The Sevan Podcast - #612 - Aljamain Sterling Title Fight w/ Justin Nunley & Darian Weeks

Episode Date: September 29, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:00:41 There are also balance balls, bikes, cables, kettlebells, and T-Rex equipment. But, like, cables, kettlebells, and TRX equipment. But, like, no pressure. Get started for $1 enrollment and then only $15 a month. Hurry this $1 enrollment sale of Planet Fitness ends July 18th. $49 annual fee applies. See Home Club for details. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Oh, my goodness. I can't believe fucking Darian's on time today. I mean right on time. Did you just hear me say, bam, we're live as soon as I hit it. Can't even believe it. Can't even believe it. And I'm not in a car. Fuck. Nuts.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Nuts. Nuts. Let's go. Are you on a computer? Wilson, did you know that birds can see Earth's magnetic field? Now you do. That's what Aljo is going to do to fucking TJ tomorrow. Wilson, did you know that birds can see Earth's magnetic field? Bait him. Bait him with that.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Bait him and then grab by his neck. Look at him. It's Saturday, not tomorrow. Today's Wednesday.nesday oh and it's not even saturday sorry october 20 it's october 22nd either way it's gonna be fucking great i've been watching so much aljo stuff and i'm just pumped on them yeah no i'm not on a computer um baby steps baby steps you're not in the car baby steps that's it you know what i mean baby steps it's um it's weird it's like it's uh oh shit i should have a window open with my email on it aljo only emails well at least that's that's where i'm at i'm only in the email world
Starting point is 00:02:19 it's it's cock week on justin's um yeah i seen that one the one with the fucking uh pvc pipe yeah that one's good too how about how about this one it's just the latest i-40 eastbound that is not discreet delivery and it looks like a hard mess to clean up listen did you know that psycho silence of the lambs and the texasaw Massacre are all based off the same serial killer? Now you do. That's the latest. I-40 eastbound. It's just dildos. That is not discreet delivery.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I've seen the freaking news coverage on that, and they were so confused. You could tell they didn't want to say anything about it. Oh, we don't know what those are. It was just a bus full of dildos. I swear... Relatable.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Listen, did you know that... Yeah, yeah, yeah. We can hear you, Aljamain, but we can't see you. Okay, one second. I mean, it's just straight cock week on Nunley's thing. Look at this. It's great. I thought that was a gag video at first.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Turns out it's a pretty hard job. Listen, did you know that Dick Clark... Hey, do you even know what that is, that that person's getting out of the sand there? No, I don't know what that is. I thought that was a gag video at first. Turns out it's a pretty hard job. Oh, he's on a phone, too.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Listen, did you know that Dick Clark... Are you on a phone, Aljamain? No, no. Oh. This is one of the guys... Do you know what that is sticking out of the sand right there? I thought that was a gag video at first. Turns out it's a pretty hard job.
Starting point is 00:04:01 If Justin comes on, we'll ask him what that is. What the fuck is that? No, we'll ask him what that is. What the fuck is that? No, I have no idea what that is. No idea what that is. How about this? How about this one we were looking at? This is just a semi-full of dildos. That is not discreet delivery, and it looks like a hard mist cleanup.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Listen, did you know that Zyko, Silence of the Lambs, and the Texas... Those are good ones. Aljamain, meet Mr. Darien Weeks. Darien Weeks, meet Aljamain Stern. I don't know if you guys know each other. What's up, man? Nice to meet you, brother. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Hey, the fact that you took your microphone to do the show with Ariel. Oh, at the PI. Yeah, that was tight. Thank you. I wanted it to sound good. You know, sometimes it can sound bad if you just use the laptop mic. Yeah, totally. I respect you.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Darian hasn't figured that out yet. I haven't. Small steps. I'm going to get a mic soon. Somewhere. I was there, man. So I respect you. Darian hasn't figured that out yet. I haven't. I'm small steps. I'm going to get a mic soon. Somewhere. I was, I was there, man. So I feel you, man. I look all kinds of crazy. I just finished training. So my hair is like all kinds of wild right now. You look like Beaker from the Muppets.
Starting point is 00:05:17 I don't know who that is, but I look like something. You're good. You're good. Sheesh. I should not be as show right now goddamn hey congratulations on what just just the last uh two years of just just the bullshit that you went through and um the maturity and different sides of you that you showed us and uh you know in the last like couple days right before you came on i was just kind of cramming all your most recent interviews and there's a whole new i think a whole new sense of calmness and confidence to you that's uh that's like so evident that it's uh that you
Starting point is 00:05:58 kind of put that bullshit to rest uh i i personally i think i'm still the same person i think people are just looking at me differently now because because of that but i've heard that multiple times but i'm just like well i haven't done anything different so i i don't know i mean i guess that's a cool thing to hear i don't know you know it's even in the nuances aljermaine even just like in the cadence that you talk you're just like you just seem like you just got more swagger. But you know what? I'll meet you easily halfway because there was so much shit talking around your first fight with Jan that it was hard not to get swept up in it. I kept my mouth shut. I didn't talk no shit about you, but it was tough. up in it i kept my mouth shut i didn't talk no shit about you but it was tough but but anyone who scratched the surface and did the research you've had a neck problem since your earliest
Starting point is 00:06:48 days of uh high school wrestling no college college college wrestling sorry like serious neck issues yeah but i got through every single training camp but it was not like it was it was easy you know you sometimes you got to miss a couple workouts um you gotta get a cortisone shot you gotta do a couple different things p got to get a cortisone shot. You got to do a couple different things, PT and all types of stuff, just to keep it from hindering you too much in the training camps. So, yeah, it was a long time coming for me to eventually get that done. My goal was hopefully let's win the belt and we can retire,
Starting point is 00:07:24 and then by time then we'll figure it out by then. But it caught up to me before then. So, uh, I had to get it fixed. If I had, if I had to rank, go ahead,
Starting point is 00:07:33 Darren. Sorry. Go ahead. I want to applaud you for the flawless game plan. You came back after the first fight with Jan. That was, it was amazing because I mean, everyone knew you were getting,
Starting point is 00:07:44 you were getting beat by Jan you know that first matchup you know and to come back and I mean dominate like you did and everybody's counting you out you know what I mean they saying the first fight was a fluke and you'd be able to press down under pressure like that that's
Starting point is 00:07:59 most impressed you know most impressed with that you know what I mean thank you I appreciate it, I think people, does that piss you off that he just said that by the way? No, no, no. I didn't think you were losing that first fight. No, I was, I knew I was on my way to losing that fight. Like I knew the first two rounds were close, even though that was still my worst day. So I'm just like, man, honestly,
Starting point is 00:08:22 if I'm doing this decent on my worst day, I would like to fight this guy when I'm a hundred percent and we'll see what's what. So I kind of feel like he kind of got away with one because you could say vice versa. I got away with one because he hit me with the illegal knee and I got another chance, but I think he got away with one because I botched my, my morning rehydration process and gave him an opportunity to look better than what he actually is. I'm not saying the guy's not good, but I just felt like my skill set was honestly, what I did the second fight should have been the first fight and it should have been over in the first round
Starting point is 00:08:54 when I got the first takedown. But it is what it is, man. I feel like it was kind of a little bit of adversity and it gave me a challenge in my life, something to kind of overcome. And I feel like most people would have cracked under the pressure. And I think it just shows the type of mental fortitude that I have going into that cage. You know, I put in a ton of work. And it's unfortunate because you could have the best training camp. And literally the day of the fight, if you're not feeling well, guess what? All those eight, ten weeks, it really doesn't matter. And that's what it happened to be that day when we first fought and i was just happy i had the opportunity to do it over
Starting point is 00:09:29 thankfully because the guy's a bonehead and um it gave me a chance to show the world that i really earned and belonged at the top of the mountain at 135 and i know you call him a bonehead but let's face it you beat one of the best fighters in the world oh yeah trust me trust me i know you call him a bonehead but let's face it you beat one of the best fighters in the world oh yeah no trust me trust me i know how good he is yeah i just still i felt like yeah he's still a dickhead yeah but i feel like if i do what i do in the room man uh you you have to see it to understand what what it is there's so many different guys i've trained with in different rooms and obviously training is training the fights to fight it's always different when the uh the lights are shining bright on you and whether or not you can rise to the occasion but I truly do feel if I even show up half of
Starting point is 00:10:11 what I do in the training room um I literally just had some guy I don't want to get this guy in trouble but he saw me training um when I was at the PI a couple of last week and he goes you only show 40 percent of what you could do it's like when i first because he's he's a russian guy it's like i saw he's like i i saw the first fight i just thought the guy was just better i didn't think your wrestling was that good he's like now i'm seeing you train and i'm like you're actually probably the best guy in this in this division just based on what he was able to see me do i was like yeah man like it is what it is like obviously you don't go crazy in the fight because you don't want to take too many risks but at the same time you gotta you show glimpses of what you're capable of doing and um thankfully i was able to show enough that was
Starting point is 00:10:56 enough for me to get my hand raised um the the pressure you put was there more pressure you put on him in the first fight than the second fight did you slow the second fight down not that it was like tremendously slower but the first fight seemed like mighty mouse pressure yeah so and if i could do that first fight over it would have been it would have been more like the second fight like yeah despite me not feeling good or whatever you know um feeling like i'm about to throw up in the back room whatever first time ever feeling like that not eating the right way. Okay, cool. But if I fought him more calculated, because the mindset was, okay, I feel like shit.
