The Sevan Podcast - #617 - CrossFit Mecklenburg, CrossFit Affiliate Series Ep. 9

Episode Date: October 2, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 that's that's exactly what i tell my wife what's that he just popped on baby let's do this he just popped on he's really okay with that he's oh man she thinks she won the lotto nice she's luckiest woman alive 10 years yeah dude warrior status i was pretty pumped when i saw that yeah 10 years um this is totally off subject but but but i i fell into a kind of a rabbit hole yesterday i i keep seeing i see a lot of like uh um people doing weird stuff to try to avoid germs like just all over my town you know like they walk up to a door and they use their shirt to open like you know it's like a 17 year old healthy young boy but he uses his shirt to open the door to starbucks and like just all these and i see it as like uh i i see this mental health issue i would be as arrogant to say as i know it's a
Starting point is 00:01:02 mental health issue and by that i mean the effort that people make to avoid the germs is shows a lack of risk assessment and is reducing the quality of their life and probably the duration of their life because of these presuppositions they have about germs and viruses and all that shit. But anyway, when you work in a gym, do you see that shit, crazy shit everywhere? Like people like. Germaphobes. Yeah. Or they just can't even be in there. I just, well, the germaphobes, I do see cleaning their hands or like spraying down bars excessively. I suggest people do it, but like you, man, I don't. I think the more things you're exposed to, the better your immune system is probably going to be.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Do you use ass gaskets personally? No, I don't. Yeah, me neither. things you're exposed to the better and your immune system is probably going to be so do you use ass gaskets personally no i don't yeah i mean neither i do a wipe though i do a white so you yeah you know what now that you mention it as a young man i think i did use young ass gaskets and somewhere probably in my 30s i stopped but i do wipe the seat off i do take a big old handful of toilet paper that probably is like three giant Redwoods worth of toilet paper, and I wipe the seat. I like a home court advantage if I'm going number two. That's true. But if I'm out in the public, I'm going to give it a once over regardless.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And I also wipe the area below. You know the part that's closest to you at the tip? I wipe that kind of just in case I'm sitting down and I want my pants or my shorts maybe touching like some residual piss like on the lower side of the. Yeah, plus the front of the bowl, man. Someone with a giant dong probably is rubbing against it. I'm not down with rubbing my dong on someone else's dong. The humble man knows that there may be a giant dong in the area. Hey, when you had, you have two daughters?
Starting point is 00:02:52 Yes. And were you pretty fastidious about that too? Like when you would take them into the bathroom, like they got to take a deuce, you'd wipe the whole seat down, wipe down the sides, make sure that like their pants or their dress or whatever wouldn't touch that. I mean, yes and no. When they were, not like excessively though, like their pants or their dress or whatever, wouldn't touch that? I mean, yes and no. When they were – not like excessively, though.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Just if there was something on the seat, I would give it again at once over. But I didn't spend like 15 minutes doing any extra cleanup. It was like you got to go in and go get out. I don't – I didn't do it excessively. Yeah, I didn't carry any spray or anything, but I would wipe it down. Even if I thought it was clean, I just figured. Yeah. I would do for them what I would do for myself.
Starting point is 00:03:35 100%. Yeah. Hi, Caleb. Good morning. Good morning. Caleb, meet Brendan. Nice to meet you, Brendan. Good morning. Brendan owns crossfit mecklenburg oh awesome for 10 years 10 years we had a couple different affiliate names that we had to change
Starting point is 00:03:57 but as my uh you know crossfit mecklenburg has been seven, almost seven years in September. So, but then three years, I ran a couple other programs and they let me continue carrying my affiliate from where I was at before. Oh, this is going to be a good story. I could tell already. Was there any debauchery that caused the shakeups? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:22 We had some difference of opinions that each of the places that i was at the first was the harris ymca oh so i started in the globo gym atmosphere and they when i they they offered me five dollars per person when i started and so it was up to me to make count. If I had one person, I got $5. I don't think they thought I would be successful. In the first six months, we had 90 members. I was getting $5 each time they came. It got to a point where they saw how much they were paying me. They said, hold on now.
Starting point is 00:05:00 We got to pay you insurance if we're paying you this much. You're doing this many hours. I said, that's perfect because I need insurance. And they weren't willing to do that. They weren't willing to create another avenue. I was underneath the umbrella of fitness, but we were really running ourselves. I was running it myself. Were you in a racquetball court? Was it that kind of at the YMCA?
Starting point is 00:05:23 We would go really anywhere they would let me train. I was in the basketball court. I would take the stair steppers and do some GHDs outside by the disability and fire exit. I would literally just go wherever there was a little bit of space for the amount of people we had. So it was very austere in the type of training we were doing. So if you had 90 clients and you got paid $5 every time they came in and every client came in twice a week, that would be eight times 90 is seven 20 times $5.
Starting point is 00:06:00 That's like four grand a month at a YMCA. They didn't like it. They, they are, you know like the the mythos or the like the methodology for their stuff is that their family run and all about family well i needed insurance and when it came to it they didn't want to be family oriented i was like well i don't have insurance so why why would you not put me on insurance? And they, they would, they had to create,
Starting point is 00:06:27 it was just a big onion. I figured out with that, um, that YMCA is just such an onion effect that I got like outed because I was, I was too successful. They didn't want to see people. I don't know if they didn't want to see people getting healthy, but I know the other trainers didn't want to see that, but there was, what's that? No, no, sorry. Go ahead. Sorry. They didn't pay you what they just refused to pay me insurance,
Starting point is 00:06:57 even though I was doing, you know, as most people do in the beginning, as you're starting, I was doing 60, 70 hours hours maybe not specifically training hours but recruitment i would walk through the gym and see someone doing a horrible push-up or something and i would give them a little bit of you know not well critique but not like aggressively critiquing like giving them like an example of what might be a better way to do things yeah that's how i made all my clients was just, um, kind of helping a little bit, giving them a little bit of, Hey, I could help you get a lot more healthy if you did something this way. Um, it's crazy. You're already onto it. It's like the thing, um, every affiliate owner
Starting point is 00:07:38 I've had on here keeps reminding me of, Hey man, we're in the relationship business. Yo, 100%. I, I've been in sales, I was in sales pretty much most of my adult career. First was like, I worked at a truck leasing place and it was management training so you kind of go through all the, you have to get in front of people, get them to like you,
Starting point is 00:07:57 rent the trucks. You're on your phone, right? No, I'm on an iPad. My girlfriend has an iPad. I'm trying to figure out. He has a girlfriend. all right are you're on your phone right no i'm on an ipad i have my girlfriend oh ipad i'm trying to figure out how about okay he has a girlfriend okay so he's straight all right so that means half the audience can just turn off now so i forgot where i was at there but um clients and relationships that we're in the relations you're in the relationship
Starting point is 00:08:25 business whoo i just showed i was listening yeah there you go yeah yeah for sure that and yeah that basically is the same thing like when i was at the y the girl that helped me get started was melissa murphy and her dad owned carolina crossfit down in south carolina and columbia soda city um after a little while she started describing our space as um like a treehouse effect when people came in there they felt like back when they were kids like you know you could cut up and work out hard but still not make it so stressful that it was you didn't want to go that's the what's the thing that you want to have with you know building a relationship but then also keeping the clients on is that they want to they want to be happy about coming to the tree house you know you you've had people get married out of your gym many many
Starting point is 00:09:17 people many kids as well um in the right order for most of the times. Hey, when I was in growing up through, I remember in elementary school, like I really just wanted to go to school to see like my best friend, Jeff Holman, like all through, like, oh, that's, I just loved going to, and if he was like sick, I was bummed. And when I was in college, I, by then I'd cracked the code and I knew what I was interested in. So I would go to, I would go, I would, I would I, by then I'd cracked the code and I knew what I was interested in. So I would go to,
Starting point is 00:09:45 um, I would go, I would, I would go to class and I would always try to find a pretty girl there to kind of keep me like motivated to go to the 8am class. Even if like, I wasn't going to hit on or anything, I'd just be like, okay, it was like a treat. Okay. There's that pretty girl with the crazy red hair or whatever, you know? Yep. And, uh, then when I went to CrossFit, it was became like my friends. Like there was a guy there named Leif Edmondson or Dave Castro or Greg Glassman. Like I got up every morning knowing, okay, at least even if I didn't want to like deal with anything, oh, I get to talk to Greg today. I get to go like to lunch with Leif. I get to work out with, you know, Matt Bischel or whoever the guys were there. They were like my friends. I get to do shit with them.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Matt Bischel or whoever the guys were there. They were like my friends. I get to do shit with them. So 10 years of training and I wake up at 4.43 every morning. I coach most of the morning class. That is one of the harder ones to get coaches. What time is morning mean? A.M. 4.43 A.M.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Oh, shit. Okay. So that's not unheard of with what we do. You know that you get up at 4.43 a.m.? I get up at – well, so I listen to Goggins and Jocko and all those motivators. And I used to get up at 4.44, and then they said if I wake up a little bit early every day, that's my time. And so I now set my clock for 4.43, so one minute per – if I coach 300 classes a year, calculate it out, I get one extra minute times that for me. I love the math.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I fucking love simple math like that. Hey, and so do you know at what time is your first class that you teach? 5.15. So do you know, like I get up every morning at 6 a.m. to do the 7 a.m. podcast. And I have every every i've done it now five or six hundred times every minute is spoke like it's i'm in groundhog day well that amazing i just fucking love it and i laugh at myself as i go through this first hour like before i sit down and hi brendan it's crazy so is it like that for you from 4.43 to what is it, 5.30? It's like the Dunkin' Donuts commercial, time to make the donuts.
Starting point is 00:11:48 But I enjoy going to make the donuts. So yeah, it's the same thing. Yeah, I have it all. Pretty much I have a snooze button. I know by the time I get downstairs, have my coffee ready, the second snooze hits, I know I got to be out the door in the car. I leave it silent in the car because I have music and stimulation like pretty much all day um and yeah that's my quiet time and yeah i have it pretty much set to a routine do you use bar soap no ladies and gentlemen this is why you listen to this podcast if if i use bar soap oh um no i use a loofah you talk about in the shower
Starting point is 00:12:30 yeah oh yeah yeah i saw your loofah but you don't have a you don't have like a bar of soap like you soap your like your your armpits with and your cock and balls and your ass and your like you don't have a bar of soap for that well if there is a bar of soap and not a loofah then i would use a bar of soap straight to the skin, straight to the body. Everywhere. Cockatiel's included. And your loofah's always in there? Yeah, I... Yeah, pretty much there's a loofah in there.
