The Sevan Podcast - #606 - HillerFit Review Show

Episode Date: September 25, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 When you're working out at Planet Fitness, it's a judgment-free zone, so you can really step up your workout. That's why we've got treadmills. And our team members are here to help, so you can be carefree with the free weights. There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrolment, and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrolment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th.
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Starting point is 00:00:48 ample cargo capacity, or innovative camera technology. The defender one 10 lets you go further and do more. And with seating for up to seven, everyone can enjoy the journey. Learn more at land Yeah. Bam.
Starting point is 00:01:01 We're live. Bam. We're live. Bam. We're live. You sent me two links and I was like, where the hell is he? Oh, I did send you two links uh yeah i got two links and i was sitting in the other room like where the fuck is he oh are they different oh shit um i don't i don't know
Starting point is 00:01:17 oh i think that that other link's probably from yesterday oh no no it says yes i need a link yes yeah wow wow that trt really is working you have some serious confidence to wear that you like this i was at a golf outing today this is this is where i wore that you know what else i noticed is that my waist is so big that i can't button this button anymore i've been throwing on some muscle mass down in my waist. What is that? Are you deadlifting a lot? Just the normal once a week. Back squat once a week heavy.
Starting point is 00:01:55 What's that made of, that jacket? Good question. That's comfortable on your skin? It looks like a wetsuit. I can't read that. I don't know. But yeah, it's comfortable on your skin it looks like a wetsuit um i can't read that i don't know but yeah it's comfortable it kind of feels like a wetsuit but it's um something between that and what a halloween costume it's pretty comfortable oh god i would so love it if that stuck the ambiguously gay duo can you just say just gay duo can you just call us the gay duo what's ambiguous mean just like i think like uncertain like not quite gay just like like we're on the down low i think just don't just don't tell our just tell our wives you're really
Starting point is 00:02:38 in the room next door but we pretend like we're another thousands of miles away from each other yeah i pretend this is my garage it's actually your like side house yeah we've known each other the entire time it's a giant thing we've got going throwing the crossfit world under they don't know us i watch all the videos except uh let me show you which one Let me show you which one. Really an impressive outfit. Most recent one.
Starting point is 00:03:10 All your videos. It's a crazy. Oh. Hey, it's crazy that that Hopper letter that they wrote is insane. Are you talking to me? I mean, they're so lucky. Camera strap $7.99 for Hiller's mustache. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Are those the leather camera straps? They gotta be. I've seen those. They're cool looking. That guy always gives good donations. And all the donations are good. My photographer buddy wears something that looks like that. His name is Fury Photography.
Starting point is 00:03:47 He's got the cool camera straps. I wonder if they're lucky camera straps they're not they should be i didn't want this challenge accepted i haven't seen that and this uh make crossfit great again i haven't seen that uh i actually we don't have to watch the crossfit one the one i just put up but if you go to maybe eight minutes in, you can see what I did with it real quick. This newest one? Uh-huh. We can start with that. It's pretty cool. I'm pretty proud of this one. Hold on one second. Let's see. If you go to 13 minutes in and pause it, you can see what i did with it there no go back a little bit that was better the big one is the entire screen fills up with
Starting point is 00:04:33 red and black there right there that's good that's it for a little bit next is 19 as slow as 25 minute workout with the running and the walls and the jump rope i think that this entire that's it. You like this? What do you mean? You don't have time to read anything on there. Dude, that HWPO, but only if you can afford it, video almost fucking had to blow my brains out.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Why? Was it boring? Oh my God, it has 16,000 views views already why do you have to blow your brains out then because i just don't care give a i don't give a fuck about programming every time i do that show with taylor and uh jr i have to be put on suicide watch for 24 hours you tell your wife it's like all right make sure you watch out for me watch me hours but for the next 24 i'm on your watch yeah so this is me in that, someone in the comments section goes, I'd like to see you do something better. So this is my attempt at writing better programming for a theoretical competition.
Starting point is 00:05:33 That's what that was. Hey, it's so blatant that that hopper email is directed at you. And then to not use your name just makes them pussies and cowards. But on top of that, then to say, why don't you do it? Those are like. That's like, excuse me, I'm telling you, your pants are down and your dick's hanging out and you're like, well, you sleep naked. OK, can we talk? We'll talk about that later. We're in the middle of town square and your pants are down i mean that's the kind of shit your wife says to you like when she's fucking a week before
Starting point is 00:06:10 period comes um go deeper i'm not sure i got it meaning it doesn't like they're on the fucking attack when when you're you're telling them something about themselves you're like hey i noticed something was wrong over there can you do better it doesn't matter whether you can do better or not no i can't now let's get back to the point uh you fuck this up what if you just said no i suck at judging i'm just really good at doing it from a video camera now what i'm really good at pointing out your shortcomings on youtube that's actually my specialty and i'm fucking you up that's pretty good right there and you're just being and you're just being fucking defense and you're just being
Starting point is 00:06:55 fucking defensive i mean it's crazy the biggest thing is within that email they say and that's the kind of shit your wife does to you sorry Sorry. You'll be like, honey, you left the front door open. Well, you left the back door open three weeks ago on a Sunday at 3 o'clock. And you're like, all right. Guilty. You were waiting for that, huh? Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Yeah. No shit. You're like, okay. I hear you. I left it open. Good. Okay. Now what?
Starting point is 00:07:19 Are you ever going to turn off that light? Let me guess. You're going to start bleeding in six days. Yeah. I said it. i said it i said it heidi okay sorry what are you gonna say sorry in that email they said they say the only people who they have judging the individuals are the people with the keenest sight for bad movement being the red shirts at the level one seminars and then they also say that if you want to make a difference start at your local competition and then reach out and maybe by the chance of the grace of god will have you somewhere at the competition of the crossfit
Starting point is 00:07:55 games but they're fighting themselves there because if somebody really wanted to make a difference they'd want to like make their way into theelight. They want to be the one calling no reps on the people that I make videos on, mostly the Danny Spiegels of the world, the Katrin Davidsdaughters of the world, right? That that's who they would want there. But they also said in that email that they don't allow those people to judge. So how the fuck are you supposed to say one thing and then also tell you to go that route to get there which is impossible hey i got something for you i'm also talking about me hey i all i have i have something for you then has a games athlete ever gone back and judged has an individual athlete ever gone back and judged games do we know that someone knows hobart ever judged hobart would be probably the closest right because he yeah he's a level, right? Cause he, he's a level, he's a red shirt guy.
Starting point is 00:08:47 He's a level 17. Or like maybe Austin Maliallo or. Who's the lady? The one cool thing about it is the lady tells you like, we know who the lady is who wrote it, right? Her name's like Betsy. Yeah. It's on the article. And somebody said that I should be on her team, but I haven't heard shit from her.
Starting point is 00:09:04 So that part should be on the same. And somebody said that I should be on her team, but I haven't heard shit from her. That part is hilarious. You should be on the same team. Betsy. I wonder if Betsy worked there when I worked there. Who the fuck is Betsy? To be entirely fair, I had a remembrance of this today, is that my criticisms aren't all that much at the level of the CrossFit games. They were of the online season leading up to the CrossFit games,
Starting point is 00:09:24 the Open, the quarterfinals, the semifinals, because... You don't consider that the CrossFit Games? It's the season, I suppose, but it's not at the CrossFit Games. And I felt like that article was pretty CrossFit Games specific. I think that either way, fine. I hear you. I don't care how you parcel, parcel, parcel, fine. I hear you. I don't care how you parcel, parcel, parcel, parcel, chopper. They are still talking about me.
Starting point is 00:09:50 They should have said my name. This is going to be another one of those say my name. And it's like, hey, dude, like you're – it makes no sense to say – like what if a cop gave you a ticket and you're like, I'd like to see you drive down that road slower. Like, let me see. How often do you stop at that stop sign? Shut the fuck up. I was sitting here. You ran the stop sign.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Here's your ticket. I mean, it's so low intellectual capacity, emotional, retarded. I'll have to throw it in the woke bucket. Did I say in the description? Somebody the other day told me that they didn't even know i write descriptions in those videos but i've had descriptions in each of the videos and i think in there i said what is this third grade like they're really gonna do this shit i think i said something along the lines no i said it in the video it's amazing uh imagine
Starting point is 00:10:41 you shit your pants and everyone all day is talking about the person who shat their pants and you go holy shit they were talking about me that whole time why didn't they just tell me i would have fixed it who was that you you looked at the camera and you're like uh not a made-up not a hypothetical story that was i actually made it up that was one of those things i sometimes i surprise myself with my ability to just talk about stuff that I'm making up on the fly. Oh, you think Enola Kai, that there may have been some home cooking. You guys, there's a guy named Enola Kai is in the Madrid, um, uh, the Madrid CrossFit championship. A cool dude. It was a guy we were joking around and calling him anal, Enola Kai. And he, whatever place he took in that competition, he basically, in that final event, he beat a guy and took $7,000 away from him.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I don't think I have reason to believe, based upon things that I've heard from competitions held in, I mean, you could even say it about North America. You hear these people who are close to the competition talking about the pride of certain regions of certain countries and the judges on those sides wanting people to win. You heard a lot about it during the semifinal times, too. But this is one of those things where I don't have enough evidence, similar to the thing we did yesterday. Hugh O'Hanna, I felt I had enough to make something on it. Although it's not concrete, this is too far from concrete to make a video on it. We just need a judge looking at the camera in Spanish saying, yes, I refuse to no rep a fellow countryman. Copa Sir was something that was pretty hot on that if i recall i had a lot of people talking to me about that in the country ship what uh uh copa sir was where was that
Starting point is 00:12:31 australia what's copa sir semi-final in brazil that's where that's where he was i don't know if it was in brazil there we go again with me not knowing shit i know he was there right if he's there was in brazil i find it hard to believe there would be some home cooking but either way i thought oh come on are you fucking kidding me you find it hard to believe why do you say that what what do you got over there from crossfit back end that you know about that makes it hard to believe i'm just if i if I'm if I'm judging you and I want to like and I see you don't do a rep. And I want to give you the. The bro rep and let it slide, I would still be like, well, fuck, there's cameras and people here.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Yeah. OK, so it's not anything, you know, from I thought that was one. Oh, no, no, no. I know how to show in the games. Wouldn't have any drug tests. You're on your mind, Hiller. Welliller well i do know that i knew that he doesn't do that yeah that's oh look look hannah's in here hannah's in here oh no hey i just i just i don't think i would give some i just can't imagine me giving someone a bro rep with all the world watching so the other day it was last weekend mexican
Starting point is 00:13:47 something day everyone wasn't saying it was not cinco de mayo like spanish independence day or something like that i don't know what the weekend was last weekend but chicagoland area everywhere i went there were mexican flags being flown in their cars, like on their cars. And then I also heard there was some stuff going on and I don't understand what it is to be as, um, what is it? Patriotic. Yeah. It's not something that's in me. It doesn't sound like it's something that's in you, but I can imagine there's a world where it's within the judge and we just
Starting point is 00:14:22 don't get it. Or maybe, maybe they don't want to get killed oh i guess there's that too hey this is the flag you saw you saw this flag yep it was everywhere they were just flying them out of their cars and i was like what's going on so i googled it and i it was some day oh it wasn't like they won a soccer game? See, it was a day. No, it was a day. I know that much. I don't know much more.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I always look at the comment section. Mexican Independence Day says Tommy Marquez. Tommy Marquez. Nice. You know the Fails Part 2 video? You see some people overhead squatting their kids on the roof of their house? Yeah. But that wasn't a real photo.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I just want to say that how can you tell i can't uh-huh i refuse to believe that that that that's that that happened you do not and do you are they kids i'm trying to uh let me see share screen i'm going i'm looking too i refuse they don't they don't look like they're kids by the way they look like adults it's this video did you make any shorts yet
Starting point is 00:15:34 it's this right here guys you see this one CrossFit fails too those adults with adults yeah there's no way that's real I don't know man it seemed pretty real to me. No, you're crazy. Everything else I saw was real, so why would this be the fake one?
