannah. But when we saw the extensive, it's all Anna. OK. Entirely under the radar until I put up a video about how it is likely unfair that a male can transition to a female and then compete against the females as long as they keep their testosterone in a certain range. And while in this scenario,
Starting point is 01:05:30 286, Hannah, Anna is competing 100% within the rules. So that's within the rules now. Oh, so of course the games teams knows that's really a dude because she has to submit her testosterone, whatever test they require. You think that they're really doing that? If they call her on it, yeah. Good point. Especially at this point, she's competing in the Masters for E to 44 and she finishes 7th
Starting point is 01:05:57 at best. You think they're doing that all year or you think she's just going to competing? Whatever. I think the entire ship at HQ is outside of the training departments on autopilot. they're not doing shit so yeah okay here we go and i don't really remember when but 2018 2019 is where nor do i think they need to i'm fine with her i'm fine yeah i just want to see the whole thing go down like i i've there's this daoist saying all problems must flourish before they come to an end i just want to see this i really want to see fucking street horn or enter the women's competition why him in particular this is the
Starting point is 01:06:34 best looking male yeah because he's hot and just fucking let him go get it and hey this friend of my this friend of mine went to a party and he put a cucumber in his pants. And just so you know, to make it look like his penis, he put a rubber band around the end of the cucumber to make it look like the helmet. And I just thought that was really clever for anyone who's going to do that for their Halloween costume. Interesting. Frank Glassman said in a press conference that they would be allowing transition. Males to females have been competing at the level of the CrossFit games. And the gray area is the 2012 to 2018 time zone. And yeah,
Starting point is 01:07:11 that was Greg's way of just letting the whole thing. Like he just wanted the whole thing to, you know what I mean? Like, you know, when you throw us, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:17 He just was like, just roll a smoke bomb into the room. He does that. You know, the liver King does that. He wants shit to blow up. Yeah. He gets a lot of attention for it.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Check out CrossFit. We don't give a fuck. Greg says, if this gets really weird, we're not even going to have men and women. We're going to cut all our costs in half. We're just going to have one. You just double up on the prize purse too.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Medeiros just takes double of them. I actually don't think that that was allowed which might be why so much trouble has been gone into to keep this under wraps i would not feel very good as one of her competitors knowing that she has an advantage at birth had gone through puberty had gotten all of the benefits and had competed at an extremely high level as an olympic swimmer when she went by Hugo before she had transitioned. And to me, I just think that it's actually kind of incredible that this is something that if you Google, you can't find out, like you can't see that. And I can understand why this is something that wouldn't want to be brought into the space. And I'm not trying to bring a negative light to Anna Hanna, but what I am trying to do is bring
Starting point is 01:08:22 it up in general, because it's only worth knowing, because believe it or not, there are in the 2018 in the. Hey, I think when you said Anna Hannah there, you could have shown then a picture of a banana, but not said the word. And people would have said the word banana in their head. And you would you could leave it up there for a little while, like a second and a half. It have gone you could have been like hannah anna and then showing a banana it would have been like banana that would have been good you're right yeah well i mean you don't don't i mean these videos are all a 10 and your turnover rate you don't have time for fucking to pass them all through me so okay hey you want to know something? I don't watch any of these before I post them.
Starting point is 01:09:06 That's awesome. You just edit it through and post it? I edit it through and I just throw it on YouTube. What? One of these days, something's going to be on there. I'm like, oh, fuck. But you know what? You like that.
Starting point is 01:09:16 That's good because then it gives you a chance to make another video to retract what you're fuck up. I guess you're right. Yeah. It's not part of the plan, but it'll work. It'll do. Amy Green competed there. People jamie green lauren fisher and while they were at the top of the leaderboard she was near the bottom this is again an example of it's coming anna or hannah called
Starting point is 01:09:35 this what event was it i missed that what event did she compete with jamie green and lauren fisher do you remember 2013 meridian so a regional event yeah regional semi it So a regional event. Yeah, regional. It was a regional, yeah, 2013. Is currently competing, flying under the nose of every single person, somehow, someway. Not me and Patrick Clark. Again, through everything that I just showed you,
Starting point is 01:09:57 which I think is irrefutable evidence. I'm the world's greatest detective. I'm sure someone somewhere is going to be able to poke holes in it. Again, it's evidence, and I'm not saying it is fact, but I'm saying put a gun to my head. It appears as if Hugo Caldas is now Hannah Caldas competing against everybody in the 40 to 44 year old division completely legally, mind you, what I showed you in the rule book in that initial video. And I'm not saying that per the rules right now that she should be removed. I am saying that the rule should be adjusted in the future
Starting point is 01:10:25 because at some point in time, you're going to see that she won the lifts this year. Listed body weight on the profile of 185 pounds, a height of 5'9". I am 5'9", and I only weigh 10 pounds more, and I'm on testosterone right now. I've gained like freaking 5 pounds already. It's pretty cool. Do I look big yet?
Starting point is 01:10:42 How about now? Naturally, Hannah's going to win the swim event very high level swimmer whether you say it was as hugo or as hannah high level swimmer but what was odd was the age at which she was competing still as an individual in the open division 40 years old in the year 2018 while she didn't finish all that well she was still competing and now let's just say that you're in the 45 to 49 yearyear-old division because she's bound to be aging up. I don't know her exact age at this point. And there's a one rep max snatch.
Starting point is 01:11:09 And I believe last year she hit 191 pounds as a 43, 44. Anna C called us. This is 2000. What year is this? This is good, by the way. This little bit is good. This is 2021. 191 snatch is a 43-year-old in the category because they had a one-rep snatch.
Starting point is 01:11:26 And she took first. Correct. Next closest person, I believe, was actually pretty high, mid-180s. But then everyone else was in the 160s. I bet you that's a dude, too. I knew you were going to say that. It's like I threw the softball, and I'm like, here we fucking go. They're all dudes.
Starting point is 01:11:43 And, you know, that's like one of the concerns right you you're you're someone out there you have four daughters you want you know they get into professional sports and and and you know they end up they fucking never fucking succeed as anything because dudes fucking beat them i mean four-year-old thanks kate 265 for kaltush yeah man that's fucking heavy fucking one rep max dash of 191 at the age of 44 as a female you're gonna tell me that there isn't some advantage from birth given and wait she overhead squatted no that was a jerk. Okay. What's O-H? It says S-O-H, shoulder to overhead. Yeah. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Oh, this is fucking. So she did 45 more pounds than hip and steel? Yeah. But hip and steel didn't lock out, though. Hip and steel didn't lock out. Probably why he got third. He didn't have the right shoes on that day. Yep.
Starting point is 01:12:41 The only reason I'm doing this is because there is going to be a point in time where this is going to be a much bigger issue in the open division. Everyone's going to be run around like chickens with their heads cut off. And when that does end up happening, I can point back to the video I made four days ago, the video that I'm making right now and say, hey, CrossFit, at least I told you so. You should have done what Olympic swimming did and drop the level to 2.5 and animals per liter at 10.0, drop it down to 2.5 and animals and animals per liter at 10.0 drop it down to 2.5 and say that you've got to do this before you hit puberty where you're going to
Starting point is 01:13:09 reap all the benefits and then be out and this is the part where people tripped out right and they're like oh you're encouraging kids to chop their dicks off at 12 correct but you're not no no so look at this okay 191 187 i knew it was one mid 180s and there's a bunch of 160s so you think kelly can i see kelly uh frio apparently she won 44 44 careful simon careful remember i spent three hours investigating this before i put it all into a video which i just want to see i just want to see oh why does stephanie roy have all those lines through her name tested positive oh oh that's a girl for sure
Starting point is 01:13:57 i agree that oh that was someone calling from gu Guatemala. I wonder if they knew her. I wonder if it's her. Yeah, that's a girl. I smell girl on that. Look at that. That's girl. Yeah. That's why, yeah, jacked. Strong shoulders.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Yeah, girl ass. This is Kelly Friel. This is chicks from the UK. This is the one rep front squat yeah yeah yeah she's a beast and she lifts like sam briggs too roll that back good job okay uh let's see can we look at stephanie graham too just for shits and giggles 177 let's see what you see becca miller yeah right i stood close to her i smell girl on her too stephanie graham stephanie i would have no i would have no
Starting point is 01:14:58 ability to spell that stephanie stephanie i need to look at it 40 times before I got it right oh okay so that Anna had someone's telling me that Anna had her penis removed in 2013 how the fuck do they know that this person I guess you talk to
Starting point is 01:15:18 shut the fuck up so the way you say things I can never tell if you're being serious but this one i wasn't i wasn't being serious about the second thing okay okay okay no stephanie no stephanie graham no i think this is what it's bringing up here it's the thing that it looks like it makes the most sense maybe she's tagged in this i think this is just her position there yeah all right i see girl there too okay okay back to the show back to the show. Back to the show. So, so yeah, these girls should be pissed because Freel would have won that event.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Okay. Here we go. Snatching your competitors by fucking 10 to 30 pounds. And also if she were in the open division that year, she would have finished a third. She would have finished above Laura Horvath, behind Annie Thorisdottir, behind Tia Toomey, but she would have finished above Yip. What do you mean, if? So this is 2000. Oh, you mean in the snatch. You mean in the snatch. I believe I pulled these from 2020, 2019.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Okay, you're comparing their events. This is 2021. They did this, or what year did they do the snatch at Madison? Because I know they did the clean and jerk. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. 21, 21. This is 21. Daniel Brandon snatched two. Wait, yeah, yeah. 21, 21. This is 21. Daniel Brandon snatched two.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Wait, oh, no. Where's the snatch one? Oh, this is the year Thor's daughter did that snatch. Yeah, this is 21. Yeah. Same year. Same year, she would have finished third. She would have beat Horvath, Magawa.