Starting point is 00:11:32 If I could just scum this guy for the first 15 minutes and just gas pedal him, all I have to do is stall my ass off for 10 minutes and I'm a world champion. That's the way I rationalized it in my head. But then in hindsight, I'm like, man, I could have been just touching him up and moving and just conserving my energy for a takedown and just laid on him. And yeah, it might not have been as exciting with all the drama, but I think I could have gotten away with it, even not feeling the way, not feeling as good as I normally feel on fight day.
Starting point is 00:12:02 You know, there's never been a time I moved that slow with my hands all the way down. I shoot a takedown and I can't even keep my feet underneath me. So going into the second fight, I felt like I had to play the matador a little bit more based on however he came out. And it's just having multiple game plans. So I was either going to be offensive again, depending on how he wanted to start but he came out aggressive I was like oh this guy thinks the chicken doesn't want to doesn't want to fight so I was like okay let's play this point fighting game because he was he's going for the kill I'm playing the matador I'm point fighting and waiting for a golden opportunity to take him down um first round counter the strikes I knew I outstruck him the first round
Starting point is 00:12:43 I knew I landed the hardest strike of the first round, which was the step-in elbow to the top of his head that stumbled him backwards. So I don't know, man. When I'm in there, I'm thinking. I'm not just in there fighting on autopilot. Like it's still – your senses are heightened because it's a fist fight, but at the same time, you're kind of troubleshooting what's going on in your beat. You're able to kind um analyze and assess the
Starting point is 00:13:05 situation and make adjustments on the fly um you added running into your training and what's sprints and what was when i saw that i was like wow i can't believe that's new for him yeah you never used to have sprints in your training, huh? Nah. I mean, the most I would do is like these hill sprints, and we'd do that for like five minutes. And it's just like you sprint all the way up. You're coming down is like the way, like your recovery. Then you sprint back up, and you do that for a five-minute round. And we'd do that for three to five rounds.
Starting point is 00:13:40 But then I kind of stopped doing it. I just got on the aerodyne bike because I felt like it was the same thing and not putting all the stress and pressure on my knees. So now hitting the pavement, running a couple of sprints. I pulled my hammy in like a day after, two days after this video. And from there, I was kind of like, I think it was actually this video. Yeah, I pulled my hammy and I was like, you know what? We're going to have to dial it back a little bit. So now I'm just doing long distance. I literally don't run at all. So it was just a good addition, I guess.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And I think it's been paying off dividends. I don't really know. You won't really know until you get into the fight. You caught the guys on the 800, the 600, and the 400s that I watched you run. You were always running in the inside lane so you started further back than them was that set up for the camera or you just faster than all those dudes um oh the one you're talking about yeah i it was just raining that day so there was a lot of puddles so we're trying to space it out and then we did it the first time and we all started
Starting point is 00:14:42 on the one yard line not the one like, like the one, the inside mark. Yeah. Yeah. When you do it, there's a, there's a certain way you're supposed to do it. You can't just start from one spot and then you got to end. There's like a, there's like a actual measurement that goes around. And I was like, oh yeah, I ran track. How could I actually forget?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Oh, you did run track. No wonder. Okay. So you are faster than all those guys. Uh, I mean, I got a little Jamaican bobsledding me, but, uh, I mean,
Starting point is 00:15:10 I don't know if I'm, I don't know. I think that I was just able to keep the pace. These guys aren't in training camp, you know? So I would hope that I'm winning these, these, uh,
Starting point is 00:15:18 these runs. I hope, um, UFC band and weight champion and number seven, uh, best pound for pound. I mean, you can, you can say just fighter on the planet, right? I mean, the, the guy who's the heavyweight champion in the UFC is theoretically just
Starting point is 00:15:36 like the toughest dude alive, right? Like no one can beat him up. I mean, theoretically. Theoretically. Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't mess with Angano. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:44 That's huge. We'll see what happens when John Jones Engano. Yeah, right? That guy's huge. We'll see what happens when Jon Jones gets in there. That's when we'll really know. I know, man. I'm torn between that because I like Francis a lot, but I started MMA because of Jon Jones going to school with him. But I would like to think that I'm a lot closer with Francis than I am with Jon over the years.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Jon is a very interesting cat. Like, I don't know. I like John. Don't get me wrong. I'm a big fan of his. I'll forever be a fan of his. But sometimes he's just, I don't know, he's just John. I just, I'll leave it at that.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Yeah, he's got his own way in the personal, personality-wise. But, I mean, fight IQ-wise, wise i mean they don't match up you know what i'm saying like his is great that's what's that's what's gonna make you so interesting because it's like his fight iq versus the size of ivano but we know the the great equalizer is always that knockout power justin did you just i saw you take your headphones off for a second justin did you hear a semi full of dildos crash in front of your house? Dude, man, that was a lot of dicks. That was a lot of dicks. That was a ton of dicks.
Starting point is 00:16:49 Speaking of, are you married? You talking to me? Yeah. No, I'm not married. Engage. Heidi, he's not married. He's engaged. There's still a chance.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Oh. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, hey there. Oh, shit. She says, is he he married who gives a fuck about fight talk fair enough um um you had a vertebrae you have an artificial vertebrae yeah disc not a disc oh disc okay is it the same thing? No, the vertebrae. The disc goes in between the two vertebrae. Yes, you're right. Provides a cushion.