Starting point is 00:12:53 So I use gel because it just is easier to get on there. But if there was a bar, I would put it on the loofah and then use that to clean myself. I think you have to log out and log back in. I've seen this problem before. We're getting a crazy audio issue, a popping.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I'm sorry. Sorry to do that to you. That's okay. Am I right, Caleb? They log in? Okay, that's what I thought. I'd seen that before. So you're saying, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:13:21 If I get in the shower and the bar of soap is gone, I'd say 90 – oh, here he is. He's back. We good? Yeah. If I get in the shower and the bar of soap isn't there for some reason, like it's been whittled down to nothing, you know what I mean? Like when it's so small, like it gets clumped up in your pubes. 90% of the time, I don't go get a new bar. Like even though it's only like six feet away, I don't want to like get out of the shower. It could slip.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Yeah, that's dangerous. Safety first. I'm just like I'm going to get everything wet. Then I'm going to have to clean that up. And I always wonder what other people do. Like if you get in the shower and your bar soap is not there for some reason, it's run out, you didn't replace it. And sometimes I'll get in the shower like five times before like – and I keep forgetting to put a new bar of soap in there. So then you just go with water and nothing else?
Starting point is 00:14:19 Oh, yeah. Don't tell anyone this. I use my wife's shampoo. It's still something to wash up. But I did have a funny thing in the shower this morning. I went number two, and I usually have a strict policy on two first, then shower. Yes, yes. You know, obviously, you know, and then had to double back, and it was kind of dangerous.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yeah, like I said, slippery on the floor and had to get back to to the commode pretty quickly i'm glad you didn't waffle stomp it someone introduced me to that i don't know what that is that's when you take someone on this show introduce me that that's when you take a shit in the shower and you stomp it down the drain what's wrong with these people wait but that's intentional or was it an accident? I don't know. Ask Kayla. A waffle stomp. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Defecating the shower. I hope it's not. I hope it's not intentional. I hope not either. I'd like to know their policy before I take a shower at anyone's house, though. Travis at Vindicate doesn't like that. Yeah, it's one of the stories. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:15:26 It's hard to process. Yes, I agree. Get with the program. I agree. Waffle Stomp is aggressive. Would you consider that a... That's a mental illness. I'll throw that in the mental illness category.
Starting point is 00:15:37 What if you sharted? I guess you don't have to stomp. It's just rolling. But if you try to let one ride... Oh, I think you're using the word shart wrong., try to let one ride. Oh, my. I don't. I think you're using the word sharp wrong. My son tries to use it like that, too. I think you're suggesting that if you if you think you're going to fart and a little bit of something comes out that it's always a sharp.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Is that not what I told him? Your pants have to be on. It actually has. I told him the official. I'm a stickler on words oh okay when one attempts to fart but shit simultaneously okay well i guess i'm wrong you give me my son or my seven-year-old son right so you don't have to have clothes on i told him he's like i sharted i'm like where is he just now in the toilet i'm like that it has to hit has to get stuck on some clothing to be a shark anal sphincter yes. Yes, okay, there we go. That's technical. He had to double back.
Starting point is 00:16:35 So why did you open the CrossFit gym at the Y? How did that start? Well, so I worked for a lumberyard. Well, I was a sales rep for all of Carolinas and Virginia. Tree killer? Let me put that on your resume. Hold on. Tree killer.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Okay. You know, I did have to battle a lot of architects and the fancy smart thinkers about that type of situation. But I went to a cedar school. I went to British Columbia, and they educated us on that and they say well if you properly forest i don't need to explain that you know no but you're right it's it's one of the biggest misconceptions it's at it's completely unbelievable how well forests are actually maintained when they're maintained properly and that we're actually are planting more trees than we're cutting down and it is a reusable energy source and people are fucking it's crazy i used to be one of those people i
Starting point is 00:17:29 apologize to all humanity for that well you've been educated on it and that's that's the deal but everyone wants to use whatever these new composite products and and they produce more carbon dioxide than anything so anyway and bad for your kids fuck using that kind of shit around your kids and it's not breathable your house should breathe and wood is better. But anyway, that's what she said. But she so I did sales and the economy went bad and I had got my level one working at a bike shop and just I love CrossFit. I would mountain bike at lunch, but I would do CrossFit before work. I would do CrossFit before work. And once the economy went bad, the company that wanted to hire me was out of, uh, I live in Charlotte and Statesville is about an hour drive. And the, um, the people that wanted to hire me wanted me to be on the road five days a week. And my daughters were young. Like I think she, my daughter's running her mile right now, but, um, he, I think she was 18 months. My, my ex-wife was pregnant with our other daughter.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And I was like, I can't be on the road five days a week. I'm already, you know, my track record. And I've been successful. I'll make more money than you think I will. And they were like, yeah, then we'll hire you. But we need you on the road five days a week. And I stood up and was like, all right, well, I'm good. Then I'm going to go. I'll figure out something else to do. And the guy told me, I'll hear,
Starting point is 00:18:50 I'll hear from you in two weeks. I said, no, I do. You'll never hear from me again. And so I walked away. I had my level. I like his attitude though. That's the kind of shit I would talk to. The guy who was trying to hire me. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. I love it. Now. So I did. So I went to the Y and Yeah, yeah, I love it. I love it. So I went to the Y, and I was coaching sports. Wait, so you just went straight jobless, and you're like, fuck it, I'll just go apply at the Y as a coach? You just filled out an application, and you're like,
Starting point is 00:19:19 look, I'll coach some shit here? And also, I was a referee. So I had been refereeing at the Y before before just because I like being around sports and stuff. So I was refereeing sports. So I was in the system. What sports? What sports? I did football, soccer, and basketball.
Starting point is 00:19:37 And basketball was one of the toughest things to referee. I think I got run off by a grandma at a U11 girls basketball thing. Like you motherfucker, like chasing you to your car? It was the evilest words that I could hear from coming from anyone. And a little grandma was doing it. Dope. I love it. She's like, make a call. And I was like, what do you want me to do?
Starting point is 00:20:00 They're holding the ball over their head. So then once I made contact with the crowd the woman just would not let me be alone she killed me uh brendan so i hate to do this to you you got to hang up again sorry i think eventually this thing resolves itself but there's a popping it happens every like two or three hundred shows for the unlucky one uh did you guys hear he's sitting there he must be sitting next to his gym and he said he saw his daughter run by running her mile like that is awesome that's a one how many men women parents are sitting somewhere right now how many people are sitting somewhere right now where they can see their 16
Starting point is 00:20:46 year old daughter training in it on a son i mean this is these are the things that are um correlates to showing that you're giving your kid a better life that you're doing the right thing when you're just happen to be sitting somewhere on a sunday morning and you see your kid training uh there's a ton of parents who don't know where their kids are right now but they're in the room next door watching their 16th TV playing some fucking video game with some fucking wackadoodles in fucking Korea or Russia. It's nuts. Yep. That's my little mama's.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Yeah, dope. Oh, I like the glasses. Your oldest one is 16? Yeah, she's August. She turned 16. And your youngest one? She is 14. Yeah, she's August. She turned 16, yeah. And your youngest one? She is 14.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Yeah, congrats, dude. You're stoked. I'm psyched, man. They're awesome little girls. Okay, so you're a referee at the Y. You don't have the job anymore, and so you just immediately just cruise over. Are you panicked when you lose your job? Not really, no.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I had kind of a calmness, really. I was – I kind of thought that I would get into CrossFit because at this point I had been doing it for a little while. And I had people that would train with me, and I didn't charge anything. I just loved it so much. Pretty much I was Captain CrossFit. Anyone that asked me what, like, hey, you want to go do something? Yeah, but have you done CrossFit? Have you ever heard of CrossFit? And, you know, it was a little much probably,
Starting point is 00:22:08 but it really was the reason that people started following me is because I loved it so much and it did so many good things for me. But I had a calmness, really. I worked out with another guy at the Y, Jim Hart, who's a special force guy, really driven to get a program started at the Y. We had different kind of visions of like how we wanted to program. I liked the Metcons and he wanted to do five sets of one deadlifts and that kind of stuff. So we matched together and met the fitness director, Katie Wheeler.
Starting point is 00:22:42 Had you ever worked at an affiliate up to this point? There wasn't affiliates. Well well there was two in charlotte there was and they argue over who's first ultimate crossfit and crossfit charlotte andy andrews plays but but up until then you had you had only been doing crossfit at home or at the y like you just go to the website and you learned it you just self-taught youtube yeah and main site in youtube some of your your videos with i guess maybe dutch i don't know some of those yeah oh shit what year did you start doing crossfit 2005 maybe oh shit so even before you were on the site before there were videos yes um oh my god so i remember when i was talking to a guy yesterday that was that visited and he's been doing it since 2002 or something.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Everyone I introduced him to go, I said, this guy's been doing CrossFit since 2002. And he's like, why are you telling everybody that? I'm like, cause dude, that's impressive, man. You stayed on this methodology for as long as you have. I know you're successful at whatever you're doing. Yeah. It's 20 years. Yes. Yeah. yeah oh that's a good correlate too i see i see your point yeah what is that guy's vocation what's that guy do uh he's doing building now investing in uh building around charlotte like um developing homes and townhomes and shit like that a go-getter he he's just yeah highly driven
Starting point is 00:24:01 dude man in fact you know what's funny i him this. His partner worked out with me at, they worked together back in real estate development together around that time. The program, I'm sorry, not the program, the business plan that they wrote together, his business partner gave me. And so all this stuff happened like organically. This guy comes in and he goes, you know, Lou Andre.