Starting point is 01:16:36 We're looking at event 12. Correct. She's 43. She beats everyone in the open division, other than Thor's daughter and Tia. Okay. Wow. Magawa did. And we than Thor's daughter and Tia. Okay. Wow. And we know what you think about Tia.
Starting point is 01:16:49 We know what I think about Tia. Daniel Brandon, Catherine David's daughter, Emma Carey, Brooke Wells. She would have finished above Amanda Barnhart. She would have finished above Matt LeBron. And you've got to tell me that you can see that there's some sort of an issue with this. I'm not saying remove her from the competition. That is unless they change the rules, which I do think that they should do.
Starting point is 01:17:07 In the comments section, I want to know your thoughts. I'm not saying remove her from the competition unless you change the rules, which I think you should do. So then you do think they should remove her from the competition. I think they should change the rules and subsequently remove her from the competition. Maybe they grandfather her in.
Starting point is 01:17:24 You can't do that. Yeah, be like, hey, you were one of the first dudes here. It's like all the affiliates that had the $500 membership from 2004. Like, oh, you're grandfathered in. Yes, yes. If I was... If I was CEO,
Starting point is 01:17:40 I'd grandfather her in. I'd be like, look, there's no reason to be an asshole. You're good. Hey, the thing is, I'd be like, look, there's no reason to be an asshole. You're good. Hey, the thing is I wouldn't allow anyone who was ever a dude to compete with the women, ever. Ever.
Starting point is 01:17:56 But Greg did. He was liver king in it. That's what I gotta say about that. Liver king's got a plan. Yeah, and it wasn't a big deal to him he didn't give a great video thank you oh let's watch the end i like the music at the end here we go whatever the fuck they might be shoot andrew hiller out who made that for you i made this really yeah you Want me to make you one? Yes. Yes. Yes, please.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Yes, please. Did you ever put up that thing I made of you the other day, Savan, that little, like, your face freeze? You didn't. Do you have that? Can you play that right now? I thought that was fucking funny. Susan, did you see that?
Starting point is 01:18:37 I don't think you – no, I think it was just him. Yeah, I don't think it was him. I'm playing around with some editing software, and I was just making some crap. Yeah, I wanted to – I'm trying to level up my editing. I want to be able to beat Mr. Richard. I wanted to post that. Who's Mr. Richard?
Starting point is 01:18:54 Craig. Oh, oh. Craig Richard. Craig Richard. I'll post it now, and then he can post it. What's the opening shot of it's you doing one of your newer videos with the boys on the, the parenting.
Starting point is 01:19:15 I believe you sent, you sent it to me just in our thread. Just you and I believe. Yeah. Hiller, Andrew Hiller. He's bombarded with texts all show, so he's got to shuffle now. I just sent you a text that said he, so that it would bump this one up, okay?
Starting point is 01:19:33 Oh, fuck, dude. I'm not looking. What am I doing? I typed my own name in. I can't do two things at once. I can talk on the show, or I can look up stuff on my phone. I'm going to type in my own name in. I got to find this text from Andrew.
Starting point is 01:19:45 I'm fucking Andrew stuff on my phone. I'm going to type in my own name. I got to find this text from Andrew. I'm fucking Andrew. Okay, here. I got it. I need to post this. Yeah, let's see. Are you going to share it? Be careful. Yeah, I will.
Starting point is 01:19:58 I'm being super careful. Click, click, click. Oh, no. Shit, I wasn't being that careful. Click, click, click. Oh, no. Shit, I wasn't being that careful. Oh, no. How'd you like that clip art of the next video that made CrossFit great again? I've held off on that for a while. It was good.
Starting point is 01:20:19 It was really good. It's got, I'm going to say this out loud and it's going to ruin it, but that's my most liked video ever ratio wise well oh really the one i just put up with uh the rock make wads great again yep make crossfit great again 243 to one. Damn. I can't, how do I, I can't find the video to post it.
Starting point is 01:20:48 It's like a sweaty. Is it 21? That's it. That's the one. Okay. What else can I tell everybody about these ratios? I can, what was my Tia video ratio?
Starting point is 01:21:04 The Tia ratio was 1308 likes 214 dislikes oh wow wow that's one of that's my worst ratio by the way is that good to get a lot of dislikes that means like you're doing good work you know when you put it that way did you see the little mermaid stuff you have to have seen that somehow some way yeah what pissed off if a little mermaid isn't a white redheaded chick what is she black chick yeah with dreadlocks they have it oh sir they have a new little mermaid is that a disney film disney and i guess that that film has millions of dislikes and like three times as many dislikes as likes on youtube why do people
Starting point is 01:21:46 care if she's black or not yeah i don't get it that is the question i thought it was a good preview to be honest there's probably some child grooming going in there that the white people should be fucking happy uh pulling it up i did see some dumb shit that that guy so i someone sent me that guy who works at the crossfit games the eubanks guy dave eubanks um posted something why do you care about skin color of a cartoon character when the ex-president um uh stole files from the the white house or something and i'm thinking i was a motherfucker you're the only one that cares about skin color you stole files from the White House or something. And I'm thinking, I was like, motherfucker, you're the only one that cares about skin color, you fucking woke knucklehead.
Starting point is 01:22:32 No one gives a shit. Jeff keeps asking what my beef is with Nate Edwardson. I don't have a beef with him. I just have an issue that I would watch his videos looking for something and I would never be able to find it. What's your obsession with Hiller's obsession or beef with Nate Edgerton? I've seen it at least twice.
Starting point is 01:22:51 So I keep on saying, keep asking. It may have been third. I do want to know Craig Ritchie's ratios. That's a good question. Anyone else talk about their ratios? Okay. I posted it on my instagram account you can't oh why not because it always blocks it
Starting point is 01:23:15 my tia video has the most comments ever it just broke a thousand today wow it was 1015 now it's 1014 comments wow that's not good that's not good for the other um am i playing this video that's not good for the other crossfitters what hey oh because i'm gonna make more of them now yeah yeah yeah it'd be it'd be stupid not to hey guys in the comments who do you want to see one on next most of you don't you're looking at Hey guys in the comments, who do you want to see one on next? Aye. Who's next? Most of you don't. You're looking at the most influential man on the internet.
Starting point is 01:23:57 He's a lover, not a fighter. But he's also a fighter, so don't get any ideas. He is the most interesting man in the world. It's pretty good, right? Yeah, it's good. I got this new editing software and I was just messing around. I made one with my dog. I thought the one with my dog was pretty funny. It was just her like chilling.
Starting point is 01:24:19 That was good. It just like zooms out. It's like an action hero thing. I guess movies use that. It just like zooms out. It's like an action hero thing. People, or I guess movies use that. I just saw something I want to get. Okay, I got to refocus. I fell into the Instagram world. Yeah, that's bad. I got the, did you get the new phone? Did I hear you say that, Savan? You got the new iPhone?