Starting point is 00:17:30 You're 100% right. And I took anatomy AP1 and 2, and I should know this as well. Hey, so it is just a disc? It's not a vertebrae? It's not the vertebrae. It's the disc in between. That helps it move like the sliding, which would be the cushion. What part of your neck? Is it the yeah c6 c7 me too i've got a steel plate in mine they put a cadaver bone in between my two vertebrae so they put like one of those artificial discs in yours yeah yeah so what do you have a fusion or yeah they they just fused it they asked me this like
Starting point is 00:18:00 it's probably gonna come back out you know with the artificial i was like just make it permanent yeah see i that was one of the options but once you start talking about like depending on how much longer you're gonna do this it's gonna get worse from the upper level and the bottom level i'm like dude i'll just take my chances with the few with the uh so when when yours went out when yours went out did you have like did you have numbness? I still can't feel half my hand. Yeah, I got a bunch of pitches from... Oh, this one's you. That one's you, Nunley?
Starting point is 00:18:36 No. Oh. No. That's just fun. I'll send mine to the group chat, and we can compare. I swear, if it's a dick pic, I'm not. I won't send the dick pic. I'm sending the dick pic now.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Aljamain, when did you have that done? Last year, April. So after the fight? Yeah, so I tried to opt for other remedies, stem cells and all this other stuff. And a bunch of different doctors said it's honestly to the point where even if you do the stem cells is only going to do so much. I'm like, I don't want to waste time and then push back my return even longer. I was already out for a year with my my wrist surgery and I didn't want – I'm young in terms of fight years. So I'm just like I already wasted a whole year on the sidelines.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I fought once after I fought Pedro Munoz. And I was out for a year. Then I fought San Hagen. Then I fought Piotr Jan. I was out again for another year. So I'm just like, you know what, let's not waste any more time. They said I would be back in three months but I was back but I wasn't fully recovered in terms of like the neurological responses with the body so I would train and I would fatigue so quickly and I thought I was
Starting point is 00:19:56 gonna be able to fight in Abu Dhabi last year but it didn't work out I was like dude unless you guys want me to go fight the exact same I'll show up and just collect a paycheck. But unfortunately, they listened to the doctors and they advised them like, listen, this is not safe for me to fight at this point in my recovery. So they gave me more time to recover. And thankfully, they did because it was night and day from October to March in april when we actually fought i like it the way how you always say that guy's name yon's first name p order p order p order p order p order uh peter yon so you fought that dude that dude probably did the most illegal thing you can do in ufc need someone in the head i'm thinking i was thinking would you rather fight someone who's all juiced up and on all the drugs or would you rather get let them knee you in the head and i'm thinking fuck someone who's all juiced up as long as they still have to
Starting point is 00:20:53 make weight it is how can there be any i don't understand how anyone could come down on you there's no i was trying to think what it's equivalent to in cheating and other sports like what is it what like the basketball doesn't have an equivalent to need someone. What people say is I seen people, people get up from knees all the time. It doesn't matter. It's not, I seen refs make bad calls when someone steps out of bounds, it's doesn't make it right. Yeah. My, my whole thing was these guys that they compare me to one,
Starting point is 00:21:24 they either see the knee or to the knee is nowhere near the same impact. And I'm like, I didn't see the shot coming. My head was stuffed. He thought it was legal in his mind. So he didn't throw it soft. He threw it intentionally to, to try to knock me out. I hit, I didn't know what i got hit with i i i was so rocked and so exhausted at the same time i was like dude i don't even know where i'm at right now so the first part of that clip is is which i'll refer to as stuff in the head yeah so i'm fighting his hands and i'm exhausted at this point this is round four i'm like okay i
Starting point is 00:22:03 gotta get up safely as i'm trying to do this i'm waiting for him to this is round four i'm like okay i gotta get up safely as i'm trying to do this i'm waiting for him to back up or try to punch me and if once he throws punches i know i can stand up and he just levels me he just loves me with the shot and hey does that give you ptsd like now when you're in fights are you going to be thinking about that like all the time all the time yeah i. I bet. What's super crazy is in one champion, they allow knees to the head. That's what Demetrius Johnson got finished with. And after he was talking shit about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:32 He said, you can't stall the fight. I'm like, there's a difference between stalling the fight and getting up intelligently. Two completely different things. If I'm stalling the fight, I'm just laying on the knee, not trying to react, and I'm just hanging out there. I'm not doing that. I'm trying to get up. I can't see where I'm going, so fight, I'm just laying on the knee, not trying to react. And I'm just hanging out there. I'm not doing that. I'm trying to get up. I can't see where I'm going. So why would I just stand up?
Starting point is 00:22:48 That's the dumbest thing you could do. Shows no fight IQ. I'm like, yeah, I was exhausted, but I wasn't that stupid. You can accuse him of stalling the fight too. He was obviously waiting for something. Yeah, yeah. A hundred percent. So it was like, well, if you're trying to eat me in the head, I know you're trying to
Starting point is 00:23:02 eat me in the head. I'm not going to get up so you can just blast me. So I'm relaxing. I'm like relaxing like okay catch a couple deep breaths and then as soon as you get up let's try to gas puddle him some more and then mighty mouse gets in that same situation and the difference is he tries to get up right away and gets clapped and put to sleep i'm like that's what i'm talking about that That's – and I like Mighty Mouse. Huge fan of Mighty Mouse. But that's, like, exactly why you don't get up that way. But if I'm in 1FC, I know I got to be a little bit more strategical
Starting point is 00:23:34 in how I get up to my feet. So maybe I roll to my back and pull guard. Or maybe I look for a single leg. But I'm not going to hang out there where I can get kneed in the head because it's fair game. So you adjust and you fight towards the rule set. So for him to say that, I thought that was the dumbest thing. And for anyone to say, you can act. The guy threw a fight ending me intentionally. His nickname is No Mercy. He's trying to take me out. If you try to say,
Starting point is 00:24:00 connect all the dots. I don't care what you want to say. He threw a malicious knee. And at the end of the day, you're mad because I didn't get up and and act tough i'm like well i wasn't even given the opportunity to do that i wanted my five minutes the doctor took that away from me thank god they took it out of my hands because us fighters we don't know any better we just keep going yeah i'm tough i'm cool yeah i fought through that yeah i'm anthony smith no you you're actually not smart at all for doing that. I was telling someone, I was telling someone, if I was in your same predicament, and not saying you did this at all, you know what I mean? The knee, obviously, you're telling us it
Starting point is 00:24:35 really rocked you. But I told myself, you're fighting the champion, and he does an illegal blow like Anthony Smith with Jon Jones, I'm taking that illegal blow and taking the W because you're, no matter what, you're going to refight that champion. That's what they're going to want. And to build a game plan up after somebody you already fought. Okay. Yeah. We can fight a second time. Cause now look, now I know how you fight. Now I know how you feel in there. Now I know the speed that you fight at yeah i'm gonna build that same mentality up i'm gonna come back in and now i'm gonna win the belt like you did the second time and now i am champion you know what i mean so i i don't see anything wrong with it they they do a cheating
Starting point is 00:25:14 illegal move i'm i have an opportunity to not only get the yeah he gone did the rapture happen i'm back i thought the rapture happened but you provide you provide you're providing for your family in this sport you know what i'm saying like winning the belt is not just oh i i can say i'm a champion you are you are getting your career you know put in hindsight it played out perfect you're right darian in hindsight it played out perfect he got he got p order yon back and smoked him and smoked him and the discussion yeah honestly if even if i had lost that fight the rematch i just told myself as long as you have a respectable performance i really don't give a shit and when i was in the back room warming up i told the guys because even my own team was like questioning what questioning the things I was telling them.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I'm like, guys, if there was ever a time I wanted to win, it's right now. And if you think I'm going to lie to you so that I feel comfortable so that you lie to me in training, that doesn't do me no favors. I need to be as brutally honest as I can so that we can make the proper game plan to come up and the proper training situations so that we're well prepared for this rematch. You know, so for me, I was like, as long as I go out there and get get a have a good performance, I'm happy. Win or lose. I always take away winning and losing. I'm like, if I have a good performance, good things happen. If not, the guy was just better that day. And that makes me at least able to sleep at night. So that's that's the mentality going into
Starting point is 00:26:46 that fight and thankfully so is it better with the wind you know so um definitely can't say that sucks that's that's definitely and he's been quiet since that fight you know he hasn't really he hasn't really been saying much you know after all the 13 months of talking and talking shit and making these funny memes i'm like yeah i got a sense of humor i can laugh at myself but that's uh is he gonna have a short career because of all he has to take a lot of abuse to get inside right a little guy like that is he is he have a tough career ahead of him that face gonna get punched a lot uh i mean to be honest he doesn't take a ton of damage um i would say my fight he took a lot in the first round i mean with the two knees the two
Starting point is 00:27:26 flying knees i landed and that's really i mean that was really the other shots i mean those accumulation shots but it's not like heavy punches like when he was fighting jose aldo but overall he doesn't take a ton of damage you know so for him it's good i think this fight with omali is going to be very interesting because om'Malley can crack, he can move, and it's only three rounds. So if Jan decides to start slow or if he gets reckless and comes out super aggressive like he did against me in the first round, it could backfire on him against a guy who's got really good counterstrikes and really good footwork.