Starting point is 00:15:49 I didn't. I'm just telling you. What else in that video do you think wasn't real? I don't know, but there's no. Oh, and I'm totally that guy who holds the two barbells and someone pushes him like a car up the driveway. What about that? I'm totally okay. I think that you're being too harsh. You motherfucker. No, no, no, no. Yes. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Well, you know what? In my comment section on that video, there are also people who are like, I love the pizza game. And I was like, I fucking hate the pizza game. How do you feel about the pizza game? Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. I never, I did. I never belonged to an affiliate that played that game i never thought that it was ever in good taste or interest to have people who haven't warmed up and who have tweaks and issues to be okay get up off your butts and start running around and cutting corners and oh don't hit the freaking
Starting point is 00:16:40 headband out of my hand and there goes your knee or your ankle or you ran into a freaking pull-up rig and what about that game where you gotta let's go do friend what about that game where you're in plank position you got to touch the kettlebells that's okay yeah i like that that's better and i also like i was a fan of the thunderstruck you know every time they say thunder you do a burpee like okay i can see how that would be practical yeah for the bring sally up thing was it maybe as a workout with something do you remember that no it was this they play the song bring sally up bring sally down and you put 135 on your back and when they say come up you stand up and when they say go down you stay down so you're doing squat holds as well wow my knee that was a big thing my knee just started hurting 14 oh yeah i do remember that it's a good it's a good warm-up i mean it's kind of i don't
Starting point is 00:17:32 further you get from practical towards gimmicky the last i was a fan of it and the pizza game is the pinnacle of god that's a bad idea waiting to happen kids kids have at it we could talk about clarence kennedy but let's save that okay i love that video i love that dude dude dude that's gonna be hobby wow wouldn't that be sick wow wow what i just can't believe that i save it i just can't believe did you make you so you he made that video and then you just played pieces of it? Yeah, that's really cool. I contacted him. I couldn't monetize it because of that because it was mostly his shit and it's all cool because I thought, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Like certain things like that, it's like I don't care. It's just cool to have. I DM'd him. Let me see if, and I was going to see if I could get him to come on the show today to say. Holy shit, that would be awesome. Today? Yeah just dm'd him like as like two hours ago if he just popped in i would shit um i need to talk to you about something serious good i'm glad we have all our friends here to listen to it um oh i don't know how to bring this up were you a judge of the 2014 crossfit games you and uh max el haj oh i really liked your story i'm gonna try try to smooth talk you a little bit here.
Starting point is 00:19:07 I really liked your... Shit sandwich. Yes, shit sandwich. I really liked your softball story, by the way, about the bat. That was like a month ago. That was a fucking awesome story. And then in your TRT Tuesdays today, just the shit talking story about... I like it when you talk about softball
Starting point is 00:19:25 yeah it's interesting right I actually really thought that it would be interesting for me to record a whole bunch of stuff with the softball game and make a video about that and I was going to reach out to Vindicate and see if you could make us new jerseys and we'd have like a whole like YouTube thing with my shitty ass softball team
Starting point is 00:19:41 hey I think people I think people would like to see a video with you playing softball i think that'd be interesting too at the minimum interesting yeah i think people would it would trip people out it's like total it's like you wouldn't be by your car and shit correct it would be weird it would be really weird but as far as like the trt and the talking shit it was very interesting i'm not really the type of person to just outwardly, hey, they're talking shit to you because you look like a pussy. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:11 And I like the fact that you're focused, that you're throwing, that you, whether you're throwing, you don't even say whether you're throwing more strikes or not, just the fact you believe you can throw strikes. You are. It's totally a belief thing. You know what's interesting is I've pitched the softball. All you got to do is hit this rectangle.
Starting point is 00:20:28 It's like two and a half feet deep and maybe 10 inches wide. And you got to hit it. It's like playing that, that bags game. You basically have to hit it with a softball before, or they'll hit it. And I've done this for four years and about two years and three quarters in it was semi-final the week before semi-finals and i was pitching i got hit in the fucking kneecap by a liner wow and i and i was like fuck this i'm never doing it ever again i set out that game i'm like i'll play
Starting point is 00:20:58 catcher i'm just gonna sit back there the catcher is useless and i would the trt must have kicked in i'm like guys i'm pitching again because I'm tired of you guys fucking blocking these people and sucking. I'm like, I'm going to hit that fucking plate, and I don't care if I get hit. The first pitch, the guy that I threw him right back at me, and I'm like, you motherfucker. Did you catch it? No, he hit me. Oh, damn. They come at you fast as shit.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yes. It's a hard softball. It's not the soft softball. All right, now throw me the shit. I'm still waiting for it. You and Max Elhaj. You and Max Elhaj. You and Max Elhaj.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Have some ideas that I think are misdirected regarding the unknown and unknowable. In the San Diego school district, they decided that they were going to make it so kids couldn't be given worse grades if they didn't turn in their homework. Because too many kids who were brown and of black skin weren't doing well in school. And they said it was because they weren't turning in their homework. And that was unfair to them. So instead of maybe trying to give them the resources to do their homework they said okay you teachers can't give anyone a worse grade for not turning in their homework they dumbed down everything right we're gonna we're gonna lower the standards for everyone. That way everyone gets better. It's like some ass backward fucking thinking. You and Max want to get rid of the unknown and unknowable?
Starting point is 00:22:56 You woke motherfuckers. You think that's a woke thing? I was trying to stay calm. Because you think, because you think it's too hard to judge, you guys think that I mean, that's sort of the cornerstone of CrossFit, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:23:15 The unknown and unknowable. Let me know really quick the things that are sticking out to you in that video because you've got something you're holding on to. You said judging right there is that it i don't i don't know i that's that's what that's what i took from you and max you guys are basically saying hey get well two things max is saying two things max doesn't want
Starting point is 00:23:35 the athletes to look stupid and he used like you know publicly like and davis said that too i don't want to make the athletes look stupid there's that that great story where Greg wanted to, I forget what it was, put something in the game. Softball throw. Softball throw, left-handed. With the wrong hand. Yeah. You like that?
Starting point is 00:23:51 And Dave's like, hey, the wrong hand. Yeah. It was with the wrong hand. The opposite hand. Both hands. And basically, did they allow the athletes to throw with whatever hand they wanted? They probably did. They only threw with one hand.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Assumingly, they're dominant, yeah. Right. But he wanted to do both. Right. And so he didn't want the athletes. So that's one reason. Don't make anything unknown and unknowable because of one fucking incident with the jump rope that he's afraid. And you want to just take away all of it because you
Starting point is 00:24:25 don't want to make the athletes look stupid what was the one before that though the other reason was for judging the two reasons that i got from the videos well no you want to you want better judging go ahead people look stupid where the pegboards whatever whatever it is i don't think that there's any reason to get rid of the unknown and unknowable i think it's too harsh i think when i heard that i'm like holy fuck max and hillary have fucking gone off the deep end i'm not actually too deep into that upon the judging well if you think about it in terms of the handstand push-up with the wall this year and some judges were clearly off base then yeah i guess having it a week ahead of time would have helped everybody figure out exactly what was going on.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Do you disagree with that? I know I, I, or let's say there's a ring handstand pushup in 2018. Don't you think it would have been helpful if they would have known like what an arching bench press strict handstand pushup from the rings would have looked like that year. You could say,
Starting point is 00:25:24 you could show me a thousand events um uh that needed more time uh or movements that need that athletes needed more notice of so that they didn't look stupid or so that they would perform better i still don't think that that's a reason to get rid of the unknown and unknowable and i feel like that's what you guys were really leaning for like i agree with you guys i do agree with you know his major argument was right is that all of these athletes are more athletic fitter the cream of the crop in comparison to even the tom brady's of the world tom brady is an awesome athlete but he is not fit he is not strong and it doesn't fucking matter.
Starting point is 00:26:05 He can whip the football. That's his job. Travis Mayer compared to – you don't want Travis Mayer doing things that maybe Tom Brady could do just because he's more athletic. You want to see what Travis Mayer is capable of. That was, I think, Max's biggest thing with the unknown and unknowable. You're wasting his potential to be seen and like everyone's seeing that as well i think that that was one of his biggest and i might be putting words in his mouth i have to admit that even so i don't think it's why do
Starting point is 00:26:35 you like to keep it what do you what you don't want to dumb everybody down is that the thing is that going back to your initial analogy with the schooling? We don't want to fail anybody. Yeah, we don't want to – like it's okay that we did the softball throw that year. I remember Annie being really upset about some of those things that we did. I don't remember. There was the softball. There was the weighted pull-up. There was the L-sit-hold. And I remember people being like, hey, this is bullshit.
Starting point is 00:27:02 This isn't CrossFit. I think those were all super-duper valid. I do think that the – I do, and I brought it up to Adrian, that I thought that the athletes should have received more time with the crossover. How about a week? Even three hours. How about a week?
Starting point is 00:27:20 That's what I think Max was proposing. Hey, you don't know when you're going to have him. You don't know with what, but there will be crossover double-unders at the games next week. Use these ropes. Try it out. And then all of a sudden, not only Nick Matthews, just the only person to make it through them.
Starting point is 00:27:38 And it's still into the ecosystem so that everybody will be doing them from that point forward. I'm not going gonna i i don't know if i'm ready to say what uh i thought max always wanted to know all the potential movements for the season the beginning of the season i don't know if it's that extreme but i'd never say this person's name the two the two the two the tonight and what the the tonnet one the tonnet that i never say this dude's name.
Starting point is 00:28:06 He's always in the comments. I just don't know how to say it. The Taunit one. Someone spell that out phonetically for me. Should have been released that all the athletes welcome dinner. It's tradition to announce new movements are coming. Good point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:18 There you go. Not maybe not a week, but just at some point before. But for example, the pegboards didn't need to some point before. But for example, but for example, that's the thing. It's a peg boards didn't need to be announced before that year that, um, that some, a bunch of athletes are emotionally attached. Seven. No.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Oh, I think it's, I think it's a, um, it's, it's what makes CrossFit so special. The, it's one of the things is the unknown and the unknowable.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Can you agree that potentially it's, what's going to keep it from growing as well? Because no one ever knows what the fuck is going on. I mean, the athletes don't, the coaches don't, and especially the audience, the spectators on CBS will have no idea what's going on. So then we go back to the simile that I want to share with you. Do I think it's more important that everyone graduates from high school or that people graduate from high school knowing something look everyone graduated but they don't know five plus five i gotta i gotta stop you really quick please go ahead do you think that it is more worthwhile for someone trying to get as many views as possible the
Starting point is 00:29:19 crossfit games to get more people in to get more people into the affiliates to at a certain level level now you're now now i'm emotionally attached now you're pinpointing you get more people in to get more people into the affiliates to at a certain level level now you're now now i'm emotionally attached now you're pinpointing you get more people into the affiliates you're working level with them yes you're working like this is my shtick dude you you need people to watch it and if someone turns it on they see people not being able to do a crossover double under like why the fuck would i want to go learn how to not do something they shut it off in three seconds um that could have been their only exposure you had three seconds to excel them people's attention spans are so so and you i don't care like what you have
Starting point is 00:29:55 to say about the unknown and unknowable they're gonna click it on they're gonna go fuck that turn it off um the i think or they're gonna watch eloge intensity that video that i make if you do a bunch of stuff like that i will get intensity they're gonna freaking make a video on that how about the cargo net how about the cargo net how do you think that that was uh that was unknown and unknowable that's that's fine everyone did it i mean okay fell off of it so you and max but you and max can't have the cargo net unless it's announced a week in advance how about that little rope they had to hold and like and like make that movement and then and then land on the the narrow beam that was at an angle the log right after the obstacle course race yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:30:40 the obstacle course i mean i'm not you could You could pull out individual events and I'll be like, yeah, I agree with you. I agree with you on the crossover. But to take out all the unknown and unknowable, I can't. I can't. I see what you did with you. You kind of got me tripped up on the rope ladder, the cargo net. My opinion also applies to the pegboard. Someone turns it on.