Starting point is 01:24:43 I ordered it. You ordered it? I woke up. I set my alarm. One of those people who's like, well, actually, I was up already to do the podcast, but they released it at 5 a.m. I ordered one at 6 a.m. I still don't get it for a fucking month. Did you get it?
Starting point is 01:24:58 Is it the little one? Is it the little one? It's the big one. They had the big one already? Yeah. I've had the little one it's the big one oh they had the big one already yeah oh i had the little one for a little while for some reason the little 14s i saw the little 14s are shipping but the big ones seem to be taking forever that's because you can't wait on it i actually saw that helping had ordered it and i go fucking helping's doing it he has all of his ducks in a row like it wise i should do it right now and it just showed up man i was like right in a rock it was awesome do one on emily abbott was her her or her boyfriend
Starting point is 01:25:32 that's it that would be a good one you have to you'd have to talk to her boyfriend so that was a little bit in relation to the the huga hannah was, did you even consider reaching out to her before? And I think I was, was I talking to you, Sousa, at the games about how there's an individual who doesn't want to go anywhere before he makes an important business decision because he doesn't want his attitude about it to be skewed by whether or not they like the people? by whether or not they like the people yeah yeah yeah scott galloway and he would purposely decline uh dinners with politicians and other ceos because then he couldn't be critical of some of the stuff because once he got to know him and like humanize them and he felt would feel too bad yeah i'm not trying to get humanized by hannah here you go i don't want to be humanized i want to just go, which shows that you're addressing the issue strictly based on the rules and the fairness to the women that are competing on that side and not based on the judgment of Hannah and however she operates. I have no issue with her as a person, just the fact that it's taking away from others competing fairly in the sport.
Starting point is 01:26:45 and actually i had to come someone responded to me not really aggressively about how it wasn't a good idea that i had made that on her not for any other reason that it probably wasn't good for her and i go how about everyone that she's affected by doing what she wanted to do hey why do you think yeah well why do you why does someone think it's not good for her because like it's like people who don't like um what she's doing get upset at her or people who have it it's just i i the best way that i can put it is like i don't know if i can even put it into words because most people when they're outwardly doing something that shouldn't be acceptable and i'm like 2018 plus by all means let it rock because it was cool to good to go but it's at 2012 to 2018 realm where that wasn't allowed by everything that i understood but since
Starting point is 01:27:32 i've been educated a little bit that you guys knew you guys and just let it roll uh just it skews that comment a little bit but it's very odd to imagine myself as anyone competing against her. This is cool. Whatever this is. You get one of these. I don't know. These things, these things are everywhere right now.
Starting point is 01:27:55 I disagree. I've never seen one. That's because you fucking, that's because you live in the middle of the, because you don't live near the beach. They're everywhere. They were all over Newport, dude.
Starting point is 01:28:03 How much does that cost? That's a great fucking question. Can you not figure it out on here? Five grand. Yeah. Five to eight. All right. How fast do they go?
Starting point is 01:28:15 How much does it, how much battery life does he get? What's the deal? Who cares? God damn it. Who cares? Alexis hates that I do that. You don't even care if your fucking fiance used to have a dick what do you care about how fucking i've done all the background information on that
Starting point is 01:28:33 thing all right minus the part where i suppose hey did you hear that show where we talked about that and i proposed um how come i can't accept this are you ordering it right now or what no i want to see how much it is oh oh until i want to see how much it costs 73 bucks yeah that's that's crazy what is this a bike for ants you you reserve it for 73 but but you don't know how much it's gonna fucking cost like the tesla truck you can reserve it but they don't tell you how much you're gonna owe later correct oh i think they did tell you though on that one after you paid your 73 bucks have they come out with those tesla trucks yet uh do you see the setup of my client by the way seven if you were talking about
Starting point is 01:29:22 on a show and i was standing right in front of it and you i need a tv right in front of a stair master and a client of mine i got him a stair master i picked up at a gym going out of business and i rented a u-haul and i almost killed three people load this thing into a u-haul but then it's your perfect setup it's a tv where would i see that picture i sent it to you motherfucker along with the video you never posted until right now you responded you're like where is this i'm a mess dude when it comes to my client's house i only look at dick pics all right next time i'll send you a dick pic along with the stair master i saw stair master and a dick pic Oh my client's garage LOL Oh mine would be way cooler than that
Starting point is 01:30:10 The Stairmaster or the TV? Both the setup God dude are you fucking kidding me I'm gonna fucking light you up right here Wait till I show you guys This fucking picture he fucking sent me Like You son of a bitch Fuck what is it i don't know
Starting point is 01:30:26 what i've done what have i done i'm gonna oh god here we go i'm ready for it i'm gonna give you fucking 10 minutes to find the stairmaster i'm gonna give you 10 minutes to find the stairmaster in this picture uh uh oh i i i know what you're talking about i'm gonna give you 10 minutes to find i'm gonna make it big yeah you are hey and it's a total you snuck the picture it's like you didn't like you were sneaking it i can tell by like the fucked up angle it's at and everything no i was trying to raise yourself listen listen what oh this isn't the fucking picture and look at the stairmaster over there with the fucking TV over there. This is not the picture I sent you, dude.
Starting point is 01:31:10 This is the wrong picture. Like, what the fuck? How the fuck am I supposed to see that? I was trying to get the whole fucking thing in there. When did I send you that picture? I don't know, but that's the only one I see from you. Here's another picture I sent you and you didn't respond to. Do you know who that is?
Starting point is 01:31:26 No. Who is that? Is that Guido? Oh, it might be a young Guido Trinidad. That's all. That might be a young Guido Trinidad. I got my answer. All I had to do was go live with you to get a fucking answer on that picture.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Any other questions? Oh, you son of a bitch. Scroll up three pictures, and that's the picture of the Stairmaster I sent you. Ah, yeah. Hey, look up. That's the picture I sent you. Oh, that's nice. How much was that?
Starting point is 01:31:56 I got it for $1,200. Dear Bill and Katie. It's been a long time. It's hot now. Don't get it. Bye. It's been a long time it's hot now don't get it bye it's been a long time so did you did did hillar just have a stroke what the fuck was that dear bill and katie hot i was looking at your website the other day are you gonna do a um oh you know your video where you do the top 16? You rank the top 16 finales.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Yeah. And you chose that. I got that idea from Wadzombie, by the way. I'm not sure if I gave credit, but there's the credit to Nick. Get your cards, Wadzombie. Jason Hopper. Danielle Brandon, who will be doing a relationship show on Sunday night with her. Call in.
Starting point is 01:32:45 Everyone call in if you have questions on what it would take. If you want to hear what Danielle's brand in relationship advice is, call with all your problems. Colton Schmertner. Call with all your problems. Yeah, we'll solve all your problems. Patrick Vellner. All from what?
Starting point is 01:32:58 Alexis Raptus. I can't believe Tear doesn't sponsor this show 8 words you can't say I haven't heard about that Since that 70s show Samuel Quant just kidding Same thing Same thing Samuel Quant 2.0 What about that episode
Starting point is 01:33:17 Whole Beast Oh look at Tear Liver King Trachea Oh and look at you liver king and trachea oh and look at this i i've never taken anything before i go to bed but i'm gonna start taking this just for and tell you guys about it i got both i got that this stuff is like candy to me people who take protein powder it's crazy i just started rest rest of what you're a smart dude hiller you're a smart you're a smart dude how'd you know you just know i just know yeah you're a good dude um it's fucking overtaking my kitchen i had to bring some bags in here it's fucking so much thanks liver king ancestral supplements very good dude what
Starting point is 01:34:06 did you want to bring up with the 16 oh oh i was thinking that um um what do you think's worse sorry i'll come back to that saying you think it's worth using anal beads to win chess tournaments like put anal did you hear about that what's happening yeah yeah yeah it vibrates and on the level of anal beads or pEDs at the CrossFit Games, what do you think are worse? PEDs. PEDs. How the fuck are you supposed to anticipate someone's next event
Starting point is 01:34:34 by a vibration in your butthole? Hey, well, someone else could be. Three spots left. Yeah, yeah. It's like some Morse code. Okay. Yeah, well, good for them for learning how to speak another language. What's left? Yeah. Yeah. It's like some Morse code. Okay. Well, good for them for learning how to speak another language.