Starting point is 00:27:56 So I'm very interested in this one because I think it's a good stylistic matchup for both guys. One not being tested. One, we don't know how tough he really is he fought a one rank guy and got knocked out in the first round and then you got the other guy who might have a tough time with guys that just have good footwork so it's going to be a very interesting fight for sure he's just going to try to close the distance and take him to the ground now oh okay let me get two questions what about taking him to the ground right away? But what about what Chito did to O'Malley?
Starting point is 00:28:25 Can Jan just be like, yeah, just chop him down right away? I think so. I can't see why not. I think he's going to be physically way stronger than Jan. I mean, O'Malley. And I always say if I fought O'Malley, the hard part would be getting inside. But once I get inside, get my hands on on that guy i literally think i get a body lock and i'll fold his spine in half like a freaking lawn chair like i really do think that like once
Starting point is 00:28:50 i put these blades on him he's gonna be like like he's never felt anything like that before so yeah um tall skinny he's got good range but you gotta give up something like you can't have all the gifts in the world the same thing like for me i'm not the biggest puncher but i could kick like a fucking mule and i could wrestle my ass off you know but i don't have every single check mark as perfect you know so you just got to find the chinks in the armor and see where you can capitalize and i think for jan the smart idea would be chop down the legs and attack the body are you enjoying your podcast i do sometimes it's tough though during the fight camp i i won't lie it's uh it can be a little mentally exhausting especially when you're doing two workouts a day that are very very taxing on the body like it feels like work or something
Starting point is 00:29:35 it feels like once again when it starts to feel like work you don't really want to do it i did this the podcast because i enjoyed it know? Yeah. Do you do your shows live? No, I've done live maybe three times. From your own channel? From my own channel, yeah. Yeah. Man, I'm digging them shorts right there, man. I live down here in Florida.
Starting point is 00:29:58 We are like the jort capital of the world. Like, if you don't own several pair oforts you ain't you ain't living life right people make fun of my jorts just like all the sleeveless hoodies he owns dog hey i like to party uh what's the deal with uh uh uh marab marab marab marab yep marab um how is that how is it how does that play out um when you as one and two like i i know you say you you look at the camera if the ufc fights and you're like fuck you we're teammates all y'all eat a dick we're ain't fighting but at some point he's got to be like i mean does he go up does he does do you go up does he go down how do you solve that um i mean at some point he's going to want to make more money right yeah of course and i I mean, does he go up? Does he go up? Does he go down? How do you solve that?
Starting point is 00:30:48 I mean, at some point, he's going to want to make more money, right? Yeah, of course. And I understand that, too. And we've talked about it. And I'm like, dude, I know you want to become a world champion or at least have an opportunity to fight for a belt. That's why we got into this. Make a ton of money. Make history. So, obviously, I got to win this fight.
Starting point is 00:31:04 And then from there, we'll have to figure some things out. Um, and the other part of that is kind of figuring out what the UFC wants to do in terms of the next matchups. So I think pretty much all the band weight matchups are going to play out after our fight between Jan O'Malley, myself, TJ, Aldo retiring, uh, Cheeto, you got Cruz, you got Sanhagen. So it's a killer's row, man. There's a great opportunity for all of us. And with Murab, I think he's got like the second longest win streak right now. My mother-in-law has the same kind of hair.
Starting point is 00:31:40 You're sleeping outside tonight. Yeah, because she's home. I'm in trouble. Yeah, so I don't know i might go up um he might go down we'll we'll have to figure it out it's gonna be a couple of um pieces that we're gonna have to move around but it's real yeah i mean you got two of the best guys in the world in one room you got i know he's probably seeing the money i'm making and i'm sure he wants an opportunity to do the same thing. And there's nothing wrong with that. Obviously, you make more once you're the champ and you're on a pay-per-view card because then you share in the pay-per-view revenue.
Starting point is 00:32:14 But you're not the champ and you only challenge it for the belt. You don't share in that pay-per-view revenue. But you do get a pay bump for a challenger flat rate pay unless you're someone like a McGregor or a Masvidal, maybe a Usman, Izzy. Those guys probably have like special contracts. So a little bit different for those type of guys. Second most wins in Bantamweight history. Me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:41 You know, it's kind of messed up because they took away my win against Burrell because they were nervous he wasn't going to make weight so they made it a catchweight at 140 during the fight week they decided to do that and i'm not complaining but it does kind of suck because i i should have one more win on that notch in the band weight division. Gotcha. Yeah, that does suck. That would be, man. Was it his fault that it went up to 140? Well, he missed weight before. I think he missed weight like two or three times. So they were kind of concerned.
Starting point is 00:33:16 And yeah, that's what they did. They just, they made it a catchweight just to kind of prevent any chance of that happening again. Well, they missed within five pounds and then you guys could have still been. That's what I said. But then he would have had the weight advantage. And honestly, it didn't suck not cutting that last four pounds. But it does suck that they took away that win from the band of weights.
Starting point is 00:33:39 I get it because it's technically deemed a catchweight. It wasn't really a band of weights. Whatever. Aljamain, you're starting a business in the motherland, Jamaica, a rum company. Is that still rolling forward? I'm trying. Right now, since training camp is pretty much underway, it's been a little bit difficult. The hardest part has been locking in a name that doesn't have any chances of being blocked by another company.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And that's been the craziest thing to try to figure out. I'm like, man, this is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be. And I want to get the name first because that's the only thing I could really do right now because I can't go traveling down to Jamaica and go do tastings right now. So I need to get the name locked in. So I'm going to just focus on that and once i get that done then as soon as the fight's over i can make a trip down there and kind of go back and forth maybe stay down there for a couple weeks and hey if you need a uh if you need a travel partner to go with you you know i i have drank some rum in my day i was just gonna offer up darian to watch your back when you're down there and you're fucking, you're offered to be a drinking partner.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Yeah. Daring can come daring, stay sober and, and be the body, be the muscle. Yeah. If you got some top notch, this guy right here can buy me a bottle.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Yeah. It's got some good Jamaican rum down there, man. So I'm hoping to join the family. It'd be nice. You, you are, you've made it clear in the videos that I've watched that you have an
Starting point is 00:35:07 entrepreneurial spirit and it's itching to get out. And it's kind of interesting because it wants to get out and you're interested in doing business and running with the, with the Aljo brand. And yet you, how do you know, how do you manage that from being a distraction from, because you still got to win in order for the bread to add value to the brand? Is it, is it frustrating? Is it, do you like it?