Starting point is 00:31:04 What about the hurdles? What about the hurdles? I think the entire thing you're trying to do is you're trying to the pegboard. Someone turns it on. I think the hurdles, what about the entire thing you're trying to do is you're trying to showcase the athletes, right? That that's where I'm coming from. And you're coming from a methodology standpoint where it's so important. That's why I said you were emotionally attached. We have to have some happy medium.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Like, like you really think that it would be better if crossfit was more like high rocks and less like crossfit to an extent oh you're breaking my heart sure the best hey what's the best thing about high rocks i turn it on and at this point after watching just a little bit i know they're doing 10 800s they're running an 8k i know they've got a row ski push bear crawl while i think all that shit is stupid, Hunter the other day was like, hey, what do you think of that? And I go, I understand why you win, but I don't like to watch it.
Starting point is 00:31:52 It's boring as hell to me. People are into it, but I also get it. I wish it was outside. I wish it was outside. That would be better. You're right. It's too dark inside. I don't like that inside vibe.
Starting point is 00:32:06 But do you see where I'm going with that i mean i do i don't think it has to be hyrox because i think hyrox it to a degree sucks but i think what it does well is everyone knows what you're getting from it right that might be the best way to summation i mean at least my end i can't speak for max are you still on the dark side with max el haj have i have i convinced you at all that that there needs to be some unknown and unknowable? Are you? How about with, I think the best way to put it with what the programming said, which was they maybe need a little bit of a heads up about things that are coming down the pipeline.
Starting point is 00:32:38 If it could potentially have a crossover double under look at it. And that's extreme because it's Adrian's first year and he's, he had all that shit in there. Right. The speaking of Adrian, I was watching gymnastics on the Olympic channel the other day and the stuff that the athletes can do on the P bars, but the exact same implement that they had at the games this year is nuts.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And that's another thing that like made the CrossFitters look a little wimpy. If you watch a professionalters look a little wimpy if you watch a professional gymnastics yeah gymnastics it's nuts so people you wouldn't have the you wouldn't have had the p-bar event either no no i would i'm not saying that okay i'm saying that it's great that they had it a good job adrian it's another like way to go because you gotta show the first affiliate i was ever affiliated with. They had P bars in there. No one ever touched them.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Right. I think I put up a video of like 50 perfect pushups and I'm doing them on the P bars because if you go to the journal article, it has the guy doing them on P bars. And I swore I would win just because I was doing them on the P bars and I didn't. But they've been in there for a long time. And when you watch the professional gymnasts they can literally fling themselves to the other end and i was watching with alexis and i go what if somebody was doing this at the games at some point in time the idea is that somebody is doing this at the games i don't know if you can imagine what i'm talking about but they'd be they'd be on
Starting point is 00:34:00 their armpits you know they do the ring dips they were on their armpits and they would swing their legs to a super kit and then they would be on the other end of the rings it would take half a second like american ninja warrior shit i think it was awesome you think it's coming to the games i don't think that that's something that they're going to say but if let's say patrick velner who was a gymnast felt like doing that or if it was worthwhile he could have done it it would have taken seconds off of every traverse he had to do oh shit i wonder adrian probably would have run over and told him not to let me let me just ask this real quick do you think that carrying that um that what was it a husafelt stone up the stairs was
Starting point is 00:34:35 that unknown and unknowable to you no they've done that before upstairs not upstairs but they've carried it before yeah and i wouldn't say that that would be god okay you're you're getting me a little bit now i'm just i'm just wondering i'm just wondering where i was thinking about making a list of all the things that were unknown and unknowable and i just get concerned if you and max like the thought of a crossfit games with no unknown and unknowable really fucking bums me out no i don't like that either you're right okay good all right maybe i didn't get that across no i don't like that either you're right okay good all right maybe i didn't get that across because i don't think that that would be very good either okay
Starting point is 00:35:09 okay so that podcast i don't know if you probably didn't listen to his no it's it's entitled it as a crossfit rant it's awesome there's so much stuff to listen to in there which is why i don't remember all of it usually those i go through a couple of times so i digest it better but they just go and they have a lot of good thoughts in there and they gave justin berg a fucking spreadsheet and from what i could tell by what they were saying it didn't seem like he listened to he kind of shipped it or he shipped it off to other people again i don't know if i heard that right but it's what it seemed like they were saying i listened to that a couple times um you didn't you went you went to a max el haj training camp 2015 winter yeah it's crazy how much you've done no allison did 30
Starting point is 00:35:58 unbroken muscle ups in that and right before him i did 26 wow yeah wow do you think if he would have gone first you would have gotten 30 no i don't think so i think anyone else at that point did anyone else no no one else even got 20 and at that training camp i still i was like rather new at that point i talked about pretty often how i started about 14 we did a back-to-back workout and it was a two-parter and i remember i blew this thruster lateral burpee workout out of the water and then i couldn't even move on part two and max go rookie move man it's like you are new huh you are new yeah i'm new uh okay good we talked about the unknown i good. I feel like I handled that well. I was violent when I saw that.
Starting point is 00:36:50 It makes me think back about that. Were there other people who watched that and thought that? I don't think that everyone should know or be aware of a Husafeld bag up the stairs prior to the games. I don't think that that's necessary. There's a bunch of stuff, but the P-bars too. The P-bars, the pegboards without your feet. The pegboards without your feet I thought were awesome too. I wish that they would have had a little bit more of that.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Max talks about if he finds out information about the games and and he knows it what should he do with it and he said he's just going to release it next time leaks and it made me realize that hey dude we should leak fucking bad intel to max el haj so he releases you know what i mean uh-huh we should find a way to release something to him that he thinks is real, that like leaks one of the workouts for the CrossFit games, but it's not real. That's why I was the media director, such a successful. We'll have the largest growing brand in the history of the world world. Yeah. Instead of the Russian dossierier we'll have the 2023 crossfit
Starting point is 00:38:05 games dossier hey we'll say that we found a book that i was at the i was somewhere and i found a book with all the workouts from 2023 and i'll hold it up like a journal i'll be like dude look what i found are you fucking kidding me can you fucking believe this this is lucas zapata's fucking this is it who's that like lucas zapata that's the guy that's the uh that's the uh the guy lucas zapata he's the he's the guardian of the workout i assumed it was a dude yeah he's the guy so every every so when uh dave used to do the workout make the workout tim and adrian would sit there and then lucas would be off to the side like six feet away and they would be like execute bring in the athletes lucas you know and they'd be in the bar and the athletes would come in he's like get him going lucas start your
Starting point is 00:38:54 stopwatch and lucas would get it going and then lucas would take notes everyone's times what they they did it will work out like he kept just meticulous notes in this brown book and i used to ask lucas i'm like when you get home do you put this on on a in a safe or something he has this thick leather book he's like nope just throw it on the couch i'm like damn so you gotta get that leather book that's what you're saying yeah okay so that's what you're talking about with the book the 2023 lucas book yeah and listen max el haj if you want to know the events ahead of time all you have to do is listen to the sebon podcast and jr will tell you what they all are how about that right did you there was a previous episode of jr howell training think tank where they spoke on the bike
Starting point is 00:39:41 event and how they found out what the event was just by you know going to local bike shops because i think adrian or not adrian it would have been dave at that time had gone in there and said hey we need some of these bikes for this event so they found out what the bike was before the bike event shit like that i think is what they're talking about yeah that shit's cool and and lefranco actually um does some cool shit too where like he finds out. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I know. Up the morning choco, LeFranco?
Starting point is 00:40:07 Yes, yes. What does he do that's cool? 7.40 p.m. September 23rd, Friday. Sevan says something nice about LeFranco. LeFranco does some cool shit too where he's notified when when crossfit pulls permits uh at at in madison so if they want to close off an area he knows and he'll be like okay that's not that cool okay fine but anyway max listen the guy's name is jr howell he's the owner of crash crossfit he runs an event called crash crucible and he knows what all the events are. If you're so worried about your
Starting point is 00:40:45 athletes not being prepared, Mr. El Haj, Andrew Hiller's favorite coach. God, you're really jerking Max off. Could you pull up JR's competition? Have you looked at any of that yet?
Starting point is 00:41:01 I don't think they're going to review his own workouts. Maybe we can talk about them. Yeah, let's do that different show we got well no there's one thing in particular i want to bring up i think i think you released it today it wasn't like i want to go through all of them but there is one thing and it'll it'll piggyback off of the the frazier video if we want to keep this streamlined with the review show bash crucible first of all have you listened to these videos dude jr's got such a good voice for these oh he made some videos are they on his instagram yeah man i'm glad i'm pointing these out to you you're missing them they're good jr is like a supermodel looking shoulder wearing shoulder-wearing, tank top-wearing.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Where? Where do I click? Play one of the most recent ones. Lifeguard on Duty. Play that. This one? Second one. Lifeguard on Duty.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yeah. Sound on. Tour 2022 Individuals Event 1. Lifeguard on Duty is presented by Fringe Hair Company. Event 1 is for time, and athletes must complete 125 GHD sit-ups. Against a two-minute clock, athletes will complete a 50-yard swim. With the remaining time, athletes will complete max reps GHD sit-ups. There's a one-minute rest in between each round. Athletes must continue
Starting point is 00:42:25 until 125 reps are achieved, and there's a 14-minute time cap. What do you think? Where's the pool at? That's a good question. It's cool, though, isn't it? Yeah, it's super cool.
Starting point is 00:42:43 He sounds like a rapper yeah crash crucible workout number five crash crucible tour 2022 individuals event one life guard on duty is presented by fringe hair company event one is for time and athletes yeah he doesn't even sound like a white guy 25 oh look look, there's my cousin, Ellie. No shit. Athletes will complete a 50-yard swim with the remaining time. Do you like this workout? Is this one you wanted to talk about?
Starting point is 00:43:14 The thing that I wanted to bring up on this is the fact that he is using a fucking pool. He's not a semi-final event. He's not the Canada West program by hard work pays off in some giant arena this is jr crash crucible and he has access to a fucking swimming pool right like everyone's talking about like the limitations held on these events
Starting point is 00:43:37 and how many of these has he released but that's one thing in particular i think he had did he i don't want to misspeak. I think maybe he had said something. I don't want to release anything on accident. I know he put the pool up. I want to watch this and see if I throw up. Yeah. Crash Crucible
Starting point is 00:43:57 2022 will be introducing Z-Score. Oh, I already feel nauseous. Z-Score provides the athlete an exact measurement of how much better or worse they are than the average competitor in the field on any one workout. I can't believe that's fucking J.R.'s voice. Is that what made you want to throw up or the Z-Score part? No, no, his voice is nice. He needs to rap. He sounds like you want to throw up or the z score part no no his voice is nice he needs to rap
Starting point is 00:44:25 he sounds like a rapper no athletes have finished close to one another will be scored similarly athletes that finish farther from the average will be rewarded or punished more harshly as a result gone are the days of scoring one rep one second or one pound less on the leaderboard and always receiving four points less winning workouts by a. Winning workouts by a lot matters. Losing workouts by a lot matters. Here, every second truly does. This isn't JR. Oh, it's not?
Starting point is 00:44:56 The comment section is pissed off. Oh. The whole comment section is like, they think it's JR, but it's not JR. This one says, Senegal claims to be hyper-aware and Hitler claims to be cross-fit Sherlock Holmes, but neither of them know that it's not J.R. I thought it was J.R. Look, it's the guy from Saved by the Bell is doing the, it's Mario Lopez works out at his gym. Yeah, and and JR talking.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Hey, that... No, Rick Jones filmed it. Dude, I'm so happy that we have a comment section. Thank you, guys. I don't think it's Rick Jones talking. Oh, God, please tell me Rick Jones
Starting point is 00:45:43 is a black guy then i would fucking all right comment section next step who is the one who's actually oh oh look is it him didn't i hate eat a dick jeff i go he sounds like a black guy look at that shit look at that shit motherfucker oh rick jamie filmed it oh so it is it is jr is it or is it not damn it i don't know rick jones is black yeah why who is it guys if it isn't jr oh and he's a fucking performer too is that him wait a second is that him performing i can fill up your tl for days about how great gauntlet was this year but one of the things that stuck with
Starting point is 00:46:24 me this week that you can't explain, what can only be experienced, just know that it was incredible. God exceeded expectations, and in case you can't tell from this pic, it was lit. I can't tell if it's the same guy. It looks like the same beard. Fuck. All right.