Starting point is 01:34:49 Uh, that TV show, um, fucking Gambit, Queens Gambit. That was really good. It's all about chess. No,
Starting point is 01:34:57 no anal beads, all chess. That's what you think. I saw it. I know. 10 years. You're going to put out a video saying that the Gambit TV show, they were using anal beads. And me and Patrick Carpenter are going to be like, we already knew, dude.
Starting point is 01:35:09 Shit. So that episode is really cool. I was thinking that it could be – those 16 songs could have been like the number one pop song of the year too. And then you tell people that at the beginning. So it's that you get a double you're getting some educate you know what i mean just just that would have been that would have been good that was just like some of my top songs on my spotify so hannah hannah anytime you say two things in a row that rhyme next time you should put a third thing that's just an image you don't have to say it yeah got it and pop songs in relation to the year hey did you notice that video good to go my jim carrey video good to
Starting point is 01:35:51 go they're all under 6.78 seconds just so you know if you ever that that's the time to cut off i always think of that when you do that yeah so everyone knows if you want to use and i'll put like a whole long thing with the one and you just have to chop it up a little bit and it doesn't pick it up on the whatever the back end the computer is enough really so i want to i want to see if you understand what i'm saying for my advice so if in a show you were to say um uh rick stick then you would show a picture of a a chick yeah chicks good chicks good chicks good not what i'd show but it's good not what i'd show but good i appreciate it chick yeah okay okay so you do understand what i'm saying okay good i got you yeah this is this
Starting point is 01:36:42 is like this is the stuff i like to do when i was in third grade let's do more box fox rocks you know um my kids played um they have nerf guns and they play nerf wars and every time after they're done i'm like i should have played with them it looks so fun but like i'm just sitting on the couch like fucking like taking notes on some guest i have coming or i need to do more of that shit shit what made me think of that as you said that's what you used to do in the third grade it's not like if i got up and played with them i would be pissed i would be stoked i mean it probably makes some of them cry because i'd fucking shoot so how many nerf guns do you have i don't know 10 i was actually thinking about getting a good one like for myself like a hundred
Starting point is 01:37:23 dollar one yeah and just keep that one's mine and it holds like fuck and i have like 300 it holds like 300 shots you know what i mean so same thing with daddy's to do with airsoft guns back in the day we were all there we were like teenagers at that point but you had an airsoft gun suza oh yeah a couple and then your dad had a beast yeah right it was hurt we had shotgun wine and like he'd come around the corner he'd we had the little pistols this is a good story and we would go into the forest and walk around with them and we thought we were badass when we sprayed the tips they were orange we just so it looked like a gun and my buddy's just walking down a main road with a mask on and a gun and he got pulled over by the cops we used to do this all the time they let
Starting point is 01:38:06 him go but he got in trouble for that my cousin did what you want to do stuff on he got a big badass machine gun airsoft gun and he just lit up as soon as an eye of the world and then he ended up not made as a great upholding citizen because he was shooting a bunch of 14 year olds with a rifle airsoft gun and that shit hurts right holy fuck it hurts susan did it hurt oh yeah yeah you get tagged in the cheek or something with one of those too or a cold finger was like the worst uh-huh we own metal bb's i was in the back of a pickup truck one time and this dude i think it was his name was doug doug woo dude i think it was his name was doug doug woo and uh i think if i said it was 30 years ago so or 40 years ago whatever but we're in the back of a pickup truck and he had a paint he had a
Starting point is 01:38:54 paintball gun and he shot a dude just a random dude on the street in the chest with it and and the dude thought he had been shot because and it was just red paint all over him and the dude was freaking out oh my gosh i felt horrible at the time but now i love the story weird assholes went halloween got a small bucket of water in a five gallon bucket and had one of those short little super stokers that you would like draw the water out of. We drove by on Halloween and we just doused all the kids coming by. Oh, that's fun. Straight out of a scary movie.
Starting point is 01:39:31 Squirting people with water. He's like paint rolling people as they drive by. So the phone does work. Yes. Who's there? Are they here now? No, they hung up. Someone in the comments was talking about it's a typical Wednesday night in Chicago. My favorite thing to do now driving back from Chicago is pick out the cars that I think are stolen.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Based upon how many windows are broken, how beat up the car is, and how erratic the car is driving. Grace and I went downtown Chicago. What's that? I said on the way back from the games, Grace and I went downtown Chicago for a did you see stolen cars i don't know how to identify them we just stayed in the the like main tourist area like walked down the river saw the bean bean tourists you gotta look for the stolen cars that's what the real chicagoans do my mic i'll make a video on that i want to put my life in danger i told it i'll tell alexis that i go alex i gotta make a video on that. I want to put my life in danger. I told Alexis that. I go, Alexis, I got to make a video on this, like why I think that car is stolen.
Starting point is 01:40:28 And she goes, you're going to risk your life to make a video. I go, it'd be a good video. I want to show you guys one thing before I go. Capable parent. You still haven't linked it in your Instagram yet. Hillary, you might find this interesting. I find many things interesting. So I started this YouTube page.
Starting point is 01:40:55 It's called Parent Consulting the Capable Child. And look at this video. Where is it? Look at this video. Where is it? Look at this video here. Sledpool 1, 3,000. Oh, that's not right. That video is already up to like 5,000 views. I don't know why it says 3,000.
Starting point is 01:41:16 But anyway, that's crazy. The back end says different numbers sometimes. Yeah, it's lag for the back end. Isn't that a trip? So it's like it's a new YouTube page. I publish every day to it. But it's lag front end to back end. Isn't that a trip? So it's like it's a new YouTube page. I publish every day to it, but it's weird. Is there any other higher ones? No, just that one somehow made it into some algorithm.
Starting point is 01:41:35 Slip pull one. Slip pull three is 4.2. Oh, maybe that's the one. Where do you see? Maybe that's the one. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry. That is.
Starting point is 01:41:44 Yeah. Isn't that a trip? Yeah. Yes, it is. That's how that works, though. You can't hear this, right? No. Uh-uh. Could, like, faintly hear it. Duh, bears.
Starting point is 01:42:04 I read that at the same time. I got a bunch of new ropes from Rogue. And I've started handing them. Dear Bill and Katie. Dear Bill and Katie. Good job. Hey, you don't need to... That's a Rogue cooler, too.
Starting point is 01:42:22 I know. No, I'm joking. Does Rogue make a fucking cooler? No, but they sell Yeti. They sell Yeti. Hey, how the fuck do they not have a cooler? Rogue. Shut up, sled pull 730.
Starting point is 01:42:37 Dear Bill and Katie. It should weigh like 800 pounds. And it should double with sled push, so you could just sled push it everywhere. Yeah so i'm on their site cooler i want to i want to meet jeff in real life he does not want to meet you come on that comment is so savage it's just awesome pole seven, 30 views. It's so funny. They just roast the fuck out of you. I'm like really quiet. Hey, let's stick on sled pole three, four, 5,000 views. This is my favorite sweatshirt. It was like $10.
Starting point is 01:43:19 I think you should consider doing a, a YouTube station where you just run shorts. Just a separate station? Yeah, basically. So every day I just try to do two shorts. Sometimes I do one short in one video or two videos. Anytime you go over a minute, it turns into a video. I told you my biggest issue is shorts, right?
Starting point is 01:43:38 And I guess that would be fixed if I made a separate one. It's that it messes up my thumbnails. I have a thing with looking at my channel and all the videos i hate seeing that yeah yeah that's why that's why you got to have them on a separate um on a separate um a youtube station you got to start a separate one someone someone's sending me a sending me a picture of hugo Oh, no fuck. Pull it up. But this can't possibly be Hugo. This can't possibly be Hugo. They sent me a link and they said,
Starting point is 01:44:11 here's Hugo side by side with Hannah. But then I clicked the link. I clicked the link and it's this. Hannah or Hugo. Can you scroll? At least it wasn't that naked dude on the bed the black dude i love that picture how does matthew know how long it's been since i've done laundry is that alexis's other profile he's assuming that's through your bottom of the barrel uh clothing ah okay yeah it's been it's been at least two weeks.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Yeah. I had to do laundry. Oh, here we go. You're right. I'm scrolling down now. And the conversation is about, Oh,
Starting point is 01:44:54 is there a separate picture? There's no picture. Well, did you end up on iron garm by any chance? Is that a website? Yeah yeah i've been through a handful of websites there's a whole investigation on her on iron garm what do you mean investigation like like hillar's video just to break down does it say something that i said i think so can you send me the link?