Starting point is 00:24:26 And I said, yeah, I know Lou Andre. He gave me his business plan to show me how the potential for growth in a CrossFit would be. It was very aggressive. It was like a million dollar business in one year. Now in hindsight, I was like, well, that shit ain't happening, but maybe, I don't know. Someone out there probably could do that. But I didn't really even care about making money. I had enough money, you know, and I don't come from money or anything, but I just, I had enough to do the fun things that Ultimate was second. Okay, that's Kevin Bradford, but Ultimate Jim.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Let the argument begin. Ultimate gym. But let the argument begin. I know. I don't care. Whatever. Either one of those. I don't care. But I did visit them once or twice. They just weren't close to me. And I was finding out I could just do it on my own. And really, I was getting people to do well, kipping pull ups, butterfly pull ups and all that stuff. People like, what is that? You know, and that's not pull-ups, you know, the whole argument. And then I would do regular pull-ups with them and say, well, I could do regular pull-ups,
Starting point is 00:25:30 but I can also do these faster pull-ups from power output and kind of explain all the, that side of it without, you know, running them off. But what year, what year, how old are you now? I'm sorry. How old? Yeah. Are you now? i'm sorry how old yeah are you now i'm 46 i'll be 46 in december so so okay so you found crossfit when you were about 30 right at 30 yeah and i'll get you back on track i know we started a bunch of stories so how do you how let's go back to how you found it and then we'll jump back up to um the ymca i found crossfit from uh my friend jake brown who was associated with todd whitman so i might be wow so they were associated together i don't know
Starting point is 00:26:12 in the special force or whatever whatever they were doing i don't want to yeah that guy's a serious og that's about as hardcore crossfit as you get todd whitman so we were email i was on an email uh thread with a 45-day program that glassman and i might be butchering what it is but it was a 45-day austere training schedule and it was a business week five days a week you did some lifting with brock can stuff that was relevant to the canadian special force i think it was for um and so i just followed that program and i was doing triathlon training too, because I wanted to be competitive. I didn't know really what avenue to take.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And so I ran a 5k, I was probably 245 to 50 pounds. You know, I could bench and squat and do all the old stuff. But I did this program. I did a 5k. it took me 29 minutes i did the 45 day program stuck directly to it times were i didn't know what the time should be except we were emailing back and forth and so the competition side came out and someone would say they did the workout in 15 minutes and then i would then the next day realize well i gotta go, I got to go harder. I did that. I cut five minutes off my 5K time in 45 days. I still was 235, maybe a few pounds off. I did it again 45 days straight and got down to a 19-minute 5K and still at 220 pounds. At that point, I was like – Hey, sorry, Brendan.
Starting point is 00:27:46 It looks like every seven minutes we're going to have to do this. He doesn't even say anything now. I'm sorry, guys. This happens every couple hundred shows. Maybe it's the hype. I don't know why every couple hundred shows this happens. Okay, so you do this program 45 days, and you've never heard of CrossFit before, but it cuts five minutes off your 5k.
Starting point is 00:28:07 My buddy Jake had told me about CrossFit and then he sent me the email and now we're on that email list. What did the program look like in a nutshell? That 45 day Greg Glassman austere program? Exactly what you would think you do. Main site. There was a 5k run one day. There was 15 15 12 9 three rounds for time okay so different time domains and but it was nice that it was a five-day business week because then the weekends were still my you know i could be with the kids and the family and stuff like that but um and it was and you were hooked at that point you were hooked it got hooked and i was i was mountain biking and
Starting point is 00:28:43 thought i was going to be a competitive mountain biker um and then i stopped riding as much but i did crossfit but i would ride now and again and i was a better rider because of it um how big are you you look like you look like a big man in your in your video are you tall i'm five i'm six foot uh six one maybe just a hair over six foot, six one maybe, just a hair over six foot. Are you too big to be a mountain bike rider? Yes. I'm too top heavy. I spent too many years as a younger dude doing bench pressing curls and not enough squats. Oh, shit. You found it, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Yeah, that's the one. Yeah, yeah. Dear Dave Castro, I appreciate you mentioning to the world that the journal will be back in a year and a half. It's too fucking long. Bring it back tomorrow. I love that. I read the journal as frequently as it came out. And I referenced videos from it.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I referenced people to it that were like, what is CrossFit? Go to the Go to the journal. Read up on the different. It was great. Yep, that's it, man. I wonder if Dave's running the media team now you know he was at my house the other day i saw that on your thing man i met him once it was pretty i
Starting point is 00:29:51 saw the photo it was awesome it was awesome it's just the back of your head i don't even know for sure if it's you to be honest it was big he asked me as i was walking by they did a workout at uh vitality they did he didn't ask you shit what do you mean you starting the story like that i was walking by he asked me something well if you so to finish that he walked he goes yo he goes hey what do you think of that workout and i walked by because i don't think he's talking to me and he goes hey hey and i was like me and he goes yeah yeah hey come here what do you think of that workout? And I told him that it was great. I was like, I think that it was a good mix of the different movements. The guys were, I think it was guys and gals. I can't remember the athletes, but I was like,
Starting point is 00:30:33 they showed out, they showed the potential for what, what we can do. I loved it. He's like, oh, thanks for coming, man. I was like, wow, you're thanking me. I thank you for coming. He was at my house the other day for 30 minutes. He didn't talk to me that much. He came over because it was my kid to say happy birthday to my kids, to Avi. Hung out with them for a little bit and then fucking left. I'm like, we're not talking. He's like, no, I got to go.
Starting point is 00:30:57 I'm like, all right. He got crushed on your video. Every second counts when he, i forgot who he shut down when kalipa won but um or the no oh none of those reps count murski murski with matt murski bouncing the bar yes that's the one you would you give those to murski i wanted him to give those to murski in hindsight i think i was wrong but at the time i was like fuck it i thought it was innovative bouncing the bar well yeah but that's the spirit of the games rule that they had to come out with. I mean, I have friends in Charlotte that put on five-pound plates up to 75 pounds so they could do burpees over a short bar.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yeah, yeah. I was like, come on. Yeah. I like the way you called me your friends, though. They're still your friends, but like, hey, man. They're still my friends? Yeah. Hey, man, I ain't perfect either.
Starting point is 00:31:46 So you do the austere program. You like oh this shit's awesome and then and then your game in that program so did you learned all the movements probably the same way all of us did in the beginning like you would see snatch and you'd be like fuck what's that and you'd be scouring the internet for still photos that kind of show like and and the the bar muscle up you're like what is this even possible and like you're just trying to figure all that shit out and then finally some little you'd see some little thumbnail like some videos pop up on dot com that were shot in 480 i couldn't even tell if it was a man or a woman doing the workouts it was so it looked like atari shit right yes youtube was you i looked up a lot
Starting point is 00:32:19 of youtube after or for the first probably year and yeah pretty much learned through youtube and whatever was that content that was being put out on the main site yeah that's crazy and then uh and then you and then for and then did you take an l1 but or were you teaching at the y just like fuck you i know enough from youtube no so i took my level one when i was at that lumberyard before and i worked for my friend that owned a bike shop on the weekends to make it. Wow. Yeah. What year was that?
Starting point is 00:32:50 2005, four or five or something like that. So you went to your L1 and that's when Greg would teach the whole thing. No, no, it was, I didn't get until, well, no, it was over here. You know, I had Chuck Carswell the first time. So that'd be eight, 2008 maybe. Okay. It was right before my company got bought out, which was like 2008. So it was right before the week my company got bought out which was like 2008
Starting point is 00:33:06 so it's chuck carswell amy she's from i think she's from atlanta or georgia i can't remember her last name but um i definitely specifically remember lisa ray and chuck carswell was it lisa ray or jenny uh jenny or yes she was at the first one. I've done the L1 twice. I did my level two recently. I got my level one because I was working with my bike shop buddy. I worked every
Starting point is 00:33:39 other weekend for a year and saved up all the money. I think he assumed I was going to buy a bike from him. And then I was like, yo dog, I need my money, man. He's like, wait, what? Are you going to do a EP price on a bike? And I was like, no, I'm getting my level one. So the, the cool thing is now he,
Starting point is 00:33:56 I leased some space to him and the current spot I'm at. So I own your building where your gym's at. I wish I did. No, I know my friends that own Sugar Creek Brewery. And then you sublet to him? I sublet to him. And I have a couple other people that I lease to. They don't care what I do with the space as long as I pay them.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yeah. Sounds like smart people. Sounds like you have a – what better businesses to be buddy-buddy with, too, a CrossFit gym and a bike shop? Yeah, man. We got a PT. I rent three with to a crossfit gym and a bike shop yeah we got a pt i rent uh three studios to a pt oh that's awesome yeah pt those are chiropractors uh they're sport uh yeah chiropractors but they're sport physicians i guess they call themselves they want to they want to separate themselves from that chiropractic.
Starting point is 00:34:47 And why is that? Do you know why? We've not talked about it, but I assume the old mentality with the chiropractor and the thought of those guys were like to continue to keep you on their program. Don't teach you anything. And, you know, you have to come see me twice a week for the next six months. And, you know, they don't want that mentality. They want to give you the tools for you to be able to do it on your own. I had this chiropractor on the other day, Scott Schur, but he was also, he's a physician therapist, helps you perform stretches, exercise, as well as performing some manipulations for certain conditions to improve your mobility.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Chiropractors perform manipulation adjustments to help your body. Okay. So with the PT, they tell you to do it and a chiropractor puts his hands on you and ties you up. Here's my daughter. She just ran her, uh, she ran a mile. She does. Hey girl.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Hey, you must feel good. Are you stoked? It's over. Yeah. But you did it's over? Yeah. But you did it. Yeah. Everyone's stoked it's over. Under 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Okay, we can get there. Hey, that's great. Hey. Good job. It's amazing. Hey, I want to ask you a question real quick. What's your name? Tell me your name again.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Hannah. Hannah. How old are you? 16 16 why did you run the mile this morning because my coach makes us yeah and and why do you go to your coach what for what sport field hockey and why do you play field hockey uh for community it's their school so it's fun so for friends yeah that's how we started the show gotcha you win yep awesome all right good job girl yeah good job hands i'll talk to you uh later let me know if you need anything that's where we started it's all about relationships she's going to hang out with her friends yep and the price he pays you got to run a little that's a small price to pay I know and the long
Starting point is 00:36:46 term benefits are like crazy and what it does to the quality of the relationship with their friends is just skyrocket right exactly shared suffering sweat equity so you get
Starting point is 00:37:03 in there you're at the YMCA and you have the difficult discussion with them that they want you to pay your insurance. And you're like, no, put me on your insurance. And there becomes, and you're like, okay, I'm leaving. And at that point you get the idea that, okay, I'm going to open my own affiliate. Well, I did, but I didn't have the money or really the knowledge on how to get at least space. And I coached football in Charlotte and I coached at this little, my neighbor's son played football and she said, Hey, would you want to coach football? Holy Trinity is the name of it. It's a feeder program for a, for a powerhouse football team in Charlotte,
Starting point is 00:37:41 Charlotte Catholic. And he goes coach sixth grade, seventh grade and eighth grade. So she said, if you do it, you got to commit that you're going to be here for the three Catholic. And, um, he goes coach sixth grade, seventh grade, eighth grade. So she said, if you do it, you got to commit that you're going to be here for the three years. And I was like, well, I do like football. I had daughters, but I was like, I still want to be around football, help them when they get to the sport that they play. But so the point of that is the guy that I coached one of the, um, a son, sorry, a father of one of the sons I coached called me when the wife was telling me they didn't want to pay me insurance. He was opening what was called the Rugby Athletic Center. They were going to be opening a CrossFit gym.