Starting point is 00:46:44 I asked JR who's talking in those videos. I wonder if it's going to be Rick. I need to hear. Look for one with James Earl Jones, you idiots. Yo, yo, yo. You can hear him talk. yo yo son of a bitch hey if this was this we're not nearly don't
Starting point is 00:47:17 yesterday if you didn't see the tranny show yesterday you got to see it it's some crazy investigative skills we're not doing so good today I just heard something you got to see it. It's some crazy investigative skills. We're not doing so good today. I just heard something. I think my car is getting stolen again. Not safe here, guys. It's not safe in Chicago. I really, Oh, look at there's grandma.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I don't want to scroll too much further. I'm afraid I'm going to, I really liked this guy rick jones so far lover of jesus recording music yeah yeah that's got wow what's wrong with scrolling then i just don't want to see something i don't like i like him when i scroll through people's shit there's always a chance i'm gonna see something makes me hate you that dude's cool as shit okay uh okay anyway i'm gonna stop sharing before I accidentally share my emails or some nudes or something. He has a singer. He has to have a good voice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I sound like Fergie and Jesus. The Kia boys. We talked about the Kia boys yesterday. Rick Jones is just an average freak. Yeah. He looks like he's fucking got talent pouring out of his ass. But, yeah, I'm so proud of myself now yeah jeff where's your comeback now bitch seven have you heard about that purge law bruce wayne just brought it up
Starting point is 00:48:31 the what they're calling it the purge law it's like right in the wheelhouse it's something you do in illinois and you know anything about that what have you heard yeah i mean we have that shit here in california already. What do you mean? Dude, you can just go, you can go somewhere. You can go to San Francisco right now and just see a dude standing on the street corner with his clothes ripped off, with his dick out. This has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. No, he'll walk into a CVS with a fucking black garbage bag and just steal whatever he wants. And there's nothing anyone can do. And there's nothing that anyone does. I think the one that i'm talking about is to do
Starting point is 00:49:08 with second degree murder yeah all that shit non-detainable yes basically if they can't you're you are if it's innocent until proven guilty so basically let's say um let's say you fucking hit someone with your car and kill them. Normally they would. You can't go to jail for that? Yeah, not until you have some sort of fucking court case. They've changed. I don't know all the details about it, but we have that shit here in California.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Let me give you an example. The guy held up my fucking kid's jiu-jitsu instructor by knife point at a fucking ATM, and less than 24 hours later, he was released and given a court date okay that should not be like that should not be like that but that's how it's going to be in illinois come january 1st but it's already happening in california dude it's what let me show you this let me just show you this we're off subject here but let me show you it's okay this is. This is what everyone comes here to listen to anyway. 23 CVS San Francisco closures. Oh.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Oh, six. They're closing CVSs because of it. At least six CVS locations in San Francisco to close. Oh, in January alone. This upcoming January, they're no no uh uh they closed already in january 2022 because they're not being protected everything is just being ransacked dude do you ever see it happening or no california is a shit show hey dude there was an apple store down the street from my house in Berkeley, and it was robbed like every three days. And like 20 youth would go into it.
Starting point is 00:50:54 I'm not even joking. I'll type in Berkeley Apple store. But you know what the cops eventually did? They just set up a makeshift police station right on the street, on 4th Street. They brought in like six buses. Did that work? Yeah, and they stopped robbing yeah abc123 sees right through me i watched a guy i was at the park with my mom and a guy stole like five feet away from me stole a fucking bike from a fucking 80 year old fucking asian lady chinese lady she didn't speak a word of english she was playing ping pong in the in the in the city's like ping pong tables you know they in their club room
Starting point is 00:51:29 and she's and she comes out and the guy's still on the bike and she's yelling at him in chinese and i start chasing him and there's this fucking long you chased him yeah there's a long fucking foot on foot like a half a mile yeah all right and crossfit yeah and he gets into this and he gets he goes into this like into this park that has all of these trails that split off in all different directions and as i was chasing him i was thinking i'm if i can even get even remotely close to him i'm going to push him off the bike and if he's and then just start stomping him right like so that he can't so that nothing can happen to me and if for some reason i get a chance to pick the bike up i was gonna pick the bike up and smash him with it i was like picturing this shit
Starting point is 00:52:12 as or swing i think does this become first degree murder at this point the cop told me that if i would have pushed him off the bike and he got hurt that i'd be in fucking a lot of trouble that they'd have to take me in what like california dude so wait you didn't touch him then he got away no no why why did he get away i just couldn't keep up he basically he took off he was i got within probably i was with my mom and my kids i got probably within he by the time i started chasing he was probably 20 feet away and i thought i was going to catch him and then i got within a couple feet and and by then he was going too fast and he pulled away and i was screaming at him how long was this this is uh six months ago damn if only you were on california
Starting point is 00:53:10 hormones that's true gotten that woman's bike back uh seven wasn't far enough to get arrested seven wasn't far enough i don't know what that means i can't believe that you would have got in trouble for that that's nuts i stopped like four muggings in my life can you give an example of the best of the four now i'm intrigued that was a how many of how many near misses that sounds like a near miss you're dude you're a vigilante i was i was in i was in a i was in a coffee shop one time and this dude and there was a table outside the coffee shop and i was sitting on the window inside the coffee shop, and there was this couple sitting outside. And it was a new coffee shop in a really shady part where a shady part of town meets a good part of town. It's actually right in front of CrossFit Berkeley on University Avenue in San Pablo.
Starting point is 00:54:00 There's a coffee shop just a little in from there. Speak your mind. Hey, what's going on? I'm just watching and listening. I found CrossFit in prison, and I watch you guys all the time, so I just was like, I got home and a live call, and I moved on. What'd you go to prison for? Oh,
Starting point is 00:54:26 robbery. I found it in 15, 2015. My donkey's wife used to send us in CrossFit material in like wads of the day and she sent in the book, a wad Bible. I've never been to a box
Starting point is 00:54:42 but just the methodology of CrossFit and then I followed Savan. I've never been to a box, but just the methodology across it, and then I followed Savan. I started watching Savan when he had Josh and Adam, and then I was hooked. Do you think it's good that I lost those ass clowns, or do you think I should get them back? What happened?
Starting point is 00:54:57 Do you think it's good that I ditched those ass clowns, or do you think I should get them back? Who's this? Is this Susan? No, this is this susan no this is sevan do you think you you you said that i mean you started watching when uh when it was the sevan josh and matt show and i'm wondering do you think i should yeah yeah yeah i i that i used to come home i'm a used car salesman here in connecticut yeah and i used to get home from work and you know i changed my life i found recovery fitness you know and and that's like,
Starting point is 00:55:27 my journey has been real, Siobhan, man. And I'm at a point in my life, man, I communicate well with people, you know, I recovered from opioid addiction. I lost a hundred pounds just by the methodology and the movements of CrossFit. And I'm a dude. so I follow baseball, I follow basketball, but I like sports. So when I started seeing the competition and that side of fitness, I was hooked. Of course, when Rich was on the throne, I went through that phase. And then when I came home in 17, I went to a halfway house in New Haven, Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:56:03 And my first phone, I just got on YouTube. I was in a work release program. So at night I would just get all the content that I could from CrossFit and then just became a fan. Like I watched, I get home every night and just go on the show. I don't even know if I like and subscribe. I don't even know if I did that. But I think so on my phone I did. So I'm 50 years old, man.
Starting point is 00:56:29 5'3", and I go to the gym three or four days a week. I got shot with a.357. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You've opened up so many doors. I have to stop you here one second. Are you 5'3", or are you 53? No, I'm 50 years old, and I'm 5'3, 5'4. I'm a short dude.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Are you Irish? Nah, I'm Italian, Puerto Rican. My dad's Italian. My last name's Patria. Wait, wait, what's your last name? Patrian? Like an Armenian name? I-A-N?
Starting point is 00:57:02 P-A-T-R-I-A. Peter Patria. Patria. Yeah, Patria. Hey, what's the most you ever weighed? Hitler, what's up, Hitler? How are you, man?
Starting point is 00:57:18 It's good to talk to you. What's the most you ever weighed? 243. So you got down to 143 pounds? I got down. My lowest was, I'd say 100 pounds. 149 was my lowest. Right now, I'm at 160.
Starting point is 00:57:36 How big is your penis? No, I'm good, man. And penis size, I'm confident. Yeah, I'm good with that. It's probably like weird, looks. I'm confident. Yeah. I'm good with that. It's probably like weird. It looks weird. Big on you. I got a lot of girls. Yeah. Yeah. Tuna can. That's awesome. Yes. Tuna can. Tuna can.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I can't. That's why I told you tonight guys, just to check in, man. And say like, literally I, I, I dedicate like a part of my day to fitness, and I get a lot of my content from you guys. Pillar, I watch you. My movement, like, I go to a regular, it's called Powerhouse Gym here in Stratford, Connecticut, and I just go to a corner and do my movement. And people look at me, but I go in there and I crush it. And it changed my life it
Starting point is 00:58:26 saved my life so i just want to say thank you to both of you i know that book you were talking about by the way the 99 the the lot books that you were talking about it's one of the most popular books on amazon isn't it i don't know we got it sent in so when we was in prison so that's how that's when i first seen it and that's when i first got introduced across it and then when i came home that's when you know i didn't get too much i couldn't even afford to go to a box here in connecticut so i just got a regular membership learn movement learn all my you know all my movements from you guys and like i'm a big fan of the sport so and i watch my movements when i'm in the'm a big fan of the sport. I watch my movements
Starting point is 00:59:06 when I'm in the gym, make sure I get parallel, make sure I'm locking out. I got hit with a.357 in a robbery when I was younger. I could still lift weight over my head. I got a torn label in the other shoulder. I snatch weight. It's just all because I stay
Starting point is 00:59:22 moving and it's just behind the method of CrossFit. Do you have kids? I'm sorry. Do you have kids? No, single,
Starting point is 00:59:33 no kids, great family, great support. And I sell cars, man. I help people to drive, man. That's what I do.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Did you say my youth car salesman? I was a used car salesman yeah it's uh it's coming out 20 years doing it man awesome hey um do you do instagram yeah i'm on instagram will you send me a dm um with your address and your shirt size and i'll send you a bunch of shirts sounds good i'll walk them in the gym and I always tell people every time I can promote it or get the word out there, get fitness out there, you know, get, because like it literally changed my life
Starting point is 01:00:15 and saved my life. So again, fellas, right here, Channel 8 News covered me here in Connecticut. I did the story on faith, family, and fitness, the three things that helped me get my shit together. Where did you get shot? All right. I got
Starting point is 01:00:31 shot. He shot four times and he hit me in my chest and he hit me in my back. He hit me with a .357 and then I went into the system. Obviously, I survived, but it was pretty I was 18 years old. I was a kid. And then I went to prison. I went to the system. I, I, obviously I survived, but it was a pretty, I was 18 years old. I was a kid.
Starting point is 01:00:46 And then I went into prison. I went to the system, got it together, stood out for 15 years and then relapsed. They went back in in 2014 and came home in 2017. And then, and, and been,
Starting point is 01:01:04 and recovery just got it together. just figured it out you know no plan b you know hey did you did you hear the podcast i did with that dude who spent uh went did like 19 years in prison i did yeah i i seen that i seen one of your first ones when you had the dudes on and they were in there, I guess. I seen that episode. Yeah, that one was crazy. The last one, what's the one with the racquetball guy? That dude had a good story. Yeah, he looked like he could do some time in jail.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Yeah, definitely, right? Where were you born? Are you born in brooklyn no bridgeport connecticut uh bridgeport connecticut is probably 50 minutes an hour right outside the city east coast i'm so east coast so yeah and grew up in uh do you go to an affiliate? No, no. My affiliate is YouTube, and what I get, I need to. That's my affiliate. All right.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I'm glad you called. Please call. I think you should start calling in every show. Yeah, man. That's great. Yeah. Okay. It's just my schedule's crazy.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Yeah, definitely. Hello, man. And again, keep up keeping people in check. I like that about you, man. And keep it real, man. So, Siobhan, I'll be in touch. Hello, you too, man. I'll hit you up on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Yeah, send your address. Peace and love. Peace and love, fellas. Have a good night. Bye. Bye. Humanity humanity the sea of humanity that was good so yesterday we had a guy who does
Starting point is 01:02:54 the splits for cash and today he got shot look at three he got shot four times by the doesn't that leave a giant hole he's not big enough to get shot four times that's doesn't that leave a giant hole isn't that dude he's not big enough to get shot four times that's the next thing that you're only five three like there's nothing left of you for those who embrace the impossible the defender 110 is up for the adventure this iconic award-winning vehicle has been redefined with a distinctive modern design a reimagined exterior
Starting point is 01:03:22 features compelling proportions and precise detailing. Built with integrity and purpose, the interior boasts robust, durable materials. Whether it's the all-terrain capability, ample cargo capacity, or innovative camera technology, the Defender 110 lets you go further and do more. And with seating for up to seven, everyone can enjoy the journey.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Learn more at Have you ever gotten shot, Savan? No. No? I kind of always wanted to get shot. Sarah's friend Paul fucking shot me fucking behind my knee with one of those salt guns. Salt guns. Yeah, twice in a row from like two feet away.