Starting point is 01:45:26 I'll let you know whether or not I saw it. Are you thinking about making a part two? No, I'm done with that. No, that's enough. At any time when you were making the video looking at pictures of Hannah, did you get an erection? I did not. And you know what? That's saying something right now.
Starting point is 01:45:47 Right. Oh, really? Is it just fucking crazy? Morning, evening, and night. Wow. Morning, noon, and night. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:57 Danger zone. I can't read that. I would. Something's set on space. Oh, I like to see stuff on space. Is that. I would. Something's on his face. Oh, I like to see someone's face. Is that the, yep. Oh, when he watches this episode. Oh, now you have it.
Starting point is 01:46:15 Hashim Al-Mandani. Hashim, Hashim Al-Mandani. My short got 5.5 thousand views the one that's ruining my entire flow of thumbnails I'm gonna be on the road now I don't mind
Starting point is 01:46:35 doing the fucking oh Nunley says he's not gonna be around for tomorrow's podcast I went back through 2013 on Nunley says he's not going to be around for tomorrow's podcast. I went back through 2013 on Hannah's Instagram and then it stopped working. Oh, and that's when someone said that, uh, the penis was removed. Interesting. It literally stopped working.
Starting point is 01:47:04 I couldn't, I tried it three separate times and it took forever to get that far back. Cause you gotta like upload, upload, upload. What's wrong with my volume? Is something wrong with my volume? Can you guys hear me okay? Someone's like, you have to Jeff that Jeff dude. Maybe he's talking about when you had the YouTube channel up. The capable child.
Starting point is 01:47:20 Correct. Oh. Correct. Was it all fucked up? Oh, I see. I see. I see. Jen, Suze has a wedding gift.
Starting point is 01:47:30 Enjoy this undie money. Oh, Suze, did you talk to our new sponsor yet? The undie sponsor? Oh, look it. Wait. The undie sponsor? I see. In all seriousness, I'll come on tomorrow for nunley awesome i do you really have an underwear sponsor no no no no not yet not yet not yet
Starting point is 01:47:59 hey i think that if i think that if someone put me on a diet for 12 weeks, like I weigh probably closer to 170 right now than 160. If someone were to drop me down to like 140 pounds in 12 weeks, you'd think I was on steroids. You want me to do that for you? You should tie me in a fucking basement. I'd have to be on meth to get that skinny. Yeah, that's a lot of weight you lose. Are we doing one of these tomorrow? Are we doing that?
Starting point is 01:48:40 Oh, we should do that. Wait, so tomorrow morning we have, so we don't even know if we're doing... Dry cleaning. Thanks, Craig. I'll never see that if I have bucks, but thanks, man. Can I listen to these while
Starting point is 01:48:58 I'm live on the podcast? You should get a glass of my guy out here do you guys get crazy emails from people who say that they want to have a partnership or be a sponsor and it's just like fuck off i don't want it's like there's the most random supplement companies and no you don't get those i i have a couple of those i've been considering making a video on it and just roasting them it's
Starting point is 01:49:30 like i don't want your stupid fucking protein packet shit i used to get all sorts of shit in my blue check mark account i would get all sorts of shit and i would actually get shit it would be like we're the perfect partner for you we're carbon free jewelry perfect and i would actually get shit it would be like we're the perfect partner for you we're carbon free jewelry perfect and i would just write back to them fuck off and they would and then they would actually respond why is that necessary i go because fuck you and your carbon free jewelry you fucking douchebag triggered yeah triggered triggered totally triggered me just by mentioning your product that's how perfect it is for me, you idiot. Are you into character? You're like, fuck off.
Starting point is 01:50:08 Yeah, it's like, really? You really think? I'm out of control right now. Hey, do you want me to play something really fucking just like, oh, shit. Wow. Yes. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:50:24 Fine. Here we go go where is it uh tony andrews waiting for california hormones waiting for a response from him yes okay here we go what are you playing okay here we go What are you playing? Okay, here we go. Stand back, everyone. I don't have time for this shit. I was actually going to play. This is live call and show shit, but someone sent me this today,
Starting point is 01:50:54 and it's like I saw the guy at Prager. You basically do this too. Here we go. Okay, ready? Here we go. The driving factor in income inequality, because it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture. Here we go. than whites are shooting each other. Explain to me why 13% of the population... What he says here, he means to say 6% of the population, not 13, but... The population is responsible for 50% of the murder.
Starting point is 01:51:30 Explain to me why the number of black kids in prison, not for innocent reasons, not for walking down the street and getting pulled into a prison, is so high. If it has nothing to do with culture, explain to me why the single motherhood rate in the black community jumped from 20% to 70% in the same course of time the civil rights movement has made such tremendous strides. Is America more racist now than it was in 1960? And if it is, please explain to me how that happened. Watch, watch, watch, watch. I'm going to explain this in one second. Keep watching.
Starting point is 01:51:59 I'll argue that racism is not a driving factor in income inequality because it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture so he basically called them out he called them out and said is it your skin color this is why words matter is it your skin color or is it the cultural significance around people that's a correlation to that skin color And anyone with a brain Knows that skin color has nothing To matter to do with anything This is an intelligent person
Starting point is 01:52:34 Giving those two people on the left A way out And instead of finding a way out They want to play the victim and blame their skin color And why do they want to do that? Because the Democrats have taught them how to do that. What is the context of this video? It's crazy. It's amazing.
Starting point is 01:52:51 Say that again? What is the context of this video? Where are they and why are they having this conversation? Look at Ben Shapiro at either an event or a college doing a debate. He often does these. I don't know, but they want to say that it has to do with skin color and he said it has nothing to do with skin color and it's it's it's a it's a um that's you know what's crazy too is uh i'm gonna have this um uh friend of uh uh that this guy that i've started to become friends with and who i met through uh suza he's a cop and he happens to be a
Starting point is 01:53:20 guy with black skin and i'm i saw some some cop interaction with some people the other day where i didn't like what the cops were doing to this dude and uh and i'm gonna have him on and ask him about it but i'm also gonna ask him about that too like like the well i'm gonna ask the culture around being a youth these days whether you're black or white is so fucked up but it comes from fucking rap music like there's this whole cultural phenomenon of just like you know the grand theft living the grand theft auto phenomenon and it's fun as a kid i used to like doing that too that's a great game thug life no i meant in real life just doing just bad fucking shit it was fun yeah and i'm talking about the video game. It was awesome.
Starting point is 01:54:07 When you don't get Epic Shapiro Rose, are you getting built as a sponsor? God, I hope so. Can't let Jeff Baker outbid me. Good job, Jeffy. Let's start a bidding war. Have you heard about the Kia boys? Yeah. Yeah, my brother was just telling me about that this kia gets stolen
Starting point is 01:54:27 yeah apparently your brother's kia got stolen no no no sorry sorry sorry i he watched the videos on it like months ago he was telling about it there's a dude that reminds me of myself walking around making youtube videos on fake news he's like hey uh you guys the kia boys and they're like yeah we're the kia boys we steal cars because it's what we do after school and it got covered by like an actual news station it was pretty good the kids are just walking around they're wearing like a face mask how do i find their identity kia boys yeah there's a little kia boys it'll be It's got millions of views. Let's see if I can find it.
Starting point is 01:55:07 I can't see what you're doing over there. Yeah, I see it. Kia Boys, TikTok, John Sparks, vehicle theft with USB cable. It's probably the second one, 3.8 million. Wow. The guy's just walking around asking people, Tommy G. No shit. There's like walking around answering questions. They steal Kias.
Starting point is 01:55:29 I can show you a side road car. This is the video. Here, guys. This is what I'm going to do real quick. All right. Now we're good to go. What do they do? They take their Kias and Hyundai's. Let's roll the tape so I can show you what they do? They take their Kias and Hyundais.
Starting point is 01:55:45 Let's roll the tape so I can show you what they do. Oh, these are all stolen cars? Yeah. Look at these dumbass Kia boys. Oh, my God. Milwaukee getting their take on the Kia. Have you heard of the key of? Just doing to destroy our city.