Starting point is 00:35:28 The challenge? I mean, I do like the challenge. I like to think that my, my coaches and my teammates, they kind of joke. They say like, if my life isn't in chaos, I don't like, I'm always in some type of craziness with my life going into a training camp. So they're like, they feel like I just thrive in the chaos of just doing too much. So, yeah, no training camp has ever been like super light, just focused on the fight. I've never had a single training camp that's been like that. So, yeah, I don't mind it.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming. And sometimes I'll just sit in bed and just, like, try to take a break to just mentally breathe because it is mentally exhausting. And then, obviously, fighting is exhausting as well in terms of the spiritual, physical, and the mental aspect. So it can become a lot. But, I mean, this window is so short, you have to do what you can
Starting point is 00:36:22 and just put your big boy pants on and just get shit done. That's really what it comes down to. No one likes excuses, man. Even though there's legitimate excuses out there, but no one likes them. We all got them, but no one likes to hear them. So you just got to do what you got to do. I mean, you can't even use fucking replacing one of the discs in your neck between championship fights as an excuse. It's fucking nuts.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Yeah. Hey, dude, that's the kind of stuff that makes people like retire from their jobs like just some like some fat lady who works at a computer desk her whole life and she's 45 years old she gets a disc replaced and then she's gonna be a fat lady she you know why why because i'm trying to speak to 50 of america you gotta make sure you use the right more than that yeah sorry 80 percent of america hey listen did you know that um obesity is a bigger health um epidemic than uh than hunger now i believe it is that just america no worldwide that's fascinating because i feel like a lot of other countries are a lot healthier looking um overall by the numbers i would think i know america's like got to be number one in terms of
Starting point is 00:37:33 i read that i read that fact the other day and i was like there ain't no way and i went and i went and looked it up and researched a little bit sure shit i we fat i've never seen you know uh al jamaean that justin is the let me tell you guy and he just he just spouts off facts i've never seen you know uh al jermaine that justin is the let me tell you guy and he just he just spouts off facts i've never heard anyone question his facts like that he you fucking just threw him off his game good shit good shit it's 2012 it took yeah yeah it took it took a ufc fire to stand up to justin Nunley. Yeah, this is like 10-year-old news. Like, y'all catch it. Let's act like a tomato and catch up, okay?
Starting point is 00:38:10 No, I believe it, though. I mean, obesity is a big thing, man. You look at the foods that we eat, the processed foods. A lot of shit's fake. A lot of shit's, like, made in these. It's really fascinating what the government allows us to put in our food products for us to consume on a daily basis. Like you even look at kids, kids are overall way more obese for their age compared to what, 10 years ago. So. Yeah. Walking around looking like the two ton teen, man, you can go down to Wendy's, right?
Starting point is 00:38:40 You go down to Wendy's and get 50 spicy nuggets or regular nuggets for $10. There ain't no way that's real chicken. What the hell is that? Yeah, but we eat it. And not only that, kids nowadays for real don't even do sports. Probably just tofu and purse dirt. Aljamain's burnt
Starting point is 00:39:00 more calories in this fucking training camp that kids these days burn by the time they're 18. Yeah. Um, not more than me, man. That man gets my heart rate up.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Florida. Uh, Aljamain, um, Henry Cejudo. Um, do you, do you,
Starting point is 00:39:17 if he comes out of retirement, do you mash him? I think it would be an interesting fight. Um, he's a competitor. I think, um, he might be a lot smaller than me, but I think he's game, gritty enough. I think it would be a very interesting fight. I do think I still beat him.
Starting point is 00:39:33 I think I got more ways to kind of spam him, like a video game with cheesy moves that could just work over and over and over until it puts him down. Are you a better wrestler than him? There's two different kinds of wrestlers. He's more of a freestyle guy. I was a folk style wrestler. He didn't wrestle in college. I did.
Starting point is 00:39:54 He wrestled in the international level coming from high school. So he wrestled a little bit of folk style just in high school, but I think that gap of him going to the Olympics and not really focusing on the elements, I think it'd be competitive. I think it'd be a good match. Are you stronger than him? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I mean, he's a little nugget. He is a little fucking built nugget. What do you think about his return? Is he going to return? I mean, he's been talking about that for quite a while. You think he's actually going to do it or no? I hope so. So even we were talking about the other bandwagon, I wonder who he's going to fight. He's saying that about that for quite a while. You think he's actually going to do it or no? I hope so. So even we were talking about the other band, I wonder who he's going to fight. You know, he's saying that if he's not getting Volkanovski, he's going to wait to just fight for the belt. So, um.
Starting point is 00:40:34 We also heard fucking shit to O'Malley too. I mean, what do you. Yeah. O'Malley got scared a little bit, I thought. Who, O'Malley? Yeah. I thought he got a little shook up. Boy, he wasn't really responding like a fighter
Starting point is 00:40:45 will respond to another I said the same shit I'm like you should at least tell him shut the fuck up but when you're like doing your time or something I'm like you kind of just like kind of let him calm a little bit wait what happened Piotr was uh just schooling O'Malley a little bit no fucking uh so you know oh oh oh yeah he babied his ass and mallory didn't know what to say he's like how much you weigh right now uh what the fuck he's too stoned to respond he was too he was too stoned do you smoke weed um aljameen uh occasionally recreationally like but not like every day no i got glaucoma so you know doctor prescribes me oh you this guy's math he just told you you're all good bro uh aljermaine i could keep you on all day i'm already 15 minutes over what you uh what
Starting point is 00:41:37 what what you promised us i really appreciate you coming i've got one question can i ask him one question for you you can ask him three you can ask him three or until he hangs up on us. Okay. Hey, who is one person throughout history that you would like to fight that wasn't a fighter? That wasn't a fighter? I think a fight with John Wick would be cool. John Wick. That's not his real name.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I call him John Wick. Keanu Reeves. Keanu Reeves. I got that one. I got that one. Oh, my God a i always thought you were a nice man you're a bully you'd beat the fuck out of keanu reeve he prays for real that's why he does that shit all those all right those movies are legit 100 all right all right or tom hardy tom hardy is actually a legitimate grappler, too. What's your favorite movie? I see all those posts. I want to see what Tom Hardy's about.
Starting point is 00:42:30 Let me choke a little. I can stand movie stars who said they're badass. And did you see, what's the dude that made Facebook? Zuckerberg. Oh, Zuck. He's training, too. Get the fuck out of here, dude.
Starting point is 00:42:44 We've been like IG buddies and Commenting back and forth on each other's pages Hey that fucking dork got some Moves though let me tell you I would have put him Like at a negative 30 And like he's definitely up to beyond 0 I couldn't believe how well he moved
Starting point is 00:42:59 Yeah I was actually shocked Letting him fucking hit them That's different Yeah yeah Hey dude remember half of America can't even Yeah, I was actually shocked. Letting him fucking hit them? That's different. Yeah, yeah. Hey, dude, remember half of America can't even fucking go up a flight of stairs without fucking, like, the baseline's low. Well, Aljo, you can go if you got sparring, and let's see how good fucking Zuckerberg is. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:20 Well, yeah, I wouldn't do that to the guy. I wouldn't do that to the guy. Look at him. No, come on, dude. Like, come on. This is. Oh, man, somebody come get the uncle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Somebody. Oh, I know. You guys. I'm going to stand up for Zuck here. I'm going to stand up for him. It's not fair to him. I give him that. He doesn't have to do this, but it's cool to see him, like, getting in and mixing up.