Starting point is 01:03:59 The second one really fucking hurt. Maybe that's why my kneecap's all fucked up. Shut up. that's the wimpiest thing you've ever said i know i you know what it was is uh that aspiring filmmaker said he was going to come to my house very soon and have me do that workout that um kerstetter did with the cleans uh-uh i don't know what's the workout it's a row qualifier workout okay and so yesterday is that what it is okay and basically so yesterday i was fucking around with some cleaning jerks and i was and i was dusting off my split jerk i think i fucked my knee up a little
Starting point is 01:04:37 bit not at the time though just today you know what i mean i woke up this morning and i and like i went to go squat and i was like, oh, something doesn't feel right. You got to do the movements a little bit more often than every month. Once a month isn't often enough. You're not my coach. Could be. You're not my dad. Are you looking for a guy?
Starting point is 01:04:57 I could be both. I'm telling you, in 12 weeks, with the proper diet, you'd think I was on roids. You'd make a video, Natty or not, on me. You don't eat. What's up, Sarah? Sarah Cox. Thank you. Good night.
Starting point is 01:05:13 Like she's going to bed at 8 a.m. The comment section while he was on was awesome. They were like, I would buy a car from this guy. And then they go, I think I did buy a car from this guy. Somebody else said. They were just funny. I sold cars. I did it for eight months.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Were you good at it? I sold my last car to a family who I shouldn't have sold it to, but the guy made me, one of my managers made me get him into it, and it was because they had some atrocious rate on it. And I knew that they weren't going to be able, they wheeled the mom in, right? Like she's got a co-sign on it. She was probably seven years old and she was able to co-sign it because she retired from her job as a postal worker.
Starting point is 01:05:59 And these two people were wheeling the mom to co-sign because they couldn't get it without her co-signing and then there was like a 15 apr rate on it and i'm like they're gonna completely fuck this retired postal worker sweet mother over and then i quit the next day and why then i and then because i was like i fucked over this fucking mom and i was i was forced to do it my manager so you gotta get him into this fucking this fucking car this loaded i don't want to name the brand of car i'm not trying to get anyone it was fucked up how can someone promote california hormones and not be on trt easy he has me do it it's a fucking crate that's a fucking crazy question
Starting point is 01:06:44 i promote your mom i'm not on her He has me do it. That's a fucking crazy question. I promote your mom. I'm not on her. School to your ass. Yeah. What's the next video you want to talk about? You got one? I don't use... I don't use...
Starting point is 01:06:58 I don't use... Here he goes. I don't use grips. Do you use grips? Do you use grips for your hands? I do. And I fucking rip them every time. Dude. Here he goes. I don't use grips. Do you use grips? Do you use grips for your hands? I do. And I fucking rip them every time.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Dude, I'm getting upset with the company, Bear Complex. Oh, really? They fucking shred every day. I could probably go get a pair of shredded ones right now. Oh, your ass looks huge, dude. It's getting big. And I can't freaking button my pants i already told you that hey um uh you're these ones are good you're so you're that's not that seems like it would be normal to on trt your ass and your chest should get bigger right those are like huge
Starting point is 01:07:39 fucking like yeah my chest has been getting huge yeah it shreds it's driving me nuts because and then and then how much are those how much are those uh i believe it's 35 or 40 bucks a pair so yeah i work them in and then they operate really well right here and then the middle of a workout they snap and they're not that old so they're gonna say you know they only have a lifespan i'm like all right well i did fucking 10 workouts in these and they're dead so i i heard something good um only 10 workouts not very many right i have a pair of bear complex um shin guards that i've had for fucking years i like yeah those are good for your rope climbs um i heard something i said something nice about lefranco today i might as well throw this in there too. I heard today that the CFO,
Starting point is 01:08:29 the lady Allison, who is the interim CEO of CrossFit, she was the CFO and then she became the interim CEO. And now she's back to the CFO position. I heard she went into an affiliate today and she was was doing chest-to-bar pull-ups, and her hands ripped and started bleeding. Okay. And she kept doing the workout. Badass.
Starting point is 01:08:54 That is pretty badass. It's funny. That means so much more than being a Stanford MBA or a Harvard MBA. I would so much rather know that you're tough and worldly. That's what I want as a leader. You're tough and worldly. That's real experience. I want a broad range.
Starting point is 01:09:25 Tough and worldly. Yeah. Was she wearing grips or was she doing it bare? Would you rather have someone run your company who graduated from Stanford or who walked from California to New York? Ooh. Fucking, it's a no-brainer for me. I don't know about that man what if they don't even know how to speak English
Starting point is 01:09:48 doesn't matter they'll figure it out yeah they figured it out my dog could walk across the country if it wanted to walk across the country without staying at the every four seasons too ha
Starting point is 01:10:02 that one's good every four seasons too. Ha. That one's good. But I've taken the L1 like a thousand times. How about what Hayden Archer had to say? Stupid and worldly. Why is she ripping it? Is it her first day? No, she's like a 10 year.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Dude, she was doing chest to bar I heard. She's a fucking 10 year. I think that that chick's the real deal i think as far as crossfitting goes as far as crossfitting goes when's the last time you rip your hands never you've never ripped your hands might have ripped right now 10 years 10 years 10 years this one's got a blood but i leave that thing on there hey never even never even close nothing even even i i would never rip my hands doing pull-ups i ripped my hands doing deadlifts that's how they used to rip interesting huh do you remember john wellborn's hands ripping from doing deadlifts in the 2000 in every second count yes oh yeah it's been a while since i've seen it but yeah i remember did did the girl you did made the video on the bodybuilder chick um who you made the steroid
Starting point is 01:11:15 video on her did she ever contact you no but i'm gonna check right now to be sure about it i forgot her handle what was it oh fuck i don't remember her instagram handle it's like x fit something or fit something something no she didn't and these people don't reach out it's i don't think you said anything mean about her she i don't think i mean the only thing is is the thing you're calling her out on is hey look at look at sarah sarah meant to donate 49.99 but put in 4.99 so she came back with a 49 you got an extra five bucks out of it dude i'm no sherlock holmes but next time we're going live on my channel uh what did you think of that video i thought thought it was good. I think what you were basically saying was,
Starting point is 01:12:06 Hey, you, you're, you're selling a program. You're, you're, you're selling a program and you're not being honest. Your program may or may not be good,
Starting point is 01:12:16 but your, but your real changes came from performance enhancing drugs. Be cool. No, no messages from Rachel Campbell. Yeah. Oh yeah. Nothing.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Right. Wasn't that the premise of the video? Hey, good hard but like don't lie correct it's like you can change your body too and then she explodes yeah what'd you think of her physique in the the final video final minutes of that video i don't even remember do you know what happens is i see someone with their skin color like that and i just turn off my eyes god i hate you sometimes i just that's the best part of the video okay fine let's pull it up you couldn't look at jesse james west the other day either because he was too dark i know it's just like you had to you had to pull apart the fact that he was at a bodybuilding competition that's why he's painted so dark. I want to show you something.
Starting point is 01:13:05 It's part of the process. Don't be jealous when I tell you this. This guy's coming on the show. No, you got him? Yeah. The Kia boys? Yeah. You got him?
Starting point is 01:13:19 That's awesome. That is cool, right? I know. I'm happy I led you down this guy's rabbit hole. Yeah. Which hole did you let me down? His rabbit hole. So what am I saying?
Starting point is 01:13:32 This is the Hiller Fit Review Show. Hiller Fit. That's at least where we started. We started on the Hiller Fit Review Show. And then we go to share. And then we go Chrome tab. and then we go to share and then we go uh chrome tab and then we go okay so um we're going to the lady who's all juiced up with the um okay here left side yep i mean there were definitely some great shots of her body in there
Starting point is 01:13:56 okay now and i don't give a fuck what you say about the fact that i'm looking at a picture this sure and it gets like two to three hundred a little bit to the left i think yep that well this is more about how her instagram following is most likely fake oh yeah that was brutal oh yeah that was brutal that was brutal she's got how many freaking hundred thousand followers and she gets 200 likes yeah that's like my account what do you mean meaning like doesn't matter how many followers i have i never she's not like you she's probably it's 200 likes. Yeah, that's like my account. What do you mean? Meaning like, it doesn't matter how many followers I have. I never... She's not like you.
Starting point is 01:14:28 She's probably not shadow banned. Go to the left. Look at how freaking much facial hair I have there. That's nuts. Go to the left a little bit on that little slider. Her body does look incredible right there. In the mirror or in the window?
Starting point is 01:14:40 There, that one, that one. She's just so thick. She's not that tan in that no body looks incredible here or you can tell entirely that she's using some something i i don't know i i i believe i believe i don't know i believe you because she said why is she wearing underwear because it's a christmas photo i tried to say that it's like duh hey i i'm not i'm not a lingerie guy and i'm not a um uh i'm not a lingerie guy i'm not like i don't like like shorts that like that girls wear like
Starting point is 01:15:23 out and about but they have like lace so it's like like supposed to be like trying to confuse you like it's part short but part like those are underwear like just wear normal fucking clothes just wear those are called boy shorts what she's wearing right there oh no that would be lacy lingerie underwear right just wear fucking normal clothes and especially if you got a nice body like that. There's nothing more you need to do. So, do I have a... Yeah, click on that. There you go. That's the tan stuff that you don't like, but... It's not too bad.
Starting point is 01:15:54 It's not too bad. She looks like she's gonna poop in these two over here. That's how you show the hammies, homie. And the glutes. Cavs, hammies, glutes. This one's nuts. The vascularity in her stomach that's what would happen if you lost 15 pounds and then i would say that you were on steroids right i need i need just a healthy fucking four weeks now at the beginning of the video four weeks of matt beginning of the video,
Starting point is 01:16:27 you can see what she looked like when she started. Someone watched this one. I mean, you saw the transformation of her time through CrossFit. Someone, someone one time sent, it was like, Hey,
Starting point is 01:16:37 I'll give you a diet plan. If you plug, if you promote me, I was like, how about you go fuck yourself? This is the athlete that I mentioned is 100% having had tests in the back pocket. Well, the next picture I got. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Yeah, yeah. That's her on the right. Correct. Yeah, that's just a normal girl. Yeah. That's just a normal girl with an eating disorder. I don't even think that That has to be the case This is what most of the fitness chicks
Starting point is 01:17:09 Look like so I guess you want to put those two In the same camp you can Bam Boom That was good Bam we're live I didn't even do that in my video that was good That was a good video
Starting point is 01:17:22 I'm going to be wearing those shorts at the games next year. I'm going to get them from Rachel Campbell and say, hey, can I wear those? As I dethrone the champion. I'd hit it. It says I am hot. I'd hit it. I'd hit his. I'd hit his.
Starting point is 01:17:41 I'd hit his. That sucks. He should be able to go back. For $10, he should be able to go back for 10 bucks he should be able to go back and re-edit that uh that's true that 2009 crossfit games final event dude i know you i know you ranked it low but i plead with you one more time remind me which one that was. 2008. I'm sorry. No. Is that the squat clean? The squat clean one is the one I ranked high. 2009. You ranked low. It's a chipper with the overhead plate carry. Well, I ranked it low because of the same reason that here I have it right here.