Starting point is 01:56:07 Wow. What was she wearing? Look at how she moves her hair out of the way. So you could see her titties. Look at this move right here. Hey, look at, Hey,
Starting point is 01:56:20 what's up? How are you? Can we talk? Is that a hickey on her boob? On her right boob down low in there? Oh, Jesus. Yeah, actually. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 01:56:33 Now they're just going to destroy our city. If you were mayor of the city, what would you do about the Kia boys? Try to make a difference. Mayor of the city, what would you do? Because of the Kia boys. A Kia boy stole your car? Yes. Can't take the kids to school, can't make appointments. I'mia boy stole your car there you go there's a kia boy quick all right now we're good to go
Starting point is 01:56:52 stealing cars as kids so they and to people that haven't heard about them before how you describe them see they kill boys yeah they do they think on the thing. I ain't got a lot. I'm only scared of the black truck other than that. A fireman. Wait, that dude's wearing like a COVID mask. See yourself being an astronaut. I feel like. Is in direction. How you gonna do what you want to do?
Starting point is 01:57:17 You can go more towards the end. You'll actually see him talking to him. Have you ever gotten to a police chase before? Chase him? They can't. They can't chase. Well, they can, but like, look, after you're doing so much dangerous shit, they got to terminate it. You're a reckless man.
Starting point is 01:57:30 You know that? Are you ever sitting in the back of the car thinking, I really wish I wasn't here because this is scary as fuck? No, I don't drive in the backseat. If I'm in the joint, I'm in the front seat. So you're driving or nothing? Yeah. I'm Mr. E-brake. They call me Mr. E-brake.
Starting point is 01:57:43 Where do you guys put these things? You see the UPS driver back there? Yeah. Yeah, I'm Mr. Ebay. They call me Mr. Ebay. Where do you guys put these things? This is what you do. You ride through the hood. Did you see the UPS driver back there? Yeah. Good boy get you chicks. It's a Tuesday, huh? And then it comes like a little silver. You stick your flathead right here.
Starting point is 01:57:55 Easy process? Hell yeah. Could you show us how it looks to steal a car? I can show you inside your car. Okay, let's do a simulation of him stealing my car. You got a flathead. You stick your flathead right here, and then you want to pull it down, and then break it down,
Starting point is 01:58:10 and then it comes like a little silver piece. You just put the flathead in there, and you break it. Then you start it with a charging piece, like this. Like, if you was to have a Hyundai or Kia, you don't ever possibly even plug your piece right here, because you see how fast I reach right here? It's a instinct. I would have been gone and all that shit. Sir, I would have been very sad if that piece right here. You see how fast I reach right here? It's a instinct. I would have been gone and the other shit.
Starting point is 01:58:25 Sure. I would have been very sad if you stole my car. Roll! Not to that extreme. This shit changed so much. Go roll, roll, roll. Just in real time, he's making the dock and someone stole a car? Yep. Oh my gosh hey not the chevy though not the chevy though don't hit the chevy hold on oh and this is why i need help on my patreon we're trying to take shit to the next level right now
Starting point is 01:59:01 we're doing more angles more i don't want to see anything bad happen to you guys, okay? Hey, who is this guy? Let's get him on the show. Who is this guy? I don't know. What's his name? Tommy G. Could you show us how it looks to steal a car? I can show you a side joke. He's cool, huh?
Starting point is 01:59:20 Yeah, let's see. He's literally out there talking to people stealing cars, promoting his Patreon. Tommy V. Oh, look it. They wanted me to go to Tommy Marquez. Jody Lynn.
Starting point is 01:59:33 Heidi. I think the Kia boys are single. It's him, Tommy. Tommy. Tommy. Jody. Heidi went to bed. We'll have to let her know tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:59:43 It's at least. Oh, no. Oh, shit. I don't, damn, I don't think. Oh, this guy got banned on Twitter, Facebook, Spotify. Tommy G did? It's Tommy G. Well, why was that? He was outside the briefing area at the games yep that was us that was us
Starting point is 02:00:12 god we were doing it live we could do that for any sport uh tommy g instagram what if i what if i oh here we go here we go. Here we go. Tommy GMC. This must be him. I heard Tommy and Shawnee used to steal cars. Good night, Dylan. It says Milwaukee YouTuber. I think this is him. Let's see. Yeah, he's from Milwaukee.
Starting point is 02:00:39 I can probably go drive up and find him before you can find him on the internet. This is him, right? Yeah. Oh, shit. Maybe he can't come on the show. He wears masks. What is that? That's a ball sack mask. See that? That's a testicle
Starting point is 02:00:56 he put on his face. Follow. What is that? The second picture? He's got a hundred thousand subscriber or maybe it was a million no it was a million yeah like 275 or something there's all your people
Starting point is 02:01:13 what are they saying huh jeez Tommy I would love to have you on the podcast you're still sharing your screen that's okay, fuck it. Okay. I'm on the podcast.
Starting point is 02:01:32 Jesus Christ. Hello, you're live on the Sevan podcast. That's true. Hi. Caller. Hello? Yes. Yes? Hello Yes Yes This is the Kia boys
Starting point is 02:01:50 Yes Cameron Good night That was Hugo Nevermind Hugo's balls It always takes like two hours for people to start calling in Yes What's up buddy Hi Hugo's balls. It always takes like two hours for people to start calling in. Yes.
Starting point is 02:02:07 What's up, buddy? Hi. It's your only fan friend. Oh, how are you? Holy shit. Here we go. What's up, boy? Here we go. Good, good, good.
Starting point is 02:02:15 Wow. Hey, late night hours. Let's go. Yeah, absolutely. Holy crap. Wow. I can't believe we're actually talking. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:23 What's up, man? How are sales today? Sales were okay. I can't believe we're actually talking. Hell yeah. What's up, man? How are sales today? All sales were okay. I sent you some texts today. The latest was people want me to burp and fart in their mouth. I got three of them today. What the hell? They want you to burp and fart in their mouth on your OnlyFans. And how would you do that? You'd have to meet them in person to do that? I think that's what they want, but I'm going to try and,
Starting point is 02:02:45 uh, burp and fart in a little jar, you know, start selling those. Go ahead. Hiller. What do you have any questions for, for,
Starting point is 02:02:52 uh, how much do you get paid to burp? Let's call him Joe for Joe. Any questions for Joe? Hey, you can say my name. Um, so this guy and I,
Starting point is 02:03:02 we text and he has an only fans page and he texts me shit that makes me feel so fucking uncomfortable i just uh got the ability but i can't stop but i can't stop so i'm interested what do i gotta put on my subscription wait so cameron has the only fans page yeah he has an only fan by the way congrats on the wedding thank you he has an OnlyFans page. By the way, congrats on the wedding. Thank you. He has an OnlyFans page, and he's explaining to me how it works. You go there, and he has a menu of shit you can ask him to do. So it'll be do the splits naked, and then you can buy one. Is that real? You watch him live.
Starting point is 02:03:37 Say it again? Is that real? That is real. Yep. Oh, shit. And he'll do the splits naked, and they pay for it. They push a button, and money goes to him. He has a menu of stuff they'll do.
Starting point is 02:03:46 How much does that cost? So I don't know what the – let me do the math real quick because it's token-based. It's when I'm live. Okay. Oh, I see. It's 115 tokens times 0.05. So it's $5.75 to do the splits naked. I have to pee. Awesome awesome can you do the splits all
Starting point is 02:04:06 the way down naked i can do the splits all the way uh all three ways so split or um side splits and then you know left leg forward right leg forward i can do them fully yeah what's what's the most requested thing oh i do something called a signature leg spread i'm i'm crazy flexible for a male um ungodly flexible i think um but so i sit back in my chair and then i can swing my legs all the way up completely wide out so i'm like sitting upright but my legs are out like a like a split and that's the most requested thing yeah yeah and that's the most requested yeah yeah yeah that is probably the most um yeah exactly how long have you been doing this for uh streaming for seven years only fans for two and a half so did you already have a relatively
Starting point is 02:05:00 big like audience base before you went to the only fans yes did a lot of them i did i had so not as many as you think so right now on chatterbait which is the live streaming that i do um i have 59 000 followers and then in the last two and a half years chatterbait that's what it's called like masturbate but chatterbait yeah exactly and i think their tagline is chat while masturbation wow sorry camera will you hold on again i want to i want to run a little test on hillar just to make sure he understood what i was saying so hillar if you were to say in your um uh um in one of your videos if you were to say uh um lactate procrastinate then you would show a picture of... Masturbate.