Starting point is 00:43:44 He looks like an OP. Hey, is he he looks like opie hey is he gonna show up is he gonna show up at a ufc event like like like trump didn't shit is he we're gonna see zuck in the front row i'm hearing he might be popping up in one of these shows of um these next few weeks al jamae did you invite zuckerberg have you are you gonna will you dm him right after this and tell him hey i'm inviting you and then if he says yes you just gotta call dane and be like hey look i my mouth cat wrote checks i can't cash hey if you talk to him tell him i want to come out to abu dhabi so we'll see if he makes the trip i love it it's a match it'd be cool to see yeah you can fly in his jet there with him al jamaain, and live the good life.
Starting point is 00:44:27 All right, brother. Thank you so much. All right. Thank you, guys. I appreciate the time. Yeah, we appreciate the time. You too, man. Thank you, brother.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Take it easy. All right, ciao. I'll take it anyway I can get it. Ding dong. That was good. Darian looks like he's sitting at some fucking diner using stealing their wi-fi another good i had another good question for him you got to interrupt me and just stuff it in that that last question wasn't good that was like from a 1970s abc sports special question you could fight if you could fight anyone no because when he said john wick that wasn't going to No, because when he said John Wick,
Starting point is 00:45:05 that wasn't going to be my question. When he said John Wick, I was fixing to try to bait him into answering John Wick for every question. The question, if he would have said John Wick, the next question was going to be which character do you think Keanu Reeves played the best? Right? Just get the trifecta and be like
Starting point is 00:45:21 Deuce's dog. That is good. God, you're clever it is good yeah that would have been four steps ahead of you chess what do you guys do i think he wins by the way before before we switch subjects i think he wins i think he beats tj i mean you guys heard my my opinion on that last time. I think it's the best Aljamain Sterling the world has ever seen. I think the way Peter Piotr Jan couldn't keep Aljo off his back, I think TJ's in trouble.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Who the hell is Magnus? Who's what? Is he a regular? Is he a regular? Is he just an idiot troll? Who is this guy? Why can't he be both why does it have to be he can be uh i'm here for it what magnus what'd he say he called he just talking shit the whole damn he called justin he called justin fat i said i said his mom his mama
Starting point is 00:46:20 still likes it oh i love your mama joke. I was sitting here like I had to fart while my back's hurting because I've been riding his mom piggyback all week. Just now, just mute the mic. Looks like you're holding it. Dude, your mom has wrecked my back. Hey, he's holding one of those butt babies. Have you seen those butt babies
Starting point is 00:46:45 that's fucking hilarious oh my goodness love it on air who um you just straight had cock week on uh on your on your uh instagram it's really good straight fucking dick week for sure yeah it's an amazing dick week. You know what? But if I do that for like a whole week, all the bitches that be complaining all the time that you only interrupt women, they can't say shit. Oh, that's how they describe it?
Starting point is 00:47:18 That you're interrupting women? Yeah, people are fucking stupid, first of all. But if women don't want their videos stitched or remixed they should turn that feature off period that's hey that is some fucking bad shit crazy feminism right there what's that video on the sand justin what's that's the one we can't figure yeah yeah thank you darren good yeah what is that it's a c dick i thought that was a gag video at first turns out but what is it job listen did you know that dick clark created the you know everything after abc also broadcast rights to the great
Starting point is 00:47:56 here listen that that video i packed three dick jokes into one video and it ain't getting the love because i think all of them are going over everybody's head. Okay. Let's listen to, I want to see if I didn't, I can't, I just, I just,
Starting point is 00:48:09 I don't even know what they are. Let's American music awards after ABC lost their broadcast rights to the Grammys in 1979. Now you do. I thought that was a gag video at first. Turns out it's a pretty hard job. Oh, oh, I got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:29 There's one more. ABC lost their broadcast rights to the Grammys in 1979. Now you do. Run it back. There's one more. I thought that was a gag video at first. Turns out it's a pretty hard job. Listen, did you know that dick clark
Starting point is 00:48:45 created the american music awards after abc lost their broadcast wow wow gag i didn't catch yeah wow gag hard job dick clark i didn't think that that was going to be a high iq joke like i threw three punchlines in there i'm like surely people will at least get one of them how about the triple stitch how you go back and show us the full cock at the end that was that was kind of nice you yeah that was nice they move right but i tell you what uh if you go to the one that i posted before that one that so that video it's uh it's straight blowed up on the uh on the clock app. Oh, it's, um, what is that thing? Is that, what is that thing? It's just a PVC pipe and a bucket of water.
Starting point is 00:49:32 And you can just do that to it? You can just. Yeah, why ain't there no audio? Beaver, you're fucking fired. Conducted in 2013 that found that 56% of pilots had fell asleep during the flight and 29% have woken up to find their co-pilot also asleep. Now you do.
Starting point is 00:49:49 That's terrifying. Relatable. Listen, did you know that a study was conducted in 2013 that found that 56% of pilots had fell asleep during the flight and 29%- Wouldn't it be funny if your dick made that sound? Oh, that would be awesome that sound oh that would be awesome oh that would be awesome hey penises make no sound when they ejaculate huh it depends on how close your your ear is to it it would be crazy if they like whistled or squeaked when they ejaculated that would be crazy if they whistled or squeaked when they ejaculated.
Starting point is 00:50:26 That would be awesome. Like, you know, on MySpace, when people went to your page, it would play a certain song. If you could set your body to play a certain song when certain things happen, like, you know, coming. It'd be fun. Everyone would know. Hey, and what is this crazy shit? She fucking grabbed that motherfucker so fast. What is that crazy shit? She fucking grabbed that motherfucker so fast. What is that crazy shit?
Starting point is 00:50:50 I don't know. You know, I like to think that people, I like to think the best in people. And I think that maybe she was catching that dope because it had some, you know, fishing line wrapped around its neck or something. She's a conservationist. Oh, you're a good dude. Yeah, I'm sure she's a conservationist. Oh, you're a good dude. Yeah, I'm sure she's a conservationist. What's the annoying thing that people base their entire
Starting point is 00:51:09 personality about? Travel ball. Said what I said. MLM schemes. I don't want your ketones or your AdvoCare. Thank you. Your profession. We get it, Daryl. You're an electrician. Cryptocurrency. Politics. And CrossFit. Name an annoying thing that people base their...