Starting point is 01:18:17 I'm just telling you I was there and it was fucking nuts. All right. Now tell me from your perspective what was nuts about it. nuts all right now tell me from your perspective what was nuts about it because that um that plate was so fucking light but yet they were so worked i mean um uh james fitzgerald's brother michael fitzgerald was like screaming as he was doing the i think they were lunging with a 45 pound plate over their head and he was screaming i mean it was about how about if you watch that present day i don't know maybe you're right maybe you're minutes long is that maybe right because they were so worked yeah i'm just telling you it was at the end everyone was circled
Starting point is 01:19:01 around really tight it was in a dirt dust bowl. I see where you're coming from. It was crazy. It was crazy. But that very much fits into the camp of just because it destroyed them doesn't mean it was a good workout or finale. I agree. I agree. And it's also like 20 minutes to their demise.
Starting point is 01:19:25 But I can see what you're talking about too, because I didn't get to watch that in person. I actually couldn't find footage on that either on the internet. You couldn't? I filmed it. That would be your fault. Oh, torque tank. What are we talking about? The torque tank.
Starting point is 01:19:41 I've never looked at the torque tank. My clients got one we pulled that we've we've we've pulled that thing at least 200 miles okay so so dual variable resistant brakes fuck you i don't know what that means no need for additional weight okay performance handles included stupid uh built-in accessory tray. What, like to put your joints or your fucking, your credit, your fucking, your wallet, your fucking, your Walkman, your CD player. Water bottle holder. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:14 And some patented technology. Like what, you can't pass anybody? 59 five-star reviews. Here we go. Can everybody on this podcast right now just go and give it a thumbs down real quick? No, I didn't. Let's see the power of the Sevan podcast. What do they call the, God, the Hacks Packers?
Starting point is 01:20:36 I just, when you said in your review, in the Matt Fraser H h of hw uh op um video where you're ranking the um those four events you take four really high level events and the the crucible um the madrid championships and two other ones and you compare them and you say well i guess it's okay they put the torque tank in the middle of the workout but i don't think west yeah i don't even think that's okay i think and i think i might be stealing this from jr and taylor the other day talking about the torque tank that when you put one of those in the middle of an event at least everyone's doing it and at least everyone's accumulating the same fatigue for what comes next but when you put it at the end of the event it's almost pointless
Starting point is 01:21:31 because everyone is done at the same point anyway and that point is at the time in which you touch the torting there's no one passes anybody and that's not allowed anymore. Does that make sense or no? I do, but why not give them something? I'd rather see like a ball carry. I'm not disagreeing with you. I think the thing is the dumbest fucking thing on the planet. I think the torque tank pays somebody to throw their stupid machine in there. I just want to know if I'm wrong.
Starting point is 01:22:03 I just want someone from torque tank to be like, no, actually you can pass people. You can make it. You, you, you, you can push it harder.
Starting point is 01:22:12 And the harder you push it, the faster it goes. I just want to know if I'm just, no, you can't dude. I've used them. Is that, have you never talked to anyone who's used one?
Starting point is 01:22:21 I don't know if I have, I just can't believe they would make something so stupid that the harder you push it, it doesn't reward you. You know what it was created out of? Out of theory was you don't need to have a level playing surface because of the sled of the CrossFit Games. It's like, oh, the one lane was easier to push on than another lane. Introducing the torque tank. Push it on anything. And it's the same for everybody.
Starting point is 01:22:43 Oh, geez. It's the woke sled look at oh i would respect the shit out of it if they called it that the woke sled and then yeah i'll sponsor the woke sled look at the people they have on however for for the for people training depending what you're using it for, I just told you, one of my clients will finish up certain sessions with a one-mile torque tank pull. We got the harness, and we'll just yank that thing around the neighborhood. It's badass. Hey, you know how I know these reviews are just, let's see, lowest rating?
Starting point is 01:23:28 Waiting for delivery, not been delivered delivered those aren't reasons to hey you know rogue filters out there as well right no do they i tried to put in a negative review once and uh it didn't ever come up oh shit dear bill and katie i am not friends with andrew hiller and i got some more on road too but i'm gonna play nice wait tell me no i'll tell you later i don't i don't i don't want to get the godfather pissed off at me quite yet you saw bill run a red light no no it's not it's nothing to do with that i saw katie run a red light i saw katie hanging out with seven i wish that was true my southern my southern buttocks has had too much rye whiskey meant to
Starting point is 01:24:19 say it love both you guys I am hop I am hop I think I just assume that anyone who donates money is drunk Sarah Cox is wasted wasted she's three gummies to the wind um okay
Starting point is 01:24:41 where were we here I bet a 12 week show okay you 1 through 16 videos. I told you that yesterday. The music could have been like the best music of the year. Chloe Johnson. Oh, we talked about that yesterday.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Greg kind of wanted to see that case go to the Supreme Court. He thought it was funny. She settled for pennies. She sued for $2.5 million. And her lawyer was just an ambulance-chasing douche. I wish I could remember his name. When you looked up his history and the cases, he got involved, and he was just one of those guys who just had to be in front of the camera and just chase the big cases. There's a video.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Okay, go ahead, yours. No, no, no. Go. The video, Saquon Barkley, NFL CrossFit Games, it was four weeks ago. We haven't done one of these in a long time. But I never got to make a video on this. I put out how I think the CrossFit Games should implement. I guess this is kind of a theme with me and what I've been doing recently
Starting point is 01:25:38 is how to better the CrossFit Games in the next year. And I'm trying to pitch ideas. And I really hope Adrian Bosman might cruise through the comment sections sections and read some shit but it was the High Rocks video and I said that I thought what they did well was what we had already talked about earlier I think that implementing the 225 bench press from the NFL combine is just such a low-hanging fruit because it would pull in NFL spectators to say, how did the CrossFitters stack up against the linebackers and all that? Yes. The buttery bros, no more,
Starting point is 01:26:11 no less than four days later put up a video of them doing the fucking NFL combine. And I let that one slide. I don't know why I didn't make a fucking video on that, but I'm like, they're fucking watching my videos. I knew they were watching them. I gave them an idea to do the NFL combine and make a little video. Hey, which is cool that they did that. But you think that they would then take a clip from your video where you say
Starting point is 01:26:32 it and they'd be like, thank you, Andrew Hiller. But they totally got the idea from me. Are you sure? We don't believe in coincidences. It was within the same week. We don't,
Starting point is 01:26:42 we don't believe in. And that's such an easy video to make with the abilities that they have. It's like, hey guys, you always want to go do these combine workouts and make a buttery video. For anyone who ever wonders what my long pinky nails were for, I just did it. I just picked a piece of meat out. Thanks, Jeff.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Jeff's on my team now. He liked that video. The 225 bench press video. Oh, please, Jeff. What's the most you've ever benched seven 220 fuck i was gonna guess i was gonna say 205 no no what's two plates is 225 right 225 is oh depends if it's kilos or i got up to i got up to 182 it was my fucking goal to bench 225 and i couldn't fucking do it i i couldn't fucking do it that's two plates though you said you did it It was my fucking goal to bench 225. And I couldn't fucking do it.
Starting point is 01:27:28 I couldn't fucking do it. You couldn't do it? That's two plates, though. You said you did it. No, I didn't do it. I did 220. You didn't do a 45 on each side? Two 45s on each side? No.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Listen. I did five pounds less than whatever fucking two plates is on each side. And I fucking, it hurt to get to one 82, like it fucking hurt. And then I went back down to whatever weight I was one 60 and like my bench stayed the same. Like it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:27:57 Yeah. It doesn't matter. You know what we should do? We should, uh, we should see what you can get your bench press up to. Again, you can either lose as much weight as possible or gain as much as possible. It's up
Starting point is 01:28:06 to you. You decide. Either way, you're moving the scale. Do you have a bench press program you'll write for me and I'll do it? I'll do it. I'm Five Ride Drinks Deep. Fuck y'all. Again, love me some Savon and Hiller. I'm good at talking about it if it works.
Starting point is 01:28:21 I'm really good at 135. How many times can you do that? about it if it works i'm good at uh i'm really good at like like i'm really good at uh 135 like how many times can you do that i don't know i don't uh i don't know how many times you probably do it 20 20 21 times i bet you do it right now i i do this workout um 10 like i do all my workouts 10 calories in the salt bike, 10 reps with 135, 10 rounds. That's a pretty normal workout for me. And that's hard. I like those workouts that you do.
Starting point is 01:28:51 And I do it unbroken. This is not a polo shirt. This is some sort of a sweatshirt thing. Dude, that shirt is crazy. I like this shirt. Look at the chest hair I'm growing. You see this? I've never had chest hair, ever. You's the trt i guarantee you it's the trt serious yeah i've never had chest hair
Starting point is 01:29:15 like this ever hey um what's what i really liked about your uh test uh trt tuesday video was the fact that you run and you you open a door but you don't really give us that you don't tell us what happened you basically say you run you run 1.5 miles and you get back and you're like okay something's up that was like too easy it was mid-run mid-run mid-run so i i mean my neighborhood i have this loop so my house is here i go down this hill and there's hills up and down they're're pretty deep hills, not crazy, but they suck. And I get to this point and every single time I get to this point and I'm like, all right, finish up the hills. And this time around, it was like, here we go.
Starting point is 01:29:53 There's, there's more. And the dog, I always run up the dog and I'll try to like outrun the dog at certain points. Never at this point, am I trying to beat the dog? I try to say it's the world's fittest pit bull i try to get her in super shape and then so the next time you went out you're like okay i'm gonna push harder but you never you never said what happened what happened you're like i never never had to slow down there was no like oh your legs feel heavy there was no i'm breathing heavy i never really get winded and i chalk that up to possibly swimming. My lungs never are the holder back.
Starting point is 01:30:25 It's usually muscle endurance or some sort of a pooling from not having used the muscle for long enough. It just builds up and I feel like I got to slow down or it's going to be too much to keep up with. How about the other day when you did that two 75 cold? It was nuts, right? Would you have tried that if you weren't on trt um i'll try just about anything if i feel the need to it's had nothing to do with the trt yet
Starting point is 01:30:51 hey remember the softball stories i know that's what i was thinking about right there i've never done that before so should i go do it right now again? Just 275? Just fucking... Just load it up and I'll do 295 right now. Okay, do it. The thing I haven't done is that... Huh? You want me to? You think you can just do 295 right now, go back there and do it? Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Okay. Okay. What workout did you do today? I golfed today. That's why I'm wearing this. And you haven't worked out yet? I have not yet, no. And it's 10 30 at night there
Starting point is 01:31:25 it is correct yeah please i please and i think you can take those headphones back there please go set up 295 i want to see i want to see this yes sir fuck my i wish i i wish caleb was here so we could set up a pole no leave your pants on no i had to i had to zip them no i know you were going to take them off you can still still hear me, right? Yeah, totally. That's a great headset. I know. I love this headset. Who thinks he's going to be able to...
Starting point is 01:31:52 A 225 cold snatch would be insane, someone said. I could try that, too. I'm going to take the headphones off when we get that far, though. Is that okay? Yeah. I don't want these things flying off. Okay, so TRT Tuesdays, we get that far though is that okay yeah i don't want these things flying off okay so uh trt tuesdays we learned that have you ever done 295 cold andrew hillary no i have not never in your life i had never done 295 cold either this is either gonna be awesome or i'm gonna look like a fucking idiot so um i want to share one other thing with you in your TRT video.
Starting point is 01:32:28 And you might know this already. You showed a picture of a before and after of Elon Musk on TRT. Yeah, I know. I fucked that up. Oh, okay. One of them is Jeff Bezos. Yeah, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:41 But is Elon on TRT? It's impossible for him to look the way he does at the point in life that he is in, doing the things you'll assume that he's been doing, having looked the way he has in the past, and assume that he's natural. Does that all make sense? Yeah, Elon Musk, TRT. I'm also not wearing shoes. That's okay.
Starting point is 01:33:09 At TRT World, audience can expect balance in depth report. Oh, yeah, YouTube. Here's a, oh, the more plates and more dates guy did one. He's at Elon Musk. Yeah, it says Bezos and Elon Musk are on TRT? Taking the socks off, though. But I will do a shoeless. I think barefoot's good.