Starting point is 02:05:48 Yeah, yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, sorry, Cameron. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, no, no, you're good. You're good. So yeah, in the last two and a half years I've been doing OnlyFans,
Starting point is 02:05:57 well, of those 58,000 followers, I'm averaging around 350 to like 425 paid subscribers so not nearly as much yeah but that's so pretty significant when you do the splits are you facing the camera or do they are behind from behind and are those different prices oh i always i always let them i always let them choose but where do you put your penis when you do the splits it's in front of you it's like you don't you don't ever tuck it in. Oh God, no.
Starting point is 02:06:27 And I can do a fully erect too. Wow. Out of tension. Yeah. There's a lot of, there's a lot of blood down there. Wow. How old are you?
Starting point is 02:06:37 Uh, 33. What's your most expensive thing? So you said the splits are about five bucks. Wow. Wow. Yeah. You do. So sorry, Cameron.
Starting point is 02:06:49 I got interrupted again about Hiller. Hiller, do you do that? Like when you go to a restaurant, you look at the wine list and just like a fucking eight-year-old, just go to the most expensive bottle? Dom Perignon. Yeah, I do that too. Let's go to Dom Perignon. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:00 Okay, go on. I just want to know. I'm breaking that, yeah. Okay, go on. I just want to know. So the most expensive thing on my tip menu is to bend over and lick the tip of my own dick. That is $250, so it's tied for my most expensive item that I sell, which is my underwear for the same price. Awesome. Nice.
Starting point is 02:07:22 Like, this is a Dom Perignon. Do you have to be standing to do that or can you do that laying down as well uh i can do that just standing up bent uh bent over and then i can do it sitting in a chair don't hurt your back seven um have you this is a serious question have you i don't even know what it's called but you know like in the morning if you stretch before you're warm or something it feels like i don't know if it's phage or what but you'll you'll get like this weird like knot thing occur it usually happens like in your back and then it's like it just bugs it bugs you for like the rest of the day do you know what i'm talking about it's like you get
Starting point is 02:07:56 a fold in something and it's just irritating you know what i'm talking about i totally understand um in order for me to do a lot of stuff I do, I, it, it benefits me to do it at night after a full day of moving around, working out sauna, stretching. At the end of the day, I can do all that shit. If I decide to work early in the morning and that's what I call it work. Um, I can't do half that shit just because of that exact reason. My back will lock up. Have you ever put your tongue on your dick and be like that? Like it just tasted bad?
Starting point is 02:08:26 Like, ooh, something's not right. You know what's funny is people see me do this and they say, oh man, if I could do that, I would never leave the house. That's like the common male joke, right? If you feed yourself head. Yeah. That being said, I always relay it is like this. Savannah, if you suck your own thumb, there's a sensation, correct? Yeah. Now, if your wife does own thumb there's a sensation correct yeah now if your wife does it there's a totally different sensation oh okay okay you're saying you're
Starting point is 02:08:53 going to do it okay exactly i leave out every day and if you catch your fingernail way back you lose 80 of the sensation that was there before because it's a little membrane exactly actually savannah if you could do it i mean i've never i've never met anybody with uh of the sensation that was there before because of the little membrane. Exactly. Actually, Siobhan, if you could do it, I mean, I've never met anybody with a hood that could do it. Wow. It might be totally different.
Starting point is 02:09:13 Wow. God, it sounds painful. To suck your own dick? It's one of those things where it's so... Were you shocked when you could do that? Do you have a long tongue? You have a four-inch penis and a 12-inch long tongue? Exactly, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:35 Kiss ain't got shit on me. Oh my goodness. So, is this all you do? No, I have a day job too. So, I do... Does your day job know about your night job um a few people there do um but no as a as a collective whole they don't he's jacked hiller like jacked huge he's a monster i can imagine yeah i'm i'm thinking i'm actually thinking about so i've talked to savannah about this but but I went on the carnivore diet for four or five months and my erections went like, they plummeted. And now that I've been eating kind of semi-regular again, they're kind of coming back.
Starting point is 02:10:17 But I've actually been thinking, I went and got my blood work done, my testosterone was at 500. I was kind of underwhelmed by that so i've been actively thinking about some ca hormones not for uh not for aesthetic purposes but to um see how raging hard i can get yeah he might be able to use it as an expense and write it off too oh pretty hard see wow hey hillary i asked him one time like hey do you ever do stuff with your girlfriend and he's like the member the people don't want to see that they don't they don't want to see girls like he says he got well it all depends majority i would say 90 of my fan base is gay um that being said if i do post something with her they're pretty respectful but it's kind of funny to
Starting point is 02:11:01 see like a few of them will say like you i don't want to see like a vagina hey go figure 90 of his client the people who want to fucking get dirty underwear guys that's weird i thought that only girls were into that that checks out god dudes are fucking yeah i'm on the echo bike right now in a pair of compression shorts that'll probably be sold tomorrow awesome awesome wow 250 bucks 250 bucks paypal baby ship them right to your house usa shipping only that's amazing do you put them in like an upcharge to see the video of you riding the assault bike in it. Just send it with like a DVD or a USB with the video of you riding the assault bike. You already know.
Starting point is 02:11:51 A picture with it's an extra $50. Upcharge, yeah. Picture, video would be another like $100. Exactly, yeah. That'd be sweet. It's so funny, some of these requests. Yeah, I know, Kayla. It's so funny, some of these requests. Yeah, I know, Kayla. It's less than 1%.
Starting point is 02:12:07 The only girls we're watching used to be guys. He one time sent me a text from someone that was supposedly a girl. I'm like, not a text. He sent me a text of a screenshot of someone who was talking to him who claimed to be a girl. I go, there's no way it's a girl. He goes, I don't think so either. Do you have a girlfriend that I have?
Starting point is 02:12:31 I'm pretty, uh, typical. Do you, uh, told that with anybody? Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 02:12:38 Say that again. Never put another dude's dick in your mouth. That's what he was. He wants to know if you collaborate. Oh, no, no, no you collaborate oh no no no no i've uh i'm savon knows this i sent him a lot of this stuff too but there's a lot of people who want to fly me out to their location and and spoil me and pay for me and stuff like that but
Starting point is 02:12:58 no uh no collabs only other person i do stuff with is my girlfriend and that's pretty rare you know exactly what you know exactly what they want to do if they fly you out there. Oh, yeah. It's so funny because a lot of them will say, you know, oh, nothing sexual, just hanging out. I want to spoil you. You can buy whatever you want. I'm like, oh, really?
Starting point is 02:13:17 I can buy whatever I want? Why don't you pay $1,020? And they go, ah, you know, I can't really do that right now. Hmm. But you'll fly me out your pants on fire exactly I'm still waiting for Siobhan to tell me he's gonna fly me out you don't have
Starting point is 02:13:34 to do anything I just want you to sit naked on my couch back here just take a shit on my couch just take a shit on my couch well I appreciate you calling in. Do you have any more questions, Andrew? Andrew's just pissed because he's working his ass off making videos trying to rub two nickels together,
Starting point is 02:13:52 and here you are fucking selling your underwear for $2,000. Hey, I just started up a subscription on Instagram, so I'm just going to be putting a picture of my butthole on there. You're cheering up. Oh, man, you would kill it. It's so crazy how if you just did an only fans and charged 20 bucks how many how much money you'd make in the first month then and you wouldn't even have to do anything just some part of me tells me that the cross-state community isn't interested in seeing
Starting point is 02:14:15 my butt but i could be wrong you'd be wrong all right okay i might have some more questions for you then hey is your girlfriend a real girl this is a fair question is your girlfriend a girl she is i could send you a photo of both of us tomorrow totally closed does she you don't have to they don't have to you don't have to be clothed i'm i'm open hey um does uh um does she have an only fans nope she um we were gonna kind of do a couple page uh but she's um she's been in her career for a little while and i think that's kind of something she wants to keep a little bit uh squeaky clean if somebody searches her name right right she could change her name to hugo she could change her name to Hugo Caldas. I heard that name is available.