Starting point is 00:38:14 He left a message that he needed a personal trainer. He was lying. He didn't want me as a trainer. This guy's a ranger and he's a doer, so he knew that I knew CrossFit. He knew that he wanted Crossfit in his rugby center and he had me come over and visit and i ended up getting employed by the people that he brought in to run a crossfit in the rugby athletic center so all these things just happened to be like a lineup like that he called me almost like within a month of whenever they told me they wouldn't pay me insurance. And then I took over what was called the South Tryon CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:38:53 So Tryon CrossFit is what we called it. But I kept the affiliate in mind. They transferred it from the Harris YMCA CrossFit to South Tryon CrossFit. So I was still working for someone, but I did have insurance. And you took those jobs simultaneously? the job of being the football coach? No, the football coach and the rugby and the coach and the CrossFit coach for the rugby team? That was 10 years prior. Oh, okay. 10 years prior.
Starting point is 00:39:15 And then I talked to him periodically, see him at the Panthers games or something like that. But it was 10 years later and he said, hey, I need a coach over here. Can you help these guys come up to the market? There was a group, Kenora Lang's ex-wife. Anyway, she came up from Orlando that worked. She had worked out at a gym down in Florida, and she was moving to Charlotte. And she wanted to open a gym, had money to invest for a long time. So I was the one that was the local
Starting point is 00:39:45 contact to get people to come over to the west side of town which is not in the same people say like can you go from this area to another area it takes time to build it up again and everyone at the y which i had at that point after about a year we were nearly a year i probably had 130 people and of those 130 i was telling them i'm gonna have to leave because they're not paying the insurance and they 80 of them were like we're with you and then when it came down to it when i moved over to the south uh the other side of town 30 40 maybe came just because the area was very not developed. I was running off like, you know, people sharing needles and sharing whatever else goes along with that trade.
Starting point is 00:40:34 In the morning, watching the people go on their 400-meter run with the door open, like I might have to run up here and chase some hood dude or people out or, you know, whatever. What was that place called? What was that place called? Well, it was the Rugby Athletic Center. And did they actually have an affiliate? So you went from the YMCA to the Rugby Athletic Center, and did they actually call it a CrossFit gym?
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah, it was South Tryon CrossFit. I changed my name. I don't remember who I talked to, but the lady was sweet. I told her the situation and then she was like, you can, South Tryon CrossFit is, you can use it, transfer it from the Harris Y. And the Harris Y tried to bully me into giving
Starting point is 00:41:14 them the affiliate. And I said, well, you can keep me here with the affiliate if you pay me insurance. Hey, more brilliant shit by Greg Glassman. Yes, exactly. More brilliant. If you don't hear what he just said, if you're an affiliate owner, you heard what he just said. More brilliant shit. I don't know if that kind of shit still is intact.
Starting point is 00:41:35 And I know I can't champion Paula. Fuck, what's Paula's? Paula Gravatt enough to make sure that that shit worked out for affiliates. Do you remember her Paula Gravatt? She was second in command over there at the affiliate team under Kathy Glassman. But basically what he just said was that even though he's at the Y CrossFit made sure that the trainer there own the gym.
Starting point is 00:41:59 So if you're the people you, where you were at ever fucked with you, you can, you had the legal rights in CrossFit would have your back to just take your shit and leave. Because Greg knew the trainer was putting in the work. 100%. And so it got pretty tumultuous at the end as they snuck me in. I walked in one day in normal.
Starting point is 00:42:19 At the Y. At the Y. I did my 443 wake up all happy and jolly. I get to go coach everybody and whatever. And they have a board set up. And I don't know. I walk into the front of the building and they stop me and go, hey, come into this room over here. There's like eight or ten people sitting in the front of the room and they have a chair.
Starting point is 00:42:41 And I'm like being interviewed by eight people with no prior they didn't tell me i was having a meeting and i'm like what the i said what the fuck is this and they're all like you got intervention don yeah i was like this they're like i quit doing drugs 20 years ago what did i do i was like what's going on here and they were trying to bully me into keeping the affiliate. And I said, well, I'm not going to do that unless you pay me insurance. And they said, well, how do you, so why do you think I was having so much success that the other trainers were telling on me, like the traditional trainers. Yeah, of course. Yeah. And you know, that's this glassman went through that, like you get run off all the space, but the space. They sat me down, and one of the questions they asked is,
Starting point is 00:43:26 why do you think CrossFit is working and successful, and when do you think it started? I said, well, probably, I don't know, a couple thousand years ago when people started squatting, lifting, and pushing things overhead. One of the board members reminded me of that years later. He said, I fucking almost lost my shit when you said that. He said it was the best response for the situation you were put in at the time. And I was like, I never thought about it before until that person
Starting point is 00:43:58 asked me at that time under that stressful condition. I mean, Greg would say that all the time, right? I didn't invent shit. I, I, he, he put it together, but yeah, that's,
Starting point is 00:44:08 yeah, he would say, Hey man, these are whatever you believe. These were, these were created by God or evolution, but these are, these movements are what he would do. I think the phrase he used part and parcel with your DNA.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Ah, there it is. Right. Yep. Um, so I was working at the rugby center then. And it was going at the rate when they hired me. I told the owner who was a silent owner and then I forget her name.
Starting point is 00:44:35 But anyway, you can leave her out. But she she expected like anyone that's naive to it. A million people in the first month or, you know, like, oh, we just slap CrossFit on and it happens. And again, we were in a kind of diverse area and not everybody was comfortable coming to that side of town. And I said, this is a, we had a 10,000 square foot facility. And I said, this is probably an 18-month build-out, two years probably, to make back what you're paying. They were paying A-class rates, $36 a square foot. And I just, quick math, we had about 85 people right away, first month. Wow.
Starting point is 00:45:19 From my people that I knew, and then I also had, at that time, met a lot of more CrossFit. And the rugby, was the entire rugby team doing it so here's the deal they built it as they were expecting the old boys which is the charlotte rugby club to move their group down there and then immediately us pick him up well they own their own building up on a like west side of town and they were like well we already have a building we're not coming there and so that kind of slowed the process down as well. And we were visiting schools. I was going to high schools and reaching out to any coach that would listen to me like, hey, let's come over.
Starting point is 00:45:52 We got this great facility. And it just it was going really at the trajectory that I thought. We probably ended at 150 when the lady got too scared and didn't really want to do work. She wanted me to be. I was the general manager. She was the owner. So I was supposed to do all the work. But what do you got too scared and didn't really want to do work. She wanted me to be, I was the general manager. She was the owner. So I was supposed to do all the work. What do you mean too scared?
Starting point is 00:46:08 You mean the business was so big that it scared her? She was just too scared. She was afraid of success. She was too scared to put herself out there. And this girl was a heptathlete. She was a, if she walked into a room, she was the fittest person in the room. And I don't want to use her name. And I, you know, I still don't understand what she was afraid of i mean i understand when people are afraid of success but she was already
Starting point is 00:46:29 100 weren't you weren't you the face of it i was the face of it but she was she would attract more clientele if she went with me to places right okay um fair and she's more attractive too that helps yeah great athlete attractive she just wasn't outgoing and and i think we like you said it's a relationship thing if you're not willing to put yourself out there then you're gonna get what you put out if you don't put you put yourself enough out there then that's what she saw is she continued to hole up instead of embrace this group of people that was coming in they're like well who's the oh you know people would ask me who's the owner oh she's sitting in the office back there and she when she would work out she had
Starting point is 00:47:14 fun with everybody but she just i don't know she would she had been through a divorce so she was maybe not in a good place i can get that but it I think that the benefit of her being out around the community would have, would have only like make your life more fruitful, but yeah, whatever that didn't work out. She moved on and sold to another guy that started, had a whole different vision of like what, what he, so you worked out a gym that you put your, that you put your blood and sweat into, and the owner sold it.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Correct. And that's got to be tough. That's freaky. That reminds me of my journey at CrossFit. Yeah, you got hosed. Okay. I like this story. What year is this that she sells it?
Starting point is 00:48:00 2000. Well, we've been seven years, so seven and a half years ago whatever 2016 or something okay and you did you not gel with this dude shortly after he bought it you rolled it wasn't this well he just had a different vision when he came in he's like i want a crossfit games team i want to be the baddest gym on the planet. What's his name? Andrew Hiller. Yes. Okay. I mean, I,
Starting point is 00:48:30 I also wanted the baddest Jim, but the bread and butter is your mom and pops that come in. And I said, well, we can get there, but we've got to maintain and not run off. You know, the, he owned a grid league team.
Starting point is 00:48:42 He bought the Carolina. Oh shit. What was it? Carolina... It was like the Grizzlies or some silverback. He thought he was bad. I don't know. He just had a different vision, man. He wanted a CrossFit Games team perennially.
Starting point is 00:48:56 And he was willing to pay athletes to come in. And I was like, that's fine. You can do that. But we have to run it as we make money with all the mom and pops the the pro athletes they ruin equipment they want to pay less and they demand more of your time i said i need to have you know mom and pops in here and uh so it didn't take long he uh my partner colby and I, I brought him over from the Y with me. We both got paid from the rugby athletic center or South trial.