Starting point is 01:33:33 Bruce Wayne, remember how Hillary made crossfit fail vids? All right. We're all loaded up. Oh, shit. Okay, hold on. Hold on. Let me see if I can. I'm going to take. Shit. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Let me see if I can. I'm going to take these off.
Starting point is 01:33:47 All right. Yeah. Yeah. You should take your pants off. Can you hear me? I can't hear. I can't hear you, but you should take your pants off.
Starting point is 01:33:59 What do you have on underneath there? You're going to fucking tear those pants. 295. Who thinks he's gonna do it this is fucking nuts look at sarah cox another 49.99 look i thought you went to bed everyone wants to stay up to see hillar what yeah dude you look jacked i cannot believe you haven't worked out today and you look like that here we go wait wait no callers callers holy shit wow wow wow
Starting point is 01:34:31 hey that was easier oh you're still mute oh you're muted uh that was easier than um how was that that was fucking nuts that was easier than your two 75 the other day. I'm not wearing shoes either. I've never done a heavy clean like that. No shoes. All right. That's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:55 That felt, did that feel good? Yeah. I mean, how did it look? I'm going to look like trash. No, look better than your two 75. Felt fine. I mean, the only thing is, is this elbow. I still can't like see the difference there.
Starting point is 01:35:07 So when I catch that weight, it really drives the forearm down. Melissa, close your eyes. I can, uh, should I go heavier? How much for what do you think you,
Starting point is 01:35:18 how do you think you got five more pounds in you? You got 300. I probably do three 15. I would love to see it. I would love to see it. i would love to see it i would love to see it i would love to see it uh so i don't know i think i think the women don't do trt i think they do human growth hormone i could be totally wrong you got to contact uh uh california just talk to the doctor over there they do trt it's oh the women do do trt women also do testosterone yes and but they also do they do growth hormone also cjc1295 which is a precursor the peptide
Starting point is 01:35:58 all right this one's making me nervous it should make you nervous i think killer's five nine andrew can you hear me oh you should have switched your mic to your computer yeah yeah let's see what you got let's see what you got tarmin marquez $1.99 here we go here we go Here we go. 315. Holy shit. Hey, still looks better than his 275 from the other day. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:36:32 Wow, dude. Wow. Wow. You're muted again. Wow. That's crazy. Yeah. It's all that golf I've been doing.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Holy shit. What's your most you've ever done? What's your PR clean? 335 power. So that's 20 pounds off in a warmup. Wow. The last time I did heavy clean was the day I made that video. Yeah. And your 275 did not look that good. I mean, you look symmetrical you had symmetry let's see 405 this is this is the washed up uh bitter former regional crossfit competitor right here yeah that was nice should i snatch now uh yeah i can 100% Uh, yeah, I can a hundred percent tell you, I have not done a heavy snatch since February.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Heavy being one. I've done, I've done a couple, but I haven't done a power snatch at 225. So I can give that a go. Okay. I want to see it. You think it's safe? You think it's safe? You think it's safe?
Starting point is 01:37:41 Oh, wait, Andrew, Andrew what um before you lift switch your mic to your computer okay so like we because when you take that headset off we it we can't hear like the clang and bang okay fuck this is this turned out to be a better show than i ever thought thought it would be this is nuts and i'm doing all this barefoot this is not my usual all right what about your elbow can you hear me yeah what about your elbow we're gonna see all right do you need collars on there no it'll be fine alexis is gonna be so pissed uh because why because i don't work out like that in the morning Alexis is going to be so pissed. Because why?
Starting point is 01:38:27 Because I don't work out like that in the morning. That's right. Here we go, people. Here we go. Here we go. There we go. 25. Cool.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Sam Dancer in that. No. Oh, Nelly. Oh, yeah. Clean it up. That's before your eyes. Oh, Nelly. Oh yeah. Clean it up. Right before your eyes. Oh, Nelly.
Starting point is 01:38:52 No collars. No collars. Oh shit. All right. Can you hear me? Yeah, that was nuts. Yeah yeah i hit myself in the head on that first one and then i'm like i gotta do a second one to try to redeem myself and they don't look that great either so why am i sweating all right should i do isabel 225 i'll just load it up and get going holy shit you would be fucking so sore i think i think you
Starting point is 01:39:25 should just take inventory of your elbow tomorrow that's doing all right see how it's just like not quite there i want to do something back here what can i do like hold a back do an overhead squat with a backpack over my head or something you've got to uh show a bag of weed. I can do something cool too. Okay. That was cool. Yeah, it's good. It's 225 still.
Starting point is 01:39:53 I think it's a good way to end the show. We didn't even like talk about any videos. I feel like, Oh, I think we, no, we, we hit on it.
Starting point is 01:40:01 Let me see. We hit on a bunch. I'll tell you which ones we hit on. We'll go through this one more time. Let's see. I'm looking. I guess we did. You never really got back to Clarence Kennedy, though.
Starting point is 01:40:13 No. That's a fucking amazing video, by the way. If I were to recommend one video, it's this one right here. 500-pound clean and jerk. This is an incredible video yeah it's how old is he now he's like 26 yeah he's he's he's something else well the coolest thing about that is he has been recording himself on youtube since he was what 14 years old and he just put all that stuff together because he had every single pr ever and if you just do all of this olympic weightlifting for fun
Starting point is 01:40:55 go ahead go ahead i'm listening he just does the olympic weightlifting for fun because he admits that he's on steroids and if anybody anybody, did I say this the other day? If anybody wants to know why the PEDs are such a big issue, listen to him talk in a two-part, 30-minute video per why he doesn't compete in the Olympics. That's nuts. Where would I see that? His YouTube channel.
Starting point is 01:41:22 Clarence Kennedy. That one. Oh, shit. He's got a huge YouTube channel. 313. Click on videos. And then it's why I'm against anti-doping, part one and two. Oh, why he's against anti-doping.
Starting point is 01:41:43 So he thinks everyone should be allowed to use performance enhancing drugs he's mostly talking about it i have like this weird like adrenaline rush going right now so i'm talking all whispery uh in that video he thinks that it's specifically olympic weightlifting and in recent times olympic weightlifting has been potentially shut out of the olympics forlifting and in recent times olympic weightlifting has been potentially shut out of the olympics for the performance enhancing drug reason and it's because countries like the united states are very adamant about people being tested all the time and there are other countries that are funding the performance enhancing drugs the athletes are taking does that make sense that's
Starting point is 01:42:22 one of his biggest claims i want you to say that one more time i was looking at this comment uh folks we're watching a star be born so who's folks he's just telling everyone that you're going to be a star okay uh uh listen say so say that again about the anti-doping thing i want to hear that i want to understand that i want to pay attention say it again i'm the joe rogan show we heard matt frazier talking about what happens when you're an olympic athlete in the united states and he said stuff along the lines of he'd have people who would knock on his door in college and say you got to pee yeah if you didn't have to pee, follow him around. You heard that, right? Yeah. So in the United States, anti-doping is very serious. That is until you take into account that they are probably also using things that
Starting point is 01:43:17 are undetectable. Right. So those undetectable things are not done with any sort of scientific background. And it's because that they're undetectable that they're also more unsafe. Right. Clarence Kennedy says that PD should be allowed in a way to keep the athletes safer along with the reason that in the United States, they're very adamant at catching people similar to what CrossFit games is adamant about catching people. But let's say you went into, and I'm not saying Germany does this,
Starting point is 01:43:46 but there are countries that do. Let's say it's Germany. They're actually paying for funding the hiding of their athletes taking shit. Right. And it's all like the good stuff. So they're not taking something that some chemist whipped up in their garage and said, why I can't find this. They don't even know what the fuck it is.
Starting point is 01:44:03 What is it? Am I going to die? I don't even know what the fuck it is what is it am i gonna die i don't know i just made it uh what's interesting about that too is you know i had j rod on the other day nikki rodriguez's brother he and he went to the uh adcc this weekend the abu dhabi combat challenge like the premier jiu-jitsu competition in the world it was in vegas and uh j rod i don't know how old he is 21 or 22 and he's like hey you know what's crazy is like i've never drank i've never smoked i don't do steroids i don't know how old he is, 21 or 22. And he's like, hey, you know what's crazy? He's like, I've never drank. I've never smoked.
Starting point is 01:44:26 I don't do steroids. I don't do any – I've never done anything like that. And then he went on to say, and everyone thinks, you know, that everyone at the highest level of Brazilian jiu-jitsu does do steroids. And I go, yeah, to tell you the truth, when I saw you, like, fucking going crazy out there and take off your shirt and I looked at your body, I was like, fuck, this dude's a juicer to the gills. He's like, no.
Starting point is 01:44:43 I've fucking – I've never done anything. I'm i'm fucking like i'm basically just a good boy and uh and uh and i and he said that then he went on to say not only that but he knows shitloads of people who are just taking fucking drugs just right off the street he said no blood work no doctors no nothing and that's why why would it it it. I don't even think it's... Say that again? That's the unsafe way to do it. And they have to. What's crazy is I don't think it's illegal. I don't think... If they don't test...
Starting point is 01:45:15 What's not illegal? Like, if you're competing at the highest levels in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and they're not testing, why the fuck would you do dirty shit? Why wouldn't you just go to California Hormones? Oh you're right well maybe it's just easier because people are fucking stupid i don't know if you want to die you just do it that way just young and dumb and don't care you're like oh shit that guy looks jacked i'll do what he's doing and then you say go read a forum
Starting point is 01:45:41 somewhere and then think they know how to do stuff and then they end up just destroying themselves. I know a couple people really close to fuck themselves up from doing it the off the street way. Completely different personalities is the best way to put it. And they have like your stereotypical side effects that happen when you fuck up like gyno and acne and that sort of
Starting point is 01:46:05 stuff but it's mostly neurological no shit what happens to them let's just say that you did a shitload of testosterone you had it let's say you were on it right now and everyone knew savan is like the testosterone man but you never said you never told anybody you were just going about it and you just stopped cold turkey everyone would tell that something was up with you like what's wrong with seven he just is different like we don't know we can't put our finger on it and then you'd be like well guys i stopped taking testosterone on this date and everybody's like oh that like i would seem broken like i'm drinking too much or like i did too much why hasn't talked about covet anymore he's lost his spunk like he was so adamant about it like he was so he had opinions he wanted to talk about it and now he's just
Starting point is 01:46:49 he wanted to pump up the level one and now all he wants to do is i don't know just chat calm quiet whatever hey the the you've never met anybody who's you know fucked with their hormones at all well there's someone in particular i'll talk to you about off the air that we both know that everyone knows with uh who i met in person and i know that they've had some struggles with testosterone and they almost seem like when i met them like they had down syndrome like something was off oh but they're but they're a super talented describe that what is what does that look like when you have down syndrome potentially i i work with people with down syndrome for like five years so i so um i lived with them i lived on their driveway i used to run a home for yeah yeah a documentary okay no one can see my screen right i need to click something here i cannot see your
Starting point is 01:47:46 screen oh shit one of my friends just got offered uh this the subscribe button who me i got that now yeah and yeah i know you were telling about it yesterday you had to play nice for 90 days hey can you show nudity back there can you make it like only fans like you're sucking nowhere have i seen you cannot i i haven't seen anywhere saying that you can't do it so i guess you can tony i don't have a handicap but i'd have to guess that it's i'm a bogey golfer yeah he does look at his eye and his eyebrow those are his handicaps uh they uh i don't i don't know if they allow porn back there. Yes, Spiegel has one, and so does Hiller. James says that you get a lazy eye.
Starting point is 01:48:46 My longest drive. No, he doesn't have a lazy eye. I've had one. Have I ever told you that? I had one growing up. But it's his eyelid, not his eyeball. I had it through like fifth or sixth grade, and then I got contacts and it fixed it.
Starting point is 01:49:03 And then I was looking to get LASIK, and the first question I asked is, will I really make this LASIK? I think that, because I don't want that to happen. And then, for the most part, that's gone. 372 is my longest drive. I entered a long drive competition last year for golf. Look, this is LASIK. He doesn't got that.