Starting point is 00:51:25 God, you're having such a good hair day in there, dude. Look at that shit. God, you fucking look good. Hey. That was a good hair day for you. No. Does your face have a good hair day? Do what?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Would you say beaver hair? Yeah, his body does do his mom does my neck all right all right why why we mean why why do you why is your neck and back killing you i don't know i'm fucking old yeah i got still plating my neck oh you know what it just now hit me there's a fucking hurricane coming the barometric pressure's changed so my back's jacked up and my neck. Oh, you know what? It just now hit me. There's a fucking hurricane coming. The barometric pressure's changed, so my back's jacked up and my neck's tight. It just now hit me
Starting point is 00:52:11 when you asked me why. And you're not joking. You're telling the truth. Oh, yeah, there is. Are you close to that? Huh? Are you close to that? Oh, well, I mean, it's probably like, what, 200 miles away from me right now like as a crow flies i don't know what that statement meant as a crow flies with yeah it
Starting point is 00:52:32 just flies in a straight line like i don't have to drive road like if i drove road oh shit you know darren you've never heard that term never in my fucking life ever well how do you if you want to say say something that's like a distance a straight line life well how do you if you want to say say something that's like a distance a straight line how what metaphor do you use you got to have some metaphor for that something i mean a to b yeah like a to b in a straight line darian did you watch my my country sayings video no i did not i want to know if you've heard any of these let's yeah let's let's go to that yeah he does have a hurricane coming i heard about that too how fast does a hurricane come 200 miles away i mean it's not gonna hit us it's going up the it's gonna go cut florida in half and then going
Starting point is 00:53:18 up the east coast oh it is gonna cut florida in half yeah i mean i'm such a jackass i'm like doesn't this thing just bounce off the land and roll up the coast no oh shit i was playing the video fucking caleb kicked me off sorry that's a better map uh oh so that's the path it's gonna take that's like a dick don't it yeah like if you turn looks like a dick hey don't it? Yeah. It looks like a dick. Hey, so do those people up in Savannah get, like, when's that thing reach maximum, like, fucking... It's gonna
Starting point is 00:53:52 dissipate a little bit when it gets into the mainland of Florida, and then it's not gonna pick any steam back up when it hits that cold water over there on the Atlantic. That's awesome. That's awesome. That's awesome. God, I love a hurricane.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Okay, we were about to shift subjects from hurricane. Yeah, I'm wondering if Darian has ever heard any of this. I know all of us white people in here have heard these. Darian. Got my attention. No one's ever called me white. I'm usually an arab i appreciate it thank you it's do you know there's a city in alabama called arab alabama it's not yeah it's not racist
Starting point is 00:54:33 no that's the name of the city oh oh all right my bad okay let's hear you let's hear let's hear your songs what songs what songs hasn't Darian heard? I want to hear this. It's not songs, it's sayings. Okay. Do you have a list of them? No, it's on my Instagram. What are y'all doing?
Starting point is 00:54:53 Oh. What the fuck? Yeah, do you know them by heart? Let's just hear them up. Where are they? Oh, I got to go to your Instagram, Justin Nunley. I mean, I could could but i mean he's holding in a fart any any sudden movements and that shit will escape the okay are you doing it or am i doing it i got it y'all need to get your shit together what's your body count?
Starting point is 00:55:25 Right there, right there. Now go up. Oh, oh, okay. The second video they got right there. Yeah. That guy got to be on twice. What's the country thing you've ever heard? All right, you didn't think the last one was country enough?
Starting point is 00:55:40 Buckle up. He's about as useless as tits on a bull. Her pants are so tight you can see her religion. That man's so lost he couldn't find his ass with both hands in his back pocket. What's the country you're thinking about? I've never heard any of those. Are you serious? He's about as useless as tits on a bull. The last one's my personal favorite. Maybe the tornado in the trailer park I've heard,
Starting point is 00:56:12 but the two pussies on a flat rock. Man, it's raining harder than a two-pussy cow pissing on a flat rock. You ever seen a cow piss, a heifer piss? No, I haven't. It's like nature's waterfall man it just falls out right like all those big animals horses too dude it's like it's like the biggest it's it's like niagara falls falling out of that old heifer's cunt i was riding an elephant one time and it took
Starting point is 00:56:38 a piss and it was fuck it's it's more it's more than like a garden hose have you ever seen the video of the dude that's taking a shower underneath the elephant while it's pissing on him? Is it a donkey or an elephant? I don't know, but I've seen some of that. Oh, my God. That's pretty fucked up. Yeah, well, it's sterile. I mean, it kind of makes sense.
Starting point is 00:56:58 It's like, I've got a question. Have you ever thought about this? It is not sterile. It is. Urine is sterile. Have you ever thought about this it is you i am a goddamn listen i am a medical professional yes sir um amateur gynecologist no have you ever thought that like if you're in a sterile and you pee on your hand doesn't your hand get dirtier if you wash it no hey maybe instead of listening you
Starting point is 00:57:28 should be like i have a question there should be a whole nother instagram account other side of it yeah yeah like shit you don't know now fucking good that's a fucking good one okay look at look at how fucking funny justin is here this is fucking crazy hold on eating right now probably shouldn't go in your face hole which hole should it go in yeah i'm swinging in the back which hole should it go hey how many takes did that take you eating right now it that was like a two taker man which hole should, do you ever just start laughing? Like, you're just out there being like, oh, I can't even believe I'm doing this.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Which hole should it go in? Especially if my neighbors are outside, because I don't have any shame. I'll just say whatever I was going to say anyways. They don't have the context. They have zero context about what I'm doing. Probably shouldn't go in your face hole. Why? What are they, 90? They've been living under a rock? I don't know. Whatever you're eating right doing. Probably shouldn't go in your face hole. Why? What are they 90? They've been living under a rock.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I don't know. Whatever you're eating right now. Your neighbors shouldn't go in your face hole. Which hole should you say? Do your neighbors know who you are? Like from the, uh, from the Instagram or from your, I think there's a couple.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Yeah. But like the woman that lives straight in the back, she's like, she's like 90 years old, man. Um, the first time I met her, we had just moved in and I was cutting some, uh, limbs off the bottom of the palm tree. Cause you know, the palms die at the bottom. So you got to go up there with a pole saw and cut them.
Starting point is 00:58:56 And, uh, this was before I had money just to pay somebody to do it. So I couldn't get to two limbs on the backside of the tree. So I needed to go around to the back and get in her backyard. And I asked her, I knocked on the door and she's sweet little old lady. And she said, uh, she said, yeah, what can I help you with? And I said, Hey, I said, I'm cutting limbs on my tree. I said, can I use your backyard so I can get some of the limbs? I can't. She said, she sat there and she thought a minute and she said, yeah, I reckon.
Starting point is 00:59:21 She said, but listen, I just want you to know you be careful and keep your ass on top of that ladder. Because if you fall off, I'm dragging your ass back across that property line. You say you're not suing me. Exactly. She had a plan, dude. That's a woman that's seen some shit. Hey, has anyone ever called this number in, Savant? No, no, it's not even a real number.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Guy looks like Ben Henderson. That's Darian, right? No, maybe it's fucking Justin. Who knows? No, isn't, what's the fighter's name in Bellator? I know, yeah, that is. He is talking. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Let's see. All right, I seem to think he's a good-looking guy, so I'll take that. Yeah. Ben Henderson. Fuck. What happened last night in fighting? Josh Bridges texted me. He's like, holy shit, did you see that fight?
Starting point is 01:00:19 And I didn't see the fight, but I saw that the kids say he's ready for a Kamzat. He's ready for what? The wrestler oh he's ready for what the wrestler yeah dana white's contender series um he ended the guy in like 60 seconds i think he i don't know if he ground and pounded or submission i didn't i usually finish in less than 60 seconds too yeah see i mean i'm fashion that but um what's his name n? I don't know his name, but... Nicola? Dana White's Contender Series. But I think Dana White already stated
Starting point is 01:00:50 that he's not going to give him somebody fucking... Bo Nickel? Oh, Bo Nickel. Bo Nickel. Yeah, Bo Nickel. Yeah. What did he defeat him by? That's a white name.
Starting point is 01:01:00 Triangle Choke, yeah. That's the whitest name ever. My cousin, Bo Nickel. Oh, Bo Nickel. He'll be here in 30 minutes if he flies like the crow. Me and my cousin, Bo Nickel, we went down to the creek fishing. Yeah, that's a real – I only know two people I've ever met named Bo. And that guy is one of them.
Starting point is 01:01:27 I haven't met him, but we just brought his name up. Oh, shit. This guy's been around. Like, what do you mean? Like, he's got 223,000 followers. Like, he's done something with his life. Like, somehow. I think he used to do wrestling.