Starting point is 02:15:07 No one's using it anymore. Don't Google my name. You'll be shocked. I'm screwed. I can't get any more naked on here. I've done that on YouTube a few times on accident. Yeah, I don't want you to get flagged again, buddy. All right, brother. Thank you for calling in. Call in any time, Hiller. Yeah, I'd love to talk to get flagged again but alright brother thank you for calling in call in anytime Hiller's on
Starting point is 02:15:27 yeah for sure I feel like it's a good combination between me and Hiller and me and Hunter I feel like he can ask good questions about this Hunter and I are going to open up actually you don't like to talk about licking your penis with matt suza he doesn't he
Starting point is 02:15:46 doesn't get it i think oh yeah no it feels good caleb's good you've you've uh you've put together a great team so all right thank you brother you're awesome for calling in thank you thanks man appreciate it good job see you guys i think 100 of my OnlyFans would kill it. I don't know. I think he would, too. Okay, thanks for the show. I think so what the plan is is tomorrow morning to do the show with Nunley and Mr. Darian Weeks. It sounds like Nunley is going to have a horrible connection.
Starting point is 02:16:23 Oh, do you want meat? Yes, please. And then, I hope my sister doesn't watch this show. She's not made for a show like this. Hey, Heidi's back. I thought she was sleeping.
Starting point is 02:16:39 Tony Andrews, Jeffrey Birchfield, Ken Walters, Bruce Wayne, Jeff Baker, Jeffrey Birchfield, Ken Walters, Bruce Wayne, Jeff Baco, Jeffrey Birchfield, Elise, Elise, Elise, Elise, Elise, Miss Radao. There you go. Eric Ootley, Ken Walters, Megan O'Connell. You don't want to see it. All right, fine.
Starting point is 02:16:59 Jeremy Eats the World, Kayla. Miss Jody Lynn as always wad zombie go to vindicate guys to get your all your CEO and Hiller gear go to life is our X also to get some killer shit if you are chomping at the bit to thank you Hillerer. Oh, Oh,
Starting point is 02:17:26 Oh, Oh, are you going to get a cease and desist for that? You think? No, impossible. Why? It looks nothing like noble.
Starting point is 02:17:36 It, we, we took pieces out. All I see is noble. What are you talking about? All I see is noble. All I see is a giant. Let me read that.
Starting point is 02:17:43 That says, fuck you. Noble. I see it right there. I think his daughter actually came up with the design for this one. It's pretty sweet. I wonder how upset Rich Froning would be. Yeah, it's pretty.
Starting point is 02:17:55 Is that yellow? It's a nice shirt. I wonder if Rich Froning would be pissed if we could just play just on the regular as an audio or something of him saying Noble's shoes suck. I wonder if like – Just pull it like – Just took that clip, yeah.
Starting point is 02:18:16 Put it as a button on the roadcaster. Yeah. What are all these clips? What are all these – what? Say that again, Hiller? I don't think he's upset at all about that. I think he's a man, but I'm saying,
Starting point is 02:18:26 what if I played it like this? Like, what if like, I just pushed instead of that showing, it says rich, rich, rich froning pops up and he's like, noble shoes suck.
Starting point is 02:18:40 You, do you have the technical ability to do that? I can set that up for you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. you do you have the uh technical ability to do that i can set that up for you yeah yeah yeah with this guy you know if howard stern and joe rogan had a baby you'd be looking at him remember the people were live so don't like start picking your nose or pull your dick out or anything crazy like that and this is why this is the greatest show on the internet because there's a comment here that says a lot of pre-cum and then right after there's a comment that says it's so sad. Let's go back to hand jobs. People without their names and they. No one clipped that and play that on the Internet.
Starting point is 02:19:14 A thumb with a mustache. Yes. Listen, a guy named Johan Lopez called you a thumb with a mustache. Wow. I'm going to shit myself. Man, that Sevan podcast is dull as shit. Okay, you guys have a great day. You too.
Starting point is 02:19:30 Thanks for calling. No. I was feeling familial like it was my mom. I saw us pop up and I'm like, wait a minute. What the fuck is that oh my goodness yeah if you could you should grab that clip for me ken walters says that you can do it you were ahead of media and i'll and i'll upload that shit and i'll just play it on the reg that would be so fucking awesome noble noble sucks. I need that one. I need the one with the dragon
Starting point is 02:20:07 breathing fire. Do we have that one? Is that one still in the... No, that was a shared screen one. That was never... God, that one was good. That was awesome. I liked that. Wad Zombie, I agree. Okay, so
Starting point is 02:20:24 tomorrow night we'll do a show, the Hiller Fit Review Show. There's so many videos I agree. Okay. So tomorrow evening, so tomorrow night we'll do a show, the Hiller fit review show. There's so many videos to review. We'll probably just not, not we'll skip the tranny one. Hannah. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:20:34 We can watch it again. We'll skip to Hannah, Anna. Oh, I could do it. I could do it. I could, you know,
Starting point is 02:20:43 it's starting to drive me nuts. I make these videos and it's like on there's no evidence i mean it's incredible the amount of stuff they put together and nothing changes i need a hundred thousand youtube subscribers and then nothing will change they'll go okay i need a million and then they have to fucking listen and then they won't listen. I need $10 million. Okay. And then let's buy CrossFit then. Okay, it goes like this. Hannah Banana.
Starting point is 02:21:12 No, shit. I fucked it all up. I fucked it up. Shoot Banana Dog. No, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Hannah, Anna. No, no, you do it. You could do it. Me?
Starting point is 02:21:24 Hannah, Anna. No, no, you do it. You could do it. Me? Hannah, Anna. Chew banana. And then we go. Dog statue. No, not dog statue. That's what it's called. Yeah, I know. I just liked it because it looked like a banana.
Starting point is 02:21:40 Okay, guys, thank you. And then tomorrow evening we'll be back. And then I think on Sunday morning we have a real guest. We won't be fooling around with Andrew Hill or Darian or Justin Unley. We have like a... Saturday morning we have...
Starting point is 02:21:55 Oh, no. Saturday at 6 a.m. we have John Young and Brian Friend debating. And I need to find out what they're debating. What are they debating on? I forget. I forget.
Starting point is 02:22:08 To be determined. And then Sunday morning, we have Ellie Turner. And then Sunday evening, God, I wonder if this is really going to happen. I know. I hope it does. We have Daniel Brandon coming on Sunday evening to do a live call-in show. Anyone can call in with love advice. So if Cameron's like, hey, my wife is kind of upset that i keep licking my dick for other
Starting point is 02:22:29 dudes what should i do then danielle and i will answer him and then on monday we have uh scott sure on the show he is that's going to be an amazing show uh he's a real life physician i think he's a phd also and uh he is one of the foremost experts on hyperbaric chambers. That's going to be awesome. Then on the 27th. Oh, shit. Can you believe who we have on the 27th? At 7 a.m.?
Starting point is 02:22:59 Dude. Holy shit. Are you going to say it or not? No. No. No. holy shit you're gonna say it or not no no it would it no and then when wednesday the 28th we have rob best on uh at 7 a.m uh affiliate owner yep the 29th we have jim klopp klom uh klomp min on he is the inventor of the uh balance block and then friday we'll probably have uh justin nunley in the morning with daring weeks
Starting point is 02:23:27 and then uh hillar fit in the evening something like that step on bring on gordon ryan i've been trying but hey i did have an amazing conversation today with some people over at flow sports and got and i think through there if i can somehow we – I hope I can add value to their platform. I would love to interview – they have like 25 verticals, like cheerleading, cars, singing, BJJ, wrestling, just all that awesome sports shit they got over there. And if I can get access to their people, if they can start making connections between my people and their people, then hopefully we can do interviews. They can post them through there. We could get some access to Gordon Ryan. So we'll see.
Starting point is 02:24:12 I would love to have him on. It'd be great. I really want to talk to Nicky and his brother, too, and just get a whole debrief on ADCC. I want to know when you're having Dan Bailey on. How much money to get the real dan bailey on i don't know if someone paid me 500 000 i'd get him on that's it 500 000 you're bill and katie you're billing no i do not i do not want dan on no thank you okay uh oh bye

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