Starting point is 01:49:24 He has LASIK lid eyelid i can do that though ready you want me to freak you out i can i can make my eyes go crazy i hate when i do that though yeah don't do it don't do it no not if you hate i'm doing it right now see no i don't see if i focus on like one thing and let the eye go am i doing it something's happening yeah it looked like they were kind of going wide this way yeah i got i got under control though nothing i don't i don't know what's up my grandpa had this so if anything's wrong my eyelid it's genetic my grandpa had one eye he had it like surgically brought up when he hit 70 so i got that coming it's crazy when you see fighters in the UFC with a lazy eye.
Starting point is 01:50:08 You're like, what the fuck are they looking at? Because they got hit in the face too many times. Seven, you don't golf, do you? No, I think golf's stupid. You got no interest? No, zero. Dude, golf is... You know, this is another thing my buddy Max at Hellhage and I have in common.
Starting point is 01:50:23 He's been doing a lot of golf. There's something about a sport. That doesn't surprise me. That doesn't surprise me. What's that? That we like to golf? Yeah, that El Hajj is into golf. That doesn't surprise me.
Starting point is 01:50:34 So do you like fighting and jiu-jitsu? Have you ever heard about why people are so into jiu-jitsu? Maybe former CrossFitters, maybe Jason Kalipa. Why does he like jiu-jitsu so much? I don't know, but I was just talking to a guy the other day, executive at a big company. And I wish I could tell you his name and tell you what I'm up to. But I told you, but I just don't know if I should talk about it online yet. And we were talking about what he said.
Starting point is 01:51:01 He just got into jiu-jitsu. And he used to do CrossFit, and now he's into jiu-jitsu i said why do you like it for yeah yeah and he said because it's like chess he said he said with crossfit you just have to keep working out and to get better he said in in it's with uh jujitsu and you kind of feel like you're reaching glass ceilings he says with jujitsu like it's like chess you're just constantly learning new moves he wrapped that up really well um and it's not really let's say let's say you want to get a 500 pound deadlift seven what's your best right now 285 ish you can pull 285 right now i would fucking hurt me but you can do it i don't know let's. Let's say if I gave you $10 million to hit 405, could you do it?
Starting point is 01:51:50 $10 million. You can't talk me down. It's like, here's the offer. It's on the table. And let's say that you were- God, I'm so scared, dude. I'm so scared. Well, first of all, I don't have that money to give you.
Starting point is 01:52:02 So it's theoretical. Right. I felt my back tighten up when you said it. Um, well anyway, let's say you got up to 385 and you're just like right there. You were within that last three to 5%. You just couldn't for the life of you to fucking get there. All of a sudden you introduce in a new lift, the bench press. And it's like, Oh, I did 95 pounds and all i gotta do is 135 oh this is cool and then there's 155 and there's 165 that's kind of what happens when you get into a sport like golf it's like you figure out all these like little things that make you better and there's these leaps and
Starting point is 01:52:34 bounds that just improve you and i hear people do it in jujitsu too and you brought up with chess it's like things that don't really hurt and it's very interesting and there's like little things you keep picking up on and i was wondering if it was like a kalipa thing you've never picked up on either which is that he was so high and level in the world of crossfit that when he found jiu-jitsu it's like wow i'm a belt here now i picked up this belt and this belt now it's just something where you found such a big room for improvement that it's addicting. Yeah. I think he wants to be a black belt so bad. And then there's double and triple black belts, right?
Starting point is 01:53:10 Uh, yeah, you get, there's degrees. Yeah. Go fucking 10, 10th degree. I guess those exist. Hey,
Starting point is 01:53:16 I was, I was in New York. I was in Brooklyn. I just started crossfitting when I did my first deadlift when I was like 34 ever in my life. And I was probably like like i don't know let's say 39 at the time and i was i was uh doing i was probably 152 pounds and i'm at this gym in brooklyn it's like in a building i'm like on the fourth floor and it's fucking gangster it's just fucking thug life in there, dude. It's just, just everyone.
Starting point is 01:53:49 You know the name of it? No. Okay. But it's just a fucking. Would Greg Ottmanson have happened to have been there or no? Who? Greg Ottmanson. No, no.
Starting point is 01:54:00 It wasn't a CrossFit gym. Okay. Gritty fucking just clang and bang gym and um i'm over there and i'm and i'm working up and i'm i've told myself i'm gonna set a pr i think it was i had never done 300 pounds and i put i get 290 on the bar and i do it no problem i get 295 on the bar goes up no problem and i put 300 on the bar and i'm i'm probably like two inches off the ground and i'm like oh this is not coming there's no fucking way this is coming i don't even know maybe an inch off the ground maybe four inches who knows but you know it's up and i'm trying to
Starting point is 01:54:39 like squeeze the bar and this fucking guy walks up in front of me juice to the fucking gills he was like fucking five three 280 pounds four percent body fat that guy okay you know what i mean i love that guy and he walked. I don't even fucking know him. I'm in the middle of a fucking PR deadlift. And he puts his fucking hand under my fucking chin and fucking stands me up. My shit up. It worked. Yeah, I stood up. It worked.
Starting point is 01:55:19 He pushed me. Just put his hand under my chin and just lifted me up. It's all you. It's all you. It's all you. It all you it's all you it's like fucking i fucking seriously i i felt like sexually violated he might as well have stuck something in my ass yeah it worked that was your best deadlift ever at the time you should have thanked him it was so intimate i did thank him it was weird it was you were all pissed off
Starting point is 01:55:41 and violated but you still thanked him yeah Yeah. How does that make you feel? I just felt violated. No, right now, looking back on it, do you think your life changed because of this? No, no, I'm glad he did it. I'm glad he did it. Okay. Okay. There's so many stories like that that I've heard around here, but that one's top notch.
Starting point is 01:56:02 I've never heard of that. He fucking just puts his hand in just this, and I stood up. You're mid-deadlift. Oh, fuck. I'd kill him. With the fucking trying to set a PR, double body weight fucking PR. Are you aware of people who walk in front of people during the Olympic lifts, in particular the snatch?
Starting point is 01:56:21 You'll be snatching, and people are setting their hands and whatnot, and then there's just someone who's like right in front of you and you lock eyes with them as you're about to pull the bar off the floor. That's about as bad as it is. I, you know, what's funny is I always heard that was bad, but,
Starting point is 01:56:34 and I tried to like jump on that bandwagon and may, and like be one of those people that it bothered. But I, I, when I'm, I don't care when I'm lifting, as long as no one says anything funny, if someone says something funny i'm
Starting point is 01:56:46 fucked all my power leaves me when i'm laughing interesting and i thought it would give you more power it's like the sun and superman uh bruh bruh bruh trt made that lift look so easy also hillar looks jack extra jack this was just four or five weeks yeah how many weeks September 5th was the day of my first injection which is actually nuts how dude why how about a playlist on your um are you gonna make the TR I've got a two part two videos into the playlist thus far I I'm going Monday morning, Thursday evening. That's my schedule. Killer fit.
Starting point is 01:57:31 I have to go back there again. You know what? I created the playlist. I don't think I've put the first video into it yet, but thus far I have the playlist created, and the second one is in there for sure. It's just the two of them uh where would i go here to playlists correct yeah to your progress there oh oh yeah that's
Starting point is 01:57:51 nice hey why don't you have a um oh you should put dash california hormones or something that's a good idea hey why don't you have like a video playing here can you do that i think it's this is this is why you're the no you're the director of the largest growing company in the history of the world uh let me see uh everyone's telling you gotta take your shirt off and you know it's funny when i was did you know i did the get with the programming show the other day? Yesterday? Yeah. That kind of affected me a little weird.
Starting point is 01:58:29 How so? Because you, tell me, what do you got? You know, just jealous. Just, what was the ambiguously gay duo? Oh, I felt our relationship threatened. Just normal. It's all good. They're good dudes.
Starting point is 01:58:42 They got shirtless with me. And everyone in the comments section goes, now Seven's got to do it. He won't. He's all good. They're good dudes. They got shirtless with me. And everyone in the comments section goes, now Sevan's got to do it. He won't. He's too scared. Over my dead fucking body. You won't take that thing off? On a million years.
Starting point is 01:58:53 Hey. Would you give me a TRT shot? That's what Chris wants to know. Would you do it? Who, me? Yeah, you. We can put that in the exclusive content. How long until
Starting point is 01:59:05 hillar let's step on oh i would definitely give hillar a shot i would definitely shoot where do you put it my butt yeah i totally do that um right quadrant um normally there's when i'm not live there's just a video right here that plays when people come to my YouTube station. God, Will Branstad is such a stud. That's good, though. I like that picture you're pointing. Yeah, he just changed that.
Starting point is 01:59:32 He's so good. At least I think there's a rule against showing that on YouTube. It's a good way for me to get in trouble. Live injections. Oh, Gary did one on my show. Did you see that? Did he? Yeah,ary did an injection on one of the how's he doing is he doing good yeah he actually sent a text and a photo today uh to me
Starting point is 01:59:53 and his face looks different yeah i can't yeah he's gonna be on in a couple days that's awesome is he uh body comp is he recomping gaining muscle losing body fat i assume i'm going to talk to him in a couple days but his fucking jaw looks square that's cool i hope that happens to me too wad zombie in my most recent video had some comments about i was i i made i called it the arkham something i don't even know i don don't remember. But I called it the Arkham Events. Arkham Events. And in there he had a handful of recommendations. The Batapalooza.
Starting point is 02:00:33 Gotham Games. There were some funny ones in there. I like it. Can you hear that when I do that? Did we ever find out if JR, if that was him talking or if it was Rick Jones? Ooh, ooh, ooh, let me see.
Starting point is 02:00:47 Let me see if he's answered. He has not answered. He must have a 4AM coach or something. Riddler's Regional, the Wayne Invitational. So those are a couple things. We talked about California hormones. You can use the code HILLER or you can use the code Sevan. But also, Andrew has started a subscribe section on his Instagram. Well, someone just asked me, someone just texted me. They said, is Hiller making money? I said, he just started. But yes, he does have some subscribers. So that's cool. He does have some subscribers.
Starting point is 02:01:22 So that's cool. I should say the only stuff that I'll likely put out there is stuff that I filter some stuff out. I want to make stuff very to the point when I put it on the actual page. It's how I also used to brief my classes. Everything's about the affiliate. I learned everything I've ever known through running the CrossFit affiliate. And what I learned is that if you want people to go in a certain direction, you've got to be as to the point as possible. Hey, we're doing friend.
Starting point is 02:01:51 This is exactly what you need to do if you're this person. And if you start to like wandering conversation, no one knows what the fuck's going on. So the back end, it'll probably just be fluff. If you want fluff, that's where you go. Can they watch you play softball back there? I think I'll probably put that on youtube but maybe maybe earlier before i get on youtube i'll put up some softball stuff tommy go to my only fans you can see me with all my clothes off rod i would have to sell it say it's probably not the trt
Starting point is 02:02:22 but i do feel as if the cjc might be having an effect because there's it's less uh when i wake up in the morning it doesn't feel as tight that's probably the best way to put it that's been happening recently within the what does what doesn't feel tight like the bottom of my elbow it's like the tricep tendon area there used to be like this stuckness to it and it doesn't feel as tight. And when I would go to physical therapy, they'd spend a lot of time on my tricep, like working it up and opening it up and also my forearm muscles.
Starting point is 02:02:53 And I've been doing it myself, like sitting here while I do videos, I'll sit here with this gun. And it's been, you know, opening up a little bit on its own. And I don't know why I have no other things that have been changing other than those two things, the TRT and the CJC. Thank you very much. Okay, I have to go pee. I want to go eat.
Starting point is 02:03:16 Tomorrow morning show is at 6 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. It is Brian Friend debating John Young. What are you talking about on there? Three questions. I forget what the three questions questions are john told me today at some point um i caught that barbell on my shin on the way up i had it so close that i'm like are you bleeding a little bit yeah hey where's alexis right now she's sleeping oh shit it's Alexis right now? She's sleeping. Oh, shit. It's all right, though. This garage is detached.
Starting point is 02:03:48 Okay. It should be okay. What's that? Are those crickets? Yeah. Oh. Outside. Yes, Hiller will heal very fast because of his California hormones.
Starting point is 02:04:00 Thank you, everyone, for watching. Sarah Cox, thank you. Andrew Hiller, a pleasure. It was too long. I'm glad I had you on two nights in a row. Three times a week.

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