Starting point is 00:49:32 He left earlier. He wasn't getting paid as much as me. And I wasn't getting paid a lot, but it was enough to do what I'd like to do, have fun and whatever. But, um, this guy came in and said, you have to be here all day long from sunup to sundown. And I was like, well, the middle of the day, there's one to three, no one. We might get one or two people to work out, but you're talking about someone that should sit at the desk, not like a coach all day. You got to pay like a coach. And in quick order, it didn't work.
Starting point is 00:50:01 He had way different view of what he wanted versus what I was looking for. And so you split? So I went. Did you think at that point just to leave the whole CrossFit shit altogether? Like, okay, I'm going to call that dude at the lumberyard and be like, you were right. Hell no. That dude is never getting a call back unless I tell him how successful I've been. So he keeps me on, but he's bringing in managers while I'm there.
Starting point is 00:50:28 He's interviewing people and driving them up. And, like, he's done pretty well. He's a wealthy dude. He'd pull up, pick people up in, like, a 6 Series or Lamborghini or some shit and bring them into the gym. And they'd walk them around and then introduce, like, you know, nonchalant. Hey, this is a so-and-so they're just looking around. And he ended up hiring this lady. Um, and I'll leave her name out too. Cause she kind of got hosed and used to in this situation, but she, she came in and was, she befriended me. I really
Starting point is 00:51:02 don't like what she did. She befriended me and was asking me about him. I was like, the guy's a fucking douchebag. I hate this guy. Like, I don't want to work for him. We don't even think the same thing. And I just didn't really have the money or the balls at that time to leave. And so one day I show up again. Another carpet is pulled out from underneath me.
Starting point is 00:51:22 She goes, hey, I need you to sign this paperwork. And another carpet is pulled out from underneath me. She goes, hey, I need you to sign this paperwork. I need you to sign this that you're going to leave and we'll pay you this amount of money. But you have a no compete clause for five miles. And I was like, I'm not signing that. I know. I was like, this is where I created this environment and created this side of town. So, no.
Starting point is 00:51:43 And she's like, and again, back to, you're going to leave the affiliate. And I said, no, I'm not. That's not happening. I've already gone down this road, and I'm not signing. And you were the LEO of that affiliate, too? I brought my. What is it? Am I saying, is it L-O-E, letter of, what's the three-letter thing that they use?
Starting point is 00:52:01 I just own the affiliate. I don't know what. I can't believe I forget. L-O-R. L-O-R. L-O-R. That's what know what. I can't believe I forget. LOR. LOR. That's what it is. That's what the acronym is. Basically, CrossFit Inc. has you as the owner of the affiliate.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Correct. Yeah. And he tried to bully me, too, into taking it. And I said, well, you ain't getting it. And so she said, if you don't sign this paperwork, then I go, you're firing me. And she goes, no, no. And I said, well, then I'm not signing your paperwork. She goes, well, I said, I almost said it. I said, you need to tell me that you're firing me because I'm not walking away from that. I'll sign this, but you need to say it. And I'm going to record you. You're telling me I'm fired. And she said, and shook her head. I said, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:52:55 I ain't no dummy. I said, look, man, I said, you need to say that you're firing me. And she said, all right, you need to get your stuff. You're fired. I was like, all right, cool. I'm out. And so as the end of that was happening, because I obviously see the writing on the wall. outside the company then he sold the company in 2020 and a complete that i cannot tell you how stupid the people who are who came in i cannot tell you how dumb eric rose is or andrew weinstein i mean you wouldn't even believe it if i told you i mean you can go back listen it is on because they don't even know what they bought right it's like it's like what happened to that guy's grid league what happened to hit the grid league is basically the trajectory. I actually think Don's going to save this fucking thing. I actually fucking think Don's going to save it.
Starting point is 00:53:53 But for two years, 15,000 affiliates have been on an airplane pointed straight at the fucking ground, dude. Yeah, yeah. It's been fucking crazy to watch from the outside like just like what happened to the gridley the gridley did just like was like on the on the on the launch pad with full thrust and just fucking imploded 10 feet off the ground i mean it was thank god the crossfit brand is so strong it can it feels like it could with handle it withstand anything i didn't mind the gridley i didn't mind it either but i'm just saying the world wasn't ready for it for whatever reason it just imploded i mean it was a
Starting point is 00:54:30 complete money pit it just fucking it just bought the entire grid league they had a championship in charlotte yeah uh bojangles coliseum and we went went. He bought the entire setup, all the weights, all the Leeko equipment. So the guy had stupid money. Yeah. He just was... And good on him. Yeah, I mean, he's successful. But the stories I've heard, people lost millions and millions
Starting point is 00:54:54 that this thing was just a fucking... Yeah. Yeah, he was... Yeah, he probably did, but a million to him is... Right. Whatever. It's like a roll of dice, and let's see if we make some money. Hey, why not at that time?
Starting point is 00:55:10 Why not? Let me ask you this. Why not just be like, okay, I'm going to do what this guy wants. I'm going to get the paycheck. I'm going to just ride this out and see what happens. Maybe double my pay. Well, that wasn't being offered. That wasn't being offered.
Starting point is 00:55:31 He was pretty much going to put me as just an hourly coach. Okay. Okay. You're right. And you expressed that. And that's the same thing that happened at CrossFit, too. They thought that they could bring in Stanford MBAs or Harvard MBAs who would know better, but they didn't understand the business model. You weren't selling M&Ms.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Okay. Well, that's the deal. Like, yeah. Okay. Because of got it. Not to be arrogant, but they were there for me. Not for shiny. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Right. Right. Right. Right. So they fired me and I took unemployment for her. I was like, you know what? You're going to fuck me like that. Then I'm taking unemployment. took unemployment for her uh i was like you know what you're gonna fuck me like that then i'm
Starting point is 00:56:05 taking unemployment and i had been working on hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me but i've been talking with a couple of our clients that um were wanting to start a crossfit gym including my girlfriend and another partner of mine who is a um accountant best combo there that my girlfriend likes me loves CrossFit. And, um, but I have an accountant on staff. So we put that down a business plan and we had another business partner at the time, but, um, we put down a plan. We knew X amount of money. We all put in this amount of money. This is how much we need. The first 35 people is this. And it was perfect. My accountant kept me in check when I was trying to buy more equipment and it just rolled. And again, it went back to, it felt like a tree house. How does that work? He's a strong dude or a strong
Starting point is 00:56:54 gal. And they just say, no, they just like, I mean, the trust has to be there, right? It has to be someone who, yeah, he's a, he was a, he had been training with me for probably about a year. And like most affiliate owners, you know who bullshit and don't bullshit. Brendan, you will not be getting a reverse hyper for three years. Stop it. Clear that out of your fucking mind. Well, but then on the same time, he would look and see at the books and go, yo, we have a surplus. It's time. If you need to see at the books and go, yo, we have a surplus. It's time. If you need to buy stuff, let's go.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Yeah. So I had and he traded, you know, time. And so I didn't have to pay an account, which I don't even know the cost of what that would be, you know, for a year's work. For someone you trust, it's fucking there is no number. That's exactly right. It was perfect. The perfect match. And he and he's also a very social guy and we i am too so we would also break bread with all the clients
Starting point is 00:57:52 and we were all so not only was it me that's the face of like running all the classes but he was there as a co-owner or you know three four, a quarter owner and the other owners, we all worked out. We did, we, we did the same workouts that everybody did. So if not only the owners are doing the workouts and working out sweat equity together, like you're also going out, we're going to dinner together. We're going to have drinks together. And it was a big family, man. It was, and it still is actually. That's why That's why we've been successful. And that's the gym you have today? CrossFit, Mac, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:30 And it's the same location? You moved from the rugby place to this place, and you've been in that location ever since? No, this is in Sugar Creek's warehouse space. We moved to a really affordable, shitty building. There was bees. And that one was even in a worse area than the rugby center i literally was kicking the door open and like having to almost move people that were doing illicit shit squatters squatters man just turn the lights on the cockroaches ran eventually when you you know turn lights on enough they don't come back yeah and um but there
Starting point is 00:59:04 was needles there was needles. There was everything you can think of that would go along with that trade. Bees and needles. But the price was right. It was $7 a square foot for $3,500 a square foot. And we got lucky on a Friday when the inspector came through. We had offices up front. The inspector came in and was like well
Starting point is 00:59:25 what's going on in the warehouse back here and he goes oh they just need to they need the office space in the front so he kind of stretched the truth a little bit and um we got our co our occupancy based on it being an office building and then once we got the occupancy we ran we just kept on rolling and the fire marshal was like whatever whatever, you guys can do that in the back. So we were there for five years. The building got sold out from underneath us, even though we offered the building owner a million dollars when we moved in. Wow, wow. And so that's based on that number is based on what we saw the potential for our growth over the next three, five, seven years from my account.
Starting point is 01:00:04 And we were going to sub lease the other space. There was already tenants over there. And the guy was like, I want a five-year valuation on this property. And we're like, well, then can you counter us on what you want? And he's like, five-year valuation. We're like, that doesn't give us any number. We found out that our building was sold. They bought, this group, Park Commercial bought the building next to us. We're going to, I'm sending people out on a 400 meter run. And guy comes over and goes i just want to let you know um we're doing you'll see some people coming through here we bought your building and i said what are you talking about now the guy said he wouldn't sell for whatever and he goes well we we bought it so
Starting point is 01:00:40 you know we're gonna we'll need to talk about how long we'll fulfill your lease obligation that they, we have, but we'll need to talk about, you know, the future we're planning on revitalizing this and making it more of a, you know, more expensive space. And I was like, well, how expensive? And of course the number was not feasible. And I'd been running a boot camp class at the brewery at Sugar Creek for about six or eight months. So I'd become pretty good friends with the owner. And his wife worked out with me. He got deployed. The brewery's veteran-owned. One's a Marine and one is a—
Starting point is 01:01:21 Sugar Creek? Sugar Creek Brewery, yeah. One was a Marine, and he was injured more the other joe vogelbacher is one of 20 master cicerones in the world which is the beer the nerdiest beer thing that you can get like a sommelier but there's only how many are there there's only 20 he was the 19th wow so the small a's there's thousands of them. The beer, there's only 20 and he's one of them. What's the guy's name again? Joe Vogelbacher. Joe Vogelbacher at sugar Creek. Yeah. So he's, he's a, uh, nuclear engineer, went to King's point and, um, moved down here. Really cool story moved down because his sister was sick and needed to kind of be closer to her and help the family out.