Starting point is 01:01:43 I'm not sure if it was olympics or if it was just he was a super collegiate wrestler but he's no like a wrestler in state maybe yeah he was known for being a top fucking wrestler for sure hey did you know that there's a statue of tesla in silicon valley that emits free wi-fi now you do wow he ain't got a lot going on down you know i'll leave that look i'm i'm not gonna i muted you again caleb sorry because you're hum you got you're humming you're just humming i just keep me in your ass okay i'm following this dude bo nickel and i'm inviting him on the show okay yeah i'm talking shit about him. Yeah. You should start talking shit.
Starting point is 01:02:26 That way he comes on and he knows something to say. And he just fucking... He don't want the smoke when it comes to a war of words. If we roast in each other, he done. Bet. I need to see that. Yeah. Keep flaming him.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Let's go. Speaking of flaming, you see that hair? You think the carpet matches the curtains on that one? Probably. Justin, I'd like to ask you a personal question. Okay. Why were you late for the show today? You really want to know?
Starting point is 01:02:54 Yeah, please. Well, hey, I would have been here in time. I was eating sloppy joes. You were eating. And then you came in here magnus called you fat boy well yeah i mean it is what it is you know i've been called worse by better i can't even fucking believe it sloppy you were eating did you think that maybe about just bringing your food into the office do you have like a no food rule eating rule in the office or that's not very
Starting point is 01:03:22 professional but neither is being late so i don't really know i just picked the lesser of two evils i said well i won't distract everybody by sitting here eating sloppy joes in front of two world-class athletes magnus probably would have flamed him up even more if he was eating the sloppy joes on the camera magnus magnus knows all about flaming magnus either either he's scared or he left. He gone. Off like a prom dress. He gone. He's probably driving his car now to his gas station job and listening to us, but he can't type.
Starting point is 01:04:00 I would have. Someone would have loved watching you eat. Thank you, Miss Redow. That's true you don't watch me i look like a damn starving hyena i went through i went through military basic training man i i ate two full manwiches in like i don't know probably 45 seconds flat so how many manwiches did you eat to be late for the show what two hey caleb i had to heat them up man like the microwave takes a minute How many sandwiches did you eat to be late for the show? Two. Hey, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:04:25 I had to heat them up, man. Like, the microwave takes a minute. Caleb disappeared for a couple days. He did? Yeah, normally he's on the show with me every morning at 7 a.m., and he was gone for a couple days. Black Hawk down? That, I mean, he can't say, but that's what I immediately text him that.
Starting point is 01:04:42 I'm like, uh-oh. Workplace injury? Workplace injury? Behind him that i'm like uh-oh workplace injury workplace injury behind him he's like are you dead like get your finger stuck in somebody something yeah he's still got them all um guys are are you guys around um 7 a.m pacific standard time on friday that's two days from now yeah let's go two days whoa wait there's a card all right kenzie dern yeah i'm jumping on it is she the fucking headliners yeah and she's she is i think she's the most beautiful uh one of the most beautiful female fighters of all time have you seen her in person no dude she like stunning yeah and also like she was way tinier than i thought she was
Starting point is 01:05:28 which made it even more hot i was like oh my gosh that's fucking crazy she's probably like literally only like 4 11 wow yeah i was like what you are so tiny you know what i mean she actually fucking talked her dead a million times you know what i mean she actually fucking top her dead a million times i'm a compliment when you're talking about a woman but it's not when you're talking about a man i i want to see this guy i'd like to talk about this fight too uh sadiq yusef that should be an interesting one yeah and then over here on the prelims woo Olenek 60 and 16
Starting point is 01:06:11 that's a savage ass record to have like holy shit I think this guy over here trains with Kamzat by the way this guy Latifi oh yeah I think that's how you say it hey hey hey say it again Latifi Latifi? I think that's how you say it. Hey, hey, hey. Say it again.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Latifi. I like it. It sounds elegant coming out of Savant's mouth. Latifi. Alright, I gotta pee. I gotta go to the skate park, shit like that. What, are you skating?
Starting point is 01:06:42 No. These kids are fucking pro- pro pianist pro fighters and pro skateboarders they function and don't forget tennis oh yeah pro tennis they look like they'll grow up to play tennis with the point here's the prop here's the problem during the average the out of the top 500 best tennis players in the world, the average height for a man is 6'2". Oh, they're fucked. Fucked. My kids will be like 5'6".
Starting point is 01:07:12 The shortest good guy is there's a guy who's like number 7. He's an Argentinian Jew. He's like 5'7". And my kids are Jews, so they got that going for them. But he's like 5'7". Oh, there you go. Hey, they could slide in there, at least one of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:30 They could be like, if you get the two youngest ones, they could be like the male version of Venus and Serena. That's what I was hoping for. Nunley heard you say slide in there, and I just saw his fucking super processor turn on, like some smoke come out, like, oh like don't let this one go to waste I let it go like there was like three
Starting point is 01:07:49 opportunities for punchlines in that like 10 second exchange and I just let it all go I was like I'm not getting cancelled today okay guys we will see you in 48 hours or something like that love you guys hold on hold on hold on I got one more thing.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Darian, when the fuck did you get a computer, dog? Hey, I don't know. I want to show you guys. You want to see what I fucking did? That's my fucking computer. Oh my God. It's not a computer. Wait, what am I looking at? What is it? A pair of sunglasses?
Starting point is 01:08:22 It's a fucking pair. It's a pair of glasses case in a coffee cup. Oh, holding your phone up. Holding the phone up. Bow. Laptop, bitches. Hey, Darian, do I have your address? I hope, but I'll text it to you.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Okay, I'm sending you something. All right. Hey, and I got to send all three of you something. How am I going to send it to Caleb, though? Because I don't know where he's at. Fuck, Caleb. all right hey and i gotta send all three of you some how am i gonna send it to caleb though because i don't know where he's at fuck caleb i can get him out i'll send it to your home your actual home and then it'll only cost 78 to send it to where he's at on the moon but yeah i'll wait for elon to get his rocket together again
Starting point is 01:09:04 there you go we'll switch uh switch the addresses that way i can send you guys elon don't have any problem getting his rocket anywhere you see how many kids he's got jesus yeah that's for sure so many white right yeah his rocket has punctured all the atmospheres one of them's a gay transvestite so his rocket baby huh is that true that's a positive yeahvestite, so his rocket baby fucked up. Huh? Is that true? That's a positive, yeah. One of his kids talked to him because they're a transvestite and gay, and he said he does not... I don't think you can call them transvestites
Starting point is 01:09:32 anymore. What do you call them? Trannies? Yeah, no. No, hell no. That's what goes under a car. That's what makes your car wheels go. That's transmission. I don't do... Transgender, I think. No, no. no you don't ever hear anybody say transvestite anymore so is that is that out no it's fine i like tranny because it sounds cool
Starting point is 01:09:51 if i was a tranny i'd want to be called a tranny listen i have a question for you how could you be a gay tranny so that means if i turned into a woman you like women that just means I'm fucking... Wow. Yeah. Wow. What a fucked up situation. As opposed to if I turned into a woman and I was banging Nunley. Then I'm a straight tranny. I'd hit it.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Oh, shit. That was fucking great. The height you are, you'd probably make a... No one would probably know you weren't a woman. We'd make a great couple. I got an Adam's apple. You get that thing shaved down, I'd hit it. You shave that beard off, they'd know by that chin for sure. Nunley's just trying to keep me on because I have to take a piss.
Starting point is 01:10:39 I don't fucking eat it when I do that. 100% what I'm doing. I try to do it every time. How long can we stall? Bye, everybody. Hey, hold up. I got one.

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