Starting point is 01:02:09 And they grew up in Charlotte, moved to Jersey or whatever, came back. But he opened a brewery so that he could help his sister be close to her. Should I have that guy on the podcast, Joe? You should have him on. He is. He's that's him right there. Yeah. You should have him on. He is, um, he's that's him right there. Yeah. He's, um, he can be a knucklehead with me doing weights, but he is like ridiculously smart. Yeah. Um, and so we did a tour that row a thon that he's talking about. It's been three years and we did the first one during COVID in 2020,
Starting point is 01:02:42 we went against whatever people were telling us that we, we did the first one during COVID in 2020, we went against whatever people were telling us. And we, we did the, I think we had 20 people on two people boats, we raised about five grand in two weeks. Um, and then now like this third year we raised 75,000. Wow. Yeah. 75,000. We had 75 boats in that space that you had pulled up a second ago. Um, and it was just we us pulling from the crossfitters and whatever else we you know we have other friends that do other events like
Starting point is 01:03:14 biking and shit like that and then the bike shop's daughter is on the rowing uh charlotte youth rowing so we got a bunch of rowers from that we had had a rowing, a guy that was on the rowing, like go to the Olympics or something like that. But he was. So you were in the in the bee crack house. It got bought and then you had to move. And you're like, fuck, well, we do a boot camp at Sugar Creek. And this cat's like, hey, just bring your whole fucking show over here. Well, that we had.
Starting point is 01:03:43 That was our initial move. We wanted to move in there, but there were some fire marshals. There was some fire protection shit that we we had that was our initial move we wanted to move in there but there were some fire marshals there was some fire protection shit that we had to have done and so after 2020 and because i had my accountant on staff and i pay myself frugally i don't my money that i make is because i see people like doing really well and healthy getting healthy and that sounds i don't know cliche cliche, but it is a hundred percent true. Um, and so we positioned ourselves with a lot of money in the bank. We bought out our fourth partner in 2020. And then we also had to find another, was that friendly when you did
Starting point is 01:04:18 that? Was that, was that, I mean, we just, do you approach them and be like, hey, we don't want you anymore. Do they say, hey, I'm ready to sell. They disagreed with the they disagreed with the covid protocols. Oh, shit. I love this story. God, I love this story already. Oh, my goodness. I can't wait to hear this.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Can I hear this story? He's a good dude, man. OK. Can you tell a gentle version where he doesn't get fucking run over by the bus too hard? Yeah. There was some social issues, too, with the Floyd 19s. Oh, my goodness. I love it.
Starting point is 01:04:54 I fucking love it. There's a snowball effect on those two things. Yes. Yeah. Again, my thought was for two months, he, they, every other partner has a different job, but this is my main source of income. And I say that I can live off of hugs and making everybody, you know, fit and everything. And that's my money, but I still need to have some money.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Right. And I got bashed for reopening early before North Carolina let us open. And we did outside wads um but when you say bash bash by who just the people in the community the psychopaths the germaphobes the idiots the people who can't do simple math the people refuse to take personal responsibility and accountability for their own fucking lives sorry correct go on yes okay it's it was it was strange to people that would like friends that trained with me for years that didn't maybe come over to the new spaces that i was coaching at were i got texts were like you're fucking wrong i can't believe you're doing
Starting point is 01:05:56 this you know you're fucking wrong and i would just say well i i hope that you're finding a good fitness program and you should continue doing fitness. Have they apologized since they, since you were right now? No. And I've not won, not one. No. And I don't,
Starting point is 01:06:11 I don't, if when I see them, I ask how they're doing and I hope everything's great. I don't bring up what that is. And good. But with, with the buyout of that guy, there was the rollup of the Floyd 19 comment,
Starting point is 01:06:23 which they wanted me to he wanted me to drop the affiliate like that's just not um oh that's marty graham yeah i love marty he's got hillar fit on his uh thing marty no one's perfect your picture's fucked up but other than that you're a good dude he's a good dude man marty is um he's a master's athlete. He's kicking butt. He moved out, too. He's a master's athlete, and he likes Hiller? Wow, savage. Yeah. Wait until he makes a video on you, Marty.
Starting point is 01:06:52 He ass-pounds you, buddy. We used to call Marty Mobility. We had Monday Mobility with Marty Marr. And he would do all the, what's the guy, Supple Leopard. Kelly, Mr. Starret. Yeah, Starret. Yeah, he would be back there doing all the Star's the guy uh supple leopard uh kelly mr star at yeah star yeah he would be back there doing all the star at shit i was like he's like can i do this in the back we had a small space at that time so it was not big but i was like you can get people to do the mobility with you all the better because we all need it and uh yeah but anyway marty mars man i miss him he moved to
Starting point is 01:07:21 montana i think so one of your owners wanted you to tell CrossFit to go fuck himself because Greg Grassman wrote Floyd 19. And for those of you don't know what Floyd 19 is, Greg, it was basically Greg's statement to the world saying like, hey, the same people who are trying to give you the rules of what racism is and how we should respond to it are now trying to give you COVID protocol. And since then, two years later, we know millions of people have died and Greg was right. Yes. And I didn't do it. I, I did put out, I didn't do a black screen or any of that, but I did put a video out on CrossFit Mecca, I believe before he asked me to do this and said, you, I, we have a very, very diverse crowd. We have every ethnicity religion sex whatever and i put out a video and said if you're labeling me and i don't even think greg did anything wrong but if you think he did something wrong and you're bashing me you don't even know me you right
Starting point is 01:08:21 worked out with me for x amount of time you've seen the clientele that I have in here and I treat everybody the same. So if you're not basing it on who I am, then I don't need you. I don't want you at my space. Fair. So I never did any of the black screens or any of that. I just do the right people. Yeah. I like it.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Do the right for people that you're supposed to. Treat people how you want to be treated. Yeah. Anyway, that and then uh what i was so they have jobs and i have to work i'm at home and i'm riding my bike and every day and like to just be around people like to your point whenever i go in all these my members are my training partners. They're my friends. They're my training partners. And so I don't get to see them for two months. I'm starting to get kind of like really antsy and like, what the fuck am I going to do next? Uh, you know, and I start just going to ride my bike on all these greenways to be around people to see people you know and
Starting point is 01:09:25 i'm waving at everybody the kid in the uh on the boat that's like hey hey boat over there hi hi hi yeah yeah yeah yeah just starve for some fucking human interaction 100 percent dude yeah and then eventually i did it for it was two months i was like man this is crazy man i'm not i have to get people back in the gym. 80% of our people stayed on. I loaned all of our equipment out. We had nothing. I still kind of get like a little emotional about that.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Because why? Because why? Well, I don't know if we're ever going to be able to, like, open back up. You're not open now? We are open now. But at the time? Well, I don't know what, you know. Yeah, I didn't know what was going to happen.
Starting point is 01:10:21 I didn't know what was going to happen. And I got people telling me to stay closed. And it was not good. But we opened back up. And I was like, if you're comfortable. Why so emotional? People you loved were throwing rocks at you? People you'd give your life for were fucking saying shit to you and it just fucking hurt?
Starting point is 01:10:49 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It sucked. Yeah. But, still, sorry. You did the right thing. You know that. I do. still sorry
Starting point is 01:11:05 you did the right thing you know that I do but hold on I want to write one thing down how many of your members died because you opened back up oh my goodness it was tough man but i think of my what i was getting to back before that um we positioned ourselves well we ended up buying another gym out that um
Starting point is 01:11:36 over the course of the time that we were during that time like a gym that couldn't survive the pandemic you bought them out they were one of the gyms that was the, the bad-ass gym, the gym that had the affiliate teams were the most competitive, like, and they would have, and there's three different gyms in Charlotte. When I first opened a long time gym that used to do, I don't want to get into negative shit, but okay, fine. But, but this guy sold a friend of mine that worked out with me. Tell Brendan, whenever his stuff doesn't work, that I'll buy all his
Starting point is 01:12:09 equipment. I opened an affiliate. This dude says you're, you are not going to be successful. I'm going to buy all your shit. I would take less money to prove him wrong and make sure that I kept people moving. Um, and then another guy called us a dive bar gym. And I took that and used, I made a, uh, we came out with a weightlifting team and we have now the dive barbell, uh, weightlifting. Awesome. I fucking love it. Um, and so we bought out this gym that was this like uber competitive gym and this was the guy that was supposed to buy your shit but you bought his shit that was another dude i bought out this other
Starting point is 01:12:51 gym that was in close proximity that used to tell me that gym told people that's not a real crossfit affiliate that's not a real crossfit gym you're doing something else you're not doing crossfit i'm like i don't know why they're saying that. If you want to go that route, I see people that go into that competitive side that don't the fuck out. And so if you, if that's what you want, you want the sports side of it. I may not be the right place for you, but if you want to come in every day and feel a tree house effect, then I'm the, I'm the place for you. And it's not for today, tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:13:21 It's for your life. I'm not looking for you to, you know, uh, go to the games, but if you do, it's not for today, tomorrow. It's for your life. I'm not looking for you to, you know, go to the games, but if you do, that's bad-ass, but I want you to be healthy for the rest of your life. I want you to have tools in your box that maybe in a year you learn everything and you could go teach another more, a bunch of people how to be fit. Then I've done my job and now I'm helping everybody get fit and healthy. What's crazy about what you're saying too, though it's so understated if you work out at crossfit mecklenburg when you walk into a walmart you're still the fucking fittest person in there yes by far when you fucking go when you go to the fucking hospital for whatever fucking reason you're still the
Starting point is 01:14:01 fittest person amongst all you can't even fucking believe your your baseline is so fucking high the rest of the world can't even there's stuff that you do at the worst crossfit gyms in the world that would fucking break 50 of society they would fucking die if they did and it's just it's nuts that anyone would poo poo any gym because the the difference between the competitive gyms the glass ceiling of the competitive gyms is so small there's nowhere to grow no there's nowhere to grow you go to a gym i mean uh your average tom you're a person at your gym who walks in grows more in a week than the than the best athletes at hwpo will grow the rest of their career and it's just like oh yeah great it's like it's fucking crazy
Starting point is 01:14:45 that people don't see that that's they're not they're not the real crossfit gyms if they don't see that yes and that's why they failed they made competitor there's an argument over should you have a competitive like and i'm okay with the competitive gyms the same way you are you said you're fine i'm actually excited by them i love the fact that hiller wanted the fittest gym in the planet good that's dope i think it's great and if that's their ethos then then they stay with it a hundred percent my mentality when i started was and i was not in great shape when i started so i can empathize with you know the people that are getting off the couch i had a really big transition from that 90 days i lost um shit i lost probably 50 pounds and
Starting point is 01:15:28 15 body fat i was fucking ripped dude yeah i saw yeah that's the shit better glass better glasses less air but whatever better abs god you look so much better on the left holy shit i could knock out probably two dozen wings on the right, but that's not impressive. Certain crowd. I still probably could do that. Hey, going back to the member, the the the owner that you bought out. So basically, he wanted you to stay shut because he thought opening the gym, it became so contentious that he thought maybe you were killing people. When actually we now in hindsight, it's the other way around. The people who are quarantining were killing all the people.
Starting point is 01:16:09 And you wanted to – and the other three people were like, hey, we're not – we see something wrong here. The math doesn't make sense. Correct. He's back with us now. As a member. As a member. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:20 And I love it. Do those people know that they were wrong? Have they figured it out? I don't know. And I don't want to have the conversation. They can – I understand. I understand.
Starting point is 01:16:30 They don't owe – I know they don't owe anyone anything. But even today, like yesterday I sent something to one of my friends, a close friend, about an athlete who had dropped from myocarditis and just collapsed on the field and died. And they're like, holy shit. I go, they go, you think this is vaccine related? I go, dude, I'm getting five of these a day. I'm in a doctor's group thread. And they're like, I've never even heard of this. And I'm like, wow, there's people who still don't know what the fuck's going on.
Starting point is 01:16:57 I know. Yeah, I don't, I'm not sure they, you know, they think if they're right, they're in their mind and they're right. Fuck, I hope they're right. I hope I'm wrong. No, I think that we've done – or I'm doing the right thing by keeping people moving. Yes, you are. You are.
Starting point is 01:17:17 You absolutely are. And you're doing the right thing by staying out of the swamp. Your job is to keep people moving and keep keep the place open correct yeah yeah so we let dogs like me swim in the mud i don't yeah you you have a good time doing it it's entertaining i like it um so so you make it past the um. You go down to three owners now. You're down to three owners. My girlfriend, myself and Michael Banks. He's my accountant. I'm going to ask you something crazy personal.
Starting point is 01:17:53 OK. Why aren't you getting married again? Oh. I didn't say I never. Maybe I did say I never would again. Oh, yeah. I don't say I never – maybe I did say I never would again. Oh. Yeah, I don't know. I can't believe I got married the first fucking time.
Starting point is 01:18:10 I'm married. I only did it because if I died, I just wanted her to get all this shit because I already had – because we had a kid. But now I'm glad we got married. Couldn't you do a living will and do the same thing? Probably. Probably. But I don't know. I'm not – I married. Couldn't you do a living will and do the same thing? Probably. Probably. But I don't know. I would marry.
Starting point is 01:18:28 I just asked because you've been with her a long time now. Yeah, about eight years. I don't know. It never really comes up. I think we have a good thing, so why fuck it up with something that's arbitrary? I agree. I got rings, but what is that? I 100% agree.
Starting point is 01:18:42 My wife and I didn't have a wedding. We went to the courthouse. She doesn't have a wedding ring. I mean, yeah. Okay. Because it doesn't come up. It's not a thought you have. No, I mean, she's not putting any pressure on me or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:18:57 And, you know, we're both older. We both have adult, not adult kids, but older kids. I don't know, you know, like, let it be how it is. It's kids. I don't know. Let it be how it is. It's cool. Yes. But not to say maybe in the future. I don't know. I didn't really think about it.
Starting point is 01:19:12 Okay. I was at a dinner one night. And I was with my current wife. And the media director at the time, Tony Budding. We were at a sushi dinner. There was like fucking 10 people there, a bunch of executives in the company. And he goes, hey, everyone, you want to know how big of a pussy Sevan is? And I'm like, oh, where's this going?
Starting point is 01:19:38 And my girlfriend's right next to me, right? And he goes, he's been with fucking Haley for 15 years and he hasn't asked her to marry her. Oh. I was like, damn, damn. Yeah, I just made up on the fly. Hey, dude, I just yelled back at him. Hey, dude, I've asked her to marry me five times. And she's always said no.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Is that true? No, I just made that up. But just as like, Hey, like, you don't know, you don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:20:09 I hope she doesn't listen to the show now. Now maybe I will get pressure. Oh no. She sounds like you got a great girl. No, I just, I just wonder how people decide to get married or not get married. I don't, I think it just is that societal norm that you,
Starting point is 01:20:22 well, you got to go to college. Well, do you have to go to college and you have to get married do you have to get married i don't know like we just fall into that like this is the way things fall and you have to do this like my mom used to ask me when i was working at a restaurant i've worked at a five-star restaurant in college i wore a bow tie and all like it was a nice restaurant and i was making i probably made more money at that restaurant than
Starting point is 01:20:45 what i made in the beginnings of my crossfit uh career my mom would go when are you going to get a real job oh yeah yeah i still get that i'm 50 yeah look at these green i have money what are you talking about they pay me my mom wanted me to work at starbucks so i could get health insurance so bad i was i was like 33 well don't go to the y for it man it was crazy um i i i think that um i don't know i don't know what a successful relationship is but i do know that like i view my relationship with uh hayley that's my you know my current wife because we got married or my girlfriend, you can call her whatever you want. But is like the most successful thing I've done in my life. Like just to be friends with someone for eight years is like incredible.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Yo, for sure. Because you have to go through shit. Yeah, yeah, definitely. And there's like, and you have to navigate the two most advanced things on the planet have to go through shit. Uh, yeah, yeah, definitely. And there's like, and you have to navigate the two most advanced things on the planet have to navigate and still get along and work together. And so once you're with someone for like, I feel like five years,
Starting point is 01:21:54 man or woman, but especially woman, you've navigated some shit. She's yeah. I'm lucky. I'm very lucky. Yeah. All the,
Starting point is 01:22:02 I never hear women say that. It's always us who says that. We're a dime dozen, man. They got a lot of dudes around, man. Shit. How has – has anyone in your gym lost 100 pounds in the 10 years you've been doing this? You ever seen a 100-pound weight loss? Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:21 One of my – this kid, Keon, lost probably 90 pounds around 100. I think I like the loss of pounds, but I really like whenever I've heard people, and when it really resonated that this shit works is diabetes. shit then let's just work out hard and um he gets put on medicine and i said well just keep working out with me or no he doesn't get put on medicine they want him to they want him to go on he goes i want to try to figure it out fitness wise he goes back in 90 days to the same doctor and the doctor's like uh we're gonna have to run you have to come back tomorrow the tests are way skewed and he's like what do you mean he goes well you're no longer pre-diabetic or you and also your high blood pressure is gone and and that can't be right and the guy's like well no i've been exercising so what do you mean and uh he the doctor couldn't believe that in 90 days that he got off that he didn't need medicine he wanted that he wanted my athlete john to go on medicine so bad that he didn't need medicine he wanted that he wanted my athlete john
Starting point is 01:23:26 to go on medicine so bad that he didn't believe his own tests and that that's happened dozens of times dozens of times where people get off medicine god that's so great it is that when i that was at the y that was one of my first clients that i met um i still see him around but um i met him when i was really fit i would go in and my early on uh i would get clients at the y not only by like helping coach in class but i would do the executive hour i was doing the sauna and i was fucking ripped and just wearing a towel people like what the what do you do man and i would tell him kind of like the rundown and then he was one of them and then he was a good soundboard because he lost he did lose
Starting point is 01:24:15 about 30 pounds got off of blood pressure medicine and all that and then he would just recruit people for me like he would go recruit and i didn't have to do it as much or like, Hey, this is Brennan. This is the guy that helped me get, you know, off of the medicine and it snowballed. I mean, it was that kind of stuff where I had success because people had success. Yeah. That's awesome. I love hearing that. And, um, cross has been through a lot. I mean, I guess not necessarily.
Starting point is 01:24:57 I guess you could be a trainer, kept your head down, and just done fucking God's work for 20 years and not have seen any of the drama. But at some level, there's been a lot of drama over the years, right? Everything from Greg starting the company and telling people to squat below parallel which was crazy then um oh i love that i love that when that came up uh then then then the divorce with his wife and her trying to take the company and then and then uh you know what about the black box oh the black box thing you know dave and tony brawling with uh everett and james with gerald cook god that just seems like nothing compared to some of the shit that's happened now i think dave called greg everett a fat fuck or something from the audience um oh get off stage and let's go outside weren't
Starting point is 01:25:37 they gonna go outside i think they had a little chat outside maybe um then uh then you get uh uh to the floyd 19 stuff and then you get the pandemic and um what do you go ahead during all of those different like little flare-ups yeah i just was like i'm i own an i bought an affiliate and I pay my affiliate fee. Leave me the fuck alone. Really? Like, yeah. Why pay your affiliate fee then? Why pay it?
Starting point is 01:26:09 Why did you, why didn't you de-affiliate? Well, I didn't de-affiliate because no, yeah, go ahead. It's my, it's my,
Starting point is 01:26:16 um, advertising dollars. I never, we did one group on when we first opened, but I just considered $3,000. Like it, like my marketing dollars for the year. And when you love the brand, just having the sign on the front CrossFit Mecklenburg, you're like, boom, I'm getting my value. If people Google search, we have a pretty good
Starting point is 01:26:39 Google search and reviews and everything and Yelp and all that shit. And so, yeah, I mean, if that's what I got to pay, as long as I don't have to sell mcribs for two months out of the year i'm selling squats deadlift and press constantly varied high intensity functional movements i leave me alone let me do it my way and and but if they start dictating mondays we have to do this tuesdays we have to do that then i'm out but it's a value for me just with the name, the brand, CrossFit. And what does the brand – so you're kind of in the Craig Howard school. I don't know if you're – Craig Howard's the owner of Diablo CrossFit. One of the things he said that I thought was brilliant was like,
Starting point is 01:27:16 hey, what we want from HQ is some good media and don't fuck up the brand. Wow, that's amazing. Yeah. CrossFit Mecklenburg, five-star, 26 reviews. That's insane. Awesome gym and coaches. I was in town for the week and dropped in for a few morning classes. Holy shit, this is from a visitor.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Everyone was welcoming. The facility is great. Coaching informative and helpful. I highly recommend them if you're looking for a CrossFit gym. Damn, that's not even some home cooking. That's a fucking foreigner done come in. That's right. So you're a part of the Craig Howard School.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Don't fuck up the, what I want from HQ, some media, some positive media, and please don't fuck up the brand. Those are the only two things. Like don't drive us into an iceberg and maybe say,
Starting point is 01:27:55 put out some good media. Yeah, 100%. Okay. And what is the brand to you? If someone said to you, what is the CrossFit brand? I think it's pretty simple. Just work hard and results are there.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Be consistent and do some shit that's difficult regularly. Most people that look at coming come into CrossFit or, or if I talk to wherever is like, Oh, I could never do CrossFit. And I'm like, why, why do you,
Starting point is 01:28:33 I don't even know why you would say that, but why, you know? And they're like, well, it's so hard. And I'm like, well,
Starting point is 01:28:39 yeah, but life is hard. And if you can put yourself through some difficult shit for, I don't know, whatever the shortest watt is fran or something you can put yourself through that man what else is easy or what else you think is hard that you've been telling yourself you can't do but now it's uh you can do it you can make that look easy too if you work hard there's these four um i'm glad you said it's so it's so honest what you said when someone says it's hard you don't say no it's not you're like yeah everything's hard you're all the good shit's
Starting point is 01:29:13 hard some people might be like well maybe we should soften up and say it's not hard uh there's there's four things you get if you go into crossfit mecklenburg you get to hang out with people who are um involved who you get to hang out with people who have a similarity no matter what background they come from, that they're taking personal accountability and personal responsibility at bare minimum, at the highest level, bare minimum one hour a day. to say you're a badass you can wear a crossfit shirt in public and no matter what anyone thinks of crossfit they see you walk into the starbucks and they know like okay that that person you get a little you get free swagger um it adds years to your life and it adds quality to every year that it does add to your life it's just yeah the brand stands for so much good shit you know i say this i'm a broken record with a few things, but one of which I say, and people that have been with me probably can regurgitate this is you get to say yes to way more things if you come and do this every day. Oh, Oh, I like that. Yes. You get to say yes to
Starting point is 01:30:16 more things. So guess what? Now you meet some people that you might have not said yes to that didn't enrich your life or you know give you a better experience also your confidence is up i'm i'm pretty nervous like most people i i don't like uh public speaking and in the beginning i would fuck up a lot stutter and like i was nervous even with two people that was i doing the right thing but over the course of time being in front of people and and i love what i'm doing it became natural and i don't there's no faking the content is is what i believe in and now if i have to do something in front of a bigger group i really if it has nothing to do with crossfit i mean we do
Starting point is 01:31:02 fundraisers that i've got to talk about some different philanthropies that we like to help. It's given me an opportunity to be more confident in myself. 100%. 100%. It's funny you say that too. It's all I've known for 15 years. And it's and speaking about that subject, it comes so easily for me to. And yet probably public speaking about some subject where I had to fake it.
Starting point is 01:31:33 I'd fucking lose my mind and run off into the crowd. Daniel, here's the here's the thing. And that was the problem. Floyd 19 was driving into an iceberg. Let's say I agree with you. And that was driving into an iceberg. Let's say I agree with you and that was driving into an iceberg. Let me also say this. If Greg would have stood up and said, fuck you, I stand 100% behind what I said, and he would have let the 400 affiliates of the 15,000 peel off and go fuck themselves, the brand would be 10 times stronger than it is today. I am telling you that with 100% certainty. If Greg would have just stood up and said, fuck you you we could have come out of the other side of this and i'm not
Starting point is 01:32:10 saying that i'm not blaming greg for not doing it he had fought plenty of fights not just for crossfit but for fucking all of the free markets on this planet and he had reached a point where it was like okay fuck you and there were people internally who didn't have his back and there were dumb fucks there were sharks in the water like julie foucher and people like that who were fucking like doing some fucking duplicitous shit behind his back who didn't want to fight with him side by side so he's like fuck you and he made a fucking killing and got rich and i'm so fucking happy for him and he fucking jumped ship but this brand would be so much stronger today if he would have been like eat a dick leave affiliates even if half of them would have left this brand he would be so much stronger today if he would have been like, eat a dick, leave affiliates.
Starting point is 01:32:45 Even if half of them would have left. This brand, we would be like the hell's angels times a thousand of fitness. Everyone who was in the lifeboats would be like, damn. The CrossFit shirts would be like, then we'd be real gangsters like Diaz, Nick Diaz shit. Yes. My thoughts. It was an opportunity that was missed. But I'm not blaming Greg.
Starting point is 01:33:04 But it was an opportunity because in the end of'm not blaming greg but it was an opportunity because in the end of the day the truth came out and we know yeah right why don't why why were those people not seeing his total body of work you know like his body of work was all inclusive you know yeah i i that it befuddled me that people jumped off and that was the newer crowd really that was not the old OG people. Dude we could have paraded the 50 black people that were upset Greg could have paraded 10,000 black people who would have had his back
Starting point is 01:33:34 10,000 homosexuals who would have had his back 10,000 trannies that would have had like everyone who did CrossFit knew Greg and crossed his path was like dude are you fucking kidding me he would fucking grab me hug me and kiss me every time he saw me no one who crossed paths with the dude was ever like he's racist no one chuck carswell is the yes fucking come on yes yes you know come out of the woodwork and really like but i like that greg didn't he didn't want to battle why would he battle like
Starting point is 01:34:01 yeah he had done enough too man he had done enough yeah he got abused man it sucks and to tell you the truth i have a better friendship with him i was very i was probably best friends with him then and my friendship now with him is closer than ever and i like it that he's on the new and bigger and better things and and i and i actually do have faith in this don guy okay i i i i hear that don and dave and gary gains are going to brazil to talk to affiliates down there this week and when i hear stuff like that i'm like wow like this guy this guy's surrounding himself by strong characters like gary and dave are strong strong men and don's a strong man yeah and and uh and and i don't know if nicole's going but that's a strong woman. And I just like the, I like it.
Starting point is 01:34:47 I like it. I have hope. I have a lot of hope. I have a lot of hope in this country right now. I do too. That's the thing during all that bullshit. Everyone, I would, when people would bring it up, like, oh, have you seen that or that? I don't even, I don't pay attention to that.
Starting point is 01:35:01 I know that I'm having a good time. And what are you doing right now? You're working out. So what are you? Is the affiliate doing well? It's doing well. know that I'm having a good time. And what are you doing right now? You're working out. So what do you. Is the affiliate doing well? It's doing well? Yeah, we're at a good place. Oh, I'm stoked for you.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Yeah. Hey, you know, one of my guys is there and I see his whole life transformed. One of my homeboys is there. Yeah. Will Branstetter? Yeah. His whole life fucking changed there. He's a good dude, man.
Starting point is 01:35:21 Yeah. That kid comes in. He's funny. He's got a really good funny sense of humor smart as fuck smart as fuck yeah hard worker holy shit yeah he looks entirely different than when he first came i mean it's yeah he looks like a man now he yeah when he takes his shirt off i whistle at him appropriately like i do for the women you stay six feet six feet away when you whistle at him yeah of course no he's cool man he puts in work every day he knows when to pump the brakes um
Starting point is 01:35:52 yeah i'd speak to him pretty well i'd speak to everybody regularly but he's he's a good dude i heard that um allison uh the interim ceo came into your gym. I heard she was doing chest-to-bar pull-ups. She ripped her hands and kept going. True or false? That is 100% true. That's badass. Allison, I take back half the bad things I've ever said about you. Only half, but that is badass.
Starting point is 01:36:18 We did overhead squats as the sister movement for the couplet. Yeah. And she had great mobility, good overhead squats. I saw that she was ripping her hand, and I went over and made her a little tape thing so that she could continue to finish the workout. You get your affiliate fees waived for a year for making that thing for her?
Starting point is 01:36:41 I didn't ask for the discount, but if she's going to do it, I'm down. Brendan, thank you for all your time this morning. Thanks for introducing us to your daughter. Thanks for all the real talk. You're an amazing dude. I'm glad I got to meet you. Yeah, likewise, man. Thanks for the time. I really appreciate it. Sousa for hooking it up. Caleb, man, thanks for getting on there and looking up all this stuff for us, man. Awesome, dude. Yo, man, thanks for getting on there and looking up all this stuff for us, man. Awesome, dude. Yo,
Starting point is 01:37:07 have a great day. You too, brother. Thank you. All right. Stay in touch. Ciao. Later.
Starting point is 01:37:15 I give myself a 10 on that one. I'm fucking seven minutes late to tennis. I concur. I text my wife right now. It was good, right? That was good. He's a good dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:28 Great dude. Right. I rarely ask a question that I regret asking. And I did ask one question. I regret asking. I want to know why I didn't get married. And then when I asked, I was like, I shouldn't ask that. So it's a guy who didn't want to get married to begin with.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Here's the thing when when when the thing about what i do is i throw some really fucking i throw some frisbees really really fucking hard and i throw them in their bad throws but it gives an opportunity for someone to be a superstar and make the fucking greatest catch of all time and that's how i justified some of my bad throws but if you don't catch it and like it touches your fingertips and goes out and you get blamed but really it was just my bad throw so it's a um does that make sense you understand my my the metaphor i'm trying yeah i'm tracking are you wearing makeup no lotion no these are the fucking bags under my eyes oh no i wasn't even talking about that your skin just looks you look so shiny oh it's the fluorescent light in here uh daniel thank you
Starting point is 01:38:33 for the uh speaking of uh um uh uh thank you thank you for throwing me the alley-oop by the way that was a nice i i like the uh you threw me an alley-oop. I feel like I dunked it. Good. Um, uh, Rich Holton. Um, thank you. Um, uh,
Starting point is 01:38:48 you can stop doing that handstand now and Kenneth to lap. Uh, I have a secret love affair with you. That's all I have to say. Okay. Bye guys. I'll see you guys. Oh,
Starting point is 01:38:58 tonight we might have Daniel Brandon on tonight. We might, we might push it to next Sunday. I'll text her now.

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